#forgive me for not posting the ask but i don’t want to call out individuals i’ve not looked into myself
lilyoffandoms · 6 months
Sat on this a few days cuz I wasn’t sure how best to answer the question and I’ve been thinking of leaving the Choices app behind for good for a while now and this ask kinda opened my eyes.
@playchoices is either sticking their heads in the sand and pretending the artists they hire aren’t passing off AI-generated content as their own or they think we are too stupid to identify AI-generated/assisted content in their app. Either way, they are lying to us and are using stolen art to make a profit and that don’t sit right with me.
Given PB’s use of AI generation in the creation of their covers, I will no longer be utilizing the app, nor will I create anything for any of the newer books that utilize this technological theft. I will consider and most likely still create for the older books from before the app’s complete greedy cop-out era but it will be a case by case basis.
In addition, anyone in the Choices fandom (or any fandom for that matter) that uses AI-generators or reblogs AI-generated content will not be eligible to request or be gifted anything from me from here on out. Also, from this point forward, I will only take requests for fics & art if you are off anon to better ensure this.
[More on my stance on requests can be found here under the header, Fic & Art Requests/Commissions.]
Edit: This is not directed at anyone in particular. Yes, anon listed a few names and I have yet to look into those but what’s done is done. I can’t change the past and what I’ve done back then. This is simply talking about moving forward.
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luxaofhesperides · 6 months
Ghostlight prompt: Danny and Duke being childhood friends, but Danny tells Duke the moment the accident happens and such cause he trusts him, only for Danny to go radio silent when giw decide to block the town communications in senior year.
So Duke-does he tell Danny he's Signal or not? Up to you-gets worried the longer no contact goes by.
Maybe the away game thing seen in other posts where the sports team still does away games and Danny gets enough good will with star or dash maybe and they send a message to Duke that's some coded phrase and Duke knows shits going down?
(yourlocalcorviddad, it's a side blog so didn't want to send from main sorry)
Danny is not someone who is on his mind a lot, these days. It’s to be expected, considering how distance and their double lives eat up all the time they have to talk. Really, it’s a miracle that they were able to speak enough to learn about their own individual vigilante work, especially with Duke bouncing around foster homes for a good portion of that time. 
They haven’t spoke in months but that’s normal for them.
Duke thinks he can be forgiven for not knowing something was wrong. He still won’t forgive himself for it.
“Danny’s gone?” he repeats, feeling numb. There’s static ringing in his ears, his entire world hollowing out.
The guy in front of him looks grim, unable to meet Duke’s eyes. Did he introduce himself? Duke can’t remember, can’t keep his spiraling thoughts straight in his head. “He’s gone. His entire family is gone and we haven’t been able to call for help because… well…”
“It’s those guys, right? The ones in white?”
“You know about them?”
“Danny told me. Danny told me a lot about what he did in Amity Park.”
The guy lets out a slow, relieved breath. “Good, then I don’t have to explain. Sorry, it’s just that it’s not something we talk about, especially out in the open. After the last few months, things got really bad. We know the GIW took the Fentons, but we can’t find out how or why and they’ve got us on a tight lockdown.”
“Then how did you get out?” Duke asks. Another arguably more important question pops into his mind a second later. “Actually, how do you know about Danny and… you know. The other things.”
The grimness on the guy’s expression fades away some beneath the sudden shame and embarrassment. “Oh, that. Well, I dunno how much he told you about his, like, daily life, but, um. I’m Dash. Baxter. I bullied him?”
Dash. That’s a name he recognizes. 
Danny’s complained about Dash a lot in the past. Since they were in middle school, really. Duke would always get mad on Danny’s behalf about how terribly he’s being treated, how no one would stop such obvious bullying. And every time, Danny would laugh it off and say in that soft voice of his, It’s alright, Duke, really. Having you care is more than enough for me.
It never stopped the bullying, though, but the way Danny talked about Dash changed when they both entered high school. He was still annoyed about everything Dash did, but there were less insults about him, less venting about every little thing that pissed Danny off about him, as if he just didn’t care anymore.
And there is, of course, the most memorable time Danny called Duke about Dash over the summer.
Hey, Danny, Duke had began, only to be cut off by Danny yelling, I kissed Dash?! Or he kissed me?! What am I supposed to do now!
And Duke, despite the jealousy he felt at hearing that Danny and Dash kissed, laughed so hard he cried while Danny yelled at him to be helpful. 
There wasn’t any discussion on Dash since, beyond a comment here and there about a funny fanboying thing Dash had said about Phantom. The focus of their conversations shifted towards how hard it was to be heroes or vigilantes, quiet reassurances that they’re both doing the best they can, tips traded about best ways to patch themselves up and get through the night. Sometimes, it felt like Danny was the only person in the world to really know Duke; all his pain and promises, his dreams, everything he was Before and who he became in the After.
He’s missed Danny, but the last message Danny sent him told him that things were getting rough in Amity Park, and to not call or contact him until he reached out first.
So Duke trusted in Danny and focused his attention in Gotham, putting his all into becoming a better hero, someone people can rely on. 
He thinks that maybe he should have fallen into the Bats’ bad habits of invading privacy to make sure Danny’s okay. 
Too late for that now, though.
“I know you,” Duke says after a long moment. “He talked about you sometimes. Come with me, we have a lot to discuss.”
Dash looks appropriately nervous, but he doesn’t argue. 
It’s a tense, quiet walk to the library where Barbara works. She’s stationed at the front desk when he arrives and greets him with a smile, eyes flicking towards Dash in question.
“Hey, Babs, got a private study room open?”
Her gaze sharpens and Duke can’t help the feeling of relief that flows through him, knowing that Oracle is ready to look out for him. “Let me check,” she says, turning towards the computer to click around a few pages. “Study room 8 is open.”
That’s the study room with a working lock and soundproofing. It also has cameras and a mic inside, but all the other study rooms have one too, just for safety purposes. Things could always go terribly wrong when people are locked together in a small room, and having video and audio evidence of what happened has assisted in more than a few cases. 
He leads them up to the second floor, past the students studying and the group of young children in the back corner of the library listening intently to a read aloud. 
The only occupied study rooms are those up front, closer to the stairs. The back rooms are empty and quiet, the perfect place for a little impromptu interrogation.
“So,” Duke says as he closes the door to study room 8 behind them. Dash sits down as if this is just a casual conversation, but the way his foot taps against the floor betrays his nerves. “Danny’s gone. And somehow, that lead you to me.”
Dash glance around, then leans closer to drop his voice into a harsh whisper. “The Guys In White got some insane upgrades a few months ago and forced every citizen of Amity Park into a surveillance state. The entire Fenton family is gone, but we all know it’s really because they want Danny.”
“Explain the situation in Amity Park some more.”
“Well. It’s like this: we didn’t take them seriously, so they upped their moves and got us trapped. No one goes in or out of Amity Park without good, verifiable reason. We have a curfew and we can be randomly stopped and searched for ectoplasm or exposure to ghosts. Most of the ghosts have left, but a few of the stronger ones hang around to cause trouble to get the GIW off our backs for a bit.”
“So how did you end up in Gotham?”
“I was invited to tour the college. And since outsiders were expecting me, the GIW let me go. But there’s definitely some that tailed me to Gotham, but I can’t find them at all. Even talking to you now is a huge risk for me.”
Which means they don’t have much time to talk before someone comes looking for Dash. His words, paired with everything Duke’s heard from Danny, paint a deeply unpleasant picture in his mind. “Are you going to be in trouble?”
“Nah, I’ll be fine. It’s Danny we’re all worried about. He told me before he got caught that if anything happened to him, I should find you. Tucker helped us narrow down where exactly you are and sent you that text to get you to where we met.”
“What do you think I can do?”
“I don’t know,” Dash admits. “But Danny trusts you, and he needs your help.”
Duke was never going to say no to this request to begin with, but damn if those words don’t make him want to run to Amity Park without waiting for anyone else.
“Okay,” he says. “Okay. I’ll help rescue him and bring down the GIW. You should go now, before they get too suspicious.”
“What are you planning?”
“I got a couple of friends who are good at destroying government property. Trust me, you’ll see what we’re up, we’re pretty noticeable if we’re pissed off enough.”
“Don’t take too long then,” Dash says, standing up, “I expect a good show from you. See you around, man.”
And with that, Dash pats Duke’s shoulder and leaves the study room. Duke doesn’t follow after him.  He’s got a rescue to start planning, and the less time he wastes, the better.
In the end, it’s pretty simple. It’s not a hard mission at all when the time comes for them to act, but the amount of data they gather and have to shift through is daunting. But that’s more Tim and Barbara’s forte, so he trusts them to handle it. 
Together with Red Robin, Spoiler, and Black Bat, they hit Amity Park hard and fast. 
One night was spent learning the lay of the land and every station and lab set up by the GIW. The second night was spent burning it all down and tossing open cages full of green blob ghosts and a few transparent, weakly glowing human ghosts. Stronger ghosts, glowing brightly, joined them in a few places with battle cries and maniacal laughter.
They split up and took down all the bases and patrol stations on their own, sweeping through the city like vengeful shadows. 
By dawn, the GIW were in shambles, without any bases or equipment, and rounded up for arrest. 
Cass was the one to find Danny and his family; his parents were forced to create weapons for the GIW under threat of Danny and Jazz’s torture. Danny was locked up like an animal and studied. Jazz had restraints on, including a muzzle, and a bloodthirsty rage in her eyes. Apparently, she had put up the most fight and, while being studied for repeated exposure to ectoplasm and radiation, started biting people.
The Fentons are big names in this conflict. Tim makes the executive decision to burn one of his out-of-state safehouses so they can hide and recover in peace, then promptly moves them into it as soon as the EMTs give them the all clear. They’re gone by the time the sun is rising over the horizon, and the curious Amity Parkers that have gathered behind the blockade of police cars have to be reassured that the Fentons have been taken away for their protection, not for further abuses. Even then, tensions are high and the locals are clearly prepared to start rioting now that they have a chance to fight back.
As vigilantes, they’re not meant to interact with cops much. Perhaps it’s simply their experiences in Gotham that keep them at a distance, disappearing into the neighborhood the moment attention shifts off of them. Either way, Duke is hurrying out of Amity Park with the rest of the team on his heels, eager to return to Gotham and follow up on their own leads to make sure the GIW is properly gutted and dismantled. 
Duke heads off for the Hatch as soon as they reach Gotham, hoping to shed the suit and finally be able to call Danny. The guilt of not noticing how bad things had gotten rolls through his stomach, and more than that, he’s missed hearing Danny’s voice. 
The first few calls go straight to voicemail. Duke leaves a quick message asking Danny to let him know how he’s doing as soon as he can talk. 
Then he goes for a shower and to change into civilian clothes, prepared to make his way to Wayne Manor to let Bruce know how everything went. And hopefully distract him from his Disappointed Father/Leader Lecture about taking on missions behind his back, as if Duke can’t handle himself. And also because Bruce has no leg to stand on when it comes to this. He’s fully prepared to throw that entire lecture back into his face at a moment’s notice.
The post-mission exhaustion is hitting him hard and fast. Duke has to brace himself against the wall once he’s out of the shower, resisting the urge to just lie on the floor and sleep there until he starts feeling more human. 
Somehow, he gets himself into some sweatpants and a plain shirt, pulls on a pair of mismatched socks, and begins gathering his things so he can get to the Batcave. 
He’s in no state to be driving. Maybe someone would be willing to take him there?
Just as he reaches for his phone to thumb through his contacts and see who he can bother, it buzzes in his hand. Duke blames the way he jumps on his exhaustion, then blinks his tired eyes to squint at the name that pops up onto the screen.
All at once, his exhaustion fades away. A rush of adrenaline runs through him as he scrambles to accept the call, already pacing around the room so he doesn’t fall asleep. 
There’s a moment of silence, then the exhale of a breath that turns to static over the call. “Duke,” Danny’s tired voice says. “Duke…”
“You doing okay? I couldn’t get to you before you and your family had to leave and go into hiding, but I’ve been worried about you, man.”
“I’m good. We’re all fine, now. Fentons are strong, you know? We’ll bounce back in no time.”
From what he’s heard about Danny’s family, that’s most definitely true. He’s seen the pictures of walls Jack Fenton has burst through with his body. It’ still hard to believe that no one in the family is a meta, outside of Danny.
“You need anything? I can get it to you, just say the word. Anything at all.”
Danny hums, then asks with a playful note in his voice, “Anything?”
“I need you. How fast can you come meet me? I’ll even pay for express delivery.”
Duke laughs, so relieved at hearing the lightness return to Danny’s voice that he feels weak in the knees. “It’ll be at least two days. I gotta sleep and debrief with Batman before I can see you. It’s gonna take some time to get out of Gotham again.”
“Maybe I can go to you, instead,” Danny suggests. “Fly over and be there is less than an hour.”
“Are you in any shape to be flying right now?”
“I’m fine! Already healing and everything,” Danny insists.
“It might be dangerous if any rogue GIW agents go after you.”
“Well,” Danny says, “That’s why I need to get to my knight in shining armor sooner rather than later, right?”
Duke bites his lip to fight back a smile, blinking his eyes forcefully to keep them from closing under the heavy weight of exhaustion. “Does that make you a damsel in distress?”
“I mean, I did need rescuing, so I guess? I’m not much of a damsel, but I could put on a pretty dress for you. It’ll be like playing pretend when we were kids.”
“Oh, man, I kinda miss those poofy dresses. I think I could still rock on, put it on top of the armor when I go out for patrol.”
Danny snickers. “Signal: the most well dressed vigilante in Gotham.”
“That’s me, baby!”
The last of the agonizing fear that’s choked him since he first talked to Dash finally melts away. Danny’s fine now. Everything’s okay; the GIW are done for and there’s plenty of people willing to look out for the Fentons. This will never happen again.
“Hey,” Danny says, voice suddenly turing more serious. “Send me your location. I wasn’t joking when I said I could fly over to you. And before you say anything! I do need it; Jazz and my parents are smothering me and I just need to get away from everything and pretend all of this never happened.”
The admission softens Duke, makes him shove away everything that tells him this is a bad idea, that Danny needs more rest first, that having Danny fly over alone and without warning any of the Bats fills Duke with anxiety. 
He does miss Danny. More than he can put into words.
“Yeah, okay,” he says at last. “Come meet me, Danny.”
He texts Danny the location of the Hatch before common sense tells him to be more careful with his base of operations. Not that it matters, anyways; if there’s anyone in the world he trusts with everything, it’s Danny. 
Then he sends the Bats a quick text saying he’s crashing in the Hatch and to not bother him until the sun is fully up two days from now. Oracle gives him a thumbs up emoji, which is a good guarantee that she will personally see to it that no non-emergency messages interrupt his rest and recovery time.
Duke has no idea how long it will take Danny to get to the Hatch, so he putters around, cleaning up the space and straightening it out in an attempt to keep busy enough that he doesn’t crash. Travel really takes it out of him. It’s one of the cons of being born and raised in Gotham: he doesn’t have the stamina to travel outside of it, especially when they were there and back in less than three days.
Thank god for Tim’s many motorcycles and his tendency to see the speed limit as a weak suggestion that can be ignored while on a mission.
Ultimately, the call of sleep is too strong to resist. 
One moment, Duke is sorting through files on the Hatch’s computer, and the next moment, he’s face down on a bed with his face shoved into a pillow. 
Blearly, he manages to pull his phone out of his pocket and send Danny a typo-ridden text that hopefully gets across the message of might be asleep so just come in, don’t wait for me to answer the door.
He’s out like a light as soon as it sends. The last thing Duke registers is his phone dropping out of his hand and falling against the mattress with a little bounce.
When he begins to wake up, something’s changed. As much as he wants to go back to sleep, awareness comes back to him slowly and Duke forces himself to claw his way out of unconsciousness to figure out what, exactly, is bothering him so much. Until he figures out what’s changed in the room, he won’t be able to sleep because he’ll be worried about someone breaking in.
His mind comes back online long before his body does. It’s only when he tries to move that Duke realizes he’s no longer alone on the bed; there’s someone wrapped up in his arms, body temperature a little too cool to be a normal human.
Blinking open his eyes, Duke looks down at the head of messy black hair and feels Danny’s soft breath ghost across his chest. 
“Danny?” he manages to say, voice rough with sleep. 
Danny hums and doesn’t move.
“Hey, look up. Let me see if you’re really alright.”
“Mmm, no,” Danny mumbles, burrowing his face into Duke’s chest some more. “‘m sleepy.”
A good argument. Duke is also sleepy. 
“Fine,” he says, “Check in the morning, then. G’night, Danny.”
“Night, Duke. Thanks for saving me.”
He tightens his grip on Danny, contentment burning warm in his chest. “Always, Danny. I’ll always save you.”
That’s why he’s a hero, after all. To save others, to reach a hand out to everyone the way he needed when he was younger. To keep the people he loves safe. To make sure Danny always finds a way back to him. 
This is what makes all the pain of this lifestyle worth it.
Danny makes everything worth it.
(@yourlocalcorviddad tagging to make sure you see this!)
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“I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 26 is now available on AO3.
Please note: Chapters 24 and 25 were posted at the same time.
“I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
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Currently 26 chapters completed: 1M Words; Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
Here's a snippet from Chapter 26 of an emotionally distraught and hysterical Eddie while he's on the phone with 9-1-1.
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”
“Yes I’m at 4995 S. Bedford St. and I have an adult male, 31 years of age who's unconscious and unresponsive and I need medical response.”
“Ok sir, can I get your name?”
“Eddie Diaz! I’m a firefighter and a paramedic with the 118.”
“Eddie!” Linda asks.
“Yes! Linda, I’m so glad it’s you.” He heaves past the sob lodged in the back of his throat that feels like a ping pong ball and continues. “Listen, it’s Buck… SHIT!” He stops talking because he remembers he needs to follow protocol for her recording then he tries again. “I mean you need his first and last name for the call. It’s my husband Evan Diaz and he’s also a firefighter with the—the 118.”
“Ok Eddie, I’m checking to see which RA unit is closest to that address but can you tell me what happened?”
“I—I don’t know but I came into the living room; he was swaying back and forth and I caught him before he—he hit the floor. I manually checked his vitals by doing the ABC method… I opened his airway, checked his breathing along with his circulation, then I—I got my medical bag and checked his pupillary response which is fine but his pulse, his blood pressure and his heart rate... and all of them are still low which is why I believe he might be having a bradycardia event. Linda… oh my god, whatever is happening to him is more serious than syncope because he’s still unresponsive.”
“Can you tell me how long he’s been down?”
“It’s been more than two minutes but I didn’t start counting until after I caught him so I could be one or two seconds off.”
“Ok, Eddie, our closest unit is 6 minutes away.”
He frowns and loudly asks, “Six minutes? Why?! I’m sorry please—please forgive me for being loud but I... I—I’m asking because there’s a fire station less than 4 minutes away from here.” He feels like he’s about to crawl out of his skin because the proximity of their home to the closest fire station in this area is one of the reasons why he decided to purchase it. He wanted to be close to one for Chris just in case they ever have to call emergency services.
Will the RA unit arrive in time to save Buck or will Eddie lose the love of his life? 👀
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Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Buck and Eddie are once again faced with their greatest fear of losing each other but this time it could be permanent and if it is, then they won’t be able to spend the rest of their lives together.
Chapter 27 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-26 are available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
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ezgee-badally · 11 months
-PINNED POST- (This entire Post is OOC)
18+ NSFW
Actual Real-Life Homophobes, Transphobes, Racists, Rapists and Misogynists Fuck off and die! This is fantasy only. I’ll find out who you are and block you.
Asks are welcome from anyone. If you’re a curious Dom looking for tips or a Sub who wants to have some kinky interactions but want to stay anon, anyone with pussy is welcome for kink interactions too regardless of gender. Read more about my boundaries and limits below before submitting any questions or you may be ignored.
28 Cis Male, Canadian, Dom
GENERAL TRIGGER WARNINGS: I regularly include in my stories kinky and MADE UP/NOT REAL/ FANTASY depictions of Sexual Assault, Misogyny, Homophobia, Verbal abuse and Physical abuse. I add specific trigger warnings to my individual stories. If you feel triggered by something you read and I forgot to put in a warning please DM me and let me know.
I call myself straight but My sexuality is that I like pussy and I’m not really picky about whether the person who has it is a man or a woman. I do like Tits but also don’t care if you’re flat. Really, I have no set “Type” I like both femme and masc presenting people. Tomboys are just as hot to me as girls in cute dresses or tight outfits as an example.
My Boundaries are firm with strangers, I understand if you make mistakes or misread the pinned post but you get 1 warning before I block. Friends and Mutuals I’m a bit more forgiving with. But will still block if they push too far.
This blog just gives me a place to get shit out of my system. I volunteer a lot of my free time to support 2SLQBTQIA+ spaces and programs, but there’s been some internalized misogyny that has come up that I’m trying to deal with in a healthy way so it doesn’t get in the way of my volunteer work. Part dealing with that includes this blog.
I don’t have a crazy sexual history it’s just very diverse and I’ve experienced a variety of things. I’ve played out some Dykebreaking scenes a few times with consenting adults IRL it’s intense and takes planning and it is very draining but intensely hot and rewarding. I’m into more than just into Orientation play but that’s mostly what this blog will be.
I like writing, and I sext a lot. So this kink blog thing was just a natural extension of that.
✅Into Roleplay, CNC, Orientation Play (Dykebreaking, Misgendering, and occasional Acebreaking), Humiliation, Cuckolding other men and/or Cuckquean, Abduction, Anon kink, Public Sex, Drugged/Intoxicated, sometimes Hypno is fun, Breath Play, light Impact play (No tools), Light Bondage and occasionally Anal. Very hot when women/girls call me “Daddy” but I’m not seeking out a DD/LG dynamic or into age-play. I’m sure there’s more, will edit as things change.
⚠️Soft Limits (Things I’m not actively Into but will explore with a TRUSTED partner or TRUSTED mutual.) are… Somno, Foot Stuff, Heavy Impact Play (w/tools such as whips or paddles) Complex Rope Play (Needs practice), Object Insertion, Lactation, Kigurumi, Impregnation
🛑Hard Limits:
Forced Feeding, Scat, Piss Play, Snuff, permanent Injury/disfigurement, Infantilism, Haematomania, Knife Play (I’ll use a knife or scissors to cut off your clothes if you want just don’t ask me to cut you.)Furry Play, Necrophilia, Beastiality, and Age Play.
When I begin a post or DM with “OOC:”it means I’m talking “Out Of Character” as a human being outside of the fantasy.
When I begin a post with “IC” it means I’m talking “In Character” almost all my posts are In Character, you will only see me specify this if It is a post where I switch back and forth between OOC and IC and have to clarify.
OOC: Be safe, Practice Rack. Fuck homophobes.
IC: Dumb dyke whore. How does it feel cumming on your rapists cock?
I will only share Private messages/DM’s on my blog if it has been previously agreed between me and the person on the other end of the DM’s.
If you don’t tell me a specific safe-word when we start interacting we use the stoplight system by default. If you have a preferred safe word then tell me.
GREEN = Yes keep doing that
YELLOW = Take it easy or be careful.
Safety Tips:
- Subs, Learn boundaries from more experienced Sub’s so you can learn the difference between abuse and kink.
- New Subs should read “The New Bottoming Book”
- New Doms should read “The New Topping Book”
- Don’t doxx yourself for any reason.
- Stay anonymous online
- Be aware of the risks of sending pics and giving out your name.
- Practice RACK (Risk Aware Consensual Kink)
- If you are going to do something potentially dangerous then be aware of the potential dangers and put safeguards in place to minimize them.
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missy-0-piink · 2 years
Shibusawa Drabble
Idk if this counts as a drabble but idc I’m calling it that
Also, I got a bit lazy towards the end so I may change the ending later on, I’ll post if I decide to.
Anyways, this is my first time writing a smut fic, so forgive me if it’s not good 😅
Shibusawa was annoyed. Very annoyed. It was that time of the year again, the time where his loins would ache and he’d feel the need to breed. It wasn’t hard for him to find a partner, no not at all, he’d regard himself as a very attractive individual, but no one caught his interest, that is, except for you.
His inner dragon had latched onto you, and he couldn’t get through a minute without thinking about you, and that was bad. It was so bad that he found himself in your room, in your house while you were gone on a “weekend getaway”.
God, the smell of your room, of you was intoxicating, and though he would never usually think of it, he found himself rummaging through your laundry to find your discarded clothing. Particularly, he was looking for your underwear.
Once he found it, he made his way to your bed, letting the fluffy pillows and blankets, soothe his need for comfort. he couldn’t help but bury his nose in your panties. The scent of you was too alluring no to do so.
He was fisting his weeping cock to the thought of you. Of filling you up with his cum, of missionary, of doggystyle. Of Anything, as long as it was you.
He was desperate.
And this was the state you found him in. God, he looked pathetic. flushed a red shade on his normally pale face and neck, his eyes closed in bliss as he mouthed at your underwear.
You watched him carefully, mouth curved in a smirk. You watched as his body started becoming tense, his back arching, close to cumming.
“Excuse me, shibusawa-san, but I don’t remember giving you permission to act like such a desperate whore,” your voice made his eyes open wide with surprise.
“(Name)! “ he moaned out as he came. You couldn’t believe it, this motherfucker came JUST as he’d been caught masturbating to you. In your home. Without permission.
“What a pervert,” you say, watching as shibusawa was heaving as though he had run a marathon, “what do you have to say for yourself?”
“Please (name), I cant take it anymore! I need you, please!” His words made your eyes widen. This was strange, such a prestigious man such as himself would not go so low as to beg so easily.
“Have you been drugged?” You ask warily, stepping close to the bed. How could someone have drugged a man so careful, so intelligent. How could someone have gotten the upper hand?
He moved his head, and that was when you noticed the slight scales on his face and the horn protruding from his head.
“It’s… part of my ability” this confirmed your suspicions. This bitch was in a heat cycle.
You laughed, and his flush somehow darkened. His eyes were watching your every move, taking in everything about you, pupils dilated so much so that only a thin ring of red was left.
If it was any other person, any lesser man than he, you would have beat his ass to hell and back. But this was shibusawa, a prestigious man who had an angelic face and attractive voice. You’d admit that his begging ignited something within you.
“Very well then, only since you asked so nicely, but first, no touching yourself until i say so~” you hummed before starting to strip.
Shibusawa’s hand flew away from his cock as though it burned him, an instinct to obey making him do so. He watched as you stripped, putting on a lovely show in the meantime. fuck, you were perfect. His dick throbbed and leaked more viscous Precum, but he didn’t dare touch himself, in fear you would stop and leave him to suffer.
You made your way on top of him, and you pinned his wrists above him when he had tried to grab your thighs. “No. Touching.” You said, a menacing tone in your voice, “otherwise I’ll leave you here to take care of that,” you gestures to his throbbing erection,” by yourself. And we wouldn’t want that would we? No, we want you to fill me up, don’t we?” He whimpered at your arousing words and nodded.
You felt yourself get wetter at his pitiful noises, pitiful expression and the pitiful way his body was shaking, flushed and needy.
As you lowered yourself on his dick, he couldn’t help but buck his hips. If it hadn’t have felt so good, you would have tore him a new one, but the lubrication provide by both his Precum and your wetness had provided a smooth entry. Fuck, his cock felt so good inside you. Long and thick, it hit all the parts inside of you well.
But that only made up half of your pleasure, with the second half being the way he lost himself in this pleasure you brought him. His eyes rolled back, brows furrowed, hips bucking wildly and beautiful moans being torn from his throat was addicting. This was definitely not going to be a one time thing.
“I’m close, hah! Fuck! Please, let me fill you, please!”His words were barely intelligible, slurred and desperate.
Without warning, you grabbed his horn at the base, which must have had plenty of nerves because he suddenly went tense once again, but this time was different, you could feel the base of his dick swelling up, making it near impossible to move. Then, he came, hot spirts of his cum filling you up as he whimpered and moaned.
You stared in shock. Whatever you expected would happen tonight, this was the last thing on your list. However you weren’t done yet. You grabbed shibusawa’s limp hand and guided it to your clit.
“You will make me cum.” You ordered, and shibusawa obeyed, needing to please you. His inner dragon wouldn’t let him do anything else.
It wasn’t as good as him moving inside you, but It would have to do.
This was most definitely not a one time thing.
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the-savage-garden · 1 year
Nitpicking ACOWAR Ch 8
I'm going to have to start posting individual chapter notes for a little while because I got real nitpicky the next chapter. Might still do it after too. Hopefully I'll be able to eventually post more chapters in one post because it's getting ridiculous for me doing it this way.
Chapter 8
-Tamlin gets mad at Lucien and Feyre for retaliating against the weird twins for some reason.
-Tamlin wanted to deal with the twins his way. Tamlin expected better from Lucien but he wasn’t surprised by Feyre’s actions.
-[“That’s the sort of thinking,” I snapped, clutching the armrests, “that has allowed for a wall to be the only solution between our two peoples; for the Fae to look at these sorts of murders and not care.”] Did… Feyre just imply that Tamlin doesn’t care about humans?
-I know Tamlin has a temper but why does it matter to him if Lucien and Feyre sent the Bogge after the twins? In the first book he hated Hybern! This book mentions the 1st one and references scenes but then changes and adds things that weren’t there before! UGH.
-Lucien tries to reason with Tamlin but since Feyre has made sure their friendship is falling apart now Tamlin doesn’t trust Lucien anymore.
-Feyre targets all of Tamlin’s triggers to get him to lash out at her and she doesn’t shield herself. She’s become a manipulator now because of Rhys, I miss her old character from the 1st book.
-[“What have you done,” Lucien breathed, and Tamlin’s face was the picture of devastation as Lucien shoved him aside. He let Lucien shove him aside and help me stand.] This reminds me of something, like a scene from a movie.
-”The sentries—Bron and Hart, two of Tamlin’s favorite lord-warriors among them—were gaping, attention torn between the wrecked study and my face.” Keeping a note of these minor characters' names.
-Feyre and her stupid naming of her paintings. Ugh.
-Useless bathtub scene and Rhys asking how Feyre is doing.
-”Perhaps I’d been too good at keeping those healing powers at bay. “ Haha, you sure are good with your powers, que eye roll.
-Have I said how much I hate possessive male characters yet? Because I really hate possessive male characters! Ick. Tamlin I had been meh about but Rhys? I have no interest in him. He’s a creep.
-Feyre goes on a ride with Bron and Hart.
-Tamlin begged Feyre for forgiveness which she accepted (because she’s a manipulator) but Lucien avoids Tamlin.
-The naga attack after midnight.
-Tamlin will be dealing with the guard that lost the keys.
-”We all gathered outside the barracks the next morning, Lucien’s face pallid and drawn, purple smudges beneath his glazed eyes. He hadn’t returned to his room last night.” I don’t know what this has to do with anything?
-When did Tamlin become someone that punishes people? Is it because of Hybern being there? I’m still so confused by the world-building in this book.
-”...the ropes restraining him groaning as he strained against them.” What is up with this grammar? Is it just me that finds this odd?
-The sentry had apparently fallen asleep, probably because of Feyre.
-“Twenty lashes. And one more, for the Cauldron’s forgiveness.” This sounds more like human punishment than Fae but what do I know? SJM makes the rules around here.
-”I made my move. Slid my power into the bound sentry’s mind and freed the memory I’d coiled up tightly in his head—freed his tongue, too.” Making note of this.
-Sentry says that Ianthe took the keys.
-Wait, did Ianthe cause the naga attack? I thought it was Feyre that did that? Is the book gaslighting me?
-”It wasn’t fear of pain that propelled him, I realized. No, the lashings would have been deserved and earned and borne well. It was the fear of honor lost.” Huh?
-”I kept my focus on him, even as I counted my breaths, even as I prayed that Ianthe would take the bait—” I need to keep this in mind.
-Tamlin is suspicious of Ianthe.
-Brannagh calls them pathetic. For some reason this makes Spring look weak to Hybern.
-When has Tamlin cared about laws and traditions? I guess since the 2nd book.
-”In this … in this, my revenge edged toward something oily, something foreign and queasy. He would heal from the pain, but the blow to his honor … It’d take a little piece out of mine as well.” It’s almost like you’re doing a bad thing, Feyre.
-Tamlin being backed into a corner.
-”And like I’d gambled, Tamlin’s need for control, for strength, won out.” What are you even talking about? Tamlin literally doesn’t have a choice in this!
-”Ianthe was too important an ally to risk isolating. The word of a low sentry … no, it did not matter as much as hers.” Keeping note of this.
-”They had no idea—none—that I’d goaded her into it, pushed and pushed her to reveal just what a snake she was. How little anyone without a title meant to her.” I’m pretty sure this is still on Feyre, it doesn’t matter what Ianthe has done, Feyre manipulated everyone to get the right results to cause all this. She’s putting all the blame on Ianthe so that she doesn’t look like the bad guy.
-”How Tamlin listened to her without question—to a fault.” I don’t even know why Tamlin listens to Ianthe at all.
-”The sentries were sizing up Ianthe, the royals. Tamlin had always been one of them—fought for them. Until now. Until Hybern. Until he put these foreign monsters before them.” It’s almost like Tamlin did it to save someone he loved.
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captainai-47 · 10 months
I found your blog recently scrolling down the obey me Lucifer tag and I believe I’ve realized an undeniable truth; I absolutely ADORE your MC.
Though, as I am sort of in an unexpected time crunch for the next few days, I don’t have any time to officially take the time and read your posts about your MC (lore). I’d love to get into it! It is genuinely different and I’m invested, truly.
If it wouldn’t be too much of a bother, would you run me over the basic lore of your MC? I’m genuinely obsessed. She looks so badass 😳
I have so many questions!
Why is she called an “Agent”?
Is she a high ranking one?
Does she have an agency she reports to?
What’s her full situation with Lucifer?
Does her work get in the way of anything?
What’s her personality?
Ah! I have so many questions I can’t even put them all down 😓
I also want to know about her demon form too! (I’m also pretty sure I caught wind of a monster form, too 👀)
Although you probably already know who I am, most likely considering your activity notifs, I’d still like to ask anonymously.
I really hope to see more of your MC ☺️
(Sorry for making such a long ask. Forgive me for any errors…)
Awwww stop! You making me twirling my hair 🤭🤭. I actually really enjoy it when people ask questions about my Oc! It really makes me happy when others think that my silly creations are intriguing enough to warrant attention :)))
As for some of your questions My Oc Masterlist may be able to answer your questions! Lore art is currently under works! But I highly encourage you to ask for more if you have the time ^^❤️ My twitter Acc contains a lot of scenarios and even hc lists that I have not mentioned here so feel free to check (But only for 🔞 individuals. My Twitter acc is more mature content compared here)
Here’s some that I haven’t explained yet:
What’s her full situation with Lucifer? ➡️ Currently? She’s very, madly, downbadly in love with him. SHES SMITTEN despite their rocky start in the S1 OG! Obm.
Does her work get in the way of anything? ➡️ It does. She is actually homeschooled and even has like a special excuse slips in RAD whenever there’s an emergency mission. She regularly goes in and out of the Devildom and into the human realm to do her work.
Personality ➡️ She’s calm and gentle to the one’s she is close with but in terms of her work as an Agent? Very reckless and even egotistical
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babyjakes · 2 years
bratty little baby.
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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summary | after you decide to be a brat and challenge andy on completing your homework, the dominant man decides he’s had enough of your attitude and that a bit of brutal punishment has been earned.
pairing | mean!daddy!andy barber x bratty!little!reader
warnings | ohmygod. pure filth. daddy! kink, spanking, fingering & forced org!asm(s?!) (probably one too many! yikes), name-calling (sweet ones and not sweet ones), squirting /-\ imsosorrylol
word count | 1,609
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requested by @yeetyeetspidey | Can I request a kinky smut with Andy Barber if your uncomfortable with that can you do one where the reader is just bratty Andy decides to do something about that
an | hi, thank you so so much for the request!!! i love andy barber holy moly, i super hope you don’t mind i went complete! daddy kink with this lol. this is my first ‘kinky’ request so i’m truly taking all the liberties here. (lord forgive me) but HOLY COW this turned out hot
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“No,” you state simply, placing your hands on your hips over your high-waisted skirt as you frown slightly at Andy, the single word causing him to raise an eyebrow at you in surprise. Standing next to him as he reads the newspaper at the kitchen table, a wave of bratty confidence has washed over you. And despite knowing you’re getting yourself into trouble, you just can’t help treading into the dangerous territory.
“What was that, sweetheart?” he asks darkly, not entirely sure he’s heard you correctly. You and Andy are both well aware at this point in your relationship that the word ‘no’ isn’t really allotted in your vocabulary, aside from when used with a safeword.
“I said no,” you repeat, causing the man to slam the paper down firmly onto the table, sending a wave of excitement through your body. “I don’t want to do homework,” you continue bravely. “I was just going to go watch some TV.”
“I don’t think so, doll face,” Andy grumbles as he grabs your arm, pulling you over and sitting you down on his lap roughly. “When I asked you to work on your homework, I wasn’t really giving you a choice, y/n. You know that,” he says, stating the obvious.
With your burst of confidence still going strong, you just shrug lazily in response. Widening his eyes slightly, Andy swallows hard, his lips pressing together tightly in a thin line. “Oh, is that how you’re gonna be?” he asks tauntingly. “You wanna be a bad girl all of a sudden, is that it? What happened to my sweet little y/n who was all over me this morning with the cuddles and kisses, huh?”
Only giving him another shrug, his eyes darken even further, and he sighs. “I see,” he trails impatiently. “Well then,” he huffs as he grabs you by your waist and flips you so that you’re bent over his knee, ass sticking straight up in the air, “I guess I’ll have to remind you what happens when you decide to be a little fucking brat.”
Before you can even think of a response, Andy’s whipped up your skirt, exposing your thin lace panties to the cool air. He runs a rough finger under the elastic band of the panties, and you jump and let out a whimper as he snaps it against your tender skin, causing him to smile.
“Such a squirmy little baby,” he coos, ripping the panties down your legs as you wiggle against him helplessly, his strong arm holding you down against his thighs. “Bad girls need to be taught a lesson, isn’t that right, sweetheart?” he reminds you sickly. You simply let out a whimper into your arm as you lay exposed and humiliated, beginning to regret your bold decision to be defiant.
“Mmm, I’m gonna make this ass look so pretty, all bright red from my hand. Is that what you want, pretty girl? Want my hand marks all over your pretty little bottom?” he asks teasingly as he runs his fingers softly against one of your cheeks, causing you to shiver. “Alright, babydoll. Time to remind you who’s in charge,” he warns as he winds up his hand, cracking it down harshly against your tender skin.
You let out a cry as each strike hits your burning flesh, tears beginning to roll down your cheeks as Andy continues well past your point of discomfort, not softening his blows in the slightest despite your pitiful groans and whimpers. “That’s-” whack, “what-” whack, “you-” whack, “get-” whack, “when-” whack, “you’re-” whack, “a-” whack, “bratty-” whack, “little-” whack, “baby,” he grunts through his slaps as your tears and spit beginning to dribble down your chin pathetically.
“You like that, huh?” he demands, his voice rising slightly as he continues to strike down on your ass. “You like it when Daddy has to bend you over his knee and spank your bratty little ass?”
“N-n-no Daddy,” you blubber through your tears, knowing better than to beg him to stop.
“I don’t believe you, not for one second,” he shakes his head as he continues giving his brutal punishment. “I think you love being a dumb little baby, stupid little whore for me,” he grunts as he’s suddenly stopped, his hand trailing down between your legs. Smiling as you let out a confused cry of pleasure, he begins running his fingers against the folds of your pussy, and to nobody’s surprise, you’re already soaking wet. “Oh, see? Such a dirty little girl, so wet from Daddy spanking her,” Andy croons, slipping a finger into your tight opening.
“Mmhhh-… D-Daddy,” you whimper, arousal beginning to burn in your core as he pumps steadily in and out of you, his other arm still holding you down firmly against his lap.
“That’s it, good girl,” he praises as you take in a second finger, your cunt making filthy sounds as his pace increases. “Such a good girl, taking Daddy’s fingers,” he sings. “You gonna cum? Gonna be a good girl now and cum for Daddy?”
“Y-yes, Daddy, please,” you begin to pant as he rubs up against your tender spot, your whole body falling limp as your orgasm sweeps over you in an overwhelming burst of pleasure. Your toes curl up and your eyes roll to the back of your head as Andy finger-fucks the life out of you, your high lasting several seconds before finally settling back down. And as soon as it does, your body snaps to attention, suddenly highly aware and sensitive following your intense climax.
And even though Andy sees this and knows just how sensitive you’ve become, he keeps his fingers moving inside you, causing you to let out a weak whine in protest. “Aww, what’s wrong, baby?” he coos, the sight of you writhing with his fingers still inside of you following an orgasm sending blood straight to his growing bulge.
“P-please, stop,” you sputter as he continues to finger you, panic setting in as you realize his intentions.
“Stop? Why should I stop?” Andy asks innocently as his thumb comes up and brushes against your clit once, causing you to jump and let out a startled cry. “Oh, what’s that? Is that sensitive, sweetheart? Right there?” he asks, slowly dragging his thumb across your swollen nub once more. A new round of tears build in your eyes at the overstimulation, but Andy just smiles, beginning to rub tight circles across your most sensitive spot, picking his pace of thrusting back up to full speed.
“N-n-n-no-o-o,” you heave as he brings you back to the brink of orgasm within just seconds, your body feeling entirely too overwhelmed to handle another climax so quickly.
“Oh, poor baby,” he croons as he watches you fall apart again against him, your orgasm sending wracks of sobs through your quivering body. “That’s a good girl, cumming so hard for Daddy,” he praises darkly as you squirt against his powerful fingers, only able to let out a pathetic cry in humiliation.
“D-done, all done,” you plead as you come down from your high, shaking and gasping for air. But to your complete horror, Andy simply tightens his grip on your waist, pulling his fingers out of your pussy and focusing all of his attention on your clit. The poor bud is bright red and swollen at this point, throbbing painfully as Andy pulls back on the hood and flicks his thumb feverishly directly on the exposed head. “No, n-no!”
“Come on, sweet girl. One more, you can do it,” he encourages as he holds down your squirming body, his cock rock-hard and bulging against your tummy as he restrains you on his lap. “Yeah, that’s it,” he murmurs as he senses another climax building up in you, against your will. “Daddy’s gonna make you cum again, isn’t that right, sweetheart? Gonna make you cum so hard and there’s nothing you can do about it. Stupid little baby,” he smirks as you cry out in pleasure, your third and most powerful orgasm ripping through your body violently at his words.
After several seconds of unbearable pleasure, so strong at this point that it just feels like pain, your body finally comes down from its elevated state of arousal, and Andy pulls his hands away. Choking on your tears and spit, you struggle to find your breaths as he rubs your back soothingly, shushing you gently, “Shh, it’s okay, sweetheart. You did so good, baby; I’m so proud of you.” Though it takes you several more minutes to steady out your breathing, Andy is patient, simply rubbing your back and cooing at you softly as you calm down.
When you’re finally able to look up at him with tear-soaked cheeks, he takes a gentle hand and cups the side of your face, brushing away a few stray tears with his thumb. “You did such a good job, honey. Did you learn your lesson?” he murmurs. You nod weakly, your bottom lip trembling as you fail to even find words to respond to him. “Hey, hey. It’s okay, sweetheart. No more tears, okay? We’re all done; you learned your lesson and won’t do it again, right?”
You nod again, wanting more than anything for him to just wrap you up and hold you until you’re feeling better. “Good girl,” he hums as he helps you up from his knee and cradles you against his chest gently, his soft side showing through as it always does after he completely brutalizes you. “Now let’s go get you cleaned up, sweet girl. After all that Daddy put you through, you ended up making quite the mess.”
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sn33z3s · 2 years
stan’s indulgence, kyle’s reliance
revisiting the “unrequited” question, talking about kyle and his soft underbelly and stan’s assertiveness, or lack thereof (once again, this is a twitter thread i’ve turned into a tumblr post. pardon my mess)
kyle rarely willingly exposes his vulnerability to anyone except stan. kyle wants to prove himself in front of as many people as possible, but only seeks approval from stan. that is, stan’s approval, specifically, indicates success for kyle. of course, there are times kyle is pretty clearly in the wrong
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a fanon view i struggle with is the portrayal of stan as a pushover; pitiful and neglected by kyle. now, there is a difference between having a weakness and being a pushover, but i’ll elaborate on that under the cut
stan often does not let up when he feels wronged by kyle. in the Console Wars, in The Fractured but Whole, in the Vaccination Special, after kyle fucks up, kyle is dejected, folding faster than stan to regain stan’s well-regard:
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in my first post about stan and kyle’s consistent character traits, i talked a little bit about kyle’s excessive idealization of stan. kyle has a desire to see stan reach his full potential and becomes frustrated when stan falls through the cracks. (i’ve also discussed certain parts of YGO & Assburgers, including those which i feel are focused on in a way that exaggerates why the episode goes down how it does.) whether kyle is coming from a “good” place or not is up to the viewer’s definition, but regardless, kyle needs stan as much as stan needs kyle
stan’s dedication - weakness, habit, call it what you will - to kyle is often read as the indicator that their friendship is uneven, that stan puts more into the dynamic than kyle, who does not reciprocate stan’s feelings in turn (or reciprocates less of them, or is unaware, and so on). here’s me linking a thing i made again; this time, it’s the video of kyle expressing his affection for stan
cartman has a line from the Vaccination Special (to Stan): “I don't know why you don't stand up to [Kyle] more, it's really disappointing.” here, cartman is half a stand-in for the audience and half speaking uniquely, as a character, out of resentment. narratively, cartman’s line was inserted partially to build the “surprising” moment of stan doing just that: standing up to kyle, culminating in the broship’s deterioration 
so it’s clear that stan follows kyle happily most of the time; he can easily be described as very puppy-like. kyle is skilled at getting what he wants out of stan. at the same time, though, stan asserting himself is not really anything new
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stan, the empathetic type, the person on the other side of kyle’s red string, simply wants to be there for the mercurial kyle, only desiring kyle’s companionship in return. however, stan is also the protagonist, and arguably the the character of the main four that goes through the most meaningful arcs, while kyle is reactionary. this is very important when considering how stan and kyle fight and how their best friendship has gone from representing youth and inseparability to the realism of growing up
in episodes like You’re Getting Old, Assburgers (will i ever shut up about them), and even Guitar Queer-O, i find the initial “wronging” was on stan’s end - though i stand by my interpretation that neither stan or kyle are better or worse during the YGO arc at least. the order of events in those episodes reads to me as stan going to kyle before vice-versa. however, when stan and kyle are on opposite sides of a thing, almost any thing, stan does not always ask kyle for forgiveness first
i’ve talked in decent length about how i see neither stan nor kyle as more dependent and instead just dependent in different ways. i think the places stan and kyle come from are misconstrued when not individualized. in my opinion, stan runs on empathy, responding accordingly. in contrast, kyle pointedly runs not on empathy but on sympathy instead and the ability to eventually recognize what is objectively correct. in other words, kyle occasionally struggles to put himself in other people's shoes. however, he'll often know what is morally right. stan can quickly put himself in others' shoes and is likely to give people the benefit of the doubt, but it's never guaranteed that he will - and when he doesn't, he removes himself
so, from the same angle, i see stan being kyle’s keeper (his protector, his vassal, we can get fancy with this) as the prelude to how much kyle needs stan. the show expresses this frequently and parallels that in their Stick of Truth dynamic, post-YGO arc. kyle’s position as the one who relies on stan is not insignificant. if stan is the knight, then it’s critical to note that a king will injure himself without his retainer, the person who could defend [kyle] with his own life
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kyle’s goal is to be an upstanding individual, but stan is the one person whose validation matters deeply to kyle. ultimately, it’s a validation he would have no reason to worry over if he did not need stan just as much as stan needs him
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Anto, I'm calling you out for the fake ass mother fucker you are.
Just a reminder, on April 17th, Anto apologized for his involvement. It was a garbage apology, but that's besides the point:
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When I called him out on his garbage and insincere apology, he insisted to me directly that he was being sincere, and I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. I went out of my way to personally view him as the lesser of the evils presented in the list of creators involved in the doxxing.
Come today, I find out about this:
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Towards the bottom, what do you see? Anto sims LIKING a post that misgenders Bucky by implying he is Mack, when he literally proved that Mack and him aren't the same person, as well as accusing Bucky of SUICIDE BAITING... You know what Anto. You can kindly sit and spin on a cactus you insincere prick. The sad part is, by giving this post approval, you have enabled the trolls who harassed someone to rock fucking bottom. That someone is Bucky, and Bucky is someone who despite not agreeing with paywalls loved YOUR CONTENT so much that they paid for your Patreon. They even messaged you expressing their love for your content. And this is how you repay the people who supported you? By enabling their harassers? By validating this transphobia and disgusting claims of suicide baiting? YOU DELETED THAT INSTAGRAM POST LIKE IT WAS NOTHING AFTER DEFENDING IT SO HARD AND THEN PRETENDED LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED, AND THEN YOU PULL THIS?
Fuck you Anto. You don't get to beg people to see your side of things and to forgive you for this garbage nor do you get to ask for consideration of your mental health when you clearly don't give a damn about anyone elses, because you've proven that you ARENT ACTUALLY SORRY to the people you victimized in the most vile way possible, and the sad part is, you're just as bad if not worse than the trolls. You chose to watch all of this going on from the shadows going "Woe is me! My anxiety!" expecting everyone to be sympathetic to your mental health. You know what's fucking anxiety inducing? Having your work contacted for the 4th time over fucking Sims 4 Custom Content. Mack knows all about that one, but she's the bully, right? You know what else is anxiety inducing? Having to to try and find the right words to say to talk someone down from harming themselves after they've been degraded over and over to the point they broke. Trying to fight back the words of vile individuals who insisted on jabbing deeper deeper, again, all because of bickering over CUSTOM CONTENT FOR SIMS 4. Something myself and Mack had attempted to do the best of our abilities to no fucking avail. And finally, you want another example of something really anxiety inducing? Getting harassed consistently by burner accounts seeking to get past anonymous asks, being misgendered and told you aren't a real person when you have a mental illness that makes you believe that you literally do not exist. Being called a scammer because you tried to save one of your dogs and pay for the other's euthanasia and cremation costs because it couldn't be saved all the while being told that your emotional support animals should be stripped away from you because of that unfortunate fact. Something Bucky experienced. Oh, but I'm sorry, you expect everyone else to give a shit about your mental health when you can't show some damn empathy and speak out against those blogs.
Honestly, yeah, I'm being a real bitch right now and I don't give a fuck, I'm fucking bitter and angry. I don't understand how someone can be so money hungry that they'll happily enable the harassment of a human being let alone the fact that said human being was somone who respected that individual. At this point, I don’t give a shit about the mental health of those who enable this disgusting behavior. I'm tired of the mental health excuse. Give me some reasons to truly give a fuck when yall mother fuckers don't give a damn who you hurt. That much is obvious. Either way. I just felt like I should point out how much of a two faced snake Anto is.
I don't imagine I need to say this, but I will because it's the DECENT EMPATHETIC THING TO DO. Don't attack or harass any of the troll accounts or any of the creators for that matter. If you want to criticize the creators, that's one thing, but do NOT harass them. And as for troll accounts. Just block them.
For now, here's a list of Troll accounts to go through and block. I will post new lists when I find more as to not give yall a list of accounts you may have already blocked. If you're a frequent detractor, I'd use this list. Don't let this people bully you off of tumblr. Defend yourselves.
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Sometimes we acknowledge words such as these without fully understanding their meaning.
Years ago, a bad relationship had taken a toll on my confidence - if I was prettier, smarter, funnier, better etc etc etc…. I’d rebuilt my confidence somewhat, not 100%, but returning to being fun and sassy.
A d type reached out… we became friends immediately and progressed into more. My self confidence had attracted him to me. He built on that, he built me up so high, so very high… I was now beautiful, fun, silly, caring, smart— I was so many good things in his eyes, and I lived up to all of them. I was a great catch again, and He was everything amazing with these fabulous rough edges that smoothed only with me.
We were blissfully happy, had amazing chemistry, found peace in each other, we potentiated each other, we were better individuals together- everything it’s supposed to be in this life. We became real world within a few months, we met for a public date, followed quickly by private ones. I was so dang confident - shocking and teasing him because i knew that I was beautiful to him.
We kept our relationship private. My page said “owned”, but not by whom cuz in the land of tumblr- I’d learned my lesson with some of these women only wanting men who were involved- but that’s a story for another time… he explained why he’d not changed his description, it was not a great reason in my mind, but ok. This added a tiny bit of insecurity- but maybe it was just me being crazy…
Just like so many others, I find new blogs to follow using the notes. I saw his reply on a friends post - naturally, I looked at other posts she’d made, and found more - nothing awful, just emojis. I brought it up, reminding him how we initially met and the look on his face was “holy crap, you’re right”… Add a whole scoop of insecurity here please, but he’s already become so much of my world, we have plans for a future… and maybe I’m overthinking this.
Later, a different mutual, his reply “beautiful”… a knife to my heart… two scoops of insecurity please and thank you — somehow, this is my fault, I’ve let him down, but I have the heart and soul he loves, that has to mean something— I will do better, be better for him.
*poof*ghost* But thank God, he’s safe— I see him in the likes and replies of others. Just be patient… oh, and another bowl of insecurity please and thank you…
He returns with continued likes and replies on the blogs of other women’s pics— Keep quiet, don’t rock the boat or he will leave again… just grab another bucket of insecurities please.
Inappropriate conversations with others, yeah that happened.. another couple buckets of insecurity should help.
*ghost*return*Continued likes and replies. Yes, he knows it all hurts me, I told him—but maybe if I can just be less needy, be more of the things he likes about me… mentioned I’m great at forgiving others and blaming myself?
Ok, so I don’t look like any of those girls, but the chemistry is still off the charts when we are together - and men call cars beautiful that they have no actual intent of buying or test driving, so ok- they are beautiful and I look like a wrecked Mazda compared to them, but they don’t have my heart… oh no, but what if they do? Let’s add a dump truck of insecurity .
Oh, and there’s that one muscle car. He never misses any of her selfies…never. He never misses her “good night” post… she’s gorgeous. Let’s get another dump truck of insecurity over here please.
How many pics of me has he liked? Three. In all our years together, only three. Once, I sent him a selfie, l had watermarked it with His blog name in hopes he would make it his pinned picture—he had said he was proud of me, but I guess just not quite that proud. Another dump truck over here please.
One of my selfies that he liked was just last week. I’d honestly posted it trying to get his attention. I asked if he would prefer I take it down. “I have no preference”… Immediate death for a submissive, his indifference. Just be quiet or you will annoy him, don’t say anything… just add more insecurities, that should help.
Did I also mention He was committing every single sin my D before Him had committed? That during our friendship I’d told Him everything - that I’d provided the roadmap to follow for my destruction?
Who am I now?
Sometimes, I can be silly and bold because I know it’s what he’s attracted to, and I want so badly for that to be enough. I know I’m not what he considers physically beautiful. I just look at him blankly now when he says that I am… that’s likely not the reaction he’d prefer.
Most often I’m the insecure, clingy, often crying myself to sleep submissive. I’m not very funny anymore, it’s hard to be fun, funny, or sassy when you’re terrified. It’s hard to be confident when you know you are not the girl he sees as beautiful. I behave, I do as I’m told, but I am always afraid.
Male, female, Dom, sub or vanilla… be mindful of your words and actions, assume your partner sees everything, consider how they will feel about those things - not only how they feel about you and the relationship, but how it makes them view themself, their value in your eyes, through their own… because we often see a lot more than you know…
When he was building me up, I reflected exactly who he told me I was… the thing is, now I also reflect exactly who he has told me that I am…
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fckwritersblock · 3 years
More Than Therapy
Bucky x black!reader
Warning: sooooo there is smut ahead. Okay like, not complete filth but it’s there! Who even knows what this is, but enjoy it!
Pic below from post by @afriendlyblackhottie
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“Look, I’m not saying that she’s not a great therapist, I’m just think that she’s not your style.”
Bucky didn’t hide his eye roll.
For the past 2 weeks, Sam had been trying to convince him he needed a second option. Ever since he had his own encounter with Bucky’s therapist, which consisted of being forcefully included in one of their sessions, he could see it wasn’t really helping Bucky at all. Not that Sam was an expert or anything, he just knew his.....friend.
“Alright Sam, fine.” Bucky sighed tossing the wrench to the side. “So what. I kick my therapist to curb, then what? You got some kind of recommendation or something?”
Sam just smirked before turning and making his way off the boat.
“Actually I do.”
Now here Bucky was, waiting on another person to come and try to break down all his walls and get in his head and help him with through his ‘issues’.
“Waste of time.” He mumbled to his self.
However, when she walked in the door, that thought quickly left.
“I’m Y/n.”
“It’s nice to meet you James.”
For the first time in a very long time Bucky felt comfortable almost immediately. The conversation didn’t feel forced, he didn’t feel pressured, it was just easy. Y/n didn’t push and pry. She simply let him answer the way he want and what he wanted. She let him sort of control the conversation. It was refreshing.
From then on, he saw her twice a week. Their first two weeks together was just them getting to know one another. Establishing trust on Buckys end. He appreciated that for once the woman so much pressure for him to be OK so soon. Finally, after about a month or so, they were doing a little exercises here and there to work through his trauma. The first assignment, it was actually pretty similar to the last psychiatrist he had seen. To get out and make at least one friend. Find an activity or something that he enjoys.
“So have you been getting out like we discussed?”
“Yeah I’ve gone out.” He nodded carelessly with a grin as he sat across the table from her.
Y/n raised an eyebrow. “To places besides the bar.”
“Liar.” She said and it was her turn to grin as she held her hand out.
He sighed and rolled his eyes, handing over his phone. Bucky watched her click a few buttons knowing she was checking his contacts. This was like Deja vu.
“You have the same amount of numbers in your phone as last week Barnes.”
“Not true Doc, I have you.” He smiled sheepishly.
“I hardly count Barnes.” A small smile graced her face nonetheless.
She was quiet for a moment and he took that opportunity to study her. In deep thought. Y/n had a tell. She’d bite the corner of her bottom lip on the right side every time she was trying to figure something out. Usually before she came up with his homework before the next session.
“I have a thought but you’re not gonna like it.” She began after while.
“Lay it on Doc.”
“I don’t feel like you are actively trying to be a part of society. What you’ve been doing, trying to right your wrongs of the other guy...” she drifted for a moment. “It’s futile. You don’t need to do that. That-“
Y/n paused taking a deep breath.
“That’s not you.” She spoke softly.
“But that is me! I am winter soldier!” He yelled on his feet quickly.
Anger. He was familiar with the feeling. Angry was something he just couldn’t seem to stop feeling. Even if he didn’t show it, it was like he was angry all the time. However feeling it with her was unfamiliar. And he could feel the inner turmoil of him taking his frustrations out on her as he tried to push that anger back down.
“Were.” Y/n stated with finality, voice strong. “You were the winter Solider. And that wasn’t you. That’s just a couple of dark chapters in the book of your life. That’s it.
“You don’t know m-“
“But that is not you.” She repeated a little louder commanding forcing him to look her dead in the eyes. “That’s not who you are, James. And while I may not have known you pre-hydra, or during, but I’m knowing you now. And that’s just not you.”
Y/n leaned back in her chair.
“I know that here, Bucky.” She grinned a little placing her hand over her heart and tapped twice. “And deep down, so do you.”
“. You, James Buchanan Barnes, you are not the bad guy.
The anger he had been feeling had subsided and I was replaced with something that was completely unfamiliar to him. Something he longed for couldn’t quite the grass. Something that he didn’t even realize was in within his reach until noon.. The feeling, regardless of how unfamiliar it was with something Bucky didn’t think he wanted to go away.
The silence between them was comfortable. Y/n could tell that he was processing her words. It was a good thing, she could because he was no longer good tense and his stance was relaxed instead of defensive.
“You know what? We’re finished for today. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She declared.
“What?” Bucky snapped out of his tranced and frowned. “Doc, come on. I shouldn’t be seeing you til Thursday.”
“Yeah tomorrow,” she nodded with a smile. “I want to try something different.”
The next day but he showed up at their usual time, 11 AM. When he stopped at a reception to ask for Dr. Y/n they informed him she was out for the day. He frowned and turned to leave only to find her approaching him from the elevator.
“Hey! You ready to go?” Y/n offered a gentle smile.
“I thought we were-“ he asked went fo point back toward her office but she stopped him.
“We are. We’re just doing things differently today.” She informed him, before nodding her head toward the elevator. “Let’s go.”
Their day together was eventful to say the least. Their first stop was her favorite coffee spot. It was actually a little hole in the wall called Hippies Brew in the downtown area. A cool modern place full of friendly and eccentric individuals. It was comfortable. Homey. It wasnt one she’d typically recommend clients, but she would recommend it to friends. After that they were too the aquarium followed by the park where they sat on a park bench for lunch. Lunch being tacos from the El Gordo’s taco truck parked near by. Well a lot of the time at the park or spit in silence, it was still comfortable as a people watched together. While Bucky hated to admit it, this is the first time he really just felt at peace. There was no one looking over him with some unrealistic expectation of him to be Steve, and become so hero he wasn’t. There was no pressure to get his shit together right then and there. He was just simply allowed to be Bucky. Unapologetically.
“Walk with me?” He asked.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, surprised he initiated doing something together, but agreed with a smile.
Soon enough they easily fell into conversation of as they began to walk the lake.
Before they knew it, the sun was beginning to set. Their time together lasted longer than Y/n planned but either was it was nice. She enjoyed today, as did he. Bucky’s offered to walk her back to her car, savoring their last few moments together.
“Are you sure I can’t give you a ride home?” Y/n asked as they got closer to her car in the now empty lot.
“Yeah, Doc, lm sure.” He smiled back at her, her smile and laugh being infectious. “I like walking. It gives me time to think. it’s peaceful. Kind of like today.”
Y/n’s smile widened at his confession. So her idea did work. He was making progress.
“ That’s what you deserve James peace. I can’t promise every day is gonna be like this.” She turned away approaching the driver side door. “I mean, it is life there are going to be some bad days. But you do deserve some peace. Some happiness.
She turned to see that he was a lot closer than she thought saying that he was preparing to open the door for her. She swallowed, suddenly feel in the air around them shift. As she ran her tongue over her lips, Bucky’s eyes zeroed in on the action.
“You just have to let yourself have it.” She said softly.
It was in that exact moment where James decided he was going to do just that; let himself have happiness. And without thinking, he leaned forward and connected his lips with her.
He pulled away almost as soon as it happened eyes wide.
“James…” y/n finger tips traced her lips as she stared at him.
“I am, i, I don’t know-“ Bucky stuttered.
He went to take a step back but was stopped. This time it was her who initiated the kiss.
What started off as gentle, turned into her fisting a handful of his shirt put him closer with his hands wrapped around her waist. The heat that washed over them both, was like a moth to a flame. The passion poured into the kiss from both ends quickly consuming them both. The two fighting for a dominance, it wasn’t until they both harshly pushed against her car setting the alarm off that they snapped out of it.
“Oh my God. I’m so sorry wh-“ Y/n’s eyes were wide as she looked around anxiously.
Bucky could sense her panicking.
“ I am so sorry. That was highly inappropriate of me-“
“Breathe for me doll-“ he reached for her but she pulled her hand away shaking her head vigorously.
“I can’t, we can’t, I have never.” She took a deep breath, her next words still coming out shaky. “I’m so sorry. To take a vantage of you like that-“
“I was the one who-“ he attempted once more to no avail.
“I have to go. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” She rushed out, flinging her door open and getting in the car.
All Bucky could do was watch as she wasted no time peeling out of the parking lot.
That was the last he had seen or heard of her. It had been almost two weeks and she had canceled both his weekly sessions and hadn’t answered any of his calls or returned any of the messages he left both at the office and on her cell phone.
And boy, was he stressed about it.
He had never felt that kind of passion before. To be honest it was something he didn’t think he was capable of feeling. He had been consumed by anger for so long, he wanted to cling onto whatever else, anything else. Bucky would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t feel the chemistry between them. He came to the conclusion he’d been falling for her for a while, and was clearly in denial until that day they spent the day together. It’s not like he was trying to fall for his therapist. But now that he had...Ge had to at least try. Make sure what he was feeling wasn’t one sided.That spark. It was a feeling, a high he had never felt. One he knew he’d forever be chasing and he wanted it again and again and again. So when the third week approached he decided to take matters into his own hands.
A knock her door tore her away from Grey’s Anatomy.
Pulling her dress down, she went and answered the door.
“Bucky.” She said his name breathlessly.
“Y/n.” He breathed out, happy to be in her presence even though it hurt slightly to hear her suddenly calling him Bucky.
He quite liked when she called him James. He liked the way she said his name.
“What are you-, how.” She tried to control her breathing. “You can’t be here.”
“I need you,” he signed. “To hear me out.”
“James.” He corrected her. “Look, I know this totally inappropriate but I-“
James paused taking in her appearance, noticing the purple bruising around her lower right eye above her cheekbone.
“Who?” He questioned through gritted teeth.
He huffed pushing past her and moving in and around the apartment as if someone would come out and confess. He turned toward her a wild look in his eye.
“Give me. A name, Y/n.”
“James....” she signed.
While he knew she was talking seeing as her lips were moving, It was like he could hear her but he wasn’t hearing her. Bucky couldn’t focus on anything other than a bruise on the side of Y/n’s beautiful face. It had been along time since Bucky had thought of actually hurting somebody, save for John Walker last week which was another story entirely, whoever did this to her face though, he wanted to hurt them bad and he was going to enjoy it. His eyes traveled down toward her lips and he still couldn’t hear her. All he could hear was his fist repeated smashing into said individuals face. Over, and over, over-
The sound of her voice finally resonated and he finally focused on her words.
“Come back to me James.” Her voice was gently. Inviting.
Everything he noticed both her hands on the side of his face, her thumb rubbing soothingly.
“It’s fine.” She said slowly removing her hands away as she explained. “There’s no need to hunt anyone down. Just a regular 50150 patient and things got out of hand. It happens.”
“No one should touch you.” He stated with seriousness.
Y/n stared at him for a moment, the right side of her lip pulled between her teeth, eyes pooling with something he hadn’t seen in her before. She shrugged nonchalantly.
“I kind of like it when you touch me.”
Her voice was barely above a whisper but he heard her loud and clear.
Just like before, it started off with light kisses, which soon turned into a bit of teasing, a little lip nipping, before things got extremely heated. Both his shirt had been discarded while the straps of her dress were pulled down revealing her black Savage Fenty bra. They had somehow moved from the living room to the kitchen island. Bucky stood between her legs one hand tangled in her braids while her hands held the sides of her face, gently caressing the stubble. Her legs were wrapped around his middles as she began grinding her hips into him. He pulled her closer, the both of them on a high from the friction. Bucky’s metal hand traveled up her bare back giving her goosebumps. They broke apart for air and as soon as Y/n had enough oxygen in her lungs, she went back to licking, kissing and sucking on his neck.
"Shit, Y/n.” Bucky unconsciously tilted his head back giving her better access, his hands palming her ass as his hips bucked into her.
"James." Y/n pulled back panting, lips swollen. " I want you. Now."
Bucky made quick work of removing her panties that coated in her juices , and in return y/n quickly unbuckled his pants using her feet to aid her in pushing them down.
“Shit.” He groaned immediately as she whimpered slightly at the feel of him sliding into her.
Her arms were wound around his neck while his hand gripped the top of her ass to keep her in place as he begin to slowly thrust in and out of her.
Bucky was on a high. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this level of intimacy. Euphoria. He was sure this feeling should be illegal.
The way she were wrapped around him, he knew if he didn’t take it semi slow he wasn’t going to last.
“James,” she moaned, clawing at his back, walls clenching.
He wasn’t sure what sounded sweeter; her moaning or his name leaving her lips.
“Doll?” He responded, kissing the at the base of her neck.
I’m clos-“ Y/n sucked in a breath of air. “Right there.”
“There?” He asked spreading her ass cheeks apart so he could go deeper.
“Yes! Right there!”
It was a bit sloppy from there as Bucky shifted for a better angle. Her ass halfway off the table as he picked up the pace bit her her closer to the edge. He was bouncing her up and down on his shaft effortlessly. Her arms wrapped right around his neck, kiss sloppy as she bit her lip to keep her moans at bay.
“No,” he breathed out, reaching up with one hand forcing her to kissing him, her moans filling his mouth instead. “I want to hear you.”
“James, I’m-“
“I know.”
The sight of Y/n coming undone before him was a glorious one . He couldn’t wait to make her cum again.
Once she came down from her orgasm, she placed her lips back on his, tightening her legs around him once more. He shifted their position a bit and begin again when suddenly the front door opened and in walked Sam.
“Oh shit!” Bucky pulled out of her and struggled to pull up his pants and turned to shield her half naked frame.
“Sam!” Y/n squealed pulling her dress up to her chest as best she could.
“What in the entire fuck!” Sam screamed while covering his eyes.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” Y/n yelled.
“You told me toy were off!”
“I’m am off!”
“Well I thought I’d bring you dinner! I didn’t know id find this!” Sam said exasperatedly.
Y/n and Bucky were decent informing Sam he no longer had to cover his eyes. Immediately he pointed an accusatory finger at Bucky.
“You! What the fuck did I tell you about my sister?”
Bucky stared at him confused.
“You said not to flirt with your sister.” He repeated Sam’s words. “Sarah’s not..”
He then turned toward Y/n, things finally clicking.
“You’re Sam’s sister.” Bucky concluded.
“Baby sister.” Sam. added.
“I’m grown as hell Samuel!” Y/n fussed.
“Really bruh, my baby sister?!”
“Well how i suppose to know you only refer to her as baby!”
“Once again! I’m grown as fuck-“ she stopped hearing the front door creek open again.
“Who’s that?!” The woman’s eyes were wide with horror as she whispered.
“The boys!” Sam exclaimed in a whisper.
“Why didn’t you say they were here-“ she began frantically washing her hands.
“I’m sorry I was a little fuckin preoccupied with the fact my sister is fucking an assassin-
“Former assassin!” Bucky corrected.
“Hey TT!” Sarah’s boys greeted simultaneously with smiles as they bent the corner.
“Hey my babies!” Y/n instantly put a smile on her face pulling them each into her arms.
“Hey Bucky!” Cass waved
“Hey Bucky!” AJ addressed the solider as well before turning back toward his brother, “Cass , come on.”
“Wait let me put the pizza on the counter-“
“No!” The three adults exclaimed together.
“No boo, I’ll take it.” Y/n smiled again at her nephew taking the pizza.
“why don’t yall go in the living room and get the game set up?” Sam suggested.
“Yes! Let’s take the pizza in there while they bleach the kitchen?” Y/n hinted at the men while telling the kids to follow her.
“Oh yeah! TT, Uncle Sam got us two new video games!”,AJ informed her. “He also said we can watch a scary movie tonight since moms not here.
“Yeah! Andddd, he said we can door dash ice cream!” Cass added as the two kids followed their aunt into the living room.
Though he was silent, throughout the entire interaction but he couldn’t help but want you living room interact with the two kids. Back in the day, if you would’ve asked him if he believed in love at first site he would’ve said no. But he was pretty sure he was in love with Y/n already.
Once out of sight, Bucky took that opportunity to speak after a beat.
“Have I ever told you I’m glad you treat your nephew’s so well, Sam?” He asked after clearing his throat.
Sam sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Yeah? Why’s that?” Bucky turned to him with a huge grin on his face.
“Cuz I’m gonna give you another one.”
Slowly Sam began to laugh, albeit one full of sarcasm, Bucky joined in sincerely. They laughed together for a moment before Sam ceased, his face expressionless.
“Yeah Sam?”
“I’m going to kill you.”
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Sorry but what exactly is up with the bad batch arc? I've heard people talk about the issues with echo's white skin but I haven't heard that many bad things about the arc itself? (ik you said you don't want to be negative on your blog so I would absolutely understand if you didn't answer this ask)
Oooooooooooh boy. Well I just had a long, long, LONG rant about it with someone, but I guess I’ve got an excuse to put all of my points onto a post and talk about it publicly now that I got an ask x) I’ll keep it under the cut so I don’t throw my salt in people’s face. I really don’t want to upset people who love that arc - it has redeeming qualities, but overall it pisses me off so much for so many reasons. So here:
The first issue is obviously two members of the Bad Batch (minus Echo) being being just about the furthest thing from maori no matter how much you're willing to stretch it. 
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Like... yeah, nah. I wouldn’t even accept Crosshair and Tech (grey haired guy and goggles guy) as Jango’s natural biological sons, nevermind as his clones. 
The problem is that their different appearances are justified by them being described simply as clones with desirable mutations (i.e superpowers). But why the hell did the creators have to change their appearances for that to be a thing? How does that correlate? Sure, the concept of clones with different faces is interesting, except... no, no it’s not, and I’m gonna rant about it in a few secs. But basically it's like they thought giving them different faces would be a good substitute for having different personalities (another thing I’ll come back to). If they really wanted to have buff clones with super eyesight or whatnot they could have just done that, without making them lose what little melanin the lighting of the show had allowed the other Clones to keep. 
But the gigantic problem is... showing that the "regular" clones have VERY distinct identities despite their identical faces has been one of the themes of the show from episode 1. Literally, the first episode of TCW has Yoda taking time out of a mission with galactic stakes to tell the three clones he’s with (who tell him they’re all the same because they have the same faces) that they’re wrong, and that they’re very different in the Force, that their appearance doesn’t matter, that they’re all equally unique and important, and he lists all of their individual skills, strengths and weaknesses. 
And it’s not just me being bothered by that, here’s a post by @cacodaemonia​ saying the same thing. 
Introducing the Bad Batch as "unique" clones who are "different" and "not like their brothers" because they have different faces and skills completely breaks that theme of the show!! Because the entire point of the Clones in TCW is that their faces don't matter, they ARE unique! 
(Plus the Bad Batch’s character designs are so cliche and uninspired it’s just laughable to try and justify bleaching their freaking skin for the sake of visual diversity. 
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This took like 10 seconds. I found the first guy by literally googling “soldier movies,” and the other two are Team Fortress characters that look a LOT like Wrecker and Crosshair. One is “Heavy” and one is “Sniper” lmao.
And behold:
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The above picture is a Team Fortress reference that I found just by looking up “bad batch clone wars,” so I’m not the only person who sees it.) 
And the batchers don't even have personalities to justify calling them unique! They have no character traits beyond the most cliché american soldier tropes ever. We have a token loner sniper, a token "smart tech guy" who knows everything from xenoanthropology to biology to Separatist computers to sound waves to encryption, a token Badass Brooding Leader and a token “dumb muscle guy.”
I dare anyone to find more about their personalities than this: - Crosshair is the perpetually grumpy sniper who looks down on "regs,” - Wrecker likes to blow up stuff and doesn't like heights, - Hunter is the leader and is friends with Cody, - Tech is smart doesn't trust Echo. 
That’s it, that’s literally it. Four episodes about them and that's all we get. These character tropes are literally the least inventive ever. FFS, Hunter even has a freaking KNIFE! Not a vibroblade, mind you, like in kriffing Star Wars. A knife. Against metal droids. Why. They couldn’t make this more of an american-war-movies cliché fest if they tried. (And sure, he can feel electromagnetic waves so maybe it does make sense for him not to carry a vibroblade and maybe this is nitpicking, but he looks like a ripoff of a Predator character and it pisses me off).
Another thing is that when you introduce characters you have to make them likable - and them despising the normal Clones is a terrible way to do that! And they don't even grow from that because at the end of the 4 episodes arc they just see Rex as not bad "for a reg" and they see Echo as no longer a reg, and both of these things are infuriating! 
The worst thing imo is that Echo then becomes part of them (and irreparably loses his melanin in the process, uuuuuuuuugh) when there is nothing to justify this. 
The dialogue goes like this: 
ECHO: You coming? TECH: Not really our thing. CROSSHAIR: Accolades. WRECKER: Yeah, we're just in it for the thrill. Yo! HUNTER: You sure it's your thing? ECHO: What do you mean? HUNTER: Your path is different. Like ours. If you ever feel like you don't fit in with them, well, find us. (they leave) REX: Those are some of the finest troopers I've ever fought alongside. Echo. You and I go way back. If that's where you feel your place is, then that's where you belong.
Echo doesn't feel like he belongs anymore, okay, but why would he feel like he belongs with the assholes who up to the last five minutes of the mission thought he was probably a traitor, and also verbally expressed that he was not worth saving?? In all of the arc, Echo himself never voices that he feels he’s not ‘like the other Clones’ anymore and that he feels it’s a problem. His relationship with Rex immediately picks up where they left things off - the first thing he does upon being lucid again for the first in over a year is cracking a joke for Rex’s benefit. 
Why would Echo feel like he doesn’t belong in the 501st anymore, when we don't even see him interacting with anyone from his past life except for Rex and Anakin (who are both extremely very supportive of him)?? If there had been one scene of a “regular” Clone (ugh) looking at him with horror and disgust or something, or just Kix and Jesse cracking jokes with Echo awkwardly standing by the side not getting it, I could forgive the show trying to make it feel like he has an identity crisis, but this was so shallow!
The only thing that makes Echo and the Bad Batch’s experiences similar is that they *look* different. It’s so against the themes of the Clones I’m seething just from thinking about it. And what the hell? Echo ALREADY didn’t fit in. That was the WHOLE POINT of Domino Squad. They didn’t fit in because they thought they were better than anyone else because they had trouble getting along with their brothers, so obviously it had to be their brothers’ fault (ahem, Bad Batch?). And you know what happened? Domino Squad OVERCAME that. And Echo and Fives still didn’t “fit in” because their personalities were unique and creative, and they became ARC Troopers because Cody, Rex and the Jedi VALUED THEM FOR PRECISELY THAT. Echo having new and unique skills and a modified appearance is the most bs justification for him feeling like he doesn’t belong!! 
And that brings me to my biggest issue: Rex telling Echo the bad batch are some of the best troopers he's ever met. I'm sorry, based on WHAT? What Rex values above everything is loyalty and brotherhood, and the Bad Batch DOESN'T DISPLAY ANY OF THAT. We never see them even expressing concern for each other! Wrecker treats saving Cody’s life like a trivial issue, because it’s just ‘sO eAsY’ for him, and beyond that we never see them supporting each other or genuinely expressing affection for each other beyond boasting about each other’s skills... 
Sure they can destroy a lot of droids, but they're dismissive of Rex's brothers, and the entire Umbara arc and this arc showed what he thought of that. They keep saying things like "not bad for a reg,” don't show any trust in Rex's skills or experience (even though they can't have been fighting in the war for more than a year and a half when he’s been there from the beginning, and he outranks all of them), they are essentially guerilla fighters which has only minimal value in a galactic war, and they never grow beyond their views of what regs are, and can and can’t do. 
None of that should make them good troopers in Rex's book. Going back to Echo not fitting in, remember who taught the Domino Squad the importance of seeing all of your brothers as important and equally valuable? Shaak Ti, true, but more importantly? 99! The guy the Bad Batch are named after. He did have value and was important and was no less of a trooper than his brothers, even though his mutations made him LESS powerful, not more. (And btw, just from a writing standpoint, the batchers don’t have any weaknesses, which is shit.) Cody and Rex mourned 99 as a true soldier even though it wasn’t his sacrifice that brought them victory (which would have implied that he had value as a soldier and a brother because he saved them, as opposed to him having that value intrinsically), because that’s what a fine trooper is to them. A BROTHER first a foremost, someone altruistic, brave and loyal. The Bad Batch distort the meaning of 99's character with their behavior. They’re not altruistic, their bravery is mitigated by the fact that they’re freaking invincible, so of course they take risks (again, see Wrecker saving Cody without a care because it’s easy to him, as opposed to Rex being ready to run into a burning ship about to explode because his brother is in there, and having to be physically dragged away). The Bad Batch denigrate their brothers for being less skilled, thinking their own abilities make them unique somehow, when 99 could barely fight and was still the one who taught Hevy about being a good soldier. 
And again the batchers don't grow from that. Which is all the more frustrating because the original ending didn’t have Echo joining them, from what I remember of the unfinished episodes, and the arc actually ended with them receiving their medals in front of regular troopers who cheer for them, as opposed to them smugly ostracizing themselves and dismissing the ceremony as trivial and meaningless. (original ending vs s7 ending: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ab1eCfzKamw) 
It’s so annoying. Do you know what characters never had an entire arc dedicated to them and still have far more personality and more interesting designs and more symbolic weight?? 
Jesse, for starters. Kix. Dogma. Cut. Slick. Keeli. Ponds. Rys, Jek and Thire. Commander Doom. Commander Fox. Wolffe. Hevy. Hardcase. 
Cody was a more interesting character just in his RotS appearances. 
Waxer and Boil had one episode about them and then only two cameos plus Waxer’s death, and they’re still some of the most memorable, beloved Clones of the whole show. And Boil was grouchy and prejudiced like Crosshair, but he has so much growth that we could make a whole thread about it. 
I'd say the last problem with the Bad Batch is that it has cash grabbing money hungry vibes. Different faces are more marketable, cliché personalities are more toy-friendly, and it's basically a big ad for the Bad Batch series. And they throw Echo in the Batch at the end for bs reasons (again, it wasn’t in the original ep from what I remember) and they tease Cody in the show to make sure fans will still watch even if they notice the lack of soul. And less melanin sells more at Disney apparently. 
So that’s my whole pissed rant. 
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
I’m a fan of your stories, but I do think that last “gotcha” post was a bit much.
“What you do need to stop doing is attacking people who have said they are hurt by this.”
Answering an ask is attacking people now? Have you looked “attack” up in the dictionary lately? Maybe read any news about ongoing wars to get some perspective?
I’m just genuinely baffled by your post and I think it’s just another example of how much this conversation has devolved.
It’s an app. Close it if you don’t like what you see! (Including this ask! Don’t like it? You don’t have to respond! Delete away! No bad feelings here!) ✌🏾
Hi Anon,
You’re right. That gotcha post was a bit much, but it felt warranted, imo. You can feel free to disagree. However, I am curious. Were you equally concerned about the "gotcha" post that Tiffany made, or was that just reserved for people who oppose her. Did you send a similar ask to Tiffany?
Is answering an ask attacking people? You raise an interesting question, so let’s look into it. Shall we look up attack in the dictionary? I love a good semantics debate.
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You'll have to forgive me for not post the whole definition. Merriam-Webster has, no kidding, 21 definitions for attack. If you want to come back and debate how this applies to chess moves or attacking a plate of food, then, well, we've got a different issue brewing.
1. To assail with unfriendly or bitter words.
2. A belligerent or antagonistic action.
So we have our definition. Should we see how it applies? How about we review the ask in question, eh?
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Well, on the surface it does appear to just be a friendly discussion of EW, doesn’t it? Out of context, perhaps you’re right. Except, we can’t really take this out of context, can we?
You see, that account who sent this ask? That’s Ange. Ange is Jewish and has openly spoken out about this issue. In fact, you can see right here where she addresses her previous support of EW, despite the fact that she doesn’t owe anyone an explanation. In fact, that post she made was done well before Tiffany chose to respond to this ask.
I can hear you now, typing away about how Tiffany had the right to respond to this ask that was sent from her. In fact, as I’m typing a response to this, Tiffany has actually commented on my, as you call it, “gotcha” post about how she wasn’t attacking anyone, so I’ll go ahead and tag her here so she can see this response. @tiffanytoms
You see, the thing is, the response to this ask is an attack. It was a “belligerent or antagonistic action.” She did it specifically to call Ange out about her prior support of EW and to, presumably, highlight what she must see as hypocrisy now. (Again, please read Ange’s response to this.) There is nothing about this response that is anything short of an attack: the timing, the manner, the fucking passive aggressive emoji. So yes. I call this what it is. It’s an attack.
If you scroll through Tiffany’s responses to this issue, you’ll see repeated attacks (verb: to assail with unfriendly or bitter words) that are poorly disguised as something else. Calling out the marginalized individuals who have spoken up. Belittling them and their opinions. Distracting from the real issue. Multiple attacks, by definition. Context matters. Words matter. Responses matter.
Finally, I appreciate that you enjoyed my works. Please feel free to not read them any further.
P.S., one last note. I find it curious that you did not just close your app when you found you didn’t like my post, but came here on anon. Perhaps you should take your own advice next time. Or better yet, do what I did and come off anon so we all know who we are dealing with.
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After reading your opinion on Molly Weasley, i want to know: What are you're opinions on the Weasley family? Besides Ron & Molly that is.
Five characters? In one post? Well, alright, here we go.
The Weasleys as a Whole
I’ve mentioned this before but JKR writes the Weasleys to clearly be a believable but ideal family. They’re all fiercely loyal, progressive per wizarding world standards, love each other and Harry deeply, and have this wonderful off-kilter joyous house where there’s always some rambunctious thing going on. 
Harry comes to associate the Weasleys with family and, personally, I believe a large part of him marrying Ginny boils down to it will make him a Weasley for real. 
That said, they’ve got some major issues. They’re very righteous people who, as a whole, will ice you out the moment they even suspect you do something that disagrees with them. You don’t even have to do it, what you did or didn’t do doesn’t even have to be something terrible or something bad, but god help you if the family decides they’re done with you. 
They’re very resentful of people like the Malfoys. This isn’t just because Lucius is a smarmy, pompous, ass (he is) or that he indirectly almost murdered Ginny but seems to mostly be because Lucius has so much money. All of their interactions seem to boil down to the money. More than this though, the Weasleys seem fully supportive of laws that... well, used against themselves would be a travesty but used against the likes of the Malfoys it’s about damn time.
They’re unquestioningly loyal to Dumbledore. Granted, most people we see in canon are, Dumbledore’s very very very good at convincing people he’s a saint. However, these guys are practically his cult member to the point where they do things like refuse to have Harry over the summer, even before Voldemort returned, because Dumbledore told them not to. 
They also never really adopt Harry into the family. Oh they give him a nice sweater, he comes over every once in a while to the house, he’s very good friends with Ron but he’s mostly treated just like that, a good friend. Now, there’s nothing wrong with this, except the way JKR sets it up we’re supposed to believe this is the family Harry found. It’s just that the family Harry’s found let’s him stay in a house with bars on his window where twelve-year-old Ron tells them, “Harry’s muggle family is really really awful” in a way that should have been raising red flags. Hermione practically lives at the Weasleys, Harry never does.
Now, are the Weasleys evil? No, far from it, they’re ordinary people who act in ways I’d expect ordinary people too. Technically they didn’t have to do anything more for Harry than they did, they didn’t have to hate Lucius Malfoy for better reasons, and they don’t have to be even slightly less worshipful of Dumbledore. They’re people, and they’re fine characters, but the overwhelming worship and love of the Weasleys we see across fandom does get on my nerves.
But you asked for individuals, so here we go.
 Arthur Weasley
Arthur is the epitome of “Pretty Fly for a White Guy” in the worst of ways and is, frankly, a giant awful joke to me. He’s the white kid you see going around with dread locks, a beanie the color of the Jamaican flag, smoking weed, and attempting to speak like Bob Marley 
Only, because he does it with muggle things, we’re supposed to find him funny and progressive.
Arthur is absolutely, albeit unwittingly, condescending in his love of muggle knickknacks. He has no idea how any of it actually works, not limited to how muggles could possible survive without the gold standard, but ardently believes he does because he can enchant the car to fly. Seriously, that he believes he’s an expert on muggle culture, as a pureblood wizard who heads an office in the ministry on it, is the worst part. His love of toasters comes across as, “Wow, look how cool it is that these poor little muggles made all this neat stuff. We should absolutely love the muggles because of it!” And that he heads an office in the ministry called “The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts” which is all about catching down Jackass style pranksters who think it would be hilarious of they enchanted toasters to bludgeon muggles to death...
Goddammit Arthur, why do you exist?
Right, otherwise, he’s got some pride issues going on. Part of the reason Percy is excommunicated is not so much that Percy doesn’t believe Harry, but because Percy dared to do better than Arthur in his own career. Arthur is stuck in his position as head of a joke of a department, he is an underling at its finest, and frankly likely only has that position because he’s a pureblood and the idea of putting a halfblood or even muggleborn at the head of a department dealing with muggles just made the higher ups shudder. (Don’t tell Arthur that though, he likes to think he’s not benefitting from nepotism). 
Arthur goes so far to accuse Percy as Fudge’s secretary as spying on him. Arthur, the guy who heads “Misuse of Muggle Artifacts”. Yeah, Arthur, I’m sure Fudge is really wasting his time using his straight laced secretary to find out all your dirty secrets. 
He also tends to see the world as very black and white. When Skeeter in book 4 writes an article after the Quidditch World Cup disaster complaining about the ministry’s lax security in enabling domestic terrorists to enter (something completely valid and true by the way) Arthur is so personally offended that both he and Percy go straight to the ministry to complain about Rita Skeeter and her daring to assume freedom of speech! HOW DARE SHE CALL THE MINISTRY’S NON-EXISTENT SECURITY AT THE WORLD CUP LAX! (To be fair, she also cited Arthur as having been in attendance at the event, a ministry employee, and having done nothing but, well, this is also true Arthur. You’re in a guerilla, underground, resistance movement. If I didn’t already think the Order was a joke this would kind of highlight it for me).
He’s also very resentful of Lucius Malfoy, and it seems to mostly be about the money. Arthur and Molly have a severe spending problem and actively resent that Lucius is swimming in money. That Arthur is ardently pleased about a law being passed in which the ministry without warrant can ransack Lucius Malfoy’s home... 
Well, Arthur, imagine the slippery slope if the government decides that it would like to search the Weasley home without warrant? In fact, he doesn’t even have to imagine it, as the beloved government in a few short years turns against him and then it’s all about how corrupt the ministry is. 
Arthur’s delightfully narrowminded, basically, and reminds us at nearly every opportunity.
Percy Weasley
Mostly, I just feel bad for Percy. Percy’s the son/brother that nobody likes and he’s painfully aware of that fact. He doesn’t fit in with the others, he has far too much ambition for the Gryffindor family and they resent him for it, and then he dares to say things like “I don’t know guys, Voldemort resurrecting from the dead after decades doesn’t sound plausible, we know Harry’s a little off kilter, and Dumbledore’s one shady dude”. Percy happens to be wrong about Voldemort resurrecting (and admits as much when the evidence is plainly visible), but he’s pretty on the money with the rest of it.
Regardless, growing up we see Ron constantly hating on Percy along with the rest of the siblings. I’m sure Percy is obnoxious, and certainly full of himself after making prefect and head boy, but he’s very clearly even before Order of the Phoenix the Least Favorite Brother (TM).
Then the Weasley family completely ices him out for a) getting a very high ranking position very quickly as Fudge’s secretary and b) not being gung ho about Dumbledore saying crazy things in the paper. Remember that to Percy Harry is Ron’s weird friend who seems to get into highly illegal activities every other week. From Percy’s point of view, it’s probably a matter of time before Harry becomes a crack head in Knockturn Alley (or given how behind the times wizards tend to be, an opium den). 
He’s constantly getting Ron into not only trouble but life threatening situations, is erratic and apparently a parseltongue of all things, and now Harry’s flipped his lid and saying that Voldemort has been resurrected after having gone through a very traumatic experience of watching a classmate somehow die. 
While we see Percy kind of (sort of)  make up with the family it’s clear that for Percy to have any relation with these people he’s the one who will always, ALWAYS, have to come crawling back on his knees and begging for forgiveness. It’s the Weasley way or the highway and I imagine, at some point probably a little after/during that epilogue, Percy will just slowly drift away because it’s just not worth it anymore.
Percy’s very much the black sheep of the family.
Fred and George Weasley
You all are going to kill me, but I actually don’t care in the slightest about Fred and George Weasley. This is because they basically have no personality aside from “funny”. 
They just have their weird, tandem, twin act and are either playing jokes on the school or else serving as Deus ex Machina in giving Harry magical items such as the Marauder’s Map for no apparent reason. The plot told them it was time, I guess. 
Their jokes, while not as bad as Sirius and James’ “Let’s sexually harrass Severus Snape by pantsing and beating him at the edge of Hogwarts lake” or Sirius’ “Let’s get Snape eaten by a werewolf!” are still often needlessly cruel and... kind of pointless. They harass Slytherin house constantly just because they happen to be Slytherins, they’re acceptable victims (which of course makes house tension that much worse). Harry gets sent a toilet seat in the hospital because... that’s funny? Har de har? 
They’re so indistinguishable from one another I routinely see people mistake which one got his ear chopped off and which one died. Because the point is, that we can’t tell the difference! It doesn’t matter who lived and who died because all we know is that Freorge is dead! 
Similarly, you see tons of fics around where character of the day ends up in this weird twincestuous relationship with Fred and George and it’s not only for a) that delightful twincest but b) because they’re such a singular unit that any attempt to pair one with somebody else feels weird. So you just get these porn fics about Fred and George being weird rapey teenagers who seem like they’d be more interested dating each other. 
Charlie Weasley
I really have no thoughts on Charlie. He raises dragons in Romania, the family loves him. Now, dragon raising feels like one of the most dangerous jobs in the Harry Potter universe, like Charlie had just gone and signed up to be a lumberjack but he seems to like it?
We really don’t see much of Charlie, he’s just the obligatory older Weasley son so that the Weasleys can be this ridiculously large family.
Bill Weasley
We see slightly more of Bill, but again, not enough to really leave an impression. We know that his marrying Fleur sent Molly into a complete state, and that they’re going to have awkward Christmas dinners forever because of it where Fleur just sits there and pretends not to loathe every second of Molly’s presence while Molly notes how bad it is that Victoire got stuck with that ugly pink hair instead of the Weasley red. 
Bill doesn’t seem to really do anything about this. He still marries Fleur, but we don’t really see a major confrontation where he tells the family “Look, I’m marrying her, so grow up.” So, I imagine he just tries to smile pleasantly and tells Fleur to just endure it for another few hours. He loves his family, his family’s great, but they only have to see Fleur once a year at Christmas.
Ginny Weasley
Ginny is weird. She’s this weird, frankly, almost personality-less void whose sole obsession in life seems to be marrying Harry. She and Harry end up in the world’s weirdest relationship and I honestly have no idea how people ship it other than canon told them to.
Ginny’s... well, first off, she’s very much in love with an idea. She had always worshipped Harry Potter but then he personally saves her life in what was a horrifically traumatic year and so that feeling just grows even more. Despite being Ron’s sister, she barely seems to know Harry, and everything she seems to like about it are just things she made up.
I imagine her and Harry’s marriage will be littered with affairs on her end. Not divorce though, because Harry would never admit his wife is having affairs on him all the time even if someone directly confronted him. Harry also won’t admit he’s gay. 
More than though we get hints of a personality. Ginny’s a fiery red-head tomboy with a temper. But... Well, it’s only ever hints. She never felt like a real person to me. She has I think one throwaway line about the Chamber of Secrets incident and how it personally affected her. We’re told she’s great at the bat boogey hex so we know she’s a fiery independent woman.
She feels more like a character sheet than an actual person. 
Whenever she’s around I always had this nagging question in my head where I ask why Ginny’s here. She has a lot of potential but nothing’s ever done with her. And when something is, it’s to get her into this bizarre relationship with Harry where he imagines there’s a green rage monster in his chest that loves her skin.
Okay Harry, if you say so. 
TL;DR: The Weasleys aren’t evil or anything, I’m not on Team Bash Them All, but they are shortsighted, ordinary, people who don’t deserve to be worshipped as all that is good in this world.
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Hey Em, it’s IxTx anon. I’ve read your response and funnily enough, INFP was one of my mistypes in the past, haha. Forgive me for my disorganization in the last post, I suppose I was a bit too eager to solve the “typing self” confusion. This time, I’ll do it the way you’ve instructed in your FAQ. I’m still having some trouble figuring out my personality type and was wondering if you’re still willing help:
I’m in my early 20s and recently, I’ve become more aware of the world around me (I was aware of it before, but not so much as now). I observe what people are doing, pay attention to different entrances and exits, etc. I was and sometimes still am self-aware, which often breaks my immersion at times when I want to be fully present with experiencing things in the world. Thoughts like, “I wonder why it’s considered ‘the norm’ when people pay attention to the latest fashion trends and what other people are wearing? In the end, does any of that really matter?” Or “Why are people the way they are? What makes a person, a person?” comes across my head from time to time. Also, when it comes to “Following the crowd” or “Being your own person”, I choose the path of being my own person and would rather express my individuality without the fear of being judged. In the end, I don’t really care about what people think about me, because they don’t really know who I am, so who are they to make that kind of judgement?
When making decisions, I go with the most rational/logical approach, but I also need time to truly decide on what I want to do before I do it. In other words, I think before I act. I also find myself expressing my opinions more and engaging in light arguments because of the fact that sometimes, a person might say something that isn’t accurate or doesn’t make sense to me, and I’ll say something like, “Well, actually…” or “That doesn’t seem right.” Although, when the other person starts yelling or pointing fingers, I immediately lose interest and drop the whole thing entirely.
And now for the lightning round:
I like to think about the past from time to time, and I’m a sucker for nostalgia, but nowadays I live in the “here and now”. Not to say that I don’t think about the future either, but I since I am uncertain of it, I don’t think about it too much.
I don’t like surprises, whether they be good or bad.
The thing that makes me fully relaxed is being present in the moment. Like if I’m at a beach, I like to feel the sand beneath my toes, hear the sounds of the ocean, and dig for shells.
I often like to learn new things for the sake of learning new things. (Morse code, a new language, etc.)
I like to set short term goals rather than long term goals, because we never know what’s going to happen in the future, so I generally pay more attention to the present.
I write things down a lot, whether for fun or just to remember certain things. I.e.: A bucket list, my thoughts, things I want to watch, and my dreams.
I’m not much of a social person. Overall, I feel like I don’t belong in a crowd. Sure, I can talk to people, and even prefer one on one conversations with a person I’m close to. But at the end of the day, I like to be alone, residing in my home and resting. I don’t really like calling, and would prefer to text. I absolutely despise gossip and avoid it like the plague.
When making a new friend though, I categorize my experience through “levels”, like a video game. Asking questions about favorite things? Level 1. Talking about our feelings? Level… 50. And so on and so forth.
I hope this helps! And thanks a lot for answering my previous post! I hope you have a goodnight.
Based on the new information, I would also consider ISFP as well as INFP.
I don't think a thinker type is correct: everything here sounds more perceiver (wanting to live in the moment, short term over long term goals) and Fi-Te user (thinking extensively about the nature of personality; wanting to specifically go with what you want over the crowd; lack of interest in argument solely for argument's sake). I would exclusively look at dominant Fi types, but given what you've said about flow here, I'd consider Se as well as Ne, whereas the first ask definitely seemed more like Ne.
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