#hope that anon remembers asking about lullabies because well.
muzzleroars · 5 months
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there's still a quiet echo, if you listen
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softguarnere · 1 year
hihi!!! i love your writing- i have been binging all your works over the past few days and can't wait to start on your oc fic :D
in the meantime, can i request a babe heffron hurt/comfort one-shot that ends with the reader and him falling asleep on each other's shoulders? thank you!
Inhale, Exhale
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Babe Heffron x reader
A/N: Hi Anon! Awe, thanks so much 💕 I'm so glad you've enjoyed them, and I hope you'll enjoy lagalm as well! (And who knows? Maybe you can stick around for the Nixon x OFC fic that I'm about to start posting as well 🤭) Thank you so much for the request, and I hope you enjoy this! As always, this is written for the fictional depictions from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans! Warnings: mentions of war
Being inside again after so much time spent freezing in foxholes is a dramatic change of pace. The wooden pew of the church isn’t exactly a comfortable place to rest, but at least there’s a roof over your head, walls around you, candlelight, and more importantly, warmth.
Still, the old wood of the pew squeaks as you readjust your position on it, over and over again. You wince every time you hear the sound. Is it as loud to everyone else as it is to you? The chatter of men talking to each other in low voices is slowly starting to die down as more and more men turn their tired eyes to the group of women at the front of the church, letting their harmonies wash over them. Here and there, you can spot a few men leaning their heads on their hands, their eyelids drooping as sleep creeps in.
You un-wad the jacket you had been trying to use for a pillow and put it back on. If you can’t sleep on it, then it can at least keep you warm. Just because you can’t sleep doesn’t mean that everyone else has to stay up. You settle in, trying to find a position that’s comfortable and doesn’t make the creaking pew sing louder than the lullaby coming from the front of the church.
“Well, this doesn’t look comfortable at all.” The pew creaks as Babe plops down beside you. He surveys your position with furrowed brows. “You really gonna sleep like that, (Y/N)?”
Grunting, you push yourself back up so that you’re sitting. With new space available, Babe slides closer to you. “No. I don’t think I’ll sleep at all. I just didn’t want to bother anyone.”
“Only person you’re going to bother is yourself. Break your damn neck laying like that.”
“Not much else I can do,” you mutter. At least here you can stretch your legs. You didn’t get that luxury in Bastogne, all scrunched up in a foxhole almost every second of every day.
All around you, more and more men are dropping off. Only a few people are left sitting up, as most of them have leaned over, making beds out of the pews, or falling asleep slumped forward. Babe’s eyes rove over the scene, then flick to you.
“Aren’t you going to try to sleep?” he asks.
The thing is, you are tired. So, so tired. All you want to do is curl up under a warm blanket and let a blissful sleep overtake you. But it’s not just that you can’t get comfortable. It’s that you can’t fully relax here. You’ve been on alert so long that you aren’t sure you remember how to do that.
“I would if I could.” You shrug. “I don’t know. I might just keep watch.”
“I think the nuns have got that covered,” Babe notes, nodding toward a few of the nuns who stand scattered around the room, still as statues, watching over the sleeping men like silent protectors.
You sigh. Babe is right. So then why can’t you just go to sleep?
“Here.” Casually, Babe slings an arm around your shoulders and pulls you close to him. If he feels your posture go rigid with surprise, he has the decency not to point it out. The initial shock quickly wears off, and you allow yourself to relax against him, since that seems to be what he wants. “Let’s just take deep breaths,” he suggests.
“I don’t know. Something my mom did for me when I couldn’t sleep as a kid. Just try to match my breathing.” Together, you take deep inhales, filling your lungs, and then exhale together. After a few cycles, you feel yourself relax ever so slightly. Your heart isn’t beating quite so fast, at least. You hadn’t even realized how elevated your heart rate was.
“What now?”
Babe shrugs. “I don’t know. My mom used to tell me a story.”
“Well, then, tell me a story.”
He chuckles. “About what?”
You have to think for a minute. “You’re always talking about Philly. Tell me what it’s like there. Paint me a picture with words.”
“I don’t know about that last part, but I’ll try.” Babe clears his throat, suddenly a bit more serious, his voice soft as he starts describing the city that he loves. The way sunlight peaks through the fog on early mornings. The towering buildings. The friendly faces on the streets. Football games outside of his school. Watching the city begin to glow as dusk moves in, quickly followed by a night where the stars are all the lit-up windows twinkling everywhere you look.
At some point, your eyes flutter shut. You don’t bother to fight it. Part of you feels bad, though, because Babe sounds so happy describing his hometown, and you don’t want to miss any of it. You could stay like this forever, floating gently in the haze of oncoming sleep while vividly imagining the world he describes.
“Are you asleep?” Babe whispers.
You sigh, too far gone to answer. Part of you wants to tell him to keep going, but you can’t collect yourself enough to communicate. Instead, you feel your head drop over onto his shoulder. He’s warm. It feels nice, so you stay there.
“Goodnight,” you hear him whisper, and then, you drop off, safe with his arm around you and with his words to set the scene for beautiful dreams.  
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romana-after-dark · 3 months
I'm also the same anon that gave you the really long reviews of tww and the alternate ending to tww a few months ago, so clearly, I can ramble a lot too.
I sent those reviews during the drama you referenced in your last response... so if you don't remember them cos you had other things on your mind, then nvm.
Anyways, I was just asking, cos I'm really eager to read it! I love everything about tww, but I still want to read the dark romance version you said that you're writing. (and I hope that after you publish stolen lullaby you leave tww up cos I want to be able to reread it... but obviously thats your choice)
Sorry for the confusion lol. I usually read most stuff as sarcastic as well, so I understand what your thought process must have been when you got my last ask. Sorry, I didn't consider that other people might have that issue too. I assumed that was just a me problem.
Anyways, I'm really excited for both books! Your writing skills and work ethic are admirable 😅👍🏻
I just wasn’t entirely sure and I was a little on guard, but I like to assume the best out of anonymous messages so I just rolled with it!
I do actually very much remember your in-depth reviews and sometimes I go back and find them because hearing that people actually pay attention to the themes and the details and stuff like that and not just wanna eat. The smut really makes me happy.
Probably the wrong way up because it’s all gonna be different enough I think and I don’t want people to buy stolen lullaby because they can’t read the wrong way. Plus, I wanna be able to see all the nice comments and content that people made about it because that genuinely makes me so happy.
It all started just because I wanted to double in a little bit of non-con, but the story became so much more to me sorting out relationships with Joel Tommy Lorenzo little when and how they all interact with each other, made me fall in love with writing in a way that I can’t describe
If you’re curious, the title comes from Taylor Swift, my tears ricochet. I’m not a Swifty and I don’t listen to a whole lot of her music, but the playlist has a lot of Taylor Swift. That song just so fully encapsulates Joel and little ones relationship. I don’t know if I’ve explained it to you yet or on here, but the title references several things references ones innocent stolen at such a young point in her life by her dad the things that Jamie forced her to do. it references Joel, who, in the story will be called Abel and how the loss of his daughter affected him. People have also drawn connections between Joel’s wires, getting crossed with his need for parental authority and his lost for little one is created a fucked up mismatch of everything in his head of how he views her. And finally, of course, is referencing the fact that little one, or Clementine in the story, will never get to raise her child, and those lullabies have quite literally been stolen away from her because of Joel.
Thank you so so so much for saying such a nice things about me and my writing.
If you haven’t yet, I put up a bonus chapter that kind of explore Lorenzo jack and Tommy’s dynamics for my one year anniversary. I can’t remember if you read that or not, but that will give you a little hint into character stolen lullaby.
Appreciate you so so so much!
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spare some hcs for your immortal roommates au to share with the class? 🤲
It would be my pleasure, anon.
As mentioned previously, I think Lilith and Ava met during Rome's conquest of Gaul, some 50 years BCE, and their first "home" together was a cave in the Argonne. Lilith was either newly or recently turned into a vampire, and she stumbled into the cave to escape the sun, only to find Ava already there. Tensions were high at first, but Lilith couldn't leave because there was no other reliable cover within a day's walk. Oh she looked, high and low, but always had to run back to Ava's cave before each morning.
Vampires in this setting start out weak and get stronger over time, so Lilith would have been only a little stronger/faster than a normal human at this time, and very vulnerable to sunlight. Ava helps her stay sane and fed, and this is how their arrangement begins.
Lilith has probably kept her name for her entire life, but Ava? Who knows? The name Ava seems to have roots in a few different places. So, a name of uncertain origin for a girl of uncertain origin.
Ava already had some years on her by the time they met. If asked about how she became immortal, she'll either make something up or claim she doesn't remember, which isn't entirely true. I think it was the result of a freak magical accident, the result perhaps of touching a source of magic older and wilder than humanity itself. Maybe this magic is something Ava can still touch, but she doesn’t (👀).
After they leave the cave, they really go everywhere: Ireland, Norway, Siberia, Byzantium. They bunk with Silk Road caravans and Danes sailing the rivers of England. They have boxes of relics saved from all their travels that would make museum curators salivate.
By the 2020s, they've been most places at least once, but time changes so much that each one feels new when they go back. They have an enduring soft spot for France, however, even though the cave they met in was destroyed by shelling in WW1.
Sometimes Ava had to hide bat!Lilith in her clothes to protect her when they couldn’t find cover before sunrise. Lilith still likes to cling to Ava's chest and listen to her heartbeat with her little bat ears. And when Beatrice comes into the picture, she likes to lay as a wolf in Ava's lap. So, bat gf up top + wolf gf on bottom = Ava is trapped on the couch for hours completely unable to move.
Ava probably still works in a bar, and she'll occasionally lament about wines or liquors that don't exist anymore and all the ways you could mix them with coke and lime juice. She once tried to recreate an old-as-dirt type of vodka based on nothing but a half-remembered recipe and its taste. That didn't go well, and Lilith has since forbidden any alcohol production in their living space.
Lilith absolutely sulks in the closet when Ava first invites Beatrice to stay. She hangs upside down and chirps angrily whenever Ava opens the door. Eventually, Ava has enough and just snatches her up in a towel, enduring a bite on the hand to cuddle her gf in a little bat burrito until she calms down.
All three girls have nightmares, most to least going: Bea, Lil, Ava. Ava’s nightmares are ancient, Lilith’s are not quite as old, and Bea's are relatively recent. When Lilith would wake up scared, Ava would sing her a lullaby in a language long dead, and with time Lilith returned the favor on those rare nights where their roles were reversed. They bring Bea into this tradition eventually, and it's their way of keeping the old songs alive by comforting each other.
That's what's coming to mind right now! Hope you like them! Ask again later and I may have more. @ftm-viktor-hargreeves what do you think?
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moveslikeanape · 8 months
hey! it's been a few days again, since i still had a lot going on irl, but i'm the 🌟 anon--i thought i might as well come off anon since we've already been talking quite a bit through asks (which i didn't expect when i sent my first message haha, not that i'm complaining though). i hope you're doing well.
i agree heavily with what you said in your second paragraph. i don't know if you heard about this, but mark henn retired from disney last month, and he said on a podcast that he would've liked to stay until his 45th or 50th anniversary but ultimately his work just didn't feel meaningful anymore. and even though as i mentioned, i did enjoy encanto, i'm not really surprised. i think it says a lot about the quality of things lately that someone who worked for WDAS since 1980 and did so much important work for them would feel this way.
as for wish's songs, and specifically "at all costs", i read an interview with the songwriter the other day where she stated that she wanted that song to sound like a love song that could be played at a wedding, or a lullaby you could sing to your kids, so that when you see the movie and learn the actual context you're surprised by it. i suppose i can't say she didn't achieve her goal, but that's so far away from the purpose that songs in disney movies are supposed to serve! it just tells me that unlike phil collins or elton john, who wanted to write disney music, julia michaels just wanted to do her own thing and throw it into a disney movie whether it really worked or not.
some of the "art of" books are pretty detailed and have what i feel is a decent balance between production info and art, but others not so much... i've mostly enjoyed reading the ones i own for specifically disney movies, but the pixar art books i own tend to be very heavy on art and light on any other information. the hercules one is strange, though, because the author doesn't put much of his own writing into it, instead presenting the majority of the information by directly quoting the filmmakers, which makes it an awkward read. there are also comedic asides from the characters presented alongside lineart of them--for example, one page shows a reproduction of notes taken by one of the filmmakers, and below that is art of phil looking annoyed with text beside him that says "phil: yeesh, it's all greek to me! how am i supposed to read this chicken scratch?!". i've never seen anything like that in these kinds of books before. i did finish the art of animation book, though, and it was great! around 60 or so pages of it were dedicated entirely to the making of hercules and there were a lot of things in it that i didn't know.
to keep things on topic for your blog, i'd love to know your thoughts on the tarzan broadway show if you have any you'd like to share! i've always been a fan of broadway musicals but i don't know much about the tarzan one, other than that i remember hearing that terk was changed into a male character. which is interesting, because she was originally supposed to be a boy in the movie, wasn't she? also not the first time that's happened in a disney broadway musical, with the lion king again being an example here because of rafiki.
Hey, nice to meet you! I hope you don't mind that I followed you from my personal blog. And no worries, I completely understand life being busy… there never seems to be enough hours in the day. I'm doing well, thank you. Hope you are too!
I'd heard Mark Henn had retired, but I never heard what he said on the podcast! That's such a shame. It's hard enough watching this happen as a fan, I can't imagine being in his position.
Wow, that's completely insane about "at all costs". I'd probably be more confused than surprised, and even if I were surprised it wouldn't be a good one. And on top of that and the fact they're supposed to be written for the movie, they shouldn't be written with the intention that people would hear them before they see the movie… to me that seems like they truly did want them played on the radio, and have people want to see the movie to see what they songs about. I agree with you it seems like she just wanted to do her own thing, and also that she wants to deceive and trick her audience.
That's such a shame the Pixar books are like that. It definitely is nicer to have more info on the making of the movies. The Atlantis one is technically an "illustrated script", with a few notes here and there. Lots of great artwork, but I wish it went more in depth, especially about the Atlantean culture and language. I didn't know they did those comedic asides in the Hercules book! I've had it for years, but never actually gotten around to reading through it (really need to find some time to read through these books!) I'm glad you enjoyed the art of animation book though, and that you got to learn some new things about it!
As to the Tarzan Broadway show… I've been kicking myself for almost 20 years that I never saw it! I was in Albany on a trip during the Broadway run, but didn't have the time to make a quick side trip to see it, and been regretting it ever since. I also missed out on the production in Tuacahn, Utah last year (Josh Strickland reprised his role as Tarzan!) because I'd made a very big purchase around the time it was announced, and sadly couldn't afford to go. I did see a bootleg recording of it once, but it was so long ago I don't really remember it. Will have to rewatch it someday.
I know there were somethings that needed tweaking, but I'm not sure what could have saved it in North America. I know it's very popular in Germany (it's actually currently playing in Hamburg). Most of my experience with it is the album. I do love the new songs, especially Kerchak's "No Other Way" and Jane's "Waiting For This Moment". But my favourite has to be "Everything That I Am", when Tarzan learns about his human parents. If you only listen to one song from the broadway, I highly recommend it. The OCR has the one in the broadway sung by Josh Strickland, plus another version at the end of the album sung by Phil Collins.
One thing that's always bothered me is the song "For The First Time", a duet between Tarzan and Jane. It's basically Jane and Tarzan working through what they feel about each other and if it's reciprocated. There's nothing wrong with the song itself, I actually do love the song, it's just the subject and it's place in the musical. It comes after Strangers Like Me. In addition to the lyrics "Every gesture, every move that she makes…" etc from Tarzan, there's a new section in the song sung by Jane:
"I can't explain the way I feel Everything I wanted’s here And my heart is beating faster Every moment I’m with him I feel so complete I cannot deny what I’m feeling"
Which is sung to the same tune as "For The First Time". To me, that makes FTFT feel like going around in circles, it's basically an entire song to say what's just been said. I've always thought it would have been better to have a song where they both torn about what to do, a should I stay or should I go? song.
As for Terk, I've never read anything on why they decided to change her back into a guy. I remember thinking about Rafiki back when I first found out about Terk, they just can't keep their monkeys (apes) straight! I'll have to see if I can find out anything about that.
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quirrrky · 3 years
Hi <3 I hope you are doing great~ Could I possibly ask for some hcs with Giyuu, Sanemi and Kyojuro with an s/o who is afraid of the dark? Maybe they help them by sleeping with a candle on or reassuring them? Thank you so much! :DD (I am sorry if you have many requests please take your time)
KNY BOYS w/ YOU BEING AFRAID OF THE DARK -» scenarios -» ft. tanjirou, inosuke, zenitsu, kyojuro, giyuu, sanemi  
🍰 I’m writing for kny everyweek 😊 Be a part of my taglist for contents and event privileges DETAILS | FORM 
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“Y/N? You’re still awake? Is it...is it the dark?” He asked and you nodded your head in response. “Oh, I remember. My mother used to sing for us whenever Rokuta finds it hard to sleep.” He began tapping the side of your thigh lightly and started singing the only lullaby he knew of. You gulped. “Tanjirou,” you called, “I think you should also get some sleep. Just having you close to me is enough you know.” “Oh,” he reacted though he partly knew it was because of his off-key singing. He placed a swift kiss on your forehead and finally snuggled so close to you. “Like this?” He asked and you answered, “yeah, just like that.”
You were walking in the woods in the middle of the night, when he noticed that there’s something off about you. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He paused from walking. You gulped and admitted. “I...I was a bit scared of the dark.” “Is that it?” He took your hand in his and held it firmly. “Well, I got you and you got me. There’s nothing to worry.”
It was already past midnight when he noticed that you weren’t sleeping. “Y/N-chan, are you okay?” He worried. “I just can’t fall asleep. Maybe because it’s too dark.” “I know! I know it’s very scary! I’m a little scared too.” You softly giggled as Zenitsu wrapped himself around you like a koala. “But I’ll protect you. I promise you. I swear, Y/N-chan!” Right there, you found solace in his embrace as he hummed you a melodious and sweet tune to sleep. 
You were eating at a restaurant when a power outage occurred. He noticed you gasped thus he held your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, “Are alright, love?” You tightened your hold on his hand and this gave the answer to his question. Knowing you were afraid, he pulled you against him and wrapped an arm around you. His other free hand leaned your head on his chest, holding it gently. “Stay like this with me until the light comes back again.”
It was late at night when he sensed that you kept on twisting turning. Propping on his elbow, he caressed your cheek. “You’re not sleeping,” he said and asked, “Is there something wrong?” You shook your head. “I guess it’s a little dark tonight.” Giyuu knew what you meant. He had those nights as well fearing that something out of nowhere would take away all that he cherished in life. Leaning down to you, he placed a soft kiss on your eyelid. “I’ll keep the light on tonight, okay? I’m just right here by your side.” 
It’s your first time in a movie theater and didn’t know that it could be this dark inside. “What’s the matter?” Nemi asked and you half-chuckled, “I guess it was just too dark an-” He snaked an arm around you not even letting you continue. Then, he pulled you close to him. You looked up at him and he met your glance. “What?” He asked looking away, his blush not seen due to the darkness. “Nothing.” You answered as you rested your head on his shoulder. 
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- / This is such a cute request, anon! I love it so much 💖
🍰 KNY BAE: @tenyacore @chickynn @thesundelionblog @bambam2550 @rainy-day-vibez @freedomaboveallelse @crysthh @taurus852 @leoncito1503
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REBLOGS ARE DEEPLY APPRECIATED ♡ Please help me reach other viewers. Thank you so so much! 
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
Midnight warmth
Pairing: Tech x reader (no y/n)
Summary: you try (not really) to convince your workaholic lover to come to bed, but instead end up joining him on the chilly floor of the Marauder to keep him company.
Warnings: none but fluffy stuff that will rot your teeth.
Word count: 1k aprox
A/n: to the anon asked me for something with tech a while ago, I completely forgot about it (sorry) and I wrote this and checked my request list just before proofreading and saw the request so, sweet anon, my love, this goes for you. i hope you still, and I quote, love tech as much as you can and are low (high) key pinning for him too. love u bubs, wherever you are.
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The night was cold, not too much, but enough to make you leave your bed with the blanket over your shoulders, seeking for a particular someone to help you get warm. The blanket was, but you missed him.
Steps being muffled by your socks it's what lets him know you're up, a soft smile appearing into his lips as he finds you, sleepy eyes, and disheveled hair, your pijamas were basically one of his shirts and a short that was covered by the length of his blacks and the view made butterflies flutter uncontrollably in his chest.
"Hey." You greet, coming to place the blanket on his shoulders, his eyes going back to the task at hand on the floor of the Marauder, which was repairing Wrecker's blaster.
"Hello." He replies after a low thank you leave his lips, you kiss his cheek, his head titling slightly just so you don't have to lean down too much even though the action doesn't really help.
You look how his fingers move as they work, mesmerized for a second before remembering what you came for.
"Are you coming to bed?" You place your hand on his shoulder, settling the blanket better on his body, Tech's eyes doesn't leave the blaster.
"In a minute," but it's always more than a minute, finding something else to keep his mind on, not because he doesn't want to be with you, but because his mind is always going two miles a minute and he needs to keep it busy, "I just need to finish repairing this and I'll be on my way."
You let out a little oh, taking a seat beside him and he moves just a bit to make more space for you, pushing some tools to the side so they don't bother you, you smile.
"What are you doing?" He asks, pausing a moment to look at you as you start to lower yourself, brown eyes trying to find the answer in your face, chuckling you finally come to rest your head on his thigh. His face casts down at you and you give him a radiant smile that makes him feel dizzy, he doesn't wait for an answer as he tries to cover you with the blanket as well, your legs were mostly exposed but you didn't mind the chilly air nor the cold floor as long as you were with him.
"Waiting for you, silly." You say, as if the most obvious thing in the world, and he feels slightly taken aback, still getting used to the simplest acts of love you perform for him every day and wondering how is it that he got so lucky. "What are you doing?"
He looks a bit shy for a moment, eyes flickering to the tools before they go back to your own, the beginning of a smile make the corners of his lips lift upwards. Tech pushes his goggles back but it's no use as they move back to the end of the bridge of his nose as he looks back down at you, you giggle, his smile widening at the sound.
"Well..." he says after a moment before starting a rant about what's the exact problem with Wrecker's blaster, how he's supposed to rapire it and what's he currently doing.
Your eyes start feel heavy, and you don't know if it's because you don't understand half of the things he said or because the sound of his voice soothes you as if it were the softest lullaby. Probably both.
"That sounds like fun." You mumble, even if it doesn't, but he appreciates it with a hum and a light peck on your lips, eyes shining bright behind his goggles with a little something you can't quite place.
"It is." It's a simple statement, and the surprise that comes with the next one is one that you like to come back to sometimes, fluttering heart beating for him and you find yourself falling harder when he goes, "but it's more fun now that you're around."
There is something in his voice, maybe it's how small he sounded, or the honesty that was dripping from the words as they rolled down his tongue, but the feeling they brought, like a scream that wanted to leave your lungs, like a rush of emotions, of happiness and love, that wants to get out just to soak him full with everything he makes you feel.
You smile softly, touched by his words.
"Nice to know." It's all you say, and all you need to, really, a silent conversation that lets him know you feel the same happen fast between your eyes.
You cuddle up to him, forehead almost touching his tummy, hand coming to wrap around your shoulders as he moves slightly to keep working in what must be an uncomfortable position, but as long as he doesn't care, you suppose its fine.
"Do you mind if I stay?"
"Not really," he replies quickly, "as you should know, I quite enjoy your company." You smirk, never leaving the sight above you, a slight frown in concentration covered by his goggles, tongue darting just a little from between his lips, sharp jawline and cheekbones looking even sharper with the shadows, skin seeming lighter and yet warmer under the bright illumination.
"Quite, huh?"
He spares you a quick glance.
"Well, more like a lot." You chuckle lightly, and he gives you a warm smile, you could swear his cheeks taint with a soft pink, but you're not too sure as your eyes close with the feeling of lips pressing against your forehead.
You try to chase for his touch, humming again in content, words blurring in your mind as sleep clouds it whole.
"I don't mind if you fall asleep, either."
"You don't?"
"Of course not, you'll need your energy tomorrow," he says matter-o-factly, eyes squinting as he brings the blaster close to his face, "I wouldn't want you get hurt just because you couldn't focus for staying up too late."
You nod, not being able to fight him on the matter even if he was staying up late too, instead nuzzling closer to him, forehead against the soft fabric of his pajamas, and he tugs your blanket enough to cover most of your back.
"Tech?" He hums in acknowledgement, "I too enjoy your company a lot."
You hear him chuckle, a soft sound that disappears into the night as quickly as it came, he murmurs a sleep tight, and there's the ghost of a smile on your lips as you let slumber wash over you.
taglist: @foodandbooksplease @dottiechan @ladykatakuri @tacticalsparkles @lightning-wolffe @hellothere-generalangsty @beskarprincessjenny @badbatch-simp24 @milppa @obi-bae-kenobi @baroclinicinstability @murdertoothpick @ahsoka1 @kybacrystal @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @amaryllis23
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Hello! I hope you are having a good day/night. May I ask for axis and allies plus spain, romano and prussia speaking to their s/o in their native language? Thank you very much! -Humble Anon💕
A very good morning/afternoon/evening to you as well, lovely!
When I began brainstorming these, I kept approaching this ask with the thought in mind that the S/O's first language is not the same as that of the Nation's, and aren't quite completely fluent as of yet. It made it a little bit easier for me to write, and offered me just a little more leeway to daydream. ^_^;
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Alfred really only does so when he's super tired, stumbling into the kitchen with bedhead to grab his first five cups of coffee, half-flopping on you as he greets you with a kiss to the cheek- ruined by his yawn- accent stronger than normal as he rumbles out a good morning, asks how you slept. He rambles lightly about his weird-ass dreams, making you smile just from his annunciations. At some point, he remembers to start translating, swapping over to the dialect you're most familiar with mid-sentence.
Oddly enough, Matthew plays Language Tag more frequently than Al, but more often than not, it's usually an unrefined Franglish that has always irritated Francis and Arthur. (He enjoys this fact, just a little.) Around you, however, it really only flares up in moments where he's just so overwhelmed and in awe, taken aback by how much he's in love with you. Most of his petnames for you are in English, but those moments where you're both spending a lazy evening in bed, he'll happily shower you with all kinds of cheesey compliments in French, teasingly poking your nose every time you try to get him to translate.
Yao has a habit of slipping back to Chinese on a whim, honestly oblivious to the fact most of the time. You've noticed it gets significantly worse whenever he's stressed, and you've learnt some very colourful nicknames for the Others over the years because of it. Despite his seemingly incessant need to pace while venting, you always manage to coax him into your arms, steadily working your fingers across his back, easy out the knots that had been plaguing him. Meetings always brought him stress, but after a good rant and a few moments of your grounding touch, he's sighing away all remaining agitation, slowly bringing himself back to you and apologising for the slip.
One of Arthur's greater strengths comes in linguistics. While he would much rather prefer a courtship with an English speaker, he's not going to deny himself happiness just because of a silly little language barrier. He generally tries to keep everything on common ground, but his nicknames for you, and some of his more scandalising compliments, are murmurred in English. He always keeps it quiet, an intimacy reserved only for you. There's many a "dearest" and "darling" when first waking up in the morning, a languid greeting for the coming day. (Also, he swears mostly in English, so be careful if you decide to borrow any of his vocabulary.)
Francis never hesitates to prattle in French; it's second nature to him. Sometimes, he'll hop between both yours and his preferred dialects several times in a single sentence. You know it's just part of who he is, and while it can be annoying some days, it is helping you improve your own fluency. There are also moments when he makes you weak, his expression uncharacteristically sincere, hands carefully clasping your own. He hums out a soft phrase, one you still haven't fully translated, leaning closer to caress your jaw, thumb brushing against your cheek, any number of praises passing his lips.
Ludvig, since Day One, has tried his best to make sure you're comfortable around him, and part of that is him keeping firmly to the language you are most familiar with. When coming across words he may not be entirely familiar with, or saying a more complicated phrase, his accent may sometimes come out a bit thicker than would be normal. The only time he really slips into German is when he's on the phone with folks from his government. You don't mean to eavesdrop on the latter, but you do enjoy how much deeper his voice tends to get when he's being "professional." Secretly though, you have to admit his voice when he sleeptalks is your favourite of them all. 
Kiku constantly, and often unnecessarily, goes out of his way to make sure that you're comfortable, and despite your arguing against it, one of his ways of trying to do so is to only stick the language you both share. Frankly, you love hearing him speak Japanese, even though you really only hear it when he's at the store, and sometimes to the servers during date night. You love how gentle his voice is, his accent adding almost a sweetness to his words. Lately, you've been debating how to tell him that you'd like to hear it more, but for now you savour the little pieces you've collected over the past few months.
You learnt some time ago that Gilbert quietly speaking in German actually helped you fall asleep significantly easier. For that reason, he primarily only does so while either headed to bed, or whenever you're spending an afternoon together in the library. He'll sometimes read to you, but mostly he tends to ramble. You only understand a handful of the things he's saying and assume that he's regaling you with tales of days long past. In reality, he's running through his checklist for car parts he wants to fix, complaining about something stupid Roderich did back in 1648, and most often- when you're on the cusp of sleep, breathing deep and relaxed, his hand resting on your back- he's listing off every single thing he's come to love about you, not as afraid of his vulnerability when you're hardly conscious enough to hear it.
Lovino spent too long relearning Italian to ever abandon it, even for your sake. He casually weaves it into regular conversation, the endearments, greetings, exclamations, and nicknames fluidly blending into the ordinary. He figured out quite a while ago that you actually enjoyed his "slip ups," so he's especially generous on date nights, about half of the words he's saying falling around you in his unique dialect. He once told you that you should be grateful, that he was blessing you with "the most beautiful language in the world." And begrudgingly, lost in his smile and the way the candlelight makes his eyes spark, you have to agree.
Over time, one of your favourite pastimes with Ivan has becoming hunkering down on a settee by the fireplace, where he'll work on his knitting. The best part of these moments, especially on particularly frigid mornings where you've no obligations, is that Ivan will start to sing to himself, always pieces in Russian. Sometimes they're lullabies he's picked up from the royal families over the years, sometimes they're peasant rhymes he's known since childhood, and on some rare occasions, he'll sing something from an opera he fell in love with back in 1872. He'll often pepper in a few casual words here and there, always with a lightness to it, but you're absolutely addicted to how full his voice sounds when he sings.
Antonio is actually the worst of the bunch. He can and will ramble in Spanish, a lot, so much so that some of it has permanently rooted itself into your own vocabulary, some of your replies slipping out without pause these days. He tends to catch onto his slip-ups quickly at least, quickly sliding back into your shared venacular with a quick apology. Still, you'll often hear him singing in Spanish, greeting the plants in Spanish, talking to the cats in Spanish. He's particullarly bad at losing himself whenever he's invested in a football match, or if you happen to catch him irritated about politics. Tonio has taught you quite a few colourful curses over the years, smattered with some day-to-day phrases you've both come to recite by default.
Feliciano is surprisingly good at sticking to the language you feel most comfortable with, though he's notorious at mucking up the number of syllables in certain words. You have a strong suspicion he does this intentionally, this elongation solely designed to annoy you, especially as he always seems slightly bemused each time he does it. Regardless of how annoying he can be in your language, you do love eavesdropping on his conversations with his brothers, chattering away in Italian, his words and hands moving far too quickly for you to even hope to follow along. There's something so soothing in listening to him speak, even if he is producing 500 words per minute.
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Thanks for the ask, Anon! I hope you enjoyed~
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euphoricsunflowers · 3 years
touch — lee hoseok/wonho
a/n: wbk i haven’t been writing much recently, but today i felt a sudden rush of motivation so i wasn’t gonna let it go to waste!! gif is mine!!
a/n: thank you for 1k followers!! i hope to repay the vast amount of love i receive from my anons and my darling mutuals!! love you all <33
word count: 1.6k
content: sub!wonho, dom!afab!reader, no pronouns used for the reader, reader doesn’t cum so take that as you will, unprotected sex (i never put that here but uh wrap it up kids), choking, riding, hickeys, overall just another fic about how much i adore lee hoseok thank you
disclaimer: as this fic contains choking, i just want to remind you to please be aware that kinks are inherently dangerous and if you are going to partake, please do your research into doing it in the safest way possible. always have a safeword and safe signal. thank you.
summary: he comes home after a long day, and you always want him after so long.
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one of your hands cups his cheek while the other holds his waist close to you. your touch isn’t demanding or possessive, it’s simply just adoring. your fingers brush a bit of his hair out of his soft, doll-like eyes, pressing a gentle and fleeting kiss to his lips as he exhales quietly, playing with the hemming of your shirt with his fingers absentmindedly. all feels well and peaceful as you greet your sweet lover, “how was your day, hoseokie?”
“my day was really long, but being with you makes it all fade away,” he sighs comfortably as your hands stroke his sides, shuddering when your grip tightens a bit, “ah- how are you, my love?”
“i’m well, darling, i’m very well now that i have you,” you say with your voice suddenly lower and much more deadly, “you’re so pretty,” your hands just keep touching his waist and his chest, fingers brushing his nipples over his clothes just to keep him on edge, “baby,” the pet name with your voice so seductive makes him whimper.
“ahh- yes?”
“what are you so nervous for, angel? i just want to touch you—,” he whines at your words, “—i just love touching you like this. you’re so passive and docile, you let me do absolutely anything to you, hm?” it’s not true, he knows that. it’s comforting to remember that you know his limits, you know how far you can push him, but you also know how he likes to be spoken to. it’s hot, more than anything.
“i- yeah, you can do whatever you please with me,” he groans as his eyes shut when your hands start touching a little lower, moving from grabbing his ass to rubbing his inner thighs teasingly, “b-but, uhm, could you please not tease me? please?” he pouts subconsciously, knowing if you said no and continued teasing him, he wouldn’t stop you, he’d just get progressively more whiney and would beg you even more to make him feel so good.
it’s an appealing idea to leave him teased and denied for hours until his body cant physically handle it anymore, to make him squirm with need, but when he begs so softly for you to not tease him, it’s hard to not give in and give him everything he wants, and as such, you find yourself complying, touching him as he wishes.
he moans as he clutches your shoulders for any kind of support, and it’s cute to watch someone as big and strong as him just absolutely fall apart with just a few touches, “oh, my darling, is this really all it takes? just a few little brushes of my fingers against your cock and suddenly hoseokie can’t even keep himself together? that’s cute.”
“ahh, please,” he looks down, trying to avoid eye contact, he knows your gaze is too strong and he’s shatter immediately under it.
“please what, baby?” you taunt, making his shyness incredibly apparent as he’s forced to be more direct with his words.
“can we continue this in the bedroom?”
you giggle, “sure, i’ll ride your dick until you pass out, how does that sound?” you ask, already walking over to the door.
“that- uhm,” he gulps, “t-that sounds good,” he whimpers shakily as he watches you walk away, following behind you like a puppy as you lead him away.
he sits on the bed nervously as you sit beside him, cupping his cheeks and caressing his skin the way you did before in order to relax him, pressing kisses to the edge of his lips before moving down his jaw, spending a significant few minutes sucking and biting a hickey into his skin. he breathes somewhat shaky in pain, but it’s not major enough to really hurt him. he can take a lot, and you intend to do a lot.
as such, when your kisses find his neck, kissing right over the vein on the side, his heart rate picks up anxiously. you leave another love bite just above his collarbone before pulling back to trace you finger over it, “you’re so beautiful.”
the intimacy of the moment flusters him, but you always fluster him intentionally as you say, “and don’t think for a second i only mean your body. of course i love your body, i love the way you squirm and moan and whimper, but you have the most beautiful personality, my hoseok.”
his cheeks turn redder, loving the praise but still so unable to handle it, “p-please,” he’s also getting so needy as you talk, with every moment you’re not riding him, he becomes even more desperate for you.
“take off your shirt,” you command suddenly, and he does as you say with ease, discarding his shirt to some random corner of the room, pulling you closer to him once his hands were free. you press kisses to his chest, taunting him with a lick against his nipple.
his whole body reacts, squirming even more for friction against his cock when your fingers play with his other nipple, groaning helplessly, “fuck- oh! oh my-,”
“oh? does that feel good?”
“p-please,” he murmurs, burying his head into your shoulder, “please just get to it already, i-i cant handle your teasing. i need you so badly, my love,” he’s demanding, sure, but he knows he can be demanding. he knows that as much as you control him right now like a puppet on your strings, he knows what to say to mess you up just as much.
“alright, alright, i understand. take off the rest of your clothes, baby,” you kiss his forehead as you get off of him to take off your clothes too.
“do you- uhm, do you want me to do anything?” he fidgets nervously as you walk back over to him. his eyes never leave your body, still so overwhelmed by your presence and, for all the love his body gets from you, he adores you physically just as much. you’re absolutely everything he wants, “i could eat you out! or uhm, i’m not sure, but i can do something. i want you to feel good too,” he frowns.
“baby, trust me, i feel amazing right now,” you smile, leaning down to kiss his chest as you climb back on top of him.
“to have someone like you so willing to please me, so desperate for me it ruins you, is my greatest pleasure, baby,” he seems adequately comforted by your words, so you take that as a sign to continue, “and besides, i’m already thoroughly turned on, so you don’t have to worry about that.”
there’s a response lingering in his throat, but it doesn’t meet daylight as you being to play with his cock, all that leaves his mouth are throaty moans and helpless whimpers.
before he knows it, you’re already on him, sinking down, moaning freely for the first time this evening, and it makes him endlessly happy to see you feel pleasure. he’s just as wrecked, but you show it less than he does, because it’s so visible how he sighs, eyes fluttering closed, as you start to rock yourself back and forth.
“f-fuck,” he stutters, feeling your hands rest on his chest for stability, and he knows where that’s going, “oh, you’re so- so perfect, you just feel so good, can i touch you? please?”
“go for it,” you mumble, feelings his hands reach to hold your waist, enjoying the way his hands caress your skin just like you did to him before.
he groans as he gets more riled up from your movements, feeling a building feeling in his stomach, “please keep going,” he cries softly, “and uhm- could you- could you choke me? please?”
you smile almost sadistically as your hands wrap around his throat, feeling his pulse with your fingers. you push against the sides of his neck, watching his eyes roll back and his lips parted in an ‘O’ shape.
“good boy,” you mumble, and he faintly smiles at the praise before breaking out in moans, “you’re so per- perfect to me, hoseok,” he can’t coherently respond, but you can tell how happy compliments make him. he’s so easy to impress, so easy to sweep off his feet, “can i get you to cum for me, baby? really good and hard for me?”
“o-oh fuck, i’m so close-,” he stutters cutely.
“already, sweet thing? it hasn’t even been that long and you already want to cum inside me? you’re so adorable,” he whimpers again, his body seizing up as it hits him, and you don’t slow down one bit, “there you go, cutie, there you go, ride it out. you look so hot and slutty when you orgasm, my pretty boy.”
his voice is heavenly, drowning out your words as his head clouds over and he feels a kind of fleeting euphoria he’s missed, the kind only you give him. he wants to feel this way forever, but eventually, the feeling dies down, and his thoughts return to him.
“hope that made your long day a little better, my love,” you whisper, and suddenly your voice loses all that intensity and returns to be the comforting whisper in his ear, a lullaby he could fall asleep to, “now let me clean us up, and we’ll cuddle till we fall asleep, alright?”
he tiredly nods, and it takes all of your self control not to burst from how cute he is as he murmurs, “i love you, you know.”
“i know, baby. i love you, too.”
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiast @maknaeronix @multidreams-and-desires @foenixs @hobilluvvr @vanillaknj @yr-domxfantasies @treasure-hwa @fleurshopsub @rubyscloud9 @silencefavarchive @nct99 @bigkpopstan @monstaxdirtywonk @domreaderrecs and always feel free to ask to be added to/removed from the taglist <3
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stitch1830 · 3 years
Toph has a great singing voice and everyone thinks she got if from her mother but surprisingly she got it from her father! Adult Toph once catches old Lao singing lullabies to baby Lin and remembers briefly her father sometimes sang to her too (before she turned 4 and things started to go wrong)
Hi Anon, thank you for the ask! And interesting spin!
You're so right, though. Everyone thinks that it's Poppy where Toph gets her singing voice from, and no one pays any attention to Lao haha. But Lao can be full of surprises sometimes!
He sang to Toph for bed every night when she was really little, until maybe they became a little too overprotective, or Toph started to rebel against bedtime stories and lullabies.
But she remembers all the songs and her father's soothing voice, and it comes as a surprise to her when she hears it again when he tries to put Lin to sleep.
It's a nice surprise, though. Because even though it had been ages since Toph heard those songs sung to her, she liked the idea of her father picking up the habit again. It was one of her favorite memories growing up, and she wants Lin to have memories like that as well.
I wonder if Lao taught Toph how to sing. Like, maybe he teaches her about music and the different notes in a key, stuff like that. I like to HC that Toph has perfect pitch, so she picks up all the notes really quick, the challenge then becomes music theory and composition when she's young.
Maybe after Toph reconciles with her parents, she has singing "lessons" with Lin and Lao! One way that Toph and Lao continue to mend fences, but also bond with Lin when she's a kid. Maybe when Lin is old enough, they have a little talent show for Poppy! That would definitely happen LMAO.
Or, when they're older, when they visit the Beifong estate they just have a sing-a-long night, essentially karaoke haha!
Either way, I think that in the event that Toph makes up with her parents and is on good terms with them, she wants Lin to have a nice relationship with her grandparents. Toph likely carries some jealousy and resentment when Lin is a baby, but I think she gradually knows that resenting her parents for her upbringing won't do anything for Lin, so she pushes away any sort of resentment for the benefit of her kids. And if this is an AU where she's reconciled with her parents, Toph is able to enjoy their little trips to see them.
Okay! I think that covers that HC. Great idea, Anon! I think Lao often gets overlooked for some of Toph's traits, so this is definitely a cool area to explore! I would love to hear more ideas if you have any :)
Thank you again for the ask, and I hope you have a nice day!
Send me asks about ATLA, or anything, really! :D
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tanyawritesstories · 4 years
Bliss Beneath Waves | Kit Fisto x Reader
Here is the fic based off this request. Sorry it took so long, anon 🥺 I loved the idea that this inspired! You can either think of it as before the Clone Wars or if they never happened, since it's peaceful and cute. 🥰 Also, I just started reading The Cestus Deception and have been simping extra hard over Kit recently 😍😍 enjoy!!
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: fluff, one NSFW scene, fingering, cuddling, adorable themes, more fluff, Kit is such a sweetheart and I love him
The planet was gorgeous at night. It’s moon was closer to it than on Coruscant and provided more light, bathing everything in a soft blue glow. The surface of the planet was mostly water with islands of every size scattered about here and there. The only noise was that of the gentle waves lapping at the shore and songbirds whistling their lullabies for all to hear. It was so peaceful, even if you were sitting by yourself on a boulder at the edge of the water, not currently joined with your partner just yet.
You closed your eyes and breathed in the fresh air. Glee Anselm was one of the favorite planets you’d ever visited and it wasn’t just because the locals were nice and the scenery was beautiful. It held a special place in your heart. You smiled thinking of all the reasons why it did.
One of those reasons was currently walking towards the rocks where you were sitting. You could faintly hear the shuffling of the sand as it sunk under his boots, your smile widened. You knew he was looking at you. You heard what sounded like clothes rustling together before small grunts as he clambered onto your rock, sitting down beside you. “Evening, my love,” he greeted. You turned your head, still smiling, and was treated to the sight of Kit, looking just as happy as you. “How did your mission go?” You asked.
“It went great,” he said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “I didn’t expect it to go so well. The Senator even invited me to dinner afterwards, hence why I was so late. You remember meeting her, don’t you?” You nodded, resting your head on his chest. “I remember. I’m shocked you two are still good friends despite the idea that politicians and Jedi don’t mix.” He chuckled. “She and I have been friends for years, our political ideals and lifestyles don’t get in the way of that.”
You had initially been a bit jealous when you first met the Senator of Kit’s home planet. He seemed very fond of her, and her of him. Kit had sensed your emotions and explained that Senator Kadis and himself had been good friends when they were growing up. When he became a Jedi he took attachment very seriously and purposely forgot about her, but as he grew older and more comfortable with his life, his interpretations of the code had loosened and that had been when he met you. His relationship with you was stronger than anything and nothing could tear him away from you.
You both sat in silence for a few minutes until Kit noticed your attire. “Where did you get this dress?” He asked, thumbing the material. You had almost forgotten that you were wearing such a nice outfit. “I had a formal dinner meeting to attend, I came here right after,” you explained. “I don’t mean to sound dull, sweet thing, but your business dealings sound more boring than anything the Senate has to offer,” he commented. You laughed. “They are for the most part,” you agreed, “but I love investing in promising people and helping their ideas make it big.”
Kit smiled and returned his attention to your dress. It wasn’t anything too fancy. It had been a warm Coruscant summer day and you wanted something that would keep you from overheating. It was a light yellow flowy, strapless dress that came down to your knees. A white ribbon with a small bow acted as a belt around your middle, and also kept the chiffon fabric from getting out of control. “Where did you get it?” He inquired. “Just a small store I found, it was the cheapest formal looking thing I could find,” you answered. He hummed, “you look stunning in it.” You smiled, a small blush dusting your cheeks and ears. “Thank you, baby.”
Kit decided it was that time in the day to relax and promptly whisked off his shirt, leaving him in just a loose pair of knee-length, brown pants. “Would you like to join me for a swim, darling?” He asked, slipping off the boulder and into the water. “I’ll think about it,” you said. You swung your legs off the rock, letting your feet dip into the water as you watched Kit walk into deeper water and dive under. You hadn’t known much about Nautolans when you first met Kit four years ago. You remember how sheepish you felt after you got worried when he had been underwater for ten minutes without surfacing, only to have someone tell you that his species was mostly aquatic and had gills to breathe underwater.
Kit resurfaced near you and swam over, running his hands up and down your legs, coating them in a sheen of warm water. “Are you sure you don’t want to join me?” He wondered. “I’m fine right here, for now,” you replied. Kit planted a few kisses to your calf before smirking to himself and looking up at you with an innocent stare. “How much did you say you paid for this dress?” You looked down at him, curious as to why he was asking. “Not much, why?” Kit moved his hands farther up your legs. “Do you like it a lot?” You shrugged, “I mean it’s alright, it’s not my favorite thing I’ve ever purchased. Why are you-”
“So you wouldn’t mind if it got a little ruined, would you?” Kit asked with a devious smirk. You were confused until his grip on your legs tightened, by the time you realized what was happening, it was too late to stop it. “No, no, no, Kit!” You shouted in shock as he pulled on your legs, dragging you off the rock and into the water. He caught you in his arms before you completely submerged, laughing at the annoyed expression on your face. “What? You said it wasn’t your favorite,” he joked, his smile so big and genuine that you had a hard time finding it in you to be mad at him. At least the water was warm.
“You’re lucky I love you,” you joked along with. Your arms linked around the back of his neck bringing you closer together. Kit cupped your cheek and brought your lips to his. The kiss started slow, but it quickly escalated into heated passion and want. One of Kit’s hands wandered down to the hem of your dress, running his hand up your thigh and pushing the wet fabric up. You broke away with a small gasp. “Kit…” you breathed. “Shh, I know, we don’t have much time,” he said, “but I’ve finally got some alone time with my wife, there is no way I’m going to spend it without pleasuring you in some way..”
You whined and wrapped one of your legs around his waist, opening them just enough for Kit to rest his hand on your barely covered sex. “You’re warm down here,” he observed, sending you a lust filled glance. “Well, my husband did just promise to finger-fuck me within an inch of my life so I don’t know what you expect, you handsome devil,” you replied cheekily. Kit chuckled, the sound a low and enticing rumble. “Then finger-fuck you within an inch of your life I shall do,” he settled. In a few quick movements Kit pushed the offending fabric of your thong aside and ran two fingers firmly along your slit.
You gasped and gripped onto his shoulders, grinding down onto his long digits. Kit attached his lips to your neck and gently nibbled, he didn’t want to leave marks knowing where you both would be heading after this. He teased your entrance before sinking two fingers deep into your needy cunt. “Kit..” you moaned out, running your hands through his head tendrils softly. He groaned in response, working his way down to lick the skin of your collarbone. His fingers sped up, your slickness combined with the water meant little to no resistance for his fingers. Your breathing was shallow and you squealed when he hit your hidden pleasure point. He hummed, now nibbling on your earlobe. “You going to cum on my fingers, sweet one?” His thumb found your clit and he rubbed firm circles on it. You only nodded, not able to produce words.
His fingers were thrusting in and out at a blinding pace now, he curled his fingers up sharp and hard, sending you over the edge. You wailed as your orgasm washed over you, Kit removed his fingers when it got too much for you. He gently pulled your panties back in place and watched as you came down from bliss. You sighed happily, continuing to run your hands over and through his head tentacles, it helped you both relax. When Kit was calm he gave off a calming aura that you latched onto, bringing yourself into the same headspace. He nuzzled into your touch as one hand moved to his back and you pulled him in for a tight hug. You massaged his back, working out any tension in his muscles, the water providing an extra relaxing effect.
After a while of calming down and spending time loving in silence, you both decided it was time to get moving. You both exited the water and dried off the best you could, heading to a familiar side of town once you were both presentable. “I hope your mother won’t be angry that we’re fifteen minutes late,” you wondered aloud. You and Kit stopped at a simple, cozy looking house at the end of the road, where Kit began pushing in the code for the front door. “I’m sure she won’t mind, you know she loves the kids,” he assured.
The door opened and you both stepped inside, not seeing anyone at first. You weren’t standing for very long until you heard the thundering of footsteps coming your way, the two young boys rounded the corner, barreling towards you and Kit. “Aiden! Mika! We missed you,” Kit said, kneeling on the floor as his son ran to him at full speed. “Mommy, dada! You’re back!” They both shouted. Mika ran to you and you grabbed under his arms, lifting the youngster into your arms and balancing him on your hip. Aiden ran straight into his father’s arms and Kit scooped him up and spun him around. Kit’s mother rounded the corner shortly after with a smile on her face. “You two came back just in time, they were starting to get restless,” she said.
“Thank you again for watching them.” You said, planting a kiss to Mika’s forehead and smoothing your hands over his tiny head tentacles that were just starting to grow out. “Daddy, can we go home now, I’m getting tired,” Aiden voiced with a yawn. “Of course, little man,” Kit answered, “say goodbye to your grandmother now.” Both boys waved and said numerous goodbyes as you and Kit carried them out of the house. Your ship was parked a short distance away and by the time you reached it Mika had fallen asleep in your arms and Aiden could barely keep his eyes open. You got to the ship and set both boys down in their on-board bunks, kissing them goodnight before you and Kit joined each other in the cockpit.
You pecked a kiss to his cheek as he punched in the coordinates for Coruscant. “I love you, Kit,” you said. He smiled and planted a kiss on your cheek as well. “I love you too, darling. Now strap in, it’ll be awhile before we reach home.”
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jubesy · 4 years
Can you do 21 with matcha blossom please! I’ve read basically all your matcha blossom content and it makes my comfort ship heart go brrrrrrrr.
Thank you so much, anon! I’m glad you’ve liked my works so far~ I hope you enjoy this one, as well!
Matcha Blossom #21 “You knocked on my door at one in the morning...to cuddle?”
Also available on Ao3.
Request a drabble here!
Cherry stared up at his ceiling, unable to sleep. It wasn’t unusual. He spent most nights like this, the simple comfort of slumber somehow eluding him. Beside him on the floor, next to his nightstand, Carla was still playing soothing music, a song that reminded him of simpler times. But even his favorite lullaby did nothing to calm him.
He wasn’t thinking about ‘S’ or about his very important client’s commission that was scheduled for pickup tomorrow. Nor were his thoughts occupied with any particular stressors in his life. It was just...white noise. A buzzing in his head that wouldn’t quit. He was tired, his eyes were sore, but sleep still would not come.
“Carla,” he spoke into the darkness, blinking against his board’s soft magenta glow that grew as she paused the music.
‘Yes, Master?’ 
“What time is it?” 
‘The current time is zero one fifteen hours, Master,’ she replied. ‘There are four hours and forty-five minutes remaining until your scheduled alarm.’ He closed his eyes, listening to her soft hum. ‘It is possible to get three hours and twenty-three minutes of light sleep, fifty-two minutes of deep sleep, and twenty-seven minutes of REM sleep, based on your history--’
“Thank you, Carla. That will do.” Cherry sighed and threw an arm over his face. It was already too late to take any medicine. Not that it ever did him any good. So, he supposed he’d just wait until morning or sleep found him.
However, before Cherry could resign himself, Carla made a cheery beeping sound.
‘Master, you have a new message. Shall I read it for you?’ 
Cherry blinked. There was only one person who would send him a text this late. “Go ahead.”
It was always amusing to hear Joe’s words in Carla’s soft, robotic voice. ‘Hey, Kaoru. I know you’re awake. Let me in.’
At that, Cherry turned toward Carla, his eyes wide. He couldn’t be serious…
‘Master, there is motion at the front door.’ 
Of course, he was. 
“Thank you, Carla. I’ll answer.” With a sigh, Cherry got out of bed, tugging on a cotton yukata, and made his way down the hall to let in his ‘guest.’ “Kojiro, what the hell?” he said the moment he opened the door.
The other seemed unfazed, a cheeky little grin on his face as he leaned against the doorframe. “Fancy a cuddle, Kaoru?” He was clad in one of his usual loud button-up shirts and cargo shorts. He smelled like cheap perfume and something sickeningly sweet.
Cherry ignored it. “You knocked on my door at one in the morning...to cuddle?” he questioned instead, quirking an eyebrow. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Did your date kick you out early?” he added.
“First of all, I wasn’t on a date,” Joe replied, holding up a finger. “It was a party,” he clarified. “And secondly, you know I don’t go home with any of my fangirls.” 
“No, you just take them out to dinner,” Cherry supplied flatly.
“Hey, who doesn’t like to be wined and dined?” Joe offered with a shrug. “Besides, it lets me scope out the competition while enjoying some very cute and giggly company.” He flashed another grin. “Two birds, Kaoru.” 
Cherry rolled his eyes. “So, why come here?” 
“Because I knew you’d be up,” Joe answered simply. “It’s not that late, but you’ve got that big client of yours coming later today, right?”
Cherry opened his mouth and then wet his lips. “I’m surprised you remembered that.”
Again, Joe shrugged. “I don’t always tune you out when you’re talking.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “So, are you going to let me in or what? It’s kinda chilly out here.”
This wasn’t unusual either. Joe knew that Cherry had trouble sleeping. Sometimes he’d just show up after work and they’d talk or he’d make him something to eat. But he knew that Cherry had an early morning, so he… 
“Fine,” Cherry finally answered, stepping to the side to allow Joe entry. “But you’re taking a shower first. You reek.”
Joe snorted. “Yeah, a girl spilled her drink on me. I thought it only got on my shoes, but--” 
“We’re wasting time,” Cherry cut him off and started walking toward his bedroom. 
“Ooh, getting right down to it,” Joe noted before kicking off his shoes and jogging to catch up. “I like a man who knows what he wants.”
“Shower,” Cherry said, jabbing him in the chest with his finger. “I’ll be in bed.” 
Joe smiled softly then. “Aww, okay.” Then he ducked down and pressed a kiss to Cherry’s forehead, whispering, “I won’t be long,” before he disappeared into the bathroom.
Cherry stood there for a moment, his cheeks warm. “That Kojiro…” he grumbled and then padded down the hall and into his bedroom. He got back into bed and turned onto his side. He could hear the spray of the shower and it calmed him. “Carla, add rain sounds to tomorrow night’s playlist,” he said while he was thinking of it.
‘Yes, Master.’ 
It was nice, having someone else in his big, otherwise empty house. Somehow, Joe always knew when to show up. Cherry let his mind wander as he closed his eyes, hoping to drift off. But he came back to himself when the mattress dipped behind him.
“I hope I didn’t wake you,” Joe rasped. 
“You didn’t,” Cherry replied. “Did you dry your hair properly?” 
“Yes, Mom,” Joe answered and then yelped when Cherry kicked him in the shin. “I did, I did,” he said with a hiss. “Now, let’s hurry up and get some sleep before your alarm goes off.”
“That’s what I was trying to do before you showed up on my doorstep,” Cherry spat, albeit groggily.
“Yeah?” Joe asked, sliding closer and wrapping an arm around Cherry’s middle. He pressed his broad chest against his back. He was warm. Joe was always so damn warm...and comfortable. “And how was that going for you?” 
Cherry groaned. Joe would be perfect if he just kept that damn idiotic mouth of his shut.
And that’s when Cherry realized he was drifting off to sleep. Because he would never put the words ‘Joe’ and ‘perfect’ in the same sentence, otherwise. 
He mumbled something incoherent in response and felt more than heard Joe’s chuckle rumble in that warm chest of his. 
“Goodnight, Kaoru. Sweet dreams.” 
And, surprisingly, they were.
Request a drabble here!
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power106hq · 4 years
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QUEENS COURT is now LIVE! Powered by Power 106 FM in partnership with TSMADISON and KHIA. At 9:30, court will be accepting callers (anons) to send in their own thoughts about the past two weeks. To close the show, KHIA and TS will issue out presents to the celebrities discussed in the recap. Click below to stream the full episode!
TS MADISON: We are live baby! Welcome viewers and callers to Queens Court starring myself and the legendary Ms.Khia Thug Misses! We are going to get right into the gig tonight and waste no time. Now remember that everything said is alleged unless we say otherwise. We don’t need any of these rich folk trynna get us shut down or give us gag orders. Starting off this episode we’re gonna get THE COURT OF TRENDS out of the way. Miss.Khia the people would like to know your thoughts on this whole Chi and Poppy situation. To clarify, we’re talking about both the arrest in Paris as well as the leaked messages this past Friday.
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KHIA: Chile this first case is coming in straight from desks over at TMZ. Reportedly Chi and Poopy were arrested and banned from France. These two were at a gay club in Paris, got drunker than the Cooter Brown, and ended up bumping shoulders and coochies with foreign carpetmunchers in jail. Now if I’m being completely honest, I expect this kinda behavior from Poopy muffler pussy having ass but Chi?! No ma’am! Now at first, I didn’t know what to make of this shit other than Poopy finally sinking her shit crumb infected claws into poor ole Chi. But, chile more news done broke that Chi done got outed for being a bulldagger? Chi, I really don’t know what to tell you other than go monkey stomp Poopy ass blind! She did that shit on purpose girl, and we all know why. Don’t trust no skillet bitch!
TS: Wait, what you mean by skillet bitch?
KHIA: Pans, skillets, griddles: that’s what we call the girls who like anything! I’m sending Poopy long titty ass to the electric chair for setting that girl up like that. NEXT CASE!
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TS: Moving onto the next trending topic we have Lolita who was admitted into rehab about a week after being photographed snorting what the people are saying is cocaine. Now, Miss.Khia how do we feel about everything going on with Miss.Lolita?
KHIA: I would like to be the first to say this, all y’all favorite artists done played in the sugar before. However, some play harder than others. I guess Lullaby was the MVP this week.
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TS: Lullaby?
KHIA: Yes, we call her Lullaby because the only thing the bitch can do for me is put me to sleep with them tired ass songs! Now, I’m not sure why everybody acting shocked and surprised. I personally don’t feel no ways about this dumbass bitch and this loser ass situation. Bitch, keep yo’ nose out them powdered donuts. Y’all should’ve gotten her tired ass some help years ago. This the same bitch that was gettin’ fisted by shady oaks biker gangs in her videos as soon as she turned eighteen. The bitch done always seemed slow and delayed to me so this is really no surprise. Now, the people are saying that this was all a stunt to promote this tired ass album she's releasing soon after they take the ball and chain off them decrepit ass ankles. I personally don’t think that’s the case. However! If that is the case, bitch imma be the first to tell you, we don’t care. We didn’t care when they dragged yo’ ass in the cage, and we not gon’ give a damn when you get out. So what makes you think we got give a damn when you drop that foot dragging ass album? I’m sentencing this cokewhore to an extension on that rehab sentence. We the people don’t want you out of that building until you can put out a hit record! NEXT CASE!
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TS: Lord have mercy. Alright y’all moving on from the court of trends, we are going to be handling a case in CIVIL COURT. Now, there’s a new collaboration with Sashabelle and Audriella out. Some of the people lived and some of the people think Audriella should sue Miss.Sasha for ruining the song. Now I’mma give MY opinion: I personally lived for the song. I lived for Miss.Belles and the vocals. Miss. Khia how do you feel about the R.E.M. remix?
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KHIA: Yes, well I was truly enjoying the song at first. I thought the two sounded really good together harmonizing n’ shit in the beginning. But... then we get to the end of Audriella’s verse, and we’re all waiting to get what we need from Sashabelle right? Instead we got chitlins! I told y’all to stop putting Mama Odie old ass on y’all songs back when I was on my red couch! I can’t remember one time Stinkabelle actually made the song better. You got Audriella talking ‘bout La Perla and Vicky Secret, and then we got Mama Odie starting her verse off with a hot ass “...Aye ‘dere bwoy.” No no no bitch! That shit was trash bitch I don’t care what y’all say. Keep that old hoe off y’all songs! This bitch can’t find herself on the charts if it ain’t a chopped and slopped verse added to someone else’s shit. TS tell me I’m lyin’.
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The people are tired of the we shall overcome plantation rituals and now you breathin’ yo’ delayed ass over everyone else songs trynna be that bitch you once were. If y’all really want a hit call the queen and I’ll be happy to help for the right price. I’m gonna sentence Sashabelle’s country ass to another mandatory session of remedial English classes. Next time I hear yo’ ass get on a song with that country bumpkin’ ass shit, I’ma personally send yo’ ass to the electric chair. NEXT CASE!!!
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TS: We’ll be finishing off the show today with another segment of JUVENILE COURT aka YOUNG DUMB & FULL OF CUM. On the docket we have reported complaints about a group of artists who attended this passing Saturday’s charity football game and started twerkin’ and gyratin’ in front of the tv. Miss. Khia do we find the defendants guilty?
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KHIA: Not even sure why you put this shit on the highlighted docket tonight sista. This type of shit really puzzles me more than anything else. So, basically the Alvin Ailey Foundation was having a charity event a few days ago. Everything went as planned and most importantly they raised a good amount of money for the charity. None of these great things can stop a hoe from doing what she does best: hoe. We the people summon in Audriella, Amilli, Mulatto, and Viva La Vita. Here we have a forty year old bedazzler, a white man’s whore, and two knock kneed mothers. Veronica, bitch you’re forty. I would leave it at that but obviously it hasn’t clicked yet. Stop tryna live in the glory days bitch you is washed up, fucked out, and dried. That music ain’t selling and that ass ain’t movin’, pack it up. Audriella, now I will admit your confidence is somewhat inspiring. Any slave that is willing to go out and publicly be a melon muncher is brave in my book. But for you to let the tribe down twice? It’s flat out disrespectful. I hope that mayo monster knocked you upside yo’ head when you got home. Amilli and Mulatto, please go be mothers. That’s all we ask you nothin’ ass hoes to do. It’s almost like that’s the only time we hear anything from you hoes, its never about y’all doing motherly shit. I’m sure there were kids at the charity event too. Just a shame. I sentence all four of you to house arrest effective immediately. That way y’all can focus on what’s really important. NEXT CASE!!!
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TS: Okay that is all the time we have for cases today. The lines are open for callers if the people want to chime in and tell us how they feel about the past two weeks.
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We very much appreciate your last answer! May I ask for some headcanons on Maglor, Maedhros and the twins, post-third kinslaying? Thank you 😊
- Captain Anon
Hello! We very much appreciate your patience this last week an—
Ok first, for the life of me, I can’t decide on why Maglor took the twins, or why Maedhros agreed to keep them. So here’s a couple of theories I’ve seen as well as one that’s more mine:
The good old “can we keep them” + 🥺🥺 = “fine” followed by “what no they are hostages and I have no emotional attach- wow! you made that? That’s amazing! Can you teach me?”
The Twins 2.0
I think Mags deciding to keep the twins is the start of his character arc (he’s late to the party but oh well)
My interpretation is he’s always been a little short sighted, not really prone to introspection, trying to ignore that he and his family are all kinda… monsters, at least until this part of the book. (That probably comes from how he barely shows up in the story.)
He probably shows up to the kinslayings in a very detached “its one of those days” manner.
Maybe he realizes its time to face up to everything once the 3 Cs die. Or maybe it really does take Amrod and Amras for the introspection gears to start turning. Either way, who/what their family is can’t be ignored anymore, and it’s time to take the route that takes down the fewest bystanders as they go to their doom.
Ok so at first the twins are very much not gonna talk to the creepy murderers thank you, even if Elrond already knows they aren’t going to kill them (Certainly his foresight would notify him of his own death. he hopes). They’re 6 but they know what’s up and you bet your ass Elrond can hold a grudge. Plus Elros says They’re creepy, and Elrond’s gotta agree.
Maglor is pretty stumped cause ofcourse it makes sense the kids aren’t talking to him or anyone, but that can’t be good for their health and he does actually want them to be happy. He goes over to Maedhros like “oi help” to which Maedhros is like “bro ur so fucking dumb, listen to them, they sing 24/7 just like u.” and Maglor is like “oh. right. singing. i do that. ok.”
It’d be really cute if he went and started singing a song that’s meant to be easy to join into, one of the silly dumb ones that are entirely out of place in a war but make everyone laugh and be happy and just forget for a minute. It takes a while, but Elros’ voice quietly joins in. Then Elrond’s. Unfortunately its one of those ditties that gets stuck in your head, and with the twins and Maglor singing it, the whole camp has it stuck in their heads for *ages.* And I mean ages. In the fourth age, people are sitting in the halls of Mandos, almost to a peaceful state of mind, when freaking “the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon” gets stuck in their head again and fills them with Pure Rage (they only remember one verse! it’s not even a full verse!) (it’s been thousands of years dammit). It would be really sad if Maglor started singing a lullaby Feanor taught him, only to realize Finwe sang it to Nolo, who sang it to Turgon, [insert generations], who sang it to Elrond and Elros, who sing it back to him. Even cooler if Elros sings it to his kids, and it becomes an ages long game of telephone until one day in the 5th age Maglor hears it on the beach and is about to cry, but then realises it’s in the wrong fucking key, and half the words are mistranslated, and is annoyed instead.
Not sure exactly why, but singing together brokers a kind of peace. As for Maedhros, he isn’t exactly a singer, but he’s not tone deaf, and if Maglor’s a kid who sang 24/7 Maedhros is the older brother who knew how to deal with it. (in other words he’s very good at encouraging artistic talents, even when those talents seem to consist solely of being annoyingly Loud.
Anyways fast forwards thru hugs and kisses and kinda questionable parenting (but with good intentions!) and lots of love. I head canon that M&M “kick out” the twins like “you have to go because uh… we hate you very much” which would have been believable but they also sent them away with a guard on the road and carefully packed bags, plus once M&M were gone, a lot of their old followers showed up in rivendell like “This is Maglor’s child and we love him very much.” Which was a very interesting diplomatic incident to say the least, but reminded Elrond they did actually care about him and his brother. (Dunno if elves are going to Numenor)
Elrond, Elros, Celebrimbor (and sometimes Gil-galad, depending on his father of the week) have monthly parent crisis meetings. They are also all cousins and friends. I don’t make the rules. Thanks giving dinner is a hoot, I’m sure.
Also, unrelated note: but wouldn’t it be cool if Elros was the one with stronger foresight, and it’s because of that long view of life that he chose to be mortal? Like Elrond would see maybe a few years, or a century ahead, but Elros sees the millennia stretching out before them, all the destruction and futility and just nopes right on out.
again thank you so much for your patience with me while I was doing AP tests. I had quite a few ideas written out, but needed the headspace to organize them. Ily! Have a great day :)
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koalitypop · 4 years
broken promises
pairing: soobin x reader
genre: angst
word count: 1.9k
requested by anon
a/n: I started this one shot just before my first exam and I have been working on it for the past few weeks. Hope you enjoy it! What I wrote is a bit different from what has been requested, but I still hope you will like it! Thank you so much for spending your time reading! 
Maybe that was all life was about? Growing. Out of your comfort zone, out of your habits, out of letting people lead you to your doom. Out of not setting yourself first.  
Sitting in your office that day, you found yourself thinking about him once again. You were thankful to him. And you hated him. And yet you loved him, secretly. 
Coming back home after a long tiring day, you were excited to see Soobin. Lately, he had been so busy and you weren’t particularly free to visit him at the company, so you looked forward to spending some time with him that night.  
Entering the apartment, you were faced with darkness and coldness. Hasn’t Soobin already arrived? He said he’ll come back home early. Taking the phone out of your pocket, you call him.  
The person you are trying to reach is busy. Please try again later.  
You sighed and put the phone back in your pocket. It was okay, his job demanded lots of dedication, passion, focus. You took off your coat, turned on the thermostat and headed to the bedroom. All alone, you cosied up on the bed, trying to warm yourself.  
Nobody knew that, but you still kept that photo of you two making out on the couch on your bedside table. Framed, just behind the photo of you and your mother. You would open the frame way too often, taking the picture out and staring at, your finger on the place where your hands were, holding ever so tightly on each other. It would take you some time to brace yourself back, put the photo behind the one with your mom and closing the frame.  
Then you would get up, dress up and go back to your office. You’d rather spend the entire night there than looking at that photo.  
A bath, seven episodes of The Big Bang Theory and a half an hour nap, Soobin was nowhere to be seen. You tried to call him once again, but you again couldn’t reach him, so you just ditched your phone in the living room as you didn’t want to bother him. You didn’t want to admit it, but it hurt. He couldn’t find the time to simply text you that he’d be late for your date. That he got more and more forgetful of the things you were talking to him about, of the things you liked, of you. It hurt like hell.  
About an hour later, you heard the door open. You barely found it in yourself to get up and welcome him.  
“Hello, darling,” you greeted.  
As time went by, you became stronger, it got easier to hide all the pain, all the love. It felt wonderful to see yourself getting powerful, stoic, even more determined to make your dreams come true. Although, from time to time, it didn’t truly feel that your dream was power and success. But you were now able to stop those thoughts from consuming you and focus on your job.  
Maybe if that didn’t happen you would have always been so nice, so dependent, so scared of the big world. Maybe you should be thankful to Soobin for breaking your heart. Because you were able to pick them up and rearrange them in a way you can fight against the world.  
“Yeah, hi,” Soobin murmured, taking off his shoes.  
You came closer to him and tried to help him take his jacket off, when he took a step forward, moving away from you.  
“Actually, I’ll be quick,” he stated.  
“Oh, alright then,” you sighed.
You were disappointed, but nowhere near surprised. That had happened a bit too often the past few months to be taken aback, so you just took a deep breath and swallowed all the pain.  
Soobin sat on the couch and took one of the decorative pillows in his hands, playing with its uneven edges. You watched him closely and took a seat next to him, waiting for him to put his hand over your shoulders as he normally does.  
“I want to talk to you about something,” Soobin said, his eyes stuck to the decorative pillow.  
“What about?” you put on a smile on your face.  
“It’s something serious, Y/n.”
In your heart of hearts, you knew what he meant by that. But you refused to let yourself believe that.  
“I’m all ears, Soobin.”
Your heart still skipped a beat every time his name was mentioned. That was why you tried your best to avoid personal use of social media, you stopped watching TV, you didn’t even listen to TXT anymore, although you used to love their music.  
It was all work and success now. Nobody dared to leave you as you were so important, so competent, so powerful, so successful and capable of doing even more. Everyone respected you, tried their best to spend time with you, to reach you. You found yourself in a love-hate relationship with authority and triumph as the desperate need of the people around you to be with you happened to be somewhat annoying from time to time. Yet, it was way better than being left all alone, so you always grinned and let them believe they have your full interest.  
As you were reading the business plans of companies in need of investments, you found thinking yourself about Soobin. You put the business plan on your desk and inhaled deeply, eyes focused on the beautiful view of Seoul from your office. You were about to go back to reading the business plans when the ringtone of your personal phone tore the silence in your office apart.  
“It has become harder for both of us to stay happy in this relationship. You are constantly busy with your studies and the more TXT grows, the harder it is for me to find time for you. Believe me, I’ve tried to make you my main priority, but as a leader of a band like this, a band that’s getting bigger and bigger, I can’t run after you and you cannot do this as well.”
“Is it so hard for you to be honest to me one last time,” you laughed at him, looking at him coldly.  
“I am honest, Y/n, we both know that this relationship was doomed from the very beginni-”  
“Soobin, I don’t want to hear any of your poor excuses, they are meaningless to me,” you hissed, "you’ve fallen out of love with me, admit it.”
Soobin remained silent with you watching him as if you were ready to kick him out.  
“I’d prefer you scream. Or hit me. Or blame me. I’m saying the truth, Y/n, with lives like ours it’s just impossible to keep this relationship. The more we lie to ourselves, the more it will hurt,” Soobin muttered.  
You crossed your legs and looked him in the eyes.  
“You are such a coward. A coward for blaming your dream, my dream, everything else but your own emotions for the end of this relationship.”
Taking your phone out of your handbag, you wondered who it is. Your parents and the few friends you had knew better than to just call you during the day while you are at work, so it must be something urgent.  
The person’s phone number wasn’t added to your contact list, but you knew it too damn well for it to be unknown.  
“Look, I’m sorry, Y/n, I promise I tried to find time for you, but I just couldn’t keep track of everythi-”
“So, you are saying that you are breaking up with me because you don’t want me to feel left out.”
Soobin couldn’t look at you, knowing that you are well aware of what is happening but being fully incapable of telling the truth. Because telling you that the love he promised is gone would break you, as if you weren’t already in pieces.  
“I am so sorry, Y/n.”
“Don’t be,” you smiled.  
You didn’t know why he would call you and you surely didn’t know whether you should pick up.  
Hot waves spread out your body. A breath was stuck in your lungs. Your hands were shaking as you held your phone.  
You picked up.  
You felt betrayed. Your body was cold yet hot. You felt like you couldn’t bear looking at Soobin any longer, still, you couldn’t take your eyes off him, somehow afraid he’ll slip away as sand through the fingers.  
Soobin was about to say something, but you knew way too well what his next words were going to be.  
“Don’t you even dare say you’re sorry again.”
“I couldn’t keep my promises.”  
That’s how you knew he doesn’t love you anymore. Promises. All of the time. Being there for you forever. Holding you forever.  
Loving you forever.  
“I bet you didn’t expect my call,” Soobin mumbled.  
His voice sounded like a lullaby. So soft, so soothing, magical. You didn’t know you had missed so bad.  
“You can’t blame me. But please, tell me, what’s the reason behind your call?” you asked, your grip on your phone ever so tight.  
“You sound different, Y/n,” he whined, his voice letting you know how tired and maybe even tipsy he is.  
“You can’t expect me to stay at home, crying and waiting for you to fix everything. I grew up and did it all on my own,” you scoffed, going to the window.  
“You’re right, I can’t,” Soobin murmured.  
You had a million thoughts running through your mind, you couldn’t choose which one you should bark out first, angry at him for calling you, making you go through all the feeling you have tried to hide for the past few years. At the very same time, you were glad he called. Because you knew you wanted to hear his voice. You shouldn’t but you needed to.  
“I heard you are a CEO now. Congratulations. I’ve always believed in you and your ideas.”
“Thanks, Soobin.”
It was the first time in years you’ve pronounced his name. You had nearly forgotten how beautiful it was, how your soul trembled by the sound of it.
“W-would it be selfish of me to confess that I miss you?” Soobin stuttered.  
You took a deep breath and sat back on your chair.  
“Yes. Very.”
“I-I think it’s time for me to go,” Soobin stated, putting the pillow back on the couch.  
If you were to open your mouth, you were going to start screaming. You wanted to keep your composure. You wanted to look stable. You wanted him to remember you like that. Broken yet strong. Because there was no way in this world, he didn’t know how bad he had just hurt you.
Done putting on his shoes, Soobin took a look at the apartment and at you, making you go crazy, hoping he’ll say that he’s taking his words back, that he wants you to stay by his side. Because that day was one of the last ones when you would’ve taken him back.  
“Goodbye, Y/n,” Soobin sighed, leaving.  
You took the pillow he played with and hugged it tightly, inhaling his scent. As you were looking at the door, a tear fell down your cheek. Thousands more followed.  
“Y/n, I promise, I-”
“Soobin, you see, your broken promises have taken me quite far. But please, do not make any more. I don’t think I’ll be able to get any better than that,” you enunciated.  
“So, there is no chance that we ever...?” Soobin couldn’t even finish his sentence.  
A light knock was heard from the door, your secretary asking for permission to come in.  
You laughed bitterly and rested on your chair.  
“The chance you are looking for now was lost a long time ago.”
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
Alone in the Ashes {24}
A Court of Thorns and Roses fanfction, characters belong to Sarah J Maas. Modern au. Revolves around Nesta x Cassian, Feyre x Rhysand, and Elain x Azriel. Other characters appear throughout. Based on multiple prompts sent in by anons tbr below.
Warning: Mature content. Alcohol abuse, verbal abuse, drugs, sex, language, eating disorders.
For summary & chapter index, click >  Alone in the Ashes {Acotar}
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: Remember that one time when Lucas and Nathan faced off on the rivercourt for Peyton’s affection? Yeah. Good times.
Anyways, even I said “What the fuck” at the end of this chapter...Enjoy “The one before the finale”. x
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“I'd always thought death would be some sort of peaceful homecoming - a sweet, sad lullaby to usher me into whatever waited afterward.” ― Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin
It was the week before Rhysand and Feyre’s wedding, and everyone was going out to celebrate. All but Elain, who offered to stay home with Mila so that Azriel could enjoy himself. He’d been on edge too often, lately. He needed a good night out.
Besides, Elain was pregnant and nauseous and the last thing she wanted to do was be out with a bunch of people when she couldn’t drink and was too damn tired to dance. 
“Yes?” Elain asked from where she was perched on the other side of the couch.
“Is the baby in your belly a boy or a girl?”
Elain chuckled. “We don’t know yet. What do you want the baby to be?”
Mila took a minute to think about it. “I don’t care. I just want someone to play with.”
Elain’s smile softened. “Well, soon enough, baby will be here.”
“I be a big sister?” she asked, with hope in her sweet, innocent eyes.
“Sure will,” Elain confirmed. “The best big sister!”
“Is Uncle Azzie going to marry you?” Mila asked. “Like Rhysie and Feyre.”
“Maybe,” Elain said, in all honesty. “But not right now.”
“I want you to marry Uncle Azzie,” Mila said, sighing as she pet Elain’s cat, Ginger. “We could all live together in a big house. Me, you, Uncle Az, and baby.”
Elain watched Mila as she kissed the kitten’s forehead. “I would like that, too.”
“Good,” Mila beamed. “Can we watch t.v.?”
“It’s getting late,” Elain said, huffing a laugh, a hand on her stomach. The morning sickness wasn’t as bad, but it tended to linger throughout the day. 
“Please?” Mila sang, big eyes pleading.
“Alright, but only for a little while,” Elain said. “When i say it’s time for bed, it’s time for bed.”
Mila jumped up on the couch, arms in the air. “Yay!”
Elain turned the station to a kid’s show as she pulled out her phone and texted Azriel, What did this child have for lunch? She has enough energy for all of us.
Azriel’s reply came a second later. Chicken nuggets.
Then, it was followed by, A cherry icee might have happened, too.
Elain laughed to herself as she typed out, Oh, good. Get her all sugared up then leave her with the pregnant woman.
“Lain, do you have ice cream?”
Elain shook her head. “How about an apple?”
Mila groaned. “Fine.”
As Elain went into the kitchen, her phone vibrated in her hoodie pocket. Azriel had said, I can always come home. I’m only ten minutes down the road if you need me.
Have fun, Elain had texted back. Enjoy yourself. We’re good over here. After adding a green heart emoji, she pressed send. 
After washing an apple and cutting it into slices, Elain walked back into the living room, where Mila was snoring, using Ginger as a pillow. Shaking her head, Elain took her place at the other end of the couch.
When she pulled her phone out of her pocket, it read, Kiss Mila and the baby goodnight for me.
Elain’s cheeks turned pink as she smiled. Every night, Azriel pressed his soft lips to Elain’s stomach, to the bump that had formed there.
I will, Elain had typed back. Always.
“I feel bad for leaving Elain,” Feyre frowned. “She deserves to have fun, too.”
“She offered,” Nesta reminded her. “Besides, she’s been up at the crack of dawn puking her guts up. The woman needs to take sleep when she can find it.”
Feyre agreed before taking another shot.
Shots were on Mor, and the rounds kept coming. Feyre had already texted Rhysand once, to see where Cassian and Azriel were taking him, but he had replied that he didn’t know, that it was a surprise, and that he was scared shitless because any surprise that involved Cassian was asking for trouble.
Feyre didn’t disagree. 
“One week from today,” Amren began, eyes bright, intoxicated, “you’ll be a married woman.”
“Any idea where you’re going for the honeymoon?” Mor asked. “Rhys let anything slip?”
“Not a thing,” Feyre groaned. “And it’s been driving me crazy.”
“Any guesses?” Nesta asked.
Feyre took a second to think about it. Yes, she had guessed a few times over the past weeks, but Rhysand had let nothing slip. “My guess is Adriata. He knows I love the beach.”
And even now, as Autumn was beginning, Adriata was as warm and sunny as ever. But every time Feyre had guessed as much, Rhysand just shrugged and said, Guess you’ll have to wait and find out.
The handsome bastard. 
“You know what we should do?” Mor asked, then looked to Nesta. “Designated driver, pull the car around, please. We have to get the bride prepared for her honeymoon.”
Feyre groaned, but Nesta was already on her feet, hurrying out the door.
Five minutes later, they were gathered together in Nesta’s car, driving down Main Street. 
“Where are you taking me now?” Feyre asked, exasperated.
“You’ll see,” Mor crooned.
The endless list of surprises was about to drive Feyre insane.
They pulled up to a little lingerie shop and dragged Feyre out of the car.
“Is this necessary?” she asked. “Rhysand prefers me naked.”
Mor rolled her eyes as Amren said, “You can’t go on your honeymoon without a solid selection of overpriced lingerie.”
Feyre laughed, unable to argue as they entered the shop.
The room was filled with lace and silk, varying in styles and choices.
“Fine,” Feyre sighed. “Everyone pick out something and I’ll get it, no questions asked, but after this, we drink!”
Feyre was answered with laughter and hollering as she crashed in a chair near the dressing room. 
She would be married, Rhysand’s wife, in one week. It almost didn’t seem real. Everything was going so well, so smoothly, so beautifully, even with the rushed planning.
One week, with her girls by her side, and apparently a bag packed full of lingerie, ready to go wherever the hell Rhys was taking her after the ceremony... She would be her best friend’s wife.
 The back of Cassian’s truck was down, a twelve pack of shitty beer sat on the unhitched gate, and rock music poured from the radio as the three friends played basketball on the small court along the Sidra. 
Rhysand’s mom used to take the three of them there, from the time they were in middle school and fell in love with the sport. It had always been a safe haven, so it made sense why his two closest friends would gather an ass-ton of beer and take him to the court for some bonding before he got hitched in a week.
Cassian had a beer can pressed to his lips as he dribbled the ball to the free-throw line. 
“Anything new about Eris?” He asked.
Azriel cleared his throat. “No, but Amarantha calls and leaves a voicemail every other day, claiming the prick won’t give up. Which, I believe. Eris isn’t the type to be told he can’t have something and drop it.”
Azriel had gone to court a few days prior, and Eris had left furious after he’d been granted nothing. It was a win, but Rhysand could tell Azriel’s worry lingered.
“No matter what happens, she’s going to get older, you know? Eventually, she’ll have questions about them both, and I’m going to be the bad guy for saying, your mom’s in prison, and your dad’s a dick. Sorry, can’t see either of them.”
“Doesn’t make you a bad person for wanting to protect her,” Rhysand said. Cassian raised his beer in agreement.
“So I hear,” he mumbled, and surely Elain had been constantly telling him the same thing. “Nervous?” Azriel asked, where he stood beneath the hoop, undoubtedly hoping to get the conversation off of him.
“About playing against Cassian?” Rhysand asked. “Hardly.”
Azriel chuckled. “About getting married, dumbass.”
Rhysand grinned. “Not really. Nothing to be nervous about.” 
People were still around, the sun yet to have completely sink down, walking or jogging along the walk by the river. None of them seemed to care that they were drinking in a public area, or that their music was obnoxiously loud. 
“I’d be nervous,” Cassian muttered, throwing his empty can at his truck bed - and completely missing. 
“If you were marrying Nesta?” Rhysand asked. “Fuck, any man would be nervous. Or, you know, completely terrified.” 
Cassian snorted, but didn’t deny it. “About getting married in general. Everyone staring up at you, watching you stare lovingly into each other’s eyes as you proclaim your love…”
Azriel laughed, taking the ball away from Cassian and dribbling it up to half court. “That’s bullshit, you love attention.”
Cassian’s grin only widened. Rhysand said nothing as he watched Azriel dribble up to the three point line, all he could do is laugh as Cassian took a step forward to block his shot, but stumbled.
And yet, Azriel shot the ball and it missed the backboard by a foot.
Maybe they’d all had more to drink than they had thought. 
But none of them chased that ball as it rolled off the court, and out onto the grass, near the riverwalk.
Where a young man picked it up, saw Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel, and grinned.
So did his companion. 
Rhysand froze, and Cassian started charging forward, but Azriel quickly grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him back.
Tamlin chuckled. “That’s right, control your bitch.”
He and Eris stopped at the edge of the court.
Those walking past must have sensed the tension, because they began receiving strange looks as they stood atop the court in silence. 
And yet, they all kept walking past. 
“I hear you’re getting married next week,” Tamlin went on, strutting onto the court, ball bouncing on the concrete. “I suppose I should congratulate you. And my beautiful Feyre.”
Rhysand said nothing, but Cassian spat, “Leave.”
“How about we play?” Eris suggested, but he was looking at Azriel. “It’s been a while since we played.”
“You’re not welcome here,” Azriel said.
“Where is my daughter, by the way?” Eris said, looking around. “With your whore, no doubt.”
Now it was Cassian’s turn to grab Azriel by the arm. It only made Eris’s grin wider and far more wicked. 
“We don’t want trouble,” Rhysand said, plainly. “Give us our ball back and go.”
Tamlin did no such thing. “I think a game would be fun. Me and Eris against Cassian and Az. Rhysand, you could referee. Wouldn’t want you getting injured so close to your big day. Feyre will need you to be able to...perform. We all know how needy she is in bed, especially on her wedding night.”
Rhysand’s jaw hardened. “Why are you here, Tam?”
“We were walking by,” he said, shrugging. “We can’t stop and say hello?”
“No,” Cassian said, plainly.
“Then perhaps we’ll stop and say hello at the wedding, instead,” Tamlin crooned. “I hear it’s not far from here. By the woods, along the Sidra…”
“If you show up at the wedding-” Rhysand growled, but he was cut off.
“You’ll what?” Eris laughed. “Ask us to leave like you’re doing now? How’s that approach working for you?”
“I’ll handle it,” Cassian said, voice low. “And, considering the state I left you two in after our last encounter, you know that’ll end.”
Eris’ smile faded. “You were lucky, filled with that unholy rage that’s landed you in a jail cell more times than I can count.”
Cassian took a step forward, and this time, Azriel didn’t stop him. “You know what you’re problem is?” Cassian asked, looking between the two of them. “You grow up, spoiled, getting everything you’ve ever wanted, and now, you have this unwavering entitlement that makes you think you’re fucking invincible.” He took another step forward. “But you’re not. One day, you’ll get what’s coming to you, and your daddys won’t be there to help you out.” 
Tamlin grinned as he met Cassian in the lane, closing the distance between them. “Spoken like a true bastard, who killed his own mommy and whose daddy didn’t want him.”
Cassian’s body went still.
Azriel’s face went pale.
Yes, Cassian had a lot of anger. And that anger came from somewhere. And that somewhere was just declared, outright, from Tamlin’s mouth.
Cassian didn’t talk about it, but Rhysand and Azriel knew. In high school, Cassian had found his mother dead in their living room. Then, unable to handle the pain of loss, he fled for weeks and no one saw him. The rumors that came from that were unbearable. But that’s all they were, of course, fucked up rumors.
That Rhysand was certain Tamlin and Eris had been the ones to spread.
“You need to leave,” Rhysand warned.
But Tamlin didn’t move.
Nor did Eris.
Instead, Eris pulled a small knife out of his pocket and flicked it open. He used the sharp tip to clean the dirt out from under his fingernails.
Utter rage consumed Azriel’s face. 
That man was Mila’s father.
Cassian was unleashed.
He instantly tackled Tamlin to the ground, Cassian’s fist colliding with his jaw. Then Eris was on the move, charging at Azriel, but he stood his ground.
Rhysand’s can fell out of his hand, spilling across the pavement as he moved toward them, one foot in front of the other, to where Tamlin now had Cassian held down, just barely, by his throat.
What happened after that was a blur of blood and chaos.
Women who walked past walked by quickly, and a few men eventually came to try and break it up, but they were only swept into the fight themselves.
It became an all out war.
“Call the police!” a woman yelled, and Rhysand had hardly heard her above the madness surrounding him, above the pounding in his ears. 
He had just brought a man down that had gotten him good in the nose when Rhysand spun around, and saw it.
Eris had Azriel pinned against the ground by his knees, one hand holding his face still, the other holding that knife to Azriel’s neck.
Azriel laid perfectly still, breathing hard. Any movement, and the blade would get him.
Rhysand screamed Eris’ name, but when he started to run that direction, he was caught by a random jogger who threw him against the court. Cassian was still tumbling around with Tamlin, completely unaware of what was happening outside of their feud.
It was then that a middle-aged man, who should have been nowhere near the court, stepped behind Eris and tried to haul him off of Azriel.
But Eris was strong, much stronger. He pulled the knife away from Azriel’s neck, only to push the man down with such force that Rhysand could hear him hit the concrete. Rhysand was already on his feet, moving as quickly as he could toward the scene, but he was still too far away.
Azriel took Eris’ distraction to his advantage, though. He grabbed the knife from Eris’ hand and stabbed him in the side. Eris cried out in agony, but Azriel was pushing Eris off of him, and was hurrying to the middle-aged man lying on the concrete, hazel eyes full of horror. 
“Call a fucking ambulance!” he screamed, his voice so loud, so panicked, that the fight surrounding them began to dissipate.
Even Tamlin looked at the sight, looked at Azriel hovering over the man, in horror.
Because he knew that man.
Cassian’s face paled as he dropped Tamlin to the concrete and, blood running from his nose, ran to his truck for his phone. 
Because lying on the ground, still as stone, was Isaac Archeron. 
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{ “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever met that asshole” - Feysand } -anonymous
{ “How about Nessian needing to fake date when they go home for the holidays?!” } - anonymous
{ “could u pls do like an elriel fic where azriel is like this mysterious bad boy and elain is a goody two shoes lik aaaaa i cant get that image out of my head” } - anonymous
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