#holmes is the university course
mickstart · 2 years
The Origins of Slash Fanfic is actually one of the funniest debates in fandom like most of the time people will say "star trek started shipping as a fandom practice" and, yeah. But also the origin of slash shipping is star trek and the man from uncle beating the shit out of each other while sherlock holmes screams "the chair! Give him the chair!"
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
Broke: Fan stuff that makes Watson a deliberately unreliable and untruthful narrator.
Woke: Arthur Conan Doyle, who understood when retconning FINA that having to say Holmes lied to Watson for three years was still preferable to saying Watson had lied to us.
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cherry6759 · 2 years
Anyway who wants OC lore on main I'll make it any fandom I'm into so you guys can take wild guesses on what is the current obsession ^^
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himbeereule · 2 months
IF Recommendations
Tired of waiting for updates from me? Just go play something else in the meantime!
For example, one of these:
Birds of a Rose (or any other of his projects, they're all good) by @reinekes-fox
Just Kiss Me (Forum post)
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian ( @defiledheartsblog )
Remember, You Will Die by @vapolis
Drink Your Villain Juice ( @drinkyourvillainjuice )
We Wretched Creatures by @darkfictionjude
Such Happy Campers by @girlfromthecrypt
Fox of Sunholt ( @foxofsunholt )
Spellbound (Forum post)
Infamous ( @infamous-if )
Apartment 502 ( @apt502-if )
When Twilight Strikes by @evertidings
Mind Blind ( @mindblindbard )
Whiskey-Four (Forum post)
The Flower of Fairmont (Forum post)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - An affair of the heart by @doriana-gray-games
Soulmates Inc. ( @soulmatesinc-if (I can't tag properly because I'm blocked for some reason ;_; )
Parasitical ( @parasitical-if )
Eyes of Shan ( @eyesofshan-if )
Vendetta ( @vendetta-if )
The Abyssal ( @theabyssal )
Folksaga ( @folksaga-if )
These are all*, in no particular order, my favorites, so if you're seeing this because you're following me because you like my project(s), there is a high chance you'll like these as well. Which means it's the most logical course of action for you to go play them. The fabric of the universe basically demands you to.
*except, knowing my brain, I probably forgot a few :/ if I suddenly remember something else, I'll make an addendum...
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dduane · 2 months
Rehoming Holmes
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So here's the current interesting problem: You discover that you're in the process of writing a cozy mystery. And then you discover that the lead sleuth in this work is going to be Sherlock Holmes. (And of course Dr. John Watson is there too.)
The big question, therefore, becomes: when?? And secondarily, where?
(Inserting a break here, because this goes on a bit. Caution: contains World War I, railway lines, chronic illness, unrealistic attempts to be a hermit, and [what did you expect?] bees.)
Wedging the cozy mystery concept into Sherlock Holmes's schedule is inevitably going to be a dicey business. Because Holmes, in Canon—right up until after the events of "His Last Bow," in the collection of the same name—is a really busy man... too busy by far to be doing the cozy thing, be he ever so retired.
We don't know a whole lot about the details of that retirement except for what Watson tells us in the preface to the collection.
The friends of Mr. Sherlock Holmes will be glad to learn that he is still alive and well, though somewhat crippled by occasional attacks of rheumatism. He has, for many years, lived in a small farm upon the Downs five miles from Eastbourne, where his time is divided between philosophy and agriculture. During this period of rest he has refused the most princely offers to take up various cases, having determined that his retirement was a permanent one. The approach of the German war caused him, however, to lay his remarkable combination of intellectual and practical activity at the disposal of the Government, with historical results which are recounted in His Last Bow.
Now, when you start looking into some other details surrounding this retirement, there are some points that immediately start to be troublesome. ...Well, for me, anyway.
First of all: that picture up at the top is of the house to which he's supposed to have retired. Various Holmesians who've looked into the situation over the years seem to have settled on this spot, in East Dean in Sussex. And it has acquired a blue plaque stating that that's where Holmes wound up... which is all very well.
But for the purposes of my own storytelling, I've got concerns.
We know from various comments dropped by Watson in Canon that he and Holmes haven't seen each other for some years, and that Holmes has been living "the life of a hermit" on his farm with his bees.
What I'm not sure about is how you live like a hermit in a house which is (and then was) sited directly on the East Dean village green, with the village pub right across the green from you. It seems like a spot poorly chosen, and maybe chosen in haste. (And how big can that "farm" be, with the village around it? Honestly.)
There's another problem, though, that it astounds me never occurred to Arthur Conan Doyle when he initially chose to retire Holmes to that neck of the woods. The whole area near Eastbourne, sited as it is really close to the south coast of England, is (relatively speaking) an exposed and frequently chilly, damp area routinely exposed to coastal gales. Having just retired Holmes there, that Doyle could then in the next sentence describe Holmes as suffering more or less chronically from rheumatoid arthritis gives me all kinds of trouble. Because I sure know what my arthritis does to me in cold damp weather! And the first thought I had on reading that line in the wake of wanting to tell a story realistically based further along in Holmes's retirement period was "Wow, I need to get him the hell out of there."
Yet here, as has happened at other happy writing moments, I find that a kindly Universe has put what I need right into my hands. Because I invite you to take a closer look at that blue plaque on the house in East Dean.
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Some Holmesian who was a stickler for accuracy (or tight adherence to Canon) refused to date this retirement any further along than 1917, the date of "His Last Vow." The story itself implies that Holmes and Watson—now reunited in (covert) government service—have much more to do after '17. And then, after 1918, when WWI ends... then what?
Well, soon enough Holmes goes back into official retirement. But he does it somewhere else... because Watson's with him again.
First of all, the location changes because that little house above might have been all right for one "hermit". For two men, though? They'll need a bit more room... and maybe also a little more privacy.* ...It should be noted here in passing that as of LAST, Watson appears to have mislaid the wife mentioned in BLAN ("The Blanched Soldier"). Is it his first wife or his second...if there was a second? Who the hell even knows, at this point? (The jury's apparently still out on the subject, and some investigators suggest there might have been as many as six wives. ...But I digress.)
Anyway, the ensuing scene between Holmes and Watson, as Holmes's Doctor explains to him how things are going to be from now on since they're together again, is so easy to imagine that I'm not sure I need to do anything about it in the cozy mystery proper but allude to it in passing. The laying down of the law. The inevitable "I don't need to be coddled" bullshit. The suggestion that Holmes, for a comfortable retirement, needs a house that's sited in better-protected countryside.
Also, due to the inevitable fallout from Holmes's wartime exploits, they're going to need a house that's sited closer to a decent rail connection to London, with a telegraph office just a mile or two away if Holmes needs it... or if a client needs to come see him. (And there also needs to be a handy telephone exchange, annoying though it'll be that Lestrade's or Dimmock's successors can just ring him up and whinge at him.) Holmes will also need a place where he can at least get a decent wireless signal so he can listen to the concerts from the Continent, and closer. (Because if I wind up positioning the cozy in 1922, as seems likely, this newfangled thing called the BBC has just come online: and canonically speaking, Holmes has always been an early adopter.)
Most importantly, though—so Watson will claim—Holmes needs a rural home that will be better for the bees. The Eastbourne area isn't really great for them, being too exposed and right on the borderline of where bees can locally thrive. Fifteen or twenty miles north or so would be far better, putting less stress on the bees and therefore being less likely to skew Holmes's observational results. With this outcome particularly in mind, the two housemates-to-be can look around for a house sheltered by the Downs' low hills, with nearby fields of arable crops—very likely hops—where the bees can do their work untroubled by excessive salt air. And Holmes can tend to and study his charges in more clement conditions that won't periodically leave him immobile and in anguish due to a less forgiving climate's exacerbation of his arthritis.
Will Holmes buy into this hilariously misdirected argument without realizing (or admitting that he's realized) what Watson's trying to pull? Who can say. Holmes, as per usual, is going to put up every kind of resistance he can to avoid revealing that this outcome is absolutely what he wants more than anything. Watson, of course, will receive Holmes's fake-cranky temporizing with his usual patience... and start writing to estate agents in villages convenient to the main north-south rail line. And on the day Holmes cracks and formally agrees, Watson will telegraph the most likely agent and set up a viewing for a week or so later... of a house something like this.
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The frontmost part with the peaked roof is an oast house—a structure originally built for drying hops. They're scattered all around the Surrey countryside, many having been converted over the decades into parts of homes. This one stands in the middle of a small farm where Holmes can rent out the farm's surrounding grazing to other local farmers, while attending to the only part of the farm that really interests him: the hives. And the upstairs windows, in good weather, give onto a view through the surrounding rolling countryside, downhill toward the distant haze-veiled blue of the Channel.
So now I've finally nailed down what was missing before I could really start work: a decent spot where a "a tall, gaunt man of sixty" (well, sixty-five, at this point) and his shorter, slightly stockier chronicler can settle in and get comfortable, and take on the occasional cozy case on which the fate of the free world doesn't depend. ...Insert here the sound of a writer sighing with relief.
And now back to plotting.
*But there could be all kinds of reasons for that. :)
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vdyuong · 6 months
About the University AU I did.
Kabru is in his second year in psychology, Laios is a final-year marine biology major. They were introduced by Chilchuck when Laios said that he needed a new guy to share the renting fee with him since Shuro left. Coincidentally, Kabru’s school is quite closed by to Laios’ apartment.
Kabru was actually approached Chilchuck when he eavesdropped the chat between him and Senshi in a cafe about Laios and Shuro falling out, saying it was quite predictable considering how annoying Laios is in Shuro’s eyes. “Plus, Shuro was only there for few months to win Falin’s heart and failed, so with his heart broken it’s understandable that he left — staying in the same house with her brother is no helping”. Senshi just nodded. Blah blah blah Kabru then came up and asked about the apartment thing and suggest Chilchuck should introduce him to Laios.
Before that, he had heard of Laios from his school because of how “odd” he was and decided to study Laios. While everyone else refused to understand Laios and/or just accept him that way, Kabru was fueled with the urge to see what���s on the mind of the blond guy. At one point he became obsessed and decided that he need to be as closed to the case study as possible.
Led to the eavesdropping. Led to the renting fee sharing. Led to him and Laios became roommates.
I thought about it like that. Kabru would make it look like it was all just a chain of coincidental events tied together, but he actually was stalking and doing his own research so he can…. Uh… yeah. Study Laios. Laios is absolutely oblivious. He just thinks that Kabru is such a nice guy when he accepted to share the fee with him.
Milsiril asked why Kabru suddenly moved out of his campus but Kabru just said he wanted a change of environment. She would then asked to swing by and take a look at her son’s new roommates but Kabru would stop her at any cost.
Laios would be scared by how messy Kabru is, but Kabru is only being messy in his own room and tried his best to stay neat and tidy in their shared areas ( kitchen and living room, and the bathroom too ). Laios would be cooking because he saw the potential of Kabru setting their kitchen on fire. Kabru will learn to do laundry and grow to like hanging clothes dry them off. Laios will not be at home until 12am every Wednesday for his weekly DnD campaign. He introduced Kabru to DnD and later on Kabru introduced it to his friends - Rin, Mickbell, Kuro, Holm and Daia.
Of course Kabru will have a crush on Laios. Of couse Laios won’t notice - he would think that Kabru is such a nice and considerate guy who can deal with everyone so smoothly unlike him.
I only have that for now.
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sygneth · 5 months
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"...I received a telegram from my friend imploring me to return to Donnithorpe, and saying that he was in great need of my advice and assistance. Of course I dropped everything and set out for the North once more"
Holmes College Adventures Masterpost Chapter 2: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8 AO3
Now, Holmes mentions that he "went up to his London rooms". He also mentions (MUSG) that "when he first came to London he had rooms in Montague Street". Now I see several possibilities here: 1. Holmes moved to study in London, had the Montague rooms for his two years of college and stayed there for a couple years more, until he moved to Baker Street. 2. Holmes was studying elsewhere and moved to London after he dropped out of university, and the "London rooms" he mentions in GLOR were some other rooms he rented for vacation (?) 3. He moved to London after he dropped out, and the rooms meant he stayed at Mycroft's place, but he didn't think this detail nessecary enough to mention.
There is no particular reason to choose the third one, but hey, I wanted to draw Mycroft.
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quoththeowl31 · 6 months
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Kind of an idea that's been on my mind Post-Dungeon. Kabru gets bitten by a vampire; it's more of an ailment than a curse that for awhile had been thought to be extinct. Laios sends out parties to find the nest of vampires before it becomes an uncontrollable problem for the kingdom. In the meantime he stays behind with Holm and Mrs. Tansu pouring over old texts to find the cure and prevent Kabru's full transformation. They discover the simple solution is a blood transfusion from a willing and healthy donor. The catch of course is that the donor has to match the ailing. The good thing is that Laios is a universal donor (O Negative) and can donate to anyone. It takes a few rounds of donation and plenty of liver had been eaten, but it works and also the nest had been found and eradicated.
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shanastoryteller · 6 months
Happy lovers season Shana! I'm very excited for the upcoming prompts! 😀 Can I please request some more Enola Holmes or Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries? 💚 If not please feel free to do a dealer's choice. I love all that you write and it fills me with joy to see new updates from you 😊
set in the same universe as Here is Your Home Country
Dot doesn’t want a big wedding, doesn’t want a lot of fuss. Married at her church, and then Prudence has offered to have the reception in her garden. Probably more at Jane’s insistence than anything else, but considering Mr. Butler has already insisted on handling the catering and logistics and anything else she might need assistance with, she might as well.
It’s sweet of him, really. She knows that he’s worried about her sisters that disapprove and her mother that disapproves and her brothers that had been apocalyptic at the news, and how that means she’ll be planning this wedding without them. She’s not worried. They’d never cared about her life or her happiness until it was something that would embarrass them.
The less said about what her friends from church think, the better. But she hasn’t headed their gossip for years, not since she started working for Miss Fisher.
Jack’s a good man and doesn’t deserve their ire. She won’t tolerate it.
“You’re really doing it, huh?”
Dot looks up and feels first pleasure then wariness that settles on a gut rolling mixture of the two. “Hello, Nell.”
Her older sister is standing over her, blocking her light, but she just closes her notebook and uses her foot to nudge the chair opposite her. The waiter should be by again soon.
She looks different out of the heavy makeup and light clothes of the club. Wearing a sweater and long skirt, she looks like the sister Dot remembers. “Mum called me. Me.”
Dot winces. “You’re invited, of course, I just wasn’t sure where to send the invite.”
Nell leans back in her chair, raising an eyebrow and reaching into her purse for a cigarette. Dot wishes she wouldn’t. She hates the smell. “I didn’t really get that impression from you two.”
“We were just colleagues then,” she says, which isn’t completely accurate, but neither is friends. Or perhaps it is. They knew one another then, and respected each other, and were kind to one another. But she’d had Hugh, and Jack’s eyes had been on Miss Fisher, and – they hadn’t known, then, where they would end up.
It’s nice.
She knew him and liked him and cared about him before she loved him. It makes her feel like she can trust him, that he won’t surprise her in a way she doesn’t like.
Nell hums, then says, “She wants to know if you’re having money troubles.”
Dot stares, wishing she knew her mother a little less well and didn’t understand exactly what she was saying. “She thinks I’m marrying Jack for his money because I have gambling debts?”
She shrugs. “You know what she sees at the church.”
She’s not going to get angry. Getting angry won’t do her any good. “I’m marrying him because I love him.”
“You loved Hugh,” she says. “He was cute. Your age. He even converted.”
Part of her wonders who was keeping Nell updated on the gossip of her life. The rest of her doesn’t care. “He didn’t love me right.”
“There’s a wrong way?” she asks, too lightly.
“Yes,” she says, biting the inside of her cheek to keep from scowling. “And I can’t love anyone right who loves me wrong. Hugh and I would have been miserable, in the end. We were in love with people that didn’t exist.”
She’d wanted someone who would love her through all of her changes.
Hugh had wanted someone who would never change.
Even in her bitterest moments, she can’t truly blame him. She had been a static woman when they’d met. She was the one that changed and she was the one that had wanted someone who would love her anyway and she was the one that had ended their engagement when she’d realized that someone wasn’t him.
Nell leans forward to steal her half-drunk cup of coffee, leaning back as she gulps it down in three long swallows. “Okay. I’ll tell Mum to back off, yeah? Not that it’ll do any good. She never listens to me anyway.”
“Oh,” Dot says, startled, and then Nell is getting to her feet and waving as she melts back into the crowd of the street.
Bert and Cec are in their room, sleeping after working through the night. Jack is over, but he’s never not known, and these days they don’t even bother to shove their twin beds apart when he's here.
She’s seated on her knees at the coffee table, Jack sitting behind her on the couch, nose buried in a case file that she’s going to look over herself as soon as she figures out this seating chart.
Jack clears his throat and she leans back, pressing her back to his knees and looking up. The file has been discarded and he’s looking at her with a sort of warm softness that has her reaching out her hand and letting him haul her upright just enough so that she can fall into his lap, seated sideways so her legs are stretched out over the couch.
His arms come around her waist and his lips quirk up in an almost smile. She smooths out the line between his eyebrows with her thumb, almost asks, but know it’s a waste when he’s nearly there already.
Sure enough, he looks at the space over her head and asks, “Do you want us to get a new house?”
She blinks. She hadn’t considered it, really, had assumed that she’d move into the house Jack has now. She’s been there. It’s a very nice house. A little empty feeling, perhaps, but she figured they’d solve that quickly enough. Instead of saying any of that, she asks, “Do you want me to want us to get a new house?”
He looks at her then, exasperated, and she smiles, shifting her hand lower to trace his bottom lip. He licks his lips, his tongue barely brushing her fingertip, and her breath hitches, but he says, “Rosie picked it.”
It makes sense that his first wife helped pick the house, and Dot has never tiptoed her way around Rosie, but that’s not quite what he’s saying.
Rosie picked it.
“Do you like it?” she asks.
Jack shrugs, looking away from her again. “She made a good choice.”
“Yes,” Dot agrees. It really is a very nice house, in a good area. “But do you like it?”
He shifts beneath her, meeting her gaze when he admits, “I let her pick what she wanted. I thought things would be okay, if I could give her what she wanted.”
And now it reminds him of how much that didn’t work, how she left that house and him both. He’d offered her the house in the divorce, but she hadn’t wanted it, for her own reasons.
“Why don’t we pick something we both want?” she asks, because no matter how nice the house is, she doesn’t want what he doesn’t’. “I bet Mac has some good leads on houses that are going to be on the market. She knows so many useful things like that.”
“Yeah?” he asks, relief making his whole body relax even as his arms tighten, tugging her that much closer against him.
“Yeah,” she echoes, then dips down her head for a kiss he’s eager to give her.
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eloquentlytired · 17 days
steve rogers & sherlock holmes prompts
pairings: 1st prompt — sherlock holmes x gn! reader, 2d prompt — steve rogers x gn!reader
note: decided to do a spin the wheel with the chars I write for & some prompts! they're gonna be funny & fluffy. no smut here ( the world is shook ik )
prompts by @mouserzwuzhere !!!
gifs by @beyondthefold
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you find sherlock sleeping on the couch, limbs spread everywhere like a starfish. he'd been drinking of course but it didn't surprise you after living with him for many months. you were working as his assistant— or rather you were his damn nanny because according to mycroft he needed one in his old age. you hovered over him as he snored, your hands full of the most adorable thing to exist in the universe. a snicker left your lips as you placed it on sherlock’s chest thinking about all the times he had angered you or been a pain in the butt.
sherlock found himself in the displeasure of being awoken by someone... something? he blinked carefully as something began bouncing on his chest although for a moment. it was light but it was still there. when the man opened his eyes first he saw you, grinning in the most evil way possible, and then he saw that. not a dog. not a cat. not even a spider. no it just wasn't something that would satisfy your revenge against him. sherlock slowly looked back at you, disheveled hair falling over his face. he was bothered, disturbed even, and the fact alone brought you joy.
sherlock spoke your full name. uh oh. “get. the. frog. off. me.”
you shrugged crossing your arms over your chest. “could I? well technically I could but..” you pretended to think before offering him another wicked grin. “I would rather not. he seems to like you.”
“if you don't get it off this instance—” the frog suddenly jumped on sherlock’s forehead and went completely still. sherlock stilled as well, his body as if frozen and his eyes still glaring at you. wide and clear.
you smashed a hand over your mouth and tried to remain silent. “holy balls—”
“one.” he was fuming, you knew he was. the man actually never slept and here you were, humiliating him with a random frog. definitely not a lover of them huh? “two.” sherlock spoke slowly and you quickly understood he wasn't joking.
you moved forward and collected the baby frog in your hands, placing it near your plants collection. the couch creaked behind you and you knew sherlock was getting up to reach his target, aka you. “it was a joke! I mean kind of? I laughed,you didn't. Oh well! We could move on like adults—” he cut you off by towering over you yet keeping a respectful distance. “I’ll go to the bathroom. I'll take a shower. And by the time I'm out so will the frog.” He said emphasizing the last word. That was kinda funny too but if you laughed right now you and the frog would stay homeless.
he was satisfied enough when you nodded and began walking away. “perhaps the little guy could keep you some company!”
“That is not coming in this house!” he barked.
“Well technically he already is in the h—” his glare silenced you for good. you picked up the small froggy and held it as you went outside to reconnect him with nature. if only sherlock would do the same sometimes.
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nothing could have prepared steve for this one. he could expect anything else ; a flying army of zombies. alien venomous cows. a forehead kiss from tony stark what the fuck. maybe chocolate on pizza. was that a thing now in this time and age?
it didn't really matter when you were right there on a motorcycle parked next to steve’s. “no. I refuse.” he said about to put on his helmet but ultimately stopped when he spotted you. you looked at him, raising your eyebrow in question and laughed. “sorry?”
“I am the coolest looking one on a bike. you cannot possibly take that away from me. Besides since when do you drive a motorcycle?” steve said pointing an accusatory finger at you. he didn't realize it was some type of compliment which made it even more amusing.
“actually I'm pretty sure the coolest biker is nat—”
“don’t you dare say nat looks cooler than me on a bike.” he warned.
“well she does. and you already have a title! you can't use the hot biker one too.”
“what? what title?” steve asked.
“america’s ass.” you deadpanned.
steve’s lips formed into a small ‘O’ before he placed a hand on his chin, rubbing it in deep thought. “huh..well..” you kept staring at him, raw judgement evident on every part of your face. steve rolled his eyes and eventually wore his helmet. “we’ll talk about this later. this isn't over.”
you bit back a laugh, placing your hand over your forehead vertically.
“sir yes sir!” steve rolled his eyes again and drove off, a small smile on his lips.
perhaps that's why you two would never do missions together — you could never be serious.
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vyrsgore · 2 months
the hockey team
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don’t embarrass me motherpucker! | the hockey team | scaramouche x reader smau/ ff taglist is still open
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the hockey team
Scaramouche: Inazuma Icebreaker’s temperamental captain/ center and son of famed CEO of Shogun, the top sports technology company in Teyvat. His mother, Raiden constantly pressures him to become the best hockey player in Inazuma, which is a factor of his pissy personality. Despite his standoffish personality, he’s known as the heartthrob of the school, constantly hounded by his many admirers as he walks through the university hallways. Goes by his nickname Scaramouche, real name Kunizukushi. sexuality: bisexual/pansexual
Childe: Inazuma Icebreaker’s left winger, and Scaramouche’s “best friend” or so he declares. He’s been in school with Scaramouche every since elementary school, back when he was still Kunizukushi. He’s an aggressive player on the rink but honestly a sweetie off the rink. He’s kind and courteous (much unlike a certain SOMEONE), and is rather easy to make friends with. sexuality: gay
Kaeya: Inazuma Icebreaker’s flirty right winger and Childe’s current boyfriend. He’s the adopted son of the Ragnvindr family, and currently on bad terms with his brother, Diluc, who is the student council president. He’s a bit of a troublemaker and constantly gets told off by his older brother. sexuality: gay
Kazuha: Inazuma Icebreaker’s goaltender. He’s currently taking a medical course outside of school and hardly shows up to trainings, much to Heizou, his best friend’s, protest. In addition, he’s also still searching for his older brother, who went missing 7 years ago. He’s a key member of the team, almost like a mom taking care of her baby chicks. Many of these moments go viral. sexuality: ????
Itto: Inazuma Icebreaker’s key defenseman. No one gets past Itto’s iron grip, or hug, as the team calls it. Currently, he’s using a nokia due to accidentally smashing his samsung out of excitement (he thinks that apples are evil since he hates the taste of apples) He’s one of the strongest member of the team (physically) but he’s a huge softie at heart. He’s very millenial in the way he texts (he still uses laughing my ass off! and shit give him a break). He’s also got the highest penalty count considering his temper during games where he’ll toss his hockey stick at people (he actually was just saying hello, he swears) sexuality: notusingaappleiphonesexual
Heizou: Inazuma Icebreaker’s second defenseman. He’s not exactly as physically as strong, but he’s definetly smarter- like ten times. He knows y/n pretty well since they were in the same class in high school. He’s a silly little guy who likes to play pranks and thinks that he’s sherlock holmes, and also Kazuha’s best friend. sexuality: bisexual
Xiao: Inazuma Icebreaker’s second emo boy and left winger. The adopted son of professor Zhongli, he’s a lot more courteous and polite than the OTHER emo boy, although he’s a lot quieter. He’s not that close with anyone but Aether, thus sparking many dating rumors among the countless Ina Ice fans. Among one of the best on an already excellent team, he excels in stretching the defense of the other team. Also overly protective of Aether. sexuality: asexual
Aether: Inazuma Icebreaker’s right winger. He’s known for his ‘main character’ energy during games and interviews, and his sync with Xiao on ice and off too. He’s Lumine’s twin brother (he swears he’s a second or two older) and they’re practicallu inseperable. He’s good friends with y/n and usually hangs out with them and their friend group. sexuality: bisexual
Jean: Inazuma Icebreaker’s strict coach. She’s like the tiger mom/ Asian mom of the group, constantly trying to get them to get their shit together although secretly she’s very proud of them. She’s also Lisa, Y/N’s coach’s mortal enemy. Note to self- NEVER put them in the same room. Their form of aggression is passive but that somehow makes it even worse than them just flat-out punching each other.
Author note:
farted this one out my ass <33 y/n and friends coming up next! i envision y/n as a more feminine masc (like cherry from cherry crush but it's up to u!)
also i made a mistake for the ina ice official account! it's 9.8 M not 9.8 lmao Taglist
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vonlipvig · 2 years
miles bron is the glass onion/knives out universe's own annoying and fake elon musk kind of billionaire, so when they showed this pic of him my parents and i cracked up cause of COURSE they have him doing the elizabeth holmes pose
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knikzshi · 28 days
profiles ☆
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y/n l/n : second year in teyvat university. A while back they had an on & off situationship with Scaramouche from their econ class. They broke up over the lack of communication on his part and Scaramouche's deteriorating mental health. They occasionally vlog when their schedule allows it and often collab with Hu Tao in her ghost hunting channel. This resulted in their private twt account being "ghosthunter" as they swiped the user from hu tao (LOL) :P.
lumine : third year in teyvat university, arts & humanities major. She has a twin brother who is a history major. She first met Y/N at the campus library and they immediately hit it off. Ever since then, they'd often get coffee together at a local cafe before their classes.
heizou shikanoin : second year in teyvat university, criminology major. He's a big fan of corny detective shows like inspector gadget, sherlock holmes, etc. He met Y/N through a concert. They liked the same local singer (Scaramouche) and quickly became friends. Of course, he was one of the first people to realize that Y/N had went to the concert because of their situationship with Scaramouche.
venti : second year in teyvat university, liberal arts major with a minor in music. He first met Y/N through Scaramouche. He was friends with Aether and they became close friends at a party. They are often his designated driver at parties or other events including alcohol.
hu tao : second year in teyvat university, also a criminology major. She first met Y/N in high school and have always been their closest friend. She attends similar classes to Heizou, so they often bond over the fact they're incredibly sleep deprived.
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SYNOPSIS what happens when your ex-boyfriend (?) ex-situationship releases a song on your birthday about your relationship AND TWEETS that he misses you? well of course, you HAD to go get him back !
A/N hii :3 sorry ive been semi-busy and making profiles is so tedious & takes up sm time TT
— taglist is open !!
TAGLIST @state-of-grac3 @kamdenssslover @misswetty @skyoverkill1 @mellowberrie @ssetsuka @kukikoooo @lalalaloveallmydays @vyrsgore @yuminako @featuredtofu @lloovvv @hearts4lizzzz @aruatsu @scaraenthusiast1 @vxcmx @mtndewbajablasted @potteraep @kunikissr @imnotyihzuo @1nakitofan @d4y-dr3am3r @xionri @anqelkoz @lxkeeeee @c4ttheart @cheriswag @devosin
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dalekowrites · 6 days
What would your favourite choice of the games interactive stories be? Would you have a favourite type? Romance, Fantasy etc. and did any of the inspire you with the ones you are currently writing? 😁
Oh boy! This is going to be a long answer, brace yourself lol
Let me start by saying that I have a degree in English literature (in fact, I'm going to do a PhD on it), so reading, in general, is one of the core activities of my life.
As for text adventures, even if not from Choice of Games Ltd., I'd like to mention a few inspirations: my passion first came from the original Choose Your Own Adventure series, and I still remember which numbers obsessed me as a child: Mountain Survival #28, The Dragons' Den #33, and more than any other, Space Patrol #22! (The latter may have also fueled my unhealthy obsession with Star Trek TOS, actually). For those unfamiliar with this fantastic book series, the genres of the three books I mentioned are, respectively, adventure, fantasy, and sci-fi. This gives you an idea of how varied my tastes are...
Later on, I discovered interactive fictions and text adventures. Dude, it was a dream come true. I started with Adventure ('76, never finished it, of course) and Zork ('79, never finished that either… of course. How damn hard were they?!). Then Mystery Mansion ('78), Castle Adventure ('82), and too many, many others. I'm a sucker for Sorcery! from inkle, and I deeply loved Magium (RIP Chris, you won't be forgotten). For my Italian-speaking friends, I also really enjoyed the Fra Tenebra e Abisso series (although its current status is unknown).
But back to CoG-related things. I've read a lot, and I'd probably be faster telling you what I didn't like! As you may have figured out by now, I don't have any particular genre preferences as long as a story is well-written, though horror-thriller stories usually grab my attention more easily.
Important note: I've read a lot of stories and, with a few exceptions, I liked most of them. To avoid writing a too-long list, here are the published stories that really impressed me:
A Crown of Sorcery and Steel,
A Midsummer Night's Choice,
Blood for Poppies,
Blood Moon,
Broadway: 1849,
Choice of the Cat,
Choice of the Vampire,
Doomsday on Demand (1 and 2),
Gilded Rails,
Golden Rose: Book One,
Jazz Age,
Lies Under Ice,
Life of a Mercenary,
Life of a Space Force Captain,
MetaHuman Inc.,
Noblesse Oblige,
Paradox Factor,
The Evertree Saga (all four books),
Revolution Diabolique,
Siege of Treboulain,
Tally Ho,
The Daily Blackmail,
The Dragon and the Djinn,
The Fernweh Saga: Book One,
The Fog Knows Your Name,
The Gray Painter,
The Grim and I,
The Ghost and the Golem,
The Lost Heir,
The Midnight Saga: The Monster,
The Parenting Simulator,
The Play's the Thing,
The Soul Stone War (1 and 2),
The War for the West,
Tudor Intrigue,
Vampire Regent,
Vampire: The Masquerade (all of them),
Way Walkers: University (1 and 2),
Welcome to Moreytown,
Werewolves: Haven Raising,
Zombie Exodus,
Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven.
And now, onto works in progress! There aren’t that many because I barely have time to follow my own (heh…), so here, in alphabetical order, are the ones I'm following with the most interest:
Adoriel's Tears (@adoriels-tears-if),
A Father's Love (@kal-down),
Crown of Ashes and Flames (@coeluvr),
Dawn Chorus (@dawnchorus-if)
Disenchanted (@disenchantedif),
Dragon's Edged (@dragonedged-if),
Elysium (@elysiumcircusif),
Fallen Lights (@fallenlightsif),
For King and Country (@forkingandcountry-if),
From The Ashes We Rise (@kal-down),
Hubris (@hubris-the-if-game),
Kingdoms and Empires (@kingdoms-and-empires),
Return to Misty Cove (@fluorescent-if),
The Abyssal Song (@ri-writes-if),
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - An affair of the heart (@doriana-gray-games),
The Lonely Shore (@thelonelyshore-if),
The King's Hound (@the-kingshound),
The Reaper Watches Me (@thereaperwatchesme),
The Bureau (@thebureau),
The Unseelie (@theunseelieif),
Van Helsing (@vanhelsing-if),
When Life Gives You Lemons (@when-life-gives-you-lemons-if).
Okay, that was… a lot. As for direct inspirations, I don't have any direct ones, but I can say I felt like writing a post-apocalyptic story after reading Doomsday on Demand! Other than that, I guess the collection of narrative, text adventures, and interactive fiction I've read have led me to where I am now.
Damn, it took me hours to write this answer. I hope it's satisfying at least! Thanks for asking ☺
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bizarrebazaar13 · 4 months
ok so due to the sleepy I might not be able to elaborate on this as much as I wanted. but.
given that the honey addled detective is a Sherlock Holmes reference, isn’t it weird that we don’t see a Watson counterpart? especially given that “Holmes and Watson but supernatural” is an established adaptation genre (the particular crossover of the Holmes stories and Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos is more common and more popular than you might expect).
however. Holmes and Watson meet essentially by chance; Watson returns from war in Afghanistan and is looking for a place to live, and runs into an old acquaintance, who introduces him to another man looking for someone to share rent payments. that man is, of course, Sherlock Holmes, and from there both of their lives change drastically.
in mask of the rose, Harjit comments that with London (and crucially, its rulers) now underground and cut off from the surface, England’s colonial influence is much weaker. Watson was wounded in the battle of Maiwand, during the Second Anglo-Afghan War. the war was fought as part of the real life “Great Game”: a power struggle between the Russian and British empires in Central Asia.
so, in the Fallen London universe, would the battle of Maiwand ever have happened? maybe not. is it possible that Watson and Holmes might have met some other way? of course. but specifically in the context of Fallen London, it seems unlikely. Watson says that he “had neither kith nor kin in England” upon his arrival in London in A Study in Scarlet, and he specifically made his way to London in order to recover from his wounds. a spooky underground cavern is probably not conducive to rest and recovery.
assuming Holmes was born in 1854, he would have been only eight years old in 1862, when the fall happened, which (to me) rules out any possibility of him and Watson meeting before the fall. for context, A Study in Scarlet takes place in 1881, well after London has fallen. so we are left with a Holmes without a Watson.
Jeremy Brett, who played Holmes on screen for a decade, once compared Holmes’s relationship to Watson to “a drowning man clinging to a raft”. if the honey addled detective is indeed a direct reference to Sherlock Holmes, he makes for a very tragic one indeed, and that makes him extremely compelling to me.
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sovietpostcards · 10 months
Hey, I just wanted to say I really love your blog! I'm an American university student studying Soviet History (specifically in the area of architecture) and have occasionally talked about some of the things you post with my professors. I would like to know, do you have any Russian movies (Soviet or not) that you'd recommend? Thank you for the good work.
Hi, thank you ❤ It warms my heart knowing that things I post go beyond the screen.
Recommending movies is hard when I don't know what you've seen and what you like! Here are some of my personal favourites:
I Walk Around Moscow (Я шагаю по Москве, 1964) - a feelgood film about being young in 1960s Moscow
Office Romance (Служебный роман, 1977) - a story of an office guy pretending to court his lady boss and falling in love in the process. It's one of the films that's built on cast and dialogue. I've seen it countless times and I will again!
Girls (Девчата, 1961) - a lovely film about young people working in a tiny worker's village in the midst of endless forests of Siberia and building a life there.
Carnival Night (Карнавальная ночь, 1956) - a festive holiday film that has songs, pranks, secret kisses, a broken elevator, and lots of tinsel.
Leonid Gaidai's comedies: the Diamond Arm (Бриллиантовая рука), Shurik's Adventures (Операция «Ы» или приключения Шурика), Kidnapping Caucasian Style (Кавказская пленница). I don't know how well humour translates into English, but they're all very funny.
All of these (and many more) are available with English subtitles on Mosfilm's youtube channel.
And of course please watch Russian Sherlock Holmes series, it's also on youtube.
You're also welcome to browse my Soviet Cinema tag and find something for yourself. :D
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