#hoe don't
artbribery · 1 year
it’s the “Danny works for the Justice League” again but even more wonky:
Danny Fenton is but a simple engineer/ghost expert man
Phantom is but a simple ghostly hero
The Ghost King is but a simple “evil” monarch
so o’course Phantom gets called to protect Danny from the Ghost King
but you know that part where the story expanded so Dani was Danny and the Ghost King’s daughter?
and the Justice League thinks Danny was married to the Ghost King because of the Ring of rage that he can’t take off? so they think he still holds a torch?
Then, after the “truth” come out, the JL calls Phantom like “did you know about this??”
and he can’t just confirm it or deny it, it would be giving away precious info that doesn’t exist and he doesn’t have 
Phantom is so obtuse about it that the JL assumes he is avoiding the topic because he objected to the wedding was in love with Danny 
“Remember that time Phantom fought the Ghost King? Think maybe it had to do with this? and Danny was like Persephone?”
But then people begin making connections between Dani and Phantom and how they look similar, almost the same
So the people begin to think that Danny cheated on the Ghost King and that is why he’s “after him”
Dani is vibing the chaos, everyone knows she wants to be with her three fathers and rooting for poly, if only they all could meet and talk it out
“Communication is important, Dad,” she says with an innocent grin, “Pops said so.”
Cue meddling heroes conspiring to make the three-- totally different entities, not at all just one person-- do exactly that.
bonus: “What’s the JL thinking?”
danny looking uncomfortable = he is feeling guilty + he is torn
phantom wanting the JL to “leave it alone” + always going “i have to go” or “it doesn’t matter” when the topic comes up = defensive and resigned to unrequited
the ghost king being surprisingly quiet = disappointed and heartbroken + still has feelings and can’t actually do harm + menacingly + wants visitation rights
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undead-knick-knack · 15 days
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Accidentally made this when making the previous meme and thought it was too perfect not to share 😂
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misterbeetleboose · 3 months
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turtle-and-bug · 9 months
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goddamnit if they ever remake RE5 I hope they lean hard into the absolutely terrible chemistry these two had.
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how would 20s!art react w a older!reader i jst know he had mommy issues before tashi
like who knows, maybe reader is proper milf with a pixar dump-truck ass who laughs at his jokes, but not the way most girls would laugh and throw themselves at him-- no, you laugh like you know something he doesn't. and it drives him crazy. and maybe he says it as a joke at first... until he didn't. until he says it balls deep into you, his mouth greedy at your tits and hands even greedier at your hips, wanting to claim all those stretch marks as his own. maybe. 🤭
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juicyspacesecrets · 8 months
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Happy Halloween!! 🎃
it's getting chilly
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depressedcitron · 7 months
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How they are towards each other in front of people vs when they're alone together
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sharkyba · 10 days
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if the shoe fits
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goodfish-bowl · 3 months
Never Really Knew (DP x DC)
DP Side Hoes Week 2024 Master Post
Day 5: Dani - self-defense
Summary: There were plenty of things she knew, but it was all things that had been downloaded into her head. There was very few things that Dani had actually experienced in her extremely short life. Dani’s trip after being freed from Vlad goes well until it takes a turn into Gotham, New Jersey. Takes place after "Kindred Spirits", but before "D-Stabilized".  
Word Count: 2173
AO3 Link
Dani had known that traveling by herself would be dangerous. She knew it in the same way she knew advanced mathematics and classic literature. It was knowledge she had but had never experienced, programmed and downloaded into her head. She knew a lot of things this way, and very few things the other way. Dani had wanted to experience everything, to learn the way everyone else did. But she hadn’t known, not really, just how dangerous this task would be for her. She doubted Danny knew either, or he probably wouldn’t have let her go. 
Dani wasn’t having any trouble with money, so to say, Vlad’s credit card covered that, but there were very few places that would both accept credit and let a 12-year-old rent a room for the night. So while she was good on food and any other thing, shelter was a lot harder to manage. It had been fun, at first, buying a tent and camping equipment, and staying at parks while she explored the area, but yet again, a 12-year-old couldn't rent out a campground, so it was a bit riskier every night she stayed. If she stayed in the wrong place or too long, she would get chased out. She lost a few tents this way. She lost a few more to thefts that happened while she was out and about. 
The campground was fine when she was just about, but they weren’t always an option, like in the bigger cities, where she was now. Normally, Dani was able to keep her head low, and hang out on a rooftop for the night, but that wasn’t really a good option with vigilantes of Gotham frequenting those spaces too. She had to find a different place to sleep for the night, which she supposes is what got her into this whole mess too. That and not knowing, to an instinctual degree, that she should not have come to Gotham all alone. 
Dani had bunked down for the night in one of the many abandoned buildings around, even setting up her cot and some of her other camping equipment. This was not where she had woken up. 
Dani woke up with a full body ache and a piercing migraine, and immediately curled up on herself with a soft hiss. Everything hurt. Slowly, as Dani came to, her senses faded back into focus. It smelt generally terrible, like BO and urine, along with the faint tinge of mold and cigarettes. There was the sound of someone else crying near her, whimpering, and the more distant sound of laughter. She could feel the bare concrete under her as it tried to drain away what little body heat she actually produced. Her tongue tasted vile in her mouth, still full of fuzz with a metallic aftertaste in the back of her throat.
Dani was locked in a dark, generally dingy cell, with the only light coming from a yellow street light that managed to crawl in through the basement window, and a white fluorescent light that climbed under the door. There were a few other kinds locked up in here with her, in various stages of crying or passed out. Some of them were hurt, bad. Dani had been kidnapped in the worst city to be kidnapped. 
Slowly, feeling her whole body protest, Dani pushed herself to a kneeling position, drawing the other kids' eyes to her. She gave them a shaky smile that probably looked closer to a grimace. Dani felt her clothes and found that all the belongings she kept in her packets were gone. Darn, no more credit card. No more anything, really. Well, that sucked, but it wasn’t like they could keep her here for long, ghost powers and all that. Dani should get out as soon as she can, and run for the hills. She was sure whoever had captured her wouldn’t even notice one less child.
Dani strained her ears to listen to the voices from under the door, but a sniffle from one of the other kids in the room stopped her in her tracks, shutting down her plan of running out alone. Stupid Danny and his stupid protective streak. She would have to figure out how to get them all out together, and probably fast if the pick up in activity from under the door was any indication. Dani went over to the window, straining to look out of it, trying to figure out where it let out. 
“Hey,” Dani whispered. “Do any of you know where we are?”
There was a soft murmuring among the other children, before a scruffy-looking boy answered her in a thick Gotham accent. “Somewhere in Crime Alley. That window has metal bars in it, no way to get out from there.”
Dani hissed under her breath, letting go of the window sill from where she was straining to lift herself onto it. 
“Do you know where it leads?” She followed up. 
“Just some scummy alley.”
Dani nodded, that was at least something good, no one would notice if she passed some of the others through intangibly. 
“Okay, I can get us out,” Dani declared, keeping her voice intentionally low. 
“How do you plan to do that? You a meta or something?” one of the slightly older girls demanded. 
“Something like that,” Dani answered sheepishly. “Come on, I can take us directly through the wall,” Dani gestured through the window. 
The others were too scared to protest, and slowly Dani began to file them one to two at a time through the wall, into the alley above. Every trip burned through her reserves, and she hadn’t noticed just how many of them were in the cell with her. After the fourth trip, Dani felt fragile, only able to pass the boy with the thick local accent through, but not able to go through herself, she would hurt herself if she tried.
“Butter biscuits… I can’t get out, I’m out of energy,” Dani called out. She was going to have to figure a way out, no powers unless absolutely necessary, she might risk destabilization otherwise. 
The boy peered down at her from the window, looking grim. “I’ll go get help,” he stated before leaving her all alone in the room. 
Dani let herself drop to the ground as soon as he was gone. She felt so tired, vaguely ill, and tried her best not to not fall back asleep, but still get a little bit more rest before the rest of her grand escape. She spent those minutes listening to the voices as best as she could, planning. She really shouldn’t use her powers for the next bit, but Dani also really needed her stuff back. It would have to be worth the risk, it was the only way she could really afford anything. All she needed was just her wallet with the card in it. Everything else could be replaced, emergency cellphone included. She might have a window to get it when whatever help that boy had mentioned showed up. 
The voices on the other side of the door grew frantic along with an even more distant sound of gunshots and shattering glass. The door slammed open, causing Dani to fall onto her back in fright. The man’s eyes were blown wide in fear, teeth bared. His eyes narrowed as he probably noticed the lack of children in the room, and spat out a nasty curse before his eyes locked onto her. 
“Fuck it, we only need one hostage, a half-dead brat will have to do,” the man spat, practically snatching her up by the arms, causing Dani to cry out in pain. 
Dani had to scrunch up her eyes under the artificial white lights, leading into an open warehouse. She struggled for just a second before there was something cold and metal pressing against her temple. 
“Try it, brat, and your brains will be blown out all over the floor,” the man growled, and Dani froze. 
It was a gun. Dani knew it was a gun, and finally, it sunk in just how much danger she was really in, and tears began to run down her face. She didn’t want to die! She had only just begun to learn how to live in the first place. She needed more than a few months to figure herself out!  
The man didn't do anything as Dani began to cry, but one of the other roughly dressed goons in the room, holding an even bigger gun, sent the one holding her a dirty look, before a confused realization passed over him. 
“Where the other kids?” The other guy asked. 
“Hell if I know. Only one left was this shrimp who looks well and ready to keel over. She’ll fucking have to do.” 
There was another loud bang as a door somewhere in the warehouse was thrown open. 
“Red Hood! Don’t fucking try it or I off the kid!” 
Dani strained to see through her tears and hysterics. Was this guy supposed to be her help? But Dani was already held hostage, how much help could this ‘Red Hood’ be?
“You know I don’t like people fucking around with kids on my turf,” a modulated, artificial voice spat. 
“Which is why you’re going to let us go, so that this little girl’s brains don’t end up splattered all over the ground,” The guy holding the bigger gun argued back. 
There was a creak from the rafters and the other guy opened fired, sending rounds into the ceiling. A large figure dropped down, returning fire as they fell. Dani’s eyes widened at the heavily armed figure in a red helmet and leather jacket. He was both the coolest and most terrifying person Dani had ever seen. The guy with the bigger gun went down with only a few well-aimed shots. 
Red Hood towered over Dani’s current kidnapper, who pressed the gun harder into her temple, causing another wave of panic to go through her as her eyes strained to dart back and forth between the man holding her and her ‘savior’ who had just definitely killed someone. 
“There you are, you shitty bastard,” her kidnapper growled. “Now!”
Gunshots came from a completely different direction, catching Red Hood by surprise, but not before he managed to take out one of the two new assailants, and a stray bullet slammed into the arm holding the gun to Dani’s head. The man recoiled, practically tossing both her and the gun aside, forgotten. Dani ducked down, scrambling the best she could away from the center of the fight, but exhaustion and a horrible pinch in her ankle weighed down on her entire being. 
Dani looked back after hearing a few more gunshots. The guy who had been holding her was dead, but Red Hood had taken a couple of hits himself, stuck kneeling as the final kidnapper pointed his gun directly at Red Hood. He was going to be killed, and then Dani knew she would quickly follow him. Panic seized her body and core, dredging up what little energy it could. She couldn’t let Red Hood be killed, Dani didn’t want to die. 
 Dani dove for the gun that had been tossed away in her. The knowledge of how to use a gun quickly clicked into place, just like all of those other things she knew and had never experienced. Dani was keen on never feeling the chill of a live firearm in her hands again, nor the image of the man dropping dead from a clean shot as she fired. 
The gun clattered to the ground and Dani was well aware that Red Hood was full-on staring at her beneath his helmet. 
“Kid-” the modulated voice called out, but Dani yanked on her invisibility, pulling as hard as she could, running off. 
Dani had killed someone, sending full-on shivers and nausea through her, compounded by the protests of her fragile anatomy as she tried to maintain invisibility. She quickly found her things, which had been haphazardly tossed into a corner, snatching the wallet and nothing else. It felt like she was falling apart. 
Dani made it to the exit before Red Hood spotted her again. 
“Wait!” He called out, sounding panicked. 
Dani couldn’t help the reflexive glance back, likely showcasing the bright glow of her eyes, and the thick trickle of ectoplasm as it seeped out of her nose before she fled into the night. There was cursing and heavy steps behind her, so Dani did the only thing she could and transformed as soon as she was out of direct eyesight, doing her best to ignore the familiar sensation of destabilization as it began to set in. She even ignored the swear-storm of the vigilante she left behind in the alley. Dani was going back to Amity Park as soon as she could, but she now knew, deep in her gut and in the sour taste of ectoplasm in the back of her throat, just how dangerous it could be on her own.
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blackbackedjackal · 2 months
DogBlud's goal was to either make me an art slave like Ependa, pumping out art of HER characters non-stop for validation, or to simply "take me out" by ruining my self-esteem and confidence in my project. That's her pattern with the people she's collaborated with over the years.
Too bad I'm gonna draw so much more now because her white ass pissed me off. If for no other reason, I wanna get Strawberry Moon published because it will make her angry to see June for the rest of her life, because she actively tried to silence my voice and the story I wrote as a love letter to black women.
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starry-nights12 · 4 months
+Bonus gif💖💘
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belle-keys · 11 months
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it's a male character from a work of english literature ain't it
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I have a question I'm gently curious about. It's about this scene:
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When it comes to this scene in ATSV: Many people defend Peter by saying he has a right to be scared of Miguel in that moment, and not defend Gwen.
I've mentioned in the past that I genuinely think - come to it - Peter B. could take Miguel in a fight, and even beat him, considering he has way more experience (20+ years) and abilities Miguel doesn't.
Plus that still doesn't address how he shows no urgency, or even mentions Gwen and Miles missing status to Mary Jane.
However one of the biggest justifications is that 'He had a right to be scared and not speak up, because he was holding MayDay.'
This has always intrigued me because of what it implies about Miguel.
Makes me wonder: Do most people believe Miguel is willing to attack someone holding a baby?
Do you truly believe that if Peter spoke up in this moment, that Miguel would do something to hurt MayDay?
Like we know what he did to Miles and Gwen.
But do you think Miguel would purposely do something to hurt MayDay had Peter - spoken up?
And just to bring to your attention: Miguel seems to be Peter's close friend, considering Peter was there when Miguel lost his own daughter.
In my opinion, MayDay's eagerness to go to Miguel in prior scenes, and her laughing at his exit, even after his display of violence - suggests to me that MayDay has never seen Miguel as a threat prior to this point.
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With that said -
I ain-een gonna put a middle ground option 😂😂 this is a yes or no question, hoe 😭😭
So what do we think? Do we think Miguel is capable of hurting the baby daughter of one of his closest friends?
Do you think he was enraged enough at this point to hurt MayDay?
Let's discuss shall we - I'm so interested in how people view Miguel
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ennunanaiurov · 2 years
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Achilles on his way to relieve Hector of his head
// ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴜᴘʟᴏᴀᴅ //
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env0 · 10 months
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Hoochie hoe boy short shorts and tree pose. Thick thighs, trunk, and roots.
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Imma need 14 to sigh and swoon all throughout the giggle bc he misses the master and toymaker isn't a villain as good, as cunty or as smart as him
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