#hope this answers your question! <33
4izawas · 27 days
im genuinely confused why do people not like getting their pinned reblogged? im not a writing blog so maybe it's different for me? idk
everyone has their own reasons, but i particularly don’t like the fact that when i change my theme or information about myself that’s long since changed ( the first several years i’d had this blog, i went by she/her for example ) it sticks around in the reblogs. then there’s the obvious problem of old links not changing in the reblog as they do in the official post — masterlists and rules getting new posts, new links to new pages being added, url changes never getting updated, etc. overall it’s just preferred for me to not have it rbed, hence the ‘do not reblog’ i had on there before you could turn off reblogs on posts themselves!
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I’m rewatching the show for the 473858393929th time and I don’t have anyone to soundboard off of so I pose you this question: When do you think was the first time in the show that Hannibal understands that he has real feelings for Will? I’m at the end of season 1 and I feel like it hasn’t quite hit him yet but there are inklings.
On the other end of the question, when do you think is the first time Will understands his feelings for Hannibal? It’s very obvious that it’s always there but like….when in between seasons one and the last episode of season two does it really happen in your eyes?
I think Hannibal seeing Will in "Aperitif" is the closest to love at first sight that I have seen. As far as him realizing/accepting his love for Will, I would say that happens in "Fromage". Hannibal is very much a "fuck around and find out" at someone else's expense. He sent Will to a known serial killer. He probably assumed a GJH 2.0 would happen, and that Will would come back needing more therapy/comfort from another fatal encounter.
But when Budge showed up at his office alive, there is a noticeable panic on Hannibal's face. He had no way of knowing that Will was accompanied by two officers, so when Tobias says he killed two officers, Hannibal's first thought is that Will is dead. And that hurts. More than he anticipated. He has killed plenty of people, but hasn't felt this level of loss and sadness in a long time.
When the ordeal is over, his expression and heart nearly shatters when seeing Jack come in, eyes begging that Will would follow. For a few seconds, his fear that Will was actually gone encompassed him. He visibly relaxes upon seeing Will actually alive. Hannibal saying "I was worried you were dead" was genuine; he really thought Will was killed and he was hurt.
That love continues to develop, making Will's betrayal that much more painful in Mizumono. Hannibal loved Will, and opened himself up to him, something he had never truly done with someone else. Yes, Hannibal framed Will for his crimes and sent him to prison in his stead, but that doesn't mean Hannibal didn't love Will. But Hannibal is very "preserve self at all costs". I think it is something he regretted, but also something he believed had to be done. Going to prison was not an option for him, and he knew Will would survive. Even the way Hannibal commits violence against Will is distinctly different than how he commits it against others, because he does truly loves Will.
Will's situation is a lot more complicated. I think in the back of his mind, deep down, he loves Hannibal somewhere in season 2. He cares for Hannibal, which is why he told Hannibal to run, why he still went to Hannibal's house, why he leaned into the knife and let himself be hurt and held. But I don't think he really acknowledged that love, not until s3. He called Hannibal his "friend" to Jack, which is true. He did consider Hannibal his friend, but it was so much more than that, too much for words, and not something he would want to admit to Jack. (hi, sorry boss, i love the cannibal teehee <3)
He forgives Hannibal in the catacombs, and I do believe that to be a genuine forgiveness. He even tells Hannibal they are blurred, and he isn't sure they could survive separation. That is a pretty roundabout way of saying "I love you". However, I think Will may not want to love Hannibal in that moment. Will makes an attempt on Hannibal's life, and I think Will associates love with violence. If he killed Hannibal, it wouldn't be out of malice, but a desperate attempt to free himself from Hannibal. Perhaps even to fulfill the promise of intimately killing him with his hands (knife is cheating, but shh). And the violence+love connection is perpetuated when Hannibal saws his head open to eat him, because to cannibalize is to love. Hannibal was planning to kill and eat Will even before he knew Will was planning to kill him, because that is how he knew how to love (apparently talking about your feelings isn't a possibility lol).
But still.... I don't think Will really acknowledges his love for Hannibal until near the end of the show. Because I think part of accepting his love for Hannibal is realizing Hannibal loves him, too. And once Will understood Hannibal loved him, his own love for Hannibal burst forth, unable to be contained.
And once Will realizes this, he gives Hannibal the best thing he can, given the circumstance. He pulls them both off the cliff, to be together, unified, into death or into the next life. Truly blurred and beautiful.
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nyehilismwriting · 4 months
helloooo! i've been following your writing/coding journey since the early days of sentinel and it's been so nice watching your story-telling blossom into a masterpiece. i love project hadea a lot and the characters are all so compelling i always have trouble choosing who to romance (rohan refuses to kiss me lmao). forgive me if you've been asked this question a million times already, but i was wondering what are some of your literary inspirations? what sort of writing shaped your style? it's one that i wish i could achieve one day tbh!!
WAH this is so kind of you 🥺
i'm sure i've spoke before about some of my inspirations but i am always happy to do it again:)
my writing style tends to go through phases- i feel like i write hadea slightly differently to some of my other projects, particularly the shorter ones. often, when I'm going for something poetic, i can't maintain that for as long, or i feel like it gets effortful; some authors seem able to maintain a really lovely style for long-form works. i'd say max gladstone (and there's no way you've followed me this long without seeing me talk about him before lmfao), julia armfield (who wrote our wives under the sea), louise erdrich (the painted drum, the antelope wife) are all authors whose prose particularly sticks out to me as something i'd like to emulate.
i'll also have to shout out adrian tchaikovsky and peter watts as scifi authors who manage to maintain a very effortless, easy to read style while writing hard scifi; it's not easy to do, but they pull it off, often with clarity and humour i really admire. and their work is not without poetry! i also really like adrian tchaikovsky's tendency to skew sharply into and out of horror: he's got such a knack for atmosphere and tone, something that really stands out to me whenever i read his work.
i'm trying to read more nonfiction/autobiography type stuff, as well: i recently finished billy-ray belcourt's 'a history of my brief body', and in the summer i read ocean vuong's 'on earth we're briefly gorgeous' (which is fiction, but in a similar vein); I'm hoping to read more joan didion this year, as well. i think reading stuff like this is a good way to develop both empathy and also an interesting study in tackling highly personal emotional stuff, and in a lot of cases i do feel i can learn a lot from the prose of these works.
i also read quite a bit of poetry, in itself, which i think helps; i like my writing to have a rhythm to it, and i tend to find that reading poetry helps a lot with that.
finally, as i think i've mentioned before, i love the magnus archives and the writing in that: i think that writing stuff that's meant to be read out loud/performed is a really interesting exercise, even if that's not the final goal, and it really helps to develop a sense of rhythm for your prose.
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inkykeiji · 17 days
In the ummm Touya-nii AU thing that ur fics take place in, how much does the rest of the family know?? Like is it a "We know but we don't talk about it" thing or is it like "some of us know but we're keeping it a secret"??? I always wonder when I read ur stories!! Sorry if you've already explained it somewhere! Sometimes I just get thinking and I'm sort of like.. Do they only do stuff when no ones home? Or does everyone else just pretend they don't hear?
Anyways!! I love ur fics, no1 does it better than u!!
hello!! c: for the most part, they all know. this is kind of explored further throughout my tnii christmas series; we hear fuyumi arguing with her mother over it where they both explicitly acknowledge the stepcest happening here, and then at the end when touya kisses reader in front of literally the entire family, it explicitly confirms their suspicions. for a long while it was more a ‘we know but we don’t talk about it’ thing, excluding natsuo of course, and i guess it still is that way, since no one is brave enough to call touya out on his deplorable behaviour!!
i guess pertaining to your ask, though, it really depends on where we are in the series!!! if we’re talking about the main series while touya + reader are still living with their parents, they just sneak around, which we see in this piece when they have sex for the first time together. rei has an inkling of what’s going on but tries her best to ignore it, and reader’s father is in complete and absolute denial—he refuses to even acknowledge the thought/possibility. touya really gets off on the sneaking around—or, rather, the pretending to sneak around while actually being abundantly obvious and making everyone in their general vicinity extremely uncomfortable—so even after they move out together he continues to do it at family gatherings and the like.
thank you so much!!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ and thank you for taking a moment to send in an ask!! that means a lot to me <3
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books4evermorr · 11 months
Had some questions (wanted to know some very specific unnecessarily detailed things) about the AU
•I need to know what is going on in Hades mind watching two primordials discuss his son with so much reverence lol
•Also I was wondering if maybe you are gonna go down the questioning-his-gender route for Nico? Like with all that Mother thing, and the switching between pronouns when talking about Ananke and then talking about him. Especially because his immediate reaction wasn’t discomfort when being called Mother or being referred to with she/her pronouns and even when khaos was like we can change his anatomy, instead of being uncomfortable by that he was only like actually that’s not the biggest problem 🤓☝️(loved that btw)
Like maybe not trans but more like gender fluid/ gender non conforming? Fits in with the can’t bound such powerful beings by the concept of gender thing.
Would love to know what you think. But him not going that path will be nice too and I practically melted when chronos said that he is perfect just the way he is 😭😭😭
•I have also been wondering is Leo alive?? Because the seven are going and annabeth is replaced by alabaster, does that mean Leo comes along too? I mean technically it’s a tsats plot rewrite so if the timeline is same that means he will be there. But he will show up later. So do they believe he is dead rn? Did he see this Nico is Ananke situation? As in is he in throne room rn? Or he is gonna come back later and would get a rundown and then proceed to make corny jokes? If he comes back later is calypso with him? What does she think about this because she is older than the gods right? And like does she choose to not accompany them to Tartarus or is there like laws and reasons stopping her or something? Also idk is caleo gonna be a ship or do they break up?
•Also the Apollo getting punished thing, I know Jason was stopped from dying because chronos, but do we get a time skip to directly the tsats part? Then what about Nico’s involvement in the last book? How does chronos feel towards Apollo (cause he has a crush on Nico lol) ? But more importantly how does he feel about his beloved befriending the Trogs (🥹) ? And also since time would have passed, there dynamic changed too? Like before they get the prophecy (do they still get one?) when nico hears the voices, chronos is defo there, so will we get a after-a-nightmare scene 😭 ?? Is Nico like comparatively at ease around him before they even head towards Tartarus? I am pretty sure you already have this figured out but I was still curious lol
This kind of got long 😅
Take all the time you need answering :))
And also if any of these lead to potential spoilers feel free to not answer them!! More than happy to wait and see things unfold
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Honest opinion on the rogues?
I rank them based on how clean they keep their rooms and if they have caused a fire in my apartment block at this rate.
For example
-> Poison Ivy, my girl is classy and gave me tips on how to keep my plants alive that actually Worked, nothing but respect for her. Top tier
-> Clayface: I feel bad for him but having to keep cleaning clay off of everything is driving me actually fucking nuts, not bad to be around though. If I became a dude made of clay I'd be pretty fucking pissed too. Respectable middle tier
Keeping it short and sweet because trying to go through all of them is like asking me what my favourite cockroach that infested my apartment block is (there's too damn many.)
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http-byler · 1 year
everyone who’s gonna meet/take a photo with/get an autograph from Caleb, Charlie, Eduardo, and/or Noah this weekend… how does it feel to live my dream </3
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princekirijo · 5 months
What is the big difference between regular Riku and black mask Riku? Like what changed in his story to change his motivations and methods?
Thanks for the ask :]
So Black Mask AU (or Black Captain/Dark Captain I haven't entirely settled on a name) is a new game plus AU and that's important to explain the changes in his motivations!
The AU starts exactly the same as Captain, Riku moves to Tokyo, Hatanaka is a piece of shit to him, he meets the thieves and they start investigating her palace. However this time round, something in the palace goes wrong and the thieves end up failing the deadline. And failing the deadline for Hatanaka's palace... results in Riku's death :] (putting it shortly Riku is more useful to her dead than alive so she has him killed)
That should have been the end of him, however he wakes up immediately after getting shot. After being understandably disorientated he realizes he's somehow been transported to 2/3 years prior to the events of Captain (a couple of months before he was due to move to Tokyo) and he has all his memories intact, right up until the point he was shot.
This understandably messes him up a lot because he went through hell and on top of that he remembers everything he learnt during Hatanaka's palace (I won't go into much of that as its spoilers for the main AU). He also decides to go into the Metaverse in Port Island because he still has access to it, and its here he awakens to his black mask persona (Mordred who I ADORE lmao) and where he first kills someone (albeit by accident).
As for his motivations someone put it really well once, spite in general is a huge motivator for Riku in both AUs! Black Mask Riku basically takes the idea of him being motivated by spite to a whole new level, as his main goal in the AU is to get revenge on those who wronged him and who caused his death in the original timeline. He's here and alive in spite of these people and he is sure as hell going to make their life hell.
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witchsickness · 2 years
hi i am curious what drew you to billy as a character?
i love your fics btw thank u so much for writing them <3
uhm hello thank you for sending this and giving me an excuse to be annoying! you’re such a sweetheart 🖤
there are so many reasons that make billy a compelling character, but what drew me to him, five years ago, was mostly the potential. when s2 first aired, the information we got about billy/his character/his home life/his life pre-hawkins was skeletal. he was tabula rasa. could be anything. gave me this feeling of impending complexity, if you will. back then i still hoped that everything the writing introduced and took care into building would lead to something, so billy left with me with a hunger to know more, and the hope that s3 would satiate that (uh. that went well)
apart from being the most potentially complex and subversive character, billy is, above all, tragedy-woven. strictly referring to his s2 storyline since i genuinely, deeply despise the possession! i’ve talked about this before, but billy is the one character in this show whose ‘problems’ don’t stem from anything sci-fi-oriented. he doesn’t need a monster to justify fighting for survival. his whole life has been about clinging to the few pieces of himself he’s still allowed access to. about fighting to stay alive under the threat, not of inconceivable, impossible horrors, but of the one person meant to love and protect him. automatically elevates him to the most relatable, grounded, tragic st hero
there’s this sense of doom about him, and an awareness of it. billy’s a fighter. he’s aware of every single element working against him and, instead of being bent and broken and beaten, he recalibrates and teaches himself to survive. his survival and small victories aren’t due to luck or mercy on the part of his abuser, but because billy holds his head high and never gives up.
he’s extremely perceptive. living with neil and having to navigate his mood swings have led to a sixth sense, almost, of predicting what people expect of him, and twisting himself into the right shape (cool, loud, carefree teen / concerned brother / apple-pie perfect son) to get what he needs. which leads me to:
he’s always wearing a mask. billy, through years of abuse and trauma, has been taught to be distrustful of people, and to hide the parts of himself that make him an easy target in neil’s eyes. we see so many different versions of him in just a handful of scenes! it drives me insane to think how desperately he was holding on to the façade and how performative he felt the need to be all the time. his very own neil-taught defense mechanism against the cruelty of a world that billy has every reason to think will treat him just like neil does. we only get glimpses of the real person behind the mask when he’s faced with someone he cares about (max) or is intrigued by (steve). everything else is an act.
he’s angry. i just. i love that. it’s very rare to find characters who allow themselves the luxury of anger. and boy, does billy have a right to be. most of all, i love that his anger doesn’t stem from something vengeful and vindictive. billy never, ever hurts anyone unless provoked. his fury comes from recognizing the unfairness and impossibility of his predicament. he’s cornered, and snarling like a dog about it. he. doesn’t. give. up. he’s isolated, stripped bare of anything familiar and safe, vilified and demonized. and still, he’s fighting, because he knows he’s so close. the fire never goes out because he can see the light at the end of the father-built tunnel he’s been trapped in his whole life, and what’s a few more bruises when freedom is right there?
everything, and i mean everything, about billy is queer-coded. the way he dresses, the way he acts, the way he holds himself. the insults hurled at him by his father. the mask to keep everyone at a distance so that no one will know. no one will hate him for it the way his father does. his anger at the world for making him feel ashamed, and at himself, for being the way he is. wanting the things he shouldn’t instead of being a perfect son. someone good. imagine the cultural impact exploring this could’ve had. the statement it would’ve made. s i g h
he’s so obviously, painfully lonely. aching for some sort of connection. the walls to keep himself safe means keeping everyone out, too. he doesn’t know how to ask people to stay, because no one has before. that’s why, when he does care about someone, it’s obsessive. laser-focused and intense. we see this with max, whose solidarity billy’s constantly striving to earn by both trying to build a bond (private jokes, reminder of isolation and being able to rely solely on each other) and by protecting her in the only way he knows how. we see it with steve, the only person who, in billy’s eyes, can keep up with him. all those years under neil’s thumb have made him terrified of opening up, but weren’t enough to eliminate the craving.
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enderspawn · 1 year
are you pulling away from fandoms temporarily, or will it be a more permanent thing?
whatever you decide to do, i wish you the best and hope you feel better soon <3
is semi-permanent an option?
at the very least, i think i’m pulling away from contributing and interacting w fandom spaces for a bit til i can sort out my own junk, but afterwards i might return! however tbh even a hiatus of sorts won’t stop me from Consuming Materials and likely rb’ing stuff from them? it just won’t be like…. personal, if that makes sense. i don’t plan on actively interacting w fandom as much and instead just kinda. quietly rb’ing and enjoying things
if anyone’s interested jic, my main is @zozzlez and my “other interests”/misc fandom (kinda?) blog is @rekaleido
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
Tell me every toku you ever watched
well I started with basically every PR season LOL!! Then I learned about japanese toku and switched over almost immediately.
I've watched a bit of every 2000-2023 Kamen rider season, except for Hibiki. I've seen no hibiki.
I've finished seasons like Gaim, Kuuga, Revice, Ex-aid, Fourze, Kiva, OOOs, Build, W, Blade
I got pretty far in Den-o, Agito, Decade, Drive, Ghost
I've watched some of the original kamen rider season, and also Kamen Rider Black
For sentai:
I've also watched a bit of everything, even and especially some of the older ones.
But ones i've either finished or watched a lot of:
Lupinranger versus Patoranger
GoGo Five
Donbros (not finished obv, but watched a lot of <33)
I've watched a tiny bit of ultraman but not a lot / nothing concrete
Now, from 2013 onwards I mostly watched the toku as it aired (for sentai) until I discovered KR in 2016 with ghost and then Ex-Aid
This means, my memory for some of these seasons are just absolute shxt except for Lupinranger vs. Patoranger which I've seen more than 10 times in the span of 3 months when I was hyperfixated on it LOL. Got that shxt on me like the back of my hand.
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skenpiel · 2 years
uuuu. havent seen conscience of the king in a long time but i remember the episode being very good overall. but kirk hitting on a 19 year old is creepy as fuck right. like. thats not just me, right.
#TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT BC I CANT TELL WHEN HES FLIRTING AND WHEN HE ISNT..??#i have autism unless hes straight up saying things like 'youre attractive' i couldnt tell#but the way he sits close to her and speaks in that soft voice. he should be about 33 when this takes place.....#babygirl thats not NORMAL#remember in the beginning of wrath of khan when he complained about having to work with children at the academy#and the children in question were u know like 20 year olds#at 34 (s2) i think theres a part where he refers to checkov as a kid or at least points out how young he is#lenore is NINETEEN YEARS OLD. he should NOT be HITTING on her!!!!!!!!! he KNOWS THAT!!!!!!!!#hope 2 god im reading this wrong.#this is why i hate the internet based idea that anyone over 18 is a fully grown adult#like no a 20 year old is not a responsible adult........#i know as a minor i dont have a lot to say in this but like. speak to anyone over 30 im begging you#ask them if they think a 22 year old is a fully grown realized adult. the answer is no#ur still in the fucking toddler years of adulthood u dont know wtf is going on...........#its like. obscenely young NO youre not a child and YES you ARE an adult#but like. ur not fully grown u cant be expected to see the world or reason the way a 40 year old would#this is why it saddens me to see like. 25 year olds worry about how theyre getting old#you arent old. youre REALLY YOUNG. also theres nothing WRONG with being old aging is a GIFT#anyway back 2 what i was talking about. just bc shes a legal adult doesnt mean kirk should be hitting on her. shes still just a kid#shes literally a teenager its in the name. nineteen....... plsss god let me be reading kirks behavior wrongggg PLEASE
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ducavalentinos · 2 years
Anon who sent me the ask about the series el chapo and his relationship with alba: idk what happened, but tumblr eat it :(((( so i’ll answer it by memory and I apologize in advance because it’s likely I will forget some things. The short answer would be: yes, I think he really loved her. I can see the interpretation of possession in the sense you brought up, or maybe as I understood: as seeing the other person as a prize only?? but personally I didn’t see that with this relationship. Not in how it was written, with neither one of them, although it would be fair to say there might be a dose of ego or vanity attached to their love for each other. Long answer: I get what you mean, with the examples you gave, and I will get a little bit into them below 👀 but yes, my view is a bit different I think, because I thought the show went to considerable lengths to present his relationship with Alba as being different than his previous ones, she is different, and his relationship with her is different in many ways.
One example you mentioned was their first meeting iirc, and you know, that’s such an interesting moment, it was really well written imo, because once they see each other, they can’t stop looking at each other, and it seems obvious he was struck by her beauty, and she was struck by his status (and maybe what that could offer her) so it looks like the writers posed a genuine question there, or at least it was a question that was on my mind the first time I watched like: hmm, are they only attracted to one another by these superficial elements they see in each other? or is love/mutual affinity also a factor here? and as the show progresses, I think that’s nicely answered. Then the dancing sequence, the moment he sees her, he can’t stop looking at her, but Alba was doing the same thing. The moment he enters the room, we see she notices him first, and keeps looking at him, even while she was dancing with that guy lool, almost like wanting him to approach her, checking if he was going to approach her, until he does of course, actually asking her (a bit nervously I would say) “bailas?”  which was interesting to see coming from him, like it’s clear he was all embobado for her already, and Alba looks relieved the other guy steps away, and happy Joaquín is now dancing with her, Joaquin doesn’t even acknowledges his presence, which makes me laugh every time ngl, he only has eyes for Alba. But the best thing about this whole sequence for me, is that not only is Alba joking with him about her age, giving him a straight “no” when he asks her: “me tienes miedo?”, and that might have been the writers’ way of addressing the elephant in the room sort-to-speak right off the bat, showing Alba’s reception/interaction with Joaquín, their-soon-to-be relationship wasn’t one based on fear or intimidation, but she also boldly tells him he’s gonna have to wait for them to be together ✋ (which imo already implies the marriage thing he tells her about later on), and Joaquín surprisingly accepts, when he didn’t have to, we know this. By that point we’ve seen his dark side, his violent side, his capricious side, I was all: is that really you Chapito? what’s happening here? djsdjdjsds, but I believe that was one of the crucial points from the writers from the start with him, when it comes to his sentimental/family side, and especially with this sequence. It was really all about establishing a little bit of Alba’s personality and dealing with all the delicate facets of the relationship + showing the dynamics of said relationship, and this new facet of Joaquín as a man, on his romantic side, that we hadn’t quite seen before with him. And following it up with the marriage thing, like i said above, I think we can read it was already an implied thing when Alba told him he would have to wait, but also I honestly saw it as him being respectful towards her, and letting her know his intentions with her were serious/honorable. She wasn’t a pretty girl he just wanted to have fun with and forget afterwards, or take by force, or keep as a mistress. That was not who she was to him. He wanted to marry her and have a family with her, so once he tells her he need to go, and Alba reacts rather sad about it, asking him: “vas a volver?” he assures her he will come back, and then he says they will be married once she turns 18, which was the condition she imposed to him in the previous scene, and we see Alba smiles at that, saying: “te voy a estar esperando”, so again, in my mind, this all suggests that although it was something he wanted, and he took charge in that moment, nevertheless, it seems he was also following the conditions imposed by her, and possibly her mother, too. I think the scenes between Alba and Joaquín ties up pretty neatly with the convo scene between Alba and her mother prior to her meeting Joaquín, I think it adds an important context. Her mother was worried about the male attention Alba undoubtedly would get, which could lead to her getting pregnant and the guy not committing to her and the baby later, and then who would? so she wisely tells her daughter to be careful about men and their intentions, and make sure they commit to her before anything takes place, and we see Alba shrugging it off in a very cute, teenage way with her: “Ayy ma’” haha, but her mother is firm with her saying: “hazle caso a tu madre, mija.” and it seems Alba does listen to her mother there, and she follows the advice later on with Joaquín, despite her age, we can see she’s not naive, nor stupid. So, the conditions were pretty much laid out to Joaquín, if he wanted to be with Alba, he would have to 1) wait until she was 18 and 2) marry her, and I mean, the fact he agreed to it, when again he didn’t had to, that he waited, and did everything by the book, plus his later actions towards her like:
we see his treatment of her did not changed one bit after their marriage and her pregnancy.
btw, I think even the s*x with her is different. He’s more gentle with her, more patient, even when he’s all desesperado for her lol.
we don’t see him with any other woman after he marries her, like we do with him and his previous wives.
he always wants to be with her, to the point he is constantly risking himself, and it was one of the factors for his downfall, she was his Achilles’ heel in a way.
once he learns of her pregnancy, he tells her he wants to go with her to the baby's first ultrasound.
he tries his best to keep his promise to be there with her when the baby comes, and when that becomes too dangerous he insists in going in person to let her know the change of plans, and to reassure her everything will be fine, again risking himself foolishly in doing so, when he could have just called or sent someone to tell her.
All of this, among other little things I won’t mention here because this is already too long and I’m so sorry if you’re still reading, it was not my intention to turn this into a bible lol, does show to me the sincerity of his love for her, as much as someone like him, in his environment, can anyways. His capability of love, of loyalty, was mostly always connected to his family, that’s where we see his humanity, and the complexity of his character, and we see that’s even more present when it comes to Alba. Of course, I think he was proud to have a beautiful young wife, a Miss, and show her off, but there are also some scenes of Alba where she looks just as proud to have him as her husband, to be his wife and to show off herself and their lifestyle to those around them. I don’t see this as indication of possession in this sense of seeing the other as a prize, but like I said above, it might be connected to ego and/or vanity they both seem to share in common in their personalities. I think I would see it as that if there were scenes of him starting to feel more indifferent towards her, or her towards him, after their marriage. Or if he went on that same pattern of seeking other women, or of not risking himself like he does to be with her, not caring for her safety as he does etc, but the show gives us the opposite of that, so yeah, the way I see it, he really loved her, and she loved him :((( but that’s just me and my personal views.
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inkykeiji · 1 month
hii! i came across your blog looking for tomura content and saw that you also write for hazbin hotel! i read your alastor fics (which are sooooo good btw) but im curious if reader is supposed to be human? or if she’s a sinner in hell? or because she’s alastor’s pet, she gets access to hell? sorry if it’s a dumb question and i’m probably reading too much into it but reader just seems so normal(ish) ig 💀💀 that’s not at all a bad thing i was just curious. anyway i hope you’re having a good day :))..
hello!! c: aw thank you so much!!! <3 i’m really glad to hear that you enjoy them! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ ah okay! so i did write her as a sinner, but i left her sinner attributes and qualities ambiguous for two reasons: 1. they aren’t at all relevant to the stories/pieces (they add nothing to the plot/narrative/concept and aren’t necessary information), and 2. since she’s meant to be a (self)-insert, i wanted to leave specifics vague so anyone could fill them in and construct those finer details themselves. with that being said, you’re more than welcome to interpret her as a human if you’d like to!
she technically does have a backstory that i keep in mind while i write her because she’s me and modelled after my own self-ship with alastor, which is: she ended up at the hotel because she’s one of angel’s drug addict porn star friends, and she is absolutely smitten with alastor the very moment she meets him—instantly obsessed, entirely enraptured, ready to devote herself to him, to worship him in every sense of the word, right then and there...all without a contract. it is a very primal reaction, a powerful, almost innate draw towards him.
and alastor, having never experienced such intense, purely authentic devotion, becomes kind of addicted to it—infatuated with it. it’s obsession on the purest level, although he does eventually grow to feel genuine compassion for his pet too. but what really draws him and fosters his own intense feelings of infatuation and obsession is her unwavering devotion, her wanting and willingness to serve him no matter what. he becomes addicted to it and to the power it grants him.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
I picked out classes and races for this particular campaign because: A) It's a one shot B) It's with all new players who have only ever seen D&D through Stranger Things [I have done a lot more research though] and C) Because the only possible day to do it is this Thursday. I just figured, it would be easier to introduce everyone to D&D and work quickly since we're short on time and it's a one shot. Question: Villain ideas for newbies and level ones?
Oh yeah that makes a lot of sense! Character creation can definitely be time consuming, so doing it this way makes it easier for everyone involved. I always make mine way ahead of time, and when I helped run my middle schools dnd club with my dad we spent the entire first meeting just making characters with everyone.
Though your comment does make me wonder again just how many people have gotten into dnd because of stranger things. I think it's endearing :)
But back to your question! When you say newbie villains the very first thing that pops into my head is goblins. That's partly because I've played through The Lost Mines of Phandelver with people so much, and partly because when I was a kid goblins were a lot of what my dad used as the enemies in those one shots. They're simple, have few hit points, and are intelligent enough that you can turn them into an organization or camp to take down pretty easily! They're intelligent enough to be corrupt, so you can turn them into villains that way!
However there are many other things you can use that I'm not thinking of, so I will be consulting my father one moment please.
Okay, so my dad said pretty much the same thing but with a few additions. He also thinks goblins are a good starter enemy, both for the reasons I said and because you can scale them up. Goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears are all in kinda the same "goblin" category, but provide different experiences and variety while still being related.
Another option is animals. Things like wolves or bears, though I don't know how well that would fit into the campaign you're making. They could be the focus of your fights or an enemy could have a wolf as a pet you need to fight. Either way, they're a pretty solid choice.
Something else mentioned was kobolds. They're humanoid lizards that are associated with traps, so if you wanna spring some traps on your players they could be a good pick. Then like the goblins they're also intelligent enough to build a story around their actions.
Orcs are also a pretty classic choice for the same reason goblins are. When I think of a starter game I think of goblins and orcs, so those may be worth looking into for your campaign
The main thing he advised to avoid for new players and DMs is any enemy with spells. Before you become more acquainted with different spells you'll just end up taking time to look them up and figure out how they work, so since you're under a time crunch you'll probably want to avoid that. Since you're already planning on having a mage-like character, having to work out both the mage's and the enemy's spells could be a hassle.
A final just personal note/suggestion I'd add is that if you're looking for monsters, consider either avoiding or ignoring any immunities a monster might have. In my opinion that's a more technical aspect, and if your players are trying to kill something but nothing is happening and they don't know the rules, that can be frustrating. However! You know your players better than I do and if you think they'd enjoy having to figure out how to kill creatures with immunities then feel free to disregard this!
I hope some of this helps! I don't have all the context so please pick and choose whatever of this applies to your situation, and if there's anything else I (or my dad) can help you with I'd be more than happy to do so! Your dnd asks are making me want to play again so I'm just sitting here like. buzzing with excitement for you :)
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aemoonie · 2 years
hi henna!!! i have an astro q for u lol what are some of ur favorite synastry placements for romantic connections?? and i hope you feel better soon <3333
hmm that's such a cute question!! i personally love the good old sun x moon trine bc it unsures that both parties can identify with how the other feels and processes their emotions! it helps a lot to get a basic understanding for each other and it's great for friends and for romantic relationships. i also love mercury x venus trines bc conversations would feel so fun and interesting with one another. both parties could have similar interests or at least like to get to know what the other is into and that's just the cutest thing imo <33 another important aspect for me would be moon x venus aspects bc sharing how you feel and being vulnerable should feel safe and comfortable in a relationship and with this aspect, you could be each other's safe places for exactly that :') <3
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