#holy fuck we’re both Geminis
sweatofalamb · 1 year
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excuse me?
literally please excuse me while I DIE
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hornet-breaker · 3 years
Bench Trio gt Bc I’m still traumatized by Gemini Home Entertainment :D (someone help me please I haven’t slept properly in 4 days-) we get some fluff with giant Tommy and giant Ranboo helping out their new little friend! (Also I’m testing if I like Raptorinnit-)
Tw: vore mention, digestion mention, abuse mention, some swearing.
Tubbo knew living among Titans was a dangerous lifestyle, the last time he tried he was swallowed alive and left with nasty acid burns, barely escaping by stabbing the beast enough times to spit him up. He thought after that he had learned to be more careful. Apparently not if he was currently sitting in a plastic Tupperware with the two resident Titans discussing among themselves what to do with him. He could kinda hear them through the air holes they so kindly left him, and he was glad they spoke Common.
“Well one things for sure we’re not eating him.” The first one said sternly, he had black and white fur with coordinating horns, and vibrant red and green eyes. He was a lot taller and had a long wirey tail with fluff at the end. It kinda looked comfy.
“That was an accident and you know it! They just hopped right in and I didn’t have time to understand what the fuck happened!” The second one frantically snapped, mumbling something under his breath with an electric hiss. He seemed to have a velociraptor like appearance, with sharp ocean blue eyes, feathers on his arms in the form of stunted wings, raptor like talons, and a lizard-like tail with feathers at the end. “But we can’t just put him outside either, someone will definitely eat him.”
The other hummed in agreement. “I mean, maybe we could keep him? He doesn’t look very healthy,” the first one walked over to Tubbo and gently knelt down. “Hey there little guy,” he said gently. Gently! Titans never spoke to humans gently!
Tubbo shied away from him and the Titan frowned. “Do you, do you want something to eat? We don’t have much, I can get you fruit, cheese, crackers?”
Tubbo shook his head. He was lying, he was starving, and he could tell they both knew that as the second one came up to the first with a wierd looking bunch of grapes. Why were they so long and weirdly shaped?
“You wanna try one of these?” The Titan didn’t wait for an answer as he slipped one into Tubbo’s cage. He didn’t want to eat in case they were fattening him up so they could eat him, he was not going through that a second time.
“…well, if you need anything my name is Ranboo, the overgrown turkey over there is Tommy.” He introduced. There was distant yelling that made Tubbo quietly scoff. Ranboo seemed to smile hearing this, and he left.
For 3 days he stayed int the Tupperware. One of the two would occasionally stop by to change his water and food, even offering him a trip to the bathroom to clean up or relieve himself. Tubbo refused. Tommy was sitting at the counter with his head resting on top of his arms. He didn’t look impatient or pissed, he looked scared, and worried.
“Human, please eat something. We promise we don’t want to hurt you.” Tommy begged. He looked upset seeing the human wasting himself away.
“I know you two are going to eat me, all Titans are man eating monsters.” Tubbo rasped quietly. Tommy caught that and his breath hitched in his throat.
“Tubbo, not all Titans want humans dead. We just want to help you.” Tommy whined. “Please, just take a bite of this,”
Tommy opened the container and offered Tubbo an apple slice. Tubbo would have bolted out but he had no energy too. What could he lose from eating a piece of the apple? Tommy set it into the container and closed the lid, Tubbo crawled over to the apple slice and took a hesitant bite. Holy shit he’d never tasted anything so sweet in his life! He immediately dug in, tearing into the apple. Tommy’s face lit up, taking shaky but overjoyed breaths.
“Ranboo! Ranboo he’s finally eating something!” Tommy called, making Tubbo flinch.
Suddenly he had two pairs of eyes on him and he froze mid bite, looking up in fear. The two Titans backed up, giving him space. They seemed happy for him, but why? Tubbo couldn’t figure it out, until a few days later. Ranboo was quietly sitting at the counter this time since Tommy was streaming, he was playing a game on a device something like a Nintendo switch but for Titans. Ranboo could tell Tubbo was interested.
“Hey, do you wanna come out and watch me play?” Ranboo asked him.
Tubbo was surprised, he was being nice? Tubbo nodded shyly and the container lid was removed. Ranboo’s hand reached into the container, but instead of grabbing him, his hand was laying palm up, waiting for its tiny passenger. Tubbo gasped and cautiously approached, gingerly poking one of the claws. The same hooked claws that could easily tear him apart simply nudged him back. Tubbo walked around and climbed onto Ranboo’s palm, holding onto his finger for support as he was lifted up, for a second he thought he was going to be eaten and was about to panic, but the hand stopped at Ranboo’s shoulder. Oh, he was going to watch from there. Tubbo carefully transitioned from hand to shoulder and watched Ranboo play. He was pretty sure it was Mario Kart or something similar.
“Are you comfortable sitting there?” Asked Ranboo.
Tubbo jumped at the Titan’s voice, noticing the creature looking at him from the corner of his eye. Tubbo nodded shyly. “Y-yeah,”
“Alright, what’s your name by the way? I don’t really want to keep calling you “human,” it sounds kinda derogatory, ya know?” Ranboo asked.
“T-Tubbo.” Was all Tubbo said. Ranboo hummed, nodding subtly as to not disturb Tubbo’s balance. It was pretty much quiet for the rest of the session, except whenever Ranboo got Blue-Shelled he would yell aggressively, much to Tubbo’s amusement.
The next day Ranboo was gone on a grocery run, and Tommy was there, still quietly observing Tubbo in his little box.
“Do you like being in that box?” Tommy asked suddenly.
Tubbo looked up from his apple slice, wiping his mouth. “No, I don’t actually. But it’s the only thing that makes me feel safe here.” He answered truthfully. Tommy’s eyes lit up with an excited scoff
“I got something you’ll like then.” He gently picked up Tubbo’s container, carrying it with him. “Me and Ranboo had been planning this for a while, actually, it’s not much but we thought you’d like it better than plastic.” He was ecstatic to show Tubbo what he’d been up to.
He was only taken across the kitchen, on the other counter was a wooden box that looked something like a bird house. Tommy opened the container, offering Tubbo a hand out. Tubbo took it and was lifted and carried closer to the structure.
“Well, go ahead and tell me what you think!” Tommy chirped, his tail wagging. God he was such a puppy, a massive and terrifying one that could easily bite him in half.
Tubbo crept into the box and discovered it was a room. He found a little light switch and flicked it, the room actually lit up! He discovered a human computer set up, a bed that actually looked comfortable, a closet, a dresser with clothes that didn’t look like they were from a doll store, and a few other add-ons. There was even a door to his little box, he had the option of privacy! He was starting to rethink his view on these two titans as he walked out, looking up at Tommy who was eagerly waiting for the human.
“So?” He asked with anticipation.
“Tommy, I love it!” Tubbo cheered. Tommy reached down and scooped up Tubbo in a sort of hug. He was surprised at first but let it happen. “Thank you!”
That night Tubbo wasn’t sleeping in a repurposed lunch meat container with a few holes in the lid and no where to hide, he slept in his own bed, in his own little room. He felt safe, he felt at home for once, not having to live in fear. He would have to move his stuff from the walls later on though.
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Innit an Adventure
An addition to the AU, lol. Instead of chat being in his head, like Techno’s, Tommy’s chat are ghosts that follow him around :)
This one is dedicated to @ivorylin for being very supportive of my first post regarding this au. This is also dedicated to @petrichormeraki for being poggers and enjoying the first part of this series, as well as inspiring it.
Part 1
Part 2 [CURRENT]
Part 3
“Brother!!! Pog!!!”
“Big brother returns!”
“I just woke up, what’s happening?”
“I was getting a snack, what’s up?”
“I’m on the toilet, pog”
“I have tacos :)”
“This makes me happy you didn’t do a double flip”
“Anyone else have dust in their eyes?”
Tommy let out a shaky breath as he rubbed his eyes. Chat was going crazy at the new news and, to be honest, he couldn’t blame them. If he was in their position, he’d be freaking out alongside them. Wanting to end both the silence that filled the cavern and the nonsense Chat was saying, Tommy let out a hoarse laugh before speaking.
“Chat really likes you, G.”
A smile formed on the teen’s face as his head bounced with the hefty laugh that came from Grian, whose chest began to rumble alongside the laughter. Finally lifting his head off his brother’s chest, Tommy allowed the remaining tears in his eyes to fall as he looked to Grian’s face. Grian smiled fondly back at Tommy, wiping away the tears from his little brother’s eyes. 
“I suppose I should say hello to all of them. Is Chat similar to Techno’s voices?”
Concern flashed across Grian’s face as Tommy flinched at the mention of Technoblade. It was small, and could have been easily overlooked if Grian wasn’t watching his brother like a hawk. He made a mental note to ask about that later that night, when they were around the campfire.
“Nah, he’s just insane. Psychotic or some shit like that. I’m just really fucking cool and can see spirits and shit.”
Eyebrows from the crowd (shit, they were still there, weren’t they?) and Grian were raised as someone Stress half heartedly scolded Tommy for his language. Tommy just rolled his eyes, knowing that they only scolded him as a joke. They had all grown accustomed to his wording, and were worried when he didn’t slip in a few curses into his sentences.
“Yeah, spirits. I call em Chat most of the time, but they have different nicknames, and they all have individual names. Clara explained that it was one of the many side effects to her marking me as a ‘Starchild’ in her name. They are the spirits of the lands, from servers all around, or some shit like that. I can see them all, but they make the choice to stick with me or not.”
This was...news. Grian, who was still processing that he his baby brother was alive, sitting right in front of him, as well as the fact that Clara was real, could only stare. He wasn’t so sure how to feel about his brother being indifferent to all the spirits, but he suppose that it couldn’t be helped. Spending pretty much your entire life seeing spirits would make him indifferent to the spirits as well. 
“So, Chat is...everywhere?”
“Basically, yeah”
Grian hummed as he proceeded to greet Chat, being polite to the beings he couldn’t see. Much to the annoyance of Tommy, Chat seemed to be loving Grian even more. Maybe a bit too much.
“How thoughtful of him”
“Grian bro supremacy”
“Rodent brothers??? pog?????”
“Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down. Chat says hi, Grian. And, hey, I’m not a child, what the fuck!? I’m a big man!”
Impulse snickered as Mumbo walked over to the two brothers. Smiling down at them, he helped the two back to their feet. Grian smiled as he set a hand on Tommy’s shoulder, squeezing it slightly. Tommy, in turn, beamed with pride at his brother and his friends. 
“Alright, we spent enough time being emotional and shit. Let’s get going, I have more cool shit to show you guys.”
Laughter filled the cavern as Tommy fixed his hair, his booming man child I’m not a child voice being drowned out as he led them back outside. Slightly huffing. He let out a yelp as he was nearly tackled to the ground from behind. Letting out undignified noises of protest, he turned to see the smug smile of Grian, who was ruffling his hair. 
“Alright, big man, show us your land of paradise!”
Barking out a hearty laugh, Tommy ducked out from his brother’s hand before grabbing it, spinning a few times, and pulling him forward. 
“Aw, look at them!”
“Wait, so Grian has two sections now?”
The traditional booth games in Tavern Town were fun. From balloon darts to milk bottles, to ladder climb and hoop toss, Tommy thought of it all. Unique designs decorated each booth, all holding an individual and unique look. Everything about the area was impressive.
“Where did buy get these for the games? I don’t think I’ve ever seen them in the main server.”
Tommy peered over to Doc, who was inspecting the prizes neatly strung up on all the booths. There were plushies of different types of mods, some familiar, others not. They came in all types of colors and sizes, and were overall impressive. Walking up beside Doc, Tommy just shrugged his shoulders, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
“I didn’t buy them, I made them.”
Scar perked up, before jumping right into the conversation.
“You what? Toms, that’s impressive! I didn’t know you could sew.”
‘Fucking hell,’ Tommy thought to himself. He didn’t expect to get praise for his simple hobbies.
“Yeah, I sew. I’m actually pretty crafty, being resourceful and shit. I also knit and crochet. It’s not much, but it’s really fucking therapeutic and all that jazz.”
Before anyone else could comment, a dinging noise sounded at one of the booths. Turning to look at the cause of the commotion, they saw that Stress and Impulse had won a game together. Giving each other fist bumps, they watched as a screen popped up, giving them prize options to choose from. After receiving their prizes, they hurried over to Tommy with smiles painted on their faces.
“You bet we’re gonna win one of each plush here.”
A high pitched laughter erupted from Tommy, who was starting to enjoy his decision to hand make all the prizes in his park. Wiping away a tear of joy, the teen I’m eighteen, I’m a fucking man! You’re a child, Tommy beamed at his friends, who smiled warmly in return. Tommy’s joy seemed to increase as more booth alarms were set off, many more prizes coming off the shelves. By the time everyone was ready for the next land, they all had at least two plush toys each.
“This is delicious! You baked these?!”
The group was currently sitting in the seating area in the Dream SMP section of the park, more specifically, L’manburg. They had gotten pastries from the duplicate bakery that belonged to Niki. According to Tommy, it was an exact replica to the real thing. The pastries sold there were the same ones Niki sold back at L’manburg. Tommy had used the recipes and techniques that Niki had demistrated to both him and Tubbo to create the dishes.
“If you think these are good, you should taste Niki’s. I swear, her pastries were sent down from Heaven by Jesus himself. They taste fucking amazing, godly.”
Grian smiled as he nudged Tommy’s shoulder with his own. Popping another sweet cake in his mouth, Tommy quirked an eyebrow as he faced the older boy.
“You should teach me some of your hobbies, Starchild. We can do a hobby exchange.”
Tommy visibly brightened up as he wiped some frosting from around his mouth. Smiling, he nodded his head happily.
“Hell yeah! That sounds fuckin’ amazing!”
The group ate with content as they looked around their area. They had already seen the rest of the Dream server lands. 
“It’s amazing that you’ve made all of this by yourself. You haven’t even showed us the rest of the park yet! Good job, for a child.”
“Hey! I’m not a fucking child! I’m turning 19 soon!”
“Oh yeah, I forgot you were an Aries.”
“What’s wrong with being an Aries?”
“Nothing is wrong with being an Aries, Tango.”
“Oh shut it, you Librarian.”
“Yeah, the worst sign.”
“First of all, kid, I’m a Gemini.”
The rides and games in the DSMP were very diverse and unique. Tommy had really put a lot of effort and time into every attraction, no matter how small. From things as small as a scavenger hunt through the Badlands, water themed adventures in El Rapids, to fast paced coasters in L’manburg.
“Scoot over, bandit child, I’m sharing this ride vehicle with you.”
“What the fuck, man?”
“Oh, don’t act surprised. I know you made it to where two people share a seat just so you can spend quality time with your brother.”
“Oh, fuck off, I didn’t even know you were my brother until an hour and a half ago.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
The first ride the group decided to board was dubbed A Home. Entering a little shack, everyone boarded their ride vehicles and waited for the ride to begin. While they waited for the vehicles to move, Tommy explained how he managed to use the latest mods that were added to the server to his advantage. He managed to fit different tracks to different rides in the same builds, as well as add animatronics. Just as he was about to receive yet another wave of praise, the ride began.
“It’s like looking at a younger version of you!”
“That’s kinda the point, genius.”
Grian’s statement, as obvious as it was, was true. As the vehicles left the shack and entered the caravan, and animatronic Tommy, merely 16 years of age, welcomed the riders as they witnessed the beginning of a new home, L’manburg. They kept comments to themselves when they saw, yet again, the replica of Tommy’s old base. The ride track took them through different areas of the DSMP, following the young Tommy as he searched for a home.
“-the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit!!!”
“What does he mean revoked?!”
Before Tommy could reply, the vehicles lurched backwards, keeping the vehicles facing the stage at all times as the animatronics turned to take aim at the riders. It wasn’t until the red stone to the dirt entrance revealed the entry way to Pogtopia that the vehicles did a 180, moving forward into the entry way before going down the spiral steps into the ravine. Laughter filled the air as the group saw animatronics of Tommy, Wilbur and Techno conversing together, joking around and teasing each other. Suddenly, the ride vehicles fell down to the next part of the track, the prime path. As they raced through the tunnel, they witnessed an animatronic Tommy and Tubbo embracing and conversing, their cheerful voices free from worry. The group could only sit in awe as the scenes continued to change.
“-goodbye, Tommy.”
“What does he mean goodbye?!”
“Oh my fucking god, shut up!”
The vehicles suddenly raced through the Nether, coming out to an island far from DSMP. The sign at the entrance of the area welcomed the group to Logstedshire. There, they could see an unhappy Tommy staring out towards the ocean, listening to Chirp as he mumbled nonsense to Clara. And just as quickly as they came, they raced out of the sunny area and into the snow. They raced around the inside of Techno’s cottage before racing outside, towards an empty area. There, an animatronic Tommy yelled out in shock as an animatronic Technoblade pressed a button, turning around as a secret lair was revealed.
“Welcome home, Theseus!”
For the final time, the scene changed. They entered, backwards, into a portal, coming out to face a replica of the spawn to Hermitcraft. There, in wonderous glory, stood an animatronic Xisuma, welcoming the group to Hermitcraft. Then, the track dropped, leaving the riders back at the entrance to the ride.
“Holy shit.”
“Haha! Holy shit is right!”
The group quickly learned that Tommy spared no expense in all his attractions. As they explored the different lands, they really saw the individuality of every land. L’manburg had fun rides, including Nation’s Legacy, Blood’s Ballad, Wither’s Wrath, and Creator’s Cabin. Nation’s Legacy is an underground ride that worked like a turntable to tell the history of L’manburg, ending on a grim and looming hint to the possible destruction of the nation. When asked about the fate of L’manburg, Tommy admitted that he appeared in Hermitcraft before he could witness the possible doomsday, so he wasn’t entirely sure what had occured afterwards.
Blood’s Ballad is an interactive ride that used a special red stone technique. The ride vehicles could seat up eight passengers at a time, each using special gloves that allow them to interact with the special ride elements. The goal is to get the most points out of everyone in the ride vehicle. The ride took the group on a journey with Technoblade, the Blood God. The group racked up points training alongside him, as well as fighting all sorts of mobs. By the end of the ride, Tommy was sulking as Stress managed to gather the most points. Stress was enjoying the victory, smiling happily as “SUBSCRIBE TO TECHNOBLADE” boomed through the speakers. 
Wither’s Wrath was more of a small scale ride to enjoy. There were only three ride vehicles, each shaped like a wither and able to hold three riders. Each rider sat in a wither skull. Grian smiled as he pulled Mumbo and Tommy into a a wither vehicle with him. As they strapped in, they were transported to a virtual world where the rules of the game were shared. The goal was to cause the most destruction in the virtual world than the other vehicles. Each player controlled their own skull, making it easier to gather points. At least, that was the case for-
“Fuck yeah! Team Kickass all the way! Check it Grian, Mumbo, we’re badass!”
Creator’s Cabin was simple enough. It was just a large cabin that held enchanted portraits of everyone who resided in the DSMP. The portraits could move within their frames. They could also interact with each other. When the group walked in, the portraits were chatting away with each other. Sam’s portrait seemed to be listening in on the conversation that the portraits of Tubbo, Tommy and Purpled were having, occasionally joining in when he saw fit. Fundy was chatting away with Eret and Niki, a bright smile on his face. Ranboo was timidly peeking over at the group with Tommy and Tubbo, obviously wanting to join in. The portraits of Quackity, Sapnap and Karl were deep in conversation, while the portrait of George was asleep sitting up.
“Hey, Tommy?”
“Why are there two portraits of Wilbur?”
“Oh, right. Grian, about Wilbur-”
The group, aside from Tommy, jumped at the booming voice. Without hesitation, they all ran out to the water, searching for the source of the voice. There, out on the water, stood a lone animatronic. It was the animatronic of a petite woman, one with red curls dancing around as she swayed and spoke. Once more, her confident, melodic voice filled the air. 
With that, she raised her right arm, hoisting a sword into the air. On cue, she began to rise as a ship emerged from the sea below her. Once it was no longer submerged, the ship rocked a few times before settling. A banner unraveled and blew in the breeze, the name of the area now visible for all to see. 
Sally de Mon’s Sea Voyage
“You like it? Creating the entrance for this ride was a fucking bastard. Kept me up all night and crap. Almost gave up completely on it.”
“It’s amazing! I was not expecting to see something like that!
“Hey, Tommy? Who’s Sally. I don’t think it was ever explained how you know her?”
“Really? I gotta fix that, then. Sally is my sister-in-law who-”
“Oh, shit...surprise?”
The Badlands was a fun, interactive section of the DSMP area. The various puzzles and mazes made it fun for all the participants. The muffin stand was also a fan favorite to the hermits. 
El Rapids was a water-filled adventure. Because he wanted to play around with the word rapids, Tommy made several water-based rides and activities, his favorite being the log ride. They just seemed to be the perfect addition to the area, adding a way to cool down to balance all the water-free rides. It seemed as if Tommy had thought of every type of ride for every type of biome and scenario.
SMP Earth was another large section of the park. It also held the only other largest ride in the entire park, one that led the riders throughout the Antarctic Empire, as well as its surrounding cities and towns. The area for the empire was beautiful decorated in colors of all kind. Flowers and banners decorated the buildings and streets, brightening up the area. Classic activities, such as the sparing rings and archery, as well as the axe throws and parkour courses were set up. It all felt familiar to Grian, who couldn’t help but smile at his brother. Grabbing one of the fliers, he inspected it before shooting his brother a look of uncertainty.
“You didn’t”
“On the contrary, brother dearest, I did!”
“Did what? What did he do?”
Grian laughed as he showed the group what the flier said. It was decorated in beautiful, hand-drawn flowers. Golden lettering perfectly spelt out the message.
Floral Festival of Spring
Join us in the weeklong celebration of Spring! Enjoy the festivities with friends and family as you explore the traditions held within our grounds. Finally, enjoy the wondrous Floral Gala held on the final night of festivities. Dawn your greatest fabrics as you dance the night away, before enjoy a magnificent firework display.
Signed by his royal highness,
Prince Thomas Theseus Minecraft
“He used his full name and everything!”
“Your middle name is Theseus?”
“Your actual last name is Minecraft?”
“Did you actually write this? It’s worded and written so…formally.”
Huffing a bit, Tommy crossed his arms. Fixing his posture, he stood up, tall and proud, as he puffed out his chest. It took everyone every fiber in their bodies to not laugh at the sight of him.
“I can be very formal, thank you very much. I’m not a fucking idiot, I remember the formality lessons the teachers put me through. And I take the offense to that writing comment! Do you know how many attempts it took for me to be able to recreate the stupid fancy font used back at the empire? And another thing-”
Grian playfully hopped on Tommy’s shoulder, startling the younger brother to his usual stance. Ruffling his hair, he assured his brother with a laugh.
“Calm down, Toms. You know that we’re messing with you. You did amazingly. How many more flyers do you have? We’ll set them up in the Hub to be distributed across the main server. It’s been a while since I’ve attended a royal ball, so let’s make it grand!”
Laughing, Tommy had no choice but to agree with Grian. His smile faltered, however, once realization sunk in. The next activity for the group was the campfire. The secrets of his time at the Dream SMP that he kept for over 2 years would finally be revealed.
‘Better late than never to prepare the waterworks’, thought a very nervous Tommy.
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word count: 7391
content warning: light smut, some angst? there's a lot of tears and anxiety with these two
A/N: hasn't been proofread, sorry for any mistakes
After the new year’s eve party, everyone carpooled back to the airport to be at their respective homes. The plan was that Nicole would have the dogs until they could both head back up to Sudbury in June which seemed easy enough but the overhanging cloud that he would be leaving in forty-eight hours was getting dark and stormy. 
Chris: Hey guys, I have some news Robert: If you came over here to brag about another hot shot project you can shove it evans Chris: It’s personal, it’s personal I promise. *sends a picture of Nicole’s hand with the ring*  Jeremy: A woman’s hand is your news? Scarlett: WHAT?! Scarlett: I’m kidding, I already knew (middle finger emoji) Chris E.: *sends a photo of him and Nicole together and then a photo of the entire family at Christmas.* Chris E.: Everyone, this is Nicole, I proposed to her back in December and I know I should’ve introduced her sooner but I was worried I would scare her off.
Chris looked down at his phone, “Oh, well look at that. Downey is calling.”
“Like… Robert Downey Jr?”
Nicole’s eyes widened, “Don’t answer it!”
“I have to!”
“No, you literally don’t!”
Chris nodded as he answered it, “Hey buddy, how ya doing?”
“I am doing just dandy, I hear you have finally found the love of your life.
“I did but she is actually trying to sneak out of the living room right now.” Chris said with a smirk, slowly turning the phone to face Nicole as she was halfway down the hall to her crime room. Nicole held her breath as she turned around only being able to wave.
“C'mon over here, let’s meet each other!” Robert called out as Nicole slowly exhaled and made her way back to Chris’ side. 
“Hey, I’m Robert.”
“I’m Nicole, uhm, hi. Big fan.”
Robert let out a loud laugh, “Well, I’m flattered. What have you kids been up to?”
“Well, I flew her back down to Austin before I start my crazy traveling and working schedule now that the holidays are over. We just had some tacos for lunch and now we’re on the couch deciding what movie to watch. I wanted to stay with her a few days before I left her again.” 
“That’s sweet, how was the holidays with his family?” 
Nicole started to nod, “Uhm, they were good. It was really good. It went a lot better than him meeting my parents but…Gosh, sorry, I don’t know why meeting you guys almost causes me the same anxiety as meeting his parents did but-“
“Oh, don’t be nervous! I’m just making sure you know what you’re getting into.”
“Oh? Does Mister Evans come with a disclaimer?”
“Yes he does. He is a prankster, he is a menace, and he is completely fucking wild when he gets alcohol in him.”
“Well, he’s a gemini. He has to keep his mind entertained and at bay somehow.”
“Oh, look at her. She’s already on top of it! How long have you known each other?”
Chris took a deep breath, “This month will be six.”
“Six months?” Robert asked with a laugh before continuing, “Love at first sight. Truly amazing for you, the hopeless romantic, Evans. 
“It’s like you told me, when it’s meant to be I’ll know it. You’ve seen me through a lot of relationships and you know how it’s been for me. I knew for sure when I walked the carpet with her.” 
“Yeah, I was curious about it when I heard about the movie premiere but I didn’t want to pry. You’ve always hated those. Was he overly anxious?”
“I don’t think so, I think he was jittery but I’m not sure if that was anxiety or excitement. I think his mind was elsewhere, not like in a naughty way but a is she okay or having a good time kind of way. A holy shit the world is meeting my girlfriend kind of way…He seemed happy.”
Chris couldn’t stop smiling at her, “I was happy. I’m glad I had her come because seeing how much she loved the movie made it easier.”
“Well, I guess then the bulk of the warnings have been done and over. I will say that I just want you to know he talks A LOT. Don’t be put off by that because he does eventually settle down and even out.”
Nicole nodded with a little laugh, “I know, I know he does. But when he does talk a lot I find it charming because when I talk a lot it’s just word vomit and makes no sense. So, if he’s the one doing all the talking I’m absolutely fine with it.”
“Charming? Wow.” Robert said drawing out the last word in a form of dramatics, “I guess she’s really smitten with you, Evans.”
“She is, and it’s mutual… I think the only reason she lets me talk is she loves the accent and I use big words.” He said using finger quotes on the word big causing her to laugh.
 “Okay, his dictionary is a lot bigger than mine and I find it fascinating. I’m a tech person which he definitely doesn’t understand so we just compliment each other in that way.”
Chris let out a laugh, “That’s her nice way of telling me that I'm old but that’s fine. I’ve been waiting for that domestic life and I think we have it. We’re still working each other out but the love is there, the chemistry is there… I just knew from that first day it was her, it had to be her. I couldn’t imagine my life without her in it.”
“Well, I’m proud of you, Evans. I’ll be looking forward to the wedding invite. Nicole, welcome to the family, it’s great to have ya. Hopefully we can meet in person soon. But I gotta head out, I’ll talk to you both later.”
They both said goodbye to Robert waving before Chris hit the end call and looked over at her with a smile, “That wasn’t so bad, right?”
“No, it was just one of my dad’s favorite actors so I’m like oh my god don’t mess it up.”
He threw his head back with a laugh, “Yeah, he told me that when I asked his permission to marry you actually.”
“Oh my god. Of course he did." She shook her head with a little laugh, "Do you mind if we tell my audience we're engaged since Scott kinda let it out of the bag?"
"Yeah, we can do that. Better to get it filmed so we don't have to worry about doing it later."
It took her a little while to set up but when she finally did she hit record on the camera and sat down. Nicole drummed her hands on the table before spinning her chair around, “Yes, hi, hello! Happy new year to all my ladies, men, and nonbinary friends! How are we doing? How are we feeling? How were the holidays? Good food? Good company? I hope so.” She stopped her chair from spinning before taking a deep breath, “Okay, that was stupid I’m really dizzy now. Uhm, I am here today because something has come up. And I’ve seen a lot of comments saying I’m ignoring it or I’ve stopped reading comments, but that isn’t true. It will probably never be true because I am a nosy bitch. Some of you may remember a video I posted in October but what you guys don’t know is that video was filmed months earlier and I was waiting for the okay to post it. If you have stopped by any of my streams at all in the last few months you’d hear me talking about this mystery man. So this isn’t like a very sudden life change before everyone freaks out…If you have been on twitter or instagram lately you would have probably seen us at the airport or on a red carpet for a big movie. And hopefully with that you have caught on to what I’m trying to say. So, yes, I am dating Ana De Armas.”
“WHAT?!” Chris yelled playfully from the otherside of the room causing her to hide behind her makeup table laughing. 
Nicole sat up a few moments later and motioned him to come over, “I’m so sorry. It was right there I had to.”
Chris walked into the frame shaking his head, “You’ve been waiting for that all morning, haven’t you?”
“I was teetering on it but I didn’t decide until just now to say it. You’ve just been standing in the corner grinning like an idiot so I wanted to see your reaction.” She smiled as his arms wrapped around her and his head rested on her shoulder so he could face the camera. 
“Uhm, hi everyone. I’m Chris Evans and we just wanted to make a video letting you all know so that the speculation could cease.” 
Nicole smiled and reached up to pat his arm, “So, here’s the deal. I knew I was spending the holidays with him so I wanted to make sure that I had enough videos to cover any additional vacation or flight delays. It has been interesting finding ways to work around the comments and tweets to find cases you guys wanted me to cover so we have a new system on how submitting new cases works. And I’ll explain that in the next video but, uhm, this is my boyfriend.”
“Well, technically…”
"Technically, my fiancé if you're fancy."
She tilted her head to look at him, “Do you want to tell them how we got here?”
“Yeah, why not? Let me sit down and we’ll do this.”
She got up so he could take her seat before positioning herself on his lap to where she could look back at him but also look at the camera when she wanted to. She smiled and pressed her forehead against his as he wrapped his arms around her. He gave her a quick kiss before she sat back upright and looked at the camera with a smile, “Okay, I’m going to backtrack a little bit…Uhm, last year was a little bit crazy and a little bit of a whirlwind. I met this goofy man from Massachusetts and we had the most amazing first date. And before people talk about how he flashed his money at me or something we literally ate takeout on my patio, it wasn’t about what we were doing or eating it was about getting to know each other. And as the year went on, the streams got a little more distant because I couldn’t just pick up my set up and take it to wherever he was…And I know that doing that, leaving you guys without really any explanation for like two months is really shitty and I’m sorry but that’s how life goes sometimes. I felt guilty the first two times I did it but then I realized how people-pleasing of me that was. And I never wanted this to feel like something I had to do, it was always something I wanted to do. So I sat down with myself and was like hey, you have to live for yourself. And I did, I got to meet all of his family, we celebrated my birthday, he met my family and my friends, and we spent the holidays together. I got to spend the first holidays of many with my soulmate and I didn’t think I’d ever be able to say that.” As she sniffled, he hugged her a little tighter before looking up at her with a pout, “You okay?” 
She let out a quiet ‘yeah’ with a small nod before he reached his hand up to wipe her tear away before lowering it and squeezing her thigh gently. He took a deep breath and his glance shifted from her to the camera, “We are a bunch of criers, we get teary eyed over a lot of things… But I just want to say the first few months of this I was holding my breath because I got so worried she was going to leave. She will say that she was nervous I would leave her but that never crossed my mind. I wanted to see where my life would lead me because nothing until now ever really felt right. It’s not perfect. I’m not going to lie and say everything is great and nothing ever goes wrong, but I will say we love each other through it. My friend Scar always tells me that love doesn't have perfect timing. It shows up and envelops us when we need it the most. And I know what it looks like, I know what the articles are going to say and we don't mind... We didn’t plan to do this by the way, twitter just sort of blew up over the weekend and there's some things we want to say directly from us. That's why what we’re saying probably just sounds like word vomit, but I just want to make one solid point. One take away, if you’re going to take anything away from this video… I’m a private man. I don’t like my life put out on display, but that’s all Nicole does and that is so brave. I am the luckiest man in the world, truly.  I proposed to Nicole last month and I am so happy that she said yes. And it’s going to be this big thing to a lot of you and it is, marriage is big, but I’m not ashamed to call her my fiancé. Wifey. The love of my life. Because she is and I want her to be able to talk about it and show it off. I don’t want to hide her and she shouldn’t have to hide me. Before she sat down, she gave me the ring to put in my pocket and it hit me. She’s going to have to do that before every video and every stream and I don’t want her to.” He tilted his head to look up at her, “Because I love you.”
“I love you too.” She said with a smile before kissing his forehead. 
Nicole leaned back in his arms with a smile, “So, yes. We’re engaged. I will be at home minding my business, drinking my juice, and making content for you all. Streams will resume next week as he goes back to work and we’ll see where this goes. I may disappear for a week or so in there but if anything happens now at least I know I can update you all…I think that’s all I wanted to say. As far as people wanting another video of us, I don’t think we’ll be making any videos together any time soon if at all.”
“Right, my bad. But yes to photos of each other and finally liking Instagram posts or tweets.
"Well, I need to see if I can get him on Instagram.”
She smiled as he kissed her cheek before continuing, “But I want to give a big thank you to everyone who has been nice about this on both sides and I just…I’m happy to share this with you guys. And now that everything is out there I think I can better decide how I’m going to proceed with all this. We have a good foundation made out of the public eye and this is the next chapter of our lives.”
“You said that so beautifully.” She told him as she ruffled his hair. 
“Thank you, now do your little outro.” 
“Yes, yes. Thank you guys so much for watching, listening, and understanding. Stay safe out there, be kind to others, and always remember how important you are to the world. I’ll see you all later, bye!”
“Bye!” Chris chimed in with a wave before Nicole got up and turned the camera off. 
“You gonna edit it now?” He asked while still sitting in the chair and she shook her head before holding her hand out to him, “I wanna spend what little time we have together. I can edit it later.”
January third crept up on them and Chris had to leave yet again. He tried to entice her to join him at the Golden Globes but knew it wasn’t fair to be charting her around when she had so much to do. She was happy that he had taken the day to fly with her back to Austin and spend one more day together.  The way his schedule was set up, Nicole likely wouldn’t see him again until the beginning of March which would only be for a weekend. She would be able to see him longer on his birthday but it was still heartbreaking to think about. Kennedy and Dodger were happy because at least they got to stay together playing tug of war and chasing each other around the yard but Nicole missed how life was during the holiday break. She used to love her home in Austin. It was a perfect layout, she designed every room herself, but she missed him. 
She realized then that happiness wasn’t a specific place like Austin or Disneyland but it was with a person. She felt so pathetic waiting by the phone for him to call, often sending him pictures of the dogs and ‘I love you’ texts, but not too many as she was worried she would annoy him. It was unlikely that she could annoy him to the point that he would leave her but she still worried. Valentine’s day was coming up and she was more than a little bummed that they had to be apart for it.
And it showed up sooner than expected. The morning of the fourteenth she had woken up to a long text message from Chris. 
(Good morning, darling. I know you aren’t awake yet but I just wanted to make sure you woke up to a sweet message on Valentine’s Day. I am so sorry that I couldn’t be at home with you today as you know there is no place I would rather be. I sent you some credits on doordash so you can order yourself whatever breakfast in bed you would like. I know we said no presents so I hope you don’t get too upset at the little surprise left at your door. I love and miss you so so much and I hope to see that beautiful face soon. Have a great rest of your day and I’ll call you tonight.)
She got out of bed with a smile and pep in her step as she quickly got dressed. As excited as she was, she made sure to let the dogs out into the backyard first before opening up the front door. Her smile grew immensely and she started to shake her head. He had ordered the biggest rose bouquet she had ever seen and a medium burgundy gift bag. She carried both into the kitchen and set them both on the island before taking a picture and sending it to him with the text message (this is a little surprise? I’d hate to know what a big surprise is!)
Opening up the bag, there was a card that said open first and a small black box. She started to open the letter while making herself comfortable on the closest stool to her. Pulling the card out of the envelope she started to smile, there were several hand drawn sunflowers in the background with the words ‘to the love of my life’ written on top. Lifting up the centerfold, she smiled at the paragraph he had left for her, signed off with a heart, smiley face, and daddy long leg spider drawing. 
(Our lives have just begun but I feel like I’ve known you forever. You are so beautiful, intelligent, hilarious, and kind. I am so damn lucky that I get to call you my partner and it pains me that I can’t be there to really surprise you with the most romantic day. I will make it up for you for our anniversary, I promise. I’m also sorry that the roses are in a traditional bundle but I wanted to give you a rose for every week we have been together. 30! Can you believe it?! 
In the box is a surprise, I hope we can continue to carry on for the rest of our Valentine's days together. I know that eventually it will become full and we will have to find a creative way on how to display them but I hope it makes you smile as the memory brings me so much joy even when we are separated. I miss you tremendously and love you even more. Happy Valentines Day Wifey!) 
Tears were burning her eyes as she put the card down and reached for the box and when she saw what was inside of it the tears fully came out. It was a bracelet with a single charm on it, the charm being a whisk to symbolize the baking video they did together. It took more than a few minutes to pull herself together before she was calm enough to put the bracelet on. Leaning her phone up against the flowers, she started recording a little video to send to him, and hit record. With a little laugh, she wiped away her remaining tears, “You made me so emotional and I’m so mad at you for it! You aren’t here to hug me and that sucks so much…Gosh, uhm, the roses are beautiful and this bracelet is just the cutest thing ever. I like how you remember the little things. You always remember the little moments that add up to mean so much. You are the sweetest man with the absolute biggest heart. You are such a gem and I am so happy to be your wifey…I hate how bad I am with words when it comes to expressing my gratitude and admiration but just know that I love you and I miss you and I cannot wait for our future Valentines we can hopefully spend together. I’ll talk to you later. I hope you’re having a great day!” She said with a big smile and blew a kiss before hitting the stop button and sending it to him. It was almost a bummer to start the day off on such a strong note because the rest of the day just seemed to drag on. After ordering herself some food and catching up on some shows while cuddling up with the dogs, she knew it would be best to get work done instead of just moping around. 
She wasn’t sure how long she spent in her office editing videos but she smiled as her phone started to ring and answered his call with a wave, “Happy Valentines Day!”
“Happy Valentines Day, sweetheart. I’m sorry to call you in the car but I couldn’t stay away from it any longer.”
“It’s okay.” She reassured him while pulling her legs up onto the chair before looking back at her computer, “I’m currently editing a video so I guess we’re both kinda working.”
“Oh, What video are you editing?” 
“John Wayne Gacy. I’ve been sticking to some generic ones until my mods can send me over a list from the google doc.”
"Oh yeah? How many cases have you got recorded?"
"I recorded eight so far, I've only edited four though, this will be the fifth. I've been busy researching the last few days so I figured I better do some actual work."
“I see…Well, assuming you have been cooped up all day, do you want to see how beautiful the sky is tonight?”
“Sure.” Nicole replied with a small smile before redirecting her gaze to the screen as he pointed the phone up and around, “Wow, that truly is something.”
Chris laughed, “It’s so sad you don’t even recognize your front yard.” 
Nicole stood up, “Wait, you’re outside?!” 
“Come down here and take a look for yourself.” 
She opened the door of her office, racing down the stairs with the dogs and opened the front door to see him standing there in a suit with his arms wide open.
“Happy Valentines Day.” He said softly with a big smile. Nicole let out an excited squeal before jumping onto his waist causing him to stumble back a few steps with a laugh, “You missed me that much?”
“I missed you so so much! Happy Valentines Day! Oh my god!” She said before kissing his cheek a few times and burying her face in his neck, “I can’t believe you’re here.”
“Well, I wasn’t going to leave you alone for our very first valentines day.” 
“I’m crying all over your suit, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. I’m crying too.” He said with a sad laugh, rubbing her back softly as she hopped off his waist. 
She playfully pushed him with a small sniffle, “You jerk! How long have you been planning this for?!”
“A month, maybe a little more.” He leaned in to kiss her forehead before kneeling down to greet the dogs that had been excitedly jumping on him. 
“Did you fly in from DC?” 
“Yeah, it’s been a long week on planes for me. I was in LA, then New York, and ended up in DC for two days but lucky for both of us Valentine's Day is on a Friday so we get to spend it together. So, Mark did the last two meetings alone so I could be here.” 
“Well thank god for Mark. You will have to give him all my thanks.” 
“I definitely have but I will send him more thanks tomorrow. But tonight is about us.” He said with a smirk standing up and grabbing his bag off the porch.
“Oh, I like that idea.” She said with a big smile before reaching out grabbing his tie to pull him through the threshold of her front door.” 
“Oh yeah? You like the suit too?
“I really love it when you wear suits. I like pulling you in by your tie and kissing you… The perfectly tailored pants and the belt. Don’t get me wrong, I love the sweatpants too. I really love them but this is special. There’s just something about you all dressed up that is my favorite. ” 
He smirked, “Alright, well, my favorite outfit that you wear… Hmm, it has to be one you wear outside?” 
Nicole nodded with a smile, “I see this is a hard question for you to answer.” 
“Just can’t stop thinking about you running around in those cute hipster panties and my shirts. If I had to pick an outfit, I would say the crop tops and high waisted jeans just because I know that’s your favorite and you’re comfortable in it."
"That's not an answer. What's YOUR favorite thing I wear?"
"Well, I guess my favorite thing you wear is those thigh high boots and it’s a crime you’ve only worn them twice.”
“From that first day we met?”
“I love those boots. Those are witch boots.”
She laughed loudly, “Witch boots!?”
“You must’ve put some kind of hex on me when you had them on. I’ve been obsessed with you ever since, they’re witch boots.” 
“You’re ridiculous.” 
He shrugged with a smile before lifting her up over his shoulder causing her to let out a squeal. 
When they got into the bedroom, he set his backpack on the chair before setting Nicole down and beginning to kiss her. He shouldn’t have been surprised at how quickly she had pulled his jacket off of him as he had been thinking about this all day as well. He lifted her oversized graphic tee over head breaking the kiss for mere moments before she returned to his lips fumbling with the buttons of his shirt. Chris tugged down her sweatpants and underwear while she stepped backwards towards the bed, gasping as she fell back against it. She looked up at Chris as he unbuttoned the four buttons that were left and threw the shirt behind him. Letting out an amused hum, he admired her from above, “Gosh, look at you…” Reaching down, he slid his hand between her legs and she opened them for him.
He slowly slid his finger up and down her wet slit, “I’m not even sure you need me to eat you out tonight, I think you’re ready.”
“I just want you… Please.” She looked up at him, batting her eyelashes several times. 
He smirked looking her up and down before taking off his belt and pants and climbing on top of her. He slowly slid into her with them both lightly whimpering as they took in how great the other felt. It wasn’t long until he started thrusting in and out of her harder and faster. She grabbed onto his shoulder as he gripped her hips and angled her up towards him. Arching her back she let out a small gasp before dragging her nails across his back, and when she did this he made a sound that was foreign to her. Worried that she hurt him, she placed a hand on his chest and asked if he was okay. “Oh, I’m more than okay. Scratch me harder, scratch me as much as you want.” He insisted before starting to kiss her neck. She gasped as his lips met her neck, it almost felt as if he branded her. Chris wasn’t normally very loud when they had sex, just grunts and low groans but tonight he had let everything go. Between showering her in praise, taunting her, and moaning her name; Nicole’s head was spinning. By the time he had finished, her vision was a little blurry and her entire body was shaking. She was only jolted back to reality when he rolled onto his back and took her with him. “Uhm-I-fuck, I love you.” She said with an exhausted laugh resting her head against his.
“I love you too.” He said, smiling against her cheek as his hand rubbed small circles around her back.
Nicole placed several kisses across his chest and up his neck before laying down against him again and hugging him, “Happy Valentines Day.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, wifey.”
“My throat hurts.” Nicole said softly punctuating her sentence with a small pout.
“Well you screamed loud enough I think they may have heard us back in LA.”
“It’s not my fault that you give me so many orgasms.”
Chris let out an exaggerated groan, “Oh yes, what a problem that your husband gives you too many orgasms.”
“Yes, it is a problem because now I’m just a limp little noodle that can’t walk or fully articulate words.”
“You got ‘out’ articulate that's pretty good!” He teased before she swatted his chest with a laugh and rolled off of him.
Chris smiled at her before looking down at his torso, “Look at this little snail trail my love left me.”
Nicole sat up and looked at him blinking a few times before gasping completely shocked, “Are you serious?” 
“Look at it!” He said pointing at it with a laugh. 
Nicole looked from his torso to his face with her mouth still open. She shook her head a few times, “That is the grossest thing you’ve EVER said to me. And on Valentines Day!” She playfully hit his chest and he grabbed her wrist still laughing, “That can’t be the grossest thing I’ve said to you, cmon.”
“I’m going to give the ring back if you bring it up again!” She said with a loud laugh.
“You wouldn’t dare!” He said, still laughing, “Cmon, baby, cmon! It’s funny!” He said pulling her back against his chest in a big hug, “I’m sorry.” 
“You better be sorry! It’s your fucking fault!” 
His laughter slowly diminished and he kissed her cheek, “It’s just so funny when you get all pouty and surprised and angry. You’re like that little frog that screams.” 
She gasped and looked up at him, “Okay, you did not fuck me nearly well enough to be roasting me like this!”
“Oh is that so?” He said with a raised brow, “Because I can go again. I don’t think you can go again. I'm going to have you trembling in seconds!” He taunted while rolling on top of her and she quickly started patting his chest, “No, no, no!” “Exactly.” He said with a smirk trying not to laugh as she scrunched up her eyebrows forming her face into an angry pout. 
“What’s the face for?”
“I’m hungry and you're being mean.”
“No one is stopping you from going downstairs and getting food.”
“Oh what, I don’t get the gentleman version of you tonight? Captain America would carry me down a flight of stairs for a late night snack.”
He threw his head back laughing, “I’ve been waiting for that one.” He got out of bed and pulled on his boxers before handing her a new set of her underwear and a shirt to get dressed, helping her into the underwear as she tugged on the shirt. He was smirking at her the entire time and she sighed, “I don’t want to hear another word about this, okay?”
“You got it. Not a single word…Tonight.”
Nicole rolled her eyes before getting up and jumping onto his waist.
“My little spider monkey.” He laughed 
Her face fell into another little pout, “I don’t think I’m active enough to be a spider monkey.”
“Okay, so what do you wanna be?” He asked as he stepped off the final step and started making his way to the kitchen.
“A sloth.”
“Well, you’re definitely cuter than a sloth. How about a koala?”
She nodded a couple times with a smile, “Yeah, I’m a koala.”
He opened the fridge with his free hand, “Well what does my little koala want to eat?”
“Pudding isn’t a full meal.”
Nicole sighed with a pout, “Okay fine, I guess I’ll have…Mac and cheese? Is that an okay food?”
“That is a great food and you can have a cup of pudding while I make it.” He said with a smile before handing her one and setting her on the counter. He jogged across the kitchen and grabbed a spoon before bringing it back over to her. Nicole pulled herself fully on the counter to sit cross legged watching him get the items ready to make the mac and cheese. They continued to talk about their weeks as this has been their first real conversation without time restraints in weeks and it was nice just being able to fully open up to each other again. They hung out in the kitchen eating and chatting until nearly two in the morning. After putting the dishes in the sink and letting the dogs out one last time, Chris carried her back upstairs and they settled into bed again. He was running his fingers up and down her spine causing her to giggle a little bit, “Ticklish there?”
“A little bit.” She hugged him a little tighter, “Happy Valentines Day.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day baby.” He kissed the top of her head, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too…I wish you never had to leave.”
The words brought tears to his eyes and kept him awake by echoing in his head longer than he wanted them too.
The next morning when Nicole woke up the bed was empty. If it wasn’t for his backpack sitting on her chair she would’ve thought him coming home was a dream. Getting out of bed she pulled on one of his shirts and some socks before trotting downstairs. She smelled the food he was cooking before she even reached the first floor and smiled. Reaching down she gave the dogs a few pets before walking into the kitchen, “Well good morning to you too.” She teased.
Chris smiled over at her before pointing at one of the island seats with his spatula, “I was going to bring it to you in bed as a nice surprise for a continued Valentines treat but since you’re here have a seat.” 
The two enjoyed a french toast breakfast together even though he teased that she only had raspberries and no blueberries or strawberries. After breakfast, they took a walk around the block with the dogs before returning home to watch movies until it was time to go out to dinner. Nicole gave the two dogs their treats before sitting next to Chris who was flipping through channels on her TV. She looked over at him with a sigh, “When do you leave?”
“Tomorrow afternoon.”
“Is that what you’re upset about?”
“I’m not upset.” He looked over at her with a fake smile and she raised an eyebrow.
“Something's off. I don’t know what it is but I know something is off.”
He sighed, “I’m sorry, it’s a mental thing. I’ve had a rough few days and I guess I’m still trying to shake it.”
“What happened?”
“I had this interview with esquire and I just… I don’t know.” He gave a defeated shrug before turning the TV off and setting the remote back on the side table.
“Did you say something you want him to edit out? I’m sure Nick could get him to-“
“No, I just think I’m at a pivotal point in my life and career. It is just a lot to think about and it’s making my head spin.”
Nicole reached out and grabbed his hand, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
He shook his head, “I’m just very excited to spend the weekend with you. I’ve missed you. I miss talking to you…”
“I miss you too, but I also know that I’m a clingy creature by nature. I’ve been told it’s my downfall. So knowing that I’m codependent and needy, I’ve dialed it back because I don’t want to lose you. I didn’t want to be too much but… I really love you.” 
“I love you too.” He smiled at her and gently pulled on her arm. With a light laugh, she crawled across the couch and curled up in his lap. “Can I let you in on a secret?” He asked while he wrapped his arms around her. 
“If you want to.” She said with a smile, resting her head on his shoulder.
“I’m sort of a needy codependent myself.” 
Nicole couldn't help but laugh, “Yeah?”
“I’ve been fine with the long distance thing before. You maybe see each other once a month or every two months and that was okay. I was fine with that because you can just call each other and you have work but, God. The house was so empty when you left. And I really thought maybe it was because the holidays had just ended and I was at home alone but in DC and New York, and LA. It didn’t matter, I just missed you. I wanted you there or me here and I didn’t want to ask for it because that’s selfish” 
She was busy playing with the collar of his sweater, she hadn’t even noticed the long pause he was taking, “I don’t think that’s selfish.”
“I’ve just gotten to the point where the family and the homebody life is so appealing. I don’t know if acting is worth it for me anymore. It just feels like a job.”
“Do you want me to be honest?” She asked with a laugh as he nodded. She sighed before continuing, “Don’t take this as an attack either, okay?”
“I won’t.”
“Well, it is a job. Even if sometimes it doesn’t feel like it, it’s a job. And I don’t think you want to retire from it… I don’t think it’s an egotistical award thing like an Oscar or something. I just think there’s a goal you’ve always had deep inside you and you haven’t reached it yet. Now, I don’t know what it is and I don’t need to know what it is. But I know that you won’t rest until you finish it because no matter how tired you are of the flights and the press and the circus of it, you keep doing it.”
“How do you know me better than I know myself sometimes?”
She shrugged before moving out of his lap, “The same way you know me. Our souls are the same, we know how the other works.” She reassured him before leaning back and resting her head on his lap and looking up at him. 
He gave her a sad smile before starting to play with her hair, “What’s your goal?”
Nicole took a deep breath, “I don’t know if I have a set goal, I haven’t thought about it in a while. I think my goal is to either help solve a cold case or to help get a law passed to protect others. I thought saving that dude from death row for one final trial before the Supreme Court would be it. I thought that was the goal but I just went back home and got back to work. I thought the goal would be buying a house and saving up enough money to comfortably retire, and it still wasn’t… There’s no clear goal, Chris. The earth is round for a reason. It’ll never stop spinning. You have to decide when you’ve had enough. You need to decide when the distance you have ran and the impact your footprint has made on the world is enough to sit on the side and relax… If I'm being honest, I know that I'm being replaced on YouTube and other places and that’s okay. I'm okay with that, but I still have more in me, I have more I want to say and do. So I'm going to keep making content until I'm okay with the ending. Right now, I know that I have more in me, I’m not finished. We are lucky enough to decide the path we take in life, but don't get paralyzed by the power of choice.”
“I just don’t know when will be the right time to stop.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course doll.”
“Are you avoiding taking a break or retiring because in your mind that means you can never go back?”
He sighed before looking across the room at his dogs, unable to look at her, “I’m not sure.”
Nicole continued to look up at him with a pout, “I think our minds are both getting the best of us.”
“Yeah? What’s going on in your pretty little mind?” He asked, shyly glancing back down at her before looking away.
“A lot of insecurity…Let’s take a nice calming bath and head to bed. “
“The sun hasn’t even set, Nicole.”
“I know, but we could both use the relaxation and then we can order or make dinner when we get hungry, okay?”
“Mmkay.” He said with a small shrug before following her upstairs. As she entered the master bedroom and started down the hall to the bedroom she held up a finger, “I have one rule though.”
“No sex in the tub?”
Nicole laughed, “No talking about our issues and stuff yet, okay? I just want to hold each other.”
Chris started to smile, “That’s a good rule… Should I put our playlist on a speaker or something?”
“That’d be really nice.” Nicole gave him a sad smile and he knew something was wrong. He wanted to ask but he respected the rule she had in place. He kissed the top of her head before stepping past her to get into the tub. Watching her undress before helping her into the tub, he couldn’t help but think about how he wanted his life to be like this all the time. No lights, no cameras, no pressure or expectations; just being at home. As his arms wrapped around her and she settled into the tub she started to cry. It had only been a few weeks but they felt like forever being apart from her love. She was so happy to have him home and she knew he was happy to be home as he hugged her tighter. 
(Next Chapter)
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ellieswhoreeee · 3 years
The Two of Us. pt 1
Author’s Note: This is my first time writing and Ellie fic and actually posting it, so i hope anyone who reads it likes it.! I can’t stop writing about her omg. Anyways, enjoy!
Endgame Pairings: Ellie x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Violence, marijuana, swearing, ect.
You were in love with Ellie fucking Williams.
It started off as a small crush. Smaller than a grain of sand- it represented the growing interest of the green eyed girl. But like a seed, and with time, it started to grow into something more.
The interest started when she came back to Jackson. It happened when you just turned 15, she arrived on the day of your birthday- it was the second time she arrived in Jackson— but this time it was to stay.
Your birthday was nothing special, especially when you had no one to spend it with. You were an orphan and staying in one of the dorm houses with some other orphans. That day you had chores to finish, one involved the horses in the stables.
Despite being so young, you were even fully capable of handling infected. But the adults(aka Maria) wouldn’t let you out of the gates without proper training. So you were stuck with barn chores. That morning was filled with cleaning and handling most of the horses.
Tommy had walked into the stables when you were feeding your favourite horse, Gemini. You loved the spots on his body, he even had a heart shaped spot close to his eye. The rest of the spots loosely filled his simple brown and white colour palette. He was a beautiful horse.
And you were pretty sure he was pretty fond of you too. It almost seemed that he liked your company, and when you left he would get pretty upset. Making noises, and the stomping his feet in his paddock was a clear indication of that.
You noticed that he was one of three horses that weren’t being used for patrol- in other words they weren’t cleared to being used. Not until they were trained properly. He would mostly be in his pen, all alone. So, you and him bonded on being alone.
You had a connection with the horse.
Tommy had noticed this- because of of course he notices everything when it comes to you. He was the one who found you and brought you back to Jackson. He was your father figure. He and Maria take care of you whenever they could, but lately they had been busy.
So, you had assumed that he just forgot your birthday and was just checking up on you. But you were very wrong. Actually, his sentence had caught you off guard. “Saddle up, we’re going on patrol. I want to introduce you to my brother and his kid.” He had placed his hand on your shoulder with a small smile on his face.
You raised your eyebrows at the older man, staring at him like he was going insane. “But i’m not cleared for patrol. Too young, remember?”
He removed his hand from your shoulder, and it went straight to his beard- almost as if to show you what he was thinking blatantly. “Too young? I could’ve sworn today was your birthday. Which means- you’re old enough to go on a group patrol, ain’t that right?” You hugged him tightly, thanking him a million times before quickly moving to get one of the cleared horses but again he stopped you. “Take gemini. We’ll be waiting for you by the gate.”
You grinned at Gemini, and he looked back at you- almost as if he was grinning too.
You ran like hell to get back to your house(which was close to the stables), grabbing your bag and bow(and arrows), and clipped your holster with your knife to your side and ran back quickly. One of the adults, Eric, helped with Gemini while you were away. After Gemini was saddled up, you grabbed his reins and walked towards the gate. Tommy, Maria and two new people were by the gate. Jack and Derek were close by holding onto 2 horses.
Tommy looked up, watching as you walk closer and closer to them. “That was fast, must be pretty eager, huh?”
You nodded happily, staying close by to Gemini as Tommy whispered something to the new man. He looked down at the red headed girl beside him who was keeping her eyes on the floor. He nudged the girl, making her move closer to you. You noticed, finally decided to look at the girl fully.
She was so pretty.
“Crap,” You whispered under your breath at the sight of her- feeling slightly intimidated by her. Luckily she didn’t hear that or she wouldn’t get the wrong idea. You didn’t mean it in a bad way. You meant it in more of a ‘holy crap she’s beautiful’.
You snapped out of it, removing your left hand from Gemini’s reins. You held out your hand for her to take. “Names Y/n, nice to meet you new girl.” You sounded more confident than you were. It your voice had cracked once you would’ve given up on talking again.
She finally looked up, nodding awkwardly. She takes your hand and shakes. “Ellie. It’s cool to meet you too.”
You both pulled away after some time, and looking over at Joel and Tommy. Joel introduced himself. They continued to talk while you and Ellie kept to yourself.
You laughed when Gemini started to chew on your clothes. You noticed Ellie watching you- but as seen as you made eye contact she looked away. “New girl,” You called out, grabbing her attention once again. “You wanna pet him? I promise he won’t eat your clothes.”
She cracked a small smile, moving towards you. “He could have it. I need a new wardrobe anyways,” She joked, slowly petting him. Gemini seemed to love the attention, seeing that he let Ellie close to him.
“So… How do you know Tommy?” You asked curiously. You wanted to get to know her more.
“Joel is his brother. We were here a couple months ago on a mission basically… But, uh, things didn’t go as plan and now we’re back.” She let out a breath after replying to you, her face changed slightly, almost as if she was disappointed. Her face changed once again into something indifferent. She turns to you. “How do you know him?”
“Oh,” You were caught off guard by her question, but decided to answer. You swallowed the lump in your throat. “He kinda saved me. If i’m being honest, i don’t remember much… amnesia or something..? but yeah, he saved me and brought me back here.”
She nodded. You two talked a little more- about the smallest and random things. It was nice talking to someone new. It was like she actually seemed interested in you. And deep down, you knew the feeling was mutual. Tommy, Maria and Joel finally finished their conversation and looked over at you two.
“Okay, girls. You ready?” Tommy asked and you two nodded. “We need some ground rules though.”
Joel was the one to speak next, his voice was gruff but held meaning. “Stay close, which means no running off.” He continued naming off rules that you two had to follow. After naming the last two rules he was done. Jack and Derek passed the reins of the horses to tommy and Joel. “Come on, baby girl. You’re with me.”
Ellie nodded, and moved towards Joel. She looked back at you, almost as if she was telling you something. She looked at you and then Gemini- which you understood. So, before it was too late you decided to speak up. “She can ride with me!” Joel and Tommy look at you- tommy seemed more surprised. “Gemini and I wouldn’t mind.”
Joel and Tommy look at each other before Joel slowly nodded. “Alright. You two watch each other’s backs. No splitting up.” You and Ellie nodded before smiling at each other.
You climbed onto Gemini, settling yourself on his saddle. You looked down at at Ellie and held out your hand for her. “Ready?” Her green eyes trailed from your eyes to your hand.
And from that day, you two had grown close.
Your feelings grew into something more- something special. But now things are different. You had feelings for Ellie but she didn’t feel the same. It was clear to you because she had a girlfriend. At the age of 17, Ellie started to go out with Cat.
Since that day, you’ve been crushed. But never showed it. You were great at hiding your feelings, but you’re not sure for how long you could take it for.
It was starting to eat you alive
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heyitssmiller · 4 years
Clandestine - Chapter Two
Alright people, say it with me: Trust Issues. Also Finn goes from zero to one hundred real fast.
This is definitely a filler chapter; we’ll get to more spy stuff next chapter.
Chapter One
Finn made sure to get to the office early enough to have time for a trip down to the Archives, his second cup of coffee in hand as he took the elevator up to the fifth floor of the building. He needed intel. Not on the Snakes – they were getting briefed on them later today. No, he was looking for files on his new partners.
Granted, he could learn a lot from observing them on his own time, but that could only give him so much. In order to get the full picture, he needed their hometowns, history, information about their families, jobs they’d done in the past, you name it. Because, for one of the only times in his life, he was stumped. His entire job was based on how well he could read people; this was frustratingly unusual.
Unusually frustrating? Finn questioned as elevator opened with a ding.
It was both frustrating and unusual. There.
Figuring Logan out was harder than he’d thought it would be. Finn was having a really hard time connecting the Logan he knew from two months ago to the one he was trying to get to know now. He was so different compared to the version of Logan he’d met at the New Year’s party… but alcohol tended to have that effect on people. The guy who cuddled with him on that ratty old couch while nursing a rum and coke now kept his distance. The easy smile and contagious laugh Finn remembered hadn’t been seen or heard since. He was so guarded. About everything, it seemed like. That made him hard to get to know, hard to predict. 
And then there was Leo. Leo made absolutely no sense, in Finn’s opinion. With constant movement but controlled, practiced actions, he was a paradoxical combination of restless and serene. His nerves pointed towards inexperience, but his eyes told a different story – one with complete confidence of his capabilities. He was an enigma. And Finn couldn’t seem to get a read on him.
That was important to Finn. He needed to be able to read and understand his partners. He needed to be able to know their thoughts, predict their every move, trust them. They wouldn’t work together otherwise.
So he woke up at a god-forsaken hour – it was still dark outside – and here he was, outside the Archives.
Staring at the back, broad shoulders, and brown hair of one of his new partners.
He put on a smile. “If I’d known I was meeting you here, I would’ve brought coffee for you.”
Logan didn’t tense, exactly, but his shoulders stiffened slightly. He turned and smiled back. It still wasn’t the smile Finn remembered from that night, wasn’t the one he wanted to see again so badly. “Hey. I see you had the same idea as me.”
“And what’s that?”
He shrugged, indifferent. “Getting intel on your new partners.”
“Nah,” Finn lied as they walked side-by-side to the front desk, “I’m here to brush up on the previous missions against the Snakes’ before our briefing this afternoon. But it’s nice that you want to do your research on us.” He winked. Logan’s lips twitched in an attempt to withhold a smile.
“Can I help you boys?”
Finn turned his bright smile to Lily Potter, who was manning the Archives desk. “Hello, my fellow redhead! We would like the files on past Snakes’ missions, and then the files on Knut, Tremblay, and yours truly, please.”
She arched an eyebrow. “How much time do you have on your hands?”
“Don’t have anything on my schedule until this afternoon. Why?”
“The missions will take you at least two days to get through. It’s probably eight, ten years of files.”
Finn whistled lowly. “Holy shit.”
He hadn’t really thought this through. In his defense, though, it was a spur of the moment idea.
“Well, just the other files, then. Someone over here wants to do research on his new partners.”
Lily sent Logan a curious glance, but left to grab the files. Finn turned to Logan with a flirtatious smile, resting his arm on the desk. “So, what all do you want to know? I’m an open book.”
“I seriously doubt that.”  Logan snorted, nose crinkling in the process.
Finn’s smile turned more genuine. God, he was cute. “Ok, then ask away. Here, I’ll help you out. I’m a Gemini, I graduated from Harvard, I’m a sucker for green eyes, I enjoy long, romantic walks on the beach as long as there’s no seaweed-”
“Why would you think any of that is relevant?”
“I give you all this information and that’s the first question you ask? I’m offended.” Lily chose that moment to return with three files, two significantly thicker than the other one. Finn thanked her and grabbed Logan’s file for himself before passing the other two to Logan.
“Have fun researching!” Finn said as he turned to head for the elevator again. He paused before looking back at Logan and adding with a wink, “Oh, and pass along Nut’s file to me when you’re done reading it.”
Remus stepped foot into the briefing room to find Sirius already there, messing with a laptop. Where he got said laptop was unknown. And a little worrying, seeing that he’d shown up in Gryffindor with a bag of clothes, some cash, and nothing else.
He glanced up at Remus and looked him over with a smile. “Good afternoon. Long time, no see.”
“What are you up to?” Remus asked as he set his bag down, clutching his cup of tea in his other hand and looking back at Sirius. There were bags under his eyes, reminding Remus of the fact that he was still sleeping on his couch. Sleeping was a loose term, though. He had also been awake when Remus had gone to bed and when he got up in the morning. Did the man ever sleep?
“Oh, nothing much.” Sirius said, hitting a few keys on the laptop in rapid succession. “Getting ready to brief the cubs.”
“The cubs?”
“Your logo is a lion. And they’re the youngest ones here, right? Hence the cubs.”
“Cute.” Remus sat down in one of the chairs with a sigh and took a sip of his tea. “So what are you briefing them on today?”
“Members of the Snakes. I have a powerpoint with pictures and everything.”
“Oh god.”
Sirius rolled his eyes at Remus. “Oh, come on. It’ll be fun. Better than me droning on and expecting them to stay focused.”
“They’re spies. Sometimes, that’s part of the job.”
“Sure. But it doesn’t have to be.”
Remus smiled a little at that. “How thoughtful of you.”
“I try.”
He hummed, cupping his mug with both hands. “You know, if you were really thoughtful you’d stop leaving your dishes in the sink.”
That startled a laugh out of Sirius. “Now, why would I do that when it’s so fun to get on your nerves?”
“You don’t get on my nerves.”
Sirius arched an eyebrow. “No?”
“No.” He took another sip of tea to hide his smile. “I’m a very patient man.”
Sirius was still laughing by the time Knut, O’Hara, and Tremblay entered the room. They all sat side by side, not really talking much and still a little unsure of each other. That needed to change soon. You couldn’t afford to be doubting your partners while on missions like the ones they’d be getting into.
“Alright, cubs! Let’s get started, shall we?” Sirius asked, connecting the laptop to the room’s projector. “Today we’re going over the members of the Snakes and what all you need to know about them.”
An animated picture of a snake in a party hat showed up on the projector. Remus sighed.
“Ok, so we’ll start at the top.” He switched to the next slide. “This is Riddle. Fuck Riddle. He’s in charge of every little detail of the Snakes, and very paranoid about handing over tasks to other members. He’s got a lot of messed up ideas about ethics and – well, pretty much everything.”
“What’s wrong with his eyes?” Logan asked, still staring uncomfortably at the yellow eyes on the screen.
Sirius shrugged. “I think it’s a genetics thing. Something about liver issues. I never really paid attention. On to the next member!”
A picture of a greasy-haired man with a sour expression on his face glared back at them.
“Snape.” Remus said with disdain. At Sirius’ look, he just shrugged. “Pots has gone up against him a few times. He hates the guy and makes sure everyone knows it. He works in the drug side of their operation.”
“Exactly.” Sirius smiled, which proved to be more distracting than Remus thought it would be. There had been teasing smiles, flirty smiles, sarcastic smiles, but this one was new. This was one of the first genuine smiles he’d seen from the ex-Snake. “I think I like Potter a little more now.”
“I think you two could actually be really good friends, and that terrifies me.”
“Ok, next is Bellatrix. Please, please avoid her as much as possible. She’s certifiably insane.”
Finn frowned. “She’s got one of the flash drives, right?”
“Unfortunately, yes. So it’s going to be up to you to distract her and Leo to grab the drive, probably.”
Both boys paled a little, then looked to each other, seeming to have a silent conversation all their own.
Sirius moved on to the next slide, where a man with cold eyes and a feral smile looked back at them. “This is Fenrir Greyback. Don’t fuck around with this one, he’s ruthless.”
Finn and Logan’s eyes snapped over to Loops, who looked pale and slightly nauseous. His hand was on the juncture of his neck and shoulder, massaging the muscle absentmindedly. Not for the first time, Finn wondered what exactly happened on that mission. All he knew was that Loops was supposed to take Greyback down and he came back with a mutilated shoulder and new cuts on his face that were sure to scar. He hadn’t been back in the field since.
Leo’s gaze moved from one person in the room to the next, slowly piecing together the story. He didn’t know all the details yet, but he knew they couldn’t be good.
Sirius, who was still talking, finally seemed to connect the dots. His eyes got wide and his sentence trailed off to remain incomplete. He stared at Loops in horror. “Fuck.”
“I think that’s enough for today.” Leo said quietly but firmly, getting out of his seat while giving Remus a meaningful look. His partners followed suit. “We can pick this up again tomorrow.”
The three of them left in a hurry, leaving Sirius and Remus alone. Remus started grabbing his meticulously organized notes and shoved them in his bag. He could feel Sirius’ gaze on him, but he refused to look up.
“Listen, Remus, I had no idea –”
“Of course you didn’t.” Remus cut in calmly. “How could you have known? Hell, you probably congratulated him after that mission –”
“That’s not true –”
“But you were there. You knew what he did to people and yet you just stood by.”
“Why do you think I left?” Sirius demanded, his voice raising. Remus finally met his gaze. “You weren’t the only one who got screwed over by the Snakes. I grew up watching that shit, just assuming it was normal because that’s the way it’s always been there. And then I realized my parents were monsters and started thinking for myself and realized how fucked up that organization is. Do you really think I’d be here if I condoned that sort of shit?”
“Honestly? I wasn’t sure you cared. The only motivation for wanting to take the Snakes down that you’ve deigned to share with us is that you want your brother safe. You’ve never said anything about how you feel about the organization itself.”
“What are you smoking?” Sirius asked with an incredulous laugh. “I want my brother safe because he’s in that hellhole. What other reason –”
“Then tell us that!” Remus shouted, finally getting Sirius to stop talking. “You keep everything so close to your chest, you don’t seem to want to interact with any of us, and you don’t tell us anything but the bare minimum. How are we supposed to get anything done if we can’t trust you?”
“That’s a bit hypocritical, don’t you think? I swear, you’re one of the most guarded people I’ve ever met!”
“Well, you don’t really need to get to know me, do you?” Remus fired back. Sirius froze. “You’re here to take the Snakes down. That’s it. When all this is done, it’s not like you’re going to stay. You don’t have to trust me as a friend, but trust me as an agent.”
“That’s it, huh?” Sirius asked, voice dangerously blank.
“That’s it.”
“Fine.” He said gruffly, slamming the laptop closed and grabbing his jacket from the back of a nearby chair. “I’m headed out. Don’t wait up.”
Remus sighed, staring down at his mug and swirling the now-cold contents. Even though they’d gotten along surprisingly well the past couple of days, they weren’t friends. And they didn’t need to be friends. This was business. They were working together to get a job done. That was all. 
Remus knew that the two of them getting along so well was like an already-lit fuse - it was bound to blow up in their faces sooner rather than later. 
Finn walked into the safe room, whistling lowly as he looked around. He’d never been in here before – he hadn’t had a reason to. There were safes of all different types and sizes littered around the room. On tables, on the floor, embedded in the walls. He wondered how many safes there were total, and how long it had taken to collect them all.
Leo was seated criss-cross-applesauce in front of one, pressing a stethoscope against the door of a safe and rotating the dial slowly. Finn smiled a little at the sight. This made more sense, seeing it in action. The constant fidgeting was replaced with stillness, the only movement being those of deft fingers against the dial. All that motion and pent-up energy were now focused solely on the safe. 
He walked up to Leo, completely unnoticed, and tapped on his shoulder. Leo jumped a foot into the air, yanking the stethoscope out of his ears and whirling around to look at Finn. “Fuck, you scared me.”
“Sorry, Nut.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Coming to see you, obviously.” Finn said with a wink. “Tremblay and I were wondering if you wanted to get dinner with us. You know,” Finn made a weird motion with his hand and then cringed, moving his hand behind his back and grabbing it with his other hand to keep from performing any more weird, random movements. “Get to know the team and all that.”
Leo’s smile lit up the room. “I’d love to! Y’all headed out right now?”
Wow, his genteel southern-boy routine could really take him places in this profession. With that combined with his looks, no one would ever think he could possibly be guilty of anything.
“Probably. It’s almost seven.”
Leo blinked, confused. “Is it?” At Finn’s nod, he uncrossed his legs and stretched, his back popping in the process. “Guess we should get going then, huh?”
“Yeah.” Finn held out a hand and helped the blond to his feet. He really was just a giant. How did he find clothes that fit him? Finn glanced down at Leo’s shirtsleeves and - sure enough - they were an inch or two above his wrists. He realized he was sort of staring at this guy’s wrists, of all things, and his eyes shot back up to meet kind, albeit confused, blue eyes. “We were thinking Sid’s for dinner? You been there before?” When Leo shook his head, he groaned. “You’re missing out, Nut. We’re fixing that right now. Come on.”
He led Leo back down the hall to the bullpen, where Logan was still pouring over files. How he ever expected to get through the huge pile of files on his desk, Finn had no idea. “Look alive, Tremblay. We’re getting pizza.”
Logan instantly looked up with a hopeful smile. “Sid’s?”
“Where else?” Finn laughed as Logan shot out of his seat and grabbed his coat. He’d never seen the other agent move so fast. “Hungry?”
Logan turned to look at him, his arm getting stuck in the sleeve of his coat. He grumbled under his breath in a language that definitely wasn’t English and shoved his arm into his sleeve. “I’m going to eat an entire pizza and you can’t stop me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
They stepped out of the building together, taking a right and heading down the street. It wasn’t actually that cold outside, for a Gryffindor winter – only thirty-five degrees or so. But Nut still shoved his hands into his pockets and nuzzled his nose into his coat. Finn couldn’t hold back the smile at the sight, noticing red-tipped ears and a slight shiver.
“Cold, Nut?” Logan asked, also noticing the blond’s hunched shoulders.
He looked at his new partners, then buried his nose again. “Don’t judge me. New Orleans winters aren’t nearly this bad.”
“New Orleans, huh?” Logan questioned, although Finn knew he was already aware of Leo’s hometown. It was in his file, after all. “I’ve always wanted to visit.”
“Ooh, yes!” Finn agreed, leading them around a corner. “The home of Mardis Gras.”
Leo shrugged. “If we’re being technical Mobile, Alabama had the first Mardis Gras celebration in the States. We just do it better. There’s a ton of people, though. If you really want to see the city, come at a better time in the year.” He sent the other two boys a smile. “Maybe summer, so you can experience real southern heat. And humidity.”
“No thanks.” They said in unison, making Leo laugh. The conversation trailed off as they waited for the sign at a crosswalk.
“Where are the two of you from?” Leo finally asked as the red hand morphed into a walking man and the ticking from the crosswalk speakers changed tempo. They stepped into the street with Logan staring down cars that could potentially start moving again and hit them.
Finn thought that was cute.
Maybe Finn was looking at his personality the wrong way. Guarded wasn’t the right adjective for him - protective fit much better.
“New York City.” He rushed to answer Leo’s question as they reached the other side of the street, pointing out the Sid’s sign for Leo.
“Canada.” Logan said a bit gruffly, but you could hear the fondness in his voice.
Leo arched an eyebrow. “Now I understand why you’re so accustomed to the cold.”
Finn held open the door to Sid’s, motioning for the other two to go on ahead. “You’ll get used to it, too, Nut. Logan, can you believe he’s never had Sid’s before?”
Logan went off on a tangent about the perfection that is Sid’s margherita pizza as they were led to their table by a young waiter, who eyed them curiously. They sat down and Finn noticed Logan choosing a seat facing the rest of the restaurant, back to the wall. He looked around at the others in the building, only relaxing when he deemed the coast to be clear.
They quickly looked over the menu, Finn and Logan giving recommendations about their favorite dishes (practically all of them) and began telling lighthearted stories about where they were from and how they grew up while waiting for their food. Leo’s leg was constantly bouncing under the table, but he looked happy and relaxed, which Finn took as a good sign. Finn finally, finally got one of those rare New Year’s party smiles again, as well as a new sunny, dimpled smile from Leo - both of which he really wanted to keep seeing.
He didn’t understand why he was making such a big deal of causing his partners to smile.
Ok, he might’ve had a slight idea. But he didn’t want to think about it too hard. Not yet, at least.
It was only when their pizzas arrived that Logan brought out the big guns.
“So what made you decide to do this for a living?” He asked, sticking his tongue out to catch a stray string of cheese from his pizza slice. Finn tried not to follow the motion too closely, for his own sanity. “For me, it was Dumo. He was our next-door neighbor growing up, after we moved from Canada. I remember he was always away on business trips, but he would  come back looking exhausted and a little beat up. I’d go visit Celeste while he was away – she was always so worried, so I knew something was up. I can’t remember exactly how I found out, but I think I was thirteen or so when I figured out what his job was.” Logan shrugged. “Nothing else really interested me after that.”
“You guys are close, then?” Leo asked, maintaining eye contact with Logan and grabbing the container of red pepper flakes, liberally adding it to his pizza. Finn watched on in horror. Had he previously burned all his taste buds off or something?
Logan smiled. “Yeah. He’s like a dad to me. The whole family’s great. I babysit their kids all the time.”
That was a mental image Finn would be thinking about for the foreseeable future. God, he was screwed, wasn’t he?
He hurried to talk and take his mind off of it. “I got recruited right out of college. I’ve got a good memory and a knack for predicting people and how they’ll react to things. I jumped at the opportunity.” 
He smiled fondly at the memories his mind brought up. “My brother and I grew up on James Bond movies. How cool would it be to do that for my career? So I joined. The obvious next step was becoming a conman, I guess. It’s where I fit best.”
They looked to Leo, who seemed mildly embarrassed. “My Mama caught me pickpocketing on Bourbon Street.”
Logan and Finn took a moment to process that, and then cracked up. Leo waited for them to calm back down, smiling sheepishly before he continued, “She said if I was going to do stuff like that, I should at least be doing some good in the world. So she googled and found Gryffindor and asked some recruiters to meet with me. I came home from school one day to Blizzard and Talker sitting on my couch, eating my mom’s jambalaya.” Logan and Finn laughed again while Leo dragged his crust through some marinara sauce. “Next thing I knew, I was driving a moving truck across the country.”
“Do you miss home?” Logan asked, finally shoving his plate away.
Leo shrugged, looking back and forth between the other two knowingly. “Doesn’t everyone miss home, in one way or another?”
Finn wasn’t even sure what home was to him anymore. Maybe he’d figure it out one of these days. He glanced over at his new partners. Logan also looked pensive, apparently grappling with Leo’s words as well. 
Leo seemed completely unfazed, his leg bouncing again. “Does anyone want dessert?”
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downondilaudid · 4 years
Reality Check
Spencer gets tired of readers reckless behavior, and finally gives her a little reality check.
Requested: Yes
Prompts: My life motto is fuck bitches, get money blow cash.(This is a inspired by a line from the song ODD by Hey Voilet) & That’s not even factual
Word Count: 4.6K
“Talk is cheap, but actions are priceless.”
― Green Monk
You wouldn’t necessarily consider yourself reckless, per se, just a little wild. It was a surprising turn of events when you and Spencer ended up together, his teammates had thought you would be nothing more than a fling, someone to keep his bed warm while he was gone. Yet, you had been together for a year and a half now and had been living together for five months. 
Despite the two of you being opposites, you worked together beautifully, you easily complemented each other. Your wild nature allowed Spencer to relax, and enjoy the simplicities of life. While his sophisticated way of thinking forced you to use your head a little more, and consider the consequences of your actions. You loved Spencer, and he loved you, it was just hard sometimes, seeing the world through different eyes. 
“C’mon Spence, please?” You pleaded, your hand latching into his arm to try and get his attention. 
“I really need to work on this, Y/N” he mumbled absentmindedly, pulling his arm from your grasp, and writing something on a notepad. 
“Spencer! You’ve been working on this all night, please take a break.” You shifted so you were standing behind him, wrapping your arms around him, and laying your head lightly against his shoulder. 
He let out a mix between a sigh and a groan, and you could feel the vibration of it through his back. “I need to finish this, Y/N, watching you get drunk, and then having to drag you home, doesn’t sound like a break.” 
You scoffed, “suit yourself, babes.” You pushed off of him, leaving the room to go get ready.
The music pounded in your ears, and the bass rattled your drink against the table. You were already quite tipsy, but for the first time, you weren’t a happy drunk. You guess you were what people call, a sad drunk. 
You stirred your straw around your drink absentmindedly. “Y/N! Come dance with me! Please?” One of your friends questioned. 
Right as you opened your mouth to deny her, the unforgettable intro to Gas Pedal by Sage the Gemini sounded through the club. It was like a switch had been flipped inside you, suddenly you were on your feet. Grabbing her hand, you dragged her to the dance floor. 
She laughed at your change in mood, “yes!”
You laughed along, the both of you staring at each other and in sync screaming, “h-h-h-h-holy shit!” 
This was good, it was good for you to forget, to throw away all the problems of life, and get drunk off your ass. 
Which is how you, and your two girlfriends you had gone out with, ended up stumbling down the street, the club long forgotten. 
The three of you laughed and giggled, talking about anything and everything that popped into your drunken minds. 
“Ooooh! We should prank call someone.” Your friend shouted rather loudly. 
You laughed at her, “totally, we could prank Spencer, he was a dick to me earlier. He didn’t even want to come out with us!” You exclaimed, your hands gesturing wildly, and your speech slightly slurred. 
The girls gasped, both talking over each other, screaming about how boring and annoying he was. 
“I know!” You cried, pulling out your phone to call Spencer. 
You hit the call button, putting the phone on speaker, and hushing the giggling girls. 
“Y/N?” A voice asked through the phone. 
“How did you know it was me?” You asked, a look of bewilderment crossing your face. 
Your friends laughed harder, one of them reaching out to smack you on the arm, “you forgot to block your caller ID, idiot!”
“Oops” you giggled.
“Y/N, where the hell are you? It’s one in the morning.” Spencer questioned angrily. 
Another laugh escaped your mouth, at this point, everything just seemed funny to you. You looked around the dark street, nothing looked familiar. 
“Do you guys know where we are?” You questioned. 
A scoff came from the phone, “are you fucking serious?” 
The girls giggled one of them letting out a childish “oooh! Someone's in trouble!” The two of them turned leaning on each other as they walked away, letting you have your privacy. 
“We were at a club, I’m just not sure where we are now.” You giggled. 
“Which club?” Spencer questioned, his tone authoritative, like a disappointed parent.
You combed through your brain for the answer, “uh…”
Spencer let out a deep sigh, and you could imagine him running his hands angrily through his hair. “You can’t keep doing this, Y/N.” You could hear the sound of a car door opening, and you assumed he was coming to find you.
“Actually, I can do whatever I want, it’s my life. And, my life motto is fuck bitches, get money, blow cash.” Anger bubbled in your stomach, who did he think he was telling you what to do?
“Y/N look around you, what do you see?” Spencer asked, ignoring your comment.
“Hmm…” you trailed off, giggling before you finished your sentence, “my two bitches over there!” You hollered, pointing towards your friends, who laughed at your antics. “The fat stacks in my purse, and the club we just passed where I paid way too much for drinks!” 
“Y/N, I swear to God…” Spencer muttered. 
“C’mon Spence, let me live a little! What are the odds of something bad happening to me? Like, none. I’m with my friends, having fun. Something you seem to never do.” You snapped. 
Spencer let out an angry huff, “first of all, that’s not even factual, second, you need to tell me where you are. Or, I’m going to call Garcia, and have her track your phone.” 
Well, damn. Your eyes squinted, trying to read the blue street sign. “Uh… Briar, Brian Ln.” You laughed, “what the hell does Ln. mean?” 
“Dear God, lane, Y/N, it means lane,” Spencer grunted. You could tell he was tired of your shit.
Luckily for him, the cool night air nipping at your exposed skin began to sober you up. You heard the phone hang up, right as a familiar car pulled up next to you. 
You watched as a very pissed off Spencer leaned over from the driver's seat, pushing open the passenger side door. You looked to your friends, who were jokingly saluting you like it was the last time they would see you. “Good luck! We’re catching an Uber! Call us if you live!” 
You let out one last laugh before clambering messily into the car, roughly shutting the door, and buckling your seatbelt. Spencer remained quiet, his large hands gripping the steering wheel, and his knuckles turning white. You would be lying if you said the sight wasn’t hot, Spencer was always hot, but, angry Spencer was hot.
The rest of the ride was silent, despite your efforts to try and “jam to some music” Spencer smacked your hand away from the radio every time! It was like he wanted you to sit here in the horrible silence. 
As soon as the apartment door closed, the exhaustion washed over you, your limbs felt ten times heavier, and all you wanted to do was sleep. You immediately began your walk to the bathroom to lazily brush your teeth and wash the makeup from your face. 
“Oh, so we’re not going to talk about it?” Spencer said, his voice rising slightly. 
“Spencer, be quiet, it’s two in the morning.” You groaned out quietly, wiping the last of the makeup from your eyes so you didn’t look like a rabid raccoon. You threw the makeup wipe into the trash, moving past Spencer and into your bedroom.
An angry scoff left his mouth, “seriously?” He followed you out, his eyes glaring holes in the back of your head.
You rolled your eyes, stripping from your dress and opening Spencer’s closet to grab one of his old shirts. “Yes, what do you want me to say? Sorry for having fun?” You slipped the soft fabric over your head, turning around to crawl into bed. 
“Please, Spence, we’ll talk about it tomorrow, I’m drunk and tired.” You grumbled, your frazzled mind struggling to pull back the comforter correctly. 
Spencer sighed, your actions proving your words, he leaned over, roughly yanking down the comforter for you, “fine.” 
You closed your eyes, listening to the sounds of Spencer getting ready for bed. He slipped under the covers, turning his back to you. The only reason he did so was because he knew you couldn’t fall asleep unless you were facing him. Something in you wanted his face to be the last thing you saw at night and the first thing you saw in the morning. Despite his petty actions, the alcohol in your system put you to sleep anyways. 
You groaned, rolling over onto your side, tugging the warm comforter with you. “Seriously?” Spencer questioned, yanking the comforter back, causing you to roll back onto your other side. 
“I need an Advil.” You muttered, squinting slightly to try and block out the sunlight streaming in through the window. 
“Why the hell did you get so drunk, Y/N?” He sat up slightly, the comforter sliding down his bare chest. 
You scoffed, rolling your eyes, “you think I remember? I’m just as clueless as you.” You pushed the comforter off your body, deciding to leave the warmth of the bed for a bathroom break and some Advil. 
Spencer followed suit, standing in the doorway of the bathroom, “Y/N you got lost, you were wandering the streets alone and drunk!” 
“I’m sorry, I guess.” You mumbled, your speech slightly distorted as you began brushing your teeth, fighting off the nauseous feeling in your stomach. 
“You guess? Y/N, you have no idea how worried I was!” Spencer cried, his hands gesturing wildly as he took a step closer to you. 
You set your toothbrush back in its stand, “mhm, the same worry I feel when you overwork yourself 24/7.” You remarked, turning to face him with your arms crossed over your chest. 
“That’s different, Y/N! You’re being idiotic, reckless, and immature. I was doing my job.” He spat, spinning on his heel and storming out of the bathroom. 
You sighed angrily, continuing to get ready. You knew he was right, you were being immature. Maybe you had let your friends sway you too much, you just wanted to forget Spencer for a night. You hated seeing him so stressed, it broke your heart, and now you were the cause of that stress. 
Walking out of the bathroom and into the living room you were met with the sight of Spencer once again hunched over his desk, pencil in hand. 
‘Wow, didn’t expect that one.” You muttered sarcastically, walking into the open kitchen, searching the cabinets for Advil. 
“Just like I should’ve known you would go out and get wasted with your friends. Seriously, Y/N, what’s it going to take for you to learn you have to grow up?” Spencer slammed his pencil down angrily. 
“Why are we even together if I’m too immature for you, huh?” You growled, watching as Spencer angrily stood from his chair, stalking over to you. 
Spencer’s hands found your hips, roughly shoving you against the counter, his body pressed against yours. 
You felt his hand trail up your back, leaving goosebumps in its wake. “Because, unlike most guys,” his hand laced into your hair, giving it a sharp tug so you were forced to look up at him, “I know how to handle brats like you.” He finished. 
A cheeky smile grew on your face, this wasn’t how you imagined this conversation going, but you weren’t complaining. 
Spencer chuckled, “oh you think you’re so cute, don’t you?”
Your teeth dug into your bottom lip, his condescending words casting a new atmosphere in the room. 
“You’re so quiet now, baby, you weren’t so quiet a minute ago.” His voice was low and as smooth as honey. 
A giggle left your mouth, “well, if I talk, will you shut me up?” 
Spencer grinned, his grip on your hair loosening, “I think I have a few ideas.” 
“I’d love to see them” your hands started a path up his chest, wrapping your arms loosely around his neck. 
“I bet you would.” He said, and in an instant, he was gone, he had stepped back and was already walking back to the bedroom. 
“Spencer!” You cried, stomping after him like a child who had just been put in timeout. 
“Calm down, I’m just getting something.” He said, digging through his work satchel. 
You rolled your eyes, your bratty nature getting the best of you, “well you better hurry, or I’ll just take care of myself.” 
Your statement sent Spencer into a fit of laughs, and your face scrunched in confusion. “Y-you really don’t know when to quit, do you?” He said between laughs. 
“And you’re saying I’m the immature one?” At that moment, all you wanted was for him to fuck the shit out of you, but, apparently, that was not on his agenda.
He walked over to you, much like a predator would to its prey, slow and deliberately. “Just shut up and fu-shit!” You cried out in the middle of your sentence, as he roughly grabbed your arm, spinning you around and pinning you to the wall. 
“You’re telling me to shut up? All you’re doing is back talking, and I’m sick of it.” He growled out.
You squirmed in his grip, “then maybe you should stop being an asshole!” His hand grabbed your other arm, yanking it behind your back, “ow, Spencer! Jesus.” Then the faint clinking of metal filled your ears, and chills covered your arms as the cool metal clamped around your wrists.
“Did you just fucking cuff me, Spencer?” You screamed, trying to turn to face him. Surprisingly, he allowed you to, in fact, his hands moved to your hips, helping you.
But the second you faced him, his hand was wrapped around your neck, tight enough to restrict your speech. “I did, in case you can’t tell, you’ve been an absolute brat the past few days. And if you want to go out and act like a whore, I’ll treat you like one.” A primal look washed over his eyes, he wanted to break you, to humiliate you into submission. 
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, your mouth falling open in a silent scream. Spencer chuckled, “oh, you really are a whore. You like it when I choke you, huh?” 
His hand pushed back on your neck, shoving you back into the wall, watching as you collapsed into a heap on the floor. You gasped for air, squirming as the handcuffs dug uncomfortably into your back. 
Spencer’s hands went to his belt, unbuckling it quickly, “get on your knees, sweetheart.” His voice was soft and gentle, probably because he just choked you and threw you against a wall.
You complied, shifting onto your knees with minimal struggle, despite the restraint of your arms. “Good girl.” Spencer praised, pushing his pants and boxers down thighs, his hard cock springing free. 
Your eyes widened, you were shocked at how hard this had made him, sure, you had always had this Dom/Sub dynamic, but you had never been this rough before. 
His hand wrapped around his length, giving it a few good pumps. His other hand wrapped your hair in a makeshift ponytail, using it to drag your head towards his cock. “Open, baby.” 
Your jaw fell open, his cock filling your mouth, and your lips puckered around him, sucking lightly at the tip. “Oh no, baby, I’m going to fuck your mouth, and you’re going to sit there and let me.” 
He pushed down harder against the back of your head, driving his cock further past your lips. You squirmed, gagging slightly as he hit the back of your throat, you tried to pull back for some air, but his hand just pushed your head down further. “That's it, such a good whore” he groaned out.
You took shallow breaths in through your nose, trying your best to relax your throat to take him in further. Tears welled in your eyes, and you tried to pull back once more. Spencer let out a mix of a groan and a chuckle, “no, no, you wanted to act like a whore, you’re going to take it like a whore.” 
He pulled back, groaning as your tongue ran over the vein on the underside of his cock, “God, yes, there you go.” He pushed back in, this time pulling back faster, setting a rough pace. You gagged again, more tears falling down your face, mixing with the saliva escaping your mouth. 
“Shit, that feels good.” Your eyes flickered up to Spencer's face, just in time to watch him lean his head back with a groan. The sight alone caused you to moan around his cock. “Oh, God” he moaned, his hand pushing your head down one last time, as he stilled, his cock twitching lightly in your mouth, spilling his hot cum. 
The sight of him coming undone before you had you moaning around his shaft, milking his orgasm. “Fuck” he breathed out, his chest heaving. You swallowed around him, trying to control your gag reflex as he pulled your head off of his cock.
“C’mon, sweetheart,” he said, his voice once again soft and soothing, his hands wrapped around your shoulders, helping you to your feet. 
“Please, Spencer, please” you begged. 
Then the soft tone in his voice was gone, replaced with a low condescending tone, “please, what? You want me to make breakfast? Or maybe you want me to go back to working?” 
“No, no, no, no” you begged, taking a shaky step towards him, “please, just fuck me.” Your voice came out harsher than expected, albeit still horse from the abuse on your throat. 
Spencer’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, a short scoff leaving his mouth, “wow, and here I was thinking you had learned your lesson.” 
“No!” You cried, before correcting yourself, “no, I mean no, please fuck me, I’m sorry.” You could feel your arousal soaking through your panties.
“Hmm… much better. Get on the bed.” He stated, turning towards the bed, he clambered on, laying down in the middle, his cock once again hard, and standing at attention.
“B-but, I can’t, not without my arms.” You whined you could only imagine how much of a mess you looked like, drool and tears all over your face, along with your disheveled hair. 
You watched as Spencer’s hand wrapped around his cock, stroking leisurely, “that’s a shame, I guess you won’t get to ride me.” He sent you a smirk, watching as you struggled to walk to the bed, the bastard was enjoying this so much. He was addicted to the sight of you, no longer reckless, but more wrecked. Completely at his will. 
You fell face forward onto the bed, squirming to try and climb onto it. “How cute.” Spencer voiced, sitting up slightly, his hands wrapped around your biceps, and in one swift tug, he had pulled you onto the bed. “There you go.”
His hands helped you onto your knees, helping you to straddle him. He pulled your panties to the side with one hand, the other spreading your wetness around your folds. He hummed in approval, “almost seems like you’re enjoying this” he teased. 
You whined at the friction, your hips grinding down against his hand. He pulled his hand back, reaching down to grab his cock. He lined it up with your entrance, slipping the head in. You both groaned at the feeling, your head falling back in pure bliss. His hands moved to your hips, yanking you down fully onto his length. 
“Oh, God, fuck yes.” You moaned, your head leaning forward this time, your hair falling in your face. 
Spencer’s hands left your hips, folding behind his head, “if you want to cum so bad, you can do it yourself.” 
You swear your jaw fell to the floor, and the tears that once filled your eyes came flooding back. “No, please, Spence, please fuck me, please.” Despite your words, your hips began to rock into his, lifting slightly only to crash back down on his cock. 
He groaned lightly, his eyes closing in pleasure, “you were acting like a whore, you’ll cum like a whore.” 
“Ugh, shit.” You moaned out, your hips working faster. 
“Yes, baby, there you go. Make yourself cum on my cock.” Spencer said through gritted teeth.
Your thighs began to burn, and you knew you couldn’t carry on much longer. You quickened your pace, desperately chasing your orgasm. 
“Fuck, such a good whore, my little whore.” Spencer praised, his voice strained with lust. 
The burning became too much, and exhaustion hit your body like a train. You collapsed forward, burying your face in Spencer’s neck. “Please, fuck me, please, Spence. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll be good, I promise.” You sobbed, your fresh tears falling onto his shoulder. 
“Alright, baby, it’s okay.” He unfolded his hands from behind his head, running them up and down your back soothingly. His hands ran down to your hips, lifting you off of him. “C’mon baby, we’re not done yet, I know you can take it.” He cooed softly.
You pulled your head back, biting down harshly on your lip, you nodded your head, not trusting your voice. “You’re such a pretty girl, and all for me,” Spencer said, his hand coming up to trail over your face affectionately, and you subconsciously leaned into his touch. 
“Okay, up.” He said, landing a soft tap to your backside. You giggled lightly. He helped you off of him, and before you could relish in how gentle he was, it was gone. He shoved your face forward into the bed, and you let out a sharp yelp. 
The low gravelly tone was back in his voice as he spoke, “You’re such a pathetic little mess for me.” He had moved behind you, his hard cock grinding against your clothed ass.
You turned your face to the side so you could breathe, muttering out a, “please, Spencer, I won’t do it again, I promise.”
His finger hooked in your panties, pulling them to the side, and with one swift motion, he had slammed his cock into you. You screeched, eyes crossing, and mouth falling open. “Fuck, yes! Fuck, me.”
Spencer’s pace was relentless, pounding into you, skin slapping against skin obscenely. He practically growled from behind you, and his hand reached up, latching onto the handcuffs. He pulled you back onto him with each thrust. 
You yelped, your wrists ached, and they would definitely be bruised, but the pleasure was too good to tell him to stop. Plus, you doubted he would listen. “Fuck, fuck, Spencer.” You muttered, the tension building in your stomach. 
“C-can I cum, please? Please, please?” You begged, drool sliding from the corner of your mouth. 
“Cum, cum, whore,” Spencer demanded. 
You let out a loud cry, panting as your orgasm coursed through you. Your thighs clamped together, and you cunt clenched around Spencer’s cock. Your back arched further, pressing your breasts into the mattress. 
Spencer continued his pace, crashing into you with everything he had. “F-fuck, shit, Y/N, so good.” He stuttered. 
At this point you were an incoherent mess, your mind was clouded, all you could focus on was the feeling of Spencer’s cock dragging against your walls. 
“Spence, please, I won’t do it again, I promise.” You begged, you couldn’t tell if you were begging him to stop or continue. 
He chuckled through a groan, “your right, you won’t do it again,” one of his hands reached around, placing itself on your stomach. He could feel the bulge his cock created every time he thrust into you, “you won’t do it again, because I’m going to cum in you.” 
The one-sentence had you spasming around his cock again, moans, and whimpers leaving your mouth. “You won’t be able to go out and drink with your stupid friends if you’re nine months pregnant, bitch.” He gritted out, finally stilling inside you, letting his cum fill you up.
The feeling alone sent you into one last orgasm, your body trembling, and a constant flow of tears cascading down your face.
You knew this wasn’t healthy, you couldn’t make up like this. He was so right, you were being childish and immature. Orgasming inside you was almost his way of telling you you’re not a child, you’re a woman, and you need to act like one. It was on its own, a reality check.
Spencer gave you a few more gentle thrusts, before pulling out, moving quickly off the bed. 
You didn’t dare try and move, your body ached, and your wrists had been rubbed raw. Your headache from earlier was back, this time twice as strong, and you groaned at the pain.
“Shh… baby, don’t move.” Spencer was at your side in an instant. You vaguely registered the clinking of metal and the freeing of your wrists. 
You whimpered as he slathered lotion on your sore wrists, massaging them gently. When he was done you giggled deliriously to yourself, it was moments like these you cherished. Such moments of utter vulnerability and trust that would only be shared between the two of you. 
He left once again, and you slowly rolled onto your back, letting your eyes close momentarily.
Spencer came back shortly, walking back over to the bed. He placed a kiss on your forehead, watching as your eyes fluttered open, “hi” you mumbled. 
Spencer laughed, “hi” he leaned down, pressing his lips to yours in a gentle kiss. “C’mon” he mumbled.
One of his arms hooked under your knees, the other around your back, you got the idea, quickly wrapping your weak arms around his neck. He lifted you up, carrying you bridal style into the bathroom. Upon entering you had noticed he already drew a bath, and a smile crept onto your face. 
“Here, sweetheart.” He set you down on the toilet, helping you out of your shirt, and pulling off your ruined underwear. He helped you up, holding onto you as you stepped into the water. 
You got yourself situated, watching as he stripped from his clothes to join you. You scooted forward, allowing space for him to slip in the bath behind you. 
He smiled at your actions, climbing in carefully, he settled behind you, his arms wrapping around you comfortingly. You sighed peacefully, nuzzling into his chest. “I’m sorry if I was too rough with you” he muttered into your hair.
You giggled lightly, “no, I deserved it.” You sank deeper into the water, allowing the warmth to soothe your muscles and the pounding in your head. 
“No, Y/N, you were just trying to help me relax,” Spencer said sympathetically.
“Mhm, and I ended up doing the exact opposite, I’m sorry, Spence. I just wanted to forget about you, I can’t stand to see you so stressed.” You turned slightly so you could look at him.
“How about this, you don’t drink so heavily next time, and I’ll take more breaks from work?” Spencer debated, one of his eyebrows raised in question. 
You let out a giggle at his expression, leaning back to press a kiss to his perfect lips, “sounds like a deal to me. Plus, who knows when I’ll be able to drink again?” You teased, alluding to the fact that he had come inside you. 
Spencer laughed, his arms wrapping loosely around your stomach, “there’s no one I’d rather have carry my child than you.” He ended his statement with a lasting kiss to your lips, pulling back, only to pepper more kisses on your face.
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maldito-arbol · 3 years
Let’s talk about the GP zodiacs (Part 2)
Thank u to puff-poff for shooting me with an ask about the gp kids, I think our brains just assimilated
One more note: I should’ve mentioned this in my last post but compatibility between signs doesn’t only apply to romantic relationships, it applies to any kind of relationship like friendships, family relations, etc. It’s just that when it comes to more platonic relationships, wholly incompatible signs are more likely to be able to work something out together. As an example, I’m a Gemini, and I’m about 300% certain I could never ever in my life date a Pisces, but I do have a few Pisces friends that I get along well enough with.
Okay same drill—sign, element, infodump, GO
Birthdate: June 12th
Sign: Gemini
Element: Air
Overview: SQUEALS GUYS ITS VIOLET MY BELOVED. WE’RE BOTH GEMINIS THEREFORE WE ARE THE SAME PERSON. I’m kidding but no, Violet being a Gemini makes her 100x easier to project onto. So I mentioned before that Air signs are the least in tune with their emotions, are the thinkers before they act, are horribly indecisive, and these very much apply to Geminis as well. However, the most iconic trait of a Gemini is the ability to switch personalities at the drop of a hat whenever it services the group of people they’re in—what most people call the ‘two-faced’ part of Geminis. Hey, I promise you that being two-faced is actually a pretty cool and useful asset when in the hands of a decent human being. It means we get along well with a lot of different people, and if we don’t, we can act like we do as if it’s nothing. This asset, however, can turn into a curse of sorts in that a lot of us have...NO IDEA what our actual personality is. We reshape and remold ourselves and copy traits from other signs to fit in so much that we lose sight of who we are as an individual, and therefore we have a very hard time figuring out what we truly want. This is where the indecisiveness comes into play—ask a Gemini what they want for lunch and you’ll get a “what? Huh? Oh, you pick. I’m fine with whatever.” I know Geminis best because I am one, pls forgive me for rambling so much more about them than the other signssss.
Okay so first of all, let’s talk about Violet adapting to other characters to ‘fit in’. It’s not as obvious because Violet DOES seem to have one very fixed personality, but Violet prefers to speak through actions rather than words, so I would call her following Emma to help the children at GP a Gemini move. She could’ve simply dragged her to Lucas—she’s probably strong enough to do so, but instead she decided to go along with her. This isn’t to say there’s no pushback of course, as Air signs Geminis aren’t idiots, so they’ll often try to reason with others (particularly fire signs cough cough) to try to bring logic and critical thinking into the conversation. However, when that fails, they can still be counted on to support their friends even if they disagree. This is why Geminis and Leos are soulmates you heard it here, the stars said Violemma is the way. BUT ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW VIOLET’S THE ONE ADAM LISTENS TO DURING THE LEUVIS BATTLE. YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT BEING ABLE TO GET ALONG WITH A LOT OF PEOPLE, THERE YOU GO.
Anyway it’s also very much worth noting that while Violet can seem very harsh at times (bc Geminis will put you in your PLACE), bringing her logical kind of advice into conversations can be a very helpful comforter.
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On another note this scene is so gay?
Compatibility and ships: hellooooooo Air sign Violet you are compatible with other Air signs (Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini) as well as Fire signs (Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries). Usually you’ll see Aquarius and Sagittarius as the most compatible with Geminis but I disagree with that because I have never met a Sagittarius I like so I’m still pointing fervently at Leos and the fact that Emma is a Leo. Listen. Violemma is the way. I am determined to convert all of you to Violemma if it’s the last thing I do. Geminis simply cannot help themselves around Leos they fall like a fucking anvil for that bright, golden-hearted dumbass energy. If there’s any Leos in the tpn fandom let me know I might just propose to you.
Birthdate: October 25th
Sign: Scorpio
Element: Water
Overview: the first time I looked up Oliver’s birthday I went “Scorpio???? REALLY????” but then this is another case where the more I think about it, it does indeed make sense. If Leos are the natural leaders of the Fire signs, then Scorpios are the natural leaders of the Water signs. Where Cancers and Pisces will often lose themselves to their emotions, Scorpios have a very strong handle on them. I mentioned before that Water signs are at the highest emotional level, but Scorpios are a bit of an interesting case because you oftentimes won’t even notice that they’re very emotional people. They try to act like Air signs in that way, but their true colors are always there, waiting to be coaxed out.
For Oliver, you can clearly tell that his emotional bond with his friends and especially with Lucas is very high—but even so, he doesn’t let his emotions cloud his judgment or his ability to adapt to the situation at hand. Where earth signs are very fixed and difficult to move, water signs are always moving and changing to find solutions best suited for new circumstances. The best example I can give is the part where the music plays early, and despite internally panicking about it, Oliver is the one who naturally steps up to calm everyone down.
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Scorpios are great at handling others’ emotions as well as their own, which makes them marvelously empathetic leaders. We stan.
Compatibility and ships: as a Water sign, Oliver is compatible with other Water signs (Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio) as well as Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) so speaking broadly that makes him compatible with Pepe (a Pisces) and Zack (a Cancer) but narrowing it down, Scorpios are usually best with Tauruses and Cancers. Idk if I’m the only one who ships Oliver with Pepe but I know there’s a few people who ship him with Zack—so congrats to you guys, you won the stars’ approval.
Birthdate: November 28th
Sign: Sagittarius
Element: Fire
Overview: yall,,,, when I found out Lucas was a Saggy Titty I legitimately guffawed out loud. Lucas and Sagittarius is so funny.... because it’s so wrong. Saggy Titties are the definition of chaos, they’re brazen, impulsive, and constantly changing. Like think of a frat boy in a house full of beer and pool tables and hot girls and you get Sagittarius. This is why I have never met a Sagittarius I like—because they have frat boy energy, and even non-male Sagittariuses require wayyy too much energy for me to handle. I guess the only time Lucas really does act like a Sagittarius is in his childhood with Yuugo, and the way he’s a lot bolder and outgoing versus the quieter older Lucas we have now.
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It is important to note that Lucas has been through a lot of trauma and lost a lot of comrades which could very well change the a person’s entire outlook and turn their personality 180 degrees—that could be a large factor, although on the flip side, Yuugo still fits his Capricorn sign even after going through what he’s been through. Different events affect different people differently. Lucas was most likely knocked entirely off his Sagittarius high-horse very quickly when he arrived in Goldy Pond. But if I had no prior knowledge of who he was beforehand, I very well might’ve pegged him a Leo like Emma or even another subtle Aries like Norman. So yes, he does indeed have fire energy, it’s just generally very lackluster and farrrr away from Sagittarius’ level.
Compatibility and ships: okay so I know the only Lucas ship with any weight to it in this fandom is Yuucas, and here’s the thing,,, A Sagittarius and Capricorn combo is the most horrifying fucking couple imaginable and I’m stan so hard. Realistically speaking, your Capricorns would try to put a leash on their Sagittariuses because man. I forgot to mention how childish Sagittariuses can be (though the frat boy comparison should’ve been a clue), and holy shit that poor Capricorn is gonna get ripped to shreds by their Sagittarius. Imagine like a super pompous cowboy trying to ride a furious bull that’s trying to buck him off like there’s no tomorrow. Capricorns are people who want complete control over themselves and their partners, while Sagittariuses,, Saggy Titties just want to see the world burn. Put them together and you could probably cause the End Times Apocalypse. But you know what? Good for them. I think Yuugo and Lucas love each other enough that the toxicity that comes with typical pairups with these two signs is about nonexistent between them. But I fully believe they could still destroy an entire planet and that’s valid of them to do so. Anyway moving on!
you wanna talk about another Sagittarius that makes absolutely no sense?
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Birthdate: December 9th
Sign: Sagittarius
Element: Fire
Overview: My authors I am begging you, stop putting character birthdays in the Sagittarius zone you clearly don’t know what a Sagittarius is.
Since I refuse to acknowledge Paula as a Sagittarius, let’s talk about what sign she actually acts like because I said so. Paula’s a Virgo. Fight me Shirai. (Also im sus that shirai is virgophobic because where the fuck are my virgos. There’s like zero major characters that are virgos, and the characters that ARE don’t even act like virgos. I’m coming for your small intestine Shirai) so as earth signs, virgos are generally pretty resourceful and of course level-headed. They’re kinda shy and reserved, but they’re also very hard workers you can count on when you need to get a job done. Nary will you find a Virgo that procrastinates or attempts to weasel their way out of a mission they’ve been given. The unmovable earth in virgos shows through in how committed they are, and we can see all these traits in Paula. Though she’s a quieter member of the GP resistance, you can tell just how much of an asset she is to them. She doesn’t run, doesn’t lose her cool, and she’s good at pointing out important details.
Pls let me decide your characters’ birthdays for you Shirai I promise I am good at it.
Compatibility and ships: I guess, astrologically speaking, as a Sagittarius, Paula does fit pretty well with Sonya because she’s a Gemini. I actually know next to nothing about Paula ships but I do know she’s lesbian and her and Sonya are cute but I also ship her with Barbara because reasons don’t ask questions I WILL bite you anyway they’re compatible too because barb’s also a Gemini.
Lot of Geminis, don’t you think? Yes I do. Let’s talk about them.
Sonya and Sandy
Birthdates: June 3rd and May 22nd respectively
Signs: Gemini
Element: Air
Overview: these two are what I call the gemini twins bECAUSE THEYRE ALWAYS HANGING OUT AND ITS SO TRUE GEMINIS LOVE EACH OTHER BUT ALSO ITS SO WEIRD THAT WE GET ALONG. imagine like two of those one way mirrors facing each other where it just goes on and on and on for infinite mirror and that’s what two Geminis hanging out is like. Look, they’re literally thinking the same thing and it’s so great
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Anyway there isn’t a whole lot of Sandy and Sonya content to go off of in the first place, but them being Geminis seems reasonable to me—at the very least they are indeed meant to get along well and they’re so in sync I could cry. Plus they’re pretty intuitive and able to think right on the spot as they’re facing Nous and Nouma (at least at first) My man Shirai also.. really likes Geminis for some reason because they keep popping up. So instead of one Spider-Man meme it looks more like this,
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Compatibility and ships: not gonna dwell too long on this section because from previous ones you may already recall they’re compatible with each other and I guess with Paula as well as I must begrudgingly accept the fact that shes canonically a Sagittarius.
Birthdate: February 19th
Sign: Pisces
Element: Water
Overview: so I mentioned before that water signs are at about the highest emotion level, which makes Pisces a very sensitive group like Cancers. But Pisces in general are known for being the kindest and most accepting people as well, which means they’re able to make a lot of friends very easily. They’re basically that one person you sat next to in class who started a conversation with you just to be nice. Now again, there’s not a whole lot of Pepe content to go off of, but we can tell he’s kind and loving to his friends and the other kids in GP. One thing I can mention is that Pisces usually are the one of the nosiest of the signs, and they get very bothered by lies and secrets (this is true for a lot of water signs, but Pisces are the worst in my experience) so we got this single piece that may have a little bit of the Pisces in Pepe showing:
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Compatibility and ships: So as a Pisces, Pepe is only compatible with Oliver and Zack considering they’re also water signs. Everyone else is Fire and Air, funnily enough, but the Pepe ships with those two are super cute I think so it’s ok.
Birthdate: July 7th
Sign: Cancer
Element: Water
Overview: so do I think Zack fits his sign? Yes, in a way I do. I already went into Cancers when I explained Don, so quick recap: Cancers are some of the most sensitive and empathetic, so their loyalty to their loved ones is pretty close to on-par with an Aries. And while Zack isn’t as outwardly emotional as someone like Don, the Cancer in him shows up well in that he’s constantly taking extremely difficult missions he doesn’t want his friends to risk, and he shrugs off any injury to himself.
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This might just be a me thing but almost every Cancer I’ve met has a habit of doing That. I am so concerned for their safety. I guess though, if I hadn’t known his sign beforehand, I 100% would’ve pegged him an Aries.
Compatibility and ships: I already went over this with Pepe, but Zack is compatible with Pepe and Oliver. Y’all ok listen to me. OT3. Make it happen. Between them they have every sign in the element of water. They’d be unstoppable.
Birthdate: September 30th
Sign: Libra
Element: Air
Overview: here’s a fun one. So as I previously stated, air signs are usually out of tune with their emotions, but where that causes Aquariuses and Geminis to repress or hide them, Libras,,,, just dump them everywhere. Listen I know Libras are supposed to be the sign of the balance scales and they have a thing about the world being perfectly balanced which makes them more prone to revenge bUT ALSO. MY first and foremost takeaway from Libras is that they all suffer from Rich Bitch syndrome, in which they obsess over material items and every Libra has a thing about cute girly stuff change my mind. HOWEVER, they’re often very chaotic as well, the kinda Sagittarius of the Air signs. So like a super cute and seemingly fun girl who will probably murder you in your sleep.
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I’m sorry I can’t take it I’ve been laughing at this for the past fifteen minutes it’s too funny. Anyway, Gillian’s Rich Bitch Syndrome appears through her fashion statement. Her PINS. omg. Gillian your Libra is showing.
Compatibility and ships: as a Libra Gillian is compatible with other Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra) as well as Fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo) but she’s most compatible with Aries and Sagittarius so—— Paula yes, but also Nigel because he’s an Aries! Speaking of Nigel,
Birthdate: March 27th
Sign: Aries
Element: Fire
Overview: Aries Nigel doesn’t come as a surprise, let’s be real here. I delved into Aries before with Norman, so just as a recap: Aries are so intensely loyal to the ones they love and would do absolutely anything for them even at the cost of their lives, and this can make them prone to outbursts of anger and/or impulsivity. Here’s your one image of Aries Nigel, I don’t even have to explain:
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Compatibility and ships: so I already said this but Nigel is at his most compatible with Gillian. Are there other Nigel ships?? Pls let me know I’m very curious.
Aw, it’s over now :(
I loved talking about the GP kids they fill the void in my heart. Now to move onto talking about the demons because the silliest idiot requested it and I am beyond ecstatic to spout pure headcanon bullshit. If you’re feelin excited then feel free to keep sending characters my way I will be happy to ramble about their canon zodiac or my headcanon for their zodiac
Edit: i forgot to link part 1 to anyone who wants it and doesn’t want to stalk my profile to find it
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alyrae13 · 4 years
Alright, time to explain my weeb ass! As promised, I’m gonna tell the reasons why I like each Gold Saint and why I see them as the way I do. Keep in mind, I’ll also may have to make this into two parts because of how long this would be in one single post, so please bare with me! Anyway, onward ho!!!
Libra Dohko
Starting off simple! Being a Libra myself, it’s easy to see that I would like this cool madafaka; He’s basically a better, more sensible version of Yoda. The reason I don’t feel very attracted to him is because I see him as the badass grandfather type, like the cool Chinese grandfather that could teach you how to kick ass while also being chill enough to unwind during tea time. 100% Dope Grandpa through and through.
Taurus Aldebaran
Now for the other one! Alde is a man who’s sweet as sugar cane yet as powerful as a raging bull. Despite his height, he’s a kind man when off the battle field and ready to fight for Athena when on said battle field. He’s not a character I’m attracted to because I see him as a strong yet sweet uncle figure who’s ready to stand alongside ya in both normal life and when fighting. He’s a tender giant of a man who supports those around him. Gentle Giant Uncle 100%.
Capricorn Shura
Now we go on to the tricky stuff. Shura, dear god do I love him. His character ideology is just so interesting due to the differences between the manga and anime. Wielder of the holy sword Excalibur, he could cut you to bits and think nothing of it. There’s also a possible angst hanging over him; He was the one sent to kill off Aiolos, knowing well how it would have affected little Aiolia. Imagine the amount of guilt he had for killing someone’s only family member? Even worse when you take the consideration of him realizing that he was willing to kill an innocent man without knowing about it, meaning he now knows he just tore a family apart and cause so much pain in vain. And please don’t get me even started on the Hades Saga and Soul of Gold. His character is just so great to me and I’m glad he was able to get on good terms with Aiolia in Soul of Gold. Plus, he’s a sexy Spanish man who’s super loyal, so why wouldn’t I love him?
Aquarius Camus
Camus, oh boy... Camus is someone who just gives me a whole array of emotions despite him not openly expressing them himself. On the surface, he is rather cold and distant due to not wanting to draw people into despair by showing exasperation, yet he’s still in control of his emotions rather than just suppressing them. His willing to fight for his ideals and for what he believes as correct (Soul of Gold anybody?), and although his way of teaching Hyoga is questionable at best, his only doing what he thinks will make Hyoga stronger as a saint. Despite being a man who appears uncaring and emotionless, he really isn’t. After all, we’re taking about the same man who one stated about hating people who mourn over the past yet also deeply cares for his pupil and about being true to his word to an old friend. Camus is a man who truly cares for those around him despite him appearing otherwise. He’s also a Frenchman, and who doesn’t love a beautiful French?
Gemini Saga and Kanon
Oh good grief this will be a long explanation. For the sake of respect and love for these two, I’ll be going over them individually because why not make this post into a full on essay?
Frist of all, Saga, poor Saga. Dear lord the amount of trauma this man had to go through is just heartbreaking. A man with an undying loyalty to Athena with an evil split personality... A more tragic version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Not only was he forced to see his evil side kill Pope Shion and take over his identity, he had to see him try to kill baby Athena and send another saint to kill Aiolos; And he had to endure that fact for thirteen years. By the time he was finally free of his evil half, he was practically begging his beloved goddess to forgive him for all the hurt he caused. A powerful yet tragic man indeed. Then there is his relationship with Kanon (of who we’ll talk about in a moment), because it’s also a little sad. Kanon was definitely, a bit of a traitorous prick in the beginning and it was his imprisonment that led to Saga’s split personality in the first place. Yet you could still say that they at least cared for each other despite all the bullshit they must’ve gone through whilst growing up, because Saga was definitely happy in the Hades arc when he found his brother fighting for Athena.
Now for Kanon, fucking Kanon who despite starting out as an infidel of a man, then became a great character in the same vain as his brother Saga. Dude wanted to overthrow the Pope and kill baby Athena but ended up getting his butt locked in Cape Sounion. Now we know what happens there; Finds trident, get’s Poseidon half awakened, poses as the Sea Dragon and yada yada. It’s only when fighting Ikki does he end up changing because it’s then when Ikki told him the only reason he’s even alive is because of Athena’s Cosmo. So, plans in scrambles and now possibly gripped with an overwhelming sense of guilt, he goes over to Athena and without skipping a beat, becomes a shield against Poseidon‘s trident and begs Athena to forgive him before falling unconscious. And of course, we know about everything in Hades arc.
In the end, both men are equally cherished characters of mine and I won’t have it any other way. Also their handsome Greek men who need hugs and kisses and need to be told that they are loved and appreciated, so...
Cancer Deathmask
Oh Deathmask, you beautiful bastard you... Now Deathmask is more of an asshole than Kanon for reasons we all know at this point but I’m guessing his behavior could be explain simply due to the fact he is literally surrounded by death everyday. Like seriously, is it really a surprise that he’s like this when he’s constantly exposed to seeing the souls of the living fall right into practically hell? Nobody would be the same if they had to endure that, especially since most likely he started training to become a saint at a very early age. Now, this is when Soul of Gold comes into play, because god damn it how they wrote his character is just something. Firstly, he’s shown to be an gambling addict and an alcoholic, clearly unhealthy coping mechanisms for not being able to use his cloth and you know, being exposed to death at an early age and onwards for most of his life. Then we have Helena; Now, I’m not gonna lie, the whole ‘Changed better because of love’ trope is very much old at this point but it’s kinda ok because it shows us ‘Hey, even he has the opportunity to change and become a good man’. Deathmask, despite all the things he’s done against mankind, still has the potential to become an honorable Gold Saint and a decent human being; Plus his a sexy Italian who can rock the goatee look, so yay for the crab.
Pisces Aphrodite
Ah yes, the beloved fish boi. Honestly, I love his character simply because he breaks so many boundaries that it would be hard for me not to like him. He plays into the whole ‘appearances can be deceiving’ stick so well; He looks feminine yet his personally is quite the opposite (to some extent). His personality is something that’s interesting to me as well; Despite being so god damn beautiful, he doesn’t act narcissistic at all and doesn’t even care about having his appearance messed up in battle. HIs belief that power and strength are the most beautiful things in the world speaks fucking volumes to me and explains why he was willing to follow the False Pope’s orders. His character in Soul of Gold was just great as well! Like, to see his abilities and power being fully used to it’s full potential was simply badass and I doubt others won’t disagree with me on that one; He was definitely key in the story despite showing little of him. That’s way I love him so much; He’s a gorgeous Swede who can kick your ass and think little of it. He’s the type of man who will look damn good beating you up while shrugging off any damage to his figure like a frickin’ boss... He’s just that dope.
OK, that’s the first part of this really long post; Honestly this took me nearly an entire day to write, like, really. I had to take a break and ended up taking a nap before finishing this, it was that long. Hope many of you agree with my reasons for loving these characters so far and if not, that’s ok! Opinions are fine as long as no one gets hurt, so it’s fine if you don’t like them like I do! Anyway, I’m just gonna rest now because my fingers are killing me. Have a great day guys!
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fireslostchild · 4 years
Guess what, all the questions please and thank you
Revenge like this. Hahah And don’t feel so bad. It’s a much needed distraction right now, so thank you.
Mercury: What’s your full name?
Jaeyoung Park. Holy fuck I almost typed my old last name...Fuck me.
Venus: What’s your first language?
English and Finnish. I kinda learned them at the same time. I can’t even tell you what language I spoke most growing up.
Earth: Where’s your home?
It’s always going to be Helsinki, though right now my home is Yokohama.
Mars: What’s your sexuality?
Like...90% straight. I’ve never had experiences with another woman to say for certain with confidence that I’m not into them.
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings?
Not that I KNOW of. But the possibility exists.
Saturn: Any pets?
My outdoor kitty. He’s an orange butterball and so adorable and sweet.
Uranus: What’s your hobby?
Neptune: When’s your birthday?
November 12th, 1988.
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are?
Just after 10am.
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study?
I want to study another language, I just can’t decide which language.
Sun: Have you ever had alcohol?
Too much.
Sirius: Have you ever failed a class?
Nope. Never even came close.
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster?
Deneb: Have you ever been out of your home country?
A few times, yes.
Arcturus: Have you cried out of something other than sadness?
Yes. When my son was born, I cried out of happiness. 
Betelgeuse: What’s something you can never forget about?
What my mom put herself through to raise me.
Aldebaran: What’s something you care desperately about?
Cultural and historical preservation.
Canopus: Have you ever broken a bone?
Unfortunately, I’ve broken my leg once. I’ve definitely had a few broken ribs before, and a broken nose.
Bellatrix: Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret?
I have...
Alphard: Have you ever lost a friend?
Too many.
Vega: What’s something you’ve done that you wish you hadn’t?
This one’s hard. I’ve done a lot of stuff that I could easily say ‘I wish I hadn’t’, but then I also realize that those things led me to where I am and I don’t regret where I am.
Centaurus: Favourite holiday?
Halloween. So many different customs depending on where you are and it’s so cool. Even with the fact that it’s original intentions seem mostly forgotten.
Orion: Favourite month?
Hm...I guess November, because it’s getting really cold and my birthday.
Cassiopeia: Favourite book?
The Heroin Diaries.
Delphinus: Favourite study?
Hercules: Favourite instrument?
Gemini: Favourite song?
...I don’t even know anymore.
Pegasus: Favourite place to be?
Surrounded by snow. Hopefully in an igloo that I’ve helped build. Though I guess if I need to be specific, Northern Finland. As close to the arctic circle as I can survive.
Libra: Favourite colour?
Phoenix: Favourite thing to wear?
My really old ass band shirts that are practically family heirlooms. Hahah Seriously, I think some of them were old when my mom first got them.
Aries: Favourite movie?
The Shining comes to mind, but there’s a few movies I really like. I’m just not going to spend forever dwelling on it right now. Hahah
Cygnus: Favourite weather?
SNOW!!!!!!!! Or when it’s really cold and raining.
Hydra: Favourite sound?
My lover’s heartbeat.
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend?  
Jussi. He and I practically grew up together.
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social?
Not as much anymore.
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not at first sight, but first conversation is definitely possible.
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss?
I don’t know. I really don’t.
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills?
Fucking shit. I rely on my body when I try to flirt, honestly. It’s the advantage of boobs and a good bra.
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much?
Yes. And I endured much more than I ever should have, and ever will again.
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to?
No. It seems like we’re both happily taken, so yeah.
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now?
On my boyfriend.
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Not that I know of.
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity?
No. That’s just fucked up to do if you don’t intend on establishing an actual connection to create at least a genuine friendship.
Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship?
I would, if there were good reasons.
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup?
Oh of course. I’m an all or nothing kind of person, and so it hurts deeply.
Other Stuff
Comet: What’s your big dream?
To be a wonderful wife and mother.
Asteroid: What does your dream life look like?
Me and Gordon and Aleksi, and hopefully another child or two. I focus more on having my family than what I’m actually doing as a whole.
Meteor: What’s something you wish you could tell, but can’t?
WELL. What makes you think I’m going to tell here?!
Nebula: If you could undo one thing in your life, what would it be?
This is similar to another question, and it’s the same answer. I wouldn’t undo anything, because it all led me here. The good and the bad.
Shooting Star: If you could bring back one thing, what would it be?
My mother.
Pulsar: What do you hope to do in the next 10 years?
Have another child, learn another language, and maybe finally get a degree in history like I keep talking about.
Supernova: What’s one thing you want to do before you die?
There’s a lot. I wanna eat Fugu, but that’s quite realistic. I mean, I guess everything is somehow realistic? I wanna meet Nikki Sixx. I also want to learn the drums.
Quasar: If you could spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be?
If it has to be literal, to the question, Aleksi. If it’s like more figurative, Gordon.
Wormhole: What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t?
My mom walking through my front door.
Black Hole: What’s the last thing you want to see?
...I’m a little confused. I guess, if we mean the dread and fear sense, my ex husband. If like ‘oh you’re dying’, then my son.
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holy-mountaineering · 5 years
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Alright!  This full Qabalistic Tree of Life Spread is for @glitchrunrabbit thank you for the donation! 
What I’ll do here is go through and briefly explain each card, its position on the Tree, and then I’ll give you a summary/synopsis of the spread as a whole. You know the routine.
Think of this spread as a sort of quantum map, or even the land of a regular map, everything is happening at once, in each place. It’s important to think of yourself as moving “through” the map but you are also simultaneously everywhere at once. For the sake of this specific experiment, think of this as a map. Maybe as a person, the Qabalistic Adam Kadmon.
Where we’re starting the journey from is Kether, the monad, the first sign of creation. We’ll call this your hometown, since it is where you’re from originally. Here we have the 8 of Swords, Interference.
Ideally, this is using both sides of your brain to keep down negative (mathematical negative which takes away) thoughts in order to maintain balance. Is something weighing on your mind that is useful or is it just detracting from what you’re trying to do? In this card we astrologically see the expansive quality of Jupiter here expanding equally each way in the twins Gemini. 
Unfortunately, this can also be using the concept of “order” or duality to thwart creative thinking and hold back mental progress.
Use your mind to filter out shitty thoughts and negative ways of thinking but don’t block out creativity. Use reason and feeling to practically analyze your thoughts.
In Chokmah, which is like your freeway getting you out onto the road out of  your hometown is the 5 of Cups Disappointment. 
Like all 5s this is the microcosmic and human part of its suit, in this case the human aspect of water, which is emotion, intuition and connectedness to life. Astrologically, this is Mars in Scorpio or emotional uncertainty making acting on your feelings difficult or at least obscured.
Everyone you’re in contact with, and everyone else is just a human with human limitations. Don’t overreach other people’s boundaries and be aware when they cross yours.  
There is also a frustration emotionally that you’re “stuck in the middle” of where you started and where you’d like to be feeling. That sucks, but, hey, like, we’re all just human. Just yourself and everyone else as much slack as you can for not being where you want them to be.
Don’t focus on your or others emotional limitations. Try to recognize why you are where/who you are emotionally and keep those waters flowing. You might not be quite where you want to be emotionally and in your relationships, but you’re making progress, in your way and time.
In Binah, which is ruled by Saturn and for the sake of this reading we will call the first stop on your roadtrip. You haven’t really arrived anywhere but you’re stopping and getting a chance to repack your car in a more efficient way. Sitting in Binah is the Ace of Disks, the root power of Earth or the material. 
This is the foundation which all your solid structures are and will be built on. This is the very root of your real world/material life situation. While this doesn’t mean you must tear everything down or that there is nothing in your material world that you've built, it does mean you must look at the source from which you've built your material and everyday world. If you have no foundation you can have no structure. If you have a shoddy foundation, you'll have a shoddy structure. Look to what things were like  before you began building. Is there sand beneath you? Are you in a swamp, building castles of stone that will bind to the mud and be pulled down much sooner than later? Did you account for the raise in elevation when you laid your foundation? Look down to the base of what you've made and what you've made it upon.
This is an engineering job, you’ll need tools to measure and level everything out. The occult might not be the best place to find these tools and it is possible that you have issues much more base than you're willing to cop to. There are many tools you can use to look at your foundation provided in psychology and meditation from other sources. The Universe throws us extreme situations and more often than not, this is the only way people see their basest of instincts and behaviors really act out. If you can, take a look at what connects you and what you’re building to the Earth before an earthquake, tornado, volcano, or other act of G-D forces you to pray everything was fine. Check the strength of your foundations before the strength of your foundations are checked.
Get down to the base fundamentals of what is going on in your material (things, money, living situation, literal stuff) and build from the ground up if you must. 
In Chesed which is ruled by Jupiter and again for the sake of this experiment we’ll say involves your influence and benevolence in your current trip is the 6 of Wands, Victory. 
This is organizing each action to interact with another to create friction at the intersections. 6s are like the idealized form of each of the suits, in this case FIRE or action, movement. Victory is achieved through strong organization. Here the strands come together to form the rope you pull yourself up with. Each piece is strong on it’s own but when you twist them together correctly you have a much better tool. 
Don’t do isolated things, use each action to build on your goals.
Across the Tree in Geburah, which is Mars Town, where you find your drive and what you’re trying to accomplish/conquer is XII The Hanged (or Drowned) Man, Mem, Water. 
This card represents the purifying and altering property of water. Here is the mystery of baptism, the origins of which are lost but we can infer their meaning by looking into the symbolism of rebirth. The individual who comes to the water to be baptized is a different individual when they leave the water. The element has cleansed them of their old skin and grit and grime and encouraged the growth of the new skin, so to speak. 
This Trump is also the myth of the dying gods. Odin on the tree Yggdrasil, Osiris being spread to the ends of the Earth, Jesus on the cross.  These gods or allegories are about intentionally putting yourself through a trial to learn of yourself and the world. Again, symbolic death and then rebirth with a new knowledge of the Universe and your place in it. 
Good news is you’re going to learn how to be the new you soon, bad news is you have to kill the old you. **General warning alert this is not about literally fucking killing yourself. DO NOT LITERALLY KILL YOURSELF this is purely about ending old ways of being, thinking and doing.**
In Tiphareth, the Sun and center of gravity holding all this in place, the heart pumping the blood through this, your heart is the Knight of Cups, the fiery part of Water or acting on feeling.
Ideally this is the drive to seek higher connections and feelings and being driven by intuition and love. Just don’t fall 
for illusions and false ideals. This is the love that brings you closer to connecting with everything, recognizing connection and it’s drive. This is the Arthurian tale of chasing the Holy Grail *Insert Monty Python joke here* simply to have a true connection to their god. Seek love like that.
Act on what you feel and truly intuit but only to the ends of unselfish almost worshipful Love. Do things that get you really really feeling.
In Netzach, Venus town, where you have the realization about how this is going to change you as a person with a personality is the 4 of Wands, Completion (of an action or a task). 
This is the boost you get when you finish squaring (4=square)  up the way things are going to be done. This is the fiery growth spurt of spring (Aries) affecting the love, beauty, and green growth of Venus. The trump cards The Emperor and the Empress are Aries and Venus, respectively. You have the “lower” conception of this union encapsulated in this card. This is finishing an important action so you can move on to the next goal.
I’d say that you square up with what you’re doing, finish the task at hand, and that’ll boost you forward into your new cycle of action.
In Mercury Town Hod-ville, where all the Universities are and everyone has real intellectual shit going on is the 7 of Wands, Valour. 
This card is the smashing of the order of the 6 of Wands by violent and chaotic energy. Crowley calls this “the soldier’s battle” and as usual, Al nails it. Think of when (white) people used to start battles by lining up facing each other and marching forward. This was generally a really shit way of fighting wars and the orderly ideas the generals had would go away the second people stopped being in straight lines..
Here it is stated that the lines are broken, the generals are dead, the chain of command is gone, and now if you want to survive you’re going to need to charge screaming at the enemy and without noticeable help. In this chaos watch out for friendly fire, shit is confusing right now. 
Keep your head down, march on, break the normal ordered way that you do things. Stagnation is your enemy, slay your enemy.
On the Moon in Yesod, the receptive and reflective place that is alot about the feelings that you’re picking up from all this is VI The Lovers. 
These Lovers aren’t about romantic love as much as it is the ‘Love unites the divided.’ This is the ceremony part of the alchemical wedding or the announcement of the intention to dissolve duality. Coagula.
All inverse and adverse elements of the card are brought together under the blessing of the Initiator who is giving the sign of the enterer. This is to say he is blessing your entering into this union of your shadow and conscious self.
You have some work to do on making a more unified you. There are issues that once brought together and balanced make more sense. Bring opposites or aspects of yourself you’re not familiar with/comfortable with together in your life to make a more complete whole. Set intention to do this, maybe even formally.
Down here in Malkuth-istan, the everyday life mundane, waking up pooping, and going to work world is the lovely and timely 6 of Cups, Pleasure. 
For reasons, I call this the plumbing card. The water is not flowing freely as though it is pouring, it has been pumped through a series of tubes intricately woven together to fill the cups placed in the shape of a hexagram. Emotion and connectedness to life are intentionally being directed by unseen but invited forces. Someone who wasn’t looking closely could see nothing but knots and chaos and even wonder how the damn thing worked in the first place. Those people are squares and should be avoided at all costs. 
Do what gives you pleasure that also instills clarity. Center on the best you can feel even if onlookers can’t appreciate what you’re doing connoisseurs (and you) will dig it.
SO, to summarize, don’t get in your own way by thinking yourself out of being pleased with your good situation and realize that people are just people  and really the best thing to do right now is just realize that your material world situation is beginning from the ground up kinda. I mean that your situation could use some analysing from the basics of how you approach your everyday life.
And your doing really well right now because things aren’t being attacked from a single front, you are and should continue to live your life as though every action is connected to a larger goal. This is a good idea because in the “Doing” part you’re going to have to challenge yourself in ways that won’t be apparent until they really are. This sacrificing self to self is about finding that Big Goal you’ll be seeking after. This challenge is more about finding that which motivates you in a profound way, a way that connects you to your life in a strong and meaningful way.
Furthermore, you’re finishing up a cycle in your life, a new you is appearing based on this new seeking that will both close some doors that have been flapping around in the breeze and change the way that you’ve been communicating what is going on with you and will help integrate all this new information and experience into your life in a very profound way. Surround yourself with people, places, and things that make you feel both whole and truly moving on to this next step in your life.
This all brings us to “Pleasure” and how the people in your life may not fully understand where you’re going and how you’re feeling about it, but if they are people meant to be in your life, they’ll put in the effort to get you and contribute to this new place you’re going and the new pleasures that you’ll receive from this motion towards a wholistic you, united because you took the steps and signed the contract with yourself to be more and completely YOU!
TA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Hit me up with any questions or for any clarification you might need and hey, good luck and Goatspeed!
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Thoth Part 2 - All Seeing Eye/Phoenix/Enoch/Peacock/Trinity/Iblis/Melek ... HEAVEN2 years ago (edited)Wow! So now I'm a bit confused. 2 Enoch's I knew that already but how it applies to today is the question. Been studying the book of Enoch for about a year now and nothing in that book hints that Enoch is anything but a servant of Yah,  So suggesting that Enoch is Thoth sounded a bit disrespectful, I immediately said to myself, "well this Enoch he's speaking of must be the one descended from Cain's ass cause he can't be working for Satan while simultaneously cursing him and his children and obeying Yah!?!,....we all know that a house divided cannot stand so idk what this guy is implying",....that is until I began to see the parallels between Enoch and Mercury,..I'm supposedly  a "so called Gemini" so I know a bit about being a messenger being sent to earth and communication (my greatest weapon), and can't deny that Enoch was in fact a messenger of the God's as was Mercury between Heaven and the underworld and suddenly had a thought. First off, we know from the Bible that Men sit a little lower than the angels but once seated in Heaven sit higher than the angles and will be their judges. We have names and bodies on earth but once seated in Heaven will also be given greater responsibility, names, and bodies. Fact #2: We see on the earth that everything made for Yawah/Yaweh (I think one form is masculine, one feminine and the creator is both combined, just a theory til I learn more),  Satan pretends to steal, corrupts and claims as his own. For instant it is rumored that the original word for temples in the Logos is pyramids but has now been dedicated towards devils, the rainbow has now stands for gay pride, and our third eye is now being called the eye of lucifer.           So here's a theory to consider til we learn more:........what if Enoch WAS in fact holy, taken up to Heaven, promoted to archangel status, renamed and transformed into Mercury The Messenger and from there we got the recordings of Enoch,...but like ALL, later became deceived and later fell from grace, and lost his power like all the rest and we only got half of the story because they are using the once righteous,.. now fallen,.. to lure us into blindly following their asses right to hell. Satan using the blind to mislead the blind. Explains why his book was once included in the Logo's for he once WAS Holy (As was Solomon for instance), but then later got removed once some ancient truth seekers discovered Enoch aka Mercury's fall. Bible says AAAAALLLLLL  (don't get it twisted) have fallen short except for "The One",...Jesus/Yahshua the only one Satan could not tempt, or deceive into worshiping and working for him. Maybe the book of Enoch is Enoch's story BEFORE his fall. It does allude that Enoch began feeling a little sorry for the fallen and compromising a bit, but also shows how he tried to resist,...maybe he like some of us at a time or another put up one hell of a fight, so he is to be respected for at least going further than us but like all eventually FELL short too and was also deceived and now has to wait for the second coming just like every one else.                Jesus(Yashuah) said he came to set the captives free and the book says he stole the keys of hell from Satan. Now were all just waiting for him to come back down and use them. Is he not coming to set free the dead in Christ (according to this Krist just meaning knowledge). Could Enoch aka Mercury be one of those Yashuah will  helped to loose and escape hell and deception  along with Adam, Eve and the rest as well?                     1More thing I got from this, Bible say's the first shall be last and the last shall be first. I learned here that Satan was the first created being, we humans the last. In the Bible(Bable same thing cause we're All confused by it at 1time or another), Yah doesn't kill satan after the battle of Armageddon he only locks him away for 1000 yrs! I was like wtf, but then says after that hell will finally be destroyed. Back to my first shall be last and the last shall be first,...Is it possible that since satan was the first to enter into heaven but refused to humble himself will he after seeing even the rocks (we're the rocks you guys, rocks are hardened soil, we are made of soil) cry out, will he finally humble himself not wanting to become upstaged by a fn rock and finally humble himself yet be the very last to do so? Bible say's "when my people humble themselves and call upon my name that they too will be saved". Is satan not part of Yah's creation as well? If you had a first born son who went astray would you stop at nothing to save him if you knew you could? ESPECIALLY being your FIRST BORN!? It also says if the HEAD or (1st born in a family be corrupt the lump is yet if the 1st born be saved the whole lump is blessed)? Could it be that Yah is actually saving his first born so he no longer mis-influences and leads astray the rest of his creation yet satan's so stubborn that he will be the last to bow?  Is this why we are to LOVE our enemies with their fucktard asses? lol, just saying. Sounds to me like Satan's stubborn ass could be the true prodigal son. Read that story again yall. Just a few things to consider. We humans were created last after ALL his creation but are making it in first because we are not made of fire, are mere dirt similar to rocks! Yet we're obeying Yah. Sort of how Yah uses "the weak to confound the mighty". How many "so called weak women and children are making it to the throne of Yah 1st and putting mighty grown ass men to shame?" If we can do it, fuck is wrong with the men? Could that be Yah's entire plan for all that he created? Created men to give angles and all created before humility and no excuse? Hmmm? Shit got me thinking!!!! Also explains why Celebs are tricked into feeling sorry for and worshiping Satan.  Meanwhile I'ma use Satan and his minions as an example of what the fuck not to do as they should have but now I kind of get it. Making me more compassionate for the "Lost Ones" as Lauryn Hill stated.                                So sorry yall,...We all know how this generation HATES reading fundamentals with their slave Massa said he'd kill me if he catches me reading asses so I'm done! I type on my laptop not phone for a reason, this shit ain't for the spiritual and mentally lazy or faint of heart..that's for sure. Go read the entire Bible as I did, a few missing books along with the Apocrypha, Part 1 & 2 of this ish,... & then come back and complain about how long MY comment is but I don't give a fuck so...do this shit cause I HAVE too, rather be feeding my face & chilling, got what I needed out of this, now onto the next video from Mr. Ahau while I cook cause unlike some of you,...I CAN'T GET ENOUGH! MY SALVATION is at hand. In all I do I'm tryna gain some TRUE understanding while slipping out a few cheat sheets to those who are studying in this class with me. If that's not you,....simply ignore my comment "ESSAY" or whatever the fuck, & move it along love. Thank you & Yah Bless.
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Darn, I was hoping to see "the sentence the word appears in" as in all the sentences the word appears in, but you had to do it the boring way -"the" anon
well, i can certainly go through all the “the”s that appear in the search bar if that’s what u want but i’m just going to do 50 of them because it’s a lot
also i now realize that a lot of these are in like. directions rather than dialogue or whatever but it’s ok
“It would appear that under the extreme circumstances, he managed to burn out all of his magic. All of it. Including whatever makes familiars … well. What makes them familiars.”
Caroline, putting an origami snake and box of chocolates on the next to the bed: are you feeling okay? 
“I make the stupid decision; I suffer the consequences.”
You are used to the glow of lava and the scorching air of your home, but her lips against yours burn in an entirely new way.
“ok there’s no easy way to say this but. *takes a deep breath* that was the tenth demon summoning this week, holy shit.”
“this isn’t about how you don’t understand how good cinnamon candles are, this is about the demon summoning”
There’s really no point in trying for the stereotypical front door kiss since you both live in the same house so you ask her when you get out of the car instead.
“The stars were made for us” Miranda says, stretching her arm up to the skies as though she could reach them. 
Laurel: the queen herself! to what do I owe the pleasure?
“And this lady accidentally knocked her coat off the back of her chair.”
I’m not sure how to convey the same emotion without the use of glasses.
Sky, jumpscaring the humans and the pretending-to-be human: what are you doing in my forest!
Everyone: *screaming or various other sounds of “What the fuuuuuck”*
Sky: *sighs* ghosts are a completely different division why do you humans lump all the supernatural together
Sky: I dunno. Never had anybody’s name before. Hey Jeannine, why don’t ya step off of the path for me?
Sky: clearly, Katniss, you don’t understand the gravity of the situation
 “Don’t make me get the big guns involved. Come on, even just 10 minutes away from the computer screen will help, I promise.”
Gemini bitch: the landlord said we’re allowed to have small pets… riiiiight???
Gemini bitch: I am not separating the children. They deserve a stable household! With multiple loving parents!
… Tall. : u know the whole nuclear family thing is bs right?
Gemini bitch: you’re my bestest fwiend in the whole entiwe wowwd~~~~
They’re not the perfect couples that media would have you believe though. Rarely do you ever see soulmates together. The strings are a tangled mess, just like everything else in life. 
the town had always been pretty superstitious.  and now they turned to superstition to explain the disappearance of a girl they had never cared about before.  there were always rumors that the fae lived in the woods outside of town.
but Nathan has convinced the two of you to help him go over the case.
Their memories are warped by time and exaggeration and the rumors and myths they had bene hearing for the past half a century.
“Heya! The name’s Miranda!  Can I get yours?”
“That’s right bitches; I’m the star of this show”
“And you thought coming to me was the best idea?”
Your days spent with her have been some of the greatest days in your life, through the arguments and the stress of college and everything.
You feel guilty that you’re relieved when she says she feels the same way
For years you’d wondered the context of those words tattooed on your right wrist and now you have the answer, you were at a fucking Mario Kart tournament.  At least it’s not as bad as “you can go to hell,” which are the words she’s had on her left wrist for twenty-some years.
“Deceit you bastard! What the hell did you do?” (oh look i guess there was some fanfic in there)
“In a viRTUAL REALITY?!!!?!” Laurel echoes. Quite loudly for an echo. “What the FUCK is this supposed to be? First it’s a televised TV show and now it’s a fucking virtual reality game?! Why the fuck won’t you let us leave!!!!”
Despite the very angry person yelling in her face, the lady seems unfazed.
L:“What the FUCK do you mean volunteered!?!!!!”
More flustered than you’ve ever seen him, Nathan tries to hide his face by retreating into the hospital bed sheets.
 Monokuma: I’m sure it’ll be of use to you in the near future~
“plus the author doesn’t know what romantic attraction is either so it’s rather difficult for me to actually tell you.”
“Oh good! You’re awake!” She exclaims before grabbing your hand and dragging you out to the living room
And somehow, she’s become the only person you trust in this fucked up game.
“The goal’s to hit the target you know!”
The night skies are so different in this fae realm and you think you could stare at them forever.
Okay, maybe hate’s the wrong word. 
You wonder what life is like for all the other universe versions of you. The ones that can fall in love.
Nathan does whatever the equivalent of a spit take is if you don’t have water. Probably just a lot of coughing.
The snakes visibly recoil.
“I felt a disturbance in the force,” M jokes, even though they’re all from universe that most definitely does not have Star Wars or even movies in it
Nathan: the one who made you a fae?
N: I’m glad I know you 😊 I’ll try not to kill you if we meet on the battlefield.
[Disaster bi 2: electric reboogaloo changed Gemini bitch’s name to “The original disaster bi”]
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wtfzodiacsigns · 6 years
Same Signs: Marriage or Murder
Marriage: You’re the perfect couple. The Prom King and Queen. Super ambitious couple, competitive, probably insta-famous. You really are the sign that can have it all and juggle it all. White picket fence amazingness.
Murder: Y’all can be some inconsiderate motherfuckers. If it doesn’t benefit you, you don’t want it. This can work the same for your partner. Both of you could neglect the relationship and assume it will hold. It won’t. Also, finance struggles are fucking HARD on Caps cause you are all about materials and having the best in life (however you define that).
Marriage: I’m biased. We’re fucking fantastic. As a couple, you’re the weirdos at a party. You have adorable inside jokes and can go in depth about topics that literally NO ONE cares about. You’re goofballs, and can be ultimately authentic with one another. We also make phenomenal parents because we encourage originality.
Murder: Two things can sink an Aqua/Aqua coupling… our innate need to be one of a kind, and our extreme want of freedom. Aquarians LOVE being different. We thrive there. So if someone tries to top us, or be more original/steal our thunder- MOVE. GET OUT OF THE WAY. Aquarian wrath is rare and therefore strong af. Also if you want to take too much time away from each other, you could experience the severe isolation that only Aquas can feel.
Marriage: Pisces are dreamy and empathetic, so this is a vvvvvvv soft relationship. They can see beauty in such small things. Like, leaving tiny romantic notes around the house, reading Pride and Prejudice aloud to each other, lots of cuddling and soft blankets and clean smells. This couple 100% owns those ‘linen’ scented candles.
Murder: Pisces can be super self-destructive and pity seeking and clingy. They know good things when they see them, but they oftentimes have the mentality of ‘I don’t deserve this’ or ‘I don’t deserve better’ which is why they can find themselves exiting good situations or settling for mediocre situations when they could do better if they just tried. If things were bad, this would be the most depressing couple to be around cause odds are they’d stay together even if they were both fucking miserable because Pisces oftentimes can’t handle being alone.
Marriage: This would be a fun af couple. They’re all about doing stuff… no sitting at home for these folks. They’re at wine tastings or a basketball game or a fucking drag show. If something is happening- they are THERE. The intellectual convos between the two will be top notch, and since Aries are proud and determined and strong, this couple could literally take on the world. They’re huge show offs if their significant other does something great. Expect lots of annoying #wcw #mcm posts that are actually hella genuine and pure. In my experience, they also have the best sense of humour, so laughter is gonna be guaranteed with a good Aries couple.
Murder: Don’t fuck over an Aries. Fucking don’t do it ever. Aries know the exact thing you hate most about yourself or a situation, and they will point it out in a fight. So Aries Vs. Aries? Cue the flames. This sign runs hot but is also surprisingly sensitive, and if you hurt them deeply, there isn’t forgiveness. SO this the perfect example of a sign that can find a fault, pin it down, and make their other Aries BLEED. It’s brutal. Also, for being so determined, they can be huge procrastinators, and if their priorites aren’t the same, this could spell murder for Aries.
Marriage: This couple has everything… and they definitely got it on sale. Taurus are really materialistic, but unlike Capricorns, they can never justify spending money on luxury items. So the Taurus’s home is so perfectly curated, but it’s definitely all from Home Goods. They are the ultimate supporter when things are positive… and HOLY SHIT will this be a positive couple. They’re upbeat about everything, including each other. They deal with pain and pleasure in a grounded way, and they’re really adorable when they get excited about something. A very ‘childish fun’ type of couple.
Murder: Hi. Welcome to the weirdest and stupidest fights you’ve ever heard of. Tauruses HAVE to be right. They’re often not. But THEY FUCKING HAVE TO BE. AND YOU MUST SEE THEIR SIDE. YOU MUST. So if two Tauruses disagree about something, good God just let them be. Call the cops, then let them be. Tauruses are just fucking children, so they’re going to fight like children. I’m talking silent treatment, “but she said it first!” kind of asshole fights. Also, they suck if things are negative. If you complain about anything, literally a Taurus will drop you so fast you’ll never see it coming.
Marriage: This couple is all about communication, they’re fab with each other about it. Also, Gem/Gem couples are good because they can understand the unpredictability of the other. They’re broad-minded people, and they embrace differences while also being the magnetic cool kids. This is the couple that everyone wants to be friends with because they have the exclusive invites to insider events that they got from some co-worker in the elevator this morning. They’re bizarrely lucky, and also total gossips, which makes for a couple that is NOT for everyone, but actually works really well together.
Murder: These bitches cray. Like, clinically. They’ll do insane things that make no sense, and if their fellow Gem doesn’t approve then they better GTFO. They’re also very quick decision makers, unlike fellow airs Aquarius and Libra. If they don’t like you, you’re dead to them. They will drop you like yesterday’s shirt even if you do something mildly stupid or weird that they’re not a fan of. Like Aries, they can find your weaknesses and prey on them. They will waste NO TIME doing such.
Marriage: These bitches sure know how to nurture. In their finest forms, Cancers are basically the physical embodiment of a nice knit blanket and a mug of warm tea. They’re very in touch with their feelings, so heart to hearts with this couple are the best. They will get to know you on a deep deep deep level, and be really trusted with that information. This will be a wonderfully romantic couple who eats takeout like 90% of the time.
Murder: Hello sensitivity. Cancers are the least rational and can get weird about THE WEIRDEST things. I knew a Cancer once who literally ranted for a half an hour because the dishes people were bringing to her Thanksgiving weren’t ‘traditional’ dishes. They were still bringing food… it just wasn’t the food she wanted despite her never saying anything like ‘hey, bring traditional food’. Cancers want you to be mind readers, so if you can’t do that, why tf are you here. They have high expectations of everyone, but ESPECIALLY of other cancers. They’re also clingy af, so even if this couple does break up, they’ll still text flirt for like the next six months. Unhealthy.
Marriage: This couple is probably famous. They’re HUGE on big, romantic efforts. They want their marriage proposal to go viral on YouTube. They’re also big on events in general… anywhere where they can be seen and show each other off is good. A+ couple to bring to boring work functions… as no doubt this pairing is charming af.
Murder: Holy arrogance. While Leo’s are not necessarily considered clingy, if you don’t show them the attention they believe they deserve, they’ll drop you like a hot potato. With two Leo’s vying for attention in a relationship, SOMETHING’s got to give SOMETIME. Also, they are a jealous sign, so god forbid one of them flirts with someone else at a bar. Fists will be thrown. These are some needy motherfuckers. Also, if a Leo couple is fighting, call the local news crews. Something is GOING to go down. It might be arson, it might be an impromptu theatre performance. Who tf knows.
Marriage: The cleanest house ever. Like wtf they keep this place organized. They also dress in matching outfits sometimes and make it weird for everyone else. Virgos can be so analytical that they’ll see something and be like, “Is this what the normal people do?” and just go for it. Slave to trends for sure. This is the ‘old people’ couple out of your friends. They catch up on the latest netflix show and then are in bed by 10pm. You have to plan things with them AT LEAST three months in advance because they are HORRIFIC at texting back. They’re adorable and a little robotic which is just fine for them.
Murder: JUDGE CENTRAL. They’re not always known for it- but Virgos can be hella judgemental. Especially of other Virgos, because they expect them to be better. Virgos expect the top effort, always, and so falling below that line can lead to fights. They’re super goal orientated, and so if they don’t meet those goals, or their Virgo partner doesn’t, then it is certainly game over.
Marriage: Oh hello there romance! This couple wants their love life to be an actual Nicholas Sparks movie. They both want to be loved more than anything on this planet, so fellow Libras are great for fulfilling that need. They’re soft and lovey and really exceptional cuddlers. This couple are also great at settling arguments. They can see both sides of things, and hate arguing, so disagreements are easily solved. A good libra/libra couple is like a good spa day, just really blissful and relaxing to be around. Refreshing.
Murder: Honestly? This couple couldn’t make a decision to save their goddamn lives. It’s why most won’t work out. Here’s the thing, if a Libra makes a decision, that’s it. They’ve already analysed every possibility. They’ve run the numbers. If someone is their end game, that’s it. Problem is, if the other Libra has not come to that conclusion, you’re gonna have a bad time. This is a stalemate of a couple… and if you’re happy where you are when you start the relationship, it could end well, but if either of you are still in development, it’s best not to even try.
Marriage: Best. Sex. Ever. Passionate af couple taking things to new levels. Trying crazy shit, cooking new recipes, watching porn to find new moves. You constantly stimulate each other both physically and mentally. Another ‘cool kid’ couple, but that’s because they give no shits. If they’re happy together, this couple won’t come down off their high.
Murder: These bastards are VINDICTIVE. If you hurt a Scorpio, you best hope they bury you close enough to the highway that the cops might be able to find your body. If a Scorpio betrays a Scorpio, welcome to the apocalypse. They expect a fellow Scorpio to KNOW that they’re insane, and to KNOW not to cross them. But Scorpios also love pushing people away. They are the ice of the water signs, and much like their totem of the scorpion, they will bite if you get too close. So two scorpions could easily drive each other out instead of just opening up.
Marriage: This is the couple with their own travel blog. They live out of a fucking van and LOVE IT. They don’t like to be told they can’t do something, so like 90% of this relationship is just pushing each other to do something crazy. It’s basically one awesome game of truth or dare. They always have insane stories, and love throwing dinner parties just so they can sit you down and trap you into listening to said stories.
Murder: Bad Sags are BAD. This is because a hallmark personality trait of these guys is the fact that they believe everyone is dumber than they are. And also that Sags HATE being thought of as dumb. You see the dilemma. Sags are also the flakiest of the signs, so getting two Sags out on a date is gonna be hard enough. They’ll argue about EVERYTHING if they think you’re stupid, so dear Lord, get AWAY if you’re in a Sag/Sag relationship with a power struggle. Because unlike most signs who think they’re right, Sags are RARELY right.
Source: spookyscarysalamander
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cryhounds · 5 years
holy shit another one of my oldest mutuals WHOA uhhhh youre one of the main reasons i love geminis bc i dont know a lot irl and i love how much we like vibe creatively when we talk !!!!!! we've kinda sorta been in similar fandoms at similar times so wjenever i see u on my dash its weirdly comforting bc i usually know what the hell ur talking about ummmm i think ur a wlw icon i love!!!!! that u send me videos of domino i LOVE HIM hes an angel. youre a huge writing inspiration to me and like i know that we're both like the adhd'ed but i would still love to collab on that daisuga fic with u it would be like. a fucking dream come true dude.
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cloudybookash-blog · 5 years
for the ask-Andromeda, Aquarius, Aries, Corvus, Draco, Gemini, Hydra, Libra, Lyra, Pyxis, Taurus, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Canis Minor, Crux, Indus, Lupus, Puppis, and lastly Virgo-i copied u bc im lazy
Andromeda - Describe your main characters
Z: original a banished princess trope, very VERY fucken angry, too tall for her own good, educated and strong, a little insecure about her place in the world, just wants peace.
J: this bitch old af, old as time in fact, loves *checks notes* Aloe Vera? Created grey morality.
H.H: A lover not a fighter, dummy thicc, forgetful, thinks he knows more than he does.
M.E: responsible, guilt-ridden, takes on more than she should be able to handle but handles it well anyway, REALLY FUCKEN INTELLIGENT.
M: the youngest but the wisest, keeps to herself, is possible just as intelligent as M.E, humble, wants nothing more than to help others.
 Aquarius - Who’s your least favorite character to write?
Any of them, y’know, IF I WROTE.
Aries - Share a line that you’re proud of!
Make him run circles and poke himwith a stick. Tire him and find his weak point. Then devour him.
Bro I had to open and read through three different docs just to find this bullshit… I ain’t looking no more. That’s as good as it gets.
Corvus - Who or what is the villain of the story?
Anyone not on my heroes side is The Enemy™.
Draco - Who’s your favorite character to write?
Any of them, y’know, IF I FUCKING WROTE.
Gemini - What inspired you to write this project?
I was asked to join a voluntary, student run writing class in Yr 10. I think I had to write something to ‘introduce’ my style or whatever. It was REALLY shit in the beginning (I wrote in first person, CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT???) I don’t know where the idea originally came from because before that I read a lot of horror and contemporary/mystery so pulling a High Fantasy idea out my ass for the first time to intro myself to a bunch of Yr 11/12′s was whack but I did it. Since then it’s been evolving and morphing into other story ideas I’ve had.
Hydra - Tell us why you love your project.
When I was younger I could see the world a lot clearer, it was so easy to get lost in and even now when I write it, I can just fall forever amongst my creation. That and I created it when I was going through IT, I used the world as my punching bag to get my feelings out and seeing as it got me through so much, I just want to do best by it, is that too sentimental?
Libra - Which relationship dynamic do you enjoy writing the most?
GOD characters do not interact.
lol no, I like writing friendship dynamics? I guess. I enjoy characters that have a history that won’t be explained that have inside jokes , the ‘know what the other is thinking’ type relationships are my favourite… I’m bad at writing though so don’t expect too much.
Lyra - Give us a few songs that fit your project!
Gone Away - SafetySuit
Get Free - What So Not Remix, Major Lazer, Amber Coffman
Can I Exist? - Mission
Understand Me - Abel Miller
Young Forever - Jay-Z, Mr. Hudson
Numb - Linkin Park (probably, haven’t listened to it in a while for my own mental health.
Okay, not a few, and not all of these align with my project but they’re some of the inspiring songs/vibe to write songs.
Pyxis - Are there any major themes or messages you’re writing to show?
I started writing this when I was like 12 so, originally I wanted to portray to ‘The Adults™’ that kids go through the fucking ringer and we’re not just ‘over-reacting, being teenagers etc…’  I think I’ll try to keep that in later drafts, but maybe focus it more on validating teens and kids going/working through trauma.
War is a massive focus, child soldiers as well, pain (obviously) and how there are so many ways to deal with them and not all of them are good/healthy for you.
I’m fucking AMBITIOUS for a bitch who can barely write one (1) sentence nowadays.
Taurus - Tell us why you hate your project.
Despite knowing so much more now about the art of writing and the story’s direction as a whole, in comparison to when I first starting writing this story, I now lack the motivation and/or inspiration to write.
Ursa Major - What scene are you looking forward to writing?
I look forward to writing anything at this point… Pray for my creativity, pls.
Ursa Minor - What’s the setting?
Tall, old jungle that whispers if know how to listen. Mountain ranges that shake violently in their effort to move. Wild grasslands, and flowery clearings that’ll lull you into sleep if you’d only just rest your head for a little while, just a few seconds they swear - you look like you could use a rest, yes.
A world like ours unless you see it, hear it, breath it, or feel it. Smells the same though.
Canis Minor - Share an excerpt of old writing and new writing to see how far you’ve come!
Okay… So I went on a depressing ass walk down memory lane and I can tell you with complete confidence that my writing has RECEEDED. The super old stuff is problematic so I’m not sharing it, the plain old stuff is me working through repressed trauma so will also not be sharing it, and despite not being problematic the ‘new’ (ish) stuff is incomprehensible… Okay, that sucked, NEXT!
Crux - Villains or Heroes?
Heroes. I’m just basic, man.
Indus - Are there any characters or stories you miss writing? Tell us about them!
All of them, y’know, BECAUSE I NO LONGER FUCKING WRITE. I remember LOSING DAYS just to write. Anything, everything, jumping around from world to world - finding the warmest patch of sun and following it for 8hrs straight without breaks. Being able to come up with story ideas every other day. I remember seeing stories everywhere, and they sucked, oh hell they were fucking terrible - rip offs of movies and tv shows I’d watched. Nothing ever looked as good and clear on paper as they did in my head - no doubt I was horrible, but I had it at least. I just miss seeing it all so clearly, man.
Lupus - Have you abandoned other WIPs? Tell us about some and why you abandoned them?
A wise woman once said, “what HAVENT i abandoned holy fuck.” and honestly, same.
Puppis - Give us a piece of advice! (about anything)
Just breathe. Take big deep gulps, and hold it for a few seconds, then release. Relax your shoulders. Go pee for god’s sake, I don’t think holding it this long is good for you. Go at your own pace, don’t speed up or slow down for others. Always try to see things from the point of view of others, it’s interesting. And lastly, look after yourself.
Virgo - Describe your favorite tropes.
The duo that dies together, not because they both get caught but because one does and the other refuses to let them die alone. Characters that are super big and buff that struggle with their strength and in the end refuse to allow themselves to succumb to the wishes of others and live out their lives in soft handed kindness. That squad of characters that act like a pack of hooligans. Smart characters that rely on their intelligence over others to see them through problems.
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