#holy shit this was sitting in my drafts for six months
pinkrangersarah · 1 year
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters (or more bc who cares lmaooo), no tags because I don't talk to anyone but feel free to steal it like I stole it from @herami
RWBY - Blake Belladonna, Weiss Schnee, Ruby Rose, Penny Polendina, Qrow Branwen, Corsac & Fennec Albain, Jaune Arc, James Ironwood, Marrow Amin (tbh there are very few characters I actively dislike)
Red VS Blue - Agent Washington, Caboose, Sarge, Agent Carolina
Persona 4 - Rise Kujikawa, Yukiko Amagi
Persona 5 - Ann Takamaki, Futaba Sakura, Haru Okumura
Spy X Family - Loid Forger, Yor Forger, Becky Blackbell
Ronin Warriors / Yoroiden Samurai Troopers - Touma / Rowen Hashiba, Shin / Cye Mori, Kayura
Tokyo Mew Mew - Mint Aizawa, Purin Lei Fon
Power Rangers - Adam Park, Kimberly Hart, Casey Rhodes, Robert "RJ" James, Jayden Shiba, Lauren Shiba
Sailor Moon - Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter, Chibiusa Tsukino / Chibi Moon, Hotaru Tomoe / Sailor Saturn
The Owl House - Amity Blight, Hunter Wittebane, Willow Park, Eda Clawthorne, Edric Blight, Emira Blight, Alador Blight, Darius Deamone, Luz Noceda, Camila Noceda (again, very few characters I actually dislike, if any)
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What do you think you add? Do you think you make a poignant post better when after scrolling down through it we see someone saying it's "official"?
I'm choosing to interpret this ask as a genuine question (albeit one that's been worded a bit rudely) instead of a hate anon, because I wouldn't want to tarnish people's dashboards with hate anons.
Now, to answer your genuine question... The "Discworld Heritage Post" tagline I add to the end of posts has as much validity as I have authority to bestow it: none. Do I think my tagline makes posts better? Of course not! And I certainly don't think I make them official, (and neither my url or my pinned post claim that I do so).
I don't know what reasons other people had to start their own Heritage Posts blogs for other fandoms, but I will gladly tell you mine: I got into Discworld. I discovered the Discworld fandom in Tumblr. And, one day, while scrolling down some Discworld related tags, the idea just popped into my head. After checking that there wasn't a Discworld Heritage Posts blog already, I decided to make one.
I personally follow a few Heritage Posts blogs, and my reason to do so is probably the same as to why many people follow this blog: I wanted to see that kind of content. Tracking tags and being up to date on the most popular posts of a fandom is doable, but doing so for the dozens upon dozens of media I'm into is impossible, so I like to follow some Heritage Posts blogs to get some of those posts directly into my dashboard (it's also worth mentioning that sometimes, some iconic posts are made when people comment stuff on them, and those don't appear in the search tags, so following blogs that post about a certain fandom is the best way to come across some of those collaborative posts, because otherwise you'd rarely get to see them). So yes, I created a blog that, had it already existed, I would have liked to follow. Also, while other blogs with this gimmick usually limit themselves to reblogging, let's call them the "greatest hits", I've said since the beginning that I didn't care about how many notes something had. Be it cool art or a funny or insightful post, if I like it, I send it to my drafts.
However, none of those reasons are the main reason why I made this blog. The main reason is that I did it for myself. After exhausting all the content that showed up in the Popular Posts tab, I couldn't help but think of all the gold and treasure that wasn't there, buried and hidden due to the way Tumblr's search engine works. If you're familiar with the Discworld concept of "lies-to-children", that's what the "top posts of all time" is in Tumblr. A 20k post from 2016 will not be there, but a six month old post with 400 notes will show up. Surely there had been amazing Discworld posts and art posted in 2015 and 2013, but I wasn't going to find most of them unless I expressly went looking for them. And this blog was the perfect excuse to do so. As of replying to this ask, there's nearly 600 posts sitting in my drafts, and if I didn't have this blog I would have never discovered 90% of them. And those are the ones I've seen. I still have dozens of places I haven't searched.
I know that if I reblog a month old post with over 2k notes, a lot of people in the fandom will have already seen it. However, a 2k notes post from 2014, or a drawing with 40 notes from 2012 is something that is less likely to have hit people's dashes recently, or at all. When you come across the "Discworld Heritage Post" tagline in a post, please don't picture me as an uppity monarch performing the Tumblr equivalent of a knighting ceremony, or a stuffy museum curator deigning a piece worthy of being included in an exhibition. Picture me as a kid enthusiastically jumping and flailing my arms around while yelling "holy shit guys check out what I just found!!", because that's how I feel running this blog.
Ultimately, whether one of my posts does better or worse is indifferent to me, because they aren't my posts, or memes, or drawings. I'm just the intermediary. That being said, of course it's not indifferent to me, because more engagement means that was a post many people hadn't seen before, or had forgotten about, and one of my goals was to run a blog that would allow people to find those hidden or long forgotten gems.
When all is said and done, Heritage Post blogs are just another one of Tumblr's gimmicks. If we're not your cup of tea, you're free to ignore or block us. If you want to reblog something and don't want the tagline, you can reblog it directly from OP (or from another reblog if OP has deactivated their account).
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hollabastiongirl · 8 months
Monday Six (thousand, minus about 5k)
tagged by @ornstein
I could indeed give six lines of a WIP I've been ignoring for months and months at this point, but instead I'm gonna post a thousand or so words of a piece that I never intend to finish, but amused me to write as an exercise nonetheless since I haven't written much at all for the My Hero fandom before. What follows is a strange mix of goofy and angsty, but I figure I may as well post it somewhere so it'll stop sitting accusingly in my drafts. Thanks for the tag, ornstein, and here I'll tag @nightfallrevel @snarkyauthor @castershellwrites & anyone else that wants to share six (or however many, go wild) lines of a WIP.
"Holy fuck," Katsuki blurts suddenly and rather loudly, because for all that he's been a fucking ace at everything he's tried since he was old enough to walk, he somehow still hasn't mastered the art of volume control, "I'm in love with that little shit."
From across the library table that they're (reluctantly, on Katsuki's part) sharing, Todoroki barely reacts. He scribbles down a few more meticulously crafted notes on the bullshit hero politics course they're being forced to take and says, quiet and distracted, "I should hope so. Haven't you been together for awhile now?" 
"What??? No?"
Katsuki screeching at near-maximum volume is apparently enough to actually get the bastard's full attention, as heterochromatic eyes deign to lift away from the neat scrawl on his notebook paper in order to level him with a look that's more flat than anything, but skirts the edges of annoyance all the same. Guy's a freak like that, and Katsuki can't figure out how he does it.  "Come on, Bakugou. I'm not blind. Or deaf. He gushes about you and your supposed 'manliness' all the time." 
"WHAT," Katsuki shouts, because seriously, what. The librarian shoots him a nasty look and he just barely resists the burning urge to give her the finger. That hag has some serious pull around here, as he unfortunately learned the last time he pissed her off and received two full weeks of detention for his efforts—most of which he had to spend being one of Dominatrix-sensei's personal bitch boys. And if that wasn't bad enough, Ball Head had served almost as many detentions as Katsuki had. He still shudders just thinking about that whole fiasco. Not fucking worth it. He manages to lower his voice to hiss, "are you actually talking about Kirishima right now," right at Todoroki's stupid, blank face.
"Well, yes. Who else would I be talking about?" IcyHot pauses with a blink upwards, as though an alternate answer will drop from the ceiling and bash him over his stupid candy-cane colored head if he thinks about it hard enough (likely not, but Katsuki might hit him anyway. On principle). None is apparently forthcoming, so he glances back at Katsuki with a shrug. "But from your reaction, I'm assuming I'm off the mark. So…Kaminari?" 
Shit, now that's just insulting. To both of them, even. Katsuki would be willing to bet serious cash that they'd both rather drop dead than somehow fall in love with each other. This idiot, he thinks. What a goddamn joke.  
"NO, dumbass. Not Dunce-Face."
There comes a flash of something that could be interesting to consider in Todoroki's mismatched eyes as he mentions the Human Tape Dispenser, or would be if only Katsuki wasn't preoccupied with NOT leaping across the table to strangle this dumb bastard with his bare hands. Instead, he very calmly says, in his calmest voice, really, really calmly, "ARE YOU STUPID. NO. IT'S DEKU, YOU FUCKING HALF-N-HALF WIT."
"If I'm a half and half wit, doesn't that actually imply I'm a whole wi—"
"For fuck's sake," Katsuki cuts him off with a groan, letting his forehead drop against the cool wooden grain of their study table with a thunk. He'd rather glare a hole through the tabletop right now on the off chance he suddenly develops the ability to explode people (Todoroki, namely) with his eyes. He can't afford to add a manslaughter charge onto his current list of problems. Being in love with Deku is problem enough.
Actually, it's probably the biggest problem he's ever had.
"Are you….okay?" Turd-oroki asks him, seeming curiously wary but looking more constipated than anything. The words sound strange as they pass through the space between them, strained and sour as though Strawberry Shortcake is having some sort of sudden internal crisis about the idea of trying to comfort Katsuki, of all people. Can't really blame him. Katsuki doesn't know how to comfort himself, either. Never has. "You seem…off." 
"Off." Katsuki huffs, though he doesn't bother denying it. "Brilliant fuckin' analysis. Screw being a hero, you should be a goddamn therapist."
There's a pause, like either Todoroki is actually considering a career change or maybe just considering bashing Katsuki over the head with his textbook to put them both out of their misery, and then he says, quietly and with palpable concern, "you seem really off. You didn't even tell me to go to hell just now."
"Go to hell," Katsuki mumbles after the fact. Any vitriol that would otherwise sharpen his voice is tempered by the way his cheek is still smushed morosely against the table. Even Katsuki can't remain intimidating while feeling so pathetic, though he can't bring himself to care much. Not when he feels like this, sick and hot and twisted up inside. "Eat shit and die. Shut the fuck up and get out." 
Todoroki ignores all that, which…fair. "Do you…want to talk about it?" 
"Are you sure?" As Katsuki finally sits up, all the better to glare at him, IcyHot leans forward a bit and gives him the single most horrifying look of commiseration Katsuki's ever experienced in his shitty life. He's obviously trying to empathize with Katsuki in some way, and even seems to be managing it, and this is… Well, it's too pathetic to stand any longer. He doesn't want to have this conversation. He can't believe he'd been stupid enough to open his fat mouth and blurt this shit out in the first place. Why can't he ever keep his fuckin' mouth shut when it counts?
He does keep it shut, now. He can't think of a thing to say. Nothing that doesn't make him sound like a lovesick loser. Instead, he meets Todoroki's probing gaze and shrugs. He can't be sure of anything, anymore.
Under the table, Katsuki's hands ball into tight fists, fingernails digging savagely into his palms. It eases some of the tension in him as the skin breaks, as though the confusion and longing and misery he's stubbornly holding inside is escaping through the cuts little by little, like air from a sad, deflating pool toy. 
He feels a bit like that, right now. Collapsing into himself and wilting from the steady force of gravity. Inescapable. Inevitable. Inexorable. A weight that doesn't push, but pulls—a force that reels you in so gently that you barely even notice it's happening. Not until you're already falling. 
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i can now ask for input on what i should do while i have Two Whole Days Off In A Row later this week:
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iamknicole · 2 years
Draft Night
Bloodline Family Series
The families were all settled in one of Barclay Center's, backroom preparing for the draft. They'd all flown out for the draft. Simba, Teddy, Jadyn and Jalyn had been pretty quiet aside from answering their families questions. They didn't doubt their talent, they were just flat out nervous. Nervous to hear their names called, nervous they would somehow mess up and nervous for what it meant for them going forward.
Milo and Eli approached their little brothers and cousin smiling.
"In all the time we've known yall, yall ain't never been this quiet," Milo joked.
"Right. Yall must be planning something," Eli added then whistled lowly when they didn't laugh, "Or not. Listen, no need to be worried about nothing. Yall are talented as hell and them teams was prolly fighting over yall."
Simba nodded, "Appreciate that, Elijan."
"No problem, Josiah."
They laughed for the first time all day.
Teddy sighed loudly. "It's just ... what happens when we get drafted? Everything gon be different."
Koda approached the group holding KJ. "Don't nothing change but where you live and who you play with. You still got your family, your friends and your girls. Don't worry about all that other shit. Don't say that, KJ."
KJ giggled, "You gimmie money."
"Yeah lil guy, I got you. But listen I'm not gon lie to yall, that shit gon be real lonely at first and it's gon be hard for your girls whether they decide to move right then or not," Koda explained softly, "Just stay focused and not just on ball. Yeah that shit important and it pays ya bills but so are your relationships. Aight?"
Jadyn rubbed his face thinking. "Shit. Me and Sade only been together like six months. I'm supposed to just ask her to uproot everything so soon? What if she don't want to?"
Eli put a hand on his brother's shoulder, "Then yall either make it work long distance or break it off. Same for you, Jalyn."
"But like Koda said ... don't worry." Milo added sincerly.
They were all silent for a moment.
"What we need to be worried about is yall making sure I get my floor seats. I'm tryna be right up on the action, calling the ref out," Koda laughed, "Gotta be close enough just in case yall need big cuz to lay hands. Ain't that right, KJ?"
KJ made a fist and scrunched his face up. "Yeah! We take em out!"
An hour later, the boys were getting last minute hugs and pep talks before they went out to the main stage. The PA stood at the door waiting for the four of them.
"Are you all taking someone out with you? Or is it just gonna be you four at a table?"
"Dad, come on, old man," Teddy chuckled. "Porsche, if my mama cry make sure you record it."
Porsche laughed, "I got you, baby."
Jadyn hummed, "Why you still sitting there, Dad? I know you getting old but I know them ears still work."
Jimmy laughed standing from his seat, "Aight now, Trin. You laughing a little to hard. I'm comin, son."
Jadyn blew a kiss to his girlfriend, Sade. "I'll be back, baby. Don't miss me too much."
"Boy," she laughed, "I won't. I'm gonna enjoy this time without you."
Nola laughed and high fived her, "I knew I liked you. Yall can take Eli too. Go head....take em."
"Only because I was already planning on bringing him, Nola." Jalyn laughed. "Ivy, yall crowd my mama. She like to fall when she cry."
"Be falling like she catching the holy ghost." Eli joked dodging her hit. "I'm coming, fellas."
Simba stood quietly trying to decide who to bring with him. He wanted both parents and both siblings but that was out of the question. Apryl saw the perplexed look on his face and stepped in.
"Jey, gone with your baby. Cause Lo is not about to be on TV with them velvet shoes on and Cookie gotta keep me company. I'm not about to be crying on TV."
Simba sighed quietly feeling relieved. He mouthed 'thank you' to his mom. She winked in return.
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"With the first pick in the 2022 NBA Draft, the Los Angeles Lakers select," the commisoner paused to smile, "Josiah Fatu, Georgia State University!"
Simba stared in surprise as applause erupted around him. His cousins, his uncles and father being the loudest ones. He tucked his lips trying to contain his tears as he stood from his chair, hugging each of them before going to the stage.
"With the second pick in the 2022 NBA Draft, the Golden State Warriors select, Jadyn Fatu! Georgia State University!"
Jadyn covered his face for a moment before standing with a smile and tears on his face. He hugged his twin tight then his father and everyone else. He slowly swaggered to the stage trying to contain himself..
"With the third pick in the 2022 NBA Draft the Philadelphia 76ers select, Preston Washington! Georgia State University!"
Teddy immediately reached to hug his father, hugging him tight and crying on his shoulder. Once he let Rich go, he turned to his cousins and uncles. He frowned all the way to the stage to mask his tears.
"With the fourth pick in the 2022 NBA Draft, the Atlanta Hawks select, Jalyn Fatu! Georgia State University!"
Jalyn jumped up from his chair smiling making prayers hands and a cross across his chest. Eli pulled him into a tight hug then Jadyn and Jimmy got him. He got halfway to the date then remembered he forgot to hug his uncles and cousins, he jogged back to the table to hug them.
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When they were able to go back to the private room, their family erupted into cheers and clapping as soon as they walked in. Their mothers running to them first.
Apryl jumped on her son hugging him and crying. "My lil mean baby! I'm so proud of you!"
Laughing, Simba held onto her and hugged her back before sitting her down. "Dang, for somebody who always starting with me you sure hugging me pretty tight."
"Boy," she laughed hitting him, "Shut up!"
Queenie hugged Teddy rocking them from side to side as she kissed his face.
"Aight, aight, Mama." He laughed trying to pull away. "That's enough kisses, Ma. Dang. You gon cover me in red lipstick."
"Oh really?" She scoffed playfully. "If it was Porsche, you wouldn't mind."
Teddy smirked. "That's right cause that's my baby. I'm tryna figure out why she not over here right now tryna kiss me."
Queenie laughed, "Your grown self get on my nerves."
"I was waiting till everybody got their hugs in, Teddy."
Jadyn and Jalyn held Trinity up as she cried and hugged them. She was speaking but none of them could understand what she was saying beyond 'I'm proud of you'.
Simba approached Milo and Cookie smiling. He put his hat on Cookie and picked her up, kissing her face. "We did it, brodder."
"Nah," Milo smiled shaking his head, "You did it, little brother. I'm so proud of you, man."
Careful of her belly, Teddy hugged Summerella lifting her from the ground a bit making her yell. He put her down laughing.
"Don't do that no more, fool. My baby ain't like that," she joked.
"Don't speak for my nephew, he had fun. Thank you for coming."
"I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world, Teddy. I told you I'm always wherever I need to be for my baby brother."
"Looks like you gon be in Philly then," he said smiling.
Summer shrugged playfully rubbing her stomach. "I'll be there as long as you promise to buy me cheesesteaks whenever I want."
Teddy laughed, "You got a deal."
"Looks like you're staying in Atlanta," Ivy said as Jalyn approached her smiling.
He nodded hugging her. "Looks like it. Question is ... are you?"
Ivy hummed playfully, laughing when he tickled her. "Okay, okay! Yes, I'm gonna stay. Truth be told, my roommate didn't submit my transfer papers like I asked her to months ago anyway."
"Shout out to roomie," he joked before kissing her.
Jadyn picked Sade up spinning her around. "So is you proud of me or you proud of me?"
"Yes," she giggled. "I'm proud of you, Jadyn. I just...Golden State?"
Jadyn sat her down and sighed. "I know it's far but it's some good schools out there."
"That's not what I'm talking about," she chuckled, "I'm talking about the team itself. Hate them."
He laughed moving to tickle her again.
"Come on ... show your man some love."
Porsche rolled her eyes playfully as she went to hug and kiss Teddy. She pulled away to smile at him. "I'm so proud of you. You about to go to Philly and shut it down."
Teddy kissed her again. "We, baby. We."
Porsche nodded slowly, her smile slightly fading which Teddy didn't notice from his uncle calling his name. He promised to come right back and went to Amell.
"Can I say it?" Kennedie asked playfully. "Pleeease."
Simba stared at her trying not to smile. "Maaan ... go head. Just this one time though."
"Yay!" She squealed then cleared her throat. "I told you! I told you! I told you that Josiah Fatu was gon be the number one draft pick! I told you!"
Simba laughed along with everybody else then pulled her into a tight hug. "You rollin' with me?"
Kenedie smiled up at him as she pulled away from the hug and bumped fists with him. "Till the wheels fall off, Simba."
The family continued their celebration while the rest of the draft went on. They enjoyed the cupcakes Kandice and Tahsa brought with them.
Haleigh approached her cousins smiling. "I just want to say if this was yall way of getting out of babysitting, it didn't work. I will ship the children to Cali, Philly and Atlanta. Don't play."
They laughed loudly.
"We not tryna get out of it." Teddy chuckled.
"Good," she said hugging them, "I'm so proud of yall and so is Lito. He's been itching to get to yall. Told him I'd let him know when it was okay cause you know he likes to wrestle."
Jadyn smiled, "Send em over. Matter of fact send all the lil ones over. We need love from them too."
"Facts," Simba cosigned playfully, "No love, no game tickets!"
Haleigh laughed calling the children over to their cousins. Ardian and Paco followed them to help and congratulate the boys again.
Kennedie pulled Porsche to the side of the room when she saw her mood change again. "What is it? You've been up and down all day? Spit it out."
"Nothing ... nothing. Just still in shock, Kenni."
Kennedie stared at her. "I've known you most of our lives, you're lying. What's wrong?"
Porsche sighed, "I'm happy for him but Philly? That's a long way away. And we're not even finish with school yet."
"We all moved away from Florida together on purpose. We applied to the same schools to be with each other. But now it's too much?"
"It's different. We're about to start our last year and I wanna graduate."
Kenni scrunched her face up like she had seen her boyfriend do. "You can still graduate, Porsche. Either stay in Atlanta and finish then move or transfer schools. It's not that hard."
Porsche sighed glancing over at their boyfriends playing with the kids.
"You're still lying about whatever it is that's going on," Kenni said bringing back her attention, "And whatever it is, I hope you tell him the truth about it. Yall have been together too long for you to start lying and hiding stuff now."
"I know, Kenni."
"Then act like it." Kennedie spat before walking away from her.
Koda and Amell sat with each other talking and watching the girls interact. They couldn't hear what they were saying but they weren't slow. Well, Koda wasn't in that moment.
"You seen that, Unc?"
Amell nodded. "Yup. Somebody got cold feet or they got a secret."
"Both of which ain't good for Teddy. Who gon tell em?"
Amell adjusted his hat chuckling. "Not a stranger that's for damn sure. Somebody that love em, preferably her."
"And if she don't?"
"It ain't gon be pretty."
When they were done playing with the kids, Simba and the twins snuck up behind Aunni, Mercedes and Nola. Simba wrapped his arms around her tight picking her up off the ground, Jadyn picked up Nola and Jalyn picked up Mercedes. All three women yelled playfully to be put down.
"Ya lil brothers get drafted and don't get a hug, a l'm proud of you, a handshake, no nothing." Simba complained.
"I mean what's up with that?" Jalyn asked once they set their sisters down.
Jadyn dodged Nola's hit. "Right, we got beef?'
"You gon have some broke kneecaps yall do that again," Aunni threatened playfully.
Simba put his hand to his chest in mock surprise, "Now, Aunni, I expected that from Nola but not you. She's rubbed off on you."
"And I'm proud of her," Nola laughed hitting Jadyn.
Mercedes thumped Jalyn a few times, "Boy, do not pick me up again. Stop it."
Teddy wondered over to Algee and held his hand out. Algee slapped his hand pulling him into a brief hug.
"Proud of you, lil bro."
"Preciate that. You like Philly?"
Algee chuckled glancing at him, "It's aight. I been there a few times."
"Well," Teddy paused dramatically, "You gon learn to love it. Cause Summer gon be there every chance she get. Her and my nephew."
Algee laughed bumping him. "Damn ion get no choice? It's cool though, ima be wherever Ella and babygirl at."
"My nephew ain't gon like you calling him a girl. He gon come out here and not like you." Teddy joked.
"Yeah, yeah. I can't wait for this gender reveal so yall see that I'm getting my boy."
Teddy put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed, "Sorry to tell you, buddy but the OGs in the family have spoken.... that's a girl."
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"We appreciate everybody for coming out to celebrate me and Lo little brothers and cousins and we wanna again say to them ... congratulations. Yall bout to take the league by storm." Eli smiled and winked.
"But ... but before then yall know we had to plan them a lil party. So all the cousins with kids, make your plans cause we partying tonight." Milo smiled.
"And tomorrow the cookout is at me and Tia house!"
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novaalexander · 2 years
How You Get The Girl [TASM!Peter Parker x Reader]
Based on How You Get The Girl by Taylor Swift
Grew Apart Part 2
Read Part One [Here]
everything novaalexander
word count 1739
A/N i dont know how i feel about this. the writing is eh and v rushed. a lot of people wanted angst, and i do have that as an alternative ender in my drafts and ready to publish, but i honestly dont love my writing in that version. if yall want it though, ill post it
Stand there like a ghost Shaking from the rain, rain She'll open up the door And say, are you insane, -ane?
For y/n, falling back into routine after the breakup was nothing short of difficult. But on nights like tonight, it was easy to find solice in the dreary New York weather. Throwing a pity party for herself didn’t bear any guilt when the harsh sound of rain on the window matched the fast paced thoughts spiraling in her head.
Y/n laid curled up under her comforter for two hours now, eyes mindlessly wondering over the items scattered around the desk she had moved from her old apartment to what was now the l/n-Stacy residency. After she moved to Gwen’s, y/n threw all all the framed pictures and polaroids of Peter in the dresser, covering it with folded tshirts. But it didn’t take long for her to fish them out and place them on her desk a week later. She was regretting it now as her eyes bore into the picture of her and Peter on his 21st birthday, both of them smiling with frosting smeared across their faces. The more y/n thought about that day—and all the other memories displayed in frozen time— the more she could feel how uncomfortable her body was under the heavy weight of her comforter.
Between flipping her pillows and shuffling around on her bed, the taps on her window were almost inaudible. It wasn’t until the knocking became more powerful that the girl froze.
‘My bedroom window is nine stories up, who the fuck is on my fire escape.’ Back still facing the window, she tried to steady her breathing. ‘Maybe they’ll think I’m asleep and not break in and y’know. murder me.’
It wasn’t until her eyes focused on another picture of Peter—sitting on their old fire escape—that she realized who the knocking actually was. It was then that the sound of rain seemed to have grown louder, but y/n could still hear the faint knocking.
Everything in her said to leave him there on the fire escape, ‘but its cold and raining and he’s nine stories up and how would he get down without slipping- okay.’ She got up, making sure she took her time walking around her bed and to the window.
Realizing she was in a tank top and an old pair of Peter’s boxers, she grabbed a hoodie off the floor and threw it on. ‘Holy shit. This place is a fucking pigs sty,’ she thought, before her eyes met with the reason behind her inability to clean up after herself—the reason she couldn’t do anything, actually.
She unlocked the hatch and pushed open her window, “Are you fucking crazy, Parker? Its raining. How did you even get up here you fucking idiot.” She paused, taking in his shivering form. The only light was from the lamp on the other side of her room, but she could see a dark brown stain seeping through his layered outfit. “Did you fucking play in a puddle or something. You’re as pale as a ghost.” Y/n grabbed the collar of his green jacket and pulled him through the window and shut it before any more rain could get on the grey carpet. It was counter-productive, Peter’s soaking clothes creating a pond on the floor. “You’re fucking insane,” she mumbled before going to turn on her bedroom light.
Say it's been a long six months And you were too afraid to tell her what you want, want
Looking up, y/n could finally take in the boy she hadn’t seen in six months. What she thought was mud or a coffee stain turned to crimson in the light, and the hands that had been rubbing the chill out of his body were covered in webbed fabric. ‘I’m gonna be sick’ she thought.
“Hi.” Peter’s voice was horse, and his shivering made the word come out as a whisper.
Y/n didn’t respond, she didn’t even know he spoke. All she could do was stare wide-eyed, gaze flickering from his gloved hands to the red pooling on his shirt.
“Y/n. Look at me,” the boy pleaded. But every step he took towards her, she took one back. This kept up until her back was pressed against her door, the both of them freezing.
‘I’m definitely gonna throw up,' she thought as her body sunk down to the carpeted floor.
“Please … Please look at me.”
“I am looking at you.”
“No. Really look at me.”
Two pairs of watery irises met, and Peter fell to his knees to meet y/n’s stare. “Listen I know it’s been a while-”
“Six months,” she broke their gaze to stare at yet another framed photo.
He looked to where her eyes had focused. “Yeah,” he paused, taking a few short breaths before turning back to her, “a long, tiring six months."
Remind her how it used to be, be Yeah, with pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks, cheeks Tell her how you must've lost your mind When you left her all alone and never told her why, why
"And I am so incredibly sorry," he waited a few seconds for her to turn towards him, but she made no move to meet his eyes. So instead of continuing his sentiment, he stood up and made his way over to y/n's desk, picking up the frame that held her attention.
"Happy one year, Ladybug." Y/n grinned at the overused nickname. It was something Peter had called her since their friendship began in middle school, and it stuck throughout their relationship.
She kissed the tip of Peter's nose, and he scrunched it in response before y/n leaned her forehead against his. "There's no one else I'd rather spend every day with."
Those words alone made Peter ecstatic. All the worry he held left his body with a breathy laugh as he peppered y/n's face with kisses. "Move in with me," Peter said between his lips' feather light touches.
"Oh you guys are the cutest," May had just walked through Peter's front door. "Let me take a picture of you two," she pleaded, pulling out her old Minolta camera.
Peter held his lips pressed to y/n's cheek as the flash went off, "move in with me," he said again against the dimple that formed on her cheek as she smiled for May.
A look of shock made its way to his girlfriend's face, but her smile was quickly restored as she whipped her head towards Peter, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Of course, Pete."
"I miss it," y/n finally spoke, and Peter turned to her. "I tried to get rid of those pictures... I couldn't do it. I thought I was going crazy, Pete. I didn't know why you were out every night, coming home beaten half to death." She looked up at him through wet lashes, "I knew you were in some sort of trouble but," she waved her hand around in his direction, "this? This was the last thing I suspected. Which is so stupid, because out of all the crazy ideas in my head, this was the most logical."
The confession brought a new hope to Peter's heart, and he quickly wiped his eyes before kneeling face-to-face with y/n. Letting the picture frame hit the floor, his thumbs traced under her eyes before placing his palms firmly on each side of her face.
"I miss how we used to be," a sob left y/n's lips, followed by a few hiccups.
"Hey, look at me," he lifted the girl's chin with no resistance, "we can go back to that." He nudged his head towards the fallen frame with a smile.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was scared you'd get hurt and I wouldn't be able to protect you." He was crying again, but the slow fall of his tears didn't match the rapidity of y/n's.
Peter looked out the rain covered bedroom window before turning back to y/n. "I swung passed that window every night on patrol. Every morning, too, and sometimes on my lunch break." He moved his gloved hands from y/n's face to his own, quickly wiping away the salt water that curved its way down his face and to his lips. "I realized that staying away from you was just as selfish as staying with you. If I wasn't by your side, who was gonna protect you?"
The worry in Peter's voice hit y/n like a truck, the secrets starting to make more sense. It wasn't about not trusting her, it was about the target that was not only on Spider-Man's back, but Peter's.
"I'd be at risk either way," she held strong eye contact now. "If I know or don't... It doesn't matter. The bad guys would need to know your identity to put me in danger, me knowing doesn't control who else knows," she paused, "unless you don't trust me?"
He was quick to put down the idea, "No. No y/n of course I trust you. I got these powers when we were in high school, and I didn't want to freak you out. I was gonna tell you, but then keeping it a secret seemed so much easier. So I waited a few years, but then you told me you liked me and I couldn't mess that up." Peter's shaky hands reached for her's.
God, she wanted to be mad, even a little scared, but the pleading look in Peter's eyes seemed to have shut off her sympathetic nervous system.
Y/n was quick to wrap her arms around the boy in front of her, nothing but muffled sobs left her lips as she brought herself as close to Peter as possible. He wrapped his arms around her lower back, running a hand up and down her spine.
"I would wait forever and ever if thats how long you needed," he whispered into her hair when he felt her breathing become steady.
"You really know how to get the girl, huh." Y/n laughed as she leaned back, sniffling before rubbing her nose with the back of her hand.
Peter chuckled before kissing her, finally able to relish in the feeling of her lips after six miserable months. "Yeah," he pulled back, a grin gracing his puffy cheeks, "I heard that's how it works."
A/N god that was so fucking bad
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azenkii · 4 years
A Long List of Trash Fire Lord Zuko Headcanons
...that i couldn't get out of my head:
(warning: SUPER LONG POST i havent figured out how to trim posts yet)
he's the one who unchains azula despite iroh's protests. she doesn't even try to fight him, just cries into his shoulder and keeps mumbling about how father's going to be so disappointed in her. he takes her to her rooms and has her drink a sleeping draught, then stations the best guards he has left outside her chambers.
his first council meeting takes place literally a day after sozin's comet. he hobbles into the council chamber shirtless with his entire torso covered in bandages and every council member just looks at him like '...what'
he does NOT sleep for like,,a week after sozin's comet and then another two weeks after his coronation. katara, aang and suki try to persuade him to sleep and he doesn't listen. eventually sokka, toph and mai team up to literally drag his ass to bed and tell him he's not allowed to get up until he sleeps (does mai pin him to the bed with her knives? yes. is it kinky or sexual in any way? definitely not.)
he drinks So. Much. Tea. at this point it's practically tasteless to him but he drinks it anyway because he just needs something to do and tea is something familiar. he keeps iroh on his toes because he's constantly asking for new tea blends, uncle, i think i actually tasted the last one,
he flat-out refuses to grow his hair for at least a year after ozai's defeat. the second it starts getting close to his chin he shears it off himself, with his knife, and his stylist has a heart attack every single time
when he's tired he'll occasionally jump up when one of his guards moves. it stops after a bit, but for the first month and a half or so he's really twitchy. when sokka asks, the only explanation he can come up with is that he's not used to having people stand behind him silently and not want to kill him, much less want to protect him (sokka immediately takes him out for a shopping trip and makes a point of walking behind him the entire time, but only on zuko's right side, where he can clearly see it if sokka moves towards him)
when the healer declares azula mentally unstable and in need of an institution, he shuts himself in his office for the rest of the night. no one's allowed in, not even iroh. he finally emerges in the morning, eyes red from crying and sleep deprivation, and tells the librarian that he'd like a list of the best mental institutions in the country, please, the best in the world if you can get them
he loves theatre (is this even a headcanon?). unfortunately it practically died out in the fire nation along with the rest of the creative arts, leaving nothing but small troupes like the ember island players. one of zuko's personal goals (meaning things he wants to accomplish that aren't as important as restoring his country) is to bring back theatre; he finally manages to do it after about eight months or so of being fire lord, along with other arts like dancing, music and sculpture
he establishes a national day of mourning, on the first day of autumn every year, to commemorate the genocide of the air nomads. from 100AG onwards, every calendar printed in the fire nation has it marked. at first it was called the day of repentance, but aang persuaded him to have it changed (by arguing that he didn't want guilt to be a literal staple of fire nation culture)
he introduces literally So Many educational reforms, plus a mandatory class that teaches students about the cultures of the other nations (air nomads included) and how some of their traditions overlap
he turns down the offer of having a statue put up of him in the capital. toph ignores him and does it anyway.
he visits azula regularly, makes sure she's (relatively) comfortable and well-fed, and sometimes just sits down outside her door and tells her about everything that's going on right now ('some of the far colonies have developed their own standardised writing, azula, you wouldn't believe it, and i've asked the fire sages to come visit more often—but you never liked them, did you? oh, well; i'll make sure none of them go into your chambers by mistake')
(he doesn't know it, but when he does this azula sits by the door and listens. she wonders what kind of writing the colonists have developed, and whether or not the fire sages have taken on some new recruits.)
he hates being above anyone else. never sits in the throne if he can help it, nor does he sit on the dais in the council room. when he talks to people shorter than him, he finds himself stooping a little bit to talk to them on their level (the exception to this rule is sokka, who he mocks for being shorter all the way up until sokka grows taller than him, the bastard)
the first time he visits the earth kingdom, the earth king's ministers call a toast. he ends up being the only one who has to sit out, because he's too young to drink by earth kingdom law
once his servants figure out he won't kill them for talking to him, they start becoming a lot more bold, telling him off when he doesn't take care of himself. at one point, they force him to let them take care of him so much that he literally just bolts into the gardens and hides there until the staff rope in mai and ty lee
when he needs to escape, he does one of two things: (a) he dresses up as the blue spirit and does some parkour until he calms down, or (b) he goes to work at the jasmine dragon. (b) happens less often bc the jasmine dragon's in ba sing se, but there's been a few memorable incidents when an earth kingdom diplomat walks in and yells, 'LEE?!' when they see the fire lord
the first court artist who draws him also happens to be the one who drew azulon and ozai. he draws zuko without his scar. zuko takes one look at it and tells him, very calmly, that he'd like him to leave, please.
zuko burns the portrait. he doesn't fire the court artist, but he never calls on him again unless he has to. a second court artist is called, and can't help but be a bit confused when the fire lord tells him to be sure to include the scar
he forgets the crown. a lot. sometimes he walks into council meetings in his sleepwear with his hair tied up in a messy ponytail and a bunch of scrolls tucked under his arm. none of his councilmen have the guts (or the heart) to tell him that this is not, in fact, formal council wear
he goes to feed the turtleducks when he's stressed. he thinks he's being subtle. he's not. the entire palace knows, and they consciously give him space when they see him in the turtleduck garden
most of his staff are older than him, so they look at him and see this teeny tiny fire lord who is So Small and who Must Be Protected. the day after zuko's coronation, the head chef holds a meeting where they commence Operation Do-Not-Let-That-Boy-Turn-Out-Like-His-Father (subsection He's-The-Only-Good-Thing-We-Have)
one night he wakes up to find suki sitting in his room, decked out in full kyoshi warrior garb and makeup, and just about screams blue murder. suki tells him there are suspicions of an assassin in the palace, and would you please stop yelling it's very distracting, we won't be able to hear anyone coming over that racket
zuko gets very, very paranoid of random spirits after that. yeah, suki looks like a possibly malevolent spirit when she's wearing her makeup, what about it? (when he tells sokka he's highkey terrified of spirit shenanigans, sokka just looks at him and says, 'man, the stories i could tell...', and THAT'S when zuko remembers sokka spent like six months more than he did travelling with the avatar)
on his first visit to the southern water tribe, he removes his boots and leg guards, rolls up his pants and kneels barefoot in the snow. even though chief hakoda immediately starts trying to pull him up, he's stubborn as hell and stays kneeling for the entirety of his very long, very sincere apology-on-behalf-of-the-fire-nation speech. he nearly loses his toes to frostbite after that, and both sokka and katara never stop giving him shit for it
the first time he grows a 'beard' is completely accidental. he's stressed over some trade miscommunications with chief hakoda, hasn't slept in a few days...and then when sokka arrives as water tribe ambassador to help smooth things over, he takes one look at zuko and says 'man, facial hair does not suit you'
zuko: facial what now
he checks a mirror to find that he's got stubble covering his chin, dark enough that it almost looks intentional, and holy gods how the fuck did he not notice this before
'UNCLE WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME' 'i assumed you were doing it on purpose' 'WHEN HAVE I EVER DONE ANYTHING ON PURPOSE'
he shaves it all off immediately, of course, which prompts a lot of teasing and rib-poking from sokka until zuko finally snaps that he's scared it'll make him look like his father. sokka stops after that.
(the day after sokka leaves, zuko finds that a mysterious someone has scribbled all over ozai's royal portrait, giving him a frankly ridiculous beard and moustache that literally CANNOT be grown in real life. oddly enough, he can't bring himself to care about the defamation of royal property. he's too busy laughing.)
his paths cross with toph and sokka more than any of the others, because sokka is ambassador and toph is technically still a beifong. most of the time, at formal functions, he ends up sequestered in the corner with toph and a hoard of snacks, and they talk and swear much more than they usually do (zuko's ministers once heard him when he was drunk with toph, and the servants swear the older ministers' ears started bleeding)
he restores fire nation cultural festivals, and in doing so subjects himself to learning a lot of complicated dances
during one memorable week, he wrote so many letters and drafted so much legislation that he ran out of paper. he had to go visit the nearest school and ask for some
he keeps up with his firebending and sword training even though it's hard to fit into his schedule. his ministers refrain from reminding him that he has guards to protect him now; it's still hard for zuko to trust his safety with anyone but himself (team avatar is the exception).
he started sleepwalking about two months into his reign. no one knew why. one time, he nearly sleepwalked right off the edge of a balcony, and one of his guards had to grab him by the back of his robes.
the sleepwalking stopped after around a month and never happened again. at this point it's practically palace legend.
after freeing the war prisoners, he went around collecting every single earthbender-proof wooden cell he could find in the capital and surrounding areas. when he'd gotten most of them, he gathered them into a huge pile in the city square and set fire to them with his own hands.
unfortunately he couldn't do that with the waterbender metal cells but he did get toph to come in and bend them all into pretty shapes (well, toph thought they were pretty shapes. everyone else thinks they're meaningless squiggles)
he learned how to write with both hands at the same time out of sheer necessity (he refused scribes until it became clear that he'd be putting some people out of a job; that was when he started letting scribes write very, very minor things, but all important documents/drafts/letters are still written by him)
he once put the wet end of an ink brush in his mouth instead of the wooden end by mistake. didn't even realise until he bit down to keep it in place and ink went oozing everywhere
when his guards rushed in to find him coughing and spluttering black liquid all over his desk they thought he'd been poisoned but no he's just stupid
on his 17th birthday, his first one after being crowned, he got tackled by team avatar in the middle of the ballroom and ended up at the bottom of a cuddlepile for like ten minutes
this cuddlepile happened at an event that was very much public and very much formal. it was a scandal for weeks
just. fire lord zuko, guys. so much potential
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heyiwrotesomethings · 3 years
Lepidopterophobia Prt. Two
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: People seemed to like that oneshot so I made a part two! Here is a link to part one if you want a refresher or something (Link). Word Count: ~11,329 (Again, holy shit. I do not know how I wrote so much. I blame the demon encounter that I forced myself to put in this fic and the totally unnecessary OC interaction lol) Hope you enjoy!
Shinobu was getting worried now. It may have been hiding behind sweet smiles and teasing words, but the worry was there nevertheless, churning deep within her like an undercurrent of a seemingly calm ocean cost.
She and (Y/n) had made it a habit to write each other at least once a week since they met about six months ago.
Such letters always made Shinobu feel extremely happy and giddy. Even the estate residents could determine when a letter came simply based on body language alone, although the melodic humming also helped on that front.
Giyuu had even witnessed the change first hand by chance one day and he admitted that it was the freakiest thing he had ever experienced. Especially when she walked past him and actually gave him a compliment before continuing to hum and glide down the hall. Giyuu did not know how to conduct himself in this Shinobu’s presence.
However this week was different, Mochi had not arrived, there was no letter. Shinobu quelled the initial disappointment and anxiety. Surely (Y/n) just had a tiring mission and fell asleep while drafting her message. It wouldn’t have been the first time after all. But when the second week was nearing its end, Shinobu was starting to crack.
She was admittedly a bit unfocused. Her honey sweet tone was still there, but her speech was sharp and clipped. She spent more time in her lab doing research well into the early hours of the morning, becoming more unkempt as another new dawn brought no news.
Aoi made sure Shinobu would eat. She also made it clear that the Hashira needed to be taking better care of herself in general as the young woman sulked her way into the infirmary.
“You’re worrying the younger girls because you look like you’ll collapse at any second and Kanao might not say it, but you’re worrying her too. You’re causing us all distress,” Aoi had told her, not pulling any punches. “(Y/n)-san would not be happy to see you like this.”
“Well, she isn’t here now, is she? She hasn’t been here since her first visit. Why should I care what makes her happy?” Shinobu’s seraphic voice laced with poison replied, an insincere smile painting her lips.
Aoi scoffed and rolled her eyes. “If only I knew, Shinobu-sama. I don’t quite understand you’re attraction to her myself. Maybe you should try writing her again.”
“I’ve already sent two letters. I’m not so desperate for attention to try for a third,” Shinobu responded rigidly. “My crow has always come back empty handed so I know someone is getting my messages. What more is there to do?”
“Didn’t she say in her last letter that demon attacks were becoming more frequent in her sector? Just give her some time. She isn’t that big of an idiot to ignore you on purpose.”
“I’m growing tired of this conversation, Aoi,” Shinobu sighed. “I’ll be going to the lab and I do not wish to be disturbed.”
“As you wish, Shinobu-sama. I’ll send someone over with your dinner later though, and you better eat it.” Aoi replied as Shinobu walked out.
Kanao came to stand by Aoi’s side and flipped her coin, heads. “I have not seen Shinobu-neesan seem so visibly upset in a long time.”
“Yes, she must really like (Y/n)-san a lot, huh?” Aoi frowned, making another bed.
Kanao flipped her coin again, but remained silent this time around.
“Well, that idiot better respond soon. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
Shinobu drowned herself in her research well into the night. Balancing equations, messing with beakers and microscopes and reading copious amounts of botany and organic chemistry texts. She was so absorbed in her work that she didn’t notice the faint tapping at the door that led out onto the engawa from her lab.
The tapping persisted almost frantically as Shinobu inked down some notes until a loud squawking caused her hand to jerk across the parchment and ruin her page. She almost didn’t care though, she leapt from her chair and slid the door open with enough speed for it to clack against the stopper hard enough to echo across the garden.
She beckoned the familiar raven to take perch on her arm, cooing and lightly stroking the feathered breast of the large bird with a sincere smile and hopeful eyes.
“Good evening Mochi,” she cooed softly. “What have you and (Y/n) been up to these past few weeks?”
“(Y/n), (Y/n)!” The bird mimicked, enjoying the head scritches Shinobu was supplying him. He held a leg out toward Shinobu and she deftly untied the parchment from his leg.
“Thank you for this, rest here for awhile. I’m sure my crow wouldn’t mind sharing some snacks with you.”
Mochi cawed excitedly, flapping his way into the corner with Shinobu’s crow who seemed a bit miffed by the disturbance, but ultimately did not mind the presence of the larger bird she had come to know over the last few months.
Shinobu sat back in her writing desk and unfurled the parchment with a slight tremor running through her hands. As she began to read through the letter, concern laced through her features. (Y/n)’s tone was there. The words came off like hers, but the handwriting was unfamiliar, completely off. Each character was shaky, and stray ink splattered the parchment throughout the letter. There was no way (Y/n) actually wrote this.
The suspicious letter contained an apology for tardiness that was spun in a way that made it rather humorous and light without downplaying the seriousness of the apology, a skill Shinobu only knew (Y/n) to have mastered so well. The message continued on to talk about the high number of demons still running rampant in the area and addressed points made in Shinobu’s previous letters, but she still couldn’t get over the hand writing, it just didn’t sit right with her.
“Mochi, did (Y/n) write this?” Shinobu asked, knowing she was asking a lot of the bird to actually try to hold a conversation in a human language.
“No write, can’t write,” the bird croaked while happily eating some berries.
“Why can’t she write?” Shinobu asked, her brow wrinkled with concern.
“Forgot, can’t say, not supposed to,” the raven replied nervously.
“Mochi, what happened, is she hurt?”
Mochi shifted uncomfortably. “Healing, will be okay. Resting.”
“Is that why she didn’t reply sooner, she got hurt?” Shinobu was mostly just saying that to herself as she began eyeing one of her medicine cabinets intently. She walked over to it and opened the cabinet doors now going into full-on healer mode. “She hasn’t said anything in two weeks so it must be serious,” she turned back to the raven who jumped at the intensity of Shinobu’s gaze and attempted to hide behind the much smaller crow. “Tell me what happened Mochi. I need to know what I must bring.”
“Yes, now how bad she Mochi, please focus.”
“Arms broken. Head hurts. Feverish. I worry, but she says fine.”
“Fine she says, I’ll show her fine,” Shinobu muttered as she packed the necessary materials, a vein protruding angrily from her forehead. “I need to grab some other supplies from the infirmary, don’t move a muscle.” she commanded before practically teleporting out of the lab.
Shinobu grabbed additional medicines and medical supplies, rustling about the cabinets like a tornado until Kanao came in with an inquisitive sheen to her eyes.
Still unnoticed by her adoptive sister, Kanao flipped her coin and only when she was sure of the result, she spoke.
“Nee-san, are you going somewhere?”
“Oh, Kanao,” Shinobu spun around, “I’m glad you’re still up. I’m going on a mission for a few days, maybe longer. Take care of things while I’m gone please.”
Kanao stared blankly for a moment before flipping her coin once more. Looking back up at Shinobu she asked, “Is this about (Y/n)-san?”
Shinobu faltered in her movements slightly, almost undetectable, but not to Kanao’s sharp eyes.
“How could you tell?” Shinobu smiled almost sheepishly, a faint dusting of pink coloring her cheeks. A sign she knew she had been caught.
“You never bring that much medical supplies on missions for simple demon slaying,” Kanao stated plainly. “I know you have been worried about (Y/n)-san lately. Aoi said it was only a matter of time before you took matters into your own hands.”
“I can’t get much past my smart and observant girls, can I?” Shinobu gave her usual default smile, though it looked a bit more prideful than usual. She closed up the final cabinet and secured her medicinal bag over her shoulder. When she approached Kanao she squeezed her shoulders affectionately. “Look out for each other, make sure Naho, Sumi, and Kiyo keep up with their studies as well. I’ll try to be back in two days tops, but it may take longer if (Y/n) insists on being difficult. Goodbye for now, my little sister,” Shinobu released Kanao and waited patiently as the girl looked at the coin in her hand.
“Bye Nee-san, be safe,” Kanao said after a moment. Shinobu’s smile grew especially warm when Kanao had decided to speak on her own without the aid of the coin. With one last nod, Shinobu left the infirmary with a new energy about her.
Shinobu ran through the trees until dawn, following after Mochi as he flew above. As much as she wanted to get there as soon as possible, the many sleepless nights over the past two weeks had taken a toll on Shinobu’s physical state. She admonished herself for being so careless. How could she take care of (Y/n) if she couldn’t even take care of herself? She called for Mochi to stop for a moment and the unusual duo took roost on one of the trees thick and gnarled branches.
“How much further?” Shinobu asked, trying to disguise a yawn hidden behind a small hand.
“Be there by midday if rest short,” the bird replied.
Shinobu nodded, drinking a bit of water and stretching before resigning herself to continue on despite her muscles’ protests.
When the sun was at its highest and hottest was when Shinobu saw the weathered home Mochi was circling over. On closer inspection she recognized the insignia of the Wisteria Houses and she couldn’t help but quietly scoff to herself.
“Oh? Hello young lady, how may I help you?”
Shinobu turned and found herself looking down at a frail old woman who was even smaller than her. Realizing she had been staring, Shinobu began to answer the patient woman.
“Good afternoon, I believe you are currently looking over the demon slayer (Y/n), is that correct?”
“(Y/n)-chan? Ah yes, poor girl. She had a rough mission awhile back, she’s lucky she was with a team that night or I’m not sure she would have made it. She’s resting now I believe, but please do come in,” the old woman replied with the sweet raspiness of someone who has lived a full life and turned back towards the house, her hands trembling as she pushed the door open. She ushered Shinobu into a chair and fixed some tea for the exhausted Hashira who graciously accepted the cup.
“It is a rare honor to have a Hashira in my home, may I ask what brings you here?”
“I’m here for (Y/n),” Shinobu answered, assuming that the old woman had simply forgotten already due to her age.
“Yes, is she training under you, a Tsuguko perhaps?”
“Ah, no. She isn’t training under me,” Shinobu denied.
“I apologize, I suppose I just don’t understand then, why a Pillar of the demon slayers is taking time out of her surely busy schedule to tend to a slayer of a lower level who isn’t even under her instruction.” the old woman questioned.
“I’m afraid that is none of your concern.” Shinobu answered with a tight lipped smile. Perhaps this old woman wasn’t as senile as she had previously believed.
“I’m sorry deary, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. It’s just that I saw you hopping after (Y/n)-chan’s raven and I thought you may have been the recipient of her sweetly composed letter. She asked me to write it for her you see. She had been fretting over what to say for days the poor thing,” the old woman tutted, raising her own teacup to her lips with a shaky grip.
“I see,” Shinobu nodded. “You are correct though, the letter was for me. That is how I knew that I should come.”
“That’s wonderful, Insect Hashira.” the old woman smiled.
Shinobu turned expectantly in the direction of the voice she hadn’t heard in months, unaware of the knowing smile the old woman was directing at her.
“Well, come with me young lady. The patient is in no shape to leave her bed,” Hisa explained motioning fo Shinobu to follow her down the hallway. Hisa approached another door and gave it a courtesy knock before sliding the door open.
“Hello (Y/n)-chan, how nice of you to join the world of the living again and look who’s here to visit you...”
Hisa made room for Shinobu to enter the room and the Hashira could feel butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she stepped forward.
“Shinobu!” (Y/n)’s eyes gleamed. She tried to sit up, but Shinobu glided over and pushed her back on the futon.
“Hello (Y/n), we have a lot to talk about,” Shinobu said with a smile, however the dark aura did not go unnoticed by (Y/n) as the heavily bandaged girl shifted her eyes nervously to another corner of the room.
“I’ll give you two some space. Have fun with your girlfriend, (Y/n)-chan,” Hisa waved before shutting the door behind her.
“Sh- We’re not- She’s not my girlfriend!” (Y/n) called back, clearly flustered.
“Oh my (Y/n), have you been embellishing the nature of our relationship?” Shinobu gasped, hiding a teasing smile behind her hand, feigning shock.
“No, of course not!” (Y/n) shook her head, trying to look anywhere that wasn’t Shinobu. She shook her head a bit too furiously, causing her to wince and groan.
Shinobu’s face turned serious as she inspected the bandages wrapped around (Y/n)’s head. Her arms were also tightly bound, slings kept the arms crossed firmly over (Y/n)’s stomach. Shinobu pushed (Y/n)’s hair away from her forehead to get a better look at the blood stained bandage. “When was the last time, Hisa-san was it? When was the last time she changed these bandages?”
“Um, maybe yesterday I think? I’ve been kind of out of it so I’m not totally sure.”
“Someone needs to hold these wisteria locations to higher standards if we really expect anyone to survive in their care,” Shinobu tisked, noting how the loose bandages easily came undone in her fingers.
“Hisa-san does her best, she’s really good honestly, we’ve just been dealing with a lot of demons lately so supplies are thin and more demon slayers have been coming and going than usual,” (Y/n) defended, taking a sharp intake of air when Shinobu’s fingers examined her head wound.
“I suppose I’ll have to take your word for it... This may sting a bit,”
(Y/n) hissed as Shinobu dabbed the head wound with a cold, wet cloth. Washing off the dried blood that was caked there so she could better see the wound. It was more like a large scrape, not a gaping wound as Shinobu had initially feared. “So, care to tell me how this all happened since you neglected to mention it in your letter?”
“Um,” (Y/n) paused to clear her throat, “I’ll try but it’s all kind of fuzzy in my mind.”
“Take your time,” Shinobu encouraged, replacing the bandage on (Y/n)’s head.
“Well, I was with an improvised squad, which isn’t uncommon, but this one guy was not having it,” (Y/n) sighed. “He was acting high and mighty all night. Talking about how the rest of us were slowing him down and just being an arrogant jerk.” (Y/n) recalled, an annoyed look upon her face.
“And how exactly is this leading up to how this all happened?” Shinobu smiled, moving to (Y/n)’s arms to get a proper look at the damage there.
“Oh trust me, he’s a major player in this mess,” (Y/n) huffed. “So anyway, we were tracking this demon, right? We followed its tracks to a cave in the side of the mountain range near a village and turns out there was a whole bunch of them in there—AGH!” (Y/n) jolted, a sharp pain caused by Shinobu yanking her left arm hard and fast, making it crack loudly. “Why the fuck did you do that!?” (Y/n) wheezed.
“Your arm wasn’t properly set. It may push your healing back a bit, but at least when your arm heals it will be in the proper position,” Shinobu explained, now moving her attention to the other arm. “Please continue your story.”
“Alright then,” (Y/n) grumbled, still feeling the bone throb under her skin, “So there was a bunch of them in the cave that came out to attack us and we were outnumbered, but they were relatively low level so it shouldn’t have been a problem. Then that arrogant jerk began using breathing techniques without any regard for the rest of us. He was using stone breathing I’m pretty sure, just one technique after the other and he caused a rockslide!” (Y/n) turned away from Shinobu and had a brief coughing fit from getting so worked up.
“Here, drink this,” Shinobu paused her re-wrapping of (Y/n)’s arms to hold a waterskin of medicated water to (Y/n)’s lips and the slayer graciously accepted, downing almost half the bag.
“Thanks,” (Y/n) sighed.
“You’re welcome,” came Shinobu’s sweet reply.
“So we were having to dodge boulders and fight the demons at the same time. One girl got her ankle slashed, ripped right through her tendon and she couldn’t get out of the way of the rockslide so I was trying to carry her away from the battle zone, but then that idiot got thrown in my direction and had the audacity to use the back of my head as a goddamn springboard to fling himself back into battle and I lost balance and fell forward face first into the dirt. The girl flew out of my arms and rolled a few yards and my arms were out in front of me. Before I could move, a boulder came in and crushed my arms,” (Y/n) explained, looking down at her newly wrapped arms.
“I think I would like to have a word or two with this slayer, is he still in this sector?” Shinobu asked calmly, a dark aura contrasting her tone.
“He is, but I’m afraid he wouldn’t be able to hear what you have to say, he was killed in the battle,” (Y/n) explained. “I didn’t see it, but that’s what Watanabe-san and I were told once we were brought back to safety,”
“Oh, she was the slayer with the slashed tendon. We’ve been teamed up a few times in the past. She came here for medical attention but she had family nearby so she’s resting there.”
“She must have be grateful for your help that night, even if you ended up hurt as well, I’m sure she appreciated the effort,” Shinobu smiled as she finished whipping up a tonic for (Y/n)’s aching bones.
“She did, she offered for me to come with her to her uncle’s house but I told her I’d be fine here. I didn’t want to over burden her family.”
“You should have accepted, this place is kind of a dump,” Shinobu whispered with a conspiratorial smirk.
“Shinobu, that’s so rude!” (Y/n) whisper-yelled back at the mischievously smiling Pillar.
“Drink this, you’ll need to build up your strength before we can leave,” Shinobu commanded, pressing the lip of the cup to (Y/n)’s own.
(Y/n) nearly choked on the bitter medicine as Shinobu poured the contents down her throat. She shivered and made a disgusted noise when she finished chugging the mixture.
“That was terrible,” she wheezed, resting her head back down on the pillow.
“Don’t say that (Y/n), you’re hurting my feelings,” Shinobu mocked distress, “I worked so hard to make that for you after all.”
“I’m sorry, did I say terrible? I meant... tolerable, terrific! Thank you for helping me!” (Y/n) fretted, falling for Shinobu’s false grief.
“I’ll forgive you if you come quietly when it’s safe to move you,” she smiled, resting her palms on her knees.
“You keep saying we’re going somewhere. Where are we going? I’m not exactly in fighting shape at the moment,” (Y/n) lifted her slung and bandaged arms off of her stomach for emphasis.
“You’ll continue your recovery back at my estate of course. Did you really think I was going to leave you in this squalor?”
“I really wish you would stop insulting this place, Hisa-san works super hard and she is crazy fast and quiet so she could be anywhere!” (Y/n) shifted her eyes around the room before returning her gaze to Shinobu who seemed unbothered by the information. “I’m fine here, really. You don’t need to worry about me when you probably have more important things to do.”
“Are you questioning my discretion as a Hashira?” Shinobu’s smile grew, but failed to reach her eyes as she peered down at the slayer as if challenging her to speak against her plan again.
“No! Not at all, I just-“
“Great, we’ll leave tomorrow depending on your condition!” Shinobu clapped.
“But, the... the butterflies,” (Y/n) whispered, almost as if just speaking of them would be taken as an invitation to appear.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to protect you in your vulnerable state,” Shinobu smiled more kindly, “Who knows, perhaps we could add exposure therapy to your rehabilitation training.”
“Please don’t,” (Y/n) pleaded.
“I still don’t understand why you dislike butterflies so much. Surely when given the option to fight alone against a demon moon or be in the same room as a butterfly you would pick the latter,” Shinobu cocked her head at (Y/n) who seemed to genuinely be mulling it over and the sight exasperated Shinobu. “Really, (Y/n)? Do you really need to think about it?”
“They just freak me out, okay!” (Y/n) shrugged the best she could, “They flutter around and I can never tell where they’re going! They have those long, skinny legs and creepy eyes and weird curly tongue things it’s just— ugh!” She shuddered.
Shinobu couldn’t help but laugh, making (Y/n) pout and narrow her eyes at her. Even as the tinkling laughter died down Shinobu’s soft expression remained and she allowed herself to smooth over (Y/n)’s hair before gently running a cold knuckle over the bruised skin of the girl’s cheek.
“I’ve missed your antics.” Shinobu sighed, her seraphic voice betraying how tired she was as the small statement slurred together ever so slightly.
“You seem tired, have you been sleeping well?” (Y/n) asked while basking in the attentions of the cool, calloused touch.
“You know how our work goes. I’m fine.”
A knock on the door brought the two girls out of the moment and Shinobu turned her head just as Hisa came in with two bowls of rice and vegetables. Shinobu was briefly impressed by the old woman, of whom she had not sensed an approach.
“Lunch for you two, please enjoy,” Hisa crooned as she set the tray on the low lying table nearby. “And here is bedding and a change of clothes for you should you wish for them Insect Hashira.”
Again Shinobu was a bit perplexed over the old woman’s ghostly ability. How had she not noticed the bundle of fabrics Hisa only now seemed to have carried? Perhaps she was too tired Shinobu mused, watching the old woman set up the futon for her.
“I’ll be there in just a moment to help you eat, (Y/n)-chan.” Hisa smiled as she patted the covers smooth.
“No need to trouble yourself, Hisa-san. I can take everything over from here,” Shinobu politely waved her off. “Please leave the rest of (Y/n)’s care to me.”
“If that is what you wish. Call if you require anything.” Hisa finished setting up Shinobu’s sleeping arrangements before slipping out of the room and sliding the door shut behind her.
Shinobu hummed quietly and got up to collect the food from the table, opting instead to set the tray at (Y/n)’s bedside. She lifted one of the bowls and pinched a sprout with the chopsticks and held it before (Y/n)’s face. “Say ahhhh,” She taunted playfully, waving the food before (Y/n)’s lips.
“You don’t need to feed me I can do it myself.” (Y/n) could feel her cheeks heat up as Shinobu persisted with her actions.
“What a bold faced lie, (Y/n). Or perhaps you hit your head harder than I thought? You do see how tightly I bound your arms, correct? Now open up, we don’t want to make a mess now do we?”
(Y/n) looked down at her covered arms slung snuggly over her stomach and made a soft sound of embarrassment. She turned shyly to Shinobu and received the bite, looking away bashfully as she chewed and swallowed.
“See that wasn’t so bad. Have some more, your body needs fuel to help it heal.” Shinobu spoke cheekily and raised the chopsticks again.
Shinobu continued feeding (Y/n) bite after bite until the bowl was empty. Then she replaced the used bowl with the full one waiting nearby and began eating her own lunch. She still sat by (Y/n)’s side and shared in conversation as she ate. Despite the plainness of the small meal, Shinobu felt like it was the best thing she’d eaten in a long time. Though she suspects it was as Mitsuri often told her, it’s the company with which one shares the meal that makes it taste so much better.
Shinobu’s lips curl into a small, sweet smile as she watches (Y/n)’s eyelids droop. When (Y/n) attempts to hide a yawn with her shoulder, Shinobu helps her lay back down from her reclined position. She only teasingly stroked (Y/n)’s hair three or four times before the slayer passed out. The smile grew a bit more proud as she realized (Y/n)’s total concentration breathing persisted even in her sleep. Shinobu studied the exhausted yet, peaceful expression. Drinking in the face she hadn’t seen in months, she wondered how a girl she had only met in person for a short period of time could already have such a prominent place in her mind.
Shinobu stretched her arms over her head and popped her spine, releasing a relaxed sigh as the tension escaped her back. The many nights of minimal, restless sleep had really taken a toll. She shuffled over to her own bed roll, only taking a moment to remove her blade, hairpin, and haori before slipping into the covers and succumbing to a deep, dreamless sleep.
It was well in to the next morning when Shinobu finally stirred. She fought with herself to sit up, a soft groan of displeasure left her mouth as she left the heat of her blanketed cocoon. She lazily scanned the room, her eyebrows knit together once her gaze landed on the empty futon a few meters away from her own. Her ear picked up the faint sounds of a struggle coming from the next room and her senses went into high alert.
Shinobu got up and grabbed her saya, a practiced hand poised over the hilt of her nichirin blade, she edged the door open with her foot and—
“Ahh!” (Y/n) squeaked and turned away from Shinobu to cover herself with her rumpled uniform top.
“Oh, (Y/n),” Shinobu laughed, “What are you doing?”
“I’m trying to get dressed, obviously. Can you leave please?” (Y/n) asked, trying to shoo the Hashira away.
“How long have you been trying to fit your fitted sleeves over those thick bandages?” Shinobu asked instead, smirking and leaning against the door frame.
“...I don’t want to talk about it.” (Y/n) mumbled, her shoulders slouched.
Shinobu giggled and made to approach, picking up the discarded kimono that (Y/n) had worn the previous day. “Your uniform would probably make traveling more comfortable, but I really rather not have to unwrap your arms. I recommend you keep wearing this, at least until we get home.”
“But it’s not practical, what if we encounter a demon?” (Y/n) worried.
“No offense (Y/n), but no matter what you wear, you won’t be much help with a fight in your condition,” Shinobu gave a sympathetic smile as she held out the kimono and discretely eyed (Y/n)’s scar, the previous injury that had brought them together. “Of course, if you’d rather go topless who am I to judge?” She teased.
“Oh my gods, give me that!” (Y/n) took the kimono from an all too pleased Shinobu and nudged her toward the door. “It took me twenty minutes just to put on pants, sorry that I would rather not let that struggle go to waste.” (Y/n) grumped, frown deepening at Shinobu’s tinkling laughter.
“If you need any help, just ask. I’d like to leave while it’s still light out.” Shinobu called through the door.
Shinobu took her time fixing her hair and packing up her supplies, but once that was done she was pretty much ready to go. She pulled on her haori and accepted a late breakfast from Hisa and she casually taunted (Y/n) through the door as she ate.
Finally, the berated girl emerged from the separate room wearing the kimono and her haori draped over her shoulders, looking almost as exhausted as yesterday. (Y/n) loosely held onto her uniform which Shinobu took from her to pack tightly into her bag.
“Oh dear,” Shinobu tutted, “You already tired yourself out haven’t you?”
“I can still walk, despite everything else my legs somehow are fine.”
“In that case,” Shinobu reached out and pinched (Y/n)’s thigh causing the other girl to let out a surprised, slightly pained yelp.
“What was that for?” (Y/n) hissed, gingerly rubbing the sore spot through her kimono.
“For removing your slings. You could have upset the alignment of your arms.” Shinobu scolded gently as she moved to fit the slings back around (Y/n)‘s arms and neck. Once she was satisfied, she helped (Y/n) eat breakfast, which was technically lunch at this point.
Shinobu gathered the rest of (Y/n)’s meager belongings, most noticeably her nichirin blade, and hefted her bag over her shoulder. (Y/n) offered to carry it, but Shinobu refused. Once they were ready to leave, Hisa created sparks for them and wished them good fortune during their journey. Shinobu and (Y/n) thanked Hisa, bid her goodbye and headed out.
Mochi cawed joyously and flew circles around the girls as they walked through the nearby village. He was causing a scene, but (Y/n) let him have his fun. He was just excited to be out and about with his slayer again.
(Y/n) stopped and turned her head, prompting Shinobu to do the same. “Oh, Watanabe-san, hi!”(Y/n) greeted the girl hunched over a crutch with a couple small children circling her. They had also stopped to stare up at the boisterous raven.
“You aren’t heading out on a mission right now are you?” Watanabe asked, worry evident as she hobbled closer. She hadn’t even acknowledged Shinobu’s presence, instead focusing her wide eyes solely on (Y/n).
“Oh no,” (Y/n) shook her head, “Just transferring health care facilities. Kochou-sama’s orders.” (Y/n) half joked, turning to the Pillar next her and finally tearing Watanabe’s eyes away from her to look over at Shinobu.
“Kochou-sama!” Watanabe gasped and bowed clumsily at the waist. “I’m sorry I hadn’t realized sooner-“
“It’s fine, your off duty. Relax.” Shinobu gave the girl a small smile. Watanabe released a relieved sigh and a polite ‘thank you’ before eagerly turning her attention back to (Y/n).
“Well, this was good timing seeing as you’re leaving already,” Watanabe chuckled nervously. “I was just coming by to thank you again for saving me that night.”
“No need to thank me,” (Y/n) replied bashfully. “We both ended up in bad shape by the end of the night. If it wasn’t for the others we wouldn’t have made it back anyway.”
“It still means a lot to me. We’ve been on quite a few missions together now and it feels good to know that I can trust you to have my back.” Watanabe explained, a small dusting of blush appearing over her cheeks caused Shinobu’s smile to subtly twitch. “And I love to have yours too of course!” She said. Then she paused a moment before trying to amend her statement, “I mean like, you’ve got my back and I’ve got yours when we’re killing demons and stuff!”
“Yeah, I got it.” (Y/n) laughed. “I’m glad.”
“Kawa-nee,” one of the young children spoke up, tugging at Watanabe’s clothes, “Is she that girl you talk about all the time? The one you think is really pre—“
“Is really pre, pre- professional and good at her job? Yes, that’s our (L/n)-san haha!” Watanabe squished the little boy’s cheeks until his lips were pouty and protruding harshly. “Little cousins, such a handful!” Despite looking horrified, she tittered and blushed, her hands still smushing the poor boy’s face.
“Can I pet your birb?” Another child asked from behind Watanabe, pointing to Mochi still screaming in the sky.
“I’m afraid we need to keep moving along,” Shinobu interjected before (Y/n) could speak. “(Y/n) is already quite tired in her weakened state and I’d hate to have her traipsing around in the dark longer than necessary. Surely you understand.”
“Of course Kochou-sama, forgive us,” Watanabe ran a hand through her hair, her face beet red with a sheepish expression. “I guess this is goodbye for now, (L/n)-san. I wish you a full and speedy recovery. I hope to be fighting by your side again soon!” The girl spoke sincerely, “And you know, maybe hang out sometime...” she added quietly under her breath. It was something that clearly wasn’t meant to be heard but it didn’t escape Shinobu’s acute hearing as the Pillar fought to not roll her eyes.
“Thanks, Watanabe-san. I wish you an excellent recovery too, rest well,” (Y/n) beamed, seemingly unaware of the effect she had on her poor fellow slayer.
“Yes, goodbye now. Lovely meeting you,” Shinobu waved with one hand and placed the other at the small of (Y/n)’s back to usher her along. Even as (Y/n) got into a steady gait, Shinobu persisted with her touch and gave Watanabe a plastic smile over her shoulder before redirecting her attention to (Y/n), her fingers pressing a hint further into the fabric at (Y/n)’s back as she gently pushed her out of the small, bustling village.
They had traveled a few decent kilometers and the sun had passed its highest point. Mochi had finally grown tired of his circling and took a precarious perch on the slant of (Y/n)’s shoulder as she and Shinobu continued to walk through the twisted woods.
“Do tell me when you need to rest, (Y/n). I don’t wish for you to pass out on me, I’ve got enough things to carry as is.” Shinobu spoke, breaking the comfortable silence that had surrounded them for awhile now.
“I’ll be fine,” (Y/n) spoke with an ill timed cough.
“Perhaps a quick break is in order after all.” Shinobu frowned, placing the back of her hand on (Y/n)’s scalding forehead she winced internally. “You’re burning up. We’re pushing too hard, rest.”
“I can keep going Shinobu, really.  I don’t want to slow you down any more than I already have.”
“(Y/n), I’m out here because I want to be. There is nothing more important to me in this moment than your well-being. Now sit under this shady tree, drink some of this medicated water, and rest.” Shinobu commanded, helping (Y/n) lower herself to the ground and offering a waterskin for the girl to drink from.
“Mmm ‘kay.” (Y/n) mumbled, too tired to argue further.
Shinobu simpered at the injured slayer then stood and turned to take in her surroundings. She looked to the trees above and counted veiny offshoots of the sun illuminated greenery above, killing time until (Y/n) could travel more ground.
I’m going to need to be especially vigilant tonight.
Shinobu whipped her head around back to (Y/n) heart racing she was by her side in an instant and cupped the quivering girl’s cheeks in her hands. Her eyes switching between (Y/n) and the surrounding environment rapidly to try to understand what could possibly have upset her so- oh.
“I see, I see. Don’t worry, I’ve got it.” Shinobu released the tension she had been holding and moved to shoo away the small black butterfly that was happily perched on one of the roots of the tree. She watched as it fluttered a few meters away to the trunk of another tree before Mochi spooked it even further away. She wanted to be mad at (Y/n), to scold her for scaring so badly over something that couldn’t possibly hurt her, but instead she smiled tenderly and crouched down to sit next to the quaking girl and pulled her into a caring embrace, having (Y/n)’s head rest in the crook of her neck.
“Don’t worry. I’m watching it, just focusing on your breathing. I’m here.” Shinobu cooed as (Y/n) hid her face in Shinobu’s chest.
True to her word, Shinobu watched the insect flutter around as Mochi attempted to chase it away. She found it odd that the butterfly would continue to stick around after being repeatedly dive bombed by the bird, but she didn’t think too much of it. Shinobu shifted her position ever so carefully to get a bit more comfortable since she could tell (Y/n) had fallen asleep. Whether out of stress or just plain physical exhaustion she wasn’t quite sure, but she’d wager that both played a part.
She allowed the girl to sleep a while longer, enjoying the simplicity of this rare peaceful moment and committing it to memory. They only had a few hours of daylight left now, so Shinobu begrudgingly patted (Y/n)’s back.
“(Y/n), it’s time to start moving again.” Shinobu’s seraphic voice called out.
(Y/n) groaned and shook her sleep addled head from her position on Shinobu’s shoulder, her nose grazed the side of Shinobu’s neck as she did so.
“(Y/n), night will soon befall us. We must go. However, once we get back to the Estate, you may sleep on me all you want if that’s what you desire.”
(Y/n)’s head shot up and she fell back against the roots away from Shinobu’s flirtatiously teasing smile, feeling the heat radiating off her face increase ten fold.
“Sorry!” (Y/n) stuttered out. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep!”
“No need to apologize, you looked very cute. So cuddly too,” Shinobu teased as she helped the poor girl to her feet. Before (Y/n) could reply, Shinobu pushed (Y/n) forward, her hand taking a now familiar perch over (Y/n)’s obi. “Let’s be on our way! Mochi, you can stop tormenting that butterfly now,” she spoke over her shoulder to the raven and watched him dive at the insect one last time before soaring above their heads.
“Why do you keep guiding me by the waist? I know how to get to where we’re going,” (Y/n) asked while staring warily over her shoulder at the black butterfly dodging a beam of light to continue lurking in the shaded grove.
“The forest floor is covered in gnarled roots and jagged rocks. I’d hate for you to trip and not be able to break your fall.” Shinobu explained. “Like that,” she giggled her whole arm now curled around (Y/n)’s waist as she pulled the girl back up before (Y/n)’s tripping could completely fell her. “You should really watch where you’re stepping.”
“But I need to watch the butterfly!” (Y/n) insisted, still looking back despite Shinobu’s advice.
“I’m standing right beside you.”
“What are you- oh, I see what you did there, Insect Pillar.” (Y/n) chuckled.
Shinobu continued to distract (Y/n) from her fear as they walked on. Telling (Y/n) about the last visit Tanjirou and his squad paid to the Butterfly Estate as well as an embarrassing story about Tomioka Giyuu that had both girls snickering at the poor man’s misfortune.
As dusk fell over the forest, Shinobu estimated they would make it home in a couple more hours. To travel by darkness wasn’t safe for numerous reasons, but at least they had a lovely full moon to light the way.
The conversation between the two girls naturally died off as the pinks and oranges of the sunset disappeared and night fell. It was necessary for them to stay alert of their surroundings, to be able to hear even the slightest shift in the wind beneath the near deafening songs of cicadas and crickets. Even Mochi flew high above the trees, silently searching for anything amiss.
(Y/n) shivered as a cool breeze shook the leaves of the trees and wished she could pull her haori more tightly over herself. She casually glanced to her left but soon did a double take, swiveling her whole head to the side and pausing in her footsteps. This alerted Shinobu as her hand stayed at (Y/n)’s back.
(Y/n) thought she had saw something. Something small and dark crossed the edge of her vision but whatever it was, if it was anything at all, was gone now. She turned to shake her head at Shinobu to communicate the momentary pause before they continued on the path with near silent footfalls.
They weren’t much further along when another dark shape crossed (Y/n)’s peripheral. Another chill overtook (Y/n)’s body and she could feel the little hairs on the back of her neck prickle to attention. She pursed her lips and side stepped out of Shinobu’s touch and stopped walking.
(Y/n) flickered her eyes between Shinobu’s and her blade twice. The Hashira interpreted the expression easily and poised her now free hand over the hilt of her blade as she scanned the thick woods around them. This part of the forest let in precious little light from the moon, only a few sporadic beams managed to kiss the cold earth below.
The cicadas and crickets had gone quiet.
Another particularly strong gust of howling wind rattled the leaves and pushed at the young slayers’ clothes and hair, yet still nothing emerged from the darkness. Shinobu and (Y/n) knew better than to lower their guard now however.
A few tense, painfully quiet minutes passed before (Y/n) heard it. A faint ‘fwtfwtfwt’ steadily growing in intensity. (Y/n) looked over to Shinobu who nodded in her direction. The Hashira had lowered her bag and (Y/n)’s sheathed blade to the ground in the nook between two roots of a nearby tree before withdrawing her own poison laced blade from its saya and holding it at the ready.
The noise grew louder, sounding like paper flapping rapidly in a windstorm and (Y/n) couldn’t stop the scream that shot out from her throat and escaped through Shinobu’s hastily placed finger tips that had been slapped over her lips.
Butterflies, at least a hundred if they had to guess, emerged from the darkness with the same inky black color of the one they encountered in the earlier that day.
(Y/n)’s lips quivered against Shinobu’s hand and the rest of her shook just as violently, yet her feet remained as firmly placed as a statue. Too consumed by fear to even think about bolting away.
There was nowhere to run anyway, the butterflies flew around them from all angles, more waiting just beyond the trees.
“You found my dinner have you, my lovelies?” A gravelly voice called from the darkness, followed by a sound that was like a dusty cackle mixed with a cough. “She moves rather quickly for being in such a weak state.”
A looming figure finally caught a beam of moonlight and (Y/n) wished desperately to have missed the state of such a miserable looking creature. It was a decrepit looking thing, a grotesque demon with two obscenely large, vacant compound eyes that protruded far from its face. The demon’s faded blue kimono was torn and frayed at the hem, revealing bare feet caked in dried blood and dirt. It was an old, ragged relic that paid homage to humanity long since lost.
“Ahh, there’s the damaged goods,” The demon smiled sinisterly at (Y/n), its bulbous eyes unmoving, “Just the scent of your fear alone is oh so delectable. I can’t wait to taste the rest!” the demon’s voice crackled, its neck craned to scrutinize (Y/n)’s form, a long, wire thin tongue escaped chapped lips for a moment in a poor attempt to wet them.
“Ara, what an abomination you are,” Shinobu taunted, stepping in front of (Y/n) to obscure her from the demon’s view, “You’ve really made a mess of things you know? I was going to help (Y/n) get used to butterflies but showing your repulsive form has surely driven her further into fear. I’ll have to dispose of you quickly for causing such a setback.” Shinobu spoke, her lips quirked upward in a kind of smile that somehow radiated pure anger and disgust.
“Be gone, slayer. Your blood is no good. My babies have whispered of you. They assessed you in the daylight, the girl is slowing you, leave her to me. You cannot protect her while fighting my kaleidoscope, leave her now and you’ll live to see another sun.” The demon spoke as if it was being most generous, even chivalrous, with its proposal.
“My, what ludicrous words you speak. I have half a mind to cut out your tongue over such a suggestion. My blade may not be suited for chopping heads, but for this purpose it should work just fine!” Shinobu leapt up into the trees, the sudden movement was followed by a swarm of black butterflies.
(Y/n) was breathing heavily, trying to regain total concentration with no success. She had no idea what to do. She had no way of helping Shinobu in her condition. There was nowhere to go-
“Mochi!” (Y/n) yelled out into the sky. The raven was busy avoiding a smaller swarm of demon insects, performing various swoops and dives to stay out of their way. “Lose those butterflies and go to the Estate! Get help!” The raven released a distressed caw, reluctant to leave his slayer behind, but with a few well made aerial maneuvers he spun away from the insects’ traps and flew off into the night. But not before squawking an ominous warning.
“Careful, draw much blood so sharp!”
“Blood, sharp? What-“
“Troublesome girl, by the time anyone gets here the only thing left to help with will be cleaning your entrails from the moss and roots!” The demon lurched forward, the motion encouraged (Y/n) to finally find her legs, bolting just before the demon could reach her with its gnarled claws. She could feel the displaced air from the missed swipe at her neck.
“Fuck, fuckfuckfuck!” (Y/n) must have yelled the expletive a thousand times as she stumbled away from the hungry beast, between the length of her kimono and the binding of her arms her efforts alone would surely not be enough to escape.
“Run all you like, my babies show me all. Even now I see the other human hopping amongst the branches above looking for an opening she won’t find. It’s all hopeless.”
As the demon slowed its pursuit, butterflies flanked (Y/n)’s sides as she continued to run. She made a particularly hard turn and fell forward, having just enough forethought to twist so her back hit the ground rather than her slung arms.
As she tried to bring herself back to her feet, something caught her eyes that made them blow wide open. The butterflies that had been hot on her trail had been embedded deep into the bark of the tree she had ducked behind. As she processed the information the demon drew closer in the moonlight until its shadow loomed over (Y/n) who was still struggling to get up.
“You’re mine!” The demon snarled, unfurling its whiplike tongue.
“Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter!” Shinobu had re-emerged from the shadows of the trees at lightning speed, her blade poised to strike deep within the demon’s back.
The demon grinned wickedly, (Y/n) could see herself reflected in its gargantuan eyes, as well as another wave of butterflies flying around her in a beeline towards Shinobu.
“Sharp!” (Y/n) finally understood, but everything was happening much too fast. “Shinobu, stop!” (Y/n) screamed.
Shinobu’s breath hitched and she changed her trajectory at the very last moment to take a forward tumble and land a few meters away from the demon’s side. She quickly burst forward once her feet made contact with the earth and less than gracefully scooped (Y/n) from the ground, half carrying her as she continued to hop away.
“I hope you had good reason for that little outburst,” Shinobu’s voice strained as she tried to maintain her grip, her arms already aching. A familiar self loathing at her lack of physical strength bubbling to the surface.
“Shinobu, the butterflies’ wings are sharp enough to slice into trees. You would have been cut into ribbons if you flew into them!” (Y/n) hastily informed. “The demon said it could see through the butterflies, so even if its not looking directly at you, if there is a butterfly tailing you it knows where you are!”
“What an annoying creature,” Shinobu huffed, as she struggled to lean (Y/n) against a large boulder to help her regain her footing. “Long range battles are less than favorable.”
“It’s only a matter of time before it catches up again, what can we do? Mochi probably hasn’t even made it to the Estate yet,” (Y/n) murmured worriedly, mind whirring as fast as possible to come up with a solution.
“You needn’t worry, (Y/n),” Shinobu brushed her fingers over (Y/n)’s jaw and tilted her head so their eyes would meet, “I merely stated that long range unfavorable, in order to kill this demon, I’ll simply have to move so fast that it won’t matter if it can see me coming and remove those pesky eyes.” She smiled.
“But Shinobu-!”
“(Y/n), I certainly hope you aren’t doubting my abilities. Perhaps in your very lax use of titles and honorifics you’ve forgotten that I hold rank over you, yes? The highest rank a demon slayer can achieve?”
“I’m very sorry, Kochou-sama! That wasn’t my intention!” (Y/n) bowed awkwardly, a nervous sweat rolling off her brow.
“I didn’t say you had to stop being informal with me, just trust that I know what I’m doing, silly girl,” Shinobu smiled affectionately at her chagrined companion before spinning gracefully on her toes to face the dark abyss that was steadily growing louder, her nichirin sword at the ready, “Now, listen carefully and do as I say...”
A few moments later, they were under attack once again, the butterflies descended upon them in a flurry, but they were ready.
(Y/n) and Shinobu split off, a majority of the demon bugs swarmed after Shinobu as (Y/n) clambered back to where Shinobu had discarded her bag. It was still quite a ways off and (Y/n) could only hope the demon was as slow as Shinobu believed it to be. Sure, it seemed to take pause during a few points in its chase, but it could just as easily be toying with them.
(Y/n) nearly tripped due to a shallow hole in the dirt, but was lucky enough to regain her balance and keep going despite the disruption of her forward momentum. She must have cursed her useless arms over a million times in the last ten minutes alone.
“I really hope you know what you’re doing Shinobu!” (Y/n) hissed to herself as one butterfly got to close and managed to swipe her cheek, a streak of blood mingled with stinging sweat.
Finally she saw the discarded bag and her sword which she wished desperately to be able to use. She had no time to stop and figure out how to pick the bag up so she made a little prayer that her uniform would cushion the valuable vials Shinobu said were inside and kicked the bag high into the air, managing to catch the strap in her teeth, and kept running.
(Y/n) made a large arc around another thick grouping of trees and began making her way back into Shinobu’s general area. (Y/n)’s head and heart were pounding and her vision was blurring dangerously. And that was the least of her problems. Adrenaline or no, (Y/n) was sure she was at her limit and was going to crash very soon.
“I have grown tired of this game!”
(Y/n) cried out as the demon lunged from the shadows and tackled her to the ground, it’s mouth frothing and dripping foamy saliva onto (Y/n)’s kimono. (Y/n) managed to kick the demon off and she scooted frantically backwards, watching the angry monster crawl after her with its tongue lashing at her retreating ankles.
“This wasn’t part of the plan! This wasn’t part of the plan!” (Y/n) chanted to herself as she ripped one of her arms free from its sling, wincing through the pain as she straightened it and dug through the bag while still scrambling backward.
“Uhehehe! You’re little friend is busy with a special addendum of this demon blood technique of mine. I left her with enough of my babies to make a clone of myself. There are no obvious differences to be found, she will die believing she was truly facing off with me,” the demon cackled, fully clutching onto (Y/n)’s ankle and dragging her back, “little did she know I was really here, devouring her friend!”
“Devour this, bitch!” (Y/n)’s arm withdrew from the bag with a surgical syringe in her bandaged fist and stabbed it deep into the nearest eye of the miserable creature, draining the purple liquid into the gelatinous mass.
The demon roughly pushed the girl back and released a most horrendously shrill scream into the night. It reeled back on its haunches and clutched at its face.
“What have you done to me! My eyes! My eyes!” It bellowed, its eyes had begun to deteriorate at a rapid pace, a purplish red puss leaked from its tear ducts as it blindly grasped at (Y/n)’s legs. “I’ll make you wish you were never born!”
(Y/n)’s eyes clenched shut, she had no strength left to continue fighting, everything hurt so much she couldn’t even move to defend herself any longer. She could feel the hot breath against her neck, but then the sensation was quickly replaced with that of the cool night breeze and her eyes shot open to see a pure white haori flutter against her cheek.
“Kanao-san!” (Y/n) cheered, her expression one of euphoric disbelief.
“Where did you go you slippery little worm!” The demon shrieked, ripping madly at the ground with its claws.
Kanao stopped a safe distance away from the ranting beast and laid (Y/n) onto the grass and began assessing the beyond beat up slayer before her.
“Wait, Kanao-san, the demon needs to be dealt with and we need to find Kochou-sama.” (Y/n)’s speech was hurried and a bit slurred, it was becoming increasingly more difficult to stay present in the moment and (Y/n) was trying very hard to stay lucid to update Kanao on the situation.
Kanao stared down at (Y/n) then up at the writhing demon, then back down at (Y/n). She gingerly adjusted (Y/n’s neck and head so that she was looking back at her tormentor of the night and could see what was about to take place. (Y/n)’s heart filled with relief as a familiar blur, that was truly very blurry at this point, ambushed the demon from the trees. “She’s okay...”
“Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon!” Shinobu speedily stabbed the demon multiple times, injecting it full of her poison. She was absolutely furious. Not only had the demon wasted her time with that cheap parlor trick clone, it had left (Y/n) in worse shape than Shinobu had found her in the care of the Wisteria House.
She dug her heel harshly into the demon’s ribs once she got a good look at (Y/n) as Kanao tended to her. Shinobu’s jaw set tightly and she glared darkly at the demon writhing and gasping under her foot.
“You,” Shinobu spoke lowly. “I wish I could kill you a hundred more times, but this will have to do. I’ve used my most agonizing blend of poison after all.” She waited for the demon to release one final wheeze before stepping away, crushing a wilting remnant of a demonic butterfly into ash beneath her foot as she made her way over to Kanao and an unconscious (Y/n) with a visibly pained expression.
“Thank you for your impeccable timing and diligence. When I heard that scream I thought... You got to her just in time,” Shinobu knelt down opposite Kanao, beside (Y/n), checking over the girl’s body for any injury that could not wait to be dealt with.
“Mochi was invaluable. I wouldn’t have even known to come to the forest without him. He’s guiding a couple Kakushi here as we speak,” Kanao reported as she would upon completing a mission.
“I’m glad,” Shinobu twined her idle fingers with those on (Y/n)’s left hand and closed her eyes wearily. “I’ve done nothing but put her in danger tonight. She needs to be kept in hands stronger than mine.”
Kanao hesitantly reached out and covered (Y/n) and Shinobu’s joined hands with her own, meeting her sister’s curious gaze a bit nervously. “I... I don’t think (Y/n)-san could be in more capable hands than your own, Neesan.”
“She’s right.”
Kanao and Shinobu blinked at each other before tilting their heads downward to find half open (e/c) eyes staring back up at them.
“It was a strange and clever demon, it targeted me specifically because it observed my injuries and knew I’d be easy pray. If I had been at the top of my game, or if you didn’t have to worry about me, you would have been able to take out that demon much faster. It took advantage of us, so don’t belittle yourself, please.” (Y/n) smiled warmly and weakly squeezed Shinobu’s fingers.
“You’re too kind,” Shinobu gave a small smile in return, “Don’t strain yourself now, rest.” She spoke softly, but (Y/n) continued to babble in her feverish, exhausted haze.
“I just don’t want you to be sad, you know? You work so hard and you’re so cool and smart and beautiful so, yeah, gods I’m so tired. Imma take a nap righ’ here. Night.”
“(Y/n), (Y/n)!”
Mochi had swooped in from high above the trees and landed on (Y/n)’s chest with wings outstretched and proceeded to hop around her torso and cry with relief.
Shinobu gently admonished the bird, offering her arm as a more acceptable perch as (Y/n) groaned and turned in on herself.
“Kochou-sama, Tsuyuri-sama!” two Kakushi called as they emerged from the trees, one cradled (Y/n)’s sword in their arms as they made their hasty approach.
“Oh gods, you again?” One of the Kakushi griped once he caught sight of (Y/n) on the ground. “You aren’t going to fight me when I pick you up again, are you?”
(Y/n) pouted and shook her head slightly, fighting to keep consciousness despite claiming that she was going to sleep.
“Shinobu promised to keep the butterflies away, it’s fine.” She mumbled, forgoing usual formalities that she would normally use in the presence of others.
“What do butterflies have to do with anything?” the other Kakushi wondered aloud, scratching their head with the hilt of (Y/n)’s blade.
“Just ignore her, it’s been a long night and I’d like to get home,” Shinobu waved them off, trying to distract from (Y/n)’s slip of her self proclaimed, ‘most embarrassing secret’.
The gruff Kakushi picked (Y/n) up and with a little help from Kanao, got her slung over his back.
“Ugh, everything hurts. Don’t bounce so much,” (Y/n) whined, her voice muffled by the Kakushi’s back.
“Quit complaining I-“
“Do be gentle with her please,” Shinobu interjected, she gripped the Kakushi’s shoulder and gave him a dazzling smile that shook him to his very core.
“Y-yes ma’am!”
(Y/n) awoke several hours later. She was disoriented, but clean and warm in the comfort of the Butterfly Estate’s infirmary.
“(Y/n)-san woke up!” Kiyo exclaimed from (Y/n)’s side, startling the girl from her haze between sleep and wakefulness.
“Hey, Kiyo, how long was I out?” (Y/n) asked the small girl at her bedside who was quickly joined by Naho and Sumi scurrying over from the opposite side of the room.
“You’ve been asleep for over three days since you got back. Shinobu-sama slept a lot too. Not as much as you, but once she had you taken care of she slept almost all day!” Kiyo informed. “It’s been awhile since Shinobu-sama has slept so soundly.”
“I’m glad she’s been resting. That fight was, kind of intense to say the least,” (Y/n) shuddered just thinking about that battle. She was sure she’d be seeing long, whipping tongues, bulbous eyes and razor sharp butterflies in her nightmares from now on. She needed to become even stronger. “Has Kochou-sama said anything about when my recovery training will begin to you girls?”
“Hmmm no,” Sumi shook her head.
“She just asked to make sure you don’t leave your cot and to call for her if your condition worsened.” Naho supplied.
“You are in no shape to even think about recovery training right now.”
Everyone jumped and turned to the door, observing Shinobu as she crossed the threshold into the infirmary. The younger girls parted for Shinobu, the Hashira took ahold of (Y/n)’s chin and jaw in one hand and gently turned it this way and that to check the cuts and bruises that marred the slayer’s face. She released a quiet, satisfactory hum seeing that nothing appeared infected. As she continued her evaluation, she continued to speak, “Your body has been through a considerable amount of stress to say the least. The way I see it, you’ll be out of commission for a couple months at the very least.”
“A couple months? But—!”
“Shhh,” Shinobu adjusted her hand to cover (Y/n)’s lips and stifle her protests. “I will hear no ‘buts’ about it. This is not up for debate. Now you will not leave this bed until I have personally cleared you to do so. Have I made myself clear?” Shinobu’s eyes stare relentlessly into (Y/n)’s, almost threateningly so, as she slides her hand to rest on the bedridden slayer’s shoulder, awaiting an answer.
“Crystal clear,” (Y/n) squeaked, trying to sink further into the bed. Shinobu squeezed their shoulder gingerly before withdrawing her hand completely with a satisfied smile.
“I’m glad you understand,” Shinobu hummed approvingly. “Now, you must be hungry. Girls,” she turned to Sumi, Kiyo and Naho, “see if Aoi needs help with dinner, please.”
“Yes, Shinobu-sama!” the girls nodded vigorously, waving goodbye before disappearing out of the room and down the hall with the soft thuds of tiny feet on wood.
“Can you tell me how you’re feeling?” Shinobu asked, directing her attention back to (Y/n).
“Hmm? Oh, I’m okay. Just, tired. Sore.” (Y/n) startled a bit, hoping it hadn’t been too obvious that she had been staring at Shinobu while the youngest girls of the estate took their leave.
“I see,” Shinobu hummed, setting herself to sit on the edge of the bed, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” (Y/n) flexed her ankle, hitting her foot against Shinobu’s side, “I wish you would believe me when I say that.”
“It’s hard to argue the contrary. I did take you away from the Wisteria House after all. As shoddy as the building is, at least the wisteria would have kept you safe.”
(Y/n) moved to kick at Shinobu again, but the Hashira blocked the foot, leveling a warning glance at the bedridden slayer.
“You know, I was really surprised when you came.” (Y/n) admitted, turning to look out the window. She flinched when she noticed the butterfly on the other side, but kept her eyes on it, watching. “It made me really happy, actually.”
Shinobu blinked, unsure of how to proceed. She didn’t need to however as (Y/n) kept talking.
“I had been looking for an excuse to come by, to visit. I didn’t know what you’d think. I thought that you were just fine with being pen pals and me showing up would be weird, and then I thought about the butterflies and I just lost my nerve every time I thought about it. And then I got hurt again and I thought the letter I had Hisa-san write would be good enough for you, but you came to see me for yourself,” (Y/n) paused and gulped nervously, still watching the butterfly as it was joined by another.
“I’m rambling, aren’t I? I just wanted to tell you that it meant a lot that you would take time to come look after me when your so busy. Even when it got dangerous, I can’t say that I regretted it because I was just happy to be with you— Eep!”
Shinobu moved from her perch at the end of the bed to lay over (Y/n)’s body, her face hidden in (Y/n)’s neck.
(Y/n) felt rumblings over her neck and chest growing in intensity and although it hurt, she smiled brightly as Shinobu’s laughter racked her body.
“Thank you.” Shinobu chuckled once she had reined in her laughter. “That was very sweet of you to say. Aren’t you embarrassed to speak so candidly?”
“Should I be?” (Y/n) asked, nervously. “Oh gods, I didn’t read this wrong, did I?”
Shinobu rose herself to rest on her elbow, her other hand raised to silence the girl below her before her second guessing got too out of hand and tapped her nose playfully. The action drawing (Y/n)’s up to Shinobu’s filled with mirth and warmth.
“You have nothing to worry about. Relax, don’t over exert yourself.”
“So, you...?”
“Mhmmm,” Shinobu smiled, curing a lock of (Y/n)’s hair between her fingers, “so don’t stress. After all, we’ll be seeing a lot of each other while you heal over the next few months. And then, once you heal and are able to take on missions again, maybe you won’t have to think twice about coming over for a visit, hm?”
“I- I suppose not.” (Y/n) smiled bashfully at the butterfly goddess above her.
“Shinobu-sama, you’re going to crush her!”
Shinobu and (Y/n) whipped their heads to the door where Aoi, Kanao, and three mildly concerned young girls stood with food trays in hand.
“My, I’m not that heavy am I? Choose your answer wisely,” Shinobu cocked her head playfully in (Y/n)’s direction, watching her shake her head and laugh.
“Not at all my lady. No more heavy than a blanket really.”
“Ugh, is this what I’m going to have to put up with now?” Aoi groaned and rolled her eyes, placing a tray on the nightstand beside (Y/n)’s bed while fighting the smile that threatened to tug at her lips.
Aoi watched as the younger girls cheered and giggled, crawling on to the bed to chatter on about anything that came to mind as they ate their own dinners. Even Kanao had pulled up a chair, a relaxed smile on her face. Aoi begrudgingly pulled up her own chair, basking in the warmth of the moment despite the strange seating accommodations that certainly weren’t befitting of a proper dinner.
“So annoying.”
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I can’t believe I’m back! It’s been a little rough these past couple of months but I’m happy to be writing again and hopefully will bring it back to my daily routine! Taylor released a new album so of course I had to write something! I hope you guys enjoy, it’s just a little silly thing.
“We are a failure.”
“We have five Grammys.”
“We are a failure with five Grammys.”
Gavriel snorted at the same time Lorcan threw a piece of paper at Fenrys’s head. Rowan simply sighed, resting his head against the table and letting out a deep groan.
“Why can’t we release the album with twelve songs?” He raised his head, looking at his bandmates. “Every single song we tried to write this past week was absolute shit. I don’t want to shove some lame ass song on our album because my aunt feels like we should have thirteen songs like the last two albums.”
“Yeah, sure.” Fenrys snorted. “Why don’t you go tell Maeve that?”
Vaughan chuckled, putting the drumsticks down and walking to the table where Fenrys, Rowan, and Connall were sitting. Lorcan and Gavriel both sat on the ground nearby, ripping out bad half-finished lyrics from some notebooks.
“We need a vocalist, that’s why he won’t do it.” Vaughan singsonged, sitting by Connall’s side. “We have been trying to write the songs together, why don’t we try something each one of us wrote separately?”
There was a beat of silence. For the five years the band had been together, every single song had been written by all the members. Sometimes two or three of them would do most of the work, but out of their thirty eight songs, there wasn’t one that didn’t have a contribution from all the members. Yeah, they would write their own songs, but it was never really serious or even meant to be used in an album.
And because they weren’t serious or meant to be used in an album, they were either absolute shit or fucking personal.
Rowan held in another groan.
Lorcan shrugged, getting up and sitting by Rowan’s side. Gavriel did the same, sitting on the table head opposite to where Fenrys was.
“Ok, who’s gonna go first?” Gavriel clapped his hands. “Fenrys.”
“Why me?” He squeaked.
“Why not you?” Connall butted in.
“Yeah, why not you?” Vaughan backed his boyfriend.
“Rowan, this is a mutiny against me.” Fenrys turned his head to Rowan, pouting like a child.
Both Rowan and Lorcan smiled sarcastically, and the latter said, “you are not the one in charge. If it was a mutiny, it would be against Rowan.”
“Who asked for the vulture to speak?” Fenrys asked, eyes narrowing at Lorcan.
“Just show us a goddamn song, Fen.” Rowan sighed, rubbing his temples. A few years ago, he had insisted for Gavriel to be the leader of the band. The older man had refused profusely, and Rowan only found out why when he started being the leader.
He was surrounded by adults who had the money and influence of gods but acted like children.
It was like being a mother but without the Mother’s day gifts. No advantages, really.
As instructed, Fenrys presented three songs for the group. And then Vaughan did. And then Connall, Gavriel, and Lorcan.
“I don’t know how to say this politely…” Connall started.
“They are absolute shit.” Lorcan finished.
“Shit is a compliment.” Rowan nodded, letting out a straggled laugh. He scratched the stubble on his cheeks, a small sense of panic rising inside of him. It wasn’t that Rowan was shy— he had let go of his shyness a long time ago—, but that didn’t mean he liked to go around advertising his personal ideas to the world. Some lyrics drafts should remain just that— drafts. Not everything was meant to be heard by everyone. Gathering some of his courage along with the knowledge that an acceptable song was an absolute necessity, he sighed. “I might have something.”
“What is it?” Gavriel said calmly at the same time Lorcan grunted. “You have something and you let us go through the torture of listening to Fenrys’s ideas?”
“You hurt my feelings like that, man.”
Rowan ignored both Lorcan and Fenrys, turning to Gavriel. “It’s about a girl.”
The room was dead silent.
Rowan knew he wasn’t really the dating type, much less the type to write songs about love, but the absolute silence was a little offensive.
“Ok…” Vaughan said, a scary smile on his face. “That came out of nowhere.”
“You can love someone?” Connall asked.
“You can feel emotions?” Fenrys deadpanned after his twin finished his sentence.
Lorcan snorted and Rowan saw Gavriel biting the inside of his cheeks. Absolute regret washed over his body immediately, but it was too late to back down.
Rowan tried to play it cool, keeping any emotions out of his face. He shrugged, opening a notebook and tapping a pen against it. “Not anyone I’ve seen in years. I don’t even remember her real name.”
The Cadre exchanged looks.
“When I was a kid my parents used to send me to this summer camp. From ages six to thirteen there was this girl who also went every single summer. She was a year younger, but we were friends. Barely talked during the rest of the year, maybe exchanged a letter or two.” He continued, eyes skimming through the lyrics in front of him. “Childhood crush and all. I know her name started with an A… Maybe an E? The counselors used to call her Dorothy, and I thought it was Dorothea. Called her that for two months until she corrected me. The nickname stuck between us, so yeah, Dorothea is all I have. I was thirteen when I stopped going, so she was twelve. Probably doesn’t even remember me.”
“Oh, that’s cute… Tragic young love and all.” Fenrys was smiling like an idiot, and Rowan rolled his eyes. He had never talked to anyone about Dorothea, not even his parents, not even when he was a kid. Life at home was shit during the whole year, but the summers? They were for late nights, swimming in the lake, running in the forest. They were sunny, and easy, and the few good memories he had from childhood. And she was in all of those memories— the girl and that fucking dog. Dorothea was the purest thing about his childhood, and he never wanted to have her memory stained by telling about her to his parents or school friends.
“Let me see this.” Vaughan said, taking Rowan’s notebook before Rowan could react. His friend’s pitch black eyes skimmed rapidly through the page, mouth opening slowly. “Holy shit.”
“It’s shit?” Lorcan asked.
“No, I mean holy shit as in this is amazing.” Vaughan looked up, brows raised. He passed the notebook to Gavriel, making both Lorcan and Connall move closer to read it too.  “You had this song for two years now according to the date on the edge of the page. Why didn’t you share?”
Rowan cleared his throat, regret just growing more and more. “We write every song together.”
“If every song you write is like this, then we should probably let you take care of this task from now on.” Lorcan said, taking the notebook and throwing it to Fenrys.
Fenrys’s was probably Rowan’s best friend. They knew each other for the longest, and even though Rowan would never admit it out loud, Fenrys was the closest thing he had to a family and his approval was important.
Fen raised his head from the notebook, dark eyes shinning as a huge smile broke his face in half. “We’re recording this. Today.”
Connall and Vaughan laughed, and Lorcan clapped Rowan’s back. “Good job, birdie.”
Rowan didn’t know exactly what he was feeling, but somewhere between absolute fright and excitement could probably describe it.
“Rowan Whitethorn!” A female voice rang through the room, and every member of the Cadre winced.
“Your aunt is gonna kill you.” Connall said, face washed with fear.
Maeve Whitethorn was the scariest woman to ever walk this earth, and so Rowan didn’t think Connall was completely wrong about that.
And yet, when Maeve entered the room she was…
“What the fuck.” Fenrys blurted out.
“She smiles.” Fenrys loudly whispered to Lorcan, receiving a punch to his arm.
“You, my nephew, are a fucking genius.”
“Yeah, ok, what the fuck.” Vaughan asked from the drums.
“What did I do?” Rowan asked cautiously, afraid that his aunt had actually gone insane.
“Dorothea, that’s what you did!”
“People liked the song then?” Gavriel asked from the couch. “It was a filler song, but good to know that’s not forgotten.”
“Oh, you’re not understanding.” Maeve laughed. All the boys’ jaws went slack. “People are eating that song up. And I mean trending everywhere, top in every single chart… Everyone loves Dorothea.”
“But how?” Lorcan frowned. “We didn’t advertise it.”
“Because people love a real life story of love.”
With that comment, Rowan’s body went taunt.
What the fuck.
No one in the band had told anyone what the song was about, nor that it was a real thing. For all the world knew, it was just another song that the band wrote together. And that’s how it should have stayed. Rowan hated being the center of attentions, and hated even more when his personal life was the topic at matter.
Dorothea had been his secret for so long, and he really thought that the song would be a secretive way to tell the story to the world.
If people knew it was real, if people knew anything about it, it was obviously not as secretive as he thought it was gonna be.
Shit, Dorothea wasn’t even her real fucking name. There’s no way anyone could know that.
“Wait, she heard the song?” Rowan blurted out, a mix of emotions making his stomach drop. That also wasn’t on his plans.
Fenrys’s eyes widened. “Dorothea came forward?”
“Holy shit.” Vaughan let out a nervous laugh. Connall put a hand over his mouth, and both Lorcan and Gavriel looked at Rowan.
The boys knew how Rowan wanted this song to go. Knew he didn’t want the real story to go around like this. Because when stories went around like this, people would start making theories, and harassing the girl, and just shoving themselves in situations that did not concern them. Rowan loved his fans, loved the world he was in, but he was also the first to admit how brutal it could be. It would only take one slip up, one fact about this girl that the media didn’t like, for the whole world to attack her.
Rowan tried to protect her from his fucked up life during childhood just to throw her to the sharks later on.
And yet, another part of his panic had nothing to do with the media and the fans. It had to do with her. What if she hated the song? What of she didn’t want that story to be told? What if she wished for a calm life where her presence would never be noticed by the media? Rowan couldn’t stop thinking about her reaction, if she had remembered him the first time she listened to it or if it took a while.
He felt like his own body was trying to suffocate itself.
Fuck, he was gonna vomit. Or maybe pass out. Shit maybe even pass out on a pool of his vomit.
Ok, that was disgusting.
“It wasn’t the girl who came forward, it was her roommate. Posted a video online and then boom! Global success.” Maeve said, not even noticing her nephew’s growing panic. “Wait, I’ll show you the video!”
Fenrys grabbed Rowan’s shoulder, sitting by his side on the couch as Maeve plugged her phone to the projector. Lorcan sat between Rowan and Gavriel on the couch, and Connall and Vaughan sat on the ground. All of them looked expectantly at the screen, waiting for the bomb to drop.
He was gonna see her again.
After sixteen years.
Shit, it was getting hot inside that fucking room.
The screen popped up, and a beautiful woman with green eyes and long dark brown hair showed up.
“That’s not her.” Rowan blurted out. She could have dyed her hair, facial expression changed over the years but… That wasn’t the girl he met during the summer. No, he would recognize her eyes anywhere, and they sure as hell weren’t green like his.
Maeve rolled her eyes. “I told you it was her roommate who came forward. Now watch.”
The video started playing, and the strong and excited voice of the smiling woman on the screen started sounding through the speakers. “Ok, so I was driving home the other day, listening to the new album of the Cadre when the song Dorothea came up, right? And I thought that it was a little strange for the Cadre to put a rerecording of a song on the album since they had never done it before.”
The girl started to walk around her apartment, excitement lacing every single word.
“But then I found out that Dorothea is not a rerecording. But that doesn’t make sense, because I was a hundred percent sure I already knew this story. I don’t know any Dorothea, and I sure as hell don’t know Rowan Whitethorn, so it made no sense that I already knew the story being told in the song.” The girl let out a laugh, entering a room inside her apartment. “For days I would listen to that fucking song and keep asking myself why I feel like I know it. It’s not from a book, a movie…”
She started pulling out a box from under the bed, smile widening.
“And so yesterday my roommate asked me to grab an old box of VHS under her bed when I saw this box.” She filmed a huge box in front of her, the lid barely containing all the photos inside. “And that’s when I remembered where I know Dorothea from.”
The girl laughed again, opening the lid and running her hand through the pictures. “I knew the story because she had told me years ago. Dorothea wasn’t her fucking name, it was her nickname.”
As if in slow motion, the brunette took out an old picture from inside the box. Rowan felt all the air leaving his lungs as he stared at it. The picture was a little blurry, but there was no mistaking it. It was eight year old him in swim trunks, his arm over the shoulder of a shorter seven year old blond girl. Her biking was pink and full of frills, her wet blond hair sticking to her shoulders. She was holding a small black puppy, the dog obviously trying to wiggle himself out of the picture. The both stood before the lake, smiling brightly, a bunch of teeth missing. The girl in the video turned the picture, and right there, written in a fading blue pen was what made the song so famous.
Dorothea and Roro and Toto. Summer of 2000.
The girl in the video turned the camera back to her, smile not leaving her lips. “She told me that the nickname was Dorothea because the counselors used to call her Dorothy. As in the Wizard of Oz. The dog’s name was Toto, and so she was Dorothy. But then, he understood it wrong and just called her Dorothea. And…”
“What are you doing in my room?” A sweet, soft, and low voice interrupted whatever the brunette was going to say. She let out a yelp, letting the phone fall.
And the screen went black.
The room was silent for a few minutes after the video was over.
“Well shit.” Fenrys broke the silence. “What are the chances of her being as beautiful as her roommate?”
Lorcan reached behind Rowan to hit Fenrys on the back of his head.
“We should put a gag in his mouth.” Gavriel sighed.
“Oh, kinky.” Fenrys smiled seductively and winked at Gavriel. If it weren’t for the absolute shock raging inside of him, Rowan would have laughed.
“Is there a video of her?” Rowan quietly asked his aunt.
She looked at him for a second too long before nodding. “Just a second, there might be one. She isn’t really one for the cameras, but I do think she showed up in a Halloween video.”
She wasn’t one for the cameras.
Shit, shit, shit.
She wasn’t one for the cameras and Rowan had made her existence global knowledge.
Maeve took a few seconds to try to find the video, smiling again once she found it.
“This is still fucking weird. Your aunt can smile.” Fenrys said, and Rowan was glad for the words. Everything was happening too fast and too slow at the same time, and Fenrys’s stupid comments were a good way of centering himself. Looking at his friend, Rowan realized that Fenrys knew exactly what he was doing. “I thought she had lost the ability when she was, like, five or something.”
“That would imply that Maeve was ever a child.” Vaughan whispered from the ground.
Connall snorted, and Lorcan tried to contain a smirk.
“Here it is!” Maeve announced.
As if the screen was a magnet, all the eyes in the room snapped back to it. They all watched the screen expectantly, and Rowan thought Fenrys was even bouncing on his seat.
A petite woman appeared, clad in a black dress that matched her pitch black hair and eyes. If Rowan wasn’t so distracted, maybe he would have noticed Lorcan’s low, and yet sharp, intake of breath.
The pale girl was in the middle of two taller guys, one with inky black hair with a crown on top of it, sapphire eyes contrasting with the blood red of his cloak, and the other one with golden blond hair under a pirate hat. The three of them stared at a tall woman dressed in what Rowan supposed was a reaper costume. The white blond hair and golden eyes made her perfect for the part.
“He’s a cunt.” The reaper girl said, picking her nails with a scythe Rowan wasn’t absolutely sure was fake. The girl behind the camera— the brunette that recorded the video that exposed the real meaning of the song, Rowan supposed— chuckled as the two other guys exchanged a humorous look.
The petite woman smiled, obviously in agreement with her friend. “He is, but that’s ok. Did Tam end our three year relationship, six hours before Halloween, through the phone? Yes. Were we planning on a couple’s costume and I was left like an idiot wearing an Evie O’Connell costume with no Rick? Yes. But that’s ok because I have…”
“Me.” That same low and soft voice filled the room again, and as if she was always the center of attentions, all heads in the video snapped to her. Even though she wasn’t on camera yet, Rowan could hear the smile in her voice.
The blond guy rolled his eyes. “You have a thing for dramatic entrances, Aelin.”
Her name was Aelin.
“Reason why I live, actually. But come on. Don’t I deserve a dramatic entrance when I look like this? I look rather fucking dashing as Rick O’Connell, don’t I?”
“She does.” The guy with inky black hair nodded towards the blond guy.
“Don’t encourage her.” The other grunted, shaking his head but obviously smiling. “If my cousin’s head grows a little bit more she won’t be able to pass through the door.”
And then, as if time itself had stopped that second, the camera turned to Aelin and all oxygen left the room.
“Fucking shit.” Connall breathed, and Rowan saw Fenrys’s jaw going slack from the corner of his eye.
In his defense, so did Rowan’s.
The woman— Aelin— was exactly what she had just called herself. Fucking dashing.
Golden strawberry hair pulled back into one of those high, terribly made buns, slightly tan skin, and bright blue eyes, Aelin was every inch dashing she claimed to be. The costume was exactly what Brendan Fraser had wore the majority of the movie, and hell if it didn’t fit her perfectly. Aelin had grown to be the most beautiful woman Rowan had ever seen, and he felt his heart doing laps inside his chest just like when he was younger.
Well, fuck.
“If she was Rick O’Connell in the movies I would have probably paid more attention.” Fenrys muttered, dodging another hit from Lorcan. “What?! Look at her. The girl looks like the offspring of an angel and a supermodel.”
Aelin grinned, straight white teeth biting her lower lip. “Thank you, Dorian. And, I don’t need encouragement, Aedion. I am quite capable of being narcissistic on my own.”
The girl with blond white hair chuckled. “You were supposed to be a reaper with me.”
Aelin fake pouted. “Elide, my dearest cousin,” Aelin said pointedly, eyes narrowing at Aedion. Elide, the petite girl dressed as Evie, bit her cheeks to keep a smile in. “Needed me. Put a crown on top of your pretty head and do a couple’s costume with your boyfriend, Manon.”
Dorian sighed. “I tried convincing her.”
Manon simply crossed her arms. “I don’t do couple’s costume.”
Aelin shrugged nonchalantly. “Pity.”
And then, much to Rowan’s absolute panic and fascination, Aelin turned directly to the camera. She was obviously going to talk to the girl recording, but Rowan could barely hear the words as her full face came into view. Aelin was beautiful, but Aelin staring straight at you? Breathtaking.
“Don’t you think it’s a pity, Lys?” Aelin asked innocently, but a smirk graced her lips.
The smile in Lys’s voice was obvious. “Oh, yes. A pity.”
Aelin smiled, turning to Elide with a raised brow. Her cousin gave a less vicious version of Aelin’s smile. “Such a pity.”
It was obviously some inside joke, because Manon grunted, rolling her eyes. “Are we going or not?”
Aelin rich laugh drowned the room before the video ended.
“Well.” Vaughan said after a few beats of silence.
“Well.” Gavriel agreed.
“Well.” Another voice came from the door, and Rowan had to keep a displeased grunt in as Erawan walked into the room. The man was smiling sarcastically, eyeing the frozen image on the screen hungrily. Aelin had thrown her head back, mouth half open as she laughed. “Would you be pissed if I asked her hand in marriage, Rowan? Quite a beautiful girl, your Dorothea.”
Rowan would have gotten up and punched Erawan if Fenrys hadn’t literally sat on his lap before he could do anything. His friend turned to Erawan with a smile on his lips. “Unfortunately, Ewew, I believe the lady in question must prefer to stick to humans. She doesn’t really look like the I-do-demons type.”
Despite the obvious tension in the room, Connall took out his phone and took a picture of Fenrys sitting on Rowan’s lap. Lorcan had his arm behind both Gavriel and Rowan, and Vaughan was sitting in between Rowan and Lorcan’s leg. “You guys look like a strange ass family. This is gonna be this year’s Christmas card. I’ll photoshop myself in.”
Lorcan snorted, shaking his head before looking at Erawan. “Let’s leave the girl out of this, alright? If any of us wanted to use her for advertisement, we would have contacted her ourselves.”
“I’m your PR.” Erawan smiled. He was, a fact that the whole Cadre regretted. All pf them waited excitedly for the day Erawan’s contract expired.
Maeve was hard and cold, Erawan was a straight up asshole. Not even his aunt could put up with him for long.
“A very unfortunate fact you never let us forget, Earwax.” Fenrys said, nodding diplomatically. “Very, very unfortunate.”
“I don’t want her involved in any of this shit.” Rowan finally said something, voice low and threatening. Just the thought of throwing his childhood friends to the wolves that surrounded his life made his stomach turn. “You are my PR, so do your job. Create a distraction, release some rerecording, book us some interviews… I don’t care, but I want the focus away from her. I don’t want her involved in anything, Erawan. I mean it.”
The room was silent, tension threatening to suffocate anyone who breathed deep enough.
To Rowan’s surprise, and some gratefulness, Maeve took a step forward. She unplugged her phone from the projector, and Aelin’s image disappeared. “I believe it’s better if we keep the girl out of this. She’s very low profile, private accounts on both Twitter and Instagram. Dragging her into spotlight might not be a good option, specially since we don’t know how she behaves, what it would do to the image of the band. We have a love story, let the fans speculate, do some theories. Everything will die down in a month and she’ll be able to continue with her life.”
For all her harshness, all her coldness, Maeve wasn’t a bad aunt. She started taking care of Rowan when he was fifteen, and although they never had a close relationship, Maeve knew how to help him whenever he really needed it. It was the reason why he asked her to be the band manager, despite her obvious dislike of the human race. She was smart, cunning, and, at that moment, was using both qualities to keep Aelin out of what would become a huge mess.
“If we bring her in, there is nothing to terrorize. Her personality will be real, not something fans can stipulate and mold to their liking. She’s young and private, throwing her to the media would be a carnage. Leave Aelin out of this.” Gavriel tried to resonate with Erawan, voice low and calm as always.
Erawan sat on a table, a fake hurt expression overtaking his features as he sighed. “If only you had told me that before.”
The pit inside Rowan’s stomach grew.
“Before what.” Vaughan grunted.
“Before I contacted the girl.” Erawan smiled, as Rowan felt all the oxygen leave the room. He stared straight into Rowan’s eyes, a cruel smile overtaking his lips. “Would you like to see your childhood friend again, Whitethorn?”
@in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ladywitchling @lexflame @sleeping-and-books @annejulianneh111 @perseusannabeth @linshryver @mu-si-ca-l @camilamartinezdunne @dank-queen7 @minaidss @starborn-faerie-queen @booksofthemoon @loveofbooksandwine @jesstargaryenqueen @bluejaberry @multifandommessblog @yesdreamblog @superspiritfestival @ireallyshouldsleeprn @woollycat22 @julemmaes @claralady @abookishfreak @faerie-queen-fireheart @heirofthenightcourt @booksbqueen @heirofthrnightcourt004 @morganofthewildfire @queen-of-glass
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adamfoolcry · 4 years
Troublesome (Part III)
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part I, part II, part III (2) - coming soon
pairings: Maneater/Partygirl!Reader x BoyfriendMaterial!Jungwoo, Maneater/Partygirl!Reader x FirstLove!Hendery, BestCousin!Sicheng, Bestfriend!Lucas
pairings: 18+
warnings: consumption of alcohol, swearing, explicit language
genre: comedy maybe even a crackfic, smut, fluff, and a teeny tiny pinch of angst
summary: Your relationship with Jungwoo is moving fast except for one part, your sex life. You didn’t know you signed up for the nunnery when you agreed to dating him. Oh, and Lucas your best friend is transferring to Korea.
word count: 3,438
chinese slang: meimei = little sister, gege = older brother, baobei = baby
a/n: I always forgot I have this in my drafts nyways there is no smut here and jungwoo barely appears. Here is the third installment of my crackfic:Troublesome.
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"Mèimei no you're not moving in with Jungwoo. Don't even try I won't ever allow you to." Sicheng's eyes were hard he was already set to stone. Yes, it is nice that you have finally decided to pursue a serious relationship since your first one but isn't living together too much of a stretch.
"As if that will stop me Gege. Go worry about your relationship I heard Jiwon is complaining about your lack of sex drive." You are already packing your things at your dorm when Sicheng stormed in with angry livid eyes going on and on about that moving in this early in a relationship is too fast. You have been dating Jungwoo for three months now and everything is going smoothly. Your ears are ringing from his sermon and Sicheng won't shut up.
"Shut your yap Sicheng gege! I know you care about me but if you won't support my decisions then get the fuck out of here." You shouted at him. Sicheng was so astonished it has been a while since you raised your voice at him. Jungwoo entered the room unaware of what's happening.
"Princess you finished? Oh Sicheng hyung why are you here?" Jungwoo looked at Sicheng confused. You would have never guessed what will happen next Sicheng have never been a person capable of hurting any living creature but he leaped at Jungwoo punching the other boy's cheek.
"How dare you Jungwoo! How can you tell her our boy talk? We swore an oath!" They both stumbled down to the ground Sicheng straddling Jungwoo's waist pulling his fist back for another punch aiming for Jungwoo's jaw.
"You don't know how powerful she is hyung." Jungwoo made a makeshift shield using his arms attempting to block Sicheng's upcoming punch.
"No gege! Not my baby's face don't ruin his face!" You shouted at Sicheng. Sicheng slowly put his fist down and got off Jungwoo's waist.
"Whatever do what you want to do mèimei. I am tired of taking care of you." Sicheng said resigned knowing he can never stop you because of how stubborn you are.
You quickly rushed to hug Sicheng from behind proclaiming your undying love for him. "I love you so much gege you know that right." Jungwoo stood up from where he is situated on the floor and joined the group hug, hugging Sicheng from the front.
"Get off me man." Sicheng said irritated. Jungwoo pried Sicheng out of your embrace and replace Sicheng's position circling his arms around you. You giggled at how silly Jungwoo is. He looked down at you and asked. "Why didn't you help me when Sicheng Hyung is beating me up?"
You looked at Jungwoo your eyes glinting with menace. "You two looked like the main characters of a BL series it's so hot."
Both men exclaimed mortified.
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In the end, it was Sicheng and Jungwoo who did all the work packing up your things and moving it to Jungwoo's apartment while you order them left and right. Jungwoo was so tired that after setting up everything he fell to the bed out of exhaustion straight out of the shower. You pout beside him you have prepped yourself with your high-end lotion and even waxed your coochie one week prior to the move for the most-awaited sexy time but ever since Jungwoo asked you out, you two have never done it and he won't even let you see his dick. Yes, he was superb in fingering and eating you out but you're really high maintenance. Before this relationship, you go around the town thrice a week with different flavors. How can he neglect you like this? You shook his arm timidly.
He opened one of his eyes and turned his face sideways to smile at you. "What is it, Princess? Why are you grumpy?"
"Jungwoo why do you deprive me of your allegedly self-proclaimed big dick?" You pouted at him.
"Good things to those who wait Princess. Come here hug your baby. I am so tired we have to convert the other room into your walk-in closet because you own too many clothes." You snuggled beside him wrapping your arms around his chest.
"Why do you own so many Halloween costumes?" Jungwoo asked you confused.
"That's for roleplaying stupid." You rolled your eyes at him.
"Then why is there a guadatema onesie I don't think my dick will react to that." Jungwoo announced incredulously.
"That's my pajamas!" You slapped his chest.
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Today is your fourth month anniversary and you are getting tired of Jungwoo not initiating sex. You can't take this anymore you have been practicing celibacy for four months now you didn't know you signed up for the nunnery when you got into this relationship. Jungwoo always looked so hot especially when shirtless yes he doesn't have a six-pack but he's lean and well-muscled and holy shit his v line coupled with his height. Every time you see him shirtless you are sure you like a dog with rabies salivating at the sight of him. You don't know if he is teasing or he is that oblivious. Sicheng called you and waved his hands up your face seeing that you are not listening to him anymore.
"Mèimei did you understand what I said?" Sicheng asked you.
"Yeah yeah." You brushed him off. "We will fetch Lucas at the airport next week. He will be transferring next sem at our university and will be staying at your apartment." It's not that you are not excited to see your bestfriend again but there are more pressing matters like you going crazy because of your nonexistent sex life.
"Gege did I gain weight?" You asked Sicheng to which he answered with a shake of his head.
"Did I become less attractive?" You asked him again.
"Mèimei what is this about? This is the first time you have been insecure." Sicheng asked you seriously.
"It-has-been-four-months-since-Jungwoo-and-I-started-dating-and-he-never-initiated-to-have-sex-with-me." You let it all out in one breath embarrassed that you are confiding to your older cousin. Sicheng laughed so hard that he was clutching his stomach.
"So ironic that you a man-eater choose a monk for a boyfriend." Sicheng continued laughing even clapping his hands looking like an overexcited seal.
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The three of you are standing at the airport waiting for Lucas. You even prepared a poster for him your arms are getting tired of holding it up but you decided to endure it. Jungwoo hugged you from behind placing his head on your shoulder most likely bored from waiting for 45 minutes.
"Princess so tell me something about Lucas." Jungwoo asked out of curiosity.
"He is our giant baby. For context, he's taller than you. He is always full of energy and is such a sensitive soul despite his appearance." You look at Jungwoo listing Lucas' good points.
"Should I be worried it sounds like he's an old flame?" Jungwoo replied scrunching his eyebrows.
"Yeah he is but it didn't work out." Jungwoo looked at you shocked. You snickered he's so cute. You can't help but press a kiss on his cheek.
"You should actually be worried Jungwoo there was a time that even I feel like a third wheel whenever the three of us go out and that was after they decided to be just friends. The two of them are so alike.” Sicheng fueled Jungwoo's worries. Just as Sicheng finished his sentence you saw Lucas running towards the three of you leaving his luggage and sprinting in your direction.
"Baobei!" Lucas shouted opening his arms. You rushed towards him breaking free of Jungwoo's hug and letting your poster fall to the floor. You leaped onto his arms and he lifted you into the air, spinning you around your joyous laughter filling the place. To everyone else watching it's like a scene taken out of romance movies where the two lovers reunited again after having been separated for a long time even the crowd was taking pictures and videos because of the sweet encounter. Jungwoo's jaw almost fell to the floor. This gorgeous man is your bestfriend and also your ex-boyfriend he didn't know he signed up for more trouble when he asked you out.
Sicheng sighed "See what I mean. Don't even try to separate them tonight." Sicheng then proceeded to fetch Lucas' luggage pushing it towards the parking lot.
"Come on you three it's getting close to midnight." Sicheng shouted. Needless to say, Jungwoo went home to your shared apartment alone you decided to spend the night at Sicheng's he wanted to stay with you but you told him that you will be not sleeping and most likely visit a club or two with Lucas.
It was just like the old times when you and Lucas are younger after visiting a club, you two will drive around at the wee hours of the morning grabbing fast food and talking just about everything. It feels comfortable with him but this time neither of you are trying to fill a gap in each other’s hearts. Lucas parked Sicheng's car at a secluded parking lot with a beautiful view of the night sky. The two of you sitting on the hood of the car eating burgers and fries.
"So I heard from Winwin ge that you are in a serious relationship now with that guy Jungwoo." Lucas broke the comfortable silence looking at you his stare questioning.
"Yeah Yukhei can you believe it? and I am so happy. I like him a lot like a lot, a lot." You smiled at him and Lucas smiled back at you. This is Lucas' genuine smile, not the one he throws at potential one night stands he reserves it for his most cherished persons and that includes you.
"I see baobei then there are no questions needed." Lucas reached out and held your hand in his. You are so lucky to have Lucas who supports you unconditionally.
"What about you Yukhei? Tell me do you still pursue casual relationships?" You asked him.
"I actually stopped when you left me in Beijing to study here. With you and Sicheng gone I was so lost and sad. Sleeping with girls didn't help in fact it made me feel crappier so I decided to stop it altogether." Lucas confessed looking down as if he was ashamed of himself. You tried to comfort him leaning your head on his shoulder and drawing circles with your thumb at the back of his hand.
"Don't worry you're here now whenever you feel sad or disheartened just call me and I'll cross the high heavens and lowest depths of hell just to get to you." You poked his belly with your index finger.
"Don't make me cry baobei." You heard Lucas sniffling his tears.
"Even now you're still a big baby Yukhei." You laughed at him. The night sky is so beautiful and you have never felt this happy in a long time.
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The next day Sicheng arranged a welcome dinner on behalf of Lucas of course the two of you are fashionably late. Sicheng, Jiwon, and Jungwoo are already at the restaurant waiting for you and Lucas to arrive. You made your entrance at the restaurant your arm looped with Lucas' facing each other talking animatedly and laughing. It was as if the two of you are in your own little bubble. When the two of you reached the table you went to where Jungwoo is and sat beside him. His arm automatically circling your waist as he press a kiss on the side of your head.
"Awww so sweet." Lucas teased you and Jungwoo. He was sitting on the opposite side besides Jiwon.
"You're just jelly Yukhei." You stuck your tongue out at him. Everyone laughed at your retort. The food arrived and the conversation was flowing steadily there was a continuous stream of laughter. Lucas using his charms threw a joke one after another paired with his comical facial expressions and broken english phrases. Sicheng and Jiwon bid goodbye first and left earlier the three of you stayed at the restaurant.
"By the way man did I tell you how I met ________?" Lucas started rubbing his palms together his lips forming an evil grin. You kicked Lucas under the table trying to stop him.
"So it goes like this I met _______ at a club she was having a catfight with another girl who is accusing _______ of sleeping with her boyfriend. They were clawing each other’s' face off basically it was chaos the crowd even formed a circle around them as if it was a live wrestling match betting on who's gonna win. Then-" Lucas stopped his narration and started laughing so hard wiping tears from the corner of his eyes. You started kicking him harder under the table.
"She puked at the other girl I swear everyone was so mortified. I even recorded it on my phone. _______ went viral and was banned at that club." Lucas continued laughing you quickly got of your seat and placed your hands around Lucas' neck intending to choke him. Jungwoo had to pry you off Lucas to make you stop. Lucas was coughing so hard.
"What was that for baobei?" Lucas started rubbing the part where you nearly asphyxiated him a handprint evident on the skin of his neck."Seriously man how do you deal with her?" Lucas asked Jungwoo while trying to clear his throat. Jungwoo just shrugged and looked at you lovingly.
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You decided that if Jungwoo won't take matters into his hand you will have to seduce him. You pampered yourself with your one hour self-care routine and wore your white off-shoulder dress showing just the right amount of cleavage that makes you look like a greek goddess.
Jungwoo just got off work from where he was interning at and he just wants to end the day by cuddling you on the bed before going to sleep. When he entered the apartment door he was surprised to see you waiting for him, dressed up so prettily. He smiled he was so lucky to have you.
"Princess you look like an angel." Jungwoo said admiring you.
"You look like a CEO, who fucks his secretary." Did he hear you right? Jungwoo was shocked as you made your way to him like a predator hunting its prey. He was in trance it was as if someone glued him to that spot as he watches the subtle sway of your hips as walk you towards him.
"I can be your secretary." You look up at him sultrily, pushing him against the closed apartment door as you kiss him deeply. You got so impatient to touch his bare skin so you work on untucking his white polo from his slacks. Your greedy little hands roaming under his shirt heating up his skin. Jungwoo pulled your bare thighs around his waist carrying you to the kitchen. He placed you on top of the counter and you pulled him closer wanting to feel his growing bulge against your core. Jungwoo broke the kiss placing his forehead on yours.
"Princess, what brought this on?" He asked breathless tucking some stray strands of hair behind your ears.
"Just because. Do I need a reason to kiss my boyfriend?" You asked him as you press a short kiss to his lips. You started pressing kisses on his jaw at the same time palming his hardening cock. "I want you to fuck me Jungwoo." You stated boldly and Jungwoo moaned closing his eyes in pleasure.
"Princess stop please." Jungwoo placed his forehead on your shoulder trying to control his desire. Your body instantly went cold you can't believe what you have heard. You slid down the counter and Jungwoo reached out to hold your wrist but you moved your hand away.
"Are you disgusted with me Jungwoo? Is that why you don't want to have sex with me? Cause I've been sleeping around before our relationship." You accused him livid; hurt pouring out with every syllable.
"Princess I would never be dis-" You didn't let him finish you turned and walked away from him heading towards the door.
"Princess don't leave let me-" That was the last word you heard from him slamming the door closed at your shared apartment. You ran as fast as you can to the elevator. You drove to Sicheng's place where he and Lucas were having a movie marathon. You stormed to the sofa where they are sitting. Sicheng and Lucas already know that you are in a bad mood just by the sour look on your face.
"Oh oww someone's in her period." Lucas teased you.
"You two go get dressed we're gonna fvcking drink our ass off." They were left with no choice knowing not to oppose you when you get into one of these moods or else you will throw the biggest tantrum that will be the cause of complaint filed by Sicheng's neighbors against him.
Three Jack Daniel's later and an assortment of cocktail drinks littered on the table you are occupying the three of you are utterly and devastatingly wasted. Even Sicheng who has the highest alcohol tolerance is starting to giggle at every little thing you and Lucas are saying.
"Jungwooss thinkss thad I have STDs he dont wanna banggg mee someboddy hang me." You say in a slur. "I am the most top one pretty." Sicheng just giggled again in response.
"Nahhhh you using condomms right? We the advocates of safe sexxx." Lucas shouted the last sentence catching the attention of other bar-goers. Sicheng dialed Jiwon's cell.
"Babbbbyyy I am soo drunkk!" Sicheng can't help but giggle on the phone. Jiwon asked where he is concerned about Sicheng's state of drunkness. After making fun of yourselves for another fifteen minutes Jungwoo came to the rescue before the three of you could make any more scene. Jungwoo attended to you first kneeling so that he'll be at your eye level trying to gauge how far off drunk are you. Your vision is blurry but still seeing him concerned for you makes you forget about the fight you had earlier.
"Hey Handsome why are you here?" You smiled and proceeded to caress his cheek with your fingers.
"I am looking for my girlfriend. She's mad at me -" Jungwoo seized your hand with his pressing his cheek further into your palms looking at you pleading eyes." and I already miss her."
"Take me away then." You throw your arms at Jungwoo's shoulders.
Jungwoo started carrying you in a bridal position. You circled your arms around his neck and leaned all your weight to him causing Jungwoo to almost lose his balance. "Princess don't do that we'll fall if you do that again." You burrowed your head deeper to his neck littering kisses at the juncture where it meets his collarbone. Lucas who was mostly talking to himself and shouting at no one saw that you are being taken away. In his drunkness he didn't recognized that it was Jungwoo and thought you are being kidnapped. He forced himself to catch up with Jungwoo walking in long strides almost slipping a few times due to his dizziness he pulled at Jungwoo's shoulder strong enough to make Jungwoo face him with you slumping in Jungwoo's arms.
"Hey Pervert! Where are you taking Baobei? You have to go through me first." Lucas took a deep breath dramatically as if gathering strength and got into a fighting stance like Bruce lee boucing on the balls of his feet, flinging his arms periodically jabbing into nothing.
"Yukhei my luvvvvv save me from this godawful creature." You dramatically put the back of your hand at your forehead speaking in a theatrical voice playing along with Lucas' delusions.
"Baobei I am coming I'll-" Lucas shouted attracting the crowd's attention. Jungwoo interrupted him before he makes an even bigger scene. "Lucas man, it's Jungwoo. _________'s boyfriend."
"Oh" Lucas was suddenly dumbfounded. "Hi, man nice to meet you I am Yukhei but you can call me Lucas. I am _______'s bestfriend." Lucas scratched his head and smiled sheepishly before passing out on the floor. Jungwoo sighed with Sicheng giggling by himself at the table like he was exposed to some substance to Lucas passed out on the floor he didn't know that liking you would be so troublesome. Jungwoo looked at you in his arms as you scrunch your nose in drunken slumber. Even when you reek of alcohol he found you endearing.
"You're so lucky Princess that I like you a lot." He said as he kissed your scrunched up nose
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a/n: Check out my other works for NCT here:masterlist.
part III (2): It was a peaceful morning until someone shrieked so loud that even the neighbors occupying the other units was startled. It was Sicheng who produced that godawful noise finding that he is naked in bed with none other than Lucas who was equally as naked as him sprawled at the other half of the bed. Lucas drowsily opened his eyes seeing Sicheng on the other side of the bed clutching the bed sheets at his chest looking as if someone has harrased him. He looked down and saw that he was only in his underwear and also screamed his lungs out despite having a deeper voice it was as if some girls were having a screaming contest. "What did you to me Winwin ge?" Lucas asked horrified. "What do you mean? I should ask you that I woke up with no clothes on?" Sicheng pointed at him accusingly. "Did we-" Lucas swallowed and looked at everywhere but at Sicheng.
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angrylizardjacket · 4 years
i’ll be in the front row {Joe Mazzello}
Anon asked: lil prompt I thought of while doing my laundry: imagine meeting Joe while you’re both doing your laundry at a laundromat. it’s nyc, so apartments with full wash & dryer are hard to come by. joe is always running lines with himself, and you both sometimes loan each other quarters when one of you runs out.
Anon asked: tbh I don’t have anything specific to request, but I am begging you to please write more for Joe. srsly you write him so well & he deserves more content!!! 🐚 
A/N: 3269 words. my little garbage brain had to yell at me not to write this like the laundry scene from Dr Horrible. BIG FLUFF. set around undrafted. hope you enjoy. PLEASE leave feedback!! i love this so so very much omfg.
You always see him on Sundays, eleven in the morning, like clockwork. Dark sunglasses, fancy backpack, but nondescript clothes; sweater and jeans, baseball jersey and jeans, laundry day clothes if you’ve ever seen them. He’s a little familiar, but you’re not sure why. Sometimes he’s wearing a cap, but not with any sort of consistency, at least not in the six months since you’d been coming there. 
For the record, you’re not staring, he’s the only person who comes in at the exact same time as you, give or take fifteen minutes, and he, like you, always waits for his laundry. It’s only been in the past few months that you’d even started recognizing each other, smiling and giving the other a wave across the machines. It’s harmless, it’s people watching, it’s routine.
One morning, he’s sitting on his washing machine, with a pen in his mouth and a stack of papers in one hand. His usual sunglasses are propped up on his head, which isn’t an unusual occurrence when he reads - is it weird that you know that? Kind of. He’s highlighting something, mouthing whatever he’s reading too fast for you to catch, and anyways, you’re trying not to stare. You’re half paying attention to a kitschy game on your phone since your washing is almost done, and you heave your damp clothes into the dryer.
“Damnit,” patting your pockets again, and searching through your change, you can’t help but scowl and come to an annoying conclusion. All you have is a fifty, and the change machine in the laundromat only spits out quarters.
“You okay?” It’s the guy with the script, your quiet laundry buddy, looking at you with slight concern, pen still in his mouth.
“Yeah,” you huff a sigh, putting on a strained smile, “two quarters short for the dryer.” Usually you had smaller bills, or just remembered to bring the right change, “can you watch my stuff while I go to the gas station to get change?”
“I can cover two quarters,” he offers easily with a slight smile, pulling the pen from his mouth and putting it, the highlighter, and the stack of papers, onto the dryer after he jumps from it. You stumble through trying to brush him off and refuse graciously, but he’s already elbow-deep in his backpack, telling you it’s no trouble.
“I owe you,” you say with half a laugh, and he shares in your amusement.
“Yeah, I’ll hold you to that,” he replies with an amiable sarcasm, which has you laughing. After you start the dryer, however, you turn back and he’s regarding you with a frown, leaning on the washing machine with his stuff in it.
“Do I have something on my face?” You ask with surprising uncertainty, and he’s quick to clear the frown from his face as he shakes his head.
“No, it’s just kind of weird that we’ve been coming here for so long but never... like, spoken.” He muses, and you feel yourself growing surprised. He offers his hand. “Joe.”
“Y/N,” you say, shaking his hand firmly, and he quietly repeats your name back to himself, like he’s committing it to memory. Something warms in your chest, and you can’t help but look at the stack of papers he’d been focusing intently on, “may I ask what you’re working on?” And he looks confused for the barest moment, quickly followed by excitement, and then what you recognize as him very deliberately restraining that excitement into something more polite.
“It’s a script,” and he kind of sounds... apologetic?
“And...?” You prompt, before backpeddling, “I mean, if you don’t wanna talk about it, that’s fine, I mean we technically just met -” and he’s waiving you off goodnaturedly.
“No, I know, I know,” he assures, “I just... another white guy writing a script in New York?” He makes a face, “get a real personality, am I right?” He laughs self-deprecatingly, but it seems to hit a little too close to home for him, and his expression falls. It’s a sentiment he’s been on the receiving end of far too many times.
“What’s it about?” You ask, gentle and genuinely curious, and his eyebrows raise in surprise as he meets your gaze. Tentatively hopeful, he explains that he’s on the fourth draft of it, that it’s loosely based on his brother’s experiences trying to make it into the Major Leagues in baseball. Most of it goes over your head, but you can’t help but be intrigued. 
“I’m not super big into baseball,” you admit as he’s winding down, “but it sounds awesome, dude; let me know when it’s in theaters and I’ll be in the front row.” He grins at that.
You exchange phone numbers a month later, the pair of you getting take out at the fast food joint across the road from the laundromat, so you could still at least keep somewhat of an eye on your clothes. He’s in between drafts of the script, and they’re actually in preproduction, and you realise oh, he’s actually serious about this.
“See, that’s the difference,” you tell him, leaning your elbows on the table and pointing a finger at him, “the difference is that you follow through.”
“What?” He laughs, not yet following your train of thought.
“Every other white guy in New York could write a script, but none of them would follow through and get it made; you’re ambitious, Joe.”
“I’m not ambitious, I’m just lucky,” he shrugs, a blush creeping up his cheeks, but you won’t let it slide.
“Luck will only get you so far,” you tut, and he gives you a strange look.
“Have you... never seen Jurassic Park?”
“When I was younger,” you shrugged.
“Or The Social Network?”
“I’ve really been meaning to, why?” 
“No reason,” Joe shakes his head with a disbelieving grin, and doesn’t bring it up again.
A few weeks later, he’s late by almost a full half an hour, which you’re not particularly bothered by, you get the impression that he’s a busy guy, but he runs in, laundry basket in hand, apologizing breathlessly. 
“No need to apologise,” you tell him with a bright smile, putting your phone away, “everything okay?”
“Budget meeting ran late,” he explains, gracelessly lumping his clothes into the washing machine and throwing a few tide pods in along with them, “filming’s so close, I just lost track of time.”
“Oh, shit really? Wait have you already cast it?” You asked with a surprisingly genuine excitement; over the weeks, you’ve become rather invested in this project.
“Yeah, didn’t I tell you?” He asked with a grin, “casting was finalized two weeks ago; we start rehearsals next Saturday.”
“That’s so exciting!” You enthused, before laughing, “anyone I’d recognize?” And it’s mostly a joke, but Joe gives pause, evaluating you before he pushes start on his washing machine.
“I don’t know,” he answers genuinely, before conceding, “I mean, apart from me -”
“Acting, writing, and directing; does that make you a triple threat?” You asked coyly, and he breaks out into grin.
“And producing,” he reminds, and you make an impressed noise, nodding.
“Quadruple threat, excuse me.”
“But honestly, I don’t know if you’d recognize them; do you know,” and he goes back to the topic at hand, frowning a little, “Aaron Tveit?” You’re a little speechless, before answering.
“Not personally,” you find yourself answering, which gets Joe to laugh, “shit, dude, from Broadway?” And Joe’s wearing a proud little smile when he nods in confirmation, “and the Les Mis movie?”
“The very same,” Joe agrees, and your mouth hangs agape, “I told you, this is a real movie, I’m not filming this in my backyard,” after a beat, he licks his lips and jumps to sit on the washing machine, “have you seriously never googled me?”
“Why would I?” You asked, and he huffs a disbelieving laugh, shaking his head again in that way that you don’t quite understand. “Should I?” You finally ask, and Joe shrugs, smiling bright and carefree. He’s even swinging his legs, ankles crossed.
“I’m not a murderer, if that’s what’s got you worried,” he muses with a surprisingly carefree grin, “I mean, I’m kind of glad that you haven’t, it means you actually like me for me, you know?”
“Of course I do,” you answer automatically, and Joe’s expression turns fond, “I really like you, dude,” you explain, “I’m kind of in awe of what you’re accomplishing.” And you mean it with your whole heart, “if you’d prefer I didn’t google you, I won’t; I don’t make a habit of googling my friends, I won’t start with you.” When you say this, something about him relaxes, and he hops off the washing machine.
“Wanna grab lunch?” He asks with a smile, which you mirror without hesitation, and agree.
They’re filming out of state, which Joe tells you the week before he leaves, and you hadn’t realised how much you would miss him until the first Sunday rolls around, and you’re sitting in the laundromat alone.
Your phone goes off with a notification at exactly eleven.
It’s a photo of Joe and Aaron Tveit in baseball jerseys, covered in dirt, grinning.
[HOLY SHIT] you send back, following it up with [IS THAT] and then you wait a moment before adding [QUADRUPLE THREAT JOE MAZZELLO??] 
[christ 😳😅🥰] he sends back, and something about his restrained but still obviously flustered response has your heart skip a beat. [is it weird that i miss the laundromat?]
[yes 😂]
[and you of course i miss you too] he’s quick to follow it up with, and your own smile grows wider. You take a photo of the empty laundromat and draw in a terrible stick figure impression of him and send it back.
[miss u too haha] and you give pause before sending [hey if u ever wanna send other prod photos.......] [u don’t just have to send them on sunday]
[you haven’t signed an NDA 😂]
[joseph who am i gonna tell??]
[your other friends idk]
[my lips are ZIPPED 🤐] [photos for personal use only]
[personal use????? 😘😘]
[dont be GROSS]
[but i wanna be gross!!]
So now you’re flustered in the middle of the laundromat, completely at a loss as to how to respond to that. 
[are u flirting with me joseph?] you send back, and you watch the three little typing dots as they hover for a very long time.
[only if you’re into it]
[go direct ur baseball movie 🥰😅] you send, and tuck your phone away, feeling rather like a fool, but a pleased fool nonetheless, and you’re grinning for the rest of the day.
Photos are exchanged often after that, usually selfies, or photos of where either of you were, what you were doing, the flirting turning absolutely less subtle with each day that passes until you’re just complimenting each other, and mentioning occasionally how you miss the other.
When he sends a photo of himself posing against the fence of the dugout in a way that showed off his ass, you can’t help but make it your lock screen, though it’s quickly followed by a video and a text that reads [i was told i have to send you this too,,, for context].
“This feels undignified,” says a strangely familiar voice from off-screen, presumably filming, while Joe was trying to ask for opinions on how he should pose.
“This is undignified,” comes someone else’s response, and the camera swings around to reveal an amused Tyler Hoechlin, opening a water bottle, “this Y/N must be real cute.” In the background, a few others, vaguely recognizable, all in baseball uniforms, snicker.
“They are!” Joe answered defiantly, grinning, one leg up against the wire, looking over his shoulder, “are you filming me?” The camera flips around and you get a pretty glorious angle directly up Aaron Tveit’s nose.
“No -”
The video stops abruptly, and you’re all but wheezing with laughter, though all you send back is;
[so worth it] [ur ass *chef’s kiss*]
[THANK YOU] [you get it] [knew there was a reason i liked you so much]
The moment he gets back to New York, he asks you out to dinner. Of course you say yes.
For your third date, he offers to cook you dinner, and watch a movie, prefaced with a question that you’re surprised he still asks; have you really not googled me? And the honest answer you always give: no.
His apartment has a lot of movie posters, of movies you’ve heard of but never seen, or seen when you were very little.
“Big movie buff, obviously,” you note with a little smile, and he raises his eyebrows in amusement at your observation. Even moreso when you excitedly coo about how you haven’t seen Jurassic Park in so long when he suggests it.
“Your self restraint is godlike, babe,” he snickers, and you’re not quite sure what he means, you’re kind of just happy to be here. 
He cooks dinner, and you both sit down in front of his alarmingly big TV, and you feel a warm rush of nostalgia at the opening. You’re eating quietly, watching with rapt attention, but you can feel Joe watching you expectantly. 
“What’s up?” You ask, turning to him, confused, and his smile grows a little wider, and his gaze flicks to the screen for a moment, and then back to you.
“Just waiting for it to click.”
“For what to click?” 
“Babe,” and he says it like he can’t quiet believe it, his gaze now focused on the screen where the kids, Tim and Lex, were being introduced, “that’s me.” And follow his gaze and holy shit. A lot of things start making a lot more sense.
He’s not sure what he’s expecting your reaction to be, but the way your face lights up, and the unbridled enthusiasm and compliments that pour out of you, was not it, but he’s definitely not complaining. 
“Wait!” Your eyes sparkle as you look around his apartment, the movie posters he had everywhere now having a completely different meaning, “all these...?”
“Every single one,” he agrees, a little abashed, suddenly humble, and you grin when you finally look back at him.
“I didn’t think I could be more awed by you, but dude,” you enthused, “that’s cool as hell! You’re cool as hell!” But you take a deep breath, putting your plates onto the coffee table, sitting as close to him as you could, “but I would have thought the world on you even if you hadn’t done any of this,” and he tries to brush it off, but you’re adamant, “no, I mean it, I like you for you, Joe, not for what you’ve done, but... for who you are.”
“You’re gonna make me blush,” he shoots for serious, but misses entirely thanks to his pleased little smile.
“Good,” you tell him seriously, and kiss both of his pink cheeks before kissing him. Your dinner might get a little cold after that, but you can always reheat it. 
You comfort him over the weeks it takes to edit him film, Undrafted, though he’ll never let you see too much of the final product; he wants you to see it in cinemas first.
It’s still kind of surreal to you that Joe Mazzello is both a movie star, and your boyfriend. He’s still friends with Laura Dern, and he also spends eight dollars a week at a laundromat to wash his clothes. Bizarre. But you kind of like how down-to-earth he is. 
What’s more bizarre is when he invites you to the red carpet premiere of his movie.
“Me?” You squeaked, and he seemed a little confused at your hesitation, his hands on your shoulders.
“You,” he nodded slowly, not understanding why you’re suddenly nervous.
“For real?”
“Yeah, of course I want you there; you said so yourself, you’d be in the front row, right?” He smiled a little and you could feel your heart melt.
“You remember that?”
“Of course I do,” he tells you gently, “it’s one of the reasons I liked you in the first place.” He’s so earnest; you agree easily.
The red carpet is a whole other world, you find, dressed to the nines, styled by someone you don’t know, cameras flashing in your face -
“Is this Y/N?” Tyler Hoechlin is saying your name. What universe is this? Joe was blushing furiously with his arm around you as the cast made their way over.
“Finally, a face for a name,” and that’s Aaron Tveit; you have to remind yourself not to get star struck. Instead, you smile and offer your hand to them both, which they shake, smiling and greeting you warmly. 
“Don’t embarrass me, you assholes,” Joe warned, though his tone was amused, and the others chuckled, clapping him on the shoulder.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Mister Director,” Aaron assured.
“You’re good at doing that on your own,” Tyler added, and Joe gave him the finger, but held you a little tighter. 
“Did he send you the video of when he asked me to take that photo? You know the one,” Aaron asked, and you straightened your posture, grinning brightly.
“With an ass like his, I don’t know why you’d think it’s undignified,” you said loftily, and there was a beat as everyone took in what you said.
“I fucking love you,” Joe half laughed, pulling you in for a kiss.
“You’re good,” Tyler snorted, shaking his head with a grin, and Aaron was just straight-up laughing. The rest of the cast took to you easily, though most of the in-jokes among them went over your head, by Joe’s side, you never really felt left out. 
The theater itself was cool and dark, but you could feel the whole cast and crew thrumming with excitement and nervous energy, and Joe gave your hand a squeeze where your fingers were interlaced. 
It’s clear he’d poured his heart and soul into the movie, his fingerprints were all over every aspect of it, and you couldn’t quite believe you were watching it all finally completed; it had been almost a year since you’d first asked him about it, and now, here you were, hand in hand with him at the premiere. 
As the credits rolled, as the crowd clapped, and you along with them, you found yourself speechless. Joe, quiet and surprisingly nervous, turns to you.
“What’d you think?” His voice is quiet, uncertain, and you all but tackle him across the armrest, kissing him until you’re both breathless.
“I’m so proud of you,” you gasp against his lips, “I’m so fucking proud of you.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” his voice is gentle as he takes your face in his hands, but you shake your head.
“You could have, babe, you absolutely could have, you’ve got so much ambition and talent -”
“I didn’t want to do it without you,” he admits in a rush, and you freeze, eyes on his, “I mean it.” And you’re kissing him again, hoping he can feel the pride and love that’s flowing through you. There’s an afterparty to get to, drinks with the cast and crew, and a comfortable bed waiting after that, you know, but you can’t help but bask in this one moment together, just a little longer.
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ash-etherwood · 3 years
Top 5: writing memories, songs, characters that are not blank rune, runes, food
Linda I love you but are you trying to kill me … that’s so many Top 5’s! But alright, I’ll do my best! (Answers will probably switch between German and English RIP to every non-German-speaker who follows me and wants to read this for some reason I swear I’m normal)
5.) The entire time I spent finishing my first (second?) longer writing project It was the year 2012 and it was a cyberpunk story about my friends’ and my edgy self inserts riding dinosaurs, fighting aliens and being badass. The plot twist in the end was that my character was secretly evil and wanted to kill everyone. (Things to show your therapist) The final boss fight made zero sense and also everything was incredibly weird and stupid. But sometimes I still think about those times when I sat in my grandma’s living room at night, eating chips and listening to Vocaloid covers while thinking this story was the coolest shit ever. Truly simpler times.
4.) Researching something about universities in Texas for OvF on a rainy Saturday afternoon I have no idea why this memory is still sticking with me to this day (I think it was around 2016 or something?), but I remember that it was just a really nice day and I felt really at peace at that moment?
3.) The entire writing process of Bathroom Blues It was such a spontaneous project and I still have no idea how I managed to power though it in just a little under two months! Also it was just incredibly fun seeing you getting excited over new drafts and I loved coming up with new plot points and Halloween costumes for everyone with you. :-D Truly a summer worth remembering.
2.) FINALLY uploading the prologue and intro chapter of WWBL Not really a writing memory, but that moment was … so sexy and magical. Seriously, you have no idea how long I had been waiting to finally start that story, waiting for the Steckbriefe to roll in and see people react to the prologue and generally the idea … I even made one of those countdown graphic thingies for the designated upload date! 8D At that point I had planned that story for about six months and just … yeah, that felt powerful to me.
1.) Writing the prologue for WWBL When I first started the draft for that prologue I was sitting at the window in my favourite hotel in Winterberg, Sauerland, wore my dark green flannel, had the window wide open breathing in the cool mountain air and allowed myself to listen to my WWBL playlist for the very first time. God, that felt so amazing. I even have a photo of it (which somehow makes it look like I have the biggest football shoulders in the universe) my sister took that night. God I miss Sauerland. )’:
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My apologies to every favourite song of mine that I forgot about, I have a whole playlist of them, but I think these are some of my oldest faves … (Honorable mentions for Don’t Mess With Me and Not That Big by Temposhark, Goodbye by Apparat, Me And The Devil by Soap&Skin, Heart Heart Head by Meg Myers, Pain and Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace, Beautiful Crime by Tamer, Gravity Of Love by Enigma, In Flames by Digital Daggers [thanks Phi u_u] and Murder Cries by Snow Ghosts AHHH FUCK IT I could’ve just made a playlist,,,)
5.) Vater Unser by E Nomine Starting off with some weird shit, won’t we? I’ve been in love with this song since fifth or sixth grade, when I was just starting to develop an actual music taste and although I have many favourite songs by E Nomine, this one has to be my absolute fave. Every time I can relate it to a character it makes me love said character even more. (Also I think about it every time my mom forces me to go to church for Christmas so … yay? I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t even be able to remember the Vater Unser if it wasn’t for this song. 8D)
4.) Wires by The Neighbourhood I think this is the newest all-time fave on this list, I found it in … 2015? Thank you, Youtube AMVs. Yeah man, this one is just … on so many playlists it’s not even funny anymore.
3.) Heathens by Twenty One Pilots An edgelord classic but like … it’s on EVERY playlist of mine. Every single one. It’s just so good. The first time I heard it was on the radio tho, when I was having breakfast with Jessie and I forced her to shazam it because it immediately stuck with me,,,
2.) Imaginary by Evanescence My first Evanescence song ever and the first step towards becoming who I am today I think. This song has like … such a big history for me, man. It single-handedly turned me goth in 2008 and I have never really thanked it for that.
1.) Eternal by Evanescence Might be my favourite song of all time. The number of dramatic RP scenes I have written with this in the background … man. Oh, also this song is the reason for one of my oldest internet nicknames, ‘eternala’, which subsequently shortened into Etschuh and then Tschuh, my main nickname until 2017, when I came out as trans and finally found an actual name for myself I was comfortable with!
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I know this was probably supposed to be about fandom characters but I can literally not come up with a single character right now that I love with a special burning passion and that is not my or one of my friends’ OCs so you’re getting OCs now. u_u And boy do I have a lot of those.
5.) Jackson Tracey from atroCITY (mine) This little piece of shit kept me company for a pretty long time and is still very close to my heart for some reason, although I haven’t drawn him or really thought about him in detail for a while now. My favourite thing is how I only realized what a horrible person he was after I stopped regularly working with him but honestly good for me. 8D His storyline and personality is kinda convoluted and tbh I’m not really sure how much of it is canon anyway (atrc was always a little weird about canon rip) but yeah. He’s an obsessive stalker piece of shit who pities himself way too much and he is also a semi-immortal demigod who likes knives. I hate him but he also helped me a lot with some gender and sexuality stuff so thanks I guess.
4.) Mayoko Imai from Century Riders DXPrototype (Maus’ and mine) Mayoko is a magical girl protagonist with a cool cyborg arm prosthetic and her main character trait was that she was basically a reverse weeaboo, a Japanese girl who was obsessed with American media, culture and comic book heroes! I actually love her concept a lot and she also had a pretty cool character arc in her story (which Maus and I wrote together and actually finished btw!), although it could use a lot more … polishing from today’s point of view. But I love her anyway. She always wanted to do the right thing and be a hero and got broken pretty cruelly and her ending is kinda bittersweet I guess? Ahh there’s just so much nuance to it … anyways, CR3 also stuck with me for a very long time and I enjoyed the time with her a lot. :3 (Her name had a cameo in Another Incident btw heehee)
3.) Tessa *insert extremely long chain of unnecessary first names here* von Lean from Nobody Is Perfect and Infernal Temptation (belongs to one of my old school friends) Tessa is just … a hand full. I love to hate her. She is badly written and developed and just OOZES mentally ill teenage girl’s idealized self-insert power fantasy, but she just … man, she was a big part of one of my most drama-filled high school friendships which I love looking back at so much. Tessa has fucked so many of my characters … good for her tbh! There are actually two versions of her, one is just a ‘normal’ teenage girl and one can shapeshift into a cheetah, but both of them are very close to my heart. I should really adopt and redesign her some day.
2.) Judy Khayat from Original vs. Final (mine) Look, I love all my OvF-characters and every single one of them is special to me in their own way, but Judy is just … the most complex of them all I think? Man, she went through so much … she is actually one of my oldest (semi)-active characters (I created her in 2009) and her latest version is from 2016 but I should really, REALLY revise her again tbh. She has a very complicated backstory that I didn’t handle as carefully as I should have, and anger issues and religious conflict and depression and PTSD and then Vance of all people becomes obsessed with her for no reason and decides to traumatize her even more … yeah. God I really love her but I seriously need to work on her. A LOT. I should also finally rename her tbh … let’s just see where she takes me next.
1.) Okami (I don’t even remember if she has a proper last name rn lol) from Split Realm (mine) Yeah, that bitch is just my favourite OC. She’s also very old, probably from around 2009, and initially was a magical girl with fire powers who I played in an RP with my friend Flauch but boy did she grow up! Holy fuck. Okami is a horrible person but I love her so much. She is so violent and full of anger and pain and sadness and treats everyone around her like shit and she is in love and she is a demon but also apparently the personification of the concept of Chaos but she just wants to be a teenager again and run away with the love of her life and ahhh it’s all so hopeless for her … also she turned out gnc af with time passing and pretty much went through a gender/sexuality crisis in real time with me, her creator, which is always fun. :^D I haven’t drawn her in a while tbh. Should really do that.
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I’m just gonna go with the arcs here, okay? Also this entire answer might look completely different if you asked me again tomorrow, you know how indecisive I am with Blank Rune shit ahha,,,
5.) Jera Look. I know I’m boring and stupid. But I just love Tave and Liam having their disgusting little foreshadowing talk, okay? I can read it over and over. I just love my horrible little shit crime boys. Also Rhy and Phillip are there. (’:
4.) Isa This one is here because it was the first arc I witnessed in real time which gives it a very special place in my heart and it also … hit pretty hard at the time. But having read Fehu it’s become even better now! It’s just such a wonderful, tragic romance between two horrible, ruthless boys and I … I’m not immune to Rhy, sadly. :-/ Just like Phillip.
3.) Wunjo We still haven’t seen everything that leads up to Wunjo yet, but we DO know more than we did initially (wow shocker) and it’s just always a fucking blast. Also, it has the first mention of Ash’s real name … the first Rhy POV (which what the fuck!! I always feel like we had one before but we didn’t!! Wild) and it has crazy blood-soaked murder Tave, my beloved. :///3
2.) Eiwaz You guys have heard me fanboy about Eiwaz so many times already. Eiwaz-OT3 (and Kain) my beloved!!! It’s just SUCH an amazing starting point and there are so, so many things that tie back to it and every time we find out about a new one my heart makes a little jump … und es beginnt von Neuem indeed.
1.) Gebo One of the most painful but also the most beautiful arcs yet in my opinion. It’s been hyped up for so long and boy did it deliver. God, my heart still hurts when I think about that last scene. Also all the dialogue … the golden lines we got … and it’s an arc without Rhy! Crazy!! :-D I just love the relationship between Ash, Astrid and Jakob so much. God fuck I want what they have. Just maybe without the murder suicide,,,
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5.) Diese Sonntagsbrötchen wo die Verpackung so plopp macht, wenn man die Folie abzieht Better than normale Brötchen for some reason. Most of the time. See 2.) Look man, I just really love a good breakfast …
4.) Chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese topping One of the first things from a certain baking book I tried when I was getting into baking back in 2019. God they are so tasty. I don’t make them often so I don’t get used to them too much and eating them still feels special but ahhhh I love them so much!
3.) Grünkohl mit Kartoffelbrei und Mettendchen One of my favourite things about autumn/winter and one of my biggest comfort foods. God I love this shit so much. I just put … mountains of Grünkohl and Kartoffelbrei on my plate every time and I will just warm it up for four days straight until there’s no more left. It turns me into a fucking caveman. I’m not even big on eating meat but … yeah. Everything is different when there’s Grünkohl.
2.) Normales Brötchen mit Butter und Scheibenkäse aber ich bin beim Frühstücksbuffet im Hotel Oddly specific but that’s just how it is. Sorry. Nichts geht über Brötchen mit Käse.
1.) Chilli-Knoblauch-Nudelauflauf My beloved. My comfort food. I eat it literally every second day. At least one hour in the kitchen every time. Fresh ingredients. My only vegetable intake. And I’ve been doing that for three years. I just love it so much, man. I cook it for everyone who visits me. Chilli-Knoblauch-Auflauf cured my depression.
4 notes · View notes
pinky and the brain - s1e2: of mouse and man
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episode summary: brain needs money to build a perpetual answering machine to occupy everyone in the world for long enough for him to take over. to do that, he needs an absurd amount of money, so he decides to get a job in an office!
and then fake a nondairy creamer accident that turned him into a mouse, because as we all know, brain has to take the most dramatic path he possibly can in life, or he dies.
the rundown:
we open with pinky showing off his ass.
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PRODUCED BY PETER HASTINGS. i assume that means the episode, and not the ass. the ass was initially produced by pinky’s parents and then helped along by the warner brothers’ dietary experts for their. mouse actors.
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brain isn’t feeling it right now.
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instead, as he plucks a rib from the lab’s anatomical model of a human being, and uses it to unpick his cage, he angsts - WRITTEN BY PETER HASTINGS - he angsts over the Dark Side Of Man, that has built war machines and pollution spilling factories and
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as pinky continues to stick his ass out (though onlyfans wouldn’t be launched for another twenty one years) brain runs through his latest plan, which, of course, involves voicemail.
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look at those wiggles. this is a rough draft episode.
anyway brain intends to reroute all telephone conversations into his confusing, recursive, voicemail service that, he claims, will keep the human race occupied for “at least seventy two hours.”
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“more than enough time for a well prepared mouse to seize control of the planet.”
“i see! so all we need now is a well prepared mouse.”
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brain is unhappy. i am not surprised.
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“i am a well prepared mouse, pinky.”
“oh. well. there you are, then.”
unfortunately this plan comes with the pitfall that it will cost.... one million, six hundred and fourteen thousand dollars. which is a lot of money, or, as pinky puts it, “a lot of money!”
as brain wonders about how to raise these funds (”without running for congress”) pinky pinkys off to watch some tv.
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“pinky, are you pondering what i’m pondering?“
“i think so, brain, but i get all clammy inside a tent.”
anyway so brain’s new plan is to get a job, stage a
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and then sue them for one million, six hundred and fourteen thousand dollars in workers compensation.
this episode also has a lot of faces. god, but these mice are so bloody cute. youtube has not yet been invented, but one day it will be, and all brain has to do is sit in front of a camera and nom some corn and go O:O with his face, and everyone will be crying over him within minutes.
it’s so sad that he doesn’t know that.
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but for now, he has a job interview to go to. good luck, brain! can’t be any worse than that time allsaints forgot about me and the manager acted like it was my fault.
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“impressive credentials. you’re certainly qualified. are you married?”
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“oh, yes, i have a lovely wife and two beautiful young children.”
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“oh that’s too bad. we’re looking for someone who has no life. thank you.”
as family man walks off, dejected, in comes a completely unsuspicious fellow looking for an honest living honest living, just like in rent the musical.
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his arm is acting up, a bit, but it’s fine.
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“very impressive resume. princeton, harvard, six years in the industry-- tell me, mr brain, what are your long term career goals?”
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“i plan on taking over the world.”
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“you have drive! i like that! but confidentially, taking over the world is my job, hahahaha.”
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”yes. haha. ha.”
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”now. brass tax - are you married?”
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“i do have a roommate. but he’s very busy with his own activities.”
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“but. one more thing. about your head. isn’t it rather small?”
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“no. not for my race.”
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“no! no, of course not-- and your people are such... good... cooks... with their tiny heads, uh. please. excuse me for one second.”
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“carol! send everyone else home! i got myself a minority person!”
BRUH I?!??!?!?!?!
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anyway. brain gets the job.
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“mr brain! welcome to the world of re-reinsurance!”
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he’s delighted.
back at the labs, he plots his untimely demise at the hands of re-reinsurance,
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stating the accident “could be bluffed by altering the mollecular matrix through a substrate platform of microwaves.”
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pinky’s response to this is “look brain, i made a choo-choo.”
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“oh, and me without my video camera!”
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in simpler terms, he explains to pinky that he will stage an accident, “utilising the microwave oven and the non-dairy powdered creamer.”
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“because”, to pinky’s apparent horror, “nobody really knows how a microwave works.”
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“but why the powdered creamer, brain?”
“nobody knows how that works either.”
(and then, i guess, there’s a scene where some guys jump him on the train for some reason,
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i’m only putting it here because this guy is like “oh, you’re funny, you’re a regular gallagher”
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and brain’s like “you think gallagher is funny?”
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anyway then he ties the dude into a pretzel and throws him off the train.
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bonk. it adds nothing, but it’s very funny.)
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“this is your cubicle right here. if you need any office supplies, ask the office manager and she should have them over in two or three months.”
it’s brain’s first day at work! his boss reads him the company policy on
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vacations, personal phone calls,
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and sexual harassment.
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“don’t worry about it. you’re safe if you avoid all contact with other humans.”
“my goal in life.”
as brain unpacks the things that pinky has packed for his “home away from home,
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his nosy cubicle neighbour inquires about brain’s “pet mouse,”
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elaborating that he keeps mice! haha! to feed to his pet snake!
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to be fair this is also me around snake people. more understandable in brain’s case, being that he is, actually, a mouse, and i am a human person who may be slightly obsessed with tiney small flofys.
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(they play tennis on their lunch break and brain sets him on fire, so it’s not too bad.)
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upon his return from the office, pinky, who has dolled himself up to the nines, presents brain with a Yummy Dinner of Food Pellets With Food Pellets.
i will say i think it’s really cute how this show keeps pushing the narrative that pinky just really, really wants to be an old timey housewife. he just spends his time watching i love lucy (when Fish TV isn’t on) and stuff like that and he’s just obsessed with the idea of dusting something alluringly but ineffectively and making brain little dinners.
and it’s so fucking cute!!! what??? it’s adorable. as soon as they get the world pinky better get a little dollhouse kitchen room with lime green everything and a functioning oven.
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“please, pinky. i’ve had a very tough day.”
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“oh, you have? you’ve had a tough day?”
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“what about my day, brain? we always hear about your day, but what about mine?!”
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“very well pinky. what did you do today?”
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“i don’t remember.”
“not a thing.”
“well, now i know how american gladiator stays on the air.”
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the next day, at work, brain is vexed by the fact that nobody has refilled the coffee machine.
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“sorry. that’s my fault. hey, you’re cute.”
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“you know what they say. big ears. big earmuffs.”
unfortunately brain’s mechanical arm chooses now to malfunction.
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she’s into it?
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brain maintains that it was a mistake, and he doesn’t find her attractive at all, because brain knows how to talk to women.
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she is no longer into it.
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horrified by his semi-accidental fuckboy behaviour, brain heads out as quickly as he can, only to be immediately called into his boss’ office.
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despite brain’s claims that “the young lady appears to have misunderstood me,” which i’m sure will hold up well on twitter,
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mr boss man reveals that he has done some fact checking, and there is no record of brain attending harvard or princeton.
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he is given the ultimatum that he either produce his diplomas, or HIS CAREER IN RE-REINSURANCE IS OH OH OVER!!!
very sad!
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looks like it’s time to stage a workplace related accident.
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he pours the creamer everywhere, discards his suit, and runs up to plonk himself merrily into the pile.
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as others in the office crowd around to look, brain makes his dramatic reveal.
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“i’ve been turned into a mouse!”
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obviously mr boss man won’t pay that kind of money.
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so, as brain emphatically tells him, I’LL SEE YOU IN COURT.
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as the goodfeathers sit on justice’s head, and bitch about jury duty,
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The Man From Washinton asserts that brain’s claim that he is a mouse is preposterous.
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good thing brain has xrays to prove it! they “clearly” define his “mouse skeleton!” wait a sec and he’ll grab them.
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oh shit! where they go?
(”there really is only one conclusion here.” says a local doctor.
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“this man is a mouse.”
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“then i’m afraid the only conclusion here, doctor,”
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“is that you have never seen these.”
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“i trust this might keep you quiet.”
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“it might.”)
(BRUH/???????????????) (if boss man is out here bribing people with lingerie, he could have tried that way before this got to court.)
egged on by the lack of evidence in Mouse Corner, christopher walken produces the artefacts from brain’s office cubicle.
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“i ask you, when was the last time you heard of a mouse winning a bowling trophy?”
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“ugh. pinky.”
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turns out pinky is here because “they’re not covering this on court tv,” but does advise brain that “it’s a good thing they didn’t find the mechanical suit, eh, brain?”
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oh shit.
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“pinky, you must go to the office and get that suit from the kitchen closet. do you understand? if they find that we’re sunk.”
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“oh! brain! you want me to help!”
off he goes!
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fall mouse. bonk.
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(he sneaks into the snack delivery.)
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(unfortunately, he gets delivered straight to the vending machine.)
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(”narf? ):”)
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“well. yes. i had noticed his... small, furry head, but i assumed that was normal for his people.”
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“and what people would that be.”
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“i’m not sure? i think they’re from europe?? maybe france.”
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“the size of my head and whether i was a man before the accident is not the question, here. the fact is i am now a mouse.”
(meanwhile, at fiero:
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“try the fruit rollups. they’re yummy.”
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“oh, i am doing well. poit.”)
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“so how exactly did the accident happen, mr brain?”
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“some bizarre thing involving a microwave oven? i don’t know exactly-- no one really knows how they work.”
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“incorrect! in the oven, a magnetron produces microwaves which cause water molecules to align, and reverse alignment, producing heat, and not mice.”
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“the accident also involved a.... nondairy powdered creamer.”
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“ah. um. oh.”
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pinky attempts to drive.)
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“mr brain, in your experience with other mice, are they intelligent?”
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“exactly. your honour, i contend that mr brain is simply too intelligent to be a mouse.”
oh dear.
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pinky tries not to get hit by a car.)
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“but-- no, noo, i’m not intelligent.”
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“i am a simpleton! yes. like any average mouse!”
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“um. narf.”
that’s mean, brain, considering the aforementioned narf is on his way to save your gay little ass right now, but whatever.
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“so you would have no problem with me saying that albert einstien was a champion surfer.”
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“what-- i mean, no.”
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“or that the temperature of the sun is a comfortable seventy degrees fahrenheight.”
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“i wouldn’t know--”
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“or that the fermi-dirac’s distribution function is a soup kitchen?”
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“that’s preposterous! your honour, the fermi-dirac's function is, for any system of identical fermions in equilibrium,”
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“the probability that a quantum state of energy -- E -- is occupied!”
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“my word, man! don’t you know your quantum statistics!”
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“oh, blunder.”
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and what a blunder indeed! the judge decides to rule that brain’s intelligence proves that he is “not a mouse, and that being the basis for your claim, i now dismiss charges against fiero and company.”
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“.....very well. i’ll go now.”
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“i’m afraid not. i find you guilty of fraud, perjury, and appearing naked in a public place. take him away.”
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good thing they have human man sized handcuffs for this human man! brain looks incredibly perturbed, despite the fact he could probably swim in them. and also that he... kind of lives in a prison anyway, if you think about it. oh, cool, can’t wait to evade that cage so i can go live in my other cage.
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luckily, pinky arrives to save us all from that particular moral quandry.
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“i got the suit, brain! i got it!”
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the police attempt to intercept pinky,
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so he knocks them over. hoo hoo.
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brain falls over,
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attempts to enter the suit through the shoe,
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and is squoshed for his crimes.
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faced with a veritable army of police, at this point,
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pinky activates the emergency protocol,
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says blue lives scatter,
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and fucks off out of the courthouse.
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we stan a legend.
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unfortunately brain got a fair few ouchies during his prison break, so pinky bandages him up. it’s very cute.
anyway, i’m giving this one to brain, on account there were, yknow, a fair few ways that could have been mitigated. fiero fucked him over, though, so i’ll give him that.
brain: 5 ½ pinky: 6 ½ outside influence: 10
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 “egad, brain! brilliant!”
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“but isn’t that horribly illegal?”
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23 notes · View notes
Being Simon
Chapter 1: The Past
Chapter 1/2 (All chapters)
Rating: T
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Word Count:  8493
Summary:  Simon's type of therapy is...unusual to say the least. He has the incredible chance to go back in time to fix what he regrets. However, things get more complicated when Simon meets someone very interesting in the past.
Read on AO3
AN: Ahahahaha I did it!!! I finished a fic! That's a big achievement for me nowadays tbh. This has taken forever because stupid fucking health, but I did it! Of course I'm not 100% good with it but I'm still proud. Being Erica is one of my fave shows ever and is severely underrated imo. Then I saw this post and was like "oh damn that would be great for snowbaz." Now like three-four months late, here we are! Big thank you to @carryonmylovelies​ as always. She has been a big support for me through this writing slump. I couldn't be more grateful for her <3
World basics: time travel therapy is a thing, no further explanation given, and going back in time to fix past regrets teaches patients how to live better in the present. Patients take over their past selves' bodies for a bit. Patients can return from the past either suddenly or by stepping through doors. So just imagine Simon doing that. Saying much more is spoilers. 
I’m gonna post chapter 1 today, then chapter 2 sometime within the next week. Hopefully y'all like it!
You know that guy who’s got it all? A perfect job, a perfect partner, wonderful family, a life that people are secretly jealous of? You know that guy, everyone knows that guy. Unfortunately, I am not that guy.
My name is Simon Snow, and I’m a fuck up. But I’m getting better.
“Mr. Snow, Mr. Snow!” Cassidy shouts, waving her hand, “I know the answer!”
“Cass,” I say, “what did we say about inside voices?”
She pouts and crosses her arms. “Keep the volume down for all those around.”
“Exactly. Now, try again.” Cassidy raises her arm with no added sound effects. I point my chalk at her. “Cassidy, what’s the answer?”
She puts her hand down, grinning wide. “It’s 42.”
I hold my hand out to her. “Nice job, Cassy, right on the money.”
She gives me a big high five. The feeling of accomplishment surges through me. God, I love this job. My old customer service work made me feel dead inside. Day in, day out, same old fucking garbage from garbage customers. It was just never something I wanted to do. Now I get to see a little girl smile, and I helped her smile. Yeah, little self centred, but I’ll take it.
“Patrick,” I say, “can you tell me how we can find 8 times 4?”
Patrick nods and starts rattling off the technique he’s come up with. It’s a bit odd and round about but all his. That’s what I love about kids, the strange and unique things their little minds come up with. It’s why I wanted to be a teacher in the first place, before I lost my way.
The bell rings and everyone's on their feet immediately. “Alright everyone,” I shout over the clamour, “make sure to finish chapter three for tonight. And get your worksheets done! We’re going to go over them with a fine toothed comb. Have a good weekend, kids.”
“Bye, Mr. Snow,” they all parrot back. I wave them off, then start on my laptop. Being a teacher means having a lot of paperwork. (Or Google Doc work, I guess.) Everything is in mismatched folders and I have to scour them for my lesson plan draft. Unfortunately, I’m still not great at organization, but I’m working on it. I’m working on a lot in my life.
My phone rings. I look up from my screen, and notice there’s no sunlight from the windows. Holy shit, how long have I been sitting here? I quickly grab my phone. “Hello?”
“Simon!” Todd shouts. “Where the fuck are you?”
“Oh, uh, hi Todd.” Fuck, what did I do this time? “I-I’m still at work...”
He scoffs. “Of course you are. Shit, Simon, I’ve been sitting at Casper’s for an hour!”
My heart drops. I look down at my watch. It’s 6:34. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, love, I just totally lost track of time-”
“Yeah, I guessed that. I should expect that of you now.”
Well, that stings. A lot. I’ve felt like a screw up my whole life, so much so even my parents didn’t want me. Like they had some prophetic vision that their kid would be a no good moron. Therapy has started to rid me of those thoughts, but they still creep up every once in a while. Like now.
“I’m sorry, darling, I’m really sorry. We can go to my place, have take away-”
“No, Simon,” he sighs. “I just...I picked the day, the time, and the restaurant. All you had to do was bloody show up, and you couldn’t even do that. I mean...do you even care, Simon?”
A horrible, familiar pain goes through my heart. I can still hear Agatha’s voice all these years later. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it. My thoughts get all muddled up, mixing up old fears and trauma with today.
“I do care, Todd, I really do. I just- I didn’t- I was- We can-”
“Please stop..” He sighs again. I can almost see him rubbing his pretty black eyebrows together. “Don’t stress stutter, it’s alright. Enjoy your work and takeaway.”
“Uh, could we reschedule?”
“No, we can’t.”
I gulp. I hate that I know what’s coming. “Are...are you too busy?”
“No, I’m just...I’m done. I can’t do this anymore, Simon. Hope you do well. I mean that.”
I slump in my chair. “Okay. You too. Bye, Todd.”
“Goodbye, Simon.”
He hangs up, but I keep the phone by my ear. My body feels too heavy to move and get out of this fucking chair. Once again, I screwed up my relationship. And the fact that it’s too familiar is even worse. This is what, the third partner I’ve lost in the last year? An abysmal track record. Before that I had been alone since uni, yeah, but I think it was better than feeling like this.
Slowly, I pack up all my stuff. Everything is quiet, like the world is in mourning for my latest lost relationship. Self centered as fuck but a nice thought. I sling my book bag over my shoulder and walk towards the door. It’s not even a shock when I don’t enter the foyer, but step through and end up in Dr. Margaret’s stony yet brightly lit office instead, complete with torches and pristine furniture. It’s like some medieval version of an IKEA showroom. Dr. Margaret is sitting in her chair with a book in hand, obviously waiting for me. Just another day with a super powered therapist who has her office in a pocket dimension outside of our reality. (That’s my theory anyway).
I speed walk forward and flop down face first on her white couch. “Hi to you too, Simon,” she says. I groan into the cushions. “Good day, huh?” I groan louder. “Tell me what happened or get off my couch.”
I move my face to the side, glaring at Dr. Margaret. She just keeps looking at me blankly from her large leather chair. Dr. Margaret has little time for my whining, something I usually appreciate. “Todd broke up with me.”
“You poor baby.”
I narrow my eyes even more. “Aren’t therapists supposed to be all sympathetic and shit?”
She scoffs. “Sympathetic when you’re not being pathetic.”
“My boyfriend just broke up with me, I’m allowed to be a bit pathetic.” I rub my very strained forehead. “I always get dumped.”
“Mhm.” Dr. Margaret picks up the notepad, the one I filled with my regrets the first day we met. It’s embarrassingly long, but a lot are crossed off too. “Tell me about ‘breakup with Agatha.’”
I groan, head falling back against the couch. “God, that’s one I’ve been waiting for.”
“Stop groaning and tell me.”
“Okay, okay, gimme a sec.” I sit up and put my elbows on my knees, rubbing my temple. Headache is coming. Though I’ve started to actually pay attention to my health and take care of myself now (thanks to Dr. Margaret), the headaches still happen sometimes. Especially when I think about this.
“It was 2003,” I sigh. “Agatha and I had been together for six years. Just before third year finals, Agatha broke up with me. I got really pissed at her. Turned into a huge screaming match. She said I didn’t care, and I called her an arsehole that never loved me.” I run a hand through my hair. Old stress habit. “I’ll never forget the look on her face. She was so unbelievably hurt. I knew it was wrong the moment after I said it, but I was too angry and proud to apologize. Agatha walked out. And that was the last time I ever saw her.” The words piece my heart like a knife. I feel like I'm about to shatter into pieces “We avoided each other all through finals. Right after graduation, Agatha moved to California for her masters. She wouldn’t take my calls, then she changed her number. So I gave up. Haven’t talked to her in twelve years. No idea where she is now and what she’s doing.”
Dr. Margaret nods thoughtfully, placing the notebook down. “What would you do differently? Try to fix things? Stay together?”
I shake my head vigorously. “No, god no. We weren’t good as a couple. But Agatha was one of my closest friends way before she was my girlfriend. I just, I want the breakup to not be so awful. That way we can stay friends. I want to keep her in my life. If I wasn’t such an arse, she would be.”
“Sounds reasonable. Let’s see if you can do it.”
A familiar chill hits me. At first it was terrifying but now I expect it. “Alright.”
Dr. Margaret nods, and the world spins.
“You’re not hearing me, Simon!” Agatha screams. “I’m trying to tell you that it’s over!”
I stumble, blinking at Agatha and trying to focus on what’s around me. Dirty walls, Lady Gaga posters, a shitty desk I picked up off the curb. Yeah, this is definitely my uni apartment. And this is definitely Agatha screaming at me, trying to break things off and I’ve just been yelling. She’s so mad but I can’t help but smile. God, I’ve missed her.
“What are you smiling about?! Are you listening to me?!” She groans and shakes her head. “We’re done, Si. I can’t do this anymore. Goodbye.”
She turns around to leave and my pulse skyrockets. No no, not again. “Ags, wait! I-I am listening. Please, don’t leave!”
Agatha freezes, hand on the knob. She glares at me over her shoulder. “What?”
“I-I’m sorry for yelling, that was awful. Can we just sit down and talk this out? Please?”
She looks me over, probably trying to figure out if I’m being sincere. I know I am, but as far as she's concerned I was screaming my bloody lungs out a minute ago. Must be weird for her. Thankfully, she lets go of the knob. “Fine.”
I sigh in utter relief. I sit down on my shitty mattress (pretty sure I got this off the curb too) and Agatha follows. She’s tense, arms crossed. I fiddle with my fingers. The nail beds are all chewed up, hangnails surrounded by dark dried blood. Glad I broke that habit, but right now I sort of wish I still did it. It made me feel better.
“Are you going to say something?” Agatha asks, voice biting.
“Yeah, yeah, just, uh...” I rub the back of my neck. Words are getting fucked up again.
“You’re not going to change my mind, Simon. We’re through.”
“I know, Ags, I know. I don’t want us to stay together.”
Her eyebrows furrow. It’s really cute. I miss when she did that. “You don’t?”
“No, no, we’re not good as a couple. We don’t work well.”
“Oh.” Her arms fall into her lap. “Okay. Yeah, I think the same.”
“Awesome.” I turn towards her with a big grin. “But, uh, could we still be friends though? You’ve always been one of my best friends, Agatha. I-I don’t want to lose you after this.”
Agatha rubs her lips together, But slowly, she nods. “Okay, yeah.”
A huge weight lifts off my shoulders. I grin so wide it hurts. “That’s great! That’s so great. I-I just, I don’t want to lose you just cause our relationship didn’t work out.”
She looks even more confused, and I’m not sure why. “What do you mean ‘didn’t work out?’”
“Well, I-I mean, y’know, we just don’t work as a couple. We haven’t been happy for awhile because things have kind of...fizzled out, right?”
Suddenly, that infuriated expression comes back. She groans and stands up. “I can’t believe you, Si! You really haven’t been listening to anything I’ve said, have you?!”
I stand up too. “No, no, I have! You want to break up, and I get why, we’re not happy together. We’re not a good couple-”
“Because of you!” she screams. I stumble back slightly from the force of her words.  “You fucked up!”
A horrible, upset, disgusted feeling takes over my whole body. Like my very soul is sicking up. I step towards her, reaching out. “Ags, I don’t know what you mean. H-How did I ruin things? Tell me what I did wrong!”
She shakes her head and backs away. “I’ve told you a hundred times, Si. If you don’t know by now, I don’t think you ever will.”
Agatha starts to stomp away. I chase after her. “Agatha! Ags, please, don’t-”
She slams the door so hard all my knick knacks rattle. I’m left in silence, except for the thoughts rattling around in my head. Fuck, what did I say? What did I do? I can’t think of anything I’ve done horrible enough to warrant such a response from Agatha. I pull at my hair and gnaw at my nail beds. I mean, this me already does it, so where’s the harm? Fuck, I don’t know what I did. I can’t remember!
Penny. I gotta go find Penny. She always has the answers. She’ll remember why I fucked up. I rush out the door and swing my way down the shitty stairs, careful to avoid the usual vomit puddles. I’m speed walking across the lawn towards Pen’s TA building when I spot familiar frizzy white hair.
“That was fast,” Dr. Margaret says, looking down at her book with a Starbucks drink in hand. She’s dressed in a horribly ugly orange tank top and boho skirt. Perfect for 2003. She needs to blend in with the time period, or at least that’s what she says. I think she just likes to dress up. “Saw her storm out. Looked really mad.”
“What the fuck was the point of this?!” I yell. I’m so angry, I can’t help it. My temper is something I need to work on but I really don’t care right now. “I still cocked things up with Agatha, so she still hates me, and all I’ve learned is that I apparently did something horrible that I don’t even remember because it’s been twelve bloody years!”
She takes a long drink from her large Starbucks cup. “Hm. Quite difficult. What’re you going to do?”
“Find Penny, I guess, She’ll know, right?”
Dr. Margaret shrugs. “Don’t know. You have a phone. Call her.”
Oh, right, phones are a thing. I dig around in my cargo shorts (god, I can’t believe, I used to wear these things) and pull out my old Nokia slide phone. I sneer at the thing. It was my first and shittiest cell phone. I thought I was so cool because my mobile slid out. I was such a prat.
I go to my contacts, and Penny is one of five. That makes me a little sad. I always liked people, but I was always bad at making real friends. I’ve gotten better now but past me barely had anyone. I click her number, and she picks up after two rings.
“Hey, Simon, what’s up?” she asks.
“Um, not much,” I respond automatically. Dr. Margaret glares at me. Right, I don’t need to push down my problems and pretend everything is okay. Penny’s my friend, she’ll want to help. “Actually, there’s a lot. Aggie and I just broke up.”
“Oh Si, I’m so sorry. How’re you feeling?”
“Not too bad. I guess it was inevitable. I’m more confused than anything. Ags said I ruined it by doing something, but I’m not sure what I did. Do you have any idea what she meant?”
“Uh...I really don’t know. She hasn’t told me anything. She doesn’t usually tell me things anyway.”
I sigh and rub my face. “Yeah, true. I’ll figure it out. Thanks, Pen.”
“Welcome, Simon. Love you.”
“Love you, too.” I hang up and shove my phone back in my massive pocket. Dr. Margaret is back to reading. “Well, that was no help.”
“Too bad. Maybe going to the source would be better.”
I frown in utter confusion. “You want me to go talk to Agatha again?”
“She knows what’s wrong. You don’t. Ask her.”
I put my hands on my hips. “You’re never this direct. What’s going on?”
She flicks her eyes to me, smiling slyly. “Don’t trust me, Simon?”
“No! I just know you always have something else going on. Nothing in therapy is ever easy or simple.”
“Know that. Taught you that.” She snaps the book closed. “Do what you think is best, Simon. Then live with choices.”
She stands up, book tucked into her hippie purse, and walks down the lawn. I huff, blowing a piece of stray hair out of my face. “You know I hate when you say that! It’s just pointing out the obvious! That’s lazy therapy!”
Dr. Margaret, the woman who has changed my life in so many ways, makes the “whatever” W sign at me. I chuckle and shake my head. Okay, well, this is probably some weird test (again), but Dr. Margaret has a point. Best to be direct. Maybe Agatha will have cooled down by the time I get there. I should do something nice. Bring her flowers, yeah, that’s a good idea. I look down at my cargo shorts, baggy Eminem shirt, and filthy knock off converse. Definitely need to change too.
I rush back to my apartment. It’s dingy and gross, but there’s a weird nostalgia to it. I should’ve put up more posters. (Why can’t that be a regret? That would be so much easier.) My dresser is bursting at the seams as usual. I throw my t-shirts around looking for something passable, but everything is dirty, tacky, smells like weed, or all of the above.
“Christ, how did I live like this?” I grumble, as if I wasn’t pretty much still living like this a year ago. (Minus the weed. Kicked that after uni, thankfully.)
Eventually I find a plain brown shirt and a pair of jeans with only one tomato sauce stain. Alright, I’m passable now at least. That’ll get Agatha’s attention just because it’s so out of character for who I am in this time. I open the old pickle jar where I keep all my change and scrounge together about 20 quid. Should be enough for flowers, especially before the 2008 crash. The exchange rate is the only thing I miss about the past, honestly.
“Alright,” I mutter to myself, slinging my bookbag over my shoulder, “decent clothes, okay hair, pocket change, bag to hold flowers. Let’s do this.”
I walk out my front door feeling confident, hopefully not too much. Can’t get a big head. Need to focus on Agatha.
“Simon, mate.” I turn around to see Rhys wheeling out of his flat. “What’s up? Heard a lot of shouting earlier, you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m cool, man. Agatha and I broke up and things got messy.”
He inhales sharply between his teeth. “Yikes. Sorry to hear that. Can’t believe she dumped you for that snotty prep.”
I stand ramrod straight, then spin around on my heels to face him properly. “What snotty prep?”
“Oh you didn’t know?”
“Didn’t know what?!”
Rhys raises his hands in surrender. “Whoa, take it easy, man.”
Shit. Reel in your temper, Simon, don’t explode. “Sorry, sorry, mate. Just, what are you talking about with this prep?”
“Yeah, this preppy pretty boy Agatha sits next to in our romantic literature and creative writing classes. They’ve always got their heads together. I didn’t say anything because it wasn’t my business, but then you said you two broke up, so...”
“So you thought she told me, got it.” I rub my temples. Headache is coming back. “Do you know who he is?”
Rhys scratches the side of his head. “Yeah, think so. Tall, dark-ish skin, grey eyes, posh accent, even more posh clothes. Name starts with a T. Terrence, Terry, Tyler-” He snaps his fingers and points at me. “Ty! That’s it!”
My face scrunches up. “Ty? Ty what?”
“Dunno. Just Ty, I guess. Like Madonna. Dude thinks he’s better than fucking everyone just because he’s rich or something.”
My blood boils to a fever pitch. So Agatha broke up with me for someone prettier and richer. She said it was my fault because she didn’t want to hurt my feelings. Mission failed, because I am fucking gutted.
“Thanks for telling me, mate,” I say, holding out my fist to him. He bumps his own against mine. “Really appreciate it.”
“Sure thing, mate. Come have a beer with us to commiserate?”
I chuckle. “Yeah, but you may have to remind me later. Brain like sieve.”
“Gotchu. See ya.”
“See ya.”
Rhys rolls down the hall towards Gareth’s. Right, it’s their weekly beer and footie night. I would hang out with them sometimes. I miss that. I should call them when I’m back in 2015. Right now though, I have a mission.
Finding Ty will be pretty easy. I know when Agatha and Rhys’ creative writing class is, which is in a couple of minutes. (Rhys skipped a lot of class. Luckily he was a genius so he graduated at the top of our year. And Agatha never went to class when she was upset, so I know I won’t see her.) I run over to the building I know it’s in, a massive hall made from dingy grey stone and filled with caffeine addicted twenty somethings. Then I sit by a tree, waiting to see someone like Rhys described. Oh and when I find him I’ll- Well, I’ll do something. Not sure yet but it’ll be something!
Droves of zombified uni students pass me by. None of them look posh and preppy enough to be like this Ty dude. He sounds like such a twat. What the fuck does Agatha see in him? (Or did see in him, I guess. Time travel is weird.) Maybe Agatha is still with him. Maybe they went to California together. She talked about me going with her for a bit, but I was scared to leave England. I don’t regret staying, but I do regret the crushed look on her face.
The guy passes by me. He looks ridiculous, wearing oxfords, black slacks, and a goddamn tweed jacket with leather patches on the sleeves. It’s the preppiest posh shit I’ve ever seen. I can see his hands, curled around his textbook, and his slicked back hair. Dark-ish skin and ear length black hair. I’m on my feet in an instant.
“Hey!” I shout. He doesn’t move. “Hey, Ty! I’m talking to you!”
He finally turns around, and my heart stops for a second. Holy shit. This guy is beautiful. Like, super model on the cover of a high end fashion magazine gorgeous. He’s got cheekbones sharp enough to cut glass and his eyes aren’t just grey, they’re green and blue mixed together. Like deep ocean water. And right now they’re staring at me like I’ve lost my goddamn mind.
“Yes?” he says. His voice is smooth, strong, really pretty. “You called my name?”
I shake off my small gay panic (technically pansexual panic) and my anger returns. I glare hard at him. “Yeah, I did. My name is Simon Snow, Agatha’s boyfriend.”
His confusion quickly switches to stone faced boredom. “Oh you’re the boyfriend. Well, the ex-boyfriend now, according to the text Agatha sent me.” He tilts his head to the side, ocean eyes scanning me over. “I thought you’d be taller.”
My body feels like it’s on fire. This guy may be hot but he’s a total prick. How could Agatha dump me for him?! “Who do you think you are, huh? Flirting with someone’s girlfriend? That’s fucking low, you pathetic shit!”
He scoffs, putting on hand on his hip. “Very well spoken. If you’re done with your little alpha male display, I have a class to get to.”
Ty turns away. I’m ready to explode. I haven’t felt this angry in years but this guy is getting so under my skin. I grab his shoulder and force him to look at me.
“You don’t get to walk away, dick!” I roar. “Do you think you’re better than me?! Well you’re not!”
“I’m not the one shouting at a random stranger on the quad.”
“I’m shouting because you stole my girlfriend!”
“I didn’t steal her, you sexist shit,” he hisses. “She’s my  friend. Are you the kind of arse to not allow his girlfriend to have friends?”
“No! And I’m not sexist! I just don’t like someone flirting with the girl I was with when I was with her, especially when you’re all...posh and shit!”
Ty scoffs again and leans forward. “Well, at least I don’t wear dirty jeans out in public. I have more self respect than that.”
My entire body explodes in a way it hasn’t in ages. My vision goes completely fucking red. I shove Ty, hard. Way harder than I mean to. He stumbles backwards, dropping his books on the grass. He looks at me in utter shock.
“What the fuck?!” Ty shouts. He then shoves my shoulders, and I stumble five steps back. Holy shit, he’s strong. 
“Fuck you!” I shout back. I charge forward with all my might. Ty blocks me but that doesn’t stop me. I claw and push and pull at him, no clue what I’m doing at all. I’m just so angry and pushing it all at him. He pushes back just as hard. Neither of us will give an inch. We scrabble like a pair of cats. I can’t think, I just feel. I'm so angry and sad and worthless because...because....
Because I’m losing my friend again. And I don’t know what to do.
My hits get weaker and weaker. All the energy dribbles out like a melting ice cream in July. As I slow down, Ty stops pushing back. My arms fall down at my sides. His hands rest awkwardly on my shoulders.
“Uh,” he says, “are you alright?”
“No,” I choke out. Tears fill my eyes and cloud my vision. “No, I’m not.”
I break down, crying with heavy, ugly sobs. Everything is just collapsing in and around me. I really am losing Agatha all over again. It hurts even more this time. I’ve never fallen apart this badly on a regret. But everything from the past and present, losing all my partners in the past year then Agatha again, is just hitting me in one terrible mental blow.
“Oh shit,” he says. “Um...” I feel his hand move off my shoulder and slowly pat my head. “There, there?”
I snort like one of the kids I teach. I pull back, wiping the still flowing tears under my eye. “Seriously? That’s the best you can do?”
Though it’s a bit hard to tell, I think Ty’s face flushes. He crosses his arms defiantly. “Well, what the fuck are you supposed to do when a stranger attacks you then breaks down crying?”
I shrug. “Dunno, really. This is new for me too.”
Ty rubs the back of his neck, shuffling his polished oxfords in the dirt. I’m still sniffling like a child. “You want to go somewhere private? Where no one can see you?”
My eyes catch a couple of people glancing and outright staring at us. Or just at me. I nod vigorously. “Yeah, that would be good.”
Ty collects up the books I knocked out of his hands. He jerks his head to the side, and I follow behind him. Tears are still streaming down my face. They won’t stop no matter how hard I try. Ty leads us through a secluded area, past large trees and bushes, until we reach a completely hidden, beautiful ravine. Holy shit. Was this always here? I went to this uni for three years and I have no memory of this place. Either I’m super oblivious or getting old. (Probably both.)
We go past a couple more bushes until we come upon a ramshackle rainbow coloured bench against some trees. It looks handmade by some stoned out art major. The mess of cigarette and joint butts on the ground only reinforces that theory. Ty sits on one end of the bench. I take the other, but we’re still pretty close. It’s not very big. We sit in silence for a bit, save for my continued sniffling. Something bumps my arm. I look down to see Ty’s long fingered hand holding out a cigarette pack.
“Want one?” he asks.
“Smoking is bad for you,” I say automatically.
“Like you’re one to talk. You reek of marijuana”
“Fuck, really?” I sniff my shirt collar and get a whiff of weed. I groan, letting my head fall back against the tree. “Dammit. Thought this one was clean.”
“Unfortunately not.” He shakes the box. “You want one or no?”
I sigh and pluck a stick out of the box. Ty takes one as well, then pulls out a pristine silver Zippo lighter. He lights us both with one flame. I watch the paper crinkle and shrivel away into ash. I’m a bit nervous. Technically, I haven’t smoked anything in over a decade. Hopefully I can depend on past me’s muscle memory. 
Ty takes a long, deep draft and breathes out a long puff of smoke. I try to mimic him. My lungs burn with the heat of twin suns. I wheeze out, thumping my chest. Ty throws his head back laughing,  hair touching his neck.
“You must be a shitty stoner,” he chuckles.
“Yeah,” I cough, “never been great at inhaling.”
“Bring it into your mouth, then your lungs. Don’t do it all once.”
I nod, even though I kind of knew that. Just been awhile. I smoked a few joints but I preferred my old bong. But I try again, doing what Ty said. This time I only cough a little instead of wheezing like the world’s most pathetic dragon.
“There you go,” Ty drawls. He’s definitely mocking me a little.
“Fuck off.”
“Christ, what bug crawled up your arse?”
I glare at him, and his face is completely unaffected. “The bug that Agatha broke up with me for you.”
He scoffs, flicking cigarette ash on the ground. “Your  ex- girlfriend did not break up with you to be with me. We’re only friends. I’d never date her.”
“That’s mean, Agatha is amazing.”
Ty rolls his eyes dramatically. “It has nothing to do with Agatha. She’s wonderful. I just don’t like women.”
My eyes grow wider than saucer plates “You’re gay?”
He cocks an eyebrow. How did he get so good at that? Does he practice in the mirror? “You have a problem with that, Snow?”
“No, no, of course not. Just didn’t realise...”
“It’s not like I’m hiding it.” He gestures to his perfectly pressed button down, spotless navy slacks, and polished Oxfords. Okay, he has a point, most straight men don’t take such meticulous care of their clothes. 2003 closeted me had the excuse of being heteronormative as fuck, but 2015 pansexual me needs to work on his gaydar.
“I, uh, didn’t want to assume...” Usually a safe answer in my experience.
“How noble.” Ty takes a long drag. I still hate cigarettes, but the way his lips fit around the smoke plume is kind of attractive. “Agatha knows I’m gay. I told her after she almost kissed me.”
“What?!” I throw down the cigarette and shoot to my feet. The fire in my gut is back, along with the sense of utter worthlessness. I fucked up so badly, made Agatha so miserable, that she nearly kissed a gay bloke. I feel so awful and confused and I don’t know what I'm supposed to do, I’m just mad.
He rolls his eyes,  again. “Sit down, alpha male, I said ‘almost.’ I’m not even sure she realised what she was doing, we were both completely pissed. She leaned forward slightly and I blurted out that I was gay. Then she promptly burst into tears.”
My heart feels like someone has reached inside and twisted every vein. My arms relax at my sides. “She...she was crying?”
“Yes, quite heavily.” He taps the cig with one long, graceful finger. (Does he play piano? He should.) “She said she was sorry, then blubbered for an hour about how conflicted she felt about wanting to break up with you.”
The impact of those words send me back down onto the bench. My whole body feels heavier than lead. “She felt conflicted?”
“Of course she did.”
“I-I thought this was easy for her. That our relationship was already going downhill, then I did something so bad she decided to end it. And then I thought it was because she found you, someone better than me.”
Ty scoffs. “My god, she was right, you are completely oblivious.”
I scowl at him. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly what I said. You’re so blind to what you’ve been doing.”
“What’ve I been doing?!”
“You’ve been a terrible boyfriend!” he yells. “You’re forgetful, you miss things, you don’t pay attention to Agatha, and most of all you take her for granted!” He sighs, rolling the half finished cig between his fingers. “Ags says you don’t mean to do it, you’re just oblivious, but she’s still hurt. There isn’t one bad thing you did, Snow. You’ve been hurting her for awhile.”
Every word is slap to the face. My body literally aches with all the guilt I feel. Ty is right. I was an awful,  awful boyfriend. Every missed date, every burnt meal, every stupid thing I’ve ever said, they all rush into me. Fucking hell. How could I have not seen it? I always had reasons, and they were always small things. But I guess a lot of small things pile up.
“Fuck,” I choke out. Tears make little wet spots on the dirt floor. I don’t know when I started crying again. God, I’m a mess.
“Please don’t cry,” Ty says, sounding almost sympathetic. “I only have so many cigarettes.”
That makes a laugh surprisingly fly out of my mouth. Yet I’m still picking at my nails, flicking away bits of my cuticle like I want to get rid of my pain. I’m nervously babbling before I even realise it. “My brain’s always filled with...stuff. Keeping my scholarship, keeping my job, working towards my future. E-Everything’s always been about my future, what I’ll do eventually, even with Agatha. She was supposed to be my happy ending after all the shit I’ve been through.”
“She’s a person,” he mutters, “not your goal.”
“I know that!” I rub away more tears. “Well, I’m learning. I dunno. I-I had a shitty childhood, okay? So I’m always waiting for things to get better. And I thought if I did well at school and found a nice girl, things would just fall into place. Turns out shit is more complicated than that.”
I laugh to try to break the tension, but Ty stays silent. I cautiously flick my eyes over to him. He’s still holding his cigarette. It’s burnt down to the filter. His face is stone again, yet I can see the slight tremor in his fingers. It’s miniscule but it’s there. I don’t think he’s okay, but I barely know this guy, I’m scared to ask.
“I don’t know how to fix things with Agatha,” I sigh. “I’m bad at talking, bad at relationships, sometimes bad at friendships. It’s not like I want her back. I...I just want her in life. She’s amazing. I don’t- I can’t lose her again.”
“Again?” he says. My face goes bright red and my breath hitches. Fuck. Stupid time travel, screwing things up.
“Y-Yeah, we’ve had fights before, stopped talking for a while. I know this feeling, I hate it. I want her to be in my life and be happy and I don’t know how to do that!”
“Tell her that.”
I face him, blinking in confusion. “What?”
Ty sighs and flicks the butt onto the ground, crushing it beneath the toe of his utterly perfect oxford. “Tell her that. Say you’re scared and clueless but you want to still be friends, so you want to figure out how to do that. Be honest. What else are you going to do?”
My mouth flaps up and down. Fuck. It’s so damn obvious yet it never came to mind. I thought I needed something big and smart so Agatha would understand. But... “All I need to do is be honest with her.”
I smile for the first time since I got here. “Wow, can’t believe I didn’t think of that.”
“You do seem to be a bit thick.” His slight smirk and teasing lilt save me from getting angry. I scoff and shake my head.
“Yeah, well, you seem like a bit of a prick.” He scoffs too, but he’s still smiling.
We sit there in silence for a little. All I can hear is birds chirping and students in the distance. I feel calm. So calm I don’t want to get up for a while. I just want to catch my breath. Ty slowly tilts his head back over the bench.
“I haven’t sat down in awhile,” he says quietly, almost as if to himself, but too loud for me not to hear. “I’m always at class or studying. I don’t sit down and just...sit.”
“Well you haven’t really been only sitting,” I chuckle. “You’ve been helping me.”
“Would it be sad that this has actually been the most relaxing time I’ve had in months?”
“Uh, yeah, and a bit concerning.”
Ty laughs a little louder this time. His smile seems a bit more genuine, but his pretty eyes are a bit sad. It may just be his face. It looks like it’s designed for pouting. “I’m a political science and English double major getting ready for law school. My whole life is stress.”
I chuckle sadly. “Sounds like a nightmare.”
“It is. A nightmare I chose...” He spins the cigarette pack between two fingers. I know he’s just fiddling but it looks so damn cool when he does it.
“Doesn’t seem like you’re happy about that choice.”
His eyes shift over to me without moving his head. “Since when do you know anything about my feelings?”
I shrug, crossing my arms. “I usually know what sadness looks like.”
Ty sighs. He rubs his temple slowly with his elegant ring finger. (What is with my finger fetish today?) “Ever since I was little, it was expected that I follow in the family tradition. Get perfect grades, go to a good university, go to an even better law school, become a lawyer, then finally take over the family practice. It’s what my mother did. It’s what I’m supposed to do.”
“Is that what you want?”
“Doesn’t matter what I want,” he scoffs.
I tilt my head towards him, but not too close to scare him away. “Well, if you could do what you want, what would you do?”
“I told you, it doesn’t mat-”
“Then pretend it does matter. What would you do for the rest of your life?”
Ty sinks further into the bench. It makes his stupid tweed jacket bunch up slightly, and he almost looks like a normal young adult. “Honestly, I just want to read books forever.”
I giggle quietly, and Ty glares at me with a now obvious flush in his cheeks. “Fuck off,” he snarls.
“I’m not laughing at you!” He doesn’t look convinced. “It’s just, when I first saw you, I never expected you to be a total bookworm. You seem too posh for that.” Ty snorts, keeping his arms crossed. He won’t meet my eyes. I lean closer, and he doesn’t back away. “Reading books forever sounds hellish to me, but it sounds like heaven for you. It’s a great idea. Why not do it?”
Ty’s glare somehow gets even more intense. His eyes are just slivers of beautiful grey. “Because I’m a responsible person, unlike you.”
The words hit me right in the gut. I scowl deeply at him. “That is beyond not okay. You don’t know me, you don’t know my life. So you don’t get to spew shit like that just because you’re pissed off. Got it?”
Honestly, I’m surprised how clear and articulate I’m being. A year with Dr. Margaret has made it a lot easier for me to stand up for myself in a meaningful way, not just with growls and punching. But still, it’s hard, and I did this so easily. I’ve really made progress.
Ty scowls back, but I don’t back down. I’ve always been good at standing my ground, thankfully. Slowly, Ty’s face falls and gets less angry. In fact, he looks a bit regretful. We slowly move apart again. He takes a few deep breaths before he finally speaks again.
“You’re right,” he says, “I’m sorry.”
“Good, apology accepted.” I lean my cheek onto my fist. “Seems both of us are having trouble with our futures.”
“Mine is secure.”
“But not happy.”
He rubs his lips together, like he’s chewing his words. “That doesn’t matter.”
“Why not? Why not do what you want instead?”
“Because I’ve already applied to law school!”
“Okay.” I put my back to the bench again, staring up at the sky through the trees. “Well, I’m nearly done with my maths and am about to start my teaching degrees. Then I've got a private school job lined up, but who knows? Maybe I’ll hate the job and quit and work at shitty customer service jobs for years until I decide to get my shit together and find an actually good teaching gig at a school I like.”
Ty’s dark brows furrow together. “That is extremely specific.”
I shrug, hoping my smirk doesn't say too much. “I don’t know, just a possibility.”
“Alright,” he snorts. “My life will be fine, it won’t go off the rails.”
He looks so sure and resolute. I don’t think I’m going to change his mind, and I don’t think it’s my job to. I can’t save everyone, something Dr. Margaret taught me. Plus I just met this guy. No matter how pretty he is, I don’t know him. (Wish I did.) Hopefully he can figure out his own shit.
“Okay. Your life, you can figure it all out.” I put my hands behind my head, leaning back, staring at the sky.
“Your life is going to be fine,” Ty says. “Agatha says that despite what you think, you’re smart. And I’m partial to agree. You have trouble with relationships, but who doesn’t? You’ve still got a good head on your shoulders. You’ll figure everything out too.”
I can feel my face turns bright red, and from the smirk on Ty’s face he can see it. I rub the back of my neck, trying to use my arm to hide my blush. “Y’know, I get why Agatha liked you. You’re weirdly nice and, well, really hot.”
Now it’s Ty’s turn to have his eyes go wide. He looks very cute. “Wow, you’re pretty forward for a straight guy.”
“Whoever said I was straight?” I smirk at him with one eyebrow raised. I hope I look confident and sexy and not just fucking weird.
“Oh.” His voice is almost a squeak. “I’m sorry I assumed.”
“S’alright, common mistake.” I look down at my stupid Nokia. “Wow, you’re beyond late for your class.”
Ty scoffs. “And who’s fault is that?”
“Okay, yeah, guilty as charged. You should probably get to it though. Need good grades for law school and all.”
“Yes, good point.” He stands up, and I follow, hands in my pockets. I both hate and love that Ty is a little taller than me. “But...it was nice to talk to you, Snow.”
“Feeling’s mutual, Ty. So, uh, see you around.”
I grin brightly, then turn around before I say something really stupid. I usually do in front of pretty people. Plus I need to see Agatha. That’s why I’m here, back in 2003. I’m not supposed to be chasing after a pretty guy who went to my uni ages ago. Even if he is like,  really pretty.
“Simon.” His voice makes me stop in my tracks and turn back.
Ty steps forward and holds out a scrap of lined paper. “Since you’re newly single, and now I know you’re not straight, give me a call sometime? If you’re up to it, that is.”
My brain completely short circuits. Blows a fuse. Maybe every fuse. I just stare at Ty with my mouth hanging open for a bit too long. Ty starts to look genuinely concerned. But thankfully the synapses start firing again and I shake it off.
“Um, y-yeah,” I say. “Yeah, I would like that.” I take the paper. “Uh, thank you.”
“You’re most welcome. I hope to see you around as well.”
I watch as he walks away, and I’m mesmerised by the way his hips swing. Fuck, he is so hot. And he likes  me. I honestly have no clue why but I’m not going to question it. I have to make sure to call him before I go back to 2020. But right now I have to find Agatha, so I carefully put the paper in the smallest pocket of my bag, then dash off towards Aggie’s dorm.
I knock on the door softly, and there’s no answer at first. “Aggie?” I say. “I came here to say I’m sorry. I won’t yell, I promise.”
Still silence at first. I nearly leave, but then the sound of soft footsteps comes from under the door. The doorknob slowly turns and my pulse increases every second. Agatha is wearing her purple Watford lacrosse sweater, a pair of my trackies that I left behind last week, and blonde hair piled up in a bun. Her eyes are puffy and her cheeks are red. My stomach drops at the sight.
“What are you sorry for?” she asks, voice low and flat. She sounds more tired than angry. For some reason that hurts even more.
I take a deep breath. “I’m sorry for how I treated you, Ags. Our relationship didn’t fall apart for no reason. I didn’t pay attention to what you wanted and took you for granted. I was a terrible boyfriend. And I’m really, really sorry.” I start nervously pulling at my hair. “I-I’m not saying we should get back together. We weren’t happy, and you deserve someone who will put you first. But I still want to be your friend. You’re one of my first and best friends. I’m not sure how to do that, considering I was such an shit boyfriend, but can we figure it out? Together?”
Agatha rubs her lips together, taking slow deep breaths. Her fingers tap against the door one by one. I don’t know if I’m going to throw up or run or both. All are possible. But then Agatha nods slowly.
“Okay,” she sighs.
“Let’s try to be friends again. I don’t want to lose you either.”
I grin ear to ear. “Okay, awesome, that’s great. I’m so glad you want to as well. I do love you, Ags, and I’m sorry I hurt you so much.”
“Apology accepted, Si, so you don’t need to do it anymore. Let’s just move forward, alright?”
“Alright, yeah, I’d like that.” I rub my neck and nervously gnaw at my lip. “Um, could I hug you? As a friend?”
She smiles softly. It’s been so long since I’ve seen her smile. Not just because I’m from the future, but I can’t remember the last time she smiled back when we were together. I hope I can make her smile more now.
“Yeah,” she says, “that would be nice.”
We both step forward and throw our arms around each other. I haven’t hugged Agatha in a long time either. Sure, we snogged and had sex, (though not very often honestly), but this is so much better. There’s no pressure or nerves. It feels normal. The most normal I’ve ever felt with her.
As we slowly part, we’re still smiling. “You,” Agatha pokes my chest, “need to study for your exam on Monday.”
I chuckle and nod, being silently thankful  I’m not doing that exam again. Once was more than enough. “Yeah, I know. This felt more important though. You’re more important.”
She blinks in confusion. I can’t blame her. Past me was always too focused on my work so that I could reach the happy ending I always wanted. Future me is figuring out that there is no happy ending. There’s just life, and I have to make it what I want, not just wait for happiness to fall into my lap. I haven’t got it down pat but I’m getting there. That’s more than good enough.
“Well, I’m definitely glad to hear that,” Agatha says. “Call me tomorrow. We’ll go get brunch, okay?”
I nod enthusiastically. “Sounds great.” The voice in the back of my head reminds me about the small fact of time travel, and that when I go back to 2015, past me is only going to remember bits and pieces of this day. “But, uh, studying may fry my brain. So could you maybe call instead? And I’ll call next time?”
Agatha sighs with exasperation, but she’s still smiling. “Alright, that’s a valid excuse.” She presses a small kiss to my cheek. It’s completely platonic, and it feels great. “See you later, Simon.”
“Yeah, definitely.” I hug her tight one more time before I go. She gives me a kind wave before closing her door. I’m grinning like a mad man as I walk down the hell. I did it, I saved my friendship with Agatha. I’m so damn happy. Plus I met Ty.
Oh right. I reach into my bookbag, feeling around for my notebook. My hand curls over the rings of the spine as I push open the stairwell door. And I instantly fall face first onto the dirty public school floor.
“Mr, Snow!” Ms. Petty, the nicest janitor in the entire school, possibly in the whole world, rushes to me. “Are you alright?”
“Uh, yeah, yeah,” I say. “I’m fine. Just clumsy.”
“Here, let me help.”
I take her hand and she hoists me to my feet. I still feel a bit dizzy, a small side effect of time travel I know all too well now. Ms. Petty keeps a hand on my back until I regain my bearings. “Alright, I’m good.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, don’t worry. I’ll be alright.”
“Okay, dearie.” She pats my shoulder. “Go get some rest, get your mind off work.”
“Right, yeah, work...”
Ebb gives me one last comforting pat and goes back to sweeping the hallway floor. I wave at her as I leave, hoping she doesn’t see the distress in my face. 
AN: Chapter 2 will be posted within the next week, i.e whenever I'm well enough to edit it lol. See you all next time!
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icanhearyouglaring · 5 years
paris, or wherever we are - pt.1
summary: They get a second chance and don’t waste a minute of it.  pairing: wally/artemis (canon up to s3-midseason)  a/n: if i dont write a fix-it fic every six months, i will literally cease to exist. this is my burden and my curse. i’ve had this in my drafts for awhile and figured I’d post to help boost morale post-ep 23. this is part 1. 
“Victor, no!” 
Somehow, in all the chaos of battle, the sound of Halo’s cry catches Artemis’s ear. Artemis swings her sword upwards and cuts through the Apokoliptian drone that’d been heading for her head. She spins around quickly, trying to find Halo’s aura in the fray of the invasion, but all she can make out is Victor, firing a beam from his arm cannon into the giant boom tube in the sky. The beam grows in width, engulfing Victor in a blinding light. Artemis gasps.
"Oh, fuck.”
Artemis takes one step towards the light, but a hand grasps hers and pulls her back. 
“Run!” Dick shouts, tugging her along towards the relative safety of the city.
Artemis runs behind him, letting Dick guide her as she watches the light grow. Static flies past them, carrying an unconscious Jeff behind him on a metal door. Geoforce joins them in their mad dash away from the light, surfacing from beneath the ground beside them.
There, she thinks, catching sight of Halo, shining bright white, running straight into the light. No!
Artemis tugs her hand out of Dick’s grip, and starts turning back. “Halo!” 
The light fills the boom tube and the tube begins to destabilize. Streaks of light steam out of the tube, firing down on downtown Coast City. The tall buildings bear the brunt of the impact, and the earth shakes, and glass rains from the near infinite amount of broken windows. It’d be a magnificent sight if it weren’t so horrifying.
“Everyone down!” is all the warning Artemis gets before Dick tackles her to the ground. 
A beam of light strikes the side of the building beside them, and pieces of stone fall in the place they’d once been. Dick rolls off of her and helps her up, and it’s then they notice the stone that would’ve crushed them both is still hovering above their heads, and the ground they’d been standing on is a few feet lower than it had been a second ago. Brion cools down and leaves the ground where he left it as Tara moves the stone to build a barrier between them and the light. 
“Are you all alright?” Tara asks, running down a staircase of her own creation. 
“Yeah, thanks,” Artemis breathes out, staring at the sky. “Look.”
The white light turns to blue, then to green, to yellow, to orange, to red, until all of the colors start blending together in uneven waves and pulses. 
“That can’t be good,” Brion notes, his eyes wide.
He’s right. A second after the words leave his mouth, the boom tube collapses completely, and the light snaps. The sound is louder than anything Artemis ever heard before, and she clasps her hands over her ears just like everyone else. It bowls them over, leaving them disoriented and unable to hear anything but a low-buzzing in their heads. 
It takes a long minute but Artemis stumbles back to her feet and makes her way up the wall as fast as she can.
“Halo!” Artemis yells, hoping the girl will reveal herself in the stark darkness. There is no sign of Halo or Victor in the empty expanse that once was Liberty Park. 
Artemis jumps down from the wall and makes her way towards the epicenter with uncentered balance. 
“Victor!” Artemis calls, her pulse racing as the seconds tick by with no sign of either of them. No, no, no, no, no. 
She can feel Dick at her heels, shouting something she can’t quite hear or understand, but her focus remains on reaching the still-smoldering spot where the kids once stood. Shit, shit, shit.
When she reaches edge of the crater left behind by the blast, she falls to her knees. The vast crater is completely empty. Nothing. 
“No,” she says thickly, her brows pinched. “No.” 
A hand falls on her shoulder, and Artemis turns around, only to be engulfed in a tight hug. The familiar fabric of Halo’s suit brushes against her skin and it sends her into tears. Artemis hugs her friend tightly.
“You’re okay!” Artemis laughs, pulling back from the hug to see Halo’s smiling face. 
Halo speaks, but none of the words break through the buzzing in Artemis’s ears. 
“I can’t hear you–” Artemis points at her ears, “–the boom, it– I can’t hear– Is it over? Where’s Victor?”
Halo stops talking and takes Artemis’s face between her hands. She mouths some words, but in the darkness, Artemis is only able to catch the last word. She raises a brow. 
“Souvenir?” Artemis asks, tilting her head. 
Halo nods giddily before pointing at the others gathered behind her. All Artemis makes out is the back of Dick and Brion’s heads standing out above the heads of the rest of M’gann’s team. Victor is there, too, leaning against Forager. Artemis releases a small breath. Safe.
“What?” Artemis asks, turning back to Halo. 
Halo shakes her head, grabs Artemis’s hands, and flies up, pulling Artemis into the air with her. Artemis’s head spins from the sudden movement, and it isn’t until Halo places her in the center of the circle that her vision clears and the buzzing in her ears is replaced by the sudden silence of the people surrounding her. 
Artemis steadies herself, turns around, and freezes. Her eyes take in the bright yellow and red of the suit, the broken goggles around his neck, and the violent scar running along the right side of his jawline. It has to be a joke, a horrible, terrible, cruel, unforgivable joke, because this– this is impossible– this is unreal– this is–
“Artemis,” Wally says breathlessly, pulling himself out of Dick’s grip to step towards her. “Long time no see.” 
He closes the gap between them in two short steps but it feels like an eternity before he’s standing in front of her. Wally holds his hand just beside her cheek, hovering so close she can feel the heat radiating from his ungloved hand. He keeps his hand there for a long moment, and his eyes hold hers as though if he touches her she’ll disappear. Artemis’s own hand moves of its own accord, stopping a centimeter away from the flash symbol on Wally’s chest. They both exhale before making the slightest of contact with each other. 
It’s not a joke. Artemis bites at her lip to keep from crying out, but that does nothing to stem the onslaught of tears in her eyes. It’s not impossible.  
“No kidding,” escapes Artemis’s lips in the smallest of whispers, as she moves her shaking hand up his suit to his face. She cradles the edge of his jaw in her palm as her fingers trace the scar running up his cheek. 
“You’re really here,” Artemis manages to say, before she wraps her arms over his shoulders and pulls him close. He returns the tight embrace and her feet lift off the ground.
“I’m really here,” Wally repeats, like even he can’t believe it.
“Yeah, you are, man,” Dick says, clapping Wally on the back and laughing in between lingering sobs. 
Artemis releases Wally from her death grip before taking his face between her hands and pulling him in for a kiss, and another, and another, and one more for good measure. 
When they pull back, they’re both laughing and crying, and holding each other close. Dick pulls them both into a hug, which leads to all three of them falling to their knees. Wally sits on the ground and pulls Artemis into his lap while Dick wraps his arms around them both from the side. Artemis stays pressed firmly against Wally’s chest, her arms wrapped around him, but she makes room for Dick to place his head on Wally’s shoulder and quietly cry. 
Everyone is talking, cheering, crying, but Artemis only registers the sound of M’gann’s quick scream behind the lingering ringing in her ears. She can’t see the others from her position or through her tears, but Artemis sure feels the impact when M’gann crashes into their dogpile and extends her arms around them all. Conner is next to join the mix as he reaches into the pile, finds Wally’s forearm through all the limbs, and holds on tight. Kaldur is last, settling on placing his hand atop Wally’s head and falling to his knees beside M’gann. 
Artemis shuts her eyes tightly as the laughs and sobs keep coming, from all edges of their little circle. She drinks in this moment and bottles it up, storing it in her mind for when they all regain some semblance of composure. But who could blame them?
“Holy shit,” Wally says, his head bowed near Artemis’s ear, “I missed you guys.”
“We missed you, too.” 
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I Need Fire (Part 15)
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Authors Note:  Hello everyone!  Thanks so much for being patient while I was away!  I saw a lot of new readers were binge liking the chapters while I was away also, so hello to all the new readers!  Please let me know what you think, what you think might be coming next, things you like, things you don’t.  I’d really appreciate any feedback! Word Count: 5,700 Warnings: light smut, fluff Taglist:   @freddiessmallnipples @triplehaitches@samanthadegaro @lauravic @oh-well1  If you’d like to be added please let me know!
Previous Chapter  // Master List  // Next Chapter
Chapter 15
“Tommy sound check is at 3:15.  You have to be back by then okay?”  Doc said firmly from outside the hotel’s automatic doors.
“I know Doc, I promise I’ll be on time.”  Tommy smiled shaking his head while handing Rayne’s bag to the driver. “I’ll be back.”
Tommy got into the backseat of the car to join Rayne, immediately taking her hand in his. She looked up at him with glassy green eyes.  Her week on the road with Tommy had come to an end all too soon.  Road days were like dog years, it was as if she had been out with him for six months when you considered the miles they traveled, the hotels they stayed in, and all the people they met.  “Being without you is going to be like not being able to breathe.”
Rayne gently placed her forehead against Tommy’s, closing her eyes, breathing in his scent. A scent she would be without for another four months.  “Well if it’s any consolation I’m going to be empty without you.”
Tommy wrapped his arms around Rayne holding her as close to him as possible.  The car made its way to the airport far too quickly for either of their liking and soon enough Rayne found herself sitting with Tommy outside her gate.  Rayne’s legs were casually thrown over Tommy’s lap while Tommy caressed her calves.  She didn’t want to leave, she didn’t care if that made her seem weak.  “Final boarding call for Flight 761 with service to Los Angeles.  Final boarding call.” The flight attendant announced over the loud speaker.  Rayne sighed and reluctantly slid her legs off of Tommy’s lap to stand up.
They hugged as if it was the last time they would ever embrace and Tommy pulled her in for a kiss that could make the North Pole warm.  “I love you.”
“I love you too Tommy. With my whole heart.”
“I’ll call you every day.”  Tommy said as Rayne led him to the gate.
“I’ll wait for the phone call.”  She smiled up at him before she stepped over the threshold and released his hand.  As soon as she did Tommy reached back out and pulled her in for one final kiss.  One single tear fell down Rayne’s cheek as she returned his kiss.  Pulling away Rayne said one final time.  “I love you.”
She turned to walk down the ramp, wiping away the tears streaking down her face.  The flight attendant walked to the gate and closed the door, she looked to Tommy sadly and said, “Wow, that is one lucky girl.”
Tommy thought to himself, No I’m the lucky one. Vacantly he turned and walked to the large glass window watching as the plane pushed off and made its way to the runway.  He looked at each window on the plane until his eyes locked on where Rayne sat.  From the plane through glassy eyes Rayne saw Tommy and put her hand against the glass window.  She couldn’t help smiling as she watched Tommy run through the airport waving at her until he reached the end of the building and the plane turned rendering him out of sight.  Rayne pulled the curtain on her window down, put her head in her hands and cried.
Two Weeks Later
The hit-and-run plead sanctuary, 'neath a holy stone they hide They're breakin' beams and crosses with a spastic's reelin' perfection Nuns run bald through Vatican halls, pregnant, pleadin' immaculate conception And everybody's wrecked on Main Street from drinking unholy blood
Sticker smiles sweet as Gunner breathes deep, his ankles caked in mud And I said, "Hey, gunner man, that's qucksand, that's quicksand, that ain't mud Have you thrown your senses to the war, or did you lose them in the flood?"
Rayne sat in Stanley’s design studio with a big salad in front of her, absentmindedly picking at the greens.  She had put a record on the turn table tapping her feet to the music while she was lost in her thoughts.  She had been spending lots of time with Stanley lately to fill time without her best friend and boyfriend.  Rayne glanced at various sketches, seeing everything from gowns, to pant suits, to leather outfits.   “Hey Stanley?”
“Yes my love?”
“You know how you’re always asking me to work for you?”
He poked his head out from behind his sewing kit almost immediately.  He smiled wide, removing his glasses, “Yes!”
“What exactly would working for you entail?”  Rayne questioned casually taking a bite of her salad.
“Well, it would start with dealing with the stack of mail on my desk from promoters for shows. I need a “take no shit” type of person who will make the right decisions for me and our design house.  Of course knowing you I would want you to contribute creatively to designs because that mind of yours is stunning when it comes to fashion, and obviously you would be compensated and credited for those ideas.  And maybe just maybe help me by walking in my shows if we decide to do that.”  Stanley charmingly said.  “I could have my lawyer draft up a contract for you to sign with more specific things, and any of your input if you’d like.”
“Full time?”  Rayne questioned.
“Oh it would have to be.”  His smile got wider with every question.
“Would I be able to go out and see my boyfriend if I wanted to?”  Rayne asked fluttering her eye lashes.
“As long as it wasn’t during a show and your work here didn’t suffer, I think we could work that out.”
“What are you making at the hell hole you work at now?”
“It’s not a hell hole Stanley.”  Rayne laughed. She’d been thinking a lot about what Tommy had asked her when they were in the tub in their hotel room. She really was not inspired by her work, it was important work and she did love it at one time but she had consistently felt distant and coldness from the people working in the office with her.  When she came back from her vacation no one asked her how it was, in fact she got more grief about taking a vacation for the first time than anything else.  That’s what did it for Rayne.  It didn’t feel like home.  And even though she had not known Stanley for that long the time she spent with him, she always felt at home.
“Whatever it is you’re making I’ll pay more.  That’s how much I believe in you.”  Stanley said placing his hand on Rayne’s shoulder.  “I think we can do very big things bella.”
“Let me put my two weeks in at my job.”  Rayne nodded her head, her statement made Stanley cry out in happiness and throw his arms around her.  “I can’t believe I just said that out loud.”
“I have some champagne here somewhere, this calls for a celebration!”  The older man said happily disappearing from view.
One Month Later
Rayne threw herself into her new job with Stanley, which she was happy to do, it made the time separated from Tommy move faster.  She didn’t know shit about the ins and outs of the fashion world but she did know a little bit about business and suggested some quick changes to what Stanley was doing to help him be more profitable.  They had gotten a few fashion magazines to feature the clothing and there started to be some rumblings that had gotten back to Stanley about his unique designs and people’s interest in him showing his clothes at a few shows.  
“You’re going to walk for me.”  Stanley said coming out of his office with a calendar in his hand, pointing to a date. “February 13th!”
That was a few months from now.  Rayne looked up from her desk and sighed.  “Stanley why me?  I can find you some curvy girls who are far more beautiful than I am, who’d be happy to do it.”
“Oh no bella. You are my vision.  I said it when I first met you.  You are every man’s fantasy and you don’t even know it.”  Stanley said passionately while Rayne rolled her eyes.  “Don’t give me that look.  You’ve got a body for sin, an extreme hour glass figure.  I’m not even attracted to women and I can say your body is a dream.  Ask your drummer boyfriend, what he thinks of your body.  I’m sure he’ll agree with me.  And besides it was in the contract you signed. You my dear, are going to have to do it.”
“I hate you so much.” Rayne laughed putting her pen down in the desk, leaning back in her chair.  “I can’t be the only one showing off the clothing, you’re going to need more girls.”
“That’s fine, but they will all follow after you.  You are my ace in the hole.”  Stanley lowered his glasses on the brim of his nose.
“Uh huh.”  Rayne shook her head, picking up her phone. “Give me the calendar and I’ll call some agencies and have them send over some girls.”
“Perfect, then I want to see you in my design room.  I have some fabric for the sketches we came up with and want to see what you think will work best.”
“Yes sir.”
“Oh, don’t call me sir.  That reminds me of one of my ex boyfriends, real kinky type.”  Stanley turned smiling wide.
“Stanley!  No way you’re doing kinky shit.”
“You’ve never met men that have spent most of their life closeted my dear.  A little kink is a good thing, but I think you already know that.”  He winked before disappearing into his workspace.  Rayne let out a chuckle before dialing the number of the first agency on her list.  You would think she was asking for a million dollars from these people with the responses that she got.
“Plus size?  What’s that?”
“We don’t have any models over the weight of 110 pounds, why would you want anyone heavier?”
“Oh yeah we can send you some of the ones that got fat.”
One even hung up and laughed at her for her request.  Sighing and putting her head in her hands Rayne took a deep breath. The responses had lit a fire under her.  Girls with curves and bigger girls were just as beautiful as traditional models and the fact that some of these agencies were so small minded to think that anything outside a certain box was not wanted or desirable made her sick.  Rayne picked up the phone and called another agency.
“Hello Valley Modeling Agency how can I help you?”
“Yes, this is Rayne Sykes from Poison Ivy Designers I was hoping to have some models sent to us for some features we have coming up.”
“What are you looking for?”  The woman asked on the other end of the line.
“Well we’re looking for women specifically with curves and meat on their bones.”
“Really?”  The woman asked on the other end. Rayne braced herself for the inevitable snarky comment that would surely follow.  “I think that’s amazing!  I could have a handful of girls over in two hours.”
Rayne couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face at the positive response.  “That sounds great.  What was your name?”
“Well Ally, thank you very much.  I look forward to seeing your girls.  Have a good day.”
“You too Miss Sykes.”
Rayne pushed her chair away from her desk walked into Stanley’s office smiling at him. “You know Stanley, I can’t believe the shit I just heard on the phone calling agencies for models.”
“Oh I’m sure a lot of them laughed and hung up.”
“One did.” Rayne shook her head, pushing herself off the door frame.  “We have about ten girls coming in a few hours.”
“Good, good.”
“I’m serious Stanley that really pissed me off.  I get what you mean now about making a difference with all of this.  I think I’m beautiful but I’ve never seen anyone that looked like me in a movie, or in a magazine, or in a music video for that matter be portrayed as sexy.  The big girl is always the less desirable friend, or the funny friend.  It’s time we get to be the leading lady.”  Rayne said passionately.
“Now you’re speaking my language gorgeous!  I knew you’d get galvanized eventually.”  Stanley just knew in his heart a fired up Rayne was going to be an unstoppable Rayne.  
Later that day Rayne and Stanley finished picking out fabrics for some of their new ideas when Ronnie, Stanley’s assistant, came back to the room.  “I’ve got our first model here to see you guys.”
“Thanks Ronnie.” Stanley nodded.  Both Stanley and Rayne stood up, Stanley grabbing a rack of clothing he had designed recently to show.  He wanted to put the models in some pieces to see how the clothing fit their bodies, and if he needed to make any alterations if he did indeed book the models.  Over the next hour or so various women came in with their portfolios in hand to see Rayne and Stanley.  All of them looked absolutely incredible and more than a few said it was so nice to be a first choice girl for a designer.  One girl even expressed that she was once booked for a show and the piece of clothing she was chosen to wear basically made her look like she was in a garbage bag because it was the only piece that fit her.
Stanley had told each of the girls if they knew of any women who had been cast aside by the modeling world because of their weight to reach out.  The rest of the day was spent fielding calls and booking appointments to bring those women in the over the following days.  It was as if they sent up the bat signal and everyone ran towards it, it was absolutely incredible.
Rayne looked at the clock and saw the time, “Shit is it seven already?”  The phone rang and Rayne contemplated answering it because they were technically closed.  “Poison Ivy how can I help you?”
“Hey baby.”  She immediately smiled hearing Tommy’s voice on the other end.  “I called the house and you didn’t pick up.”
“Sorry we were working late tonight.”  Rayne smiled sitting down on her desk.
“It’s okay baby! We just got off stage.”  Tommy said enthusiastically, at first it didn’t make sense but then she remembered he was a few time zones ahead of California. “Is everything still going well with the new job?”
“I love it. Today was a really good day. I think this can be something big Tommy.”  Rayne smiled. Seeing how happy the women who came in today were to be treated as beautiful and in stunning clothes, it filled Rayne with pride.  And she couldn’t wait to make agencies and other designers green with envy over what they were going to do.  She was ready to turn the fashion world upside down with Stanley.
“I know it can be, you’re involved.”  She smiled at his eternal optimism.  “I’m so proud of you baby.  I can hear it in your voice, you sound happier.”
“I am happy.  As happy as I can be with you on the road.” She said sadly as she saw Stanley come out of his office, turning the light out.  Rayne mouthed that it was Tommy on the phone.
“I’ll be home soon, and then we’ll be on a break then we’ll make the new record.  Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Yeah?”  Rayne asked concerned.
“Well, this tour is going extremely well, the album is selling like wild fire.  What would you say to when I get home, moving out of the condo and into a house?”  Tommy asked and Rayne’s jaw dropped.
“What?”  Rayne asked shocked.  “Are you serious?”
“Yeah, why not?” Tommy smiled.  “We can pick it out together, I know I surprised you with the condo.”
“Okay, yeah, sure. We’ll look at houses.” Rayne nodded her head.  “I’m just totally shocked right now.”
“It’s a good shocked though right?”
“Of course.” Rayne nodded her head.  “Hey I should probably go, Stanley and Ronnie are looking at me like they’re gonna kill me if they don’t get out of here. Call me when you get back to the hotel?”
“Of course. Maybe you and I could play a little tonight.”  She could practically hear Tommy’s grin on the other end of the phone.
Flipping her red curls to the other side of her face, hiding herself from the two sets of prying eyes she smiled and said into the phone.  “I’d like that.”
“I’ll call you later babe.”
Rayne turned toward Stanley once she hung up the phone with a smile on her face.  “You two are so cute.  Oh to be young and in love.”
“Oh shut up.” Rayne laughed, “Are you two ready to go?”
“Yep lets go.” They both said in unison.
Three Weeks Later
It was Rayne’s birthday and she treated herself to a delicious fettuccini dinner that she cooked herself.  She sat on the couch in the condo watching MTV do another story about Motley Crue and the show their shows getting picketed.  
“Our fans are smart kids.  When we wrote Shout At The Devil, we’re talking about the oppressor’s parents, teachers, and bosses. We’re not saying shout with the devil.”  Nikki spoke to an interviewer.
“Yeah we want the kids that come to our show to be able to blow off steam from anything they’re dealing with in their lives.  You come to a Motley Crue show and you can give us your anger.  And if that helps people deal with their issues, we did out job.”  Vince built off Nikki’s answer.
“Motley Crue continues their tour with the prince of darkness himself Ozzy Osbourne for the next month, we’ll put the dates on screen now.”  The VJ spoke before the last run of dates flashed on the screen.  Fifteen more shows, just fifteen, at least the last five were in California and Rayne was able to go to them.  Rayne put her plate of food down on the coffee table and rushed to the phone that had just started ringing.
“Happy birthday to you.  Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday my love. Happy birthday to you.” Tommy sang out.
“Happy birthday Rayne!”  She heard a chorus of voices surrounding Tommy.
Rayne laughed, “Tell the boys I said thank you.”
“She said thanks. Now fuck off so I can talk to her.”  Tommy playfully shouted at his band mates.  “How was your day babe?”
“It was good.  I met with a realtor, and told them I’m waiting for you to get back before we look at anything or make any decisions. But she was nice.  And I just sat down with a plate of pasta that I made.”  Rayne smiled.
“I can’t believe we’re going to buy a house together.”  Tommy said enthusiastically.
“I mean we’re living together in the condo, it’s not that different.”  Rayne reasoned.  If she was being honest she couldn’t believe they were going to buy a house either.  Never in her wildest dreams did she think her life would be going the way it was, she wouldn’t change it for the world.
“Something just feels more adult about buying a house.  Have you thought about what you want it to look like?”  Tommy asked.
“I think I’ll know it when I see it.”  Rayne smiled.  “I mean we want to live by the beach, so I’m sure everything will be beautiful.”
Tommy and Rayne through various late night conversations had decided they wanted to move to Malibu. Tommy had always wanted to live near the water and Rayne liked the idea of that herself.  Growing up in New Jersey she was always close to the coast and missed being able to take a short ride to dip her feet in the water. The water had always been a solace for her, a place to go when she was stressed or feeling down.
“I got you something for your birthday.”  Tommy whispered.
“Tommy, you know you didn-“
“Yeah yeah I know, I didn’t have to get you anything.  I think we both know at this point I enjoy giving gifts to you.  You’re just going to have to deal with it.” He said happily through the line.
“Well it better not be a house.  You promised me that we were going to decide together.”  
“It’s not a house baby.”  Tommy said while there was a knock at Rayne’s door.  “Speak of the devil.  Go open the door.”
Rayne walked to the door and looked through the peep hole to see a delivery man.  She opened the door to see a sea of sterling roses. “Sign here for me.”  Rayne signed the form.  “I’ll be back there’s more for you on the truck.”
“More flowers?”
“No just packages.” He called back to her as Rayne reached down to grab one of the enormous bouquet of uniquely colored roses to set on the kitchen counter.  When she walked back to the door to get the second the delivery driver was back with a cart of packages.
“These aren’t all for me are they?”  Rayne asked in disbelief.
“Afraid so.”  He said wheeling the cart into the condo before shimming it out from underneath.  “Have a good day.”
Rayne walked over to the phone and picked it back up, staring at all the boxes and flowers in disbelief.  “Tommy?  What did you do?”
“I felt bad that I was missing your birthday baby.  So I wanted to make sure you felt like the Queen that you are on your birthday even though I’m not there.  Go on, open them.”  Tommy urged while Rayne walked over to the boxes, bringing them over to the couch one by one to open them while on the phone with Tommy.
Two Weeks Later
Rayne got caught in traffic and was running later than she wanted to on the way to the venue in San Francisco.  When she arrived she immediately went to the backstage entrance and showed her pass that had been given to her when she went on vacation to join up with Tommy months ago.  The security guard allowed her back and she quickly heard Motley sound checking and made her way towards the music.  As she approached side stage she quickly greeted Danny who worked their on stage monitors.
Rayne watched as Tommy was lost in the song, drumming his little heart out to Shout At The Devil. Eventually he looked over at Danny to get an adjustment in what he was hearing behind him, he did a double take when he locked eyes with Rayne.  Smiling wide he jumped off the drum stool and ran over to Rayne wrapping his arms around her, lifting her off the ground.
“Doc said you were running late.”
“I know I was hoping to be here before sound check started.”  She smiled kissing Tommy.  “Now go and get back on that kit, Mick is giving me the death stare.”
“Do you have something for me?”  Tommy raised an eyebrow.
Rayne smiled and handed a tiny remote over to Tommy.  He immediately rushed back to the stage taking his spot behind the drum kit. He looked back at Rayne with a cocky grin and with a push of a button she almost jumped out of her skin. See, Tommy had given her very specific instructions when she came to San Francisco.  One important instruction was directly related to one of the gifts he had gotten her for her birthday.  He wanted her to be wearing it.  So when she felt the new underwear he had given her start to vibrate against her unexpectedly it was a shock needless to say.  “Hey you!”  Jo cried out from behind her, the mixture of surprise from her friend catching her off guard and Tommy being a little shit caused her to jump. “Woah, you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Rayne nodded her head trying to focus on her friend in front of her.  “You just startled me that’s all.”
“I’m so glad you’re here.”  Jo said with a tinge of sadness in her voice.  “I’m not talking to Vince right now.”
“What? Why?  What happened?”
“The band did an in store signing yesterday in Seattle, and some bitch grabbed Vince and started kissing him.  He didn’t push her away in fact he pulled her into his lap and kept going.”  Jo said sadly.  “That’s not part of the agreement.”
“Oh!”  Rayne cried out feeling the vibration against her clit pick up.  Rayne quickly tried to gain her composure.  “Oh Jo, I’m so sorry.”
“He did it to get back at me.  He thought I was flirting with Ozzy’s guitarist the other night because he found us alone in a room backstage.  We weren’t doing anything, we were just talking about the tour.  Honestly!”
“You two fight like fire and gasoline.”  Rayne shook her head.
“Speaking of fire, are you ever going to spill what exactly was going on that night we all heard you and Tommy screaming at the hotel?  It sounded pretty great.”  Just thinking about that night with Tommy did nothing to help the fact that she currently had a vibrator moving between her legs.  She could feel herself start to peak and looked over to Tommy who quickly lowered the vibration.  He smiled like he knew exactly what he had just done and she could’ve killed him for it.
“You’re still wondering about that?  It was so long ago.  But regardless nope my lips are sealed.”  Rayne tried to play it cool.  “It’s not like you and Vince are talking right now so he couldn’t use Tommy’s moves even if I told you.”
“You fuckin tease.” Jo narrowed her eyes at her best friend.  No that’s the tease out there, Rayne thought to herself.
Thankfully sound check wasn’t that much longer because Tommy was getting trigger happy with his new toy and kept bringing Rayne right to the edge before backing off.  As he walked off stage Rayne hit him in the shoulder.  “You are such an asshole!”
“What did I do?”
“Oh you know exactly what you did.”  Rayne laughed.  “What you’re doing is basically cruel and unusual punishment.”
“Oh I think you like it.”  Tommy teased wrapping his arms around her.
“Payback will be a bitch.”  Rayne threatened pointing her finger into Tommy’s chest.  As soon as she did she jumped into him as she felt the vibrations pick up again.
“Oh will it?” He winked.  “You threaten that a lot, so far nothing’s been done.”
Oh she was so going to kill him.  She narrowed her eyes at Tommy only to be pulled away as Vince and Mick greeted Rayne while they walked back to their dressing room.  Nikki approached her and Tommy and wrapped her up in a bear hug, lifting her feet off the ground in the process.  “Hey you.”
“Hey Sixx. How’s everything going?”
“Same as it was when you left.”  Nikki said before lowering his voice.  “I told Doc to fuck off with all the mom stuff.”
“I’m glad.”  Rayne smiled patting his back.  Tommy who was in a playful mode chose to turn on the vibrations once more causing Rayne to shoot board straight and sharply intake a breath.  
“You okay Cherry?” Nikki gave her a quizzical look.
“Yeah, fine.  I just had a pain in my back, girl stuff and all.”  Rayne brushed it off.
“Ugh say no more.” Nikki held his hands up before looking at his best friend.  “Sucks for you dude, you haven’t seen your girl for months and she’s on the rag.”
“Fuck off Nikki.” Tommy spit the words out causing Nikki to chuckle before making his way back to the dressing room and eventually the bus.
“God, what is wrong with you?  You almost made me fucking cum in front of your best friend.”  Rayne gasped before grabbing onto Tommy, who just turned the toy to what had to be his highest setting.  Burying her head in his chest Rayne grabbed and twisted his tank top as she felt her orgasm wash over her.  Tommy wrapped his arms around her as she began to shake, her sounds of muffled whimpers were a total turn on.  
“That was so fucking hot.”  Tommy smiled kissing the top of her head.  “That’s not going to be your last of the night either.  Consider them birthday orgasms since I couldn’t give you any for your birthday.”
“Mmmhmm.”  Rayne moaned, still resting her forehead against Tommy’s chest.  She could’ve protested that he had given her birthday orgasms over some great phone sex on her birthday but she couldn’t form the words just yet.  Her boyfriend was into her getting off in public.  Just another daily revelation about being Tommy Lee’s girlfriend, Rayne thought to herself.
Two Weeks Later
Once the tour ended Tommy insisted that the two of them meet with the realtor right away, he said if he took a moment to relax he’d just sleep and sleep.  Rayne could see he was tired, he was still stunningly handsome but little things like his unshaven stubble, and dark circles under his eyes were telltale signs of his exhaustion when she had met up with him for the first time in months.
Rayne and Tommy had gone to three houses already, one Tommy liked but Rayne wasn’t crazy about and the other two neither of them liked.  Diane, their realtor, turned to the couple as they walked hand in hand up the driveway to the next place, “Now this house isn’t even listed yet, but the owner told me he wanted to sell as soon as possible.  I think this might be what you’re looking for, and you could get in the place by the end of the week if you make an offer.”
From the outside the house was beautiful, it was painted a light grey, with white shutters and front door, there was beautiful lush landscaping leading all the way up to the garage.  “Well the outside looks promising.”
“Come on, follow me. Now you’ll have to use a bit of imagination, it’s not furnished.”  Diane said leading them towards the front door.  As soon as they walked in Rayne’s jaw dropped.  The large bay window on the second floor brightened the entire foyer.  They followed Diane a bit further into the house to the living room which was spacious and open with a fireplace and built in book shelves.  Sliding glass doors opened up to the outdoor patio, flooding the living room with more sun.  Rayne looked up to see that the upstairs hallway could see down into the living room.  Everything about the house was open and spacious.  The kitchen was attached to the living room, it had a six top stove with a center island and marble counter tops.
Tommy smiled down at Rayne who was standing at his side wide eyed.  “This might be the one baby.”
She simply nodded and kept following Diane through the house.  When they reached the master bedroom, that sold it for Rayne. It was a huge space, with large walk in closets and a balcony that looked right out over the ocean. The master bathroom had a giant claw foot tub with a sky light above it and large shower enough for two. Diane left the room and before Rayne could follow her Tommy quickly tugged on Rayne’s hand, standing in the center of the room.  “I can picture a bed here, a nice big bed for us, a small love seat on the back patio,” Tommy paused before pointing upward to the ceiling, “And a mirror up there.”
“Tommy what are you talking about, why would we put a mirror on the ceil- oh.”  Rayne stopped herself once she had realized exactly why one would want a mirror above their bed.  She gave him a smack on the shoulder before turning to walk out of the room.  “Don’t even start.”
“What?”  Tommy laughed rushing after her to catch up with Diane who was waiting for them downstairs.
“I have one more thing to show you before you decide.”  She smiled before walking out the door to the back deck.  The deck was huge, it was covered in smooth stone, had columns where the upstairs patios were which provided nice shaded areas, and a beautiful outdoor fireplace.  Where the stone ended there was sand and beach grass with a trail leading out. “You can walk right out onto the beach.”
“Oh my god.” Rayne gasped grabbing Tommy’s hand walking down the trail and onto the quiet private beach.  This place was heaven, absolutely an oasis. Rayne turned to Tommy looked up at him, “What do you think?”
“I think this is our house.”  Tommy smiled.
“It’s our house.” Rayne returned the smile before jumping up into Tommy’s arms, wrapping her legs around his waist.
“So is that a yes?” Diane smiled at the couple.
“Yes!”  They both said in unison.
“I’ll draw up the papers and get them to you this week.”  Diane smiled.
“Holy shit. Tommy it’s perfect.”  Rayne said elatedly.  
“Vince is gonna flip when he sees this place.  His new beach house doesn’t hold a candle to this.  Speaking of which, don’t forget the party at his place next week.”  Tommy reminded her.
“How could I forget?” Rayne replied giving him one last kiss before he let her back on the ground.  “We have a lot of packing to do.”
“I’ve got nothing but time.  If all goes well we’ll be in this place right after we sign the papers.”  Tommy held out his hand for Rayne to take.  Everything was absolutely perfect, he had his girl, a new beautiful beach house, the band was taking off, only one thing could make it all better.  The wheels started turning and he made a mental note to call Vince ASAP for some help.
Take me to the next chapter...
There you have it!  Was it worth the wait?  I hope so!  These “in between” chapters are always hardest for me!  What’s Tommy up to?  Any thoughts?
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