#hmm ~spooky~
rumue · 2 years
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-like/reblog ☑, do not repost!- 
pretend this isn’t 3 weeks late
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byrdblood · 2 years
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"i can explain”, i promise the audience fervently after spending... *checks clock*... 12 hours in a row hyperfocusing on making this 16 panel comic of my persona meeting bob velseb
(that’s a lie. i can’t explain this. i haven’t slept in more than a day, i couldn’t explain how to draw a straight line.)  this is my persona, keegan. 
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wp-blaze · 4 hours
Overcome distractions and achieve deep work
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Strategies to improve focus and productivity in today’s digital era. Learn actionable tips such as setting priorities, minimizing distractions, practicing mindfulness, and embracing deep work to enhance efficiency and personal fulfillment.
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sysig · 25 days
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Blood sugar levels (Patreon)
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hajihiko · 1 year
I've been sitting on this for months and decided I just dont wanna refine it anymore. So here
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nordsea-horizons · 8 months
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end of the road…👻
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itsnotmourn · 3 months
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the princess and her vessels
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wp-blaze · 4 hours
Pastors Who Prey
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After resigning from my position, I walked out of the board meeting feeling as though I had just helped the members check off one of their boxes. The little square box to the left of the sentence, “Make him feel heard, although you plan to do absolutely nothing.” I made it clear to the board of directors that I could no longer…
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this better be legible this time
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flowercrowngods · 4 months
🌷 make me write/wip wednesday 🌷
i’m a little trapped in my head right now so i’ll appreciate all the asks to make me write 🫶
🤍the rules:
vote for the wip you want me to write
send me an ask (anon or not) that i need to answer with a snippet for your choice that has to contain at least as many words as there are votes in the poll
multiple asks are welcome and encouraged 🫶 (i really need to get out of my head)
🤍the wips:
🌷 who did this to you pt. 4 // tales of blue
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | read on ao3
post-s3/pre-s4, eddie finds steve at the boathouse badly injured and barely conscious and takes him to wayne (steve&robin&eddie incoming)
🌷 time loop demogorgon steve
based on this post by @rogueddie and my tag rambles
🌷 high yearning makeout fic
based on this ask by @izzy2210
The older kids getting high together! Steve and Eddie start the evening off a bit distant, Eddie's maybe a bit shy because of his crush on Steve, but they end up high all over each other making out (and probably more..)
🌷 sub!kas!eddie
exhibit a || based on an anon
Kas!Eddie where Steve uses positive reinforcement to help him feel like less of a monster. As Eddie becomes more human, the rewards get steamier.
(if you see a wip of mine not listed here but you’d still like some more words on it, just ask nicely 🫶)
tagging: no, but please join me and pretend i tagged you if you wanna, idk who does these anymore 🫶 (also shoutout to @sharpbutsoft for your last wip weekend)
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zoideramy · 7 months
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Happy Halloween!
Zoids HMM Command Wolf Blackout [Custom]
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jaskierx · 1 year
thinking about the logistics behind the bit where ed leans forward out of the shadows when he’s asking jim to join his new crew
‘okay there’s a scuff on the floor here. get jim to stand exactly there when you bring them in. okay. ivan you stand there and i’m gonna lean forward and you let me know when i go from being in the darkness to being in the light. okay. so i need to start at like…this angle. and lean forward to about…here? great. once more from the top’
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Spooky prompts 14 and/or 22 for Dreamling, please
The first day of autumn term, to put it mildly, is always something of an adventure. The Powers That Be have scheduled "Introduction to the Medieval World, 500-1500" at nine o'clock AM sharp, which is always a great way to get students to turn up on the first day (or indeed, at all) and when Hob reaches the classroom at quarter till nine, it turns out that this happy event has failed to be passed along to Facilities, as it is locked and dark. He then has to ring them up, wait for them to send someone along to unlock it, and when he gets inside, discovers that the A/V emphatically refuses to communicate with the projector. Hob sighs deeply, logs in with his faculty ID, fiddles with the input source, and finally gets the GOLDSMITHS UNIVERSITY OF LONDON logo to appear on the screen. By this time, students are starting to trickle in, yawning and clutching large cups from Costa Coffee and Caffe Nero. Hob has advised them all to print out the module handbook from Blackboard beforehand, but as sustained exposure to undergraduates has dented his confidence in their ability to follow simple instructions, he has brought plenty of extra copies. He hands them around, along with the attendance sheet. Only three names missing. For an early class on Day 1, that's not bad.
Hob introduces himself, explains what they'll be covering in the course (pretty much what it says on the tin), and offers them a few helpful tips to not actually have to purchase anything from the bookstore. Teaching the medieval survey is always an exercise in seeing just how high his blood pressure can go and/or how many Game of Thrones-related inanities he will have to firmly dispel, but he does enjoy it. (A few semesters ago, a student wrote in their evaluation that "Dr. Gadling teaches history like he was really there," a comment which gratified Hob immensely.) The fifty minutes of the introductory lecture fly by, which is mostly just names, dates, terms, and PowerPoints, and everyone dutifully starts packing up to go. Hob has a few hours until he has to teach Empire and the Atlantic World this afternoon, and he absently stuffs his things back into his bag. His phone buzzes, which is undoubtedly one of the three missing students emailing to apologize for their absence and asking a question that is answered on page 3 of the handbook. (That or they accidentally gave themselves food poisoning -- truly, who let these infants live alone?) Hob resolves to check it later, steps out into the hallway, and --
"Good morning, Hob."
Hob skids to a halt, extremely startled, before he spots the tall dark figure standing in the middle of the busy corridor like an extremely emo, extremely goth roadblock. The students veer around him, not without a few who's-that-guy sidelong looks, and Hob desperately tries to make sure that his own are not among them before he moves closer. "Good morning... Morpheus." The name still tastes odd on his tongue, pleasant but unusual, needing a bit of comfortable wear to feel just right. "And can I ask, what are you doing here?"
The Lord of Dreams shrugs. "Isn't it the first day of school?"
"As if that matters to you." Hob raises an eyebrow. "Well, as it so happens, I do have a few free hours until my next class. You know. If you possibly felt the need to grab a coffee."
It's unclear whether Dream has ever just grabbed a coffee in his entire eternal life, but he considers that studiously, then nods once, shoving his hands into the pockets of his long black coat and falling into step next to Hob. They emerge from the history building and into the soggy, mild London morning, a fine drizzle still sifting down from the low grey clouds. They head to the campus cafe, as Hob glances shiftily around again to make sure nobody spots Dr. Gadling in company of this... person. (Not that he's ashamed of Dream, not at all, but students do gossip like fiends, and this is all so new. He has to be extremely careful not to accidentally spook the bastard and send him running away for another hundred and thirty-three years.)
"Small latte, please," Hob says to the barista. "Blueberry muffin. Oh, and whatever he wants."
Dream looks startled. He stares at the menu as if he has never contemplated an overpriced espresso beverage in his life (almost five quid for Hob's latte alone, they are having a laugh -- why is London not a real city where real people can still afford to live?) Then he says uncertainly, "Coffee, I suppose."
The barista looks expectant.
"Uh." Hob clears his throat. "What sort of coffee, love?"
Dream looks deeply startled, and Hob is briefly afraid that he is in fact about to throw up his hands and rush out of this establishment in a fit of pique. He didn't mean to say it, it just slipped out, and well, they are seeing a lot more of each other these days (in, ah, all sorts of ways). Dream thinks about it a moment more, as there is an audible sound of impatient throat-clearing and shuffling from the queue behind them. Hob says hastily, "Just a small brew of the day, please. No cream, no sugar. Black. Like his soul."
The barista stifles a snort. Dream looks at Hob accusingly. Hob shrugs -- a bite me sort of shrug that makes Dream likewise muffle a smile -- and opens his wallet. It is, of course, far more than two small drinks and a pastry product should cost in any reasonable epoch of the world, but damn if he isn't so happy to pay it, to be here with his no-longer-stranger, to sip their drinks as Hob laments the dismal standard of essays to which he will undoubtedly be subjected and Dream listens with quiet, patient adoration, that he can hardly stand it.
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didn't feel like finishing it so I just threw some cool effects on it and called it a day!!!
there's like 12 references in this one drawing and almost all.of them are in the tags
@what-its-rio @therealjackdsaf
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hazelcephalopod · 4 months
Tbh. I am itching for a Circle of the Crimson Mirror trailer drop.
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alch3mic · 2 years
Was going through some of your old posts and saw the boys with their scary faces (❤️), so I was wonder what Papa Bear looks like when he loses it?
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i wouldn't say papa bear quite loses it like the other lads anymore, but he does get very, very angry.
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star-gamerxox · 6 months
The Error of Our Ways
Geno grabbed at his chest as he couldn’t stop glitching, screaming in pain. His eyes burned, his bones burned, his 
And then it stopped.
He stared at his hands. His bones were darker now but in his palm sat a piece of his soul. 
But it didn’t look like his soul anymore. It was glitching faintly in his hands, HE was glitching too though.
But he wasn't dusting. He was holding a piece of his soul and neither the soul or himself were dusting.
“O-oh…” he watched as the soul formed an almost shell around it, forming a full soul from the tiny piece.
The tiny piece of his soul that he’d torn away in that moment.
The small soul sunk into his chest and he fell to the ground, covering his chest, eyes going wide.
He had a soul shard.
He was a father now.
Geno- if he was still really Geno anymore- was a father.
A father to the part of soul that he’d tried to tear apart.
He had no idea what to do.
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grimgummies · 5 months
Just had an idea,,, Spooky Month archive blog
Basically a blog where Spooky Month related stuff would be archived (official only)
I actually have a good chunk of things saved to my drive so I could go ahead and start posting immediately
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