#honestly michael could stab me
amomentsescape · 6 months
hi hi! I was hoping you could do slashers with a super bubbly and affectionate s/o who would beat up anyone who dares hurt the slasher while still holding their sweet smile
Slashers with Sweet and Dangerous! Reader
Slashers x Reader (Separate)
Includes: Freddy, Michael, Jason, Thomas, Bubba, Brahms, Norman, Billy, Stu, Vincent, & Bo
A/N: So I got a bit carried away and wrote this as if Reader is willing to kill for the Slashers. So hopefully it's not too intense for what you were wanting! Feel free to let me know what you think :)
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Freddy Krueger
He knew there was a reason he was so drawn to you
You were sweet, kind, and just an overall ray of sunshine that Freddy never knew he needed
He loves basking in your warmth
But seeing you hold that damn grin while ripping out someone's throat for just punching Freddy has him weak in the knees
He loves the affectionate sweet side to you, don't get him wrong
But knowing that you can do a complete 180 makes him feel like he's in his own beautiful type of dream
He feels more comfortable telling you his plans now and the types of ideas he has for killing future victims
And you just sit there all happily and nod along like he's telling you a bedtime story
It's cute but also so foreign to him
He has a hard time remembering that you can be just as deadly as him when you want to be
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Michael Myers
He honestly has no idea how to feel about this situation
It took him some time to get used to being with someone so cuddly and happy all the time
He wasn't much of a fan of it at first, but something inside him refused to let you go or kill you
But seeing you smile over his victims and even step in to prevent him from getting injured has him confused
He is more than capable of protecting himself
He doesn't need you getting involved
But at the same time, knowing he isn't the only one with this grotesque side makes him feel.... content, in a way
He just doesn't like you stepping in too much
His victims are his, and he refuses to share
But if you save him from getting stabbed or set on fire
Well... then that's fine he guesses
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Jason Voorhees
You two are practically different sides to the same coin
He comes off as deadly, incapable of emotions, and just an overall killing machine
But when he's with you, he's the sweetest and most kind man you have ever met
You're practically the opposite
You come off as an innocent, bubbly goody-two-shoes to most of the public
But when someone dares hurt Jason, a hidden poison emerges from within you
Jason never thought you were capable of picking up his notorious machete, nonetheless swinging it right through someone's skull
He just froze up in shock at this realization
He was drawn to how sweet you were to him, but knowing that you're capable of killing only makes him more happy
He was always worried that you would leave him after dealing with his darkness for too long
But knowing that you aren't all sunshine and rainbows has reassured him
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Thomas Hewitt
Considering what his family eats every night for dinner, he would have hoped that you were capable of similar actions to him
Killing is just a way of life to him, so knowing that you can do the same is so normal
That isn't to say that he wasn't surprised the first time you stuck up for him
But if anything, that surprise was immediately followed by a sense of relief
If you can do that, then you can fit right in with the rest of his family!
They liked how affectionate and kind you were to Thomas, but they were always worried that you were going to be too soft for their way of life
Now he knows there's nothing to worry about
Well, maybe except for getting on your bad side
You always have that sweet smile on your face, and he'll be damned if he pisses you off one of these times
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Bubba Sawyer
The first time you killed for him, he couldn't help but jump around in glee
You're just like him!
You're covered in blood and guts but still smile sweetly at Bubba
Just like he does for you
It honestly just reinforces the idea that you were meant to be together in his mind
You stick up for him, and he sticks up for you
With that being said, he does still paint you as this sweet little angel that needs to be safe at all times
He doesn't want you to get your hands dirty unless absolutely necessary
So he prefers for you to stay away from all the carnage he goes through on a daily basis
But he won't try and control you
As long as he is met with that soft smile and big hug at the end of a long day, Bubba is content
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Brahms Heelshire
He's flattered, don't get him wrong
The fact that you're willing to protect him shows that you really are devoted to him
And he loves that
But he also doesn't want you intruding with his desires
That person is going to die?
Brahms wants to be the one to see their last breath
It's not very often he gets to feel like this, so he wants to soak up every exhilarating second of it while it's there
And you're just so pure and kind that he doesn't want you becoming all tainted like him
Your job is to be the good in Brahms and take care of him
Not to let this darkness take over
You provide, he protects
That's all he asks for
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Norman Bates
And to think after all of this time, Norman just assumed you were like him
Quiet, sweet, affectionate
He had no idea you'd be capable of fully plunging a knife into someone's neck just for saying a couple mean words to Norman
But he secretly couldn't help the way he admired your blood splattered face, that smile he loved so much shining through it all
He likes feeling protected by you
It lets him know that you really care about him
And the fact that you can flip from one side to the other is so intriguing to him
In every other situation, you speak softly and gently laugh at the smallest things
But when one bad thing happens, the darkness creeps out
It doesn't freak him out as much as he would have originally thought
He just still can't believe that these sides to you are coming from the same person
Who is he to judge though?
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Billy Loomis
Billy was immediately attracted to your warm energy
But he was also hesitant that he would somehow contaminate you with his trauma and dark fantasies
He wanted to keep you as were: the bubbly and happy partner that was always by his side
But when a last minute heist was going wrong, he would have never expected to look over and see you all bloody, a stained knife in your hand and a lifeless body on the floor
When he called your name, all you did was look up at him and smile
Billy just about lost it
He had always thought that he needed to be the one to protect you and himself
But seeing you throw yourself into violence for his sake was absolutely beautiful
He didn't think you'd be capable of something like this
But knowing that you are makes him love you that much more
You're nothing but perfect for him
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Stu Macher
He won't say it out loud, but he's the tiniest bit scared of you
Not in a bad way by any means
If anything, he thinks it's sexy
And he can see a bit of familiarity in the way you act too
You both enjoy laughing at stupid things and keeping the energy up when needed
At any given moment, you two are all over each other and smiling so wide that you can feel your cheeks burn
You two make the ultimate power couple
But if someone dares say something bad about you, they're dead the next morning
And if Stu gets hurt by one of his attempted victims, you better believe you'll be there to finish the job
Stu honestly loves how deceiving you can be
No one would ever look at you and expect you to have this darker element
But to be fair, he's in the same boat
No one would ever suspect him of such behavior
And that's probably why you two make the perfect team
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Vincent Sinclair
He never thought he'd ever meet some who cared for him the way you do
Especially resorting to violence just to keep him safe
This must be some sort of dream
You practically tore this person to shreds and yet, you're still able to turn back at Vincent and smile sweetly, asking if he's okay
Are you even the same person he was just cuddling with 10 minutes ago?
He worries that you'll get yourself hurt one of these times, so he tries to advise you against doing something like that again
But he won't deny the thrill it gave him seeing you act so... differently
Just please don't step in unless absolutely necessary
If anything happened to you, he wouldn't know what to do
He knows you can clearly take care of yourself, he just doesn't want to risk it
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Bo Sinclair
What a precious little thing
It would be a lie to say that Bo wasn't immediately drawn to your softness and positivity
You radiated sunshine, and it was a new experience for him
He has always wanted to be the protector in his relationships
And he truly had no clue that you weren't just another damsel looking to be rescued
He remembers the first time you saved his ass
He turned up to see the man with a metal pipe sticking out of his chest
All the while, you're standing behind him, that sweet little smile still on your face like usual
Bo was at a complete loss for words
He loves this side to you
He still likes to feel all bad and tough
And he loves when you ask him for help and play up the innocence
But when something comes up, he knows he doesn't need to worry about you
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sinner-sunflower · 4 months
P.2 HH Lucifer-centric AU 26/?
STORY 1, PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 14.5, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22, PART 23, PART 24, PART 25, PART 27
I wish this was longer but death goes by faster than you think.
Lucifer thought it was a myth, you know, the idea that life flashes before your eyes when you're dying.
But as he recalls everything that happened since the beginning beginning, he wonders if he is reliving it all in a loop. Can a memory experience it as well? Can a memory exist within a memory? He doesn't know if he's just a copy of a copy, and that thought terrifies him.
But this feels real. Dying, that is.
Roo: You were always so arrogant.
A voice echoed somewhere. It was Roo, appearing suddenly like she always does.
Arrogant or misunderstood? Lucifer replied internally, voice laced with a hint of weariness.
Roo: Does it matter now? You're dying, fallen. Even you cannot cheat fate.
Oh Father, this is really happening. He's really going to die; just when he found new people to care about, someone to love again, and reconnected with his daughter—he's going to leave them. Leave Alastor. The Sins. God, Charlie.
He wants to spend the rest of eternity making her happy. He wants to tell her more stories of his good times in Heaven and Eden. To teach her how to properly use her powers. To watch her fulfill her dreams. Damn it, he wants to see her get married. To walk her down the aisle. To welcome Vaggie to their family. He wants to be there for every laugh, every tear, every triumph, and every setback. He longs to witness every precious moment of her life unfold.
He wants to spend one more moment with Alastor. To kiss him. To hug him and never let go. He wants to find another stupid Marigold in every corner for him to find. He wants to hear Alastor's voice, to share in his laughter, to feel the warmth of his presence. He wants to be selfish and let Hell be destroyed—just please, 'Dad, please I just want to live one more day!'
He yearns to see Earth's sun rise one more time, to feel its warmth on his face as he sits on it's grassy plains. To share another meal, another conversation, another fleeting second of joy. He wants to hold onto the fragile, beautiful moments that made life now worth living. The thought of leaving now, of abandoning this newfound happiness, is unbearable. He’s desperate, clawing at the very fabric of existence for one more chance, one more breath, one more heartbeat.
How will Alastor learn to love again? How will the Sins cope with losing the person who raised them, who gave them their everything? How will Charlie-
How will Michael and the others...
But it's not them who he calls out to. Because he's also once a child. And like a child in their time of need, he calls out to his father.
'Father! Please! I need you! Don't let them take me yet, DAD PLEASE!'
Lucifer wants to scream it all out, but he only spits out blood as the sword of his older brother impales him right in his heart. For a moment, he thinks it is Michael holding the sword—that he has betrayed him again.
The relief he feels when he realizes it is the exorcist who just stabbed him almost makes him forget what's happening.
Lute pushes the sword further into him and twists it. Shit! It hurts like a bitch. He could probably destroy her now, but he's honestly too shocked to do anything. He's frozen in place, but his entire body is shaking.
Roo: This is it, fallen.
The battlefield is chaos and screams, but he can't hear any of it—only a dark, broken laugh from Lute.
Roo: Make them pay for it.
Her eyes are pure black now, and Lucifer knows that there's only a sliver of sanity left in her. They are both dying here today.
One way or another.
They don't move and it feels like an eternity before he finds the strength to speak without coughing blood.
Lucifer: Exorcist.
Lute: What? Here to say your last words?
He ignores her taunts and keeps his voice calm.
Lucifer: Tell me again. What is your name?
She digs the weapon deeper and gets all up in his face. If she had more control of her mind, she would not answer and would spit in the devil's face. But she's losing it.
So she answers.
Lute: I am Lute. Leader of the exorcists. The first man's former lieutenant. The angel who just rid the world of the devil.
It's funny, really. Getting killed by Michael's sword wielded by an angel named Lute. Guess that part about "the instrument of Heaven will be the Devil's slayer" bullshit in the prophecy was spot on.
It's funny so he laughs.
He feels himself slipping away and Roo clawing her way up. There's a distinct sound of cracking, and he sees that it's his skin breaking apart like he's a porcelain doll. But he pays it no mind.
Lucifer: I have to congratulate you, Lute.
Lute: Oh yeah? Why's that?
His laughter fades, replaced by a somber tone.
Lucifer: See. I may have damned humanity.
Her eyes narrow, suspicion mingling with her fading sanity.
Lucifer: But you. Ohhhhh you.
He continues, a dark smile tugging at his lips.
Lucifer: You've just damned Heaven.
Then, the light fades from Lucifer's eyes as life slips away, and his body slumps against his brother's blade.
He's glad to have at least something familiar for comfort.
Someone calls the angel's name that made her pull the sword out of him and jump back.
The devil falls to the ground, motionless. And for a moment, everything is quiet, and then—
'Finally. I can sleep.'
What happens after is a cautionary tale.
I'm sorry?
This was always how this was going to go.
Also one more update before this is done!
Please let me know what you guys think! I'd love to hear your comments <3
Do you guys think this is entire AU was just Luci's life flashing before him?
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Scream Queen Book 1: Conventional Final Girl
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Chapter 3
Chapter 2 / Chapter 4
Stu Macher x Reader x Billy Loomis
  Once we got off the bus a few people said bye to  Sid and I. “Can you check the mail?” Sid asked, I can see why she wouldn’t want to. “Mhm,” I said as she walked ahead. It was as empty as Michael Myers’ soul. I instantly zipped upstairs and to the bathroom, “Calling dibs on the shower!” Nothing followed, wow not even a small ‘Whatever!’. 
  Once I was out I pulled my hair up into the towel and wrapped another one around me before heading to my room. Maybe I was just a bit too paranoid after today but I thought I heard something coming from the living room. “Hello?” I asked, no answer. “God if this were a horror movie I would be so dead…” I trailed my words just like I trailed the weird noise, quickly snatching up a vase from the hallway. I crept down the stairs and to the living room when I heard a crash. I jumped out ready to hit the culprit! Only to find Sidney picking up the phone. “What the hell are you doing?!” She exclaimed, obviously shocked to see her usually collected sister wielding a vase above her head. “I thought you were the killer!” I shouted, trying to keep the laughter of this humiliating moment at bay. Both Sid and I busted out laughing before she said, “I’m going to call Tatum now, why don’t you go get dressed and make some snacks?” Of course I was going to do what she said, she was doing me a favor for many things. 
  In the kitchen I still felt a little uneasy, like someone was just lurking around the corner ready to stab me from behind. “I’ve been watching too many horror movies…” Then I stopped to think for a minute. “Well actually the last movie I watched was Psycho with Stu and Billy when they invited Sid and I.” I know I’m just talking to myself as I make peanut butter sandwiches but who doesn’t? “Ya’ know honestly if I could’ve I probably would’ve kissed Stu, right in the scene where Norman is cleaning the hotel room but he’s completely oblivious to the newspaper carrying all the money. Much like Stu is completely oblivious on how to go about things correctly…” 
  My little monologue must’ve sucked me in a little too much considering I didn’t hear Sid laughing on the couch. “Oh my god, don’t do that! You scared me!” I shouted in total shock just holding up the kitchen knife, bread crust crumbs still covering the blade. “Are you all packed for tonight?” She asked me as she put her things together. “Uh good question,” I said as I put down the plate of PB&J’s on the coffee table. Sidney turned on the tv and started skimming through the channels as I ran up the stairs. Every channel she landed on was talking about the murders. 
  Coming back down the stairs I ran to the living room where Sid placed her things, not even noticing her in the other room until I went down the hallway. “Hey Sid-” Oh, she’s asleep, seems like she just fell asleep too. I quickly grabbed a blanket for her and laid it over her as she snored a little. I take this time to go to the living room and catch up on some sleep of my own. The past few nights have just been feeling weird and off so I’ve been staying up late.
  When a loud ringing from the other room blairs through the house I jolted up, ready for action! That was until Sid picked up the phone. 
“Hello?” She groggily asked.
“Who is it?” I whispered as I peaked out from the wall. 
Completely ignoring me, Sid takes hold of the small clock on the side table and says, “It’s past seven.” 
“Ugh oh that’s comforting,” She said to the person on the other line. At this point I’m pretty sure it’s Tatum. 
I sit down on the couch swinging Sid’s legs onto my lap. 
“Whatever, just hurry, okay?” Sid said, stifling a laugh before hitting the end call button and placing the phone back on it’s base.
I looked over to her and asked, “So what was that about?”
“Hmm? Oh i-” Before she could even get a real word out the phone rang again. 
When Sid picks up the phone she immediately says, “Tatum just get in the car-”
Now that I’m closer to her I can hear the other line and that definitely doesn’t sound like Tatum. 
“Hello Sindey,” A familiar oddly pitched raspy voice called to her. This made me roll my eyes, the boys again. 
“Uh hi, who is this?” She asked, moving her legs and sitting upright. 
“You tell me,” He says in a nonchalant tone. 
“Well I have no idea?” Sid said, her voice starting to quake a little. I’m tempted to just take the phone from her and yell at the person on the other end. 
“Scary night isn’t it? With the murders and all it’s like right out of a horror movie,” His words slither out, creepy and cold like ice. 
Sidney’s expression lightened as she said, “Randy you gave yourself away, are you calling from work cause Tatum’s on her way over.”
Walking around her I go turn on the lamp when I hear, “Do you even like scary movies, Sidney?” That’s the worst question to ask Sid of all people. 
“I like that thing you’re doing with your voice Randy, it’s sexy.” Sid says, her own voice going a little deeper. 
Now this made me laugh a little, “Randy and the word sexy in the same sentence, now that’s weird,” I said just above a whisper. 
“What’s your favorite scary movie?” He asked, this made me roll my eyes since he asked me the same question last night.
“Oh come on Randy, you know I don’t watch that shit.” She said, fidgeting around in her stance now. 
I myself felt offended and shot her a look, this made her throw up her one free hand. 
“Oh why not, too scared?” ‘Randy’ asked. 
“No no, it’s just- what’s the point, they’re all the same,” She said as she threw her arm outward, “Just some stupid killer stalking some big breasted girl who can’t act. Whose running up the stairs when she should be running out the front door, it’s insulting.” 
They’re not all like that, I think to myself 
“Are you alone in the house?” ‘Randy’s’ question made me stand up straight and look over at Sid. 
“Randy that’s so unoriginal, I’m disappointed in you,” She said looking over at me as she faced the window at the back of the couch. 
“Maybe that’s because I’m not Randy.” He said, I could feel my heart beat pick up… this is getting a little too close for comfort. 
Sid gets up from the couch placing her hand on her hip and asks, “So who are you?”
“The question isn’t who am I, the question is where am I?” The caller said, okay now this isn’t good. 
Snatching the phone out of Sid’s hands I aggressively asked, “So where are you?” 
“Your front porch,” The caller said as if he were still talking to the same person. 
Staying in the same spot but keeping an eye on Sidney who was no doubt going to the porch I asked, “Why would you be calling from our front porch?” 
“That’s the original part,” he says. 
“Oh yeah? Nice fucking try.” I said as Sidney opened the door, “Calling your bluff.” 
“So where are you?” I asked, feeling the wind from the cold night already telling me Sid was outside. 
“Right here.” The caller said, startled, I spin around only to be met with empty space. 
Walking to the porch myself I asked the caller, “Can you see Sidney right now?” 
“Uh-huh,” he says in confirmation. 
“What is she doing then? Hmm? Tell me,” I said. If it weren’t such a serious situation I would’ve gotten the camera at the sight of Sidney picking her nose. 
“HELLOOO” My big sister called out. 
“Nice try Randy, tell Tatum to hurry up. Bye now” I chimed to the other line with a giggle escaping my throat. Sid linked arms with me.
“If you hang up on me you’ll die, just like Sidney’s mother!” The caller shouts, loud enough for Sidney to hear right next to me. 
We both freeze in our tracks equally scared and appalled by the words that just left his mouth. 
“Do you want to die, (y/n) , her mother sure didn’t?” They asked me. Sid’s grip on my arm tightened. 
“Fuck you, you creep!” I ragefully whispered into the phone. I rushed both Sidney and I into the house before locking the door. That wasn’t enough though since the supposed caller jumped out of our closet. Sid and I ducked but not before he landed a blow on her. Not on my sister you don’t! I hit him on the back of the head but this caused him to turn around and shove me back, making me hit my head and everything started getting dizzy. The killer was on top of Sidney before she kicked him off. As fast as she could she grabbed me as I was trying to open the door, not realising it was latched. 
  Running up the stairs with the killer on our tail Sid flung me into her room first before she did the same to herself and closed her door. The great thing about Sidney’s room is that her bedroom door and closet door were right next to each other so if the closet door was open the bedroom door couldn't. The killer did his best by swinging his arm trying to attack Sidney and I. Doing the smartest thing I could right now I picked up the phone and dialed 911 while Sid failed at shutting her window. To no avail though, the phone line was dead. Sid pushed me aside and went to her computer inputting the numbers 9-1-1. Then it stopped, the killer was gone. 
  A loud thud at Sidney’s window sill startled us before we realized who it was. “Billy!” Sid exclaimed, relieved to see her boyfriend. I just stood there with my guard still up..
“The door was locked, I heard screaming, You alright?” He asked Sid as he looked over at me. 
“The killer’s here, he’s in the house.” She said as she hugged Billy tight, sobs just releasing from her mouth left and right. 
“He’s gone, he’s gone.” Billy cooed into her ear as she hugged him. The expression on his face gave me goosebumps. 
All was fine until Billy dropped something… a small black compact cell phone. Oh shit. 
In a mad frenzy I rush towards Sidney tearing her away from Billy’s grasp and run out of the room with her hand in mine. 
“Wait, Sid, no! Wait wait wait! (Y/n)!” We heard Billy shout as we reached the front door. 
Sydney opens the front door in a hurried panic and we’re met with that same white ghostly mask again! We both shriek out in pure terror! And so does… Dewey. Nevermind the day is saved…
  It felt so surreal to be sitting here on the tail of the ambulance with Sid while Billy is getting forced into the back of a cop car. They just got done checking me and Sid for any bruises or contusions. Billy wailed for Sidney much like the car sirens wailed to alert danger. Walking up to us the sheriff said, “Well, we’re seeing a lot of you today.” Then Dewey spoke up asking, “You girls going to be able to come down to the station and answer a few questions?” 
“Oh shit, Sydney, (y/n)!” Tatum’s voice made me pop my head up. Happy to see a face we can comfortably trust. 
“God I’m so sorry I showed up late,” Tatum continued, holding Sid’s hands and cupping my face. 
“Tatum you can’t be here it’s an official crime scene.” Dewey said as he grabbed hold of his sister to escort her away. 
“No!” I shouted, everyone looked in my direction before Sid said, “It’s okay.” 
“Their parents are out of town, alright? They’re staying with us tonight.” Tatum said as she scoffed at her older brother. 
“Does mom know?” Dewey asked, for what reason? I’m not sure. 
“Yes dufus,” Tatum said, pretty sure she just wanted to get us out of there at this point. 
I could see the Sheriff holding the costume the killer wore as Sid and I got into the back of the car. This has officially become the most terrifying night of my life. I grabbed onto Sidney’s arm for comfort as she petted my hair on the way to the station. As we were about to pull away from our house a news van came rolling in. Out hopped none other than the devil herself, Gale Weathers. We could hear her call out for Sid as we drove away. 
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multific · 1 year
One Week
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Kai Anderson x DarkWitch!Reader
Summary: Crystal balls, a black cat and candles... this place couldn't be more stereotypical. 
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Kai once again found himself scrolling the web instead of sleeping.
Looking for anything interesting or something that could help his plan.
An ad did catch his eye, fortune telling.
'Fortune telling, 100% accurate or your money back.'
He scoffed at the obvious scam before continuing his search.
About five minutes later, the same ad popped up.
Now he wasn't too surprised, ads are a pain in the ass but as he tried to click to close it, he opened it instead.
And from then on, he wasn't even sure what he was doing. The next thing he knew, he had an email confirmation coming through for the appointment he booked.
Kai was honestly shocked with himself, he could be doing better things and yet, he stood in front of a black door. But then he thought, many people believed in these things. So, he could use it to his advantage to manipulate.
He knocked once before the door opened.
His eyes locked with yours.
"Hi, Andrew right?" and he then remembered he put a fake name in, he simply nodded and you guided him inside.
Crystal balls, a black cat and candles... this place couldn't be more stereotypical even if you tried.
He let out a long sigh.
"So, which one are you?"
"Sorry?" he turned to look at you sitting at the small table in the middle of the room.
"The sceptic or the hopeful?" you asked as he took a seat. "Ah, sceptic. Alright, what would you like to know?"
"The future." he simply said as he looked at your crystal ball.
"You are a smart man. Very smart indeed, I bet you came here to laugh at me and figure out my 'scam'. But your first mistake was putting in a fake name." Kai just watched you, did you break into his email? His computer? 
"You plan on ruling the world but your little group is not going to be enough. You will go to prison and then a girl will shoot you, dead. The great leader... gone."
"How can you know that? You are just a scammer who prays on vulnerable people."
"Oh, how ironic isn't it? You will fail. Alone, you will, but if you want, I can help."
"I already brought the Apocalypse to the world a while ago, but Michael died and... you don't need to know that. It's enough if you know that I possess powers and I'm looking for a new partner to cause mayhem with."
"Why should I believe you? For all I know you can be a cop." he leaned forward, elbows resting on the table.
You smiled Kai felt a shiver as all candles went out in the room, it was now completely dark. Then when everything came back, you sat with a book in front of you.
"You might not be the Anti-Christ, but you will do." he was confused. "Men are easy creatures, they can be led by their cock. You are much the same, but you are also smart. I like smart because when your inevitable end comes, you will try and blame it all on me, you would stab me behind my back. I love the thrill of betrayal. I tried getting your attention but you are so blind." you looked down at the book and Kai looked around the room.
"Alright, where is the camera?"
"In the bedroom, if you want to get kinky, you could film it." you said not even looking at him.
"Very funny. So you say that no matter what, I would die."
"Yes, however, you can die a loser who never achieved his goal or you can die a leader."
"And how would you be able to help me?" you smiled as you looked at him.
"I can easily confuse and manipulate people. I can make them do things they don't want to."
"Then why won't you rule the world?"
"Alone? What's the fun in that? I will tell you how it will go. You accept my offer, but not now. No, you will go home and do your research. You will find out more about me, about the people I killed. Then you will think about it, you will think for two days and then come back here. Exactly one week from now, you will knock on that door to accept my offer to be your partner. Why? Because I want to see this world burn. You will come in here, tell me your silly conditions including a little thing where you make me promise I won't let anyone kill you. Then you will take me to the previously mentioned bed because I do need proof that I will have a great time with you."
Kai was speechless, a rather rare occasion.
You smiled at him before turning back to your book.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Y/N. Previously known as Y/N Langdon, Michael Langdon's wife, but in this timeline, I never even met him so... I'm only Y/N but I'm open on becoming Y/N Anderson."
"You are crazy."
"Indeed. Crazy, insane, manipulative, dangerous, a murderer, delusional, cunning, smart and powerful." Kai looked at you, well, what he could see above the table.
"You are perfect." he said out loud but he didn't mean to.
You only smiled.
"You are just as perfect for me, you will see. I'm loyal and I can be kind." You stood up and went towards the front door, Kai followed you, he only now noticed you truly, your beautiful curves, your scent and just how smooth your skin looked, truly divine.
You opened the front door and looked at him.
"See you after a week. Let me just say this, you will doubt me, question my intentions, but why would I try to harm you? I could have killed you in your home many times or at the gym. I am just like any other girl. I just want to have fun." you smiled as he left, and you closed the door behind him. Now, the wait begins. 
Now you were cursing yourself, you didn't need this many crystal balls... but the site you ordered from had a sale and you couldn't say no. 
They were completely useless anyway, just a nice way to decorate your home with. 
It also didn't help that the house you 'bought' was not the biggest.
You wanted a big house, somewhere you can fit your stuff. Stuff you certainly didn't steal...
You took a look in your closet, trying to find something to wear, you wanted to head out and get some rich guy to buy you dinner.
Just as you put on your favourite dress, you headed for the door, taking one last glance at yourself in the mirror as you opened the door.
You almost ran into him, he was raising his hand to knock just as you opened it.
"Oh, Kai." you turned back, looking at the clock on your wall. He was right on time, you just kept yourself too busy to notice that the week was already gone.
"I came as you said I would, I made my decision... as you said I would and I have conditions, but you already knew that, so, let's get inside I'll tell you my rules and then we can fuck."
"How romantic."
"You want romance?" he was genuinely surprised.
"Flowers, chocolate and all that."
"I'm not the kind of guy."
You smirked, "You will be." you said before you let him into your house.
Exactly like how you did a week ago.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​   @manduse​   @jacalineiscomingforyou​  @mandoloriancookie​ @noname2246​
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cult-of-the-eye · 10 months
MAG 85 let's goooooo
AHHH I forgot how much I loved the creepy violins
"in his personal investigative capacity" he's so funny
even in a horrific situation he's still trying to categorise things and keep it neat and have some semblance of continuity
But still...that's what he chose
Ok this statement actually fucking creeped me out I'm terrified of the idea of home invasions and the whole dipping in and out of reality it really put me on edge
I loved the style of writing and I thought it was a genius concept though I did enjoy it
Immediately giving Michael the distortion vibes
Nova Scotia? Is that the place with little sunlight where the vampires are? Not sure...
The way Jon's voice goes so soft also added to it I was so creeped out by the complete and utter nothingness and the idea that the person themself is whispering, as if unsure that they're allowed to actually have statements about themselves unsure if they actually exist I thought it was so effective
It sort of reminds me of that one statement where the guy cheats death
The whole transition between humanity and non-humanity and then witnessing what happens to the entities place you've taken
Wait omg was Eric Delano one of Gertrudes assistants????
Noooo I hope this wasn't his terrible fate (although I guess if this was the most terrible ending it wouldn't be the worst out of all of them)
"skulking around the periphery" drama queen
He does have a point I guess, but it's the eye that means that he physically can't have that middle ground
I think there's no rhyme or reason to the statements honestly, he's been given like 2, that's definitely not enough to form a proper pattern, only theories
I think he's just having them fed to him, just to keep him occupied and keep him tortured
It's another case of how obsessive he is, each statement could plausibly mean nothing more than being fed statements to be kept busy but he's trying to get as much information as possible, even knowing that the conclusions he's coming to are pretty much baseless, I don't think he can help it really, he might be doing it to himself but he's most definitely stuck
I was like why does jon hate Michael, he's just a little guy and then michael remembered he stabbed him
Oh god the foreshadowing he's not gonna be human for much longer is he
He's aware that he's putting Georgie in danger and I feel like he might have other options but maybe Georgie is the closest he can get to the institute, so that's why he's not gonna leave
God Georgie's disappointment
She knows about them, I guess she might want to help? She must be scared though, she seems brave
Wait does she know that Jon's wanted?
Ha I wonder what acting "weird" is by Jon's standards
is this Jon being a good wingman
Normal ex behaviour is judging their next date
"Dullard of skull mountain" SHOTS FIRED
He's so judgy omg
Georgie likes Hungarian food I guess good for her
And Jon doesn't
Melanie 🤝 Jon (don't like Hungarian food)
Is Georgie's type people who don't like Hungarian food???
Ha I love Georgie she's so funny
God Jon is actually such a dick I love him
Weird doesn't even begin to cover what Martin and Tim are
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
Willie Jack | October Prompts 🕷
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A/N: this my girl! This my favorite character! WLW + reader is always of color & in this case Afro-indigenous.
Prompt: 1. “I’m not helping you carve your pumpkin.” + 13. “Can you stop breathing down my neck?” — “Dude, I’m over here.”
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Letting out a yawn, you moved your cheek from the palm of your hand as you sat at your girlfriend’s dinner table. It was going on 8pm and honestly you were ready to go home but didn’t exactly have the energy to do that just yet.
Also you had plans with your girl, yet she got caught up with the dogs and you got off work at six; you were more than willing to reschedule as the sun disappeared behind the clouds. However when you had plans to spend time together, Willie Jack took that seriously and always wanted you around.
She had to do a little bribing, having Elora drop her off at your place after their hang out sesh just to walk back to her’s (honestly…she carried you on her back to the next street over) so she could make you some frybread with the leftover Succotash her mom had in the fridge.
“Hey, you sleeping over there on me?” Willie Jack called out to you from behind, standing in front of the stove.
Widening your eyes, you sat up straight, chin now pressed into your shoulder as you replied, “who me? Nooo. I’m just wondering how much longer I gotta stare at this pumpkin to magically make it carved already.”
“With your eyes closed?”
“And how do you know my eyes are closed if my back is to you, Mena J?” You questioned, using your own spin on the girl’s name who didn’t mind the nickname—only if it came from you.
Willie Jack switched off the stove with a twist of her lips, “don’t you think I know you by now? We’ve only been together for like half a year or something, babe? The only time you sit in that seat is when I’m in the kitchen and you try and hide that you’re gonna take a nap while I’m over here doing shit like a wife.”
“Aren’t you?” You smiled as the girl padded over to you, placing the glass plate full of bread on the center of the table.
Willie Jack then pulled the chair out to plop down on your right, “Damn straight.”
You tilted your head as a, ‘alright then,’ response, feeling the true weight of your two curly buns sitting on both sides of your head while you did so. Exhaling you reached forward over your pumpkin, plucking a piece of bread off the paper towel, which drained the grease for you, and placed it next to the veggies on your plate. Using a fork you scrapped the colorful vegetables into the frybread and began folding it as Willie peeked over at you, sipping from her raspberry colored cup.
Raising your brows at her, you briefly turned your attention back to your dinner, taking a bite as Willie spun the pumpkin to her attention, eyeing the outline of the design you chose.
“A ghost? You sure didn’t pick anything simple.”
“When have I ever?”
Willie Jack pushed out her lips with a nod of her head in agreement. She flicked at your pumpkin with a decision, “I’m not helping you carve your pumpkin.”
A frown settled in between your brows as you questioned, “and why not?”
This didn’t make sense to you. Willie Jack was the one who wanted to do all this fall inspired couple shit with you and all of a sudden she didn’t want to help you out?
“I thought we were gonna paint them not carve them? You know how tough this skin is? I’m not fucking up my fingers because of this orange shit. I rather do that in the ring you know?” Willie Jack responded, sending in a few jabs into the air.
You huffed, “that’s why we use this baby right here and not the sorry excuse for a knife that they give you in those stupid kits they sell at the store elora works at.” You waved the butcher knife in the air as Willie Jack watched you spin the item around with ease.
Willie Jack reached over, grasping your wrist to take the knife from you, “what am I, fucken Michael myers? I like hitting people not stabbing them.”
“Not you trying to switch up on me when this was your idea.” You rolled your eyes, “I was down for this instead of the usual smashing a few pumpkins.”
Willie Jack gave you a look, “who says we can’t do everything but that? October is just starting, baby!”
“You just did.” You pointed as Willie got to her feet to enter her living room and turn on the tv to play some music.
Once Willie Jack sat back down next to you, she reached over to playfully pull down on your ear, making you slap her hand away, “Aw don’t be like that. I was just fucken around since you decided to snooze on me for like seven seconds. You know I got you always, right?”
Shaking your head you sat back against the chair, bringing your plate up to take another bite. After chewing for awhile you decided, “Then I’m not helping you paint your pumpkin.”
“That’s whack. You know I failed art class.”
Which wasn’t a hundred percent true. You met Willie jack in jewelry class sophomore year, seated at the same table but over as you and one of your friends that she didn’t particularly like kept to your side. Willie Jack didn’t have any issue with the saw, screwing the wire into the handle and going away at the metal with no issue. She had one of the best works in the class and she knew it, even went around helping other students when she finished her work, much to the teachers passionate joy.
That’s eventually how the both of you got to talking, despite your bestie (at the time) mumbling shit about this underneath her breath. Until this day you still weren’t sure what the exact beef was between your old friend and your current girlfriend. The both of you knew she needed help too but would rather get help from the teacher than Willie Jack. Nonetheless that friend ended up not being in your life anymore since she told others that it had to do with you picking sides with the enemy. However you’d say it had to do with her not accepting that you can be friends with anyone you wanted and she retaliated by making up untrue rumors and dating your idiot ex who was on the football team.
“Well that’s a lie,” you started and stopped as you swallowed your food, “you seemed to do well in jewelry class.”
The brown haired girl brushed off her shoulders with a grin, “yeah but I’m no auntie b tho!”
“Fine, I’ll give you that.”
The two of you smiled at each other for a moment, enjoying each other’s company, despite you being exhausted and dreading going to school on Monday.
“Hurry up then, wife.” Willie Jack knocked on the table, “we got work to do! And I’m playing that indie boyband you like while we work.”
“Is this your way of telling me you want to slow dance in the living room with me?”
“I’ll save that for our wedding day.” Willie winked, taking her own piece of bread to bite into before she tossed the rest onto your plate.
Scoffing, you crossed one leg over the other as you continued eating.
After some time the both of you were seated in the living room, newspaper resting on the coffee table as Willie went to work on your pumpkin and you did the same for her. The Spotify playlist was on shuffle, playing a mixture of both of your music tastes making the both of you feel further at ease. You basically sat on top of each other, one leg tossed over her’s as she crouched forward carving your pumpkin while you lounged backwards.
Willie Jack rapped the lyrics while you hummed to them, pumpkin on your belly as you made small strokes of the thin brush against the orange pumpkin.
“Hold on, I’ll be right back. It’s probably my dad.” Willie said abruptly, making you snap out of your zone to realize that the telephone was ringing.
She carefully lifted up your leggings covered thigh, then shimmied by you instead of going around the coffee table to head into the hall. Sighing you stretched out your long legs, continuing on Willie Jack’s piece.
Before you could zone off some more, vibing out to the music, Kendrick Lamar’s voice suddenly went quiet making you huff in annoyance. Was Spotify having a moment again? Your eyes flicked to the television just in time to see the tv shut off with a flash of white to signal it’s exit. Not too long after, all the dim lights in Willie Jack’s house also erupted your vision in complete darkness.
“The fuck!?” You heard Willie Jack yell in the background.
Carefully leaning upwards, you used one of your hands to feel for a free spot on the table to place the wet pumpkin down. Next you got to your feet as you listened to the patter of Willie Jack’s feet.
“Yo, what happened?” Willie asked you from somewhere on your right.
Slowly you moved sideways from in between the couch and table, shrugging before realizing that your girlfriend most likely couldn’t see this, “I don’t know. I was just sitting here and the tv cut off right before everything else went off? Where’s your parents?”
“Dad said they’d be out a little longer, stopped at the general store to let me know there’s something going on downtown. He didn’t get to tell me exactly what before we lost power.” Willie Jack answered as you crept to the door.
Grabbing at the curtain that covered the windows by the door, you gently moved it to the side to peek outdoors. There wasn’t any street lights or lights illuminating from other houses showing outside either, which means this was possibly a blackout. Your hands suddenly crept over to the doorknob, fingertips reading for the knob to make sure it was locked.
It wasn’t.
Which instantly made you silently curse at your girlfriend in your head. You didn’t play that shit, especially when you all didn’t live far from a sundown town that was only about four miles out from the reservation. Don’t get it wrong, you loved your girlfriend but she could be so careless sometimes.
“Can you stop breathing down my neck?” You hissed, back to peeking out through the glass in search of any movement out there.
Usually most people went outside, ready to throw a party when things like this went down or talk to their neighbors with some source of light to guide the way. It felt strange to you to not see a single person doing just that.
It wasn’t the norm.
Your hand went to the back of your neck, feeling warm air brush against your skin.
“Bro…I’m over here.” Willie Jack told you, making you whip around as the hair on your forearms underneath your sweater began to rise.
“the fuck was that?”
“What?” Willie Jack pressed, trying to make her way over to you.
Holding out your hands you whisper-yelled, “stop! Stay on your side.”
“No. I wanna be next to you.”
“Something just breathed on the back of my neck, Mena J! And you said it wasn’t you.”
Willie Jack hesitated, “Yeah I did say that…maybe it’s just the ancestors and nothing you’re thinking about.”
“Really? ‘Cause I’m thinking it was a damn demon and I’ve never felt that energy before here.” The stress was rising in your voice, “it’s pretty convenient that it wants to come out and play while the town is experiencing a blackout.”
Willie Jack said, “don’t say shit like that to me when I gotta live here and you won’t let me come to you.”
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you began tiptoeing around, hands outwards as you felt the air, which definitely felt hot in a specific area but you tried not to think about it too much. Your number one goal was to be beside your girl and away from whatever the hell that was back there.
Fumbling hands reached out for the girl, who quickly yanked you to her frame by the small of your back. Your cheeks were pressed against each other as you embraced for a moment.
“Let’s lock ourselves away in my room.” Willie Jack suggested, quickly slipping a hand around your waist and guiding you down the hall to her bedroom.
With you entering first, Willie Jack locked the door behind her before telling you, “I’ve got some cedar and a lighter in one of my drawers.”
You didn’t take long to head over to the said drawer, hands out to lead the way and hoping there was nothing tossed around on the floor for you to break your neck on. With the cedar smudging, the strong smell circulated the air as Willie Jack eventually went towards her closet to pull her storage rack full of her boxing equipment; which included her weights to press up against her door.
Soon she found you back by her bed, away from her bedroom door and sat right beside you. Her hands went to grip the sides of your neck, feeling upwards and gathering that your hair was now down at it curtained around her hands. Next her forehead pressed against yours for a moment, “we’re good in here. Nothing is fucking with us, even if our ancestors aren’t with us right now. We got the cedar and probably a few more hours before daylight.”
At least you weren’t alone and being with Willie Jack, you never had to worry about that.
Soon you found the both of you laying back on her bed, wrapped up in each other. Sleep wasn’t on your mind anymore but the comfort of Willie Jack’s arms wrapped tight around you led you to just that.
“Nobody’s touching you, babe. Not if these hands got anything to say about it, I promise.” Willie Jack muttered against the top of your head before you involuntarily dozed off.
It wasn’t the cawing that woke you up the next morning, or the snoring that escaped from Willie Jack’s wide open mouth. Your eyes peeled open at the sound of something rattling, making your head jerk upwards to focus on the doorknob wiggling. Your eyes then shot to the single window in the room, from what you could tell behind the blinds it was possibly a foggy blue sky outside.
Sitting up, frantically your eyes searched around the various of objects that made up your girlfriend’s bedroom, you were just about to cross over her body when a large kicking sounded at the door.
That’s when Willie Jack shot up, head knocking against yours that made you wince.
“Fuck man,” Willie Jack rubbed against the center of her forehead, “what you doing? Trying to get freaky after being terrified?”
Scowling you wanted to pull on her messed up braid but thought against it as the stinging sensation against your temple told you otherwise.
The kicking continued at the door, making Willie Jack latch onto your hips to untangle you from her. She was ready for war as she jumped down from her bed, picking up a dumbbell before she halted at the knob of the door.
Picking up the salt lamp in her window sill you stood up on her bed, arm cocked back as Willie Jack took one last look at you with a dip of her head. Silently counting, she pressed out the lock to her door and pulled the door back with a scream.
“Fuck outta my house, bitch!” Willie yelled, just about to launch the dumbbell at the entity.
“Hey, hey! It’s me you shit ass!”
The voice of a very alarmed Bear screamed, hands held out and face turned away from the incoming abuse from his friend.
“Bear?” Willie Jack had her eyes in slits, “We almost clocked your ass, bro! What’re you doing here?!”
“Your mom told me to wake you guys up before she went to work. Said the blackout held her and your dad up for hours, they were in and out. Didn’t have the time to scold you two from smashing with the door closed.” Bear was now smirking, as he peeked into the room as you now plopped down onto the bed, pinching in between your brows.
Willie Jack went to swing at Bear, smirking to herself as he easily flinched. “Shut up, shit ass. We weren’t doing none of that, not like it’s any of your biz tho.”
“Then…what were you doing?” Bear was confused.
You now stood beside Willie Jack, who glanced at you, “carving and painting pumpkins, you?”
Squeezing by the two friends you didn’t respond to Bear as he asked your retreating frame, “in the dark?”
Willie Jack placed the dumbbell back onto the rack and moved to slip her arm around a still confused Bear as she led the way back down the hall, “did you see or feel anything last night?”
“No, because it was fucking dark.” Bear commented, “what’s up with you two?”
Willie Jack peered over at you now sitting at the table with Elora (who waved at Willie Jack) and Jackie who dipped her head in acknowledgement at Willie, pouring yourself some coffee as you sat with hunched shoulders.
“Morning, Willie Jack.” Cheese greeted from his spot on the couch, “you guys enjoy the blackout?”
“Fuck no.”
“Oh, okay.” Cheese blinked, “there’s something I found when we first entered your house while everyone else made themselves comfortable.”
Willie Jack frowned, “what, bro?”
Cheese held what appeared to be a nose guard up in the air, making a deeper frown appear on Willie Jack’s face.
“And here I thought I was the only one who had a broken nose.” Bear smiled, “somebody messed you up in the ring and you didn’t tell us about it huh?”
“That’ll never happen, shut up.” Willie Jack shoved the long haired boy who didn’t wipe the smile off his face as he stumbled, “…that’s not mine, cheese.”
“Oh…then who’s…”
Willie Jack blew out a breath as she clapped her hands, “everybody, lets leave!”
“Huh? We just got here not long ago.” Elora argued.
“So?! Donuts sound better and I don’t got that shit here, let’s go. Elora you’re driving.”
“Obviously, I’m the only one that can drive, dumbass.” Elora snarked, slowly following as you were the first to leave the house.
Willie Jack began waving everyone outside the house quickly, pulling the door shut behind everyone.
“You sure you guys were okay, last night?” Bear asked as Willie Jack walked beside him into the fall air.
Willie Jack had her eyes set only on you, up ahead as you waited for Elora to unlock the doors. Cheese stood on the side closest to Willie Jack and Bear as he struck up a conversation with you that Willie Jack picked up on.
“By the way, you guys made really cool pumpkins. Did you do that before the town shut down?” Cheese chatted.
That’s when your eyes flicked back to Willie Jack’s in alarm and she went into protect mode. She quickly nudged Bear’s arm to get away from her house as fast as possible, “I’ll let you know later, bro. We just gotta go.”
Bear barely let his words slip through his lips as Willie Jack rushed to your side, hand sliding into yours as your eyes silently shared concerns with each other.
It wasn’t Willie Jack’s breath hovering behind you last night so…who’s was it?
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Continue along with my fall anthology prompts here
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anna1306 · 2 years
The Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes
In my defence, I was left unsupervised, too lazy to watch the show I need to watch for my big fic I have hyperfixation on, there was The Golden Girls and I had my unhinged brain with me
Don't know if this needs part 2 or not, really, this is a trial part
And also I got encouraged by @britany1997 c:
Marko: I'm perfectly capable of managing by myself. I don't need help. I'm a totally independent person.
Dwayne: I know, I know, sorry.
Marko: Also I need 67$ for the cab.
High, emotional Paul: Our families are gone. And we're alone. And there are too many years left, and I don't know what to do.
David: Get a poodle.
David, seeing Michael: I can't stand being near him, I hate him too much! I know I'm gonna do something crazy!
Marko: Whenever you feel you're about to lose control, just take my hand and give it a little squeeze *takes David's hand* I guarantee you'll feel a 100% better.
Michael: Hey, guys, long time no see!
David: *silently drinks beer*
Marko: *silently prays for his broken hand*
Paul: *takes away the knife from Dwayne* GIVE ME THAT! Do you want to spend the rest of your life rotting away in some disgusting jail cell, bribing screws for cigarettes and toilet paper?!
Dwayne: It's not a crime to cut the cake.
Paul: Oh... I thought you were going to stab Sam.
Dwayne: Don't be ridiculous. Do you honestly believe that I would stab Michael's brother in the middle of the Boardwalk?
Paul: Oh no, I guess not.
Dwayne: Of course not!
Paul: ...
Dwayne: I would wait for him to go somewhere alone. There are too many witnesses.
Star: Oh... Maybe you are right.
David: Of course I'm right, do you think I got this old by being stupid?
After winning in the arcade game
Marko: You'll be back. You know why? You are too competitive! It's always been your worst feature. Actually, no, your ears are your worst feature.
Paul: Can you believe that?
Dwayne: No, I always thought your bony feet were your worst feature.
Star after breakup with Michael: I just don't know. Michael was my first. And now trying it with someone else... I haven't had anyone after Michael, you know...
Paul: Get out of here!
Marko: Back off, Paul. Not all of us are classified by the Navy as a friendly port.
Marko: When Laddie had colic, I used to give him brandy.
David: You give brandy for teething to enfants, you rub it on their gums.
Marko: ... I gave it to him in bottle for colics. He was very happy.
Dwayne: Put it in my bottle, I'll be happy too.
Laddie: I wish I had a dog! He would be loyal, loving, fun. He would never leave my side.
David: I wish Michael was a dog. Would have solved a lot of problems.
Dwayne: You could have had him fixed.
Michael, describing the boys: And Paul... Wherever he goes, he finds himself a date.
Sam: So do hookers.
David, going away: I've been an idiot through this whole thing!
Paul, mumbling to himself: Darn right you have
David: *immediately appears right next to him*
Paul: *shriek of a death*
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
ok so i rewatched gabriel's big 2 episodes, changing channels and hammer of the gods. and honestly? jesus christ they were so good. like i had to pause the episode multiple times to scream about it, insane how good this show was at its peak
and like. gabriel's great in both episodes, i love the contrast of his playful side and the moments where sam and dean really piss him off. it's so easy to forget how dangerous he is when he's literally just trapped them in a sitcom but then he does something like teleport cas into an alternate dimension with a snap of his fingers and it's like. it's just so good. he was so fun and i know it would've been bad pacing but i wish gabriel was in more episodes
i love that they drew a parallel between gabriel and dean as characters who have so much weight on their shoulders and don't know what to do with it other than hide everything behind a carefree demeanour. i know gabriel doesn't actually die in this scene and i watched his season 13 episodes before they. killed him off for no real reason i guess. but the act of him confronting lucifer and standing with humanity after an eternity of running away is still real and it's sad that after everything lucifer was ready to kill him just like that. i really do think that gabriel still felt betrayed in the end, even if he knew it was coming and lucifer could never give up his revenge. that was still his brother and he still hesitated, even if lucifer didn't
and i always knew that mark pellegrino as lucifer was great but oh my god the snarkiness? the confidence in his voice, the sureness that he really does deserve to end the whole world and kill his brother in cold blood to get his revenge? the tears in his eyes when he stabs gabriel anyway??? season 5 lucifer was so good. i really buy the idea that lucifer feels like what he's doing is justified
hammer of the gods really nailed in the idea that as high stakes and insane as the apocalypse plot was, it was really grounded in the simplest of things. gabriel says it himself, it all boils down to lucifer feeling betrayed by god and wanting his revenge after everything that happened. that's all it was and ever will be, a family feud
and it's not that the later seasons of supernatural are awful, but the application of dean and sam's relationship as brothers paralleling the struggle of the archangels and their broken family gives michael and lucifer especially a lot more nuance. the later villains don't really get that, with the exception of maybe crowley and rowena but they get full fledged redemption arcs so that 's a whole other case entirely. but having the actual devil in your show and then tying his story to your main protagonist's to give him a sense of humanity is so fucking compelling. drives me nuts
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jellydishes · 2 years
Gerry smiled. "May I have your name?"
The vampire blinked rapidly at him. "Michael? No, wait…"
Gerry sighed, somewhat disappointed. "Out of everything about fairies you could have known, the one thing you do is incorrect. It was never about the name itself, you see," he said, tipping his head so that his hair tumbled in front of what had become a more crooked expression. Something that was not so obvious as a toothy vampiric grin, but one that tilted up and up and up. "It was about giving tacit permission to have power over you. Much like inviting a vampire into your home, you see? Now never give it to any other fae ever again."
"But you said-"
"And you weren't listening."
"Wh- I- There was that bit about iron, but I don't have anything like that lying around, cold or hot?"
Another sigh. "If you'd ever happened to read Francis Grose's 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue -honestly, the state of education in this country- you would know that cold iron would be a sword or anything else meant for cutting or stabbing. How have you gotten this far without knowing the slightest thing about the supernatural?" Gerry added, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he crossed his arms. "You must've had one shit teacher, if they left you floundering like an abandoned baby seal."
"Teacher? You mean whatever turned me into this?" Michael's face twisted with some combination of emotions that went by too fast to read. "I'm sorry, but you've got to be joking. I haven't had a teacher since high school."
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undressmewithyoureyes · 9 months
Let There Be Light - Forty One
**Ghost’s POV**
               The ride back to base with Laswell was a quiet one. I think she knew better than to ask me anything or speak, nonetheless. My body was tense, and my mind was going a mile a minute. I had so much on my mind, and I was trying to think of a game plan that would allow me to get Harley back.
               ‘That will be the last time you will ever lay eyes on her again’. Michaels words sent chills down my spine as they replayed over in my head like a broken record. I had to find her; she was my everything and I would kill anyone that tried to stop me.
               The SUV came to a stop at the base, and I was quickly out of my thoughts. What was once our ‘new home’ now felt like an abandoned facility. Without her, I felt like I was nothing. Price, Gaz and Soap were standing off staring at our SUV waiting for us to get out. I could already hear Price now “You fucked this up Simon” and I dared him to even utter those words. Captain or not, I tried my fucking best.
               I get out and head in their direction. “Briefing room,” Price says the closer I got. They all turned, and we all headed into the room I was now beginning to hate. The briefing room felt like a dead end that would lead to nowhere and just hopeless dreams.
               Alejandro and Rudy were already in there when I opened the door and the look on their faces said it all – ‘I’m sorry’. My glance at them was brief as I took my usual chair away from everyone. I hadn’t put my mask on yet and honestly, I didn’t want to. What was the point? The enemy had seen my face and now I knew without a shadow of a doubt, everyone was soon going to see who Ghost was.
               The briefing room filled with my familiar people ad everyone took their same seats. Soap sat next to me and couldn’t seem to look me in the eye. I hated it. I lost Harley and now I feel like I’m also losing my best friend too.
               “Johnny,” I say under my breath to where only he could hear me. He doesn’t look at me but cocks his head to the side. “I tried my best.” He nods his head slowly before dropping it. I watch him as tears fall from his eyes.
               “The Ghost I knew wouldn’t have given a fuck. He would have tried harder, and he would had been successful.” His words stabbed me in the heart as I watched him get up from his chair and move closer to Alejandro and Rudy. The sad part about it, he was right. I let my emotions get in the way which was something I never did. I could never blame Harley for it. I allowed myself to become more human that a war machine that I was taught to be.
               Price cleared his throat, eyeing me as I came out of my thoughts. “I think we all have a lot on our minds right now,” he started. I stared back at him as I felt all eyes one me. I fucked up. “I think it goes without saying that other precautions could have taken place, but,” he pauses as he lights a cigar and blows out a puff of smoke, “What’s done is done. Now we have to fix it.”
               I hang my head as I not only put Harley and my life at risk, I cost one of ours, their life. “Before we proceed, I would like to take a moment of silence for our beloved brother Nik. May he rest in peace on the other side.” I could hear the hurt in Price’s voice. Him and Nik weren’t the closest, but they damn sure were always there for each other.
               The room fell quiet as everyone just seemed to stay as still as possible. Every minute felt like a minute wasted that we could have been thinking of a plan to fix this. To fix my fuck up. The ticking of the clock on the wall was becoming too loud with each tick on the second. My heart began to race faster than my thoughts and before I knew it, I was standing, and everyone was looking at me.
               “Sit Simon,” Price told me coldly. The glare in his eyes was unfamiliar to me but familiar to his enemies.
               “I-I’m sorry,” I stutter out. I felt this lump in my throat form, and it was getting harder to speak. “I did som-something that I swore I-I would never do and it co-costed me. It cost the team,” I take in a deep breath. “I truly am s-sorry.” The feeling inside of me was something I hadn’t felt in a long time, and I swore to myself that I wouldn’t allow myself to feel it again – but when you shake a closed bottle long enough, it too will bust.
               “I believe you had good intentions amigo,” Alejandro replied breaking the silence, “But this is something far bigger and now there has been fuel added to the fire.”
               Price ashes out his cigar and takes in a breath, “Lets just hope we can fix it.” I sit back down in my chair and listen to the intel that Laswell and Price had found. My mind was scattered at everything that had happened over the last two days. The bits and pieces I had heard was there had been a hit at one of Michaels properties in Germany and it was possible that they would be there. All of us would load up, drop in and kill almost everyone – interrogate the ones who were still alive, get the intel and kill the remaining survivors.
               “Simon you with us?” Price asks.
               “Yes sir,” I respond in almost a whisper.
               “Lets all take ten and meet back here. I think some fresh air would do some good,” he tells us. Everyone gets up and starts to head out, but I remain seated like I’m glued to my seat – everyone but Laswell.
               “She’s a tough one,” she says as she takes the seat beside me.
               I turn my head to look at her and the look in her eyes told me that she knew what I was going though. “You know, I lost someone dear to me in a similar situation,” she says as she hangs her head down fiddling with the bottom of her shirt. “It was the worst pain in the world. Working in the jobs we work in, its always a great feeling to rescue and save people,” she says before pausing, “But with great responsibility also come great risks.”
               She was right. Never let your guard down. “I thought what I was doing at the time was the right thing and I should have known better,” I tell her as I watch her play with her shirt.
               “We all do Ghost. In those moments we don’t think straight and almost any idea that runs through our mind is the right one. We look for the easiest way out and almost all the time, that isn’t the right way,” she says looking at me and giving me a warm smile. “I think she will be okay. She is too much of an asset for them to just kill or throw away.”
               “But why?” I asked her confused.
               Laswell takes in a deep breath, “You know, I am still trying to figure that one out. Yes, she’s this weapon that they created, but I feel like there is more and I don’t know what.”
               “Do you think she knows?” I ask.
               “No,” she says as she shakes her head. “She thought Michael was a saint before we showed her the proof. I think she is just as confused as we all are.” I take in her words as she gets up from her chair, “You need to get some fresh air. It will be good for you,” she says while giving me a warm smile.
               I nod my head and slowly get up from my seat. Michael keeping Harley alive as an asset was one of the things I constantly thought about and couldn’t put my finger on to why. I walk out of the room, turn the corner and bump into Soap.
               “Johnny,” I say his name again. He doesn’t acknowledge me and walks past me, bumping into me on purpose. I reach out and grab his arm before jerking him back, “Look,” I say harshly, “I know I fucked up, but none of you were there. None of you thought to interfere and in that moment, I thought I was doing what was best. I fucked up! I’m human, so if you want to get mad at me for what I thought was right, then get fucking pissed – but none of you attempted anything!”
               Soap tensed at my words, and I watched his face go from pure rage to a softened one. “LT,” he begins, “We all know that you tried your best, but the Ghost we kno-“.
               I cut him off, “You all have to stop with the old Ghost! He’s still in here Johnny, but when you have two guns held to your head and your watching your girl,” I paused, “Your girl pregnant with your child get fucked by another man as torture, there’s not much you can do! I tried Johnny! I fucking tried!” I yelled out before my voice cracked.
               In a split second, Soap grabbed me in a hug as I tried my best to contain my emotions. “I tried,” I kept saying through sobs. No one had asked me what had happened or why I didn’t intervene. Everyone knows how I am and the fact that I didn’t do anything should say something. I.fucking.tried.
               The harder I cried; the harder Soap hugged me. “I’m sorry LT. I didn’t know,” he says to me. Little did I know, the rest of the team was right there and heard it all too. No one knew. They just assumed that I had become weak – and to a certain extent I had, but now I’m full of rage and hate. Every mission from here on out regarding Michael fucking Gravely, I was going to leave my mark as a message that I was coming.
               Simon “Ghost” Riley was coming.  
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Completely forgot to write this into the draft but Michael would have just sat down at the desk, spun around in the chair a bit, then noticed one of those little plaques sitting on the desk with the words “Head Archivist” engraved on it.
Cue buffering/loading/dial-up noises, followed by the sound of his head completely exploding. /hj
Although, it would honestly be even funnier if he saw it, assumed it got mixed up in his stuff somehow, (or just got left there from when this was Gertrude’s office), and went to Jon to ask him if he could take it to Elias for him.
And Jon just gives him a weird look- “…Why. Do you want another one?” (Sarcastically)
“What? No- I- I just wanted to give this to someone so they can return it to-“ a little stab of pain upon remembering that Gertrude is no longer head archivist, as he’d just been about to say her name… “um. Wh-who’s… who… will be taking over for… Gertrude…”
And Jon is just looking at Michael like he’s just asked what color his own hair is, before apparently realizing something and sighing so VERY heavily-
“They didn’t- Tim. Tim didn’t tell you anything, did he.”
“Well they were going very well out of their way not to- hold on- wait. Wait, you don’t mean-? You don’t mean ME-“
And THAT’S when his head explodes. /j
Thoughts about this below the cut, just in case anyone wants to know why it’s Michael instead of Jon, cause I know it seems unrealistic, but I swear to you, there is thought and reasoning behind this.
So… look at this from Elias’s perspective for a moment, if you will.
Jon, obviously, was hired in the hopes of having him replace Gertrude eventually, which would get Jonah’s plan under way. But there is a problem for him with this, and it is, unfortunately, a person. And people aren’t predictable. They do not do what you want them to do, no matter how hard you try to get them to do it. No matter how many strings you tie around their necks, they will wind up finding a way to follow some other path than the one you’re guiding them along.
Michael is a problem for him.
He had thought he could get rid of him by pulling him back into the archives and setting the whole thing on fire, but somehow… he was more than aware that some power was trying to interfere. But he wouldn’t let it take control of his archive.
No. He had to stop it, somehow, and there was only one thing he could do about it.
He had to put Michael in charge.
The man was underqualified enough. And Gertrude had done the job of preventing him from having access to any of the knowledge he’d have actually needed in order to run the archives, so naturally, Jonah could control him as far as he would need to. It was all just a matter of sinking the correct links into him, tethering to whatever boulder he needed to, and letting it roll him off of a cliff.
If he proved to be useful, then all the better for him, he supposed.
[ I don’t like thinking with Elias/Jonah’s brain at ALL-
His mind legitimately feels like it’s rotten. No, not “oh he’s a bad, rotten guy”, I mean currently ROTTING or some shit. To the point where all the bits that might have contained his humanity and empathy are gone, and only the “necessary” bits are still there. A corroded, inhuman mess. Guh. I wish I could wash that shit off or something- (/lh-ish) ]
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peculiarbob · 11 months
I watched the FNAF movie so here are some of my thoughts (full spoilers):
-I think we all knew he was gonna be William Afton but I was still happy when he showed up in the springtrap costume
-Why is Michael kinda….
-The height difference between Matthew Lillard and Josh Hutcherson is so funny
-Abby was so cute! She really embodied weird little girl vibes
-Vanessa! You poor thing, you didn’t deserve any of that
-I did not expect her to get stabbed
-And I really didn’t expect William to be HER DAD
-The fort building scene??? I loved it so much it was so cute
-The animatronics really felt like they were possessed by kids (at some points)
-The cupcake was a menace!
-The whole kidnapping of Garret is so odd?
-Like they’re probably gonna explain it better in the next movie (I think they’re gonna make at least 1 more)
-I like to think that Michael’s memory is wrong in some way. So much doesn’t add up with that we know from the lore but also with what is shown to us in the movie.
-Also Michael, Abby, and Garret not being Aftons changes so much!
-But obviously they’re connected somehow. Once William saw Michael’s last name he switched up. I’m very curious as to how this story will progress.
-I think the spring lock scene was good. It’s a pg-13 movie, I wasn’t expecting too much gore
-“I always come back!”
-Honestly this movie wasn’t what I thought it would be. I thought there would be more security camera stuff, closing doors and all that
(I actually went to see it again so I’m here again to finish up this post)
-Since when could they leave the pizzeria?!?! I’m not incredibly caught up on the lore but I thought they couldn’t do that
-Also the aunty died right? What ever happened with her????
-I need to say this: was the scene where Abby draws William killing the kids then the kids turn in William kinda cheesy? Yes. Did it make sense? Yes.
-Also I feel like I’m one of the few people who had a good theatre experience.
-Like yeah there were kids making noise, but it wasn’t too loud and their parents were able to get them to quiet down. Usually I get frustrated with kids making noise in a theatre but they all sounded like they were having fun and they really enjoyed the movie so I couldn’t get mad
-Max didn’t deserve that! I almost forgot about her. Like yeah she was spying on Michael but she didn’t deserve to get chopped in half
-The way this movie was shot was so well done. I love all the close ups and zooms and it was really nice to look at
-William fucking BODIED Michael. Bro went flying.
-Vanessa’s fear in her eyes when her own father stabbed her. She knew the risk the second she stepped in but that doesn’t diminish how terrifying it must’ve been for her.
-I loved Vanessa’s childlike happiness. We don’t see it too often but you can tell how much she loved Freddy’s. The part where she asked Michael to dance felt so innocent
-Very random thought but why can Abby see the ghosts? Was it ever explained in any books or the lore? Because she saw them before they went to the pizzeria right? Or were those actual imaginary friends?
-I really should’ve went into this movie with the mindset of “anything could happen” because, like most people, I know a bit of the lore so a lot of the big changes really threw me off
I think these are all me thoughts (for now)
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Movie Review | The Brave One (Jordan, 2007)
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I didn't get around to it at the time, but I do remember being sort of interested in seeing this back in my teenage years. In part because Ebert wrote a three-and-a-half-star review and because I thought Foster looked cool on the DVD cover pointing a gun, but also in part because of the genre. At the time I still hadn't wrapped my head around the idea of genres not being inherently good or bad, so the idea of a revenge thriller seemed enticing because revenge = dark and gritty. Also, the idea of an elevated revenge thriller seemed especially enticing because I was still somewhat beholden to ideas of "good" taste, and enjoying a straight ahead genre exercise seemed a little too base while enjoying something like this was a bit more acceptable because it was making baser subject matter material better. These days I'm happy to watch Charles Bronson blow people away in movies that seem patched together with scotch tape, but back then I was a bit of a pretentious doofus. I'm sure it's real exciting to hear me reminisce about the time I considered watching a movie but didn't follow through.
Anyway, I don't think anyone really thinks about this one anymore, but I liked it enough. Jodie Foster acts so little these days that it's nice to go back and watch any of her roles and see how good she could be, and she unsurprisingly brings a lot of depth and texture to this. Honestly, it would have been kind of interesting to see her give a performance of this calibre in something schlockier for lack of a better word (I'm thinking like Robert Forster in Vigilante, which for the record is a very well directed movie, but you get what I'm saying). This is of course about the psychological toll of becoming a vigilante, but I'll say that Neil Jordan does not condescend to the genre like you might have gotten with, like, Michael Haneke at the helm. The violence does feel visceral and there are some interesting, if heavy handed, visual choices, even if they're undermined by the slickness of the 2000s studio craft.
There are also stabs at sketching out New York City as a melting pot, mostly by changing up the ethnicities of the criminals Foster blows away. This is also a movie that conveys the heroine's transformation through wardrobe, as she goes from dressing like a high schooler to dressing like an adult. The call-in radio show scene presages a similar element in the 2018 Death Wish, and you know both movies at some point are gonna end up on the Criterion Channel under a series called Elevated Vengeance or some shit. Also, absolutely the wrong reaction to this very serious movie and a particularly upsetting scene, but I chuckled when Larry Fessenden shows up as a mariticidal maniac. Anyway, the ending is pretty dumb but this is a pretty solid effort otherwise.
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In honor of you meeting Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lillard congratulations by the way! (I’m new here but saw you met them so like WOW! That’s the dream) I was wondering I I could ask you what you personal favorite line from each Ghostface in the Scream movies is?
I’m shy so is it okay that I stay anonymous? I’ll just use the emoji 🔪 for any future asks I love your work btw and absolutely love scream :)
Well, fuck me, I think I can do that! Let's run down the list.
Billy Loomis: "Sure it is, Sid. It's all a movie. It's all one great big movie. Only you can't pick your genre." Something about this, just fucking hits, right in the chest, the way he says it, the look on his face, I do not know, I love it.
Stu Macher: ''You take a knife and you slit 'em from groin to sternum.'' Seriously another one that I just adore, it is so telling to his character, I think about it often.
And a specfic one as Ghostface from the first Scream that hits is, "Scary night isn't it? With the murders and all. It's like right out of a horror movie or something." A little more unconventional but it is during the first call Sidney ever gets from Ghostface, so it only feels right to pick it man.
Mickey Altieri: "You should really deal with your trust issues Sid: I mean, poor Derek. He's completely innocent and such a nice boy too. He's bright and funny and handsome. Decent singing voice. And he was going to be a doctor. This is just the kinda boy you'd like to take home to mom. If you had a mom." So fucked up but the delivery of it man just gets me and gets me hard, also life imitating art, imitating life is up there.
Nancy Loomis/Debbie Salt: "Not wise to patronize me with a gun, Sidney. Randy spoke poorly of Billy, and I got a little knife happy." Again while I don't like Nancy a lot, the delivery was a serve.
Scream 2 Ghostface: "Have you ever felt a knife cut through human flesh... and scrape the bone beneath?" Noooo I have not but fuck me, do I want to!
Roman Bridger: "Variety called me a "pariah". I don't even know what a "pariah" is." Honestly very fucking funny line and delivery, I can give it up for that, second place is, "I'm about to turn 30, and it looks like I might be the next target". I, too, am about to turn 30 and would like to be the next victim, please.
Scream 3 Ghostface: "She's got a nice little... voice." The way it is said is like, okay! I see you!
Charlie Walker: "Shhh... It doesn't happen as fast as it does in the movies, I know." Yeah this was the moment I was like okay, okay, I get it. He's got something about him.
Jill Roberts: "You just won't die, will you? Who are you, Michael fucking Myers?" If I have to pick one from her, it's this one.
Scream 4 Ghostface: "I'm gonna slit your eyelids in half so you don't blink when I stab you in the face." Like it would be any other one man, come the fuck on.
Amber Freeman: "Welcome to act three." Again, the delivery, the cunt in it, yes. Also, "Yeah, and he died like a pussy!"
Richie Kirsch: "Oh, thank god, you're still alive. Because I really wanted to be the one to kill you". Again, low tier Ghostface but a good line with solid delivery.
Scream 5 Ghostface: "It's an honour." Like it'd be anything else COME ON.
Jason Carvey: "Alright, fine. It was even better than we could have imagined. And when the knife, went in her, it's like… she wasn't a human anymore. Just an animal. And everytime when I went in, she was less… Less human… And then? She was… just meat." Hot, so, so hot.
Ethan Landry: "I've always wanted to stick something in you, Tara!" Obviously it has to be this one, fuck.
Quinn Bailey: "I got Stu Macher's mask. He was my favorite." Bitch same!
Wayne Bailey: "All the best lies are based from the hard truth." Dude fucking sucks and ACAB always but I mean this hits.
Scream 6 Ghostface: "Who gives a fuck about movies?" I mean I do, way too much, but good shit man!
Okay and these are my picks, hope it is detailed enough man.
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Omen 15
Summary: Takes place in 13x22. You refused to let your brothers, Cas, and Gabriel go into the alternate universe without you. Little did you know what hell was about to hit….
Words: 1,465
Pairings: Gabriel x Reader
(A/n: Chapter 14 is listed at Chapter 15. This was made in error when the chapter was published) 
Chapter 14
“Why do you want to help us? I mean, you did give my boyfriend to Evil Colonel Sanders. Why are you so desperate to get involved in the fight?”
Loki shrugged, giving you an innocent smile.
“Maybe the fact that I like to live? Even I know that if that other Michael isn’t stopped shit is going to get worse for all of us. Yes, that means you too, princess.”
You scowled at Loki. As much as you wanted to deck the creep in the face, you decided not to.
“Do me a solid, Loki. Never call me any pet names if you want to live. I can bet you money that Gabriel will not be the least bit happy to see you. If you could not antagonize him, that would be most appreciated.”
Loki scoffed.
“Why am I worried about one archangel?”
You held up the hand that held your engagement ring. Loki’s eyes widened seeing the canary diamond ring.
“Maybe the fact that Gabriel is extremely protective of me…and I think you know what I mean. He also has all of his strength back so he can smite you with a grin on his face. There is also the fact that I have our universe Michael on my side too. He has some strange appreciation of me now. Two archangels against one demigod don’t seem like a fair fight. You can take your pick.”
Loki blinked a few times.
“So, did you say that your name is Y/n?”
You nodded, it was your turn to smirk. The snarky little smile was wiped right off of Loki’s face and you loved it.
“Yes, that is my name. If I wanted to be a total ass, I could make you call me ma’am but I’m not that cruel.”
Loki looked as if he was suddenly regretting his life choices. If he split, you wouldn’t have been entirely shocked. He was quiet a moment before sighing.
“Y/n it is.”
You nodded before motioning back toward the hotel where Michael was waiting.
“Alright. Now that we both understand each other.”
You turned and started in the direction of your hotel. Loki waited a moment before chasing after you. You knew that he was behind you whining about not wanting to deal with archangels. Something told you that both Gabriel and Michael really wouldn’t want to deal with him either…so the feeling was mutual.
Time will have to tell on that one.
You thought as the two of you stepped into the room. Michael still sat on the bed fact-checking his bible documentary. He didn’t look up when you stepped in. You shook your head before turning to Loki who was giving Michael a frown. It was obvious that the demigod was questioning if this was really one of heaven’s most terrifying weapons.
“This is Michael…every house should have one.”
You murmured before going to the TV and turning it off. Michael jumped up, looking totally offended. He still had no idea that you had even been out of the room.
“I was watching that, human!”
You rolled your eyes.
“My name is Y/n, While you have been a fact checker, I found us another helper. Michael this is Loki.”
Michael turned around and looked at Loki as if he were surveying a bug. He knew exactly who this being was and Michael wanted to rip Loki limb from limb.
“So this is the…thing that sold my brother to a prince of hell?”
“Yeah, that would be him.”
You replied, reluctantly. Michael narrowed his eyes and for a moment, you wondered if Loki was going to explode. Nervously, you put a hand on Michael’s arm.
“Michael, can I talk to you over here?”
Michael didn’t take his sneering face off Loki as he followed you to the other side of the room. You reached out and turned Michael to look at you.
“Look, Michael, I don’t like this any more than you do but if we are going to go up against alternate you…we need all of the help that we can get. I don’t like Loki in the slightest. Honestly, I want to stab the man but he’s another body in our fight.”
Loki, meanwhile, raised an eyebrow.
“I feel so welcome.”
You chose to ignore his snide comment and kept your gaze locked on the archangel in front of you. Michael finally relented.
“Very well. I trust your judgment…even though you are wearing black boots.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“What is wrong with my boots?”
Michael pointed to your feet.
“You aren’t supposed to wear black before the American Labor Day holiday.”
Michael smirked when you rolled your eyes at him.
“Michael, no one listens to that, and forget my boots. I’m going to call Sam to let him know where we are. I’m going to need to butter Gabriel up really well. He is going to freak out when he sees this joker.”
Michael made a “hmm” sound before going to sit down on the bed as you took out your phone and texted Sam your address.
Sam was pacing around the living room. He was a nervous wreck! The day had been going from bad to worse. Not only was he mentally dealing with Dean saying yes to Michael but now he was worried about you. From your safety to Gabriel potentially ending the relationship and Sam being the one that would have to deal with the fallout…he was mentally done.
“I’m not going to break up with her.”
Gabriel grumbled from his place on the couch. Sam stopped walking.
“I sure as hell hope not. Y/n doesn’t need your crap, Gabriel. You asked her to marry you and you can’t run now.”
Gabriel crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the ground in front of him. He wasn’t going to run. Gabriel couldn’t even justify why he even opened his mouth about potentially leaving you. It never would have happened. If he had, Gabriel would be back begging you for forgiveness within days. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to stay away.
You really were like “Angel Kryptonite.” Gabriel would never be able to tell you no or stay away even if he wanted to. You were the one weakness that he had. All it took was one little look from you and Gabriel was a mess.
Sam freezing and pulling his phone out made Gabriel look up.
“I found her!”
Gabriel and Cas both jumped up as well.
Gabriel asked. Sam held out his phone. He didn’t have the will to consider fighting Gabriel on getting to you. Sam knew that Gabriel would just punch him aside in order to get to you.
“Good enough. Hang on.”
You stood looking between Michael and Loki. Neither had said a word since coming to a joint agreement to “put up” with each other in order to achieve the greater good. Shaking your head, you silently wished that you were able to get your bottle of booze. It was going to take a lot of alcohol to deal with these two.
You said with a smile. At the moment, you didn’t care to pay a few dollars for a can of soda. Glancing over your shoulder, you met Michael’s gaze.
“I’m going to get some ice.”
Michael nodded curtly.
“I’ll keep an eye on him.”
You shook your head for the millionth time that night and stepped out of the room. As soon as the door was closed a pair of arms went around your waist and you were slammed into a hard body. Coughing, you looked up to see Gabriel wrapped around you.
You barely squeaked his name out before he started kissing you. He was clearly as thrilled to see you as you were him. After not leaving each other on good terms, knowing the other was alive and well meant everything. Neither of you cared that Cas and Sam were watching awkwardly.
Neither Gabriel nor yourself was in the mood to let the other go. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders while Gabriel wrapped one arm around your waist to keep your body against his. Twirling your fingers in Gabriel’s curls, you sighed against his mouth.
Gabriel was the first to break the kiss. He looked down at you with a clearly happy smile.
“Sugar, what were you thinking? I have been so worried.”
You quickly kissed him again, hoping to avoid any arguments that Gabriel could make.
“I’m sorry. I just can’t risk losing Dean to Michael. None of this was to hurt you.”
You suddenly remembered that Loki was sitting on the opposite side of the wall. Wincing, you couldn’t help but wonder if this hotel had decent insurance. Something told you that they were going to need it.
“Gabriel, before we go in there, I want to warn you that we have someone on our side that you aren’t going to like. I need you to trust me, okay.”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow as you opened the door.
“Sugar, nothing could bother me now that I am with you…oh my dad is that Loki?”
You sighed and quickly followed Gabriel in. Loki stood up with a smirk on his face.
“Gabriel, I’ve met your little princess. She’s cute.”
You gave Loki a “go to hell” look as Gabriel’s eyes started to glow bright gold. Shoving yourself between the two, you threw your arms around Gabriel’s shoulders hoping to break his concentration.
“Gabriel, stop. Please. There are a lot of innocent people in this hotel that doesn’t deserve to die. Please, I’m with you. I love you.”
Gabriel’s eyes calmed as he wrapped an arm around you possessively. He gave Loki a look that clearly said, “Try me, bitch.”
“What nothing to say?”
Loki questioned. Gabriel turned suddenly and threw Loki into the wall with a flick of his wrist. Michael was on his feet and ready to attack without even being asked. You stood blinking a few times as Sam and Cas moved out of the way. Neither clearly wanted to tangle with either angel.
You reached out for Gabriel again but he wiggled away and was going after Loki.
You snapped. Michael, Loki, and Gabriel all froze and turned to look at you.
“Stop fighting. If we are going to be fighting then we will never be able to take down Michael.”
“You all should listen to Gabriel’s little Ms. Pretty.”
Everyone turned around to see Lucifer sitting at the table with a shit-eating grin on his face. Your mouth dropped as Sam scowled. This was the last thing that you expected.
Michael said calmly. Lucifer grinned.
“It's so good to see you all. I’m glad I got your message, Mikey. It warms my heart to see everyone that I hate in the same room.”
Gabriel moved back to his place beside you. He protectively wrapped his arms around your waist holding you again close to him. Lucifer stood up.
“You two are breaking my heart. Is that a diamond on a certain little finger, Y/n? What have you done to my brother?”
You scowled at Lucifer. Deep down you wouldn’t be too upset if he exploded. Your hatred of Loki and Lucifer rivaled each other. One moment you hated one and the next you hated the other.
“Don’t talk to her.”
Gabriel snapped. Lucifer raised an eyebrow. He considered making a “must be some good pussy” comment but decided not to. Something on his younger brother’s face told him that Gabriel wasn’t up to play.
You, meanwhile, looked around the beyond tense atmosphere of the room. You stepped away from Gabriel and looked at all of the faces in the room. Michael was still scowling at Loki. Gabriel was glaring at Loki then turning to glare at Lucifer. Lucifer, meanwhile, was grinning like a damned fool.
“It's safe to say that no one likes being in this room but it's for good reason. If we don’t do something about the other Michael…we may not be here much longer. He also has my brother and I can not accept that. If the lot of you can’t get along for Dean’s sake then do it to save your own skin. In the mean time, we have to find some way to get along. Let's get through this next little bit then we can all get back to killing each other.”
You watched with a satisfied sigh as everyone appeared to nod reluctantly. Michael put Loki down while Lucifer moved to sit down in front of the TV. Gabriel came back to you, looking apologetic.
“Sorry, sugar plum.”
You reached out to cup his cheek.
“Want to come outside with me?”
You asked. Gabriel was totally relived to have any excuse to get out of the room and have some alone time with you.
“Gladly, those pretty lips need some attention…”
@amelie-black @justfinishthis @knreidy1 @jessyballet @georgeweasleydumbhoe @acciosiriusblack @siriuslyceleste @coffeeaddictednymph @millies0bsimp @fific7 @rogue-nyx88 @readtomeregulus @starsval @daddyslittlevillain @panpride @saramaple @f4iryluvy @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @missgorldafirst @buttercup-beeee @padf00ts-l0ver @goldensunshineshit @haroldpotterson @aurorasnape12 @stelleduarte @mentally-unstable-hoe @quinis @lostarc @un-lovesherself @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @yousmellllikecaca @play-morezeppelin @ravenhood2792 @bennyberry @rubyroscoe1 @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @criminalyetminimal @ad-astra-again @lucasfilms77 @spideyxalmighty @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @shaylybaby2032 @emiwrites3reads @knight-of-gleefulness @shitfaceddaniel-blog @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @li0nh34rt @tas898 @mycuddlycorner @melaninnbarbie @marichromatic
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💀🪓 for the ask game
💀 - which headmate would most likely be cancelled: honestly, it's hard to say. I think Michael might be the closest cause he does like stabbing people and also subjects them to the Torture Labyrinth (/hj) soo....
🪓 - which headmate would be most likely to go to jail: HOH boy uh. That could honestly fit a lot of us for various reasons but I say me or Aldrich. Me for petty crime, Aldrich for uh. Murder, probably
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