#holo x gear
rens-art · 1 year
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Hololive x Guilty Gear Strive
Gawr Gura as May
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faline-cat444 · 7 months
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It's this month's "Big Release Day" but some things still have yet to show
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solradguy · 2 years
Grabbed the topic of conversation by the throat earlier today when my dad wanted to talk about conservative politics while Queen's Greatest Hits was on so I told him about the new Freddie vocals track dropping on the 13th in excruciating detail
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zoeykallus · 6 months
TBB x Gender-neutral Reader (Extended) HCs – Lost Something? Part 2/3/4/5
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Warnings: Partly Slightly Suggestive/Mostly Fluff/Tiny Bit Angsty
This is the continuation of this request:
Reader stole the batcher's weapon. Let's see how they get it back.
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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Echo runs through the Marauders like a startled chicken, followed by the confused looks of his team. "Has anyone seen my blaster?" Hunter, who is putting on his gloves, looks over at him. "You lost your blaster?" Echo sighs annoyed and says, "No I haven't" Wrecker says with a raised eyebrow, "But you can't find it" "Yeah" Tech shrugs his shoulders without looking up from his holopad and says, "Sounds to me like you lost it" Echo waves it off in annoyance and insists, "No I haven't. I never lose parts of my equipment" It annoys him that he doesn't know where his blaster is, he was sure he'd left it with the rest of his gear when he went to bed that night and he says so. Crosshair leans out of his bunk, rolling a toothpick from one corner of his mouth to the other before saying. "You didn't go to bed alone last night I take it"
Echo's ears turn red. He pauses briefly in his movement, then turns to the Sniper. "What makes you think that?" Crosshair smirks, takes the toothpick out of his mouth and says, "You were alone on the Marauder for most of the night, I assume you took advantage of that fact." Wrecker asked excitedly, "Ooooh, Echo has a lover? Instead of answering, Echo rushes out of the room, locks himself in the cockpit and immediately starts a holo-call. His heart is pounding in his throat as your face appears on the holo, not just because he's upset and excited, the sight of you alone is enough to raise his pulse. "Took you long enough," you say with a cheeky smile. "You've got my blaster" It's not a question, it's a statement. Inwardly, he's annoyed that Crosshair thought of it before him. You lift the blaster into the holo for him to see. Echo lets out a deep sigh, relieved, a little annoyed. "I need it back," he says sternly.
You smile unperturbed and say, "I thought so. Then come and get it" "But-" You hang up before he can finish the sentence. A little stunned, Echo stares at the spot where the holo with your face used to be. When Echo comes out of the cockpit, he literally stomps through the main room towards the ramp. Hunter asks him cautiously, "Where are you going?" "Spanking someone's ass," Echo growls. "Kinky." Echo's eyes spark as he snaps, "Shut Up, Crosshair" The Sniper leans back in his bunk, unimpressed, chuckling softly.
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You've been out all day, had some things to do. Echo didn't try to call again. But as you land your shuttle at the usual landing spot and open your ramp, you hear his footsteps on the ramp and in the ship before you even leave the cockpit.
He stops in the doorway to the cockpit, his gaze so serious and stony that at first you can't help but gulp. After a few seconds, you find your voice again. "Have you been waiting on the landing pad all day?" "Yes" The answer is very curt, a little abrupt. He stretches out his remaining hand, challenging you with a steely gaze. You feel yourself shrinking under his gaze as you pull out the blaster and place it in his hand. Echo holsters the weapon directly, still staring at you. "I should spank your behind" You say cheekily, "Okay. Do you want me to take my clothes off first?" Echo raises a brow in confusion, but he doesn't stop you from unbuttoning your flight suit. "Somehow I imagined it would be different," he says, a little beside himself. "Disappointed? Should I stop?" Echo licks his lips and shakes his head.
"Uh, no it's okay, we'll see where this takes us" You laugh softly, kiss his heated cheek and say, "Well, I was hoping to my bunk"
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It's a beautiful evening. The weather is warm, but not too hot. The dinner was delicious, and the atmosphere great. A perfect moment to pass the time with Wrecker. The nice thing about Wrecker is that he's up for any kind of nonsense and is anything but a party pooper. You've been fooling around for a while now. You've managed to take his blaster out of its holster and to get it back, Wrecker has been chasing you around the massive dining table on one of the terraces on Pabuu for a few minutes now. The others have long since left the scene, some laughing or grinning, others (Crosshair) rolling their eyes. You giggle happily and change direction every time he tries to trick you. A little out of breath, you tell him, "I won't make it that easy for you!" Wrecker lets out a cheerful laugh that almost sounds like thunder. "I'll get you one way or another, just wait and see" As he changes direction again, you do the same, squealing happily.
"We'll see about that," you answer cheekily. You have to hand it to Wrecker, as impatient as he sometimes is, when it comes to fun and games, he usually has the patience of an angel. You've been running around for so long, your lungs are starting to burn, your faces are flushed with exertion, but you both grin happily when your eyes meet. But then something happens that you don't expect. With a cheerful exclamation, Wrecker grabs the massive table and throws it behind him, removing the barrier between the two of you. He suddenly stands very close to you and grins down at you. You look up at him, still holding his blaster. "Told you I'd get you," he says, amused. "What the hell.... what happened to my table?" You both look to the side, startled, to where an exasperated Phee crosses her slender arms in front of her chest. "Uh," Wrecker begins, "We were just fooling around a bit."
Phee rolls her eyes and asks, "And you had to destroy my table to do that? Who's going to replace it for me?" A sigh is heard from the other direction, followed shortly by Hunter's unmistakable voice. "Wrecker. Care to explain that to me?" The giant shrugs his shoulders and says with a sweeping gesture, "We were fooling around and then things went off the rails" "So nothing new," Hunter sighs, "Do me a favor and go fool around somewhere you can't destroy anything" You look at Wrecker and ask, "Beach?" Wrecker grins broadly at you. "Beach!" he confirms, nodding and running after you. Phee and Hunter look after you both. The squad leader sighs again, whereupon Phee says amusedly, "Those two will be your downfall one day" Hunter laughs softly, "I know"
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Tech is obsessively rummaging through his things in his bunk. "That's not possible..." Crosshair has been watching his brother in silence for a while now, but finally asks, "Did you lose something?" Tech grinds his teeth before answering, "My blasters are gone" Crosshair frowns. "Both of them?" "Both of them," Tech confirms, vigorously adjusting his goggles. "You're a slob, I wouldn't find anything in this mess either," the Sniper grumbles dryly. Tech takes a deep breath, straightens up and looks at his brother seriously. "I'm not a slob," he replies critically "Yes you are, you're a total slob, you hardly ever put anything away. Your bunk looks like a garbage dump" Tech touches his forehead as if he has a headache, then raises his finger in the air and says, "I don't need order to find my way around. I don't have to obsessively tidy everything like you do, no matter how messy my stuff and my bunk are, I always know exactly where my stuff is" Crosshair smirks and teases, "Then you certainly know where your blasters are"
Tech's ears turn red, he turns away and rummages around in his bunk for a while, sighing again and again in frustration. "Didn't you have a visitor yesterday?" Crosshair asks meaningfully. Tech turns back to him. "Yes, I did have a visitor. And?" Crosshair shrugs his shoulders suggestively. "If the blasters are suddenly gone, maybe someone took them." Tech frowns. "No, that can't be. They wouldn't do that. Why would they do that?" Crosshair shrugs again, leans back in his bunk and says, "How should I know? It's not my love interest." With a bright red head, Tech leaves the Marauder to make his way to you.
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You are looking out of your window when you see him walking across the courtyard. He seems to be deep in thought and keeps shaking his head. You smile, apparently he has noticed that his blasters are missing. Shortly afterwards, you hear your doorbell ring. Tech keeps his finger on the bell for longer than necessary, a very energetic ring. You press the door opener without using the intercom. When he arrives at your apartment, he has already raised his finger. "How many times do I have to tell you not to just press the door opener? You have to make sure who's at the door, it's dangerous!" You say calmly, "I saw you at the window. But it's sweet that you're worried about me" Tech sighs softly, straightens his shoulders and straightens up a little. "I'd like my blasters back" "That's what I thought. But I want something in return" Tech frowns and asks, "So you stole my blasters to extort something from me?"
Now you frown, "Well, when you put it like that, it sounds so crude and unromantic" His eyebrows move upwards in surprise. He asks confused, "Stealing my blasters was a romantic gesture?" You laugh softly and say as warmth rises in your cheeks, "I was going to ask for some of those sweet kisses you gave me yesterday in exchange" The corners of Tech's mouth twitch, his ears turn red, and he nervously shuffles his foot on the floor. "I only gave you one kiss yesterday. That was our first kiss," he corrects. When he thinks about it, his pulse starts to race again, his heart beats wildly and his body is suddenly filled with this incredible lightness again. "That's right. But now I want more," you say, biting your lower lip. Tech, steps closer and says, "A kiss for every blaster?" "Two per blaster," you say hastily, your ears already glowing hot and your puls racing through you. Tech smirks. "Okay, I think we can do that"
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"No" "But-" "No," the Sniper repeats seriously, "This is not a weapon for beginners. You'll learn with the training rifle first and when I think you're ready, I might let you shoot with the Firepuncher" You sigh and roll your eyes. He has just turned his back to you and is putting the training gun away, but still he says, "Stop rolling your eyes. You're learning from me because I'm the professional, so trust my judgment too" "You're stupid," you say, pouting. Crosshair chuckles softly, turns to you and asks, "Then why do you keep coming here to train with me?" You point at his gun and say, "Because I want to shoot that thing someday" His eyebrows move upwards, and he asks, "So you only come here for the Firepuncher?" You shrug your shoulders and say cheekily, "Mostly" "You're a bad liar," Crosshair says, amused. You laugh and ask, "Why? What do you think I came here for?" Crosshair spreads his arms and strikes a pose. "To use my brother's words - isn't it obvious?..."
"You think I'm here for you?" you ask with a grin, "Well, maybe a little, but I think the Firepuncher is hotter" Crosshair laughs and continues packing. "Can't say I blame you" You watch him pack up the gear, then you hear his brother call out to him from the shuttle. "Excuse me a moment," Crosshair says, and disappears up the ramp inside. Your eyes fall on the case with the Firepuncher. You can't help yourself, you can't resist. You open the case, grab the gun and close the case again. You know he'll be angry, but the temptation is just too powerful.
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When Crosshair comes out again and sees that you've already left, he sighs softly. He likes your visits, likes talking to you. Whenever you part ways, he feels a certain longing to have you with him for longer. He comforts himself with the thought that you will come back, if only because of the Firpuncher. He smiles and reaches for his weapon case, but his smile freezes. The case is clearly too light. He hastily puts the case back down and opens it. Empty. "You lousy little..." With a growl, the Sniper sets off. He already suspects where you might be.
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The rifle is heavier than you expected, just aiming it properly is a challenge. "Maybe I should lie down," you mutter quietly to yourself. "And pull your pants down while you're at it, so I can spank your ass!" Crosshair's smoky voice startles you so much that you hastily turn around with an already embarrassingly high-pitched yelp and drop the gun on the grass. You stumble backwards as he comes towards you and almost fall, but the Sniper grabs the collar of your jacket just in time to hold you steady. "Not only are you stealing my gun, now you're dropping it!" "Not on purpose!" you say hurriedly and adjust your jacket as he lets go of you with a snort. His serious eyes bore into yours, and you don't even dare to blink for a long moment. Cautiously, you ask him, "How upset are you?" Crosshair crosses his arms in front of his chest and sighs heavily. "Very, to say the least." You smile wryly and say, "But you stopped me from falling down, so you don't hate me too much" He rolls his eyes, unknots his arms and picks up the Firepuncher from the grass. "Lie down," he grumbles. "What?" you ask, perplexed.
Impatiently, he snaps his fingers repeatedly and grumbles, "Do you want to learn something or not?" You hastily lie down on your stomach in the grass, Crosshair lies down next to you, presses the rifle into your hands and shows you how to use it properly. "How did you actually find me?" you want to know. Crosshair snorts softly and says almost gently, "This is where we practiced for the first time." "You remember that?" He rolls his eyes and says, "I never forget anything" You take a few practice shots and it goes well. Satisfied, you turn your head in his direction and smile. His expression doesn't say much, but he says, "Not bad for an amateur" As you look at him a little longer, studying the lines on his face, unable to help but admire his face, Crosshair suddenly snaps, "Stop staring at me like a love-struck dove, look at your target" As you hurriedly look forward again, your ears getting hot, a smile twitches at the corners of his mouth. He likes you too, very much so, but he won't tell you anytime soon.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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ihavethedreamies · 6 months
Heat | Wonwoo
Jeon Wonwoo - Seventeen
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~8.7k
Pairing: Wonwoo x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Sci-Fi AU!, Reader-Insert, Fluff, Smut, Acquaintances-to-Lovers, This One Actually Has Plot
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Minor Background Character Gets Shot (Wow! Plot), Pet Names (Pretty, Pretty Girl, Princess, etc.), Daddy Kink (oops), Swearing, Kissing, Oral (F! Receiving), Wall Sex, Marking/Biting, Unprotected Sex (Use a condom!)
Author's Note: This one has way more actual story than Hoshi's and Woozi's. Wonwoo tends to need time to warm up to people, so I didn't feel like I should do a quick one-night stand deal with him. So, I wrote in some story so he and the reader weren't total strangers.
-> Series Hub <-
-> Hoshi's <-
-> Woozi's <-
-> S.Coup's <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"You have GOT to be kidding me…" You grumbled, huffing a few harsh breaths, and trying again. There was something stuck under the sand, and you really wanted to see if it was worth anything. However, every time you got close to brushing enough sand from the surface to see the logo, a gust of wind would cover it back up again. Adjusting your head covering over your mouth again so you got no sand in your mouth, you also brushed off your goggles of the fine particles sticking to it. You were starting to work up a sweat, the blowing dust and sand mixed with the perspiration and was coating you in a horribly scratchy paste. Whatever was under the sand was big, and that was what you were looking for. However, you really needed to determine the make and model of the crashed ship to determine if it was worth reporting for salvage.
"Finally!" You groaned, getting the metal brushed clean. You quickly snapped a photo with your holo-tracker, the blue paint still relatively solid, enough to identify. The device spun, trying to connect to the extranet and you clicked your tongue as it took for seemingly forever.
"What?!" You swore multiple times when the device flashed, 'no results found'. Maybe you could show it to someone at the Assembly office that would know something. You already had a few pictures and coordinates of a few smaller wrecks you could report, but they probably wouldn't grant very many credits. This thing was huge though, so at least the scrap metal would be worth something. Another blast of wind nearly knocked you over as you stood back up, trying to climb out of the small crater to get back to your rover. The crappy thing about wrecks on Sierra-Vector-Tango, since the entire planet was a desert, is that they were quickly covered by sand; even if they created massive craters when they fell to the surface. However, that meant more money for finding salvage than some other planets. Bad thing? Sand worms. Their saliva got into the particles and could make it acidic, which made digging through the sand more dangerous. This, once again, caused the number of credits to be higher.
"Let’s go back for now." You jerked back with your whole body weight as you pulled the handle for the door of your rover. It finally opened and you huffed, throwing the end of your head scarf aggressively to wrap it around your neck better. Crawling up and into your rover, you rested back in the seat, trying to catch your breath.  Pressing the button to start the vehicle it roared to life and the air conditioning flared to life and you just sat in the cooling air for a few minutes.
"Water!" You gasped dramatically, grabbing your canteen from the passenger seat, and drinking so aggressively the liquid spilled out of your mouth some.
"For fuck's sake…" You groaned hard, the water mixing with the layer of sand on your skin, thickening it.
"I need a real shower, with water." Shifting the gear of the rover, you started to drive back to the main road so you could start heading to the nearest Assembly office. It would be about an hour to Drent, and a little under two for Jaron, but you really didn't like going to Drent. Not only did it have the name of some dude-bro fuck boy, but it was also full of them too. Drent had one of the biggest…adult establishments in that quadrant. Not only did they have sexy blue alien ladies dancing on tables, but it also allowed you to sleep with them. Last time you went you nearly got mugged, and the guy just wanted your underwear. No thank you. Jaron was farther away, but a much nicer place and had a very old-style diner reminiscent of Terra from the 1950s. It was cool to go somewhere that was reminiscent of a time over two-hundred years in the past. Plus, they had a hotel with real water showers instead of the air-blasting kind that was more common. It would be more expensive, but worth it.
"This time I wanna rock with you~" You sang along to the song playing over the speakers, drumming your hands on the steering wheel of your rover as you got back to the main road. Turning right to go north toward Jaron, you set the auto-pilot on and plugged in the town, sitting back to watch the view as your rover drove itself. When you could start to see the sign for the town, you shut the auto-drive off and took control again. Large vehicles like yours weren't allowed in the city proper, so when you reached the entry checkpoint, you pulled off to the side and got out. The sun was setting, nearly below the horizon, stars starting to twinkle in the night sky. Getting out of the rover, you slammed the door as hard as you could to get it to shut and went around to the back. Grabbing your big pack and smaller bag, you also had a make-shift safe that you kept smaller salvage pieces in. You let it fall to the sandy ground with a thud and jumped back out. Keying in the code on the side, the rover beeped as it locked, and you headed to the entry booth.
"How old is your rover?" The kid at the booth was at the most eighteen, and his condescending tone was completely unnecessary.
"Doesn't matter." You tried not to steer, slapping your credit chit on the counter and he slotted it into the console. He really had no room to talk, his setup was just as old if not more so than you rover. Sliding the chit back out, he grabbed a small holo-disc and let the machine stamp it with the time and date.
"Thank you." You emphasized with fake kindness, and he rolled his eyes as he let you into the town. You let the parking disc fall into your bag along with your credit chit and started to head down the road. Your 'safe' was basically a suitcase that you made more secure and added a few locks to, so you could roll it behind you. The wheels thunked over the creases of the pavement and you wondered why the town was so dead. At that time, most people would be milling about after supper and going to bars and such. As you passed a store, you saw a sign blinking on the glass advertising some kind of political rally, must be where everyone was at. At least the hotel was still being manned, though you weren't sure the old man behind the counter was even still alive.
"Hello, dearie." He smiled up at you, wrinkles so prominent his eyes nearly disappeared.
"Hello, sir. Can I get a single room for…" You thought, sucking air through the side of your mouth in thought, "how much is four nights?"
"At 250 credits a night, that would be about a thousand…If you stay one more night, I will keep it that price?"
"Sweet! Thanks!" You smiled back, digging through your bag to look for the chit once again. It was a bit pricier than you normally liked, but it was worth it to get a shower with water.
"A single bed, yes?"
"Yes, sir."
"I think we only have two-bed rooms…this one is two singles, does that work?"
"Water shower?"
"Please~" You groaned, and he chuckled.
"It is quite slow today for the rally, so I do not think any restaurants are delivering…" The old man worked faster than you thought he would and when he slid the chit back to you, he included the room key. It looked like a glass playing card and had the room 24H-13 on it.
"It will be the second floor, take a right to the fourth hall, then its room thirteen." The old man smiled, and you thanked him, heading for the elevator, the wheels whirling on the tile floor. Once you got to the room and inside, you put everything in the room hastily before dashing into the bathroom. After relieving yourself, you shed the extremely sandy clothes and you noticed what looked like an old-style clothes dryer in the corner. It only had two settings, one of which was covered with a piece of tape and the handwritten words, ‘FOR SAND,' on it.
"Perfect." You shrugged and shoved all of your clothes in the drum, shutting the door, and letting it spin and get rid of the dust and grit.
"Oh~" You hummed in delight when you saw the water heating panel on the wall. You plugged in the best temperature and the water immediately came out perfect. Standing under the spray, you stood for nearly ten minutes just letting the water flow over your tired body. Glancing up at the shower head, you clicked your tongue in annoyance, it was fixed on the wall without a hose…
"Need to find a guy…" you grumbled and then proceeded to actually wash up. The soaps and cleansers all smelled of Terra fruits and you wondered what they might taste like. Getting out of the shower nearly an hour later, you wrapped a towel around yourself and your hair, heading back to the main room of the hotel. Flopping onto the bed, your stomach rumbled loudly, and you sighed dramatically. No delivery…The only place that was probably open was the diner and luckily it was right next door to the Assembly office in the strip mall. It was always open since the employees of the Assembly would eat there most of the time, but they never delivered anyway. When your skin finally no longer felt wet or sticky, you put on your set of spare clothes and grabbed your smaller bag.
"Sandy." you mumbled, going back to the bathroom, taking your now sand-free clothes out. Taking everything out of your bag and setting it on top of the machine, you put your bag in to get the sand off and while you waited, put your boots back on. As it continued, you brushed your hair out and braided it again. Looking at your face, you had a slight tan line from your goggles, but it was nearly unnoticeable thanks to your head scarf covering most of the rest of your face. The machine dinged and you retrieved the satchel, putting everything back and making sure you had your chit and keycard, you left the hotel room to go get supper. Waving to the old man at the desk, you dashed out to the street and jogged down the sidewalk. The rally was still going, you could hear the shouting and cheers in the distance. Must have been a more local election or campaign because you didn't recognize the politician on the flyer. Most of the store fronts were closed, even as you turned the corner to get to the main street. In the distance, you saw the light pouring out of the windows of the Assembly office and the diner, shining like a beacon among the darkened stores surrounding it. Like a good child, you looked both ways before you crossed the road, despite there not being anything or anyone nearby. The doors slid open when you approached the office and the guy behind the counter looked up lazily from where he was counting something at the desk.
"Can I help you?" He sounded very tired. You dug in your bag once again and pulled out your credit chit as well as your ID so he could see you were a legit scavenger, but also a freelancer. Freelancers actually tended to get more money than their own employees because they didn't have to pay benefits and all that other stuff.
"I'll let the Salvage Officer know you're here." The guy handed you your stuff back and you went to sit in the empty waiting area. Tapping your toe on the floor, you could look into the entrance of the diner through the windows and door inside the office. There was only one or two customers inside and just one waitress. There was a guy sitting in the back corner, thin glasses perched on the end of his nose as he read. A paper book? Who had physical books anymore?
"(Y/N)." Your name was called by a familiar voice, and you smiled at the owner.
"Junmyeon!" He motioned with his head, and you followed him into his personal office.
"Didn't know you were working here now." You sat in front of his desk, and he chuckled, relaxing back into his office chair.
"I just transferred. What have you found?" He took the holo-tracker from you when you handed it over and plugged it into his console.
"Most of them are small…" You dimpled the corner of your mouth, looking at the monitor the best you could from your angle. He shifted the screen so you could see better, and you pointed to different marks and gave more details.
"What one is this?" He was looking at the blue logo and you shrugged.
"I have no idea; it was huge though. Looked like a Meteor-class size ship, maybe bigger. It was totally covered and left a huge crater." You emphasized with hand motions, and he panned the picture out to get the measurements before he tapped the logo so the computer could analyze it. As it spun you dug through your bag, looking to see if you had lip balm or something. You didn't notice your business friend simply watching you, more like staring. His eyes flashed to your lips as you painted the balm on your lips with your ring finger. When the console dinged, it brought both of your attention back to the machine.
"Oh, wow." He leaned in to read the information.
"I need to make some calls, can you come back in a few hours?" He looked at you and you nodded, standing.
"I can grab something to eat in the meantime!" You waved goodbye and didn't even notice when he tried to call after you. Heading back to the front of the office, you went to the door leading to the diner and the door slid open with a ding.
"Just you, girlie?" The older waitress called from behind the counter, and you nodded, going to sit at said counter.
"What can I get for you?" she asked, sassily chewing her gum. You looked over the menu and made your choice, pulling out your holo-tracker to play a game as you waited for your food. You glanced over to the back corner over your shoulder, looking at the guy reading.
"Who is that?" you asked the waitress when she came back with your drink.
"He's been hanging around here for a few days. I'm not sure what he's doing, but I know he's waiting for something. The secretary in the office might know." She nodded back to where you had been, and you told her you would be right back. Leaving your bag on your stool to save your spot, you jogged back into the office and the guy at the desk cast you a tired glance.
"Who is that guy?" You pointed toward the back corner, leaning your elbows on the ledge of the front desk.
"He's a bounty hunter of some sort I believe. He is looking for someone for some reason, is waiting there for leads. He's offering money for any information." He shrugged and you nodded in acknowledgement and headed back to the eatery. Your food was ready by the time you got back, and the waitress chuckled at how fast you shoveled it in. When you were done, you handed her your chit and meandered on over to the guy.
"I heard you're looking for someone?" You started casually and he looked up at you over his glasses and your eyes widened. He was freaking gorgeous. His left eye was highlighted red, it seemed he had some kind of hologram-like contact in it or something. His black hair was styled half up, his bangs resting over his brow. He had a few ear piercings, his left nostril had a simple loop ring, and a matching one in the middle of his bottom lip. A chain hung around his neck with a pendant on the end that was some kind of upside-down triangle design. He simply hummed in response and put a slip of paper in his book and shut it, taking his glasses off. You sat on the end of the booth, a big gap between the two of you since he was sitting in the corner of the circular seat. He slid his holo-tracker across the table showing you a blurry image from some kind of security feed. It was a person, that was about all you could tell, and they had a hood up over their head and only the bottom part of their face was visible.
"This it?" You looked back at him, and he was sitting there stiffly, just looking at you. He was really hot, actually. He had on a tan, old-style button up with the top few buttons undone. His pants were a brown leather of some kind, and he had a belt on with an attached thigh-holster that held a pistol blaster.
"They stole some schematics. I need them back more than to find the person." He tapped the screen as he looked at it upside down and it showed a second image. The person had a cylinder with a strap hung over their back.
"It’s a set of old maps, they were stolen from the archives at the museum in the Capital." he explained and you slid your finger over the full image, zooming out to see the area.
"You a bounty hunter?" You slid the holo-tracker back to him and he put it back in his pocket.
"Not really. I'm a Ranger."
"You're a Ranger!?" You perked up and he seemed taken aback by your sudden excitement. Rangers were a small and elite group, they were essentially vigilantes, freelancers. They tended to do more things like rescues or arrests, or other odd jobs. They had a pretty strict rule of not killing.
"So, you want the maps but don't need the thief?"
"Yes. I would be nice to get both, though."
"Hm. I'll ask around and see, I travel quite a bit-"
"Y-yeah." You chuckled nervously under his intense gaze.
"Be careful out there, if you get a lead, message me." He got his tracker back out and you scanned his with yours to save his ID.
"What's your name?" you asked.
"(Y/N)." You smiled and got up from the booth, going to retrieve your chit.
"I'll let you know!" You grinned and waved goodbye, heading back in. Your timing was perfect because Junmyeon was finished and he told you the first wrecks weren't worth a whole lot, but the last one was.
"Two million credits?!" You balked at the number.
"Yeah. Seems it was some kind of cargo vessel, and they think it might still have all of the packages on it still. You could get even more depending on what's inside." He smiled at your gawk, and you finally shut your mouth.
"I can get you the two million now-"
"Yes." He chuckled and you dug your chit back out and he slid it into the console so he could transfer the credits.
"Shit…" you whispered, your hand shaking a bit as you took the chit back.
"Are…you staying in a hotel tonight?" Junmyeon asked as you scrolled on your holo-tracker, admiring the giant number registered in your account.
"Yeah! I might upgrade my room~" You giggled, and he took a breath, trying to psych himself up, but no words came out before you stood to leave.
"Thanks, Myeon! I'll make sure to come here when I can, kay?" You waved goodbye and he sighed as you dashed out of his office. As you left to head back to your hotel, you saw that Wonwoo had left his booth and you wondered why. Getting outside, you realized the rally had gotten out, floods of people now walking the streets, a big crowd heading toward the diner.
"Ew." You sneered at the globs of people and dashed back to the hotel. When you got in the lobby, you skipped up to the front counter, ready to ding the bell and call the nice old man out for assistance.
"Oh?" Someone was sitting in the lobby, a book in his hand.
"Ran away from all the people?" You spoke a bit louder so he could hear you and he glanced up over his glasses again. His face wasn't quite so cold as before, but he wasn't smiling either.
"Yes." His tone was also lighter.
"There's about to be a bunch more. The campaign team is staying here and will be back soon." The old man had come out of the office, and you sneered as he laughed.
"Are you staying here too?" you asked Wonwoo who had put his book away and was taking his glasses off.
"I hadn't checked in yet."
"We do not have any more rooms available, sir. We just had an influx of online reservations since the rally got out so late…" The old man sighed, and you hummed.
"I have a second single bed in my room…?" You suggested, not meeting his eye as he came to stand by you. He had a small duffle over his shoulder. His eyes finally met yours, and he seemed a little nervous, but you could only see it in his eyes, past that red glowing contact.
"Is that alright with you?"
"Yes? I wouldn't have offered otherwise…" You huffed and the old man hummed.
"Here, I will get you a key as well." You both waited and when Wonwoo received the clear keycard, you both scurried to elevator, people starting to enter the lobby. Neither of you said anything till you had shut the door to the hotel room.
"Are you sure this is okay?" you asked him, he was even stiffer than before.
"Y-yes." He cleared his throat, and he went further into the room, taking the bed near the window since your stuff was on the other one. He told you he was going to shower, and you nodded as he dashed past you. Sighing, you shook away some very impure thoughts, and went to your safe, rolling it over to the bench under the clothing rack and hauling it up onto it with a grunt. It took two physical keys as well as two padlocks and a dial lock. It clicked each one open and then you were able to open it. The air seal 'shunked' as you opened it, and you carefully rested the lid on the wall so it wouldn't scratch it. Looking over your objects, you had some small crystal-like artifacts that you worried were just fakes from some kind of gift shop. You also had some intact parts for ship consoles and even jewelry. There had been just a random case you found washed up on the shore of an oasis once that had gold and silver necklaces and rings inside. It was never reported missing, so you just kept them. Other bits and pieces were inside as well, and your mind went back to the image Wonwoo had showed you. The hood was what caught your eye. The person was experienced, knowing how to hide their face from all angles, so they were probably an experienced thief. Who would want ancient maps though? Especially from Terra.
"What is all that?" His deep voice startled you; you hadn't even heard the bathroom door open. Glancing up, you swallowed hard at the sight. He had put most of his clothes back on, but his shirt was still unbuttoned, allowing you to see his toned torso. He had flopped a towel onto his head to dry his hair and was putting his glasses back on. Trying to ignore how freaking sexy he was, you cleared your throat and started to point things out. When you got to the crystals, you let him put up the one that was shaped like a pyramid.
"I don’t know if they are worth anything, they might be fakes.”
"Have you shone light through them?" he asked, and you hadn't even thought of it.
"No?" He handed it back and you dug through your bag and found your flashlight, holding it to the crystal.
"Woah!" You gasped as a map of the stars shone on the ceiling as the light passed through the crystal.
"Is it worth anything?" you asked him. It was cool but could still theoretically be from a gift shop.
"The fakes have a button to turn on the light, that's the real deal. Where did you find them?" He was buttoning his shirt up, unfortunately, picking up the three other crystals and coming to sit on his bead across from you. There was a sphere, one that looked like a big diamond and an obelisk. You handed him the flashlight and he shined it through the other ones. The sphere showed a projection of a globe, but it wasn't S.V.T or even Terra.
"Mars." he muttered, and you looked closer, recognizing the small dots over the surface as the towers that held the barrier around the planet. The diamond one lit up a bright aqua blue, but that seemed to be all it did. The obelisk projected the time and date, but it seemed to be from Mars as well.
"I found them in some cave. How the heck did they get all the way out here?"
"Were these the only things in the cave?"
"Yeah…So even though they are legit, are they worth anything?
"Hm. Maybe to a collector. I can take them to the museum when I go back-" he halted, "If you're okay with it, I'll pay you back." If he wasn't a Ranger, you would be more hesitant to allow it, because he could just pocket the money. You didn't think he would though, not with the reputation of his group at stake otherwise.
"Sure." You shrugged and he took them and put them in his own pack, and you went back to your safe and locked it up.
"Thank you for letting me stay here." He called suddenly as you tried to figure out how the holo-screen worked and what channels there were.
"Sure. I'm not a fan of big groups of people and this is the best hotel in town." You smiled at him, going to hand him the remote.
"Oh, no, you can choose. I'll just read." You nodded and didn't press to continue the conversation. While it was quiet between you two, it was companionable and before you knew it, you had drifted off the sleep, listening to some show and the flipping of his book pages. When you awoke, he was gone, but it was like ten in the morning, and there was an unread message on your holo-tracker.
Sorry I left without saying goodbye. Thank you for letting me stay in your room for the night. I am heading back to the capital for now and will get your crystal projectors estimated. Please let me know if you get any leads on the map thief.  -Wonwoo
You sighed, a little disappointed he just left, but he seemed quite shy and closed off. Whatever. For the rest of the day and the next few you lazed about and did some fun things to spoil yourself after your big payout, enjoying your little vacation. Over the week afterwards you were having trouble finding anything significant and had stopped at a small tavern set up near a small oasis. You sat at the bar, laying on it dramatically. The bartender had moved the fan closer to you so it could blow straight on you as you lazily sipped from the straw in your fruity drink. You glanced casually at the entrance when another person entered, and you zeroed in on their face. They had a hood on, but that didn't mean it was for sure the person Wonwoo had been looking for. After he had gotten the money from the crystals, more than you thought but not a huge amount, he had sent you more information. It was a woman, presumably, and she was pretty tall and even always wore heeled boots. Your gaze shifted to their feet but couldn't see for sure and you couldn't even tell it was a woman. You and Wonwoo had actually been messaging some even past leads on the thief. You didn't have many friends and while he had the other rangers, he said it was nice to talk to someone new. As you sat at the bar, you watched her, pretending you weren't. You casually took out your holo-tracker and took a picture of the person as discreetly as you could, then headed out. You continued to wait and watch in your rover, ready to take a  picture of their vehicle when they left. You thought you knew which one it was, but didn't know for sure, so you waited till they came back out. They got in the one you had been eyeing, and so once they headed off, you sent the two pictures and a few more details to Wonwoo. He thanked you for the update, then asked where you were. He then told you to meet him in the next town of Falko, and since you were headed there anyway…
The town was much smaller than Jaron, so there was only one small motel, so it was easy to find where he was and get to his room. He was on the first floor in room three. You knocked and barely waited before he opened it. He was…smiling. You didn't know he could do that. You forgot how gorgeous he was.
"T-thanks." You smiled bashfully and followed him inside. It seemed he had been there awhile based on everything spread out across the room. There were a few consoles set up as well as tablets and other tech.
"What's going on in here?" You motioned around the room.
"While I'm looking for the map thief, I'm also trying to get the Ranger's new communication array set up. I'm making the program myself so it can't be hacked by outside sources." Wonwoo shrugged, moving various tablets from one of the beds so you could sit down. He sat at the small desk and turned to face you. He asked a few questions about the person you saw, and you gave him more details from the pictures. It wasn't a whole lot to go on, but if it was them, then he now had their vehicle information. Before you could talk past leads on the thief, his holo-tracker went off and he read the message. He sighed.
"What's wrong?"
"My partner is coming back. It might be better if you leave." He stood to lead you out and you grimaced.
"I-It's not…I just don't want him to meet you…" He mumbled and you wanted to press the issue. His cheeks were slightly red, and he flashed another genuine smile as you left the motel room.
"I'll let you know if the lead pans out." You nodded and before you could turn and leave, he had held something out for you.
"What's this?" You took the little holo-card.
"Um…it's my address. If you are ever in Ratalla…I won't be back home for a few more days, but I should be working from there after…" Wonwoo rubbed his hands on his pants, then shoved his hands in his pockets when you noticed.
"Thanks." You gave him your own smile, then left giddily.
Nearly another month passed before you saw him in person again, but you messaged back and forth quite a lot. There was once you were near his hometown, but he wasn't there, so you missed the chance of seeing him again.
You had been meeting with a repair man in a city called Guro; your rover hadn’t been driving straight. It seemed he would need it for a few days to even determine the issue, let alone what to do after. At least you were in a place with lots of activities. You had actually gotten another half a million credits from the giant wreck you found and had more funds than you knew what to do with. As you left the shop, looking up on the extranet for the nicest hotel, someone caught your eye. Despite the heat of the desert and the midday sun, there was someone slinking around with a hood on. You watched them, eyes glancing at their feet. Heeled boots. It was also a woman, and her height matched the parameters. There was even a cylinder vessel hung over her shoulder. It was her. The area had most warehouses, and she might have been meeting a buyer, so you decided to follow her. You sent Wonwoo a message with your coordinates to see if he could send someone by as well, or better yet, call some Guards. You trotted behind her, trying to stay out of sight and remain quiet. Hiding quickly around the corner, you watched her go into an unmarked warehouse after looking around for followers. Not well enough. The thief had gone in through a large open garage door, so it made it easy for you to follow. Crouching against the wall right near the edge of the door you peered around the corner and saw she was alone, probably waiting for someone. She glanced at her holo-tracker, then went further in, toward the garage door on the opposite side that opened to a scrap yard. Looking for another hiding place, you dashed forward and hid behind a column. When you peered around though, she was gone.
"Why are you following me?" A voice called from behind you, and you spun to see the thief, holding a pistol blaster aimed at you. Your heart fell and sweat broke out on your brow. Those maps must be really valuable if this person was willing to shoot you to prevent the interruption of the hand-off.
"I-I was just trying to figure out who-" The woman pulled back the hammer on the weapon and your stomach dropped.
"Shit!" You scrambled up and tried to at least get around the column when you saw her finger going to the trigger.
"Fuck!" You slammed your back against the column, seeing a smoking scorch mark on the ground.
"(Y/N)!" a familiar voice shouted, and you were shocked by Wonwoo's presence, distracting you.
"Stupid bitch!" The thief was back behind you, and you spun to see the gun nearly at your head. You yelped when something yanked you back and you fell into a hard body. Leaning into him, you watched in terror as the woman fell back onto the ground, a hole in her head. Then you noticed not only were you breathing hard, but so was he. He spun you around to look over you, his hands on your shoulders, one going to your jaw to adjust your head so he could look you over.
"Are you okay?" He was nearly frantic, his face and tone filled with panic.
"Y-yes." You weren't sure to be more surprised by his sudden appearance or the clear worry he had for you. It made your heart thud but for a much different reason. When he had finished looking over you and determined himself you were okay, Wonwoo pulled you into a hug. You returned the embrace, more trying to comfort him than anything.
"Fuck, I was worried." He sighed right in your ear, his deep voice rumbling through you.
"You were?" He pulled back enough so he could meet your eye and huffed.
"Of course. You didn't reply when I messaged you to stay away…" His hand went back to your jaw, his thumb brushing over the skin of your cheek, which was rapidly getting warm and red. When you met his eyes again your widened, he got close again and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
"Are you okay?" You chuckled a bit, kind of worried. He had never shown this level of emotion before.
"Yeah." Wonwoo pulled way, petting your hair then went to the body of the woman. You tried to avoid looking at her as he took the map holder from her and soon the Guard showed up. It was another good hour or maybe two before you both were finally allowed to leave after giving statements and answering questions.
"Do you have a place to stay tonight?" he asked you as you left the warehouse district.
"Not yet. I was just about to find a hotel when I saw her…" You drifted off, pointing with your thumb in the general direction of where you just were.
"I got a crap ton of money from a wreck I found so I was going to go somewhere fancy." You smiled wide and he gave you a smaller one. Wonwoo took a step closer, looking a bit nervous, his voice had a slight waver when he spoke.
"Wanna get a room together?"
From everything after he asked that question, till your back hit the door of your hotel room, it was a blur. As soon as the door closed, he had you pressed against it, his lips swallowing yours. His big hand was at the back of your head, making sure it didn't hit the wood of the door. You had gotten one of the deluxe suites of the nice hotel, so the bedroom was separate from the living area, and there was a small kitchen even. When your lungs started to burn for more air, he finally pulled his mouth from yours. As you caught your breath, just looking at each other, Wonwoo leaned into whisper in your ear, "I'm going to fuck you on every surface in this place." He promised. Your head swam at the statement and whined.
"Please~" As soon as he got permission, he grabbed turned you around, your front pressed to the door and his nose nuzzled behind your ear. You let him do as he wished, running his hands under your thin top, starting to suck on the skin in the crook of your neck. You were a bit worried about him having to stoop over so far since he was so much taller, but if he wasn't complaining, neither would you. You could tell he was marking your skin as he licked, sucked, and nibbled over your neck and shoulders. His hands quickly got your shirt off and as his hands danced over the skin of your stomach, you toed your boots off, shoving them to the side. Before he completely removed it, Wonwoo slipped his hands under your breast band, palming the flesh, making you shiver. Undoing the latch, he took the wrap off and it fell to the floor as well. Not turning around to see for sure, you heard more fabric rustling and assumed he was removing his own top. You sighed when his arms wrapped around you, holding your back to his bare chest, the right hand cupping your left breast, and his other hand skating over your stomach. He smiled at the whining moan you let out when his hand finally went into your pants, long fingers stroking the wet patch on your panties.
"So wet, pretty girl." He kissed behind your ear, fingers tweaking your nipple.
"Wonwoo~" You whimpered when his bare fingers finally met your folds and he groaned.
"Let's see how tight you are." Every time he rumbled words in your ear, it made your whole body shiver. Sighing when his finger slid inside, he huffed, his hips twitching as your gummy walls sucked his finger in. You could feel his hardening cock through his pants, pressing into your back side. When Wonwoo added a second finger, crooking them up and pressing hard into your back wall, your legs buckled, and the only reason you didn't fall was his arms around you.
"Need to get your pussy ready for me, pretty." He smiled against your neck when your groan faded into a whine.
"Fuck~" You practically cried as his palm dug into your clit and you were already close.
"No!" You gasped when his fingers left right as you were getting to the edge.
"Wonwoo?" He had pulled away entirely, you only knew he was still behind you because his hands were on the waist band of your pants. He pulled them along with your underwear down and kneeled behind you, helping you get them off without falling over.
"Hold on, pretty girl." While you weren’t sure what he was about to do, your fingers dug futilely into the wood of the door. Your breath escaped you when he, without real warning, shoved his tongue into your cunt, his thumb flicking your clit. Your legs immediately began to shake, a mewl escaping with each rapid breath. You were done for when his lips sealed around your clit, barely flicking with his tongue, and your nails dug into the wood as you released on his tongue. He chuckled, your cunt dripping release onto the floor.
"Gonna have to clean this place good…" You joked, breathless and he laughed harder. Wonwoo hummed, standing back up. There was more shuffling as you rested against the door panting. You sighed when his arms came back to you, pulling you back into his now completely naked body. His cock was wedged in the crook of your ass, and you swore under your breath, why was he so freaking big? He was tall and his shoulders were broad, and apparently had to have a fat cock as well.
"Fuck!" You groaned when the head of his cock went to the entrance of your core. One of his arms wrapped around your ribs, the hand resting under your breast, and the other was at your hip.
"Ready?" His tone had shifted, it was playful and cocky, a slight laugh accompanied the word.
"Please!" You gasped as he started to push in, your legs shook as his dick stretched you open. You hadn't been fucked in a long time, and longer still fucked good. You panted out little whines as he kept filling you, and it seemed like he was going to end up in your throat. Your whole body was trembling when he finally bottomed out, his strong hips pressed against your ass.
"God, your cunt feels so good, princess." His groan rumbled through both of you. You couldn't see, but his head was thrown back, adam's apple bobbing as he tried to get used to how tight you were. When he realized you were on your tip toes trying to compensate for the height difference, he shifted to ease the strain. He backed up so you could lean forward more, and he angled his hips down. Your feet were no longer burning, and his new angle seemed to get him even deeper somehow. Your cunt was burning too, trying to accommodate his size, slick walls fluttering from the stimulation. He had still barely moved, letting you adjust, but you were growing close again.
"Move…" Your request was so quiet. You were trying not to moan like a bitch in heat even though that was exactly how you felt.
"Slow? Fast?"
"Fuck- Wonwoo, just-" He pulled out about halfway and thrust back in, the head of his cock kissing your cervix. You both moaned, his hands left their original positions to grip the flesh of your ass and he chuckled when you nearly sobbed as he started. Only pulling out part of the way, he would fuck back into you hard, grinding his pubic bone into you each time.
"Fucking hell, Wonwoo~" You ended up back on your toes just from the pleasure and you hoped they wouldn't fine you too bad for the scratches your nails were carving into the wood. All your breath got fucked out of you when he finally gave a full thrust, your orgasm slamming into you.
"Shit-" Wonwoo grunted when your already tight cunt squeezed him even more, he had to slow down just to keep himself from cumming as well. He smirked, watching your fingers twitch as you clawed the door, your head flopped forward between your shoulders.
"No, no, no!" You babbled as he pulled out all the way, huffing in amusement at your whining.
"Come here, pretty." Wonwoo easily lifted you, somewhere between like a sack of potatoes and a princess. Your head was still swimming from your orgasm, so the move to the next location was a bit blurry. You shivered and mewled when he set you on the counter that was in the mini kitchen of the suite, the marble very cold on your bare thighs and pussy. He laughed at your yelp when he pulled you, so your butt was right at the end of the counter, and didn't hesitate to bury himself back into you. The thrust was harsher and faster than the first and your hands flew to his shoulders to steady yourself as he restarted the brutal rhythm that he was fucking you against the door with. The man groaned when your nails dug into his skin instead of the wood, so he decided to mark you himself.
"Wonwoo~" Your voice wavered, eyes starting to tear up at the feeling of him fucking your brains out. His mouth went to your own shoulder, at the base of your neck. He started with open mouth kisses, then sucked the skin before lightly sinking his teeth in. He could feel your whimper against your throat, and you felt his responding hum from his lips. Wonwoo tightened his grip as well, wanting to leave bruises shaped like his hands on your skin. He was struggling to hold you upright enough, so you didn't bang your head against the counter, and his knees kept knocking into the cabinet.
"Hold on…" He grunted, and you squeaked when, without withdrawing, picked you up, holding your legs around his waist. Not going far, one hand held your butt and the other went to hitch your leg over his elbow as he pinned you to the wall. Luckily the paint on the wall wasn't textured, your back rubbing over the surface as you bounced on his cock. Wonwoo looked even more gorgeous than normal like that, naked, sweat covering his brow, pupils blown wide. The red, dancing hologram of his eye contact contracted and spun, and you wondered what it did, if anything. With hazy thoughts, you glanced down at his body, whining at the sight of his abs, clenched to work his hips and hold you up.
"Fuck, pretty girl-" He exhaled harshly, his thrusts getting less regular as he grew closer to his orgasm.
"Inside, please, fuck!" You pleaded and he had no desire to argue. His forehead landed on your shoulder, and he moaned higher than you thought he could go as he pumped his cum into you. In the silence, cutting through both of your panting breaths, your combined release dripped onto the tile floor. Your head was so empty you nearly didn't realize you had came again as well. You tried hard not to slump like a rag doll since he was completely holding you up, but you had nearly no strength.
"Let's get to the bed." Wonwoo stood up straight, staying inside, his cock still rock-hard and he carried you to the separate bedroom of the suite. While he meant to set you down on the bed gently, you flopped onto it, letting yourself finally go boneless, your muscles and mind were mush. You weren't sure if you could go any longer, but despite a bit of sweat on him, he was unaffected.
"I've been waiting to fuck you since you came to my motel room in Falko." He admitted, shifting you higher on the bed, following suit, his hard cock covered in both of yours cum resting between the folds of your cunt. You barely registered the confession before your back arched, his cock finding its home inside of you again. It was hard to fully catch your breath, he was battering his cock into your dripping cunt without any mercy. As he rolled his hips just right to hit every single good spot inside of you, his hands gripped your thighs, maneuvering your weakly shaking thighs so they were pressed to your chest, knees at your ears.
"D-daddy, go slower!" You keened and his hips immediately stopped. You were too far gone to feel anything but a bit of respite, head flopping so your cheek rested on the pillow.
"Fucking hell, princess." Somehow his voice had gotten deeper, and he started the brutal pace back up, snapping his hips even harder than before. If you had the strength to scream you would, but your throat was hoarse, so you just mewled and squeaked, drool pooling from the corners of your mouth, tears down your cheeks.
"You love daddy's cock ruining your sweet little cunt, huh?" He huffed when your glassy eyes met his. The red hologram spun and danced, and while you couldn't see, through the lens he had a much different view. Little numbers and labels shown in the air around your body, telling him how and where your brain was firing, your heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure. He could even highlight where blood pooled to the bruises his hands had made.
"Yes~!" You gasped as his thrusts slowed down, but just as hard, he barely pulled out before grinding down into you. Different sensors from his lens flashed on and he could tell you were getting close already. Even without it, he could feel your walls pulsing, more of your wet dripping from where your bodies met.
"You wanna cum, pretty?" You nodded rapidly, whimpering positively.
"Cum for daddy, then." And with one more thrust you fell over the edge. Not just from his words, but also the rough friction of his pelvic bone meeting your clit. Wonwoo chuckled as he felt your pussy spasm, more of your cum squirting from your quivering folds, coating his skin as well. He had a feeling you were spent even though he knew he could keep going. He had stilled inside of you, so he didn't overstimulate you too much, and he wasn't for sure you were still conscious. Your eyes were closed, arms resting on the bed up by your head. He smiled warmly, cooing at your fucked out state, letting your legs go so they could rest onto the bed as well. When he pulled out you shuddered, a long shaky keen floating from your parted lips. He was shocked at the globs of thick, white cum that dripped out of your swollen cunt and he was still unfortunately still very hard. After feeling your core milk him dry, he wasn't sure even a cold shower would calm him down. Though, seeing you laying there, he felt a little bad he had caused you to become so worn out and didn't want to be selfish.
"Oh, princess." Wonwoo leaned back over you, kissing your cheek, the corner of your mouth, then softly pressed his lips to yours. You sighed and it made him grin, you were at least conscious.
"You're still hard." Your voice was quiet, higher than normal, almost whiny.
"It's okay, pretty, you're tired." Wonwoo nuzzled the side of your neck under your ear, lightly sucking on your ear lobe. If he wasn't careful, he would not be able to resist sliding back inside you. With the little strength you had return to you, you pushed him back just enough that you could flop over onto your stomach.
"(Y/N), we don't-" You didn't let him finish, grabbing a pillow to shove under your hips, lifting your butt a bit higher.
"Please, daddy~" You looked at him with shining eyes over your shoulder, and who was he to resist?
"Oh, fuck, princess. If you insist…"
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Taglist: @gaslysainz
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moonlitstoriess · 13 days
The Hidden Legacy- A Ruhn Danaan x Rhysands sister series
Chapter 3: Unseen Threads
Summary: Rhysand’s sister, Seraphis, long thought dead, was taken by the Asteri/Valgs, her memories erased and turned into a ruthless killer loyal to their cause. After Bryce kills the Asteri, Seraphis seeks vengeance on her and everyone else involved. As she hunts them down, Rhysand and the Inner Circle discover the shocking truth: she’s alive, and now their enemy.
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Kynesis: The instinctual drive to pursue or chase something; a primal urge to follow.
The auxiliary headquarters had never felt heavier.
Ruhn sat in the large leather chair at his desk, staring at the holo-screen in front of him. Reports, data, and communications blinked in and out, but nothing held his attention for long. A strange sense of unease had been creeping in all day, something gnawing at the back of his mind.
He leaned back, rubbing the bridge of his nose as his thoughts wandered. Things had been too calm lately, too quiet. After everything that had happened with their circle, peace felt more like a temporary pause than a lasting reality.
The sharp buzz of his commlink interrupted his thoughts, and Ruhn glanced down at it. A message flashed on the screen from Flynn, short and urgent: “Get to the briefing room. Now.”
Ruhn’s gut twisted. Something was wrong. He stood up from his chair and quickly crossed the office, weaving through the busy corridors of the auxiliary headquarters. The sharp scent of cleaning supplies mixed with the distinct hum of tech filled the air as he moved with purpose. His steps quickened, the adrenaline already starting to kick in.
When he pushed open the doors to the briefing room, he found Flynn, Declan, and the rest of the auxiliary team already gathered. Flynn’s face was tight with worry, his usual easygoing demeanor replaced by a serious expression.
“What’s going on?” Ruhn asked, feeling the tension in the room as soon as he stepped in.
Flynn glanced up, his jaw set. “We’ve got a situation. Fires—multiple, across the city. They started around the same time, and they’re spreading fast. The 33rd is stretched thin dealing with them, and we’re being called in to assist.”
Ruhn’s heart skipped a beat. Fires? That wasn’t unusual in a city this size, but… multiple? “Do we know the source?”
Declan shook his head, fingers already flying across the holo-screen to pull up maps and reports. “Not yet, but something about this doesn’t sit right. It’s too coordinated, too… sudden.”
Ruhn frowned, a familiar heaviness settling in his chest. Coordinated chaos. His mind flashed to Bryce—she’d want to get involved, no question about it. But his thoughts quickly returned to the task at hand.
“Okay, let’s move,” Ruhn ordered, pulling himself into the role of leader. “Where’s the worst hit?”
Declan brought up a map of the city, areas marked in red where the fires had erupted. “East sector, near the industrial zone. The flames are spreading toward the residential areas, and people are starting to evacuate.”
“Shit,” Ruhn muttered under his breath. “Get the gear. We’re heading there first.”
Flynn clapped him on the shoulder. “We’ve got your back.”
The drive to the site felt longer than it should have. Silence filled the vehicle, a tension building in the air. Flynn sat in the front seat, his eyes hard as he stared out the window, while Declan tapped away on his tech, scanning the updates coming in.
Ruhn’s mind raced. Fires didn’t just start on their own—not like this. His gut told him this wasn’t some accident, but deliberate. Calculated. And that thought chilled him to the bone.
When they arrived, the scene that unfolded before them was pure chaos.
Thick clouds of black smoke rose from the burning buildings, ash drifting through the air like snowflakes. People were scattered in the streets, some running, others shouting, trying to help. The acrid smell of burning wood and metal filled his lungs as they stepped out of the vehicle, the heat from the flames palpable even from a distance.
“This is bad,” Flynn muttered, his usual bravado gone.
“Yeah,” Ruhn replied, eyes scanning the horizon. The flames licked higher, threatening to devour everything in their path. There was no way this was an accident.
Grabbing his commlink, Ruhn relayed orders to the team. “Declan, check in with the 33rd. We need to know where the fire started. Flynn, help with crowd control, get these people out of here. I’ll head toward the fire and see what I can do.”
The team sprang into action. Declan immediately began communicating with the Legion while Flynn and a few others started directing civilians to safety.
As Ruhn moved toward the heart of the blaze, a knot formed in his stomach. He had no idea who or what was behind this, but he could sense that it was only the beginning.
He jogged through the thick smoke, his eyes scanning the surroundings as the heat intensified. The closer he got to the source of the fire, the clearer it became that this was no random accident.
He caught sight of the firefighters battling the flames. Their powerful hoses blasted streams of water at the burning structures, but the fire seemed almost alive, resisting every attempt to extinguish it. The heat was suffocating, and the acrid stench of burning debris clawed at his throat.
Ruhn’s commlink buzzed in his ear. “Ruhn,” Declan’s voice crackled through. “I’ve got something. The fires—they’re too spread out to be natural. This was deliberate. Coordinated. They started in different locations at the same time.”
Ruhn cursed under his breath. “Any idea who’s behind it?”
“Nothing solid yet. But I’ve got people running intel.”
As Declan spoke, Ruhn’s attention shifted to something strange. His sharp eyes caught sight of the blackened ground in a nearby alleyway. The pattern of the scorch marks—it didn’t make sense. It wasn’t random.
His gut churned. There was something about the way the flames moved, the unnatural shapes they left behind. Magic? He squinted closer at the scorch marks. They almost looked like symbols, curling and twisting in ways that set his instincts on edge.
Before he could inspect further, a loud crack erupted from a nearby building. The wooden beams supporting the structure had given way, sending burning debris crashing to the ground.
“Ruhn! Get back!” Flynn’s voice shouted from somewhere behind him, but it was too late. The flames surged forward, and the ground trembled as the building collapsed in on itself.
Ruhn’s shadows reacted on instinct, swirling up from deep inside him, wrapping him in a cocoon of protection as burning embers rained down. For a moment, all he could see was fire, the world around him consumed by chaos.
And then… silence.
The collapse was over, the building reduced to smoldering ruins.
Ruhn pushed his shadows back down, scanning the scene. The alleyway was now blocked off by a pile of debris, but something told him he had seen something important—something he needed to understand.
He tapped his commlink again. “Flynn, Declan. Pull back to my location. We need to regroup.”
“On it,” Flynn responded, his voice tight.
As Ruhn stepped away from the scene, his thoughts spiraled. The fire, the symbols, the coordinated attack—it was all connected, but he couldn’t put his finger on how. Not yet.
Back at the auxiliary headquarters, hours had passed, but the weight of the fires hung over the entire team. The blazes were under control, but the damage had already been done. As Ruhn and his team gathered around the central table, Declan projected a map of the city, highlighting the areas most affected.
“So far, no one’s claimed responsibility for the attacks,” Flynn said, arms crossed as he leaned against the wall. “But with how perfectly this was executed, it’s no small-time player.”
Ruhn nodded, his mind replaying the strange symbols he’d seen earlier. Something nagged at him, something familiar, but he couldn’t place it.
“What about Bryce?” Declan asked. “She’s going to want to know what’s going on.”
“She knows,” Ruhn said, a grim smile tugging at his lips. “But we’ve got this for now. I don’t want her involved unless it gets worse.”
Declan shot him a knowing look but said nothing. Bryce never stayed out of anything for long, especially if there was danger involved.
Flynn glanced at the map again, his brow furrowed. “You think this is just the beginning?”
Ruhn didn’t answer immediately. He didn’t need to. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation—everyone in the room could feel it.
Finally, Ruhn spoke, his voice low. “Yeah. I think something bigger is coming.”
The meeting stretched late into the night as the auxiliary poured over every detail of the fires, trying to connect the dots. Maps covered the walls, and reports streamed in from all over the city. Each new piece of information only added to the growing unease in the room.
Ruhn’s mind was preoccupied, trying to make sense of the situation. The fires were too widespread, too organized to be random. The tension in the air was thick, but no one had any solid answers yet.
Flynn stood at the head of the room, pointing to a map pinned to the wall. “These aren’t random spots. Whoever did this, they knew the city. They hit places that would draw the most attention.”
“But why fires?” Declan asked, sitting across from Ruhn, flipping through the reports. “There are quicker ways to cause chaos.”
Ruhn tapped his fingers on the table, staring at the map. “It’s not just about the chaos. It feels like… a distraction. But from what?”
As if on cue, the door to the meeting room swung open, and one of their lieutenants rushed in, breathless and grim. “New intel just came in,” he said, catching everyone’s attention. “We’ve got witnesses from one of the fire sites.”
Ruhn’s attention sharpened. “Go on.”
The lieutenant stepped further into the room, his voice tense. “They said they saw someone. Couldn't identify who it is. Cloaked, moving through the crowd before the fires started.”
Ruhn exchanged a look with Flynn and Declan. A cloaked woman, in the middle of the chaos? His instincts flared with suspicion. “A cloaked figure?” he asked, his voice calm but laced with curiosity. “Did they get any details?”
The lieutenant shook his head. “Not much. Whoever it is, they kept to the shadows, and no one got a clear look at his or her face. But they were seen near more than one of the fire sites.”
Flynn rubbed his jaw. “So, either they are setting them or this individual knows something.”
“Either way,” Declan added, “they are involved.”
Ruhn felt a ripple of unease at the thought. There was no telling who this figure was or what their role in all this could be. But their presence at multiple fire sites wasn’t a coincidence.
“Find more witnesses,” Ruhn said, standing up. “We need to know more about them. Anything. I want to know where he or she went after the fires started, too.”
The lieutenant nodded and rushed out, leaving the group in a heavy silence.
Flynn let out a slow breath. “A cloaked figure and random fires? This sounds like the start of a bad story.”
Ruhn didn’t respond. His mind was turning over the details, trying to piece it all together. Who was this person? And what was he or she trying to accomplish?
For now, the answers eluded him, but something told him this wasn’t the last they’d hear of him or her.
The clock on the wall was ticking past 2 a.m., but Ruhn and his team were still going strong. The auxiliary office was quieter now, most of the lower-level members having gone home or taken over watch shifts, but the core group remained.
Ruhn stood in front of a large tactical map on the wall, arms crossed tightly over his chest as he stared at the red markers indicating each fire site. His mind churned with frustration—the fires had been extinguished hours ago, but the mystery remained unsolved.
Flynn, sitting across the table from him, pinched the bridge of his nose. “This is getting us nowhere. We’ve got a handful of burnt buildings, a few witness statements that don’t tell us much, and the appearance of some figure who slipped away before anyone could ID them.”
Declan was at his usual spot, typing away furiously at his computer, running search after search. “I’m pulling what I can from street cams and security footage, but we still don’t have a clear image of them. There’s too much interference and not enough data to go on.”
Ruhn sighed heavily, his eyes still glued to the map. There was no denying the fires had been deliberate—too well-timed, too precise. And that mysterious figure from earlier still lingered in the back of his mind. But who was this person? And why did he or she set them? The feeling that something darker was in motion gnawed at him.
Flynn leaned back in his chair. “We’ve been at this for hours, man. We’re not gonna make sense of this tonight.”
Ruhn clenched his jaw, knowing Flynn was right. The tension in his body had reached a breaking point. “Alright,” he muttered, pushing away from the map. “We’ll regroup in the morning. But keep the patrols tight. If this is the beginning of something bigger, I want eyes everywhere.”
Flynn nodded, and Declan gave a tired wave as he continued working. But Ruhn couldn’t shake the feeling that this was far from over.
The city was unnaturally quiet as Ruhn stepped out of the auxiliary building. The early hours before dawn always had an eerie stillness to them, but tonight it felt more oppressive, like the calm before a storm. The fires had been dealt with, yet something about them gnawed at the edges of his thoughts.
Ruhn zipped up his jacket against the cold breeze, his breath visible in the cool air as he began the short walk back to his apartment. The empty streets of the city felt like a stark contrast to the chaotic mess they had dealt with earlier, but there was no comfort in the silence.
He replayed the night’s events in his mind, searching for some clue he might’ve missed, something that would explain the sudden, calculated attacks. The mysterious figure Flynn mentioned was the biggest anomaly. No one had managed to get a good look at them, and they had slipped away so cleanly it was like they hadn’t been there at all.
Whoever they were, they weren't just a passerby.
As he neared his apartment, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, seeing a message from Bryce.
Bryce: Heard about the fires. You good?
Ruhn frowned, glancing up at the quiet city around him. Bryce would no doubt dig into this just as he was, but for now, he didn’t want her getting mixed up in things before he had more information.
Ruhn: Yeah, handling it. Will update you in the morning.
He slid his phone back into his pocket and headed inside, mind still churning. Something about the unidentified individual, the fires, the precision of it all—it was all too well-planned. Too clean. He needed to figure out who was behind it, and fast.
But for now, he’d try to sleep, knowing the morning would bring more questions than answers.
The next day came far too quickly. Sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a faint glow on the apartment walls. Ruhn groaned as he sat up, still feeling the weight of the previous night’s work heavy on his shoulders.
He rolled out of bed, quickly getting dressed and heading out. They needed to reconvene and figure out their next move.
The city was already buzzing with activity by the time Ruhn and his team stepped outside the auxiliary headquarters in search of more signs. The fires had left a mark on the city’s landscape, and Ruhn felt the weight of the responsibility to ensure everything was under control.
He and his team—Flynn, Declan, Alex and Damon—were scouring the streets, questioning pedestrians and assessing the damage. The reports of destruction were dire, and Ruhn’s focus was to gather every bit of information that could help them piece together the events of the night before.
As they moved down a street, Ruhn noticed a small café on the corner. The place seemed to be a hub of conversation, and he figured it might be a good spot to gather more intel. He directed his team to keep an eye on the street while he approached the café, hoping to pick up any additional details from the patrons.
Just as he was about to enter the café, a woman burst through the door, moving with an urgency that caught his attention. Her hurried pace and the way she tried to avoid eye contact made something in Ruhn’s gut twist with unease.
He briefly locked eyes with her, but her face was partially obscured by the hood of her shirt. The moment was too fleeting for him to make out any distinct features before she turned sharply and hurried away.
Instinctively, Ruhn’s gaze followed her. He signaled to his team to follow. There was something about her behavior that didn’t sit right with him.
The woman moved quickly, weaving through the streets with purpose. Ruhn and his team kept a discreet distance, their steps synchronized with hers. As she darted into an alleyway, Ruhn urged his team to stay close.
In the narrow confines of the alley, Ruhn saw her stumbling and dropping something on the ground. He caught sight of a small, intricate pendant before she could recover it. Without thinking, he reached out and gripped her arm, intending to stop her.
As his fingers closed around her arm, a strange sensation coursed through him—a fleeting pulse of energy that sent a shiver up his spine. It was brief, almost like an electric current, but enough to make him pause. The woman’s startled reaction confirmed that the feeling wasn’t one-sided.
“Stop!” Ruhn commanded, his voice sharp with authority and urgency. The intensity of the moment heightened his awareness, making his heart pound.
But before he could fully grasp her, she wrenched free, slipping away into the shadows. Ruhn watched as she disappeared around a corner, his grip still tingling with the sensation of her touch.
He quickly picked up the pendant she had dropped, examining its elaborate design. It seemed out of place, adding another layer of mystery to the situation.
Ruhn turned to his team, determination etched on his face. “Keep searching. We need to find out who she is and why she was running.”
As his team resumed their search, Ruhn’s thoughts raced. The strange sensation from the woman’s touch lingered in his mind, along with the pendant’s peculiar design. He knew there was a deeper connection to the chaos that needed to be uncovered. The city might be recovering, but for Ruhn, the mystery was just beginning.
He looked back down at the pendant in his hands. Intricate patterns were etched into it's surface--familiar, yet completely alien. As his thumb traced the designs, something flickered in his memory, like the whisper of an old story he couldn't quite remember.
"What the hell is this?" he muttered to himself, turning the pendant over in his hand.
Flynn and Declan caught up to him then, their faces marked with confusion.
"Did you lose her?" Flynn asked, glancing down the alley where she had disappeared.
"She slipped away," Ruhn replied, his voice edged with frustration. "But not before she dropped this." He held up the pendant, watching as his friends' expressions shifted from curiosity to concern.
"That's not local," Declan said immediately, his sharp eyes studying the pendant. "I've seen a lot of old artifacts in the archives--this doesn't match anything we've come across."
Flynn frowned, his gaze flicking between the pendant and Ruhn "What are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking we need answers," Ruhn replied, pocketing the pendant. "Whatever that thing is...it's connected to her. And I don't think she's just some random personpassing through the city."
Bryce's voice crackled through their comms. "What's going on? You guys are off the grid."
Ruhn pressed the device to his ear, his mind still buzzing. "We might've stumbled onto something bigger than we thought."
"Bigger how?" Bryce sounded intrigued, though there was a hint of weariness in her tone--likely from dealing with the fallout of the night's attack.
"I'll explain later. We're heading back."
Three hours later, back at the apartment, the entire group gathered in the lounge--Bryce, Hunt, Ithan, Baxian and Ruhn. The atmosphere was tense, everyone still on edge from the attack the previous night.
Ruhn set the pendant down on the coffee table, the strange silver gleaming under the lights.
"This is what she dropped," Ruhn began, his voice steady but his mind still racing. "I don't know who she is, but I'm sure as hell that she's not from around here.And this pendant, it's tied to something. Something big."
Bryce leaned in, her fingers brushing over the intricate design. "This looks old. Like really old." Her brow furrowed "I've never seen anything like this, and I've come across a lot of ancient shit."
Hunt crossed his arms, his wings twitching slightly. "Do you think she's involved with the attack? Coordinating something behind the scenes?"
"I don't know," Ruhn admitted. "But whatever she's up to, she is not someone we should underestimate."
Baxian leaned against his chair. "I will let Isaiah know of this new discovery."
Bryce exchanged a glance with her mate before looking back at Ruhn. "We need to find out what this symbol means. I'll reach out to some people, see if they know anything."
Ruhn rubbed his temples as the group fell into a thoughtful silence, the pendant lying on the coffee table between them, gleaming in the low light of the apartment. Bryce paced back and forth, deep in thought, while Ithan leaned against the wall, arms crossed, his eyes occasionally flicking towards the mysterious object.
“None of this makes any sense,” Bryce finally muttered. “If this pendant is as old as it looks, why was it dropped during last night’s attack? And why now?”
“Maybe it was an accident,” Ithan suggested. “Whoever was running from you, Ruhn, wasn’t planning on being chased.”
Ruhn shook his head. “No. This wasn’t just some random person. There was something… familiar about her, but I can’t put my finger on it.” He hadn’t shared everything he felt during that brief contact—how a strange pulse of energy surged through him when he grabbed her arm. It had been… unsettling.
As the room fell into another tense silence, there was a knock on the door. Everyone froze, their gazes darting towards it.
“Expecting someone?” Ithan asked, already pushing off the wall.
Bryce frowned. “No.”
Ruhn rose, his hand instinctively going to the knife at his side as he approached the door. He glanced back at the group, Bryce nodding once to signal her readiness, her fingers twitching with power just beneath the surface.
Ruhn opened the door, revealing Flynn standing there, looking slightly out of breath. He wasn’t alone. Beside him was Declan, their expressions serious.
“Sorry to barge in,” Flynn started, walking into the apartment without being invited. “But we’ve got news, and it’s not good.”
Bryce crossed her arms. “What is it?”
Flynn exchanged a look with Declan before he spoke again. “One of our sources just reached out. They’ve been tracking unusual magical activity, and… well, we think we’ve found another connection to the attacks. Something about a powerful ward being broken last night.”
“A ward?” Ruhn asked, brow furrowing.
Flynn nodded. “Yeah, and it gets worse. They couldn’t pinpoint the exact location, but they’re sure it’s tied to that pendant.”
Ruhn’s gaze flicked back to the pendant on the table. The room seemed to grow colder, the air heavier with the weight of this new revelation.
“We need to get moving,” Flynn added. “Our source said this ward was ancient—something that hasn’t been touched in centuries.”
“Then whoever dropped this pendant wasn’t just fleeing the scene,” Declan said, his eyes scanning the group. “They were trying to hide something, maybe even protect themselves from being found.”
Bryce’s expression hardened. “Do we have any leads on where this ward was located?”
Flynn hesitated. “Not yet, but our source is working on it. We figured we’d regroup here and go from there.”
Ruhn’s mind was racing. The more he thought about it, the more certain he became that the woman he had chased was tied to all of this. And now this pendant wasn’t just some lost trinket; it was a piece of something much larger.
He looked over at Bryce. “We need to move quickly. If this ward was protecting something dangerous, we can’t let it get out of control.”
“Agreed,” Bryce said, glancing at the others. “We split up. Flynn, you and Declan go follow up with your source. Ithan, stay here and keep an eye on things. Hunt and Baxian, you go to the 33rd. See if they have any updates. Ruhn and I will check out the location where you found that woman.”
Ruhn nodded, but a chill crept up his spine. The feeling that something bigger was at play, something none of them were ready for, wouldn’t leave him. And as he grabbed his jacket and prepared to head back out into the streets, his mind wandered to the pendant once more.
What had been unleashed?
The streets outside were eerily quiet as they moved toward the alley, where the pendant had been found. Bryce’s eyes swept the surroundings, alert to any sign of danger. But Ruhn’s mind was elsewhere—on the woman who had dropped the pendant. She wasn’t just another enemy; she was something far more dangerous.
The air seemed to grow heavier as they approached the alley, the energy around them shifting. It was subtle at first—a slight flicker of movement, a ripple in the world around them, as if reality itself was bending under unseen pressure.
“This is where she was,” Ruhn murmured, his voice low as he stopped in front of the darkened alley. His grip tightened on the pendant in his pocket, a deep sense of unease settling over him.
Bryce looked at him, her brow furrowed. “Whatever we’re dealing with, it’s not just some random magic. This is something bigger.”
Ruhn nodded, but before he could respond, the very air around them seemed to still. The night grew unnaturally quiet, the world itself frozen in place. Bryce stopped mid-step, her expression frozen in time—her body unmoving, her breathing halted.
Everything stopped.
Ruhn felt a strange pressure weigh down on him, an invisible force binding him in place. His muscles refused to respond, his body stuck in a frozen position. It was as if time itself had ceased to exist, the world around him locked in a moment.
And then he saw her.
Out of the shimmering stillness, That woman stepped into view. Her cloak was gone, revealing her completely. She moved with an unhurried grace, her movements smooth and fluid, as if she alone controlled the flow of time.
Ruhn’s breath caught in his throat as his eyes met hers—an unnatural shade of violet, like molten amethyst glowing in the dim light of the alley. Her face was a vision of ethereal beauty, but not the kind that drew you in with warmth. No, her beauty was dangerous, sharp, like a blade designed to cut, to wound. Her high cheekbones, flawless skin, and the intense, almost otherworldly look in her eyes sent a shiver through him. And her ears...so she was a female, not a woman.
He’d seen plenty of powerful beings, creatures with ancient magic that thrummed in their veins, but there was something about her—something that went beyond mere beauty. She was unnatural, ethereal, and that only added to the power she exuded.
His heart thundered in his chest as he found himself unable to look away. Every detail seemed to sharpen, every second stretched as his mind struggled to process what was happening. He was stuck, time frozen, and yet in this moment, all that mattered was her.
And then she moved closer.
The female walked through the frozen world as if she owned it, her steps soft but deliberate. She didn’t rush, didn’t panic. She moved with the confidence of someone who knew she was untouchable. Ruhn’s gaze followed her, his mind a whirlwind of questions. Who is she? Why does she feel… different?
With each step, her beauty grew more haunting, her presence more overwhelming. And he noticed the smallest details—her long, dark hair framing her face, the way her eyes seemed to catch every bit of light, glinting with some hidden knowledge, some secret she carried that the world didn’t know.
When she finally reached him, her fingers lightly brushed his hand. The pendant, the one she had dropped, was still in his grasp. Her touch was cold, sending a sharp jolt up his arm, and his entire body felt like it had been set ablaze by that brief connection. It was as if her touch pulled something out of him, something primal, something deep.
She leaned in slightly, her gaze briefly flicking down to the pendant before locking back onto his. In the frozen stillness, their eyes locked again, and for a moment—just a moment—Ruhn swore he saw a flicker of something in her gaze. Recognition? Curiosity? He couldn’t tell.
But then she spoke, her voice a whisper, low and melodic, yet edged with danger. “This belongs to me.”
His breath hitched. There was something intimate in that moment, something that crawled under his skin and stayed there, gnawing at him. She took the pendant from his hand slowly, her fingers lingering just a fraction too long against his.
And then, with a single blink, she was gone.
Time resumed its flow, the world around him suddenly jolting back to life. Bryce gasped beside him, blinking rapidly as if shaking off a dream.
“Ruhn?” Bryce’s voice sounded distant, her eyes wide as she scanned the street.
But Ruhn couldn’t respond. His heart pounded in his chest, and his gaze was still locked on the spot where she had disappeared, the strange sensation of her touch still lingering on his skin.
“Who the hell was that?” Bryce muttered, scanning the area in confusion, her brow furrowed.
Ruhn didn’t answer immediately. His mind was still reeling, trying to process what had just happened. His pulse was still racing from the intensity of that moment, from the look in her eyes that had been so piercing, so knowing.
“Whoever she is… she’s not done with us,” Ruhn finally said, his voice low.
Bryce shot him a confused look, clearly not understanding the full weight of what had just occurred. But Ruhn felt it—deep in his bones. This wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.
The pendant had been a symbol, a connection. But it wasn’t just about the object anymore. It was about her. Whoever she was, whatever power she wielded… it was only the beginning.
And something told Ruhn that the next time they met, it wouldn’t be so brief—or so one-sided. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Taglist: @annamariereads16 @tooexhaustedsstuff @a-frog-with-a-laptop @cassie-at-college-blog @itsinherited @anuttellaa
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awkward-tension-art · 4 months
Bacta and Bandages Chp.3 (Rex x Reader)
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Chapter 2. Chapter 4.
First Mission
CW: Clone mistreatment, Medical procedures, needles, Death, destruction, mentions of an epidemic, nothing graphic, Reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), reader is a doctor, if I miss a tag LMK!
You had a couple of weeks to establish yourself and settle with the 501st. It worked out well, because it allowed you to get to know the soldiers more.
Plus, no mission meant you had some free time to learn mando’a. It was basic at best, but you knew how to greet someone and find out where their pain is located, as well as other basic conversation.
It’s what you were doing at the moment. As you tidied up the medical bay, the robotic voice of a teaching droid came from the datapad on your desk. The holo was a program fit more for academy students, but you had to start somewhere.
“Ni cuy' a baar'ur,” You had managed to gear the learning towards medical language. Just to let you do your job better for the clones. Currently, the program was going over what to say when dealing with a patient.
“Very good. Where is your pain?”
“Vaii cuyir gar aaray?” You paused. The word for pain, aaray, always sounded off to you, “Vaii cuyir gar aaray?” Your words repeated.
You felt your damn soul leave your body when another voice interrupted.
“Ner kov'nyn bal ner haalas.” Rex was standing in the doorway, one hand on his hip, the other held his helmet. 
You didn’t know the exact sentence, and you had to think for a moment before looking up at him, “Head and…chest?”
He smirked and nodded, “That’s correct.” the captain stepped to your desk and looked at the holo-program that was still waiting for a response from you. “You’re learning Mando’a?”
“I thought it might help the troopers feel more comfortable,” You approached, tapping the tablet and pausing the holo-program, “I hope that's alright…” 
“It's more than alright, it's…it's a wonderful thought.” Rex had a genuine smile, “The men will appreciate it.” However, he cleared his throat, “However, General Skywalker needs you on the bridge.” 
Your heart raced, did something happen? Did you do something wrong?
“It’s about our next mission.” The captain explained, most likely catching your rising anxiety, “It's a relief mission, and your expertise with medical care is needed.” 
Oh! The breath you let out was one of relief, “Yes, of course…let's go to the bridge then.” 
The walk was quick. You’ve gotten used to the halls and paths of the venator now. Though, admittedly, you’ve gotten terribly lost a couple times. Once, you ended up in the reactor section and if you hadn’t found R2-D2, you’d have to embarrass yourself by asking a soldier to help guide you.
Once on the bridge, you saluted the general and commander in greeting, “You called for me, sir?”
Anakin Skywalker nodded, “We need your expertise, doctor,” He tapped a button on the console, bringing up a holomap of a planet with 4 moons, “The planet of Cherenity had a planet-wide epidemic and a series of natural disasters that caused total societal collapse. There were riots, famine, civil war and complete chaos.”
You frowned, but let him continue. 
“The Jedi have been called to try and help rebuild and offer relief. We need your help in dealing with the wounded and establishing medical care again.” He finished, standing up. He put his hands behind his back and looked at you, “What do you say?”
Ah. set up a medical center, help with supplies and maybe teach some procedures to the locals. 
You raised a hand to your chin, mentally working out the logistics, “One hospital for an entire planet will be overwhelmed. I’d like to have Kix with me to help deal with the injured.” Your eyes met Rex’s, “If that's alright with you, Captain.”
“He’s all yours.” He nodded. 
You smirked, and turned back to face General Skywalker, “When do we arrive?”
“We have an hour to prepare.” He informed everyone, “Thank you, Doctor. Get to work everyone. Dismissed.”
First mission…
You’d be a liar if you didn’t say you were nervous. Yes, you were a capable doctor. But…
Well, in soldier terms, you were no better than a shiny. A rookie.
You were in the hangar double checking the crates of supplies when Kix approached and saluted, “Doctor, I’ve been informed I will be aiding you in this mission.”
Your tone was calm and even, “You and I are going to help establish something of a medical care center for the survivors on Cherenity,” You looked over to him, “But, this will be my first mission, and I’m a doctor before I’m a soldier…I might follow your lead if the situation calls for it.”
He gave you an understanding smile, “I remember my first mission…It can be overwhelming but you’ll get used to it,” The medic melted into a friendly, approachable attitude, “Since it’s a relief mission, it should be easy. But if there's any danger I’ll show you what to do.” 
How kind. Very polite too.
“Thank you, Kix.” 
Before you loaded up, you checked your gear. Because of your rank and position, you didn’t wear the same heavy, clunky armor as the other soldiers. You were outfitted with movement and supplies in mind. Armor was minimal, only enough to protect your chest, calves and wrists. The uniform, made of protective yet light material, was red and white, indicating your medical personnel status.
In a perfect galaxy, this would mean no one would try to kill you. But…well, war crimes weren’t unheard of. Sometimes adversaries would specifically target medics.
With a calming breath, you stepped on the gunship with Kix and a few other soldiers and prepared yourself mentally. There were certain things you were worried about. With no sterile location, infection rates would be high. Plus, even if the disease that caused the epidemic had killed all of its hosts, it may still be present on the planet. 
And you had no idea how it was spread.
“Something wrong, Doctor?” A trooper next to you noticed. He was a ‘shiny’ judging by his pure white armor. 
“I don’t know yet,” you responded, “Do your helmets have protection against contaminants in the air? Like a virus perhaps?” Your question seemed to startle the poor shiny. 
It was a trooper with a painted flower on his chest that answered, “We have temporary protection. Though it only lasts long enough for us to get out of an area, not really stay in it. Maybe a couple minutes at most.”
You nodded, “We know nothing about this virus that contributed to the planet's collapse. If you, or any trooper feels unwell, come to me.”
Another soldier to your left, Steele, you believe his name is, let out a soft laugh, “Don’t worry about us, Doc. We’re not meant to be a priority.”
“I’ll prioritize whoever I want, thank you.” You responded, just as the gunship landed and the doors opened. 
You stepped off, taking in your surroundings. 
Devastation. The capital of Cherenity, Fushi, from what you could tell, used to be an active, beautiful city. But now, it was a shadow of its former self. The ruins and rubble looked like the buildings used to be made of marble and glass. Now, it was all…destroyed. broken, painted glass was everywhere. Craters littered the formerly stone streets. Smoke billowed at multiple locations in the distance. Occasionally, blaster shots echoed around the ruins, bouncing off the once beautiful walls. 
Your heart twisted.
This was war. You signed up expecting destruction, but not…this….
Kix put a hand on your shoulder, “Doctor?”
“I’m fine.” you shook your head, getting yourself together, “Just…didn’t expect this.”
“You’ll get used to it.” Steele responded, unloading a crate of supplies.
You weren’t sure if that made you feel better or worse. 
You made it to the center of the broken, desolate city. That’s where the Cherians had tried to maintain some semblance of civilization. Innocent people were living either in haphazard tents or the surely dangerously unstable remains of the buildings around.
As you and your group made your way forward, the Cherians pause what they were doing to watch you. 
They were humanoid, with skin tones that ranged from bright red to deep purple that were dotted with scales. All of them had horns of various shapes and sizes that poked out from hair of many different colors as well. Their eyes were all solid white, pupiless and glowing. Among them were some humans, twi’lek and other races as well. 
That didn’t strike you as odd. After all, a planet capital such as Fushi would have a lot of diversity.
You pressed your com at your wrist and raised it to your lips, “General, we’ve made it to where the survivors are camping.”
After a second, Anakin’s voice came through the other end, “Good, start unloading supplies. Ahsoka and I have been…held up.” 
As soon as the Jedi finished speaking, Rex’s voice came through the com, “All units, be advised, thieves and pirates are in the area and may target the supplies and the civilians.”
You swallowed and shared a look with Kix, you were about to speak before getting interrupted by an approaching Cherian. Her pure white hair trailed behind her and her horns gave height over the troopers. Her skin was a soft lavender and she had an aura of peace and calm. 
“Peace,” She greeted, “I am Zenial Ill’ty the Senator of Cherenity.”
Senator? Why isn’t she on Coruscant? Did she come home to try and help the devastation?
“Ma’am,” You nodded in greeting, “General Skywalker is on his way with more supplies, in the meanwhile, I’m his battalion's doctor and am here to help reestablish medical care.” 
Zenial gave you a smile and bowed, “Thank you, healer of the 501st. What is left of our city is open to you. Most of the injured are located at the north end of our camp.”
You bowed to her and motioned for the troopers carrying medical supplies to follow. Kix was beside you as your steps lead you beyond a half shattered green building. Behind it, was the injured and sick. 
There had to have been a few hundred at least. Walking among them were Cherians wearing the same medical symbol as you. However, it was clear they were overwhelmed and unable to help without proper equipment, medicine and housing. 
You steeled yourself. You were a doctor. You worked in a hospital on Coruscant’s lower levels, and that wiped away any naivety you had even before the war. You remained silent, eyes roaming the people and bodies. 
From visual confirmation, you guessed the few doctors had set up ‘zones’ by severity of wounds and illness. 
Good. It made your job easier. 
With a steading breath, you got to work. 
You prioritized those with the most severe wounds. Internal injuries, amputations, massive amounts of blood loss…Your focus was razor sharp as you tended to those you could. The supplies in your pack dwindled to nothing quickly, much to your frustration.
Perhaps it was your expectations. Or maybe it was how you worked in the hospital, but you burned through the supplies in your pack trying to save everyone. 
A twi’lek, with royal blue skin and yellow eyes wheezed and sputtered as you tried to fix his burnt and ripped heart. According to his young daughter, he was searching for food when thieves shot him. It was sheer will that he survived this long. 
You reached for more bacta, only to be stopped by Kix, “Doctor, there isn’t anything else you can do.”
My old mentor told me those words once. You remembered. It was the first patient you had ever lost. A drunken speeder accident. You’d never forget it as their heart stopped beating under your hands.
“But…he can be saved. I know he can.” Your eyes must’ve been wide and confused, “I’ve seen worse wounds.”
The medic next to you had an understanding look, “Maybe in a proper hospital. But on the field…we don’t have the luxury.”
You looked down at the twi’lek, taking in his severe wounds. 
Kix is right. 
You made sure his daughter held his hand as you injected him with painkillers. He drifted off to sleep and was dead within minutes. 
Move on. There are others. 
At some point as you tended to the wounded, General Skywalker and Commander Tano had arrived with food, water and some ‘society rebuilding’ technology. It was hours later when you had gotten done with the most severe patients and were able to get the Cherian healers together to start planning properly. You did your best to ignore how the General watched your moves. 
He was most likely testing you. Making sure you could handle this.
“You’ll need clean water,” You explained, looking over your datapad, “The biggest worry is infection. You can save a life but lose them later to the same wound if it's not kept clean.” Your steps weaved through the wounded patients. Some were already much better than when you arrived, and others were resting peacefully, finally having their pain managed.
“You’ll need to boil the water at the very least to sterilize it,” Your words didn’t falter even after passing by the General who was with Captain Rex, “Same for metal scalpels and other tools. Put them in boiling water to clean them at the very least.”
Kix, who had been walking beside you, handed you a holomap of the immediate area. Once you activated it, you began to plan the new medical center for the Cherians, “It would be best if you had the injured in the most stable building, here.” You pointed at one of the more stable, least destroyed glass and marble building on the map, “The cover will be imperative for those with more severe injuries and illnesses. I’ve had some of the troopers make sure the supports are-”
One of those following you spoke up, “Can we trust what an artificial human says?” 
That question screeched your mind to a halt. You blinked, dumbfounded at the bluntness from the individual in front of you. Your mind had to take a minute to process what you heard.
After getting your thoughts together, you responded, “The troopers are hardworking, reliable men. I trust what they say.”
The Cherian opened their mouth, “But-”
You couldn’t hold back the venom in your words as you cut them off, “Do I need to repeat myself or are we going to have a problem?” Your eyes bore into the individual, practically daring them to argue with you. 
“...No, Doctor.” 
“Good.” Immediately, your tone became calmer, “Now, let's continue.”
Unknown to you, Captain Rex saw your exchange, he couldn’t help the small smile on his lips as you walked away. 
Anakin elbowed his side, smirking at his captain.
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happy-beeeps · 8 months
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Summary: When the weight of loss is too heavy for Wolffe to hold, you do your best to shoulder it for him.
WC: 1.1k
Pairing: Wolffe x gn!reader
CW: mentions of death, angst, loss, grieving, alcohol, brief descriptions of canon typical violence
It’s raining when he first shows up. The kind of rain that batters against your transparisteel windows and flashes lightning bright across your room in shattered, drawn out chunks. The concept of having such violent storms with an artificial weather system never really made sense to you, but you supposed whoever’s job it was to run it needed something to spice it up.
The 104th isn’t due to come to Coruscant until the morning, if they were lucky they’d be in late in the evening, and by the time Wolffe had finished briefings and set his gear down, it would be beyond reasonable hours to sneak his way to you. Instead, you did your very best to keep yourself busy, pouring yourself a glass of wine and tidying up your apartment. You’d taken his whole shore leave off of work, and you planned to spend it however he wanted. Wolffe wasn’t overly fond of crowds, but you’d spent dates at 79’s, Dex’s, or just in bed, wrapped up in each other and an overly fluffy comforter.
You allowed the fond memories to swim past your eyes–anything to not think about the fact that you hadn’t heard from him in nearly three rotations.
It wasn’t unusual, his squad was elite, stealthy. It didn’t make it any easier.
There’s another thundercrack, another spray of rain–then raps on your door. The unmistakable sound of hands on the smooth durasteel of your apartment door.
He’s not supposed to be here yet, you check your chrono to confirm. You haven’t even gotten a sip of your wine, and it’s only a few hours away from the dead of night, and there’s still no message from him. Still, it’s a knock at the door, and you’ve been to know to forget you’ve been shopping on the holo until a parcel arrives days later.
When you do finally make your way to the door–the knocks are incessant and quickening, and you hit your solicitor with a bitter “hold on a second!”--you throw it open, hair out of place and mouth pouting at the intrusion.
Wolffe… Wolffe is here. In front of you. In one piece, though accompanied by scratches and cuts, only a few with bacta patches or stitches. His shoulders are slunk low down his back, and he looks like he’s gripping your door jam for dear life.
He doesn’t say anything, not even when you murmur his name in surprise, eyes shooting up and almost welling with tears at the sight of him. He says nothing, but collapses into your arms in one fell motion, gripping your frame tight in his arms, tight enough that it nearly hurts, and sobs.
You’dve sooner bet on a rookie podracer from Mon Cala to win the Boonta Eve Classic than you’d expect to hear Wolffe sob. Now, you’d do anything to make it end. The sound makes you let out tears that threatened to spill from your eyes, and you understand the gravity of this past mission, and you hold him closer. Someone didn’t make it back.
You guide him backwards into your apartment and the door slides shut behind you, and in the stillness of the room he breaks even more, moving to sink down to his knees. You meet him, gripping him even closer, whispering quiet coos and “I’m here’s.” After what feels like eons of suffering, you’re in pain even thinking about how much pain he must be experiencing, he pulls back to look at you. His hands grip each of your cheeks, and you mirror his actions.
You attempt to lighten the mood. “I see two hands, two legs, two feet, one eye. I’ve got you back in one piece.”
He smiles but then shuts his eyes and shudders. “It should’ve been me. I’m the Commander. I’ve let them down.”
“Wolffe, stop, what do you mean? You came home, there’s no way you let anyone down.”
“No, you don’t get it,” he’s shaking his head now, gripping your face gently but with more pressure, as if he’s assuring himself he’s actually here. “They didn’t make it back.”
“Who, Wolffe who?”
His eyes are wide, tears escaping from even his mechanical eye–something you didn’t even know was possible–when he starts. “Mesh’la… Everyone.”
You don’t know how to respond. It feels like the wind has been sucked out of your chest with a vacuum. The tears are slowing now, you know no one hates to cry like Wolffe does, but he just looks numb. Lost. For nearly the first time in your relationship, you really don’t know what to do.
So you do your best.
It’s late, still raining, but you don’t care. You grab two ponchos from the closet by your door and drag Wolffe to the garage connected to your apartment. Your speeder, a sleek white with no roof, has often been your confidant when Wolffe was away. Maybe it will work with him.
The rain is pelting both of you when you peel out of the garage, blurring into the ever constant traffic of Coruscant. You like to fly, not recklessly, not fast, but just the monotony of flying keeps you focused. It’s easy to focus on nothing else but the lanes of traffic and the people around you. You’d contemplated letting Wolffe fly but decided against it—a decision you’re grateful for when you glance out the corner of your eye and see the way his knuckles whiten around their grip on your thigh, or how he stares so intensely out at the busy city.
You say nothing to him, and he says nothing to you. What is there to say to someone who just lost not only his brothers, but his squad. You know it isn’t his fault, there’s genuinely no way he could’ve avoided this, but you know he doesn’t feel that way. He’s going to bare those deaths of his brothers on his shoulders for the rest of his life, and you’ve taken your job to help carry the burden.
You finally ease into a slow, rounding descent towards your garage, and just before the neon bleeds out into the darkness of the space he murmurs out, quietly, “Thank you.”
The walk back to your apartment is still, but there’s less of the uneasiness of before. The weight is there, and it will be forever, but you think he’ll learn to carry it.
He’s quiet, shifting on his feet in front of your door. “I should go.”
“Or you could stay a little longer?”
And he does. Following your invitation he follows your hand back into your apartment, to your bed, and into your arms. You spend the rest of the evening tracing small circles onto his back and finally, when you’re certain he’s drifted asleep, you let yourself weep, thanking the maker that Wolffe came home.
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gingerlurk · 1 year
Lovers' Crest | Chapter 4: The Estate
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Din Djarin x f!Reader
Summary: You arrive home, and Din sees a whole new side of you.
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, slow burn, non-canon (the Razor Crest never gets destroyed, it also gets upgraded with a cabin), canon-typical violence, eventual smut/filth, post season 3, canon-typical violence, brief mentions of creeps with ill intentions. Reader is: a rich runaway, an orphan, a badass. Wears a dress and has hair that at least reaches to shoulders. Descriptions of shit family dynamics. Brief reference to uxoricide and implied domestic violence. Uhhhh please advise if there's more to add here thank you
A/N: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, A03. Thank you for reading!
Through obnoxious fluffy clouds and sweeping rays of sunlight, a staggering display of opulence reveals itself to Din, who pilots the Crest toward a beckoning pad. 
He can’t resist a glance back at you. Your face is tilted to the side. Looking out the portside, refractions of the glittering landscape below play across your face. You look so sad.
Just as Din makes that observation, you school your features into a resolve he can’t begin to understand.
‘The Salkire Palais and Bastion Vitronoit Estate,’ you sigh, as the vast grounds rush below. ‘Boasting the first Roally Citadel, authentic Besanrac Tiered Gardens, and the Montaullon Palace, among other wonders. Locally known as just The Estate.’
Said tiered gardens glimmer on the horizon, towers of what Din is sure are the rarest plants known to the galaxy. You catch him looking.
‘You know you should stay a bit,’ you say. ‘You’d be welcome. See the sights, take Grogu to look at those pretty monstrosities.’
Part of Din already can’t wait to get away from this place, the shimmering perfection making his blood run cold. But that would mean leaving you all the sooner.
‘Maybe you could take us on a tour,’ he says. You smile. He’d look at ugly flowers all day to see that some more.
‘Yeah, maybe.’
Witnessing the sprawling, palatial Estate on the flight in did nothing to prepare Din for the hangar. A yawning chasm housing row on row of luxury ships and sparkling clean dry docks for every make and model. A spectacular, glittering vintage collection sits on its own in pride of place, almost a dozen pre-empire rigs from jets to transports neatly arranged as if on a showroom floor.
He is certain none of them have seen the air in a long old time.
The dwarfed Crest’s ramp descends with a soft whir (you’d fixed the sheared off gear that had made the hydraulics grind). His incredible soon-to-no-longer-be ship mechanic had been pacing nervously while the ground crew finalised docking protocols. But the second the ramp settles with a hiss, you stride straight forward without pause, chin tilted up and shoulders back.
A commanding, almost royal presence floats around you, effortless power and consort projecting forward. You’re a different person. Din Djarin feels surreal as men and women working the floor stop to give you bows and platitudes. 
You dispense gracious thanks and the people gathered seem to hold nothing but adoration.
But then you stop, shoulders snap to your ears, hands clench tight. Din takes this in then follows your line of sight to perhaps the most ridiculous thing he’s ever seen.
Short of stature and wide from every angle, the dress and comportment of the figure simpering into the space gives Din the impression of a decadent ball of velvet. Flanked by a glittering retinue of some 20 persons, the approaching welcomer is so bejewelled and gilded, the sight is almost too difficult to look at directly. The comms holo Din had interacted with while negotiating this job did nothing to convey the excessive pomp and parade of the man who’d hired him.
‘Uncle?’ Your voice is pitched high and strained.
The puff ball sweeps a cape aside and strides toward you. He bellows into the vast space.
‘The Daughter of Salkire lives! Our delicate flower has returned to us, what glorious spectre grants us such grace. We are in bliss, bliss, to see this prodigal child brought home…’
He continues like that until he’s in front of you, then he sweeps you into an embrace.
‘You came down to see me arriving?’ Voice now small and disbelieving. 
‘Of course!’ he pulls back and cups a hand to your face. ‘My flower, you have no idea what ends to which I have gone, what pained efforts I have undertaken for this moment to come to bear.’
He turns to Din in that moment, as if to illustrate his pains. Din has slowly approached the two of you to stand a few steps back. From here, he can see your eyes are glossy and slightly dazed.
Your Uncle looks down his nose toward him, which is noteworthy seeing as the bounty hunter has almost two feet on the guy. Head tilted way back, he intones: ‘An attendant will discuss the balance of your payment with you, presently.’ He sniffs. ‘Then, you are welcome to take in the sights of this fair manor and attend the gala we will be holding to mark the magnificent occasion of our flower returning to us.’
He turns back to you and takes you by the hand, apparently done with the man who brought his ‘flower’ – ugh – back to him. You, still stunned, barely glance back before you’re led away. But Din just catches an earnest ‘see you there?’ nod to him; it’s almost a plea.
Hours later, the Mandalorian and his small companion are ushered into a vaulted hall of staggering luxury and wealth. The ball is in full swing with a large crowd of elaborately dressed patrons milling, eating and laughing. The two of them are seated at a table toward the rear and invited to take in the banquet and refreshments.
Din fidgets, uncomfortable.
From the second the Crest’s ramp descended, he knew he could not stay here. Every inch of this place has put him on edge. And this side of you he’s now seen has made his offer to hire you so foolish and embarrassing in retrospect… He just needs space. It was no big deal. He’d say goodbye to you at this ball, leave on good terms. Who knows, you could see each other again someday. 
A sing-song voice chimes across the hall, announcing the presence of ‘the Family’. Full titles and honorifics are announced with each entry, but Din barely takes them in, tension knotting his stomach. Your Uncle enters first, flounces to a high, gilded table and makes waves at the adoring crowd. A sullen, cruel-faced woman enters next, must be your Aunt. She barely looks around before drifting to her chair. Then a younger man holding hands with a small child, cousins perhaps? They don’t head for the table but start mingling with groups toward the front of the room.
Then your name. Your full name. The one he’d only heard once before when your Uncle was parlaying your ‘rescue’. When Din had started to call you by it on your first meeting you’d interrupted and given a short, one-word version, saying you preferred it please and thanks. 
His mind is wandering back to that first encounter, but that ceases as all the air leaves his lungs and his beskar plate sings against his body.
Warm, shimmering hues of amber and gold dance in a cascading skirt that falls around your ankles, floating above ridiculously high heels that step out in front of the crowd. The gown you’re wearing sweeps up to wrap around your hips and waist, hugging and flattering everything, everywhere, before bordering the tops of your breasts, letting the delicate skin there glow under the lights.
Shoulders of fine gilt leaves span down to arms and wrists covered in strands of tinkling jewellery. Your hair shines around your face, which holds a soft smile and courtly tilt. Your eyes are keen and bright, scanning the room with delicate grace. 
Gods. What a fucking vision.  
You haven’t spotted him yet and your sweep of the room is interrupted by jovial and possessive adulators, gathering around and urging attentions. 
That’s good – give him time to get himself together. At least he doesn’t have to worry about Grogu, the child has been driven to distraction by the wondrous array of delicacies covering the table.
Din continues to sit upright and rigid, taking the occasional opportunity to find you still interacting with another fawning cohort. A few society types approach him, begging intrigue of his composition and station. A Mandalorian, such an honour, such an interesting people, we have the devoutly religious here too you know, yes their doctrine holds to…
Din doesn’t engage and they eventually bid their own exit.
One of the people to approach him is the man whose entrance was announced just before you. He struts up to the table and flops himself into a vacant chair. He doesn’t address Din but looks him up and down, as if he’s evaluating. The word that occurs to Din is arrogance.
Din thinks back to the name that was announced. This guy openly staring at him now is named Avon.
Eventually, Avon speaks up, ‘Not really dressed for a gala, are you?’ His voice is honeyed, but in a sticky and grating way. Din remains silent.
‘Guess you don’t really have much wardrobe space, or time to invest in that sort of thing.’ He sniffs. Giving a snooty laugh, he slaps the table by Din. ‘Ha! But you must certainly have the means now, hm? How much have you been paid for returning our treasured prize to us?’
Din’s resolve to not say a word to this guy evaporates.
‘She is not a prize,’ he grits out. It seems to flick some sort of switch in Avon, and his eyes grow dark. He leans in.
‘No,’ he says with clenched teeth. ‘She’s my cousin, and is precious. To the Family. And to this place. To me. She belongs here. And we’re so grateful your task is successfully finished and your business is done here.’
At that he stands, previous attempt at mockery forgotten as he storms off.
Din shifts in his seat.
He begins to think he won’t speak to you at all tonight. Starts to feel disconcerted by it. He stands abruptly and makes to move toward the door, lifting Grogu away from the food as the baby gives a wail of protest. Of course, he thinks. Stupid to think she would have any time at all to see you here. To even want to—
‘Hey stranger,’ you appear beside him. He starts. There you are, smiling up at him, eyes dancing. ‘What do you think?’ You twirl, seeming to be asking him to take in the whole obscene display around them, but his eyes are glued to your spinning form. You come to a twinkling stop in front of him again and he forces his throat clear.
‘It is a lot,’ he croaks.
You laugh, tumble into the chair he’d just vacated.
‘Ugh, feet. Kill,’ you say, toying with the straps of a shoe.
He takes the seat next to you. The kid coos and dives back into gorging himself. That’ll have to stop soon.
‘Why would you wear footwear that harms you?’ He asks, feeling like the dumbest man to live.
You cross an ankle over your knee and massage at the side of your bare foot. Din feels his hands flex as if to reach forward, so he crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back.
‘It’s not optional attire,’ you grumble. ‘None of this is.’ You lift an arm so encircled with jewels that light refracts around it, dancing between the two of you. You smile. ‘Ooh, looks pretty on your armour though.’
Not for the first time since meeting you, Din is so glad you can’t see his face. Because he knows there must be furious red patches climbing his neck and flushing his cheeks.
He tries to think of something to say next, but is stopped by that sing-song announcer.
‘Thank you, friends, kin and brethren, for joining us tonight in celebration and to honour the return of the beloved Daughter of Salkire! 
‘We now ask all guests not formally of the Estate household to take leave for the evening, to enjoy the many amenities on offer in the grounds such as…’
The voice drones on as chattering groups begin to move.
‘Damn,’ you say. ‘Just found you too.’ You say it so quiet Din thinks you were talking to yourself, not intending it to reach his ears. He watches you slip your foot back into your non-optional footwear.
‘What happens now?’ he asks.
‘Family court,’ you say, sounding tired. ‘Private matters.’
Okay. You both stand.
‘See you tomorrow?’ A small smile.
Oh. Din suddenly recalls his decision.
‘Actually,’ Din Djarin hates himself. ‘Grogu and I are going to head off tonight, now probably. It is… for the best.’
Your features barely move a muscle but your eyes grow dull.
‘O- oh, okay.’ A nod of resolve, accepting this news in stride. ‘Well, thank you, Mando. For absolutely everything.’
Din tries with all his might to memorise the face in front of him. Each curve and crease, the colour of your eyes, the shape of your lips... You seem to register that he’s scanning your face and hold for a moment, looking directly into his visor. You are always looking directly at him.
‘Thank you as well,’ he murmurs. You’re turning away, turning to Grogu, to bid farewell, when an attendant appears beside you all.
‘I absolutely must insist that sir and his… his companion, take their leave now.’ He’s crowding at them and Din takes the opportunity to drag himself out of the moment. The baby gives a start as he’s once again lifted off the table by the towering, retreating figure of the Mandalorian, who doesn’t look back at you standing on your own.
You push down the aching lump in your throat, force deep releasing breaths. Focus on what’s in front, you tell yourself, before turning to join the much smaller crowd now gathered at the front of the room. 
You pass your eldest cousin, who puts an affectionate hand on your shoulder. The smile you return must be strained because he drops his eyes in sympathy. You look around the rest of the party, your family. No one else is making eye contact with you, even though for the past few hours it’s been nothing but undulations of tributes and praise. 
Your Uncle spies you and motions for you to join him up on dais. You reset yourself to rich fuck and saunter up the steps. He indicates the spot next to him and you step into it with some apprehension. This is unusual, even given the circumstances.
‘I bear exquisite news of paramount import,’ he begins without preamble. ‘And I have been waiting for this moment, for our shimmering flower to be returned to us, safe and as perfect as ever.’ He draws a hand to you reverently. 
The room is hushed. Almost deathly so. Your hairs start rising in instinctive danger, be alert. But why?
Then your Uncle begins to speak and your whole world crumbles around you.
Din sits at a glittering bar, paying three times more than he’s ever paid for Grogu’s favoured treats. His mood is black, hunching on the veneer with arms crossed and stewing away.
He should be on his ship, disengaging locking pads and charting his path out of this hellscape. But he’d paused at this bar and had the thought, almost outside his own body, What’s one more hour?  
The longer he sits there, the more he thinks he may as well stay. One more day. See her…
He’s still sitting there when a rambunctious group pours in, cavorting and rolling over each other. They’re shouting something Din can’t make out at first, then: ‘To an Estate wedding!’
The bartender standing by Din scoffs. ‘Huh, so it’s finally out.’
Ice shards have settled in Din’s stomach. ‘What is?’
The bartender gives a start at being addressed by the dark, imposing helmet beside him. He shrugs.
‘Tend this bar and you hear everything before it gets out there. S’why I’ve lasted so long.’
‘Like what?’ Din hits the ‘t’ so hard the guy winces.
‘Well, uh, like… Like the fact that as soon as that little lady, Daughter of the Salky or whatever, got home, she’d be married off to that Amtolene prince.’ He tsks, shakes his head. ‘Man, I really feel for her, probably should have stayed missing-presumed-dead ‘f you ask me.’
Din leans forward. ‘Why is that?’ His voice is like molten rock.
The man behind the bar looks like he wants nothing more than to back away from this terrifying patron, but he seems locked to the spot.
‘Because…’ he swallows. ‘Well, you haven’t heard of him? No, okay. This prince is… He’s powerful, I mean obviously. Rich too. But he’s got a… a reputation. Ah, a… storied history. If you know what I mean? Also, three previous wives. Who didn’t exactly leave the union, um… well. Or, or alive.’ 
He jumps in surprise when the enraged customer surges to his feet and leans into him.
‘You know everything, huh?’ he growls. ‘Tell me where I can find her then, right now.’
In a rush, the man utters a series of directions, landmarks and ingress points – figuring that any ramifications for giving up the intel wouldn’t matter if this demon caved his head in. He’s just wrapping up when the air erupts in screams.
Sirens, a cacophony of evacuation alarms. The bartender moans in despair. Then, possessed by an animalistic will to live, he reaches for his attacker.
‘You! You have a ship, right? Take- take me with you. Get me to your ship and I’ll, I’ll pay you, please! Please!’ His cries are ignored as Din twists from him and sprints out into the street.
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clonelyhours · 1 year
Sharing is Caring
Pairing(s): Fives x gn! reader
Tags/warnings: pure fluff, implied that reader is not wearing pants
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The 501st had been away from Coruscant for what felt like forever. They were expected to return the next night according to your boyfriend, so you had that to look forward to. In the mean time, you liked to wear his clothes around the house because it felt like you had a piece of him with you.
Currently, you wore one of his sleeping t-shirts as you sat in bed, scrolling through your holo-pad. You hadn't heard Fives enter the apartment, but he now stood in the doorway of your bedroom, his arms crossed as he leaned against the doorframe watching you. After a few more seconds of taking in your beauty, he cleared his throat and grabbed your attention. "Is that my shirt?"
You looked up at him, blood rushing to your cheeks. "Fives, you weren't due back until tomorrow." The holo-pad you held plopped onto the comfort as you stood up and went over to him. "Welcome home honey."
Fives kissed your forehead and then smiled at you. "You wanna help me take my gear off? Maybe after that we can talk about my shirt?"
   You playfully rolled your eyes and grabbed one of his hands. You then led him over to the small couch in the room and sat him down. He began to remove the armor from his arms while you kneeled on the floor and began to get his legs.
When you got done removing the last of his things, you stood, only for Fives to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you into his chest. "So," he smirked, his fist clenching into the fabric of the clothing you wore. "What's it gonna take for me to get this back?"
   "Hmm." You bit your lip and decided to tease him. "I dunno, I don't think that I want to give this shirt up. It's pretty comfortable."
"Is that a challenge?" He lowered one of his hands to the back of your thigh and began to slide it under the clothing. "Cause if it is—"
  You pushed a finger against his lips to shush him and moved your face towards him. "I'll give your shirt back, but you have to promise to kiss me." Fives chuckled and pulled you down so that you were straddling his laps. "Okay." He closed his eyes and began to lean in for a kiss, but you moved your head from his path. His grip on you loosened, allowing you to escape.
"I didn't say that I was going to make it easy for you." You began to back away towards the door. "You'll have to catch me first."
Fives smirked once more and stood to his feet. "Oh, I'm getting that shirt back."
You dashed out of the room attempting to hold back your laughter. Fives on the other hand simply walked out of the room and took his time coming after you. When you were sure that he could no longer see you, you hid in the hallway closet. To quiet your breaths, you put your hand over your mouth and silently waited for him to pass by.
Once you were sure he was gone, you cautiously opened the door and snuck out. Unfortunately, you hadn't noticed that that he hid around the corner and were taken by surprise when he nearly tackled you to the ground.
"Gotcha!" Fives began tickling you. Your upper body jolted every which way and you tried to push his hands away to stop, but it was no use. You both erupted in a fit of giggles as he picked you up and carried you back to the bedroom. After setting you on the bed, he removed his blacks and laid down, patting the spot next to him. You moved the holo-pad from earlier and scooted next to him, awaiting his kiss.
Just as expected, he careful took your chin between his thumb and index and pulled you in for a passionate kiss. When he pulled away, he propped up on his elbow and rested his head against his hand, taking in your beauty. "Keep it, you wear my shirt better." A blush rushed to your cheeks, causing you to hide your face in his chest. "Well, sharing is caring.”
He snickered in response and pecked your lips. "I love you." He put his arms around you.
A soft yawn slipped from your lips but was muffled into his skin. "I love you more."
"I highly doubt that, cyare."
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moomoog017 · 9 months
fic ᯓᡣ𐭩 more than credits ꔛ✿
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Boba Fett x Bounty hunter! GN Reader
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Synopsis: You pick up a mysterious job for some extra credit (money), only to be paid in another currency. ;)
Genre: smut w/plot and fluff at the end
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: Smex club, dom!Boba and sub!reader, cream pie, degrading but also praising, gn reader but Boba calls them princess, light choking, ass smacking, aftercare, cute shit
A/N: First smut! Skip the smut if you don’t want it I labeled it. This took a surprisingly long amount of time to write but I like how it turned out! Enjoy lovely’s. <3
Header @general-ida-raven
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You walk into the cantina with a glide to your step. The menacing jingle of your blasters rattle on your belt. The soft and elegant tapping of your heels against the cold ground always caught the attention of all sorts of people and aliens. You brush off the wandering eyes on you and head to your designated table at the back of the cantina. This is where you always got your jobs, but this time you weren’t met with a familiar face. Instead a hooded figure reached out their hand to the seat in front of them, ushering you to have sit down. You cautiously sat down crossing your legs and placed a light hand on your blaster.
“Where is he?” Your voice is cold and deep. “He didn’t feel like comin’.” The voice came through a helmet which denied any recognition through the voice changer. “He knows I don’t do mysteries.” You placed a firm hand onto the edge of the table. “I’m only doin’ what I was told. Extra credits in this one but at the price of information.” The voice spoke, twirling their gloved fingers. “How much?” You questioned, and eyebrows cocked. “More than a few galactic credits.” The cockiness in their voice, you could’ve sworn they were smirking under that damn helmet. You thought to yourself for a moment before speaking. “What am I sacrificing?” They answered short and sweet. “A name, and a face.” Your eyes narrowed.
For more than a few galactic credits you were willing to play. “Fine, give it here.” The gloved hand reached into their cloak, pulling out a small holo device. They tossed it across the table. You removed your hand from your blaster and picked up the device. Turning it over between your fingers you read the information on the back. “Only location and time?” You removed your eyes from it to meet the absent ones of the figure's visor. “The price is pretty.” Was all that was said. You hesitated. “Take it or leave it.” You clutch the device in your hand and get up from the table. “Happy hunting.” A low chuckle rumbled from behind you, but you kept forwards.
Later that day you started to prepare for your mysterious bounty upon your humble ship. You glanced at the holo device, you knew exactly where you had to go but not who you were looking for, you enjoyed a bit of a challenge. “Must be someone famous if someones paying a couple galactic credits for their head.” A smirk crossing your colored lips. Slipping into your gear for the night you placed on all your little accessories. “Different, but it’s gonna have to work.” Unlike your usual hunter attire it looked more like you were going to a dinner party than to murder someone (which was the goal). But you felt light without the protection of heavy armor and leather. You gazed at yourself in the full length mirror, doing a little spin. “But I look damn good.” You smiled at yourself in admiration. You slipped some sleek discreet weapons under your garment. Satisfied with your looks you covered yourself with a cloak and exited your small ship.
The cool night wind whipped at your face. The corners of your cloak drifting through the breeze. Despite the twin suns resting just underneath the sky the humid air was strong. The streets are still bustling with active folks of all shapes and colors. Signs of stores and cantinas illuminating in the darkness. You walk briskly to your destination, eager for your hunt. The crunching of sand beneath your heels. Not after long you reach your designation. Your eyes meet the bright sign hanging just above the entrance. The colors spread to your face as you take it all in. Loud music and people aren’t usually your typical time out, but the credits will make it all worth it. You take a sharp inhale in as you brace yourself. Shifting your shoulders, ready for a show. 
The noise sets fire to your ears making you wince. Your eyes scanned the giant room for any possible suspicions. Your attention being drawn everywhere made your brain a little fuzzy. You went alongside the wall as a starting point to start drawing your victim out. You walked past drunk and sweaty people as you made your round along the edge. The strobing lights from all directions help light up the darker areas of the cantina. As your eyes follow the light it illuminates a sign that catches your attention. “VIP.” A smirk plastered onto your face quickened your pace to the door. Only to be stopped by two burly men. You rolled your eyes. “I’m here for business.” Is all you said before flashing your blaster from beneath your cloak. The two men looked at each other only to deny you once more. You release a heavy sigh before looking around you. No one was paying attention, good. You quickly immobilized the first man by striking him in the neck. The other man reached to grab something from his pocket. Before he could you took out his knees and knocked him out. The two men lie unconscious on the hard floor. You look around once more, no one saw. Or so you think.
Your hand goes to twist the knob only for it to be locked. You bend over searching the two men you had knocked unconscious. You pull off a key and enter it into the lock. The door opens, a somber song of jazz playing. Different from the main party area, which was a bit obnoxious. The music soothed your aching ears, as you peered into the door. Velvet reddish-magenta wallpaper line the hallway of doors. Looking both left and right you see signs hanging upon the door say occupied or vacant, each lined with a kiss left from lipstick. You scoff, “charming.” You close the door behind you, locking it and placing the key in your garment. You press your ear up to an occupied door. Your ears are assaulted with heavy groans and high pitched moans. Your mouth turns into a tight line of dismay, rolling your eyes. You continue down the hallway with light steps keeping your heavy heels off the floor.
Rounding the corner of the hallway a large open room comes into view, the sound of smooth jazz echoing the hallway more intensely. You fix your clothing and strut into the room. A live band playing and a woman singing sweet notes in the middle of the room. People watched and some danced to the music, but most sat elegantly in velvet chairs and siping on expensive alcohol. No one seems to pay any mind to you, which is a relief. As you gather information throughout the room no one catches your attention. But you feel as though there is someone watching your every move. Uncomfortable, you shift in your garment and continue walking. Your eyes shift to another hallway lined with sparkly beads draped on the door frame. You nonchalantly guide yourself to and through the beads. You walk the long hallway, lined with the same walls and doors. Reaching the end of the hallway you think to yourself for a moment before you start to turn around. 
Before you can turn you are harshly pressed into the wall by a firm body. You grunt, trying to force yourself around to draw your weapon but you are firmly held in place. “Hello Princess.” The voice immediately reached your ears and recognition struck you. “Boba.” You said while your face was pushed up against the wall. “What are you doing here?” You snarl. A light chuckle comes from the helmeted hunter. “I could ask you the same thing. But I already know.” Your ears perk up and confusion washes over you. “What are you talking about?” You try to move once more but you are forcefully pushed back to the wall. “My little hunter.” Boba’s helmet comes closer to your ears. His voice reaches the deepest part of your core, making you warm everywhere. “Your bounty? I wanted to play with you, little one.” His gloved hand strokes the side of your face gently. “It was all a set up?” You said through gritted teeth. “Don’t be upset, you’ll get your reward but it won’t be in credits.” Confidence thickly lining his words. He presses his knee in between your legs forcing them to spread, you bite your lip. “I was going to wait till you noticed me but I got impatient. You look too good in that outfit.” He played with your clothes. Maker, you hated him, the way he teased you, the way he played with you until you were hot and bothered. But it made you feel things you’ve never felt before, something you couldn’t resist. 
Fett finally shifted his weight off of you and you turned to meet him. He looked down upon you, but you weren’t intimidated, you wanted him closer. Boba offered his hand, you daringly took it anticipating what would come of it. He grasped your hand light but firm with intention. “Let me take you away, little one.” Was all he spoke before leading you to the exit down the hall to the main room. Embarrassed, you hid your face as you were rushed away by Boba Fett. The streets were still lively as ever. And a few feet away Boba’s ship came into view. He opened the ship's door and pulled you inside, the door closing behind you. Every step causes your heart to race and you can feel the heat between your legs grow with each second. Now out of complete view of anyone, Boba lets loose. “I’m taking over this bounty now Princess.” He growled through his helmet, the words he spoke dripped in passion and lust. 
!!NSFW Section!! (Skip down for SFW :))
Boba forcefully pushed you to his work table nearby, you fell backwards onto it. The cold metal sensation through your clothes makes you wince. “Fuck.” He starts to remove pieces of his armor, undoing straps and buckles. He removes his clothing from the waist up, tossing them aside to the ground. His helmet shifts back to you. Your eyes drifted down, his strong figure made you gulp. His wide shoulders and muscles exposed, you couldn’t help but to let your eyes drop to see the tent building in his pants and you bit your lip. His chest rose and fell, only making you stir. He comes closer to you, he starts fiddling with your clothing desperate to rip it off. Looming over your body, his heavy breaths escaping from underneath his helmet and onto your skin. You start to help remove your clothes and your bare chest becomes exposed. The sudden action had a moan escape your lips. “You’re so good Boba.” In response he slowly dragged his beskar helmet gently against your hot skin trailing down to your waist. Your back arches. He then removed any fabric covering your sensitive area. His quickness was eager and you could tell he was pent up.
Taking a step back, he admired his work, Boba then thrust himself forward, taking your hands and moving them to his belt. “Take it off.” He said firmly. You gulped, your hands shaking with excitement. You removed his belt painfully slowly, you slid his pants off and his throbbing cock sprang out into view. Boba grunted, placing his hand to the back of his head.The growing heat between your legs caused them to spread eagerly. You’ve been waiting for this ever since you last saw him. You had both been busy working but tonight you could finally give yourself to Boba. “You look so amazing, all sprawled out for me like this.” A soft whine came out and Boba chuckled. He pressed his cock up against your aching hole. You wiggled your hips to try and gain friction against his shaft. He finally removed his helmet in one smooth motion, placing it behind you. His amber eyes burnt through your naked body with primal hunger. You stared back with half lidded pleading eyes. Boba lifted your legs up, moving you farther onto the table and he landed a firm smack to your ass. Moaning your head moves back, seeing his helmet only making you more turned on. “Boba!” He smirked, “yeah you like that? To think you could try to find me, now look at you.” Boba spoke, his voice laced with cockiness. “It’s worth it.” Your words came out breathy and needy. He smirked once more, he knew you liked it. Fucking him was always worth more than credits.
Smacking your ass harder he raised his voice. “Say you want my throbbing cock.” He grabbed you by the throat firmly pressing on your esophagus. An airy moan trying to wiggle its way out. The air slowly left your body as you clawed at his arm gently. “Fuck me Boba. Please!” You pleaded with faded words and you wrapped your legs around him, his pulsating cock now against you. “My good little princess.” He smirked before granting you your breath. You took a deep inhale gasping for breath. Pressing him closer to you. Boba’s hands lined his cock to your hole and he pushed it in. You gasped at the sudden fullness of his rock hard dick. He grunted, one hand moving your leg up to reach deeper inside of you.
He slid it further and he stretched your tight hole, you squeezing around him. You clawed at his hand, biting your tongue. “Come on, I want to hear your voice.” He smoothly stated. He started moving inside you and you lost it. The cord inside of your stomach began to tighten in you. Boba fucked you like no one else had, everything about him made you want to cum all over his cock. You moaned loudly as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. “Damn!” You cried as Boba began moving in and out faster. His hips thrusting deep into you. You held onto the table to ground yourself. This only caused him to go harder, with each thrust he grunted praising you. Boba wasn’t the most talkative but when he was inside of you he couldn’t shut up (not that you wanted him too.) The string fraying every time he kissed the deepest part of you with his cock. You began to drool, you were just a limp cocksleeve and Boba loved every second of it. 
He squeezed your ass roughly before smacking it multiple times. A squeak he got in return. Oh it turned him on at how brainless you looked, such a mess all for him. “You take my cock so well my little one. Are you gonna cum all over my cock?” A teasing tone to his voice as he breathed between your thighs. Your hole clenching around him, and the look on your face, he already knew but he wanted to hear you say it anyway. “Yes Boba!” You screamed out as drool rolled down the corners of your mouth. “Yes! Don’t stop!” Your words slurring as the pleasure broke you. He kept a fast and rough pace, thrusting as deep as he could reach. Breaking your core you finally explode, your mouth wide open as you moan incoherent words. The sound echoing through Boba’s ship. The slap of skin slows as you feel his warm seed fill your already sopping hole. And with a final growl from Boba he makes one more strong thrust. “You’re mine princess.” Both of you hot and sweaty you lie there limp as he slowly pulls out, cum dripping onto the table and onto the floor. “I love you Boba.” You say softly with a raspy voice. He gently puts your legs down and places a kiss on your cheek, smiling down on you. “I love you too, little one.” 
!!SFW!! (Wholesome aftercare)
Boba then got up from you and went into the refresher to grab you and him a warm wet towel. He then gently cleans you both off and helps you to your feet. “I’m sorry if I ruined your outfit.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck. You smile gently at his loving amber eyes. “It’s ok, so worth it.” He smiles, then puts his arm around you, walking you to his private quarters. A small bed just big enough for the both of you, he sits you down slowly. “Just a moment.” Boba rubs your thigh with his thumb and exits the room. You lie on your back getting comfy on the bed and you stare at the steel colored ships walls and your eyes softly shut. A minute later, Boba enters one again. Your eyes flutter open, he had new clothing draped on his arms and was dressed in more casual clothing. He places them beside you and hangs his armor up neatly. You clutch the clothing in your hands. “Can I keep these?” You smirk. He chuckles barely reaching a whisper. “We’ll discuss it later, little one.” The twin suns started to rise as it lightly shone in the corner of the room. You pull the clothing on and you get under the soft fleece comforter. A sleepy smile graces your face and he smiles back. Boba lays down beside you, resting his arm behind your head, coddling it sweetly. You nuzzle into his chest, he’s cozy and warm. He whispers in your ear. “Goodnight, I love you (y/n).” You were already falling into a deep sleep with Boba at your side.
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clone-anon · 11 months
Late Nights (Crosshair x GN Werewolf Reader)
Word Count: 2365
Warnings: Brief mention of nudity, fluff
A/N: This is for @anxiouspineapple99's 2023 Halloween party! I couldn't submit it, so here it is. This is my first time participating in something like this and it was a lot of fun.
Also tagging @staycalmandhugaclone since she asked
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“Okay. Gotta go. Bye.” You sighed as you headed back home as quickly as possible. While you enjoyed your time with the Batch, especially Crosshair, you knew it was a full moon.  Well, one of them.  Why did you have to settle down on a planet with more than one moon?  Being a Werewolf was enough stress what with transforming whether you wanted to or not.  You entered your home and checked the perimeter, making sure no one was around.  Stripping down before your nightfall transformation had become a habit at this point.  It avoided tearing apart clothes by becoming a seven-and-a-half-foot tall, 15-foot-long beast. You were grateful to live on the edge of town, protected by trees and rocks.
Crosshair squinted slightly when you said you had to go for the evening. You tried to be consistent, never letting on that there might be a pattern to your early departures, but you seemed more nervous sometimes.  He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he could tell there was something you wanted to keep to yourself.  He didn’t like being pushed for information, so he wasn’t going to push you either, despite the fact that he felt a certain affinity for you and wanted to be let in.
As Crosshair pondered what might be going on with you while simultaneously trying to calm his feelings for you, Omega and Wrecker put their gear on.
“What’s this about,” Hunter asked.
“We’re going to the forest,” Omega said with a grin.
“Some of the local kids say there’s a werewolf and we’re goin’ to check it out,” Wrecker said with a shrug. “Pretty sure it’s nothin’.”
“But it could be something,” Omega said, buzzing with excitement.
“Don’t stay out too late,” Echo replied.
“If you do happen to find an unfamiliar species,” said Tech, “take a holo. I want to see it.”
Crosshair had a fleeting thought of coming with them but decided against it.  He was still recuperating after being rescued, although it had been several months since they had all settled in town in search of a quiet location.
Wrecker and Omega walked down the path toward the forest which was in the direction of your home.  For a moment Wrecker thought he should have asked you if you had information on this werewolf, seeing as you were closer to the recent sightings. The sun was setting, but it wasn’t long before they needed their lights.  Omega chose the direction of travel and Wrecker made a note of anything that moved.  By this point he was certain there wasn’t anything out there, that it had just been kids talking, and after about an hour suggested going back home.
“Wait,” Omega said in a whisper. This time she was sure the rustling leaves were more than just rustling leaves. Wrecker crouched down next to her and moved his light, searching for anything out of the ordinary. His light shone on a pile of gray fur huddled in a ball, partially obscured by a large tree.  They gasped as they spotted you and you froze, trying to avoid showing your face. You covered your eyes with your paws. Wrecker and Omega each tilted their heads to the side.
“This werewolf doesn’t look scary at all,” Omega said. You rolled your eyes.
“Funny,” Wrecker said, staring at you, taking a holopic.
“I’m not scary,” you growled.
“It talks,” they both exclaimed.
“Yes, I talk,” you replied, moving to still obscure yourself in the darkness of night. Your voice was deeper with a gravel to it, and it seemed to be just enough for them to avoid guessing your identity.
“What kind of werewolf doesn’t eat people,” Omega asked.
“My kind,” you replied. “Not all werewolves hunt. I protect.”
“Ohhhhhh,” Wrecker said. “That’s kinda cool.”
They both decided that since you posed no threat and they got to see you, then their mission was accomplished, and they could go home. It was a bit anticlimactic, but you were fine with that.  You curled into a ball against an outcropping of rocks and tried to get some sleep on this otherwise uneventful full moon night. You had been trying to avoid them, but they were good at tracking. Not as good as Hunter, who would have sniffed you out immediately, but still, you’d spent the better part of an hour trying to sneak between trees and avoid detection.  Heading toward town meant risking more people seeing you, so you couldn’t do that, and you couldn’t risk going into your own home or they might worry for you what with not knowing it was you in a different form.  You couldn’t stop instinct driving you to patrol the premises.  It was all you did on nights like this.  The occasional bear showed up and you scared it off, but it was usually a calm town with little need of your services.  Frankly, you’d rather be sleeping in your bed, but sleeping outside and keeping an eye out seemed to be all you could do during the full moon.
The next day, Wrecker and Omega told you all about what happened the previous night. It was interesting to hear their story from their side of it, but you were glad they hadn’t noticed it was you. You were a little worried that as word got out, people might all come looking for you, but it seemed no one was too bothered since you weren’t hurting anyone. This came as a relief.
“Where do you think the werewolf goes during the day,” Omega asked.
“I’m sure they hide somewhere,” Tech said. “Or they transform back into their primary species’ form.”
You avoided any input you might have to offer there. Instead, you were much more interested in spending time with a certain sniper. Ever since you met him he kept an eye on you and at first it made you feel a bit uneasy. That is, until Echo told you it meant he liked you. This information made you feel braver than you would otherwise, and you asked him if he wanted to join you for a walk.
“Don’t you need to go soon,” he asked, noting the time with a bit of a grin.
“Not tonight,” you answered. You walked together through town and down past the forest. The sun started setting and the fireflies came out. You sat on a large boulder overlooking a lake. Conversation was light, but you could tell a lot about each other just by looking and sharing each other’s space. There was something so comforting in not having to put everything into words all the time. He put his hand next to yours and his fingertips slowly made their way onto your hand, almost testing to see if it was okay. You smiled at him and interlaced your fingers with his. You brought his hand up to your lips and left a kiss on his knuckles. He looked a little stunned so you shrugged shyly and said “I like you.”
So quiet it was almost lost in the breeze, he responded, “I like you too.”
You went on walks together every evening as long as it wasn’t a full moon. You tried to not reveal a pattern in your availability, blaming work or household chores, but you wanted to spend as much time with him as you could. Crosshair was all too eager to get away with you too. His hint of a smile started turning more into a pleased grin every time he saw you. He was less concerned with keeping up an appearance of not caring when it came to you.
Tonight, you couldn’t meet with him. The changing seasons meant the days were shorter and it was a full moon tonight. You slipped out of your clothes and just out the back door right as you began to transform. The cool air hit your skin and short hair, sending a chill down your spine just as your hair grew longer, protecting you from the elements. You closed the door behind you with a kick of your back paw and headed down the route you took around town. Everything was quiet until you arrived at the lake. You stopped. Crosshair was sitting on the same boulder, looking out at the water. Although you kept your distance and could normally disappear into the dark forest, Crosshair’s eyes saw more than anyone else.  You tried to quietly back away, but he turned and watched you. He moved his toothpick to the other side of his mouth while his eyes scanned you. You could run, but to where? You felt frozen and your instincts drew you to walk the route at least once on these nights. You couldn’t turn away.
You growled at him as the moon lit up all your features, leaving nothing hidden.  All you could think was, “go away. I don’t want you to see me like this.”
Crosshair hopped off the large rock, tossed his toothpick, and watched you intently. He wasn’t scared or concerned. He just watched, taking slow steps toward you.
“I know you,” he said. “The look in your eyes. It’s you.” He smiled.
Your ears laid back on your head before perking up toward him. You let out a little whimper.
He reached to touch your soft cheek. “Why couldn’t you tell me?”
You finally spoke. “I was scared.”  The change in your voice and your appearance left you feeling so self-conscious in front of him.
He huffed lightly, taking in your form, and a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.  “Don’t be scared,” he said reassuringly. He started walking.
“Where are you going,” you asked.
“You were walking along this path, headed this way,” he replied. And so he joined you on your walk. Now that there was no need to hide it, you decided to answer any question he had.
“It’s not like in some of the stories,” you said. “I’m aware of who I am. I don’t lose my mind. I’ve never killed anything or anyone. I just have this drive to go outside and patrol, but not much happens around here. And of course, I can speak, which some people seem to be more afraid of than anything.”
“How did it happen,” he asked. “Were you born this way?”
“I’ve been this way as long as I can remember. My grandmother was this way too.”
“Does it bother you?”
“Walking on all fours is different. And the hair. And being really tall. Or, well, long, I guess. The tail is kind of weird too, but you get used to it. I don’t know any other way than to walk two lives that are somehow both mine.”
Not even halfway through the night, you’d made it all around the town by this point and were back near your home. You laid down and he sat near you. You got up and curled around him, your tail resting in his lap.
“Aren’t you going home,” you asked.
“I am home,” he replied. You nuzzled your nose against his side and he rested his arm around your head. You both fell asleep.
Knowing your secret led to a new feeling of closeness between you. Crosshair never told anyone and joined you on the nights you patrolled. He started bringing Firepuncher, insisting that if you were keeping everyone safe, he should be prepared too. Eventually he moved in with you and your house really felt like home with him. As much as he hated the winter, he still stayed outside with you on those harsh nights.  You tried to encourage him to stay home and in a warm bed.
“I don’t like it when you’re out there and I’m in here alone,” he said before resting his forehead on yours in a keldabe kiss. He stayed outside with you, no matter the weather.
On one particularly cold night, the snow and ice were coming down heavily. You didn’t want to go outside and certainly wouldn’t if it weren’t for the werewolf in you. Just before you knew your transformation was coming, you tried to convince him to stay.
“Why don’t you stay inside, Crosshair? It’s cold and wet. You hate the cold.”
He shook his head as he threw on another layer of clothing and grabbed Firepuncher.
After you walked around the town’s perimeter, he stayed close to you, his eyes seeing even things you could not. It was mercifully peaceful, every being finding what shelter they could.  You curled up in your usual spot. Crosshair sat down and curled up against you. You wrapped your body tighter around him, using your fur to protect him from the bitterness.  He leaned against you and rested his head against your neck, seeking warmth. You tried one more time to get him to go back inside, your warm home so close.
“I love you more than I hate the cold,” he replied. “Something about you made me feel a little more alive and far less alone.” You hummed the most loving growl you could. You realized that he’s not just out there to help you protect the town. He’s there to protect you from those that fear anything other than the familiar, from those that mean you harm, and from those who think that killing a werewolf would make them a hero. Even though that had never been a worry for you before, he wanted to keep you safe.
As dawn came, the sky cleared. You both got up and walked toward home. Even though the back door of your home opened up to forest, was not too close to your neighbors, and all their windows faced away, Crosshair still kept an eye out, making sure no one noticed you. Just before you changed form, he grabbed a blanket from just inside the door and threw it over you.  You started to change back and he made sure the blanket covered you. Not that he minded the sight, but it was incredibly cold out.  He scooped you up and walked you through the door, kissing your forehead, and happy to be home with you again.
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toomanybandstocare · 1 year
{I've Got My Mind On You}
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Program: Birthdays...no longer come with presents wrapped in a bow or bring your loved ones together for your celebration. Unable to break away from the sadness and loneliness that you've come to associate with a day meant to for fond memories, you drift away and separate yourself from the people who stand by you everyday. Each day, Jesse keeps his eye on you terrified of the person who's taken your place. This is year that everything changes for the better, but that can only happen if you let it.
Pairing: Arc Trooper Jesse x Intelligence officer, GN! Reader
Alt Pairing: Arc Trooper Jesse & Intelligence officer, GN! Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Length: 4584w
Warnings: Overwhelming negative emotions around birthdays and feeling unwanted, Use of "them" as for sentence structure purposes, Barely edited
Camp Resolute Masterlist
ClonexReader Masterlist
Prompt: party For @clonexreaderbingo event hosted by the lovely Ghost.
Counselor Note: Purely self indulgent. I just needed to put my emotions, or as much as I could, onto paper with how my birthday came about this year. Could be read as romantic or as platonic soulmates.
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No matter how many times the 501st has stepped foot into the GAR’s barracks on Coruscant, everyone feels uneasy as they begin to slowly unpacked their mud caked and blood stained gear. Even though the battle was a success, an imperative one at that, your shoulders ache from the tension that weighs down on them. It seeps into your fatigued body and finds its home in your tired bones. Everyday you woke up this month, a knot of dread twisted and sank deeper into your core at the distant memory of your approaching birthday.
As you place your datapad on your side table, your gaze locks onto the date displayed alongside the weather and music options on your holo-chronometer. Your heart lurches, and you feel as if you’re going to be sick. Just two more days until you ignore the previous year’s stinging memories. Just two more days until the dash of hope that holds your heart together snaps. Just two more days until you treat your birthday like it’s any other day of the year. Nothing special. Nothing worth celebrating, especially when you’re all alone.
Your lungs constrict, and you force yourself to finish placing the last pieces of clothing and tactical gear in their designated spots before laying down on your bunk. With a groan, you rest your head on your arms and close your eyes as the rest of the 501st begin to plan their nights out on leave.
“Fives, we always go 79s. We’re not saying we don’t want to go, we just want to visit some new spots as well,” Echo exasperatedly explains as he kicks his duffel under the bunk.
“This is the first time that the 212th, 104th, and 501st have been planetside in who knows how long,” Fives exclaims and throws his hands up, “And you want to choose now to go to a new bar? No way - we’re going to 79s as much as we can during this leave”.
“No one’s saying they can’t come, di’kut,” Kix throws one of his black tops at Fives with a grin.
“Who would have thought Fives would be the one to shoot down the possibility of meeting new partners,” Jesse chuckles as he sits on the edge of his bunk. As he leans over to unbuckle his boots, his gaze falls on your bunk. The gnawing concern that’s grown as the month’s progressed overtakes his mind as you seem completely detached from reality. Desperate to pull you away from whatever dark place your mind travels to as of recent, Jesse calls out your name.
Deep in your journey through memories locked away in the back of your mind, a sharp sting of adrenaline causes your eyes to fly open and your heart to race as you shoot up in panic. Your gaze snaps to the pillow sitting in your lap. Forcing yourself to take a deep breath, you shake off the residual nerves settling across your skin as you narrow your gaze to search for the guilty culprit. When you look across from you, it only takes Jesse’s mischievous smile to know who threw the pillow at you. “Not funny,” you breathe out and throw the pillow back at him. You try to let yourself relax, but you can’t find it in yourself to put the mask back on.
Jesse catches the pillow with ease, and his expression softens lightly when he truly sees how solemn you look. “Got any plans we could crash?” he asks with a slight hope in his casual tone. Jesse’s chest stings as watches you practically curl into yourself. What happened to lose the spark he’s come to adore and associate with you?
“Probably just disconnect and hide out at my apartment,” you mumble and shrug your shoulders.
“You can’t do nothing on your time off,” Fives gently protests. His expression hardens into one of worry as the discussion shifts to your plans. Everyone in the company has noticed your change in demeanor and energy, and every member has voiced their concern to Rex who wasn’t able to figure out the root of your change. Even the collected captain keeps a wary eye out for you more than usual lately.
“Come join us,” Kix adds on, “I know you’re probably sick of spending all your time with us, but we promise to be on our best behavior”. He chuckles lightly, but it soon dies as Kix sees your lip wobble.
“I’m not in the party mood,” you firmly state. Your voice wavers as tears sting your lash line. As the last of your walls start to crumble as tears threaten to fall, you jump off your bed and grab your backpack as you hurry for the door. Guilt mixes with sorrow to create a nauseating sensation in the pit of your stomach as you leave the barracks without another word.
As the door hisses shut, the members of the 501st are surrounded by an uncomfortable blanket of silence. One that gnaws at Jesse’s nerves and sends his heart racing. Unable to pull his surprised gaze from the barracks entrance, he chews on the inside of his cheek.
“That’s a completely different person than the one we’re friends with,” Heavy quietly murmurs.
“Regardless,” Jesse says slowly as he snaps his boot buckle, “still our friend. There’s only one person that I can think of that knows them better than us”. Grabbing his comlink, Jesse walks towards the barrack’s entrance while tuning into their assistant medic’s private channel. “Kiva? Where abouts are you?” Only static responds of a second, and Jesse’s lungs constrict as he passes through the door. 
The chances that the medic has already left the base are slim, but still high enough to make Jesse walk faster through the durasteel halls. His heart hammers as his footsteps echo against the metal plated floors. Check the civvie barracks first, then the medic station. Take the slightly longer route to the medbay and check the entry-exit log at the base’s entrance. Jesse’s mind races to figure out how to find the Nautolan medic that he barely hears the call chirp to his comlink. 
“Kriff, Jesse - can’t a guy take a nap in peace. Not even an hour planetside and one of you already needs med attention? Give us a break,” Kiva sighs through the audio channel.
“Kiva,” Jesse breathes out in relief, “Where are you? This isn’t about med attention. I’m worried about-”
“Leave it alone, Jesse,” Kiva swiftly interrupts.
Jesse falters at the medic’s harsh tone. Coming to a stand still, Jesse leans against one of the support pillars. “What do you mean leave it alone? Something’s not right,” he pushes back. Frustration begins to spark in his voice as Jesse scans the hallway to find somewhere more private to take this call. Kiva’s evasiveness causes an uneasy feeling to bite at Jesse’s skin. A moment of silence passes, and just as Jesse goes to check the call connection he hears Kiva sigh.
“It’s like this every year,” Kiva explains, “The month leading up to what’s supposed to be a birthday, it’s like they shut down. Right? I don't know what happened for it to get like this. Each year, they disappear to their apartment and won’t come out until a couple of days later”.
As the medic shares his limited knowledge, Jesse’s expression hardens into one mixed with confusion and worry. With a spark of determination, a plan begins to form in his mind, and a smile tugs at Jesse’s mouth. “Then I’ll need your help if we’re going to pull this off. When’s their birthday?”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Jesse,” Kiva hesitates. “We don’t know why-”
“If you felt the same about a day that’s supposed to be about celebrating you and all you’ve achieved this year, wouldn’t you want someone to go the extra mile and celebrate with you? Know that someone loves you so much that they'll celebrate you even when you feel like it’s worthless?”
The comlink falls silent for a moment. All Jesse can hear is air ventilation willing above him and the dull rush of blood to his ears. His body tenses as the seconds come to a stand still, and he balances on the edge of anticipation and false hope.
“Then we’re going to need all the help we can get with only two days to plan and prep,” Kiva states with a determined laugh. “How can I help?”
“I need a key to the apartment, and you need to act as a distraction. Leave the rest to me and the boys,” Jesse rushes to explain. The stoney expression melts into one of relief as Jesse turns on his heel to rejoin the rest of the company.
Kiva’s static laughter echoes against the sterile halls, “I’ll send you the keycode in a little bit. Why do I get the hardest job?”
Jesse’s smile grows as he responds, “Because you’ll draw the least amount of suspicion”. 
The minute you step foot into your cozy, city apartment you feel the last of your walls crumble. As the entrance door hisses shut behind you, you hastily throw your bag to the side of the entryway. Tears flow down your cheek while you furiously rub them away while walking through the dark living room to turn into your bedroom. Your head spins as a mixture of overwhelming emotions causes a dull throb to sear at the back of your forehead. Just a few more days until you could move on from the choke hold that past disappointments have on you. Tugging off your well worn travel clothes, the fabric snags and refuses to slip off your body causing a wave of frustration to crash against your skull alongside your headache. With a defeated sob, you toss your clothing to the side and fall on top of your bed. Unable to hold back your cries as you tug the duvet over your body and tuck yourself away from reality.
The next two days are filled with excited chatter and lethargic depression. Each hour passes, ticking closer and closer to the anticipated birthday. Time blurs as party planning brings together some of the most well respected commanding officers during the day and bleeds into the night when lungs cry out for relief against the chain that wraps around them to lock away a broken heart. 
Late morning sunbeams break past your blinds, and you toss and turn in your blanket cocoon. Unwilling to pull yourself from semi-consciousness, you burrow further into the covers. Your under eyes feel sore and puffy as you press your face into a pillow. Stretching your aching muscles, you faintly hear the alarm disarm with the door opening. Even though that should send you into alertness, the thick blanket of numbness dulls your senses.
“Kriff,” Kiva quietly mutters.
“It’s not usually this bad,” you groan. You wince at the realization that your room is a complete mess, even by your standards. “I thought I told you I wanted to recharge alone. Finally enjoy some peace and quiet,” you mumble into your duvet.
The edge of your bed dips, and your body slides against Kiva’s. A gentle hand comes down to rest on what can only be assumed as your shoulder under the mounds of blankets and sheets. “One of the intelligence officers landed in the medbay,” Kiva sighs, “Captain Rex has requested for you to come in as soon as possible. We just intercepted a new set of Separatist codes”.
The weight of his words sinks into you with a churning unease and defeat. Even though your birthday comes with mixed emotions, you had hoped to at least avoid working on the dreaded day. “I need some time to wake up and get dressed,” you quietly reply, “Might as well put on a pot of caf for us while you wait”.
Minutes crawl by as Jesse keeps a careful eye on the apartment’s entrance. Excitement and nerves bounce around inside him as he waits for the two of you to exit. Every so often, his comlink chirps with someone eagerly asking for an update. 
“How much longer,” Fives complains over the channel frequency.
“Maybe if you grew up a little, you’ll realize it’s normal for people to take their time to get ready. Especially when called into an unexpected shift on shore leave,” Jesse hisses in response. His gaze flickers up from his comlink as the entrance signal chimes, and he steps into the side alley. Peering around the corner, Jesse watches as you and Kiva step into your speeder and a new wave of determination washes over him. 
When your speeder pulls away from the platform and disappears into the flow of traffic, Jesse wastes no time getting to the entrance and punching in the visitor code. “Alright, Fives. Bring everyone in,” Jesse signals his brother as he walks through the lobby. “We don’t have much time until Rex and Kiva bring our ad’ika back in a worse mood than when they left”. Jesse cuts off the call as his brothers shout in excitement, and he steps into the elevator that shoots him up to your apartment level. His gaze stays fixed on the level indicator, and nervous jitters make him tap his foot. There’s no reason for this to go wrong, but the gnawing fear of crossing an unspoken line makes Jesse’s stomach twist. He doesn’t want to become one of the reasons you hate your birthday in the future. The elevator ding jolts him out of his thoughts and causes his heart to pound against his chest. There’s no going back. Determined to show you just how many people care for you, Jesse steps into the hallway and rushes to your apartment.
“You really don’t need to walk me home,” you quietly break the thick silence surrounding you and Rex.
The night sky begins to tuck away the blazing sunset behind the city skyline. Your footsteps fall in time with Rex’s creating a metallic beat as you near your apartment building. After having spent the afternoon decoding messages with dated intel with Rex, you finally shut off your holo-top for the evening. The searing pain that’s throbbed between your eyes for the last few days now drums against your skull. The thought of breaking a cypher only to lead to more disappointment makes your head spiral, so you told Rex you were done as you packed your bag. Concerned with how late it had become, the captain had insisted on walking you home when you found out Kiva already left for the evening.
Evening traffic speeds past you as the two of you walk across the platform from where you parked your speeder to the building’s entrance. Your apartment building looms above you, and you punch in the resident code. The cool temperature eases the burning sensations that stings at your skin as the two of you enter. Even through your emotional fatigue, something hasn’t sat right with you since Kiva first visited this morning.
“It’s not even that late out,” you point out. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Rex stiffen as he shifts his weight from one foot to another. Wariness overcomes you and sharpens your senses from the lethargic haze that you’ve grown used to.
Rex ducks his head and sighs. “You haven’t been yourself lately,” he slowly explains. Without giving you the chance to interrupt, Rex punches the elevator call button.
The sudden noise makes you wince, and your heart speeds up. Why would he care so much? “It’s not healthy to put on a facade. I’ll at least do myself the favor of not bottling up my emotions and pretending like I’m okay when I’m not”. Your voice wavers as he motions for you to enter first. When you move into the small elevator, Rex quickly joins you. Your eyebrows raise, and you press your floor button. The wariness shoots pin pricks at the back of your neck.
“Seems like you’re hiding from the people who actually care about you and want to help you feel like yourself again,” Rex’s words come out harsher than either of you expect. His eyes widen, and his gaze snaps to meet your own. “I’m sorry,” he stammers, “That came out sharper than I meant”. Rex sighs and runs a hand over his face.
Your heartbeat pounds against your chest, and you feel sick from the flush that’s overcome your body. Grateful for the floor chime, you exhale a breath of relief and  step out of the elevator. “It’s fine,” you cooly dismiss his apology. When the sound of his footsteps follow you out into the hall, your face pinches. “Rex, I promise I’m not upset with you,” you practically snap. The firmness in your voice mixes with the frustration that overheats you and the desperation to be finished with this awful day. Heart thundering as you stand in front of your apartment door, you lock your heated gaze onto Rex. Yet, confusion only spurs your temperament further when you catch the faint, sad smile on the captain’s face.
“Maybe not yet, at least. Happy birthday, ad’ika,” Rex softly responds.
Your hand shakes hovering above the keypad. A coldness freezes over your body, and the overwhelming sharp dullness of flush sizzling across your skin makes you dizzy. Unable to meet Rex’s concerned expression, you turn away and hastily punch in your code. As soon as the door hisses open, you dart into your apartment desperate to hide away and allow yourself the comfort to let your emotions out in privacy. Rubbing at your eyes furiously and blinking away threatening tears, you walk through the entryway and throw your bag to the ground. Fleeting memories and a headache pound against your skull, and you feel as if the room’s spinning. With one hand, you press the light panel and a soft mix of colored lights float across the walls.
“Happy birthday!” a chorus of voices call out.
You jump back, tripping on your footing. A careful hand steadies you from behind, and you lean into Rex’s hold as your shocked gaze bounces from troopers to friends to family clustered in your small living room. When you try to speak, only a small noise breaks past your disbelief.
“Alright, alright,” Jesse motions for everyone to relax, “You’ll have a chance to chat with our guest of honor later. Let’s let them get used to this”. When he drops his palms to his sides, his palms feel sweaty. Every breath he takes feels shallow, and his lungs begs for air. Unfortunately for him, the little oxygen circulating through him escapes when Jesse turns to see your glassy eye expression. The way you shy away into Rex’s side as your eyes scan the room makes his heart stutter. Walking over to you, Jesse flexes his fists before hooking his thumbs into his pants’ pockets. “I’m sure this is a lot, but we just wanted to make sure you celebrated yourself,” Jesse softly explains.
Your wide eyes meet Jesse’s compassionate gaze, and you feel as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. “Did you plan this? This is too much. You should all be out enjoying your time off,” you rush. Even you hear how watery and strained your voice sounds. Rex’s traces soothing circles into your side, and the tension slowly releases from your body.
One of Jesses’ hands comes up to rub the back of his neck, and he breaks away from your gaze. “Everyone put this together. Rex, Wolffe, and Cody were massive a help in making sure all your friends and family got here. And then your 501st boys got the supplies ready. Really it was Kiva who pulled it off by getting you out of the apartment today,” Jesse rambles on and trips over his words, “Which, I am so sorry you had to do fake work. No one should work on their birthday, especially you. You already do so much for us, but we didn’t know how else to get you to leave so we could set up -”
Your lip wobbles as you listen to Jesse’s stumbling explanation. Without hesitation, you step forward and wrap your arms around his waist. Leaning your head on his chest, you feel his heartbeat quicken under your blushing cheek. 
A hand gently rubs your shoulder, “And to answer your question, Jesse did plan this. Got all of us organized and made sure all your party felt comfortable and relaxed so you wouldn’t feel too overwhelmed”. He squeezes your shoulder, and you hear Rex call out to his batchmates with a chuckle. 
Fully expecting for your cozy apartment to have been turned into a temporary 79s location, you relax as you look around the room to see your closest people lounging and laughing together. Lofi plays softly just above the chatter and occasional laugh. A small collection of gifts sit next to your favorite birthday treat on the center table. Fairy lights twinkle from above, and you’ve never felt more at home than you have at this moment. Normally just a place to find solace and solitude when you’re on shore leave, your apartment finally feels alive as your friends listen to your squad’s stories and your family checks each trooper to make sure they’re well taken care of.
“This is -” your words break off as a sudden sob overcomes you. Your throat tightens, and tears sting at your lash line. The burden of so many difficult memories bubbles up, and you finally allow yourself to let go of them. Tears stream down your cheeks, and your lips feel chapped as they kiss the corner of your mouth. Each droplet leaves a bittersweet taste to your tongue as they melt away. Your heart hammers against your chest, and it feels as if it’s going to break from just how much love has been returned. Lifting your blurry gaze, you faintly make out Jesse’s soft adoring expression as you share a grateful smile with his small one. “Thank you.” you say as firmly as you with a shaky breath.
“I don’t know if I overstepped, so I’m incredibly sorry if I did,” Jesse quietly begins, “I just couldn’t sit and watch you disappear from us. Once I knew what was making you so … broken, I couldn’t let you spend another birthday alone.” Jesse tightens his arms around you, and his hands tremble as he presses you closer to him. His stomach knots from your grateful expression, and it twists as he watches another tear fall across your cheek. With one hand, Jesse carefully wipes it away letting his fingertip gently graze your cheekbone before cupping your jaw. His chest constricts as you lean into his palm. “Even if it meant you didn’t want me in your  life anymore for intruding, I didn’t want you to think that no one didn’t want to celebrate you and your accomplishments. All of your boys have been concerned, and we just wanted to bring back our ad’ika,” Jesse mumbles. 
Fear isn’t an emotion that Jesse’s allowed himself to dwell on many times. Nerves prick his skin at the thought that this could be the last time you ever wanted to see him. That he had only hurt you more than he helped you. Wherever your mind takes you on those dark journeys inward, that you’ll remember tonight alongside the other heartbreaks. That terrifiesJesse most. But this isn’t about him. He would have to learn to go about his day without looking for you in the room, and maybe one day he could forget about how natural it is for his mind to wander to thoughts about you. So when the moment your hands come up to cup his face with a touch so soft, it nearly makes him sigh, Jesse feels all the growing anxiety and gnawing fear dissipate from him.
You shake your head with a watery laugh, “I don’t think I could push you away even if I tried hard enough.”
“I would just keep reaching out to you until I caught you,” Jesse softly agrees, “I’m not letting you slip through my fingers, ad’ika.” Even as Jesse relaxes and pulls the two to lean against the wall as a way to try to keep your conversation away from the others, a concern tugs at the back of his mind. Unable to shake it off, Jesse’s soft expression hardens slightly with worry. “Just tell me if I’m overstepping or if you don’t want to talk about it. What happened that made your birthday something to avoid rather than look forward to?”
Heart plummeting, you feel relieved that he finally asked. You can’t tell if it's a relief that neither of you are walking around it anymore or that you can finally tell someone how you feel about the day. Your hands slip from his face, and you rest them on his chest. The steady rise and fall of his breathing helps ground you as your mind races. “It just … turned into another day,” you admit. “It felt like I was being pushed to the side as other birthdays were planned well in advance while I had to practically beg for one friend to do something with me. It got to a point where it didn’t feel like anyone cared about me. And I had to carry that sadness and grief as I celebrated everyone else’s accomplishments”. Your voice breaks into a sob, and Jesse pulls you as close as the two of you can. Tucking your head into him, you try to take deep breaths to calm yourself but all the emotions of the past month finally catch up and crash down onto you.
Jesse ducks his head so his mouth is close to your ear, and his comforting voice drops so only you can hear him. “I am so incredibly proud of you, ad’ika. This year alone, you’ve been challenged in ways that not many people could overcome with the determination and grace that you have. Everyone in this room sees that, and they absolutely adore you. When they heard it was your birthday, everyone jumped at the chance to celebrate you and show you their love, alright? As long as you let us, we will support you however you need. Just give us the word, and we’ll be there for you. I’ll be there for you”.
Pulling away, Jesse brings both his hands up to wipe away the new wave of tears slipping down your face. His caring expression causes butterflies to tickle your stomach. “‘Thank you,” you choke out.
Jesse shakes his head with a smile, “Anything for you, ad’ika. I am afraid however, I may have kept you to myself a little longer than the rest of the party would have liked”. His eyes twinkle with a mischievous glint. 
Pulling away, Jesse offers his arm with a cheeky wink that causes you to laugh easier than you have in a long while. As the two of you join your friends and family, each person makes it a point to wish you a happier year to come. Surrounded by so many people who went out of their way to celebrate your birthday, you find a small flicker of hope that next year will hold more laughter and love. Especially when you catch Jesse’s eye, and his expression melts into one of admiration only meant for you.
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bunnywritesjunk · 1 year
Ruusaan | Captain Rex x Reader
Series summary: You missed your tropical planet, but coruscant had more to offer. You are a field medic in the 501st. you work closely with the captain in hopes of not losing your job. But how close is too close.
Chapter summary: Rex hasn't spoken to you in days. Hopefully this mission will give you guys some time to talk.
Pairing: Captain Rex x Reader
Warnings: Slavery, Suicide (Canon typical suicide), Rated R
Word count: 3k
Series Masterlist
Genre: Fluff and angst
A/n: Hello everyone, this is the start of a next arc. Rexy boy is getting a little serious ooooh. I'm gonna try to post chapter 9 really soon. I think after this chap or the next one y'all will finally get what you've been waiting for.
Chapter 8
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Rex hasn't you in days. He needed time to process his newfound feelings. There’s only one person that could give him proper advice on how to continue. Rex hadn’t thought about relationships with anyone, especially before the war ended. Did he want a relationship? Would it get in the way of his duties? Before he could overthink he found General Skywalker. He was in the hangar speaking to a trooper and General Kenobi. Rex nodded at them in a small greeting.
“General, Trooper.” Rex said to the group.
“Morning Rex.” Skywalker greeted him back.
“General Skywalker, can we speak in private?”
Obi-wan and the soldier left promptly.
“What is it, Rex?” Anakin asked.
Rex looked around, troops were buzzing around the hangar going in all directions.
“Uh, maybe somewhere more private.”
Anakin nodded and started leading him away to an empty hangar control room.
“Is there something I should be worried about?” Anakin asked the Captain.
“No sir”
Once they got to the control room, Anakin closed the door behind them and stood next to it looking at Rex.
“Well, I had a question for you. A hypothetical question.”
“Go on.” Said Anakin.
“Well say hypothetically, there’s a soldier who has taken a liking to someone on their team. Hypothetically the teammate is showing interest as well, but the soldier has not had any form of a real relationship before and has important duties to attend to. Should the soldier pursue the teammate or keep their distance?”
“Huh, and this is all hypothetical?”
Rex nodded.
Anakin smirked at the Captain.
“Well, I think the soldier should have as many experiences as possible.
Relationships with teammates can be complicated. Just keep doing your- I mean he should keep doing his job and keep the relationship quiet. I don’t think many people will mind.”
Rex looked down at his feet, thinking about what was said.
“This is all hypothetical of course.” Anakin winked at him and left the control room.
Rex replayed the questions that has been plaguing his mind for the past few days. He knew his body yearned for you. His mind was even more fond of the medic. He managed to control his urges but that didn’t stop his dreams from reminding him of his current issue.
What the General said did strike a chord with him. To have more experiences. Rex walked out of the control room and headed down through the hangar. He needed to talk to you, just not today. He was still reeling from the last time he saw you. He needed time to think about what he wanted to say to you. You worked with him, Rex wanted to be careful about how he went about explaining his feelings to you. He walked back to his bunk to check his holo-pad. There was an upcoming mission briefing soon. He made his way to the bridge.
Slipping into your battle gear was no easy feat but you managed. You were being called to a special assignment. You weren't given the details yet but you were excited to get back into the field. After the Umbara incident, you got benched to make sure you're ok to go back into battle. Na'wi has been getting all the fun assignments, meanwhile, you're stuck on the ship. She even got called early to the mission you were getting ready for. Someone was supposed to contact you soon to brief you on the mission. You went through your pack to make sure you had all your supplies fully cleaned and stocked. You were a little nervous but you knew this mission would be better this time. Your holoprojector beeped in your pocket. You pulled it quickly and answered it. The holo materialized onto the device showing Na'wi and Anakin. You greeted them warmly.
“Hey girl, we're briefing you on the mission.” Na'wi said.
“Alright, hit me.” You responded. Anakin spoke.
“Well, This one is a little bit different from what you would normally do. But you can help us a lot.” You nodded waiting for him to continue.
“The people of the planet Shili have been kidnapped. We suspect it was Zygerrian Slavers with the help of Dooku.”
“Zygerrians?!” You exclaimed.
“Yeah, we figured that might strike a chord with you. We are going to Zygerria to infiltrate the system and get the Togruta people back to their home planet. Believe me, I have no desire to be civil with that scum. But, given your planetary history, you could prove useful.”
You looked down at your feet, processing the information you were given. Your planet has had issues with the Zygerrians for centuries. They saw your people as nothing but prizes to be won. Despite your planet remaining peaceful for all these years they still try to kidnap and enslave your people. They are a cunning and money-hungry planet.
“So you're going to use me as bait?” You asked.
“Not exactly. We need someone the Zygerrians will stop at nothing to have. You won't be sold, and you'll be with Rex, Ahsoka and I the whole time. Listen, you don't have to take this mission if it's too much.”
You knew the General wasn't trying to make you sound weak for turning the mission down but it bothered you anyway. You haven't seen action in weeks, not taking it would mean at least another few weeks benched.
“Alright, I'll help.”
“Great, you won't need your gear or armor, and wear something more...Traditional if you know what I mean.” Anakin said.
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, ok I can do that.”
“Hey, that wasn't my idea it was her's” He pointed to Na'wi.
“Well, the plan will work better if she doesn't look like a Republic nurse. The rest of the Squadron will be holding down the fort on Shili waiting for you guys to return.” Na'wi said.
“Don't worry, we'll be in costume too. Our shuttle will arrive in the hangar in about thirty minutes. Be ready by then.” Anakin said.
“Yes sir.”
You severed the connection and put your holoprojector back in your pocket. You stared at the wall for a second before making your way to your closet. You saved a few outfits from your planet for when you visit home. You picked an outfit that you didn't care if it got ruined. It was a long orange skirt with embroidery and beading on it. It came with a matching one-shoulder crop top. You also grabbed a pair of simple brown sandals. It was considered a casual piece of clothing for your family despite the hours it took to make. You remember the shop you got it from, a kind old woman sized and fit it for you. You're sure she wouldn't mind making you another one. You took off your field nurse uniform and slipped into the outfit.
You set the clothes aside and went back into your closet and pulled out a large jewelry box. Jewelry is a status symbol on your planet. The more beads, shells, and gems you wore, the more important you are. You chose pieces that had little sentimental value as they would probably be lost during the mission. The Zygerrians would know that. You placed gold cuffs on your pointed ears, making sure your hair was done in a way they were very visible. You placed gold bands on your arms and rings into your nostrils. Some had beads dangling from them. You fastened some shells into your hair as well. Lastly, you placed a gold cuff onto your tail, it has a band of red crystal running through it, a crystal that can only be found on your planet.
You pulled out a black cloak to hide your clothing while you walked to the hangar. Not that you were embarrassed by your culture, but more embarrassed by what you were about to do on this mission. You wanted to draw as little attention to yourself as possible.
You walked quickly to the hangar, luckily avoiding most people on your way. When you got there you saw a small ship that didn't look like a republic ship. Ahsoka, Anakin, and R2-D2 were standing near the entrance. Ahsoka noticed you first, giving you a small wave as you approached. Anakin turned towards you, He was wearing a typical Zygerrian slavers uniform. You grimaced slightly at the sight.
“Alright, we're all here. Let's get this over with.” The general said.
You followed them inside the ship and saw Rex and Obi-wan dressed similarly to Anakin. Anakin sat in the pilot's seat, Rex his co-pilot. Rex looked over his shoulder at you and nodded. You didn't acknowledge him back as you were still a little sore from your last encounter with him. He turned his attention back to the ship and started to take off. The flight would only be a few minutes long so you leaned on the wall as the other spoke. As the ship drew closer to Zygerria, more ships appeared trying to enter the planet's atmosphere.
“Looks like Zygerria is a popular place these days.” Anakin said.
“Whatever is happening is attracting plenty of high-class scum.” Obi-wan added.
As the ship lowered onto the planet your nerves heightened. You didn't know what you were in for, but you had to trust your Generals and your Captain. Ahsoka placed a hand on your shoulder as if she could feel your emotions.
“Hey, don't worry. I'm in the same boat as you are. I'll be right with you.” She said.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I'm also gonna be a bargaining chip for the Zygerrians.”
You hummed. “I see, well I don't know if that makes me feel better but at least I'm not alone in that.”
Ahsoka smiled and went to the back of the ship. You felt the ship land with a thud. When Ahsoka emerged she was cloaked head to toe. You pulled the hood of your cloak up to match her a bit more. The group left the ship, The Generals and Captain leading while you and Ahsoka followed behind. The planet was warm and sunny, a contrast to what you were about to experience. Walking towards the capital you kept your head down, not wanting to draw any attention to yourself. The city was...less than hospitable. There were slave auctions and animal fights. It disgusts you. As you were walking a Twi'lek man fell onto the walking path. A Zygerrian told him to get up.
“Get up, you useless skug.” The Zygerrian spat.
“Master, the bonds, they're too heavy.” The Twi'lek said.
The Zygerrian growled. “Tell it to my whip.”
He unsheathed his weapon, about to lash the man. A hand grabbed the Zygerrians arm.
“You don't want to do that.” Ahsoka stopped the Slaver.
You helped the Twi'lek up onto his feet silently.
“You dare touch me?!” The Zygerrian said to Ahsoka.
“Excuse my slave, friend. She is freshly caught” Anakin interjected.
Two more guards approached.
“Hmm, what have we here? You wear Zygerrian armor but are not one of us. Who are you?” The Zygerrian asked.
“I've come for an audience with the queen.”
“Then you have an invitation. We cannot just let anyone in to speak with her majesty.”
“No invitation, but I do bring news. News the queen will be eager to hear.” Anakin said with a smirk.
“I doubt that you're nothing more than a Brigand.”
“I wouldn't say that, especially when the queen learns you prevented her from hearing the news about Bruno Denturri.”
An observation droid floats in between Anakin and the Zygerrian.
“Halt, cease all hostilities. This man is to be escorted to the palace by order of the queen.” The droid said.
While the standoff was happening, Obi-wan and Rex snuck off unnoticed. The walk to the palace was short. Standing in the throne room was nerve-inducing, knowing what the Zygerrians would do to get their hands on your people. And here you are on a silver platter. The Queen had a few pet birds around her.
“Make sure all preparations are complete for this evening.” The Queen said to one of her servants.
When she glanced down at Anakin her face lit up.
“And fetch refreshments.” She called to them.
The Zygerrian that escorted you introduced Anakin.
“My Queen, I present, Lars Quell.”
“Hmm so, you're the man who claims to be acquainted with Bruno Denturri?” She asked Anakin or Lars.
“Yes, your Highness. however, when I spoke with him, he failed to describe your beauty.”
You sighed. This was the plan huh?
The Queen chuckled. “Really? And did Bruno speak of my intense hatred of him? Or did that escape his memory as well?” The Queen asked with a scowl.
The Zygerrian guard raised his blaster at Anakin. Anakin gently pushed the blaster tip away from his face.
“He needed not speak of it, your majesty. In fact, Bruno Denturri will not be speaking...Ever again.”
“What do you mean?”
“Bruno Denturri's dead by my hand. Here are two slaves from his palace, compensation for my efforts.”
Anakin grabbed Ahsoka's cloak and revealed her beautiful blue slave outfit. You would've wanted to know where she got it if it weren't for the circumstances.
“Unhand me, Brigand!” Ahsoka exclaimed.
“And this one I think you'll especially take a liking to.” Anakin walked up to you and took your cloak off.
The Queen gasped and stood up.
“An Igbo woman, she is rare. You impress me, Lars Quell, they are quite a prize. And to have defeated Bruno Denturri in combat? Well, you must be quite the warrior.” The Queen approached.
The servants bowed to her so you and Ahsoka followed suit. She circled you slowly, inspecting. She grabbed your tail and you fought the urge to pull away and hiss. She let go but replaced her grip on your face. Turning your head side to side and opening your mouth to see your teeth.
“What region are you from?” The Queen asked you.
“Yoruba.” You responded. Your tail flicked back and forth in annoyance.
The Queen hummed. “These slaves are certainly of fine stock. Bruno always knew how to choose a beautiful female.”
The Queen stalked over to Ahsoka and gripped her arm.
“Don't you dare touch me.” Ahsoka ripped out of the Queen's grasp.
The queen scowled “Though she will have to be processed. Her demeanor leaves much to be desired. I will bring in a friend of mine for the Igbo woman, he will pay nicely for her. What is your price for the Togruta?”
“With respect, how can I price the beauty of these slaves when I look upon the magnificence of your Highness, whose beauty would make the brightest star seem dull by comparison?” Anakin said.
Ahsoka looked at you and rolled her eyes. You shrugged in response.
“Lars Quell, you flatter me.” The Queen chuckled.
“No your majesty, however...” Anakin started whispering in the Queen's ear. She giggled.
“Lars, stop it, stop it! Hmm you are a bold one aren't you?”
“My reputation precedes me then.”
“Perhaps we can find a way to put a price on your slaves. Come walk with me.” Anakin and the queen linked arms and walked up the throne room steps.
You and Ahsoka followed. Beyond the throne room was a large balcony. The Queen's Twi'lek slave followed her with a tray of beverages. The queen took one and continued to speak to Anakin.
“Slavery is the natural order of things. The weak deserve nothing more than to kneel before the strong, bound to our service.” She continued.
“I will need men with your talents to spread our ways across the galaxy.”
Suddenly, The Twi'lek girl lunged at the queen with a knife. Anakin grabbed her forearm stopping her assault.
“Ah, let me go!” She screamed at Anakin. He released her and she fell back.
“You dare raise a hand against your master? Clearly, you require further processing.” The Queen said with venom.
The girl backed up to the balcony wall.
“No! I won't go back there!.” She said while climbing onto the wall.
“Wait, Stop!” Anakin lunged for the girl, but it was too late. She jumped.
You gasped and covered your mouth as you heard her body hit the ground. That poor girl was driven to kill herself because of these people.
The Queen sat on the balcony edge and sighed.
“Such a waste, but perhaps she was more trouble than she's worth.”
“But you Lars, you are proving quite resourceful, very well I will pay your price for this slave girl. It seems I am in need of a new servant.” She gestured to Ahsoka.
Anakin glanced once more at the body below. “She is my gift to you, your Highness.”
“You are a man of many surprises, it pleases me. My friend should be here shortly for the Igbo woman. Also, I wish you to be my guest at the slave auction, and to sit at my side.” The queen held her hand out for Anakin to take. He took it gently and led her away. Back inside the throne room, another Zygerrian guard entered.
“Your majesty, your guest is here.” He said.
Your heart pounded. You took a deep breath willing yourself to calm down. The man that entered was huge. He towered over the other Zygerrian guards and held authority. The Queen went to greet him.
“Ah, Jarok. Welcome, I have a wonderful surprise for you.” The Queen beckoned you over. You walked up to them calmly not looking him in the eye.
“Where did you catch her.” The Zygerrian now known as Jarok asked not taking her gaze off of you.
“She was acquired at Bruno Denturri's palace.” Anakin said.
Jarok placed a finger under your chin, lifting your head. You looked into his eyes.
“For years, I have been searching for one such as you.” His voice was firm and quiet.
“What is your price?”
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sakasamurai707 · 1 year
Easy Way Out. (Cyberpunk 2077 Spoilers!!!)
River Ward x Fem!V
TW: Suicide
When his Jamie Sheen died all those years ago, River had sat frozen in shock. He had gotten the message from his father, the crying face of the older man showing up on the Holo as he explained his sons death.
The Top Brass of the NCPD only took bribes. That was the main point emphasized over and over again in the note he left behind, clutched so tightly in his hand that it ripped when they’d tried to retrieve it. He gripped it as hard as the e system had gripped him, gripped it with such a strong amount of tightness that it took ripping and tearing just to get the note out, piece by piece.
If you were to ask River a few weeks ago about the event, he would say how he’d never let himself become that affected by someone else’s actions again. He’d told himself and everyone around him that Jamie had taken a far too drastic way out, a way out that could’ve been avoided if he’d just tried to talk to someone. Jamie had made a mistake, that was all. It wasn’t something River found the need to wrack his brain over. Hell, River would say that he took the ‘easy way out.’
He didn’t talk to anyone about Jamie beyond a few comments, and he moved on. He moved on with his life, trying to forget about his former best friend. Jamie was just a police partner, after all.
Years later, he still found himself working with the NCPD. Working day and night, he found discrepancies, he found odd coverups and lies within files, all pointing to political motivation and bribery letting people off the hook.
Mayor Lucius Rhyne was one of them. Joss had become annoyed with how much he had thrown himself into that case, she just wanted him to drop it. Joss had hounded River left and right, nearly on the daily to ‘just let it go.’
But he couldn’t. The death was too convenient, everyone was somehow in the wrong place at the wrong time. Security had left only a few seconds earlier than the attack. River couldn’t help but see it as a huge coverup, one he intended to prove.
The one thing that prevented the case from coming to a halt was that one phone call.
A female voice he didn’t recognize asked for him by name. She said she was working for Elizabeth and Jefferson Peralez, people who River had worked with not too long ago. She was looking into the death of the Mayor, telling him that she had proof of it being intentional homicide.
River was quick to tell her to meet him at Chubby Buffalos. While he had a meeting with Detective Han, River wanted to meet her as quickly as possible. Any way to prove himself right was something that he strived for, and this was a chance that he couldn’t let go.
The meeting seemed to go on forever. Detective Han was hounding him to just let go of the case, to just shut up about it and stop trying to dig where he didn’t belong. River hated Han for this reason alone, hated him for just listening to what the Upper NCPD told him, not willing to question even a bit.
But soon enough, as expected, the door to the restaurant was opened. There was an odd amount of force to it, as if every movement was forced. The sound of heavy boots made their way over to River and Detective Han’s table, before coming to a halt.
“Detective River Ward, right?”
When River looked up to the voice, he could immediately admit that his assumptions about the woman were wrong.
She was obviously a Mercenary. Her eyes, a shining white, stared nearly into his soul. She had long hair, reaching down to her mid back, a rarity for any mercenary from what River had seen.
Dressed in black and red netrunning gear, she showed herself to be an intimidating person. River was convinced, this was the person who’d help him solve the case.
“And you’re V.”
Over the next few days, they found out where to go to find the truth about what happened to the Mayor. Heading to Red Queens Race, River decided to stay out in the car, knowing that if he entered the Animal’s territory without a warrant, he’d be shot and killed.
It was silent on V’s end for a while. She’d snuck in there, silently zeroing people with her Cyberdeck. He heard gunshots, but no scuffle. He heard people scream about a hacker before being quickly silenced, killed by a cybernetic short before they could pinpoint her location.
She was strong, and was really self reliant.
Yet River still got this sense of dread.
Before V had even found her way into the office, River had gotten out of his truck. He side stepped all the dead bodies, avoiding every corpse on the ground and running down towards where she’d last told him she was.
He knew that if Lucius Rhyne was killed there so easily, whatever killed him could still be there.
Once he got down to the main floor of the club, his suspicions were confirmed with a scream of pain being heard from an upper floor.
River couldn’t explain why, but something shot through his heart. A pang of fear went through him as he ran upstairs, finding the Mercenary keeled over, a brain dance wreath booted up around her head.
River ripped it off her, unconsciously grabbing her hand and asking if she was okay. At her confirmation, he let go. His face was tinted a slight red as he did.
When he confirmed that Randy was with the well known Serial Killer, V was the first person he called. Despite her having no reason to care for this case, to care for him, she quickly came to his aid. Randy was found with a precision he couldn’t do on his own, her benefit to the case being astounding in River’s eyes.
Seeing her stare silently and sympathetically down towards the sleeping Randy only confirmed it in River’s mind.
She was perfect. V was a part of him that he needed to keep around. He didn’t want her to go and vanish after this mission, didn’t want to never see her again. So after a few days, he invited her over to Joss’s for a cookout.
The way she played with the kids only set it in his mind how much he wanted her to stay around. She got along with everyone, speaking to Joss in a sisterly manner while also helping River with the cooking. V let the kids win their game, feigning disappointment and humiliation once they beat her, insisting that they won fair and square.
When River invited her up to the water tower, he prayed that she’d accept him. He prayed that she’d say yes.
And she did.
In the next few months, V was getting worse.
She’d told River about Johnny. From what he’d heard, Johnny had a lot of comments about him as well.
At first, V only treated him like a voice in her head. But as time went on, she became more and more sickly. His personality started leaking into hers.
Every night she wasn’t able to sleep, which became three to four times a week, she’d talk to River. Sometimes she’d be in her own apartment, the meowing of Nibbles and the trilling of the Iguana evident in the background.
Other times, she’d be in the middle of nowhere. She’d stay the night with Panam, bunk down in the afterlife with Rogue’s permission, or hide out with Kerry Eurodyne. No matter what, Every night before she went to sleep, she’d update him on her condition. River felt his heart pang when she described the pain she was going through, knowing he couldn’t make it any better.
The only thing that was worse were the times she was sleeping beside him. He loved those nights, he loved them more than anything. However, sometimes he’d find himself waking up to her body trembling beside him, hands clasped over her mouth to prevent herself from screaming and waking anyone up. Her eyes were wide, a light blue light shining from them, evident of a relic malfunction messing with her optics.
River would try to comfort her through it, but there was nothing he could really do. Nothing really at all. So he’d just cry, hiding his tears by bringing her into a tight embrace.
When he saw the broadcast about the parade, he nearly had a heart attack. V had told him the bare minimum of the plans, but hearing that Arasaka had sent Mercenaries after the two sent River into a spiral.
Then, she said she was meeting with Hanako herself. River tried to tell her to take anything she could, to just get the chip out. V said that she’d do her best.
From what River heard, V sounded so tired.
‘The Easy Way Out.’
He’d gotten a phone call the same night she went to meet Hanako. V told him that she’d gotten worse, that she had to make a decision now.
She promised. With her voice cracking from tears, she promised that she’d make it better, that she’d relieve herself of the chip. River agreed, telling her that it was what she should do. That should be her priority, not him. Her only priority should be getting rid of the chip.
If he’d known what she meant, River would’ve never said that.
There were a few hours of dead silence. He’d messaged her a few times, but there was nothing.
Not a single message back. She didn’t even read them.
The night turned into day. River couldn’t even force himself to eat breakfast.
Every meal seemed sickening. Joss and the kids tried to ask him to eat, but he kept saying no. He only stared at her messages, trying to see if she’d even read them.
There was nothing.
Not a single call, until around midday. A voice he didn’t recognize, crying over the phone.
“I know you don’t know me-“ The feminine voice said, “But my name is Misty. I’m V’s friend.”
“Do you have any updates on her?”River responded, his posture immediately going to sit up straight. “She told me she was solving the issue with the biochip, do you know what she did? When can I see her next?”
Misty’s voice went silent for a few moments, before a small sniffle could be heard.
“You know…she talked a lot about you, River. Even in the note, she talked about you. I’ll let you see it when you get here-“
“The note? What note? Is she not going to be able to talk for a while? Is she getting the chop out?” He was confused. Maybe, he thought, she wouldn’t be able to contact him for a while. Especially if she was with the Arasaka’s.
Instead of a quick response, River heard a muffled sob, before Misty slowly forced out a response.
“No, River. She’s gone. I found her about twenty minutes ago. She shot herself.”
‘The Easy Way Out,’ he’d called it.
But there was nothing easy about seeing his world crumble around him.
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legendssaga · 2 years
Another fine mess
Props for helping me come up with the most wonderful title for yet another classic legendssaga fic :D @elli-incarnate
“Are you sure you wouldn’t mind having him?” Luke asked again, still holding a bag of Ben’s favorite toys and other necessities in his right hand. “You and Han have been meaning to take things easy for some time.” “We can always leave them with Kam and Tionne instead,” Mara agreed, ruffling her son’s hair. Leia, however, who already had her beloved nephew in a secure hold at her side, only scoffed: “Kam and Tionne. We can have much more fun together, can’t we?” Leia asked, winking at four-year-old Ben. “I have everything ready for two days of nothing but joy.” “With Trammi ice-cream?” the little boy asked and never noticed how Leia and her brother exchanged a quick glance. Ben surely had inherited his father’s love for chocolate, that much was evident. “Well, how about we say goodbye to your parents and go look if we have Trammistan ice-cream in the kitchen?” Leia reached for the goodie back in Luke’s hand and they all waited while Ben was both eager and reluctant to see his parents off: the thought of chocolate ice-cream was one thing, his separation anxiety another. Eventually, though, Ben’s curiosity got the upper hand, and he was running to the refrigerator before Leia had even closed the door behind her brother and sister-in-law. 
The rest of the late afternoon, the pair spent eating as much sweets as a “healthy” diet for a boy his age would allow, watching childish holo-vids, and giggling over ridiculous jokes. In many ways, he reminded Leia of a younger Jacen: curious, babbly, with a smug grin behind his every word. She missed the time when her own children had been so little, and wished there was a way to turn back time to see more of their precious toddler years - and she prayed for Luke and Mara to enjoy every second of Ben’s, too.
Eventually, of course, little Ben grew tired of just sitting on the couch and the multitude of snuggling, and Leia moved to one of the other activities she had prepared for a weekend with her nephew. Han, too, had a couple of things he wanted to do once he was home, and Leia could not wait to see the excitement on Ben’s face when he broke the news to him - after all, not everyone got the chance for some piloting lessons with the renowned star pilot of the Rebellion. Besides, she knew that Ben had been begging his father to be taken along in a ride in the X-Wing, but the starship was hardly big enough for a single pilot and his gear, and naturally not safe enough for a pilot and his curious son.Leia settled her nephew down on the kitchen table with a cup of hot chocolate and some fingerpaints, remembering fondly the pride she had felt within her heart whenever Winter had shown her works of her children. She wondered what Ben might settle on to draw: animals? Plants? Landscape? His family? And if the latter was bound to happen, would she and Han, Jacen and Jaina be included? Leia found herself blushing at the thought, and intended to simply sit by and watch before Ben pointed at her lavender blouse, grinning: “You got some ‘cream on there.” Looking down, Leia found he was actually right - somehow, she had managed to get one of the few blouses that never were an easy wash dirty enough to face the challenge again - and quick at that. The longer it had time to dry, the worse it would eventually get. Usually, one would use a droid to do simple household chores like these, but Leia and Han had refrained from buying one. Threepio could handle a lot of things, but Leia personally preferred doing certain things herself. Maybe, after years of being surrounded by aides, protocol droids and politicians of all kind, she enjoyed the simplicity of having nothing but herself, her husband, and her apartment to worry about when the kids weren’t home. “Alright, you got me there,” she said to Ben, still smiling. “I’ll go give this a quick rinse and get myself some fresh clothes.” “Okay.”  Ben said, focusing on the crafting material in front of him again. She was almost out of the door when she heard him ask: “What’s your favorite color?” “Purple,” she responded quickly, a victorious smile on her face.
Deeming it ridiculous to only wash her blouse, Leia quickly collected other clothes that could use a gentle washing - one of her older dresses, Han’s classic leather jacket - she sighed, holding it in her hands for a couple of seconds too long for it to be an ordinary glance, then moved to her own wardrobe, opening the topmost drawer that revealed a similar one, just in a smaller size, the one they’d gotten Anakin for his sixteenth birthday. Choosing to keep it, and deciding to let go of most of his other clothes, had been one of the hardest things Leia had ever been forced to do. Part of her had clung to the idea that she had to keep all of it, that all of it was important, that she couldn’t hand away what little was left - and yet she knew in doing that, she would only ever have tried to escape the inevitable truth that he was not coming back. Instead, she’d kept his jacket and his flight suit, where, right below the patch that showed his name, someone had taken the time to stitch his call sign, Little Brother on it. And ever since storing these two items in her wardrobe, all they had been doing was slowly collect dust. Leia sighed, picked up the jacket, and decided she might as well get it rinsed, too. As she carried the clothes down the hallway, she could hear Ben calling: “Auntie Leia? Why is there no red? I can’t make purple without red.” “Was there no red box somewhere? Or a purple one?”, she called back, peeking into the living room where Ben inspected the boxes. “No. There’s just yellow, ‘n green, ‘n blue, ‘n orange ‘n black and -” “And a purple,” Leia pointed out gently. “Yeah, but it’s not pretty.” Leia pressed her lips together. As much as she wanted to disagree, Ben did have a point. It surely wasn’t the greatest shade of purple. On the other hand, she had no idea where the red color box could’ve possibly ended up? She sat her laundry on the counter, and tried to rethink the process of both unpacking and preparing everything for Ben. If she hadn’t left it in the cardboard box that it came in - “Eww!” Ben’s sudden exclamation was accompanied by a splashing sound, and as she turned around, Leia found her nephew jumping queasily, clothes covered in the goopy, drippy mass that was a mixture of thick paint and water. Seeing her perplexed expression, Ben immediately blurted an apology. “I didn’t see the cup was that close, I promise!” Snapping into her parental mindset in an instinct, Leia immediately shook her head, rushing to pluck her nephew from the ground, calling after Threepio to try and wipe the counters so that it’d at least stop dripping. Meanwhile, she sampled a new pair of matching shirt and trousers from Luke’s bag, and had Ben cleaned up and in equally fresh clothes within ten minutes. “‘m really sorry I made a mess,” he said. “I can help clean up, if you want.” “You needn’t worry, young Master. I have dealt with most of it already,” Threepio reassured, then his photoreceptors lifted as he looked at Leia. “I am however sad to report that Master Solo’s jacket might be in need of a more professional cleaning than our current equipment can.” Ben squirmed in Leia’s hold. “‘s Uncle Han gonna be mad with me?” “No,” Leia said gently. “No he won’t.” He wouldn’t, because it wasn’t his jacket, neatly packed in the middle of the stack, that took the brunt of it. Leia found herself surprisingly calm, refilling Ben’s water and waiting until he reluctantly, although with no less enthusiasm than before, went back to his crafts project. Then, and only then, Leia savored the clothes, trying not to flinch at the sagging of the fabric.
Returning home, Han found his nephew waving with a purple palm, his wife nowhere in sight. Upon questioning, Ben blurted an apology for ruining his uncle's jacket (to which Han could only frown) and explained that he hadn’t seen Leia in half-an-hour, ever since she’d vanished to the refreshing unit. Cautiously knocking at the door, he was equally surprised and confused about Leia's quick response: “I’m fine.” “That’s… not quite what I asked,” Han chuckled. “Ben told me what happened. If you’re afraid I’m gonna be mad about the jacket, I can assure you there’s very little in terms of clothing I’m actually really attached to. So, you know, as long as you don’t happen to have my ‘It’s a both’ cap in there, I think I can handle.” He heard her sigh, then a clicking noise unlocked the door, the panel slowly moving aside until he could see her standing over the tub, face already turned back away from him. “It’s not your jacket,” she explained, and furiously rubbed the soap bar over whatever other piece of brown fabric she still held in hand. “It’s Anakin’s.” Momentarily taken aback, unable to think of appropriate words, Han simply rested a hand on her shoulder, which only caused her to start scrubbing harder. “It’s a leather jacket. I could easily wipe all that stuff from the outside, but it just drenched through the insides. There’s a big green spot that’s just not coming off, and he surely can’t wear it this way.” Han felt her tense under his touch, and knew without looking that they were both blinking back tears. Spotless or not, Anakin would no longer wear it. “I’m sorry,” Leia finally rested the jacket on the edge of the tub, and turned to face her husband. “I know it’s silly. I know he’ll never get to wear it again. I know that for collecting dust in my wardrobe it doesn’t matter if there’s finger paint on it or not, but —” she broke off, simply falling into Han’s already waiting arms, pressing her face against his chest until his heartbeat muffled her own thoughts. “I get it,” he whispered, meaning it. Looking back, a younger Han Solo surely wouldn’t have seen it happening, but he had started to find peace in such small remembrances, whether it was Chewie’s old toolsets and personalized equipment, or the hidden short dial in the Falcon’s controls that’d replay an old voice-message Anakin had sent to his parents from Yavin years prior. It was a nice way to hold onto those people that had drifted behind his reach. “And I know someone who might be able to help us. Old friend. Proficient in different types of laundering.” Leia sniffed, but chuckled mildly. “You think he can deal with that?” “Well, there’s three options. First, he gets it all nice and clean, which would be great. Second, he fails to get it off, and given how much Anakin loved his cousin, I think he would’ve worn that with pride either way - well, and if said friend messes up - let's say I’m not hiding a fully charged blaster at my belt for no reason.” “You wouldn’t dare,” Leia returned, and as she looked up, he was relieved to find that somewhat of a smile had crept back on her face. “Well, he better not test me on that.”
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