#home alone: the holiday heist
homesickpiranha · 2 years
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Home Alone: the Holiday Heist (2012)
"I can't hear you. And I don't care."
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redhatmeg · 2 years
What I found particularily interesting about Home Alone: The Holiday Heist:
the movie played into the idea of the house being haunted, as in - some of the traps were designed to make the burglars think it's the ghost defending his home; some of the traps weren't designed that way but they had the same effect, nevertheless
Simon, the Old Man Marley of this movie, is friendly and has good head on his shoulders; the moment when he leerns that Finn is really fighting with burglars, he calls for help... it doesn't work the way he wanted but at least he later manages to explain everything to the police and send them there
all in all, I think it could work as a stand alone movie
And now I only have to see the last, infamous installment.
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rye-views · 10 months
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Home Alone: The Holiday Heist (2012) dir. Peter Hewitt. 7.3/10
I would not recommend this movie to my friends. I would not rewatch this movie.
Mason's snow fort blocks are pretty impressive. Mason's dialogue is cute and amusing. I'm impressed by Mason's snowball machine.
Poor Simon. He was just helping.
Very Christmasy boobytraps.
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amplesalty · 2 years
Christmas 2022 - Day 2 - Home Alone: The Holiday Heist (2012)
On t he second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
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...two thousand dollars worth of tools!
Oh hey, we’ve reached the point where they got embarrassed about the number of sequels they were making. We took a diversion last year to look at the newest entry in the franchise, Home Sweet Home Alone, but we’re going back into the archives now to check out the last new to me entry actually set at Christmas. I’ve never seen 3 but I know that’s not set at Christmas and doesn’t involve the McAllisters either but maybe I’ll look at that one day as a random review just for the sake of completeness. With this coming out in 2012, it almost sort of maybe looks like they’re going for a ‘once a generation’ thing where they draw in one bunch of kids, then hit the next batch when the others have grown up. I mean, you had the original and the sequel at the beginning of the 90’s, 3 came out mid-to-late 90’s, then 4 was early noughties, now this one in the early tens and finally HSHA in 2021. At this rate I suppose we can look forward to the next entry in the early 2030’s. Maybe by then it’ll be set on a terraformed Mars.
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I don’t know why but I’ve somehow always managed to misjudge this art for the film. I think something about the hair looking floppy made me think he was a spoilt little rich kid. Plus what is quite plainly a hoodie I’d somehow seen as like a blazer of sorts with a tie. I can only assume I only ever glanced at this and didn’t pay too much attention because boy is that ever a wide of the mark assessment. Indeed, this is the story of your average American family with 2.4 kids who have moved all the way from California to Maine in aid of mom’s new job.
At least he’s doing the whole ‘scream’ thing here to immediately remind you of the old movies. They even mention the painting at one point and the kids get oddly embarrassed at their parents doing the pose. I don’t know if he’s really selling fear here though, he just looks slightly appalled by something.
Fittingly for Maine the house is allegedly haunted by the spirit of an old timey bootlegger but we’re not exactly going into Stephen King territory here. It does give extra reason for our young protagonist, Finn (played by Christian Martyn), to be scared senseless but he doesn’t exactly need any help since he’s pretty much scared of his own shadow most of the time. It’s also the motivation for our obligatory gang of baddies as they plan to steal a painting which is said to reside in the house.
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And hey, there are actual recognisable people in these roles again! Malcolm McDowell makes another appearance on our Christmas list, this time as the ringleader Sinclair. Alongside him he has Jessica played by Debi Mazar who sort of looks familiar but I don’t think that’s down to some of the more logical places I would have seen her like Goodfellas or Empire Records. She’s apparently Madonna’s bestie as well and she’s been in a whole bunch of her videos.
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Maybe it’s because she looks like she’s come straight out of that Jim Carrey Grinch movie at one point. Definite Who vibe off her here. Plus there’s Eddie Steeples who was ‘Crab Man’ Darnell Turner on My Name is Earl and was also in Would You Rather that I watched during Halloween a year or two back.
Say what you will about these sequels being cash ins but they put their hand in their pocket sometimes to get people you might actually know. Granted, McDowell is very much a working actor and whilst thoughts do obviously turn to A Clockwork Orange, you can just as easily find him providing voice work to Pinocchio 3000 (okay that sounds stupid and I kinda want to see it) or Tom and Jerry Meet Sherlock Holmes (...same) so it’s probably not an amazing ‘get’ but I imagine he doesn’t come cheap.
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Another recognisable face is Edward Asner who just feels destined to turn up in so many Christmas films. I swear it’s either him or the goddamned Northen Lights. At least he’s not playing Santa this time. It’s kind of a weird performance because he’s hosting this Christmas party and the mum is his new hire, only they’re trying to play him off as being massively drunk but it’s not that far removed from just being a vaguely senile old man.
The whole former bootlegger house does very nearly come close to giving this movie a gimmick and some sort of identity as pretty early on Finn inadvertently finds a hidden safe in the basement. Eventually he and his sister find out that it has a hidden wall that has a speakeasy behind it which, when his sister tries to steal a bottle of alcohol, triggers the door to shut behind her and lock her in. The idea of the house itself having these sort of traps built in and leftover from it’s former occupant would’ve been a new dynamic and you could potentially have moments of peril from Finn accidently finding himself on the wrong end of one. But it doesn’t really come up so we’re just left with the results of Finn’s imagination; icing up the front porch (a classic), pouring oil over people or baking poisoned cookies full of hot sauce. Hey, Home Sweet Home Alone took that one! That movie has clearly sunk to a new low if it’s having to rip off this movie. Thinking about it though, the kid in these movies is meant to be the viewer analogue, the little boys and girls watching at home are meant to be able to imagine themselves being the one setting the traps and getting their own back on all the mean grownups so it doesn’t exactly work if the kid isn’t the one actively setting the traps.
His big secret weapon is the power of sexual harassment as Jessica gets stuck in a window trying to break in so, when he two partners in crime try to pull her out, Finn keeps firing things at her that smack her on the arse and makes her think the guys are trying to cop a feel. A swift mule kick to the nards sorts them right out though. I don’t know if I want to run the risk of upsetting the moderation bots of Tumblr again though in order to show you, I’m not sure what the party line is on a nice bottom.
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The traps feel a little tame in comparison to the other movies, especially when you consider the multiple times Kevin nearly killed the Wet/Sticky bandits with blunt force trauma, electrocution, burning, falls, Birdemic... Honestly, the most violent act isn’t even directed at the bad guys, it’s when he’s convinced the house is haunted so tries to collect evidence and ends up shooting his own Father with a taser. I know these kids are shown to be resourceful in these movies but where did he get that from?!It’s like the reverse Chekhov’s Gun as it never shows up again.
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Or when this one guy pretty much gets Swatted and maced by about a dozen cops.  See, there’s this whole subplot where Finn just wants to play videogames and not make any actual real life friends, only it comes across vaguely weird when the one guy he’s talking to online is this one dude in like his mid 20’s. Finn kinda has this whole borderline social issue though as he seems geniunely anxious at the thought of any human interaction with his peers. His sister is portrayed as being obssesed with her phone so it’s very much the type of writing you expect from that relatively early period of smart phones where adults are complaining about how their kids just wont get off the dang cell phone or those violent viddy games!
Then there’s this whole scene where Finn tells the guy they’re being robbed so he hacks Finn’s gamertag, gets his mum’s mobile number from the account details and calls her to tell her what’s happening. Only it turns into this whole misunderstanding where she thinks he’s grooming her son and has her daughter locked in the basement. Oh, noncing and child abuse, what japes we have.
Honestly, this one wasn’t too bad. It’s massively derivative and there’s no reason to watch it over 1 or 2 but it’s not the worst thing in the world. It’s just a very safe rehash that makes absolutely no attempt to try and stray from the formula, it just settles into the well worn arse groove that the original movie and the sequel already made and is quite content with that. It’s just the same movie but adjusted 20 years down the line with some new possibilities thanks to the advancement of technology.  Still, because it’s giving itself such a low bar it didn’t really come across as making any massively glaring faults. Whereas last year I think Home Sweet Home Alone kind of forgot it even was a Home Alone movie for large portions so it’s a lot easier to pick fault with it. Maybe that one just set some low expectations for me that this one was able to meet.
It’s not to say there aren’t problems. Like Finn is just a massive dweeb who seems to have this sad look on his face the entire movie. Plus, him being scared borders on the ridiciousless on occasions. Like there’s one moment where he manages to run screaming out of the secret room, through the basement, up the stairs, through the kitchen, up another flight of stairs, into his room, throw off the covers and then dive under them. It feels like one of those jokes where someone is falling for a really long time so they have to stop to breathe before starting to scream again. Granted, Kevin was pretty scared in the first movie but he was a good couple of years younger, was actively left alone for days on end rather then just a couple of hours whilst his parents went to a party and the Wet Bandits were a lot more intimidating the guy guys on show here.  These guys are only interested in the painting and even when they do discover Finn and his sister, they just try to keep them out of the way. The Bandits though, they took that shit seriously when Kevin was fighting back against them and you really did think they were going to kill him before Old Man Marley showed up with that snow shovel. I suppose this is a kids movie after all though and you’ve got to keep the menace and fear to a minimum.
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person-1-one · 16 days
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Since when did these exist??? and who is that, it ain't Macaulay Culkin that's for sure
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Home Alone: The Holiday Heist (2012, Peter Hewitt)
Home Alone: The Holiday Heist, also known as Home Alone 5, is a 2012 television film directed by Peter Hewitt, the fifth chapter of the Home Alone saga that began with Home Alone. It first aired on November 25, 2012 on ABC Family. In Italy it was broadcast on 3 December 2014 on Sky Cinema.
The Baxter family moves from California to Maine for the Christmas season. Finn Baxter and his older sister Alexis are two techophiles who isolate themselves from their parents Curtis and Catherine by spending their days playing "Robo Infantry 3" and using their cell phones respectively.
Development of the film began in March 2012 as co-production between ABC Family and Fox TV Studios. The two production companies previously co-produced Home Alone 4 in 2002. The film was shot in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
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sasa-chan · 10 months
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Day 07:
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Home Alone: The Holiday Heist [2012]
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Home Sweet Home Alone [2021]
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thepunktheory · 10 months
Home Alone: The Holiday Heist
Hello, hello!A couple of years ago, I sat down to watch Home Alone and Home Alone 2 for the very first time and I penned reviews for those movies. Then, last year, I found out that there are actually more films in this franchise. So, two more movies I watched, and two more reviews I wrote. Well, there aren’t just four movies, currently there are six. Which means – you guessed it – more reviews…
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basically all you need to know is home alone 4 is not canon because it says kevin is 9 but implies that the events of home alone 2 have happened where kevin is 10. that and it also tries to imply that marv is straight. and it mixes up which of the two is marv. and none of the original actors came back. therefore home alone 4 is an alternate universe. it can be assumed the events of home alone 1-3, holiday heist, and home sweet home alone are in the same universe.
my point being don't let him into the bracket period because we don't know what became of him in the home alone universe and he's a cameo appearance. you'd be judging him on material that isn't in home alone 2 and that feels like cheating. and also they released the cut where he's replaced by heavy TF2 which is the more canon cut. https://www.youtube.com/watchv=WfaGEj5sYgg
but you know a good home alone hated character that should be on the bracket? BUZZ.
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this absolute dickhead is so mean to kevin and ate ALL of his pizza. ALL of it. and then proceeded to get kevin home, ALONE. it's HIS fault. and then in home alone 2 he ruins the choir show by messing with Kevin. and they let him get away with it. and he's only thankful to Kevin when he gets him out of florida. but you know what the worst of it is? in home alone 6/home sweet home alone, he becomes a TIMESKIP COP
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this is some of my favorite propaganda so far
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Terry Bruno Masterlist
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Good Morning - Terry wakes up and he's not alone.
Distracted - Terry gets distracted thinking about your relationship
Vacation Days (NSFW) - Terry gives you the vacation you deserve.
Jealous - Terry doesn't get jealous...
Adore (NSFW) - Terry adores you.
Say It Again - Terry almost loses you.
Honey - Your kisses are sweet like honey.
A Sinking Ship - Terry worries about the stress you're under.
Going To War - Terry and you discuss the potential consquences of his whistleblowing.
3am - Terry's awake at 3am.
Polish Up Real Nice - You have no idea how much your words mean to Terry.
Ferris Wheel - Terry doesn't expect to as much fun as he does.
Armour - Terry struggles with vulnerability.
Rose (NSFW) - You help Terry cope with the death of his ex-wife.
Day & Night - Terry takes care of you after a stint undercover.
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The Ranch - You fell in love with Terry underneath the stars in Montana.
Whiskey Kisses - You and Terry share your first kiss after a whiskey tasting event.
Memorable (NSFW) - You make your first time with Terry memorable.
Montana - Terry recieves a holiday card in the mail.
Spousal Privilege - Terry becomes your accomplice and your husband.
Wish You Were Here (NSFW) - You and Terry celebrate your first wedding anniversary.
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The Day We Met - It's a case of wrong place, wrong time when Terry meets his soulmate.
Giddy - Terry decides to cross a line.
Call It Fate - Terry can't help himself (NSFW)
Ruin (NSFW) - You've ruined Terry for anyone else including his wife.
You & Only You (NSFW) - It's you Terry thanks about.
Quarter Past Midnight - Terry isn't ready to go home.
My Place - Terry needs you.
Stay - Terry asks you to stay.
Hot - Terry can't control himself around you.
Adore You - Terry adores you.
Don't Be Shy - Terry thinks your shy.
"Tell Me What You Wanna Do" - Terry enjoys a moment alone with his phone.
Innocent - Terry reminds you he knows you're anything but innocent.
Three Days - For three days you have Terry all to yourself.
Easy - You make Terry's life easy.
Officer Down - You're injured in the line of duty.
Close - An evening with you leads Terry to end his marriage.
Affair! Terry Inspo
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The North Star Series - Part of The Bronx Universe
Pinot Grigio - How it all started...
Tinder - Terry makes a discovery when he downloads Tinder.
Part One: Moments (NSFW)
Part Two: Case of the Ex
Part Three: Her Worse Half
Part Four: Always
Part Five: Ask Me Again (NSFW) 
 Part Six: Degas
Part Seven: The Heist
Part Eight: A Part to Play
Part Nine: Home
Part Ten: Safe Space 
Part Eleven: Weak
Part Twelve: Got Your Back
Part Thirteen: Familia
 Part Fourteen: Gunplay
Part Fifteen: Friendly Fire
Part Sixteen: Alive (NSFW)
Part Seventeen: Karma
Part Eighteen: Lucky
Part Nineteen: Fucked Up
Part Twenty: Orchard Beach
Part Twenty One: Tuscany
Part Twenty Two: New York
Part Twenty Three: Long Term
North Star Outtakes:
Boundaries - An ex-boyfriend throws you into a spiral when he begins to push your boundaries.
North Star Inspo
Mike Duarte x Terry Bruno x Reader:
Say Goodbye - Terry steps in when Mike finds it hard to say goodbye.
This Mess Is Mine - Terry and Mike discuss your absence.
Missed You (NSFW) - Mike and Terry show you how much they’ve missed you.
Look After You - You and Mike look after Terry.
Dreaming - Mike and Terry take care of you during a nightmare.
Surrender (NSFW) - Terry surrenders to you.
“I can't believe we haven't tried this sooner” 
Pretty Girl (NSFW) - You and Terry ruin Mike.
How It Starts
Bitter - Mike lashes out after a traumatic event.
POLY!AU - Mike Duarte, Joe Velasco, Terry Bruno X Reader
Day to Day - How it works in the day to day
Various HCs - A variation of HCs for the Poly
5 Sentences:
“Only a kiss will break this spell !”
“are you really wearing my hoodie?”
“Your lips,against mines. Boom. Kiss.”
 “do you snore? please don’t tell me you snore.”
love at first sight 
“I think I’m in love with you.”
And I had no warnin’ about who you are.
And if you like to talk for hours Just go ahead now
Now every morning I wake up with you right next to me. 
“Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty And meet me tonight”
Falling into your ocean eyes
Pregnancey Simulator
I Love You
NSFW Alphabet:
Wild Card & Xray
What Makes Him Orgasm
How He Eats Pussy
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chayscribbles · 1 year
find the word tag (11.9.2023)
thanks @sam-glade for the tag!!! i'll be using the gemini heist for this
“How’d you get a Fiolshende to work here?” Leo asked the bar-bot when it returned, unimpressed by the show but intrigued by the performer's mere presence. The Fiolshende, people born with strange abilities that manifested in that wispy, purple light, hailed from Vihelda— the capital planet of a proud empire steeped in tradition— and it was rare to see a Fiolshende away from their home, let alone one using their abilities in a place as lowly as a rest station tavern. 
Crouched before her, Gabi held a screwdriver inside Euna’s cybernetic arm. Each poke at the machinery made Euna shudder, sending a jolt of static up her arm all the way to her spine, where the prosthetic’s wires were connected directly to her nervous system. Somewhere embedded inside her back was a tiny chip that allowed her to control the arm with the same agility as she had when it was made of flesh and blood. Gabi had been excited like a child on a holiday the first time she had given the prosthesis an inspection, but now, her face was scrunched up into a tight frown, her big hazel eyes narrowed and focused as she rummaged through the wiring.
eye (technically could've used the last one for eye as well lol but i love an excuse to share an extra paragraph)
To Gabi’s dismay, Leo elected to take her and only her along for their excursion into the city, as both her technical skills and familiarity with Inolo Novo were an asset to the mission. Illiana was tasked with staying on the ship and writing down any and all information that could help them on their heist— everything she knew about the upcoming coronation, about the Gemini statuettes, about the ways in and out of the House and what kind of security they would encounter. Euna was tasked with staying on the ship and keeping an eye on the Heir. B-34 wasn’t officially tasked with anything, but after Leo rejected Gabi’s request to take the droid along, Gabi quietly requested it to stay on the ship and keep an eye on both Euna and Illiana.
Leo studied her for a moment. Her gaze was even, piercing, as if scrutinizing Illiana for any sign of weakness. But Illiana wouldn’t give her that satisfaction. Her own gaze remained cold, impassable, like she had become good at after years of sitting through many a function in her father’s house.
tagging: @klywrites @aalinaaaaaa @reneesbooks @artdecosupernova-writing @indecentpause. your words, should you choose to accept, are: strange, dull, hair, and hot.
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redhatmeg · 2 years
I only just realized that Alexis is played by the same actress as Sharon/Alessa from Silent Hill.
Good to know, she doesn't do just creepy things.
(Although I've also seen her in Dead Like Me).
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rags-writes · 8 months
My Master List
Ao3 : Rags_Writes
Tik tok : Rags_Writes
Please follow to show you support.
Request status: Open go here for the rules.
Arcane (League Of Legends):
Holidays Special:
2022 -
Arcane's Valentine’s Day - Valentine’s day with you and your Arcane lover.
The Crime Lord's Secretary
Part One - Let Me Be Yours - Being the secretary to the biggest crime lord in the Undercity had plenty of perks. Like being able to wear and look how ever Alice wanted to. None of that topside shit of having to look a certain way to be professional. The hours where long but the pay makes up for it. Even if she was to run late, she didn’t live far, just one floor above the office. Not to mention a boss with a voice that seem to caress her body every time he spoke, he was even finer to look at.
Of course with the perks came cons. The likelihood of being murdered increases with each step she takes deeper in the crime world. Even by her own boss but that was nothing compared to the situation Alice finds herself in this moment.
Call of Duty:
Requests -
Untitled (Konig x Reader) - Rated M - Requested by @apollodarling-writes - After a mission, you find yourself unable to sleep, so a quick trip to steal Ghost's tea should help you fall asleep unless you run into another masked giant who had been plaguing your mind.
Lean on Me (Ghost & Reader) - Rated T - You're the youngest on the 141 squad, yet you've been with them for two years and they still treat you like a rookie. Hell, they still call you the rookie callsign but you don't let that bring you down. Then you go home and when you come back, you're different. That spark you had disappeared and Ghost is determent to get it back even if it means he actually has to talk.
Headcanons -
When you accidentally bump into them - Ghost and Soap
141 helps you move headcanons - Price, Ghost, Soap and Gaz
Cyberpunk 2077:
Headcanons -
What would they impulse buy at the grocery store?
One-shot -
Voice in my head, Gun in my hand - Life can go all sorts of ways. One minute I'm having the time of my life. Next, my best friend is dead. I get a brain parasite. Said parasite is killing me. I fall in love with him. Then he leaves and I'm still dying. I still see him, taunting me but I can't let go. I can't take it anymore, I'm at the end of my rope.
Play it on Repeat - V's mourning her best friend on a rainy day and Johnny is surprisingly comforting.
FanFic -
When Two Seconds Chances Collide - Johnny wasn't the only victim of Soulkiller. A girl with red eyes haunts his past. When he wakes up in 2077 stuck in the head of a thief who has secrets that she doesn't even know. He can help him think of their similar traits as he think of could have be. Will he be able to change or will he down down in flames again?
V is just a thief, or that what she tells everyone. A nobody but with hidden talent and no memory from a young age she left to wonder if she really is a nobody. when a heist goes wrong she is left with a dead best friend and a terrorist stuck in her head. on a timer she race to find a way to save herself before the engram kills her. Unfortunately for her the engram also stir up an emotion in her that she didn't even know was possible. Not mentioning her recurring nightmares are getting worst of flash of event that she never live through or could ever live through. Will she be able to put together the puzzle before her time runs out?
Dragon Age Inquisition:
Headcanons -
^Nothing here for now^
One-shot -
The Path You Cannot Follow - Rated T - Waking in a place full of shadows, Solas sees only his mistake. On the path of redemption that leads to just one destination: Death. He accepts his fate and goes on his path but when one shadow appears to be too radiant, Solas struggles to turn away from her.
Marauders Era
Remember everyone Fuck JK Rowling, this shit is mine.(Legally it's not but you know what I mean)
Drowning Fate
Part 1 - Drowning Change - Regulus had accepted his fate, drowning alone in his cave in the hope that others would destroy the dark lord, but someone changed his fate, and he now has hope of living till the end of the war.
Headcanons :
Starchaser -My Collections of headcanons and drabbles of James Fleamont Potter. These will be the backstory for James in any of my fanfic of him unless stated otherwise in any of the fanfic.
Sunseeker - My collections of headcanons and drabbles of Regulus Arcturus Black. These will be the backstory for Regulus in any of my fanfic of him unless stated otherwise in any of the fanfic.
Collaborations With Hale_Grey
Marauders Era -
Stars Realign
Book One - The Flies in the Spider's Web - After a prank gone wrong, Sirius and Regulus reunite on the Quidditch pitch and an unexpected wish sends the brothers back in time. Now they have a chance of changing the future, ending the war, and saving everyone. But will they be able to heal years of pain and regret to do so, or will they repeat the same mistakes that tore them apart in the first place?
Remember to heart, leave kudos and comments to show you're support.
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diversegaminglists · 2 years
Games beat in 2022
I was sick a lot this year (thought it was a post viral chest thing but it’s now starting to look like I might have asthma) and did a lot of gaming as I couldn’t manage anything else. I used https://howlongtobeat.com/ to get through a lot of games.
Bold for games I recommend, italics for those I would recommend avoiding.
Thief Simulator
Mexicana: Deadly Holiday
The Room 4: Old Sins
Book of Demons
Haunt the House: Terrortown
Speed Dating for Ghosts
After Hours
Strange Horticulture
Tales from Off Peak City Vol. 1
Paramonsters and the Haunted Escape Room
The Search
Safe Journey
The Majesty of Colours
The Recipe for Madness
The Haunted Island
Un Pas Fragile
Dusk Child
Nonsense at Nightfall
In the Shadow of the Valley
Thursday the 12th
The Red Door Chapter 1
Orion Trail
Tangrams Deluxe
Knightmare Tower
Rainy Season
Fossil Hunters
Midnight Scenes: The Highway
Midnight Scenes: The Goodbye Note
Bunny Hill Horror
Bunny Hill Horror 2: Bunny Boiler
2ECONDS TO STΔRLIVHT: Forever My Diamond
2econds to Starlight: My Heart's Reflection
(What Even is That Thing?)
Midnight Scenes: The Nanny
Beyond the Bow
Korpus: Buried Over the Black Soil
Without Escape
Eyewear Cleaner 2077
Fantastic Foetus: Prebirth
Fit for a King
Miss Fisher and the Deathly Maze: Episode 1
Curious Expedition
Miss Fisher and the Deathly Maze: Episode 2
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Nobodies: Murder Cleaner
Stigmatized Property
Missing Children
Inunaki Tunnel
The Caregiver
The Ghost Train
Fossil Echo
Night Delivery
The Closing Shift
The Radio Station
Say No! More
Silvercreek Falls Chapter 2
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Whispering Willows
Beautiful Desolation
Near Death
Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis
Black Widow: Recharged
The First Tree
Avadon: The Black Fortress
(Not Escape Room)
The Henry Stickmin Collection
Centipede Recharged
Doodle Mafia
Borderlands 3
Alone in the Dark (1992)
Jack in the Dark
The Town of Light
True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 1
True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 1 Bonus Chapter
True Fear: Forsaken Souls Part 2
Borderlands 3: Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot
D the Game
Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon
Borderlands 3: Guns, Love, and Tentacles
Ahnayro: The Dream World
Wheels of Aurelia
Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood
Yes Your Grace
Just One, Must Choose
The Whisperer in the Darkness
He plays the Piano
Hope's Peak
Guide of the Butterfly
The Spark of One
Virtua Blinds
Dawndusk Dream Sewer
Forgotten Hill Tales
In My Friend Carrie's Car
Summer Gems
The Night Fisherman
Stealth Fishing
Out the Window: A Car Trip Sim
Dogs Throwing Swords II: Three Barks to the Wind
Hi-Score Boi
Petty Puny Planet
To Duel List
Running Askew
Feisty Heist
This Call May Be Recorded
Baby Labour
Conversations with my Anxiety
The Alabaster Donut Farm
The Sun Will Set
a completely normal dating simulation that is definitely completely sweet, innocent and normal
Toaster Jam
Shrine to Anubis
Froggy Family Fort
The Change Architect
Can Androids Pray: Red
Clean Attack
There You Go
Hot Pot Panic
Waiting for the Loop
Chesto – At the Checkout
Can Androids Pray: Blue
The Outcast Lovers
Grumpy Librarian
Boa Retina
ring ring
Liyla and the Shadow of War
Lonely Wolf Treat
Nainai's Recipe
The Hero of Budgie Island
Parcels and Pollen
The Supper
Thing in Itself
Jet Buster
Lieve Oma
The Adventures of Wolf and Hood - A Jigsaw Tale
Tomato Clinic
Cosmic Courier: Lost in Limbo
Nancy Drew: The Final Scene
Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island
Nancy Drew: The Secret of Shadow Ranch
Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor
Mortuary Assistant
Tessa's Ark: Chapter One
What isn't saved (shall be lost)
Eternia: Pet Whisperer
Dear Mariko: Crimson
Order a Pizza: A Visual Novel
You Died But a Necromancer Revived You!
Doodle Date
Fostering Apocalypse
Good Morning Hon
Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock
We Met in May
Untitled Darkness
Homunculus Hotel
Gunpig: Firepower for Hire
Martial Law
Pebble Witch
Hysteria Project
Dream Dye
Hero-ing Addict
Baked: Magic
Escaped Chasm
The Little Mermaid (NES)
Cuckoo Castle
Find Me
a new life.
Some Like it Hot: Episode 0
Don't Take It Personally, I Just Don't Like You: The Camping Trip
Mobility! Accessible Precision Platformer
Meta Form
Wishing Sarah
Glitch Dungeon
The Secret of Tremendous Corporation
We Should Talk
Path Out
As Long As We're Together: Magical Girls Sweet & Pure
Monster Pub Vol. 1
IF not us
Islands: Non-Places
Sudd City Adventures
Imperishable Memories
3 out of 10, Ep 1: Welcome to Shovelworks
Bard Harder!
3 out of 10, Ep 2: Foundation 101
Wakamarina Valley
Take A Hike!
Reminiscence in the Night
Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon
The Light at the End of the Ocean
Tiny Dangerous Dungeons
Forgiveness: Escape Room
Interactivity: The Interactive Experience
Project Kat – Paperlily Prologue
Heartbreak High: A Breakup Simulator
Online Simulator: Love in the Time of Malware
Us Lovely Corpses
Sanguine Sanctum
3 out of 10, Ep 3: Pivot Like a Chamption
3 out of 10, Ep 4: Thank you for Being an Asset
3 out of 10, Ep 5:  The Rig is Up!
Good Lookin’ Home Cookin’
Metal Slug
Shrug Island: The Meeting
Death's Life
The Wolf's Bite
Water's Fine
Dungeons & Lesbians
Kid A Mnesia Exhibition
Rex: Another Island
Call of the Sea
Wide Ocean Big Jacket
Ring of Fire: Prologue
King's Field (PS1)
A Nightmare's Trip
a museum of dubious splendours
Towards the Pantheon: Escaping Eternity
Return Null: Episode 1
Error: Human Not Found
Save Room – Organisation Puzzle
The Nine Lives of Nim: Fortune's Fool
Regeria Hope: Episode 1
What Comes After
Self Checkout Unlimited
Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Quest (Megadrive)
Dominique Pamplemousse in "It's All Over Once The Fat Lady Sings!"
Shantae: Half Genie Hero
Dominique Pamplemousse and Dominique Pamplemousse in "Combinatorial Explosion!"
Shadowgate Classic
Detective Hank and the Golden Sneeze
Ripped Pants at Work
El Tango de la Muerte
Shantae: Half Genie Hero: Pirate Queen's Quest
Mon-cuties for All
Graveyard Shift
By Your Side
The Black Iris
Fuzz Dungeon
An Oath in Kind
Silent Hill 2
Where the Snow Settles
The Westport Independent
Once Upon a Crime in the West
The Testimony of Trixie Glimmer Smith
Ticket to Ride
Wanderlust: Transsiberian
Three Lesbians in a Barrow
The Enigma Machine
Brave: The Video Game
Taco Tom 2
Drones: The Human Condition
Cats in Time
Roll for Confidence
Vampire Night Shift
Prison of the Magi: Chapter 0
Extreme Meatpunks Forever: Powered By Blood
Until Dawn
Martha is Dead
Maid of Sker
Beyond Blue
Gray Dawn
Soul Waste
Sato Wonderland
Chip's Tips
Eden: Garden of the Faultless
Axis Mundi
Rose of Meat
The Black Relic
The Fruit
The House of Unrest
Book of Blood
Rotten Stigma
Vampire Survivors
Spirit Guardian
We Never Left
Beyond the Curtain
Lego Starwars: The Complete Saga
Ys 1
She Sees Red
Momodora 3
Far From Noise
Do I Pass?
Super Ledgehop: Double Laser
Meeting in the Flesh
The Beast Inside
Nancy Drew: Danger by Design
Nancy Drew: The Creature of Kapu Cave
Actual Crimes: Jack the Ripper
Blood And Lust
Shadows Over Loathing
Rogue Quest: The Vault of the Lost Tyrant
Social Justice Warriors
Nancy Drew and the White Wolf of Icicle Creek
Creepy Tale
Your Future Self
10 notes · View notes
little-bumblebeeee · 2 years
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