#honestly lately im pretty annoyed by the concept of love
feralchaoschild · 1 year
friendly reminder that loveless aros don't want or need to be pitied
we are not lacking anything
we are experiencing the world differently and it shapes the way we feel &/or how we handle/name our feelings
it's okay to not understand it but it's not okay to not respect it
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Nothing But You And I
~4k words orangekip (orange cassidy/kip sabian)
mature content? in my blog?? in my fics??? for once its more likely than you think
warnings for implied sexual content (there is a fade to black), a very soft praise kink, making out, stripping. submissive!kip, theres a few swears, they are handy and suggestive, sexual tension. as i put in the ao3 tags, theres a lot of smoke but no actual fire, they are just spicy ✨
can be read as a follow up to "not even thinking twice" but it also works as a standalone, as theres only few small references to what happens in the other one
this is the spiciest shit you can get out of me honestly. im a very squeamish ace person, but willing to push myself as a writer, so this is a result of that. imm honestly very happy with this one, i honestly think its one of my best, if not personally THE best, to date, sssoooo. theres that. would love to hear what you think if you choose to read it, it would mean a lot! 💜
on ao3
@midnightpretenders0 @stormbornpirate @ss-trashboat
Kip paced back and forth in the hallway, trying to arrange the words into the correct order in his mind. He didn’t know how long he had been there trying to make sense of everything, the track of time was a foreign concept to him at this point, and the liminal space of the hotel corridor wasn’t really helping him with that. All Kip had was the number of the correct hotel room, and a burning passion to get his title back.
Almost on an instinct at the thought, Kip glanced at his shoulder, his face sinking a little at the lack of gold on it, once again. While people would probably have said that the BTE title didn’t mean much of anything in terms of success or career highlights, Kip heavily disagreed with that statement. Maybe it was because it had been the one title he had held in this company, be it a shoot vlog one or not, but it held a special meaning to him and a special place in his heart.
So not only seeing Orange Cassidy now hold it, but also living with the knowledge that Kip had lost the title specifically to him after everything, it was just something he wasn’t able to handle very well.
Kip stopped pacing for a second, standing in front of the hotel room door, raising his hand up for a stern knock. He didn’t do it though, only groaned in annoyance, returning back to walking in circles. It was late, he was probably asleep already anyway, so Kip wasn’t really sure why he bothered with all of this so much. He could easily sleep on it, or at least try to, and catch Cassidy first thing in the morning, to demand a rematch for the title that should rightfully still be his.
Kip froze in place, the familiar voice catching him off guard. His eyes shot towards it after a split second, staring at the blond standing in the now open doorway that Kip hadn’t heard opening as he had been way too deep in his own thoughts, Cassidy letting out a yawn as he ran a hand through his short hair. There was something in the look he was giving to Kip that he wasn’t quite sure how to decipher at first, but as Cassidy continued to speak, it became pretty obvious.
“Can you stop that? Some of us are trying to sleep here.”
Annoyance. It was definitely annoyance.
Too bad for Cassidy he wasn’t as annoyed by the situation as Kip was, as the Brit stepped closer, getting up to the blond’s face. Cassidy didn’t even flinch, the pair of unamused blue eyes just staring back at him as he yawned quietly again.
“Well wake the fuck up sunshine, I want my title back.”
Cassidy just looked at him, lazily leaning against the door frame without moving an inch. The situation reminded Kip a lot about the way Cassidy had initially coaxed the title match out of him in the first place, just confirming the feeling Kip had had earlier while planning on putting himself into this situation that he had to fall down to similar tactics to best the dastardly Orange Cassidy this time around himself.
“Well what?” Cassidy asked, shrugging his shoulders a little. He clearly wasn’t going to move or give into Kip’s demands, which Kip was sure he already knew. Cassidy was just playing mind games with him at this point, growing the Brit more and more irritated at him with every ignorant statement he made.
“The title! I want a shot!”
Cassidy blinked at him blankly a couple of times, before leaning a bit closer, out of the doorway, glancing around the two of them up and down the empty hallway. Kip watched him, clearly confused, as Cassidy returned back to his original position, shrugging again.
“Brandon’s not here. The stand-ins are not here. I can’t give you a title shot unless it’s official.”
“You think this is a joke, don’t you?”
Cassidy didn’t reply, he didn’t react to the statement at all, but Kip could sense it from him. The blond was making a mockery of the precious vlog title, his precious vlog title, and Kip wasn’t going to stand for it. He stepped closer, as close as he possibly could to Cassidy, eyes narrowing at him as Kip huffed some extremely annoyed energy out of himself, trying his best to ignore the way the tips of their noses softly brushed against one another.
“You’re gonna give me a shot at the title, and you’re gonna give it to me now!”
Kip went quiet, just staring at Cassidy for a second before his brows furrowed, Kip leaning slightly away from him, clearly suspicious about this situation.
“…Okay?” he repeated, trying to work it out in his brain what the blond was on about.
“You can have a shot.”
Kip was still definitely suspicious about all of this, the conclusion came around much easier than he expected, but at the same time he had always known that Cassidy wasn’t made up to be a champion so maybe he was already regretting this and wanted to lose the title to avoid the responsibilities that came with it. Maybe Kip showing this passionate side of him to Cassidy was making the fraud of a current champion realize how much he actually wanted this, making Cassidy regret ever taking it from him. Maybe --
“But you have to earn it first.”
Getting another sudden flashback to how Cassidy had pulled his title shot out of him, Kip bit his lower lip, swearing he could see a little teasing smirk tugging in the corner of Cassidy’s mouth at the sight of Kip’s obviously racing thoughts. Maybe he was also thinking the same thing, how things had happened last week, agreeing to have a repeat of that. Or maybe that was just what Kip wanted out of this, what he wanted to believe.
“Or you can just say no and we can leave it at that and --”
“I-I’ll do anything.”
The words slipped out of his mouth before Kip could stop himself, the desperation in his voice so obvious he couldn’t help but the wince a little afterwards. Of course he meant it, but he wasn’t supposed to show weakness like that, not at a moment like this, not so openly to someone like Cassidy. The blond just looked at him, slowly raising one brow at him, this time Kip being sure there was a smirk accompanying his glance.
Kip slowly nodded. This was the one title that had meant so much to him, the only one he had held in recent memory that made him even somewhat relevant in the eyes of the audience. He craved the compliments he got while carrying it around and wearing it, he missed the weight of it on his shoulders, both physically and metaphorically, he missed the glimmer of gold that was truly his. The one thing that Kip had won, that gave him admiration, attention, a reason. He missed it. Kip missed all of it.
And yes. He was so ready to do anything to get it back. Anything Cassidy threw at him would be worth it, to get that title back on his shoulder, around his waist, to have those feelings of importance and meaning again.
Kip watched, in slight confusion, as Cassidy suddenly turned around on his heels, sluggishly making his way back inside the hotel room, leaving the door open after him. Kip stared at the empty, open doorway for a moment, it slowly dawning on him that this was an invitation for him. He could feel his heartbeat growing faster at the sudden realization that it was just going to be the two of them, at this late of an hour, together in Cassidy’s otherwise empty hotel room.
Kip tried to shake the thought off as he stepped past the threshold and inside the room, slowly closing the door after him. He had to remind himself that he was here for the title, for the shot he deserved to regain it, and that was it. Just because it happened to be with Cassidy was irrelevant. He would have done this with anyone else too. Maybe not like this, maybe he would have been more patient with someone else, but Kip definitely would have demanded a title shot. He --
“Come here.”
Kip looked at him, spotting Cassidy sitting at the end of the bed, slowly patting the spot next to him. Kip hesitated for a moment before he managed to get his feet moving again, slowly approaching the bed and the blond sitting on it. He felt nervous, without really being able to put a finger on why. He forcefully pushed the memory of Cassidy pinning him against the couch a week ago out of his mind, knowing this time wouldn’t be like that. This situation was different, he had no reason to try the same trick on him twice.
Kip finally sat on the bed next to him, watching as Cassidy inhaled deeply, leaning his arms against his legs as he leaned forward on his spot, clearly switching gears into a thinking mode. Kip didn’t bother to ask him anything, it was fairly obvious that he was running through scenarios on how the Brit would be showing that he had earned another title shot after just losing to him. Cassidy wasn’t the kind of person to really plan much ahead, he thought more on the spot, or so Kip had at least noticed throughout the torment he had put the blond through in the past months. So it didn’t really look like he had planned for this either, for Kip coming up to him and demanding a title shot, and being put into this position of having to come up with something.
God he would be such a boring champion.
“Can I ask you something?”
Kip scanned the side of his face, staying quiet as Cassidy didn’t look back at him despite asking the question and waiting for an answer. The silence seemed to be enough for him though, as he continued.
“Are you really here only for the title?”
Kip looked at him, feeling an odd lump in his throat that he was sure wasn’t there before. He nodded his head quickly though, before clearing his voice a little.
“Of, of course.”
Cassidy snorted, still not looking at him, but Kip could see the teasing smile playing on his lips.
“You’re lying.”
Kip didn’t reply to him, only watched as Cassidy finally turned back towards him. The odd combination of both softness and intensity in his eyes was almost mesmerizing, Kip hadn’t really paid much attention to it before if he was being honest. Usually when he saw Cassidy without the sunglasses was inside the ring, in a differently heated moment where he had a reputation and a fighting spirit to keep up to, which was so much different than the sleepy, almost domesticated feel to the look he was giving to Kip here.
“You’re really telling me that you are here, at two in the morning, in my hotel room, when you could have done that at any point tomorrow or even tonight, just through a simple text message or a call, begging for a title shot that barely matters… And that’s all?”
Kip slowly and hesitantly nodded, getting an uncharacteristically emotive chuckle back from Cassidy who just shook his head, the smile now very obvious on his lips as he just kept looking back at Kip.
“You’re a terrible fucking liar.”
Kip opened his mouth to reply, but he had no words. He could have just easily lied about it, but something in his head was preventing him from saying any of that. Something in him didn’t make him want to sit there and lie at Cassidy, not directly to his face, but at the same time he couldn’t admit the true nature of things to him.
He could barely admit it to himself that maybe, maybe there was something a little bit more to this and his impatient passion than just regaining the title. Because Cassidy was right, he could have waited, he could have done this at any point, without being so aggressively over the top about it, without not wanting to waste any chance Kip could get to end up in this position.
The position where Cassidy suddenly, yet clearly deliberately leaned closer towards him while Kip was weighting through his potential replies, with ease cupping one of Kip’s cheeks into his hand as the Brit wasn’t even trying to stop him or resist against the touch, pressing their lips against one another.
Kip couldn’t lie to him, because he wanted this. He had hoped for this. Fuck, he had begged in his mind to put back into this position, and there were no known words on this whole goddamn planet that he could say to make it appear otherwise.
Kip slowly responded to the lazy kiss, Cassidy almost immediately pulling away from him, erupting an annoyed groan from Kip. Cassidy just smiled at him, knowing that he got him in the palm of his hand so easily, both figuratively and literally as his thumb ran over the Brit’s cheek.
“I don’t like it when you lie to me, Kip.”
The way Cassidy said his name sent shivers down Kip’s spine. The soft, yet stern voice put him under a spell he couldn’t escape from. Not that he wanted to, but the hold it had of him was like no other, the soft touch against the heating skin of his cheek just adding a layer to it all that made it feel like a dream Kip didn’t want to wake up from.
“I’m… I’m sorry.”
Cassidy tilted his head, almost acting coy before he leaned closer again, trailing a row of soft kisses along Kip’s jawline. He bit his lip to hold back a moan, his breathing tightening as Kip could feel his heart rate increasing against his will at the touch of Cassidy’s lips against the scruff covering his skin while his hands worked to unbutton the rest of the Brit’s shirt with ease. Finally his hot breath tickled against Kip’s ear as Cassidy’s lips reached it, a clear smile in his voice as he whispered, “Good boy.”
Kip flinched a little, pulling away from Cassidy’s touch, taking in a deep breath, much shakier than he expected it to be. Cassidy just looked at him, the smile still playing on his lips, barely visible yet so comforting that Kip couldn’t help but to rush forward, wanting to wipe that look from his face before Cassidy could unlock more embarrassing feelings out of him, pulling the blond into a kiss. Cassidy chuckled at him, giving Kip the moment he needed to deepen the kiss.
The next few moments passed him by in a bizarre haze of passion, Kip feeling the blond moving into his lap with ease, stripping him out of the already unbuttoned shirt, hands moving into his hair to run through it. The few gentle tucks of his hair made Kip moan quietly against the kiss, in the end Cassidy clearly taking the hint as it felt like he was doing it on purpose to work Kip up, letting him barely catch his breath anymore.
As the kiss was finally broken apart, Cassidy stopped to admire his handiwork; the disheveled hair, flustered cheeks, closed eyes, and slightly parted lips as Kip was trying to steady his breathing to stop his head from spinning, looking so euphoric in his state that Cassidy let out a few swears of his own in his mind at the piece of art he had created. He hadn’t stopped before to ask himself if this was the right thing to do, but seeing Kip right there in front of him melting against his touch on more levels than just one, he knew this was what he wanted to begin with. Since last week, in fact. But…
Kip didn’t open his eyes, still trying to steady himself and his spinning head, but he nodded a little in acknowledgment.
“If… If you want to stop, it’s okay. You’ve earned your shot.”
Kip’s brows furrowed but his eyes remained shut, just listening to Cassidy’s words. The blond wanted to make it very clear he wasn’t going to push the boundaries more unless this was a mutual feeling between both of them. Honestly it had started as Cassidy just trying to see how serious Kip was about all of this title shot talk after what Cassidy himself had done to get his shot the week before, but somewhere down the line since Kip had appeared unannounced and clearly so, so desperate on the doorstep of his hotel room, something had changed.
He didn’t want to see how far Kip was willing to go anymore. Maybe it was because the things he would do were becoming fairly obvious, or maybe Cassidy just wanted this to be more… Mutually enjoyable and beneficial moment instead. Something a bit more than just him trying to tease Kip into backing down.
“Unless you… Want to go on.”
“I… I do.”
Kip was still clearly out of breath, but he nodded his head again, Cassidy feeling the fingertips digging into his hips, only now really taking notice where Kip’s hands had been this entire time. “I do. I really… Really do.”
Sensing nothing but sincerity in his words, Cassidy leaned closer again, stealing a soft peck from Kip’s lips before he pushed himself up on his feet from his lap. Kip’s eyes opened as he felt the body heat of the blond disappear from his immediate vicinity, his cheeks flushing even deeper color of red as he saw Cassidy kneeling down in front of him, hands working on undoing his belt.
Kip almost wanted to ask him to stop, a sudden wave of shame and vulnerability washing over him, but as Cassidy continued to undress him without any objections, the clearly careful and practiced movements of his hands tucking the tight jeans down, Kip just found himself biting his lip to stop himself from letting out a single sound, just enjoying the brushes of Cassidy’s rough hands against his exposed skin, just the mere contact making Kip grow slightly more and more insane each time.
As Cassidy struggled a bit with the final pull of the pants, Kip wiggled his way back on the bed, the movement helping to release his legs from the denim trap. There was something almost perverse about it, how Kip was now laying on the unfamiliar hotel bed only in his underwear, watching as Cassidy crawled back on it, still fully clothed, leaning over him as the blond observed every bit of Kip, inch by inch, as if he wanted to consume all of him.
And honestly, Kip absolutely wanted him to do all of that.
Cassidy’s hand traced up his toned midsection, a line of fingers running between his pecs, raising goosebumps on Kip’s skin.
“Has anyone told you that you’re beautiful?”
Cassidy looked straight at him, Kip having to actually turn away to avert the gaze, feeling the words catching in his throat. He wanted to reply something back to him so badly, but Kip was afraid of stammering, saying the wrong thing, making a fool out of himself. Making all of this stop if he said something that Cassidy didn’t want to hear.
Kip could feel Cassidy’s hand climbing up from his chest, pressing onto his cheek, slowly but firmly turning Kip’s face back towards him. Cassidy smiled down at him, “Because I think you’re beautiful.”
Kip’s cheeks were burning, even more so as the blond leaned in for another kiss. Stealing the wind out of his lungs with ease as Cassidy locked their lips together, Kip tried to keep any coherent thoughts going on. Which was extremely difficult for him, as he could feel Cassidy’s soft lips against his, his tongue in Kip’s mouth, his hands wandering around the side of his face and the other in his hair. Kip felt like a mess under his grasp, melting into a puddle of his own wants and desires, drowning in the shows of affection he had been craving for the entire night.
Cassidy pulled away first, Kip leaning up after him, trying to hold onto the kiss for as long as possible. Cassidy hummed a little at his longing for the affection, clearly content with the response he was receiving, pressing a quick kiss on Kip’s cheek instead.
“You’re so beautiful I think I know exactly what I want to do with you.”
Kip was completely at his mercy, feeling Cassidy’s hands leaving his face and his hair, helping the blond hover over his body instead as Cassidy slowly kissed his way down him. First along his jaw, then his neck, leaving little nibbles on the soft skin, erupting almost embarrassingly soft moans from Kip. Cassidy chuckled at him, stopping for a moment to watch Kip throw one arm over his face, his cheeks so hot out of both desire and embarrassment that he didn’t want to think about Cassidy even looking at him.
“Ju-just keep going.” His voice was quiet, almost whiny, demanding. And yet he was begging, like the pathetic, needy one he was. Cassidy just looked at him for a moment, before lowering his lips back against his skin, continuing to kiss down his features all the way down over Kip’s chest and his abdomen, only stopping as his hands brushed against the only piece of garment still covering the Brit, in reaction Kip’s hands shooting closer to tangle into Cassidy’s hair, stopping him in place.
The blond glanced up at Kip from under his brows, clearly curious, watching him breath heavily as Kip contemplated his options. Him stopping Cassidy on his tracks was a reflex, one that he didn’t want to act on but had no other choice, already feeling awkward enough in the situation he was put in. But Cassidy just continued to smile at him, that same smile that Kip had seen from him throughout the night; it was confident, soft, full of comfort and understanding.
“It’s okay,” Cassidy almost purred at him, Kip watching as he carefully untangled his hand from his hair. “Trust me.”
Kip suddenly sat up, Cassidy’s brows furrowing a bit at this sudden change, forcing him to sit back up as well. Cassidy’s hand was quick to cup Kip’s face again, the Brit leaning immediately into the comforting touch, letting out a shaky breath.
“You do want to do this, right?”
Kip nodded, rubbing his cheek against the palm of Cassidy’s hand a little. The smile was fast to return to the blond’s lips, as he leaned closer to Kip, pressing a soft kiss on his lips, followed by his free hand gently pushing Kip back down against the bed.
“So let me handle this. I promise you, you’re in good hands.”
Kip wasn’t denying that, he wasn’t denying wanting this either. He really did, and he knew he just needed to get over that first hurdle of not feeling so ridiculously embarrassed to let someone else take over him. Kip could feel Cassidy’s hands running over the cloth, letting out a soft whine in response. As Cassidy chuckled at him softly, Kip’s head whipped to the side, cheeks burning as he couldn’t look back at the blond again.
“Just relax.” Cassidy’s voice flowed through him, Kip shivering a bit, hoping Cassidy didn’t catch onto it. “Lay back, look gorgeous for me and… Keep moaning.” Kip closed his eyes, inhaling sharply as he could feel Cassidy’s fingers almost impatiently tiptoeing over his underwear. “I like it when you do that. Alright?”
Kip nodded his head, letting out a quiet whine in response.
“Good Kip,” Cassidy whispered, Kip feeling the last garment covering him being slowly stripped off of his body.
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timogsilangan · 2 years
what are your scp recs? =o i've read some but not all that many overall
SORRY LATE REPLY COZ i had 2 get 2my pc HELP BUT !! Youhave unlocked the floodgates.
087 - the stairwell
an oldie but a goodie! absolute fucking classic, as evidenced by the whopping 3000 updoots. its really like. one of the Hallmarks of the strengths of early scp, aka a simple concept executed VERY EFFECTIVELY. its a staircase! its infinite! you can hear the sound of a crying child in it that always seems to be out of reach! its dark as shit! there is a disembodied floating humanoid face in it. the fourth expedition is fucking Gone despite being the one that ceased all entrance to the stairwell! i love the shit out of this stupid fucking staircase theres a reason it spawned so many games in Ye Olden Babys First Unity Project Days
3333 - tower
*thafnine voice* were time skipping now oh my! i feel this is like, an Inverse 087. instead of going down an infinite staircase u go up an infinite tower! fun! and remember that redacted expedition IV from 087? its not redacted here :) warning for body horror for this one
4975 - times up
despite being from series V this one has a very very old school vibe to it. simple concept executed effectively as opposed to the fucking novel length skips that litter the later series. fair warning for this one if u have issues with unreality MUTE THE TAB. TURN DOWN YOUR VOLUME. no jumpscares but its still a pretty mean trick 😭
lilys 001 proposal - the worlds gone beautiful
short, poignant, beautiful. ykno all those tumblr poetry posts talking abt how no matter how temporary our time is on this earth its still special? it means something? Yea . reading this as a 15 yr old made me understand that somehow
4182 - there is no site 5
whew. unlike a lot of earlier scps the blacked out data in this one Isnt overused in an annoying way. its a Puzzle. what happened to site 5? why are there so many revisions to the article? what is the foundation hiding under all those redactions? hehe.
5140 - EVEREST
another short n effective one ! im not phased by much unless it literally triggers my menthol ewwness but this ones . super fucking creepy to me honestly idk why LOL. hinges on making U ! da reader. quetion whether whats happening in those logs is real or if the explorers are just Losing Their Fucking Minds from oxygen deprivation. i do wonder !
2718 - what happens after
I. HATE. THIS . SCP. that means i love it LOL. i rank horror Goodness by how badly it makes me want to crawl out of my skin like a molting insect! forreal do not read this if u have unreality issues its so bad 😭😭😭😭😭 but i love it! its such a good concept. i hate it. its awful. its stuck in my mind forever. its so effective. If i liked this scp i dont because i did. No i didnt
5999 - this is where i died
YAAAY THIS ONES THE URL OF MY SCP SIDEBLOG!! i like it less now than i did when it first dropped (i was so up to date on this shit LOL i was there when nobody knew what it was abt and the forums was people trying to decode it) and the ending. is fuckin doodoo caca bullshit LOL its such a copout. dont even bother with the last chapter its literally nothing and it only serves to connect it to another scp when the preceeding stuff was already flavorful n interesting on its own 😭😭 warning for gore and body horror
4400 - this is not a place of honor
better enjoyed with the context of longterm nuclear waste warning messages! i actually have a unique experience with this post detailed Here due to my Shitfuck No Good Eyesight where i misread the title as "this is not a place of horror” which fundamentally changed my mindset going into it! i dont wanna spoil much but the last line of the last addendum is so fucking metal it rules LOL
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vonkarma2 · 1 year
3, 5, 8, 13, 16 for zeolan for the worldbuilding asks?
3.) any recurring images/elements?
Hmmm this is kind of broad so I’m not totally sure how to interpret it I guess I will go with like. If it was a tv show. What visual motifs or recurring shots would there be. I think if there were constantly shots of Rocio alone like in an empty space that would be kind of funny imagine watching a show and there’s an obvious meta narrative focus on how lonely you are I’d be so mad. That and shots of like her back while she’s reading something or working on something like she’s closed off to the world or whatever. Definitely a lot of contrast of darkness vs light though for sure like places with people in them being associated with yellow/orange light whereas empty places are associated with the dark. 
Also there would probably be many unnecessarily long shots focusing on nature and the environment around the characters bc that’s what I personally like to see 
5.) pick a theme song for the tv adaptation.
life itself glass animals 😞😞😞 rip to the animatic I started in early 2022. theres a whole vision. for variety ill also say the definitive end credits song would be 
8.) what inspired your world building, if anything?
Honestly. Not much lol I feel like a lot of it is just me trying to make something that appeals to me personally just thinking of like aesthetics 
in the extended secret worldbuilding there are some aspects inspired by or influenced by real history. that being said I try not to avoid making that too direct or have it come up too often bc 1) it’s easy to make it extremely tasteless or at least inaccurate/shallow in its portrayal ofc 2) it is ultimately a fantasy world where I wanted to make shit up + have everything be original rather than have like. direct copies of real places + events. I think it’s like background concepts can be to some extent based on reality but specific events are all homebrewed yk
sundown 2020
probably fullmetal alchemist like subconsciously. wrt the magic system not the world itself 
I guess you could say I was inspired by actively trying to go against like. Tolkien esque or popular YA fantasy tropes of the late 2010s early 2020s. Bc a lot of what made me want to make the story in the first place was being tired of and annoyed by the kind of tone that was prevalent in YA fantasy at the time 
I literally CAN’T think of much this is so sad. My worldbuilding is just too original you guys 😔 
no lol but yeah it mostly wasn’t inspired by anything specific which is a shame bc I do think looking at things you were influenced by is pretty fun
they don’t know the wizard system is fully ripped off from how the wings of fire books used animus magic expect it’s learned instead of born 
13.) how long have you been working on this project? what has changed from the outset?
A little over 3 years like since February 2020 :3. I love this question it feels very behind the scenes like Im talking in a documentary.  Mostly the structure of the story has become much more linear when the original was like arcs based if that makes sense? Like episodic even though the episodes were pretty large in scale + theoretical length. Ofc a lot of the characters’ personalities have as well. I think the main focus too like initially it was just for fun but when I first added like a vague general central theme it was a lot abt dissociation from your identity + the weight of living and things like that. Life is hard but it’s worth it <3 And now there’s more focus on the nuances of interpersonal connection and things like that. I do like the original theme though I wouldn’t want to drop that idea entirely even though I’d probably want to have it show up in a more nuanced or subtle way idk 
16.) imagine the entire story takes place but in the meantime the characters all also have tumblr. what kind of (terrible) tumblr posts would happen?
rocio would hate all forms of social media viscerally. if she absolutely has to use it then it’s several thousand word long rants that stay in the drafts for eternity 
cirillo probably the type to just use it as a diary 
angel runs an extremely popular yet controversial fan page for enstars or some shit (<I mean. in universe it would be about 1400s romance novels) but occasionally vagues abt his personal life and everything he says sounds extremely concerning. And then like once he ends up on the news everyone’s like omg… bone stealing witch tier drama 
gloria only posts thirst traps + posts that are like “will be in [x city] tomorrow if anyone wants to meet up 👅” with every location change
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mlynar-nearl · 2 years
this is very long i am apologies
yes !!! i read ur essay (?) on mlynars grief too and i just think that youve got it down super neat (ive probably repeated this too many times) so like good job !!!
ah indeed i was the anon who asked abt his kit last time too (saw the art of him too btw its very pretty, very nice ur friend did an amazing job!) so do you think hed have a talent like aosta's in that he does extra (maybe % or maybe fixed) dmg to unblocked? or hes got like a skill thats like fartooth (global only target blocked but in his case its global only target unblocked?) i think either ways adding a different debuff to all of his skills would be fun ! do you think hed be rng based cc (like aak?) or like its specifically one debuff to each skill, those kinda stuff? honestly er this is a lot of questions you can selectively answer but i just think hes probably a neat wraith killer lol no more annoying unblocked assholes running around ehe but also on a separate note, do you think he has any special interactions with other operators (excl the ones from laterano) ? his hobbies etc (just go wild man, tell me wtv even his preferred breakfast or whether he hates grass or smth) also yes ty for the advice abt mandragora !! i only figured it out like... once i accidentally made her drop blocks on herself and she died due to low hp and i was like wtf cos ??? free elimination ? and i learnt i was very wrong later on but pozy saved my ass aha so it all worked out anyways ! just training for when i actually bother clearing ch 9 ig oh and until u said it i didnt rly notice that sss like... hates all snipers. (ive tried using chalter it didnt go well... pozy as well) like all the late stage sss stages just completely dont let you use snipers for anything other than like buffs (unless youre rosa ig might have chance) shit i screwed up this is even longer than last time im so sorry if this is uncomfortable to read :sob: if this is too uh ew to converse with i can chacha slide into ur dms (but give me time i am... well theres a reason im anon) but yeah anyways have a nice day so sorry for this length and as always u can selectively answer or ignore lol ! hope ur well !
don't worry about the length, i love answering questions! I will try and get to everything. thank you for the compliments ab my post i try (oh my god do i try) :]
i think his talents would involve extra damage + prio unblocked enemies + his source of crowd control. his CC would be strictly bind, not RNG like aak, because his arts are specifically grappling hook/rope shit. i think i've been theoretically calling this talent and arts type "tethering." in lore he mainly uses it for traversal, but there's no reason it wouldn't work on people, too, so i think it fits best as a crowd control bind. one of his skills would then just do a "talent trigger increase" as part of their functionality meaning extra bind chance. of course, how useful he would actually be as a concept depends on the numbers, which is the part i'm bad at, but still, fun to think about :]
for other operators, he would definitely get on well enough with some of the cooks among the RI operators, for one. his favorite flavor of sweet thing is cinnamon, and cinnamon is easy to incorporate into things, and he's smart enough to be polite to the people feeding his interests. he would also, i think, have interesting but awkward interactions with the iberians, because while he is not himself iberian, he has traveled extensively there and shares memories of the profound silence/aftermath thereof with Andoain. ultimately, i think he's polite to most everyone he runs into if he were to go to RI, but he's already rather closed off as a person and you have to open him up with a crowbar, so i don't know if anyone could be considered a friend of his. i don't even think fiammetta is really a friend of his (he would call it that, but that's far from correct), more that they have similar enough feelings on a specific topic that leads them to cooperate. i think even increasing trust with him still leaves a lot under the surface.
other shealtiel facts...he prefers cats to dogs but understands the appeal of both, but his favorite animals are birds. being a sniper, he sees a lot of them, and spends a lot of time in places birds nest. i imagine lateran schools have a class on religion similar to catholic school (where i have unfortunately been), and that was his favorite subject because his mother was a canonist and spent most of her time analyzing the scriptures and teachings of lateran. he's surprisingly flexible because of this- he actually idealogically overlaps with andoain more than he'd like to admit, he just hates the man's methods. and life choices. when he's on the road he survives off of breakfast bars and terran poptarts. he prefers chilly weather to heat, but hates heavy snow. he has a halfway decent singing voice but never uses it outside of when he's free enough to attend a lateran service. his plan for immediately after achieving his goal (killing andoain with fia) is to take a vacation somewhere cold-but-not-too-cold and isolated and not answer his messages for six to seven months. he's still on the fence about where, though. he would do that right now if he didn't have duties to fulfill. his favorite mixed drink is a gingerbread gin and tonic (g&t + baking spice infused amaretto.) his favorite non-alcoholic drink is cranberry juice. he's become partial to a dying brand of iberian cookies because andoain likes them and he's started buying them up ahead of him out of a petty sort of spite.
SSS really does hate snipers which sucks b/c i do love me a sniperknights. chalter doesn't fall off quite as bad as some because she's useful for bosses but it's still Bad. i still bring snipers for the aspd buffs, but most of them just arent gonna hold up too much. sad :( gj with mandra! she's annoying but at least in her actual boss levels that aren't TFN you get the automatic pillar destroyers. good luck on chapter 9 when you get there :]
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lea-andres · 2 years
Hi! thanks for listening to my Vavok ramblings! This ship is so interesting, like it shouldnt work but it does somehow and its great! i hope im not annoying you with it too much lmao. Also sorry this is so long, I have a lot of thoughts about this 😅
tbh i haven’t really read the zombot arc yet, im just going off of what ive learned from tumblr lol. But Zombot Vavok intrigues me because theres so much you can do with it
First of all, Zavok knows that vector’s not gonna wanna take over the world. which conflicts with the rest of the deadly six. Does Zavok try to convince vector to join them? Does he secretly switch sides for vector? try and find a middle ground?
 this all depends on whether or not he reaches Vector in time. If he reaches out to vector before he becomes a zombot, then hes gonna have to deal with the fact that Vector lost one of his sons to the virus. And if he’s too late? Well, he would probably find out via a grieving espio, and thats gonna make him feel worse
And then theres the deadly six. How would they react to all of this? would they think Zazok’s gone weak? would they turn on him? cast him out to fend for himself since he insists on sticking by Vector’s side? 
Or, alternatively, do they side with Zavok? I mean, Vector had to have had a positive impact on Zavok, right? Maybe the group noticed that Zavok is happier, not getting mad at them when they make mistakes, just…doing better. Surely, if this “Vector” guy is making him act like this, then he can’t be that bad. He sounds pretty nice for a non-zeti if they’re being honest.
There’s also what can happen after the metal virus. Is Zavok treated like a hero for helping get rid of the virus, or is everyone still salty from that time he tried to destroy the world that one time? Does he decide to leave after all the craziness is over, or decide to stay behind with Vector? How do both of their teams react to all of this??
When bad guys rolls around, i think Zavok would decide to join Starline, with FULL intent to betray him and make him suffer. Not only for revenge, but to make sure his family doesn’t have to go through something this traumatic again.
There’s just so much you can do with this and I love it- 
(Man this post got away from me. again, sorry its so long, i kinda have vavok brainrot 🫠)
Of course! I love hearing out other people's thoughts and ideas!
See, it's really funny, @stillafanofsonic made Vavok as a joke to irritate me (I don't like the Zetis, LOL), but... It's actually a really intriguing ship? The more you take it seriously the more interesting bits and pieces you can find to play around with narratively. So part of me's kinda mad at it for being so interesting (when it was just supposed to be a stupid crack ship LOL), but another part of me likes seeing what other people do with it. 😂
Honestly, do what you want. I haven't read a lot of Archie, but I like plucking concepts and characters from Archie and making them my own. 😂 I do recommend the Zombot Arc if you get around to it, but no pressure if you don't want to or can't. 🥰
You've got a lot of fun ideas here! Especially the idea that Zavok would team up with Starline again during Bad Guys specifically to stab him in the back! Let's say, snagging one of the many possibilities you mentioned up above, Zavok was regarded as a hero for helping stop the virus. Do the other heroes know Zavok's just doing this for revenge? Or do they think he's betrayed them, and he's risking his newly gained respect in favor of revenge? 👀
Ramble away, I don't mind! We all know how I get about BugBear around here, so I like hearing about other ships too!
Even stinky Vavok. /jk
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happi-tree · 3 years
marcanne for the ship ask!!
also i just wanna add i love how you refer to everyone as lovebirds like it akes me all warm and gooey inside djhsdkjfd im rambling okay byeee
!!! Hi, Elle!!! Hope you're having a good day, lovebird 💙💙💙
Okay so. I have many many Thoughts abt them
When I started shipping them: I got into the show pretty late comparatively speaking, so I basically went from "Marcy at the Gates" to "True Colors" in a matter of days. And though season 3 had already started airing at this point, I decided to wait a bit bc. Well. *Gestures at all of tc* yknow. But! During that break, I decided to check out ao3 and wound up reading a little fic called "Don't Drink Unlabeled Potions", followed closely by another one called "Stranded." Idk, maybe you've heard of them? But yeah. I was immediately sold as soon as I started reading haha!
My thoughts: Their dynamic is just. So much!!! I love a good childhood friends-to-lovers trope and their relationship with each other just seems so real and well done??? Like, they're just two kids who get to goof off together but they're also some of the most important people in each others' lives and they have such a desperation to stay together, to not lose the other, and! *Dissolves into tears* While their relationship definitely isn't perfect and they're both very flawed characters (both in terms of their identities separately and also in terms of their interactions with each other), I really do think they can turn it around and work on it! Just gotta work on those communication issues, kiddos.
What makes me happy about them: Their little nicknames for each other, the way they casually hold hands and poke each other all the time, the way they try to protect each other, the way that they can be really silly together <3
What makes me sad about them: God. God where to begin. Marcy thinking that Anne will never forgive her for what she's done to them and that she genuinely hates her - so much to the point that it is Marcy's literal worst nightmare in her last moments of consciousness. Anne trying her absolute hardest not to think about Marcy at all, stubbornly saying that she's sure Marcy is okay when all the signs point to her being dead. Marcy wanting Anne (and Sasha) to be with her forever so much that she decided to literally give up her world - all of their worlds - so that they'd stay, and it only ended up driving them further apart. Anne confessing to Marcy that she doesn't want to lose her again, and Marcy responding with a promise that she breaks at no fault of her own. I am soooo normal about them </3
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Marcy is not the only flawed character in this relationship! Anne has flaws and nuance to her, too! She's not "too good" for Marcy because they are both just kids with a lot of problems and communication issues!!! It's honestly kind of rare (at least in what I've encountered) for me to find a work with the above concept of their dynamic, but when I do find one??? I simply exit the tab :)
Things I look for in fanfic: Hurt/comfort babeyyyyy!!! I love reading people's takes on them post-canon. And the little "what-if" scenarios of Anne breaking through to Marcy while fighting the Core are also very, very tasty! I am truly not picky, though - canon, au, and anything in between works for me!
My wishlist: For both of them to get the biggest, warmest hug of their lives in s3b. Also to get therapy bc good lord do they need it </3
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Sasha Waybright is Right There for both of them, obvi. Sashannarcy and any of its forms goated (real)!
My happily ever after for them: Happy and healing and together (possibly long-distance), whether as friends or as gfs! More healthy communication, aired grievances, working things out in a healthy manner, paying attention to each other, etc (also Sasha is there, too, ideally, because you can't separate the trio)!
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sineala · 3 years
A Few Thoughts About Hurt/Comfort
I have been asked this month to make a post about hurt/comfort in Avengers comics. And I love h/c -- I actually have a massive number of WIPs right now that are h/c -- so I am very happy to talk about it! Anyway, this is not really all that planned out and this mostly turned into an excursus on Tony Stark's pain. I'm sure you're all surprised.
Like pretty much everyone else, I'm sure, I have found that everything lately has been... pretty tough. And the coping mechanism that really got me through last year and this year was reading and writing a lot of h/c, on the theory that, however lousy a day I'm having, I can absolutely make sure that Tony Stark has a worse one. And then I can make sure he gets hugs. Wish fulfillment? Why, yes. (Once at Hallmark I was trying to find a "get well soon" card, forgot what it was called, and described it to my wife as "a hurt/comfort card.") I think Marvel Comics -- the Avengers side, in particular -- is an interesting canon for h/c for a lot of reasons. Though, honestly, if you asked me to recommend you, a hurt/comfort fan, a new fandom, I would probably just hand you some Starsky & Hutch DVDs. Go watch "The Fix" and get back to me later. If you like that, there's way more where that came from. But there's still lots to love in Marvel! Superhero comics are really a goldmine as far as the hurt side of h/c. Because superheroes, and you probably have noticed this, get hurt a lot. They get hurt repeatedly, in fantastical ways that are probably impossible in real life both physically and emotionally (at least, I don't think anyone's invented mind control yet), and even the heroes without superhuman healing powers tend to get physically hurt a whole lot worse than actual people can take. Currently in Iron Man comics, Tony has a broken back and is dealing with this by locking himself into the armor as a backboard and injecting himself with massive doses of painkillers. He's busy! He's got stuff to do! He doesn't have time to lie around and heal! So, basically, if you name a kind of pain that you would like to see happen to a character, it's probably happened to superheroes. Multiple times. The downside, though, is that comics do not really deliver that well when it comes to the comfort part of h/c. They could. It's not inherent to the medium that they don't. But because of the serial nature of comics and also the fact the primary audience is dudes who want to read about people in spandex punching each other, a lot of the time they don't really feel the need to provide closure and write about people dealing with any of the hurt. (Raise your hand if you're still annoyed with the end of Hickman's Avengers run.) But at the same time, I think that's a quality that makes Avengers ripe for h/c fanfic. Because, generally speaking, fandom likes to provide the things that canon doesn't, and fandom is more than happy to provide the comfort. If you enjoy canonical h/c in comics, I think you really can't go wrong with Iron Man. One of the big innovations of modern Marvel Comics was the concept that heroes would also suffer from relatable human problems, and in practice what this means is that a lot of heroes start with a fully-loaded angst-ridden backstory and origin story, ripe for h/c. So Tony starts out by incurring a heart injury that he fully expects is going to kill him, which he responds to by vowing he won't get close to anyone so they won't be sad when he dies, and throughout the early Silver Age is constantly on the brink of death as his heart nearly gives out on him practically every issue. And then even after his heart gets (mostly) better, there are various plots involving his armor being detrimental to his health and him choosing to fight on anyway. It's hard for me to think of another superhero hitting that particular variety of h/c in exactly the same way. Sure, superheroes risk their lives constantly, because this is how superhero comics work, but Tony is the only one I can think of who is this constantly this badly off, physically. Like, think of all the other heroes who have had a continual solo presence as fan favorites across Marvel history -- Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man, Wolverine, maybe even Deadpool. You know what those guys all have? Healing factors! For the most part, they are not running around continually on the verge of death, and while there are certainly memorable arcs involving several of them being severely injured and/or dead, you really have to work at it. It's not their constant state of affairs, whereas Tony is the kind of superhero who shows up to a fight already bleeding out under his armor. Yeah, I know Extremis gave him a healing factor. But he didn't have it very long, and also he did some extremely dangerous things while he did have it; I'm pretty sure I've never seen Wolverine saying that he'll just solve a problem by cutting off his own foot. So, anyway, yeah, there are a bunch of good arcs involving h/c for Tony. If you're looking for physical injury, he has a whole bunch of heart problems over the years, gets several new hearts, then ruins his brain, et cetera. That level of hurt is basically the background pain of Tony's life; every so often, his heart will get damaged or he'll have to live in the armor or the armor will be killing him, et cetera. If you're looking for more unusual trauma, I am, as always, going to rec Manhunt, a relatively obscure arc in late v3 (IM v3 #65-69) in which Tony has an extremely bad week. His tech is stolen and used to bomb a building. Then he gets shot in the chest. Then while he's at the hospital a nurse tries and fails to poison him, and she then tries to beat him to death. Then he checks himself out of the hospital and a helicopter shoots missiles at him. Then he becomes a fugitive from justice. And then, oh, yeah, he has to fight the Mandarin. It is... a lot. (Volume 3 of Iron Man is pretty good as far as h/c possibilities. You've got a lot of physical pain, Carol's drinking arc, the Sentient Armor, both DreamVision arcs, and Manhunt. Manhunt is finally supposed to be out in trade this month, by the way.) There are of course the drinking arcs, which probably count as their own type of hurt. But if you haven't read the second drinking arc (IM #160-200), please do. Marvel likes to up the stakes on events (Fear Itself, Secret Empire) by making Tony drink, and it does work, I think. I feel like I've spoken at length about Tony's drinking elsewhere so I don't really want to rehash it all here. And then there's the emotional pain. Angst and drama is something that happens to a whole bunch of characters, yes, especially in comics, but somehow Tony seems to end up with possibly more than his fair share of it. Fandom likes to make a lot of Howard Stark's A+ Parenting, so much so that you might think, if you didn't know canon, that this was just fandom running with a throwaway mention of Tony's terrible childhood and making it worse. But, no, canon really does go there with a reasonable amount of frequency. Howard's actual first appearance is in a flashback where he's ordering teenage Tony to break up with his girlfriend because she's the daughter of one of Howard's business rivals. And then we get into the verbal abuse, and the physical abuse, and the time Howard made Tony take his first drink, and the part where Howard was a demon in hell who Tony fought while he insulted him. And more! Currently, in canon, Howard is alive again and is in league with Mephisto for the express purpose of ruining Tony's life. Also when Tony was a baby, Howard tried to trade him to Dracula. I think you can make an argument that fandom is actually showing restraint when compared to canon. Tony also has a whole lot of Terrible Exes whose presence and/or former presence in Tony's life can be used for a lot of hurt. If you've read any amount of fanfic, you probably know that the exes who get the most play in fandom are Sunset Bain and Tiberius Stone -- not that Tony and Ty were ever canonically a couple, of course, but fandom is definitely enamored of this idea. Ty and Sunset both have relatively similar interactions with Tony in canon, in that they are both liars and emotional abusers, heavy on the gaslighting, with the purpose of becoming more successful than Tony. They both also attempt to murder Tony, although this is after he figures out they're evil, at least. (Yes, I know, this is not how either of them usually appear in AUs.) Tony also has a bunch of exes who also have just straight-up tried to murder or otherwise hurt him, sometimes while they are dating, and sometimes before Tony dates them: Whitney Frost, Indries Moomji, Kathy Dare, and Maya Hansen come to mind. There are probably more I'm not thinking of! But, yes, if you want to write about a guy in a series of terrible relationships, please consider Iron Man comics. If mind control is one of your favorite flavors of hurt, Tony's pretty good for that too. We all know about The Crossing. I suppose when I say "mind control" I mostly mean "armor control" because there are an awful lot of plots where someone else makes Tony's armor do whatever they want it to do and Tony is along for the ride -- Demon in a Bottle, Sentient Armor, and Execute Program are the first things that come to mind. There is also a fairly obscure What If that is What If Iron Man Lost The Armor Wars in which Justin Hammer apparently really wants Tony in a mind control collar to take off all his clothes and lounge around in his underwear. No, really. I think a lot of pain for Tony often revolves around his issues with control, generally -- his alcoholism comes into play here again. The entire aftermath of Civil War is also notable for its propensity to hurt Tony over and over and over. Is he stoically soldiering on through his grief after Steve dies? Hell, no! He cries, like, six separate times. He 100% blames himself for Steve's death. It's great. Everybody loves The Confession and the funeral in Fallen Son, but one of my personal favorites is Avengers/Invaders, in which Tony is confronted with a time-traveling Steve from WWII and in order not to screw up the timeline, he can't tell Steve he knows him. He is clearly not coping well. He shuts himself in a room with a giant wall of pictures of Steve! Also there's a part where he has to try to convince Steve he can trust him and he ends up having to tie Steve to a chair to talk to him, and Steve looks at him and asks, "Who did you kill to get where you are?" and I feel like that is probably one of the worst moments in Tony's life. No wonder he gave himself amnesia. So now we might want to ask, okay, but why is hurting Tony in fanfiction so much fun? I mean, I can tell you why I think it's fun. I can't speak for anyone else. One reason is that he is very emotional and very affected by everything he does. Sometimes you will see people complaining that the heroes of m/m fanfic cry too much and this is not realistic. This is not a problem if you're writing Tony! He can cry as much as you want and it's perfectly in character. I don't think it would be as fun to hurt him if he didn't express so much of his pain. But he does. He also feels guilty, and for me that's a very satisfying character element. If he were well-adjusted and didn't blame himself for so many things, it wouldn't be nearly as fun as watching him blame himself for everyone whose death he thinks he is responsible for, whether or not he is. And then he just keeps going, and it's, y'know, nice to watch him be resilient, too. So, I guess, I think hurting him is interesting because it's easy to hurt him, his weak points are pretty obvious, and he reacts a lot. Steve doesn't hurt quite as much as Tony does, in canon. It's certainly possible to hurt him -- I mean, they did actually kill him after Civil War, after all -- but I don't think the canonical patterns of hurting him are as numerous. Obviously deseruming Steve is a fairly popular go-to in terms of physical hurt; he's been deserumed at least three times that I know of. I think's easy to see the appeal there of taking a character who is fairly physically resilient and making him... much less so. Certainly Marvel seems to see the appeal. But other than that I don't think he has any other really common way to get physically injured. Unlike Tony, whose origin story is basically "oh no, I've acquired a disability," Steve's origin story is "I drank a serum that cured all my disabilities." Which, I mean, great wish fulfillment but there's not really as much there to poke at. Pretty much all of Steve's pain is emotional, but, unlike Tony, his pain isn't often specifically in response to someone directly, purposefully hurting him. Hickman's Avengers run is a big exception, yes. His pain seems to come up most often as a kind of situational angst. He feels like a man out of time. He feels out of touch with the modern era, with people his own age. He feels guilt because he feels responsible for Bucky's death. He feels like he can't trust the government and therefore he can't be Captain America. He worries that he doesn't know how to have a normal life. And, yes, these are deep and important worries but it's different than, like, Indries Moomji dumping Tony with the intent to make him sad enough to start drinking. Very few of Steve's villains want to personally ruin Steve's entire life the way Tony's villains do; mostly they just want to do things like bring back the Nazis. In terms of Steve's potential for h/c, I think Steve is harder to hurt than Tony is. Physically, he is definitely harder to hurt. You can deserum him, sure, but unless you want everything you write to be a deseruming fic you're probably not going to want to do that more than a couple of times. And if you want to hurt him physically while he has the serum, you have to hurt him hard. Usually past the point where a regular human would ever survive it. He's also harder to break, emotionally, than Tony is -- which means it's very satisfying when you can get him to break, but this is a guy who's only cried twice (that I remember) in canon. So if you want to get him to cry, you really, really have to wreck him, and he doesn't have as many obvious weak spots. He also doesn't generally sit around blaming himself for things that aren't his fault, and the whole "stewing in guilt" genre of plots for him basically came down to "he was sad that he thought Bucky's death was his fault," and that's really the biggest regret he seems to have, and also Bucky's not dead anymore. The Steve/Tony relationship itself, I would think, is also appealing to h/c fans because canon provides a lot of ways for them to hurt each other. Some people only ship pairings who would never, y'know, take turns beating each other half to death in major event comics. (And for a lot of Marvel Comics history, that was also Steve & Tony, so if you want them to be BFFs who have never fought, you can just set your fic earlier.) They have definitely hurt each other both physically and emotionally, so if you're looking for something easy and satisfying as a h/c fan, you can just read or write something where they... make up. What about Marvel characters other than Steve and Tony? Surely some of them are angsty, yes? Well, yes, but also it depends on the particular flavor of angst that you like. If you like the way Tony hurts, you may very well enjoy Doctor Strange comics, because they have a very similar attitude towards life -- they are both former alcoholics whose origin stories involve physical disabilities, who routinely make tactical decisions that negatively affect their continued existence and/or happiness a whole lot. It's very much an "I must suffer alone in the dark and no one will ever know what I am doing to save the world but it's the right thing to do" sort of vibe. Like, you can read comics where Strange is lying in hell with two broken legs, hallucinating that Clea has finally come to save him. Strange's biggest fear, akin to Tony's control issues, is basically that one day he's going to be an asshole again, so he's out there trying as hard as he can to do good. Also, if you like tentacles, he has all of them. I mean that. Carol also occasionally hits similar angst spots, and her drinking arc is great. A lot of people like Natasha, too; I have read zero Black Widow comics but I get the impression many people enjoy her brand of angst. The mutant metaphor is a little different in terms of overall vibe, but some people really like it as a source of angst -- the whole "protecting a world who hates and fears them" thing. It may not work for you, but if you like your hurt to include things like systemic oppression, go pick up some X-Men comics. Start with something like God Loves Man Kills. I feel like I liked this sort of thing a lot more as a teenager but that I kind of aged out of liking the mutants quite so much. It's also worth mentioning that not everything that hits the spot in one universe will be the same in the others, and I'm mentioning this because I feel like I have to say something about MCU Bucky. MCU fandom seems to get a lot of mileage out of Bucky's guilt about being the Winter Soldier, everything he was forced to do, et cetera. I have definitely read my share of those fics, and FATWS sure went right for that angst too. But as far as I can tell, he doesn't hit the same way at all in 616. And I like him a lot in 616; I'm always pleased when he shows up on a team. (He was so good in Strikeforce. Everyone was so good in Strikeforce.) But the thing is, 616 Bucky is, basically, phenomenally well-adjusted, given everything he's gone through, and I'm including the time he wrestled a bear in a gulag. He gets over having been the Winter Soldier, and now he's just, y'know, a guy with a cool arm who likes to bring guns to every fight to horrify his teammates, and he snarks at Clint. If you're looking for that angst, that is really not him these days. He's all better. So pretty much all that is canon. So what do we do in fandom for h/c? Well, as far as I can tell, a decent amount of it is canon-based or very canon-close -- there are a whole lot of stories exploring the angst of Civil War or Hickman's Avengers run. Tony's drinking comes up a fair amount, and if one of Tony's Evil Exes comes back to haunt him, it's pretty much only Tiberius Stone. I don't think I've read a lot of fic with Steve getting deserumed; it doesn't seem as popular in fandom as in canon. When Steve gets hurt, he tends to just get physically whumped pretty hard, and there's a fair amount of that for Tony too, but of course Steve can take more. There's also a thriving, uh, subgenre of pain involving Hydra Steve doing terrible things to Tony, presumably the terrible things he would have wanted to do to Tony in canon if Tony had had a flesh body. There's the usual kinds of h/c setups that appear in basically every fandom as well -- sickfic, whump, dub-con/non-con. You get the idea. But since fandom in general likes to take specific inspiration from canon, there's a lot of fic where the hurt tends to resemble things that happen more in canon. Like, I feel like comics fic probably has more tentacle fic and more mind control than canons that don't come pre-stocked with those. Probably everybody has a whole lot of "tied up by bad guys," though. And then, of course, fandom brings the comfort that canon does not. This is true in pretty much every fandom -- I mean, you aren't going to find a lot of actual canons where Character A saves Character B from mortal peril and then there's gay sex -- but, like I was saying, comics don't provide a lot of closure before it's onto the next thing. Usually with a different creative team, who has no interest in wrapping up anything from the last team. Steve and Tony talked about the incursions exactly once after Secret Wars and nobody mentioned the part where Steve spent several months trying to hunt Tony down and kill him. Tony is never going to remember the events of Civil War. Hydra Steve died ignominiously in a fire and no one has ever talked about him again. Honestly, if you're looking for a way to get some comfort in your fanfic, picking an event, any event, and just having the characters talk about it will be way more than any of them get in canon. I feel like honestly that can often be a pretty satisfying to read. And even though comics canon physically hurts characters pretty often and pretty badly, they also often skip right past the recovery. Maybe you'll get one page of a character in a hospital bed at the end of the story arc. Maybe you won't. Demon in a Bottle has one splash page of Tony going through alcohol withdrawal and then he's all better. I think Manhunt skips to Tony getting out of the hospital at the end. That's just not a story that they want to tell very often. The second drinking arc is notable in that it devotes almost as many issues to Tony's recovery as it does to getting him to rock-bottom. Similarly, Steve is done with his Nomad angst way way faster than you probably think he is (though The Captain does go in for a fair number of issues). So one of the things we often want to do in fandom is focus on all the bits that canon skips over, both in the "why did no one ever mention this story arc ever again" way and the "wow, so how long are they in the hospital after that" way. That's really all I can think of about h/c! I'm off to write some more of it!
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lesbiancarat · 3 years
Lol its fine!! Reply whenever you can ^_^
But ahh true, true. Idk why I thought it would be a hint to the music lol but a sort og an evolution of the concept so to speak. Either way, am excited for the comeback because fresh svt is always iconic. Oohhh the concept photos are all pretty and idk which one to pick jfkshfjsjd. Like they are all very on brand for them but also unique and pretty. Very artsy haha.
Ahh yes, rabbitnwas forever iconic and it was what helped other places like discord to do similar things! But ah understandable!! Both seventeen and nct (when I was getting into kpop more) always felt like BIG well known groups due to their fandoms being so big at least to me. Especially when people always recommended their songs i just assumed they have been around for a while like bts when I joined only to realize they are still rookies. Monster rookies indeed!! The fact so many people love them is enough for me to say they are amazing, well respected and loved by many. Those comments annoy me, especially when people downplay their hard work by claiming 'bighit helped them get more famous' like what!? Yes bighit did help with getting more western attention per se but like downplaying as if they haven't achieved anything at all is confusing to me. Claiming how streaming fans aren't doing s good job to which im like one, mass streaming isn't healthy and two, fans who do try their best and we do beat records of our own. Seventeen isn't unpopular, just because they aren't you know who level doesn't mean they aren't big like do people forget what unpopular means?
Anywhoo, a day late but happy late birthday to our tiger King. May he forever rule the tiger land and take over the world with his tiger agenda lol.
yes! one side fits my aesthetic the best but all the concept photos were nice ^^
and yeah it is annoying but at the same time those people are so detached from reality that I'm just sort of like whatever djflgj like 'it's obvious to anyone who knows what they're talking about you're wrong so I'm not going to bother arguing w you' is sort of my mindset when i see those comments dhfkj bc if i don't think of it that way then i get angry easily. the way i see it bh/hybe definitely is helping SVT with western promotions but like. i don't think SVT/pledis would have been incapable of expanding into the western market on their own if they wanted to. but it's a given that it will be easier and faster with hybe bc they have connections and a reputation in the western market already established. honestly I'd guess that was one of pledis's main incentives for agreeing to the acquisition. but at the same time hybe and western media wouldn't give SVT the time of day if they truly were the flops some ppl try to claim they are lol
and yeah agreed, streaming culture can be super unhealthy. it's one thing to do it if you want to but at the same time don't be losing sleep over it or prioritizing it over your real life responsibilities. and definitely don't guilt trip and say a bunch of toxic things to others to get them to stream... i feel like it would be a lot healthier if fanbases just stuck to simply explaining, hey this is what streaming is and why it can be important (for like music shows etc) and here's how to do it properly if you choose to stream, and then just let people decide for themselves. there would still be people more than willing to do it, and without the guilt tripping maybe even more people would just find it enjoyable. but hey, what do i know? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i also think most kpop stans underestimate how many views from from casual listeners and fans vs hardcore fans/streamers. like streaming does make a difference, but not 100M views difference like some people try to act like it does. tbh there are a lot of groups that have a smaller core fanbase than SVT but get hundreds of millions of views bc they have a lot of casual listeners. you can even see it internally too: don't wanna cry is SVTs most viewed MV by a mile, it's the only one to pass 100M views, let alone 200M. and it has nothing to do w carats streaming dwc extra hard, it's bc it's arguably SVTs most well known song outside of the fandom. i see reactors all the time who react to it and say "oh i know this song! i had no idea it was by seventeen" and you can look at the comments section and see a bunch of people saying the song has a fandom of its own/even if you're not a carat you have to know this song
kpop stans also put too much emphasis on views imo and also equate views to popularity, which on the surface might make sense but isn't always the case. actually in terms of profit, groups/companies make the vast majority of their money off of album, merch, and ticket sales than they do off of views. but those are all things that are a lot harder to "sell" than views, because they actually cost money for the consumer, while you can watch an MV for free. hence why it makes sense that there are a lot of groups with hundreds of millions of views that get relatively low album sales. it's easy to convince casual fans and and listeners to watch an MV than to get them to buy something
and I'm not trying to diss other groups at all or try to say groups that consistently get 200M+ views are flops, they're absolutely not. I'm just trying to point out that kpop stans completely underestimate the amount of casual listeners that exist
but this is why SVT is honestly such a fascinating case. their MV views are nothing to write home about, and yet they're the second highest selling k-act at the moment and are in the top 10 if not top 5 highest selling k-acts of all time, their album sales are literally insane. a lot of people chalk it up to carats being bad streamers but like i said before, streaming isn't going to make a difference of hundreds of millions of views. this indicates to me that seventeen have a bigger core fanbase (ie people who call themselves carats and actually keep track of seventeens activities) but a smaller audience of casual listeners compare to other kpop groups. and i think a lot of people, carats, and non carats alike, pick up on this in some way or another but don't realize that's what's going on and it manifests in kind of weird ways sometimes
and this fact isn't something that bothers me, i actually think it's super important more than anything for SVT to have a strong core fanbase if what they're shooting for is longevity. but i do find it strange bc as i said, groups that do better with digitals than physical sales make total sense from a consumer standpoint!! so how did SVT end up like this!! it's so interesting for me to think about. i think i would have a better idea of why this is if i had been around since debut but alas
the only thing i can come up with is that SVT is better at retaining fans or like... getting fans invested in the group so people who become carats are less likely to be multistans? bc multistans play a huge part in both being and attracting casual listeners. they're the ones making video compilations and edits and content that includes multiple kpop groups, which is how a lot of non-fans get interested in other groups. whereas if someone is just a carat and making content for SVT the people most likely to watch that content is ppl who are already carats. i know im not the only one that's noticed it's kind of rare for SVT to be included in multistan edits and videos. which i don't blame anyone for, i think most of those people genuinely just don't stan SVT and they shouldn't be expected to include a group they don't know we'll or at all. at the end of the day ppl can make what they like. but it's interesting to observe as a general trend. but idk SVT potentially having a lower percentage of multistans still isn't really an explanation for why SVT doesn't have as many casual listeners bc those things kind of just go hand in hand. like either one could be the cause of the other one if that makes sense
ANYWAY sorry for the long reply but as i said the ratio of SVTs core fanbase vs casual listeners is a topic i find endlessly fascinating dhfmfj
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peppersbian · 4 years
March 23 2021
I missed my daily thing on habitica for this so it like says I lost my streak which is bullshit and kinda annoys me but whatever. It's not technically all about points but it makes me feel better and I dislike that they did that to me. Scoff.
I had a pretty busy day today. I feel really good about myself.
I got through my English class and did the work I was assigned for the asynchronous time done during that time. I feel really good about that because I usually swerve and mess it up.
I made myself eggs and sausage for breakfast just before needing to sit down for math.
I was kinda unfocused during math, because I was working on the Open house presentation. So at least it wasn't time too badly wasted. I did my math homework due at 4 complete and on time! I feel so great about that. I feel good that I learned how to use the TI84, but also kinda embarrassed that it took me this long to sit down and fucking do that. But whatever.
Mom brought a pizza for late lunch/early dinner.
I went w mom to pick up some of the buy nothing stuff she got. I got some styrofoam balls which I will be sure to have fun with.
I got the PowerPoint done just in time for them meeting. I was a few minutes late for it but they hadn't really started anywys like they usually do. It went really well, I need to do some last polishes and I'll be great to go for the open house.
I don't think I'm going to go to the open house. It's sounds boring and I'm tired and also need to cram my English thing tomorrow. I feel bad though because I feel like I'm neglecting all my other classes by honing on one. I get too tired to do more than one thing a day.
Honestly all I could think about at the meeting was how I feel like I've never had any real connection or friendship with literally anyone in the troop. That I'm just a tack on to everything else. I thought about Nicole and the summer trip and how she made it so tiring and impossible to get around and be with other people and even making us late because she wanted to go to every fucking phone case stand. I feel bad for feeling that way because she's disabled or whatever but I can't help but feel like I got out with her because no one else wanted me and certainly no one else tolerates her. I though about catalina and how when I asked her at boating if she wanted to be partners, said "potentially", walked alway from em and talked to like three other people. One group was a group of three and I was all alone. It was humiliating. The lifeguard pittied me. I hate that. I love legend but it so tiring. It's just like a reminder I'm never wanted, cared about, or fit in. As much as the idea of sisterhood and community is preached it's never truly practiced. I wish it was though,
Gibson is so sweet. She seems so passionate and excited. I hope she gets the best from us. I feel bad that her freshmen year is being spent like this. She said she felt bad for me but honestly my times already been wasted so there's no real use in feeling bad about whats actively being taken. Loss is loss. I hope she never has to feel like me.
I'm tearing up again. These journals are hard. Today was a good day and I feel kinda silly for hanging up on these one or two bad things but that also stupid, it's good to feel. Human range of emotion and experiences or whatever. Sigh. Wish it was more convient.
I like Bojack horseman video essays. I can watch that shit forever. I watched a good one bout mr peanut butter and his defining trait being addicted to unconditional unwavering affection. I don't think I'm like that to the degree he is. I have at least some concept of boundaries and that people find joy and intert from different things. But I kinda felt that. Need to be needed. Except not really because that's not the same thing. Need to be swaddled and hugged and attended to, emotionally.
I had a vision of my future. Always being in a relationship even if it's not super great just because I want someone to love me or at least claim too in some capacity.
I know my friends love me and I them, But that's not the way that I mean or want. Sigh. I do love them though.
I ate the leftover from pizza lunch for dinner. Cold pizza rocks.
Today was a good day. I really need to make more art and work on studio. Im anxious about grades and shit it's really a bad underlying stress I can't get over. I haven't checked my grades at all and it feels a little suffocating lol. It is what it is though. After this weeek it's spring break which I desperately need.
I hope to work on miku, I'm gonna place my jo Ann's order so hopefully I can get my lace and my leather paint. Super excited. I keep bouncing around from projects, I have a lot of motivation but no time. It's frustrating. Just a Girlboss living in a Gatekeep world I guess.
I've been feeling kind a guilt about Mel. I haven't checked my message requests in so long. It's kinda og just become a part of the system, and since it's not a notification to be cleared it's been easy to not make it bug me. She's 23. I knew that but it only really kinda occurred to me. That's like 6 years. I wish she knew some fucking boundaries. Maybe if someone removed you as a follower twice, blocks you, and doesn't respond to your messages you should let it be. I feel bad for doing this and not just saying it outright but I'm scared of hurting her feelings with words. Like actions are much better. But I hate interacting with her. She has done nothing wrong or innapropriate I'm just annoyed by her. She's annoying. It makes me uncomfortable. I don't like engaging with her. It feels good to say that straight and honestly and not w a fucking feeling cushion or smthn. I keep dancing around my words like this isn't my private journal jfc. Anywyss I wish she'd go away. I feel bad about having to like take action to block her or whatever. I'm not gonna tonight. But I should. Guilty consciousness though won't go. I know I should vocalize smth but I just really don't want to. And I think I'm allowed to do that.
I feel bad for saying she's annoying and I hate interacting w her Anf her incomprehensible speech because she's disabled. Why do so many disabled people try and be my friend? It's nothing against them. It's just a trend I've noticed where I'm sweet and then can't set boundaries because I feel guilty about not letting them do what the want. Sigh. I don't think there's really a way to win at that. I don't think it's ableist to say that some neurodivergent behaviors are annoying and boundary breaking and I don't want to engage w that specifc behavior. I don't.
I wonder how many words this was.
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pandawritespoorly · 5 years
With Time: Chapter 24 - Sick Day
Author’s Note: Hey, look, and update that's on time. Good way to start off the new year I suppose! I hope the decade has been going well for you guys, and if not, I hope that this angst-free chapter can be, at the very least, something that makes you happy.
Chapter Summary: Falling in a snowdrift tends to have negative consequences on one's health, so the Quantics check on their favorite designer.
First | Previous | Saturday
The moment the bakery opens, Allan walks in. He smiles at Tom and Sabine, waving as he heads in the back. He walks a little faster than what is probably necessary, but he’s worried. 
He’s calmed down some - making something helps - but he’d like to check on Marinette himself. Falling in a snowdrift in this sort of weather is not good for your health.
Looking at his phone he sees a text from Felix.
 Felix: Allan, do not wake up early solely to check on Marinette. I am certain she is fine, perhaps she has a cold at the very worst. Her parents would have let us know if she was seriously ill.
 The Mom Friend: to late
 Melodie: Oh Allan.
 The Mom Friend: I just want to check on her quick.
 Kid Mime: ill head over to
Kid Mime: its ok allan
 The Mom Friend: but stil
 He pushes the trapdoor open gently, “‘Nette? You up?”
No response. That’s fine. She’s probably sleeping. She’s fine. She’s just sick. Probably. 
It wouldn’t hurt to check.
He climbs the ladder, breathing a sigh of relief when he sees her curled against the wall, clearly breathing and perfectly fine.
Maybe she isn't fine. She might be sick. It’s just a cold. A flu at the worst.
It could be something worse. She fell into a snowdrift and stayed there for a while.
How long has she been sleeping? Sleeping for too long could be bad. He almost wakes her up, then he hesitates. Maybe she’s only just gone to sleep. If that’s the case, maybe he shouldn’t.
Is there a way to tell how long someone has been asleep?
He’s standing at the top of the ladder, hesitating for too long. Oh come on. She’s fine. She’s fine, you know she’s fine. It makes the most sense given all the facts.
But what if she’s not? He’s no doctor, but when he thinks of the consequences of prolonged exposure to cold he thinks of three things: a cold, the flu, and pneumonia.
That can kill people.
Maybe he should wake her up.
He’s still hesitating when the trapdoor opens. He doesn’t have to turn to know Claude has arrived.
“Do you think she has pneumonia?” He doesn't look from her when he asks the question, but Claude can hear the anxiety in his voice.
“No, Allan. I don’t think she has pneumonia.”
“But maybe-”
“Shhh. Allan, she’s fine. Get off the ladder.”
“We aren’t doctors-”
“So we can’t diagnose her with anything. We’ll assume it’s the flu for now, and if it seems bad we’ll get her to a doctor. Come on.” Claude gently coaxes him down the ladder, “How much did you sleep last night?”
“Maybe four hours?”
“Maybe?” “Okay, about two an’ a half…” he sees Claude’s look, “It wasn’t just ‘cause of Mari. It’s just… once I get started…”
“You don’t stop. Oh, Al’.” Claude has safely helped the other boy onto the floor, and they lead him to the chaise, “Sit down at the very least. Mari won’t mind. I understand if you can’t get yourself to sleep, but you deserve to rest.”
“...how long do you think she’s been sleeping? Would it be worse t’ wake her up too early or too late?” he startles at his last words, sitting up further, “I don’t like the sound of ‘too late’ maybe we should-”
Claude squeezes his hand a little, “Allan. Marinette is fine. It’s only a cold. Maybe the flu.”
“Right. She’s fine. Everything is fine.” he doesn’t sound entirely convinced, but he nods anyways.
Claude nods too, claiming the desk chair to work on a few things he’d brought over. They’d only grabbed their backpack, which had only a portion of their homework, but Allan had needed someone. Claude hadn’t been doing anything important anyways - just trying to find the most annoying memes he could possibly send to Felix.
After about 45 minutes, he looks up from the finished packet to see that Allan has fallen asleep against the chaise lounge. He’s rather precariously near the edge, and that just won’t do.
When they stand to move him further onto the longue, they notice that he’s holding his phone loosely. After adjusting his position and putting a blanket over him, Claude swipes the phone quickly, returning to the desk chair as he unlocks it.
He opens to the search results for ‘early signs of pneumonia’.
Allan, sweetie, no.
They close the phone, leaving it on the desk and opening his own to inform Felix, Adrien, and Allegra of the current status of their two most anxious friends.
 Kid Mime: ive ben here for a bit
Kid Mime: al is napping
Kid Mime: hes worried that mari has newmonia
 Melodie: Allan, honey.
 Kid Mime: mari is still asleep
Kid Mime: she seems fine
 Felix: Allegra and I can join you in an hour or so.
 Hug This Boy: I might be able to sneak away around lunch? If I finish the shoots early.
 Melodie: Gabriel does realize you’re a child, not a machine, right?
 Hug This Boy: You already are worried about two of us, there’s no need to make it three.
 Melodie: Watch me.
 Kid Mime: i have 2 say im with her on this
Kid Mime: im gunna kidnap u
 Felix: That’s illegal.
 Kid Mime: that makes it exciting
 Felix: I know when I’m fighting a losing battle.
 Hug This Boy: Do I get a say in this?
Melodie: Of course. We wouldn’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.
 Kid Mime: subtle
 Hug This Boy: What a concept.
Hug This Boy: Maybe I can get behind this.
 Melodie: I wasn’t going for ‘subtle’.
 Kid Mime: pretty close
 Hug This Boy: Maybe putting it a little lightly, but that’s the gist of it.
 Melodie: Oh you poor baby.
Felix and Allegra show up, entering the room quietly.
“Good. They’re both still sleeping.” Allegra comments.
“Did Allan tell you how many hours of sleep he had last night?” Felix inquires.
“Two and a half.” Claude says matter-of-factly.
“And how is Marinette?”
“She’s been sleeping the whole time. She feels a little warm, but that’s about all I can tell without waking her up.”
Allegra hums, climbing up the ladder to check on the girl herself. Marinette hasn’t moved much and is resting contentedly. Putting her hand to the sick girl’s forehead, Allegra can tell that Claude was right. Definitely a little warm.
Marinette’s eyes open slightly, squinting at the braided blonde.
“Hi honey, how’re you feeling?”
Marinette shakes her head slightly, giving a thumbs down.
“Well, I’m sorry to hear that. Are you gonna get up or are you going back to sleep?”
She gives a half shrug. Being awake sounds nice, but her eyes keep slipping shut.
“Alright. We’re all here. Except for Adrien.”
Marinette mumbles something bitterly, but all her friend picks up is ‘Gabriel’. She’s got some ideas of what Marinette might have said.
Allegra turns to the boys once she’s off the ladder, “She’s awake-ish. I’m not sure how long that’ll last, but she’s awake enough to hate on Gabriel Agreste.”
“Is that honestly her priority right now?” Felix asks.
“It’s always a priority,” is all he gets as a response.
Claude has produced a cup of water from who-knows-where, and he carries it up to Marinette.
“Hi sweetie, are you still awake?”
She shrugs, forcing her eyes open to squint at them. Once she sees the water she reaches for it, but gives up halfway.
“You sure you can hold this? You’re barely awake.”
Her glare is probably supposed to be defiant, but when she keeps having to force her eyes open, it isn’t exactly effective.
“Sure. You can have this when you’re sitting up then.” he returns to the ground and places the water on the desk, turning to Felix and Allegra as he spins in the desk chair, “So what have you two been up to?”
“Nothing that you are unaware of,” Felix sits on Marinette’s case against the wall.
“We got back a little early. I’m glad to be back - not that the trip was bad, it’s just nice to be home.” Allegra rests against the chaise, glancing at the sleeping boy on it momentarily.
“What do ya’ think Mari was doing outside?”
“It does seem odd, given her predisposition to staying indoors when it is as cold as it was yesterday.”
“We can ask her when she wakes up more.”
“She might just try to sleep through it. She’ll probably be even more tired than normal so…” Claude shrugs.
Before the others can say anything, there’s a shuffling from above. Marinette props herself up and blinks down at them.
“Hello,” Felix greets her for the first time that day.
She only blinks, still trying to decide if she made the right decision by sitting up.
“You can have the water now!” Claude grabs the water from where they placed it, carrying it up to Marinette, who is able to grab it this time. She’s visibly shivering.
She finishes it off, placing it on a shelf beside her. It takes a moment, but she is able to give a soft, “Thank you.”
“It’s no problem. How you feelin’?”
She sticks out her tongue, “Bad.”
“Could you specify?” Felix calls up.
“Tired. Cold. Ache.”
“Temperature?” Allegra chimes in.
Marinette frowns as she tries to remember, Claude taps her arm and points out the thermometer.
“38.2 (100.8℉),” They read out for her. She’s beginning to slump slightly, probably debating whether or not she should rest.
“Do you want any ibuprofen or anything?” Allegra offers.
Marinette hums, drooping further. She straightens slightly, trying to seem alert and looking apologetic.
“Still tired?” Claude cocks his head at her, smiling softly.
“...no…I’m ‘wake...” she has propped herself up, relying heavily on one arm, and is sitting up fairly straight. If it weren’t for her head resting on her shoulder, she might have looked a little more convincing - if you also excluded all other factors.
“Yup…” She remains sitting, and feigns attentiveness.
Claude is resting against the wall next to her, looking doubtful, but he doesn’t comment.
“So what were you doing outside yesterday?” Allegra asks. If she’s going to pretend she can hold a conversation, then they may as well try.
Marinette mumbles a little, her arm seemingly failing to support her as before. She leans against Claude lightly, as though she is both in denial of her weariness and worried about somehow upsetting them.
“Still with us, Mare?” “Mhm.” She forces her eyes open again, 
“Somehow, I remain unconvinced.” Felix comments.
This time, she doesn’t respond. Leaning forward, her eyes slip shut again, and Claude moves her to lean against him - it’d be more comfortable than falling on her face. The group thinks she’s finally asleep, but she sits up again.
“Alright, that’s enough, Marinette,” Allegra is firm, but her voice is gentle, “You need to rest.”
Marinette doesn’t seem to quite register this, but goes to rest on Claude’s lap regardless. He combs her hair with his hands, hoping to lull her to sleep. 
After a few moments, she seems to have finally returned to rest, and he turns to the two below him, “Either of you have any homework left? I’ve got mine done.”
“No, I finished it.”
“Mine has also been completed.”
“Do you think Allan and Mari got theirs done?”
“He’s probably all set, but Marinette’s kind of up in the air. Usually I would say yes, but with it being winter…” Allegra trails off, giving a lopsided shrug, “We can ask when she’s not sick.”
“We should make sure that both of them get something to eat. Allan likely skipped breakfast, and the chances of Marinette eating without prior prompting are very slight.”
“Same goes for Adrien. I wouldn’t put it past Gabriel to starve him if he doesn’t do well enough.” Allegra mutters bitterly.
“Allegra.” Felix warns.
She crosses her arms, clearly not done with it, but willing to put it aside. For now.
It’s another hour before Allan wakes up. He sits up, noticing that Allegra and Felix have arrived, “Oh. Hi. How long have you guys been here?”
“A while. How are you feeling?”
“...how is Marinette?” He ignores the question.
“Allan. How are you? Marinette’s fine.” Claude gestures at the girl still napping on him.
“What’s her temperature? Has she woken up? Has she eaten? What-”
“Allan.” Felix interrupts, “Marinette is fine. She woke up not too long ago. We are currently more concerned about you. How are you feeling?”
“Better, I guess. Napping helped. I don’t do well without sleep.”
“We know.” Allegra consoles, “That’s why Claude came over - they knew someone needed to check on you.” “Yeah, Al’. We’re not going to let you worry yourself into a pit.”
“Thanks.” He smiles softly, and they accept the victory.
“Also, Marinette did wake up. She had some water, her temperature was 38.2 (100.8℉), and she said she felt, ‘Tired. Cold. Ache.’ if I quote her directly.”
“Then she fell asleep on me!”
“Alright.” Allan takes a moment to consider this, “That’s not so bad.”
“Did you eat at all this morning?” Felix looks at him meaningfully.
“I might have maybe… put it off?”
“I’ll grab some food.” Allegra stands to get something from the kitchen. The Dupain-Chengs have told them multiple times that they’re welcome to eat when they’re over.
Marinette stirs slightly, eventually sitting up properly as Allegra re-enters. Allan looks to Marinette as he accepts the food from Allegra, “Thanks. How you feelin’ ‘Nette?”
She only wrinkles her nose, sticking her tongue out again. She seems to register that he wasn’t awake last time, “Hi…? You’re  ‘wake now?” Everything is spoken questioningly - she doesn't seem to be entirely sure of anything.
“I am.”
“Despite what he may tell you, Allan isn’t very good at self-care. He’s got the idea, but forgets the ‘self’ part,” Claude adds.
“Yah…’ve ‘noticed…” Marinette looks at the boy carefully.
“I’m all good now though.” He reassures her.
She only makes an ‘I’m watching you’ gesture at him, glaring suspiciously.
“Oh, you’re one to talk, missy!” 
“Mom-off.” Claude whispers.
Allegra interrupts the silent dispute of stares, “Alright, both of you have made your point, but I’d like to point out that while neither of you are in perfect health-” Allan makes a noise of protest, but Allegra raises an eyebrow to silence him as she continues, “Marinette is the only one here with a temperature, so…” She trails off, her statement clear. 
Marinette’s response is to stick out her tongue defiantly, Allan mimics her.
“‘M fine.” The girl insists.
“I consider it unlikely that you will be able to stay awake any significant amount of time in your current state.” 
Despite Felix’s guess, Marinette managed to stay awake for a few more hours. Not that they tried to keep her up, or even that she was really trying to stay awake, she just couldn’t sleep. They’d moved downstairs and were watching movies on the couch when Adrien arrived.
“Hey, I got done early. How are you guys?”
“Allegra, Felix and I are average, and currently keeping an eye on the two that are in denial, which is Allan - who took a nap so he’s better - and little miss I-fell-in-a-snowdrift over here - who refuses to sleep. Or she just can’t.”
“Alright. Mari, how long did you sleep?” Adrien looks to her.
“Yes.” Is all he gets as a response from her. She’s clearly exhausted, but sleepy is a different story.
“How are you? I’ve got pitchforks at the ready for your father.” Allegra asks.
“I’m fine.” He shrugs.
Marinette isn’t having any of that. She points a finger at him and says, “Eat.”
Allan checks the time, “Actually, we should probably all eat somethin’.” 
“Alright! Snack time!”
“A meal would likely be a better idea.” Felix interrupts.
“Food time!”
“That works.” Everyone gets something to eat, though Marinette only takes a noticeably small amount of fruit, but no one comments. She’s also given water, which she forgot to get for herself. They finish eventually, moving back to the couch. Marinette is between Adrien and Claude. She isn’t focusing much on the screen due to her exhaustion.
She wants to sleep, but she can’t. Whether due to ladybug-habits, or just being sick she isn’t sure.
The tired girl frowns, she really wants to sleep. Everything hurts and she feels terrible. Not to mention how cold it is. It’s winter, and snowy, and it’s cold and she’s tired.
Well, maybe it isn’t so cold. Especially with all these people. Hibernating in groups is a good idea, and this is a group.
Wait, humans don’t hibernate.
Whatever. Adrien is here too, and he’s always warm, and she’s still tired.
Her eyes keep slipping closed. She’s so focused on the fact that she can’t sleep, that she doesn’t realize that she’s finally on the edge of it.
Adrien does. He sees how often her eyes are closing, and purrs softly - not enough for the others to hear - that would be hard to explain - but enough that he knows that the girl leaning on him will be able to tell.
As he expected, her eyes begin to stay closed for longer, before she eventually dozes off entirely. 
He doesn’t stop purring, not wanting to risk waking her up. He’s glad she’s finally gotten back to sleep. It’s for the best. She needs rest.
Author’s Note: Babys. Love these ones.
I'm not entirely satisfied with some of the dialogue in this chapter, but I don't have time to edit it. I'm sorry if you don't like it either.
These past few chapters have been really calm. It'd be a shame if some angst got in.Hey, look who remembered it was Saturday! I can't take all the credit for that, there's been plans coming up for today and so since I know today's the day, I also know that I should be updating. Woo! Not updating at 8:00 pm this time buddies! Speaking of those plans (starting a DnD campaign if you're curious, I'm excited), I probably won't be able to respond to comments as quickly do to that. I've mentioned it before, but I have a seperate account for writing (thanks anxiety), and all the things I'd need for the campaign are on my personal account. After I update I usually stick around and write for a few hours so that I can respond quickly, but I'm not sure how long I'll be able to do that. It depends on how early I get this up I suppose. Anyways, I may be able to respond via my phone, but I promise I'll still be responding to comments, it might just be delayed. I love talking to you guys!
Uhh, I feel like there was something else I was going to add in, but my little tangent made me forget. Oh well, I can edit this once I remember.
Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave any thoughts, theories, constructive criticism, or anything really in my ask box, in replies or through reblogs. I love seeing what you think!
First | Previous | Saturday
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
hi there honeybun!! 💘✨🌼 how are you doing love?? i saw that you posted some hc today,, i thought they were very cute! 💕 you should know that when you do get those little bursts of inspiration, you truly do such amazing things darling!! burn-out really does feel awful, no? (1/9)
"well i should say that i saw the anon's dream... wow,, that sounds as if it came straight out of an action movie!!! (which happen to be my favorite genre alongside drama) honestly, i would wake up in a cold sweat too if i dreamt up something like that,, such high intensity warrants lots of emotion for me haha, not to mention that i am quite the skittish person myself (as morgy already knows by now 😅) by the way dear anon, if you do end up finishing the dream, i'd love to hear it hehehe (2/9)
dreams are a funny thing for me,, considering they are either night terrors, surreal/nonsensical, or intensely dramatic,, i don't think i've ever had a straight up pleasant dream before! i can also remember a lot of them, and i like to tell my friends about some of my craziest dreams!! oh, and a little fun tidbit is that i can dream in both color and black/white!! (3/9)
dreaming has always been such a fascinating concept to me, there have been days with my friends where all i'll do is talk about dreams with people,, it's pretty relaxing, especially if the dreams you discuss are nightmares!! it's nice to get such things out of your system after all! 💭 (4/9)
mamma mia,, sorry for the ramble, it annoys most people after a while,, i have a tendency to talk about certain things for a while 😖 well, today consisted of mostly sewing for me, both by hand and with a machine... needless to say my fingers are bruised up now 😂 i bruise pretty easily, so it's normal i guess,, (5/9)
and i have some people now asking me to make them stuff!! i'd love to but with a lack of motivation and being in a rough spot lately, i don't think i have the capacity for that hehe, maybe some time in the future!! (6/9)
waifu bro was able to show me more of the movie script!! the movie is actually based on his personal interpretation of the song hotel california by the eagles,, it's one of our all-time favorites!! he might actually have me cover the song for him soon!! he said it would mostly receive a mature rating since it is very dark in subject matter, but if he actually ends up producing it, i bet i would be old enough to see it when it releases!! (7/9)
and oh my, a whole year of singing lessons,, i bet you sound amazing dear!! my family could never afford that sort of stuff, so naturally i just sing along to songs casually hehe,, i bet you would've made for an amazing singer amore 💖💖 (8/9)
oh dio, it's now 0:50!! time flies fast when i'm doing the things i love 😊 then that's it for tonight i suppose! buonanotte e sogni d'oro, dolcezza ☀💓 - always with love, waifu xoxo 😍😳😘❤💗💓💕💖💞💘💌💋 ps: if the film ends up being produced in the future, will you go see it with me? 🥺👉👈 (9/9)"
God love again you praise me way too much trust me im really not THAT good at singing esp since i havent attended the lessons bc of the current situation ever since march i think so im a lil rusty even tho i sing by myself many times around the house....if anything i'd say my voice sounds lowkey weird since im an alto and was told i had the deepest timbre out of the girls and it wouldnt be the first time anyway🤡✌️but nevertheless theres much to improve and it aint perfect dhshhzhz and the hcs i wrote were kinda minimal but im glad u liked them?? also watching the movie with you?? A B S O L U T E L Y
I love hotel california but then again its a classic its only natural 😳 again ur bro is a literal icon, his brain is gigantic and i'd pay to watch that shit anyday fam esp if its with u👁️
And dont apologize for rambling since dreams do happen to fascinate me as well... as a matter of fact i just woke up from a very cursed one thats gonna get me hella clowned by one of my mutuals a h a h a but i fully understand ur experiences since i myself usually just dream of nonsensical bits that i dont even remember or its just straight up nightmares🤡🤡🤡🤡 the only exception being that 1 week ago i think i had a surprisingly nice dream that consisted of me achieving some goals which was VERY unexpected considering all i dream of are wacky things so that was nice for once ig hssjdjd
And do b careful w the bruising stuff i cant imagine how hard it must be to embroider like that...my short tempered dumbass would b like i g h t m b o u t t a h e a d o u t in less than a second-
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wickymicky · 5 years
2020 Comeback Ranking: End of February Edition
this is an update to my ranking of 2020 comebacks, i’m keeping a running list lol. i updated it a couple times this month, but as comeback schedules return to a normal pace (possibly) i’ll probably just update this once or twice a month. maybe on the 15th and the 30th of every month or something. unless i just stop doing it after this update altogether lol, who knows. this is not a ranking of every comeback so far in 2020, just the ones i’ve heard and decided that i like. if it’s on the list at all, even if it’s near the bottom, that means i like the song a lot. 
this is just a list of title tracks, since i dont listen to every group’s bsides, and idk things like music video and concept are factors for me a lot of the time. i’m not sure how many songs i want to limit the list to once there get to be too many to list... and honestly i’ll probably leave some off of this one if it gets too long. take everything with a grain of salt... my opinions aren’t set in stone. if you go to my “2020 comebacks” tag, you’ll see previous lists and laugh at how different they all are. my next one will probably have a bunch of these songs in different orders again, as well as having new songs added in of course, just because my opinions change. okay here goes
Dreamcatcher - Scream: still at number 1 lol. i dont have all that much to say about it that hasnt already been said. you all already know
Weki Meki - Dazzle Dazzle: it might fall in subsequent updates, but as of right now it’s the one i’ve been listening to the second most, and i really like it. i’m not sure it’s really second-best-of-the-year material, though. but that’s where it’s at for the time being. it sounds like a weki meki song, which i’m soooo happy about, lol
GFriend - Crossroads: wow Crossroads really grew on me, lol. this song got better every time i heard it and now like.. idk, i really really like it. i’ve been enjoying watching stages for it too, i think it, Dr Bebe, and Fiesta have the best choreos of the currently-promoting songs. well, i think Crossroads is done promoting, but that’s pretty recent lol. sometimes i get emotional when i listen to this song real loud and let it take me away haha.... sigh....
Pentagon - Dr Bebe: it fell a little bit, partially cause two songs passed it, but also just i havent been listening to it that much lately. i like it, and sometimes when i listen to it, it really hits me... but it’s not the kind of song that i’m always in the mood for. you know? it’s not an any-day-any-time type of song lol. i think the velvet-ness of it is cool but i’m starting to get a bit tired of it unfortunately :( i’ll see how things shake out. for now it’s still number 4.
Cignature - Nun Nu Nan Na: i like this song a lot, it’s good, it feels like a breath of fresh air.
Izone - Fiesta: this one has also really grown on me. Fiesta slaps lol. i love the choreo, i love the surreal visuals in the video, i think the song is a bop too. hell yeah. if this had indeed come out last year then i’m not sure where it would have landed, but i think i like it more than Violeta. if it’s holding it’s own against the comebacks so far this year then maybe it would have done pretty well last year too haha
Loona - So What: idk this feels about right. i think a lot of orbits are a little tired of the song at this point. even those of us who liked it... you know... the novelty’s worn off, the line distribution and screen time is still irritating, the choreo’s not quite as fun to watch as we had hoped, and they’re just about wrapping up the promotions. still, i think this is a song we’ll revisit through the year, and once it sounds fresh to me again it might rise on the list, so i kinda expect it to hover around the 6-8 spot on my list even as more good comebacks keep coming out. it’s certainly an interesting song lol. 
Cherry Bullet - Hands Up: fairly simple lol this is just a weird bop
Ateez - Answer: i really dont know where to put Answer haha. just like Dr Bebe, this isnt the kind of song i wanna listen to 24/7. it has to be the right mood. so sometimes i feel like “ugh i dont feel like listening to Answer at all, i need something with more energy... im so tired of this song...” but then sometimes it really hits the spot and i go “you know what? this is still one of the better tracks of the year. this is powerful stuff” haha. again, it just has to be the right mood. so idk, i’ll put it here.
Everglow - Dun Dun: speaking of songs i’m tired of.....
Red Velvet - Psycho (i’m counting this as 2020): shrug. i like Psycho, but yeah, same thing as Dr Bebe and Answer. i like songs i can listen to on repeat at any time in the day, i like songs that pump me up and make me feel energetic. still, credit where credit is due i mean, this song’s real good lol. i know that’s not saying anything you didnt already know haha, but still
Elris - Jackpot: aaa! i love really straightforwardly weird girl group songs! that’s why Cignature is so high, and that’s why this song is on my list! i dont think it’s amazing, but i like it! it’s quirky and i like that! is it gonna even be on this list on my next update? honestly who knows, lol. maybe not. for right now though i think it’s cute
Moonbyul - Eclipse: this was super high on my last list lmao. it’s alright. my non-kpop-stan bf likes this one a lot and so i was listening to it a lot cause of them, but i think it’s not really where my head’s at right now. 
Rocket Punch - Bouncy: at first i thought this song was annoying and then i thought it was kinda cool cause it’s indicative of the trend towards teen crush concepts becoming the majority and then now i think it’s a bit annoying again. the embarrassing lyrics are hard to overlook lol. it’s not bad though.
Siyeon - Paradise: same as the other more emotional songs that i listed lol (other than Crossroads, which is emotional but also has a kind of fast drive to it that i like). it’s cool but i don’t listen to it that often cause i’m not always in this mood. i love siyeon though, i really do
3YE - Queen: lmao this almost definitely won’t be on the list next time. i think it’s cool but it’s nothing to write home about. i’ve been listening to it enough that i felt like i had to include it though. there are some really sick-sounding ideas in this song, but... it’s not like it’s oozing with personality, lol. it sounds like what you expect a girl crush song to sound like in 2020. cause it is one. lol. money flex all day.
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ultimatestellar · 4 years
Mikuuuuuuu eheehee
send me a character!!
miku miku oo ee oo. in my attempt to find more interests ive been getting really into vocaloid lately so good timing!!
favorite thing about them:
miku sounds!! so!! good!!! theres a reason shes cryptons mascot vocaloid. honestly if you can tune her well it can end up a masterpiece. and also just how much people care about her. the best thing about vocaloid is how much our favorite producers and really just the fanbase cares and makes us love these characters!! vocaloid as a concept comes down to what the community makes of it and the community has made me love miku.
also she pretty
least favorite thing about them:
please..... let me like more then 2 characters with canon personalities...... i can only make so many headcanons...........
eh who am i kidding i can always make more headcanons. but it is kinda annoying having every iteration of her be different (even if that is the whole point). but as long as i brush it off as “oh its just them performing” im cool with it :))
favorite line:
oh fuck i have to choose?? i dont have a list of miku quotes what am i supposed to say?? honestly you can choose a random wowaka song and id say youre right.
pinnochiop has some really good lines too but they arent as impactful and more just a mood.
her and len. her and len. her and len. or her and kaito but mostly her and len because those two can and will vibe check you
mikurin!! because i found out the age difference between her and luka and went “oh shit i didnt realize i was supporting this” and went to find a new ship. turns out mikurin is canon in the project diva universe!! point being i got sucked in very quickly and these two are just so cute together,,,
shipping her with meiko. i just see meiko as an adult and miku is quite literally my age so i guess makes sense?? idk i have vocaloid ships that i hate much more cough cough rin x len cough so i cant hate on anything else too much.
random headcanon:
miku loves sweaters. she never gets to wear them because crypton is like YOU MAY ONLY WEAR REVEALING OUTFITS SO PEOPLE BUY YOUR MERCH but when she gets any free time she will immediately get an oversized sweater and just vibe. maybe with a movie playing. and popcorn. and rin. and rin and her start throwing popcorn at eachother during a really serious scene and ruin the movie but its okay cause they had fun which is what really matters to them and—
i guess a bonus one: since theyre androids they cant experience a lot of the stuff theyre singing about (darker stuff like losing a loved one or something as simple as food) so miku especially will look at the lyrics and try VERY HARD to imagine what all this would actually feel like. being virtual has its downsides yall!!
unpopular opinion:
other vocaloids deserve more attention, but that doesnt mean miku is overrated!! shes good and deserves the hype and just because others do as well but dont get it doesnt mean she shouldnt have it either.
song i associate with them:
ill just list off the best miku songs i can think of.
to start us off, rolling girl. because of course https://youtu.be/NIqm73xsias
white happy. this has been one of my favorite vocaloid songs for ages. i dont know if thisll just sound like im trying to be edgy or whatever but i really do feel like this is how i view the world but written out in all its optimistic nihilism glory and i LOVE IT. it even has my self worth issues down!! wow look at that this song is all of my problems wrapped up in a happy little tune!!! https://youtu.be/k_WT2x9we0Q okay maybe this one is my favorite
whats inside. as said before pinnochiops songs are all just honest and as a result this song especially is just a mood. https://youtu.be/GSpwTvYgFrM
liar dance!! i just think it sounds good. i couldnt find a good english sub but its probably written on the wiki https://youtu.be/FOvfM0fe-FE
world is mine. i dont have to explain this one. https://youtu.be/KMHXgUr7gYM
favorite picture of them:
no way am i going to try and pick ONE miku module when so many of them are equally pretty, so instead heres a picture of her i use as a reaction image sometimes!!
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and thats it!!
thanks for sending an ask ninashiki, u the best ;))
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uncreativc · 5 years
*  ♡ ╰  wong yukhei. twenty three. cismale + he/him  ⁄   any time kendal zheng is in the test kitchen they play boogie by brockhampton. the leo sign has been working at that’s amore for two years as a sugar rusher. since then the ebullient has built a reputation for being goofy & bold but also childish & stubborn. could that be the the reason why their palate enjoys shrimp and pb & j sandwiches ? but it for sure explains why crude drawings on recipes, worn baseball hats, weird late night texts, being loudest person at a party remind me of them. ☇ mars. 18+. she/they. est.
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yeah yeah go ahead and say it mars late mars never on time :rolls_eyes:. mars doesnt even know the concept of time so yeah thats who i am and yeah i orbit around nothing thats why my names mars. this is my Himbo kendal no relation to jenner but he might joke about being part of the kardashians. this took way longer than i wanted it too but thats okay watched a video the other day that was doing pokemon races and shuckle won so :D below will be like a semblance of a bio
P I N T E R E S T   |  D O S S I E R 
google searches include: how many teeth do i have, are we running out of almonds, why do people eat corn off the cob, how much would a pyramid cost, am i in a pyramid scheme, if you die on an operating table and come back to life is your birthday changed?
SUUUUPER competitve if there is challenge videos coming out you know hes trying to get in on that. stuck a marble up his nose once to prove he could do it put an entire cupcake in his massive ass mouth no one would stop him. ATE A SPOONFUL OF WASABI FOR WHAT?!
kendal is a middle child and it defintiely shows, their dumbass chaotic nature was definitely born out of being neglected and forgotten about. living in a shadow wasnt the greatest for them and then not even getting the attention of being a baby for long by his moms did their best to be equal with them all but kendal felt ****it****. they play it off as just being goofy and playful most of the time but he can get up to some real trouble when he feels like it. mostly out of just making bad decisions
too much energy - talks too much and is bad for interrupting he generally doesnt really have anything of use to add to a conversation other than weird stories, strange questions, and weird conspiracy theories but hes fun and loud and loves to be the centre of attention. this can be annoying honesly hes friendly and loyal he’d never turn someone down till the day he dies its just... bro is a lot to deal with sometimes hes so much of a loud ass clown and go against clearly something you told him not to do like jump up on a table leave a complete mess in the kitchen squeeze toothpaste in the middle of the tube. you know shit like that.
definitely is scared easily like you could easily scare him in the kitchen hes scared of the most stupid things like dark mirrors, his hair blowing off his body and landing on a dead body and him becoming a suspect for a murder. 
he loooooves camping which is kinda funny for someone who gets scared about the most irrational things. does he think a bear is gonna come and rip his tent apart? yeah probably but he still likes it. defintiely went to boy scouts growing up earned a lot of badges learned how to tie knots you know the usual. only had his moms cheat and make him patches like... once or twice. 
probably forgot it was your birthday or that you invited him out to something. you know the nana you have that never remembers and just sends random gifts and they say happy birthday. yeah thats him.
a little oblivious he wont know if youve caught feelings for him and assumes everything is just playful until otherwise told thats what he gets for flirting too much without even realizing. it gets him into trouble because people think they have something and he’s just like :O i thought we were just bros. maybe if he wasnt so flirty and dumb this wouldnt be a problem but its not going to stop him any time soon. hes very casually flirty with everyone he meets honestly. hes just a goof and a lot of times that shit comes off as super flirting and if you think it is.... youre right!
hes definitely more of a house party kind of guy or get his and sit on the back porch and launch water ballooons at a friend down on the ground. yeah he probably got a concussion from that once because he didnt realize that whiplash is a thing like a true idiot and it definitely knocked him out cold.
has a peanut allergy jokes about either living by the sword that he does not have but swears that he does or die by his peanut allergy.
likes mood rings pokemon cards and worm on a string. yes hes made people worm on a string before as pretty much a friendship bracelet. imagine a dude at a party blasted out of his mind coming up to you and handing you a worm on a string and saying youre his friend and that you deserve this. 
hes a cowboy grew up in the south and definitely plays that up loves dirt biking rock climbing and pretty much everything that doesnt entirely involve working on his farm like he doesnt like horses but does like goats you know? 
asked for an extension through email on his wiiu because he lost his computer somewhere
organized mess. you know that chapstick you dropped like three weeks ago he left it there because he knows exactly where it is. like he could just keep things tidy but what would be the fun in that. doesnt follow recipes like ever just kind of tries to eyeball and remember how things were made
tinder date/ set ups that either led to something or didnt
good friend who hacked their instagram one night and started responding to dms just funny doesnt have to been anything crude. they do it to each other some nights like just hang out
hookups. good or bad. one night stand or on going.
party friends he gave them a worm on a string or something got really fucked up and they tried to make like exactly mcdonlds nuggets the boot ones all night
they stole something from your muse ( bike, spatula, idk anything )  and they caught them LSMDLSMDLMDSLM
they stayed up one night and tried to fully solve a cold case even went to the library so late that they got kicked out. it was a long night full of energy drinks and crazy theories. they still do this sometimes now.
crushes they can be mutual or one sided i really dont mind. like i said before danny kind of gets crushes really easily and they kind of just dissapear out of nowhere as well but like we could work something out
exes good bad or indifferent i really dont mind
old childhod friends could be from summer camp or an old teammate when he used to play more sports, could be literally anything i am down i love past connects 
roommates PLEASE
made edibles that were too strong together ended fucking them over for days
they movie hoped or dine and dashed together like i really dont mind just something funny 
someone he makes videos with id love to brainstorm a really stupid like alt series with another sugar rusher or maybe not even a sugar rusher im down for anything 
rock climbing/paint ball/laser tag friends? video games like smash or something theyre super competitve together 
im good for plotting anything 
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honey-bri-books · 5 years
The Rupture: Castiel - Part 2
A made-up extension of the ending, from episode 15x03 of Supernatural. I do not own any of the characters, do not own rights to the show, etc. All characters created by Eric Kripke. For enjoyment (hopefully not a waste of your time!) Supernatural Fan-Fic. 
***Possibly re-using angel names, here. Sorry!*****
Angels in story (team Castiel):
Lailah: Night, conception
Jophiel: Wisdom, Understanding, Judgment
Aglibol: The Moon
The highway deserted, three angels make their way across the state, hoping to find an angel-friendly bar along the way. Or even an “off-limits” bar. With the few angels left and with Hell a hot mess, several bars and restaurants were now hosted by demons, angels, or a combination of both. Creating an “off-limits” environment, where fighting, maiming, but mainly killing each other was banned within the limits of the parking lot and the building. The end of days no longer an old joke but a very possible reality, many supernatural creatures realized that they'd rather enjoy earth and humanity's inventions for the remainder of their days than fight. The angel in the driver's seat increases his speed. The one in the passenger seat complains that they might get pulled over.
Lailah: Aglibol! Would you slow down, please? I don't want to have to stun any more cops, tonight. I'm exhausted. Lailah checks his hair in his compact. Though really, the blood smeared on the left side of his face, starting to crust, needed more attention. Angels didn't usually get a freshening up of their vessels until a certain amount of hours have passed. Lailah had a few more to go, before the tears and stains would disappear from his suit.
Aglibol: The roads are deserted. Besides, I'm guessing people are still cleaning up after the evil ghosties that attacked, last. Though they probably think all of the possessed humans were caught sick with something. Aglibol does slow down his speed slightly, just in case. What WAS that all about anyway? The angels had just had a huge bout with a swarm of demons. Demons who claimed that it was the end of the world, and that all angels were doomed to slaughter. Whenever anything apocalyptic happened, it always had to be heaven's fault. It didn't help that the demons they fought were drunk. 
Lailah: You don't know either? I really thought at first that it was the end of times. Like, actually the end. Heard Dad left again. Lailah gives up on his hair, dyed pink and teased up to high heaven. He starts to put away his compact when the third angel in the car kicks the back of his seat. Hey! Jophi. Stop it! Jophiel leans between the driver and passenger seats and grabs the compact out of Lailah's hand. I said knock it off. Lailah tries to swipe back at Jophiel, accidentally knocking Aglibol, instead. Aglibol swerves.
Aglibol: Would you two cut that out?! Jophiel! Give Lailah his compact back. 
Jophiel: I think that Kurt Russel demon chipped a tooth! 
Aglibol: It'll fix itself in a few hours. Just chill. Jophiel sulks in the back seat and tosses the compact to the floor of the jeep.
Jophiel: What now? I'm thirsty.
Lailah: You're not thirsty, you just want to get drunk.
Jophiel: Honestly, was just hoping we could hit up a safe-spot with a karaoke machine. Feel like singin'. Both Lailah and Aglibol groan. Jophiel always took the voice of an angel thing as a real super-power. All angels could sing, some better than others. Jophiel just loved the looks on mortals’ faces whenever he took to the mic. But at an off-limits bar, no one would care. Half of the bar patrons would be able to sing just as well, if not better. Lailah looks over at Aglibol with a raised eyebrow. He rolls his eyes in return.
Aglibol: I actually wouldn't mind a drink, myself. Let's just wait and see what pops up along the road. 
Lailah: The last sign I saw read “Rest Stop ½ a Mile” from here. Maybe there'll be a map or directory or something. Also, I just kind of wanna stretch my legs. Stars and moon look pretty from the window, but I can't really see all that well from here. Can’t do anything about that, can you Gli? Why not let the moon be visible at its best, from any position on earth? Humans should all be able to afford that luxury, at least. Lailah strains to catch the moon from the passenger side window, but it keeps getting blocked by the trees. Both Jophiel and Aglibol agree, so they pull over and park next to Castiel's truck, a few minutes later.
Aglibol: Isn't that Castiel's truck?
Jophiel: How can you tell? He's always in a different car, when we see him. 
Aglibol: I ran into him several months back, and he was driving that same truck. It had a small dent in the back. The three angels get out of the jeep and go over to inspect the truck, noticing footprints leading towards the one of the wood trails. 
Lailah: Where is he? Still looking for demon-boy?
Aglibol: It was a nephil he was looking for, actually. And no, that was awhile ago. They've re-united last I heard.
Jophiel: Nephil – IM. Aglibol rolls his eyes. Ha! I'm right!
Aglibol: Um, sure. I'm gonna see if he maybe headed this way. You two want to check those other two trails? Both Jophiel and Lailah look surprised. 
Lailah: Er, Why? Weren't we going out for drinks? Or do you want to make sure your boyfriend has a chance to join in on the fun? Aglibol stops and looks back, annoyed.
Aglibol: It's a sad world we live in where you're simply civil to another angel for a few minutes, and everyone thinks that means you're dating him. Aglibol had helped Castiel in a scrape or two in the past, and Castiel never failed in returning the favor. Rumors started flying, when Aglibol simply walked over to Castiel who had been knocked down in a fight, and helped him to stand up asking “Are you alright?” Oh, of course! That must mean they had sexual fantasies about each other, on a daily basis!! Yeah right.
Lailah: Okay, well, let's all stick together and not split up like the first victims in a horror movie. Kay?
The three angels head down the first trail, where Castiel had walked down just moments before.
Jophiel: You guys see anything? Hey...There he is. Yo! Castiel!! Castiel is seen climbing into something. As Jophiel, Aglibol and Lailah go further down the path, they see that Castiel is climbing through an old log-fence. There's a sign hanging precariously off the fence, and it starts to swing as Castiel's coat brushes alongside it. Can't he hear me? We aren't far...Hey! Aglibol, what...but Aglibol is sprinting down the path, towards the edge of the cliff. 
Aglibol: Castiel! Stop! Castiel has walked up to the edge and is just barely grounded, by his heels. Lailah and Jophiel run to catch up with Aglibol, who has just reached the fence. No, not again! Don't jump....! Castiel leans forward, Aglibol jumps the fence and reaches for Castiel's trench coat.
Lailah: What the hell?! Castiel, what are you doing?! Get away from the....both Lailah and Jophiel halt suddenly, open-mouthed as they watch Castiel fall into nothingness, off the edge of the cliff...and then both scream into the night as Aglibol jumps after him. Aglibol!!!!
Aglibol falls after Castiel, hoping they hit the water and far away enough from shallow water and rocks, by the shore. Don't die! Don't die, please!!! He doesn't know if he's praying for Castiel or himself, or both. It's too late to turn back. Aglibol watches Castiel land in the water with a crash, and braces himself as he falls in after him.
Lailah and Jophiel don't know what to do. They run to the edge, but are hesitant in jumping to their deaths. They knew the strength of the moon’s rays and Aglibol were tied, and less harm would come to him when he made contact with the water. Castiel, on the other hand...
Jophiel: Where are they?! I don't see them.
Lailah: There! Lailah points to two bobbing figures in the water. Floating bodies? One seems to be slack, while the other is swimming towards the shore, tugging at the lifeless form. I think they’re...or at least one.....he chokes back a sob. Aglibol has been there for him in the tougest of times. A few hours ago, Aglibol saved Lailah's life. If he died now......Lailah turns to face Jophiel, who is heading towards a hidden path, leading down to the base of the cliff. Lailah hurries to catch up.
When both reach the end of the path, Aglibol is dragging Castiel's body out of the water. 
Aglibol: Help me! Please! He's hurt...Lailah and Jophiel help lay Castiel further onto shore, past the rocks and onto a grassy clearing. Castiel lies very still. He seems to glow in the moonlight. Aglibol raises a hand over Castiel's chest, and a light shines from it, brightly in the night. The light dims, but Castiel hasn't moved. Aglibol looks up to Lailah. Help me. Maybe if the three of us...
Lailah: Aglibol, it's no use...I think he's...
Aglibol: He wasn't in the water for long. Maybe if we called other angels and.....Lailah throws his hands up in the air.
Lailah: And what!? Hope they don't chop his vessel into bits and mail the Winchesters his heart, while they're at it? What can we possibly do, Gli?
Aglibol: He didn't deserve this!!!!! He covers his face with his hands. I thought I'd reached him. The last time he tried... Lailah and Jophiel groan in despair. 
Jophiel: You mean he's tried to kill himself, before now? The shock of his own words makes him stagger...Tried... They all look at each other sadly. Oh, Castiel. None seem to know what to do with Castiel's dead body. It needed protecting, it needed....The Winchesters. They'll want to be told. Someone should...Jophiel stops when Aglibol glares at him. He starts shouting and both Jophiel and Lailah know better than to argue with him.
Aglibol: Who do think must have drove him to this state, to begin with.?!?!? Dean Winchester is the worst type of human being ever to...
Castiel: (weakly) Dean... Aglibol jumps up, and both Jophiel and Lailah cry out in relief and surprise. Castiel opens his eyes slowly. After a moment, he sits up and looks around, as if lost. He inspects his hands, his arms, touches his face. Then he starts to shake violently, his eyes wide.
Aglibol: (Carefully) Castiel? Wha..Are you alright? How did you...where did...Castiel tries to stand, and falls back to the ground. Jophiel helps him up. Castiel looks at him, confused. 
Castiel: Jophiel? What are you doing here? Castiel starts to calm, and the shaking is less severe. Both Lailah and Aglibol move towards Castiel slowly. They don't know that he left his blade at the top of the cliff, and are prepared to steal it out of Castiel's hands, if he were to attempt to kill himself, again.
Lailah: (Trying to sound casual) Hey Castiel! We were about to stop at the nearest bar, for drinks and maybe a little karaoke. Wanna come? Lailah had a waver in his voice, but was doing his best to sound chipper. Jophiel attempts a smile and puts a hand on Castiel's shoulder. Aglibol gets angry. 
Aglibol: Castiel. What were you thinking!? Why would you try to...
Castiel: (Weakly) Yes.
Aglibol: What?!
Castiel: Yes, I'll join you. But...I don't feel like singing tonight. If that's alright...Castiel's expression is unreadable. There are tears in his eyes, but the shaking has stopped. The others are tentative, but all agree to go back to their cars and to head to the next off-limits bar they run into. Jophiel and Lailah take the jeep while Castiel and Aglibol take the truck, Aglibol driving. 
Both Aglibol and Castiel are quiet, during the drive. When Aglibol tries to talk to Castiel again, he just nods or shakes his head no, in response. Castiel can only think of the last words he heard right before he woke up, alive on the shore.....
The Shadow: Not yet. Not like this...You don't get to die, like this...I haven't forgotten my terms and I know you haven't either. Forget about your pain, forget about your scars, let yourself feel warmth and love and experience bliss, for the first time. Pure, true, real happiness, Castiel. Then, oh I can't wait for you see what I have in store for you. All who die and go to the Empty are to sleep for all eternity...but not you. I’m so looking forward to you. See you soon...
The End..
See ‘The Rupture: Castiel -Part 1′ for previous chapter.
See ‘The Barn: Team Castiel’ for next chapter.
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