#hopefully catching up on tweets tonight
fifteenleads · 8 months
The Proposition
Based on this tweet by Stewart Clarke.
Prequel side story to Happier Ever After.
“Unco Dion, faster, faster!”
“Kihel wants to go faster?” Dion doesn’t wait for Kihel’s reply before pushing the stroller a little more forcefully, lengthening his strides as he did. They don’t really speed up but it‘s enough for Kihel to feel the wind on her face, giggling as she did.
Dion smiles. In truth, taking care of Kihel’s a rare treat he gets to do on his days off work. His housekeeper Ethel would sometimes leave her granddaughter in his care when she had to visit her doctor, apologizing profusely every time as she did. She never really needs to; it‘s a small thing compared to all she‘s done for him and his family to this day.
She would often ask Dion when he’d finally settle down. “I’m not growing any younger, my boy. I need to see you and Terence kiss on the altar before I die.”
“Please don’t joke like that, Aunt Ethel. You and Kihel will be invited for sure when it happens.” They’ve had this conversation at least once a month now, it’s making Dion consider if he should make the first move instead.
Dion’s phone vibrates in his pocket, at the same time his wireless headset informs him of an incoming call. He slows down and parks the stroller beside an empty driveway. “Hey, Phoenix. What’s up?”
“Shin Kamen Rider Day!” Joshua’s definitely jumping around somewhere, if all that stomping accompanying his excitement is of any indication. There are also kids squealing the same thing in the background, so he probably found out about it from his students after class. The two of them have been following tokusatsu shows since they were children, an interest they picked up from Joshua’s dad, Elwin.
Apparently Prime Video’s picking up this season, and it was coming out today. Dion had forgotten. “Nice! Are you watching tonight?”
“Sadly not,” Joshua’s mood immediately deflates at the question. “There’s a faculty meeting tonight for the school sportsfest. Maybe tomorrow?”
“I see. Good luck with that,” Dion says. They catch up on a few more things before Joshua excuses himself for his next class. Kihel’s getting antsy from waiting, so Dion quickly dials another number before getting back on the roadside.
Terence picks up after a couple of rings. “Hello, love. You rarely call during work hours.”
“I’m off today, silly. Are you on break?”
“Just for a few minutes. What is it?”
Dion proceeds to tell Terence about what he’d learned from Joshua. “I’m thinking we should sit down and watch Kamen Rider on Prime Video tonight,” he offers earnestly, speeding up a little again. “Joshua said we could watch ahead of him, but no spoilers in the group chat.”
“Oh, okay,” Terence agrees. “Can’t help it if he has work. I’m free tonight, actually. Does seven PM work for you?”
“Sure, Ethel’s already picked up Kihel by then.” Dion thinks to himself for a while then adds, “You could bring refreshments.”
Terence immediately chokes on whatever he’s drinking at Dion’s statement, and if he guessed right, would also be blushing to the tips of his ears in full view of his officemates. Bingo.
“R-Right, I’ll take care of that. See you?” There’s a hint of breathlessness now in Terence’s voice, and Dion knows his boyfriend totally gets it. “Yeah. See you.”
The call ends right then, and Dion grins to himself excitedly. Kihel is giggling again, none the wiser to the proposition that had just happened. Oh, to be young and wild and happy—and hopefully engaged by the end of tonight, if he had anything to say about it.
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saitou-shuka · 6 years
a dog has revived me from the dead
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let-me-luve-you · 3 years
Oscars Over Birthdays
Tom x Sister
Summary: The day Tom gets fantastic news is the same day your family forgot about your birthday.
Warnings: forgotten birthday, angst, slight cussing, rude family, fluff ending
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You woke up and smiled as you smelled Sam cooking your favorite breakfast meal, cinnamon waffles. Tom introduced you to them on your grub tour in New York City. Weirdly enough, only the two of you liked them. The rest of the family didn’t. You quickly got dressed and had to stop yourself from running downstairs. You walked into the kitchen with a smile on your face seeing all four brothers and your parents there.
“What do we have here? Is that cinnamon waffles I smell?” You asked, faking confusion as why your favorite breakfast was being made.
“We have some celebrating to do Y/N.” Dom said, smiling at you.
“Tom has been nominated for an Oscar.” Nikki said. You looked at Tom shocked.
“Oh my gosh T!” You said running over to him to give him a hug. “That’s amazing! I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks Y/N/N.” He smiled at you.
You walked over to the counter and made you a plate. Sam smiled at you as you grabbed a couple of extra waffles. “Eat up Y/N. I’m making a big dinner tonight. Everyone is coming.”
“Really?” You said trying to hide the smile of maybe your family was going to surprise you with a small party.
“Yup. Haz, Tuwaine, and the rest of the gang will be here.” Harry said.
“Cool.” You said trying not to sound hurt. You sat through breakfast and everyone just talked about Tom’s nomination and the rest of the nominations. You were quieter than normal, but your family didn’t notice.
You got a text around lunchtime from your best friend Ryann. It was always tradition to go out and eat on each other’s birthdays. No matter what your schedules were.
“Hey Y/N.” She said as you sat across from her at your favorite Italian restaurant. “How’s your birthday so far? What did your parents get you? What did your brothers get you?”
You sighed, “it’s been alright. I haven’t gotten anything. They haven’t even acknowledged my birthday yet. I thought maybe they would surprise me with dinner tonight when they mentioned Sam cooking, but they are doing it for Tom.”
“I saw that online this morning. I’m happy for him, but that’s no reason to forget your birthday.” Ryann said. You sighed once again and nodded in agreement. “Well you know what, forget it. I’ll give you the best birthday ever just with my presence.”
“My day is already better.” You said with a laugh, but you actually meant it. Throughout lunch, you and Ryann joked around and talked. You hadn't seen her in over a week due to her work schedule working against yours. It was nice to catch up in person.
“Here. I know you told me not to buy you anything, but I couldn’t help myself. Now after you telling me about your morning, I’m glad I did.” She said handing you a gift bag with Happy Birthday on it. You gave her a glare but she could see happiness in your eyes.
You took out the tissue paper and pulled out a basket with a bunch of small gifts in it. You saw a bath bomb with some bath salts, all of your favorite snacks, the new Ryan Reynolds movie, and an envelope. You gently set the basket onto the table and pulled out the card. You felt the thickness of it and glanced up at your friend. Ryann just smirked at you as you opened the card and saw a bunch of gift cards to your favorite restaurants, your favorite cafe, and your favorite shops.
“You didn’t?” You asked, shocked seeing the multiple different gift cards.
“Oh but I did because you deserve it.” She said smiling brightly at you.
“I don’t deserve you.” You said as you started to tear up. “This is too much.”
“No it’s not. Plus it makes up for that trip to LA you bought me.” Ryann said matter of factly.
“I invited you to Tom’s premiere. It only made sense to pay for it.”
“Yeah, but then you continued to buy everything. Even bought my dress for the premiere.” She said with a raised eyebrow.
You sighed before setting the card down and getting up to hug her. “Thank you Ry. You’ve made this birthday one of the best.”
She looked at you sadly, “I’m here to always make your days better.” You grabbed your gift and moved to exit the restaurant. Ryann followed. “Will you let me know how it goes with your family?”
“Yeah. Hopefully they’ve remembered by now.” You said sadly. “You’re welcome to come over for dinner tonight. Tom won’t be mad at you crashing his celebration dinner.”
“I’m meeting with Jake tonight or I would.” She said. When she looked up at you she added, “but I can reschedule. He’ll understand.”
“No, don't do that. You two are so close to making it official, I don’t want to get in the way of that.”
“You would never get in the way. Jake likes you and he knows how much you mean to me.” Ryann said as you stopped at your car.
“Please don’t cancel on him.” You begged. “Just call me when you get home so I can hear all about it.”
“I will.” Ryann gave you one last hug before she walked to her car. You got into yours and drove to your house. When you walked in, you could hear a movie playing and the light sound of your family talking. You walked upstairs to your room to set your gift down. When you walked back downstairs, you decided to join Sam in the kitchen.
“Hey Sammy.” You said as you sat at the counter.
“Hey Y/N/N. Where have you been?” He asked. He kept his head down as he chopped the vegetables.
“Ryann took me to lunch.” You said.
“Fun. Hopefully you didn’t feel up too much? I’m cooking a big feast.” He said jokingly.
“I’ll always have room for your cooking. What are you making for dessert?” You asked, hoping maybe it would be your favorite pie or red velvet cupcakes.
“Crepe bar.” He said lifting his knife to point towards the table in the corner where the fillings already set. You stared at it for a moment so you could hide the disappointment from Sam.
“Yum. I love your crepes.” You turned and smiled at Sam. He smiled back. “What movie are they watching in there?”
“I think they’re watching that new KJ Apa movie. What is it?”
“Songbird?” You asked.
“Yeah that’s it’s. Have you seen it yet?” He asked.
“No but I’ve been wanting to. I’m not going to walk in there to start it in the middle. I’m going to go take a nap.” You said standing up. “Come get me when dinner is ready.”
“Okay, I will.” He said, turning towards the stove. You walked upstairs and went into your room. You felt tears building in your eyes but you refused to cry on your birthday. After shutting your door, you threw yourself onto your bed and pulled out your phone. You don’t get on social media much, but figured it was time just to do a quick check on all of it. You got on Twitter first and saw that Tom was trending. You clicked on it to see what everyone was saying.
Tom being nominated for an Oscar is what he deserves.
We stan an Oscar nominated king
You kept scrolling through the fans congratulating Tom when you saw one that caught your eye.
Tom being nominated for an Oscar on his sister’s (who’s his best friend) birthday is what I live for. Congrats Tom and happy birthday Y/N. You didn’t want to post until later tonight so you wouldn’t get bombarded with tweets, so you saved the tweet to thank the fan later. You then decided to search your name. You knew looking yourself up brought nothing but pain, but you wanted to see what people were saying. Seeing if anyone else wished you a happy birthday. What you didn’t expect was everyone hating on you for being the only family member that hadn’t posted about Tom’s nomination.
You knew it shouldn’t bother you because you had told Tom personally, but it hurt that these fans were saying such horrible things because you didn’t post on social media. You saw some try to defend you, but then you saw a fan had taken a picture of you and Ryann at lunch.
Y/N can’t congratulate Tom for his Oscar nomination but she can go out to lunch with a friend. What a bitch.
You immediately closed the app and took a deep breath. You’re not a bitch. You were spending your birthday with your best friend. There’s nothing wrong with that, you thought to yourself. You decide to delete the social media apps off your phone so you didn’t risk getting back on them today. You set your phone down and stared at the ceiling. Insecure thoughts flooding your mind.
You didn’t remember falling asleep but when you woke up you saw Tom smiling down at you. “It’s about time you woke up. I’ve been trying to wake you for five minutes.” He laughed.
“Sorry. I didn’t realize I fell asleep.” You whispered. Tom leaned down and kissed your forehead.
“Come on. Everyone is here and dinner is ready.” Tom said, pulling you up from the bed. “After dinner, we are getting a fire started in the backyard.” You smiled at him and followed him to the dining room.
You sat down and noticed all of your family sitting there with Tuwaine and Harrison sitting there as well. You could tell they were all waiting on you.
“Good nap Y/N?” Harry said laughing.
“Shut up.” You whispered as you stared at him.
“This dinner is for Tom.” Dom said, raising his glass to cheers Tom. “He worked his butt off to get to this point and it’s only the beginning. Cheers.”
“Cheers!” Everyone said as they held up their drinks. You turned and smiled at Tom.
“I know I said it earlier, but I’m extremely proud of you. I'm glad I have you as my role model. Love you.” You whispered and kissed his cheek.
“Thank you Y/N/N.” He said smiling at you. “I love you too.”
Dinner went by quickly with everyone talking and laughing. You couldn’t remember the last time you had all sat down and ate dinner like this. Now you all sat outside around the fire pit. You sat next to Tom and shared a blanket with him. You just sat back and watched everyone interact. You get lost in your thoughts wondering how your family could forget your birthday. After an hour of sitting there, you decided you would go to bed. Even though it was still early, you just wanted to be alone.
“It’s been fun you guys, but I’m off to bed.” You said.
“Are you sick? You’ve been sleeping a lot today.” Nikki said, full of worry.
“No, I'm not sick. Just didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.” You lied. “Thanks for dinner Sam. And congrats again Tom. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight Y/N.” You heard everyone say. You walked up stairs and switched into pajamas. You were too mentally exhausted to shower. You figured you could just do it in the morning. Once your head hit your pillow, you were out.
Outside everyone kept talking. Harry was explaining something that he learned on set. Tom had heard the story a thousand times already so he pulled his phone out and got on Instagram for the first time today. He was scrolling through his timeline to see what his friends were doing when he came across a post Ryann had posted. He saw his sister smiling at the camera as she sat at a restaurant with a piece of cake in front of her with a sparkler candle on top. He looked at it confused and decided to slide through the multiple pictures. He saw one picture of her with a basket of goodies in front of her as she read a card. He scrolled down enough to see the caption.
A happiest 23rd birthday to my best friend and soulmate. I’m so lucky I got to spend time with you on your birthday. I love you and hope you have an amazing day.
Tom gulped as he stared at the phone with wide eyes. Paddy noticed his older brothers change in demeanor.
“What is it Tom?” Paddy asked concern. Tom looked up to him with pain lacing his eyes.
“Your nudes get leaked or something?” Harry joked. Nikki slapped him in the back of the head.
“It’s Y/N birthday.” Tom said. Everyone went silent. “We forgot her fucking birthday.” Tom stood up and paced. He was mad at himself for letting himself forget his best friend’s birthday. You and Tom had always been so close that everyone thought you were twins. You were only a year apart. It made sense that people would suggest that. Some even said they didn’t think Sam and Harry were the twins in the family.
“That’s why she’s been quiet today. We’re so horrible. I can’t believe I forgot my daughter’s birthday.” Nikki whispered more to herself but everyone heard. Tom looked at his parents and siblings before walking towards the house. He quickly walked in and ran to your room. He hoped you weren’t asleep yet. When he knocked on the door and didn’t get an answer, he decided to walk in. Your face was lit up from the lamp on your bedside table. What hurt Tom even more was he could see the tears that stained your face.
“Y/N?” He asked quietly. Thinking maybe you weren’t asleep. When he got no response and didn’t even see you flinch, he knew you were out for the night. He grabbed your extra pillow and blanket and sat next to your bed.
The next morning you woke up. Your eyes feel like sandpaper from crying. You didn’t even remember crying, but with the emotions from the day before it made sense you would. You gently sat up and jumped when you saw a figure lying on the floor. You leaned over to see Tom asleep.
“Tom?” You asked. He didn’t move. You got up and sat next to him. “Tom?” You asked again as you shook him. Tom slowly opened his eyes and looked around confused before looking at you. “Why are you sleeping on my floor?”
“I came in here shortly after you left so I could say how sorry I am for not remembering your birthday.”
You sighed. “It’s okay Tom. You got amazing news yester-“
Tom interrupted you, “it’s not okay. I don’t care if I was elected queen of England, no news is big enough to forget your birthday.”
“Queen of England?” You asked with raised eyebrows and a smirk.
“I think I would be an amazing queen.” He said with a small laugh. “Seriously though, I feel horrible.” Tom pulled you to him. You nestled your head into the crook of his neck. “I’m going to spend the day making it up to you. I promise. So get dressed. We’re starting with breakfast.”
You nodded and pulled away trying to hide the smile on your face. After getting dressed you walked downstairs and heard your family talking in the living room. When you walked in your whole family looked at you.
“Happy birthday Y/N!” They all yelled. Nikki ran over to you and crushed you in a hug. “I’m so sorry baby. We’re going to celebrate you tonight.”
“Yeah! I’ll cook all of your favorites.” Sam said.
“Don’t do that. You cooked all day yesterday.” Sam went to protest, “how about just make some red velvet cupcakes and we’ll call it good. We can order a pizza and have a nice family movie night.”
“Deal.” Sam said. After all members of your family apologized, you turned to Tom.
“Are you ready? I’m hungry.” You said with a pout.
“Then let’s go. Anyone want to join us for breakfast? We are also going to get lunch as well.”
“We will join you for lunch. Enjoy the morning together.” Dom said. Tom smiled at him before he turned to you and held his arm out for you to grab so he could lead you to the car.
“I’m going to treat you like the queen you are today. So if you want to do anything specific, just tell me.” Tom said as he got into the car with you.
“Just spending time with you and everyone else is enough. Thank you for making up for yesterday. I appreciate it.”
“I’ll go all out next year to fully make up for it.” He said.
“As long as there’s a bounce castle.” You joked with a laugh but Tom knew you weren’t joking.
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jesslockwood · 3 years
Photo Opportunities
Word Count: 2.7k
Pairing(s): Tom Holland x Actress!Reader
Warnings: FLUFF with a slightly (barely) suggestive sentence towards the end 
A/n: damn I can't write anything except actress reader? smh but this is for @londonspidey ‘s sit-com Writing challenge (ik I'm early lol) but I was so excited I wrote the whole thing in one go lmao the prompt is bolded!
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Calling yourself a fan was an understatement. You were obsessed with anything and everything marvel. And oddly enough, you could after today say you were in the club. It wasn’t a public fact yet, until later that day actually, at the Marvel panel at comic con that you were being announced as the actress for the character, Felica Hardy and no one else knew except for the people who cast you and your best friend who signed an NDA. You were technically still a known actress for your roles on television mainly as Thalia on the PJO Disney + series and a couple of still decently sized films. 
You were currently wrapping up signing autographs for fans of yours for today. Your team had planned it out so it wasn’t suspicious that you were at the con with a few of your castmates scattered doing other junkets and press so people wouldn’t guess who they were acting as the cast for new marvel projects. 
You had been planning to go meet your best friend, who wasn’t in the industry before getting a text that she bought you both a photo-op with someone and she wouldn’t tell you who. You couldn’t only assume it was a marvel actor that you would indeed, freak out. 
Y/b/n: btw I brought you a mask. I get the wig lol.
You: please tell me it doesn’t cover my full face. Also, how are we posing?
Y/b/n: I bought as many photo ops as I could so a lot of different ones, And if I tell you the poses it’ll spoil it.
You: is this with the money I pay you to be my assistant with? Lol fine I’m omw with security
Y/b/n: maybe… 
Y/b/n: and they’ll need more backup security for who we’re getting a photo op with than you do for your hellfire.
You roll your eyes before taking your stuff and exiting the booth, before heading out the backways with staff security and your detailed security for the day. You only had security because you wanted to explore the con when you weren’t needed.
Your best friend had also been your assistant for the con weekend, but you didn’t want her to be confined to you the whole three days so when she could, you would let her explore it, at least she could experience it as a fan, right?
When you made it to that part of the building, you wanted to wait in line with her, which your security didn’t agree to so she texted you when there were about five people ahead of her. She was one of the last in line, with you asking her to be kind, so others would get their chance to be first with whomever it was. 
When she texted you and your detailed exit, getting a few stares and others taking their phones out to either take photos or tweet, you wave at them before joining your best friend in line.
“Here,” she says before handing you none other than a black cat mask before she puts on a red wig. 
You glare at her slightly trying to not make a scene, before putting it on. 
“I’m assuming you're Mary Jane?” you laugh figuring out that it had to be someone from Spider-Man.
“How’d you- never mind.” She laughs with you.
She then explains how she’s going to pose for your five photo ops, joking in between how she should “get a raise for this”.
You catch sight of him before sucking in your breath. This was either going to go down amazingly or terribly, there was no in-between with you. 
“Excuse Me, are you Y/n Y/l/n?”
You turn around and are met by some fans who were standing in line behind you.
“I am! How’s your con going?” you ask politely to the two of them.
“It's going amazing! We love you as Thalia! Could we maybe get a picture? Only if it’s okay?”
“Of course! Thank you for supporting me!” your best friend grabs their phone to take the photo, before you take off the mask, and stand between the two fans, and your best friend snaps a few photos. 
“Thank you so much! And Are you fans of Tom?”
You start slowly walking back to catch up to the line. 
“Yeah, I love him as Spiderman, but I also enjoy his other roles. He's very talented, I'd love to work with him one day!” 
“Have you seen him in Uncharted?  We love Him as Nathan drake!”
“I have, he was amazing per usual! How are you two posing with him?”
They show you their innovative pose. You laugh and tell them it's great before you have to wish them goodbye before heading up for your turn for the photo op. 
“How do we want to pose- hang on, I recognize you!”
You freeze slightly before your friend mouths for you to flirt. You look down at the mask in your hand before getting into character and saying “Of course you do Spidey, I'm always causing you trouble.” you put on the mask and wink. 
He seems slightly stunned, laughing, feeling like he’s seen you somewhere, not only because he found you extremely gorgeous, while in his peripheral vision he sees his brother/ assistant, Harry waving like a madman on the side. 
Your friend directs you both through the poses, first, one both him putting “webs” onto you as she looks over his shoulder, the second one, both of you kissing his cheeks, the third, all jumping in the air in your best superhero poses, the fourth one she gets a photo op alone and the last one she gives to you,
“Seriously, who are you?”
“Your Wildest dreams, baby,” you say, taking off the mask. 
Your best friend yells “freestyle” from the sidelines before Tom dips you, gently, with you shocked, holding the mask out with your free arm and the photo captures that moment. 
 He gently helps you stand back up fully, not before you drop the mask.
“Nice moves Spider-Man.”
“Not so bad yourself, Black Cat.”
You laugh before, taking off with your best friend, well more her dragging you to the printing station leaving the mask behind. Tom picks it up before shoving it in his back pocket to hopefully give back if he could find you. 
`You were sitting in the green room, trending on Twitter before you were actually supposed to be trending on Twitter, and god knows where else.  
Someone had snuck a video of you and Tom, up till him dipping you, and a video of you interacting with the fans in the line.
Your Y/b/n was currently reading off some tweets out loud
“‘A kind queen we stan.’  I agree, I also agree with ‘Date her if you can't date me tom!!!’.
‘THALIA AND PETER PARKER??? My two fandoms have collided.’ same, same. Oo this one says, ‘if she ain’t playing black cat I will sue marvel.’ I'm dying at the reply ‘She needs to post the photos or I'll sue her!’. This one’s funny, ‘she could squash him like a bug in heels but he liked his queen like that.’.”
She pauses watching you texting.
“Y/n? Y/n?”
“What? Sorry I was only half listening. I was texting my publicist. She said to stay on the DL until tonight. 
“Well we should get food, you haven't eaten since this morning.”
“By the way, your show has shot to number one on Disney +. Also, you have like three times the followers you had before, probably cause you're trending on every platform, even Tumblr!”
“Wow you should just become my social media manager now.” you joke trying to ease the joy yet weirded out feeling in your stomach.
“Does that come with a raise? Because after today I've spent way too much of what I'm paid.” she jokes back.
After finishing his photo ops Tom asked Harry who she was and to find out. By the time he finished autographs for the day, Tom and Harry walked to the panel room in the back for announcements, one that included him for the new Avengers movie, while Harry gave him the rundown.
“So she’s an actress, she plays Thalia on Disney plus’ Percy Jackson series, and that's her most known project. The other girl with her is her assistant best friend, and now she's trending everywhere. People dug up some old photos of her being a marvel/Spider-Man fan, so there's that. And she's here at the con for the rest of the weekend. She's doing photo ops tomorrow at one, and yes she's single from what I gather since you were looking at her like this.” he makes a weird face before tom smacks him.
“And plus you have time in your schedule to get a photo op with her, that is if you eat lunch quickly.”
That gave Tom an idea. 
“Harry I’m going to need you to book me one, oh and help me find a Spider-Man costume!” He says, before leaving harry to do ‘assistant’ work. entering the green room for the announcements, watching them announce a new movie.
“We are so excited to announce to the Marvel Universe, and spider-verse-” that perked tom’s ears, “-directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood, and today we are announcing our amazing Miss Felicia Hardy, please give a warm welcome to the stage, Your Black Cat!”
You suddenly emerged in an aisle way, dressed in all black with a leather jacket, black ankle boots, and of course black sunglasses indoors.
The music is marvel music until it suddenly changes after a recorded laugh from you into “I can’t be tamed by Miley Cyrus”.
You start owning the music while saying hi and touching fans’ hands. You decide to take off your sunglasses and throwing them to a fan, for them to keep, before getting on stage.
“What a Performance from the one the only Y/n Y/l/n!”
You laugh, being met with the loudest applause you had heard all con before being handed a Mic. 
“Thank you but I'm a terrible dancer.” You Joke.
Tom was staring at the screen stunned. You had been the black cat all along. You were in the marvel universe and spidey one,  so he'd definitely be seeing more of you. The hard part is that you seemed so genuine when you talked, interacted with fans and was no doubt, stunning. 
“Better close your mouth or the flies will get in.” Tom turns around to find the voice of none other than his friend slash bully, Sebastian Stan, along with Anthony Mackie.
“Looks like the kid has a crush!” Anthony laughs, pointing to the screen you were on.
“I-I don’t! I don’t even know her!” Tom tries to come to his own defense, hopelessly.
“She’s got you whipped already don’t even deny it.” Harry comes in, joining the teasing of one, Tom Holland.
“Maybe we can invite her out for drinks tonight, then fanboy over here can meet her, and then probably scare her off!” Anthony mentions.
“You haven’t looked on the internet? They’ve already met.” Seb says, before showing Anthony twitter. 
Anthony stands there slightly shocked before bursting into laughter.
“Well, she’s damn well a keeper for Tom since she obviously likes him.”
A staff member peaks their head in the green room to tell Tom he’s up next.
“Well, that’s my cue to leave you two!”
On the other hand, you were on an adrenaline high from being on stage, and seeing all the fans. You knew tomorrow was going to be crazy, as you expected people to book your photo op left and right since the announcement. 
You had decided to decline an offer from your fellow marvel universe castmates, Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie, which they so graciously told you that whenever you’re free, the offer still stood. 
You had gotten to your hotel room seeing your phone blowing up on the social media apps for the second time that day. 
You responded to the important stuff, before heading to bed, knowing it was going to be hectic.
You had been right, it was absolutely insane, the number of people who showed up. You had fully booked all your time slots for photo ops. You had seen so many people dressed up in marvel cosplay, ranging from Loki to Ironman, even some people dressed up as your character, which was wildly insane to see.
You had been nearing the end of the line and had enjoyed every moment with the fans, and you couldn’t wait for your autographing session later that day, to truly get a chance to talk to the fans and connect with them and how they felt about you being their beloved Black Cat. 
After a few more photos, posing how they wanted, you see a fully dressed, head to toe, mask and all, Spider-Man. You had seen some spider-mans but most took off their masks to snap a picture. The person was the last in line. 
“Hey Black Cat.” The southern American accented voice tells you, seeming very familiar. 
“Hey, Spider, what poses do you have up your sleeve?” you ask kindly.
“I bought a few, Cat.” they laugh.
“Okay, You can do whatever a spider can right?” you pull out a line out of the comics jokingly.
“I can do flips if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Is that some kind of nerd pick-up line? Because it’s only kind of working.” you laugh. 
“I really can, but this is one.”
He gets down on one knee, holding a black cat mask instead of a ring. The photographer captures the shocked expression on your face.
“I- Don’t- What- Spider I-” 
“Ow My feelings…” Suddenly their voice changes into a British accent before they pull off the mask to reveal-
“I guess you don’t have a spidey sense darling?” The photographer captures the moment without warning eating the moment up. 
You laugh at that. 
“I guess you found out my true identity Spider. And it’s nice to officially meet you, Tom.”
He laughs, just as nervous as you, he notices he has gotten closer to you and a strand of hair loosely is blowing in your face, so naturally, he pushes it behind your ear. Another snap of the camera can be heard. 
“NOW KISS!” a voice belonging to your best friend yells from the side, mid-eating a churro.
You both laugh really hard at that.
The both of you calm down, slowly leaning lost in the moment. The camera snaps again. You both look at the photographer weirded out, and they just shrug.
“Wait can you actually do a flip?” you ask, pulling away, not wanting prying eyes aka the photographer, to pry in your business. 
“I can, though I’d show you later, maybe in the greenroom?”
“That sounds naughty, but, sure.” you joke around. 
He laughs before, you both take off from the area going to grab the photos.
After spending most of the day together when you could, you get Tom’s number, before heading back to your hotel room. He texts you as soon as you get back. 
Spider: I had fun today, minus finding our assistants making out.
You: we should ‘snog’ too, it’ll gross them out ;)
You: I had fun too btw. Are you leaving tomorrow?
Spider: lol we should. And yeah an early flight, 6 am to be exact. Hbu?
You: Yeah me too... another day another dollar lol
Spider: ill miss you, Cat.
You: stop talking like we’ll never see each other again lol. As a matter of fact, come to my room, we’re watching a movie!
Spider: alright, I’ll order snacks. 
  You sigh smiling at your phone. You haven’t felt this giddy in a long time.
Your phone pings with a few Instagram notifications.
Tomholland2013 has started following you.
Tomholland2013 has tagged you in a photo.
You open Instagram to find the photo of him “proposing” to you posted.
“Ow, my leg, my- feelings...Welcome to the Universe, Cat.” the photo is captioned. You decide to post, the photo of him dipping you.
“So what do you say, Spider? Wanna help me pull off the Heist of the Heist of the Century?” you caption it, Before getting comfortable to watch a movie. 
What an opportunity ;)
@lolooo22 @webmeupspiderdaddy @harryhollandsgirlfriend @spideyspeaches @greenorangevioletgrass @queenofthepouges @sheranatic111 @keithseabrook27
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crowdedimagines · 4 years
Leaked - Harry Styles
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2.8k :) 
“Y/n?” His voice rings out a soft echo. The only noise in my room tonight. I simply answered so the incessant buzzing on my nightstand would finally cease. If only I had checked the contact, I wouldn’t be sitting up straight in bed, staring into the black of my room.
“Hello?” I answer back after a long enough pause for both of us to know that I have just woken up and I wasn’t fully aware of what I was answering.
“I’m sorry to wake you. I forgot what time it is there right now.” I can hear some shuffling on his end, it sounds like he’s getting up and walking around. He must be in London right now, not in his home only a ten minute drive from mine in Malibu. I lean forward and rest my elbows on my knees, letting my comforter drop from my shoulders.
“What’s wrong Harry?” I ask, cutting to the chase. The slight nervous edge in his voice tells me that something is most definitely wrong. I can’t just sit in silence waiting for the world to stop, I need him to spit it out. Spit out whatever made him call me after nearly a year of no longer being together.
“I had a leak. Someone hacked my phone.”
I don’t know what I was expecting, but this was far from it. I let out a sigh, he’s okay. At least physically. I can feel a slight weight lift off my chest, but it’s far from light still.
“Okay?” I prompt for him to continue.
“It’s pictures of you, Y/n.”
And to think I was worried about him. His words make my ears ring for a few seconds. An eerie pitch fills the void between us, neither of us knowing the words to help this situation.
“Which pictures?”
I switch Harry to speaker and open twitter, ignoring the mass texts that are coming in right now. My manager and my publicist ranting on our group chat but the messages fade into the background as soon as my eyes cross the trending page.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” My hands start shaking as I look over the images shared with the entire world. Not even just one, multiple over the time we shared a relationship.
A picture I sent him on tour, standing in our mirror with not a thread of clothing. Bare as the day I was born. I remember taking this picture as a tease right before he had to take the stage at Madison Square Garden. Now more people than can fit in Madison Square Garden have seen that picture.
Next, is a picture of me in a rather compromising position on my knees looking up at him. It’s not hard to tell what was happening or about to happen. Harry took this one, It was already a hot night for us, and somehow him pulling out his phone snapping a quick picture made it even hotter. Now I need to worry about my family ever seeing this.
Finally, the most modest of the group, a picture of me in simple dark red lingerie thrown on the bed by Harry. Once again, a picture that Harry had snapped himself. I had just come home from tour and he answered our door and I dropped everything I had, including the clothes I had been wearing. He chased me up to our room, he finally caught me in our room and literally threw me on the bed. He pulled out his phone claiming he wanted to remember the sheer joy he was feeling in that moment. Now it’s bringing me dread.
Tweet after tweet sharing the same group of photos.
Harry doesn’t say a single word, knowing that I’ve seen exactly what he was trying to break down to me.
“Oh my god.” I shutter, refreshing as the tweets come in by the hundreds.
“Y/n I-”
I hang up before he can utter another word. I can’t speak with him right now, knowing exactly who’s to blame for putting me out there like that. We broke up nearly a year ago, if he had simply deleted the photos once the relationship was over, maybe we wouldn’t be here.
I read the thread of messages between Jordan my manager and Paula my publicist. Both are trying to diffuse the situation. I wonder how they found out, did they get a call at two in the morning from Jeff?
I simply reply that in the morning to meet at my house to get everything sorted out, there’s no point in stressing over what we can’t change and losing sleep over it. They both agree to be at my house bright and early at seven.
I put my phone back down and pull myself under the covers. At least for a few more hours this can’t be real. A few more hours I can hide under the covers and pretend that this isn’t happening.
I put coffee on, knowing that the girls will be here any moment, hopefully with a plan in hand on how we can diffuse the situation.
“Good morning.” Paula smiles cheerily followed by Jordan who just has a tight smile.
“Please tell me there’s something we can do.” I sit down on my touch, letting my hands warm on the mug.
“Yes, we-kind of!” Paula gushes.
I look to Jordan for a clear answer. Paula has always been a little nuttier, I love her to death, but right now I need serious and I need a plan. I need cold and honest.
“I talked with Jeff for a while last night and we both agree that we think it’s best for us to meet up together to discuss a course of action in person. We have a flight in an hour.”
“So you’re telling me that my nudes leak from his phone and now I have to hop on a plane to go see him?” My jaw must reach the floor by now.
“It’ll be better to get this all sorted out with both teams together. We have the same common goal here, we just want to make this look a little better.”
“Easy for you to say when it’s not your body trending on Twitter.”
“I wasn’t the one sending them.” She raises her brow, she’s told me a dozen times to never put myself in a position like this. That there can’t be any leaks when you don’t take anything private.
I climb upstairs to my room and grab a bag to start packing. I throw on a cute sweat suit and find a pair of dark tinted sunglasses. If anything, the airport is the last place I should be right now. The paparazzi are worse than they’ve ever been, even with Harry, I’ve never been bombarded like this. They throw question after question to me, hoping to get the first scoop on me the morning after it leaked. While it’s still hot and trending with every news outlet.
“Jesus.” Paula mutters, “Still got all your fingers and toes?”
I smile finally, “I’m fine, thank you.”
The flight is peaceful, thankfully. Jordan types a mile a minute on her laptop next to me. Surely, trying to work out a plan and get as many pictures taken down as possible. Not that it matters now, it’s out in the world forever now.
A sleek black car picks us up and drives the familiar route to Harry’s London home. We pull into the driveway and it knocks the air out of my lungs as soon as my feet hit the ground. There’s several cars that don’t belong to Harry, which means it’s a full house today.
I let Jordan walk in first, letting myself weakly trail behind. I haven’t seen Harry since the break up. Maybe once at an award show, but it was far away and we didn’t exchange words. I definitely didn’t think I would be stepping into his house again.
“Jordan.” Jeff greets, getting up from the dining table where it looks like people have set up camp. A whole crew of people making calls, scouring Twitter, and god knows what else.
“Hi, Jeff.” She smiles.
I look around a little, trying not to be obvious. The house looks the same, Hardly a single thing out of place in over a year. Not that I expect it too, I never fully lived here outside of a few weeks at a time. It’s not like our shared Malibu home that we sold in the break up. This place was always predominantly his.
Speaking of Harry, finally he looks up from his phone, he had been biting at his cuticles probably worrying, panicking. He tucks his phone in his back pocket and walks over to the rest of us. Paula instantly pulls him down for a hug, she always loved him.
“Harry!” She sighs.
He lets out a soft laugh and bends down to hug her short stature. We make eye contact a few times, but never say anything.
“I wish this was under different circumstances.” Paula whispers, even though we still all catch it.
“No hug? Harry teases Jordan. They were never close but at least he’s attempting to lighten the mood. Harry is probably the last person on this planet that she wants to hug.
“I’m not your biggest fan right now.” Jordan sighs, her steel cold gaze returns. I bite back a smirk over how protective she can be sometimes.
“Y/n, I-” Harry starts, finally turning his full attention to me.
“Y/n!” A louder voice cuts him off, I glance over his shoulder to see Gemma getting up from the couch in the living room, Anne close behind.
“Oh my god, I’ve missed you!” She pulls me in for a hug, her arms pulling me in tight, as if to make up for the months of nearly no contact.
“I’ve missed you too, Gem.” I tighten my grip around her.
Anne appears in my line of vision now, smiling softly. I release my grip on Gemma and she does the same, Anne taking her place.
“You’ll get through this, darling.” She whispers softly as she rubs her hand up and down my back. Her words bring tears to my eyes. I’ve tried to not let myself be sad about this. I’ve only felt anger, but hugging Anne has opened the floodgates. “You’re strong.”
“I need to freshen up.” I clear my throat, Anne pulls back and smiles.
No one says a word as I excuse myself to the closest guest bathroom. I wash my face with cold water and take a few deep breaths trying to prepare myself somewhat for what I have to go out there and face. I open the door and notice Harry leaning against the wall across from the door.
“Hi.” He picks his head up, no longer staring at the ground.”
“Hi.” I say back.
“Y/n I am so sorry. I had no clue any of this would happen. If I had known-”
“Why did you keep the pictures Harry?” I ask, I want answers not apologies. He’s still Harry and I know he’s feeling so much guilt right now.
“I don’t really know.” He shrugs, “I wasn’t being pervy with them, wasn’t keeping them for any indecent reason. They were just another memory that I didn’t want to lose. I didn’t delete any of the pictures.”
I can’t think of a response which is fine because Jeff calls for both of us to join them. We sit down at the table along with a few unfamiliar faces. As soon as we do they dive into the details, talking about how somehow Harry’s iCloud was hacked and that meant they had access to all photos.
“Well why are my pictures the only ones out there? It’s his phone that got hacked!” I yell.
“We don’t know.” Jordan answers, “We don’t know what else they got either. If they have more that they’re waiting to sell.”
“Fuck’s sake.” Harry mutters, rubbing over his eyes.
“Well Harry, got anything else I should worry about? Or any other girls you should warn?” I turn to look at him, a flash of red creeps up his neck and hangs around on his cheeks. It was a low blow, but it slips out before I can stop it.
“There’s no one else.” Harry answers, “And for other pictures I don’t know to be completely honest.
“Well, it might help for us to get an idea of what else could be out there. We should try and get an idea of what else the two of you have.” Jeff's words make me look to Anne, now it’s my turn to blush but she isn’t phased by any of it so far.
“Well it could be worse.” A man from Harry’s team states as he shuts his lap top, leaning in to join the conversation.
“How so?” Gemma prompts crossing her arms over her chest.
“Any publicity is good-”
“Don’t you fucking dare finish that sentence.” I cut off the man before he can continue. “You can’t talk. You can’t say any publicity is good publicity. Not until your body is trending on Twitter. Not until everyone with social media has seen your body, talked about it, and used it. Not until you have to call your parents and tell them you’re sorry and to stay away from phones for a while. Not until your body is no longer your body.”
The chair loudly scrapes against the floor as I stand up. I can’t sit here at the table and listen to them talk about it like it’s not as huge as it is. Because to them this is work, to me it’s my real life. I make my way towards the back porch. It’s always been one of my favorite spots. It’s got the best view of the garden.
I trust Jordan for decisions on this. She knows me well enough after all of these years together. They’ll run anything else past me, but I don’t need to be in there while they attempt damage control.
I sit down on the outdoor couch and pull my legs up to my chest. It’s peaceful for a few minutes and I just let myself bask in it. I could probably fall asleep if I tried, jet lag and all. It’s soft, but still loud enough for me to hear the door open. I turn to see Harry just standing there, trying not to invade my bubble while still giving me my space.
“C’mon.” I nod to the spot beside me. There’s no point in being mad anymore. What’s done is done. I will always love Harry more than the drama.
He shuffles over and takes a seat. A slow fog rolls in as it slowly gets darker.
“Do you ever miss it?” His voice quiet and steady. I don’t have to ask to know he’s talking about our relationship.
“Harry, we dated for three years, of course I’m going to miss that. Now what’s got you all sentimental? See those pictures and remember how good of a lay I am?” I tease bumping his shoulder with mine, with a smirk. He lets out an airy laugh, easing the tension.
“No, even before these past few days.” He finally looks over at me, tearing his eyes away from the yard, “I always miss you.”
“Harry.” I sigh. “We both agreed. We were both touring, we never even saw each other. And when we weren’t we were stuck in the studio. Different studios I might add.”
“Isn’t rarely seeing each other better than never?”
His question hangs in the air, both of us leaving it unanswered.
“I don’t know, Harry.” I answer after several minutes. The sun dips below the horizon, and my head dips down to his shoulder. “I don’t know.”
I don’t know how long we sit like that. The sun is gone now, and the breeze actually feels cold, but Harry’s arm is heavy and warm around my shoulder.
The door suddenly opens causing both of our heads to perk up. It’s Gemma with the smallest smile on her face.
“They’re asking for you guys in there.”
“Ready, love?” Harry stands, holding out a hand to pull me up with him.
“Well it’s now or never.”
part two? let me know what you guys think
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blazedgraysons · 4 years
Love Don’t Cost A Thing
Grayson buys you a car, Twitter stans are mean, and Grayson’s really good at making you feel better. 
A/N: this is part 1 of fics I wrote a month ago, forgot about and finally finished. this started out as a simple fluff and idk what happened. also let’s pretend that Grayson still has a wrapped porsche because I could totally see him wanting to match. 
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: horribly written smut and a lot ofme pretending I know about nice cars
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God, some bitches will do anything for clout nowadays.
Honestly, when will Gray wake up and realize she’s just with him for his money?
What a fucking gold-digger.
That word rings around your head as you continue to scroll through the replies from Grayson’s latest tweet, each one nastier than the last. You sniffle, wiping your tears and locking your phone, before turning to look at your boyfriend through the bedroom window. He’s outside talking to Ethan excitedly over a car, not just any car but a 2021 Porsche 911. A car he bought just for you.
He had approached you earlier this afternoon with a broad grin. As easily excitable as he is, this didn’t feel out of the ordinary to you, so you simply raise an eyebrow while continuing to sip your coffee.
“Are you finished with your final yet, Y/N ?” He whispers out of caution that you might still be testing.
“Two more questions, then I’m all yours baby. What’s wrong?” A sense of worry washes over you since you know he wouldn’t interrupt you unless it’s crucial. He’d grown accustomed to your new routine since the pandemic began. After asking (begging) for you to quarantine with him, he soon realized that the time he thought you two would spend together was taken up by quizzes, essays, and exams as you finished up your senior year of college. While he was more than willing to take second-place to your studies, he was a little antsy for you to be finished.
“Nothing. I just wanted to show you something out in the shed.” Now, this you do roll your eyes at. While you were occupied with studies, he was out in that godforsaken tiny shed almost every day. Secretly, you were glad Ethan had foregone the bed idea because that was the only thing getting him to come to bed to you every night. You assure you’ll be out in a few minutes and shoo him away to finish the test that will ensure your bachelors.
Only twenty minutes later, you feel as if a crushing weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. You crack your neck before sighing and closing your laptop, elated that the four years of your undergrad were finally behind you. You pull out your phone before remembering your promise to Grayson. You walk out the back kitchen doors and turn the corner, not expecting what was behind it.
Your mouth drops. Sitting in front of you is a shiny, white Porsche complete with a giant red bow on the hood. Your boyfriend sits on top of the back seats, dressed in a blue button-down and black slacks. Grayson’s beaming as he holds a bouquet of roses out towards you. You try to think of something, willing anything to come to your brain, but shock leaves you speechless so you start tearing up instead.
Grayson, mistaking your tears for anger or sadness, is by your side in a minute.
“Angel, what’s wrong? Do you not like it? I wanted to wrap it to match mine, but Ethan said it was a bad idea. But- but we can always go to the dealer and switch it out if you don’t like it or I can -“ He stammers, immediately worried that he had disappointed you. You cut him off with a deep kiss, relieving any worry that was flying through his brain as he grabs your waist to hold you closer.
“No, it’s perfect. You’re perfect. Everything’s perfect. But why?” You question.
“Well, I wanted to do something special for you since you finished school today. And since we can’t travel anywhere, I figured this was the next best thing. You’ve worked so hard these past four years, Angel; I just wanted to show you how proud I am of you and how much I love you.” He explains, scratching the back of his neck nervously. Your heart melts at this. While you had expected maybe a five-star dinner and hopefully some marathon sex, you had no idea your boyfriend would do something so extravagant for you. Never in your wildest dreams did you believe someone would care for you like this, and adoration begins to fill your entire being.
“Grayson, I- I don’t know what to say.” You’re astounded, and every time you look at the car, you’re speechless again.
“Hopefully that you like it. It was kind of expensive.” He jokes, now reassured that your silence is a good thing and not out of anger. You swat his chest before wrapping your hands around his neck and pulling him in for another kiss. Just as his hands start to slip towards your ass, you pull away from him.
“Thank you, Grayson. For the car, for letting me stay here, for everything. I don’t deserve you-“
“Don’t start with that.” He cuts you off, leaning in so your foreheads are touching, “You do plenty for me, and if we’re honest, I don’t deserve you. You’re beautiful, intelligent, funny. There’s nothing in the world I wouldn’t do for you, and you can’t change that.” Before you can even respond, you notice Ethan making his way out through the back door.
“Yo, what are you two still doing out here? Don’t you have reservations at six?” He yells out, towel over his shoulder and obviously not expecting the two of you to be interrupting his future tanning session. You turn back to your boyfriend, confused as Grayson sighs exasperatedly and looks up to the sky.
“I haven’t told her about that yet, dickhead.” Grayson yells back to his brother.
“Well, can you hurry up? I want to lay out for a bit, and the weather app says it’s supposed to rain at four.” Ethan asks. You can’t help but giggle, knowing Ethan’s just oblivious to the very intimate moment you and Grayson were having. Grayson huffs, annoyed that his brother is ruining his plan before turning to you.
“I booked us reservations at Il Cielo.” Your eyes widen at the mention of your favorite restaurant.
“But how? It’s been booked for weeks. We couldn’t even get in for my birthday.” You question.
“The owner’s daughters are fans, so I promised a couple pictures tonight in order to get a table. Now go get dressed, we can take your car if you want.” He explains. Images of you two dressed up while Grayson drives the new Porsche fills your mind and you slightly shiver. Grayson, raising an eyebrow to your reaction, leans down for another kiss with you. Right when Grayson’s tongue enters your mouth is when you hear the fake-retching coming from the other twin.
“Bro, go away!” Grayson groans, holding you closer to him. You’re both leaned up against the car as you turn to watch the interaction between the two siblings.
“Fine. But first, let me get a picture of the happy couple. You’d kill me if you didn’t get to flex how good of a boyfriend you are.” He says, grabbing his phone. Grayson moves to argue, but you silence him, posing for the camera instead. You both smile, looking happier and more in love with each other then you’ve ever been. And you can’t help smiling wider when you see the tag and pictures on Twitter.
It only took a few minutes before the hate comments started flooding in. You had set your phone down for a quick shower but returned to notification after notification. It was non-stop dm’s, tweets, and even responses to IG photos from 2016 about how you weren’t good enough for Grayson, how you were just using him, and how he would eventually find someone better.
Usually, you could just ignore it, turn your phone off and turn a blind eye to the negativity spewed at you. But you were already emotionally overwhelmed, and you couldn’t help the small part of you that agreed. What had you done to deserve a man who could drop thousands of dollars on you at a whim? You weren’t impressive, weren’t an influencer or a model, just an average girl who managed to catch his eye.  
Your phone screen starts to blur as tears form in your eyes. You try to stop the burning feeling in your throat. Still, fat tears begin to roll down your cheeks onto the screen as you start sniffling, falling victim to your deepest insecurities. You were so caught up in yourself that you hadn’t even noticed Grayson making his way down the hall.
“Y/N, are you almost ready? We have to leave for the restaurant soon.” He yells towards his room, making his way to you before noticing your sobs. You look up at him before sniffling again, feeling sorry that he had to see you like this.
“What's wrong, Angel?” He asks gently, moving to sit next to you on the edge of the bed. He wraps an arm around your bare shoulder, careful not to move the towel you had wrapped around you from your shower.
“Nothing, it’s nothing. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll be ready.” You attempt to reassure, moving to wipe the tears from your eye. You wince, noticing how unbelievable you sound even to yourself, and you can already tell Grayson is unconvinced.
“You know you can tell me anything, right?” He asks. You nod, not meeting his eyes, looking down at your lap instead. He softly grabs your chin, forcing you to meet his intense stare. “So, what’s wrong?”
“God, it’s really nothing. Some fans on Twitter had just tweeted me some stuff and -“ Before you could even finish, he’s grabbing his phone to look at the replies, nostrils flaring as he reads what fans had mentioned you in.
“It’s honestly nothing, G. I was just being overdramatic.” You promise, wanting to drop it at this point and continue with the perfect day you two were having.
He’s silent for a second, which worries you more than anything since he always has something to say. You rub his thigh, trying to comfort him before he grabs your hand.
“You know none of that is true. There is no one better, never will be. My future begins and ends with you.” He whispers, sounding even more hurt than you. You stare at him widely, dumbfounded at the bold confession Grayson just dropped on you. Taking your silence as disbelief, he moves your hand towards his mouth so he can start kissing your wrist.
“Believe me when I say, Y/N, there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. “ He growls, dropping your wrist to move in front of you. “What can I do to get that through your head?”
With that, he grabs your head roughly, bringing you into a hot kiss. You immediately whimper, wrapping your hands around his neck to pull him closer to you. His tongue slides against yours desperately as he rips your towel off you, tossing it carelessly over his shoulder.
You pull away from each other, panting with desire and trying to catch your breath as Grayson goes down to suck warm, wet kisses onto your neck.
Moaning his name, you move to unbutton his shirt shakily while he continues to move down your neck to your chest. You shrug his shirt off before scratching your nails down his chest as he takes one nipple into his mouth.
Twirling the other nipple in his fingers, you arch into him before he’s switching to the other one and repeating this process. He continues like that for a while until you moan and whimper underneath him, trying to grind up into his lap.
“Grayson, please. Touch me.” You mewl, hips bucking when he drags a finger through your slit. Grayson sucks the mess off his finger before looking down at you darkly, hazel eyes turning a deep brown. He kneels down, spreading your legs and placing his large hands on your hips to hold you down. He places soft, open mouth kisses on the apex of your thighs and meets your gaze before speaking again -
“Mine. You’ll always be mine. Nothing can change that.” He promises. You clench around nothing, feeling like you could cum just from his words of reassurance. He notices how you react and sharply inhales.
“Fuck, so pretty.” He breaths out, and you’re not even sure you’re supposed to hear that, watching Grayson lose himself in the desire to express how deep his love runs for you.
He spreads your lips apart with two fingers before licking at your clit softly. He licks it again before pulling you towards him with a long, slow lick watching as you fall apart.
You already knew this was going to take no time on your end, but watching his intense gaze on you causes you to produce more and more wetness, to the point where you feel like you’re leaking onto the mattress.
He stops at your clit, circling it a few times with his tongue before taking it into his mouth. He suckles on it, watching as you fall back onto the mattress with a high pitch whine.
“Grayson.” You moan shakily, moving to get closer to his mouth.
You start rolling your hips onto his face, grabbing your tits to ground yourself somehow. Your moaning consistently now, not knowing how else to convey how good he’s making you feel other than with high-pitched sounds.
He places his arms under your thighs, pulling you closer to him, and starts making out with your pussy, savoring every sweet drop that comes out of you. He sucks harder before pulling back and rubbing at your clit with two fingers.
“So good, Angel. Perfect for me.” He gasps, lips swollen and red. His mouth is dripping, and he shakily runs a hand through his hair before diving back in.
He focuses on your clit this time, sucking hard while reaching to slide two fingers inside of you. He drags them back and forth, feeling you clenching down hard on him.
“Grayson, I’m so close.” You moan, getting louder and louder as he continues to flood your body with pleasure. He sucks on your clit even harder before dragging his fingers against a specific spot, and you’re suddenly overwhelmed with white-hot pleasure. You scream as your orgasm rolls through you in shockwaves, simultaneously pulling away and trying to get closer to him.
He doesn’t take his mouth off you and groans loudly at how your pussy pulsates in his mouth. He notices he’s grinding in the air and presses a palm down to relieve some of the pressure in his pants.
You lay there with an arm over your eyes, taking ragged breaths trying to calm yourself down. Grayson finally removes himself from you and goes up to lay next to you, stroking your hair and moving your arm so you can look at him.
“Never has a man ever made me cum that hard.” You mutter. He laughs at that before he turns to kiss you softly, allowing you to taste yourself on his lips and tongue. His kissing grows sloppier and sloppier until he’s slotting himself in between your thighs.
You reach down to unbutton his pants and pull them and his briefs down as far as you can until he leans back to remove them altogether.
He gets back in position, kissing you some more while his rock-hard cock brushes up against your thigh. He grinds into you as you pull away from him.
“Yeah.” he murmurs hotly, continuing to grind into you.
“Fuck me, please.” You purr.
He breathes shakily and lines up with you, rolling his hips into you slowly. You both moan at the first thrust, his guttural and deep and yours high-pitched and whiny. He slowly grinds into you one, two, three times before picking up and thrusting into you properly.
He grabs one of your legs, placing it over his shoulder, allowing him to reach inside you deeper. He speeds up, overwhelming you with the relentless snap of his hips.
“Grayson.” you cry as he reaches down to rub your clit. He groans, unsure whether to look at your aroused eyes, your bouncing tits, or how effortlessly his dick enters and leaves your pussy. He tries to look at all three before groaning, “So fucking hot, Y/N.” He leans down to kiss and suck at your neck before growling in your ear, “Don’t give a fuck what anyone says. You’re so perfect for me. So wet and tight.”
At this point, he’s speaking incoherently. So overwhelmed by how well you’re taking him that he’s saying anything and everything that comes to his brain. That doesn’t stop his words from going directly to your clit, and you moan loudly at his words, begging for him to fuck you harder.
He does as asked, and it isn't until he leans down to kiss you again that you feel your second orgasm hit you like a freight train. You cry out while you dig sharp nails into his back, riding out your orgasm as he continues to pound into you. His thrusts stutter as you clamp down on him like a vice. He continues to roll his hips while cursing lowly into your ear.
“Cum for me, G. Please. I need it.” You whisper while scratching lightly up his back, hoping this will edge him on to finish. Sure enough, his hips stutter as his dick swells before hotly cumming inside you.  He groans out loudly, rocking his hips slowly into you before coming to a complete stop. He lays down on top of you, grabbing a blanket to cover the two of you.
You run your hands through his hair as he softly kisses your forehead.
“I love you, no matter what. Don’t listen to Twitter.” He confirms, sleepily. You hum in agreement, kissing his neck as a response.
“I love you more.”
You both are quiet, the silence lulling you to sleep before Grayson is rapidly jerking himself out of you. You look at his wild expression, concerned.
“Fuck, I forgot about our reservations.”
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glitchh3d · 3 years
Exciting Days Ahead (Semi Eita x F!Reader) [Post 4]
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Taglist: @elianetsantana @kuroaka
Post Summary: (Y/n) gets a new (and exciting gig), theres some casual banter, and she and Semi plan on meeting up (:
TW's: Swearing?
Word Count: 392 (right after the first twitter photo)
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Flashback to right after Bokuto’s call with Kuroo
“What did Kuroo want, Bo?” Akaashi asked, catching Bokuto’s attention. Bokuto brightened up, smiling.
“He wanted to know about (Y/n)!”
Said girl narrowed her eyes curiously. “Why?” Bokuto hesitated before shrugging. “No, I know you know. What does he want?”
Bokuto rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “He wants you to be in Semi Eita’s new music video. Apparently they got inspiration for ‘Lover Listen’ while watching my music video today. Thought (Y/n)’s acting was amazing.”
Akaashi hummed, surprisingly pleased by the situation.
“This is good.”
“It is?” (Y/n) asked quickly, confused. “Didn’t you tell me not to flirt with Semi? On accident or on purpose? If I’m working with him then-”
“Are you seriously going to convince Akaashi that this is a bad idea? Really? This is amazing, (Y/n)!” Oikawa said, throwing his arms up in exaggeration. She bit her lip, glancing at Yachi who was watching her with awestruck eyes.
“Ugh, you're right…. Call Kuroo, ‘Kaashi!” She exclaimed suddenly, making all her friends (aside from Akaashi) cheer excitedly.
Akaashi chuckled but nodded. They all watched as he pulled out his phone, quickly pressing a few buttons on the touch screen before holding it up to his ear as it rang.
“No- speaker!” Iwaizumi tried, but Akaashi shushed him with a glare.
“Hello, Kuroo-san.” Akaashi said into the phone, grimacing and pulling the phone away as a loud “HEY” was shouted through the speaker. “Yes, I have (Y/n) with me now…”
(Y/n) was on the edge of her seat, her own phone clutched tightly in her hands as she watched Akaashi closely, studying his body language to try and see if she could read the situation at all. She watched as Akaashi turned towards her slightly, looking her over before humming into the phone and standing up.
“Wait-” She sat up straighter, watching as Akaashi left the room, winking one last time before disappearing to go talk business.
“WHAT A LITTLE JERK!” She shouted, standing up as faux anger washed over her. “I wanna know what’s being said!”
“All in due time, (Y/n). All in due time,” Bokuto said, smiling peacefully at her. She glared at him, eyes narrowing dangerously, before plucking a pillow off the couch and launching it at his face. “WHA-”
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*** Time Skip (9:00pm-12:00pm)***
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There are like, two or three time skips in this post. The first photo is at 5:30pm, after it was confirmed by Akaashi that (Y/n) was going to be in Semi's new music video.
The text messages between Semi and (Y/n) take place after she finds out, so around 2ish.
And the QnA tweet and past is from 9pm to 12pm. (The reason i'm explaining is because time stamps on my cell phone from screenshots didn't match up with timing. [I got rid of the time stamps on most of the pics])
Here's is (Y/n)'s schedule: If you're curious.
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Obviously it's just quick thrown together cause I wanted to make the texts realistic but idk, Bobby the cat is now a main character. Should I make him a twitter account? Or like, a fan run account dedicated to Bobby the cat??
ALSO ANOTHER POST LATER TONIGHT (or early tomorrow morning)! HOPEFULLY MORE WORDS! (+photos obvi)
Masterlist <Previous Post
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Holy Matrimony
This is my first time writing for the Prodigal Son fandom, but I’m still excited either way. This was requested by @jiejie-eonni-onee-sama, and the idea is so adorable and funny. Gif and characters are not mine. Hope you guys enjoy it!!!
Description: Malcolm plans to propose to his girlfriend during their date at a fancy restaurant, but some of the team and his family arrive to make sure he doesn’t blow it. An unexpected quest also makes an appearance
Warnings: just some mild swearing, spoilers for season one, and a brief description of a crime scene, but otherwise none
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“I know this is a big night for us, but you didn’t have to rent out one of the fanciest restaurants in town. I’m perfectly fine with a night in at home.”
Malcolm turned to look at his girlfriend of eight months as he continued to button up his white dress shirt. “Come on, Y/N. It’s going to be wonderful I promise. Besides, I would do anything for you.”
That was very true. This was the longest relationship that Malcolm had ever been in, and Y/N was different. He was worried after what happened with Eve, love would never return into his life. It did, however, and he was grateful to Y/N for all she had done for him so far. Tonight was the night he was going to show how much he loved her.
“Our cabs here,” Y/n said as she straightened her outfit. “You ready for go?”
“Yeah, just a few more minutes. You can go ahead down stairs, and I will catch up with you in a minute,” Malcolm responded. While Y/N was a little suspicious as to why Malcolm needed to stay back, she shrugged it off and walked out the door of the apartment. Once Malcolm was certain that she was gone, he opened a drawer that was located discretely under the bar.
He pulled out a small velvet box, and inside was the ring that he planned to propose to Y/N with. His family and friends were all supportive of this move, and yet he was still a little worried. He took a deep breath and placed the box in his suit jacket. “It’s okay,” Malcolm whispered to himself. “Nothing could possibly go wrong.”
Sunshine tweeted happily. “Thanks, Sunshine. The next time you see the two of us, you’ll have a new mom to look after you.” With that, Malcolm opened the door and dashed down the stairs to the cab. The giddy energy he felt fueling his steps.
The couple sat in a rented out section of the restaurant. Malcolm didn’t want to raise any extra attention when he proposed to Y/N, and while renting an entire room might have been much, he didn’t want to risk it. His family already had to much attention focused on them because of his father, and he didn’t want anymore.
“Excuse me, but I’m going to go use the restroom before our food gets here,” Y/N said as she stood up from the table.
“Sure, that sounds great! I’ll be waiting here doing nothing in particular,” Malcolm stuttered as he fidgeted in his seat. Y/N smiled at him as she walked out of the room. He’s a lot jumpier than normal, she thought, Perhaps he has a recent case on his mind. In fact, the only thing Malcolm had on his mind was her, and he mentally screamed as he placed his head in his hands.
“Oh my god he’s going to blow it. My son needs to get it together.”
Outside of the restaurant, Jessica Whitley was standing outside with a pair of binoculars, her daughter Ainsley by her side. They were leaning against the brick wall of the building across the street. The pair was trying to spy on Malcolm and make sure that he didn’t mess this up.
“Well, you know how my brother can be,” Ainsley replied as she examined her fingernails.
“Your daughters right,” Gil chimed in as him and the rest of the team walked up to Jessica and Ainsley. “Malcolm Bright does whatever Malcolm Bright wants to do. We can’t control him.”
“I’m his mother for crying out loud, so I have more control than you think. What are you guys doing here?”
“Coming to see how Malcolm will manage to pull off this proposal. Same as you guys,” JT stated.
“I think you guys are being to hard on him,” Dani commented, “As much as Malcolm loves Y/N, he will know exactly what to say.”
“That’s right! From my statistical analysis, their love for each other is 100% legit,” Edrisa added in as she appeared from behind Gil, Dani, and JT. “Also, it’s a pleasure to see you again, Mrs. Whitley.”
“Likewise,” Jessica said with a smile. “Well, looks like the gangs all here.” The group waited and watched as Y/N returned to her seat at the table. The couple had begun eating, but the group that they didn’t know was waiting outside began to twist with anticipation.
“That’s it! I cant take this anymore. I’m going in,” Jessica declared as she shoved the binoculars she was using over to Ainsley. With determination, Jessica strides across the street. All the while Ainsley and Gil were trying to drag her back, but it was to no avail, and they began to follow her too. The rest of the team was close behind. However, another lone figure was lurking in the shadows.
“Holy crap, this pasta is the best I’ve ever had. No offense to your cooking of course,” Y/N said through a bite full of her food.
“None taken,” Malcolm replied with a chuckle. “I know how much you love Italian cuisine.”
“You know what I love more than pasta?”
“Day time television?”
“No, silly. It’s you! Ever since we first met at that crime scene, I just felt a connection with you.”
Malcolm couldn’t help but grin at the memory. Y/N was also part of the team, and the two had met during a case at a Bakery. At first Malcolm didn’t understand how Y/N was able to eat pastries while a man’s guts were strewn across the floor. Then he soon realized that she had witnessed a lot of crime scenes in her day.
This had to be the right moment. Somewhere deep inside, Malcolm knew that it was time to pop the question. Malcolm took a bite of his pasta, and tried to begin his proposal. However, when he saw his mom walk through the entrance of the room, he nearly choked.
“Mom! What are you doing here?! How’d you even know we were in here,” Malcolm questioned as he whiped his mouth with a napkin.
“Oh please dear, finding you wasn’t that hard. I came in because you need to stop stalling and do what you came here to do,” Jessica replied.
“Well I was going to say it, but-,”
“Jessica please, come back outside and let the kid do his thing,” Gil insisted as him and Ainsley enterted the room as well.
“Gil?! You’re here too? Let me guess the whole rest of the team is here,” Malcolm added with a wave of his hand. The rest of the team slowly made their way into the room, and Malcolm let out an exasperated sigh. “Well, now that everyone is here. May I please finish?”
Everyone nodded eagerly, and so Malcolm turned back to his girlfriend, who was still in shock by all the people who had just shown up out of the blue. It was a lot, but Y/N didn’t mind. Malcolm grabbed her hand, and Y/N’s E/C eyes met his icy blue ones. “Ever since I met you Y/N, my life has changed for the better. When I’m with you, the darkness in the world fades away. Now while I wasn’t expecting so many people to be here for this, I’m still certain that this is the right-.”
“Now hold on, my boy. Before you say those oh so famous words, aren’t you forgetting the one person that’s not here?”
The entire party froze as Malcom’s father, Dr. Martin Whitley, emerged from a dark corner of the room. Gil, Dani, and JT all pulled their guns from their holsters. “Holy shit,” JT said, “I thought this dude was in prison?”
“Yes,” Jessica snarled. “That’s exactly where he should be.”
Martin simply rolled his eyes at his wife and the others. “Oh come on now, you can’t expect me to miss the biggest day of my son’s life do you? I promise I will go back as soon as everything is done. Gil will make sure of that I’m sure.”
“Damn right I will, but for now I’m reluctantly allowing this to happen. No funny stuff though,” Gil said. Martin simply nodded as he gestured for Malcolm to continue.
Malcolm took a deep breath and focused his attention back on Y/N. “Well, as you can see my life is pretty crazy. I have a serial killer for a father, a mother who can sometimes be just as crazy.”
“Hey, that’s not very nice,” Jessica said as she pretended to be hurt, but her smile gave it away. Malcolm shook his head as he continued. “All of these people support us, and I plan to support you until the day I die, which hopefully will be a long time from now. So, without further ado,” Malcolm got down on one knee, and opened the velvet box. The central diamond in the ring sparkled due to the chandelier light from above, and Y/N let out a gasp. “Y/N L/N, will you marry me?”
“Of course I will!! Now come here my soon to be husband,” Y/N pulled Malcolm up by the lapels of his jacket and kissed him on the lips. At first her boldness caught Malcolm off guard, but he relaxed into the kiss. All the while cheers filled the room, and Martin even gave a few claps himself.
“So, will I be invited to the wedding,” Martin asked with a raised brow.
“Unless you happen to escape again, I wouldn’t get your hopes up,” Gil retorted as the cuffs snapped on Martin’s wrists. However, Martin only laughed at this. If he escaped once, he could easily do it again, and nothing was going to stop him from seeing another big moment in his son’s life.
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dimensionwriter · 4 years
My Little Buddy
Part 4
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M! Orc x F! Reader
Part One Part Two Part Three
Warning: None
Word Count: 3531
Description: You bump into your crush, but he has a child?
Please leave a like, reblog, and comments. I really love to look at the comments on these stories. It helps motivate me.
The cool wind blew against you gently as you walked down the concrete paths of the strip. Lots of tall dark bricked buildings loomed over you, blocking out the rays of the sun. High pitch tweets of birds followed by a low croak ringed all around you in harmony with each other. Today was the perfect day.
Since it was the day of the block party, you decided to give yourself a day off. It was a rare thing to do because you owned a shop and you understood that closing the shops for a day results in a small dip in income. But one day couldn’t hurt that bad.
You woke up bright and early to go over to Eveline’s Bakery shop. The entire time while you sipped on your tea and ate your pastry, she was going off on all her plans for tonight. It was so cute seeing her tiny deer hooves stomping around from her excitement. To be honest, you were looking forward to tonight only for a certain orc. 
You weren’t even a hundred percent sure he was even going to show up tonight. His shop has been closed for the last couple of days and you haven’t seen him around at all. If only you could call him and ask where he was. But wouldn’t that be clingy? You barely knew the man for a month and here you are getting too attached. It’s just a simple crush. You just have to be calm and mature about it.
“It’s okay, little guy.” Your ears picked up a deep voice. However, it wasn’t no normal deep voice. You know that voice so well. The softness to such a powerful voice only belongs to one person.
You shuffled towards where the sound was coming from while being as quiet as you could. Turning the sharp corner, you were met with the sight of a large back covered with a black linen jacket. Strands of black hair escaped from under his beanie and blended into his jacket.
“Vyzer?” The kneeling man’s back tensed up before he turned his head towards you. There were those lovely brown and white eyes you loved so much. A tiny blue hue was painted on his cheeks as his eyes drifted down for a second before coming up slowly. “I knew it was you.”
“Oh, hi,” he whispered. A smile spread over his face allowing you to see the broken tusk with the golden cap. Even with all his flaws, he is still the most beautiful orc, hell creature, you have ever laid eyes upon. 
A small sniffled from underneath him brought his head back down. Vyzer began to whisper small things that you couldn’t quite catch. Getting a little curious, you peak around him.
On the concrete ground was a tiny orc with the chubbiest cheek you have ever seen. His skin was that same pretty green just like Vyzer above him. His baby blue eyes were shining brightly as fresh tears fell from them. He was wearing a tiny sweater with a pair of black overalls. The fabric on his left leg was rolled up to reveal a scrape on his knee.
Reaching towards your handbag, you zipped it open in search of that certain object. You gently push away the samples of fabric inside and avoid the containers of needles. At the bottom was a small container with a red plus on the top.
“Here, you use,” you whispered, kneeling down right beside Vyzer. The kid glanced at you with slight uneasiness in his eyes. To respect his boundaries, you scooted back a little so Vyzer was more in his view. 
Vyzer looked over at you to see you holding out two bandaids. These even had dinosaurs on them, which you felt the kid would like a little more. Hopefully.
“Thank you so much,” he said with that smile again. The way his eyes crinkled slightly from his cheeks to the way his entire body seemed to rise with it. He was just glowing with pureness.
Vyzer’s giant hands seem to be so careful with the bandaid as he peels away the wrapping paper. A tiny chuckle escaped from those pretty green lips as he saw the designs on them. He pulled off the paper and placed the tiny band aid on the wound. 
“Does that feel better?” he whispered, rubbing the top of his knee. The kid gave a curt nod as he wiped his eyes. The top of his cheeks and under his eyes were a light blue from his tears, but his face made it look like he was trying to toughen it out. 
“I forgot to warn him around the crack in the sidewalk,” he explained turning towards you. Oh that darn crack. Most of the owners here have been trying to get the sidewalks repaved for years, but it still hasn't happened. “Oh, introductions. I always forget. This is Benny.”
He gave you a small smile and a tiny wave. Vyzer unrolled the bottom of his overalls and gave a small pat to his leg. Benny’s tiny hand latched onto Vyzer’s jacket as they both got up.
Do you ask? Benny looked extremely like him and he is clingy to him like a son would. You assumed he was single, but you never asked. You should have really asked at the beginning before you fell for the guy and found out he has a family.
"Wow, I can really see the resemblance between you two." You hid your fallen smile by slowly getting off the ground and dusting your knees. 
You could feel your heart shattering. All those moments you two spent laughing and getting closer was just nothing more than a worthless dream that you were forcing over your life. He never said he was single, but there you were flinging yourself on him. He probably was only still hanging out with you because he was pitying you.
"Resemblance?" He looked down at Benny with a confused look. His eyes shifted over to you before widening with realization. "No, no, no, no. I'm single, very single with no kids. This is an old friend's son. Not mines."
The slight panic in his eyes made butterflies explode in your stomach. He was not only single, but ‘very single’. It was like he was indirectly telling you that he was looking for someone and you prayed that his eyes were on you. Because you know your eyes were only for him at this point. 
“Well that is quite a coincidence. I happen to be very single too,” you teased giving a wink. Blue exploded onto his face as a smile appeared on his face. Tip of his left ear wiggled a little. He’s too cute. You can’t.
Vyzer’s eyes drifted away from you to Benny. You glanced around Vyzer’s muscular forms to see that Benny was tugging on his jacket sleeve. “I’m hungry.”
His blue eyes widened slightly as he fluttered his eyelashes at him. Vyzer’s shoulders dropped a little and you could see him cooing at the kid. Note to self, Vyzer is weak to puppy eyes.
“Yeah, we can get something to eat,” he spoke with that soft voice as his giant hand gently ruffled the child’s black hair. Benny smiled up at Vyzer before reaching his tiny hand up to grab it. His tiny hand could barely wrap around two of Vyzer’s fingers, but he looked so happy to hold it. 
“I apologize for asking this. But do you know any good place to eat? I’m still new to the area.” The question would have been fine to ask. However, when said person leans over to whisper the question into your ear before leaning a few inches from your face with those brown and white eyes shimmering, it becomes a problem. 
Your lips parted to say something, but your brain had turned to mush. He smelled so good. A wave of pinecones with some vanilla in it invaded your senses. 
“Oh, umm,” you took a step back trying to clear your head,” There’s a diner nearby run by a fae named Cyda. They make really good lunch food.” You pointed in the area the diner should be. Maybe a block or two from where you are. 
“Does that sound good, Ben?” Vyzer asked, squatting down again. Benny quickly nodded his head and tugged Vyzer’s hand in the direction. You know that the tug probably didn’t have much strength behind it, but Vyzer still allowed himself to be pulled. 
Well, guess this is the part where you leave. You shouldn’t be this sad to leave his side since you might get a chance to see him tonight. 
You begin to turn away when a whine makes you stop. Glancing in their directions, you could see Vyzer staring at you. A tinge of a blush was making its way onto his face. Was he the one that made that sound?
“Apologies. I assumed you were.. I thought you were going to be eating with us. I understand if you’re busy, but if you’re not- no pressure- you can join us.” Hope was swimming in his eyes as he stared at you. 
It didn’t even take you a full second to get right next to them. Did you probably look a little desperate? Yes. But it was worth hearing Vyzer’s little happy squeak. 
“Come on, slow pokes. I’m  hungry,” Benny whined. He tightened his grip on Vyzer’s hand and tugged a little. His chubby green face turned to you before his tiny hand wrapped around your fingers. With both of your hands in his tiny baby hands, he pulled you towards your destination, with a little of your help.
When you arrived, you led them to a booth in the back that had a moveable table, so Vyzer wouldn’t be squeezed into a tiny area. You slide in first with Benny beside you and Vyzer near the outer edge. 
As you settled in, Cyda flew over with the menus and handed them out. One look at the menu and Benny was pretty much chanting chicken tenders. He looked so happy at the thought of getting to eat chicken tenders. Too bad it was short lived.
Vyzer hunched down to Benny’s height and began whispering in his ear. “You have to remember what daddy said about your tusk. You can’t have any tough food or they’ll hurt worse, bud.” 
Two baby tusks were barely poking out from Benny’s lip as he frowned at the opposition of his chicken tenders. His arms crossed around his small body as he began his silent tantrum. Was it bad that he looked so adorable pouting?
“What about some..” Vyzer pulled the menu down towards Benny. Benny didn’t even look as he continued to pout. “Chicken tortilla soup. You love chicken soup.”
There was a hint of hope on his face as he turned towards Benny. Benny's bottom lip begins to quiver a little. The tantrum was about to evolve. Did you… did you help him?
“Yeah I guess it’s not the same as chicken tenders. How about this? Today we can get some soup and later get a big bowl of ice cream.” You could see Benny’s resolve dissolve as a giant smile appeared on his face. “Then the next time you visit, we can get you as many chicken tenders that tough little body can handle.” 
Vyzer gave that soft smile to Benny. Lifting his giant hand, he ran it through the kid’s hair before ruffling it. They both seem to be radiating at how the situation played out. Vyzer’s eyes were almost closed from how hard he was smiling and he looked… proud of how he handled it.
Did you find it attractive how he handled that situation so smoothly? Yes. It just made him look so soft and considerate of others. Not to include like a slight dad.
Cyda flew over and took all your orders. You decide to get a plate of pasta to warm you up since it was slightly chilly in the diner. Some weak waves of heat were rolling off of Vyzer, but since you weren’t right next to him, it wasn’t that effect.
Maybe if the two of you have an aligned free day or lunch, you can swing over here again. The two of you cuddled up in a booth together as you shared a meal. Small little flirty comments flying between you two and watching his forest green skin turned that light blue. Then he’ll see you shiver and ask if you’re cold. You’ll deny it, but snuggled up against his side to feel his warmth. It’s better than any jacket.
“Hey, you okay?” Something warm was pressed against your arm. You unknowingly leaned into the heat as you glanced at the voice. Vyzer’s fingers massaged into your skin languidly. “Are you cold? You got goosebumps.”
You were about to dismiss the obvious, not wanting to bother him. However, Vyzer seems to have an idea on his own. With a slight blue blush rising on his cheeks, he picked up Benny and placed him on his lap. His brown and white eye couldn’t reach yours and he patted the space right next to him. 
“If-If you’re cold.. I’m warm and thought you could… if you’re comfortable,” he stuttered turning more blue the longer he tripped up his sentences. You couldn’t lie that you weren’t getting flustered yourself. You were tempted to pinch yourself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. 
Letting out a slight fake cough to calm your nerves, you scoot over in the booth into the side of Vyzer. A muscular arm wrapped hesitantly around your torso to cover your more in it’s warmth. You couldn’t even feel a single breeze of the air condition with all the heat coming off of Vyzer. 
The conversation started back up after a while of flustering silence. Benny was actually quite talkative, being the first one to break the silence. He asked who you were, how you knew his ‘Uncle’ Vyz, and about this town. It was cute seeing the kid curled up into Vyzer as he told stories about when Vyzer used to stay nearby. 
You learned that Vyzer used to stay in their village before leaving for here. Even back in the village, he used to make teddy bears for all the kids and play with them. Benny admitted that he was mad when he left, but said that he looked a lot happier here than in the village. At that, you could feel Vyzer tense up. Did something happen in the village?
Cyda fluttered over with the dishes floating behind them. A smirked slide on their face when they saw you tucked in the corner of Vyzer’s arm. You didn’t say a thing, but your glare was hopefully threatening enough.
“A tortilla chicken soup for the boy. A turkey sandwich for the toy maker. And pasta for the fabric supplier.” They hand everyone their respective plate. Small comments of thanks and how good everything looked flowed from the table to Cyda. They beamed at the compliments before fluttering away a little. They stopped and turned back at the table with that smirk. “Anything for the happy family.”
Vyzer and you froze at the comment causing the fae to giggle before leaving. Benny didn’t seem to question it as he reached for the spoon. You could feel Vyzer glancing over at you, but you weren’t calm enough to look over. Did you guys really look like a family? 
“Just ignore them. They’re quite the jokester,” you forced out while reaching for a fork. You took the risk to glance over at Vyzer to see he was staring at you with a completely blue face. Strands of black hair were escaping from his beanie littering across his beautiful skin. Even with the giant scar running across his face, he looked so pure and untouched. 
“Yeah,” he squeaked out while tearing his gaze away from you. He grabbed his sandwich, but didn’t take a bite. Instead, a giant smile appeared on his face with the tip of his left ear wiggling. 
For a while, no one said anything as everyone munched down on their food. You were enjoying  your pasta, but slowed down when you felt something staring at you. 
Turning to your left, Benny was twirling his spoon in his soup as his blue eyes stared down your pasta. You could feel the hunger in his gaze as his lips pouted. 
Pasta is soft, right? Parents have fed their kids pasta based food when they were teething. So, tusk pain should be the same as teething.  Pasta won’t even touch his tusk if he were to eat a little. 
Sneakily, you shoved some pasta on the fork and brought it towards Benny. His eyes widened as he glanced at you with an unsaid ask of permission. You gave a curt nod before pushing the pasta towards him. 
His tiny fist wrapped around the fork as he shoved the pasta in his mouth. A happy hum slipped out of his mouth as he chewed frantically on the soft food. He looked so much happier with the pasta than the soup.
“Benny, you think you can help me finish the pasta? It’s a little more than I thought I could handle,” you whispered to him.You slide your plate over to him and he happily refilled the fork with the pasta.
A few forkfuls of pasta later and his mouth was covered in sauce. He didn’t seem to notice as he continued to eat the pasta with a happy smile on his face. The twinkle in his eyes never went away as more sauce was spread on his chin.
Reaching to the dispenser at the edge of the table, you felt Vyzer’s grip on your side tighten. You tried to not jump at the sensation as you focus on grabbing some napkins. You lean back into Vyzer’s side causing him to look over at you. 
“Just getting a few napkins for Benny,” You explained. You brought the napkin to Benny’s mouth and gently wiped away the sauce covering it. He stopped eating for a second to allow you to get all the gunk off his face. “He seems to really be enjoying the meal. We will have to come here again, don’t you think?”
You turned towards Vyzer with a smile on your face. It felt nice to go out with people. It’s been a while since you allowed yourself time to just get out and relax. Even if it’s with your crush and his friend’s son, it was still nice.
“I-I.” Your head tired in confusion at why Vyzer was stuttering over. 
But you didn’t have time to ponder over it when something was pressing against your lips. It was the softest and warmest thing you’ve ever felt. You were hit with that vanilla smell again causing you to lean into the touch. A giant hand made its way to the side of your face as it pulled you even closer. 
“Oh hell yeah!” A voice screamed causing you to jump out of Vyzer’s embrace. His hold on you tightened as you both looked at the voice. Standing a few feet away was Eveline with her thumbs up. Her tiny deer tail was flickering around happily as she stared at you two. “No, don’t stop on my hold.”
Vyzer glanced over at you with panic in his eyes. The blue was coming up his neck and making its way to the tip of his ear. “I’m sorry… I gotta go.”
He reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet. He didn’t even count the money as he threw a couple of bills on the table. His arms unwrapped from around you and held onto Benny. He jumped up and scurried from the area. 
“See you tonight,” Eveline yelled to Vyzer as he sped walked past her. He gave her a quick nod before disappearing out of the restaurant. You were left to stare at Eveline with a disapproving glare. 
“Okay, I promise you my intentions weren’t to make him leave. I was just trying to embarrass you,” she explained trotting over to you. Her white hair was once again pulled in pigtails giving her the appearance of an innocent child. But you knew the evil that was within. 
“I can’t believe you ruined my first kiss with him,” you whined, putting your head in your hands. The kiss was so soft and gentle, the same as Vyzer. You just wished it lasted a little longer. 
“Sweetie, the way that man looks at you like you are the light of his life, I can bet my hooves that that won’t be the only kiss you two will share,” she comforted, rubbing your back. “Not to include who knows how tonight will go.”
The party. You forgot for a second about tonight. You were looking forward to it, but now you were really looking forward to it. Tonight would be the end of the flirting qualm between you two. You will make sure of it. 
I'm not going to lie. I got flustered about 3 times while writing this and had to stop to breath. Think I'm off my game for writing fluff.
This story question is 'What would you like to do with Vyzer at the party?'
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withcolebrock · 3 years
Lover of Mine~chapter 8
Lover of Mine~5 seconds of summer
Warnings: swearing, alcohol,
Word Count: 1,691
Author’s Note: long time no see this series. However Mike is depicted in this fic is not how I believe he treats women, only for the sake of the series. Anywhooooo I am hopefully going to be able to start posting these every day until it’s done. I hope you enjoy it! This is my gif!!
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It was normal for everyone in the house to blare music while they would get ready. Especially Colby and Y/N. Their rooms were on opposite ends of the hall but they could hear each other’s music perfectly. It almost felt like a competition to see who’s music would overpower the other one. It was always a fun mixture of songs because she would listen to One Direction while Colby would listen to artists similar to Lil Peep. Ultimately she would win, and her music would overpower his. Since he loved listening to One Direction too.
The party was already starting downstairs while she was still getting ready. All of the boys had finished getting ready hours ago, they wanted to get ready early to set up the house. People were always out of control at their house so they always tried to make the house unbreakable. But inevitably the house would get some damage one way or another.
She hummed along to the words of Ready to Run by One Direction as she applied blush to her cheeks. She leaned her head back away from the mirror looking over her features. She placed the makeup brush down as she looked for an eyeshadow palette. She jolted back as her door began to be pushed open. Her eyes widened as she looked to see who it was, she smiled softly as she saw Colby. She reached for her phone and turned her music down.
He sat on the bed behind her while he let out a long dramatic sigh. She shook her head while smiling, “What’s wrong?” she asked while she opened her Morphe eyeshadow palette. Her eyes looked around the colors trying to figure out what look she wanted to do.
“I don’t want to do this party,” he groaned while rubbing his eyes several times. “I don’t want to talk to people, I don’t want to clean up the mess, and I just want to lay in my room and sleep,” he continued. She pouted her lips as she started applying the eyeshadow.
“Wasn’t it your idea to have this party?” she asked, looking towards him through the mirror. He shook his head roughly as he fell down onto his back.
“It was my idea to have some people over, like Kevin and Aryia. Maximum eight people,” he explained, “But no,” he said sarcastically, “Everyone else invited the whole fucking city of Los Angeles.”
“Hey I only invited Mike,” she defended while she reached for a different eye shadow brush. He didn’t respond, instead he held up his phone and began scrolling through his twitter mentions. Most of his mentions were about him and Y/N. It was common for him to see tweets about him and her, or even accounts with their ship name. “You can still hang out with everyone and I promise you won’t have to clean anything,” she continued after the long period of silence, a small laugh left her lips.
“Well the person I want to hang out with is bringing a date so I might just hang in my room the whole night,” he said, his eyes widened while he pursed his lips forward. She pulled the brush away from her eye as she slowly leaned back away from the mirror. She furrowed her eyebrows as she glanced towards him in the mirror.
“Who’s bringing a date?” she questioned. She placed the brush away, while she reached for her eyeliner.
“It doesn’t matter,” he sighed while he looked into the mirror, watching her apply her eyeliner. His lips curled up as he admired the way she concentrated. “What time is Mike going to be here?”  He changed the subject quickly. He brushed his hand against his nose several times while his gaze shifted away from her.
“Soon,” she dropped her eyeliner onto the vanity top before she stood up. “You need to get out,” she turned to face him, a tight lip smile formed to her lips. His face scrunched together, “Go, go I need to get changed,” she lightly pushed him up from the bed.
“Oh, come on, I won’t look,” he joked as he started walking towards the door. She shook her head dramatically, trying to hide the smile forming to her lips. He laughed as he pulled open the door and left. She sighed while she walked towards her dresser. She took out a fancy set of red lingerie and laid it out onto the bed.
The amount of people at the party was overwhelming, you could barely walk around without bumping into someone. But it was normal for the type of parties they always had. The music was loud and the base could be felt through the floor. She was all over the place, trailing Mike behind her. Most of the time she would be in the sea of people dancing with Mike.
She wouldn’t say she was drunk, but she was getting there. She slowly turned her body around to face him, her gaze looking into his eyes. She bit her lip as she slightly widened her eyes. She wrapped her hands around Mike’s neck pulling him closer to her, his eyes lit up as he slowly wrapped his hands tightly around her waist. She smiled against his lips as she leaned in and kissed him.
Colby stood against the wall while taking slow sips of his drink. Every so often as people moved away from the main group, he would catch a glimpse of Y/N dancing closely to Mike. He clenched his jaw tightly as he watched her, his heart would race fast. He wanted to be the one to dance with her, he wanted to be the one to hold her and kiss her. He lowered his head, staring towards the floor while he took a sip of his drink. He cringed at the taste.
He lifted his head, looking towards Mike and Y/N, from across the room he met her eyes. Her body slowed from her dancing as she stared towards him. His lips twitched up into a small smirk. Her lips curled up slightly when she saw him. Mike tightened his grip around her waist. She looked away from Colby towards Mike, she forced out a laugh.
Colby looked away from her back towards the floor while chugged the rest of his drink. A small tap on his shoulder, caused him to lift his head. His eyes widened as he saw the same red haired girl from this morning. “Olivia, hi,” he was shocked to see her here. He didn’t even remember telling her about the party. She reached over and hugged him. He hesitantly hugged her back, “I didn’t realize you were coming,” he forced a smile.
Y/N leaned towards Mike and whispered, “Take me to get a drink,” he smiled as he took a hold of her hand. He began pushing through the crowd keeping a hold of her hand tightly. Her eyes kept down as she watched her feet. The kitchen was the only place where people were in and out immediately. Y/N took in a sudden breath once she entered the clear space. She let go of Mike’s hand as she pointed her finger towards the assortment of drinks.
“Yes please,” she cheered as she pulled the vodka from the counter and began pouring a heavy amount into her cup. She then reached for a can of Dr. Pepper and started pouring it into the cup. She rested the almost empty can down onto the counter while turning around towards Mike. “Are you having fun?” she asked while biting her lower lip. He nodded his head as he began to move towards her quickly. He rested his hand onto her cheek as he kissed her.
She pulled away from his lips, while breathing heavy. She pushed aside the strap to her dress revealing the red skinny strap, “You are going to meet me in my room in ten minutes,” she bit her lip as she took a hold of her drink. She turned around and began walking through the sea of people towards the stairs.
She stopped short when she saw Sam and Colby leaning against the wall right before the stairs. “Hey!” she said excitedly. They smiled towards her as Colby’s gaze looked her body up and down.
He took a sip of his drink while Sam said, “You look like you’re having fun,” she nodded several times while she took an overly confident sip.
“I am,” she giggled, “Are you guys?” Sam nodded while Colby shrugged his shoulders. She took a small step closer to him while her eyes flickered down to his lips briefly. “Colby, at least try to have fun,” she smiled softly as she ran her hand up and down his arm slowly. Colby shifted his gaze towards her hand, before he processed what she was doing she started to skip up the stairs. He watched her walk away from him while smirking slightly.
After Mike sat still in the kitchen for a while taking one too many drinks while he was in there. He decided to start heading towards the room. He walked through the sea of people while trying his best to not bump into anyone. He glanced towards Sam and Colby, rolling his eyes slightly. “-Tonight?” Sam asked. Mike stopped short on the step, wanting to listen in.
“I’m going to tell her I love her,” Colby’s voice was calm while he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Dude, are you sure? I thought you were going to wait until her and Mike broke up,”
“I don’t know, dude, I have to tell her I’m in love with her,” Colby let out, it was the first time he said those words out loud. Mike clenched his fist several times, he bit at his bottom lip as he stomped up the stairs. Colby turned his body towards the stairs and saw a glimpse of someone that looked like Mike up the stairs. He shrugged his shoulder and began walking up the stairs slowly.
Where we’ve been a thousand times
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kombuchaclock · 4 years
My sister is in need of temporary housing
Sorry I keep making posts like these, also sorry I haven’t been active in a bit. This post is long but there are too many important things in it for me to feel like I can put a readmore in it.
My sister Kait and I are in a miserable and unstable living situation and she catches the worst of it, for the most part. We each have a small room, the house has one other adult and two children, the other adult is our biggest problem. She’s self-centered, volatile, untrustworthy, and outright abusive towards Kait.
We’ve both been wanting to move for a while now, but means are limited since we’re both poor and disabled, and being transgender also limits our options somewhat. However, now is a good opportunity for Kait. Her boyfriend in Florida is willing and able to have Kait move in and she’s managed to save up enough money that she can stay somewhere else in town for a bit and still have enough to fly to Florida. She can potentially make the move as early as August 1st; it’s not clear if it’ll be that early, but that is the earliest day her boyfriend gave.
Before the cross-country move, though, Kait wants to get out of this house as soon as possible, which is why I’m making this post. The main thing we’re looking for are places she can stay in or near Portland, OR (we’re in North Portland) for at least a few days. The possibility of more than a few days would be nicer in case she can’t fly out that soon, but hopefully she will by 8/3. Time is arguably the most important factor, we were aiming for tonight, I don’t think that’s feasible at this point but the sooner she can stay, the better. Cheaper is also better, but she can pay if needed and it doesn’t leave her with too little money to fly. LGBT+ friendly options are also preferred since she’s transgender. If you know of any temporary/transitional/emergency housing options in or near Portland or relatively cheap hotels/motels in the same area, or you yourself are in that area and willing to put her up, please either tweet at her or contact me (messaging here works, if you want to get in touch by something else like Discord let me know). You can also reblog this post with either links or an offer, but I’m more likely to see if contacted. If you can’t give any info or offers, please reblog or otherwise share this post. Signal boosting is still much appreciated.
Even a homeless shelter is something she’s considered, although she would prefer not to stay in one unless necessary due to a lack of privacy and higher risk of contracting coronavirus or another illness. Aside from timeliness, the things she’s said she prefer are privacy, bathroom access, wifi access, and somewhere to cook. I’ve told her the last one would probably be hard to find, but she mentioned she doesn’t want to spend too much on food before flying. So kitchens are preferred, even communal kitchens. Same with communal bathrooms, so long as they have stall doors. If you can’t find something with privacy/bathroom/wifi/kitchen but still have something that might help, you can still send it, I wouldn’t worry about getting this exact. Options for eating close to where she ends up staying would be nice though, like maybe food banks.
Additionally, while it’s not the main thing she’s looking for, I figure resources in Florida (job sites, doctors, etc) would also be helpful. I know she has prescriptions for hormone therapy, I’m not sure what other prescriptions she has but I imagine she would at least want to be able to pick up her HRT pills after she gets to Florida. Lastly, money is not as important as info or offers right now, but I don’t think it would hurt either, so here’s her PayPal.me, not necessary to donate but certainly appreciated: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/spewkee?locale.x=en_US
Thank you very much for reading!
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stanzoeywade · 4 years
Veronica x MC tinder!au
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I headcanon Veronica to look like Barbara Lopez, and as you can see this headcanon was inspired by this tweet.
Summary: in which you are paired with Veronica for a project and she doesn't respond to your emails but you match with her on tinder. The both of you find each other attractive but you're both gay disasters. Also in this au the MC doesn't meet Poppy on her first day of school, so they don't know about the top 3 girls of Belvoire. (Where poppy is a switch (fite me), Veronica is a top.)
Warnings: swear words, and maybe toothache inducing fluff? Thigh riding smut.
Taglist: @somewillwin @belvoiresqueenbee @origmansello @clownery-is-a-new-personality @kamilahtrash @poppysminion @poppysimp @captain-hanadeleine @poppysmc @iiizdumb @uselesslesbianfr @scattered-to-the-winds @idiot-justidiot @toyhenoctus @coldbatfriendroad​
So it begins in one of your compulsory classes, where you have to be partnered up for a big project, like 20-30% of your final grade.
Cue your professor paring you up with someone who you've never seen before in class, and you're confused because wtf??? Who is this Veronica Lombardi person??? And why is everyone staring at you with mixed reactions, some look jealous while some look like they feel bad for you.
After class, you make you way to your dorm room and you ask Zoey if she knows Veronica Lombardi and that's how you find out about the whole ranking system in Belvoire. You learn that Veronica is at the number 3 spot as one of the most popular girls on campus. You're not really interested because in all honesty it sounds too much like high school and you're already over it.
Considering that she was going to be your partner for the project, you decide to email her so that the both of you can divide the work equally, as well as ask if she has any days where she is free so that you can discuss the project in person.
It's been a week and you still don't have a response, and you're starting to think that you'll have to do the project alone. Hopefully your professor will take that into consideration once she marks you paper.
You try to start to work on the project but you're quick to realise that you're bored, so in your frustrated state, you open tinder hoping to find an outlet for your stress.
Imagine your surprise when you're matched with your project partner, who messages you. It reads "Sup babe, what are you doing tonight?"
You feel your blood pressure rise as you type angrily. "I'M DOING OUR JOINT PROJECT YOU BITCH!"
She replies with the emojis "😤😒" alongside a gif of someone saying "Rude".
You're about to lose it when another message catches your attention. "Are you from Sociology 101? I haven't attended any of the lectures, it's boring af. But you know what wouldn't be boring? We could hook up 😜" it reads.
"Un-fucking-believable" you mutter to yourself as you read the message. 'Who the hell does she think she is?' - you think to yourself, annoyed.
"Are you seriously flirting with me right now?" you text as you feel angrier each passing second.
The only response you get is a selfie of Veronica smiling cheekily at the camera, which is followed by a message saying "I promise I'd be more fun than sociology. 😉"
You barely resist the temptation of pulling your hair out and respond with "look, I get it you're rich, but just because you can get away with not doing the work, it doesn't mean that I can." Veronica looks at your response and can't help but feel a pang of guilt.
Feeling guilty, Veronica messages you. It says "look babe, I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, we can meet up and do the project together. And maybe when we finish we can do something more fun? 😜😉"
Letting out a resigned sigh you begrudgingly ask for her address and she's all too happy to respond. "I live on campus, I'm part of the Zetas so just walk over and I'll meet you outside."
Freshening up, you make yourself look presentable and you start to make your way to the sorority house. You're surprised to see someone waiting outside, and you assume the person to be Veronica.
As you get closer you're taken aback because of Veronica. There she was in all her glory. I mean you knew she looked attractive judging by the photo she sent you, but pictures can't exactly compare to seeing the real thing.
You can't help but think that Veronica is gorgeous, I mean with that face she could be a supermodel and ohh my god she has legs that go on for days.
Snapping out of your daze, you just see Veronica flashing you a charming smile.
You weren't the only one checking the other person out though, Veronica couldn't help but think that you were cute, especially in that crop top and varsity jacket. 'She's smart and easy on the eyes to boot, this will be fun.' - she thinks as she turns on the charm, ready to seduce.
You approach her, anger coming back as you poke your finger on her shoulder whilst saying "I'm so fucking mad at you, I could have finished the project already but your ass was MIA, so I couldn't start."
Veronica winces at each poke, irritated, she tugs on your wrist and pulls you close. "You could have looked for me personally you know." she says cockily.
Your anger dissipates a little because she had a point and with a resigned sigh you say "Fair enough, still doesn't make up for the fact that you didn't reply to my emails."
Veronica just rolls her eyes at you. "Well we could stand here and argue or we can go inside and actually work on the project." she says sarcastically.
As you make you way inside the sorority house, you can't help but feel amazed by the expensive furniture and decorations. It looked like a house fit for royalty and if you're being honest you're a bit jealous because they get to live in luxury.
You follow Veronica to her room and you're immediately surprised by what you see. Her room is big, however it is decorated modestly, and it's much simpler than what you imagined. The atmosphere feels a bit awkward and you make conversation by complimenting her room. "Your room seems really cozy."
Veronica looks at you, a soft smile graces her features and she says "Thanks." She puts a stray strand of her behind her ears and you can't help but admire her.
"If taking a picture of my room would've gotten you to come over, I would have done so already." she flirts.
You can't help giggle and you're relieved that the awkward atmosphere has been replaced with a comfortable silence.
Your giggle attracts Veronica's attention and her cheeks flush because who gave you the right to be so cute.
The two of you start to work on the project and you're pleasantly surprised to learn that Veronica understands the syllabus despite the fact that she hasn't attended any of the lectures. The two of you get a lot more work done than what you expected and before either of you realise, it's already dark outside.
You feel your eyes drooping as you try to stay awake, and you notice how dark it is and you're about to tell Veronica that you're about to leave when she says "It's already dark outside, you should probably stay it's not safe to be walking around in the middle of the night."
You mull it over and decide to stay. 'Fuck it, I'm too tired to walk back' - you think to yourself as you nod your head to Veronica.
Veronica walks over to her closet and pull out pyjamas, which she hand over to you as well as a spare toothbrush. "You should go and clean up, you can sleep on the bed." she says kindly. You raise an eyebrow at her. "This better not be a plan to get me to sleep with you Lombardi." you say jokingly. She just laughs at your joke and tells you to clean up, you're too tired to argue back so you concede.
Fast-forward to the next morning, you wake up in someone's arms and you snuggle closer until you realise. 'WTF, why am I being cuddled and where the fuck am I?' - you think to yourself slightly panicking. Your eyes open and you turn around to see that Veronica was asleep, you try to get out of her grip but she just pulls you closer whilst murmuring in her sleep.
You don't want to wake her up because she looks so comfortable and at ease and you know that you're stuck there until she wakes up.
Veronica wakes up and she feels something or someone in her arms, she then remembers that you slept over, not in the way she wanted but hey she's not complaining, especially since you were cutely staring at her with a confused expression.
Deciding to tease you, she plants a kiss on your lips and you freeze. A blush creeping on your face and Veronica was about to apologise for going too far when you cut her off by kissing her back. She could get used to this she thinks.
She pulls away and notices the blush on your cheeks. "I thought you didn't like me Hughes?" she says mischieviously, and you just look away.
Realising that her arms weren't around you anymore, you get up and Veronica whines at the lack of physical contact and warmth, you narrowly avoid being pulled back down onto the bed.
You just shoot her a soft smile and say "Thanks for letting me stay over, I'm gonna go get changed and leave, I'll see you later."
You quickly get changed and as you leave her room, you can feel your heart pounding in your chest because you can't stop thinking about the kiss you shared with Veronica. You continue to zone out for the rest of the day, wondering what it would be like to kiss her again.
The next time the two of you meet, Veronica is more straightforward when it comes to flirting, and you're always left a flustered and blushing mess. Veronica thinks you look so cute, especially since she's the reason why you're flustered. The two of you become friends and you exchange numbers because using tinder to communicate was getting annoying.
You're surprised when Veronica messages you with random memes at god awful hours and you can't even get mad because they make you laugh and it becomes something you look forward to each day.
That's when you start to develop feelings for Veronica, and you're not sure what to do because she's flirty with everyone and you're not sure if she likes you back.
Veronica invites you to a frat party, and as soon as you get there a few people introduce themselves to you. One of the frat boys tries to flirt with you and you're immediately pulled back by Veronica as she says "Fuck off Luis, she with me." Your eyes widen as you realise what Veronica said.
You don't have the chance to ask what she means as she drags you off to a room, where she immediately kisses you, hand finding it's way down to your hips and gripping it possessively. She continues to kiss you, each kiss deeper and rougher than the last. The barrage of kisses only stop due to both of you needing to breathe.
Your chest heaves as you feel Veronica lean in to whisper "You're mine, and I don't like it when people touch what's mine." You feel shivers down your back as she says that.
Veronica locks the door and she pulls you towards the bed where she sits and pull you in for another kiss. You're pulled onto her lap as her lips trail down your jaw to the base of your neck, alternating between biting and sucking to leave marks. You can feel a wave of arousal make it's way down to your core, and a small groans escapes your lips.
Spurred on by your reaction, Veronica starts to unbutton your shirt, quickly taking it off with deft hands. She starts to grope your breasts as she unhooks your bra with her other hand. Lips finding it's way to nipples, and you can't stop yourself from moaning when her teeth grazes against it.
Instinctively, your hips starts to jerk against her thigh and it quickly catches Veronica's attention as she looks at you with narrowed eyes and pupils blown.
She pulls your hips down flush against her thigh, and leaning in she whispers "Grind." and you're quick to obey her as she sucks and bites on your shoulder and collarbone, making sure to leave marks on each patch of skin she can reach.
You slowly start to grind against her, and in order to help you out, she starts to move her thigh against your centre, working you up faster and you let out long breathy moans and whimpers at the friction against your centre. Spurred on by your reaction, Veronica uses her fingers to touch and play with your clit, and this makes you moan out her name "V, that feels so good.", and she can't get enough.
She grinds her thigh faster and she starts to use her finger to help you climax. Your body starts to convulse and your back arches as you reach your climax. Veronica's fingers helping you ride out your orgasm. A loud moan escapes your mouth and for a moment your vision turns white, head empty except the pleasure you feel. Your chest heaves as you try to catch your breath.
As soon as you regain your bearings, you can see the smug look Veronica has, and you do nothing but roll your eyes as you say "Yeah, yeah that felt really good, stop being so smug." Veronica's eyes just lights up as she raises her arms in mock surrender and says "Hey, you said it not me."
"So, I guess this means we're dating?" you ask shyly, as your cheeks flush. Veronica just kisses you softly and says "Yeah."
That's how the two of you start dating.
A/N: I saw that there was a lack of Veronica x MC content so yeah enjoy, and please reply if you want me to write a dating Veronica headcanon like I did for Poppy. Thanks for reading, bye.
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hockeyblogg · 4 years
age - f.andersen
Author’s Notes: Hiyaa, so here’s the first part to ‘Age,’ I really hope you all like it & that it makes much more sense. I know on my last blog you all were hoping for part 3 and I’m hoping to show it to you this time. Hope you enjoy !!
Warnings: Angst, language, age gap, reader’s parents are assh*les and I’m sorry about that, (I’m sure your parents are sweethearts) Slight shade to Auston M*tthews but it’s not out of spite I swear lol.
**Also, the word “Manther” means ‘An older guy who dates women a lot younger than him’**
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You were nervous.
No matter how much your boyfriend tried to reassure you, you were nervous.
Today would be the day where Freddie would finally meet your parents, and he personally was very excited. Ever since you met his parents last year, he’s been very eager to meet yours.
You had a wonderful time meeting his family, his mother immediately pulling you into a hug upon seeing you, “så du er hans lille blomst.” And his father politely shaking your hand while telling you how lovely it was to meet you. The visit went amazingly, and you were welcomed into his family very easily, but it’s tough to say that it would be the same with your family and Freddie.
Everyone knew you were quite a few years younger than Fred, six years to be exact, or as most people will fact check you. Apparently a twenty-four-year-old and a thirty-year-old can’t be together, or at least when your boyfriend is in the spotlight as much as yours, that’s what people will tell you. Two people who will forever remind you of that, are your parents, which is why you’re nervous for the outcome of tonight.
You’ve put it off for too long now, and you were actually hoping he would eventually let it go, but what you forgot was that Freddie was a goalie, and goalies are extremely patient.
Sighing, you run your hands down your dress, and try to calm yourself. We’ll just go in, eat, and get out, no extra visiting, no unnecessary lounging, just eat and leave.
“kæreste, you ready?” Fred pops in, fumbling with his watch and coming to stand behind you, you nod and softly smile at him, “You look handsome bubs.” He looks up and catches your eye in the mirror, “Thank you min elskede, and you look perfect.” You lightly blush but turn away before he can catch it, “We should go, we don’t want to be late.” Freddie chuckles, “I’m sure everything will go smoothly either way sweetheart.” He kisses your cheek and leads the way out of the bedroom and you slightly frown at his words. Hopefully everything goes smoothly.
Sitting in the car, you bite your lip, worrying about the possible outcome of this dinner.
Your parents have told you on multiple occasions that they thought Freddie wasn’t exactly “good” for you. By “good” they mean, your age and “mindset” as they called it. To them, because of your age gap they think Freddie is only using you for his benefit.
“You’re young and beautiful sweetie, of course a man of Freddie’s age is going to want to be with you, it’s like a boost to his career and his self-image-” Your mother was cut off by your father, “what your mother is trying to say is this man is just using you to make himself look good.”
“Dad!” You exasperated, “He’s not like that, and I’m sure that once you meet him-” It’s almost as if your father didn’t want to talk about it as he cut you off this time, “Like hell I’ll meet that little manther.” You take a deep breath as you try to calm yourself, “I know who Freddie is and what he’s like, dad. Until you want to get to know him as I do, then we’ll be back for a visit, we, not just me.” You got up after your little speech and left your parents’ home.
Flashback to present time and here you are, on your way to your parents’ house to hopefully have a nice, quick dinner.
As you pull up and Freddie parallel parks by the sidewalk, you look at him and grab his hand, squeezing it.
“Freddie,” he looks up at you, “Whatever happens tonight, if my parents love you, or…choose not to, just please remember that I love you so much, and I’m not going anywhere.” Freddie was getting ready to tease you but when he heard the sincerity in your voice he simply nods and pulls your hand up to his lips, planting a kiss on the back of it, “I love you too, elsker.”
You both get out of Freddie’s car and walk hand in hand to the front door, knocking twice before it swings open and your parents come into view.
“It’s so nice to see you sweetie.” Your mother pulls you in for a hug and your dad just nods towards you, “Hi honey.” You sigh, knowing he’s still a bit angry from your last visit.
You turn to Freddie and grab his hand, “Mom, Dad, this is Freddie. Freddie, these are my parents.” Freddie smiles and holds his hand out for them to shake, your mother takes it but doesn’t say anything further and your dad just nods at him before turning away and walking to the kitchen, “Come, the food is getting cold.” Your mother follows after him, and mumbles something to your father.
“I’m sorry about that.” You whisper to Freddie and he shrugs, “It’s fine, some fathers are very protective, come on kæreste.”
The dinner was awfully quiet and filled with slightly awkward silence and you were just about ready to ask Freddie if he was done when your father spoke up, “So Freddie, you play hockey, yes?” Freddie nodded and wiped his face before answering, “Yes I do, I play with the Toronto Maple Leafs. Do you watch, or play?” Your father shook his head, “Nope, never liked hockey.” Freddie simply nods and takes a sip of his water.
“How old are you Freddie?” Fred just about chokes on his water at the sudden question but manages to keep it at bay, setting down his glass, he clears his throat, “Well um, I’m thirty years old sir.” Your father continues, “Thirty years old and dating a twenty-four-year-old, funny.” Before you can speak up, Fred does, “Why’s that funny?”
“Oh, you know, because everyone knows that men your age only go for women younger than them because it makes them look good, and considering your “job,” your father puts quotations around the word “job” and smirks, “it’s kind of obvious.” Fred shakes his head, “Well, you’re wrong, why is it so hard to believe that I genuinely care about your daughter?”
Your father stands up and places his hands on the table, leaning toward you and your boyfriend, “Because Freddie, I know what kind of man you are, I’ve read all about you; you’re friends with Auston Matthews aren’t you, during your first couple seasons with the Leafs you were always partying, sleeping around, being a poor role model that’s for sure, I bet it was that Matthews kid that convinced you to ask my daughter out wasn’t it, bet you were just there to get inside her pants.”
You and your mother both look at him incredulously.
Your father continues, venom in his words, “Listen here Freddie, a man of your age shouldn’t be with my daughter, you’re way too old and in my opinion, my daughter can do so much better than a washed up player like yourself.”
You stand up this time, finally hearing enough, “Dad stop! You have no right to talk to him that way, and you also have no say in whoever I choose to be in a relationship with,” you hear Freddie get up and walk towards the door, hearing it open then close, “I love Freddie, and Freddie loves me, and if you can’t accept that then we’re leaving and not coming back until you do.” You turn around as well, ignoring your father’s demands to stay, slipping your shoes on and jogging out the door.
You hop into the car and as soon as you buckle in, you both are driving away.
“Fred,” You face him and put your hand over his, “are you okay?” Fred nods but doesn’t say anything further, and you sigh, squeezing his hand and not letting go until you arrive at your apartment.
Stepping out of the elevator, you follow behind Fred, who unlocks your apartment door and you both step in and take your shoes off.
Freddie hasn’t said a word since you left your parents’ and you were beginning to worry; you really didn’t want him to take your father’s words seriously.
Freddie, unfortunately, was.
Freddie had been thinking about your fathers’ words all the way back to your shared apartment, and the more he thought about them, the more they made sense to him.
Ever since you and he got together almost four years ago, people have not let you both forget how big your age gap was. He has dealt with the teasing of his teammates at the beginning of your relationship, the glances that people would give him whenever you both were out in public, and the constant tweets or comments on any of your or Freddie’s posts. Having to endure that from your parents was almost like the last straw to him.
It’s clear that almost everyone thought you two didn’t belong together and if Freddie was being honest with himself, every single time he received a glance, every single time he had an older creepy CEO at one of the many maple leafs’ galas come up to him and ask “how’d you get a doll like that” and “where can I get one,” every single time someone commented on how old he is or looked, the more he felt guilty and selfish.
Who did he think he was to keep you all to himself, all for himself? That wasn’t fair to your friends, your family, and more importantly, it wasn’t fair to you. You deserve to be free, to be doing things other people your age are doing; traveling, going out every weekend, having girls’ days or nights, not staying committed to an old man like himself.
Instead, you’re in bed by ten because you have to make sure he’s up on time for practice, your parents are mad at you because you’re dating him, you have almost zero friends because you’re too caught up in events and games that you attend with him, you aren’t living your life the way you should be and for that, Freddie feels responsible.
Freddie sighs as he comes out of the bathroom and you look up from where you’re sitting, “Fred, are you okay?” he doesn’t answer your question, just comes and sits on the edge of the bed, facing away from you.
“I think we need to take a break…” he starts, and you panic inside, quickly hopping up and coming around, kneeling beside him, “What? Fred, bub...we, we don’t.” You grab his hands and try to catch his eye, but he’s turning away from you, “Y/N, it’s not fair okay, it’s not right.” He stands up and walks a few feet away, leaving some distance between you two, “I’ve been keeping you from everything, I’ve been holding you back, and I just can’t anymore.” You stand and try to take a step closer to him, but he takes one back, and you feel a pang in your chest, “Fred look, if this is about my parents-”
“It’s not just your parents, Y/N, it’s everyone,” he cuts you off and slightly raises his voice, “it’s the stares, the mumbles, the snickers, it’s like almost everyone is so against us being together, nobody wants us to be together..” tears are pooling in your eyes, and you sniff, “Who cares what everyone thinks Freddie, all that matters is what we want, it’s our relationship, not theirs. Don’t you want us to be together?” You ask him, but he just looks down, not meeting your eyes.
What could he say? Of course, he wanted you two to be together, he fucking loves you, but against his better judgement, he’s allowing everyone else to win this time. He couldn’t keep you from your parents, your friends, the world. He just couldn’t anymore.
Your shoulders slump at his silence and you allow the tears to fall down. After a beat of silence, other than your soft crying, Freddie makes his way to the door, “You can stay here, I’ll go stay at Auston’s.”
Hearing the front door slam shut, you fall to the floor and breakdown, your tears now flowing freely and your shoulders racking with sobs.
You allow yourself to breakdown for a while, until your sobs calm to sniffles, and your tears are gone, the last of them dried on your cheeks. As you sit there, you decide that you can’t stay at the apartment, it’s Freddie’s after all, and besides, if you stay it will just remind you of what you had.
With that thought in your head, you grab your phone, sending a quick text to Steph asking if there’s a spare room you can stay in until you get a place of your own, of course she asks what happened but you only tell her that you’ll explain later to which she tells you she’ll be there in an hour.
Grabbing two suitcases from your and Freddie’s closet, you pack up all your clothes. After you’re done there, you go into the bathroom and grab your personal items, putting those in a backpack. You’ve only lived with Freddie for almost two years, so you don’t have much things.
You grab your phone and text Freddie, telling him that you can’t take the apartment, and that you’ll be staying with Mitch and Steph for now. You put on your backpack and grab the two suitcases, making your way downstairs and to the front door. Steph messages you to tell you she’s almost there and you check around the apartment for any last things you may have forgotten.
After finding nothing upstairs and in the living room, you check the front closet and see a pair of shoes at the bottom, going to grab them you notice something inside and dig your hand in, bringing it back out you almost drop the item, and you almost don’t want it to be what you think it is.
Using your other hand, you drop the shoes and open the little blue box, coming face to face with the most beautiful ring you’ve ever seen. Tears are flooding your eyes again and you cover your mouth to stop yourself from crying.
Steph: I’m outside.
så du er hans lille blomst = so you are his little flower.
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freddiesaysalright · 4 years
The Most Dramatic Season Ever - After the Final Rose
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Summary: It’s your time now! You are ABC’s new Bachelorette and this is your journey! All these men (including our fav BoRhap boys and then some) are competing for your heart! Will you find love? Will you get engaged at the end? Or will you end up heartbroken? Find out, on the most dramatic season ever!
Word Count: 3.1K
Tag List:  @psychosupernatural, @someone-get-a-medic, @bensrhapsody, @deakyclicks, @crazylittlethingcalledobsession, @minigranger, @crazyweirdocalledfriday, @the-moving-finger-writes, @assembledherethevolunteers, @rose-writes-prose, @queenlover05, @moon-stars-soul, @danadeacon, @deacyblues, @thesundrop, @cupidben, @lostlittlenerd, @delilahmay39, @timmvrphy, @queenmylovely, @loveandbeloved29, @free-pool-trash, @fairestkillerqueenofall, @local-troubled-writer, @babyalienfairy, @littlecarowrites, @allthethingsicant, @im-an-adult-ish, @mirkwoodshewolf, @squishy-gay-astronaut, @sherlollydramoine, @butlegendsneverdie, @dogmom2014, @rocketrhap917, @26-7-49, @lelifesaver, @frozenhuntress67, @drowsebaby​, @mrhoemazzello​, @lookuptotheskiesandsee​, @seasidecrowbar​
A/N: The final chapter! This serves as the epilogue for this story. We catch up with Ben, Y/N, and Joe, and find out who will be the next Bachelor!
Warning(s): None :)
Night 1  Week 1  Week 2  Week 3  Week 4  Week 5  Week 6  Week 7  The Men Tell All  Week 8/Finale
After the final rose here we go!!!
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Chris: Hi. Welcome to After the Final Rose. I’m Chris Harrison, and I’m here to catch you up on everything that’s happened since Y/N’s dramatic season as The Bachelorette. Last night, we watched her and Joe become happily engaged in New Zealand. But, are they still together? What has become of Ben since his breakup with Y/N? And which of Y/N’s men will be the next Bachelor? Find out tonight, right here.
The studio audience went wild with cheers.
“Thank you!” Chris called. “Thank you, Bachelor Nation! Tonight we wrap up Y/N’s crazy and romantic season. We had everything this season. From night one, Y/N was having to deal with problems among the men. No one was perhaps a bigger problem than Luke, who took issue with Y/N’s sexual liberation and independence. We had two men leave abruptly in Ireland because they just weren’t falling in love. Then, the first man to say ‘I love you,’ Taron, was sent home from there as well. Y/N told the top three men from her season that she loved them, which ended up making things all the harder. And finally, after her final two dates, she realized Joe was the man for her, and had a devastating breakup with Ben, before a beautiful proposal with Joe.”
He paused.
“Now, before we get Y/N out here to talk about her life since New Zealand, there is one man that everyone is curious about,” Chris said. “And that’s Ben. Have Ben and Y/N spoken since that heartbreaking night? Is he still in love with her? How has he been coping with her newfound happiness? Well, you’re about to find out. Everyone, please welcome, Ben Hardy!”
The audience applauded and screamed as Ben emerged from backstage, looking dashing in a navy suit. He smiled and waved as people called out to him. When he made it to the stage, he shook hands with Chris before sitting down on the couch.
“Ben, welcome,” Chris said. “Thanks for coming.”
“Thanks for having me,” Ben returned.
“There’s a lot to talk about when it comes to you and Y/N, but before we get into it, let’s take a look back at your journey together.”
Everyone turned to the screen to watch. The first clip was Ben’s first introduction to you. He smiled as he watched himself step out of the limo and meet you. The video highlighted everything, from Ben admitting that he had never been in love before, his feud with Luke and beating him out for the rose on the two-on-one, his hometown, the magic of fantasy suite, the final date, and then the crushing blow. His mouth turned down as he watched you tell him again, “It’s not you.” His eyes watered at the soft, teary goodbyes. Then the screen went dark.
“So, tell me what it’s like watching that back,” Chris said.
“Uncomfortable,” Ben said, sniffling. “It still hurts to think about. Even the good times we had...it’s painful because it feels like none of it mattered.”
“None of it mattered?” Chris questioned.
“Yeah,” Ben said. “I felt like we went through all of this only for there to be nothing in the end. For me, at least.”
“Are you angry at Y/N?” Chris asked.
“I was for a little while,” Ben answered. “First, I was really sad, just heartbroken. Then I went through a phase of being a bit angry at her, even though I knew someone had to leave. But I’m not angry anymore. I’ve gotten so much support online and stuff, just a real outpouring of love, and it has definitely made me feel better. Although - I do want to say - Tweeting at me and calling Y/N a bitch is not a way to make me feel better, so if everyone could knock it off with that, I’d appreciate it. That’s not how I feel about her.”
“How do you feel about her?” Chris pressed. “Are you still in love with her?”
Ben hesitated, biting his lip. “Yeah, I am, a little bit.”
Chris paused while the audience let out soft gasps and whispered to each other.
“Well, you know she’s here,” Chris said. “Just backstage. Are you ready to see her? Do you even want to?”
“I do, actually,” Ben said. “I think emotions were high when we last saw each other, and I’d definitely like some closure.”
“Well, then,” Chris said. “Let’s bring her out. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Y/N!”
You walked out, waving to the crowd as they cheered for you. You saw Ben and felt such joy at seeing him again, you could have burst. But, the joy was different than it once was. You had missed his company and the time you shared together, but you had not missed him as a boyfriend. And that was okay.
“Hi,” you said with a smile as you stepped up on the stage.
He crossed over to you and hugged you. It was warm and familiar. And nice.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said sweetly.
“Well, you two have a seat, and we’ll talk,” Chris said.
You and Ben moved to the couch and sat beside each other. It was a bit odd to be sitting there and not holding his hand as you’d grown accustomed to during filming.
“How are you?” Ben asked you.
“I’m doing really well,” you told him. “Really well.”
“Happy?” he wondered.
“So happy,” you replied. “How are you?”
“I’m alright,” he said. “Back home in London. I’ve missed you and I had a rough time of it for a little while, but I’m doing better now.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” you said. 
“Ben, is there anything you want to ask Y/N?” Chris wondered.
“Yeah, um,” Ben began, looking at you. “The biggest thing on my mind has been...is there anything I could have done differently that might have swayed your opinion?”
“No,” you said, shaking your head. “Ben, you...you were perfect. From night one, you were perfect. We didn’t take off right away, but I knew there was going to be something really special between us. As for the end of it, there was nothing you had done wrong, and we weren’t necessarily lacking anything in the relationship. Just, things were stronger with Joe and - like I told you that night - I couldn’t picture my life without him in it.”
“You could picture life without me, though?” he asked.
“It made me ache, but yeah,” you said. “I’m sorry if that’s hurtful to hear.”
“Not as bad as I thought,” he replied with a small smile. “But I’m sure you understand, I was going over everything in my mind, and watching it back every week, so naturally, I wondered.”
“Of course,” you said. “I did the same thing after Peter’s season.”
“So, you don’t question your decision at all?” he asked.
“I don’t, no,” you said. “I think it was absolutely the right choice. For both of us.”
“That’s fair,” he said. “I’m glad things are going alright with you, and I hope your life is happy.”
“I wish you the same,” you returned. “You’re a great guy, Ben. You deserve love and happiness.”
“Thank you.”
You smiled at each other. There was still some hurt you could see in his eyes, but it was not as much as that night back in New Zealand. He was healing. You had faith that he would find that person to be his partner.
“Alright, Y/N,” Chris said. “I’m gonna let you head back and we’ll see you again in a little bit.”
You reached out and gave Ben’s hand a squeeze before getting up and exiting backstage, amongst more cheers from the crowd.
When you were gone, Chris looked at Ben.
“Feel better?” Chris asked.
“A bit, yeah,” Ben said. “It’s still painful, but I’ll move on. She’s a wonderful woman, and I’m happy for her.”
“If you are ready to move on,” Chris said. “I’d like to extend an invitation for you to come to Mexico and join our cast of Bachelor in Paradise.”
The crowd went wild at the notion. Ben laughed and flushed under the excitement.
“Well?” Chris pressed.
“I’m afraid I’m not quite ready for that,” Ben chuckled. “I don’t think I could go there with my heart still belonging to Y/N a little bit, it wouldn’t be fair to the women there.”
The audience released a collective, disappointed, “Awwwww,” but Chris waved them off.
“I appreciate your honesty and your vulnerability, Ben,” he said. “I wish you all the best, and hopefully one day we will see you on that beach.”
Ben laughed.
“We’ll be back in a little bit with Y/N and Joe,” Chris said to the camera. “How has life been since their engagement in New Zealand? Are they still together? Find out, right after this.”
The show went to commercial. Ben shook Chris’s hand and then exited the stage.
After a few minutes Chris welcomed everyone back.
“Everyone, please welcome, Y/N and Joe!”
You and Joe headed out toward the platform, smiling and waving at everyone as you passed. Hand in hand, you made it to the couch. Finally, you could be seen together in public and proud. It felt like such a weight lifted.
“Hey there, you two,” Chris said as you all took seats on the couches. “So, it looks like things are good,” he said, indicating your intertwined hands.
“Things are great!” you chirped. “We’re still engaged and going strong.”
“I’m glad to hear it,” Chris said. “Especially after the last couple seasons we’ve had.”
Everyone laughed a little.
“So, tell me what it’s been like for you two since filming ended,” he said. “You had your trip together after the engagement, and what’s the plan going forward?”
“Well, Y/N is moving to New York,” Joe said. “We’ve almost got all her stuff there, but now we’re living together like ninety percent of the time.”
“How are you liking New York?” Chris asked you.
“I love New York,” you told him. Then you looked at Joe. “But mostly the people in it.”
You beamed at each other.
“That’s sweet,” Chris said. “Are you moving into Joe’s place or have you picked somewhere new?”
“We bought a house,” Joe said. “Y/N and I picked it together so it feels like ours.”
“It’s really close to the restaurant,” you went on. “And in a really good school district.”
“Oh, this is something you plan on making a permanent home?” Chris said.
“Yeah,” you said. “We want our family to have something stable. And that starts with the home we make together.”
“Any wedding plans?” he wondered.
“We have actually set a date!” you said excitedly.
“April 3rd, next year,” Joe said. “We can’t wait to get married, and we don’t want to waste any time.”
“Congratulations to you!” Chris said. “Now, Joe, I wanna talk to you for a minute and ask, what was it like watching the season back, and then seeing that finale and what it was like for you to watch Y/N end things with Ben?”
“Honestly, I cried watching their breakup,” Joe said with a light chuckle. “I mean, it’s not easy watching her with the other men - it wasn’t during filming - but, seeing her choose me, out of all the great relationships she had - especially the one she had with Ben - makes me feel more confident than ever.”
“Did she tell you that she had broken things off with Ben the night before the proposal?” Chris asked.
“She did,” Joe answered. “While we were on our little vacation, she explained that she sent Ben home and the reasons that she had for doing it. It made sense to me and I respected what she did. The last thing I’d want is for her to be recovering from that while saying yes to me. It was a good way to give each relationship the proper treatment.”
“So, you two have watched the whole season back,” Chris said. “How does it feel to be where you are now?”
“It feels amazing,” you said. “I mean, Joe was so funny as the season was airing, he would like, text me about the episode and say something like, ‘Can’t believe you broke Taron’s heart like this’ and all that, so we tried not to get too emotional about it. But looking back, I feel like all of it was so worth it because it brought us together.”
“Now, throughout the season, it appeared that Joe was a front runner,” Chris said. “Did you know from the beginning maybe that it would be him?”
“I thought it was a strong possibility,” you said. “But I honestly didn’t know until that night after our last date. I always knew that Joe and I were solid and strong. I had a feeling he would be one of the final men, but toward the end, as feelings developed in other relationships, I wasn’t totally sure it was him. I am now, but at the time, I had a really tough choice to make.”
“Joe, did you think it would be you?” Chris asked.
“I felt good about our relationship the whole time,” Joe said. “But there’s always that worry, it's not what you think. Because during filming, we don’t see the other relationships progressing and how she feels about them. I didn’t even know she had told other men she loved them. And on the day of the proposal, I didn’t know that she had already sent Ben home. So, yeah, as good as I felt about us, I could never be totally sure.”
“Well, it certainly does seem to have worked out,” Chris said. “Anything else going on with you two?”
You and Joe exchanged a look and then both shrugged.
“Nothing really, except moving in together and wedding stuff,” you said. “The excitement of the show is over, and we’re ready to settle down.”
“Yeah, getting our own routine down and settling into regular life has been great,” Joe said. “We’re looking forward to what the future holds.”
“Hopefully, it’s all happiness and love,” Chris said. He turned to the camera. “We’ll be back in just a few minutes with the announcement of your new Bachelor! Stay tuned.”
The show went to commercial. Chris shook both your hands and the three of you chatted for a bit while the audience took time to use the restroom and things like that. When the show came back, the three of you still sat on the stage.
“Welcome back to After the Final Rose,” Chris said. “I’m here with Y/N and Joe and we’ve been talking about their very promising future. But what about the future of Bachelor Nation? Well, we’re gonna get right to that.”
“Oh, Chris,” you interjected. “Can I?”
He chuckled. “Sure. Just look right there,” he indicated the teleprompter. “And read it with all the excitement I know you have.”
You beamed and looked into the camera.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” you said, trying to contain yourself because you were so thrilled about the choice. “Please welcome your new Bachelor, Gwilym Lee!”
The studio erupted into applause and cheers, you and Joe included, as Gwilym emerged from backstage. He grinned a bit bashfully at the support he was getting. He finally reached the platform where he was engulfed by you and Joe’s arms around him. You both greeted him warmly as the noise began to die down.
“Hey, congratulations, you two,” Gwilym said. “I’m so happy for you.”
“Thanks, man,” Joe said, and they clapped hands.
“Thank you,” you added, and Gwil kissed your cheek.
“Well, Joe and Y/N, you’re old news now,” Chris joked, and all of you laughed. “Why don’t guys head backstage, so I can talk to our new Bachelor?”
“Sure,” you agreed. “Congrats, Gwil!”
“You’ll be great!” Joe said, and you both began to walk away, waving to Gwil and the audience as you did.
Gwilym chuckled as he watched you and Joe disappear, then returned his attention to Chris.
“So, Gwilym, how does it feel?” Chris asked. “You’re the new Bachelor!”
“I’m still in shock a bit, actually,” Gwilym replied. “I can hardly believe it.”
“What lessons are you going to take from Y/N’s season into your own?” Chris wondered.
“I’m definitely going to be conscious of what it’s like being on the other side,” Gwilym answered. “Y/N certainly was, and I really admired that. I’ll definitely want the women to know that I understand being in their shoes. That, and giving every relationship a chance to thrive, but acting quickly if I know it’s not right. I don’t want to waste any time, since we have so little of it.”
“Now, are you concerned at all that the issue of being ready to propose or saying I love you will come up again?” Chris asked.
“Well, not so much now that I’m the one in control,” Gwilym said. “I know that I’ll want to save that I love you for the proposal - should I get there - because I won’t be concerned about the women having feelings for someone else.”
“Have you sought any advice from previous Bachelors?” Chris continued.
“A few of them have reached out to me, since the news has been known among us for a while,” Gwilym said. “Arie reached out, as did Colton, Sean Lowe, and even Ben Higgins. So, I’m getting a lot of tips, and I’m sure I’ll get even more.”
“Are you nervous at all?” Chris pressed.
“Oh, incredibly,” Gwilym said. “I’m dreading rose ceremonies and things like that. But, ultimately the goal is to find love. Seeing how it worked out for Y/N and Joe makes me really hopeful.”
“So there’s an element of excitement too?” Chris asked.
“Naturally,” Gwilym returned. “I just hope I’m capable and that I find what I’m looking for.”
“How does your family feel about you taking this on?”
“They were apprehensive initially,” Gwilym explained. “But I assured them that the feelings are real and that I’m prepared to give my heart to this journey.”
You and Joe watched the interview from backstage. You recalled your own interview when you were first named the Bachelorette, and the storm of emotions that came with that, and felt a twinge of sadness that it was all over. Then you looked over at Joe. The man this show had brought you to. The man you would spend forever with, and you were filled with gratitude. 
Your journey was not quite over, after all. You had a whole new one to look forward to.
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queeenpersephone · 4 years
For @littlemsstark3000 : hi love!! I’m so sorry to hear things aren’t great right now - hopefully this brightens up your day a little. I don’t really think jealousy is one of Tony’s serious flaws, but I think I can dream up a quick scenario for It anyway. (i literally edited none of this and i’m about to pass out from exhaustion so i’ll made sure it makes coherent sense in the morning lol
(background: Tony and Nat are on the verge of starting something. While visiting an old anthropologist friend of Bruce’s, Natasha and Bruce save an island from a genetically engineered sea monster. After, the indigenous people honor them through a ceremony that looks a lot like a wedding. Bruce’s friend tweets a picture, the media goes crazy, and when Bruce and Nat return to the Tower, they have a lot of explaining to do.)
Steve’s Disappointed Dad Face is the first hint that Natasha gets that something is very wrong.
“Congratulations,” he greets evenly when she walks into the kitchen to grab a snack before she goes to catch up with Tony. Bruce has gone back to his rooms for a nap; this weeklong excursion without technology to work on their friendship had gone perfectly, and they had saved a village. That must be what Steve’s taking about, though his expression does not match his praise.
“Thanks - it was an easy decision,” Natasha replies, watching her friend’s face carefully. After all, it was. They are heroes - they’ll always help people in need.
He clearly winces. “I guess I just always thought - well, doesn’t matter. As long as you and Banner are happy.”
Natasha fights to keep a neutral expression on her face. Is he really suggesting that Bruce and she don’t have the same commitment to the safety of others that he does? “I don’t usually like to speak for others, but Bruce was thrilled,” she tells him, letting a little bit of smugness seep into her tone. “The Hulk was on his best behavior, too.”
Steve coughs, turning a little red. “I’m sure - I mean - I have to - mission plans, I’ll talk to you later.” He practically runs out of the room, ignoring the way that Natasha stares after him.
She spends about thirty seconds dissecting their conversation before shrugging. She’ll talk to Tony, then she’ll figure out Steve. As much as she doesn’t want to admit it, she’s missed him. A lot.
When she walks into the lab, Tony does not turn to greet her. He’s not dealing with any loud machinery, so she knows he heard her enter. There is a tightness to his posture and a droop to his shoulders that tells her more than words ever could.
Something’s not just wrong à la Steve. Something is very, very wrong.
“Hey,” she ventures, approaching him with a confidence to her stride that she does not feel. He still doesn’t turn, and her casual approach falters. “Tony-“
“I’m happy for you.”
It’s barely a mumble, with anything but happiness oozing from his tone. It’s not his ordinary kind of lie - with false bravado and carefully concealed panic. No, there’s a helplessness to this lie - a grief that makes her heart skip a beat.
“You don’t sound very happy,” she observes. “If there’s anything we need to clarify, I-“
Tony’s breath hitches, and his hands move to grip the edge of the table. He still doesn’t look in her direction. “No - no, no, no - you don’t owe me a - I mean, there was never really anything,” he sighs, looking like he wants to drop his head and bang it against the table. “I’m happy for you,” he repeats robotically, knuckles turning white. She can tell his fingers are probably numb.
She exhales, narrowing her eyes. There’s a game going on here, and she doesn’t even know the name of it. Time to stop playing. “Listen,” she tells him, reaching out for his hand. “You need to tell me exactly what you think-“
The moment her fingers brush over his, his body lurches into action. He turns to her, eyes dark and pained and angry. It’s an unfamiliar look, and it pins her briefly in place. His hand darts out, grasping her wrist, and she lets him. Any other man would have already lost all his fingers, but this is Tony. She’ll allow him this if he needs it to speak.
“What I think?” He repeats, beginning quietly. A shifting rage hovers underneath, and Natasha instinctively catalogues all the weapons on her person before discarding the premise. He would never hurt her. “What I think?” He half-shouts this time. “I’ll tell you what I think: there is no universe that supports this conclusion. You two. It makes no sense! It’s the opposite of sense! It’s - it’s non-sense,” he concludes, and if his anger wasn’t so serious and real, his fluster would be adorable.
“Tony-“ she begins, low and soothing.
“See?” He interrupts, gesturing to her with his free hand. “It’s even - in that. In the way you say my name. I thought it was only a matter of time for you and me. I thought we were a law of motion - that we were frictionless.”
Her eyes soften. She might not understand the context, but she knows a confession when she hears one. She’s been waiting for this for weeks. “Tony, we are-“ she says, pressing her free hand over his against her wrist.
“Then choose me,” he replies, gravelly and earnest and heartbreakingly pleading. “He’s not right for you - I know that you two are close - hell, I love him like a brother - but I’m going to fight for you,” he swears, twisting out of her grip to take both her hands in his. “It might be selfish, but I don’t care. I love you, Natasha Romanoff, and I won’t let you go without a fight.” Natasha, for the first time in a very long time, is in shock; she can’t do anything but listen for some clue as to what the hell is going on. “He can’t possibly love you like I do - it’s not possible.”
“Who?” She manages, shaking her head wordlessly. She knew that Tony liked her, that a relationship was imminent, but in love? It altogether feels to soon and perfectly timed.
He scoffs. “Your husband? Giant green rage monster slash genius biochemist? You’re not even wearing a ring, Nat - what kind of half-baked proposal did he-“
Nat pulls back with an efficient twist that leaves Tony grasping at nothing but air. “You think Bruce and I are married?” She realizes, her voice going higher than she intended.
Tony shrugs. “The tabloids caught your private island ceremony,” he spits. “What, were you ashamed?”
Natasha freezes, and all the pieces fall into place.
She can’t help the smile that fights to spread across her face, even though Tony still looks half angry, half desolate. “Tony, Bruce and I are friends. We are not and have never been married.”
Her certainty makes Tony pause. “I - you had a wedding,” he says, but it comes out more like a question.
She shakes her head, chuckles finally breaking through. “There was a ceremony - we saved the village, they wanted to thank us.” She pauses, remembering. “I can see where the confusion might have come from,” she admits, “but it’s a little bit of a stretch.” Her tone turns teasing, and she steps up to meet him toe to toe. “I thought my feelings were clear to you - at least they were a week ago.”
Tony searches her expression for half a minute before he evidently finds what he is looking for. His whole body relaxes, and his frown molds into a smirk. “They were,” he replies, cupping her face in his hands. “You just make me crazy,” he admits. “Bruce is one of my best friends, but the thought of you and him…” he trails off, a brief darkness crossing his expression.
“Hey,” Natasha says. “None of that.” She slides her hands over his shoulders and around his neck. “I’m not a fan of jealousy,” she warns. “I’ll give you a pass here, because the situation is extreme, and I’m sure you’ve been… overwhelmed with how in love you are with me…”
Tony chuckles. “I have no problems admitting that - my ego is already fit to burst.” He turns serious for a moment. “And you’re right - not cool. I’m sorry.”
“You’re forgiven,” she says slowly, “on two conditions.”
Tony brushes his thumb against her jaw. “Name them,” he says, low and throaty.
Natasha tilts their forehands together. “One, you take me out tonight and we set the world straight. I would like a bit of privacy at first, but I don’t think Bruce could take the media attention,” she says wryly.
“Done,” Tony agrees. “And?”
She pulls him so close that their lips brush. “Kiss me,” she requests, scratching her fingernails through his hair.
“Gladly,” he murmurs, kissing her hard and deep, the way he’s been wanting to kiss her for much longer than he’d care to admit.
Suffice to say, they barely make it to dinner that night.
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marvelousstevetony · 4 years
That’s What Friends Are For
Set in a world where all the Avengers live happily together in Avengers Tower. Everyone gets along, no friendship-threatening arguments (Civil War who?). Pre-slash stevtony, the Avengers are good friends. 
This will (hopefully) have multiple parts :)
Part 1: 
Spring in New York city is slowly setting in. The weather is getting warmer, the trees are coming into leaf, the flowers are blooming, and the birds are tweeting and chirping like their lives depend on it, so loud that you can hear it in spite of the noisy traffic in the busy city. Couples are going on walks and picnics in Central Park, children are eating ice cream, and people are wearing shorts and t-shirts, even though it is still slightly too chilly whenever the light breeze catches on. 
Even the Avengers love the transition from the cold and frosty winter, to the sunny and joyful spring-time.
All things considered, spring is lovely, and most of if not the entire team would argue that it is the best time of the year to spend in New York.
Well, that excludes Steve. Steve was not having any of it. 
“ehhTIISH’oo! Ugh.”
Because, for Steve, spring-time meant allergy-season. And Steve absolutely hated allergy-season.
Growing up, Steve probably had even possible seasonal allergy, and he had hoped they’d faded away as he got the serum. But just like Dr. Erskine had said. The serum amplifies everything that’s inside. Good becomes great. Bad becomes worse. 
Steve hadn’t considered that would also apply to his allergies. At least his asthma isn’t as bad, which he doesn’t quite understand why, but definitely doesn’t complain about. The allergies, though? Well, they don’t appear as frequent as they used to, at least not for longer time periods, but when do hit him. Oh God, that’s a whole different story.
“uh-huhTSCHusshh! SNFF! h’UHh… uhhISCHIEW!” 
He sneezes off to the side, his hair falling into his eyes as his waist snaps in half. Rubbing at his itchy eyes, he lets out a stuffy sigh and leans back in his chair.
He’s waiting for the rest of the team to turn up for the mandatory post-operation debrief and, as usual, Steve’s the first to show. Somehow, even when voluntarily coordinating search and rescue, he always manages to escape medical and get ready to close up for the day. Maybe it’s because he hates procrastinating, or maybe he’s just too exhausted and beat up to keep his head clear for long. Today, it’s definitely the latter. 
He wants nothing more than to just go to bed, but he has an important work meeting afterwards. As if fighting off an army of robotic aliens wasn’t enough for one day.
“SnffSNF! huhh- hutschhuh! he-uhh…” He brings up an arm, aiming the sneeze at his elbow, keeping it up as he feels another one coming on, but it’s stuck. Great, he thinks to himself and lets out a congested grunt.
“You hangin’ in there, Stevie?” 
Looking up with bleary eyes, Steve sees Bucky emerging from the door. He’s leaning against the door frame, his hair still damp from sweat and kept in a bun, a teasing smirk playing on his lips.
“uhh… yeeh- yeah, I’m fine. snf! Just wanna get this over with.”
“That makes two of us,” Bucky moves to sit down next to Steve, wincing slightly when he rolls his shoulder.
“Your arm okay?” Steve frowns a little, concern clear on his face. He knows not to worry too much, but he can’t help it.
“It’ll be okay,” Bucky shrugs. “Stark’s going to take a look at it after debrief. If he and the rest of them could speed the fuck up and actually get here,” he quips with a grin.
Steve huffs a laugh and gives a nod. “Yeah. Should be here soon enough, I hope. I have to be somewhere after this.”
Bucky cocks an eyebrow at him. “Yeah, in bed after a long shower. That’s where you should be. You look like shit.”
“Gee, thanks, Buck. Always so supportive,” Steve jokes, lightly nudging Bucky good shoulder. “Wish I could be going to bed, though. Have a meeting, can’t miss it.”
“Y’know, this is the worst time for you. You literally spent hours outside today. Pollen count’s ridiculous. You’re going to be a mess — a bigger mess — by tonight.”
“I know,” Steve sighs heavily and harshly scrubs at his face. Just hearing someone say the word pollen makes his face prickle and his nose twitch uncontrollably. Steve sniffles quickly, and Bucky notices it immediately and quickly grabs a tissue from the side table and hands it to Steve, who thankfully accepts it. 
“Bless ya, punk,” Bucky says preemptively, smiling sympathetically. 
Steve gives him a displeased glare before burying his face in the soft material. “tiisshh! ish! heIIiishh! Guhh.” He sniffles thickly, and groans annoyedly. He’s gotten to the point where the sneezes do nothing apart from making him even more sniffly. Ridding the itch, it definitely does not.
“Those didn’t sound helpful at all,” Bucky murmurs and gives Steve’s shoulder a squeeze. 
Steve just shakes his head and worries at his nose with the tissue. “They weren’t.” 
Bucky glances over his shoulder, hoping that the rest of the team will enter soon enough, but it seems unlikely. He grunts as he stands and walks towards the door. “I’ll go tell them to get their shit together and hurry.”
Steve doesn’t get to object before Bucky has left the room, and, somehow, everyone is gathered in the room less than five minutes later. (How Bucky did that is a mystery to Steve. He’ll have to ask him how to do that later.)
About halfway through the debrief, Steve is ready to die. He’s kept fairly composed so far; frequent sniffles and teary eyes, but no sneezing yet. They are just about to discuss the damage and decide how to clean up to city after the numerous destructions when Steve’s nose starts tickling.
“Casualties?” he hears someone ask, but he’s too busy trying to fight off the itch, rubbing his nostrils with his knuckles, to perceive who asked. 
“Still unclear… 300 confirmed so far. Could be more,” Fury answers seriously. “We’ll hopefully have exact numbers once the city’s cleared.”
Steve tries to focus, he really does, but the tickle is growing stronger and his breath starts catching in small, desperate gasps. He turns to stifle a quick double into his shoulder, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to him. 
“hehNGXTt! hii’YINgch!”
Bucky could recognize that withheld sound anywhere, but he knows Steve wouldn’t want everyone’s eyes staring at him so he refrains from blessing him. Natasha, who everyone knows is extremely observant, also seems to notice as she eyes Steve when his body jerks slightly. She catches Bucky’s eyes as they’re both watch their miserable friend, and the look they share doesn’t need any words. 
Steve doesn’t even get a chance to breathe before the tingling sensation comes back, more powerful than before, and Steve knows it’s a loosing battle.
“huh- HhhehISHhoo!”
As expected, the group turns to look at him and mumbles a chorus of blessings.
“Bless ya,” he hears Bucky mumble quietly, and Clint offers a gesundheit, which seems to be his standard reaction to anyone who sneezes. Natasha discretely reaches for a tissue, presses it into his hands under the table and nods demandingly at it. 
As he subtly wipes his nose with it, it seems to bring the tickle back and Steve cups his face and lets the sneezes slip out.
“h’tSCHHoo! Hih! Eh’hrushhoo!”
He sighs defeatedly and nods his thanks when a few people bless him. 
Tony, who’s been uncharacteristically quiet, narrows his eyes at Steve. He’s spent the better half of the debrief doing anything but pay attention to what Fury was saying, impatiently waiting for the meeting to finish. Noticing Steve’s bleary eyes and his pink nostrils, Tony figures Steve wants Fury to shut up even more than he does, which in itself in an accomplishment. 
As if Tony looking at him makes Steve’s nose twitch, Steve’s eyes flutter and his nose scrunches up. 
“tishh! ehhIIiishh’oo! heihhUushiew!” The fit is ticklish, makes his throat scratchy and Steve can feel the congestion pressing behind his eyes and sinuses. 
Tony is now on the verge of snapping, telling Fury to shut it and round up so Steve doesn’t have to suffer any more than he already is. The guy seriously needs something to help him breathe. Tony wonders if Claritin is strong enough or if he’s going to have to spend the entire night figuring out some kind of super-soldier-allergy-shot, because he just couldn’t take another look at Steve literally sneezing his brains out. So he figures he has to stop Fury before Steve’s going to die on them. Well, dying might be an exaggeration, but judging from Steve’s expression it’s not too far off. (If anyone asks, though, it’s because Steve’s constant sniffling is annoying as hell, but in reality, Tony can’t help but feel sympathetic for his friend. Nobody can know that. Tony doesn’t do sympathy.)
He considers making JARVIS send out some sort of emergency alarm to stop the meeting, but he figures getting on Fury’s wrong side is a bad call, so he bites tongue, and impressively so. He is Tony Stark, after all, and he’s not exactly known for keeping his mouth shut. Especially when he should. But this time, he does. He makes a mental note to tell that to Pepper. She would be so proud. 
When the debrief is finally over, Steve is half asleep, his head resting on his hand. The ten minutes of nearly  constant sniffling and sneezing in the middle of the meeting exhausted him deeply, even his nose seemed too tired to itch anymore.
He doesn’t even recall the debrief ending before Bucky nudges him and he jerks awake, sitting up straight. People are shuffling out of the room as he blinks the confusion away. 
Nat and Bucky are already standing up when he’s back to consciousness, both smiling solicitously at him. 
“You really should be going to bed, punk,” Bucky frowns a little and Steve responds with a shrug.
“I might actually agree with Barnes on this one. You look wiped out. I think you’ve earned some well deserved rest after today, soldier,” Natasha winks kindly. 
“Yeah, well, you tell Fury that,” Steve sighs. “Don’t worry ‘bout me, though. I’ll be going straight to sleep when I’m finished.” 
Natasha playfully ruffles his hair, Bucky gives him an affectionate pat on the arm, and with that, the two of them flees the room. 
Steve still hasn’t raised himself from the chair. His body feels heavy and drained, and for once, he might actually consider procrastinate going to the meeting. Pinching the bridge of his nose as he squeezes his eyes shut, he takes another moment to mentally prepare dealing with Fury, once again. 
“You getting attached to the chair there, Rudolph?” Tony teases with a perky smile as he walks towards Steve, who is surprised by the sudden voice. He hadn’t even noticed he wasn’t alone. 
“Huh? Oh, yeah. I guess so,” he chuckles lightly. “I have to be somewhere I definitely don’t want to be.”
Steve nods despairingly and Tony clicks his tongue.
“That sucks… You sound like someone who needs some time to relax. And to find some medicine. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this. I mean, God, you’re pathetic,” Tony jokes and the corners of Steve’s mouth quirk upwards. 
“You probably haven’t. I can’t even remember the laahhst time I-I snf! felt like thiiihs. Huhh- huEEIishh’oo!” Steve says through hitchy breaths and rushes to finish the sentence before catching a quick single in the tissue he still has in his hand.
“Bless you.”
“Tha- thaahuhISHH! Sorry, thanks,” he snuffled into the crumpled piece of fabric. “h’ESHhihh! Oh, Lord have mercy on me.”
Tony hands him a fresh tissue and Steve gratefully accepts it, giving a quick, ineffective blow. By this point, he’s basically unable to breathe through his nose, but he doesn’t want to gross Tony out any more than he already is. 
Tony, however, doesn’t seem to mind. “Damn, Rogers, you’re on a roll, huh? Look. I can probably pull a few strings, get you out of whatever torture they’re sending you into.”
“Are you- really?” 
“Sure,” Tony shrugs.
“That- that would actually be really nice,” Steve admits shyly. He’s normally not one to ask for help, but Lord knows he needs it right now. “I owe you one.”
“Nah, don’t worry ‘bout it,” Tony waves a hand. “You’ll just have to make me breakfast for the next three months, get me coffee whenever I want, babysit Clint-“
Steve laughs and elbows him.
“No, really. It’s nothing, Cap,” he says as he stands up and offers Steve a hand, which the soldier grabs and pulls himself to his feet. They exit the room together walking towards the elevator. 
“Do you normally sneeze this much, by the way? I mean, you’ve probably sneezed, like, 30 times in he last hour.”
“huUShh’oo! Uhh, I-I don’t think so. I gue-. Tony?” Steve interrupts himself as Tony stopped in his tracks.
“That was so weird. Did you just sneeze on command. Like, literally just as I said the word?”
“I think there’s just a pretty good chance of me sneezing at any second, Tony.” He chuckles and shakes his head fondly.
Tony follows up and the two of them walk in silence until they reach the elevator. 
“So. You go take a shower, and I’ll see to get you some meds after talking to Fury… If I’m not there in an hour or less, send out a search team, just in case Fury actually kills me,” Tony jokes.
Steve smiles tiredly at Tony as he presses the ‘up’  button on the elevator. “Thanks again, Tony. I really appreciate it.”
Tony sighs at the sound of the recognizable voice and turns on his heels. He had to face it sooner or later.
“Nick! Always a pleasure,” Tony smiles overly wide at Fury, who rolls his eyes over someone using his first name, but ultimately decides to ignore it. It’s been a long day already, and Fury is not in the mood to deal with Tony and his sharp-witted tongue right now.
“Where’s Rogers?”
“Rogers? You mean Steve? Oh, um about that… He’s in his room,” Tony says innocently. 
“In his—? I hope he’s aware of the fact that we’re having a meeting in less than five minutes?” Fury cocked an eyebrow.
“Yeah, so… He’s not going to be there. Sorry. He’s having some… trouble. You know, you saw him at debrief, I don’t think he’d be able to—“ 
“God damnit, Rogers,” Fury mutters under his breath, then scowls. “I’ll let this one slide. But only this once. It’s been a long day, anyways.”
Huh. That went a lot smoother than Tony had anticipated. Fury actually wasn’t completely heartless.
“I’ll be sure to pass on the message. Good talk, Director,” Tony claps Fury on the shoulder and is immediately out. As he walks, he gives his body a shake. He seriously hated biting his tongue, acting nice and actively trying to avoid pissing anyone off, and even a five sentence conversation with Fury was a stretch, but he thinks he did okay, all things considered. He makes another mental note to tell that to Pepper as well. She’d be even prouder. 
“Knock knock.” Tony calls. “Cap?”
“In heeh-here! Hur’ESHH!”
Strolling towards the bedroom where the response came from, Tony tries to balance all the remedies he’d picked up on his way. The door in ajar, and Tony pushes it open with his shoulder, both hands and arms occupied. As soon as he enters the room, he suddenly drops about half of the things he’d been carrying on the floor.
In front of him stands Steve. His hair is damp from the shower and falling into his eyes. He’s wearing a pair of oversized joggers that would look ridiculous if they were worn by anyone but Steve. His cheeks are flushed pink from the heat from the shower and his nose a similar shade but probably for entirely different reason. That, and he’s not wearing a shirt. 
He’s not wearing a shirt, Tony repeats in his mind. Damn. Tony has seen Steve shirtless before, but this is usually after a battle when Steve’s covered in blood and sweat, and definitely not coming straight out of a warm shower with glowing and clean skin.
And then he realizes that he’d just dropped everything on the floor and bends down to start picking the things up. “Would it have hurt to put on a shirt?” Tony mumbles lowly.
“Sorry, I was just getting dressed,” Steve smiles sheepishly as he helps Tony fetch the things. “You really went to town with the remedies, huh?” 
Tony shrugs. “You know me. Why choose one when you can have them all?”
“Because it’s unnecessary?” Steve teases. “Seriously, though, the tissues had been just fine.”
“Ugh, are you always this unappreciative? God, how rude of you, Rogers.”
Steve laughs and shakes his head fondly. “That’s not what I meant. I really do appreciate it, but you shouldn’t have gone out of your way to all get this.”
“Aaand he’s back to being good, old, righteous Captain America… should have known. I didn’t, by the way. I ran into Nat and Barnes. They were on their way to provide you with all of these different supplies and medicines. If I’m being honest, which, obviously, I always am, I don’t even know what half of these things are.”
“Probably won’t work on me anyways. Medicine usually doesn’t with my metabolism,” Steve says as he reaches for the box of tissues Tony had dropped. 
“Hm… You seem better, though?” Tony asks and Steve nods in agreement.
“Yeah, I think the shower did me good. I was probably covered in whatever is bothering m-me, huh— huhhISH’iew! Maybe not entirely, though” Steve comments after a sudden, strong sneeze crept up on him.
With a wry smile, Tony stands up and puts the stuff on Steve’s bedside table. He turns on the night light as Steve grabs the shirt he had laid out on the bed and pulls it over his head. 
“So,” Steve echoes.
“I’ll get going, and you, big guy, are heading straight to sleep,” Tony commands, eyeing the perfectly made bed, because of course Steve’s bed would be flawlessly made. Everything just has to be in order when it comes to Steve. He really is a hundred years old, Tony thinks. 
Steve chuckles and obeys, his bare feet making soft and quiet noises as he pads across the hard wood floor.
“Yessir,” Steve says, shuffling to get under the duvet. “Oh, and thanks again, Tony.”
“That’s what friends are for. See you tomorrow, Winghead,” Tony smiles and shuts off the ceiling light. The bedside lamp illuminates Steve’s face with golden beams. His expression is tired and gentle and thankful.
“See you tomorrow, Shellhead,” Steve returns. 
And with that, Tony closes the door to Steve’s bedroom. He stays outside for a few seconds until the weak light that shines through the key hole goes out and smiles satisfied.
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