#hmmm not quite how I wanted it to turn out so might do something similar soon
mac-rat-art · 5 months
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Wander through the dark
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beckiboos · 1 year
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Lucien- You know Skyhaven may be a bit worse for wear but the gardens are still quite pretty arn't they?
Calliope- Yeah, it's nice place to have a sit down for a minute before trekking all over Skyrim again
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Lucien- So what's the plan then? Looks like we can take a little time before getting to the greybeards, any detours along the way?
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Calliope- Hmm... I suppose I want to go back to my house. Get it set up properly and explore Solitude a bit? Never did get to tour the palace
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Lucien- I see... I thought maybe you would want to go to Riften and see a certain thief you might be pining for?
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Calliope- Brynjolf? Gods no... he's the kind you have one amazing night with not the kind you pine over. Trust me I'm an expert
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Lucien- An expert at pining? I'm not sure I understand... so you don't have feelings for Brynjolf? But you two seemed-
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Calliope- Hmm. It's hard to explain... You know the story how I was disgraced as a court apprentice?
Lucien- Vaguely yes. You slept with a married man and his wife arranged you to leave court without a scandal for your family right?
Calliope- Yes. So while I was at court I was madly in love with another apprentice. He was tall and beautiful and I had a HUGE instant crush on him the moment we met and we became very close friends. But I was so scared to ever do anything about it. Terrified he would find out and it would ruin the friendship, terrified I wasn't... good enough. I couldn't even flirt with him, I was kind of mean to him really, I used to tease him something rotten because if I didn't do that then I would just get flustered. Then one day he tried to kiss me-
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Lucien- Ahh! And that's when you slept together and found out he was secretly married?
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Calliope- No... I couldn't do it. It was a ball, he had been drinking... I just- it would hurt too much, if he kissed me drunk and then the next day regret it and just want to be friends like he had done with so many others. So I pulled way. Got blindingly drunk. Found a handsome courtier I didn't recognise and slept with him. Easy to flirt with a guy when you're not in love with them... safer. Even though that event turned my world upside down, at least I didn't have a broken heart. Kind of a relief really, having the time away from him finally gave me the space to get over him. Brynjolf's of the world just seem safer than...
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Lucien- The Taliesins of the world? I kinda figured... Brynjolf happened after your twos fight in Solitude and you act similar around him. Don't worry though, I won't tell. You're secret is safe with me. But if I could offer some advice? You deserve a chance at love Calliope. Don't let your fear of rejection make you settle for a Brynjolf. Maybe you could talk to Taliesin about how you feel? He might surprise you
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Calliope- Ughhh do I have too? Can't I just kill Alduin? I think that's less terrifying than talking about my feelings. Anyway Tally is a huge flirt but he doesn't ever DO anything. I don't think he's really interested in me. He hasn't shown an interest in anyone... except Nazeem and even that is just casual
Lucien- Well you'll never find out unless you talk to him
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Calliope- Hmmm I guess. I'll think about it but I'm not sure if I'm quite ready for that yet. Thanks for the advice though. I can't believe you figured me out. You're pretty smart at this sort of thing Luci
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Lucien- I know right? And yet no one listens... So to Solitude then?
Calliope- Yeah we better set off soon... lets go get the others
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fanaticsnail · 8 months
SNAIL! I love chapter 4!!!!!
(Incoming: extremely long ask with memes included)
I'm really excited about the lore that is developing, the rhyme was really creative (was it in an original version of the story or did you come up with it yourself?) And all this information about the Sapsorrow Queen has me aching to hear more! She seemed at first to be set up as an antagonistic force, purely due to her claiming Mihawks soul should Governess not marry him, but I feel like you've shrouded her in enough mystery that she didn't come off as antagonistic in intentions. And with all this new lore I'm getting kinda Corpse Bride vibes? Might be me projecting though.
Governess calling Perona and Zoro "my-... -our wards" AAAASSA
Her recognizing Mihawks eye colour but not making the connection followed by her immediate next observation being that his eyes are soft and somber - something she hasn't noticed (as much) in Mihawk's eyes. And him then using those eyes that are now displaying vulnerability and emotion he wouldn't normally let himself display to "searched your face, darting from focusing on each of your eyes and looking over your parted lips before rising back to your intense irises." The POETRY!
"You may ask anything of me, but you will leave my bride out of the equation."
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Governess hiking up her socks:
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I just know Mihawk was fighting for his LIFE
Do the staff know Mihawk is the farm-hand? Because all I can think is either way;
The staff, watching the distinguished Governess walk beside a dog on two legs / The staff, watching their feared and revered boss covered head-to-toe in mud and twigs: what the fuck.... What the fuck...
The fact that the ghosts know makes me think that one of them spotted him eating shit in the mud puddle the first time and then Perona, having been informed of it, woke up in the dead of night to watch him willingly roll around in mud the second time.
"-Do not dare to do yourself the disservice of calling yourself low,"
KEEP MY WIFE'S- oh shit that is my wife
Mihawk allowing his guard to slip and laughing heartily??? Governess giggling???? And remarking that she hasn't experienced something like this since childhood??? Slipping her regal exterior??? My heart is pounding
He stooped down to you, the brims of your hats touching as he cooed down in a mocking tone, “I did this, this morning.” - oh my lawd. This whole section. Sir. Please. One of us will have to restrain ourselves (pun not intended)
"She cannot marry her father, of course she cannot." <-- I'm not sure if it's an exact quote from the narrator but I feel like you're referencing the story teller version. And when Governess divulges her wanting to marry Mihawk for reasons beyond the superficial (fate, or his riches) and Mihawk in turn divulges a love for an "unknown" woman, it seems really similar to the Storyteller scene. I really like it!! IDK if I mentioned before but I like how the roles of Straggletag and the prince were reversed
"I am proud to call you my friend", "I'm here by your side, I will not drop you," <- Mr President. A second quote has hit the reader.
(also I can't remember if I asked before but can I be on the tag list?)
SNAIILLLLL YOU'RE HERE!!!! YOURE BACK!!! Oh how I missed you!!
To answer your questions! The poetry and the rhymes are all my own. The original story has no real mysticism nor mystery surrounding the concept, SO I decided to add my own to shake things up 💃.
The Corpse Bride is one of my favourite Tim Burton films of all time. Considering Oda based the layout of Kuraigana on the art from The Nightmare Before Christmas, I couldn't not incorporate the elements into the plot. That wouldn't be fair.
I did need to have a small: "Hmmm... His eyes are quite similar," moment for her to get some semblance of familiarity from him - but I didn't want the mystery to be revealed just yet.
The "keep my wife's name" just ruined me.
The sock hiking was not a deliberate flirtation on her behalf, but absolutely Mihawk was feeling some feelings.
To spoil the spoiler, that is not really a spoiler - the staff are 💯 aware that Mihawk is the Farm-Hand. He was not always covered from head to toe in sludge and grime, opting to just have his straw hat and shielded mask over his beard in the happenstance that he might get dirty.
Upon that one time he did topple headfirst into the mud, meeting the governess on that day, he simply said: "welp, I guess this is my life now" and has to cover himself in that disguise to keep up the illusion. The staff don't know how to deal with the new look, but they're wise enough to not say anything about it.
The ghosts likely woke up Perona that first night being like: "Honey, you seeing this shit??" And Perona is just there like ⚫👄⚫
I needed to have them slip their guards a little in this chapter - they need to get to know each other a little before their engagement party (which I'm nearly there with. Couple more days, I think).
I have to reference the source material of the storyteller episode. It wouldn't feel the same without hearing John Hurt in my head, I think. I love the way he yells it.
I did do a role reversal for stragletag (Farm-Hand) and the prince (Lost-Lady) specifically to keep things a little interesting for me, and to keep the twists and turns coming for you guys! Can't just tell it how it is, where would be the fun in that? 😏
"I'm here by your side, I will not drop you," he is such a flirt and I don't think he's even aware of it.
Thank you for your asks, I always adore hearing from you!!
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apyrisol · 2 months
🍒🦁🐛🌙🍅 + theu :3
this is pretty long, so have a theu doodle before the cut :3
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🍒 Out of all of the Dream Friends [Kirby included], which ones would they get along with the most? The least? 🍒
hmmm i have to think about this. theu is kinda quiet, she's not used to the modern era and all it's changes and new folk make them nervous. she might like bandee but his enthusiasm is a lot for her sometimes. i think they would understand eachothers mentalities; both serve someone else but not in a servant way, they're close with the one who gives them orders and appreciate all they've done for them therefore will do what they can in turn to repay them (with bandee being a guard for dedede and theu having been a personal assistant to an ancient mage). meta knight is another they might be somewhat comfortable around but they wouldn't quite be friends, they'd just take solace in eachothers quiet company when everyone else is off being loud and doing stuff. meta would probably be interested in the small bits of magic she knows if anything. (sorry for making a fave befriend my oc im not immune to it lmao)
🦁 If they were an animal — that is, of the Earth / Shiver Star / New World variety — which animal would they be? If they already are an animal, what real-life species or subspecies are they most similar to? 🦁
physically she resembles a monkey since they're a key dee n all, but she acts more like a nervous stray cat than anything ^^ somewhat skittish and tough to gain trust but will warm up to you in time and silently follow you around
🐛 What are your OC’s greatest fears, and why? How do they act or react when they’re afraid? 🐛
she's very afraid a lot of the time of a lot of things i think. nothing is as they remember, nobody they knew is still around, magic is rarer than ever, she's living on literal borrowed time, the one who woke them up is messing with forces he Really Should Not be (not his fault not his fault morpho shoulda been more careful or got there sooner before beau got in a brawl with a corrupted soul). there's a lot to fear in her current situation. she's always been quiet but since waking up in this new era it's more of an anxious quiet, she tends to cling to beau despite not quite agreeing with his quest (they do their best to steer him off the path he's decided on and eventually he does see reason! but he still wants to do Something about what happened to him). they're used to clinging to the mage they served but with them long gone there's nobody left she can truly find comfort in, so beau is the stand-in for that missing piece of her world. they're more flight than fight or freeze. i think what she's most afraid of is the thought that they'll never feel comfortable in the modern era and always feeling alienated and alone (that is if they manage to find a way to keep the magic keeping her alive going. she's also afraid of perishing for good i suppose but they've practically died before so it's something she's sortof come to terms with. still scary though)
🌙 Is your OC a particularly light or heavy sleeper? Somewhere in-between? Do they take naps? 🌙
she needs to rest a lot because her energy wavers quite a bit, but the sleep they get is usually pretty light. anxiety will do that to you. beau carries her when they need it, she wraps her tail around his intact horn and pulls their hat over their eyes. he's given her his cape as a blanket many times over their journey.
🍅 If Kirby absorbed them or their attacks, what Copy Ability [or Abilities] would he get? Alternatively, if they themselves are capable of using the Copy Ability, do they have a favourite? 🍅
ogh this is a hard one since key dees typically don't give you anything. mmmaybe ghost, sleep, or esp? ghost because they aren't really alive in a sense, she runs on the magic charm her dear mage gifted them (the thing on their tail) which saved their life back in ancient times and preserved them all that time between then and now. sleep because of what i stated in the last question, and esp because that's teleporting if i remember right and most of the magic they Do know is physical space and transition related (i call it "door" magic, still figuring out the finer details of it tho. alas she can't use it much because it's super super draining)
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sodapop1033 · 1 year
So… there’s two stars, I think I’m in a binary star system, evidently on the only planet that supports life around here, and this place I got dropped into is a heavily overgrown area of the planet, with the portal gate smack in the middle of an abandoned research base that’s been abandoned for quite some time by the looks of it. Come to think about it, this base is suspiciously human, nothing here looks like it belongs to the locals. As for what the locals are like… there’s s lot of variety in their species, there could even be multiple species coexisting as a civilization. Most of the ones I’ve seen are gray bipedal beings, with four arms, a tail and one eye each. The ones that found me did have bioweapons ready to fire electricity at me, but pretty quickly lowered them when I made it clear I wasn’t a threat. Now they’re helping me learn how to survive out here: they’ve taught me most of the edible plants and there’s a conveniently placed water source nearby, so if nothing tries to kill me I should be fine for now. There’s also small brown spiky guys that demand I play with them sometimes, I was a little put off by the spikes at first but now I actually think they’re pretty cute! They do have a means of teleportation, but it isn’t very reliable outside of this universe because they can’t really set targets: they can only go where the boundaries between universes are currently weakest. Which, of course, makes it nothing like the gate in front of me. Caught a few more glimpses of Doctor Door-Slammer’s hands between the last message and now too. Turns out the white shirt isn’t the only thing to it. Right hand’s got a blue blazer, left hand has a red one, so either there’s more than one Doctor Door-Slammer or it just wears a really funky blazer.
*intense static*
Aww, come on! The blazer comment was a positive thing! Anyways, Moonlight out!
[Look at me, it's ok. He's not going to hurt you again, ok? Keep looking at me. I promise to keep you safe, ok?]
[Everything will be ok. It sounds like he's trapped right now.]
(...for now)
[Can I tell Moonlight about him?]
[Moonlight, stay away from Doctor Door-Slammer, ok? We know who he is and he's not something you want to be around. He's known as The Amalgamation. He has another name, but we're pretty sure it summons him somehow. From what we know, it's a split from Mike.]
(...not exactly...)
[Oh, right, it's really complicated. But that's not important right now. What is important is trying to get you out. From what you said, it sounds like you're in some sort of Border World. I'm not sure if it's Xen, but it sounds somewhat similar.]
(and the creatures sound similar to what Adrian delt with)
[I believe thoes are called Race X if I remember correctly. Here, let me look up known Border Worlds. I want to see if any of them match.]
*keyboard sounds*
[Hmmm, it's somewhere beyond Xen... Here! It looks like a name hasn't been given to this place yet.]
(Is there a location for it?)
[Yep! It looks like it's within the bots range too!]
(That's good. Moonlight, we'll see if we can send out Mark VI bot. It has both audio and photography. From there, we might be able to find a way out for you.)
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runnersnz · 1 year
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“Hmmm, that elusive Why? Pretty sure the answer I would have given at silly o’clock in the morning on 1st June 2018 would have been very vague and involved something along the lines of “I’m not sleeping anyhow” and “Why not?”, to something with a bit more self awareness, given the benefit of time and a good few thousand foot fuelled kilometres of reflection.
In all reality I’ve no idea why that morning was the morning. It really didn’t seem special at the time, but it was the first step and any change starts with a singular first step, right?
I’d become unsure of who I was anymore, as being ‘Mum’ had been a massive part of my identity. My teenage daughter was managing stress in ways I struggled to understand and didn’t know how to help with, my job (whilst I love it with a passion) was swallowing me whole, sleep was continually elusive, maybe some degree of freaking out about getting older and wanting to live to 100, and give my body and mind the best chance of complying, not just existing.
Running, even from the first half a kilometre jaunt to the end of my road and walking home, provided something that was just mine, with results being determined only by me. Clocking over the kilometres provides the chance to either not think at all beyond breathing and moving forward one step at a time, or space to let things settle and to think more clearly. It’s funny that it can do both.
Right from the start running made me feel better, even when it was ridiculously hard (and still is sometimes). About six months in, I convinced my daughter to join Heart and Sole, an incredible ladies run group in Tauranga. To say it’s changed my world doesn’t even come close to summing it up! The tribe of wahine toa that it connected me with are like none I’d ever had the privilege of being part of and I’m blessed to name many of them among my besties now. We laugh together, cry together and build each other up without reservation. So many of the crazy ass goals and adventures we sign ourselves up for start off as ‘any given day run chats’. My first ultra (Tarawera 50km 2021) came about exactly that way, after Robyn M (she’s signed up many, many unwitting victims) said “You could totally do the TUM50, it’s like a giant party.”
The road to get there was far from friggin smooth and that doesn’t even include Covid. Like many rookies I nudged up the mileage too quickly and had what appeared to be a calf tear in my right leg, rehabbed that, and back on the horse. Here is where I’ll have to admit to being a slow learner I guess, as what felt similar happened in my left leg not long after. Turns out though it wasn’t a calf tear it was a stress fracture just below my knee. A little more investigation, including bone density scans brought to light osteopenia, thankfully not an end to my ultra journey but a serious kick in the butt to train smarter. I joined Squadrun, expanding the tribe of awesome people in what I was fast learning was an epic trail community in NZ, and strength work through Beyond Physio and Fitness – yes you guessed it even more fab peeps!
Trail running builds and restores every facet of my hauora, from simple dog jogs with our two rescue pups, Hilli (she’d run until she died) and Archie (the social runner who wants to chat to everyone), around our local Buffalo Girl trail at Tect Park, to events and adventures across our gorgeous country.
Ultra running has been and continues to be the most humbling of experiences – pushing to see what the body and mind is capable of, friends and family and often relative strangers banding together to support one and other, and encouraging people to do way more than they thought they’re capable of. My incredible partner Phil thought he might max out around the half marathon mark, and he is now two 50km ultras down, with a 50miler in mind and well within his capability. 
It’s commonplace for my running bestie, Ruth, and I to cross the line and cry happy tears, quite possibly having cried a few tears (and used a few choice cuss words) earlier in our runs too. I’m very lucky to have found a run-bestie who is a similar pace, loves crazy adventures (at least once she’s had a bit of time to think about ideas thrown her way and the very real risk of FOMO) and who can spend hour upon hour upon hour flowing between solving the problems of the world to companionable silences. We are a couple of 50kms, a 70km, two 100km and multiple other adventures in with many more to come. I think if I could offer any sort of useful life advice to others it would be something like this: Find your tribe, find something that builds as many aspects of your hauora as possible, and look up and see the world around you.
Today my ‘why’ is much clearer. Running, especially trail running, makes me a better person; connected, calmer, happier, healthier and better able to navigate the ups and downs that life throws my way. In 2022, when one of my favourite people lost his battle with mental illness, I worked my way through the grieving process by running miles for him, for his wife (my childhood friend of over 40 years), for his beautiful children, and for myself. My attempt at the TUM Miler in 2024 will be a celebration of life, of seeing what’s possible, of working through the shite stuff, of supporting and being supported and of whatever else comes. I’ll be running the miles myself, but I know I’m not alone.”
Katreena @kitkat_running_wild (Tauranga) Photo taken at Tekapo – Portraits of Runners + their stories @RunnersNZ
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Hidden (Kim Hongjoong) Rated
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Pairing: Soccer Jock! Kim Hongjoong (Ateez)× Nerd! Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Slight Angst, College AU.
Summary: There's nothing that makes Hongjoong feel better after a game than to spend it with his secret girlfriend.
Word Count: 3.5+K
Warnings: male breast play (we love the hiddies), light gropings, dry humping, light degradation, corruption kink, unprotected soft, vanilla sex (always use protection), dom! Hongjoong, sub/slightly inexperienced reader.
Taglist: @seacottons (I wrote this for you ♡), @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers @yunhoiseyecandy @galaxteez @hanatiny @deja-vux @brie02 @multidreams-and-desires @daniblogs164 @couchpotatoaniki @a-soft-hornytiny
The crowd erupted into thunderous applause and cheers when their prized center forward kicked the ball with full force into the opposing team's goal, effectively allowing them to take victory over another college from the area. His teammates hoisted the bleach blonde male over their shoulders, parading him around the field and letting the spectators admire him once more. The athlete shyly smiled and gave tiny waves towards the crowd. His eyes passed through all the rows of people standing about, searching and scanning for a particular person he hoped would come to see him.
Once he spotted a familiar red plain hoodie tucked near the very end of the bleachers, his smile grew even wider and he even felt bold enough to send a wink their way, the tiny group of admirers sitting nearby mistakenly thinking it was directed at them. The figure in the hoodie tried not to let any suspicious look give her away, but even she couldn't stop the faint pink hue that appeared on the apples of her cheeks. He mouthed a few words to her, which she understood to mean for her to wait for him at a certain place while he went to go get changed. Quickly picking up her bag, she made way to step down the bleachers, but unfortunately for her the little group of popular girls had the same idea, thus ending in one of them bumping into her rather harshly and sending her crashing down onto the concrete stairs that allowed one to get out of the spectator area.
The soccer player of course saw this and slightly hissed when he watched her palms come out instinctively to lessen her fall, only imagining the stinging sensation they went through. He then turned his attention to the tiny clique leader who looked completely unapologetic, her mouth saying something that he couldn't quite make out, but judging from the way her little minions snickered and laughed, he deduced it was only another one of the usual jabs they liked to fling at the poor girl. And he hated it, the scowl clearly visible on his face. Just when he was about to turn around and give them a piece of his mind, the victim looked up and gestured for him not to intervene and just run along to the showers. He hesitated briefly until she once again assured him she was fine, getting up and quickly escaping before another accident occurred.
Left with no choice but to follow her instructions, the soccer player joined the others in the showers to freshen up after a long and arduous game. He made sure to be quick about it, as he wanted to go check up on her injuries as soon as possible. After drying off completely, he stuffed all his belongings into his bag without caring to check if he was crushing anything and sped out of there. Along the way to the place where he parked his car, he only waved at his fellow classmates and belatedly ignored the prissy bullies that caused the incident back at the bleachers.
"Snakes." He mumbled to himself as he passed by them.
Rounding a tiny corner of the building, he took out his keys and unlocked his car, looking around in confusion when he didn't see the person he was expecting anywhere nearby. Hearing a tiny rustling of leaves, he rolled his eyes when he finally realized they were hiding behind the hedge that decorated the stairs that led one inside the building.
"There's no one else around, now come out of there before the groundskeeper finds out you were messing up his artistic shrubbery." He called out as he walked over to the hedge.
Peeping her head out, the girl looked right then left to make sure he wasn't lying before throwing one leg over the green barrier, trying to get out. It definitely proved more difficult getting out than getting in, as her foot accidentally got stuck when she tried to swing her other leg out. She grunted softly as she tried to yank her foot out, which she eventually accomplished but with how hard she pulled she was thrown off balance. Had the male behind her not have run up to catch her, she would have surely hit her head on the floor. Luckily he had indeed caught her before such tragedy occurred. Looking up, his unamused face was bearing down on her.
"Thanks?" She sheepishly said.
"Don't mention it honey bunch." He snorted when she frowned at one of the many nicknames he enjoyed teasing her with.
"Don't start now Kim Hongjoong." She grumbled with a huff as she sat upright.
When she turned around, she had no chance to say or do anything as he took her hands and made her palms face him. Hongjoong sighed when he saw the tiny scrapes on her fragile skin.
"I'll be fine. It's just a scratch." She asserted before he got anymore upset.
"These 'scratches', and the mean names, wouldn't happen at all if only you'd let people know about us."
She recoiled slightly at his words. He was right, she knew that. Still, she was hesitant about letting the entire school know about their secret relationship, something that he was more than eager about sharing. But he respected her need and wanting of privacy, even if it irritated slightly at times.
"I'll be fine Hongjoong. Really... their words don't bother me anymore. And besides, I'd rather not have all eyes at me at every moment. I like being an invisible wallflower." She repeated what she often said.
He understood her, but couldn't help the sigh that came out his lips.
"Honestly L/N Y/N, I don't know what to do with you sometimes." He confessed as he turned her palms over, his eyes focusing on her left hand. Or more precisely, on the black promise ring that was wrapped around her left finger. He smiled softly as he rubbed his thumb over it, knowing that on the inside of it, his name was engraved in white, followed by his birthstone in the shape of a heart. He wore a similar one around his neck, held up by chain that dangled right above his chest, close to his heart. Only the one he wore was a white band and had his lover's name in black with her own birthstone on it. It was a present he had bought for their 1 year anniversary, which had happened not too long ago. Every time he saw her wear it, he felt a warm and tranquil feeling in his soul. He himself never took off the chain off his neck, only when he needed to shower and even then, he made sure to never misplace it.
It was a somewhat nostalgic feeling, standing there, holding her hands kinda like the first time he worked up the courage to come up to her and state his interest in dating her. Even to that day, he couldn't believe she would have actually agreed. He was so happy and full of bliss at having her that he couldn't help himself as he closed his eyes and began leaning his face towards hers. His girlfriend widened her eyes and let out a muffled shriek before pulling away from him. Hongjoong grunted angrily as he walked after her towards his car.
"It's not a crime to kiss my girlfriend in public you know." He exclaimed.
"Someone might see us." She kindly reminded him.
Throwing his hands up in frustration, Hongjoong was about to start nagging but opted for taking a deep breath instead to calm down.
"Ok fine, but once we get behind closed doors, I'm expecting a lot of cuddles and smooches from you. You've been giving me the cold treatment at school even beyond what we agreed on and I'm slightly hurt." He pouted as he turned on the ignition.
Shaking her head, Y/N leaned over and placed a peck on Hongjoong's cheek.
"Ok you baby. Only because you were amazing on the field today."
Safe in the sanctuary and privacy of her apartment, Y/N couldn't hold herself back now as she tangled her limbs around her boyfriend, face pressed against his chest. Hongjoong couldn't stop himself from snorting when he felt her cheek rubbed against one of his protruding pectoral muscles. The arm that was stationed around her frame came up to lightly scratch the back of her head.
"Having fun there you cuddle bug?" He raised an eyebrow at her when she snuggled closer to him.
"Hmmm yeah. Your man boobs make such comfortable pillows." She beamed as she reached one hand up to caress the muscle that her face wasn't buried in.
"They are not boobs Y/N. We've been over this how many times?" He dropped his head back onto the pillow as he released an exhausted and frustrated groan.
Feeling a bit on the bolder side that evening, Y/N shifted her weight over so she was fully laying on top of him.
"If they're not boobs, how come I can do this?"
Hongjoong half gasped- half moaned when he felt his girlfriend's mouth part and latched onto one of his highly sensitive nipples. Of course his girlfriend took advantage of this little fact, suckling onto his skin in a tender manner. Hongjoong lost himself in the feeling of her tongue flicking at his hardened peaks, closing his eyes as she kept on enveloping his buds with her warm mouth, first one breast then moving to the other one. This time her suction was a little more rough, teeth baring to lightly bite on the skin around his nipple. Hongjoong obviously didn't mean and was thoroughly enjoying the more harsher treatment as he began bucking his hips up against hers, his tent brushing against her folds which were only covered by her cotton underwear.
Satisfied at being able to rile her boyfriend up, Y/N sat up with a smirk as she peered down at Hongjoong's dazed look. Before he could get a word out, his girlfriend begin grinding herself against his bulge, her hands steadying themselves on his lean but firm abs. Hongjoong looked up at her, his eyes glowing with the same lust that mirrored in her own. Not able to bear to leave her in charge, his hands came up to grip her hips, forcing her to stop momentarily before they started taking control of her movements. He guided her so every time her clothed mound would rub against his tent they would both feel the best friction between them. Not only was he in full control of her body rolls, he made sure to lift his hips up so she would feel him even more. The air around them thickened as their sexual tension grew more and more, their once soft sighs turning more into heavy panting as they both waited for the other one to give in and say they wanted more than just the semi clothed dry humping they were currently doing.
Y/N knew fully well Hongjoong wouldn't say anything, it was in his nature. He'd just keep donning that signature smirk he was hailing at her at the moment as he continued to grind himself up at her. She knew he wanted her to tell him how much she wanted him, as a form of payback for not acknowledging him back at the university. She wanted to play at his game, keep her mouth shut and even get off him only to leave him frustrated and aching. But she had no will or mind to do that. Not when her body yearned for his, cried out to have him pin her to the bed as he tore through her intimate places. She couldn't hold back any longer, her bottom lip was starting to hurt from how hard she was biting down on it.
"What's wrong babygirl? Something on your mind? Do you want something?" He teased her as he moved his hands to cup her ass, fingers digging into her flesh and brushing against the hem of her panties.
"Hongjoong... I want...I want.." Even after having done this quite a few times, she was still very nervous and shy about requesting such things from him.
"Use your words darling, I know you can use them. After all, you're the smartest person in school. So tell me...."
Sitting up so he could lean his face close to hers, Hongjoong brushed his lips against hers, replacing her teeth with his own as he tugged at the corner where she had been biting on just a few seconds ago.
"What do you want?" He asked once more, hands going underneath her shirt so they could fondle her perky breasts, a satisfied grin lightly appearing on his face when he discerned the subtle whine that came from her throat.
"You, I want you." She finally answered, her arms wrapping around his neck as she closed the space between them and kissed him passionately.
Their tongues tangled themselves together in a desperate and slightly sloppy fashion. Flipping their positions, Hongjoong carefully laid Y/N down on the mattress, never once breaking their kiss even when his hand dropped down to tug her underwear down her legs. She helped him out by lifting her hips up and was about to pull the hoodie over her head, but Hongjoong stopped her.
"No baby. Keep it on. You look more adorable wearing my clothes." Briefly pulling away from her, he had a cocky smile as he rid himself out of his own boxers.
"Even if I do enjoy taking them off you." He admitted with no shame, which didn't surprise her.
Prying her legs open so he could fit himself between them, Hongjoong peppered butterfly kisses across her forehead and temples, sighing blissfully as he aligned himself at her entrance.
"I love you." He always made sure to state those 3 words before they got lost in their love.
"I know. I love you too." She responded.
Satisfied at hearing his confession being reciprocated, Hongjoong slowly pushed himself inside her, always taking care to be gentle as his lovely girlfriend wasn't as experienced as he was. He let her walls adjust to the intrusion of his member as he busied himself by kissing along the side of her neck and near her jaw while his thumbs rubbed circles on her waist. Y/N took a deep breath and lightly tapped his arm, a sign for him to start moving.
Hongjoong started off with slow and deep strokes, making sure to angle his hips properly so his head would brush against that sweet spot that would have the girl underneath him crying out his name. Y/N's eyes dropped down to look in between their bodies, always fascinated by the image of Hongjoong's cock disappearing inside her. One of her hands came up and slid underneath her covered stomach, a soft gasp escaping her lips when she felt her boyfriend's bulge poke out from under her skin. Noticing this, Hongjoong chuckled softly.
"You like that baby? Like feeling my cock deep inside of you?"
She could only respond with a light nod of her head as she released a faint moan that turned louder when Hongjoong abruptly slammed back into her at a quicker pace.
"You feel so good around me love. You're so tight, warm, and soft- fuck! I can't get enough of you." He hissed as he continued to roll his hips into her.
Y/N loved hearing him say things like that to her. Hearing him say how much he wanted her, it turned her into puddy. However, there was something she had been meaning to ask him to try but didn't know how to approach the topic. Figuring it was the best opportunity then, she looked up at him with large eyes.
"Hongjoong? Can we try something tonight?"
His eyes instantly lit up when she asked that, always eager to satisfy anything she was curious about or wanted to try.
"Of course. Anything you want." He assured her.
"Then can you..... can you degrade me a little?"
Hongjoong suddenly stopped moving and blinked at her with a worried expression on his face. Y/N wondered if maybe she shouldn't have asked that given his reaction. She watched as Hongjoong's bottom lip poked out in a light pout.
"Baby why on earth would you want something like that?" He tilted his head at you.
"I just.... I want you to call me your bad girl." She muttered softly, feeling embarrased at declaring that.
Hongjoong let out a heavy sigh as he cupped her cheeks and squished her face.
"But you're not a bad girl darling. You're my good girl. My sweet, kind and obedient angel who doesn't misbehave or cause trouble." He reasoned with her as he planted his lips on her cheek.
Y/N let out a tiny huff as she began to think she would not be getting what she was hoping for.
"That's what everybody else thinks....don't they?" She could hear and feel the shift in Hongjoong's mood, confirmed even further when he suddenly clasped her wrists and pinned them above her head as he started moving once again, only this time it was a more rough and fast pace. He stared down at Y/N with a hungry gaze, tongue poking out to lick his lips as he slammed his hips deeper in her.
"Got everybody in school fooled thinking you're such a goody two shoes, little miss perfect who is oh so sweet, innocent and pure, has never even kissed anyone."
Hongjoong smirked mischievously, pausing briefly before continuing.
"How do you think they'll react when they found out I ruined you? What will they say about the fact you opened your legs for me and allowed me to steal your virginity?"
Y/N threw her head back against the pillow and groaned loudly. It was true, she had let Hongjoong take away her purity a few months back. It wasn't anything she regretted, she loved and trusted him enough to give herself up to him, and she knew the feeling was mutual with him. And now to have him use that against her at that moment, to remind her of it, it felt amazing.
"What will your parents say? Their perfect daughter not only dating behind their back but actually letting her boyfriend stay over with her and fuck her into the sheets. Bet they'd be mad, bet they'll hate me for tainting their precious little angel." He laughed in a mocking tone.
Y/N's moaning now turned to whining and whimpering, her legs wrapping around Hongjoong's waist when the unrelenting tempo of his thrusts was threatening to throw her over the edge. Hongjoong knew this too given he felt everytime she clenched around his shaft, her walls squeezing onto him as if her life depended on it. He muffled his raspy pants when his lips attacked her mouth once more, his pecks aggresive and teeth nipping at her bottom lip.
"And so many guys will be jealous. You don't know but I've overheard even some of my teammates whisper about how they wanted to rob you of your innocence. Hell, I know for a fact even some of the professors wanted to shove their cocks inside your little pussy." As he dished out those tiny secrets she never knew about, Hongjoong's pounding became more harsh and he snarled with jealousy at the thought of anyone else looking at his prized possession in an erotic way.
Y/N clung onto him as she was on the brink of topping over, nails raking along his back.
"But they'll never get a chance because you're mine. All mine. This pussy of yours is mine. I claimed it a while back and only I get to fuck it. It's mine..... you're mine."
Unable to contain herself anymore, Y/N softly cried out Hongjoong's name as her body started twitching underneath his, face heating up as her juices pooled down her body. With only a few more strokes, Hongjoong himself was shooting his own cum into her, letting out shaky breaths that matched hers, their bodies collapsing on the bed as they tried to recover from the orgasm they just had.
After a few minutes and with his heartbeat back to normal, Hongjoong looked over at the girl beside him. Taking her hand, he held her arm up and aligned it with his so that the matching couple tattoos they got the month before would connect. It was a rather simple and subtle design, both of their wrists decorated with a beach wave that to anyone else wouldn't look out of place or arouse suspicions, but when they held it against each other, the waves formed a heart, which was exactly what Hongjoong was admiring at the moment. Rolling her over so she was facing him, he grabbed her leg and wrapped it around his waist so it would be easier to slip himself back inside the warmth of her walls. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head, both of their eyes closing as they began to drift into a serene sleep, safe in each other's arms.
"I love you munchkin." He giggled when her hand smacked his chest.
"Don't start or else you're sleeping on the couch."
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blossom862 · 2 years
Second in Command
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Word count: 2,766
Warning(s): Mention of depression, smut, obsession, fluff. 18+ only! Let me know if I’m missing anything else.
Pairing(s): Bucky x Reader, dark!nomad!Steve Rogers x reader (past relationship)
H/T- Your Hair Type
S/C- Skin Color
Cariño- Darling
Estrella- Star
A/N: I've been MIA for quite some time and I wanted to write something. I hope that you guys like it and as always, feel free to share your opinion regarding this one-shot :)
Since you can remember, you've been living your life in solitude. Fighting villains and protecting your home wasn't the issue that kept you awake at night. It was the constant battles with yourself that kept you hidden from the outside world. Dealing with your demons was worst than battling ruthless opponents. Your trauma was the reason you never allowed anyone inside your heart.
When your father abandoned you in the middle of the deserted streets of Wakanda, you promised yourself that you weren't going to trust anyone. Being only 6 years old, you were terrified of never seeing your family again. He never gave you a proper explanation of his abandonment, and you never found out the reasons for his actions either. You only knew that he was escaping his dark past and he thought he was doing the right choice to protect you.
“Papa?! PAPA, don't leave me here. I promise I'm going to be good to Mama. Please, don't leave me alone!” You pleaded with your father.
“PAPA!” You wrapped your tiny arms around his thighs, begging for the man to take you with him.
The man, who you used to call “Papa”, unwrapped your fragile arms and deposited a gentle kiss on your head. His tearful eyes were turning red by the second.
“Just know that this is for the better. I don't want you to be in danger because of me. Please, cariño. Don't fight this.”
“But where do I go? I don't want to stay here in the darkness. Is scary!” Your lower lip started to tremble and a couple of tears run down your chubby cheeks.
“Just follow the road, till you find the only restaurant in the area. I'll be seeing you again my little estrella.”
You thought he was going to come back for you and tell you it was just a misunderstanding, that he was just pranking you. At the end of the day, he never came back, and just like that, your world turned upside down.
After a week of venturing into the busy streets of Wakanda, you tried to blend into the shadows of the other kids. You needed to survive and because of that, you hid in different motels when you had the opportunity. When you needed to eat, you would wait for Okiya, one of the serves of the restaurant your father mentioned, to give you some food to eat. You meet the 18-year-old girl when you were scavenging for food near the restaurant. She offered you some food and since that day she always had a plate full of food for you.
It wasn't until the second week of Okiya feeding you, that you met Ayo, a peculiar woman who came up out of the nowhere. She was the kind of woman that you wanted to be like; strong and independent. The kind of woman that could catch anybody's attention just by walking into a room. That’s how powerful she was.
You were patiently waiting for Okiya to appear when out of nowhere you heard a cold voice call out to you. The action took you by surprise, making your arm hairs stand up.
“What are you doing here at this hours? Where are your parents?” The serious lady asked with a stern expression. Her voice was demanding, similar to her gaze.
Brushing your tangled hair, you wrapped your hands around yourself while cowering away from her; scared that she might hurt you.
“Don't fear me, child. I'm not going to hurt you. So answered my question. Where are your parents?”
“Mama is up there and papa never came back for me.” You pointed to the sky when she mentioned your mom’s whereabouts, tears coming out of your scared eyes.
“Hmmm, come with me girl. I might be able to help you find shelter for some time.” The woman extended her arms and waited for you to place your hand in hers. Once you sense that it was ok to trust the woman, you slowly hold her hand.
“Oh, and a strong woman never cries for anybody. Remember that girl.”
At that moment, you felt a strange sensation that you never felt before. You felt safe. With that said, you let the strange woman guide you to a place where you were trained among other little girls and women to become like her; strong and independent.
When Ayo promised you a safe place to stay, you thought she was going to take you to an orphanage, where you would have a hot plate of food to eat and a place to sleep every day, and maybe if you were lucky one day be adopted by two individuals that would accept you as their daughter and into their home; not take you with her to train as part of the Dora Miraje. Who would have thought that the scared little girl would have the opportunity to train among the strongest female warriors of Wakanda? Certainly not you.
Training with Ayo was a routine for you. Waking up at 5 in the morning was a habit that you had to learn the hard way. In order to have the basic necessities, you had to train every day, three times a day, and attend school with the other girls. If you didn't follow the rules, you were expected to compete against each other without a break. Sometimes you were expected to take the first watch after that. So you made a promise to yourself to never break those rules.
“You need to be strong!” Ayo shouted at you while wrapping her left arm around your neck. The pressure she was applying had you gasping for air. You were exhausted and your lack of fighting was providing that, but you were going to prove her wrong.
Taking her by surprise, you kicked her on her right knee with all the strength possible. The woman was taken by surprise but she maintained her posture. Without commenting anything, she grabbed you by the arm and flipped you over her shoulder, making you hit the floor with great force.
It took you a minute to gain back your strength. The impact was so hard that your vision was blurry. Your lungs were begging you to stop. You’ve been training with her since 5 in the morning and it was now 2 pm in the afternoon. Your body was giving up and your lack of nutrients wasn’t helping either.
“Get up! If you want to be a part of the Dora Miraje you have to be strong! No matter how you are feeling if your bones are broken, if your loved ones are injured or worse, dead. You have to get up and fight. No matter what, your duty is to protect Wakanda and nothing else.”
“What if I decide to give up? To walk away from all of this?!”
She looked at you like you grow a second head. Like you asked her to kill the King and Queen of Wakanda.
“Then you are no longer considered a part of this team or welcome to Wakanda. We would turn our back on you and your future family if you ever need our help.”
Those words from her were the words that you kept repeating in your mind over and over. Being away from them had impacted you in many ways. You barely eat and when you did, the guilt of your betrayal vanished from your appetite. You wish you never run away with Steve Rogers. Your biggest mistake was falling in love with him and letting him take control of your life. Worst, letting him take control of you.
When Steve Rogers visited Wakanda for the first time, you caught his attention. No one could deny that you were a beautiful creature made by the gods. You were often asked out by various respected men in Wakanda. Not only did they want to have you in their beds, but they wanted you because of your beauty and your status.
After training with the Dora Miraje for almost 5 years, Ayo noticed your efforts and your loyalty to the kingdom; therefore, she allowed you to be her second in command. When it was announced that you were to be one of the top commanders, the entire Wakanda oat to respect you and protect you no matter what. So when Rogers saw you, he decided to get to know you “better.”
Your beauty was beyond anything Steve Rogers had ever seen. Your smooth S/C skin and your vibrant H/T hair had him hypnotized in every aspect of the word. He felt things not even Peggy or Sharon made him feel. He was mesmerized by you.
Not only did he wanted to recruit you as part of his runaway team, but he wanted to have you as his and only his. If you only knew what he had planned for you. He was too good to be true.
Blue eyes were looking at you with pure darkness in them. His hands caressing your thighs while his thrusts became powerful by the minute. His breathing increase each time he moved against you.
“There you go......my beautiful angel.” He whispered next to your ear while kissing your neck. Gripping his fingers against your hips.
His movements were taking you to the moon. He knew how to make you feel good. His manhood was addictive no matter how many times a day you guys made love, he always knew how to pleasure you. His aroma was a mixture of his manly cologne and sweat.
“Ste..ve. I'm...cl..ose!” You shouted at him when he buried himself inside you once again.
It took you a couple of minutes to concentrate after that orgasm. Once you calmed down, you were expecting to have his arms wrapped around you like he always does. But boy were you wrong! All you received was a quick kiss on your cheek and a not too soft caress. You were about to protest but his trusts were taking you to another world. He wanted to keep using you for his own pleasures.
You wanted to believe that maybe he just wanted to release some tension that day, that maybe he needed to stop being the perfect soldier and be rough for just one time. Oh, how naive you were. After that day everything started to go downhills.
He used to be gentle with you at the beginning of your relationship, always bringing you flowers whenever he could. But after a year of dating, he became violent and dangerous. He was so infatuated with you, that he became obsessed with you. He wanted to have you next to him at all times. When you were on missions with Natasha and Wanda, he had you wear a tracker device shaped like a necklace. You weren't aware of that until you noticed a blinking light coming out of the necklace. When you confronted him about it he's response was chaotic.
“I just want to protect you. What if you get badly hurt and the team and I can't find you? Or worse, what if you get taken away from me?!”
“Steve, you need to stop! This isn’t healthy! Our relationship is NOT healthy at all. Can’t you see it? You’ve become something out of a horror movie.”
In the beginning, you thought it was cute, that he was like that because he wanted you to be safe, but throughout the years, his behavior got worse to the point of him locking you inside your motel room so you wouldn't accompany him and the others to missions. You were getting tired of it all.
Turning around you ran your fingers through your hair. You were getting tired of his possessive behaviors. Does he really think his behavior was normal? Locking his lover in a motel room?
Strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you against his muscular torso. His cologne was intoxicating your senses and making you dizzy.
“It’s all right.” He whispered while kissing your left cheek. His hands travel down your waist.
Unwrapping yourself from his hold, you turned around to face him.
“No! It’s not alright. I’m tired of this psycho behavior of yours.”
You noticed how his eyes dilated and his expression changed to a furious one. It's like the sweet Steve you once knew was gone within seconds.
“What are you implying, Y/N?”
“I need a break from you! I can’t be with a man that only treats me like a rag doll. A man that is so infatuated with me that barely lets me do anything. I'm the second in command of the Dora Miraje for crying out loud! I should be quicking your ass right now.”
You were about to get your phone and car keys when he grabbed you by your neck and push you against the wall. Your vision blurred and all you could see were his cold blue eyes looking directly at you.
“You ever think about leaving me again and I will make sure you never see a ray of sunlight. Do you hear me?”
Oh, how naive were you to believe his lies.
You never wanted to think about that moment ever again. Knowing that you could have been dead at the hands of your first love terrifies you. Should you be glad that Steve is no longer around? Does that make you a bad person?
“Earth to Y/N. Were you listening?” A worried voice called you from across the room.
Rubbing your eyes with both hands, you gave Sam a quick nod before standing up and making your way to the balcony.
“Hey! Where are you going?”
You heard Sam call out for you, but you didn't pay him too much attention. You needed some fresh air, and you need it as soon as possible otherwise your anxiety would start.
Ever since you escape Steve’s grasp, you've been having anxiety attacks and flashbacks because of him. Your terror of him finding you and locking you in an empty room for the rest of your life terrified you to no end.
Taking a deep breath, you made your way to the outside seating.
“Still thinking about him?” A voice mumbled.
You were thinking about Steve so much that you didn't notice the man sitting down in one of the chairs.
“Bucky?! Oh, Jesus, you scared me!”
“Sorry, it was never my intention to do so. Hey! What's going on?!”
Standing up from the chair, he approached you with a concerned look on his face. You weren't aware that tears were rolling down your cheeks until you felt his cold fingers brushing them away.
“Yes...I think about him every day,” you whispered while carefully wrapping your arms around him and placing your head on his shoulders. Feeling him close to you made you feel safe and secure.
“I understand. He was your everything and he probably still is your ev-”
He was about to finish his sentence but you couldn't let him finish it. With that said, you planted your lips against his. Warm lips intertwined together in a way only lovers did. His arms wrapped around your form while his lips explored yours. After a couple of kisses later, both of you detached from each other.
“He's not my everything anymore, you are. You've been there for me when I needed you the most. You helped me fight my demons, escaped my psycho ex, and provided me with the support I needed. I love you James, more than anything in this world.”
His ocean blue eyes gazed into your beautiful Y/E/C ones.
“And you are my everything doll. I would die for you. I need you to survive. I need you more than anything in this messed up world.”
Laughing at his mini-speech, you bumped his nose with one of your fingers and laid your head against his chest.
“I will never let him find you. Y/N, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. That’s a promise, doll”
“I know. I just don't want him to hurt you. He's too obsessed with me and I can't let him do anything to you. I would never forgive myself if something bad happens to you or Sam because of me.”
Letting out a sigh, you took his metal hand in yours and planted a kiss on it.
“Let’s get out of here.” You whispered.
“Where exactly are we going?”
“Honestly? I don't know. I just want to get out of here and catch my breath for just a minute.
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mc-the-bunny · 3 years
Okay so hear me out this is my first ever story...
Have mercy on me please :')...
So i had the thought about lucifer being a winemom. And even though i dont particularly like lucifer i was thinking....
What if he would masterbate with the wine bottle and then mc walks 😳🍷
The story:
It had been a long tough day for lucifer.
All day he had been swarmed by paperwork,meetings, bills from mammon and Asmodeus buying things and making sure you dont get eaten or lose interest in him. After all he couldnt bare the thought of you losing interest in him or even worse you dying..
that would be the scariest thing happening to him after lilith died..
beel had also eaten everything in the house twice today. In response this had send satan in a rage, he had punched holes in cabinets and walls.
So now not only lucifer had paperwork he also had to scold satan, which was no easy task. The blonde demon had flung at him so many times (one hitting his abdominal area) before Lucifer could finally get him under control. He lifted his clothing up to reveal a nasty bruise grunting at the touch.
He would deal with satan later.
He also had to Prepare the repairing spells which required special ingredients they didnt have anymore due to beel eating everything including several dishes... So he'd have to go search for the ingredients.... Sigh* why doesnt akuzon have tge ingredients lucifer thinks while scroling to look if they did...
Akuzon had a lot from the east indian special black and red inc he used to the stuff his brothers bought. But sadly no spell ingredients... He could ask solomon if he could get some of the ingredients but he knew solomon would probably want to make a pact with him in return.... Not that he would ask for help otherwise, after all the Avatar of pride didnt need help from a sorcerer.
He walked up to his liquor cabinet
( which was massive)
First he had to drink some demonius to lighten his headache. (and stresslevels because lets be honest the poor man works way to much)
grabbed a bottle of demonius and sat back down behind his desk drinking straight from the bottle.
He hadnt even bothered to pore it into a glass because he would end up drinking the whole bottle anyways.
(bottles and time passed)
3 bottles of demonius later and lucifer finally felt at ease. His alcohol tolerance was naturally very high so if he really wanted to get black out drunk like mammon and Asmodeus sometimes did at parties he would have to at least drink 6 bottles of demonius.
No the 3 bottles just left him tipsy and on edge, feeling like he wanted to have some sexual gratification.
he took the empty bottle of demonius and looked at the shape. The bottles in the devildom (and human world) didnt look to different from those weird toys he saw Asmodeus walking with a few times.
He smirked opening his drawer he took some orgasm gel out. It was the gel he had wanted to use with mc, mc however was already wet enough on their own for him. Dripping down their legs before lucifer even entered them.
He smiled.
However he wasnt going to be dependent on some human to satisfy him.
He didnt want you to think he needed you.
No he was going to satisfy himself with this bottle of demonius, that was now covered in gel. He undid his pants, pulled off his underwear,
and let his hardening member jump out. He putting it on his desk and started to roll the cold bottle back and forth slowly.
his cock hardening at the temperature difference of the bottle. "Fuck " he muttered while pleasuring himself.
He would've been more than embarrassed if anyone would ever know what he was doing, no this was something only he would ever know about.
The only reason he didn't cum was because he didnt want the paperwork to be dirty with his cum. He would never stoop so low.
No he would never.
After massaging his cock with the bottle until it turned the temperature of his skin he looked at the bottle again.
Another idea popped up in his head.
The top looked to be the similar shape of the dildo he had bought recently for mc.
They had been very thankful and thrilled to try it out.
So curious that they couldnt wait to try it and he ended up watching them masterbate in front of him. He shouldve filmed it.
Such a gorgeous delicious sight should be filmed after all he thought.
He'd have to ask mc next time if he could film it.
Their moans of that night had flooded his senses remembering the lovely noises they had made, they seemed to feel so good with that toy inside their ass cumming on his sofa in his secret study.
He walked over to the sofa and looked.
mcs cum still visible on the dark red velvet.
He smirked positioning himself on the sofa ass up.
putting gell on the other side of the bottle now before slowly sliding the bottle in his ass.
A fairly loud moan escaped his mouth.
Its a good thing he had casted a spell to make this room sound proof for the time being otherwise his brithers might of heard him.
No that would be unbearable. They would definitely tease him over it, and his pride would be more shattered than ever.
Due to the orgasm gel his slit around it quite easily. He positioned himself feeling the cold glass reach deeper and deeper in his ass.
His body now felt like it was on fire with pleasure. Another loud moan escaped his mouth. Then he started thrusting the bottle in and out of his ass.
He could feel a orgasm going through his body at high speed.
Faster and faster rougher and rougher. As long as he was in control he didn't care how rough it was.
(nothing to rough for this sadist)
The sounds of his moan increasing in volume with every thrust.
He felt pure pleasure as he felt he was going to cum, he had preps for that to happen however and he Swiftly took the other empty bottle of demonius as he cummed into the bottle.
Putting the full bottle of cum to the side.
He was going to keep thrusting for a littke more he thought.
Lucifer stiffened at hearing your voice, and looked at you like a deer in the headlights.
"what are you doing?"
"Nothing i i was doingbpaperwork "
"with that bottle up your ass? "
You couldnt help but laugh.
Not in a humiliation way but it was the last thing you had expected to walk into when opening his door.
After the knocking was left unanswered you had stepped in only to find lucifer with a bottle of demonius up his as and flushed cheecks as red as apples.
I can explain lucifer quickly pulled the bottle out and sad up, his pride scattered and fearfully awaiting your reaction. What was he thinking not putting a spell on the lock!?.
He would have to wash those bottles secretly later.
washing would be safer due to nosey brothers . you would never be sure if anyone found the bottles or would stumble upon it by accident.
They woukdve immediately known who the bottles had belonged to, after all lucifer was the only one having multiple bottles of demonius on him at all times.
"Lucifer, im sorry for laughing my beloved. Its just that i hadnt expected to find you.. In such state"
... Lucifer fell silent. he felt like his life was over. he was beating himself up for letting this happen.
What would you think of him now?
Would you turn away? He would never get over it if you did.
Sensing his worry you walk up to him and put a arm around his shoulder (not knowing if you should put them on his cock instead)
"Lucy i understand"
You smile at him.
With bewilderment in his eyes he looks at you.
"You do? "
"Yes lucy babe i do, you were under so much stress today. i already thought you had forgotten our date tonight so i initially came to remind you of it "
"im so sorry mc i shouldnt forget -"
"no its okay Lucy its not your fault"
You looked over to the second bottle of demonius on the ground, seeing what you were almost sure to be Lucy's cum in it.
"It is mc how can i apologise? "
"Ill take that bottle"
before he can say no or even think about it you grab the bottle crawl to the corner of the sofa and smell the liquid in it.
Now emerged with the smell of the last bits of demonius his cum smelled like some sort of delicate wine.
"hhhmmmmm it smells so good lucy darling"
He looks at you in shock for a bit but as soon as he realises you dont judge him for masterbating with a bottle he loosens up.
"Does it now my beloved? "
You look up happily
Lucifer chuckles he tries to take the bottle back but you see it comming and quickly run to the other side of the room.
"Nuh uh its mine now lucy"
Lucifer scoffs and makes his way over to you.
Before he can reach you however you already started drinking his cum out of the bottle. Your eyes still fixated on his to see his reaction.
He looks at you before regrouping himself and making his way over to you.
You run to the other side before you continue drinking his cum wine.
"Hmmm mm hmmmmmm, if water tasted like this i would definitely drink enough on a day"
"Mc, stop this weird behavior at once and hand me the bottle..
before i punish you."
He reaches to grab you but having spend so much time with mammon you know how to avoid getting caught. Running further.
Lucifer can't help but smirk, after all hes secretly really proud of you and himself. After all you said his cum is delicious and are getting quite protective.
it is as if lucifer has to take candy from a child.
"Be a good girl and finish it all then"
Your eyes sparkle in excitement
*Really lucy? Thank you!! "
You sit down on the sofa again tired from running around. Lucifer sits besides you rubbing your back waiting for you to finish it all.
You do finish it surprisingly fast and put down the empty bottle. You want to hug him but-
Lucifer grips your hands and handcufs them
"yes darling"
he smirks biting your ear softly.
You squeel
"Lucy what are we going to do? We have to be at the restaurant at 6 remember?"
He positions you in a way your but is sticking up. He squeezes it and this draws a moan from your mouth.
"I remember that, we still have 3 hours"
"but-" you stammer.
"i said i would punish you
so be prepared sitting might hurt a bit in the restaurant. "
He says as he takes out his whip ready to spank you senseless for not obeying him.
I hope you enjoyed.
Im sorry for spelling errors im dyslexic😣
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terubakudan · 3 years
This may be an old article from 3 years ago, but these cultural aspects/observations still apply even today. And though this is strictly a Chinese perspective, a lot of these everyday life bits are observed in Overseas Chinese communities in countries such as The Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. as well as countries heavily influenced by Chinese culture like Taiwan, Japan, and Korea.
I've always liked learning about other cultures and making comparisons between how things are done East vs West. Which probably stems from growing up with two cultures and Mom raising me on American movies xD
So the irony is if you asked me how many Chinese, Taiwanese, or Hong Kong actors I know, chances are I know as much as you do xD Like Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, and that's about it. But if you asked me about Western (specifically American and British) actors, then I have a useless brain dump of movie trivia and who was with who in what movie xD
Hmmm, both Taiwan and the Philippines are two distinct cultures but both look up to a certain country and are fascinated by that. In Taiwan's case, Japan and the US for the Philippines. In both cases, this is due to being under the rule of those countries in their history. Taiwan being under Japan for 50 years, and the Philippines being under Spain for 300+ years, followed by periods of American and Japanese rule. To put it simply though:
Taiwan is "mini-Japan with a very Chinese culture".
The Philippines is "former colony of Spain with lots of American influences".
But unlike the author, I've never set foot in any Western country, so my understandings are strictly what I've observed in media, which while it can be accurate, doesn't compare to actually experiencing the culture.
Some further elaboration on most points:
#1 We quite literally use chopsticks for everything. We use it to pick rice, viands, vegetables, fruit, smaller desserts, almost all the food you can think of.
But where do you put your chopsticks when you're not using them? Just put them on top of your bowl or flat on your plate. But do not ever stick them vertically. It's taboo, since it looks like incense sticks, which we use to pray for those who have passed, like our ancestors or during funerary services.
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#3 The majority of Asia is obsessed with fair/white skin. In my time at the Philippines, I grew up watching all these Dove Whitening commercials and my classmates often commented on how fair my skin was, how they envied it etc. In Taiwan, girls often say they don't want to 變黑 (biàn hēi) 'become dark'. Japan and Korea too are not innocent of this either (if their beauty/skin products weren't a dead giveaway).
People here at Taiwan often mistake me for being from Hong Kong or Japan (as long as I don't speak Mandarin with my heavy accent xD). A Taiwanese classmate of mine joked that she often gets mistaken for being from Southeast Asia due to having a darker complexion. And while I laughed it off with her at that time, looking back, I now realize she was lowkey being racist. xD
And believe me Filipinas have mentioned literally being told 'your skin is so dark' here in Taiwan, or being given backhanded compliments like 'you're pretty despite having dark skin' and...*facepalms*
My point is, beauty is not exclusive to skin color. People who still think that are assholes.
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#5 Not to say we don't have salt and pepper, but yes soy sauce and vinegar are the classic condiments you see on the table, be it at home or at a restaurant.
And if I may add, Taiwanese love their pepper. xD If you ever get to eat at a night market or a smaller "Mom n' Pop-style" restaurant here, some dishes/soups tend to add quite an excessive amount of pepper. Not like anthills, but quite liberally and way more than average. Enough that you see traces of pepper at the bottom of the food paper bag or swirling in your soup. xD
#6 I know this all too well from personal experience. In my years of studying at Taiwan, I always had roommates. 3 in my first school (I graduated high school in the Philippines pre K-12 so I had to make up 2 years of Senior High), followed by 2 in college, with the exception of 1 in freshman year.
My college did offer single person dorms but at around 9000 NTD ($324) per month compared to around 6000 NTD ($216) per semester. Because I wanted to save, the choice was obvious for me xD. But ah, this doesn't mean I don't value personal space, in fact I love having the room to myself, and since both my roomies would go home to their families every weekend, weekends were bliss for me xD
And you don't have to be friends with your roommates (that's an added bonus however), you just have to get along with them. I was quite lucky to have really great roommates all throughout my schooling years.
#9 In the Philippines, we do. Owing mostly to American influences and maybe being predominantly Catholic? xD
#10 *sigh* Chinese parents and parents from similar Asian cultures tend to put too much emphasis on grades, so much that kids could get sent to cram school as early as elementary. This is because what school you get into could literally affect your future job opportunities, and while that's not exclusive to any particular country/culture, I feel it's especially pronounced here in Asia. I'm really lucky my own parents weren't that strict about it. However, if your parents don't point the mistakes out to you, chances are you'll do it yourself, if you're an Asian kid like me anyway. xD It just becomes a habit.
#11 My family is an exception to this. xD We do say 'I love you' directly, but complete with the 'ah eat well ok?', 'don't scrimp on food', 'sleep well' and similar indirect words/actions of affection. We were doing 'Conceal, Don't Feel' before it became popular. xD
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#13 I'm kind of confused about this but this has sort have changed over the years in which eye-contact is now more encouraged. But don't stare, especially at elders and authority figures. Sometimes it's just shyness though. xD And I've observed this with my own Taiwanese friend, especially when I'm complaining or ranting to her about something. xD I'm a person who likes to express my opinions strongly, which tends to scare/alienate some of the locals here, as doing so is kind of frowned upon. Thankfully, she does listen and offers her take on things.
#14 Ah this. xD In the Philippines, this is a common greeting known as beso-beso, and I freaked out too when an auntie did that to me. xD Needless to say, Mom lectured me later on what that was. ^^"
#16 Along with #3 another crazy beauty standard. In my view, people always look better with a little meat on them and when they're not horribly thin. Asia still has a loonng way to go with accepting different types of bodies if you ask me. This combined with modern beauty standards has made the pressure for women especially to 'look beautiful' higher than ever.
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I know many people love them but please, starving yourself or glorifying eating disorders is never OK just to get this kind of 'ideal' body. I'm not part of the Kpop fandom, but even I think when idols get bullied just for gaining the least bit of weight among other insensitive comments, that's really going too far.
#17 'If you want to make friends, go eat.' <- I couldn't agree more. In the Philippines we have a greeting: 'Kumain ka na ba?' (Have you eaten?) . Similarly in Taiwan, we have 吃飯了沒? (chī fàn le méi), both of these can mean that in the literal sense but are often used as greetings instead. By then which invitation to having lunch/dinner together may or may not follow. Food really is a way for us to socialize and to catch up with what's going on in each other's lives. Not to say we don't have regular outings like going out to the mall, going shopping, etc. but eating together is a huge part of our culture, be it with family or friends.
And while I'm at it, some memes that are way too accurate good to pass up xD
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Parents, uncles, aunties alike will fight over the bill xD
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You just space out until your name is called xD
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My parents are guilty of the last one. Logic how? xD
#18 True. xD I like giving compliments out to people but I have a hard time accepting them myself, though I've learnt how to accept them much more now than before. We're kind of raised to constantly downplay ourselves so we often say things like 'ah no no' or 'I'm really not that good'. The downside of this of course is that it can come off as somewhat fake. xD
Again from personal experience, that same classmate who made the lowkey racist remark, she was good, she was on the debate team, was a honor student, knew how to mingle with people, but she downplayed herself way too much, while praising me but I honestly thought that she never really meant it from how she treated me. She wanted to keep me around her yet make backhanded compliments at me and she didn't want me socializing with my other classmate who is now my friend. *sigh* It was only after discussing this with one of my roomies did I realize how this 'excessive downplaying' might come off to people like me who more or less grew up with a more 'Westernized' mindset. I'm not saying brag about your achievements but don't be overly humble about them either, which can also be a turn off.
#20 We do tend to be a lot more realistic on how we view things, neither entirely optimistic nor pessimistic. We try to think of things practically and often analyze things on pure logic. A downside of this however, is that Chinese people can be overly practical. Taiwanese for instance don't like to 'find inconveniences' and generally keep to themselves, meaning, they won't help you in your hour of need even when they do have the capabilities. Sounds really harsh I know, but in my 6 years of living in Taiwan, while this doesn't apply to all the people, a lot of them really do only find/talk to you when they need something.
So for some people saying Taiwanese are 'friendly', that's BS xD If you ask me, Filipinos are infinitely more friendly, and again while not all, generally make more of an effort to help you when you need it. I really felt more of a real sense of community during my years growing up in the Philippines compared to Taiwan.
#21 Children do tend to stay with their parents well into college and adulthood, since Chinese families are indeed very family-oriented, in a lot of cases, grandparents often live under the same roof as us as well! And it really does save a lot of money. I see there's a real stigma in the US when it comes to "living with your parents", but that's starting to change especially because of Covid and having more and more people move back in with their parents.
Housing unfortunately is pretty much hella expensive no matter where you go, and Taiwan is no exception. Steep housing prices and the very high cost of raising a child (schooling + buxiban fees, etc.) contribute to a very low birth rate and thus an aging population like Japan. It's not uncommon to see both parents working in Taiwan.
#23 I'm an overthinker myself, but I totally agree with the author that the best is to strike a good balance between these two. Which I guess is why I love drawing or any other related creative attempts, it helps me be more spontaneous or well, creative! I like to remain intellectually or artistically inspired.
#24 Is French high school really like that? xD My friend did watch SKAM France and more or less got a culture shock from what was depicted on the show. I can confirm however that most high schools both in the Philippines and Taiwan require students to wear a uniform, only in college is everybody free to wear casual/civilian clothes.
#26 Ah this is part of our Asian gift-giving etiquette xD We always open gifts later after the event/meeting and in private. Never open them in front of the person who gave it to you or in front of others. This is to prevent any 'shame/embarrassment' that may result both to yourself and to the gift giver. I know this may come off as something weird since some people may want a more honest response or immediate feedback when it comes to gift-giving, but that's just how it is in our culture. You're always free to ask us though (in private) if we liked the gift or not ^^"
#28 I want to say the same goes to drinking, partying, and drugs however xD Those are things which are still frowned upon in our culture. And to be honest, whenever I see those in movies, it does kind of turn me off xD It doesn't mean that we're "uncool" or "boring", we just think that there are much better or healthier ways of "having fun".
#31 Is this true in France?! Man I would kind of prefer that instead of people being on their phones all the time xD This kind of goes with #20 in that Chinese are overly practical or logical, and don't read fiction as much as nonfiction. My Taiwanese friend is an exception though, she's a bibliophile who loves the feel of paper books compared to e-books, and it's a trait of her that I like a lot. Both the Philippines and Taiwan however have a huge fanbase when it comes to manga and anime though.
I'm all for reading outside of "designated reading" at schools especially. Reading fiction improves your vocabulary too, and can be quite fun! It helps you imagine and really invest in a world/story, and if you ask me something that I feel Westerners are better at, they're more in touch with their emotions and creativity, and are thus much more able to write compelling or original stories. Believe me, I've seen a fair amount of Chinese movies that rip off Western movie plotlines xD
#33 Nothing much to add on here..except that since I'm a "weird" person, Mom often jokes that she got the wrong baby from the hospital. xD
#35 True. While I agree with the care and concern that your fellow community can give you, the downside of this is we tend to only hang out with our own people, e.g Chinese with Chinese, Taiwanese with Taiwanese, etc. I've seen too that it's especially hard to make friends in Japan and Korea as a foreigner. Not only is there the language barrier, but the differences in culture too. In a way, Asians can be pretty close-minded on getting to know other cultures or actually making friends with people from other countries. I know this all too well being half-Taiwanese/half-Filipino, being neither "Filipino" enough nor "Taiwanese" enough. xD It's more of people here being too used to what they're comfortable with.
#36 Oh this is something I feel that Chinese students and other students from similar cultures should really improve on. xD How will people respect you if you don't speak your mind?
I felt bad especially for my Spanish teacher in college, granted it was an introductory course (Spanish I and II) but the amount of times that our teacher had to prompt a student to recite/speak even with clear hints already made her (and me too) extremely frustrated. The thing is, these are college students, I personally feel they don't have any reason to be so shy of speaking and technically by not doing so they're slowing the pace of the class too much and a lot of time is wasted.
Unfortunately you can't always be very vocal with your thoughts and opinions in most Asian cultures. I would say strive for that, but at the same time, play your cards well, especially if you're in a workplace setting.
If you made it to the end, thank you for reading and here's a cookie! 🍪 I'm not perfect and there's bound to be something I missed so please let me know if you spotted anything wrong. Feedback/questions are very much welcome and please feel free to share about your country/culture's differences or similarities!
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mindmeltonabun-blog · 3 years
Doom At Your Service: Analysis & Theories for EPs 7-8
Welcome back to another edition of analyses and theories time with me! I’m going to try and keep this post as short and as simple as possible. In case I don’t, I apologize in advance! Also, sorry if this post is filled with grammar mistakes and confusing syntax...I'm writing/editing this late at night and my ADHD meds have lost their effectiveness.
Anyways Eps 7-8 was pretty awesome and I’m glad that a bunch of my previous theories had come true! For those who wonder how I come up with some of these theories, I just look at everything whether it be big or small. I also try to look for connections and patterns. At the same time, I try to understand the motivations of characters and what is the big picture the writer is trying to paint. Once you're able to do all of that then you can predict where the story is going. This is how for the most part I was able to predict the events and endings of shows like TOTNT and TKEM. Anyhow, let’s get down to analyzing and theorizing! Turn on those thinking caps!
What the Rock Balancing Structure Represents
Rock balancing is a form of art that involves a person placing a combination of rocks in an arrangement. To achieve balance of the rocks, one must be very patient and compassionate. In its completion, the structure represents that while things may appear impossible, they are actually possible. So what seems impossible, but can actually be possible? Hmmm probably Myul Mang learning what it means to be human and ending up becoming human. Notice that both the rock art is next to the plant and the story of Pinocchio? It's saying saying that the impossible can be possible. It's possible for Myul Mang to be able to learn what it means to be a human so that the impossible can happen...he can "grow" up to becoming a real human.
The whole rock balancing structure could also signify that in order to grow, one must overcome one's deepest fears. I don't know about you all, but stacking rocks is a scary thing especially since at any moment the whole thing could fall over. Anyways, if you remembered, Myul Mang had been searching everywhere for Dong Kyung and feeling like one of his worst fears (Dong Kyung not existing) had came true. It's only when he goes to Dora's hospital room and sees both the Pinocchio book and rock structure that he got Dora's lesson. And that's why afterwards you didn't see Myul Mang going on another search for Dong Kyung somewhere else.
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A brief digression. I’ve seen multiple people theorizing that the plant and the butterfly represent Dong Kyung and Myul Mang respectively. To them I say, did you just completely miss the part where Dora says the plant is Myul Mang? Myul Mang is both the butterfly and the plant. For those who still don’t see that, let me break it down.
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First, what do butterflies symbolize? They symbolize metamorphosis, death, and rebirth. Myul Mang is not a literal butterfly, but he will eventually be one in a metaphorical sense. If anything, Myul Mang right now is like a caterpillar on the verge of entering the cocoon stage that is followed by a reemergence as a butterfly aka human. You can also look at it this way, Pinocchio is a butterfly too. Why? Well, look at what happens to Pinocchio. He is reborn as a real boy after having gone through metamorphosis (puppet -> real boy).
Now let’s examine the plant symbolism. What do plants represent in DAYS? They represent humans. What is Dora growing? A human Myul Mang..DUH!! Sorry, but I didn’t think it was that hard of a concept to grasp especially since Dora has already explicitly said what she is growing in that one scene. For Myul Mang to grow up to become a "good" human, he needs to learn to think about others, forgive himself, be compassionate (not only towards himself, but others as well), love others, etc. Other things Myul Mang would probably need to learn is how to love his fate or amor fati (loving your fate means loving it all, not just the good parts, but the bad parts too; loving it so much so that you would never want to change anything about it and would gladly relive your life the way it was over and over again for all of eternity).
I don’t think the "plant" will fully "blossom" until Myul Mang sacrifices himself to save Dong Kyung for the sole reason that he loves her (in contrast to sacrificing himself for his own personal gain). Therefore, that's probably the final lesson -- how to be completely selfless.
Dora just wants her son to grow up to be a "good" plant (human) so she doesn't have to end up pulling him out aka end him before he even becomes human! Okay???
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Sorry if what I've just said was confusing. What I meant to say is that Myul Mang's personal growth is reflective in the plant's growth. The more he learns of what it means to be a "good" human, the more the plant will grow until it blossoms into a beautiful flower (a real human).
If we want to connect the idea of personal growth to the story of Pinocchio, we see that Pinocchio's growth occurs only after he experiences pain (physical and emotional) and love. From these experiences, he learns what it means to be a "good" boy and is rewarded by the Fairy transforming him into a real boy.
One Wish or Wishes?
In my previous post, I had briefly touched upon how I think Dong Kyung is going to wish for brain cancer to be cured. Though I still think this, I nevertheless want to explore some of the other possibilities of what her wish could be.
Potential Wishes:
1) Myul Mang to Become Human
2) More Wishes
3) Contract to be Voided
4) No One Remembering Her After She Dies
For #1, Dong Kyung wishes Myul Mang to become human, but then she still dies from her untreated brain cancer…so nope. For #2 and #3, are these wishes even allowed? I would like to point out some flaws of the writer. Maybe it’s not so much a flaw, but an annoyance I have with the writer of DAYS. What one can or cannot wish for is not explicitly stated. Due to this, it is somewhat difficult for me to accurately predict what Dong Kyung will wish for. It’s like trying to detect a substance without being given its upper and lower limits or range of detection (sorry for the science related analogy) ! For #4, I guess this one could be probable, but there is just too much evidence pointing to Myul Mang's death. After exploring each of the possibilities, I'm still left thinking that Dong Kyung's one wish will be to cure her cancer.
Anyways, even if Dong Kyung wishes for her brain cancer to be cured, it’s not really a happy ending since Myul Mang still dies. Is there any other way for Dong Kyung to make another wish so that she can save Myul Mang? I think there is and it comes in the form of the “gift” that Dora gave Dong Kyung. In my previous post, I had theorized that the marble may have a larger purpose than just being a symbol of how the fate of the world is Dong Kyung hands. I believe now that the marble’s larger purpose is that it is a type of wish fulfilling stone. Why? Because we know fantasy dramas typically make references to mythology. In this case, the writer of DAYS is probably referencing Hindu mythology.
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In Hindu mythology there are 3 main gods:
1) Brahma: The Creator
2) Vishnu: The Preserver
3) Shiva: The Destroyer (Sounds like Myul Mang right? Also, the love story between Shiva and Parvati is somewhat similar to that of Myul Mang and Dong Kyung’s love story.)
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Dora is the equivalent to the god Vishnu in Hindu mythology. Vishnu is often depicted wearing a “Cintamani”, a type of wish fulling stone analogous to the Philosopher’s Stone (hint hint…transforms something from one form into another…immortal -> human) in Western mythology. Given this, the marble/Cintamani in Dong Kyung's possession could be the key to Myul Mang’s rebirth.
Some might ask, “Well why can’t Dora just use it to wish for her son to be reborn as a human?”. Well, remember that both Dora and Myul Mang are slaves to the wishes of humans. They themselves cannot fulfil their own wishes or desires. Meaning, even though Dora and Myul Mang can wish for something to happen, they cannot carry it out unless humans wish it too. Also, as I mentioned previously, deities in kdramas never just give humans gift because they’re being nice. Rather, they give gifts to humans so that humans can help them accomplish their overall goals/wishes.
So putting it all together, do you see where I’m going with this? Dora has the same wish as Dong Kyung which is for Myul Mang to live, but Dora is unable to execute her goals/wishes unless Dong Kyung wishes it too. Dora knows that Dong Kyung will probably use her one wish to cure her brain cancer. At the same time, this leaves her son, Myul Mang, to die. Therefore, Dora gives Dong Kyung the wish fulfilling marble with the intention that Dong Kyung will use it to wish for her son, Myul Mang, to be reborn as a human. With Dora/Dong Kyung’s wish, Myul Mang will be free from his cursed life as an immortal and be reborn to be able to live happily with Dong Kyung.
Side note, the rebirth of Myul Mang into a human can either be dependent on Myul Mang's personal growth or it can be dependent on this wish fulfilling stone or both! I'm leaning more towards his personal growth as being the catalyst for his rebirth, but who knows! It very well could be that the marble has a role to play in his rebirth.
Is Dong Kyung Going To Be An Immortal?
No…no…and NO!!
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Some might ask why don’t I think this? Well, for a bunch of reasons. I’ll admit I used to think that it would be very romantic for a human to become immortal so that they can be with their immortal lover forever. However, the more I thought about it, I came to the realization the notion of forever is not romantic nor beautiful. At its core, the concept of eternity is quite terrifying and ugly. And if you haven’t realized already, the writer of DAYS has been making multiple arguments against immortality. For anything to have meaning, it must have an end. In this sense, the end is beautiful.
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To get my point across, I want you to try and think about some things. What keeps life meaningful? Experiences? People? Well, imagine doing something you love for a year. Now imagine doing it for trillions or zillions of years. Experiences no matter how good they are at first will eventually become tedious if you do it for long enough. For example, eating your favorite dish may be good for a while, but not for zillions of years. At one point or another, you ultimately lose your desire to want to eat it or eat entirely for that matter.
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Now surely getting to know people and loving them can keep your life meaningful right? Well, how many times do you think you could handle knowing and loving people who eventually disappear? Eventually, you grow tired of crying and mourning over dead loved ones that you become numb. Now imagine being Dong Kyung. She would have to witness her family, their family, and so forth dying over and over again for all of eternity. Doesn’t that seem tortuous? Sure, one could argue that at least she has Myul Mang with her, but do you really think her love for him could sustain her forever? The relationship between Myul Mang and his mother, Dora, is a prime example of how a loving relationship could turn sour over a great deal of time. The gift of immorality Dora bestowed on Myul Mang became a curse instead of a blessing. So why would Myul Mang want to give Dong Kyung something that was basically a curse for him? As for Dora, she probably wouldn’t want to give Dong Kyung the same gift after seeing what it did to her son.
If you continue to think that Dong Kyung will become an immortal being, did you really smell what the writer of DAYS was cooking or did you just smell what you were cooking?
The Bad Case of the Riddles
From what I have been reading on multiple platforms now, it would seem that a lot of people are rather confused about a lot of things. It’s understandable! Throughout the show, the writer has presented some complex philosophical concepts that may be difficult for some viewers to grasp. To further add to the confusion, the characters at times do speak in what appears to be riddles. This I believe may be one of the major flaws of the writer. She has to consider that her audience are probably people who have never read any philosophical works before. Most viewers aren’t here to decipher cryptic messages or see how they’re connected to some major philosophical concepts such as eternal recurrence, existentialism, nihilism, amor fati, etc. Most are here to shut off their tired brain and enjoy some good fantasy romance! I know I’m totally one of those people!
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Needless to say, I did find myself in a debate of whether I should discuss some philosophical concepts referenced in the show as to help you all gain a better sense of understanding. However, I concluded that it would take too much of my time to do so. Additionally, despite my best efforts to use the simplest of words, I found that whatever I had already written may have still been confusing to the everyday reader. Anyways, if there are any particular scenes or dialogue you all want to me go over, please feel free to use the ask button and I’ll do my best to try and answer them!
Whats Going to Happen Next?
Probably more filler type stuff aka more bs. It's common in kdramas for characters to go back and forth on their initial decision of whatever. Dong Kyung is going to break up with Myul Mang because she loves him and doesn't want him to die. And before the breakup, she's going to give him some good memories to remember her by. Following this, she's going to try and love herself so that she's the one that ends up dying and her wish is going to be for everyone to forget her? Okay......Zzzzzzz!! Idk... Dora is probably going to intervene somehow to get Dong Kyung and Myul Mang back together again.
Other Random Thoughts
What I think would be interesting to learn about is the connection between Dong Kyung's parents death and Dora past self's death. It wasn't just all a coincidence that they both died on the same day. Who knows... maybe Dong Kyung was meant to be in the car that day with her parents, but Dora's past self sacrificed herself to change Dong Kyung's fate.
Also, I still don't think Dong Kyung is going to die, I mean you got her brother praying to the deities that she lives!
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Okay, I'm done. I wrote this in Microsoft Word and it was 5 pages long. My brain is dead. There's probably something I should've gone over or elaborated more about, but oh well. Thanks for reading this disjointed post!
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amymel86 · 3 years
Hello! Do you have any bits of your awesome writing to share for WIP wednesday?😍
I just saw this anon!
And thank you for asking <3
This is a bit more of this as yet untitled 'post-apocalyptic/fertility/modern arranged relationship???' fic. The first bit I posted on tumblr is here and as before, some things are not yet decided (like town names) and things may change...
“Are you sure this is what you want to do, darling?” Her mother’s voice on the telephone was a balm to her soul.
Sansa’s finger brushed the soft vivid petals of the small potted iris she’d bought at the store today. The iris symbolises hope, wisdom and courage among other things and she prays that the pretty purple and yellow bloom will lend her some of those. “I’ve got to try something, Mum,” she says, turning her attention to the two separate bundles of paper in front of her. Two men, two candidates, two different futures. Sansa had filled out all the matching service’s extensive questionnaires and scrutinised all the information she could find on the program. It seemed simple enough – you’re rewarded for helping to repopulate. In turn, the authorities help to pair you with someone who should be a good match dependant on all the information they have about you. The aim is that this new generation of children are raised in the traditional family unit. That had appealed to Sansa. “I can’t seem to find the right guy all on my own anyway,” she said into her phone.
“How do you know it will be safe, though?”
“It says here that my situation will be monitored by my own caseworker. I can call them any time I want. They’re not just going to drop me at the guy’s house and just leave us get on with it.”
“Hmmm... tell me about them? These men that they’ve narrowed down for you.”
“One’s called Waymar, he’s a financial advisor here in the Vale,” Sasna pauses, looking at the man’s photograph on his paperwork before fishing out the other. “And the other is called Jon, he owns a farm in the Reach.”
“None in the north then?” Her mother has been itching to get her back home. “I just wish there was a way to know that either of them were good men, Sansa. That’s all I want for you.”
Sansa put the two photos together. Two possible fathers for her child.
“That’s what I want too.”
“Shit! Holy fucking shit!” Jon says to himself, hanging up from his phone-call. “Mance!” he yells, bursting out of his trailer to find the old man. “Mance! It worked! It fucking worked!”
He’d relented. When Mance first put it to him that he should sign up for that weird government breeding program or whatever the fuck it was, he thought the old man’s last brain-cell must’ve fried up in the sun. But if they were going to make it easier for them and it meant Mance could keep the farm (and Jon could carry on living there rent free), then it was worth a shot. So he had relented. He’d filled out what seemed to be a gazillion and one questions about himself, his politics, his views on family and finances and education and fucking... art and shit. These damned government people wanted to know everything about him down to whether he scrunched or folded his toilet paper it seemed. He’d even had to lie. He didn’t like doing it, but there was no way that a fertile was going to pick him if he didn’t. So, he fished out an old photograph – one taken before the bar brawl that lost him his sight in one eye, and he’d also lied his asscheeks off by claiming he had ownership of the farm. He knew – he knew – that these lies are just more things that were going to trip him up one of these days but with Mance urging him on, he’d signed that damn form and offered himself up for the program.
And now a fertile had chosen him.
Fuck, he might throw up.
This can go one of two ways. Either completely up Shit Creek without a paddle – with his lies and reality crashing down on top of one another, leaving them exposed... or, his fertile somehow looks past his deceits and sticks with him and they-... well, shit, he could actually become a father. No-one becomes parents these days, especially not ‘round here. Fertiles flock to the big cities, to men with bigger pockets, or they work for couples who can afford to pay them off in exchange for a kid or two.
“It worked?” Mance asks, rolling out from under an old Ford pickup that needed a new exhaust. “They sendin’ us a peach?”
Jon shook his head. “They’re not sendin’ you anyone, old man. An’ don’t call her that – they’re-“ Fuck, what did the council call them on all that paperwork? “Reproductively abled.” He’ll have to remember that if he doesn’t want to offend her.
“Well, shit,” Mance grins. “What did I tell ya? Knew your pretty face was good for somethin’!”
Jon frowns. “Ain’t so pretty no more though.” He might have to go get himself a patch to cover his milky, sightless eye. It’s fine most of the time since Mance is the only one he sees unless he’s going to drink at Hobb’s, but he certainly doesn’t want to put off his ferti- reproductively abled friend who’ll be arriving in three weeks.
“She got a name? Your new peach?” Mance asked, earning him a glare.
“Sansa. Sansa Stark.”
Mance grunts and nods. “Sounds fancy.”
Yeah... It did sound kinda fancy he supposes. Jon’s first reaction had been that it was a mighty beautiful name, but now he thinks of it...
“Shame we can’t look her up – see if she’s a beauty or not.”
Jon can’t remember a time when that was an option. He was barely 11 at the highest point of the virus’s hold. Government officials had deemed certain channels on the internet were causing more harm than good by spreading false rumours, incorrect statistics and completely counterintuitive medical advice. The whole thing was shut down, now deemed illegal, only to be reconnected again three years later apparently looking like a foreign landscape from the one before. The internet was no longer a platform to socialise, only government approved informative sites remained. Mance says it’s better this way – that all people used to do was post vain images of themselves for attention anyway.
Jon wouldn’t mind seeing a vain image of Sansa Stark right about now though.
Not that it mattered terribly. As long as they get along and she decides to stick around she could be as ugly as sin. In fact, she probably will be, won’t she? Most pretty ferti- reproductively abled women stick to the cities and its high-fliers.
It doesn’t matter, he told himself. You just gotta keep her happy here and-
“Mance?” he asks, an issue coming to mind. The man grunts in acknowledgement. “Where the fuck is she gonna sleep? She’s not gonna want to stay in my trailer.”
The man grins in response. “I’m glad you asked, boy. I’m glad you asked.”
Her caseworker was meant to meet her at the train station. It was quite a drive to the farm and he was meant to pick her up, make sure she’s safe and happy and introduce her to Jon.
That hasn’t happened.
“Please accept my apologies, my dear,” Mr Baelish said down the other end of the phone. “There’s been a mix up with my schedule. We can set you up for the night at a local motel or ask your match to come and get you. Which would you prefer?”
Sansa eyes the dirty looking motel across the street from the train station. Everything here at [[INSERT TOWN NAME]] seems a little on the... rundown side. Maybe the sooner she gets to the farm, the better. Plus, her tummy is all a flutter with anticipation to actually meet Jon. She’d wound up swaying towards Jon as a match due to a few reasons; 1 – he does not live in, around, or anywhere near Harry or his crazy mother. 2 – he owns a farm, and that had conjured up hazy daydreams of idyllic country life. Sansa may enjoy big nights out in the city, drinking her dirty margaritas and feeling her bones vibrate against the base beat in a nightclub, but she knows that’s not what she wants to raise a child around. A child will want to run barefoot through wheat fields and chase chickens and milk cows and –
Let’s just say Sansa has a few ideas and that they all helped to sway her away from city pleasures and towards farmhouse life. And Jon
And last, but not least, reason number 3 – Jon himself. Put side-by-side, his and Waymar’s photographs looked rather similar if truth be told, but Jon won out on something that Sansa just couldn’t describe. Looking at his photograph gave her goosepimples along her forearms because it was like he was looking right back at her. There was something in the depths of his eyes – a kindness? A wit? A strength? She’s not sure, but she couldn’t find the same qualities when she stared at Waymar’s likeness. And his answers too. His questionnaire was full of how he’d like to teach a kid how to walk and ride a bike and fix a... a tractor for heaven’s sake! And so her head was flooded once more of this idyllic life where they got up to watch the dawn stretch over the farmland and they’d grow their own vegetables and she’d bake a pie every day and it would just be perfect.
Perfect, perfect, perfect.
Sansa glances around the near abandoned train station.
This doesn’t look so perfect right now.
“Could you please arrange for Jon to come and get me, Mr Baelish?”
It’s been an hour and fifty-six minutes precisely since Sansa last spoke to Mr Baelish to arrange her match coming to get her. An hour and fifty-six minutes of sitting on the curb, waiting, surrounded by her three suitcases. She’d started off by sitting at the nearby bus stop, purely because it was somewhere to sit and she had a clear view of the road, but after the rude bus driver insisted that if she’s sat there, she must be wanting to hop on his bus, Sansa decided to park her butt on the dusty, sun-baked curb instead. Her legs were beginning to numb and she was starting to get a headache from the sun beaming down on her head. The curls she’d styled into her copper locks have likely lost their hold by now. What a waste. Opposite, on the other side of the street, beside the dirty little motel, there was a tiny bar that advertised the fact that it hosted exotic dancers at the weekends with a blinking neon sign. Next to it was a hunting and fishing ‘emporium’ and beside that was a vacant store with an old dirty sign that read ‘Blouses & More!’. Presumably, the ‘& more’ still wasn’t enough to keep that fine establishment in business in this funny little town. At the end of the block was ‘Tarly’s Drugstore’ and Sansa had been debating with herself whether or not she should haul her suitcases over to go buy a drink and a magazine for about the last hour and fifty-five minutes.
But she hadn’t wanted to miss Jon Snow’s arrival.
Jon Snow, who seemed to be pulling up outside Tarly’s Drugstore in a dusty Ford pickup truck right about now. Sansa stood, expecting him to come right on over considering how long she’d been waiting for him, but she found herself wondering if she’d got it all wrong when she hadn’t caught a good enough look at him before he darted straight into the store.
Sansa is done with waiting. She grabs her smallest case and places it on top of her larger one, trying her darnedest to roll all her luggage across the road in a lady-like fashion. She could feel the eyes of several passers-by on her while her stiletto heels clip across the street. In turn, her own gaze fell to Jon’s cream-coloured truck. Its front bumper looked a little rusty and wonky too. There was a big gash in the leather of the bench seating on the passenger side. On the truck bed, there were a number of items, including a rocking chair that seems to have a couple of spindles on the chair-back missing, and a new double bed mattress wrapped in clear plastic. Sansa was almost done frowning at the state of the vehicle when the over-door bell of the drugstore tinkles.
“Holy shit,” he curses. And yes, it definitely was Jon standing right in front of her. Only... well... his hair was tied into a knot at the back of his head and.... and... he was wearing a black eye patch? “Uh,” he stood there, arms laden with bottles from the store as the gaze from his one good eye quickly darted down her frame and back up again. “You’re her, right? You’re Sansa Stark?”
Sansa found she could only nod, looking him up and down, like he was with her. He was in jeans with oil smears, some tough, heavy looking boots, a somehow pristine white vest and flannel shirt with the arms ripped off.
Speaking of arms...
Gods-damn! Sansa’s focus was momentarily derailed...
“Sorry, I-“ Jon starts before his grey eye drops to the floor and then returns to her, looking a little bashful. “I didn’t expect you to be so pretty.”
Oh boy. He may be wearing an eye patch right now but this man could win over a thousand girls with that smile, Sansa’s sure of it. She resists the urge to giggle like a schoolgirl. She’s here to find out if they’re well suited enough to start a family together – she needs to keep her head and think rationally, not allow herself to be swayed by his rugged country boy charm. It was Harry’s looks that enticed her in the first place – and look how well that turned out for her?
“Thank you,” Sansa says, blinking back at him before his words truly hit home. “Didn’t they give you my photograph?”
Jon shook his head. “No, ma’am.”
“Did they show you mine?”
Sansa bites her lip and gives a nod.
Jon grimaces. “So I guess you weren’t expecting this?” He points to his patch.
Sansa shakes her head. “No... did you... did you do something to injure it?”
Jerking his head, Jon begins rubbing at the back of his neck with his free hand. “It’s a long story... but... it ain’t gonna get any better, if that’s what you’re askin’.”
They stood, staring at one another for a heartbeat or five before Jon sucks in a breath over his teeth and glances down to the bottles he clutched to his chest with one arm. “I tried to get you some things to help you feel at home,” he says, “these are the nicest smellin’ soaps ‘n’ stuff from Tarly’s.”
“Thank you,” Sansa replies, knowing full well that she brought her Highgarden Floral Scents bathroom range with her.
Jon chews on his lip as he eyes her suitcases. “Lemme get those for you,” he offers before dumping the bottles in his arms into the truck bed and reaching for her luggage. Sansa’s heeled shoes seem welded to the spot. Jon notices. Scrubbing both hands down his face in resignation, he takes a step closer to her and Sansa realises for the first time, that he had dirt beneath his fingernails. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. “It was a shitty thing for me to do,” he offers, his words low and husky. Sansa feels the timbre of his voice set off a trickle of gooseflesh down her spine. “I’m sorry.”
She blinks at him, momentarily confused.
“About this,” he explains, brows high on his head as he points to his patch. “I shouldn’t have sent that old photo of before this happened, but – fuck – even my ex-girl won’t acknowledge I exist anymore with this and I knew I shoulda been honest about it but-“
“This ex-girl...” Sansa suddenly found herself left with a sour taste in her mouth. “... does she still mean something to you?”
Jon licks at his lips, his eye falling briefly to her own. “No, ma’am,” he shakes his head.
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yannowhatigiveup · 3 years
My One And Only - Chapter 11
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We’re starting to catch up now! But be warned this is also kinda a short chapter so.....sad. I haven’t made much progress in writing the current chapter but I’m going to soon. I had this idea for a one shot in my head for so long that I’m gonna write it down.
"Side effects?" Now he was getting worried.
"The side effects only a true miraculous holder could get" Plagg mumbled hesitantly.
Adrien blinked in confusion. "What do you mean by 'true miraculous holders'?"
Plagg sighed. "You know how the ladybug and black cat miraculous are the most powerful, right?" Adrien nodded. "And that they both have to be in use at the same time to keep the balance?" Adrien nodded again. "Well since those two are the most powerful miraculous, they can only be used by those capable and those who are true owners have their power boosted. But the power boosting only works if both users are true holders"
"Ok that makes sense, what about the 'side effect' part?" Adrien asked, sadly.
"Since the miraculous are very powerful, sometimes the power is too much to contain in the powered miraculous and therefore seep into the mortal's body causing...inhuman abilities. In Ladybug's case, well as what Tikki has told me, she can now heal plants and wounds" Adrien let out a small gasp of surprise and admiration. "Though these powers can become much greater in her civilian form, even more so when using the miraculous. Because of this, Tikki believes that you might not be the true owner."
"So I can't use the black cat miraculous anymore?" Adrien mumbled, playing with the ring on his finger while there was a lump in his throat.
"Well you still can but you won't be able to increase your powers, actually.... When I think about it, it could be dangerous for both you and Ladybug. Since everything needs to be in balance, Ladybug could get herself seriously injured since we don't know who the real miraculous holder is"
Adrien was surprised at how serious his kwami was. Then he nodded. "I understand, I'm no longer able to be Chat Noir" he sighed and was surprised when Plagg came over and hugged his cheek. Only then did he realise that he was crying. He quickly wiped his tears and focused on looking on the bright side. "Thanks Plagg for being my kwami"
"Wait wait wait" Plagg put his tiny hands up. "Who says you're getting rid of me right now?"
"Wait so I can keep being Chat Noir for a while longer?" Plagg simply nodded.
"Just tell Ladybug whenever you're ready and she'll deal with it. I want some Camembert now"
Adrien laughed and gave Plagg some Camembert then went back to staring at the night sky. 'It's 7 pm' he thought to himself. 'I want to make Ladybug proud, If that means giving up the miraculous then so be it'. He glanced at an image of his father on his computer, one of the magazines talking about the new designs being released. 'Ladybug suspected father at one point. If he was Hawkmoth, how would I react? Ladybug is much better at concealing than me. She'll be able to deal with it, I can't' Adrien sighed and began to read through his fan mail again, thinking of both Kagami and Marinette only to have his thoughts interrupted when a message appeared on his phone. Then remembered, he asked if he should ask one of his crushes on a date. He scrambled to his phone and pressed on the notification to see what Alya had said.
Reportergrill: I think you should ask Kagami out *insert lenny face here*
Me: Oh ok!
He smiled at his friend's advice and then opened his conversation with Kagami to send a message.
It's Thursday, the day before Friday, two days until the weekend. Chloe was rummaging through her locker, she was mainly buying herself more time. See, she wanted to apologize properly to Mari. 'Can I even call her that? Only her friends can'. She had prepared a folder, inside was everything belonging to Marinette that Chloe had damaged. Chloe took a deep breath and went out of the locker room to see if Marinette was nearby, the bluenette was walking towards the locker room. 'Here goes nothing' "Hey M-Marinette can I t-talk to you?" The blonde stammered.
Marinette blinked in surprise before smiling. "Sure Chloe, what do you want to talk about?"
Chloe then led her to her locker and turned to face her. "Since Sabrina got lured in by Lila I..." Chloe struggled to find the words and just decided to take the folder out of her locker. Marinette looked curiously at it before Chloe handed it to her. "Here's everything that I have ever damaged and I hope that...." she took a deep breath. "You could...forgive me" Chloe closed her eyes, waiting in fear for Marinette's answer, only to be tackled by a hug.
"Thank you Chloe, this means so much to me" Marinette then pulled away from the hug to look at Chloe. "Friends?"
Chloe let out a sigh of relief and hugged Marinette again. "Friends".
They both went to where Alya and Nino were standing. Alya smiled while waving before noticing Chloe was with Marinette. She didn't glare at the blonde, instead she shot Marinette a confused look. "Chloe apologized so I'm giving her a second chance" Marinette stated simply. Alya then nodded and gave Chloe a warm smile.
"Well you're our friend now" Chloe widened her eyes in surprise and then smiled brightly, mouthing a 'thank you'. "Hmmm what should your nickname be?"
"She gives off Queenie vibes" Nino said, giving his idea for a nickname.
Marinette and Alya laughed and soon Chloe joined in. "I hope you don't mind if I call you 'Mare-Bare', Marinette?"
"I don't mind at all! I quite like it"
Chloe nodded, 'So this is what it's like to be in a friend group, I like it'.
Alya, Marinette, Chloe and Nino were all in Chloe's room, dressing Kagami up. When Kagami had seen the message from Adrien, she immediately went to the friend group for advise. "It's a casual date he said, he'll be taking me to the Louvre" she said. She was surprised when Chloe had joined them and was skeptical at first but after observing her for a while, Kagami concluded that Chloe was genuine with her apology.
After a few tries, the group finally agreed on an outfit for Kagami. She wore black leggings and an over side red hoodie, the exact same shade as her fencing gear. And, as a token of good luck, Mari gave Kagami one of her hair pins, a rose decal. It was an MDC original and Kagami had managed to figure that out. The thing is, three weeks ago she saw Marinette design something very similar to this. "Mari-hime, are you MDC?"
Marinette then began to sweat. "Uhmm...wait what does the 'hime' mean? I've heard of chan, kun, san, sensei and senpai but never 'hime'"
"Well it's usually used to address a princess but it's used for any beautiful woman, like you"
"Awww thank you Gami" Marinette was blushed at the compliment.
"But are you MDC?"
Marinette sighed, 'Can't weasel my way out of this one'. "Uhhh m-maybe?" She sighed once more. "Yes I am"
"That's great dudette!"
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? This is so cool!"
"Well my mother was impressed by your work so I'm not that surprised"
A chorus of supportive comments showered over her. "Thanks guys but we're helping Gami prepare for her date, right?" She smirked at the blush of the fencer's face. Adrien then called Kagami's phone to tell her that he was there in the car, waiting for her.
It's finally Friday, Marinette had thought of all the great things that happened yesterday. She made a new friend which just so happens to be Chloe, Kagami went on a date with Adrien, Marinette revealed that she was MDC, she also recorded the first verse in the song after Kagami left. She smiled remembering their praise. She became grateful for all her friends, as well as Uncle Jagged, Penny and Clara Nightingale who wanted to listen listen to Marinette's voice.
The bluenette got changed into a long-sleeved, pastel pink, high-necked cropped jumper with a high-waisted baby blue plaid skirt. She looked in the mirror and felt proud about herself.
"You look very nice Marinette!" Tikki complimented while finishing up her cookie.
"Thanks Tikki"
Marinette then looked for something to put in her hair. She decided to put her hair into a ponytail tied with a long, dark red, silk ribbon. She finished her outfit and she realised she had plenty of time left before school started. Marinette noticed a notification for a message, rolling her eyes as she saw who it was from, Lila. Marinette took a deep breath before going to read it. 'It can't be that bad, right?'
Taglist: @little-bluestar, @miracleofadisaster, @frieddonutsweets, @jjmjjktth, @genderfluidmoma, @starlit-dreaming, @icerosecrystal, @lolieg, @kashlyn, @mochegato, @eggadoodle
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Okay so I know I’m far off my rocker with what I’m about to say but I have to say it otherwise I’ll forget or keep thinking about it like crazy.
It’s probably just me but I can’t help but feel like SNS aren’t straight. I can’t help but feel like Naruto could possibly be bi with women preference or don’t realize it. I can’t help but feel like Sasuke might be gay or bi. I don’t want to state it as a fact because we don’t know their sexualities canon wise plus I want to respect the author’s creation however I can’t see those two as straight, especially Sasuke. I understand that Sasuke puts his goals before romance and that may be the case for this. I know he wants to defeat his brother and restore his clan, thats his top priority in life. People say he doesn’t know how to express his emotions, yet I see it fine with Naruto. He seems to trust Naruto more than anything and wants to be with Naruto. He turns down girls, mainly Sakura when it comes to affection or flirtatiousness. Now it could be just that those girls see him as a trophy and Sakura doesn’t understand him or respect him, however even after Boruto when he “marries” Sakura, it seems he’s depressed and regrets the relationship. He visits Naruto’s family more than his own and I find it depressing and interesting because it shows he chooses Naruto over his own “wife”. Even with Karin, he cares about her as a comrade or friend yet I don’t feel romantic attraction on his side. Yet I feel a bit of that with him and Naruto. There was a rumor that the author or creator of Naruto that between Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura isn’t a love triangle but rather a circle like a fish biting its own tail. So Naruto —> Sakura —> Sasuke and Sasuke —> Naruto. Anyways, i know this show isn’t about their sexuality and I shouldn’t focus on that but I couldn’t help but notice something or rather feel it. Also, your post on SNS Sasukes pov, I remember you mentioning Sasuke being comfortable enough to show his vulnerability with Naruto and that had me thinking... is this Sasuke accepting his love for Naruto? Is this Sasuke allowing Naruto to open him and save him. It seems Naruto was the first and only person that made his way to his heart, even expanding it just a little.
That’s just me but I would love to hear what you have to say and correct me if I’m wrong. What do you think?
Nice ask @larrycherry04 😍😍
There was a rumor that the author or creator of Naruto that between Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura isn’t a love triangle but rather a circle like a fish biting its own tail. So Naruto —> Sakura —> Sasuke and Sasuke —> Naruto.
Again larry, there is no official proof for this interview. And if it is so, I don’t really believe any of his interviews, tbh. 
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These are the two different official interviews from Shounen Jump at different point of time with Kishimoto and two contradicting answers. 
So, when it comes to drawing Manga, Kishi was very truthful. But when it comes to interviews, he started to contradict his own answers. Which makes him a liar, in my opinion and I don’t blame him.
So, In short, Read the manga or Watch the Anime and see how you feel about it and come to a conclusion rather that believing his interviews.
But to answer whether it’s a love circle??? Nope. 
Sakura, like I said before, she is a pairing fodder for Sasuke, most of the time and for Naruto, a little bit. 
If it is a love circle, like, if Naruto truly loved Sakura, he never should’ve let Sasuke off the hook, for all the tantrums/outbursts he has shown towards Sakura not once or twice but multiple times.
Imagine you are Naruto, you love Sakura so much and values her a lot above everyone.
What would you do in the following scene?
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I seriously can’t stop laughing here. Here, a boy, your supposed rival, is mildly insulting your most valued person’s tears. What will you do?
You will speak on her behalf, Of course. Just like Naruto did.
But the moment your rival says something to you, you forget everything about Sakura and starts to think about your rival. Wellllll ... So weird!!!!! Which begs the question ‘Do you really love her in the first place???’.
In this scene, the moment he heard those words from Sasuke, Sakura was out of the picture. Important point to note, Naruto still had a crush on Sakura until this point. 
Moment 1
Sakura: I am going to stab Sasuke-Kun
Sasuke : Am gonna kill you too
**Naruto heroically saves her**
Naruto: Sasuke, Sakura was a member of Team 7.
Sasuke: I don’t give a fuck
Naruto: Anyways, I heard the truth about Itachi and what you’ve been doing so far, is understandable, (including trying to kill Sakura)
Sakura: **surprised pikachu face**
Moment 2
Sakura: I love you, Sasuke-Kun
Sasuke: Annoying!! I am gonna put her in a murdering Genjutsu
Naruto: Sasuke, you shouldn’t have put her in such a strong Genjutsu
Sasuke: If I didn’t , she will come in our way
Naruto: Ummm, that’s true. Let’s go fight!!!
This is the pattern of Team 7 dynamics even until the very end. And I don’t see a love circle at all. 
To put it bluntly,
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These words from Naruto is an admonition to Sakura, that is, ‘Whatever happens between us, do not meddle!!’
Sakura is just a third wheel to elevate the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto likes her but not more than Sasuke. Naruto will die for Sasuke but not for Sakura. Sasuke will put his life on the line for Naruto but not for Sakura. 
He turns down girls, mainly Sakura when it comes to affection or flirtatiousness. Now it could be just that those girls see him as a trophy and Sakura doesn’t understand him or respect him, however even after Boruto when he “marries” Sakura, it seems he’s depressed and regrets the relationship. He visits Naruto’s family more than his own and I find it depressing and interesting because it shows he chooses Naruto over his own “wife”. Even with Karin, he cares about her as a comrade or friend yet I don’t feel romantic attraction on his side.
Sasuke closed all his walls in his heart to let anyone in, after the massacre. And even before that incident, it was never shown that he had any friends or rather he was frustrated with those boys revering him because of the ‘Uchiha’ name he bears. Uchiha is the powerful clan of Konoha and so everyone has high level of expectations. So, there is that. 
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Sasuke was thoroughly frustrated at this comment because nobody is seeing him as a boy named ‘Sasuke’ in his Academy. Even his homeroom teacher saw him as 'Itachi's little brother'. He was clearly facing an identity problem during this time, even in his home. Because Fugaku, Sasuke’s father completely ignored Sasuke and was showing his full attention towards his brother Itachi. When it comes to girls, I don’t have to say anything. They treated him like a trophy. Meaning, Everybody was expecting something from him but nobody was trying to befriend him unconditionally or approach him for who he was. 
This was explained nicely by Itachi in Itachi Shinden novel.
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I wish this scene were in the Anime series. Such a warm one.
He was turning down all those girls, because like you said, they just see him as a cool boy who can do anything. And Sakura was one among them. 
If Sasuke looked like Rock Lee, would Sakura have flirted with him??? Absolutely not. 
And to play romance, there should be certain effort from Sasuke’s side, like going for dates or whatever shit, which he was never ready for. Most of all, there should be a reason when you start a relationship. Sakura never tried to reach him in a deeper level and tried to understand his sufferings and hence there were no reason. This is the case even after their marriage. Does she know about Uchiha Clan massacre's reason? Or Itachi? If she had known, she should've educated her daughter and stopped wearing that fucking clan crest on their back. And most of all, what could Sasuke talk with her if she doesn't know a single thing about him?? Their relationship was built on Editorial pressure, regrets and shallowness. Of course, If I were Sasuke, I would avoid my family by staying in my office more.
With Karin, their relationship was purely business 'I use you, you use me' kind. He was very clear about that when he formed 'Team Hebi'.
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He helped Suigetsu to get Zabuza's sword and in turn Sasuke wants him to help with his goal. Same with Karin & Jugo. But it seems Sasuke respected her a lot in terms of her strength. Karin was similar to Sakura when it comes to flirting but when it comes to work she means business and can offer Sasuke a lot in terms of Chakra replenishment or sensing enemies plan while battling. That's why he treated her better than Sakura but that's all there is to it. It never went anywhere because Karin knows nothing about him. And Sasuke was not interested in forming a bond with any of Team Taka members either.
In other words, to evolve from a friendship to romance, it takes a massive effort from both sides in terms of understanding. Like I said before, Sasuke built a strong wall around his heart and he never let anyone in it as he saw it as a weakness. Sakura barely made a scratch on that wall. Just for becoming a friend takes a big effort to break that wall. How much effort do you think it takes for romance?? Instead of becoming his friend first, Sakura jumped straight into romance, which makes Sasuke uncomfortable most of the times. Hence the depressed reaction you see in Boruto.
Even with Karin, he cares about her as a comrade or friend yet I don’t feel romantic attraction on his side. Yet I feel a bit of that with him and Naruto.
Hmmm, I don't see Sasuke having a romantic attraction with Naruto. Romantic attraction leans towards sexual desire. But, Sasuke has more of a childlike attraction which leans towards purity and innocence, like more of a desire to be near Naruto, will never be bored even if it was for eternity and would like to look after his safety without expecting anything back.
I've seen this quite a few times.
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Sasuke is not competing here, otherwise he would have walked ahead Naruto. He just wants to walk along side him.
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This is that dream sequence after their fight. Sasuke, just like before, approaches Naruto by himself and listens to him intently. I am pretty sure he could do this for a whole day and still would not leave him.
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LOL. Sasuke, at this moment, doesn’t gives two shit about the world. Meaning he is not missing anyone from there. The person he really wants to be with is right next to him. He even convinces Naruto that Kakashi and Sakura will do something and he doesn’t have to worry. However the moment Naruto leaves, he worries and looks around for him. 
This is what I called, an innocent attraction and the desire to be around the person you feel warm and comfortable. 
But every possibility of changing this into romance is already there. Because Naruto broke his wall long back and has a high place in his heart. A strong friendship with an innocent attraction is all there. If someday Kishi comes out and said 'Sasuke loved Naruto', I won't be surprised at all.
Sasuke being comfortable enough to show his vulnerability with Naruto and that had me thinking... is this Sasuke accepting his love for Naruto? Is this Sasuke allowing Naruto to open him and save him. It seems Naruto was the first and only person that made his way to his heart, even expanding it just a little.
I think Sasuke started to like Naruto unknowingly ever since he started to watch him secretly. Because it always makes him feel warm and fuzzy. 
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But, the scars left by Itachi made Sasuke feel that having people around will always makes him weak. Meaning, The more people you love and when you lose them, you will feel weak. Hence, he was very hesitant to reach Naruto. Slowly but surely, Naruto was already making his way into Sasuke’s heart. And once they were put in the same team, he just loved Naruto unconditionally. That’s why he almost gave his life for him.
But Once Sasuke decided to leave the village, he severed all the ties with Konoha, including Kakashi and Sakura. The level of bond Sasuke had with them can be cut off by saying ‘Thank you’. But with Naruto, it takes more than that. Because for Sasuke, Naruto’s existence itself is making him weak by bringing back all the feelings he once had for him. Like Orochimaru said, Naruto has certain power to influence Sasuke’s heart. So Sasuke decided to kill him but in the end he simply couldn’t. 
Everytime Sasuke strays off the path, Naruto will always appear and remind him that he is his friend
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Every time Naruto appears and talks to him, Sasuke’s heart was changing but he simply doesn’t want that and he hates that feeling. Which was why he wants to destroy Naruto and whatever he represents. What Naruto represents is a powerful bond between Sasuke and Naruto.
In the final fight, he simply couldn’t cut that bond even though he had a chance to kill. These bipolar battles are what he was fighting all along internally. And finally accepts that he lost and was happy for it. Those words, ‘I lost’ meant he lost the fight physically and mentally he had with Naruto and was ready to totally embrace the feelings he already had.  
It’s not Naruto who was expanding Sasuke’s heart a little, Sasuke already gave a wide berth for Naruto and one day decided to close it. In the end, he couldn’t. 
I can’t help but feel like Naruto could possibly be bi with women preference or don’t realize it. I can’t help but feel like Sasuke might be gay or bi. I don’t want to state it as a fact because we don’t know their sexualities canon wise plus I want to respect the author’s creation however I can’t see those two as straight, especially Sasuke.
As for their sexualities, I seriously could not conclude anything. But from the way Naruto behaves, he certainly looks like a closeted bisexual just like Kishimoto. And Kishi was not hold his guns in this aspect at all, he went all out in the Manga chapter 347. 
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I mean it was evident from the way he casted Multiple Reverse Harem no jutsu before Kaguya without any reaction but when Konohamaru did the same Jutsu with Sai and Sasuke, he looked visibly disgusted.
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Why to react extremely when Konohamaru is doing the same as you? Probably he doesnt like Sasuke in this jutsu I guess. LOL.
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When asked about that ‘accidental’ kiss again, he reacts visibly disgusted but at the same time with a Nosebleed. This screams ‘Closet bisexual’ to me.
As for Sasuke, I simply see him as close to Asexual and possibly demisexual for Naruto.
Why Asexual?
Because Kishi purposefully made Sasuke to be in certain awkward scenes and on top of it, he painted an over sexualized aura all over him, in part II of the manga. It was evident from his bare chested costumes and the way characters like Karin behaves around him. In the same chapter 347, Kishi went all out for Sasuke too.
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I don’t even know why Kishi made this scene. But it certainly shows Sasuke wasn’t bothered by a naked man at all unlike Naruto who acted disgusted.
I simply cannot see Sasuke will be romantically attracted to someone if they cannot form a strong bond with him. And to form that kind of bond is not an easy task. But even for a demisexual, there will be a preference. and his preference were not any of those girls especially Sakura. So, I can safely say, if he ever wants to be romantic, all the possibilities points towards Naruto. Because of certain obsession he has towards Naruto throughout the War arc.  
Believe me, Obsession comes from two ways. You will be obsessed on someone whom you hate to your bone because of what they did to you. Most possibly, a hard betrayal. Or, You will be obsessed on someone who you love above yourself. 
Itachi falls under the first category (that’s why when Sasuke was told Itachi was good all along, he couldn’t accept the fact that he hated him for wrong reasons and he snapped and went onto a killing spree because of that obsession. Even though he was sane after losing his parents) and Naruto falls in the later.
Like he was basically saying ‘Naruto is my person. Only I can kill him, he is not yours’ to Obito when he was trying to kill Naruto. And where did these obsession comes from provided Naruto never betrayed him in any which ways? Because of all the past he had with him and he was already in love but was trying to deny it.
Anyways at the end of the day, I don’t mind their sexualities at all. What matters is how they prioritizes each other at any given situations without an ounce of regrets. Because, like I always say, their bond transcends way beyond Marriage, Children and Sex. 
Hope my answer helps :-)
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cupcakemolotov · 3 years
Not to be predictable on main but i would read The Shit outta an ice cream murder mystery. Might be the decade i spent scooping but its mostly the fact it would be a ravyn fic. Imma just think about that for a while. :) DeaMariella
I don't have time to really dig into this kind of thing, this exchange is kicking my butt, but here you go! A quick little thing.
“That is a lot of salt, love.” Klaus said mildly, glancing down at the thick line of it that ran just inside the doorway to her home. His eyes lingered on the bag she’d left deliberately next to the door, something like amusement on his face as he leaned back and scanned the line of the windows that had been given a similar treatment of the cute little bungalow she’d bought she'd she moved into town.
Caroline gave him her sweetest smile. “It seems I have a pest problem.”
A hint of a smile creased the corner of his mouth. “That’s a ten pound bag of rock salt, love. However did you find it at this time of year?”
She shrugged. “It's always winter somewhere.”
Klaus leaned forward, not quite breaking the line of her doorway, but close enough she could almost feel the intent radiating off of him. “Hmmm. I suppose it is. Aren’t you going to invite me in?”
She bared her teeth. “You lied to me. There is no Special Agent Klaus Mikaelson of the FBI. He doesn’t exist.”
Instead of trying to lie a second time, he laughed softly. “And how did you learn that?”
“My mom’s a sheriff. I grew up learning all about procedure, and you don’t speak cop. There have been enough missing children's cases and fugitives trying to hide out in the woods of Virginia during her career that she’s got a number of contacts across several agencies. She was more than happy to call in a few favors for me.”
“Well,” he murmured. “That is a little unexpected.”
“Impersonating a federal officer is a serious crime.”
"Ah well, I don't expect them to learn about my little deceptions." Klaus' gaze lowered to the floor and he made another rough sound of amusement. “A line of blessed salt won’t keep me out if I decide I want in, love. Though I applaud your thoroughness.”
“But I bet buckshot will.” She shifted her weight, put more space between them and moved the shotgun into a far more comfortable position. “What do you want, Klaus? If that’s even your real name.”
He grinned at her, boyish and wild, both dimples on display. “You are full of surprises, Caroline Forbes. And I am here exactly as I told you before. I am trying to solve the murders.”
She snorted. “You have a pretty terrible way of going about it. Why don't you try again. You’ve been harassing me because whoever is killing the tourists is fixated on either me or my shop. It's why they’ve been dumping the bodies. And while my ice cream is super awesome, I don't specialize in the taste of humans."
He made a low noise of amusement. "Your recipes are delightful, but it is unlikely that the killer is hoping you turn your shop into a reenactment of Sweeny Todd, the ice cream flavor."
"Interesting that you'd say that, since you seemed perplexed by the killer three days ago. You know, when you were claiming you were uncertain of the cause of death?" She let her voice drip sweetness. "You know, when the mayor had called you in as a favor so it didn't scare away tourists? Newsflash: that didn't work well in Jaws and this is shaping up to suck even more."
“The coroner hasn’t released those details.” He tried to look apologetic, but the amusement in his voice didn’t quite let him. "Officially, the cause of death is unknown."
She gave him a look. “The coroner knows exactly what killed them. Lack of a heart is pretty clear cut.”
His smile widened. “And how do you know that?”
“He was pretty willing to tell me whatever I wanted as long as I promised not to spread it around and I brought him a quart of his favorite peach ice cream and a bottle of whiskey. I think he needed to get it off his chest” She bared her teeth. “Of course, I can’t prove anything, but I don’t need to do I?”
A tip of his head. “It's a bit symbolic, the removal of the heart. Particularly when he is managing it without any sort of trauma to the chest."
“You don’t sound surprised.”
“It’s not my first time dealing with this sort of situation.”
Caroline nodded. “And what sort of situation is that, exactly? And don’t lie to me this time. I am very willing to shoot you, and my mom made sure I could hit what I wanted. As many times as necessary."
The amusement disappeared from his face, the sudden seriousness jarring. “Are you sure you want to know about the monsters in the world, Caroline? This one is hunting you, true, but that doesn't mean you can't return to the safe world you lived in once." His gaze lowered back to the salt. "Where you don't need to salt your doorways and keep your shotgun loaded with rock salt."
“You don't know anything about me. We just proved that, didn't we? There are always monsters in the world,” she said firmly. “Human or not. Whatever secrets you’re keeping are no worse than anything else I've seen."
A thoughtful look, and then whatever had made Klaus Mikaelson human just, disappeared. In its place was a man who looked human, but nothing about him spoke of humanity. The blue of his eyes was a shade she’d never seen before, and there was a tattoo that swept from his temple into the tangle curls of his hair. When he smiled, his teeth were white, and the canines were very sharp. The wind shifted, carrying the scent of the ocean and something she couldn’t name.
“Tell me, Caroline, what do you know of Undine?”
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svnflowervol666 · 4 years
Fried Rice and... Kiwi? (Harry Styles x fem!Reader)
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Word Count: 2.5k
Author’s Note: Happy third birthday to HS1! Here’s something short and sweet in it’s honor. I came across this gif earlier today and all I could think about was lying on Harry’s tummy and listening to him talk about the album. Hence, this fic was born. Obviously, I had to turn it into dad!Harry, because that’s all I can manage to do ever. Like, literally ever. But, regardless! Enjoy, take care, and TPWK. gif by @stylesinthewild​!!!
Three sequential knocks on the weighted, wooden door broke up the playful banter occurring in the studio. It wasn’t a request to enter, more so a signal of arrival and a warning - she was coming in whether they liked it or not. 
Smells of grease and soy sauce filled the nostrils of everyone inside as she cautiously maneuvered her way around discarded instruments and cords and towards the coffee table with a both arms full of enough take out to feed a small army.
“God, thank you! You’re the best! Been starvin’ all day,” Jeff piped up from the armchair he’d been sitting in.
“Genuinely! You didn’t have to come all the way across town to bring us dinner,” Sarah added, hair aloof and sticking up around her head as if she’d been running her fingers through it incessantly over the past few hours.
“Well, someone,” Y/N sneered, cutting her eyes back to Jeff, “keeps stealing my man away from me and I’m tired of waiting for him at home, so I figured I’d just pay him a visit here instead.”
“A simple, ‘You’re welcome, Jeff,’ would’ve done ya just fine!” he sarcastically fired back as the rest of the room doubled over in laughter.
Harry was up and out of the cushion he’d been slumped back in to grab the paper bags that were balanced on top of his girlfriend’s arms so he could take her hands in his and guide her towards him.
“Tip your driver?” she cocked her head to the side and pursed her lips down at him when he sat back down.
“Hmmm,” Harry toyed with her comment, pretending to pat down his pockets in search for change, “‘Ve only got my undying love and affection and an endless amount of kisses. Will that do?”
“I suppose,” Y/N huffed, leaning in to press her lips chastely against his.
“Okay, let’s see if I got this right,” she directed her attention back to the group as she fished around the bags of food.
“Beef and broccoli for Mitch?” The long-haired, almost-resembling-jesus brunette smirked and nodded as he leaned over to take the white carton from her hands.
“Kung Po chicken with extra sauce for Sarah,” Y/N stated confidently. She knew that one for certain.
Sarah bowed graciously as she swiped a handful of duck sauce from the bag after taking her order from Y/N.
“Hot and Sour soup for Adam and Jeff.” 
She handed Adam the plastic tub of hot liquid as if she was presenting him a sacred piece of treasure and cast Jeff’s soup away dramatically as if to say she was still fake-mad at him for keeping Harry holed up in the studio for long hours and couldn’t care less if he spilled the damn thing in his lap or not.
“You’re too kind,” Jeff scoffed, earning a pointed middle finger in his direction from Y/N.
“And last but certainly not least,” she grabbed the two remaining cartons by the thin metal handles and presented one to Harry, “Veggies for the boy.”
“Thank you, lovie,” Harry responded earnestly as he grabbed utensils for the both of them, chopsticks for him and a fork for her (he’d tried to teach her more times than he could count to use chopsticks properly but she could never quite get the technique down successfully) and dug into the steaming heap of vegetables packed to the brim of the container.
It was peacefully quiet as everyone chowed down on the takeout Y/N had brought in, everyone coming to the realization of how hungry they’d gotten after spending the entire day writing, composing, and recording an album. Harry and Y/N sat on opposite ends of the couch, her feet resting comfortably in his lap.
“Wha’ did you get?” Harry asked through a mouthful of food.
Harry frowned.
“Just rice?”
“Wasn’t that hungry,” Y/N shrugged, “Plus, I might have eaten the leftover pizza from the other day right before I came.”
“Still. ‘S not good f’ you. Need t’ be eating better than tha’,” the newly short-haired brunette (Y/N may have shed a tear when he told her he was cutting it) gathered an assortment of sauteed vegetables with his chopsticks before leaning over the couch and dangling it above her lips, waiting for her to open her mouth and accept the bite.
She managed to catch it all, sans a thin strip of onion that she quickly slurped up before it fell and wiped the remaining sauce from the corner of her mouth with her knuckle.
“You two disgust me,” Jeff called out from across the room, a scowl adorning his features.
Harry smiled that obnoxiously cheesy shit-eating grin that he had become infamous for having in his manager’s direction, being sure to push the chewed up broccoli to the front of his teeth to only add to Jeff’s so-called repulsion.
“I think you’re just jealous that the attention’s not on you,” Y/N stated matter-of-factly, “I’m carrying precious cargo. It’s part of the job description now.”
She gave a snide and over-dramatised rub over her swollen belly where hers and Harry’s unborn child was nestled conveniently on top of her organs, making it harder and harder to move around and have any kind of energy as of late.
“If I recall correctly, I’m carrying his career. ‘S pretty precious if you ask me.”
With a roll of her eyes, Y/N plopped her half-eaten side of fried rice onto the table in front of her and shifted her body so that she was lying in Harry’s lap, her head resting perfectly where his thighs met his toned, yet somehow still soft tummy. Harry acclimated to her new position with ease, freeing one his hands so he could pet her hair gently.
“What did you guys work on today?” she asked, her fingers slipping under the hem of Harry’s shirt to absent-mindedly rub the sparse strip of hair that trailed down from his navel and disappeared into the waistband of his boxers that were just barely peaking through the top of his jeans - similar to how he stroked her bump when they cuddle in bed at night.
“Finished up the master for Two Ghosts and added the keys to Woman, but tha’s about it. Started playin’ with another one, but I’m not sure that it’s gonna go anywhere.”
“Yeah? Was it the one you were playing for me the other night?”
Harry shook his head through another bite of his food and swallowed.
“Think we’re gonna do tha’ one next week. We were just messin’ ‘round w’ this one. Doubt I’ll ever go back to it after today.”
“Well, can I at least hear it before you scrap it?”
Harry bit the inside of his cheek and peered around the room, trying to locate the hard drive that held all of their practice runs and demos.
“Did they take the laptop when they left?” he asked.
“Nah, it’s still here. Let me go get it,” Jeff promptly shimmied out of his seat, stuffed to the brim with tofu and bamboo shoots that were mixed into his soup, making him move a bit slower than he had earlier.
Whilst Jeff was digging around in the back room in search of the song Harry was almost certain would get lost deep down in the numerous files of unfinished songs and melodies, Y/N tapped Harry’s stomach with her pointer finger to get his attention and opened her mouth, signaling she wanted another bite of his food. He dropped the veggies into her mouth gingerly, making sure to avoid staining his shirt or accidentally dropping a carrot on Y/N’s nose.
“Thank you for comin’. Missed ye’ all day,” Harry spoke in a whisper so that only Y/N could hear him.
“Missed you too,” she mumbled through her chewing, “She doesn’t move much when you’re gone. Think she misses you more.”
In that moment, he was thankful she wasn’t lying on his chest, because she most certainly would have heard his heart combust and scatter like confetti into his gut at the mention of his sweet baby girl that was set to arrive in a few months time.
“’S she kickin’ right now?”
A wide grin appeared on Y/N’s face and she nodded, taking the chopsticks out of Harry’s hand so she could move it down her waist and press it against the underside of her belly where their daughter was seemingly doing summersaults in the presence of her father. 
It always amazed him, each and every time. How there was a human being growing inside of her and he had a hand in creating her. Although he hadn’t met her just yet, he was postive she was the most precious and sweetest creature he’s ever known.
Bursting the sugary sweet bubble they’d trapped themselves in, Jeff arrived promptly with the laptop tucked under his arm. He brought it to life, skimming the dozens of folders within the drive until he found the one he was looking for. 
“Found it!” he announced to the room.
“Alright, let’s hear it.”
As if it would allow her to hear the song more clearly, Y/N lifted her head from Harry’s lap and sat up beside him instead. She leaned against his shoulder, letting her fingers intertwine with the ones attached to his arm that was pressed against hers.
The beginnings of an electric guitar and Harry’s voice filled her ears, Y/N immediately clocking the sound as something unlike anything he had previewed for her thus far. It was heavier, more akin to the style of an actual rockstar that graced stages across the country in tight pants and ooze sex appeal from every pore in their body (not that Harry didn’t already do that). 
Next, she heard the heavy pounding of drums, to which she gave Sarah a raise of her brow and look of approval for her skill. She had absolutely no explanation for the way this song Harry had been so pertinent about tossing in the trash was making her press her thighs together to mediate the heat rising within, but it was there. The dull, persistent throb that made her wish her and Harry were the only ones in the room so that she could straddle him right there on the couch and have her way with him.
Pregnancy hormones. Yeah, that’s what it was. Well, at least that’s what she was telling herself.
And then she heard the chorus.
I’m having your baby. It’s none of your business.
She cut her eyes to Harry, who was undeniably blushing and had his face buried in his free hand as if he was scared to see her reaction. He was smirking underhead his palm, knowing good and well that she was staring at him as the lyrics repeated themselves over and over and over again. When he finally decided to peak through his fingers, he was met with her wide-eyed and stunned expression, to which he burst into a fit of giggles that shook his belly and made his sides ache. Y/N couldn’t help but join in on the laughter, shaking her head at his bluntness, for lack of a better word. 
The song wasn’t long at all as it was clearly choppy and unfinished and a product of Harry, as he’d said in his own words, messing around with his friends. Sure, it needed some cleaning up and could use a bit more substinance, but it was by no means bad or anything worth chucking in her opinion. It was very much a song written about her, so she felt like she could stand confidently by that opinion.
“Well, shit,” Y/N huffed as the instruments came to an abrupt hault and all that was left of the recording were dwindling laughter and shuffles in the background while whoever was in charge of the sound board moved to cut the microphones, “That gets right to the point. Doesn’t it?”
“That’s what we said,” Sarah managed to get out in between wiping the mascara from under her eyes that ran when she was laughing at her dear friend’s reaction.
“I mean, I don’t think it’s bad at all. Needs some cleaning up, but I think you should keep working on it,” Y/N said honestly, prying Harry’s hand from his face so she could kiss him on the cheek.
“Oh, gee. Thanks. Didn’t know you were on payroll as a producer too,” Jeff called out contemptuously.
“Umm, without me, you wouldn’t have half of this album. Think I can say whatever I want about the matter. Thank you very much.”
Harry pressed his lips together and pointed at her with his fingers shaped like a handgun as if to corroborate what Y/N had just said.
“Yeh actually liked it though?” there was a hint of surprise in his voice.
He hadn’t expected that. He’d expected a smack on the chest or a scold, not praise.
Y/N smiled at the bashful boy beside her, picking a piece of fuzz from the collar of his shirt and flicking it off to the wayside.
“’S gonna have everyone’s panties in a bunch, that’s for sure.”
She picked up Harry’s arm and draped it around her shoulder so she could properly snuggle into his side.
“That damn kiwi,” she said with a playful sigh.
“Pardon?” Harry looked down, bewildered, to see Y/N busying herself by gently poking the taut skin of her tummy in attempt to get their baby to poke her back with her tiny hand or foot, there was really no way of telling which was which.
“That’s when I said that to you,” Y/N yawned, “I was craving kiwi and fuming mad because you ate the last one and when you asked why I was so worked up about it, I told you it’s because I was having your baby, but it wasn’t any of your business.”
The recollection immediately dawned on Harry, making him smack his forehead with a closed fist.
“That’s where that came from! I couldn’t remember what happened, but I’ve always thought that was the funniest thing you’ve ever said t’ me.”
“Ehhh, it’s top ten for sure. Wouldn’t say the funniest, but it’s up there.”
Harry rolled his eyes at her indifference, but he won’t lie and say that it wasn’t one of the things he loved about her the most. How even though she can be the biggest pain in his ass, she always finds a way to bring light into his life and make him smile even it seems next to impossible.
“So yeh think it should stay in the running?”
“Definitely. If I wasn’t already pregnant, I’d beg you to put one in me right here in this studio after hearing it,” she said nonchalantly.
Jeff mocked a gagging noise, “I think I’m genuinely going to hurl.” 
“Oh, be an adult for once in your life, Azoff!” Y/N quipped.
Harry stiffled his laughter into her neck, tickling the tiny hairs that rose to goosebumps with each breath he exhaled onto her skin. 
“I don’t think you understand, Y/N. I hear about you two every damn day in this studio. ‘S just like you said, the whole bloody album is about you two not being able to keep your hands off of each other for five seconds. ‘M surprised it’s taken you this long t’ get knocked up.”
Harry remained tight-lipped, having reduced his giggle fit to a minimum as he watched two of the most important people in his life bicker back and forth like children fighting over a toy. He supposes, in this case, he is the toy in question, but it was entertaining nonetheless.
“Gonna make a damn good album, though. Isn’t it?” Y/N’s haughty smirk answered that question all on its own.
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