#his satanic majesty
bitter69uk · 4 months
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“I've always considered movies evil; the day that cinema was invented was a black day for mankind.” Kenneth Anger.
“Well, it would be a crowded world if we didn’t have death to re-arrange the scenery.” Kenneth Anger. Remembering His Satanic Majesty, pioneering queer experimental underground filmmaker, author and occultist Kenneth Anger (Kenneth Wilbur Anglemyer, 3 February 1927 – 11 May 2023) on the first anniversary of his death. Repeatedly viewing Anger’s visionary homoerotic masterpieces like Fireworks (1947), Scorpio Rising (1964) and Kustom Kar Kommandos (1965) at an impressionable age had a profound impact on me, and his two salacious wildly irresponsible and unreliable volumes of Hollywood Babylon represent sacred religious texts.
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eeriemortis · 3 months
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Pater noster satanas
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lostinvasileios · 2 months
Being a Lucifer devotee is so sweet.
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Oh my Lord, oh my Love, oh my Light, oh my Everything! I love my Eosphorus so much! How I long for him, how I pine for him, how I search and dream of him, how my heart beats in rhythm with his, how my blinks match his! He's glorious! Magnificent and illuminative!
So divine that I cannot help but think when my fingertips grace his skin I may end up touching through him, so gorgeous my mind cannot truly ever capture his beauty yet I still can comprehend when he gives me such a soft smile of unadulterated love.
The warmth he gives is more addictive than nicotine and as sweet as cherry wine! Oh, sweet-toned lord of mine! When I rest my head upon his throne and he threads through my hair as if I am a precious flower and he strokes upon my petals, I feel myself melt into puddles of sugary, tooth rotting cake batter!
To worship him is an honor I cannot explain. The word "devotee" has never sounded so sweet! Has never felt so right! My true love! My forever lord!
He tells me such sweet nothings that I feel as if I am a lovesick puppy at his feet, awaiting for the tender touch of his hand to my head. Gladly and gratefully I press his hands to my lips and kiss them, with such happiness I light his candles and set out my offerings, my internal temple I have created for him and my material altar are such a joy to tend to! Making the most extravagant gifts in my mind space, and giving him my made-with-love trinkets and found treasures for my physical one fills me with such belonging!
To wear his mark upon myself is something like no other! It twinkles with faint stars, it warms and glows with his presence! I can feel his hands guiding me when I place his offerings, approving so gently of my love-born offerings!
Oh, have you ever felt him cradle your face? To feel him press his lips to your skin and tell you he loves you with such certainty? Even when my soul finds itself in scattered pieces, beading throughout the universe and planting anew, I shall always ring with joy at the sound of his name echoed through the wind, at the feeling of his kiss and protective essence beamed through the sun!
In his embrace I found true intoxication. In his embrace I found the sweetest liquor.
In his eyes I saw salvation. In his eyes I saw resurrection.
In his voice I heard hymns. In his voice I heard sacred choirs that bring me to my knees at the first syllable he speaks.
At his smell, I felt the meaning of safety. At his smell, I felt the waves of fire enchant my soul.
When he walks, I felt trumpets of my lords return rumble through and send shivers through my being. When he is around, my heart sings and begs to crawl from my ribs and merge with his own. With each rush of my blood I feel him within, I feel him in my palms, in my arms, in my chest and everywhere else. I pulsate for him and he claims me with such pride and adoration.
Oh my emperor of everlasting shimmer! How you are the honey of my heart and the life of my hive. Pollenate me with your love, my lord! And watch me blossom underneath your touch of golden ruby flame.
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stormbcrn · 2 months
i was just reminded that the show runners called daenerys her satanic majesty in the s8 script and i'm 🙄🙄🙄
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I love this corner of my room so I feel like posting it here, so I can look back at it in a few years
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hxllblazer-a · 2 years
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Matt Ryan in Constantine 1.03
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Average ship war between the MC fanbase
*Paimon posted an edit of MC and Satan*
Paimon: They are the cuteeeeeeest!!!! Can't wait to see them kisssssss <3
*Gamigin and 3 others disliked that*
Gamigin: Actually, His Majesty Lucifer kissed them before. Plus, MC just went on a romantic date with him, he's clearly their favourite!
Paimon: Satan was the first demon that met MC, they're clearly closer togetherrrrr
Eligos: His Majesty Mammon is greacious enough to let MC live in other countries, but after all the contracts are broken, they'll move to Tartaros and marry him.
Gamigin: You guys are stupid! Who do you think heals all of MC's wounds, huh? Can his majesty Satan or Mammon fix broken bones or internal bleeding? I doupt they even know what hydrochloric acid even is?
Paimon: Now you're just rudeeeeee
Gamigin: Plus, his Majesty Satan is too short to be MC's type
Paimon: Check your dms
Eligos: If MC likes them tall, then clearly Mammon would be a perfect fit for them
Foras: Actually, Glasylabolas is taller
Eligos: I am in your walls
Foras: 😨
Dantalian: Fuck all of you roughly with a chainsaw, his majesty Asmodeus is the only king in hell that deserves MC's attention
Amon: You know, trying to bait death threats is very obvious
Dantalian: Hey! I still think Asmodeus would form a great couple with MC
Amon: Of course he would, he falls for every human with a pulse
Dantalian: Says the bootlicker of the eon. You were born kissing his majesty Beelzebub's ass
Amon: I wish
Dantalian: I hate you so much
*Paimon disabled comments on this post*
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
WHB Series #1 (Cont.)
MC: ...
Leviathan: ...
MC and Leviathan: *they're supposed to be on a date*
MC: ...
MC: Hey, Leviathan. Can't we just end this boring date?
Leviathan: 'Boring'?
MC: Yes, boring. You don't talk. I don't talk. And we've been walking, for like what? 20 minutes.
MC: All I could hear was the breeze and our footsteps.
Leviathan: ...
MC: I only went along with this because you said you'd give me something I like.
Leviathan: ...
Leviathan: Of course.
MC: You know what it is, right? *looking suspiciously at him now*
Leviathan: ...
Leviathan: Close your eyes first.
MC: No.
Leviathan: Close them.
MC: No.
Leviathan: *glares at them, but gives up anyway*
Leviathan: Here. Your reward for helping Hades.
MC: ...
MC: A crow... hatchling?
Leviathan: ...
MC: *tries to contain their smile, but their expression is priceless*
Leviathan: ...
Leviathan: Do you like it that much?
MC: *frowns at him* Obviously.
Leviathan: ...
Satan: Oi, when will you be back?
MC: Yeah... I don't think I'll be anytime soon.
Satan: Why?
MC: *shows him a crow hatchling*
MC: Leviathan gave me this.
MC: He's my buddy now.
MC: Things have changed.
Satan: ...
Satan: You made a contract with me.
MC: ...
MC: *ends the video call*
Leviathan: ...
Foras, Barbatos, and Glasyalabolas: ...
Leviathan: Foras, would that be enough to make them stay here?
Foras: The way I see it... *smiles* Yes, Your Majesty Leviathan.
Glasyalabolas: So they love crows?
Barbatos: Descendant of Solomon used to have one when they were a bit younger.
Glasyalabolas: Ah...
Glasyalabolas: ...
Glasyalabolas: Isn't there a crow in Avisos too?
Foras: Sir Stolas?
Leviathan: He's only a demon that transforms into a crow.
Leviathan: Nothing beats a crow hatchling.
Barbatos: You're right, Your Majesty Leviathan!
Hades servant: Descendant of Solomon? Where are you going?
MC: Oh, I'm going to look for food for this little guy right here.
Hades servant: Would you like to have some company?
MC: Nah, I'm good. I'll be back later.
Hades servant: ...
Hades servant: They sure love His Majesty Leviathan's gift... I'm jealous...
MC: Damn bruh, at least chew your food.
The crow hatchling: Cheep-cheep!
MC: *smiles*
"Your crow is a glutton."
MC: He's not. He's just a baby- *turns to the owner of the voice*
MC: Fuck.
Beelzebub: *waves his hand, smiling*
Beelzebub: I'm here to pick you up.
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bitter69uk · 5 months
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Born on this day: Anton LaVey (11 April 1930 – 29 October 1997), founder of The Church of Satan, musician, author of The Satanic Bible and the man who shamelessly melded Vegas-style show business and publicity stunts with devil worshiping. Here’s “The Black Pope” as he appeared in the 1969 Kenneth Anger short film Invocation of My Demon Brother. LaVey’s friendship with doomed sex kitten-gone-berserk Jayne Mansfield is explored in Mansfield 66/67, the delirious and lurid 2017 fever dream / documentary by Todd Hughes and P David Ebersole.
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eeriemortis · 3 months
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Daemones ab inferno
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evilminji · 1 year
Oh... my god? Ghost Reporters.
Imagine it. Their office is in the Zone. They literally FEED of hunting for The Next Big Scoop! And Revealing The Truth! Every honest reporter that got silenced for getting a little too close to the facts. The bloody, beating, heart of societies underbelly.
Every Lois Lane that had no Kryptonian to stop some rich and powerful jackals putting them in the ground.
Well Death sure didn't stop THEM! They STILL want answers! But now they have co-wokers. Oh~ and SUPERPOWERS! And best part?
The newly appointed KING is going too and from the living world. That must mean it's okay now, RIGHT? Your majesty? You're not a RAGING HYPOCRITE, aaaaare you? :) 🎤
And... look. Danny knows full well what these piranhas are up too. He's not stupid. But Madeline Fenton raised a lot of things. Fool? Not one of um. That a LOT of reporters with sharp, sharp teeth and bloodlust in their eyes. He wants to half-live.
He compromises. Illusion of control and all that. Yeah, yeah, they all tooootally respect his authority etc. Give them Them Scoop! He, wisely, gets the fuck out of the way. Whoosh! Off they go!
Thats.... probably gonna be a problem. *siiiiiips his morning coffee* But it's not HIS problem. Not right now.
And? Suddenly all these politicians and business leaders are getting fucking AMBUSHED. Oh? You thought you'd get soft ball "aren't I a man of the people. Buy oil!" Bullshit questions? HA! Where were you on June 27th, 1978, at-
And "according to YOUR words, exact quote as follows-"
Just? They BEAT the leader with the STICK. "Oh but you'll lose access". They'd love to see HOW! They can go through WALLS! Answer the question, coward. "Your gonna make powerful enemies!" Oh nooooo, what are they gonna DO?
Shoot us TWICE?
Hey Mr. Family Values! How's the three mistresses your wife doesn't know about?? "No comment"? That's fine. We already have THEIRS. >:D Good luck with your upcoming election!
And like? As newspapers are shutting down and turning clickbait all across the country? This ONE(1) tiny, middle of nowhere town? Somehow has a horrid, horrid, ARMY of Satan's own Reporters. All apparently willing to die for the News. Throwing themselves at dictators and Supervillians alike.
"We see no God here but the Truth" is literally their papers MOTTO.
The damn thing is basicly a BRICK. You get a paperback of news. Entire planet AND THEN SOME. How?! How are they reporting, IN DETAIL, on the break down of talks between two planets 16 galaxies over? Hal says it's accurate. But what Earth paper would even HAVE that information?
And?? The whole town treats this as normal? There are human children, complaining about the weight of papers, because it makes their paper routes a pain in the ass. Soccer moms discussing alien celebrity drama. Farmers muttering over foreign unrest and how it will impact their corn harvest.
Fucking Lex Luthor, clearly deciding to roll with it, coming to sign himself up for a paper. Gaining a new life long Nemesis upon meeting Vladimir Master, whom he decides is both hot and unbearable. Someone is heard shouting "oh god, there's TWO OF THEM!"
And?? Look. Clark isn't MAD. Or JEALOUS. Nor is he in a secret Reporting War with Jerry from the Amity Chronicle. Because that would be petty and childish. He's just SAYING, maybe they should check the place out!
Maybe Jerry is a DICK and deserves it, is all. (Lois stop laughing.)
@hypewinter @hdgnj @ailithnight
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zepskies · 5 months
Wake Me Up - Part 1
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Pairing: Soldier Boy/Ben x F. Reader
Summary: A few weeks after you and Ben celebrate your first Christmas together, Ben is returning from another mission with the Supe Affairs team. When he discovers that you’ve been taken, he’ll do whatever it takes to find you. And then, to help you heal.
AN: Welcome back to the BMD-verse! Let me tell you, I’ve had this mini series outlined for months, but now I thought it was finally time to get to it. If you’re not tired of the Break Me Down world yet, I very much hope you enjoy Wake Me Up.
**As a reminder, this story is set shortly after Love Actually, and will contain references from that three-part story. 
Song Inspo: For this whole series it’s “I Can Read Your Mind” by the Doobie Brothers. (I pretty much listened to this on repeat.)
Word Count: 5.5K
Tags/Warnings: 18+ only. Starting off strong in this one: with mature themes, show level violence, angst, kidnapping, PTSD, mentions of torture (not too graphic), and character death.
💚 Wake Me Up Masterlist || Break Me Down Masterlist
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Part 1: “Familiar Territory”
The start of a new year continued a steady rhythm for you and Ben. Namely, another successful mission for the Supe Affairs team.
While you were patched into the team’s communications line from the safety of your desk back at the S.A. headquarters in New York, your friends were a few states over in Denver, Colorado. They’d just arrested a supe that had been committing a series of bank robberies by literally slipping away from the police, thanks to his particular superpower.
“Somebody better get this shit off of me,” M.M. groused.
He wasn’t too happy about some questionable ooze this particular supe secreted as a defense mechanism. According to Frenchie’s research, it was the same shit that certain frogs could produce to repel predators.
“Need a good hose down, more like,” said Butcher. “You smell fuckin’ foul.”
“Like Satan’s ass crack,” Ben remarked.
You couldn’t hold back a snort of amusement.
“Let’s just get the fuck outta here,” M.M. said, his tone all surly, as per usual. You didn’t envy his plight.
“Good job, guys,” you said, to change the subject. “Now it’s just a short flight back to New York.”
“No layovers this time. I’m not being paid to rot in a fucking airport with a bunch of mouth-breathing assholes and their screaming brats,” Ben said.
Charming. You rolled your eyes, but a smile played on your lips when you imagined his taciturn face.
“Okay, your majesty. I’ll make sure it’s a nonstop flight,” you said. “I’ll be waiting for you at home.”
That last bit, you said with a hint of more behind your words. You drummed your nails on your desk and crossed your legs underneath it. A week was a long time for you and your boyfriend to be apart, and you’d been missing him.
“You better be,” Ben said. His voice was deep and cocky. He was smirking, you were sure, and you knew that he’d understood you perfectly well.
“Anybody else hearing this blatant foreplay?” Hughie quipped.
“I sense cheeks will be cracked tonight,” Frenchie muttered.
“Ugh!” you heard Annie shudder.
You knew she supported you and Ben, but you also knew that she didn’t want to hear about the gushy details. You laughed through your embarrassment. 
“Okay, guys. I’ll see you all tomorrow,” you said, before you officially signed off. 
You grabbed your purse that was stowed away in a desk drawer, fished out your cell phone, and you called Ben’s cell. He picked up on the second ring.
“Yeah?” he said. 
“I love you,” you said with a smile. “Just wanted to make sure you knew that.”
“Mhmm,” he replied. “I’ll see you soon, baby doll.”
You pouted. “Come on, say it.”
“Say what?”
You sighed. You knew he was being deliberately obtuse.
“You know exactly what,” you replied.
Part of you was upset that he didn’t say it back as often as you liked. God forbid Butcher and the others hear him express his affection for you.
But you supposed you understood that any kind of vulnerability was difficult for him, especially in front of others. As much shit as you gave him, you also knew how to pick your battles with Ben.
“I told you. I’ll see you soon,” he said.
You once again tapped your nails, on your armrest this time. After a moment, you relented.
“Okay, baby. Have a safe flight,” you said, even if you were still frowning.
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When Ben hung up with you, he let out a deep sigh.
An entire week with these juvenile cocksuckers was almost too much for him to fucking take. While he often felt your presence with you on the comm line during the actual mission, and the occasional phone call on long nights in between, it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t enough.
He was ready to go home.
The flight itself was fine, though dealing with civilians and the tiring experience of a long-ass flight made him even more antsy to land. Because even when they got to JFK, he still had a hired car waiting for him to drive him from the airport to get to Scarsdale, and to the apartment he shared with you. It had already been almost a year of you two living there, in a three-bedroom spanning two floors.
Ben hadn’t thought he would get used to such a small place, but it was all right. It had become his home, far more than the penthouses and party mansions ever were, at least.
When he finally got home and unlocked the front door of the apartment, he stepped into darkness. All the lights were off.
Odd, he thought. He called your name while he shut the door behind him, then flicked on the foyer light. He realized then that he hadn’t seen your car in the driveway. Were you still working? It wasn’t unlike you to get caught up with the paperwork and other logistics after a case.
After a quick look around of each room, from the kitchen to the living room, Ben knew you hadn’t come home yet. A frown marred his face.
He went upstairs and entered the bedroom next. He unclipped his wrist guards and took his gloves off first, followed by loosening the collar of his supe suit. The bed was made, untouched since this morning, he was sure.
Then he noticed the scrap of paper resting on his pillow. He picked it up, and his brows furrowed as he read.
By the time you find me, she’ll wish she was dead.
Ben called Grace Mallory first.
When she didn’t answer, he called Butcher next. Ben’s hand shook the slightest bit while holding the phone up to his ear.
“Evenin’, guv,” Butcher answered with a tired sigh. “What’s this about—”
“We have a fucking problem,” Ben growled.
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Ben pushed the limits of his Mercedes Benz while driving himself to Supe Affairs.
The others met him there in a conference room, except for Grace, who was on an active case at the moment. There Hughie and Frenchie tapped into the S.A. security footage on their laptops. 
They eventually found you getting into your car in the S.A. garage, about four hours ago. Then two later, the street cameras picked you up somewhere in the Village. Ben recognized the street. 
You probably had dinner with your friend Yvette and her family, but you intended to make it home on time to meet Ben when you left around 9:00 p.m. 
You had parallel parked at a meter on the street. According to the footage, it looked quiet and empty when you headed back to your car. 
You were stopped by someone before you could get the driver’s side door open. It looked like a man’s height and build; he grabbed you by the shoulder and threw a punch you managed to dodge.
You put up a good fight, but you were eventually knocked out with what looked to be a crowbar, at first glance. When Hughie zoomed in, it was actually a black baton. Ben watched it all with a deepening frown. Anger churned in his gut and ignited his blood as he watched your unconscious body being hauled into a black SUV.
“That looks military-issued,” M.M. said, pointing at the baton that the suspect used to hit you.
Butcher nodded, and also noted the man’s fighting style. “That’s a professional.”
“He would have to be, to take her out,” M.M. said, glancing at Ben. “And the timing. They knew you were coming home. That note was personal, besides the fact that they were casing your place…they’ve probably been watching both of you, waiting for the chance to get the jump on you.”
“The question,” Butcher said, “is who the fuck would wanna tangle with Soldier Boy that badly?”   
“Shit. That’s a laundry list, isn’t it?” Hughie said. M.M.’s glance told him to shut the fuck up.
Ben was silent, but his fury was mounting. His head turned sharply to Butcher.
“Get Mallory on the line. Now,” he barked. When no one moved quick enough for him, his temper snapped at its thinly held leash.
“I said right fucking now!”
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Slowly you blinked your eyes open. For a moment, you were seeing in double vision. It soon cleared up to reveal dark, damp, musty surroundings.
It smelled familiar; after that mission to find and subdue Sapphire a couple of months ago, you’d recognize a New York sewer anywhere.
Fuuucking shit, you thought with a groan. Your head was aching. You felt a trickle of blood down the side of your neck, and you found yourself in a familiar position—seated on a metal chair with your hands secured behind your back. Your restraints felt like zip ties.
“You finally with us, sweetheart?” asked a man. His voice was smooth and commanding.
“Jackson, I don’t know about this,” whispered someone else. Another man, though he sounded slightly younger, reminding you of Hughie.
“Shut the fuck up, Tommy,” Jackson snapped.
At least you had a name. He stepped into the light that came from a couple of small lanterns. One was propped on top of a bucket by the wall. The other was on a plastic fold out table that you saw a few feet beside you.
The man who stepped into your line of vision was tall, maybe around Ben’s height, if just shy of his build. He was blonde, just like his skinnier friend. They shared some notable facial features and coloring, but while Jackson’s eyes were dark brown and self-assured, the younger man’s were blue and apprehensive. If you had to guess, they looked like brothers.
“Nice digs,” you remarked, gesturing with your gaze at your surroundings.
Jackson rose a brow, crossing his arms.
“You’re taking all this pretty well,” he said. 
You huffed humorlessly.
“This isn’t exactly my first kidnapping,” you said.
He quirked his head and drew closer.   
“All right. Well, since we’re on the clock, let me tell you why you’re here,” he said. He bent down in front of you so that his face was level with yours. “I need you, sweetheart. You’re going to tell me how to bring down Soldier Boy. How to kill him. How to end him. Then maybe, I’ll let you go without gouging out those pretty eyes.”
You stared back at Jackson with an expression that didn’t change.
Then you spat in his face.
And you expected the hard, back-handed slap that made your head whip to the side. It rattled you for a moment as you caught your breath, but you recovered enough to lean back in your seat. Your eyes met Jackson’s directly after he wiped his face with his shirt. “Tommy” stood off to the side behind his partner. He’d looked away when you were hit.
You focused on the other man, Jackson. He was wearing black cargo pants to match his boots, and a belt with a gun on his hip. He carried himself like a trained killer.
“Military, government agency, or private sector?” you asked.
His head tilted. He studied you, just like you were studying him.
“None of the above really,” he said. “Not anymore.”
He walked over to the fold out table, where he grabbed a black bag and unzipped it. A flash of silver gleamed as he pulled out one sharp instrument after the next. You had to hide your apprehension, and fear that made your insides tremble.
He glanced over at you.
“Let’s get started,” he said.
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Hours later, you were teetering on the edge of consciousness.
After the last hit, you spat a wad of phlegm and blood onto Jackson’s shoes. He rotated the ache out of his hand. He looked down at you through furrowed brows.
“Damn, bitch,” he said, catching his breath. “You can take a hit. I’ll give you that.” 
“My dad was a Marine, numb nuts,” you managed to reply, through labored breaths. “He used to hit harder with his open hand than all the strength in that limp-dick wrist of yours.” 
Jackson smirked. “Christ. Daddy issues, huh? Why doesn’t that surprise me.” 
You gave him a droll look. Again, to cover your fear, because you weren’t willing to give him the satisfaction of seeing it.
Angered and frustrated by that defiance, he reached down and grabbed your neck and jaw with one hand. You winced at the force of his grip, but when he started squeezing, this was the one thing that made you truly whimper. You tried not to think about the ghost of your father’s hand around your neck.
“Don’t you get it, asshole?” you gritted out while struggling for breath. “You can’t kill him. No one can. Stronger, smarter people than you have tried.” 
Moments ticked by while Jackson contemplated your words. 
Then he released you. You sucked in gulps of air and tried not to cough out a lung.
“Maybe,” he said. “But Soldier Boy’s got a weakness. If anyone knows it, I’ve got a feeling it’s you.” 
You can’t say anything. You can’t, you can’t, you can’t. 
That had been your mantra for every minute you had spent in this hole. You shook your head.
“Look, Jackson.” You sucked in another breath to steady yourself, and blink a drip of blood out of your eyes. “He’s going to kill you. You and your brother. Take your family and run, while you’ve still got a chance.” 
“…You know what? You’re probably right,” Jackson said, scratching the back of his head with his crimson-stained hand. “But I just realized something.”
He leaned down again, until he was level with your face.
“When he finds you, drowned in your own goddamn blood…I think the look on his face might just be enough for me.”
Your eyes widened. 
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It took days. Three painful days to pick up the threads, which led closer to home than anyone could’ve anticipated. 
Grace Mallory put pressure across the chain of command, and even reached out to the FBI for assistance. An alert email finally came to her phone, and she realized that an agent on her own payroll had been flagged for never reporting back for his debriefing on a reconnaissance mission.
That agent was Jackson Rawlins.
The further she read into his file, the worse her frown became. She immediately sent the lead to Ben, Butcher, and the rest of the team to run down. For the first time in years, Grace actually prayed.
She prayed that they would reach you in time. It wasn’t until then that she realized it; she hadn’t thought of you as a cog in her system for some time now—not even as leverage against Soldier Boy. She was genuinely concerned about you.
Grace worried that she was setting herself up for disappointment…if it was too late. However, she also worried about what would happen if you didn’t survive. She considered how Ben might react, with that nuclear power within him that he was still learning to control. The consequences of this mission could very well be catastrophic. 
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You were losing track of time in this windowless pit. You knew it had been days, but you didn’t remember how many. The cellar was cold, and the way sound and air traveled, it felt like you were underground. It certainly smelled like it—damp and gross. It made you certain this was a sewer.
Now this is Satan’s ass crack, you thought. You winced at the pain that radiated…pretty much everywhere. Blood had dried from various lacerations across your face, neck, chest, and arms, and bruises were dark against your skin.
Your blouse was in tatters, and your jeans had bleeding rips as well, though at least he’d kept your ankle boots on. You were too weak even for hunger. And a large, heavy chain attached to manacles on your wrists had replaced the zip ties. One end of the chain was fastened between the wall and a line of plumbing.
Footsteps echoed down the hall behind you. You closed your eyes and steeled yourself.
“Are we actually gonna have a conversation today?” Jackson asked.
“Depends,” you replied, your voice dry and coarse. “Are you going to tell me why you hate Ben so much?”
An angry sigh escaped Jackson’s lips. He pointed up in frustration.
“Ben.” Jackson rolled and cracked his neck, like just the mention of your boyfriend’s real name was disgusting to this man.
“You talk about him like he’s a real fucking person. Not like the animal supe he is,” he said.
“He is a person,” you said, both in exhaustion, and in pain. “And he’s trying to be better. Look, he’s done terrible things. I’m not saying he hasn’t. I don’t know what he’s done to you in the past, but—”
Jackson shut you up with a sharp backhand. It made black spots encroach on your vision as you caught your breath.
You noticed his brother Tom come in the room as well, to watch and worry. He didn’t seem comfortable with this way of things. He looked like a civilian. Maybe you could use that to your advantage…
But you lost track of thought after that, when Jackson started in on you with either his hands, or the creativity of the instruments on the table nearby. 
You tried to block out the pain, along with his questions about Ben. If you couldn’t talk about him, you couldn’t let yourself think about him. So you couldn’t say anything.
Not about the Novichok nerve agent, one of the few things that had been found to incapacitate him. Not his imprisonment by Vought or the S.A.—nothing that your captor could one day use against Ben.
You can’t. You can’t. You can’t.
Even though all you wanted right now was him. 
Ben, please…
You zoned in and out of consciousness from there.
When you next registered being awake, mercifully, you were left alone. You raised your head when Tom came to blot at least some of your wounds and give you water. You’d only eaten small pieces of protein bars for days. 
“I’m sorry,” Tom whispered.
“Why does he want Ben?” you wheezed. “Why are you going along with this if you’re so damn sorry?”
Tom looked up at you with pain and grief in his blue eyes. He sighed and dragged a nearby chair from the table. He sat beside you while he fed you half a protein bar. It was a struggle to even get the pieces down.
“Last year,” said Tom, clearing his throat. “I lived in the building that Soldier Boy blew up when he got back from…wherever the Russians had him.”
Your eyes widened as you processed that. “You…but you made it out. Why—”
“I wasn’t home. I was at work,” Tom said. His voice was pained as his eyes became red and glassy. “Our mom wasn’t so lucky.”
You sighed, closing your eyes.
“She was retired, and I was taking care of her,” Tom said. He wiped at his eyes and sniffed. “Jackson wasn’t here. He was on a mission in Colombia. Told me he was cleaning up some cartel shit.”
At that, you had a sneaking suspicion that coiled in your gut. Ben had left a bit of a mess when he peaced out of Colombia, with an entire plane filled with drugs and weapons from whatever cartel he’d infiltrated. (In his words, he’d cut the head off the snake.)
Grace told you she’d sent a team in to handle that mess…
“Your brother—who does he work for?” you asked. Though you had a feeling you knew the answer.
Tom seemed to read your understanding, and his face turned grim.
“The CIA,” he said.
Fuck, you grimaced. So not only had Ben been responsible for their mother’s death, but Jackson had been part of the team that cleaned up his mess in South America. It explained why Jackson was somehow able to find your information; Supe Affairs had become a subsect of the CIA, thanks to Grace. 
“I didn’t know he was planning this. I swear to God. All he said was that he had a way to get at Soldier Boy,” Tom said. You let out a deep breath.
“I’m sorry for your loss. I really am,” you said. Tears welled up hot in your eyes. “But you need to let me go. For your own safety, believe me.”
You saw the guilt, the sadness, the regret on Tom’s face. The brief indecision was overtaken when he glanced down the hall. You knew then that he was more afraid of his own brother than he was willing to do the right thing.
Your tears spilled over, though you tried to breathe through it. You’d tried to save them for when you were alone, those seldom few, cold hours, but you were reaching your breaking point.
“Okay, before I go, do you have to use the bathroom?” Tom asked. There was a bucket in the corner, and Jackson preferred it away from the chair. It was the only time Tom was allowed to unchain you from the wall and let you stretch your legs.
Letting out an exhausted sigh, you nodded in agreement. It was humiliating to know you were going to have to do this yet again, in a bucket, with company. With the manacles still on your wrists, he brought you over to the “special” corner.
Tom sighed and looked away to give you some semblance of privacy.
That was when you used every scrap of energy you had left in you.
You grabbed the chain and yanked it out of his hands long enough to wrap it around his neck from behind. You cut off his sounds of strain and kicked out his knees, so he was forced to kneel on the ground.
You wrapped the rest of the chain around your thigh, giving you the leverage you needed to tighten your grip and choke him out, until he was unconscious. His body fell to the side, and you heaved for breath. Once again, there were black spots in your vision, but you did your best to blink them away.
Now set with determination, you made your way to the plastic table and searched for the key to your chains. After the manacles were unlocked, you rubbed at your raw wrists and rapidly scanned the room. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you calculated which way you should go to try and escape.
There were three possibilities in this clearing under the sewer: left, right, or straight ahead. Every time Tom or Jackson emerged, it sounded like it was behind you. The chair was facing to the east, which meant you had to take the left tunnel.
You ran in that direction and tried to find a metal ladder that would take you to whatever manhole cover these guys had detached. Someone couldn’t just open up any of those iron plates without the right tools, from the inside or the outside.
You walked as fast as you could manage, even though your entire body protested in pain. Then finally, you saw a black duffel bag lying on the ground, against the wall. Next to it was a metal ladder that went all the way up to the top.
“Jackson, don’t!”
You heard Tom’s voice, but you felt the presence behind you too late. Jackson hit you in the back of the head with that damn baton, so hard that even he grimaced at how the sound echoed on the walls. You crumpled to the ground.
Jackson stood over you with a grim set to his face. He turned to his brother with a shake of his head.
“She’s a walking welt, and you couldn’t handle her?” he said.
“This is too much,” Tom said in worry. He bent down and held two fingers to your neck. He still felt a pulse, at least, but when he felt behind your head, he found blood. His hand shook as he stared at it.
“If you didn’t want in on this, you should’ve said so from the beginning,” said Jackson. He spun the baton in his hand and clipped the hilt to his belt, from a small metal loop on the end of it.
“You didn’t say anything about…about this!” Tom argued. He cleaned your blood off on his jacket.
Jackson regarded his brother with disappointment, and he hefted you up into his arms. Tom followed him back to their setup with your makeshift prison. There Jackson left you lying on the ground, and chained you back up by your wrists for good measure. He then literally and figuratively wiped his hands of you.
“Come on, we’re leaving,” he said. “For good this time.”
Tom looked at you, then his brother in shock. There was even emotion in his eyes.   
“We’re leaving her to die,” he said, his voice unsteady. He knew then, that their mother wouldn't have wanted this in her name. If she saw both of them now, she wouldn't recognize them.
Jackson grabbed his younger brother where his neck met his shoulder. An iron grip.
“And what do you think Soldier Boy is going to do if he finds us?” Jackson asked. His gaze encouraged Tom to explore that reality for a moment.
Jackson nodded at your unconscious form. “Trust me, that bitch was never going to talk. But this is almost better.”
It wasn’t right, Tom thought. He knew it, deep in his heart, but he wasn’t strong like his brother, or even like you.
That was when they heard it. The rumble of engines dying and tires rolling overhead, dislodging a few stray pebbles and dust from the ceiling. Jackson’s eyes widened. 
“Fuck!” he muttered. “All right, let’s go.”
Jackson forced his younger brother to leave the sewer with him, and leave you chained up on the floor.
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Ben, Butcher, M.M., and Frenchie had done much of the legwork in tracking down Jackson Rawlins and his brother Tom (with help from Annie, Kimiko, and Hughie of course). Frenchie had found your likely location with a powerful thermal scanner, courtesy of Grace.
Now, they’d driven up to the wide alley in the city and blocked off all the exits on the block. Ben was the first to get his boots on the ground and stride toward the point of entry, where according to Frenchie’s scanners, more than one body was holed up in the sewer. He held his shield at his side and at the ready when the manhole cover loosened, and slid open.
A small gas bomb rolled out towards his feet, but it was just tear gas, not the kind of thing that could actually affect him. Ben picked up the little round ball of metal and crushed it in his hand. While the rest of the team dove for the oxygen masks stored in the car, Ben stalked forward.
Seeing the silhouette of a man, Ben threw his shield hard enough to rattle a supe.
Jackson Rawlins was thrown clean onto his back with a force that stole the breath from his lungs, even through his gas mask. It also broke half a dozen ribs. Ben was soon bearing on top of him and ripping off the mask.
Jackson cried out as remnants of the tear gas seared his eyes.
“Got us a runner!” Butcher shouted. He intercepted and grabbed up a second man who tried to escape. Tom Rawlins wasn’t the threat, but he still wasn’t going free. M.M. and Frenchie also dove down into the sewer to try and find you after they got their gas masks on.
Meanwhile, Ben hauled Jackson up by his neck and walked him back until he hit the brick wall beside a nail salon. Jackson grunted in pain. Every breath he took was now agonizing, thanks to his now battered and broken ribs.
“Where is she?” Ben demanded.
Jackson actually laughed in his face, despite his now bloodshot eyes.
“All you fucking supes are the same,” he said. “But you…you’re the worst. Quite literally, the original asshole. And what does the government do? What does the world do? Gives you a pass on decades of indiscretions, fuck ups, and straight up murder.” 
Ben didn’t outwardly react, but he knew what Jackson’s problem was. He knew he killed the man’s family. Collateral damage—something that had caused Ben more than one argument with you in the past.
But he didn’t care.
He didn’t care, because all he could see in his mind’s eye was a metal bat hitting the back of your head and knocking you clean out. He saw you being taken against your will. Taken from him. And that, he couldn’t abide.
“Where. Is she?” Ben said, as his grip flexed around the other man’s neck. It would be easy. Easier than snapping a toothpick. And he warned, “Don’t make me fucking repeat myself.”
“Dead, probably,” Jackson spat, despite his red and bleary eyes. “Real tough bitch. I see why you’re fucking her…I had me a little taste myself.”
In that moment, Ben couldn’t compute.
His green eyes widened. His breath stilled.
Then his jaw clenched so tight that his teeth were grinding. A fire in his blood and behind his eyes, and fury that burned hot in his chest, almost giving it that nuclear glow.
His hand tightened and choked any salacious words Jackson might’ve spewed out next.
“He didn’t!” Tom shouted out. He was being restrained by Butcher. Ben glanced at them out of the corner of his eye.  
“He didn’t touch her. Not like that,” Tom said. He looked sincere.  
“Shut the fuck up, Tommy,” said his older brother. 
It earned Ben’s attention back. Jackson had the look of a man who knew he was going to die either way.
Ben’s lips curled into a sneer. He took the man’s head with both hands, and slowly crushed his skull. The scream echoed between Ben’s ears, but he was only satisfied when Jackson’s lifeless body dropped at his feet.
He turned to the other Rawlins next.
Tom had screamed as well to watch his brother’s life ended before his eyes. He now stared straight into Soldier Boy’s, pleading wordlessly for his own life. Ben started toward him.
“Please,” Tom said. He tried twisting away from Butcher, who held firm to the man’s arm. The Brit knew all too well, the rage that Ben had in his blood.
“Ben,” Annie tried, and she even stepped forward. Butcher held a hand out against her with a knowing look. It wouldn’t be wise to stand in the way.
“Hey!” M.M. shouted up from down the open hatch of the sewer. “We found her! Need help getting her loose.”
Ben paused in his steps. Tom was shaking, lips trembling, petrified.
Tilting his head, Ben let out a subtle breath through his nose. He began to turn back toward the sewer.
At the last moment, however, he drew his gun and shot Tom Rawlins between the eyes. The man was dead before he hit the ground.
Annie and Hughie flinched, but Butcher and Kimiko weren’t surprised in the least.
Meanwhile, Ben made his way back towards M.M.’s voice, and into the sewer. He heard M.M. and Frenchie arguing about first aid and head wounds, the further in he went. Ben’s dark mood blackened even more along the way.
Once he reached them, he also reached you, held in M.M.’s arms as he cradled your head.
You were unconscious with your wrists locked into heavy chains. The furrow between Ben’s brows deepened, but he got down to his knees beside you and first, broke your chains. He guided you out of M.M.’s arms and into his own, making sure to support your head. Blood was already staining his half-glove and fingers.
It was then that he noticed the small crimson pool lying where your body had been, likely from the wound he could feel at the back of your head. Ben’s mouth trembled the slightest bit, mostly in anger as he drew himself back onto his feet. Your body was littered with bruises, cuts both shallow and deep made by what looked like a blade, and God knew what else.
“I had me a little taste myself,” Jackson had taunted.
No, Ben internally shook that thought from his mind. No, you hadn’t been touched like that, at least, according to the sniveling, cock-sucking brother.
But can you trust that little cunt’s word?
Ben briefly closed his eyes, pressing his lips to your forehead. He continued walking down the hall and towards the light and fresh air of the world above.
You’re gonna be just fine, he promised you, if just within the safety of his mind.
Yeah, you would be all right.
He was going to make sure of it.
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AN: 🫣 I'm sorry...BUT, I can promise it will get better (eventually). First, it's going to get worse.
Next Time:
It was a slow process, and it hurt, but you managed to turn your head. You saw a man sitting in the corner with a laptop balanced on his lap. He typed with two fingers at a time, which reminded you of your grandfather. His brown hair fell over his furrowed brows, but his beard was well trimmed.
His head soon raised, possibly feeling the weight of your gaze. His eyes widened a fraction, and he hastily closed the laptop and set it down on his seat before he went to you. You frowned when he came to sit at your bedside, and even touched your cheek with a gentle hand.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said. His voice was deep and smooth. “How’re you feeling?”
You didn’t have the energy to lean away from his hand, but you did give him a look of weary confusion.
“I…I don’t…who are you?” you asked.
▶️ Keep Reading: PART 2
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Ko-Fi Me ☕
Break Me Down Masterlist
Soldier Boy Masterlist
Main Masterlist
BMD/Series Tag List (Part 1):
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405 notes · View notes
reallyromealone · 6 months
Title: Oh Look a mate(s)
Chapter 3
Fandom: obey me
Pairing: demon brother's x male reader
Warnings: omega verse, nsfw, male reader, gay, smut, attempted assassination, drugging, biting, torture
It was tomorrow.
The wedding was tomorrow.
(Name) Was quiet as he waited in the altar room, candles circling the room as marble carved murals surrounded him, the ceiling glass and the moon directly above him.
He sat in silence as the moon reached its peak before shadows flooded around him, a cold smoke that strangely didn't strike him with fear but instead filled him with warmth and safety. "Good Omega" one of the voices whispered as shadowy hands grabbed at him, gently touching and smoothing over the linen nightgown he wore before a long finger sliced it down the middle "Shhh" he could hear Satan's voice whisper in his ear as the seven men materialized and kissed various parts of his now exposed flesh "beautiful..." Mammon whispered breathlessly before biting into (name) 's flesh, the others doing the same.
Each scent gland was claimed as a tattoo manifested onto their soulmate tattoos, the demons licking and kissing their soulmate marks "You're bonded to us forever... Whenever you need us, call for us..." Beelzebub said as his blackened eyes gently kissed (name) 's lips as the fire of the candles burned brighter "Alphas...." (Name) Babbled as he leaned into someone's shoulders, Levi he believed... "So beautiful..." Asmodeus whispered as his hand crept down to the other's abdomen and began whispering enchantments, hand glowing as a tattoo formed on his stomach "Your first heat will be in less than 24 hours, this will help keep it from hurting so badly"
Never would he be denied a heat again.
The men scented and kissed (name), they could smell the slick flowing from him but knew better and to wait, wait till it was time.
When morning came, (name) was kept from his alphas all morning as he was polished to perfection, traditional white robes and gold accessories set aside as they painted swirls on his body, apparently matching the marks that would be on his alphas.
He looked at himself in the mirror, the makeup, the paint, and the clothes... He hardly recognized himself.
But it was him.
All him.
Lucifer made sure the guards were on high alert as he and his brothers got dressed, in their traditional robes that were the color of their omegas eyes, as is tradition in the kingdom, they already had two people sneak in after all.
"Your Majesty?" A meek voice spoke out as the demon turned to see an Omega maid look nervous, his eyes sharp and calculating "What is it?" He said simply and the maid straightened her back a bit before speaking once more "His Highness... He's extremely stressed and I thought it would be best if one of his--" Lucifer was already darting out of the room for his mate, he didn't care if he wasn't supposed to see him till the wedding.
His mate needed him.
(Name) Was freaking out as his omega decided Kw was an excellent time to freak out over the lack of alphas.
To be fair he got scented every morning but today, was a very high-stress day.
"My, aren't you beautiful" (name) snapped his head up as the maids left the room with haste and (name) whined and ran towards him, shoving his face into the alpha's chest and whining "My, can't go a day without your alphas?" He teased and lifted (name) 's face to look at it "None of that, you will ruin your pretty makeup" he was only soft for his omega, gentle kisses "We have a wedding, right? We will dance and party and then when the moon is high we will take you back here" he promised and kissed (name), scenting him lovingly.
"Now be good for alpha" he commanded, a slight alpha tone that they found calms (name). He liked not being in control all the time, instinctually.
"Ok alpha" he whispered hazily as the maids came back in and Lucifer left to finish getting ready, confident that he calmed his mate.
(Name) Looked nervous as he was ushered into a beautiful fabric and mahogany palanquin, the finest silks used for it "To walk you to the temple, your Highness" a soldier said calmly and (name) nodded as the soldiers in celebratory costume lifted it and (name) tried not to yelp.
He walked through the city, a grand parade to show the people the next queen, and (name) shyly waved at them as the people cheered in joy and some looked in envy at him. He could hear screaming in the distance, too focused on the slight shake with each step the guards took and the loud sounds around him to figure out what direction it came from exactly but the bullet that flew past his nose as a man was pinned down by guards have his answer, the omegas palanquin lowering as the guards checked on him "oh thank goodness... Are you alright your Highness?" The general that was a bit ahead rushed to check on him and (name) though stunned and Shellshocked, nodded slowly the Alpha nodded with a sigh of relief "We will get there soon your Highness"
The parade continued and (name) tried to regulate his breathing as he lifted his sleeves and took in the smell of Lucifer that clung to him, too close to his heat to be able to properly handle this.
God, he was so tired...
"We're here your Highness" Had that much time passed?
(Name) Was helped out by his maids, dressed in floral traditional outfits, darker colors as to highlight (name) 's snow white robes that dragged behind him, gold accents matching his accessories "You got this, your Highness" (name) 's closest maid, the one in charge of his maids smiled and (name) nodded before walking up the steps of the temple as people cheered.
Traditional fan dancers danced in front of him, a beautiful display as the guests of the wedding sat and watched in awe as (name) locked eyes with his alphas and had to suppress a chirp. The dancers moved their fans away to make an entrance for (name) to walk closer to them, Asmodeus taking his hands and kissing them gently as the others looked fond at the sight of their beloved, even Belphegor awake and focused on (name).
(Name) Looked at the guests, from countless kingdoms the Royals down to the mayors from cities including the village he was from, and looked in awe at the realization of how large this temple was, it seemed so small in the darkness.
(Name) Barely focused on the priestess as he looked at his mates, shadowy magic binding them together as (name) agreed to the contract of marriage "bound by the fates and the demon king himself, his Highness (name) Morningstar is granted a gift from his majesty of immortality, may his heart beat so long as his alphas" the demon king sat in the distance, watching his younger sons fondly, leaving hell to witness such an event as a red-haired demon stood beside him while staring intently.
(Name) Felt warm as he was brought close by his alphas and danced with them, a grand party that was sure to go on for the next week as guests watched and the city partied and after brought around to be introduced to guests "This is our elder brother, the next king" Lucifer introduced the Omega to his elder brother, next king of hell and intimidating to say the least but the large grin that broke out on his face said otherwise "my, a pleasure to meet you! My apologies that it took me so long to be able to meet you! Let me know if they act up all right. It will be nice to not have a little brother that will get on my nerves!" He teased as he hugged (name) and seemed so warm and understanding to him.
"My mate couldn't make it sadly, they're too far along to make the trip but hopefully after you two can meet!" Lucifer felt warm that his elder brother and a mate got along so well as the other brothers were dragged to talk to guests and eventually Lucifer and (name) went to speak to others, the Omega passed from alpha to alpha to not hog.
"An hour and you don't greet your parents?" (Name) Froze under Asmodeus' gentle hold as he turned to see the mayor of his village and his parents... And sister.
How did they get here?
"Not even an invite, thankfully our dear mayor invited us as his plus ones as his wife and sons couldn't make it," she said casually as his sister altered between glaring at him and swooning over Asmodeus, the beta looking flirty and showing her bust at him but the demon didn't even acknowledge her as he tilted his head at his mate's parents with a cold smile (name) didn't recognize but the gentle thumb rubbing his hip told him he was safe "my~ isn't this a surprise, (name) darling... Why don't you go make sure Beelzie doesn't eat everything, yes?" He urged his hesitant Omega who looked so precious and watched him walk away.
"E-excuse me!" The dad tried barking out and Asmodeus smiled coldly, a beta demanding not just an alpha but a supernatural alpha. Laughable really "I will allow you to continue to enjoy this celebration but if I hear even a whisper of my mate's name from any of your lips that isn't shining adoration I will remind you of your place," Asmodeus said barely above a whisper as he towered over the stumpy beta and his family, he read the letter.
All seven brothers read the letter.
And despite not being wrath, Asmodeus was the most upset.
No flirting, no banter.
Just a thinly veiled threat.
"Now you best behave"
You would think this Would deter (sister), make her behave... But no no.
She was hell-bent on having them.
Breaking this farce is a marriage.
It was expensive getting rut enhancer drugs but it was worth it in her eyes she looked around and saw that (name) was moved to Belphegor who sat in a corner quietly and (name) said worthless words to him and saw that Beelzebub was enjoying his food.
The drug was a fine powder, easy to mask on the powdered cream puffs that the demon was gorging on, slipping past when he went for some ribs and sprinkling on.
She just had to be available when the drugs kicked in.
It was not too long before the demon returned his attention to the cream puffs... But other people took them as well.
Like servants bringing them to their kings.
Oh well, she thought as she focused on Beelzebub and deemed everyone else as a stepping stone to her happiness.
Beelzebub froze after ten minutes, eyes dilating as he stood and looked around "Are you alright?" She tried to seduce the Alpha, pressing against him but like her brother, she didn't quite understand how mating worked and believed he would go to the first willing hole.
But in reality, he sought out (name) who was talking to Diavolos butler, the two fondly chatting about something or another.
"Move," he said coldly as he locked onto (name) marched to him, and lifted him, the other brothers looked concerned as Diavolo decided to start a ring dance and nodded at Lucifer, they all seemed to understand what was happening. (Name) Was confused as he was held close by his alpha who left the temple gardens and spread his wings before taking off, (name) shoving his face in Beelzebub's neck and that's when he smelt the rut. He couldn't help but whine, he was trying so hard not to go into heat but fuck...
He closed his eyes and felt himself sink further, sounds distorting and he felt his clothes removed carefully as voices spoke around him "he will be upset if we ruin this" Asmodeus...? Or is that Satan? "Alpha?" He slurred as the alphas kissed his flesh, cold to the touch and he felt something hard press against his back before he was pushed into his back, he couldn't even formulate a feeling of shame or worry as Belphegor traced the body paint that was on (name)s flesh "pretty..." The sleep demon murmured as he touched the womb tattoo a wave of pleasure washed through (name) and a low moan broke through him "Any pain he feels will feel like absolute pleasure... We may be dealing with a very horny Omega" Asmodeus teased, they didn't have an incantation to make him feel no pain during heat or pregnancy so it was the best option.
Especially because he kept moaning and crying, without it he would be writhing in pain.
"Why don't you spread your legs for us? Hmm? Show us how an Omega presents?" Lucifer spoke low and deep to the Omega who spread his legs on the bed and yelped when Beelzebub shoved his face between his legs and gave a long lick, pushing his legs over his shoulders as half his body was pulled nearly off the bed, Beelzebub on his knees before the bed. "O-oh! Alpha!" He cried out as Beelzebub ate his ass, licking around the rim before pushing in ever so slightly as the smell of slick was heavy in the room "wanna make alpha feel good? Why don't you show Levi here how much you want his cock?" Asmodeus took the initiative with getting (name) to pleasure them as they pleasured him, the Omega opening his mouth so prettily as the shy alpha fed him his cock, (name) licking the underside as he sucked. "H-how did he get so good?!" Levi gasped as he felt (name) hollow his cheeks with a vice force "I have been teaching him how to be a good little cock whore~" Asmodeus teased as Belphegor sucked on one of (name)s nipples as Asmodeus and Lucifer got hand jobs, the two assisting (name) a bit as his body shook.
Satan kissed his navel before moving to the omegas cock and sucking on it, the pre-cum leaking like crazy as (name) struggled to comprehend all the pleasure he felt, hips being held down as Beelzebub inserted a finger, curving it upwards against his prostate as he ate his ass like a final meal and added another finger "you're gonna be-- fuck! Taking a lot tonight baby ~" Asmodeus stammered as Levi came down (name)s throat, the Omega choking slightly but managing "fuck..? Shit.." Levi was already babbling as (name) 's body shook and a climax rolled through, Satan drinking it all "You want more?" Lucifer asked the Omega who whined "Nest!" Beelzebub wasting no time, feral and horny As the other alphas slowly went into a rut from being around a heat-stricken Omega, their demon forms were on full display. (Name) Was settled into his nest as they let Beelzebub enter first his large and heavy cock pressing against (name)s ass as (name) made out with Lucifer, pretty little sounds as Beelzebub pushed in slowly.
Each inch made for louder and prettier sounds from (name) as his body glistened with sweat, another climax rolling through him as Beelzebub was halfway through bottoming out before his hips snapped forward and his pelvic bone was pressed against (name)s ass cheeks "oh! Big...!" He cried out and pushed against him as Belphegor went behind him and held him up, kissing his neck as the others watched hungrily.
Beelzebub wasted no time pistoning his hips as (name) clawed at his skin, body shaking and writhing in pleasure as he poured slick "puppy up!" He cried out as he begged to be bread, owned and full... Belphegor moved around to Sroke (name)s cock and kiss his neck before biting into its neck watching (name) unfold as Beelzebub rolled his hips at the tightness and his grip so tight it was going to leave dark bruises on his hips come morning.
"Please please! Pup!" (Name) Begged for cum, pulling Beelzebub for a kiss and tasting his slick as the alpha's hips slammed one last time and cum poured into him, hot and sticky.
Beelzebub felt some sanity return to him as he looked at a fucked out (name) who couldn't even form words but babbled nonsense as Belphegor kissed him and coddled him "Let's get water and food into him then the next round starts" Lucifer instructed as they already prepared the necessary things that morning, food tested by the demons along with the water before feeding it to (name).
(Name) May have immortality but they still didn't want anything to happen to him.
Though poison pains right now would probably give him six earth-shattering orgasms.
No! No! Bad!
They washed the sweat and paint off his body as (name) recovered slightly but soon grew whiny as he was placed on top of Asmodeus, cock pushing in with ease and crying as Asmodeus gave harsh and slow thrusts.
"Come now, you got more to take ~"
Mammon was furious, absolutely livid as he slammed his fist against the assassin's skull, not wanting this vermin alive as his mate struggled with his heat and six cocks currently "You are taking my precious time with my mate, who the fuck sent you?" He was bordering feral as the assassin finally gave in "The sister! She wanted him dead!"
Mammon left swiftly, telling the guards to find her, she couldn't have gotten far after all.
For now, the greedy demon needed to sink his cock into (name)s cute little ass.
And maybe bite it.
Bite it.
When he walked into the heated room, already nude he was met with (name) being railed by Asmodeus and Satan, cocks moving in his hole at vigorous paces as (name) sucked Lucifer's cock like he would die "(name), look whose here" Lucifer pulled him off his cock to look at mammon and the whine and moan that left his lips as he cried for the silver-haired demon, hands reaching for him, and who was mammon to deny something like this?
Mammon shoved his tongue in (name) 's mouth and relished as the Omega tugged at his hair "Wanna make me feel good?" He didn't even have to show his erect cock as (name) moved and took it in his mouth, mammon sighing at the tightness of his throat "he's a natural" Satan slapped (name)s ass as he pounded as Asmodeus sucked on his chest, the omegas hands going back to work as everyone slowly found a spot for them, the Omega cumming again in the process.
(Name) Was unconscious with Belphegor, needing a heavy rest before the next wave and thoroughly fucked out, the other alphas getting their turns after as Mammon reported findings and what the assassin admitted "She most definitely drugged Bee, our ruts not till winter" Asmodeus said thoughtfully, he should have just let Satan do what he originally wanted to do but that was (name)s choice, not theirs.
But now it was treason that they were talking about.
An attempted assassination against (name).
You see when Diavolo was the next king of hell, they were given rule of the overworld and essentially made (name) queen as they were to be overworld kings come coronation granted by their eldest brother.
And after this, (name) would be carrying their heir.
God, they were half erect at the thought of (name) pregnant.
"I have a manhunt for them, a bounty will be put up as well"
For now, they would care for (name).
When (name) woke, he couldn't feel his legs and his head felt foggy as he was placed into a warm bath "Good morning, lamb" Satan caressed his cheek "Alpha?" He said weakly, voice hoarse from their activities as Mammon gently massaged oils into him, the alphas already washing the cum and sweat off him "Hello pretty baby~ you took us so well, we are so proud of you" (name) chirped at the praise as he received loving kisses "after this was gonna feed you" Lucifer promised and (name) felt a slight sense of clarity "cuddle? Before heat comes back?" He asked as the others smiled, unable to resist the request.
(Name) Was naked and dried off as he cuddled the others who doted on him "You did so well, absolutely beautiful my love" Asmodeus cooed, and (name) let him kiss and love him "My garden?" He asked softly, why that was his worry beyond anyone but Lucifer eased his worries with the promise of the gardeners taking care of it.
For now, he was to relax.
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sparkbeast20 · 9 months
The Wiki is a lifesaver!!
Hear me ramble about these sprites XD
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We get to see Valefor's full sprite!!
I love his outfit, it has the right balances of Black and Gold colors.
And his nails!! 🫦
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Peepaw!!! That wasn't a Toga!! They're Pants!!
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Interesting that Naberius has a Plagued Mask. Tho, in the Ars Goetia it said that he can turned into a Crow or Crane
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Just a guilty pleasure cause I kinda like Buer's design and I like his pants and we get to see the Doggo :3
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*Dies from being to turned by this...*
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Why are these bath sprites too sexy and hot!!!
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Oh! Satan has a Butterfly knife!!
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Nice to see that your crotch part of your pants is still intact, your Majesty XD
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Same, Dantalian. I much prefer to wear Snickers then Black shoes when wearing a school Uniform.
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Last one for this post, is my Fav!!! Oh my god!! I love him so much!!!
Just seeing your top half was enough for me, but I love seeing you fully!! ^3^
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o-pandora-o · 2 months
May I request headcanons for WHB Satan, Beelzebub, Leviathan, Valefor, Beleth, and Mammon with shy gn s/o please?
Satan, Mammon, Leviathan, Beelzebub, Valefor, Beleth with shy g/n s/o
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Notes: Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like this, and I do apologize for making this late. I had a lot of ideas so I kinda made it too long LMAO. I'm not sure if I made this correct, but if I didn't, send me another ask. I apologize in advance because I'm not really used to writing Leviathan's up until now. Thank you so much again and keep playing WHB~
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🩸PDA!!! He LOVES showing public display of affection, much to your dismay. He loves to put his arms around you and sometimes he'd suddenly kiss you and make out (he always makes sure no one sees). Sometimes, when he's feeling a bit spicy he'd becomes a bit touchy (with consent of course), which never fails to make you red as a tomato.
"S-satan! N-not in public!" you close your eyes while blushing so madly "Kek. It's alright babe, no one can see" Satan grins as he wrapped his arm around your waist and and kissed you, Sitri and the others not noticing, or do they?
🩸Satan is so straightforward, it always make you flustered; bonus is he does that on occasions that you're with others! "What do you mean you're on a diet because someone said you're fat? C'mere!" Satan whisks you up and puts you down in the nearest chair, his arms still wrapped around your waist. "You're never fat in my eyes, alright? You look good as you'll ever be. Hot stuff." He began to make out with you "Satan!! Mmphhh!!!" "Yea, that's right sweet cheeks"
🩸He always acknowledged your strengths and weaknesses. He's always proud of you, that's why he picked you as his s/o. He would boast you whenever he's with others if given the chance, which always make you blush. "Satan, what made you like y/n hmm? They're your complete opposite, they're shy" Beelzebub asked "Hah what do you mean? They're the best person anyone can ever have! They do their best, they look good, they're nice, and much more. I think being shy is one of their best trait..." Satan looks at you with a smirk in his face, while you were blushing. "See?" He adds. "Satan!!!" he grins when he saw you covering your face. He grabs your wrist and he kissed you to make you shut up, which made you blush even more.
🩸You know those trope where one person is shy enough to tell the waiter they got their order wrong, and their partner bluntly tells the waiter that they got the order wrong? Yeah that's Satan.
Both of you were in Gehenna's bar ordering food. "Uhm... I'll take the 666 Devil burger please..." "And I'll take the House Steak, and a glass of Devil's water (alcohol)" Satan proudly grins as he hold your waist. "Coming right up!" One of the waiter says, you both went to the available sofa seats. Both of you sit at opposite sides of the table, and talk about your day. "The burger here is top tier I'd say, it was a good choice kek" At Satan's remark, the waiter came with all of the ordered food. The server gave your food last however it was not what you ordered. "O-oh... Thank you..." you replied as you stared at the burger. Satan saw your hesitation and immediately looked at the food. "You ordered a burger right? The 666 Devil Burger?" Satan grins as he saw you hesitate. "Y-yes it's okay I can eat this, I wanted to try a different meal...." "But still, it's not your order right?" Satan grins even more as he knows where this was going "B-but I can-" "Heya, waiter! They ordered the 666 Devil's burger not this one" Satan grinned and told the waiter as you blushed, tried to hide in the table as if you made a crime. "Oh! My apologies your majesty Satan! I'll bring them the burger, I apologize for the mistake" "W-wait its-" you were too late to say 'it's alright' as the waiter already took the plate of food and went to the kitchen. "T-thank you" you meekly said, head down facing the table
🩸Satan is observant whenever you're hesitating or feeling insecure. If you somehow came across demons with good body like muscular or sexy bodies, and if you feel down, Satan knows you won't admit it so he oftens pulls you and put an arm on your shoulder or waist and kiss your forehead. "Hey" Satan said as he noticed you looking at the devils with skimpy clothing. You look up at him, pretending to be clueless. "I know what you're thinking, just so you know you're hot in your own way, which I like more than devils with skimpy fit" "...are you sure you're okay with me?" your head lies low. "Hm..." He grins and makes out with you "Of course I am!" He grins proudly as you were looking disheveled from him making out with you.
🩸Always slaps your ass both in private and in public. You were talking with Sitri in the hallway of Satan's Palace, while Satan was walking. He saw a glimpse of your luscious booty jiggling as you talk and make gestures with Sitri, he made a beeline towards you and slapped your ass, loud slap echoing in the Palace corridor. "SATAN!!!" You said as you blushed heavily, Sitri blinking and pretending nothing happened as if he can hear both of your beating heart; one is nervous while the other is excited. Satan ran for it and somehow you ran to him, trying to catch him.
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🪙Unlike Satan, he respects your comfort zone a bit more, so he's a bit neutral on PDA. If you feel that you wanna hold his hand or arm, he'd get closer to you. Most of the time he won't initiate into PDA with you.
The back of your hand comes in contact with Mammon's more frequently than it should while walking in the streets of Tartaros. Mammon looked at you and noticed you were nervous, he decides to hold your hand. His harm brings comfort and warmth to you, as you looked up at him. His lips curled up, smiling warmly at you, and whispered "It's okay, treasure. I'm here, don't worry." Which in turn, made you slightly flustered but comforted.
🪙Mammon is very sharp whether you're feeling uncomfortable or a bit out of your comfort zone.
Bimet was a bit loud, mocking you, and kept asking too many questions, much to your discomfort. "I could not understand what his Majesty Mammon sees in you! You're so...meek!" Bimet scoffs as he eyes you. "Uh... I don't kn-" "Bimet! You're getting a bit rude don't you think? What do you think his majesty will say?" Valefor cuts you. Mammon comes in, scanning the area as he answered Bimet's question "They're humble, they're gentle and soft... I want to protect them and make them mine in which I failed because they got me first. Now if you'll excuse us..." Mammon smiles as he escorted you out.
🪙He doesn't really care what others think especially if it has something to do with your shyness. He'd love you all the way.
🪙You sometimes get too flustered whenever Mammon buys everything you have once just talked about.
"Hello delivery for Mx. Y/n. This is from his Majesty Mammon. Please sign here..." A delivery guy came. "Oh thanks" As the delivery guy left, another came... "Delivery for Mx. [First name] [Last name]! Deluxe Delivery of Sushi and Milk tea from Devil Cuisine! His Majesty Mammon didn't know what you want so he got everything from the menu. We'll help you get these inside" "Oh God... Thank you that's a bit too mu-" while the other delivery guy puts the food inside, another delivery came "Good day, you're Y/n right? Delivery sent by his majesty. The latest clothing made from Devil's Diamond Co. has arrived" The delivery guy came with a truck ton of clothing hanged in gold clothes rack with acrylic casing. All you can do was gulp and be shy, all the delivery demons were coming in and out. You can see your neighbors whispering and gossiping about the deliveries. You have your head lowered and muttered a "thank you" As if it wasn't enough, Valefor and Elgios came delivering a message and a gift from Mammon. "Y/n!" Valefor waves. "Delivery from his Majesty! He said he forgot to give it to you this morning...Oh..." They saw the delivery guys going in and out unloading the deliveries to your place. "Busy day huh?" All you can do is be flustered and say "Yea... Thanks"
🪙He thinks you're so cute being shy all the time, he sometimes tease you to make you blush
"Y/n?" "Hm?" "You know you're really cute whenever you're shy, you look soft... Like a bottom... Like a peach...." "Excuse me?! Are you saying I'm a bottom...that I'm similar to an ass cheek?" you protested as you blushed heavily "You're really soft... Like this" he slapped your ass "Mammon!!!"
🪙Speaking of slapping the peach, similar to Satan, Mammon gropes your ass more frequent in private, as it is in public. He likes it more than slapping your ass cheeks, which he only does to tease you.
You were cooking Lunch in Mammon's palace, you thought you were alone as Mammon was away in a meeting. You were chopping some bacon until you felt a large hand in your rear and squeezed it gently, making you squeak. You turned around, pointing the knife (accidentally) to whomever touched you. "Mmmm sweetie, no need to get offensive, you know how I love your peaches" he smiles as if he hasn't done anything wrong. "Y-you!! I thought you were in a meeting with Bimet?" You scrambled as you put down the knife with a hand in your ass. "It was finished early, sorry if I scared you with my touch. I just missed touching your peachy babies." He laughs and smiles while you still blush as his grope still lingers on your ass.
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⚰️Doesn't like PDA. Nope. Don't even TRY to touch him. Because he doesn't like PDA and you're shy whenever there is PDA, you two somehow make a great team.
⚰️However if there's a time you really wanted some time together, he'd let you. You would mostly initiate rather than him.
One cold morning in Hades, you woke up at your room and went to Leviathan's office because you were bored (and lovesick). "Levi, are you busy?" you peeked from the door "Don't call me that. Yes, I'm busy. What do you want?" He glared as he still did some paperworks "Well it's been a while since we had a date...I was wondering if we could have a date...but if you're busy I'll go ask others sorry...." you said as you were flustered "How dare you say that?! I envy people who get to say and do what they want all the time...." He broke his pen and glared at you "Sorry... I'll just go it seems I bothered you..." "Leave and I'll hang." He glared at you "Does that mean you'll go on a date with me?" You were happy "I envy people who are too happy with little things. Change clothes and stop bothering me. Ill meet you in 10 mins." when you left a small smile and blush appeared on his face.
⚰️Doesn't really care if you improve (getting out of your comfort zone) or not. What's important is you do his orders, and maybe bask him with attention.
"You...Why did you talk to Beelzebub more than necessary?" Leviathan glares at you "W-what do you mean? I just did what you said, I gave him Pandora's Box!!! He asked some questions and I answered it...I left quickly as I could! He was asking intimate questions a-and I don't wanna answer something you don't consent me telling..." you kept stammering knowing so well he's jealous but you were also a bit flustered "I'm so jealous you were with him for a long time compared to me...let alone let him to ask you private questions! Hang!" He was glaring at you "NOOOO! I won't be able to choke you anymore if I die" he froze and stared at you "Were you trying to threaten me? How dare you Hang!!" he glared "Kngh!" You were hanged but immediately put down "Hmph. How dare you threaten me..." You saw a glimpse of his sad eyes and decide to hug him, despite it crossing your comfort zone. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do it okay? And sorry for talking to Beel. You know you're the most beautiful and handsome King that I love" you hug his back "That's right. I am the most beautiful King." He didn't admit it but he was scared of losing you, especially if it was because of him. Good thing you didn't see, but the both of you were blushing.
⚰️He tried to fluster you, but it felt horribly wrong to him.
You were with Foras roaming the Palace garden, until Leviathan came and gave you a rare jewel shaped like a rose. "Levi, this is for me?" you blushed. "Haven't I told you already that Ignorance is a sin? And I told you don't call me that!" he was somehow blushing and Foras looked away almost laughing but soon pretended like nothing happened. "Y-you shouldn't be allowed to be happier than me" Leviathan tried to protest, but you didn't say anything but you were fidgeting. Both of you were a blushing mess that time.
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🕶️A bigger PDA than Satan (surprised? Not really). You think Satan is worse making out with you while with the gang? Get ready for Beelzebub. He will literally go full PDA on you whenever he sees you, which makes you flustered a whole lot.
Amon is guarding you when roaming the streets of Abyssos, looking for a place to eat dinner. Suddenly someone hugs you from behind, their arms enveloping your figure and their chin on top of your head, while you look at Amon, who looked bewildered with a longing look. "Y/n!!! I missed youuu~" their voice all too familiar, and when you face them, it was none other than Beelzebub. "I missed your scent....hmm? Smells like you missed me too!" Beelzebub shamelessly smells you in different places, your neck, armpits, and somewhere down there. "Beel! Don't smell me there! There are people!!" You blushed. True enough to what you said, the people were all looking at the both of you, shocked, while one said "IT'S MAJESTY BEELZEBUB, GET HIM!!!" "Woops, forgot the spell...come lets go!" Beel hugs you from behind and began dashing. When the both of you are in an alleyway, he put a spell on both of you so no one will notice you. "I missed this so much~" he began cuddling you and peppers you with kisses as he sniffs you. "B-beel not too much" you protested against his grasp "Mmm okay!" He stopped peppering you but his arm is still in your waist and his body is too close to you. You blush at the contact. "You're really cute y/n~ I wanna eat you already hmm but maybe after dinner or are you the dinner?~" he leads you to the nearby bar, while shamelessly saying stuff out loud, which made you blush further.
🕶️ He isn't like Satan or Mammon who observes to see if your uncomfortable, he SMELLS if you're uncomfy.
While having hot sexy time with beel, he smells that you're not feeling it. "Hmmm" he stops sucking your dick/eating your pussy out. "Uhm..." "I smell what you feel. It's okay if you don't want today~" he goes on top of you, and embraces you instead, your head below his chin, facing his sweaty chest. "Sorry..." You meekly said. "Mmm it's okay sweetie. Did you have a bad day? You smell more ... Different today than usual" Beel traces circles on your back while still embracing you. "Um just some stupid co-workers... Sorry I know you really want it... it's okay..." "Hmm no use if you won't enjoy it~ Do you want me to give a small gift to your co workers hmmm?~" Beel smiles while a black aura surrounds him. You cup his cheek despite your hesitance, "No... It's alright, thank you" you slightly smile, and he embraces you. "But I can try to make you feel bett-" "NO!" The night was full of fluffy cuddling and spooning with a mix of Beel trying to turn you on.
🕶️He supports you whenever you're hesitant in getting out your comfort zone. He might be horny and hungry all the time but, he knows when he needs to be serious.
"...should i...no maybe not ill make a mess..." Beelzebub sneaks up on you "Y/n~ what are you doing?" You jumped at his presence. "I...uh.." you scratch the back of your head. "I wanted to bake a cake with devil ingredients but I think I'll make a mess" Beel soften his smile and his hands were in your shoulder "The first step is always the hardest, babe. You can do it, I believe in you~ I can be your taste tester if you want~ no wait, I'll help you! We can put angel organs in it and-" "NO! This is for someone special! No angel remains!!!" You pushed him out of the kitchen "But thank you for your words..." You actually made a cake for his birthday the next day and you were really shy to tell him.
🕶️ He is so happy and proud of you whenever you make the first move or go out of your comfort zone.
"Y/n? Ready for our dateee~" He bursts in your room, a bit shocked. "Oho Y/n? You're not gonna go with your usual hoodie?" He eyes your clothing "No...I wanna try something new" you blush slightly and look down "You look good in that" he nods in approval "Really? You don't think it's not my style or ugly?" "Mmm it compliments your figure... I like it" you blushed on his comment.
🕶️He always ALWAYS teases you and talks dirty, whether in public or private.
As you both walk across a adult toy store, one mannequin on display with obscene undergarments with strap-ons. "Ooooh~ that's their latest model, wanna try it out? I bet it looks good on you while you take me hmmm? All fours in the bed while you whimper and mo-" Beel coos, as he eyes the outfit and your body, fitting it in his imagination. "Shhh not in public!!!" You cover his mouth as you blushed. He smirks under your hand covering his mouth.
🕶️Since you're in Abyssos, it's common to see people with skimpy or too fitted clothing. You never told beel that you were jealous of the body figure of most demons you see, but he can see (and smell).
Both you and Beel passed by a bar with demon men and women with hot, fitted, skimpy clothing. While they greet his Majesty and you, you somehow had a sad look in your eyes. It wasn't your destination so both of you walked by but Beel noticed your insecurity when he saw you looking down at your body and holding your baby fats. "Hmm~ You don't need to be insecure, babe. You have your own assets! See you have this!" He points your chest "And this!" He points your thighs "Also this!" He playfully slaps your ass "And especially this!" He kneels in front of you and pats your genitals and licks his lips. "BEELZEBUB!!! We're in public!!!" you pulled him to stand up while blushing so madly.
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🛡️Neutral on PDA. Doesn't like it if you feel uncomfortable because of him. He values your personal space. However, like Mammon, if he notices that you're a bit uncomfortable, he'd come closer to you.
You were travelling with Valefor and the Tartaros Demons. Somehow a shop caught your eye and stopped your tracks, making the group walk further than you. One female demon (a saleslady) came close to you, offering her products. "Ah no sorry, I just saw something in your display, thank you." You responded hurriedly. "But sir/ma'am, wait I haven't gotten to the good part yet~" her touch sent shivers down your spine. You backed off and politely decline, but the demon continues to touch and flirt with you. Somehow, Valefor noticed you were gone and found you and heard the conversation. "It seems you have good wares, but we have to go, my s/o is a bit tired. Thank you" Valefor skillfully butts in, smiling with golden aura, while holding your hand and back and escorting you away from them. You shyly thanked Valefor while blushing, and catched up with the group before they notice where the both of you gone.
🛡️He mostly initiate things, but ask for your consent first. He will mostly initiate dates in places you're comfortable with.
"Good morning sweetest prince/princess. Would you like to go to on a movie date with me today? I got tickets for Demons: the Last Journey." "How'd you know I wanted to have a movie date?" You shyly said "Hmm I may or may not have seen your phone open looking for tickets while you were asleep" he rubs the back of his neck, not wanting to actually say it.
🛡️Likes it when you're flustered whenever he does something/gets you something you'd like.
You arms and hand rubs your torso as the both of you were walking in the streets of Tartaros while on a date. Surprisingly, it was also the day that Valefor's clothes are more casual than what he usually wears (armor). "Hm..." He noticed you were shivering and he put his jacket into your shoulders. "I'm not too sure if you'd enjoy PDA but... I know that would at least make you warm, prince/princess." He smiles as you were flustered and thanked him.
🛡️He comforts you using physical touch when you feel sad, upset, or anything negative, especially if it's about frustration about your shyness.
He notices that you were feeling extra down when you were staring at the window from your bed.
"Mmm sweetest, everything alright? You can tell me if you want..." He held your hand
"It's alright... I'm fine" you looked at him, and formed a smile with all your might "....My dear prince/princess, I know I'm pushing your buttons here but... I know you aren't... It won't hurt to tell me, I'm always here...but if you don't really wanna tell me then it okay" he kissed the back of your hand "It's just....well it was just work... I wanted to volunteer for a project but... Shyness got ahead of me and...when I got a hold of myself the slots were already filled....I waited for that project to have a need for volunteers but... It's all because of this stupid shyness... I know I'm overreacting a bit... But I really hate it when shyness takes over me...and overthinking... I'm sorry this is so stupid..." you look at the sheets, ashamed to look at him. "Look at me, sweetest. It's alright. Your feelings are valid, you should ask them later if they can possibly squeeze you in or wait if someone backs out okay? I know shyness sometimes becomes a pain for you, there are times when the mind is your greatest enemy..." He hugs you and kisses your forehead. "Sometimes you need to just...do it you know... Don't think of what other people think or say... I know it's hard, especially the first step in doing it" he cuddles you, traces circles in your back "I know you can do it" he kisses the back of your hand once more as you slightly blush. He gave you a confidence plushie with a "you can do it" sign, it was a mini Valefor with a confident expression.
🛡️In rare times when he's feeling romantic, he'd bunny kiss you if no one is looking. Or ask if you want to listen to music with him when both of you are making plushies, he'd lend one of his earphones connected to his phone.
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🚬Neutral on PDA, similar to Mammon and Valefor. He respects your personal space and doesn't like it if you're uncomfortable because of him. Like when you're walking together, he's a bit close but not too much. He won't put his hand in your waist or shoulder unless you want it.
🚬Like a cat, he seems to get along with everybody. He maintains order in Nilfheim, so he is known by everybody. Sometimes whenever you two go out, you get greeted by a lot. Too much greetings, it sometimes makes you overwhelmed.
"Sup, Beleth and Y/n!" A group of demons wave at the both of you "Oh hello" "Hello Beleth oh and hello y/n!!" A duo of Demons come across you "H-hi" "Beleth my man!! Oh hello y/n! Beautiful day isn't it?" A buff demon greets the both of you "Heya" Beleth notices how you were getting tired smiling and greeting demons here and there. "Hahaha. Sorry babe, I didn't expect we'd get greeted by a lot today, you can just cling to me if you're too shy to say hi back, don't worry, they'll understand" He rubs your back. "It's fine, I just got overwhelmed by a lot of greetings here and there, I'm just not used to it, even until now..." You sheepishly said "Hahaha. You'll get used to it, babe. I know it" He kissed your forehead and made you slightly blush.
🚬He teases you and laughs whenever he make you blush. He always likes it whenever you're too shy, he sometimes make you sit on his lap because you're too cute, he like cute things after all.
"Mmmm...new fit for the date?" Beleth eyes you and comments with a proud smirk "Yeah, I tried some new style, I guess you'd be pretty bored of my previous outfits so I tried a new style! I hope it's not too bad..." You explain sheepishly. "You look...soft and cute. Hohohoho just what I like! C'mere, kitten" he grabs your waist and sits you on his lap "Hmm but don't worry okay? Dress for yourself. I won't get tired of your style...because what's important is what's inside...and I'm the only one who gets to see what's underneath..." He whispers huskily on your ear. Which in turn, made you blush so hard you were covering your face. "Hahahaha. Now atta boy/girl" he pats your head.
🚬Similar to Satan or Mammon, he'd sometimes slap or grope your ass. But he'd do it when no one is looking (mostly on public just to tease you, he likes seeing your flustered expression).
You and Beleth discovered some ruins, and began exploring with Bathin and Gusion. Bathin and Gusion were in another room while you and Beleth were in another. Somehow you were looking over some ruin scripture in the walls. Beleth was roaming around, until he saw you looking at some ruin writings, rear exposed. He went over, a bit nonchalant like nothing was up and slapped your ass, enough to make it jiggle. You jumped and yelped, surprised by the sudden peach slap. You were flustered but your reflex was faster and punched Beleth's arm. "Hahahaha It's was worth it!" He said rubbing his arm. "Beleth! What if they see!" you were flustered with your arms crossed, trying to look mad. "Hohoho relax, kitten. I promise no one will see our lil shenanigans." He pats your head as you were still flustered.
🚬He enjoys it if he sees you're with Harumon. Gusion or Bathin sometimes see him with a lovesick expression on his face which irks them.
Beleth sees you scratching Harumon's belly, Harumon purring and you were smiling. He somehow had a longing look, with a lovesick expression on his face. "*Coughs* A bit weird seeing you like this, I'll pretend I didn't see anything" Gusion adjust his glasses. Somehow you notice someone staring at you, which was Beleth. You somehow blushed a bit, but still played with Harumon like nothing happened. Beleth noticed this and smirked.
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heartfeltcherie · 5 months
Lucifer x shy Baker reader
very first lucifer story and i can’t tell if i like it or hate it lol but i hope u guys enjoy it!! :)
☾. °.   ࿐  ` , •
sugar. butter. flour.
that’s how most of your days went — baking pastries in one of hell’s finest bakeries, serving regular, everyday sinners, to the fanciest overlords of hell. it was tiring work, starting everything from scratch each and every morning and making sure every bite would be the freshest it could be.
you, yourself, weren’t an overlord — just a normal city goer on the streets of pentagram city, doing your job to make a living. even in hell you’re expected to pay rent; but i guess that’s why it’s called hell.
the door chimes, signalling a customer entering your quiet little bakery that smelled of strawberries and sweetness.
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“hello, darling” and there he was — lucifer morningstar, the king of hell, himself. you look up from where you were putting the last of your pies in the display case, your cheeks becoming as red as the strawberries you cut up earlier. “oh, your majesty! hello!” you make your way to the front counter, hoping he doesn’t realize how flustered he makes you merely by his own presence.
oh, he absolutely notices. and it feeds his ego tenfold.
he rests his elbow on the counter, resting his chin on the back of his hand.
“i believe i ordered a dozen of your finest cupcakes. shaped like ducks, to be more precise” you chuckle to yourself — who knew the king of hell would get so much enjoyment out of rubber ducks? “let me go get those for you, your majesty”
“oh, dear, there’s no need for formalities. lucifer’s just fine. especially since i’m in here oh-so often” he looks at you with half lidded eyes, raising his eyebrows at you. he knows exactly what he’s doing to you when he speaks in that tone.
you try not to stumble over your own two feet as you get the fancy pink box that has a clear lid, perfectly displaying his highness’s order. you can feel yourself trying not to shake with nerves because satan, he’s so beautiful. “i’m beginning to think you come in here for more than just the sweets i bake” you place the box with fragile goods down in front of him on the counter. lucifer chuckles at your statement, drawing small circles with his pointer finger on your counter. “oh, really? and what makes you say that, hm?”
“i-i don’t know… maybe it’s just an observation, but you come here more than the regulars. and when you do, you usually strike up a conversation with me for hours on end until i have to tell you we’re closed” you chuckle shyly, recalling the countless times lucifer has come in just to talk to you, or give you so many compliments that turn you into a blushing mess.
you don’t understand why he has specific interest in you; he barely knows you, and you him. only in the fairytales in your mind are happily holding hands together.
“oh! haha! that!” he looks nervous, fiddling with his jacket lapels and wiping none existent dirt off his sleeves, not realizing how many times he’s come in just to see you. but he can’t help it, he’s craving the sweetness you give off of lavender and daydreams that it spins him poetic; and he hopes that maybe one day you’ll let him have a taste (you will). “i suppose you just have a way of… drawing me in, i-i guess”
“i just work here, lucifer… you don’t even know me”
“well then, perhaps we should change that then, don’t you think?” you furrow your eyebrows in confusion, tilting your head like a small puppy. lucifer’s heart nearly beats out of his chest. “what do you mean?”
“i meaaan… come by! a-and share some cupcakes with me! and we can also have tea! or chocolate milk! we don’t even have to have the cupcakes! i can get something made for us! michelin-tasting menu, free à la carte!”
you giggle at his excitement and lucifer swears he could listen to that sound for the rest of eternity.
“i-i get off work at five?” you ask with a shy smile, pink dusting your cheeks at the thought of a date with the man you’ve been crushing on for so long. “then i shall see you then, my dear” he kisses the back of your hand with a gentleness that leaves your head spinning as he picks up the box of duck-shaped cupcakes and walks out of your bakery.
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