#his wiggles are superior over all else
gukkie01 · 1 year
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Pair: Racer! Jungkook x Police officer! Fem reader
Rating/Genre: 18+, smut (little to no plot), humour (I tried but failed again 😐)
Words count: 5 649
Warning: explicit content, oral sex (F receiving), semi-public sex (I guess??), penetrative sex, vaginal sex, jungkook is a very very hot racer, fingering, car sex, sassy Y/n, dirty talking, unprotected sex (pls don’t be dumb like them)
Summary: Y/n was starting to get bored of being a police officer. She needed the thrill. Thank god, Jeon Jungkook was there to help her.
Note: very much liked writing this one. It was inspired by a book I read on wattpad (that I forgot the name of :/) but I switched the roles and decided Y/n was going to be the police officer 👍. Hope you guys enjoy this one! Sorry for any typos :(
💞 quick little reminder that comments and likes are appreciated 🥹. Enjoy! 💞
Can’t Catch Me
Being a police officer was not your dream anymore. For the solemn reasons that it was boring as hell. Nothing like in the movies. There weren’t any arresting criminals and interfering in mafia cartels and saving the day.
No. It was sorting documents and sometimes, if you were lucky enough, arresting cars. But where was the thrill in that? The excitement?
Sitting down behind a desk clearly wasn’t saving anyone or helping in that case. It was just making phone calls, watching some people here and then to make sure they didn’t leave. You never had to interrogate anyone. You didn’t even have your opportunity at playing the mean cop!
Because there was no doubt that you would’ve been the mean cop. You let no one step over you or cross any boundaries.
So yeah, being a cop or police officer if you would, was not thrilling at all. It was a shitty job that paid just enough so you could survive the month. Just enough. In the end, you always had to ask yourself if it was even worth it. And most of the time, your answer ended up being no, not at all.
Your superior was not even—
Speaking of, you suddenly received a phone call from him. Picking up, you cleared your throat, trying to sound as professional and calm and cool as possible. “Y/n,” he said and shifted a little. “I need you in my office. Now.” He ended the call, not giving the slightest bit of details.
But you were used to that. Didn’t make it less annoying though.
With an exasperated sigh that earned a few amused glares from your coworkers, you got up and made your way to your boss’s office down a little hall. Three knocks and a barely audible ‘come in’ later, you were sitting down in front of him, Mr. Kang or Monkey Face as you liked to call him.
“Yes sir?” You asked, quirking an eyebrow and shifting to the edge of your chair. Were you in trouble? You couldn’t see how that was possible. How could sitting all day bring you in trouble?
Monkey Face, without once letting his eyes divert from his laptop, clicked his tongue. “I’m assigning you to a new route,” was all he said, typing away on his laptop and munching on his gum a little too loudly for your taste.
“What? Where?” The idea of finally leaving this hell of a place brought interest into your features as you wiggled more on the edge of your chair. It was embarrassing really. It wasn’t like you were arresting criminals but at least, you were going to be outside, arresting cars.
Give or take. And you decided to take.
“Route 30. You can go now.”
So, apparently, route 30 ended up being more of a stretch of highway rather than an actual route. By the time the moon set, you saw two cars, and they were exasperatedly slow. But there was no one else behind so you let it pass.
You were sitting inside your car, radio playing but you paid it no mind. It was just nice having some background noises that stopped you from falling asleep although let’s just say it wasn’t doing its job right.
When you glanced outside, the sky was pitch black; no stars, no moon. It was like someone purposely painted it black. It made the outside much darker and duller.
You sighed and decided to exit your car. Take some fresh air. You stood outside, kicking rocks with your boots and after some time, you even started playing soccer against yourself.
But you quickly got bored once again.
It turned out that being assigned to patrol a road was worse than you thought. Sitting in your car, switching the radio multiple times until you’d get so frustrated you would just shut it.
At one point, you got so bored you were on the verge of tears. Which was pathetic but true.
You started singing off-tune to a song that you vaguely remembered, singing as loud as you could before that too would become boring.
And that was when the universe heard your wishes.
Your ears perked up at the ramble of an engine, far in the distance but no doubt getting nearer pretty fast. Too fast. With your heart thumping almost loudly, you buckled your seatbelt and waited until the roaring got closer and closer and you finally saw it.
It flew past you so quickly it was like it was never there in the first place. You flicked on your lights as well as your sirens and started the car, following as closely as you could.
It was hard. Whatever car it was surely surpassed your own speed. And if it didn’t slow down any time soon, you’d lose sight of them eventually.
They made a turn to the left so quickly that you almost couldn’t follow. Your car had been on the verge of driving off the road. You weren’t really on the highway anymore but more on a small route hidden by immense trees.
You were breathless and nervous but driving that fast was the biggest thrill of your entire life and it was so liberating.
Finally, the car decelerated soon after, swerving into the side and parking swiftly. With how fast it had initially been going, you were impressed with how smooth it parked. Whoever it was behind the steering wheel, they were clearly experienced.
Slowly, all the while trying not to make a fool of yourself, you pulled up behind the bright neon blue car. You stepped out and approached the vehicul, taking in deep breaths. Be cool, be cool.
You knocked on the window three times before it slid down and goddamn it—
Your heart literally stopped beating for a fraction of a second when your gaze met a pair of doe eyes. Your own trailed lower until it stopped at a particular shiny object on the driver’s face. A lip piercing.
For a moment, you completely forgot what you were here for, too dazed by the same piercing being bitten and played with. You shook your head, regaining your composure. Or more like tried to.
Question number one.
“Do you know how fast you were driving?” You asked, trying to muster the scariest voice you could. His pierced eyebrow raised up and he smiled innocently. He had this little bunny smile that made you giddy despite trying to calm yourself down.
“I’m sorry officer, I wasn’t paying attention.” He was amused. It was clear in the way his eyes twinkled and the mocking tone of his so fucking deep voice. You gulped a lump in your throat, trying with all your might not to look at any of his piercings and maintain your professionalism.
Question number two.
“License and registration?” You managed to ask without stuttering and the driver reached into the glove box compartment and handed you his papers.
You glanced down at them, letting your eyes trail along the information.
Jeon Jungkook. Born September 1st, 1997. He was a year older than you. His hair in the picture of his license was shorter and lighter. More like a soft brown whereas now, it was almost black. You didn’t know why you were even paying attention to that. You didn’t deign a look at his registration papers and gave them back to him.
He arched an eyebrow, clearly finding the whole situation amusing and to his advantage. He must have known just how much he had an effect on you right now.
Your inner thoughts consisted of:
I’m gonna get fired
But he’s so hot, I don’t care
I wish he could take me right here, right now
I am so getting fired.
Jungkook’s smooth husky voice quickly pulled you out of your thoughts. It was kind of funny how your heart dropped at how deep and soft his voice sounded. There was this little witty and sarcastic tone behind it.
“Aren’t you supposed to use these?” He asked, wiggling his license and registration in his hands. It was then that your eyes caught the tattoos hiding every inch of his skin. It was covering a big part of his hands and went up under his sleeve and you found yourself wanting to see more. You needed to see his entire full sleeve tattoo.
You cleared your throat, the air around you thickening by the seconds. You wondered if you were the only one feeling it. The tension. The want. The desire. Maybe it was only your brain playing tricks on you. Telling you that Jungkook’s eyes definitely trailed down your body, mentally undressing you.
Yeah, your mind was clearly playing tricks. Maybe it was his little grin tugging at the corner of his lips or his sweet cologne that made your brain alter like that. Surely, he had done something to you.
After a couple of seconds, you realized you still hadn’t answered him. You straightened up, flattening your hand on the top of his car, glancing down at him with what you hoped was your most serious glare. “I’ll let you off with a warning, Jungkook.” It was a little strange saying his name out loud, but you quickly found out that you liked it. A lot.
“But I better not see you here again or it’s a ticket,” you continued and saw his smile widening.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Ok, your mind was definitely going a little crazy. You had just seen Jungkook sending a little wink your way. You probably imagined it. Yeah, it was all your brain.
He gave a little nod and started his engine once again. It roared loud and hoarsely and you had to admit that it was nice to the ears. You took a step back and watched as Jungkook drove away, ignoring your words from mere moments ago and going fast.
You clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
You had told Jungkook to never come back here but deep inside, you wished to see him again.
A week later, the job didn’t get better. If possible, it probably got worse. You hadn’t arrested one single car yet and all you did was sleep in your car. You knew that if your boss found out, he’d surely fire you and it would be over. He was paying you to work, not sleep. That would be his words.
You sighed for the millionth time this afternoon, whistling along the song playing on the radio. The sun wasn’t bright today. Your mood was down.
The radio was on as per usual and you could hear some of your coworkers communicating with each other, wishing you could do the same. You had nothing to say, nothing to warn. Today was pretty boring.
But then again, someone seemed to have heard you and a loud roar could be heard at the far end of the highway. Your heart thumped loudly and you felt your chest vibrate. Finally. You felt a smile curve up your lips as you turned your car on just as a vehicle flashed before your eyes.
You quickly drove away from behind the small bushes you were once parked at and started your pursuit. But it was quickly over. The car parked on the side road after a short while and you did the same a couple of meters behind. You stood outside your car, looking around quickly before jogging and knocking against the tinted window.
“Do you know how— Jesus! You?”
Fucking hell. Of course it was him. Jeon Jungkook. You should have known by the unique rambling of his motor and at the speed he went earlier. You should have known since the start. This job was seriously making you lose some brain cells.
Jungkook grinned. It was a little devilish and teasing and smug. He leaned on the inside of his door, looking up at you. Fuck. He had dimples.
“Hi to you too, officer…” his eyes trailed down to your badge, “Y/n.” The way your name rolled off his tongue so well made you shiver. His voice had gone an octave lower. It had that little rasp to it that almost made you drool. You secretly wished you could hear it right to your ears.
Just the thought of it gave you goosebumps.
“Jungkook, it’s the second time I catch you exceeding the speed limit. I have no other choice but to give you a ticket this time.”
You didn’t really want to. If you could, you’d let him off with another warning that would actually never get anywhere. He was too pretty to have a ticket. Too fucking perfect.
Jungkook’s wicked grin didn’t falter once even after your words. If it made sense, it seemed to only get wider. Was he finding this entire situation funny? It made your blood slightly boil. You felt like you were getting laughed at. Humiliated maybe. But there was also this little feeling, this tightness at the pit of your stomach when Jungkook got closer.
His cologne hit your strong and gosh, you wanted to breathe it forever. Bath in it. It smelled so good on him.
“Is there a way I could pay? I don’t have money right now.” His tone was suggestive and it took you a while before you got the proper meaning behind his words. And to say that you were shook was an understatement. You choked on nothing, face flushed and so warm, it was embarrassing.
Jungkook didn’t miss the way you suddenly avoided even looking at him, focusing on his steering wheel instead. You heard a low chuckle that shouldn’t have sounded this good. It shouldn’t have made your knees slightly fold.
Jungkook was an attractive man. You couldn’t deny it and it was pretty hard to miss. It was also hard not to stare at his piercings, at his pink lips that looked so soft or at the tattoos that were much more visible than last time. They peeked from his white top and reached the middle of his neck. They were simply magnificent. You wanted to let your fingers run along each of his tattoos.
But even with his fucking god-like appearance, you had to stop yourself from even thinking of further things about him. It was not professional to let your brain wander at these places.
So, in other words, you were a little too close to taking his offer.
“Don’t worry, you’ll have a week to pay, so if you don’t have the money on you right now, it’s no worries.” You replied, mentally high-fiving yourself for keeping your cool.
Jungkook shifted closer, and the tip of his index grazed your arm. It was covered with your uniform but it still sent a wave of fire through your entire body. “But I would really like to pay now. I have something better than money.”
No, no no.
He shouldn’t have said that. You were on the verge of saying ‘yes’. On the verge of letting him take you right here, in the middle of the highway. His words were very powerful and from the way his eyebrow arched, he knew it.
“Do you know what you’re implying right now, Jeon?”
Something in his eyes twinkled when you said his last name. He smirked. Literally smirked. “I know that very well, officer. So, what do you say?”
Oh my god.
You couldn’t say yes, even with how much your heart—or more like your cunt— begged for you to accept his offer. But that would only bring you trouble. You didn’t need that.
“I say we’re going straight to the station, Jungkook. Come out.” His smug expression dropped for a moment, and you saw how disappointed he was. Maybe he thought that his sexiness and his pretty voice and pretty tattoos and piercings would have saved him, and it almost did. But you had to remember that you were the mean cop.
He sighed and opened his door, standing up in front of you.
You breath hitched when you realized how easily he was towering over you. He looked so intimidating from this angle, you almost dropped to your knees. It was then that you realized he was wearing a white top that was so tight you saw the entire shape of his pecs. He had a racer vest on top—blue with black lines and his name written on the back.
He looked at you for a second, toying with his lip piercing before eventually turning around and putting his hands behind his back.
“You know officer, it seemed like you were ready to take my offer. What made you change your mind?” So cocky. His ego was so big and normally it would piss you off, but with Jungkook, it was almost like a part of his charm.
“Stop talking,” you ordered in your most stern voice although it only made him chuckle. You unclipped the handcuffs from your uniform, ready to wrap them around his wrists.
“So bossy. I like it.” You swallowed on nothing over and over again, losing focus. The more he talked, the more you were overthinking. You wanted to push him in his car and let him fuck you.
“Jungkook, I said stop talking.”
“You like having control, hm? I bet you’d love to control me, even for just a few minutes…” And then, well, you kind of snapped.
You handcuffed his wrists together harshly, your fast movements making him take a sharp breath. You turned him around, slightly pinning him to his car door. “I told you to stop talking. You’re only bringing yourself further into trouble,” your voice was simply a mere whisper directed to his face. Jungkook bit his lips, bowing his upper body to reach your level.
“One thing you should know: I love trouble,” he said and his voice was suave and smooth and warm on the side of your face. His knee touched your crotch and he pushed it between your legs. You sucked in a long breath and let out a muffled moan.
Well shit. You were doomed. Because now, you couldn’t stop thinking about how his knee felt so good pressed against your pussy and how much his cock would be even better.
“Seems like you’re enjoying yourself,” he commented, looking down at your lower half grinding on his knees. He pushed it up more and added some pressure to your core. You were wet. Wetter than you’d been in a while and all because of a little asshole named Jungkook. He had his proud face on, enjoying the way your face darkened in a deep shade of pink and the way you obviously shook. He knew you wanted to go further.
“Remove those handcuffs, sweetie.” He said suddenly and his face was dark, serious and so dominant. You really couldn’t say no to that face.
So you nodded, taking out a key from your front pocket, fumbling with it clumsily until the handcuffs were off and Jungkook’s hands found their way on your waist.
He didn’t wrap his arms around you. He simply let you feel his hands for a while, getting used to the burning feeling they left even on top of your entire uniform. It tickled as if he touched you straight through your clothes, right on your skin. Thinking about it, you were dying for some skin to skin contact. To touch his tattoos while he was pleasing you.
Jungkook’s eyes were staring straight into yours. You knew right then that he had been thinking about that moment for a while now and to say that it turned you on was an understatement.
You cleared your throat, trying to keep eye contact without failing but it was hard. His stare was deep and intense and the way he continually licked his lips made it difficult to keep your eyes up there. They looked so soft.
You briefly wondered how they tasted before Jungkook’s voice interrupted your train of thoughts.
“Are you gonna stare at them longer before you finally kiss me?” You hated how his voice made your inside wiggle and giddy and your heartbeat accelerate.
You hesitated, on the tip of your toes. You were so nervous. And Jungkook seemed to catch in, as with a wide grin, he plunged down, lips crashing against your, and teeth colliding. His cold lip piercing touched the corner of your lips and made you gasp.
He snorted into the kiss, this time, wrapping his arms entirely around your waist and exchanging your positions. You were the one pinned on his car. And quite honestly, you liked this position way more.
“I’ve been waiting to do that since the moment you knocked on my window.” His sudden confession stole the air out of you. Just like you, he had been waiting to touch you and feel you up.
Fucking butterflies. You hated how they swam in your stomach and made it difficult to keep up with the kissing without feeling like you would pass out. Jungkook was a good kisser. Scratch that, he was fucking amazing. He moved his lips with expertise against yours.
You guys weren’t really taking your time but you still enjoyed it very much. They way it was heated and impatient and filled with want made it all the more exciting.
You wanted him so bad.
“Let’s take this further in the car, hm?” He mumbled against your lips, struggling to open the car in the position you were both in, but after a while, you were swiftly thrown in the back seat.
Jungkook hovered over you like a scary predator ready to attack and eat its prey. And you were very glad to be his prey.
His right hand lifted up and stopped at your cheek, letting his thumb rub over the softness of your skin. He was in literal awe as he let his eyes trail around every feature of your face. “You’re so fucking beautiful. Can’t wait to ruin you.”
If it wasn’t hot enough, it became too much. You were sweating, desperate to get out of your clothes and let the AC of the car wrap around you. And even more desperate to get Jungkook to fuck you.
Jungkook’s rough hands explored every inch of your upper body until he got tired of your clothes. He sat you up and as fast as he could, succeeded in removing the top of your uniform. His eyes twinkled as if he was a kid that just received his favorite toy for his birthday.
You let him touch you everywhere, he squeezed and massaged your breast until you were whimpering. He pinched your nipples, earning multiple cries from you. He seemed to love every second of it, considering the smile—worth probably a million of dollars—plastered on his face.
He didn’t linger on your breasts too much, though. You could see in the way his fingers always found themselves at the waistband of your pants, that he was more excited about what was down there.
He looked up at you, stopping his hands that were ready to slip off the last item of clothing (except your panties) covering your body.
“Can I remove them?” He asked and it warmed your heart that he remembered to ask you before going any further. You gave him a shy nod and kept in your breath when the cold air hit your lower body, more specifically, your inner thighs.
Jungkook’s hands covered your skin almost immediately. His nails slightly scratched your skin as he ran his fingers up and down your entire legs. But his eyes were stuck on the wet patch on your panties.
“Aren’t you a little excited, huh? Soaked even when I barely even started.”
You moaned. It was a small moan that was more due to your embarrassment and your need for him to touch you, combined together.
It was music to Jungkook’s ears.
He let his finger push on your clothed core, breathing in loudly when he felt the dampness. And then he slipped his fingers in your panties without any second thoughts or any warning.
He settled on rubbing his middle finger on your clit, looking up every now and then at the way your face contorted in pleasure. You were moaning continuously, asking him for more but he wouldn’t give it.
Jungkook loved teasing you and even though you barely knew him at all, that information was pretty obvious from the way he enjoyed slipping in snarky little remarks from the first moment you saw him. He loved how your face became red instantly, how you avoided his eyes. He felt so confident around you.
You liked the tease. You liked feeling on edge every time his fingers almost entered your pussy but then he’d move them away.
“Be patient, babe. You’ll get what you want soon enough.”
Babe. You wanted to hear him say that again on repeat.
“Jungkook,” you mumbled with closed eyes, internally screaming when he avoided your hole again, “I need more. Please.”
He chuckled, stopping the motion of his fingers. “Look at you begging for me. I should have known you’d be an impatient little slut.”
You whined at his choice of words. Dirty talking never failed in turning you on, although it was clear that it depended from who.
And it seemed to fit Jungkook very well.
“Please,” you asked again, not even caring how pathetic you sounded.
“Aw, you’re asking so nicely.” He slipped one finger in and you involuntarily arched your back. “So good for me, so tight too.” Another finger. “Are you gonna come from just my fingers?” A third digit, this time, curling inside.
The stretch hurted a bit. But it was good. It felt so amazing. It only added onto the pleasure and after a while, it wasn’t even uncomfortable anymore.
Jungkook’s eyes were plastered on your pussy and the way you swallowed his fingers so well. You were so wet, it dripped down your inner thighs. He kept biting and licking his lips, moving his head down by the seconds.
And then you understood what he wanted to do so bad. He wanted to eat you out.
“Do it,” you told him, wiggling and pushing yourself closer to him, his fingers hitting a particular spot that had a little yelp come out of you.
“What?” He furrowed his eyebrows, slowing down his fingers. You straightened up a little bit and took his wrist, pulling his three digits out of you. “I know what you wanna do. Eat me out. Please.”
He swallowed and nodded, pushing you further in the back seat and against the door. He properly positioned himself between your legs, tapping on your right thigh. “Open up,” he signaled, pulling them even more apart until you were wide open in front of him.
He licked his lips and plunged his head right in your crotch. Locks of his hair fell on your thighs, tickling you and making shivers run up your entire body. And then his tongue touched you. So warm. So soft. So pleasurable.
He licked the lips at first before slipping his tongue inside, grunting. He had mumbled something but with his face between your legs, the words came out muffled and unclear.
“Fuck, it’s so fucking good. Please don’t stop.” He dug his fingers in your thighs to keep them apart. He thrusted his tongue in and out of your cunt, sometimes, keeping it in deep, filling up all the right places, grazing all the right spots until you were wiggling, and legs wrapping around his face, bucking your head up.
He let you do it. Let you suffocate his face until your juice rolled down his mouth and he pulled himself away. White liquid covered his lips and something in your belly tightened at the sight.
It was so obscene but so hot. You pulled him by his vest to smash your lips on his and taste yourself. He slipped off his vest in the process, tearing down his top and struggling out of his black baggy pants, his boots already off.
He was left in those Calvin Klein sinful briefs that allowed you to see is bulge and fuck, he was big. Perfect length and thickness and that had you drooling literally. You wanted to touch every inch of his body. He was perfectly sculpted.
“I’m gonna fill you up so good, babe. Can’t wait to fuck you into oblivion.” He whispered in your ear and let you remove his boxers until his cock sprung free and stood proudly.
You were astonished and couldn’t tear your eyes away. You were never one to find dicks beautiful, but with Jungkook, you could stare at it and a suck it all day.
But not right now. There were more important matters. Like your desperation to have his cock fuck you.
“Jungkook, I need it inside. Please.”
Jungkook couldn’t get enough of your begging. He wanted to go as far as recording it and jerking himself off at night.
He aligned himself right in front of your entrance and looked up at you. “Are you okay? I really want to fuck the shit out of you but if you changed your mind—“
You cut him off with your finger, grinning at him. “I’ve never wanted something more in my entire life. So please, do it already.” Jungkook’s face brightened up at your response. He liked how you had shut him up and ordered him.
You pushed yourself against his cock just as he began slipping it in slowly, groaning and snuggling his face in the crook of your neck, biting right under your jaw.
“Oh my fucking god, I won’t last long,” he mumbled, sucking in multiple sharp breaths. One of his hands was holding himself beside your head and the other was wrapped around you, securing you in his grasp.
When Jungkook was fully in, he stayed still for a couple of seconds, enjoying the way your walls were so warm and perfectly wrapped around his cock. But then, he slowly slipped out until the head of his dick was at your rim and slammed back in. “Oh fuck—”. You bucked your hips up, meeting his thrust and letting out a scraped moan along with Jungkook’s groan.
“If I knew it was this good,” you started but cut yourself off when he picked up his pace, squeezing your flesh, “I would’ve accepted your offer from the beginning.”
He chuckled, looking down attentively as his cock disappeared in and out of your pussy, being soaked with your slick. It was warm and it drove Jungkook crazy. He wanted to stay inside forever.
“Well, I wanted to fuck you the moment I laid my eyes on you,” he admitted and slowed down his thrusts.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion until Jungkook flipped you over and you were straddling him. From this position, everything felt so different. He felt so much deeper, as if you could feel him with your hands if you touched your belly.
He gripped your hips tightly to the point when it almost hurted and glanced up at you. “Ride me like the naughty little slut you are, hm?” His voice was so hoarse compared to earlier, and so much more seductive and his sinful words rolled off his tongue in a way you found so satisfying.
You nodded and wrapped your hands around his neck. As you bounced up and down, your breasts followed the rhythm and they were practically jumping in Jungkook’s face, basically calling out to him to suck on them.
Which he ended up doing, letting go of your hips and licking, biting and squeezing the sensitive skin of your chest. He marked your entire cleavage until he was happy at how dark and red it looked.
Your pussy clenched around his cock, earning a strangle moan out of you two and then a moan from Jungkook when you clenched again.
“Is my little slut already so close?”
“Y-yes. It’s so good, I can’t hold it in much longer.” His hands grasped your waist and slid you down his cock until it was buried so deep, you couldn’t find the voice in you to make a sound. He was fucking you so well.
“You’re taking my cock like a good girl. I think you deserve to come.” He mumbled, moving his head closer to yours and nibbling on your bottom lip.
“Please, Jungkook. I want to come so bad. Please please.”
“Fuck, begging like that, I don’t think I can last longer too.”
His words made you keep going, bouncing on his length over and over again to the point where you reached some overstimulation, shaking violently in his arms.
Your voice was loud and the only word that was heard was Jungkook Jungkook Jungkook.
Your cum ran down his length, to his thighs and made his skin glisten in white. Your head was dizzy and your eyes hazed as you glanced down at Jungkook. Your stomach kept tightening every time he moved his hips upward.
He came no longer after, slamming you down his cock and keeping you there for a long moment, moaning how good you were and how hot you looked.
You leaned on his chest after a moment, catching your breath although it proved to be a difficult task. Your lungs felt empty, devoid of any air. But it was fine because you had just been fucked by Jeon Jungkook. And it was the best sex of your life.
After Jungkook regained his composure, he wrapped his arms around you and looked up. One of your hands was running along his tattoos and the other was busy, combed in his sticky hair. Jungkook was a fucking piece of art.
“So,” he started, pushing a few locks of hair away from your face, “Do I still need to pay for that ticket?”
“Heck yeah.”
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cottonlemonade · 6 months
hi😁 i thought long hard about this and i came to a decision of a large mango with boba for issei🙇🏽‍♀️ mwuah
Noisy Neighbors
word count: 603 || avg. reading time: 3 mins.
pairing: post-time skip husband!Issei Matsukawa x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff and smut
warnings: mdni, nsfw, mentions of overstimulation
request: fluffy spicy, clingy husband Mattsun
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“There, all done!“
“Look at us, being accomplished adults and everything.“
You high fived your husband.
After many weeks of driving back and forth you finally managed to move into your new house and today you both trampled the last battered, empty moving box.
With a happy squeak you threw your arms around Issei‘s neck, having to hop and balance on your tiptoes to accomplish such a feat.
You gave him a kiss and let your hands wander from his shoulders down to his butt, giving it a quick squeeze, then wanted to let go to get started on a late lunch but Issei pulled you back for another, much more indecent kiss.
You laughed against his lips when you felt something hard press against your plush thigh.
“Can‘t believe that‘s all it takes for you.“, you teased.
“Baby, anything you do is an aphrodisiac to me.“
You leaned back a bit, in thought, playing with his hair in the back of his neck.
“What if I‘m pigging on a burger and have sauce all over my face?“
Issei gave you a superior grin, cupping your cheek, “There isn‘t enough fast food in the world to ever turn me off my wife.“
Leaning down, he began kissing your neck.
“Oh, you‘re about to get sooo lucky.“, you beamed.
“I already am.“, he murmured into your skin.
Making a sound somewhere between a giggle and a moan you replied, “Ugh, that was so cheesy, babe. Take me to bed already, will you?“
“Your wish is my command, my queen.“
And with that he crouched down to throw you over his shoulder like a sack of rice, carrying you off towards your new bedroom.
“Ah, stop it!“, you laughed.
“Quit wiggling like a chubby little worm.“ Issei gave your ass a playful slap then tossed you onto the bed.
He climbed on top of you, knees trapping you on either side.
With a grin he discarded his sweaty shirt, his well-toned body glowing in the afternoon sun shining through your large window.
“But just to be clear“, he leaned down to kiss you again, “I would still love you if you were a worm.“
You snorted and pulled him down on top of you, sighing happily.
Soon enough the remaining clothes were taken off as well and Issei went to work worshiping every inch of your body.
“Mmh… ah, baby… no more teasing. Please? Can you just fuck me?“
You saw him smirk between your legs.
“You sure? Just letting you know, you‘re not about to leave this bed for a while.“
“Stop bragging and prove it.“
Three orgasms later
“Where do you think you‘re going, bunny?“, he panted.
His large strong hands grabbed your hips and pulled him back onto his cock.
You had been at it for hours. Your new neighbors, although few and far between, must think you were being tortured. Exhausted and on all fours you were completely at the mercy of your husband who very obviously had lost none of his stamina since quitting volleyball.
“No more… Issei… Oh my god… Ah! I can‘t…“
“Aw, my cute little bunny. Surely you can take one more. Hm, okay, maybe two.“ His hips sped up again, balls slapping heavily against your overstimulated clit, “Ah, look at you dripping on our new sheets, hm? Nnng, so tight… ah, so full of cum - hey, come on bunny, ass up.“ He grabbed at your cheeks, kneading their flesh while pounding you like a madman, “That‘s it… you‘re so good to me. Come on, you can do it.“
You muffled your next climax in the pillow.
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a/n: did anyone else read that time skip in the voice of the SpongeBob narrator? No? Just me then xD I genuinely had so much fun writing this. Thank you for the prompt✨
Note, the fast food line is inspired by a tweet I saw many many moons ago. I tried to find it again but with no luck - if you know the one, lemme know and I shall credit ^^
for requests see here
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mintmatcha · 3 months
a meet cute
cw: cisfem reader, reader is part gnome, dungeon meshi universe, it's about an insane side character, sorry
A gentle breeze cuts across the shop, just over the front counter. You have to lean into it to get any sort of relief from this summer's heat. Your shop door's bell chimes as a customer walks in. It's unusual that anyone is out this time of day in this type of heat, let someone fully robed, scarf and hat included. He's dressed in dark, rich colors, the types of dye that drip with indigo and money, a contrast to the reddish tuft of hair of his head.
He'd be cute, you think, if he wasn't a gnome.
It's not that you don't like gnomes-- you are one, mostly-- but gnomes around your age are boring. The men nod along to anything you say, try to impress you with pleasantries and tidbits, all with that glint in their eye, they've found their next wife. They are dictated by societal niceities and traditions, topped off with a strange sense of superiority, all while they still eye you like a piece of meat-
But this gnome isn't looking at you like that. No, he's marveling at your wears.
The stranger tilts the glass in the sunlight and rainbows refract across the floor, dancing in looping, wonderful patterns long after his movement has stopped. Figures of dancers twirling around each other, bowing and dipping with ease, disappate into the air. His hands are actually a bit small for a gnome, thin fingers, uncalloused and delicate with the way he inspects the magic.
"The runes on this are subtle," he notes, mostly to himself. "Gnome magic on elven crystal."
"You have good taste." You lean more forward on to the oak surface and he jumps a bit, as if he hadn't noticed you were even there. "And a keen eye."
The man melts into a polite smile. His eyes are downturned and his cheeks are round, tickled pink from the sun. He approaches you, a prickle of chill following suit. There must be some elemental magic sown into his clothing or something.
"Thank you."
"No, thank you," you say. "It's my work."
"You have a talented hand for magic, then."
"And you have a talented eye."
His nose wiggles in that delightfully gnomish way that only old men do. "No talent, all practice."
You give him your name, he gives you his. Holm. Classic. Boring. Standard.
"Is this a gift for your wife?"
"Oh, I'm not--" He waves that thought away with disinterest-- which happens to peak yours. "My party mate is getting married."
"An elf?"
"Dwarf, actually." He twirls to glass again and the waltz of light resumes. "To be honest, we aren't very close. I don't really know what she likes, I just think she deserves something nice."
"The effect won't be as brilliant for her, because dwarfs don't tend to have a very good mana flow, but it'll still be pretty. A couple glasses for her and her beau-" You wipe away a bead of sweat that's begun to roll down the side of your neck. "And maybe a bottle of chilled wine. I think that's a very good present for anyone."
He nods, button nose crinkled with delight as he places the glasswork on the table before you. "I'll get a sex then."
A beat passes. You can't help the wild smile that sneaks out. "What was that?"
"Hm?" He hasn't moved, frozen in place, still holding the glass. His expression doesn't change, but you swear there's a touch of pink creeping over his ears.
"You said a sex."
"No, I said a /set./"
"No, you didn't." You cock your head to the side in the way that makes your neck look long and your smile charming. "Are you thinking about sex, Mr Holm?"
He swallows and you think maybe you've gone too far. Your brand of needling is more of a half foot type of humor, which isn't universally appreciated, to say the least.
"I'm- I don't--" Holm surprises you by laughing at him self. "I don't do that."
Interesting. A gnome with a sense of humor. You didn't know those existed. You lean back, trying to bite back your smile as you speak. "What? Think about sex?"
"Or anything else to do with that word."
You inspect him a bit closer. The colors, the hat, the symbol burnt into his pouch-- they're religious symbols. He's a spirit worshipper, one of the religions in the south. You aren't sure of all of the intricacies, but you know the most devout are completely celibate.
Holm shrugs rather casually. "Close enough."
"Oh, you're one of those monk-things, aren't you?" For some reason, you're a bit disappointed. Of course the man you have a nice rapport with is one that won't fuck you.
Not that you want to fuck him.
"So, you must think about sex a lot." You call as you walk to your backroom. There's a couple of different versions of the glasses, so it takes you a moment to find another set of dancers. Really, this guy has nice taste; this is your favorite piece. "Since you can't have any."
"Probably less than you do-" he calls back. "Since you heard is when I clearly said set."
Despite yourself, you laugh. It's not particularly funny, but there's butterflies in your chest and a tremble in your hands. You wrap the glasses in pieces of cloth and ribbon-- purple, to match his scarf-- before bringing them back up. The stranger is still watching you with that look on his face, the crinkle in his eye-
"It's on the house," You slide the gift wrapped presents over to him.
"I couldn't possibly."
"Just come back again some time. Or buy me a beer if you see me at the bar."
You both know that isn't a fair trade. Crystal is expensive, magic work even more so; you could charge him a couple hundred gold if you wanted, but... conversation is sometimes more valuable than money.
"I don't drink." He rubs the back of his neck, almost sheepish. "I eat, though."
The flutter in your chest gets worse. "Food then."
He nods. Taking the gift, he picks it up and starts towards the door, a hum on his voice and a deeper smile creeping up on his face. When he gets to the door, he puts up an arm to open it, then pauses.
He turns back around.
"I want to pay." The strange says, firmly. "I'll still buy you food, but I want to pay for these."
He pulls a bag of coins from his belt and presses them into your hand. It's heavy with gold. He doesn't pull away until you meet his dark, stern eyes and close your hand around the bag.
"I don't want to lead you on," he says, softly. "I find you very..."
He says more with silence than his words.
"Don't worry," you say, even though a worry does creep up your spine. "I'm not so desperate that I'll fall in love with a priest."
"Not a priest, but thank you." His cheeks puff with smile and you immediately know that you may have lied.
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jjkamochoso · 22 days
Hashing Out the Hatred for Hoshina
Enemies to Lovers, fluff
Soshiro Hoshina x gn!reader
Request from Wattpad: Reader absolutely despises Soshiro and his smug attitude; what will happen when they accidentally get locked in a room together?
Warnings: small mentions of bugs, cussing
“Another celebration? We’ve been doing a lot of those recently,” you said at the end of your meeting with your superiors in which they announced yet another night of drinks and dinner for everyone in the Third Division. You weren’t complaining in the least bit—you just remembered the days when times like these were few and far between.
“Yes, but we’ve had much to be proud of lately,” replied Captain Ashiro.
“Or do you disagree with our most esteemed Captain, Platoon Leader L/n?” mused Soshiro Hoshina, your vice captain and source of extreme irritation and headaches each day of work. You hated that man with every fiber of your being. His laid back attitude paired with his propensity to tease people to their wits end bothered you immensely. You couldn’t stand the sound of his ferocious laughter, nor the way he would double over with tears in his eyes at anything he deemed remotely funny.
You especially hated when he spoke to you.
You faked a smile, ignoring the anger pooling in your chest at the wicked grin he was sending you. “Not at all, Vice Captain. I look forward to seeing you all later this evening.”
You bowed your head respectfully, signaling your departure. You raced out of the room before you could punch the smirk from Hoshina’s face.
You looked in the mirror and sighed as you put the finishing touches on your appearance. You always liked to look your best at these celebrations since it was the only time you had the chance to dress a little bit out of protocol. You slid your jacket over your well fitted casual outfit and walked down to where the food and drinks were being distributed. To your dismay, the caterers hadn’t begun preparing food yet; they had just shown up! You frowned, glancing at your watch. You looked around to ask one of your peers what was going on, but the only person there was—
Ugh. Hoshina.
You’d rather break all the glasses and walk on them barefoot before engaging in a conversation with that fox eyed, bowl cut idiot. However, the worst case scenario was unfolding before your eyes as he slinked over to you, hands in his pockets and fangs peeking out of his lips in a wide smile.
“You here to help set up?” he wondered.
You didn’t know how to answer. If you said yes, you’d be forced to stay with him and spend too much time next to that thorn in your side. If you said no, you’d look like a total jerk in front of the caterers.
“Of course. I thought it might be a show of good will since my enthusiasm for tonight was questioned earlier,” you told him, referring back to your previous conversation that day. Cue his boisterous laughter and you were already regretting not telling the truth so you could get out of there.
“Here I was, thinking you just hadn’t read the email with the change of time,” he howled, wiping tears from his eyes. You groaned internally.
That’s what I get for leaving my office early to shower before everyone else.
“Maybe you just wanted to spend some time with me,” he wondered aloud. This time it was you who burst out laughing.
“Me? Want to spend time with you? In your dreams, Hoshina,” you said, picking up a box of cutlery to put out on the table. The catering company workers gave you a grateful nod as they dashed around you and Soshiro, preparing the banquet.
“You’re much more pleasant in my dreams, L/n. Do you dream about me, too?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows. You picked up a knife and set it down with extra force.
“Those kinds of dreams are called nightmares.”
This time, there was no laugh from Soshiro.
The rest of the setup went by quickly as you and Soshiro worked in a surprising state of silence. When the rest of your peers showed up, you gladly left to sit next to your unit, not wanting to entertain your vice captain any longer. You didn’t notice the questioning stares of your underlings as they spied you and Soshiro working suspiciously well together by yourselves; your disdain for the man was well known among the Third Division. Kafka and Kikoru giggled and theorized what that could mean while Reno just shook his head, not wanting to get involved. You, on the other hand, were completely unbothered as you ate and drank to your heart’s content, happy to have such a fulfilling meal after working hard all day and helping with the set up. As the night went on, you felt the temperature of the room go up so you slid your jacket off and placed it under the table.
“What were you and L/n doing here before everyone else?” asked Okonogi curiously, making Soshiro almost choke on his food.
“We both wanted to help set up so we came early,” he replied curtly.
“I see. And how was that?”
He narrowed his eyes. “Whaddya mean by that?”
“I think what Okonogi was getting at was the fact that you two don’t like each other,” explained Mina in her typical no nonsense fashion.
“Which I don’t get anyway,” Okonogi piped in.
“Eh? They’re just… too serious. Not my style,” he shrugged. “Besides, someone whose skin is that easy to get under should toughen up. So really, I’m being a good vice captain and helping them.”
Mina and Okonogi shared a glance and quietly agreed to move the conversation to a different topic.
Soshiro quickly regained his excitable spirit, entering into an easy conversation with his two close comrades when he stopped talking for a moment, seemingly distracted by something. The women looked over to where he was staring and they had to keep from gasping in shock.
He was completely enamored by you.
You had taken off your jacket which showed off your phenomenal outfit, garnering a strong response from both your teammates and your vice captain. Everyone was complimenting you and you thanked them, a kind smile resting on your face. Soshiro’s face went from surprised to visibly bothered, but Mina and Okonogi couldn’t figure out why. All of a sudden, he jumped right back into the conversation as if there was no pause in the first place, leaving his friends bewildered by the emotional whiplash.
“Aww man! I spilled all over me,” complained Iharu as he furiously wiped himself with a flimsy napkin. The contents of his drink had landed all over the table and the floor, creating a slipping hazard for anyone in the room.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go grab some extra napkins from the storage closet,” you told him.
“Really? You’re the best, Platoon Leader!” he yelled. You smiled, happy to help.
“I’ll be right back, okay?”
You stood up and made a beeline for the storage closet, trying to hurry so Iharu’s drink wouldn’t leave anything too stained. You left the door to the closet open for extra light as you reached up for the flimsy lightbulb, bathing the small space in a yellow glow.
You scowled as you looked around for the fifth time, still not able to find any napkins.
“Having trouble?”
You yelped, not expecting to have someone sneak up behind you. You turned around to see Hoshina doubled over in giggles and you were tempted to kick him in his stupid face.
“I’m fine, thank you,” you said between gritted teeth. “Now leave me alone.”
“Doesn’t look like you’re fine. One of Japan’s finest can’t even find napkins.”
“I know where they’re supposed to be, but it looks like some air headed idiot put them all the way on the top shelf,” you snarked.
“That is one thing we can agree on. Those things are always in use, who puts them away so high?” asked Soshiro. You didn’t answer him, instead climbing on the shelves to try and reach the much needed paper products.
“If you fall, I won’t catch you,” Soshiro added.
“If I fall and you put your hands on me, I’ll make sure you don’t leave this closet alive,” you snarled back. Your hands found a good grip on the napkins and you pulled, climbing down with a handful.
“If you’ll excuse me,” you told him, trying to push past him.
Soshiro tapped your shoulder. “Uh, L/n?”
“What?” you growled, turning around. “I thought I told you not to touch me.”
“I thought you might wanna know there’s a big bug in those napkins.”
You gulped, bringing your eyes downward. Lo and behold, there was a large, black bug staring back at you from in between the napkins.
“Get the fuck away from me!” you screamed at the poor insect, throwing the napkins out the door of the closet. Soshiro, in his own panicked state, quickly closed the door so the bug didn’t make its way back inside to enact revenge. You put your hand to your chest in an attempt to calm your racing heart.
“That was… that was good thinking. With the door closing,” you told him.
“Oh? Yeah. Uh, thanks.”
Trying to escape the awkward silence, you reached for the door handle, only to find it not budging. You tried again and again, but still, the handle wouldn’t move.
“Can’t figure out how to open a door either?” teased Soshiro.
“It’s stuck, dumbass.”
“No way. Let me try.”
You reluctantly stepped out of the way. “Because you’re so much stronger than me, is that it?”
Soshiro grunted as he tried to shake the handle loose. “Is everything with you some sort of personal attack? Why can’t you just relax?”
“Do you think I got this job by relaxing, hm? By laughing it up with my superiors until I got promoted?” you seethed. The door handle, obviously stuck, was ignored by the vice captain who was now dangerously close to your face.
“Do you think that’s how I got my job? That I didn’t work hard every day to prove my worth? I trained just as hard, maybe even harder than you, to get where I am now.”
“Hoshina, from the respectable Hoshina family, worked harder than me to get to where we are today. You really are a funny guy.”
He leaned in even closer. “You don’t know anything about me.”
Your voice leaked venom. “And you don’t know the first thing about me either.”
You were locked in a stare off, neither of you backing down.
“Why do you hate me so much?” he asked.
“Because you’re simple minded, overbearing, and much too smug for your own good. Why do you hate me?”
“Because you’re somber, bookish, and you don’t know how to enjoy a good joke.”
You stood there, your breaths mingling in the small confines of the storage closet, and you wondered what in the world was happening to you as you noticed how handsome Hoshina was for the first time.
“God, you annoy me,” you whispered.
“And you mildly irritate me,” he replied. Without thinking, you closed the small gap between you, placing your lips on his. He eagerly reciprocated, kissing you back. You backed off after a second, embarrassed at your actions.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that-”
“See? You play by the rules too much,” Soshiro interrupted with a smile; this time, though, it was a sincere one. He leaned back in to connect your lips once more and you completely melted into each other. Your hands gripped at his hair as his made their way to your waist, holding you steady. You were totally lost in each other, nothing but Soshiro filling all of your senses. The passionate kiss lasted a long time, both of you continually going back for more. The only thing that made you pull apart was the sudden squeak of the door and light flooding in to highlight his tousled hair and your swollen lips.
“Oh! Platoon Leader! Vice Captain! I’m sorry, I’ll just take these napkins from the ground! I swear, I didn’t see anything!” Kafka stuttered, slapping a hand over his eyes.
“Kafka, wait! Check the napkins for a big bug!” you yelled, but it was too late. The bug had made its appearance and Kafka screamed, running into the storage closet and slamming the door behind him.
“Kafka,” Soshiro said lowly, “the door handle is jammed from the inside.”
“No way, I’ve got this,” said Kafka confidently.
“I don’t got this,” he said dejectedly after a few minutes, sliding to the floor. He looked up, pointing between you and Soshiro. “So… are you two a thing now?”
Waiting for Reno to find all of you in the storage closet was the longest ten minutes of your life.
TAGLIST: @kana-daydreams
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captain-mj · 6 months
Hey, came from ur recent post about raunchy asks and I had a thought.
SoapGhostRoach spitroasting with authority kink and filming if you don't mind? Any of them could be in the middle, and with a two doms and one sub dynamic?
I'm kinda intimidated/nervous to ask this tbh
(•᷄- •᷅ ;)
yes yes yes yes yes this is exactly what I was hoping for
Ghost finished setting up the camera, watching Soap finishing up tying Roach's hands behind his back.
"Gonna be a real good boy aren't you bug?" Soap smiled at him, trailing his fingers down the dip of his spine.
Roach nodded frantically as he pressed the side of his pretty face into the sheets. He bit his lip and looked at Ghost.
"Course he is. Doesn't know anything else. Always being such a good boy for his superiors." Ghost reached over and ran his thumb over his cheekbone. "You're going to let us use you however you want."
Roach flicked his tongue out and pressed it to the pad of his thumb.
Soap yanked head up by his hair. "Is it recording?"
"Yes. I want every moment of ruining our little sergeant caught on camera." Ghost unzipped his pants. Roach was the only one unclothed. Not even his mask left. All bare and beautiful. "Poor thing. Only made to serve, is that right?"
Roach opened his mouth and tried to lick at the bulge in his boxers. He looked so eager. Soap hummed. "Bug, did you do what I told you to do?"
Roach whimpered and looked confused. Soap tapped the base of the plug still buried in him and watched those pretty brown eyes roll back in his head. "Haven't came since last time right?" With the reminder, he quickly nodded his confirmation.
"Good boy. Bet you're all pent up." Ghost leaned down and ran his finger over his cock. "Your Captain and I are going to take real good care of you."
Roach nodded and finally managed to press his mouth against Ghost's cock. He immediately relaxed as soon as he did, looking blissful. "Nothing but a whore huh? Trying to have someone tell you what to do."
Roach let out a little noise and he arched his back as deep as he could. He even gave his ass a little wiggle, trying to encourage Soap to please just take him. The plug still buried in his hole kept him nice and ready for what Soap wanted to do to him.
Soap grabbed the base and slowly pulled it out, listening to Roach keen. He poured some lube over it and slid it back in. Roach clenched around it until Soap pulled it back out. Ghost's cock was muffling most of his noises but they could hear the whines coming from him.
Instead of letting Roach continue to mouth at his cock, Ghost forced himself down his throat. His eyes got bigger as he tried to take it, clearly struggling. It took him a few swallows to be able to start bobbing his head. Despite the stretch, he seemed to be enjoying himself thoroughly.
Soap finally set the plug to the side and thrust into him. He groaned at the tightness. "All for your Captain, yeah?"
Ghost growled and Soap cheekily added. "And your lieutenant too." He gave Roach a playful slap on the ass, watching him jolt. Roach started to rock back and forth between the two of them, trying to please. They'd trained him well. Despite how clearly he wanted to cum, he focused on them first. His back arched as he tried to take both of them as deep as he could. Tears filled those pretty brown eyes and he looked up at Ghost.
"There you are, baby. So good. Doing such a good job. Keep moving."
Roach did as he was told, clenching around Soap every time he bottomed out and flicking his tongue over Ghost's head every time he had the space. They let him continue for a minute as he tried to give them as much pleasure as he could. But Soap grew impatient and his hips snapped forward, making Roach moan around Ghost's cock.
With no mercy and no care for Roach, he pounded into him. All Roach had to do was keep his mouth open and pliant for Ghost's cock. Ghost moved so he could comfortably recline back. He pulled Roach so he wouldn't hurt his neck.
Soap slammed into him over and over again. "Gonna watch his later at my desk. Can't wait to see how fucked out you looked. You're just there for your Captain's pleasure, nothing else."
Tear started running down Roach's face from the pleasure. He hugged Ghost's waist for support and tried to run his tongue along the cock in his mouth as best he could.
Roach arched his back more, desperately trying to please him. To be good. He tried to bob his head in time but couldn't manage it. His whole body tensed and went still as he came all over himself. Roach whimpered and Ghost grabbed his hair, reminding him that he needed to watch his teeth.
Their poor sergeant spasmed and tried to escape Soap's grip. He was nailing his prostate with every thrust despite how sensitive he knew Roach would be. His cock hadn't even gotten hard again and he was starting to sob around Ghost's cock.
"If you want him to slow down, you can pull off and ask nicely?"
Roach shifted, as if it pull back and sign, and Ghost yanked him back down and gagged him. He whimpered and arched himself, submitting himself to whatever his superiors wanted him to do. He'd take it like a good boy. His tears just made the blowjob sloppier anyway.
Roach swallowed as Soap finally came in him, pumping him full. He continued to thrust into him until his balls were properly emptied into his tight body. With a small smack to his ass, he pulled out to watch the cum drip out of him.
"Get back to work." Soap growled at him.
Roach immediately tried to move his head up and down like he was supposed to. He groaned and Ghost moaned from the vibrations. "Keep it up, bug. Give us a good show for the camera."
Roach bobbed up and down before accidentally gagging, throat flexing around him. He looked up at him and batted his eyelashes.
Ghost took a good grip of his hair and used his throat. Controlling him. He forced him to take it all the way down and let him gag for a moment before pulling him back.
Roach moaned and squeezed Ghost's wrists. He felt him cum down his throat and quickly licked it all up.
Ghost pet his hair. "Good job, baby."
Soap grunted and patted his chest where he was laying down. Roach obediently laid down, using his chest as a pillow. Ghost stayed propped up right next to him and occasionally kissed his forehead.
"You were good, weren't you, bug?" Soap smiled at him. "You didn't tap out, but I wanted to check in."
Roach nodded enthusiastically. He didn't feel like signing, so he just laid there instead, enjoying the warmth and the afterglow.
Ghost only turned the camera off after they got some snuggle time. They all three liked having that part in. A little softness to enjoy in the afterglow.
Soap cleaned Roach up while Ghost put everything away.
"I knew we picked the best sergeant."
"Definitely picked the tightest one."
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stargirlrchive · 11 months
epiphany by taylor swift with simon and his lover :,)
nonnie i wish you knew how terribly this made me spiral :(((
so here is some absolute brainrot over this !!!
₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹ ₊ ⊹
“keep your helmet. keep your life, son. just a flesh wound, here's your rifle.”
simon sat back against his office chair, his eyes locked onto a picture of you on his desk and his mind immediately reeled him in. swamped with memories of you.
like the first time he saw you. it was your first day of training at the infantry and when you met his gaze your eyes were blank and bored. and something tugged inside of his chest.
it didn’t matter that his lieutenant was going on and on about how a lot of them wouldn’t withstand recruit training. how everyone should keep their head screwed on correctly and focus on surviving and nothing else.
that was the one order he couldn’t follow. not as his eyes trailed after you day after day.
his superiors were barking orders his way but all he could think about was you. and thanking whatever circumstances in your life had caused you to want to join the military at the same time he had.
because as days turned into weeks, then months, your smile began to turn soft, and there was a special warmth in your eyes that you held only for him. it was something he cherished, like the gentle laugh that left your mouth whenever he said something that was even remotely funny.
or the way his heart thumped in anticipation to see you, and the way all his worries melted away when you looked over at him.
even when he was sent on his first raid, a rifle shoved into his hand, with his superior screaming at him that he better not end up in a body bag.
all simon could think about was how he’d keep you around, however he could.
“holds your hand through plastic now. "doc, i think she's crashing out." and some things you just can't speak about”
and then the time simon’s worst fears became a reality.
when there was a bullet wound in your abdomen and you looked deathly pale. his hand holding yours to try and anchor you but you were far too cold for his liking.
you looked sick and he hated it.
the only small comfort he had was that there was no exit wound. you’re going to be fine they said but you looked so scared as you began to loosen your grip on his hand.
and he felt his world narrow in on a singular moment. when they finally pushed him away from you and he heard the stutter of the machine that was reading your heart rate. it went flat.
simon threw up into the nearest bin.
“only 20 minutes to sleep. but you dream of some epiphany. just one single glimpse of relief. to make some sense of what you've seen.”
and then the time he startled awake, his heart hammered in his chest as his subconscious mind played a cruel joke on him.
it felt so real, the dream felt too real and tears burned his eyes.
he had retired, moved to some farm in the country side of england. in a quiet house, filled with animals that he’d tend to.
a home, one that he knew his mother would’ve loved.
but the bubbling laughter of a small child not far behind had him turning quickly. and when he turned you were there.
sat on your hip was a small babe. no more than three, and dressed in soft pinks and smiling happily. giggling before she turned to him and wiggled free from your arms to bolt into his.
his throat ached as you smiled at him, his gaze fixed on you as the child, his child, nuzzled into his neck.
you looked your age. no longer weighed down by stress or fear. no more looking over your shoulder after every few steps.
he rubbed at his eyes before he turned to the clock on his nightstand, he needed to be up shortly so there was no point in trying to fall back asleep. the coldness of his empty bed only encouraging him to leave the comfort of it.
but as he stared at himself in the mirror, the ache in his chest melted away into one of yearning. yearning for something that would make everything he went through, everything you had gone through, worth it.
“with you, i serve. with you, i fall down. watch you breathe in. watch you breathing out.”
and as he stood up from his desk, legs wobbly with nerves, he found it. that epiphany.
when your eyes met his after months apart. your final mission. the last obstacle that kept you away from him was finally completed.
the weight on his shoulders melting away with each step you took towards him.
his eyes raking over every inch of you. searching for any injury, anything that would turn this moment of utter bliss into a nightmare. but there was none.
it was just you. safe and standing in front of him.
his voice cracked as he whispered to you, “you’re here.”
“i’m here.”
and he didn’t care that there were people watching. he pulled up the bottom of his balaclava, just above the bridge of his nose and he kissed you.
kissed you as if his life depended on it.
pulling away only when you gently pushed on his chest, reminding him that you both needed to breathe. a small chuckle left his mouth as he pressed a kiss to your temple.
his eyes trailing over your face, getting familiar with the new scars that littered your features before he mumbled quietly, “have you ever thought about moving to the country side?”
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webslingingslasher · 2 years
Do you remember?
Fun fact, I have been writing this piece off and on for about a year now. The fact I think it's finally done and ready to be shared is insane.
Pairing: MCU! Peter Parker X Stark!Reader
Genre: Fluffy, some angst.
Word Count: 6K
Summary: You told Peter you love him, he's not sure you understand what you said. You're acting like you didn't know what you said. Do you remember what you said?
Warnings: mentions of sex while intoxicated, not hammered but tipsy. no assult here baby, not on my page! also, not really stark! reader, her dad is Tony and thats it.
Peter loved and hated working with Tony alone. 
Tony was the best mentor Peter could’ve dreamed of but ever since he started dating you time alone with Tony always felt off. Peter was his protege but when he became your boyfriend Tony wanted to test him further, that because his daughter had feelings for him, it was his fault. Not that he’s complaining because thank god you did but Tony didn’t have to ask questions about your relationship and back Peter in a corner with certain questions and take pride when he falters.
So when Tony told him about the sudden three day trip and they would have to do an entire suit reset and build it made him want to stomp in the lab with lead filled boots. To make matters worse he knew it would be an all night thing and you weren’t going to be around. 
Tony was on one side of the lab at his own station working on the new Spider-Man suit upgrade hunched over a table, he turned every so often and would grunt at Peter looking for his approval. Peter sat on the opposite side of the lab at his own station tinkering with his web shooters, he was helping Tony update the technology with each suit upgrade; the suit got taser webs so did his shooters. 
It was nearing midnight, he had been hiding in the lab for half the day with Tony. He had come over after a quick after school patrol knowing he wouldn’t be able to go out later that night. Peter showed up with a giant Delmar’s sub, the kind he could only get with a hookup. He had splurged knowing it would most likely be the last time he saw you this evening. His half of the sub had extra pickles and yours had onion, he did surrender to your request of keeping it unsmooshed. One time you gave into his claims of it being the superior way to have a sub but gagged when you told him that you “hate to break his spirits but that’s sog heaven.”
You, on the other hand, had plans with MJ to go to a small bar to watch a band play tonight. Not your style but the headliner was MJ’s favorite and she had no one else to ask. Ned promised he would have gone but bars downtown gross him out. (When MJ pointed out he had never been to a bar downtown he blinked at her and said “yeah, because they’re gross”)
When 9:30 rolled around you made your way into the lab to say goodbye to your boys. Adorned in a mid length dress to help you look a bit older than what you were, you paired it with some small heels.  
“Bye Bye, I'll miss you.” You walked to your boyfriend, when he looked up from the screwdriver and disc in his hand, eyebrows furrowed, obviously not happy with his task being more frustrating than he had hoped, had smiled when he saw your face.
 “Bye Bye, I’ll miss you more.” He leant up and puckered his lips and you met his mouth quickly. “Call me if you need me,” he mumbled when he pulled away, pressing two more pecks to your sticky lips. 
“Bye father, love you.” You called behind your shoulder already walking towards the glass door.
“Bye daughter, be safe.” Tony shot back, not even looking up. 
Then called out to you, “Heels in a bar isn’t a good idea.” 
Peter smiled and watched you pout,  you held a foot out and wiggled an ankle before leaving the room, definitely on your way to change into actual shoes. 
Then sometime around 11:40 Peter's phone rang, your contact photo popping up across his screen. A small smile involuntarily creeping unto his face 
“It hasn't even been two hours yet!” He laughed into the phone, “Peter? It's MJ.” She didn’t laugh at his joke, his heart already speeding up. “Where’s y/n? Is she okay?” His response was quick, Tony looking around his shoulder at the kid sitting straight in the office chair. 
“Yeah, sh-“ MJ couldn't even answer his question before he heard a loud voice in the background, “Is that Peter? Tell him I miss him! Where is he? Peter, where are you?” MJ pulled the phone from her ear slightly “Hold on, I'm asking him.” 
“Peter!” he heard your voice cut back in whining.
“Y/N!” MJ hissed at you so you would be silenced for a moment. 
“Is she-“ Peter began to form the question, MJ beating him to the punch 
“Drunk? Yes. Very.” She turned to make sure you were still next to her, you twisted from side to side playing with a stand of hair mumbling to the cover song that a band was blasting through the bar rattling both of your chests.
“Peter, some men kept buying me drinks and wouldn’t take no as an answer so I need you to come save me.” You shot into the phone, tired and annoyed you just wanted your boyfriend with you. 
“She kept asking for you. I gave it an hour before I called, she’s pretty drunk.” She sighed into the phone a little disappointed she wouldn’t see the last performance. 
“I'll be there in 10 minutes. Wait outside if it’s safe.” He instructed MJ before hanging up and standing on his feet. 
He looked at his mentor and girlfriend's dad who was already staring at him. “Y/N got drunk at the bar and wants me to come get her.” He filled Tony in so he wouldn’t panic like Peter had.
“Like father, like daughter.” He chuckled before turning back around to get the update time on the suit and sighed at the estimated time.
“I'm going to get her and help her to bed then we can finish, okay Mr Stark?” Peter asked his boss. 
“Get her home in one piece.” He waved him off. 
“How long is ten minutes?” You asked MJ.
You were sitting outside the small bar, vines pressing into your backs where they were growing up the wall, dust settling into your bare thighs.
“Ten minutes”. She quickly replied
“Oh. Okay.” You swept your hand over some dirt in the concrete. You were silent for less than ten seconds, “It hasn’t been ten minutes?” You scrunch your face. 
“It’s been-“ She pauses to look at your phone, “Seven minutes.” You nod. 
“You know one of the things I love about Peter is that he’s very punctual.” You gave MJ a knowing look, “when he actually shows up I mean.” She nodded knowing what you meant. 
“He's still a really good boyfriend though.” You begin plucking weeds growing between the concrete cracks. 
“I miss Peter, has it been ten minutes?” You went to look at MJ once more when you heard
“I missed you too, and it’s been nine minutes.” You gasped at the boy in front of you, surprised as if you weren't aware he’d be showing up. 
You looked at MJ next to you and slapped her arm, “See! what did I tell you, punctual!” 
You raised your hands palm up gripping at Peter so he could help pull you up. Once you were standing he pulled you into his side tightly placing you under an arm so you wouldn’t wobble when he offered his hand to MJ. 
Before all three of you could walk away from the bar you looked at Peter “I missed you. Can I have a kiss now please?” you already had your mouth in his face, not really giving him a choice but he laughed anyway and gave you three quick kisses. 
You pulled back looking at your boyfriend, a lust driven haze swallowed your eyes “Can we have sex when we get home?” You asked. Peter choked on his air and MJ busted out laughing, your eyes swept from MJ to Peter not understanding the joke until Peter said “not in front of our friends.”
Peter gave MJ the car to get home and walked you  the shortest distance home, figuring the walk would help sober you up. 
“And then I told him I was only a baby and he was still buying me drinks! I was okay with one or two but then he wouldn’t stop telling me to drink and I was wasting alcohol and then I got really scared.” You were explaining the night to Peter, talking with your hands, watching your face shift into a million emotions. 
“Is that when MJ called me?” Peter continued to learn the story 
You nodded frantically, “Yes. Thank you for saving me.” You smiled at him before interlocking your hands and swinging them. 
“I love dating Peter, don't get me wrong but I like when I get to date Spider-Man too.”
“Can I piggyback?” You huffed in the middle of the street, annoyed with walking. 
Peter knelt down in front of you and hooked his hand around your knees to help push you around his back, the perks to a super strength boyfriend- they can carry you for miles. 
Resting a chin on his shoulder you had your arms wrapped around his neck one hand loosely pointing at objects and giving them a life story, “and that lamp post Petey, imagine the things it’s seen. Imagine how long it’s been there!”
Talking to him about the things you saw on the way home from “way up here!” and a small game of i-spy you kept losing because you kept forgetting what color Peter said he saw. 
“Can we have sex?” You whispered in his ear, cautious to look around you to avoid the embarrassment he had the first time you asked. 
“Let me get you home first and ready for bed.” He replied sternly before lifting you higher on his back. 
“Okay!” You took that as a win, and settled back into his shoulder. 
“Are you hungry?” Were the first words Peter asked when you walked into the kitchen. 
“Oh my god, I was just about to say I was starving.” Your eyes widened at him, “We are seriously made for eachother.” You clapped him on the chest before asking him for a bowl of cereal. 
Two bowls of Coco Pops later, Peter had finally gotten you upstairs in your room and had helped you undress.
“What pajamas do you want?” He stood in your closet waiting for you to tell him what shirt.
“Yours!” You yipped back. 
“Mine what?” He looked down at himself, he was wearing a normal outfit. Jeans, shirt, hoodie. 
“Shirt.” You pointed at his shirt, and so did he. “The one I'm wearing?” His girlfriend nodded her head enthusiastically, taking her bra off as he shrugged his shoulders and gave her what she wanted. 
“Wash your face, brush your teeth.” He instructed her next. He watched her stand in the mirror for a minute, “do you need any help?” she shook her head. 
“I'm going to go update your dad, I’ll be right back okay?” He waited for an answer before leaving, zipping his hoodie over his bare skin. 
“Y/N‘s okay.” Peter knocked on the glass next to him so he wouldn’t sneak up on Tony. 
“Good, is she in bed?” He was ready to finish for the night, they were set back a good thirty minutes to an hour now.
He shook his head, “She’s brushing her teeth and wants me to stay with her until she falls asleep. It won’t be long though.” He promises. 
“Take care of her.” The elder Stark waved him off once more.
“Okay I read this at least four times in the mirror,” you turned when you saw your boyfriend reappear behind you. “And I still don’t understand what it means.” You were referencing the shirt you  were in. It had a science joke on it, or maybe math. 
“It says find x, and the x is circled.” 
“oooooh,” You dragged out. “I knew that.” You quickly added. 
You stepped in front of him and gave him a hug, holding on, you looked up “teeth brushed, face washed, can we have sex now?” 
Peter brushed some hair from your face, “are you okay?” He asked quietly. 
“Are you asking if I'm sober?” You kissed his palm. 
“What's the last ten letters of the alphabet backwards?” Peter asked, holding your hand with one and scratching down your back with another. 
“z,y,x,w,v,u,t,s,r,q” You replied 
“Who won the 2016 presidential election?” 
“Don’t make me say it.” You bit back. 
Peter muffled a laugh, “How many fingers am I holding up?” He lifted his hand in a peace sign, you squint your eyes and concentrated, “Twelve.” 
“Seems sober to me.” He told you. 
“Sex time?” You looked up at him. 
“Sex time.” He deadpanned. 
“Fuck yes! You’re the best boyfriend ever. I love you.” You squealed and pressed a fast kiss to his mouth before you hopped into your bed, fixing the pillows. 
Peter stood solid in the ground. He wasn’t sure if you were so sober now, his heart was suddenly red hot and he felt like he needed to lay down. Those words had never come from your mouth before and you shot them with such ease it almost unsettled him. 
He loves you. He knows that for certain, he just didn’t know you did. And he’s not even sure you understand what you just said because his ears are ringing and you're humming on your bed kicking your feet. 
“Y/N?” he cautions your name, before he goes forward with the kisses and coos he wants to be sure they’re on the same page
“Peter!” You call back. 
“Are you gonna get me naked or am I gonna get me naked?” You asked him before he was able to say anything more to you. 
Peter started to unzip his hoodie, he figured if she was playing dumb so would he. 
Drunk words sober thoughts rant in the back of his head but he pushed that to the back of his mind. He could analyze this another day, as of right now his beautiful tipsy girlfriend was begging him for sex and he wasn’t going to let her down.
Walking his way towards you he bent down to kiss you before getting on top of you, not missing the loud squeal you produced when he ran his hands under the shirt you were wearing preparing to take it off.
He pulled back slightly looking down at your wide eyes sparkling in the moonlight creeping between the cracks in the blinds. 
Your cheeks flushed and a cheek hurting smile adored your face, he’s never loved you more in this moment but instead of filling you in on his thoughts he whispered a “Shhh..” before placing his lips on yours delicately. 
Watching you sleep on Peter's chest has never felt like this before. 
He’s always thought you were beautiful, and he always thought he loved you but having your weight on him, soft snores coming from your mouth while his hands ran down your naked back he felt different. 
When you told him you loved him, intentional or not, something changed. He felt it immediately. 
Peter had always been caring and would stop at nothing to keep you safe but after tonight the feeling deepened. It went from keeping you safe to a sense of protection, he felt like it was his personal duty to harm whatever came in your path.  
He moved a piece of hair from your face as it dawned on him, he told himself “I would kill for her.” He felt his heart get loud in his chest and ears and felt his feet clam up, he hadn’t felt like this before. 
It’s never been so black and white, he knew at that moment had everyone ever tried to hurt you he would do anything in his power possible to keep you safe and protected. 
And suddenly he had to leave. He didn’t like that feeling. He's a good guy, he’s the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, he keeps the city safe. So the idea of him being so okay with hurting anyone who ever tries to touch you scares him. 
He was thinking like a villain; heros will protect the many at the cost of one but villains protect one at the cost of many, and he would destroy New York for you. 
Gently removing himself from the bed he slowly gets dressed before heading back to the lab with your dad to finish the nightly task before the early morning. 
Sliding back into the lab he threw himself down into the chair focused on his web shooters. 
“Are you okay?” Tony asked the protege already sensing something was off, standing to his full height and turning to Peter directly.
Peter didn’t look up but responded, “She said she loves me” 
Tony's eyebrows went up, “Did you say it back?” 
“No. I don't even think she realized she said it.” He twisted the screwdriver in his hand. 
“Is that why you're upset?” Tony asked back, arms crossed over his shoulders.
“No.” Peter shook his head, he didn’t want to have this conversation with his girlfriend's dad but seeing as he was also a superhero he was probably one of the only people that could truly understand it. 
“She was laying on top of me just sleeping, and this feeling came over me and sent me into a panic. I always thought I would protect my friends and May the best I could but just seeing her tonight I realized that I would die for her.” He paused, “I would kill for her.” Peter finally looked up and locked eyes with his mentor and girlfriends father hoping he would understand 
He nodded, letting him continue “I've never felt that way before. I feel responsible for keeping my city safe but I've never felt responsible for another person before.” 
“And it’s fucking terrifying.” He let out in a breath, his chest already feeling lighter. “I really love her, Mr. Stark.” His eyes started to sting, whether it was from tears or exhaustion he wasn’t sure. 
Tony nodded his head before coming closer and sitting across the bench from him.
“When Y/N was born, after I held her for the first time I told everyone I was going downstairs for coffee but I actually went into the garden and just cried because I had never had a feeling like that before in my life.” He spoke softly but sincerely. 
“When Y/N  told me how much she had liked you before she even told you I immediately felt a pressure coming off of me, because I knew no matter what she was always going to be safe and cared for with you.”  
“It’s scary to feel so strongly about someone else but seeing it recipucated makes it all worth it, and super powers or not Y/N would die for you too. Not that you’d ever let her.” He laughed at the end, but meant every word. His daughter was one of the strongest people he knew. 
Peter smiled at that. 
“I know.” 
Tony slapped his hand on the table, “Now how about you say we finish this up and get a few hours of sleep in before the trip tomorrow?”
About an hour later you woke up, groggy with a pounding headache and an empty bed. Pulling yourself to the bathroom to pee, you put Peter's shirt back on and some slippers before making your way to the lab. 
Walking in Peter's head looked up at you before clicking his tongue at you, “What are you doing up?” he joked. 
“What are you not doing in bed with me?” You asked back before sitting down on his lap, your head falling into his neck. 
He wrapped his arm around you holding his web shooter in one and screwdriver in the other still trying to piece them back together. 
“How much longer?” You asked huffing at the fluorescent lighting.
“Maybe 10 minutes.” Peter replied softly knowing you're still on the brink of sleep. 
“I have a really bad headache.” He could feel you frowning in his neck. 
Pausing his hand movements he pulled you tighter “Do you want me to get you some medicine?” 
You nodded but tightened your hold on him when he went to stand up, “you can finish first, I’ll just sleep here.” You snuggled deeper into him finally finding the perfect position that blocked all the lights out. 
Peter went back to working and sure enough felt your body get heavier and a bit more loose as you actually dropped back to sleep.
Ten minutes ended up being almost twenty five but once he was done and Tony left the lab with a “Goodnight, be ready by 7:15,” He had started to run his hand down your back trying to slowly wake you back up.
“Let's go to bed, okay?” He whispered in your ear.
Still more than half asleep, you nodded but kept your eyes closed and pressed yourself to Peter so he would keep you balanced while he walked you to your room. 
Stopping at the kitchen to get you a water bottle and some pills for your headache and then finally back to your room to cuddle for the night. 
When you finally laid back into bed with him you shoved your face into his bare chest, your legs intertwined with his, you grabbed onto his hair with one hand too tired to scratch at it. He nudged you anyways and you started to run your fingers through his curls and he gave a contempt sigh, you shuffled your hips closer to his and pressed around his body tighter. 
You broke the quiet moment with a whisper. 
“You’re not allowed to leave.” 
Peter laid his head on top of yours. 
“You know what I hate about Spider-Man?” 
No. He never talks bad about his alter ego, always going on about responsibilities and stopping bad things from happening, he has never complained or ragged on him. You shook your head into his chest, your hand still reached over your head, still dragging fingers through his own. 
“I hate we’re two people in the same body. Sometimes when I take off the suit I wish I was actually taking it off. Like, I lost all responsibilities and I was just Peter Parker. A normal 18 year old, about to graduate having a dope ass intern gig and dating Tony Stark’s daughter and not sharing that with Spider-Man. I wish it was a switch I could turn on and off, and when I'm with you, I really hate having to leave to go be, him.” 
He sighed and you tugged at his hair to show you were listening and waiting for more. 
“Sometimes, it just feels,” Peter stopped when his voice cracked. You knew that was a warning sign from Peter, he was about to cry. He laughed to hide a sob, he stayed quiet. You stayed on his chest, you turned your mouth in to press three small kisses, “Feels like what?” You whispered against his skin. 
He shook his head, if he stayed silent one more time you knew he was already crying but trying to hide it. “Petey?” Your head bounced from his chest when he let out a sob, his breathing getting loud, you sat up to face him watching him hold a hand over his mouth as another one was on his chest trying to ground his breaths. Tears were flowing down his cheeks, he choked out another sob on his hand, you tried to pull his head to your chest but he pushed you away. 
"It just feels unfair."
You’ve only seen him this bad once before, it was after a mental breakdown, similar to this one. It was just a combination of everything happening at once.
He and you had a fight, May was mad about something, he was getting his ass beat nightly and couldn’t even catch the guy and couldn’t get Tony to help because he pissed off his girlfriend, and therefore Tony was pissed at Peter.
And he was trying to study for the upcoming SAT while trying not to think of you being mad at him and how he was going to fix that, while also thinking about that guy still kicking his ass and his suit tech failing after various beatings but he was banned from the tower until he made up with Y/N, per word of her father.
And, trying not to think about May being pissed about something still, and not remembering what it was but it was probably a big fuck up on his end and reached his breaking point while in this spiral May came through his door and asked him “Why haven’t you taken the trash out? Or brought the laundry down? Or wash the dishes? Or anything I asked you?” Her tone was bitter, she sure was pissed. 
Then Peter turned his head to his desk, saw his phone resting on his PSAT workbook unlocked with your messages open but with nothing new. He snapped the pencil in his hand and sobbed. He cried so hard and suddenly May ran to him to grab him from dropping to the floor, “Peter?” He wouldn’t stop, he was babbling between not being able to breathe, his sobs were full of chokes and coughs. 
“Sorry-” “Tired” “Y/N” “Fight” “Banned” “Stressed” “Sacred” Were bits and pieces of the words May heard from him, sorry was a favorite he was using on loop. “Peter, what can I do? You need to calm down.” She was rubbing at his chest like she did when he was a baby, it would always calm him down. Sometimes she would catch you doing the same thing, “Y/N” He nearly screamed it with his cry, “I can call her, I can call her,” May fumbled for her phone in her pocket.
You looked at your phone light up with May’s contact photo, your brows furrowed. She never calls you. Texts, sure. But Calls? No. You almost thought it was Peter but you didn’t block his number or anything so there was no reason. 
She heard cries and heaving breathing in the background
“Y/N, you need to come over right now.” 
May was quick to the point. You heard a chorus of ‘Sorry’ in the background and coughing and sniffles. 
“Is he okay?” 
Your heart hurts. You’ve never heard anything like this from him. 
“I’m on my way. Can he hold the phone?” 
You heard May ask the question, a shuffling sound played, the trading of hands. 
You knew Peter was on the phone, the sobs ceased but he still couldn’t catch his breath, you heard sharp quick intakes every few seconds, no doubt tears still falling down his face. 
“Peter? Petey, listen to me. I’m on my way to come see you, okay? I need you to catch your breath, can you do that? I’m coming, Peter. I promise.” 
“M’ Sorry.” His voice was squeaky, he was forcing the words out. 
“I’m not mad. I’m not mad I promise. I just miss you and want you to be okay. I’m on my way right now.” 
“Okay? I’ll see you in a few minutes.” 
He pushed the phone back to May and she ended the call. His crying stopped, his breathing slowed. He was calm for a couple minutes. Then he remembered the fight, again. And about the SAT’s and how he’s still not done with that guy from three nights ago and started all over again. 
You remember how broken he looked then, how stress piled on him and crushed him entirely. His plate was so overloaded it cracked the glass. You sat next to him on the floor and straddled his hips, you pressed yourself to him and repeated ‘I’m here’ over and over. 
But tonight he was rejecting your help. 
“It just feels so unfair” 
He felt so shameful using these words. It was his secret, he always thought about it but there was nothing he could change about it so why complain? 
“It is unfair, Pete.” 
“It’s really unfair,” You added. “It really sucks you have to miss out on things in your life to do things in another life you didn’t ask for. It’s actually kind of shitty, I don’t know how you don’t complain more.” You were honest but you got a laugh from Peter and kept going, you were slowing his brain. 
“Seriously, babe. Could you imagine if I had powers? Do you know how much I would drag on about it? ‘Oh my god, I had to, like, save a child today. Ugh,’ Or, i’d be like, ‘bro they asked me to hold a ferry together, ME!’” You smiled at Peter’s face brightening up. “I would never shut up about it. You’re braver than the marines for never talking shit on the web man.” 
“Web man?” He gave a guttural laugh
“You’re a good person and you don’t deserve half the shit life throws at you.” 
“What’s the other half of shit I do deserve?” 
Peter sighed and laid on you this time. He kissed your temple, they didn’t need to say anything more. He was soaking up this moment, in just five hours he would be up and on a quinjet to a top secret location he would find out on the way, and be missing your warmth for three days. He would normally tell you he would never deserve you but he let you win tonight. 
“Good night, baby.” 
“Good night, Petey.” 
Peter woke to Tony pushing on his shoulder, “Get up kid, let’s go.” He lifted his head from his girlfriend's shoulder and turned towards Tony and gave him a death glare. 
He removed himself from the bed with a groan when Tony left the room. Peter watched your body lay unmoving and moved around the room silently collecting his things. He pulled on his suit and folded up his clothes on the floor and grabbed his phone and the small bag he would be taking with him on the trip. 
He moved to your side of the bed, you were still squished in as if Peter’s weight was still resting on you, soft snores billowed from your mouth, hair combed around your face and he moved his hand across your forehead to clear it. When he moved his hand across your face you lent into it, a subconscious movement that had you leaning into his touch. He sighed and felt upset to be leaving, it would only be two nights away, he could deal with that. 
“Hey baby?” He lent down to kiss across your face, trying to wake you to say goodbye always hurt him. 
You whined and pressed your cheek further into the pillow. Peter kissed the cheek facing him a few times before he tried again. 
“Baby, I’m leaving. Give me a kiss before I go.” 
Your eyes opened for a moment seeing your boyfriend sitting over you, his red and blue suit contoured to his body. It was too early for him to be Spider-Man. 
“It’s too early for Spidey.” 
“I know. It’s a good thing he can sleep on the plane.” 
You opened your eyes again, awake for now. You studied his face, he looked okay. 
“I thought we said you were staying home.” 
“Next time,” he smiled. 
He would’ve added a ‘promise’ to it but he wouldn’t make a promise to something he knew he couldn’t keep. 
You make a ‘psh’ sound, “Yeah, right.” 
“Two minutes, Underoos.” Tony’s voice belted from the hallway. 
“C’mon. One kiss, and I’ll be back before you miss me.” 
You leaned up to kiss him. It was a soft kiss, a goodbye kiss, an I’ll miss you kiss, an be safe, I need you kiss. 
He pulled away and turned to leave when you called from the bed, 
“I love you, Peter. Be safe.” 
His head never whipped around so quickly, his face with a smile you’ve never seen before. 
“You remember!” 
He wanted to tell you those words last night so badly but was terrified you said it in a moment of recklessness and wanted to make sure they counted when he said them. 
He jumped full force onto the bed barely catching himself before he flattened you. He was pressing kisses all over your face while you were giggling trying to push him off, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” was thrown with each kiss to a new spot. 
“Of course I remember! I love you and I want you to know it.” 
“I love you too, and I want you to know it.” 
Tony interrupted the moment, 
“Now. Spider.” 
He nodded at you, “Be careful when I’m gone Y/N. You need either one of us just call, we’ll be around. I’ll see you in three days, okay?” 
“Okay. Bye dad. I love you, be safe.” 
Tony looked to Peter for him to follow him out of the room. 
“I love you Petey.” 
“I love you too.” 
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alohaasaloevera · 9 months
KL post-canon sorta fwb/situationship AU where they rile each other up!!!!!!1!1!!1!
Lance is so fucking annoying. Keith has decided that his mindset from when he was 18 (and sexually confused—actually, maybe just repressed?) is now superior.
Keith hates how Lance flirts with anything that even remotely looks like a woman. He hates how he jokes around too much. He hates how extensive his skin routine is. He hates how he can’t decide whether he wants to punch Lance or kiss him senseless every single time he wiggles his eyebrows as an attempt to flirt or recites a crappy one-liner at him.
His Things I Hate About Lance list is about to be updated, because they’re at yet another diplomatic party on earth (which is actually more of a “celebrating the fact that the universe didn’t get destroyed” party) and Lance is wearing a navy blue button-down shirt which is very much accentuating his muscles, and it’s causing his brain to malfunction. I guess the constant labor at the farm paid off, Keith thinks.
He’s also flirting with a lady who also seems to be extremely appreciative of Lance’s outfit choice. They look like they’re about to decimate each other in the middle of the room with how their eyes are focused solely on the other. Lance’s eyes flick over to him for a second before he just smirks at Keith—the smug fuck—then he focuses back on the girl in front of him before settling his hand on her hip and leaning closer, his voice a hushed whisper against the shell of her ear.
Keith just rolls his eyes. Not that he cares about who Lance sleeps with anyways.
“You’re drooling.” Shiro says, which earns him a moderately hard slap from Keith on his non-prosthetic arm. “You look mad, too.”
“Shut up.” Keith grumbles, because apparently his 14 year old self’s attitude is now the best way to go, “Go away.”
“Jeez, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
“I said, shut it! Or else telling Adam you made out with Curtis.”
“Please, they’re probably making out with each other as of this moment.”
“What are you, 12?”
Keith does not go ahead and answer that question, mostly because he doesn’t want to admit that he’s acting more and more immature as the seconds that he stares at Lance and the woman go by.
Shiro, who has been a spectator of Keith pining over the Red Paladin since the early days of Voltron, sighs, before ruffling Keith’s hair, “Please just try and talk out whatever this weird sexual tension between you and him is. For me, please? I’ve already constructed a customized shovel talk for him if you ever do get with him, and let’s just say updating it over the years—”
“Alright, alright! I’ll do it!”
“Thanks, child.”
“Child? Is that what we’re doing now?”
“Just go!”
Keith, both fortunately and unfortunately, does not get to talk to Lance until after the party. He walks around the ballroom, and multiple people tell him Lance was last seen walking out eagerly with a girl, so he waits until the next day to talk to him.
What feels unsettling is that how most of the people who let him know about where Lance has gone were talking in an almost…disappointed manner; like they had expected better from him. Which is ridiculous, because for starters, Lance doesn’t need to be all serious and on guard all of the time, especially since they’re celebrating the fact that they had won the war—in fact, it would be out of character for Loverboy Lance to not flirt with at least one person at a party. Secondly, Lance is basically still a kid. Sure, he’s been through some stuff, but he’s still 20 years old. He wouldn’t even have graduated college by now!
Keith gets that they are the Paladins of Voltron, and their duty is to protect the universe, but sometimes the expectations people have for them make them look like flawless, error-free machines who never make mistakes or miss a beat, when it’s far from that. They’re human too. They mess up plans like half the time (maybe not half, but you get the point)!
When he’s walking to Lance’s house—somewhere about a 5 minute walk away from the city and a 10 minute walk from his own house—he stops in his tracks.
What is he even going to say to him?
He can’t be flat-out, outright straightforward with Lance and say, “Oh, I’m kinda in love with you, and have been for the past 5 or so years, so could we stop this friends-with-benefits situationship we have going on and just cut to the real deal?”, but he also can’t be too vague with it.
Though, if there’s anything that Voltron has taught him, one of the things would be, without a doubt, is that you always have to be prepared to improvise.
He knocks on the cold wood, and just when Keith is about to reconsider even coming here, the door opens.
In the course of 5 seconds, Keith goes from knocking on a door to being slammed against that same door. Not that he’s going to complain.
“Sorry—” Lance manages in between kisses, “—about—” a kiss on his forehead, “—yesterday.” He kisses Keith gently on the lips, adding more pressure when the smaller’s arms come to wrap around his neck.
Just as Keith relaxes, he breaks the kiss, genuinely confused, “Wait, what?”
“It’s just that you seemed genuinely sad when I was flirting with her, and—” Lance attempts to explain, only for Keith to cut him off.
“Hey, don’t apologize to me for that.” Keith protests. “I was just jealous that you looked fucking amazing in that dress shirt and she was the one who got to have you. Besides, we aren’t exclusive.”
He expects Lance to loosen up—maybe brag about how he wooed Keith with his dazzling looks, but he sure as Zarkon and Honerva themselves does not expect him say this:
“But what if I want to be exclusive?”
Keith’s heart catches in his throat, eyes widening like saucers, “What?”
“I said,” Lance looks straight at Keith, his gaze piercing,
“What if I want to be exclusive?”
Oh, fuck.
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dogsayswoof · 1 year
Hounds From Hell Chapter 2
Summary: Football game, afterparty, and an unexpected development in your friendship with Wednesday
Word Count: 1.9k Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Reader (Hounds from Hell Masterlist)
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Wednesday could not believe that you or Enid was able to get her to attend such a trivial extracurricular event. As she sat in the crowd with her friends watching you move with such athletic grace, scrambling out of the pocket to launch a deep pass to your counterpart on a wide-open look. 
The crowd went wild as Benton caught the ball making a mad dash to the end zone, orange jerseys chasing after his purple figure. Your entire pack, except Elizabeth, and a few other athletic guys who wanted to join were on the team. Explaining the unspoken chemistry you had on the field. 
Enid was next to her, her face decorated with purple and black designs in cheery support for the school's pride and joy. Next to her was Ajax, who had dressed up in support of his girlfriend, followed by Yoko, Bianca, Xavier, Divina, and Kent. On the other side of Wednesday a smiling Eugene, who was just glad to have been invited to the event. 
"Oh come on, he was so close" yelled Enid as they watched Benton get slammed to the ground.
Wednesday was watching your tall figure jog up the field with the others in order to set up for the next play. While you intelligence for chemistry was lacking, your athletic IQ was superior to all. You were able to read the field within a second and make a decision. Your innate ability for strategy was heavily noted by the young goth girl.
"Wednesday, I was surprised to see you at an event like this, I thought it was a waste of time?" asked Bianca.
"It was of a friend's utmost importance that I attended." she said eyes not leaving you.
"Yeah friend" said Enid giving Wednesday a small nudge and a wiggle of her eyebrows.
"Touch me again and I promise you, I will break every individual bone in your arm" Wednesday said turning towards her a scowl plain across her face.
"What are you hiding from us Addams" said a smug Bianca and Wednesday's gaze shifted to her.
"I have nothing to hide, I am an open book." 
"Yeah, that's why you've been having study sessions with Y/N" said Enid before jumping up and screaming as you threw a touchdown pass to George. 
"You've been seeing Y/N??   Y/N   Y/L/N????" exclaimed Xavier and Wednesday nodded.
"She cannot pass chemistry to save her life and I simply offered my assistance"
"Damn Wednesday, I did not think that you had that in you... Y/N huh"
Wednesday turned back to face the game again watching as the boys celebrated at the score.
When the game was over the last thing Wednesday expected was for you to interact with her. Your team was happy, coach was elated, and as her and her friends got up to leave the bleachers she heard her name being called.
"Wednesday!" you yelled jogging over to the side of the field her friends had been sitting.
You leaned on the railing looking up to where they were at.
"Wednesday, thank you so much. I wouldn't of been able to play without you." you said grinning up at her.
"It was a tortuous task but we did it anyways" she said and you stared at her for a second before noticing the smirks on her friends faces.
"Hey everyone" you said with the dopiest smile on your face and a small wave.
"Do you need anything else?" she asked and you opened your mouth but before you could say anything Bianca cut you off.
"The sirens are hosting a party tonight to celebrate your win. I better see you and your team there" she said and you nodded.
"Yeah of course, couldn't miss a party" you said and you heard your name being yelled, "Well I should go shower up, but we'll definitely be there" you said winking at Bianca. 
Wednesday felt a pang of jealousy, a similar feeling to spiders in her chest, at your small interaction with Bianca. She bit back the scowl that threatened to spread across her face at the risk of you thinking it was for you.
"See you guys later!" you said back peddling, "Wednesday.." 
The shift in your tone when she said your name sent her stomach flipping. 
"You're definitely going too" said Bianca with a finger in Wednesday's chest.
What have you done to her.
You were fighting with yourself and you were drunk. On one hand you definitely had feelings for Wednesday. The one on one time you had got to spend with her was.. enlightening to say the least. You had found yourself shredding back the layers behind the short dark girl, learning more about her than anyone else besides Enid and her family ever has. 
On the other hand you knew that she distained physical affection and emotional attachment. She would never let you in no matter how hard you tried. Maybe it would be better to just detach yourself before you got hurt. You could have anyone you wanted at this school except for the girl YOU wanted.
Sighing you threw back another shot of whatever the sirens had managed to sneak onto campus, in an attempt to calm your thinking. There were girls of all kind throwing themselves onto you and you entertained their attempts to flirt as you sipped your drink, though the image of the goth engrained at the back of your mind.
"Y/N" yelled a voice and you looked over to recognize Enid bouncing in, Wednesday trailing behind.
"Oh good, you made it" cheered Bianca over the loud music.
Quickly embracing Enid, she leaned in to Wednesday and whispered,
"Girls have been throwing themselves onto her all night. If you want her, you need to make a claim." she pulled back and disappeared into the mass of bodies.
Enid and you were talking as you made her a drink, chugging yours and making another.
"You want a drink?" you slurred at Wednesday and she nodded.
You made her a drink too, and handed it to her. She sipped it lightly and proceeded to put it down.
"I enjoyed your sporting event more than I thought I would" she said shortly and you had a small smile.
"I'm glad" you sipped your drink again scanning the room, "You want to meet my friends?"
You lead her through the crowd towards where your pack was standing.
"Guys, this is Wednesday Addams" you said gesturing to her, "Wednesday this is George and Elizabeth"
You pointed to the two white haired siblings. They had shimmering blue eyes and pale skin. Almost ghost like, Wednesday noted. Must be the soulhounds. They had small smiles and quietly said hello.
"And this is Atwell and Benton" you said at the two black haired kids. Benton was smiling wide, extremely friendly. 
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance ma'am" he said in his country accent and pretending to tip his hat at you.
"Hey" said Atwell, his accent not as thick.
"They're real country hicks" you laughed rubbing Atwells hair while he smiled sheepishly.
"It is a pleasure to make all of your acquaintances" Wednesday said politely.
One of the girls from earlier walked over and she grabbed onto your arm. Latching on to you and looking up at you with hearts in her eyes. It made Wednesday sick to her stomach.
"Y/N, come take a shot with us, to celebrate. Bianca said you would love to" she said in cheery sing-song-y voice.
Mental note: Make sure to murder Bianca   thought Wednesday.
"I'll be right back" you said being led away.
Except you weren't right back. At all. And Wednesday had lost tabs on you. She thought maybe that girl had taken you away to her dorm and you'd come walking around on campus with her attached at the hip tomorrow so she found Enid.
"I think I have had enough of this social interaction for the month" she said and Enid pouted.
"C'mon Wednesday, it's fun" she said throwing back another shot.
"I'm going back to our dorm, but you should stay and have your fun" she said heading for the door.
Wednesday had not had anything to drink besides the small sip she had when you had handed her the cup of foul liquid. The walk back was painful. She had tried to suppress her feelings for you chalking it up to nothing but teenage hormones, and she refused to prove her parents right. But the feeling she had when that girl looked at you dragging you away, was undeniable.
Wednesday Addams was jealous. 
She sat on her typewriter in an attempt to distract herself but she kept typing mistake after mistake having to crumble up the paper and toss it into the bin which was overflowing.
You are the reason. You infiltrated her mind and-
There was loud knocks on her door.
She chose to ignore them but they began to get louder and more frequent. She got up in a huff and swung the door open causing you on the other side to half stumble into her room.
"Hello Wed-nes-day" you slurred and she did nothing but stare at you.
"Why are you here?" she said coldly as you swayed on your feet in front of her.
"Because you disappeared" you said with a frown on your face.
"You're drunk" she stated and you nodded a dopey smile replacing the frown as you looked down into her onyx eyes.
"You're pretty"
Wednesday felt the spiders in her stomach and her breath catch as she processed what you said.
"Say that again and I'll cut your tongue out and feed it to the crows"
"Yeah.. oooookay" you chuckled and she crossed her arms at you.
You half walked - half stumbled around her room some more and she followed behind you.
"I'm serious Y/N"
"I am too" 
"You are one of the most frustrating and incessant people I have ever met" she said and you stepped closer to her slowly closing the distance.
"Oh yeah?" you said standing right in front of her, her arms still crossed.
"Yes. You are bothersome and aggravating and-" 
She was cut off by your lips. You were soft, a lot more softer than she imagined. Not that she had imagined kissing you before. Your lips were gone quicker than they appeared and you were standing in front of her. You cheeks stained red and the smile gone as your drunk state realized what you had done.
You both stood there breathing cautiously. Moments passing between you, tension palpable. Unspoken words shared before she grabbed your collar and pulled you back in.
Your hands grasped her waist pulling you close to you. You both moved back until you hit her desk in which you lifted her up and sat her on it. Allowing you to lean further into her. Your kisses were full of passion and unspoken desire building from your last few weeks together. 
Her hands wrapped around to your neck scratching it lightly as your lips moved to her neck. Softly kissing the skin that you ached to explore. Her shaking breathing as you left little bites before soothing them with a soft kiss on each, caused you to smirk into her skin before you kissed her once more.
You pulled away and stepped back as you saw her vulnerable sitting on the edge of the desk.
"I'm sorry" you said quietly and you admired the purple marks you left along her neck. You ran your hands through your hair before lying down on Enid's bed.
"Don't apologize. There is no need" she said hopping down from the desk and straightening her typewriter and smoothing her uniform.
When she turned back around to you, she heard the soft snores and saw you asleep strung out among the colorful sheets below.
Oh she was so fucked...
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existentialfailure · 2 months
Meet & Greet
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Pairing: Hawks / Reader
Length: Oneshot, 1105 words. 
Description: Keigo spots reader at a distance, introduces himself and is just a general shit. Reader isn't sure if she is flattered or annoyed.
Warnings: None, Mild swearing.
Notes: Pre-Top 3. Keigo is the new hero on the block, and is making his waves.
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He prides himself on his superior vision, especially on its handiness when he’s airborne and surveying the world below him. He isn’t a braggart by any means, but he could confidently say there wasn’t much of anything that could escape his notice when he was patrolling from above. Even as he weaved through the air- twisting about to avoid buildings, the occasional fellow bird, and sometimes the random wayward plastic bag- his sharp gold eyes never left the ground below. His state of awareness was extraordinary, honed like a raptor circling and prowling for prey. Though in his case, villains.
It was how he spotted you, and found himself so oddly transfixed he nearly introduced himself face first into the 14th floor of a downtown skyscraper’s window.
He had wasted no time, startling the employees as his crimson wings beat an angry staccato stop before dropping himself down in a quick and sudden stoop. His logical brain was somewhere buried in the back of his head, turned off as he landed in front of you in a flurry of heavy wings.
Gold eyes wide, pupils pin pricked, and a ridiculously sunny smile slapped across his wind whipped face.
You, for your part, looked so startled you could probably be compared to a mouse getting snatched up in the talons of an owl. The wind Hawks’ wings had kicked up in their wake had tousled your entire outfit into disarray, and had you blinking sand and whatever else from your now watering eyes. You were so bewildered by the sudden appearance of what appeared to be- a sidekick? a hero?- you weren’t sure what the hell you were supposed to say or do. What is the civilian protocol for this?
You opened your mouth, then closed it, opening it again: looking all the world like a guppy out of water as you struggled to respond to whatever the hell was going on. Some of the strangers around you, equally as startled, took the opportunity to give a wide berth between the two of you. Some civilians took the winged stranger’s focus on you as a good enough reason to mind their own and make a swift exit. Though some bystanders, clearly intrigued, did their best (not really) to not look like they were staring. You wondered if anyone would come to your aid if it turned out this guy turned out to be a villain.
Staring, your lack of response didn’t seem to bother the newcomer at all.
“Hello,” he chirped. Chirped. His wings still stayed somewhat extended horizontally at his back, curled and a little puffed. You straightened yourself, raising a single eyebrow.
“Saw you down here,” He continued, his tone joyful but smoothe- syrupy almost, “figured I’d drop in and say hello to some of the locals. It’s the thing to do y’know, meet the civilians of the area you’re patrolling. Get to know them.” He struts over- STRUTS!- reaching out a gloved hand as if to offer a handshake.
You blink, your staring finally making your eyes burn. You look down at the proffered hand, the thick gloves clearly a little worn but fairly new from your perspective. When you don’t respond, but continue to stare at his hand, he wiggles his fingers playfully. The leather looks soft.
“Hawks.” he offers, and you glance up questioningly before you realize what he meant. His hero name. Hawks. Makes sense you think, eyes trailing over to the crimson wings still unfurled at his back. They tremble, stretching out slightly as if showing off a bit at noticing your gaze. You don’t think too deeply into that idea. You place your smaller hand in his, offering your name in return and listening as he repeats it a few times as if trying to memorize it. “I’ve never heard of you, Hawks.” You continue, releasing his hand so that you can begin trying to reassemble yourself after his disastrously spectacular entrance. You hope all his encounters aren’t this damn windy. You’ll never be able to wear a dress around here again. “Yeah, well, I’m the new kid on the block.” Hawks pushes his hands into his pockets, leaning his weight back on one leg leisurely as he watches you. He taps the toe of his other foot on the ground thoughtfully, eyebrows furrowed. He tilts his head a bit, wild blonde hair falling in wild messy waves. You think you may spot some knots- probably from flying about without anything covering his head.
“I don’t even know if I made it to the rankings yet or not, not that it really matters or whatever. I’m just out here trying to do what I need to, which is to keep pretty lil’ things like you safe.” His eyes flash to you, pupils constricted- no, dilated?- behind his flashy yellow flight goggles. He winks, his smile lopsided as he waits for your reaction.
And boy do you give him one. Pausing as you had been fixing your hair, pulling out any wayward bits of whatever Hawks had kicked up. You stared at him, a tad incredulous as a blush crawled up your neck and into your cheeks. Even with those stupid huge goggles on, you could see the playful glimmer in his eyes. You stammered for a moment, thrown. Did he just hit on you? Sort of?
“Wah.. well. Bit brazen aren’t you, hero?” You raised your eyebrows, trying to pretend as if you couldn’t cook an egg on your forehead.
Hawks grinned, all teeth and bright eyes. His wings twitched, rising slightly at his back and expanding. You stepped back, realizing his intent almost immediately as the crimson appendages came down hard to push him upwards. His wings began a steady beat, and he looked down at you cheekily. You narrowed your brows, this time prepared and holding yourself together against the sudden increase of wind.
“Kinda have to be to be a hero, Pidge!” He called, still toothy and playful. You puffed out your cheeks, throwing an arm out and indicating around you. “Hey! What about meeting some civilians?”
Hawks belted out a laugh, shrugging before shooting off skyward, leaving you a little dazed down below. You watched his figure for as long as you could, the streak of crimson disappearing just as quickly as it had appeared, with an apprehensive (but excited?) feeling that this wouldn’t be your last encounter with the Pro. Gazing around, you eyed the other civilians before moving on, still adjusting your clothing. “Pidge…” You muttered, thinking. That wasn’t even close to your name. Pidge? Then-
“That shit called me a pigeon!”
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ladywaffles · 1 year
calloused hands in soft hands + Icemav
thank you for playing! :)
calloused hands in soft hands
“Hey there, sailor, has it been a long tour?”
Six and a half months.
That’s how long it’s been since the President overturned Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
He is finally free to marry his partner, openly and within sight of their family, friends, and former flyboys.
“It’s worth it when the sea brings me back to you, lover,” Maverick replies with a lascivious grin.
Ice rolls his eyes, even as he stands to greet Mav. “I’ve changed my mind—the tides can have you. You’re terrible at this.”
“What, after all this time?” Maverick drops his pack in the foyer and winds his arms around Ice’s waist, sliding one of his hands into Ice’s back pocket. “When I can finally do this in public?”
“You know, you’re still technically not allowed to do that, I’m still a superior officer.”
“Yeah but—”
“Don’t even say it, Mitchell,” he cuts him off. “It’ll be cheesy and bad, and I’ll be looking to trade you in for the newer model by the end of the year if you do.”
“Trade me in?” Maverick asks incredulously. “After I finally got you house trained?”
“Got me house trained?”
“Breakfast for dinner is nice, dear, but it’s the only thing you can be relied upon to not burn when I ask you to cook,” Maverick replies.
“You’re just mad because the laundry always smells nicer when I do it no matter what you try.”
“And who was the one who had to stick his arm up the backside of the dryer because someone nearly set a lint fire?”
“There wouldn’t have been a fire, if you’d cleaned it out the first time like I asked—”
“You know you can go more than a week without washing your bedsheets, it’s not the end of the world—”
“—put a sticky note on the fridge and everything, reminded you before I left for D.C.—”
“—and if we’d switched to the other towels that don’t give off all that fluff, the lint wouldn’t have built up nearly as bad anyway—”
“—I told you, it was one list of things to do, a very simple list of three chores around the house, and you didn’t listen the first time or the second time, so third time’s the charm, right—”
“—and then you kept insisting we use dryer sheets when wool balls work just as well, better even—”
They cut themselves off and smile. Ice sticks out his hand, wiggling his fingers until Maverick takes it.
“So. It’s been a while since I last saw you.”
Maverick laces their fingers together. “Yup.”
“Seven months.”
“Seven months, two weeks, and three days. But who’s counting?”
“Did you see the news?”
“I’ve heard a thing or two.”
Ice squeezes Maverick’s hand. It’s scarred and calloused from all the maintenance he does around the house, on his bikes, and on the Mustang they still haven’t made airworthy again. There’s a bump right where the stick sits between his thumb and his forefinger after hours sitting in the box, first in a Tomcat and then in a Hornet, and soon, maybe, in one of those fifth-gen stealth planes that go five times faster than Ice ever did.
His own scars from his days in the sky have long since been traded in for hardened ridges where his pen rests, reams of forms to fill out and files to read. There’s no flying for admirals, Viper had once warned him. Flying’s like riding a bike, but the memory of it starts to fade from your body faster than it does your mind.
Between the two of them, Maverick is much more the image of a pilot than Ice is, in his tailored suits and stars.
He runs his fingers over the back of Mav’s hand and presses their palms together.
“What do you think?” he asks.
“Of what?”
“Now you’re just playing coy.”
“Well, Admiral Kazansky, if you’re asking little old me,” Maverick starts, “I think it’s about damn time.”
Ice grins. “See, I’d thought something of the same myself.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out two wedding bands, made of newly minted gold.
“So, what do you think, Mitchell? Wanna get hitched?”
Maverick holds onto Ice’s hand tighter and drags him back towards the front door.
“Where are we going?”
“Where else do you think? We gotta go catch Slider before he gets too far from base and tell him to call up the boys, we’re getting married this weekend!”
send me a type of touch, a number, and a pairing!
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Sarah I swear every single time I leave your blog for a few days I come back to madness and now it’s Eddie with triplet girls?? Since you’ve caused emotional distress I think it’s only right you give us some conversations with Eddie when the reader is pregnant with the girls😭😭😭
Hiiii babes! Haha I am so sorry you had to come back to Triplet Dad Eddie😂 I will gladly do this for you since I caused you some distress lol enjoy babes!!💖
*Eddie is freaking out and has one thing on his mind…he needs three of everything.*
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“I’m sorry you said what now?” “We are having triplets…” “triplets…that sounds like it’s more than one…” “yes Eddie it’s three.” “Three…three little tiny things are just…hanging out in your stomach right now?” “Don’t call them things Edward that’s fucking rude.” “Sorry sorry baby I’m just…” “in shock? I know. Welcome to the club.” “Jesus…three…babies.” “Munson party of two is now Munson party of five.” “Holy fucking shit.”
“Just because they are girls Eddie doesn’t mean everything has to be pink.” “Tell that to Wayne baby it’s not me buying everything in pink and white.” “He’s excited to be a grandpa isn’t he?” “Oh he’s told everyone in Hawkins and has their ultrasound photos in his wallet.” “He’s gonna spoil them rotten.” “Without a doubt.” “Did he buy these pink dresses with white flowers all over them?” “Yup dropped them off this afternoon.” “They are size 2T…” “he said something about they can grow into them.” “You think he’d listen if I tell him they don’t need anymore clothes so he doesn’t need to buy anything else?” “You’d have a better chance at getting Harrington a date than Wayne agreeing to not buy anymore shit for the girls.”
“We need three of those right?” “I don’t think so. It’s just a play mat. They can all be on it at one time.” “We need three cribs and diaper changing things though?” “Three cribs yes but I think sharing one diaper changing thing would be fine?” “What if all of them need changed at the same time?” “Then they can be changed on the floor? They won’t care.” “We can’t show favorites right out of the womb baby. The one who gets changed on the diaper thing will feel superior to her sisters.” “Eddie…they won’t remember. Trust me.” “Let’s just get three.” “They already have you wrapped around their little fingers and they aren’t even here yet.” “I’m choosing to ignore that. Now what about high chairs? Three of those too?” “We don’t need those right now we have time to get those.” “Three bouncers for sure I hear those things are great.” “Yeah we will want three of those.” “How the hell are we gonna have three car seats in one car? The van doesn’t even have backseats…” “uh the van was never an option they will fit in my car don’t worry.” “All of them? Just like in a row?” “Yes in a row.” “Do they make a stroller big enough for triplets? Or do we have to like get one custom made?” “Eddie…honey I need you to take a few deep breaths okay? It’s going to be okay we don’t need all these things right now we have time okay?” “Okay…yeah…okay you’re right we are fine right now…I’m fine.” “I love you.” “I love you too sweetheart.”
“Oh wow is that a foot?” “I think so? Could be a hand.” “They just kick you like that all day?” “Not all day mainly after I eat they get all excited.” “Oh that felt like a foot.” “Probably…here put your hand right here…feel that?” “What the hell is that?” “I think it’s one their heads but…then again I’m not sure.” “How are you not sure?” “I can’t see what’s going on in there Eddie I don’t have X-ray vision you dingus.” “Oh right…it’s just crazy how much is going on in there.” “Right? Like there’s three little girls just wiggling around in there…” “so…we are like good right? After this?” “Are you asking if I want more kids?” “Yeah because I’m gonna be honest with you baby I’m terrified it’ll be triplets again and I…don’t know if I can handle that…” “you’re so dramatic the odds of us having triplets again is super rare.” “So were the odds of us having triplets this time…” “true…but yeah I think three is good we can revisit in a few years and see how we feel.” “Okay…I’m fine with that.” “Ohh did you feel that? That had to be a hand.” “She didn’t like us talking about having other babies I guess.” “Yup she’s a Munson…using her hands to get her point across.” “Just like her mother.” “Don’t be rude Eddie.”
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Dark Hearts .7
Summary: Cori Douglas has lived a somewhat quiet life in mystic falls. Despite a few slip ups, she has managed to fly under the radar with her best friends. That is, until her junior year when two new mysterious men roll into town and shake everyone up, including her best friend Elena. What will Cori find out about these mysterious men and about herself? Mostly follows the storyline of tvd show but may take some creative liberties.
“She swore vengeance on all men with dark hearts.”
― Lisa Papademetriou, Siren's Storm
This is the conclusion of season one! I hope you've enjoyed so far and I'm currently working on season two. I'd love to know how you are liking it so far and if you have any thoughts on where this story is going!
“Look at you all retro.” Damon approaches his brother in the town square, dressed in his get up for the Founder’s Day parade. 
“What are you doing here?” Stefan asks, unable to hide his disappointment at the appearance of his older brother. 
“Why wouldn’t I be here? Bonnie deactivated the Gilbert invention, Isobel is gone, and it’s Founder’s day!” Damon announces excitedly, “I’m here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl.” 
Stefan doesn’t find that amusing,  “Don’t start with me, Damon.” Ever since the whole Isobel saying Damon was in love with Elena thing, things had been, well, tense. 
“Oh, you started this with the whole ‘Im insecure, leave Elena alone’ speech.” Damon reminds him, “I’m enjoying that.” 
“As long as you heard it.” 
“What?” Damon asks loudly, cupping his hand over his ear as if to say he couldn’t hear Stefan. Again, stefan does not find this amusing, “You have no sense of humor.” 
“Actually, I have no sense of Damon humor.’ He corrects. 
Damons sighs, holding his hands up in defense, “Hey, look. I get it, I get it. I’m the better, hotter, more superior choice and you’re scared that now Katherine is out of the picture I’m gonna turn all my attention to Elena.”  He muses, “But don’t worry, Elena is not Katherine. “
“You’re right,” Stefan agrees, “She’s not.” 
Damon and Stefan look out across the square just as Elena is approaching in her period accurate dress. Ironically in this moment, she looks strikingly like Katherine. Upon noticing their looks she pauses and gives them a little curtsy, smirking at the two brothers. Just as they’re watching each other, Cori comes running up to Elena, dressed in way more period appropriate clothes–a blue sundress and little white cardigan on top. She obviously wasn’t riding on the float with the rest of the Miss Mystic Falls court. Elena glances over her shoulder and smiles at Cori, muttering a quick thank you as the taller girl takes some hair pins out of her bag and starts fixing Elena’s hair. 
Stefan looks from his brother to Cori, a small smirk tugging at his lips, “Plus, I think there might be someone else you’re turning your attention to.” 
Damon tears his eyes away from the two girls who were now giggling at something Cori said, “Who? Miss back talk?” He scoffs, “Even if she was still speaking to me, there’s no way. Not my type.” 
Stefan shrugs, “Maybe that’s a good thing.” He says before he leaves Damon where he’s standing and makes his way over to the two girls just as Cori finishes pinning Elena’s hair back. Damon watches as he greets Elena with a peck on the lips and gives Cori a quick wave before the happy couple is swept away by Carol Lockwood to get on their float. Left alone with no one standing in their line of site, Cori and Damon lock eyes with each other across the square. Damon smirks and wiggles his fingers in a suggestive wave as Cori rolls her eyes before making her way over to him, the slight breeze blowing her curly hair into her face and forcing her dress to flutter in the wind. 
“Hey, kid,” Damon says as she meets him, smirk still plastered on his face, “Why aren’t you getting on the float? I seem to remember you wearing a very nicely fitting dress to that Miss Mystic Falls shindig.” 
“Yes, one that was quickly ruined by her brother’s blood bender.” she reminds him, “I think they let me out of it because of the, you know, trauma.” She shrugs, tucking her hair behind her ear to keep it from continuously blowing in her face. “Besides, it would be pretty pathetic to be standing up there without an escort.” 
“I thought you asked someone.” Damon raises an eyebrow. He seemed to remember her sister mentioning that she had worked up the courage to ask a boy from school, one that Damon immediately sought out in the crowd at the pageant, you know, just to suss him out. 
“Yes, but I don’t think his new boyfriend would want him standing up on a float with a girl in front of the whole town.” Damon nods slowly, realizing what she was implicating. “Anyways,” Cori sighs, “I came here to tell you that you’ll be happy to know I forgive you.” She announces, holding her chin high like she was presenting some prestigious award to him. 
He smirks in amusement, “Do you now?” 
Cori nods firmly, “Yes,” she says, “I decided being angry at you was boring and I wanted to be able to bother you again so…you’re welcome.” 
“In other words, you missed me?” He takes a step closer to her, only an inch left in the space between their two bodies. 
Cori scoffs, shoving his chest playfully, “You wish, babe.” She rolls her eyes. After a beat, the serious tone returns to Cori’s words, “No one has ever cared enough about my feelings to…do what you did.” 
“What? Grovel?” Damon asks like he’s embarrassed about how he acted the other night. 
“I guess so, yeah,” she shrugs, “Typically the person I’m mad at will just ignore me until I decide to not be mad at them anymore.” Times when she’s been mad at her friends for something it would turn into her apologizing for “acting weird” or “icing them out” or she would just pretend like it was something else going on completely and they would always act like they didn’t notice her being weird in the first place. 
“Savor it, it won’t happen again.” He teases, making her rolls her eyes. “So, since we’re all friendly again, want to watch the parade with me? We can make fun of everyone together.” 
Cori snorts, “Tempting,” She nods, “But, I’m watching all the festivities with my dad. It’s kind of our thing.” 
“Disapointing,” Damon sighs, grabbing a stray curl of her’s and tossing it over her shoulder. He doesn’t miss the blush that creeps up on her cheeks, “Maybe I’ll see you around, then.”
“If you’re lucky.” Cori calls over her shoulder as she makes her way through the crowd to where her dad is waiting for her. Damon finds himself smiling and shaking his head but a big part of him was relieved that his apology had worked on Cori. 
“There you are,” Her dad wraps his arm around her shoulder and guides her toward the parade route, “Everything okay?” He glances over her shoulder to Damon who was eyeing them as they walked away. 
“Yeah,” She smiles at her dad, “Come on, I want some cotton candy.” she tugs on his hand. 
Founder’s Day in Mystic Falls was one of Cori’s favorite days of the year when it came to town events. It was like 4th of July on steroids and some of her favorite memories with her family happened on Founder’s Day. But, something about this year seemed off, especially once the sun went down. 
Her dad had gone off to meet the mayor before the fireworks display since he was supposed to be sitting on stage to represent the Douglas family, Cori was going to take her seat in the few rows reserved for the rest of the founding families just before the display. But first, she wanted more cotton candy before the stand closed for the night. 
As she was waiting in line, though, someone came up besides her and grabs her arm, “You need tog et out of here.” Damon starts to guide her away before she can even protest or process what was happening. 
Cori stutters a little, stumbling on her feet as she walks beside him, “W-What are you talking about? What’s going on?” She asks, looking around frantically like she’ll be bale to spot what the urgency was all about. 
“The tomb vampires are here,” Cori’s hard drops in her stomach as they come to a stop at the curb, “they’re going to kill the founding families. You need to get out of here before that happens.” The color drains from Cori’s face as she looks at Damon and realizes he’s not kidding. The council still thought that device was going to work but Bonnie had magicked it’s ability away so when all of the vampires still remained standing…they were going to kill everyone. 
“M-my dad,” she gasps, looking across the crowd toward the stage, “I have to get my dad.” 
Damon squeezes his hold on her arm briefly before he loosens it, “Okay, hurry up and get him but you both need to get out of here before the fireworks start,” Cori nods absentmindedly but Damon grabs her face in his hands and forces her to look at him, “Do you understand, Cordelia?” He demands, “I need you to get far away from here.” 
Cori nods, locking eyes with him as she wraps her fingers around his wrists, “I will. I promise.” 
“Okay, good. Go.” He taps her shoulder and watches her run off in the crowd toward the stage. 
Before Cordelia can make it to her dad on the stage, she runs into Bonnie, “Cori–” Bonnie tries to grab her but Cori is still on go-go mode. 
“I can’t talk right now, Bonnie, I have to get to my dad–” 
“They won’t hurt him.” Bonnie tells her but it doesn’t seem to register. 
“The tomb vampires are here and since the device won’t take them down they’re going to–” 
“It will take them down,” Cori turns to Bonnie just as the mayor is introducing the fireworks display. Cordelia’s eyes are furrowed as she looks at her friend, trying to decipher what she could possibly mean. And then it hits her, “I couldn’t do it, Cori.” 
“Bonnie, you didn’t…” she wrenches her hand out of Bonnie’s grasp, “They’re going to–they’re gonna kill them all, do you not get that?” 
“It’s for the better, Cori! They’re dangerous, I know Damon has manipulated you into believing he’s a good person–” 
“Actually, Bonnie, he’s just actually been a good friend to me lately. Unlike a lot of people in my life.” Bonnie’s face drops, shocked by her words, “I know you’ve been going through a lot, Bonnie, but I have too and ignoring my calls and texts isn’t going to help either of us.” Before Bonnie can respond, Cori spots Damon crossing the street toward Mr. Gilbert’s old practice. She looks from him, to the stage where her dad was currently sitting behind the mayor, and back to Bonnie who was watching her worriedly. 
“The device will stop the vampires?” Cori asks her friend, only wanting an honest answer. 
“Yes.” It’s barely out of Bonnie’s mouth before Cori makes her choice and takes off after Damon. If the device was going to take down the vampires then she wouldn’t have to worry about her dad being murdered. Damon on the other hand, thought that the device was unstable and was currently walking into a death trap.
“Damon!”  She shrieks. Her white tennies smack against the pavement as she runs to catch up with him, “Damon, wait!” Her shouts are futile and she knows he’s choosing to ignore her since not hearing her was out of the question for the supernatural creature. Damon continues into the building and Cori continues barrelling towards him. She’s a few feet away from the door when the fireworks going off and just when she’s closing in on the door Damon just walked through, two strong arms wrap around her waist and yank her back. 
Cori gunts at the force of the grip and pushes pathetically against the arms. The tan trousers and shirt were unmistakable as a sheriff deputy’s uniform, “Let me go!” She growls, her feet leaving the ground as her assailant picks her up to move her. 
“I’m afraid I can’t do that, sweetheart.” She didn’t recognize the voice but it was obviously male. He smelled like axe body spray and cigarettes. “I can’t have you interfering.” As the fireworks blaze on mere feet away, other deputies begin carrying incapacitated vampires to the building, the other townsfolk blissfully unaware. She struggles harder against the stranger’s grip and someone emerges from the building, immediately noticing them. 
John Gilbert. 
“What’s going on here, Bigsby?” John asks, his question directed at the man holding her hostage.
“I caught this one trying to follow one of the Salvatore brother’s inside,” Bigsby answers, his hot breath brushing against her ear, “I caught her just in time, didn’t I, doll?” Cori struggles harder. “What should I do with her?” 
John’s eyes search her’s as if he’ll find the answer deep within them. Cori knew enough about the man to know that he was slimy, distasteful, and couldn’t be trusted. Which is why him putting together this whole plan didn’t surprise her one bit. He reaches up and grips her jaw between his fingers, forcing her to look him in the eye for a long, agonizingly annoying moment before he says, “I’ll put her with the others in the basement, she already knows too much.” Cori’s heart drops to her stomach. 
Even the Bigsby hesitates but he doesn’t lessen his hold on her, “But, she’s not like the others. The device didn’t work on her.” 
“No,” John says, dropping his hand from her face and reaching for something tucked into the waistline of his pants, “but if she’s anything like that aunt of her’s, she’s something much worse.” 
Cori only manages to see a glimpse of the handle of his gun before it’s colliding with the side of her head and plunging her into darkness. 
Disoriented and in pain, Damon tries to make sense of his surroundings as he rouses from his vervain induced sleep. All his limbs felt like they were asleep. He could barely move. Every ounce of strength he could muster went to moving his head around to try and get a better look around the room. In his blurry vision he notices two figures pouring something all over the various bodies and all over the ground. Damon sniffs the air. Gasoline. They were going to burn them alive. He notices that one of the two figures is John Gilbert who was now being stopped by one of the other vampires gripping his leg. “Anna,” He vaguely hears John say. He then turns to the other figure down there with them and says, “You can head on up. I’ll take it from here.” They obey and leave John alone in the basement with the poor, unfortunate souls of Mystic Falls’ vampires. 
As soon as the other person is gone, Anna tries to get up but she’s too weak. John reaches behind his back and pulls out…a stake. Damon’s eyes widen, “Please, no!” Anna pleads before John plunges the stake into her heart. He pours more gasoline onto her body and leaves a trail of it up the stairs as he climbs them, stopping at the top to spark a lighter. Within seconds, the basement is engulfed in flames and Damon Salvatore feels as though his luck may have just ran out. 
Just then, a groan to his left causes him to turn his head. Expecting to see the face of another vampire sentenced to die here, his cold heart leaps in his chest when he sees Cordelia Douglas stirring from the spot on the basement floor just a few feet from him. His joy is replaced with confusion and then with terror becuase the basement was burning quickly and she was stuck down here. “Cori,” He whispers, attempting to access the parts of his brain that would allow him to move closer to her. She turns her head toward him but her eyes are still screwed shut. That’s when he notices the giant wound on the side of her head. They had knocked her out and placed her down here to die. But why?
“Cordelia,” Damon grunts, managing to scoot a few inches closer to her, “Hey…” He reches his hand out across the floor, straining with effort as his fingers briefly touch hers. She moves slightly again but doesn’t open her eyes, “Don’t worry, I’ll get you out of here.” He wasn’t sure he could make it out of the basement himself but he would die trying to get Cori to safety. Damon rolls onto his side, attempting to get a better look of the room when he sees another familiar face. 
“Mayor. Is that you?” Mayor lockwood is sitting up groggily from the ground, looking at Damon with the same amount of confusion. 
“What are you doing here?” Mayor Lockwood asks Damon. 
“I’m a vampire,” he bares his teeth in the least threatening way he ever has, “what’s your excuse?” He asks. The mayor sits up in shock and scoots away from Damon in fear, “No, really, the vervain didn’t effect you, you’re not a vampire, what the hell are you?” 
Sadly for the mayor, he scoots so far back that he collides with another vampire who was just arising from his induced slumber. “Mayor Lockwood!” He says, almost excitedly. Before Mr. Lockwood can make a run for it, the vampire reaches around and grabs his chin, pulling hard until the Mayor’s neck snaps and he slumps to the ground. Dead. 
Despite the satisfaction of the biggest douche in town lying dead next to him, Damon quickly shifts his attention back to the girl laying beside him, especially when he hears her small voice say, “Damon?”
He turns to look at her again, seeing her slowly lift her head up from the ground, her fingers touching the blood dripping from her forehead, “Hey, there you are,” he groans, “sleep well?” 
She clenches her jaw, sitting up on her elbows, “I’m going to kill Elena’s uncle.” 
Damon can’t help but smrik, “There’s my girl,” he pushes himself to his hands and knees, slowly and carefully, “Any chance you feel well enough to book it the hell out of here?” He looks around, noticing that the fire rages on but it’s still a good distance away from her body. 
“I think so,” Cori squints against the brightness of the flames and starts to crawl towards Damon, “come on, let’s go.” 
He shakes his head as she approaches, “You can’t take me with you, kid.” He looks at her out of the corner of his eye, “You’ve gotta go on your own. Now. Before the fire gets worse.” She reaches him and places her hand on his shoulders, attempting to pull him up. 
“Shut up, Damon,” She grunts, “Nows not the time for your hero complex.” She pulls on his shoulders again, only getting him to sit back on his knees. 
“Cori, you can’t–” 
Cori grabs his face in her hands, forcing him to look in her eyes. “I’m not leaving you.” She says. And she means it, he knows that she means it–knows that she would burn down here before turning her back on him. He doesn’t know why, though. Why would she sacrifice herself to keep him from dying down here alone? She wasn’t even supposed to be down here in the first place. Why him? Why would she choose to save him? She holds his face tighter and Damon swears he sees her eyes start to glow. In the heat of the fire, he begins to feel a rush of cold flow through his body, starting at the place where her hands rest on his face. It’s like a bucket of water was being splashed over his head and spilling out on the floor around them. The flames dulled around them in a circle but Cori didn’t seem to notice, still looking at him with suck intensity she could start her own fire. “Get. Up.” She growls at him, sliding her arm under his and finally yanking him to his feet. 
Damon watches in amazement as he walks with Cori. Not only at the strength she exhibits by leading him to the steps, but by the way the flames seem to part in front of her. He can’t even feel the heat of the fire as they make their way up the steps, a large beam falling to the ground behind them, blocking any other victims from escaping. Cori groans when they’re about halfway up the stairs, noticing the closed door. “God, I really hope that door is unlocked.” Damon hoped the same. 
Both of their prayers are answered when the door flies open and standing on the other side is Stefan. With a new burst of strength, Cori helps Damon up the rest of the steps in record time, ignoring Stefan’s shocked face as she passes his brother off to him, “Take him, please.” she grunts, falling to the floor at the top of the stairs. The flames surge behind them, engulfing the basement entirely. They barely made it out. 
Stefan uses his hand not supporting Damon to help Cori to her feet, “Come on, this way,” He pushes her in front of them, pointing in the direction of the back exit. The trio spills out of the back door, Stefan and Damon catching their breath and coughing up the smoke in their lungs. Cori was seemingly find despite just the need to catch her breath. 
“Cori?” Elena places her hand on her back and helps her stand up straight, “What the hell were you doing in there?” 
“You uncle,” She huffs with a hand on her side, “tried to kill me.” 
Stefan is up and standing in front fo her now, “How did you get through the fire? You were halfway upthe stairs before I even got the door open.” He glances at Bonnie then, knowing that it was her spell that allowed him to open the door in the first place. Before that the door had been too hot for him to touch. So how did Cori, a seemingly normal human, carry his brother through the flames? 
Cori shrugs, her throat so dry she struggles to swallow, “I just…walked.” She says simply, “It didn’t feel that hot, probably adrenaline or something.” She sighs, “God, I am so thirsty.” 
Bonnie walks up to her, wrapping her arms around the taller girl to support her as she guides her away, “Come on, lets go find your dad. You need to get looked at.” 
Cori turns to look over her shoulder as Bonnie leads her away, looking for a certain blue-eyed vampire to make sure he’s okay. But there’s no one there besides Stefan, Elena, and a few firefighters who were starting to show up to put out the fire. 
Damon was gone. 
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So I've been Sinning because I've been making posts on Malorn and Duncan individually but I don't think I ever really touched up on how their relationship with EACH OTHER would be and that's literally the most traumatizing thing I can think of for either of them
This is like, moreso purely speculation and 🌈 imagination🌈 anyways because I don't think there's like any canon material on the two of them interacting and their arcs and backstories are as small as bacteria in the first place but literally those two on their own could have their own fucking show with how much UNTAPPED STORYLINE that can come out of "Borderline child prodigy forced into and struggling with important position" Malorn and "Troubled child with undiscussed emotional issues and a jealousy complex borne from said position" Duncan
Idk about any type of interaction or relationship these two might have had before Malistaire became the Joker, but I can imagine there's ALREADY some type of rivalry (at LEAST one sided) between two guys in the same school in the same class, one of them is blatantly better than the other at everything they do and it's not the guy who says he is. (Like, idek how Malorn himself feels about him being the best in his class, but from what we've seen he doesn't brag about, mislead, or exaggerate about it like Duncan does. And the insane thing is Malorn AT LEAST would have a BASIS on his claims and attitude even if he was being a jerk about it)
But the thing is, Malorn back then as a regular student would not have been in any position to be up close and personal with Duncan in any meaningful way during school hours. Like they're classmates, at best they get grouped on a project together, but Malorn and Duncan being together would not be required and important until AFTER Malistaire dips and Malorn is now Duncan's PROFESSOR. Now in a totally more complicated and intimate way than before, Malorn and Duncan HAVE to interact with each other, speak and work with each other because now Malorn is the new Death teacher and he has to handle the brunt of Duncan's education and progress. GIRLS YOU NEED TO READ THAT LAST PART AGAIN BECAUSE THAT IS SO IMPORTANT!!!!!!!
Malorn and Duncan literally CANNOT escape each other if they wanted to do their jobs (good, unbiased educator and student still receiving education respectively). Yeah they may not be like, personal tutor and student but Duncan is in MALORN'S class now, and just that position alone puts a type of pressure on both of them to still maintain their respective roles and civility while dealing with the person who Does Not Make You Happy on a more personal level than before. That sucks actually
Like, Duncan couldn't even lie to Malorn about how "well" he's doing in Death class when he can SEE his papers. Duncan can't hide his grades papers from his professor, Duncan is no longer able to pull the wool over Malorn's eyes like he does with EVERYONE ELSE. Duncan already had some type of issues with being second best, but imagine one of the people that was threatening Duncan's spot as first place becomes his superior. His superior that can SEE that Duncan is in fact, not the best. Duncan can't even PRETEND that Malorn isn't better than him anymore because it's been proven, when Malorn was made Professor instead of him, and Malorn himself now has an inside view of Duncan's insincerity. What little ""power"" Duncan thought he had was now ALL taken away from him
AND THEN MALORN DOESN'T HAVE IT MUCH BETTER, because here's this little shit that just seems to hate him for no reason???? Idk if Malorn ever knew about Duncan bragging about himself or his jealousy of him in general before Malistaire left, but whether or not he did before he most likely knows NOW. With his new position and him having to care for Duncan as a student rather than a peer, now suddenly Malorn is in Duncan's DIRECT line of fire and he has no wiggle room to step aside or remove himself because in order for Malorn to be a good teacher *he has to be there for Duncan*. He no longer has the luxury to just "ignore" Duncan or even put him in his place if that's what he really wanted, because now Malorn has to be a certain type of responsible and not abandon or get into fights with students that give him any issues (looking at you Malistaire and Mabrose 😒)
Yeah ofc Malorn could always discipline Duncan or smth but what's the use if this one student is just adamant on causing issues? It seems like Duncan has more of a 'hands off' type of technique when trying to get what he wants (using other people to finish his homework for him), but it's super easy to imagine Duncan just doing little or petty things to undermine Malorn's authority in any way he can. Nothing evil but just like challenging or questioning Malorn's lessons during class, mouthing off whenever he can, things that are used to blow off steam and stick it to Malorn in what little way he can definitely sounds like some shit Duncan would do. And what are you supposed to do when this kid, someone who is YOUR AGE but is still essentially supposed to be listening to YOU, is lashing out at you and disrupting class every chance he gets? Discipline him for the hundredth time?
Imagine how this grates on Malorn's nerves how on top of everything else, on top of everyone else already being jumpy and snippy around him, in addition to his entire lifestyle being turned around, even with his tutor and someone he looked up to betraying him in the worst way, even with ALL OF THAT, this *ooooooone* person decides to go out of their way to continuously punish you for it. Malorn is doing his job, what he's expected of no matter how unfair or tiring or unrewarding it may be, and he is being persecuted by someone for a job *he never even asked for*.
Malorn did not plan or hope for ANY of this to happen. Yeah being a Professor sounds cool and shit at first glance but like I've said once before Malorn at that time is still like 12 years old and the change is so absolutely sudden and jarring that Malorn couldn't have even possibly PREPARED for this situation. Whether or not Malorn is actually good at his job now does not push aside the fact that Malorn may not have even WANTED to be in that job in the first place!! We have no way of knowing if Malorn was seriously like "man I wish I was a teacher right now" at ANY point of his life, but it's safe to say he most likely DID NOT because Malorn was never flaunting or showcasing his talent to everyone like Duncan was!! Perhaps the one person who wants this THE LEAST is being unfairly judged by the person who wanted it THE MOST
AND THAT ^^^^^^^ is getting to the core of this Malorn VS. Duncan thing going on here. Two opposites, two extremes that are forced together unwillingly and they're both unnecessarily suffering for it.
And at the end, when The Wizard is trying to do shit and Duncan pops up like "aaayyyy 🤪🖕" and is defeated in 2 seconds, how does that affect them both? Does Malorn ever like, know this about Duncan? Did Duncan even graduate before he was manipulated into a literal cult?
Imagine how messed up Malorn would feel if he ever found out. Would he take it personally, even though none of it was his fault? Would he still FEEL that it was his fault, that the one person who hated him sooo much it became the catalyst to his downfall? Would Malorn feel responsible for Duncan and all the hurt he's caused and all the hurt he's felt even though he shouldn't?
And the saddest part is even if Malorn did suffer any type of way from knowing how Duncan turned out to be, his responsibilities wouldn't leave him that much time to mourn before he had to go back to work. The saddest part is that even though Duncan was told over and over that he was alone and that nobody cared for him, he had Malorn by his side the entire time more than willing to support him. Their relationship is so interesting to me because it's so tragic and multifaceted when ultimately things could have been at least moderately better if the world hadn't let them both down
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conazo · 7 months
Writing Samples.
Interested in RPing as Vox with my Valentino? Read my RP ad here!
1 - In the Beginning
Vox was interesting. The little man seemed to live inside a world of his own design, meticulously manufactured right down to the last excruciating detail. He controlled his public image with about as tight a fist as he controlled the public broadcasting schedule. It was an impressive way to go about one's afterlife.
With that much practice manipulating the way he was depicted, it was no wonder TV-head knew what he was doing in business. The money was good-- no, the money was great. Working with VoxTek over the last few weeks had facilitated more quality recordings and sales than Valentino had managed to secure in years. Their relationship-- strictly financial, defined in ink on paper-- had proven a boon for them both.
Fucking with profits of that magnitude was a fool's game. But shit if Val didn't still feel that itch under his skin, the kind of hot prickle that made him frustratingly restless. He squirmed as the energy thrummed through his veins, clawing at his rational thought. Vox was too perfectly composed. Val wanted, needed, to peel back the layers of his public persona to see the circuitry underneath, to see what made him tick. There had to be more to Vox than a surface image, and Valentino was compelled to expose it out of selfish, morbid curiosity. Maybe he didn't need to see Vox break, but a bend would suffice. Preferably under the tall heel of his boot.
So, the pimp had invited him to the grand opening of their newest joint venture: Club S3NS3. This is a great chance for you to see your marketing dollars at work, he'd purred into his message, pouring honey into every syllable. And you're so smaaart! You can give me honest feedback about the place, make it better. Creatures like Vox loved to be asked for help, loved the opportunity to flaunt their superiority like a badge. I want this to be good for both of us, Val had whispered, sultry-sweet. He'd left the address, a date, and a time. And now, he waited.
He was slouched low in his throne, tucked neatly into the second-floor VIP balcony with thighs spread about as far as they physically could. Tonight, his oral fixation had not one but two vices to satisfy it: a whiskey sour in one hand, the long stem of his cigarette in another. He alternated sampling them with crumbling patience. The club was alive around him, even well after Angel's first performance had concluded. The lights spun, a mass of bodies continued to writhe on the dance floor, and the pair of succubi that flanked him squirmed and fussed for his attention. Valentino ignored it all. From his perch up high, his eyes were fixed on the door, eager for his guest's arrival.
2 - Valentino's Day
It wasn’t that he disliked Valentine’s Day. It just seemed… slightly pointless. Valentino didn’t need an excuse to stick his tongue down anyone’s throat. He didn’t need an excuse to surround himself with overpriced gifts on someone else’s card. But, hey, the holiday did give him an excuse to charge more for he and Velvette’s love potions. It did give him an excuse to decorate the tower’s lobby in his own colors, draping tacky garlands of red and white hearts from every corner to cheekily obscure the egotistical cardboard cutouts set up in Vox’s image.
Maybe most importantly, it gave him an excuse to demand attention. Well. More attention than usual.
“Ah, I think he’s— he’s in the middle of reviewing the broadcasting lineup for the week,” Vox’s assistant chirped, holding his hands up in a desperate plea. Panic made his mismatched eyes huge and round, shoulders hiked up too high to be comfortable.
Val spared him a sidelong glance as he pushed past, lip curled with a hint of disdain. “That’s nice,” he said flatly, ducking to fold himself into the elevator. The assistant opened his mouth to protest again; Valentino wiggled his fingers in a parting gesture as the doors snapped shut. Vox been busy the entire day, today of all days. As long as he wasn’t broadcasting live, a little break wouldn’t kill him. Probably.
When the platform in Vox’s office-studio-security-room eventually descended, it contained exactly one grinning moth demon, two hands folded neatly beneath the curtain of his wings. “Don’t tell me you’re going to be in here all daaay.” Val sang the last syllable, jutting out his lower lip in an exaggerated pout as he approached. That pout soured the closer he moved, his thin veneer of restraint dissolving quickly. He’d been left to his own devices for too long, clearly. “Nothing on those screens can possibly be that interesting. Come out with me before you rot into that fucking chair. We should be at that new club’s opening.”
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sleepyfaequeen · 1 year
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A/n: So sorry for those who have requested stories. I am getting to them. I'm getting married so I've been planning my own wedding as of late. I shall be getting back to writing more very soon. Still feel free to request. See you all very soon!
Warnings: fluff, Gabriel Reyes x fem!reader
Requested: No
Pairing: Gabriel Reyes x reader
Almost everyone in Overwatch knew Gabriel Reyes as a very sarcastic, dark humored, and seriously scary guy. He knew how to get under people's skin quite easily. He even pissed off Commander Morrison, which was never a good thing. The one thing Reyes never talked about was his home life and for good reasons too.
He was on his way to start the Blackwatch meeting when he enters their private meeting room. He hears the voices within the room quiet down and looks up. His eyes once serious widen as he sees (Y/n) standing with the Blackwatch agents he worked with: McCree, Moira and Genji. All of them seeming to be looking at him and the mysterious woman they knew nothing about. He felt his heart beating fast as he didn't expect such a sudden surprise visit. Was it getting hot in here?
"Reyes, mi amor." (Y/n) smirked with half-lidded eyes that just told him she was teasing him.
"I.. Mi amor?" Gabriel whispers as his posture- specifically his shoulders, loosened up. How can he be so stiff when she was around. The light of his life. "How are you.. all the way in here?" With that sudden question, he could already see how upset his soon to be was.
"Jack, let me in. I even got a special pass for the future." She wiggles the small card with a blue lanyard attached to it. "Of course with a small fee."
"I didn't realize our old Commander Reyes was dat'in a cute lady like yourself." McCree smiles as he approached the two. He regrets ever bonding with McCree. He taught him too many Spanish words.
"Oh, me and Reyes aren't dating." (Y/n) couldn't help but show off her left hand and reveal a golden ring on her finger. Reyes couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at how his soon to be wife showed off she was his. "I'm his fiancé." Something about it made him puff out his chest proudly.
"Oh well, congratulations!" The cowboy cheers.
Immediately, Jack could hear his office door being met with multiple bangings from what he assumed was a fist. He hurriedly munched down the churros as the door slides open revealing a pissed Gabriel with Ana running behind him before the doors closed behind them.
".. Yes?" Jack answered after swallowing the churros and wiping the crumbs off his lip.
"My wife made those churros, Jack." Gabriel glares sternly as Ana was breathing heavily from the sudden running she had to do.
"I can tell.." Jack slowly munched another churro before stopping as Reyes spoke.
"They were for me, Jack. You know damn well." He points at his superior who hasmd some crumbs on his lip and cheeks.
"But she offered me some?" Jack argued with a mouthful. His voice came out small before he swallow and continues. "Your being very unreasonable, Reyes."
"Stop taking MY food." Gabriel shakes his head with a sneer. "Get someone else to make you churros, Commander Jackass!" He grumbles as Ana watched Reyes stomp out the office before turning to speak to Jack.
"I'm sorry! I can't handle when something looks so good!" Jack argues as he pouts at his desk.
"I know Jack.." Ana sighs as she looks to Reyes who stomps over to the elevator. "You forget Gabe doesn't like being challenged."
"I wasn't trying to do that." He raised his brow.
"Well.. you certainly know how to pick your fights, Jack." Ana chuckles as Jack grumbles as he munches on the sweetly baked goods. He was sure to ask for the recipe. Maybe then Vincent wouldn't call him bad at baking.
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