#hope this answers your question anon :’))
lilyoffandoms · 3 months
Sat on this a few days cuz I wasn’t sure how best to answer the question and I’ve been thinking of leaving the Choices app behind for good for a while now and this ask kinda opened my eyes.
@playchoices is either sticking their heads in the sand and pretending the artists they hire aren’t passing off AI-generated content as their own or they think we are too stupid to identify AI-generated/assisted content in their app. Either way, they are lying to us and are using stolen art to make a profit and that don’t sit right with me.
Given PB’s use of AI generation in the creation of their covers, I will no longer be utilizing the app, nor will I create anything for any of the newer books that utilize this technological theft. I will consider and most likely still create for the older books from before the app’s complete greedy cop-out era but it will be a case by case basis.
In addition, anyone in the Choices fandom (or any fandom for that matter) that uses AI-generators or reblogs AI-generated content will not be eligible to request or be gifted anything from me from here on out. Also, from this point forward, I will only take requests for fics & art if you are off anon to better ensure this.
[More on my stance on requests can be found here under the header, Fic & Art Requests/Commissions.]
Edit: This is not directed at anyone in particular. Yes, anon listed a few names and I have yet to look into those but what’s done is done. I can’t change the past and what I’ve done back then. This is simply talking about moving forward.
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realbeefman · 7 months
your analysis of house md is so fascinating and it makes me wonder, what's your take on the g*od doctor? I find it hard to reconcile that they're by the same person but maybe there's an obvious reason behind-the-scenes why they're so different that I'm not aware of
had a long discussion with my mom (who has actually watched the good doctor in it's entirety, unlike me lol) about this ask.
i think it comes down to the intention with, and context within which each respective series was created. i'm assuming your ask is referencing the way autism is portrayed in each series, so that's what i'll focus on here.
house md is created in 2004, in an era of television where the antihero protagonist is becoming increasingly popular - house is coming out of an era of television that created iconic, enduring characters like walter white, tony soprano, and don draper. house very much belongs to this antihero craze, and he's written to intentionally be an asshole, who acts like an asshole to everyone around him, and continually ruins his own life.
house md isn't created to be an uplifting, heartwarming piece of television, with an autistic main character who is just trying his best in a horrible, ableist society. we, the audience, aren't meant to interpret house as autistic at all.
this is explicitly told to us in 3x04, "Lines in the Sand." (brief summary for context: the team treats a severely autistic 10 year old in the A plot, while in the B plot, house performs shenanigans throughout the hospital in an effort to annoy cuddy into giving him his old, blood-stained carpet back.) in this episode, cameron, acting as the audience, interprets house's behavior as him being resistant to change, which in her (the audience's) mind, is proof that he is autistic. however, the narrative reinforces again and again that no, actually - cameron is wrong, because he really is just doing this to get a rise out of cuddy. this is eventually reinforced when wilson, the voice of narrative reason and in this episode, the voice of our dear showrunner mr. shore, lies to cuddy about house having "asperger's" (autism) before later telling house that he isn't autistic - just a jerk who wishes he had an excuse for behaving like one. the episode ends by reprimanding the audience for having come up with such a theory - the answer is simple, he isn't autistic, just a jerk!
in stark contrast, we have the good doctor himself, shaun murphy.
the good doctor is an adaptation of a k-drama by the same name, and airs it's first episode in 2017. the american television landscape is an entirely different place, and antihero protagonists simple aren't in vogue anymore. attitudes towards disability are, on a surface level at the very least, changing, and america's tastes have changed as well.
shaun murphy breaks out onto the screen as an intentionally autistic character, in an era of television in which our hearts are meant to be warmed. unlike house, shaun's autistic traits aren't something that have been unintentionally included in the writing of his character, the fact that he is autistic is literally his defining character trait. shaun isn't meant to be a standoffish jerk, who goes about the hospital reigning abuse upon those around him and attracting lawsuits like a malpractice magnet. shaun is a severely autistic man, who is incredible at his job, and most importantly, we are supposed to like him.
so, on the one hand we have house, who the creator's didn't intentionally write as autistic, who was written in an era where douchebag's with a penchant for offensive behavior was vogue, and on the other hand we have shaun, whose autism is the reason we, the audience, are supposed to root for him.
while i do think there's a whole other laundry bag of complaints to address in the way in which the good doctor treats shaun as a character, and particularly in how the show itself portrays autism, i think those critiques are best left to somebody who has done more than a cursory overview of the show and a consult with their mother, and fundamentally, i do believe authorial intent is the major contributing factor to the difference in how these shows portray autism.
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grishaverse-chaos · 5 months
What do you think of Alina's ending? Specifically her losing her powers.
oh my god do Not get me started on this because I have soooo many thoughts. see I can tell what leigh was going for with the ending but it just didn't work tbh
most of the ending is pretty good but alina losing her powers is terrible imo for so many different reasons. firstly, from a writing standpoint, it's such a plothole because the magical mechanism behind it is never explained properly. it also doesn't fit with the message particularly well, because the intention was to 'punish' alina for her supposed greed in seeking the amplifiers.... but for one thing, one of the amplifiers was literally forced onto her, and just overall it doesn't really work
in my personal hc, alina loses all the power from the amplifiers (something about all 3 amplifiers being tied together so when mal is resurrected, they all lose their power) but keeps the power that was hers originally
but aside from that, I think her ending is great - we see in the books how much she dislikes living at court, so it makes perfect sense for her to leave and start a new life!
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dynjir · 2 years
Hey, I read the tags on a post and was wondering... what artifacts make Lily and PV's dynamic toxic? If it's about the love potion/love letter there is no confirmation that was something either of them did... there are a lot of artifacts in the museum that are just like. General stuff from the magic school before it fell-- most of the artifacts related to Lily and PV and the ancients specifically are in the history section.
For those of you who don't really care about Cookie Run Kingdom, have a Read More bc this might be a little lengthy lol
(also, purelily shippers, you guys might wanna avoid reading this one)
So I wanna preface this with a few things:
1.) I haven't finished everything the game has to offer yet! I went through the Tower of Sweet Chaos' story, but I'm actually stuck on Raspberry Cookie in 11-27, so depending on what happens, my opinion could change and I could just look like a fool here lmao
2.) In those tags, current dynamic = Pure Vanilla and Dark Enchantress (who's also White Lily)'s dynamic I don't dislike the purelily ship or look down on anyone who does. I actually really fascinated by their history, haha. But personally, my heart's not set on shipping them in their current state because uhh... as far as I know, Dark Enchantress is currently trying to kill Pure Vanilla atm.
That said, lemme spill some of my thoughts on the relics here bc I've actually been wanting to talk about them since I discovered them:
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You're right in that there's no concrete evidence that these relics were theirs. No one knows for sure except the writers themselves. But on the flipside, there's also a concerning amount of detail that suggests it being a very real possibility that I haven't seen debunked yet.
One of the biggest concerns is how the Nameless Transcript is within this set of relics. It's titled as "Nameless", but it's strongly hinted that it's White Lily's, which makes you wonder if this set of relics is partially themed after her.
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The other relic within the set that's also worth noting is the Lost Portrait. It's not as big of a concern as the Nameless Transcript, but it does solidify that at least several items in this set are themed after White Lily, since this specific portrait was a pivotal item in her backstory.
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That aside, let's talk about the relics in question themselves, because those two have some interesting things going on as well.
Starting with Someone's Love Letter, this relic honestly feels like a direct parallel to Pure Vanilla's letter.
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Thematically, this makes sense; the set of relics this letter's in is clearly themed after Pure Vanilla while the Love Letter's relic set is hinted to be themed after White Lily, and romantically or not, these two really loved each other at one point in their lives, friends or otherwise. But the thing is, Pure Vanilla always had a strong sense of morals, so it's highly doubtful he wrote the love letter, themes aside.
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White Lily, on the other hand, was always shown to have good intentions, but highly questionable morals. She doesn't mind violating any rule she has to to get what she wants, as long as the end justifies the means (i.e sneaking into several forbidden areas of the academy, suggesting taking a piece of the 1st headmaster's soul, etc.).
But the idea of her making a love potion just to get Pure Vanilla's affection sounds way too sinister for White Lily, because despite all the damages she's caused, her intentions are still shown to be good-natured. Also, Devsis makes a conscious effort to make sure the relics match whatever subject they want to associate it with, and the love potion's aesthetic is vastly different from White Lily's design.
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But remember that White Lily is also Dark Enchantress. The Tower of Sweet Chaos' story showed that Dark Enchantress isn't just White Lily possessed, brainwashed, or anything like that. She IS Dark Enchantress. Once she was out of the oven, she made a conscious decision to be who she wanted to be, which means the side of her that's Dark Enchantress has always existed within her, even back when she was White Lily. And what does Dark Enchantress look like?
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Colors: Check Heart theme: Check (staff) Love theme: Check (Dark "Enchantress")
If this is all true, does it paint a real ugly picture regarding White Lily and Pure Vanilla's relationship? Yeah. Do I actually believe White Lily would actually do something like this though? Also yes. Depending on what the reason is and given her past actions, I don't think it'd be above her at this point.
I will say though; her motivations are usually well-intended, so it doesn't feel right to assume she'd do something like this out of pure whim. I don't know what that motivation is, but I'd like to believe that White Lily wouldn't do this anything like this without a good reason. My personal theory is that she either bought or made the potion herself, but not for sinister reasons.
Of course, I could be wrong about everything and those relics could really belong to some rando cookies lol. But when I say I can't bring myself to ship them much, this is kinda why :')
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hello hope you're well, what on EARTH is the shinee aloe vera quote??? i googled "shinee aloe vera" and not much comes up, and unfortunately i need to KNOW
other shawols please correct me if I'm wrong but as I recall it was something jjong said in one of his radio shows...?? It was something along the lines of "aloe vera tastes like cum" lmaooooo
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apple-duty · 7 months
Hi sorry for bothering you feel free to ignore. You reblog alot of religious things and joke about allah and god and hashem and I don't get you. I'm so curious. Are you religious? What religion are you? Lolol sorry for being on anon I'm shy to ask such a personal question I'm just really curious
Hi! No offense taken, thank you for the ask. Gave me something to chew on. My answer is... It's kind of complicated. I enjoy reading the Hebrew Bible and the Quran but I enjoy them from a purely fictional and research perspective. Like I like the Odyssey, Lord of the Rings and the Bible in the same way. I like to think up little "what ifs" about the true origins of the stories. The Abrahamic texts are also very old documents and are interesting from a historical perspective. I love the textual lore part of Abrahamic religion. Never found much comfort or joy in organized religion or traditions personally, but I can see others do. To each their own. I hope I don't come off judgemental in my memery and BE NOT AFRAID.
On paper I'm protestant Christian from being baptized as a baby before I had any say in it. I stay registered in the church for purely practical reasons (ie. easier on my family getting to put my vacant body somewhere when I die).
I do believe there are entities/deities/powers beyond what we can see. I believe that every little thing is infused with the divine. I believe we share a consciousness and are here to learn. I don't feel at home in any one religion, no. But I cannot rightfully call myself an atheist. The imagery absolutely slaps though.
I made a brave attempt to learn Arabic like... 10 years ago. At the same time I studied religion at University. I still say inshallah at stuff for the same reason I say "god I hope not". It just carries a certain oomph. Would be cool to learn Hebrew, Coptic and Greek in order to read old manuscripts in their original language... Instead we live in a capitalist hellscape and I have to go to "work" ugh
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paper-mario-wiki · 3 months
Do you purposefully speak in prose?
yes? no.
i actually don't know what this means. prose is normal speech. prose is defined as a normal speaking pattern. doesn't everybody speak in prose?
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lokh · 29 days
what do you think toshiro's version of laios would've been like if he was still with the group during the shapeshifter shenanigans
there have been a few speculations in the tag and among the fans and they are all very good SO i am going to take this opportunity to insert a bit of my shipping bias as i like in my interpretation LMAO agdsfgdfgv
i noted that in actuality shuro seems to have a very good grasp on laios' character??? this is most obvious in the manga later on but even seeing how he criticises laios in their fight... iirc nothing he says is actually untrue or wildly exaggerated, and while he does express frustration over something he feels like laios Should have control over (noticing his cues), he is also aware that laios isnt being malicious and that hes Just Like That. what i mean to say is that while i think his version of laios may seem more pushy and in-your-face, i dont think it will be overwhelmingly so. if its post-fight, i think the idea of laios (and marcille) being willing to do anything to get falin back made a big impression on him, as well as the idea that they need to eat and rest in order to succeed in their goals, so those aspects would be prominent in his version. he seems pretty observant, so i think for the most part the physical traits would line up, but i think there would be specific things that stand out to him that would appear strangely striking on his version of laios (like. idk something about his eye colour or the subtle contrast of his armour and chainmail. he seems to have a weird sense of aesthetics if extras are anything to go by lmao). if hed actually been paying attention all those times laios had gone on about what the hell ever, then it might be even MORE hard to tell apart his version since he would also have a good grasp on what laios should know. so either his version of laios is pretty difficult to pick out, OR despite the character being accurate his appearance is too. stylised lmao (exaggerated features or something) OR!! they just get him to pull out his monster gourmet guide thing and are able to tell from there. iirc everyone was surprised at its appearance so its possible toshiro had also never seen it before
IN MY IMAGINARY SHIPPING SCENARIO............ lets say that his laios isnt able to be picked out immediately and that the monster guide thing also doesnt immediately occur to anyone. what the real laios Specifically notices is how close this other laios keeps getting to shuro. and hes like. ??? why is he getting so close to him, theres no way i get that close to him??? but no one else seems to be picking up on it as weird, so hes having a small crisis like do i REALLY get that close to him???? and now that hes on the outside he notices shuro subtly leaning away and he feels both a wave of shame and..... protectiveness??? (JEALOUSY??????) and he immediately steps in and grabs him like Hey!!! cant you see hes uncomfortable???? weve been through this already!!! and like. ok i cant believe im doing this again but i need to separate this into different endings
a) the whump route: i dont think shuro ever envisioned Actually Telling laios about his frustrations outside of being basically cornered into it. has he ever spoken up against what was expected of him?? has he ever been confrontational???? i think part of what held him back from expressing his frustrations, along with the cultural norms, could be fear of what the reaction would be. if he had done the same in any other aspect of his life (his family, his inheritance), i think he would expect disappointment, disapproval, more proof that he doesnt add up to expectation. to be honest i dont think he Truly believes that laios is the type of person to react like this. but it was strong enough to prevent him from acting and i think would be projected onto his image of laios. maybe fake!laios says something dismissive like Well if it really bothered him hed say something right? what, he cant even stand up for himself? cmon, shuro, prove that you cant handle it just like everything else. and thats pretty much the fastest giveaway that it isnt really laios. of course this would be a HUGE tonal departure from what the actual episode/chapter was, so:
b) the dumbass route: both laioses break into fisticuffs, and, yes.... barking. and so they speedrun the entire encounter as the shapeshifters true form appears and, after laios points out that thinking too hard about others versions of you can tear apart groups and peace of mind, they pointedly do not speak of it again. they think about it though. a LOT
c) the normal route: both laioses argue normal like and the group ends up being able to tell them apart because the fake laios goes on a little too long about how theyre all here for falin and everyones like ok its not like he DOESNT love his sister but.......... the rest of the scenario probably goes like canon, though then i would want to see what everyone Else thought of shuro
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yourlittlettoy · 8 months
Have you ever tried to tickle yourself? And did it work?
(if you don't mind, explain the position you used, the way you tickled yourself, and where you tickled yourself)
… no shot I can explain so uhhhh here take a clip of a video I made of myself attempting to instead 🙈💀
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hakusins · 1 month
If male Jordan looks female does female Jordan look like a male? … (let me fuck em both)
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unfortunately anon you'll have to get in line - there's already someone by jordan's side and he ain't the sharing type
but on f!jordan design!! I actually didn't think much when making m!jordan cause i was just thinking of what my oc's type would be (pretty men) HBREHBFJHBERF but if i were to view f!jordan, it would just be m!jordan design but female? so they'd look something like this:
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BUT YOU DID give me the Thought of .... short haired f!jordan so you also get a bonus brainrot doodle from yours truly <3
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but same anon - same, i want to fuck em both
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lambment · 3 months
How do you have the energy to post everyday……..how do you pace your time to draw spare tips please 🤲
okay first things first! this is absolutley not a sustainable pace to go at!! just want to make that expectation very clear, that this is not normal!! lol I will run out of energy
a reason why this is happening:
Im having a shit ton of fun (what hyperfixation does to a man/so many brainworms )
I work freelance from my house (I choose my hours)
I've been reintroduced to adhd meds (lol)
everyone is being v nice to me <:
I was extremely burnt-out and barely drawing when I left my job as an animator to pursue boarding, this is like one of the only times ive had fun w art since then.
for proper tips all I can honestly give is: let go of expectations, just draw what you want to see, someone else out there will also probably want to see it too. Im ngl 80% of my comics are literally just stream of thought of what I would think is funny, and some of you are finding it 'hehe haha' too! not policing what Im drawing is rlly helping.
I normally render the ever loving shit out of things, I have let go of that expectation here, im not putting that type of pressure on myself lol, my only job is to have fun with this, therefore Im drawing way more than I normally would! give it a try yourself!
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simplydnp · 2 months
okay what do you think, easter baking video?? april fools joke?? both???
dan and phil have made a point in their return to be like 'remember all the things you loved about the d&p era? they're all coming back! but this time more gay!' it was literally the focal point of their return: the tatinof dil head. and since then, they've proved this. sims revival, spooky week, halloween baking, google feud, calendar & calendar vlog, dan vs phil, gamingmas, wdapteo--these are all returning projects. the only 'traditions' they have left are pinof (not returning, though we did get pinof reacts), danandphilCRAFTS (which was intended for 3 years and completed them), and easter baking. ergo, why bring everything else back and not this? i won't be like, mad, if we don't get one, but i will be confused, given their all-or-nothing commitment to the revival of the gaming channel.
regarding april fools itself: dan and phil love april fools because they love fucking with us (earned) they plan their pranks out and i respect them for it. while there's been many good ones throughout the years, which other duo, who have been stuck in sexuality and relationship speculation for their entirety in the spotlight (and have finally gotten the nature of their relationship mostly out of the public eye), has ever or will ever do a joint fucking nude and post it. no context. no takebacks. no nothing. to me that is peak dan and phil shenanigans. i expect them to do something for it because they adore april fools. will it eclipse last years? who knows. to me, it doesn't need to, and almost shouldn't. cause that was such psychic damage and i think it should be perceived how it's perceived, but dan and phil are feeling ✌️🤪✌️ lately so i wouldn't put it past them.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 25 days
Your opinions on superman?
Sorry for taking forever to respond. I was trying to find a way to properly explain how I feel XD
I am absolutely in love with Clark Kent. There is something so amazing about how the core of Clark's character is that he genuinely wants to do good because he simply believes it's the right thing to do.
I give a lot of credit to Ma and Pa Kent, obviously, for instilling that in him at a young age. But I also believe that Clark was always naturally inclined to be a kind person. He displays an impressive level of emotional intelligence and empathy for nearly everyone he meets. He's not perfect, but he makes an effort to understand other's motivations and actions.
I also appreciate how much he adores and respects Lois. Clark can never run out of things to say about her. I find it refreshing that a main stay of his relationship with Lois is that he admires and acknowledges her skill as a journalist/reporter. He never tries to undermine her or discredit her. In fact, one of the main reasons he's attracted to her is her dedication to her career. That and her bravery in the face of any danger she encounters. Even when she really should have bowed out forever ago XD
I also think it's very telling that of all the members of the Justice League, Bruce's best friend (other than Diana) is Clark. To me, that right there shows even further what a fantastic person Clark is. Because despite being someone as notoriously private and often irrationally paranoid as Bruce is, he is still able to let his guard down around Clark. I find it heartwarming and sometimes even hilarious that Clark is able to get away with giving Bruce absolute shit and Bruce is, more often than not, willing to tolerate Clark's teasing or even his serious reprimands. They both value the other's opinion and trust each other with their lives.
What I think more recent adaptations of Superman have forgotten, is that Clark never has had an interest in being a god or in using his abilities to establish himself as something superior to mankind. It's the opposite. Clark has such a high degree of self control over his own powers because of just how perfectly aware he is of how easily he could hurt someone if he wanted to.
But Clark doesn't have a desire for power. He genuinely wants to help people because he has the ability to do so.
Tldr; The reason Superman is so great is because Clark is a great person.
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softcitrus2345 · 7 months
Hi, I absolutely love your art!! I wanted to ask about the latest kinktober prompt? When Damien woke up in Matt's body, Matt had what I think are claw marks? If they are, what happened to him? Again, I love your art and I hope you have a nice day!!
Congratulations, anon! You have unlocked: LEMON'S OC LORE
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The difference in tone between their canon stories and what I share of them here is so funny to me XDD Sorry if I threw yall off with the sudden angst posting, it won't happen too often here-
Thank you so much for the ask anon! I really appreciate your sweet comments and curiosity about my silly little fictional guys ;;w;;
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bibuddie · 2 months
In your opinion, how do you think is going to evolve Tommy/Buck relationship? What do you think is gonna happen?
hi anon!
okie dokie. so i think the first important thing to note is that we obviously know bucktommy isn't the intended end-goal - there's a few things that clue us in about this, but generally it's pretty widely accepted throughout the fandom space that this isn't the be all and end all for buck.
that being said, this relationship still has the opportunity to be extremely meaningful for buck, and i truly believe it will be.
i do believe that tommy will be around for a while to come, as buck begins to navigate coming to terms with his sexuality. as a man coming to terms with bisexuality in his thirties, he's going to have a lot of complex emotions to navigate, and maybe some unlearning and relearning to do too, and i think tommy's going to help him to do a lot of that. additionally, his dynamic with tommy is something fresh and something that we haven't seen before out of buck in a relationship. i can't remember the last time the flirting was this innocent, for want of a better word. the flirting in buck's apartment was just flirting for the sake of it, no expectation at the end of it and i really loved it and found it extremely refreshing. i honestly wouldn't mind seeing tommy stick around for a minute, and buck getting used to being in a relationship with a man, and learning what that's like and how to navigate both himself and his partner in that set of circumstances.
that being said, as i was saying, this isn't the intended end-game for buck, and i think we all know that. the biggest clue being that tommy is an amalgamation of different facets of eddie in many different ways. i think there will come a point - and i'm not entirely sure what the catalyst will be, although i definitely have some ideas - that tommy senses the dynamic between buck and eddie, if he hasn't already. i think the connection between buck and eddie will be undeniable to tommy, and i think through viewing his life through a slightly different lens, buck may begin to recontextualise his relationship with eddie, and what he wants from it, and i think that's where our line in the sand will be; once buck has that realisation, there's going to be a point of no return - an undeniable moment of reckoning that he's been in love with his best friend for years, and i think tommy will probably get there before buck does, and things will reach their natural end.
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captainfern · 6 months
Is it hard writing smut :0? Idk about you but I have to be really horny to read smut, and if I’m not I just feel completely ashamed and disgusted in myself, and I want to know if it’s like that writing smut
Idk I just feel like you sort of have to be in the mood to write smut if you know what I mean💀
I dunno I’ve never written it before
i read smut like the morning news
no but in all seriousness, i can honestly read it whenever (although certain topics/kinks i have to be in the mood for)— but i have to be in a certain mood to write smut. not necessarily horny, but idk how to describe it. that’s why i love taking asks and using other peoples posts as inspo. if i see a really good idea/ask, then it makes me really want to write something !!
also, there’s no need to be disgusted with yourself. exploring different aspects of your own sexual interests, and sexual writing/creations is completely normal and totally okay. as long as what you are choosing to engage in is safe for you as a person and doesn’t damage your idea of sexual boundaries/kinks, then you’re completely fine !!
and when i’m writing, sometimes i’ll like gain consciousness lmao and cringe myself out. that’s why most of the time i don’t proofread my stuff lol
until i got on tumblr, i’d never written smut before— i’d read it, but never wrote. so yeah, it was a learning experience, but i think i’m doing okay this far lol :)
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