#hope that makes sense also it's very late here 😅😅
nouvxllev ¡ 6 months
Hi loved your recent Jenna fic
I have a request where reader confesses their feelings to Jenna after a long friendship (you can figure out how long and that friendship if you want) and Jenna doesn’t really react and unfortunately something or someone interrupts them that forces them to push that topic aside or something then Jenna like shuts down because she goes over reader’s confession over and over because how did she not see it that what she felt towards reader was exactly the same thing which leads her to think over having a relationship with reader and how it’ll work or how it won’t work I’m rambling at this point so you can just take over from here if you want
Just something along those lines idk if that made sense you can ignore this if it doesn’t ha😅
so this is love?
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Gn!Reader
Summary: request!! ^^
Words: 4.7k (damn i expected it was gonna be more than 5k)
Warnings: a long fucking love confession!!! you'd think to yourself how did they even say that in one breath, jenna being the oblivious little shit, r and j.o is horrendously inlove w eachother its fuckng insane, kind of bittersweet kind of just sweet, several 7 husbands of evelyn hugo references, im yapping too much about love here
a/n: first of all, thank you so so much!! and hope you'll like this one anon, thank you for the idea!
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"Y/n, I'm thinking about changing this scene. Just a slight bit, nothing too over the top. What'd you think?"
"Yeah? Oh, yeah. Definitely."
"But it's such a late change—fuck, I should've told Tim a little earlier. You think he's gonna get frustrated? Then again, he's a sweet guy, I don't think he will."
"Jenna. Jenna, I like you. So fucking much. It's spontaneous, a little on the weird side that I'm telling you this now in your Wednesday Addams get up with a script on your hands asking me if your idea is good or not, even if it is—everything you do is amazing—but I'm in love with you for little over a year now and it's tearing me apart so please just reject me so I can move on."
"Yeah, yeah I like the idea too but—what?"
"I like you. Jenna."
. . .
Here's the thing:
You give a poet paper, they will embellish it with their words. People will mourn over their unfortunately late mortal soul enclosed with a tomb that carries their quill and ink.
You give a painter a blank canvas with nothing but their own mind, they will create a sensation, a masterpiece, a tour de force. People will gaze upon it in awe, so valuable they will waste a fortune.
You give a musician a silent room, an auditorium with nothing but a few instruments and tarnished worksheets. They will make out of it, they will fill the room with melodies that no one would hear, yet the very vibrations would resonate with the walls.
But if someone gives out their heart to you, they will pour it all over you. They will reprogram their own organ so that it beats solely for you. They will rip it out of their chest in bleeding agony and give it to you with no price more than their own faith.
You are given no options other than cherish it, treasure it, be thankful someone admires you as such they will do anything and everything for a piece of your attention, maybe even reciprocation.
You are also given the option to trample on it, break it, shatter it into minuscule pieces that have no intention in restoring to it's formal use. Let it be nothing but a bullet to their own decision, to their own emotion, to their own choice to love you.
Jenna was given those options. None other from her friend since the day she became an actress at a young age, a childhood friend even. What now?
. . .
The brunette responded, murmured even, like she was out of breath. The corner of her lips forced themselves to tug into an awkward smile.
What else are you going to respond with if you're stuck in a situation where your friend of a decade, nearly how long Jenna has been in this fucking industry, tells you that they're in love with you?
You shook your head, noticing how Jenna's gaze flicker to your fidgeting hands. "I like you, Jenna. Like, like you. I love you—no, that's crossing the line. But I just... like you, Jenna. Don't you get it?"
Jenna blinked. So much for being in character. She scoffed, albeit playful, running her fingers through Wednesday's fringe, "Yeah. I like you too. We are friends. Best of friends."
You shook your head once more, slowly taking a step forward towards Jenna like you were cautious. "No, Jenna, I—" you sighed, "I like you. Romantically. Like I'm willing to be in a relationship with you like way."
Jenna swallowed the ever growing lump in her throat, feeling her eyebrows crease yet a smile was still present on her face. Her lips parted, threatening to say anything that just comes to her mind at this point. "You… you're serious?" Her voice wavered.
"Very. Dead serious." You nodded, gulping in your own words like you were trying to swallow them whole.
"I don't want our friendship to die out because of this, I wished I should've stopped my mouth from rambling all this to you so spontaneously but I—I should've done it more romantically than this setting. I've been in love with you my whole life, I've loved you for as long as I can remember even if I lose my memories. I'm not a romantic soul, I'm more far from it, and I'll never find the words even if I'm given a lifetime to describe how much I love you. I'm… I'm not saying all of this so you could reciprocate what I feel, it's just that I'll be lying to myself everytime I breath if I don't tell you this. You're my colleague, my co-star, my friend, my childhood, my everything ever since we met on that set of that god-awful ad that I cannot for the life of me watch again. I noticed that I talk to you almost everyday, how I adapted to your weird fucking horror movies that I absolutely somehow love, how I—I bought a stupid vinyl because you liked the artist, how I started listening to your music taste, how I started writing poems, how you always manage to sneak up in my conversations with others. You don't have to even be there, and yet, you linger in my words. I would surrender everything I worked for just for you, I would do anything, sacrifice my time and all. You've been all of those and more, and it's shocking that I'm only saying this now, after five years of loving you, half of the time we've known each other."
Jenna was silent, her lips parting as if to speak, but her mind held her back. But her heart did everything to speak, yet it never came.
She was lost, unsure, afraid. She didn't understand, and she fears that you know she doesn't. She never will unless time so happens to be on her side. Breathing was the only option, and breathing out was her only relief that she was alive.
She looked at you, and you looked at her back. No words exchanged. Your hands are now fidgeting with the hem of your shirt, pulling the loose strings apart as you catch your breath.
Jenna could grab your hand, apologize, and reject you. She could throw everything you both had built and walk away, leaving you behind to pick up the pieces of your shattered heart.
Maybe that both of you will go to separate paths after filming was over. Maybe you'd tear away the contract that stated that in all your shows, Jenna should be there.
But the thought pained her.
It's painful, it's torture, it's agony, it's suffering to live in that universe where you weren't the one Jenna calls when it's a rainy day. The universe where Jenna stays awake, mellowing in her own woe, not knowing who to turn to, who to call at the dead of night. The universe where every poem on her phone, on her paper, on her notes, on every surface she had the ability to write on, wasn't meant for you.
Do you refer to that as love?
"Y/n, I... I just need some—"
"Y/n! There you are."
Tim cut Jenna off, approaching the both of them, but more primarily you.
"Y/n, makeup team, and Jenna, your scene."
It all took Tim nothing but to speak seven words for the both of them to pry their eyes off eachother and remind themselves it was a professional setting. With professional actors and professional feelings. Nothing personal, is what Tim would say.
Jenna was an actor. You were an actor, her co-star.
That just so happens to be in love with her.
You nodded as you looked right at Tim, your gaze leaving Jenna for the first time.
Jenna was desperate to hold your hand, take a firm grip of your wrist and to tell you to 'stay' or 'don't go' like what they do at cheesy romance movies where the guy gets the girl.
But it wasn't. Jenna would've loved you if it were a movie.
The question still arises on set. Dressed up as Wednesday, cameras rolling, her mind wandering nowhere near the scene but your trailer.
What do you do when a friend confesses their love to you?
A friend who's been a familiar presence in Jenna's life, a friend who's been there since Jenna learned her heart yearned for others, how it beats for other people.
Someone through every moment of self-doubt, they saved her when she couldn't save herself. Through struggles that Jenna considered could be something to gash her mending heart, but they would offer a piece of theres in exchange for happiness in her.
A friend she loves.
It's a simple. You fold your heart in half, maybe even in fourths, then tuck it away in the deepest depths of your pocket. You might stamp it, decorate it, perhaps even address it to none other than your soulmate.
What do you do if you don’t know your soulmate?
You look for them. Jenna never looked for love outside of her family or friends; her heart was content with the familiar comfort of their love. Those were the types of love she knew. She had never felt the need to pursue romance.
Probably because everyone sees some others as they want them to be in their own head. They fall in love with the idea of them, the person they want them to be. An idealized version only they see fit to their desires, a false projection.
Most people would call her beautiful or pretty. She would pass the street and people would look at her, stare at her, look at her up and down, maybe even subtly lick their lips. They look up at her like she’s a force they cannot compete with, like she wasn’t human. Not amongst them. They will compliment her base on her appearance, and in rare cases, on how talented she is.
But someone would call her glorious, like Greece, and grandeur like Rome. Someone would call her lovely, not in a way everyone calls her, but someone would look up at her with eyes that feel like they’re borrowing, harnessing even, the energy of a thousand suns to even look at her. Like she was a garden. But yet, they would also look at her like she was an old friend. An old soul, the soul that could melt yours but still be so comforting.
And it was you.
Most people would look at her and smile. Say hi, wave a greeting, a handshake if it was really needed.
But you look at her as if you were seeing something more, as if Jenna had never seen a person more in awe that you when you look at her. Like how the sun would be nothing without her, how you'll spend your whole life loving her and nothing more, how you look at her and she feels though as if she has never been admired in her whole life. If she was someone intolerable, someone unbearable, suffering to a degree you'd rather die, and you would. But only if it were in her arms.
Most people would describe her as someone talented, art, hot, stunning, sexy. Like she was nothing but a piece of imagination to someone, like her good traits were the only characteristics that made her Jenna Ortega.
But you would turn all of those down. You would say, no, in the face of the interviewer. You would say that she was the renaissance reincarnated as a single human, that was beauty in everything imperfect, she was the art that would put the Sistine Chapel to shame, the sculpture that would have Michelangelo resurrecting from the dead only to lie back of how undoubtedly perfect and impossible to replicate the pure astonishing beauty that was her.
You were an old friend of Jenna, the two of you were ever since Jenna played young Jane in Jane the virgin at twelve years old and you had approached her as an extra to be her somewhat, co-star-in-the-future-friend.
And now, she's only imagining what would've happened if you hadn't been the big ball of sunshine that you always were up until now.
There were times that you would make her laugh, putting up a half-assed comedy show whenever she's in a bad mood, but then you'll give her space if she doesn't budge. Times where you would hold her close in your arms whenever she's on the verge of tears, and times where you hold her close to you whenever she achieved something.
There were times she wasn't proud of herself, how self-doubt creeped into her mind and slowly started to deteriorate her soul, yet you were there. You called her brilliant, a genius, someone show-stopping people from all around the world would be shocked how amazing she was and a few other words that she kept close to her heart.
There were times where Jenna calls you, telling you how filming was all too stressful and she needs a break. Then you're with her the next day, surprisingly becoming an extra or maybe a new side character to her films.
You were always saying how you would protect her at the age of twelve, and she'd always respond with "how?" with a laugh, then you'd respond with a simple shrug saying, "I'd love you."
Jenna didn't understand it at first and yet you understood her in such a short amount of time. How you knew why she always has her headphones on, how you wrote down and knew at the top of a hat what she likes and what she hates, how your laugh sounded at her most darkest of jokes, how you would bring back snacks whenever you're on a run, how you would always say 'i love you' in times where she's breaking down.
And up until now, she never understood why you would protect her with your love.
Jenna was your friend but you treated her like she was your everything.
And up until now, she realized that she loved you back.
And up until now, she realized how could she even dare to live without giving you the same love as you did to her?
People tell you that relationships are easy, that they're lovely, that they tell you that love is the only thing that keeps the both of them going.
But they don't tell you the rest.
They don't tell the pain you want to go through all for your significant other. The nights you want them to be in your arms but you've gone through yet another foolish argument that created a hole in your heart that seem to never mend, but it will.
It made sense that Jenna never wanted to be in a relationship, it was scary. The answer to a question as such was always going to be no. How there was always someone going to be hurt or inflict hurt.
But it never made sense that Jenna would experience pain with no presence of mercy to be with you.
Everyone talks about falling out of love, but that's bullshit. If you fall out of love, then there must be a reason you should've never fell from them in the first place. It's something Jenna never understood why falling out of love was never a thing if love prospered and it was for all eternity.
But the thought of being in a relationship with you, and having to watch you fall out of love with her is terrifying.
The two of you would work because the both of you are long friends, childhood friends. Yet, it won't. Because the two of you were friends. What would happen if Jenna let you in the most deepest parts of her heart? What would happen if you did? Would you get turned off? Would she get turned off? She wouldn't. You wouldn't
If no one had stopped Jenna in the midst of her performance as Wednesday, she wouldn't notice she was messing up her lines. She wouldn't have noticed that she was crying.
But she did notice that one familiar scent you always carried around you; that one perfume mixed with the shampoo you used everyday. Jenna was around you her whole life and she never got tired of it. It could be the smell of her home, like that one familiar scent at your childhood home.
It wasn't long before she felt a pair of two hands grabbing her shoulders, tugging her gently, and it wasn't long before she felt herself walking with them.
The voices were drowned out, muffled, she can hear someone saying to "let her take a break until she's feeling better. Emma, your scene."
"Jenna, please, talk to me, why are you crying?"
"Shit—Jenna? Jenna, it's alright, I'm—Well, I shouldn't probably be here."
She knew that voice. How could she forget them?
It wasn't fair that Jenna's heart skipped a beat once she heard your pitch, like you were worried or concerned. She recognized it all too well that it brought a sense of comfort in her soul.
"Y/n?" She whispered, noticing how you brought her into your trailer and sat her down. "Shit. Fuck, I'm supposed to be on set. Y/n, why am I—"
"Jenna. Jenna, hey, look at me," you grabbed her hands, your touch a bit too warm as you held hers tightly, but it never failed to give her peace. "I'm sorry, I know I'm not the one who should be doing this since you know, the whole shit that happened an hour ago."
Jenna looked down at your hands, your thumb slowly caressing the back of her palm, a silent permission. A permission she would always grant with open arms. Or maybe hands in this case.
You nodded, fixing yourself up on the couch as you look at Jenna. "We're gonna take deep breaths, alright? I'll be here, don't worry." You squeezed her hand in reassurance.
"No, y/n, I—I need to tell you something, please—"
"Jenna." You sighed, noticing how it wasn't out of annoyance but out of concern. "Your voice is cracking, you're stuttering, you're in a higher pitch than you are normally. And more importantly, you have tears in your eyes." You would sooner or later interlock your fingers with Jenna's offering another reassuring squeeze. "I'll protect you. You're safe with me, don't worry, please, Jenna."
. . .
You know, people think sex is intimacy, the highest form of intimacy there is. 
But they're wrong.
It’s being able to realize something heartbreaking, something that cuts you deep in your soul to the point where no amount of bandages will help. But somehow, someway, someone so special could heal it with their words.
It’s where you can be vulnerable with someone, be happy, be sad, be angry, be every emotion you’re afraid surrendering to. They will wrap their arms around you and whisper to you that they’re there for you. You’re safe with them.
It’s when you realize that heaven couldn’t be real if it isn’t with them. 
It's when you realize that everyone got it wrong in perceiving them, noticing how you're the only one who truly understands them.
It’s when you realize every living and late poet was wrong in their writings, in their words, in their books. Love wasn’t an emotion, it wasn’t a choice. It was someone. Someone special.
It’s when you realize if ever you’ve completely turned the whole world against you, the time where you’ve devastated everyone in turn for your own selfish needs. Yet you will find yourself standing in front of them. Realizing you’ve spared them from your wrath.
You expect them to hurt you. To break you, to do everything within and over their power to make you experience the same pain you’ve inflicted.
Yet they will show no betrayal.
They will simply show understanding, awe even. Love. They will catch if you if you fall from the top you’ve tore and exhausted yourself. They will sing to you if you feel every melody has nothing. They will do everything, they will accept you, not only because of you, but because of what you carry, what you’re pretending not to be.
Love was never easy, Jenna knew that. You don’t listen to Pat Benatar or The Cascades to not know what true love does to someone; It will shatter you, then mend your now fragile heart like its nothing. It will let you experience grief, then peace. It will let you feel nothing, then everything. It’s not simple, never is. It’s complicated, it’s fucked up. It’s terrifying. So fucking terrifying. 
But if Jenna was going to experience everything she’s thinking of right now; Agonizing heartache that feels like mercy isn’t even an option, and peace she had never felt before, it was going to be with you.
. . .
"Jenna? Jenna are you—"
She had never really truly felt luxury in a while until she let her trembling hands reach up to cup your cheeks, stealing one glance away from your eyes before closing her own and softly pressing her lips against yours. 
What do you say to a friend you realized you’ve fallen in love with now?
Maybe you’d kiss them, like what Jenna is doing now. Let yourself bring peace in your world that is full of unjust morals—let them be a light, be something that felt half as right as loving the taste of their lips on yours.
Maybe you'd let them into your world. Remind them of how they're the only ones in this life were worth devoting your entire life to, how being in their presence was an experience of a life time.
Maybe you'd let them care about your entire being. Let yourself be vulnerable, be free within their arms. Let them tell you that they're going no where but to where you're headed, that peace only belongs to a place where you're present.
Maybe you’d tell them how you like the way they look at their belongings like it was their favorite part of the day? Tell them how they make you feel that everything is possible, how you knew that you’ll be living as much as they would be smiling.
Or maybe, Jenna would say this,
"Y/n," she broke off the kiss, her hands returning to her lap and intertwining with yours. "I'm sorry. I couldn't give a proper reaction to your confession earlier. It was so stupid of me I—"
You laughed. Fuck, your laugh was beautiful.
"Don't worry, Jenna. You don't really feel the same way as I do, and that's fine. I just—I just hope it won't ruin our friendship, you know?"
Jenna scoffed, eyebrows creasing, "No, y/n, give me time to talk, please." She laughed, then took a deep breath.
"I love you, y/n. I never really realized that, I mistook them for something lesser. Mostly because love wasn’t the right term to describe it. Love is simple, fast, overused, something tossed around so carelessly that it couldn't be something I'd say to you; you don’t deserve such a weak word that has no meaning but tarnished from other people. It’s not complex, like how you’re represented in my soul, how you grown ivy around my heart as if I’m trapped in your unbearable love, yet why do I accept such an idea that is only a metaphor that I wish it were true? It's clear that no one knows me greater than you have. It happens more often than not that people will see right through me, only to find a barricade of walls that reflects repressed emotions that keep them from entering. But you tell a different story, different words that people don’t use to tear at my heart. You whisper something so precious that I wish to hear again but I shouldn't before I fall. You unravel my soul with a gentleness that defies everything, that makes me wonder where pure tenderness comes from if it isn't from you. I've known you for long enough to know what the sound of your voice is in, whether your anxious or joyful, how your voice is the sole reason why I sleep without your arms wrapped around my body. I want nothing but to hold you in my arms, to lie beside you in nothing but eternal slumber then rise again if you are ever disturbed. I want to fear nothing, to be afraid of nothing, to have death be a mere word unless your name is next towards it. My name is always associated with me being an actress, a talented one, someone who would no longer be a name hidden in the dust but someone who would rise to the top. A glamorous world is what they would tell me, everything I would want is granted. But why aren't you there in the vision they see? The lover that I yearn for, a home that would finally bring me peace, the home that I wouldn't escape from with bare melodies that lay emotions that I couldn't voice. I just—Fuck, I love you, y/n. Through a decade we've been together, it's only now that I realize that life without you is simply a life worth killing myself to. Death shouldn't be an option when you're around me, it should be something we'll defy, an afterlife that would fail in making us part ways from eachother. I love you. Really. I'm sorry, I just didn't know what to say or do, but I love you. I've realized that."
The silence was unbearable, only now did she realize she blurted out a confession only those who're dead can say in a sentence without stuttering.
"No, no Jenna…" You pushed her hands away from yours, the action stinging her own hands as you stepped back, putting unfamiliar distance between the two of you.
"Y/n, what?" She scoffed, her voice betraying her of a flat tone, "What do you mean, I thought—" Jenna immediately reached out for your arm, her words were faltering, her fingers now trembling as they threatened to brush against your skin.
She was expecting to get yelled at to leave, to never show her face to yours ever again. But as she looked into your eyes, she was met with tears that dared to glisten your gaze. "Are you… are you crying?"
You chuckled, "You know… You know I can't compete with that confession, Jenna. It's unfair to those who don't have a habit of staying up late and writing poems." You brought your hands up to your eyes and wiping away the tears that fell on your cheek, only to be replaced by warm ones.
Jenna cupped your face, her thumb caressing the gentle touch and warmth of your skin, feeling how you leaned into her touch almost immediately. "Oh, you're awful. You had me worrying that I said something wrong or you changed your mind."
"Oh, no, never." You laughed it away, shrugging the tears that continue to stain your face. Then, without a word, you reached up to cradle her own face in your hands, letting her place them down on your lap and close the remaining distance of the two of you that were seated far too apart from eachother.
"I never really thought that you'd say yes. Or say something too poetic." You whispered to her, daring yourself to not drown in her pool of brown eyes that threatened to kill you if you looked too closely.
"I never really thought that I would truly love someone, and look at that turned out."
"Like what?"
"Like I never wanted to love someone more than I loved everything." She tilted her head, leaning forward and closing the distance between your lips and hers. A soft but gentle press to your own, yet it was fervent.
She pulled away, only so slightly that your lips never touched eachother again before they fall into the same predicament as addiction. But close that she could feel your heartbeat, your warm breath against hers, everything that made you you.
"So, this is love?" She whispered.
"Dangerously attractive in a form of a human?" You smirked, winking even, before Jenna rolled her eyes.
She scoffed, "I was going to take you out to dinner, but you are awful at charming someone."
"Take me out to dinner and I'll never make that statement again."
"Deal. I'd splurge a shit ton of money for you not to repeat it ever again."
"You pain me. I love you."
"I love you too."
And then she kissed you, holding you tight as if reminding you're more than just a friend.
a/n: i'm in a desperate need of a girlfriend. also in the span of my 1 week break ive written only 2 stories. its such a low number damn 😭😭😭 (+ then he kissed by by the crystals reference at the end!)
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thelov3lybookworm ¡ 1 year
I’ve been loving Lucien lately too! I have a request but I’m not sure how to word it so I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense. 😅
The reader and Lucien have a child. The reader is from the night court (possibly Rhys’ sister) and is away. Lucien panics through the bond because the child has suddenly developed night court powers and he doesn’t know what to do. Like maybe they keep making themself disappear into darkness or something. 😂
Dreams and screams.
Summary: Y/n's mate is about to have a panic attack due to their daughter creating chaos.
A/n: it does make sense, don't worry darling. Also, I love your brain so much for this brilliant idea, I adore the idea so much 😏❣️Also, this has no right to be this funny😂. Oh poor Lucien 💀
Also, I was thinking of posting a sneak peek, but the fic was done, and I didn't want to keep anyone waiting, so here it is.
Enjoy! ❣️
A wave of panic slammed into Y/n from the other side of the bond, making her suck in a sharp breath.
What the hell?
Her brother looked up from stirring his cup of tea, his mouth open mid sentence. He frowned.
"You okay?"
"I don't know–" She cut off as a relief emanated from the other side of the golden string connecting her to her mate.
Rhys nodded solemnly. "Makes sense." And then the bastard went right back to stirring his tea.
She gaped at him. "You– piece of–" Another wave of panic made her gasp, and she was stopped from the pleasure of calling him a very inappropriate name.
He grinned, glancing at her. "Is it Lucien?"
She nodded, rubbing at her chest, feeling a little relaxed before panic again gripped her.
What the hell is going on?
"He seems panicked."
Rhys furrowed his brows. "Do you think it's something about Astrid?"
"It could be." While they spoke, the sudden bursts of panic and relief continued.
"Are you going then?" He asked as she stood up. She nodded. He pouted but she simply kissed his cheek, hoping to get back to Day Court. He stood too before placing a peck on her forehead, pulling her in for a hug and squeezing her tightly.
"We'll meet soon. I'm so sorry." He shook his head, letting her know it was alright as she sprinted out the door.
Y/n had been visiting her brother for their monthly family meeting, where she spent some time alone with Rhys before Lucien, with their daughter Astrid and the inner circle joined them for dinner. Lucien had a lot of work to do, hence he only joined them for dinner, and her daughter, being her father's daughter, was always stuck to his side, wherever he went, even tagging along to court meetings.
Y/n didn't mind.
She rushed through the gates of the Palace in Day court, only able to winnow in front of them due to the wards around the place.
All the time that she was trying to get to her chambers as fast as possible, she continued to wonder what might be going on. The Royal chambers, where she and her mate lived with their daughter, was just a huge room with different rooms attached. One was their daughters room, one for the two of them, a library and an office for Lucien.
She opened the door to her daughter's room, poking her head in.
There she found the father and daughter in the middle of what she could only describe as chaos. The state of the room almost gave her a panic attack.
Astrid seemed to be crying as Lucien crouched in front of her, gripping her face in his large hands as he tried to calm her down.
At the sound of the door opening, Lucien glanced up, a relieved expression crossing his face. Astrid also noticed, and she started crying again, running up to Y/n as she stepped fully into the room and closed the door behind her.
"Mama–" Astrid hiccuped, clinging to the front of Y/n's dress. "I am a very bad girl." She continued sobbing.
Saying Y/n was confused would be an understatement.
"Why would you say that?" Y/n glanced up at Lucien, who sighed.
"She seems to have inherited your daemati powers, as well as winnowing."
Y/n grinned, a sudden feeling of happiness and pride spreading through her for her daughter. But she needed to calm Astrid first before she thought more about it.
"How does that make you a bad girl my love?" She questioned, trying to get out of Astrid's grip so she could pick the four year old. But children seemed to have the best grip, as Astrid didn't budge.
"I hurt daddy!" She wailed, clinging harder onto Y/n's skirts.
Y/n looked at Lucien questioningly, and he shook his head slightly.
He walked forward, caressing Astrid's head and pressing a kiss to his mate's cheek before whispering in her ear. "She's been winnowing random objects and her toys around the room without noticing it, and one of her toys hit me in the head. She thinks I got hurt. She's also been screaming random stuff in my head, like cookies and chocolate and candies."
Y/n had to force her laugh down at her mate's tired state. He looked thoroughly worn out. Poor guy.
Y/n finally managed to get out of Astrid's death grip on her legs, and knelt in front of the little girl. "Baby, I didn't think you hurt daddy. It's okay."
Lucien also went to his knees next to his mate, wiping at the fat tears rolling down Astrid's round cheeks.
"You did not hurt me, my little sunshine. You always say daddy is very strong, right?" As he spoke, he slowly tugged Astrid closer, which she didn't seem to realise as she went, sniffing and rubbing at her eyes, nodding along.
"Daddy did not get hurt, I promise." He tugged her into his chest, placing a kiss on her little head, and Y/n's heart swelled with love. The two of them were adorable together, especially because of the size difference. Lucien seemed like a giant in comparison to Astrid, and him being so gentle with her made her happy.
Astrid glanced up at her father, her eyes going wide, her lips parting in awe when he smiled at her.
Y/n winced as she heard Astrid's voice screaming that in her head. Her voice was so loud that it penetrated the thick walls around Y/n's mind. She glanced at Lucien, who barely hid his wince, giving her a knowing look. Y/n grinned.
"Darling, how about we go to sleep?"
"No mommy, I want to play with daddy."
"Daddy has work to do. How about we go to sleep, then we can play with daddy whe you wake up?"
Astrid shook her head, but when Lucien said the same thing, asking her to sleep, she reluctantly agreed.
When Astrid and Y/n were settled in bed and Lucien had taken a seat next to the bed, Y/n began explaining to their little girl what was happening.
"So you see, your powers are developing. You will have to learn how to control them, and when you do that, you will become powerful and strong. Just like mommy and daddy."
The little girl stared up at her mother with wide eyes, gripping onto the blanket that was on her chest tightly. "Really?"
Y/n smiled and pressed a kiss onto her head. "Really. Now, I want you to go to sleep so you can be rested and relaxed when you wake up, and then you and I can start your lessons on controlling your powers. Is that okay?"
"Yes mommy!" Astrid squealed happily. Mere moments later, she was already drifting off, the uncontrolled use of her untested magic having taken a toll on her little body.
Y/n smiled at Lucien, getting up and walking closer to where he sat.
"It'll be a long journey teaching her." Lucien mumbled, pulling Y/n into his lap.
"It will be." She glanced at Astrid to make sure she was asleep. "Maybe it would be better if we got a teacher for her. They might be able to teach her better."
Lucien immediately shut the idea down. "No. What if the teacher we get for ther is strict and makes Astrid cry? What if they hit her? No. No teacher."
Y/n laughed at her mate. He truly was a protective father, at times unreasonably so. Looking at him scared about a teacher made her wonder what he would do when their daughter started taking lovers. It would only be a matter of time till then, and it would surely give Y/n a headache.
But for now, she would enjoy what she had, and try not to complain too much.
Suddenly, a image of the three of them playing in the largest and most beautiful garden in the palace flashed through her mind, and one look at Lucien gave her the confirmation she needed. He was seeing the same thing she was seeing.
Astrid was dreaming, and she was sharing the image with her parents unconsciously.
Y/n shook her head, grinning.
It certainly would be a long journey.
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless
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boydepartment ¡ 1 year
Okay 🧈 anon back again with another riki request 😘
Consider this, a fair date with riki. But like your not sure if it's a date date yk? (I think I'm stuck on the friends to lovers trope atm) And you're not sure where you stand with riki. Neither of you have brought it up but friends definitely don't cuddle up on the couch like you guys do when you watch movies and friends don't spoon you the way riki likes to when he spends the night. And when you get to the fair there's a lot of people of course and riki insists on holding hands 'so you don't get separated'.
Maybe he plays a bunch of games and gives you the prizes. Or there's a ride you're scared to go on but fearless riki convinces you and holds your hand tight and sure he teases you for being scared of a kid ride but he also gives you a hug afterward and tells you you're brave. Maybe maybe you ride the ferris wheel once it gets dark and all the lights are on and it's all twinkly and pretty and riki still holds your hand despite there being absolutely no chance of you two being separated in the confined space of the gondola and he brushes back your hair and tells you you're pretty and kisses you 😖😖😖😖😖😖
Sorry that was kind of long 😅...of course you can pick and chose what you want from this. I just would like something along these lines pls 💕
The View- Nishimura Riki x Reader
MASTERLIST warnings- none wc- 1.2k
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Your relationship with Riki was very interesting. You both have known each other forever. You both have spent late nights on the couch playing video games, watching movies, and watching random YouTube videos. You would be lying to yourself if you didn’t find yourself staring at his lips a little too long. He would tease you saying something stupid like, “ohhhh you wanna kiss me so bad.” You would deny it and call him a loser. But, in reality, you wanted to kiss him. Part of you felt like you needed to for your mental health. But that was just you being overdramatic.
For your graduation Riki wanted to take you to a fair, it was a big accomplishment and he said he wanted to show you how proud he was of you. The night before you offered to have him sleep over, which he very much agreed to. You both ended up cuddling for the millionth time that night. What was different is that you noticed Riki would trace little shapes on your hands as his breath slowed and he relaxed. You leaned into him, and you heard a small chuckle escape his lips. It made your stomach churn like a ton of wild rats trying to escape you. You knew you were head over heels in love with him. You were in love with Nishimura Riki- your best friend, someone your parents trusted enough to let him sleep over, someone who you trust with everything, someone who you didn’t want to lose.
The next day when you guys got to the fair, Riki noticed there was a ton of people.
“Busy day today huh?” You laughed nervously; you weren’t big on crowds. Riki looked down at you.
“Everyone graduates around the same time, so it makes sense.” He said and smiled down at you, he patted your head. When you guys got into the fair, he started to REALLY notice that it was crowded. If you got lost, you could probably easily find him, but there is no way he could find you.
“Here.” Riki said and grabbed your hand, your heart skipped a beat, and you looked up at him.
“So, you don’t get lost.” Riki said and smirked down at you, you found yourself rolling your eyes, you were not going to complain though.
“What do you wanna do first?” You asked looking up at him, he looked down at you.
“Y/n this is YOUR day!” He grinned at you, “you choose.”
You looked around and led him to the prizes, “can you win me something?”
Riki looked at you and contemplated, “I dunno can I? Hmmmm lemme see!” He put money in the machine in exchange for coins. Then he found the basketball game. He was a little nervous because if he lost then he would lose the chance to impress you. Fair games were also KNOWN to be rigged, so this was WAY more nerve-racking, than he was letting on.
“I believe in you Riki!” You said, your heart was full as you cheered him on. You meant to help, but this just made him more nervous.
He shot a couple of baskets and missed. He had one more chance to win you something, he glanced down at you and saw your eyes practically sparkling at him- for him. He took a deep breath. You were watching him, he looked so focused, you thought it was adorable how hard Riki was trying to win you something.
Riki took his last shot and actually got it in, you cheered and jumped on his arm, “you did it Riki!”
He ended up winning you the small prize, but it didn’t matter to you, what made you happy is that Riki got you something. It didn’t matter how big or expensive said gift was.
“The stuffed animal kinda looks like you.” Riki teased you, he kept his hand on your small backpack, you felt the weight of it, and it made your heart happy.
“Riki this is literally a snail.” You looked up at him, laughing.
“And?” He teased again and nudged you. You rolled your eyes and put the stuffed animal in his face.
“You’re the worst.”
As you guys walked around more, you both got some crazy fair foods, like the deep-fried Oreos and different odd drinks. You laughed when Riki accidentally spilled on himself, little did you know, he spilled because he kept looking at how your eyes lit up when you saw the different attractions in the distance. After your drinks you guys continued on your walk.
“Holy shit I haven’t been on the swings in years.” Riki looked up at the attraction. Your stomach twisted, this time in a bad way. It may be a kids ride however; you didn’t like being high up at all. You actually despised it. He turned to you, “can we go on it? Please?”
You swallowed hard, not wanting to be a buzzkill you nodded. You were nervous in line, fidgeting and looking around.
“Y/n?” Riki said, you looked up at him and hummed.
“Are you scared?” He asked, you shook your head no. Riki gave you a look.
“You haven’t let go of my hand since we got in line, and I don’t think you can get lost in line.” He said smugly and lifted your intertwined hands.
“I’m… I’m just not good with heights.” You looked away nervously.
“You’ll be fiiiine, I promise.” Riki said, you nodded and looked down, “here.” He lifted your hands again and kissed the back of your hands, “I wouldn’t go on a ride with you that would put you in danger.”
Needless to say, the ride was fun, and you felt embarrassed for being so scared to go on it. You laughed as your hair would get in your face and Riki would be making jokes left and right. When you got off Riki was right next to you.
“Yooou are so braaaave!” Riki said and hugged you from behind, he lifted you up slightly and shook you. You yelped and started giggling.
“Riki stoppp!” You laughed.
You guys’ continued walking, Riki letting you lead so you could pick the next ride. He kept your hand in his. In his other hand he was changing his wallpaper to you on the swings. He thought you looked really pretty even with your hair in your face. Riki could still see his favorite smile in the picture and that is what's important to him.
Getting brave, and the fact you have never been on a ferris wheel, you got in line to try it.
When Riki saw where you had led him, he smiled, “not scared anymore?”
“Shut up.” You nudged him. He chuckled and threw his head back.
When you guys got in the ferris wheel it was dark, it would make the high up view a little less scary for you. You were thankful for that.
Riki kept his hand on yours and you looked at them.
“Oh, are you scared now?” You teased him, Riki looked down at your hands.
“Nah, I just don’t want to let go of you.” He spoke, your jaw dropped, and you looked away from him quickly. Teasing him BACKFIRED. You tried to calm your heart rate down looking out at the city lights. It truly was a beautiful view, you still felt his hand in yours. Your hands were probably sweaty too….
Riki also looked away and he started beating himself up for saying something as stupid as that. You probably thought he was weird now! And his hands are SO SWEATY RIGHT NOW!
He took a deep breath and looked at you, your eyes focused on the lights around you. The city was always beautiful to you, he knew you loved the view. He loved his view too.
Feeling his eyes on you, you turned to look at him.
“Do I have a bug in my hair?” You asked, he shook his head no.
“You’re just so pretty.”
Your jaw opened slightly again, being surprised at how bold he is being with you at the moment. He put his free hand on your cheek.
“Tell me right now if you don’t want me to kiss you.”
Your breath hitched, “you can kiss me.”
Riki grinned, “do you want me to though?”
You nodded, “yeah I do…”
Riki bit back his smile as he leaned in and finally kissed you.
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tarjapearce ¡ 1 year
Hii! So here it is the one shot thing i was talking about. Took longer than i expected cause i was at work most of the time. It's also longer than what i intended but i wanted to flesh it out as much as possible. I wanted also to add smut but I'm really bad at writing it so i thought better save myself the embarrassment😅. Anywho i hope you enjoy and hopefully it's not terrible 🙈
Miguel has been working very hard in cherry baby's dad's ranch and it's starting to get to him. The stress, the heat, the exhaustion at the end of the day and so on. The only thing that's been giving him strength is his special girl. She's been busy herself lately but still tries to see Miguel as much as she can. Not enough for him though and that makes him as grumpy as can be. Cherry baby notices this so she goes to talk with him about it. His sour mood however has gotten so bad that even cherry baby can't fix it. She tries to be her sweet self but he's just being an ass.
"Hii!" cherry says with lilt in her voice when she approaches the barn.
"Hey." is all she gets in return from a Miguel looking at his board and writing something on it.
This takes cherry a bit off guard so she gets closer to him.
"Whatcha doin?" she asks sweetly, swinging back and fort on her feet.
"Work." replies Miguel, again not even looking at her.
This really starts to bother cherry baby so she confronts him.
"Okay what's going on? Why are you acting as if I'm not even here? Are you mad at me or something?"
"What? No, I'm just busy. Why do i have to be mad at you? I just have work to do." Miguel snaps.
Cherry looks up at him taken aback and she feels her eyes getting wet the more she stays.
"Fine. Do your work. Sorry i bothered you." she says and leaves the barn with not a single apology from Miguel.
That day cherry was in a shitty mood as well and her parents and everyone else who worked at the ranch could see it. This went on until evening. Cherry baby barely ate her dinner and her both her parents took notice. After dinner her mother went to her daughters room to check up on her
"Mija? Is everything okay?"
"I'm fine, mama." cherry says, laying in bed with her back to the door of her room.
"Something is bothering you, i can tell." her mother pushes on
"No nothing is wrong, I'm fine. Please just leave me alone." cherry baby insists.
"Do you think I'm stupid? How can i leave my daughter, knowing she's upset about something?" she says walking towards her daughters bed.
"It's really nothing, mama. Everything's fine."
Cherry baby's mom looks at her quizzingly
"Does it have something to do with the ranch boy?"
Cherry's eyes widen a bit and she quickly goes to say
"No! No it doesn't! Can you please leave me alone, mama. I'm okay, please!"
Cherry's mom sighs
"Well okay then. If you want to talk about it you know where i am." she says and goes to hug her sweet daughter.
"However if it has anything to do with that ogre-"
"Don't "mama" me, young lady! Ay dios mio, you have such better options than him. Why not give those guys a chance? At least flirt with them a little. Who knows maybe you'll like them better than that animal! " she says walking to the door
"It's not about him, okay?" cherry says thinking to herself "it's totally about him"
"Yeah yeah. Don't forget to pray tonight. Maybe God will knock some sense into you" she said as she left the room.
That night cherry baby did pray and as she was going to bed, God did knock some sense into her. She decided to listen her mom for once.
The next day cherry baby was getting ready to go out into the ranch. She put her new white dress (the one i showed you, if you remember👀) her little brown cowboy hat and boots. She went out and headed to where the horses were. Of course Miguel was there. Seeing her in this new dress his eyes almost did pop out doing a double take. Cherry took notice of his reaction however she only gave him a side eye and went to take care of Luis. Miguel is looking at her like a hawk. Every curve of her body, every step, every sway of her hips. He was shamelessly staring. Cherry bent down to get something which revealed the upper part of her thighs, almost revealing her underwear and butt. At that Miguel bit his fist as hard as he could. When she got up, cherry baby turned to him
"Can I help you?" she asked with a raised brow
"What are you trying to do?" he said
"What am i trying to do?" cherry inquired.
"Oh, give me a break. If you're trying to get my attention, you just had to say so." he says as he walks towards her.
As he's just about to caress her face, cherry moves her face away from his hand and continues tending to Luis.
It's Miguel's turn to be taken aback.
"Whats going on?" he questions
"Nothing. Just taking care of my horse" Cherry says monotonously not even looking at Miguel.
"Whats with the attitude today, carino?"
"What attitude, Miguel? I'm just tending to my horse." she says as she finishes up with Luis and walks away.
The rest of the day cherry baby had been her usual self except with Miguel. She was even a little flirty with some of the other ranch boys, especially the ones that Miguel is mentoring. To say he was furious would be putting it extremely lightly. And he had had enough.
It was already the afternoon. While cherry baby was talking with the boys, Miguel approached them and gave each of them some kind of errand so they can leave her alone with him. With a stern look, Miguel spoke and cherry baby just looked at him unamused.
"I hope you had your fun today." he said crossing his arms.
"I did actually, no thanks to you." she spoke as-a-matter-of-fact-ly.
"Are you done being a brat?" he asked her
"Are you done being a bitch?" she retorted
"Excuse me?"
"You're excused." she spoke at him again with an unamused face.
This made Miguel's blood boil. As cherry baby was about to leave, a slight smirk on her face, Miguel grabs her by the back of her neck and directed her to the barn. Cherry baby tries to pry his hand open but she is no match for Miguel's strong grip. He throws her inside the barn and she stumbles forward, falling to the ground
"Are you insane?! What's your problem?! I thought you didn't want me around you anymore! What gives you the right to treat me like horse poop one day and act like everything's fine the other, huh?" she snapped at him from where she was on the ground, hay from the horses all over her.
"Is this what this was all about? This whole attitude and ignoring me is because of yesterday?" Miguel smirked and started approaching her.
"Not only. The last few days you've been treating me like a fly on the wall. Barely acknowledging me. Plus you're always grumpy and sour lately. I should be the one asking you what's going on!" she spoke, her eyes getting wet and voice cracking half way.
"Carino, I've been stressed. Work has been piling up lately. Your dad is trying to make soms renovations to the barn and everything goes through me. I'm sorry I've been in a bad mood lately. Let me make it up to you." he says approaching cherry on the ground and reach out a hand to caress her face.
"And why didn't you just tell me instead of acting like an ass?" she said with hurt in her eyes.
"I'm sorry, querida. Truly I want to make it up to you."
"You should've thought about that sooner."
She said as she was getting up.
Before she could though, Miguel snakes his hand behind her head and grabs a handful of her hair and pulls her down by the hair. She yelps and goes to grab his hand. Her eyes were already wet, the pull was enough to make the tears fall from her eyes.
"You're awful" she said looking right into his eyes.
"Aww you're gonna hurt my feelings" Miguel teased with a mischievous grin.
"You're my girl and i want to show you how much i love you" he said as he stood up still holding cherry baby by the hair.
"Are you gonna be a behave now?" he asked her teasingly.
Cherry baby only nodded and he let go of her hair and puts his hands on her hips. Cherry isn't satisfied with his apology though so she decides to mess with him more. She grabs him by the balls and squeezes.
"You gotta catch me first" she whispers to his face as he makes a grimace.
Cherry baby let's go of him and makes a run for it. However Miguel's reflexes are very fast and catches her by the hair once again, dragging her back.
"I was thinking of going easy on you but by the looks of it you rather have it the hard way" he says as he pulled her back to his chest, holding the back of her hair in a vice like grip. Miguel started walking towards his room as he pushed cherry baby in front of him, hand still in her hair and his grip only getting tighter. Cherry tried to pry his finger from her hair, her little whimpers and welps filling the barn. Once they reach his room, Miguel opened the door and threw cherry baby to the floor. He was on her before she could say anything. That night cherry learned why she shouldn't play with fire, especially if that fire is Miguel O'Hara.
He can burn me all he wants 🤭❤️. LOVED this!!!! Thanks for sharing your ideas with me 🥹🫶🏻.
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ddwcaph-game ¡ 3 months
Progress Update
Hello everyone! I know this is a bit late, but Happy Pride Month! 🌈
I actually have something relevant to share: I'll be adding demigender and bi/multigender to the gender options in the next update! Not only that, but you will now also be able to pick your twin's pronouns separately, along with the option to choose multiple pronouns for them.
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The cis and questioning options are now separate, similar to how you choose MC's gender. I hope the wording above is alright, but from top to bottom, it's Trans, Non-binary, Demigender, Bi/Multigender, and Genderfluid.
The multiple pronoun option has also been improved so that it's actually randomized at certain intervals, and is no longer limited to two pronouns. You will now also be able to change your twin's pronouns in the stats screen if they are genderfluid (thanks to the locket's empathy/telepathy powers). Speaking of, I'm thinking of adding custom pronouns too when I port the game to VN, but no promises.
Anyway, sorry again for the delays! Aside from me getting sick and having computer problems again, I have a habit of suddenly getting more ideas just as I'm about to finish an update. This is why I don't even give estimated dates anymore. 😅
More info about the next update below:
Since I'm adding F6E's reactions to MC's ancestry, I'm also taking the time to add some banter about MC's favorite genre.
Besides that, I'm currently working on an addition to Roselyna's BFF scene, and I can't not add it because it's very important to her character development. As in, she probably wouldn't have ran away during the storm if this particular event didn't happen. Her emotional level will now also determine whether she lets Wayne (and MC) continue calling Josie mommy or not.
I also had to overhaul the pronoun system to get the new stuff to work. It's a lot more work than you might realize, but it's worth it because I found lots of bugs, and it actually got simpler, even with the new randomizing feature.
And since I'm updating the variables, I also took the time to change most of the mom/dad/ate/kuya variables to actually use the translated terms if you choose to have a twin language (in the narration, diary, and during private conversation).
I'm also adding new and very fun choices to the existing chapters which will add a new layer to your decision making. Yup, the "plot hole" in the title will actually make sense now. 🤭
There's also lots of other smaller things. Lots of them. The change log is over 300 lines now. But here's a tiny snippet from Lily's BFF scene before I go back to the editing mines:
"Let's talk about that later. We're almost at the station." Tita Rickie slaps Tita Dani's arm. "So turn off that damn underglow before you forget. You really had to install those, huh?" "C'mon, Rickie. Of all the things I could add, this is by far the least illegal one," Tita Dani grumbles as she stops the SUV near Barangay 143's police station.
(By the way, I'm currently updating the Trinkets and Secrets Guide in preparation for the next update. Don't be surprised if some of the stuff in there is incompatible with the current demo!)
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shayshaybiscuit25 ¡ 1 month
Goodness me, my original ask started some mess I see. 😅
Shay this is a bit long, but I think I make decent points & dropped some truth bombs that everyone can agree with regardless of how they feel. Thank you all for reading and ……..here we go……… 🫣😮‍💨
Let’s begin……..for those who really believe Chris is racist or ain’t shit for associating with these fools……why be here at all?
As mentioned before, many of us believe this is PR and understand we do NOT know details. On the outside looking in it’s very easy to go “omg why didn’t he just end this, he’s just like them”, yet we also understand Hollywoood is a business, yes?
We understand complex things go on behind the scenes that look so simplistic and easy to us from our limited perspective.
Yes, I understand things look awful, but I need people to understand we don’t know what the hell is truly going on and I say that because it’s clear as day that something is off.
Look if Chris were selling this and acting like nothing was wrong then everyone would be losing their minds, and she would have ammo, but enough stuff has happened where you can see he doesn’t like her, he’s performing and that’s probably why he’s acting has switched up (having to horribly act in real life is affecting his actual craft) there are numerous holes in the cheese 🧀 of course the question stems…..then why marry the girl especially knowing she has racist friends…….please go back and refer to the previous and third red paragraphs.
We might not know details but we know Chris isn’t comfortable in this arrangement, of course many reading will roll their eyes at this statement, okay fair. 🙄
I’ll do you all one better, karma is real and for those that aren’t aware. Yesterday Justin (the wife’s soulmate) stood up for one of his racist friends in a post. He has some female friend on a Big Brother type show in Europe and the girl has been recorded on camera doing the damn Nazi Salute and people are pissed…..Justin’s dumbass makes a post basically saying the girl (his friend) doing the Nazi salute is “misunderstood” and a good person or some crap……. The entire time I’m like…..let me sit back and see how this plays out…..and if it gets tied back to Evans, I doubt it but let’s see. 👀 🧋 (this emoji represents me sipping my boba “tea”) 🤭
Chris does need to be called out and if this shitshow goes public public to the point the general population learns what fans know and it becomes a big deal, you’d better believe we’d end up getting a BUA and then some within mere hours or days (remember his response to the bomb pic)……do i believe any of that will happen…..nope. And if that went down like that, I’d question his ass even more.
No one here has issue with people calling Chris out, it’s those who act like they know more than they do, who take their own opinions as facts and are 100% sure he’s racist and calling him pedo or whatever else that has me like……well damn if you think that’s true and hate him that much…….then leave. I would not waste my time on a person I truly thought was evil and vile.
See, I care about this man and as time goes by we see truth and some of us see what we want while ignoring the rest, apply that as you will, come next month, I think people will finally end up determining their final thoughts on things and if it ends with “fuck Chris Evans”, then so be it. He made his bed and now he’s laying in it.
Eventually we’ll all find out the truth if it’s real or if this is all bs and the pr eventually ends…..well just know they’ve parted ways and many will still claim it was real.
I say don’t get overly invested in this emotionally, but TOO LATE! 😬 This could be the situation Chris needs to be and do better and finally own his awful choices or to take and not run from accountability (remember how we’d always use to get Dodger pics when he did something stupid publicly) or it could be a situation he’s initiated that went out of control and he has to FINALLY reap the consequences of his actions/inactions. I don’t know what is going to happen next, but if him and Mrs. Shower scrubber do anything else other than breakup next month, it’s a wrap on my end.
Yeah I think it’s pr, but I have limits and he’s on his 73892929 strike. Keeping it honest, most of us should have left once he claimed to be “married”, yet we’re still here, so yeah can’t no one point any fingers. We’re all still here hoping something ends up making sense and to hope our fav actor really isn’t out here playing in our faces.
It’s very easy to go well Chris is this and that due to this situation, but once one starts remembering in detail everything that’s happened, part of you goes…….something is 110% off here. @anneslibrary is a great reference because it’s so easy to forget how much things don’t make sense and that blog helps people see the big picture and go……yeah…..I’m not falling for this bs. 😂 So to sum it up, yes many of us are pissed at Chris, but his saving grace is that there are so many holes in this mess that it’s easy to jump and attack him without knowing details and so we’re hoping more details arise to the point we can go……yeah this 100% is fake and was never real, he got looped in some mess and only discovered things once the fandom did but it was too late and I’m glad it’s finally over. Okay….yes I’m reaching like crazy, but you’re still here reading my long as diary entry, right. 😉 For me September 2024 will be thee month I decide if I’ll permanently walk away. If they do any more crap, I’m done, point blank.
Enough is enough. I do understand those pissed and wondering why we’re still here…..I’ve been a fan of this man for years and it’s not so easy to walk away, call it excuses, but I just don’t think this situation is a grand total of who he is but if I’m proven wrong then it is what it is, but I don’t think I’m wrong.
Chris needs to take accountability and ending this bs would be the first step and then we can all judge in grand detail how he handles the aftermath of shit, would he give clues to show it wasn’t real, will he do a grand gesture that is a lowkey apology to the fandom…..doubt it, but I refuse to believe this mess is legit, unless he’s proven with legit detail (other than he publicly claims to be married, yet there’s no evidence he’s actually gotten married other then a oversized ring and orchestrated bs) that he’s just a shitty racist husband who can’t keep his eyes to himself and really married her and if so then I’ll GLADLY FINALLY move on with my life. Noted. And yes those snarky few of you still reading, I’m in the denial phase of the grieving process. 😂
Either way ya look at it Chris doesn’t get of Scotch free and even if this does end next month……too much damage has been done. Part of me is here because I’m watching a train that already crashed multiple times and I’m wondering if it’s going to keep going with limited damage or will it eventually blow up into pieces.
I hope I was able to make you guys laugh, piss you off and in the end make you go, yep you summed up my multiple thoughts. 🤗🫠 or you’ve probably read all of this and went, this bitch is crazy, I’ll take it because you still sat here and read to the end so,….. Hi crazy! 😝
I’m done now. 😆 thanks!
Oh Sweetheart this was beautiful and longggggggggggggggg but so beautiful.
Thank you.
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karahalloway ¡ 1 year
(Less Than) Noble Intentions: Chapter 15 - Not Without Obligation
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Fandom: TRR
Pairing: Drake Walker x F!OC (Harper Gale)
Series Summary: The social season may be over, but Harper Gale’s problems are just beginning. With everyone at court a potential suspect, can she and Drake survive the engagement tour and get to the bottom of the plot against her and clear her name? An AU take of TRR2 featuring my OTP - Harper & Drake.
Masterlist: (Less Than) Noble Intentions
Chapter Summary: Harper gets a surprise visit from Christian... but are his intentions sincere?
Word Count: 2,800 (short for me, I know enjoy it while you can 😆)
Rating/Warnings: M (swearing, angst, possible ulterior motives)
Chapter theme song:
A/N: I know it's been more than a hot minute since I've updated this series! 😅 This is in part because I got sidetracked by Sleepless in New York also on my list to finish, I know, and then I took most of the summer off from writing. But also in part because I kinda got stuck on how to actually continue with this series... but, I now have a plan! *rubs hands together gleefully* and you ain't gonna like it, sorry, not sorry. So, with this long-awaited installment, I hope to be back in my usual groove and will be posting with some semblance of regularity again. Thanks so much for bearing with me!
A/N2: This is also my submission for @choicesseptemberchallenge2023 Day 25 Prompt - Secret, Surprise I’m only 2 days late
Chapter 15 - Not Without Obligation
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Making my way back to my room, I try to push down the conflicting emotions that are roiling inside of me.
On one hand, I get where Drake is coming from, and why he shut the door in my face. We are no longer alone in Applewood and even the faintest whiff of impropriety could implode the carefully strategised work that the royal PR team has put in to try and resuscitate my public image.
And me getting caught outside of the room of a guy who not only is not Christian, but who I have no justifiable reason for seeking out at the butt-crack of dawn in the first place, would definitely scupper the assertion that I'm not a two-timing hussy. Especially since I rushed out of my room earlier wearing nothing more than a t-shirt and panties.
Mitigating factors, they are not.
But while the rational part of my brain knows that Drake is only trying to look out for me, I can't help but feel a pang of dejection at the abruptness with which he — very literally — shut me out, even though he promised yesterday that he wouldn't do something like that to me again.
Because God knows that it had been hard enough to get him to open up the first time!
And even though I'm not expecting him to have completely reversed his habitudes overnight, I guess I'd been hoping that our conversation in the barn would've prompted some kind of step in the desired direction.
Because it's clear that the bruises on my neck unnerved him. The turmoil on his face had made that clear. As the marks are not just some haphazard side-effect of our frantic love-making. They are a very real and visible reminder of the tangible strength of his feelings — and the fact that he lost control of them.
And as much as I understand the knee-jerk cause of his reaction, the last thing I want — or need — right now is for Drake to distance himself from me because he's scared of hurting me again.
That, I could not cope with.
"Demoiselle," nods Allard as I arrive back at my room.
I flash him a distracted smile on auto-pilot. He saw and heard what happened. There is no point rehashing anything. Especially since this isn't something he or Schweitzer can help with.
The weight of my Guard's concerned gaze flick over me as I shuffle past, but they both remain silent, no doubt sensing that I'm not in the mood for conversation.
Shutting the door behind me, I close my eyes as I lean back against the solidness of the wood.
Why are things never simple 'round here?
I really wish Drake and I could've taken a moment to talk things through. Because today's Apple Harvest Festival is expected to see hundreds of people descend onto Applewood to not only celebrate this year's bountiful crop of Cordonian Rubies, but to also catch a glimpse of the new King and his future Queen.
And if I thought that cornering Drake at the apple pick had been hard, the chances of being able to do so today are going to be slim to none.
But the rest of the week doesn't offer any better options because tomorrow we're off to Italy, where we'll likely have even less opportunity for privacy given the high-profile and international nature of the coming engagements.
My eyes snap open. I have to talk to him now.
As much as Drake may be concerned about protecting what's left of my image, I'm not going to let him use the inconvenience of our circumstances as an excuse to hide behind his insecurities or erect walls between us. Because the hard truth is that there's never going to be a good time to talk unless we make time.
Which is exactly what I am going to do, possible scandal be damned. I cannot let a tenuous fear borne out of a possible public backlash hold me back. My relationship with Drake is worth infinitely more to me than whatever garbage the paps may decide to print because some aristo decided to tattle on me if I get caught sneaking back into his room.
Because, let's face it. Even if I do end up on the front pages tomorrow (for all the wrong reasons), the fact of the matter is that any photo, any situation — no matter how sordid or innocent — can be spun any which way.
I've learnt that the hard way. So, I may as well use it to my own advantage for once.
Pushing myself away from the door, I march into my walk-in closet with renewed determination. Pulling the t-shirt that I'd slept in over my head, I quickly throw on a bra, some jean shorts and a black tank top.
Slotting my bare feet into my well-worn Sketchers, I make my way over to the French doors that lead out onto balcony so I can try to figure out the best way to scamper over to Drake's room without killing myself, given that I stand a better chance of slipping under the aristo's nosy radar via the balcony than going back through the corridor.
Hopefully, I can—
Tap, tap tap.
I stop mid-stride at the sound of knocking coming from the other side of my door.
Turning around, I contemplate whether I should respond, or pretend that I hadn't heard.
I have precious little time if I want to catch Drake before he disappears on me to do... whatever it is that he does in the mornings before the start of a royal event.
So, if I want to make it to his room, I need to go now before he finishes getting dressed.
But, then again, there is only a very small number of people at court who'd come directly to my room to talk to me. Especially at this time in the morning.
So, it could be important. It could be about Tariq...
...it could be Drake.
The latch clicks open.
I glance anxiously back towards the balcony, trying to decide if I should—
"May I come in?"
I whirl around in surprise at the sound of the unexpected voice. "Christian!"
He pokes his head 'round the door. "I... I didn't catch you in a state of undress, did I?"
"No! No... I was already dressed," I admit, trying to be as casual as possible as I quickly brush my hair over my shoulders in a haphazard attempt to try and cover up the bruises, given that I hadn't thought to slather any cover-up over myself yet.
Christian definitely doesn’t need to be asking questions about those!
"Ah, good!" he responds, stepping fully into the room and closing the door behind him. "You're an early riser, like myself."
"You can thank the Beaumonts," I mutter under my breath, glancing guiltily back toward the balcony.
So much for stealing a much-needed moment with Drake...
"I apologise for the intrusion," Christian continues, crossing the space between us, "especially at such an early hour. But I was hoping to catch you alone before the start of the Apple Harvest Festival."
One word catches my attention. "A-Alone...?"
He comes to a stop in front of me. "Very much so."
Anxiety flares in the pit of my stomach as Drake's words from yesterday swirl through my mind.
...he's trying to win you back.
And it suddenly hits me that I haven't been alone — truly alone — with Christian since the day of the Jamboree. When he took me into the hedge maze and offered me a duchy.
My mind starts to whirl.
Had that been the start of this... crusade? The fact that I turned him down? Does he still think he can change my mind? Is he simply incapable of accepting 'no' as an answer?
I force my gaze up to meet his.
His emerald green eyes behold me calmly, with maybe a hint of excitement. But I cannot read his intention.
"Wh-why?" I finally blurt out.
A smile spreads across his face. "To bestow upon you your letters patent, of course!"
I gape at him. "My letters of what?"
He chuckles good-naturedly at my evident confusion. "Letters patent. Itis a type of royal decree that formally confers some manner of privilege onto the names designee — an office of state, a coat of arms, a commercial monopoly... or, in this case, your new title as Duchess of Valtoria."
With a flourish, he pulls out a small, leather-bound box that he's been hiding behind his back.
I stare at it mutely.
"It won't bite, I promise," he assures me wryly.
Reaching up with a tepid smile, I accept the box, which is a lot heavier than it looks.
Opening it up, I find a medieval-looking document nestled in the lid, complete with densely-packed Chancery script and and a historiated initial C embossed with the stylised image of the Cordonian royal crest.
Peering at the text — which I can only assume is an archaic form of French — I can just about make out the odd word, like my name, Christian's name, and Valtoria. But the rest remains completely incomprehensible.
Presumably some grand declarations about the bestowal...
In the bottom part of the box rests a cream-coloured envelope also bearing the Cordonian royal crest, along with my name, though this time written in delicate cursive lettering.
"What's this?" I ask Christian, lifting the letter up.
"Your papers of naturalisation," he informs me. "Along with your new passport and ID card."
I glance up at him in surprise. "I am now a Cordonian citizen?"
"It would not have been possible to issue the letters patent otherwise," he says. "Even a king must abide by the diktats of the law."
"I... don't need to sign anything?"
"The US Consulate was very accommodating, given the unique nature of the circumstances."
My stomach twists unexpectedly. "Oh..."
Dual citizenship is a good thing, right?
Returning my attention to the box, I see that the envelope has been concealing a large, intricate-looking seal bearing what appears to be the stylised outline of a rampant phoenix, next to which sits a signet ring with the same image.
"Does it meet expectations?" asks Christian.
"I'm not sure I know what I'd been expecting..." I admit, running a finger over the lines of the mythical bird, marvelling at the level of detail that's been put into creating such a realistic rendering, complete with individual licks of flame spouting from the tail feathers.
"Any egregious spelling errors?"
"Not that I can see," I admit, glancing up at him. "But—"
"Excellent!" he declares, reaching over the lid of the box to deftly pluck the signet ring out from its nest of blue silk.
Before I have a chance to react, he's clasped my hand in his to poise the heavy circlet of gold at the tip of my ring finger.
"Wait!" I gasp in the face of the unexpectedly intimate turn of events. "What are you—?"
"It would be remiss of me if I did not verify the correctness of the sizing," he advises, meeting my panicked gaze calmly.
"You don't need t—"
"It would be my pleasure," he insists, slipping the ring onto the digit before I can protest further.
As he withdraws his hand, my eyes fall onto the spot where the cool metal's unfamiliar weight now encircles the base of my finger.
"Perfect," Christian declares with a satisfied smile, brushing his thumb over the phoenix insignia.
I stare at the band with an uneasily mix of feelings swirling in my chest. "Christian, I—"
"Let's celebrate, shall we?" he announces, pulling back to click his fingers with a decisive snap.
On cue, the door behind Christian swings open to admit a veritable procession of servants bearing ice buckets, champagne, crystal flutes and tiny servings of finger food.
"Wait..." I stammer in the face of organised onslaught. "They were waiting outside this whole time?"
"I may have take a page out of your party planning book," he admits with a grin while the industrious staff set about transforming my bedroom into a first-class tea room. "Seeing the success you had with Drake on his birthday, I thought I would try my hand at surprising you on this important day."
"And that's great, but I never agreed—"
"Didn't you?" Christian asks with a level look as he nabs a miniature scone from the tray of a passing server.
I shake my head. "No, I—"
"Because I specifically recall you giving your unambiguous consent at yesterday's apple pick to proceed with finalising your new status," he states, taking a bite out of the pastry.
I open my mouth, but promptly shut it as the conversation from the orchard floats back into my consciousness.
"...having the paperwork squared away before our departure would grant significant boon for your image."
"Oh. Okay..."
"Oh, fuck..." I mutter as the cold hand of hindsight clamps down on the nape of my neck.
Christian had obviously mischaracterised my somewhat dazed reaction as some kind of explicit affirmation.
And since Drake's appearance yesterday had interrupted the conversation at that key moment, I never had a chance to correct the misunderstanding.
But I need to. Because once again, Christian has taken matters into his own hands and acted without my my prior agreement or approval t. Just like he had done when he decided to send me away during the Coronation Ball, only to then bring me back to court as his mistress, not to mention spring an actual duchy on me without any warning.
And while his heart's probably been in the right place each and every time, I'm not sure that I can cope with any more bolts from the blue.
Especially when they so drastically upend my life.
Heaving a breath, I look back up at the King of Cordonia again. "Look, Christian, I really appreciate all of this, but I think there's been a major—"
The loud bang! of the champagne bottle shooting its cork across the room makes me jump.
Turning around, I can see that the gold-coloured liquid is already in the process of being dispensed into a pair of waiting crystal flutes.
"I hope you like this Moët & Chandon Imperial Vintage 1946 that I had picked out," Christian murmurs, brushing a hand over the small of my back. "It is an exceptional cuvée with notes of citrus, apple and pear — an apt combination, I thought, given the occasion."
"Because of the pear trees in Valtoria..." I surmise heavily, watching a footman bring over a pair of freshly-filled champagne flutes with a foreboding note of finality.
"Exactly," confirms Christian, grabbing a glass from the tray. "A beautifully complimentary pairing. One that hope we can both enjoy for many years to come."
"Yes, but—"
"Let's toast, shall we?" prompts Christian, cutting me off yet again as the footman proffers me the other serving of expensive bubbly.
I stare at it like a poison pill.
This is what Drake had warned me about, isn't it? That Christian would seek to manoeuvre me into a corner like a chess piece... By giving with one hand, only to take with the other when the time came for the chips to fall due. Because what better way to create an unimpeachable sense of obligation than by making me into a duchess? A literal vassal to the Crown? Required to do the King's bidding, no matter the cost?
And if that really is his aim, then he has certainly been succeeding.
But at the same time, I am not sure I can trust my assessment. Christian has given no indication, one way or another, as to where his goals lay. And even if the misunderstanding had been genuine, to turn him down now would not only be inexplicably rude, but maybe also dangerous?
Would I be jeopardising Christian's support in the hunt for Tariq and my quest to set the record straight if I offend him by throwing all his heartfelt effort back in his face? Especially when I don't know for certain what Christian's motives are?
Because what if Drake is wrong? What if there is no hidden agenda and I'm just massively overthinking this entire thing because I've been burned once already and now everyone looks suspect... Even — and especially — when I'm being offered help?
"Harper?" queries Christian. "Everything alright?"
I shake myself out of my stupor and grab the crystal flute. "I'm fine. Just... Trying to come to grips with it all."
"There will be plenty of time for that," he assures me with a grin, raising his glass. "To the new Duchess of Valtoria!"
I clink the delicate crystal in my hand against his with a leaden feeling in my stomach.
There's no going back now...
For better or for worse, I have just become an aristo.
The story continues in Chapter 16 - Snakes in the Garden
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@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fangirling12566 @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @alj4890
(Less Than) Noble Intentions only (let me know if you want to be added!)
@thetruthisthatiloveyou @anakjaybon-blog
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hevexns-realm ¡ 11 days
Came to talk about Iris from your previous ask and how she is lowkey relatable (father issues part) and been wondering about the lore with your versions of Nazo and Seekladoom (no really where do I start? I’m only more familiar with Nazo)-—
Sees your reblog with superscourge.
Oh ahaha, well it was flattering you thought it was me for a second, but that was not me unfortunately. If they manage to top Glaze’s and Frontier’s AUs though I will be in awe and very scared….
I think it’s safe to say we Scourge Fans tend to really hurt the poor hedgehog when we can I suppose. 😅
On the other hand, hope with whatever we’re going through that we’ll both heal from it. 
-squeals- I AM SO HAPPY YOU ASKED!! 🖤💙🩵
Okay, I have so much on these two in general, I’m going to try and shorten it to keep things from getting out of hand! Because I’ll be here until 9:00PM the next day if I do- (/hj)
Also, I appreciate you being able to relate to Iris. I try to make my characters at least a little relatable, as we’re all human at the base, no matter what we physically look like. We all share similar feelings, emotions, personalities, and blood colors. Why should we judge on one’s physical appearance when we don’t know their lives? That’s at least how I try to think, even if my intrusive thoughts make it difficult sometimes, I always try my best to make sure they don’t affect my morals and hurt others.
So here’s their physical look to describe them as of now.
Nazo is 21 in this AU. Considerably studious amongst everyone else in the group. (with the exception of mephiles and iblis, because they’ve been around much longer than him in this AU.) His fur and quills are slightly darker in color than how he’s seen in Nazo unleashed, and are arguably more soft and fluffy due to his care routine.
Nazo has this mixed style of Old money, Dark academia, and whimsigoth all in one. Lots of simple yet elegant pieces with lots of accessories. He tends to wear a lot of crystal jewelry when he can, and tends to lean towards gold jewelry rather than silver. As it makes the contrast all the more appealing. That doesn’t mean he does experiment with different styles and designs, as he doesn’t care much about societal standards all that much. He wears what he feels comfortable in, and doesn’t mind the stares.
Despite him being a literal being of negative energy, and still being regarded as a villain by most, he’s considered more empathetic out of him and seelka. We also see him have more morals than most of the other villains you see throughout the story, and that’s due to his ability to sense negative energy in general. (Also through Sonic multiverse mayhem, where Nazo shows genuine concern over seelka wanting to burn down an orphanage, so we know he’s got some sort of morals.) as negative chaos energy Isn’t the only thing he feels, it’s negative energy in general, which includes negative emotions.
This negative energy goes into creating his perfect form, which is still obtainable with or without the chaos emeralds now, he just uses them as a power boost.
He loves classic/dark academia literature and history of humans, the scent of rain and earth when a storm is about to hit, and also likes melancholy type of weather. He loves tea, particularly the more sweeter ones, as he does have a small sweet tooth, and prefers to either stay inside or go somewhere quiet. He prefers solleanna’s cathedral libraries, the ones that are open until the late evenings as he drowns out the world in the great minds of the past. The histories of the world as he sees them form in his head. He also loves classical music, as there’s usually no lyrics to them. If there are, they have no cuss words or slang, innapropriate themes of drugs, gangs, SA, etc. It feels timeless to him, and it helps him relax whenever he is angry, or when he’s in the artistry room in their home, either designing something that came from his head, or drawing something that he saw while out and about.
Seelkadoom is 22 in this au, and is almost the complete opposite of Nazo. While he is also quite intelligent in not only books, combat, and street smarts, he’s also quite loud and brash when in particular groups of people. He’s quite extroverted, and is much more physically active than most of the others!
He loves anything grungy or alternative, this goes for both clothing and music. He loves the smell of metal, roses, leather, and rain. He loves comfort foods like soups, cultural comforts like onigiri, shrimp Alfredo, and just anything that’s warm and soft, warm, and filling. Although he’s not afraid of trying all sorts of culinary tastes from all over the world! He particularly likes music artists like Troy, Johnathan young, etc!
Cozy games from independent developers like lost in random, subnautica, and cult of the lamb are some of his favorites to play. Although he isn’t afraid of loading up overwatch or COD if he’s up for it!
Seelka has less morals than nazo, but not so few he’s considered a borderline monster. Even he has his limits and boundaries, and it’s best to be wise and not purposefully cross them too much, less you wish for death.
Seelka is a night owl. You cannot get this man to sleep at night unless you shove melatonin down his throat, which is why he likes to sleep all day and participate in cool stuff at night!
The only real “family” either of them have outside of the gang is seelkadoom’s creator/father, Dr. Eggman. They actually have a good relationship of father and son, and they tend to still hang around him on holidays.
How do they meet? Well, given the context that Nazo doesn’t die and he isn’t immediately taken into G.U.N’s custody, he’s basically Eggman’s right hand man. He’s the one that’s in control while the doctor is gone doing villian shit as he rests and recovers from the huge fight between him, shadow, and Sonic.
Few days later, seelka comes out of his coma after his fight with hyper sonic. With an itch to fight, he starts heading towards the doctor’s chambers to either get a fight out of him, or figure out where Sonic and shadow are to give them a beating maybe.
That is until the two lock eyes, and then the confusion begins. Who is this guy? Why is he in the doctor’s lab? Is he a friend or a foe? And why does he look conviently attractive?
So after a lot of confusion of the two wondering what the hell was going on, Eggman introduces them to the other and makes them work together.
It’s a slow process, but it’s not like they actively hate each other’s guts. It’s the usual strangers to friends thing with a little bit of awkwardness from Nazo. Eventually he warms up to seelka, and they become good friends.
Then a world pandemic happens, and G.U.N requires not only Dr. Eggman’s assistance, but seelka and Nazo’s help as well.
Then after a lot of soft moments while under G.U.N’s care, seelka finally got the guts to confess to nazo, which leads to a very soft and sweet moment between the two of them!
Once the experiments are done, and the pandemic subsides, Nazo and seelka are both paid generously by the government for their contributions and cooperation.
They both expected to get maybe like, $10-$20k, at most $30k. What they didn’t expect was for Eggman to come out crying tears of joy, showing they have almost $20 million in the bank.
So then Eggman takes on the role of seelka’s dad figure and helps them with the adult stuff. Taxes, bills, credit, investments, etc. In return he ends up being gifted $2,500,000 by the two, allowing him to be able to retire and live his life abroad. Not needing to keep fighting Sonic, as they’re willing to be the ones who cause mayhem for him.
Does that stop egghead? Nope, if anything it helps him get started on his empire! But instead of trying to take over the world, he starts with becoming the leader of a small nation, and start from there. Then he uses the money to invest into the people, the country, everything. Plus, unlike in Sonic prime, he’s actually a good and genuine leader, not blinded by the greed of wealth. As he knows wealth builds in the long run, and if he does it right, the world will be his. He just needs to keep a level head!
However, seelka starts getting bored staying inside all night and sleeping all day in their new home. So he eventually decides to take a shot at a night shift job, and is lucky enough to be taken under the wing of solleanna’s most prominent employer in the entertainment industry, Mary Jane the Cat, or MMJ for short.
She teaches him everything he needs to know about being a bartender and a card dealer, and eventually hires him for the job.
And that’s where they are now in my AU! I’m so sorry it took me so long to make this, school has been wacky, so I hope it’s worth the wait anon!
Taglist for any mutuals who want the lore:
@thebreadmeower @hunniegl4zed
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stevie-petey ¡ 22 days
omg bestie that new chapter😭😭i have SO much to say but it may not all make much sense as it’s late at night for me rn😅so here’s just a few thoughts:
im so glad bug and steve can still be close and support eachother even after their fight that just gives me so much hope that whatever happens they’ll end up together in the end🫡 cos their love is straight up true love like akajjfkemsmd i can’t even put into words how sweet their are and their whole story just owns my heart
ok let’s talk about the start of the chapter omfg that was so intense but so incredibly written bestie you should be so proud of yourself😭🥹as someone who experiences frequent nightmares (& has woken up on several times having a literal panic attack because of them) i felt so seen by that whole scene and bug trying to cope with it after🥺 it’s a bit messed up that i feel comfort when i read scenes like that it just lets me know im not the only one to have ever experienced it😅🥺bug is really going thru it this season omg and we’re only on chapter 2😭💔
and finally (before i fall asleep) if robin called me “pretty girl” id explode into rainbow covered confetti on the spot aaasjfjfnmffn i love her so much😭would you ever consider writing a robin fic/series? cos if you did, just know i’d eat that shit UP
hope you’re doing well bestie! i no doubt will be back soon to ramble at you so i’ll see you then🫡😂
i specifically wanted to juxtapose steve and bug fighting as opposed to jon and bug. when jug fights they separate, dont talk to one another, it becomes a divide between them.
stug ?? they fall together regardless every time <3 in every season they bicker they STILL care about each other and communicate and love each other <333
i was very excited to write the nightmare scene because angst and dramatic writing are right up my alley so im SO happy you loved it :’)))
and i might be up for some robin x reader !! shes such a wonderful character id also want her to call me pretty girl and hold my hand wtf
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autisticempathydaemon ¡ 2 months
Alas, I have sent in a very long anon so I apologize ahead of time. But I hope these help with the pairing lol *** What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why? Sabrina Carpenter- Espresso. Such a good summer song.
What is your Enneagram type? I think type 6? I don't really understand them that much
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why? Not really? I used to be really into them but I haven't been watching much youtube lately. Attention span go brrr. Someone would have to sit with me for me to be able to concentrate.
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend. Didn't have one as far as I remember. But I attempted cause I thought it was the normal thing to do.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep? Shutting my eyes and maladaptive daydreaming to sleep.
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?) I quite like my real name. I feel it suits me surprisingly well so I wouldn't change my name. Maybe add a middle name though.
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why? Oh boy, hm. I think my favorite would have to be Hush at the moment, but I also really enjoy Elliott's videos.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.) I think they all have their merits honestly. If he were still present, I would say Marcus cause he always weirded me out a bit, but if I had to pick a current one? I'd say caller dude. I don't understand but I respect game lol
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to. The Untamed. I watched it so many times it's ridiculous. I also read Manhwas/Manga a lot so there are many of those I know like the back of my hand.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend? Hmmmm. I think I would love to be friends with David and Asher. They seem like a riot together. I only don't add Milo here because he makes me blush so I'd fold for him too easily.
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
PFFFT. I do. Music and stories I want to write but can't find the right medium to get it done. Real-life people know I never speak about my creative stuff but don't know about my online life as far as I know, so it's comical to them to hear how many stories are up in my brain at once.
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Pass, I don't drive and rarely go to gas stations. But I'd say if I had to, the places I go often have great slushies/slurpees
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. 
Random on my phone or spotify because I can't be bothered to find actual playlists 😅
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
Romance novels/manhwa/mangas. God I love seeing people love each other, especially if it starts off bumpy. But if it ever happened in real life I'd be so confused and not know what to do lol. Also, I would probably turn as red as an apple if someone found out about it without me telling them.
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
I indulge in a lot of creative stuff, but I am also slightly sickly so my patience with myself is less than I would give other people in the same position as me. I'm attempting to remedy that but it's difficult to give grace to yourself sometimes (ˉ▽ˉ;)...
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The way you describe yourself as easily flustered and blush-y makes me want to pair you with someone who’ll push those buttons, I’ve got to admit- Vincent, specifically.
I like his flirty, Edward Cullen-esque facade and the dorkier, tenderer interior for you, you know what I mean? Like, he’d flirt and poke fun and smolder as he does, but I think he’d have a good sense of when to stop, when you’ve had too much. I also like him for you as Type Six, the enneagram that desires security, reliability, someone steadfast. Vincent, that blessed simp of a man, is an emotionally dependable, loyal lover on top of being a sap and romantic which works well since you also strike me as a romantic.
Your life together is very fun- as fun as constant, light teasing from Vincent can be. He loves a lot of the same things you do, like manga and danmei. (My Vincent is Chinese, as is William, so he’s especially attached to danmei and historical dramas.) He loves peeking over your shoulders, reading the dialogue in a smooth, smoldering voice and then kissing your cheeks when he makes them glow. He’s a little stinker that way, but Vincent definitely knows to be more genuine and sincere when you share your creative work with him. He’s incredibly supportive, buying you whatever tools and/or instruments you might need until you find the medium you like best.
The hungry heart, the roving eye/ Have come to rest, do not apply/ The frantic chase, the crazy ride/ The thrill has gone, I step aside/ And I'd believe in anything were it not for you/ Showing me by just existing only this is true/ I love you, I love you without question, I love you
As an 80’s kid, Elton John (and the Road to El Dorado soundtrack as well) feel like a good pick for him, you know? Very classic, timely, nostalgic. I like it for y’all specifically because of the vibes, because it reminds me of this lover that lived this crazy existence, lived hard and fast without knowing what it was all for, until they met the person who it was all for, until Vincent met you.
In that same vein of thought, Gavin is a strong, cute contender though I don’t think he would have quite as much of a grasp on your comfort levels and moods like Vincent would. In the opposite vein, the other arm if you will, I like Morgan for you. He’d be a good match for a Type Six, and his vibes just suit you; it’s hard to explain why.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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mrowmrowmrow9 ¡ 1 month
unfinished Crisis AU snippet
This is an unfinished fic built off of the last prompt fill I did (x). I haven't worked on it in a while and was considering it fully abandoned until @madeunmexico left a comment on ao3 asking to see the full story and now my interest has been renewed slightly? I give it like a 50/50 chance of being finished 😅 Anyways, here's what I had including the original microstory.
Barry. Kate. Kal. Fear on their faces. Blood on Oliver’s. Shadow demons hurtling towards them—
A familiar voice. “Kara.”
A harsh whisper, bordering on frantic. “Kara. Hey.”
She wakes up screaming, limbs flailing, fighting against the hands pulling at her and the arms wrapping around her middle.
“Shh. It's okay. It was just a dream. You’re okay.”
Kara gives up struggling and lets herself be held, choking on tears. She knows that voice, she does, but her mind dismisses the thought as soon as it forms. It can’t be him. Can’t be. She realizes for the first time that it isn’t nighttime, the reason everything’s dark is because her eyes are squeezed shut, so tightly it hurts. She opens them slowly, blinking rapidly to adjust to the light.
She’s in her apartment, wearing pajamas. That doesn’t make sense. What makes even less sense, if that’s possible, is that when Kara opens her eyes and raises her head and blinks to clear her vision so she can see who’s holding her, she’s met with a face that she’s only seen in dreams for the past two and a half years. 
When Kara sees him, she throws up. 
Actually throws up, for the first time in her adult life—super-speed has never been more helpful as she makes it to the bathroom just in time to hurl the contents of her stomach into the toilet. The person that looks like Mon-El and sounds like Mon-El and smells like Mon-El but cannot possibly be Mon-El comes running in after her. It’s too late to hold her hair back and she hears the faucet running instead.
“Here, do you want some water?”
She takes it automatically and drains the glass in one gulp, presses a hand to her head with a groan. Crisis. Oliver. The Monitor—she has to get her thoughts in order. How did she get here? Also very important: “What. What are you doing here?” she manages to get out.
“Hmm? Oh yeah, I know it’s early, Rhonda’s girlfriend is in town and she asked me to trade shifts.” Possibly-Mon-El checks his watch. He’s fully dressed; he must have heard her from the kitchen before leaving the apartment. That he…seems to live in? Was staying in? Nothing makes sense. “Crap, I should probably get going. Unless you need me to stay?” He looks at her expectantly, those warm gray eyes filled with concern.
“No, you’re fine,” Kara says quickly and closes her eyes, her head throbbing. I meant, what are you doing in my apartment? In this century, for that matter? Whatever. The sooner he’s gone, the sooner she can figure out what the hell is going on.
“Alright.” He sighs, reaching out to gently brush her hair off her shoulder. “I hope the morning gets better. Let me know if you need anything—I think we still have some fruit salad left from yesterday. You said it helped with the nausea, right?”
She nods absently without registering his words, and watches him go. With some deliberate stalling while brushing her teeth, she manages to hide out in the bathroom until he leaves. But not without calling out “Love you!” through the door and Kara nearly has a heart attack. What kind of fucked-up dream could she be having? This cannot be real. It can’t be.
Her appetite eventually comes back, with it the realization that she’s seriously late for work, and as she grabs the container out of the fridge to bring with her the light glints off her left hand, catching her eye. 
Kara has always thought of herself as a reasonably intelligent person. This belief is somewhat shaken by the realization that it’s taken her this long to notice the engagement ring on her finger.
He doesn’t suspect anything. Why would he? She did seem oddly confused to see him, but dreams can be disorienting. Theirs certainly are—dying families, exploding planets, backstabbing allies. And that’s on top of everything…else.
He just hopes she’s happy. He hopes it’s nothing he did.
So, Nia’s clueless. Who isn’t? Still disoriented as all hell, Kara returns to the Catco building to find her coworkers exchanging tearful embraces. It looks like a middle-aged woman with curly hair whom Kara has never seen before in her life is leaving Catco for a job in Utah. At least, according to the conversation Kara listens in on in an attempt to figure out how to act normal.
Evidently she doesn’t do a very good job, because Nia frowns at her while she’s discreetly taking Brainy’s super-strength Advil and asks, “Aren’t you going to say goodbye to Julie?”
“R-Right, yeah,” Kara stammers, heart pounding, and awkwardly makes her way over.
This Julie is clearly under the impression that she and Kara are close friends, judging by the tight, rose-scented embrace Kara’s enveloped in before she can blink.
“Oh, I almost forgot!” Julie rushes over to the desk that must have been hers and pulls a large paper bag out from underneath it. “I know I’m going to miss the party, so I wanted to give you this before I leave. They’re not new, but they’re still in good shape and, well, we don’t really need them anymore—I thought you and Mike would appreciate some extras!” She hands the bag to Kara, smiling expectantly.
Kara doesn’t think she’s ever been more confused in her life. She takes the bag, because what else is there to do, and cautiously peers inside. 
Baby clothes. Little socks and hats and a onesie with little ducks on it—great Rao, why is her vision getting blurry? “W-What are these for?” Kara asks, almost demands really, frantically blinking the tears away.
Now it’s Julie’s turn to be confused. “Well…the baby, of course!”
The fucking what now? “Right…of course,” Kara says slowly, fumbling for the right thing to say. “That’s so generous, thank you.”
“No problem!” Julie smiles and reaches out to squeeze her shoulder. “I’m really going to miss you, Kara.”
Kara watches her walk away, gaping openly.
One thing is clear: she needs to talk to J’onn. Immediately.
They’re out on the balcony together, standing a careful distance apart and it feels like old times in the worst way possible. 
On a masochistic impulse, Mon-El plays back a moment from only twenty-four hours earlier.
He’s drifting off to sleep in their bed, drowsy and content with Kara in his arms and his hand over her belly right where the baby grows and he thinks to himself, a life like this is too good to be true. And yet it is. He should have known better.
Three years ago Mon-El returned to the 21st century with a wife by his side and claimed he felt nothing for Kara. That couldn’t have been further from the truth, but now it’s the last thing she remembers of him. The irony.
She doesn’t remember how he came back for her, or rather refused to leave again, even as she told him he was being selfish. She doesn’t remember how he said, I know. But one of us has to be. And we both know it was only ever going to be me. She doesn’t remember how they found their way back to each other, how he asked her to marry him and she said yes and their happiness was so great they just had to share it, create their own little family. It sounds like a fairy tale to him now, and he realizes that maybe that’s all it ever was.
Mon-El blinks back the tears that arise at the thought, swallowing down the lump in his throat. It isn’t the time for that now. He’s already cried on Alex’s shoulder, had J’onn explain everything to him a hundred times over. Right now, an emotional response from him is not what Kara needs. “I went over and got my things from the apartment,” he says, fighting to keep his voice even. “J’onn says I can stay with him for a while.”
“Okay.” Kara exhales. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to kick you out, I just—”
“No, it’s fine.” He meets her eyes and tries to muster some kind of half-smile. “It’s a lot, I get it.”
She nods, biting her lip, and the turns to him abruptly. “Can we talk somewhere more private?”
Thank Rao.
He rethinks agreeing to go to the apartment almost as soon as the door closes behind him. Everywhere he looks is a reminder of their life together, the one that Kara doesn’t remember.
She wrings her hands together. “Before we talk about anything else, there’s something I need to know.”
Mon-El braces himself. “Okay.”
Kara draws in a deep breath, and then blurts out, “Do we have a child?”
There it is. “No,” he says carefully. “Not…yet. But…” He licks his lips and steps forward, gently setting a hand on her belly. He watches the realization dawn in her eyes.
“Yeah.” He retracts his hand and lets it hang awkwardly at his side. “Twelve weeks.”
She puts a hand on the countertop as if to steady herself and says nothing, eyes wide.
“I’m…sorry I didn’t say anything before,” Mon-El adds helplessly, ducking his head to try and meet her gaze. “I wasn’t sure if you already knew, or if physical conditions even carried over for the Paragons, but then I remembered you threw up this morning so I just figured—”
“Shh—stop talking.” Kara holds a hand up, closing her eyes. 
He shuts up.
She breathes out, slowly. “I-I’m sorry.”
“…It’s okay,” he says awkwardly.
“I just, I need some time to…think.”
“Right. Yeah, of course.” Mon-El takes a step back, clears his throat. “I, um. I’ll go. We can…talk more tomorrow?”
Kara nods absently, staring past him like he isn’t even there.
He shuts the door behind himself, and manages to avoid breaking down until the elevator. Small victories.
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romaniandollar ¡ 1 year
Hi! I noticed you’re following Dracula Daily; I’m new to it and am loving it! Is there anything about Romanian culture or geography mentioned in the book that you can elaborate on for people outside of Romania? Thanks!
Hi! I'm glad you like it!
That's a really good question, and there's actually a lot of ground to cover here.
Quick disclaimer: Dracula isn't actually that accurate a representation of Romanian culture and history, and a lot of Romanians dislike it for that reason. Also because this is the only media featuring Romania that made it big and now we're associated with vampires. 😬 But I hope the new interest in the book will inspire people to check out our country for what it really is.
First of all, Dracula himself. In the book he's heavily implied to be Vlad Țepeș (The Impaler), or Vlad Dracula as he was also known. Vlad ruled Wallachia during the 1400s and was greatly respected and feared. He punished criminals by impaling them (hence the first nickname) and crime was low during his rule because he was very harsh. 'Drac' means demon or devil, so that was his other nickname because of his severity. But all in all he was a good ruler and he wasn't a vampire, nor were there any rumors to that effect until Bram Stoker got the idea.
Castle Bran, which is commonly known as Dracula's castle now, wasn't actually Vlad's. He might have stayed there once but it was more commonly used by Queen Maria, during the early 20th century.
We do have snow in the mountains, but only in winter or the early spring max. So for it to be snowing in May doesn't make sense. 😅
Trains are still commonly late here, to the point it's a running joke about our primary train company, CFR. It's funny that Jonathan had the same issue that I do every time I take a trip to Bucharest. 😂
I mentioned this in another post, but paprika hendl is called papricaș here. It's really good, and I often make it with mămăligă at home. (You're not a proper Romanian if you don't like mămăligă, by the way. 😆 My great-grandparents would make it hard and use it instead of bread.)
Transylvania belonged to Austria-Hungary until the end of WWI, when it was taken over by Romania. They still haven't gotten over it. Point being, there are a LOT of Hungarians and Hungarian speakers in that region, so it would have made more sense for everyone to know Hungarian in the book rather than German.
Romanians are, especially in the rural areas, friendly and helpful. We look out for the others in our group, especially if they're young. So everyone that helps Jonathan until he meets the count? That would happen.
Those are the main things I can think of right now, more will probably come to me as we get farther through the book. But feel free to hit me up if you have any more questions!
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stoopid-turtle ¡ 11 months
hello... 😅 uhm, first of all, i truly am sorry in advance for being awkward 😭 but for once i decided not to let my awkwardness keep me from sharing (what i think/hope are) positive thoughts with a stranger on the internet, so here i am.
i'm not around much and legit only made this acc bc like you i'm a late bloomer here and needed as many outlets for my yizhan/wangxian obsession as i could get my greedy hands on, in the big year of 2023... sigh. anyway, as an avid lover of meta/analysis posts since my early fandom days began around 15 (oof 🥲) years ago, finding your acc was such a lovely surprise. i agree with your views a LOT, and really appreciate how eloquent and well-written your posts are! even more so bc there's a lot i still don't know and most of the time the source material is very hard to reach and/or understand due to the language barrier, so having other turtles to rely on to access those, even if filtered by their own biases/opinions, is wonderful. besides, such input coming from a new fan is also comforting and imo refreshing, juxtaposed with that of older fans... it keeps the fandom alive and all that jazz. it's also very brave given how ruthless some folks can be on the internet, and on this corner in particular 😮‍💨 it just felt like reading my own thoughts written by someone else sometimes. i gasped and nodded at your posts soooo many times djskdjdj thank you for that!
(btw you followed me back the other day and i legit fangirled irl bc ??? whatttttt 😅 i still think it was an accident but okay omg djskdjdj AHEM. sorry)
then today i logged in and read your recent posts feeling squeamish about sharing more thoughts and as much as i 100% relate to you saying that kind of attention makes you anxious, i just... idk, i had to let you know i enjoy everything you post, even though adult life has kept me from being able to read it all so far. i understand you stepping back and i respect that decision, i'm not by any means asking you to go against what you know is best for you. at the same time, i can't help but hope you'll still show up every now and then bc your posts will be missed 🥲 i guess the whole motivation behind this is that it just made me sad to think your valuable insights will be something i'm yet again late to, if that makes sense?
djskdjdj again, i'm so sorry for being awkward and weird and dropping all of this on your inbox unprovoked. you don't have to reply (or read this AT ALL omg 😭😭), in fact i'm so embarrassed by this that you'd probably have to reach me through inquiry lmaooo 💀 anyway, have a great life, thank you so much for the great job, bjyxszd etc ❤️💚💛
Oh, don't be anxious! I'm really not a big deal.
Thank you for dropping into my inbox! I love hearing from other turtles, especially relative newbies, like myself! One of my fav parts of coming out of lurking mode is getting to talk to other people. I kinda follow back anybody who follows me, cause it seems polite? I don't know tumblr etiquette. I just follow the tags when I get the chance.
I appreciate the encouragement! I try to avoid dramatics, so I'm sorry for the upset last week. The situation is largely resolved, and I am feeling more okay. I kinda backed off because I wasn't sure of my footing here in fandom as compared to others, especially as I do think I have some takes that fall outside fandom consensus. Again, I don't mean to rock any boats and I'm not invested in convincing anybody that they should have the same opinions as I do. Hearing from turtles who do want me to continue posting gave me some more confidence there.
So, yeah, I expect I'll post some more as I have time. I'd like to post more on dd (cause he's my fav). I'd also like to try to figure out gg cause that dude is so confusing to me. I do have RL stuff going on, and I don't have the time to be super-active outside of occasional posts. But I'd like keep posting stuff. At least until I get all my Yizhan thoughts out.
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fantomette22 ¡ 5 months
(For Bloodborne)
10, 16, and 18?? 💀
I answered 10 here ! As for the rest it is quite long so putting it under there. Hope you ready 😅
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Hm... wait I need to remember all the things I don't appreciate... and try not to make ennemies 😓 (it's really not my goal it's just personal preference mostly. Seriously depending how things are explained and presented there's lot a thing I can actually enjoy! While I would dislike when it's just throw and spam without context.)
Hm well you know as for characterisations when it's reduced to like 2 traits or extreme good / extreme bad it's hm... yeah. I mean I know I ain't a good exemple but I barely share dark headcanons 😓 but they do exist hehe.
Of course absolutely don't mind and love silly shenanigans (when you're hanging with your friends and having fun it's not always very serious) and also more dark and matures ideas. When people share it doesn't mean it's all they think to the characters! Gotta take the all picture!
But it does bother me when people believe in almost caricatural interprets like it's canon and talk down on others with different views. Somehow like they are the worst thing...like wtf.
Also well typical extreme talk about Gehrman, Maria and mostly Laurence I suppose (maybe a bit Lulu aka the holy blade but it bother me a bit less because people are generally not spamming to or being annoying as much as the others. Oh Micolash too). When people reduced them to just 2 things or an extreme. I feel it really doesn't fit with the infos within the game. I'm not a fan at all. They are all morally grey and humans. They are not clearly all black or all white. they are morally gray, they are humans!
In more details now. Well for Gehrman you know my stance already. Clearly yeah he had some issues in his life and did bad things but clearly I don't think he was a misogynistic asshole and all the stuff. Like it just don't make sense to me. I don't even wanna vent about it today XD
As for Maria well. Look I don't have a problem with the headcanon of her being a butch lesbian. I mean it's even one of my AU actually. (to put it really really simply. Bc I like having several interprets disconnect to each other in their own settings). It can be very interesting in an overall big story I think. The problem I have is when it's apparently her only unique traits and if you think or headcanon otherwise for any reasons you are apparently the worst shit to exist and getting block. Being labelled as sexist, homophobic etc. Well idk but that kind of reaction kinda tell me who the real -phobic one is 😕 really that is sad like wow who hurt you people?! to have this much anger to people just trying to have fun. Thankfully it's clearly just a minority of people who are agressive like this. And I hope they will grow, gain maturity and realise there's really no need to be that mean about such a thing. But it's been a while saw smt like this so I prefer to put this behind me there's hope.
As for Laurence I'm not really a fan of him being the ultimate bitch devil (or angel but nobody has that take almost. That would be a change. the tragic vicar who only had good intention but accidentally fucked up and try his best until the end😔 I mean I don't agree with that either but that's a change). I mean by this, that I think he did both. Good and bad things. That he had honorable intentions at first but overcome by a bit of ego and pride he fucked up really bad. And then realised his mistake but it was too late to correct it... his theme inspire great strength but who end in tragedy and pity. So overall tragic these too. Him being depicted as just a smug unlikable bitch is something I have a hard time with. I mean yes I like to imagine him being a smug bitch too at times for sure! it's fun but not like all the time and making it his entire personality. If that make sense. I don't see how he could be an important religious figure, doctor and having so much support by just being a manipulative ass all the time. Especially if he start from ground 0.
And hm... i have nothing again it and people so that we're clear but hm EXCEPT in certains very specific context* I am not personally a fan of Laurence being drawn with horns on his head. It just isn't my cup of tea. I'm not sure to understand what's the interest don't make sense to have Laurence looking normally human + just horns but it's just me.
*EXCEPT WHEN : symbolism and symbolic art (no prob I like those actually. Horns + when he's burning in human form for exemple onlooking like religious symbolism) ; "decoration" like lil detached horns, like you would put flowers or sparkles or little emoji next to a portrait of a characters ; before he transformed but with other signs of beasthood (actually him human with horns can be nice but I prefer when it's like mini horns not full cleric beast ones + idk a giant arm with claws and fur growing, eyes looking weird, teeth growing, his hair being longer and messy etc).
Now last I will stop after...
I think a whole fic or interprets on a really dark and realistic Bloodborne universe like our world can be super interesting! But I don't enjoy when people seem to think Bloodborne is 100% our 19th century with just a couple of eldritch things in it? Ok it's closer to us compared to medieval fantasy like DS or elden ring. But I feel it's fantasy too. if we had a map I won't be surprise if that's not Europe or a map that existed in real life. Lot of things don't fit to be actual victorian era. It's just inspire by it : invention and technology aren't on the same lvl. Either they are missing important inventions or are too advanced. (Molotovs appeared during spain war and were named like this during WWII) people don't seem to have 10 children working in factories or mines as well. Women are doctors, academic, hunters etc No steam machine or electric bulb but who knows. I could make an entire things... Looking at all the real life inspirations for the game is great! Create a very realistic story is very cool! But I would personally be more on the side that's it's more of a victorian fantasy. Like Sekiro can't be in our world or how Dark souls is a medieval fantasy as well and isn't medieval age accurate.
Oh boi i forgot about victorian london. Jokes are fine but bloodborne is more inspired on Prague and eastern europe i feel. You and Katy developed it more anyway
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Ok I don't know how to answer this so have a list (of ideas in my head I need to share /write one day lmao) :
Maria backstory (no seriously I want stories on her childhood, her family, what happened, how she felt toward them. Conflicted? Good terms but separate ways? Actually work for them for a while? Disowned? I wanna know! If she's actually close to Annalise ? More important in royal family that we know? Or really a random noble related to them?) Is her pyromancer real?! why she dislike blood blades?
How she got her Rakuyo
How she met Gehrman? her training? WHAT HAPPEN I NEED TO KNOW uxkcblkDOLFMBOEAMl: (sorry XD) work for Laurence & co too
Important lore Charcacters backstory before this whole mess (Laurence, Gehrman, Ludwig, Willem etc yeah basically everyone lol I won't do the entire list XD but how did they meet each other what bound them what happen.)
Stories how the healing church + blood transfusion actually came to be?
Byrgenwerth era (yeah sorry I love it XD)
So yeah overall timeline before the hunter arrive (help)
Cainhurst, Annalise, vilebloods, potential KING of Cainhurst
So yeah Logarius too
Loran, Isz and pthumerians lore??
Dores and Gatekeeper my beloved
Caryll (yeah just Caryll)
Izzy and bestial hunters. How the bestial rune was forbidden, why Laurence had it etc
Ok is everyone except 5 persons gonna ignore the fact freaking Gehrman can make more than just weapons?! well wood stuff are oblivious but how did bro can make such refined clothes hello?!?!
Religion practise how it works in Yharnam, how citizens and clerics actually practise it.
What's their history, their legend, how the geopolitic within the country is and others XD (it's more a critic about the game in itself than fandom really) In truth I'm a bit sad we know lot of countries and regions within Dark Souls but almost none with Bloodborne! Like many people are from foreign countries and we have 0 names compared to the dozens in DS. we just have like vaguely Yamamura asiatic country, Eileen's one, Valtr's city, Loran and Isz. As for Gascoigne Gilbert Brador and all the others we don't know anything. In Dark Souls we have names and we know where people came from : Catarina, Astora, Forossa, Mirrah, Carim, Vinheim, Lordran etc)
Event being seen by random citizens or young characters growing up could be interesting!
I mean many characters again
I might stop here or it will never be over sorry... I'm not even sure it's really slept one but I wish we have more. There's just so many possibilities and things that can be created!
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fateinthestars ¡ 6 months
Hello! Gathered the courage to put in a prompt for fic - completely up to you if you'll take it :D Yesterday I had dream (sign I should take a break lol) about SCM: I woke up in Hue's room. Everything looked like I was transported from real world to anime/genshin like graphic world. I instantly recognized my surroundings and launched myself from the bed to the pool ont he floor. I needed to check out how I looked and sure enough, my features changed like under anime filter. So the prompt: Isekai'd reader, who played the game before and basically both Clotho and game MC are her avatars, extension of herself in the game world. How would Hue take this revelation that MC is gone, replaced by the puppeter, who is essentially the blend of the two women he loved and at the same time not quite so? Because whilist the reader's feelings towards Hue were and are real, the reader couldn't excatly regulate the actions and speech of the in game avatars (Clotho and MC) and therefore reader's personality is bit different. Really... I just wish to see his reaction to bookworm and quite sarcastic reader 😂
I think I've finally got something for this. Hopefully it's what you had in mind and you'll enjoy. 😅 To anyone else considering reading this: Yes, this fic is very meta. Hopefully it works though! (I'm torn over whether to put this one on AO3 😂 )
Title: Sarcastic Smiles
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Pairing: Huedhaut/Reader (isekai'd into MC's body from our universe)
Main Characters: Huedhaut, Reader
Minor Characters: Ichthys, Teorus, Karno, Scorpio, Leon, Zyglavis
Rating: T
Genre: Isekai, um I dunno how else to tag this... rediscovering relationship?
Word Count: 2,961
Summary: You wake up one morning to find you are in a bedroom you thought only existed in your favourite otome game, only to find you are now inhibiting the character you have been controlling in said game. How will Huedhaut react to his Main Character no longer being the human he fell in love with, but still with knowledge of their relationship?
A/N : Spoilers for Huedhaut's path.
Sarcastic Smiles
Turning over in the bed with a groan, you blinked a few times as you blearily opened your eyes. This wasn’t your bedroom. It didn’t even look like the real world. Sitting up, you rubbed your eyes a little in an attempt to clear them. Whilst you had been playing your favourite otome game late the night before, this seemed far too real to just be a dream.
However, it was then that you realised whose bed you were in and you quickly stumbled to your feet, almost tripping over as you knelt down beside the pool in the middle of Huedhaut’s room. Looking into the water you froze. Swallowing hard, you tried to calm down as you reached up and brushed your hair back a little… or should that be the hair of the character you usually played in the game? Looking closer, you shook your head slightly. No, that wasn’t quite right - the features were shifting ever so slightly. This wasn’t just the main character of Star Crossed Myth’s features, it was also those of Clotho’s.
Well, you supposed that made a little sense considering which God’s bedroom you had woken up in. Wait… nothing about this makes any sense! You quickly snapped out of your investigation, instead pinching yourself hard. Nothing changed except now your arm hurt. You’d watched plenty of isekai anime so this phenomenon wasn’t entirely new to you, but if you ever imagined it was actually possible, let alone that it would happen to you of all people, well… “So this really isn’t a dream…”
“I should hope not. I rather hope if you were dreaming of my room, I would actually be here with you. Or do you find my room more interesting than myself?”
Your breath hitched. Even though the game only had a few voice acted stories, you immediately knew who was talking to you. Even if you had not recognised his voice or simply assumed that it was him due to this being his room, his wording laced with his usual sarcasm was more than enough. Speaking of which…
Smirking briefly to yourself, you turned round to face the God of Aquarius, before responding just as sarcastically, “Yes, I thought maybe I was dreaming of your room so I could look at all these books without you interrupting me.”
Huedhaut initially flinched, briefly making you wonder whether you’d pushed that too far, but then he knelt down beside you, looking into your eyes with a thoughtful look. “Trying to beat me at being sarcastic? You’re probably a million years too late for that,” he teased, smirking as he reached a hand out to brush your hair back.
As you were about to retort back to that, determined to get the upper hand on him for once now you could use your own words, you suddenly realised he had stopped short of touching your hair, his deep blue eyes wide with shock. “Hue?” You tried softly. Had the other noticed that you weren’t quite who he was used to?
“... Clotho? But… how…” he muttered, glancing down at the floor, clearly in distress. “Was that why you thought you were dreaming, do you remember what you did…” he muttered to himself.
You grimaced. Clearly it hadn’t just been the water showing you that you could be either of the game’s avatars because you were in Huedhaut’s route - it was because you hadn’t got full control over which you were outwardly showing. Now you had upset the other. You knew from the game that the other didn’t want Clotho back. He was in love with the Main Character and that was in the past. You frowned at that point, realising you didn’t know where exactly in the game’s timeline you had been deposited. However you then looked back at Huedhaut, swallowing hard as you watched a mixture of emotions actually go across his usually poker-faced expression for once. What had already happened didn’t matter right now, what you needed was to say something to reassure Huedhaut. “Hue, I’m not Clotho.”
Huedhaut looked sharply back up at that comment. He frowned as he looked at you once more. “... Well now you look more like yourself, but…” He sighed heavily. “Did Ichthys make you look like your previous self? If he did then he’s gone too far this time…”
It was almost tempting to pretend that that was what had happened, but you also knew that you probably still didn’t have a handle on who exactly you were presenting as to him. “No, it’s a bit more complicated than that…”
“If this is that Godforsaken’s King doing, I might -”
As a flash of anger flickered in the other’s eyes, you quickly leant forward and grabbed his hands in your own. “Hue. This is not related to the others. I…” where did you even start with explaining? “I’m not either of the women you think.”
Huedhaut let go of your hands and got to his feet. He looked at you with a frown. “If this is payback for all the teasing…”
Quickly, you stood up as well. “... This is not even my own world. From my point of view, you are just a character in a video game.”
The other looked at you, initially smirking as he went to retort to that, but then he seemed to realise that you were near tears. Quickly he moved back to your side. He sighed heavily. “You are being serious.”
“I’m sorry. I really don’t know how this happened… but know that I know you… please don’t tell me to leave…”
Huedhaut hesitantly wrapped his arms around you. “That is the last thing that I should do right now. You say that you are aware of this world, but the more people who see you like this, the more questions you will face. I need to find a way to fix this and get you home…”
“And get her back?” You muttered, your voice cracking a little.
“...” Huedhaut looked down.
“I do not think either will be possible… unless this is different to the shows I’ve watched in my world, being isekai’d is a one way process.” 
The other didn’t respond to that, instead starting to look through his books at a rapid pace, reminding you of a certain special story when the main character had briefly ended up with powers.
That, however, gave you an idea. If you were controlling both the Main Character and Clotho then did that mean you could use them? About to raise your hand and try, Huedhaut suddenly looked sharply back at you. You stepped back a little at the gaze he was giving you. 
“Maybe I should call one of the others after all,” he muttered, now regarding you suspiciously.
It was then that you noticed the book still in his hands appeared to be details of the under-realm. Well you could hardly blame him for being suspicious. “I’d never want to hurt you!” You snapped, your breathing a little strained. “Will you please hear me out some more?”
The other nodded and hesitantly sat down with you on the edge of the bed. It was at this point you felt overwhelming relief that it was Huedhaut’s main character you had changed into, with some of the others you’d either be in immediate severe trouble with or you’d never be able to explain this. 
“So… according to you I am a character in a game?”
“Uh huh,” you responded, before taking a deep breath. You then motioned to the body you were now inhibiting with your hands. “And I… I mean she… um… I mean the human you are in love with was controlled by me.”
Huedhaut glanced away for a moment, seemingly still trying to take this all in. “If you were controlling her as you believe in your world would you not be able to form her responses better than this? Perhaps I would never have noticed…”
You shook your head, impulsively grabbing his hands. “But you already did notice, Hue,” you reminded him. “Because parts of the game exist where the human was Clotho, I’m not appearing as just one of the two to you. Besides…”
“Besides?” Huedhaut asked, finally looking back up at you.
“In the game the input was limited to one of three replies.” This time you averted your own gaze. “There… there is so much I would like to say to you.”
A stifling silence fell over the room after that. Just when you were starting to worry that perhaps you had pushed your explanation too far, you felt strong arms wrapping tightly around you accompanied by a loud sigh from your companion.
“You are always causing me so much trouble,” he muttered.
He looked thoughtfully at you. “Do you remember everything about our time together?”
“I… that rather depends whether it was covered in the game or not,” you muttered awkwardly. “I haven’t actually pinpointed where exactly in the timeline we are right now.”
Huedhaut managed a tired and rather exasperated smile. “I suggest you look at your hand.”
Doing so, your breath hitched as you saw the ring from the fountain of love. “Oh. We’re already married…” you pulled a face.
“Is that a problem?”
“N-no,” you quickly reassured him. “At least, not from my end. It’s just… if we were before that…” you trailed off. “It doesn’t matter. I’m sorry, Hue, this must be hard for you…”
The other actually seemed calmer now then when you had first started to explain. “Hard for me? From the sound of things you thought that this was a fictional world. That sounds far more alarming.”
“But… what now?”
Huedhaut frowned. “Now that is a good question. I feel like we need to try to get to know one another again before that can have a coherent answer. Even if you were the one sometimes inputting her answers, you still are not quite the person I fell in love with. Just asking you to tell me everything you remember right now though I think would be embarrassing and awkward for the both of us…” his expression changed into a smirk. “Unless you want to talk about yourself at length?”
“Hue!” You snapped.
Chuckling briefly, Huedhaut then sighed softly. He got back to his feet. “Before we do anything else I should probably see whether there’s a way to make sure you appear exactly as before to the other Gods. This might be a little over some of their heads. There’s no need to make things more complicated unless we absolutely have to.”
Later that day you were in the mansion living room with Huedhaut, the other having stabilised your outward appearance for now. 
“Hey! Still here today, huh?” Ichthys asked happily, as he came into the living room.
“No, I have gone home,” You replied with a smirk.
Ichthys’ eyes widened momentarily, it initially not clicking, but then when he realised what you were doing he snapped out of it and instead frowned at Huedhaut. “Have you been giving her lessons in sarcasm? That was weird…”
“Yes, we have spent all day perfecting this just in case you turned up. That would be a great use of our time,” Huedhaut responded with a smirk of his own. He shared a glance with you.
“...” Ichthys grimaced and ran over to Teorus who had just returned from the Heavens. “Teo! Could we have a straight conversation please?”
Teorus looked over to you both. “Hue, are you winding Ikky up again?”
“When would I ever do that?” Huedhaut asked. 
“... You’re in a good mood,” Karno muttered as he joined the commotion, feeling a little perplexed at the current state of things.
Huedhaut faltered at that point. He glanced down. “... Not quite…” he muttered to himself. 
Reaching over, you squeezed his hand briefly, trying to remind him not to act in a way that the others might find suspicious but also trying to reassure him that things would somehow work out.
“What's all this damn commotion about?! Tch… I see, it's mostly you pain in the ass Wishes Gods here…”
“O ho? Do you have a problem, Scorpion?” Leon added as he headed into the living room just behind the Vice Minister of Punishments. “Judging by who is present, if there's any comotion I suspect that fish is to blame.”
Ichthys stepped back behind Teorus, his eyes wide. “I've not done anything! She and Hue are the ones acting strangely!”
“That's quite enough from all of you,” came a firm voice from the doorway.
Everything became eerily quiet and you tensed a little as you looked towards Zyglavis. 
Huedhaut seemed to recognise that you were on edge now. He shifted closer to you on the sofa so that your shoulders were touching but not in a noticeable way to the others.
The Minister of Punishments glanced at you briefly but did not say a word. Instead he looked over to Leon who was shooting a glare and a scowl in his direction. “Is there a problem?”
“I won't have you telling me what to do, Minister Ponytail,” Leon snapped back. “Instead of telling all of us to be quiet as though you own the place, perhaps you should talk to your Vice Minister and that Prankster Fish!”
You shared a glance with Huedhaut as Zyglavis stormed over to Leon and the other nodded. Standing up you both went to leave the living room before things got any more chaotic.
“Going somewhere a little quieter? Can't say I blame you,” Karno murmured softly so the others didn't hear, having noticed you trying to slip away. He glanced at Huedhaut thoughtfully. “If I was wrong about you being in a good mood earlier… is everything alright? Nothing I should know about?”
“We're fine,” Huedhaut responded firmly before you could do so yourself. 
“Well then, enjoy the rest of your evening. I suppose I best see whether I can placate Leo before we have a real problem on our hands.”
Huedhaut shared a sympathetic glance with the other before inclining his head in way of thanks. He led you away from the room a little, before snapping his fingers.
Appearing in the oddly familiar yet never seen in real life before apartment, you glanced around and took a deep breath before looking back at the other. “Why are we here?”
“I think that is more than enough of the other Gods for your first time here in person,” Huedhaut muttered. “We are much less likely to be disturbed here than if we stay anywhere in the mansion. Besides, I think that was enough data to tell that the spell I used is masking your appearance back to how it was for the others.”
You nodded and tried to relax. “Yes, if Zyglavis didn't notice I guess we won't have to worry about questions for a bit.”
Huedhaut pulled your sleeve gently and got you to sit down on the edge of the bed with him. He smiled softly at you. “Zyglavis turning up gave me more information than that.”
“What do you mean?”
“You became extremely tense when seeing him. I suspect some of that is because you suspected he would be the most likely to see through the mask, and I believe you are correct in that assumption. However, to know that you would have to be familiar with all of us, and… well…”
“Hue?” You asked softly, taking his hands once more as the other averted his gaze.
He hesitantly looked back up after a few moments. “Forgive me. I fear there was a part of me that was still uncertain whether what you claimed happened to you was entirely factual, of if not that at least concern that your memory might not be there at all or even incorrect…” he sighed softly, forcing a tender smile at you as he held your hands tightly. “However, when you saw Zyglavis I knew in an instant that you knew how he'd tried to destroy you in the past. I know now that even if our memories are not quite the same, we can probably get back on the same page.”
You forced an uneasy smile at him. “Don't apologise, I'm sure today has been a lot, even for you.”
“Yes, it has,” Huedhaut agreed with a taunting smirk, his deep blue eyes glinting from the sunset visible from the balcony window. “So, what are you going to do to make it up to me?”
Taking a deep breath, you hesitated for a moment, worried that you could push things too far. However, remembering his admission that he genuinely believed everything you had said, you wrapped your arms around him before pulling him into a brief kiss.
When you parted, Huedhaut reached a hand up to your face and brushed your hair back. “Well, if that is how a short kiss from you feels, I rather hope you do indeed have knowledge of our relationship, otherwise it may become rather too intense down the line…”
You rolled your eyes at his familiar smirk, and smirked back yourself. “Really? I thought I was restraining myself…”
“!!!” Huedhaut's eyes widened briefly, then he averted his gaze, flushing bright red. “Comments like that are against the rules,” he grumbled, but then looked back up at you with a genuine, caring, smile. “As by your own admission you aren't who I was expecting, I cannot say that I love you, yet, but rediscovering each other and reminiscing over old memories may not be such a bad thing.” Wrapping his arms around you he hugged you tightly to him. “I just hope you can be patient with me.”
“However long it takes, Hue. I'm not going anywhere.”
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themadauthorshatter ¡ 5 months
VERY suggestive Jally thought. Imagine both characters are of legal age of consent because, honestly, that's more comfortable to write
Somr background: Johnny is freshly booted from his home because, "You're 18 now. Get off our hands," so Dally takes him in and takes him home. It's a little awkward. Dally's neater than Johnny originally thought, and, once they get talking, Johnny doesn't have a plan. Find a job, find a place of his own, and live his life, but that's it
Here's where the suggestive stuff comes in:
Dally offers for Johnny to stay with him. It can be the two of them being each other's family. Family doesn't have to be brothers like the Curtis's. It can be them together looking out for each other
As he says this, Dally carefully places a hand on Johnny's shoulder, then moves it to carefully hold the sode of his face. He's being more vulnerable with him than he has before with anyone else, and being more careful than he ever has because of how Johnny flinches at being touched without being hurt
There's more talking, more back and forth, not arguing, just the two thinking out loud about a future together, given both their records. They're both moving closer together until their bodies are touching. Dally is touching more too, letting his hands move from Johnny's face to his arms, then his ribs, waist, hips, and legs
Johnny, on the other hand, just has his arms around Dally's neck because he doesn't know what to do
That's fine. Dally takes over and helps Johnny lay on his back. He also pushes Johnny's hair out of his face because his hair's long enough that he can barely see his eyes sometimes. Even with the scar on his face, Johnny is still a sight, resilient, yet precious like a gem and Dally is lucky enough to have him and be near him
Dally's also a sight. Johnny is so used tonseeing Dally in a dangerous mood or being himself with the gang, but here? Just the two of them? He's never seen Dally look the way he does: Nervous, eager, careful, even desperate, for what, it's not clear
The talk of living together comes to a halt as the two see, touch, and feel more of each other. Dally is so, so careful with Johnny, seeing how he's been hurt and damaged and doesn't want to cause him more pain; Johnny is the only thing he really loves, and he wants to show Johnny just how loved he is, how much he means to Dally, how much Dally sees Johnny and sees the world looking back at him. He's had plenty of experience with plenty of girls, but this time he's with someone he knows won't leave him- or at least hopes won't out of fear
For Johnny, Dally has never been so sincere, never been so tender, and it doesn't feel real. It feels like it could be a dream or a really cruel joke, and he doesn't know which is worse. As much as he believes it to be otherwise, Dally proves what's happening is real, and he practically begs Johnny to stay with him
And who is Johnny to say no?
It's a long night, one the two wake up late in the morning from. They had enough sense, at least, to sleep in Dally's bed, but their clothes are everywhere
Johnny is up first, but can't move because he's got Dally holding onto his waist, so he goes back to sleep. When Dally wakes up, he's happy to carry Johnny around, despite Johnny's insisting he can walk. He's also happy to make sure no one gets to Johnny again or hurts him, not if Dally has anything to say about it
Idk, that's the thought, they live together now, don't yell at me, please😅🙏
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