#hopefully i won't regret it
notjustdragonspages · 10 months
For the prompt ask:
Donnie with 🍭🍰?
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a/n: Not a great title I know, but it's the best I could come up with... Anyways, enjoy!
Prompt: "You're my new pillow" "You look so cute when you're sleepy"
Warnings: none! Just really freaking fluffy
One in the morning. That's when Donnie decided to knock on your window and give you a heart attack. Grumbling and throwing your blankets off, you stomped over to your window to see a very excited looking soft shell.
You opened your window and let him in- within seconds of being in your apartment he started rambling.
"Now, dearest I know it's early, but I just had to come by! See, I was working on the new upgrade for S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N when-" he continued to talk as you stumbled back to your bed before flopping on it.
He tilted his head at you. "Love?" Donnie slowly made his way over to you, standing at the edge of your bed. "Is something wrong?"
As he spoke, you sat up, grabbing his face with both hands. He grunted but you stayed silent, bringing his head closer so you could study his face. A slight blush dusted his snout as the silence continued.
"Dearest, whats wrong? Something on my face?" You rubbed your thumbs under his eyes and he leaned into the touch.
"Yeah. Bags." You gave him a look. He stuttered and backed away out of your grasp.
"W-well, with all the stuff I need to work on, and S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N taking longer then anticipated, I guess I just haven't had time to... sleep...?"
You frowned at him and Donnie winced. Standing up, you stood beside him and gestured to the bed. The blush on his snout returned, but he complied with the unspoken request.
As soon as he sat down, you began littering his face with kisses, going lower to along his jaw line and a few on his neck. He sighed his appreciation for the soft touches and let his eyes close. Smiling at him, you pressed one more kiss to his snout before looking at his battle shell.
"Can you... take it off?"
He looked confused for a moment. "Eh- oh right, of course." Reaching a hand up, he pressed a button on the side of the shoulder attachment and with a click and a hiss it fell backwards onto the bed. Moving towards it, you picked it up and immediately huffed at the effort.
"Okay, how the hell do you wear this thing all day- Jesus Christ-" struggling as he watched you from the bed, you plopped it down beside your dresser.
Looking up at him again, he flopped onto the bed, wriggling around and relishing the way your soft sheets felt on his shell. Giggling at the sight, you walked back over to him.
Donnie nodded and opened his eyes to turn his sleepy gaze on you. Now slightly red in the face yourself, you climbed into bed. Once up by your pillows, you patted your stomach.
"C'mere, you big softie."
He made a small, low rumble as he got up and crawled over to you, laying down so his head rested on you chest and the rest of him was laying between your legs. Donnie nuzzled into your chest, a soft smile on his face at how warm it was. You looked down at him fondly.
"Gosh, you're adorable..." that seemed to get his attention. An indignant huff came from him and he looked at you as though mildly offended.
"Oh come on, it's true!"
You chuckled as he rolled his eyes and layed his head back down. Bringing your hand up, your gently rubbed the back of his neck, his mask tails brushing the top of your hand with each stroke. His expression relaxed and a small churr escaped his throat, despite his best efforts.
His eyelids drooped more as you made your way to the softer skin the connected his shell to his shoulders. You wanted to check first.
"Hey, Dee, is it okay if I touch your shell?"
"Go ahead, love." He yawned and stretched, all the way to his toes. You had to hold back audibly going "aww" at the cat like action. He seemed to have seen it in your expression though and snorted at you.
"You're my new pillow." He stated, shifting on you and nuzzling your chest again.
Once he settled again, you carefully hovered your fingers over his shell before pressing down gently, rub in the leathery surface. It didn't feel... Damp like you thought it would. God why did you think that??
Continuing, you gently rubbed downwards, tracing the spines that went down his back. Consumed with your task, your didn't notice Donnie melt into you, a happy smile stretching across his face, and his brows pinched upward at the sensation. Too tired to care, he churred freely, fully letting himself relax in your arms.
Glancing down at him, you saw his sleepy expression and chuckled. "You look so cute when you're sleepy..."
His only response was another round of loud churrs as you gently massaged near the top of his shell. He seemed tired enough to sleep, and you being exhausted yourself, you put a blanket over both of you, before continuing the gentle rubs. Donnie looked up at you.
"I love you, dearest."
You kissed his snout again. "Love you too, Dee."
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jax-tadc22 · 7 months
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My name is jax as you already know, I may be kind at points, and also be mean, but yeah! Sorry for not making an introduction sooner, but yeah, I'm getting to know how to use tumblr better, and also I like roasting characters by calling them names.
Caine: Flying Dentures
Ragatha: ✨️licerish hair✨️
Pomni: calm, but insane jester
Gangle: Crybaby
Kinger: hoo-ha
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Here are some interactions I may use but not when I'm lazy.
*: when I'm interacting or doing something
This is when I'm being quiet
But yeah, now you know.
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Anyway, I hope I don't get any s[@#!] Drawings.
No gore or blood
No ships, other then Ragatha x Pomni
DO NOT SHIP ME WITH ANYBODY not even yourself
Have a wonderful day!
Status: Offline
Also I'm scared of corn so don't even think about that.
Also, I might not change my status sometimes, so if you see me posting when it says offline, let me know.
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Meet the crew!
Jaxune miku blog- @jaxune-miku
Ask blog- @ask-jax-tadc22
Caine blog- @caine-the-ai
Kinger- @kinger-obssesed-withinsects
My new kinger blog was made very recently
Yes, I made all those blogs, and I made them recently.. EXCEPT For my ask blog.
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susann-noir · 3 months
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t00nyah · 10 months
✨t00nyah fic archive✨
they're all only available in google docs i'm so sorry but once i can post on ao3 i will i....technically have more, but i'm more proud of those.
「︎ Preening 」︎ winged au ●︎ kromer/sinclair, but it's very platonic there word count: 1,425 ⋙︎link
「︎ 3-13. Silent night. 」︎ sinner!kromer au ●︎ literally just retelling of 3-13 with the swap word count: 1,176 ⋙︎link
【︎ the awakenings 】︎
fanfics dedicated to gearld's school au, in which the sinners get isekai'd into a school au. very fun. these are about the sinners waking up in this another universe, but they're discontinued for i was writing them in may while being unable to do literally anything else and i was super inspired, but now i'm kind of not sure what to write, words just don't work anymore, but they're quite good. they weren't meant to be actual fanfics and initially were literally written in tumblr dms as i came up with more to write so they're...a little messy.
◇︎ gregor word count: 1,323 ◇︎ faust word count: 1,308 ◇︎ rodion (yep, all the dialogue is in russian, and i struggled to translate it to english in the comments) word count: 1,209 ◇︎ outis (this one...has a little bit of greek, but i had to google stuff a lot for that and i'm really hoping i didn't fuck it up. translation is put in the end notes...) word count: 1,099 (counting end notes) word count: 927 (without end notes)
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Cringe ass zadr drawings under the cut:
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All these drawings are really really old by now, but like I said in the last post, I wanna share as an act of pseudo backwards self care, because although I love sharing this stuff and seeing your reaction, I'm also horrifically embarrassed and mortified with myself for actually posting these. If you follow my tumblr you're a real one. You see the stuff other people don't. But with great power comes great responsibility so BE NICE 2 MEEEE!!!! 😭 pleas don't tease me
Also I hate the fact that I need to say this, but the iz fandom has such a weird fucking climate, and to hopefully prevent 30% of the anons I get from feeling like they need to say something, please know that anytime I draw dib as an adult, zim is also an adult and vice versa, and anytime I draw dib as a kid, so is zim, and vice versa.
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pinkbarbiebandaids · 1 year
I have another dcxdp prompt lmao
I was listening to guns for hire by woodkid and suddenly had the vivid image of Danny standing surrounded by a ghostly orchestra singing this absolute banger with his whole chest.
I'm imagining Danny joined a traveling performance group in an attempt to further connect with his people, maybe because Jazz recommended it, and falling in love with everything about the performing arts.
once the group is well established and well loved in the infinite realms, they start performing in different dimensions with wild success. y'all see where this is going lol.
they arrive in the dc universe and begin performing in all the major cities where they catch the JL'S attention because when they arrived Constantine started freaking tf out about the infinite realms and ghost kings.
Jason is curious about the group because he's a theater kid and no ones managed to get any footage of the performances but everyone is singing the lead vocals praises, some even going as far as to compare him to an angel.
When the group finally arrives in Gotham the bats decide they don't want to offend powerful potential allies and so acquire tickets as Waynes.
Jason and Damian as well as Cass to a lesser extent are immediately mesmerized, and Jason understands the angel comparison viscerally when the leading man begins singing. Not only is the man beautiful, it felt like his voice was resonating with his soul.
The rest of the bats are concerned by the almost trance like state of their most volatile, but they've also never seen them so at peace.
and that's all I've got lol
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arienic · 2 years
Can I request a Dottore x reader fic where reader says that they’ve contracted ligma and he genuinely ask “what is ligma?” ?
I DON’T USUALLY WRITE CRACK BUT U KNOW WHAT . anon i like ur style so. here u go! if u ever see this then i hope u enjoy!!! this is set when dottore’s still a student at the akademiya i hope u don’t mind 😭 <333 
SPOILERS: Dottore’s real name (heavily implied by interactibles across Sumeru)
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Your lover startles, gloved hand snapping away from the Khaenri’ahn machine sample he was about to begin tinkering with. His jaw clenches, irritation rushing over him, because every time he tells you not to interrupt him while he’s working, and still you continue to do so. Do you test him on purpose? Do you want him to snap?
(Do you not know of the horrible temper he possesses and how badly he wishes to keep it away from you, a person who chose to love him despite the repercussions—disapproving looks from Akademiya staff and students because of him, snide comments about your character because of him, dozens of relationships lost because of him—a person undeserving of the sharp words that will leave his lips when he does lose control?)
Zandik’s lips part, a request for you to ‘leave him be so he can focus’ already on the tip of his tongue. Hopefully this time, you will listen, he thinks, fingers tightening ’round the wrench in his hand. Hopefully this time, you will get it. Hopefully this time, you’ll stay away. 
When you rush into the room however, clothes wrinkled and red in the face, his mouth snaps shut and he sets the tool down immediately.
Your name comes out in a breath as you come to a stop in front of him, his hands hovering over your sides. “What happened? Are you alright? Why are you—why are you in such a rush? Is everything okay?”
“Zandik,” you start, eyes locked with his—then immediately fall into a coughing fit. You fan at your face, bent at the knees. “Sorry—sorry—just give it a moment—”
“Why’re you in such a rush?” he means to ask in a worried tone, but it comes out in a snap instead. He winces. You ignore it. “What’s going on?”
A finger raises above your hunched form. “One moment please. Just”—you cough again, wave him away when he steps forward—“one. Give it a second.”
He gives it a second. He gives it two seconds. You’re still coughing up your lungs by the fifth second. Zandik decides enough is enough and moves for the glass of water on his table, but you put up your hand again, give one last pathetic wheeze, then clear your throat and straighten up.
“I should join you on your runs,” is the first thing you say.
He rolls his eyes. “Why were you in such a hurry?”
You blink at him, unresponsive for at least three moments, then drop your shoulders. You look almost defeated, he thinks with a frown. He doesn’t like it when you’re sad—defeated. The same thing, really. Point is: why do you look like that?
“Zandik,” you say for the third time. “I was just at the healer’s—”
He frowns. “Sadiki?”
“Who else? But yes, so I was just—”
“Why were you at Sadiki’s? [Name], are you hurt? You look fine. Are you sick? What’s going on?”
“Zandik, he says I’ve contracted something.”
His heart drops into his stomach. No. “What? But it’s—it’s nothing serious though, right? You’re not going to—it’s not terminal?”
You bite your lip and duck your head away from his sight, hands twisting together.
“He says…” You pause, and he tenses, preparing himself. “Sadiki says I’ve contracted ligma.”
Zandik's frown deepens. Ligma? He’s never—is it terminal?
“What is that?” he asks. “Is it terminal? I’ve never heard of it, but if it is—is there any cure? I’ll find a cure. I’ll make you a cure, I swear—[Name], is it terminal?”
Your shoulders are shaking, face still turned away from him. Are you crying? No—but that would mean—
“Zandik,” you say shakily, and he takes your shoulders in his hands so he can pull you into a hug, “ligma balls.”
Ligma balls? He frowns. Ligma—ligma balls.
Ligma balls.
It hits him.
Ligma balls.
He forces you into his arms, turns you, and finally sees your face. It’s pinched. Scrunched up. 
In laughter.
You’re not crying. You’re laughing. Your shoulders are shaking because you’re laughing.
He shoves you away.
“Zandik,” you laugh, keeling over, “lovely—”
“Don’t lovely me,” he snaps. You laugh harder. “You—you fucking—”
“My sweetest darling—”
“Fuck you, [Name]!”
“Any time,” you only just manage to say between wheezes. He goes beet fucking red.
“Get out of my damn room!”
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blocksruinedme · 11 months
What's your gender?
Pick the one that fits best!
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sophieswundergarten · 8 months
Assigning MBS kids mythological creatures because iT'S MIDNIGHT AND MY BRAIN WON'T SHUT OFF
Reynie - Sphynx (Riddles!!! But he just ends up helping people get to the answer every time)
Sticky - Gargoyle (Can't move in sunlight and hides in big old houses with lots of fancy shade-casting architecture so he can spend more time reading)
Kate - Kitsune (Magic clever shape-shifty fox spirit who likes spooking her friends by popping out of bushes and things)
Constance - Dragon (She's small, she hoards things (Like friends :>) and books and stuff and sometimes she accidentally (?) sets stuff on fire)
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grunge-mermaid · 1 year
if we don't get Mika performing at the Paris 2024 olympics in some way shape or form, I'm going to be very disappointed
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king-mera · 2 years
Honest question for Janegon shippers,
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do we ship them too? How would that even work?
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reblog-house · 11 months
"It's complicated" but not as in "unlabelled", but instead "you're gonna need a lot of context to truly understand what the fuck is going on".
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hlbrn · 1 year
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Sun but anime dating sim girl pose
also he's lost his pants
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pomnitheautismjester · 7 months
Uhmm.. Idk.
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lenievi · 1 year
I’ve seen so many people complaining about Kirk saying “I’m from space” because no “He’s from Iowa. He only works in outer space.” *rolls eyes*
ignoring the fact he’s just trying to be funny with Gillian in TVH, pre-TMP Kirk spent most of his life in space, he lived there, so encountering something he wouldn’t encounter on a space ship making him say “I’m from space” tracks imho
Whereas by TVH, Kirk only worked in space occasionally. For the past 10 years he had a desk job, and Generations even said he had retired from Starfleet (pre-TWOK) - he bought a house, had a dog, and had a girlfriend. He didn’t spend much time in space at all. 
Therefore “I only work in outer space” makes sense when he’s 52yo.
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