#hope it was good and funny for both sides ahah
yenich · 6 months
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the boy's got real trust issues 'cause of these too
i mean who wouldn't...
was there actuslly smth on his back? did twins put smth?? who knows!!!
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lovelynim · 2 years
TickleTober 2022/Day 05 - Punishment
Sasaki to Miyano - Hirano & Sasaki
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Sasaki flinched just by hearing his classmate sighing. He could feel Hirano’s anger without even looking up to him. However, he didn’t have a pinch of regret for his ‘crime’. In fact, he would do it as many times as possible if given the chance.
He and Miyano were talking about a BL manga that was going on around the younger’s head for a while and that a new volume had just been released. In the whole rant about how good and charming the story was, Miyano started describing a scene that made his heartbeat rise.
“So, the protagonist was starting to break up a fight with his friend because of the game they lost, right?”
“Mhm, I remembered reading that,” Sasaki answered, more amused with how cute Miyano looked talking about it than the topic itself, “but what happened next?”
“He was really mad about it! Shouting things like ‘it’s your fault!’ and ‘I will never play with you again’ while threatening to leave. But! When he pushed the door open, his friend grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him into the wall,” Miyano cheered as if he was some fanatic fan at the last round of a competition.
“Oh, didn’t that hurt though?” Sasaki giggled, tilting his head.
“Ah, I mean, he looked a bit stunned at first, but before he could react, bam, his friend trapped him against the wall!”
“What is it, Sasaki-senpai?”
“I’m trying to visualize the scene, but it’s a bit hard without the actual panels.”
“Oh, well, I could len-” He stopped talking the moment he saw Sasaki walking up to him, using his arm to support himself as he towered over Miyano, “s-senpai?”
“So, he did like this, Miya-chan?” He whispered in a lower voice tone, gazing down to the boy under him. 
“A-ahm… I thin-”
“Get off him, you idiot!” Hirato barked, interrupting the scene as he grabbed Sasaki by his shirt collar.
And after a very flustering round of messy explanations, Miyano could finally go back home. Sasaki, however, was kept together with a very upset Hirano in the student council room.
The ginger was leaning at the window, watching as Miyano walked out of school while Hirano nagged at him. At some point, the blonde realized he was talking to the walls and gave a weak hit on top of Sasaki’s head.
“Did you listen to what I just said?”
“I should really beat you up, you know,” Hirano sighed, crossing his arms in front of his chest.  “Aren’t you going to at least try to defend yourself?”
“Would I stand a chance if I did?”
“Ehe…” He laughed nervously, scratching his cheek.
“Do you think this is funny?!” Hirano hissed, poking Sasaki’s side to call the boy’s attention, but earning a huge flinch instead. “What was that?”
“W-what was what?”
“That. What you just did when I poked yo-” and before he could repeat the action, Sasaki’s shaky hand grabbed his wrist. “Oh. I get it.”
Something on his face must have given it away, because the first thing the little ‘troublemaker’ tried to do was run away, but Hirano caught up to him with ease, tackling him to the ground before straddling his back.
“Hirano, w-wait, let’s tahahalk- ahah, p-plehehease!”
“I didn’t remember you were ticklish, Sasaki,” the blonde muttered as he mercilessly clawed at his friend’s sides, “have you ever told me?”
“I-I guehehess! H-Hirahanoo, nohohot this,” Sasaki whined, trying to either squirm away or pry the other’s hands from his body. Obviously, he failed at both.
“Let’s say this is a punishment for throwing yourself at Miyano like that,” Hirano continued, moving his fingers up Sasaki’s torso inch by inch, starting to tickle his ribs.
“AHAHah, I-I ahaham sohohorry, o-ok? Now stahahap!”
“No can do, Sasaki… I’m not quite done with you yet.”
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A/N: Yay, 5th day! Now, come on, who better than Hirano himself to dish out punishments like this? and lee!sasaki is just- agh, so cute… so this pretty much sums the backstory of the decision behind this prompt, hehe ~ Hope you enjoyed your reading!
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hey, could i get a genshin matchup if that's okay? i'm bi and 18+ so i'd prefer to be matched with those who are slightly older :) genshin ages can be vague though so dw about it too much
i'm generally more on the reserved side - not necessarily shy, i just prefer to listen rather than talk. i get a lot chattier when the topic is on my interests though, and i have a good sense of humour which is good because i like to make people laugh. i have a pretty positive outlook on life and try to not focus on things out of my control. overall i'm a really relaxed and friendly person, if a little quiet and sometimes awkward.
my number one interest is animals! i love all of them, but especially aquatic life. i also like cooking and baking, even if all of my attempts end up in some sort of small disaster :') it's usually salvageable though and doesn't taste that bad in the end ahah
one last thing, i tend to get along more with people who are a little more outgoing, but otherwise i have no preferences
i hope this isn't too long, and tysm in advance <3
Hi! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchup!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Diluc may seem like a strange pairing at first but hear me out! You’re both more on the reserved side and like listening to each other so you always have good conversations. He knows the things you’re interested in and has done some research so he can talk to you about them.
He’s got a naturally realistic outlook on life so your positivity is almost blinding to him. It is a nice change of pace for everyone around Dawn Winery.
Picnic dates near the lake where you can see the fish swimming around below the surface. Diluc’s never really made time to look at the fish before and is surprised when he finds it so relaxing. He’ll have to do this more often…
Please drag him into the kitchen to cook with him. Diluc's a surprisingly good cook and will enjoy spending time with you. He doesn't really mind what you make, as long as it's edible at the end.
Good luck getting him to laugh. Diluc's a naturally serious person but he might crack if you make a particularly funny joke (especially if that joke is about Kaeya).
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icharchivist · 1 year
Lmao that "oh, I don't care if Fiorito is betraying us, she's not the first and she won't be the last" Incredible
Glad that Feather is getting his chance to punch Ragazzo in the face:)
Oh no, the long awaited fight between friends :'(
Poor Cupitan and Tristette
Oh no the inevitable betrayal. Who could have seen this coming etc
Seeing baby Tristette and baby Cupitan side by side, they have a yin yang theme going on, don't they? Both wearing black and white like that. And grown up Cupitan wears mostly white while Tristette is black. It's actually really cool!
And oh damn. Cupitan being in denial and rewriting her own memories. It makes sense, her powers would work like that and why shouldn't she use them, but poor dear :(
God, Ferdinand didn't even clean up the body, that is disgusting
It actually makes sense that Troue would share his visions with people to make sure he's seeing the right person i.e. Kolulu, since he can't remember her, due to his memory thing
No baby Feather and Randall sprites??? We were robbed. Robbed, I say!
Feather is such a Shounen protagonist.
But the transformation was cool. In general it feels like Gbf is getting so much better with their addition of effects like that. It really elevates the visual novel segments
I actually think I have Feather's SSR, this is all looking very familiar
Aaa the babiest of Ragazzos
Also why is this Child Abuse The Story, Jesus Christ
Seriously there's so much child abuse :(
Oh no cool monster designs
Randall ex machina! Good for him!
Cool CG
Yay, gay boys fighting together. As it should be
Ragazzo is so homophobic, telling them to shut up while they're having a moment
"Are the Horoscopes on sale or what?" Wheezing
Glad that the boys managed to figure things out, but how sad that I was betrayed and am totally dead for real :) Oh well
Oh no, Ferdinand, curse your sudden and inevitable betrayal - Actually that was pretty fucked up to do nvm
Tikoh is an icon immediately going for the kill tbh. Cheering for her
And that was the end. Very unsatisfying. Definitely upset now. I hope we get to smash Ferdinand's skull soon :)
Thank you for letting me ramble and goodnight!
tHIS IS SOOO FUNNY, the self awareness is off the charts.
and oh god Cupitan and Tristette. here we go :(
what? betrayal? in my betrayal story? :(
good catch on the yin yang designs! yeah they're really like this huh!
But god yeah. the reveal of Cupitan's denial just really broke my heart. she tried to cope hard but god :(
and yeah that makes tons of sense :( poor Troue though, but i'm glad he finds way to work around his issue.
ROBBED. AGREED. i want to see them babies :(
Feather iss SUCH a Shounen Protagonist you're so right. and yeah the transformation was really cool and i agree!! Granblue really polished this with time to really play with the VN format as much as possible to really utilize it to the maxium and that's so cool, i love to see how late-events granblue plays with it.
ouugh nice for Feather's SSR.
Yeah this really is Child Abuse: the Event, all of them have tragedies in their past, especially as children, most of them went through abuse, and then you have Ragazzo in particular and all you can do is stare in horrror while just. worse and worse things happen to him :(
Cool monster design indeed though :( Ragazzo………
nods nods hell yeah, side by side, as they should be. so emo about it. Ragazzo c'm'on, we've waited for it all event, just let them have their moments.
ahah yeah we're totally dead and betrayed and Fio would just never find a loophole because she cares so much right <3
I love the final battle between Randall&Feather/Ragazzo, how it's all about Ragazzo keeping his walls up until they finally manage to connect together. It was heartbreaking to see Ferdinand come and betray him like this, and the reveals of just All The Abuses just made it so much worse. I think like. him betraying Ragazzo is expected in a sense, we don't trust Ferdinand here. But the way he did it, and the way Ragazzo answered to the Horrors just by saying he wishes Ferdinand had pat him on the head and told him he did good? I'm going to kill Ferdinand myself with my own bare hands.
TIKOH ABSOLUTE ICON. We love one revengeful Erune who totally deserves to maim and kill that man.
HELL YeAH! you still have the "Observation" bonus story that serves as an epilogue with some more lore and plot there though ;D
but YEAH LET'S KILL FERDINAND ALL TOGETHER! i will not rest until i can be sure this man is dead and burried. I'm all for redeeming evil characters but Ferdinand is where i draw the line, i want him torn to shred. I want to redeem Ragazzo though :(
And i'm very grateful you did ramble!! i love Marionette Stars and i'm really happy to have seen your thoughtprocess going through it, so thank you very much <333
good night to you too!! take care ;D
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kageyuji · 4 years
accidentally grabbing his crush’s ass
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⤷ kuroo, bokuto, iwaizumi, akaashi, kageyama ; gn!reader
tags: the title of these hcs lol, vague sexual innuendos(?), kuroo’s is kind of friends to ass-grabbing if you squint
notes: i did hcs like this a while back if these feel familiar, plagiarism isn’t sexy <3 although reblogs are highly appreciated
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kenma was not a good wingman. at all.
but he tried his best </3
which was why he had invited both you and kuroo to hang out with him, the three of you were friends after all
kenma had planned on “accidentally” locking you two in a room together
what kenma hadn’t planned on was kuroo embarrassing himself before kenma even had the chance to put his plan in action
kuroo was crouched on the floor trying to fix kenma’s gaming system (god knows why it chose today to eat the game card)
he was completely unaware you were standing behind him and, somehow, in his peripheral he had assumed you were kenma’s desk chair
reaching behind himself to grab the chair and pull it over so he could sit in it, his eyes and one hand were still occupied
the other hand was now on your ass
it doesn’t register in his mind at first, he just knows that whatever he’s grabbing it isn’t the chair he thought
he literally turns his head slowly and when he looks at you hes like 😃
“ahah whoops”
“i’m so sorry, i was reaching for the chair”
“kuroo your hand is still on my ass”
he takes his hand away and then apologizes again but there is no hope for him, not when he is red to the tips of his ears
not to mention kenma, who is snickering a few feet away from the cataclysm that just unfolded infront of him
bokuto koutarou: king of not paying attention to what he is doing
especially not around you, he’s so focused on being perfect to impress you that he often ends up ignoring the minor things — the things that make you realize just how clumsy but sweet he actually is
you’d went to watch him at practice, who were you to turn him down when he said you were welcome to come?
plus, the entire team knew about his crush (it was hard not to with how much he talked about you) and they wanted to meet the person who always made their captain so starstuck and giddy
his eyes were focused on the volleyball court; he couldn’t look at you, he was putting on a serious act in hopes that you’d like him
that’s why when he reached behind himself for a volleyball he accidentally grabbed your ass
immediately realizes what he’s done, turns around and starts apologizing
he gets all pouty as well. he thinks you won’t like him now, even worse he thinks he’s offended you and now you hate him
“i didn’t mean- y/n, i swear i was grabbing a ball, i would never- :(((“
please tell him it’s ok he looks so sad
hajime iwaizumi: king of not paying attention to what he’s doing part 2
it’s not that he’s inherently oblivious to everything, he just. notices what needs to be noticed and passes over everything else
but he hadn’t heard you walk into the gym, hadn’t seen you sit on the bench in front of him when he knelt down beside his gym bag
oikawa knew you were there, so of course he smiled and loudly called “iwa-chan!”
iwaizumi, of course, went to stand up and grabbed at the bench to help himself
the bench he didn’t realize you were sitting on
so when he grabbed your waist, he also was pulling you to him. unintentionally, of course, but he was doing it nonetheless
which ended up with you falling (or rather, being dragged) off the bench and into iwa’s lap
both of you have to take a moment to process what just happened
eventually you both come to the realization that you’re sitting between his legs with his hands still somewhat on your hips and somewhat on your ass
he doesn’t want to push you off of him, but you’re currently still trying to process the situation and not moving
so he takes his hands from under your ass and slips away from behind you
“i uhm... i’m sorry, y/n. i didn’t see you, i thought i was grabbing the bench-”
“it’s alright iwa! accidents happen.”
he’ll never admit that he’s blushing. oikawa, makki, and mattsun laughing does not help the red tint in his cheeks though
bless his heart omg,,,, anyways SHDBSJDB
bokuto is a good wing man!! or at least he thinks he is 😀
but he had successfully talked you into coming to practice with him and akaashi
there wasn’t much convincing to do though, considering you had had a crush on akaashi for ages and would jump at any opportunity to be around him
but nevertheless, akaashi was setting for bokuto as always. the bin of volleyballs he always had was right beside him
...except it was on the opposite side he was used to, being that bokuto had insisted it be moved so you could stand near akaashi
he reached behind himself for a ball, but accidentally grabbing your ass instead
he realizes his mistake as soon as hes made it
even though he takes his hand back and is already stumbling out an apology, he has to turn and look at you because oh my god he did not just do that,,, oh no he did
eventually he manages to sting enough words together that it sounds something like an apology — he is sorry, he’s just far too embarrassed by what just happened to form a proper sentence
“it’s ok! don’t worry, things happen. i know you didn’t mean it” and suddenly akaashi knows that hes in deep
“uhm- yeah, sorry again. maybe you can just hand me the balls from now on ok?”
either kageyama was going to kill hinata or hinata was going to kill him, he didn’t mind which came first
hinata had invited both of you to a restaurant with him, and then ditched just as soon as you and kageyama had both arrived
of course, to you it was just bad timing. to kageyama however, he knew this was hinata’s attempt to get you to closer
kageyama tobio, who had no clue how to talk to his crush, was going to sit in a restaurant alone with you
much to his surprise though, he found himself enjoying your company. you were much kinder and easier to talk to than he had imagined in his mind, that much was clear
but of course he had to mess up. and of course it was in the most (though unintentional) perverted way
he reached to hold the door open for the people behind you whenever you were leaving but had miscalculated where you were walking
meaning he had his hand rested on your ass instead of the door
he jerks his hand back like a man scalded almost as soon as it happens
he’s stuttering and mumbling out an apology as well. it’s barely coherent, but you were laughing too hard anyways
please stop laughing he wants nothing more than to crawl into a hole and never have to face you again
“kags! it’s ok, seriously. it’s more funny than weird i promise. take me out again and we’ll call it even, alright?”
kageyama.exe has stopped working
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© kageyuji 2021. do not copy, modify, or otherwise plagiarize in any way.
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duckmania127 · 2 years
i love the smooth klaus mikaelson, can you do some headcanons about klaus courting you?
Hi yeah, I can do that for you hun! I hope this fulfilled your request:) Not sure if it is considered a headcanon or not but I hope ya still like it either way.
no warnings!
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The second he laid his eyes on you, he just simply could not get them off.
While he sipped his drink, he saw you give him a shy wave. Since you first arrived to this bar you had felt his eyes on you. Well, there were plenty of eyes on you, but his were the only ones you were focused on.
He made his way over to you and gave you a dashing smile, "is this seat by any chance taken love?" he asked you and watched as you took a small sip of your wine before looking over at him, "not at all," you told him softly and turned your chair to face him.
He chuckled and sat next to you, "I'm Klaus," he said and held his hand out for you.
When you go to shake his hand you felt surprised at seeing him tilt your hand and lean down to kiss it. He did all this while keeping his eye contact with you and you began to feel your cheeks heat up at the action, "Well, it's lovely to meet you Klaus, I'm Y/N."
You both spent the rest of the night talking about everything, your childhoods, goals, and anything else that was brought up while you both took turns asking each other questions.
He was not sure if it was the alcohol or your presence but whatever it was, it had him opening up to you in a way he has never opened up with anyone. He truly appreciates your honesty and the way you haven't judged him not once throughout your time together.
Once the bar closes he offered to walk you home, and you politely declined. Teasing him by letting him know that you don't let just anyone take you home, especially not after the first date. You felt impressed by his response, "Well, good thing this was not our first date darling. I'd like to take you out properly, if you will have me that is?"
You smile at him and just as you go to agree to his proposition you hear his phone goes off, "go on, I don't mind,” you tell him.
He sighs and answers his brother's call. Once that was done and he hung up the phone, he saw your taxi pull up beside you both, "Before you go, will I be seeing you again?" he asks you and looking hopeful as he gave you another dashing smile.
"Hmm, seems like I will be needing some time to think about that Klaus," you tell him and smile at his chuckle, knowing that you are making him wait, makes his heart almost flutter. He hasn't felt anything really like this before, "Until next time then love," he says kissing your hand and opens the taxi door for you.
You left him truly hoping for the next time he gets to be with you again.
The funny thing was that he had absolutely no idea about your friendship with his sister. (yes, I do love the idea of Rebekah being the reason you two fall in love ahah)
The next time he sees you was at his house, in his kitchen cutting up fruit for you and Bekah, his jaw literally drops, "Y/N?" he asks you and his voice makes your ears perk up, "Oh! Klaus, hi, how are you?"
Rebekah was astonished at the fact that you both knew each other and it made you laugh, Klaus spoke with you momentarily before having Rebekah shoo him since she didn't want him to steal you away cause you were her friend first! Her words.
You started to come over more often, not only to spend time with his sister but to see Klaus and talk to him.
This went on for weeks, you “avoiding” his question as a way to tease him and you both enjoyed the little game. He felt like he was chasing after you since you were playing hard to get but he didn’t mind it, your thoughts giving him reassurance that you had thought about that date he offered and that you would tell him soon.
He showed you a different side of him, a side you appreciated it was more of the romantic yet soft side of a big bad wolf.
During the weeks you’d paint, well you would watch him paint and keep him company of course. You would read to him at times and whenever he would ask about your thoughts on dating him, you’d simply tell him that he will know your answer when you felt ready and felt like you had gotten more time to know him.
When his nights were rough you’d both sit on the couch and talk things out. You would hold his hand and give him comfort all while he would play with your hair, his feelings grew more and more whenever you both had your talks. Yours did as well.
So of course he waited for when you let him know that you were ready. But, in the mean time he enjoyed getting to impress you and prove to you that he did want this with you, and he wanted to show you that you deserved the most.
“Hey handsome,” you greet him as he walks through the door and walk over to him with a smile, “I believe I have an answer for you… one that you will enjoy, I hope.”
“Oh, really? An answer to what exactly?" he asks, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed as he looks down at you with a smile.
You laugh, "I will go on that date with you," you tell him and smile as you gently reach up to tuck one of his curls behind his ear.
His blush becoming noticeable as he genuinely smiles at you, “You have absolutely no idea how great that is to hear.” he tells you along with dramatically sighing, leading you both to laugh while he takes your hand in his giving it cute little kisses, even now the action still brings a blush to your cheeks and a cheeky smile to your face.
hope you enjoyed, duck<3
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gangplanksorenji · 3 years
Pace (Race 3: British Grand Prix) : Fault
Pairing: LOONA X Male Reader
Word Count: 9676
A/N 1: Hi! It's me again! This is the third race from the series and also this will be my first angst fic and I'm kinda nervous about it. Also, this will be the longest fic I had written so far. Hope y'all enjoy this and have a great day ahead! <3
A/N 2: There will be a lot of swear words here so read at your own risk, enjoy!
!! Trigger Warning !!: Car Crashes, Kissing, Heavy Angst, Strong Language, Fights and Arguments
Masterlist (w/ Intro and Rules)
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8:04 AM.
Didn’t even manage to get up from the sound of your alarm an hour ago, you rubbed your eyes as the chirp of birds greeted you in the beautiful sunshine that kissed your face.
“Ah.. *yawns* what time is it?”
You saw that the clock ticked 8. You gasped as if you thought you’re late for something that Jinsol said yesterday after work. You then hurriedly rushed to prepare yourself to go whatever location Jinsol said.
“The cafe near the end of the street, near the black-shaded canopy… Is it here??”
You doubted about the location that you’re into, trying to find a way if it’s what Jinsoul said as you texted her and saw her waving in the glass window inside the cafe.
“Oh! That’s her, this is the location she said…”
You then rush inside, opening the door as you course your way into the table that Jinsol sat into.
“Oh, I didn’t see you there, I thought I was wrong, sorry Jinsol..”
“Oh it’s alright Oppa..”
“Yah~ don’t c-call me Oppa, hng.. I’m just a month older than you.. We’ve talked about t-this..”
“*pouts* Still.. You’re a month older Oppa… *giggles*”
Jinsol, Jung Jinsol or Soulie as you call her is a chic, optimistic and a hard-working woman who dearly loves and gives all her passion to whatever that makes her happy, mostly about her work. She became your race engineer 3 years ago while you’re in your rookie league alongside Hyunjin as your past teammate’s race engineer.
You and Jinsol formed a special bond within the years you’ve been together, a bond stronger than friendship. You two became very close friends, sharing laughs and cries until she went on a hiatus, leaving Hyunjin behind as your race engineer last year until today with Hyeju.
The reason behind her hiatus? Well, she managed her parents’ business in her hometown, leaving her with only one choice, leaving the team as she felt bad for it but she needed it, her parents needed it, she supported their dream as well as for hers but she took the initiative until they made someone managed their business, making Jinsol sign the contract being your race engineer in this second split until the next year. You didn’t engage too much with Jinsol in her hiatus due to busy schedules, busier on her side but now, you feel like you’ve strengthened and connected the bond again.
Upon her flawless visuals from her sharp jawline up to her tiny scar between her eyebrows, she never fails to amaze you and praise her everytime you see her, making her flustered upon your compliments. Despite seeing the good in her, inside and outside, you only saw her as your friend, off and on work, nothing more than that as there were no sparks that had been ignited the same way as Hyeju did to you.
“Oh yah, besides, how’s the business going? Is it going well?”
“Business is fine, besides everything is going well! It’s been a while since we talked this much..”
“*sighs* I know right, Soulie.. I missed you though..”
“*giggles* I missed you too Oppa, ah -ahh Chunseok, a-actually all of you! I missed all of you, even though the stress is still rising while being at work, I’m fine with it!..”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it Soulie, these things can be stressful, like, pfft…. Like, yah..”
You made some funny faces that earned a giggle from Jinsol, teasing yourself about the job and the humor both of you shared makes her laugh more and more, both of you catching your breaths after an amusing talk.
“Ah- ahh- ahaha, you- *pants* ahah- hihi- really d-did t-hat?”
“Y-ah, and ahaha- ah and t-that p-person t-thought I-I was waving t-to him, and AHAHA- it was sooo awkward..”
After an another amusing and engaging talk about random things and about work, you noticed that both of your drinks are slowly running out as the cafe gets busier. You then initiated to call out the server at the cafe to order another drink for the both of you.
“Excuse me sir! *waves*”
“What can I get for the both of you?”
“Uhmm, can we get another set of our drinks if that will do so?”
“No problem sir! Just hand me the receipt so we will know what drinks you ordered before. Do you have the receipt sir?”
“No, actually.. but she has it..”
“*Jinsol waves* It’s here sir..”
“Oh thank you miss, by the way, are you his?..”
Before Jinsol could answer, you interrupted her with a sentence that made her gasp.
“His friend. H-his friend. Uhh, uh, w-we’re really close friends..”
An awkward silence follows as the server gets the receipt from Jinsol’s hands, making the server regret that question and mumbles at himself.
Jinsol lightly pouts and frowns at that statement but she gets rid of it immediately, thinking that you’re right. With your long bond with each other, she can’t help but develop her feelings towards you, making you clueless as you know that you're just friends, nothing more than that. She can’t help but blush whenever you show affection and care towards her and she gradually appreciates it. She hates herself for being skeptical and being so sheepish about confession towards you, for the reason of being afraid of rejection. She wouldn’t have courage to do it or in times that you’ve been together, she wanted to confess but unfortunate and unlucky events happen right after, like the both of you aren’t destined to be together and it is written in the books.
“Ok, I’ll get t-the drinks for the both of you! Just wait and I’ll bring it in here..”
“Okay, thank you so much!”
After getting your drinks from the cafe, the both of you left realizing that time does really fly fast and it’s almost 10 AM at your clocks, making you gasp as you notice that you’ll be late for practice.
“Oh shit, I’m late..”
“Ah Jinsol..”
“What Op- Seokie?”
“I’ll be going to Hyeju’s. Wanna come? I’ll be late for practice and she’s going to get mad at me.. *chuckles*”
“Wha- what? U-uhm I’m going to do something at h-home, and besides, it’s your moment together.. I won’t bother both of you.. See you tomorrow Op- Seokie!.”
“Really Soulie, you won’t gonna come?”
“Y-yah Seok, I got something to do.. H-have fun! See ya tomorrow!”
You didn’t reach out to her again as it is completely strange denying you like that. Maybe she was right, she will do something that will bother her if she decides to join you but it is too good to be true. You got rid of that thought and proceeded to say your goodbyes to each other before heading towards Hyeju’s apartment for your pre-grand prix practice.
“Hi Hye..”
You hugged her as she got deep with your embrace quickly, melting with your love as you caressed her hair and kissed her forehead, making her blush for the umpteenth time every time you do it.
“How rude am I, shall we start practicing?”
She pauses as she faces you again, pouting as her glistening eyes dearly makes a sign that she wants to ask you something.
“Uhmm Oppa..”
“What is it Hye?”
“I-I just wondered that m-maybe we could go s-somewhere else and go o-out in our c-comfort zone..”
“Wha- what do you mean? We’re going out? I-I thought we’ll practice today and we-”
She cuts you off by a whimper and pout that made you smile as she said something that made you shocked.
“I mean, I t-think we could go out and h-have like a day o-off! You know..”
“U-uh.. Uhm.. Y-yes maybe we can! But how about our practice for today? Tomorrow’s the grand prix?”
“Oppa.. I mean we never got into any bonding sessions with just us two. We always share with my unnies whenever we bond somewhere..”
“Huh.. What do you mean? We got to spend time together in practice, sprints and...”
“Anddddd…..” you sheepishly answered as you can’t think of another way as you sigh in defeat.
“See?? That’s why I want to bond with you in a different way Oppa.. like, I know how devoted you are in work but I think you need to step out of your comfort zone..”
You paused at that sentence, making you think that you really did an outstanding performance in this season, always igniting your competitive spirit and the devotion you give through your work is stupendous but you still can’t ignore the fact that Hyeju made a move to do some varietal things that made you flustered and smile at her response.
“But how about ou-”
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She lets out a kryptonite that made you melt in an instant. The sight that only you can see in a million times and will never get tired of it. A sight that made you fall in love with her from the start. Her signature pout. She really knows how to switch your work mode off with a snap of a finger and you can’t deny it that she can bait and outplay you even in real life.
You let out a big sigh as you accepted her sudden invitation. You don’t want your girlfriend to sulk and get her wolf-stanced mood change, so you have no choice but to join her as you fall under her spell once more. She hugged you tightly, feeling a tremendous joy as you both exchanged smiles and her being more excited than ever.
“Uhh, okay, okay..”
“Yes! Assa! Thank you Oppa!”
The both of you then left the apartment to go and bond with each other out of work. You are smiling in excitement and happiness as you can think of a lot of possible ways that Hyeju has prepared for you. You even think that she had prepared for this a long time ago and was waiting for this right moment to strike, strike you with her affection and love towards you.
5:47 PM
You two walked at the bridge with the sunset at the horizon at your sight, smiling as you held hands with her on your way home.
“Ahhh that was such a nice movie Hye, and a right place to be with.. Didn’t know you picked those well..”
“T-thank you Oppa, I really planned it out..”
“You really did?? You shouldn’t have..”
“It’s alright Oppa. It’s my treat for all of the things you've done for me and I really thank you for that..”
She clinged at you until you reached her apartment. This was one hell of a day that you never thought you’ll enjoy and will never forget. From the tickets she bought from the movies, the laughs at the arcade and the foods that you ate you never thought you'd enjoy, she knows you well and treated you well. You just can’t help but smile as copious amounts of dopamine were released from you, making you the happiest person on the planet as you even forgot the thought of an incoming grand prix tomorrow. Eventually, that thought came back as you got rid of it right away as you’ve thought of an idea that will make this day memorable.
“Hm. What Oppa?”
She paused as a brooding expression painted her face, thinking about what you’ve been planning today.
“Uhm.. I’m just thinking if we can watch something today? I mean, tomorrow's a grinding day so… I think we should make ourselves comfortable..”
“What do you mean “making ourselves comfortable” Oppa?”
“I mean, we should like.. c-calm ourselves and make us cleansed for tomorrow, right?”
“Uhmm. I mean why not? You got a point Oppa. By the way, what are we going to watch today?”
You picked the remote and went straight into “Netflix” and picked the most trending show that you’re dying to watch, especially with your beloved girlfriend, Hyeju.
“All Of.. Us.. Are Dead??.. This Oppa?”
“Yes Hye, why? You don’t want that?”
“No Oppa, I’m good with that, but I think that’s way too gorey to watch.. So hngg…”
“I’ll just cover your eyes Hye, *giggles*” you teased her, letting out a giggle to Hyeju’s triangular mouth.
You then two proceeded to her bedroom to watch, Hyeju leaning to your shoulder as you caressed her hair throughout the series.
As you watched the series over time, the both of you can’t help but feel some butterflies and the mix of emotions that made the both of you hook to the series more. The ups and downs, and the suspense and the hate about the antagonists, all of that are felt throughout the marathon.
You really wish to end the series now in one sitting but sadly, all things must come to an end.
After some five episodes, Hyeju is still leaning on your shoulder and you’re still focused on watching as you noticed her, sleeping soundly and peacefully in your arms as you caressed her hair, appreciating her side profile. You noticed how deep she is sleeping, you wondered how you didn’t notice it earlier and with that, you turned off the television as she buried herself deeper within your chest, showing how comfortable she is in your arms.
“Oppa..” she murmured as she called you, almost inaudible to hear as she rested her head deeper to your chest.
“What Hye?”
“Don’t let go.. I want to be with you..”
You smiled as you caressed her hair again and fulfilled her wish.
“Don’t worry Hye, I want to be with you too…”
You then both proceeded to sleep in each other's arms as the night went deeper, finding warmth in each other that rivaled the cold breeze of a rainy evening that the both of you went through.
What a night to reminisce and remember, embedded deep in your hearts as your vision fades from your drowsiness.
7:48 AM
Another morning has arisen as the chirp of birds greet you as you fully awaken yourself, fighting from the drowsiness you’re still experiencing.
“Why am I still sleepy as hell? What time is it?”
As you began to check the time on your phone, you noticed that Hyeju was missing. You wondered where she was as you smelled something familiar, a smell playing with your nose as you brushed your teeth and went downstairs as your stomach growled in response.
“Hyeju must be cooking something, it smelled nice..”
Your instincts are right as you saw Hyeju preparing the same dish that she cooked a while ago, the day before the Monaco Grand Prix. The same aroma of the beef paired with some fried rice and some kimchi ramen to top it off, you can’t help but to dig in right away as Hyeju stops you from that temptation.
“What Hye??”
“The food is still not complete at the table, just wait..”
She felt cold saying those words to you, wondering what could have struck her head to have an early mood swing, you then decided to do something that can solve that problem while she’s distracted, washing some vegetables.
You surprised her with a back hug and a kiss from her nape that made her startle in the act. She then smiled as you greeted her a “Good morning Jagi..”. Once she heard those words, she dug deep in your chest, looking up to your eyes, locking up the gaze as a smile painted her face as kissed her forehead, making her flustered upon that act.
“What Hye? You look so cute like that..”
“Shut up..”
“Oppa! The food is ready!”
“Ahaha- wait Hye, I-i’m c-coming..”
You went downstairs again and met Hyeju again, this time with a cheerful face as she questioned you about your jolly mood.
“Why are you so happy Oppa? Something happened?”
“Ah- ah- n-nothing that much, Jinsol just s-sent me some f-funny memes..”
“Ahhh, no wonder why… Anyways we’ll eat now..”
You then both proceeded to eat your breakfasts as you dug into the food that Hyeju cooked without hesitation.
“Ahh… Hyeju, this is really good.. I think this tasted better than before..”
“*smiles* Thank you Oppa.. I’m glad you enjoyed it..”
After a few talks and munches, a knock on the door can be heard as you initiate to open it.
“Ah, H-hi!”
“Hi Oppa!”
You met Hyunjin and Jinsol as you greeted them in a fistbump as a smile printed on their faces, happy to see the both of you.
“Hi Hye! *sniffs* Did you cook this?”
“Yes unnie, do you want to try it?”
“Would love to Hye..”
Hyunjin then digs into the food that Hyeju cooked. Feeling satisfied from the first bite, she dug right in two her second, third and fourth bite. She enjoyed it so much to the point that she offers Jinsol to eat as you are talking with her about the race that will happen later as she accepted Hyunjin’s offer.
“Uhm.. okay..”
Jinsol had her first bite, analyzing the taste as she made faces that critiqued the food, making all of you confused as Hyeju got nervous upon that act.
“Hmm.. Not bad Hyeju.. Little bit salty though.. Not really a big fan of beef but sure, this will do.”
You all doubted about her cold appearance to Hyeju’s as Hyunjin interferes her with a statement.
“Yah unnie, it’s not that salty though, what do you mean by that? By the way, it’s so good Hyeju..”
“I’m just being honest Jinnie, that’s what you call “constructive criticism” if you don’t know..”
“Yah unnie, I know what you mean, I’m not that dumb, I’m just giving my opinion..”
“I’m giving my own opinion too. You just need to respect each other’s claims Jin, and first and foremost, I know you’re not dumb, why would you be an race engineer if you we’re one of them? Tsk tsk.. I’m just informing you..”
“I’m glad you know that Unnie, coz’ if you-”
You cut them by throwing the knife into the chopboard of the steak, the sound echoing all around the room as they all got startled, stopping them from your actions that made them scared.
“Are y’all done? Huh?”
The image of them arguing was never new in your eyes. Even the simplest things can lead to a catastrophe if not handled well and you’re always sick of it, pissed at their actions yet miraculously, you can stop them from going too far everytime. Despite Hyunjin’s and Jinsol’s deep bond to each other, it may look like it would end in a blink of an eye with how their competitive spirit ignites, this being just an example of one of their umpteenth arguments you’ve witnessed over the past years.
They know you're pissed with a serious yet disappointed expression from your face says enough. They become silent with their heads down as Hyunjin apologizes as well as Jinsol as you approach them both.
“Yah, girls, I’m not mad, okay? I’m just feeling disappointed that you two are still arguing over those little things…”
“I’m really sorry Seok-”
“Don’t Jinsol” you shushed her. “I know you two are going to do it again, prove me something so I can accept your apologies..”
You then went upstairs to prepare for your last practice before the Grand Prix, still disappointed from their actions. Jinsol then looked at Hyunjin, apologizing about what happened earlier as they also apologized to Hyeju about their cat-and-dog arguments.
“It’s alright unnies, I’m just shocked, he never acted like that before..”
“Yah Hyeju.. Chunseok’s really pissed whenever we fight with each other. He hated the sight of fighting, even in public places, he tends to pacify people fighting and we’re kinda annoyed with it. He may know this, but he’s accustomed to our actions over the years and we’re also aware of it, right Jin?”
“Yah unnie’s right Hye, she hated it.. like always..”
After a few talks, they proceeded to go upstairs to prepare for your last practice in Britain’s finest, Silverstone.
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One of the oldest F1 tracks on the calendar, “Silverstone” made its first appearance in the 1950 British Grand Prix with its old-fashioned 8 corners back then, making it one of the most iconic circuits in F1 up to this date.
52 laps, 306.198 km and 18 turns, to say the least, it could be one of your favorite tracks from taking Copse flat-out up to Brooklands and Woodcote that made its trademark on your mind.
You definitely find the braking points challenging to master but at this moment you probably mastered the track faster than any of the circuits on the calendar at the moment.
You then prepared yourselves for your final grand prix practice around the track with a 40-lap race with some mixed conditions, upping the ante and making it a lot more challenging.
“Wow, what a race, phew..”
“You improved so much, Seok..”
“Really? You're kidding me Sol, ehhh…”
“No, I’m serious Op- Seok! Last time I saw you in these wet conditions you went blasting off at Copse from a lead..”
“Stop it Jinsol, I don’t want you mentioning that fucking race again.”
“Yah, chill Seok! Why?”
“You know why Jinsol, just stop it okay?”
—-Flashback (2 years ago)—-
“Oh he is struggling! Just a few more laps from those degrading tyres, I don’t think he can hold it longer considering the conditions he’s facing!”
“That Mercedes is catching up well in every sector! Closing the gap by two-tenths every sector or even more! This is not what McLaren want as they are praying that they could see the chequered flag in a nick of time.”
Palms are sweaty from the risk you made. You never doubted the strategies Jinsol gave but this one is far from that. You’re struggling so much from your degrading 31-lap old inters, might as well skid in some corners or even understeer but you manage to stay calm as you round the final chicane and then the final corner for your last lap here on a rainy afternoon in Silverstone.
“Ah shit Jinsol, I don’t think I’m making it, we should have pitted earlier. I told you!”
“You’ll make it Oppa, just stay calm and I’ll update you about the gap from the Mercedes, the gap from now is 18.2 secs.”
“Okay Jinsol, but I don’t think we’ll make it..”
“Just trust me Oppa, I know you can do it, I believe in you..”
After that talk, you proceeded to focus into the game, as you became calm and patient throughout, also trying to be cautious to the corners as the gap got lesser over time, upping up the anxiety you’re feeling.
“16.7 seconds up to the Mercedes..”
“14.4 seconds up to the Mercedes..”
You’re in Woodcote as the Mercedes is now in the Wellington straight, upping up the ante and you’re not feeling good about this.
“Jinsol, can’t you see? I don’t think i’ll make it.. He’s catching up so much..”
“You can do it Oppa, 12.9 seconds up to the Mercedes..”
Now you are at the straight after Woodcote as the Mercedes is nearing in Luffield as you now enter Copse until an unfortunate event happens.
As you entered Copse, the slippery kerb made you lose traction as you blew the apex, understeering and going off the wet gravel that made you swear in anger.
“Fuck! Fuck! Shit! I’m sorry, guys.. I can’t handle the tyres, it’s so fucking slippery.. I told you Jinsol, we should have pitted for wets earlier when we have the time! I can’t handle my inters because the condition got worse, I told you!”
“I’m sorry Oppa, I just thought you could handle it well! I never doubted your performance, it’s just unfortunate.. How about I treat you later for some ice cream? Cookies and cream, your favorite! H-”
The comm is interrupted with a flick of a switch as you turned it off and just focused to see the chequered flag, heartbroken on what could have been your first maiden win at the race this season. Feeling the doubt and disappointment from Jinsol, you met the chequered flag, upset and enervated, and that you didn’t know that it’ll last for more races, shattering your ego from the remainder of the season.
Then you cried at her, making her startle at her seat as she realized what she's done could leave a mark on your heart and she’s not happy with it.
“Why won’t you guys listen to me? I’m taking control of the fucking car and then you won’t listen to me? You always doubt my decisions, but I never doubted y’all, this is just so fucking unfair, y’all won’t listen to my fucking calls, I don’t k-know how fucking hard it i-is to do that. It’s j-just so fucking unfair..”
“Oppa, I’m really sorry, I was just-”
“Shhh, you know what Jinsol, don’t apologize if you’re going to do it again, prove me something so I can accept your apologies.”
She never saw you like this and was shocked at that sight. She regrets it and feels bad for the selfish act she’d done and she hates it. She just wants the best for you and for the team, she’s really devoted to what she’s doing but she reflected about the mistakes she had made as she got teary-eyed from your whines and cries. She never wanted this and so are you, so she tried to switch your mood but nothing works. Worried about your mood as she seems not to find the solution, she reached out to Hyunjin about what you felt about the heartbreak.
“Just let him heal, he’ll be good tomorrow, just remember this unnie..”
“What is it, Jin?”
“Just don’t remind Oppa about this race ever again unnie. It may hurt him whenever you mention it in the future, he has gone through a lot..”
“Okay, Jin.. don’t worry, I won’t..”
-—--End of Flashback—--
“Yah Seok..”
“I’m sorry ‘bout that..”
“No, it’s alright Sol, I recovered from that loss..”
“I’m glad you are Oppa..”
As she will try to lean on your shoulder, Hyeju interrupted the both of you from a call afar.
“Yah Oppa, we’re going to eat lunch!”
“Okay Hye! I-I’ll be right back Sol, okay? You wanna eat?”
“Uhmm.. I’ll eat later..”
“You sure Sol? You don’t want an engineer's stomach growling throughout the race..”
“Uhh.. fine…”
You both then went downstairs to eat for lunch after an exhilarating practice race with extreme conditions to top it off a notch.
“Yah Jin.”
“What Oppa?”
“Are they going to come? Or nah..”
“Jiwoo and Yerim are nearing their finals, so they must be preparing for it, they wouldn’t come too though.”
“Have you texted them?”
“Yep, and they wouldn’t come.. How about Heejin Oppa?”
“She sure won’t come, she said she was recording and was busy the day after I texted her..”
“Wha- eh? When did she text you Hye?”
“Days ago, she’s busy Oppa..”
“Wait- wait, is Heejin, that childhood friend you’re talking about Seok?”
“Yah Sol..”
“Wait- you knew about Heejin unnie?”
“Hyeju, Chunseok talked about her often years ago, so she seems familiar..”
“Ahhh, it does make sense though..”
You then rushed eating as you initiated to wash the dishes right after as Hyeju helped you through those piles of plates.
12:50 PM
*clock tick tocks, sound of bird chirping*
With only 10 minutes on the clock before the Grand Prix starts, you went to your respective setups as they said their goodlucks to everyone and so did you. You then test the microphones and headphones to make sure they’re working and so are they. When everything is fine, you then join the lobby on where the race will start as your engineers check the status and tuning of the car to make sure nothing will interfere during the qualifying and at the race.
After that, the clock ticked 1, signaling that the Grand Prix will start at any minute now.
“Welcome everyone to this nimbus-shaded afternoon here in one of the oldest tracks in the calendar, Silverstone here in the United Kingdom.”
As the clouds get dark, you can’t help but feel anxiety, remembering the past race that made your heartbreak mark up to this date but you got rid of it as the first qualifying session starts.
One by one, twenty cars left the pit lane as the first qualifying session started.
For the first 3 minutes, you just raised the temperature of your tyres as you ran in slicks and so did the other drivers. Some went in their first flying laps marking the first fastest lap led by a Mercedes by a 1:28.112 followed by a Red Bull by only two-tenths more.
You then started your first flying lap, acing the first sector with a 27.2 and the second sector with a 36.1 and a decent last sector 24.6, marking you the fastest lap, dethroning the Mercedes with only two-tenths as you are satisfied with your lap but threats are still ongoing, so you got rid of it right away.
“Decent lap Seok, nice job. P1 as of now..”
As you go in a cooldown lap, Hyeju started her flying lap as she got a decent first two sectors and the fastest last sector by a 24.4, climbing up places, up to 4th.
“Nice lap Hye, P4 as of now.”
“Thanks unnie..”
No complacent feelings can be felt as you fall down places yet starting your second flying lap so is Hyeju with only 2 minutes left on the clock.
*engine roaring, controller clicks*
Fastest two sectors and a decent last sector says enough, also almost taking Copse flat-out paid off as you took back the lead with a 1:27.223, marking you being safe in Q1 as you pitted as the rains starts to pour in, gladly Hyeju made it to the chequered flag with only 40 seconds left as she is also safely out in Q1, in a good way marking her lap the 3rd fastest with a 1:27.498.
“Nice laps there Oppa, Hye.. Nice job!”
“Yah, thanks Jin, anyways I’m glad Hyeju made it before the rain got worse..”
“True Oppa..”
“Yah, y’all got yourselves prepared, Q2 is coming..”
Two Haases, Alfa Romeos and an Aston Martin out in qualifying marks the end of Q1 as the next qualifying session will start in a few minutes.
One by one, fifteen cars left the pit lane as the second qualifying session started.
The rain got worse as you all pitted for inters, not affording any risks and the ante to deal with it.
“Are all in inters Sol?”
“Yes Op- Seok, all are in inters and also starting their flying laps, an Alpine behind you, 1.5 seconds..”
“Thanks Solie..”
Then you start your first flying lap after setting your tyre’s temperature as you didn’t get any of the fastest sectors by missing just a few hundredths of a second in each sector yet putting you in 6th place which you aren’t happy about.
“What place am I in?”
“Currently you’re 6th fastest, only one-tenths ahead of the 7th.”
“Okay, thanks Solie..”
Hyeju then starts her first flying lap, getting the fastest first sector and a really decent two sectors climbs herself up to 2nd fastest with a time of 1:29.436, only two-tenths behind the Mercedes.
“What a lap Hyeju.. 2nd fastest.. Nice job.”
“Thanks unnie, it's really hard there but I can handle it.”
You then asked Jinsol on what place Hyeju is on the radio while starting your second and final flying lap.
“Hyeju is 2nd fastest at the moment.. With a 1:29.4s..”
“Nice, nice, glad she improved so much..”
With the fastest first sector, everything is going out well until a Williams ruined your lap while not getting out of the way through Maggots which makes you rage in an instant.
“What the fuck is that Williams doing? I’m on a fast lap geez, what a fucking idiot, seriously!”
“Keep your cool Seok, keep your cool Seok, we still have a minute and a half left, you could do another flying lap, stay calm.”
“I’m sorry, Sol.. they’re just so fucking dumb everytime, like every damn time they done that.. It’s crazy..”
“You’re not sorry Seok, it’s normal though, it’s alright, just be calm and don’t get affected by these..”
After letting out the rage as you felt calmer through her words, you met the finish line to start another flying lap. You went down in 10th place, putting you in the “driver at risk” zone which you’re not happy about.
Crucial braking points as precision dominated your hands up to Woodcote and Becketts, acing the first two sectors as you improved in each of those by two-tenths, or almost three-tenths. As you met the last chicane and then the final corners, you crossed the line with a 1:29.118.
“Yes! Finally! Woo!”
“Nice lap Seok, 2nd fastest, 2nd fastest, both of you are safe into Q3.”
“How about Hyeju? What’s her place?”
“She’s 4th fastest..”
“That’s what I wanted to hear! Yes! Let’s go! Thanks y’all!”
Jinsol smiled. The feeling of your ego being reinvigorated with that sentence she said always plants a smile on her face but deep down she’s jealous, jealous for the fact that you’re happy with someone else. She respected every inch you made and respected your relationship with Hyeju but deep down, she’s hurt. She wanted you but it’s way too late, not expecting any in return as your heart belongs to Hyeju, only her.
“Nice work everybody! Fighting!”
One by one, ten cars left the pit lane as the third and last qualifying session started.
It is still raining yet it’s not getting worse as you’re fine with it, but you wish this rain would end sooner to reduce the struggle in the track.
“Are there cars behind Sol?”
“Multiple, stay right, stay right..”
“Okay, thanks..”
You then started your first flying lap. Decent first sector and the fastest two sectors puts you in provisional pole with a staggering 1:28.581. Your engineers and the crowds were in shock and awe as they saw your lap time as the Mercedes went in second place after his first flying laps, half a second behind your lap time making you the only man to ever achieve a 1:28s in their time in this rainy afternoon in Silverstone.
“Oh my god Seok, what a lap! Provisional pole!”
“Let’s go! Holy shit, it was hard there..”
“Glad you can handle it Seok, fighting!”
All of your opponents tried to dethrone you but they couldn’t as the closest one was only two-tenths ahead of you until a worthy opponent challenged you, Hyeju.
Hyeju managed to get the fastest two sectors as she rounded the last chicane and the last corner as she met the finish line, dethroning you by only six-hundredths of a second. The crowd erupted in cheers as the commentators went in awe and shocked at their seats.
“This duo made it again! First in Australia and then now, here in Silverstone! Just to let you know, McLaren is happy about that but I don’t think the drivers are as their rivalry is still ongoing, the top two in the championship leaderboards..”
“Nice lap Hyeju, nice lap, fastest man on the track, still 5 minutes on the clock..”
“Let’s gooooo… Thank you!”
“How’s Hyeju, Jinsol?”
“She’s currently in 1st place, provisional pole..”
“Eh? Really? Wow, good for her.. By the way, what place am I in?”
“So you’re currently sitting in 2nd place, just a few hundredths behind Hyeju..”
“Oh okay, thanks..”
You then started your final flying lap with only a minute left in the clock. Crucial and precise braking points and using up all your energy from your battery store from those cooling laps. Acing the first two sectors is what you need but the struggle is also keeping up with the pace of your car is never a good sign. The rain is getting worse and you need to see the chequered flag as humane as possible as the stress you feel rises.
*engine roaring, controller clicks*
You are now in Vale as you meet the final chicane with the fastest first sector, hoping to get pole as it is the thing that only matters now. You met the chequered flag, as you didn’t improve, only four-hundredths slower than your fastest lap.
You are not happy as you didn’t get pole, but a front row lockout is better for the team so reinvigorated yourself to think of that way as Hyeju also didn’t improve by a few hundredths too. Just a front row lock out is what you’re hoping for as multiple threats are still in there, all in their flying laps as they cross the finish line one by one.
“As the Mercedes crosses the line, and dethrones that McLaren as it is not front row lock out for them as the Mercedes join the party here in Silverstone. That is not what McLaren wanted but the delight that Mercedes took to them.”
“Ahhh, I’m sorry I didn't improve, the track is just getting worse, I’m so sorry..”
“So Scenario 12, Scenario 12, keep your head down Seok, it’s alright, you’re in P3 so that’s good for the team and Hyeju is on pole..”
Once she said that Hyeju’s on pole, you erupted as you felt happy for her. You felt joy as you felt proud right after for her 3rd pole position this season, reminiscing how far she had improved from her rookie races last year.
All of your cars went into the pit lane as you went into Hyeju’s place, hugging her as you congratulated her right after. A smile of passion and satisfaction planted in both of your faces, hers in a much brighter one as you caressed her hair and said how proud you are of her achievements. She gets flustered quickly as she is really weak at compliments and thanked you for that appreciation. She never got used to compliments before she met you. Sure, she did have some but not as sincere as you are, so her ears redden quickly as she is always grateful of you being right by her side, as well as her unnies who took care of her from her career being a professional Esports driver.
As you two deepen your affection, both of you didn’t notice the race is going to start as Jinsol interrupted the both of you, reminding you that the race will start sooner, maybe a minute from now. The both of you got prepared and went to your respective stations as the 2022 British Grand Prix will start in a few minutes.
2022 British Grand Prix
“Welcome everybody to the 10th race of the season as we roam here in the United Kingdom, Silverstone it is!”
After a formation lap and heat in your tyres, your heart ignites as butterflies erupted in your stomach as the red lights went out, one by one, and away you go.
Good start for everybody on the grid as Hyeju got the best starts amongst all of you, gaining a few tenths up at the first corners as well as you yet you’re side-by-side with the Mercedes through the first straight up to Woodcote, tensing up the battle as he went down the inside, gaining from your slipstream as he maintains his second place at the moment and you are proceeded to back off to avoid any cautions.
“Argghhh, the pace of my car and the car in front, Jinsol? Updates?”
“Same pace with the Mercedes Seok, you can keep up within the long run, he started on softs and you’re on mediums, he’ll be faster but you’ll last longer and pit later..”
“Thanks Solie..”
After a few turns, you now met the final chicane as the Red Bull is behind you with only four-tenths of a gap yet you managed to get some pace as you catch up against the Mercedes, him maintaining a four-tenths lead is now closing in as an unexpected event happened.
“As the McLaren is gaining- and ooh! That is a big crash at the last chicane! That is a Ferrari rear-ending an Alpine.. The Ferrari locked up as smoke came out of the car as he tried to overtake him but it was too late as they were both out of the race.”
*Hyeju’s Radio*
“Safety car, safety car, a lot of debris on the track..”
“What happened unnie?”
“Uhh… a Ferrari and an Alpine crashed into each other, the Ferrari locked up while trying to overtake the Alpine”
“Oh.. that is so unfortunate..”
*Chunseok’s Radio*
“What happened? I saw some smoke and gravel at my rear..”
“A Ferrari and an Alpine had crashed into each other, the Ferrari locked up according to the data..a full safety car will start when you meet the line..”
“Uhh. seriously? Come on.. I was gaining so well.. So unfortunate..”
You didn’t really give a damn with those crashes as you let out a sigh of relief as the threats came down yet still painted an unsatisfied face as the opportunity got off in your hands as it is a full safety car in full two laps.
“Did anyone pit Sol?” you asked her while upping the temperature of your tyres under the safety car.
“Three pitted for softs from mediums and the rest stayed out..”
“Okay, thanks.. Anyways, how about Hyeju?.”
“*sniffs* Uhh.. Hyeju stayed out.. *sniffs*”
“Thanks.. Anyways, are you good?”
“Yes.. it’s nothing.. *sniffs*”
“That’s weird, she suddenly got a clogged nose out of nowhere, anyways, just focus on the race Chunseok..”
After a full safety car in two laps, all of you restarted the race in Lap 3 as you got away well as you go wheel-to wheel to the Mercedes again, feeling deja vu throughout the battle as you managed to get some pace from your battery store as you tried to overtake him at the inside in Woodcote as you managed to do that, getting yourself a car length and a half ahead of him as he uses your slipstream and stored-up ERS to catch you, going down the inside as he took the second place from you again. The battle is still not over as you got DRS in the Hangar Straight but crucially, so he is as you battled through the straight as you dragged race up to Stowe, him going to the inside as he gained over you but somehow, with your stored-up ERS you gained on him as you go to the inside of the last chicane, completely overtaking him and managing to be in second place.
“What a magnificent battle between these two! How many more battles can we witness in these races? I’m sure there will be a lot more as this spiced things up here in Lap 3…”
*Chunseok’s Radio*
“Nice work Seok, *sniffs* what a battle! You’re *sniffs* so good..”
“Thanks Sol, really hard there, he’s really good too..”
*Hyeju’s Radio*
“What place is Oppa now?”
“He’s in 2nd now, only 2.6 secs behind you, he overtook the Mercedes at the last chicane..”
“Wow, good for Oppa..”
Lap 12. Not much battles has happened at the few laps as the race leader, Hyeju pitted for mediums as she started from softs. Even though maintaining a 21 second gap between you and her, you still managed to catch up to her as she exited the pit lane, losing a place at the moment as you took the lead from her as the Mercedes you battled with earlier pitted for mediums while you stayed out and planned to pit later.
*Chunseok’s Radio*
“Tyre state Seok?”
“Still good Sol, going great.. By the way, what place am I in?”
“So, currently *sniffs* you’re in 1st place.. Hyeju behind you by *sniffs* 7.1 seconds..”
“Oh, thanks Sol..”
*Hyeju’s Radio*
“Who’s the car behind me unnie?”
“It’s a Mercedes, newly boxed hard tyres, 8.1 seconds gap..”
“Why is he on hards?”
“I don’t know Hye, maybe taking a gamble.. Just focus on the race and I’ll update everything to you..”
“Uhm okay unnie thanks.. By the way, is Oppa the car in front of me?”
“He is the car in front, only 7.1 seconds of a gap with 12-lap old mediums..”
“Thanks unnie..”
Lap 16. An intriguing battle between the two Red Bulls stole the crowd’s attention as their battle intensified like what happened a while ago between you and the Mercedes.
“As the Red Bull of Park Jin-Hyuk is dominating against his teammate by overtaking down the inside line at Copse, what a brilliant move that was!”
The threat came closer but you didn’t mind considering your gap to that Red Bull was almost a minute, letting you out a sigh of relief but complacent thought didn’t wander in your mind as you focused on the race, claiming this as a big opportunity to win here at Silverstone for the first time.
“Let’s bring this home..”
Lap 25. You then reminded Jinsol that you’re going to box this lap as you felt your tyres degrading in terms of age.
“So, box box, box box, what tyres would you prefer, Seok? *sniffs*”
“Hards please, for the end of the race Sol..”
A sub-3 second stop wasn’t bad as you still managed to maintain the lead against Hyeju by 2 seconds as you got out of the pit lane. As the gap closes, you manage to get away from Hyeju thanks to your stored ERS from your battery store and with a little bit of DRS from the second straight. As you got out in Maggots and Becketts, a Haas is not getting out of the way, signaling the first blue flags on the race.
“Can someone please tell this Haas to get out of the way? There’s so much dirty air that’s been fucking with me right now..”
“Okay *sniffs* Seok, copy..”
As the Haas got out of the way, Hyeju still managed to catch up to you, closing the gap as she found more grip and pace than you do but it was all a part of your plan. As Hyeju’s battery store went up to only 12%, yours is stored up to 79%, thankfully refilling it with your big lead earlier before you pitted, surprising her on how you gained so quickly yet still competes with you.
Lap 30. You’re still leading the race as the gap with Hyeju is now up to 3.2 seconds as she can be seen at the background in every camera angle on the race. While the two of you are fighting and closing your respective gaps, the Mercedes behind managed to get some pace as their engineer allowed them to use the energy stored, managing to keep up between the both of you by three-tenths every lap, now only 1.8 seconds behind Hyeju.
“What Hye?”
“What is the gap and the pace of the car behind me?”
“So the Mercedes’ pace is better than us, 27.1 at the first sector and 27.4 in us, he’s gaining by approximately three-tenths every lap and the gap as of now is 1.7 seconds.”
“Ah sh- shit, I don’t feel so good here unnie..”
“Just keep your head down Hye, just focus..”
As the Mercedes is closing the gap over time, you then locked up at the last chicane but gladly you handled it well for not making the mistake worsen as you cursed in dissatisfaction.
“Ahh! Fuck! I locked up! My bad, I'm sorry guys..”
“Stay calm and focus Oppa..”
“Yep, sorry.. Anyways, what’s the gap between the car behind?”
“The gap is now 1.7 seconds, don’t sweat it, just focus Seok..”
“Ah shiiiii- shit Sol, I braked too much, fuuuck..”
Lap 31. The gap closes as you are now forced to defend your position, you wanted this win as well as the other 17 drivers on the grid. You don’t want this opportunity to slip out of your hands so you defend against Hyeju with all your might. You’ve ignited and woken up your competitive spirit as the Mercedes joins the fight with the both of you.
Through Village up to the Wellington Straight, Hyeju gained against you as you went wheel-to-wheel at the end of the straight. Through the inside at Woodcote, you managed to defend against her as the Mercedes was planning to attack at the right time. After Woodcote, Hyeju manages to get a slipstream from you as she leads, getting herself a car length ahead as you went down the inside line at Copse, therefore retaking the lead from her. She then gained from you through Maggots and Becketts as the battle was now intensifying through the Hangar Straight as you still managed to defend from her until Stowe, taking the right side and then taking down the inside as you managed to defend, being a car length ahead. All were working well until an event happened that made you boil.
While taking a slipstream and gaining, she wanted to overtake but you block any of her attempts and opportunities until she braked too hard and too late, causing her to lock up while still on your slipstream as she rear-ended you, 240 km/h crash as your car got lifted up as momentum made it worse, you two sliding off the gravel, sandwiching both cars as it’s a double DNF for McLaren.
Yes, a double DNF for McLaren could have been the worst thing that could happen as the crowd was in shock, so are the commentators who didn’t like what happened.
“That is a big, big incident at the last chicane as the McLaren of Son Hye-ju locks up, rear-ending his teammate and sandwiching both cars as the two championship protagonists had taken out each other, out of the British Grand Prix. This was not a good day for McLaren as the session had been stopped, declaring a red flag in the race.”
You were furious, anger drawn through your veins as you thought this would be a lovely afternoon but rather the complete opposite. No words could describe what you felt as you turned off the radio and smashed the headphones in anger. You’re breathing heavily from all of the adrenaline that had been put out into waste. Hyeju, on the other hand, was speechless, unable to make up words as she let out an elicit gasp as she felt sorry for rear-ending you but she has nowhere to go.
You then barged into Hyeju’s room that made her startle upon her seat, seeing your serious yet enraged face makes her anxious about what's going to come.
“Hyeju! What was that? What the fuck did you do?”
“I-I-, O-oppa, I’m s-sorry a-about t-tha-”
“And you think a single “sorry” can fix that thing? You’re funny Hye, I didn't know you were such a clown at the making.”
She is just silent, unable to speak as she is on the verge of crying. She didn’t want this to happen and so are you. You were driven by your emotions as you continued to talk with her with a furious tone, not giving any damn of what she could respond to you as the arguments went into minutes.
“Why the fuck would you do that Hye? I left you so much fucking space then you’ll rear end me like this? This wasn’t any p-part of the p-plan or some shit. You’re such a dirty driver..”
“You didn’t leave any space.”
“..and you’re delusional..” she murmured up against you, almost inaudible to hear as you stopped from your tracks, facing her once again with a furious ignition in your eyes.
“What did you just say?”
She stood up, gaining courage as she faced you, repeating what she had said.
“I-I s-said you’re delusional Oppa..”
“I’m delusional? Hye?”
“Yes.. Do I need to repeat that for you? Or spell it for you? Do I need to teach-”
“I’m not fucking dumb Hye, I know what you just said.. S-so I’m fucking delusional? Ha.. *sighs heavily* You better watch your words Hye, you better-”
“Better what? Better watch my words? Better learn something new? I know what I’m saying Oppa.. I’m not that dumb to be taught by a preschool teacher to watch my words.. You really are.. You’re not getting used to being real-talked aren’t you? Are you pissed? Ha..”
“You’re testing me Hye huh, you’re fucking testing me.. fine.. I never thought you'd be like this.. I never thought about this side, I’m so blind Hye, I shouldn’t have loved you.. so I’m delusional? Huh? Fine, well you’re selfish and dirty..”
“And so are you..”
Once you heard those words, you reached your boiling point as you faced her again, crumbling your fists in anger and pain.
“So am I? Huh? Fine.. you know what Hye? I’ll leave, I’ll leave for the best of this team.. If I’m fucking delusional, dirty and a selfish driver then I. SHOULDN’T. BE. HERE!! Tell your unnies that i’m fucking done, you’ll never be going to see me again, so say your last words now and if none, then, we’re over.”
She was stunned to speak as tears flowed from both of your eyes. The feeling you felt was new as it was bitter, painful, furious and miserable. You didn’t want to hurt her but you let all of the pain to her and you felt bad for her but you can’t control what you’re feeling. The feeling of guilt and pain you kept over the years all erupted to her. You got out of the room as a hand held your wrists to stop you from doing that.
“Oppa.. please, don’t go.. Please.. I-I’m b-begging y-you..”
Streams of tears start flowing at your face as you hear Hyunjin’s plead. You tried to dismount her hand onto your wrist as she held tighter as the sight of her crying was in your sight, hurting your heart more.
“Let go Hyunjin, let go.. *grunts*”
“Oppa p-please, *grunts* not l-like t-this.. W-we, we c-can fix t-this..”
She held tighter as he used both of her hands to hold your wrist. Using force on them was never a choice, you don’t want it but you wanted to get out of here, you need to use it. With no choice, you tried to dismount her and start to hurt her fingers as she still managed to get some grip as you tried to match her power which was as strong as a cat on steroids. After some time, you managed to dismount her as you rushed downstairs to pick up the things in the living room as she collapsed as Jinsol helped her stand up.
“Please h-help m-me, Oppa’s l-leaving..”
She stopped Hyunjin from that action as she said, “Let Oppa heal Jin, please..”
“No unnie, t-today’s not the t-time..”
Hyunjin stood up as her only goal was to get to you but Jinsol suddenly stopped her again by holding her wrist.
“S-stop Jin, please..”
“Let g-go of me unnie! You k-know what? If you’re not g-going t-to help, I’ll do i-it alone then.. I don’t n-need y-your help anyway..”
“Hyunjin wait-”
With that, Jinsol collapsed as tears flowed onto her cheeks involuntarily. She then stood up and looked at Hyeju. She was hugging her legs with her head down as she heard her whimper in pain and regret, regret about the things she said earlier to you.
“W-why would I-I s-say t-that? I’m s-so s-stup-pid..”
“Yah, H-Hyeju..”
She ignored her and continuously cried as her arms got wetter from her tears.
“Yah, H-Hyeju..”
Jinsol got startled as she was stunned by Hyeju’s response. She didn’t want this to happen, no one does. Tears started to flow from her eyes as she slowly stood up and backed out at her room as she heard Hyeju’s wails got louder, making her heart hurt.
“Oppa, w-we can t-talk about t-this, it wasn’t i-intentional..”
“Wasn’t intentional? She s-said that I’m delusional, selfish and a dirty driver.. And t-those weren’t i-intentional? Y-you’re funny..”
“Please Oppa d-don’t go… please..”
“I’m sorry Jin, but I need to.. You don’t need me now, you don’t deserve me.. I’m leaving now for good..” you said nonchalantly with a serious face.
“Don’t go O-oppa p-please..”
“I’m s-sorry Jin..”
You then left the apartment in despair and pain. Thoughts lingered on your mind as regret sets in, crying on your way home as it rained on you on a sunny, bright afternoon.
“Hyunjin, w-where’s Oppa?”
Hyunjin ignored Jinsol’s question as she realized that you left. Maybe Hyunjin was right about that. With Hyunjin’s whimpers, Jinsol’s heart got hurt more as she saw her friends crying. She thinked of a plan as she got her things ready, preparing for something that Hyunjin got confused about.
“Unnie, where are you going?”
“Unnie, please..”
Jinsol held Hyunjin’s hand as she didn’t answer her question but rather made a promise to her.
“W-what unnie?”
“Promise me something, don’t break it..”
“O-Okay, wha- what i-is it?”
“Promise me to protect Hyeju, promise me to always be by her side always.. Okay? Promise me that and I’ll come back, okay?”
Jinsol hugged Hyunjin as Hyunjin deepened the hug, still crying from her shoulder as Jinsol smiled right after.
“I p-promise unnie, I p-promise *sniffs*”
Jinsol then helped Hyunjin to stand up as she left the apartment until Hyunjin interrupted her.
“What Jin?”
“Take care!”
Hyunjin knew what she would do as she watched her in the distance, walking hurriedly as she murmured something to herself.
“I hope she succeeds, good luck Unnie..”
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sailorhyunjinz · 4 years
HI BESTIE IMY HEBSBRBS AHH I’ve been so busy ... also recently got super sick and I’ve not been well at all ,, it’s just the flu / a stomach bug tho ! :,) hru ???
Your latest reaction was so good ,, thoughts r being thunk ?? Thinking about skz reaction to you rubbing / jerking their dicks just whenever you’re bored .. and you don’t even really notice that they’re getting off ahah IDK IT JUST SEEMS TO HOT ??
Once they cum or wtv you’re like ;) hsshbrbs
I have a dick but honestly it’s never bothered me reading ur shit directed towards a female reader ? For some reason I really like it bye 😭🤚
BABYBOOOY WHY HAVE YOU BEEN SICK?!?! :((( Hope you’re feeling better now, i should give u some of my healing medicin aka my kisses :(( <33 
Also that last bit AAh thank u T-T i try to be more inclusive but like AAAGH im always so scared that i’ll mess something up from my lack of ~ knowledge ~ BUT I REALLY TRY MY BEST >< so thank uuu for having patience for my dumb ass
warnings: skz x gn!reader. handjobs, blowjobs, cum, orgasm (m), cum eating, slight overstimulation
“w-what the fuck” 
yeah thats his only reaction when you suddenly stick your hand down his pants, wrapping your hand around his dick and slowly stroking it while big spooning him
you werent trying to get him off... more like... you wanted something to play with while watching the movie
boy would be ~ flustered ~ 
he’d find it interesting
why would you jerk him off if you didn’t want him to cum yk?
like that type of thoughs
but of course you can’t expect him to not react LMAO
you were fully immersed in the movie because it started to get interesting now and you didn’t notice how you started jerking him off faster. 
you felt something warm and wet hit your hand paired with his dick twitching
you looked at him and saw that poor boy was biting his bottom lip so hard trying to not disturb you with his moans
“did you cum?” you say, lifiting up his pants to which he yelped and put his hands over yours right at his crotch. “n-no”
be bold with this man 
pull his pants down when he’s just chilling ASHASHA oh god
he doesn’t think it fair 
eventhough he does the exact same to you
when he does it to you it more like he simply wants to feel you all over, not intending for you to get turned on
but make one moan and this mf thinks it a game
“how many times can i get y/n to moan”
it would take sum time to get him to cum
he doesnt strike me as the sensitive type and so you could jerk him for quite a while which hey more fun for you
but ooone faithful day he was more turned on than usual leading to him cumming quicker than he usually does during one of those times where you played with his dick
stroking it, running your thumb across the tip, licking it .. you name it...
you smirk when he accidentally cums on your lips and you lick it off and he just starts complaining (yk when jisung bit his fingernail in that two kids room episode, yeah that tone)
“y-you can’t just do that!!” you start chuckling “what? mad that you came like a bitch?” 
nex thing you know you’re pinned against a wall OOP sorry
he lives for this BUT only if you give him attention
which you dont because you’re simply bored and dont want to get him off, more like... liking the feeling of having him in your hand lmao
“can you at least look at me?” you shake your head, holding his semi-erect dick in your hand “shh,,, im watching something!” 
that would be the everyday conversation ahsahsha
he’d be relativly quiet as well so you wouldnt notice until he actually cums and you’re like “...wtf why is my hand sticky”
but he came anyways so..
you try to escape the situation but he’s not having it
“nah you’re not escaping now, finish what you started baby”
another boy thats lives for this 
why? because a) its a handjob b) he likes the thrill of not knowing when you’re bored c) because you forget what you’re doing and he likes seeing you surprised when he cums ASHAHS god bury me 
would purposefully make you bored 
“the wifi is down y/n,, guess we having nothing to do...w-wanna give me a handjob”
you shrug, “alright” 
you’re completely lost in though, wondering when the wifi will return or what you guys should eat for dinner
suddenly he cums,,, a lot,,,
you laugh at him and he’s kind of blushing with his hair covering parts of his face. 
“i-i’m pretty sure the wifi will be down for a while” ;))
he would already just be naked infront of you at random times
like,,, whats the point in putting on clothes after the shower if he knows that you are going to sneak up on him and jerk him off yk?
but what this boy didn’t know was how you didn’t notice most of the time
your hand just having a mind of it’s own...
but you’d notice pretty quick 
since this boy LOUD YALL 
whiny mf 
“shush!” you say, scrolling on your phone with one hand and jerking him off with the other.
you didnt intend on making him cum,,, just giving him a massage ASKKASJSKSA
he’d act all like “ppfft... you can’t make me cum from just that-”
and then shuts up because “h-hey... this feels too g-good”
not thinking he’d cum this quick you started talking to him but were quickly cut off from him letting out a long moan
“f-fuck,, y/n..h-haa,,,”
after he cums you’re like “heading to bed”
but he pulls you back, grabbing your wrist and looking at you with big doe eyes
“c-could we keep going?” 
boy would be walking around, holding his crotch because he never knows when you attack
because he belong to the more... sensitive bunch of boys... HE DOESNT LIKE IT TOO MUCH
mostly because he’d cum too fast and it would leave him embarrassed (awh poor boy:(( ) 
thats legit the only reason LMAO
noo poor boy wants to appear all tough for you even though you’ve told him over 100 times that he doesn’t have to be, you love him for who he is yk? <33
BUT NOPE stubborn baby sets bets with you
“ok this time i won’t cum that quickly... last time was a practice round”
4 minutes later... YEAH YOU GUESSED IT
and you didnt even notice?!?!
you just thought that those sounds were him in like pain ASHShHAS
because you were to preoccupied thinking watching tv
needless to say,,, he was pouty,, for a while
until you attacked again LMAO
ok gimmie a second,,,, i need to think 
alright... he likes it BUT he’s shy
you need to give the puppy some time to warm up 
do it too fast and he gets scared AHSHASH
so ok lets say that the both of you are doing,, nothing
and you just slowly feel him up and it eventually leads to you jerking him off
you’re not even aware of how good he’s feeling with your hand around his cock
“y-y/n can you stop?” 
“stop what- oh”
looking down you notice that he already came, his cum coating the tip and your hand with white thick ropes
goddamn... seungmin is always so difficult to write for ONLY ME?!?!?
seungmin stans are already knocking on my door SORRY IM TRYING
“w-what are you doing y/n~?” he says while your hand travels down the side of his body while the two of you were chilling in bed. “im bored” you huff out, looking him in those big brown eyes. “we can play videogames!” he says trying to make you get your hand out of his pants but you shake your head. “i wanna play with you instead” 
boy would melt
painfully shy (and hard)
because you it all happened so fast??
the two of you were chilling, everything quiet and peaceful and before he knows it you’re jerking him off vigorously
he covers his face with his hands, occasionally sneaking a glance of your pretty face from inbetween his fingers as you give him a handjob
you’d be too focused watching his face as almost falling asleep not noticing the boy squirming around 
until you hear
thats his cumming sounds btw HAHSHAH IF I WASNT CLEAR ENOUGH
jesus i cant write reactions for shit BUT THEY SEEM TO BE REALLY APPRECIATED SO YEAH!
I have 2 more of these coming up oh and also remember that this is legit word vomit SO ITS NOT PROOF READ AND UHM... i’ll try to do the two other ones this week heheh ^^
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sageinacage · 3 years
y'know how jumpy tommy was in the amusement park vlog,, what if after the vlog they're hanging out at wilbur's place and wilbur keeps trying to scare him, eventually finding out tommy's ticklish :0
Scaredy Cat summary: wilbur was messing with tommy all day and trying to scare him, until he figured out something interesting a/n: i'm really sorry for not writing in a while D: expect more fics coming soon! like half of my inbox got cleared so feel free to send in requests :D also im working on adding titles to all my fics LOL warnings: swearing, jokes about unsafe roller coasters w/c: 1.2k IRL, Platonic
All day, Wilbur has just been a nuisance. Starting on the way to the amusement park, Wilbur was explaining to Tommy the dangers of roller coasters. Well- trying to; over Phil’s scolding, it was hard to continue to inform Tommy without bursting into laughter.
Though, because of his fear of roller coasters and Wilbur’s “information,” Tommy was on edge all day- jumping and getting startled at the smallest things; and Wilbur was not helping at all. “Are you okay, Tom? You’re really jumpy, dude.” Phil gave him a sympathetic smile, trying not to laugh when the boy angrily groaned. “I’m not jumpy!” He grumbled out, looking forward.
Wilbur heard this and let out a chuckle, before lunging at Tommy and faking it out. The poor blonde jumped then immediately crossed his arms. “Stoppit!” He whined, furrowing his eyebrows at both Wilbur and Phil’s chortles.
“Mate, you are definitely jumpy. Calm down, it's going to be okay!”
“It would be okay if the failure rate for roller co-”
Tommy groaned again, shoving Wilbur. “Shut up, bitch!” He exclaimed, Wilbur playfully laughing at him and Phil letting out a few chuckles with a shake of his head. “You two, I swear.” Phil wheezed, rolling his eyes.
“It’s not my fault that I’m angry, Wilbur is being a dic- AH- Will!” Tommy shrieked and bent down trying to catch himself after the taller one decided it would be funny to lunge at Tommy again. Wilbur wheezed, patting his back. “It’s okay Toms, you’ll be a lot more scared on ‘The Smiler’ later, bud!” He sniggered, earning another eye roll from Phil.
“Stop saying that, you dickhead!” Tommy muttered, Wilbur giggling to himself. All day at the amusement park was the same, Wilbur trying to push Tommy’s buttons and Phil scolding him about it while also trying to hold back his own chuckles.
Eventually, the day was ending, and after they all rode the final coaster named ‘The Smiler,’ they decided to walk towards the exit of the park. “Will, I hope you know that I hate you. Very much, in fact.” Tommy straightened his back, glaring to the side at him. “No, you doooon’t!” Wilbur sang, squishing his little brother into a side hug which earned a dramatic grumble from him.
“I swear I cannot take you guys anywhere.” Phil joked, smiling at them. “Yeah Tommy, we can’t take you anywh-”
“Yeah Will- STOP!” Tommy didn’t have time to sass him before being jumpscared, pouting as he climbed into the car to be temporarily safe from Wilbur jumping at him.
The car ride home was surprisingly quiet. It was a comfortable silence, though; as they were all a bit tired from spending all day at Alton Towers. As they got closer to Wilbur’s place, that’s when the chaos started up again.
“Hey Tommy, did you know that cars are even more dangerous than roller coasters?” He smirked as he kept his eyes on the road, laughing as he heard Tommy’s loud whine, leaning back in his seat with crossed arms. “You’re dead to me.” He muttered under his breath, Phil picking up on what he said with a chortle.
When they got back to Wilbur’s place, Tommy was the first to run in and lay on the couch, finally not in a vehicle of some sort. The other two came in after him, snickering at the sight of Tommy sprawled out on the couch.
Wilbur grinned, tip-toeing up to the couch and reaching over to squeeze his side. Instead of the surprised shriek he expected, he was met with unexpected cackles. “What? Is being scared all of a sudden funny?” He asked with an amused look, putting his hands on his hips. “It’s not fuhunny!” Tommy complained, rubbing his side to get rid of the sudden after-tingles.
“Then why are you laughing- ohhh…I see...” Wilbur smiled at his realization. His little brother was a little ticklish, supposedly. “I don’t like that tone, Will. I don’t like it at ahAHAHALL- Nohoho!” Tommy burst into loud laughter at the hands that were attached to his lower ribs, squeezing gently. “Ah, so you are ticklish! I was wondering for a while!” Wilbur exclaimed innocently, smiling fondly at the boy.
“Sh- shuhut up! Phihil hehelp meheheheeee!” Tommy whined through his giggle fit, throwing his head back as his ‘attacker’s hands moved to his waist right above his hips. “I’m good, mate. I’m gonna go order pizza, does that sound good?” Phil asked, looking at the menu on his phone.
“Yeah! Tommy and I will share a pepperoni pizza!” Wilbur talked to Phil like he wasn’t tickling Tommy at the time, making it even worse for the blond. “Wilbuhuhur!” He complained again, weakly pushing at his hands but they didn’t budge. “Oh, sorry! Don’t worry, my full attention is on you now!” Wilbur smirked, fluttering his nails over the sides of his stomach, Tommy’s t-shirt not providing much protection.
“SHIHIHIT! YOHohou bihiHITCH!” He squealed, jerking away from the fingers which found his hips. “Hey hey hey! I wouldn’t be so mean, Toms, I think I just found a good spot!” The taller devilishly sniggered, lightly drilling his thumbs into the bundle of nerves on his hip bones. Tommy screeched, accidentally arching up more into the tickles and hitting at his hands. “WHIHIHHIY?!” Loud belly laughter poured out of him, making both Wilbur and Phil smile at the genuine laughter.
“Because I like your laugh, Tommy! Also- you kinda deserve it after calling me a bitch all day…” He tried to sound upset from it, but couldn’t hold back his chuckles from Tommy’s embarrassed high-pitched giggles. “N- NOHOHOHO!” Tommy wheezed, shaking his head as his laughter turned hiccupy at Wilbur’s fingers skittering up his ribs, scribbling in between the grooves of his upper ribs; which earned screamy laughter from the boy.
“Uh ohhhh~, bad spot, Tommy?” Wilbur teased, his fast fingers turning into just gliding his nails around his ribs which surprisingly raised Tommy’s laughter. Wilbur teasingly chuckled, tracing random shapes into his ribs before unexpectedly shooting them up to scribble into Tommy’s underarms, the hands that were previously covering his face shooting down.
Wilbur managed to pull out his hands from Tommy’s iron grip, smiling at him before scribbling them over his stomach once again.
“N’awww, there’s that smile! Tickle tickle tickle, Tommy!” That absolute bitch. Tommy could not stand any baby talk, as his pink face began to turn into a bright red. Wilbur, clearly amused by this, continued to use the same technique. “What’s wrong? Does somebody have a little ticklish tummy? Hmmm?” He cooed in that horrible baby voice, grinning at him.
“Alright you two, quit it! I need to call to order the pizza!” Phil yelled from the kitchen, Wilbur sighing but slowing his fingers. “Thahank g- gohohod!” Tommy continued to giggle just from the adrenaline of being wrecked, curling up into a ball once Wilbur got off of him.
“Don’t worry Tommy, I’ll make sure to continue after dinner!” He laughed, patting Tommy’s head and going to walk to the kitchen. Tommy smiled to himself at that, immediately covering his face after. Wilbur was evil, but was he ever going to complain about that? Probably not.
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saintobio · 3 years
hi ai! thank you sm for updating us with another amazing chapter 🤍
i can’t believe we started out asap with y/n’s health condition 🥲 idk how to tie these all together, but i just know there will be a connection between y/n inheriting her mother’s illness, her mother dying from it, the trauma from her mother passing away, and satoru inevitably finding out about this trauma. and i’m excited to see how this will change him, considering his own mother also “left” albeit not bc of death
i find it sooo funny how he expressed concern that the events in bora bora would cause a domino effect like sir? this domino effect already began on the very first day of your marriage lmao
“he would never in his life be like the twisted man who ruined his childhood and drove his wife away from his son” — read that again satoru. slowly. slooowly. i know we’re just at the very start of satoru’s redemption arc but i hope he catches up soon lol. the cognitive dissonance is too much
let’s talk abt sera! look, i’m sorry she had to be born into a family like that. but her self-pitying, self-destructive if-i-fall-i’m-taking-everyone-down-with-me attitude has got to go. i really think this will come to back to bite satoru in the ass later on in the story. she will do something reckless and he will have to take the blame for it. not necessarily a pregnancy. but i liken it a bit to sera being a hostage taker and satoru urging everyone else to run away while he holds her down, potentially risking his life and maybe even dying with her. something like that. the ship they’re steering is abt to sink and considering the part he had to play in its sailing, it’s only proper he also partakes in its fall; he will be forced to accept the repercussions. i’m also on the fence abt the pregnancy. i don’t know if she’s gonna end up pregnant, or maybe she will pretend to be pregnant. after all, we saw her imagining her pregnancy in front of the mirror. that could be a hint as to where things are headed. one other thing i like abt this chapter is how we see just how dismissive she is towards satoru’s emotions and past history. many times in the story she refers to him as “different,” “unappealing,” and “not being himself,” wc is a stark contrast to how y/n accepts satoru for both his good and bad sides. sera has this idea of who satoru “should be,” and now that he’s not looking like that anymore, she’s beginning to show her true colours. and when sera told him to “move on” ?????? BITCH 🔪🔪🔪 the audacity “there were more problems to face in life” she’s really acting her problems are the only valid problems in existence. who’s being an attention seeker now huh??
toji! i love how his presence in the story immediately calms both y/n and us readers lmfaooo. i know they’re not meant to end up together romantically, but i love how their friendship is so calming, for y/n especially. and when he called her mrs zenin?? BYE my brain short-circuited. literally just being around him will improve her health, no joke. also! i’m so excited to see the zenin kids 👀 lowkey hoping satoru sees them all together, happy like a family 🥴 this reminds me of one of the songs in the playlist but i couldn’t remember the title nor the lyrics ahajsjsk. another thing, i love how you portray the zenins in sn as a happy family, even if in canon they’re anything but 😩 tho since we have asshole satoru, wc is a contrast to canon satoru, i’m not complaining!
one last detail i loved: how satoru didn’t even bother wearing a necktie when we all know y/n is the one who ties it for him in the morning. it’s always the little things 😩
part nine really greeted u all with a hospital scene hhhhh but most ppl called it anyway. yn has been showing signs of a heart condition since the earlier chapters. and omg ur rant abt sera ahah mood
the zen’ins in sn are sooo ooc but like toji did say in part 5 that they do have problems within the family, tho that has more to do w their elders than the kiddos. aside from the company and the pressure of being an heir, there’s not much drama w the zen’ins. maybe that’s why naoya is always up in somebody’s business 💀 he knows everything
the necktie ahahah yea he just goes to the mirror and forgot how to do a tie properly bc he’s so used to yn doing it neatly for him. he misses her the most in the mornings when she was gone <//3
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ticklishfiend · 3 years
Yay!! I love your fics and I’m excited to give you a prompt! Maybe Sero gets stuck in his own tape so Kirishima and Kaminari take advantage of finding out he’s ticklish when they try to get him free? Loved your last few fics by the way! I love all your fics but the last few were extra cute. 😊💖💖
aaahh tysm!! i absolutely adore your blog and all of the fics you post! tysm for this prompt, it was adorable, i love these boys sm lol
Sticky Situation (My Hero Academia)
Lee!Sero / Ler!Kirishima,Ler!Kaminari
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Summary : Sero wants some help seeing if he can get out of his own tape. When he realizes he can’t, Kirishima and Kaminari just can’t help but take advantage of his little predicament.
Word Count :  1373
. . .
“And you’re positive this is safe?” Kirishima asked as he used the last bit of tape Sero extended to them to stick said black-haired boy to the wall. Both of Sero’s arms were stretched out beyond his sides, taped up to the wall spread-eagle style, Denki taking final precautionary measures by flattening the tape against his legs.
“Totally, man, I’ve done this to people tons of times!” Sero answered reassuringly, tugging at his arms to make sure he couldn’t escape. “I just need to make sure that if my tape is ever used against me, I can figure a way out of it myself. Wouldn’t be super heroic for a villain to trap me using my own quirk.”
“Makes sense,” Denki nodded, stepping back to admire his and Kiri’s handiwork. “So, uh...how do you plan on getting out exactly?” 
Sero grinned widely. “Like...this!” Sero tugged harshly against his tape, pulling at his legs and arms for freedom.
He didn’t even budge.
“Uh...I mean...like...THIS!” he tried again, rougher this time, his neck twisting as all his muscles pulled and writhed trying to free himself from his own bindings. The strained noises escaping his throat made Kiri raise a brow questioningly, before Denki burst into his own fit of laughter, clutching his stomach.
“Holy shit! He’s stuck!” Denki cackled, pointing towards the raven haired teen who finally slumped against the wall with an exasperated sigh.
“Quit laughing, you idiot! I can get out of this! I’ve just gotta…” Sero tried twisting his arms this time, attempting to create some friction between his skin and the sticky texture of his tape. This only resulted in a gross burning sensation on his arms, so he tried flapping his arms up and down this time. This only made him look more like an idiot than he already did.
Kiri couldn’t help but chuckle at the boy’s predicament. “Doesn’t seem like you’re gettin’ any further there, buddy,” Kiri grinned, making Denki snort beside him. “Let’s just get you down from there before you hurt yourself.”
Sero sighed, looking away from his friends embarrassingly. “Yeah, fine, whatever.”
Denki swiped a final laugh-induced tear from his own eye before walking towards Sero pinned to the wall, trying to unstick the tape from his arms. Sero hissed at this, his face wincing in discomfort, making Denki pull away fast.
“Shit, ow, wait don’t do that,” Sero said, clenching his fist a little at the pain. “Feels like your waxing my fucking arm hairs off.”
“Let’s try pulling him from the middle,” Kiri suggested, squeezing Sero’s sides in an attempt to pull. Sero’s torso jerked, the boy letting out a small yelp. Kiri pulled away instantly, thinking he had hurt the boy like Denki had.
“Oh, sorry man I didn’t mean to hurt-”
“No, no, you didn’t hurt me. Just, uh...felt kinda funny,” Sero said without looking directly at Kiri. Denki only raised a brow at this.
“Funny. Like...ticklish funny?” the blonde offered with a smirk, poking a quick finger into the boys ribs. Sero let out a high-pitched “Ah!” his torso trying to twist away from the prodding appendage.
“Ohoho, I see. Someone’s a little sensitive~” Kiri teased, wiggling his fingers in the air menacingly in front of Sero’s body. Sero’s eyes went wide, his struggles against his own bonds becoming a little more panicked.
“Guys, wait, please, don’t do this, I can’t take it-”
“Sure you can, Spidey! Maybe you’ll even squirm enough to worm your way outta this mess, huh?” Denki giggled, wiggling his index finger into Sero’s exposed underarm. Sero jerked with a yelp again, but when the sensation didn’t let up this time, small tittters started escaping his lips.
“Denki! Nohoho!” Sero pleaded, his eyes looking like a begging puppy’s.
“Denki yes!~” Denki retorted, adding all five of his fingers to wiggle into the sensitive pit. Sero giggled harder at this, his eyes squeezing shut in mirth. Kirishima decided he wanted in on some of the fun himself, lifting up Sero’s shirt just enough to scratch his nails against Sero’s wiggling lower belly. The boy sucked his stomach in as much as he could, but his overflow of now even higher-pitched giggles practically made his stomach tickle itself on Kirishima’s fingers.
“GAHAHAHA! NAHAHA! KIRISHIMAHAHA!” Sero cackled, throwing his head back against the wall, arms tugging uselessly against his bonds. Kirishima chuckled at the boy’s torment.
“Aww, whatsa’ matter Sero? We’ve barely even done anything!” Kiri teased, moving his fingers over towards the boy's sides, the boy’s torso shaking as his giggles frantically pushed out of his chest.
“I know, right? Poor guy’s so ticklish we barely have to touch him to get him to lose it,” Kaminari smiled, his right hand continuing it’s gentle but torturous assault on his armpit, while the other travelled to poke around his upper ribs. That sent a jolt through Sero’s body, his giggles turning to small yips and screeches. His nose was scrunched and his smile was so wide it practically ripped his face in half, eyes shut tight and he giggled helplessly.
“AHAH NAHAHA! NOT THAHAT!” Sero cackled as Denki turned to poking his ribs on both sides, playing them like a toddler would play a piano, sporadic pokes leaving the boy to jerk and writhe under his playful touch. “KAMIHIHI! IT TIHIHICKLES!”
“Aw, it does? What about this, does this tickle?~” Kirishima teased as he switched his gentle scratches to playful squeezes on the boy’s hips. Sero guffawed, doubling his body over as much as it could go in the bound position he was in. 
“OH GOHOHOD! PLEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAN’T!” Sero pleaded and cackled, his knees bouncing up and down in a mock attempt to kick his legs out. Kirishima noticed this, and experimentally squeezed at one of his thighs.
Sero screamed.
“AHAHAH! NOHOHO! NOT MY THIIHIGHS! PLEHEHEASE! I’LL DO ANYTHIHIHING!” Sero begged through fits of hysterical laughter, his eyes opening to stare at the redhead in plead.
“Aw, but Sero, I can’t just miss an opportunity like this!” Kirishima giggled, moving both his hands to squeeze up and down the boy’s lean but tender thighs. Sero’s laughter reached a new level of hysterical. It was loud and boisterous, his knuckles turning white from how hard he clenched them out beyond his sides. Denki pinched at his ribs with no mercy, and Sero could barely hold on.
“PLEHEHEASE! GUHUYS! I CAHAHAN’T! IT’S SO BAHAHAD! TICKLES SO BAHAHAD!” Sero laughed, pulling even harder at his bindings. His tormentors were too caught up giggling along with their ticklish victim to hear the sound of tape unsticking to the wall in front of them. Sero tugged and pulled as he wiggled subconsciously, his sensitive body just trying to get itself away from the playful torment being put upon itself. Then-
Sero fell on top of the boys unceremoniously with a yelp and a loud thud, all three of them falling to the floor in a heap of giggles.
“That was so mehehean!” Sero clutched his stomach as he rolled on the floor, still giggling from the previous assault and from the hilarious fall they had all just taken.
“Sorry man, it was too easy not to,” Denki chuckled, laughing as he stood himself up from the floor. He offered two hands to the giggling boys on the floor, pulling them up with a huff.
Once up and off the floor, the boys noticed that Sero still had tape on his arms. He whined as he realized what he was gonna have to do. 20 minutes and a lot of whines and cries of pain later, Sero finally got all the tape off his arms, even if he did have to sacrifice some arm hair in the process. 
“At least now you know how to get yourself out of your own tape! Just a couple tickles and you’re all good to go!” Kaminari smiled brightly at Sero who was rubbing at his now red and blotchy arms, the raven-haired boy not amused at his comment.
“I’ll get you both back for this, just you wait,” Sero said with a roll of his eyes. Yeah, he was definitely gonna get them for this. Too easy not to.
. . .
A /N : sorry if this was a little short! im trying not to overwork myself rn haha, hope you enjoyed it tho!! much love!! <33 
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searenbound · 3 years
I’ve been trying to find this one for a bit now, here’s a Bakugou repost from my old blog.
Warnings: swearing, emotional sex, dirty talk
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
“You Dumbass! You have some fucking nerve! Making me worry like that!”. (Yn) winced at the loud voice of her boyfriend, blinking her eyes open. “Babe you’re being to loud” she sighed rubbing the side of her head “I have a terrible headache right now”. She paused to look around her in confusion. They were in the infirmary. Why? Her eyes landed on her boyfriend, his agitated appearance barely masking the concern he felt. He sat on the edge of the bed before pulling her into his lap with an annoyed huff.
“You passed out during training today” he sighed answering her unspoken question “I thought we talked about this (Yn), you can’t push yourself so hard somethings gotta give”. She pressed her face into his shoulder, she hated when he was calm and quite like this. Bakugou didn’t do calm and quite like this. Sure, they had softer moments where he spoke this gently to her, but this was different. This was him scolding her, and it felt almost parental in a way. She almost wanted him to yell despite her pounding head.
She sighed readjusted herself so they were both a little more comfortable “You don’t have to worry so mu- Ow!” he interrupted her with a flick to the forehead “I’m your fucking boyfriend of course I’d be fucking worried about you!”. (Yn) rubbed at her forehead mumbling and resisting the urge to snap at him for flicking her still aching head “I’m fine Tsuk-”.
“You were lucky (Yn)!” he yelled at her pulling her tightly against himself. He refused to let her get a word in as he continued to unload his worries. Not that she wanted to interrupt him, he clearly needed to say this. “What if we were doing a more intense lesson or out in the field? You could have been more hurt just by hitting your damn head!”.
She sighed rubbing his back gently, she knew he was right. She had been so worried about falling behind the rest of her class that she had made choices that weren’t exactly healthy for her. She hadn’t noticed how much it was affecting her until now. It’s kinda funny how she was blind to how badly she was hurting herself until seeing how much it was hurting him. "I’m sorry, I just-“ he shushed her with a kiss “I know, but you don’t have to neglect your health to get stronger dumbass”. She huffed at him shoving at his shoulder “We were having a moment Katsuki!”.
He laughed at her with a lazy smirk that made her heart skip a beat. She knew what that look meant “R-right now?”. “I need you (Yn)“ he murmured moving to lay her down. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers quickly before pulling away “I want you so badly Princess”.
She wrapped her arms around him, giving his lips a peck before speaking "I-I want you to but what if we get caught? We’re still in the infirmary and-”. He silenced her with another kiss, his tongue swiping over her bottom lip. She allowed him access, letting him explore her mouth despite their situation.
“Recovery Girl already left for the day” he panted as he caught his breath “Everyone else is already back at the dorms, do you still want to head back?”.
Her face felt burning hot, her hands tugging anxiously at his clothes “I don’t want to wait”. He gave her a smug smile pressing his lips against her forehead again before beginning to strip.
She sighed dreamily, of course she’s seen him naked before, but seeing him was always such a thrill. He was beautiful, he didn’t always like to hear it but it was true nonetheless.
She took a moment to admire him. They had been each other’s first, a fact that still filled her with pride. Only she had seen him like this. She hoped to god she’d be the only one who ever gets to see him like this.
He grew impatient with her staring and nearly tore her clothes off before dropping them into a pile on the floor. “You’re so beautiful (Yn)” he praised, running his hands along her bare skin and drinking in her soft little mewls.
“I could say the same about you” she murmured as his lips made contact with her neck. He pulled away from her his eyes meeting hers as her hands came up to cress his face. “(Yn)-” “I mean it, I know you don’t like it when I call you beautiful, but you are. I love you Katsuki”. He rolled his eyes and tried to hide his smile by returning his attention to her neck.
“Hey, don’t ignore me I said I love you” she whinnied at him. He chuckled, his hands cupping her breasts and massaging the soft skin “I love you too Princess”. He pinched and rolled her nipples making her moan and sigh as she arched into his touch.
“Baby, no more teasing please” she whined “I need you inside me”. He groaned and didn’t need to be told twice, wasting no time as he pushed into her. (Yn) moaned in pleasure raking her nails down his back and wrapping her plush legs around his waist.
“Fuck, you always feel so good around me Baby” he groaned nuzzling into the side of her neck. “Don’t say embarrassing things like that!” she whined at him. His only response was a laugh and another a kiss, this time to her temple. He rolled hips against hers before slowly thrusting in and out.
“Faster” she whimpered bucking her hips up to meet his, but he refused to comply at the moment, instead opting to gently circle her clit with his finger. “Tsuki please!” she begged pawing at his shoulders “I need more!”.
He smirked against her neck before sucking on it. Making sure a nice little mark was left before pulling away to watch her as pounded into her harder “Like this Baby girl?”.
“M-more please, I need more” she whimpered as he pressed little kisses to her jawline, assuring her that he’d take good care of her. His fingers worked their way down her body, landing once again on her clit. He moved his fingers teasingly slow at first. Working up his speed and playing roughly with the little bundle of nerves, making her see stars.
“How about now Princess? Is that good? Is that what you wanted?” he groaned in her ear, his voice deep and husky. “Y-yes! Just like that!” (Yn) screamed moving her hands to hold onto his biceps. “I-I’m gonna cum! P-please B-baby I need you to make me- ahah!” She begged, tears beginning to form in the corner of her eyes.
“So needy, are you sure Baby? You positive you want me to make you cum on my dick?” he panted, his thrusts becoming sloppy. “Yes! I need it” she whined her legs tightening around his waist, effectively trapping him in place.
A few more thrusts and they’d both would be done for.
He continued to fuck into her, the tight coil inside of her core winding up more and more until it finally snapped, pulling a loud scream from her throat as her orgasm washed over her while buried himself in her as deep as he could, his own release hitting shortly after hers.
Sharing one more kiss before finally getting up, they made sure to clean up and get rid of any evidence of their… activities before leaving.
He carried her back to the dorms, insisting that it was only because he didn’t want her pushing herself to much again.
"But seriously (Yn), if you wanted to train more you could have told me, I would have figured out training regimen that worked for both of us, or you could have-”. She interpreted him with a sheepish sigh and looked up at him with an equally as sheepish face “I know this is silly, but I uh. I didn’t want to be a burden or- mph?”.
She was silenced by his lips on her “Dumbass” he huffed under his breath after breaking away. He held her just a little tighter “You aren’t and never will be a burden to me and I know those losers you call friends think the same”. She sighed and playfully smacked his shoulder “They’re your friends to you know”. “You can’t prove that” he said flatly as he gently tossed her up and caught her, revealing in her cute little giggle before repeating his actions.
“Don’t let them hear you say that” she said between her laughter “I think Kiri would genuinely be heartbroken if he heard you”. He snorted at her trying to maintain his uncaring act, but his smile gave him away “Yeah, yeah whatever”.
She smiled nuzzling into him “Thanks Tsuki”. "For?“ He questioned as they finally reached his dorm, no one was around to stop them, so he decided to just let her stay there for the night.
"Everything” she gave a yawn as he helped her to bed “I’m lucky to have you, I love you”. “I love you too” he murmured but she was already asleep. He sighed crawling into bed next to her with only one thing on his mind.
He reached for his nightstand and opened the first drawer pulled out a little black ring box. He sighed as he passed it back and forth in his hands.
He had bought on a whim. The ring had fit her taste perfectly. He would have been an idiot to have not bought it despite the price.
He knew they were still young, hadn’t even graduated yet, but he’d never been surer of anything in his life. He sighed putting it back before turning to her sleeping form “I’m the lucky one Princess” he smiled running a hand through her hair before kissing her forehead “I’ll make you the happiest woman, I promise”.
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peterspideyy · 4 years
a very merry christmas | day twelve
12 days of christmas masterlist
summary- christmas day with tom and his friends, which ends up being the most stressful one ever
warnings- fluff, swearing, tom being a div
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“how you feeling, tom?” harrison questioned his hyperventilating friend, while patting his back, before harry burst out laughing.
“he looks like he's about to pass out." harry commented between laughs.
"oh piss off," tom mumbled, sitting down on the couch to try and calm his nerves, "i'm fine. it's christmas day after all!"
sam walked in, glancing at his older brother, who's face was pale, "is he having second thoughts?"
"no, god, no." tom shouted, looking at them all.
"i'm going to do it, i-i just-"
"you’re just shitting yourself?" harrison finished.
tom nodded, "basically yeah."
“mate,” harry stated, “she loves you. and you love her. she will say yes.”
tuwaine walked in then, looking at tom and then the others, “is he backing out?”
tom rolled his eyes, but soon the nerves took over.
he’s been planning to propose for months. and as cliche as it sounds, has been aiming to do it on christmas day.
you’ve been dating for three years. tom has never had a longer and stronger relationship with anyone that isn’t you. and for the longest time, he’s felt like he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. by having a family of your own. and eventually grow old together.
but, as much as tom loves you, he’s still nervous.
“i-i just want it to go perfect, you know?” he mumbled, but the sound of the front door opening, with your laugh erupting through the house, pulled tom out of his thoughts.
“hello? i’m back!” you shouted, walking into the living room to see lots of eyes on you.
“right, z i’ve got to go, have a nice christmas.” you said to your phone, ending the call with zendaya before putting it in your back pocket.
“h-hi darling!” tom squeaked, causing you to furrow your brows, walking towards him and kissing his cheek softly.
“hi? you okay?”
tom gulped, “y-yeah perfect, how was work?”
“busy, but i’m glad to be back now.”
tom smiled, kissing your lips, making the boys gag.
“you do realise we’re still here?” harry complained.
“why do you all want a kiss?” you teased.
“no, they don’t.” tom replied, causing you to chuckle at his protectiveness.
“right, i’m going to go and get changed, and then we’ll have dinner!” you spoke, before leaving to room to go to upstairs.
tom looked away from the doorway which you just walked out of, to see his mates smiling at him.
“you’re so wipped.”
tom put his middle finger up at that.
“when are you doing it?” harrison whispered to tom, after having a christmas dinner.
tom coughed on his drink, looking at you across the room who was playing with tuwaine and sam on the xbox, while harry chanted random curses. tom smiled at you. he loves how well you got on with his friends.
“could you of said it any louder?” tom replied, starring at harrison.
he chuckled, “just trying to help you do it, holland.”
tom glanced at you, blushing at how adorable you looked, before turning fully to face his best friend.
“i’m planning to do it in our annual game of charades.”
“she won’t get it.”
tom scoffed, “how do you know that?”
“you’ll probably spoil it or just think of the most random action to do with ‘will’ and ‘you’ and ‘marry’ and ‘me.’ don’t deny it.”
harrison is probably right.
a couple of seconds of silence went by, before harrison spoke again.
“can i see it?”
“see what?” tom inquired.
“your hand.”
“the ring you div. can i see it?”
“ohh,” tom nodded, brining his hand up to his inside jacket pocket, “it’s just-“
tom’s heart dropped.
“what’s happened now?” harrison asked, sipping his drink, as tom’s hands started to shake.
“t-the ring.”
harrison glanced at his panicking friend, laughing, “is it broke? or have you lost it or something?”
harrison spat his drink out, “WHAT?!”
“i’ve lost it.”
“you’re shitting me-“
“everything okay?” you asked, gesturing to the scared boys.
“e-everything is fine sweetheart, go back to playing the game! harry come here now!” tom replied, as harry groaned.
“no! i don’t want to go and not watch the-“
“harry i swear to god, come here right now!” tom shouted, glaring harshly at his brother.
“sorry.” harry smiled at you, leaving the room.
“you better have a good reason that i’m here-“
“tom’s lost the ring.” harrison spat out.
harry dropped his drink.
“you’re kidding me, right? what are you going to do? i can’t believe you tom!”
tom looked at the floor, “harry clean that up right now.”
harrison and harry’s eyes went wide.
“is the only thing you got from that is that i bloody dropped my drink?!”
tom brought his head into his hands, “i-i don’t know what to do! i’m such a bad boyfriend. i can’t even keep a ring safe!”
the two boys glanced at each other.
“right, erm, we’ll help you look. we just have to re-trace your footsteps.”
tom nodded, standing up, “let’s find it.”
“it’s gone, isn’t it?” tom mumbled into his hands.
“we just have to keep looking, it has to be here somewhere-“
“we’ve been looking for an hour! it’s nowhere!” tom shouted, brining his hands up to his hair, as he paced the room.
tom, harrison and harry eventually told tuwaine and sam, and after a mini argument between them all, they’ve distracted you with tessa while they all looked for the ‘bloody’ ring.
and it’s nowhere.
they’ve all re-traced tom’s steps. from the living room. to the kitchen. even to the garden. but, it’s nowhere.
“do you even need a ring to prop-“
sam never finished his sentence without tuwaine punching him in the arm.
“i’m sorry, mate.” harrison mumbled, while everyone else areeged.
tom stopped pacing, turning to face them all, smiling slightly, “it’s okay. i’ll just have to wait till next christmas to propose.”
tom wiped his head around at the small voice, eyes wide as he met yours.
you heard what he said.
“right, good luck.” harry smirked, patting his brother on the back while they all left the room, leaving a tom who had his mouth wide open.
“you were going to propose?” you questioned, brining a hand up to your mouth, in shock, tears welling up in your eyes.
“no, i mean y-yes i was. but, i’ve gone and lost the ring. i had this whole plan as well love, i was going to do it while we were playing charades. but, i haven’t even got a-“
you cut him off, by planting his lips on his, wrapping your arms around his neck, and pulling him impossibly more closer to you. tom smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist, and rubbing his thumb gently across your hip. after a couple, of minutes you grinned up at tom, while he returned the gesture.
“not that i’m complaining or anything,” he cooed, “but, what was that for?”
you chuckled, “what? am i not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?”
“n-no,” he stuttered, “i didn’t mean it like that-“
“i’m kidding, tommy.” you cut him off.
“why then?”
“i-i just...yes.”
“i’ll marry you.”
“even without a ring?”
you laughed, “oh tom. i don’t need a ring to prove how much i love you. even if you are a div who looses stuff, i still love you a lot. and i want to spend my life with you.”
“funny that, i want to spend the rest of my life with you too.” tom smiled, leaning down to press his lips to yours again.
the boys came in again, confused at why it suddenly went quiet, but soon groaned at the sight of you both.
“oh my god, my eyes!” harry screamed, running behind sam.
“get a room!” tuwaine shouted.
you pulled away, laughing at their comments while tom put his middle finger at them all, again.
“congrats anyway!” harrison smiled, hugging you both.
“yeah, but i don’t want to see mini tom and y/n’s running around anytime soon.” sam warned, as eveyone erupted into laughter.
tom pulled you into his side, kissing your forehead, “i can’t make any promises.”
“keep it pg, thomas.” you giggled, patting his chest.
“right, can we play charades now?” harry asked, making everyone roll their eyes, before nodding and walking to the living room.
you smiled up at tom, kissing his cheek one more time before wrapping your arms around him.
but, you suddenly froze, as you felt something strange in tom’s back pocket.
pulling away from his embrace, you put your hand it in, pulling out the object to inspect.
you laughed.
tom sighed.
it was the ring.
“i’m such a div, aren’t i?” tom whispered, rubbing his forehead at the fact he had it on him all this time.
“yes, well you’re my div.”
tom beamed down at you, “merry christmas, my love.”
“merry christmas.”
a/n- let’s pretend i posted this yesterday instead of today like i said i would ahah but merry christmas! even if you don’t celebrate it, i hope you have a lovely day <3
christmas masterlist-
@parkersbliss @liberty-barnes @lilacsnid @potentialhappiness @eternal-maniac
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coupsnim · 3 years
Here’s another ask game for caratblr! Assign your moots as seventeen comeback aesthetics (can include solos, OSTs, collabs, Japanese comebacks, etc) and say why you associate them with that aesthetic! Some can overlap too!
 this was harder and took me way more than expected ahah I decided to go through svt mvs and see if they reminded me of my mutuals, but there are a few songs that I couldn’t associate with anyone so I left them out 🙈
🌼 adore u ~ chey @soonhoonsol ↳ chey is one of the first people that I followed (and probably my first mutual) but this is not the only reason why I associate her with adore u. the song is fun and has a youthful vibe, which reminds me of her, but in the mv we also see a lot of scenes that are not linked to one another and that made me think of chey’s various interests and groups she likes ahah and of course adore u has a special place in every carat’s heart and so does chey (at least here on tumblr ahah)
🌼 mansae ~ cora @ohoshi ↳ I haven’t followed cora for a very long time, but as soon as I watched mansae I thought of her. mansae has the same youthful vibe as adore u but it’s also very energetic and when it hits the chorus it puts you automatically in a good mood, and this is what happens everytime I see cora’s tags under my posts. also her creations are always colourful just like the mv and the members’ hair for this comeback ahah
🌼 pretty u ~ lyns @kyeomshine ↳ I think lyns’ style fits pretty u the best. the mv is fun but it also has a romantic vibe, like one of those coming-of-age movies, which reminds me so much of her creations. moreover, they applied a sepia tone to the mv and whenever I think of sepia I think of lyns ahah
🌼 love letter ~ lee @uriboogyu ↳ love letter is a cute and fun mv, with bright and pastel colours, so when I watched it my mind went straight to the cutest person I follow. and that person is lee. she works so hard to bring new content and to engage with other people as well, her whole blog is like a love letter to svt.
🌼 very nice ~ yza @jonghan ↳ I think aju nice reflects a lot of my mutuals’ vibe, but when I watched the mv I immediately thought of yza. it’s just her and her 13 biases ahah (I know she says she has a bias line but no one actually believes her). the colours in the mv are bright and a bit more saturated compared to previous mvs, which reminds me of her gifs, and the song is fun and upbeat, just like her personality. I think yza fits perfectly with aju nice.
🌼 healing ~ mirelle @leechaerok ↳ to be honest, I don’t need to watch the mv to associate this song to mirelle. she is just such a nice presence on my dash, I’m happy to see her even when she doesn’t post about seventeen. what I like about her is her positivite attitude, her optimism, and the fact that she always has a nice word for everyone. every time I see one of her posts, I immediately feel at ease.
🌼 boomboom ~ emily @iiasha ↳ there are two main reasons why I thought of emily while watching boomboom: jun looks amazing and there’s a lot of technology involved ahah also the video starts out mysterious but then turns out to be funny and a bit silly (and super cool if we include the choreography) and I think this describes exactly how I see emily ahah
🌼 don’t wanna cry ~ carrie @art-hao ↳ don’t wanna cry is one of my favourite mv and I think it matches perfectly with carrie’s style. it’s simple but impactful, and the colour palette and colour grading are gorgeous and well thought in every scene, just like every single creation carrie has posted on tumblr.
🌼 change up ~ zai @icecreamscxups ↳ I don’t really know, maybe it’s because of her change up gifsets, but I immediately thought of zai as soon as I clicked on the mv. I just get change up vibes from her ahah
🌼 habit ~ oona @vernons ↳ oona is a quiet and peaceful but constant presence on my dashboard, she’s seems chill and I like when she shares her other interests outside seventeen. she’s that calm mutual who creates the perfect balance with the more chaotic ones, that’s why I associate her with habit.
🌼 clap ~ dasha @smallkore ↳ clap is a really creative and fun mv and I immediately associated it with all dasha’s gfx. she is one of my favourite content creator, all her ideas are so original and well executed, just like clap mv. I hope she’ll come back soon because I really miss her content!
🌼 thanks ~ kale @choibeomgyus ↳ thanks is another one of my favourite mv, I really love the storyline and the atmosphere. I actually don’t know why I thought of kale as I watched it, but I think her style (which I adore) fits with thanks general vibe.
🌼 just do it ~ isa @kwanies ↳ just do it doesn’t really have an official mv, but I still wanted to include it because I think the lyrics are perfect for isa! I can’t really explain further, as I don’t really know her, but that’s the vibe I get from her ahah
🌼 oh my ~ sofi @scoups ↳ the first thing I associate with oh my is summer, and that’s something that reminds me of sofi’s aesthetic as well. seeing her colourful and bright posts makes me as happy as listening to oh my!
🌼 holiday ~ sarah @dkymm ↳ another song that is perfect for summer (and one of my favourite song ever). I think that sarah fits holiday‘s concept the best, even though I can’t really explain why. maybe it’s because I associate dokyeom stan with bright songs, or maybe it’s just the vibe I get from her, laid back and funny without trying too hard.
🌼 home ~ genesis @shineesbag ↳ I don’t think home concept fits genesis, but she’s still the first person that I thought of when I watched the mv. she’s the only one out of all my mutuals that follows all my blogs (thank you!) and we like more or less the same groups/people, so I just feel really comfortable when I see her on my dash (although we never actually talked). she’s a reassuring presence on my dash and one of my favourite blogs, just like home is one of my favoutie songs.
🌼 hit ~ anna @haniehae ↳ the reason why I associate anna with hit is quite obvious: anna is a dancer and hit has probably the hardest choreography. at first I thought that she would fit don’t wanna cry as well, since the choreography for that song is amazing, but I also feel that hit reflects more her style. I have two left feet, so I admire people that can dance, and anna dances very well!
🌼 fallin’ flower ~ célia @delicatecy and mary @efflorescing-mary ↳ the first person I associate with my all time favourite svt concept is célia (who is the first person I followed on this blog). her style is so elegant, so classy, so (as her url says) delicate. I love it as much as I love fallin’ flower, she is one of my favourite content creator and although she’s not active, I sometimes go on her blog to have a look at all her masterpieces. ↳ the second person I associate with this concept is mary. fallin’ flower is pure poetry, so of course it reminds me of her and her poems!
🌼 snap shoot ~ rhys @heartgyus ↳ me and rhys have been mutuals for less than a month, so I can’t say that I really know her. but I often see her on my dash and I think her personality fits snap shoot, both the song and the mv. also since the video was made by mingyu, my mind probably made a link between the two ahah
🌼 my my ~ maddie @kyeomblr ↳ another personal favourite, my my is a cute and bright song with a cute and bright mv. as I said, I tend to associate dokyeom stan to this kind of songs and I think this concept fits maddie! (I saw it was your birthday yesterday, so happy belated birthday!)
🌼 left and right ~ dreamy @scoupsy ↳ as soon as I watched left and right, dreamy was the first person that came to my mind. not only the concept reminds me of her style, but the song reflects her personality too I think. also left and right is coups’ first comeback after hiatus, so it holds a special place in my heart.
🌼 24h ~ zay @dk-s ↳ zay’s style and her colouring in particular really remind me of 24h. it’s dark without being too dark (like fear, for instance) and it’s quite elegant. also black and red is a colour scheme I associate with zay in general, so the outfits svt wore in the dance scene instantly made me think of her.
🌼 side by side ~ alicia @myungho ↳ that’s cheating, I know, but there’s only one person I can associate to side by side and that’s alicia. not only because she’s the resident myungho stan on my dash, but also the mv reminds me of her witty personality!
🌼 not alone ~ belle @xuseokgyu and nele @seohoshi ↳ the first person I thought of while watching not alone is belle. she’s the most supportive mutual, she always showers me with compliments, even when I post the simplest gifset, and she always makes sure to reblog my content even if it gets 2 notes. she surely makes me feel less alone sometimes. ↳ and I associate this song to nele too for a similar reason, but it’s a more general feeling I get from her. we don’t interact much, but when I see her tags on other people’s posts as well, she’s always so supporting and she always catches the smallest details. she really makes you feel like the time you spent on your content is not wasted.
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Hello. Can I ask for headcannons about archangels (Michael, Lucifer, Gabriel)? Headcannons of the "Be his sister includes" type (for each separately, if possible). Please. Sorry for my bad English.
hi, it’s been a while since I haven’t written anything so if it’s bad I’m sorry I am totally rusty ahah! (and it’s okay my English is bad too, I just hope you will understand a bit)
Be his sister would includes: (Supernatural)
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- First of all, he wants to be the Model Familly. From the chore at home to the type of clothes you wore and your grades. he can stay up all night long if it means you gonna get a good grade. He really does care about what people think about his family.
-For the sentimental side, he doesn’t really know how to express his love. He can tell you that he is proud of you, but saying that he love you Nah. He won’t tell he’s more ‘‘show his love’’ kind of brother. But if you got a romantic partner. Damn you never saw from your own eyes Michael and lucifer get along like that. Both of them are the human version of Hellhound for you. the poor person you love must be REALLY patient. 
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-his the distant one. You get along with him, but to be honest he’s not really there. He’s the kind of brother that prefers to stay with his friend than his boring family. He doesn’t have anything against you, he’s just the rebel one. When you can spend some time with him, it’s for a movie or some prank and poor people that didn’t ask anything.
-As I said before when you get in a relationship, it’s the only moment when he can support Michael. He acts tough but he is obviously a protective brother who doesn’t tolerate anyone who wants to mess up with his little sister. 
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-The funny one, you stay most of your time with him because he’s the one who don’t care about anything. You wanna come with him to Paris? Okay, let’s go. Wanna watch a movie? Then direction theater. He doesn’t mind you staying with him he’s kinda glad to have you so he can keep an eye on you. He prefers to be here if you do something either stupid or dangerous or both than not be here and be scared for your life.
-If you are in a relationship he’s happy for you, and he even tries to be friend with your lover. He doesn’t understand how stupid his brother are because obviously be close to your friends but closer to your enemy. :)
Hope you like it, tell if you though about something else than what is wrote i would probably edit it.
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Okay I’m back with more with ep 3
So the first fight is as fun as I remember but Like had Clint been trying to get to the office with his weapons in it the whole time or was he just maki by it up as he went along, no way he could have gotten the lay of the building so easily unless he really is just that good ahah
The 72 Challenger agh
Clint hot wiring a car 🙃
The entire car chase sequence being set to a heavy version of the sugar plum fairy i swear that just makes it funnier
Clint putting the most dangerous arrows in his goddamn pocket like my man please
I really wanna see the conversation between Clint and Scott (and or Hank or Hope) where he is asking for the Pym particles, seriously how did that go and what stupid ass ideas did Scott come up with
The phone convo with Nate makes me wanna cry it’s just so precious and heartbreaking, he’s trying so hard to not to worry his kid and the heartbreak when Nate says it’s ok if he can’t come home, “I’m so happy to hear your voice” is just 😭😭😭 I CANT
The bros cleaning out the warehouse and taking the stuffed toys I didn’t even notice that the first time omg
“The hot guy” / his name is Kazi - like I know it’s not exactly hard to intuit who Kate is talking about but I like to imagine Clint also sees how attractive he is too 😂 chaotic bisexuals only here
It’s just so easy to watch this show and I’m so happy it is standing up the second time around too, god I wish I could just buy this on dvd then I’d watch it all the time. That’s a side note but I really do hate how streamed tv shows don’t get dvd releases like what happens when the internet goes down huh???
that first fight? clint literally saw the ball pit and was like "that's the goal. I don't know how I'm gonna get in there, but it's gonna be really funny when I do" and he fucking went with it.
(in all seriousness, I'm guessing he saw them take his gear in there and figured it would be easier to draw them away from the main room so he wouldn't get cut off from the office so easily? that would be my best guess idk lol)
deaf clint is so goddamn chaotic and i love that they finally brought this into the mcu
both hawkeyes causing active destruction to christmas icons and then shouting apologies, i love them so much omg
Personal headcanon but I feel like Clint and Scott might have kept in contact over the years they were under house arrest? Like, there's not a whole bunch to do locked away at home, and Scott would be a big enough fanboy to ask for Clint's number or email once the deals go through so they can go home. I feel like they're buddies, trading movie recs and ideas on what to do with the kids.
nat/clint/kate/yelena = big queer disaster family and i miss them all so much. 😭
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