#honestly gojo is my least favorite out of the three
osaemu · 7 months
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Gojo Satoru x Reader x Geto Suguru
The Cursed Trio | Artificial Paradise
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**Finally finishing up Uni forever --- well, until I decide what to do my Master's on. About to go hard on finals so wish me luck on that. I'm so sorry for the wait!
It's been a while since you've had a chance to catch your breath from all the messed-up stuff swirling around in your everyday jujutsu life. A week has passed since that little... "moment" back on Halloween.
Honestly, it was supposed to be a good, vulnerable moment between the three of you — something that should've solidified your bond. But, you can't shake this sense of shame.
Shame for multiple reasons, but the main one is that, for some reason, you feel ashamed for feeling the way you did. For expressing yourself the way you did. That vulnerability you felt in Gojo's arms, watching as Suguru took his own swig from the sake bottle — it frustrated you to no end. Why did you feel so awful just being in the moment? In a way, you felt humiliated for being so raw with others. But at the same time, you argued with yourself that what you did was okay. Of course, you have the right to expression — a right to sensation, a right to feeling.
Yet, you can't help but want to shove that night into the background so those feelings won't sting anymore. Whatever you felt, it's confusing to say the least.
Despite the inner turmoil, you pushed through — the best you could manage for the moment was to shove those feelings aside. Because, let's face it, if you indulged in those thoughts, you'd likely end up diving headfirst into a sea of emotions, drowning in them until it seemed like you'd never felt anything else.
Fortunately, today just so happens to be one of the best distractions imaginable.
It's Ieiri's birthday.
If it weren't for Utahime creating a group chat just for the birthday party, you wouldn't have even known it was Ieiri's birthday.
Originally, Ieiri wasn't keen on doing anything special for her birthday, leaning towards a chill day at the park with some convenience store snacks and her favorite pack of cigarettes. But Utahime insisted, emphasizing that her little kouhei deserved a proper celebration. So, everyone tossed in their own ideas — mainly you, Mei Mei, Utahime, Haibara, and Kento.
Utahime was all about a shopping spree, Mei Mei favored an amusement park, Haibara suggested a classic dinner at a restaurant, and surprisingly, Kento threw in the idea of a night out in Shibuya. Gojo and Suguru were predictably useless; Gojo with his absurd ideas, and Suguru just going with the flow.
Honestly, you didn't pitch in any ideas either. You thought Ieiri's original plan was pretty nice. It felt more intimate than the traditional options. Nevertheless, the idea of hitting Shibuya and diving into the nightlife gained popularity in the group, especially when Gojo realized he could easily charm some pretty girls at the club.
And thus, the steps to heading out to Shibuya began.
Getting Ready
Just like the chaos of preparing for the waterpark months ago, getting ready this time was an absolute mess among the three of you. Especially when Ieiri asked you to help with her makeup — not gonna lie, you had to watch a few YouTube videos just to figure out what the hell to do.
You and Ieiri rushed to the nearest makeup store, searching for budget-friendly brands so you could assist her.
Side note: Ieiri only had the essentials like mascara and lip gloss, but considering it was a night out in one of Japan's busiest areas, she decided to go big with it.
Then there were Suguru and Gojo, bickering about what outfits to wear since they wanted to either match or at least have complementary outfits. This whole matching outfit thing started a few months back when you and Gojo unintentionally showed up with nearly identical outfits, sparking teasing from Suguru and Ieiri. After that, it became a quirky routine to find something that coordinated with the others' clothes.
Side note: Another factor was that each of you had a habit of raiding each other's closets, especially Suguru's, given his penchant for oversized clothing. His wardrobe was practically a hot commodity within your little trio.
The dorm rooms in disarray, small piles of clothes scattered in the hallways from Gojo tossing everything out of his closet, forgetting his door is wide open. Suguru shuttling back and forth between his room and yours, showcasing outfits for judgment, only to grumble and search for another when either you or Ieiri vetoes the look. You, attempting a YouTube tutorial while applying budget foundation on Ieiri's face, accidentally smearing some on the lollipop stick she's perpetually chewing on. The floor becomes a makeup disaster zone as you holler for Gojo to fetch you an outfit from your closet. He barges in, tiptoeing around you, eyeing how you're doing Ieiri's makeup, and can't resist making a comment. Suguru peeks in, curious about the commotion.
Cut to the climax — Gojo and Suguru literally shoving you aside as Gojo grabs the setting powder, tapping it onto the birthday girl's skin, while Suguru crouches beside them, offering ideas for eyeshadow styles and more. Meanwhile, you're rolling your eyes and grappling with the decision of what to wear.
Ah, don't forget the music. Every room has its own soundtrack as everyone gears up individually — each of you with your dedicated playlist for getting ready. Honestly, it's as chaotic as it gets, especially when Yaga storms down, hollering for all of you to clean up the mess while sneakily appreciating Gojo's makeup on Ieiri.
You and Suguru linger in the background, tossing all of Gojo's clothes into the closet without bothering much about hangers and such. That's a problem for future him.
Curious about what Kento and Haibara are up to as they get ready for the night? Well, Kento is bombarding your phone with pictures of potential outfits he's considering. In the background of these photos, you can spot Haibara making faces and waving at you. Midway through this whole ordeal, he even gave you a call. During the conversation, not many words were exchanged; instead, you both used each other's sounds as a sort of background noise while putting on your outfits, only to take them off and start the process anew.
Every now and then, you'd catch Haibara screaming something in the background — usually about not being able to find his favorite socks or some such. Kento, in response, would grumble under his breath before directing him to the last place he saw the elusive socks.
Before long, Mei Mei and Utahime reached the school gates. Yaga guided them to the dorm rooms, and the three of them observed the chaos unfolding with all four of you (Kento and Haibara were on the other side) scrambling around to gather the rest of your stuff.
Gojo was putting the finishing touches on Ieiri's makeup while she tidied up her room. Suguru haphazardly tossed the remainder of his clothes onto his bed, and you dashed to your room with Kento still chatting in your ear while you struggled to put on your shoes. Meanwhile, Utahime was yelling at all of you for leaving such a mess, and Mei Mei chuckled under her breath, commenting on how cute it was that Gojo knew how to do makeup.
On a side note, you had Gojo's glasses, so you had to sidle over to him as he touched up Ieiri's lipstick, all the while putting the glasses on his own face, with Mei Mei cooing in the background.
On the way to Shibuya
The trip to Shibuya isn't long, but as your little group sprints onto the train, time seems to speed up with everyone bickering and bantering. Mei Mei and Gojo are doing their usual banter dance, sprinkled with a few flirty comments here and there. Suguru is engrossed in a deep conversation with Kento near the window, while Ieiri and Utahime chat animatedly with each other.
Haibara is trying to strike up a conversation with you, but for the life of you, you can't seem to respond. It's as if your thoughts are shrouded in a fog. You feel like you're not entirely present, but you desperately want to be—your gaze seemingly lost in space, unfocused.
Before you know it, a warm sensation envelops your hand, grounding you back to reality. Haibara is leaning over you, a slightly concerned expression on his face as he quietly asks if you're alright.
"Are you alright? You seem... off." Blinking away the remnants of your brain fog, you manage a nod and respond with a quick, "Yeah, just, uh, spaced out a bit."
Haibara frowns, "You've been doing that a lot. Did something happen?"
Internally, you think, "What didn't happen?"
Trying to suppress an eye roll at his concern becomes an act of frustration. Why would you do that when it's perfectly fine for him to express concern? After all, he cares about you.
Stop being a fucking bitch.
With a slight, disarming smile, you shrug. "I'm just going through one of those moments—it'll pass eventually. So no need to worry about it." He doesn't seem entirely convinced, but then again, he knows better than to push you for an answer.
You've always been like a brick wall, unyielding and towering. Just when something manages to climb, they only catch a glimpse of the other side before more bricks are piled on, obstructing their view.
With a soft hum, Haibara settles back into the seat beside yours, sinking into his chair before resting his head on your shoulder. He traces small circles on the back of your hand as you attempt to steady your breathing.
Side Note: Kento and Suguru were actually brainstorming ways to cheat on the upcoming exam. The two of them were seriously fried from all the missions, studying, and non-stop testing. Kento floated the idea, and Suguru ran with it. Right now, they're thinking of scribbling the answers on the inside of their collars — they figure it's a safe bet since they've got a solid track record as studious guys.
The Shibuya Scene
It didn't take long before you could sense yourself distancing from your more negative emotions—or, in reality, the closer you got to Shibuya, you pushed yourself to catch the group's infectious energy. You let it flow through you, sweeping all your thoughts, worries, and insecurities to the back of your mind. The bustling crowds on the train, everyone dressed up for the night ahead, helped in the process.
For the first time that day, you could finally breathe as you jumped to your feet, pulling Haibara along with you.
Dragging Haibara along, you hustled over to Suguru, who had kindly volunteered to be the backpack carrier for everyone's stuff. You held the bag for him while he got up from his seat, with Kento standing behind you, attempting to steady a very dizzy and giggling Haibara who quipped, "Well, you bounced back up pretty quick."
If only he knew.
Your initial mission was to grab some food because, for some reason, none of you felt particularly hungry before heading out. But the moment those train doors swung open, Gojo started complaining about how famished he was. He slung his arm over Kento, who was visibly irritated by the gesture. His blonde eyebrows twitched as he attempted to shove the clingy Gojo off.
You stumbled upon this quaint spot called Zuicho—a bit hidden and surprisingly small. Only eight seats were available, but luck was on your side as most of the patrons had left, leaving 7 out of the 8 seats open. The restaurant specialized in katsudon, and despite the limited menu, the reviews were solid, so the group decided, "Why not?" Kento generously offered Ieiri the last available seat while he opted to eat standing, patiently waiting for the lingering customer to vacate the spot.
One stern look from Mei Mei, and the man occupying the final chair hastily scurried away, bowl in hand. This prompted the restaurant staff to shout and chase after the fleeing diner. Surprisingly, Gojo footed the bill for the pilfered bowl, nonchalantly waving his little black card around as if it were of no value whatsoever.
Upon arriving at Shibuya Cross, Mei Mei, accompanied by an exuberant Haibara, suggests the idea of a group picture. Mainly, Mei Mei seizes the opportunity to stand closer to Gojo as everyone finds their spots, enlisting a stranger with tinted glasses to take the photo – another young foreigner, much like yourself. Eventually, the group naturally disperses, exploring the area. Though not old enough for the clubs, curiosity propels your little groups through the bustling streets.
Gojo ends up pulling Suguru toward a group of admiring girls, while Mei Mei attempts conversation with the relatively unresponsive Kento, who keeps an eye on you and Haibara. The two of you are engrossed in a debate over whether to spend money at an intriguing kiosk. Utahime and Ieiri have vanished, likely off seeking possible group activities.
Side note: Utahime brings out a pink sash and a tiara both proclaiming "birthday girl," draping them over Ieiri. Ieiri nearly lunges at Gojo when he manages to snap a photo of her unawares. You and Utahime have to hold her back while Suguru gives Gojo a smack on the back of the head amid his maniacal laughter.
Add-On: Gojo slyly managed to shoot the picture over to Suguru, who sneakily checked it out after Gojo deleted the photo on his phone right in front of Ieiri. Suguru decided to hold onto it, a mischievous grin playing on his face as he and Gojo exchanged a knowing glance.
A while after the photo, something neon catches your eye. Next thing you know, Utahime and Haibara are jumping up and down, excitedly yelling about Mario Kart cars that can be rented out along with onesies.
Suddenly, Utahime is hollering at Kento to find the location on his phone, simultaneously giving his collar a playful tug. Ieiri is genuinely pumped as the gang heads over to Street Kart Shibuya — then comes the dilemma of deciding who gets to rock which onesie. And let me tell you, that turned into a full-blown war. Suguru claimed Pikachu, Gojo insisted on Stitch, Mei Mei initially resisted the whole costume thing but eventually caved, opting for a low-key Mario. Ieiri went with the timeless Winnie the Pooh, Utahime snagged Kirby, Kento happily nabbed Luigi (much to Mei Mei's satisfaction), Haibara transformed into Bowser, and you, my friend, embraced your inner Ninja Turtle.
You all cruised through the streets like there was no tomorrow. Surprisingly, Gojo was the picture of safe driving, while Suguru embraced a bit more recklessness, a wild grin on his face as he zoomed by most of the group. Utahime was hot on his heels, having challenged him to a small race.
Meanwhile, Kento kept to the rear with Mei Mei and you, the three of you just chilling. In the meantime, Ieiri and Haibara engaged in a conversation, shouting over the roar of their engines.
Side Note: Gojo had brought a speaker along, handing it to Kento to carry along with Ieiri's iPod. This way, he could blast her favorite tunes as the group navigated the crowded streets of Shibuya. Pedestrians, mostly spirited and slightly tipsy, cheered and danced on the sidewalks, as they listened to the songs.
It's a miracle none of you crashed.
Side Note: Since none of you could really get into the nightclubs, you ended up just standing outside, huddled together, grooving a bit to the music. You chatted among yourselves while Gojo and Haibara grabbed sodas and snacks from the nearest convenience store, bags swinging from their arms as they passed the drinks around.
Add-On: Ieiri managed to snag a cigarette from a tipsy guy loitering outside the club, and you lit it up for her. Suguru nearly lost his shit when he caught you lighting up Ieiri's cigarette; he assumed you smoked too, and he was this close to giving you a smack for it.
By the end of the night, Utahime and Mei Mei hopped on the train back to Kyoto, catching it before they shut down for the night. Unfortunately, despite Kento's repeated reminders, the rest of you forgot. By the time you reached the station, it had already closed. So, everyone had to trek back to Jujutsu High on foot.
As you stroll along, Ieiri sticks close, a smile playing on her lips as she chuckles at something Haibara said, her fingers briefly brushing against yours. For a moment, you savor the warmth of her touch before sliding your hands into your hoodie pockets. You notice a slight dimming in her eyes, prompting you to remedy it by awkwardly resting your head on her shoulder as you all continue walking, muttering something about how Haibara can be pretty dumb.
Side Note: The speaker has run out of battery by now, so Suguru has Ieiri's iPod in his pocket, playing some random song at a low volume. It serves as background music, adding to the vibe of the stroll.
You can't recall how the night wrapped up — one moment, you're relishing the crisp night air while Gojo and Kento go back and forth, the other two idiots snickering in the background. Then suddenly, you find yourself sprawled on your bed, still decked out in the same clothes from the night out, silently gazing up at the blank expanse of your room's white ceiling.
Your eyes fixate on a piece of paper you taped up there ages ago, its gold lettering shimmering in the ambient lighting. A whirlwind of thoughts swirls through your mind, yet none quite break the surface. For a moment, you exist in the fabric of time, quietly tuning in to Suguru's thunderous snores echoing from the next room.
Suddenly, a text pinged on your phone. You knew instantly who the sender was as you groaned in annoyance and frustration. Crawling to your phone, which had been charging on the nightstand just above your head, you squinted your eyes at the brightness of the screen as you read the message.
Meeting. End of the month.
You almost wanted to throw a fit as a bubble of dread filled your being. Shutting the phone off, you tossed it to the side before flopping back onto your bed. Red-tinged eyes stared up, once again, at the ceiling.
You never knew an object could also have a fuzzy outline
Song Inspo: xanny - Billie Eilish
Oct 22 - Is this like a filler episode? Yes, yes it is. I just wanted some fluff and what better way than with a little Birthday special? 🎆
Nov 14 - Ha, nah. Also, I'm currently obsessed with Megan Thee Stallions new song Cobra.
This episode was supposed to be more light-hearted, but once I started typing, your character just took on a life of its own.
At first, Gojo was set on being Pikachu and Suguru, Stitch. However, when I considered the vibes and personas of those characters (admittedly, I don't know much about them), I recalled that Stitch was hella sassy, while Pikachu was pretty mellow. So, it just felt right to pair them up with their corresponding characters.
Originally, Suguru was supposed to drive recklessly, offering a glimpse into his deteriorating mental state and potentially hinting at suicidal tendencies. However, I added a playful dynamic between Utahime and him for a lighter touch, though it can still be interpreted differently.
I didn't plan to wrap up this episode the way I did, but it struck me as a fitting method of foreshadowing.
Gojo caught on to your spaced-out moment on the train, his black-tinted glasses shielding the fact from everyone else. But, his eyes were locked onto you the entire time.
It's one of my shorter episodes, yet it delves into the emotional turmoil your character seems to be constantly navigating, even in situations where it shouldn't be the case, like this relatively peaceful episode. It just goes to show that even when everything seems all right, it really isn't.
Kento took into account Ieiri's personality and preferences, which is why he suggested a simple night out in one of the busiest places in Japan.
Contrary to expectations, Gojo didn't go to flirt with pretty girls. In truth, he just wanted to stay with you and Suguru as a way to compensate for all the isolation he felt.
The act of denying yourself the simple touch of Ieiri's hand holds a deeper meaning; it's a symbol of rejecting affection, perceiving it as a potential threat to your own being. It also mirrors your reluctance to allow her into your personal space. Yet, in your attempt to spare her sorrow, you seek alternative paths. However, this action is also symbolic of your manipulative tendencies. On one side, you're indifferent to the possibility of causing her pain, yet on the other, you strive to maintain a facade of camaraderie. It's a double-edged blade, where the latter is the subtler but significant edge.
Usually, when someone puts something on the ceiling, it's often a way to convey that the person attaches some hope or sentiment to the object. It's like they're looking forward to it or, at the very least, it holds strong sentimental value.
The piece of paper taped to the ceiling is a direct reference to a previous episode. Did you ever figure out to whom the card belonged? And why is it taped to the ceiling?
A meeting at the end of the month? What's that about?
Yet, the lingering question persists: What exactly is your relationship with Gakuganji?
Drop a comment!
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Hope you enjoyed!
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neonscandal · 8 months
Sorry, but I need to say something I've been thinking about for a while. I found geto's death forcing. 1.he loses to a boy with no experience and the power of ''love''. 2.he was stronger and had more knowledge and experience than the boy yuta. 3. It seems that the author just wanted to get rid of geto so that this annoying villain Kenjaku could come. 4. In my opinion, Geto is the best villain. I don't understand why the author didn't want to continue with him. 5. His death was forced because Saturo already had a change in character and personality. What I'm trying to say is that in the film, Satura is already different, he's no longer that immature young man. 6. the serious work was much more dramatic if geto had survived saturo blow he would have become stronger and returned as a villain again with sukuna. Sorry if it's big, but I have these doubts that such a good and well-constructed character had a horrible ending and very little.
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Oooh lots to address.
Geto vs. Yuta
Things to remember - "Special Grade" is a classification given to a sorcerer beyond a certain threshold currently within the understanding of jujutsu elders. In fact, Gojo calls out that the curses that have been sprouting up re: Jogo, Hanami and Mahito who are capable of human speech would require a reevaluation of that scale. This is also even as it applies to comparing Gojo's strength vs. Geto's. They're both special grades and Gojo recognizes Geto as his equal but that doesn't mean they're evenly matched.
When it comes to Yuta, in particular, he's an outsider but, demonstrably, was able to replicate Inumaki's technique and learn to manipulate reversed curse energy within three months... Gojo, a lifelong member of jujutsu society, learned how to use reversed cursed energy at the edge of his life when he was like... sixteen. So Yuta's not really someone to turn your nose up at, either. He's proximally related to Gojo himself. Even Kenjaku thinks the fact that he can summon limitless cursed energy without condition is simply ridiculous and he's been alive for forever.
I don't know if you've noticed but, with the shortage of sorcerers, there's no such thing about fair fights in Jujutsu Kaisen. You can expect a 2-on-1 minimum, whenever possible. The fight against Geto was no different. Geto lost against special grade sorcerer Yuta Okkotsu and special grade curse Rika Orimoto. Bear in mind, Geto's reserve curses were split between Tokyo and Kyoto to distract the heavy hitters for at least 10 minutes for him to go usurp Rika so he was weakened. Even his Maximum: Uzumaki wouldn't have packed as much a punch because the number of curses he'd have had on him wouldn't have been as voluminous. We can say he lost to the power of "love" but... really it was a battle of resolve and Geto's heart just may not have been in it.
Geto Was Forged to Break
I frequently talk about whether Geto was doomed by the narrative and, if I really think about it, he was. From the story's chronological standpoint, maybe that could be argued. But based on the story as relayed to readers/viewers, Geto had been issued a death sentence well before the events of JJK 0 where Gege Akutami starts the series. That's a fact of his character and it would always be his fate, whether weakened by Yuta or not. Now that I think about it, I don't like what that says about the fate of Yuta and Yuji, either.
Villains, Villains, Villains
Heavy agree, Geto is my favorite. He's written so tragically it's delectable, honestly. But I'm not sure he had the conviction to be indiscriminately evil. He believes he's doing it for the right reasons but I don't even think he, in his mind, can justify the means to the end. I 1000% think he found himself snapping in that village and, after such a transgression, had no choice but continue pressing forward, the burden of the sin being too great to question. Because, if he'd taken all those lives for no reason, he'd never be able to live with himself. Kenjaku has no moral threshold to observe. He is guided by the pleasure of his own curiosity regardless of the abominations it manifests along the way. As a matter of fact, the more chaos the better.
Geto went to Jujutsu High to kill Yuta, as someone who stood in the way of achieving his goal of usurping Rika, but goes to the trouble of leaving Inumaki and Panda alive. He didn't believe in spilling sorcerer blood unnecessarily but... he left Maki alive, too. Geto's need for a moral purpose would never have allowed him to work in tandem with Sukuna who thrives on mayhem and massacres. He's an antagonist but not necessarily the villain of the story.
Geto to Gojo
Geto never stops being a weakness for Gojo. His existence, his death, the importance of him even only in body, was never for no reason. He's the lesson Gojo keeps having to learn. Gojo never really loses his hubris, even after Riko. It may have been tempered but there's still no one above him in strength. He holds Geto above himself, anyway. Through Geto's influence, I think he passively recognized how unfair things were but... it didn't really affect him the same way it might someone like Haibara. But, carrying the burden of the jujutsu world and having the responsibility of killing his one and only friend, I think that actually embittered him to take more decisive action to change things in the ten years that followed.
Even so, he was confident when he told Yuji he could beat Sukuna, the only visible threat. He could never have foreseen that he'd be undone by a moment in the presence of Geto's corpse. He was careless in not destroying the body properly in the first place. Gojo continued to be lauded as a god but damned to love, anyway, and it all started with and was made possible by Suguru Geto.
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wisecura · 11 months
pretty p.2 w.1033
Geto x gojo-reader
You're Gojos cute little sister
p.1 - p.3
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You introduced your classmates to your big brother and his friends. Your two new friends seemed intimidated by your brother. And honestly, your brother couldn't help but be a little more forward and a little more mean when he interacted with your new frien-classmates.
Especially when he saw one of them sling their arm around your shoulder and the other bring snacks for you (the three of you). They seemed a little too close for his comfort.
And he was relieved when Suguru seemed to think the same thing seeing how you interacted with your classmates. He couldn't imagine it before, but now he seemed to understand how much you've grown since you two were little. You weren't the small child following him around the manor in search of midnight snacks.
You've grown into your squishy cheeks, filled out too much, and showed too much skin for his liking. In reality, you wore the school uniform designated to summer time, which included a skirt and a polo shirt. It didn't show much, but the fact that you had two boys eyes constantly on you seemed to bug his conscience.
The two boys were so not worth your time. He knew you were too good for some high school kids who probably still picked their noses when no one was looking, or peeped in the girls' changing rooms. And to top it all off, he saw how weak they were. He was sure anyone could beat them in a battle, and he was positive that you were leagues ahead of them. They would never be able to protect his sweet little sister.
No, he couldn't help the way his hand seemed to clasp on their shoulders just a little harder than necessary. Or the way his pupils would shrink and his eyes would narrow in on one of the boys when he leaded in a little too close to you. Why were you only surrounded by boys? Does this school even scout for girl sorcerers anymore?
Suguru did nothing to ease this uneasiness in his friend. In fact, he seemed to notice it more often than Satoru did, and always seemed to lean over and whisper provoking things into his ear. “I think I just saw him try to look up her skirt, Satoru”
“I'm positive he’s trying to get into her good graces. He even brought her favorite snack today”
“What if they got married in the future, Satoru?” 
Suguru isn't stupid. He knows there's only one person that could stop those boys from staring at you so longingly. He couldn't explain it, but he knew he harbored some attraction towards you. Not that he'd tell anyone, let alone Satoru.
And with just the right amount of degradation out of your earshot, and the just right amount of pushing around, Satoru was able to stop both boys from “flirting” with you so openly. You’d never suspect a thing about it either. 
That was until one of the boys confided to you about how scary your big brother and his best friend seemed to be after you cornered questioned him on why they were being so distant. 
Surprisingly, you didn't take this so well. At least, Satoru was surprised when you came to his dorm room- ready to bust down his door. 
“Satoru, open up!” You hollered. This couldn't be good, he thought. He opened the door to let you in, only to have you push past him, knocking the door into his face, and marching your way into his room. 
“What's wrong now?” He asked, clearly confused. “What did you and Geto say to those boys? They barely talk to me anymore!” Suguru, who was in the room across the hall, heard everything. He was wondering how Satoru was going to handle this. 
“Not much,” Satoru rubbed the back of his neck and had the gall to look away. “Just told them to stop making such big heart eyes at you and to keep their hands off of you…”
You scoffed at him, your face turning pink at the implication that your classmates were making a pass at you. Your voice was low, so low that Suguru needed to crane his head real close to the door just to hear your next words.
“Just because my focus isn't on you all of the time, doesn't mean you can take it out on all of my friends.” Your voice was dripping with venom, and Satoru wouldn't lie and say he wasn't surprised you were so angry with him. You and him were so close that you really never had a true argument like this before. And this would be why he folded so quickly. 
He isn't a weak man, but he does have a weakness. And that is you. 
“I-i’m sorry imouto, I didn't know you would be so upset.” This is the first time Suguru had heard his best friend's voice sounds so strained. Suguru thought he sounded like he was about to cry, but he wouldn't truly know unless he saw for himself. 
“I just didn't like the way they were getting so close to you. Do you really need to hang around them so often?” His voice seemed softer by the minute. He thought he heard you let out a sigh.
“Toru, c’mere” He heard some shuffling, and Suguru could only imagine you were hugging it out. He only felt marginally jealous that Satoru was getting to hug you, but instantly let it go when you continued. 
“They’re going to be my classmates for several years. I need to get along well with them. Besides, I’m not interested in someone weaker than me and uglier than you.”
This earned a soft laugh from Satoru. “Will we ever find you a husband like that? Can't you just stay with me forever, imouto? I’ll make sure no one hurts you and I'll buy you anything you want.” Suguru felt his head reel. Weaker than her and uglier than Satoru.
Is that what ruled them out? Surely he exceeded those expectations. He’d have to remember to get onto Satoru for spoiling you too much later.
“Satoru, I can't stay with you forever, y’know that.”
“But I sure as hell can make sure you don't have any trashy men crawling after you.” This caused you to laugh in turn. 
Suguru sighed against his door. What was he doing?
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p.1 - p.3
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epickiya722 · 11 months
Random ask, what if JJK characters transported to BNHA world, who do you think woud be bff? (Named at least 7 JJK characters & 7 BNHA characters, feel free if you want to write the reasons or not).....
Kirishima and Todo would definitely get along and if Todo ask the "what's your type", Kirishima probably would give some answer that would have Todo cry and be like "I respect it". They would spar and exercise all the time and Kirishima, being so nice, would tag along with Todo when he wants to go see his favorite idol. Like, Kirishima would able to handle someone like Todo.
Itadori and Midoriya hands down would be besties. They have a lot of similarities, but also differences that I feel like would balance out well. Itadori has the perfect movie watching partner here! Midoriya could totally go on about heroes and Itadori would listen and ask questions that would get Midoriya even more hyped up. Would love for my two No. 1's to interact.
Hear me out on this one. Miruko and Gojo. Look, she would be able to handle his personality, she would be able to dish back the same energy. Honestly, these two as besties would actually be a dangerous combo.
Using Miruko again, I also say her and Yuki Tsukumo. Both are badass, confident, gorgeous strong women who operate on their terms. If these two tag-teamed, their opponents are crying from just the trash talking these two could do alone.
I think it would be funny if Kenjaku and All For One interacted. I don't know if they would be besties, but I think whatever they talk about would be something.
I think some things would have been avoided if Choso, Vlad King and Toga would have met. Or gotten worse... you never know.
Nobara, Utsushimi and Ashido would be amazing besties. Their personalities are different from one to another, but I think that's what would make a friendship between these three beautiful. It would not be boring at all with three.
Tokoyami and Okkotsu, I need those two to interact. They could bond over having Dark Shadow and Rika. And come on, Tokoyami would definitely be amazed by Okkotsu's sword. Feel like they would get along well. Both have their air about them that makes them off come as not sociable and just 'depressing', but really they're absolute sweethearts and cool once you get to know them.
Miwa and Iida, those two blue haired teens would get along. They're both hard-working, kind and even though they seem "uptight" (more so on Iida's case) they're actually not uptight and they're fun to be around. They can bond over stew (which happens to be their favorite food) and having brothers.
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psychewritesbs · 5 months
Thanks so much for sharing your metas @theanimepsychologist , I learn a lot of things from you...
Sorry for just realizing it now, that you are the writer of one of my favorite 'Soul Eater' meta ever from a few years ago (love it so much).
Now I found your blog again through your JJK metas (new fan here, just got to JJK fandom last year)....
Can I ask something, do you think SatoSugu is queerbaiting? What do you think about Gojo and Geto's relationship as romantic subtext?
(Sorry if you don't ship them, it's just, I want to know objective pov like you that neither love nor hate Gojo and Geto as characters).
If I ask these questions to SatoSugu shipper or anti SatoSugu (Gojo/Geto hater) both of those groups are subjective to their likes and dislikes...
But if you don't want to talk about it, I understand, sorry if I ask too much.
Also, just want to tell you, one of the main reason why I entered the fandom, is because of stsg. The fan arts and fan fictions for SatoSugu are amazing....But I love JJK more and understand more about the story & characters are thanks to you @theanimepsychologist (Sorry again if my main reason for entering JJK fandom is because of shipping).
Well this is awkward... I've since changed my username and perplexed moots and followers alike because of it.
Anyways, is stsg queerbaiting???? HMMMMM let's taco'bout it under the cut.
I think the ship in the manga walks a very fine line between queerbaiting and whatever the opposite is, but imo, it is ultimately not queerbaiting. More about this in a little bit.
If I'm honest though, if we go by the strict definition of queerbaiting as a "marketing technique for fiction and entertainment in which creators hint at, but do not depict, same-sex romance or other LGBTQ+ representation," the anime feels by contrast queerbaity.
I say this because MAPPA seems to be very aware it is catering to a very specific target audience...
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Like... did they have to go this hard with Nanami?
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Similarly, they took creative decisions that were very openly supportive of stsg as a ship while still remaining somewhat ambiguous to all of the people who do not see the romantic undertones.
In other words, MAPPA goes out of their way to make certain aspects of the story more obvious, which can feel like it is very intentionally speaking to an audience that would enjoy such changes.
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Honestly tho, I LOVED the creative liberties that the anime took in general.
My thoughts on stsg... I've actually talked about how I do like this ship before. I used to be on camp "they're just friends" and came around because I saw the vision and now I can't unsee it. But the fact that I had to be shown the vision in order to "get it" makes me feel like you have to see the ship through a certain lens in order to appreciate it romantically.
Thing is that I personally find it dissatisfying that a ship is presented to me in little "hints" and "clues" rather than through the dynamic itself. Which is where the queerbaiting allegations come in.
HOWEVER, to me, knowing how Gege writes by subverting tropes, the "queerbaiting" hints are very intentionally placed in the manga to say "these two were lovers" as opposed to doing it for "marketing purposes".
Personally, I much prefer Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle's kurofai because the clues are hidden in the dynamic and their emotional behavior to one another.
Compared to stsg, I can only read romantic subtext in two or three canon stsg panels, but I'm also not sure if it's because of Gege's skill level, lesser focus on emotional intimacy, idk...
That's how I see it at least. And I honestly respect anyone who doesn't think of them as lovers because, again, the ship is somewhat hidden in clues, not in the dynamic. And say a stsg fan reads this, they could very well think "is she blind?!"
And this is where we get into post-modernism and jjk's main theme: no one owns the objective truth. You are reading jjk through your very own unique lens, and any meaning you make out of jjk is always filtered through that lens. Trying to say your truth is absolute is basically power scaling.
At one point or another someone has to agree to disagree.
So yeah, you'll hear me say this bit about not owning the ultimate truth a lot.
Anon, thank you so much for the kind comments 🥲. I am so happy to hear you loved my Soul Eater write up and that you've ran into my jjk rambles too.
Honestly, I love writing about my favorite ships and nothing makes me sadder than the state of shipping in jjk fandom because people won't just mind their own business about who should be shipped with whom.
As a side note, I've been brainrotting about atsumei recently. Might actually write about the breadcrumbs because these two move me the way some of my absolute favorite ships, soma, asucaga, and kurofai move me.
Anyways I'VE RAMBLED WHY DID NO ONE STOP ME?, it looks like you are feeling worried about my thoughts on you starting to read jjk because of stsg. I say it is a wonderful thing that you started reading it and found enjoyment in it.
Thanks for reaching out, and as per usual I apologize on taking forever to answer asks... I have like 50 and I do try to answer most of them.
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aimfor-theheart · 2 years
Hi there Cielo :) May I say the latest chapter of Godmaker was a stunning addition to the rest .. You put so much foreshadowing into the story and it's definitely paying off now - it was so suspenseful!
"He wanted to be human. Mortal. Man." I can't stress enough how much I loved this line .. Gojo's humanity (or lack thereof) is one of the most important and interesting things to explore about his character (definitely my favorite) and you've been dealing with this concept in such a meaningful and intense way :).
One thing I didn't mention in the last comment I left is how well you've portrayed all the other "side" characters, especially Nanami .. He's still so young yet he already feels so tired 😖 .. The family scenes feel so bittersweet and nostalgic, and this chapter was no exception! And Tsumiki - given the way the last three manga chapters have evolved (big sigh) the scenes that involved her and Megumi gained an extra layer of intensity.
Second to last, the desperation in reader's words when Yuta made his appearance .. Knowing his arrival is when things start to seriously unfold in JJK made the moment even more dramatic (I don't know if that made sense 😂).
And last but not least, can I just say .. the very last passage! With what I've said about Gojo's character in mind .. I think it's the best part of it! The way everything slid in place, his painful realization, and both the past and future implications of it ..
I'm as always in awe :,) Thank you so much again for spending your time to work on this and for sharing it with us .. I really mean it! I hope you have a great day :)
oh gosh im sorry im getting to this a few days late!! its been sitting in my asks and i've been rereading it 💕
first of all, thank you AGAIN for taking the time to read and then come into my inbox to share your thoughts 😩😩💕 as always, it means the world to me!!
i think gojo has a...human complex lol. i've seen it go around the dash recently but it was something i'd thought/had been the basis of godmaker for a long time which is that gojo doesn't have a god complex because he just is a god. and he wants to be human. or he wants another god. he doesn't want to be alone anymore. and i took it the next level in godmaker LMAO
god the tsumiki bomb dropped on me and i went SHIT. bc i was not planning on THAT. and then megumi...oh megumi. either way. i had to continue godmaker despite whatever akutami is putting out lol. but im glad you're enjoying the side characters! i actually love writing nanami always. even if he's a tough nut.
it makes total sense!! that's what i intended for it to be! i do feel like yuuta marks the beginning of the end, in the reader's mind. she'll get to meet him next chapter and she. kinda sees him as a bad omen in her life lol.
but gosh THANK YOU! i really really really appreciate you taking the time to send this message and share your thoughts! honestly one of my fav parts of posting on here is when i get to do this!!
thank you again and sorry this is late!! i hope you're doing well friend 💕💕
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funwalker · 5 months
spoilers for jjk....
I think the problem I've been having with the current arc of jjk (the manga) is that they're doing it like a reverse heist movie and I think it really works against the story.
All of the characters have been doing all of this preparation off screen and when they use the fruits of all of their planning it just kind of feels like it's been pulled out of thin air as a plot convenience?
The explanations feel like they've had a decent amount of thought put into them but i feel like it really diffuses the tension having them after whatever they're explaining has occurred.
just saying "oh yuji can use reverse cursed techniques now so he can fight tougher enemies without dying," like... that's cool and all but i feel like it would be more satisfying if we were shown that first and then watched things unfold in unexpected ways in the battle. The way it is now is Yuji shows up, we learn he has a new power, they fight for a while. Theeeeen we go back and learn how he got this power, but it's still in the talking heads format where everyone is sitting around explaining their plan as if this is a heist movie... but we're already watching the heist. We're like, 3 hours into the heist. Like, it's not a trump card that really turns the tides (or at least hasn't yet). I feel like if you're trying to reveal "this character has grown while you weren't looking" it's really more effectively used for emphasis rather than exposition?
A more satisfying flow to me would be something like:
showing all of the characters preparing for this big battle. there are lots of little moving parts to this plan, hence why I likened it to a heist movie. (this would be all of those little flashbacks peppered throughout the recent chapters, but frontloaded either before they send gojo to fight sukuna or after gojo dies. probably after gojo dies for the most dramatic tension)
they go into battle. everyone is at their marks. it's not enough. (this is essentially what's already happening)
if things don't happen as they should, *then* they can explain the contingencies, but because you already know the basic plan, you can begin to put together how this changes things, or it could set you up to be more surprised by an unexpected turn of events.
I think that's why I had more fun with the comedy "battle" between Takaba and Kenjaku. Like, the realization that he's sort of met his match and is enjoying the fight is unexpected and later it's revealed that they had planned it (which in itself is kind of novel because it's also an unexpected pairing from a reader's standpoint). It's probably my favorite sequence in the recent chapters.
Anyways, I'm just complaining because it feels like this arc has gone on for so long and we keep stopping to explain power levels and healing your brain so you can keep using your domain and blah blah blah we picked these three guys to nullify this one thing that sukuna does and taught yuji rct off screen in a week or however long its been and we've made so many contingency plans PLEASE JUST GET ON WITH IT... Honestly though, I've been so checked out of jjk since the shibuya arc ended. I've mostly been reading it on the side because there's usually a new chapter up when I got to check for the new Chainsaw Man lol...
edit: I wrote all of that mainly to say I really don't get why people are enamored with telling a story out of order. it's cool for a surprise every now and then or if it is thematically relevant, but a lot of times it feels like they're just doing it for the sake of doing it. Or like in this case, it feels like it's supposed to be *another* reveal. What is this, like the 4th or 5th time? It's no longer interesting at this point. (it wasn't even well used to begin with.) There's nothing wrong with things being in chronological order!! En media res is probably the most misused rhetorical device IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!!! STOP IT. STOP. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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chuuyrr · 3 years
Hiiiiiii!!! I LOVE your stories I was wondering if you can do Gojo and bb scarlet reader doing a nighttime routine like bathing together and a movie night thank you!
scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader and dad! gojo's nighttime routine
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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warning(s): none! just sumn fluffy dad! gojo and scarlet bb fushiguro bonding :D
omg omg omg this request is so cute ??? i had so much fun writing this, thank you so much for the feedback and requesting, enjoy reading <3
(p.s. this is currently one of my new favorite works, i made it so fluffy that i can feel my heart melting everytime i reread it fsgwksjksksjs)
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what started off as a simple request of a bubble bath suddenly became a routine for you two. after a long day of work for gojo and playing for you, you two looked forward to your nighttime routine. it consisted of a bubble bath and watching movies.
you'd finish eating your dinner quickly just so you could watch gojo fill the bathtub with bubbles and warm water. sometimes you get too excited that you would just straight up jump into the tub with your clothes still on and your dad, gojo, being gojo, would never scold you and instead join you with his jujutsu uniform still on💀
as soon as you two hop in the bathtub, it would always end up in a water splashing play fight between you two and then you two would blow the bubbles of the bath at each other and even attempt to throw it but your favorite would have to be the styling of hair. the two of you would burst out laughing every single time gojo styled your hair into the craziest hairstyles with all the bubbles and shampoo, and he liked to match his hair with yours.
once the water of the bubble bath is no longer warm, gojo will immediately towel you dry so you won't get cold and dress you up in your favorite [animal] patterned pajamas.
after gojo gets comfy in his own pajamas, he does his skincare (and i just know he does, have ya'll seen his face and glossy lips ???)
sadly, he doesn't let you do skincare, so you can only help him with his because you're still young that. gojo will let you apply cleanser and put a skincare mask on his face. after gojo washes his face, you two will proceed to the living room where gojo has already bundled all the pillows and blankets on the sofa.
gojo will then let you pick whatever movie you want to watch, may it barbie, pokemon or disney and it doesn't matter if you two had already watched the movie. you will cuddle up on gojo's chest as you two watch under the comfort of the thick and fluffy blankets and pillows, and snack on some kikufuku mochi.
if there's some singing in the movie you're watching, you and gojo will sing-along. sometimes gojo would be in the moment a bit too much that he'd stand up on the sofa, using the remote as a microphone while holding you with his free arm.
you'd usually stay up for two movies (because that's your limit) and eventually, you'll begin to sleepy and drift off to dreamland. gojo will sometimes wake you up just to make sure you brush your teeth before you head to bed. it's only sometimes because gojo tends to fall asleep along with you and by the time he wakes up, it's already two or three in the middle of the night and you're in deep sleep already.
you two either fall asleep on the sofa or gojo wakes up in the middle of the night to carry and tuck you in bed at your room.
but for instances wherein you're holding onto him and you refuse to let go, gojo will smile to himself and simply bring you to his bedroom, letting you sleep with him all cuddled up in his embrace but not before he kisses the top of your head, whispering a "good night, kikufuku. sweet dreams." to you <3
last, but not the least, it is honestly a wonder how you're able to sleep next to gojo without a problem because he tends to snore in an obnoxiously loud manner. it's an adorable sight though because as gojo snores in his sleep, you'd have drool escaping the corner of your lips while being coddled in his arms comfortably.
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maginxlia · 3 years
Starring Nanami, Gojo, Toji And Sukuna Ryomen in How They spend Autumn days with you
Rated PG-13
Contains foul language and Suggestive Themes
✨Director's Commentary✨ Thank y'all for all the love and support ✨ It's finally getting all chilly and over here in the Southern Wonderland 💖 October is one of my favorite months and I just had to write something about some of my favorite men🍁I hope y'all enjoy these headcanons and I hope y'all enjoying what’s left of October too☺️ As per Usual No pronouns in this ish cause if I got a plate we all eating 🍁I appreciate all the likes, Comments, Requests and Reblogs 💖 I honestly love y'all so much🍁 Please Stay Safe, Healthy and Hydrated 💖Askbox Open 24/7
Nanami Kento
Nanami is a Simple man, as long as he with you he is happy and having a good time
So needless to say when the leaves started turning orange and the wind got a lot cooler he was excited for the new events y'all can do together
This man love it if you decorate the home with fall inspired decor
Those mini pumpkins warms his heart
Raking leaves together as bonding and cuddling together when you both get chilly
Pumpkin patch date where y'all walk hand in hand trying to find three pumpkins that speak to you two
Pumpkin carving with this man is effortless fun experience, if you want he will gut the pumpkins for you
He go for a Traditional Jack o lantern which looks so professional with perfect lines
He want to try all the pumpkin flavor alcoholic beverages with you (He personally love Pumpkin spice White Russians)
Makes the best Apple cider
Roasting and Eating pumpkin seeds while watching spooky films
If you forget your jacket he's draping his around you with no complaints
Hayrides with his warm arms around you as the smell of his cologne gently caress your nose🤤
Baking Halloween theme cookies together and just having a hell of a time
King of the kitchen He loves to try new recipes with you ( Plus Nanami Wears a apron over his dress shirt and slacks, he looks absolutely delicious)
Y'all make Homemade candy and his coworkers is swooning
Cook this man pumpkin bread and his heart is yours forever
Gojo Satoru
Gojo is so excited he could combust
He went full apeshit, been planning this shit since Autumn of 2020
He scared the FUCK outta of Nanami with... a fucking Chucky Robot? We don't know how this nigga got his hands on one or who made it but the shit should be a crime
He hired a man of husky and tall stature(Aka Beefcake) to be Michael Myers to scare the fuck outta of you; Dude cornered you (in your home) and had a knife drawn and everything, needless to say your pants was wet and your relationship with your boyfriend was on ground so shaky the shit was crumbling (will try to make it up to you with a vacation to the mountains or buying you something you wanted for a while)
No more pranks (on you at least) Nanami and Megumi I'm sorry but it's over for y'all tho
Not including his horror inducing pranks the best part of the weather getting chilly is the change of his outfits and the fact he will wrap you in his coat while resting his head on yours is 100/100
His cologne goes from Dolce & Gabbana Light blue To Eau D'Aromes By Armani
Can and will buy enough pumpkins that his car trunk is full (He swears it's for pranks, cooking and carving)
Carving pumpkins with this nigga is messy, Pumpkin guts fight will happen and yes he got seeds in your hair
His poor jack o lantern tho, he calls it the Pump-in and it just a pumpkin he carved different genitalia into🙄
Only bring out Pump-in when its very late and the kids are indoors, he's not a deviant.
Needless to say one morning he woke up to seeing poor Pump-in smashed on y'all doorstep and the rumour is it might have been a vengeful Nanami who slaughtered Pump-in (Press F in the chat for respecks)
Will get you two lost deep in a corn maze on purpose just so he give it to you on a pile of corn husks
The man is shameless about it, he will fix your clothes real quick afterwards and magically find the exit of the corn maze
Eats every cookie you bake. those cute little ghost cookies? Yeah he ate em. Pillsbury Halloween inspired cookies? In his tummy. Sweet tooth on dummy thicc
Eats pumpkin pies like he's getting a prize for it
Candy connoisseur, Candy corn and licorice will not be anywhere near his mouth
Type to leap in random leaf piles because he can't contain himself so beware
Fushiguro Toji
It seems the colder it gets the more you see Toji when it's late at night
He says it's because he got local jobs but the fact is that he just love to keep you warm at night
Toji still dresses like it’s warm out and he swears the chilly wind doesn't bother him
Will bitch about you not dressing appropriately for the weather tho
But If you're cold don't fret he keeps his jacket/coat in the trunk of his car and lord when he wrap it around you it smells so good
Really Hate to see his baby cold
Doesn't really care if you decorate the place for autumn but he will compliment you all the same if you do
Let's you pick out the pumpkins
Mans skilled with the blade, let him hollow out the pumpkins for you quick and neat
His Jack o lantern can be considered art, it could make Van Gogh, Andy Warhol and Austin Spare gush in amazement
Don't watch horror movies with this nigga tho, he will critique the way weapons are held and how realistic the blood spatters are🤦🏾‍♀️
Also good luck trying to prank this sexy fucker, His assassin skills are sharp and he can sense you boo
Fear factories with him is hilarious tho; Mans got his arm wrapped around you and when someone scare the fuck outta of you this man will just shout so what?? to the person who scared you (Toji needs to cool his fucking ass down fr, they're just actors my dude)
This man secretly buy those giant bags of assorted Halloween candy and eat that shit with the quickness
Secretly love those lil gourds
Toji will meticulously rake y'all lawn of leaves
He will pick you up and toss you into the biggest crunchy leaf pile you ever laid your eyeballs on
Toji appreciate home made cookies but he will still eat the fuck outta of the Pillsbury ones
Ryomen Sukuna
Sukuna can actually enjoy this time of year especially since you're in the picture now
He really like the different types of candy and food that comes hand in hand with October
Yuuji usually plan the cute little activities for y'all since Sukuna can't be trusted on his own
Pumpkin Patch dates with the king of curses is really fucking cute (change my mind)
He will hunt for the biggest and perfect one he can find
Carving pumpkins with him is a pissing contest tho
He wants his Jack o lantern to be the perfect one; since his pumpkins carving skills is on minimum and he using his FUCKING CLAWS..... Lemme tell you Babe that shit is BUSTED but don't tell his ass this because he will be embarrassed and pissed
He's actually proud of his Jack o lantern and if unadulterated massacred pumpkin flesh is your thing then hell yeah it's a fucking masterpiece
Wears a oversized Ralph Lauren Topcoat (Yuuji Wallet is aching) When its too cool out
He claims he doesn't get cold but if he's wearing his coat oml he would love if you get into the coat with him for extra warmth; Lay your head on his chest and he will melt
Pranks on him is a no go, He will fucking rage
Only watch old Stephen King movies with you, Will laugh his ass off when Kathy Bates bust old boy's legs up in misery
Eats candy by the bag
Shit he wants to eat any autumn theme snacks
Cook him pumpkins pies or any food with pumpkin in it and this nigga goin Apeshit
Unfortunately the king of curses is addicted to those fucking Pillsbury Halloween cookies and he will eat boxes of them RAW (I don't think it's below him to not eat poor Poppin fresh Aka the pillsbury doughboy if it was a option)
Sukuna got Yuuji getting chubby with his constant need for sweets
Comments, Likes, Reblogs and Requests is Hella Appreciated and Loved💖 Please don't Steal My Shit
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oioinanami · 3 years
menace. (gojo satoru x f. reader)
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word count: 2k
synopsis: what gojo wants most is your attention - 24/7.
contains: fluff, established relationship, a very annoying gojo, a bit of sexual suggestiveness
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“I’ll say this for the first and last time - leave me alone. I have to finish at least three more hours of work before I can call it a day, Satoru.”, you reply, voice stern, but your boyfriend doesn’t even take notice of your evident annoyance. “But you promised!”, he whines, his crystal blue eyes sparkling with mischief, lips pulled into one of his smug smiles you used to hate but have grown to love over the past few years, “I remember it clearly, you said ‘if you take Friday off, I’ll be yours all day, oh-wonderful-boyfriend-of-mine’!” You just roll your eyes at his antics and shake your head, fingers furiously typing away on your keyboard. “And here I am, having taken a day off from work just to spend some quality time with my favorite woman, but she rejects me!”, he continues and lets out a fake sob. You finally snap, turning around in your chair and pinching the bridge of your nose. “Gojo Satoru. I clearly stated that I cannot take another day off just to spend it lazing with you in bed, and that you’d have to wait until Saturday to get some cuddles. Today is Friday, meaning I have to work - as do almost all other normal adults. You knew that when you took the day off.” Your boyfriend just laughs. “I did know that, yes, but I just like hassling you so much.” You glare at him. “Oh, believe me, I know. But I really need to finish my work, so go play by or with yourself, I honestly don’t care. Just leave me alone, you big needy baby.” 
Gojo just continues to grin, your annoyance clearly giving him life. “See, you’re not even mad at me, not really - you even used a pet name!” You close your eyes for a few seconds and inhale deeply, desperately trying to recall any of the lessons your meditation app has given you on ‘inner peace’. “I was insulting you.”, you finally reply with the patience of a saint, but internally, you’re violently whacking him over the head with your notebook. And your chair. Maybe even your desk. The thought brings a smile to your lips. “Daydreaming about me?” The smile immediately dies on your lips. When you open your eyes again, Gojo’s face is mere millimeters from yours, and you notice - not for the first time - how preposterously long his eyelashes are. Truly wasted on an ungrateful man like him. “Daydreaming about how to make you disappear without leaving a trace, yeah.”, you answer, and he chuckles, long fingers sliding under your chin to tilt it up. His lips hover over yours without touching just yet, and you hate how your body betrays you by automatically leaning closer to him. He grins wolfishly, clearly thinking he’s won. 
“Hear me out.”, you quickly say before your last rational brain cell says goodbye and you start kissing him senseless, “Give me one more hour. Then we can do whatever you want, I promise.” Gojo seems to mull the idea over before clicking his tongue. “Why wait for something I can have now?”, he then asks, and you groan, sending a militia of harmful thoughts at him before finally deciding to try your last resort - utter seriousness. You know he loves pushing you, always testing your limits, but he’d never actually cross the line. He respects you and your relationship too much. “Please, ‘toru.”, you just say, and give him a pleading look out of your best puppy eyes, trying to melt his heart. Gojo purses his lips before sighing and letting go of your chin. “Fine. You have one hour, pretty girl, but then you’re all mine.” With that, your tall boyfriend winks at you and strolls out of the room, whistling happily while doing so. You just sigh and try to gather your wits, swiveling around in your chair, eyes now glued on your computer screen again. “One hour.”, you mumble, and begin to furiously type on your keyboard, “I can do that… I hope.”
Somehow, you miraculously get most of your work done in the hour Gojo has so graciously given you. Which is good, because on the dot, he strolls back into your makeshift home office, smile blindingly bright while he almost sings your name. “How’s my pretty girl doing? All done for the day, I hope?”, he asks, using your shoulders as his armrest while leaning over your body to squint at the screen of your computer, his weight almost crushing you. You try to wiggle out of his grip, but he quickly slides his arms from your shoulders just to tighten them around your torso. You finally give up, and slump back against his chest. “Yeah, I’m done.”, you answer quietly, trying to fight off a tired yawn but failing, eyes drooping a bit. The change in Gojo is immediate, he quickly pulls back and turns you around in your office chair, worry dancing in his bright eyes. “Tired?”, he asks softly, all traces of humor gone while he takes in the dark circles under your eyes and the exhausted half-smile you give him. He cradles your face with one hand, thumb tracing your bottom lip while he tilts your head back, brushing a soft kiss against your lips. “Just a bit. Insomnia has been kicking my butt again lately.”, you reply softly, and he nods knowingly. “I’ve noticed, you’ve been tossing and turning a lot.” “Did I wake you?”, you ask worriedly, but Gojo just shakes his head, the corner of his lips curling into a small smile. “Nah, never. You know I sleep like a rock.” 
Before you can ask how he can know about you tossing and turning then, he nuzzles your nose and pulls you out of your chair. “I have an idea - how about we make the Summer Rolls we’ve been planning for dinner tonight some other time and order take-out instead? And we can watch that new true crime documentary you’ve been talking about. Cuddles are obligatory, of course.” You feel some of the exhaustion drain from your body at his gentle words, and nod happily. “That sounds perfect, ‘toru.”, you say with an honest smile, and he grins, obviously pleased with himself. “I truly just have the best ideas. And if you behave, I might even let you rub my back.”, he adds cheekily, already pulling you with him out of the room, and you huff. “Don’t you mean you will rub mine?”, you reply, and he chuckles. “Now don’t be ridiculous, babe. I’m nice, but not that nice. I’ll let you decide what food to order though.” Gojo shoots you a grin when he sees your dark expression, knowing how much you dislike having to decide what to eat for dinner. How could you have known that this would be the one thing most difficult about being an adult, having to decide what to make for dinner each and every night?! It’s truly just a never ending battle. “I hate you.” “Nah, you don’t.” … You hate that he’s right.
About an hour later, you have both basically wolfed down your dinner - you had decided to order sushi -, and are finally ready to watch the new Nightstalker documentary. You’re currently bundled up in your favorite fluffy throw blanket, Gojo’s head resting on your lap while you gently run your fingers through his soft white hair, making him purr at the sensation. “See, this is so much better than two more hours of work.”, he mumbles sleepily, bright eyes blinking up at you, clearly waiting for you to agree. You just purse your lips, pretending to think about it. “Mhm, I guess.”, you finally say, a smile tugging at your lips. “You love me so much, it’s almost a bit embarrassing.”, your boyfriend says smugly, closing his eyes. You just groan before muttering “Lord, give me patience” under your breath. Gojo opens one eye again. “Don’t you mean ‘Lord, give me strength’?” You shake your head. “Believe me, if the Lord gave me strength, I would just end you, strongest and most powerful sorcerer of the century or not.” A giggle bubbles from Gojo’s lips and he props himself up on one elbow to give you a deep, lingering kiss, making your toes curl and breath hitch. “You know that I love you, right? Like, a lot.”, he mumbles against your lips when he draws back, sounding very serious all of the sudden, but you just roll your eyes at him. “Oh, I know. You’re alright too, I guess.”, you reply, and begin to softly trace his sharp jawline and beautifully carved cheekbones with one finger. He’s truly just so well-rounded physically, it’s a little unfair, you think to yourself, continuing to admire his handsome face. 
Before you can get lost in his bright eyes though, Gojo suddenly pokes your cheek with one of his long, slender fingers, making you jump. “Say you love me back.”, he whines with a pout, and you sigh internally. “I love you too, you big man-child.”, you answer, sounding as though you wish it were a lie, and he grins, tucking your hair back behind your ear and kissing the tip of your nose. “You’re so corny, declaring your love for me on a daily basis. Simp.”, he says before happily settling back into your lap, eyes now trained on the tv, his lean body slowly melting against yours. But you’ve finally had enough of his teasing, and quickly slide your hand under his shirt to tickle his sides, knowing how sensitive he is. Gojo squeals, and immediately turns on Infinity so you can’t touch him anymore, but you just giggle. “I never knew you could reach such high notes, babe.”, you tease him, and before you realize what’s happened, your positions are suddenly flipped, with him now hovering over you while your back is pressed flat against the couch. “Ooh.”, you make in surprise, cheeks tinging red when you suddenly feel his very muscular thigh between your legs. “So you wanna play dirty, huh?”, Gojo says, voice low and eyes sparkling with something different than mischief for once. You can’t stifle the soft whine that escapes you when he begins to apply more pressure with his thigh, and quickly bite down hard on your bottom lip. “You started it today.”, you finally mumble, looking grumpy and making him grin at your expression. “Well, and I‘ll be the one to end it too.”, he murmurs, and leans down to kiss you deeply, sucking on your bottom lip before pushing his tongue inside your mouth to steal your breath away. Now it’s his hand sliding under your shirt, one of his long fingers brushing over your clothed nipple and making you arch upwards and into his touch. “Always so needy.”, Gojo murmurs against your lips, sounding way too cocky for your liking, and flexes his thigh a bit more, making your body grow even hotter. You hate to admit it, but whenever he touches you like this, you’re pretty much putty in his arms. Before you can pull him close for another kiss, his weight is suddenly off you again. You blink in surprise, and watch how your boyfriend just shoots you a cheeky grin while walking towards the kitchen. “I’m gonna make us some popcorn! Can’t watch murder without any snacks, right?”, he says innocently, beginning to shuffle through the kitchen cabinets, and you pout, the sudden loss of his warmth making you shiver and huddle deeper into your fluffy throw blanket.
“You’re truly a menace, Gojo Satoru, you know that?”
The bright smile he sports when he snuggles back into your lap a few minutes later while handing you the bowl of steaming hot popcorn, makes your heart and soul soar. “I know. But I’m your menace.”
“Well, aren’t I lucky.”, you mumble, and sigh again. You ignore his smug “The luckiest”, quickly stuffing his mouth with popcorn instead.
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© oioinanami 2021 | masterlist
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peachsayshi · 3 years
Chapter 8 - Heat
Gojo Satoru x Female Reader
Tags: Friends with Benefits, Angst, Tension. 
Summary: Rina spots you and Gojo together out in public. Furious that you are keeping a secret from her, she confronts Gojo instead to try and get some answers.
A/N: x
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Goosebumps creeped up Rina’s arms as a weight dropped to the pit of her stomach. She blinked a couple of times, thinking she imagined the scene that played out. Her heart was racing uncontrollably and her response was to dodge behind a tree to try and catch herself.
Rina was working on her day off but she wasn’t too mad about it. In fact, she was glad to spend her time outdoors instead of being confined to her store. What she didn’t expect on her little morning adventure was to find you and Gojo at a park. Without hesitation, Rina stepped her way towards the two of you to say hello but froze when she saw Gojo cup your face in his hand and draw you in for a kiss. His lips lingered for a moment until you lightly pushed him away, cheeks flushed with embarrassment but smiling otherwise. His hand was still pressed against your cheek, his fingers trailing down your neck where his touch stayed as he spoke. Rina couldn’t tell what he was saying, but from the way you reacted she could see that something in his words took your breath away.
Lovers , the two of you were behaving like lovers…  
Lifting her back from behind the wooden tree, Rina trudged in the other direction hoping to avoid any confrontation while her thoughts ran rampant.
You were keeping a secret, a first since all these years you have known her. Suddenly your strange behavior started making sense to your dumbfounded best friend. All the secret phone calls and text messages, your constant excuse of not being able to hang out with her, the person who came into your life and somehow uplifted you from this terrible cloud that shrouded you…
There was no “guy at the office” you were dating. Rina swallowed hard when she realised that the person who you have been with this whole time was none other than Gojo.
By the time Rina arrived back home, the hurt began sinking deep in her bones. How long have you been hiding this from her? She could understand keeping things on the low for a while since you have been hesitant about jumping back into a relationship but what possessed you to start getting romantic with Satoru ? You knew better than anyone else that the man could barely commit to a favorite pair of sunglasses let alone an entire relationship!
None of it made any sense…
The two of you talked about everything, it’s been that way since you were teenagers. You weren’t just Rina’s best friend, you were practically her sister. The fact that she found out in this way pained her beyond words. There had to be a reason why you wouldn’t tell her…
This is his fault.
That’s the only explanation.
She clenched her fists together in annoyance. After all this time she thought she could rely on him to keep the one promise he made her but he didn’t.
What else was I expecting? she thought to herself, he’s always been selfish.  
A few days later, Rina decided she needed to confront the truth head on and get some information. At first she was thinking of speaking to you directly but hesitated. There was a wall that barricaded her from questioning your relationship and she found herself nervous even approaching you to ask. Instead of treading that very awkward path, Rina decided to ask the only other person who could give her some indication on what was happening. That’s how Gojo wound up sitting at the counter of her confectionery shop, drinking lemonade and watching her with curiosity as she tended to her last few customers of the evening.  
“Rina-chan,” Gojo said with a big smile, his voice almost sickeningly sweet. “You did well today! I am glad to see your business is so successful!”
Rina nodded her head, forcing herself to return the smile but Gojo could clearly see that she was faking it.
“Thank you.”
Gojo leaned back, folding his arms over his chest while maintaining the happy mask on his face. “I appreciate you asking me to come over to try out some new things but honestly, I don’t think you seem very interested in my feedback,” he paused for a moment, gesturing that he was thinking hard before jokingly adding on, “are you just feeding me to get rid of items you don’t like?”
Rina furrowed her brows, not finding his teasing words amusing at all.
“No.” she replied curtly.
Gojo hooked his thumb underneath his blindfold, lifting it up as he leaned on the counter.
“Rina-chan…” he said softly, “are you mad at me?”
Rina squeezed the apron she was wearing with her hands, unable to look him in the eye.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“ Yes.”
“Huh,” Gojo let go of his blindfold, aware that Rina was completely avoiding his gaze. “Sometimes I don’t realise it. If my criticism was too harsh, please don’t get upset with me! Who am I to tell you what improvements you need to make for you products-”
“It’s not that. I don’t care about that …”, Rina blurted, finally shifting her attention on to him and noticing that her string of words caught him off guard.
“Well, at least you’re saying full sentences now!”
For whatever reason his careless attitude was making her angrier. Rina could feel herself erupting but knew she was being irrational. She needed to explain her feelings calmly so as to not cause a scene. She’s seen Gojo clock out of conversations before when they got too serious. Inhaling slowly, she took her time to remove her apron before standing in front of him.
“Do you remember a conversation we had three years ago?”
“You’re mad at me about something I said three years ago? We’ve had quite a few conversations since then, I think I need you to jog my memory…”
Rina looked down at her feet, “the conversation where you promised me something…”
Gojo’s eyes widened, knowing exactly what Rina was talking about. “I never broke my promise…”
“ Liar,” Rina hissed, “I saw you two at the park, Gojo!”
The smile that had been settling on the curve of the sorcerer’s lips finally rested into a straight line. Gojo sensed that he might have seen Rina in the distance that day but second guessed his gut instinct.
“ Oh”
“ Oh?! That’s all you have to say!”
“Well, what do you want me to say?”
“I want to know why you broke your promise! You told me you had no intention of crossing the line with her. You said you wouldn’t!”
“I know what I said…”
Tears brimmed Rina’s eyes, she was clearly visibly frustrated and Gojo wasn’t helping the situation at all. She expected him to confess immediately once she informed him that she knew the truth but he brushed her off like it didn’t mean a thing.
“I never broke my promise,” Gojo explained nonchalantly, casually taking a sip of his drink before placing it on the counter. “I never made a move on her. She approached me.”
“She... what ?” Rina questioned, a wave of confusion running through her and making her slightly nauseous.
“Look, I’m sorry you found out this way. I understand how you feel, nothing hurts more than when the person closest to you keeps secrets from you,” Gojo continued, hoping to diffuse the situation. “In my defence, you didn’t specify that I couldn’t accept her if she were to ask for my company...”
“Then why would you ask her to lie about it?”
Gojo scoffed, “do you really think so little of me? I don’t care if you know. I don’t care if anyone knows! She’s the one who is choosing to keep it from you.”
Rina’s shoulder slumped, realising that hearing those words was definitely worse than proving her initial theory right.
Gojo wasn’t manipulating you into hiding your relationship from Rina because you were doing that yourself. On top of that, you were distancing yourself from her by not revealing the truth. Whatever was going on between you both, you were working damn hard to ensure that Rina wouldn't find out, which was making her worry even more.
Gojo remained stoic, an usual response for his character but he knew he was treading on unstable ground right now. You and Rina were two peas in a pod, and right now he was caught in the middle of an argument. He didn’t want to say anything that would further upset your friend, nor was he willing to disclose any information that might betray your trust.
Tsk, this is annoying, he thought to himself.
Rina placed her hand on the table, her body trembling slightly but she ensured she made full eye contact with Gojo before she said her statement, “I don’t care how handsome you are, or how strong, or powerful...She’s too good for you . She always has been. The only reason she’s with you right now is because she’s hurt . She is convincing herself that dating you will make up for her heartbreak but it won’t…”
“Wait, you think we’re…”
“Once you get bored of her, you’ll toss her aside. You’re just going to end up hurting her! You think I don’t know that you are the reason why her ex broke up with her in the first place?! He told me about the conversation you had with her the night of my Halloween party! He told me that you threatened him! You pathetic excuse for a man. ...”
“You’ve been trying to get with her since you met! Your immature, selfish nature is the reason why she hasn’t been able to get over her sadness! You don’t care about anyone but yourself!”
Gojo slammed his fist on the counter, the vibration from his strength forcing Rina to jump back in surprise, snapping her out of her anger.
Her emotions began fizzling away, taking her out of the rage that she was in. The words she shot at Gojo were now registering in her head, and her hurt was replaced with guilt. She didn’t mean to yell at him. She couldn’t understand why she was angry to begin with. None of this was her business and frankly if you wanted to start a relationship with Gojo who was she to stop you?
Except, she didn’t trust him.
You were fragile as it is, and he was the last thing you needed.
“Gojo... I …”
“Rina-chan,” Gojo said, softening his words and flashing her a cold grin. “Clearly, you’re upset about this situation. I think the best solution is for the two of you to speak directly with each other. I’m sure she’ll give you a proper explanation that will ease your worries.”
He stood up from his seat, bowing politely in her direction and taking this opportunity to leave.
“I’ll get out of your way now. Thanks for the lemonade.”
“Gojo...wait…” Rina protested, her voice breaking but he merely waved as he walked out the door.
Gojo was seeing red.
He paced down the streets, his own irritation brewing within him like a hurricane from the scene that just unfolded. He held his tongue for your sake; most people would think twice before even thinking of speaking to him in that matter.
He didn’t care that Rina was upset. Frankly, that wasn’t any of his business. However, the fact that she threatened him with his own secrets was the reason he couldn’t suppress his growing vexation. Despite what he was feeling, he empathised with Rina; it’s frustrating not being able to speak to the person who mattered to you the most.
The sorcerer understood that more than anybody else.
He would give anything to talk to Suguru again.
When  he needed somebody to turn to is when he missed his best friend the most. Even if it was over a petty, meaningless situation like this. The fact that Suguru filled the silence with words was something. Nowadays he suffers with his own thoughts, his dear friend’s voice merely conscious in his mind.
Why are you allowing yourself to get upset over these monkeys? , is what Suguru would probably say. You’re pathetic for letting them twist you in this way.  
Then again, there was another side to Suguru, the man he was before he changed. That man would have probably said: “ just tell her the truth, you’re digging a hole for yourself trying to control the situation.”  
Although Gojo was calculative with his decision, his mind was volatile. Sometimes he would act then settle the aftermath of his choices later. As a result he had a habit of not thinking things through. He had no clue what your ex-boyfriend told Rina but she had a picture perfect idea on who the villain was in the scenario. Gojo, on the other hand, would argue his case if you were to ever find out what really happened.
She has to believe I was looking out for her, he thought.
Were you looking out for her? Or was her friend right about your intentions? Suguru’s voice replied back.
With nowhere else to go, Gojo decided to make his way over to your place. The two of you were always busy and rarely planned surprise visits, but right now he was desperate to see you and all he wanted to do was blow off some steam.
By the time Gojo arrived at your door it was dark outside. He waited patiently for you to open it for him, his heart racing slightly as he heard the patter of your footsteps from behind the frame.
“ Satoru…” you said, greeting him in a pair of fleece shorts and an oversized tee, your voice soft and gentle as always. “What are you doing here?”
Gojo leaned against the frame, peeking into your apartment for a second. He caught a glimpse of your table, your laptop was open and documents surrounded your entire set up. He could hear the sound of some music playing from your computer, and could smell the coffee that you had resting on the coaster next to it.  
“Are you busy right now or working?”
“I’m working but I can stop for a couple of hours if there’s something you need.”
He passed the threshold, stepping around you before shutting the door on your behalf. He was positioned behind you, one of his large hands planted on the door as he looked down at you with desperation.
“Is there something wrong?” you asked, squinting your eyes at him with confusion.
There’s no way she would hate me, Gojo thought, finally answering the question Suguru posed in his mind. If I was looking out for her, who cares what my intentions were?  
The sorcerer bent down to pick you up from your thighs, carrying you in his arms before pinning you against your front door. He felt you grab onto him for support before crashing his lips onto yours and proceeding to kiss you with sheer intensity. Your lips were soft against his and he could tell you weren’t anticipating his reaction, but the two of you have made kissing such a habit it was easy for you to find your rhythm with him the minute you settled yourself. Your legs were wrapped around his stomach, and he felt your thighs clench against his waist as he slid his tongue on yours. One of his hands gripped tightly around your leg, while the other snaked its way underneath your shirt.
Gojo groaned into your mouth, realising that you weren’t wearing a bra and his thumb stroked your nipple, feeling it perk up at his touch. One of your arms was draped lazily over his shoulder, the other tangled in his white hair which you tugged at before pulling away from him. You pressed your forehead against his, the two of you breathing heavily as you finally managed to open your eyes to face him. Your cheeks were flushed, your heart racing so hard that Gojo could feel it beating against his chest.
“Is-is everything alright?” you asked, panting heavily and only fueling Gojo’s growing desire.
“I don’t really feel like talking,” he replied through gritted teeth, squeezing your breast as he brought his lips back down to yours, wanting nothing more than to suffocate himself with your lips.  
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nanaminokanojo · 3 years
Play the Game | Nanami Kento X You | Part 7/8
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CHARACTERS: Nanami Kento X You (fem!reader | PLEASE READ THE NOTES BELOW*) | Gojo Satoru | Geto Suguru | Shoko Ieiri | Utahime Iori | other JJK Characters CHAPTER COUNT: 7/8 WORD COUNT: 6,400+ GENRE: romance | fluff | slight angst | smut MINORS DNI | ooc depictions | female reader with described appearance* | modern au | rich people au | aged up characters CHAPTER TRIGGER WARNING: profanity | age gap | cigarette smoking | strong/mature/suggestive language | smut (fingering, unprotected sex, slight daddy kink XD, etc.) SPOILERS: n/a STATUS: COMPLETED
collection masterlist
one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight
"Play the Game" Masterlist
"You always hide here when you're down," Geto said, stepping onto the rickety floors of the abandoned wooden gazebo at the far edge of the walled gardens. It was meant to be torn down but for your insistence for it to stay erect.
He took out a cigarette and lit it, taking a long drag when you didn't answer, huddled on one of the corners of the hexagonal structure. "You really shouldn't have done that," he told you, his voice ringing crisp in the still air.
"You should really quit that dirty habit," you muttered in a form of retaliation, not really in the mood to be lectured.
"I could say the same with your games, Y/N!" he said harshly, the first time he ever would. It was more for the fact that he felt frustrated that you kissed him all for the benefit of another man as opposed to merely scolding you for whatever wrongdoing you've committed. He felt all the more frustrated that he was doing it at all.
"I'm sorry if I dragged you into this," you told him sincerely. "I shouldn't have –"
"I am not sorry," he interrupted you. "I wanted that for a while now."
"What?" You stood up and walked towards him, making him turn to face you. "What are you talking about?"
Geto placed a hand behind his neck, exhaling exaggeratedly and throwing his head back, closing his eyes momentarily before meeting your blue gaze. "I understand why Kento is taking this harder than what you're expecting." He sighed. "It probably would have been better if you kissed Yuuji instead."
You just blinked at him, perplexed. "I don't get it."
It's now or never. He wanted you to know at least before you made up your mind, but knowing you, he knew you already did. And he wasn't going to be your choice. "Look, I like you. I wanted you for myself ever since you entered university."
"And three years ago, I told Kento about how I felt," he droned on. "And maybe he thinks that's still the case, that I am still his rival where you are concerned."
"So are you?" you demanded.
He shook his head, smiling as he blew smoke at the opposite direction. "I know a losing game when I see one, and honestly, I'm rooting for the two of you."
You clutched at his arm. "Suguru..."
He ruffled your hair, throwing his cigarette away and hugging you to his side. "Don't get me wrong, princess. I was hurt that I wasn't your favorite anymore. I wanted to tell you, but you beat me to it and told me you liked Kento instead."
"You'll always be my favorite," you said. "You guys don't get replaced, not to me. I love you all differently, and I have things I share with each of you that I can never have with the other."
Geto's eyes widened slightly at your words. "I'll hold you to that." He snickered then. "Seriously though, where the hell did the two of you get things so wrong? Everything just went to shit in a matter of hours. And I thought Ieiri and I were being very specific with our instructions to you."
"She's been talking to Kento, too. You two are just too dense and slow."
You punched him on the arm, glaring at him.
"Ow!" he grumbled, rubbing at the sore spot. "I'm a model, you know. You're not supposed to mark me."
"Oh, is that what you tell all your girls?" you teased.
He rolled his eyes at you. "Kento already made it back to the house. You should apologize."
You stood on your toes and kissed him on the cheek, hugging him tight.
"You might want to refrain from doing just that, princess," he said but you just giggled and made your way back to the manor. "You're still my favorite!" you called out.
He took another stick if cigarette, chuckling at you, but as he was about to light it, he opted not to.
You've done it this time. You just knew it. You realized that when you sobered up from all the crying you did after the incident at the lake. It was too late to say you should have listened to Yuuji and regret wasn't really something you could relate to. Typically. Now, you wanted him to say, "I told you so." Him and Megumi. Throw in Nobara, too, but you knew you weren't going to forgive yourself if things didn't turn back the way they used to be where you and Nanami were involved. That was all you were hoping for if he really has been put off by the mere idea of you.
Geto was just as much of a trickster as you are, but what you did not foresee was the result and his reaction to you, and you weren’t exactly ready for the his confession. That was a first and after speaking with him, you understood. Nanami was downright outraged. He might have not gone all out on you about the matter but you knew there was something else he wasn't saying. He has always been considerate of your feelings, and you were afraid you've trampled on his. It was regardless of whether you meant it or not. You just crossed the line.
The situation wasn't good, and you knew Gojo would have killed you if he saw just how you were behaving at the lake, and you could just pray to every higher being out there that he never gets to find out or you’ll have no choice but to sit down and listen to his lecture. He may be averse to the idea of you dating any of his friends, and he may be the best brother anyone could have, but he would definitely not tolerate what you have done.
A bigger part of everything that’s been happening was your fault. You knew it, and you weren't afraid to admit it either. Although Nanami may have his faults for being so much of an over-thinker and being indecisive, he was right. Why couldn't you be a normal person for once and just be honest about how you feel? Why couldn't you just tell Nanami you loved him and you have been in love with him for the longest time? Again, you couldn't relate to the idea because you haven’t ever been able to healthily express your opinion, but enough was enough. You were going to do it tonight. It didn't matter what the result was. You wanted him in your life, and you’ll go through lengths to have him.
After tossing and turning on your bed for what seemed like hours and later wearing a path on your bedroom floor while fidgeting on the hem of your silk robe, you finally decided there was no way you were sleeping. You couldn’t if it saves you when the dread of him totally disappearing because of what you do gnawed at you from the inside.
You were worried sick of Nanami who disappeared after the incident. You called him on the phone several times but every attempt went straight to voicemail, and out of your frustrations, you found yourself retreating to that same spot where Geto found you. You were only able to rest easy when he spoke to you, telling you that Nanami already made it back to the manor.
Functioning on instinct, you got out of your room barefoot, the flaps of your robe flying behind you as you marched towards the guest room where he was staying. You even had your fist raised to knock on the door but at that very moment, you stopped. For the first time, you felt vulnerable. You didn't have a clue about what you would say to him the moment you see him. You didn't know how you would approach him or if it was already the right time to do so. It was an unfamiliar feeling.
Digging your nails into your palms, you listened for movement on the other side of the door when you heard the door to the adjoining bath open and close, followed by the quiet padding of bare feet on the carpeted floor. Your breath snagged, thinking of turning away. You decided to do just that but then, the door suddenly opened, making you squeak in surprise, the sight of him dressed in just his navy pajama bottoms causing you to ogle his muscular chest and abdomen.
Well shit, you thought. He was beyond hot.
"What is it, Y/N?" he asked, sounding mostly tired than mad. He didn't look happy to see you, but at least he didn't slam the door to your face. Too much of a violation to his manners, you surmised, tempted to tease him, but you opted not to. You weren't in any position to be playing your little games.
You exhaled in batches before you finally found your voice. "I... n-need to talk to you. Can I...come in?"
He just looked at you for a moment before taking a step back and opening the door wider for you. He then turned his bare back to you as he walked over to the bed, the muscles on his sides and back flexing with each movement. He then motioned for you to sit on the chair situated quite far from him before he himself sat down, waiting for you to talk.
You didn't sit down and instead stood behind the chair, gripping its back. "Look, I'm sorry."
He ran his fingers through his damp, blond locks, looking like a model for an expensive underwear brand as he did so. "Hmm. Are you now?"
Your throat grew dry, wishing you could smack yourself right there and then for thinking of other things when you were supposed to be apologizing sincerely to him. You knew that he was trying to be sardonic but you couldn't help but think how mesmerizing he sounded. Composing yourself, you nodded. "I am. Suguru and I –"
"I don't wish to hear it, Y/N."
"It didn't mean anything!" you finally snapped, breathing heavily and not realizing you've crossed halfway towards him. You stopped, catching yourself just in time. "I just..." You sighed. "I just wanted to make you jealous."
“Well, what the hell, Y/N! You’ve succeeded.” His jaw clenched as he said the words, eyes intent on you and unrelenting. “And guess what, you’ve done more than just make me feel jealous. You made me feel guilty, too, because I can’t help but think that I pushed you to do that because of what I said to you this morning. Are you happy?”
“No…” You shook your head, your breath snagging. “I was being selfish. None of it is your fault so you don’t have to feel that way. You’ve been trying to talk to me all day, and maybe I should have given you the chance, but being me, I relied on my baser instincts and made a game out of things again.”
He stood this time, towering over you. "That's all you know. Games," he told you quietly, his tone at odds to his words. "You never really cared who gets played in the end as long as you're amused." He reached over and picked up a few strands of your hair before flicking them off his fingers in disdain. "Isn't that what it is?"
His words hurt. "No..."
"Unfortunately, I got caught up in it, all the while thinking that maybe you'll spare me because..." He shrugged. "Doesn't matter. I lost again. Congratulations."
"I'm sorry."
"Sure." He scoffed, shaking his head. "I'm tired, Y/N," he said as he sat down on the bed, burying his face into his hands.
This was it, you thought to yourself. You can't miss your chance. It was regardless of the consequences. You told yourself that. You were not going to back down even if it means you get hurt. Even if it means he would reject you.
Without thinking twice, you moved closer to him, settling on your knees directly in front of him just by his feet. You reached for his hands, gently easing them away from his face. You smiled at how big they were compared to yours, his palms rough against your fingertips. He let you pull them away, slowly moving of their own accord to cup your face, his dark, intense eyes searching yours.
"Y/N, I can't do this anymore."
You chuckled even as tears glistened in your eyes. You brushed his hair away from his forehead. "You read minds now?"
"I'm serious."
"Forgive me. I couldn't help it."
"What are you –"
Before he can finish what he wanted to say, you pushed yourself up on your foot and pressed your lips against his. You felt him stiffen against you, his hand tightening over the slope of your hips as you pushed him forward. You placed your left foot on the bed just beside his thigh while your hands took possession of his face, smiling into the kiss when he finally moved and reciprocated in kind. Your toes curled in anticipation.
He pulled you down, mouths enmeshed, breaths in sync, until you were leveled to him. He raised a hand, placing it on the side of your face, making you lean against its warmth. Your eyes flew open when he pulled away and pressed his lips against your forehead, lingering there before he kissed the tip of your nose, then your cheek just beside your mouth. Nanami closed his eyes as he leaned his forehead against yours, his hand soothingly rubbing at your bare thigh.
He was breathing deeply, brows furrowed together. Unable to help it, you started planting butterfly kisses where you could reach, capturing his lips again, hand gently caressing his jawline. Nanami twisted around, laying you on the mattress and hovering over you, continuing to kiss you. His scent had stuck to the sheets engulfing your senses and rendering everything nonexistent but him. You were lost in a world filled with nothing but him and the feel of his hands roaming all over your body in slow, sensuous movements as if he was blindly mapping out your every contour and curve.
"I don't think we should be doing this," he breathed out, chuckling quietly, but in the next moment, he sought entrance to your mouth, his hot tongue finding yours, stealing your breath. You held on tight to him, thinking he was overthinking things again, easing his mind by returning his ministrations in kind, and locking him in place with your arms wrapped around his nape. You moved your leg from underneath him, brushing your thigh between his legs, making his breath hitch when you applied the slightest of pressure, feeling him becoming stiff as you rocked your thigh back and forth against him.
Nanami drew back slightly, cutting the kiss. He opened his eyes, looking at you longingly, fingers tracing your shoulder. He looked at you with uncertainty as he fiddled with the lapels of your robe. "Tell me to stop."
At that, you smirked at him, your fingers also wandering up the expanse of his hard abdomen, slowly trailing fire up his chest to his collarbones. You bit your lip between your teeth as his skin seemed to grow warmer where you were touching him, the way he was unsteadily breathing adding to your thrill, beyond glad you had that effect on him.
"I don't want you to stop, Kento." You rose a fraction on your elbow and pecked him on the tip of his nose. "I want you."
He sighed then. “Y/N, if we’re going to do this, I want you to be certain.”
“Like a hundred percent certain?” you teased. “What’s the legal jargon for that? Do you want me to say, ‘Sustained,’ or ‘No objections, your honor’?” You giggled and he joined in, shaking his head. “Way to kill the mood though.”
“Sorry.” He flashed you a rueful smile.
Reaching out, you cupped the side of his face, eyeing him with as much conviction and certainty as you could. “You should know by now that I don’t do things I don’t exactly want to do. And when I say I want this – I want you – then that’s precisely what I want.”
He nodded slowly.
“You’re still overthinking.”
“I’m just thinking of what to say to Satoru –”
“You chose the wrong time to be talking too much.” You pulled him close, crashing your lips to his in reckless abandon. It was sloppy at best, but you hoped it would convey your certitude and confidence in what you were about to engage in with him. “You’re all I’ve ever wanted, Kento, I could cry just having you this close to me.”
Your words seemed to have unlocked something in him as his pupils dilated and his clear eyes clouded with want, and you couldn’t have been more glad that you decided to tell him how you honestly felt. Nanami lowered his head, claiming your lips with his in a slow, gentle kiss, his lips making love to yours in a seductive rhythm that spoke volumes of what he can’t typically express with mere words. The urgency in his kisses increased and you matched his fervor with yours, slightly rising off the bed to meet him halfway, taking as much as you could as he took from you – your breath, your heart, your soul.
As if a switch flipped, his gentle movements turned careless as he grabbed your shoulder and slid the robe off you, throwing it somewhere behind him, eyes alight with excitement as he further undressed you, pulling your matching nightie down, smirking when he discovered you weren’t wearing a bra underneath.
“You planned this,” he rasped.
You grinned smugly at him. “Maybe I did.”
“You’re beautiful,” he said, attacking your neck with open-mouthed kisses while his large hands took possession of your breasts, kneading them. You gasped when he caught one of your nipples, twisting it experimentally and watching your reaction when he latched his mouth onto the other, licking around it before giving it a particularly hard suck.
“Oh god,” you whimpered, eyes blowing wide when you heard the sound of your silks being ripped off of your body followed by a soft growl as he continued to devour your tender swells of flesh. His hands reached down, covetously taking your thighs, humming against your breast at the warmth and softness of your skin underneath the rough pads of his palms. He drew one hand upwards to the flimsy lingerie you were wearing, ripping it away wildly as well, making you gasp.
“Hey, don’t –”
Any protests you had died in your throat when he reached down the apex of your legs, his fingers immediately teasing your folds and rubbing gently. “Do you feel how wet you are, my love?” he rasped. “You want me this much?” When you didn’t answer, he prompted you by putting more pressure on the sensitive nub, making you buck off of the sheets with a squeaked out, “Yes.”
Your nether lips were slick with arousal and your clit started to become engorged as he touched you there, making you whine in pleasure as you carelessly threw your arms back on the mattress. He spread your legs wider, giving himself full access to your body while you lay there with hooded eyes, watching him have his way around you, his pupils dilated as he drank in every contour of your body.
“So beautiful,” he murmured, groaning in approval when you slightly arched your neck backwards, reveling in his touch. He started rubbing your clit in circles with just enough pressure to have you gripping on the sheets while his free hand took hold of your exposed breasts, kneading the supple flesh between his fingers. Nanami delighted in the way you looked writhing under his mercy, eyes hazy and mouth partly opened as you let out pleasured sounds, wishing to know how he can make you moan and tremble even more.
Nanami withdrew his hand from your chest and traced down the expanse of your belly until he reached your pelvis, securing you in place as he inserted his long digits into your throbbing cunt, going in and out. He chuckled softly at the sight of you taking his fingers in, the lewd sounds coming from your pooling juices as you clenched around him, spurring him on. He pressed down on your clit around and around, over and over again, circling around that sensitive part of you.
“Just like that,” you mewled, your hips lifting off the mattress to grind against his hand, meeting the friction he was creating and amplifying your desire.
He smirked as he hovered over you. “You just love this, don’t you?”
“Y-yeah,” you breathed out, feeling your first orgasm hitting you when he started erratically thrusting his fingers into you, the movement of his wrists quick while every thrust was accompanied by your snagged breaths.
Feeling himself getting harder and more titillated with the way your body tossed and turned beneath him, with his free hand, he shoved down his silk pajama bottoms, tossing it away along with his underwear, releasing his cock from its confines. He was, however, taken aback when you suddenly pushed yourself up, smirking at him as your eyes shifted between his dark orbs and his erection, thick, long and pulsating.
Without a warning, you pushed against him, your hands tight on his broad shoulders until his back was against the mattress. Having successfully turned tables on him, you straddled his lap and claimed his lips for your own, kissing him hard and unrelenting while your hands ran down his pecs, down to his hard abs, one of them racing faster than the other as you reached for his length, wrapping your fingers around it, its heat sending you on a wild rush.
“You’re so hot,” you droned absently, making him smile.
“You’re hotter when you’re trying to dominate me like this,” he responded, chuckling.
“Don’t I always though?” you teased, your grip on him tightening slightly while you ran your thumb over his tip, spreading his precum all over the pinkish head, making him quaver in delight. Whatever response he had in mind died right there and then when you lifted yourself up aligning yourself with him. You grabbed the base of his length, guiding him leisurely inside you, the slow pace driving you both on the edge. Your legs shook slightly as you slid down onto him, using his firm thighs to anchor yourself until you were fully sitting on him, his cock buried deep inside you.
“You feel so good,” he whispered, out of breath, feeling himself nestled in your warmth, fitting tight and snug as if you were made just for him. He sat up slightly, holding onto your hips as he slid out slowly, almost to the hilt, holding you up before very gently easing his way back inside, continuing with that slow pace, building a rhythm you both got used to. You held onto his shoulders, meeting every languid thrust halfway, establishing connection with every movement of your bodies.
“Ah…Kento…” you keen, as you both moved against each other, feeling every part of each other against yourselves, melding in a soft embrace as you rode him up and down. You both couldn’t get enough of each other, your nails digging on his back while his hands held your waist in a bruising grip. Your hips met each other in a steady rhythm, the sounds of your moans filling the room, mingling with skin slapping on skin and distinct squelching as you repeatedly swallowed his cock into your hole, making you crumple in rapture.
He reached up, placing a hand at your nape, making you lean closer to press his mouth onto yours, your tongues meeting in a duel, your whimpers drowned out by the action. He released your lips in favor of your neck, progressing downwards as he nipped on your flesh, all the way to your collarbones until he reached your breast, latching his mouth onto one of your nipples, making your toes curl as his ministrations brought about sensations that hyper-stimulated every one of your senses.
You luxuriated in everything that was him, the feel of his mouth on you, his length filling you up to the brim over and over again, in and out with every push, his smell, his warmth, the excitement leaping in his eyes while he focused on pleasuring you. You were caught in the midst of your love and fondness for everything that made up Nanami Kento, voicing it out by repeatedly saying, “I love you,” or broken parts of it anyway as if a prayer of fragmented pleas and exultation as he made you his.
He paused when he heard you say it, pulling away, his eyes wide as he gazed at you with his cloudy eyes suddenly becoming clearer while his vision focused on you. “Say that again,” he said.
“I love you,” you murmured, feeling your face grow warm at his unabashed scrutiny. Then again, “I love you,” with more conviction this time. “I’m madly in love with you, Kento.”
“You are?” he asked as if in disbelief, his mouth stretching into smile, eyes filling with joy when you nodded. And along with that, he felt himself growing even harder as if a silent affirmation to how he felt about you. “I love you, too.” He kissed you and laid you down on the bed. “So damn much.”
Nanami settled himself between your legs, placing them over his shoulders as he realigned himself with you, pushing in without preamble and pounding into you in a faster rhythm than earlier. He slid so easily inside of you as he pushed forward and pulled out again and again, the new position making your walls grip tighter around him while he fucked you deeper. He relished the way he was spreading you apart, mesmerized by the way you were connected.
“More,” you purred when you felt him hitting you right where you wanted him over and over again, making you see galaxies of stars as he rammed into you. “Right there.”
“Whatever you want, my love,” he panted, dipping himself even deeper. “You like that? You like how daddy fucks you?”
Your eyes shot open when he said that, knowing you were seeing a new facet of him you’ve never encountered before. But you were not able to dwell on that when you were prompted to respond with a rough, hard thrust, saying, “Yes, daddy. I do…so m-much,” when he pulled out all the way and shoved his dick back in, and in that same instant, you found yourself creaming around him. Your essence dripped down onto the sheets as he continued to thrust faster into you, his breath hitting your skin with the rhythm of his movements as he moaned your name, planting butterfly kisses on your neck.
“You’re so good,” he said as you clenched tighter around him. “Give me one more, baby.”
He hastened his pace even more, rising up with one of your legs hanging on his arm while his free hand reached down, playing with your clit, applying pressure and setting the tempo of his movements with his length which slid in and out of you unabatingly. Your moans were getting louder while your brain felt like it would turn to fizz as your heart pounded in your chest, holding onto the build of that familiar pooling of heat in your loins. In a sudden flurry of sensations, your body lifted clear off the bed as you came long and hard.
Nanami rode you through it, going even harder and rougher as groans started to spill out of his mouth, ending in a crescendo of your sensual cries and a dragged out moan from him as he came inside you, his white, hot seed coating your walls and overflowing out of you.
Closing your eyes, you tried to catch your breath, feeling a shiver run down your spine as you came down from your high. Everything felt detached and surreal as your mind started filling with thought after thought, dominated with nothing but the fact that he just made love to you, the idea not quite sinking in despite the panting, boneless mess that you are at that moment.
You gasped when you felt him pulling out of you before hovering over you to place a kiss on your forehead. You forced your eyes open to look at him, cracking into a crooked grin when you finally looked at him, his hands brushing away stray strands of hair from your sweat-matted forehead.
“I love you, Y/N,” he told you in hushed tones, while you were unable to do anything but nod weakly as your body succumbed to exhaustion.
He bet everything on Gojo’s wedding week. And it was all worth it.
The whole matter has not sunk in just yet, so much so that he didn’t get a wink’s sleep trying to make sense of it all, but mostly afraid that he will wake up in the morning and find that everything was just a dream. A very vivid, beyond pleasant dream. But the sun rose in the horizon, and as he lay there awake, he had his proof of everything that happened beside him, asleep and very much real, pressed against his side.
When you came to him the previous night, he was certain things between you would end. If he was being honest, he has had it with your playing. He didn’t know exactly what your aims were the previous night until you made the move. Again, if he was being honest, he was also being a coward, always the one at the end of the rope you were reaching for. He wanted to switch your positions for a change, but when he did, it felt like he was getting nowhere, just pulling the rope without anyone at the end.
He thought he had lost when you kissed Geto in front of him, didn’t know what to do with the information when you said you were doing it to make him jealous. And no matter how low you went just to get his attention or to retaliate to his lack of response to you the previous day, he couldn’t say he didn’t like that you did it, too. He didn’t like it per se, but your motivations behind it spoke volumes of how you felt. He was just too blind to see it.
You were right about certain things, one of them being the fact that he was supposed to know you and understand how you communicated. Another was the fact that it wasn’t too much for you to ask him to be selfish for his sake and yours. He had wanted to act exactly that way for a long time, and when you were giving him the chance, he walked away from it instead. And as per usual, you were the one who fought your way against him for the same aim of having him.
He sighed, shifting to his side to face your slumbering form. He felt his heart melting at the sight of you softly breathing and appearing so serene snuggled against him and wearing his shirt. He could almost laugh when you suddenly fell asleep on him right after he made love to you. He sighed, knowing you wouldn’t wake up any time soon after you closed your eyes, decided to clean you up and dress you up before settling beside you, too.
But out of everything, since the previous night, whenever he would remember you telling him you loved him, his heart just stops for a second only to resume its beating in irregular staccatos. You told him you could almost cry having him that close to you, but he was the one who felt like shedding tears about having you.
He bet his heart knowing there was a possibility that you would just toy with it and break it. In the end, he finally got everything he wanted in your person. He should have already known that in order to get to you, he has to go through everything, have his heart shattered if that’s what it would take. He wanted to peel all your protective layers, but you ended up doing that to him instead, and it was safe to say you succeeded. Still, although he felt like dying when he saw you kissing Geto, he wouldn’t have it any other way. He’d go through it all again if it meant he would get you in the end.
Nanami caressed your cheek with the back of his fingers, smiling when you scrunched your nose a bit, your brows furrowing slightly. Just then, your eyes opened, your ocean-blue irises devouring him in an instant in waves of emotions, the most dominant of them all being gratitude towards whatever higher power brought you to the world to exist and love him when you could have anybody else.
You broke into a sleepy grin the moment you saw him. “Good morning, daddy,” were the first words that came out of your mouth, teasing him the moment you woke up.
He felt heat suffuse his cheeks when you said that, flashing you a pained look. It hadn’t been embarrassing when he suddenly decided he had a daddy kink and wanted to hear you say it, but now that he has sobered up from the feel of you against him, he didn’t exactly want you to say it, not when you were mercilessly ragging him for it first thing in the morning. He didn’t detest it though.
Nanami diverted his gaze from you, his face turning red, but you abruptly rose slightly, grabbing both sides of his face to make him look at you.
“What are you getting all shy around me for?” you cooed. “Don’t you like it when I call you that?” You smirked. “Come to think of it, I was startled when you said that, too.”
“Are you making fun of me?” he said, pouting.
Your eyes rounded and you let go of him, even going to the extent of moving away from him.
“What?” he asked, suddenly panicked as he sat up, grabbing your arm, afraid you’ll walk away.
You clucked your tongue. “D-don’t do that…that p-pouting thing…” you spoke haltingly, unable to talk properly as you pinched the bridge of your nose, looking flustered.
“Do what?” he asked, not quite catching what you were saying.
“Don’t go acting cute so early in the morning. I’m not used to this side of you. Jesus, Kento,” you told him all in one go, your hands flailing about. “You’re messing with me.”
He arched a brow at you and started laughing heartily. You were genuinely distressed and he didn’t know what he would do with you. “I’m sorry, darling. I didn’t know you were not immune to my charms.” He pulled you towards him, making you face him. “How are you feeling by the way?”
“I’m fine.”
“Not sore anywhere?”
You rolled your eyes at him. “Fishing for compliments now?”
He shook his head slowly, not understanding what you were talking about. “I don’t think we’re on the same page.” He started fussing around you then, even lifting his shirt which you were wearing, slightly looking for telltale signs of the possibility that he could have hurt you in any way when he spotted bruises on your hips. “Oh no.”
“Why?” you asked, blinking cluelessly when you saw what he was looking at. To your surprise, he suddenly took you in his arms, his expressions indicating distress. “What’s going on?”
“I hurt you,” he mumbled. “I’m sorry.”
It was your turn to laugh. “You obliterated me, Kento, but I’m not sorry about it.” You pulled away from him and pecked him on the lips. “You were awesome.”
“Are you sure?”
“I should go easy on you. I don’t really like the idea of injuring you in any way.”
You narrowed your eyes on him. “You’ve set the bar on how good you can be between the sheets. If you hold back on me, I’ll throttle you. Maybe I’ll ask Satoru for help, too.”
“What –”
“You’ve been warned, Nanamin.” You leaned forward, planting your face on his chest. “Stop worrying. I don’t regret anything, and if you make love to me as well as you did last night every single day, I’ll gladly have my battle scars.”
Nanami cupped your head, rubbing soothingly, his eyes meeting yours while a slight smile played at the corners of his mouth. “You’re so weird sometimes.”
“You love me.”
He kissed the top of your head. “I do. With all that I am.”
“Stop getting into a tizzy then.”
“Okay, Y/N.”
“Okay, Kento.”
“Are you always going to call me by my name now?” he asked, tilting his head to the side. “I like it better than when you call me Nanamin.”
Your brows knit together then. “I’ve kinda gotten fond of that nickname though. But if that’s what you want, I’m down for it, too.” You grinned at him. “Kento.”
Nanami broke into a smile, but then you said, “Can I always call you 'daddy' instead?” He rolled his eyes, feigning annoyance. “I’ll throttle you.”
You chuckled. “My mother would flip!”
“Satoru would flip.”
You laughed, wrapping your arms around him. The two of you stayed that way for a few moments, just enjoying the comfortable silence while you listened to his heartbeat and basked in his warmth, his muscular arms wrapped around you securely. You’ve never felt safer.
You were, however, the first to break it.
“Kento?” you began.
“Yes, my love?”
“What are we now?”
“You’re all mine and I’m yours,” he stated firmly.
“So we’re official?”
He scoffed. “If last night wasn’t enough to make us official, I’d be happy to prove it further to you. You’re the woman I’ll marry. I’m not giving you a choice on that.”
You snickered. “Fine.”
“Fine?” he repeated with inflection, pushing you down on the mattress while he hovered over you. “Why do you sound as if you don’t like it?”
You burst into bubbles of laughter. “I’m not complaining…”
“If that’s the case, I want Satoru to know first before the others. Is that okay?”
He nodded. “That’s just fair, I think.”
“Thank you.”
“Anything for you. When do you want us to tell him?”
You held his hand, entwining your fingers together and beaming tenderly at the way yours were engulfed by his. “Soon. Very soon.”
-end of part 7-
Aaaaand we're down to the second to the last chapter. This one's rather self-indulgent and I got carried away with the the "daddy" thing lol. Anyway, I would like to say thank you to everyone who's been reading this fic and looking forward to my updates. You guys make me happy!
*I used “you” here, but since my character is Gojo’s little sister who is established to be his female clone for reasons essential to the plot, she possesses the same blue eyes and white hair. I did not exactly want to create an OC (although technically, I did by describing Y/N), but I opted for the best of both worlds in this fic, leaning more towards the literary aspect of it as opposed to it just being reader/you-oriented. I hope this isn’t iffy to anyone, and yeah, i’m not being exclusive or whatever.
Thank you so much for reading. Likes, comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! Hope you enjoyed it.
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Silver Touch- Gojo x Fem! Reader
A/N: This was a Soulmate AU I did for a @konoblog-simps server collab. I did collaborate with the beautiful and talented @titanialev for the picture.  This was fun to write and I hope you all enjoy.
Click here for the artist photo
Word Count 2.5K
Another year down and it was a failure. Another year that ended terribly. During the Christmas season, you had heard your older family members ask when you would find your soul mate. Most of your family members that were of age had already found theirs. What was wrong with you? It drove you mad that you had a soulmate at all. Obviously, the words written on your palm gave that away.  Every time you looked at them you always wondered where and when it would happen. Not knowing when you’d see, or touch them made it a lot more unbearable. Yuji, you idiot. For the umpteenth time, you read it. That perfect writing, it drove you crazy. If you had only a countdown to when you’d meet, a place, or any clue honestly it would be helpful.
Soul mate marks were taken very seriously. The soul marks were always wherever your soulmate would first touch you. The mark also contained the first words your soulmate would speak to you and glowed silver. They appeared after birth, some immediately after, as in your case. Some people were born without them and they appeared after their soulmate was born, as was your father’s case. Most people found their soulmates by the time they were 18. You being in your early 20’s hadn’t yet. This embarrassed your mother greatly, and you’re sure your father would probably disown you if you lived at home for much longer.
Your friends, who most found their mates already, would gently push you to date, so you wouldn’t be awkward when it came time to actually meet your mate. While hoping that maybe one of these people would be your soulmates. They really did mean the best for you, but even you know that wouldn’t help. You did enjoy a few people here and there but knowing your soulmate was out there still you lost interest quickly.
With your terrible New Year’s Eve date you had behind you, most people were looking forward to Valentine’s Day.  It was common knowledge that more soulmates were found between the 12th and the 16th of February. You had no hope, you never really did. So when you started noticing more pink, purple, and red decorations and advertisements around town you internally gagged. It made your stomach hurt looking at all the goods sold to soulmates.
Today, though, you have a bit more energy than normal. You dressed for your errands for the day. Deciding on wearing a super thick gray sweater with jeans and a baby blue scarf to bundle against the cold winter, which quite honestly, besides black, was one of your favorite colors it had always been, but you never knew why. It didn’t make sense, but you never questioned it more than that, because when you thought about it more, you knew it was just something about it that you liked. It made you feel happy and peaceful.
After a quick look in the mirror, you grab your purse and walk out the door. All the different shades of purples, pinks, reds, and white assaulted you as you walked by the many stores. Today, you were stopping by the pharmacy to pick up some headache medicine. After walking in and audibly groaning at the terrible displays of cheap displays of love you decided you were going to treat yourself to  (your favorite hot beverage) to help combat the cold.
Just across the street was your favorite place to get (beverage of choice). The people were always very kind and friendly, and if you wanted to be honest, you liked that they knew you by name here. You didn’t always order the same thing every time, but since the events of the past few months left you embittered, you were going to go with your most favorite, and comforting drink. The familiar scent of coffee and tea filled your nose as you inhaled deeply feeling calmer than you were outside. Standing in line for a moment, the sweet blonde barista, Lorelie, greeted you.
“Hello Y/N! How are you doing today? What can I get started for you?” She chirped happily, and that familiar greeting, whether it was her or anyone else working always left you feeling like you belonged here.
“I am doing well, Lorelie, I hope you’ve been doing alright. Can I please get a large (name of a favorite hot beverage)?” You smiled back trying to sound as happy as Lorelie did. You couldn’t help but feel like her warmth was infectious.
“Sure thing! I’ll bring it to you when it’s ready.” Lorelie said automatically. A small gesture that you always appreciated. You looked around the little shop while many were covered with Soulmates ads and gifts, here there was very little mentioned. Frankly, you were happy this place was void of any such nonsense. After a few moments, Lorelie came walking up with your order and a treat. Of course, it was a brownie. She always seemed to give you little moments of happiness. You thank her and start leaving the little shop.
As you walk out, a handsome man with white hair holds the door for you, with a smile.  It usually wouldn’t bother you but he had a mask over his eyes. How did he know where he was going? You were lost in your thoughts and not paying attention to another man who came running behind you. He seemed to not notice you at all. When he crashed into you, he forced you to fall forward right into the man holding the door. You felt your ankle twist forcing your scarf to fall over your face and obstruct your eyesight. You felt your beverage and brownie escape your grasp. You tried to catch yourself but felt your hand hit something fleshy and you held on for life.
Everything had happened so fast. After you decided that sitting down would be better after hurting your ankle. You pulled your scarf just enough to see. You saw the man holding the door with a frightening glare on his face. You weren’t sure if it was at you or the mess of your beverage all over his shirt.
“Oh no!” You said with dread. Looking at this mess you had made and probably could’ve avoided if you were just paying attention, you knew the shirt this man was wearing was expensive and would take a month’s pay just to replace it. The man’s face changed after you spoke. He started taking off his mask to look at you. You felt your face grow warmer and you just wanted to leave. His bright eyes never leave your face.
“Yuuji. You idiot.” He kept looking down at you. Your breath caught in your throat. You froze for a moment. Your mind and heartbeat raced. You were desperately trying to remember where you’d seen those words before. You looked down at your palm and saw the words glow silver. You then looked  back at this man. The look on your face must’ve given everything away.  You looked up and saw the words on his hand glowing as well. When  he finally looked up at the man named Yuuji he stared at him intently .
“Where are your manners?” Your soulmate scolded Yuuji. You started trying to stand up to get out of this situation. You couldn’t wrap your mind around the fact that this extremely handsome man was your soulmate.
   “What? I didn’t see her.” Yuuji stated and he didn’t look the least bit concerned for you.
   “Here, let me help you up.” The white-haired man held his hand out to help you up. You nervously took it and pulled yourself up. His hand was warm and was the smile he was giving you.
   “My name is Gojo.” You stood as still as you could even though you felt dizzy. You felt yourself wobbling, the pain in your ankle increasing. Gojo noticed and swept you off your feet carrying you bridal style into the shop you were just leaving. He gently places you in a chair. The look of worry spreading over his face. He left you and went to ask Lorelie for some ice.
After a minute, Gojo returned and checked your ankle for any swelling, bruising, or a broken bone. His touch was soft and relaxing, he gingerly touched your ankle and noticed nothing unusual.
“It doesn’t look broken. I think perhaps you just sprained it.” He spoke softly. “I can bring you to the doctor or hospital if you’d like...Sorry I never did catch your name.”
“Oh, I am sorry, I never did say it. It’s Y/N.” You say sheepishly, noticing the color of your scarf and Gojo’s eyes are the same color. The whole world suddenly becomes a little bit brighter as you’ve come to accept that you’ve found your soulmate.
   Looking back on the last year of your life you never would’ve expected it to go so smoothly. After meeting Gojo, and the terrible incident caused by Yuuji. You and Gojo spent the day talking and getting to know one another.
After three months, Gojo decided to ask you to move in, and you gladly accepted. The first few weeks were nerve-wracking, but you both seemed to make it work. The way Gojo always seemed to be silly and playful when you didn’t want to be or weren’t in the mood made you fall harder. He would bring you flowers, or little gifts when he came back from work trips, and he would just do anything for you because he missed you.
   After eight months together, he planned a small weekend getaway for the two of you since he had been working a lot. He made sure the entire trip was to your exact liking including drinks, and food. This was when you were sure you loved him, despite being soulmates. The first night there under the starry sky and a small bonfire, he proposed to you. The moment was perfect and you didn’t hesitate to let him know exactly how you felt. When you returned home, you planned your wedding. Gojo had a lot of rules for the wedding, but knowing him he probably only meant one or two of them since  he loved to make you flustered.
   The day of the wedding the sun shone brightly, the sky was the perfect shade of blue, and cloudless. The wind was light, and the temperature was perfect. The aroma of late spring flowers blooming softly mingled with the fresh air. In a few short hours, you were going to marry your soulmate.
   You took a deep breath to gather your thoughts. Your bridesmaids were giggling as they sipped on mimosas, and chatted. You were definitely nervous, and you knew you shouldn’t be. There was a knock at the door signaling the make up artist and hair stylists arrival. Everything was coming together.
The time came for your makeup and hair to be done. You decided on wearing your hair down but softly curled, placed upon your head was a silver vine tiara made with pearls and crystals. Your make up was soft and natural, except for your lipstick, which was a Ruby to match the roses. You stared at yourself for a moment and actually felt like a queen. Your bridesmaid’s were all wearing their makeup understated as well, but all of them had their hair done in a sophisticated bun with a french braid on the side. Each one had a hair pin to match your tiara.
The dress was one that you never imagined would look good on you. It was the first one you tried and just fell in love with. It was an A-line ball gown with a small train. The bodice was a corset with the sleeves that were off the shoulder. It had a lot of lace and the bodice. Though it was a bit heavy, you knew that Gojo would absolutely die in it. The dresses for the bridesmaids were all floor length chiffon dresses that also matched the roses you chose. Seeing yourself in your dress, and the bridesmaids in their dresses you knew that this dream was going to become reality.
A knock on the door jolted you out of your thoughts and frenzied the bridesmaids. As they hush each other, your maid of honor answers the door. She talks quietly to the person on the other side for a brief moment and closes the door.
“Everyone and everything is ready,” She said quietly. You nod to her as you place your veil over your face.” You hold your bouquet of red roses in your hand and inhale deeply. You couldn’t imagine your life at this moment. From meeting your soulmate to being married to him. It all seems to have flown by in the blur of life.
You walked to your holding place. Your bridesmaids all waiting along with the groomsmen and your father. The music began and you felt like you were floating on a cloud. You couldn’t believe the overwhelming urge to cry. The voice inside your head told you that you needn’t cry because the amount of time and makeup used to make you look ‘natural’ was surreal. You took one look at your father, who normally was stoic, and expressionless. Not right now, he had tears streaming down his cheeks, and snot running down to his chin. You smiled at him. Knowing how hard giving away his only daughter would be for you, you patted his arm where yours was linked with his.
The music changed to the song you chose to walk down the aisle to. You took one last deep breath and looked ahead. The door swung open to the outside. You noticed the beautiful archway of flowers draped in the deep red roses you chose for flowers. Something you didn’t plan, and you felt your stomach flutter knowing Gojo was behind it. The walk down the aisle looked like it was going to be forever, but in reality, it was very short.You heard the ooo’s and ah’s of the guests. The quiet whispers of how beautiful you and your dress looked.
You kept your eyes locked on your soulmate. You knew that everyone would be looking at you. As is traditional but you didn’t want to ever forget this moment where you swore you saw tears in your soon to be husband’s eyes. The rest of the ceremony went rather quickly. Gojo’s vows made all the women cry, and your vows to him were sweet. You’d invite everyone to a reception following the ceremony. While the guests were guided to drinks and appetizers before a meal, you, Gojo, and your wedding party were whisked away for photos. As the photographer took pictures, your smiles never faded, the memories would last an eternity, and you couldn’t wait to see what your future held.
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epickiya722 · 9 months
Watched this video that pretty much had me like "YES" about Nobara because she is indeed a great character to me and one of my least favorite things about her is people comparing her to Sakura.
"She's JJK's Sakura."
No, the hell she's not. Not to me. When I think of Nobara, I do not think Sakura.
Honestly, it's gotten to the point that comparing one anime character to another from a different story annoys me greatly because the discourse that comes from it is just... makes me want to rip my hair out.
"They're a trio like Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura are! They even have a teacher that wears a blind fold with white hair."
Sorry, but when I first watched JJK and later read into the manga, I still didn't get Team 7 vibes. The way they interact with each other isn't as "dysfunctional" as Team 7. Gojo doesn't even give me Kakashi vibes. Two different characters right there. (And I'll be honest... I forgot who the hell Kakashi was, for a while, when JJK came around. Look, I'm not into Naruto like that.)
That's just me.
Back to Nobara!
She's a character that's been badass since she came into the story. She's confident, likes the finer things, she likes her beauty, but she's not afraid to get bloody and ruthless in a fight. She'll shit talk you and back it up. Yet, she's also capable of being nice and a friend.
She's also silly. Her funny moments don't come from "abusing the male MC". Yeah, she and Yuuji butt heads sometimes, but it's not like all the damn time or is it downright malicious and then she fakes caring about him. Her funny moments come from her just being silly, without and with Yuuji and/or Megumi.
Her flashback as a kid show just that!!
And it's a relief she's not written to be a love interest. She's just another character. Her relationship with Megumi and Yuuji is beautiful to me.
That's trio doesn't come off like "two guys and one girl". They come off like "these three are besties, for real".
In the video I watched, he pretty much said what I was thinking.
People want to be talking about how Nobara is "weak", but did we not see back in season 1 that she INJURED HERSELF TO TAKE OUT DEATH PAINTINGS?!
Her and Yuuji work in sync beautifully and don't even have to be in the same room! Yuuji recognized her technique stopping Mahito and thanks her!
When she fought Haruta, she was fighting against someone whose technique is good luck.
I don't know, I just... Nobara is great, to me.
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bisha-geisha · 3 years
Not really a request but more of a question to get to know you if you’re comfortable with that. Who’s your top three favorite characters from JJK?
It’s totally fine!
Honestly, I like a lot of the characters. But I guess if I had to pick my three favorite characters it's probably...
Fushiguro Toji
Ryomen Sukuna
Choso or Fushiguro Megumi
So I guess out of these characters Sukuna was my first favorite because I watched the anime first before I read the manga, and it wasn't his character/personality that made me like him, but the Japanese voice actor for him is one of my favorite voice actors all time, so that kinda instantly made him one of my favorites. And not gonna lie, I tend to like the characters that are the “bad guy”.
Generic I know.
I also really like his tattoos. I wanna get one but I'm 100% sure my parents would beat my ass if I ever did.
Plus, he's hot. At least to me. We gotta thank Yuji for that one though.
As for Fushiguro Toji, as of right now he’s my top favorite. His looks are my type and I love the scar on his lips.
Like before him, I never understood why people simped for DILF’s but after this guy right here, that all changed.
Plus he’s just a straight-up badass. He almost killed Gojo and took down that squid curse as if it was nothing.
I know that a lot of people see him as a bad father-I mean obviously, he kinda is-but he knew that he wasn't a good father for Megumi and that's why he sold him to the Zenin family. He acts like he doesn't care, but he does and that just warmly stings my heart in a way.
Next is Choso or Megumi. As for Choso, I didn't think about him a lot in the beginning because he really doesn't do anything until the Shibuya arc, but it was after him declaring that Yuji’s his younger brother that made him one of my favorites.
Choso trying to get Yuji to call him older brother is one of the most adorable things in the JJK series for me.
I love the way he cares about his younger brother too. Like he’ll do anything for them.
I also like his personality. Like his lazy, unenthusiastic responses and actions. He’s definitely one of my kins.
As for Megumi, I also didn't think about him too much, but when I started rewatching and rereading JJK, I started to like him more.
He's also one of my kins. The depressed and annoyed emo bitch. Me.
I also feel a bit of pity towards him, because like every other episode he gets his head smashed into something or by someone.
Like, give this guy a break. Please.
I guess the fact that he’s also Toji’s son just made me like him more too. I know that Gojo and other people say that he looks like his dad, but honestly I don't really see it?...
But yeah, those are my favorites.
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