#holistic strategy
raffaellopalandri · 2 years
Holistic approaches
Holistic approaches to our personal and professional lives are the simplest and most effective ones, yet many try to deal with just one aspect of their issues.
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sidewalkchemistry · 9 months
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from the 'wholistic + abundant {lifestyle}' Pinterest board
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retrocgads · 4 months
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USA 1997
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wisterianwoman · 3 months
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How to Regulate Your Nervous System for a Balanced Life
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ivygorgon · 2 months
Say NO to Loony-Bins: Immediate Action Required for Inpatient Psychiatric Care
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The current model of inpatient psychiatric care, which primarily focuses on safety and crisis stabilization, falls short in promoting sustained recovery. The prevalent emphasis on ultrashort lengths of stay often overlooks the need for comprehensive treatment plans.
A proposed model of care advocates for rapid diagnosis, goal-setting, and treatment modalities before initiating treatment, organized into three distinct phases: assessment, implementation, and resolution. This approach emphasizes individualized treatment and active patient involvement in treatment planning, addressing critical psychosocial aspects that are frequently neglected.
As we strive to reform the mental health care system, it's imperative to prioritize effective, recovery-oriented treatment strategies. This includes ensuring patient comfort and preferences are accommodated within reason. Considering patient preferences, like comfort items (such as safe stuffed animals; Share-Bears, if you will) and rescue medications (like melatonin,) is essential to upholding rigorous standards of care and safety.
Let's advocate for reforms that enhance patient-centered practices while adhering to established treatment guidelines and advancing recovery-oriented care.
Say no to “loony-bins;” those archaic relics that should be relegated to the distant past.
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satvamnutritions · 3 months
Long-Term Health Tips - Managing Chronic Care
Chronic diseases are the primary cause of death and disability, impacting millions of people worldwide. Long-term health conditions necessitate ongoing management.
However, chronic disease management is a complex issue. Preventing and managing chronic diseases often requires people to adopt healthier lifestyle choices like diet, exercise, and habit changes.
Adjusting an already packed schedule can seem daunting. However, with the right approach, navigating these illnesses becomes manageable. It helps you maintain your health and happiness.
Today, we will assist you with taking charge of your long-term health strategies. We will explore the complexities involved and stress the role of preventative healthcare. By the end, you will feel ready to manage your long-term health actively.
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Understanding Chronic Disease Management
Chronic illnesses are long-lasting ailments that require continuous medical care. Examples include diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis. Chronic disease management focuses on controlling symptoms, minimizing complications, and enhancing quality of life.  For instance, individuals with diabetes may find solace in supplements like Satvam Nutrition Advanced Diabetes Care Supplement alongside traditional medicine to manage their condition.
Chronic disease management focuses on:
Controlling symptoms
Minimizing complications
Enhancing quality of life
Remember, this is a collaborative effort between you, doctors, and specialists. Receiving thorough and efficient care entails following a customized holistic care approach. Effective chronic disease management can help you live an active life and lower complications and sudden hospitalizations.
Accepting Holistic Care Approaches
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Traditional medicine is often used to manage chronic diseases. However, holistic care approaches focusing on physical, mental, and emotional well-being are becoming increasingly popular. 
These include acupuncture, meditation, and nutritional supplements. They complement traditional medicine and help individuals manage their chronic conditions effectively. Satvam Nutrition Advanced Heart Care Supplement helps to keep blood pressure at bay.  Another example of a targeted supplement, Satvam Nutrition Piles Care Supplement, is really helpful for those suffering from piles.
Always discuss complementary therapies with your healthcare provider to ensure they do not interfere with any ongoing treatment plan. 
A holistic care approach can help contribute to a more balanced and satisfying life as it explores different angles.
Implementing Preventive Healthcare Measures
Preventive healthcare is the most essential component of thwarting and managing chronic diseases. Research estimates that early intervention could avert about one hospital admission out of every fifteen
Frequent examinations are vital to diagnosing health problems early. Focusing on preventive healthcare measures is a proactive approach to improving health.  
Practical Tips for Long-Term Health Strategies
Patient empowerment is central to successful chronic disease management. Staying informed and controlling one's health leads to better long-term outcomes. Patients who actively participate in care plans designed for them experience better results. For individuals with prediabetes, Satvam Nutrition Pre-Diabetes Care Supplement is a potent natural approach towards a healthy life.
Let's check some practical tips to manage chronic illness using holistic care approaches. 
Focus on Regular Check-Ups
It is recommended to schedule regular check-ups with your doctor at least once a year.
Regular check-ups enable early detection of health issues, which is essential for maintaining good health. 
Early detection of health issues can help you adjust your treatment plan based on the results, leading to better outcomes.
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
Focus on your daily habits as it impacts your chronic disease management. 
The main focus should be a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Aim for at least thirty minutes of vigorous activity on most days of the week. 
Consult a doctor or dietitian for personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs. 
Getting enough quality sleep, around 7-8 hours per night, is essential for health and well-being.
Prioritize Stress Management
Incorporate stress-reducing activities into your daily routine.
Practice mindfulness meditation or deep breathing exercises.
Engage in hobbies or activities you enjoy to unwind and relax.
Knowledge is Key
Educate yourself about your specific chronic condition. 
Use reliable sources like patient education websites or preventive healthcare provider resources. 
Don't hesitate to ask your doctor questions to gain clarity in managing your health.
Building Your Support System
Surround yourself with your family, friends, or even a chronic disease support group network.
Talking about your condition and seeking emotional support improves your mental well-being. 
Sharing experiences with others who understand your challenges can be invaluable.
Set Realistic Goals
Always be realistic while setting goals for lifestyle changes, keeping in mind your chronic condition.
Break larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks to track progress effectively.
Celebrate achievements along the way to stay motivated and focused on long-term health strategies.
Adjust goals as needed based on changes in your health or circumstances.
Maintaining Consistency is Key
Make sure to follow your doctor's prescription and recommendations diligently.
Adjust dosages or skip medications only after consulting your doctor. 
Skipping medication can worsen your condition and lead to complications.
Track Your Symptoms
Try to identify the typical signs and symptoms associated with your chronic condition.
Keep a symptom journal to track any changes. Discuss them with your doctor during appointments.
Taking control of a chronic illness can be life-changing. Work with your medical team, prioritize your health, and seek support. Remember to be proactive and seek more knowledge about your condition. Doing this will help you take charge of your health and live a fulfilling life. Satvam Nutrition, a trusted brand for holistic wellness supplements, offers a range of plant-based nutritional supplements, like Satvam Advanced Joint Care Support Supplement, which makes living with chronic conditions easier.
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shamanflavio · 4 months
Unlocking the Power of Shamanistic Healing: A Journey Towards Personal Wellness
Shamanistic healing is often portrayed as a mystical encounter between a shaman and a patient, but a deeper exploration reveals a rich tapestry of dynamics that can transform the healing journey. In “Shamanism and its Discontents” by Michael F. Brown, we delve into the fascinating world of shamanism among the Aguaruna Jivaro of Peru, offering insights that resonate with those seeking healing,…
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cyber-soul-smartz · 7 hours
Embark on a Transformative Journey of Self-Discovery with the "Empowered Journey" Guided Reflection Journal
Empowered Journey Journal: Your Companion on the Path to Mindfulness and Growth Dear Reader, I'm thrilled to share the Empowered Journey Guided Reflection Journal is now available on Amazon! This interactive companion to the Empowered Journey book. Hafsa
Introducing A Guided Reflection Journal for “Empowered Journey” In an increasingly fast-paced world, introspection and self-reflection have never been more integral to personal growth and well-being. Recognizing this, the “Empowered Journey: A Holistic Guide to Mindfulness, Resilience, and Personal Growth” companion journal has been thoughtfully crafted to deepen readers’ self-discovery…
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kajmasterclass · 4 days
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In the field of behavioral health care in Georgia, where individuals seek solace and support, holistic approaches are increasingly gaining recognition. Matters of The Heart Counseling Services LLC, deeply understand the intricate connection between mind, body, and spirit.
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raffaellopalandri · 1 year
Book of the Day - Strategy in Action
Today’s Book of the Day is Strategy in Action, written by Angel Gavieiro Besteiro in 2022 and published by Springer. Angel Gavieiro Besteiro is an international expert in banking and strategy. He has held senior executive roles as SVP/divisional head of strategy and business development for Barclays, Lloyds Bank, and Wells Fargo. He was a management consultant at McKinsey & Co. In addition, he…
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kids-worldfun · 11 days
Natural Remedies for Depression in Children
The sky is cloudy. Sun is nowhere to be seen. Your feet seem leaden. Getting up from bed is a herculean task. Don’t feel like eating or drinking. The normal bubbly self is withdrawn, unable to find pleasure in anything. Welcome to the world of depression. Depression is one of the leading debilitating diseases in children and adolescents. The current go-to treatments for depression, namely…
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
What Does Your Aura Look Like? | Human Design
One's blueprint in the system of Human Design revolves around what is called your "aura." The thing I like about Human Design (HD) is that the terms have very clear definitions. Even though the concept of an aura can seem quite complex and mystical, since we don't have a collective acceptance of the word..
(also available to read on Patreon)
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(gif by @dualvoidanima)
The aura is a description of the energy that one emits, as well as the manner that we best conduct ourselves energetically. The aura outlines how you can be rather than fighting with your natural flow and being unaware how you can positively impact others. (Remember: the point of HD is to direct your life in a course that will help you feel more aligned and full of purpose.)
The aura works in conjunction with ideas of strategy and authority. So, I will briefly give those definitions too. Strategy is the way that we are to conduct ourselves. Authority describes the inner guidance system that is best for us to follow. Traditionally, we are taught to follow our mind's logic (or others' wisdom), but that is quite unreliable as it has been subjected to many layers of conditioning. For this reason, the mind has an easy time at bringing us away from our body, its needs, and our optimal strategy.
Okay, so return to your "Human Design Blueprint" sheet that we worked on last time so you can determine which of the following applies to you...which of the following will aid you to align deeper with your soul.
Presenting, the Human Design Auras and their corresponding strategies and authorities:
The (Pure) Generator
Aura Description: open & enveloping - it is limitlessly charged to pull in, likewise, and entice the surrounding environment/people
Strategy: wait to respond - one's energy is best used when they actively respond to their surroundings in accordance with their authority
Possible Authorities: sacral (has guttural response in the present moment "uh-huh," "nah," "meh," "uh;" gut instinct; turned on/off; spark/deadening); emotional (has emotional waves, so clarity isn't achieved until a settling of the emotions)
The Manifesting Generator (technically this is a subcategory of the Generator aura)
Aura Description: open & enveloping - it is limitlessly charged to pull in, likewise, and entice the surrounding environment/people
Strategy: to wait to respond - one's energy is best used when they actively respond to their surroundings in accordance with their authority
Possible Authorities: sacral center (has guttural response in the present moment "uh-huh," "nah," "meh," "uh;" gut instinct; turned on/off; spark/deadening); emotional center (has emotional waves, so clarity isn't achieved until a settling of the emotions)
The Manifestor
Aura Description: enclosed & repelling - it is a master at containing its energy to create action and ripples within the surrounding environment/people
Strategy: to inform - one's energy is best used when they first inform their surroundings of the action they are taking
Possible Authorities: emotional center (has emotional waves, so clarity isn't achieved until a settling of the emotions); splenic center (has instantaneous response, based on downloads of intuition and instinct); ego center (has a connection with articulating oneself, so that they can realize their energy and will to act)
The Projector
Aura Description: focused & penetrating - it intently views into the surrounding environment/people with a singular clear focus
Strategy: to wait to be invited - one's energy is best used when they respond only to clear requests from their surroundings
Possible Authorities: emotional (has emotional waves, so clarity isn't achieved until a settling of the emotions); splenic center (has instantaneous response, based on downloads of intuition and instinct); ego center (has a connection with articulating oneself, so that they can realize their energy and will to act); self-projected authority (has a connection with articulation in order to follow one's inner voice); no inner authority (has a need to ponder and connect with others on ideas for a period of time, until clarity is achieved)
The Reflector
Aura Description: sampling & reflecting - it tends to spend its energy in close observation of the surrounding environment/people
Strategy: to wait a lunar cycle - one's energy is best used they take an extended period of time for clear decision-making, as they absorb so much of their surroundings
Possible Authorities: lunar authority (has a need to connect with the influence of all 64 gates as the moon passes through them over a 28-day period, in order to make clarified decisions for large matters)
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retrocgads · 9 months
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USA 1997
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Engaging Learners: The Power of Double-Loop Learning
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Making learners active participants in their own learning is every training professional’s dream. A passive recipient of knowledge often fails to apply what they’ve learned effectively, whereas an engaged, inquisitive workforce continuously thinks, questions, and innovates. Achieving this level of engagement requires more than just effective teaching techniques; it involves a fundamental shift in how learning is approached. This is where Chris Argyris and Donald Schön’s theory of ‘double-loop’ learning becomes invaluable.
In this article, we’ll explore the concepts of ‘single-loop’ and ‘double-loop’ learning, highlight the differences between them, and demonstrate how ‘double-loop’ learning can transform a company into a vibrant learning organization.
Understanding Single-Loop and Double-Loop Learning
To grasp the significance of double-loop learning, it’s essential first to understand single-loop learning.
Single-Loop Learning refers to the process where individuals, groups, or organizations modify their actions based on feedback received, without altering the underlying beliefs or policies. This type of learning is akin to a thermostat that changes temperature settings in response to the environment but doesn’t question why it’s set to a particular range. For example, an employee might follow a certain protocol more closely after receiving feedback that they were not compliant, but they don’t question whether the protocol itself could be improved.
Double-Loop Learning, on the other hand, goes deeper. It involves questioning and potentially altering the underlying assumptions, values, and policies that led to the actions in the first place. It’s about understanding the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’. Instead of merely adjusting actions to meet a desired outcome, double-loop learning challenges the governing variables and redefines the problem itself. In our thermostat analogy, this would mean not just changing the temperature setting, but questioning whether the temperature range is appropriate at all.
The Distinction Between Single-Loop and Double-Loop Learning
The primary difference between single-loop and double-loop learning lies in their scope and depth of inquiry.
Nature of Inquiry:
Single-Loop Learning: Reactive and corrective, focusing on immediate issues and making incremental changes.
Double-Loop Learning: Proactive and reflective, addressing the root causes and potentially redefining the problem.
Single-Loop Learning: Concentrates on tasks, skills, and immediate performance improvements.
Double-Loop Learning: Emphasizes broader organizational values, strategies, and fundamental principles.
Single-Loop Learning: Maintains the status quo by fine-tuning existing processes.
Double-Loop Learning: Facilitates transformational change by re-evaluating and potentially overhauling processes.
Building a Vibrant Learning Organization with Double-Loop Learning
Creating an environment where double-loop learning flourishes involves fostering a culture of continuous reflection and open dialogue. Here’s how organizations can achieve this:
Encourage Critical Thinking and Inquiry:Promote a culture where employees are encouraged to ask ‘why’ and challenge existing assumptions. This can be achieved through training programs that focus on critical thinking skills and creating safe spaces for questioning.
Facilitate Open Communication:Establish channels for open communication where feedback flows freely in all directions. Leaders should model transparency and receptivity to feedback, showing that questioning is valued over mere compliance.
Promote Reflective Practice:Implement practices that encourage reflection on both successes and failures. Regular debriefings, post-mortem analyses of projects, and reflective journaling can help employees internalize double-loop learning.
Supportive Leadership:Leaders play a crucial role in fostering double-loop learning. They must be willing to question their own assumptions and support their teams in doing the same. Leadership development programs can help inculcate these values.
Systems Thinking:Encourage systems thinking, which involves understanding how different parts of the organization interact and influence each other. This holistic approach can help in identifying the underlying causes of issues and in developing comprehensive solutions.
Incorporate Learning into Daily Work:Integrate learning into the daily workflow rather than treating it as a separate activity. This can involve setting aside time for reflection during meetings, encouraging ongoing education, and recognizing learning as a part of job performance.
Case Study: Implementing Double-Loop Learning
Consider a mid-sized tech company facing declining customer satisfaction. Through single-loop learning, the company’s response was to improve customer service training and reduce response times. However, these efforts didn’t lead to significant improvement.
Adopting a double-loop learning approach, the company decided to re-examine their assumptions about customer satisfaction. They discovered that the core issue was not the service itself but unmet customer expectations due to a mismatch between marketing promises and product features. By addressing this fundamental issue, redefining their marketing strategies, and aligning them with product capabilities, they not only improved customer satisfaction but also enhanced overall brand trust.
The Impact of Double-Loop Learning on Organizational Performance
The benefits of double-loop learning extend beyond individual or team performance, influencing the entire organization’s adaptive capacity and resilience.
Enhanced Innovation: By constantly questioning and redefining problems, organizations can uncover innovative solutions that single-loop learning might overlook. This leads to a more dynamic and creative work environment.
Greater Agility:Organizations practicing double-loop learning are better equipped to adapt to changing environments. They are not bound by rigid procedures but are flexible in revising strategies based on reflective insights.
Improved Decision Making:Decision-making processes become more robust as they incorporate deeper insights and a broader range of perspectives. This holistic view reduces the risk of oversights and enhances strategic planning.
Employee Empowerment:When employees are encouraged to think critically and challenge assumptions, they feel more valued and empowered. This leads to higher engagement, job satisfaction, and retention.
Organizational Learning Culture:A culture of double-loop learning fosters ongoing learning and development. It promotes an environment where continuous improvement is the norm, and learning is embedded in the organizational DNA.
Double-loop learning offers a powerful framework for transforming how organizations approach learning and problem-solving. By moving beyond surface-level corrections and delving into the underlying assumptions and values, organizations can foster a culture of deep learning and continuous improvement. This shift not only enhances individual and team performance but also drives organizational innovation, agility, and resilience.
As training professionals and organizational leaders, the challenge is to create environments that support and nurture double-loop learning. This involves encouraging critical thinking, promoting open communication, and integrating reflective practices into daily workflows. By doing so, organizations can achieve the dream of having an engaged, inquisitive, and proactive workforce—one that is not just a passive recipient of knowledge but an active participant in its own learning journey.
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