#hope this works since she just popped into my head a few hours ago
screenviolense · 9 months
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  ' i don't want or need any pity. ' if people out here had any spine, they would have ended her the moment she collapsed to her knees, hand to her chest. at the very least, she had enough of her homemade remedy to ease the wheezing and pained breathing. the mountains had never been kind to her, but she went where ordered, without question.
  ' i'm sure you're very honorable, but you should be careful. others might feign sickness as well just to catch you off guard. ' the maiden murmured, tucking the vial she'd sipped from desperately moments ago into her things.
@avaere / hoyo oc starter call.
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thefallennightmare · 4 months
One Night-Valentine's Day special
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: lots of smut(mask play, spit play, bondage, anal, fingering, oral(m/f receiving), choking, unprotected sex), swearing, angst, fluff.
Summary: Nothing like a little Valentines Day smut for these two love birds!
Authors Note: Since this takes place during this universe, every thing that happened between Noah and Reader is still the same! Just a little pop in to see how they've been doing! Happy Valentines Day my lovelies! I hope you enjoy this little blurb!
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @sammyjoeee @shilohrosechicken @malice-ov-mercy @thebadchic @niicoleleigh @lma1986 @dsireland86 @bellaboo967 @cookiesupplier @whenthesummerdies @bngurngheart @laurpartyprogram @thisbicc @lyinginbetween @princessmarshmallowx @loeytuan98 @cncohshit @lacktoesandtoddlerants @notingridslurkaccount @calleyx13 @jessiskyee @mrscevans @spicywhenspeaking @myownthoughts12 @br0kenangel23 @flowery-mess @lizzieseveride @illmakeyousaywow @burning-outx @xhedonistolisx @sinnamongirl @jilliemiw86 @shayzillaaaa @dream-machine-love
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“Hi, who can I make this out to?” I smiled up at the person in front of me. 
The young blonde smiled wide. “Uh, Jennifer.” 
I picked up on her nerves but decided not to dwell on it like I’d done with the other 50 people before her. I opened the book Jennifer lay in front of me and wrote the same message I’d been writing all day.
Thank you so much for the support. 
“Thank you so much for coming out”, I said while sliding the book back to Jennifer. 
Jennifer shook her head while clutching the book close to her chest. “No, thank you, Y/N! I absolutely loved One Night. So when you were promoting Always Pretending, I knew I would have another book to add to my TBR list. Needless to say, it’s my favorite book ever.” 
My cheeks flushed. “Oh wow. Thank you so much for that, Jennifer. Truly, your praise means a lot.” 
With a wave, I continued the same thing for the next long while, signing book after book for my fans. This was the last day in a two-week-long book tour across the United States and to say I was exhausted was an understatement. Not to mention, I had a four-hour flight back home to Los Angeles as soon as I left this bookshop. Jackie, my assistant, knew how badly I wanted to get back home so she booked the earliest flight she could. 
It has been like this for the last year ever since I published One Night and now Always Pretending; both books on the bestseller list. While I was thankful for that, I wasn’t thankful for being away from home for so long. 
Away from Noah.
Our schedules didn’t seem to match up as of late. While I was away on my book signing tour, he was home resting because a week after I got back home, Bad Omens would be leaving for a round of festivals overseas. Noah wanted me to join him since I hadn’t been in a long time. We’d been dating for almost two years now and I had to miss out on the last two tours because of my own career. 
I had every intention of joining Noah now but needed to talk to Jackie about it first. She worked tirelessly to keep my schedule busy and jam-packed to promote my books but in my eyes, they didn't need any more promotion. I’d been working almost nonstop with these book tours, interviews, and not to mention trying to work on my third book. 
I needed a fucking break. 
I didn’t want it to seem to people that I was complaining because I was thankful for where I ended up. If you had told the girl two years ago who sat on that tour bus wondering if her first book would be good enough to become a best-selling author, she’d laugh in your face. 
Noticing that we were dwindling to the last few people, I powered through with a plastered smile even though my eyes were drowning in exhaustion. My phone lay on the table next to me, screen down but kept buzzing against the wood. Jackie went to reach for it but I shot her a look in between signing books. 
“I thought you’d want me to respond for you,” she tried to smile. 
I bit my tongue, not wanting to snap at the older woman because she was simply doing her job but I knew who was texting me and didn’t want her to see those messages. 
“It’s fine, thank you,” I muttered. 
Finally, after a two-hour signing, I was finished and shook out the cramps in my right hand while letting out a deep breath. It was almost 2 in the afternoon and my flight left in 3 hours which meant I had to rush across town to make it in time. 
“So, I was thinking,” Jackie started as I began to gather my things. “The local news channel would love to have you on their morning report tomorrow. I think it would be great publicity.” 
I raised a brow. “You seemed to forget that I have a flight in three hours, Jackie.” 
“I know,” she nodded. “But we can move some things around and-.” 
For the first time since she took over as my assistant, I said the word that I never wanted to because I knew how important the publicity side of my career was. 
Jackie blinked. “What?” 
I sighed while running a hand through my hair. “Look Jackie, while I appreciate everything you’ve done for me these past few months, I need a break. I’ve been going nonstop since One Night was published. I miss my life back in Los Angeles. I miss my quiet little apartment. I miss my boyfriend.” 
Noah’s smile flashed in my mind and my heart yearned to be back with him. About three months ago, he moved in with me but with how busy both of us had been it felt as if we didn’t have time to actually revel in living together. 
Not to mention, being away from him for two weeks made me horny as hell. Facetime sex paled in comparison to seeing and feeling the real thing. 
I held up my hand to silence Jackie. “You deserve a break as well, Jackie. Take some time off, do things you love. When I’m ready to talk about book three, I’ll give you a call, alright?” 
Reluctantly, she nodded while tucking a piece of graying hair behind her ear. 
Bidding her goodbye, I threw my bag over my shoulder and then dragged my suitcase behind me to exit the bookstore only to immediately sit in the backseat of the black town car that had been waiting to take me to the airport. Once we were gliding along the road, I finally peered at my phone for the first time in a few hours. 
Noah: Angel, I’m so proud of everything you’ve done. Seeing how successful your book tour has been makes me smile. I can’t wait till you’re back home and we can celebrate. I love you so much. 
Noah: So, are you going to sign a copy of Always Pretending for me? Since you know, I was your muse for it. 
I rolled my eyes with a giggle before replying to Noah. 
Me: Oh please, you know I’d sign a book for my biggest fan. Also, I love you too. 
As I browsed through my phone, checking my social media and responding to emails, Noah texted back. 
Noah: So, we have a problem. I can’t pick you up from the airport because I forgot I had my therapy appointment at six.
My heart sunk to the depths of my stomach. All day I’d been looking forward to seeing Noah’s face as I stepped through the doors of the airport. But I knew that he couldn’t miss therapy. It was more important than picking me up. 
Me: It’s okay, love. I can order an uber. I should be back home by 8. Maybe we can have a late dinner together? 
Noah: Already taken care of, angel. 
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With a yawn, I adjusted my glasses as I stepped through the gate doors of the airport, dragging my bags behind me. There was a delay in taking off at the last airport which meant I was now arriving in Los Angeles at 9 p.m rather than 7 p.m. I had to buy wifi on the plane so I could message Noah to let him know about the delay. 
Thank the gods I changed out of my professional attire at the last airport and opted to wear my Bad Omens joggers and Noah’s yellow hoodie; his smell still lingering. With my phone in one hand, I was about to order an Uber when my feet skidded to a halt at the sight in front of me. 
What a cheeky little…
Noah smirked as he held a bouquet of black daisies. 
“Hi, angel,” he mused. 
I reached for the flowers and brought them to my nose, inhaling their scent, and then peered up at Noah. 
“I thought you couldn’t pick me up.” 
Noah brushed away a loose strand of hair from my face. “I sort of lied. I had plans to pick you up then take you out to dinner for Valentine's day but when your flight got delayed, I had to switch things up.” 
“So you’ve been waiting here for two hours?” I asked. 
“Worth it.” 
He shrugged before wrapping his fingers behind my neck to bring our lips together in a long overdue kiss. His tongue immediately molded against mine and I moaned into it, my hand sprawling over his chest. The material of his Hereditary sweater felt warm underneath my palm and I let myself fall into him when his hands grasped my hips. 
“I missed you, Y/N,” Noah’s teeth grazed over my bottom lip. 
“I missed you too, love.” 
With his arm wrapped around my shoulder and other hand holding my bags, Noah led me out of the airport and towards his car parked in the parking lot. Once we were settled, he began the drive back home. I nestled into the passenger seat and let out a content sigh. 
“Tired?” Noah questioned with one hand on the wheel and the other resting on my thigh. 
“No, surprisingly. I thought I would be but I’m just happy to be back home.” 
He brought my hand to his lips to kiss along my knuckles. “I’m glad you’re back too, angel.” 
For the rest of the drive home, I told him how the book tour went while he told me what he did the last few weeks. Since it was down time for Bad Omens, Noah spent it either in the gym with Ash or in the studio with the guys. 
As we walked down the long hallway to our apartment, another yawn slipped through my lips and I nearly stumbled. Noah chuckled as he wrapped an arm around me to pull me into his chest. 
“You should get some sleep, angel.” 
I frowned while burying myself into his sweater. "I'm not tired."
His lips brushed along my forehead as we stopped in front of our door and he unlocked it. The darkness of our home escaped into the hallway as I stepped through the threshold and when I clicked on the lights, a gasp fell from my lips. 
Matching the daisies bouquet I had clutched in my arms, our entire apartment was littered. Music played softly as I noticed the steaming dinner plated on our kitchen island, candles lit and spread throughout. 
Turning on my heels, I gaped at Noah who leaned against the door with a smug smile. 
“What is this?” I asked, doing my best not to cry. 
“Happy Valentine's Day, angel. I had Jolly set this up for me while we were on our way home. He had to warm up the dinner I cooked earlier but I promise it’s still good,” he said. 
My eyes widened. “Oh, I forgot it’s Valentine's day! I was so busy with everything I didn’t get you anything.” 
Noah pushed himself off the door and immediately cupped my face so I could look up at him. The hood of his sweater was still pulled over his eyes, chocolate tendrils falling into his face. 
“You know I don’t need anything. Just you, angel. But I wanted to do something special for you because you deserve it.” 
I left a firm but quick kiss on his lips, muttering against them. “Thank you, Noah.” 
He smiled while motioning behind me. “Come on, let's eat.” 
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“Fuck, Noah,” I moaned when his tongue licked up the patch of skin his teeth grazed. 
My nails dragged down his bare chest, leaving red marks along his tattoos, as he continued to slam his cock into me, the couch beneath us scraping along the wood floors. 
“So tight. I missed you,” he groaned into the crook of my neck as his hips stilled. 
I knew he was close but also knew that he didn’t want it to end yet. What started as a nice romantic dinner turned into a heavy make out session on the couch. Neither of us could wait any longer and needed to be connected once again. 
His fingers brushed along the folds of my pussy and I shook with the feeling as he slowly dragged his cock all the way out, only leaving the tip inside. 
“Noah,” I whined while raising my hips. “Please.” 
His teeth dragged along my nipples. “Please what?” 
I raked my nails through his hair and yanked back causing Noah to let out a loud hiss. “Fuck, angel.” 
“Stop teasing me and fuck me, Noah. Please.” 
My screams echoed throughout the apartment when he buried his cock deep witin me again, his pace becoming ruthless. But our position on the couch wasn’t the greatest, I needed to be able to feel him even deeper. We couldn’t make it to the bedroom when we first started and there was no way I was going to stop this now. 
Noah could tell I needed something different because with one strong arm, he lifted me from the couch to carry me over to the kitchen table. I squealed in delight as I writhed in his embrace. 
“What are you doing?” I asked as he made me lean back. 
He brushed back the sweat slicked hair from his forehead and licked his lips. “I need a taste of you.” 
With a tight grip on my thighs, he spread my legs wide apart before he knelt between them. The warmth of his tongue sent shockwaves to my entire system as he lapped up the remnants of my previous orgasm he gave me on the couch and I arched off the table when he began sucking on my clit. 
“Shit, Noah. I’m going to-.” 
With two fingers spearing me wide open before pumping in fast succession and his mouth sucking on my sensitive nub, I let the shock of my orgasm tear through me with such a force that it nearly took my breath away. 
“Such a good girl,” Noah mused while laying a kiss on the inside of my thigh. “I missed the way you taste.” 
I only had a few minutes to breath before he was yanking me off the table to now stand on my feet. He patted my ass. 
“Lean your hands against the window,” he nodded towards the patio door. 
“What-?” I shuffled on my feet. 
Noah’s lips attacked mine in a ravenous kiss and when he pulled away, he brushed my arousal off of his lips with his thumb. His bracelet and necklace glinted in the light from the lamppost outside. 
“Be a good girl, Y/N, and do what I say,” his voice was as dark as his eyes. 
Not wanting to disappoint, I quickly made my way over to the patio door that led out to our balcony and rested my psalm against the glass.Thankfully we shut off all but one of the lights so no one would be able to peer up into our apartment and see what we were doing.
"Keep your hands on the window," he demanded and then yanked my hips back to him so I was bent over. 
Nodding furiously, I spread my hands against the window of the patio door when his cocked slipped inside of me again, his name falling off my lips in a prayer. 
“That’s right, pray to your king,” Noah rasped as he bit down on my shoulder. 
One tattooed arm wrapped around my stomach while the other tightened around my throat to bring my chest against his back, this new angle making my vision blurry. It felt so good, the burn, and Noah knew how bad I needed it to hurt. 
 He squeezed until I felt the air being ripped away from me, his cock slamming into me with no sign of stopping. He never held back and I never wanted him too.  I needed it to hurt, needed it to burn, that I wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow.
When I felt the darkness creeping to the corners of my eyelids due to how tight he was gripping my throat, I let out a choked moan. 
“Safe word?” he muttered into my ear before kissing the skin behind there. 
Although his voice was soft and concerning, the way he fucked me was completley different. 
I did my best to shake my head with his tight grip around my throat. “Keep. Going. So. Close.” 
Noah eased his grip a bit so I could take a deep breath before he tightened it again. My orgasm was so close, I just needed a little something to have it wash over me. As my hand moved to my clit, Noah smacked my ass, the sound echoing through our apartment. Instead, his thumb pressed circles against my clit and that was exactly what I needed to let my orgasm finally release from the tightness of my body. I came with such vigor on Noah’s cock he groaned into my hairline. 
“Such a good girl,” he praised while letting go of the vice grip around my throat. 
Gulping for hair, I nodded. “Yes.” 
Nails dug into the skin of my hips as Noah’s pace became even more frantic, him chasing his own release, and I was so far gone in my post orgasmic haze that I nearly didn’t hear the two words he said. 
“Wh-what?” I stuttered. 
Noah’s hips stilled for a beat before he let out a deep, guttural groan when he spilled his warm release into me. 
“Marry me.” 
Before my body could fall into a heap to the ground, Noah lifted me to sit me on the edge of our kitchen island. His large hand cupped my cheek so I had no choice but to gaze upon him. His pupils were blown wide due to our actions and his chest rose and fell as he did his best to catch his breath. His warm cum dripped down my legs onto the cold marble beneath me but I didn’t dare think about the mess. I only thought about those two words. 
“What did you say?” I asked, still breathless. 
“Marry me,” Noah said again without an ounce of hesitation. 
Everything around us seemed to fall away, the eerie quiet of the apartment now ringing loudly in my ears. My heart beat loudly in my chest that I could feel it in my throat when I realized how sincere Noah was. This wasn’t a joke, he meant those words. 
As if he thought I was doubting him, he ripped open our junk drawer in the kitchen to pull out a small velvet box and my breath caught in my throat. 
“Fuck, you’re serious?” I choked out. 
Noah smiled wickedly as he opened the box, the light above the kitchen sink catching the diamond almost instantly. The gold band was thin but the oval shape of the diamond almost sat perfectly against it. 
“With you, Y/N. I’ve never been more serious about anything,” he said. 
My throat burned in the best way. Never in this lifetime did I ever expect to have such a romantic Valentine's Day. Guys in my past never gave a shit, especially Jacob, so to have Noah go all out was something I wasn't used too but knowing he loved me so much made my heart swell. 
I began to nod wildly. “Fuck yes!” 
With a laugh, Noah collided our lips together in a fever kiss before reluctantly pulling away to slide the ring onto my finger. 
“I didn’t mean to have a cliche proposal on Valentine's day. I planned on asking you if you came overseas but I couldn’t risk not asking you before,” Noah explained. 
I wrapped my legs around his naked form to bring him closer to me and I hung my arms around his neck. We were still naked and the cool air from the open window brushed along our heated skin. 
“I’m coming with you.” 
Noah’s eyes lit up. “You are?” 
“Yeah, I need a break and now that we’re engaged, I think we need to celebrate,” I waved the hand with the ring in front of his face playfully. 
He grasped it to leave a kiss upon the ring. “Say no more, angel.” 
My squeals bounced off the walls of our home as Noah carried me into our bedroom to start our engagement celebrations.
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Hii hope ur doing well x If ur still accepting requests for Mel x Reader could u do one where reader has some type of disability like chronic pain and they have a flare at school (cause they both work there) and Mel immediately runs to action and there's like Loooots of comfort etc hehe :3
I hope this is what you're looking for!
Too Late Now
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You usually have this under control. Since your fourth concussion, you’ve dealt with the headaches and the occasional migraines easily. Doctors have been helping you and make sure that you always have your emergency migraine medication at the ready.
On top of that, it’s been seven years that you’ve been living with this. You know the when a headache or a migraine is coming for the most part. You didn’t even bother writing down on your forms when you got hired that you should technically have accommodations due to your chronic migraines. You just know how to handle them at this point. It’s part of your everyday life. 
Melissa, your girlfriend, doesn’t even know about your condition. She doesn’t need to know. You saw the way she sprung into action when you had the flu a few months ago- or when you had caught the stomach bug from the kids. After taking care of you with absolutely no complaints, she got sick both times herself. You took care of her too, much to her dismay. She was a caretaker, she did not like to be the one being taken care of.
When you wake up, you feel a little funny. But something is going around the school, as it always is around this time of year. So you chalk it up to that, and you take an Advil and an allergy pill. 
When you’re leaving, you almost have half a mind to throw in your migraine medication just in case… but you get distracted by a text from Melissa asking if you wanted coffee this morning from Dunkin.
Of course I do, you reply back.
Your usual?
Please, and thank you.
Sounds good. I’ll see you at school gorgeous.
And because of that text exchange, you forget to throw your pills in your purse and leave the house. 
As you’re driving, your headache worsens just slightly, and you groan. Allergy season was bad at this time of year, and your sinuses have been paying for it- post nasal drip is at an all time high, you’ve already had an ear infection this season, and you’ve been getting sinus headaches because of it. You don’t realize a migraine is coming on yet, so you just pop another Advil before you head into Abbott.
Your girlfriend is waiting for you in the teacher’s lounge like usual, and she almost immediately sees how unwell you’re feeling.
“Hey, baby,” she says softly as she kicks out the seat next to her.
“Hey,” you sigh, but you don’t take a seat. You just lean down and peck her lips before standing back up straight with a grimace.
She hands you your coffee with a frown. “You feelin’ okay, hon?”
“Allergies,” you say through a yawn. “I think I’m gonna go sit in my classroom this morning, but you enjoy your news.”
“Alright, hon. Do you want me to come with you?”
“I know how much you like your news,” you tell her. “I’ll be okay.” You head to your classroom, and she watches you in concern.
By the time the kids are supposed to come in, you know exactly what’s happening- a migraine is coming on. And you, like an absolute lovesick idiot, forgot your medication because you were too busy texting your sweet girlfriend. Your head is in your hands as you massage at your temples, the lights are off, the sound of the barely functioning air conditioning is making your eyes throb in pain. 
Hypothetically, you could call out now. But there’s a shortage in substitutes, you don’t think you can even think properly to create sub plans, the thought of moving from your desk makes you want to cry, and you know it’s only a short amount of time until you’re unable to drive for the next… eleven hours. You probably wouldn’t even be able to make it the drive home.
You have no idea how you’re going to survive today without your medication.
When the kids start to make their way in, you nearly burst into tears. You silently thank God that you didn’t put any makeup on today. You throw your sunglasses on as they trickle in, and you stay seated at your desk. 
You can’t teach today, and you know this. It’s going to be a day where the kids sit quietly and watch magic school bus, you take them out for extra recess, and then they can sit and work on their projects, or read and draw. You don’t care what happens today, as long as they aren’t loud. 
Again, your kids think that they have a sub until they see you sitting at your desk in the dark.
“Ms. Y/N?” one of the girls comes in and runs up to your desk.
“Hey, sweetheart,” you say softly, and even the eight year old can see the pain etched in your face.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m okay, Skylar,” you tell her quietly. “Ms. Y/N’s head just hurts, so today is mostly going to be an independent and quiet work day. Unpack and get ready for today, love bug.”
The little girl gives you a gentle hug before going to her desk and unpacking. You keep your eyes closed as the rest of them trickle in, and they’re oddly quiet. They are never this quiet. You almost always have to remind them to do their handwriting pages and do their lunch count.
When you do open your eyes to take attendance and explain to them what’s happening today, you see that Skylar had quietly taken it upon herself to write the morning routine on the board.
Morning! The note on the board reads. Ms. Y/N’s head hurts, so come in quietly. Unpack, lunch count, the next page in journal, then DEAR. 
Your heart melts, and you realize how lucky you are that your students genuinely care about you the way that they do. Skylar is over by the lunch count board writing a tally for you, and she quietly comes and slips it over to you.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” you whisper to her, and you have a small tear trail down your cheek. “Do you want me to take it to Ms. Schemmenti to put in, or should I take it down to the office?”
“I can put it in, honey,” you give her a gentle squeeze before opening your laptop. You wince immediately due to the light, but you can handle this. You can’t have her go down to Melissa’s- your girlfriend would flip her lid when she found out how under the weather you were feeling and you didn’t stay home or ask for her help. 
All of your students watch you silently. They’ve never seen you this drained. Sure, they’ve seen you sick; you rarely call out. They’ve seen you tired after a night of volunteering or staying up late to finish grading papers and preparing for them. But they have never, ever seen you this down- to the point that your skin is pale and you can’t take off your sunglasses because your head hurts so bad.
“Miss Y/N?” one of the boys raises his hand quietly, and he’s usually known for giving you a hard time.
“Yes, Cameron?”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
You just barely nod and take a shaky breath. “Here’s what we’re going to do today,” you tell them. “We’re going to do our independent work for each of our subjects today- I know we have projects and papers in all of the subjects except math. For math, I’ll have… somebody… take you outside for extra recess, and if you’re good and quiet today, I’ll put on Magic School Bus at the end of the day for dismissal. Deal?”
All of your kids nod, and you give them half a smile. Then you get a shooting pain right behind your left temple, and you quietly cry out in pain. You grip the table for a few seconds and take a deep breath before you open your eyes again. They all look absolutely terrified.
“Nobody tells Ms. Schemmenti,” you tell them as you point at them all.
They all raise their hands in surrender.
“Okay,” you sigh deeply, shakily. “Who is going to lead our morning meeting?” It’s Rayna.
When that’s over, the kids quietly pull out their social studies projects and start to work on them. When social studies is over, they quietly move on to their independent reading for fifteen minutes. And then they line themselves up silently for specials.
“Can I trust you all to walk yourselves down to the gym silently?” As you write a note to the gym teacher explaining that they are coming on their own and to just send them back down to your room when gym is over.
“I take my line leader duty very seriously, Ms. Y/N,” Jayden tells you seriously. “If we aren’t quiet, I’ll tell you.” You nod, hand him the note with the instruction to give it to the PE teacher, and they’re off.
You get approximately forty-five minutes of peace and absolute silence. You close the door, grab your coat and throw it over your head, and lay down on the back table. You’re small enough to fit if you curl up.
On your kids’ way back to the classroom, they just happen to see your girlfriend in the hallway on her way out of the teachers’ lounge.
“Where’s Ms. Y/N?” the redhead asks with a popped eyebrow. You always walk with your children everywhere.
All of the kids look at each other nervously, remembering the way you told them that they weren’t to tell the second grade teacher. But Melissa is staring them down.
“She called the gym teacher and told him to just let us walk down by ourselves because she had to use the bathroom,” Jayden tells a fib, and he hates doing it to his former teacher. But he promised you.
Melissa furrows her brows, but Jayden’s always been a good kid. “Okay… Well, tell Miss Y/N to put up another class compliment star because you’re all walking through the hallway very nicely.”
The line leader nods and takes off in the direction of your classroom, while Melissa heads towards the office to make copies.
You’ve just barely managed to get yourself back to your desk when the kids come back in, but your migraine is starting to make you nauseous, and you don’t even know what to do anymore. You won’t even be able to drive yourself home, so you just have to wait this out- at least you should get paid for it.
“We saw Ms. Schemmenti in the hall,” Omari tells you quietly while everyone else is getting out their snacks. “She said to give us a class compliment star because we were walking so nicely.”
“Nobody said anything, did they?” you ask.
“Jayden told her you were in the bathroom and told the gym teacher to just let us walk down,” your student says. “I don’t think he liked having to lie to her though… and Ms. Schemmenti didn’t really look like she believed him.”
As if on cue, the second grade teacher is knocking softly on your doorframe. She looks so concerned for you. “Ms. Y/N?”
You thank God you weren’t facing the door and have half a mind to rip off your sunglasses before standing and meeting her on the other side of the room. “Class, eat your snacks while I talk to Ms. Schemmenti in the hallway.”
“Amore,” Melissa whispers softly as she gets a look at you. “You look terrible. Why don’t you go home? I can split your class between the other third grade class and mine- not like I haven’t juggled two grades at one time before.”
“I- I can’t go home,” you mumble, and you wince at the florescent lights that aren’t out for once.
“And why’s that?”
You bite your lip. You have to admit to her just how terrible you’re feeling. She’s going to flip out and become insanely protective. She’s going to be upset you didn’t tell her about your condition before. “I get chronic migraines sometimes, and I… I have one right now.”
“Oh, hon,” Melissa whispers sympathetically.
“I usually have meds for it to lessen the pain, but I left it at my house this morning, and I think if I tried to drive home, I would throw up or black out,” you tell her honestly. “The kids have been really great this morning though, and they understand.”
“How can I help?”
“During my math period, can you take them outside? They deserve extra recess today,” you practically whimper as you close your eyes and brace yourself for the shooting pain you can feel getting ready to come on.
“Why don’t I just split the kids for the rest of the day while you lay down?” your girlfriend suggests.
“I’m here, they’re behaving and quiet, and I need to get paid,” you tell her. “They’re okay with me for everything except math.”
“Okay, sweetheart,” the redhead sighs. “But you just call if you need me, you hear?”
“I know,” you say softly. “I’ll be-” You cut yourself off with a whine and grab her arm as the pain comes. When it’s over, you relax and finish, “-fine.”
Your girlfriend shakes her head with a deep breath before stepping into your classroom. Jayden looks terrified.
“Ms. Schemmenti, I didn’t mean to lie to you,” he says quickly. “I didn’t want to, but I-”
“It’s okay, buddy,” she says softly before looking to the rest of the class. “You be on your best behavior for Ms. Y/N, and if anything happens, you come down to my room. I’ll be over during your math time for extra recess if you continue having a great day. Capiche?”
“Capiche,” your students reply, and you walk slowly into your room before putting your glasses back on and putting your head in your hands. Melissa gives you a gentle pat on the back before squeezing your shoulder three times.
Your kids finish their snack, and when that’s over they work on their research project for writing. They line themselves up silently for lunch and walk themselves down. You take up your position on your back table again, and close your eyes. You beg God to make the pain stop, and you finally give in, crying.
What you don’t know is that your sweet, sweet girlfriend is on her way to your apartment to grab your medicine. She also grabs a gatorade and your favorite hoodie (that is actually hers). She stops at Wawa and grabs you a Tasty Cake before returning to the school.
When she gets to your classroom, her heart breaks. She can see the way that you’re shaking from underneath your coat, and she has no doubt that you’re crying.
“Oh hon,” she mumbles as she makes her way over to you. She lays a delicate hand on your back and rubs up and down soothingly. “I brought your medicine, your favorite hoodie, and a Tasty Cake from Wawa. Can you take the medicine for me?”
Her kindness and gentleness just makes you cry even harder- and that only makes your head hurt worse.
Your alarm on your watch starts to go off, and you whine. “I don’t think I can do my recess duty today.”
“I’ll get the music teacher to cover it- she’ll do anything to get some of my meatballs,” your girlfriend tells you. “You just take your meds, and hopefully they kick in.”
You nod, just barely manage to sit up and take the medication and you take the hoodie and ball it up and put it under your head. 
After she calls the music teacher and arranges your coverage, she asks, “Jeet today?”
“No,” you mumble.
“Can you try to eat the cupcakes I brought?” At your nod, she opens it for you and practically feeds it to you.
“Did you eat?” you ask your girlfriend.
“Don’t worry ‘bout me,” she dismisses your concern. “I’ll get my lunch in eventually- just might be while the kids are running around on the playground for math.”
Once you’ve had one of the cupcakes, you groan. “I don’t think I can eat anymore.”
“Okay, hon,” Melissa frowns. “You know your body.”
“My body wants to sleep.”
“Well, you have another thirty minutes of recess, and you know I’ll always take your kids for you,” your girlfriend reminds you.
You nod and close your eyes. “Set my alarm for the end of recess? And if you wouldn’t mind just sending my kids here from outside for me?”
She presses a delicate kiss to the side of your head, but she doesn’t set your alarm. She fully intends to let you sleep the rest of the school day, and she’ll take your kids for you- all twenty three of them. She can handle it.
It’s not like Ava is here to tell you you can’t get paid for today. And in reality, Ava wouldn’t care anyway.
Your perfect, wonderful girlfriend picks your kids up from recess, and she has no idea how she manages this, but every single child is able to grab their belongings without waking you up. They were even able to silently move their chairs.
When you wake back up, your head is still pounding. It’s starting to ease up though. You glance at your watch from underneath your coat.
4:12 is staring back at you. School has been over for an hour…
You take your coat off of your head to see a classroom without chairs and Melissa perched on the closest desk to you, glasses on the tip of her nose and reading something on her phone.
“There’s my gorgeous girl,” she says quietly as she puts her phone away. “How’re you feeling?”
“Mel, why didn’t you wake me?”
“You needed rest. Your kids’ chairs are in my room, and I told them to just come get them tomorrow.”
“I slept at school for almost four hours.”
“And how are you feeling now?” she prompts again.
“The prescription is starting to kick in,” you mumble. “But because I didn’t take it during the onset, I mostly just have to ride it out.”
“How long do your migraines usually last?”
“Hopefully, I only have another three hours of this hell,” you tell her.
“And are you feeling okay to go home?”
“I’m shocked Mr. J hasn’t come in here to kick us out,” you grumble.
Melissa flashes you that devious Schemmenti smile. “He did. But I told him… in a non-threatening way… that we would be staying here until you woke up on your own, and I would lock up the school.” She twirls the keys around her finger. “Now, do you need to stay here to ride it out, or…?”
“I really don’t know if I can drive to my apartment yet,” you admit sheepishly. “I’m still kind of nauseous.”
“Can I take you back home, then?” your girlfriend asks you softly as she fixes your wild locks.
You nod with a groan as you sit up. You go to grab your bags, but Melissa already has them next to her and both of your things are slung over her shoulders in a second. 
“You just worry about getting your pretty little self into the car, yeah?” She presses a gentle kiss to your temple, and you know it’s all in your head, but her kiss makes you feel even the slightest bit better.
She piles your things in her car as you slowly get in and close your eyes. She gets in not a few seconds later, closing the door as quietly as she can. As the two of you are pulling out of the parking lot, you feel her warm hand settle on your thigh, and she squeezes it gently. It shouldn’t affect you the way it does- especially given how you’re feeling right now.
When she pulls in, she tells you gently to head in and up to bed. She’ll handle all of your things, she’ll be right in to curl up with you and/or nurse you back to health.
“I just have to ride it out, honey,” you remind her.
“Well, we’ll curl up together then,” she tells you. “And when you’re feeling up to it, I’ll make us something for dinner.”
“I love you,” you sigh softly as you drag yourself out of the car. You get yourself into the house and are just laying down in bed as she comes in. She changes, lays down next to you, and pulls you into her arms gently.
“Hon, I can sleep on my own,” you mumble into her chest. “I know you have a shit ton to grade.”
“I can do that tomorrow during my prep,” she whispers. “Right now, my girlfriend needs some love and attention.”
Because of her warmth and the delicate fingers that are tracing patterns on your arms, you fall asleep easily. And when you wake up, she’s still laying with you, and she’s half asleep herself. You wake up to a mouthful of red hair, and you sigh in content. Your head is no longer pounding- you think your migraine is gone. 
“How’re you feeling?” your girlfriend asks you softly, eyes still closed.
“So much better,” you tell her truthfully. “You didn’t have to stay. You could’ve had dinner or graded stuff while I slept.”
“And what kinda girlfriend would that make me, hon?” Melissa retorts. “But I’m glad you’re feeling better. You ready to eat a real meal?”
“Yeah,” you sigh softly. “After a few more minutes of cuddles?”
“I can’t say no to that.”
After a few more minutes, and a rather loud grumble of both of your stomachs, you head into the kitchen hand in hand. She starts making dinner while you go over to one of her bags and start grading the math tests she gave to her class yesterday.
“You don’t have to do that,” she tells you as she stirs the pot.
“I have to make it up to you somehow,” you say as you mark a few questions wrong.
“You can make it up to me by tellin’ me why I never knew you got migraines… and frequently enough to have the good shit prescribed to you,” the redhead says as she turns to look at you pointedly.
You frown and keep your eyes trained on the papers in front of you as you shrug.
“Y/N,” she says sternly. “C’mon.”
“Nobody really knows,” you mumble before you clear your throat. You suppose you have to be honest with your girlfriend. “After my fourth concussion seven years ago… it’s just something I got used to dealing with. I usually have them under control and can just push through them.”
“Why didn’t you tell me, hon?” she asks softly. “Or at least told me this morning when we were in the staff room?”
“I thought I was fine,” you tell her honestly. “It didn’t hit me until after I had already walked into my room, and at that point… it was too late, and I didn’t want you fussing over me for something I could’ve prevented.”
“Hey,” Melissa turns the burner down to let her sauce simmer. “I always worry about you- whether you’re sick or not. But when I saw you this morning, I knew something was wrong. You shoulda told me. I would’ve driven to your place to get your medicine sooner.”
“I was just going to tough it out,” you sigh.
“You were going to pass the hell out in pain,” she tells you. “Your kids were really worried about you.”
“I know they were… They were so sweet today and made sure they were on their best behavior for me,” you say softly. “I wish I would’ve gotten a picture of the morning message Sky put up on the board for the rest of the class.”
“They were just as well behaved for me,” the second grade teacher tells you honestly. “Although that may be because I promised them all doughnuts if they were good.”
“So… we have to leave early to pick up doughnuts for the kids?” you laugh. At her nod, you shake your head playfully. “I’m buying.”
“With whose card?” she snorts out.
“Mine, thank you very much,” you tease back.
With your banter, Melissa knows you’re feeling much better and are on your way to feeling 100 percent again soon. 
After dinner, the two of you go back to lay in bed. 
“Put a few of your pills in a plastic baggie for me to keep in my car for you tomorrow,” Melissa tells you as she pulls you into her arms again.
“Babe, I usually have them on me,” you tell her. “This was a one time thing.”
“I don’t like seeing you in pain though,” she mumbles against your head, kissing it gently. “And if I can help prevent you from crying out in pain at a small noise, I will.”
“Okay, honey.”
The next morning, the two of you show up to school with dozens of doughnuts for the kids, and yours and Melissa’s classes enjoy the treats together. They’re all thrilled to be rewarded with the sweet treat. They’re happy that they can talk in their own classroom again. They’re glad to see that you’re back to yourself.
“Ms. Y/N?” Skylar asks as she gives you a hug that morning.
“What is it, sweet girl?”
“Can you like, not get sick like that again? I’m happy we got doughnuts, but I don’t wanna have to play teacher again for you… It was hard.”
You chuckle as you muss her hair. “I’ll do my best kiddo.”
Melissa just nudges you with a smirk. “I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again,” she assures your student. 
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sebsbarnes · 2 months
letters to a loved one || tangerine
tangerine x reader
summary: the only form of communication you and tangerine can use when he is on a mission is email, however, as the weeks and months go by, your words have been left unanswered.
warnings: angst
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this is a lot different than my normal works so i hope you enjoy this different format
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aug 5th, 2022: i know it's only been two days since you left but i miss you so much already! good luck today, kick some ass!! mwah! xoxo
aug 15th, 2022: hi honey. i hope the mission went well a few days ago! even though email is the safest way we can communicate while you're gone i know you can't always respond even if you're in a safe house. i'm not too worried, i know how skilled you and lemon are. tell him i say hi! i can't wait for you to be home, you estimated you'd be back on the 17th so i have a nice dinner planned. <3 love you so so much my sweet tang!
aug 27th, 2022: hey tang, i can't lie and say i'm not a tiny bit worried but i keep telling myself you've been gone longer before with zero communication. maybe it feels different now because of how long we've been together. i miss waking up to you and grabbing our keys and heading out for the day. if you see this message me back! even if you can't fully respond i'll settle with a smiley face if i must! haha. oh by the way i still cooked that dinner i had planned for us, it came out soooo yummy. but it took so long omg! you're lucky i love you and i'm willing to spend 8 hours in the kitchen again. it will probably taste better this time since you will be by my side. love you lots!
sept 12th, 2022: i only just saw the news of the bullet train derailment in japan on august 5th. that was your mission wasn't it? you said the 5th. i'm worried more now, i can't lie, but like i tell you every day i know how skilled you are. even though i never want to wish you are in a hospital i hope that's where you are recovering with lemon by your side. when you get the chance please email me back, okay? i love you.
sept 14th, 2022: tangerine if you see this please email or call me.
sept 30th, 2022: i wish i could talk to you just once. one word so i know you are okay. i can't reach lemon either. i wake up every day hoping you will be laying next to me. please, please give me something so i know you are alright? anything. where are you tangerine? i don't want to keep crying but that's all i can do. sit here in our empty house and cry. the walls feel like they are closing in on me. i went to our favorite breakfast spot the other day and i got that really sweet older lady with the grey curly hair as my waitress. she asked where you've been. i don't know how much longer i can keep saying you are gone for work and people believe it... i no longer believe it either. i hate typing it out. i don't want to believe something awful happened but something did, didn't it? i can feel it in my body. please reach out to me, i miss you so much and i love you so so much tangerine, please.
oct 26th, 2022: i love halloween, you know that more than anyone. decorations everywhere, piles of candy, and everyone dressing up pretending to be someone else for the night. now i feel bad about how much i bugged you about this year's halloween. my friends keep telling me to come out and join them, but if i'm being honest it's hard to do anything these days. it doesn't help that they think you just left me, ghosted me i guess. but they don't know what you do for work and i can't tell them. so i have to listen to them talk shit about you and i sit there trying to convince them you aren't this evil guy who ditched me and never looked back. maybe i should listen, maybe it's easier to believe you just left me than admitting to myself you're no longer here. i'm holding out, i'm trying so fucking hard to, tan. maybe in some sick joke you will pop up on halloween dressed in some stupid costume with a mask covering your face and in some grand reveal you will pull the mask off and i'll be in your arms again. it's wishful thinking. well, i have to go now, i'm meeting with a co-worker. love you.
dec 1st, 2022: i should be waking up this morning with your arms wrapped around me nearly crushing every bone in my body. but i didn't. and i haven't since the beginning of august. is it cruel now to admit i think you are gone. i really think you are and part of me has thought this since i saw the news of the bullet train. i feel scared. i'm starting to forget the little things about you. i can't play back the sound of your laugh in my head. i can't really picture the way your eyes crinkled. it makes me feel ill. i don't want to forget the small details about you. i crave to whisper goodnight and i love you to you. i crave just for your body next to mine. in the most innocent forms i crave you, like the way you'd absentmindedly play with my hair or pull out my chair or charge my phone when i always forget. the simple things i'm missing the most. i didn't realize i had so many forms of love until you've been gone. happy anniversary, dear.
jan 17th, 2023: tangerine, i'm not sure why i opened this email account. it's been over a month since i've checked it. maybe it was because i heard your favorite song earlier and thought of you a bit more than usual these days. i secretly hoped there would be a new message but that's foolish of me.
april 7th, 2023: Dear Tangerine, I know you won't read this email, but I felt as though I needed to explain what life has been like recently. My friends no longer bring you up in conversation which I am grateful for. I had to stop visiting our favorite breakfast place, each time I went they asked about you, even as recently as three weeks ago. I will miss their egg sandwich that you recommended to me on our third date but it is better off I no longer go there. Work has been great, a bit busy, but good. I removed your picture from my desk at the beginning of the new year. I saw the way my co-workers would stare a bit too long at it, I guess seeing it reminded them how I never mentioned you anymore. Speaking of co-workers, a few emails ago I mentioned I was meeting up with one of them. We've been seeing each other a lot outside of work, I enjoy their company. I can never say this to them but when they kiss me and hug me I sometimes think it's you. That's wrong to admit especially since I think I'm developing feelings for them, but they will never see this. They are kind and treat me well which I know you would be pleased to hear. I packed up your clothes in my house and put them in a box. I couldn't keep looking at them. I cried so much that I don't think I can cry again for years to come. I would hug your shirts and jackets so much that they lost your smell. I regret that a bit. I opened the box a few days ago and it smelled like me. Almost all signs of you are gone now that the remnants of your cologne is worn off the fabric. I think I might sell the house. It's too big for a single person now. It's too quiet in here and it almost feels like someone is watching me, it doesn't feel safe. Maybe that's because you provided me with safety. I'm not doing much today, it's actually pretty early right now, maybe I'll cook that dinner I never got to cook for you. I haven't since that day. I'm realizing how silly I sound in my own head as I type these words. Maybe I'll invest in a journal soon.
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plentyoffandoms · 1 year
Hey gal, I hope you’re having a happy Tuesday! 🥳If you have the time and you’re taking requests, please could I get your take on Javi x fem.
She finds out she’s having a baby a couple of weeks before a huge raid and actively tries everything to avoid Javi. During the raid she gets cornered by one of Pablo’s guys and absolutely terrified screams “I’m pregnant, I’m pregnant” Javi and Steve hear over the radio, his head frantically snaps up and he takes off running to find her, Steve not far behind + the aftermath. Thank you 🥹
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Javier Peña x f/Reader
Main Masterlist ♡ TV Shows Masterlist ♡ Miscellaneous TV Shows Masterlist ♡ Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
I do not speak Spanish nor I am going to try to. I have no urge to try and butcher another language. So Spanish will be in ITALICS.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @pedrorascal 2nd gif @hunterschafer 3rd @nicolethered
Warnings: Swearing
WC: 2273
And a happy Saturday to you! I am sorry this has taken me so long to get out. I really hope you like it. This is my first time writing for Javier so I hope I do well. 💜
Summary: f/Reader & Javier have been sleeping together. At first, it started as stress relief from their jobs at the DEA, but f/Reader ends up pregnant & keeps it from him. Javier finds out during the worst possible time.
I have never been more thankful than I am right now to be one of the few women working in the DEA. I get to have the washroom all to myself as I am throwing up the very small breakfast I had.
I threw that up a few hours ago, at this point I have no idea what the hell I am throwing up.
I cleaned my face up and popped a piece of gum into my mouth, hoping that it will do the job of getting rid of my puke breath.
"You okay YN?" Steve asked me as I sat down at my desk, which was beside his.
"Yeah, I am good. I think I just had one too many last night." I told him as I lied through my teeth. He just smiled and shook his head at me, muttering "You never could handle your alcohol."
While Steve was making fun of me for being a lightweight, Javier was looking at me over the top of his newspaper.
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I didn't bother to look at him. Not when it was just only a few days ago that he had me once again crying out his name as he used his sexual talents to bring me so much damn pleasure that I had no idea could happen before I met him.
He knows with one nod of his head, I would be meeting him in the washroom that the other DEA members refuse to use for some reason.
But only after a few hours of going through boring paperwork, I felt the urge to throw up again. Since this is the fourth time today, I knew I had to get looked at.
I decided to head out early and told my boss that I had to leave due to not feeling well. At first, he didn't want me to leave and refused, but I told him the next time I had to puke, I would make sure to do it all over his expensive shoes.
He let me go after that.
I got in my car and headed home when I was stopped at a red light. As I sat in my car, waiting for the light to change, a pregnant woman walked by.
It suddenly dawned on me.
My period is late. Extremely late.
The random puking happening at all hours.
Certain smells making me nauseous.
Oh, fuck me.
I'm pregnant.
A horn from the car behind me startled me. I noticed the light was green and I floored it. I had to find the nearest clinic and get proof.
It took me a bit to find one, but when I did, I felt like I was in a daze as I filled out the form.
That feeling never went away as I sat there, or when my name finally got called.
I did the test and told the Doctor my symptoms. I got sent home as they had to wait a couple of days to get the test results.
I was told to come back on Tuesday and I will find out then. I knew deep down inside I didn't have to wait until Tuesday to know whether I am or not.
I called out of work saying I came down with some stomach bug and that I will be back in a few days. I waited patiently at my place. Kept myself occupied with TV, catching up on some much-needed sleep and reading.
Then Tuesday finally rolled around and I made my way to the Clinic. I had my hands placed on my lap to stop myself from fidgeting.
"YN LN?"
I stood up and followed the nurse to the room. I waited in the warm room to find out if I was pregnant.
"Yes, Doctor."
"We have your results and you are pregnant. I would say you are about 6, 7 weeks along."
His voice faded into the background as this became all too real. I am pregnant with Javier Peña's baby.
The same man who doesn't want a relationship with anyone and who has announced more times than I can count that he doesn't want kids.
How the hell did this even happen? We always used protection.
Then it dawned on me, we didn't have anything twice and he swore to pull out, but the one night when we both had a bit too much to drink, he didn't pull out in time.
I left the clinic and went home, trying to decide what I should do. I already knew I couldn't give up this baby, but my dilemma was how I should tell Javier.
What the hell am I supposed to do?
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Javier Peña's POV:
Three weeks.
Three fuckin' weeks since I have talked to YN. First, she went off sick due to some stomach bug and she was gone less than a week.
She came back and she was normal with Steve. Talking and catching up on what she has missed.
But me?
I say her name and she turns the other way or talks to someone else. She is ignoring my calls and when I have shown up at her place to try and talk to her, she doesn't answer the door.
What the hell did I do to her?
This has been eating away at me and has been pissing me off so much that I have taken it out on anyone who got in my way.
"What the hell crawled up your ass Javier?" Steve said as I slammed my mug down.
"None of your concern," I grumbled.
"Something is going on between YN and you. I have seen it these last couple of weeks. Work it out before we head out to this raid or get your head out of your ass."
I was going to say something smart when he walked away from me towards the debriefing room.
I took a few deep breaths and just tried to focus all my energy on this raid.
But then I saw YN out of the corner of my eye and she was talking with one of the new guys. I haven't learned his name because frankly, I didn't care to know it.
But I can see how he is flirting with her and I can feel myself getting angry. He placed his hand on her hand, which was sitting on the table in front of them.
But the anger slowly faded away when I saw her look down at his hand on top of hers, she smiled softly and moved her hand away.
"We are all here? Good, now listen."
I turned my attention towards the briefing, trying to take in the layout of the building we will be going into. How many men will be there, etc, etc.
Usually, YN would come with Murph and me, but not this time. I have no idea who she went with and it is making me sick to my stomach.
Even before started to sleep together, I always made sure to keep an eye on YN during our raids. I was drawn to her from the very beginning and I pushed my feelings aside for her and we became friends with benefits.
I haven't been with anyone else since we started and these last few weeks, not waking up beside her. Not spending our alone time together has been driving me crazy.
"You able to talk to her?"
"Nope." That was all he got out of me. I mean I tried, but she just pretended she didn't hear me.
We waited for our cue to go inside and I saw YN as she was running to get into position, also waiting for the cue.
We were all silent and then we got the go-ahead. There were shots fired and smoke in the air. There was so much commotion and noise that I could hardly focus on anyone else.
That was until I heard over the radio, YN screaming out in Spanish, "I'M PREGNANT, I'M PREGNANT!"
I snapped my head up and looked at Steve. I didn't wait for him as I went off to find YN.
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I know he is hurting. Every single time I ignore him or turn my back away from him, I can feel his eyes staring at me. Like he is looking into my soul.
But I still have no idea how to tell him.
How am I supposed to let him know that I am pregnant with his baby? That I am going to keep it whether he wants me to or not? That after this raid I plan on going home to work some desk job and try to stay away from the danger.
To be away from him because I know he won't want to leave Columbia. Not until he feels like his work is done and it never will be.
But as I was checking the backrooms, making sure they were clear, I realised I wasn't alone. I heard the sound of a gun cocking and I was told to drop my gun.
I dropped my gun and turned around, but I must have been moving too fast for this henchman of Pablo's because he slapped my face with the handle of his gun. I covered my stomach as I screamed out, "I'M PREGNANT, I'M PREGNANT!"
But that didn't seem to matter to him. A sick smile came over his face and he told me he was going to have lots of fun with me.
I didn't hear the footsteps come running towards us, but I heard the gunshot. I felt the blood splatter across my face and the guy fell to the ground.
I looked up and saw Javi standing there and Steve came rushing into the room, to make sure the guy was dead and to see if there was any identification on him, but Javier's focus was on me.
I crumbled to the ground as this all became too much for me, but I wasn't alone for long.
Javier got on the ground next to me and pulled me into his lap. I couldn't stop crying and he just held me through the tears.
Steve left the two of us alone until it was time for us to go. He found Javi and me still in the same room, with me in his lap.
The three of us walked out of the building, past many of our coworkers who heard me shout out over the radio that I was pregnant.
The car ride back to HQ was quiet. I got out of the car before them and went to go to the washroom.
The same one where Javier and I used to meet up, I knew he wouldn't be that far behind me.
I was gripping the sink, with my head down as he barged into the room. I was waiting for him to scream at me. To yell at me. Anything really, but he didn't.
All he said to me was, "Why?" My head snapped up and I turned to face him. "Why what?" I asked him.
"Why did you put your life and our baby's lives at risk?"
"No one knew I was pregnant and this is my job, Peña."
"So it is Peña now? Look YN, you were foolish and downright stupid today." He was getting angrier and angrier as he walked towards me.
"Fuck you, Javier. Fuck you." How dare he?
"You have already done that sweetheart." The smirk that came across his face, I wanted to slap off and I raised my hand to slap it off of his face when he caught my hand in his.
"I could have lost you today YN. Fuck, hearing your terrified screams made my blood run cold. I could have lost you without actually telling you how I feel."
"And how do you feel?"
"That I can't stand to be without you by my side another day. That I love you and these last few weeks without hearing you say my name or waking up next to me has been killing me."
"Who knew Javier Peña was a romantic?" I joked.
"Had to find the right woman YN."
"And me being pregnant?"
"Hmm, well I haven't had sex with a pregnant woman before. That means your boobs are gonna get bigger." He said to me with a giddy smile as he wrapped his arms around me.
I jokingly pushed away from him for that comment but he just pulled me closer to him.
He brought his lips to mine and we finally kissed after almost a month or so.
"I love you YN." He said as he pulled his lips away and leaned his forward against mine.
"I love you too Javi."
"Oh and you are getting a desk job. No more fieldwork for you."
"I already planned on it. Well, I was gonna go home but I guess I can stay here and work."
"Starting tomorrow." He said to me with a serious look.
"I'll talk to the boss and get assigned desk duty." His shoulders relaxed.
"Good, now how far along are you?" He asked me as we left the washroom.
"About 10 weeks give or take."
"What?" He stopped.
"Yeah around two and a half months."
His mouth opened and closed.
"Did you break him?" Steve asked as he stepped next to me.
"I think so."
"Congratulations to the both of you. I am sure once he stops malfunctioning we can go out and celebrate."
I laughed with Steve as I looked at Javi. I think the two of us will be just fine.
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thelov3lybookworm · 4 months
Plants Of Thorns Bear The Prettiest Flowers (Part 2)
Part 1
Summary: She has come far.
A/n: so... if you all didnt know, ive had this idea in my mind for like, over a couple of months, and this is my baby. I just wanted this sister who hated everyone except her father, and so that is why i have the urge to show you all their relationship.
i love this series, it is my baby 🥹
( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho.....
(also, Y/n is like, around two years in this)
anyways, enjoy!
Orion's pov, 65 years ago.
Orion had just finished signing the paperwork for the renovations of a few houses in Velaris and leaned back in his chair when the sound of a child crying reached his ears. His brows furrowed when the cries only became louder, as if the child was coming closer to his office.
If Orion was being honest, he had not cared for his children for one day since they were born. There were nannies for that. But when the crying did not cease, he wondered what the hell the nanny was doing.
His wife was not present either, or she would have quieted the babe, Y/n, before she even started crying.
Y/n was... one of a kind. Orion knew she was different than his son the moment she was born.
He stood from his chair, hoping the nanny could quiet the girl before he got annoyed and stretched, popping his joints that had become stiff after having sat for so long.
Someone knocked on the doors to his office in the moonstone palace, and Orion sighed, walking up to it and yanking it open, ready to tell whoever it was to leave him alone-
The loud cries of the babe in the nanny's arms made Orion wince, and he glared at her.
"What?" He snapped at the young lower fae who he was sure was not Y/n's nanny.
"I beg your forgiveness my lord, but I am new here. Julia has been called away due to some family matters, and I don't know why, but the princess has been constantly crying for the past couple of hours."
He rose a brow at the female. Julia was the nanny that usually looked after Rhysand and Y/n, so it was a real shame that no one who knew how to take care of the kids was around.
Orion cursed his wife for leaving to visit Illyria without the babe.
"What do you expect me to do about it?"
"I just... my lord, I thought you would know how to calm her down."
The babe in the females arms screamed louder, her legs kicking. Her small hands fisting and pulling and pushing at the shoulder of the nanny.
Orion sighed, grabbing the little girl from the females arms. It felt a little awkward, considering it was the first time Orion was holding his daughter in his arms.
"Get lost. And no need to come back. Also, tell Julia to leave someone who actually knows how to do their work next time."
"But my lord-"
Orion did not give her the chance to complete the sentence, turning away and slamming the door shut with his leg.
He still held Y/n away from his body, his palms grasping at her ribs and holding her as if she was a dangerous object which could explode at any second.
She was.
Orion was just pondering what to do when he realised that Y/n had stopped screaming, soft sniffles the only sounds coming from her now. She stared at Orion with wide eyes, shiny with the tears still in them. She was panting a little, her chubby cheeks red.
Orion stared back. In the back of his mind, he wondered what she saw when she looked at him. Did she see a monster? A high lord? A fae male?
Her father?
Orion shook his head, trying to dislodge that thought and wondering what to do with Y/n. His arms were beginning to strain now, and he quickly looked around the room, his eyes landing on the couch near his desk.
Orion walked over, leaning down to set Y/n onto it.
But before she even touched the couch, her eyes widened, her mouth opening as a scream again ripped from her chest. Big, fat tears began running down her rounded cheeks, and Orion straightened.
She quieted instantly.
"What do you want me to do?" Orion questioned the little girl, who did nothing. Her eyes seemed to have been glued to his face.
Of course, he felt dumb for trying to converse to a babe.
Sighing, he wrapped his arms properly around her, just like the nanny had, and watched her reaction. She relaxed, settling into Orion's chest, looking around with curious eyes.
Orion huffed, deciding to try and set her down again. It was a mistake, as she... did not like that. She glared at her father with accusatory eyes, and amusement spread through him when she started blabbering to herself under her breath.
But Orion knew he could not stand with her in his arms all day. He still had more papers to sign and reports to read. Orion looked around once again, his eyes now lingering on the giant windows of the moonstone palace through which the distant mountains were visible, shining softly under the tender moonlight.
He turned so Y/n could look at it. "You want to look out of there?"
Her tiny fingers wrapped tightly around his shirt, and she turned her head away, staring at something on the wall behind the desk. Orion sighed.
Once he had settled down in his chair, he set her carefully on his lap, praying to the mother for his wife to return soon.
"Are you always this fussy?" He questioned, making her look up at him from where she was examining the wood of the desk. She babbled something at him, her index finger raised. Then she settled back against Orion's abdomen, her fingers twisting around her little dress. "Mother help me."
Orion returned to his paperwork, and it was almost an hour before he glanced down to the babe in his arms. She had not fussed at all since then, and it was a little suspicious.
There she was, sucking on her thumb, her other hand wrapped around the index finger of the hand that Orion had put around her to keep her from falling, her head resting in the crook of his elbow.
He could not stop the tiny smile that bloomed on his face at the sight.
Orion's pov, now.
Orion took a sip of his drink, glancing up from the paperwork he was examining. His eyes found the hunched form of his eldest daughter as she worked on a few reports for him.
Feeling his eyes on her, she glanced up. "Father? Is there anything you need?"
"How long till the reports are finished?"
"Only a couple of pages left."
Orion hummed, gulping down the rest of his whiskey before speaking. "Where did your mother and sister go to again?"
Y/n blinked. "Oh, they told me they were going to visit Rhys in Illyria."
Orion nodded, reaching out to grab the whiskey decanter to pour himself another glass. Y/n returned to her work.
His wife had told him she was visiting Illyria. She did not tell him she was going to meet their son.
He would have to have a chat with her.
His eyes again wandered back to his daughter as he leaned back.
That first day when he had held her and then she had fallen asleep on him flashed through Orion's mind, and a small smirk quirked the side of his lips.
She had come far. So far.
From that innocent little babe who just wanted love to this- this tool who would do anything to please her father.
He was proud of her, he realised. Though he had never said that to her. He probably never would.
Or returned to his paperwork, storing that information in the back of his mind to be analysed later.
He had just picked up his quill when that first feeling of terror and pain came through the usually closed off side of his mate's side of the bond.
Taglist: @mirandasidefics
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months
Taken!Series Part Five: Perfect - Angel Reyes x Reader
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Tagging: @wakeama @witches-unruly-heart @keyweegirlie @trhett21 @annetje @infinity-mars @emily2003alzaga @danzer8705 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @thatonesexycancerian @expir3dl0v3 @appreciatelove @the-wandering-lunatic @weiwei0210 @anime-weeb-4-life @multifandomloversworld @harperdoodle @cheyrenee @fanfic-n-tabulous @stressed-chas @daydreaming-belle @est1887 @prettyinpunk85 @adaydreamaway08 @thanossexual @briefpersonenemy @creativitybeware @crimeshowjunkie @librarian1002 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @spookyboogyuniverse @spaghettificationandpretzels @nu1freakshow @thebaileybugle @legally-a-bastard @bonsaijoons @sclitvdes @justreblogginfics @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @withakindheartx
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You survive, barely, but you do.
They let Angel have a couple of minutes with you once they have you settled in the ICU.
The next few hours are critical they tell him, there’s nothing he can do.
He sits beside your bed, his fingers curling around yours. His thumb traces over the veins, he can’t get over how stark they are against your skin. You look so small, so dilapidated. There’s tubes running into your body, he has no idea what any of them do only that they’re keeping you alive.
You’re usually so vivid, so passionate, seeing you like this is a blow, one that’s not sure he’ll recover from.
“Valeria’s safe.” He tells you. “We got her back.”
There’s no response from you, he doesn’t expect one. He doesn’t know if you can hear him, but he hopes you can because that means you’re coming back to him, back to the family you fought for.
“It was bad Lila.” He whispers, his lips brushing over your knuckles. “Our baby girl was wrapped up in bath towels, sleeping in a cardboard box in a fucking shanty town. That’s what you were trying to save her from.”
His eyes are stinging now, he feels the tears spilling over his cheeks as he squeezes your hand.
“She could have died up there.” He says, his voice breaking. “She was crying, dirty, hungry…”
He draws in a shaky breath, using the back of his hand to wipe away the tears that stain his cheeks.
“She needs you Lila, we both do. I can’t… I can’t do this without you.” his voice breaks, a sob erupting from his chest. “I don’t want to do this without you. I need you to get through this so we can be a family again because you’re the mom she needs, the one that was there when…”
He can’t bring himself to say it because the images it conjures in his head are too raw, too visceral. Everytime, he closes his eyes, he’s sees you lying there bleeding out across the laminate.
He thinks of his mother’s ring nestled in the top pocket of his kutte, the one he’d collected from his father a couple of weeks ago. That’s the reason he’s agreed to go out last night, him and EZ were putting their heads together, trying to come up with a proposal that you’d love.
EZ had suggested the rose garden because they all knew how much that place meant to you. Jo and him had put together a plan, they were going to decorate the place with fairy lights, make it magical for the two of you.
Next weekend is when they decided, his Pops would take Valeria for the night. EZ and Jo would set things up while Angel took you out for dinner, your first date since Valeria came along, you’d go for a walk afterwards to the rose garden…
It would have been perfect, he thinks as he watches the rise and fall of your chest. You would have loved it.
Love Angel? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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dc-marvel-life · 5 months
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Diana Prince x reader 
Request: Can I request some carol x reader x diana prince or just some diana prince x reader fluff? I've read 'Works Every Time' and it's really good :) - @starryskiesandboys
Summary: Carol and Diana miss a very important day of the year 
Word Count: ~1.3K
Warnings: Angst with fluff ending 
A/N: Sorry it took so long. I haven’t done angst in a long time, but it was still fun though. If you want to request something please do so!!!
You were in your shared apartment, eagerly waiting for your girlfriends to return home. They had been on a mission for a week now, and tonight marked the night they'd finally be back with you.
It was the perfect time for their return because today marked your two-year anniversary with them both. While the public knew about your relationship spanning five years, they didn't know anything about you for safety reasons. You had met Carol and Diana on the day they saved you from a building collapse. Impressed, they asked you out for coffee.
Initially, it was innocent, and you were just friends with one of the most powerful superhero couples. After a few months of hanging out, feelings developed for both of them. You hesitated due to their obvious love for each other, but one drunk night at their place, you confessed your feelings. To your delight, they admitted having feelings for you since they first laid eyes on you, hesitant to mention it. Polyamory wasn't a problem for you, and that's how your relationship with Carol and Diana began, leading you to the present two years later.
Unable to go out to celebrate, you decorated the apartment with balloons, rose petals, and a candle-lit dinner with soft music playing in the background. Your aim was to express the love you felt for the two women over the years.
As you kept checking your phone for the time, it got late. This was normal for missions, but they had texted you hours ago about returning tonight. You reassured yourself with the thought that maybe they were still helping someone.
Turning to your phone to pass the time, a news article caught your attention. The headline read, 'Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman’s new girlfriend!?!'. Expecting it to be about you, you opened it, only to find pictures of Carol and Diana at a bar with Valkyrie, hands all over each other. The time stamp indicated it was taken tonight.
Heartbroken, you tossed your phone on the couch and cried for five minutes. Remembering your mom's advice, you decided it was time to take action. After finishing your cry, you blew out the candles, popped the balloons, discarded the rose petals, and put away the food. Now, you waited for your girlfriends to return home, despite your upset feelings.
A couple of hours later, you heard them outside, trying to open the door.
“SSSHHHH, we have to be quiet so we don’t wake her up. I would hate to wake her up this late,” Diana said through the door to Carol, who was attempting to open it.
“I know, but I hope she's up because I want to cuddle her so bad right now,” Carol said.
You sighed and paused your show as the door opened.
“Oh my gosh, sweetheart, you're awake!” Carol exclaimed drunkenly, rushing over to hug you. However, you didn't reciprocate the hug. She still cuddled you.
“Hey there, sorry we're home so late,” Diana stumbled over, attempting to kiss you. Unresponsive, you moved your head, causing her to kiss your cheek. Diana gave you a questioning look as you stood up, leaving Carol to fall onto the couch.
“I made dinner; let me go and heat it for you guys,” you said, walking into the kitchen to prepare a plate for them. After they finished eating, you cleaned their plates and got them ready for bed.
“Come on, guys, it's time for bed,” you announced, helping them change into sleepwear and tucking them into bed. After a few minutes, you heard them snoring.
Quietly returning to the room, you grabbed your to-go bag and, with a last glance at your sleeping girlfriends, left the apartment.
A few blocks away, you reached a safe place to spend the night. Despite the late hour, walking alone didn't worry you, knowing how to handle yourself in a fight, a skill Carol and Diana had made sure you acquired early in your relationship.
A couple of minutes later, you arrived at the apartment of your friends and knocked on their door. Dinah answered, and upon seeing your tearful eyes, invited you in.
“Hey sweetie, what are you doing here this late?” Dinah asked, concern evident.
“Come inside, sweetie, and we'll talk,” Dinah offered, leading you into the apartment where your friends Natasha and Wanda were present. After explaining the night's events, Dinah assured you that you could stay as long as needed.
The next morning, Carol and Diana woke up to each other but not to you. Calling out your name brought no response. Confused and concerned, they called you, but it went to voicemail. A knock on the door brought Monica, who informed them about the events of the previous night, showing them pictures of their night out.
“No, no, no, this can't be happening,” Diana checked her calendar, realizing they had missed the anniversary.
“I feel like shit now,” Carol admitted. Monica warned them not to go to the compound for a couple of days and left.
Distraught, Carol and Diana started to clean and decorate the apartment with gifts they had bought over the past few months for your anniversary. They showered and changed into your clothes while awaiting your return.
That was the thing about your relationship; you all couldn’t be long without each other’s clothes or scent. When they go on a long mission, they ask you to wear multiple of their clothes and to take some of your clothes. They will do the same for you. 
At Dinah’s place, without their clothes or scent, you couldn't sleep. Deciding to return, you walked back to your apartment. Opening the door, you found it decorated even more lavishly than you had arranged. Your girlfriends were asleep on the couch, wearing your hoodies. You smile at the two and give them both kisses on their foreheads. That was enough to stir them awake.
“You are home!!!” Carol exclaimed with an uncertain smile.
“Yeah, I had to come back because I couldn't sleep. I didn't pack any of your guys’ clothes in my to-go bag, so here I am,” you said, observing the gifts and feeling a mix of emotions.
“It is nice in here. It almost looks like last night before I tore it all down,” you noted. Seeing the pile of gifts, you sighed, “You didn't need to get me all those gifts to say sorry.”
“No, my dear, we bought all of those gifts for you over the past couple of months for our two-year anniversary. If you want proof, then we can show you the receipt,” Diana explained.
"We have been planning for this anniversary for a long time now. Sweetheart, we know that we messed up big time, and we will be making it up to you every day for the rest of our lives. This will never happen again, and that is something we can promise you. We love you and want you in our lives forever,” Carol says, nodding in agreement.
"I am not going to lie and say that I wasn’t hurt by your guys’ actions, and that will take time to heal fully with a lot of work. The thing is, I love you guys so much too. It was just a tough week at work, I did not see you guys, and the new article just sent me over the edge. I am sorry that I just ran away from the problem and did not talk about it. Can you guys forgive me?” you say with tears in your eyes.
"You have nothing to say sorry about, dear. It was mainly our fault. We will all do better next time,” Diana says.
"There will be no next time,” Carol says, and you all laugh. You guys come in for a group hug and kisses. The rest of the night, you express gratitude for the thoughtfulness of the anniversary preparations, cuddle, and watch movies.
Hope you enjoy!!! Please request if you have any other ideas.
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i-writes-things · 1 year
Bring You're Kid To Work Day Maria Hill Edition
Maria Hill x (15 year old) daughter!reader
Warnings-NOne, fluff, a sugar rush, giggles, protests, whining.
Extra Pairings:
Avengers x Hill!reader
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Not my Gif*
Steve walked in with a plate of cookies. COOKIES! Maria swiped them from Steve, hoping to hid them from-
"COOKIES" Y/n, Maria's 15 year old daughter shouted from her spot on the ground.
"Oh god." Maria picked her head up, smiling at her little girl. "Yes, my friend Steve brought them for-" She looked at Steve.
"B-both of you guys." He smiled at Y/n.
"Oh my gosh, I have wanted cookies since last week." Y/n shot her mom a quick glance.
"I told you I looked down that aisle four times. How am I suppose to know they are behind a big box of healthy snacks."
"It's their tactic to keep us on a diet. But I've told you about this before."
"Okay, well I can't remember everything. You know that." Taking a cookie and going back to her seat, Y/n says,
"Well you should." And to make sure her mother doesn't hear she adds a quick, "Thanks Steve."
"You're welcome." Steve gives Maria a nod before ducking out and almost instantly someone else walks right back in.
"There she is! The infamous Y/n Hill. If only Maria told us she had a kid. Maybe you'd be an Avenger by now."
"No." Maria butts in, giving Tony Stark a look. "I think Fury needs you, he is on the other end of the hall." She points down the way. Tony hands Y/n a crusty popsicle that he probably found on the ground and leaves the room. Maria walks over and hands her daughter a cookie in exchange for the lolly. She throws it away, despite Y/n's protests. "No, you're not eating that thing. It's not even food."
"Mooooooom!" Y/n huffs.
"Hey, no whining, come on, we're in public. And you're a big girl." Y/n pouts at Maria. "My big girl." She ruffles your hair. Y/n takes another cookie and walked out the door and down the hall. Maria listens from her desk. She hears people greet her and her daughter's laughter as she traveled down the hallway. Hearing Tony again, and Monica, Carol, Wanda, even Vision's, offering her a brownie. And Maria knew bringing her kid to work was gonna be more mothering than work as Y/n walked in with a plate of cookies, a smile and Vision with Wanda on his heels. Come to say hi.
"Hi!" Wanda cheers!
"Mom look what I found!" She showed her mom the plate, offering her one. Which she declines, seeing the chocolate smeared on Y/n's face. She goes to wipe it off, which Y/n avoids, scrunching her face.
"Okay, I have to be at training, 3 minutes ago. She kisses Vision on the cheek and gives Maria and her daughter a smile as she exits.
"I shall be on my way too. Good to see you, Miss Hill." Vision waves good bye to you and your mom.
Over the next few hours it seems you just started to bounce off the walls after finishing BOTH the brownies and cookie plates. With Maria's help, but mostly your own.
"Babe." She held one hand out to you, the other trying to hold herself together. "Please. If you don't specifically need me, don't call my name."
"Mom?" Maria took a breath.
"I don't know I just wanted to say your name"
"That's-" You were now running down the hall saying, as it echoed across the walls,
"Look mom nooo haaaaands!" Running with your arms flailing about behind you. Giggling you ran back into her office running around to jump into her chair, trying to, but fitting awkwardly in her lap. Maria just let you go, knowing you would crash soon enough. And 30 minutes later you were asleep on the ground. Thor had come in to gift you surprise birthday cake flavored pop tarts but you asleep. So he left. Maria wasn't even able to greet him before he was marching back down the hall. He came back in, gently putting a small blanket on your back. Maria smiled. She finally felt how the rest of her colleagues did. She realized that they were all just big family. And they all love Y/n just like she does.
After Thor left again, Maria took a photo of her sleeping baby. She smiled and watched her sleep peacefully. Turning out the lights she left to go talk with her family right down the way.
@ravensinthedaylight @may-z3@youre-a-total--poser
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jeromeswife · 2 years
namor x f!reader - research and fishman
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Pairing: Namor x f!reader
Word count: 842
Summary: A college project leads you to a local legend from the ocean.
Warnings: none! just chivalry type of fluff I guess
A/N - had to write some Namor fluff since I saw people wanting some. I don’t enjoy writing it, but this was lots of fun and I hope you guys like it!
Ch'íij - human
In yakunaj - my love
(Y/N) sat on the beach, wearing a sheer dress with a corset wrapped around the top that displayed an old panting across it. In her hand held a leather notebook and a mechanical pencil in the other. She'd been working on an assignment assigned to her by her college professor pertaining to studying the ocean and its inhabitants. In the long history of projects her professors displayed in a PowerPoint presentation, she'd never realized that no one ever ventured to Yucatan, Mexico.
When she arrived there a few days ago, (Y/N) asked the town locals about anything about the coast of the waters. She was determined to collect all the findings so she could learn more about its history, but also secretly wished to pass her class. After all, college was not cheap. (Y/N) was only able to afford this trip due to working long hours as a server at her local restaurant, saving up the money to do something extraordinary.
The locals of the state had refused to speak up about most of the information. Frustrated, she decided to wander elsewhere near the coast. There she found a few natives who opened up to her about what mysteries lied in the ocean. (Y/N) had been told about a man from the sea with wings that could soar across the sky, pointed ears, and the ability to breathe out of water and underwater. Which lead her to where she is now.
(Y/N) got up from her spot in the sand and dipped her feet into the water. By her toes, she could see various types of fish swimming around her; the seashells that popped with vivid colors of white, blue, pink, and the color of midnights. The pencil in her hand immediately was drawn to the pages of the notebook, writing down the observations she took note of in her head.
She really had never seen much color like this. So much beauty that hadn't been tainted by the pounds of waste being dumped in the US by a neglectful government. The only color of water (Y/N) had ever seen was the murky, cloudy blue water of the shorelines she'd visited as a child.
But before she knew it, a wave crashed into her and her belongings dropped into the water along with her. The once dry locks of (Y/N)'s hair became tainted by salt water. She leaped out of the water and pushed the wet hair away from her face. A gasp left her mouth as she looked around her.
"My journal! My research! I-It's gone!"
(Y/N)'s did seem to notice some odd ripples in the water that went in her direction. Emerging from the water, she peered at the man with golden brown skin, multiple jewels and necklaces adorning his neck. He pushed the wet hair back and gazed upon her.
In his hands, lied the journal she unfortunately lost, dripping in water that soaked the pages to the point where they'd be unrecoverable and unrecognizable.
"I believe this belongs to you, Ch'íij"
He looked even more handsome to her up close as he stood closer to (Y/N), giving her the prized possession she lost. "I'm afraid that there's too much damage to this to recover your research."
She became alert at the fact that he was onto her. Yet (Y/N) noticed how close he resembled to the legends the natives told her. She'd opened the pages of the journal and found years beginning to well up in her eyes. She was heartbroken. The tales of the natives, the observations of the environment and ocean, the fish and sea shells, all gone. Lost to the damp pages.
"Thank you.. I do appreciate your help, even if it was essentially meaningless due to the state of my journal."
He frowned and breather deeply, "My name is K'uk'ulkan. My enemies call me Namor, but I prefer my native name my people call me."
K'uk'ulkan... The name replayed itself in her head on loop, trying to soak in that information Namor told her. (Y/N) couldn't help but smile at the chivalrous actions of the king. Only a stranger, yet as kind to her as anyone could be.
"I'm (Y/N)! But my enemies call me.. (Y/N)?"
The two laughed in sync and Namor took her smaller hand into his callused one. He brought his lips onto (Y/N)'s soft, (S/C) hand, giving it a sweet kiss.
"I believe your research can be assisted by me, as I know everything there is to know about this are of the atlantic ocean. Let me show you my world, In yakunaj."
(Y/N) bit her lip. She couldn't believe in her wildest dreams of what was happening to right now.
"Your world of what, K'uk'ulkan?"
Namor stepped closer, "Talokan, my kingdom. It resides in the ocean and I wish for you to see it."
She hesitated to accept his offer but before she knew it, she had dissapeared into the waters with Namor.
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jjungkooksthighs · 2 years
Claws of Carnality | jjk (m) (13)
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Pairing: alpha jungkook x omega reader
Genre: abo/werewolf and fantasy
Rating: 18+/nsfw
Word Count: 5.1k
Summary: The Duels of the Chosen are near. Tensions and desires rise.
Warnings: mentions of breeding, dom!jungkook, alpha!jungkook, alpha!Taehyung (he’s a bit of a cocky one this one), alpha!Jimin (best friends take after each other ig) sub!reader, omega!reader, cursing, praising, possessive!jungkook, LOTS OF TEASING, dirty talk, (blood) marking, mentions of breeding/ruts/heats, mentions of a mark, slick and pre-ejaculatory production, scent marking, scenting, begging, praise kink, breeding/impreg kink, character injury (someone gets hurt, but it isn’t serious), biting (BITE KINK IS STRONG IN THIS ONE)
A/N: Hello again, readers! It's been a few months since chapter twelve was posted, and I know a lot of you have been curious about what happens next. This chapter was one I felt I needed to have in there since, well...we're very near the fight and it'll just be that much more satisfying if that is built up correctly. That is what I hoped to accomplish this chapter, because the next one will FINALLY be the long anticipated fight! Please enjoy this, though. I think some of you will find it to be...entertaining, to say the least. As always, please let me know what you think! Words of affirmation/praise are needed to keep this writer feeling good about their work. :)
Oh, and please appreciate this gif, by the way. This gif single-handedly inspired this entire fic. Mayhaps there is a scene in this chapter where it might have, uh...stimulated something.
“How long are you going to sit perched by the heel of the she-wolf, Jeon?” Yoongi curls his lip in distaste as if the very name blackens his tongue before he jibes, “I grow impatient and weary of this. Let us fight for fuck’s sake.”
One side of your alpha’s mouth lifts upward in a cocksure smirk, his brow arching as his head turns to the side so he can taunt, “All in due time, Min,” he draws out the other wolf’s name slowly as he stands to his full height, the dried paint of blood all over his body a warning sign that darkens dangerously over his form as he turns away from you. “I suggest you watch your tone with me the next time you speak. If not,” his chuckle has even the dirt beneath him shaking, “I can always make you. Do not forget yourself, Yoongi.  It is I who holds the battle rights. And it is I alone who will decide when we fight, how we fight, and where we fight. Piss me off enough,” your alpha rolls one shoulder back, his eyes narrowing, “and you will find that my terms will leave you with far more agitation than whatever you think you are dealing with now. Ask Taehyung how he fared when he tested me last.”
Yoongi snorts in answer, but does not say anything more.
You bite your lip at the way your alpha’s muscles flex and jump in the movement as he rolls his other shoulder back. At the show of power between the two wolves and how easily one demanded control over the other.
“You yield to him, Yoongi?” Taehyung cocks his head at the russet-haired wolf, “You fear him? How comical.”
“What I find comical, Taehyung,” Jungkook inspects his nails before making a fist into his other his hand, those fingers curving over it as his bones pop and crack, “Is that you nearly had your arm ripped off in the forest just a few hours ago because you dared to touch the omega. My omega. It is only because of her that all of your limbs are still attached. She will not stop me this time.” He angles his chin to the side, “So do not count your blessings. They won’t serve you. The only thing that will shall be pain.”
“Pain is temporary, Jungkook. Nothing you could do to me will sc-“
“Oh? How about I rip both hands off, Taehyung? Or maybe…maybe I should start with your fingers that you like to fuck not only Jimin’s sister with, but several other omegas with?” Your alpha asks, the barb sharp as talons as his words sink into the smaller wolf while Jimin, from behind Taehyung, stands with his mouth open and disbelief wrinkling the flesh around his eyes. “Do not think that rumors of your,” your alpha scrunches his nose, “activities have not reached me. They have been uttered to all but Jimin himself, who has a misguided loyalty to you when you clearly do not return it,” he clucks his tongue at Taehyung’s scathing scowl, “˙Perhaps you have forgotten, but in my absences here, Namjoon has been acting as my second-in-command. He’s given me all the details on your dealings. Many of which are questionable to say the least.” Disappointment hangs onto his words as he chides. “I have done my best to discipline you, but it looks like you need to learn the hard way what happens when you go against me.”
Taehyung’s mouth opens, closes, and opens again, but no words depart from between his lips.
“Taehyung,” Jimin’s voice is sweet as syrup, yet your own posture goes rigid as ice while the smaller wolf inquires, “is this true? You told me you’d stay away from my sister. You promised me that you’d stay away. And this whole time, you’ve been pursuing the same she-wolf you knew I was tailing for days?”
Your alpha bares his teeth at that, “Of course it is true, Jimin. I have many qualities, but being deceitful has never been one of them. I have never been that way,” he crosses his arms, his biceps bulging at the action and suddenly air is not a kind companion in the way it betrays you at the sight of him in his half-nude glory as he says, “And I never will. I cannot say the same for others, however.”
At your alpha’s words, fury ignites in Taehyung’s eyes. He gives a scorching glare at your alpha and when his lips part this time, his voice comes briskly from between them.
“Jeon, you fucking prick,” he spits, “I’m going to destroy you for this.”
Your alpha hums, “Mmm, not if Jimin gets to you first. I’ll be waiting for you on the other side, boy. If you can make it there, that is. I doubt very seriously you will. You never could beat me in a fight, and we’ve had many. Ah, and one more thing,” Jungkook’s neck cracks when his head rotates to the side, then to the front, the other side, and then the back as he warns, “Refer to me as a prick again,” his eyes promise danger in the way they grow dim, “and you will regret it.”
Taehyung is quiet as a mouse after that.
When Jimin speaks next, the saccharine flavor to his voice is gone. In its place, there is only the burnt remains of hatred as his eyes strafe from Jungkook to Taehyung.
“I will crush the both of you to shit,” he pushes Taehyung, though the other wolf doesn’t budge from where he stands. “I will fuck you up first. For lying to me and going behind my back. And you,” he points to your alpha, his nail elongating into a claw, “I will take your place as Pack Alpha so that no one will be able to lie to me ever again. And I’ll take your little whore while I’m at it. Since it is her kind that want to act like little sluts, I’ll make sure to treat her like one.”
From behind him, you cannot see the way the silvery flecks in your alpha’s eyes become shadowed until they are pitch black as they’d been a few minutes ago. What you can see, however, is the way Jungkook squares his shoulders and digs his feet into the black earth beneath him, his hands balling into fists so tight that his flesh turns snow white.
“That is enough. You’re making me angry. I will not stand to have slander spoken toward my mate. On my command, you shall not speak another word without my permission or I’ll have your tongue for your insubordination. Understand?”
Your alpha’s irises move from Yoongi to Taehyung, and then to Jimin. The trio remain silent. Even if they wanted to say something, they cannot for the same reason that you have not moved a muscle since your alpha ordered you to remain seated before him.
It is referred to as the Alpha’s Bidding.
When an alpha, beta or omega is in the presence of an alpha that overpowers them in strength (or if an alpha, beta, or omega submits and yields to another alpha–whether physically or verbally), that wolf cannot disobey that alpha if said alpha gives them a command. Their wolfly nature will not allow them to disobey the decree of the stronger wolf.  
Jungkook did not particularly like to use this on other wolves. It left the wolves he used it on without their own free will or agency against what he asked them to do, so he’d made a pact to use it only in situations where there would be violence if he did not.
He’d only used it a handful of times in his life, for he much preferred to solve problems the way nature intended for it: to battle it out. And he’d never lost a fight.
This time, though… this time his better judgement was being overridden by one thing.
You. He could not bear it to hear such outrageous things be spoken aloud. And it made logic and reason slip like water through his fingers until only his emotion remained. Emotion that made him become aggressive in his need to protect you.
“When this is all over and I have all three of you on the floor panting, bleeding and crying in the dirt beneath my feet, I’ll make you all get on your knees and apologize for your gross misconduct toward my mate.” He makes a sound of consideration and taps at his elbow, “I’ll step on you and break the bones in your jaw if I detect so much as a hint of sarcasm, so you’d better fucking mean it. Do I make myself clear? This time, you can answer.”
All three wolves nod in unison at that one.
Jungkook jerks his chin and gives a dismissive wave of his hand, “Get out of my sight. All of you. Our battle will be held in the clearing in front of the knoll a few paces ahead of us. You are all to wait for me there.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes.
Taehyung spits onto the ground whilst staring daggers at Jungkook.
Jimin glares holes through Taehyung before glowering at your alpha.
Yoongi is the first to leave. Jimin is next. Taehyung is the last to disappear into the sea of wolves around you, but not before he his lips lilt upward.
You can’t bring yourself to pay attention to anything but the way your alpha’s shoulders rise and fall in uneven, broken intervals.
You wish you could get up and go to him. Maybe it’s your pre-heat fever speaking, but you think you know a few ways to lift his spirits (amongst other parts of him).
He’s still facing away from you and you have half a mind to wonder why your throat has become dry and scratchy when you haven’t even been talking even though you want to.
There are so many things you want to tell him. So many you wish you could say. Though, you suppose you could try speaking to him another way.
You close your eyes and imagine that string that ties you both together. The one that is wound around your muscles, your bones, your very heart itself.  
You tug on that cord gently, the warm feeling in your chest that as is bright as the sun when you think of him pushed along that string.
Please turn around, alpha. Look at me, won’t you? I want to see you.
But I’m right here, omega. I’m right in front of you, am I not?
You pout.
I don’t need to turn to know that you’re sticking your cute little bottom lip out right now, you know. While that sight itself is something I would normally fall to my knees for, I need to prepare you for what comes next.
Prepare me? For what?
You hear his dark laugh before the telltale click of a metal latch that must belong to one of the three ornately carved wooden boxes the elders had arranged in a half-moon around your alpha earlier.
You open your eyes, and now he’s hunched over the largest of the square boxes in the middle. Each are the color of sepia, umber and burnt sienna and are held closed by impressive metalwork.
However, you’re entirely engrossed in the show of his shoulder blades that descend and ascend whilst the muscles beneath and around them swell in his ministrations as he works open the intricate latches.
The sight has you licking your lips and your digits twitching in your skirts.
You can’t see what he’s doing, but this view isn’t so bad, now that you think about it. Especially with the handprints that mar his golden back in crimson. Your handprints.
“Admiring your handiwork, omega?” He asks, his attention still set on whatever it is he’s retrieving from the blue, velvet bed of the box (the corner of which you can see peeking from under his knee).
“H-How did you know I opened my eyes?” You stutter, your cheeks heating at being caught red-handed.
“Easy. Your breathing changed.”
You whimper, “Not fair.”
Your alpha peers at you with amusement glinting in one eye and fondness gleaming in the other, the blackness that had swallowed their color melting away so that the silver of his irises streak  them.
He lowers himself until he’s crouched again with his knees facing outward and how you managed to miss the way his thighs all but burst from the seams of his trousers the first time he did this is beyond you. You remember how it had felt to sit on them. To ride him on them.
The memories have another slew of slick dripping down your thigh. It takes but a second for the air to carry your scent to your mate.
He inhales deeply through his nose, his head falling back as he does. The sea of his back muscles ebbing as he grips whatever is in his hands with enough force that the veins of his forearms slither up to his elbows.
“Fuck,” the man actually moans, “your scent just got stronger. It’s making me hard for you. Again. Your heat…it will be upon you within the hour,” your mate’s pupils dilate, “and when that time comes, little one, ” he rises and turns on his heel so that the scarlet moonlight spills herself over his strong jawline as he draws in your scent only to release a shaky breath as he promises, “you’ll be whining much louder for me than you ever have before. Ask me why, omega. Come on. Let me hear you.”
Your cheeks burn at his words, the omegas circling you giggling and the alphas standing by your alpha howling.
Unlike before, his irises are not black as the night sky. They are the color of charred metal.
Your heart stutters beneath your bosom as he slowly treads toward you.
He doesn’t use the Alpha’s Bidding on you now as he did a few moments ago, but then, you both know that he doesn’t need to to get what he wants from you.
You’ll submit to him every time without fail. And he relishes in that.
It’s entirely predatory the way he moves. Each step is slow and calculated. Meticulous yet measured.
You really can’t help the fact that your eyeline, as if magnetized, is pulled toward his face. His hair is tussled and twists sinfully around his forehead and cheeks, both of which are accentuated more than usual with your blood lining them like war paint. His lips are parted deliciously and you have a thought to bite them if he gets near enough to you. You think he’d likely groan at that and would glad do anything to hear that delicious sound right about now.
His neck, lined with stripes and strokes of scarlet, taunts you and you have to swallow when his Adam’s apple bobs lewdly beneath his skin, your own gums tingling as your canines push against them when his mastoid pulses energetically at your attention.
You let your vision trail downward before your fangs can protract.
Your etchings of blood all over his chest seem to have held and you pull your lip between your teeth at the way your marks curve around and along his abdominals in a patchwork of muscle and flesh.
“Much as I love having you ogle me, I asked you a question, pretty. I require a response from you. Now.” His shadow falls over you and, seated before him as you are, he towers above you so much so that you have to lift your chin just to look at him as he crooks his head to the side to husk lowly, “I’m going to say this one more time, love,” he leans over you, those silver orbs of his spilling like moonlight from your eyes to your mouth, “Ask me why you’re going to whine for me. Why you’re going to whimper for me,” he takes your chin between his fingers so that you have nowhere to look but him as his voice deepens, “and why you won’t be able to stop singing for me once your heat comes.”
He's got you wrapped around his fingers. Literally.
And you can do little but suspire in answer. “Why, alpha?”
His long digits grasp you tighter as he leans in until his lips are suspended but a hair above yours.
When he does respond, his words are all but swallowed by your own lips that you readily part for him.
“Because you will want to breed, little one. All you will be able to think about, my little vixen, is how much you need to be filled,” he offers and, bent over you as he is, a strand of saliva collects onto his pink tongue until the pool of it runs over his lip and down onto yours. The crimson moonlight stains it red as blood as he chuckles deliciously, the sound guiding your thighs together once more as he flicks a brow, “and I will make sure you get so much of my spit,” he makes a sound in the back of his throat and his thumb hooks over your bottom lip to urge it apart farther only for him to hoick a ball of spittle into your waiting mouth, “so much of my cum,” his thumb departs between your lips to press down over your tongue, your joined dribble sloshing around his digit and then the four fingers he’s left on your chin are coaxing your mouth closed around his thumb as his eyes flash tellingly, “and so much of my cock that you’ll be dripping because of how much I’m going to pound into this mouth, this ass, and that pussy of yours.”
Your sex clenches around nothing. Hard.
You swirl your tongue around his finger and suck, your hormones demanding you to keep your alpha close. By whatever means necessary.
Nothing matters but him. You’ll do anything for him. Everything for him.
You can feel yourself slipping as the seconds go by, your need for him replacing any other cogitation of relevance.
“Gods, look at you. It has already begun.” He curses when you hollow your cheeks in the manner he’d told you to when you’d first had him in your mouth. “You could only be silenced from the cries you’ve been making nonstop for the last few minutes by using my fingers. Do you know what this means I have to do to you, little one?”
So that’s why your throat had felt scratchy. You don’t think about that for too long, though. There are more important things to give attention to.
Like your alpha.
With your mouth stuffed as it is, you don’t know how you can possibly give an answer he’d understand, but somehow, you manage, “Nnnno. Wwwhat doooes ittt meannn?”
Your alpha arcs his thumb, his nail biting into the soft pad of your tongue as he utters, “It means, my love,” his nail sharpens and lengthens just enough to prick you, “that I cannot leave your side until I’ve bound you. Even Alpha’s Bidding may not be strong enough to hold you away from me. You will try to chase me unless, of course, I chain you up so you cannot.  Perhaps, to satisfy your wolf, I leave another mark on you. One you cannot ignore while you sit here and watch me make those boys bleed for you.”
There’s a heated, searing sensation on your tongue, but it isn’t painful. So sharp is his nail that you’d felt no pain, just as you had not when he’d entered you with his teeth.
“Open, omega. Open for me.” He orders.
You do as he says without question as he withdraws his thumb, the impulse to satisfy him overriding any other thought you could have.
Each inch of him that departs you has you whining once more, but your alpha is quick to whisper, “Even now, you can hardly bear to lose even an inch of me. Tell me,” he tugs his finger free with a wet pop from your mouth only and you both watch the thick bead of blood–your blood–  fall down, down and down his finger and, with your attention fixed on him, he brings his newly freed hand before his own mouth, “what do you wish you could do to me right now?”
You sigh breathily as you look up at him, your mouth chasing his as he starts to straighten once more.
“I-I,” you stammer when he drags the tip of his thumb across his bottom lip to leave a smeared trail of red. “I…y-you.”
Your alpha rotates his hand so that the underside of his bloody thumb swipes over his upper lip before his fingers fall away and he arches his middle and index fingers inward in a come-hither motion.
“You shall have me, my omega. Anything you desire, if it is within my power to give you, will be yours.” He kneels before you. ”You know that.”
Like this, he’s level with you. Like this, you can lean forward and-
“What is it you want, omega?” He questions.
“Kiss me, alpha,” you whine. “W-when you mark me this time…I want you to use your mouth to do it.”
His blood-lined lips rise at that. “As you wish, my omega.”
One of his hands slips into your hair along the side of your face and then he’s slotting his mouth over yours, and then, finally, he fits his mouth against yours. He groans into it, which only has you moaning in tandem. He’s gentle, but possessive in the way that no part of your lips is not claimed by him.
You taste the tang of iron and want more. More of him.  So, you take his full, plump upper lip between your teeth and tug experimentally.
You feel him smirking before you see it.
“You want it rough, my love? Fine. I’ll bite you hard enough that you’ll still taste this kiss when I’m away from you,” he decides.
He’s got your bottom lip between his teeth within seconds and then they are sinking down into the soft flesh beneath them hard enough to draw blood. Hot pain, delicious pain seeps through the afflicted area and the wet sound he makes as he licks at it has your thighs rubbing against each other for the umpteenth time.
So distracted by him, by this, that you don’t notice the movement of the arm he’d kept behind his back since treading away from the wooden boxes he’d made for you. For this purpose.
You’re far too swept in by the ebb and flow of his lips as he kisses you. Over and over again.
You hardly notice the pressure that is beginning to build at the forefront of your skull, or how your temples begin to ache, or how your vision starts to become hazy.
And when he pulls away panting, beads of iron linger in your mouth where liquid crimson dribbles from the corners of his.
You’re filled with an urge to lick it off of him.
Breathless yourself, you reach for him, but your ligament is heavy and hard to move in the slowed pacing of your blood in reaching it.
He catches your wrist, “You will have to pardon my brashness, omega, but I had to,” he breathes heavily, “I’m losing control over myself.”
“What?” You cock your head confusedly, but the motion has your head swimming with fuzziness.
The aching, the pressure and haziness worsen now that his lips are not there to distract you.
There was only one thing that could bring such symptoms so suddenly. Only one thing that could weaken a werewolf.
Your alpha guides your apprehended wrist to your forehead, your fingers tracing along the circlet of silver he must have adorned you with while you’d been caught between his perfect lips moments ago.
You don’t know what it looks like, but from what you can feel, there are thick interwoven filaments crossing over each other like vines. And in the middle of it, between your brows, your fingers run along the smooth face of a gemstone cut like a leaf.
Just like the tracings he’d left in blood all over you.
Long before he’d ever painted you in his design, he’d crafted you into his life. Even if it was just in silver.
Silver that would have sapped at his strength–both in mind and body–and sickened him every time he touched it.
And he’d done that for you.
Heat burns at the edge of your eyes and then your vision is becoming even hazier because of the tears as you try, “Jungkook…how long ago?”
The braided, plaited metal makes everything from your senses to your thoughts murky, but you try to fish some semblance of a sentence out. You have to. You need to know.
He catches the tear that escapes its place along your ducts before it makes it even halfway down your face as he finishes for you, “How long ago did you make this?”
You nod.
With gold peeking through the silver of his irises, he lays one hand over your knee and lowers his head to each of them and the act of deference has your heart panging in your chest as he admits, “My father taught me many things, but I think the trade of blacksmithing was one of the more useful ones. I was always eager to learn new things, but after I first saw you in the forest,” he presses his lips to your clothed knee, “I took to blacksmithing and practiced day in and day out until I could make something I felt would be worthy of you. I burnt my hands sometimes, and others, I accidentally cut myself, but I got the hang of it pretty quick.”
“That,” you attempt to find words through the fog in your head that the silver ringing it is making difficult locating. “that was long time. Ago.”  You add with a sniffle and your alpha turns his head so that one cheek rests on your knee. This time, when another tear collects into a droplet, your eyelashes catch it and it clings to them for a second before it rains down over your lover’s exposed cheek.
He smiles adoringly up at you.
“Yes, my omega. But I’ve loved you for far longer than that.”
Trying to form coherent thought, with the silver circling your head, is like trying to find something you’ve lost in a cloudy mist.
But even that cannot disperse the solid emotions that have long settled in you.
“I…I love…you,” you get out, the hot tears streaming down your cheeks now, Want to,” you swallow, “Want to mark. To show you.”
His head departs from your legs and he considers you for a moment.  
“Do what you must, my love, “his eyes softening as he gives you permission,” though, I cannot guarantee I won’t have to shackle you with more silver. What little control I have left is soon to snap because of how you beckon me so,” he brings his face closer to yours only to leave a featherlight kiss under each of your eyes and you can’t help it when you whine for more, “with how you beg for me so.” Something wet, long and soft brushes against your cheek only for it to go upwards in a stripe as he licks at the tears along your cheekbone and you’re quivering in an instant.
When he pulls away, his mouth is painted with your tears and blood.
Your wolf yowls, deep within you, and she wants to give him more.
“Alpha,” you call,” Bite. Bite me.”
Your alpha doesn’t question you. Understanding passes over his features, and then he’s smirking knowingly.
With the fingers he still has wrapped around your wrist, he turns your hand over so that your palm is brought to his lips.
Silver irises flash back up to you.
“There, alpha,” you breathe while he rubs his mouth along the side of your hand, his sight tangling deeper with yours all the while.
He parts his mouth, and before you, his canines lengthen until they reach his lower lip.
You do not wince when those teeth pierce your soft, pliable flesh.
He’d made them sharp enough that it would bring you no pain.
He sucks you between those beautiful lips of his, and you moan.
You don’t give a damn about anything except for him.
He stays there for how long, you don’t know, but even the moon becomes shy and has the clouds cover her from the sight of on his knees for you–both emotionally and physically– as he is. 
He’s deliberate when he pushes his fangs deeper into your skin and groans, the sensation and vibrations from his throat sending a shudder through your shoulders.
The implications of the action are as loud as the sound of need you make when he detaches from you, his teeth tinged with your scarlet tears.
“Please, alpha.” They are the only words that reach your addled, jumbled mind now.
“I know, my love,” neither of you look at the rising pool of crimson that flows forth from the two large puncture wounds he’d left on you. Your attentions are entirely too fixed on each other for that. “I know exactly what you want.”
He is slow, unhurried in how he places your wounded hand over one of his cheeks and then drags it,  steadily, along. A trail of crimson treads from his skin and then over his mouth, a gasp falling from your lips when he laps at you.
He doesn’t stop.
Not until you’re shaking. And begging.
Only then does he draw your bleeding hand over and across the other side of his maw.
“Does this please you, omega?” He grins, “To know that I’ll have you spread all over my tongue and my body? Or perhaps you wish there was something else you could smear me and my mouth with, hmm?”
He looks like a crazed, wild creature. And it’s hot as fuck.
 It just makes you want to jump him even more.
Desire writhes within you. Your thighs instinctively try to seek each other, but the silver shining on your head makes your movements sluggish in a type of lethargy that has settled over your muscles.
You whine again.
Your alpha laughs.
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pinievsev · 3 months
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Pairing: Hunter x GN!reader
Summary: You decided to text your number neighbour to cure your boredom, leading to a new friendship and maybe more!
Warnings: some cussing, probably like, really bad. Not proofread, I hate reading my writing...
Word count: 1.8K (almost 9)
Taglist: @camphxam
As always requests and taglist open just shoot an ask for both<3!
© @pinievsev on Tumblr
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You sat on your desk with your headphones on, the music filtering out any and all noise around you, including your mum's frantic knocks on your bedroom door.
She opened the door, more like slammed, and stared at you wide eyed, you jumped and removed your headphones dropping them around your neck "what?.." you asked her confused.
"Why aren't you answering your door?! I thought something happened to you!" She wailed and stepped towards you placing her hands on either side of your face and kissing the top of your head repeatedly.
You laughed and put your own hands over hers "mum. I couldn't hear you that's why!" You gestured to your headphones, music still playing loudly enough to be heard by you both.
Your mum shook her head "you're going to go deaf if you keep listening to that" you made a tsk sound and paused your music "yeah yeah, okay. What did you need?"
Her mouth formed a little o before she spoke "right, right! Me and your father have to attend a meeting for work will you be okay on your own for a few hours?" You nodded. See, both your parents worked for a company not too far from your home, something related to music, you never really knew, maybe like an agency of sorts.
"Yeah I'll be alright ma, don't worry about it!" You gave her a closed eyed grin making her laugh "alright well, we'll get going, remember to do your homework, there's food in the fridge and -" you cut her off "yessss- i know ma you say the same thing evey time"
"Fine, fine. See you tonight baby!" She patted your head and headed for the door "hope the meeting goes well!" You shouted after her, only Catching a small part of her response before you put your headphones back on and resumed writing your essay.
You were so bored! So unbelievably bored. It's been about two hours since your parents left, you'd finished your homework ages ago and were laying sideways on your bed, scrolling through tiktok aimlessly.
As you were about to lose hope on finding something to do, you came across a video of a girl texting her number neighbour. 'bingo!' you thought.
Quickly, you switched to your text app and typed in your number, changing the last digit to be one higher than your own. You stared at the number on your screen, contemplating weather or not this was a good idea.
You shrugged and hit text. Changing the name of the contact to "Number Neighbour"
You - 5:26pm
Hello there number neighbour!
You stared at the text for a few seconds before you saw the delivered flash to 'seen' you smiled as you watched the typing bubble.
Number neighbour - 5:26pm
Hello? Who's this?
You - 5:27pm
Your number neighbour dummy!
You saw the typing bubble pop up almost instantly, chuckling to yourself
Number neighbour - 5:27pm
And what's that, exactly?
You - 5:27pm
Welllll, it's someone who has the same number as you! But th last digit is either one higher or lower!
You explained to the stranger who, again, starting typing almost instantly
Number neighbour - 5:28pm
Ohhh, I see! Is this like a trend or something?
You - 5:28pm
Yep! I saw it on tiktok and I was bored so I thought I'd give it a go!
You - 5:28pm
You're not like, some weird old creep are you?
You waited for a few moments
Number neighbour - 5:29pm
Idk, maybe I am. Are you?
You - 5:29pm
Idk maybe!
You guys continued texting for what felt like ages, you learned that he was about your age, one year older than you to be precise.
You also learned that he lived around the same area and went to your school, but you didn't want to meet eachother in real life just yet, where would the fun in that be!? You decided to simply call eachother number neighbours for now.
Every day at school you'd scan the crowds of the students a year above you, you didn't know who you were looking for but you felt like you'd know once you see him.
One time you even caught one of them looking right back at you but you brushed it off, shaking your head and running off to class.
You - 7:32am
Good morning beautiful 😍!
You laughed at your own antics
Number neighbour - 7:32am
It's too early for this. At least give me a minute before you start being weird? 😟
You chuckled at the text and shook your head, texting with one hand as you brushed your teeth with the other
You - 7:33am
But, being weird is my charm :(
Number neighbour - 7:33am
Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, go get ready for school kiddo!
You - 7:34am
It's only one year!!!!
Number neighbour - 7:34am
About 10 minutes later you were walking out of your house, headphones on and phone in hand. You were texting your friend who was freaking out about an exam today. Should've studied you thought.
As you were about to turn off your phone you saw a notification, ah. You clicked on it
Number neighbour - 7:47am
I have a revision exam today 😔
You - 7:47am
Hey, I also have an exam. We'll fail together!
Number neighbour - 7:48am
Good to know I'm not alone.
You turned your phone off as you made it to the building, taking your headphones off you ran to meet your friend and make your way to the exam room.
"Quiet please! Everyone!" Your professor's voice boomed. The class was buzzing, you had just been told you'd be sitting the exam along the older years, for the revision. You sat there wide eyed. Holy shit he's going to be in here.
You pulled out your phone, texting under the desk
You - 8:15am
Dude! Are you going to be sitting the exam with the younger years?!
You watched as he started typing as soon as you hit send, as if he had been waiting for you to text.
Number neighbour - 8:15am
Yep. Guess we'll be in the same room?
You - 8:16am
Guess so. Well, good luck!
Before he could reply, the professor shushed you all, as the older students walked in and took their seats. One of them sat by you, you admired him for a second, he was pretty. You shook your head, not wanting to stare and creep the boy out.
"Hey, uhm, excuse me?" You turned to face him again
"Yes?" You were both whispering, leaning slightly towards eachother
"Do you have a pen I could borrow? I lost mine." You nodded and reached into your bag, you pulled out a blue ball point pen and handed it to the boy who nodded at you thankfully
"I'll return it to you once after the exam" you shook your head "no need, I have a lot, you can keep it!" He nodded and thanked you again.
The exam went on for about 4 hours. At least you could go home early after this. You handed your papers to your professor who nodded and motioned to you that you were able to leave.
Walking out of the building, you sat down on a bench for a few seconds, rubbing your eyes. Once you looked up again, you saw the same boy from the exam jogging up to you. You waved and moved to the side a little bit to make space for him to sit down.
"Thanks for the pen again!" He said holding it up for you to see he still had it.
"It's no problem really! Wouldn't want you failing for no reason" he snorted at that "I think I failed anyways, i don't remember a single thing from last year. I barely survived in there!" He groaned throwing his arms up.
You chuckled at his actions and pulled your legs up to sit criss cross. "Sure you did." He rolled his eyes widening them as soon as he finished his previous action "oh! Im hunter by the way!" He said extending his hand towards you, you took it "Y/N!" (I CAN'T AVOID USING THIS DAMN THING)
You talked for a bit, but then you looked at the time, oh your parents must be waiting for you to eat lunch! You excused yourself and ran off, you watched at he pulled out his phone then disappeared out of sight once you turned the corner.
Your phone dinged as you sped walked and you checked the notification
Number neighbour - 2:19pm
How'd it go?!
You - 2:19pm
Pretty well! It was easier than I thought it would be! Wbu?
Number neighbour - 2:20pm
That's good! I barely remembered anything but I think I managed?..
You - 2:20pm
Well as long as you pass!
You - 2:20pm
I also met this guy! He sat next to me during the exam and asked for a pen. I think his name was Hunter? Do you know him?
You waited for a reply but it never came, the four letter word the only sign of him acknowledging you 'seen'.
You entered you house, taking your shoes off and running to the dining room where your parents sat waiting for you "sorry! Exam took a bit longer than expected!" You partially lied, taking your usual sit.
"It's okay hunny! How did it go?" You mother asked, and that sparked conversation with your parents.
After lunch you went to your room and checked your phone seeing a text from your number neighbour, 'ah look who decided to reply' you though and opened the text
It was a picture. A picture of your pen. The pen you'd given to Hunter. You felt like your brain had short circuited.
You - 2:56pm
What the fuck?! Hunter?!
Number neighbour - 2:56pm
Yessir! 😛
You - 2:57pm
Well. Uhm. Lemme just.
You changed "Number neighbour's" contact name to "Hunter"
Hunter - 2:57pm
LOL! Okay hold up!
Hunter changed your contract name to "Kiddo"
You - 2:58pm
HEY! ☹️
Hunter - 2:58pm
What?! It's cute :(
You - 2:59pm
Okay then...
The next day after school as you were walking out you felt someone tap your shoulder, you took off your headphones and turned around to face the person
"Hey!" You were greeted by Hunter's beaming smile "mind if we walk together?! I noticed the other day we lived pretty close!"
"Oh.. yeah sure! Why not?" You agreed. You guys walked most of the way together, Hunter making sure to keep you on the inner side, by the sidewalk. You talked and talked about everything you could think about.
"Well this is my turn" he said stopping in his tracks" mine is just down the road over there!" You pointed
"See? I told you! We live really close!" He said beaming "I see yeah." You joked, chuckling
"I'll see you Tomorrow then!" He said bringing you in for a hug. You stood frozen for a moment but quickly hugged him back "see you tomorrow Hunter" you said.
You pulled away from the hug and waved at eachother, going your separate ways, faces red. Something your parents would tease you both about.
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
went on a spree of a nine hour drive of reading just your blogs. what about dark!rafe x dark!jj x bestfriend kook!fem reader. where she’s best friends with rafe, jj hates her with a passion after she rejected him two years ago. she’s a virgin and one night where she’s home after the hurricane rafe is over to keep her company & jj was hired to clean up the mess. when he catches sight of rafe and reader laughing and being lovey towards one another he snaps. he waits until she’s alone and takes her (just teasing. he hasn’t actually taken her virginity yet). rafe comes & watches, calling her all kind of degrading names. both take her, you can decide who takes her actual virginity and who takes her anal virginity. (CNC , fingering, oral (m & f receiving) , cockwarming (in her throat), spanking, and degrading.)
You flatter me ❤️ thank you! I hope I do your dream justice 😏
Lead You On
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Trigger Warning: NON-CON, CNC, MMF, swords crossing - read with caution!
It’s been a few days since the latest hurricane and clean up crews are still all over the property. Needing some fresh air and sunshine, I grab my sketch pad and pencils before heading outside to sit next to pool. This area has already been cleaned up and the pool is back to its beautiful clear blue color.
Movement further in the yard draws my attention to someone wearing a neon yellow shirt, indicating he is part of the storm clean up crew. I can’t help the way my body immediately heats in the cool spring air as I check out his body from behind. The muscles in his back bulged with each movement as he dragged tree limbs to a large pile to be hauled off.
It’s not until he turns around and I tear my eyes away from his massive biceps that I realize who I’ve been gawking at. His blonde locks are concealed by his ball cap and I almost feel sick realizing what I’d done.
It’s JJ. JJ Maybank.
The ruthless, impulsive, greedy Pogue who is known for having sticky fingers when it comes to valuables. I make a mental note to not let him inside the house. He eyes me with the same level of disgust I feel for him now that I can see his face. A face that is still handsome but no less belonging to a Pogue. I turn away, crossing my legs and letting my mind tell me what to draw.
I get lost in my sketch after turning on pandora, settling on some 90s pop to try and tune everything else out. I jump when my phone is suddenly snatched up off the table and JJ stands there fuming.
“If I’m going to be here all day cleaning up your fucking yard, I’m not going to do it listening to your shitty taste in music.” He silences my phone before tossing it into the yard.
“What the fuck is your problem?” I jump to my feet but he shakes his head with a snarl, turning away from me as I hear the back door shut. I turn to see Rafe walk over like he owns the place, casting a shitty look JJ’s way as he sits down at the table.
“What was that about?” Rafe asks, turning my sketch pad to examine my work. I march over to the yard and snatch up my phone, looking eyes with JJ as I sit back down next to Rafe.
“I don’t know what his problem is.” I grumble, yanking my sketch book away from Rafe and shutting it. I hated when people looked at my work.
“I think he’s got a thing for you.” Rafe shrugs, scrolling through his phone. My mind flashes back two years ago when I went to my first party and JJ was there. He was sweet and funny whereas I was awkward and shy. He’d been my first kiss and when he’d slipped his hand down my shorts, I’d panicked. I pushed him away and he’d been a dick ever since.
“He’s a Pogue.” I murmured in disgust. Rafe chuckled, meeting my eyes in agreement.
“Pogues know how to fuck. I’ve been around a few Pogue girls before.” Rafe shrugs and I bust out laughing at how vulgar he is.
“Jesus Rafe.” I mumble, glancing over to see JJ glaring at us like we were the ones who didn’t belong.
“Come on, Y/N. Live a little. Do you want to die a virgin?” Rafe smirks, wiggling his brows at me.
“No but I want to lose it to someone who’s not JJ Maybank.” I counter but Rafe only laughs with a shake of his head. Like he had more to say but he kept his mouth shut.
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A few hours go by and Rafe leaves, leaving me alone with the angry Pogue. Part of me wanted to demand to know what his problem was. We didn’t even hardly know each other but he was shitty towards me every chance he got. I felt like he was one of those people that wore a mask. He had everyone fooled into thinking he was this great, charming guy when really, he was just as fucked up as everyone else.
The yard was starting to come back together and I could see the sweat dripping down JJ’s face. Part of me wanted to offer him a bottle of water. The other part hoped he’d die of a heat stroke. The nicer part of me wins and I go inside to the fridge. I shut the fridge and bite back a scream, finding JJ standing there angry as ever. He grabs me by the throat, slamming me into the counter and slapping the bottle out of my hands.
“You stupid little cunt.” JJ grabs the front of my dress and rips it down the middle. I push him but he spins me around, bending me over the island. I look up to see Rafe walk in. I thought he’d left?
He takes in my tattered clothes but doesn’t say anything. Just leans against the fridge like I’m not being assaulted.
“Her parents are gone for the day.” Rafe says to JJ, dread creeping in. Rafe played me. I throw my elbow back, connecting with something of JJ’s. He howls in pain and I know I’ve drawn blood but Rafe jumps in, grabbing my arms and holding me in place stretched over the counter.
“Fucking bitch.” I hear JJ groan as I kick and thrash. Rafe quickly removes his belt, JJ helping him secure my hands behind my back. Then JJ removes the rest of my clothes as I fight to calm my racing heart.
“What the fuck is going on?” I spat, tensing when I feel JJ’s fingers slide between my legs. I can’t help but moan when he finds my clit, forcing my legs open wider as he trades his fingers for his tongue.
“I owe JJ money so I agreed to help him teach you a lesson.” Rafe says casually, forcing two of his fingers in my mouth before I can argue. What the fuck did that mean? Teach me a lesson?
“Someone has to knock you off your high horse.” Rafe smirks, forcing his fingers down my throat until I gag then withdrawing just a enough so I don’t vomit. His thumb presses down under my tongue when I have the idea to bite his fingers off and it immobilizes me. Like a damn dog.
“She tastes like heaven.” I hear JJ groan between my thighs, one of his fingers slipping inside me. I whine around Rafe’s hold, my body growing hotter than I’d ever felt before.
“Not stuck up bitch?” Rafe chuckles, earning a glare from me. JJ laughs too, his fingers pumping inside me harder until I feel like I’m going to explode. I can’t stop the choked moans that leave my mouth, the tears running down my face and all the while I’m thinking.. more.. please.. I need more.
I flinch when JJ’s bare body comes down on mine, his mouth finding every inch of my skin and he turns my face from Rafe, capturing my lips in a hard kiss. He bites my lips hard enough to draw blood and I cry out, spotting what’s leftover of his bloody nose.
“Aren’t you going to beg?” JJ asks, reaching between us and I suddenly feel his dick pressing against my opening.
“For what?” I growl, spitting my blood in his face but he only smiles, not even blinking.
“For me to stop.” JJ presses inside me and I bite back a scream as I feel like I’m split in two. The pain is excruciating as he breaks my virgin walls.
He doesn’t waste anytime slamming inside me as Rafe jerks my chin up, pressing his dick to my lips.
“You bite me and it goes in your ass.” Rafe warns before shoving in past my teeth. I gag as he forces his way down my throat, holding me there as JJ takes what he wants. I can’t help it. I feel myself reach my high over and over again. I can’t stop cumming. I can’t control how wet I am. And I can’t get over the feeling of being absolutely used like I’m not but a set of holes. My body loves it. While the rest of me hates myself.
Droll is dripping down my chin and the corners of my mouth as Rafe forces me to warm his cock, the counter top digging into my hips with every hard thrust from JJ as he fucked me like a man possessed. Like he’d die if he didn’t.
Just when I think I can’t take anymore, JJ stills with a loud moan making me involuntarily clench around him because it was the hottest thing I’d ever heard in my life. Both boys pull out at the same time and I sob for the terrible ache of being.. empty.
“Let me go.” I whisper, unable to pull myself off the counter.
“I have an idea.” Rafe says, rubbing my cheeks like he’s trying to take the soreness out. I can’t see JJ but I assume he agrees because they both maneuver me on top of the counter, securing my legs against my chest using smooth rope. Where did that even come from?
I was bent in half like a pretzel, giving them access to everything they wanted. I’m turned on my side and brought to the edge of the counter. I look up to see JJ and he wipes my hair off my face, plucking my sore lip with his thumb as he smiles down at me like a hungry animal. I feel his cock press against me again then he’s slipping inside. I moan loudly, the angle felt weird but it was still amazing. A soreness I’d never experienced before plagued my whole body.
“Don’t tense up.” JJ says and I look up at him in confusion. I suddenly feel something probing my.. other hole and I quickly try to move away as Rafe slaps my ass with a laugh. I hear Rafe spit, lubing me up.
“Come on, it’ll feel good. Eventually.” Rafe presses inside me, knocking the wind from my lungs as they both fill me completely. God, it burns. I thought I was being split open before but now.. even my stomach hurt.
“I-It.. JJ.. please.” I can’t form a single sentence as they start to move, one in and one out, setting a quick rhythm that wrecks me so hard I swear my soul leaves my body. They take turns slapping my ass as they use me like a sex toy, pounding into me without remorse, overwhelming me with pleasure until tears stream down my face.
“Fuck, she feels so good. I’m gonna cum.” Rafe chants, their motions quickening as they chased their highs. My body had turned to mush. I could no longer tell where I ended and they began as I fought to keep my eyes open. Rafe groans as he cums, slipping from my ass a moment later and JJ quickly follows.
“Such a nasty little slut. Letting us fuck all your holes. I’d think you were lying about being a virgin if I hadn’t seen you bleed.” JJ sneers, pulling free of me as Rafe unties me. I groan as the feeling quickly returns to my limbs. I think they’re done but Rafe rolls me onto my back, burying his face in my pussy, lapping up the cum that drips from me.
“No, no, Rafe. Please.” I cry, trying to fist his hair but he quickly secured my wrists in one of his hands. I lift my head off the counter when I see JJ move behind Rafe, thrusting his dick into Rafe’s ass with no warning. Rafe moans loudly into my flesh and I choke on a sob. I’d never seen two guys fuck before - even if my only experience was porn but it was hot. Seeing an alpha male like Rafe let JJ use him in such an animalistic way.
“You like this? Like watching me fuck his ass?” JJ growls, pushing Rafe’s head harder into my pussy. “You tell anybody and I’ll make you regret it.” JJ snarls, his movements growing harder as Rafe grew louder. I dropped back down on the counter as another powerful orgasm hit me like a freight train.
“Jerk your cock. I know you can cum again.” I hear JJ say and Rafe answers with a moan. I try to scoot away but Rafe doesn’t let me. JJ moans loudly, releasing inside of Rafe and quickly pulling away. Rafe straightens, jerking his cock hard and fast until it shoots out all over my stomach. My eyes fall closed just as JJ fists Rafe’s hair and brings him in for a hard kiss as my world turns black.
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My eyes slowly open as I try to find my bearings. My body felt like it’d been hit by a bus as I try to wake myself up. Where was I? This wasn’t my bed? Movement to my left has me glancing over, finding Rafe face down in the bed as JJ hovers over him, slamming into his ass over and over again.
“There she is.” JJ grunts and Rafe shoots his hand out, grabbing my breast harshly as he pants. I can’t help the wave of need that washes over me as I watch them. I watch them until they’re both cumming, my body feeling like a live wire as arousal pools between my thighs.
JJ slips off Rafe, allowing Rafe to scoot over to me and kiss me passionately, his lips much softer than JJ’s. My toes curl as his hand slips between my thighs.
“Careful. We might start to think you want this.” Rafe says against my sore lips, toying with my clit. I feel my legs being spread then a mouth closes around my clit, sucking harshly as Rafe swallows my sounds. I turn away from him as I try to catch my breath meanwhile JJ is fucking me with his tongue.
“Rafe.. I thought we were friends.” I murmur, my body ready to explode as JJ tastes me so expertly. Rafe smiles, running his hands up and down my body and pinching my nipples.
“We are friends. Best friends, actually. Why do you think I’m taking such good care of you?” Rafe jerks my head back to kiss me again as JJ slips two fingers inside my abused hole. “You wouldn’t want anyone else to claim your virginity, would you?” I can’t answer as JJ curls his fingers, forcing an orgasm from me so rapidly.
“It’s funny, really. JJ has been pining after you for years. Meanwhile all you did was lead him on, never giving him the time of day.” JJ suddenly flips me over onto my stomach, pressing his cock against my other hole without warning. It slips in and I cry out into the blanket as Rafe tries to soothe me with gentle touches.
“I never led him on.” I bite out, the sound of JJ’s pleasured grunts having me close again already.
“Yea? You didn’t kiss him, making him think you wanted him just to turn around and kick him to the curb? You didn’t use your friendship with me to try and make him jealous? You didn’t give him fuck-me eyes every time you saw him? I’ve seen the way you look at him.” Rafe taunts, forcing his hand between me and the bed to stroke my clit. I bite back a scream as I cum violently, JJ’s skin slapping against mine faster and harder.
I’m suddenly flipped over and JJ shoots white hot cum all over my stomach, his face scrunched in a snarl as he looks at me, jerking his cock hard, getting every last drop. Rafe runs his hand through JJ’s spunk, rubbing it into my skin like lotion all the way up to my neck.
“So that’s what your problem is? Your ego couldn’t handle rejection?” I spat at JJ, slapping him in the chest as he stays straddling my waist.
“I had that first taste of you after you pushed my hand away and I’ve been obsessed since. Even after you treated me like garbage.” JJ growls, leaning down so we’re almost nose to nose. I felt like I was being cornered by two hungry lions. There was no escape.
“And now that I’ve had you, I’m never letting you go.”
Tag list: @lovedetlost @hoebx @strokesofstokes @alizabethcs @carnisidi @famousdestinygarden @i-always-come-back-xoxo @pankowforlife @my-baexht-ls @onmykneesforrafe @slutforsmutsstuff @bethoconnor @hellosexxxysalvatore @mrsjakeseresin @belcalis9503 @maybanks-luver @i-always-come-back-xoxo @adventuresinobx @hopebaker @drewbooooo @itsmytimetoodream @houseofperfecttaste @harlowsgirl @wh0reforstefansalvatore @urmommas Let me know if I missed anyone! 💕
1K notes · View notes
k-evans-reads · 1 year
In Living Color
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Chapter 3
Summary: When Natalie Marton, lead character designer for Buzz Lightyear, meets the voice of Buzz, Chris Evans, the sparks are undeniable. But when their work pushes them away from each other, both physically and emotionally, will the sheer differences between their worlds be enough to force them apart?
Pairing: Chris Evans x Pixar Animator OFC Natalie Marton
Word Count: 5,390
By: @k-evans-writes and @ourfinest-hour
We do NOT give permission for our works to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. Our work is our own.
Warnings: Discussions about cancer and death.
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Previous | Main Masterlist | In Living Color Masterlist
March 2021
A few small pops echoed in Chris’ body as he stretched out his shoulders after stepping into his trailer. It had been a long day of filming – long few weeks, really, after starting filming two weeks ago – and he could feel it in his muscles, especially now at the end of the work day. He knew he desperately needed a shower but he just had to sit down on the small couch in the trailer for a moment and have a moment to decompress from the long day. 
Absentmindedly he grabbed his phone that had been left on the arm of the couch, clicking it on to see a long list of unopened texts, but a certain name caught his eye almost immediately. He quickly clicked on it and smiled widely as he read the message that asked, ‘Got time in your busy movie star schedule for a game night tonight?’
Immediately Chris clicked the call button, putting it on speaker and leaning back against the couch, not even letting Nat say hello before he asked, “Have I missed the cutoff for reserving a spot at game night?” 
She chuckled, the low sound making him smirk as it carried through to his end of the call. “I guess for a famous person like you I better squeeze you in or it’ll be bad publicity,” she drawled playfully.
He laughed, his nose scrunching as he smiled and replied, “Oh I’d cause a scene if the bouncer turned me away.” 
“I bet you would,” she hummed, trailing off into a pause. “Are you being serious about coming though?” 
“Should I not be?” 
“Well I just figured you’d be too busy doing movie star things like getting photographed by the paparazzi or schmoozing a million different women.” 
“There’s still plenty of time for that later,” he sarcastically agreed, knowing there was no actual intent behind her words. “But seriously Nat, I’d love to come. It sounds like fun.” 
“It’s just going to be a small thing, just Jamie and his wife and then Mark,” she explained, muffled sounds on the other end of the line as he heard her car door shut. “Things get pretty serious though around here so I hope you’re competitive.” 
“Nat, I have three siblings, what do you think?” He laughed, smirking as she joined him. “I just finished up on set. I was going to take a shower and then I'll head over, is that okay?” 
“Yeah, just drop in anytime. I’ll text you my address.” 
He stayed on the phone with her a minute more to confirm the address that she texted him came through before they said their goodbyes and hung up. Chris could feel a smile on his lips while he hurried into the shower, suddenly feeling so much more energy inside him than when he had trudged into the trailer just a few minutes earlier. 
Chris knew it’d only been a short month and a half since he first met Nat, but he was just as struck by her as he was the very first day, when she came barreling into that conference room. He was drawn to her, craving her jokes, stress-free demeanor, and lighthearted passion like he craved the sun on his skin. She just made him happy, made him feel whole and relaxed in a way no one had ever before. 
Now that he had finished with working on Lightyear until re-recording, he had jumped right into The Gray Man filming but he found himself missing that curly headed ray of sunshine in his life every single morning. They had basically had a running text thread but it wasn’t nearly enough for him and having the promise of being with her as soon as he made it through LA traffic made a warmth settled inside of him. 
He navigated the San Fernando neighborhood until he pulled up to the apartment building that the address led him to, parking his car and taking the stairs two at a time up to the second floor with a case of beer in hand, walking down the open-air hallway until he reached unit number seven. After knocking on the door loudly, he heard a familiar voice yelling, “Come in! It’s open!” 
He pushed the wooden front door and stepped into the hallway. He could see the open doorway at the end of the hall to Nat’s room, and next to that was the open living area. While he couldn’t outright see anyone, he could certainly hear the chaos inside, complete with Nat evidently yelling “Stop stealing my tacos, asshole.” He rounded the corner, stepping out of the hallway and into the living room to find Nat, Jamie, Mark, and Jamie’s wife standing around a round table, passing food to each other out of take-out boxes, with an empty spot reserved for Chris. With a furtive glance to the rest of the space, he saw a decent-sized, especially for the apartment, kitchen across the room from the table, against the wall with Nat’s bedroom, and then the rest of the space was a living room with large windows. 
Jamie’s wife – Lauren, he reminded himself – gave him a kind smile just before the rest of the group looked up with grins, but quickly Nat’s face turned into a scowl as she loudly asked, “Hold on, what the hell is that?” 
His brows furrowed, shifting the beer between his hands just as he asked her, “What?” 
“That thing on your face!” 
Jamie snorted, sharing a smirk with Lauren before Mark drawled, “For someone good looking, I’m not sure why you’d ruin your face with that.” 
“I mean, it works for porn stars, I figured I’d give it a try,” Chris shrugged nonchalantly, reaching up to touch his new mustache, hiding a smirk as he moved to put the beer on the counter and began putting a few in the fridge for later, the smirk appearing just as he heard Jamie snort again.
Nat’s face was still nearly pained as she watched him, Chris laughing as he turned and saw the look. “Please tell me that’s for a role and not just a mid-life crisis thing,” she nearly begged, but the twitch of her lips showed how amusing she found this. 
“It is so you all can calm down,” he placated, taking the already cold beer that was waiting for him in the fridge and opening it.  
“I don’t think we can because we’re still the ones who have to look at it,” Nat muttered, smirking when he met her eyes. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll forget about it once I’m kicking your ass at scrabble.” 
“I’d love to see you try.” 
“Well you’ll see it very shortly.” 
She rolled her eyes, waving a hand as she shot back, “Okay bigmouth, have a taco and then put your money where your mouth is.” 
Taking the taco that she handed him, he found a spot at the table and crunched on the dinner while the loud conversation filled in around him, making him feel right at home. It had been so long since he’d been able to do things like this with anyone other than his family and at first he thought that the reason he was having such a good time was because of having been without it for so long, but he knew that was only partly true. He knew the other reason he was enjoying himself so much was because of the feisty artist across the table from him arguing with Mark over if her most recent scrabble play was really a word or made up, then shooting him smirks just before making her next move, only aided by the phone she “definitely wasn’t looking up words on, Christopher,” that was laying in her lap.
“How in the world do you guys play with this cheater?” 
“I’m not cheating!” 
“Really? Because that phone you have out says otherwise,” he loudly retorted, hands flying before he pointed at Nat. 
“Oh look, I have the perfect letters for you,” Nat smiled while holding up the tile with the letter F and then showed him the U next, making the whole table burst into laughter. 
“When I was invited to game night, I didn’t think I’d be getting this kind of abuse.” 
“What did you think it would be? There are no friends on game night,” she murmured with a laugh, her foot gently kicking his shin from across the way underneath the table. 
“That’s why Nat’s single. Once someone comes to game night, they run screaming,” Jamie explained with a laugh, Chris joining in.
But Mark quickly shook his head, pointing a finger as he, a bit excitedly, insisted, “Evans calls her out though, he can hang.” 
“Well if you guys knew what game night with my family was like, this would look like the girl scouts,” Chris trailed off, smiling to himself as he took a sip of his beer. 
With Nat’s playful eyeroll, Jamie settled into the rattan chair, tilting his head at Chris as he asked, “So how do we get you to stick around?” 
But before he could respond, Lauren spoke up, quiet as she laughed, “I need you to stick around too because usually I can’t even keep up with these three so you can take my place and I’ll stay home.” 
“I think it’s going to be more the other way around. Once you guys see how competitive I am, I think this will be the first and last game night Nat will invite me too,” he grinned, shooting Nat a look as he smirked at her.  
But he barely heard Mark’s soft chuckle and strained his ears, just in time to hear the older man murmur, “Yeah, I doubt that.” 
At his words, Chris couldn’t help but glance across the table to see Nat’s reaction, watching the way she just ignored what was said and moved around the scrabble tiles on her board. The game carried on until they shifted to a gigantic puzzle, one that Nat had bought when she “was going stir crazy during quarantine for a stupidly jacked-up price on Amazon,” until Lauren and James had to go relieve their babysitter. Mark dipped out as well with a yawn, the trio saying goodbye to Chris before they headed to the door with Nat. 
He had just begun rinsing dishes to load her dishwasher when Nat returned from walking Jamie, Lauren, and Mark to the front door, a loud sigh filling the room as she quietly instructed him, “Chris, please don’t clean anything up.”
Chris scoffed as he turned to look at her from over his shoulder, the dishwasher blocking her from reaching him as he insisted, “Well I’m certainly not going to just leave this mess.” 
“You’ve been filming all day, I’m sure you’re tired. Seriously, I’ve got this, it won’t take me long,” she shook her head, stepping around the dishwasher carefully to get to him, her hand on his arm as she turned the sink off with her other hand. 
“It’ll go even faster if I help you,” he tried, all too aware of the hand still on his arm, resting on his bare skin below the short sleeve of his tee shirt.“Besides I’m pretty sure my Ma would fly out here from Boston and beat my ass if she knew I didn’t stay to help.” 
She was quiet for several moments, her jaw set stubbornly. “Well that’s a pretty long flight so let’s not put her through that. You want to put the game away?” She relented, nodding her head over to the table, messy with pieces from Scrabble and covered in puzzle pieces from the gigantic, five-hundred piece puzzle they’d started about an hour and a half before James and Lauren had to go relieve their babysitter, Mark leaving as well. Chris was careful as he began picking up the Scrabble pieces, not wanting to mess with the puzzle too much as Natalie took his place loading the dishwasher. “So does just your mom live in Boston or do any of your siblings live there too?” 
His back was to her as he squatted down, finding some tiles on her area rug and putting them in the bag. “My older sister Carly and her husband and kids live there,” he informed her. 
She hummed as she fumbled a dish, the rattle of it hitting the sink echoing through the space. Nat froze as Chris turned, the pair laughing together. Once they calmed down and he’d gotten back to rifling for more game tiles to put away, she asked him, “She’s the teacher, right?” 
“Yeah and she’s the only one with kids yet,” he supplied, sneaking a glance over his shoulder at her from behind, forcing himself to stop watching her as he continued, “Then my little sister lives there too and so does her fiance.” 
“Scott lives in California though,” she said, almost as if to remind herself as she turned to look at him from over her shoulder with a furrowed brow. He was facing her now, standing in between the table and the back wall, and when he met her eyes he nodded encouragingly. 
“Yep, down in West Hollywood with his boyfriend, which is nice that when I’m out here I get to see him,” Chris reminded her, they’d spoken about Scott during one of their countless lunches at Disney’s Burbank Studios between the end of February and the beginning of filming The Gray Man. He couldn’t remember when – or how – Scott had come up in conversation, likely when Chris was complaining about something, or what they’d spoken about, but that tended to be the theme with Nat. He could barely remember a single thing he’d say, only zeroing in on what she’d said, how she’d laughed, and how she made him feel – confident and assured. It also served as a pleasant distraction, as he’d absentmindedly eat the bland healthy shit he needed to without realizing it, but it also was a curse, as Nat found ways to wheedle him into splitting a side of fries or an ice cream cone with her. “He’s coming with me to Europe for The Gray Man though and I’m really excited about that. He stayed with me in Boston during the pandemic, I think I mentioned that, and we just had the best fuckin’ time being together that much and now I miss him like crazy.” 
“I understand that,” Nat nodded, a sympathetic smile on her lips before she turned the water off, placing the last dish in the dishwasher before she kicked it close with a grin. “I really have been missing my family so much.” 
“Didn’t you say your dad was coming to visit? Did that already happen?” He remembered suddenly, tilting his head as he jammed the Scrabble board back into the worn box, slotting it onto the corner shelf he’d seen Nat get the puzzle from earlier. She had just finished wiping down the counters quickly when he’d turned back around, heading towards the fridge to get them one last beer before she joined him at the table in front of the puzzle. 
She shook her head, handing him his beer as she explained, “Not yet, he’s coming in a couple weeks and I can’t wait. It feels like forever since I’ve seen him.” 
He nodded, turning his head and finding the framed picture on the wall across from them he’d noticed early on in the night, three tiny curly-haired, nearly identical looking girls grinning at the camera. He could tell instantly that the smallest one was Nat, complete with the scraped knobby knees covered in various bandages, but his eyes lingered on the man and woman in the picture. He knew instantly who they were, but he was quiet as he asked, “Is this him?” 
“Yeah, those are my parents,” she nodded, taking a deep breath. “And that’s me and my sisters there.” 
He hummed, a small smile on his lips as he looked at the younger version of Nat, her short curly hair falling in rings around her chubby cheeks. “I love old photos like this with the whole family together,” he told her, turning back to look at her and asking, “They all live in Seattle still, right?” 
“Yeah, my dad’s a ferry boat captain and has been our whole lives so he still does that,” she explained, oddly quiet for once. She paused to take a sip of her beer before adding, “And my sisters and their families live nearby too.” 
Chris nodded, eyes moving back to the picture and to the woman holding toddler Nat in her lap. Her eyes were the same as Nat’s, blue and striking. “What about your mom?”
She hesitated and took a deep breath, staying quiet long enough for Chris to look at her confusedly until she quietly explained, “My mom passed away,” 
He felt like an absolute idiot, knowing now that she’d deliberately avoided any outright mention of her mother until he all but demanded an explanation. For nearly two months now, the only family she spoke of was her father, sisters, and her nieces and nephew. “Oh Nat, I’m so sorry,” he apologized, mentally beating himself up for forcing her to discuss something that clearly was hard for her to do. 
“It’s alright,” she placated, but her words did little to quell him. It wasn’t until she gave him a smile that his heart rate began to lessen. She began to assemble a few puzzle pieces in front of her, slotting them into the empty spaces from earlier as she explained, “My mom died when I was almost two and this picture is the one of the few pictures we have of the whole family together, so that’s why it’s kind of special to me.” 
He was quiet, following her lead and resuming the puzzle. Once he’d snapped a few pieces of his own in, he apologized again, “Nat, I really am so sorry. I didn’t know about your mom.” 
“It’s okay, it’s not something that really comes up in conversation very often,” she shrugged, biting her lower lip as she analyzed the puzzle to determine where her piece would fit, occasionally glancing at the box next to her. “I was so young when she died that I don’t remember her.” 
“Do either of your sisters remember her?” He asked quietly, treading carefully before he rushed to add, “If you don’t mind me asking, it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to pry.” 
“Sometimes it’s actually kind of nice to talk about her. It makes her feel a little bit more real,” she admitted, relaxing a bit before she sat up straight, a grin on her face as she placed her piece into the correct spot. “My oldest sister, Heather, remembers her a lot and my middle sister, Alex, has some memories, but my dad always talked about her and told us so many stories about her.” 
“I’m sure it was hard for him so that’s really incredible that he kept talking about her.” 
“My dad adored her and as painful as it was, I think he likes sharing her with us. Even now he talks about her all the time and says things like ‘Shelly would think that’s so funny,’ or ‘Mom would have loved that about you, Nattie,’ and that’s kind of helped keep her alive for us.” 
He smiled, chin in his hand as he listened to her. He watched her work effortlessly on the puzzle, unable to sit still for long, as she told him the stories from her life. “Your dad sounds like a wonderful person,” he told her with not an ounce of doubt in his mind. 
“He is,” Nat told him, handing a pile of pieces to Chris for him to sort through. “He raised three girls with all the love in the world. Even though we only had one parent, it never felt like we missed anything.” 
He nodded as he rifled through pieces, sorting them into piles depending on the color of the piece. “I know you’ve mentioned before that your sisters are a lot different than you… who’s more like your dad?” 
She all but snorted, loosened up again as the topic approached more comfortable subjects. “Oh for sure, me. He’s kind of quirky and is probably the biggest dreamer I know. He had to give up a lot to support us as a single dad, but he always pushed us to follow our heart… especially me. He’s the one who insisted I go to art classes,” she explained, shrugging a bit as she took another sip of her beer. 
And he knew without a doubt that Nat – despite her obvious talents – wouldn’t be where she was without the support of her father, something she likely felt as well given the look in her eyes. “He obviously saw something special in you,” he pointed out. 
“He sees something special in everyone,” she added, but paused, looking at the puzzle in front of them. “But I think there’s a part of him that really wanted me to get to do what I dreamed of. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m the youngest, or because he didn’t get the chance to chase after his dreams fully. I think he also feels a little guilty about me not having my mom… she had cancer when they got pregnant with me and my dad has told me that he feels guilty about choosing to have me knowing that I most likely wasn’t going to have a mother growing up.” 
“Your dad is obviously a really tender person,” he told her quietly. “He does sound a lot like you.”
“I’d like to be half the person he is.” 
“Well I don’t know him but I think you are, and a lot more,” he shrugged, a genuine smile on his lips when she met his eyes. 
“Thanks Chris,” she genuinely told him, her voice small. “Sorry for just spilling all of that out, I didn’t mean to just dump all of that on you.” 
“I’m honored that you did,” he admitted, shrugging. “I love people being honest about their emotions and willing to share them, I think it’s such a beautiful thing.” 
He watched as Nat tipped her head back, curls shaking with her laughter before her twinkling eyes gave away her amusement, “Well I’m an artist so I have like every emotion known to man, usually all at once.” 
“I know that feeling,” Chris muttered, knowing what a deeply emotional person that he had always been and still was. “I especially was feeling a lot of them when you hit me in the forehead with that scrabble tile earlier.” 
“...You deserved it,” she simply replied, making his heart beat a little quicker from the look on her face. 
“Says who?” 
“Says me.” 
“Sounds like a pretty weak reasoning to me,” Chris couldn’t help but send a smirk in her direction before his blue eyes glanced over to the clock hanging on her wall, internally groaning before telling her, “I hate to say it but I probably should head out. I have an early call tomorrow morning.” 
A wry smirk spread across her lips and she huffed out a laugh as she pushed her chair back. “Yeah you movie stars need your beauty sleep.” 
He laughed along with her, shaking his head as they both rose from their seats and made their way down her front hall to the apartment door. “Thanks for inviting me tonight Nat, it was really nice,” he told her quietly. 
“I had a great time too,” she told him, making Chris’ stomach tighten a little by the look on her face before she tucked some of her curls behind her ear, “This is kind of our Tuesday night thing so you’re always welcome if you’re not too busy fending off the paparazzi.” 
“Well I’d love to come again but it’ll just depend on how much you cheat,” he smirked, dodging a light shove from Nat at his words. 
She rolled her eyes playfully, muttering, “Sounds like I invited you back a little too preemptively.” 
“Too late now,” he shot a look in her direction while slipping his feet into the sneakers he had left by the door. “So I’ll see you next Tuesday?”
“Next Tuesday,” She nodded, coming over to the door where he was finishing getting his shoes on. “Night Chris.”
He turned, shooting a genuine smile just before she moved, slipping her arms around his broad frame and squeezing him before she pulled away, just as he murmured, “Goodnight Nat.” 
With one last smile shared between them, he stepped out of her apartment into the night, heading down to his car as he smiled to himself. As he stepped out of the covered stairwell and towards the parking lot, he quickly found his car, getting in and turning it on, just as he finally pulled out his phone for the first time since he got to the apartment complex several hours earlier. 
He wasn’t surprised to see a multitude of missed notifications, including an email with tomorrow’s call times, a reminder of where he was to go to get a COVID test before he would be allowed on set, a few texts – one from his mom, his sister, and several from Scott – along with two missed calls from him. 
Deciding to just call Scott back, he began driving as the call connected to his car’s Bluetooth. It only rang one or two times before his brother’s dry voice answered, “I was starting to think you were dead.” 
“Sorry, I was over at Nat’s house tonight and-”
“Yeah Natalie, she’s the Pixar animator I’ve been working with a little on Lightyear,” he reminded him, looking out his car windows at traffic before he turned onto the street and began the thirty minute drive home. 
“No, I remember who she is… I mean, how could I forget with how much you talk about her,” Scott trailed off, his voice surprised. 
“Well she just had a few of her co-workers over that she’s close with for a game night and I went,” Chris explained, frowning slightly before he turned his attention back to the road. “Was there something you were wanting to talk about or were you just calling to say hi?” 
Scott chuckled lowly, a few muffled sounds on the other end of the call as he moved around. “I was calling to tell you a funny story but now I’m a little more interested in what’s going on with you,” he admitted. 
“What do you mean?” 
“About Nat,” Scott shot back, Chris able to practically see his younger brother roll his eyes. “Are you into her?” 
“I mean, I really enjoy her… and she’s very attractive, but I don’t know yet,” he sighed, shifting uncomfortably at the change in conversation. He’d definitely thought about it, it was only natural after spending so much time with Nat in the past month and a half, but he was scared to ruin something with someone he had to work so closely with, especially someone whose role was solely to work on his character for the next year. 
“You don’t know yet? Are you joking me?” Scott scoffed.  “What happened to the Chris who met a girl, talked her up and got her number in less than two minutes?” 
He rolled his eyes, murmuring, “Trust me, that Chris is long gone.” 
“Why do you say that? Are you not wanting to jump into anything because you’re going to be so busy coming up?” 
“No, it’s not really that…I don’t know, I think, it’s kind of what I talked through with you a few times last year. The pandemic really made me look at things differently,” he admitted, narrowing his eyes as he merged onto the highway. The downtime during quarantine definitely was much-appreciated, but he’d also found himself longing for a chance to have a partner, have someone to share his life with, and to have the chance to create something together. “I thought back a lot to my relationship with Jenny and I feel like I tried to make that happen.” 
“Because you did,” Scott’s voice was plain as he affirmed Chris’ thought.
“I know,” Chris agreed, sighing. “I think I wanted to get married and have a family so badly that then when I was so surprised by how much I liked Jenny, I just figured that must be it and I tried to force the pieces together… but I don’t want to do that again.” 
“You don’t need a repeat of that mess.” 
“That’s for damn sure,” he replied, then shrugged to himself as he stared out the windshield of his car. “I just want to let what happens, happen. If it’s right, it’ll work out.” 
Scott was quiet for several moments, taking in Chris’ words as Chris drove on the highway towards Laurel Canyon. Finally, his younger brother quietly said, “Quarantine really did change you, man.” 
“Hopefully for the better,” Chris said, smirking at Scott’s outburst of laughter. 
“Still waiting on the verdict on that one,” his brother told him, Chris smirking at the cheap shot. 
“That may be true,” he admitted, leaning back against his seat as he slowed to a stop in traffic. 
“Seriously though, I’m proud of you bro. You’ve come a long way in the relationship department,” Scott surprised him, his voice nothing but complimentary. 
Chris smiled to himself, knowing he’d felt the same whenever his thoughts returned to this place over the past year. “I’m ready to just let things happen naturally,” he admitted, pausing a bit before he added, “But I really hope it does with Nat, that’s something about her that’s just… really special.” 
He could practically hear Scott smiling from the other end of the phone but then got distracted by the lengthy and comical story that Scott launched into, keeping him laughing until he was pulling into the garage of his home. Chris said goodnight to his brother before climbing out of his car and stepped inside the house where his happy dog was bouncing around his feet almost instantly. 
Chris took his time greeting Dodger with his own excitement while he scratched his chin and planted a kiss on top of his head, asking him, “You ready to go outside? Do you want to go run around? C’mon bubba.” 
Understanding his direction, Dodger ran to the back door where he pressed the nose against the glass until Chris let him out. He watched as he took off like a rocket, running around to get some of his energy out but his thoughts, while focused on Dodger, were also lingering in the emotions surrounding Nat, leading him to slip his phone out of his pocket and open his texts, sending, ‘You better not cheat on me by finishing that puzzle without me.’
His eyes found Dodger again, keeping a careful eye on the dog as he moved about the yard, sniffing the grass. It kept his focus just until his phone vibrated in his hand, his eyes flying to the device to read Nat’s reply. 
‘Are we sure that’s cheating? We’re not puzzle partners, are we?’ 
He let out a sharp laugh, pausing as Dodger’s ears perked up at the sound and he came trotting over. Leading Dodger to the sliding glass doors and inside the house, he typed back, ‘We are now.’ 
‘I don’t know… this seems like a big step in our relationship.’ 
He smirked, enjoying the banter and tension as he sent, ‘I’m ready for the commitment if you are.’ 
‘Alright, puzzle partners it is.’ 
Chris couldn’t help but smile as he looked at his phone, feeling that same excited feeling inside his stomach that he did everytime he interacted with Nat. He didn’t want to rush into something, ruining a relationship by diving in head first or making something happen that wasn’t there, but at the same time he knew there was something about Nat that he wasn’t going to let slip through his fingers so easily. And although it’d be worth it in the end to let things happen naturally, he knew without a doubt that the wait would test every ounce of him. 
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Missing You, Ben Hardy
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Since Ben left for filming a couple months ago, I’ve been okay. Of course, I’ve been missing him ever since he left. The text messages and phone calls have made up for the lack of conversations we used to have, and the constant pictures he sends me help me still feel connected to him. But lately, I’ve been missing him the hardest, and I couldn’t tell you why either.
During the day, I’m fine. I go about my daily rituals as usual, but at night, when I get ready to go to bed, it’s like I’m hit with a mix of sadness and longing for Ben to be back by my side. Some nights, I can’t fall asleep until it’s past three or four in the morning. I can’t explain why - it’s just something that happens now.
For some reason, tonight is the worst it’s ever been for me. I’ve tried everything I can to fall asleep. I’ve taken melatonin, turned off every bright light, made sure that there were no noises coming from anything, turned my phone off, everything. I even tried to meditate for a while, but I eventually gave up when I realized it wasn’t working for me either. I've also had “relaxing” music playing since I first started getting ready to go to bed, but that obviously didn’t work either.
Every time I close my eyes, images of Ben flash in my mind. I remember specific times like when we go out together and just enjoy each other's time. I’m also reminded of the times when we go out with friends and how Ben always holds me to him in front of everyone with his arm tight around my waist and my back pressed against his chest. It makes me feel like he’s so thankful to have me there with him when he does this. More importantly, I remember the times when he said things exactly like that to me. Hearing the love of your life say, “I’m so happy to have you in my life,” is something that you’ll cherish and remember for a very, very long time - if not forever.
The only problem with that is with moments like these when you can’t be with them. In that case, you’re left to simply think about that special person rather than see or hear them. You can’t hold them or love on them. You can’t even laugh with them and see their face crinkle up because of that laughter. So, you’re left to miss them immensely, and it sucks.
It really sucks.
Looking over at my alarm clock, the bright red lights tell me it’s almost 4:30, and I’m left to groan in response. Last night, I didn’t pass out until 3, and I had to wake up for work today with only 4 hours of sleep in my system. I don’t want to have another night like that. Granted, I may not have to work tomorrow, but still. I don’t want to fall asleep at the same time people are getting up to start the day if I can help it.
Frankie beside me stirs in her sleep before getting up and heading out into the living room. At that, I kind of laugh. She must’ve gotten tired of me constantly tossing and turning. I’m tired of it too, but it’s not like I can do anything about it.
With a sigh, I turn on my side toward the wall and try to close my eyes once more. At first, I’m joyful that finally, nothing pops up. No images of Ben or anyone else. Just the darkness of what I’m hoping is looming sleep.
For a few moments, this lasts until I start thinking about how nice Ben’s touch felt against my skin. The way his slightly rough hands had such a gentle grasp when he touched me is something that can wake me up instantly, but I’m trying to not let the memory of it do that. However, reminiscing on his touch seems to be too much for me as I actually feel his touch on me now despite him being six hours away. The mind can certainly be one powerful thing.
“Are you awake?”
As soon as I hear Ben’s voice, my eyes shoot open and I quickly turn over to see him standing by the side of the bed, a smile on his face. Granted, the only light in the room is the dim red hue coming from my alarm clock, so I’m assuming the lines on his cheek mean he’s smiling.
“Oh my God!” I exclaim, nearly jumping out of bed to throw myself at Ben. Thankfully, he’s quick to catch me in his arms, but that doesn’t stop us from tumbling down onto the floor with a soft thud, resulting in laughter coming from Ben. Conversely, I immediately pull back to look at Ben despite the room still being pitch dark.
“Are you okay?” I ask him, my hands searching his face and head for any injury, again, in complete darkness. His answer comes to me in even more laughter, his hands quickly finding mine to press soft and gentle kisses to the skin.
“Darling, I’m fine, but I do have to say that was one of the best welcome home greetings I have ever gotten,” Ben assures me before leaning forward to press another kiss to my lips, but his lips meet the side of my nose instead. We both know that one of us should really turn the light on so we can see each other, but going by the fact that I’m on top of Ben, it’ll have to be when I decide to let go of him.
Smiling, I nuzzle my face into his neck. “I’m just happy you’re home,” I tell him, sitting back on his lap so I can turn on the bedside lamp. Ben’s hands instantly make their way to my hips when I do this, his fingers lightly massaging the skin of my exposed waist as soon as they make contact. Once the room has some light flooding through it, I look down at Ben and smile upon seeing his face after so long of having to settle for just pictures or FaceTime. He smiles back at me, a happy sigh falling from his lips afterward.
“You have no idea how much I missed you, darling,” Ben murmurs, a blissful gaze falling over his face. Sliding his arms up from my hips, he rests them against my back all while simply holding me to him as we lie on the hardwood floor of our bedroom. “Could hardly sleep without you, it was horrible.”
At his words, the corner of my lip upturns knowing he missed me too, but at the same time, he probably suffered the same sleep deprivation as me. “I had a hard time sleeping while you were gone too,” I tell him, feeling my body begin to relax on top of him. “I haven’t gotten much sleep either, especially tonight,” with a smile, I press a kiss to Ben’s jaw as I lean my head up a bit. “It's a good thing since you got home early, babe.”
Ben smiles with me in response to my words before swiftly sitting up with me still clinging to his body, my legs now on either side of him as his face rests mere centimeters from mine. The action surprises me for a short second until I let out a small giggle, my brain reminding me of my boyfriend’s superhero muscles that allow him to do those things with me, things that make me absolutely crazy.
“Let’s get back into bed, yeah?” He suggests, standing up with one hand pushing him off the ground and the other keeping my body against his. Once again, I cling tightly to him, my rigid stature only relaxing when my back makes contact with our bed. However, Ben doesn’t move, and instead, he remains on top of me. After a few moments, I speak up.
“Are you comfortable?” My question makes Ben quietly laugh as he knows putting his entire weight on me is not always comfortable, but I won’t complain either.
"I always want to be on top of you, love," He tells me with another sly chuckle before shuffling down in the bed. Now lying mostly on my torso and in between my legs, Ben peers up at me from where he lays his head on my stomach. “How about now? Are you comfortable?”
“Very,” I tell him, moving a hand to comb through his blonde locks. Once my hand touches his head, Ben nuzzles his face against my hand like earlier. In only a matter of seconds, Ben's eyes fall shut as he a soft sigh leaves his nose.
“I missed you… so much,” he admits, “I’d really like it if you came with me next time, even if it’s just for a week,” Ben’s eyes open after his last statement, looking intently at me as I process his suggestion. It would be great to spend that time with him, but I never asked before as I didn't want to distract him while he works.
"As much as I loved your greeting from earlier," Ben speaks up once more, breaking me away from my thoughts and over I’d love it even more if you greeted me like that after filming.”
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minminho0 · 1 year
◈The one◈
<Kazuha x Reader>
<Venti x Reader>
-Angst - Fluff
⏤͟͟͞͞ Part 1 - Anything Please
Summary: After he left you still processing that he already had a girlfriend, you decided to move on but did you really move on?
Gender: Female
Warnings: --
A/n: feel free to correct my grammar!
i suddenly had motivation after using it up all bcz of a single comment💀
I hope you enjoy~!
After the day you found out about his girl friend, you distance yourself from him but like did he even notice, its no use since he already distanced himself.
The new girlfriend is far more better than you.
Since Kazuha is quite adventurous himself, of course he wants a lover the same as him, so of course he'll never pick you, as his girl friend at least.
You waited for him for so long just for him to found another, its time for you to go.
You have so many failed attempts of moving on cuz each time you just unconsciously wait at the door and think about him.
You felt bad because he already have a girlfriend and your here thinking about him romantically.
You tried dating a couple of guys since your pretty popular, its quite easy but each time you keep thinking about him which clearly the dating thing isnt working.
You decided to just move away because your home just reminds you of him.
You went to Monsdant since its peacful and calm there, you never told Kazuha because why would he care? He forgot about you so its fair and besides your mom is living there so it wouldn't be that hard.
The next few days, you were looking for someone to sell your house and you finally found one.
You gave your keys to the seller after packing all your things.
A few weeks later you got the money from selling the house and gave half of it to your mother.
Kazuha's pov:
"How can she do this to me? Did i do something wrong?" I said as tears roll down my cheek.
How could she? After all ive done for her..i even left y/n because she feels uncomfortable!
How could she cheat on me...
I thought, memories w her flashing before my eyes and then suddenly she popped up.
Oh ya..i remember...she was the one who comforted me all that time.
She was...
She was the one.
Calming myself down, i immediately went to her house, hoping that we didn't drift apart that far.
I rang the doorbell and i was greeted with silence.
I rang it again and this time, someone finalky opened the door but wasn't the one i were hoping for sadly.
"Oh um hello, do you need anything?"
"Oh um- who are you?"
"Uh the owner of this house, why?"
"No youre not..."
"Sorry, where's Y/n?"
"Y/n? Idk who that is but i can reassure you, no one here is named y/n."
"Oh ok.."i mumbled, wondering what happened while he was gone.
I heard the door close which startled me.
I quickly run to places where she could possibly went but to no avail.
I searched everywhere but she was nowhere to be seen.
Today im going to Monsdant still thinking about where she could be.
Once i stepped foot at the land of Monsdant, i immediately went to a small village to ask people if he could rest at their place for a few hours.
While he was roaming around, he suddenly saw..
"Y/n?"i murmured, frozen at my spot.
Your pov:
"Ha?" I turned around, hearing someone call my name.
'Kazuha!? What is he doing here?'you immediately truned on your heels but before you could walk off someone held your shoulder.
"Mhm?" You turned your head and cane face to face with him.
"Ive been looking for you! why didn't you tell me you went here?"
"Oh sorry i forgot" you reapeted the words he told you a long time ago.
"Im so sor-" before i can tell my apology and my love for her, i was suddenly cut off.
Anger slowly building up inside you but soon came down when you heard a familiar voice.
"You two looked at the person, his face confuse while yours happy.
"Oh? Who might you be~?"
"Who are you?"
"I asked you first but oh well, my name is Venti! And can you please let go of my precious s/o"
"Mhm~? Is there a problem?"
"Oh-..uh no.." He slowly let go of you, cursing at himslef for doing that to you, now he was to late.
"It was nice meeting you and your boyfriend..hope you two have a nice life"
He turned his body around and slowly walked off with a heavy heart.
Kazuha's pov:
I finally found a place to rest but how can i rest when all i think about is her?
Honestly i knew about her huge crush towards me but i cant believe i ignored it and now.
Sitting up from the bed and pouring myself a glass of water when suddenly i saw them together..having fun.
"I was really to late ha?"
I went back at the bed and slept praying that this was just a dream.
Hiii!! Hope you enjoyed it~!
Thx for the sudden boost of motivation @luvnoya
Have a nice day~!
-February 28, 2023
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