#homophobic hospital
brownsugabbt · 6 months
i come to you tumblerinas from twitter hell to give you DOAWK hilson. use it wisely
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fairyrona · 1 year
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if-mirrormine · 10 months
How would the marriage thing work for gralex?
realistically speaking, they probably wouldn't be able to get legally married but there's nothing to stop them from having the whole ceremony and party, and calling each other their spouse(s).
but this is also a work of fiction, so fuck it; polyamorous marriages for all!
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mrsterlingeverything · 9 months
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titfairy · 2 months
Lada’s mom is so desperate at this point, all I can think about is that she’s going to lose everything. And I mean, everything, because she basically just betrayed Lada’s trust
She thinks she’s in control, but announcing the marriage to public without informing both Lada and dr Wisanu is such a disastrous move. The gays are flabbergasted
She can continue using “I’m doing this for the future of our business.” reason, which makes it an even more bad move imo. How can Lada and dr Wisanu work well together if their relationship start off this way? With her breaching everyone’s trust. All Lada’s mom did is ensuring life long resentment for both Lada and dr Wishnu.
This is not a strategic business move or whatever, Lada’s mom is just a rampant homophobe.
(What would she do when dr Wisanu comes out later then? lmooo)
She doesn’t realize that Lada can just leave everything behind and start a new life somewhere else. She’s an accomplished doctor by her own. What would Lada’s mom do? Sabotage her own daughter’s career?
What would the mom even do just IF:
1. Lada and Earn decide to go public with their relationship? Wouldn’t that be bad press for the hospital, especially for the mom if she gets exposed?
2. dr Wisanu realize he can just say no to the marriage too?
I don’t think the mom realize that she doesn’t have much control here tbh.
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can’t be sad about buddie if all i do is read fics were everything’s works out in the end and they finally realize how in love they are
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gunkbaby · 4 months
Yeah I know i kidnapped ur girlfriend and tried to make my favourite person (your boyfriend) feast upon her whilst i feasted on him but i think you’ll find that in reality I’m actually very fun, relaxed and easy going
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dullahandyke · 1 year
i hate writing shit in irish... this is just a personal essay except i dont know how to speak in this language! let me just write bizarre nonsensical bullshit
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brattybottombunny · 11 months
had the most awkward interaction with a girl i was barely friends with in high school at the grocery store today 😬
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cuwalli · 11 months
idk all I'm saying is I'm an Elder Queer, at this point, and all I hear when I see some fuck claiming that David J or anyone on the staff of OFMD is """homophobic""" or some other such tripe is "I'm an ungrateful twat who doesn't know anything about how bad shit used to be for the LGBT community"
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girlboysollux · 8 months
tumblr got me googling how many seasons there are of house md
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drewxjackson · 11 months
Synopsis: The four Jackson brothers gather at the hospital after news their father has woken up from his coma. Characters: @callum-jackson @drewxjackson @benjaminxjackson @travisjacksonNPC mentioned: Maisie Jackson, George Jackson. Disclaimer: This was written on discord. Date set IC: 21-10-2023
Cal: Chief Jackson, it's your father. He's awake. Two words he wasn't expecting to hear about George Jackson were "he's awake". Cal was pretty sure they all were just waiting for him to die at this point but nevertheless, he left his office on the fifth floor and took the elevator down to the ICU where his father was. He stopped in the doorway, sending out a mass text to the family. Callum: Dad's awake. Mom's on her way here. Sliding his phone into the pocket of his white coat, he looked at his father in the hospital bed, he looked frail but he had his eyes open and Callum took a step into the room. He hadn't forgiven him for the way he treated Drew and he was damn sure not going to brush all that under the rug because of this. "Son." His father's voice croaked and he held out a hand to Callum. He took a tentative step towards him and stood by the bedside. "How are you feeling?" It was the most civil thing he could manage right now. The rage in his body hadn't subsided from the last time they spoke when he'd told George that he was lucky to have a son like Andrew and that if he ever wanted to see any of the other three again, he better get his fucking act together. "I'd be better if they'd take all these damn wires off me and let me go home." He grumbled, complaining already and making derogative comments about the nurses. He was just about to start telling him off when he heard footsteps behind him and turned to see their mother running into the room. He moved back so she could sit next to George and sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Ben: Ben and emotions were complicated, he often ran away from emotions and never faced them but when it came to his brothers and family he was ready to fight, rain hell on the world if anything hurt them. Ben was very protective of his brothers and after that day, he had nothing but anger for his father but maybe deep down there was something that somewhat cared for the man. He had come back to East Haven mainly because of his brother not because of his father. Ben did visit the hospital a few times but never entering the room and using the excuse to hang out with Callum. He sighed and was working on a few things at home when he got the message that his father was awake and so he made his way to the hospital. This time he came farther, ending up and waiting by the door filled with so many different emotions. Complicated emotions as he sighed and stood by the side of the door and waited for Andrew and Travis.
Drew: Dad's awake. Mom's on her way here Andrew had read the text and read it out loud to Travis, the two of them having gone camping together the day before. He texted back they'd be on their way and then they cleaned up, conflicted on whether he was nervous or excited. He'd have hated for their father to have never woken up from his coma without the two of them being able to hash things out between them. Surely the man would be able to get over his prejudices, right? He hadn't said much during the drive over, nervously tapping his fingers against his leg. He felt the weight on his chest increase the closer they got to the hospital room, where he felt the comfort of Benjamin's presence. "Been inside yet?" He asked, looking at Benjamin, stealing a quick glance at Travis before looking back again through the small window, seeing Callum and their mom in the room.
Travis: Andrew and Travis got the message at the same time, but as the youngest of the Jackson brothers was fishing and so Andrew had read it to him. As soon as he did, the two started packing up and took off towards the hospital after he dropped Millie back at the house. He didn't know if this was going to be good or bad, but he was anxious about it all to say the least. He walked slowly behind Andrew was they approached Ben and looked into the window to see what was going on. He made eye contact with his dad who looked to grumble something and he swallowed. "Looks like I've been chosen." He said before he smiled and went inside. "Hey, Dad. Sorry it took so long. I was camping." He explained and then hearing the grievance of how he should stop being in the woods so damn much when something serious was going on. "I'm sorry..." He sighed and sat down in one of the chairs.
Cal: The irritation in Callum’s voice was obvious when he heard their father make a snide remark to Travis. “Knock it off. We’re here. That should be all that matters.” He picked up his fathers chart and glanced through it, technically not allowed but no one was gonna tell the chief of surgery what he could and couldn’t do in his own hospital. “Your levels look alright but you’ve got an infection in—“ His father cut him off with a shout, telling him that he should let the real doctor take care of him. Cal looked at him once and then rolled his eyes. “Pleasant as always, you must be feeling fine.” He looked back at the brothers who had stayed at the door and sighed, wishing he’d done the same. This constant struggle to be good enough, to earn their fathers love, it was fucking exhausting and apparently being the chief of surgery wasn’t enough even now. This might have something to do with the way that Callum had absolutely lost his fucking mind on George when he hadn’t responded well to Andrew coming out. It didn’t matter, he’d have done it the same way again if he had the chance. “If you’re done being a prick, the rest of your sons are here to see you.”
Ben: Ben sighed as he nodded no to his brother Drew. The chef was filled with so many feelings and emotions. He wanted to just turn and walk away but he did not want to. He hated this, he hated emotions and he knew that the outcome of this would be interesting and someone was going to get hurt. He looked at Andrew worried for his brother and was ready to defend him when it comes to it. After Travis walked in, Ben stood for a moment. He heard a little bit of what his older brother Callum was saying for a bit before he walked in after awhile. "It's been awhile....you have not changed at all..." he spoke in a soft voice almost a whisper as he stood crossing his hand before resting on a wall. "I could hear your voice and shout from outside. Good that you are awake..." sighed really not knowing what to say
Drew: Andrew watched as one by one his brothers entered the room. He waited, trying to get a feel of the room and how his father was responding. He heard how he was degrading Callum and his accomplishments as a doctor, how Travis should find other hobbies and how he even gave Benjamin a grumbling answer, about how it was ridiculous he was in a hospital room and none of them seemed to care enough to arrive as soon as he was awake. He could sense that it wasn't going to get any better so he felt like he was going to risk it, quietly entering the room. It was his mother's eyes he met first, her comforting smile. Then to his father's, who stopped mid-rant as soon as he saw him. "Hi dad. Glad you're up." He genuinely spoke, offering him a smile. There was a moment of silence. It was then he noticed his father's bottom lip twitching before he began to yell for him to leave, ask him what nerve he had to show his face, calling him all kind of slurs. It caused Andrew's smile to fade just as fast as it had appeared, his eyes looking at Callum before lowering them to the ground when even Maisie began to try and calm her husband.
Travis: Travis stayed quiet like he usually did when his father got like this. Years of watching it with is brothers made him realize it was easier to just get quiet and shut out the man than try to fight back, but he was always thankful when his brothers went to bat for him; even though he would prefer if they didn't. He just sat there listening until Andrew appeared in the room and the youngest Jackson sat up and just focused on him. He wasn't sure how it was going to go, but he wouldn't just sit and be quiet if something came up now. And like clockwork, his father started digging into Andrew and Travis watched as his face faltered. He stood and moved towards his brother. "Dad, stop it." He tried begging him for a moment and he looked at Andrew. "We can go." He offered lowly.
Cal: Callum was an extremely patient and tolerant person but the one thing he would never allow was for anyone to talk to his little brother like that. Andrew might be a full grown adult but for Callum, all three of the men in that room would always be his little brothers. "Hey!" He stepped back up and put a hand on his father's chest. "You need to stop. Now. If I hear one more nasty word from you, I'm sending everyone away, including mom, and you can sit in here alone. Got it?" He put on his dad voice that he used when his daughter was in trouble. How pathetic was it that he had to talk to his father the way he talked to a ten year old little girl. The anger seemed to turn to Callum as their dad's eyes moved to him but then he paused and his heart rate monitor started to beep a little quicker, indicating a jump in his pulse. The room fell silent and Cal looked at the monitor. His rhythm was off on the screen and he glanced behind him to the brothers still closer to the door. "Someone flag down a nurse. Now." And then his father went a little pale, his eyes rolling back in his head as the alerts started going off and Callum swore as he realized the man was going into cardiac distress. "Where the fuck is the nurse?!"
Ben: Ben face was getting red. The chef was filled with anger and he was trying so hard to control himself. His fingers dug into this palms as he tired to control himself. Ben was not surprised but he thought his father would act a little bit different but he was wrong. He was about to say something when Callum spoke up to their father. Speaking to their old man like they were a child. Ben face changed from an anger express to that of horror. Freezing for a moment, as the monitor started to beep. Ben moved backwards, his body on auto pilot before moving and opening the door and shouted for a nurse.
Drew: Andrew had already turned on his heels to leave the room when Travis hadn’t finished suggesting they could leave. He felt his chest well up in heat, his jaw tense and his entire body rigid. He could vaguely hear Callum going at it with their father but he had no desire to hear it. Nothing George Jackson would say, would be comforting. He was well into another hallway when he stopped walking, letting out a large breathe as if it would ease the tension. “Mallaich e.” He nearly hissed, resting against a nearby wall with a thud.
Travis: His focus was completely on Andrew. He didn't care what Callum was saying and didn't now what Ben was doing. He wanted to make sure Andrew was okay in this moment so when he turned to walk out the door, the youngest of the brothers followed; closing the door behind him. He was right behind him all the way down the hall and then in another when he stopped and let out a sigh. "Should be a sign he's doing better, right? I can go see what Callum says and we can just go back camping. Leave this place behind." He suggested. Anything was better than that and he would get Andrew far away if he could help him.
Cal: Things started happening much quicker than he could keep up, the monitors going haywire and nurses rushing into the room. He stepped back as someone started doing chest compressions and shouting for the doctor. "Hey, it's okay." Cal took his mother into his arms as she started to cry and looked back over his shoulder, hoping that his brothers were all going to leave the room so they didn't have to see this. Drew and Travis were already gone when he looked back and Ben looked like he was going to puke. "Go find the boys." He told him, nodding for Ben to be with the other two and turned his eyes back to his father as the monitor started to flat line.
Ben: Ben did not need to be told twice. He ran out of the room to find both Travis and Andrew. The door shut hard behind him. Still in shock and his mind not wanting to process all of this.
Drew: His entire body was shaking, cursing the man with thoughts alone, not aware that his father was at this point struggling with his life at that exact same moment. When Travis made the remark it was a sign he was doing better he glared at him, though not intentionally in an angry way. "He's never going to forgive me, is he?" He spoke through gritted teeth before he shook his head and stood. "You go I just.. I need air." He told Travis, giving him a pat on the arm as if it was sign enough that he was fine with it and walked away.
Travis: He sighed and looked at him. "Just give him time. It'll be okay." Travis tried telling him before shaking his head. "I can go with you. I don't wanna go back in there." He offered to him. If anything, he'd just go to the waiting room and wait for everyone there, but he didn't want Andrew to be alone.
Cal: The room was full of noise but for Callum the world fell silent. The doctors were frantic as they tried to get his pulse to restart but after what felt like and eternity, George Jackson was dead. He held his mother and kissed the top of her head, whispering sweet words and helping her settle into a chair by his side to sit with her now late husband for a minute. He didn’t cry, he didn’t fall apart, there was no use. it wouldn’t change anything and it didn’t erase the damage his father had done in his final weeks. “I need air.” Callum rasped, side stepping the doctors and leaving the room. Barely even taking a breath he made his way down the hall where he found his brothers. Cal was used to being the one who held it together and broke the hard news to the others, his role had always been the solid rock, and so he would do it again. “Sit down.” He said gently, putting a hand on the shoulders of two of them. He stood in front of the trio and took a breath before he shook his head. “Cardiac arrest happened quickly. They tried their best, but his hearts been in bad shape for a long time. Moms in there with him saying goodbye.”
Ben: Ben did not say anything and just listened to his brother. The chef did not know what to say. He was silent and looked at Callum, then at Travis and Andrew. He sighed. Emotions and Ben were a complicated thing. He did not know how to feel and what he was feeling. He patted his brothers shoulders and as if he was on auto pilot walked away. He was not ready to face the Emotions and he did not know what the outcome of him walking away will cause.
Drew: Callum had appeared just before Andrew could properly leave, and he almost had the mind to tell him to leave whatever excuse he was going to come up with for his father when he noticed the look on his face and he froze in his track. He stared at Callum the entire time, refusing to sit down as he was told. Truth was, Andrew already knew where things were headed even before Callum managed to say it. But hearing it made the colour drain from his face regardless. He numbly felt how Benjamin patted his shoulder and found himself leaning into it slightly if only to get some support. “He’s gone.” He didn’t ask, but rather stated, turning his head to Travis who had just witnessed his anger towards him moments prior, something he now desperately wanted to undo.
Travis: Hearing Callum, Travis turned around and his face fell. He took a seat like he was told and hearing what happened, he sat there in shock. He was gone. Their father was gone. There was no saying goodbye. Not now. They last thing he did was ignore the older man and go with Andrew.
That was it. That's all it would ever be.
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swordpact · 1 year
find me at spellb1nder.
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nururu · 10 months
Id v is so crazy for making a big lizard man hunter with braided rows and then make him a survivor persona and they made him a skinny white man with rows.. not just that but he's a redhead too......... There's like only 2 genuinely poc characters in this game.... And one of them the devs are constantly drawing as a white man for no reason. the one guy who's supposed to be native American is just a white cowboy who was adopted by a tribe.
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I'm living any gay's worst nightmare (religion class every monday bc my parents signed me up for it)
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shinyql · 2 years
park jeong-je is so gay for lee dong-sik it's so obvious ughhh
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