#his mind amazes me truthfully <3
punkmacabre-arc · 1 year
john is very much the epitome of old man understanding of technology. he owns a blackberry pearl ( which is haunted by entity called vestibulan ) & a macbook from 2009 he refuses to go near. his reputation is very much more word of mouth, a ghost story & old pub tales in itself. business cards pinned on corkboards in shady businesses being the solid evidence of his entrepreneurialship skills. it's more likely to find him by raven than on a craigslist ad ( which is there, if you search hard enough . . . )
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moonstruckme · 3 months
Hey! love your writing so so much!! im just here to request a little drabble with one of the marauders boys (or all three cus the more the merrier lol) where the reader's stomach hurts and is bloated (maybe on period idk) but she is hesitant for him to cuddle or touch her stomach cus she is insecure of it <3 thanks so much, keep up your amazing writing
Thank you gorgeous <3
cw: period pains, insecurity around stomach
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 526 words
“Baby.” Sirius is pouting. It feels a bit unfair, considering you’re the one in pain. “You’re being terribly selfish.” 
“Stop.” You shift away from his hand, trying to creep around your side, and hold in a low pained sound at the movement. 
“Stop holding out on me,” he shoots back. His voice is equal parts fond and teasing, wheedling in the way he knows is most likely to get to you. 
This is basically routine by now, and one of your least favorites of all the routines you’ve developed with your boyfriend. Your period will come, and in those first couple of days when you feel the grossest and most pathetic you’ve ever been, one part of you wants Sirius to hold you while the other part wants him nowhere near you. Predictably, Sirius sides with the first part. He always wins.
“I just wanna help, gorgeous.” He lets his voice drop into a more genuine register, leaning down to smear a kiss across your temple. “I know it’s not much, but I can at least give you a good cuddle, yeah?” 
Truthfully, that’s all there is left to do. Sirius isn’t giving himself enough credit. Because of him, your craving for chocolate cake has been sated, you’ve been delivered pain relievers as soon as you’re allowed to have them, and there’s a warm bag of rice resting low on your abdomen. Even now, his hand is massaging gently at the muscles of your lower back, keeping the worst of your cramps at bay. 
You sigh, pulling your knees a bit tighter to your chest. You feel unfit to be perceived right now. You can hardly think about your boyfriend looking at your bloated stomach, much less touching it. 
“I just feel so gross,” you say. 
“Well, that’s just sacrilege.” Sirius lifts his head, looking down on you in mock horror. “And you’re the loveliest thing I know, so it’s blatantly untrue to boot. No one is allowed to talk about my girl like that, even you, got it?” 
It’s not his words that get you so much as his tone, so totally scandalized that it tugs a laugh from inside your chest. Sirius grins, but the muscles in your abdomen spasm in protest, and he winces when the pain shows in your face. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” he coos, dark brows bunched compassionately as he presses another kiss to your hairline. “I’m sorry, baby. You gonna let me kiss it better?” 
You give him a look which you hope conveys great reluctance, but Sirius’ eyes light anyway. 
“C’mere, honey.” He doesn’t give you a chance to change your mind, lifting your shirt to touch his lips delicately to your stomach before sidling up to you and wrapping his arms around your middle. “That’s better, isn’t it?” 
It is. Pretty much instantly, actually, but you don’t have to admit that. Sirius burrows his face into the crook of your neck and shoulder, nipping playfully at your skin. You think he knows anyway. 
“Stubborn thing,” he says. “Fine, you can be excused because you’re poorly. You always get your way in the end, don’t you?” 
No, that’s him. 
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sgojoenthusiast · 1 year
゚.*・。゚☆ KINKTOBER 2023 ☆゚.*・。゚
➸ DAY THREE: BREAK-IN. ✧.* toji fushiguro x reader
summary: During yet another fight with your boyfriend, you hear strange noises coming within your new apartment - but don't worry, it's just toji fushiguro breaking and entering to steal your things and fuck your brains out.
cw: fem reader, breaking in, mentions of a toxic relationship, cheating, your boyfriend's a dickhead who cheated first, that doesn't mean i condone cheating tho, mirror sex, fingering, p in v, perv toji, he steals ur underwear, age gap, reader is like early twenties and toji is late thirties, 'slut', 'princess', 'sweetheart', toji takes a video of you and sends it to your boyfriend, i might have forgotten something so please let me know.
word count: 4.9k likes, comments and reposts are deeply appreciated! <3 enjoy. masterlist
You lay in the bed of your new apartment in nothing but your boyfriend’s shirt as you texted mindlessly on your phone, not paying any attention to whatever was going on around you but, why would that matter? You were in the comforts of your own apartment and your own room, right? Wrong.
If you hadn’t been paying attention to your boyfriend starting, yet another, argument over text, you might have heard the rustling of items behind your walls.
In your defence, there was a lack of movement or footsteps to be heard. The way Toji moved was inaudibly and stealthily, looking for anything that may be of a rich value.
Unfortunately for him, you had just moved in, so most of your belongings were in boxes, making it significantly harder for him to silently rummage through.
Toji wandered about your apartment purposefully, stumbling upon a framed picture of you and your boyfriend. On one hand, you were smiling gleefully, looking at your boyfriend as though he had galaxies packed away in his eyes. On the other, however, he was looking away, an expression of boredom painted on his face.
Toji couldn’t help but scoff, if he had pulled someone as hot as you, he’d be the one taking the pictures and having them be the first pieces of decor he hung in his apartment, smiling genuinely and showing you off proudly.
Stupidly, he had the amazing idea of knocking the picture frame off the mantle it stood on and ‘accidentally’ stamping on it. Truthfully, he had zero reason to do that. The only things he knew about you was what he had found out pre-breaking into your home, you could’ve been the misery of your relationship causing your boyfriend to appear so unhappy.
Yet, from the way your eyes sparkled to innocently and full of a need to prove yourself, he could immediately tell that wasn’t the truth.
Upon hearing your confused footsteps reaching your bedroom door, Toji panicked and darted for your bathroom.
Dumb thing. He thought. Who in their right mind’s first instinct when they hear a possible intruder is to step outside to check it out, completely defenceless, and without bringing your phone?
You looked around your apartment warily, creaking your door open a touch aiming to see if anyone was outside. “Hello?”
No reply.
Noticing the fallen picture frame, you sighed, walking out to put it back in its place before heading back to your room with relief painted on your face.
Toji let out a breath of ease, relaxing after hearing your door slam shut but not taking any chances of leaving the bathroom so soon. 
Looking around, he noticed your washing basket and smirked. A pair of lacy, pink panties sat at the top of the pile, practically begging for him to shove them into his pocket - and who was he to refuse? His dick twitched in his pants, yet he paid no attention as he pressed his ear against the door aiming to hear whether you were still out there.
Once he was positive that you were back in your room, he grabbed his bag and gently pushed the door open.
It was strange, he’d only ever seen a dull picture that depicted your sad relationship of you, yet he couldn’t get the image of you out of his mind, specifically, the image of you bouncing on his cock endlessly and wrapping your lips around his dick. He’d hardly heard your voice, yet he could hear your moans so perfectly. He was perfectly able to picture your body in such lewd, shameless positions even though you had no idea he existed.
Toji was a man driven by two things, his heart which yearned for wealth and fortune, and his dick which yearned for women like you.
He tried to push away his disgusting thoughts, yet they were overwhelming. He scolded himself mentally, who fantasises over a woman they’ve never locked eyes with? Toji felt truly pathetic. 
Over in your room, you sniffled painfully, reading the recent messages from your boyfriend, who was blaming you for the fact that he had cheated. Despite this, you were still wasting all your effort apologising. Eventually, he would want you back, once he was bored with the girl he had cheated with, however, you still cared for him nevertheless. 
Your throat was tired from all the crying, so you decided to exhaustively move out of bed to grab a drink, your feet were light on the floor, hardly making a sound - and hardly warning Toji of your upcoming presence.
By the time he had realised you were coming, your door was half way coming and you had already caught a glimpse of his broad, noticeable figure. 
When Toji’s cold eyes met your fearful ones, his heart began to pound with swarms of different emotions. Firstly, he felt annoyed with himself for not noticing that you were coming until it was too late. He also felt nervous that he had fucked up the robbery, yet confident that he could twist himself out of the situation he had put himself in. 
Yet, there was another part of him that caused his heart to stop, not with annoyance or nervousness, but with an infatuation with the fearful look in your teared up eyes. An obsession with the way your thighs looked from peeking out under your shirt. He couldn’t take his eyes off you - you looked so much better than the photo on the mantle. 
You were frozen in your space. Your mind was flooded with questions. How didn’t you hear him? How long has he been here for? Did he knock the photograph down? Why couldn’t you take your traitorous eyes off his body which looked as though it had been sculpted by gods? Why on Earth was there that familiar ache in between your legs when you looked at him? 
Realistically, the best thing to do in this scenario when you’re defenceless facing a man who could, most likely, take you out with only a finger, would be to scream. However, your throat had gone even more dry than before and you felt like you couldn’t use your voice - even if you wanted to.
Of course you wanted to, a man had just broken into your apartment and was carrying a bag full of what was probably your stuff, judging by the open boxes you were certain you had taped shut. Also, even despite your initial lustful thoughts, you were committed to your boyfriend 
Your boyfriend who hadn’t picked up his phone in a while, even though you were mid-trying to sort things out between the two of you and salvage whatever was left of your relationship, probably because he was having sex with the same woman you were arguing about. 
Both of you just stared at each other for a while, trying to find words.
You were the first to speak up. “You need to leave, my boyfriend will be here soon and I swear to god he’ll beat the shit out of you.” You attempted to intimidate.
Toji only tilted his head at you with a false look of comfort etched onto his features as he concealed his smile at how cute you were when you were trying to scare him off. “Hm, you’re boyfriend, huh?” He started making his way over to you at a leisurely pace. “He got nothin’ to do with how puffy your eyes look? Or why you’ve spent the entire time I’ve been here cryin’?”
His bold, yet truthful, assumptions startled you, and caused some sort of realisation to stir inside your mind. Now, you didn’t want to think negatively of your boyfriend. He used to be so sweet until his kind words turned bitter and his cute jealousy turned controlling and hypocritical, considering he’d sleep with whoever’s eyes would linger.
“I’m not gonna hurt you, princess, not like this so-called boyfriend of yours.”
Trying to keep your composure was the last thing on your mind. “You don’t know anything about me and my boyfriend, and don’t call me that.” You snapped at him, trying to defend your horrible excuse of a boyfriend, even if his words provided you with a sense of disturbing comfort. Toji only laughed and rolled his eyes. 
Testing his luck, he got closer and closer to you. “You’re right, I don’t. All I do know, is that if i was your boyfriend, I wouldn’t leave you alone in a new apartment in this shithole of a city to spend your entire night crying whilst ‘m off fuckin’ some other girl. I mean, that’s what he’s doing, right? Haven’t heard your phone go off in a while.”
You realised that this current moment, where a potentially dangerous man was standing in front of you ready to possibly kill you at any moment, was probably not an appropriate time to rethink every moment you ever spent with your boyfriend and to contemplate whether waiting for him to reply was the best thing for you. However, when even a potentially dangerous man can recognise the present toxicity of your relationship, it’s difficult not to. 
Even so, you couldn’t let your vulnerability slip through any cracks. Now, you were quite certain he wasn’t going to hurt you. In a strange way, he made you feel protected and that scared you slightly. Yet, the way he spoke to you, it gave you a sense of security you had never felt with your boyfriend.
“I’m not gonna hurt you, princess, not like this so-called boyfriend of yours.”
Truly, you believed him. Perhaps that's why you let your guard down.
“If you were my boyfriend, hm?” You tilted your head up at him, a seemingly innocent smile playing on your lips. “You don’t even know me, yet you’re already fantasising about being my boyfriend. Plus, I don’t even know your name.” 
This surprised Toji, though, he wasn’t going to deny that your newfound confidence was incredibly alluring. He took a couple more steps towards you without even knowing, like he was already caught in your trap. However, he already understood that he was addicted to you without even a single taste.
Toji replied with a curt, cold laugh. “It’s Toji, and you’re talking a lot for a woman who’s flirting with a criminal yet doesn’t even have the guts to break-up with her boyfriend.”
Neither of you had realised the close proximity between your bodies until the final syllable fell from Toji’s lips. You felt suffocated, yet not trapped. You couldn’t find your breath but in this moment, it was the last thing you needed when his lips were right there.
“Yet here you are, breaking into my house, clearly desperate to fuck me, and getting so pissed off at the sight of my boyfriend you broke the picture of us.” You deduced. “That is what happened, right?”
His lips twitched but the rest of his face remained stoic, refusing to portray any hidden emotion he was feeling.
“You’re just a pervy old man desperate for some pussy. The sight of me smiling with my boyfriend pissed you off that much, hm? And yet, I’m the slut flirting with a criminal.” 
Toji had you up against the wall in a matter of seconds, his hand wrapped around your throat, not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to send the right signals.
“You proud of yourself, princess? Yeah? You enjoy riling me up, tryna get a reaction out of me?” Your lips were parted in a silent moan before they morphed into a victorious smirk. Toji barked out a humourless laugh. “Of course you do, this is the reaction you wanted, wasn’t it. You’re a fuckin’ slut princess, a bratty little girl begging to be put in her place. Now, you listen to me, okay? Go and wait for me in your room. You take off that shirt as well, alright?”
His grip on you loosened and he took a few short paces back. You nodded, and his sharp eyes followed you as you walked into your room and waited for him patiently, sitting on the edge of your bed.
Toji’s mind was plagued with second thoughts.
On one hand, he knew he had to fuck you the moment he saw you. He was plagued with infatuation and lewd thoughts of all the positions he’d see you in. On the other, this was not what he came here to do. It benefitted him little to fuck you mid-robbery instead of doing what he came here to do and making money off it. 
Pacing around your apartment, it took him no more than ten seconds to shove those thoughts away, knowing that you were waiting patiently for him in nothing but your underwear. He scolded himself mentally for getting distracted, dragging a hand frustratedly down his face, before opening your door and leaning against the doorframe. He smirked, taking your figure in and ran his tongue across his lips before beginning to make his way up to you.
You were sitting on the edge of your bed, your legs pressed together tightly due to the guilt swarming your entire body. You had a boyfriend, what were you doing sat half-naked in front of a man who had just broken into your house.
Toji walked up to you, his footsteps suddenly audible and heavy on your ears. The sound was intimidating, you felt like you couldn’t breathe in the moments that he was walking up to you. Each time the sound of his boots hit the ground, you heard the sound of shouting at you to get out and beg for your boyfriend’s forgiveness for even thinking of committing such a sinful act.
…Yet, your boyfriend had never made the feeling in between your legs so intense. And Toji knew this. 
“Your boyfriend don’t make you feel good enough, sweetheart? You gotta fuck a stranger who broke into your house instead?” He cooed, in a wicked and cunning way, like he tried to sound gentle, yet you could only hear the disgusting and lustful thoughts that were rotting his mind.
Nevertheless, you shook your head. You had admitted to the man that broke into your home that your boyfriend can’t even make you come. Feeling disgusted with yourself, you lowered your head in shame.
Disappointed, Toji tutted in disapproval, taking his index finger and placing it under your chin, raising your head to meet his displeased eyes.
“You keep your eyes on mine. You got that, sweetheart?” He chastised. His thumb parted your lips and he slipped it into your mouth, you complied, sucking gently as you nodded at his request, staring up at him with wide, lust-filled eyes.
Toji couldn’t believe his luck. How on Earth had he managed to conveniently break into your house? The moment his eyes met yours, his entire life, everything he had worked hard for, everything he cared about suddenly meant nothing. And now, as he watched you take his thumb into your mouth and sucked it whilst keeping eye contact, just like he had asked, he felt this obsession of his magnify by hundreds. He had no clue how he’d ever move on after this - but maybe he didn’t have to.
Just the thought of your (future) ex-boyfriend fumbling so hard made him want to laugh but also kill him for breaking your precious heart. Yet, there was no need to worry, as Toji was here to stitch it back up again and keep it for himself. How could someone be so stupid as to fuck up their chance with you? It confused him, pissed him off, yet excited him all at the same time.
Moving away from you, Toji went to sit in front of your headboard. He signalled for you to come over to him, to which you obeyed with little hesitation.
That's when Toji noticed the conveniently placed mirror in front of your bed. His reflection stared back at him, watching the smirk that invaded his face.
For the most part, your room was bland and messy, having just moved in. Toji couldn’t have thanked you enough for having put up your mirror right in time for him to fuck the life out of you infront of it.
“You put that shit there on purpose? Wanted to watch me fuck ya brains out, princess?” He questioned.
You were on all fours in front of him, one of your soft, smaller hands placed gently over his muscled thigh. Looking up at him, you smirked. You sat up so that you were now on your knees before shrugging at him with the sole purpose of winding him up. He rolled his eyes at you for what felt the one millionth time that night, yet that didn’t stop the genuine smile taking over his features.
He flipped you over with ease, so that you were sitting in between his legs and staring at him through the reflection of the mirror. 
Biting your bottom lip, Toji looked at you with eyes devoid of any signs of warmth or amiability, and yet all you could think to do was press your thighs together.
Toji began to kiss down your neck and towards your shoulder, before he got to the strap of your bra. “I don’t think we need this, do we princess?”
A soft moan fell from your lips at the feeling of his voice mumbling against your skin. His hand began to trail further down your body, and as he reached the hem of your panties, he snapped the fabric against your hip. “Or these.” He continued with that same, low voice that reverberated through your skin and sent your mind into a questionable, clouded state. You shook your head in agreement, and lifted your hips up to assist him as he took them off you, tossing them to the side before proceeding to do the same with your bra.
Neither of you wanted to wait any longer, both of you just as desperate as the other to feel one another.  “Can I touch you, princess?” He asked, though he could feel himself shaking from holding back. 
You could only spew out a mixture of yeses and his name whilst you nodded profusely, desperate for him to please you. And who was he to deny you? Not even a man with more dignity, respect and self restraint than him could say no to someone like you. 
Spreading your legs apart, he muttered lowly, “Fuck, princess, look at this pussy, all wet f’me.” You could see him smirking in the reflection of the mirror. Toji released his hold on your legs and grabbed your arms instead, replacing where his hands were previously with your own. “You keep your legs up and spread for me, okay? If they close, I won't be happy, sweetheart. You got that?”
You nodded, keeping your hands on the back of your legs, keeping them open for him. One of his hands snaked around and held onto yours, in order to make sure you didn’t close them. The other, however, ran up and down the fat of your thigh.
It moved across your stomach and past your breasts at a slow, torturous pace. Your pussy was aching and begging for him, for any kind of stimulation yet he carried on with a sinister smirk. Once he had reached your face, he cradled it gently, causing you to look up at him. He captured your lips into a slow kiss, used only as a distraction as the hand over yours moved towards your pussy before he broke away and dipped a harsh finger into your hole. You gasped at the unexpected sensation, so he took the opportunity to shove two of his thick fingers into your mouth.
Gagging slightly at the penetration, you looked up at him with blurry eyes. Your tongue moved around his fingers causing his dick to twitch in his pants. His face morphed into one of fascination and obsession. He couldn’t believe you were letting him fuck you and he’d be damned if he was going to let you go.
Removing his fingers from both your mouth and your pussy, he took the saliva coated fingers and ran them through your, already soaking cunt. You let out an alluring moan as your hips bucked up into his fingers. His other hand, went back to its previous position of helping you keep your legs spread open and up for him.
His fingers dragged through your folds and lightly grazed over your clit resulting in a whimper falling from your lips. “Please put them in.” You asked, voice shaky and whining, not far above a whisper.
“Well, seeing as though you asked so nicely, princess.” The tone of his voice was dripping with sarcasm and laced with mischief.
At once, he shoved two fingers deep inside your aching hole. The unexpectancy of him putting two in caused you to attempt to close your legs whilst you thrashed in his hold, moaning pathetically when he began to pump them slowly. 
Taking his spare hand, he slapped your thigh harshly. “The fuck did I tell ya about closing your fucking legs, princess?” 
Opening out your legs again, muttering a weak apology, Toji decided that he could no longer trust you to keep them open. Using both of his arms, he kept your legs spread as his fingers were still knuckle-deep inside of your hole. 
Now, when you stared up into the mirror, you could see both of Toji’s arms separating your legs from ever touching as one of his hands was preoccupied with bullying your hole and the other was toying with your clit. “Much better, ain’t it princess?” he laughed, his hands relentlessly bringing you closer to your orgasm. “Now, keep these pretty little eyes right on where I'm playing with ya cunt, understand? If you disappoint me again, I won’t be as nice.”
“Mkay Toji, I promise.” Your eyes stared into his, watching his scarred lip curl into a satisfied smile.
“Good girl, now let me play with this slutty pussy of yours.”
He began to kiss down your neck, yet his wicked eyes never left yours. Not even as he began sucking bruises onto your skin, claiming you as his own.
His fingers thrust themselves into you at a relentless pace, desperate to pull your orgasm from you and to make you feel the way he felt from just looking at you.
You couldn’t stop moaning in his hold. The feeling of his thick, long fingers plunging in and out of your aching cunt, reaching places you hadn’t ever been able to reach on your own, sent you spiralling, unable to think about anything other than his quick and skilled fingers hitting your sweet spot over and over again.
Toji was in a trance as he watched his fingers pump into you and he wanted nothing more than to watch you cum on his fingers. 
His speed was unforgiving and otherworldly. Never had you felt so full and pleasured just from someone’s fingers, but then again, you had only ever been with your boyfriend who couldn’t even make you come with his dick.
Everything was too much. His thumb on your clit sending sparks through your entire body, his fingers thrusting deep inside of you, the sight of your pussy dripping and his strong arms between your legs in the reflection of the mirror. You couldn’t focus or breathe. It felt so amazing.
Soon, you were coming all over his fingers, your hips lifting in the air as you bucked up into his hand whilst you dripped over your sheets and his hand. You were ninety percent sure you’d never be able to go back to any other man or just your own hand after having a taste of his.
All guilt and regret left your body as you moaned and writhed in his grip.
Toji cursed as he watched your face contort with pleasure and your pussy clench around his fingers. If his cock wasn’t aching to be freed, he was positive he’d finger you like that for the rest of the night.
You collapsed, exhausted, in his arms. As you tried to catch your breath, Toji brought his own fingers to his lips and groaned as he tasted you. “Fuck, princess, I’m gonna have to eat ya out another time, cause fuck do you taste good, but I really need to fuck you right now.”
You laughed, still breathless. “You planning on coming back then?”
“Sweetheart, I don’t plan on leaving you for a moment. You’re mine now, you got that princess?”
Before you could answer, he captures your lips in a kiss, but judging from the approving moan you let out against his lips, you had no issue with being his.
Toji grabbed your hips and lifted you over his lap so that you were now straddling him. 
Quickly, you removed his shirt and he was fast to take off his pants as well so that he sat underneath you as naked and vulnerable as you were.
Your eyes couldn’t remove themselves from his dick. It was so incredibly long, veiny and thick. The biggest you had ever seen. You were nervous to have him inside of you, but any fear was overshadowed by the immense desire to have him fuck you.
Despite you being on top, Toji had every bit of control. His hands were strong as they gripped securely onto your hips, grinding you against the tip of his dick. You whimpered slightly as your clit grazed his tip, still slightly overstimulated from your previous orgasm. However, this didn’t stop him from shoving his tip inside, causing you to whine slightly and moan out his name.
Slowly, he began to sheath his entire dick inside of you. Your hands reached for his hair and tugged gently. 
Once he was fully inside of you, he wasted no time in picking up the pace until he was bouncing on his cock at an unbearable speed. 
You felt completely fucked dumb as he bounced you up and down on his dick, your head unable to support itself so you buried it in his shoulder. Your moans and words were fragmented yet loud, unable to keep up with his pace.
Unexpectedly, your phone began to go off, and you both immediately knew who it was. Toji had stopped pummeling his cock in and out of you, causing you to push yourself up to look him in the eye.
“Jus’ ignore it, Toji. I don’t care ‘bout him anymore, just want your dick, please-”
Without warning, Toji flipped you both over. Now, you were underneath him with your leg propped up and his dick back inside of you. His entire demeanour had shifted, as though he had something more to prove despite having said it all already.
Grabbing your phone, he forced you to open it. He was still as he read the messages your soon-to-be ex was sending. His tongue rolled over his teeth in frustration and annoyance, before suddenly he opened up your camera and began to plunge his dick into you at a seemingly faster speed than before with your camera pointed at where his dick met your pussy.
He was only recording for a few seconds before he hit send, silenced your phone and shoved it back onto your bedside table.
You were too fucked-out to argue even if you wanted to. A small fraction of you felt some sort of satisfaction knowing you had gotten your revenge.
The other part of you was simply too focused on the feeling of his dick hitting that same spot within you relentlessly. 
Your leg was thrown over his shoulder, allowing him to bury himself far deeper than before. “Sh-shit! You feel tha, sweetheart? Feel me all deep inside of you, hm?”
You could barely form a coherent response other than a loud whine followed by: “So fuckin deep, Toji!”
His hair was sticking to his forehead as he stared at you through half lidded eyes. He adored this expression on your face and he adored the fact that he was the one causing it even more, so much so, that he was so close to falling off the edge.
“Gonna cum, princess.”
All it took was the feeling of you coming around his cock, your tight pussy squeezing him even tighter, sucking him in and reluctant to let him go, for him to pull out and finish over your chest, covering you in his cum.
This time, it was his phone that he grabbed from his trouser pockets from the side of your bed that he snapped a photo with, before he collapsed next to you.
Both of you were heaving, struggling to find your breaths.
Strenuously, you reached over to grab your phone from the bedside table.
23 new messages.
You looked over at Toji, exasperated. “You just had to send him a video, didn’t you.”
Typing a quick I don’t want to be with you anymore message before hitting the block button, you dropped your phone somewhere carelessly before turning to face his smug expression.
“If it wasn’t for me, he’d be the one fuckin’ you right now, princess, so I think a ‘thank you’ is in order.”
Laughing, you replied. “If it wasn’t for you breaking into my apartment, you mean. Oh, and by the way, I want my stuff back. Including my underwear that I saw in your pocket.”
For the first time, Toji’s face showed an expression that wasn’t cold and disdainful as he laughed at your remark.
a/n: this shit is almost 5k omg and i dont even like toji. toji hater until the day i die however i'd pay to suck him off.
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚sgojoenthusiast
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miley1442111 · 5 months
Hi sorry to bother you but can you make a spencer reid x reader with the mute!reader and he helping her with everything.
Thank you so much sorry to bother you.
this is so cute! I did some research but I am nowhere near well-versed enough to know everything so please someone tell me if i've made a mistake !!!
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mutism- s.reid
a/n: intended for fem reader, but as always imagine what you like:)))))))))
summary: how you and spencer met, the first time spencer heard you speak, and a look into your life together :)
pairing: spencer reid x mute! reader
warnings: none
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You were mute. You knew sign language and could talk to specific people on very specific occasions. You’d had it since you were diagnosed at 4 years old and it truthfully wasn’t the end of the world, but it did suck to not have had a date at the age of 22. Not that you weren’t beautiful, not that people hadn’t tried, you just… didn’t speak. 
But, CalTech was amazing, you were a biology student and you loved it. You could just lock in, ignoring the world around you and spend time in the lab for hours on end. Though, you couldn’t exactly investigate the growth rate of organisms in a crowded college bar. 
“I’m getting another drink!” Your very drunk friend shouted over the voices in the bar. You nodded your head, staring down at your half-empty drink as you sighed. You wanted to be anywhere that wasn’t here, at this stupid bar. Your friend, Maria, was a party-animal. You two had been dorm mates for the last 3 years and she had started learning sign language from the first week. She’d brought you into her friend group, allowing you a group of about 7 girls who all had your back. 
Well, they usually had your back, just not while they were all drunk and hooking up with their partners in the bathrooms or in their dorms, which is what all of them were doing right now. 
A tall and lanky boy sat beside you on your left and your body went rigid, silently begging him to not try and talk to you. 
“Spencer, come on!” One of his rowdy friends shouted. Spencer. Spencer was very cute. He had long-enough hair, brown trousers with a tie and shirt on. He looked far too overdressed for a simple college bar and you smiled. 
He was more than cute, he was gorgeous. You were shocked you’d never seen him modelling.
“No, I’m tired,” he laughed at his friend. “Go dance without me!” His friend gave up, walking off to a group of equally lanky and nerdy boys, all attempting to dance. 
Another man sat on your right, the seat where Maria had sat and you were instantly filled with anxiety again. Maria was nowhere to be seen and there were two men beside you, either of them could easily start trying to talk to you and what would you do? Just write it down on a napkin? On your phone? 
You hadn’t had this problem in a very long time. 
“So, you come here often?” The guy on your right asked, a soft smile on his face. He seemed to be the typical frat boy, kind of asshole-y but nicer than others you’d met. You tried to ignore him, pulling out your phone and texting Maria, saying you were going home instead of staying out longer, but he persisted. “What’s your name?”
—---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spencer had been attempting to make conversation with you all year. He knew you were the smartest in your class, since he and your professor were friends and he often read over your papers. He thought you had the most beautiful mind, he didn’t even care what you looked like, he just wanted to know you. 
But, he had found out what you looked like from your photo online and he fell harder. You were gorgeous, smart, and interesting. He also knew you were mute. Back in your first year at college most people had just assumed that you were rude or too prideful to speak to certain people, and that you were getting special treatment from teachers by them letting you not present your projects. This meant your facilitators had to make an announcement to most of your classes, explaining why you didn’t speak. He saw your face one day as your professor explained to the class that you were mute, you looked so embarrassed and ashamed and he felt his heartbreak. He'd been embarrassed of his intelligence his whole life (but trust me, he knew that these were VERY different things) and he felt an uncertain connection to you. 
“She’s my girlfriend,” he tried to sound intimidating to the guy but he knew he wasn’t exactly a beefy 6 '2 frat boy.
The frat boy got the message. 
You felt sick, Spencer was speaking for you and all of it could’ve gone to shit if that frat boy hadn’t gotten the hint. You quickly got up, looked at Spencer and signed ‘thank you’ and practically ran through the door, just wanting to get back to your dorm, 
“Umm, wait!” Spencer followed you out to the car park and you turned to face him, feeling hot under his gaze despite the cold, dark night around you both. “I’m S-Spencer, sorry if that was really weird but I wanted him to l-leave you alone, I-I know who you are a-and… yeah.”
He knew who you were? You looked at him confused. 
“Professor Monk! I help with his corrections sometimes, I’ve read your papers, they’re really good,” he smiled. “C-can I get your number or something?” Something like panic flashed over his features, clearly shocked at his own words. 
You took out your phone and wrote out “I seriously doubt I’d be much fun, I don’t talk,” you showed it to him, and he chuckled. 
“I know sign language,” He smiled and your heart swelled. You didn’t know it now, but on your wedding day, he would admit that it was a very big lie. 
You held out your hand for his phone and he handed it over, you punched in your number and that was the start of your beautiful love story. 
Through your life together, Spencer was always there for you, there to calm you down, speak for you, be there for you, and to love you.
The first night he heard you speak was a year and half into your relationship, it was purely accidental on your part, genuinely comfortable enough to just speak and you did. 
“You’re so funny,” you quietly said between his and your own laughter. His own smile grew, while your face heated. 
“You spoke,” he observed, holding you from behind, his taller figure engulfing yours. “You have a nice voice.”
You whispered a meek “thank you” and he could’ve sworn that his heart grew three sizes. He didn’t want to push you, he just kissed you on the cheek and continued on with his cooking while he internally freaked out. Despite being together so long, you still found ways to fluster and surprise him. The majority of the time, he spent feeling like a schoolboy with how smitten he was with you. 
So, you knew Spencer would always have your back, always love you, and always care.
He promised you so on your wedding day.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, obx+)
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kaciidubs · 9 months
telling pillow princess hannie to top you, and so he sits there dumbfounded, unsure of where to even start. as he’s desperately fucking into you, he’s whining and begging you to take the lead again, because it’s just soooo difficult and tiring for him to do all the work </3
Nonnie, your brain is AMAZING for this! I'll turn it to a short drabble for now, but perhaps in the future it could expand it into a mini fic! ❣️ ❣ Warnings; Pillow Princess! Jisung, Fem Mean Dom! Reader, decryphilia, begging, degradation, dom/sub dynamics, slight feminization, mommy kink ❣ Additional tags; Han is referred to as Jisung, Sungie, and more, Reader is referred to as Jagi, and Mommy
Telling pillow princess! Jisung to top you would go something like this...
"Y-You want me to what?"
It wasn't that he hadn't heard you clearly, no, not at all, but the words you said almost sounded foreign to him the first go around.
"Fuck me."
Yep, that's exactly what you said.
Of course, he'd wanted to get into your pants the second he came home, his brain going dumb as any and all thoughts centered around you, you, you - but he didn't want the lead, he wanted to be used as per usual.
Jisung was submissive through and through, and though he had spikes of switch tendencies, they all usually ended with him begging to fill you or be filled; body resting beautifully on the crumpled sheets of your shared bed - your dirty little pillow princess.
"I... But... I wanted you to-"
A disinterested hum floated through you as you laid against the bed, taking his place amongst the pillows and blankets, "That's strange, I don't remember asking you what you wanted, Sungie. I told you to fuck me, did I not?"
He whimpered, his already hard dick jumping between his legs at your harsh tone, "Y-Yes, mommy."
"Well, then," you parted your legs further, inviting him toward your glistening cunt, "come and do as you're told, princess."
He tried, truthfully he tried, but the minute his tip sunk past your walls, he was doomed; body shivering with restraint as he tried to think of how to start without fully crumbling to his desire of chasing his orgasm.
Did you want him fast? Slow? Should he have eaten you out first? No, you didn't ask him that - you would've sat on his face without even mentioning it. God, you were so tight, how was he supposed to do this?
"Jisung, if I wanted to cockwarm you, I would've done it myself."
"'M sorry, I just-" An airy moan fell from his pink lips as you purposely clenched around him, shaking hands seeking refuge on your hips, "F-Feels too good, Jagi, I don't know-"
He looked up at you with teary eyes, pouting in hopes of coercing you into changing your mind about putting him in control, "Jagi-"
"Move, Jisung."
Heeding your command, he delivered a shallow thrust, eyes fluttering as a wave of pleasure shot up his spine, before he repeated the action again, and again, and again - eventually working himself up to a slow, unevenly paced flow.
Your fingers tweaked at your nipples to provide yourself further stimulation as you watched your adorable sub worked himself into an overstimulated fit.
It was too slow, it was too sporadic, he couldn't fight his full instinct of burying himself to the hilt in order to give fuller strokes and he couldn't take it. He didn't want your guidance, he wanted you to use him like a toy - fold and bend him to your liking and take as much of him as you desired, he was good for it, after all.
"Mommy?" He was defeated, and it didn't even feel like a full ten minutes of him topping, "Mommy, please, I-I can't do it."
A disappointed sigh escaped you, though from the way you were practically dripping around him it was obvious you weren't truly dissatisfied - you loved watching him crumble.
"Are you that much of a needy slut to even take what you want from me? Even after I offered myself up to you so nicely?" Tilting your head, you sized him up with a sharp gaze, "You can't even get yourself off without begging for my help, can you? What a shame, I shouldn't even let you come."
Jisung let out a sob, shaking his head frantically, "N-No! Please, mommy, I need it - I need you!"
Deciding to spare him further turmoil, you nodded your head to the side, "On your back, princess."
Pulling out of you with a whine of disdain, he quickly flopped onto the empty space beside you and watched as you pushed yourself onto your knees; throwing a leg over his lap to straddle him with ease.
"Just so you know," you huffed, hovering above him and watching as that familiar spark glimmered in his eyes, "I'm not stopping until you're dry, you hear me? You want me to use you like the little sex toy you are, fine - I'll use you."
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mistachesme · 2 years
They pretend to be your boyfriend pt. 2 (ft kazuha, childe)
With surprise cameos ofc <3. Highly unedited. Not sure if it came out good tho :')
Tw- drinking, some creep in childe's part
- it came out as surprise that kazuha of all ppl was asking you to pretend to be his lover for one evening
- "It's to get my moms to stop setting me up with random people." He explained to you.
- you recalled the first time you met his mom, you were so nervous. But, beidou's easygoing personality and her infectious laugh made you feel at ease at once.
- kazuha was your dear friend. Despite having feelings for him, you never acted on them 'cause you cherished his friendship and was afraid of his rejection.
- looking at the way he seemed so troubled, you couldn't reject his request.
"This doesn't change anything right?" You tentatively asked. There was an odd look on his face, before it was gone. He nodded.
"Fine then. I will come by your house."
- you felt so loved. all your favourite food was on the dinning table.
"I had to ask kazuha what your favourite dishes were. I hope you enjoy my cooking." Ningguang smiled at you.
"I thought they were your friend. Why didn't you tell us before." Beidou laughed, nudging a blushing kazuha.
- soon the dining hall was filled with laughter, and you can't help but feel guilty for lying to the two amazing women.
- so when you and kazuha were finally left alone, you tell him that his family was amazing.
"Thank you for agreeing to this. My mothers were really happy you came." Kazuha said, truthfully.
- you nod and went back to eating the almond tofu on your plate.
"Your mom makes the best almond tofu, I swear."
- "Almond tofu is not the only good thing my mom has you know." Kazuha whispered in your ear with a smirk.
- your mind went blank with a *windows XP shutting down sound*
"You're blind date didn't go well huh? Hu Tao told me." Childe slurrs, drunkenly putting his arm around you as he laughs.
"I suggest you to shut your shitty mouth."
- currently you are out drinking with your friends after a long week and of course this bastard had to tag along.
"I think I know why you get dumped so easily." He side eyes you with a smug face.
"If you don't shut up, I'm gonna shove this glass of wine up your ass."
- zhongli watches the two of you fight in amusement as he sips his wine.
"Is this how they get every time they get drunk?" Hu Tao laughs.
"Indeed." He responds with a knowing smile.
- "I'm gonna take a piss. Be right back." You say, slipping away from childe's hold, before disappearing into the crowd.
"Oi.. don't go alone it's dangerous."
You ignore childe's worried calling as you navigate your way to the washroom. The club is too crowdy.
-Not too long after, you hear footsteps behind you and you sigh, knowing who it is.
- "I told you not to go alone." You feel his arm snaking around your waist as you walk.
"Fine." You sigh, leaning on his arm. "Wait outside the washroom, okay?"
- but when you come back, you find childe talking to someone on call. So, you keep your distance. It's probably teucer.
- you dont notice untill later someone approaching you.
"Are you alone, sweetie?" This dude asks, stepping too close to you with a disgusting grin on his face.
"I came with my friends. And, leave me alone, you creep." You snap at him.
"Now, now don't be like that." He says, grabbing your arm.
- at this point you were so pissed. Before you could land a proper punch on his face, you find yourself being pulled away from him and into a familiar set of arms.
- "Don't you know better than touching someone's lover." Childe speaks to him in a warning tone. "They got a boyfriend, you know?"
- "Boyfriend?" The creepy guy looks questioningly at you and then at childe.
- "Yeah, he is here you know." Childe whirls around looking through the crowd, making the other guy look around.
"Where would he be?" The other guy scoffs.
"Why, he's right in front of you." Childe chirps, turning back to him with a smile. You roll your eyes at that. What a dramatic ass.
- "I need to teach you a proper lesson for touching my things before you leave."
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starrykirsche · 1 year
Two types of Stars
a 2023!Bill Kaulitz smut fic
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content: smut, (semi) public sex, praise kink, fem!reader
synopsis: tonight, at you and Bill’s shared penthouse apartment, you can’t seem to sleep. Bill wakes up to find you’re not in the bed and one thing leads to another…
a/n: hey guys! i’m really sorry i haven’t been able to get much out recently, i have several fics in the making (+ ty for 100 followers :3)
The air is still, the bedroom pitch black. After half an hour of tossing and turning, you decide you’ve had enough. Slowly propping yourself up on the heels of your palms, you groggily turn to look at your partner. Bill’s sleeping peacefully beside you in… nothing. You gently push some of his wavy blonde hair out of his face, a soft smile painting your lips. With a sigh, you pull yourself out of bed and shrug on your silk robe, the one that matches Bill’s. The wooden floor boards creak beneath your feet as you sneak out of the room.
You flick on the lamp, and a dim light fills the room. Creeping through the still air of you and Bill’s penthouse, you swing open the door to the glass balcony. Stepping out, the cool night air brushes against your barely shielded skin. The night is dark but the city lights illuminate the view. You lean over the railing and take a deep breath. This is what you needed, you think, some fresh air.
After a moment, you feel a firm hand wrap around the back of your neck. Perking up, Bill inches into your field of view, just by you side.
“I was wondering where you ran off to, Herzchen…” Bill purrs. You notice a champagne glass in his hand now, and that he’s wearing the matching half to your silk robe… with nothing underneath.
“Sorry,” You begin as you turn back to the city view, “Couldn’t sleep.”
He kisses your cheek and you can’t help but smile at the familiar feeling of his snake bite piercings against your skin. Bill slowly pulls away and turns to look at the city view, too. Gently carding his fingers through your hair as he does so.
“Soo…” Bill turns to you with a cheeky smirk, “Balcony sex?” You can’t help but laugh at how simply he says it. Like it’s nothing at all. Truthfully, you consider it. Maybe, that’s the push you need to finally fall asleep peacefully.
“Sure.” You answer astutely. He smiles and and kisses your lips gently, they taste lightly of champagne, but not enough to be overwhelming. “Fuck me to sleep…” You mumble against his lips.
Bill smiles at that and nods, “You’re the boss.” He disappears from your line of sight, and you feel his hand trail down your body until it reaches the small of your back. Pinching a fold in the silky fabric, he hikes up your robe. He bends you over on the railing a bit more and gently rubs your side, “Is this okay?” Bill asks. You nod and before you know it, your underwear is at your ankles and Bill’s spreading your legs a bit more. With one firm hand on your hip and a tattooed hand softly wrapped around your neck, you feel him slowly push himself in.
He groans raggedly and leans over to kiss your shoulder blade, which only pushes his erection into you even deeper. And you’re sure you’ll never get tired of the sensation of him inside you. Slowly, he begins to pull himself in and out of you, a flurry of little moans that you can’t quite place to be yours or his. All you know is that it feels amazing.
“Oh sheiße…” Bill moans breathily from behind you. He must be quite sensitive tonight, as you can already feel him begin to thrust sloppier. Though, you don’t pay much mind to it, as you’re just swimming in your own pleasure. The hand that was wrapped around your neck trails down to your hip and then wraps around you to touch at the sensitive bundle of nerves right above where his dick is sliding in and out of you. He rubs his fingers against you in all the right ways, as he continues to sloppily thrust in and out of you, “Ah.. good girl… good girl,” Bill mutters between groans. You can feel that familiar feeling bubbling up. It just feels too good.. the friction. One thrust, two thrust, three— you’re sent into a splintering white light. Your legs shaking. The muscles of your inner walls tightening down on your partners already sensitive erection. You barely even realize it when he pulls out and strings of white shoot out against the glass panel your leaning on, right between your legs.
The two of you are a panting mess. Bill leans against the railing too now, and kisses your shoulder. “I came pretty quick that time.. sorry,” He mutters. You gasp for air and shake your head.
“No, no, the timing was perfect that time.” You give him the best smile you can and he returns it.
“I’ll clean that in the morning,” Bill quips as he gestures to the dripping semen in the glass. Nodding, you chuckle a bit.
“Bed?” You ask.
“Bed.” Bill says as he wraps his arm around you and leads the both of you back inside.
deine, kirsche. ✮
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pedropascallme · 1 year
Hey ! The weapon play in your Din fic was so fucking hot, I didn’t know I would like it ahahah I think you’ve awaken something in me 😂 And I loved your Drabble with Din teaching you Mando’a 🥴 I would love if you would write another smut piece with Din !
I love me some size kink cause I’m a smol girl ahah and I really like the way you write Din !! If you’re down to write a little smut with plot it would be amazing !
AN: I hope this is what you had in mind!! Definitely lacking a little in plot but I am optimistic that the smut will make up for it <3
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“Quiet,” Din’s hand came down to slap your thigh.
You hadn’t meant to get him so hot and bothered, truthfully you had been trying to calm yourself down; Tatooine was hot and dry and maybe it had made you a little delirious. Just a bit. But you couldn’t help but focus on how Din carried himself, how his broad shoulders framed the rest of his body, how big his gloved hand felt against your back as he guided you through street vendors and the various misfits that the desert planet attracted. When he gave your side a squeeze when he realized you had been silent for longer than five minutes, it went straight to your core. And with a little more staring, with a little pep in your step and swaying of your hips, with a whine of his name, Din had you in an alley, back pushed against a wall that felt like it could crumble with every one of his thrusts.
“This what you needed, pretty girl? Big cock in that little cunt?” He kept his voice low, breathing his words out as he pounded into you. He had a hand on your waist, helping you support yourself, while the other pressed firm against the wall to keep himself up.
“Y—yes!” You let out a whine. He tilted his body back, taking the sight of you in as he continued to push himself into you. Maker, you looked so small, so helpless. He told you as much, and you moaned, prompting another smack to your thigh.
“I told you to be quiet. Do what you’re told.” He drew himself out of your heat, teasing you with the head of his cock, goading you.
“I’m sor—I’m sorry,” You choked on your words. “Please, Din, I’m sorry.” You brought your voice down to a whisper.
“I know you are, mesh’la.” It was all he needed to hear, and he rammed himself back into you. Looking down, he watched you swallowing him; he could see your cunt squeezing him tight, and he could swear that seeing it was sometimes even better than feeling it—not that he would ever be able to choose.
One of your hands came up to grab the hand he had planted on the wall, distractedly attempting to entangle your fingers with his. Your fingers looked so dainty in comparison to his, so pure of all the damage his own hands had created. He lifted his hand slightly, allowing you to grab hold of him, and he gave your hand a squeeze.
“Oh!” You tried to keep your interjection quiet, but it was difficult to think of anything but the way Din was absolutely wrecking you. Your other hand flew to your lower stomach, feeling the bulge of his cock inside of you as it nudged your cervix.
“That’s it. Taking it so good.” He sped up. “Going to fill you up so good, cyar’ika. Can you take it? Keep my cum in that little pussy till I can clean you up?”
All you could do was open your mouth in a silent cry, before you felt yourself fall forward, limp, against him. You shook, vision blurred as you came for him.
The cold metal of his armor cooled your sweaty body, and you felt yourself lifting off the ground slightly as he continued his movements.
“Good girl, s—so good.” He gave you a few more thrusts before emptying himself into you. You felt the warmth of his seed deep in your stomach, and you let out a whine in thanks.
He leaned forward, pressing you between himself and the wall. He nuzzled his head into you, and you turned your face just enough to kiss the temple of his helmet.
“You’re crushing me.” You teased.
“You love it.” He spoke up after a few seconds, softening cock still inside you, his breathing going shaky every time he felt your pussy squeeze around him—the aftershock of the orgasm he had just drawn from you. “I think we should get back to the ship.”
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smuttycentre · 8 months
M/n: Male reader
Word count:
Synopsis: After claiming a place to stay and Matt Donovan you take interest in the new bad boy in town. This is set in series one, episode one
Warnings: blood sucking, 3-way kissing, top!Damon, submissive!Damon, bottom!reader, unprotected sex, rimming
Author Note: This is part of a series where you are an upgraded original vampire in The Vampire Diaries. You can compel anyone and everyone including the originals, witches and hunters. The goal is to fuck everybody in this series while following the timeline of the original series and introducing new characters as they come into the show.
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You woke up to the soft sound of Matt, your partner breathing deep while sleeping. Last night was a great night and it only marked the start of your journey to conquer the town of Mystic Falls.
You turned to him and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
“Sleep tight, baby” you whispered as you got up and left.
Last night was amazing but you wanted more. You craved attention, affection and desire. Your lust for men is growing and there’s only one thing to do. Claim someone new.
You walk around the town all day watching the townsmen and finding your next person to fuck. No one yet.
The sun set and there was still no one. You could always come back home to Matt, but you want to suprise him, give him someone for when you are away. Someone for you both to play with.
“Ahhhhh” you hear someone scream in the woods. There is a party going on so you assume it’s just a girl having fun. But then you smell blood.
A snack. You think. You zoom over to the woods and find the girl. You notice her from photos in Matts… your house. It’s Matts sister?
You crouch over her body bleeding out. “There’s another vampire in town?” You question. “Awww, what a shame. We can’t let you die, yet”
You get out your phone and call for a paramedic. While waiting there you touch your hands to her bite marks and get some of her blood on you. You then suck your fingers and enjoy the taste of her blood.
SNAP. You hear a twig snap and you get up and turn towards the source. What was once empty space was now a figure in leather. You can’t quite make out who it is.
“I thought that me and my brother were the only bloodsuckers in town.” The figure said. “We can’t let people knowing I’m here, let’s change that.”
With that, the figure picked up a piece of wood and zoomed over to you. You’ve been around thousands of years and nothing catches you off guard. He struggles to impale you in your heart but this is nothing for you, he was strong but but strong enough for you.
With him this close to you, you can see him clearer. He had smooth pale skin and shaggy dark hair. You could smell alcohol on his breath, what’s that? Bourbon.
“You’re strong” he exclaimed. You smiled, enjoying his struggle to hurt you. He will only hurt you when you allow him.
Even though this mysterious man was a vampire, you are the first vampire. An elite type of vampire. The sun does not hurt you. You can compel even the strongest of minds even witches. With this knowledge you look at him in the eyes and start to speak.
“Stop what you are doing. Don’t move. Don’t make a sound. Answer each question truthfully.”
His grip on the piece of wood dropped and so did his grip on you. He stepped back a little to allow you space to move. You circled around him with him staying completely still.
“Who are you?”
“Damon Salvatore” he replied
“How many vampires are there in this town?”
“Just me and my younger brother”
“What are you doing in this town?”
“I am trying to get a vampire named Katherine out of a tomb she in trapped in. And my brother is infatuated with a student who looks just like her”
Interesting. This Damon guy is still frozen you think. And that small drop of the girls blood beside you was not enough.
You stand behind Damon and tilt his head over. You move to his ear and whisper seductively “You’re going to be mine” and then you sink your teeth into his smooth neck.
Damon moans in pain but that only makes you want to drink more. You release your fangs and wipe your mouth. You then move to the front of him and without compelling you say “drink me.”
You tilt your neck and await for his lips to press down on you. Nothing happens.
“You’re going to need your strength back. I’ve got all night. Drink from me” you order.
Reluctantly he moves his head to your neck and gets his teeth out. He then bites into your skin and starts sucking you, draining from you. You enjoy this feeling. You’re in euphoria.
After a while you break his head away from you and look at him. He is still frozen until you say. Your blood is all over his mouth and you go in close and start licking it off his face. He looks at you, not scared but slightly thrilled. This is hot.
“The paramedics will be here for your snack soon. Let’s get out of here.” You lean down to Vicky and compel her to forget everything.
“Where are we going?” Damon asked as he is compelled to follow you.
“Your new home” you reply with a smile.
“Matt” you shouted as you opened the front door. Boom-boom-boom you hear as Matt comes running down the stairs.
“Hello love” he excitedly said as he came over and kissed you.
“Hello. This is Damon Salvatore. Can he come in? I think he will be a lot of fun”
“Of course. Come in” he said. You all go into the living room and Matt offers you a drink. You accept and go for his neck.
Damon is just stood in the middle of the room. You give Matt another passionate kiss. You are so glad that he is yours.
You turn towards Damon. “I think for you. I’m not going to making you do anything that you don’t want to.” You move closer to him and say into his eyes: “You will give in to every instinct you have deep down. Lust, allure, touch.”
“You will not leave my sight” you say. Damon nods and understands.
“Do you want to fuck me?” You ask.
“No” Damon yelled.
“Well of course not, I haven’t made you want me yet.” You walk towards Matt. “Let’s show him what he’s missing baby”
Matt smiled knowing what was coming. You start making out. His warm lips pressing against you, turning you on. You take Matts top off revealing his sexy body and hard nipples.
You move down to them and start licking them. Both of you make approving noises.
“Fuck yes m/n” Matt exclaimed.
“Mmm-hmmm” you reply still sucking on his nipples.
Damon is still watching, not showing any expression. You go over to him and grabs his crotch.
“Hmm, not fully hard yet but getting there. I know you’ll want me.” You move close to his face and start kissing him. He is resisting but something tells you that he likes it.
While kissing him you gesture Matt to come over. The hot, shirtless jock came over and you started to have a 3-way kiss. There was a noise, so tiny but there. It was the moan from Damon. He was resisting less, giving in to his desires.
You moved your hands onto Damon’s chest. His muscle-fit black t-shirt was showing off his incredible muscles and pecs. Your fingers slid onto his nipples and you gave them a tug.
“Ughhh” Damon moaned and with that you took full control of the kiss. You slid your tongue into his mouth and he didn’t resist at all. You’ve won. Matt went out knowing to leave you two alone. Just you and Damon alone in the room.
You carry on kissing as Damon allowed you to unbutton his jeans. He then took them off leaving him just in his tight top and his underwear.
“Hmmm. I think we’ll leave your top on, it’s hotter.” You tell him. Your hands travel from his nipples to his now hard dick hidden underneath his black underwear.
His heart skipped a beat when you touched his goods.
“Do you want me to suck you off?” You ask.
“Yes” Damon said very quickly.
“Well, if you insist” you say as you lower down to your knees.
With his underwear still on you start kissing softly the outline of his dick. You know it is going to be a good one. After about 10 gentle kisses you finally give in and take his underwear off revealing his hard 8 inch penis. This was the biggest one you’ve ever seen. You even gasped at the size of it.
You grabbed onto his dick and slowly took the tip inside your mouth. You moved your tongue around inside your mouth making his entire tip wet.
You then decided to go deeper. You opened your mouth wider and started to go down on him. His cock tasted so good in your mouth. It was where it belonged.
Damon started thrusting his hips forward and back deeper into your throat. You started gagging as he kept going deeper and deeper inside you. He was really enjoying this and you didn’t even have to compel him to force him. You simply allowed him to be who he really was deep down.
His wet dick carried on thrusting into you until you wanted more. You stood up and asked “Do you want your dick inside my hole now?”
“Oh yes please” he said. He then leaned in for a kiss and this shocked you.
“What? Do you not want that?” He asked.
“I do. It’s just. I wasn’t expecting you to want me so much.” You say pleased.
He smiled an evil smile and and started to undress you. In a flash you were fully naked and facing each other. He turned you around and you dropped your hands onto the couch so that you were bending over and your arse was exposed.
You laughed as you just let him take over. Before you knew it Damon was leaning down and his face was in your arse crack. He started sniffing and licking all at the same time. This felt exhilarating.
Lick lick. Your arse was being devoured and you was enjoying every second.
Then for a few seconds the licking stopped. Just as you were about to turn round to see what was going on you felt his long dick enter you so smoothly and so suddenly.
You yelped out in pleasure as you tensed your hole around his dick making him moan. There was no going slowly for Damon. He was all the way in and out of you 3 times a second. He was so skilled and fast you knew he was a good choice.
After a while in that position he ejected from you and you turned around to lay on the couch. Damon followed you down and grabbed your legs as he pulled your hole towards him.
Your cheeks were spread waiting for him to re-enter you again and he happily obliged. Again you both moaned from the pleasure of each other. He lowered onto you and started to kiss again.
He carried on kissing you and exploring your mouth while he was pounding you so quickly. His raw dick inside you felt so good it brought you immense pleasure.
Faster and faster he went.
“I’m gonna cum” Damon yelled.
“Do it. Do it inside of me.” You begged.
And within a matter of seconds, Damon’s warm seed oozed inside of you. 5 full loads of white treasure explored deeper inside you. You felt each load as it shot out of Damon.
You both moaned at each load from the joy it brought you. It seemed to last an eternity. You grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him close.
“You’re mine.” You say.
“I’m yours” he replies.
“And just to make sure…” you start to compel him, “you will do everything I say. You belong to me. You are mine. Your sole purpose is to please and serve me.”
“Yes Master” he replied as he collapsed on top of you panting.
Who next you thought. Maybe that brother?
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Genshin Men react to Their Thirsty fanart?😊
Ooooooo oh my gosh I love this!!! I hope you liked the characters I picked! If you'd like to see others just let me know! <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Reacting to their thirsty fanarts~༺}
A/n: Slightly suggestive! A lot of characters this time because I went alittle crazy! (None of the artwork in this is mine! If you look in the reblogs the artists names are there! All credit goes to them and thank you again to that person who sourced them for me!)
(Includes: Diluc, Lyney, Albedo, Wanderer, Kazuha, Childe and Neuvillette!)
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Diluc would clear his throat, inspecting the picture while his cheeks became tinted with a light pink colour, his hand running through his firey red hair as he tried to think of what to say, settling with a safer answer. "Well...this is certainly a very amazing piece of artwork. It does however seem a bit...suggestive...flattering yes, but not very true to life. I've personally never held my claymore in that way or sat in that particular.. position. Still, I thank you respectfully for taking your time to draw me...even if it might have given others a bit to much...inspiration."
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Lyney would take one look at the picture, a smirk playing on his lips as his violet eyes clouded over with mischief and flattery, possibly even a tad bit of lust, "Seems I've caught the attention of some incredible artists, their work is truly magnifique! Hmm..., because they've drawn me so beautifully and one of the main things a magician is supposed to do is please his watchers, I'll do a little comparison between the art and myself...so you can all see it for real~" He'd tip his hat before starting to recreate the pose, arching his back slightly and winking in your direction, his finger up against his mouth as he shushed you, his other hand holding the ace of hearts just right so you could see it. Seems he enjoys the attention the fanarts give him, even to the point of hoping everyone will creat more~
(...is he wearing bottoms in this picture? Cause like I'm not gonna lie...I'm not really sure...)
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"Goodness..." Albedo would stare at the artwork of himself for a moment, trying to collect his words as even his pale skin turned cherry red. His voice would be shaky because of his flustered state and he'd mess up words whenever he glanced at the picture, but eventually he'd manage to say this,"I don't really know where t-to begin, I mean the art itself is impeccable, v-very stylised...and ehem...the artist clearly...k-knows their anatomy. I-...thank you for drawing me." He'd look away, his heart racing in his chest and his mind plagued with new thoughts like...would he actually look good in that situation...would people want to see it...should he...try it?
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Wanderer would look at the picture, his eyebrows furrowing and his mouth hanging open for a second, "W-what the hell is this?!? Why am I w-wet in it??? Perverts!" He'd clench his hands into fists, putting on quite the show as he tossed the drawing behind him and stomped away like he's just been highly offended...even though deep down, he found it slightly...appealing. To think someone actually had the nerve to draw him so scandalously...perhaps he'd have to find the artists who had done so, just to show them how wrong of a choice they'd made~
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"Oh my..." Kazuha would say, a blush spreading across his face and his calm personality faltering for just a second, before he quickly recomposed himself, scratching the back of his neck nervously as he chose the best words to say, "The art is very beautiful, I must say they've flattered me alot though...I don't truthfully look like that...not nearly as handsome. As for the marks...on the n-neck, I don't currently have any..." He'd probably mean that last sentence as a means to say he wasn't currently in a relationship, but to anyone who had heard it...they took it as a invitation to give him some~
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Childe would smile happily, leaning back against the wall with his arms crossed and his chest slightly puffed up with pride, "Comrades please, you all make me blush, the art is wonderful and in no small part because I'm in it...,but I assure you the real thing is better. I win, even in regards to myself.." He'd wink at you, leaving you captivated by his charm even though what he had said sounded silly.
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Neuvillette would look at the art for awhile, his purple hued eyes widening as he scanned it into his memory and rested his chin in his hand, his long white hair drapping over his shoulders as he wondered if someone had caught him changing, since how could they make something so accurate otherwise... "Apologies, but where did you get this again? The drawing itself is indeed very beautiful and well crafted, I believe the artist who made this should be very proud...I'm just curious how they know what I look like shirtless...and who else might know as well."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚I hope you enjoyed*⁠.⁠✧
(Open!) Taglist: @kiokiee
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yournaothings · 14 days
Living the Dream
Chapter Two
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(Hee~ @cactobutt made this~ From Right to Left! Felix, Kai, Atara(hasn't appeared in the story yet), and Lily. <3)
Hello! Hi! Welcome to Chapter two! Listen! I need to share a few things with you guys!
@runaway-dream-au (I love this so much, and it was part of my inspiration for "Living the Dream"! Check out their blog!)
@emeraldhazeidentity (You guys love a good Dream x reader story? Their story, "Solace" is amazing! Another amazing author who gave me inspiration to write a Dream x reader story!)
Also, @bored-animator here is Chapter two! :)
This is a little longer than the first chapter; I will have a shorter version of what was talked about in this chapter. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets boring.
This is a long chapter. We see a little bit of Dream's depression, they talk about the young lady who is stuck in a coma. Also! Blue and Ink find out that Dream is missing!
As for Nightmare? Nothing out of the ordinary. He's not worried.
Or is he?
Characters and their Creators: Killer Sans: Rahafwabas Dust Sans: Ask-Dusttale Horror Sans: Sour-Apple-Studios Nightmare Sans: Jokublog XTale Sans(Cross): Jael Peñaloza/Jakei
Ink Sans: Comyet Underswap Sans (Blue): popcornpr1nce Dream Sans: Jokublog Fresh Sans : Crayon Queen Core!Frisk: DokuDoki (Did I miss anyone??)
((I stayed up till 5am finishing this chapter, so if there are mistakes, please forgive me. D: ))
!! Another thing! Down in the End Notes, I'll have a short description of most of the chapter there. In case it's boring, which... I hope it's not. <.<
Celestial Market didn’t see many customers today. The heavy rain poured down on the city, the sound of thunder and flashes of lightning kept people away for most of the morning and early noon. There wasn’t a lot to do, Dream and Kai had already stocked most of the shelves after the latest shipment. Maria was finishing up her paperwork in her office. Lily and Kai had already left for their other jobs, leaving Dream and Maria to tend the shop. The radio played softly in the background, set on a station that played a mixture of oldies and today’s favorites. Dream didn’t recognize them, but that didn’t stop Dream from enjoying most of the songs. 
Maria stepped out of her office and glanced around the small shop and found there to be no customers. She glanced down at her wrist watch and sighed softly; there was no point in staying open much longer. She knew the rain alone would keep anyone from stopping by, so she called it. “I think we’ll close up early today, Dream.” She called out to him while walking towards the door to lock it and flipped the open sign around so it read ‘closed’.  She wandered back in to begin shutting everything down and counting the money. While she tended to the register, Dream began working on cleaning up the place, sweeping and mopping and taking out the trash. 
He finished up his chores before grabbing his jacket and slipping it over his shoulders, his hood coming up to cover his head. He waited patiently for Maria to finish her chores, she switched off the lights and grabbed her keys; her own jacket was pulled on over herself as she met Dream by the exit. She made sure the door was locked after they stepped out, Dream waiting to make sure she would be safe, before he would leave for home. 
Maria sighed gently, relieved the work day ended a bit earlier than usual. She turned and smiled at Dream. “Would you like to join me for some coffee?” Dream looked at her in surprise, he wasn’t expecting this, but he wouldn’t mind.  “I would love to. I don’t have anything better to do.” He told her truthfully. “Wonderful!” She led him to her car, parked on the other side of the street. Dream felt bad for climbing into the vehicle while soaking wet, but it couldn’t be helped. Maria started the car and quickly turned the heat on so they wouldn’t start to freeze. “It’s not too far, and I can drop you off at your apartment after, if you’d like.” She told him as she pulled out onto the street and started for the coffee shop. “That…” He trailed off, not wanting to be a bother, but knew she wouldn’t have offered if it was a bother. 
He knew this because it’s already happened. She had offered to drive him home after a rather exhausting day at work and she had noticed how tired he was. He had declined at first, but she insisted. 
“I wouldn’t want to be a bother, I know you’re just as tired-” 
“Dream, I wouldn’t have offered it to you if it was a problem.” She told him with a smile. “Between the two of us, you live further away from the shop than I do.” 
Dream knew he wasn’t going to win and accepted her offer with a smile. 
“That would be nice, actually.” He replied honestly.  “Thank you.” Maria smiled victoriously, glad that Dream was accepting her help without arguing. The drive was silent, aside from the soft music that played on Maria’s car radio. Much like the music in the shop, but it was mostly oldies. Dream smiled, as he peered out his side of the window, watching monsters, humans, and hybrids scatter into shops, or into their vehicles (or the buses) to escape the rain. Many were already leaving work to head home, or to meet up at a popular restaurant for an early dinner. 
A peaceful smile stretched over his mouth as he silently watched the world pass by, happily watching the citizens go about their late afternoon. Once again, Dream wished he had found this AU sooner, the idea of sharing such a lovely experience with his friends warmed his soul. That smile fell just a bit and his soul began to ache from missing his friends. Blue would have loved meeting everyone, and Ink would have loved to paint the beauty this city has to offer. He thought to himself. Nightmare would have appreciated the kindness these folks shared. Nightmare. If Dream had succeeded in saving his brother, this AU would have been a perfect place for him as well. They could finally relax and not worry about any more trouble. 
He could imagine his brother, sweet little Nighty, sitting under one of the many trees in the park; a book in his lap with his circlet tipped askew as he napped. No one would come up to mess with him, only to wake him up to offer their company. Maybe request to grab a meal with them. 
Yes, Nighty would have liked it here. As much as I wish to find Nightmare, it would only lead to the downfall of this AU. I’m sure of it. Dream thought sadly, his smile finally falling as he fought the tears that wanted to escape his sockets. He believed Nightmare was still there, underneath all of that corruption. But, he didn’t believe in himself to pull him out. Not anymore. As much as Dream wished he could share this experience with his brother, with his friends, he decided that for once… For once, he’ll be selfish and keep this AU to himself. 
Immediately after thinking that, Dream deflated in guilt; this wasn’t like him. Being greedy and keeping something so wonderful secretive from his friends. But, he chose to leave his old life behind, which in turn, he had to let go of those he called his friends. It was the right thing to do. 
Wasn’t it?
“We’re here.” Maria’s soft voice shook Dream from his gloomy thoughts. He raised his watery gaze to look before them; it was a cozy looking cafe filled with customers who seeked shelter from the rain. He was surprised he hadn’t noticed this cafe before; he always wandered the city when he had the time. There was just so much that caught his attention, this shop was easily missed, he determined. He blinked away the unshed tears before turning his gaze to his driver who smiled sympathetically. Her eyes softened and her smile widened just a little when she saw his attention was on her. He wondered if she caught his saddened expression or maybe it was the tears? 
“Ready to go inside?” Her voice was soft, filled with kindness. He knew she would let him sit out here just a bit longer if it meant to gather himself from his heavy thoughts. Dream felt a warmth spread through him, the care and kindness that exuded from her soul filled him with the strength to get past his little bout of depression. 
“I am ready.” Dream said just as softly, his smile perked as he was filled with the positive energy that she unknowingly fed him. He made the first move, flipping his hood over his head and opening the car door before stepping out into the rain. Maria followed after, once their doors were shut, she pressed the lock button on her key fob as they hurried to the cafe’s entrance. 
The coffee shop was busy. It was here where Dream had a taste of bitter negativity. A few customers were waiting for their order a little longer than they would have liked, and had cut in front of a customer who was in the middle of ordering. They asked where their order was; “We’ve been waiting for fifteen minutes!” The staff apologized to them and explained that they were short staffed today. “We will have your order out to you in a few minutes. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.” 
Dream had expected the customers to raise more of a fuss. Maybe it was because their orders had come almost immediately after the employee explained their hindrance. Or maybe the customers were willing to be more patient. Dream wouldn’t know, as he felt their stress ease slowly and thanked the employees before leaving. 
Dream watched them leave, hurrying to their vehicle and climbing inside before they were soaked to the bone. They must have been running late for something, Dream decided. He was relieved that the negativity didn’t last long, it had tasted bitter and stung his soul. He didn’t miss that feeling. 
“It’s no surprise that they’re busy this evening. The storm is supposed to continue on for at least another hour or so.” Maria said; she had also witnessed the small disruption, watching the customers leave before turning her attention to her friend. She studied his creased expression of concern fade into a more peaceful look. She watched his shoulders slack and heard his soft exhale of relief.  Once he was relaxed, he turned his attention to her.  “I imagine everyone will want to find comfort in a warm beverage during the storm. The staff looks exhausted.” Dream noted, having stolen another glance towards the cashier as they priced the orders, accepted the payments and sent the order to the baristas. Maria nodded, agreeing with Dream. “That they do.” She let the silence between them linger for a moment before asking, “Have you found anything you’d like to try?” 
Oh, Dream hadn’t thought to look at the menu yet. He was busy feeling the different emotions that charged the shop. He was busy soaking in the positivity, especially after the small fuss from earlier. His eye lights caught sight of the chalkboard above the counter and squinted to read some of the small writing. Nothing snagged his attention, until he found a favorable sounding beverage. It wasn’t coffee, Dream wasn’t in the mood for that. Instead he resolved on a fruity tea; he voiced his choice to Maria who nodded.  Once it was their turn, Maria placed their order, paid (with a tip) for the drinks before guiding Dream to an empty booth.
“So,” Maria started once they sat down across from each other. Dream’s wandering gaze shifted to look at her curious one. “May I be a little bold?” Dream smiled and nodded; “Of course.” He wondered what she had on her mind this time. After starting his job at her shop, they have been getting to know each other fairly quickly-  “Are you an empath, Dream?” 
His smile fell first before his eyes widened in surprise. Many thoughts filtered through his mind and he started to panic a little- did she figure out he wasn’t a monster at all? Did she have an inkling that he was more of a god?  He didn’t realize he was stumbling over his words to reply to her question, “H..How?” 
Maria offered a patient smile;  “You don’t have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable. But, I just notice how you react to certain situations involving strong emotions. You deflate when someone isn’t feeling well, or is sad or upset. But, when someone is happy, you glow. Your smile is brilliant and very contagious. I had just wondered…” 
Oh. He… He didn’t know he had reacted in such ways. In the back of his mind, he remembered someone had mentioned the same thing. Was it Blue? Ah, he couldn’t remember, it had been so long ago. 
He hadn’t realized he was quietly staring at Maria in surprise when an employee walked over to deliver their drinks; they had come quicker than Dream had expected due to how busy it was. He blinked a few times as his warm disposable cup was placed in front of him, before he glanced up and offered a smile and a soft “thank you”.  
The beverage was still hot, but that didn’t stop Dream from taking a sip. It was delicious, the fruit was potent on his magic as it soaked into it. He visibly relaxed, letting his stress flow from his bones. Maria remained quiet, patient as she too enjoyed her warm coffee. She had ordered a caramel, macchiato mocha; he could smell it from where he sat.  He smiled as he felt the delight from Maria as she enjoyed her drink, warming her body and soul.  It helped him relax further before he finally felt ready to answer her question from a moment ago. 
“You are correct; I am an empath.” 
Maria hummed as she took another sip from her drink before placing it on the table, her hands wrapped around the still hot cup.  “It must be very exhausting.” She responded. “I know someone who is an empath as well, but she is very sick right now. I think…” Maria trailed off as her eyes shifted away from Dream’s and became unfocused; her smile falling as she lost herself in her thoughts. 
Her emotions were everywhere, from worry, to fear, then to reassurance. They flitted through her soul so fast, Dream felt as if received whiplash, but in a more emotional way. He blinked and leaned forward to gently touch Maria’s hand, sending a wave of positive support through her being. He felt bad for using his power on her, but this was the first time he has seen her so upset and it didn’t feel right. 
“Would you like to talk about it?” He offered her relief; clearly this was a touchy subject, he could tell, but he wasn’t about to let her suffer alone. Maria glanced down to where his fingers gently touched hers and smiled. She raised her gaze, and a gentle wave of relief hit his soul. “You are so kind, Dream.” She commented before continuing.  
“Norah is a mage with empathetic qualities. She could light up the room, just like you can. Her aura was bright and soothing. Everyone felt at ease with her, even when they were having a bad day. Being around her helped rid them of their daily stress.” Maria explained with a wide smile, but it weakened as she recalled the day her friend had become ill.  “We’re really unsure what had caused her to fall ill. Her brother, Felix, had called Lily in a panic. He said that Norah had fallen unconscious. The poor young man, I had to call for help, he was in such a state of distress. We met them at the hospital and after hours of labs and testing, they couldn’t find the cause of her state of health. It was so strange.” 
“The hospital continued to do what they could for her to keep her comfortable while they tried to figure out her illness. It was only a week into her being at the hospital when this young doctor showed up. He said he lived outside of the city, but had heard about Norah’s condition and offered to help. His sudden appearance and willingness to help brought on a wave of unease, especially for Felix, but this doctor seemed to know what to do. He had checked her over and mentioned that it looked as if she were “falling down”, and that set Felix off.” Maria chuckled humorlessly. “He was so angry; said that there was no reason for her to fall down. Typically, monsters or hybrids will do that, but mages? Their souls are strong!” 
“Even if that were the case… What could have suffered Norah so much for her to fall into herself?” Dream asked gently, his brows creased with concern. “How long has she been in a coma?” Maria took a moment to drink her now cooled coffee before she answered. “A few months now. The doctor still visits her, but usually when he’s there, she stirs but never opens her eyes. It’s a promising sign, I think. Whatever the doctor is doing, it seems to be the right thing.” 
“What-” Dream begins, but falters as he gathers his thoughts, clearly uneasy. “What is the doctor doing to help Norah?” Maria shrugged gently, unable to answer that question. “He doesn’t tell us what he’s doing, performing labs and testing. I know part of the testing has to do with her soul.” 
Dream hums as he thinks about it. He’s no doctor, but it doesn’t sound right.  “I suppose,” Dream begins slowly. “If it’s aiding Norah in the end, the doctor’s methods should be trusted?” He didn’t sound sure, because he wasn’t sure- He’s never heard of this before and it really makes him feel so much more useless. His deep frown has the smile returning to Maria; “Don’t worry, Dream.” She tries to ease his worries. “I’m sure you’re right. This is new to all of us, after all. We should trust the doctor.” 
“Yes,” Dream returned her smile, even though his worries still gripped his soul. “All will be well in the end, Maria. I’m positive.” His smile widened a little and he chuckled softly at his own unintentional pun. 
After such a heavy topic, Maria and Dream switched to a lighter conversation, the rain had stopped by the time they left the shop. They hadn’t meant to stay so long; seeing as the sun was setting, Maria asked Dream over for dinner. He politely declined, explaining that he was quite exhausted. “I understand.” She told him and drove him home. However, they planned for dinner the following night. The shop would be closed, giving them a much needed day off to prepare for the small dinner party. Dream thanked Maria for the ride (and the beverage) and bid her a good night before heading inside his cozy apartment. 
“He’s full of shit!” Felix’s irritated voice boomed in his apartment; he wanted to throw something, but knew it wouldn’t help matters. (And it would frighten Lily, she hates loud noises-) “Felix,” Lily calmly called after him as she slipped off her sneakers and followed Felix into the living room. “Felix, please calm down. I know you’re upset, but there’s not much we can do.” She tried again, but she knew it just fueled her fiancé's anger. He gripped at his white hair and tugged at it, his huffed before pausing and inhaled deeply. His eyes closed tightly and he counted backwards, 10, 9, 8- 
Lily watched him with concern as he tried to calm himself. 7, 6, 5- His shoulders started to fall and his fingers slipped from his hair as his hands fell to his sides. 4, 3, 2- He slouched forward and exhaled, held himself there before inhaling; he caught his breath before turning around to face Lily with a distressed frown. Fresh tears lingered in his blue eyes, but he refused to let them fall. His wet, saddened gaze met Lily’s, his body deflated as if defeated by the stress that had built up once again during their visit at the hospital. 
The shorter, young woman’s steps were silent as she moved to stand in front of him and wrap her arms around Felix’s middle. She only came up to his shoulders, her head resting against his chest as she tried to comfort him. His long arms encased her within his embrace and he laid his head on top of hers. In the apartment, he was safe to cry. To release his emotions of despair. “She doesn’t deserve this.” 
“She doesn’t.” Lily agrees with him. 
“It’s not fair.” He cries softly. 
“It’s not.” She rubs his back, her heart breaking as she hears the sadness in his voice. 
“That doctor is fucking around with us!” He snapped with a bout of anger. 
“He’s been the only one who was able to get her so close to waking up, though.” She tried to defend the doctor; Felix shook his head, disagreeing. “Something isn’t right about him, Lil’s. I know you can feel it, too.” She felt speechless, because he was right. Everyone knew he was right. But, what could they do? 
“She’ll come back to us, Felix. Have faith, okay? She’s strong, she’ll wake up.” 
Felix remained silent as he held Lily close and cried in the safety of his home. 
There was no note explaining where he had gone. All that Core!Frisk found in the home was Dream's belongings placed neatly, safely on his bed. Now, Core knew Dream would never leave without his crown; and his weapon was left behind as well. Something he summoned and would always have with him. He didn’t dust or anything- would he turn to dust if he died? Dream wasn’t a monster, but a celestial being. If he didn’t dust, how would they know Dream was gone from the living?
Core shook their head, before deciding to send out a search party. Dream had to be somewhere- he could be hurt! That last battle with his brother had sent him home with a fractured leg; Dream was too determined to save the Multiverse, to spread positivity and save those in need. So, maybe that’s what he was doing? 
But without his gear?
“Fresh,” The parasite wore his easy grin as he lifted a bone brow, waiting for Core to continue. “Will you help me look for Dream? He isn’t home.” 
“Hah! You betcha, my funk friend!” Still so energetic, Fresh flicked his hands up and pointed his finger guns at Core, moving them in a back and forth motion as he always does. “Thank you, Fresh. I’m going to check in with Swap first, would you mind checking Ink?” With another excitable laugh, Fresh snapped his fingers, a doorway poofing into place that would lead him to Ink’s Doodlesphere. “Sure thang!” The door popped open and the goofy possessed skeleton skated on through. With a dramatic slam, the door disappeared in the same silly way it appeared. 
With a soft sigh, Core prepared to check in with Blue, hoping that Dream was there, safe and sound. 
Underswap’s AU was doing fantastic! The monsters were on the surface and both the humans and monsters were getting along well enough. There was no sight of any negativity (more so than usual), but there also wasn’t any feeling of positivity that seemed to follow Dream wherever he went. This only made Core uneasy as they knocked on the skeletons door; they only waited for- well, a few seconds really! Blue threw the door open and with his usual excitable grin welcomed Core into his home. 
“What brings you here, Core?” Blue asked as he led them further into his home. He offered them a beverage which Core declined politely.  “I’m looking for Dream. Have you seen him?” They asked with a tone of concern. This had Blue alert, but it did nothing to deflate his grin.  “I haven’t, friend. Not since we were last together when we fought Nightmare and his gang! Is he okay? Is he off on his own again?” Blue’s question ended with an exasperated huff of annoyance. It was always like Dream to get up and do things that could hurt his wounds before they had a chance to heal! 
“I’m not sure, to be honest. I think he is alone, but I don’t know where he could be. I can’t seem to find him.” Core paused, watching as Blue worked on sewing up his cape that got torn from his last battle.  “He left his belongings at his house.” 
This had Blue pausing, now fully alert and worried, filling his soul. He raised his eye lights to study Core for a moment. “Oh. That’s…” Blue began. “That is an odd thing for Dream to do. You can’t sense him anywhere?” Core shook their head. “I can’t. It worries me; he left his crown behind.” This only raised Blue’s concern and he jumped up. “Well! We should go looking for him! Who knows what kind of silly things he’s getting into!” 
Dream could be stubborn, especially when he’s been hit with a large amount of negativity. Sure, he is the Guardian of Positivity! But, just like everyone else, he can have blue days too. 
“We should go grab Ink-!” 
Just as Blue suggested gathering Ink for their search party, the silly artistic skeleton appeared in the living room where he began to panic. Behind him, a relaxed Fresh stood, watching with an easy grin. 
“Blue! Blue! Dream is missing!” Ink shouted and he grabbed Blue by his shoulders, shaking him back and forth. Blue tried to get him to stop, but had to push him away and grab him. “Ink!” He raised his voice, snapping Ink out of his panic. “Freaking out won’t help anything! We’re going to search for our friend. Do you have any idea where he could have ran off to? Without his stuff?” 
Ink paused as he thought about it, but with his disappearing memories, he had nothing to offer- he even checked his scarf! “I don’t have a clue, sorry Blue. Hey!” Ink grinned, his eye lights changing colors and shapes from his amusement. “That rhymed!” He laughed; it was no surprise to the others, Ink always got distracted so easily. Even with the alarming development of a missing Guardian, Ink’s silliness still got the others to grin. 
“Alright!” Blue started and threw his fist into the palm of his other hand, his expression pulled into a determined look. “We should start searching the positive AU’s, I’m sure he’s close by! We’ll find him and bring him home! Our friend needs support! I’m sure Nightmare had said something awful to him that got him feeling down. A movie night/slumber party is in order to help brighten him back up!” Blue declared, the others agreeing with his plan. Each one picked where to check first, Ink having to write his choices down on his scarf and Blue leaving a note for Papy when he came home. (So he didn’t get scared that Blue wasn’t home- or in the AU.) Then, they split up, making their way across the Multiverse, searching for their very dear friend. 
Something wasn’t right and he wasn’t sure what it was. The castle was quiet, that was strange indeed; but not what was bothering him. There seemed to be a steady increase in negativity, but he was sure his foolish brother would hurry to change that. 
Nightmare paused as he laid his feather quill pen down onto the desk, pausing his report so he could feel out for his brother’s annoying presence. Soon, he would step into whichever AU that had dropped a little into a more negative side, and help those who were not doing well, emotionally. Nightmare could tell these AU’s were more neutral, they usually teetered to one side until either brother showed up to fix it. 
Of course, Nightmare didn’t think it would be necessary to send his boys out to cause chaos. He was plenty full; besides, it was too soon to be going out to end up fighting with the Stars once more. His boys were still injured, and it didn’t help that Killer kept pissing off Dust to the point of them fighting. Nightmare was growing tired of their bullshit, and would have to send them to the far ends of his castle. 
… Hm. 
He hummed softly in wonder, before ignoring that strange feeling of something isn’t right, and picked his pen back up to finish his report. He will just enjoy the negativity, never one to turn it down. 
The sound of crashing and a Gaster Blaster going off had Nightmare’s anger rise up. He dropped his pen and slipped through his corruption and appeared in the lobby where Killer and Dust were fighting. Cross and Horror were on the sidelines, trying to stop the fight, (trying my ass, he thought). 
“That is enough!” Nightmare’s booming voice echoed throughout the castle halls, and caused the two fighting skeletons to freeze in place. They really pissed off their boss this time. “I fucking can’t believe I have to put you both in timeout!” He growled as he sent his tentacles over to snatch up the two and bring them close so they could see just how angry he was this time. His tentacles squeezed them, threateningly, daring them to try his patience. He summoned two portals, one behind each skeleton. “If you like acting like children, then I will send you both to timeout!” He shouted and threw each skeleton into their own portal, locking them away in a different part of the castle until they calmed the fuck down. 
“Whoa,” He could feel Cross’s fear and Horror’s uneasiness. “Boss, are you alright? You seem more angry than usual.” Cross dared to ask. Nightmare sent a dark glare at the monochrome skeleton, his tentacles wiggling in furious behind him. “Those two idiots have pushed my patience! I am simply fed up with their foolishness!” He saw Horror shift uncomfortably, Nightmare sighed roughly; “They are in the same rooms as before, Horror. You may only retrieve them when dinner is ready.” 
Horror visibly relaxed at that, and nodded; “Yes.. sir.” He drawled before he and Cross turned away to leave their angry boss. Nightmare turned away, allowing himself to be swallowed up by his portal and stepped into his office. He just wanted to get his report finished (a report for his records and no one else), then he could relax with a new book to read. Then, and only then, would he be able to ignore this annoying feeling that just seemed to pester him in the back of his mind. 
It irritated him to no end that this feeling had to do with his brother. He probably has a new idiotic plan to “save” me. Nightmare thought bitterly with a roll of his eye. He sat back at his desk and picked back up where he left off.
*There's a thunderstorm, Maria closes the shop early and invites Dream to have a coffee.
*As they enjoy their beverage, Maria speaks about Norah, our young lady who is in the hospital.
*She's a mage with Empathetic powers. No one know why she fell ill; but there is a strange doctor who is "trying" to "help" Norah.
*Everyone tries to be strong and supportive, especially for Felix (Norah is his adopted sister, the adopted part wasn't mentioned in the chapter, whoops. D; ) Felix is the only one who is vocal about not trusting the doctor.
*Core!Frisk, Fresh, Blue, and Ink find out that Dream is missing (in that order, lol) and go searching for him.
*Nightmare feels something is amiss, but ignores it?
*Killer and Dust are at each other's throats, and it pisses off Nightmare, lol.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I know it was long, and probably boring... Just kind of wanted to show that even though it's a positive AU, there is negativity popping up; the usual stuff. For most citizens, anyway. I'm interested to see what you guys think of Norah and what's causing her to stay asleep for so long! As well as who this doc is and what he's doing. (Super nervous about the reaction to that reveal.)
Let me know what you think? :)
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
😈 I wanna know more about the homophobic Marisol, it sounds amazing and heartbreaking at the same time
😈 - "I Don't Wanna Miss You Like This (Come Back, Be Here)" or the 'Homophobic!Marisol' fic.
Buck had never seen Eddie looking so small as he did in that moment. He sat one one of the barstools across from Buck- his head in his hands as he recounted his side of the past few days to him. He wanted so badly to cross around the island and pull Eddie into his arms- to hold the man close and tell him that everything was okay.
He was also filled with the urge to track down Marisol and ask her what the hell her problem was. Hearing how distressed Eddie had been after the conversation with Helena, combined with the way the man was sitting absolutely helpless in Buck’s kitchen brought back an onslaught of unwelcome memories- the pungent smell of rosy perfume, the plush sofa, Dr. Welles straddling him, placing a firm kiss on his lips before he could really process what was happening. 
It had taken Buck years to admit what that had been- to admit that he had not consented to being used like that; that he had been taken advantage of in an emotionally vulnerable state. It wasn’t until Eddie had sat down after hearing Chim and Hen joking about it that Buck had the realization that he was in fact a victim. Eddie had been the one who had convinced Buck to go speak to Bobby about it- to have something done in order to make sure Dr. Welles never hurt anyone the way she hurt Buck again.
Now, Eddie sat in his kitchen- head in his hands- telling Buck that Marisol had practically done the same thing to him.
“Fuck, I shouldn’t have done that,” Eddie sighed, shaking his head. “I wasn’t ready- I keep fucking everything up.”
Buck felt his skin heat up in agitation at that. “You’re not responsible for this, Eddie. She was the one who saw you in an emotionally vulnerable state, she was the one who took advantage of that.”
“She didn’t take advantage of me, Buck…” Eddie muttered.
“I disagree,” Buck retorted. “And the Eddie from a few months ago who sat and had this exact same conversation with me about Dr. Welles would agree with me.”
He noticed Eddie blanche at those words, opening his mouth, searching for what to say. “I- W- well, that was different, Buck-”
“How?” Buck asked, turning to face Eddie directly. “How was it any different?”
“Marisol is my girlfriend,” Eddie pointed out.
“Yeah, which makes it worse,” Buck seethed. “Tell me truthfully, if Marisol had been upset and crying about something similar, would it have been okay for you to ‘distract her’ with sex? Would that have even been the first thing on your mind?”
Buck of course knew the answer to that question before Eddie spoke, but he got a small sense of satisfaction knowing he had gotten through his friend’s head. He watched as Eddie’s face fell down, his expression clear that he knew Buck was right.
Buck knew from personal experience how hard it was to admit to being a victim- to admit that you had been taken advantage of in that way. He knew how empty and shallow Eddie must be feeling in that moment- he knew that Eddie was probably confused and blindsided that someone he thought cared about him was capable of something like this. He could see it written all over his face.
:) don't hate me guys <3
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cerise-on-top · 8 months
can I request Rudy x a reader who acts all tough on the field (Like they work together, they are a sergeant rank just below him) and they can be very aggressive, but in the inside they love Hello Kitty and other cute things? I’m a Metalhead who LOVES Hello Kitty and it’s always so funny to me whenever people find out and I’d love Rudy’s reaction.
thanks love, have an amazing day!! :3
Hello! Sure you can! It sounds like an interesting idea actually! And thank you, I hope you're having a good day as well!
Rodolfo with an Aggressive-Sweet!Reader
Rodolfo probably wouldn’t think too much of you at first, thinking that you’re simply an aggressive person with a preference for violent things, always ready to pick fights and showing people where they belong without as much as a second thought. I’m gonna be honest with you, he will think that’s about all there is to you at first. Rodolfo isn’t always the best at judging people from the outside correctly, but he knows how to treat people with respect, if they deserve it. Besides, you’re a high ranking soldier, you know what you’re doing with the new recruits and show them they really shouldn’t mess too much with you. While he wouldn’t avoid you, he wouldn’t think too much of you, what you see is what you get.
So when he finds you looking at a plushie of Cinnamoroll for a prolonged time, he raises an eyebrow, asking you if you’re doing okay or if someone has upset you. It’s then that you’d admit to liking cute things. Truthfully, Rodolfo would be slightly taken aback, not expecting something like that in the slightest. Being a freak about weapons and vehicles, maybe, but not Sanrio. He will ask you if you’re being serious, but won’t press the matter too much. After the initial shock is over, he might chuckle a bit when he’s on his own and replaying the scenario in his head, remembering the cute lil plushie of the dog.
In fact, you liking cute things won’t leave his mind for a while. Every time he walks by that store, seeing the plushie, he’s thinking about you, until he finally gives in and buys it for you. Maybe you had more surprises up your sleeve if he started talking to you some more. Him giving you the gift would be pretty straight forward: He’ll either look for a good opportunity when the two of you are alone or he’ll call you into an empty office to give it to you. Not everyone needs to know about your soft spot for sweet things. Will also try to strike up a conversation with you afterwards. Depending on how well it goes, he might invite you to a lovely little cafe nearby. It’s not Sanrio themed, but it’s got a nice aesthetic. Sometimes he thinks about how you’d react to him asking you to go to a cat cafe together. You likely wouldn’t say no.
Jokingly, he’ll ask you more about your person: What music do you listen to? What’s your favorite animal and why? Which colors do you like the most and why? He likes hearing the reasoning behind everything because it’s just so funny to him. You, who blares Amon Amarth during your time off, like looking at pictures of baby animals cuddling with each other. He’s the last person to judge you, but he does like comparing how you present yourself in front of the recruits to how you present yourself when he asks you regarding your favorite food. Rodolfo has definitely taken a greater interest in you than he did before. Besides, getting to know your co-workers isn’t such a bad thing either, that way he knows who he is protecting on the battlefield.
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Picnic Dates, plus two - Dr James Wilson x peds!reader
Description: You've got a lunch date, but it's not with James.
word count: 1.8k
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Y/n skipped down the halls of peds, smiling to herself. Each room she passed she waved to the patients inside. Holly, Trevor, Milton, Magnus, Bea, Molly, Jo, Josh. She knew all their names and knew how they should look, so that if anything was even slightly off she could spring into action.
She reached the last of the rooms on the hallway and pulled out a pink glitter file from her stack. Truthfully, she wasn’t allowed to decorate her patients files, but it turns out if you are not swamped with malpractice lawsuits and actually have a good bedside manner with your patients, Cuddy can be quite lenient.
“Hello y/n!” the little girl jumped up from her bed showing off her finding nemo pyjamas. Her blonde curls fell in front of her face, being batted away by her tiny hands.
“Good morning, Lisa! And how are you doing this fine day?”
“I good!”
“Can you give me anything more specific?” Y/n teased, raising her eyebrow.
“I feel really, really, really, really well!”
“I am so pleased to hear that Lisa. I am just going to do a quick examination, not that I don’t fully trust your own medical degree.” Lisa laughed and her parents lovingly looked at how happy their daughter seemed despite her condition. That was all down to y/n.
Lisa had become a regular of the hospital, brought in many times with asthma attacks so severe each trip to the hospital seemed to be a death sentence. Every time, y/n was there so Lisa could wake up to a familiar face. Stroking her hair and talking to her so she didn’t have to come to terms with her scary surroundings.
As y/n went to leave the room she was stopped by Lisa’s mum.
“Hi Dr y/l/n, I just wanted to say thank you.”
“It’s nothing, it’s my job.”
“No, it’s not. Examining her, diagnosing her, that’s your job. No one’s making you sing her songs or play her games. So…thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
Y/n left the room, her heart feeling just that bit warmer seeing that little girl babble to her parents about everything that was in her tiny head. She felt a presence next to her and her heart practically set on fire when her eyes met his.
“Hi.” It was soft, like she was sharing a secret.
“Hi. How’s Lisa doing?”
“She’s doing well, she’ll be home this afternoon. Just in time for SpongeBob.” Wilson raised an eyebrow. “Her favourite.”
“Now, remember last week when we went to that deli in the town over and you loved that sandwich. Well, I went to the shops and got all the ingredients and made us two of your sandwich with chips, coleslaw, and everything. My office, 12?”
A sorrowful look crossed her face, and she seemed to retreat into her mind.
“You have other plans—it’s fine, enjoy.”
“Believe me, that sounds amazing and usually I would love to but—I can’t.” Wilson nods but his gaze is on the floor. He shoved his hands in his pockets. She grasped his arms in a silent question that he is okay with this. He covered her hand with his own.
“I’m okay.” Despite feeling unsatisfied with his answer, she picked up her files and made her way down the corridor. Every few moments she turned back around to look at the oncologist who now was weakly kicking at the floor.
The door to House’s office slams open.
“At what point in each marriage did my wives start retreating from me.”
“Catherine of Aragon, 3 years, and 4 months. Boleyn, 2 years, and 11 months.”
Wilson falls down onto the chair in his friends office.
“Please don’t call my ex-wives that.”
“I’m a history buff, what can I say, Henry.” House smirks.
Ignoring the ill-placed humour, Wilson continues.
“My point remains that they were all after a lengthy period of time—”
“And/or directly after you cheated.” He looks towards House’s smug face, disapprovingly.
“But neither of them were after 2 months.”
“Trouble in peds, oh I’m sorry paradise.”
“I don’t really know. It just feels like she doesn’t want to spend time with me.”
“Well, she is a paediatrician, so every day she meets people more emotionally mature than you.”
“Ha ha. Just today she blew me off for lunch, and, thinking about it we haven’t had lunch together at the office in a week. What if she’s pulling away? What if she doesn’t love me anymore?”
“What if she’s busy?” House still refused to look up from his Gameboy.
“She’s not, I checked. She just has 10 patients she’s monitoring, none of which are severe.”
House paused his game. “You checked her files? I’m rubbing off on you. Boy wonder oncologist, we may have found your bad bone yet. Maybe we should get a noun to replace your last name as well.”
“I’m going to confront her.” Wilson abruptly stood up and opened the door.
“The word you’re looking for is communicate.” Wilson went to leave. “WAIT! Wilson-“ House picked up the phone “It’s for you. It’s God. He say’s you’re bad at relationships.”
Wilson angrily left the room and slammed the door which echoed with the cackles of his best friend.
Y/n opened the door to leave her office, armed with a pasta salad and an iced coffee.
“Do you want to break up?”
Y/n was startled by her flustered boyfriend who had jumped out in front of her.
“What? No! Why would you think that? I love you of course I don’t want to leave you.” She reached up to cup his cheek and used her thumb to stroke under his eyes.
“I can’t believe you were thinking that! I can’t believe I made you think that! Oh, baby I’m so sorry.” After her rambling she threw her arms around his neck, ladening his neck with so many kisses as way of apology. Wilson chuckled before completing the hug and squeezing her waist.
She pulled back from the hug.
“Why did you think I wanted to leave you?”
“Well, lunch. You didn’t want to, again, and we haven’t had lunch together in about a week. And in all my past relationships, there comes a time when they start to retreat,” He scratched the back of his neck “I just thought it had come sooner than usual.”
“It’s not that I didn’t want to, I couldn’t.”
She bit her lip and tried to find the right words before blurting out. “I’m seeing a 12-year-old.”
Wilson simply couldn’t find the words.
“Oh, not like that. Come with me.” She took his arm and began to lead him to the elevator.
They stood in front of the window that showed a boy, small for his age, curled up on the hospital bed playing with two power rangers. His room was devoid of balloons, toys, cards: the decorations that covered every other peds room.
“That’s Lucas. He came in last week with pneumonia. He’s on antibiotics and he’s improving. His dad died when he was 2 and his mum works constantly to make enough money. She can’t visit him a lot, she only managed 2 visits last week. He’s never even left his house. And now he only knows two things: he’s sick and he’s alone. This hospital can look like a big scary place when you’re a kid so –”
“So, you eat lunch with him every day so he has at least one visitor.” Her boyfriend finishes her sentence flawlessly.
“I’ll bet you even tell him that you choose to be with him, probably say that all the other doctors are boring.” She laughs at how well he knows her. She steps back from the window and pushes open the door.
“Lucas, there is someone very special I want you to meet. This is Dr Wilson.”
Lucas perks up at seeing, not only his favourite doctor, but also another boy enter the room.
“Is he your friend, Dr y/l/n?”
“Yes, he is, he’s my special friend.”
“Mummy always said Daddy was her best friend. Do you love him like my mummy loved my daddy.”
“Observant kid.” Wilson quietly remarks.
“What do you have for lunch today, Dr y/l/n?”
Y/n sits down on Lucas’ bed. “Actually, Lucas, today Dr Wilson and I have—"
“Have to tell you that I took over Dr y/l/n’s clinic hours so she can have 3 more hours to spend with you. She’s been nagging me to have more time with you for weeks!” He rolls his eyes jokingly. “I’ll leave you two to it.”
She turns away from Lucas to mouth ‘Thank you’ towards him. In return he waves as if to say see you later.
the next day
“I have the tickets, Thursday night!” House limped down the hallway flanked by his exasperated friend.
“Liar. Your girlfriend’s ignoring you so unless you’ve already found the next next potential Mrs Wilson, you’re free!”
“Actually, we –”
Y/n slid into the two’s line of vision. Her pink scrubs not as cheery as her smile. Wilson quickly checked his watch.
“y/n/n, baby, isn’t Lucas waiting.”
“Who’s Lucas? You guys open now?”
“Actually, he gave me a message to give to you two. He told me to invite to lunch, and I quote, ‘your boyfriend and the mean cane guy he’s always with’”.
Wilson beams at how chipper his girlfriend seems at this news.
“Wait, both of us? You two into foursomes now? I mean I respect it.”
Rolling her eyes at House’s comment. She grabs the two by their arms and drags them to the ‘lunch’ room. They stop in the doorway, seeing Lucas who was looking into a gigantic bag of food but who quickly retreated sheepishly when he was caught.
“I retract my previous joke.” House looks down, embarrassed. He goes to approach the boy but is halted by a pressure on his ear as it was held by the smiling paediatrician. She yanks him back to her and harshly whispers “Be. Nice!”.
“Yes ma’am.” Happy with this response, she releases him. She then turns towards her boyfriend. “I even managed to get an order in from that deli. Do you like it?” she fiddles with her fingers nervously.
“Yes. Very much so.”
She skips towards Lucas but is brought back by Wilson’s hands on her waist. They turn so they are nose to nose.
“I love you.” “I love you too.”
Before their lips could touch they are interrupted.
“Ew gross!” they glare towards the bed to see that the juvenile remarks are not coming from the 12-year-old but rather the overgrown 8 year old.
The four ate lunch and talked and each managed to bring back a little joy for the bed ridden child. Even House slowly warmed and began to care for the boy. Every so often y/n would get up to check his stats but also to fluff his pillows, bring him his toys and juice. She cared so deeply and wanted every child who passed through her care to feel special and heard.
Wilson sat back and watched the scene unfold, happy to be an observer. And as he watched the woman, he loved be a mother for a child who wasn’t even her own, he couldn’t help but imagine her with their own.
Props to anyone who spots the joke about one of Robert Sean Leonard’s other films ;)
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sreppub · 2 months
Ah man, so Booster and Ted were on basically the same “Loser” Justice League, then and Guy Gardener and Fire&Ice (Harold they are lesbians!). They were 2 silly besties for decades
Booster was a washed up footballer that became a security guard and wanted his fame back so he said fuck it, and stole the tech he was guarding to go back and time and use the tech to be a super hero and get fame&fortune&babes. That’s why he’s a loser
Ted is a normal guy with gadgets, he’s actually Blue Beetle the 2nd, the first one had an “ancient” (actually alien tech) artifact that Ted couldn’t make work after BB 1 died. He’s a less successful Bruce Wayne in the business world and he’s very has money-> has no money-> got money-> oh no it’s gone! kinda business man iirc. And since he’s quippy and like a less powerful Batman he’s considered C-tier at best in universe
So of course when DC went all grime dark for a minute…
They have Max Lord (the silly team’s support character with some weak mind control powers and lost of money and business man stuff) turn out to be BIG BAD behind the scenes, shoot Ted in the head and murder him when Ted finds out he’s evil*! Ted had been trying to investigate some weird going ones and no one was listening to him, not even his bestie Booster so he goes it alone and dies.
*(Max had created a backdoor into Superman’s brain slowly over years! Now he’s controlling Supes! Oh no he’s made Superman think Diana (who has found out and confronted him) is Doomsday and has killed Lois!
*insert actually vry cool Wonder Woman vs Superman fight that goes into SPACE! WW slices Supe’s throat with her magic tiara at one point!*
Diana gets away from the fight and stops Max by getting her lasso on him and asking “how do I stop you?” And Max has to answer truthfully and says“you’ll have to kill me” and Diana goes “ok” and snaps his neck right then and there. Clark and Bruce don’t talk to Diana for like a year after that because she was like No I Am Not Sorry You Guys Are Being Babies)
Anyway. Now Ted is dead! And then Blue Beetle 3, Jaime Reyes (who is a big sweetie and amazing, he’s the BB the recent movie is based off of) is introduced and is a Big Hit. So they “can’t” bring back Ted says the Editorial, his sacrifice has to mean something!!!
And now a very sad Booster gets his own series where a future relative of Booster is all “ok Booster it turns out you become a Time Cop and have to help repair the time line from other time travellers/anomalies and you are a big important hero in the future just like you always wanted BUT no one can EVER know you were or else some evil time traveller will erase you from time so you have to pretend to be a loser still” aka the antithesis of why he became a “hero” in the first place. And Booster of course tries to save Ted and they reunite and it’s so happy but Time Shenanigans keep happening and it’s like “no Ted has to die and stay dead or else” and Booster refuses to loose Ted ever again but Ted goes and sacrifices himself to save the timeline and Booster has to watch him go and it’s very sad. But I think they recently brought him back again? It’s been a minute but Ted’s been Dead for a while
End spoilers
And that's what I missed on glee!
Thanks for explaining it for me :)
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A/N – There is Alastor slander in this. He’s an amazing character so far, and I know some people love him, but he’s literally evil. Also, I messed up the timeline again 🤦‍♀️ I completely forgot that there's 5 months between the first extermination and when Lucifer comes to the hotel. But I have a plan to kinda fix it.. Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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Chapter 5
Radio Bitch
The next morning found Lucifer and Caelwen in the fallen angel’s workshop. He had decided last night, as they gathered every book and scroll that mentioned bindrunes, that they’d be more comfortable in there and could have lunch brought to them. So they wouldn’t have to stop working through the spell, of course! Definitely not because he wanted to invite her into one of his most personal spaces and show her the ducks he was so passionate about! Absolutely nothing like that. Nope.
Caelwen had been taken aback at the sheer number of rubber ducks that greeted her when Lucifer opened the door. She might not have been tall, but some of the piles had to have been almost twice her height! Unfortunately, Lucifer took her look of shock as a negative and let his anxiety override his mouth. He spent the next 10 minutes darting around the room, grabbing random ducks and shoving them into the Nephilim’s arms while explaining what each one did.
“-and this one has a knife inside, for self-defense. This one can be warm or cold to help if you’re sick! Oh and-“
Caelwen had sat the pile of ducks in her arms down before grabbing Lucifer by the shoulders. She leveled him with a gentle stare then pulled away once she was sure he wouldn’t dart off again. *They’re lovely, Lucifer. Truthfully, I’m amazed by how many there are and all that they can do. And one day maybe we can organize them properly and you can tell me about every last one. For now, though, how about we sit down and see if we can’t finish this spell?*
Her genuine smile and kind words eased Lucifer’s racing mind and brought him mostly back from his spiral into a mental breakdown. He loved this room but, apparently, his depression and loneliness were tied rather closely to it. Lucifer grabbed Caelwen’s hands from his shoulders and returned her smile, leading her to the couch near the workshop door. They sat down next to each other, thighs grazing just slightly, as Lucifer snapped his fingers and made their books appear. Caelwen picked up the notebook she had been writing in last night and flipped to her page where they were putting together runes to make their own bindrune that, with Lucifer’s magic, should cancel out the one Adam used.
The next few hours were spent with the two leaning on each other, Lucifer reading from books or scrolls while Caelwen jotted down anything important to what they needed. Soon the page she was working on was full of various runes and notes about how they worked or what they would mean when placed with another rune. The Nephilim tapped Lucifer’s knee and showed him what she had so far. *I think we might have everything here. It doesn’t seem like it needs to be intricate as long as the right intentions are behind it.*
The fallen angel took in the messy scribbles on the page, making out the different runes that were underlined and what they were for, before his attention drifted to green eyes staring at him. The woman looked so hopeful and eager, excitement pouring off of her as she grinned. For a moment, Lucifer took all of her in; from her bright eyes and messy hair slipping from the bun on top of her head, to the faint dimple on the left side of her face and the way her nose scrunched just slightly. Only a week with this woman and he was falling rapidly.
Caelwen had noticed Lucifer’s lack of response and his staring, taking a moment herself to admire the man in front of her and wonder how she had gotten so lucky to earn his attention. His hair was pushed back like normal with just a few pieces falling across his forehead, his smile was small but oh so welcoming, and his yellow and red eyes were soft and warm. They had both started leaning closer towards the other, like magnets pulling each other in.
Suddenly a song played from Lucifer’s pocket, startling the two and sending Lucifer to the floor in surprise.
He fumbled in his pockets for his phone, mentally cursing the offensive device for ruining whatever was about to happen. Once out of his pocket, Lucifer looked to see who dared call him before freezing when he saw the name – Charlie.
“Daughter? Daughter! Daughter calling?!” He panicked, jumping up and beginning to pace. “Oh! Um-uh ‘Hello Charlie’ ‘Hey Char-Char’ No! No, that’s not good. This has to be perfect.” Lucifer paused before finally clicking to answer the phone. “Hey Bitch!”
Caelwen rolled her eyes and chuckled silently. This all-powerful angel was so awkward it was adorable. The Nephilim sat through the phone call watching Lucifer as he paced around the workshop. His nervousness was cute but also concerning; was his relationship with Charlie always this strained? Poor things. Charlie had seemed like such a sweet girl, she hoped they’d be able to mend their bond, they both deserved to know how wonderful the other was.
A quiet chime pulled Caelwen from her thoughts and to her own phone to see a couple messages from Nia.
Nia: Hey boss, not a huge deal or like an issue, but could you maybe check in at that hotel place? Rocco says the radio demon there is making shit difficult. And apparently, one of the other demons is sort of psycho? Not sure about that part, but probably worth looking into?
Nia: If you’re busy, though, I can totally do it. Just not till tomorrow. Maybe. Depends on this bitch Velvette and how many more times she barges in here looking for you.
“I’ll be there in an hour!” Lucifer hung up the phone, excited and feeling lighter than air. His daughter invited him to see her project! Take that depression! He spun in a circle, excitement pumping through his veins before he spotted Caelwen still sitting on the couch looking at him and giggling silently.
*I take it that was a good phone call?*
“ Oh, uh.. yeah it was. Sorry for sort of-.. it was just, just Charlie and it was the first time she’s called me! Well since she asked me to meet with you. But this time, she invited me over! Although that does mean we’ll have to come back to the spell later… I hope that’s okay?” Lucifer was worried he might have upset Caelwen until he saw her smile at him brightly.
Caelwen waved off Lucifer’s apology before signing, *It’s no problem! I’ve waited this long, what’s one more day? Besides, I have something I need to do as well. Nia just messaged me and needs me to check in on the hounds I have at Charlie’s hotel, make sure everything is going as it should.*
The fallen angel’s shoulders slumped in relief, greatful he hadn’t upset his companion. “Thank you for understanding. I promise, as soon as I get back, we will set your soul free. And then- wait did you say you need to go to the hotel too? Did something happen?!”
Lucifer was bursting with panic again - was that why Charlie had called him? Why hadn’t she sounded more urgent?!
Caelwen jumped up from the couch and walked to Lucifer, cupping his face in her hands and making him look at her. *Everything is fine. I promise. It’s just one of the demons there is making things tricky for my employees. I’m just going to make sure he remembers his place, that’s all. I’m sure Charlie is fine. Please, breathe*
Cealwen began taking deep breaths, holding eye contact with Lucifer until he followed suit. As he calmed down, the fallen angel closed his eyes and relaxed into his companions hands still holding his face.
The woman smiled softly, pulling her hands away slowly. *I need to go now though. For one, it’s probably best demons don’t see us walking around together. And secondly, I have a feeling I’ll need a moment with Charlie before you pull her away. The issue seems to be with a demon staying in the hotel that I refuse to allow around my hounds.* Caelwen’s eyes narrowed when she mentioned the issue, a frown set in, and the woman’s aura darkened briefly before she shook it off noticing Lucifer’s concerned gaze.
“Should, uh should I be worried about this demon?” Lucifer asked with an eyebrow raised slightly.
*Of course not! I can handle myself and this demon just fine and one of the hounds I have stationed at the hotel will be there.* Caelwen’s grin turned sadistic, *I dare him to try one of his tricks. His sabbatical will be much more permanent this time if he does.*
Lucifer couldn’t decide if he was concerned, intrigued, or turned on by the Nephilim in front of him; one minute she was so sweet and kind, the next she looked ready to brutally murder anyone that got in her way.
The woman checked the time on her phone, *I should get going. I’ll still be there when you arrive, but I want to handle my mess ASAP.* She waved to Lucifer before leaving the workshop and allowing her shadows to surround and transport her to the Hazbin Hotel.
Outside the hotel, Madame C was greeted by Rocco who had just finished a lap of the perimeter. One of her more mild employees, Rocco stood almost 7 feet tall with an average build, but what he lacked in muscles he more than made up for in his agility.
“Hey boss lady, Nia said you’d be by. Glad you could make it so quickly, honestly. Listen, I know we’re supposed to just power through the annoying or rough clients, but the radio demon is… well he’s not-“ Rocco cut off, a shiver running down his and Madaem C’s spines. They both turned to see the radio demon himself walking up to them, his Cheshire grin firmly in place.
“Hellooo good friends! What a lovely day it is. And how wonderful to see you again Madame C, such a shame you left before we could chat the other day. Now, what exactly brings you to our lovely hotel, dear? Looking to join our cause, perhaps?” Alastor had stopped close to Madame C and proceeded to lean in towards her face as he spoke.
Rocco made to step forward before he felt and saw his boss’s aura rise and darken more than he thought possible. Everyone at the company knew she could be scary, it was how she had earned a place as an overlord while owning no souls, but this chilled his blood and made him take a step back. Rocco even noticed Alastor’s eye twitch slightly.
Madame C’s eyes had begun to glow an eerie neon green and she tilted her head to the side, a wide evil grin rivaling Alastor’s splitting the darkness shielding the rest of her face. Alastor’s radio cane crackled to life sounding like someone switching rapidly between stations.
Suddenly, snippets of recordings could be heard with certain words standing out clearly. “You.. need to…back-UP! My… hounds are…not… FOR.. you… Al..-store. Don’t make… me…put you… in… -your place. AGAIN” Rocco was frozen in shock, he didn’t know his boss could do that.
As the two demons stared each other down, footsteps could be heard coming towards the group. Rocco looked out of the corner of his eye, afraid to fully look away from his boss should she need him, to see Princess Charlie grinning and waving at them.
“Ohmygod, hi! It’s so nice to see you again! Rocco said you might be stopping by soon. Is everything …okaayyy?” The princess trailed off, noticing the tension between Alastor and Madame C. “Uhh.. you two.. know each other, I’m guessing? Heheh…” Charlie trailed off, looking between the two demons and hell hound.
The two demons continued to hold each other’s stare until finally Alastor straightened and looked to Charlie, “Of course! Madame C and I have known each other for quite some time. We’re both very powerful Overlords as well and tend to run in similar circles due to that. She’s a lovely woman!”
Madame C schooled her features and tamed her aura, before turning to Charlie, even though only her eyes were fully visible she refused to let the radio bitch see the affect he had. Her soul hurt to put the strain on it she needed when using the amount of power she had. She grasped her hands together tightly to steady the slight shake and gave a small bow to the princess. She turned, looking to see if Rocco could translate for her, and when he nodded, her hands began to move.
“Yes. Alastor and I met when he was a young demon and tried to kill me.” Charlie and Rocco’s eyes widened, the hell hound stuttering a little, while Alastor’s twitched. “Obviously, I survived. But because of that day as well as his… later behavior, I’m afraid he is not included in the protection my hounds offer. I was called here because he has apparently been making Rocco and Echo’s jobs more difficult than need be.”
Madame C’s face stayed neutral the entire time her hell hound spoke for her, she refused to lie or let Alastor get away with anything he was attempting. She noticed Alastor’s hands clench at his cane.
“That’s… um.. I am so sorry to hear about that… I can’t kick Alastor out though, he’s our hotelier! It’s thanks to him that we’ve been able to make this place as nice as it is so quickly!” Receiving no response from the shadowed demon, Charlie clapped her hands together. “Weellll, how about we all head inside! My dad will be here any moment and when he leaves, you can come to my office and maybe we can see what we can work out? Please?”
Madame C couldn’t say no to the face Charlie gave her, the pleading eyes and hopeful smile reminded her so much of the fallen angel she had spent the last week with. She gave a sign signaling her agreement. Then signed to Rocco, *Take me somewhere secluded please, I wish to talk without the radio bitch hanging over my shoulder.*
The hell hound gave his boss a smirk before turning to Charlie, “You mind if boss lady and I head up to the second floor? We’ll keep an eye on stuff, just need to give her my reports. Kinda private business shit, ya know?” Charlie gave the two a thumbs up before jogging back into the hotel. Rocco and Madame C turned to where Alastor had been only to see him dissolve into shadows.
*Fucking creep.*
“You said it boss! Haha! C’mon, I know where we can go and talk while keeping an eye on everything.”
Together, hell hound and shadow-cloaked woman headed into the hotel and up the stairs, moving around the balcony overlooking the hotel entryway until they reached a corner. Madame C looked over the railing to see the demons in the hotel moving about to prepare for Lucifer, hanging banners and straightening furniture. A small demon ran around stabbing bugs while giggling maniacally, a cat demon with wings she recognized as an ex-Overlord was stood behind a bar drinking straight from a bottle, a snake demon slithered towards a table with a tray of cookies, and lastly a spider demon she recognized as one Valentino had contracted her hounds to protect was adjusting it’s makeup in a small mirror.
Rocco stood off to Madame C’s side, arms crossed as he eyed the demons below him. “They’re a pretty decent bunch, not too much trouble. Spider is Angel Dust, I’ve worked with him before - keeps trying to make a pass at me. The little one is Nifty, apparently Alastor owns her soul, she cleans and kinda creeps me out. Snake guy is new, Sir Pentious I think, was a spy for Vox but got found out preeetty quickly. Heh poor guy. He was able to rip a bit of Alastor’s coat at one point though so props there. Girl attached to Charlie is her girlfriend, Vaggie. I like her, she kinda reminds me of Carina, very drill sergeant vibe. And then Husker, probably the easiest one to put up with, doesn’t do much except drink. And then there’s Alastor.”
Madame C nodded as each demon was named, taking in everything Rocco told her. They continued to observe as Madame C let her thoughts travel to how she could still pay Charlie the debt she owed for connecting her and Lucifer without keeping her hounds near that radio asshole.
Charlie opened the door to the hotel and Lucifer grabbed her in a big hug. “CHAAARLIE! Oh its so good to see you!”
“Hey da-“ Charlie choked out. “It’s good to see you too, dad.” The two pulled away and the blonde girl cleared her throat. “Welcome! To the Hazbin Hotel!” she exclaimed.
Lucifer leaned down to pet a small cat before two winged goat-like demons flew to him and he pet them as well. Lucifer proceeded to take in the hotel lobby, while it wasn’t in shambles, it was far from ideal. It definitely needed some work. “Oh! What in the unholy Hell is that?!” he exclaimed when he saw the bar.
When Madame C saw Alastor appear next to the king of hell and explain that he thought it added color, she rolled her eyes. And when the radio demon put his hand on Charlie’s shoulder a few moments later to say he was happy to fulfill her bizarre requests, the puzzle pieces snapped together in her mind. Alastor was up to something and he needed the support of Charlie. Knowing the radio demon, it’d be best to ensure someone made sure Charlie was never put in a position to need Alastor’s help.
Pulling away from the edge as Lucifer and Alastor began to argue more, Madame C motioned Rocco to follow her away from the crowd and into a nearby hallway. They both looked around to ensure no one was watching them. *I still have some personal business to finish that may take a few more days. If Charlie agrees, I will take your place here when I’m done. Then I can keep a close eye on that radio jerk and keep you all away from him.*
“I appreciate that boss lady. We don’t mind every one else here. Honestly, if it weren’t for Alastor, this would be the best gig I’d ever had – minus when I’m on rotation for the main office!” Rocco chuckled while shoving his hands in his pant’s pockets.
The two spent a few more minutes catching up on everything that had happened with the hotel before a loud bang rattled the hotel. Darting towards the entrance, they saw the hotel in chaos, the front wall was littered with holes, some of the carpet was on fire and most of the demons from the hotel were running for cover.
Madame C allowed her shadows to transport her and Rocco to the main floor, appearing close to Lucifer and Charlie. The demoness turned to her hell hound, *Make sure everyone is safe please. I’ll see what I can do to start patching the wall and holding the sharks off.* Rocco gave a quick nod before darting off to start rounding up the hotel's sinners.
“It doesn’t matter how well intentioned you are, they’re always going to disappoint you!” Lucifer was smug and as much as she agreed with him to an extent, Madame C was still annoyed he’d rather rub in how awful sinners were than help keep the loan sharks from destroying his daughter’s hotel; they’d definitely have to have a chat about that later.
Nifty was trying to clean up some of the debris that kept falling when Sir Pentious grabbed her as a piece of wall came crashing to the ground and Rocco quickly swept both of them up and away to safety.
Vaggie came out and had a spear ready to protect whomever she could, but Alastor pushed her aside, “No, my dear, leave it to me. It’s time I remind everyone why I’m here.”
“Finally! Took ya long enough.” Mimzy stated from the bar.
“A reminder to all not to mess with the Radio Demon.” The radio frequency hurt Madame C’s ears. Watching Alastor make his way outside to kill the loan sharks, she rolled her eyes at his theatrics. At least he was helping in a way. The woman began to create shadow curtains to cover the holes in the walls and smother the fire around her; it wasn’t a perfect solution, but it would help until they could be repaired.
“- How come he can have faith in me but my own father can’t?” Madame C tuned back in to the conversation near her between Charlie and Lucifer. So this was where they stood, Charlie believed sinners were worth saving and helping while Lucifer thought them to be violent psychopaths.
“Dad… just.. help me.” Charlie pleaded.
Madame C looked away from the two, Lucifer had told her a little about being kicked out of Heaven and how he never wanted to lose everything he held dear again. Hearing him sing about it to Charlie nearly brought tears to her eyes. She shook it off, going to stand near everyone else in the lobby as they watched the bonding moment between father and daughter. It was so heart-warming but also broke Madame C’s heart; there was no chance she’d ever have something like this, her mother was long gone and her father was an asshole that only cared about himself.
Soon, Lucifer had left, promising Charlie a meeting with Heaven and wishing her luck. As everyone started to scatter and clean up, Madame C approached Charlie and Vaggie with Rocco at her side. “I know a lot has happened that needs your attention, but could we proceed with our meeting? I have a personal matter to get back to that can’t wait much longer.” The hell hound translated for his boss.
“Oh! Yes, of course, follow us.” Charlie and Vaggie led the two up stairs with Alastor watching from below. Before following the girls around a corner, Madame C turned to look at him and made his radio crackle as a warning, he was not welcome anywhere near this meeting.
Sitting in the office Charlie had brought them to, Madame C and Rocco wasted no time and got right to the point. “I apologize for having to do this, but I must stand by my rules. Unfortunately, the radio demon is not one that is welcome to the services I provide. Not only has he tried to kill me, but he has caused harm and even killed two of my hounds before. I understand he has a place here, though, and would never ask you to do anything you don’t wish to.”
“So then what are we supposed to do? You owe Charlie the protection because she got you that meeting with her dad.” Vaggie was defensive - even though she wasn’t fond of Alastor either, she didn’t want her girlfriend to get screwed out of anything she deserved.
“Yes, I do owe her – quite a lot more than I may ever truly be able to repay – but I do have a solution. My personal matter should be resolved in a couple days, after which I will be available to personally guard this hotel.” Charlie was confused and began to speak before Madame C began signing again. “I know what I told you before. The matter I met with Lucifer about will soon be resolved and will ensure I no longer need constant guards. Should I feel as though I need one whilst here, though, I will cover their pay.”
Charlie was shocked and then giddy, remembering what Madame C had needed to talk to Lucifer about. “You mean my dad was able to help? That’s amaaazing! “ She clapped her hands, bouncing in her seat. Vaggie stood next to her confused, looking back and forth between Charlie and the demon in front of her.
“Yes, it is amazing. I’m forever grateful. But if those conditions are acceptable, then I really must leave.” Madame C stood from her chair, holding a hand out to Charlie the shake. After settling the agreement, the demon turned towards Rocco to give him a nod before she melted into her shadows and left.
A few moments later she appeared at Lucifer’s front door, unable to go further due to protections he had in place to keep out anyone that wasn’t invited in first. After an imp let her in, the shadows around the Nephilim dropped to reveal an exhausted Caelwen. Trying to shake the tiredness clawing at her eyelids, she made her way to Lucifer’s workshop.
Caelwen entered the room and saw Lucifer on the couch with his head in his hands. She walked over to the couch and plopped down before leaning against the fallen angel. She knew he was worried about his daughter, Heaven surely wouldn’t be kind to the daughter of a fallen angel.
Lucifer lifted his head slightly and turned it to look at Caelwen, “I can’t lose her. I already lost everything I had in Heaven, Lilith left me, I can’t lose Charlie before I even get to know who she is.” His distress was evident to the woman next to him as she grabbed his face to bring him from his slouched position.
*You won’t lose her. Charlie is strong and she has an amazing support system that will help her bounce back if need be. You just need to believe in her and support her in whatever way you can.*
“You’re right, I know that, I just need to accept she’s not a little girl that I can hide away.” Lucifer gave a sad chuckle. Before Caelwen could continue to reassure him, the fallen angel straightened himself up more and snapped his fingers to summon her notebook from that morning. “We have more pressing things to tend to than my worrying! Let’s get this show rolling, I’m ready to see if we got this right.”
Caelwen knew they’d talk more about his depression and anxiety later, she wouldn’t let him continue on this self-destructive path. For now, though, they could focus on finishing the bindrune and spell they had been working towards for a week now.
So for the next two hours, Caelwen and Lucifer sketched bindrunes, making combination after combination to see if any had even a slight effect on the Nephilim. Finally, Caelwen was in the midst of making what had to be the thousandth bindrune when she felt a light tug at her chest. She paused, erased a line and the feeling went away. Added the line back and there was that tug again. She added another rune they had on the list and the tug became a pull that made her drop the pencil and rub at her chest.
Lucifer looked over at the sound of the pencil dropping and noticed Caelwen rubbing at her chest with a pained expression. He grabbed the paper she had been looking at and examined it, looking between it and Caelwen a grin growing on his face. “You did it! We’ve got the last bit we need!”
*Yeah, hurts a bit more than I’d hoped honestly. So maybe we move this party along, please?” the grimace on her face was morphing into teeth grinding together as Lucifer held the paper closer to her.
He pulled back quickly to ease her pain. “Right. Right! Of course, sorry! Let’s get everything sorted; you grab a pillow for your head and I’ll get the book with the incantation. And I’ll leave this here so you can breathe a bit.” Lucifer began to rush around the room, locking the door and rummaging until he found the book they had marked with the spell needed.
When he came back towards the couch, he noticed Caelwen had cleared some space on the floor and laid a pillow down. The woman was sitting on the floor ready to lay down but hesitated. Over 500 years had led to this moment, and she was so nervous. What if it didn’t work? What if it did but it killed her in the process? What if she had misread all of the signs from Lucifer and he kicked her out after all of this was over?
As Lucifer kneeled next to Caelwen, she looked up to him, eyes wide and scared. *Before we do this, I need to tell you something. No matter what happens, I have thoroughly enjoyed this last week. You are an amazing, wonderful man and I can never begin to repay you.* Lucifer tried to speak, but the Nephilim in front of him put a finger to his mouth. *I hope I haven’t misread the signs from you, but if I have, I’m terribly sorry for this and will accept whatever consequences come from it.*
Lucifer was confused for a split second before he felt hands pull at the lapels of his coat and soft lips met his roughly. While he was still processing the moment, Caelwen pushed him away and looked to the side unable to face seeing rejection quite yet. When the pieces finally clicked, Lucifer blinked slowly staring at the woman in front of him that still kept him held at arms length. Carefully, he reached a hand up to cup her jaw and turn her face to him looking into her eyes softly.
Lucifer pulled Caelwen in close, lips almost touching, “You didn’t misread the signs, I promise.” Their lips met again, softer and slower this time but with no less emotion. Lucifer cupped Caelwen’s jaw gently, holding her to him while her hands renewed their grip on his suit.
They parted slightly, noses touching and staring into each other’s eyes. “You are one of the most amazing people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I hope that when you are free of this seal, you’ll stay with me? No matter what happens, I don’t know that I want to spend even a day apart.” Lucifer’s voice was like honey, and Caelwen couldn’t agree fast enough, nodding her head quickly with a brilliant smile taking over her face.
The two kissed, quicker this time, now having a new motive to finish breaking the seal. The sooner they finished this, the sooner they could go back to kissing and exploring this new level of their relationship.
Caelwen laid back on the pillow and ensured Lucifer had access to the center of her chest where the original bindrune sat. The faintest white outline was showing, the seal already reacting to its counterpart being close by. Lucifer pricked one of his fingers before beginning to draw the symbol Caelwen had made on her chest. As he was drawing the last rune, the Nephilim below him was clenching her fists at her sides and gritting her teeth. He hated to see her in pain but knew they couldn’t stop now. Grabbing the book from his kneeling position, Lucifer flipped to the marked page and began reciting the words on the paper.
Just like when Adam and Lute had done this to her all those years ago, a burning sensation enveloped Caelwen, this time it started out centered on her heart before spreading outwards. She let out a silent scream, the fire squeezing at her heart was mind numbing, black spots beginning to creep in at the edges of her vision.
Lucifer’s heart was breaking watching Caelwen struggle, he tried stroking her hair away from her face and rubbing her shoulders to soothe her slightly but it wasn’t working and he couldn’t interfere while the new magic unwound the old.
Caelwen was doing her best to not attempt to claw out her chest, she couldn’t mess up the new bindrune burning its way into her skin. Fuck, she doesn’t remember it being this bad. Slowly, after 10 minutes of agony that had felt like hours, the burning cooled and Caelwen felt like she could finally breathe. Her body ached and her head was spinning. Turning to look at Lucifer, Caelwen managed a weak smile, reaching for him when the dark spots finally claimed her vision and she passed out.
Lucifer stared down at Caelwen, her hair had come loose and was spread around her head, her face relaxed and peaceful. When she still hadn’t opened her eyes after a minute, he began to panic. He leaned down to see if she was still breathing and, after feeling her soft breaths against his face, he pulled back and tried stroking her cheek, shaking her shoulders, pinching her arm, yet nothing worked. Caelwen wouldn’t wake up.
Lucifer gathered the woman in his arms, holding her close as he leaned against the front of the couch. He kept stroking her hair, willing her eyes to open for over an hour before finally falling asleep.
A/N – So, yeah. This feels longer than any chapter so far, but this is a pretty big episode, probably my second favorite of the whole season. Also, to solve the timeline issue, it’s just gonna be Heaven being jerks about meeting with Charlie. Totally NOT a coma… maybe. We’ll see.
I wrote this all in a day, btw so if there’s issues other than the timeline, I’m sorry. I just really wanted to get this out since I won’t be writing much, if at all, until Friday
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