#his prowess in social situations is Incredible
nectaric · 2 years
thinking about how actually smart zeus is and how frustrating it is when people reduce him to stupid old man thinks only with dick
anyway like this for a zeus starter bc i miss him and he ain’t even gone anywhere--
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silvreflames · 11 months
valkyrie leader nesta is very cool and all, but i really have to remind you that nesta doesn’t and never did want to be a warrior. she was forced to become one.
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
Heyy !! I love your saik k fic !!
Can I request a saiki kusuo x reader hcs in which the reader is a kind and sweet girl and kinda like itadori from jjk?? She extremely loyal and loving towards saiki
Thank you !! If u don't wanna write this it's okk :))
a/n: hi anon! thank you for your request and patience!
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-You may not always understand Saiki, but you always jump in to help and defend him whenever the situation calls for it.
-Whether it be from uncomfortable situations or pushy people, you step in where you can to help the psychic out, knowing that he wasn’t a fan of social encounters.
-Your kindness is something Saiki appreciates beyond relief, and he takes solace in being able to simply exist around you without you annoying him or intruding into his business. 
-You’re mindful of not only his privacy and comfort, but also of others’, and you do your best not to make anyone uncomfortable.
-Your sweet and genuine nature, even if not intentional, helps Saiki get through his days at school. Whether it be you mumbling to yourself about a low grade or debating with your friends about something, Saiki can’t help but smile or chuckle under his breath.
-Bringing treats over to his house as an apology when you drop in unexpectedly. He acts annoyed but he’s truly not bothered (especially when you’re bringing him desserts).
-Rummaging through his video games and marathoning shows with him on weekends and long breaks off from school.
-Though you don’t push a lot especially if you see Saiki upset over it, you definitely encourage him to be more social and allow himself to have fun with others. 
-Sticks closer to you in group settings because he knows you can help him get out of tricky situations.
-Thanking him profusely every time he uses his powers to help you with something. You always tell him it's unnecessary but are grateful that he helps you nonetheless. Even with your constant insistence, he still tells you it’s more efficient.
-Subconsciously reciprocating the affection and care you show Saiki by him also helping you out of uncomfortable situations and paying attention to your habits and tells. 
-Exasperated by your patience with others, but also finds it admirable.
-Impressed whenever you show off a particular skill by accident, even more so when you brush off any praise, especially if you demonstrate incredible athletic prowess. 
-His parents are enamoured with you, especially since on the surface, it seems as if you two are complete opposites. They’re thankful their son has someone so kind-hearted looking after him and always welcome you into their home with open arms.
-Never tolerates disrespect toward you, especially if you only ever want to help. He usually uses his psychic powers to get back at bullies or rude people in general. Makes sure to be subtle about it though, because he knows you would scold him about it if he got caught.
-Generally does his best to look after you, especially since you're always looking after him. And though he isn't very vocal about it, he appreciates your meddling into his life more than he's ever able to convey.
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doodle-pops · 4 months
Lords of Gondolin | Dating Reader Who Has PTSD
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Request: Headcanons on how the lords of Gondolin would support an SO with PTSD? (Assuming it’s from childhood, not only war, tho that’s probably true for most of middle earth by the fourth age LOL.) - Anon
A/N: I decided to make the request ambiguous, not specifying where the trauma came from and the type, and focused on how they would care for you as a survivor. So you, the reader, can decide the type of trauma.
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𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Galdor
Galdor would be exceptionally patient and understanding, offering a steady presence that is always there to listen. He would never push you to talk about your trauma, always waiting for you to open up when you were ready.
His strong, comforting presence would often be felt in the form of gentle touches—a hand on the back, a warm embrace, or simply holding hands. He would use his physical presence to convey safety and support.
He’s aware that nighttime can be particularly daunting for someone with PTSD, Galdor would stay awake, watching over you to ensure you felt safe. Furthermore, he would often wake you from nightmares with soothing words and a calm demeanour.
As someone with a gentle touch and soul, he would create a safe space for you, meticulously arrange your living quarters or design a new wing in the estate to become a haven of peace and tranquillity.
Galdor would engage in activities that can help you to feel more grounded and present, such as gardening, walking through nature or a secluded section of the garden made for you, or crafting. He would even suggest special blends of herbs and incense to ease your nerves.
He would also encourage you subtly, helping you to engage in social situations and daily activities without feeling overwhelmed or alienated. He knows the fine balance between encouragement and pressure.
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Ecthelion
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Known for his musical prowess, Ecthelion would use his skills to soothe you. he would play soft, calming melodies on his flute, creating an environment of peace and tranquillity.
Thel would be incredibly attuned to your emotional needs, offering a shoulder to cry on and always ready with a comforting word. His empathetic nature would make him a perfect confidant.
He would often remind you of your safety, providing gentle reassurance when you feel anxious or triggered. His calm voice would be a constant source of comfort.
You can always count on his protective instincts to be heightened, always ensuring that your environment is secure. He would be super vigilant in keeping potential triggers at bay, creating a bubble of safety around you.
Thel would introduce you to mindfulness and relaxation techniques, guiding you through breathing exercises and meditation to help manage your stress and anxiety. He would even block off an area in his estate to construct a pool or fountain just for you to have your peaceful, meditative, alone moments.
Reading is something to expect with Ecthelion on evenings. He would choose stories that are both engaging and soothing, helping you to relax and feel a sense of comfort before sleep.
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Glorfindel
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Glorfindel’s physical would be a source of comfort, often holding you close, wrapping you in his arms or swaddling you in tons of blankets to make you feel safe. His physical presence would be a barrier against fear.
He does understand the need for distraction, so you can count on him taking you on gentle adventures—exploring nature, riding horses, or simply walking under the stars. These activities would help ground you in the present.
Given his extensive experiences and warrior background, Glorfindel would encourage you to learn self-defence or archery, empowering you to feel in control and capable of protecting yourself. This would be done with patience and care, ensuring it’s a positive experience.
Praising and encouragement are a thing to expect of him as well. Small victories would be celebrated, reinforcing your progress with positivity and encouragement. His enthusiasm would be infectious, lifting your spirits.
He would also use his experiences to share tales of heroism and bravery, drawing parallels to your own strength and resilience. You can bet his stories would serve as inspiration as a reminder of your inner power.
You can always count on his loyalty to be unwavering as he stands by your side through your struggles, reinforcing the fact that you are never alone.
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Egalmoth
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With his keen emotional intelligence, Egalmoth would express his empathy towards your needs intuitively. He would know when to give you space and when to offer comfort without being told.
We all know that Egalmoth does have a playful and childish side to him, so you can expect to come home one day and learn that he constructed an entirely new wing on the grounds just for you to have a safe space. Plus, it will be filled with all your favourite scented candles, flowers, colours and any other personal mementoes.
He is capable of expressing gentle communication, non-intrusive and always asking how you feel and what you need. Your emotional safety will always be prioritised above all others.
He may not have expressed himself as an eloquent musician like Ecthelion, but Egalmoth can still whip up a tune or request musicians to visit and play something soft or tell light-hearted tales accompanied by background music. Something to bring an extra smile to your face.
Expect him to be consistent and a reliable presence whom you can depend on no matter what. His reliability would be a cornerstone of your sense and safety.
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Rog
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Rog’s unwavering strength would be a pillar of support for you. He would be your rock, providing a sense of stability and security that they can always rely on.
He would engage you in physical activities that help release stress and tension, such as sparring, hiking, or working out together. These activities would also serve to strengthen your bond.
Note that Rog would have a straightforward and direct approach to dealing with PTSD, addressing issues head-on but with great sensitivity. He would always be honest, fostering trust through transparency.
He would understand that sometimes words aren’t necessary and that offering comfort through silent companionship is better. Just his simple presence, holding hands, or sitting together would be enough.
At nighttime, Rog would be incredibly attentive, holding you through your nightmares, whispering soothing words, and ensuring they feel safe until they fall back asleep.
He would focus on empowering and encouraging you to take small steps towards overcoming your fears, always there to catch you if you falter. You can’t possibly go wrong with him at your side.
𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ Maeglin
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Maeglin’s own experiences with trauma would give him a deep understanding of your struggles, and he would use this empathy to connect with you on a profound level. His approach would be full of patience and deep understanding.
Comfort in quiet ways would be provided since he prefers quiet moments, such as reading together, sharing a meal, or simply sitting in silence. His presence would be a calming influence.
Maeglin would encourage you to express your emotions through creativity, whether it be writing, drawing, or crafting. He would often join in, creating alongside you. You might be surprised that he finally teaches you how to craft and bring you along to the workshop with him.
His protective instincts would be heightened, always ensuring your environment is safe and free from triggers. He would be vigilant, always looking out for potential sources of distress.
Maeglin would take the time to understand your specific triggers, helping and teaching you how to avoid them whenever possible and helping you to navigate your daily life with minimal stress. If certain triggers can’t be avoided, he’ll make your environment a safe space.
He would also gently encourage you to confront your fears at your own pace, always offering a hand to hold and a reassuring word. His support would be steadfast and unwavering.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster @elficially-done-with-life @hermaeuswhora @eunoiaastralwings @zheiya
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the-golden-comet · 3 months
✨OC interaction Tag✨
Thank you for this tag, @illarian-rambling ! ✨
Your OC: Twenari
As the only daughter of Janaz's most successful and brutal smuggler, Twenari’s life was already destined to go a certain way. Her prodigy sorcery and incredible intelligence didn't help either. From a very young age, she was used more as a tool than a person, acting as living security for her mother’s shipments and witnessing many things a child should not. When she was twelve, she finally broke under the stress and ran away. Twenari’s goal in life is to become Illaros's greatest mage. Magic is her inspiration and purpose. She seeks to learn all she can about it, even if that means risking her own safety. Despite her intensity and lofty intellect, Twenari is also a young girl. She struggles in situations she's not familiar with (namely social ones) and represses her emotions way too much. She doesn't really know how to act her age. Her hobbies include reading, cooking, and tree identification. Her manners are impeccable, but sometimes overpowered by her insatiable curiosity.
My OC: Tenshi
Tenshi is a 431 year old celestial archangel (still a youngster. Translates to 20 in Earth Realm), son of the sun goddess Amaterasu. One of the powers bestowed upon him during the immaculate conception was the Gift of Raiden—so, he is attuned to lightning. His brothers, the Archangels, were tasked with training Tenshi and honing his righteous power in order to protect the Earth Realm….but the methods of the Seven Archangels were a bit….harsh.
Tenshi, finally growing impatient with his lack of progress, escapes the Heavenly Realms to hide on Earth from his brothers. Donning a mortal disguise, he lands in a futile forest in Japan, hitting just about every branch on the way down (he’s fine). Now, finally a “human,” he is free to explore the Earth Realm, practice his powers in secret, all while trying to maintain a low profile so his brothers don’t find, catch, and drag him back to the Heavenly Realms.
Their Interaction:
Both Twenari and Tenshi share the wayward life in that they both ran away from family to go off on their own paths, and to escape the expectation out onto them. They can find their common grounds by their magical prowess, as both are prodigal in its uses.
Both would figure out the world together as they don’t always act their age; Tenshi has a naiveté where he sees Earth through a bright lens…ironically, much better than his life in the Heavenly Realms. Both of them struggle socially, but can find common ground in their love of nature and trees. Tenshi would be more than happy to listen to Twenari describe her hobbies, and is excited to learn more about the natural world around him through these nature walks and talks
That was fun! I will leave this tag +open for anyone else who wants to interact with my OC 💖✨
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cerise-tears · 11 months
on aphelios
I haven’t seen Shrek. 
That’s not entirely true. I’ve seen the first... fifteen minutes? My cousins were watching it one Christmas and I happened to be in the room. It didn’t really interest me at the time. But I haven’t seen the full movie, much to the horror of my peers. At this point it’s a recurring bit, and if I watched Shrek I wouldn’t have that anymore. What would be the point?
I am constantly in awe of people who put “CEO of *insert char here*” in their bios, descriptions, regardless of fandom. I have read countless fanfiction and headcanons about Victoria Chase, tried my hand at some fanfiction that I hated because I find my writing pretentious and lofty, commissioned people to draw her, etcetera, and I would never call myself the CEO of Victoria Chase, or assume any such divine knowledge. That’s the beauty of reading art - it’s the ability to have infinite discussions with people about how they’d see the character in various situations. I don’t call myself the “____ gal” for anyone. I worry not invoking this makes me seem like just a casual enjoyer of things. I want to be taken as seriously as any insane person here. 
I want to disregard the community around Settphel. I want to disregard the racism, disregard the fanatics, and talk about the ship itself. I want to talk about how I don’t see Aphelios as stunted emotionally, but socially. I want to talk about how I wish Alune hadn’t been his sister, but instead his only friend. I want to talk about the frustrating “both sides bad” nature to the Solari/Lunari conflict and how if we wanted better storytelling Aphelios should not exist in his current state. But I can’t do any of that because the fans are the ship. Through a cascade of circumstances from the origins as a lite crackship, to genuine dipshits saying Sett is “too cool to be into men”, to Aphelios being a little too good of a character to self insert as, to a genuine lack of proper queer rep, there is a grafting that cannot be untethered. 
I want to be so good of a writer that there is sorcery in my words. That I could show someone that they are wrong about something and have them change on a fundamental, primal level. I want to be able to curse someone and have them thank me. And when I can’t even do that with my favorite characters, characters that have a head start from excellent writers laying the groundwork, it fills me with a profound despair that in fact I will never be that good. I will always just be the town heretic, shaking my fist at the passerby telling them that life could be better, that they’re thinking about it all wrong, that they could be drinking wine instead of tar. I don’t want to be known for swatting cups out of people’s hands. Maybe they’ve been thirsty for their whole lives. 
Aphelios drinks noctum, a toxic plant that constricts his vocal chords and causes him immense pain in exchange for incredible prowess. He also gets to hear his sister, but he can’t talk to her. I think that’s worse than being alone. I think that sometimes I feel that way trying to engage with league lore. I think I’ve been granted incredible knowledge but can never communicate it. I think I am literally Aphelios, practiced and intelligent and cool and alone. 
I think I’m no better than his fans. 
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hannibalismos-jaaneman · 11 months
Hi, I hope your exams go well :> and if you would like to spare me some of your time in the future I would like to ask for a wand analyze:
Hawthorn, dragon heartstring, 12 ½, unyielding
hello. thankd you for your wishes they did go really well. and i am so incredibly sorry for replying so late... i haven't had much will power to open my inbox and answer all these asks but i am finally trying, so i hope this analysis will be worth your long wait and thank you for choosing me to analyse your wand.
wand wood: hawthorn wands are peculiar for choosing masters with a sort of inner turmoil that matches the somewhat chaotic and shifty nature of the wood itself. it works best for both healing as well as dark magic which is a direct translation of their masters' traits into their own nature. but there is one thing that is rare in hawthorn wand masters; they have prowess at their craft which is often unparalleled and usually have a very changeable nature. another peculiarity of the wand is its tendency to backfire and produce explosive magic if handled the worng way, hence requiring a steady and prodigal master.
wand core: dragon heartstring core with hawthorn would make for an equally changeable wand as the master. although dragon heartstring cores a difficult to switch to dark magic even though they are capable of the largest variety of magic, they often yield when the master presents a certain willingness to change that is often absent in most people.
wand length: a fairly long wand length represents a master who has the respect of their peers and a good reputation among their social and personal circles. this might show that the enigmatic personality of the master draws people in and keeps them engaged, wanting the master's attention and hence harboring a certain amount of regard for them to get their approval.
wand flexibility: an unyielding flexibility might seem to contradict the rest of the wand's features but it actually quite complements them. for the wand it means fierce loyalty and for the master, a strong sense of self. the master abides by fixed principles in their life which might sound opposite to the wand wood but it isn't. the master in themselves is full of contradictions and paradoxes which makes them unique which doesn't necessarily have to mean that the master is unaware of themselves. they might have an ever changing moral compass and a sense of easy insight or empathy that allows them to change themselves accoring to situations and adapt better than most.
lorist's conclusion: the wand and master may make a volatile pair but they have unparalleld potential. the master might seem absent to most people but to the ones who they are close to, they are complex and intriguing, often inspiring interest in people to explore their multi faceted personality. they might be mysterious, dark and metaphysical on the one hand and whimsical, charming and shy on the other. they have incredible amount of potential to adapt but often choose to remain within their comfort zone.
p.s. again, really sorry for making this so late. and sorry for any spelling errors as well.
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yorprincess · 2 years
Who are We?
The Muse
Name: Yolanda (Yor) Briar Forger Codename: Thorn Princess Sex/Gender: Cis Female Sexuality: Demisexual Age: 27 Public Occupation: Berlint City Hall clerk Secret Occupation: Assassin Family: Loid Forger (husband) (Main Verse), Yuri Briar (brother), Anya Forger (Stepdaughter/Adopted daughter - verse dependent)
Hair: Mid/Low back length black hair, she usually styles it in a bun at the base of her neck with two long strands in front of her ears secured by a headband. Sometimes she will braid the bun. Eyes: Reddish-Brown, depending on the light they will look almost scarlet Complexion: Fair, tans easily. Has several scars from her years as an assassin (including a long one between her breasts, several knicks on her wrists, and a gunshot scar on her buttocks), and her hands are very calloused from her stilettos and the typewriter she uses at her day job.
Her Story
Yolanda was born in East Nielsburg and is the eldest of the Briar siblings. She has one younger brother, Yuri, who has always called her Yor, and the nickname stuck. She doesn’t go by her birth name, especially after her parents died. Yor was eight when she became an orphan and the sole caregiver for her brother. She struggled to provide for him for several years, mainly hunting and foraging in the woods surrounding their home. When she turned ten, the foraging and hunting weren’t enough anymore as Yuri needed to attend school. In her desperate search for a job, she caught Garden’s attention and naively accepted the position. Under the instruction of the man known only as Shopkeeper and Matthew McMahon, she grew from a timid Rose Bud into the formidable and deadly Thorn Princess. After her brother graduated from school, the two siblings moved to Berlint when Yuri accepted a job in Ostania’s Foreign Affairs Department. Yor was given a job at the local city hall as a clerk as a cover for her assassin job. A few months into this arrangement, Yuri found an apartment of his own and moved out. After a year of living alone, she ran into Loid and Anya Forger at Monicca and Mona’s Tailor shop…and nothing was the same again.
Due to the circumstances of her childhood, Yor lacks most social skills. She will initially come off as aloof, almost robotic in her day-to-day communications with coworkers and strangers, only speaking when spoken to. Conversely, she keeps her head in dangerous situations and is very polite in the midst of an assassination. Yor has a strong Maternal/Big Sister instinct and is very protective of those whom she cares about (namely Yuri and Anya, though Loid fits in there somewhere). Her thought process does have a tendency to dive into murder and violence, but on the other hand, she is quite gullible, almost naive. Lastly, she is quite insecure, especially about most of her “normal” abilities - be that interacting normally with others, cooking, being a good mother, etc. While she is confident enough in her fighting prowess, her insane strength does mean she needs to restrain herself at all times (outside of assassination, of course).
Strength: Yor has almost superhuman strength. Some of this has to do with how active she is, but most of it is natural to her. She’s always been stronger than her peers, even taking down a wild hog when she was 8 with her bare hands and fighting a bear in her teens. Speed and Stamina: She is pretty fast and agile, able to complete several feats of gymnastics and run for several miles without getting tired. Durability: Yor is able to take and deal dozens of hits before beginning to “feel it.” She is also immune to most poisons. Cleaning: Yor is “Incredibly neat” and is able to deep clean any space, removing everything from the mildest food stains to bodily fluids. This is the one ability she refers to as "normal." Intelligence and Intuition: While not nearly as bright as her husband, Yor is very knowledgeable regarding the human body and is able to read the room depending on the situation. She's fairly good at helping defuse situations unless her brother or alcohol are involved. She can immediately tell if someone is looking at her. Weaknesses: Alcohol, Cooking, Lying
The Mun!
Hi! I’m Rachel. 30F. It’s been several years since I last RPed, but I’m looking forward to trying this out! I am an avid reader/watcher of SxF and am up to date on the story in the Manga. I’m also a fanfic writer. You can find me under @rlbbackup or as RachelLyseBrook on AO3!
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privatetourguide2 · 4 months
JJ Redick: A Sharpshooter's Journey Through the NBA
Greetings and welcome to our blog, where we highlight JJ Redick, one of the most prolific shooters in NBA history. Renowned for his lethal precision outside the arc and unwavering work ethic, Redick has established a fantastic career in the top basketball league in the world over the course of more than ten years. Come along as we examine his life story, accomplishments, and long-lasting influence on basketball.
Success in College and Early Life
On June 24, 1984, Jonathan Clay "JJ" Redick was born in Cookeville, Tennessee. While attending Duke University and becoming one of the most decorated players in school history, he initially attracted national recognition. In addition to winning three ACC titles with the Blue Devils, Redick was recognized with multiple awards, including the 2006 Naismith College Player of the Year title, for his outstanding shooting ability and leadership on the court.
NBA Draft Selection and Professional Career
Following an exceptional collegiate career, Redick declared for the NBA Draft, with the Orlando Magic selecting him 11th overall in 2006. His ability to come off screens and catch and shoot with precision, along with his rapid release and deadly accuracy, made him one of the league's best three-point shooters very soon. Redick has played for a number of NBA clubs over his career, including the Milwaukee Bucks, Los Angeles Clippers, Philadelphia 76ers, Magic, and New Orleans Pelicans.
Three-Point Expert and Experienced Leadership
Redick has been admired for his shooting prowess and seasoned leadership both on and off the floor throughout his NBA career. In addition to being a mentor and role model for younger players, he has consistently placed in the top half of the league in three-point shooting %. Redick has gained the respect of teammates, coaches, and supporters alike due to his work ethic, professionalism, and dedication to perfection.
Playoff Performance and Titles
Despite not having won an NBA championship yet, Redick has had a great deal of success in the postseason, going on several deep runs with different teams. His teams have competed against the best in the league on the biggest stages thanks to his clutch shooting and seasoned presence, which have proven to be crucial assets in high-stress playoff circumstances.
Off-Court Business and Charity
In addition to his accomplishments on the basketball court, Redick is involved in a number of charitable and off-court projects. His popular podcast, "The Old Man and the Three," features conversations with coaches, experts, and other athletes from many sports-related fields. Redick also participates in philanthropic endeavors that support community development, social justice, and education.
History and Significance
JJ Redick's status as one of the best shooters in NBA history is assured as he nears the end of his playing career. His work ethic, professionalism, and dedication to excellence inspire future generations of basketball players, and his influence goes well beyond the basketball court. Redick will continue to have an influence on basketball for years to come, whether he is coaching up-and-coming talent or making clutch three-pointers in crucial situations.
In summary
JJ Redick's journey from NBA sharpshooter to collegiate standout is evidence of his commitment, tenacity, and passion for the game of basketball. We applaud him for his accomplishments to the sport and wish him continued success in all of his future pursuits as he continues to leave his imprint on the court and beyond.
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Golden Triangle Tour by Private Tour Guide India Company with Stops in Ranthambore
With the Golden Triangle Tour with Ranthambore by Private Tour Guide India Company, set out on an incredible adventure across India's wildlife treasures and cultural legacy. This painstakingly planned itinerary offers visitors a singular and engaging experience by fusing the famous sites of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur with an exciting wildlife safari in Ranthambore National Park.
Overview The Golden Triangle Tour with Ranthambore, which consists of Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur, is well known for its breathtaking architecture, lively culture, and extensive history. Ranthambore National Park, one of India's top wildlife attractions noted for its Bengal tiger population, adds to the tour's allure. Travelers can enjoy the finest of both worlds - cultural legacy and natural beauty - with Ranthambore's Golden Triangle Tour.
Highlights of the Tour Discover famous sites including Amber Fort, Qutub Minar, and the Taj Mahal. Take a thrilling safari among the wildlife of Ranthambore National Park. Savor individualized attention and knowledgeable direction from knowledgeable tour guides. Enjoy opulent lodgings and private transportation for a comfortable and stylish trip. Route First Day: Delhi Arrival and Investigating Morning: Arrival in Delhi When you go to Delhi, the busy Indian capital, pick up your driver and tour guide at the airport. After your journey, check into your opulent hotel and unwind.
Afternoon: Tour of New Delhi Discover the contemporary New Delhi landmarks, such as the Lotus Temple, Rashtrapati Bhavan, and India Gate. Discover the historical meaning of the architectural wonders while admiring them.
Evening: Welcome Meal Savor delectable Indian food and traditional delicacies during a lavish welcome meal at a fine dining establishment.
Second day: Delhi to Agra Morning: Guided Tour of Old Delhi Set out on an exploration of Old Delhi's historic sites and winding streets, stopping at the Red Fort, Chandni Chowk, and Jama Masjid. Take in the lively vibe of this historic area of the city.
Drive to Agra in the afternoon. Proceed to Agra, the next destination on your Golden Triangle tour, after lunch. Take pleasure in a beautiful trip across Uttar Pradesh's stunning landscape.
Evening: Mehtab Bagh at dusk Mehtab Bagh is a tranquil park situated across the Yamuna River, where you may enjoy the sunset over the Taj Mahal. Take breathtaking pictures of the famous monument glowing in the evening light.
Day 3: Ranthambore to Agra Morning: Taj Mahal at sunrise Get up early to see the magnificent sunrise at the Taj Mahal, one of the World's Seven Wonders. Discover the magnificent monument's intriguing past and architectural details as you explore it.
Head to Ranthambore in the afternoon. Travel to Ranthambore National Park, which is renowned for its Bengal tiger population and a variety of other wildlife, after breakfast. As soon as you arrive, settle into your opulent rainforest retreat and unwind in the peace of the natural world.
Evening: Free Time Enjoy the resort's amenities and take in the tranquil atmosphere of Ranthambore while spending the evening at leisure.
Day 4: Wildlife Safari at Ranthambore and Jaipur Morning: Wildlife Safari Set out on a thrilling wildlife safari with knowledgeable naturalists and guides in Ranthambore National Park. Watch for sightings of deer, tigers, leopards, and a variety of bird species.
Drive to Jaipur in the afternoon. Say goodbye to Ranthambore after lunch and make your way to Jaipur, also known as the Pink City of India. After your safari trip, check into your opulent accommodation and unwind.
Evening: City Tour of Jaipur Discover Jaipur's architectural treasures, such as Jantar Mantar, City Palace, and Hawa Mahal. With the assistance of your informed guide, discover the rich cultural traditions and regal past of the city.
Day 5: Touring Jaipur and Leaving Amber Fort in the morning Discover the magnificent Amber Fort, which is perched on a hill with a view of the city. Explore the palaces, courtyards, and gardens of the fort with a guide, then climb the ramparts for sweeping views of Jaipur.
Afternoon: Jaipur departure After lunch, wrap up your amazing Golden Triangle Tour with Ranthambore by making your way to Jaipur International Airport for your next destination.
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cric-informer · 1 year
MS Dhoni Achievements
Introduction: In the world of cricket, few names carry the weight and admiration that MS Dhoni commands. His charismatic leadership, unorthodox style, and remarkable achievements have made him a legend of the game. As cricket enthusiasts, we are fortunate to have platforms like Cric Informer that provide us with up-to-date news and insights into the remarkable journey of this extraordinary cricketer. In this article, we delve into the various accomplishments of MS Dhoni and explore how Cric Informer keeps us informed about his incredible feats.
The Captain Cool: One cannot discuss MS Dhoni’s achievements without acknowledging his exceptional leadership skills. Under his captaincy, the Indian cricket team scaled unprecedented heights. Dhoni led India to victory in the ICC T20 World Cup in 2007, the ICC World Cup in 2011, and the ICC Champions Trophy in 2013. These triumphs not only brought glory to the nation but also solidified Dhoni’s reputation as one of the greatest captains in cricket history. Cric Informer keeps us updated on Dhoni’s leadership accolades, highlighting his tactical brilliance and his ability to keep a calm demeanor in the most intense situations.
The Master Finisher: MS Dhoni’s ability to finish matches with his bat is legendary. Known as the “Finisher,” he has rescued his team on numerous occasions with his composure and big-hitting prowess. Cric Informer ensures that we stay informed about Dhoni’s unforgettable innings, his knack for scoring crucial runs under pressure, and his record-breaking achievements as a batsman. Whether it’s his iconic six in the 2011 World Cup final or his numerous match-winning knocks in limited-overs cricket, Cric Informer helps us relive these magical moments.
The Wicketkeeper Par Excellence: Besides his batting and leadership skills, MS Dhoni has Achievements wicketkeeping in cricket. His lightning-fast reflexes, impeccable glovework, and innovative techniques behind the stumps set new benchmarks for wicketkeepers around the world. Cric Informer keeps us informed about Dhoni’s record-breaking dismissals, his acrobatic catches, and his incredible ability to stump batsmen in the blink of an eye. With Cric Informer, we can appreciate the artistry of Dhoni’s wicketkeeping skills and stay updated on his milestones in this aspect of the game.
Impact Beyond Cricket: MS Dhoni’s achievements extend beyond the cricket field. His humble demeanor, inspiring work ethic, and commitment to the game have earned him immense respect and adoration globally. Dhoni’s rise from a small town to becoming an icon serves as an inspiration to aspiring cricketers and fans worldwide. Cric Informer not only provides us with updates on his cricketing achievements but also highlights his philanthropic efforts, brand endorsements, and contributions to society.
Conclusion: MS Dhoni’s impact on cricket and his remarkable achievements deserve to be celebrated. Cric Informer plays a crucial role in keeping us informed about Dhoni’s incredible feats, ensuring that his legacy remains alive in the hearts of cricket enthusiasts. From his leadership triumphs to his batting exploits and wicketkeeping excellence, Cric Informer serves as a reliable source for all things MS Dhoni. As we cheer for our cricketing hero, let us express gratitude for platforms like Cric Informer, which keep us connected to the extraordinary journey of this legendary cricketer.
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Season 12 Episode 13: "Spencer"
Can I just say, Season 12 episode 13 "Spencer" makes me so incredibly upset and I wish I could go back and fix it personally.
Like okay, it's not like a bad episode. It's well written, the suspense is there, it's interesting no doubt.
This. Is. Not. Spencer.
Like, I'm honestly kind of pissed as to how this whole thing has started playing out. I recognize that there was a need to make sure Matthew could step away from the show and work on personal projects but the way that they handled so much of Reid's absences makes me just sick to my stomach honestly.
It might be the fact that I consumed the 12 years worth of content up to this point in a relatively short time span, (its been about a month of me watching the show, trying to finish it up to season 12 before it leaves Netflix) but I feel like I know these characters better than I know myself. I have carefully watched the last 12 seasons, I've seen them react to some scary shit and get through fucking awful things in their personal lives. Not a single thing about Spencer would lead him into something this legally precarious.
there is so much that I do understand, like his reliance and trust in experimental medicine (he is a man of science, *cough cough* three PhDs), and his extreme desire to logically fix things and have an answer for everything because that's how he functions and has always functioned. That part about his situation I get, especially when it comes to taking care of his mom, something he has been doing since his dad left. He is fiercely protective of the people that he loves.
However, Dr. Spencer Reid is not an idiot. He would have done his research about what was in those vials. He would have made sure that nothing in the medicine was illegal stateside. He would have known better.
Spencer has made it his business to know everything about everything. It's not even necessarily intentional all of the time, due to the whole memory thing, but knowing everything gives him a sense of control. I know this because I am the exact same way. The security comes from not being able to be surprised, because surprises are always bad, especially in his line of work (and especially considering how this turned out). Consider season 11 episode 11, "Entropy", when Spencer first meets Cat Adams. The whole plot of that episode is based around the fact that Cat prepared for every possible scenario, but Spencer prepared beyond that. He thought of every single detail, he knew for a fact that he could take her down no matter what happened, and he was even able to do so when the plans changed and they had to save all of the people from the bomb on the city gas line. People's lives were on the line, Spencer prepared, and Spencer won.
I can hear the arguments now against this point. "Well Spencer had his team with him then, and he didn't in Mexico," and "Well when his mother is involved, he's to close to think that logically about it," but to those I say politely shut the fuck up. To me, these are both faulty arguments and let me tell you why.
First let's tackle the team argument. Yes his team was there day-of to help take Cat down, but Spencer had to do a lot of preparation before they even sent him into that room with her. As you may recall, the entire plan itself was Spencer's idea. He suggested going undercover. he knew that if cover was blown, she would be more likely to negotiate with a peer. He led the entire conversation with very minimal input from his team who were in his ears the whole time. Spencer masterfully negotiated through that situation because he planned. He considered every possible scenario that could have happened, he made predictions, and he prepared accordingly. That is the work of a genius, which he is, not just in abstract intellect but in social prowess and essentially psychological warfare. This is a man who thinks things through.
Through the entirety of the drug acquisition process over the last few months, Reid was not thinking things through. It's very clear to any viewer that Spencer was clouded and reckless which is entirely unlike himself. Even in the most desperate and delicate of situations, he has never hesitated or failed to read every case file, scour every possible corner of a case, and recognize something that no one else could see because of it. Reid would not have just accepted that the medicine was fine. He would have at least wanted to know the fucking ingredients, examine the validity of this drug he would be giving his mother. Even in his most desperate state to help his mom, he wouldn't have been this stupid about it. He couldn't afford to be that stupid about it, because it was his own mother after all.
Which brings me to the next argument, that he wasn't thinking straight because it had to do with his sick mother. I call bullshit on that too because who in their right mind would give their mother experimental medicine if they had no idea what was in it, especially Dr. Spencer "I am going to attempt to play every single possible combination of chess moves ever" Reid. He is nothing if not thorough. Under no circumstance could anyone every convince me that Reid would not have inquired about the ingredients before he was in a fucking jail cell drugged out of his mind in Mexico and only at the prompt of drug testing by Mexican police.
Granted, I am on the first episode of this arc, so maybe they handle some of this. Only time will tell. However, I do not believe that they will be able to convince me that this is normal or expected behavior from Spencer. There is no way to explain this happening other than meta writing reasons of Matthew needing to be able to step away, which feels really irresponsible story wise. There are so many better ways to have handled the absences and this is truly my least favorite of the infinite possibilities of excuses they could have used.
I will probably reblog this and build my opinion as I watch more, but let me tell y'all I am upsettti spaghetti about this and it makes my stomach hurt.
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anonbeeishere · 4 years
Secret Princes Wilbur and Tommy AU
the sleepy bois are the ruling family of the antarctic empire, which is one of the largest and strongest kingdoms in the world
it goes king phil, crown prince technoblade, and princes wilbur and tommy
the royal family has a tradition where, in order to connect with their people and learn other cultures, each member of the royal family will leave to travel the world at age 15 with one or two trusted people. when tommy turns 15 he leaves with wilbur
the point of this journey is that no one knows theyre the princes, so they just dont tell anybody and like walk or ride horseback everywhere.
they send a letter home at least once a week to let their family know theyre safe and where they are.
they pick up tubbo somewhere along the way and he & tommy become best friends and he travels with them
they dont tell him anything for a while but once theyre sure they can trust him they do
he figured it out a long ass time ago tho lmao
so they travel as a trio for a while
shortly after tommy turns 16 they come upon the lands of the dream smp
they send a letter back to phil saying theyre gonna stop there for a while and then continue on later
and then the letters just stopped
phil & tech get like. SUPER WORRIED bc theyve lost all contact with their family
so they decide to go there themselves and send a messenger ahead of them asking for an urgent diplomatic meeting.
(meanwhile wilbur decided Hey Drugs Are Nice Actually and started a revolution bc he wanted to sell them and just,,,,, forgot,,,,,, about sending letters back home)
by the time phil & techcno got worried enough to go find them the whole election had gone down so theyre exiled and in pogtopia when they get there
the people who show up to the meeting are dream, eret (since theyre technically King), and schlatt and his cabinet (george quackity and tubbo)
phil calls the meeting to order and tells them that his eldest and youngest sons had gone on their Journey and that the last theyd been heard from was in this area, so “If anyone has heard anything about my sons, Princes Wilbur and Tommy, please, we haven’t heard from them in months.”
chaos ensues
tubbo just spends this whole meeting holding back laughter bc this is honestly so funny to him
dreams like “oh fuck i SHOT the prince of the antarctic empire”
schlatt is trying to think of ways to turn this in his favor
tubbo pipes up “hi mr king philza i know where they are! i’m tubbo!”
and phil lights up like “oh tubbo! my sons have told me so much about you!”
(quack george & eret are just sitting in shocked silence the whole time)
so the meeting comes to an end and tubbo offers to go get the two missing princes while everyone else waits in manburg
so word got out that the king and crown prince of the antarctic empire were paying the smp a visit and so theyve attracted a bit of a crowd
(its basically everyone who wasnt in the meeting)
everyone who was there is still kinda in shock so no one says anything
phil & techno (but mostly phil bc “oh no social situations”) talk to the people of manburg while waiting on tubbo and phil gets into a conversation with niki about whats been going down around here. he learns about all the war & election stuff from her.
meanwhile she is INCREDIBLY curious about why theyre here and no ones said anything yet but she doesnt want to ask bc yknow. royal family & all
and then techno is rugby tackled by a flying tommy. like “teeeeEEEEEECHNOOOOOOO” B A M
everyone around them is like. horrified. bc techno being techno has a reputation for his battle prowess and bloodthirstiness so theyre like “oh god is he going to be murdered”
but no. phil just busts a gut laughing at the boys on the ground while techno complains in his typical deadpan tone
tommy starts rambling at techno and about a minute later here comes wilbur & tubbo.
they see the sheer confusion happening and tubbos like “did you not tell them??” phil: “and miss out on this? no way”
(phil can have a little chaos. as a treat)
after phil stops laughing he pries tommy off of techno and pulls both his missing boys into a hug like “oh god i was so worried you didnt write for months i didnt know if you were even alive” and they both feel so guilty and apologise and they just hug for a minute
(tommy grabs techno & drags him in too)
and when phil’s done reassuring himself that his boys are ok he does a COMPLETE 180. he grabs them both by the ear like “now whats this i hear about you starting wars in foreign countries??? i taught you better than to start shit with potential allies!!”
everyone around them is so fuckin confused. niki’s just like “uh,,,, tubbo? do you know whats going on?”
he just casually says “oh i forgot you guys didnt know! yeah tommy and wilbur are princes of the antarctic empire”
wilbur & tommy get scolded for a solid 20 minutes while the entire population of manburg goes through the realization that these idiots are royalty. fundy & niki get over it the quickest & fundy decides to be a lil shit
(so in this au fundy isnt really wilburs son but instead he’s accidentally called wilbur dad MULTIPLE TIMES so its become a running joke between the members of the former l’manburg that fundy is his son)
so after the Scolding he walks up to wilbur like “hey DAD why dont you introduce me to my grandpa?”
wilburs like “FUNDY NO- ugh dad this is our friend fundy. he keeps calling me dad by mistake so now we call him my son as a joke”
“..... i cant believe im already a grandfather” (tommy laughs so hard he falls over again)
techno and phil can’t stay for too long after they make sure everything is okay so they stay for like a week to get to know will & tommy’s friends (and techno does a bit of Threatening @ dream & schlatt so they stop with the serious fighting shit)
they also do some ~~~~politics talk~~~~ to smooth everything over bc like. they DID start a revolution in a foreign country
tommy gets his discs back as part of it but phil immediately takes them away for the rest of the time he’s there
will & tommy decide they want to stay at least a little while longer bc they have friends there and dont want to leave quite yet. phil lets them but they have to promise not to start any more wars and schlatt decides to be smart for once and revokes the banishment so its mostly,,, well not peaceful bc this IS the dream smp but theres not any more big wars at least
and at some point everyone goes to visit the antarctic empire and see where tommy & wilbur grew up and realize how COLD it is there
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rev-pirate · 3 years
An Analysis of c!Technoblade
I’ve been stewing on the contents of this post (essay lets be real) for literal months now and I need to get it out of my brain so here we go-- (traditional disclaimer that this is all about the characters unless specified otherwise)
For those unaware, the enneagram is a personality type system that (as I understand it) emphasizes growth, stress, and responses to trauma and conflict. It highlights basic fears and desires and how these things impact decision making, personality, and action as well as how mental health plays a key role in all of it. It’s a very versatile system and as such it’s become one of my favorite tools for both analyzing and writing characters with more Depth. There are nine base personality types in the enneagram and it gets more complicated from there but rather than explain it all at once I’ll do it while I go as it becomes relevant. The way I see it, Technoblade is an Eight. Wilbur is also an eight, as confirmed by cc!Wilbur himself who actually got his inspiration for his character from the song Eight by Sleeping at Last (one of my favorite bands of all time and favorite songs. when I tell you I freaked out when I heard Will talking about the enneagram and SAL and confirming what I thought about c!Wilbur’s enneagram type oh my lord--). Which is why I say that the enneagram is so versatile. Because Technoblade and Wilbur are both eights in vastly different ways. While this post is largely about Technoblade, I will also be discussing Wilbur’s character as a talking point comparison from time to time to illustrate what I mean. I hope this makes at least a little bit of sense. And since this is going to get long... catch you under the break
An 8′s most basic desire is to be in control of themselves and their situation. They fear the idea of people having power over them. They are motivated to be self-reliant, to prove their strength, and to be important. This can manifest in different ways. A desire for power over others, or the abolishment of power structures entirely. Wilbur craves power because he doesn’t want others to have power over him. He doesn’t like being told No. He has to Stick It To The Man. He has to be in control. He has to be in charge. He craves the challenge of it all. Technoblade wants no one to have power over him or over anyone else. His dislike of people having power over him manifested into his anarchistic beliefs of freedom and equality, of the abolishment of power structures and also in his physical prowess. He became physically powerful to find security in the hopes that it would limit challenges to his autonomy because he’s incredibly vulnerable on the social axis.
Interestingly, Eights tend to have a very physically commanding presence naturally in the way they hold themselves. It’s in the way they walk, the way they talk, the way they present themselves, etc., and this presence intimidates people and also makes people naturally look to them for leadership in group settings. This is true of both Techno and Wilbur but is antithetical to Techno’s desires while in support of Wilbur’s. Techno wishes to abolish power structures but is blind to the fact that his presence alone creates one even if he doesn't want it to and I find that very interesting. Ie. when building the syndicate room, Technobalde made sure there were two chairs on all sides of the table. Phil later broke one chair and made a head of the table implying someone would be in charge in meetings and that presumably that would be Techno. Technoblade then broke that chair and put two back down again to even it out once more.
Moving on, 8s also have a protective instinct. They will fiercely protect people they see as friends and family. They desire to stand up for and protect those who seem more vulnerable than themselves because they see themselves in them. This also plays a part in Techno’s anarchism, his desire to protect people from the power structures that hurt him and hurt countless others. It’s seen in Technoblade jumping (more than once) into a crowd of enemies to defend a single, vulnerable friend. In taking in and caring for countless innocent creatures. In looking at Ranboo and telling Phil he couldn’t trust someone who reminded him so much of himself despite defending Ranboo at doomsday, giving him a place to stay, and ultimately standing between Ranboo and the Eggpire and taking any threat against Ranboo as a threat against himself. In not caring that people present at the red banquet had been his enemies, all he cared was that there were people falling victim to a corrupt power structure who were trapped and poised for execution in need of someone to step in and save them. Because, in the end, friend or foe, everyone deserves freedom. This can go too far, however, as some 8’s may find themselves developing savior complexes and butting in where they aren’t needed or wanted.
On a related note, 8s are very emotionally vulnerable people. They use a tough facade and often deflect to cover up their vulnerability in order to protect themselves because they are easily hurt. They learned at a young age to keep others at a distance because letting someone in could ruin them and probably already has. An eight is afraid to love or be loved because love is another structure of power. loving someone gives them power over you and gives them the ability to break you from the inside out. In a way in which your physical strength doesn't matter. So Technoblade shuts people out because he doesn’t want to get walked over, used, ignored, betrayed, and hurt anymore. And for so long he couldn’t even bring himself to trust Ranboo, no matter how much he liked him and liked having him around. The emotional armor is up in full force and he’s not letting it back down again after Tommy. Not easily at least. Likewise, eights often feel misunderstood as a product of their emotional distance. They easily succumb to feelings of rejection and hurt then struggle to talk about it because that requires revealing their vulnerabilities. So it all just piles up into an instinct to reject first before you can be rejected. It’s a mess. And it takes a lot of work both internally for an 8 and with the effort from the other party for an 8 to eventually lower their walls. To put down the sword. To let someone in. But Hoo Boy once someone has been let in? That protective instinct is something to behold.
This leads us to the stress factor of the enneagram. An 8 under stress moves towards the 5′s paranoia and secrecy. Wilbur became more and more paranoid as the stress of the situation in exile mounted and he caved under the weight of his deteriorating mental health. Accusing Tubbo of being a liar, seeing Techno’s actions as a confirmation that everyone is against him, etc etc. This manifests in Techno as well. He’s incredibly jumpy and hyper-aware of his surroundings and constantly runs threat assessments. He hid his true strength for weeks when he joined the server, wearing a set of iron and eventually diamond despite the speed at which he’d acquired a full set of netherite armor hidden away in his ender chest. He hoards items and gear like a doomsday prepper waiting for the shoe to drop even when there are no threats or conflict in sight. He just has to be ready at all times for conflict to happen because he can't allow himself to be caught off guard and underprepared. The armor never comes off. And the one time he took his armor off willingly in front of someone as a sign of trust they attacked him immediately to take advantage of it. He doesn’t trust anyone but Phil, the one person he let in that stayed. And even then.. the armor stays. He has secret bunkers inside his secret bunkers. and still more untold secret bunkers and stashes. He’s too paranoid to show all his cards. On the growth spectrum, eights tend towards the kindness, caring, and open-heartedness of the 2 when moving away from stress. We see this when Techno is most vulnerable. When he’s comfortable enough to let the armor slip. Most notably around Phil and animals. And slowly, the other members of the Syndicate as well. He cares. He’s kind. You see it in the softer moments with the people he cares for. In making sure Ranboo is okay after doomsday and after being attacked by Bad at the egg. In telling Tommy it's okay to not be okay and that healing takes time when he started panicking at the sight of the final control room and offering to listen if Tommy needed to talk. In making sure Niki feels included, heard, and encouraged. In feeding foxes golden apples. In defending Michael from a Ghast. In sacrificing it all so Carl could live. In stopping and looking back to make sure Ranboo hadn’t fallen behind in the nether and silently placing blocks to make difficult jumps much easier to make. and on and on and on. 
Everything combined results in a person who desires to be strongly independent.
A lot of the ways in which Techno and Wilbur differ can be explained by the next layer of the enneagram: wings. One aspect of the enneagram theory is that everyone has a dominant type and then an adjacent type that they lean towards referred to as a wing. The wings of the 8 are 7 and 9. Wilbur is 7 leaning while Techno is 9 leaning. 
8w7s are more overtly aggressive than the 8w9 while 8w9s are on the more subdued side of the 8 type. Technoblade, for all his reputation for violence, must usually be pushed to conflict while 8w7s are more likely to incite conflict for the challenge and the thrill/fun of it. 8w9s tend to be avoidant of conflict they are unsure about. The 9′s conflict avoidance influences the 8 in ways that make them pick their battles. Technoblade never enters a conflict he is not confident he can win unless his Protective instinct and/or his Values overwrite his Self Preservation instinct.
8w7 types are largely extroverted, 8w9s are largely introverted. 8w7s tend to have more immediate and explosive anger, while 8w9s tend to smolder and Smolder until they reach a tipping point where Enough is Enough and they boil over. The 9′s ability to see and understand all sides makes an 8w9 more considerate of other people, their viewpoints, and their individuality. This is something Technoblade values Very Highly despite being imperfect about it. So 8w9′s feel less of a drive to assert themselves and their power over the people around them while 8w7′s do the opposite.
The 8w9 is also skilled at switching between the Aggressive 8 and the Passive 9 depending on the environment and the situation. Unfortunately, because of the 9′s tendency to, at unhealthy levels, dissociate their empathy and feelings to become indifferent combined with the vengeful aggression unhealthy 8s can experience when crossed, an unhealthy 8w9 can become very destructive and indifferent to the pain that they cause with their destruction. And only as they tend towards growth and healing do they begin to potentially understand that pain and express regret for those actions. 
If we go even deeper with the enneagram, another huge tenet is that it’s divided into three parts, each with a different intelligence center. The three centers being the mind, the heart/emotions, and the body/instinct. Each person, theoretically, has a tritype which reflects which Number from each of these sections is most dominant in their personality.
The numbers of the enneagram are broken up like so: 8 9 & 1 represent the body, 2 3 & 4 the heart, and 5 6 & 7 the mind. Each person has one type amongst each part. And the order of the numbers determines the dominance of that type in the personality. It gets a lot trickier to pin down a character with a tritype. I think things can be argued in different ways depending on your perception of Techno’s character and the order of the second and third numbers is difficult to conclude and a lot could boil down to conjecture. Additionally, you start to depend more on archetypes than actual character moments and there’s also the potential for cc!techno’s personality to start bleeding into the analysis. But we’ll look at some of the options anyway. Because I like digging deeper to explore a character’s depths but I’ll try not to go too deep down the rabbit hole.
The first number of Techno’s tritype is, of course, 8 which represents the body and instinct because his main fear and desires encompass a desire for autonomy and control over his own person. So the question becomes what type’s strategies influence his heart and mind.
Let’s start with the Head types. 5′s can be intelligent, isolated, perceptive, secretive, emotionally detached, and knowledge-hungry. 6′s can be loyal, charming, anxious, suspicious, responsible/cautious, and stressed. Whilst 7′s can be adventurous/thrill-seeking, excitable, spontaneous, and versatile busybodies who stay on the move to escape confronting their problems. In my opinion, we can eliminate the 7 pretty quickly. This brings us to the 5 and the 6. 
As I discussed earlier, 8′s move towards 5 in stress so the traits of a 5 already bleed into their actions. So you have to extract from his character the things that are just him being a stressed 8 and which is his other intelligence center. But it’s inarguable that they remain intertwined. So it could really go both ways. I personally think evidence leans more towards the 6. (Fun fact cc!Wilbur has called cc!Philza a 6.)  I say 6 because Techno’s always planning for the worst-case scenario, always assumes the worst could happen in a situation. He’s always suspicious of motives. He tries to maintain a level of caution at all times. He’s very loyal to his friends and family. Some of this is Techno’s trauma speaking and the stress factors of the 5 but I think some of it has always been baked into his personality. (EDIT: I think I dismissed the 7 more quickly than I should have. especially following the prison arc. I started to consider how Technoblade’s general positivity and energy, ability to ground people in crisis and remain relatively calm himself despite all of the anxiety he experiences both before and in the moment, and his apparent fondness for travel and new experiences are seven tendencies. But the 8 and the 7 together in a tritype make for someone Much more assertive than Technoblade is and more extroverted than he’d ever be. 87_ tritypes get anxious when alone and inactive and Technoblade is Chillin when he’s by himself with his animals. So my original assessment i think still stands.)
As for heart types, we have the 2 which is caring, generous, possessive, people-pleasing, and service-oriented; the 3 which is achievement-driven, charismatic, image-conscious, adaptive, and driven to be of value, but often attention-seeking; then the 4 which is creative, withdrawn, dramatic, moody and emotionally honest, dissatisfied with the ordinary thus forever striving to be unique. Once again, as mentioned earlier, 8′s move towards 2 when in growth so he already shares many traits with the 2 in times of growth. I think we can eliminate the 4 for Techno, though. Which leaves us with the 2 and 3. 
If we look at the base desires and fears of the 2 and the 3 I think that the 3 informs techno more so than the 2. The 3 fears being worthless and thus do what they can to feel valuable and worthwhile knowing, which is why being Used would hurt Techno so much. He does everything he can to contribute, to aid where needed and requested or before the need ever even arises, to grind countless hours to supply the revolution with items and gear, to help out his friends and allies as much as he can in battle. To provide and provide and provide Only to be cast aside. Ignored. Made Worthless. A weapon never truly valued, only temporarily used. Additionally, 3′s are success-oriented. Technoblade is very much motivated to Win. This is a bleed-over from cc!Technoblade, as he is competitive and known for Winning. The fanbase expects and pressures cc!Technoblade to Win and therefore, c!Techno must win. He fears losing. He fears dying. He fears losing his reputation and his carefully fostered image as an untouchable and undefeated warrior. He must be The Best. Which also feeds into things already discussed such as his need to be over-prepared, his desire to know if he can win a fight before he chooses to engage in it, etc. 
I found it interesting then that the combination of the 863/836 tritype is labeled with the archetype “The Justice Fighter.” Challenging unfair and unjust authority is in their blood. At their happiest when they can channel their protective energy into a cause. It’s easy for them to be so blinded by their cause that they get in the way of it. Technoblade’s use of extremism and violent force giving anarchism a bad rap, pushing people away from the ideal he was trying to spread. With time he realized the fault of those actions and modified his modus operandi until it leads to the creation of the syndicate as an example. 
A lot of what I’ve already said about Technoblade could go here to exemplify why exactly he’s an 863 but I’m not going to bother going back over those points in order to recontextualize them and prove it. This is already really long and I’m just glad I finally got all of this out of my brain. I just hope it made some sense. If you made it this far I both thank and congratulate you. I appreciate you for reading <3 
And, while you’re here, Do yourself a favor and give Eight by Sleeping at Last a listen :D
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infjsnightmare · 3 years
Comforting S/O after the loss of a loved one Headcanons:
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He understands that he knows nothing of the emotion that you're going through, so he really is kind of going through a fake-it-until-you-make-it version of empathy. He might not ever grieve the loss of a loved one, but he knows you're in pain and he wishes deeply that he could alleviate that pain somehow. He is also grateful to your loved one on some level as they helped form you into the person you are that he loves today. He will take over your daily health needs during your grieving process. He will make sure you eat, drink water and are getting proper sleep. He will run baths for you and sit next to the tub with you in silence. He's seen how people are supposed to comfort others in this process and knows all the cliches people say, but he can't bring himself to say them to you since it's not a movie and it is your real life and feelings. Overall, he will mostly be a silent caretaker for you until you are feeling more yourself again.
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Contrary to Fyodor, he understands exactly what you're going through and how you're feeling. He will be extremely watchful over you in looking for any symptoms of deteriorating mental health since he knows how he felt after losing Oda. At first, he'll be tempted to distract you to help take your mind off it, but in the end he will decide that you need to focus on processing everything. He is ever-present during your grieving, so if you are someone who prefers to process emotions alone, he might get a little too clingy for your taste. He is just incredibly worried about you and he doesn't want to run the risk of you doing something dangerous in your grief. He will shower you with hugs and affection and be a listening ear for every emotion you have, he'll even be your punching bag if he thinks it will help. Overall, he is desperate to see you shine again and for you to know that you are loved.
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He is mad. Not at you, but at pretty much anyone else involved in the situation. Depending on how you lost your loved one, it could be the doctors, it could be the deceased, it could be someone related to their cause of death. If it's the third option, he will kill anyone who caused the incident. He is also mad at himself for knowing that he will die at some point and put you in as much, if not more, pain than you are in right now. He tries to talk about death with you together and talk openly about how the situation affects you both. Not known for his emotional prowess, it does take a lot of effort on his part. He will spend hours talking through everything with you and discussing every facet of loss and grief. But, he also doesn't press you to be anything other than grieving. There's no rushing your process. He is comfortable sitting with you in an uncomfortable situation without putting any constraints on how you should behave. Overall, he gives you the time and space to figure yourself out and pull yourself up with him by your side.
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His heart would be hurting for you, watching you grieve. He's never really had anyone before you, so he can't even imagine the kind of pain you're in. He would straight out ask you what you need from him and do everything he could to give you what you need. Being an orphan and separated from the other kids, he never had to really deal with the concept of loss in that way, but he still views life as something precious and he would also want to help you celebrate the life of your loved one as well as grieve their loss. He would be strong for the both of you, but also a soft and gentle place to rest your head. He will help you in any social settings and make sure to steer situations in ways that you can cope with so you won't be overwhelmed. If he knows certain places will remind you of your loved one, he will help find routes to avoid those locations, unless you've expressed that you would like to go. He keep conversations away from your grief unless you've stated that it is alright. Overall, he will create clear lines of communication for you to tell him what you need as well as him communicating those needs for you to those around you.
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aria-greenhoodie · 3 years
Hey! This is more or so a question regarding DSMP Next Gen, and mostly yogurt. Do you think that yogurt could actually be a secret genius and nobody would know it? Like what if it is (for example) a really good mechanic since it fiddles with the slot machines in Las Nevadas. But it is incredibly bad when it comes to street smarts (knowing when to talk, knowing who to trust and etc., basically it can be easily manipulated). I just think it would be hilarious if Sam Nook is critically malfunctioning and while everybody is panicking yogurt just nonchalantly walking up to Sam, opening his panel, rewiring some things and then Sam Nook goes back to normal and everyone else is like "WHAT?!". In conclusion yogurt could be the most naive genius ever. (Reason why nobody knows that he is smart is cuz he cannot focus long enough to gather its thoughts when it is with its friends, because its brain goes overdrive and goes from one idea to another in a span of miliseconds, unless it's like a death or life kinda situation. I just like breaking from the usual stereotype of "No thoughts. Head empty" and instead going with "Too many thoughts. Head too full".) Anyways, now that I turned this ask into a fucking story for an oc that is not even mine I will take my leave! Buh bye!
Hey. Hey Tumblr user raysign468. Why are you in my head. Why are you in there. Why are you reading my thoughts outloud to me here on Tumblr Dot Com.
Joking aside, you are ON THE MONEY! Yogurt is canonically a lil genius when it comes to building or tinkering, and if it was able to sit down and calm its 100-miles-a-minute brain for longer than 5 seconds it could probably take over the world. It is, however, completely blind to any kind of social cues, street smarts, or being wary about trust. Yogurt is absolutely capable of building a weapon of mass destruction far more powerful than any nuke Tubbo has created in half the time, and still fall for a pyramid scheme.
Plus Yogurt is literally just a more chilled out version of this 🔽
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Ive already hinted at its secret genius a couple times in the existing comics:
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(sorry for the bad image quality these are bad screenshots)
Yogurt and Michelle were the main two in charge of getting Sam Nook back online! (Michelle knows a bit about fixing stuff from her papa Puffy) Yogurt will wow you with its mechanical and intellectual prowess more in the future, don't you worry!
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altorav · 3 years
NekuShiki question time! #2 :)
Do you think they would have any fancy pet names for each other? When do they use them?
Imagine one of them is sick. What's happening next?
Any headcanons about their shared living space? Do they have any funky decorations or the like?
1. Do you think they would have any fancy pet names for each other? When do they use them?
'Stalker' is just Neku's staple when it comes to their day-to-day banters. Shiki was a bit annoyed by it early on, but overtime she got used to it and it actually ends up bringing her comfort hearing his playful nickname for her. Shiki always tries to come up with an equally embarassing nickname for him but never finds one that wouldn't make her cringe internally, she's never good at coming up with funny nicknames unlike him unfortunately.
However, when the mood is soft, like when she's especially vulnerable or insecure and needed reassurance, sometimes he calls her 'Chic' (courtesy to the fics of @/oveliagirlhaditright for this one) it's the rarer nickname and Shiki takes it as Neku's way of reminding her to be sure of her abilities (after all, Neku has a penchant for derogatory nicknames and she's got the honor of having this totally more uplifting nickname compared to everyone else's)
2. Imagine one of them is sick. What's happening next?
Imagine one of them gets incredibly sick for a few days in a reaper's game that takes place a bit longer than just 7 days and it's part of the multi-days mission (Take care and try to cure your sick partner and find ways for both of you to avoid erasure within 3 days limit -- The Reapers) what's happening next?
If Neku is the one that gets sick
Shiki would be a panic mess even when she's continuously trying to reassure him that he'll be fine. And Neku, in between his feverish daze would still find ways to snark at her because of this, because he still ends up relatively being the calmer one in this situation. At first, Shiki will question wether she'll be able to protect them both, having spent the entire time learning that Neku is the powerhouse in the team and wether her psyche alone will be enough. After the initial panic and insecurities though, Shiki will eventually find her footing. Thankfully, she actually has experience with taking care of the sick and does it pretty well. Problems mostly arise when she had to carry most of the battles, initially doubting if she could be as good as Neku is when handling enemies, in which in turn Neku reassures that as long as she doesn't let these thoughts bring her down she's bound to use her full fighting prowess. And that's all she needed to be the sole pillar of the team for a few days.
If Shiki is the one that gets sick
Shiki would insist that she can still do things even when she's sick, but Neku, even when he still doesn't quite like her as a person by this point knows better and will start trying to talk her out from pushing herself too hard with battling and stuff. He also has zero experience with caretaking and has to follow Shiki's instructions on how to take good care of her. Unlike Shiki, Neku has an easier time handling and battling foes all by himself. Having Shiki outta commission for most of the time also forces him to socialize more with the others to find more info. I also like to imagine in this AU, Neku got quite the reputation when words got out that he tried to kill his partner once, and people started shaming him when he went out to try finding ways to take care of Shiki, most of them feeling pity for the girl, and he's then more driven to prove them wrong that the past is the past and that he does have a heart. He asks Shiki if he is a terrible partner and feels like he is like everyone else thinks of him, Shiki is silent for sometime and can only say that right in that moment, she trusts him that he's able to take care of her regardless.
3. Any headcanons about their shared living place? Any funky decorations?
Neku will adorn the walls with creatively put graffitis and hang motivational words on their kitchen and living room. Rather than a boring square bookshelf he'll build a new one that resembles funky grafitti brush strokes suspended on the wall above their couch---shaped like Mr Mew's head and holds at least three different sized Mr Mew cushions. The curtains are made by Shiki and she changes them every turn of the season, sakura and wisteria-patterned curtains for spring, sunflowers and hydrangea for summer, and chrisanthemun for fall and winter. There's a display cardboard in the corner of their living room filled with nothing but Mr Mew paraphernalias, in the center of it sits the 'original' Mr Mew, proud with his faded colors and slightly tattered seams, and besides it sits what looked like a deformed mini Mr Mew that they affectionately call 'Mr Ew' courtesy to Neku's attempt of giving the iconic cat a little buddy years ago.
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