#honestly this episode kicked ass fuck the haters
beekneebabey · 1 year
--Not my girl Sally!!!! I don't mean to be dismissive of anyone's life but honestly as a fellow failed actor hiding out in a tiny town and changing my name so I can work some ass minimum wage job??? Worst case scenario!!!!!
--I actually can't deal with Clark and Emily this is so much
--Fine Bill you did a good time jump but if you don't show me Hank next week I am going to fucking flip out
--John my sweet boy not even you can escape the horrors unscathed and I'm so sorry!!!!!!!!
--I honestly loved this episode and I was NOT expecting to
--PRESUMED DEAD??????? MR. COUSINEAU?????????????
--Wow hearing Sally say his name was so shocking
--Another last line that shot me into space I cannot keep DOING this with you Barry we have to fucking chill
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figgymoto · 3 months
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Bestie, no. You can make him worse.
Actually, scratch that – that boy needs no help being worse. He can do bad life decisions on his own. Ash Ketchum needs no help in being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
He's the equivalent of one of those haunted dolls your grandmother buys at a garage sale – the one that haunts your home for generations to come and looks smug as fuck while doing it.
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But this isn't about him, not right now. I'll get to him. I'll be living up to my equal opportunity hater M.O. don't worry. His time will come — depending on who you ask, his time has already happened. Cough cough -- learn how to write your character's journeys linearly pokeani -- cough cough
No, this is about Serena and how she got jipped by the anime. I'm not much of an anime watcher, haven't really seen much beyond the first ten episodes of DP – before you come here with, "oh, figgy, you don't know anything about XY."
Listen, figgy knows shit. Maybe not a lot of shit about the anime, but figgy knows their shit about the games. And XY are still some of my favorite games in the series. I like the story, the villain, the ending. And I fucking love Serena in these games.
She's a strong female character. Not much unlike Misty in the os. She has a path already set up for her – mother a Ryhorn racer – she has a PATH. And yet, she defies it. She doesn't want to be a Ryborn racer, she doesn't know what she wants to be.
But, she learns.
Game Serena has her friends to help, her friends to be her rivals -- she has growth. She grows. Sure, anime Serena has growth in the Pokémon Showcases, those are sexist af and make the horrors that are Hoenn look like a fucking sanctuary.
And then pokespe Serena. Oh, Yvonne Gabena. My dear.
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Yvonne would have kicked Ash's ass if he ever made her feel like a glorified coat rack. She chooses violence. As she should, honestly.
Yvonne outright goes against her mother's wish for her to follow in her footsteps — she becomes a flying trainer on her own, of her own volition. She makes and carves her own path without the pressure of outside forces. Does she have her friends by her side? Yeah. Do they help her to see her wishes come to life? Yes. Do they outright change her trajectory or make her be something Yvonne is not? No.
And that is how a strong, female heroine should be. This is the Serena that we should have seen in the XY anime — the strong, female lead who makes her own story.
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If the drug dealer knows you fucked up, you know you fucked up.
Serena should have thrown that backpack and jacket right back at Ash, then gone to kick that trainer's ass just to prove a fucking point.
Listen, all I'm saying is that if pokeani weren't such fucking COWARDS, we could've had another badass female character who was in control of her own story – not just a stepping stone for the haunted victorian child to get another notch in his uber haunted belt.
XY should've been a series that looked at Serena, even Clemont or Bonnie, and said – haha, get haunted, idiot. It's a massive disservice to both the Pokémon company and to the fans who have gotten them this far.
Anyway, that's all for now. Figgy out.
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swizzee · 2 years
Ok ok, I don’t have any art to share cause I’m in the heat of the moment but I need to rave about the new ToH episode for a second
I was bummed about the leaks and made it my mission to go spoiler free until the premiere so I could enjoy it the way Diana intended
I love all the new lore we’ve just got from the new episode cause it really ties everything from season two in. The ancient rival races of collectors and titans killing each other off so one race could prevail but then their endlings become…. Friends? Also the supreme being of the universe is literally a toddler? So silly, so perfect. One thing I’m dying to learn more about is the collector code cause it’s hinted about a tiny bit and also how the Collector just changed it cause he wanted to play hide and seek?? SO SILLY. King literally reads it and doesn’t question anything, he walks down the halls of the palace and ignores the depictions of his ANCESTORS LITERALLY GETTING MURDERED!!? Hello sir your fat head is hiding the lore! I am excited to see King learn the full extent of his powers cause if they’re equally as powerful as the Collector’s, the final show down is gonna kick ass!
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One of my biggest regrets was embracing literally every Thanks to Them spoiler I could get my fingers on so the whole story was kinda meh when I actually watched it. One thing that no one even bothered mentioning was all the Star Trek references! The whole season we learn about how Luz’s parents got together over a shared love of Star Trek. Gus and Hunter dress up the whole episode, I mean twist my arm and kiss my soul Diana!! I love Star Trek so much, almost as much as I love crossovers. So Star Trek x any of my other interests? Just steal my heart already!
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BEAM ME UP??? Hunter dressed as Data, Gus as maybe Riker or Forge??? I am in love
Willow coping with her emotions and her friends helping her realize she’s more than just the rock of the group was so wonderful and really embraced so much of the Willow character development we never got to see. Her and hunter holding hands at the end was adorable too. Fingers crossed for a tiny cheek kiss by the end of the next special 🤞
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Luz and her mom finally being able to understand each other was so adorable and done with so much passion, the whole scene left me in tears. Her mom relating back to Luz of how she was a weird, nerdy kid in high school and just wanted to protect her daughter from relentless bullying honestly hit way to close to home. I’ve always been a weird kid (ie. Sci Fi enthusiast, artsy fartsy, lover of cartoons, hater of sports) and have had the same conversations Luz had with her mom in season one. “You need to calm down, try to relate to other kids more. There’s nothing wrong with you, you might just be a bit… much for some people”. It broke my heart seeing their strained relationship but that just made me even more in awe of them bonding over their weird passion.
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“All I ever wanted was to be understood”. She’s just like me fr ☹️💔
Luz’s palesman reveal was so long awaited by everyone and Diana definitely did not disappoint. I saw so many videos on theories about her palesman but I never considered every single theory would be right lmao. Anyway, string bean is so perfect and a great reflection of how Luz is so much more than a silly otter or a sulking sparrow, she embodies everything. I love String Bean, especially all the different forms they offer for her, can’t wait to draw all of them!!!
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More girlfriend content! I love them sm, mmmm young love, so yummy, GET IN MY MOUTH EGGEGEGDHJDJKE 🤬💖
I understand that the third season was meant to be more than three specials but tbh, I can’t imagine seeing such a beautiful piece of artistry separated into episodes. The colors, character designs, plot, everything. It was all leaps and bounds ahead of Thanks to Them so my hopes are even higher for Watching and Searching
This is one of my favorite screen caps, enjoy!
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The glittery eyes, the flowing tears, the way the light reflects off her face in a way the separates her from the scenery??? PLEASE OH MY GOD IT WILL KILL ME VGFTVGTDVGYDGVHDHUCUDHCUDJ
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vampirekangaroo · 2 years
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So my week has been rather craptastic for the most part. The best part of my week was legit being so restless I watched She-Hulk this week at 3 in the morning after watching Chucky and the 23897 things that recorded Wednesday.
I legit was smiling so hard despite feeling like hell cause I felt tired but could not sleep. Like melatonin tired (cause I took half a dose) and still couldn’t sleep. And of course not to wake my whole house up I decided to kick my bed like a teenager and let out a soundless EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I literally texted that to my friend who watches it too at 3:30 lol. She was confused, I told her look at the time I sent it.
But seriously like that episode was so perfect and I everything I wanted it to be. Cause Jen is amazing okay? And people who don’t realize that and all the haters can suck it. I hope eventually She Hulk and Daredevil are in the avengers okay. I hope she has a reason to go to New York and be on that show so they can hook up again okay? And like in that bar scene when she’s talking to the crowd....oh lord. You bet your ass I was silently mouthing to the screen, YES JEN, WE ALL FEEL IT. GET YOU SOME MATT MURDOCK GIRL YOU DESERVE IT AFTER ALL THE FUCKBOYS THIS SEASON! LET US ALL LIVE VICARIOUSLY THROUGH YOU FOR THE NIGHT!
But seriously, kinda sorta, I was really impressed at this bigger entrance into the MCU for him. The only difference between the Netflix show (other than the costume) is that we got to see him mostly happy the whole episode. And honestly after EVERYTHING Matt has been through, can we not just enjoy he was fucking happy for thirty something minutes?! Like come on. Plus the brooding line made me ridiculously happy case my hater tater friend is all, “He’s angsty. I don’t like Daredevil.” HE 👏  IS  👏  BROODY 👏  HEFFER 👏 AND IT’S FINE, MORE FOR ME AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO LOVES HIM. I’ll die on my hill. It’s fine.
The ending though, well the satisfied ending and then the real ending. That walk of shame made me SO happy. Y’all have NO clue. There are so many times that women are shown doing that walk and I honestly can’t remember the last time I saw a guy doing it. If ever? I’m trying to wrack my brain but it does not want to play cause I’m going on three hours of sleep (sorry for the typos I know will be in this until I proofread it next week and am mildly mortified I posted this). But seeing him do that walk of shame was just fantastic! I love that they made it be the man and I’m glad he was that man. BE PROUD YOU GOT TO BE WITH JEN! *Insert a happy hum here*
BUT THEN with the slut shaming at the end, like.....I hope that is addressed next week. I hope they say something like this is nothing that a man EVER has to deal with. Was Tony Stark ever called a whore despite that scene in the beginning of Iron Man? Nope, don’t think so. So yeah I hope they address it’s not okay and while I would love for Matt to be her lawyer with him saying he was going back to New York I doubt that will happen. I do hope that if I can’t have that happen, I hope Mallory is her legal council. ‘Cause damn if it ain’t getting old to have people thinking it’s not okay for women to have sex for, LE GASP, pleasure.
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unmotivated-student · 4 months
Now, liveblogging something that I do like :) [I decided to throw everything in a single post just because:)]
"you are here to play a game on which your lives depend" getting serious and we're just getting started ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ
"what did you do to us?!" "nothing in particular" "then what is this pain?!" "I was very clear... in this game your lives are on the line" i kinda love Decim (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
"Sorry! My hand slipped!" [👁️👁️liar]
I had forgotten how dramatic this episode was [i kinda love it tbh]
"of all the emotions that humans exhibit, which is the most primal?" "i don't know" "fear"
"pain is a part of this game"
"everyone makes mistakes. but people's feelings can manifest through the most subtle of expresions. you're an arbiter, don't brush them off"
i remember about this episode :D
"and so it starts.." "how so? what does that mean?" "nothing" (...) "as such, the two of them may not be facing a favorable outcome." "no way..." "however, whatever the outcome may be, we must accept what happens"
Decim my beloved showing his sense of humor🫂
"Life really is a mysterious thing... Each and every life spins its own totally separate tale, yet they become intricately entwined in each other and no one knows how they will end up" "that´s true, you´ll never know until you die... you may not even know after you die... but you know what? that´s what makes it interesting, right?"
I honestly don't know how to feel about this one, because if we ignore some details it could be considered cute, at least the ending imo but idk
Lady... what kind of tv shows are u watching? [I know she's confused and in denial but still]
"How is that fair?!" "Life is never fair. I´m sure you´re aware of that" Decim triggering trauma ◉⁠‿⁠◉
i didn´t remebered this episode at all and now i'm like o.o
this is the saddest one so far to me. am i weak? maybe
"You did everything you could... both of you... did everything you could." okay, now i'm crying...
why did i forget about this one?
edgy ed
i'm starting to realize that from ep 4 onwards my memories about this show are a blur (i´ll take that as a good thing)
yep, definitely a good thing that i didn´t remembered all of that, it made me go "wtf's going on here?" all over again c:
dude, do you really want to do that?
see? u got ur ass kicked and for what?
that makes sense i guess
oh we´re on Jimmy again
wait, i do have memories about this one (not many but)
Ginti looks so done and the game hasn´t even started
mmm... if only you knew..
show off
no. what part of freezing to death is romantic to u? at least in titanic there was a love story before the freezing to death part
show off
u piece of trash
so this guy has feelings after all
such different ways to go
Claviz looks so excited about this xd
Oh wow, I was i hater during most of this xd
She remembered!!
Maybe he's not there much, buut i kinda like Claviz, he's just a little guy 🫂
"third: arbiters cannot feel emotions, for they are merely puppets" neat...
edgy ed makes more sense now
how are u still here?
"not that different" huh?
oh, it's over and i didn't write anything about this one... uhm... well... it was good...
"I bring out as much of the darkness in their souls as possible and take it in, then i pass judgment... that is what it is to be an arbiter" damn
oh now they're serious
sir, u are disgusting
fuck, this guy is insane!
i hate this guy
nufofnhdiewwwwww *dies*
wowuwhihweeirundu *dies again*
this one was heavy...
i-.. i don´t have much to say
he's just messing with her, isn´t he? [I genuinely don't remember]
this scene is making my skin crawl afsydrs
i'm trembling idk how i survived this the first time
definitely one of my favorites
Decim... no... that... no...
cryiiiiiing agian
it's 3 am btw i should be sleeping rn but instead i'm here sobbing
I love this anime so much ♡
I definitely recommend it!!! [If you are comfortable with the mention of themes like death of course:D, i mean it's called "Death Parade" xd]
0 notes
Season 4, Episode 6: An Extremely Chaotic and Incoherent Review
The Good:
"Kicks Get Chicks" *is the gayest episode in the entire season* Kicks get DICKS more like
"Sure, we're good for the occasional inspirational moment, but we're not exactly center mat material" HA, love that this fucker is self aware
He knows he's the Comic Relief Guy and he embraces it fully
"He who shall not be named" absolutely LOVE how Demetri just fucking despises Robby now but is trying to be lowkey about it so as not to stir the pot
If he could I'm pretty sure Demetri would pummel this man six ways to Sunday
Once again reminding everyone that Robby paralyzed and nearly killed Demetri's best friend, betrayed his and Demetri's dojo, and then held down and forcefully shaved Demetri's other best friend
Yeah he wants to like...murder Robby at this point honestly
I can't blame him, either--if someone fucked over my bestie, my dojo, AND my crush??? I would indeed be out for blood, yes
The way Demetri looks CRUSHED when Daniel's like "I know you're missing your friends but we have to put the past behind us" :( :( :(
He just wants his boyfriend back god bless
Wow no wonder Tory's fucked up, with an aunt like THAT
This season is kinda making me love Tory, I'll admit
I never thought I'd see the day but here we are
Could this man BE any more delightfully unhinged
Johnny Lawrence's dojo marketing will never NOT be hysterical
"Smack-dab between the pipe supply and the burned-down Chuck E. Cheese" SIR
"I'm asexual" WELL at least we exist on television, right???
I guess this is the queer rep we get for Season 4, RIP
"I can't do the whole physical aggression thing" Remind me again why she and ELI FREAKING MOSKOWITZ are meant to be compatible at all??? Literally what even would they talk about??? Well REGARDLESS, can't help but admire her staunch determination to be a pacifist in a high school singlehandedly spearheading the local karate wars
"She's the best athlete in school and she's not afraid to get into a fight" Okay don't get me wrong, I'm still seething over Moon and Piper breaking up, BUT I do find it absolutely HYSTERICAL that Moon apparently has a type
Even funnier that Yasmine lowkey fits her type too, which is apparently mean, cocky bitches who don't take shit from anyone
Oh SHIT, Sam catching Amanda talking to Tory??? This boutta get JUICY
I've got a lot to say here but I'll try to organize my thoughts somewhat
FIRST OF ALL, I am absolutely delighted that my headcanon that these two have been friends since kindergarten and can easily let themselves into each other's houses is correct!!!
Also Demetri's gay ass is obsessed--I have a lot of long-time childhood friends, and I don't have the location of their spare house keys memorized XD
"You should really think about increasing your security given, you know, THE KARATE WAR???" Not Demetri still being the most overprotective goddamn boyfriend I've ever SEEN
He gets pissy at his friends whenever they do (or suggest) something dangerous that could get them hurt, and it's kind of hilarious but also adorable
He cares so much but has like 0 tact in showing it, bless his soul
The overprotective pissiness is turned up to eleven with Eli though, which is pretty gay
I knew so many dudes in high school who were obsessed with and idolized Batman to a weird extent so like
A very confident "YOU'RE BATMAN!!!" from a guy who seems to be one of those Batman-obsessed boys is uh
Basically a love confession
"Oh, I forget, you're not a DC guy" losing my MIND, I can't believe absolute edgelord Eli Moskowitz isn't into the kind of dark, gritty shit DC is constantly putting out XD
Plot twist of the century honestly
"Forget Batman, you're The Hawk!!!" Hey um check and fucking MATE, haters who threw shade at Demetri for being a bad friend because he never fully accepted the "Hawk" persona
He wouldn't use that as a means of trying to build back Eli's confidence if he hadn't learned to embrace "Hawk" at least somewhat????
And like even if he's still not the biggest fan of "Hawk," he thinks talking about that is what'll make Eli happy and help cheer him up and feel better about himself
He just wants Eli to be his best, happiest self ;__;
"I just proved I was an asshole. To Moon, to Miguel...especially you." Gonna point out that he listed what I think are the 3 most important people to him and he emphasized Demetri
And I could swear his voice cracks a little, like he's legit getting choked up just thinking about all the fuckery he subjected Dem to
This dude still has so much guilt festering in him about what he did to Demetri, fucker loves Demetri so much ;_;
"I forgave you, remember?" Dem of course we remember you giving in to Eli's puppy dog eyes in all of 2 seconds because you're deeply in love with him
OPE my homebody Demetri literally says he doesn't give a fuck how Eli does his hair, he still thinks he's the shit regardless
Sorry "Demetri only accepts Eli and not Hawk" truthers, y'all are wrong again
He loves all versions of Eli Moskowitz, he just doesn't want him to be an asshole actually
Which seems reasonable to me
Tfw when you say "Miyagi-Do needs you" but what you really mean is "I need you"
Gay gay homosexual gay
Okay I read some steaming hot takes about Demetri coming to emotionally blackmail Eli to join Miyagi Do or whatever, but...no??? The dude is clearly just panicking and venting and also has no filter at all when he's stressed
Like everything here just seems like panicked word vomit to me, he doesn't seem nearly controlled enough to come in with some devious plan to trick Eli into joining his dojo :/
The whole ramble when Demetri first comes down into the basement reads like he's having an anxiety attack tbh
Can't really blame him, since he's dealing with the stress of worrying Cobra Kai is gonna wipe the floor with him AND his recently-traumatized best friend going totally fucking AWOL
And Demetri seems like the type who snaps and lashes out when he's worried and/or stressed, and like I said, that could account for the absolute lack of any filter he has here
Hence "WHO CARES WHAT THEY THINK??? IT'LL GROW BACK!" Certainly not the most tactful thing to say, but Demetri is way too anxious to think before he blabs, it seems
Ah, so it's the "That's just great, you're choosing Eagle Fang over your best friend" line that everyone's getting hot and bothered about
Honestly I chock this one up to anxiety-induced word vomit, too...like Demetri is kinda just rambling and speaking his mind and his panicky thoughts are going BRRRRRRR so fast that he's definitely not stopping to consider if he's coming across as an ass
And anyways, like...considering Johnny DID help mold Eli into a dude who fully embraced toxic masculinity and bullied the shit out of Demetri, I...don't think it's that unreasonable for him to have reservations about Eli going back to Eagle Fang :/ Like I don't blame him for not wanting Eli to go back to a situation that brought out some of the worst in him
And also like??? Eli fucken dragged Demetri through the ringer and Demetri only just got Eli back in his life a few months ago, of course he would panic if he thought Eli was gonna leave him behind again!
And maybe even lash out and be a bit of a dick, cuz ya know. Homeboy's not perfect
So Eli saying "I'm not going BACK to Miyagi-Do" instead of "I'm not JOINING Miyagi-Do" implies they've discussed Eli joining MD before. I do feel like this needs to be its own scene to clarify, but it's still important to note
So no, he's not tryna guilt trip Eli into joining MD out of nowhere, he's following up on something he and Eli seem to have previously talked about
The "OH SHIT" look on Demetri's face when Eli says he quits KILLS me. Like that's his wakeup call that oh fuck, this is THAT serious and he looks absolutely horrified that Eli has hit rock bottom so hard he's resorted to quitting that has essentially become his favorite thing in the world ;___;
"Yes I will be awake" "NO SENSEI BE WOKE" Johnny Lawrence you are literally always going to make me just lose it
"What about nonbinary and genderfluid?" "Yes fluids are CRUCIAL, if you don't hydrate, it affects performance" He a little confused, but he got the spirit!!!
Also headcanon that Moon is genderfluid but isn't publicly out yet--Piper was one of the only people Moon came out to
Hence why Piper is so quick to make sure Johnny is including genderfluid people! You dun best believe she’ll still defend her ex-girlfriend’s honor
My main reasoning here is that Moon is the most transgender name I have ever heard in my entire life
Highkey love seeing Miguel and Johnny's relationship at its best again. I missed them so much!!!
Honestly good on Sam for standing up for herself!!! She's highkey right that her parents haven't really been listening to her or trying to properly address her trauma
Like for FUCK'S sake, the girl has PTSD!!! Put her in therapy!!!
Oh HELL yes, Amanda backstory!!! Let's fuckin GOOOO!!!
Oh shit, she got arrested??? PLOT TWIST OF THE CENTURY
I mean given that she married someone as chaotic and hotheaded as Daniel this shouldn't actually come as a surprise but STILL
Oh damn, I was wrong!!! I thought Amanda took pity on Tory because she saw some of young Daniel in her, but she actually sees a lot of her younger self in her ;___; Okay okay okay okay I need a minute
Lowkey they're right that "bad kids" just get told the same thing over and over and it's never gonna help course-correct
"She's not the only one who needs a wake-up call" *cuts to Eli in a depressive funk fully believing he can never do karate again* CIMENA
"You put me in a situation where I had to join the dojo" this is probably the kindest possible way to put it, considering said "situation" was "threatening me and then attempting to beat me up over a Yelp review" XD
Ah, so I see Demetri has regained some semblance of tact! Guess the worst of the anxiety attack finally passed, now that he's had the chance to take in that Eli is in fact safe (if having quite the Sadboi Hours) and not kidnapped and beat up by Kyler and co.
Uhhhhh not Demetri telling Eli that him getting Dem into Eli's special interest was the best thing that ever happened to him
Like you telling anyone that them getting you into something they liked is the best thing that ever happened to you is just so Extra and over-the-top that it's extremely difficult not to read as romantic because like
I've had a lot of friends get me into stuff over the years, and I never looked them dead in the eye like "YOU INTRODUCING ME TO THIS THING WAS THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME"
Anyways tl;dr Demetri is in love
ALSO Eli's wide-eyed, pleasantly surprised look when Dem says karate is the best thing that ever happened to him, MY HEART
Oh god oh why oh no Eli looks SO FUCKING SAD when Demetri starts talking about Yasmine
Thanks I hate it
I know that look, that's the EXACT expression I make when my crush starts talking about their crush
*Bart Simpson voice* "You can pinpoint the exact moment his heart rips in half!"
"It's not gonna be as exciting if you're not there" I stg this fucker Demetri just sees the world through this sad, destitute, mopey lens when Eli isn't around and then Eli shows up and suddenly everyone upped the color saturation by like 500% and everything is all vibrant and fantastic
Again, this dude is in love
Also the way he looks at Eli when he says it, MY GOD
"Scuse me" *Eli proceeds to have 0 issues with Demetri getting all up in his personal space and practically cuddling with him* Yeah, these dudes are GAY
Like Demetri is LEANING on this man like a giant cat and Eli is just like "I have no problem with this"
"I say a lot of things" God you sure do
I'm going feral actually
You tellin me this dumb video has 15k views??? I'm betting this is a viral meme in certain niche circles
And there's definitely some YouTube community who ships them
Also are you telling me Demetri made his codename "zer0" and Eli's codename "the 1" and he's NOT in love with Eli???? Uh HUH
Like it's the perfect manifestation of Demetri's cripplingly low self-esteem (wouldn't be surprised if the dude really did consider himself a "zero" of sorts) and him fully indeed believing Eli is in fact The One (romantic)
And he's right!
Also can we appreciate just how INTO IT Eli is getting in the video??? Like this dude has literally always had a hammy, overdramatic side, it's just that prior to them meeting Miguel, Demetri was the only person who could bring it out ;__;
Absolutely HYSTERICAL that Eli is still so deeply and personally offended at the mere idea of being a "loser" XD
The utter HORROR on his face when he says it, I can't with him
"Because this is who you are" "A loser?" "My BEST FRIEND" *sobs*
Also I'm very certain that Demetri could potentially have made other friends and wasn't actually "stuck" with Eli before Miguel showed up, but he just straight up never wanted anyone but Eli as his best friend
"I know you think that mohawk defined who you are, but it didn't. Not to me. Eli, Hawk, hell, call yourself Cornelius for all I care. None of that changes the fact that you're my Binary Brother." ONCE AGAIN CHECK-MATING YOU FUCKERS WHO THOUGHT DEMETRI NEVER ACCEPTED THE HAWK PERSONA AND ONLY WANTS TIMID SADBOI ELI
He LITERALLY just said "I don't give a shit what you go by or how you wear your hair, nothing can ever change what you mean to me"
ALSO "Eli, Hawk, hell, call yourself Cornelius for all I care." basically confirms that Demetri would be down to call Eli Hawk if that's what he really wanted!!! And the hopeful look Eli gives Dem when he says "Hawk"!!!! Like I think this is the first time Eli truly realizes that Demetri fully accepts him no matter what he goes by and how he chooses to present himself and he's so euphoric about it and I think that's beautiful
Also they deadass did the "I'll take care of you." "It's rotten work." "Not to me. Not if it's you." convo with Demetri and Eli I am SCREAMING
Also ALSO my headcanon is that Demetri actually started calling Eli Cornelius as a joke and then it turned into a legitimate pet name when they started dating
"Whether you're number one...or zero" My homeboy Demetri really just said "I will take you at your best AND your worst" in Nerd
The way he looks at Eli during this entire exchange kills me, this man is so in love I'm getting secondhand pining just from looking at his big sad eyes
Actually kind of loved the Daniel-Robby interaction here because like. Daniel isn't trying to make excuses for Robby here or be like "it's okay, I know you still have a good heart!!!" Like he's done trying to be a "savior" guy and he's basically saying "do what you want, it's your life" but at the same time, he still cares enough to give Robby a warning
"I heard what you did to Eli" (threatening)
Hell yeah, Scary Daniel has entered the chat! EXCEPT
"I'm not here to judge you." Okay, well I am. Get over here Robby, I'm going to beat your ass
I know she's only going to be here for like 2 minutes but her presence fills me with an overpowering calmness and serenity that somehow convinces me that everything will be all right
"I broke a kid's nose" Legit forgot what an incredibly badass queen this woman is. I stan
Okay I've seen some people complaining that the writers seemed to forget that Tory and Aisha were friends too BUT I raise you that after Tory tried to basically murder Sam in the school fight I feel like it's not that whack to think Aisha would side with Sam
Like Tory went after Aisha's childhood best friend with lethal-seeming intent TWICE, it's not all that unreasonable to assume Aisha would cut ties with Tory after that
"But Tory was a better friend to Aisha!!!" Okay but Aisha and Tory were friends for like...a couple months at most, and Sam and Aisha had been friends for years and just happened to be going through a rough patch when Cobra Kai came to town. I feel like a few months of on-and-off falling out aren't really enough to cancel out a lifelong friendship, or make you suddenly not be concerned about your estranged friend's actual safety. Or side with the girl relentlessly attacking said estranged friend.
Like this coming from someone who does indeed enjoy Tory x Aisha, yes, but I do think it's important to keep things in perspective yn
"These are the same overprotective LaRussos who made me wear a helmet on your trampoline" OKAY THEY WOULD
"She's my bestie. My new school bestie, you'll always be the OG" SCREAMING CRYING SOBBING
We were ROBBED I tell you ;___;
Okay I fuckin love that Aisha went "I'm gonna take all this karate bullshit I learned and use it for the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP"
And she's right!
When will Aisha return from the war??? I need her
Pretty sure she has one of the only brain cells in the valley and they desperately need it right now
I want Sam and Aisha to keep in touch and bond over their appreciation for Johnny's chaotic yet proactive life advice
PLEASE I need it
Also this fucker Johnny Lawrence really wanted to crossdress Mitch and thought no one would be fooled
As of last scene I NEED to see Sam and Aisha's reaction to this
All of Miyagi-Do chanting "MEAT MEAT MEAT MEAT" is so funny because we know damn well none of these guys are the ones who truly want Demetri's meat
If you catch my drift
"DAMN IT" I’ll bet Demetri's more anxious and high-strung than usual because he feels bad about having to leave Eli to wallow in his sorrows in his basement and go to karate practice ;__;
OH so Eli decides to join Miyagi-Do to be with Demetri, despite literally all his other close friends being in Eagle Fang??? Fellas, is it gay to join your Totally Platonic Bro's dojo full of people who are still kind of mad at you because you want to help your Totally Platonic Bro out in the AVT that bad????
Not Demetri looking at him with huge doe eyes in the background ;___;
"Is it Eli or Hawk?" "Doesn't matter, I'm just here to do what I can to help out the team" Nice to get an official confirmation that basically throughout S4 Eli has never fucking minded when Demetri called him Eli instead of Hawk
Legit have seen people upset he's cool with going by Eli again, and like??? I'm pretty sure him not feeling like he has to have a cool nickname to kick ass at karate is a good thing actually???
Like ffs let him embrace softboi Eli!!! Let him be gentle and vulnerable and true to himself, even the parts that aren't all hardcore and macho!!! He can cry at sad movies with his boyfriend Demetri and still pound your whiney toxic masculinity-obsessed ass into the ground, actually!
I SWEAR I heard Demetri's voice crack at "it's good to have you back, man"
Do I see tears in his eyes??? Is he HAPPY CRYING???
Demetri stop being so in love and so painfully unaware of it, it's making me embarrassed for you
But in the BEST possible way
Still feel bad for Tory, but like...SAM. QUEEN. Taking 0 shit from Tory and I am HERE FOR IT
"I'm coming for you, bitch" *evil smirk* YOU ABSOLUTE SAVAGE
Aisha was like "respond to your problems with love!" and Sam actively chose violence instead, kind of love that for her
The Bad:
Damn, these fuckers really dedicated 3 whole minutes of screentime to an AVT board meeting instead of. You know. Hawk's trauma. Or why the fuck Moon and Piper broke up. Or what Yasmine actually does with her time aside from being thirsty for Demetri. Or Daniel tryna deal with some recent manifestation of his Terry Silver trauma. Or Demetri hunting down and beating the shit out of/attempting to beat the shit out of Kyler and Gang. Or Carmen getting to do something independent of her son-and-boyfriend-related storylines. Or literally anything else
Can you tell I'm a little pressed
Also I stg they're just using the separate gender division thing as an excuse to milk even more drama out of the AVT
Like the stakes are already high enough, y'all don't need to kick them up even HIGHER and complicate the plot even more, like
We already have like 7 arcs going so let's introduce a new conflict/arc instead of working on resolving the ones we already have going
Also it's like
"What hamfisted excuse can we use to introduce more badass female characters for Woke Points so we don't have to give the ones we already have any depth whatsoever?" (Yes I'm talking about Moon and Yasmine)
Literally would not even be hard to flesh them out A TINY BIT but the show just said "no thank you, they don't properly exist as people outside of their relationship to these two gay nerd boys"
Also they’re depriving me of a Demetri-Tory fight and this is an unforgivable crime
Demetri was literally so ready to throw hands with her when she threatened Eli last season, and now we shall never perceive it
I just want overprotective boyfriend Demetri to fight everyone who threatens his mans
ALSO Sam deserves to beat the shit out of Kyler. As A Treat
Yeah I sure do remember that shit he pulled in S1
You try to feel up my girl and slut-shame her??? She deserves to beat yo ass like never before
And anyways we’ve seen multiple times that Sam and Tory can and do hold their own in fights against boys
So what gives, Cobra Kai???
I definitely feel Robby hatred emanating from Demetri but I would like to feel even more
This man has grievously wronged Demetri thrice now, as discussed above, and I think it would be fun if Demetri got on a warpath to absolutely destroying Robby Keene
Is it OOC, considering that Demetri is often rather violence-averse? Perhaps, but consider: I want him to find his inner darkness and become very scary
Speaking of which, why is Sam the only one who is super pissed and vindictive??? As if Demetri WOULDN'T be
Listen, being fight-averse doesn't extend to when your best friend who you're in love with gets pinned down and shaved
Ah, so the LGBT rep this season is acknowledging that asexuals, nonbinary people, and genderfluid people...exist???
Wow, such great rep, I'm shaking and clapping and cheering
Very convenient for the writers that their rep didn't include actually writing any LGBT characters
Also we still haven't gotten any fucking reason or explanation as to why Moon and Piper broke up
Like if they're gonna split up the only LGBT couple in the show, the very fucking LEAST they could do is tell us why :/
Was Piper becoming too much of a jerk for Moon to be okay with??? Did they clash because of Moon's staunch pacifism and refusal to get in a physical brawl ever??? Who the hell knows??? Definitely not us
Probably not the showrunners either
They just needed to set up the stupid Hawk x Moon plot that they're dragging out of the grave like a horrible gross heteronormative zombie
Okay as much as I love the basement scene I 1000% feel like there was a scene missing between the hair-shaving reveal and the basement scene
Like are you really telling me that Demetri didn't check in on Eli once until after he'd already been AWOL for a cool minute??? I simply do not buy it
And like it doesn't even have to be an Eli-Demetri scene, it could be something as simple as Demetri talking to Chris and being like "hey have you seen Eli? He hasn't been at school and he's not answering his phone. And he hasn't been to a single practice since...well, you know." And Chris is kinda confused like "No, I haven't see him at school, but wouldn't he be going to Eagle Fang practice???"
Cue Demetri explaining that he and Eli had previously discussed Eli potentially joining Miyagi-Do if the dojos split, so Demetri expecting Eli to join Miyagi-Do doesn't lowkey come out of nowhere
THEN Demetri asks Miguel if Eli's been at Eagle Fang practice, and Miguel is like "No, actually...I'm starting to get really worried tbh" and reveals Eli hasn't been answering Miguel's texts and calls either
And THEN Demetri busts into Eli's basement like "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN"
They seriously could have replaced that AVT board meeting scene with this bit and it would have made everything 4000x better
ALSO like. Why is Miguel not concerned at all about Eli regularly bailing on practice??? They're buddies--I'd expect ONE line of worried dialogue being like "Where's Hawk at?" at the very LEAST
Anyways like I mentioned before I feel like there needs to be some kind of explicit confirmation that Eli and Demetri previously talked about Eli joining Miyagi-Do if/when the dojos split, because otherwise Demetri being fully under the impression Eli's going to come back to MD instead of EF seems a little out of left field
Okay, wow. WOW. They seriously could not let Demetri and Eli have ONE scene
Without having Demetri bring up Yasmine to very insistently remind us that he's straight -___-
How even is Yasmine "the girl of your dreams" dude, her only personality traits are "hot" and "makes a sassy comment once every 7 years"
"None of that changes the fact that you're my binary brother" Damn they're seriously trying so damn hard to convince us these dudes have a "brotherly" relationship and simply will not accept it's never, ever going to work
Also did they seriously No Homo Demetri and Eli twice in one scene
Of course they fucking did
They know damn well there's gay tension but still deny it at every turn to appease the creepy homophobic conservative fanbase
For shame, homophobes! You've messed up a perfectly good queer-coded karate show is what you've done!
Look at it, it's got heteronormativity!!!
Regardless I can't help but get some amusement out of the fact that the writers are constantly trying so desperately hard to convince us Eli and Dem aren't gay because their interactions are just that inherently fruity
Y'all fighting a losing battle, we all know damn well they're gay
Hey Daniel I know Robby is your ex karate son but you absolutely should judge him for the shit he pulled with Hawk actually
Forceably shaving someone's head in an attempt to destroy their self-esteem is not very punk-rock at all
Also they really be treating Daniel's Terry Silver trauma like Trauma Lite
Like they're barely doing anything with it at all :/
If it's meant to be the reason he's being kind of a self-righteous jerk this season, then like??? They could talk about that??? They could explore it more and what the long-term effects Silver had were???
But nah, just one uncomfortable convenience store confrontation and that's all we need I guess
They GAVE me my Aisha Robinson??? Only to take her away again??? This is unspeakable cruelty and I am going to scream
Okay so like. Devon seems cool, don't get me wrong. But also can this show fucking CHILL with introducing new characters???
Like we are on SEASON FUCKING FOUR we have PLENTY of characters and arcs to work with already!!!
Also Cobra Kai Writers Stop Introducing New Female Characters Because You Don't Know How To Write Your Existing Ones Challenge
WHAT is this weak-ass bro-hug shit, I know my boy Demetri and he would absolutely CRUSH Eli in a hug, sorry
Maybe he doesn't wanna be TOO gay in front of all his MD friends but boy it is FAR too late for that
Damn the gayest episode is behind me now, idk what to do with myself :O
Guess I’ll have to create some Elimetri and YasMoon content
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Cat’s Not-All-Encompassing Character Ranking
Okay, so I have to admit that I omitted a lot of characters I don't have strong opinions on. Most of them were one-off akumas, so don't get your panties in a twist, your faves are probably still on here (and ranked lower than you think).
As a preface again, these are just my personal opinions. They can't hurt you. You can still like characters more or less than me. And I don't care how you feel about them. This list is for me. And the person that asked for it. So shut up. Go make your own rank list if you’re so butthurt. 
We're going in reverse order this time, starting from the bottom:
84. Gabriel Agreste- I mean, is anyone surprised? I am not private about how I think Gabriel should go to jail. Or fall off a cliff. Or be erased from existence. Rip to those that like him, but I’m different.
83. Thomas Astruc- Honestly, he’s down here on principle. Self-inserts are generally a no-no, and I just laugh every time I see him on screen because he really put himself in this show and said boohoo no one appreciates me XD
82. Bob Roth- I feel like this one should also be obvious. He’s just a dick. Terrible human. I give him 0 stars.
81. Tomoe Tsurugi- We all collectively hate her, right? It’s not just me?
80. Su Han- This mans has small peepee energy. And he bad mouthed Fu, so get FUCKED, my dude.
79. Rolland Dupain- Listen, I get it, he liked Marinette in the end, but I could do without the racism.
78. Nathalie Sancoeur- My opinion of Nathalie took a nosedive after the s2 finale. I just do not care that she is in love with her boss. Don’t care that she’s dying. Just do not have it in me.
77. XY- Justin Bieber ass wannabe.
76. Nora Cesiare- I didn’t care for Nora. I know Thomas loves her, but the overbearing sibling trope is tired.
75. Anarka Couffaine- I underestimated how much I don’t really like her. Like, it’s not full-on hate, but I just do not care for her.
74. Otis Cesaire- Got akumatized because a kid said he could outrun a panther. I’m still not over it, Otis.
73. Andre Bourgeois- No love for the crooked mayor. I hope your wife divorces you. 
72. Alec Cataldi- The real villain of Stormy Weather. Like fr why is he such an asshole?
71. Roger Raincomprix- Is Officer Roger just doing his best? Sometimes. But like sometimes this mans just needs to take a chill pill.
70. M. D'Argencourt- Please get out of the 1600s
69. Ella/Etta- These two are basically the same character, and I am indifferent to both of them.
68. KnightOwl/Barbara- Listen, I would have liked you more if you were less controlling.
67. Majestia- Same as above, but like I guess I like you more
66. Theo- *Mean Girls principal voice* Stay away from underaged girls!
65. Andre the ice cream man- I just want a scoop of chocolate, Andre. Is that too much to ask??
64. Amelie Graham de Vanily- We haven’t seen much of her, but she seems like a snake bitch.
63. M. Kubdel- I mean, if my son wanted to resurrect an ancient mummy and believed in aliens, I’d give the family heirloom to my daughter too.
62. Jalil Kubdel- Lolol, buddy, pal, dude, my guy. Chill.
61. Vincent (Adrien's photographer)- Head empty. Mom’s spaghetti. Idk he’s alright.
60. Manon- I don’t hate Manon. She just gets on my nerves every time she talks.
59. M. Ramier- This mans got akumatized a billion times because he gets emotional about pigeons. I mean, honestly mood.
58. Mme. Mendeleiev- She doesn’t put up with Chloe’s shit, and we respect her for this.
57. Baby August- Someone just give this mans some food. He’s a growing boy.
56. Santa Claus- If I were Santa, I too would list Ladybug as the best kid in the world.
55. Art Teacher- He doesn’t even have a name, but I vibe with him. He seems like he likes to paint scenes of nature with his pet squirrels.
54. Prince Ali- Lil mans just wanted to have a good time. I can respect that.
53. Duusu- Duusu, I get that your Miraculous was broken, but get with the program, girl. You is a hostage.
52. Other Kwamis- Idk, all the ones we haven’t seen as much. I don’t have real opinions on them yet. Just neutral.
51. Sass- He gives me dad vibes.
50. M. Damocles- You go, you funky owl man
49. Jean (Chloe's Butler)- He deserves a raise. What is your name, sir? We may never know.
48. Mireille Caquet- She’s pretty cute. No complaints.
47. Aurore Beaureal- Baby’s first akuma. I love her design. She’s a cutie.
46. Claudie Kante (Max’s mom)- This womans just wanted to go to space and live her dream. We stan a hardworking queen.
45. Hot Dog Dan- I like him more than Andre the ice cream fraud. Sure, my hotdog might turn me purple, but if I ask for chili on it, I bet he’d oblige.
44. Nadja Chamack- I mean, she’s doing her best.
43. Audrey Bourgeois- So, as I said in the episode ranking, I have a love-hate relationship with Audrey. She’s the worst, but that’s why I love her. I love her ironically. Like, yeah she’s atrocious, but I just want to watch her burn the world.
42. Luka Couffaine- Directly in the middle, like he’s always been.
41. Nathaniel Kurtzberg- My opinion of Nath improved after Reverser surprisingly. I ship it.
40. Chris Lahiffe- I like Chris better than Ella/Etta. He’s just a little mans out here living life wanting to grow up. Don’t believe it, Chris. Stay little forever. Being an adult suuuuucks.
39. Fang the Crocodile- The goodest boy.
38. Nooroo- I just want to give him a hug.
37. Mlle. Bustier- She’s doing her best, but I mean, when ya whole class keeps getting turned into supervillains, I’m surprised she’s not an alcoholic.
36. Penny Rolling- I just like her. I think she’s neat.
35. Ondine- Mermaid queen! She’s so sweet, and I love her with Kim. I hope we see more of her in the future.
34. Marc Anciel- Marc is a little cutie bean. Idc if he’s based off one of Thomas’s irl friends. He can stay.
33. Wayzz- He loves Master Fu so much I cry.
32. Felix Graham de Vanily- I know everyone hates canon Felix, but tbh he exudes massive chaotic neutral gremlin energy, and I actually kinda vibe with that. And he pisses with his uncle which is a whole ass mood.
31. Tikki- Tikki is very cute, but bby please work on the preaching. You don’t always know what’s right, babe.
30. Sabrina Raincomprix- Sabrina deserves better. I hope we see good things happen for her.
29. Lila Rossi- Surprised? I actually like Lila. The first fic I ever wrote for this fandom was a Lila redemption. I think she is a good antagonist and foil to Marinette. I absolutely want to see her get dunked on in canon, but that doesn’t mean I hate her.
28. Wayhem- I don’t know why, but Wayhem makes me laugh. I love him XD
27. Uncle Cheng- He’s just a good mans with a birb who wants to make you tasty food. What’s not to like?
26. Trixx- Trixx shot up after GoS. Chaotic bean make Eiffel Tower go bendy
25. Jess- She’s pretty cool. She’s a vibe.
24. Aeon- The cutest bean!!! She saw Adrien and Marinette and said yep. Those two are meant to be together. Jess, we gotta make it happen.
23. Ivan Bruel- Ivan is such a gentle bean. We love him.
22. Mylene Haprele- Smol
21. Fei Wu- I still have not watched the Shanghai special with subs, but I liked her.
20. Gina Dupain- The grandma I aspire to be.
19. Marianne Lenoir- I love her. She is good. She and Fu are so cute. And she seems like she would have kicked le ass back in the day. (and even now)
18. Rose Lavillant- I am so excited for Pigella!! Rose is too cute. We love her. 
17. Gorilla- aka Adrien’s real dad. If the series doesn’t end with Gabriel getting yeeted into the stratosphere and Gorilla adopting Adrien, I don’t want it.
16. Clara Nightingale- She’s in love with Marinette. You can’t change my mind. 16 is also how old I hc her to be, so don’t nobody come for me.
15. Tom Dupain- Most. Supportive. Dad. Soft bean. Just wants to make you fresh bread.
14. Sabine Cheng- Good mom vibes. We love to see her.
13. Juleka Couffaine- Shy goth bean. Just wants to have her picture taken. Definitely a lesbian. We stan.
12. Nino Lahiffe- The goodest boy. He’s just out here doing his best, loving his friends.
11. Chloe Bourgeois- Chloe is another one I have a love-hate relationship with. Her brattiness is funny to me. We had high hopes for her. Honestly, she ranks this high because I like to play with her in fic.
10. Max Kante- He smol and smort. And I adore his friendship with Kim and the fact that he made an AI himself at 14. What a legend.
9. Alya Cesaire- Rip to Alya salters, but I’m different. Outside of Chameleon, Alya is fine. She’s a supportive bff. All yall people that are mad she doesn’t kiss Marinette’s ass all the time need to go out and make real friends. I said what I said.
8. Alix Kubdel- I love Alix. I love how she is always so done with all the lovey-dovey bullshit. She is tiny queen, and Bunnix, while OP af, is still super cool. We love to see her.
7. Kagami Tsurugi- I will fight anyone who shits on Kagami. She has done nothing wrong, you guys are just haters. All she did was exist, and yall said, wow what a toxic bitch?? Disgraceful.
6. Jagged Stone- We are going to ignore the deadbeat dad trope that canon thrust upon him. He is a Marinette stan, and we love that.
5. Kim Le Chien- I really love Kim, you guys. Does that surprise you? Listen, my favorite male character types are sweet beans and himbos. Kim is both of these.
4. Master Fu- If you didn’t pick up on how much I love Fu from the episodes ranking, then idk what to tell you. I want him to be my grandpa. I would trust this mans with my life. He did his best. You paint those pictures, you funky little man. I love you.
3. Plagg- My galaxy trash man. Love him. 10/10 chefs kisses all around.
2. Adrien Agreste- The biggest Marinette stan there is. I just want him to kiss her on the face. And marry her. Idk, I just think that would be neat if he could do that. I just want good things for them.
1. Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Honestly, are you surprised? I have always been and always will be a Marinette stan. If you expected anyone else to be in this spot, then clown suit rentals are off to the left.
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jamie-leah · 4 years
War of Wolves (11)
Season 1 
Episode 11 - Death, Drugs, and Art 
Bucky x Reader 
Summary: You have been on the streets for the past two years, ever since your accident that left you with the ability to tell if someone is lying. You work as an informant for the white wolf and his mob but you had never met him…until you overhear a phone call that leads you to saving his life. Now he wants you to work for him. Its an offer you couldn’t refuse…right?
Word Count: 3192
Warnings: Mentions of death, Mentions of drugs, Guys acting super creepy, swearing, displays of violence maybe? 
A/N: Another part is up! I’m sorry this is so inconsistent, work is kicking my ass and I’m having too much fun with the new BF. Most of it is written so if you can’t wait any longer for a new part just yell at me! Enjoy this one Lovelies, things are starting to pick up again! :) 
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You get woken up a few hours later by a light shaking. You open your eyes to find Bucky in the dark, “hey Doll, I’m sorry to wake you, but we have to go now”. 
You nod groggily, “s’okay”. 
Bucky reaches over the sleeping kids to scoop you out of bed without disturbing them. He sets you down on your feet gently and leads you by your hand down the stairs. You start putting your shoes on when Peggy and Steve come out of the living room. 
Steve kisses Peggy, “ring me if you need anything”. She nods looking tired. 
You go over to give Peggy a hug, “thank you for having me around. Dinner was gorgeous”. 
Peggy smiles, “make sure you come back often”, she then looks at Steve and Bucky, “look after her boys”. 
“Yes ma’am”, they say in unison. 
You, Bucky, and Steve step out into the night and head to the car. You get in the back as the boys jump in the front, Bucky driving. 
Bucky lets out a big breath, so you ask, “what’s happened?”. 
Its silent for a few moments. The only sound is the car moving down the dirt road until Bucky speaks with barely contained rage, “One of my drug supply vans was raided by another mob, although I don’t know who”. 
You scrunch up your face, “surely the men transporting your van would be able to tell you?”. 
Bucky’s hands tighten on the steering wheel. Steve answers for him, “they’re all dead”. 
The car is silent for a while, until Bucky speaks low, “as soon as I find out who it is, I’ll kill them”. 
Steve speaks to Bucky, “and I agree with you, but what did I tell you about keeping a clear head if we’re gonna figure this out?”. 
Bucky raises his voice, “four of my men are dead Steve! The drugs are gone and we have no idea who did it-“. 
Steve cuts him off, “which is why we’re gonna have a meeting and figure out what to do next”. 
Bucky doesn’t speak until you get inside the house, “Steve, go get Sam and go to the office”. 
Steve nods and walks off. You go over to Bucky and take his face in your hands, “Steve’s right, you need to keep your head clear. Is there anything you need me to do?”. 
Bucky shakes his head slightly. His turns his head so that he kisses one of your palms on his face, “I need you to go to bed and get some sleep”. 
You nod, giving each other a kiss before Bucky walks in the direction of his office. You watch him go and then head to the stairs. You pause at the bottom of them, thinking. It doesn’t seem right that you go to bed to sleep while the boys stay up to sort this mess out. 
You head to the kitchen. You turn the lights on and start brewing some coffee. You then decide to cook a bunch of things for the boys. You load it all on a tray and then make your way to the office. 
You knock and enter straightaway. It doesn’t take Bucky long to protest, “I thought I told you to go to bed?”. 
You shrug as you bring the tray over, “I want to help”. 
Sam’s head shoots to you, “what was that Y/N? Did you just say you want to help?”. 
“Don’t push it Sam”, Bucky’s voice was all but a growl. 
You look at all of them, “what did I miss?”. 
Bucky mumbles, “it doesn’t matter”. 
Sam says under his breath, “I beg to differ”. 
Bucky gets up abruptly, squaring up to Sam as Sam responds in the same way. Steve gets in between the both of them, “okay children. Let’s sit back down and get a hold of ourselves”. 
They both comply reluctantly, staring daggers at each other. You roll your eyes, “will someone tell me what’s going on?”. 
Steve answers, “Sam came up with an idea that involved using you and Bucky shot it down”. 
“Damn right I did”, Bucky says folding his arms. 
Sam pipes up, “it’s the best idea we have”. 
Bucky shakes his head, “no, its not”. 
Sam laughs, “oh, that’s right! Because it’s the only idea we have”. 
Rage flows from Bucky like waves, “keep fucking talking Sam”. 
You cut in, “tell me the idea”. 
Bucky goes to protest, but you shoot him a look and he snaps his mouth closed. Sam explains, “there is a party happening at a gallery opening for Frank Black, a mob boss. Lots of different mob bosses will be there, but Bucky wasn’t invited because its pretty much all the people he’s pissed off. Word will get around what happened to Bucky’s supply and they’ll be talking about it. One of them probably even did it and might brag since it’s a room full of Bucky haters. None of us can go in because they’ll recognise us, but you, they won’t know who you are. Plus, you have your ability that can sift out the rumours from the genuine truth. No one will even question why you’re there because you’re a beautiful woman that they’ll just want to flirt with”. 
As you think it over, Bucky says, “but none of that matters because it’s not happening”. 
You ignore him, “when is it?”. 
Bucky looks at you sharply as Sam answers, “in a few days”. 
You nod, “we should at least consider it. Talk about logistics and how we would plan it-“. 
Bucky stands again, “no. This is ridiculous. Steve, please tell them”. 
Its quiet for a while. Steve sighs, “it is a good idea Buck”. 
“Oh, come on Steve!”, Bucky runs a hand through his hair, “you can’t be serious”.
Steve gives Bucky a look, “it’s a solid idea. One we would have to plan properly, but I’m not gonna rule it out, especially if Y/N wants to do it”. 
Bucky gives him a serious look, “what if it was Peggy? You would honestly let her in a room full of people who hate you? Who would do anything to get back at you? People who are dangerous and could hurt her?”. 
Steve sighs heavily, “I would hate it, just as much as you. I would probably be reacting the same way as you are now. But I would also come to realise that Peggy is her own person and that I can’t get that damn woman to do anything she doesn’t want to do…so, I would rather do it and do everything I can to protect her and make sure she’s safe instead of pushing her away and potentially make her do it on her own”. 
Bucky stares into space for a long time. You speak softly, “its not just some missing drugs, four men are dead Buck…tell me you wouldn’t go through with this idea if it was anyone other than me?”. 
Bucky’s eyes flick to yours. He searches your face but stays quiet. He can’t tell you that because he would be lying. Bucky speaks low, “this is something you want to do? And I mean something you genuinely want to do, not just because Sam put you on the spot about it?”. 
You nod, “I told you, I want to help”. 
Bucky nods slowly, “fine. I’ll consider it. If we come up with a good enough plan now that we can implement in time for the gallery opening, then I’ll do it”. 
You end up staying in the office talking over details and plans for the rest of the night and morning. Once the plan was sorted they wanted to move onto putting it into place, but you stop them, “nope. We all need a few hours sleep at least and no one is arguing with me on this. So, let’s go”. 
Sam and Steve don’t argue as they get up and leave, but Bucky stays in his chair. You go around his desk and take his hand. You pull him all the way to his bedroom where he finally starts getting ready to jump into bed for a few hours. 
You both face each other in bed on your sides. You study his face, “tell me. Tell me what you’re thinking. Don’t bottle it up from me”. 
His voice is barely above a whisper, “I’m-if anything happened to you-“. 
You cut him off as you bring your hand to his cheek. You swipe your thumb back and forth across his cheekbone, “you would be there. I have so much faith and trust in you”. 
His eye’s close at your touch, “that’s what I’m afraid of”. You give him a while to explain, “I don’t want to fail you. I don’t want to let you down”. 
You don’t miss a beat, “hey, look at me”, you wait for him to open his eyes, “the only way you’d fail me is by not giving me a say in the matter. I know that you would do anything humanly possible to keep me safe, because I feel the same about you”. 
Bucky pulls your body closer to his, “you’re amazing and I’m glad that you’re mine”. 
Preparation and planning took up most of the time in the few days before the gallery opening, which is what made the few days go by so quickly. 
You were getting ready for the night when Bucky walked in dressed in black combat boots and trousers and a black T-shirt. You had just slipped into the red dress that Bucky had got you for the party. 
You pull your hair to one side and present your back to Bucky, “can you zip me up?”. 
You can hear the smirk on his face, “now why on earth would I want to do that?”. He zips you up anyway and then leans down to kiss your exposed neck. He then looks at you in the mirror, “you look gorgeous”. 
You take a deep breath and he speaks again, “you’ve got this”. You nod as you both make your way out to the van. Sam is the one driving as Steve and Bucky get you prepped in the back. Steve gives you a tiny earbud to hear the boys talking to you in the gallery. 
Bucky is showing you pictures of certain people to look out for and then gives you tips, “let them come to you, that way your questions won’t seem like an interrogation. Float around to listen to conversations and if no one is coming over to you then insert yourself into a group of people talking, never pick someone on their own. They’ll be suspicious”. 
All too quickly, Sam pulls up not far from the gallery. He also climbs into the back as you start making your way out. Bucky says one last thing, “if you feel like things are going south or you’re getting too uncomfortable just leave. Your safety is more important than the answers”. 
You leave without another word, wanting to get this over with before you chicken out. You make your way quickly up the steps to the gallery and then enter. It hadn’t long opened, and the place was already packed. From people talking in groups to people admiring the art. 
You hear Bucky in your ear, “go have a drink Doll. Take the edge off, but not too much”. You make your way slowly to the bar and order a drink. But before you can pay for it, someone else does. 
That someone else happens to be the man of the gallery, Frank Black, “I hope you don’t mind. I can’t seem to stop myself from buying drinks for beautiful women”. He flashes you a smile. 
You return it, “well, thank you”. 
He hands you the drink, “speaking of beautiful women, I usually remember a pretty face, but I don’t know who you are”. 
You take a sip of your drink before laying on the charm, “let’s just say I’m an admirer of art”. 
His smile widens, “beautiful and mysterious. Those types of women usually end up in my bed”. 
You hide your shock of his forwardness and your sickness. Although the growl in your ear nearly broke your careful expression, “it’ll take more than a drink and a quick flirt to get me into bed Mr Black”. 
He laughs, “classy too. I’m surprised no one has snapped you up as a wife. I have other people to meet but stick around. I’d love to buy you another drink”. 
Before he walks away you give him a small smile, “maybe I will”. 
Once he’s out of sight you down your drink. You hear Bucky say begrudgingly, “you did great. You basically got approval from Frank to stay there so you can float around without worry now”. 
You walk around pretending to admire the art but actually listening to conversations. Bucky was the topic for some conversations, but most of it were people speculating. 
You stand in front of a particularly big and stunning painting when another man approaches you. He stands next to you, facing the painting, “it’s a lovely piece isn’t it?”. 
You nod, “its exquisite”. 
He leans a bit closer to you, “it’s the brush work that makes this particularly appealing to me. What about you?”. 
You tilt your head slightly, your answer an honest one, “The colours. The way they blend so well. Colours that shouldn’t work together, but they do. It’s a shame though”. 
He looks at you, “what is?”. 
You glance at him and then back at the painting, “that most people here are too busy talking about that incident to appreciate the art”. 
He nods, “ahh, do you mean what happened to the White Wolf?”. 
You face him, “that seems to be the hot topic. I mean, I would understand if people knew the truth of what happened instead of pure gossip. The truth might just be more interesting than this art”. 
He chuckles, his arm finding his way around your waist. You hear Bucky growl and complain to Steve in your ear and you forgot that they were also watching from the cameras inside the building. 
The guy leans so close to your ear that you can feel his breath, “if I got you that truth, do you think things would get more interesting?”. 
Its obvious what he was asking, and it made you extremely uncomfortable, but if he knew, you’d put up with it, “let’s see how good that truth is first shall we?”. 
He gives you a smirk as he guides you over to another man. They talk in private for a moment and you were starting to wonder if this was a bad idea until they both come over. 
The new guy studies you, “so you want to know what happened?”. 
You try to look as innocent as possible. Looking up at him through your lashes and tucking your hair behind your ear, “well, doesn’t everyone? I just can’t imagine anyone strong and brave enough to go up against the White Wolf”. 
The new guy scoffs, “that prick. He thinks he’s the boss of us all. He’s getting too rich and powerful for my liking these days”. 
The other guy chips in, “I agree. Which is why I’m glad you did what you did, put that asshole in his fucking place. I’d love to put a bullet in that fucking guys head”. 
You hear the truth in what he just said to the guy. You think he just told you who did it, but you can’t tell because you can’t isolate it from everything else he just said. 
His friend looks pissed, “dude! What the fuck. Be more careful with what you say, you just told her it was me”. 
You look at him wide eyed and in admiration, “it was you?”, you give him a flirty smile, “wow, I can’t believe you did that and got away with it”. 
His annoyed expression turns to one of hunger for you. His arm snakes around your waist, “you like that huh? Yeah it was me”, you hear the truth in it but can’t celebrate as you feel his hand on your ass, “I wouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t paid very generously by the man that really wanted it done”. 
You hear a bang in your ear and had to fight the urge to jump. You can hear Steve, “calm the fuck down Buck. You nearly scared the shit out of her”. 
You look at both of the men, “I’m assuming you won’t tell me more without a little warm up?”. 
You raise an eyebrow and they look at each other as the man with his hand around you speaks too close for comfort, “hmm, if you’re a good girl I might tell you who the guy was”. 
You hear Sam laughing in your ear as Bucky swears a string of curses. The lie from the guy is oozing out of him. You flash them a smile, “okay, well go get us some drinks and I’ll freshen up in the ladies”. 
They agree and let you go with a slap on the ass. You feel sick and just want to get out now that you have a lead. You look back to make sure they’re not watching as they make their way to the bar. 
Once you’re sure you head towards the exit. Bucky speaks in your ear, “you did great, now get out”. You weave in and out of people as casually as you can. 
You’re nearly at the door when someone steps in front of you, “well, I didn’t think I would be seeing you here, I must say”. 
You look up to see Isaac Williams from Darren’s party. You mentally curse and try to skirt around him, “I’m sorry, you must have me confused-“. 
He steps in your path again, “don’t patronise me Y/N”, he gives you a smile that feels anything but friendly, “you look beautiful tonight”. 
You don’t say anything, knots twisting in your stomach. He speaks again, “so what are you doing here?”. 
“Looking at the art”, you say bluntly. 
His smile twists slightly, hardly noticeable, “don’t be like that Y/N”. 
You start to move passed him again, “I was just leaving. I don’t feel well”. 
He grabs your arm, harder than you liked, “would you like a lift? If you feel unwell you shouldn’t be out alone”. 
You try and tug away from him, “no thank you”. 
He stares at you for a few moments as you try and pull your arm back from him, “let me go Isaac”. 
His grip tightens, “ah, so you do remember me? I’m honoured that my name has made its way into your memory”. 
“Let me go”, you say it through clenched teeth.
You hear Steve in your ear, “Buck, wait! You go in there and its all over! Buck!”. You can hear a slight struggle follow after what Steve says. 
You yank your arm harder, finally breaking away from him. You walk passed without another word as he calls after you, “I hope to see you soon Y/N”. 
War of Wolves Taglist: @a-really-bi-girl @scuzmunkie @loving-life-my-way @crazyblonde124 @summerwelsh @pequenaguaxinim @paranoid-borderline-insane @lilsonbucky @somanyfandomsblog @broco8 @inquisitor-selvala @mad-red @k-n-e @ranting-introvert @rinkashirikitateku @duhh-danielly @boundtomyfate @kalesrebellion @booktease21 @whatinthyworld @flyingbabyunicornnamedangel @gaycooties @asapkyndall @yaszx @armoredashley @aveatquevoldy
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duhragonball · 4 years
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I think I’m gonna wrap these up today so I can get back to work on my fanfic.    For the record, I got Buu, Frieza, Jolyne Kujo, Father Pucci, and Jobin Higashikata left to go, and then I’m done.  
But I hate to call it here, because this has been fun.   Maybe I’ll bring this back some time.  
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Give me a character and I will answer:
Why I like them: I started watching DBZ back in the fall of 1998, and I didn’t get very serious about it until 2000.   Chi-Chi didn’t have a very big role in the Saiyans or Frieza arcs, and I wasn’t making a point of watching every episode, so it took a while for her character to be fully revealed.   Starting out, she was basically popping in every so often to remind us that she wanted Gohan to study.   She stood up to Garlic’s henchmen in Movie 1, but didn’t really get a chance to do anything.    In the Garlic Junior Saga, it’s stated that Chi-Chi is the strongest woman in the world, which sounds pretty impressive as long as you don’t think too hard about how many women are on the show.  
I don’t think I really understood Chi-Chi well until I got to the part where Goten spars with Gohan, and he reveals that Chi-Chi had been training him while Gohan was studying.   That was where it became clear to me that she only emphasized book-learnin’ over ass-whoopin’ because she knew Goku had that side of things covered.    With Goten, Chi-Chi had to be both mother and father to him, and she didn’t shirk from that.   
I guess what I’m trying to say is that Chi-Chi’s a great supporting character.   She maintains a presence in the story whether she’s on-screen or not, and you learn about her gradually through these short appearances.    And when she does show up, it’s just a treat to see.   She’s always got something to say, and she’s cute and she can beat your ass.    What’s not to like?  
Why I don’t:  Yeah right.   Look, the biggest gripe people have with Chi-Chi is that she makes her son do homework, which is dumb.    She explains this a number of times: There’s more to life than fighting, and she wants that for her son.   And Gohan’s not exactly worse off for her style of parenting.  
I think the disconnect here is that people watch this show and they want to see Goku and Gohan screw around and go on adventures, and they feel like Chi-Chi is here to kill their buzz.   I guess it’d be like watching a football game, and every so often some guy wanders out onto the field and scolds everyone for playing football. ��  But that guy would be right, because football is dangerous, yo.   Everybody keeps telling Chi-Chi that the only hope for the world involves her little boy getting his ass kicked by aliens, and she’s like “no, that’s bullshit,” and she’s absolutely right.   She’s a saint for tolerating it as much as she does, but I think a lot of fans refuse to look at it from her point of view.    They just want the fighting.  
I remember Lanipator observing that he used to hate Mr. Satan when he was younger, but the older he got, the more and more he appreciated the character.    I can’t relate to that, because I was old enough to drink when I started watching this show, so for me, there is no “when I was a kid” perspective on Dragon Ball.    I thought Mr. Satan was awesome from the start, and I never had much of a problem with Chi-Chi either.  
They did tend to overexpose both characters in the anime, cutting to them when they needed a filler moment to pad out an episode or five.   So maybe that’s got something to do with it.   But that’s not the fault of the characters.    But yeah, if I was watching the Cell Games at age 10 I’d probably get really sick of them constantly cutting to Mr. Satan or Chi-Chi for analysis.    
Favorite episode (scene if movie):  It’s probably hard to top the one where she fought Goku.   That was one of the last Chi-Chi moments I got to see, because I didn’t get caught up on OG Dragon Ball until 2004.   It’s an excellent use of the character and her lengthy absence from the show.   By the time she reappears, no one recognizes her, and she’s upset about being forgotten.  
Favorite season/movie:  I think I’d have to go with the Buu Saga, on the grounds that she got more time to shine, mainly due to so many other characters being unavailable.    It was a real roller coaster ride for her too.    Her husband’s dead and she’s raising two kids on her own, then he comes back, then he leaves again, and maybe Gohan’s dead too, and now Goten has to fight, and then she’s dead, and then they’re all back together in the end.     Wild.
Favorite line:  In the Cell Games Saga, there’s a TV show where Mr. Satan drags three buses onto the set, cuts a scathing promo on Cell, and then punches one of the buses to put an exclamation point on the whole thing.   Wait, I take it back, I’m pretty sure 10yo me would have loved Mr. Satan.  
Anyway the live audience is marking the fuck out for Mr. Satan, but at Kame House Yamcha and Krillin are unimpressed, because they punch holes in like fifty buses every morning as a warm-up.   But in the dub of that episode, Roshi remarks that Mr. Satan’s theatrics are “sad”, and Chi-Chi goes “It sure is.   Somebody could have used that bus.” Classic, total classic.
Favorite outfit: It’s hard to pick, honestly.   I like the Buu Saga yellow, but I prefer the way her hair looked in the Saiyans Saga.  And that outfit she wore near the end of DBZ was pretty great too.
OTP:  Goku. come on.
Brotp: I think Bulma sort of stepped into that role after Trunks was born, but Chi-Chi seems like a loner to me.   She basically rolled in, got Goku to marry her, and then retreated deep into the mountains to interact with as few people as possible.   I need me a freak like that.  
Head Canon: I think she’s genuinely proud of Goku and the boys being so great at super-karate-laser wars.   She doesn’t talk about it much, because there’s plenty of other people to congratulate them on that sort of thing, and I think they sort of look to her for as someone who grounds their family.  
To put it another way, I don’t think Goku wants Chi-Chi to talk a lot about the androids or the Saiyans or whatever.   I think he wants someone to bother him with household matters and chores and ordinary stuff.   And Gohan and Goten just want a regular mom to balance out their alien monomyth dad.    And she plays that role well, because that’s who she is.   But she’s still proud of them for saving the world and so forth. 
Unpopular opinion: Chi-Chi was right. 
Look, how was Gohan going to make a life for himself as a fighter, in a world where Goku and Vegeta have that market cornered?   
Where’s he live?  In a big-ass mansion.    Why?  Because he married a rich man’s daughter.   Where’d he meet her?   In the school Chi-Chi made him go to.  How’d he get in to said school?   He aced their entrance exams.    How’d he do that?   Chi-Chi made him study.
What does Goku do all day when he isn’t training?  He drives a tractor?  Why?  Because his wife has a thing for farmer aesthetics.   Why does he just do whatever his wife tells him?   Because he didn’t study.
A wish:  I wish all the Chi-Chi haters would stay out of my soup, because it’s salty enough as it is.   (Heyoooo!)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I’ve been seeing Manalorian spoilers lately, and I don’t want to give anything away, but it seems like every time something happens on Mando, all the chuds come out of the woodwork to complain about Episode VIII and/or IX.     They’re like “thank you, Disney, for giving us the [Star Wars thing] that Disney refused to give us.” 
My fear is that Star Wars has become balkanized into this thing where people praise half of it as fixing or undoing the damage caused by the other half.   Used to be, people would either like the Ewoks or hate them, but they couldn’t ignore the fact that they were there.   Now it’s like any movie that doesn’t feature Ewoks is done to cater to the anti-Ewok crowd, and any movie that does is solely for the purpose of keeping the pro-Ewok side engaged.   
My point is that I worry that this will happen to all media franchises, and Dragon Ball Q will feature a Chi-Chi that gets turned into a hateful she-hag to satisfy the haters, and then Ultra Dragon Ball Deluxe will feature a more nuanced version of Chi-Chi as a make-good, thereby pissing off the haters.   And they’ll go back and forth trying to please everyone while the character ends up becoming an incomprehensible mess from it.  
5 words to best describe them: Adorable tiger mom/bus advocate.
My nickname for them: Cheech. 
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seasidefanasties · 5 years
James Fitzjames’s looks rated: a thread
Have the post that absolutely nobody asked for because my thirst towards this man truly knows no bounds 
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8/10. Taco hat kind of throws the look off but he’s still being fashionable and cozy and probably very very excited about icebergs. He’s still in a position to high kick all of his haters and that’s valid of him. 
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11/10. Not to be horny on main or anything but this is absolutely one of his best looks, especially when he’s vagueing about Francis being salty towards him. 10/10 would absolutely tap this look. He could literally step on me while wearing this and I’d thank him. In other words, THIS IS AN EXTREME THIRST
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10/10. MASTER HAS GIVEN FITZY A REAL HAT FITZY IS FREE. Also he’s like barely in this episode but we still appreciate a man because he’s trying his best
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11/10 because he gets to wave a gun around while also being incredibly sexy and cozy. No I’m not giving it a lower rating because of what happens next. Let him have his moment of being an Arctic god or w/e.
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2/10 because he still looks sexy but him looking like a gotdamn kicked puppy over Sir John’s death will never not be gutwrenching to me (also Tobias you need to stop doing these things with your tongue and shit it’s DISTRESSING ME)
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7/10. The sweater looks absurdly comfy lads I’m not gonna lie, honestly, I’d steal that sweater from him if he wouldn’t like immediately kick my ass soon afterwards. Rating is lessened because I spent too long laughing at his SO I AM CONFUSION face, else it would be higher still. 
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12/10 because not only is he wearing quite possibly his sexiest outfit but he’s also doing his best Collette from Ratatouille impression. KEEP YOUR STATION CLEAN OR I WILL KILL YOU
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1845/10 (you can see what I did here ahahahahaha). Not an overall sexy look, but chewing your immediate superior out for making bad life choices and using Victorian slang absurdly casually along with Tobias Menzies’s excellent death glare? Take me. Take me now, sir. You don’t even have to hesitate. 
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3000/10. The showrunners were absolute cowards for not letting him wear this outfit. ABSOLUTE cowards. I’ll go to their house and bang their doors down and demand that they let him wear this dress because he would have looked absolutely sexy in it. But also it might have been dangerous because the sheer godlike energy radiating from him if he’d worn that dress probably would have made my head explode or something. Perhaps this is for the better. Perhaps only having the dress worn in my dreams is a good thing. 
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17/10. This is literally the best picture I can find because the lighting in this scene sucks some major ass but just know that his Carnivale costume is the most iconic out of the whole event, hands down. I don’t even care if he wasn’t wearing the dress. Just let me stare at him for a while (and also ignore the fact that IT’S SCURVY TIME FOR JIMMY FITZJIMMY)
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100000000000/10 because a part of me will never truly be over how soft this scene is and how it ripped my heart out and stomped it into tiny pieces before gluing it back together. Are we bros, Francis. Are we fucking bros. Are we getting an Emmy like we fucking deserve Francis TOBIAS MENZIES EMMY WHEN
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-200/10. We get to see Tobias shirtless but at what cost
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12/10. Me, getting emotional over James looking at Francis like he’s the goddamn sun???? It’s more likely than you think. 
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-100000000000000000000/10 HEY THERE MISTER HICKEY THOSE SHOES LOOK AWFULLY FAMILIAR In conclusion, your honor: I love him (heavily inspired by @radiojamming​‘s Irving ratings, @theiceandbones​‘s Tom Hartnell ratings, and @bomburjo​‘s Goodsir ratings)
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kinglarrykoopadx · 3 years
My top 10 all time favorite characters
10. Captain Basilisx (SMBZ)
One of the few redeeming factors of SMBZ, Captain Basilisx is one of Bowser’s more threatening forces. An incredible badass who’s better than Shadow the Hedgefart (fight me) that has Medusa’s gaze and is the only one out of Bowser’s army who canonically kills Mario in the og series (the Reboot does not count, it does not exist to me). And his theme song, like god damn, that remix of Show No Tears from DMC3 is a banger. The only reason he’s this low is cause Basilisx is a one time character. His debut episode, The Great Doomship Offensive, was his final episode because Carl Marx Haynes refused to put him in the reboot, so thanks a lot, Alvinlaskan Bullworm.
9. Rosalina (Mario series)
Is anyone surprised she made it to this list somehow? Rosalina first appeared in the masterpiece of a game, Mario Galaxy. She watches the Comet Observatory and was accompanied by thousands, scratch it, millions of Lumas. They did her dirty in Mario Galaxy 2 by reducing her appearance to a cameo in the base game, and 3D World made her a straight up playable character to wash off the disrespect. She’s pretty much the only Mario princess that I adore. Pauline’s not my type, I despise the hell outta Peach, and Daisy is too sassy for my liking. Why she is at number 9 is that I don’t like her as much as I used to. Don’t get me wrong, I still liked her, I just don’t like her as much. Still a decent Mario character though.
8. King K. Rool (DK series)
Another case of Basilisx, he’s basically if Goofy from Disney tried to be Bowser. He’s many things. A boxer, a king, a scientist, hell even a pirate captain. His goal varies throughout his appearances. In the first DKC game, he wants to hoard all the Kongs’ bananas. In the 2nd and 3rd, he plotted revenge against the Kongs. In 64 is where he’s most serious, cause he wants to BLOW UP DK ISLAND with his Blast-O-Matic. he’s a wacky one, but that’s what we all adore from him. The reason he’s this low is that he’s another case of Basilisx. He’s underused as hell, he and the Kongs haven’t batted eyes in years. And truth to be told, I really wish he’d stick around. The villains we got in the recent DKC games are just generic as hell. Tiki Tong is Knucklotec but before Odyssey happened, and of course the Walrus is the main villain of Tropical Freeze. How anti climactic.
7. Blaze (Sonic series)
While I stated before that my faith on Sonic sinks as deep as the Mariana Trench, she’s one of the better Sonic characters. She’s the anti Sonic where while Sonic is social, caring and all about action, Blaze is an introvert, has no friends, and plans ahead. Kinda like everyone in 2020 when you put it in perspective. She has incredible fire powers and is the guardian of the Sol Emeralds, the Sol Dimension’s Chaos Emeralds, which looked like the Royal Rubies/Savvy Sapphires/Equable Emeralds from Dragon Quest. At first, she was hostile towards everyone except Cream, but in the end of Sonic Rush, she had character development and grew fond of everyone. She’s one of the best Sonic characters, and Sega did her dirty by pulling a Basilisx. Seriously, Generations was her last appearance, not counting spinoffs.
6. Metal Sonic (Sonic series)
In the Sonic series, Metal Sonic was the chad to Sonic’s virgin. He was first introduced in Sonic CD, as Sonic’s faker, who strived to be better than Sonic. And can I just say that Metal Sonic is 99.9% better than regular Sonic, despite Sonic kicking his ass multiple times? Safe to say that the scrap brain has acheived his life’s purpose (hohoho-) . He has speed that outmatches Sonic, can overheat his circuitry to catch up with Sonic when he’s far behind, but the biggest highlight was when he turned to flying metal godzilla. And his theme songs never cease to disappoint. Stardust Speedway is a banger and What I’m Made Of. Dear god, WHAT. I’M. MADE. OF. If you never smiled hearing this, don’t even speak a single word, cause you’re an alien and I’m calling the FBI. The only problem with him is he’s another Blaze/Basilisx. His last official appearance was in Generations, not counting Forces cause he was a hallucination at the time, and Mania was made by Whitehead and not Sega so it doesn’t count. The only reason he’s higher than Blaze is because I prefer him over her.
5. Vivian (TTYD)
In this tumblr, I normally trash talk TTYD, but now, let’s talk a positive from the game. Someone get me the bucket, cause after this section, I’m gonna barf. Anyways, Vivian from TTYD is by far the most developed out of the TTYD roster. We get glimpses of her being abused by Beldam and eventually in Chapter 4, she has a change of heart and joins your party, practically defying her purpose in life. She also has a wide array of useful attacks. Shadow Fist being her neutral special, Veil which is basically Bow’s Outta Sight, Fiery Jinx which inflicts Burn, and Infatuate which confuses enemies with a kiss (might as well call this The Thousand Kisses Door). The reason she’s this low is cause she’s not exactly my favorite female character in paper Mario, she’s rather the 2nd best.
4. Koopalings (Mario series)
Maybe I watched too much Bowser’s Koopalings for this one, but shut up, this is my list.
3. Bowser Jr (Mario series)
Bowser’s spoiled son here takes the 3rd place for multiple reasons. One, look at him. He’s adorable. How could you hate him you soulless pricks. Two, he’s smart as hell. I mean it’s evident since his debut, he literally framed Mario and got away with it. And mind you, framing someone for a felony is not easy. Takes years of planning, lawyers, hiding of evidence, and did I mention lawyers? And it doesn’t stop there. Unlike Bowser who normally uses brute force, Jr here uses all sorts of tech to keep Mario at bay. Megahammer, Mecha Jr, Boomsday Machine, you get the idea. Third, his father son relationship with Bowser is adorable as hell, seriously, HOW DO YOU HATE THIS GUY.
2. Olivia/Bobby (Origami King)
It was hard ranking these two individually but then I decided to put them both in the same tier. First up, my favorite Paper Mario character, Olivia.  She’s basically a precious sunshine baby and if you dare lay a single scratch on her, I WILL BE FORCED TO TRAVEL THE WORLD AND BACK TO FIND YOU AND WHEN I DO, THEY HAVE TO MAKE ANOTHER COFFIN FOR YOUR FUNERAL. Yeah, her hints usually don’t help and I can see why there are people who hate her, but that’s what kids do, and I don’t even wanna see how an Olivia hater parents his kids. I just assume they donate them to an orphanage or something. I was kinda sad to see her go honestly, she was the only one travel companion out of the modern trilogy that I feel actually matters. And now, we have Bobby. He’s basically a Bob Omb who was a passenger of the Princess Peach (the narcissism, I know) until Olly took over and he eventually lost his fuse and memory. He doesn’t do much in battle, but his story arc is his spotlight. Eventually, he got his memories and the fuse he kept as a memory for his fallen bestie, which means it’s time to say goodbye. I know some TTYD fanbitch is gonna question his death because “aLl bOb oMbS sUrvIvE aN explOsiOn” but listen. Bobby isn’t a special case like say, Bombette or Bobbery. He’s just a regular factory made Bob Omb, which means he’s gonna die should he explode. And not gonna lie, that was one of the saddest videogame moments I experienced in my life. I almost cried, true story, and it takes a lot to make me cry. Olivia’s despair doesn’t help either. He was a valiant hero, a chad, and most importantly, he was a FRIEND. The reason they’re not on the top is because there’s one surpassing the two of them, and all who know me know who he freaking is.
1. Bowser (Mario series)
I mean, c’mon, who else would it be? He’s basically the supreme chad to Mario’s virgin. He’s one of gaming’s most iconic villains and he deserves that fucking role. He’s incredibly badass, like look at Giga Bowser and Fury Bowser and tell me he’s not the icon of awesome. If he’s not, don’t speak to me. Hell, even Pyrrhon from Kid Icarus Uprising acknowledges his badassery, if you’ve seen Hades’ Misguidance Season 2. He’s also crazy powerful, being able to conquer entire galaxies and punch out castles, TWICE. He even punched an entity of darkness to oblivion once. And did I mention he’s an incredible parent? He’s one of the most complex Mario characters, and that’s why we love him, is it not? For me, this is rather the case of rooting the villain more than the hero. And if I get judged for it, then so be it. I wish one day for a standalone Bowser game (Inside Story does not count) where Bowser beats the shit outta Mario. I salute you, King Koopa, you don’t need a crown to be my ruler, my throne’s already yours.
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regalpotato · 5 years
UGH IM SO CONFLICTED. I mean, I want River back, DESPERATELY. & I’ve come to the conclusion that the Moff really treated her WRONG in TNoTD. & I personally think she’s ABSOLUTELY a strong enough character to still be interesting & have stories to tell post-Library. But... I can’t shake the feeling that Chibs writing her would be a disaster. I’d almost rather Big Finish just keep her (the show can use her again in the future when Chibs is long gone but just let BF explain how she’s back)
Join the club of clowns, anon. 
The majority of River fans are SO CONFLICTED. 
Do we want more (visual) content of River? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY. I adore Big Finish, but tbh, I really struggle with TDORS - also I’m really gay and wanna see River kicking ass with my eyes not my ears.
I understand that THORS was (for most of us) a beautiful, tear jerking, amazing send off for River. I mean, how can anyone hear “River, not one person on this ship, not one living thing, is worth you!” and decide the Doctor doesn’t care about River?? Madness. Their love is so strong and I am emotional...thanks anon. So bringing her back would possibly ruin that. 
But as @amillionmillionvoices has pointed out TNOTD comes after THORS for River, where she’s depressed and heartbroken and ‘if you ever loved me’. And even though THORS is the last thing we see of River, it’s not River’s last episode in her timeline, TDOTD is and it’s a TRASH send off for her. Which is why we need post library River more River. Also I WANT THE LGBT+ REP OF RIVER AND THIRTEEN PLEASE (because Doctor/companion pairings make me vomit, and I’m sick of Chibnall using Yaz’s sexuality as a queerbaiting show seller).
Anyway, to continue-
Moffat is a coward. 
I adore him, his mind, his writing. But he’s a coward. He MARRIED the title character of the show - a real marriage not one of the many ‘oops I accidentally married Marilyn Monroe’ (who let’s face it, was probably River anyway) kinds - and then straight after, in S7, we have a time gap, River’s parents ‘die’ in front of her, and then River’s a data ghost. WE SAW NOTHING of their marriage except for the very VERY quick scene of Eleven preening for her and flirting before she breaks her wrist in TATM. 
MOFFAT IS A COWARD. He married them, then freaked out and gave us nothing. It’s honestly bad writing. Don’t do something so big if you’re not going to follow through on it. 
Okay, mini rant out the way.
Onto another mini rant about Chibnall. 
Now...Chibnall’s mind...how do I put this. He’s got AMAZING ideas. Truly. All the story ideas are GOOD IDEAS, great stories. I love them. But the execution?? Garbage. And okay, there are plenty of people out there who loved S11, they’re not wrong to love it. The stories are good. 
But there are two things (I personally find) wrong with Chibnuts. 
1. His dialogue. It’s very clunky, and VERY expositional. It just doesn’t sound right hearing it. You know the old tip of ‘show don’t tell’ in writing, that’s actually a bullshit tip and is very situational? Well...Chibnall tells EVERYTHING. Not to mention he doesn’t put any depth into it. Thirteen hasn’t mentioned Time Lords or Gallifrey or any of that.
2. His ideas end up coming away with the wrong morals (see Arachnids in the UK and Kerblam!) that just don’t mesh with the whole ethos of Doctor Who. 
And it’s both these reasons I don’t want to see River unless a Big Finish writer or Moffat himself gets to guest write her episode. 
Because River - who gets beautiful flowing speeches in Moffat’s era - with Chibnall’s writing would turn her into the two dimensional bad girl who’s life revolves around the Doctor that River haters see her as.
Do I want to see her back? OF COURSE.
Do I want Chibnall to write her? God please no. 
Will I scream and cry and cheer if she does appear soon, even with Chibnall writing her? 
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Ayesha Liveblogs Naruto Shippuden S20 (Pt. 3)
I wonder if going after Karin’s Tsukuyomi bulb was happenstance or whether Tobirama went “I smell an Uzumaki” and had at it
“Just be quiet for a bit” How dare you speak to your father this way Sasuke, Kakashi does nothing but love you
Mirai as a baby is an absolute unit and I love it
Shikamaru, getting down on one knee in front of Temari: Will you not marry me?
You know what. All these dreams are extremely realistic. I buy it. A teenage boy would totally dream about kicking his friends’ asses for fun even if he had the opportunity to do anything in the world. 10/10 believability 
Sai dreams about being told he has a nice smile and being twirled around by Naruto my boooooy 😭😭😭😭😭😭
“[My Sasori transformer] will be the guardian deity of the Sand” Kankuro pls
Omg Temari’s dream is so cute she wants her little brothers to need her
God the fact Gaara’s dream is about having a happy childhood PICK UP THE PHONE RASA I JUST NEED TO TALK
“Madara, don’t you dare talk about the Uchiha. The only one who has that right, is my big brother.” But he did... murder them, Sasuke. That is a thing that happened. My dear. My dude. He done did it.  
Having read Itachi Shinden none of this should be shocking but FUGAKU REALLY YOUR SON IS FOUR WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
“Listen Itachi, never forget this sight” well he sure won’t now that you’ve given him CHILD PTSD FUGAKU
“We finally have peace, and we must do our best to maintain it” Hmmm.... must you, Fugaku? Is that a thing you must do?
“What is life, anyway?” Damn my existential dread didn’t kick in at least until I was in school, Itachi
Sasuke was such a weird-looking newborn I love him
I wonder how the English dub will deal with the mild implications of inc/est between Itachi and Izumi
Please Mikoto your son is like 6 why are you having him babysit
God I am so used to every version of Itachi having the voice of a grownass man that hearing a child-like voice even when he is 6 is almost off-putting lmao
Full offence Obito but why do you have to be such a little bitch
“Oh good, I knew that you’d be alright” HE’S 6 FUGAKU
Why is Naruto just sitting in a basket on top of his father’s grave??? Who let you do this? Hiruzen what is wrong with you??
“I’m glad that you didn’t die” an accurate representation of Itachi’s social skills at all ages
DFhsdjfhkdsjhfk I love that Itachi has accidentally become these kids’ leader 
AHHHHH I guess that’s Hana next to Itachi I wanna see the cat ninja and dog ninja fight 
“If the fighting can be stopped, I’d like to stop it” Shisui <3 
Itachi’s sweet tooth is so goddamn cute ahhhh what a little nerd
“I mean, [ladies] are clueless” “How dare you insult my woman” Turns out the alcohol this cat was drinking was Respect Women Juice
God I love Minazuki-sensei he’s such a mess
“No they blew away in the wind” guess Itachi hasn’t picked up his snitching tendencies yet lmao
Baby Sasuke has acquired a younger voice too I guess. It is real late in the game to be establishing these lmao
Obito. I’m. Stop???? Please. Is this how Kakashi felt during the war
God I love Shisui the tiny ninja detective they really have left off some of the cooler aspects of being a shinobi in all the wild and flashy jutsu like during the Land of Waves arc when Kakashi kept noticing relatively mundane clues
“Shisui picked up on how I felt right from the beginning” welcome to empathy Itachi
“I’ll hand this intel over to Lord Hokage, and he will deliver a just and fair judgment” I like this ANBU vs. ROOT dichotomy but bold of you to assume Hiruzen won’t ultimately let Danzo do whatever he wants lol
Damn what the shit how does Shisui know who the foundation already isn’t he like 12 
The animation of this arc is nice but also so weird they really did make Itachi and Shisui’s eyes like half of their face
These wholeass adults getting between by two prepubescents lmao 
“A teleportation jutsu has no mass” wait WHAT I have so many questions Shisui what does that MEAN 
“I want to you to think of me as your older brother” HELL YEAH HE DOES
Ffgdfkghkjh what an abrupt voice change between age 8 and 11 Itachi
How many times have they animated these same goddamn Itachi scenes 
Holy shit it’s like they tried to tell the story of the Itachi Shinden novels and then got bored halfway through gfkhgfkhgkjh
“I’m exhaAAAUsted from my mission” Itachi pls why say it like that
“You have the Mangekyo as well?” Fugaku had a friend???? Unrealistic. Blocked
Genjutsu but I don’t remember that either ?!?!?! Doesn’t Fugaku spend all of Itachi Shinden being emotionally distant and sending Itachi mixed moral messages
Who is the Fugaku hater on this storyboard staff lmao I’m crying
I have a lot of thoughts about this art direction honestly why is everything in the shadows why are the character models so weird why is Itachi suddenly outside in the lightning for his murder discussion meeting instead of inside the council room if you had to shout over lightning people could hear you 
“I challenge you to the high jump” “You’re no match for me” Sasuke you’re the most obnoxious seven-year-old in the world I love it
“There’s something that I’d like you to help me with” a very casual opener when you’re proposing the murder of your entire clan but okay
They really leaned into the horror movie aesthetic huh fair enough 
I have some objections to register about Izumi’s death like both options are weird but at least in Itachi Shinden she wasn’t humiliated by Obito begging for Itachi to save her she had a degree of awareness and it was an impactful if strange scene
Cute new ED but also the idea of Tobirama giving anyone a fistbump amuses me immensely 
“Who would’ve thought that that scuzzy bearded jerk would’ve been able to use a taijutsu like that” RUDE but also ‘scuzzy’ jhfjghkjhfgj
Omg that’s so funny they literally gave the former owner of Zabuza’s blade the same voice
This doesn’t make any fucking sense how could Juzo have the executioner’s blade when Zabuza would be like 21 when Itachi was 13 oh my god 
“The Hidden Mist doesn’t keep any prisoners” unsurprising but interesting
Is this meant to imply that Juzo is killed and then Zabuza immediately finds the sword and starts a coup because that’s hilarious
Wait how does them fighting the Mizukage make any sense isn’t Yagura under Obito’s control lmao who wrote this
Did Itachi just.... accidentally cripple the Mizukage omg [Zabuza screams in the distance]
Hahahaha I know it’s supposed to be evil but it’s really funny that Kakuzu killed his partner for being too slow
“I wouldn’t know how to cater to your moods” kjfhgkdhfgjh Kakuzu just got wrecked by a thirteen-year-old LMAO 
“I’m not sure what to do with you... whether to kill you right now or find a way to use you” KILL OROCHIMARU, ITACHI, IT’S GONNA SAVE YOU A LOT OF TROUBLE 
Why the hell would Kabuto be hanging out near the Akatsuki anyway isn’t he in a long term infiltration of the Leaf Village lmao or can Orochimaru summon him like a snake
On what basis does Pain decide these partnerships did Kisame and Sasori take a babysitting course or smth
The cutaway without the “This... is art” scene is almost funnier because it implies Itachi just had to flash his eyes at Deidara and Deidara was like, “HELLO AKATSUKI I AM HERE”
“I wouldn’t mind giving you a taste of my art” [insert ninja sex joke about Deidara’s mouth hands here]
Deidara really should not be old enough to be here by this point in the narrative but this entire arc has been wacky timeline wise
Man it must be fucked up to fight a puppet version of your own corpse
“What I really wanted... was to get a hold of Itachi’s body” you are the definition of stranger danger Orochimaru
From what I remember the video games had Kakuzu and Orochimaru approaching Hidan and not Konan and Itachi but I’m game for any Orochimaru erasure lmao
 I’m pretty sure all of that blood was Hidan’s?? World-building whomst
“He licked Kakuzu’s blood” did he though?? Show me his wound Itachi
OMG they’re really heavy-handed with Leaf!Itachi as if we did not just watch a bunch of episodes of Itachi caring about his village like honestly look at this:
Kisame: So even you have feelings for your birthplace, is that it?
Itachi: No. Not at all. [Sasuke, I hope that you’re safe.] 
(Me too Itachi 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
“It’s been a long time... Saaasuke” could you say his name a little less weirdly please Itachi
You really can’t get mad at Kakashi for teaching Sasuke chidori Itachi like maybe if you would murder less people Kakashi would feel a little less overprotective
God was the only point of animating and voicing these scenes again so that Itachi could mentally apologize every twelve seconds? You know what fair enough, anxiety and depression be like that sometimes
“You still have people who’ll protect you” Oh plot twist Itachi was actually writing a “Nice” list instead of a “Naughty” list and Kakashi, Jiraiya and Naruto are all on it
Oh yeah I kind of forgot that this was all supposed to be like a 5 minute span for Sasuke’s flashback of Itachi’s entire life lmao
You know.... it’s real unclear to me how Obito wakes up from his trance lmao he may not be in a cocoon but he’s certainly exposed to the light
“Be careful. We’re surrounded on all sides by four of his shadows” “Yeah I know that” Yeah, Naruto knows it, but Sasuke’s warning where the Shadow Madaras are entirely for Kakashi and Sakura’s benefit BC HE WORRIES MY BABY BOYYYY
“This chakra is even way stronger than Ten-Tails” I really heard “Tenten” there and I was like, wait what did I miss with Tenten kfhkjhgkjhg
“They’re turned into White Zetsu” I hate this nonsensical bit of world-building it made more sense and felt less weird when they were Hashirama clones like what the fuck
Oh I can’t believe this is making me feel almost bad for Madara did Zetsu really edit the Uchiha Stone Tablet’s Tsukuyomi section to say “Peace Plans” ain’t that how like the CIA entraps people 
“Hashirama... where did I go wrong” We’d need a lot more time than you have to unpack that Madara
“Countless nights passed” I mean. Was it countless nights. Because I think it was. A couple hours. This war arc spans like two days. I have spent more human hours on this arc than they’ve spent ninja hours in this war
“I can’t believe such a person existed” neither can I Sasuke it’s almost like she was invented specifically for this arc
For real Obito no offence but like why aren’t you dead it just doesn’t make much sense khkjfdhkjhgkjh
Hmmm not 2 be that gal but Kaguya’s voice is v pleasant on the ears 
“Sorry to be so rough with you, Obito” Kakashi. You loving, kind, dumb bitch. He stabbed you THREE TIMES in the past two days you really owe him like -1000 apologies
“This is also one of those times where your body just moves on its own” SASUKE CALLED OUT FOR LOVING HIS COMRADES
“I’ve got to get to Naruto” I love your dedication Minato but I feel as though the loss of both of your arms makes helping more difficult
Kakashi is not NEARLY as surprised about this levitation thing as he should be. I think as this point he’s just like. ‘This might as well happen’
All other things aside Kaguya’s really fun to look at damn
Okay okay okay not to look for too much logic in this ninja show but don’t both Naruto and Sasuke have Six Paths chakra why can only Naruto float is a metaphor for Sasuke’s fall from grace
“I am Kaguya’s child” I can only imagine a Game of Thrones-eque shadow flying out the hooha situation
“Just before the seal took hold, she gave birth to me, in order that she could be restored” I can only assume Kaguya fucked Bitterness and Regret and you know.... fair enough
I gotta tell you Zetsu being the primary narrator of this arc is jarring
Tenji seems kinda nice it’s a shame something terrible will probably happen to him
Say what you will about SP’s animation inconsistencies they can animate some beautiful-ass skies
“Is there anything that you desire” Get u a man like Tenji
Fellas is it gay to sit under the stars with your handmaiden who adores you in comfortable silence
“Even now you’re not scared. That just makes me like you more” take a shot every time a man is Like That (bah dum tss) 
“Do Not Touch Me,” wow Kaguya mood
I will clarify I said that BEFORE she exploded the men gkhkjfhgkhh
Tenji, that Aino lady is your subordinate are you really gonna leave her with the creepy That man u are not the man I thought you were
“Just tell him, and I’m sure that Lord Tenji will forgive you” to be fair Aino you could’ve elaborated u were just like ‘yup she killed them’ and left it at that
When life gives u lemons use people as fertilizer for ur infinite lemon tree I guess
Are you telling me 1) Gamamaru has existed since the DAWN OF CHAKRA and 2) He knew all about this Tsukuyomi shit just like. Kept it on the DL. WHAT KINDA WORLD-BUILDING
Okay but for real did the Otsutsuki clan stem like.... all the clans, because there’s the Kaguya clan (through Hamura I guess?), and the Hyuga clan definitely through Hamura, and then the Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki through Hagoromo like just how many people did your kids sleep with and for that matter how long ago was this
“A real talking toad! Think people would like it if we caught it and took it home?” Why are Hagoromo and Hamura the cutest things in the world this is the sibling content we deserve
“You’re just a snake oil salesman, and not a very good one” oh I think I love Hamura oh no I would love a character who gets stuck on the moon 
Take a shot every time a woman exists to die and make a man sad 
“She fell in love with the ruler of this land and in time she became pregnant with the two of you” notice that at no point does Gamamaru say they got married can u believe Kaguya invented premarital sex
You know none of this goes against mine and Sloane’s Kagumo theory
“How can you see so far into a toad’s heart that clearly” Gamamaru and Hagoromo’s interactions are killing me
How much time has passed for Hamura’s hair to grow that long
Tenji doesn’t even appear in this flashback about love and betrayal it’s just Kaguya being bitter bc her gal Aino died they were in lesbians together
Every so often I’m reminded that Kishimoto has a twin brother and I wonder what he thinks about making the twins fight
“You enabled me to awaken the mangekyo sharingan and rinnegan” how do u even have words for those things. Didn’t they just happen right this moment
Wow this is all very Little Shop of Horrors, Momma feeds the tree with people juice and in turn it wants to protect her from harm
“We won’t be that far apart,” said Hagoromo, just as his brother was about to teleport to the moon
Side note: Maybe ur crops were failing bc without the moon the tides are all out of whack and you know, the moon was apparently just invented right now
“Time passed, and so did Hagoromo” I love this particular literary device
“Time after time I’d approach the reincarnates of Indra and Ashura” okay so we’re supposed to be down for not only regular reincarnation in Naruto but Indra and Ashura ONLY BEING BORN TO THE SENJU AND UCHIHA CLANS REPEATEDLY WHAT WHO WROTE THIS
Does this mean that people Naruto and Sasuke every 50 years????You’d think the Land of Fire would just. Get used to it
“Just with that alone, a thousands years passed” well at least we have some idea of how much time it’s been since Kaguya era lmao 
Ur telling me that this horseshit happened bc Tobirama doesn’t know to leave dead bodies well enough alone
This montage of Zetsu taking credit for everything Madara and Obito did is not appreciated lmao take some responsibility for your actions!!!!
I’m gonna keep harping on this for the rest of the war honestly like where is the ACCOUNTABILITY
“So your teen rebellion continues” LMAO UR NOT WRONG
“I know that this could be our last hurrah, but we gotta give it our best shot” not much of a plan Naruto sweetheart but fair
Tag urself I’m Kakashi’s look of despair at his hormonal students
“And Sasuke? Sorry that my sexy jutsu didn’t work” I was not prepared for the sincerity with which that line was delivered
The Sad Old Man™ energy radiating off Obito is... Immense 
“I want to thank you for helping me out. And for helping Sasuke” “No, there’s no need to thank me” this is the first time Obito has been right about something since the age of 13
“I’m not going to waste time on speeches,” said Obito, in the middle of a dramatic speech 
Minato..... how did you chop the branch.... with no hands to pick up a kunai???????? What kind of yoga contortion was involved
What I imagine the subtext of this scene to be:
Hagoromo: New old son!!!! I am dad now
Hashirama, whose dad was Butsuma: [choking back tears] Okay
Tobirama: I also hate our father
They’re all taking to this “demi-god pops out of the bottom half of dead ex-comrade” thing pretty well but to be fair they’ve had a complicated day
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girl-q · 6 years
The Originals Season 5 Episode 12: Kick me in the face with that Klaroline
Yeet. The last episode is coming out tomorrow and I feel like a fucking butt cheek on a stick.
It´s me your friendly neighbourhood theorist with all the opinions and all the wrong theories.
Hope is dying of Hollowness and so the fam hops in a car? They said it took like 10 hours to Mystic from Nola so that carries must have been amazing. They drive to the Salvatore school, where Klaus wants to use the chambers in the attic, that never held any fucking body in Tvd to lock Hope up for her wolf transformation, but surprise Klaus is a liar and actually wants Caroline’s twins to siphon the magic out of Hope into him and then sink himself onto the bottom of the ocean. Caroline protests for like two seconds and then is fine. Her kids are being brats and hoes we´ve seen them in Legacy and one is going to be all fun and slutty and the other one shy and stuff. They eventually agree, but then Alaric has to bust in and shoot Klaus. Man Alaric? Really? Can´t we go on episode with that boring ass slug ruining everything? Klaus is restrained for another two seconds and Alaric goes all judgy on Caroline basically implying that she has too many feelings for him and therefore putting their daughters at risk. He says the ocean can´t hold Klaus and a hoe is right, because surprise Klaus lied again and actually wants to kill himself after the Hollow is in him. Conveniently he still kept a white oak stick around, because convenience of the plot. Why though? If all it takes to shut down the Hollow is killing someone while it´s inside someone, why don´t they use a drunken, and homeless child molester? Why does it have to be Klaus? It´s not like he has too many morals to kill someone else.
Anyway Caroline gets pissed for another cute two seconds and then agrees to still help Klaus, because what he is doing after all is to protect his kid and being a good person/ dad. Hoes he became what she always wanted for him. Oh my gawd FEELINGS!
In a different plot Elijah and Hope are out about in my favourite small town infested with supernatural kids and curses. Let’s be honest kids. That line with the Bentley was fucking bomb. They go to get food, where we meet Landon. Hopes love interest of the moment. He looks like a total six and a half with eyes that look like he either never sleeps or tries to be emos next big thing. I give him a 9/10 on Q´s list of characters that are basically Dan Humphrey from Gossip Girl. He loses one point because of the weird hair. Dan’s locks were luscious and his just look like a sad sad poodle. Yeah listen people from Legacy lets not do THAT(Landon) and instead bring back someone that is growing on me just for the reason that he is hotter and seems a little less whiny then Landon, let’s do Roman. He is annoying too, but he is hotter and probably cooler than that dude.
So Landon gets bullied by High School jocks, surprise, and then gets 300 dollars from Elijah. It´s insinuated that Hope likes this boy and he does too and he invites her too something musically in the park, because that´s what the kids of today do. But no I´m sure he has like an old soul or whatever we say about kids, who have no friends and sit around thinking about the Beatles. (I love being an ignorant queen)
Elijah and Hope go to the jocks and it seemed as if Hope was going to do something amazingly, batshit crazy, but then she just blasted the mean dude’s car windows. Hope and Elijah do talking and bonding until the evening comes and of course she goes to meet poodle at the music thing. They dance, because it´s cute and stuff, but the MAIN thing here is the BEST, ULTIMATE conversation between my babies were Klaroline was proven again to still be a romantic thing and that now they are more compatible than ever. Suck it haters. They talk about Klaus as a dad. Then she tells him about the time she drove with the twins to Nola, when she was in trouble in the seventh season of Tvd, but he was trapped in the wall. He looked shocked. Maybe because she trusted him like that. Then she tells him he was never the evil in her life and then the THING happens. They almost kiss, but the clock strikes and she pulls away. She walks away and throws one last longing look at the man she loved.
After that Hope´s transformation is coming up, but Elijah gets wind of Klaus’s true intentions and tries to stop him or take his place. He locks Elijah into a chamber in the basement, which never holds anybody and tells his daughter to transform outside. They talk endlessly about how it´s going to take hours, but the transformation is like a minute long. I feel attacked by that. Julie explain yourself. During the transformation the twins suck the hollow out of Hope and put it into Klaus. Caroline isn´t there and Klaus asks why, but Alaric says Caroline couldn´t watch another man she loves die. Now he didn´t exactly say that, but I imagine it.
Klaus is about to plunge that stick into his chest, when Elijah appears. NO Klaus. The end
Theories and Thoughts
It´s fucking bullshit if Klaus really dies. It is fucking bullshit to not see his daughter growing up. The guilt she must have. She would be kinda responsible for both her parents’ death.
Yeah nobody can deny now that Klaroline is a romantic thing. This episode did it all. They showed that he became the man she always wanted him to be, which is caring and loving. He got saved like she said he was capable off. She trusts him, protects him, helps him, can´t loose him and cares for him. She loves him. Maybe more honestly and openly than she ever did before. She is grown now and he is too and we all know Klaus Mikaelson never lost feelings for that girl. He may have “loved” Cami, but no one can deny that he ever forget his feelings for Caroline. They almost freaking kissed. They are still on and why the heck would the writers put them on the table so hard again, when he is dying so close?
The LAST Episode
It´s go time. Klaus just tried to kill himself but in the trailer we see that he passes out before that or some witch took him out. In my best educated guess they´ll ship him back to Nola were every fucking body is going to go all teary eyed. They´re going to have one last dinner and a “funeral”. It could be just killing himself with his fam around, but also they could do like a TFIOS thing where each characters says something nice about Klaus.
The trailer is quite sad. It shows a lot of family and a scene of him with Hope putting their heads to each other. I have to say I have a little doubt about the Elijah theory, because they did the same thing in the last episode of The Vampire Diaries. Stefan sacrificed himself to save his brother and then in the afterlife reunited with someone that was really special to him. I doubt it a little. There is also a scene where the siblings burn paper without Nick.
It will definitely be quite emotional. I sincerely hope he makes it out alive. What is so true though is that someone really important is going to die. This is also supported by the title “When the saints go marching in” is a song very popular with something called the “Jazz Funeral”. It´s a song first and foremost associated with the city of New Orleans.
Remember the photos from Candice and Joseph in New Orleans? Yeah they still will need to come into play and given that it´s very bright outside when that happens that could be a scene from after Klaus is saved.
Here is the last thing I will say before the finale. This show is about more than three people. It was about a whole family, so what is going to happen to the rest? Keelin and Freya could live a normal married life with children and it would be fine. They´ll die. But then there is Rebekah, who wants to be human so much. Will she just be miserable for the rest of eternity now? Pining for what she can´t have? Maybe eventually deciding it´s too much and do something fatal? Rebekah wasn´t much in this season but her story needs to be tied up. I changed my mind and I don´t think she can just go back to Marcel. It would lead to nothing again and break ups again, because what is hurting Marbekah most is something neither of them can change. Rebekah needs some justice. Then there is also my daisy Davina. She is mortal and with Kol, and eventually she will die and leave Kol behind. The sibling’s weren´t a focus much on this season, but what about them? What about Vincent? I know I trash him a lot, but he just lost another love. Is he going to find peace?
In this way this final needs to be a close copy to the TVD finale. I overall liked the ending for each character. It was truly about peace and closure. This finale need to be about that too. Elijah will find peace in death, because he will find Hayley again. Klaus won´t get any peace from death. Everything he holds close to his heart is alive. Some kids will argue that he´ll reunite with Cami and that will give him peace, but Camille has been almost irrelevant in this season and those are just facts.
Here is what I want if I could have everything I want: Freelin is shown in the future with children, Vincent finds happiness not in love, but in a task, Rebekah is human and married with kids, because Rebekah deserves better or at least she is seen raising something like a child. Marcel is right there with her. Elijah is dead and reunited in heaven with Hayley. Hope goes to school and learns to be better than her family and lastly Nicklaus Mikaelson will survive and love his daughter and to excuse him and Caroline for not being in Legacy they will charter a plane together and visit some places. Paris, Rome or even Tokyo. He can do that now, because his daughter is safe and loved and he learned that she is a strong capable girl that can deal with the world on her own. Caroline also realizes that her daughters are with their father in good hands at the school and finally she can go and see some places.
That is my happily ever after for the Originals, which I would love and welcome dearly.
Before I finish this chapter let’s talk about some dead people. Mikael and Camille are listed as guest stars. This seemingly supports Klaus´s death, but I don´t think so. They could appear in a ghost form like Vicky and Tyler for Matt in the Tvd finale or Klaus temporarily dies and sees them ,but if that happens hoe that make him human that would ruin everything. Side note I once saw a pic of a blonde kissing a bearded man in a wedding dress and it was said it was about TO. I was so confused and the girlies shortly thought it was Klaroline, but I don´t think so. It just came to my mind btw where we could see Camille again. In the pictures from Nola with Candice and Joseph they stood in front of a panting much like he did with Camille in the first episode. Maybe they are talking about his life and will insert Camis ghost for a few seconds looking upon them.
I´m finishing this chapter now. It was a hot mess and unstructured, but I´m too lazy to restructure it. The finale will be there tonight. The last chapter of this out tomorrow.
Good final day girlies
I´m out
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trumpetnista · 7 years
My Final Thoughts on 7x11 (Taken from Shattering’s latest A/N...)
I’ve been catching hell for this POV but I will continue to own it: at this late date, after everything that’s gone down? It is going to take a lot more than a minor bullet wound and a Resignation to make me accept Olivia Pope’s Redeption Arc as a thing. I mean, it was kind of inevitable but I’ve spent so much time rooting for her demise, both physically and socially, it’s kinda a letdown. I mean, I’m a sucker for a happy ending. As cynical as I am, I always grin like a nut when people get to be happy but…maybe I’m petty. Maybe I’m not as empathetic as I should be. That’s okay. That’s something to work on.
But, I definitely enjoyed 7x11 as a whole. I love how Quinn got free from Rowan’s delusional ass and reunited with her family. I loved how Liv spent most of the episode getting swift kicks to the teeth from Karma. I love it when a bully gets their just desserts. I love a good YEET. Olivia being kicked out on her ass by Mellie and usurped by Joke Bastard (of all people!) was the best YEET ever. “You can’t take Command” but hubris can fuck over Command quite nicely. I also enjoyed Olivia taking a bullet, even just to the arm. I cheered. If they wanted me to be sad and heartbroken about it, they shouldn’t have ruined her character so thoroughly beforehand. Call me a Hater. I don’t give a fuck.
There are only a few eps to go and while 7x11 had a few good baby steps for Liv being worth a damn again, this ain’t the time for baby steps. She’s gonna have to pull out all the stops to make things right with everyone, especially Quinn and Fitz. I’m sure that they’ll find a way to pull it off. They’ve done miracles before but a part of me, a big part of me doesn’t trust Olivia not to be pulling one last Move. And even if she isn’t, that same part of me is rooting for her to be alone in the show’s endgame. Death is still on the table but being alone? That’s worse than death, honestly, especially if it’s self inflicted loneliness.
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orionsangel86 · 7 years
A retrospective look at the Season 12 wishlist.
Back shortly after the season 11 finale I wrote out a wishlist of all the things I wanted for Season 12. Looking back at that list (here) It’s funny to see what I wanted with hindsight now that season 12 is over and season 13 is only a week away. I thought I would revisit my season 12 wishlist to recap the season and where I went wrong (and right!) before I post a wishlist for season 13.
Wish 1. Castiel gets his emotional arc resolved - This is a big one. As a Cas girl I was left unsatisfied with Castiel’s arc this season, HOWEVER, we KNOW from previous Dabb episodes that he loves to explore Castiel’s emotional story and I have no doubt that this will continue into season 12. Our angel still has a story ahead of him (hopefully ending in the love of a certain green eyed hunter.)
In Hindsight: Ah yes, my big number one on the wishlist was all about Cas getting his emotional arc resolved. Did he get this? Well, kind of. I don’t think any of us could have predicted that Dabb would give us THREE Castiel heavy episodes exploring his emotional past, present and future in ways which blew our collective meta brains out. Cas got lots of love this season and its why season 12 is now one of my all time faves. Where we are now is unknown in some ways for Cas but in other ways his past is clear. He has finally reached the transformation part of his character journey, and season 13 will bring us a Cas rising from the ashes like a beautiful phoenix shrouded in flames.
Wish 2. SUPERBRITISH - I am not going to stop going on about this. This is my land, My green and (fairly) pleasant land. The British are coming to Supernatural and I cannot stop being excited about it. Can I please have ALL the TFW in London head canons please? From traffic jams and silly accents to discovering the glory that is a bacon roll from Gregs on a Sunday morning whilst suffering a horrendous hangover.
In Hindsight: LOL. Yeah right. Am I disappointed? Totally. The British Men of Letters were for me, totally underwhelming. There was no trip to England, there was no grumpy Dean stuck on the M25. At the end of the day they served their purpose. They brought home the fact that hunting is not black and white. That sometimes it is humans who are the most monstrous. Honestly right now I just hope we don’t revisit it. I think its best that this story line gets dropped from now on. *sigh*
Wish 3. Awesome female characters continuing to kick ass - I adored the use of female characters in the finale. They all lived, no one female was a sexy lamp (sadly that role was given to Castiel) and no one got forced into unnecessary make out sessions. The women are smart, sarcastic badass queens who will RULE this show come October, and I for one, cannot wait. 
In Hindsight: Can I hear a cheer for the WAYWARD SISTERS! Hell’s YES! I mean, they have granted us what we wanted with the Wayward Sisters in season 13, but did we actually get this in season 12? Well, Lady Toni turned out to be a psycho, who died. Her British badass knuckle duster lady also died. Alicia and Tasha both died, so did Rowena and Eileen. It actually wasn’t a GREAT season for the girls. This is what happens when you give Bucklemming too much control over the main plot I suppose. *sigh*. So whilst the Wayward Sisters announcement definitely counts as a win, overall I can’t say this wish has been ticked off. 
Wish 4. Men of Letters vs Grand Coven - Yes this is a big one and I am hoping is the main story arc going forward into season 12. I want to see more of the Grand Coven of witches and their European battle with the Men of Letters. I am expecting more awesome women kicking ass thanks to this potential storyline.
In Hindsight: LOL. Again. Wasted. Potential. *sigh*
Wish 5. Mother Mary and family time - Mary’s reveal was pretty amazing especially since I think we were all expecting it to just be her ghost or a vision or something, but nope, Mummy Winchester is back on the scene and I can’t even begin to imagine what they are planning to do with this. All I am hoping for is that Mary’s influence will help Dean to accept certain parts of him that he loves to keep repressed (effeminophobia and his bisexuality being the big ones). Mary coming back will hopefully start to truly break down and destroy John Winchester’s toxic influence over his sons. I also really really want her to meet Cas and say the words “Thank you for watching over my son.” YES.
In Hindsight: Ok so this one I think gets ticked off. Mary’s purpose was to get Dean to let go of some of his major hang ups, to finally get some really heavy stuff off his chest, and to break down John Winchesters toxic influence. Also for Dean to finally take his mother off that pedestal he’s been keeping her on his whole life. I think the show, and 12x22 particularly, did an excellent job with this. We didn’t quite get a bisexual reveal, but the subtext was thick and heavy (12x11 was glorious). Mary also mirrored Cas continually throughout the season as two people both looking for their place in this little family dynamic and having Mary accept Cas as “one of my boys” really was the icing on the cake for any Cas fans out there happily sipping on hater tears.
Wish 6. Sam gets some distance from Dean, some other friends, maybe a girl, and definitely a dog - I think it is safe to say that Sam isn’t dead. Probably just shot in the arm or leg or something. I want him to be taken to England by Lady T and face the Men of Letters. I hope that they will warm to Sam (and his wonderful moose charms) and that Sam will get to bond with his British companions away from Dean (because Dean always steals the side characters away and bonds with them more than Sam ever does - except for Eileen). Maybe there could even be love in the future for Sam - either by bringing back Eileen or developing a decent and believable relationship between Sam and Lady T (I don’t want her forced into the love interest role, I think she is far too good for that already, but if she becomes a regular throughout the season like Rowena is then potentially a relationship could blossom slowly between them. It could work. I have been hoping for love for Sam for some time now and I can see the potential in this).
In Hindsight: Urgh so this is a yes and a massive NOPE at the same time. Bucklemming managed to ruin Lady Toni in the second episode of the season and then killed off Eileen in 12x21 (seriously fuck those assholes). I guess even the THOUGHT of shipping Sam with someone now gets a girl killed in this show even if she doesn’t go near his killer dick. Poor Sam. On a more positive note he DID get some distance from Dean in 12x22 and symbolically the toxic co-dependency has been broken. So that is one major point to mark off. (I didn’t actually even wish for that as I doubted it would happen myself!) Shame about him still not getting a dog though. WHY CAN’T YOU GIVE SAM A DOG DAMMIT! Sam has definitely moved forward in season 12 to a healthier place, though I think he still has far to go compared to Dean. Hopefully we will see him reach his full potential in season 13.
Wish 7. Lady T is a well developed, fully rounded, likeable character and not a sexy lamp or boring love interest - I already love her. I want to know more about her, her motivations, her back story, how she became a woman of letters, I want her to be a worthy adversary to the Winchesters before becoming a trustworthy ally. I want her to continue to take none of their shit, to put them in their place and therefore earn their respect. I also really want to see her face of with Rowena. That would be awesome. England vs Scotland right there! Potentially I would accept her becoming a love interest to Sam only if it was done right. If it was done in the subtext throughout the season and is only a very very tiny part of the storyline. It would have to be major slow burn. No forced kisses like in CACW (did you guys see that? what the fuck was that?). Only then, would I accept any sort of romantic sub-plot between characters.
In Hindsight: *ugly cries into pillow over how off the mark this was*
Fuck you Bucklemming.
Wish 8. More screen time for Dean and Cas = DESTIEL - Well obviously. It wouldn’t be a proper supernatural wishlist if it didn’t have Destiel written in big letters somewhere now would it? After all the build up in Season 11 in the subtext I am still convinced that this is going somewhere. The season finale has NOT destroyed my positivity at all. In fact it has only added to it. (come ask me about it if you want more info). At the end of the day, Dean and Cas are going to have to save Sam. This means spending time together trying to FIND Sam in a completely unknown city (hence my excitement over them renting a car and getting stuck on the M25 before ending up lost in somewhere like Surrey… Oh the fanfiction potential! I can practically taste it! I have faith in Dabb to bring us more destiel moments. he has always been good to us.
In Hindsight: *stops crying*
*jumps around in glee*
*remembers the end of 12x23*
*cries again*
Do I even need to talk about it? Every good wishlist should include destiel, but I NEVER would have predicted what they gave us. I NEVER would have seen it coming…
But seriously though? With the pining over each other in 12x09, the angel/human love stories and human weakness of 12x10, the LOVE CONFESSION of 12x12 and the MIXTAPE (among other amazing moments) in 12x19 where do I even START with season 12 destiel?!? The fact that they have ended it like they have KNOWING Cas is coming back… I mean… it is BEYOND ANYTHING I COULD HAVE DREAMED UP. There is a reason we call it season fanfic 12. Holy crap it was glorious. I’m marking this a big YES for the wishlist.
Wish 9. Following on from the above… HUNTER CAS - Dabb brought us the wonderful episode Hunteri Heroci which had Cas try out his hunting skills (and save the day I might add). We know Dabb loves Cas. I have every reason to believe that Cas will get more time as a Hunter. I want him in MOTW episodes. He will be soooo good in MOTW episodes please please PLEASE let this happen! (especially if the MOTW episodes are set in BRITAIN because the boys are still out there dealing with the MOL and the Grand Coven…. I see them dealing with ghosts that are 1000 years old and haunting freaking castles… it will be glorious.)
In Hindsight: Does “Agent Beyonce” count as Hunter Cas? Because I want to count it. It may not have been on the level of Hunteri Heroici, but I loved his grumpy married couple bickering with Dean at the start of the season, the lumberjack comment? That was genius. Give us more stuff like that SPN PLEASE.
Wish 10. More funny episodes - More witches doing ridiculous things to the boys. Give me ACTUAL MOOSE SAM WINCHESTER PLEASE! Give me the kind of silly witch stories we have been reading about in fanfics for far too long… come on show, its season 12! What have you got to loose?
In Hindsight: Well, 12x11 was witches and was pretty funny whilst being equally heart breaking. Plus it gave us the wonderful end scene of Dean riding Larry to his hearts content. None of us are gonna forget that in a hurry. I think it counts. Even though I am still royally pissed off that they killed Rowena. *sigh*
We do have a Scooby Doo animated episode in season 13 though which again I never ever would have considered possible but heyho, they love to surprise us.
Wish 11. Beach Episode - This is purely for @elizabethrobertajones. Maybe once they are done in Britain, they’ll head off to the med for a true European beach experience… They’ll be fine as long as they have Cas with them. He speaks all the languages. He can order the cocktails and ice creams. ;-)
In Hindsight: I TAKE IT BACK. NO BEACH EPISODES EVER AGAIN. Sometimes I swear Dabb lurks on Lizzy’s blog to read the kind of stuff we are dreaming up just so he can grant our wishes in the MOST PAINFUL WAY EVER. Cas DIED on a beach. All Dean wanted was to visit a beach once in his life, but they KILLED CAS on a BEACH. WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO US DABB? WHY?
*continues sobbing into pillow*
Stay tuned for my Season 13 Wishlist... Once I stop crying...
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