#hoo boy - this got experimental
andromedadualitas · 1 year
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Hoo boy I got some Majima catchin’ up to do, so many wips aaaah! But to start, here’s an experimental portrait I did sometime last year to relax in-between commissions, so I didn’t have much patience for the jacket texture. 😅
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xoxoemynn · 5 months
hey marianne tell us about the wip you're most excited about in as much detail as you want
HOO BOY WOULD I LOVE TO. And I have yet to consolidate this into an elevator pitch so it'll definitely be long. It started off as an Old Hollywood/Broadway AU and now has spiraled into what I'd say most simply is a dimension travel AU that's also a bit of a meta commentary on OFMD's cancellation.
I'll put it under a cut because this DID actually get annoyingly long.
OKAY SO. We have 1990s Ed. He's a legendary Broadway performer known mostly as a dancer but he's been getting a bit sick of it, but also doesn't know what he'd want to do next since he's still relatively young. He keeps putting it off until he injures his knee in a show and can no longer dance, and now he's forced to actually figure out what he's going to do next.
While he's depressed and recovering, he passes the time watching old black and white musicals. He discovers the dance team of Stede Bonnet and Mary Allamby (loosely inspired by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, who were baby's first hyperfixation as a pre-teen, making this a VERY exciting project for me personally) and is immediately in awe of Stede, although surprised he's never heard of him before.
Through some hand-waving, Ed eventually realizes he's able to talk to Stede through the TV, and then later that he's actually able to enter the TV itself and exist in Stede's world. Except it's not just the 1930s. Stede's literally been living in a kind of grayscale purgatory that looks like his film sets. He has no concept of the passage of time, or even exactly what happened that caused him to be stuck there, and he's the only real person existing there, until Ed shows up.
Naturally they quickly fall in love, but they have a bit of a star-crossed lovers thing going on because they can't FULLY be together, and they also have different wants in life. For Ed, he LOVES being in this black and white world. He's in love with Stede, his knee doesn't bother him there, he gets to explore these really cool art deco film sets, he doesn't have to think about what he's going to do with his life. He gets to just be happy. For him, being in a black and white world cut off from everyone else but Stede is a small and worthy sacrifice for all that.
But Stede's been trapped there for 60 years with no sign of escape, and he misses being in the real world. He loves having Ed there and loves Ed, but he also wonders what else is out there. He misses being out in the real world and seeing everything in color and experiencing life off a Hollywood film set that was specifically designed to be entirely escapist for filmgoers looking to get away from their problems during the Great Depression.
So the bulk of the story is about Ed and Stede navigating their relationship and how they can really be together, as well as uncovering what happened to Stede in the first place that caused him to be trapped. It's got big themes of authenticity, acceptance, the temptation of avoidance, and being comfortable in the unknown. Influences that have wormed their way in include The Giver, Pleasantville, The Red Shoes, Barbie (lol), The Haunting of Hill House, Zaslav being a fuckhead, and an experimental art film called The Afterlight. It's taken me a LONG time to plan it because the world-building was really complex and there were a ton of little nuances to sort out, but I'm finally in a good place to really start writing it. I'm very excited because there are at least two REALLY sad scenes in it that I am 😈 about. But DEFINITELY a happy ending with a huge thread of hope running throughout, and is ultimately about creating a life for yourself where you can be your most authentic self, as terrifying as that may be.
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ultward · 10 months
Okay, I gotta ask about your fic version of vampirism. What are major changes between your depiction and canon? what stayed the same? and what fun things did you add for pure self-indulgence and just cause you could.
What about the physical changes from Human to vampire? How do gifts work? (Idk if your vampires have gifts or not).
most notably, vampires can consume a wide variety of beverages, including alcohol. i think i got into the "biology" of this in the fic itself, but basically their bodies just absorb liquids the same way they do blood, it's silly vampire magic, it doesn't matter
all of stephenie's stupid and racist skin bleaching stuff is gone, and they get to keep their freckles/tattoos/etc
in canon i think vamps can only get scarred from vamp bites? but i expanded that a little to include claw marks from other vamps + scars from werewolves (of both the shifter and lycanthrope variety, since my version of caius is covered in werewolf scars)
most of the stuff about how vampires work in general is the same as canon! they're nigh invincible crystalline monsters who sparkle and shimmer in the sun and crack like statues when they get hurt, and you can only kill them by tearing them apart and setting them on fire
HOWEVER my vampires are MUCH more monstrous than in canon. i think twilight vamps have the ability to be quite scary if they want, but in my fic i really wanted to play up the idea of them being mythical apex predators. as such, they have a sort of "aura" about them that the cullens are always actively repressing. it allows them to be both incredibly alluring but also unsettling, causing a "terrified but drawn in" effect in most humans - it's a red flag, but also a lure. bella is completely immune to it, which would be a terrible thing for her if she was in any other situation
following that up, vampires who let themselves stay in this "natural" state can tend to be a lot more animalistic, which is definitely something present in canon but i wanted to amp it up a little more. the vampires are very much inhuman and monstrous, and the cullens are putting in work every day to not appear that way
i've also given vampires a much more intense "soulmate connection" that's pretty much exactly the same as canon imprinting. this is just because i wanted my fic to be a twist on the typical soulmate trope where the concept of "love at first sight" is kind of terrifying and inconvenient! i really just played up hints of things that were already in canon, like the fact that denying the bond is... unpleasant for both parties
at the same time, i also wanted to emphasize platonic and familial relationships, so i included the idea that vampires can have more than one "soulmate" and will often have very strong non-romantic bonds with others (though these are less apparent to them at first). this is why the cullens are drawn to be a family, but also why bella and edward are such good friends! they're literally platonic soulmate besties. i love a brotp
i think another related thing i hinted at somewhere is that if a vampire has a human soulmate, that human will slowly begin to gain some vampiric traits (slow aging, increased strength, etc) no matter whether they're bitten or not. bonds are incredibly powerful things in my au, and they're capable of enacting physical change - albeit very slowly
there's also the idea of vampire science and experimentation, of course. most of it has to do with testing out the effects of venom on various types of beings in different states. this is how i wound up with things like ghouls, who are essentially just much weaker, feral vampires (almost like zombies). they, in turn, spread through a different kind of bite-induced infection that causes a rot, which is how bella ends up in her strange state of slow-turning undeath after she gets bitten by a ghoul and rosalie
turning and gifts are pretty much the same! the change takes 3 days under normal circumstances and it's super painful. gifts are accentuated traits from your human life (or amped up versions of proto-gifts, as in alice's case)
i think the last big difference is the idea that vampires are capable of growth and change (not physically, but mentally). if you read the fic, the characters will often talk about how they're incapable of changing due to their nature, but their actions throughout the story definitely contradict this! the vampires aren't perfect and they have issues they have to work through, and they sometimes use their nature as an excuse not to work on themselves - but they're absolutely capable of change
the tl;dr here is mostly that i wanted vampires to be able to drink, i wanted them to be a lot more monstrous, and i wanted there to be a little more mysterious magic at play! i think that the canon twilight vampires are pretty cool, but i also think that stephenie went to weird lengths to explain everything about them, and sometimes it's better to just be like "it's magic lol".
also you didn't ask but my werewolves are different as well! i've never found a good way to actually drop this in the fic yet, but the shapeshifter-type wolves are NOT a phenomenon exclusive to the quileute tribe. there are a bunch of other packs around the world! it's still a genetic thing that gets passed down through families, but it's widespread because in my lore it originated from twilight's other elusive werewolves, the children of the moon. essentially, it's a defense mechanism that evolved in some lycanthropes over time since it was beneficial for humans to be able to protect themselves against vampires. maybe some day i'll figure out how to write that into the fic itself lmao
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kenziedrawz · 2 years
Shards AU - introduction
hoo boy first tumblr twst post let's go
Anyways, welcome to the Shards AU, an AU inspired by Land of the lustrous( or Hoseki no kuni), Steven Universe and other things.
The Shards au is an AU in which our lovely TWST cast are 'Shards'. but those will be explained under the cut. We've got some mentions of dismemberment, death and Human experimentation I guess. So read on if you wish to involve yourself in all that!
Hey boss, we've found more information on what those 'Shards' you wanted to know about are.
Shards are man-made bioweapons created for celestial war-fare. However they were proven 'ineffective'(Read; Uncontrollable) and left on an island to hopefully die out. This was only partially effective in getting rid of them because yes, they were out of the governments hair, but they were still alive and therefore a liability if any potential enemies got their hands on them. Hence they hired S.T.Y.X. in order to monitor the Island and study the remaining shard cores.
But how were Shards made? I'll tell you.
In order to make a shard, you must combine a Shard Core and a Gemstone of any kind. Then they are planted in the ground to absorb nutrients and minerals to form bodies. The conditions of the ground and gem can affect the shard physiologically and physically.
Now, there are two distinctive types of shards( there are also multiple shard types), your regular shards, and then there's your Titan shards. Titan shards are much bigger than regular shards, and also tend to lead shard colonies. Titian shards are able to 'compress' themselves into a smaller form to look like a regular shard. And there are currently seven shard colonies known to exist on the island, and I'm sure that you can guess what they are.
Now, I currently don't have much access to the files that S.T.Y.X. had on the island of Shards. But I'll try my best to relay the information I have access to now.
The first Colony, seated in the more floral and twisted parts of the Island of shards. It almost looks like a scene from 'Alice in Wonderland'.
Riddle, the Titan of the colony, is one of the shortest titan shards recorded to date.
Cater, a Shard within the colony, seems to have a strange ability to create multiple copies of himself via cutting off limbs and growing another body from the cut off limb and restoring the severed limb on his own body.( Shards have no organs, their insides look more like geodes.)
The Heartslabyul colony follows some strange practices, like hosting tea parties, painting the local flora and playing croquet using flamingos and hedgehogs of all things( nobody knows how those got on the island)
The colony has a sea of rules that all colony members are expected to follow, surprisingly these rules have managed to keep majority of the colony safe. As Heartslabyul is the colony with the least amount of causalities or corruptions out of all the colonies.
I never talked about corruption, did I? Corruption is found in all Shards, if a shard gets fully corrupted then they turn into a monstrous form. If a shard stays in that form for too long then there is no chance of returning them to their previous state. Though, some shards are able to seemingly 'corrupt' but be fine for however long they are in that form. We should get back on track
The second colony, found in the more safari-like areas of the island.
The members of the Savannaclaw colony are able to shift into a second, centaur-ish like form. Though they aren't necessarily horses, most of them tend to be more like animals you'd find in a savannah of some kind.
For example, the Titan of the colony, Leona, has the lower half of a lion in his centaur form.
The shards within the colony also tended to have animal features present upon their bodies.
The third colony, found near the beach and ocean surrounding the island.
Like the Savannaclaw colony, shards of the Octavinelle has a second form as well. However they look more like Merfolk than centaurs.
Azul, the colony's titan, has minimal recorded examples of his second or titan form. However by looking at the blurry images we have of it, it can be assumed that he looks like an octopus mer, or cecaelia if you wish for a fancier term, when in those forms.
Jade and Floyd, essentially the right hand and left hand's of Azul, are a very interesting case of Shards. During their creation they were originally one singular titan core, but during the growth the gem the core was inserted into broke in half but continued to grow them as regular shards. Perhaps the fact they came from a titan core explains why they are much taller than other shards.
Floyd seems to be more, unhinged than his twin, and fond of 'squeezing' anything organic that he finds, including on island researchers.
The fourth colony, found in the desert areas of the island.
I would not be lying to you if i said this was the colony with the most casualties. You see, the titan of the colony is rather fond of celebration and parties. So much so that they had make, well, a half titan to be able to essentially guide the titan, Kalim, in the right-ish direction.
Jamil, the aforementioned half-titan, is speculated to have a second form due to being partially made out of a titan core. Though nobody has ever seen it.
The fifth colony, found in the lake areas of the island. ( how diverse even is this island?)
The Pomefiore colony seems to value beauty a lot, seeing as they are the most visually stunning to look at with the way their 'skin' sparkles when the sun hits it.
During the research phases, reports would suddenly turn up about the shards upon the island all filled under the anonymous name of R. We never found out who or what R was. But the reports usually detailed the 'beauty' of the island's residents, about every colony as well. but the most were about the Pomefiore colony's Titan, Vil.
For on Island researchers, it often felt like they were being 'watched' or from some accounts, 'hunted'. We have no proof to really back up these claims except these accounts.
The sixth 'colony' on the island, i say colony in quotes because this elusive colony exists only in rumour. It's said they reside in the cave systems upon the island.
Now then, the rumors state that during S.T.Y.X.'s research of the shards. The youngest son of the Shroud's, Ortho, perished during an encounter with a corrupted shard. Then they go on to state that his elder brother, Idia Shroud, revived him through placing a shard core within the corpse of his brother.
Then, the incident in which Ortho died would repeat with Idia as the victim, with Ortho reviving him in a way similar but with a Titan shard core.
I personally find this rumour quite ridiculous as it was never proven that shard cores can revive people as shards. but if you wish to believe it, then I won't judge you.
The last colony on the island, said to reside in the forests of the island.
One of the most elusive colonies on the Island if you don't count the Ignihyde colony( which i doubt exists). The Diasomnia colony consists of almost Fae-like shards.
Diasomnia has one of the most powerful titans we've ever seen, however it seems to be plagued by some kind of loneliness.
Diasomnia is also the colony in which the first shard the government made is located. Lilia, the aforementioned shard, seems to be that of a mischievous caretaker of the colony. But do not be fooled by his cuter appearance, he was an absolute monster in the beginning of his lifespan and was going to be a general of the shard army the government planned to have.
The members of the diasomnia colony seem to be very adept at controlling their surroundings with what appears to be 'magic' of some kind.
And that was all the information on the colonies I could find, but I do have one more patch of information to share.
The shards can use weapons named 'Synthwaves', they respond to some kind of aura that comes from the shard cores. Humans are unable to use synthwaves as they are made to respond to the shard cores only.
Now then, we've truly run out of information on the shards. Myself and my team do plan on going to the island to investigate these shards, but we have no idea if S.T.Y.X. is still operating there.
We also have to report that we have no idea where the shard cores came from either.
End of reporTWFja2VuemllIEFsaXN0aWVyIG91dC4=
Hoo boy! finally getting this out into the wild! And, if you stuck around to this point then thanks! And as some extra thanks, i've got some art of Riddle's compressed form and his Synthwave in this au!
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Now then, I'm sorry that some of the dorms have more or less lore vise, but that's most likely because I'm biased or something.
And as for that little bit of glitching out at the end? Hmm, don't worry about it. I'm sure that whatever it is, it's probably nothing.
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velathetanager · 2 years
Random Supernatural AU Facts (what the original 3 supernatural heisters did pre-Payday/what they want with the Steele brothers edition)
The entity that would eventually become Wolf showed up on Earth one day because the realm he came from got boring. When he turned up on Earth, it turned out that whatever kind of entity he was, he could corrupt other life forms JUST by his presence. When he got a little too into the experimentation with said power, he got sealed in a mountain for his troubles. He eventually got out and wandered around, trapped in a human form, and met his wife. They got married and had the kids, but she left him when she learned what he was and what abilities the kids had as a result. He snapped, started running around causing chaos (and corrupting infections), then met Bain, who invited him to the Payday Gang. He likes the brothers, but he knows Hoxton wants Houston’s soul/mind and has no issue with it (he’s only willing to help if Hox is willing to at least go 75/25 on the soul though).
Hoxton was an Archduke of Hell’s Greed Circle. One of THE demons down there. Would probably rank higher if he actually did his job, but, well... he’s greedy. Hence his placement. Hell only had so much in the way of treasures, so he went up to Earth to take some from humans, only stopping back home to make sure things were running smoothly and do the bare minimum. Bain found him and recruited him into the Payday Gang, and the rest is history. He was SO mad when a lesser demon got him arrested and he had to stay in a human prison to keep up appearances; people teased him about it a lot, and one angel who’d bagged a job as an interrogator scheduled a session with him JUST to make fun of him. He loves Dallas like a brother, but Houston... hoo boy, Houston. Initially Hox wanted Hous dead for the mask thing. Taking something from a greed entity is a very good way to anger them, after all. Of course, it’s also a good way to get that greed turned on you while they seek to get back whatever you have. “Take it back and more,” that sort of thing. Hox’s feelings towards Houston as of late are complicated, but he’s sure that once he takes the guy’s soul and/or turns him into one of his minions, those feelings will be resolved.
Chains is a Reaper. Very good at his job, too. One day his boss assigned him to watch the Payday Gang undercover because a high-ranking demon and an unknown entity were hanging around a human with a quirky soul, and that soul had resistance/blindness. So very valuable. Chains went and the rest is history. He sees Dallas as a little brother, but he isn’t sure what to make of Houston. He knows something’s off with his soul, but he doesn’t know what, and Jacket/Richard tends to give valuable information in the least helpful form it could possibly be in, so screw that. He’s still nice to Hous tho.
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thewolfisawake · 2 years
send REFLECT for me to explain a traumatic event in my muses’s past and talk about their perception of events,  which parts have stayed with them longest and how it affects them now.  (  sender can request specific scenes/backstory  )
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(cw: drugging mention)
Hoo, boy, Kesil's lived thought a lot of things that are traumatic even if he doesn't view it as such. But I would go with his first kidnapping as his worst. It wasn't a complete kidnapping so much as 'tried to do a breakout and failed.' But it gave him the few discomforts he feels and it gave him the greatest regrets in his life.
The person he had broken into was the den of a drug inventor he had originally been hired to kill. However a botch led to his younger brother, Artemis, being kidnapped and he let it happen. But when his family refused to rescue Artemis, Kesil went to do it himself. His feelings regarding Artemis were complicated as he resented the complete different treatment his brother had compared to him but he also held affection for Artemis since he is the one that raised him too. He didn't realize until he got there, until he found the state Artemis was in, that Kesil realized he hadn't intended it to end as maliciously as it did. He wanted to scare Artemis and get him on trouble for once, not have him nearly die being taken out by experimental drugs.
Because of his hyperthemesia, Kesil CAN'T forget anything of that time (special exceptions pending). So he remembered the emaciation, the bruising, the slurred speech and misted eyes. He wouldn't forget the look of mistrust and doubt he caused and knows would never be forgiven for. It is reminder to his present day that makes him a lot more lenient with Artemis. He doesn't make him do anything hard unless he asked and is generally a lot nicer.
In addition to this was the comparably smaller disdain of needles and hospital settings because of this jaunt. As a prisoner to this inventor he had been subjected to absolutely unethical experiments with drugs that were untested until given to him as well as taking extra in order to prevent Artemis from deteriorating faster while he figured a way out. This was before his vampirism actual woke up so he did feel full effects of them and as a result, Kesil doesn't like drugs of any kind either. He doesn't like the fogginess in his head nor the effects on his movement.
Because it is a common thing, Kesil is aware he looks childish at refusal of going to hospitals and willing to take about any other method than a shot. He knows that but doesn't usually dispute why. To him, it is shameful and opens a mess of feelings that he has spent a lot of time stuffing away. While he doesn't protest strongly...anyone with decent intuition can tell he doesn't like it.
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indefinitelyjaded · 3 months
Now Where Were We? (Super Sim Update)
Hoo boy. Here we go.
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Kinsley maxed the Social Media PR career, got engaged to Kyle and moved out to Tartosa with him, then celebrated with the parents at Stella's restaurant. Then they got married in their front yard - it would have been nice if anyone cared other than Cade (pumped) and Emma (...overcome with emotion?).
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And of course it didn't take long for Kate Kyleson to be born.
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(I'm going to acknowledge that Cade and Tate have both also had more children, but I honestly can't remember their names and I'm not sure if I have screenshots of them all... next time I play, I'll have to get a screenshot of the family tree.)
Sadly, the time has come (and gone) for Dexter to become an elder. I already gave him more time with Stella once, giving him a Potion of Youth when I gave her the first one, but now it's time to begin the process of moving on. Stella still has a lot to accomplish on her Super Sim journey, and a lot of it is going to be much easier if I only have to keep track of her (looking at you, Jungle Adventure and Strangerville).
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Ever the romantic, Dexter set out to prove that even this new phase of his life can't dampen his love with Stella, so they renewed their vows at the Romance Festival.
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I also took Stella on a little side-quest to paint all the Grilled Cheese (and Grilled-Cheese-Adjacent) paintings in the game, and gave her her own exhibition at the Arts Center in San Myshuno.
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As far as Stella's Super Sim tasks, we have completed the following since my last post:
Spa Day:
Completed all Wellness Aspirations (Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist and Zen Guru)
Maxed Wellness Skill (forever ago)
Get Together:
Completed Leader of the Pack Aspiration
Maxed DJ Mixing Skill
Maxed Dancing Skill (forever ago)
Dine Out:
Learned all Experimental Recipes
Own Five-Star Restaurant
City Living:
Maxed the Singing Skill (forever ago)
Maxed the Politician Career (both branches)
Completed the City Native Aspiration
Maxed the Art Critic branch of the Critic Career
Level 7 of the Food Critic branch of the Critic Career
I still need to finish the Critic career, and do both branches of the Social Media career. To be completely honest, I'm probably going to cheat through the PR branch of the Social Media career, since I just did it with Kinsley (and it was a PITA).
Stella has also taken an interest in vampires, in preparation for her next adventure. She's pretty good friends with the Vatores (specifically Caleb - someone's going to have to turn us, and they have a pipe organ we can practice on, instead of putting that gaudy thing in my house), and she has already maxed the Vampire Lore skill, and reached Level 8 of the Pipe Organ. (I do have a realism gripe about the latter - if you've mastered the piano, you would not have absolutely no idea how to play a pipe organ, i.e. start the skill at 0). Vlad is already dead in this save (a victim of Neighborhood Stories), but I moved Stella's vampire coworker from the Detective career into his house, to preserve the integrity of Forgotten Hollow. Maybe we'll do a side-quest to revive Vlad. You never know.
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4th-make-quail · 3 months
28. Have you ever tagged a fic “Dead Dove: Do Not Eat”?
thank u lovely nonny!!
Yup, I got 2!
The first is a weird, experimental audio logs thing I did for Dabog/Sicinius from ffxiv's IVth Legion - a decoy soul. It's got medical experimentation, it's got ovipos, it's got forced eggnancy, magitek arms raping, it's a fun time! But all written from the POV of Sicinius, who's doing the work on Dabog. They have a delightfully fucked up story in game (they're in Bozja for anyone interested!) where Sicinius clones Dabog and uses him as a sort of psychological warfare against his former resistance friends. I love them, and there are 2 entire fics! One of which is this one. This is a theme, as you'll see for my next offering:
blood in the water - a ffxii Ghis/Bergan fic! Again, this is the second of 2 fics in the tag and I can only apologise to the author of the first which is a longfic and absolutely FANTASTIC (and got me into the ship to boot lol). Mine, however, is a kinda snuff, necrophilia type thing! I read this excellent series of ffxii fics which had a nethicite-implanted dove coming back to life after its neck was snapped, and when I tell you that lit up something in my brain hoo boy!!!! So the premise is Ghis and Bergan are sparring, Ghis by some miracle manages to kill Bergan, who experiences the best nut of his life at the point of death, then comes back to life begging for more, thanks to his lovely, insane nethicite-implanted bones. He's a fucking lunatic, I adore him...
Hope that answered your question, nonny! I don't tend to stray into dead dove territory very often, but I have an absolute blast when I do. :D
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lovejustforaday · 8 months
2023 Year End List - #4
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Maps - Billy Woods and Kenny Segal
Main genres: Abstract Rap, Conscious Rap, Jazz Rap
A decent sampling of: Experimental Rap, Political Rap, Lo-fi Hip Hop, Glitch Hop
As much as I enjoy a lot of the output of Armand Hammer, I have to say that Billy Wood's last two records under his own name have definitely been a considerable cut above. Less experimental, but more focused and cohesive in their vision.
Of course, this isn't really just a 'Billy Woods' record, which, then again, can be said about most 'solo' albums since a majority of them still have multiple credited producers. But moreover, going off of its own title, this record is also a Kenny Segal project; the second collaborative project under both names after 2019's Hiding Place.
I've already talked about Woods himself to the point that it's kinda beating a dead horse if I were to try summarizing the artist again. You can always go ahead and check out one of the three other reviews regarding his work that I've put up on this blog. TL;DR he's the king of abstract hip hop of the last few years.
As for Kenny Segal, I can't say that I'm awfully familiar with any of his work beyond this project, but some quick googling tells me he's worked on projects with other underground/alternative rappers like Open Mike Eagle and Milo. So he sounds pretty legit, and I'm certainly impressed with what he's laid down on this LP.
Woods' previous record Aethiopes was my first runner-up AOTY last year, so I was anticipating a real treat with this latest release. And hoo boy was I right. The man's done it again.
Aesthetically, Maps exists in a state of limbo between icy bitter cold nights in run down cityscapes, manifested through throbbing low-hum, lo-fi beats, and first class flyer luxury waiting lounges with tasteful jazz accompaniment. To me, the record is sort of an allegory for the great paradoxes of late stage capitalism, wherein a society can have so much and yet so little simultaneously. Seeing what's been happening in real-time here in my own city over the last two years just makes the imagery of this record so incredibly timely.
Woods' own official description of the record is "an album about trying to find your way home, after making your home wherever you lay your head." Fitting, because this album leaves me feeling a little lost in a fucked up world every time I listen to it.
One thing that really impresses me about this particular record is the versatility in atmospheres it can create from track to track. This might also be the most melodic and accessible project I've heard from Billy Woods, which still isn't to say that this is "pop rap" by any stretch of the definition, but more something you could readily recommend to your friends who aren't already in over-their-head under the murky waters of underground hip hop's weirdest beats.
"Soft Landing" makes me wanna rub the tired out of my eyes. This exhausted lo-fi beat got me feeling like I'm coming home late from work on a Friday night and I just wanna kick back with some low lighting and get a little tipsy.
The shaky big band jazz rap of "Blue Smoke" is giving me big "For Free?" vibes off of Kendrick's To Pimp A Butterfly but with a little more chill. Billy raps his way through gourmet food metaphors and references to situationist philosophy and FBI agents trying to spy on him.
"Babylon By Bus" is absolutely chilling. Underwater minimalist noises reverberate in the background to fill the void between hats and snares trembling and twitching to form a coherent rhythm, before some of the lowest notes on an old grand piano begin to stalk you from the shadowy depths of barely audible caverns below. All of this could easily be taking place in the dingiest abandoned subway station. This is the kind of track Billy Woods really shines with - bleak atmosphere so palpable that you can listen and start to breathe the unpleasant cigarette smoke and perceive the dim flickering glow of public LED white lights, with bars that immerse you in the familiar creep of your most cynical public transit thoughts.
"Year Zero" features Danny Brown in what is honestly probably the best bars he's laid down in 2023, despite having spearheaded two of his own LPs in the same year. Musically, this is just menacing - no other way to really describe the mood of this beat. It's very Billy Woods and I love it. Should be blaring out of broken old car stereos in a sketchy back alley.
After a series of much harder, murkier tracks, "The Layover" winds things down into a sprinkling piano beat that you could easily recline into. There's a real ebb and flow at work here, and I appreciate having these breathers to make the more grisly cuts go down a little smoother. Really does feel like a layover between flights.
"FaceTime" is like a puff of weed clouds that take on a humanoid silhouette and turns into a personal head masseuse. Bittersweet saxophones and lyrics, but also very soul cleansing. Also, WHAT THE FUCK THAT'S THE GUY FROM FUTURE ISLANDS SINGING THE REFRAIN? You mean, the same one dancing like your dad in the 80s on David Letterman? I mean hey, big respect. Sam's got a handsome fucking voice that could make public service health and safety recalled food announcements sound absolutely gorgeous. And just gotta add that the sound design here is absolutely flawless, mad props to Kenny Segal.
As it stands right now, I think last year's Aethiopes is still my favourite Billy Woods project, but this definitely comes damn close, and there's a little more variety put on display here. I think this would be a better introduction to his work for most folks.
I could comment on how the last stretch of tracks is a fair bit weaker than the rest, save for "Waiting Around". But on the other hand, that run of "Babylon by Bus" through "FaceTime" is arguably the best mid-section off of any album this year, and really just one of the best stretches of five or six tracks in general for the decade so far.
Maps is further proof that Billy Woods is one of the most talented artists in hip hop right now, criminally underrated by the mainstream but rightfully lauded by the underground scene and dorky hipsters alike. He's almost guaranteed a spot on my next year end list if he decides to drop anything else this year. In the meantime, I think it's my duty to start playing catch-up with his prolific back catalogue.
Highlights: "Babylon by Bus", "FaceTime", "Year Zero", "The Layover", "Soft Landing", "Blue Smoke", "Hangman", "Rapper Weed", "Waiting Around", "Soundcheck"
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reddoll123 · 2 years
Hey, so here’s my lil’ mini review of Seulgi’s mini-album 28 Reasons after listening to the whole thing twice:
28 Reasons: Loooooove this one. Like the haunting sexiness of it, the whistles (<333) and background harmonies during the chorus~ Issa bop, your honor! Like she's singing bruh especially during that last chorus. (And yes 'I kiss your brother' def threw me off when I first heard it 'cause it's like what? Lol)
Dead Man Runnin': Didn't expect this lowkey classical intro at first but when the synthesizer and other beats came in, I was like ooh. Omg Seulgi's voice in this bruh especially during that chorus, like her voice is so beautiful bruh!! Like I love how she sings Dead man runnin', tho since this is my honest review, only thing I think I could do without is the whiny Ooh-hoo part towards the end of the choruses. Still, I love this one too!
Bad Boy, Sad Girl: I did not expect a song like this right after Dead Man Runnin' at all lol. Love the harmonies in this tho. But omg, the feature from BE'O scared the hell outta me lmao like it's partly my fault 'cause I glanced at the album listing and didn't notice 'til I heard his voice that there'd be a feature. But bruh why'd they bring him into the song like that? XD Anyways, overall the song's nice; like I love the the harmonies singing Ahh down the scale, and the cute lowkey Christmas vibe I get from this but this song doesn't match the other 2 songs I just heard at all. Like I didn't expect to go from haunting & sexy to bright and cheery like that lol. (Like why didn't whoever put the songs in order make it so that we the listener could ease in into this different mood?) Still, I do like the song especially after the 2nd listen where I realized that I was singing along to the chorus hehe.
Anywhere But Home: Like the faded-out beat a lot and groovy doo-wopness to the song~ Lowkey feels like a Dua Lipa song since she has a song (Break My Heart) that has the same throwback vibe. Anyways, this was a cute song though a tad bit forgettable compared to the first two imo.
Los Angeles: Song started off okay, then that chorus came but it felt just like it was put in to be put in. Basically, I don't really care for this song tbh. But at least it fit the album vibe more than Bad Boy, Sad Girl bruh lol.
Crown: Her voice--it's so angelic bruh. Love the voices singing with her in that chorus too--they add a nice, dark texture to this. And this should've been after Dead Man Runnin' to keep with that dark theme bruh!
And so my favs from this album in order are: 28 Reasons, Dead Man Runnin', Anywhere But Home, Crown, Bad Boy Sad Girl >>>[a wall], Los Angeles.
TL;DR: So, I actually like/love 5 outta 6 of the songs on this mini album, and it was hard deciding the order of faves for 3 of 'em! Anyways, I already knew that Seulgi's voice is pretty from listening to Red Velvet but hearing her singing solo like this? I really am so happy that I got to hear her beautiful angelic tone singing her heart out on some of these songs. She's so fuckin' talented bruh and I hope to see her do more experimental songs in the future, like I feel like she could do it all tbh! So yeah, all in all, I'd def rec listening to this album!
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
Hii, I think your requests are open but I am not sure, so uhm, if they're not open just delete my ask and pretend it was never there, I'd hate to be disrespectful of you. Would you write about Deku, Shoto and Bakugo (or instead of Baku take Shoji) with an s/o that isn't in the hero course and has a shrinking quirk? Like mount lady but reverse, she can get as small as an ant but usuly when she does shrink she'll be shoulder sitting sized? That could make some adorable things like aaaaaaaa >///
fem!s/o with a shrinking quirk
[a/n: uhmm this concept is so adorable 🥺 thank you for the request anon, you’re so polite 💓 I decided to do all 4 boys so I hope that’s okay, sorry if it seems short...I wrote this in between classes hehe 🙈 enjoy!! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´- ]
midoriya izuku
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✤ you bet your diddly doo that this boy has MULTIPLE pages about your quirk
✤ when he first saw you use your quirk it was during the sports festival, you were standing there one second but then it seemed like you just disappeared
✤ he was stunned to see how much strength you actually had even when you were that size
✤ he was convinced that you and shinso were robbed of your spots in the hero course but there wasn’t much he could do about it
✤ I think it would take him a while to finally approach you, but when he does, he’s absolutely ecstatic that you didn’t mind all of his questions
✤ baby boy was quite literally vibrating with excitement
✤ “t-thank you so m-much for answering my questions, (l-l/n)-san.” He was stuttering so much but he couldn’t help it, he was talking to such a beautiful girl
✤ “it’s no problem but call me (y/n), at least that’s what my friends call me.” Now he was bright red as if he wasn’t already
✤ “f-friends?”
✤ but of course “friends” weren’t forever because soon after that, you both had confessed your feelings for each other
✤ from then on, he introduced you to a few of his 1-A class mates
✤ oh boy what a mistake that was
✤ you had gotten along really well with Denki of all people, so one day, the both of you prank bakugo apparently you both have a death wish and of course it backfired
✤ you had burst into the classroom with a panicked kaminari behind you, eyes frantically searching for a certain freckled boy. Your heart beating faster when you could hear explosions getting closer
✤ “Izu! Hide me!”
✤ “huh!? wait how will I-“ he was cut off when you sat on the desk and activated your quirk (you were about 4inches or 10cm tall) and made grabby hands at him
✤ he placed his hand near the edge of the desk so you could jump on
✤ “now put me in your jacket pocket!” Your voice was super cute but he held off his fanboying and did what you said, carefully placing you in his pocket
✤ perfect timing too
✤ “WHERE’S THAT DAMN BRAT?! I KNOW SHE’S IN HERE!!” he caught a glance of kaminari’s blonde hair and growled
✤ “I SEE YOU, DUNCE HEAD!!” And with that, they both were off
✤ you stood up and let your head peak out of the pocket
✤ “(y/n)?! Oh my gosh! That’s so cute!” Mina cooed, making both you and midoriya blush
✤ he carried you around on his shoulder often, he thought it was adorable
✤ he once hid you in the side pocket of his backpack and snuck you into the dorms
✤ it was a success so it was cuddle time!!
✤ if anyone ever bullied you about your quirk, he wad instantly be at your defense and comfort you if you needed it
✤ “Don’t listen to them (y/n), your quirk is amazing and very useful, especially in missions where....” and he went on rambling
✤ but it’s the thought that counts
✤ oh!! I almost forgot!
✤ whenever you were sat on his shoulder and feeling mischievous, stand up and give him kisses on the cheek or neck ;)
✤ this will always effectively fluster him into a blushing and stuttering mess
shoto todoroki
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❆ uhm if you weren’t in the hero course, it would take him a little longer to notice you
❆ but you were friends with ochako so he actually often saw you at lunch
❆ one day, you were all sat down and midoriya asked about your quirk and since everyone seemed interested, you gave ‘em a little demonstration
❆ he was kinda paying attention but the soba was so good so he missed the part where you shrunk down a bit but when a gust of wind knocked you over and you landed in front of him, his eyes widened
❆ you were so tiny 🥺
❆ he held out a finger to you and you smiled greatfuly before grabbing onto it and hoisting yourself up, making sure to dust yourself off
❆ he thought your quirk was rather interesting and whenever you shrunk down to size, he would go all doe eyed because he thought you were so precious
❆ you reminded him of the fairies in the bed time stories his mother used to tell him
❆ (i will fight you if you don’t think he used to LOVE hearing about dragons or fairies and fantasy stories when he was a little boy 😤)
❆ once he realized his feelings for you, he just straight up told you
❆ you guys were the cutest couple, the prince and a fairy (ugh oh my god this is freaking cute)
❆ when you first mentioned that you wanted to try and sit on his shoulder while he walked around and stuff, he was a bit apprehensive since he was afraid of dropping you
❆ so you started off easy, you’d sit on his shoulder while he was doing his homework or something and once he was comfortable with that, then you guys got to the moving around thing
❆ he would love it if you sat on his shoulder while he read a book, and he’d read it to you
❆ as much as he loves your quirk, I honestly don’t see him wanting to just rather hold your hand while ya’ll walked around or something but give him those puppy dog eyes and he’d do anything for you
❆ he’d never out right say it but he loves when your on his shoulder and just nuzzle his cheek
❆ he’d call you his little fairy 🥺🦋
❆ “can I please, I’ve had a really long day.” You pouted.
❆ he softly gripped your chin and gently tugged you closer to his lips
❆ “hop on, my little fairy.” He leaned down and gently met you lips, slowly moving them against yours before pulling away and watching as your cheeks and the tips of your ears turned pink
❆ I’m so soft for this boy
bakugo katsuki
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✸ pfft i’m sorry, i just had to use this gif
✸ okay so he’d be all like, “Why would I care about some damn extra!!” As he usually is but specially if you weren’t a part of the hero course
✸ but you were friends with kirishima so he learned to deal with you
✸ he originally saw you do the shoulder thing with kiri and he thought he was having a stroke or something
✸ “kirishima, why do you have a damn bug on your shoulder?”
✸ “huh? Oh that’s (y/n)!”
✸ “hey! Who are you calling a bug, you jerk!”
✸ “call me a jerk again and I’ll squash you like a damn insect! Got that you idiot?!”
✸ one time, you fell asleep on denki’s shoulder and he forgot you were there
✸ so when bakugo saw him acting like a ‘reckless idiot’ he swooped in to save you
✸ he gently picked you up by the collar of your shirt and he put you on his own shoulder, making sure to walk around carefully as to not disturb your sleep
✸ you had accidentally disactivated your quirk so you went back to normal size, causing the both of you to fall to the ground with you laying on top of him
✸ he was in shock so he didn’t really move, your noses were touching, his arms had gone around your waist to hold you still
✸ “I’m so sorry, I-“ you had tried to get up be his hold on your waist only tightened
✸ “shut up! I’m trying to think!”
✸ he turned his head a bit and placed an experimental kiss on your lips
✸ well you definitely weren’t complaining anymore
✸ uhh he’d act like he absolutely hates having you on his shoulder
✸ he lives for it
✸ he likes to have you on his shoulder while he cooks so you guys can talk and whatever
✸ if you’re ever being a brat while on his shoulder, he’ll threaten to drop you in the hot oil
✸ he likes to tease you when you’re tiny
✸ as retaliation, you take his things while your tiny, like you’ll steal his eraser or something and he’d tear up his backpack looking for it before he finally spots it on the desk with you sitting on it
✸ he constantly worries about you because denki and sero like to mess with you when you’re in tiny mode
✸ it’s been too many times that he’s found you taped to something while posting about it
✸ i feel bad for the poor soul that decides it’s a good idea to bully you for your quirk
✸ he would quite literally, ‘blow up their asses’
mezo shoji
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♡ I think shoji is a little apprehensive about making new friends since he’s a bit insecure but he’s open to the idea
♡ so when he sees that you’re eating lunch alone, he decided to sit with you
♡ you were surprised that he had sat across from you, you froze in place while looking at him
♡ he hadn’t said anything though, he just ate his lunch and you relaxed, continuing to eat yours
♡ this went on for a couple of weeks before you finally broke the ice by offering him some of your onigiri, you watched as he grabbed the onigiri and fed it into the mouth on one of his arms
♡ “your quirk is really cool!” His eyes widened at your sudden confession, he watched as a blush formed on your cheeks and looked away. “sorry, I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable...”
♡ he just chuckled and shook his head
♡ from then on the two of you would share your lunch with each other
♡ “come to think of it, I don’t know what your quirk is.”
♡ it was the first time you guys were hanging out outside of school, he had invited you to the dorms and you two were in the common room drinking some tea
♡ “I guess you’re right—hey! what’s that?!” he whipped around to where you were pointing
♡ “What? There’s...there’s nothing-what?” Once he had turned back to you, you were gone. “(Y/n)?”
♡ as he was looking around, you climbed up his sleeve and onto his shoulder, “I’m right here silly~” he looked around once more but couldn’t find you, “yoo-hoo! Shoji-kun!!”
♡ he looked down to his shoulder and oh...you were tiny
♡ he placed his hand near his shoulder and you jumped onto it, holding onto his finger as he held you right in front of his eyes
♡ he definitely wasn’t expecting that, he was so caught off guard that he started to blush (not that you’d be able to tell)
♡ you guys would also train together often and it was during one of those training sessions that he had confessed to you
♡ when you guys start dating, he’d definitely love to have you on his shoulder all the time...he can’t help it, he thinks you’re adorable
♡ “shoji...”
♡ “yes mr. Aizawa?”
♡ “what’s that on your shoulder?” You froze and trying to think of where to hide. “don’t make me do it.” He sighed
♡ “...do what?” Shoji tried playing dumb as he heard your tiny ‘oh crap!’ as you jumped off his shoulder, right when you did was when Aizawa activated his quirk and you reverted to normal size, falling to the ground
♡ there was a few giggles from the class as you got up, looking around
♡ “(y/n)? How’d you get there?” Shoji continued his act
♡ “you know, I was wondering the same thing...”
♡ “miss (l/n), please go back to class.”
♡ “yes sir.”
♡ that wasn’t the last time the two of you tried that
♡ he would also enjoy if you nuzzled and kissed his cheek while on his shoulder
♡ he vowed to protect you if anything were to ever happed
♡ he thinks you’re adorable, mini sized or not
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twstedbeauty · 4 years
hi! can I request some hc's for the dorm leaders finding out that their s/o is ticklish please? thank you! ;w;
Disclaimer: This is going off the assumption that their s/o enjoys being tickled. Our bois are respectful and would never touch their love without permission~
Riddle Rosehearts 
This boy is so shy oml. 
I highly doubt this poor child got any sort of physical affection as a child, given how beastly his mother is, so the act of tickling is kind of lost on him. 
I’m gonna say it right now: the only time he would ever tickle you is when you two are alone. He’s not the type to tease you and do it in front of other people. 
When you two are alone, the best way I can describe Riddle would be....awkward. It’s gonna take him a while to warm up to the idea, but he’ll do it only because it makes you happy. 
He gets very blushy and his heart flutters in his chest when you start giggling and squirming underneath him. Every once in a while, he stops to check in and make sure you’re alright. He doesn’t want to overwhelm you!
He gets more and more comfortable with the idea the more you two do it, but it still is only something you do in private. 
Overall, Riddle tickles are very cute and sweet and very fluffy. He’s a bit awkward, but he’s trying~
Leona Kingscholar
*takes in a deep breath* 
Hoo boy....ya’ll are in for it. 
I’mma just say for all ya’ll out there who are extremely ticklish? RUN. RUN AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN. (And be prepared for him to chase you...) 
Why? Oh well, y’know...Leona Kingscholar just doesn’t know what this one little word called ‘mercy’ means.
Listen, I’m not saying that he would tickle you to the point of pissing yourself...but he’d get pretty damn close. 
Your first mistake? Telling him you were ticklish. Your second mistake? TELLING HIM YOU LIKE IT.
As soon as he figures out you like being tickled, that’s it. You’ve sealed your fate. You just set yourself up to be teased about it until the day you die. 
He will hold you down and tickle you to the point of begging, to the point where you’re gasping for breath and screeching his name in between your laughter.
Oh, and he’ll let you know you can’t go anywhere. He’ll lean in close to your ear and growl about how he’s got you trapped, how helpless you are underneath him. His little herbivore caught in the clutches of the hungry lion. 
Unlike Riddle, Leona IS the type to exploit your weakness when you’re around others. He hold you on his lap and pinch at your hips, squeeze your knees, nibble on your neck...nothing’s off the table for him!
That tail of his? EVIL. EVIL. He can and WILL use it as a tool against you. You two could be cuddling in his bed and you’ll feel his tail slip up underneath your shirt, gently brushing over your stomach as he pretends to be asleep behind you. 
You better watch yourself. Tickling you will become Leona’s favorite thing to do when he’s bored and there’s nothing you can do to stop him. RUN.
Azul Ashengrotto 
How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten-tickles.
Ohhh, Azul is all too familiar with the act of tickling. 
Truth be told? He hates being tickled himself. The twins used to gang up on him all the time when they were younger and tickle him to the point of inking himself. It was humiliating. That’s why NO ONE but them knows that he’s ticklish. 
So to hear that you, his love, enjoys it? He’s honestly a little shocked. 
Now, Azul is a gentleman and also an easily flustered bby, so tickles will be in private. 
Like Riddle, he’s a bit shy about it and a little awkward at first for the same reasons. He doesn’t want to overwhelm you or accidentally hurt you!
But the difference between him and Riddle? Once he gets a feel for it, Azul can be sadistic. 
oHOHO yes, dO NOT let his gentleman facade fool you. He is just as RUTHLESS as Leona. 
It mostly stems from that pent up frustration of getting tickled as a child. Not being able to fight and get back at the ones who humiliated him. So...now you’re the target for that. 
Physical strength isn’t really one of his strong suits, so if you’re okay with it, he’ll tie you up so that he doesn’t have to hold you down. 
You know that unhinged smile he gets in the game? He’ll be looking down at you like THAT the whole time while he coos about how adorable you are trying to escape. 
He enjoys watching you squirm around and scream every time he digs into a sensitive place on your body. It fuels that sadistic streak in him. 
Would he exploit your weakness in public? Mmmm....only sometimes. 
If you’re sitting on his lap while he’s working, he might pinch your sides or your hip just to get you snickering. He’ll just smile that ‘polite smile’ of his and ask you what’s so funny, much to the utter conclusion of his poor client. 
And before any of you ask, yes, he will tickle you in his merform. He’s stronger in that form and those tentacles can both hold you down and tickle you at the same time. Lucky you!
Oh, and don’t let the twins find out that you’re ticklish. Azul is sadistic, but he knows when to show mercy. The twins do not. 
Kalim Al-Asim 
Oh my goodness, this boy is PRECIOUS. 
He would think that you being ticklish is the most adorable thing in the world and would love tickling you if it made you happy!
Kalim can get a little silly when he’s tickling you. He’ll coo about how cute you are and use that ‘tickle talk’ that people do that just seems to make it tickle more, but he’s laughing just as much with you. 
THE ULTIMATE INSTIGATOR OF TICKLE FIGHTS. This boy is a menace and he is NOT above chasing you around the Scarabia dorm.
Don’t let him fool you though. You can easily thwart him in a tickle fight by tickling him back. He’s just as ticklish. 
Any time you’re feeling sad or down about something, tickles are Kalim’s go-to when words don’t seem to help. 
He just loves hearing you laugh and seeing you smile! It lights up his whole world!
Vil Schoenheit
This man isn’t ticklish. At all. So any hope you may have for getting him back is dead on arrival.
Vil wasn’t tickled much as a child, if at all, and doesn’t much care for it. Who would want to get worked up to the point of laughing so much, it makes their face all splotchy and their body all sweaty? It sounds positively awful to him!
So when you confess that you like it, he’s honest with you. He doesn’t get it. 
If you want Vil to tickle you, the best chance you have is at the end of the day when he’s got all his makeup off and is relaxing in his room. 
Is Vil sadistic? He can be. Definitely. If he’s in the mood for it, he can positively evil with how easy it is to get you a blushing, giggling mess with just the slightest touch of his hand. 
He’s not sadistic in the way the same way that Leona and Azul are. He won’t make you almost piss yourself. He won’t even get you close to that point. But he’s capable of holding you down (or tying you down) and making you beg with how light his tickles are. 
They are the agonizingly slow, tantalizing tickles that send shivers all along your body, the kind that tickle so bad. He almost lazily just trace his fingers and nails along your exposed skin, cooing about how sweet your face is all flushed like that and asking if it tickles that badly. 
That’s the thing about Vil. He’ll commentate on your reactions and his own tickling methods as he’s tickling you. 
Outside the privacy of his bedroom? No tickles. None. He’s a busy man and he’s got a hectic schedule. Plus, doing something like that in public is unbecoming of someone of his status! 
Idia Shroud 
Another shy boi!
I don’t think Idia has much experience with tickling either, neither with himself or Ortho. (I don’t think Ortho can even be tickled? Can he??)
Either way, Idia’s stance on tickling is neutral, but don’t you DARE try to tickle him. He’s not very ticklish, but being touched like that freaks him out and makes him embarrassed. 
Now tickling you on the other hand....that’s a very different story. 
Granted, he’s tentative at first and a bit embarrassed by the thought, so it might take him a bit to get used to it. 
After that though? Oh, it’s over for you. 
Do I even need to say it? We’ve all seen that crazy smile he gets when he gets fired up about something. He’s sadistic as hell. 
I’m gonna say it: Ya’ll might need a safeword. When Idia starts, it’s pretty hard to get him to stop once he’s fired up, so safeword is KEY.
He’s VERY experimental. He’ll use different types of tools on you and keep record of what works best. He may not be the most talkative type, but his memory is like a steel trap. Once he learns something, he’s not going to forget it. 
So that means he’s gonna remember every single one of your worst tickle spots and use them against you. 
All I can say is good luck. 
Malleus Draconia 
Oh Malleus, sweet sweet Malleus.
If there’s any boy on this list that is MOST afraid of hurting you during this process, it’s Malleus. 
You’re such a tiny little thing! It would be so easy for him to accidentally hurt you without realizing and that scares him more than anything. 
He is so careful with you. It so cute. He’ll barely even touch you and when you flinch, he freaks out and apologizes profusely, momentarily forgetting that’s the whole point of tickling. 
The first couple of times are gonna be a slow go, but just be patient with him. He’s just gotta warm up to it. 
Once he’s more comfortable with it and sure he’s not hurting you in anyway, that’s when he might delve into his more...sadistic tendencies. 
He can’t help it. You’re just so helpless underneath him and the way you squeal and giggle every time he touches you is just so precious. 
Malleus won’t do anything too crazy though. The moment you start to look like you can’t breathe, he stops and gives you a break. 
He’s not the type to exploit it in public...but Lilia is. He gets a kick out of watching Malleus get all flustered any time he comes up behind you and ‘accidentally’ tickles you. 
Bonus: Dire Crowley
Birb dad! Who doesn’t love the thought of cute parental tickles? 
If you tell him that you’re ticklish and that you like being tickled, he might just die from how cute you are. 
This man is a dork. A sheer dork. Definitely the type to use the silly ‘tickle talk’ while he’s tickling you. He’ll make it extra silly just to make you laugh harder.
He’ll just gush over you as he tickles you, telling you how adorable you are and how sweet your giggles sound. He just can’t help it! His little bird is just too cute!!
Raspberries? Raspberries. He’s the King of Raspberries and WILL NOT HESITATE to use them as his final blow.
He’s giggling just as much as you are. It warms his heart that you trust him enough to let him do this and he just lights up as you smile and laugh. 
He’s very merciful though! As soon as you’ve had enough, he’ll stop immediately and bring you up in a hug, helping you to come down from the high. 
10/10 for Birb dad tickles. Would definitely reccomend. 
Psst, if you wanna get him back though, he’s so VERY ticklish. Wreck him whenever you feel like. 
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leopardmask-ao3 · 3 years
Day 11: VOID (Press Escape)
Day 11 of the NHH Fictober challenge. Ren and Doc have trapped themselves in another world on their quest to solve the mystery surrounding them. They can't get out by normal means... it seems like there might be only one way back to Hermitcraft. Characters: Doc, Ren Words: 937
Ren shuffled through menus on his communicator. "Erm... Doc?" he asked nervously. "How do we get out of here?"
Doc paced the rough bedrock next to him. They were standing at the bottom of a completely cleared-out hole, in a world that was not Hermitcraft. This was the point where they had arrived into the world initially, but for some reason, their communicators weren't letting them worldhop back normally. The only things that currently existed inside the small world border were layers of bedrock... and an End portal.
Finally, Doc picked his way across the bedrock to the portal. They had explored the End when the portal first opened, and there was much more to it than the Overworld, but still no clear indicator of what to do next.
"I have an idea," Doc announced. "Follow me."
Once both had blipped seamlessly into the End, Ren looked around at the island of pillars and signs, and the giant legged structure in the middle that replaced the dragon. "So... what's the plan?" he wondered. "I'm willing to try anything to get out of Defrag Land here."
Doc performed a few actions on his own communicator and made some other motions that Ren didn't understand. "There's a trick I heard about once," he explained. "It's supposed to need a lot of things, redstone, dev power, magic. We have the redstone." He held up his arm. "And you know I know a few tricks for getting around what devs intended..."
"Hoo boy," Ren sighed. "Well, I guess it's worth a shot. Up there?" He pointed at the top of the strange glass structure.
"No," Doc corrected, pointing over the edge of the island. "Down there."
"In the Void?" Ren gulped. "Won't we just die and respawn back here?"
"If we do, we can try again," Doc pointed out.
"Well," Ren decided, grabbing hold of Doc's hand. "Let's do this."
As they fell, redstone sparked from Doc's cybernetics, and then from Ren's. The red lights danced around them, looking like an attempt at a shield or force field against the Void. Moment by moment, the sparks pressed closer and closer, before vanishing completely.
The Void crept in.
Ren felt like they were moving sideways, or at least somewhere that wasn't quite "down".
The Void chilled them down to every wire and bone.
Renthedog fell out of the world
Docm77 fell out of the world
They woke to grass beneath them, and a much more familiar structure looming nearby. Ren's artificial arm twitched as he got to his feet. "Doc!" he crowed. "You d-did it, dude!"
Doc grinned, a slight flicker in his red eye. "Of course! It did get pretty sketchy there, but we put- we pulled through, hey?"
Ren stretched, hearing something crackle in his arm and chest. "Barely. I'm st-till freezing cold, dude."
"Same." Doc moved his arm experimentally, watching the jerky movement. "We'll have to take a repair d-"
Doc suddenly crumpled to the ground, unconscious, redstone lights winking out. Ren took a moment to process what had happened, then rushed over to him.
"Doc?" Ren cried, shaking his friend's shoulder. "Dude? W-what h-ha-hap-pen- What- agh." He pulled back, grimacing and pressing his hand to his chest. The redstone clock that helped control his heart was fibrillating, and his arm and leg were getting twitchier. Something had gone very wrong. Ren was getting lightheaded. If this glitch was respawn-persistent... oh boy, Ren did not want to die like this.
Doc stirred. His right eye opened, but his left only gave the barest flicker, his own cybernetics not quite rebooted. He looked up at Ren. Ren gave Doc a single, panicked look... then passed out on top of him.
Ren felt warmth on his face. Squinting his eyes open revealed that he was lying next to a campfire. He shifted and wiped a little drool away from his mouth - at least, he thought that was what it was, until he looked at his hand and saw drops of shadowless black fluid, gently steaming until it dissipated into the air. Ren jerked halfway into a seated position.
Doc looked up from where he was sitting on the other side of the campfire. Ren could see the same stuff leaking from Doc’s eye like tears, its absorptive darkness a stark contrast to the metal that reflected the firelight. Ren found more black stains around the panel in his own chest. The blackness didn’t pool like water, but it spread across the ground beneath both of them before vanishing.
Ren nervously wiped his mouth again. “...Doc?”
Doc smiled. “I’m glad you’re okay. That was a mess.”
“What... what was all that? What are we leaking right now?”
“Void,” Doc said simply. “Regular death there doesn’t usually cause problems, but trying to pass through, with all our wires open to try and make something happen... we got frozen bits of Endvoid in our systems, like little ice crystals. The fire is warming them.”
“Uh-huh.” Ren ran his tongue over his teeth, still a little unnerved by the stuff- the Void - that had apparently gotten into his mouth. “I hope it’s not dangerous, letting it run into the grass.”
“Not much choice,” Doc pointed out. “You were unconscious and my arm was dead. I don’t think it’ll cause too much damage. Maybe a little will need to be dug out later. But it’s vaporizing, mostly.”
Ren sat all the way up and scooted around so he was sitting next to Doc, and away from the slowly-evaporating Void puddle that had poured out of his cybernetics. “Good. Hopefully the stuff goes back to whence it came.”
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glasspigeons · 2 years
12 and 15 for the book asks <333
12. did you enjoy any compulsory high school readings
I really liked gatsby. Beloved is also one of my favorite books of all time but ive only actually read it once because its uh. A Lot. Honestly my english teachers in high school were baller so we got to read a lot of stuff that I ended up really liking. When Breath Becomes Air was another good one, the only ones i distinctly remember not liking were the scarlet letter and heart of darkness
15. recommend and review a book.
thanks for giving me an excuse to talk about the locked tomb babe ily <3. ive been rereading gideon the ninth at work and just finished it today and hoo boy that ending does not hurt any less the second time huh. i deffo recommend this series for people who are into more experimental writing styles, tamsyn muir is super funny and weird but also insanely poetic when she wants to be. all the characters are fucked up deranged poor little meow meows and i love them all dearly. i will say it took me a while to get into gtn because it can be pretty confusing at times and it moves kinda slow until about the last third of the book but on a reread it went wayyyy faster and i think i enjoyed it more the second time
also read potted meat by steven dunn it's really good and his 6 year old son trashed my car once. 10/10
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Miya Twins Boyfriend Headcanons
Description: “ Can you do some head-canons on the Miya Twins how they will act as boyfriends?” 
requested: yup yup yup! I have a soft spot for these boys from the day they showed up in the manga. And let’s be real for a minute here guys. The anime finally animating them, and how the manga is going currently have kept that soft spot going hecking  S T R O N G. 
So I hope you lovelies enjoy some headcanons of the bestest boys. ~Admin Crow  💚
Miya Atsumu
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- Okay so we all know allllll about our boy Atsumu here and his personality. Homeboy can’t be mistaken for anyone else based on his personality alone. 
- and as a boyfriend you can bet he’s one of a kind I mean they all are but just go with me here
- Atsumu is cocky confident, and all around just knows what he wants. And in a relationship that isn’t really going to change all that much. in all honesty, he probably met/got together with his s/o because they were the ones who caught his eye. 
- what can you say? the boy lives for the chase. But not just for anyone. No, his s/o is one of a kind to him, just like him. 
- in no way, shape, or form, is this boy afraid of PDA. He does it because he enjoys holding you close to him, and showing off to the world that you belong to him. 
- Homeboy may not be the most observant when it comes to anything other than volleyball, but just give him time! Much like with volleyball, if this is a serious relationship Atsumu is going to want to learn every little thing about you. 
- He may fail...miserably the first couple of times. sending you random gifts that you can’t help but find endearing.. even if they make no sense. But it really is the thought that counts here guys give him a break poor boy is trying. 
- It is so opposite of his usual demeanor though, he is so confident and controlling but when he is trying to learn what his s/o enjoys to get that perfect little grin or laugh sent his way...Atsumu.exe has stopped working. 
- as his s/o you just gotta have a lot of patience for this boy as a boyfriend. because if you give him the time of day and committment that he is looking for hoo buddy will you be one happy person with this boy as your boyfriend. 
- if Atsumu is ever in a mood, or someone is trying to pick a fight with him, whether it be joking taunting from his brother, or even a jealous moment between some rando hitting on his s/o, the ONLY person able to get him to calm down would be you. It may take you literally putting yourself in his line of vision, or koala hugging yourself to him to get him to focus on something else, but it should be noted that this brick of a man is gonna be difficult to get away from a fight. So be prepared to be the only thing able to get him to walk away. If you’re lucky you’ll be able to get him to walk away with only throwing words as insults.
- expect random gifts at any time. gifts that make sense. gifts that don’t make sense. gifts taht he bought on a whim because they reminded him of you. gifts from that tv show you two binge watched over the weekend. literally you are gonna eventually have drawer full of random shit Atsumu has gotten for you. But all of it is just because it reminded him of you and that is some adorable ass shit right there. 
Miya Osamu
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- Osamu..Osamu..Osamu.. where to begin with this boy?
- I think it is safe to assume that with this boy as your significant other, you gonna never be hungry again. 
- dinner dates. in, out, experimental...you name it it’s probably crossed his mind. 
- speaking of experimental dinner dates. Osamu is the type to let you help him come up with fun dinner ideas and then test them out. they don’t always turn out well, but that just means you order pizza or take out and watch movies for the rest of the night. 
- He. Will. Always. Be. Checking. Up. On. You. ALWAYS. he just cares so much. but He’s not gonna tell that to anyone. nope. no way. 
- It’s mostly subtle things like text messages of ‘have you eaten yet today?’ ‘coffee doesn’t count as a meal. drink some water’ or if you don’t answer him, He’s just gonna show up to wherever you are with some food and water and sit you down and tell you to ‘eat.’ 
- always has snacks on him. For himself and for anyone and that’s probably something that would wear off on his s/o. Y’all be that cute couple going to games and things and if someone is like ‘i need water, or a granola bar, or fruit or something’ and you both would be reaching into your bags like ‘here ya go’ it’s adorable. 
- Osamu, once in a committed relationship. also doesn’t seem to mind some PDA. But it doesn’t phase him that it is ‘public affection’ he just enjoys the burst of seratonin he gets holding you close to him. No matter what kind of day he’s had just holding your hand can be enough to put him in a better mood. 
- and for the record, much like his brother, whenever he goes head to head with his brother for a dumb reason, or has any kind of reaction to someone messing with you, or god forbid attempts to flirt with HIS s/o, having his s/o there to calm him down is usually the only thing that will get him to walk away from a fight. He’s easier to get to walk away from a fight than his brother, unless it’s his brother he’s getting into it with. In that case it might just be smart to stand back and let them go at it. Or go find some water to dump on those knuckleheads and tell them to cool off. you know, whatever works to break their concentration. 
Hope you Lovelies enjoy! Had fun writing these headcanons and look forward to more like this! 
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the-nysh · 4 years
The eng translation for 137 is already mangadex. I'm- wow.. So the higher up is the founder of Neo Heroes Mr.Fuzzy, Shibabawa's grandson? And he's the one who prohibited Erimin and Destro to turn Metal Bat into cyborg? And they're currently doing background's check on Metal Bat bc they thought he's a spy suspect from Hero Association?? That's why in the end Mr.Fuzzy looked through Metal Bat's data from McCoy? Also, Blue wanted to talk with Saitama?? So much informations in this chapter waah ONE why did you do this to us.. What I took from this, there was a mutual distrust between Hero Association and Neo Heroes.
Btw idk if Blue is confirmed a cyborg or not, but he said that he needs some maintenance on his "lenses" 👀👀
Wah! Here we go. Once again, there’s so much to unpack!
During the flashback with Metal Bat vs the guards, he was all ‘ayyy guys, don’t worry, I won’t kill ya!’ :D
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Only for Destro to be like: ‘I’ll rip his heart out.’ 💀 Straight out of a nightmare-fueled horror. Naw, no ‘whoopsie’ mistake here; these stone-cold terminators were dead-set on harvesting his body to become a ‘splendid cyborg warrior’ *cough* experimental ‘high-quality’ puppet. D8
Which is why their reactions to Blue’s interception and Mr. Fuzzy’s orders caught my attention. (Also lul, what a ONE-like name. :P Plus since he’s inherited the seer’s powers, well that kinda answers the problem with previously Psykos -still incapacitated- as the only one with useful knowledge. Maybe his ‘sight’ is only ‘fuzzy’ compared to hers, but now at least there’s one other person who potentially knows the future disaster prophesied to befall their world. Who is once again, as if we haven’t seen this tried a million times before, driven to ‘lead’ the world too. Here we go again~)
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(’Jumping the gun,’ pfft my ass.) The way the guards look genuinely caught and put on the spot in the left panels here, like ‘oshit that was close,’ like the Neos aren’t their true masters who they’re tasked to follow those direct body snatching orders from, but they must pretend to put on airs here like the hired guards they are. (Also Blue, you’re too trusting!) Meaning, they likely have their own agenda (from the Organization?) they’re following, separate and only partly in line with what the leader of the Neo Heroes wants. Also, how they can’t risk angering Blue (who looked very ready to fight them over Metal Bat) and tumbling apart their whole forged ‘alliance,’ for now... How convenient the Neo Leader, Fuzzy, stopped everything here.  
What’s also interesting is how they underestimated Metal Bat’s latent strength. Thinking he’s one of the ‘lowest’ from S Class, and issuing him one of their bats they thought was ‘quite strong’....only for it to break under one solid blow of his force vs Destro’s head. :O Which Metal Bat notes the bat is ‘flimsy,’ with odd smoke coming out of it (I’m thinking, that’s his power the bat wasn’t tailored to withstand, and/or he wasn’t used to it yet), and that’s one of the reasons why they were able to take him off guard and subdue him with darts. Hmm. It’s like they couldn’t fully calibrate him; his ‘body’ caught their interest of course, but they had no idea by just how -much- he was capable of once revved up. The way they’re shocked at him breaking the chains after walking around for a bit while sedated shows that too; I bet they never calculated that happening either. Oho! Just how much is wc Metal Bat truly capable of? Unknown, but it feels we only got a tease (and not a showcase) of his abilities for now. 
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(Ohhh~ They’re shook seeing him suddenly able to do that.) They allow him to walk away, under surveillance and confined from leaving the facility (oh boy, also their comment, ‘we’ll make sure no one lays a hand on your family Zenko,’ is a bit worrisome in the meantime too), while they investigate any espionage activity it seems. They suspect the HA wants to crush the Neos from the inside, but both Fuzzy and Blue’s shared sentiment that they should rather work together for the betterment and survival of humanity is a YES?! (Only...they seem oblivious to the Organization’s ties behind the scenes, likely using them as a front.) And that McCoy! Giving Fuzzy all the data to ‘control’ Metal Bat. I can’t help but feel he’s a piece of trash for selling out the S Class to make himself big at Neo, gah.
Now that Blue...looks like he does have some non-human enhancements by the way. 👀 Looks to me like his lenses, whether cyborg or implanted contacts, were to assess the ‘enemy signature’ from Erimin and Destro; how convenient they needed maintenance now, or he could have spotted more evidence on which to act. But he has a firm drive vs Blast and an honest but very naive sense of baby justice at heroing on his shoulders (making it easy for the adults to manipulate him imo), and wants the heroes from both associations to be allies. I find it really funny he took his meeting with Saitama in the Victim’s Assoc. the other day as his credentials to sway considerable influence and respect among the HA. X’D Oh no... (The HA higher ups are clueless about Saitama! Barring Bofoi’s observations about him, at least...) Thinking Saitama’s the key to relaying Blue’s message to the top...hoo, well good luck with that! Again I won’t be surprised if Saitama doesn’t even remember who he is, so witnessing Blue’s attempt to negotiate thru him shall be fun. :’D Let’s see how far he gets next time!
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