#his name is desmond
nylarac · 1 year
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by the hway
these things are so good
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1alchemistart · 2 years
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some melindas spawned by the new chapter and a piece from a little while ago :D
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kacievvbbbb · 21 days
Honestly with the workload these kids be getting, what they are studying in school and just generally how they are treated. You really forget these kids are like 6 years old.
Anya is the only one that consistently acts her age and so she sometimes comes off as immature which is insane when you think about it they are all literally 6. This also works cause we can assume she is a year or 2 younger than the rest of her grade, still, even then it’s insane.
Which is why when the other kids actually start to show their age usually in situations of great emotion, the bus hijacking for one. Or even when the kids think one of them is going to have to leave because his family is now poor and they all rally around this kid they never even really spoke to, or when they literally think that some macaroons will make them smarter and help them pass the test. Or when they simply want to play outside.
it’s so jarring and you’re left being like oh right they're six, this isn’t normal. Six-year-olds shouldn't be put under this kind of pressure.
It's another neat little insight into just what kind of society these kids are living in. And a little bit of irony that Loid who wants to create a society where little kids don't have to cry anymore is on a mission that requires the infiltration of a school where little kids can't even be ones.
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astraeajackson · 7 days
future damianya child: daddy, look! there's a little spider on my arm!
damian: *gets intense war flashbacks about That One Time™ when he tried to be indiana jones and completely fucked up operation get more stella stars when a spider the size of a nickel landed on his shoulder and tarnished the desmond name*
damian: oh dear god
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sulfies · 5 months
Wolves In Romé pt2
pt1 here
“I know, I know… believe me I know exactly what you are going through” Ezio could swear he heard a scoff in response
The wolf under him gave a soft whine as he fastened the last knot of the bandage onto the poor animal. He was glad all his fingers were left intact from this encounter...
”I would say you almost sat better than me on my first time” Ezio entertained himself as he talked to the wolf, fingers smoothing the bandage he wrestled onto the beast. “And I do mean the arrow, you horndog… or hornwolf”
His tone teased but Ezio was not lying with his compliments even if the animal could not understand him. The wolf had sat surprisingly still, not that he had wanted to be bit, but he was fairly certain wolves didn't just let you pet and bandage them so he had expected at least a nibble or some puncture marks to remember by.
And now that Ezio had done the basics of medicine, the fact that he was crouched next to a grown wolf that he just helped was entering into his brain fully …. he did not know where to go from there.
His fingers reached back up to the furry ears, digging them into the thick fur to scratch at the spot that got the wolf to close his eyes in a sigh. 
Definitely not a normal wolf.
”You must have an owner, Cuccilio… You are trained at least to human touch aren't you?”
The amber eyes slowly opened back, focused directly to his own.
”Those freaks were chasing after you for a reason hmm? Were they your owners? Please don't tell me they were your owners”
The wolf just tilted his head and sneezed on his face. Rude.
”Yea okay, spray your nasty sylva over my face… not like I saved your hide or anything” He said as he crossed his brows in a fake anger. The reply he got was a soft huff and whack of a tail on his leg. As if the wolf was playing along with his ramblings.
Ezio’s voice was low and soft in the night “Now what to even do with you…”
“No way!”
“I couldn’t leave him in the city!”
”Ezio… No way!”
”And If I leave him in the woods his wound will just get infected!”
Here, being the doorstep of Leo’s studio in the middle of the night.
”Well he did follow me all the way here… he is friendly Leonardo, I swear!”
Leonardo glanced at the monster with blood-soaked fur mouth… 
“It’s a wolf Ezio! Wolves are not friendly.”
”I thought you would be excited to see one! You told me one time how you wanted to study them…” Ezio placed his hands on his hips and… pouted like the grown man he is.
Leo sighed. “Yes a DEAD one, the kind that won't maul me to death.”
”Well, good thing this one won't!”
Leo glanced at the bloody mess sitting right next to Ezio listening to their conversation calmly… weird.
”Merda…” He looked back at Ezio’s grinning face “Where did you even find him Ezio?”
The other man rocked on his feet “He was getting hunted by those crazed wolf worshippers on the street… So I-“
”You thought it was a dog at first and jumped in, didn’t you…?”
Ezio snapped his mouth shut and looked to the side down at his new friend.
”It was dark…”
A snort came from the wolf and it looked back at Ezio with what could be described as a wolf's best attempt at an eye-roll… again, weird.
Another sigh… Leonardo leaned on his doorframe and watched the two most dangerous beings in all of Italy standing at his doorstep in silence for a few seconds.
”You cannot leave me alone with it…”
”I wouldn’t dream of it!”
”not even a second!” “I won't, I promise!”
Ezios grin went bigger as he made a step to go into Leo’s workshop only to get stopped by a hand on his chest.
”I am not kidding Ezio, I do not want to be wolf food!”
This time the wolf's snort was directed at him. Did he understand them? No… animals are animals.
Ezio looked down and with his head gestured to it. “Come on Cuccilio, Leonardo decided to be kind to us… for now”
His third sigh of the night left him and he stepped back,
“If it was anyone else but you Mi Amico… but you need to clean him.”
Ezio’s shoulders dropped in relief.
“Thank you, Leonardo, I owe you one”
“You owe me so much I should just have access to your banking records.”
Ezio laughs as he walks past Leonardo, giving his shoulder a pat. “As if you already don't~”
Leo glared at his friend, almost forgetting about the giant beast till it walked past him like he already owned the place!
“Ay… it's going to be a long night”
He walked toward his wine stash.
He was finally clean, getting his face dried with a rough towel as he lay on the ground of the workshop.
Desmond was surprised Leonardo actually let them in. At this point, he was concerned both for Ezio and Leo’s rational thinking ability because he personally, under no circumstances, would allow a wolf covered in human blood into his home.
“Now, you are clean… as you can be at least, Cuccilio”
“Really? You are still going to call it a puppy?” 
Ezio looked back to his friend who was sitting at his table sketching Desmond’s form on the ground. Getting used to having a wolf in his studio with the help of a glass or two. 
Now that the initial shock, some-don't ask-how, was gone the artist was happy to get his observations. 
“Well… he doesn't have a name-”
“And he should not, you will get attached the moment you name him Ezio.”
Ezio scoffed “No I wo-” 
“Yes, you will.” Leo smiled down at his friend from where he sat, trying to get Desmond's back muscles right on his paper.
 He was getting sketched by The Leonardo da Vinci, in his studio, as a wolf… 
His tail thumped on the ground slowly.
“I get helping the poor thing, Ezio, but surely you aren’t planning on keeping him?”
Desmond’s ears perked up at that. Ezio put the dirty towel he used to wipe his face away. His other hand still underneath his maw, holding it lightly, while middle two fingers scratched lightly at a spot that gave Desmond’s tail a bit more speed.
Oh no… Desmond knew exactly what Ezio was thinking.
“I mean… I always wanted a dog.”
“Ezio-” Leo started but Ezio cut him off. “He is clearly not a normal one, Leo… took an arrow to the leg and didn't even try to nip when I ripped it out of him..”
His free hand joined to scratch his neck and even if baffled at his stupidity Desmond couldn't stop himself from leaning into it when it was digging into just the right spot.
“Look, he even lets me pet him. I don't think he is a wild one at all… most likely trained.” He looked back at his friend with a grin. “It's a tamed wolf, Leo! I mean-”
“Per l'amor di dio Ezio, You can barely look after yourself, do you have time for a pet? Let alone a wolf?!” His dear friend mused in a concerned tone. 
Desmond looked back at Ezio who was still just petting him with a soft excited smile. 
Oh no…He already made up his mind, didn’t he?
“Oh, who am I talking to…You already made up your mind the moment you brought him to my door didn't you Amico?” the only sane man in the room parroted Desmond’s thoughts.
Ezio turned to look back at his friend his smile turning to a sheepish grin. “Come on Leonardo… when will I ever come across an animal like this again?”
“And you plan on what? Making him a dog assassin? Teach him how to jump roof to roof?”
Desmond sneezed at the image that came to his mind of a wolf in an assassin getup. 
“And does it even want to be kept?”
That made Ezio look back at Desmond, his face showing an expression that said he had not thought of that aspect… Desmond realized he also had not.
He did follow Ezio willingly to here almost automatically but he didn't need to stay here… he could just go, he should just go but… then what? Yes, he was a wolf now, but Desmond was human first and his mind was, surprisingly, still his. 
He didn't know a thing about being a wolf! Would he survive? Did he even understand wolf talk or howl or whatever they do? 
Did he want to be a wolf?
No, he thought.
 He did not want to run through the woods every day hunting for a meal to not starve, sleeping in the open cold air, and waking up with no one to talk to. 
No, he decided. He would not run to the woods.
“Bené… you make a good poi-” Ezio’s somber tone was cut off as Desmond slowly sat up, trying to not move his injured leg too much and plopped his head right on Ezio’s lap, nuzzling into his leg as he sighed softly. Looking up he met his eyes, rich brown ones looking back at him.
“Per carità… forget I even asked” Leonardo’s voice supplied in exhaustion.
Ezio’s grin returned full force, eyes twinkling like the first time he let him pet and Desmond found that he could get used to being a lapdog if it made Ezio this happy.
The three sat there in the night as Ezio’s hands found their way back to Desmond’s fur, Leonardo’s pencil strokes filling in the silence between them.
After a good while as Desmond’s eyelids grew heavier, he heard Ezio’s deep voice speak up again “Now can I name him?”
A well-repeated sigh came as an answer “What do you have in mind?”
“Something strong, a good Roman name for a good Roman wolf…”
Desmond’s ear twitched, half listening as the soft rumble of the assassin's voice lulled him to almost sleep.
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candy-cryptid · 7 days
I love that everyone who isn’t lying about their identity has an alliteration name
Franky Franklin
Becky Blackbell
Henry Henderson
Donovan Desmond
Demetrius Desmond
Damian Desmond
Melinda… wait
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teecupangel · 9 months
There are sooo many good animal Desmond ideas out there... But no one thinks about horse Desmond.
He would be the mightiest of steeds. Maybe he would be a war breed like a Friesian or a hunting breed like an Akhal-Teke?
Horse Desmond would be a wild horse at first I think. No one would be able to keep him contained. But maybe he could be tempted to stick around if say... A certain ancestor popped up. Or perhaps they needed a lift? Most probably away from angry templars- or even more likely if you go for ezio- single fathers trying desperately to keep handsome Italian men away from his precious daughters?
You would have no problem escaping when your horse isn't afraid to free-run. >:}
And darn it if he wouldn't be the most loyal mount! Kicking and stomping would-be horse thieves and templars like it's a hobby!
Oooh what if he was a water horse/kelpie?
Horse!Desmond is like… a creature that happens every so often and graces this Tumblr every few months XD
Here’s the first horse!Desmond ask I got.
The Desmond is a horse in Auditore ranch ask that can go either EziAlt or EziLeo.
And the Desmond is a horse in Valhalla ask.
I’m actually unsure if there’s more but these are the ones I was able to find. XD
So let’s go for water kelpie in this one!
I’m kinda imagining Desmond like the water kelpie in Shin Megami Tensei:
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But he’s gonna be a pure white kelpie with golden eyes.
Water kelpies have the ability to shapeshift into humans but they’re easily caught because they have seaweeds for hair and they supposedly haunt the almost all water masses in Scotland and the kelpie is said to be a being that appears in both Scottish and Irish lore so there’s a high possibility that Shay and Liam would know about them.
And that’s why Shay is absolutely suspicious of the hooded man that appeared in the homestead one random day.
He spoke to Achilles for a long while and he just… starts living in a small shack near the docks.
Shay wouldn’t have been so suspicious of him had he not smelled like… water… all the time.
He has no other way to explain it.
There was something about his scent that reminded Shay of the stories his father used to tell him the mythical beasts and monsters that haunt Ireland.
They had also traveled to Scotland quite a few times during Shay’s time with his father and their ships, having a close relationship with a merchant that goes there. They get more money if they accompany the merchant to Scotland so Shay knows a bit.
The unknown Assassin that only goes by the name Desmond reminds Shay of one of those stories.
The stories of those who stay in the waters to drown humans.
And then…
Lisbon happened.
He tried to do the right thing.
And he fell in the cold waters.
That’s when he saw it.
A white kelpie with golden eyes.
The same eyes as Desmond.
He wakes up in Desmond’s shabby shack.
And finally sees Desmond without a hood.
… his hair was made of seaweeds.
Shay was in the presence of a kelpie.
But why…
Why did the kelpie save him?
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bitter-panacea · 1 year
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Hold on, if love is the answer, you're home
I've always had the thought that Des would eventually choose a new name if he were to get a fresh start. Hershel's offered his surname, but he still has to find a first name.
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mcfaucet · 6 months
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(spoilers) something something au where both kids get adopted. des in stansbury
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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3.16 // 5.09
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luckycheesefoodie321 · 2 months
One of Damian’s friends puts his hair into a perfect beehive every single day, which is an epic feat as a 5 year old. But the kid has this perfect 90s young heartthrob, Shawn from Boy Meets World hair when it’s down and someone needs to sit him down and make him realise his hair will revolutionise the fictional 60s that this story takes place in.
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kingbob2-0 · 1 month
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Back to assassins creed inspired fakemon, these where inspired by Desmond miles! Immolamb, (immolation and lamb) who is meant to look like a will o whisp,
Bansheep (banshee, sheep) who is inspired by the deer in spookys haunted mansion/ house of jumpscares and has 2 forms - wooled and sheared- that change stats and power up fire type or ghost type moves respectively,
and the third evo, who still doesn’t have a official name, but I’m thinking Fenwool (Fenrir, Wool, also fen is another word for a swamp or bog, where will o’ whisps were commonly found) and is inspired by the saying “wolf in sheeps clothing”
all 3 are fire/ghost types
also big thanks to @teecupangel for helping me flesh out this guy a little more,( he’s actually the first fakemon I’ve made) there’s more art in the ask I sent. I’ll try to link it later, maybe.
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popcorndispenser · 3 months
Hershel is actually the only character I've ever projected my dpdr onto. Idk, it fits him really well imo. Des' PTSD gives him uncontrollable fits of anger, Layton's makes him dissociate.
For those uninitiated:
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akinchi · 29 days
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SOMEONE made Anya cry again and Ken is comforting her... but SOMEONE is feeling a little jealoushh~~ ✨️✨️✨️
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sallufix · 2 years
Was inspired by @le-penis post about the layton characters with these shirts 😭😭 (original post in last reblog) Sorry i didnt do all of them i was LAZY and also I didn't know how to draw them sorry guyz😁 Whatever though, i tried to draw them in the original style more and tbh i kinda nailed it hot damn!! Also i accidentally saved the Desmond image like a hundred times and now my gallery is flooded with distressed Desmond and drug dealer Layton
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probablygayattorneys · 6 months
The mental image of Sycamore spending hours in front of his mirror, practicing his quick change into Dickole while Raymond stands there, politely clapping and saying “Oh, very good, sir!” Is quality, 10/10 would recommend imagining.
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