#hope he doesn't kill me and toss me on the side of the road before we get there
mariverses · 1 year
i'm going to romania for my birthday and it's crazy because i left as a kid and i'm going back as an Adult
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bonefall · 4 months
What roles are Willow Tail, Quick Water, and Fern Leaf going to be like in your rewrite? I hate most of DOTC but I do enjoy a lot of the side characters, especially them
Willow Tail I know what I'm doing with, Quick Water and Fern Leaf I'm less sure of.
BB!Willow Tail -> Willow Flayed Bare
Willow is a young molly from the Wind Coalition who fought at the First Battle. Her first name was Tabby, and she earned her title for presenting a large, weaved willowbark basket to the Wind Runner. She's an artisan with a useful talent.
Since I completely overhauled Moth Flight's Vision into Moth Flight's Vow, which has a NEW origin for how the Cleric's Vow occured, I'm still reworking the Bunny Bones plot that I'm fond of.
I'm unsure if it's going to be a novella or a catalyst for the conflict of another book. It might be a good way to create an opportunity for Quick Water to run her rebellion
Willow has a petty dispute with one of Clear Sky's kittens; Tiger Sky. It's a TINY bananas squabble. She doesn't like seeing her rude ass sunbathing on the moor, so she starts leaving bunny bones on the border and accusing her of stealing to get her banned from the area.
Skystar, being the man that he is, takes the accusation that one of HIS warriors, his oldest (remaining) DAUGHTER no less, VERY personally. What started as a mean girl moment quickly exploded into total war.
I LIKE the way that the original plot was so unjustified and avoidable it's painful. I just wish it was framed as the miserable, violent moment it should have been. I'm planning on keeping Willow's blinding, but it's the final straw for Tiger who can't stomach this any longer.
Willow is likely going to end up in the River Kingdom, exiled for starting the conflict. She might still get retooled; in a later draft she may become a ShadowClan Mountain Cat.
Quick Water
Aside from a brief moment in Sun Trail where they give her the trait of being 'vain' and being woman 34 that Clear Sky smacks around to relieve stress in Forest Divided, she's suuuuper neglected in the main arc imo.
I haven't read past the part where they unceremoniously kill Sun Shadow in Shadowstar's Life, so I hope to revisit it before retooling Quick Water more. I hate how DOTC takes every opportunity to shit on Tall Shadow when she doesn't fucking do anything.
(Side note: it's kinda why i cant see Shadowstar as the girlboss ppl want her to be. Wind Runner is the girlboss. Canon!Tall Shadow is absolute girlfail. In BB, Tall Shadow is less girlfail but she still has the pervasive energy of... this isnt going to make sense to anyone but me BUT BB!Tall Shadow is SO girl obama to me. Well-spoken high road liberal who gets steamrolled by dirty fighters.)
So BB!Quick Water,
For one she's going to be part of a full family. It's either going to become the Water Family OR her name will change and she'll become Quick Tail.
I think she's going to become good friends with Shatter Frost, as Shadow's Clan early "conservative" types who think Clear Sky has a point.
They might end up with kittens, because DOTC is supposed to be about. Like. Ancestors. It's bizarre that they gave the Quiet Rainkin like 20 surviving descendants while everyone else dies off. Not cool actually.
In any case, I want to boost Quick's role significantly. Let her be one of Tall's key cats, either a hunter or a fighter. Something that isn't surprising when she eventually tries to toss Shadowstar out of power
Shadowstar actually survives this coup. She's one of the longer-lived founders in BB!DOTC, unlike canon where she was the first to go. Quick, meanwhile, is one of the VERY FIRST Dark Forest demons, which I can hopefully have a lot of fun with.
Fern Leaf
(CW: Canon!Slash and the racist trope he's written as that includes physical and sexual violence)
She is VERY up in the air currently, because I'm rejecting Slash as a villain completely. It was SUPER fucked up of them to make TWO stinky, born-evil native villains and then write one of them the way they did. Not only is it thematically RANCID, but it's also LAZY writing.
They have to make Slash a lustful creep so that Clear Sky looks better, because they DIDN'T WRITE A REAL REDEMPTION WHERE HE FACES ACTUAL CONSEQUENCES.
Like... I'm sorry, we understand that the way they wrote Slash is a really old trope, right?? "The natives will kidnap our women and hurt our children if we don't unite, and that's why the colonization of this land was totally cool" Warrior Cats is no stranger to xenophobia, but this time it went so far it invoked an outright racist trope.
(And then they just... totally gloss over that Star Flower is "young" compared to Clear Sky, who was less than 3 at the time, meaning she must be around the same age as the son he is actively abusing and EURGH Forest Divided makes me want to throw up)
Now that I have screamed about how ROTTEN this part is to stress WHY I need to gouge it out with a rusty spoon;
First of all, Slash has an updated name to help separate him from canon a bit. The Mountain cats call him Dashes for his leg markings, the Park cats call him The Silver Pelt for the color of his fur, his real name is Star-shine. Just "Star" in a casual context, his birth name. "Shine" is a leader suffix.
In-canon, Fern Leaf's purpose is to be abused by Slash enough that she reveals information to Gray Wing, and to contrast Beautiful Boy Clear Sky who beats the shit out of women and kids for good reasons so his abused underlings still wuv him.
So... no. Not keeping that. Lol, lmao even.
While I'm not totally against allowing Star to remain some type of harsh or even abusive towards his cats, IF that remains, I need to stress how much it is influenced by the constant stress and violence the Forest Cats are surrounded by. Harsh times don't cause abuse, but they do contribute, and even important, protective people can still abuse a victim.
Doesn't make it okay. Doesn't even make it easier to heal from. It robs you of the simplicity of it all-- being hurt by someone you desperately want to remember fondly.
Still, it's a very fine line to walk when I already have a big problem to fix here. I'm dealing with an egregiously racist trope, even if I HAVE already removed the MOST awful parts related to Canon!Slash's behavior (it's not appropriate for the tone I'm setting or something im comfortable writing).
But the physical abuse is a huge part of Fern Leaf. So, do you see my conundrum? I am confident handling the nuances of abuse, but this part of the story could use bleach.
I have a few ideas, one I'm leaning towards, but I'm still open to suggestions
Idea 1: Fern Leaf is one of Misty's kits
This was an earlier thought I'm moving away from, but it's worth mentioning. I already have Birch and Alder I'm doing this with, with Alder Claw eventually defecting from SkyClan, so adding Fern Leaf to the litter might be redundant.
In any case, Milkweed was mates with Misty. If this idea stays, Fern could be the one kitten she managed to escape with, forced to leave the other two behind. But then I wouldn't keep Fern's abuse, y'know?
(Plus Milkweed has so many kittens to pick from that I already need to shave some down. She's got like 6 in canon; I've gone over it before but a massive reason why WC's family trees are so tangled is because of "superqueens" like this. They tend to give one parent a lot of kits instead of giving a lot of parents a few kits.)
Idea 2: Fern Leaf is Star's daughter
Either with or without abuse, this is the one I'm leaning towards. It would mean she can show up a lot through the story as his ""lackey"" until Thunder and Bright learn that her and her dad are just like them.
If I nix the abuse (which seems wisest at the moment, honestly) then Fern can still be covered in her iconic scars, just from tangling with Park and Mountain cats constantly. Naturally she's at the forefront of battle patrols, she's fighting alongside her dad.
Plus, there's lots of opportunities for overhauling the dynamics from canon. Her mom didn't "abandon" them, she was probably attacked by the settlers. Star can be a good parent or just one with more complexity, instead of whatever canon was trying to do with Slash and this unrelated kid he hits.
(Re: very strange they refused to acknowledge that sometimes biodads are not worth forgiving or coddling. Interesting that Tom the Wifebeater and One Eye are sympathized with by the narrative for having kids. Curious they decided Canon!Slash of all characters would NOT be a father.)
Idea 3: Shuffle Fern into a Mountain or Park group.
AKA: prioritize the portrayal of intense physical abuse and her recovery, while avoiding tying it to the Forest cats entirely.
I feel like this one is the least interesting, but I'm keeping it on hand just in case. Like it says on the tin, she'd get any association with Slash/Star removed. I'd try to keep her developing a bond with Bright Storm though, since one of Gray Wing's... okayish moments was his interactions with Fern in trying to encourage her to leave.
(Even then, i really cant stand how the narrative concludes through Gray Wing that Slash is super evil because he doesnt feel love. And that he just decides to not tell Tall Shadow there's an evil group of cats spying on her and planning to invade because... Wisdom idk.)
If I do this, I will probably put her into WindCo. Their "homestead" system where individual families own mini-territories is a ripe situation for abuse to occur in, and the very structure of WindCo means that there's no one around to stop it or seek out for help.
Plus, maybe I could find some way for her to help out Thunder's crew as a WindCo insider. It's not a total wash, I just find Idea 2 more interesting.
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
Maybe 5 and/or 6 from the smut prompts for Steve please!!!
hello i decided on 5! for some reason i had to write about car sex! i hope you like it! :) fem!reader, 18+
“Tell me what you want.” __ You can't stop staring at Steve. That's normally how your car rides go, actually, but tonight there's just something about him. He looks extra pretty with his hair done nicely for your date, the shirt he's wearing clinging to his arms. He wore your favorite pair of jeans and his thighs are begging for you to take a bite out of them.
Basically, you've been ready to pin him to the nearest wall all night. And the idea you've been tossing around in your head for a few weeks is not helping. Maybe tonight is the night you bring it up.
Steve can feel you staring and smirks a little but doesn't say anything. Then, without warning, he puts a warm hand on your bare thigh and you can't help it: you gasp, knees parting reflexively so that your legs fall open. Your skirt is rucked up from sitting and so much skin is on display you feel a little indecent.
"Jesus," Steve says. "You a little worked up over there?" He squeezes your knee and you keen. His eyes go wide as he keeps his gaze on the road and he sucks on his teeth. "Woah," he breathes.
"I've been thinking," you blurt out, your eyes fixed on his hand. He's started to stroke the inside of your thigh, fingernails grazing over your softness.
"Dangerous," he murmurs, shifting in his seat.
"We have great sex." Steve snorts but doesn't interrupt. "Like, really great sex." His fingers are under the hem of your skirt now and you're really concentrating to get the words out. "And I thought maybe we could try something...ah...new. If you wanted to." He looks over at you quickly and you see that his pupils are already blown.
"Tell me what you want," he says, voice deep and firm. You take a deep breath.
"I want you to pull over so I can ride you in the front seat."
Steve nearly swerves off the road.
"Hey!" you cry. His fingers are digging into the crease of your leg, his pinky brushing the edge of your underwear. "I can't do anything if you kill us."
"Fuck," he mutters. "Hawkins PD better have the night off." He takes a sharp right turn down a dirt road and slides his hand under the cotton to find you soaking.
"Steve," you gasp as he lazily fingers you, the forest rushing past.
"Been thinking about me fucking you all night?" he says. "Aren't you something." The trees clear and he parks you at the bottom of a grassy hill you swear you've been to before but can't spare the thoughts to figure out where exactly you are. He turns the lights off and pulls his fingers away from you before he sticks them in his mouth.
"Delicious," he hums, and you practically throw yourself over the gear shift to straddle him, hands working furiously at his belt. It's a tight fit, your knees crammed against the door and the center consul and head brushing the roof of the car, but you don't care.
"Hang on--" Steve says as you palm him through his jeans. "Christ, woman, gimme a second --" he reaches down and moves the seat all the way back and down so you've got more room. His hands settle on your hips, pushing under your top to dig into bare skin. You shove his boxers down with one hand and spit in the other before you stroke him root to tip.
Steve throws his head back on the seat, the veins in his neck standing out and god you want to lick him, so you do, leaning down to trace the curve of his jawline and his adam's apple with your tongue.
"God," Steve groans. "C'mere, already. I was told there would be...fuck... riding." You bark a laugh but are too wound up to tease him too much. He helps lift you as you move your underwear to the side and slowly sink down, loud moans from both of you filling the car. He's panting on your neck and you fist your hands in his hair.
You feel like you've never been closer to Steve than you are right here, right now, his cock filling you up fully in the front seat of his car. You feel like you're almost one person, heaving chest to heaving chest, his face so close that you can count every eyelash, even in the dim of the clearing. What you're doing is filthy, sure, but there's something so tender about it.
You feel Steve twitch inside you and you clench. He starts to suck a spot on your neck to keep his moans at bay and you begin to move, to rock on his lap as he pushes his hips up a little in a haphazard rhythm.
"Best...idea...shit...ever," Steve pants as you both chase your release. You have to agree.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 14 hours
Hi. I have a pretty specific request for Kaz x reader. Basically, the reader was a part of the dregs for some time, well acquainted with Kaz, Nina and Inej (and Jesper, though I don't remember when he dropped studies and joined, but like yeah). After some time (2 years?) the reader is sent off to a job that causes them not to run into the main group a lot. For half a year they almost disappear (maybe swindling people in the harbor or watching some other Dregs’ territory). When they return all is good, new scars were definitely made and all, but that's a part of the job. They did mess up their leg though, having the knee crushed by a heavy object. They didn't get to heal it and after half a year its pretty hard to really fix. Unfortunately, they were known for their dancing and athletics as well as hand to hand combat before. That was why thy were seen as a valuable asset in the first place. And in the Dregs it’s not uncommon to overlook or hide injuries. So, though it's clear that something is wrong, they downplay it, afraid of being seen as weak or useless. But they struggle on the daily. I mean, from experience, that kind of an unhealed injury is hard to manage - they don't know how to sleep without pain flaring up bc the usual positions just don't work anymore, they have to relearn walking the stairs in a painless manner, whether changes are number one enemy, riding in anything is a nightmare bc the roads are bumpy, sitting apparently can cause pain too not to even mention walking. And all the fighting and acrobatics aren't as effective. They try to make others forget, trying to dance with Nina and Jes and sparring with Inej as if nothing happened. They want their life and self worth back
Before, they were known for keeping Kaz at a distance, which doesn't change at first. They still bicker, the reader is still distrustful. But I think he would be helpful. Not out of kindness, especially at first, but out of convenience. He can’t have them messing things up and so it starts small with offhand tips. Just enough not to have them get killed. Later, perhaps, they start talking more and the reader isn't sure if Kaz is still just the ruthless asshole they have to work with
To be fair, I don't have much plot. I just have my love for bittersweet stories and my messed up leg to provide inspiration. Also, don't care what you do with the gender, I used they/them to make in neutral but I don't really care. I know this request is long. No pressure if you don't like this scenario
My apologies for this taking so long. I was just scared that I wasn’t gonna do this justice. I hope it’s at least somewhat close. 🥺😫
Broken dreams
Playing a part was always hard. Fitting different masks. Making sure they didn’t slip. Always a smile. Always a careless, wild girl. But she just died last year. She was beaten. Broken to bits. Tossed aside. Left to die in that ally. To rot. Forgotten. Would anyone have come looking for you? Would have missed you? Grieved you? They killed the innocent girl that day. Left a broken shell of a woman in her way.
“Come on one more”, Nina pulled at your hand breathlessly. You quickly shoot her a smile, pushing the demons running in your mind aside. “We just sat down”, you chuckled while in reality, the idea of being up on your feet was making you want to turn to the side and vomit. “Oh, come on, we used to dance all night long, remember?”, she tossed her head back, downing her drink. “Jasper always steps on my toes, I need you to save me from that”, she cackled. Your eyes followed Jasper who was turning Wylan around. How much has everything changed in the time you were gone? It felt as if you no longer belonged. As if this version of you didn’t belong here anymore. “Are you feeling okay?”, Nina’s worried eyes watched you and you instantly nudged her, “Morning my freedom now that you’ve pretty much left your boyfriend for me”, you teased her. Happy to see her laugh. Off the hook then. “Lead the way”, you urged her. You could dance. Then down half the bottle of painkillers. Snatch one of the absolute bottles from Kaz’s drawer. It would work. You just had to pretend for a bit longer.
The pain was unbearable once you finally excused yourself. Sobbing the whole way back to the den. The agony felt like tongues of flames. No longer just in your legs. All over your body now. You slumped against the door. Letting yourself breathe. Trying to breathe. Only twenty sets of steps. It used to be only. Now it felt like twenty too many. Ot aggravated you. You wanted your body back. Wanted your freedom back. Wanted to be able to do things that others did. You just wanted it all to stop.
“Back early”, the voice makes you halt. Eyes growing big, you wipe your face before turning around, “Been a while since I drank so freely, Nina is also too persuasive”, you shoot a somewhat dazed smile at Kaz, who’s leaning against the the hallway arch. “You used to dance till early morning sun”, his words meet the target in a blind shot. Making your eyes sting once more. “You used to be more quiet. Don’t want to crawl back to your hole?”, it’s bitter. So bitter because he had learned to live with his pain. You were jealous of that. You had hoped that by watching him you would learn some tricks. How to navigate things that were easy once but brought you pain now. You learned to walk down the stairs because of him. Of watching him.
“You’ve changed”, Kaz’s eyes don’t leave you as he speaks. “Rich coming from you”, you let out a chuckle, locking the outside door. “You’re defensive”, he continues to push, “You were never defensive with me. We argued. You tested my patience but you never bit me”, you hear the sound of his cane, then the smooth steps. “Why are you biting me now, YN?”, Kaz asks. “Don’t make everything about yourself, Kaz”, you turned around swiftly, feeling your legs dip slightly beneath your weight. But you bite back the cry of pain, stepping forward. Hoping to escape him. But Kaz’s cane comes in front of you blocking your way.
“You don’t get to walk away”, he grunts, turning his head to you. “I’ll ask this once”, his voice low, lethal, “So take your time to think”. You can feel him. Feel his eyes when he asks, “Who hurt you?”. The anger takes flight within you. Sending traitorous tears falling down your cheeks, “If I have an idea they would be six feet under”. He had played his part. Made you open the throbbing wound up for him to see. “They captured me. Broke my knees. I couldn’t…”, the words tumble freely, as you hide your face in your palms. “Why didn’t you say anything?”, his tone is blank, emotionless.
“What was I supposed to say?”, you crock out in frustration, “I was worthless then. I was of no use”. Kaz clenches his jaw, “So you hide the truth from me?”. You can’t help but growl in frustration, “I did the job you gave me. I got you what you wanted, what else do you want from me for fuck sake”.
And it’s a matter of heartbeats as your back hits the wall, Kaz’s cane now pressed against your chest, “I don’t give a fuck about the job”, he spats, veins visible in his tense neck now. “We could have gotten you a good doctor, could have…”, he grunts, “Did anyone look at the injury at all?”. You look at him for a moment. You could lie but what’s the point? “Some passing by a doctor”, you admit, “Fixed what he was able to, wished me luck, and left”.
Kaz shakes his head as he steps back, “How bad is the pain?”, “You want to bask in it?”, you clip right at him. “I should throw you out. Make you pay for ruining your own body so carelessly”, he hisses, “Legally you are mine. I own you. So your legs are mine to worry about”. You scoff, “How sweet of you, my gods”. Kaz’s gloved hand catches your jaw, the touch starts you both it seems. “I’m mad at you because you should have spoken up. I would have helped you. Would have dropped everything and made my way to you”, Kaz snarls through gritted teeth, “You’re starting physical therapy from tomorrow. That’s an order”, he steps back, pulls at his west. You blink up at him, knowing that you should say something. Anything. He would have come to you. But was it true? “If you ever pull anything like this ever again…”, Kaz doesn’t finish but you know well what his words imply, “I’ll see you in the morning at my office. Think well about the features of people who attacked”.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Morana’s Route [DARK 03]
Writers note: I have no idea how this style of writing will turn out so bear with me till I figure out wth I'm doing.
Location: Sakamaki Manor- Garden
Crouching on the pavement under the window, Morana was trying to process all the information now available to her. Seiji, a small town priest, was a vampire hunter. For how long has he been a hunter? Could any of this be linked to the fire set in the orphanage? Did he actually sent his only daughter to these vampires?
She shook her head to try and clear her head. Mindless guessing won't give her answers. Looking towards the garden she could still see the silhouette of Shuu and the unknow woman. For whatever reason Reiji wanted the woman dead and Seiji was more than willing to do it.
Morana: (If I stick close to her I could get to Seiji. That's the best chance I've got.)
Slowly lifting herself up she began to walk down the road the two took. But even before reaching the first bush of roses she felt two cold hands wrap around her neck.
Reiji: And where do you think you're going?
She didn't feel his presence after his conversation with Seiji. Thinking she could get away with her sneaking around like all the other times she did back in the orphanage. But this was different, she wasn't dealing with some random nuns, these creatures were made to hunt, and from them still being as secret as they are they had to be unnoticeable by humans. His chest pressed on her back, his forearms now resting on her shoulder. Tightening the grip around her neck he continued,
Reiji: Do you really think I would just let you ruin my plans? Are you perhaps one of Shuu's courtesans'? Trying to get on his good side so he doesn't toss you aside?
Even through his gloves she could feel his nails digging into her skin. She just stood there, frozen, her eyes still focused on the two silhouette in front of them. She tried to open her mouth, to scream but she had a strong feeling that if she did that the chances of her leaving this garden would be non-existent.
Morana: (Shit. He really will kill me. I need to say something.)
She closed her eyes, relaxed her shoulders and took a deep breath. Knowing that she really needed to sell this if she was going to stay alive. Straightening her back she rested a bit of her weight onto his chest. Slowly, she tilted her head to Reiji, meeting her eyes with his.
Morana: I am Seiji's daughter, Komori Yui.
Making sure to keep eye contact, she focused on her voice. Not too loud to alert Reiji that others might see them but just enough for him to hear. She knew her heart was pounding way too hard but she hoped he would think of it more as adrenaline than a sign of her lying. After she felt his hands relax a little and it gave her the confidence to continue.
Morana: If you really want your plan to fail you can kill me right here and now but make no mistake, Seiji will notice and you will be killed before that woman.
Silence fell between them. Neither of them willing to break eye contact they just stood there for a while. A small gust of wind passed them and for the first time Morana noticed how strong the scent of roses was. She also began noticing small details about Reiji as well. His ember eyes, strong jaw and dark hair. She knew from the stories she heard as a child that they were supposed to look beautiful, to lure in their prey.
Morana: (Just like sirens).
His eyes were static while hers wondered. Maybe to him it looked like she was searching for a way to escape for she noticed a small smirk forming at the corners of his mouth. He brought his face closer to her ear.
Reiji: You seem to be second guessing yourself.
He was trying to get her to back down. To assert some kind of dominance in this conversation.
Morana: No, but you are. I'm just thinking of how I would like it if you were to let go of my neck.
Carefully, she turned her body towards him and raised both of her hands, positioning both of them on one of his forearms. Slowly, she tried to push it away from her neck. Reiji flinched at her touch and he pulled back, breaking eye contact. Morana stepped back and took a deep breath.
Reiji: Don't get too comfortable. Only reason I kept you alive is because I know he indeed has a daughter, although I thought you'd be much younger than you are. No matter,
He fixed his clothes and grabbed her by the bicep, dragging her into the house.
Morana: Huh? Wait!
Reiji: If you really think I was going to just let you roam about you're sadly mistaken.
Morana: No! I just have to talk to my father. I'll leave after that, just let me go!
Reiji: You will stay in my room until your father finishes his job. Whatever family quarrels you have you can settle them after.
Burying her heels into the ground seem to make no difference, she was being pulled with abnormal strength. While entering the main hall she turned her head back to look at the garden but her targets were gone. The main door shut behind them.
Location: Sakamaki Manor- Reiji's room
They entered a fairly large room. Even though it was night time Morana noticed how meticulously decorated and full the room was. Towering bookshelves decorated two walls, different herbs were hung from the ceiling emitting a pleasant smell. The large window where she first saw Seiji had long curtains spreading from the ceiling to the ground. On her left there was a king sized bed, neatly made, decorated with an abundance of pillows and a large black leather headboard. In the middle of the room stood a small round coffee table and on it rested a chess set, the game looking unfinished. The small table was accompanied with two leather arm chairs, standing across each other. On the wall across her there were a couple of small cabinets. The glass doors displayed different teacups and cutlery and on top of them stood different chemistry utensils, some already in use.
Reiji: Looks like he didn't teach you any manners.
Morana: huh?
Reiji: You're completely ignoring the host, letting yourself explore the room without their permission.
Morana: I'm sorry.
Reiji: Don't apologize, do better. Now,
He guided her to one of the armchairs, pulling it towards him so she could be seated. She followed his lead and sat down. Right across from her was the big window. Looking closer at it she noticed, its hinged haven't been fully closed.
Morana: (Maybe. If I could get him out of this room.)
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of water boiling. Looking towards the sound she could see Reiji choosing two cups from his cabinets.
Morana: Ummm...can I ask what you're doing?
Reiji: Can't you figure it out yourself? I'm brewing us some tea. If I have to be stuck with the likes of you for a while I might as well make it as enjoyable as I can.
Morana: (Rude. But also who brews tea in their room?)
She turned her gaze down on the chess board. She didn't know the rules of chess, despite Seiji's and Luca's many attempts in teaching her but she knew the pieces. The fist thing she notice was that the king was missing. Actually, a lot of piece were. By the way it was positioned it look like the black chess pieces were fighting each other rather than the actual opponents. And in the middle of the board lay the queen, flanked by what look like the bishop and the knight.
A small cup of tea was lowered next to her. She flinched and lifter her gaze to the person next to her. Reiji seemed calm and composed but once he set the cup down he looked at her. She swore his eyes looked colder than before. The looked he gave her served as a warning. Stop sticking your nose where it doesn't belong.
Morana: I'm guessing I'm on thin ice?
Reiji: Very.
Morana picked up the cup and brought it to her chest. Switching all her focus on it, not letting herself to look anywhere else.
Morana: ...thank you very much for the tea.
Reiji moved away from her. Going back to the brewing station, he got his cup and sat opposite of her. The tea looked and smelled delicious. A deep crimson color, smelling like a combination of hibiscus and pomegranate, just looking at it helped to ease her nerves.
Reiji: If I knew you were just going to stare at it I would've poured all of it for myself.
Morana: Oh, right. Sorry.
She put the cup to her lips. A few sips of the tea were delightful. It was warm, fruity, not too sweet not too bitter. But on the third sip she felt a sharp pain spread across her body. She immediately put the cup down. Her throat was starting to close and she couldn't swallow the rest of the tea. Breathing was also getting difficult. Her other instincts kicked in and she jumped out of the chair, only to be met with heavy dizziness. Looking across from her she could se a blurred image of Reiji. She couldn't see it but she felt him smirking.
Reiji: Oh, my. What seems to be the problem?
Tears were starting to trickle down her cheeks. Feeling like she could lose balance at any moment Morana grabbed hold of the armchair.
Reiji: I saw you eyeing the window earlier. While I don't mind staying in here until your father returns you seemed to have other plans, so I had to make it a little more difficult for you. I have to admit seeing you drink it of your own accord was quite entertaining. 
Morana: (This bastard.)
Reiji: That's quite an expression you've got. Do you hate me that much or?
Reiji appeared right in front of her. Grabbing her by her arms he held her up. His eyes met her glossed over ones.
Reiji: Are you perhaps scared of what's going to happen to you after the poison takes its affect?
That sentence pushed Morana over edge. Grabbing Reiji by the collar she brought his face as close as she could and kissed him. He immediately let go of her but she was still hanging on, making sure that if she's going down, she's taking him down with her. After she was sure she got him to drink the poison as well, she pulled her lips away. Her knees collapsed, the only things still holding her up were her hands grabbing Reiji's collar. Leaning her head against his chest she desperately tried to take deep breaths.
Morana: (I can't die, not yet!)
The last thing she saw before she closed here eyes was a bright white light coming straight towards her.
[DARK 04]
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robinofgothamcity · 3 years
♡ scenario: connor losing his mind when you're hurt and charging into the fight recklessly.
♡ pairing: connor kent ( superboy ) x fem! reader
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / i'm sorry but i'm living for these angst to fluff moments rn especially bc i rewatched reign of the superman and forgot how much i loved connor in it.
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Connor watched as you were completely slumped on the side of the building, no longer clear headed and struggling to stay awake. what was supposed to be a clean and easy mission turned out to be more than what the league expected.
he had requested for back up and while they were already trying to fight off the thugs that were attacking Connor, he could still see that you were fighting to stay alive and he had no idea if you were even going to come out of this fight alive.
"what the fuck?" Connor whispered, seeing you now slumped on the ground. he turned to the person who attacked you, eyes fully red with no intention of holding back. Clark could sense his song was a second away from committing murder as he saw Connor charge into the heart of the battle with no game plan, just murder.
you waved shyly to the group of league members as you hid behind Wonder Woman. you were new to the scene of sidekicks and had no idea how to even introduce yourself without sounding like a complete idiot.
"woah new girl!" you heard a male voice say as you stood in your place petrified. you had no idea who it was as Diana had yet to individually introduce you to everyone, "i call dibs!" you heard the same voice say.
Diana turned to you before grabbing the boy who was charging towards you by the head and tossed him back to Superman, "she's not up for 'dibs' Superboy. she's my newest apprentice and you will treat her as such," she threatened.
you giggled behind her as a few of the sidekicks introduced themselves. you knew them as the Young Justice team and although you weren't formally with the team, you figured Diana was training you to become apart of them in the future.
"( your hero name ), this is Superboy," Wonder Woman said, "he associated to the Super family," she explained as he pushed up his dark circled glasses and flicked his hair back, "pleasure is all mine," he muttered, shaking your hand.
you returned a tiny smile before she continued to introduce you to Robin and Impulse. you noticed how Superboy kept his eyes on you. you had no idea if it was because he liked you or he disliked you but every time you turned to look at him, he was already staring at you.
after introductions and the cliche 'your real identity is sacred' conversation ended, Diana felt it was for your own good to get used to your new 'teammates'. she wanted you to make sure you weren't uncomfortable around any of the YJ team even if that included Superboy.
"so, what do you like to do for fun?" Wonder Girl asked, sitting down next to you and handing you a bowl of popcorn. you shrugged, "uh, not much. I like to watch tv and read for the most part. no one really invites me to do things with them," you admitted, scratching the back of your head.
she laughed, putting her arm around you, "well that ends today! we should all do something fun! how about we go to the county fair? doesn't that sound fun?" she asked. you shrugged, not really opposed to the idea, "I call all the rides with ( your hero name )!" Jinny replied.
you smiled, following her and Wonder Girl out the door as Robin, Impulse, and Superboy followed behind you. Robin looked at him, "you like her don't you?" he asked, already calculating the minute Connor had fallen in love with you.
"well she's apart of the team, i'd like to hope we'd all like her," he replied as Robin shook his head, "no, you get what i mean by that," Robin pressed as he could see Connor's face fall with realization. he didn't reply but he could tell what he was tell Connor's real answer through his face.
as they arrived to the fair, they all booked it to the first food stand they saw. Robin offering to pay for everyone being Bruce Wayne's son had its benefits. you ordered a simple coffee as you didn't want Robin to spend too much on everyone.
"what ride should we all get on first?" Jinny asked excitedly. you pointed to the tallest ride, it was one of those high rides that sat two people at the top and had them spinning around, "oh I can't do that. it's way too scary," both Keli and Jinny said.
Superboy smiled at you, "I'm down if you are," he said as he grabbed two tickets from the worker, "cool," you replied as the two of you walked to the line, sweat already building up from nervousness.
once they sat the two of you and made sure you were both buckled in, you stared at Superboy nervously as the ride started up and pulled you up before immediately starting to spin. you stared at Superboy, screaming for you life. you unintentionally grabbed his arms, not realizing you were holding onto him as you continued to yell.
Superboy chuckled, finding your reaction cute.
after the months passed and you finally grew closer to everyone on the team, you were particularly close with Jinny and Superboy. you and Jinny shared a lot of common interests as she showed you how to shoot a gun and Superboy...well, everyone could tell the two of you were just seconds away from actually dating.
you walked into the YJ lair, sipping on hot chocolates with Jinny as the weather was turning cold. she was cracking some cringe dad jokes, trying to make you laugh as you tried to contain from choking on the hot chocolate.
"hey, where we yall at?" Keli asked. you turned to Jinny before giggling, "just doing a few errands we had to run before I had patrol with Superboy," you said, not really clarifying on what you both were actually doing.
although everyone could see how much you liked Connor, Connor himself thought you had a thing with Jinny. he knew she was particularly close with you and felt as though he was practically competing with her for your attention.
"do you have my phone?" you asked Jinny as she dug into her pocket and handed it to you. you grabbed your phone before quickly snatching her hat and putting it on, "yee-haw," you giggled into the mirror as Jinny started chasing you down the halls.
as you turned a corner, you bumped into Superboy and fell flat on your ass, "oh, I'm sorry Superboy, I didn't see you there," you groaned as Jinny grabbed her had and put it back on her, "you've yee'd your last haw," she said, making you laugh harshly.
Superboy's eye couldn't help but twitch as he gave you his hand, "ready for patrol?" he asked sternly. you looked to Jinny who crept away from the angry Kryptonian and left you to deal with him, "yeah, let me just freshen up again and I'll meet you outside," you murmured, going into the bathroom.
you quickly used the bathroom before checking if you had everything. you opened the door and walked into the lair's common area. Connor had yet to drop the angry attitude and everyone was eerily silent as you walked in. he grabbed you by the arm and practically rushed you out the door.
"weird," Jinny told Robin as he shrugged, "what isn't weird about him," he replied making everyone laugh.
patrol started extremely awkward. you hadn't felt this weird since you first started on the team and you had no idea what was wrong with Superboy since he wasn't telling you.
the two of you walked on top of roof, scanning the empty roads before you turned to look at him, "what's up? you seem bothered," you asked him as you both sat on the ledge, "seriously? you seem annoyed at me or something so at the very least you can try and tell me what's wrong," you pressured again.
he looked at you with eyes of determination before grabbing you by the collar of the shirt and pulling you into a very heated kiss. you were taken back by surprise but let him continue to kiss you. a part of yelled at Connor pulled you close but another part of him was still screaming at him that you still could've liked Jinny.
"I had to do that before Jinny officially took you away from me," your eyes fluttered in confusion, "uh, what do you mean by 'take you away from me'?" you asked, not knowing what he was talking about.
Connor sighed in frustration, "I see the way you're around Jinny and figured that she likes you and vice versa," he finally admitted as he stood up, not wanting to hear your response. you quickly stood up and grabbed him by the wrist, "hey wait," you said.
he stared at you, "I'm really not in the mood to get rejected ( your hero name )," he ran his fingers through his hair annoyed. you shook your head, "I don't like Jinny nor does she like me. we're just really close friends Superboy," you whispered, bringing him into another kiss.
this time, he was the one taken back but he melted into the kiss, all his negative emotions washing away as you continued to kiss him. he wrapped his arms around your waist as you him in closer by the neck. Connor was definitely not expecting this tonight.
"so does this mean that we're like....together together?" you asked playfully shy. Connor let out a laugh before lacing your hands together, "clearly. I can't let Jinny steal you away from me," he jokingly replied.
Connor ran to the three different henchmen as his strength was to the point of killing, not caring if he died in the process. he was recklessly dodging bullets, knowing they wouldn't do anything to him. he grabbed the first man and threw him against a wall as it collapsed around him. Connor only hoping that it did enough damage to unalive him.
the second one he managed to choke him out enough to the point where he passed out but that wasn't enough for him. you were on the brink of death and if he had to see you die, he was going to make sure the men who possibly killed you got what they deserved.
"SUPERBOY!" he heard his father scream again. Connor paid no attention to him as he grabbed the third henchman and slammed him to the ground, throwing punches left and right, "listen to me," Clark screamed at him.
he could see the tears coming down Connor's face as anger, fear, and sadness clouded his mind, "this is not you! pull out of it!" he yelled, shaking Connor's shoulder, "you're about to kill this man. I get that you're angry but you don't get anything out of hurting him. all you get it consequences and your girlfriend needs you right now more than ever!" he continued.
Connor finally shook himself out of his trance as he heard his dad telling him to go to you. Connor nodded and ran to you, seeing you unconscious and hardly breathing, "I'm taking her to the hospital," he yelled to Batman before hauling your body into his arms and flying towards the nearest hospital.
once he finally reached the emergency doors, he shoved everyone out of his way and to the front desk, "she needs help...NOW!" he yelled to the poor receptionist. the girl jumped up from fear but nodded and screamed for a bed and a few doctors.
the doctor asked Connor to place you on the bed before the doctor told him that he could follow them inside. a part of Connor wanted to straight up move the doctor to follow you into the OR but he knew that he'd get into more trouble with his dad and the MPD if he hurt anyone else.
for what felt like hours, he was waiting inside of the room they had told him you'd be in once you got out of surgery. he had already gotten the lecture from his dad about the consequences he would've gotten if he actually managed to kill the three men earlier.
"she's going to make it," the doctor told Connor as he walked into the room while they adjusted you to the bed. Connor nodded, "she'll be out of duty for months. she sustained a lot of injuries to her body that'll take weeks to recover and she got a nasty concussion so you'll need to play doctor for the next few weeks to make sure she's okay," he explained.
Connor nodded as the doctor told him that you should be waking up within the next few hours. Connor adjusted himself on the seat and got comfortable as he had no intentions of leaving your side until you were awake and ready to leave the hospital.
you woke up a few hours later, your body killing you from all over as you saw balloons all around the room. you knew you had landed in the hospital but you had no idea how long you were asleep or in a coma even. you turned to see Connor passed out next to you, his body slumped awkwardly.
"Kon, Kon wake up!" you whispered, shaking him softly. Connor jumped up in a fright as he immediately realized you were awake, "how do you feel? are you okay? do you need anything?" he immediately asked as you couldn't help but laugh at his frantic attitude.
"Connor, I'm okay, I promise," you whispered as you brought him in for a kiss, "my body just hurts and i'm still kinda tired," you murmured as Connor nodded. you managed to wiggle yourself enough to make space for him, "babe, it looks like you haven't slept in days."
"I had to make sure you were okay so i haven't exactly slept in a while," he admitted sheepishly. you shook your head, "you're too much sometimes," you giggled as you put your head on his shoulder, "but you love me regardless," he replied.
this was the first time the L word had came up in the relationship, "yeah, I guess I do but now you need to sleep," you said as you closed your eyes and felt Connor pull you closer to him, "I love you too by the way," you whispered, giving him another kiss on his partially exposed chest.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
One man's trash, is another man's treasure.
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Short story # 6
2,355 - Words
Fandom - House of Wax (2005)
Paring - Bo Sinclair X Reader
Summary - The reader finds herself & her 4 month old son stranded in Ambrose. While Bo finds himself enamored with the woman, wanting nothing more than to protect and provide for the two of them.
Warnings - Some dark topics, talk of abusive relationships, eventual blood & death, eventual smut. (I'm not sure what else tbh)
Notes - Italics mean the reader is singing.
Pt. 1 ~ Pt. 2 ~ Pt. 3 ~ Pt. 4
"No no no." (Y/n) sighed as her jeep sputtered and died, white smoke bellowing from under the hood. "Please don't do this." (Y/n) muttered under her breath, pulling the jeep off to the side of the dirt road, despite her desire to keep driving. "Damn it." She hissed under her breath when it died completely, flipping the four ways on instinctively. The baby fussed tiredly from the backseat, drawing (Y/n) full attention. "It alright my love." (Y/n) cooed before exiting the driver side, sliding onto the back seat, she comforted the infant. "Sh sh sh you're alright baby." She cooed as she brushed his hair away from his face, kissing his little hands. The baby's cries subsided, and he cooed up at his mother. His wide and bright eyes melting her heart, as he peered up at her. Allowing the child to suckle on her finger, (Y/n) used her free hand to check her cellphone, hoping to call triple A. "Of course." She sighed under her breath, tossing her phone into the front seat, after finding it dead. (Y/n) jumped at the sound of someone knocking on the window, looking to find a man standing there smiling at her.
"Oh you startled me." (Y/n) chuckled when she opened the door, leaving her child in his car seat. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare ya." He chuckled with embarrassment. "It's alright, no harm done." (Y/n) brushed it off before offering him her hand. "My names (Y/n)." He shook her hand with a smile. "Lester." He then pointed to the jeep. "Car troubles?" He asked as he let go of her hand. "Yeah I'm not sure what happened to it." (Y/n) sighed as she turned her attention to the jeep. "Mind of I take a look?" He tilted he head a little. "Please do." (Y/n) smiled quickly moving to pop the hood. "Where you headed?" Lester asked as he inspected the engine. "Anywhere." (Y/n) leaned her hip against the side of the jeep. "Running from something?" He asked impulsively. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked that." Lester quickly stammered. "It's alright..." (Y/n) cleared her throat. "Someone actually, I'm running from someone." She admitted. "I'd appreciate... I'd appreciate it if you'd forget ever meeting me after this." (Y/n) added. "Well a pretty face like yours would be hard to forget, but don't worry your secret is safe with me." Lester smiled, his honesty making (Y/n) smile. "Thank you Lester." Her appreciation making Lester grin. "You're welcome (Y/n), but I'm afraid I cant do much about your jeep." Lester's smile turned to a apologetic frown. "Are you sure?" She frowned a little when he nodded his head. "Well I appreciate you trying." (Y/n) sighed softly. "I could give you a ride into Ambrose, Bo owns the garage he could help you I'm sure of it." Lester suggested. "Oh I'd really appreciate the help!" (Y/n) beamed her excitement making Lester smile.
"Give me one moment." (Y/n) quickly moved to the other side of the car, unbuckling the car seat, she hulled her baby out of the car. "Oh you've got a little one." Lester observed with slight shock. "I hope that's not a problem." (Y/n) bit her bottom lip nervously. "N-no not at all." Lester stammered. "You need me to grab anything?" He asked. "Could you grab the stroller from the back?" She asked. "Sure thing!" Lester moved to grab the stroller while (Y/n) shouldered the diaper bag. "Let me lay a blanket down in the bed of my truck real quick." Lester explained as he carried the stroller to his truck, (Y/n) nodded her head in understanding as she closed up the back of the jeep, locking the doors before she joined Lester at his truck. "There we go." He murmured to himself as he laid the blanket out, laying the stroller on top of it. "Don't want to stain that up." He explained with a smile, (Y/n) smiled then looked to the cab of the truck. "I think I'll have to hold him in the truck huh?" She observed, sitting the car seat in the tailgate to unbuckle the infant. "I'm afraid so." Lester rubbed the back of his neck a little. "Oh let me get that." He moved to grab the now empty car seat. "Oh it locks into place on the stroller." (Y/n) explained pointing to where the car seat went. "Well ain't that convenient." Lester smiled as he latched the car seat into place. "Yeah it's really nice." (Y/n) agreed with a smile.
They rode in a comfortable silence for about ten minutes, before Lester struck up conversation. "So what's the little guys name?" He asked as he glanced towards the baby, quickly casting his gaze back to the road. "He's names Von." (Y/n) smiled as she lovingly stroked the baby's back. "Dose it mean something?" Lester asked with genuine curiosity. "I got it from old Norse, it means hope." She explained. "That's really cool!" Lester beamed excitedly, making (Y/n) chuckle softly. "If you don't might me asking... Where's Von's pa?" Lester asked after a few minutes. "That's who I'm running from..." (Y/n) admitted, finding it easy to confide in him. "He do something?" Lester asked. "When he found out I was pregnant... He tried to kill me." (Y/n) murmured softly, her words making Lester frown. "A neighbor heard the commotion, and he saved me. My ex went to jail, but he has friends in high places, and was able to get released last month." (Y/n) paused for a moment. "I received full custody of Von after my ex was sentenced, and when he got out I took off." She swallowed thickly, subconsciously touching the scar on her mouth from where her ex had slashed her with a knife. "He's a dangerous man, and I'm terrified that he's going to come after me, to finish what he started." (Y/n)'s confession upset Lester, he wasn't upset with her, but with her ex, a man he didn't even know.
"I'm really sorry to hear that." Lester cleared his throat, swallowing the emotional lump that had formed. "We'll be in Ambrose in a minute." He added. "Ah hell." He sighed at the sight ahead. "I forgot this road washed out last month in a storm." Lester explained as he parked the truck, I gotta flip my hubs into four-wheel." Lester explained, as he opened his door. "Oh I don't want to trouble you any more than I already have." (Y/n) reasoned. "Oh it's no trouble, I'm happy to help a pretty lady and her baby." He offered her a friendly smile, before setting to work. After he had finished his work, Lester hopped back into the truck with a grin. "Now hold on, I'm gonna take it slow but it's still gonna be bumpy." He explained as he put the truck into drive. (Y/n) nodded her head in understanding, cradling Von against her chest firmly, in hopes of not disturbing him to much. True to his word Lester took the drive nice and slow, the truck rocking this way and that as the tires rolled over some of the larger rocks. "Here we are." He murmured as they cleared the ruble, and made it to solid ground again. "Welcome to Ambrose (Y/n)." He smiled at her as he drove onto town, parking outside of the gas station. "Wow this place is really cute." (Y/n) hummed as she looked at all of the rustic buildings. "I'll go see if Bo is in." Lester offered as he hopped out of the truck. (Y/n) had nodded her head exiting the truck herself a moment later, her legs desperately needing to stretch. "Hello my sweet." (Y/n) mused at Von, who cooed up at her, a little drool dribbling down his chin.
"Bo's not in." Lester sighed as he exited the station. "He should be back soon though, he doesn't typically leave the garage empty for very long." He explained. "Well I guess I'll have to wait." (Y/n) smiled softly. "I could wait with you." Lester offered. "Oh no it's alright, I've already taken up so much of your time." (Y/n) declined his offer. "I'm sure I'll be alright, like you said he shouldn't be gone long." She reasoned as she subconsciously began bouncing Von gently. "Alright here let me grab the stroller for ya." Lester smiled as he opened the tailgate, grabbing the stroller he attempted to set it up. "The red leaver on the side, push it, then pull the stroller up. It'll lock into place with a click." (Y/n) explained, pointing to the red leaver. "Got it." Lester chuckled softly as he pulled the stroller up, smiling when it clicked into place. "Thank you Lester, for everything. You've been a real help." (Y/n) sat Von into the stroller, strapping him in before she turned her attention to Lester. "Here I've got some spare cash." (Y/n) quickly pulled her wallet from her back pocket, pulling out the thirty dollars she had. "Oh no I can't take that." Lester shook his head. "Please it's the least I can do." She smiled before taking ahold of his hands, placing the money in his palms. "What about your jeep, how are ya gonna pay for that?" Lester voiced his concern. "I've got some prepaid cards, I'll be alright." (Y/n) assured him, smiling when he finally nodded his head in agreement. "Alright... But if ya ain't got enough have Bo call me, I'll help ya out I promise." Lester smiled when (Y/n) nodded her head in agreement. "Thank you again Lester." She shook his hands before releasing him, waving as he hopped into his truck, and drove off.
(Y/n) sat on the curb outside of the gas station for about thirty minutes, gently rocking the stroller back and forth, letting Von sleep peacefully. "Go tell Aunt Rhody, go tell Aunt Rhody, Go tell Aunt Rhody that the old gray goose is dead." (Y/n) sang the old lullaby. "The one she's been saving to make a feather bed. The old gander's weeping, because his wife is dead." She reached up turning on the small battery operated fan she had attached to the stroller for Von. "The goslings are mourning, because their mother's dead. She died in the mill pond from standing on her head." (Y/n) smiled at the sight of birds flying in the distance. "Go tell Aunt Rhody that the old gray goose is dead." She finished the lullaby, softly humming in her throat the last line, drawing out the lullaby a little longer. "You've got a real pretty voice." A man called out softly, his sudden appearance making (Y/n) freeze up momentarily. "Oh thank you." (Y/n) smiled up at the handsome man, rising to her feet as he tossed his cigarette off to the side. "My names Bo, I own this shop." He introduced himself, offering her his hand. "I'm (Y/n)." She smiled shaking his hand. "Is there something I can help you with?" He asked. "My jeep broke down a few miles down the road, I got a ride from a man named Lester into town. He said you'd be able to fix my jeep for me." (Y/n) explained, idly continuing to rock the stroller back and forth. "I'm sure I can." He smiled. "Do you know what's wrong with it?" He asked as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. "I have no clue." She chuckled softly. "Well can you explain what happened?" Bo asked with a small chuckle of his own. "Uh it made this sputtering kinda sound, like it was running out of gas, but the meter said I still had over half a tank. And white smoke started coming out from under the hood, then as soon as I got the car off to the side of the road the engine died." (Y/n) explained to the best of her memory. "When was the last time you put oil in it?" Bo asked with a small tilt of his head. "Last week." (Y/n) replied quickly. "Has it been giving you problems before today?" He asked. "None." (Y/n) shook her head, not having had any issues with her jeep since before today.
"Hm I have to have my brother tow the truck back here, before I can determine what's wrong." Bo explained. "Of course." (Y/n) nodded her head in understanding. "I'll have to call him from the house, my shops phone has been broken for two weeks now. You can come with me if you'd like, give you a chance to relax somewhere a little more comfortable with your little one there." Bo offered as he glanced to the stroller, a friendly smile on his handsome face. "Yeah sure that would be really nice, thank you." (Y/n) smiled as he nodded her head, following Bo to the house on the hill. "What's his name?" Bo asked as he looked into the stroller at the sleeping toddler. "Von." (Y/n) smiled. "I like that name." Bo admitted with a grin of his own. "Thanks it means hope in old Norse." (Y/n) explained. "Well I like it even more then." Bo's smile widened a little when (Y/n) giggled softly, a notable blush painting her cheeks. "You know you and Lester have been some of the nicest people I've met in a while." (Y/n) admitted. "In my experience some of the nicest people are from rural areas like this." Bo mused, his statement making (Y/n) nod her head in agreement. "Yeah it's nice." She hummed with content as they reached the front porch.
Part one is complete!
Let me know what you think!
Oh and let me know if you wanna be tagged in the next parts!
Love ya!
PS this is the lullaby (Y/n) was singing, its called Go Tell Aunt Rhody.
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bemylord · 3 years
ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱᴘᴏʀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴀᴏᴛ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ
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characters: probably all in the aot world.
warnings: au, modern to aot, superpower, action, curse words, might be spoilers, deviation from the canon, my broken sence of humor, open final.
synopsis: you have woke up in the cellar, feeling a terrible headache as you opened eyes, you could barely see faces in front of you - it's all a blur. the next thing you heard is: 'kill her?' and 'no, we need her alive'
butler's remark: i hope you're doing well, today i made @gipumar request but! it's not over yet. i'll, i guess, write four and final [final would be a drabble] parts. i started from the first season and to the last one. [i'm watching last season rn]. reader is a titan! i also watched 1st season and second a couple of months ago, so i may have forgotten smth, but it's my au, and there will be a slight deviation from the canon. + reader and levi having their attitude.
➝ back to the main master list.
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you couldn't see anything - you've got a headache, tinnitus, you also can't move, as you couldn't feel your body - you wanted to open eyes, but again, every slightest movements causes unbearable pain all over the body. your overhear someone voice, or voices, or it's your imagination is playing with you. you mumbled, not being able to mutter out half a word.
'what's wrong? i've had drink a lot yesterday, jesus christ.'
the five human senses begin to activate, as if after a long time in a disconnected mode. you tossed your head back as you feel your muscles, barely feel the rest of the body as if is a closed location where you need access.
'kill her?'
'no, we need her alive'
as you overhear unknown voices, that aren't belong to your family or friends, you did a step forwards, as handcuffs are holding you from escaping. from under your open eyelids, you could barely see anything: some kind of light on the left side and two men in front of you, standing behind .. jail grate?
throat ached as you pronounce the word, close eyes. the clarity is starting to appear as you could feel your fingers and arms being handcuffed. slowly turned head to the right side to see the room you are, noticing some kind of anciety? the walls are made of brick, the floor also, incomprehensible handcuffs. you weren't a criminal, but the general knowledge of what a prison cell looks like you knew from movies and shows.
'where.. am i..'
you heard a slight giggle, turning head to the sound, noticing two man: one is tall and well-built, the blond one. the next one is smaller, he's leaning against the wall, not even peek at you.
'stupid bitch, you better be talking right now. who are you and what you were planning to do, br-'
'levi! we had talked about it, calm down.'
as they quarrel, you've got an opportunity to scrutinize their state: the blond guy is clearly the captain or leader - the way he sits and his way of speaking, significantly different from the other guy.
the short one is obviously mad or annoyed, maybe you ain't good at reading people but he isn't looking at you, shows his irritation by gesture: arms crossed over his chest as he scows and half-mutter under his breath.
'who are you?' you suddenly asked, unawares them. 'why.. where? the fuc-'
'i told you, erwin, that pathetic bitch doesn't.. fine, i'll be quiet'
erwin. levi. who are they? what are you doing here? lots of questions - any answers.
you find yourself being on your knees as your wrists in the handcuffs. you wear ridiculous and funny clothes - a long linen shirt, probably for man, but you could feel you're wearing the only shirt.
your eyes widened at the of thought what they did to you while you were sleeping, moved hands forward as the chance to break the shackles. you failed, feeling pain in your shoulders.
'who are you? what happened? i'll call the police you're perverts!'
'the court wants to kill you, you'd better not move.'
the court? kill? girl, you have troubles. a big-big one.
'please, what happened? did i kill someone? did i.. what? i'll call to my lawyer'
erwin, as you might remember right, sigh, rubbing his forehead with his fingers. the guy next to him giggled, holding himself from offensive phrases.
'you are a titan, girl. yes, you saved us and our town from the titan whilst eren was plugging the hole in the wall.'
'titan? how did i end up here?'
'a bright flash appeared in the sky and then we saw you - in a titan guise.'
you raise one eyebrow, pondering over words the blond said. titan? your knowledge on the theme 'titan' is poor. in the modern world, not many people are interested or being keen on that theme. vampires, werewolves, witches, sorcerers [jjk, lol] - is favorite theme for fantasy movies.
you smiled, to which the boys frowned. you smirked first, before you burst out laughing out loud. titan? did you saved a town? nice prank it was.
'come on, nice prank it was. but i have a headache and also i want to rest 'cause tomorrow i have a math test and my teacher will kill me if i won't be there.'
levi smiles as he heard you.
'do what you've planned, i won't interfere.'
levi opened the door grate with a foot, immediately make a fist of your hair, tossed your head back.
'i don't care you're woman or man, you'll take your punishment. prank? lawyer? you make up new words, you trashy girl.'
the way he looks into your eyes, practically choking you, as you're hard to swallow your saliva either take a deep breath. first, you thought he's the weak one, not having force at all. just being a regular soldier who's following someone's orders.
'listen, you will walk with us and we will show you the wall, maybe you'd remember the action if not - prepare your pretty face'
he took the shackles off you, letting his hands carelessly fall onto your knees as you feel his hands on your wrists with an order: i didn't tell you i give you the recovery time.
the hallway they are leading you is full of soldiers with a weapon in their arms who're following you with their eyes on you, whispering each other.
you turned right and left a few times before finding yourself on a small ledge where the town was spread out like the palm of your hand.
where is your city? where are you?
you are scared to ask 'the weak' one, contemplate on the unknowing town. small houses, without any skyscrapers, without cars, roads, without anything familiar to your world.
prank's out of control.
'it can't be true, i don't understand..' you make a step forward, as if to verify if it's accurate. 'i've transported into another world, it can't be true, where is.. police? explain me something, captain, huh?'
'stohess. the city you are in now. perhaps you're as much help from another world as you're a mighty titan.'
stohess. europe? america? maybe it's a small town somewhere in the... somewhere in the world. your world.
'do you remember something?'
he turned his head to your face, waiting for the negative answer. yes, you noded. you couldn't remember anything from what and who you were, how you ended up being here. but you told him something about the country you live. well, you had been leaving.
'someone must have sent you to save our city, girl.'
'y/n. my name is y/n.'
he stares at you like you're an idiot whilst you still examine the view. in front of you, far beyond in the center you noticed a huge figure - titan, - you wanted to ask, but levi was the first.
'right, titan. if it weren't for you, he would have killed half the city, crushing everything in his path. don't waste our time, girl.'
'it's hard to think when i'm under the pressure'
he turned around to leave.
'then, it means i need to kill you today. breathe fresh air while your head is on your shoulders.'
(≧◡≦) love leaving people guessing what will next. i'm sorry for this short part. i need to go out of town for a few days, so i'll leave the next part for later. tomorrow or the day after tomorrow i want to write a little drabble about yaoi, it'll kenma x kuroo, just sfw.
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whosscruffylooking · 3 years
The Purest Things- Repeating History
Aaron Hotchner x Female Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Brief mentions of murder and alcohol. Canon typical violence.
A/N: this takes place during season 3 episode 11, birthright. i had a lot of fun studying this episode and making it my own. i have changed certain dialogue and who says what for the sake of the story. please enjoy!
The Purest Things Masterlist
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(my gif! please credit if you use.)
january 2008
Syd Moore said, “Disregard for the past will never do us any good. Without it we cannot know truly who we are.”
Your alarm is often hushed before it even has an opportunity to set off nowadays because you usually wake up before it even has the chance.
4:25 A.M.
You groan and toss your pillow over your face. Maybe, just maybe, you can will yourself to sleep for a little longer. As if someone heard your pleas for slumber, your phone starts buzzing on your bedside table. Of course, it is unnecessary for you even to read the messages. There is a case.
"Last night in Fredericksburg, a 20-year-old woman, Molly McCarthy, was abducted," J.J. begins, "She's the third to go missing in the last 6 weeks. All disappeared from public places. No one's seen them since until now. A couple days ago, body parts with cigarette burns were recovered from a national park that was once the site of the battle of Chancellorsville."
"Were they able to make an I.D.?" you and Hotch ask simultaneously. Your eyes meet, but he breaks the contact abruptly. Flustered and insecure, you bury your focus deep into the file in front of you. The group discusses the case for a couple of minutes, but you are so concentrated on the papers that you hardly absorb any information they've shared.
There is something familiar about this case to you. Suddenly, realization strikes.
Rejoining the discussions, you say, "I remember reading about a case like this in Spotsylvania county. Similar markings on the bone. It was the winter of 1980, also in Fredericksburg. There were 5 women aged 16 to 24. They were buried in pieces."
"Same markings. Same civil war battlefield," J.J. responds in agreement.
The team agrees that this could be the works of the same killer. There are aspects of the more recent killings that would be impossible to copycat since those details had never been released to the public. But, if this is the same unsub, what's he been doing for the past 27 years?
Hotch focuses on the road while you watch out the window of the passenger seat. Occasionally, you sneak the odd peek at him. His stoicism is alluring, and you find yourself drawn to this demeanor like a moth to a flame. Piecing together the tiny glimpses you've collected thus far as if working on a mental puzzle, you scrutinize his attributes. His eyes bare the beginnings of crow's feet. Only his sideburns tease the speckling of salt and pepper undertones. His lips turn downwards at the corners, no doubt from years of scowling at unsubs.
Reid speaks up from behind you both and breaks your train of thought. Probably for the better, there's no reason why you should examine your unit chief so intently.
"It's funny--he always dumps the bodies in this battlefield, no matter what the risk."
"It's a respected landmark. He's flaunting," Aaron reckons.
"It makes him feel important," you say in agreement.  
Once you have arrived at the crime scene, you follow Agent Hotchner closely. Reid trails ahead, most likely trying to keep up with his own train of thought.
"How does someone not see or hear them?" You ask the sheriff.
He turns to you with a defeated expression, "It was dark. He had the advantage. Molly's boyfriend was the last person to see her. He said she was alone for a minute, maybe less."
Hotch surveys the surroundings, "He's patient and works fast."
"He's perfected his M.O.," Reid states while looking around.
You cross your arms as a wave of unease gets the best of you as you envision the moments leading to Molly's attack.
"If our unsub's pushing 60, he's gotta be strong enough to carry her a long way without her struggling," you bring out.
Hotch looks to you with a concerned squint. You shake your head, signaling to him that it's nothing you can't get under control. He nods in response. The sheriff agrees to point out the various entrances to the park.
"I'll catch up with you," your Unit Chief states. He motions for you to step aside with him, and you comply.
"You know, ever since my wife and I had our son, I dread receiving cases involving children," he discloses to you.
Tears well up in your eyes, "I can't even imagine, but sir, why are you telling me this?"
"This job will inevitably strike close to home on some cases more than others. It's okay for you to feel overwhelmed by it all every once and a while," he assures you.
"You never lose it, though."
He sighs heavily, "Maybe I should have."
Shortly before you joined the BAU, Hotch's wife Haley left with their son Jack. You never ask questions or stick your nose where it doesn't belong. It isn't your place, and you can't blame him for not wanting to bring his family struggles to work. He deals with enough broken families on the job as it is. Mixing his own personal life into the field would only make it more challenging to prioritize. Despite all this, you cannot help but wonder what exactly led to his and his wife's separation. You hope that they can find their way back to each other. The crimes you investigate do not need to claim the Hotchner's as victims as well.
"I'll let you talk to Chrissy Wilkenson," Hotch directs you towards the kitchen. You wipe your sweaty palms against the fabric of your pants and make your way into the kitchen, Hotch following closely behind you.
"Mrs. Wilkenson," you say gently, "My name is Y/F/N. I have just a few questions about your husband. Where does Charlie usually go when he's stressed?"
"The barn," she stutters. You can tell she's anxious and afraid for the well-being of her family.
"Anywhere else, Chrissy?"
Hotch is called into the other room, and you continue questioning Chrissy. She's becoming overwhelmed, so you guide her to the dining room.
"I know this is difficult, Chrissy."
"Did the father of my child really do that to those poor women?" She cradles her baby bump.
Your heart breaks for her, and you choose to remain silent. Sometimes saying nothing speaks louder than words.
Footsteps bound throughout the house, and Hotch appears in the doorway, "The sheriff will stay here with Mrs. Wilkenson. We need you with us."
Standing up from your chair, you place your hand atop Chrissy's, "History doesn't have to repeat itself." It is almost as if she could tell you were reading her thoughts. The endless whispers that cloud her mind making her feel like she's left with only one choice, but there's always another option. That is all you are trying to remind her of.
As you and your team trek through the forest, you see a clearing.
"Hotch, this way," you beckon him to pursue your course.
Suddenly, a gunshot rings out, and you stop in your tracks. You make eye contact with Hotch and mirror each other's actions, dashing towards the opening in the trees. Your heart pounds in rhythm with your footsteps colliding against the ground. It is clear to you from your exchange with Chrissy at the house that the origin of the gunshot will shock everyone but yourself. As you reach the clearing and rush down the hill, your speculation is validated.
Chrissy Wilkenson is standing over the body of her husband, the unsub. A traumatized young man haunted by his father's past and plagued by the idea that children are trapped in the endless cycles created by their parents.
I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Jesus. Now is not the time for that.
The newly widowed woman claims self-defense, yet the cops handcuff her anyways. Inside, you feel conflicted while watching her get into the back of the squad car.
Hotch appears by your side but remains silent. Again, sometimes silence speaks louder than words. You bit your lip, attempting to hide the fact that it is trembling.
"What did you say to her as you were leaving the dining room?"
"I told her that history does not have to repeat itself. I wanted her to know that even when it feels like you are backed into a corner, there is always another way out. Sometimes people don't know where to look for their out thought," you quiver.
He lightly touches your arm and gives you a reassuring tilt of the head, "Just know that you did everything you could. We will never do this job perfectly. Doing the right thing usually costs more than it pays. You did your part.  I'm not a saint, and I am far from a hero, but I have integrity and honor, and I do this job to the best of my ability."
"If you can leave a case with a clear conscience," he continues, "you know you did the best you could. Any other thought process will eat away at you slowly but surely, and ultimately, it will result in the demise of your career and destruction of yourself."
After a seemingly neverending day, you all arrive back at Quantico.
"I could really go for a drink, guys. What do you say? Newbie's buying," you wave your wallet around frivolously.
"I could go for 5 drinks!" Prentiss exclaims.
"Count me in," Morgan winks at you. He never fails to make you blush.
Reid hesitates and you pout your bottom lip, "Please Reid! How could you not want a repeat of Dolly Parton night last month?"
Hotch comes down the stairs, "Dolly Parton night? Do I want to know?"
You and Derek snicker to each other as Spencer attempts to diffuse his own embarassment.
"9 to 5 is an iconic female anthem that certainly has a rather bewitching affect on a man when mixed with alcohol."
"You only drank Diet Coke that night," you roll your eyes at him.
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Hotch forcing his way through the small group formed around the desks.
Making your way over to him, you invite him to join, "Want a beer?" You second guess yourself, but it seems as though his rather stern expression softens ever so slightly when he pivots on his heels to look at you.
"I would like that," he answers softly.
He immediately returns to his original path and hovers near the glass doors. You casually make your way over to him, joined by Dave and Emily. A man barges in through the glass doors announcing Aaron's name.
"Agent Hotchner?"
"Yes," the subject in question breaths out almost defeatedly.  
The yellow package he holds in his hands is all too familiar and instantly churns your stomach into knots. You gnaw at your bottom lip, drawing a metallic taste that causes you to cringe.
"What is it?" Emily speaks up.
There's no question as to what it is. Oh Hotch. I’m so sorry.
Hotch's eyes trace the package from corner to corner in disbelief, "Haley's filing for divorce. I've been served."
When he eventually takes his eyes off of the lettering, his eyes meet yours. They lock onto you and it is in that moment that you feel as though you have been given the key to unlock his soul. His eyes are so unusual at this moment; they are more vulnerable than you have ever seen. The stoic man is gone, and instead, it is the eyes of one who is in tremendous pain. You had mistaken his bloodshot eyes for physical fatigue on the plane, but now you see that it is emotional exhaustion as well.
If only you knew how badly I want to hug you and tell you that you won't be swallowed up by this darkness. There's a long road ahead, but you have so many people here who love you and are here to support you through this. You aren't alone. Trust me, I know.
In some way, you pray that he can read into your soul and see the pain you feel for him. Once more, your shared silence proves to speak for itself.  
At last, he breaks eye contact with you and finally releases the breath that you had been holding in. Dave grabs onto your arm, seeing the clear impact Hotch's news has on you, no doubt having also noticed Hotch's immediate response in looking at you.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can join you tonight," he excuses himself and escapes to the seclusion of his office.
Maybe history does have a way of repeating itself.
Tag List:
@chellybear98​ @destiny-tsukino​ @wanniiieeee​ @sweetiecake180 @vampiracontessa​ @weexinling​ @spaghetti-dad187 @hothskies​ @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos​ @mac99martin​ @clairedragonessbaker @cecemariee7302​ @halloweenwithreid @megans-txmblr​ @theoldestguard @purpledragonturtles​ @chazubagi​ @frogrrylovebot @agentaaronhotass​ @obsssedwithjustaboutanything @mcntsee @ssagube @softhetixx @kenzies-mr-j @peachyotps @cat11-2 @prettylittlemoonlight @ravenmoore14 @gubs-boobs @spencerreidsoulmate @joyclubie
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cosmiccandydreamer · 4 years
Stability Chapter 7
Otis Driftwood x Reader
( I don't own these gifs)
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"I'll never be your beast of burden
My back is broad but it's a-hurting
All I want for you to make love to me
I'll never be your beast of burden
I've walked for miles, my feet are hurting
All I want for you to make love to me"
Otis heard you before he saw you, dancing and singing in your cut off shorts and tired shirt. Your walkman swung dangerously back and forth on your hips as you sang to the rolling stones song while you washed your car. It was a super hot summer day in the unforgiving heart of texas. The car was your baby. It was a gift from Otis for your birthday, you had fallen in love with it when they towed it to the house after the last group of victims was captured. You told him you always wanted one of these so he and Rufus secretly fixed it up for you. He still insisted you go everywhere with him in his truck but you convinced him to let you drive yourself once in a while ( but not too far ) Spraying the hose over the hood you leaned over to get the farthest part, your ass poking out in the air.
"Am I hard enough?
Am I rough enough?
Am I rich enough?
I'm not too blind to see"
It was obvious the music was so loud you didn't hear him as he dragged a screaming victim toward the shed in the back. He stopped dragging her for a second to watch you and laugh softly. Well, that's adorable and hot as shit he thought to himself. The poor girl he was currently dragging took this opportunity to claw and bite at his hand in an attempt to get away in. For A split second she did, She wiggled out of his grasp and tried to take off towards the road. He quickly grabbed her and threw her on the ground pulling her by the hair back towards the house. All this while you were none the wiser, enjoying your song on your headphones. He resumed his spot leaning against the house staring at you.
"I'll never be your beast of burden
So let's go home and draw the curtains
Music on the radio
Come on baby make sweet love to me" 
You sang the last part a little louder using the sponge as a microphone. You were getting into this what you assumed was a solo performance. Swinging your hips back and forth you grabbed the hose and sprayed all over the trunk of the car. He was thrusting the girl back and forth by her hair to shush her as he leaned against the side of the house watching you. "Damn bitch shut the fuck up!, I'm trying to enjoy the view". He looked toward her in disgust that she would dare shrek and distract him. "Mister please let me go, I won't tell anyone". " I SAID SHUT UP" 
He suddenly heard the music better now, he looked up to see you with your headphones down now around your neck the music softly playing in a muffled tone. Staring at him with a smile slightly leaning against the car. " Whatcha doing there is handsome?". " Watching you " he smirked. 
"Am I hard enough?
Am I rough enough?
Am I rich enough?
I'm not too blind to see"
"Oh are ya now? So ...what are you gonna you do with her?" You pointed with the sponge at the dry heaving girl still on the ground with her hair in his fist. "Ah I don't know" he looked down at her then back at you " any ideas?" He lifted an eyebrow at you. "Maybe a few" you bit your lip a little tilting your head to the side. " I was going to tie her up in the shed and try that experiment I was running with you the other night but I don't think she's gonna survive. She also won't stop squirming", he chuckled and thrust her a little bit more back and forth. She muttered something inaudible. "That's fine," you said, tossing the sponge into the bucket. " We can tie her to the bed after she might stop squirming then." You flashed him a wicked smile.
 He winked at you, "my god woman you are wicked...have I told you I love you lately?" He asked, clearing his throat, the bulge that started to grow in his jeans was becoming more and more distracting. "Hmmm" you replied " maybe but you can show me how much you love me later" you leaned on the hood of the car allowing for him to get a good view of your shirt.
 He hastily sucked in the air standing up quickly, "hold that thought" he says turning back toward the shed. "Hey! " You shouted he turned back to you real quick, spinning the poor girl as well, her feet and legs dragging.  You took the soapy sponge and tossed it at him, smacking him in the chest soaking his white shirt. He cursed under his breath then laughed, wiping his face with his other hand. "You are gonna pay for that as soon as I'm back from tying this bitch up". He looked back at you one more time while heading back to the shed. 
Oh, little sister
Pretty, pretty, pretty girls
Ooh, you're a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty girl
Pretty, pretty, such a pretty, pretty, pretty girl
Come on, baby, please, please, please
"God I hate this fucking song can you change it?"... "OTIS hello?". Baby sat up from the floor of the van and snapped her fingers at Otis. "Hey get your goddamn fingers out my face woman the fuck is wrong with you" he angrily swatted at Baby's hand as she attempted to snap in his face again. " I said I don't like that song so change it" "I don't give a flying dick what you like, I'm drivin' and we're leaving this song." She slumped back angrily onto the floor. Earning a chuckle from her father Spaulding. "S'not funny daddy" she snapped at him crossing her arms. "Oh lighten up there kiddo you know the rules, the driver picks the music". 
Spaulding had finally met up with both of them at the motel. Although it had taken him a while due to some personal delay he arrived there in the nick of time to help finish off torturing the poor victims. After killing the rest of the family the daughter of Roy and Gloria was left to wear her father's skin on her face and be hung up behind the door to scare the unfortunate housekeeper when coming to assess the room. unable to get her father's skin off and running in a frantic the daughter unknowingly ran into the highway to be hit by a semi-truck. Using the van they stole from them they attempted to meet you at the next stop. 
Otis only hoped they weren't too far behind you. Suddenly Baby perked up and glanced at the passing billboard." Just in case anyone's interested, I think I'm gonna be wanting some ice cream in about 10 miles" she excitedly looked back toward her father and then to Otis. Otis looked over at her and repeated her [in a mocking tone]  "I think I'm gonna be wanting some ice cream in about 10 miles." Baby looked back at home with an angry expression "Hey DON'T you fucking imitate me, it's fucking rude!"
Otis:" Fuck you", Baby: "Fuck you! "Two fucking seconds for the kid, is that gonna kill you?" Spaulding interjected getting real sick of the interaction between the two of them.
"Yes, it is going to kill me! I have calculated the time, and two seconds is the exact amount of time that is a hazard to my fucking health!" Otis replied visibly getting more and more annoyed with the idea of stopping. " What the fuck is your problem? I'm in and out in two seconds!" Baby snapped at him. 
Spaulding laughed a little "You know? I think I'm gonna get me some tutti fucking fruity." "Tutti fucking fruity, that sounds good!" Baby said nudging her father. "I'm glad that finding y/n doesn't mean shit to either of you now I know who is taking this seriously" he gripped his hands on the steering wheel in anger. These fucking idiots he thought to himself. " Wow excuse you…. How dare you imply I don't care about finding my BEST FRIEND. You know she meant the world to me before She meant the world to you, she was my best friend before she was your wife ok? I met her first… don't think because I'm not sulking like you I don't worry about her. But she's stronger than you give her credit for and you've been treating her like a child!!!". Otis didn't respond to her, he was getting madder by the second. He simply gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white.
 "I suggest we go see Charlie lay low there for a night before heading to the next motel," Spaulding said looking over at Otis. " Why the fuck would we do that?" Otis asked, slightly gripping the steering wheel even harder. Being away from you this long was not good for his mental health. It was throwing him off his game. It was making him anxious and nothing made him anxious. This was a very foreign and uncomfortable feeling to him. He wanted to get rid of it and to do that he had to find you. He only anticipated being away from you for maybe 12 hours and even the thought of that made him very uncomfortable. 
It's now been days this is unacceptable he needs to find you. "Look I saw on the news that the police are already on your tail. It's best that we throw off their scent a bit and lay low one more day can't hurt y/n is a smart girl she's gonna be alright". Otis didn't reply, he simply looked at the long stretch of road. Spalding continued, "I would hate to lead anyone to her Otis, Baby is right we care about her too but she's tough and smart I'm sure she's seen the news she will get the idea why we aren't there". "I don't trust that fucker Charlie" Otis finally replied with a sigh. Spaulding chuckled "yeah welp get over it". 
They drove through the rest of the afternoon only stopping for ice cream of course to prevent any distress from Baby and Spaulding. Pulling up to Charlie’s fun town, Otis’s annoyance grew more by the second. He hasn't been back here in years, he used to come on occasion to enjoy some of the girls here, but that quickly changed when you came around. He didn't like or trust Charlie, he had an inkling that this man was only out for himself no matter what Spaulding said. 
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Roles Reversed
Pairing: Gally x Reader
Requested by: @youtemptressyousunshine
“hii! could you please do a piece where the reader was in gally’s place in the first movie, and they were the one who was stung + killed chuck + speared by minho, and gally’s on Thomas’ side like in tst and tdc. so like in tdc reader see’s Gally and everyone else outside the wall in the crowd, while reader is geared up and takes them back to Lawrence, and they have the whole reunion thing? thank youuu, you’re an amazing writer and i love your stuff”
Thank you for the wonderful request! I hope it’s what you were looking for! I did really enjoy writing it either way! (I couldn’t think of a better title for it lol)
Female Reader takes the place of Gally in the series while Gally sides with Thomas. Just a one shot! Enjoy!
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Outside the city walls was just as chaotic as usual. The massive crowd of WCKD's forgotten filled the streets. Jasper started shouting his new speech through the megaphone as the van we were all on slowly drove towards the blockade. Andy sat next to me on top the roof of the van. Both of us in our full riot gear. At this point in my stay here I'd gotten use to this attire and the usual speeches Jasper liked to give to hype up the inhabitants of this massive hovel. As we drove slowly down the sand covered road I spotted a familiar face in the crowd. My heart sped up as I looked straight at Thomas. The greenie from WCKD's maze. He was unknowingly staring right back at me. My full face mask kept my face hidden. As we drove past I saw Newt, Fry, and.. Gally.
"Holy shit" I whispered.
My heart thumped in my chest as my brain and thoughts were propelled back to the last time I had seen them. The last time I had seen Gally.
My heart shattered into a million pieces as I watched Gally turn his back on me. He followed Thomas and the others into the maze. Everything we had been. Everything we had told and promised each other was gone. It was like none of it meant a damn thing. Len patted my shoulder softly then started walking back to the homestead with the handful of boys that decided to stay. I continued to stand there staring into the maze. The group could no longer be seen. They turned the corner out of sight. Part of me hoped this was a bad dream or some horrid prank. Any second Gally would pop back around the corner looking at me with his big puppy dog eyes and his ridiculous eyebrows and say it was all just a bad joke. He'd say he loved me and he could never truly leave me.
As the minutes ticked by I knew I was kidding myself. He was gone and he wasn't coming back. He'd chosen his side. He'd chosen that idiot greenie over me. Over the person he'd spent the entire past three years with. A shudder ran down my spine as a griever shrieked from somewhere behind me.
"Shit" I gasped.
I turned back towards the homestead to see the boys looking around frantically.
"Get inside! Get in the homestead!" I shouted as I started to run towards them.
Each of the boys made it inside but as soon as I reached the door a pain like no other took over my body. I fell to the ground as my body convulsed. Every limb and nerve was set ablaze. Images flashed through my mind at lightening speed.
WCKD. Thomas. Teresa. Water. A test.
I screamed as I rolled onto my stomach. All the memories flooding my brain had me clawing at the grass to get back to my feet. I had to stop them. They'll never survive. I clenched my teeth together as I used all my might to stand.
"(Y/N)?" One of the boys questioned from behind me.
"She's been stung." Another boy said.
I growled from somewhere low in my throat as I took off running towards the maze. I have to stop them. I can't let them leave. They can't leave. He can't leave. I ran faster than I ever had before as the burning under my skin continued. I can't stop. I gotta keep going. Keep running. I don't know how I knew where to go but I made every turn without a second thought. I came to an area that seemed to be where the others had been. A single spear laid on the ground covered in blood. I stepped up to the concrete wall in front of me. There was no surprise in me when the wall lifted opening up a path. Two dead and squished grievers laid before me. I stepped over them without a thought. I could see the light of my exit. I knew I had to be close to them. I pushed open the door into a brightly lit hallway. I immediately turned to the right then started jogging.
I stopped in front of a door for only a moment. I knew this was it. I pushed it open. Only a few steps inside I found a few dead bodies. One of the ones closest to me had a small pistol in their hand. I picked it up then held it tightly in my hand at my side as my body started to shake. I slowly walked around the corner.
"Over here!" I heard Chuck's voice before I saw them.
A searing pain went up my neck. Stop them. I have to stop them.
"No!" I shouted as I stepped into view of them.
The whole group turned to face me. I kept my eyes trained on Thomas. This was his fault. All of this is his fault. He helped them put us here. He didn't deserve to be alive. He doesn't deserve to get out of here. I won't let him. Kill him. Kill Thomas. I shook my head trying to clear it. I can't kill him. I'm not a murderer. Kill him!
"We can't leave."  I choked out as I fought my own thoughts.
"We did, (Y/N), we're out. We're free." Thomas said as he raised his hands slowly.
I faintly heard Gally's voice say my name. I twitched as another burning sensation took over my chest.
"Free?" I choked out as I tried to stretch my neck.
The burning was increasing as it moved slowly up my neck. Kill him.
"You think we're free out there? No. No, there's no escape from this place." I told him as hot tears stung my eyes.
Kill him. I shook my head again. No! I won't! Shoot him! Shoot him!
"(Y/N), listen to me, you're not thinking straight. You're not. Now, we can help you." Thomas spoke as he kept his arms raised.
Kill him. I shook my head.
"Just put down the gun." Thomas begged.
Kill him.
"I belong to the maze." I cried as I raised the gun pointing it straight at Thomas.
Kill him.
"Put down the gun." Thomas repeated.
Kill him now!
"We all do." I pulled the trigger.
Only a second later I was suddenly gasping for breath. What happened? I stumbled backwards as I looked down. A spear. There's a-
I dropped to my knees as I tried again to get air into my lungs. It didn't hurt. Not like it should have. The burning took over my entire body as I fell limply to the floor. My vision started to blur but I could make out the outline of someone running towards me. They dropped to their knees in front of me. They seemed to get close to my face. I couldn't tell if they were speaking to me or not. Everything had went quiet. All I could hear was my heart struggling to beat but it was still beating. Large rough hands grabbed each side of my face slightly lifting my head off the ground. The next second I felt soft, wet, and warm lips pressing against mine.
I tried to will myself to speak. To kiss him back but I knew my body was no longer under my control. I was nothing but a disembarking passenger just waiting for the train to finally stop. I felt the hands leave my face in a quick jerk. The outline through my blurring vision looked like he was being dragged.
"Gal-" then everything went black.
I leaned over so I could whisper to Andy. He immediately leaned closer to me.
"New comers in town. They're immunes. I know them." I told him.
He pulled back most likely to look down at me through his mask. He nodded then hit his fist against the roof of the van. The vehicle stopped immediately. The both of us climbed down. Andy went to the driver to tell them what I had just said. When he came back to me he had two other men with him.
"Let's find them. Henry and the others will wait to grab them." Andy told me.
I nodded then started to walk with the slightly older man to find my old friends. It took a few minutes but I finally spotted Newt and Fry quickly followed by Gally. Jasper and Rick went around the mob of people to follow them. Andy and I kept our distance behind them the best we could. We had to keep shoving people out of our way which seemed to attract Newt's attention. I saw him nudge the others. Fry and Gally turned around. My heart skipped a beat when Gally looked right at me. He hasn't changed a bit.
We were only a few feet from them when they got to Thomas. The alarm sounded as warning for the guns. Andy and I stopped in our tracks.
"They're not seriously about to open fire." I said in disbelief.
A second later all hell broke loose. Bullets and explosives rained down as people ran in every direction. There was nothing we could do. Andy grabbed my shirt dragging me behind him. We ran as fast as we could back to the meeting spot for the vans. When we got there both vans were parked and waiting. To my surprise Thomas and the others ran straight into the small square. We didn't hesitate to start grabbing them. Andy grabbed Thomas throwing him into the van. I grabbed the back of Gally's shirt to guide him into the same van. Jasper tossed some girl in then all three of us climbed inside closing the door behind us.
The drive was quicker than usual back to base. It was unusual for us to pick people up like this but the others knew if they were inmunes we needed to save them. When we pulled into the run down building I jumped out first as Andy and Jasper ordered our three captives out of the van. I moved to stand a few feet away as I watched them find their feet. The other van pulled in then Alex was thrown from the back only to have some man jump on top of him. He punched Alex as he screamed for some girl. The girl we had taken ran over to him with her arms raised. The man was fine the next second.
"Everybody relax! We’re on the same side here!” I shouted.
The whole group turned to look at me. The look on Thomas’ face as he pulled himself from Andy’s grasp could only be described as completely annoyed and pissed off.
“What do you mean the same side? Who the hell are you?” He asked me harshly.
I sighed as I let my gun fall to my side. I took in a deep breath then pulled off my mask. I turned to look straight at Thomas.
“Hey greenie” I said softly.
All the boys looked completely shocked and even a little terrified. My eyes moved to Gally who was looking at me like I was a real ghost. In his eyes I might have been. To me all I saw was my happiness in a person. I had never been the same since he left me in the maze but now I understand why he chose to leave. I couldn’t blame him. I couldn’t resent him. I still loved him. I always had. It’s always been Gally or no one.
“(Y/N)?” Thomas questioned in disbelief.
My eyes stayed on Gally like there was no one else in the world. I wanted to run to him. Tell him how much I missed him. Tell him that I love him. Tell him how stupid and sorry I am. Instead of a loving moment with Gally I was suddenly being lifted by the front of my shirt. Thomas held me tight as he held one fist back ready to strike. The fire in his eyes was being held back. I could see the hesitation. He wanted to hit me.
“Stop! Stop!” Newt yelled coming to stand next to Thomas.
Thomas panted as he glared at me.
“She killed Chuck.” He said through clenched teeth.
“I know. I remember. I was there too. I also remember she was stung and half out of her mind.” Newt told him.
Thomas glared at me even harder as a tick started in his jaw.
“Just calm down.” Newt said softly.
Thomas huffed but let me go. He stepped back running his hands through his hair. I took a moment to take in each of their faces. Fry and Newt looked stunned. Thomas looked pissed. Gally mostly confused but also stunned.
“How? How is this possible? We watched you die.” Newt said in bewilderment.
A sudden rage washed over me at his words.
“No, you left me to die.” I corrected harshly.
Gally softly said my name sucking all the anger right out of me. I turned to face him again. He visibly gulped then took a step towards me. That was all I needed. I ran straight to him as the overwhelming need to feel his arms around me consumed me. My body hit his with a thud. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as his arms wrapped around my waist.
“Gally” I whispered into his neck.
“Holy shit (Y/N). I never thought I’d see you again.” He said softly as his arms tightened around me.
I pulled back so I could look him in the eyes. I grabbed his face with both my hands.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I should have went with you. I was so stupid.” I cried.
He smiled softly down at me. My heart lifted at the sight.
“It’s okay (Y/N). None of that matters now. We have a second chance. I mean if you want it.” He said hesitantly.
My mind, body, and soul soared higher than ever before. I crashed my lips into his making him chuckle. He kissed me back with the same force. His soft warm lips felt like a dream. A dream I’d had so many times but never thought would come true. Yet here we are.
“Of course I want that. I’ve never stopped loving you.” I told him as I pressed my forehead against his.
“I never stopped loving you (Y/N).” He whispered.
Requests are open!
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capevans3000 · 4 years
I saw you take requests. The reader and Chris have a crush on each other, but both of them think they don't. So they date other people. The reader doesn't want to date someone but is persuaded by a friend and the date is really horrible. The guy thinks about getting her laid only and gets intrusive. The reader is sad and hides at home. Chris hears what happened, is concerned and goes to her apartment to look after her. They end up cuddling. Just if this is possible and not too much 🥺💞
Hi anon! Thank you for the request! :D Sorry this is such a long piece, but I hope it lives up to your expectation! Stay safe! <3
Warnings: Some inappropriate touching and one bad word.
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(Photo not mine)
One thing you wished you had was to have met Chris at a different point of your lives. When you met Chris, he was already at the peak of his career, while yours was just beginning. You hardly thought you would be, as what society might call it, “compatible” with a guy like Chris. Nevertheless, it had never stopped you from quietly crushing on him.
You were naturally outgoing and friendly, but Chris always seemed to have that effect on you that would reduce you into a melting mess when he came near. You would suddenly get so nervous around him that you would make excuses to leave before you made a bigger embarrassment of yourself. This, however, had unfortunately given Chris the wrong idea that you didn’t like him.
You didn’t know it then, but as soon as Chris had set eyes on you during that party a few months ago, he was attracted to you. It wasn’t hard to, you were beautiful and you always lit up the room just by being there. Unbeknownst to you, Chris had actually been just as nervous as you were whenever he approached you. His usual charming character would become all awkward and shy around you. This was the effect you had on each other, but never said out loud. You had both secretly wanted to call each other on the phone but were too afraid to do so.
During a recent gathering at your friend’s house, you met Chris again. You were excited and your heart fluttered when you saw Chris sitting around the table drinking beer with the guys. Your eyes met for a brief moment before you quickly looked away and left. You saw that the kitchen was empty so you slipped inside, away from Chris, to calm your beating heart.
“Hey, so you’re here! I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Why are you hiding in here?” George’s voice echoed in the kitchen. George was the friend who had introduced you to Chris, but you had never told him about your crush on Chris.
“Oh, I was… getting myself a drink.” You replied, searching for a glass nearby to pour yourself some water.
“Anyway, girl. I’ve got this guy for you. His name is Ben. He couldn’t be here tonight, but he really wants to meet you. How about it?” Being George’s only single girl-friend, he was always introducing guys to you, hoping you could get attached. He had introduced countless guys to you before, and you had never liked anyone of them – except Chris.
“No. No no no. Not again.” You groaned.
“Come on! I don’t want you to be single forever!” George persuaded.
You’ve tried many times, but it was always a losing battle with George. You could never win an argument with him no matter how hard you try. After a few minutes of fighting with George, you finally gave in, but only because you didn’t want him to follow you around the house broaching the same topic.
“If I say yes, can we finally stop talking about this and get back to the party?” You asked.
“Of course, girl.” George laughed and punched his hand in the air as a sign of success. You loved George and could never hate him for being that annoying.
“Fine, I’ll go on a date with Ben.” You said in defeat. As luck would have it, as soon as you’ve said that, Chris had just walked into the kitchen with an empty glass in his hand. You turned away so quickly that you almost dropped your own glass.
“Hi. Am I interrupting? I’m just here to get some water.” Chris explained. He was lying, he had been trying to get away from the guys for a few minutes now so he could find you and getting water was just an excuse. He cursed himself for walking in and hearing about your upcoming date with a guy named Ben. He forced a smile and pretended to be unaffected even though he was.
“Yes! Our girl here is going on a romantic date with Ben tomorrow!” George announced proudly. You smacked George on his arm to hush him. Stealing a glance at Chris, you thought you saw a glint of disappointment. However, it was quickly replaced by a smile, never mind the fact that it was forced.
“Have… fun then.” Chris tried his best to sound normal, although he was hurting inside. He wanted to stop you from going for that date, but he was afraid to intrude into your dating life. He had no place to do that. Similarly, you wanted to open your mouth to explain yourself to Chris, but you held yourself back. It wasn’t like Chris would care who you date, you thought.
On the morning of the date with Ben, you wanted to call George to make up some excuses to cancel on the date. But you didn’t because you knew you would not hear the end of it from George if you had cancelled. You laid back down on your bed and sighed. Taking your phone from your pocket, you unconsciously searched for Chris’ name like you did many times before, but never did call. Your fingers hovered over his number, contemplating to call him to tell him that he was the guy you liked and that you were only going for a date with Ben because of George. You shook your head and sat up again, throwing your phone to the side. You just couldn’t bring yourself to confess to him.
As you tossed your phone to the side, you realized that you had accidentally dialed Chris’ number. Swooping down to pick up your phone, you quickly cancelled the call, hoping that the call hadn’t got through. When Chris didn’t call back after a while, you relaxed, knowing that he must not have received the call after all.
You sighed again and got changed for the date. Ben had came to your apartment to pick you up for lunch. As Ben was George’s friend, you tried to be friendly with him, however, it quickly seemed apparent that Ben was only interested to get you laid and nothing else. During the date, he was rather insistent on bringing you back to his apartment. He even found excuses to sit next to you in the restaurant so he could make contact with your arms and thighs. His actions scared you, so you ended the date as quickly as you could.
When you refused to follow him back to his apartment, Ben had insisted to drive you back home, an offer you tried to decline but failed. Before you could resist, Ben had nudged you into his car and closed the door. You felt uncomfortable being in an enclosed space with Ben. It didn’t help that he had tried to forcefully kiss you in the car. In a moment of shock, you took out for phone hoping to call for help. You had barely just managed to unlock your phone when Ben had pushed your seat back and got on top of you. It was an empty street and no one was around to help you. You screamed and pushed Ben away before forcefully breaking the door open. Not looking back, you ran with whatever leftover energy you had back to your apartment in tears.
You were so focused on getting back home that you did not realized that you had pocket dialed Chris during the scuffle with Ben in the car, and he had heard everything. Your screams, your objections on Ben’s advances. When Chris received your call, he was beyond happy, but as soon as he had heard what happened to you, he flew into a state of panic. Not even caring that he was still in his home T-shirt and pants, he rushed out of his house and started his car. He wasn’t sure where you’d be but he had decided to make a beeline for your apartment, hoping you were there. Chris tried to call you back in his car but you hadn’t responded.
He had no idea how he managed to do it or how many traffic rules he might have broken, but Chris arrived at your apartment in half the time that was actually needed. He was thankful that the roads had been rather clear that afternoon. He killed his car engine and rushed towards your door.
“Y/N! Are you there?” Chris knocked on your door frantically. When you heard the knocking on the door, you were hiding in your bed, still reeling in shock about what happened earlier. You switched off your phone and covered yourself with a blanket and willed the knocking to stop. You thought that it was Ben who was outside. When the knocking didn’t stop, you stepped out of your room tentatively to find out who it was.
Through the peephole, you were surprised to see Chris, his expression was grave and he was on the phone, seemingly frantically looking for someone but failing. He knocked again. “Y/N. It’s me, Chris. Are you okay?”
You didn’t know why Chris was here, or how he even knew you were in trouble earlier. You stepped aside to open the door. When Chris saw you, he came plunging at you without any words and enveloped you with a tight hug. You were taken aback by his action, but as soon as he hugged you, you cried. You suddenly don’t feel vulnerable anymore as Chris’ hug was protective and you felt instantly safe. The two of you stood there hugging, neither willing to let go.
What felt like hours later, you finally let go so you could look at Chris. You were surprised that he was crying too. “I was so worried about you, Y/N. I thought I was going to lose you.” Chris cried.
“I – How did you know what happened?” You reached up to wipe his tears away, before wiping yours off your face as well.
“You pocket dialed me. I heard what happened with Ben. Did he hurt you?” You realized you must have called Chris by accident since he was first on your call history log.
“He… tried to force himself on me but I pushed him away.” Your lips shuddered at that thought. Hearing that, Chris grabbed you in again for another hug.
“Fuck! I can’t believe he did that to you!” Chris swore. “You’re safe now, he can’t do anything to you while I’m here.” You relaxed under Chris’ hugs. He was gently caressing your back, taking whatever anxiety you had away. You could hardly believe that you were locked in an embrace with Chris, after crushing on him for so long.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you from that creep. I wanted to ask you not to go on the date with him, and I wished I had.” Chris whispered. You closed your eyes, as a tear escaped. “Y/N, I like you. I have been crazy about you since I met you but I was too afraid to tell you. I didn’t think I would be good enough for you.”
You looked up at Chris’ soft expression on his face, surprised at his confession. Feeling more assured, you confessed as well. “I like you too, Chris. I thought I was the one who isn’t good enough for you! You’re Chris. You’re amazing. How would you not be good enough for me?”
“Well, whenever I was with you, you always seemed to be in a hurry to leave. I thought… I thought you didn’t liked me.” Chris pouted.
You laughed at the sound of that. “I was only in a hurry to leave each time because I was always so nervous around you! I didn’t want to make a fool of myself.”
“You like me too?” Chris’ eyes lit up. “Wait a minute, you mean… we actually like each other all along and we could have gotten together a lot earlier?”
“Sounds like it.” You chuckled.
Chris looked at you, his eyes teary again. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you again, Y/N. I promise.” Chris tightened his hug around you. “And we really need to make up for all that lost time.”
You nodded and returned the kiss that Chris had planted on your lips.
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Humans are Space Orcs “Football”
Forgive me in advance for my complete lack of knowledge on the subject. I am not entirely sure if that works for me since Sunny doesn't know anything about it either, but I tried, for the sake of you who suggested it.
But be warned, I tried to look up a few things, but couldn’t even understand the explanations lol. Have fun, Hope it is at least entertaining even if it isn’t accurate. 
Sunny lifted her head to the Earth’s Sun allowing the warmth to seep into her skin. Despite what Krill said, Earth was very nice, and it didn’t have so much ash in the air as her planet did. It was nice, and bright, and warm. It smelled nice too, mostly from the brightly colored flowers that made her mouth water. Adam looked at her a little funny every time she turned to quickly snack on one as she walked by, but she didn’t mind. It almost surprised her that the human didn’t eat them since they seemed to eat everything else.
Granted, she hadn’t taken to these walks simply to eat the earth flowers, but because she thought it would be good for Adam. It had been a month or two since the prison fiasco on Noctopolis, and he was slowly returning to himself. She had been reading up on the proper way to help a human heal mentally and determined that he needed sunlight, friends and something to do, so walks with her and Krill were the best option. Plus it had the added bonus of being something Krill liked, which was a miracle since, when it came to earth he often didn’t like anything.
They turned onto a road shaded under tall over-arching trees. To their right, the ground behind the trees was manicured grass with a playground covered in tiny humans, and a surrounding park dotted with blankets and other human lounging in the sun. It was a truly alien scene to her, and the atmosphere was like nothing she had experienced. They received some wide eyed open mouthed states as they walked past, especially from the children, who ran over to get a closer look trailed by their equally curious but somewhat worried parents.
Adam greeted them politely as they passed by the park, and onto the stretch next to a chain link fence behind that being a set of bleachers which looked out onto a diamond-shaped filed Adam said was used for baseball. After that was a soccer field covered in more human children, one group wearing bright green and the other wearing purple. Adult humans cheered their spawn from the perimeter of the field.
They passed beside another wide open field.
That’s when her attention was diverted by a sound. A human voice barking a sharp guttural call. SHe turned her head just in time to see a group of humans crouched in two parallel lines facing each other. As the call was given, the man in the middle front tossed the ball backwards to a teammate standing behind him. The rest of the human responded violently and quickly bellowing war cries and slamming into each other with violent force knocking each other to the ground when possible.
A human at the end of the line raced out behind their opponents ducking past a larger human barreling towards him. The human with the ball fell back and then lobbed the thing into the air brown highlighted against eggshell blue. It flew in a tight spiral before arching towards the ground. The running human reached out with both hands and leapt forward arms wide. He caught the ball, though sloppily, and cradled it against his chest just in time to be plowed into by a human from the opposing line. There was a sharp burst of blue around the man’s head and shoulders as the two men hit the ground, the rest of the human came to a grinding halt
“Jackson! What did I say about head shots.” The human without the ball staggered to his feet, “He has a force field, so it's not like it matters.”
“Just because he has a field doesn't mean a concussion isn’t possible.” The leader explained in annoyance.
Adam had come to a halt ahead realizing that Sunny wasn’t next to him anymore. She felt him rather than saw his as he came back to stand next to her watching as the humans returned to their lines once more, “Should have known you’d like it.” He muttered to himself a slight smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Which human game is this one.” Sunny wondered.
“A dangerous one.” Krill determined wincing as the humans plowed into each other for a second time.”
Adam accompanied sunny onto the grass as she moved a little closer, “Football….. Or I guess American Football depending on who you ask. It was almost banned at one point once they realized repeated concussions were bad for the brain.”
“No shit.” Krill muttered.
He kept going, “But people couldn’t let it go, so instead they just made better protective technology.”
“So what you’re saying is this sport was killing people because of how violent it was?”
Adam shrugged, “Less killing people and more giving them degenerative brain damage, but I digress.”
Krill looked up at sunny with annoyance, “Tell Me I am wong, but the fact that it hurts people didn’t make you more excited…. Did it?”
Sunny shrugged. 
Krill groaned.
There was a clattering as the human rammed into each other. One was violently plowed into the ground, and the group went silent as he didn’t get up. His friends knelt next to him, “You ok.”
The man gasped and through heavy breathing, “Shit…. I…. I think I pulled something.” With looks of concern, his friends pulled him off to the side to look him over. 
Of course Krill being Krill couldn't help but wander up shadow darkening the humans who looked up and jerked back in surprise at the strange alien watching them. Then their eyes moved upwards to where Sunny stood sun glittering of her bright blue armor. 
Adam approached with a smile, “Sorry, but my…. Friends were interested in your game.”
The humans blinked in surprise, “No…. apologies necessary.” one of them stammered craning his neck back to look up at Sunny.
Krill pointed to the downed human, “I am a doctor.” Eyes still wide the humans slowly moved to the side So Krill could get closer ordering the padding removed so he could get a better look.
The human leader walked up to Adam and Sunny. He was tall, taller than even Adam was making him only maybe five or six inches shorter than Sunny, “Shit…. You’re a Drev, right…. Damn your tall.”
She looked down at him with amusement, “On my planet, I am actually very very short, human. My brother is over nine feet tall.”
He blinked in shock and surprise then looked her over one more time noting the double set of arms and the built in padding, “Wow ... wouldn't mind having someone like you on my team. That extra set of arms would be nice.” Curiously, he reached out a hand and then paused, “You mind?” Hw wondered 
Sunny shook her head, she knew how humans liked exploring things with their hands, and actually found it rather endearing.  He knocked on her armor with a closed fist prodding at that which covered her shoulders and her chest with great interest, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were built for a game like this.” 
Krill had stepped back from the downed man, “Just a pulled muscle, but you should stay off of it for a week or two.” The human sighed dejectedly, but didn’t argue.
Their leader frowned, “That leaves us two men down since Dave didn’t show up today.” He glanced towards Adam and Sunny, and Sunny leaned forward eagerly hoping he would ask.
“How about you two….. Would you want to hop in.” he glanced at Adam, “You ever played?”
He shrugged, “Backyard games with my brothers.”
The guy turned back to sunny, “What do you say?”
She nodded eagerly, ad the humans whooped enthusiastically. Adam was given the protective padding the other humans wore, and the two of them were talked through the rules as they dropped into line. Sunny found herself standing across from an absolutely massive human, maybe only an inch shorter than her. He had dark skin, dark eyes, a wide smile, and his shoulders were probably wider than hers.
She had never seen a human so big before. 
He held out a hand, and she took it, “Never played against an alien before. Should be fun.” She chirped her agreement pleased with how personable these humans were. Looking around, she lowered herself into a crouch like the other humans. She didn’t know exactly what she was doing, but it was clear to her that her job was to protect her team from the opposite human, or to…. Make sure the ball didn’t get any further down her side of the field…. Or at least that’s what she thought.
She couldn’t be entirely sure.
From the sidelines Krill shook his head with annoyance standing next to the injured human.
Somewhere the human began speaking words Sunny didn’t understand. Then the order was given. She and her opponent charged forward at the same time, and before she knew it, she hit the ground hard, hard enough that it caused a slight tremor through the earth. She barely remembered what happened but was aware of a horrible throbbing in her chest, where the human had plowed into her shoulder first.
Another call went up, and the large human loomed over extending a hand down to help her up.
She groaned but took his hand, and he hauled her to her feet like she weighed nothing. It was a strange experience for sure. She had never felt like that around the humans 
“You ok Sunny.” Adam laughed, “You look like you just got body checked by a train.
She wheezed, “This human is very large.”
The rest of the group laughed, the big human most of all. She vowed to give him a taste of his own medicine next time.
And she did too. She probably didn’t intend to do it so excessively catching him by the waist ducking and inadvertently causing him to do a full rotation over her shoulder before slamming into the ground. The blue forcefield erupted around his body, and despite her apologizes, he was good natured and gave her a few pointers. She soaked them up like a sponge chirping happily pleased to find a human nearly her equal in strength and greatly outranking her in skill. She Hadn't had a fight like that in a while.
Krill hated the game as expected, but Sunny loved it.
 She especially loved watching when Adam, caught the ball, registered a moment of surprise and then was plowed into the ground from two directions. The look on his face was priceless. That was followed by a discussion about how fair it was Adam having a cybernetic leg that, he accidentally (according to him) used to flip over one of his opponents and go racing off down the field.
THey determined it was fair enough considering how many times he ended up knocked over or fumbling the ball when it was tossed to him. Adam good naturedly joked it was his depth perception with only one eye. The group laughed and said that was probably fair.
Krill decided it was a good time to lecture the humans on why they would play a game that was clearly so violent and aggressive after a particularly excessive play where one of the humans ended up squished to the ground under at least four other bodies. However they just laughed and kept playing.
Sunny learned pretty quickly that she wasn’t very good at throwing things, her arms just weren't built for that sort of thing, but she did enjoy running people over, so didn’t even bother with the ball most of the time. 
She did bother plowing into other players as they tried to get to the ball, though, and found herself thrown to the ground on more than one occasion for going after an opposing player with the ball. She wasn’t entirely sure she was doing any of this right, but no one corrected her, and when they did it was generally just to tell her what she could be doing better rather than what she was doing wrong.
Not only that, but she was pleased to hear Adam laughing again, not that he hadn’t done it in the past month but because it seemed easier than it had been lately. 
They played till the sun set, and the two of them were invited back if they were ever in the area. Her tall opponent approached her as the others were packing up and handed her the ball, “You play well.” Was all he said before returning to his team. Sunny hummed her pleasure honored that someone as good as that human would acknowledge her in that way.
Sunny like that game.
Though they were forced to endure a lecture on the way home from Krill bout how insane humans were. Where sunny saw a game of strategy and Skill, Krill saw a bunch of raging idiots using their bodies as battering rams to the detriment of their health. It was barbarous idiotic and a reason for the human to beat on each other in an acceptable manner.
They didn’t bother correcting him.
There was no arguing with krill when it came to his opinions.
Sunny spun the football in her hands thoughtfully. She would have to look into this game more. Perhaps get herself a team to root for.
She wondered if they carried jerseys in her size.
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layce2015 · 4 years
The Last of Us Part 2 (Joel Miller x Reader)
What If I Followed The Game's Story (Joel's Death) pt. 2
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(A/N: Here's the conclusion of what if I followed the game's story and Joel dies. Also Lev still doesn't exist in this story so when Abby almost killed Dina, Ellie tells her that Dina is pregnant and Abby pauses and thinks it over then tosses Dina to the side and tells Ellie that she doesn't want to see her again)
What if Joel Died pt1
It had been weeks since Ellie and Dina left to Seattle, to settle the score on those WLF bastards. Even though a part of me hated myself for not going with Ellie, I was still glad that I stayed with Aiden and Ethan. Hell, I found out a day after Dina and Ellie left, Jesse went after them.
The boys were very devastated about losing Joel and it was so hard to explain to them that they were never gonna see their dad again. I don't know how many times throughout the nights of these last few weeks, I have heard both of them call out for Joel in their sleep only to wake up and realize he's not there.
All I can do is just hold them and try to calm them down as best as I could. 
They were also worried about Ellie and Tommy, wondering if they were gonna come back. I told them that they will it just might be awhile. 
Well, that day finally came.
I took the boys to Joel's grave and I just let them talk to his grave, almost like he was still here. Then they would set some drawings, they drew of him, on his grave and I would begin to cry then start to fiddle with Joel's wedding band that I had on a chain around my neck. They talked to the grave when I heard what sounded like shouting.
Suspicious and curiosity got my attention and I grabbed the boys hands and told them we might need to go. We walked out of the cemetery when Maria comes up to me, looking winded. "(Y/N)..." She said. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "They're back. Tommy, Dina and Ellie. They're back." She said and my eyes widen at this then all of us start to run towards the front gate.
We make it over there and I see Dina, Ellie and Tommy, all of them looked like shit. Dina looked bruised and scratched up in the face but otherwise she looked alright. Ellie had her right arm in a sling, which told me it was broken. And Tommy was worse as he had a patch over his eye and a bandage around his right leg.
Maria runs over to Tommy while Aiden and Ethan run to Ellie and hug her. "Hey..." she said, weakly, to them as she kneels down and hugs them back with her good arm. I go over to her and she looks up at me and stands.
I give her a worried look as she looks disappointed. "I-I tried, (y/n). I really tried but....she...she...got away." Ellie stampers but I go to her and embrace her. "The most important thing is you're alive." I tell her and she starts to sniffle and cry in my shoulder. "It's okay, babygirl." I whispered to her, softly, as I hug her then the boys come up to us.
"Where's Jesse?" I asked Ellie as I look around. She looks up at me with this sad look then looks down. "No..." I said, sadly, then we get down on our knees and get into a group hug, and I hold on to what's left of my family.
2 Years Later
Ethan was sitting on the couch, strumming the guitar, while I was sitting on the couch next to Ethan, helping him to practice his guitar. "Darn it." Ethan grumbles, after messing up a note. "Hey, you'll get it, honey." I assured him. 
He sighs and starts to replay the notes again and got it right. "See? There you go!" I said to him and he smirks a bit. "I just hope I get as good as Ellie....and dad." Ethan said and I give him an encouraging smile. "Oh you will. You just gotta practice and build up your callous." I said and Ethan nods. "That's what Ellie said." He said as he looks down at his little fingers.
Then I look over at Aiden to see him drawing in his notebook. "Whatcha doing, honey?" I asked him. "Drawing." He replied then he picks holds up his notebook and walks over to me. "Oh, what did you draw?" I asked and Aiden hands it to me and my jaw drops a bit.
It was a drawing of a house and six people standing in front of it, all of them smiling. Two little boys, a young girl, an older girl and a man and a woman. "I drew our family. See? That's me and Ethan..." Aiden said as he points at the two boys. "And that's Ellie..." he points at the older looking girl. "And that's Sarah..." he points at the younger girl. "And that's you and daddy." He said as he points at the man and the woman.
Tears form in my eyes and I place my hand over my mouth. "Oh, Aiden...this is wonderful." I said, tearfully, and Aiden smiles a bit then hugs me. "I miss Daddy." Ethan mutters and I look over at him and hold my hand out to him. He sets his guitar down then comes over to me and the three of us hug.
"Me too." Aiden said and tears run down my face. "Don't worry, my darlings'. I miss him too." I said to them as we break the hug. "Why did he die?" Ethan asked me. "I'm not sure, sweetheart." I said, sighing a bit. "Ellie said that it had something to do with some job you and daddy did a few years back." Aiden said and I look over at them then darted my eyes away from them then I sighed. "What you boys need to understand is..."
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and I look towards the door. I walk over to the door, open it and see that it was Tommy. "Hey, Tommy." I greeted. "Hey...can I come in?" He asked me and I nod then opened the door wider for him.
He walks in and Aiden and Ethan walks out into the hallway. "Uncle Tommy!" The boys shouted and they run to him and hug him. "Hey boys. How are you doin'?" Tommy asked them. "Good." They said. 
"So, what's up, Tommy?" I asked as he breaks the embrace and turns to me. "I need to talk to you, privately." He said and I nod. "Uh, boys...go upstairs to your rooms." I said. "Okay, mommy." The boys said and Ethan grabs his guitar and Aiden picks up his notebook and they head upstairs.
Tommy and I exchange a look before I lead him to the kitchen area and we sit down in the chairs. "You doing alright?" I asked him. "Yeah, yeah, I'm...fine." he said. "And Maria? She doing good?" I asked. "Yeah, she's fine. We're..." he stops and scratches at his chest, uncomfortably. "We're actually taking some time apart." He said and my eyes widen at this.
"Tommy, I'm...I'm so sorry." I said, apologetically, but he just waves, vaguely, at me. "Nah, we talked about it a lot, so, uh, it's what we both want." Tommy said and I give him a sympathetic look. "You want me to go talk to her?" I asked. "No, no, no...it's fine. But that's not why I'm here. I got something to show you."  He said and he starts to pull out a map.
"So I've been putting out feelers for months now. And this new guy heard my story. He told me about a woman that he traded with while he was moving through California. Described her as built like an ox." said Tommy and my eyes widen at this then he points along the map. "He said she's living along the coast in a beach sailboat....right here." He said as he points at a part on California. I lean in and see he was pointing at Santa Barbara.
"That's gotta be her." He said then he and I share a look and I start to feel this anger, that I had buried for the last two years, start to rise within me. I let out a heavy sigh before I speak up.
"You haven't told Ellie yet, have you?" I asked him. "No. Once I found out about this, I came straight to you." said Tommy and I nod. "Good." I muttered then I take some deep breathes and let them out. 
"I'll go." I said and Tomny gave me a concerned look. "By yourself?" He asked and I nod. "What about Ellie?" He asked me. "She's been through enough. She's out there living the rest life with Dina and J.J." I said.
"What about Ethan and Aiden?" Tommy asked me. "I can handle it. You and Ellie have said that Abby has been wanting me to come out and face her. Well...I'm done with hiding from her. And I'll make her regret that she wanted to see me." I said, firmly, and Tommy nods. "Okay, if you say so." He said then he stands up.
"You want me to watch over the boys?" Tommy asked me and I nod. "Okay. And Ellie?" He asked and I sighed. "You can tell her if you want or make something up, I don't care. Just make sure to tell her that this is what I wanted." I tell him. "Okay. I'll let you get ready." He said and I nod. 
I head up the stairs and head into my bedroom and start to pack up clothes and weapons for the trip when I look over at the dresser and see the familiar broken watch. I go to grab it and look at it, sadly. I run my thumb over the broken face of the watch when a voice asked. "Are you leaving?"
I turn around and see that it was Ethan at the door. "Yes, baby. Uh, Uncle Tommy has a job for me to do." I said. "When will you been back?" He asked. "I'm not sure. This job could take awhile. Maybe weeks." I said and he gives me a sad look. "I don't want you to die, Mommy." He starts to cry then I kneel down and place a hand on his shoulder. "I won't. I promise you that, okay?" I said and he nods at me.
After packing up some stuff and saying goodbye to my sons, I grab a horse and started to head out and make my way to Santa Barbara.
2 Months Later
I had found the sailboat that Abby was residing in, but she wasn't in it. I look through her things and found a list of addresses and notes. "Where did you go to?" I muttered as I look over the crossed out addresses until I noticed one that wasn't crossed off.
2425 Constance
Then I look through the map of California to cross reference it with the address and found it. "Gotcha." I muttered and I put the map back into my bag and made my way out of the boat and into the beautiful beach. 
I jumped down onto the sand and rolled up the sleeves of the green flannel shirt I was wearing, that was obviously too big for me but I didn't care. It still smelled liked him ​and, strangely, it felt like he was still with me. I look around, trying to figure out how Abby got to the road, until I saw some broken down stairs and made my way there.
I made my way through this neighborhood and squeezed through a gap of a couple of vehicles when I heard a snap and I was yanked up into the air. I screamed and my bag flew off of my back as the rope, which had grabbed my ankle, pulled me up and let me hang in the air.
"Shit." I growled as I started to swing and then I hit a tree, and felt this sharp pain in my side. I screamed in pain and put my hand to my side and felt something warm. I pull my hand back and saw that it was blood. "Fuckin' shit. So fuckin' stupid." I growled in pain and I tried to find any way to get out but nothing.
The blood on my wound started to pour out and I felt myself losing consciousness until I finally closed my eyes.
Eventually, I opened my eyes and see two figures coming towards me, one of them looked very large. "Abby." I whispered. "Abby." I said alittle louder when I didn't get a response. "Is that you?" I asked but then I realized it was two men walking towards me. 
"See? We got a live one." The larger man said to the smaller man and both of them look up at me. "This bitch is fucked up." The smaller man said as they walk closer to me.
The larger man cuts the rope and I fall down to the ground and land on my injured side. I groan and yelp in pain as the smaller man said. "We'll be lucky if she lasts a month." And he unties the rope from around my ankle then turns to his friend. "Can we please just say we're done for the day?" He asked as he backs up and stretches.
"Yeah, yeah. Get that thing down and we'll reset the traps." The larger man said as he walks up to me and kicks me over so I'd be laying on my front instead of my back. "Really, man? I mean, is she worth the trip back? It's not like--" the smaller man started to say but then a loud clicking noise sounded out. The man jumped and screamed as he turned around and saw a Clicker was caught in one of their traps as well.
"Did it get you?" The larger man asked him as the second guy checks his arm, frantically. "No, no...I'm good. I'm good." He said, relieved, and I started laughing.
"Something funny?" The smaller man asked me. "Looks like you shit your pants." I said to him. "The fuck you say?" The man asked me and I start to laugh again. "What a little bitch." I spat. "Oh, you like funny, huh?" The man asked me and he grabs my arm and starts to pull me up to my feet.
"Come on, we don't need this." The larger man said but his friend shook his head. "No way, man. She's fucked up, anyway, come on." The second guy said and he was able to yank me up to my feet. "Please, don't..." I pleaded but he started to drag me closer to the Clicker. "Yeah, it's funny, huh?" He asked me, sarcastically, and he tries to grab my arm but I stomp on his foot then I elbow him in the stomach.
He groans in pain then I grab him and fling him towards the Clicker then it grabs him and bites him. "Holy shit!" The larger man said and he starts to pull out his gun but I take the gun away from his dead friend and shot the larger man in the kneecaps.
The man falls back and I started to walk towards him, gun aiming for him. "Whoa, whoa, you said Abby, right?" He asked, panicked, and I stopped but still had the gun aimed at him. "You're looking for an Abby, right? We picked one up a couple months ago." He said, quickly. "Yeah, sure." I growled and started to place my finger in the trigger.
"No, no, no. Big girl. Blonde? Arms like mine." He said as he points out his muscular arms. My eyes widen a bit and he nods. "Yeah, yeah that's her. You let me go, I'll tell you where she is." He said in between his groans of pain and I glare at him.
"Talk." I commanded, coldly. 
"She's in a holding cell in our camp." He replied. "Where's that?" I asked. "Head that way til you hit the railroad track. That'll lead you to a resort." He replied as he points behind me. "We keep 'em in a tall, round building." He said and I turn behind me to look towards the direction he pointed then back at him.
"I swear." He said, desperately, and I glared at him then I looked towards the Clicker that was still alive, hanging by its ankle, the other guy had fallen over dead. I go and grab my stuff, walk over to the rope and untie it, letting the Clicker fall. Then I aimed the gun towards the larger guy's direction and started firing, catching the Clicker's attention. 
"What are you doing? What are you--?" The guy asked me, panicked, and I start to walk away while I hear the Clicker go towards the man and hear his screams of pain as the Clicker kills him.
After cleaning and sewing up my wound, I make it to the railroad track and climb up in top of one of the train cars and found the tall round building that asshole talked about. And it seemed that these group of people were herding other people inside their compound, all of them were chained together.
"Oh God." I muttered and I start to, quietly, make my way inside. After getting in, I see that they had some infected tied up, like a dog. Smart. I thought but then I go towards the latch. But also very dumb. I thought as I go and unlatch the infected and they start to run off into the camp.
Then I hear the people start freaking out as the infected attack, gunshots soon followed. And I did my best to make my way around these people and down to the building.
After making it inside, I barricade the door and make my way to the basement. I walk towards the cells when someone pops out and attacks me. We struggled for a bit and rolled towards a cell that was full of people. The woman was on top of me and I kick her towards the cell and a couple of people grabbed her and started to choke her out, killing her.
"I got the keys!" One guy exclaimed and he goes to open the cell door. The prisoners get out and go towards a locker, which held their weapons. I scan the crowd but couldn't find the woman that looked like the one in the picture Ellie showed me, that she got during her time in Seattle.
The prisoners started to run but I raised a hand to them. "Where's Abby?" I asked them. "She tried to escape. She's down in the pilars." One guy replied to me. "The pilars?" I said, confused. "Head down to the beach. You won't miss it. She's probably already dead." The man said and I nod and stepped aside for them. "Thank you." The guy said and he and the others run off while I head down the hall and towards the door.
As the gunshots of the war plays off into the distance, I make my way down to the beach and see what the guy was talking about. "Holy..." I mutterd in shock. These sick bastards had several people hanging from a pole by their wrists. Almost in a crucifixion manner.
I walk around the pilars and tried to find her. "Abby!" I called out then I heard a weak voice behind me. I turned around and see a woman, with short blonde hair, tied up to a pole. I walk closer to her as she said, weakly. "Please help me."
I take a good look at her face and realize that this was Abby, which she looked totally different in the picture. Seemed like she lost most of her muscles and she looked tired, probably dehydrated. I couldn't help but feel alittle bit of pity for her.
I sighed then pull out a shiv and cut her down from the pole. She groans in pain but gets up and looks over at me. "Thank you." She said, weakly, then she points towards the side. "There are boats this way." She said and she leads me towards the ocean where there were two old boats.
At this point, I wasn't for sure what to do. Do I go ahead and kill her or let her go? I mean, she's obviously been through hell from staying here and she looked weak. Plus I'm not in the best shape with this wound on my side. Is this right? Am I doing the right thing?
As we get to the boats, she goes to one and I go to the other and set my bag in it. I hissed in pain and placed my hand on my side and pull my hand back and see that it was covered in blood. As I stared at the blood, Joel's bashed up face flashed in my mind's eye and I clenched my fist in anger while I closed my eyes, tightly, at this.
I have to finish this.
I open my eyes and turn to her as she starts to untie her boat off of the post. "I can't let you leave." I said and she stops then turns to me. "What? I-I'm confused...why would you save me, if...." she started to say confused but I talk over her.
"A couple of years ago, you and your asshole friends came to a place called Jackson and you lured a couple of men. And you killed one of them." I said and she keeps giving me that confused look.
"How did you know...?"
"I'm (y/n) Miller." I growled and her eyes widen. "Yeah, you wanted me. Well, you got me." I spat. "Look I don't wanna fight you." She said but I shake my head at her. "Oh because you don't have a shotgun to blow my knees off and a golf club to bash my head in?!" I asked, angrily, then scoffed. "Sorry, I'm here whether you like it or not. You shouldn't have killed my husband!" I yelled at her.
"You and him took my father away from me!" Abby shouts and now it was my turn to be shocked. "What?" I said, confused. Ellie told me that they were former Fireflies but she said they were after us cause we took Ellie away. "Yeah, my father was the doctor at St Mary's." She said.
"So that's what this was about? It wasn't because we took the possible cure for mankind away?" I asked. "Partially. But mostly because you and your fuckin' husband took my dad away." She growls.
"And you took my sons' father away from them!" I spat at her and she looks shocked by this. "Yeah, should've thought of that. You should've stayed the fuck outta Jackson!" I yelled. "I couldn't bear the idea of you and him alive and not suffer the consequences..." Abby said. "Funny...that's how I feel about you..." I growled and she glares at me. She growls then let's out a roar before she runs at me and knocks me down into the water.
The two of us struggle a bit until I grabbed my shiv and sliced at her. She backs off of me then I get up and stabbed her in the arm. She cries out then I pull the shiv out and sliced at her stomach and she falls back.
I go at her but she gets up and pushes me back then she goes to punch me but I dodge her punch and sliced towards her. She grabs my arm and tries to fight it out of my hand but I spin her around and have the blade aim towards her throat, her back to my chest, and I try to stab her but she holds my arm back then elbows me in the stomach.
I yell in pain and let her go as I stumble back. She charges towards me but I hold my ground and we struggled a bit more before I slam her down into the ground. I hover over her and bring down the shiv towards her chest but she holds up my hand, preventing me to stab her.
I put all of my strength into my hands and was able to bring the shiv closer to her chest until it inserted into her skin. She cries out in pain then shoves the blade out of her chest, out of my hand and punches me across the face.
I fall over to the side then get up and the two of us began to throw punches at each other for a few moments until I got a good hit across her face. She falls in the water and, before she could get up, I kick her across the face. She falls back into the water and I get on top of her and begin to hold her down into the water.
She struggles and starts to fight but I punch her a few times in the face and wrap my hands around her neck, holdong her down. She begins flailing her legs but I place my knee on her hips, preventing her from flailing so much. She grabs at my arms but I continue to hold her down, tears started pouring down my face.
As I hold her down, flashes of the memories I had with Joel flashes in my mind. 
The moment we met
Our first date
Our first kiss
The first time we said I love you to each other
The day he proposed 
Our wedding day
The day we lost Sarah
The day we met Ellie and then got her out of that hospital 
The day I told him that I was pregnant with Aiden and Ethan
And the one of the last things that came up was my last moments with him.
"I'll be back in a few hours." He said. "You better." I said and Joel chuckles before he comes up to me, leans down and kisses me. "Please be careful." I whispered to him. "Always." He mutters then gives me a quick kiss on the lips again before he walks over to his brother. "Hey." I said and he turns to me. "I love you." I said and he smiles. "Love you, too." He said and I smiled as he goes over to Tommy.
Then the last thing that came into my mind was of him laying down next to me on our bed, smiling at me.
I let out a loud, angry cry and I squeezed Abby's throat tighter until she finally stopped moving and I could see, through the water, her eyes rolling back. I stand over her for a few more moments, making sure she was dead, and I finally let go of her neck then I began to cry and sob at this.
I fall on my side into the water and just let every emotions I had build up for the last two years out. Every sadness and every anger I had built up burst out of me as I curl up in a ball and hold myself.
Even though I'm relieved she's dead, why do I feel so...empty? So numb? Like this was all meant for nothing?
Few Weeks Later
"Holy shit! That's (y/n)! Get the gates open!" A voice shouted as I make it to the front gates of Jackson. The large doors open and I slowly walk through them and I give a wave towards the people that opened the doors. I hear then shout some sort've command but I ignore them and start to make my way to my house.
I walk towards the front door, open it, enter through the door and shut it just as I hear footsteps and two little heads peek around the doorway of the living room. "MOMMY!" Aiden and Ethan shouted, happily, and they run to me. I kneel down and opened my arms and they run into my embrace and I hug them, tightly.
"Hey, my darlings." I whispered then I heard another set of footsteps. I look up and see that it was Ellie. "(Y/n)..." she said, shocked, and I smile a bit at her. "Hey, babygirl." I said as I pull out of the boys embrace then stand up.
Ellie runs to me and hugs me and I wrap my arms around her. "I-I was so scared." She whispered and she pulls back to look at me. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Tommy told me what you were doing and that you wanted me to stay behind. So I thought I could help him watch the boys while you were gone." She said and I give her a concerned look.
"What about Dina and J.J.?" I asked her. "Dina was fine with this. She understood. Tommy is supposed to be back here in a few and then I was supposed to head back home. But since you're back..." she said and my lips twitched into a smirk.
"Sooo...did you..." she started to asked and I sigh. "I did." I replied. "And?" Ellie asked. "We don't have to worry about her anymore." I said in a cold voice and her eyes widen at this. "Oh." She said, realizing what I meant, and I nod.
"Still you should've had me come with you." She said, folding her arms across her chest. "I didn't want Tommy to disrupt your life. You deserve all the happiness you get, Ellie." I tell her. "But he could disrupt your life?" Ellie asked, angrily. "My life was already disrupted the moment I saw Joel's body at that cabin." I replied and she gives me a sad look.
I look down at the boys, who looked a bit sad, but I lean down and kiss their heads before I walk towards the dining area and sit down in a chair. I groan slightly at this and hold my side, Ellie took notice of this. "You okay?" She asked me. "Yeah, fine. Just still sore." I replied.
"Well, I'm glad you're not dead." Ellie said, giving a small smirk, and I chuckle. "Yeah, me too." I said. "H-H-How did it feel? When you...?" She asked and I look down as I try to think of my next words. 
But then a knock at the door startled my thoughts and Ellie and I exchange looks. "I'll get it." She said and she gets up and heads to the front door. I hear voices then footsteps and Ellie and Tommy come in. "Oh thank God!" Tommy said, relieved, and I smiled at him. "Hey, Tommy." I greeted, softly, then he comes up, kneels down and hugs me and I hug him back.
"How did it go?" Tommy asked me as he takes a seat and Ellie takes the seat next to him, Aiden and Ethan sitting across from them. "I found her." I said, breathless, and Tommy looks at me. "And?" He asked me, the same manner that Ellie asked, and I sigh. "She's gone." I said then I look over to Ellie. "And to answer your question, Ellie...to be honest, I really don't know what to feel." I said and the two give me a confused look.
"When I killed Abby, it was like something took control over me and when the moment happened, I blacked out. But I would see flashes of Joel when it happened, like all of our time we spent together. And when I saw the life fade from her eyes, I felt...relieved and sad. I was glad that she won’t harm anymore people, that I love, ever again..." I stop and bite my lips and my hand starts to shake a bit.
"But I felt like I already lost. Losing Joel was the worst moment that has ever happened in my life...and now he won’t get the chance to see you and the boys grow up." I stopped then I place my hand on Joel's wedding ring, which was still around my neck, and fiddle with it as I start to choke up again.
I place my left hand over my face and begin to cry. I hear footsteps and felt arms around me and I set my hand down to see that Ellie and my sons had come over and hugged me while I felt Tommy's hand over mine. "I'm sorry." Tommy said as I continue to cry.
So I've become the bringer of death
A lover of life
The one who guards from the dark of the night
I'll be the hammer of war
Justice and mercy don't live side by side
So in retribution, I abide
I'll tip the scales to justice's end, but can it make amends?
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2. Mona Lisa
I stay in a two room double on campus which means that I share a bathroom, but the room is my own to do with as I please, within reason.
Typically, I'm milking this privacy for the money to fund my education while simultaneously releasing my sexual tension in the most taboo of ways.
Sighing, brush my teeth and reapply my lip gloss in the mirror. I can feel tremors in my poor peach, she's reminiscing on the good times when she was exhaulted like the queen she is. Men would spend literal hours worshiping her every crevice and pay me handsomely for it.
Four days down, ten to go, I tell myself.
Sex is my ideal outlet for stress relief. It's my interest, my hobby, my reprieve. As you can imagine, I have to change my sheets on a daily basis, but I don't mind that.
Yes, I have brought a number of guys over to participate in certain acts that I'm sure my bathroom mate has heard through the wall. She doesn't look me in the eye anymore though I always speak to her.. and she hasn't done so for the past month or so. I think she's traumatized.
Tickled, I re-apply my sunscreen and change into my grey PINK leggings with matching sports bra, pulling my 360 install into a curly high bun and stretching to prepare for my mid-day jog.
Everyday, I jog through the Main Quad and work up a sparkle, since princesses don't sweat.
I carry a pink hydro flask and I jog as far as I can push myself to go, often ending up at the Oval, a place where students play volleyball and walk dogs. I like to sit out from time to time and watch.
Then I head back to my room and assemble my hygiene kit to take into the bathroom. I shower, cleanse, exfoliate if necessary, moisturize, and redress for the evening.
Today's evening wear is a black graphic half shirt with a gold crown printed on and black high waisted shorts with black platform sneakers from Dolls Kill. I add my gold anklet for mood before turning on my music.
Pretty little bird, pretty little bird
You've hit the window a few times (the window a few times)
You're pretty little bird, pretty little bird
You still ain't scared of no heights
When the spiral down feels as good as the flight
When hating you feels good for the night
When the morning comes, I hope you're still mine
My cellphone rings and it's Natalie, one of the black girls in this dorm. The first day we met, we made a silent pack to stick together, us and a couple others, and months down the road we've stuck to it.
"Back from your jog, Gem?"
"Yes, and I'm looking at my notes so no you cannot borrow them."
"Jokes on you, I took them yesterday when you were jogging and made copies, I'm set."
"You bitch," I tease. "What's the move tonight?"
"Whaaat? You're not busy with one of your John's?"
"Bitch, my legs are closed, my books are bussed wide open," I smile highlighting a sentence in the textbook. I have four exams to take.
Checking a text from one of my subs, Keon, I send a short reply with a 💋. He was just checking on me, asking about my studies.
"Well we're thinking of hitting a party with a few of the black exchange students."
My book slams shut. I have been extremely well-behaved this week, I deserve a little magic in my life. It won't hurt.
"Who's we?"
"Me, Kayla, Letitia, Kevin, and Chris."
Damn, Chris' fine ass can get it. I want him.
Okay, it's decided. I can finish up here, meet Mr. Stevens at 7 in his office, meet up with Natalie and the crew around 8 and then we'll head out. I can handle a few drinks.
Jumping up, I feel alive again for the first time in four days. I snatch up my makeup trunk and set it on my desk pulling out my handheld mirror.
Light beat. Lashes. Dark liner, heavy gloss.
I release my loosened strawberry curls from the bun letting them wave and fall on my shoulders.
Approaching the office suite, I walk through to find that the other offices are already empty. I can tell because of the quiet and closed doors. Mr. Stevens' door is open and yellow artificial light streams into the small hallway.
When I come upon the door, Mr. Stevens is at his desk staring intently at a spread of papers, his gold-rimmed glasses fallen at the end of his nose.
My peach is telling me this scenario could be a problem. Dr. Stevens is a steak and lobster meal and my peach? She's salivating. Crossing my legs on the spot where I stand I knock on the door drawing his eye.
"Ms. Miller. Come in, have a seat."
Quickly, I plop down into one of the two chairs in front of his desk and sling my bag down to the floor beside my chair.
He awakens his computer, typing before reading through whatever's displayed. Then he turns the screen to face me and I'm looking at a layout of of my grades for the class. It's looking pretty good.
"Could be better," I stare waiting for what I came for.
"You're right, it could be. You see, as it stands everything for you is riding on this exam. You could walk away from this class with a high C or a high A. It's really up to you."
I lean forward with my elbows on the desk to look him in his narrow-set eyes.
"Look at my face, Mr. Stevens," I glare for emphasis. "Does it look like I'm down to settle for a high C? What did we discuss in the classroom?"
Again, it's a chess match of stares.
After about ten seconds this time, he pulls his glasses off, folding them gently and sitting them off the the side near the computer. He turns the computer screen back to it's original position and pulls a paper packet from his desk, raising it vertical with the print side facing towards himself and away from me.
It's the exam, I know it. I maintain eye contact.
"This," he pauses holding it up near his head. "If anyone... and I mean anyone.. discovers that you have this... you're on your own. I'll turn ya ass in so fast your head will spin. You will be expelled."
I've never heard him curse before.
"No one will find out, I'll guard it with my life."
"There's one more thing." He lowers the packet setting it away from me on the desk near his glasses. "Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I seem to recall you saying something along the lines of you not playing bout your grades or money.."
Licking his lips, he leans forward and I sit bolt straight.
"How far you willing to go for both?"
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
I blink in shock. Not good ol' Mr. Stevens! This has gotta be a joke. Mr. Hottie would never sleep with a student, he's far too strict. 
"Gemini," he whispers, the name lingering on his tongue in a way that gives me full body chills. How did he know my stage name?
"Mr. Stevens, I think you're mistaken. My name is Phoebe, remember?" I tilt my head to jog his memory. "Phoebe Miller?"
He scoffs, loosening his tie and I'm aware of myself breathing harder.. loudly.
He tosses his tie on the desk between us.
Unbuttoning the top few buttons on his shirt, I can see his sharp clavicle and a tease of the muscle beneath. My mouth is watering and he leans forward again.
"Let's skip the part where you play dumb and get straight to negotiations. You're a smart girl...Sexy," he whispers.
My eyes widen hearing that word come from his lips. My thighs press together. This isn't a body that can hold back once started up. He's treading dangerous ground.
I lean forward slightly and the corner of his lips lifts in a dark smirk.
I've never seen this man like this.
"I've been to Mickey's. You know, there's this move you do... on that pole... I've seen you do a few times now and I've been wondering every time I see your lil conceited ass in my class... how it would work if you tried it on a dick."
He said the magic word! I'm wet. I'm wet! I cross my leg over my thigh and he sits back, standing tall as I look up at him, ready to do anything.
He walks over to the door, closing it gently and locking it. Panting, I watch him do it and then he walks back to his seat, reclining with his hands clasped loosely in front of him.
"I have the power to give you an A," he announces. "Right here, right now."
"Oh really."
Oh my fucking god, I'm so wet right now. I can feel it.
"Mhm... I can also ensure that you pass your other classes, no problem," he brushes his shoulder. "BUT."
"But," I breathe.
"I need something from you."
Blinking at his boldness, I can't help the lust that comes to my eyes. This is a fantasy. Shit like this does not happen.
"Yes?" I'm licking my lips, biting them in anticipation. Say it, I beg with my eyes. Say it!
"I want you.."
"..to be.."
I lean in closer.
"So eager," he laughs. "You know, the way you look at me, you remind me of the Mona Lisa. There's a secret behind your eyes and every time I see you... that's what the fuck I see. It's like you wanna fuck me..."
Sitting up again to lean forward, his face is now inches from mine.
"You're going to be my slave, Ms. Miller. My personal.. little slut. Just until the exams are over," he nods.
I have to think about that, but not for long.
"And you can ensure all A's," I confirm.
Smiling, he nods. It's the perfect scenario, I want to cry.
"You can't tell a soul," he whispers coming in closer. His breath smells like spearmint. His lips are centimeters away now and I can't hold myself back any longer, I close the distance meeting his soft lips with mine.
Getting as far as a peck, he pulls back looking away like a man who's just made a deal on something as trivial as a lawn gnome or a piece of patio furniture. There's an unrushed boredom that only serves to intrigue me as he goes through the buttons on his shirt, letting the white fabric fall open to reveal the built muscles I kind of knew were there... but never to this extent.
His skin looks like smooth rum and I want a taste, but he has a deliberate pattern of raised bumps all over his chest and abs. It's not a turn off. In fact, I can think of a few things to do with that.
He smirks as if reading my mind.
Leaning further forward, I'm out of my seat and leaning over the desk.
With my right hand I reach up to touch his right pectoral but snatch my hand back when he smacks it away. I feel the sting. He's heavy handed.
"Did I say you could touch me?" His eyes hold venom.
He sounds like me when I'm disciplining a sub.
"No sir."
"Don't smile."
"But my smile is so cute," I grin watching his wheels spin.
"That's true," he admits with a nod. "But you know what's even cuter?"
"There's cuter?" I tilt my head innocently and he smiles.
"Hm," he chuckles. "...Don't move."
Holding my position over his desk, I remain still as he stands up again, slowly circling out of my view. Behind me, he stands and I can feel his presence. I feel a spanking coming on. I can feel him-
"MM," I squeak feeling the first hit. It's firm, but not too rough.
"Shut up, you've taken worse," he comments and I wonder how he knows because it's true. This is nothing.
Hit number two comes and it's a little bit harder than the first.
"Be gentle," I whisper looking back.
The third hit is double the strength of the last, I feel it and breath out.
The fourth is much harder and I make a sound to let him know I feel it. He hears me because the next swat feels like he really reeled back and it stings. It has me anxious for the next hit.
"I once saw you take a flogger," he breathes and I hear it in his voice, he's getting excited. I wonder if his dick is hard. How big is it? "Who you think requested it," he huffs and the swat he takes makes me hit the desk.. for real this time.
"You're a sub-SSSS," I hiss throwing my head back. "Damnit, okay now," I warn."
"Move your hands."
I don't know.
"Get back down... and move your hands," he repeats firmly.
Hesitantly, I drop them and brace myself on the desk.
"Uh!" I close my mouth and gather myself. It really stings. He keeps hitting the same damn spot, but in the way that tying a rubber band around your finger feels good, it also feels good.
"Take those shorts off..," he mutters. I can hear him breathing and when I look back, he's taking the button up completely off and unbuckling his black leather belt. "Hurry up.. take it off."
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One chilly and cold night, a sound of a child crying out loud could be heard. She was desperate to run through the playground to hide, someone calling her "Ella, please hear us out first. Don't do this, my daughter." While crossing the road, she was hit by a taxi driver and then... "Please, Doctor, do everything you can to save my daughter. I don't know what to do, help me Oh God!" A serious situation happening at the emergency room, the child was in severe condition, the doctor was trying to save her. After how many minutes, she was saved, and her parents were restless while talking to the investigator to investigate the case of her child. "Have you seen the plate number of the taxi, Ma'am?" the investigator said. "No, things happened fast but I think the driver was under the influence of alcohol, his car was wiggling and luring to left and right," said her mother. "We'll do everything to resolve the case, thank you for your cooperation." The investigators leave the hospital. Unfortunate things happen the day that the child knew her parents decided to divorce. The doctor approach them and said: "Ma'am, we did our best but the impact that was done was severe and it damages the veins in her eyes. Sorry to say, but she wouldn't be able to see again, she's now blind." Her mother was left in awe. She resented herself for what happened to her daughter. Time passes, 11 years after the accident. Ella and her mother were back at the hospital, they've been visiting once a month for a check-up and getting information about the eye donor who wants to donate eyes for Ella. "Ma'am the donor kept on changing decisions; I will let you know once it's final. So far Ella was in a good condition and ready for an eye transplant." He gladly tells Ella and her mother. "Thank you for your kindness, doctor." Leaving the hospital, Ella held her mother's hand, upon the shining ray of sunlight her smile can be seen. She was happy upon hearing that any time soon, she would be able to see the world, again. "Mom, are you bothered? You don't have to worry about me, it's alright I can still wait even after another 11 years. I will." They both headed home. One afternoon, Judith, her mother prepared lunch for her children and to comfort Ella. She asked her older son, Cher to look after her dish as she was going to check if Ella's awake. Judith was excitedly hopping her way upstairs to check Ella who was listening to jazz music. She knocked on her door and slightly opened it. “I’m coming in, Ella” She saw her lovely daughter and as the wind blew the curtain through the window of her room. Ella’s hair flips, and her beauty shows right through her pure soul. Judith reminds of her when she was a teenager like Ella, it made her emotional upon seeing Ella suffering from their mistakes. Ella was into jazz music, listening to it once she woke up in the morning. It helped her clear her thoughts and put peace through her mind and soul. "Oh, my lovely daughter! You have a heart for jazz music, just like your father. Prepare quickly for lunch, I have something to tell you." Judith was excited too. "Yes, mom. I'll be there as fast as I can." They both giggled. Abundant food serves in a rectangular shape table good for the whole family. All delighted to smell the aroma of freshly baked macaroni pasta, Ella's favorite dish. "Sister, come here I'll guide you to your seat," said Cher who was excited to taste every dish served. She replied: "Hmm... I can sense your excitement over the food, Cher thank you so much." They are all together, laughing and chatting, catching up with each other. And then Judith suddenly remembers something she wants to tell them, especially Ella. "Alright guys, can I interrupt for a minute? I have something to say to your sister, Ella finally... She now has a donor. The doctor confirmed it to me. "Oh really, Mom! I am happy for you sister." Ella was happy upon hearing the good news but can’t deny that she was worried. "Mom what if he changes his mind, what if..." "It's alright, I thought you said you can still wait until another 11 years?"
she jokingly said. "We have to strengthen our faith from now on. I believe, this time." Ella replied to her: "Just to make sure I want to meet my donor mom." "I want to thank him and know what makes him decide to donate his eyes." Judith was wondering whether she would let her daughter meet her donor. It would be hard for her if he changes his mind after they meet. She does not want Ella to lose hope. Phone ringing, a man was disturbed by its sound, tossing, and turning around his bed while a ray of sunlight touches the skin that awakens him. He reached for his phone. "Hello, this is Roel. Who's this? He answered the phone with a raspy voice. " Ahm... Sorry for disturbing you, I am the Doctor from St. Teresa's eye hospital. I just wanted to inform you that we already contacted the mother of the donee. Do you want to meet them in person?" Roel jumps out of his bed as he nervously replies to the Doctor. He stuttered and put down his phone. Roel doesn't know what to do, he restlessly walks back and forth in his room. He seems worried and scared about his decision. Back in time, Roel found out the truth. His father went to his school to take him home after school hours. "Oh, son here!" "Sorry for waiting, I just did something." Roel smells the alcohol stinks from his father. He knew that he drinks before coming to his school. He questioned his father. "Dad are you drunk; I can smell alcohol in you." He was a little irritated. "I just sip a little, I wasn't drunk. I would've come here and got you a ride if I was drunk," said his father. Roel continues to question him, "Dad how true that you killed someone by accident before because of your irresponsible drinking while driving?" His father was surprised to hear that from him. "Aren't you going to take responsibility for what happened? How long will you hide and face the consequences?" "I never thought that way, I didn't run away from the accident. I was scared to be away from your mother. You know she was sick and up for eye surgery when that unfortunate thing happened. I don't know what to do, I can't help it." There was a fast car approaching, Roel and his father got into an accident which caused his father’s death. It was another painful memory for him. Roel decided to meet his donee's family. He's nervous to death thinking that he will meet the family of the victim of his Father's reckless driving. He sends a text message containing: "I'm on my way, Mrs. Judith. I'm sorry it would take some time." Mrs. Judith was busy early this morning preparing everything for their visitor. She's grinning and felt excited while humming as someone knocked on the door. They warmly welcome him to their house, opening the door he sees the ever lovely, Ella who was then patiently waiting for him. Roel can't imagine that Ella would be this pretty. He suddenly felt guilt and sadness seeing her suffer what his father did. Time slowed down; he was stunned by her beauty as if she fell in love. "No, stop it Roel. Think about what your father did to her." He quietly talks to himself. Their lunch was full of conversation. They get to know each other well. Roel decided to not say anything about his father and the accident. Roel visited Ella’s house to catch up with one another. He always assists Ella whenever she needs him. Their days and nights repeat. As another year unfolds right into their eyes. Slowly, step by step they develop feelings for one another. As the calendar flashes in a blink of an eye, years and years have passed. In present years in 2021, Roel confessed his feelings toward Ella. They’ve known each other for a very long time. Somehow, they’ve forgotten about her eye surgery but Roel promised him that he would give her his eyes. It just turns out for good that she had fallen in love. How great it would be to have each other’s company. Ella felt the assurance of having Roel by her side. But it can't be denied how worried she was if the time has come that Roel would be leaving and have his eyes, one that only remains a gift from the one he loved. No one can’t break true love. Roel and
Ella told Judith about it, and she gave them her blessings. She wasn't against their love, after all, Roel was a good man but he reminded him of his promise to Ella and her as well. “Promise is a promise, Mom. I love Ella as much as you love her, I won't let you down. Think of it as another gift I could give to her. This was the only thing I could do to pay for...” He slips his tongue and forgets that he hasn't told everything yet, the truth about him and his father’s mistake many years ago. They happily ended their conversation with a warm hug. 5 years passed. They have created a lovely family consisting of 2 children, a daughter, and a son. Despite Ella's condition, she is patiently and willing to wait for more years. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with Roel and her children. They've been living peacefully for 5 years and things went a change. While rummaging through her husband's stuff, a recorder fell on the ground. Not knowing what it's, she reached for it and the recorder played. She heard a voice, recorded by her husband, Roel. The message contains: “Ella, by the time you are listening to this. I am sorry and to your family as well. I am too selfish; it is all my fault. I should've not let myself fall in love with you. My father wants to surrender himself by the time the accident happened. He just wanted to be on the day my mother's eye surgery was held. Now that they are both gone, I just wanted to pay for his sins. I indeed loved you, but I didn't know that this would be very hard. Please forgive, even though I didn't deserve your forgiveness for everything that I've done.” Ella was surprised, she was left in awe and disbelief. She threw the voice recorder and began to cry out loud. "No, this can't be true." It seems like the world has stopped and another bad news comes from his brother calling from the hospital. "Ella, your husband was in the hospital. He was involved in an accident going to Mom's home." said his brother who was panicking now. She was going to the hospital but suddenly told the driver to change direction. While going away from the heartbreak, she called her mother. "Mom, do you know... that Roel's father was the one responsible for the accident that happened to me?" she said it while containing herself from what happened. "I just heard that he wanted to meet me before his accident happened and I guess he planned to tell me about that matter." said her Mother. "This can't be true. I can't believe this was happening to me." She began to cry. "Ella, as much as I wanted to give justice for what happened. Roel is gone, and the Doctor is asking me if you would still want to be Roel's eye donee." Judith sounds worried. She knew this would be hard for her daughter. “Where are you? Let’s talk about this in person. You can’t do this alone.” “He made a promise, Mom. I thought he loved me, but it seems like he didn't care about my feelings at all. He loves himself more than me.” Ella felt betrayed, they were both blinded by love. Six months after the misery and traumatic situation, Ella’s children were in Judith’s care. She’s taking the kids for a shower when she receives a call. It was from her daughter, Ella who had been away for a long time. “Mom, it’s me Ella. I’m coming home, I have a surprise for all of you. I’m sorry for leaving, I’m good and ready to face everything now.” She said while her voice was shaking, she teared up a bit. “I’m glad you’re coming back. I’ve already prepared everything for your OB Foundation that you said.” Judith was delighted to hear her daughter happy, again. In the airport, a place where either you would be separated and or reunited from your loved ones. The sound of airplanes landing through the runway, which excites the kids who are waiting for their mother to arrive. Kids hopping and giggling with each other, no words can't express how they’re longing for their Mother’s embrace. “Children, Mom’s here!” Ella shouted with joy. “How nice to see your faces. Mommy can see now.” Ella’s voice cracked. “Ella, I cannot believe this! Can you really see us now?”
You’re now seeing the world. Judith was obviously surprised. On the way home, Ella tells Judith exactly what happened after she left the country. “Before I leave after the incident, I’ve been waiting for OB Foundation’s confirmation about my eye surgery. I left the country not just to move on to life, but the surgery was supposed to be done in the United States of America. After the recovery they want me to be part of the foundation and to serve as a living proof. I did, and I always wanted to give back to people and to the world. Even before, although I can’t see the world, I knew how painful it is to see the world and its people suffering. With the help of the foundation, I started a new whole life, again.” Ella reminisces about her hardships it was painful, indeed. After a couple of days, Ella’s family decided to go to the church and to visit her husband's tomb. Hand in hand walking the streets with her children grin ear to ear. She tightly holds their hands as she feels guilty and sorry for what happened and that at an early age they’re separated from their deceased father. Ella parted ways with her husband, leaving with a heartfelt message that she always wanted to tell. “We’re too selfish Roel, we were both blinded by love that leads our lives into miserable ones. I know how much you loved me, and you know how much I loved you. I’m sorry, it took a lot of time for me to accept all of this. I refused to have your eyes and I've already decided even before things happened; it is the only way I could think to repay your love to me. Until we see each other again, Roel.” I hope that the story was able to touch your heart.
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