#holy shit why did it take me 50 god damn years to write out the descriptions of the shit i bolded wtf
viscerasmoothievents · 7 months
Recap of 2023/12/03
Woke up very late (~2pm) because I kept going back to sleep probably because my brain decided to try and protect me from the inevitable stress from the world pretty much collapsing in on itself, and my grandma got mad at me
Revised a character I made in Koikatsu Sunshine, and tried to make Franziska von Karma
Watched some of The Click and some other shit on Youtube
Rocked back and forth to half Jubyphonic's cover of "Dream" by Circus P
Then my grandma got mad at me for not taking a shower (This was ~10:30 PM) when she had reminded me before my rocking session
Then I decided to waste more time by opening up a few quizzes wondering if she was abusive (Guess who was getting upset? /rhetorical) which made her more angry
The I went to the bathroom because she threatened to take away my electronics if I didn't get in the shower before she got me some water
Then after washing my hands I sat on the bathroom floor, almost crying for a plethora of reasons
And finally I came out of the bathroom, asking her if I could try to take a shower the next day
She did ask what was wrong with me when I came out of the bathroom, but it was because I didn't take a shower despite being in there for about 30 minutes, not because I was upset.
I absolutely left shit out but oh well. Don't expect these to be all in one post btw, I'll probably write an initial post and then reblog it throughout the day, with these being reserved for when I forget to do that or stuff that happens while I'm at school (Don't bring my phone to school, and even if I did I'm not allowed to have it anywhere other than my locker, so that would be absolutely pointless).
Anyways here's a funny gif I have on my phone to add the illusion of more content:
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ID for the gif: [Image of Donkey kong being zoomed in, with him blinking twice while it's zooming in]
Bold text:
Koikatsu Sunshine is an eroge game made by Illusion (Or whatever they call themselves now) with a 3d character creator element, implied for usage in CharaStudio or Story mode.
Franziska von Karma is a prosecutor from Ace Attorney, debuting in the second game, Justice for All, specifically case #2. She has silver-blue hair, white skin, grey eyes, and wears a black vest with two large blue diamond-shaped buttons, a white shirt with puffy sleeves and cuffs with two square(?) blue buttons, a tight black skirt, fishnet(?) stockings, and cuffed boots.
The Click is a YouTuber who voices over Reddit posts, going over subreddits such as r/Insane parents, r/Main Character syndrome, r/FacePalm, and r/NotLikeOtherGirls. He also occasionally streams on his YouTube channel, with those usually being for merch launches or games.
JubyPhonic is a music artist who's famous for English covers of songs like "Miss Wanna Die". The song I was vibing to, "Dream", is a cover of a vocaloid (Presumably, I've only listened to Juby's cover of it) song made by Circus P in collaboration with JubyPhonic (Don't quote me on that though, I'm 90% sure I got that from the comment section on her video)(Vibing refers to me rocking back and forth in the same chair I broke doing the same exact thing).
Donkey Kong is a character owned by Nintendo, first debuting in an arcade game also called Donkey Kong. He's a gorilla with brown fur and beige skin, along with a red tie with his initials, DK, inscribed in yellow (Inscribed basically means written btw). I'm too lazy to Google what his eye color is but from the gif I posted it looks like it's black so yeah.
This took me like an hour to write lmfao.
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loremonster · 2 years
Things that happened with me in the last decade I didn't fuckin expect
Writing for the Batman fandom -> realize I'm a pansexual disaster who had a repressed crush on their best friend since gradeschool and that's why I was always trying to play matchmaker for him cause I wanted someone to love him the way I would have
Writing for the South Park fandom -> realize I'm nonbinary but didn't have the language to describe it even 5 years ago because my parents were conservative assfucks who tried to Just Not Talk About It even tho MY MOM IS THE MANLIEST MOTHERFUCKER I KNOW like 24 pack of beer let's go cut down a tree and set up a bonfire to cook over with a cast iron skillet, but LITERALLY cannot focus indoors long enough to cook an egg because OH SOMETHING OUTSIDE NEEDS TO BE DONE ( she has caused 2 fires ) and GLEEFULLY recounts whenever she's called Sir instead of maam or miss
Still Writing For The South Park Fandom -> Meet enough other autistic folks that I share life experiences with that I begin to seriously consider I may have been misdiagnosed as a kiddo as ADHD
STILL Writing For The South Park Fandom -> Fully accept I Need Help with my mental and physical health and recommit to the overwhelming process of dealing with the health system, including persuing gender affirming care once I got back to WA
Get overwhelmed when lockdown happens
Stop in the middle of an unfinished holiday special because dear god lockdown was hell and financial difficulty had forced hubby and I to move onto base where the national anthem played EVERY DAY at dawn and dusk ( a ritual known as Colors ) that IT IS EXPECTED FOR CIVILIANS TO STOP WHAT THEY ARE DOING, FACE THE NEAREST SPEAKER OR FLAG, AND REMAIN STILL UNTIL ITS OVER, but no one tells you that. Ever. If you're driving, you're expected to pull over with emergency flashers and wait until the anthem is over. Again, you are not TOLD this, and base police will come after you for it and threaten to revoke your base privileges; meaning RENDER YOU HOMELESS if you live on base.
I suddenly got REALLY interested in cults
Learned way too damn much about the Alt Right, as well as the older hate movements they grew from
Started Writing And Drawing In The Fallout Space -> Realize I'm a socialist and Holy Shit All The Things My Parents Told Me About History And Politics Was A Gigantic Crock of Shit They Got Sold In The 50's And Never Fact Checked
Burnt Out In The Fallout Space -> wow I really need to do more yoga if I'm gonna draw that much, stretching is important folks pls take breaks for the love of all that is good and holy
Lost My Routine From Burnout -> hoooooooly shit I'm Autistic how the fuck did I not realize this????????
That's where I'm at, lol
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desire-tenderness · 3 years
𝔹𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖
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{This is a fanfic dreamed and desired. All I write about is my feelings, sensations and desires.  TEXT BY: L.M} Day 1 - Embark on the dazzle. October 9, 2023, Monday. I am exhausted, the recording will begin on Tuesday at 11 am. I think I slept only 3 hours and 20 minutes or I’m just kicking it out loud. This was a very tiring trip I confess. Maybe because it was almost a change of two months and a week. On the bright side, the production has provided a nice apartment for me to live in. My new home is beautiful and comfortable, one block away from Crescent Street, here in Montreal - Canada. Honestly, I can’t believe I’m finally having the opportunity to work with Xavier Dolan, I left my family in Brazil to embark on this dream, I already miss them. I should tell you that I have no idea of the cast that will be on this project, but the script looks fabulous. Before I embarked on this opportunity, I realized a portion of the dream. I and 7 other members of the team dined with Dolan last Thursday, debated the first decupagents and agendas. We had already read the script before the meeting, is it a low-budget experimental drama, and honestly? I lost my breath. I’m not in the position of art director I’ve always dreamed of, but I’m in the position where I have full knowledge and experience. Curious, I am not trembling with nerves, I am completely at peace with this realization. However, very anxious. We’re less than two hours away from reuniting in Saint-Laurent with the cast of "A race by Joseph". [.... ] - Less than two hours later. Okay, I’m about to get my guts out from all the nerves. I’ve heard of some names on the list of actors, including Troye Sivan, Vincent Cassel, and Louise Coldefy. The team is sensational and fucking, Xavier is like a master for me. I need to make these days my best college. I’m at home/rental number six, it’s wonderful. I can see two cars coming through the window, and "God bless me so that Suzanne Clément is in this cast" [Spoiler, I wasn’t, I had to accept], I think I’m going to have an anxiety attack, I need to splash water on my face. I lost count of how many times I filled my hands with water and threw it in my face, I needed to understand that I was really living this moment. I came out of the bathroom apprehensive. Céline handed me a cup of tea mix of Sage, Eucalyptus, Lemon Peel and said "Hey, relax, I’ll see you in the living room.. ah, one more thing, don’t freak out". I feel a chill creeping all over my body as I walk through the door frame. Everyone was waiting for me in the room so we could debate the first two weeks of the recording. I could feel my legs swaying to the point of not having enough sustenance to stand. Timothée Chalamet was sitting on the arm of Dolan’s armchair in silence, reading what would be the 4°page of some document. Quickly he gets up and presents himself squeezing my hand gently. Silence has taken over the environment, I don’t remember my name. [I remembered! ] It was remarkable how difficult he was to pronounce it, it made it all very comical, in seconds we were all laughing. At that time, other cast members performed, but my thoughts were so far away that I don’t know if I missed any important information. [Damn, how many questions are going through my head right now? I don’t even have control over them. Stop! Focus, your future depends on this delivery. ]
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[.... ] With the passing of the hours I was reasonably more relaxed and with an unparalleled feeling of gratitude for what was happening to me. We discussed the script, much of it together, the day was very productive. I kept looking at him, he’s so funny and authentic, I feel comfortable now. Obviously we wouldn’t be friends, he wouldn’t notice an assistant director [even though I’m the director’s right-hand man]. The team will be dining with the cast soon, it’s 5:47 pm and I haven’t been able to confirm my presence at this dinner. What’s my problem?! Celine: You’ll go, right? We’ll go home together and unpack. Me: Oh Céli, I don’t think I will. I have a lot to pack, tomorrow starts the recordings and I want to do everything right. Celine: No, you are not going to organize things by yourself. Nor has dinner there in the house, let’s eat please, I’m starving. Think you need to catch up! Me: Relax Celi, I’ll do things in my time, have a wine while I cook something and sleep early. Look, Wednesday we won’t record.. We can go downtown and get a quick look at the city, what do you think? Celine: You’re hopeless. Well, I’ll tell you about it. Arriving at the apartment I opened all the windows, and went to cook thinking about what the following days would be like. I decided then that I should not intensify anything, it could disrupt me at work and I can’t let my impulsive Aryan side get out of hand. I decided to go to the disco and see what the last song the host of the apartment heard. Well, did you start playing Nick Drake’s Pink Moon and honestly? I can’t let the pink moon get me. Fuck, I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life, it’s as fascinating as on screens or in photographs. [Stop! Concentrate. ] [...] 00:01 am The wine bottle is 98% empty now. I have not yet fallen asleep and Celine is already in her 8th deepest sleep. I need to sleep. She said that they were so energized, that the team’s relationship is great and that she ate a delicious Poutine, I found it very courageous for those who will spend the whole day recording tomorrow.  [I’m laughing alone while imagining a disaster] I will sleep and tomorrow will be the first day of my life. I swear I was born now and suddenly everything changed. Things will be built from now on. Timothée Chalamet? I hear you’re a good actor, I don’t know you. Good night and see you soon.
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Part 2
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Day 50 - And I’m probably happy, could it be different? November 27, 2023, Friday. There are times I do not write in this "virtual diary", my days are super busy. Today we finish the work a little earlier, we finish the movie! I think it’s 4:00 now. Right, and why did I come back to write? Well, I wanted to forget the feeling that took me completely 50 days ago. But today something has happened that does not allow me to escape any feeling that exists here. Louise is severely ill, Christ! We’re at the end of the shoot, she’s Timothée’s date, missing four takes of a kiss between them for her last acting scene. Dolan needed two different angles and he didn’t have a voice voice available so suddenly. Louise and I have very similar hair and what I feared went through Dolan’s mind. "Be the Double" he said. Yeah, Chalamet and I kissed today, and, hell, there was no professionalism on my part or for a millisecond, I feel terrible! I felt like I had been thrown out of a plane and I was in a free fall. My heart had never accelerated so much. My fantasy almost made me believe that one of the butterflies in my stomach was coming out of my mouth 1 minute later. Holy shit! [What if it was not reciprocal? Of course it was not, silly! We are friends. ] I’m so pissed about it, I’ll tell them why.
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All these days I’ve really become friends with Timothée, can you believe it? I’ve always been very afraid to talk to him because he doesn’t find me interesting enough. But we have an unusual tune. We had a lot of coffee together, a lot of claquettes I hit due to recording mistakes, we went out with the guys several times, even "alone" and that’s okay, we talked about Brazil and he made sure to go there anytime, I even smoked one of his cigarettes, even hating cigarettes. We were talking about how funny Vincent is and how amazing he is, and we were talking about how they were both working for the first time with Xavier Dolan. We laughed at stupid things until the belly hurt and even bet race in the parking lot next to the location. [He won, of course, has huge legs].
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One day we were together cutting fruit for the rest of the team on the set as we talked about Georges de La Tour, "That ordinary painter" I said, and he gave a delicious laugh. He’s much simpler than I thought he could be, carries an admirable humility. And I swear, it was fine, because I was fascinated by that friendship and I could feel that it would last for many years. I’ve learned to deal with your stunning beauty. I liked the way he accepted me and had fun with me. He didn’t think I was silly. I was working for a salary and a bright future, and suddenly I felt I had won the lottery until that moment after the kiss. I feel like I’m failing at my resolve. To finish screwing with my mind, Celine told me something that made me much more sensitive about a feeling that, I swear, once again, I had managed to forget. Although I often fantasized that a mood was going on, I knew it was impossible. He definitely sees me as the cool girl makes him laugh and that he can truly trust. Celine: Look. I, for recklessness, overheard Timothée talking to Troye about you. I did not hear enough but I must say that your tone of voice was of pure indignation... Troye said, "She’s the kind of girl you want so much, you feel sorry for". Me: God damn it, did he hate my kiss?! I’m going to die, Celine! Troye clearly should be making fun of the situation. Who am I supposed to show up at Dolan’s tomorrow for dinner? Celine: Calm friend, you are traveling.. I have noticed things and I will not open my mouth. Everything will be fine, seriously.. kiss the chalamet? How can you be angry about that? [laughed] By the way, tomorrow after dinner, I’ve arranged to spend the night at Julie’s, do you want to go? Me: Oh.. I’m not in the mood to hear Julie talk all night about the new vegan recipes, sorry, pal. Celine: Okay.. I won’t bring you nice things. [My phone vibrated. I was reluctant to look, but it could be work.. ] Text Msg Timothée: I hope you’re okay, you seemed strange going away. Want to talk? By the way, you did well in tonight’s performance, you should try harder. Me: Says my angel, how are you? I am well, of course I am. [laughs nervously and it was noticeable] I was just nervous to have to act for Dolan and know that I will see myself on a movie screen, even if at closed angles. By the way, Mr. Chalamet, thank you very much. I have the seal of approval that interests me hahah Msg of text Timothée: I like it. See you tomorrow? Me: Yes, of course, until tomorrow! Msg of text Timothée: [video uploaded]
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Part 3
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Day 51 - Ecstasy, landscape of the soul. November 29th, 2023, Sunday morning. I don’t know how to write about how last night went.. I was upset, but I remember everything. I won’t be able to keep this journal after that I’ll tell. We were all gathered at Dolan’s house, drinking and laughing a lot, toasting to finish this incredible project. I already felt completely dizzy and with the warm body, things kept spinning in my head, it was so beautiful. He wore a leather jacket over the green sweatshirt, had a golf cap (Odd Future) hanging on one of the pants straps where his belt was, the black jeans almost on his knee and a red vans, and that hair.. that hair! It’s like a restless ocean. I was wishing to walk across the room and kiss him again with all the intensity that belongs to me, he would like it this time. My body was on fire, suddenly I was frozen, it’s coming toward me. I knew I could spoil any conversation by being totally random and awkward, I was dying of shame in advance. Timothée: Are you happy? Me: Sure, congratulations! You did a great job, I’m very proud of all of you. Timothée: Thank you, but none of this would have been the same if you weren’t on the team, right? Me: Right! [Cheers] [Silence] Timothée: What are you thinking right now? Me: Who you are, Where you’re from, don’t care what you Did as long as you love me..[I started singing As Long As You Love Me by the Backstreet Boys, really?] Timothée: Oh my God! [He laughed almost for the world to hear]. Are you going to Julie’s with Céline? There’s going to be a vegan class. I’d like a pizza, okay? Me: Look.. I also wanted a pizza instead of vegan food.. But I’m getting dizzy and I think I’m gonna go home and do my drunken show in the shower. Timothée: Ah.. Right, you’re dizzy, but you still know how many fingers you have here? [He did an 8 with his fingers] Me: Yes, of course. I’m fine, man, I’m weak but not that weak. Give me a skateboard there! [I screamed, and they didn’t take me seriously] Timothée: So.. we can go for a coffee to break the alcohol and fill the stomach with a piece of pizza, what do you think? Me: Wooah! Come on, send world pizza! [I couldn’t say no, I was completely taken. ]     We got to what used to be a kind of blinker-light coffee, it had a super-hot vibe. We sat down and made the request, we laughed drunk and said nothing that made sense, I felt our friendship alive again. However, the silence and the exchange of looks came, so we could hear the music that played in the background. It was "And I Love Her" by the Beatles”. Suddenly he began to sing. Timothée: "She gives me Everything and Tenderly. The Kiss my Lover brings, she brings to me and I love her." Me: Yeah.. beautiful music. You sing over and over again better than me. When did you start playing music? [My hands started sweating] Timothée: [he laughed] Are you all right? Me: Timmy. .ah.. I think I’m going home to take another shower, rest and call my family, I don’t know. Timothée: Okay, I’ll accompany you, I can’t let you go back alone so late. Me: You don’t need my angel. I’m a ninja! [I made the shameful gesture of a martial coup and tripped. The truth is I wanted him to insist] Timothée: Without that [laughed] let’s go!
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We got to the apartment, he came up with me and put his coat on the couch. I offered him water, am I pathetic? He said he did not want to, but that if possible, he would like to stay. I felt as if we were talking by telepathy, I am not crazy. He feels the same. I said he could stay, even super apprehensive. I took two cigarettes from Kumbaya that I made on Tuesday and shouted from the room "let’s get some air on the balcony while we smoke!?". Upon returning to the room, he had put Cigarettes after sex to play, silently. Nothing but the music. Breaths. Another dose of silence. My body pumped blood with so much speed, [says something] I thought. He touched my right hand and looked at me. Those green eyes made me feel warm inside as never before. I got up the courage to pull him to the balcony that led to the fire escape. The sky was beautiful and the wind touching our faces was like a sky giveaway, I needed that fresh night air. Timothée: Do you need me to say it? I can say it. Me: I know what you’re going to say and I’m terrified. You want me too. Timothée: I want to. You make me feel good. I feel my presence truly when I share a moment with you. "Sometimes I think I’ve felt everything I’m going to feel in my life. And from now on, I won’t feel anything new. " Me: I promise that one day I will feel that everything is right. but it feels so wrong. Man, I feel like I’m living a fanfic, and I don’t want to wake up tomorrow and none of this ever happened, or worse, if it’s real, our friendship being compromised by what’s possibly going to happen here. He put his hands on my face, kissed my forehead. Timothée: The heart is not like a box that fills, L. It expands in size, the more you love someone. I’m different from you. It doesn’t make me love you any less. It actually makes me love you more. I want you. Me: Right.. We are here only briefly, and at this moment I want to allow myself joy. I want that, Timothée. And I promise that one day I will feel like everything is fine. He lovingly bowed to touch his lips to mine. Feeling those soft lips against mine, it was almost like an apocalyptic sensation, the world could end right there, would have no problem. We kissed as we entered through the large window of the room, the first pieces of clothing filling the lonely floor of the room. The music Sunsetz conducted our intimate dance. The words "you have to do the right thing, do the right thing" started to disappear from my head.
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I feel overflowing out of the body, sensitive, I am under the effect of exaltation, very intense feelings of joy, pleasure, admiration, reverent awe... Timothée. I truly love him. We are lying on the living room floor, apparently wrapped in a curtain that has been disastrously removed. Timothée, his breath is hot, the sound coming out of his mouth shivers my body. We were like the painting of Egon Schiele - Gli Amanti (L'Abbraccio).
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Blackout. Light. The voice of an angel reaches my ear. My eyes open. He looked at me in silence, I could smell his mildly sweet citrus smell all over the room. Its aroma stimulates my sensations. Timothée: I’ll make you a cup of coffee. I’ll be careful with the amount of sugar, it’ll be just the way you like it. Keep lying down, angel. Geez, what happens now? I don’t know, he doesn’t know, you don’t know. Anyway, I feel complete.
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dis-easedfairy · 3 years
Impulsive Decision Pt.9
Male Path | Female Path
Chapter 9 : Just A Normal Day At The Office
Warnings!: Swearing
Genre: Poly!au, angst, fluff, eventual smut, yandere!au 
Pairings: BTS x Reader / Kim Taehyung x Reader / Kim Seokjin x Reader / Jung Hoseok x Reader / OC x Reader / Park Jimin x Reader / Min Yoongi x Reader
Summary: M/n is the owner of a very wealthy and successful company, Barnanby Inc. M/n attends a BTS show, since they happen to be a fan. They make a very impulsive decision to show a loophole in BTS’s security and end up kidnapping BTS and 2 girls. In a fit of panic M/n stashes BTS and the girls in a very luxurious bunker for the time being, but M/n’s world slowly starts to crumble the longer the boys are out of the public’s eye,
Word Count: 8,349 (roughly 30 minutes of average reading time)
A/N: The boys aren’t in this chapter that much purely so I can develop plot and give background info. So, filler. (the gif is basically a hint to next chapter)
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Spending my morning on Jason’s couch wasn’t the plan, but the break was almost too sweet to give up. I sat up, reaching over for my turned-off phone. I could hear muffled talking coming from down the hall. I looked over, seeing Jason holding a laundry basket, his phone pressed between his face and shoulder and he came into the living room.  I grabbed his laptop off the chair just in time for him to sit on the said chair. He dropped the laundry basket on the floor and got a better hold of the phone.  
I reached over to get Jason’s laptop off the coffee table. I opened his laptop and began looking up a few things.  
“Listen, we had a plan for the character model! I understand when you program something, something else can mess up but it’s YOUR JOB to fix it! I’ll extend the deadline but that’s it, good-bye!” Jason hung up with a groan.
“I haven’t even had my damn morning coffee yet and these people are going insane.” He grumbled, beginning to sort through his laundry.
“Yeah, sorry about that, but it needs to happen,” I muttered, still researching.
“So your plan is to what? Get Jill’s help but keep the company anyway? How will that work? I get you ARE the owner, but she now has the upper hand to destroy you…” Jason trailed off, folding a pair of pants.
I scoffed, “She THINKS she can destroy me, but if she helps me avoid punishment and makes her lawyers paint a pretty picture as truth, then she’ll HAVE to run with it. If she turns on me and says it was all a lie and I’m a criminal, then she is too, then she gets nothing either. The only one with us listening to the WHOLE conversation was my nephew and no one will take his word because he still thinks Santa Claus can come through the furnace vents in their modern home. ”
“He’s really are losing his mind oh my God.” He mumbled to himself, trying to seem interested in his laundry.
“I love my sister, I really do, but last night… She showed me that she would sacrifice everything if it meant keeping the company and her status. She doesn’t care what I want and isn’t doing this out of the kindness of her heart. She’s doing it for my spot. She’s doing it because she doesn’t want to be removed from the high pedestal my father put her on.” I argued, shutting the laptop.
“What about the guys? What if your sister gets access to the bunker?” Jason questioned.
“She won’t. It surprised me when she knew about it, but the location, locks, and layout will be foreign to her because she doesn’t have access to those. I’m assuming she only knows because our accountant slipped up. The only one who knows the location is you and I. The locks are designed by me and you barely even got the keys last month. The layout is only known by twelve people, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, RM, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Seongmi, Linza, Jeonghun, and only you and I REALLY know the layout of the bunker. ”
“I feel as though you being there with them was a bad idea.” Jason shook his head, judgment was written on his face.
I exhaled, leaning back into the couch, “It really was. ”
“Well, If I would’ve known you had so much shit going on I wouldn't have invited you for a night out with Daisuke and me!” Jason threw an article of clothing back into the laundry basket roughly.
“If anything, it’ll get my mind off everything for a few hours,” I stated bitterly.
Jason let out a sigh, almost irritated, “We can’t be teenagers anymore, M/n.” He said, his voice was too serious for my liking.
I rolled my eyes, “Jason, I know. I get so much crap for being uptight. Maybe I should actually live like a 20-year-old CEO.” I smirked.
“Oh God, please no.” Jason made a face, going back to sorting and folding his laundry.
“Yeah, overpriced alcohol and drunk people telling me I’m attractive aren’t really for me.” I chuckled, sitting up to get the laptop again, this time to check my e-mail for work.
I started replying and even turned on my phone.
“Your sister….” Jason began, making me look up.
“…She used to wear really nice things, yes, but she would’ve never done that to her little brother. She loved you too much for that.” He stated sadly, looking at a single shirt like it was able to replay memories.
I frowned, sighing, “It happens to those who are in power enough, Jason. It happened to my brother, then to my older sister. I hope my little sister doesn’t catch that bug. Lord knows my mother is secretly becoming like that as well. I understand it a little bit. There are competitors who want our company forgotten, so we have to protect our image, but for her to ask for my place instead, just…” I trailed off.
“I just hope it’s because she has kids to think about now. My brother just wanted to be on top. Maybe my sister wants it so her kids have an assurance that they’ll have something too.” I reasoned, going back to my e-mail in hopes to end the conversation there.
Jason scoffed, “As if you would ever cast out your nephews. Lord knows you spoil them even if they aren’t yours.” I felt a twinge of pain in my heart.
“I mean what would your father say about your sister getting the company?” Jason prompted.
“…I have that decision for a reason, so let that reason play out.” I muttered, no longer interested in the work I was doing.
We fell into slightly uncomfortable silence.
“Can you take care of the boys and girls? With my dad’s party coming up and setting everything up for the future, I will be busy and my family will expect me to stay by their side. They’ll know something is up if I’m constantly leaving.” I explained, pulling out my phone and turning the screen on.
“Uh sure, I’ll try to work and things from there. Maybe I’ll set up a tent there or something. ” I chuckled at his response.
“Why a tent?” I questioned with a smile.
Jason smiled, letting out a chuckle of his own, “So I can get cellphone service.”
I only shook my head, I was about to open my mouth to speak but the doorbell rang. Jason looked at me puzzled for a bit. I only shrugged, leaning back into the couch. Jason stood and opened the door.
“I have your truffle pizza and 20 hot wings. Your total is 66,000 won.” The delivery man stated quickly.
Jason looked over his shoulder at me with a glare. I only smirked with a shrug. Jason grumbled something under his breath and took his wallet out of his pocket. He swiped his card in the delivery man’s card reader and took the pizza and wings.
“Have a nice day!” The man said, quickly taking his leave.
Jason mumbled something along the lines of, “I won’t while he’s here.” as he closed the door.
Jason turned to look over at me, eerily calm for a few moments.
“6,510 yen.” I helped him out.
“EXACTLY!” He exploded.
“58 U.S. dollars to be exact. ALSO, it was actually 50 U.S. dollars, however, it was an extra 4 for 20 wings since it was on sale I figured why not?”
“…4 dollars for 20 wings? Holy shit that’s a good deal.” He muttered, moving his hands to open the container with wings.
He made a face as if to say ‘not bad’, “They are pretty meaty too, what the fuck.”
“The pizza has a lot of truffles. Never had it before.” I shrugged.
“Then why did you order it!?”
“…I feel like ordering you the most expensive pizza I could find last minute was doing someone justice? Like I personally don’t think I’ve ever said that, but I’m sure someone said they would. Figured I’d be petty for them.”
Jason looked at the pizza then at me, “You’re so fucking weird. If this tastes bad then that someone is getting coal for Christmas.”
Jason walked over to place the food down on the coffee table. I happily helped move things out the way and opened the pizza box and Jason decided to go for the wings first.
“What’s the game plan for today?” Jason asked, mouth slightly full as he spoke.
I gave him a look and shook my head as I picked up a slice of pizza, “You know I hate when you do that.”
“Why? No food is going to fly out and you understand me.” Jason said after he swallowed, shrugging like it wasn’t a big deal.
“No one wants to see your chewed up food, Jason.”
“Then look at my eyes, not my mouth.” I sighed.
“Stop talking about things that annoy you! What’s the game plan?” Jason pressed, his hand moving to get a slice as well.  
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I ended up at the office, but instead of working, as usual, I was only lost in my thoughts.
I thought if I was far away from my problems, it would just solve itself.
I had to deal with Daisuke.
I had to prep for my father’s party.
I‌ had to deal with nine people in my bunker.
I looked over at my sad excuse for a couch setup. A pillow and a fluffy blanket folded over the armrest. I was going to be beyond busy and I‌ need to avoid the boys for a bit to get things sorted out.
I let out a sigh, “How long will I‌ be here?”‌ I‌ asked myself as I made my way to my desk.
I sat down and tried to focus back on writing out what I could have planned for the game and if there would be more.
It suddenly hit me. I launched myself up from my desk and ran out of my office to find my sister. It might have been easier to just make her come to me but the idea suddenly coming to me clouded any other thought as I ran as fast as I could to the broadcasting department.
Once I got there I could see my sister talking to employees and making sure everything was in order for the new animation to be aired.  Some who were talking a small break immediately got to work when I entered.
I proudly went next to my sister and blurted “I‌ can have the game department only.”‌ in an out of breath tone.
Her eyes grew wide, “Excuse me?”‌ She seemed more concerned than confused.
“You have broadcasting, Jae has the toys and shit, Eun will have food and drinks and I’ll have games. We’ll all just decide together!”‌ I couldn’t suppress the excitement in my voice.
Jilly took a quick look around and grabbed my arm to lead me to the hallway.
“What’s going on in that over-active brain, huh?”‌ She asked me while folding her arms.
“We won’t have to fight for the top if we’re ALL‌ at the top. Jieun isn’t old enough yet, so I’m not worried about that side of our company for at LEAST 2 years!‌ Jae has a thing for money but loves the designs we all come up with. You love the bustle of the broadcasting. You are literally our voice, and it’s good that way. I can be in charge of the game department. Any videogames are managed under me and no one will have to come to you about my bullshit because it’s MY bullshit.”
“This isn’t the four kings. This is a company.”
“A‌ company that will work as long as we all stay in our fucking lanes!‌ Jae is too stubborn to evolve with the company. You won’t take too many creative risks that we need. Jieun will crack under the pressure of handling EVERYTHING. I’m too impulsive or too stuck in my head. But if we all work together we’ll check each other. No fights for the top, no one coming to just one of us for decisions on something the other is working on. No pressure to hold the entire company on our backs. We get our zones and stay in them!”‌
Jilly seemed to look down at the floor, letting my words absorb. After a few long moments, she finally spoke.
“I remember sitting down on the living room floor during Dad’s days off. Our sister helping our mom, Jae being pissed off because Dad just wouldn’t give him a win, and you sitting at the table always learning something new.”‌ Something about her words caused a weight to form on my chest.
She let out a sigh and looked up at the ceiling, “Our father was a strong man. After his will, I tried so hard to understand why he left the company to you. You were so young when he wrote the will. You were still young when he passed. Our mother got into a few fights with him before he died,”‌ She let out a scoff, “Like she was just TRYING to find a reason to be mad at him. And when you got the company, Jae was so angry at you, at Dad. I want it to stop. All the fighting. ”‌ Her eyes landed back on me.
“I‌ even went after you, and I shouldn’t have. This isn’t a competition. I was so upset that you kept it from me and that you would even find yourself in that situation. But yesterday night it finally hit me on how you might’ve felt. I‌ just know you went in with it being a joke that you thought wouldn’t be too serious, and when it was, you weren’t sure what to do. If you reached out to our brother, you would go to jail. He’s too into old-fashioned justice. If you went to mom, she would hide you, but her mouth was too big. Eunnie is still a child. And I‌ would’ve done what I did yesterday. You HAD‌ to hide it.”‌ Her voice seemed to waver as she went on.
I tried to remain completely silent. I could feel a sting behind my eyes, she was starting to understand what kind of stupid I was. Yet there was always a method to my madness.
“I‌ judged you, and thought of our image rather than thinking of you as my brother. I‌ thought of you as a reckless child rather than an adult who was afraid. Our mother wanted you to be a pushover, someone she could dump her problems on. Our brother wanted to knock you down to get to the top and I‌ made you feel like shit when I was supposed to help you.”‌ Actual tears began to run down her face, “You’re my little brother, not my child, and not a fucking punching bag. I shouldn’t have made you feel so judged for something that was an innocent mistake, I’m so sorry, M/n-ie.”‌
She bit her lip, seeming to take a moment to control her emotions before finally saying, “It’s your call. I’ll help, but please, don’t do anything stupid.”
I left a large weight lift off of me.
My sister wasn’t against me. She could never be.
My eyes watered as I waited, wanting to see if maybe she would change her mind.
Her features softened even more, “Oh, M/n-ie. I won’t take it back, I promise. Come here,” She held her arms out and I immediately went into them.
Pressing my face into her shoulder and wrapping my arms around her. As she embraced me back I could smell the comforting scent of her jasmine perfume that she’s been using since middle school. Her hand went up to pet my hair soothingly.
For a moment it was as it should be. A little brother being comforted by his big sister.
“What are you two doing in the hallway?” We heard.
Before I could pull away Jillian held me closer, “Hugging. Like family.” Her voice was almost cold.
“He’s the owner of a company, you shouldn’t be holding him like that. He’s not a child.”
It made sense who it was now.
“Jaeseok, he’s our little brother. It doesn’t matter if he owns a company or not. He felt under the weather so I’m helping.” Our sister shot back, keeping a firm hold on me.
“He’s an adult. If he has problems he needs to deal with them on his own, Jiann.”
Great now my brother and sister were bickering in the hallway. What made this worse was I couldn’t really say anything, due to my face being in her shoulder.
“Family is supposed to help!”
“Family is to help expand the name.”
My sister let out a frustrated groan. I lightly pushed on her hip and she let me go.
I was met with the sight of my brother. He looked well-kempt yet so unkempt. He had on his usual suit, wrinkle-free, and lint-free. His hair looked like he had run his fingers through it repeatedly, and the dark circles under his eyes were impossible to ignore.
“Jae, when is the last time you slept!?” I asked, genuinely concerned.
Jae scoffed, “We don’t all get day-offs whenever we want. ”
I frowned at his response, of course, he would turn this into a fight, “But you should still take breaks. Your hours should give you plenty of time to sleep.”
Our sister tsked, “Don’t snap at our brother because you’re working overtime.”
“You’re working overtime!? I told you not to!” I exclaimed.
Our brother rolled his eyes, “If I don’t do it then who would?”
I scoffed at his clear delusion. These next few days would be hell.
“Why did you come over here for?” Jiann changed the subject.
“Right, our mother wishes to reserve a large building for our father’s birthday. She also would like to invite some of his family to our childhood home.”
There was silence.
“Well tell her she’s out of her fucking mind. The party happens here. This meant everything to Dad. The party happens here and we go back home for the night. Like always. I don’t care who she invites to the party but no one follows us back to our childhood home. That’s for family only. My sons and husband don’t even join us and neither does your wife, what makes her think they’re invited? No.” Jiann was firm, crossing her arms, just waiting for someone to defy her.
“They’re even lucky to be invited to the party itself. They call us entitled pricks but want to be part of us when it comes to social events.” I muttered.
“Exactly my point. No. They don’t get to come back to our family home. They also don’t get family passes as they are here. They don’t get special treatment.”
Jae seemed to nod thinking it over, “I agree. Having them think they can do as they please won’t be good for our company’s image. Or our family’s image. I’ll let security know of their names and faces. I’ll also brief them on how to properly handle them if they cause a scene.”  
Like I need more problems.
“What will they do if they DO cause a scene?” Jiann asked.
“Well, we can’t have them be loud, they would draw too much attention we’ll just–”
“CEO-nim!” I heard, making us jump a little.
A woman, looking highly professional jogged up to us, holding documents to her chest.
“We have another problem. Some of the computers in the game development floor have been damaged. I attempted to get ahold of Mr.Katashi but was unable to.”
Oh great, more problems.
My favorite.
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I somewhat had everything under control by lunch. Someone had corrupted a few computers. I had to emergency order new ones and help transfer the files over and had the corrupted computers stored away as evidence. I was walking around the programmers, making sure I was there if there were any signs of any glitching computers.
I was pretty sure that whoever was doing this was selecting a special set of computers, the ones with all the character designs and code that took too long to recreate at this point. I made sure to tell Jason to find the best cybersecurity team he could. I needed to guard this project with my life and I wouldn’t let my father’s dream die with me.
I was pacing back in forth between the row of game developers when I was approached.
It was a nice looking man. He seemed small. Not in height, but in the way he presented himself. He was dressed in a simple dress shirt, straightened pants, and tie. His dark hair was covering his forehead and he looked out of place. Afraid to meet my gaze, afraid to catch too much attention. He was holding files and USB drives but looked like if I said “boo” he would drop everything and run.
He must be new.
“Hello, how can I help you?” I asked in the nicest voice I could.
He played a little bit with the edges of the folders before speaking, “I’m with the cybersecurity team… They sent me to…,” He seemed to be stuck or thinking of what to say, “To set up.” His voice sounded like it could be attention-catching if he tried. Not too high-pitched and had a certain roughness to it.
“Ah! Of course! We had computers and space for your set up in the room next to the security room.” I informed, moving to borrow the post-it notes from one of the developers to write down the code to the mostly empty room, “If any of you have any questions or needs, feel free to call my personal number. It’s close to us all ordering lunch so call the front desk if you have any differences in dietary needs.” I handed him the post-it note with a warm smile.
He quickly took the note, gave me a small bow, and rushed off.
Poor dude.
I moved back to my work at hand, making a mental note to visit them later.
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A little later into the afternoon I was in my office, trying my best to look over the security footage. It didn’t look like the files were corrupted manually. No one was there in person but it still gave me a strange feeling. This obviously wasn’t just some teenagers just goofing around. I let out a loud groan, knowing this would kill me until I figured out who did it.
I got up out of my seat and gathered the papers I needed to sign off on and approve. I shoved them all into a folder, grabbed a couple of pens, a few stationery items for organization reasons, and headed off to the cybersecurity room.
Upon reaching the room I began to think about how they would all react seeing their boss watch over them as they worked.
Would they feel pressure?
Would I make them uncomfortable?
I decided to just knock on the door. If I made them uncomfortable they could tell me and I would leave.
As soon as my knuckles hit the door it flung open to reveal the guy before. This time his hair was a little ruffled, pushed back to show off his forehead, and his tie pulled loose.
“Good! Saves me the trouble of having to find you, come in!” He gave me a smirk and went back into the room.
Well, that was a turn of a personality.
The room we had set up for them was all set up into cubicles. At first, I was against it but they had large whiteboards on the cubical walls and had their own privacy. The guy before led me to the end and sat down at his new desk, his screen was pulled up to a jumbled mess of codes that hurt my eyes to look at for too long.
“You were definitely about to be hacked. I’m not sure what they did that they ruined it so badly but we can try to trace him in a few moments.” He explained.
“So what's the next step I should take after this?” I questioned, putting my hand on the back of his chair to lean forward and look at the wall of code.
The man seemed to be thrown off by my question. I wasn’t going to be confident if I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing or what this all meant. He was a professional. I saw it best to ask for his opinion.
“Uh…Uhm…W-Well, the next step is to contact the authorities. This is a crime after all.”
“Isn’t tracing them a crime too though?” I asked, genuinely curious.
“Eh, not really. If I was hacking into their computer for private information then it would be a crime. Like they tried to do here. But I’m just getting the general idea of their location, its pretty public despite what everyone thinks.”
There was a pause.
“…..So how much can I pay you so we aren't public?”
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“Hey, dick, we need to talk.” Jason busted into the once quiet cybersecurity room.
I had taken up an empty cubical that was at the very end facing the other cubicles. I could see the door and only the sides were up. I had papers scattered around in semi-neat piles, my hand starting to cramp from all the signing and notes I’ve made.
The small cybersecurity team almost jumped out of their skin upon Jason’s entrance.
I let out a large sigh, “If it has anything to do with I.P. Addresses, VPNs, or how I’m a fucking idiot, I already got that talk, and I don’t want to hear it.”
Jihun, the man who did a fucking 180 in personality held back a laugh at my irritation.
“Do I look like I know anything about computers? It’s not about that, the police are in your office right now waiting for you. ”
“Police? I requested only one detective?” I looked up from my papers.
Jason let out a sigh, “I tried to tell them that but he insisted that he needed his partner.”
I let out a groan, “Fiiinnnne.”  I stood up reluctantly and shot Jihun a quick, “I’ll be back.”
As soon as we were out the room, Jason shoved me into the wall.
“Ow! What the fuck was that!?” I asked, my voice higher pitched in shock.
“This is by far the dumbest thing you’ve ever done!” He hissed.
“That’s not true! I’ve done far more idiotic things in my life!” I defended, standing straight in protest.
“You asked for the detective working the kidnapping case to work your hacking case!”
I let out another sigh. I should’ve known he would lose his mind.
“Seung Eunsuk isn’t going to link the two. Relax.” I rolled my eyes.
“And if he does!?”
“Then it’s your fault for being so jumpy. He was pretty opinionated and since he’s newish, he’s going to be fair.” I reasoned as I pressed the elevator button.
“You think that now, but when he has cuffs on you I will be there to say I told you so.” I gave Jason a side-ways glance in judgment.
“…He’s not going to solve THAT problem. You dirty-minded jerk.”
Jason’s eyes widened as I stepped into the elevator, “…You kinky bitch.”
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“Detective Seung! I’m glad you can make it.” I announced as I entered the room.
Sure enough, there were two officers in the room. The older officer was the same from last time, only this time he looked more fidgety. Like something was off.
Eunsuk was looking at a paperweight I had on my desk, completely calm. Upon seeing me a small smile lit up his face, “Mr.L/n. Glad to be here.”
I could feel Jason roll his eyes behind me at our teasing remarks, “Please, have a seat. We have a few things to talk about.”
Eunsuk put down the paperweight and patted the older officer’s arm like he was telling him silently to do so as well.
“So, we heard you had a hacking?” Eunsuk questioned, pulling out his notepad and flipping to an empty page.
I made a hum of confirmation as I began to pour them water, “It wasn’t too long ago. They somehow messed up so badly that they corrupted a few of our computers.”
“Any idea where the hack came from?”
“Not yet. Our CyberSecurity team is working on it.”
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to have a few programmers from the police department to come down and check it out as well.”
“I don’t have a problem with that. Just be sure to ask our teams leader, Jihun about it as well.”
“Jihun? May I have his full name?”
“He just goes by Jihun and doesn’t seem to fond of formal speech.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. May we take the corrupted computers in as evidence? That might help.”
“Jihun had the computers sent to their room. You should be able to get at least one or two from him.”
“Understood. Lastly, do you know anyone who would think to do this? Any enemies recently for  Barnanby Inc? Piss anyone off?”
“Eunsuk.” The older detective’s voice sounded like a warning. Like I was going to rip Eunsuk’s head off for asking such a question.
“Our company is now the third biggest in South Korea. We have many people jealous, but no one has threatened us or made their hatred obvious enough for us to see.”
Eunsuk nodded as he wrote one last thing then closed his notepad, “Alright, I have a feeling the cyber people will point us in the right direction. It’ll help us narrow it down so much more. We’ll keep in touch?”
I nodded extending my hand out to shake his, “We will, Jason will give you my number as well as escort you to our CyberSecurity room. If you should need me or have any questions, don’t hesitate to call!”
Eunsuk happily shook my hand, “We’ll figure this out, M/n. I promise.”
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I had worked well through the morning. When lunch had swung around I was planning on putting it off in all honesty. I hoped the lunch break time would be put to me making a serious dent in my work.
I still had several things to go through and about 3 meetings scheduled back to back. I had been neglecting my work for a little too long that it came back to bite my ass. As I was calling an investor things took a turn, however.
“You want the first-ever game my father developed? May I asked why?” I was taken aback on why this would even be asked.
Ever since my father started to company, his game developing had been long forgotten since he wanted my mother to be the spotlight. No other investor or partner has asked about his work. They were more interested in how well we would market the game and how much income would come from it.
“You said that most games would be inspired by your father’s ideas and unfinished projects. I’d like to see what he had in mind.”
“I understand. If you could, may I have a few days to get it to you? They’re all in our family home, I’m just unsure of where.”
“Of course. I’ll give you a week. That will give me enough time to look over what else you have to offer me.”
“Thank you, Sir. I’ll be sure to make sure your time is not being wasted. I hope you have a great week.”
As soon as I hung up I let out a groan.
I had to go through everything in my father’s office. That didn’t seem too hard, however, my mother just gathered almost everything my dad had and just stashed them in his office. An out of sight out of mind tactic that would be my doom.  
As I cussed under my breath I reluctantly grabbed my blazer to pull on like a child who got yelled at his mom for not wearing their jacket outside and made my way to the elevator to go to the parking lot.
I didn’t even know where my father stashed all his games. I just found one of his notebooks with ideas inside of it. Even then I didn’t feel right reading it. Like it was a private thing. Now I had to look through EVERYTHING.
Out of irritation I began to press the parking lot bottom harshly and was jump scared by the doors opening at the lobby.
At the door stood Jason with a cooler bag slung over his shoulder, looking irritated and tired.
“Hey there, Loser. Got any lunch money?” I teased.
Once he looked up he seemed relieved and rushed into the elevator to push a random button to make the door closed. As soon as the door was closed he shoved the bag into my hands with a sigh.
“And this is?” I asked, not fully understanding what was in the bag.
“If it’s body parts, there are better ways to get me to dispose of a body for you,” I added.
He only gave me a tired glare, wordless.
My eyes widened, “IS it body parts!?” I quickly unzipped the bag.
No body parts. Only tupperware with food inside of it.
“It isn’t. That’s disappointing.” I mumbled.
“It’s from the guys. They were worried that you’d skip lunch.” Jason grumbled as he leaned against the wall.
“Oh. Well, that’s nice. I was about to head to grab something then go to my mom's. One less stop.” I smiled, feeling warm inside with the thought of them making my lunch.
“What? Why?”
“I have work still. But an investor asked for my dad’s earliest game, so I have to go through his office to find it. ”
Jason only nodded as the elevator doors opened.
“I’ll be sure to stop by the bunker to talk to the boys.” I promised as I began to exit.
“Good. They ask too many questions. I’ll get a few things off your desk to take to the bunker so you won’t miss work.”
“I appreciate you!” I called as I began to jog to my car.
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I let out an irritated sigh as my third call to my mom when unanswered. I wasn’t going to play cat and mouse all day because she never liked to be home. So I walked off the porch and to a certain bush to get the spare key.
Once I opened the door I made a b line to my father’s old office and immediately opened a window. The room was almost foggy from the dust in the air. Like an ancient tomb that was too precious to open.
I let out a cough and tried to cover my mouth and nose with the neck of my shirt as I began to search through his desk.
I let out a groan once I realized NOTHING was organized. My mom must have gone through it when he passed and didn’t even consider that anyone would come back in here. I looked around the cluttered room in horror.
Books were thrown about. Papers scattered. Boxes loaded with everything from clothes to old computer parts were placed around the room.
Knowing there was no way around this I began to clean.
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Once I had almost everything in its rightful place I still hadn’t found my dad’s games. I figured I wasn’t looking hard enough and began to load everything into my car to look through at the office since I had been there for longer than needed.
I made sure to sit on my office couch as I went through box after box.
It was pretty mundane. It was starting to get really boring until I came across a book. It was a book about animation which was to be expected but a few of the pages had marks in the corner, like quickly scribbled numbers. A few pages were torn out and torn in half.
I frowned as I began to flip through, not really noticing a pattern in the numbers or even knowing what the numbers would be to.
“I HAVE MADE AN ENTRANCE!” A loud booming sound came from my office door.
Out of pure reflex, I chucked the book I was holding at the door.
A loud thud and screech rang through the room as my eyes began to focus on who came through the door.
It was my little sister, cringing away from one side of the door that the book seemingly hit. Her eyes were wide and her mouth parted open in shock.
I let out an almost snort as I held my hands out, “Jieun, my bad! Don’t do that! I get you wanted dramatic effect but holy fuck give me a warning.” I complained.
“Give YOU a warning!? You threw a book at me!” She got out of her shocked position to clench her fists at her sides.
“I thought you were a monster!”
“HOW OLD ARE YOU!?” I giggled at the question.
“Will you forgive me if I eat lunch with you?”
“…It’s 2 pm.” I rolled my eyes.
“All you had to say was ‘no’.” I pouted as I got up to look for the bag Jason gave me earlier that day.
“I dropped by to see how my amazing brother was doing,” I could practically hear the sugar drip from her lips as I began to unpack my food.
“Cut the uwu crap and tell me why you’re really here.” I sighed as I opened the larger container that had rice in it.
She let out a groan and stomped over to plop herself on the couch across from me, “Mom didn’t like that you guys cut Dad’s family out of visiting our childhood home so she’s inviting them to our apartment. One of their brats already occupied my room.”
The irritating thing about this was the fact that our childhood home was already paid for, but my mother refused to live there because it was too much of a reminder to what was. So she insisted to move into a luxury two-bedroom apartment in Gangnam.
I let out a scoff as I poked at the fried chicken that had gone soggy in a container covered in some kind of sauce. Jae was paying for that apartment, yet even HE couldn’t enforce anything, “I bet Jae would love to know that.” I smirked.
“I tried to tell her we don’t want them around us be she went on and on about how we were family and how I should be nice! Can I just please stay with you?” She whined.
I began to think it over as I chewed, “I don’t think you can.”
“Why nooooot!?” I tried not to enjoy her misery.
“I’m not staying at my apartment. So you can stay there, you’ll just be alone and then our siblings will chew me out for leaving a 17 year-old girl alone in an apartment in Gangnam.” I muttered, shoving my face with more food, and then moved to open another container.
“We can just keep a secret!”
“I doubt that.”
“C’monnn! Pleasseee!”
“How about this, you go ask Jilly and Jae about staying with them, if they both say no, then you can have the keys by tonight.” I bargained.
She lit up, “Seriously!?” I nodded, “ILLGOASK!” She nearly yelled and bolted towards the door.
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I quickly finished my work to look through old floppy disks and USB drives my father had stocked up. I had told my assistant to push everything back that day.
It was around dinner time when I found a flash drive that caught my attention.
Most of them were files for unfinished games, ideas, and a mess of coding that didn’t make sense to my idiotic brain. But this USB drive had only two folders.
Both were password protected.
Once I clicked on them the command prompt on my computer popped up asking for the password.
I let out a sigh as I entered my mom’s birthday.
Access Denied. The command prompt closed.
I opened and tried my twin sibling’s birthday.
Not it.
I let out a groan and began to enter mine, trying to get it out of the way before I entered Jieun’s birthday which I was SURE was the password if it wasn’t my mother’s.
Upon pressing enter after the last digit of my birthday year the words ‘access granted’ appeared in the command prompt, the small window closed up, and the file opened.
There were 4 documents there.
My fingers itched to click on one of the other files. Two were popular in media. Lee Animations had rebranded to Lee Entertainment a few years back. They hired idols and actors. Their animations were no longer being made by them, they chose to switch to the idol and film business pretty late. Everyone thought they would go bankrupt.
Gwan Broadcasting was a thing before my father even went to America. Years and generations in the company as well as very good dramas and sub-networks under their belt.
An Haewon. The name didn’t even begin to register in my memory.
Against my impulses, I clicked on the ‘READ FIRST’ file.
You’re reading this because you snooped in my things… OR I handed you this after you finished college but let's be honest with ourselves the first option is more likely.
I hope by now you’ve grown and I’ve handed the company over to you. So just have a drink with me after this because I have a few things to get off my chest.
I didn’t get this company JUST through hard work. I hope as time goes on you begin to understand the circumstances that led me to make the decisions I made and the actions I took.
I won't ask for forgiveness.
Just understanding.
I’ve made the three other files to explain why these three people, these three companies want to see you suffer. To see us suffer.
Against my instinct to be the father you respect and admire, I tried to explain the truth and not what would make me look good.
The second password-protected folder is of the things they wanted from me. Either wanting them back or wanting to steal away.
I love you. I hope by explaining these things you can learn from them and make better decisions for the company and family.
Whatever you decide, just know I fully support it. I would never be disappointed in you. You’ve been the most hard-working out of all my children. You were quiet but your drive to achieve was always there. Even as I write this you’re at our dining room table studying. I still don’t know what the fuck twelve times nine is and to be completely honest I couldn’t care less.
Take care, Mn-ie.
Your Reckless Asshole Father,
L/N Jaeseong
I could feel tears trail down my cheeks as I quickly closed the document and raced to click on the one under it.
“M/N!” The sudden sound of my office door flying open again made me jump.
My siblings have arrived.
Jiann was now in front of my desk, arms folded in anger. She looked like my mother ready to rock my shit.
Jaeseok was holding firmly on our younger sister’s arm as she was pouting, looking at the floor.
“Why are you crying?” Jae asked, making my older sister’s face soften.
“It’s over my dick size, what do you all want?” I quickly replied.
My older sister’s face hardened again, all business, “Did you tell our sister that if we both said no to her staying with us that she could stay at your empty apartment!?”
“I did. Jae, don’t hold too tight her skin is sensitive.” I frowned.  
“Exactly, she’s sensitive and you want her in an apartment by herself!?” Jae threw back in my face.
I rolled my eyes, “That apartment is more than secure. It’s not like I live in a crappy apartment give me SOME credit.”
“She’s going to be seventeen soon. I know that’s not an adult at that age but I was that age when I started taking care of her and started getting ready to take over the company. She’s not a child.”
“Yes! She is! And so were you! Don’t make this a toxic cycle, M/n!” Jiann snapped.
“Don’t be dramatic. It’s not like I have a kid and handed it to her like ‘you’re the mom now’, it’s just a few nights in a secure apartment that she wouldn’t HAVE to stay in if you two got your mother in check. ” My voice was filled with irritation that began to build.
I closed pulled the USB out and put it in my desk as Jiann began her verbal assault, “She’s OUR mother. Just because you helped raise our sister doesn't mean you stop being her son! We’re getting the situation handled.”
“Well until you do, I want my baby sister comfortably living in my apartment.” I snickered as I stood up to try to pry Jaeseok’s hand off of my little sister.
“She can put up with it for a day or two.” Jaeseok growled.
I shoved his hand off and turned Jieun towards the door to leave, “She already did put up with it for a day or two. My sister shouldn’t HAVE to put up with anything uncomfortable in her own fucking home. So I’m taking her to mine since our mother STILL isn’t a considerate enough parent to care about her child rather than fucking leeches. Now if you would excuse me, I’m going to go have dinner with my PERFECTLY CAPABLE sister and then show her where she will be staying. I want you out of my office when I get back and I want the situation handled within 48 hours.” I ordered as I guided Jieun out the office.
“They’re going to get mad at you for talking to them like that.” Jieun warned.
“They’ll have to deal with it. I’m their boss until we split the company. I give orders not sympathy.” I grumbled as I pushed the elevator button.
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I had taken Jieun to my apartment. I had ordered us dinner while she unpacked.
The mood was light but had a dark undertone.
It was oddly nostalgic. My sister moving things in my closet to make space for her things because she didn’t feel safe in her own room.
Us alone in the apartment getting our own dinner because we didn’t expect our mom home until the very early hours of the morning.
“I ordered fried chicken. The app said it should be here in a few minutes. I hope that’s okay with you.” I called over as I began to clear off the coffee table.
“Is it yangnyeom?” She called back.
I couldn’t help the smile that came onto my face, “Yes. I even asked for extra sauce because you like the spice.”
“….what about beer?”
I rolled my eyes, “I have some in the fridge you delinquent.”
She let out an excited ‘yay’ and began to put her clothes in my closet in a more excited manner.
“How is school going?”
“Alright, It’s pretty boring though.”
“Boring, how?”
“Well, I only have one true friend and days just repeat themselves.”
“Then join a club.”
“I DID.” I let out a chuckle at her outburst.
She skipped out of the bedroom and bounded over to the fridge, “Who would’ve thought at 16 I would be drinking a beer with my older brother in a penthouse apartment in Gangnam that he’s going to leave me with.” I only shook my head at her.
“Please don’t filter yourself when you tell me how living with mom is REALLY going.” I began as she made her way to the living room with two beers.
“Well, mom is just like she was before. Never rhere. Sometimes she goes out with friends or she just kinda leaves and doesnt say anything.”
“…Does she at least make dinner?”
“Nope. She barely speaks to me unless we’re all gathered together.”
I knew this was going to be a mistake. One that would make my sister and brother furious. My mother would kill me. I knew if my dad were here he would understand at least.
“Okay.” I sighed as I fished in my pocket.
I pulled out the apartment keys and placed them on the table.
My sister looked at them then back at me in confusion, “You can have it. Don’t worry about rent, or money. I’ll handle it. Just please be safe and stick to studying and working hard. The last thing I want is you deciding to fuck off instead of go to school.”
“YOU’RE GIVING ME AN APARTMENT!?” Her eyes twinkled with tears and excitement.
“Yeah, everyone will kill me if they find out so move in slowly. Act like you’re just staying here for a few days. I’ll tell security that you’re staying here now. Just please don’t burn the place down.”
“I would NEVER.” Jieun gasped dramatically.
I gave her a pointed look, “Remember when you tried to be nice to me and make curry and yo–”
I only shook my head and reached over for the remote.
Even when I turned on the TV I didn’t focus on it. My mind only wandered to what the following days would be.
After all I left 9 people alone in my bunker with no contact all day. I mean they could wait.
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( Previous Chapter ) - ( Next Chapter : COMING SOON )
Taglist: @butterfliespoison​ @hermionepweasley​ @jikooksgirl19​ @toddsgirl27 @armycandy10​ @justqueerandhereforthetea​ @luvufoolish @bubblegummbutts @krystle1990​
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81 notes · View notes
chicago-reeed · 4 years
Detroit Evolution
These are some notes that I took while I watched DE for the first time. It’s a lot. Like, six pages, a lot. I decided I should probably spare everyone’s dashboards and put it under a cut.
Warning: overuse of the fuck word because I am a dramatic little shit who gets overwhelmed easily
- Alright here we go. I don’t know if I’m mentally prepared to go through this hhhhh
- fuck he smellin the flowers good
- “hey tin can :P” “good morning gavin :P”
- “I don’t need to breathe” BAZINGA
- *slaps my face repeatedly* keep it together bitch
- “I like the way you look<3” aaaaaaaaannd here I go again
- oh god oh god witty banter WITTY BANTER I CANT FUNCTION
- detective motha fuckin chris I don’t need to see any more I got what I came for
- Honestly all they need to do to calm down the protestors is get nines out there so he can say “please stop you’re being very mean >:/“ and they would probably just go home ngl
- “I’ve never been intimidated by people who hate androids” OH MY GOD NINES WITH THE BAZINGA’S TODAY WHAT A LEGEND
- can I just say the white jacket is such a power move I can’t believe nines invented fashion
- Gavin bein soft and reaching back for Nines in the crowd🥺homygod
- Gavin “no one calls him plastic but ME” Reed
- The only time I will support police brutality™️
- Gavin is so OP we stan
- Nines “you raise a fist, then I get PISSED😡” RK900
- “y’all have a nice day” Protect Detective Chris Miller at all costs
- Nines sees Gavin’s scars as charming PUT ME TO DEATH
- Okay I need to pause and breathe again the cinematography got me chokin
- Uh ooohhh someone is jeeaaalouus😛
- Nines really said “no worry fam I’ll airdrop the case files to u”
- Ada: *exists*
- me: I hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
- And nines back at it again with the sass I AM LIVING
- Chris and Gavin’s reactions to Nines imitating Ada is the best thing I’ve seen all year
- oh ;-; shit Michael really finna make me cri
- God damn the intro credits are so beautiful
- Real coffee hours with the sharktreuse mug🦈
- Tina knows Gavin was absolutely feral before Nines appeared at the DPD
- Half An Asshole squad please stand up we ride at dawn
- Gavin with the knockoff timbs WE STAN😎
- maybe “thank god, I hate you, you love me, move your feet, oop” will be our always
- I’m living for the whole “criminal minds” vibe goin on here
- Bruh Gavin got the hook-ups fr fr
- The level of reed900 is staggering
- I’ve had to pause and breathe so many times it’s pathetic I’m not even 15 mins in
- 850% godt damn Nines got that IOS 50 update
- maybe “our calendar” will be our always
- Chris “wingman of the year” Miller
- Who’s that Pokémon??? It’s JEALOUS GAV
- The way Nines said “I don’t feel anything for her.” I see you bud
- insecure Gavin needing reassurance™️
- Im fucking dying I fucking died bro BRO WE ALL KNOW WHO YOURE TALKING ABOUT, NINES, WE ALL KNOW
- Asexual Nines FTW👊😤👏👏👏❤️He gives zero fucks of ANY kind
- BREAKING NEWS: affection-starved Gavin™️ is literally begging for love
- “But there’s much more to admire about you than to detest, I think.”<333
- JJ not being suspicious at all nope no way Jose
- Lazzo has said two words and I love him already
- I don’t think I’ve seen this episode of COPS before🤔🤔🤔
- We all know Nines secretly wants to wear those fun glasses
- “Officer I swear I’ve never seen that arm in my life, it’s my friend’s he just asked me to hold it for him, Android arm what android arm heh”
- “Like robot arms, not gun arms.” You’re doing great sweetie🥰
- Chris “the interrogator” Miller😎
- soft n sleepy gav™️ is soft n sleepy
- You can wear my😋😘sweeaatshiiiirt😝😁🤗 (I’m sorry I had to)
- inconspicuous loving glances™️
- #GiveAndroidsFuckinHealthcare2K20
- Gavin has not slept in 80 years
- He really said “I’m fine” BITCH
- Bed time for brats™️ no later than 8:30pm
- hell yeah sleepover time
- “stop lookin at my insides n shit” I want that on a t shirt
- Nines is so soft I might die
- But he’s somehow equally suave as fuck how is this fair
- Oh my god dream!gavin is like Nines’ conscious this is so presh
- dream!gavin you sly dog
- Nines being insecure™️
- Listen to dream!gavin, Nines, he has big brain
- The fact that Nines subconsciously KNOWS that irl!Gav “just wants someone that doesn’t hate him” but he’s STILL like alas, I can never be what gavin needs :’(
- nu babie don’t be sad🥺
- oh my god they’re both train wrecks protect them at all cost
- c r i p e s❤️the reed900 hurt/comfort we all needed
- Concerned boyfriends™️
- Maybe “I’m fine” will be our always
- GAV🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💔💔💔💔💔💔
- Insecure boyfriends™️
- Nines “I’m not going to get any closer to Gavin because I can’t help him but also I want to cuddle with him because he had a nightmare” RK900
- did someone say  c a t
- dumb babie gav jus spoon the dumb android so you both feel better
- Me: *rubs evil hands together* aha here comes the angst
- cue tragic backstory
- oh
- tragic backstory indeed
- Gavin is so desperate for anyone to care about him I’m crying tears
- Alexa this is so god damn sad play despacito
- Oh shit it’s about to get domestic I don’t think I’m mentally prepared
- YOU CAN WEAR MY😝💪SWEEAATSHIIIIIIRT🤪🔥🔥🔥 (I’m never letting the sleeveless sweatshirt thing go)
- Uh oh NO FUCK I’ve read enough fan fiction to know that this is where Gavin’s fucking trust issues kick in and he decides pushing nines away is safer than getting closer to him SHIT
- I feel angst in this Chili’s tonight
- “I need you to leave” aaaaaaahhhhhhhh here come a whole different kind of tears
- frick dude that ouches
- Insert sad babie noises
- Oml the tension☠️poor Chris and Ada are like😑😑
- Chris could solve this case all by himself change my mind
- Gavin and Nines = (ò///-///ó)
- Chris = :D~oblivious~
- reed900 who??? I don’t know her. I only know ❤️valerina❤️
- I can’t believe Gavin and Nines invented angst
- I went and got blue gatorade just so I could pretend I was drinking thirium like Nines
- #DetectiveChen2K20
- real sad gavin hours
- Ruh roh Gavin bouta die from the ‘rona virus because rat man smokes hella
- my entire aesthetic in a single shot jfc
- Aaaaahhhh Nines trying to be a supportive bf just makes me ;-; [takes damage]
- HES ACCEPTED GAVIN AS MORE THAN A PARTNER🥺that, my friends, is what we call character development
- We stan the otp aggressively talking about their feelings
- “I’m not going anywhere.” FUCK™️
- Aaaaand they’re back at square one. It’s cool it’s fine it’s all good we can work with this.
- Gavin: I don’t need you ò-ó
- Gavin: *immediately after Nines leaves* fuck ó-ò
- “It’s fine”™️
- I love Ada so much hhhhhh she said 🤨
- “Basic Instinct” TINA WITH THE HEAT OMG
- *nervous laugh* haha Ada sis maybe chill a little bit ha ha
- oh no I have a not good feeling
- 😖x1000000
- Oh my god this is so fucking sad Alexa play The Sound of Silence
- Nines got fucked up and Gavin is CONCERNED
- aayyyyy bro Nines full on nakey
- Tina and Gavin sad bro huggin👊😔
- Uh oh Nines is fckn PISSED
- he MAD mad
- Tina speakin straight facts I love her
- f u c k  right in the heart
- I don’t want to attempt writing any notes at this moment because my thoughts are completely incoherent I am a MESS
- “I need you to come back, Nines.” DONT PLAY W ME LIKE THAT
- Did Gavin really almost bring Nines back through the power of love I am SHAKING
- Dream!Gavin speaking truth as ALWAYS
- These damn flashbacks making me feel some type of way
- that actually low key jump scared me
- God damn these sets are so fucking pro, I’m so happy
- Tina really say “Chris ;) ;) lets go get some ;) coffee ;) ;) ;) ;)”
- You Undead Asshole™️
- Gavin: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ ) fuck he actually heard me talk about my feelings n shit
- Nines: You literally told me you fucking needed me like five minutes ago
- Gavin: huh weird that doesn’t sound like me I actually hate you
- ooOOHHH  S H I T
- woah shit sorry I blacked out for a second what happened
- holy shit I actually gave myself a bloody fucking nose because I smacked my face too hard in excitement
- ❤️💘🧡💞💕💘💓💚💛💘💞💓💛💛💞💘❤️💚💘💜💕💖❤️❤️💕💓💗💘💖💚💝❤️
- “What dipshit programmed you to do that?” 🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️FUCK
- My aunt came in and told me she heard me shouting then asked why I was crying
- shit I need to like..,,,,physically recover from that
- whew okay break time is over let’s fucking go
- Nines in the cheeky turtleneck I SEE U
- Gavin: I’m ready to take this hoe DOWN
- Initiate protocol: SAVE ADA FROM HERSELF
- I could listen to Tina talk to dispatch for hours🥰❤️❤️❤️
- Gavin being hella concerned boyfriend™️
- omfg that crowbar really went *CLANG* when it hit Ada’s steel fkn abs what a legend💪😎
- Hell yeah epic Nines gif moment
- no Ada don’t choke Gavin it only makes him stronger
- CHRIS THE MOTHER FUCKIN GOAT😎👏👏👏he really said “fuck ur monologue I’m here to get shit done”
- That character development godt damn
- I might be reaching but Gavin is now wearing a white/off-white shirt/gray that kINDA RESEMBLES DREAM!GAVIN’S SHIRT. Coincidence? I THINK NOT. THATS SYMBOLISM IF I EVER DID SEE IT.
- “buyer’s remorse, huh?”
- “I can’t be everything you need.”
- That awkward moment when you realize the person you were hiding your feelings from has also been hiding their feelings from you.
- “a year of that fuckin’...Ken Doll face smirkin’ at me every day” BE CUTER GAVIN, I DARE YOU.
- naked hand = love
- So my review of this film could be summed up by saying that I basically cried for an hour and fifteen minutes.
- Holy damn
144 notes · View notes
thinking-in-symbols · 3 years
Quinquennial Life Assessment
So, it’s been a few years.  When I was 19 I posted a sort of “roadmap” for the evolution of my life on this blog.  Today I thought I’d revisit that.  I want to take a look back and see what progress I’ve made, and then in a separate post I want to turn to the future, think about how my vision for it has changed, and consider how I can reincorporate these goals into that vision.
This is the list of things I wanted to get done in varying time frames.  I’ve crossed off the things I’ve done to get a sense of my progress:
1 year:
At 19, my hopes were to accomplish the following things by age 20:
- Joined, and consistently participated in, at least 2 campus organizations that suit my interests, at least 1 of which should be competitive in nature - well, I joined the ISO and KVRX, my college radio station!  Neither of those were competitive, but in retrospect I don’t really care about that :-)
- Made concrete plans to study abroad - Nope, unfortunately I never did this.  I’m not quite sure I regret that, all things considered - I traded that experience for other things.  I did make plans to spend a few months abroad of my own accord, and I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren’t for that meddling global pandemic.  But as it stands I haven’t done this.
- Learned C++ and python to proficiency - Hm.  “Proficient” is a relative term.  But I think I have a tendency to downplay my skills, so in the interest of counteracting that I’m going to count myself as “proficient” in these languages.  I think that’s fair.
- Gone on at least a several day road trip with at least 1 friend - I’ve gone on several trips with @meeshbug​, my very lovely girlfriend and best friend in the world :-)
- Decided on a concentration beyond the extremely vague umbrella of “computer science” - Unfortunately as far as my education is concerned I never really did this.  If anything my interests have *broadened* rather than becoming more focused.  More on this later...
- Made meaningful, ongoing contributions to an open-source project - You know what?  I’ve published the source of everything I’ve ever made, and I’ve gotten to the point where I can make stuff that’s not trivial.  So I’m giving myself credit for this one.
- Learned to cook enough meals to eat in most days and not get sick of my own food - I wish.  I’ve learned to cook a fair amount of stuff but I still get way too depressed and lethargic to apply that consistently.  Whether I consider myself to have achieved this honestly depends on the month.
- Learned to keep my living area clean - I’m much better at this than I was at 19, but at 19 I could barely clear a path to walk across my room.  So there’s more work to do.  More on these last two later.
- Gotten a pet - Meesh and I have a dog named Courage (after the dog of cowardly fame) and a cat named Jax!
2 years:
- Independently written a piece of software to completion and deployed it publicly - I’ve always pretty bad at actually seeing projects through to completion, but I do have a few full, independent projects under my belt at this point.  I’ve built a simple game engine, a pathtracer, plugins for games I like, and some other stuff.
- purchased and begun regularly using some basic amateur radio equipment - Ah man.  I got my license but I still haven’t gotten any equipment.  I guess I have to get on that...
- purchased and begun experimenting with some basic music recording equipment - This one I’ve done, but I haven’t done as much experimenting as I’d like.
- hosted a party - I did this for my 21st birthday and it’s one of my favorite memories!  Honestly this was probably the last time I had all my really close friends in one place.  I’m actually getting kind of emotional about that.
- done some kind of hallucinogen - I have now done this.  I definitely did get something out of it, albeit not what I expected.  This is something I actually only did pretty recently and it’s still having a pretty profound effect.  Maybe I’ll write a separate post about this.
- Gone camping with friends - Despite my best efforts, this hasn’t happened yet.  Pretty fucked up.
3 years:
- learned to play another instrument besides the piano (guitar?) - I don’t feel comfortable crossing this one off quite yet, but I went ahead and bought myself some guitar equipment and have been messing around with it lately :-) I think I’m going to have to bite the bullet and pay for lessons if I’m serious about this, which I am.
- Written and recorded a song - Damn, I can’t believe it’s been 5 years and I haven’t even done this.
- Met a group of people I can play music with - nope
- Owned a leather jacket.  I can’t believe I’ve still never even owned a leather jacket - I’ve done this and wore it frankly too much.  Kinda cringe.
- Worked as a professional software developer - Yep!  Worked as a software developer for a retail company for a couple years.  I’m actually not working as a software developer right now, though; I’m working in a sort of adjacent position.  More on this later.
- Participated in research related to my field - That’s pretty ambitious.  Not sure I’ll ever do this, unfortunately.  But we’ll see.
- Been to a film festival - Oh shit, I totally forgot about having written this.  That’s a cool idea.  I should do this, it’s not like it’s hard (well, at least in principle.  I guess covid kind of changes the situation).
- Gotten a dog - Courage is one of those, I think, although he might also be part rat.
- collected 50 records - Lol, my dumb ass really thought I was going to buy $1,000 worth of records on college money.  No, I haven’t done this, but I’m on my way there.
- Purchased a desktop computer - Well, my dad gave me his old desktop.  That’s not really a purchase but I think it counts.
5 years:
- Begun accepting freelance development gigs - haven’t gotten here yet and I’m not totally sure this is a direction I want to go in my career.  Freelancing has its own stressors as I’ve come to learn from others.  No career path is sunshine and roses and I’m trying to internalize this fact.
- Participated in a student film - Nope.  I don’t even know why I wrote this down to be honest.
- Gotten laid by solving a 5x5 Rubik’s Cube in front of a girl because surely that’s gonna have to work on someone eventually, otherwise I wasted a lot of time - These are getting weird.  Surely I didn’t really expect this to happen, right?  Well, either way I now have a long-term girlfriend, so I don’t - wait, Meesh has seen me solve a Rubik’s cube and she saw it before we started dating.  So actually I’m going to give myself credit for it.  I’m the one who makes the rules here.
- Fleshed out my political opinions - Yes, I now know everything about politics and can answer 100% of questions on political issues.  Just kidding.  But I know where I stand.
- Participated in a protest or some other kind of political event - Done!  Went to a few protests as part of the ISO, participated in lots of their events, and attended some protests with friends as well.
- Studied abroad - Nope :-/
- Learned a language other than Spanish - I took a semester of French!  But I don’t quite want to give myself credit for this one because I really would like to learn a different language to something resembling fluency.
- Run a marathon - Lmao.  I am in much worse shape now than I was when I wrote this post, and even at that time I could probably do like 7 miles if I really pushed myself.  How sad.
- Gone hiking outside of texas - This is weird because I’d literally already done this when I wrote this post.  But I’ve done it more since then, so hey!
- Been out of the country with a friend - This I had also already done.  I guess the point is to have done it without “adult supervision” or whatever.  I haven’t done this since writing this list so I guess I have to leave it uncrossed.
10 years:
- Lived with a girl for an extended period of time - Meesh 🥰
- Spent at least 6 months living on the road in an RV, preferably with a dog and a girl - God, I am so close to being able to do this.  I don’t want it to be an RV anymore - those things are expensive.  But a van?  Still pricey, but doable, especially if I’m willing to sacrifice some comfort.  This has actually been front-of-mind for a while.  I’ll let you know when I get the balls to pull the trigger.
- Started making Real Money - Well, yep, I have gotten to that point.  I do have other thoughts on this, though.  Money is weird, man.
- Lived in a long-term living space outside of Texas (i.e. not including RV time) - How long is long-term?  Three months?  If so, I’ve done this by living in Boston with Meesh for a few months after she went there for law school.  However, I anticipate staying there much longer in the near future, so I’ll wait on this crossing this one off.
- Written a book about something, idk - Not yet.  I’m halfway to the deadline on this one and I have some ideas, but ideas aren’t worth all that much, especially to me, who rarely sees them through.  We’ll see where this goes.  It’s not exactly a priority and historically I struggle to get even my priorities done.  It might make more sense to replace this with recording a concept or narrative album, for which I also have ideas that I happen to take more seriously.
- Learned to solve a 6x6 Rubik’s Cube - nope
- Gotten laid by solving a 6x6 Rubik’s Cube - nope
- Lived in an apartment where I pay all the rent - Yes!  :-))) We love independence
- Earned an advanced degree (this one’s iffy) - This hasn’t happened, and whether it will ever happen is something I’ve been thinking a lot about.  I sort of decided half-way through college that I would be totally burned out on school by the time I graduated.  But in retrospect it takes way less time to burn out on work than it does to burn out on school, and grad degrees are a different kind of thing.  So it’s worth revisiting.’
- Given a best man speech (Sam, this means you have to get married within the next 10 years.  Good luck out there.) - Holy shit, Sam, you maniac, you actually did it!  Sam got married back in 2019 and I gave his best man speech! It’s another one of my favorite memories :-) 
- Gone on a cruise with someone I’m dating - Hmm, not yet.  I’ve gone on cool trips, but none on a boat.  Maybe that’s something to aim for after the pandemic passes :-)
1yr: Completed: 5/9
More than half isn’t bad!  I’m not gonna worry too much about whether I got these things done within their assigned “time-frame”.  I’m a procrastinator in my heart and I don’t see any reason to put that kind of pressure on myself.  The point is, they got done.  That’s enough for me.
The things I did best in in this category were academic things, and things to do with relationships.  I’m proud of the academic achievements, I really feel like doing them has increased my belief in myself and my sense that I’m good at the thing I’ve spent the last four years studying.  And of course, I am so happy to be in a loving, fulfilling relationship that brings so many good things into my life.  I almost feel like the things I accomplished sort of fell into my lap - of course I’m gonna do programming stuff as a programming student, and getting pets / going on road trips are things I did as a result of my relationship with Meesh.  I don’t say that to downplay the accomplishments, but I do think it’s worth noting.
The things I haven’t done are more to do with personal development, which is disappointing.  I would like to be able to say, 5 years down the road, that I’ve done the personal development I expected to do in just a single year, but maybe that’s a lot to expect.  These are problems I’ve dealt with my whole life.  I think what this means is that I can’t expect everything to fall into my lap.  Those things are going to take real concerted effort to change.  I’m not quite sure how to go about that, though.
2yrs: Completed: 4/6
Two-thirds!  Even better!
Lots of these are one-time accomplishments, not so much long-term commitments to personal development.  The good news is, I did them, and I think those resulted in some development in their own right :-)
Again, though, the things I didn’t do so well are the things that require long-term, concerted effort.  For instance, while I crossed off the one about experimenting with music, it’s really only the initial investment that I’ve really done at this point.  It remains to be seen whether I’ll be able to follow through on the commitment to actually experiment and learn.
3yrs: Completed: 4/10
This category also follows the same pattern I’ve noticed with the last two.  The other thing I’m noticing is that so, so much of my effort over the past few years has been going towards developing a very particular skill: programming / computer science.  Music and art are so important to me, but I’ve done very little real development in those areas.  I mean, I’ve done some.  But not as much as I would have hoped for half a decade.
5yrs: Completed: 4/10
This is getting a little more fun because less of my goals have to do explicitly with my degree.  I’m starting to think beyond college, which is good, because the stage of life I’m in right now requires me to start thinking about the kind of life I want to build now that I’m done with school.  Also, I’m at the deadline for this one right now!  So this is a particularly interesting category because it really shows where I thought I’d be by this time.
The goals I accomplished in this timeframe are, again, mostly things I’ve done through my relationship, but politics also feature pretty prominently on this part of the list.  I spent a lot of time reading and researching political issues during college and really did look for ways to participate.  I honestly made politics a pretty big part of my identity over the last 5 years, and I think it will stay that way forever, but I’ve gotten to the point where I think I need to devote less of my mental energy to knowing more.  I know what I need to know.  It’s time to think about other things.
10yrs: Completed: 4/11 (and counting!)
There’s some career stuff in this section that I’ve been able to do, which is good news.  I’ve always been scared about entering the working world.  All things told, it’s gone more smoothly than it could have.  But I also have lots of lingering doubts about what I want to do in the long term.  So one of the most pressing goals I should aim for is to resolve those doubts.
Ultimately, I have a lot of time left, and I’m not even done with this time frame, so I’m not gonna spend much time dissecting the things I haven’t done.  What I’ll do instead is say that while I didn’t do everything on this list, I feel proud of the things I have accomplished.  I said when I first wrote this list that it’s sometimes hard for me to feel that my life is moving in any particular direction, and I’m still feeling like that five years later, to be honest.  But looking back on these things has helped me see that I actually am making progress in my life.  Not in all the ways I want to, but that’s OK.  There’s still time.
In the next couple days I want to come back to this and reorganize this list into an updated set of goals, for the same time frames.  Maybe that will help me think through exactly what it is I want out of the next five-ten years, with the benefit of having analyzed the things that I did and didn’t do well over the previous five.
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Funny Moments In Thor The Dark World
Find Thor 1 here
Find Avengers 1 here
This is the second part of me watching all three thor movies and the avengers movie and comparing the humor pre-ragnarok to the humor in the 3rd Thor movie. And, as before, I’m writing this on my computer where the I and U keys don’t work so sorry for any spelling mistakes.
Tag List: @nikkoliferous @fyrecrafted @lokijiro @miskiett @darthxerik @icyxmischief @iamanartichoke @juliabohemian @official-and-unstable-satan @melodylnoelle @just-another-human-2019 @fandomsfanfiction @mentallydatingahotcelebrity @cateyes315 @burningarbiterheart @imnotacreepijustlikeyou @usedtobegoodfriend96 @alexakeyloveloki
Official-and-unstable-satan and fandomsfanfiction weren’t tagged sry
Anyone who wants to be added/removed to the tag list please let me know! and if I missed someone please also let me know. Sorry this post is so long
~ “Hello Mother. Have I made you proud?”
~ “Please don’t make things worse” “Define worse”
~ “I really don’t see what all the fuss is about”
~ “Just like you”
~ *That smile!!!!*
~ “I’ve got this completely under control!” “Is that why everything’s on fire?”
~ *About the Scary MonsterTM: “All yours”
~ *Thor says hi to the Big Scary MonsterTM*
~ “I accept your surrender”
~ “Anyone else?” *All the people simultaneously: NOPE*
~ “Perhaps next time we should START with the big one”
~ *Odin obviously shipping Thor and Jane* (idk I got a kick out of this)
~ *Jane awkwardly avoiding her date*
~ *Date: hi*
~ *Him awkwardly talking about his ex*
~ “And the fact that she kept sleeping with other men” “NO!”
~ *Darcy being mistaken for a waitress*
~ *Darcy mouthing “Cute” to Jane about Richard*
~ *Darcy embarrassing Jane by talking about Thor*
~ “Is there a point to all of this cause there REALLY needs to be a point to all of this”
~ “That’s what I said!”
~ “That’s what I did!”
~ “He’s not interested” “I’m interested” (Am I the only one who feels like his awkwardness was actually kinda cute?)
~ “He’s my intern.” “You have an intern?”
~ *Intern is fucking adorable like Richard*
~ “I have totally mastered driving in London!” *Has not mastered it at all*
~ *Selvig running around Stonehenge naked*
~ *Darcy keeps calling Ian ‘Intern’*
~ *Darcy calls Jane cause she didn’t wanna shout*
~ God I fucking love Darcy she’s so criminally underrated
~ “I am not getting stabbed in the name of science”
~ “It’s okay, we’re Americans!” “Is that supposed to make them like us?”
~ “We’re scientists-well I am” “Thanks”
~ “That doesn’t seem right”
~ “I wanna throw something! Jane give me your shoe!”
~ *Jane ignores Darcy*
~ “Give me your shoe”
~ “Were those the car keys?”
~ *Ian’s face when he realizes he threw the car keys to another planet*
~ *If you have to bury so many people then you’re doing something wrong you hot dumb fuck* (I mean that’s basically what Heimdall said right?)
~ “Typical” *after being left behind while Jane goes to talk to her boyfriend*
~ *Jane! Love of my life and most talented and beautiful person in the world oh how I love yo-SLAP*
~ “As excuses go, its not terrible”
~ “I know” “You do?” “Do what?”
~ *Darcy interrupts the KissTM*
~ “Um I’m pretty sure we are getting arrested”
~ “How’s space?” “Space is fine”
~ “He’s my intern… My intern’s intern”
~ “Holy shit!” (after Jane went up in the Bifrost)
~ *Heimdall calmly dodges the car*
~ “We have to do that again”
~ “Hello”
~ “What’s that?”
~ “It’s a soul forge” *No I’m pretty sure that’s a quantum field generator*
~ *Jane being ready to fight Odin for comparing her to a goat*
~ “You told your dad about me?”
~ “It must be so inconvenient, them asking about me day and night”
~ “Please meet my mother” *Jane shies away from Thor*
~ Loki casually tossing the thingamajig in the air like the cute little shit he is
~ Lord, he’s so damn pretty
~ *Kurse being like: Lol I ain’t touchin’ that boy with a ten foot pole*
~ “It’s as if they resent being in prison”
~ “There’s no pleasing some creatures”
~ *Loki calmly reading a book while all Hel breaks loose*
~ “You have my word that no harm will come to yo-” nvm bitch die
~ *THAT look between Sif and Jane*
~ *Frigga immediately seeing through Odin’s bs lies*
~ *Heimdall: I have defeated the big space ship!! The bigger one behind him: Bitch you thought*
~ “WITCH!!!!” *Now I know who Loki gets his amazing aforementioned smile from*
~ *Selvig using shoes to explain complicated science*
~ *Selvig then using pencils*
~ “Any questions?” “Yeah, can I have my shoe back?”
~ “What’s SHIELD?” “It’s a secret”
~ *Darcy’s cute af face when she sees that Selvig is in the mental hospital*
~ “Are you sure you wouldn’t just rather punch your way out?”
~ *Loki shapeshifting into the guard*
~ “Mmm Brother, you look ravishing”
~ “Costumes a bit much”
~ “So tight!”
~ “I can FEEL the righteousness surging!!”
~ “HEY wanna have a rousing discussion about truth?”
~ “Honor?”
~ “Patriotism?”
~ “At last. A little common sens-”Bitch are you really fucking kidding me? (What do you mean that’s not what he said?)
~ “I thought you liked tricks”
~ “I’m Loki, you may have heard of-” SLAP
~ “That was for New York”
~ “I like her”
~ *Loki gazing lovingly at Jane in the background*
~ “Betray him, and I’ll kill you.” “It’s good to see you too Sif”
~ “If you even think about betraying him-” “You’ll kill me? Evidently there will be a line”
~ “I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing.” “I said how hard can it be?”
~ “Whatever your doing brother I suggest you do it faster.” “Shut up Loki
~ “You must’ve missed something.” “I didn’t, I’m pressing every button on this thing”
~ “Well don’t hit it. Just press it, gently.” “I aM pReSsInG iT gEnTlY AND ITS NOT WORKING!!!”
~ *Thor starts slamming buttons and it starts working*
~ *Volstagg: Oh fighting is much fun- OH SHIT IM FALLING!! HELP!!!*
~ “I think you missed a column.” “Shut up”
~ “Why don’t you let me take over? I’m clearly the best pilot”
~ *Bitch I’m the one who can actually fly*
~ “Oh dear. Is she dead?”
~ *Thor knocks over a column* “Not a word”
~ “Now they’re following us”
~ “Now they’re firing at us”
~ “Yes thank you for the commentary Loki, it’s not at all distracting”
~ “Well done, you just decapitated your grandfather”
~ *Seriously, whoever wrote the escape scene is a genius!!!*
~ *Loki yelling at Thor about how thIs was a bad idea you dumb fuck- wait wtf are you doing AAAAHHHHH!!!!1*
~ “You lied to me. I’m impressed”
~ *That smile again snfnejaihfeqrqrsbdsalxdjewonjfeq*
~ “For Asgard!” YEET
~ “Nothing personal boys!”
~ “If it were easy, everyone would do it”
~ “Are you mad?” “Possibly”
~ “Oh yeah, my father. Eric Selvig”
~ “And these” “yeah… those”
~ “How did you find me?” “You were naked on television”
~ “I don’t get paid enough. I don’t get paid at all”
~ “What’s happening? Birds? Birds are happening?”
~ “All right are you ready?” “I am”
~ *phone rings* “It’s not me”
~ “Why are there so many shoes in here?”
~ “I’ll just text her”
~ “So who’s Richard?”
~ *Thor hanging his hammer on a coat hanger*
~ “Where are your pants?” “Oh he says it helps him think”
~ “Loki is dead” “Oh thank God!”
~ “Better get my pants”
~ “Do you even know what these things do?” “No” “…Neither do I”
~ “Ooh get the guy with the sword!”
~ “Oops”
~ *Ian’s high-pitched scream*
~ *Does car insurance cover My Car Was Sucked Into Another Planet Due To A Cosmic Event That Only Occurs Once Every 5000 Years or no?*
~ *Thor and Malekith fighting between worlds and poor little Mjolnir trying to keep up*
~ *The two of them against windows*
~ *Awww! Look at the cute little Jotunheim monster! He’s so adorable I wanna pet him so much!’
~ *Darcy and Ian kissing after he saved her life*
~ “Darcy?” “Jane!” “Ian?” “Selvig.”
~ “Myuh Myuh!!”
~ *Thor ends up on the subway*
~ *The girl taking 50 photos*
~ *Thor and the woman colliding into eachother*
~ “I’ve come to accept your surrender”
~ *Malekith gets crushed by his own ship. Now that’s some lovely karma right there*
~ *Darcy and Ian go back to kissing*
~ “He kinda committed treason on our way out” oops
~ Jotunheim Puppy chasing birds
Wow I’m so sorry this was so long. But guess what? It’s gonna get even longer. Sorry, again.
So one of the differences between the first and second Thor movies is that Thor 2 has humor in the climax whereas Thor 1 doesn’t. This is because of the differences with who is the villain. In Thor 1, Thor is having to fight his brother. To quote Avengers, they “played together and fought together” for several millennia. Of course there’s not going to be any humor in it cause there shouldn’t be. The climax at the end of the movie isn’t supposed to be some epic battle between the forces of Good TM and Bad TM. It’s supposed to be tragic that he’s having to fight his own brother because Loki lost his mind due to so many factors. The last joke in the film is “You’re an amazon liar brother, always have been” “It’s good to have you back”. There’s nothing else till the end credit scene. That’s because Kenneth Branagh knew that this was supposed to be viewed at as being sad a hopeless, not some awesome upbeat battle.
Thor 2 on the other hand, is exactly that. Thor has known Malekith for.. what? 2 days? Maybe 3? His relationship and dynamic with Malekith is different than with his brother. To Thor, this is just another enemy attacking Asgard. And I’m not sure whether this was intentional or not (because I remember reading somewhere how Allen Taylor had a bitch of a time in the editing process so I think the movie came out different than he intended) but the lack of any personal relationship will Malekith means the film can make really funny jokes and still have it fit with the film. If anything, I might even argue that the humor helped the film to maintain a very nice positive vibe. Idk I can’t think of the right words to explain it but the jokes actually fit the film very well.
However, then we move on to Ragnarok. With Ragnarok, Thor is fighting his sister. While (just like Malekith) he has only known her for two days, that still doesn’t take away the fact that he is having to fight his sibling. And I’m not a film director but if I had the option of approaching this situation and taking it the Thor 1 route or the the Thor 2 route, I’d go with Thor 1. Because it’s actually incredibly tragic that Hela has been driven to insanity like Loki (though ok a different level) due to Odin’s shitty parenting. She is the horrible way she is because Odin made her that way. And that could’ve been an AMAZINGLY complex story with the audience feeling so much sympathy for Hela like we did with Loki in Thor 1, but the narrative just falls flat for two reasons. 1) Taika admitted he didn’t want the film to be emotionally complex so 2) The humor in the climax completely detracts from the seriousness of the situation.
Also, some side notes: Yes, this is edited from the original. I accidentally deleted everything and then had to go back and add everything back in. So I also had to re-tag people too. And I also added a bit more explanation at the end. I meant to do so when I originally posted but it never got done till now. Sry. Also sry that it’s so long
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eternitas-archive · 4 years
Oh one more thing before I leave
It’s just my two cents but I really gotta speak it into the world.
This is gonna be LONG so here have a read more
You all are hypocritical cherry pickers that want fandoms and communities to cater to your interests and morals
And let me tell you honey, that is gonna ruin not only your own experience, but everyone elses.
Lemme adress some things
Why y’all so ready to cry wolf when someone ages up a character?
The discourse is probably as old as this fucking community. It happens every other month and I am sick of it. “If you age up characters you are a pedo uvu sorry I don’t make the rules.” yes you do. You literally made up your own fucking rules about this. “Well you are shipping with a minor!” they’re aged up. “But you still ship with a minor!!”
Okay by that logic, why are we allowing all these other shippers doing their thing? The people that ship with Sans from Undertale that is a skeleton? I mean he is still just a skeleton linking him strongly to the image of death so necrophilia much?
What about the people shipping with inanimate objects? The people shipping with transformers? Those are aliens and or vehicles? Yeah that is mechanophilia.
What about people who ship with f/os that have animalistic features? I mean they are mainly antropomorphic but they still are animals. Beastiality
“No wait that is all dif-”
How about the people shipping with villains and criminals? Clearly that means they endorse that shit irl.
What about the people that ship with people MUUUCH older than them? some millenia or hundreds of years? or just 20? clearly endorse predatory behavior
While we’re at it what’s up with people shipping with divine beings? Angels? Demons? Sounds like blatant blasphemy to me
Do I want you to double down so you can prove yourself right? NO! I want you to understand that you guys are cherry picking and not understanding correlation between topics! Are there legit pedos on tumblr? yes. is it a strangers job to care for all the minors out there? no? If I go into a park it is not my job to hold an eye out for all kids that there are. I am not their parent, guardian or otherwise a person with any responsibility towards them. Same for people on the internet. I will do my shit and keep to myself. and if I happen to enjoy stuff for myself that is my right. Do I halt at a red light bc I want to be a good example for kids so they don’t learn bad behavior? Can I stop every person that crosses a red light and hold them a long ass lecture about how they endorse dangers in the streets? No.
“But there are minors on the internet!” Yes, I am aware, they will always be, always have been, your point?
“We need to make a safe space for the kids!” No we don’t? people need to follow the Terms of Service of a platform and honestly most people that reblog nsfw stuff even clearly state that minors should not interact.
“No like, YOU need to be on your best behavior bc there could be a minor anywhere!”
Since when did I become these minors parent? Since when did someone push these kids into my lap and say “your responsibility now”?
You need to understand that you can’t always just get upset at stuff EXISTING
nsfw fics are usually tagged and marked accordingly, most people that engage in a lot of nsfw stuff usually have “minors don’t interact” on their blog somewhere. Some even BLOCK people that follow them and are clear minors, that’s some DEDICATION.
But I have seen posts catering to FUCKING WRITERS saying “pls keep nsfw out of ur imagines and reader fics :)))) for the minors, otherwise I cant reblog it.” If you want to cater to your minor audience sure, but I can not stress enough how you can not tell others how to run their shit. Yes, you can suggest that to the imagine writers or writers in general but it is their right to say “no I run it like I want to” and proceed with their shit. And there is nothing you can do about it. Besides if minors really want some nsfw, trust me they WILL find it. Should we therefore police everyone and stuck them into horny jail? No.
“haha look at this lame ass adult getting upset they can’t be predatory anymore bc they are being called out on their pedophilia”
Idk how to tell you that it’s none of your fucking buisness what my personal history is and that you have no claim outside of “aging up is pedophilia” but sure go off, bc I am “upset I can not be predatory” anymore and not just outraged people are throwing around unreasonable claims.
Why would I even age up a character if pedophilia is about being into MINORS? Why would I age a character up if the WHOLE THING about pedophilia is that they are kids????
“Okay but then it’s predatory!” There is a point that depictions of an adult dating someione who is “barely legal” normalizes predatory behavior, but honestly, why is that MY responsibility? And who says I age them up to be barely legal? My social media/tumblr/ selfship experience is a very private thing. It’s a very personal thing, so why tf do I need to cater it to people who are NOT ME? When I do that it’s because I want to do it, not because I need to fill some moral obligations. (and yet I can say that YES caring about lgbt, other religious, non white selfshippers and boosting them is something generally people should do)
Like there is a thing about fiction. It doesn’t age like normal people. When I started to love one of my f/os we were the same age. The series eventually ended, it didn’t progress in real time, so I grew up while they stayed their age. And guess what! none of this backstory is any of your god damn buisness!! I don’t OWE it to you as much as writers and others don’t owe their trauma to you just so you can “give them permission” to deal with their trauma through selfshipping or writing. Who do you think you fucking are?
Fiction is not reality. And I am sick being stuck in medevial dark ages europe where people believed everything on a stage to be real life. Where actors were not allowed to exist and the people that did act and depicted a bad guy were generally shunned and hated by everyone bc they didn’t distinguish between fiction and reality.
Does fiction have an effect on reality? Yes. Jaws had repurcussions. Even the german novella “Die Leiden des jungen Werthers” had about a dozen suicides following the lead of the main character. 50 shades had an effect. 13 reasons why had an effect. But that doesn’t mean what you believe it means.
In the end I can not take the role of these minors parents to educate them and look after them. It shouldn’t be my job. And yes there are a lot of scummy adults on the internet. Like a LOT. But you need to understand that the internet will NEVER be a child safe place. And most adults take precautions already!
But fics aren’t for morality lessons. Fics aren’t for sex education. Fics aren’t there to be a fucking HOLY BOOK. Fics are just creative writing. And selfshippers are just there to have a bad time. And if they act out SURE call them out but otherwise just leave them tf alone?
“No no, what you write is what you actively endorse uvu”
Then say good bye to Horror and thriller. Say good by to books involving cheating. Say good bye to books in which anyone ever gets harmed. Say good bye to books ever even mentioning any problematic topic that isn’t 100% uwu pure
“Wait no that is different-”
How is it? Is it only problematic when you get off of it? Is that your argument? Are we going the christian route of condemning being sexually free and enjoying something that is legit a very important thing to a lot of people? (yes to asexuals their LACK of sexual attraction can also be a very important topic bc they have the right to express that without being condemed for not wanting to BONE or not being able to get horny by looking at bodies.)
Yes the over fetishization of certain topics is problematic, yes there is a lot of toxicity when it comes to porn and that shit, but kinks are just kinks.
“So you say pedophilia is just a kink!”
No. Pedophilia is aweful and no child should ever suffer through that sort of exploitation.
“But you say rape is just a kink!”
No. Real life rape is aweful and whoever rapes another human being deserves death full stop.
“You just said-”
YES! I know what I said! A lot of people hate real life stuff that they endorse in fiction. Some people are into pissing and shitting into each other! Some people are into hardcore bondage! And they all have their own histories, their own lifes and it’s their fucking thing? Do I want death on all rapists? Yes. Do I sometimes have questionable fantasies that might involve non con or dubious consent? Yes, so? Do I have my reasons for that? Yes, it’s none of your gd buisness?
It all always boils down to entitlement. Y’all need to understand that you can’t just run around demanding everyone to cater to your bullshit. You can not run around accusing people of pedophilia just because they would like to see themselves date a fictional character, but in their age.
If it makes you uncomfortable then don’t follow and interact with those people but you don’t need to pretend to have some moral high ground so you are the better person. You can just... have dislikes?
Even so, as I make this post I can not speak in broad terms because each case, each person is individual. Maybe some get off on shit and endorse it, how should I know? Maybe someone out there is fighting for not policing and censoring stuff because they actively want more pedo content, I don’t know, I am not the CIA or FBI?
It’s also none of my buisness. Is it aweful that these people exist? yeah. Are they prone to be on tumblr? probably? Are they that selfshipper that ages up their f/o so they can smooch? Unlikely.
People have their reasons. Their backstories, and none of that should have to be layed open just to get a strangers “okay” for shipping with the fictional character that makes them happy.
so uuuh before I leave
tldr: y’all full of shit and aging up is not pedophilia, you are just trying to give yourself some moral highground. you sound like a flatearther lol.
Gates closed, bitches
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empty-dream · 4 years
Just watched 13 Reasons Why S4
Ended up making a full blown commentary per episode because this is finally the last season and I’ve been enjoying this mess since S1. I even forgot that it was released until a friend brought it up to me. So in short,
Tumblr media
Clay, narrating: *I'm good at hiding shits so my parents don't notice at all." His parents: *concernedly looking at him pale and mushing food on the dining table*
The concequences of investigating murder cases and creating conspiracies instead of studying your ass off because it's a damn school really caught up huh.
Charlie holy shit I love you he's so chill and good.
It's been years I still can't believe Justin is really adopted by the Jensens. Funny that now the table is reversed, with Justin finally actually doing better and taking care of the increasingly-ill Clay.
Wow my headcanon is approved, he already graduated by S3. No reason he didn't hang out with the gang after all the shits in S2 if he was no longer around in the first place.
He's still so nice even in Clay's trippy nightmare. Is that what Clay remembers about him? Well not really surprising, considering Scott actually was worried about him in S2.
Good god finally Clay meets a therapist- Wait a minute that's the guy from CSI:NY?!?! Isn't Clay just gonna get clobbered instead.
Okay I knew they are really close and I do adore their relationship so much but HOLY SHIT THEY ACTUALLY GO AT IT WITH ALEX AND ZACH???
Alex: *panicking over the kiss* Zach: Ayy don't worry let's just continue perhaps-suicidally hanging out on dangerous rooftops that you were almost fall to your death from. Alex: ????
That narration of Clay ranting about college applications. I'll drink to that bruh.
Ya I too make my applications and other supposedly important matters at 3AM instead of any other more sensible time.
Oh my fucking god that is the creepiest smile I've ever see.
I feel like as Justin gets better and better with his life, Clay goes worse.
Justin is so excited about going to college! You deserve the future man. 
The old-time stoners and drunkards are rehabbed or dead. Enter Zach.
Winston: *eyes and ears up to your shit 24/7*
Nobody likes Tyler in S1 but now everybody likes him.
Okay. Cops doing shit jobs at protecting. This feels too real with this situation right now.
Clay's adventure to put the trash into the trash bin.
Omg they got the paint to the lab this is going real CSI.
Idk about u but at this point I don't exactly want to pay attention to Jessica/Justin problems anymore.
I know Zach and Clay don't get along and that's why I need their adventure together.
Clay drunk-puking on Justin. Well well well how the turntables.
The return of Monet!!
"I have 2.8. If I work hard, I'll get 2.9" Winston omg same.
Tht held gaze between Alex and Winston.. Is this slow burn fanfiction???????
Yes Mr. CSI it will definitely get worse.
I know writing about your feelings can make you feel better but probably not in your college essay form.
I'm starting to think Clay is the one who dies in the end? Idk tho.
I guess the toll of busting ass trying to save everyone by yourself is catastrophically high, huh, Clay? Funny that he now goes from 100 in S3 to 0 in here and that's actually realistic.
Alex and Winston are really pining each other with Zach in the background lmao.
"You don't wanna go on the Valentine Dance with me? Even as friends?" Well sometimes there are moments when you just don't go back to being friends. It's an actual normal thing.
And besides the last time Alex goes with Jess for something she wanna do, he ends up murdering somebody. So.
"Hey Zach. Hey punch me. Hey you pussy now? Hey hey. Bitch." *poke* *poke* *poke*
No Zach he's trying to save all of your asses. You can't just say that.
Charlie is really just there trying to do his best in this shitshow and like Justin I wanna laugh but also am proud.
Everyone: *being paranoid and unto each other* Alex and Winston: *having the date of their life*
I wish everyone doesn't have this level of trust issues but then again we won't have a shitstorm drama like this.
When did this become "what is love?" philosophy class?
"You know love but you love so fiercely and sometimes it hurts."Wow Mr. CSI you hit the mark.
How many parties can the Liberty High hold in a year?
"You go with Charlie to get back to Justin, right?" Wow Diego you HIT the mark.
I still have problems with Ani as a character, but I do like her casual banters with Clay.
You know, with all these trust issues, I'm surprised nobody actually tries to peek on other's phone. Like, I know that's low. But, you know, faster solution. And better than having mass hallucinations.
Oh God the football team really is a bunch of jerks. Good fucking thing Scott is outta here.
Alex and Winston almost die like couples in a cheap slasher movie.
"Fuck Love." Clay Jensen, 2019 (according to the movie timeline)
Why is Charlie talking? Why is he wearing the football jersey? Who on earth dies?? Is it Zach? Justin? Somebody else from the football team? But the content of your speech man...
Ah yeah. Clay did survive a great big deal of many ugly shits. Single-handedly thanks to adrenaline, mostly.
Jess got a point tho. Ani could have followed Clay to stop him, by herself or with the gang. What did she do? She spied on Winston and Alex, and then went back to the dance. So much for handling anything themselves.
Or maybe, the gang shouldn't have let Ani and Clay take care of it themselves.
Does anybody in this show ever figure out Clay has dead people hallucinations?
Domestic Jensen family is my everything.
Charlie really out there bribing Zach with his homemade cookies I-
Ah yeah, I kinda forgot that in reality Alex and Winston have a really difficult situation. With Bryce and Monty stuff.
"Looking back on your time at Liberty, do you have any regrets?" Really? Isn't that all they have?
"Who do you trust most in your life and why?" Everybody: *immediately side-eyeing each other*
Clay c'mon wtf Justin is really just worried sick and trying to help you. Aaand he's gone.
Jess you don't put your hands into something without checking it first...
Why would you only send 2 adults to supervise 30-50 kids on a camping wildlife trip? They wouldn't be able to do shit.
"I thought you were a football player!" "I AM a football player! And so are YOU!" Gold.
Dream!Monty and Dream!Clay really sit like that and I almost laugh were it not for the fact that I do that too. It's strange to see that for once, they talk normally, heart-to-heart, without the usual snickering, chiding, all that venom.
Oh shit they really make Monty and Clay mirror each other like that. They both protect people they love but have tendencies to snap, one way or another.
Zach, dude, I know you've been a real good friend. But Alex almost died. Twice. Because of your drunken ways. And you laughed. Didn't you spend an entire season trying hard to not let him die again? What's wrong with you?
When did this become a horror movie?
The Standalls :((
CHARLIE MY MAN WITH HIS COOKIES. And incidentally, a wild Zach appears.
"So are we gonna fall apart or trust each other now!" Justin my man.
Clay dude that would have been an amazing entrance were it not for the fact you looked insane.
I can't fucking believe they just go normally at campfire like that. Two people almost died. Several got beaten. What the fuck.
Does it come from the bottom of your heart or it doubles as a threat, Clay?
Alex you had us at the first half not gonna lie.
Wait. So who has been fucking around with the football team? Who moved Clay?? Huh??
Justin finally breaking down after 5 episodes being the most decent and healthy person around. Well Charlie is too but he's new, so.
Finally an obligatory meeting at Monet.
CYRUS AND THE PUNK GANG!!! God I love you guys where have you been. And you guys are computer geeks?!?!?! Perfect.
My question exactly, Clay. Good replies tho, Cy.
I'm still thinking how for a nerd, Clay knows A LOT of people and knows who to ask what.
"How am I even friends with you?" Ya Alex that's my question too. How are you suddenly bff with Zach? I don't remember you two being close in S1?
Hm. If you aren't holding his family at stake, there is no way Tony would even think to rat out.
Mr. CSI starts going CSI on Clay.
I almost forgot Charlie's last name is St. George. The cast goes by Charlie mostly so.
Justin really shows up at the party with the angry mom pose and disappointed look at Clay. The turntable, people. Flynn's voice got raspy.
Oh no no Clay you don't go there. Please don't split my Jensen-Foley brothers like that. Meanwhile the punk gang be like just watching there.
C O O KI E S??? Goddamn Charlie do you bring cookies everywhere you go??
Charlie my boy you T_T I was kinda suprised that the cookie baking actually had a sad backstory.
Clay-Zach bonding that I fucking wish for oh yeah. I definitely didn't expect it with piano and drunk singing tho.
While Clay is having the time of his life, Tony is seeing life flashes in his eyes.
Yassss he winssss!!!!
Caleb's expression when the sherrif hugs him lmfao
Nice try Sherrif but Tony knows your tricks.
"What of any of this is okay?" Wow things you'd never hear Justin says in S1.
Meanwhile, Charlie and Alex are high on weed cookies as fuck. Their conversation is the most interesting thing I've seen beside the Scott cameo till now.
The look on Justin's face when Clay pushes him :((
MY DUDES HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ABOUT JEFF'S DEATH? WHAT HE WAS ACCUSED FOR?! You do not, under any circumstances, drive drunk.
Clay be spitting truth.
They really be discussing Clay's chronic hero syndrome huh.
Okay. Operation Clay-Zach failed.
Weren't Zach all fuck it all yeah! kinda guy? Guess when you are the one who faces death it's not that fun anymore huh.
"One Clay Jensen is enough" Jess truth.
Do Alex and Charlie really study Spanish in front of Tony who is not helping at all? That would be embarrassing lmao.
Clay: Fuck off. Hallucination!Monty: *sits next to him*
Gotta hand it to Timothy Granaderos. He could go venomous to puppy eyed in 1 second. Amazing.
Man. School shootings are fucked up. There are many things I wonder about mankind and one of them is why is school shooting even possible?
Hallucination!Bryce: Hi I’m sorry I’m late. I hear this is time for Clay’s dead people hallucination party.
"Are you a hero or a martyr?" Wow they really throw the question.
And here is Clay sitting under the desk between his two most hated dead people hallucinations whispering moral dilemmas to him.
Meanwhile Winston and Zach got high.
Charlie helping Alex to breath.
The talk with Estella and Tyler.
"No offense, you are cool, but I don't wanna die with you." Zach chill lmao.
Are.. Are you sure outing that to Winston is a good call, Zach? For a guy who was super paranoid that his gang would narc him, he sure is loose mouthed himself.
I like how everyone from Tyler to Zach to Winston, admits that Alex is a really kind guy.
Wow Tony did you really expect anyone could do anything in that situation, in fucking Evergreen situation, for that matter?
Charlie is a great friend wow.
Cl-CLAY DON'T GO OUT that is EXACTLY what you are NOT supposed to do!!!
Goddamnit Clay. Holy shit Clay. 
Dylan Minnette really worked hard in this scene.
.......... WAIT A MINUTE IT'S NOW ACTUALLY CHARLIE ALEX????? Tony be just walking in.
Clay really got into a psych ward. Talk about darkest hour. And it’s only ep 6?
Wow Ty that's some brave lines.
Which hallucination-induced person is Clay talking to before Ani gets there?
Ok that therapy session made me tear up.
These kids are having college interviews at the worst time possible. They are all fucking breaking down one way or another.
And Charlie just, really never gives up on Alex huh.
What's most important to Clay is his friends. Real quick to answer that question huh.
God Justin lashing out at the Jensens. It's the first time he does it and it hurts.
Zach holy fuck. I appreciate you didn't out it but holy fuck you didn't have to do that are you trying to die
Clay-Tony combo is back baby I miss them so much. Although perhaps Tony you would mind a bit about Clay's health because clearly he was out of it.
This is so short. I too really don't like application essays and interviews and the inevitable revisit of the sadder parts of my life because of them.
When did this become sci-fi apocalyptic story?
God I miss the time when Clay's dreams are just Inception-styled trippy shit with Scott randomly says hello and gets him water.
Okay. Everyone's got their own way to cope with existential and moral crisis huh.
You know what, I would like one movie out of this sci-fi dream.
I knew it Tyler was a bait to smoke out illegal gun dealers. Is that... An okay thing to do for a high schooler? Sounds fucked up, all things considered.
Yaaay Justin's got the college! I'm super happy!
Wow Estella good question.
Wow Tyler good statement. If they trust each other a bit more, everything would have been a bit better.
Ah shit. Justin relapses again.
Does Tony need to be pummelled first before he finally goes all off to finish his opponent or what?
Is this going Big Brother Is Watching
What the fuck. That locker fight scene is disgusting.
Jess and Clay might throw shades at each other but together they share one brain cell.
"I think it's a walkout, Sir" Tyler lmao
Wow Zach and Alex heart-to-heart.
Cyrus really steps on some pedestal to make his point.
Aaand Zach and Alex really go all out on "doing it right" huh.
They really have students vs cops riot at this time. Talk about timing.
It's nice to see the punk gang enjoying the fighting again.
Dude what happens if you don't have anything on your bag tho.
Aaaah the punk gang with Tyler again!!
"Why are you with me and not with Charlie?" Zach ouch that hurts.
Zach no no no Zach get out of there too Zach pls
Clay really becomes 2nd in command to Jess huh.
Charlie tries to save Clay but gets whacked on the head instead. 
Tony you came back!! Oh so that college scout was.. Oh.
Oh shit Clay. Oh. Shit. I should have realized that. Goddamn.
"I like sleep." Charlie me too. 
God Alex and Charlie literally sleep together jaldjwaownaljewoalsj that some cute shit.
Wow Clay really takes Mr. CSI's advice to round up the gang and confesses. That's a step.
Charlie sometimes has a good idea, huh.
The Jensens meeting is probably the reason why the idea of parenthood scares me.
Also Clay and Justin really put the practice of "tell the parents the less-harsh-but-still-harsh truth, then ask them to get prom back" by the book. And it's awkward.
Aww Charlie coming out to his dad and the response he gets... When you put the rich fams like Dempseys, Walkers and Saint Georges together, the last one is really the only healthy one huh.
Way to go Jess!
Ah I forgot Alex has an older brother.
Aaaahhh Charlie has dinner with the Standalls! Their reaction is so sweet!
"Does he make you happy?" "Yeah. A lot." AHDKWJWOAKDUWLAOEL I mean after everything that has happened to Alex, man I am so happy he can say that with a fond smile.
Wow Ani you do karaoke good, asking Jess out even better.
OH MY GOD IT ESCALATED. Also Alex is right that one is creepy Charlie.
I thought by special doughnut Caleb means some diet-related stuff fit to Tony's menu for fighting. Why didn't I expect a literal Will You Go To Prom doughnuts?
CHARLIE PLEASE STOP AHAHAHAHA you dumb rich kid where did you get all those lamps and prop candles.
"Would you love me any less?" Aww Clay knows Justin loves him.
"You three all look adorable" Ya Jess, same.
Tony really out there doing the "I'm here because he's here" to Caleb.
Clay, Alex, and Charlie be like judging Zach hard.
Oh right that one kid from Cyrus's gang is gay and he brought his boyfriend!
Zach: You two sitting here like it's a funeral. Also Zach: *proceeds to continue sitting as well*
"We deserve to live." Finally something from Zach's mouth that I can agree for this season.
I love that Tony and Caleb are such good friends to Clay.
And now it's Winston turn for dead people hallucination.
..... The door to the other side again.. :'''((
CHARLIE AND ALEX WON THE PROM KINGS AAAAAAHHHHHH I mean with all those extra efforts, it'd be hard to not to. And there goes Alex finally giving in to dance.
I don't like Luke the football guy when he's the enemy but I like him when he's a friend. He's a hype man lmao.
Alex I'm so happy for you man. I'm glad you are finally happy. My heart was tight at the dance part .
Everyone: *dances* Clay: *sits there, monologuing philosophically*
I like that Clay and Ani finally being honest that they don't fit each other romantically. As romance goes there is not much romantic tension between them. And they have way too many flawed traits that when paired, would turn the relationship sour and possibly toxic in the end.
Justin do u like to show up and make everyone step aside for you or what.
I like that Clay was just watching from a distance. Then at last minute decided to join the crowd with his mother, whom he had a few trust issues with in all seasons.
Charlie: "Foundry's gay?!" Alex: "Mind's blown" Me: Same.
There has been nothing wrong going on in one episode, aside from the Zach one that's timely stopped by Charlie and Alex. I'm suspicious.
Ah. Yes. Of course.
Oh my god Justin's the one dead huh?
Oh thank God he hasn't died. Yet.
Oh God Justin no. No no no.
Get your shit together Zach. Even Charlie tells you that.
No no no not like this not after everything oh god.
Somebody would you actually please run after Clay too.
Oh my god Clay.
Oh my god Alex you. Even when he admits it to Winston, he still covers for Jess. I- oh god.
It's been only 15 minutes and it hurts.
Charlie and Alex, the moms of the group.
You know, for a guy who says he doesn't love Justin, Alex gives a lot of shit about him. I guess you can still be around people you don't like?
I know the kiss is huge news Charlie but that's not the issue here lmao.
Zach: *hugs Clay* Clay: ????? Alex and Charlie: ?????? Zach: *pats Tyler's head* *leans on Clay*
The Padillas :''')
Clay Jensen. Class speaker. Wow.
Yeah Mr. CSI's voice is really calm, rather chilling, actually.
"You've looked at death too many times for a young person." Damn right Mr. Jensen.
Ah so that's the reason why Zach stole that letter. Makes sense, emotionally.
You know, I did say Idc anymore about Justin/Jessica problems but when it gets to this point, I can't not care.
So many people come to the hospital...
Clay and Justin's talk. I'm sorry I can't hold it in anymore. I'm fucking sobbing at this moment.
He's dead. He's dead. He's dead just like his mom. But he died not in the same way. He died holding his bro's hand. He died surrounded by his family. He died with people who loved him around.
"After everything, this is how it ends." Fucck
DID HE HAVE TO DIE??? DID JUSTIN FOLEY-JENSEN HAVE TO DIE?? Did you really have to put yet another sucker punch in the last episode of the season?? Yeah I know real kids and people do die from AIDS but really? After a whole season of Clay screaming kids wants to live to the point he lost his mind???
I spent the entire funeral screen crying. I couldn't even scream again when Scott is present in the funeral. I know he'd be there but god I can't right now.
Mr. CSI sure knows super effective ways to make Clay react.
"If Justin's dead, the none of the rest of it matters. " Clay..
He opens up.
Oh yeah I forgot Charlie is a junior.
SCOTTTTT!!!!!! And CHLOE TOO!! It’s nice that they come together. But they aren’t like, together, right? I mean if he is her boyfriend she would say his name right away to Zach instead of a mere ‘would you like to meet him? He’s outside.’
These 4 are such good friends to attend their friends’ graduation ceremony.
The punk guys in toga are so... Refreshing to look. Such hype men.
"It's easy to hate. It's easy to fear. It's goddamn hard to love. But it's not optional. It's essential." Jessica Davis, everybody.
Jeff, Hannah and Justin really died in the span of 2 years. Add to that is Bryce and Monty, whose deaths left uncountable traumas on top of existing traumas. Yeah. It was hellish time.
Scott’s proud small smile when Clay gives his speech. Im love.
"Choose to live. Even on the worst day, life is a pretty spectacular thing." Clay Jensen, everybody.
Ma boi Zach really teared up at Clay's speech. 
Luke and one of the punk kids talking about some geek thing I am not familiar with I-
“No offense Luke. You’ve got great arm but you haven’t been known for your brain.” PETER That BURNS LMAO
Poor Winston just being alone. OH HELLO RYAN YOU ARE FAST.
Zach is gonna study music! Nice foreshadowing since he plays a lot of music this season.
Clay having a gratitude moment with his parents and Scott be like munching cupcakes in the background.
Oh god Hannah ...
Wow the old tape gang is here!! The nostalgia hurts.
They bury the tapes on the same hill again asdfwosaiofai.
Kinda salty Sheri and Scott aren’t here. But then again I guess back then Scott was just helping Clay and co when he could and mostly minding his own business. HOWEVER isn’t Sheri like in the tape and pretty prominent too :(( Like she was really cool with Clay (despite the whole guilt over Jeff), tried to make amends and really helped with the polaroid cases.
Also you can't just insert Scott in Clay's dream and then not have them interact in the end. The dream was such a perfect bait. Like we know at least they apparently get along well.
Everything in Jessica’s final conversation with her Bryce hallucination. Everything in it.
Ryan: “Gordon Lightfoot?” Ha Ryan you miss a whole lot of drama.
Fuck I'm tearing up again at Justin's essay. He deadass makes an entire essay about Clay and how he is his savior I- 
Oh my god they end it exactly like S1 with Tony and Clay riding away. They are really each other’s ride or die.
That’s it. It’s over. It’s been a long trainwreck. So the 2019 class graduates, so does Justin, they are doing uni right now and keeping in touch with everyone. Bye.
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The Goldfinch movie.
7 min 26 secs in : Why the fuck did they start the movie like that. Why didn't the explosion take place? Theo's mom's apartment? His anxiety? Also.. why do they keep cutting the scenes abruptly? They ain't tweets... No limit.. then??
8 min 2 sec in : Okay they went to the apartment. Audrey's sweater deserved more screen time. The lipstain on the mug in focus *chef's kiss* poetic cinema!
9 min 19 sec in : Do you see what I see? Tom Cable's face has a stark resemblance to Boris's face. Did Theo have a crush on him?
9 min 54 sec in : Mr Barbour's hand is shaking. I like that they put it in there. He was sick. Nice. (I'd imagined Audrey's apartment building entrance like they showed the Barbour's apartment building entrance. Wild.)
11 min 8 sec in : Don't shove it into his face that y'all are fancy okay? He's not used to that life style. He didn't have maids making his bed. ARE YOU GIVING HIM DRUGS, MRS BARBOUR? But you just glared at your husband for offering him the same sort of thing?? Oh God. Poor child. "it's perfectly understandable" my ass. You gave him meds just because your sleep was getting affected.
14 min 39 sec : Woah woah woah Theo wtf you're so smol how'd you do that? Also... Again. The frame of Theo and Tom standing close and Theo and Boris standing close when they kissed, Theo is wearing the same damn sweater.
16 min 58 sec in : Ayyyy Jeffery Wright!
20 min 33 sec in : "He drank a lot", Theo about his dad. Honey just wait up, you will too. (The grilled sandwich and the cute lil smile 😍 also this is the first time since the movie started that Oakes' voice isn't deep.)
23 min 54 sec in : Wizard of Oz poster, I see you!
24 min 19 sec in : I love how Oakes is expressing being caught off guard. Theo knows he did something bad and every time he's dealing with something he didn't expect to deal with, he's like OMG THEY KNOW ABOUT THE PAINTING AND IM FUCKED even if no one knows.
25 min 1 sec in : The glasses made a difference. He went from mature to cute. Angry bird to angry birb.
25 min 44 sec in : Another sweater? Or was this THE sweater of Audrey? (Off topic but Oakes is hella cute. I could murder anyone who hurts him.)
29 min 9 sec in : Pippa doesn't remember or doesn't wanna remember? There was something in her eyes that was hard to read. Also, why doesn't anyone say 'I'm sorry about your mom' to Theo? Do Americans not care? It's weird to see no response when he tells people that Audrey is dead.
31 min 17 sec in : "The Goldfinch, destroyed"? Then why is Theo upset. Good riddance. Oh yeah. I know why. It's Donna Tartt we're talking about.
32 min 39 sec in : Hobie just casually predicting the future. "It's only fake if you pass it on as an original". Theo's like, "noted, gonna do exactly that".
34 min 16 sec in : Why does Theo write like a five year old child? That's toddler handwriting! And omg all the Andy-prom-dress memes are making sense now. (Also did I mention that Mrs Barbour seems more selfish in the film than she does in the book. Like hey I'm putting up with this kid because he helps my kid. He's serving a purpose for me. What the hell.) (How old is Andy anyway? He looks younger than Theo. I think he's different. Didn't grow up like other kids. That was mentioned in the book right?)
35 min 20 sec in : Ayyy Hobie's earring!
35 min 49 sec in : He shopped for himself? Nice! Didn't know kids could shop without adult supervision in the West. (Because they can't in the East.)
35 min 50 sec in : Ayyyy Sarah Paulson! Damn she's hot. How can you dislike her? *heart eyes*
37 min 30 sec in : I can't bring myself to hate Luke Wilson since Skeleton Twins but SHUT THE FUCK UP LARRY! AUDREY DESERVED BETTER. Look at how Larry and Xandra are looking at the place like they're vultures.
39 min 34 sec : They got the airport scene right. STOP GIVING HIM DRUGS WTH IS WRONG WITH THE ADULTS IN THIS MOVIE!
41 min 12 sec in : Ayyy Popper!!!!!
43 min 27 sec in : It just dawned on Theo that he's alone. Oh god. My poor baby.
45 min 12 sec in : Let me take this moment to say that Ashleigh Cummings is pretty. And I finally get why y'all were pissed at the non linear storyline and the weird voiceovers. Guess I'd been prepared for that so it didn't really suck that much.
49 min 30 sec in : I'd imagined Boreo reunion like the Platt Theo reunion. In the day. Dang it. Also... Adult Platt Barbour was not supposed to be good looking? In the book?
55 min 34 sec in : Without context, none of it could make sense. Apologies to whoever didn't read the book beforehand. Crowley fucked this up.
58 min in : Ayyyy Finn Wolfhard! BORIS IS HERE AND IM SO EXCITED IDK WHY
1 hour in : It's such a Boris thing to leave the bag unzipped.
1 hour 3 min 20 sec in : Slumdog Millionaire's Jai Ho (2008) is playing in the background. The only song that I've recognized so far. Wow. Lets me know about the time setting. Nice.
1 hr 3 min in : Someone gif " That cost twenty dollars!" *Stare* "That would have cost twenty dollars!"
1 hr 8 min in : So Boris's room is exactly like I had imagined but Theo's room isn't. Boris just mentioned Kotku though.
1 hr 9 min 14 sec in : Isn't it hella hot in Vegas? Why are they wearing sweaters? Or does drug intake make you more vulnerable to the environment?
1 hr 10 min 15 sec in : Xandra Theo argument : gold. "Cocktail sausages that you like." I wanna laugh in Crowley's face. What was he thinking?? Omg I'm dying.
1 hr 11 min 17 sec in : The slap sound didn't work??
1 hr 13 min 53 sec in : I like serious Boris better.
1 hr 14 min in : The slum house Audrey dream thing was not in the book. That's an entirely new addition.
1 hr 18 min 26 sec in : The Welty Theo scene is awesome. The sound effects work. I feel suffocated. The ambulance noise fiasco is also nicely pulled off. (also Theo's Yellow bag was dirty af then how did it get all clean when he didn't even do anything to it?)
1 hr 20 min 57 sec in : Shhhh Potter.
1 hr 22 min in : Holy shit he got slapped twice!! Ouch! And Larry's audacity to tell Theo to stop with the crying?? Good thing he died. Asshole.
1 hr 25 min in : "You don't tell me a lot of things but that's okay". I see what you did there, Boris. Which was of course, I love you.
1 hr 26 min in : "Act normal" - Theo knows his way around drugs pretty well, doesn't he?
1 hr 30 min in : "No family No friends" line punched me in the face. (Also awww popchik's excuse was the last resort for Boris to make Theo stay.)
1 hr 31 min 17 sec in : That pause after "What do you have to tell me?". You can clearly see Boris struggling to hold something back. Which was of course, I love you.
1 hr 31 min 34 sec in : What the fuck is that music? Oh heyyyyyy they kissed!-- he fucking runs away?? Also what kind of a kangaroo runs like that? (Yes, the taxi driver watched. I don't have to wonder anymore.) (They didn't address why he took the bus instead of flying?)
1 hr 33 min in : I didn't imagine Welty's room like that at all. Also why doesn't Hobie seem happy to see Theo again?
1 hr 35 min in : Longer stretches of one storyline are kinda bearable. From drugs in storage unit to waking up beside Kitsey. We got Vegas and Young Theo. Nice. (Also, who the heck puts jewelry in shoes? Is Theo that dumb? And now I can't think of anything else than Boris piercing his ear for the emerald earring. Tumblr has fucked it up bad.)
1 hr 43 min in : They nailed the Kitsey Theo confrontation.
1 hr 44 min in : Ayyy Ozma of Oz!
1 hr 48 min in : I noticed it before but I wasn't sure... Now I am. Pippa has Welty's ring. On her finger. At all times. (also, is NYC always that noisy? Must suck to walk on the roads.)
1 hr 52 min 23 sec in : They nailed the Theo Pippa date. What's that song playing in the background? I want the name. It's almost like two hours and I still haven't seen Aneurin Barnard once. Why! (Jerome's mentioned in the movie btw.)
1 hr 52 min 51 sec in : Complained too soon. Boris is sat in the dark doing god knows what. My man Aneurin is here!
1 hr 53 min 37 sec in : BOREO REUNIONNNNNN - no don't look at me like that I only watched it thrice.
1 hr 56 min in : Boris saying "it's someone else" with a knowing look and Theo looking at him. The frickin yearning.
1 hr 57 min in : Boris is like you're unhappy, I'm here, we're both rich, let's f*ck. "We could"... What are you suggesting dude he's repressed!
1 hr 58 min in : "you unwrapped it and showed it to me." So many meanings. The heart, the love the soul... Wow. Good for you, screen play writers! ( It's kinda hilarious how Boris got mad at Theo for never quote unquote fucking opening it.)
2 hr 1 min in : I'm calling it. They're going to fuck up the Theo Hobie confrontation. They put it on the wrong time. And they also fucked up the text from the book.
2 hr 5 min 48 sec in : Even Platt is saving his sister's face. Also where did Todd go? Did he never grow up? I wish Mrs Barbour didn't use Theo like she did.
2 hr 7 min in : The frame where Boris is between Kitsey and Theo. Chef's kiss.
2 hr 10 min 54 sec in : *intense music playing* Boris put his leg up on the table and I burst into laughter THOSE ARE THE FAMOUS FUCK ME PUMPS.
2 hr 11 min in : AAAAA THE FOREHEAD TOUCH AAAAAAA (Theo just knows without looking that Boris is close enough to touch? Theo are you sure you don't feel feelings for him?)
2 hr 12 min in : Theo is so worried that I'm not sure if it's for Boris or for losing the painting again. Omg he just murdered a man. Oh god.
2 hr 14 min in : Theo is spiralling. In the movie they imply that Hobie played a part in him attempting suicide. So wrong. Poor Hobie. In the book that wasn't the case.
2 hr 15 min in : The transition of the Goldfinch into Audrey, wow. Also, is it the first time we're seeing her? The movie started so long ago that I've forgotten if I saw Theo and Audrey in the museum. Boris following right after Audrey? That's a subliminal message. Boris is here to rescue y'all.
2 hr 16 min in : No shit Boris is freaking out right now.
2 hr 17 min in : The diner scene. They're both crying. "Happy Christmas, Potter" - which was of course, I love you.
2 hr 18 min in : No don't you dare compare Audrey and Mrs Barbour. Audrey would never drug her child or use him for her benefit.
2 hr 20 min in : Poor kid bumps into his mom lol. I found it funny.
On the whole
The movie was nice if you'd read the book beforehand. The first hour was steak, The second hour was Korean BBQ and the rest of the twenty minutes were minced beef. If you get what I mean. Weird analogy. It could have been much better. But it was really very nice in some places. Most places I'd say.
I didn't like how the pop songs ruined the mood of certain moments. I didn't like how you couldn't hear the conversation over the music playing. For example in the engagement party when Platt and Theo talked. Or in the diner scene.
Both Borises killed the accent thing. They tried their best. Cut them some slack.
Oakes deserves an Oscar for holding up this movie on his smol shoulders. I was shook at how a kid could act that well.
Popchik deserved more screen time. I'm still pissed they didn't add the Popchik Boris reunion. But then they couldn't make it chronological, what were we supposed to expect anyway.
Ansel Elgort y'all. Theo sure improved his handwriting lol. Ansel's writing is nice. He was actually good in this movie. Better than he was in The Fault In Our Stars. The internet is just mean. The critics too. I will never understand the hate.
All in all, it could have been a better adaptation but it didn't suck as bad as everyone made it out to be. John Clownery should be punished nonetheless. Special shout-out to Roger Deakins for making it work.
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toonqueen · 5 years
It's 9 am time for dark Warner sibling thoughts
First let's roughly establish:
-The warner siblings locked in the tower takes place in the same universe as Roger Rabbit.
-Tiny Toons, though not interacting with non animated  humans, takes place in the same universe as well. It does have the same fourth wall break that toons are actors since they're going to school for it.
-Bonkers and House of Mouse also exists in this universe but that's a detail I won't get to today.
This is written without doing research, just based on my memories of eps so things may be off. Woo.
Main plot  of the Warner siblings is that they were too wacky probably didn't fall in line to act to produce shows, pranked everyone, so they were locked up in the studio water tower. FROM LIKE THE 30'S TO THE 90'S JAYSUS. Though I believe there were some flashback eps where they broke out in the past. Lets roughly say from the 70s to 90s it had been completely silent in that tower. And that's kinda creepy.
BECAUSE TINY TOONS establishes toons can fade away if they are forgotten. There was an ep where Babs was looking for a female mentor. She finds old black and while films of a forgotten 1930s lady toon  that no longer exists cuz I remember it is stated that she faded away because she was forgotten. There was also an ep where the Dodo bird was captured by a villain and started to fade because while imprisoned he couldn't be wacky so he was literally fading away.
So did the human WB studios get so annoyed with the Warner siblings they locked them away to disappear- pretty much the toon form of a death sentence? Damnnnn. But then, they don't lock them away in some vault in the basement. No, they lock them away in a water tower that is seeable from  anywhere on a studio lot. Why?
TO SERVE AS AN EXAMPLE TO OTHER TOONS. To be a threat if you don't stay in line and make us money you can suffer this same fate of not being seen by humans and forgotten and then fade away. 
Anyways this next part was written late at night due to too much caffeine: 
Now let's get back to Tiny Toons for a moment. What I remember from the ep that covered the kids and school origin was some animator had made some of the Tiny Toon’s villains first but they did not like the show premise he pushed or something? Anyways, he creates Babs and Buster bunny with Bugs bunny in mind. (No relation, all three of them. ha.) He creates the other kiddo versions of Loony Toons? GOD REMEMBERING THIS IS LIKE A FRIKKING ACID TRIP. Anyways, the kids make a ruckus? Bugs and maybe Daffy show up? Bugs just makes the University that the kids can go do. Like I bet he literally just painted it on a map and then it exists like the freaking elder god level powers well known toons have like DAMN. So thats how that all went down in show. 
Now my headcanon is that Daffy probably at first didn’t want to go along with this whole, ‘lets have this school for these new kid aged toons and be their teachers and we’re kinda responsible for them now.” lol since Babs and Buster was made with Bugs in mind, Daffy can make the side comment of something like, “Why am I responsible for your accident babies?”  Now the funny answer Bugs can give is something like, “Well there’s a duck that there too that has your eyes.” the more serious answer Bugs can give if he is irritated that Daffy is being difficult about helping is, “We don’t want another water tower incident.”
Because OH DAMN Bugs and Daffy would have been created around the same time as the Warner siblings were. And here’s the thing. Most toons are ‘created’ being adults just already. Some could argue the Warners were children. Hyperactive children with all the sorta powerful abilities that all toons have. Then they were expected to behave and make shows that were watchible to make the studio money and instead were just locked away. THATS SOME MESSED UP SHIT YO. 
So canonly Bugs made the school and headcanon he did it so the same thing that happened to the Warners wouldn’t happen to this new group of kids toons. Okay. Y’all still with me?
Okay, BACK TO THAT EPISODE where Babs finds out there is a lost female toon that would be a great mentor for her. What I remember once she saw the old reels of this toon’s stuff and found out of someone is forgotten the disappear. Just here seeing the vids doesn’t bring back this toon though.  She went to Bugs I think asking for the lost cartoons to be shown in class or something. And I remember Bugs being a HUGE jerk about it. Not helping Babs showing the cartoons. Like cold about it. Like DAMN BUGS. Anyways Babs rents? Builds? A movie theater herself and shows the cartoons. It then surprisingly brings back the lost toon in question so YAY. 
Now I don’t remember why canonly why Bugs was a dick in this episode but here is my headcanon. What if toons (At least WB toons) were lead to believe that only real humans believing in them lead to them not being forgotten and disappearing. What if this thing Babs did was a new discovery that TOONS not forgetting other TOONS could still keep them from disappearing. Bugs and Daffy would share a knowing look at this new information. One of them jokingly says, “I wonder if the Mouse knows about this.”
See something else is going down at Disney but I’m not getting into that now. Woooo.
Now let's assume soon after this incident is when the Warner siblings start getting active again, since their whole show was about them breaking out of the tower in now modern times after being locked away there for 50 years. Let's say that theater Babs made/used then started regularly showing old cartoons. Purposefully. Like a conspiracy to get faded out toons back real again. *cue X-files theme.*
Okay now the kids are back… mysteriously. The real human studio seems to have given up on having them be erased from memory and well, what was done in the 1930’s isn’t acceptable now so like they get that Dr. Scratch and Sniff to therapy them into good behavior??!?!?
Meanwhile while that's going on canonly I’m betting that Bugs, Daffy, and main Looney Toons crew are planning a Oceans 11 style heist to actually get the siblings out of there and to ToonTown/Acme Acres. Now they know they’d be in big trouble of the human studio knew they were behind this so they would go one step further and take the kids to Wackyland. Because while ToonTown in Roger Rabbit seemed like a place humans could go, I always got a vibe that Wackyland is this one step forward that no real human has ever stepped foot in so GOOD LUCK. 
Anyways I’m sure their plan would work. I TOLD MYSELF I WAS NOT GOING TO LOOK UP ANYTHING WHEN WRITING THIS BUT I HAD TO CHECK SOMETHING. Daffy was created in 1937 and Bugs was 1940 so even though Bugs is the brains of the operation and the more popular one and has better skills Bugs needs Daffy to make first contact with the Warners because Daffy was the only one that had known them before the whole water tower lock away incident. Like he is the one that has to be, “Hello Fellow kids, how about you -uh come with us.”
Once everything goes right and blows over they would either introduce the Warners to the school OR have them stay in Wackyland and ‘homeschool’ them.
Also rewind there are two things that could have gone on with the Warner siblings in the tower. A: They were around the whole time from 1930 to 1990 and did not fade away because they had each other. Since they didn’t have much exposure to the real world they still are toons that are kids. Or B: They had faded away for decades, came back because a duck and bunny plotted to have their shows shown to new toon crowds. <_< They came back but have no really emotional scarring from it because they don’t remember it.
But okay Yakko always gave me this strange- offness sometimes, in the show. He’s the oldest sibling of course so the only one out of three that seems to sometimes make mature decisions. I mean, as much as these three can. 
NOW IN THAT CANON BABS EP with her finding a mentor, get this- I remember from that old cartoon the toon that disappeared was from her male counterpart in the show was still around. Had not completely disappeared yet?!?!
What if- what if Wakko and Dot had disappeared in that long period in the tower but Yakko, being the oldest and still vaguely remembered, was all alone on that tower for decades. SHIT DAMN FFFFFF.  He seems completely okay but like, Bugs or Daffy pick up that something is off? Like hey kiddo, everything okay? Man I think Yakko is so elated and happy his siblings are back he doesn’t even realize he might have some bad feels.
I don’t know where I was going with this its time for bed. Bleh. 
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the-family-fortune · 4 years
So last night I asked my server for suggestions on the Galochio fic I’m working on. They were very helpful.
DaisyYesterday at 11:38 PM
how do u get rid of the main villain of a story............ without actually getting rid of them in any effective way?? like i dont want to be "and then he walked away and was never a problem again" because. thats dumb. but i need something to that effect.
Theo || teddy assigned mormonYesterday at 11:38 PM
u could kill him off
Sabrina || chasergirlYesterday at 11:40 PM
I need a little bit more information regarding plot before I can be of any help I think
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:42 PM
distract him with something else entirely?
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:42 PM
family emergency
turtleYesterday at 11:42 PM
Had a doctor’s appointment
SJ || gay theatre kidYesterday at 11:42 PM
eat him
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:42 PM
he gets sick and has to take a break
turtleYesterday at 11:42 PM
His magic fucked up and went to another dimension
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:43 PM
job pulls him to the complete opposite side of the world
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:43 PM
he took a cruise
turtleYesterday at 11:43 PM
He wanted a vacation
SJ || gay theatre kidYesterday at 11:43 PM
send him to brazil
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:43 PM
got a new phone and lost the protag's cell number
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:43 PM
he broke his teeth and needs to get that shit fixed cuz goddamn
DaisyYesterday at 11:44 PM
im SO glad i didnt give enough context in the first one these are all SUPERB. i did think abt killing him off in the final confrontation but i really dont want this 9 year old murdering her grandpa gjkfds. it COULD be an accident because his powers are big and unstable. 
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:44 PM
mild heart attack puts him out of commission for a while
Theo || teddy assigned mormonYesterday at 11:44 PM
goes to antarctica
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:44 PM
DaisyYesterday at 11:44 PM
Theo || teddy assigned mormonYesterday at 11:45 PM
electrocution fucks up
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:45 PM
Theo || teddy assigned mormonYesterday at 11:45 PM
he gets killed
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:45 PM
but he gets better
Theo || teddy assigned mormonYesterday at 11:45 PM
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:45 PM
maybe the electrocution backfires and makes him bedridden for the rest of his life
Theo || teddy assigned mormonYesterday at 11:45 PM
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:45 PM
if he wants
DaisyYesterday at 11:45 PM
he gets killed, but he gets better.........
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:45 PM
it happens
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:45 PM
"better" means "more haunted"
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:46 PM
thank you
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:46 PM
ye I gotchu
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:46 PM
grandpa piss ghost
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:46 PM
send him to the moon
DaisyYesterday at 11:46 PM
he IS Like. ancient. he's ALREADY missing one leg. it would not take much to put him out of commission, but also he's a cockroach.
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:47 PM
dont send him to the moon....
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:47 PM
honestly the first thing that came to mind was despicable me
when they sent fucking vector to the moon
DaisyYesterday at 11:47 PM
portal 2 for me
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:47 PM
moons getting crowded
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:47 PM
how many antagonists have gotten stuck on the moon? holy shit?
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:48 PM
Usagi the moon bunny has a prison for antagonists
SmolMuffinYesterday at 11:48 PM
Alright gonna write a massive crossover of villains on the moon/j
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:48 PM
maybe just... make him cry and have a breakdown or something idk
he cant do shit if he's in bed all day like me
SmolMuffinYesterday at 11:49 PM
Also for a idea im not too sure
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:49 PM
he can cry on moontarctica
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:49 PM
Daisy if this is your psy oc I think you can get pretty absurd with it
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:49 PM
the moon: now with snow
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:49 PM
cold moon.....
that's how they keep the cheese fresh
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:50 PM
maybe just smack him with a newspaper
or pour concrete on him just leave his head above the surface or smth
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:50 PM
y'all are on the moon, meanwhile I've got him forever bedridden like Charlie Bucket's grandparents
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:50 PM
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:51 PM
except grandpa Joe I mean
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:51 PM
dude what if like some sort of freak accident happens that just fucking snipes him and makes him useless
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:51 PM
that bed? It's on the moon now
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:51 PM
oh to be an old lady and sleep on the moon...
DaisyYesterday at 11:51 PM
it is the psy OC!!! her grandpa SUCKS and he's genuinely the worst person ive ever written and he wont!! DIE!!!
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:52 PM
oh.... oh my god..... to be Wallace from the Wallace and gromit go to the moon and have cheese and crackers.
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:52 PM
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:53 PM
maybe you can send him on a wild goose chase
for forever
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:53 PM
daisy heres what you do ok. you uhhhhh wait for him to die of old age naturally and see what his will says in an exciting will-reading scene
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:53 PM
just continuously give him red herrings
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:53 PM
imagine I put quotes around exciting
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:53 PM
give this man a macguffin, slap him on the back and say "go get em"
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:53 PM
red herrings? Why not a very fun destination???
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:54 PM
dude sell his soul to whatever sort of dark power there is for a single corn chip
bonk him on the head so hard he becomes a toddler again
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:54 PM
what's that app that sends you on adventures based on what you wanna find?
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:54 PM
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:54 PM
bonk him on the head in general
aye i've done those before those are fun
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:55 PM
Pokemon go??
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:55 PM
not geocache but close
hang on I saw a vid of it recently
Sabrina || chasergirlYesterday at 11:55 PM
I mean... if you just have them be fidgety about it for a while... there doesn’t necessarily need to be an explanation now that I think about it
A lot of things could happen to him once he’s out of their sight that they might not end up hearing about
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:56 PM
send him to the mariana trench
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:56 PM
he steps away and gets hit by a bus a la Mean Girls
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:56 PM
all of the above
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:57 PM
theres a bus in  the mariana trench?
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:57 PM
theres about to be
Sabrina || chasergirlYesterday at 11:57 PM
Pfft... he starts to walk away and quartermaster shows up, hitting him with the bus, and just turns to the kids and goes “bus is here”
DaisyYesterday at 11:57 PM
the most ambitious crossover of all time....
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:57 PM
snipe him so fucking hard that theres a crossover
dude just take his knees
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:57 PM
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Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:57 PM
like just take them off
un-velcro his knees
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:58 PM
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:58 PM
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:58 PM
bus in the trench
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:58 PM
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:58 PM
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:58 PM
DaisyYesterday at 11:58 PM
well "bus in the mariana trench'' has clearly already been done >:T
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:58 PM
damn yeah
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:58 PM
make it a mack truck
DaisyYesterday at 11:58 PM
nothings original these days
Lays || trenchbus driverYesterday at 11:59 PM
original trench vehicle do not steal
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaYesterday at 11:59 PM
give him a "mid-life" crisis and make him go soul searching or something
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Yesterday at 11:59 PM
exactly! you can use mariana trench bus
Sabrina || chasergirlYesterday at 11:59 PM
Ok, but back to serious answers: they could possibly read in the newspaper about him being arrested for something seemingly unrelated but that they and the readers may be able to connect the dots to some sinister thing he was attempting to do to them somehow?
Theo || teddy assigned mormonYesterday at 11:59 PM
he gets sniped byh miss frizzle eastAugust 17, 2020
DaisyToday at 12:00 AM
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Today at 12:00 AM
let him realize that the most important lesson here is friendship
DaisyToday at 12:00 AM
im so fucking stupid
Lays || trenchbus driverToday at 12:00 AM
friendship saves the day....
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaToday at 12:00 AM
theres only one braincell in this server its okay we're all just taking turns with it
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Today at 12:00 AM
Sabrina || chasergirlToday at 12:00 AM
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Today at 12:00 AM
Lays || trenchbus driverToday at 12:01 AM
FBI stands for Friendship Bureau of Investigation
DaisyToday at 12:01 AM
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Today at 12:01 AM
Lays || trenchbus driverToday at 12:01 AM
Sabrina || chasergirlToday at 12:01 AM
“How do I eliminate this character being pursued by the fbi?” “My first option is to have him be murdered by children but I’d prefer not to have to resort to that”
I love it
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Today at 12:01 AM
we all out here trying to play cabin in the woods with this old man
DaisyToday at 12:02 AM
never once did i claim to be clever
Lays || trenchbus driverToday at 12:02 AM
and he would've gotten away with it too if it wasnt for this meddling government agency
Lays || trenchbus driverToday at 12:03 AM
thus ends the saga of grandpa piss
DaisyToday at 12:03 AM
i am going to CRY this has been an adventure holy SHIT
Lays || trenchbus driverToday at 12:04 AM
he sure did go a lot of places
spry old fucker
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Today at 12:04 AM
I wonder how many trench buses he had to wait for
DaisyToday at 12:04 AM
you'd think at like 89 with one good leg he wouldn't get around as much but here we are
Laamb || campkeeper 👻Today at 12:05 AM
he was probably rolling around in that bed 8T
Lays || trenchbus driverToday at 12:05 AM
you can go anywhere with a bus pass and a sense of adventure
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaToday at 12:05 AM
can we make that zero good legs? i have a nice crowbar right here i can use
DaisyToday at 12:05 AM
Blaze || not-quite-cocoaToday at 12:05 AM
im gonna put this man in a walmart scooter
kiss your knees goodbye
Lays || trenchbus driverToday at 12:06 AM
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(dont stop tho he has more trenchbuses to get hit by)
Theo || teddy assigned mormonToday at 12:08 AM
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xopheliasunflowerx · 5 years
100 prompts list!
1. “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.” (You choose if it’s serious or in a joking way.)
2. “If I see you anywhere near her/him, I’ll drown you in the river.”
3. “H-How long have you been standing there for?”
4. “I think I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified.” ✔️
5. “When are you gonna realise I don’t care?”
6. “Who the fuck gave you that black eye?!”
7. “Oh, god! You’ve insulted me! What ever shall I do? I’ll be mentally and emotionally scarred for years!”
8. “Don’t say you love me.”
9. “It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong.”
10. “Why’d you push me against the wall?” ✔️
11. “Oh, I’m sorry, is the sound of winning too loud for you?”
12. “I never met an criminal before, what’s your cool code name?” ✔️
13. “Have we robbed this bank before? I feel like we have.” ✔️
14. “Serving looks is what I do, honey.”
15. “Looking at you makes me want to strive for better things.”
16. “Aww, look who actually has a heart under the darkness.” ✔️
17. “Was that a compliment or?”
18. “Just fucking take the damn compliment before I tell (their best friend/enemy).”
19. “I think we need an adult, but a better one than all of us.”
20. “I just lied to a guard, am I bad ass or what.”
21. “I don’t think an axe is sharp enough.”
22. “We have talked about this before, no murder before supper, it’s rude manners.”
23. “You’re giving me that sexy look again.”
24. “Living with you drama queens is like having my own personal reality TV show.”
25. “You piss me off, I sometimes wanna kill you but I’m in love with you.”
26. “You’re just easy.”
27. “We’re not the Kardashians.”
28. “I fucking hate you! Stop looking at me all sexy.”
29. “The king has declared there shall be chocolate for everyone!”
30. “Don’t say you love me.”
31. “Name, please. Oh why? Well I’m gonna hung that fucker down an kill’em myself. Duh.”
32. “Always.”
33. “Kiss my ass.”
34. “What did you say?”
35. “Don’t ask me that.”
36. “I told you not to fall in love with me.”
37. “Did you just throw underwear at the lounge?”
38. “I’m not actually feeling anything. But I can hear your annoyingness.”
39. “Do you want me to leave?”
40. “That’s the problem. I can’t, I can’t wipe your tears through the damn phone screen.” ✔️
41. “You think you’re the boss of me just because you’re hot?” ✔️
42. “Bite me.” ✔️
43. “Did you mean the things you said?”
44. “Never gonna happen.”
45. “Why is my shirt pink?”
46. “I want to be there with you.”
47. “If you turn your back on me again, you better be bending over.”
48. “You’re a hell of a tease.” ✔️
49. “Is that a boner?”
50. “What’s the latest gossip? I’ve been dead/busy/in prison remember.”
51. “Stop. Do not let anyone, ever, tell you that you are not good enough. Pick yourself up and tell them to shut the fuck up. Prove them wrong.”✔️
52. “Wanna go on a murder spree?”
53. “Who did I need to kill?”
54. “I’ve got you, I’m here.”
55. “Quit saying you’re bored, or I’ll find a way to entertain you.” ✔️
56. “Hey you won an award. Yeah, for literally being the most annoying person on the planet.”
57. “Nothing bad is gonna happen, alright?”
58. “Truthfully, I have no idea what’s going on. Like ever.”
59. “Where’s the pizza?”
60. “Who died and made you a mini me?”
61. “Do you love me?”
62. “I needed you and you weren’t here.” ✔️
63. “I brought popcorn.”
64. “You make me self-destructive.”
65. “Why can’t you just let someone care about you.”
66. “That’s too much effort.”
67. “I see you hiding behind the couch.”
68. “You better shut the fuck up before I make you.”
69. “Kinky.”
71. “I’m a psychopath making a difference!”
72. “So you’re saying that you want me, a villain, to hell you catch another villain? That makes no sense.”
74. “Are you crying? Holy shit, I didn’t know that goldfish meant so much to you.”
75. “Let go of my fucking shirt, unless you plan on taking it off.”
76. “Your hair is really soft are you wash it.”
77. “No shit Sherlock.”
78. “Would it be alright if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
79. “I think I love you.”
80. “Shush and go back to bed.”
81. “Don’t be silly. I want to stay up with you.”
82. “You’re so short, it’s adorable.”
83. “You’re so tall, it’s fucking annoying.”
85. “Star-gazing was a really great idea.”
86. “I heard you talking in your sleep.”
87. “Can you please come and get me?” ✔️
88. “Because I care about you!”
89. “That’s because I am.”
90. “Stop telling me you’re okay.”
91. “I could just use a hug.”
92. “Did you eat all of my pop tarts again?”
93. “Backseats aren’t as comfortable as the movies make them out to be.”
94. “Hey, whose side you on here?”
95. “We could... you know, go together if you want.”
96. “You deserved that.”
97. “Stop perverting me.”
98. “You look hot in that.”
99. “Trust me, I know exactly what I’m doing. Mostly.”
100. “So, I found this waterfall...”
Feel free to request!
(I updated it because the ticks are the ones that has been asked to write.)
246 notes · View notes
andavs · 6 years
I wish you’d write a fic where... Laura plays matchmaker for Derek and Stiles!
The car rolled to a stop outside of the fanciest restaurant in town and Derek sighed instinctively. He turned to his sister behind the wheel, who was severely underdressed for this place, and said,
“Laura, I asked you to stop doing this.”
She smiled guiltily—actually guiltily, so at least she really felt bad about this time.
“I know, and I promise I wouldn’t have set this up if I didn’t think you two would hit it off. But—”
Derek rolled his eyes. “You said that about Marcus.” Laura nodded, accepting the blame. “And Rose. And Trevor. And—”
“I get it!” she interrupted. “I’ve misjudged, but I’ve taken all that feedback you gave me—loudly and with a lot of swearing—and I’ve really gotten to know this guy! I did background checks and everything!”
“Those online background checks aren’t as accurate as you think.” Derek should know; two of his exes were squeaky clean according to those checks…right up until the assault and attempted arson and all of the organized crime.
“I know, I remember, and don’t worry about it. That won’t be an issue with this one.” She grinned. “He had impeccable references.”
That was a new one.
“You called references?”
“I talked to every single one of his coworkers, and a smattering of his Facebook friends, particularly ones from high school he doesn’t seem to talk to anymore.” She shrugged at Derek’s raised eyebrow. “If they don’t talk to him anymore, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t for a crazy reason.”
He had to admit, that was reassuring, if only minorly.
She smiled softly. “Trust me, Derek. I wouldn’t put you through this if I didn’t really think it would work.”
Derek held back his kneejerk response of, then why didn’t you just introduce us at a friendly brunch like a normal person, and returned her smile. Somewhat.
“If he sucks, I’m never talking to you ever again,” he said, and got out of the car before she could respond. He didn’t look back either, because she was probably watching him with a wistful smile on her face like a mom sending her child off to their first day of school.
A doorman led him through the formal lobby into the restaurant and up to the host, who greeted him warmly from behind his podium.
“Derek Hale.”
The host ran his finger down the handwritten ledger and checked his name off with a perfect checkmark. There was another name written next to his, but he couldn’t read the loopy, old fashioned cursive upside down, and it felt odd to ask who his date was.
He was led through the dimly lit restaurant to a booth on the back wall. It was out of the way of server traffic to the kitchen, a little secluded with the high backs of the booths, and every table was lit with a calmly flickering candle. It was the perfect place for a cozy, romantic date. Laura knew what she was doing.
With nothing else to do and feeling uncomfortable about it, he glanced around the dim restaurant at the other diners. Most were nicely dressed couples, a few larger booths were clearly business meetings, there seemed to be a teenage girl’s birthday dinner happening in a private room behind closed french doors. It was crowded but not very loud; no one talked above a civil indoor voice, and even the small quartet playing in the corner kept it down.
This was really not his type of place.
He turned his attention to the menu to keep from obsessively watching the door for whoever he was meeting.
The menus were hefty, hardback books that only had two pages; one dish for each type of meat and a vegetarian option. It was all in French, which Derek could speak, but that wasn’t always a good sign on a menu in America.
(There was a tiny part of his paranoid brain wondering if it was all part of Laura’s plan. She was definitely the type to think that translating the menu for a date was adorable.)
“Oh god,” a familiar voice said, and when Derek looked up to see who it was, he dropped his menu onto his plates—three, stacked neatly—with a clatter.
A few of the surrounding tables glanced back at the minor commotion, which might as well have been a scream in the calm and hushed atmosphere of the restaurant, but Derek couldn’t bring himself to care, because Deputy Stilinski was coming towards his table with purpose. Not about to arrest you purpose, not in that well fitting suit. But with I had no idea you were my date and I’m not happy about it purpose.
Derek could relate.
“No,” he said. It was the only word that made it through the hailstorm of panic, anger, and cursing that was thundering through his brain.
All of Laura’s background checks, her reference calling, the supposedly in-depth conversations they had—had she never once mentioned Derek’s full name? Anything about him at all?
She never thought to check if the man she was trying to set her brother up with—the man she claimed was perfect for him in every way—was his own dickhead neighbor who he had regular shouting matches with ever since Derek moved in three months ago?
Stiles Stilinski of apartment 7C was a dick of the highest order who abused his power as a deputy pretty much every day. He pounded on their neighbors’ doors with his badge and threatened to arrest them for disturbing the peace if they weren’t dead silent at all hours; Derek stole “his” (unassigned) parking space and the next day got a parking ticket for a meter expired by two seconds (three times); he’d accused a number of people of stealing his mail and threatened to press charges once he proved it (he never did), and when one guy set his trash bag against the dumpster instead of in it, Stiles got him fined for $50 and yelled at him about it.
This was who Laura thought he was perfect for?
Deputy Stilinski, who just that morning, had almost hit Derek’s Camaro in the parking lot as he got home from his night shift, just as Derek was backing out to go to work. Their angry yelling had woken every resident with a lot-facing window, and someone on the fourth floor had thrown a very brown banana down at them.
Derek had escaped while Stiles was threatening to arrest whoever threw it.
“Laura Hale,” Stiles muttered, connecting the dots as he dropped into the seat across the table. “Of course—of course, the eyebrows.”
Derek scowled, and Stiles waved a hand at him like he was proving his point, which soured his mood even further.
It was unfortunate that Stiles was such an ass, because he really did look great in his suit.
“Your sister is something else, you know that?” he griped, shaking out his napkin and putting it in his lap.
“Couldn’t agree more.”
“At least there’s one thing we agree on.” Stiles craned his neck, squinting out at the dimly lit restaurant. “How do we get booze in here, I don’t want to be sober right now.”
“Laura paid for a bottle of wine.” Derek offered, taking it out of the fancy bucket of ice standing next to their table and Stiles accepted his offer by holding out his wine glass. “Say when,” Derek said drily, and Stiles said nothing until the glass was dangerously close to overflowing.
Yeah, that pretty much summed up the evening already.
Neither of them was particularly interested in attempting a conversation, so Stiles opened his menu and after his eyes roamed around briefly, he frowned.
He didn’t speak French.
Derek hid his smirk behind his own menu. Normally, he would’ve offered to translate anything, but he really just wanted to watch the dickhead struggle.
Their server, Michael, returned shortly after to break the awkward tension. Judging by his sympathetic expression, and the way his eyes lingered on Stiles’ near-overflowing wine glass, he knew this date wasn’t going well and did his best to bring up the mood, but there was no saving it.
He guided Stiles through the menu, answering his exhaustive questions about different dishes, and then smiled gratefully when Derek ordered his own meal with perfect French pronunciation.
When Michael left the table with their menus, Stiles was scowling at Derek.
“You speak French.”
Derek shrugged. “A little.”
Stiles narrowed his eyes and took a long sip of his wine.
A tiny part of Derek hoped he’d choke on it.
“What’s your problem with me, anyway?” he couldn’t help asking, and in answer to his prayers, Stiles actually did choke on his wine a little bit and coughed.
“My problem? You’re the one who’s such a dick to me all the time!”
“Because you’re a dick to everyone.” At Stiles’ scoff, Derek frowned. “You threatened to arrest one of our neighbors this morning.” Shouted it up to him on the fourth floor from the parking lot, in front of everyone.
“Because he was dropping shit from four floors up! That’s high enough to hurt someone, or cause property damage if it hits a car!”
Derek rolled his eyes at the weak excuse. “It was an old banana.”
“The point still stands!”
“You threatened to arrest Sheila because her tea kettle was too loud.”
“If she’s going to take that long to take it off the stove, she shouldn’t have one that whistles,” he snapped, and Derek just raised his eyebrows through Stiles’ moment of self-reflection, because Sheila was well over eighty years old.
Stiles set down his glass of wine and said in shock, “Holy shit, I’m an asshole.”
Derek nodded condescendingly. “You really are.”
“But I’m not an asshole,” he insisted, like he was trying to convince himself.
“Well, you have been the entire time I’ve known you.”
“In my defense, you’ve only known me while I’ve been intensely sleep deprived and willing to resort to abuse of power to get some god damn sleep, no matter who I have to yell at.”
“Oh, so you’re only being a dick because you’re tired?” That didn’t make it better. How was he a deputy?
That made Stiles glare, swirling his wine glass sloppily. “I admit, it’s not my greatest character trait, but I don’t think you realize the level of tired and stressed I am, at all times.” Derek stared, not giving an ounce of sympathy, so Stiles continued. “This case has been building for five months. We’re understaffed, everyone’s been working overtime, constantly, I’ve slept like six hours in the last week, and we just can’t catch a fucking break.” He took a gulp of wine and probably didn’t taste any of it.
Derek’s eyes followed the glass as he set it down on the table, and when it settled, it was already almost empty. “Should you be drinking on so little sleep?”
He shrugged. “Don’t care. I’m having a personality crisis, I need it.” He then turned his attention to the bread basket and dove in.
“What is this huge case?” Derek asked, desperate for a distraction from watching Stiles stuff practically an entire thick cut slice of rye into his mouth. He was also hoping to find out a little more about what Laura was working on, because she hadn’t told anyone anything about it, at all. She was a city prosecutor, and all Derek knew was that her current case was big, important, and could potentially change Beacon Hills forever. And if there was a case big enough for the entire Sheriff’s Department to be working overtime, it was probably also Laura’s.
Stiles reached for another slice of bread. “Let’s just say it’s a huge crime family that’s been operating here for decades and we��re right on the edge of taking them down once and for all.”
He scooped up a chunk of butter and started to sloppily spread it across his bread, oblivious to Derek’s heart starting to pound.
“The Argents?”
Stiles winced dramatically, mid-schmear. “Don’t tell anyone I said that, because we’re trying to keep it on the downlow until we’ve got more on them, and I really wasn’t supposed to say any of that, and god, this wine was a terrible idea.” He finished by putting his face in his hands, looking like he wanted to die right there.
Meanwhile, Derek’s heart had moved past pounding and he could feel his entire rib cage shuddering with each thud.
Was this a coincidence, going on a date with the cop investigating his ex-girlfriend’s criminal family? Was it a set-up? Was Laura in on all of it? No one knew about Derek and Kate’s relationship, how had she found out? Why didn’t she just ask him instead of coming up with this blind date scheme?
He reeled himself back in while Stiles shamefully took another sip of his wine and avoided eye contact.
He was getting ahead of himself. There was no way Laura knew about Kate. She hadn’t even been living in California during their relationship. This was probably just a coincidence; his sister was a prosecutor working with the police, his ex came from one of the largest criminal families in California, things were bound to collide eventually.
He took a deep breath through his nose, trying to act calm and casual, and asked, “As in Kate Argent?”
Stiles choked on his wine a bit. Again. He was a mess of a person.
“You say nothing to no one about this,” he ordered through a strained cough, pointing a very non-threatening finger at Derek. “To anyone. This never leaves this booth.”
“I won’t, but—I know her,” he finally said, and then immediately second-guessed himself. “Knew her. Used to know her.”
The threatening finger point shifted to more of an exclamation and Stiles hissed excitedly, “Holy god, you’re the ex!”
Derek jerked back. There was no way Stiles could’ve figured that out from this conversation, it really was a set up of some kind! Laura was in on it! Was Derek implicated in something? Was he about to be arrested?
“I—I don’t—”
“No, no,” Stiles interrupted, leaning forward excitedly. “We have someone on the inside and she said there was an ex who might’ve witnessed a lot. She said his name was Darren or Dorian or something.” He narrowed his eyes, definitely too tipsy to be having this conversation, especially in public. “Kind of sounds like Derek.”
Derek should’ve had more of that wine.
“Did you see anything about their operations?” Stiles demanded. “Hear any strange phone calls? Did she tell you anything?”
She did. And he had seen plenty during their year together, because Kate had routinely dismissed him as a pretty face and a firm ass to grab in public, but there was nothing Derek wanted to do more in that moment than sprint for the door. He was going to strangle Laura with his bare hands the second he saw her.
“Shouldn’t we be at the Sheriff’s Station for this?” It was a weak attempt at an escape, or at least a delay in dragging up the worst year of his life, but it didn’t deter Stiles like he’d hoped. Instead his eyes lit up.
“So you do know something! Where’s Michael? Can we get food to go here? I kind of chugged that wine and I’ve got maybe a fifteen minute window until it really hits, but if you drive, we can get to the station and get you talking on the record before I start getting embarrassing.” He actually started to get up, his napkin fell off his lap onto the floor, but Derek reached out to grab his jacket and pull him back into his seat.
“Hold on, I haven’t agreed to anything yet,” he hissed quietly, pulling Stiles closer to make sure he really heard and understood that. If he could intimidate him a little bit at the same time and maybe get him to stop steamrolling over Derek for five minutes, that would just be a bonus.
But Stiles wasn’t intimidated, and he grabbed Derek’s jacket right back.
“Derek,” he started lowly with an exhausted, manic gleam in his eye, “I’m so fucking tired all the god damn time, if you know something about the Argents, I will do literally anything to get you to testify in the court of law.”
“Anything?” Derek temporarily set aside his own discomfort and fear at the thought of becoming a witness against one of the largest crime families on the west coast, in favor of a little payback for all of the parking tickets he’d paid in the last three months. Priorities.
“Anything,” Stiles agreed, somewhat desperately.
“Will you personally apologize to all of our neighbors for being an asshole?”
Stiles’ right eye twitched. “I don’t think you realize how far I’ll go to get some fucking sleep and a day off.”
As close as they were, still holding each other closer, Derek could see the veins in Stiles’ bloodshot eyes. They were equal parts concerning and terrifying.
“So is that a yes to the apologizing?”
“I will personally buy each and every tenant in our building a bouquet of roses and serenade them at their door if you will testify against the Argents.”
Derek smirked. “Even me?”
Stiles hesitated, considering, and his eyes flicked down to Derek’s lips for he briefest second. “Depending on how I feel about you once I’ve slept more than three consecutive hours, you might just get a hell of a lot more than a song and roses out of me.”
Derek stared. Stiles swallowed and licked his lips, and Derek couldn’t keep from glancing down at them.
“Deal,” he said, and they quickly parted to get some fresh air outside of the cloud of wine breath. Stiles took another large gulp of wine while Derek flagged down Michael for the check and their food to go.
He ignored the wink he got in response.
(Their second date is Stiles going door-to-door through the building, Derek trailing behind with a huge bunch of flowers, handing their neighbors a rose as Stiles apologizes for being an ass. The entire building plays music and watches TV as loud as possible in retaliation, and Stiles can’t do anything but put a pillow over his head and suffer.)
(And obviously between Derek and Allison’s testimonies, the Argent family is rounded up and put in prison, so Stiles finally gets to take a few days off and he and Derek spend hours doing nothing but lazily napping and making out on the couch like a couple of teenagers. And Derek realizes that the dark circles under Stiles’ eyes aren’t how his face is supposed to be, and he’s really much cuter when he isn’t suffering intense sleep deprivation.)
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isa-ghost · 6 years
A Long Ass Theory (7/25/18)
This took me SIX FUCKING HOURS to write out, holy shit.
First of all, I don’t like that title.
Why? Because...
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A certain someone we know and love has experience with guns.
Second of all...
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Yeah... this.
Why is this concerning?
Last time Chase and Anti were in the same video in any way, shape, or form, Anti was charging at Chase while he was in a drunken stupor at the end of Dark Silence. We never saw what happened after Anti reached Chase, if he even did.
Also, it could just be me (please tell me if someone else has noticed this too back in May) but when “Jack” acts suspicious, especially when the video gives off Chase vibes, he gets this weird sarcastic? tone in his voice throughout the entire video. I’m even more unsure about what I’m about to say, but when he says something he knows we’ll point out as a possible hint, he looks directly into the camera. Maybe its just a few times, maybe every time, or maybe I’m just remembering something incorrectly and he doesn’t do it at all, but that tone in his voice for sure tends to show up a lot every time he acts suspiciously like Chase.
So with all this unsettling information in mind, here’s everything I found suspiciously Chase or Anti-like in today’s upload:
The title, and the intro, as previously stated.
2:14 “Everybody’s dead, I’m happy” Honestly there’s a lot of “death” references through the whole video which while they ARE concerning for paranoid, over-analytical Anti theorist reasons, its hard to say that they’re cryptic hints given the fact that its a game where youre supposed to kill people and therefore the death comments are relevant to the context, rather than being out of the blue “Jack being weird” comments. I’ll keep all the mentions of death I find alarming in the list anyway, just to be safe.
4:52 “What happened? I don’t know but I’m glad you’re dead!”
11:37 “You’re all gonna know the name by the end of this. You’re all gonna know the name of your victor.”
 12:25 That’s a really weird Chase-esque “dude-bro” type person laugh, if you ask me...
13:44 He refers to himself as Jack. I’m only mentioning this because it either confirms he isn’t intentionally being suspicious and we really are just paranoid OR its a reminder that Chase is posing as Jack while he’s in a coma. Or MAYBE this IS Jack after Stories Untold #4, awake from his coma and struggling to remember things. He “doesn’t remember” his intro because “he hasn’t recorded in so long” which could be a joke about how he took a week-long hiatus but could also be a nod at how he was in a coma.
16:52 “I could also die. I could die in real life. If you die in real life, you die in the game.”
17:14 “I’m just doing it for all the people out there to make them feel like I’m a regular bro.“
19:16 “I have to go three dreams deep and meet Leo Dicaprio and bring him back to reality.” (Sounds more like bringing Jack out of a coma to me) Needs to meet his kids. (And this sounds like Chase). I think I’m over-analyzing this one but *screams in paranoia*
19:32 “I just slaughtered a whole bunch of babies. ... It’s what I do. I’m ruthless.” There were a lot of theories that Anti might have hurt Chase’s kids after Dark Silence. Especially after he screamed “WHERE ARE THEY?!”
20:00 “Dope af, as the lit kids would like to say.” This one’s probably me just O/A again. It sounds like a dad trying to keep up with the lingo his kids use...
23:22 He uses the “Chase voice” and drops an iconic “sah dude” that we’ve started to associate with him for almost a minute straight.
24:38 “Because I can’t be trusted. We all know that by now.” *Glares at Sean* yeAH NO SHIT, MCLOUGHLIN.
26:03 “Hi, I’m Jack. I’m a pathological liar. And a piece of shit.” Could this be Anti pretending to be Jack and mocking him? Probably not lmao. Or maybe Chase knows Jack isn’t a very good friend? He said he’d kill/let Chase die first if he had to choose and that he finds him annoying, yet Chase considers him a friend. We DO know from TIE that sometimes if Chase gets too heated, he tends to “break character” and rant to us.
28:58 “My parents may have never told me they loved me, but that doesn’t matter” *Gestures wildly at the “Chase was abused” theories and how when Chase was the one recording the video in Mayhem, he’d make a lot of “my dad”/“my parents” references*
30:42 “I like the little sounds they make. It makes me feel like I’m killing a whole bunch of tiny babies” Ah, Anti harming Chase’s kids vibes again.
32:22 “What I need is love and support” Just like in GNOG, this just gives me Chase vibes... “And also your compliance and your own death.” Aaaaand Anti vibes. Anti talking to Chase? Chase talking to Anti? Anti talking to Jack? *Explodes in theorist*
34:38 “Its just cause... me and my dad” Another damn “my dad” reference like back in May.
36:29 Jack glances behind him for basically no reason. We all know what that meant in May...
37:38 “Don’t hit me, don’t hit me, nooo papa!” *Chase was abused theories intensifies*
44:14 “[My mom] never paid enough attention to me and I had a bunch of time to play video games”
44:50 “Did I have a stroke? Can I remember anything?” Mmmm coma vibes
48:26 (Singing) “Your parents don’t love you”
55:27 “Don’t I look like a guy that deserves good things in my life? I’m not a bad guy.”
58:54 “GET AWAY FROM HIM! Don’t get closer to him, he’s a stranger man! Stranger danger, remember what you parents said!” He highkey sounds like Chase scared/scolding his kids to stay away from Anti... Just sayin’-
59:02 “Actually my parents told me go play in traffic. Suddenly explains a lot.” *Vibrates with abused child Chase vibes*
1:00:55 “Don’t mind me, just going to the store to try and get my life back together.” That last part just... sounds like Chase recovering from the divorce (or maybe after his suicide in Bro Average/Henrik saving him like he mentioned in KJSE?) *coughs in over-analyzing, whoops*
With all this in mind, I also want to make note that I’ve seen some things floating around my dash about the following, which could also imply incoming doom for us ego enthusiasts and theorists:
The anniversary of Antisepticeye vs. Darkiplier is coming up in 3 days. Mark and Jack already confirmed several times that they would not be doing another collab like that one again, BUT--
--Jack mentioned that he and Mark have some cool plans that they can’t talk about.
Mark has the genius skills to make Markiplier TV and WKM happen (with help, of course). What if he’s helping Jack with a video featuring multiple/all egos? Jack DID say during tour that at some point later in the year he wanted/planned on a big video with all the egos. That was sometime in the early spring, and its now almost the end of summer. I think that counts as “later”...
Mark apparently mentioned revisiting some egos. I think he’s referring to the Wilford videos, personally, but I still find this noteworthy.
Robin is apparently going to L.A to hang out with Jack. While this is probably just him being a supportive friend and all that, after what I’ve just said... I trust nothing.
Jack confirmed he planned on doing more skits/sketches/etc while he was in L.A.
We are still waiting on Bro Average 2, which Jack confirmed would eventually become a thing.
With all this in mind, Jack, his god tier editor Robin, and ego video-making genius Mark might all be together at once at some point in the near future. We MIGHT be in for some serious community fires soon, guys. Get your extinguishers ready.
I feel like I might be waaay over-analyzing a lot of this, but the levels of unease in the theorist part of the community have been very high lately. Better to note down what we find questionable than to not take notes at all only to suddenly get slammed with fire, right?
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exyjunkies · 6 years
67 + cartimber bc why not aidjsnsn
HA HA HA ... okay this is making me laugh Very Nervously because i have absolutely no idea how to write timber but . you know what . we’re gonna power through
au wherein the bennett pack is part of a secret government agency that takes down bad guys for the government without the general public knowing. they’re the werewolf faction of the agency, ha
(yes, a lot like b613 of scandal, the tv show) 
fic meme 1-100: cartimber + 67. “Of all the people everyone I could’ve gotten stuck in an elevator with, it just had to be you.”
send me a ship and a number and i’ll write you a drabble (1-50) (51-100)
“Kel’, you’re gonna have to shut it down,” Carter said sharply into his phone, walking into the elevator. 
Behind him, Timber trotted in energetically, their rucksack of infiltration tools strapped onto his back. His tongue lolled out and went up and down with every pant.
Carter hurriedly pressed the close button, then pressed for the ground floor.
It was always this - get the job done, or the job gets you done. And that’s what Carter and Timber did, no bullshit. Being partners for years had allowed them to operate on a rhythm that, really, no one else in their faction did.
It’s just that this time around, they were caught.
And it wasn’t either of their faults, too. It was more of the fault of a certain someone (Robbie) forgetting to take out one of the security systems connected to the the 28th floor. The floor Carter and Timber were on. 
And just a few minutes ago, Timber had set off the system with a paw going through a laser. Luckily, they’d killed everyone on their floor, but it was only a matter of time before the alert would get to the other floors.
Over the phone, Kelly replied, “The alarm you guys stupidly set off? Sure. The entire operation itself? Nope, no can do. Apparently our boss man wants the whole arrest to push through. Which means--”
“But this mission was supposed to be for intel only,” Carter said in disbelief, frantically looking at the numbers on the elevator. It seemed like five to seven seconds had to pass before the numbers moved. The elevator was so fucking slow.
Slow like how this entire job was. Slow and excessively quiet. Timber was always the more silent between the two of them, but Carter needed to make his unnecessary side comments or he would die of boredom.This job had been the longest one of his life. He wanted to go back to HQ, sit back, relax, and get some coffee.
“Which means we’re staying here a bit longer. Hold on to the files. The van is out back. I’ll--”
Kelly stopped talking for a bit, and Carter checked the call to see if it was still ongoing. 
“Kelly? You okay in there?”
“Yeah, I just--” And then Carter heard a, “Holy fuck. Carter, I am so so--”
And then the phone went dead.
Along with the elevator.
Carter blinked a few times, waiting for the panic to settle in. He saw nothing but darkness. Beside him, he could feel Timber readying himself to go up against the closed doors of the elevator, and make the most noise of his wolf life.
If there was anything Carter wouldn’t be able to handle, it would be Timber lashing out violently against doors they needed to open.
Oh my fucking God.
“Tim,” Carter said, trying for another call to Kelly. The cell reception at whatever floor they were at was absolute shit. “Easy, now. We’ll get out of here in no time--”
Timber, because he didn’t register Carter’s words in time, pounced on the doors and began to scratch at it harshly. Carter groaned.
“Seriously. It could’ve been, I don’t know. Joe. Or Kelly. Or even Jessie, actually. Damn.” Carter mumbled, leaning back against the wall.
“Of everyone I could’ve gotten stuck in an elevator with, it just had to be you.”
Timber, not listening and probably not understanding either, kept going wild with his assault on the elevator doors.
He let it go on for another five minutes, because he knew that Timber would just get tired and eventually give up. Timber was stubborn, maybe a little exaggerated when it came to his reactions, but Carter knew he wasn’t stupid. 
He knew that Timber did this--did everything--because he cared.
Sometimes, because he was Carter, Carter had difficulty admitting he cared too.
After a while, the emergency lights flickered on, causing Timber to stop momentarily. Carter looked at him, all one hundred and thirty pounds of black and white and gray, and pushed back from the wall. He went to put a hand on Timber’s head, scratched his ears lightly.
“You good?” Carter asked, pressing his face to the wolf’s head. He closed his eyes and sent a thrum of calmcalmcalm through their bond. For a bit, all Carter could hear was the synchronization of their heartbeats. Carter sighed at the comfort and knowledge of this.
The moment got ruined when Timber licked his face in response, his large tongue going up from his chin to the middle of his forehead. Carter rolled his eyes. Timber growled softly in response.
So much for showing affection.
“I thought so. Anyway. Kelly had better pick up now, or there will be serious consequen--”
“Carter? Are you okay?”
Carter turned away and spoke into his phone, trying to keep the worry and anger out of it. “You asshole! What the fuck is going on?”
“Major power outage, man. Whole building was affected. I think they’re controlling it from somewhere in the basement. Nothing much I can do here, seeing as I’m outside--”
“Well, then, who the fuck is taking care of it?”
“Already sent Mark and Gordo there to handle it, since they’re assigned to the basement anyway. The others are still going on about their own business. I think you guys finished first.”
Carter smiled proudly and ruffled Timber’s head. Timber tilted his head up and tried to lick his hand. 
“What can I say,” Carter said, smoothing his hand down Timber’s back, “we the dynamic duo of this damn faction.”
“Yeah. The dynamic duo who set off the alarm. You know Joe’s gonna be so pissed--” 
“Whatever. How long ‘til Mark and Gordo take care of it?”
“They said ten minutes.”
“So... half an hour. Got it.”
Carter hung up, and went to one corner of the elevator to sit down. He motioned for Timber to sit down with him.
“Might as well see if we can get comfortable enough for a tiny power nap,” Carter said, stretching out his arms and legs. Timber took a few minutes to move around, trying to figure out how he could lie down in the slightly small-for-him elevator.
For now, because he could, Carter allowed the giddy feeling he got to run through his system when Timber went to lay his head down on his lap. 
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