#history of portugal
drawingsbydontito · 9 months
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Ash Ketchum as King Pedro I of Portugal
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53v3nfrn5 · 2 months
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Initiation Well Location: Sintra, Portugal
A pair of wells, called the Initiation Wells, spiral down deep within the earth, like inverted towers. The wells were never used to collect water. Instead, they were part of a mysterious initiation ritual within the Knights of Templar tradition.
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reinhardhohn · 23 days
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Ultramar portugués
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ghostlywriterr · 12 days
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Abandoned vacation house in Portugal.
(via suspiciousminds)
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claircaelis · 4 months
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The vibrant colours and intricate patterns of Portuguese tiles.
Aveiro, 2024.
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livesunique · 9 months
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Benediction Gallery, Mafra National Palace, Mafra, Portugal,
Luis Ferreira Alves Photography
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arwenisnthere · 2 years
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illustratus · 1 year
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St George Slaying the Dragon, Lisbon
by Jorge Colaço
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reality-detective · 1 month
Sé de Braga, Portugal 🇵🇹
The first cathedral, older than Portugal.
The Cathedral of Braga was the first Portuguese cathedral, erected several decades before the founding of the country.
Built by horse and buggy people, right? 🤔
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getting-messi · 2 years
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Being hosted in a Muslim country, Morocco become the first Muslim/African/Arab nation to make it into the Semi-Finals for the first time ever in the World Cup.
Morocco vs Portugal
December 10, 2022
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Museu Nacional do Traje (Accession Number: 3669)
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drawingsbydontito · 10 months
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worldhistoryfacts · 3 months
Early contacts between Japan and the West were commemorated by Japanese artists in screen paintings. In this example, Kano Naizen depicted scenes associated with the “southern barbarians” arriving in Japan:
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Zooming in, we can see the carrack that carried the Portuguese to Japan:
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The mingling of Japanese and Portuguese merchants, with a focus on the animals that the merchants brought to Japan:
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And, in the upper right corner, a temple where worshippers bow before an image of Jesus:
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{Buy me a coffee} {WHF} {Medium} {Looking Through the Past}
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vestaignis · 3 months
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Кафедральный собор Браги (собор пресвятой Девы Марии) — одна из главных достопримечательностей Португалии.  Строительство собора было приурочено к освобождению христианами Браги от мавров, захвативших город почти на 355 лет. Первый епископ после восстановления епископской кафедры в 1071 году – Педру – начал строительство храма. Свой окончательный вид собор приобрел только к концу XII века, а полностью достроен был в середине XIII.
Во внешнем виде собора присутствует смешение разнообразных архитектурных стилей. Если первоначально здание собора было построено в романском стиле с бургундским влиянием, то капеллы, позже пристроенные, и предхрамие – это уже готика. Главная аспидная часть исполнена в стиле мануэлино. Церковный фасад украшают две высокие колокольни, а по центру между гербами Португалии и Диего де Сауса возвышается Божья Матерь, кормящая младенца. Архитектурный ансамбль богато украшен орнаментами, фризами, скульптурными композициями, изображающими святых, животных и химер.
Внутреннее убранство поражает роскошью. Главный алтарь архитектора Жуана де Кастилью изыскано, украшено золотом. Над центральным нефом расположены два старинных органа. Барочный ансамбль щедро оснащен резным орнаментом. Собор имеет пять капелл, каждая из которых заслуживает внимания. Особо выделяется усыпальница архиепископа Гонсалу Перейры, резной каменный саркофаг (1331 год) архитектора Телу Гарсия и надгробная статуя, работа Перу. Эти элементы считаются шедевром средневековой португальской архитектуры. Гробница находится под охраной шести каменных львов.
В остальных капеллах захоронены значимые политические деятели и почитаемые личности – Генрих Бургундский, Тереза Леонская, Афонсу Португальский и другие. Еще с XVII века в музее собора формируется коллекция колоколов. Уже собрано более 200 экземпляров. Тут же представлены ювелирные изделия, живопись и скульптуры религиозной тематики. Кафедральный собор Браги находится в историческом центре города и буквально окружен архитектурными шедеврами. В радиусе 200 метров от собора находится Церковь Милосердия, Епископский Дворец, Церковь Сан-Жуан-ду-Суто, Капелла Куимбраш.
The Cathedral of Braga (Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary) is one of the main attractions of Portugal.  The construction of the cathedral was timed to coincide with the liberation of Braga by Christians from the Moors, who captured the city for almost 355 years. The first bishop after the restoration of the episcopal see in 1071, Pedro– began the construction of the temple. The cathedral acquired its final appearance only by the end of the XII century, and was completely completed in the middle of the XIII century.
In the exterior of the cathedral there is a mixture of various architectural styles. If the original building of the cathedral was built in the Romanesque style with a Burgundian influence, then the chapels, later added, and the pre–temple are already Gothic. The main viper part is executed in the Manueline style. The church facade is decorated with two tall bell towers, and in the center between the coats of arms of Portugal and Diego de Sausa stands the Mother of God nursing a baby. The architectural ensemble is richly decorated with ornaments, friezes, sculptural compositions depicting saints, animals and chimeras. The interior is striking in luxury. The main altar of the architect Juan de Castilla is exquisitely decorated with gold. Two ancient organs are located above the central nave. The Baroque ensemble is generously equipped with carved ornaments. The cathedral has five chapels, each of which deserves attention. The tomb of Archbishop Gonzalo Pereira, the carved stone sarcophagus (1331) by architect Telo Garcia and the tombstone statue, the work of Peru, stand out in particular. These elements are considered a masterpiece of medieval Portuguese architecture. The tomb is guarded by six stone lions.
In the other chapels, significant political figures and revered personalities are buried – Henry of Burgundy, Teresa of Leon, Afonso of Portugal and others. Since the XVII century, a collection of bells has been formed in the cathedral museum. More than 200 copies have already been collected. Jewelry, paintings and sculptures of religious themes are also presented here. The Cathedral of Braga is located in the historical center of the city and is literally surrounded by architectural masterpieces. Within a radius of 200 meters from the cathedral there is the Church of Mercy, the Episcopal Palace, the Church of San Juan do Suto, the Chapel of Cuimbrache.
Источник://telega.in/c/krasivye_mesta_turizm,/uritsk.livejournal.com/198306.html,/fotobrodilki.ru/braga-portugal/, /disk.yandex.ru/ a/ 5gXImKWa3VkYAG,/www.tourister.ru/world/europe/portugal/city/braga/temples/15876/responses/7805,://rutraveller.ru/place/97732/photos?fs=1820878, /www.turizm.ru/portugal/braga/places/ kafedralnyj _ sobor_bragi/,Attraction_Review-g189171-d318707-Reviews-Se_de_Braga-Braga_Braga_District_Northern_Portugal.html.
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 5 months
We must start to hold people and nations to account. Nations who "stand with Palestine" yet have a history of antisemitism and Jew hate.
Spain, Portugal, and Ireland are very good examples of this.
Spain and Portugal expelled their Jews, and forced other Jews to either convert or die. These policies wouldn't be relaxed until the 1800s.
Ireland had pogroms, and the nationalist party Sinn Fein had newspapers who accused Jews many antisemitic stereotypes.
By far the biggest one however is Russia. Russia not only has ties to Hamas and the IRGC, but has a deep antisemitic history. Pogroms, the pale of settlement, the cantonist system, the black hundreds, antisemitic legislation etc.
There are several other nations who haven't owned up to their antisemitic past, and still don't support Israel's right to exist as a nation and the home of the Jewish people.
Sorry if this hurts your feelings, but it has to be said. There's a clear pattern between nations who support Israel and owned up to their past, and those who don't and haven't owned up.
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makingqueerhistory · 3 months
A man who was integral in the formation of Portuguese music and queer culture: António Variações. Variações was a man who had an impressively eclectic musical career alongside influence on his country's political side. As he was becoming popular shortly after the Carnation Revolution, he was at the forefront of a huge social and political shift, pushing his country towards acceptance through his music.
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