#hopefully it reads okay! there are probably spelling errors lol
roukabi · 1 year
Oh and btw here's the vide noir fic I said I'd write :)
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yelans-dice · 1 year
This is a Twisted Wonderland request, but you have a lot of freedom lol. Thank you if you decide to do this! If not, totally okay!
Any characters of your choice. How would they be as a father? How many kids would they want? Would they be overprotective? etc. etc. Of course, their spouse is Yuu/Reader.
@blues824 You're welcome and I'm honestly happy that you submitted a request cause this is my first one i've ever done and i have nothing to do since it's almost summer break (for me), so it won't be a lot of characters or perfect, On top of that i haven't really been catching up with twisted wonderland so this might be out of character. However, i hope that this would satisfy you and others ( I was doing this on my school computer at school so this might look weird ) Edited : this was not proof read so their might be some errors
How they would be as Fathers
Feat. Malleus Draconia, Vil Schoenheit, and Lilia Vanrouge
Malleus Draconia 🐉
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-Most definitely be a great father 🐉Probably would want two or three (probably more) but starts with one to have some experience with raising one 🐉 Would buy his child(ren) everything they want (most) and need, basically spoil them rotten including you 🐉 doesn't really have a preference what gender the child is 🐉 the most overprotective father, wouldn't hurt anyone unless they hurt his child otherwise he would strike fear into those who dared to hurt his child, same goes for his spouse. 🐉 When he has free time he would spend time with his family, probably teach his child(ren) about gargoyles and the amazing things they do or go get some ice cream, if they don't like ice cream he would go somewhere they would like 🐉 would ask lilia for advice to deal with certain situations and to babysit them when both of you go on a date or busy with work
Vil Schoenheit 👑
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-He would be a great father
👑 Probably would want one, would probably want one more when he doesn't have a busy schedule 👑 Doesn't necessarily prefer a gender, he would be fine with any gender 👑 like Malleus, Vil would buy all of his child's needs and most of their wants 👑 Also is very protective, he would probably cast a spell or something if they ever try or do hurt his child and/or spouse.{idk what else to put 😭} 👑 When he has free time he would spend time with his family, most likely do a spa day or just have a relaxing time ( like watching a movie/series, doing each others make-up, etc etc )
Lilia Vanrouge 🦇
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-Of course he would be a good father considering he already has one ( technically three )
🦇 Would want one child, would most likely reconsider it for some reason 🦇 Doesn't necessarily care about the gender, However he would prefer a girl 🦇 Like Malleus and Vil, Lilia would buy all of his child needs and most of their wants 🦇 Very overprotective, would hurt those who would harm/hurt his family, mentally and/or physically 🦇 Maybe would spend his time with his child training (when they are old enough) or would probably just play games with them etc
I know it's short and it's not very good but this was the most my imagination could take me, so i hope this could satisfy you, again thank you for requesting, Have a great day ! Also hopefully you manage to finish the amount of requests you have to do.
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poppy-in-the-woods · 4 years
DOPEMAN Part 2 - Chapter 11
Tags:  violence, threats of sexual assault, probably bad English (this text has not been proofread by an English native speaker, so it might contain spelling and grammar errors).
Word Count: 1190
Tag list: @whiteeroseeeeeee​ @triplexdoublex @rumoured-whispers​
Author’s note: Sunday, Sunday, Sunday! Yes, I know I posted chapter 10 yesterday but... it’s Christmas! It’s the season of giving, right? So have another one. Hope you like it and feedback is always appreciated. 
I’m gonna put some asterisks at the beginning and end of the threats, so you can just skip it if you don’t want to read that.
On with the show!
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Then Molly got a message on TeleGram.
“It's from Wes,” she said. “Or at least, it was sent from his phone.”
“What does it say?” Asked Qweenie.
“Hi, baby. Sorry, I forgot. Don't even think about coming here, do you hear me? I'm busy,” she read. “It's not Wes, he never calls me ‘baby’, he always calls me ‘gorgeous’.”
“Well, to be sure, answer by calling him by name,” Qweenie suggested. “The real Wes doesn't know that you know his real name, right? So if it's him, he should be surprised.”
“It's a good idea,” CC said.
“Okay ... what do you think of this? ‘I wouldn't even think of going to that filthy hole you call home, Wes. Are you fucking another chick or what?’”
“No, don't just write ‘another chick’” CC said, “mention Green Teeth Jenny. Wes slept with her recently, so if you ask him if he fucks her again, and he says he never has, it's not him.”
“Okay… ‘Are you… fucking… Green Teeth… Jenny… again?’” She said, typing at the same time.
“Yes, like that, send it,” CC urged her.
They waited an agonizing couple of minutes, until they heard the ding that announced that Wes, or whoever was pretending to be him, had responded.
“It's definitely not Wes,” Molly said after reading the message. “Watch this:”
Dopeman (22:25)
What do you mean “again”? LOL
I wouldn't touch Jenny with a stick.
Hey, you really don't have to worry, baby, I'm fine.
“He wasn't surprised that you know his name, and he has denied sleeping with Jenny,” Qweenie observed.
“One of two: someone is writing for him, or someone is forcing him to respond, and he’s speaking in code, so we know something's wrong,” Molly said.
“And how do we find him?” Said CC. “He could be anywhere.”
“Assuming Wes and his cell phone are close to each other, we could try to locate it,” Qweenie suggested.
“How?” CC wanted to know.
“As long as the phone is on, many companies offer a way to find your device,” Qweenie said. “You just have to enter your account, enter the number or do the steps that they tell you, and they triangulate the signal, or something like that, and send you the location on a map. What? I saw it on a TV show.”
“Yes, that's true,” Molly said, starting to type. “Anne's phone was stolen last year at a concert, and she had to do that. Hopefully Wes has the ‘find my phone’ option turned on. Does anyone know Wes' Google account password?”
“No, but he writes them all down in a notebook he has,” CC said. “It has to be somewhere.”
After searching for a long time, they found her hiding behind the money in the safe, and only because Qweenie happened to look there. Molly put the pile of clothes on the bed and sat in the chair. Five minutes later, she had found the location of Wes' phone.
“It's not far,” CC observed.
“Well, what are we going to do? Are we going to try to be stealthy or are we going to break in?” Molly asked.
“I don't think you can be stealthy there,” Qweenie observed. “My cousin works in that area, and all warehouses have two doors: one for loading and unloading and a smaller one for people. If they have Wes there, both doors will be locked tight.”
“No windows?” Molly asked.
“High up the wall, the kind that don't open. Either we go through the door or we don't go at all.”
“Break in it is” said CC. “I'm going to get my gun.”
“If we're going to break in…” Molly began, typing again.
“What? What are you going to do?”
“I'm going to leave a message for him, so he knows we're coming for him."
"What if he's not the one typing?” Qweenie pointed out.
“Then he'll know we're coming too.”
Google had a feature that allowed the owner to remotely lock the phone and leave a message on the lock screen, in case the phone was lost, to help the person who found it to return it more easily, but without accessing private data. Molly locked the phone and wrote a simple sentence, which she knew Wes would recognize.
 “Boss, the phone is locked.”
“What? What have you done, idiot?” Tar Pit shifted his attention away from Wes for a moment to snatch the phone from his inept bodyguard. “’You are not worthy to speak to ArkAngel?’ What the hell is this?”
Wes started laughing hysterically. The other three looked at him.
“She knows I'm not the one talking to her,” he said, when he could stop laughing. “She’s coming for me.”
“I don't know why you're so happy, Wes,” Tar Pit told him. “Do you think your face looks bad? When I’m done with your girl, she'll have to feed through a fucking straw. Although I might fuck her first, depending on how hot she is.”
“If you touch a single hair on her head ...!” He exclaimed, tugging at the plastic zip ties that bound his wrists and ankles, trying to free himself.
“What? What are you going to do, Wes? You're going to kill me? “Tar Pit scoffed. “With your hands tied behind your back? I do not think so. No, I'll tell you what you are going to do: you are going to watch while we pass her like a joint, and you are not going to scream, because if you do, I will beat you up so badly that I will kill you.”
“You son of a bitch!” He shouted. “You fucking bastard ...!”
The other bodyguard punched him in the mouth, shutting him up.
“Unlike you, at least I knew my mother,” Tar Pit said. “Wes, we really don't have to go to these extremes, just tell me where what I want is, and I'll set you free.”
Wes spat blood and saliva all over his face.
“Very well. I've tried to be civil to you, Wes, but you force me to be cruel. Wash his face, Lefty, he's got a lot of blood,” ordered Tar Pit, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping his face.
“Yes, boss.”
Lefty grabbed Wes by the neck and dragged him to a water barrel in the corner, where he proceeded to plunge his head into the water repeatedly, almost rendering him unconscious.
“How long do you think your girl can hold her breath?” Lefty whispered. “Maybe I can check it by shoving my dick down her throat.”
“Sure she can hold it long enough to bite it off,” Wes replied, gasping and coughing water aside.
Lefty threw him violently on the couch.
“How is our other prisoner, Righty?” Tar Pit asked.
“Still not speaking, boss,” Righty said, emerging from the other room with bloodstained knuckles.
"And his brat is still missing?”
“They're looking for her, but she's nowhere,” Righty replied with a shrug.
Wes was looking at one of the windows, the one directly across from him, and for a fleeting second, he thought he saw amber eyes staring back at him.
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my-autistic-things · 4 years
Guess who's making a "how to manage dealing with a massive list of edits" post instead of working on said edits! Me!
Ok so this has taken me FOREVER to really figure out and implement in my life so I thought I'd make a post about it. This is how I deal with getting edits back after sending in a paper (specifically my thesis proposals) to my mentor.
Step 1. Open the document.
This is the absolute hardest step. No seriously. It is. You get the email back, you see the attachment with their initials at the end of the doc name, you know there's edits in there, the email says "here you go! Good work!" That day, ASAP, download that attachment and open it briefly, to scan just how terrifying this task will be.
Step 2. Close it and cry. (Tears are optional but the soul crushing feeling of being on your 5th round of edits is not).
It's okay, deal with it tomorrow. Seriously, go work on something else while you emotionally recover.
Step 3. Mentally prepare yourself to do the edits.
Put it on your to do list for tomorrow. Then when you don't do it, put it on the next day. And the next day. Even when you know it's impossible to get to, put it on there because the stress will build and you'll eventually get to it and Not forget it exists (vvvvv important).
Step 4a. Actually start your edits by opening the doc.
Don't set out like you're going to do everything in one sitting. Open the document with the intention of Starting, not doing. This is a mental battle. Yes battle. Having a good strategy will trump any "smarts" or writing ability you have.
Step 4b. Get out a notebook to write down what you have to do.
If you have do a split screen and can write in a separate document, go ahead, but I found that the absolute only way I can make progress is if I fullscreen my doc and have a notebook and pencil to write stuff down. Now you have 1) doc open, 2) notebook in front of you. Yes these are considered a whole ass step bc they are.
Step 5. Go through and accept all the edits and write down things to do as they come up.
Skip that "read your edits first!" bullshit, you won't, you'll just get stressed, then you gotta reread it all over when you actually start editing. Dive right into dipping your toe in. DO NOT start fully editing. Look at each revision and decide if it's a Quick Fix (i.e. click "accept change" in Word) or a Task. If it's a Quick Fix, go ahead and do it. If it's a Task, even if it's just revising a singular sentence, write it in your notebook. Don't worry about an order/priority/anything, just write everything down. If you're doc is longer than a few pages (mine is 26 so...yeah) write down the page number along with the Task.
Step 6. Organize your Tasks.
Now you have gone through your whole doc and there's no little spelling errors, grammar mistakes, or simple edits to make. And most importantly, you have a list of bigger edits to do, start to group the Tasks. This is when it starts to get super individualized (to you, your paper, and your mood). I start with going through and marking with a line anything I am in the mood for, can do, or should do today (or first, and by first I mean "now" vs "ehhhh later").
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Step 7a. Go through your marked Tasks and make more marks.
Only focusing on the initially marked Tasks, start to group them into stuff you can do together. For me, this is any simple info that needs to be inputted or sentences that need editing. My dash next to these Tasks gets turned into plus mark. Note this is the simplest edits I will need to make. You can also designate the initial dash to be its own grouping, but it should naturally end up like that at the end.
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Step 7b. Go through marked Tasks again and do the same thing with a different grouping.
Relooking at my dashed Tasks, excluding my + Tasks, I make more groupings. Now it's more time consuming stuff like finding more resources, or rereading sources to be able to accurately edit the sentence. This new group now get more lines to be an asterisk!
Step 7c. Make even more marks!
Can your Tasks be further grouped??? Probably! If you have a short paper, maybe you only have like two groupings, but maybe you have like 5. Who knows! Get creative with your marks! The Tasks I'm designating as last/a lot of work and comprehension are an asterisk with a circle around them. If it's been a few weeks since you asked for edits, you probably will need to work A LOT harder on paragraph and key sentence revisions if you out those first than if you put them after you've been immersed in your topic for a couple hours.
Step 7d-z. Keep making groupings depending how many Tasks you have. I'd suggest keeping it to 2-5 Tasks per group so it's manageable but not excessive. For this particular round of edits, I have 5 groups and that's perfect.
Step 8. Find the easiest/quickest group and do all those Tasks.
My first grouping I made of sentence edits will be the easiest I think, so I'll do that first! If you're motivated and inspired to do a harder group, go for it! But again, do something that will allow you to start really working without being overwhelmed.
Step 9. Cross off all the First Group Tasks you've done!
Yes this is its own step! Cross them all off! You did a good job! Erase them! Get a Sharpie and black that line out of existence! Yay!
Step 10-?. Keep doing the Tasks in each group until you're out of groups and Tasks!
Step 11-?. Cross off the groups and Tasks! Seeing your progress visually makes a big difference! You got this!
Step 12. Read over any non-task comments your teacher/mentor has made and/or your entire paper. Make sure everything makes sense!
Step 13. Save the doc with the date you finished your edits (or fudge it and say sorry forgot to send it to you lol) and send it back to your teacher/mentor (if applicable; if you only get one round and it's not a proposal or something then you'd just submit it). In your email, briefly go over what you did. This is when grouping tasks really comes in handy because I can reference "oh yeah all these edits were x type of edits" and I can say "I accepted all your in-text edits and made the sentence changes you suggested. Additionally, I added abc sources and rearranged the order of the paragraphs specified." This also avoids your mentor re-reading everything and giving you MORE edits on everything (bc they will; this round my mentor is editing his own words from past sentence edits at various places lol) and just focusing on the key changes you made and need feedback on.
Step 14. Take a nap! Seriously! Reward yourself for doing such a Big Thing and take a break! Don't immediately go onto the next assignment, make sure your brain separates *chunk of edits* from *other simpler assignments* so it isn't mentally a whole block of *work*.
I hope this helps somewhat??? Or someone can reference this when coming up with a way to tackle feedback that works for them. I'm starting grad school next year (hopefully) which will actually be a reduction in long-term research projects lmao but I will be having more Giant papers that will receive feedback. Having a system, or knowing options is so incredibly helpful for me because when I read what other people do I can be like "nope not doing that" and it can help narrow down what would work for me. Most importantly, just break up your work into a lot of different sections! It helps with (poor) executive functioning, motivation, and brings it out visually so you can mentally tackle what you're doing instead of "ahhh ~lots of edits~"
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arasokanbina · 4 years
Okay so I kinda wanna keep this short, one because my mind is all over the place and two I’ll ramble otherwise so I’ll try and keep it concise. Tbh I’ll probably ramble lol 😂 it’ll be a mix of fangirling and my deep thoughts:
So during voting I liked THANXX’s poem more but as soon as I heard Inception I was on that. Like with Illusion/Wave it was hard because it’s Ateez lol but last time I was very pro wave because of it being such a great for a summer realease. And I thought THANXX would be a better summer song and it seemed many Koreans liked it too and I know they want to get a stronger fandom in Korea so I wanted to support that too. I know many people also just voted for inception cause of the issues, I voted for both each time for different reasons but I loved inception more regardless of surrounding things. Anyway so onto the MV.
Not knowing Korean I didn’t know the song was about dreaming and in this instance lucid dreaming, all I knew was the gorgeous beat and vocals, “I’m in love-eeeove-eeeove~” hehe. But reading the lyrics it clicked with inception and lucid dreaming and dreaming in general.
The Song & MV.
This song is so romantic and passionate. It’s beyond time and space and it’s longing for that love that’s always there almost haunting but beautiful. Like beyond dreaming, beyond reality, beyond lucid dreaming, I’m in love.
The way the mv combined some of the dreams or nightmares, of them trying to wake up. But when they wake up are they awake? I’m in love, I’m dream in a dream every night but...if I don’t wake up is it every night or every day? 
Is dreaming my life? My life is in love.
Like wow. Just my heart beats fast.
The visuals. THE VISUALS.
All the boys stirring in their beds, (super hot btw lol) struggling and fighting in their sleep to wake up, they want their dreams to real but are seemingly stuck enjoying the dream one minute and wanting to escape the next knowing it’s not real...or is it real?
Dreams and reality are so close together, they need each other.
Hongjoong running fiercely into himself to awaken, that was so violent and heart pounding. Like he has to run into himself to hopefully awaken. To what reality though or is it through to another dream? How long does is take for us to reach ourselves? Our true selves? But then again we are always changing, just like dreams, yet they are at their core the same.
The burning fire ceiling mimicking Jongho’s dream with the water splashing under their feet was such a gorgeous contrast. They make their own waves, they set the roof on fire 🔥 haha but seriously the elemental work was more flavour for the time and space and dreams and reality dance. 
The opposites that need each other.
Back to the dream/nightmare it’s almost like the love is respite and hope from the nightmares and from the fears. It’s what guides them even though it’s so strong too, as strong as the fear but just that bit stronger to keep them from loosing to those fears. From loosing to the fever dream! 
(Ooooh 🚨🤯🚨 lol but like!!!)
Their fever dream is intense and powerful but they fight it, drifting between reality and dreams and then lucid dreams they will eventually open their eyes. Their treasure is real life, their hopes and dreams. Because this life feels like a dream. This dreamlike reality...it’s too good to be true but it’s very true and real.
What is your treasure? What is your dream?
All their beds was in their dreams too, which seemed to be the exact same bed and same room but slightly different for each member. 
I think this means that they all share the same dream, they just manifest in different ways. 8 makes 1 dream!
Every member shone in this like wow.
I loved how Yeosang got some good lines too and his dance move moment! 
Ahh!! Wooyoung’s sexy lead of the hip dance, his gaze looking down and almost in a trance. And towards the end, they are all exhausted from the dance their legs slowly give way as they lower to the ground. Ugh that was so so so gorgeous. 
San showing his powerful dancing again falls to the floor in emotion, my heart beat so fast!
Ofc I have to mention Seonghwa’s abs I mean he knew what he was doing, KQ knew it too. Every Atiny screamed in unison at seeing the blessing lol. But his charisma and charm throughout this was so strong, I felt his energy pulsing through the screen~
Back at the very start how Yunho comes up almost like a vampire coming out of a coffin from slumber I loved that move. He’s such a great dancer it was so smooth and wonderful to look at. 
I loved Jongho’s fierceness on this like he is going to fight for this dream, he will face it head on all his expressions were strong and his eyes so focused with purpose!
Mingi falling almost like a dance in the long hallway; even though he stumbles he keeps on the path.
And I mentioned Hongjoong’s amazing powerful leap into himself earlier~ Then at the end we see him perhaps in another reality, another dream? The fever continues...it’s part 1 after all! 
Breathes! Okay phew.
Wow, I’m just blown so far away~!  I’m in love-eeeove-eeeove~ 
Note: Sorry for any spelling, grammar errors I try my best I just write so fast lol and also I’m lazy 🙈 I might edit and add later, I tried to keep it as uniform as possible between my thoughts and then fangirling haha. Anyway, I love this a lot! Usually, I just message my friends about my thoughts or just keep it to myself because it can be hard for me to get all my thoughts out correctly and to be satisfied with what I’ve wrote but I had to this time! And I feel good about getting my thoughts and feelings out because I was gonna explode lol~
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jocy-diaries · 3 years
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Pfft I just realized I got the date wrong for yesterday’s post (^~^;) But anyways! It’s two in the morning and I can’t sleep because I’m thinking too much. I think I will change Lynne because being a Cleric to a Knowledge Domain would be her work around from having to choose a wizarding school of study.
Also!! I forgot to mention yesterday but I finished listening to The Silt Verses!!!! Ohmygod it was So SO good. I’m going to reboot so many canary’s and quote posts from it today \(@v@)/ I cannot wait~ Those characters are going to stick with me man. Freaking VAUGHN POOR FREAKING VAUGHN And ohmygod the Silt Verses from episode 5 my beloved~~~~ And just the whole idea of creating gods and willing sacrifices and that whole world building and the Voice Acting and just!!!! Beloved. Loved it so much. I would so worship a god of libraries. I really can’t wait to get more from them, I think I’m going to listen to I’m Eskew now since it’s by the same people. (Then Old Gods of Appalachia because apparently they’re all friends lol)
It is also worth mentioning that I am no longer spell checking my posts so if you find a typing error then whoops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh and since I’m deliriously not falling asleep with a million thoughts in my mind, here’s what I was most recently thinking about. I miss that interval section when everything used to be perfect. I don’t remember the timeline because I don’t remember any time related thing from 2021. I think it was after my big depression but before getting the job. Yes, sometime during summer. Or early fall? I would go to the library around the time they opened, and I would study at one desk all day. And then I would read and write near evening, and then I would go home when they closed. On Fridays I would treat myself to shopping or a snack. I so wish I could go back to living like that. It was so peaceful, so single minded, and I genuinely enjoyed life. I think that was among the first times I genuinely did that.
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Okay it’s morning now. And I kind of hate myself a bit more today. I still haven’t done my homework even though it’s just an introduction and I don’t know why. This is exactly what I was scared would happen. Why can’t I just sit down and do it? It’s due Monday night so I still have time but I just wish I could be good and get it done…
AAHAHAHAHA When the assignment says it’s due the next day but it’s actually due TONIGHT Because if a time zone difference (✖╭╮✖) I was going to get it all done tonight but now I HAVE to get it all done tonight and my heart is racing. Why am I such a bad student I SWEAR I’m usually better than this. So all of the assignments I thought were due on Monday… Are actually due on Sunday. I freaking hate this.
Other than THAT heart attack, I actually had a good day. Had breakfast, watched some shows with my sister, had some memes… Stressful way to end the night. I have to do better. I need to learn to prioritize. Save money. And be better. I’m probably the last one to post on all of this… I hate myself but I’ve started this way so. My fault. And like. It’s easy stuff to do. I already have my intro written up. It’s just. If I do this then it becomes real and I need to do all of the additional follow ups. And I could fail? Like it’s almost expected at this point? I feel sick (*´・v・) It’s like. What is it like knowing you are the world’s disappointment?
Doesn’t help that my computer constantly sounds like it just ran a marathon. Anyways, doing better. Calmed myself down, joined a study group, and was able to get started. Although I do feel bad because I think I disappointed my sister… We were supposed to finish watching a movie when I got the email saying everything was due tonight. She seemed okay with us watching it next weekend as we did her hair though, so that’ll hopefully work.
Honestly, I’m not very excited for next week. I just don’t know how I’ll balance work and school and sleep and fun and family all at the same time. I don’t think I can but I have to. Plus finances now. I’m so dead. March cannot come soon enough…
0 notes
I ship it!
Alright guys! It seems like we unfortunately won’t be getting any big celebration for TAU’s birthday this year. That doesn’t stop me from celebrating it in my own way though, so here’s a fanfic thats been sitting in my head for about two years now, enjoy!
(Also, just a note, Timothy is a r!Henry)
on ao3
Timothy Jackson, 15 years old was, in their own opinion, one of the best writers that had ever been born on planet earth! They had written both comedies and tragedies, made people of all ages both laugh and cry, and now, finally, their latest work had been completed. In just a few minutes it would be posted online for the world to see, and Timothy would finally receive all the praise and glory that they knew they deserved. Anticipation filled the room as Timothy carefully typed out the words that would make up the summary of the story.
‘Human! Alcor, human! Woodsman, high school-coffee shop au!’ they wrote ‘When a young student named Alcor looks for a new job in the town’s coffee shop what will happen when he meets his new super handsome manager? Will their love blossom despite the rest of the cruel world’s disapproval? Read to find out.’
They did not add the classic ‘fic better than summary’ comment that most authors liked to use. They knew they didn’t need it, Timothy’s summary was perfect! Just like the rest of their carefully crafted masterpiece. Sure, Woodcore might not have been the most popular ship around at the moment, but surely that would change as soon as people read this fanfic. Alcor and The Woodsman were perfect together, they knew it! People just needed a little help to realize what Timothy had already seen long ago.
They smiled to themselves as they pressed the button for publishing stories and made their hard work public. As soon as the story appeared on the screen Timothy refreshed the page to see if they´d gotten any reviews. When they hadn’t they refreshed again, and again, and again until their cat Mason decided to jump up on Timothy’s desk and sit in front of the computer screen, effectively blocking Timothy’s view in the process.
“Mason get down!” Timothy ordered, however the cat didn’t even seem fazed at all, in fact it simply laid down in front of the computer and started to lick at its paws, Timothy sighed and moved out of their chair to pick Mason up and carry him out of the room. As soon as Timothy and Mason walked out into the hallway they were met by Timothy’s mom.
“Oh hello darling” she said “I was just about to ask you if you wanted to help me make dinner?”
“What are we eating?” Timothy asked her, “We’re making hamburgers.” Their mom answered “I thought you might want to help me fry them…” 
“YES I DO!” Timothy happily exclaimed, and soon all thoughts of going back to the computer to refresh the page again were forgotten in favour of making dinner with mom, and when Timothy finally got back to their room after the meal they simply turned off the computer, and went to sleep.
 The next day after school Timothy threw their bag onto the bed as soon as they got home and eagerly logged on to their computer. Surely somebody had to have read their fic by now. They probably had a million kudos, maybe even a few reviews! Oh how they wished somebody was there so they could share their excitement, but Mason was nowhere to be seen at the moment, although that was probably a good thing considering what had happened yesterday. Timothy´s heart raced as they opened up the site where they posted all their fanfics, and just as they thought, somebody had left a review! Oh this was perfect, everything Timothy had always wanted would soon be delivered to them, all the glory and praise that the Twin Souls fandom could offer was just a click with the mouse away! Timothy opened up the review…. And their heart sank
‘umm not to be rude but this was kind of awful, I almost feel sorry for you! Alcor was just so out of character and I found at least a thousand spelling errors. Again I don’t want to be an asshole but I think you should practice you´re writing more before you publish anything, just some friendly advice lol! Then again, what would you expect from someone who writes woodcore? Micor is just so much better, plus it´s cannon‘
Timothy was shocked, how could somebody say that to them? After all their hard work, this was it? Was this really how the fandom would remember them? Just another failed author like so many others before them? No that couldn’t be it, obviously this person didn’t know what they were talking about. After all they seemed to believe that Micor was somehow superior to Woodcore. Their bad taste had to be reason why they were being so rude, people just couldn’t accept that Timothy’s fic was better than cannon, and thus they got mad at them. That had to be it, that had to be the reason, Timothy decided! Well then, if they wouldn’t accept a ship unless it was cannon, then it was a good thing that Timothy was such a good matchmaker… at least in their own opinion.
 Dipper was bored, and considering that he was an ultra-powerful demon who could alter reality at his will and make anything he wanted (well almost anything) happen with a snap of his fingers, that was really saying a lot. So when he felt the familiar tug of a summons, one that felt vaguely like he should already know the summoner, he didn’t hesitate to follow it! It felt too weak to be Mizar summoning him. He thought that maybe Cassie had managed to find his circle again and needed some homework help, or maybe it was a cult that had summoned him before that he´d just forgotten about, however he wasn’t prepared for what actually met him the moment he appeared over the circle. He was in somebody´s bedroom. That much was obvious from the bed standing behind him and the posters on the walls and, oh God was that a Twin Souls movie poster? Dipper immediately felt on edge, as he looked down to face whoever had summoned him, and was once again taken aback at what he saw. The child was young, probably in their mid-to-late teens, they had dark skin and bright blue hair, and was wearing a white dress shirt and black slacks (Dipper had to admit, they had good taste in fashion), but what really caught the demons attention was the antlers crowning their head.
“w̞͚̕hy̤̟̖̬̝͜ ̡͔̞̤h̢͓ͅa̶͖̻͖v̵̗̻̞͉̘e͢ ̸̹̳̱̪ͅy͔̜͞o̠̘u̢͖̫ ̯̺͕͍̦͙ͅsư͖̯̯̠̭͔m̰̼̪̭̺̱̖m͢o̷n̻̘e̘͔̗̳̲͟d͏͕͖̩̖ ̼̮̥͚͚͙̦͘m̥̺̤̣̯̘e̸͈ͅ?” Dipper asked, because this child might have his brothers’ soul, but they also had Twin Souls posters on all their walls and Dipper didn’t want to take any chances.
“Oh great, hot and powerful Alcor!” the child spoke “I have summoned you here because I wish to help aid you in your great quest for love!”
…. Okaaaay that was weird and not at all what Dipper had expected. The shock must have been visible on his face, because the child looked worriedly at him and asked 
“Is everything okay Al? You don’t look very good, are you sick?”      
Dipper just sighed. 
”l͚͓̟̱̻̠o̪͎ok̺̣̰̭ ͚̫ki̘̥̮̮͕d̩̱̘͚̫̘̬” Dipper began, “I ̹d̠͈o ̱͕̳̪̮͇̲n͕͕̩̖͙o͍̻̠̝̳t̠̻̫̻̳̳ ̬͇̭̬̪͎n̹ee͙̰̲d̬ ̖̺̯y͈͙͚͈o̭̪̯̘̰u̺̺r ̻̤ͅͅh̗͔͉̠̣̘e̺̪̲̞lp̣̭,̹̼̤̥ ̤͍̮̰̺I̲͖͕̫̲̮ ͙͈̝a̪͎͔̲m̼͚̼̝̯ ̗̭̬̘͕̣̰n̲͙o͓̺ͅt ͙͇͓̻̖͚͓i̬̻̤̗̳n̞͙v͍̖̭͎̖̘̱o͇l̙v̙̥̬̝͔͙̹e̞̥̹̞͚d̳͔̯ ͉͎̫̘̫͔͈i͍̲n̦̖̪͔̥̗ ̪͙̰̜a̮̜̲͎͇̯ny̗̣ͅ
ġ͉r̼͎̘̩̰e̟̹͇͛ͥą̒̔̊̌t͙̙ͨͪͮ͗ ̖̮̦̝̙̐̓͆́qͭ̓̋̔ͯͮu̺ͨͮ̏ͬ̉ͅě͓̘̱̰͈̼s̻̭̹͗̊t͆̆ͣ̐͛̾͛̕ ̳̗̩̓̓̌ͫf̭͔͔̼̟̗̞ͭ̃̃̽̒̕o̢̭̲̙̻̻̣ͯͦ̔̏͐r͙̉ͯ͛̒͠ ̖̌ͤl̻̻͖ͯ̂ͮ̊̔̚ȏ͍̟̅̓͗͟v̸̠̹̾̇e͇͕̠̝̦͌̈́͆͊͑̽ a̘͈̭͖̣̰n̥͓̳̱̳͓̝d̖̯͈ ̲̼n̺̯̦o̠. ̜̗Iț͙̙̫´̗̦s͍̘̹͇ ̗͓̪͕n͕o̬͓t͇̥̳̫ͅ ̪b̼̞e̟̳̞̺͎̥c͇͙̥̱̻̬͎aṵ̥͕͎se̦̺̘ ̤̬̮͚͙̞M͕̯͉͚̙̤̩i͈̜̞z̲͉̱̖̝͇͎a̤r͓͔̜̬̗̟̞ a̟͍͖͎̫͈n̺̤͉͔̪d͔͍̟̜̗̭͚ ̖̻I̟̪ a̮r̳̞ͅe͕̳͚ ̹̲̭̩͖͍͖a̪̖̞͔̥͖ͅl̙͍r̭e̝̼͈̥a̙̝͉͈ḍ̩y̭̭̺͎̯̖ ̱̦̮̣͚͎̟d̪̼̻̼a̞̥̫̞̙̳͎t̙̼̲i͕̩̲̼̗̻̳n̦̗͚̥̹g̮͉̬͎͙ ͈̩͔in͓̯ ̫͎̤f͔ͅac͍̝̗̺͇ṭ̩̠̟ ̼͎̭̰̞I´͔m͈̝̜̘̦̬̻ ̱̫n̮͙͔̘̺̖͚o͍͎͕͓̪t̰͚̣̯̠ ͚̮̜̩̖e͙v̩̣̝ͅe̘̺̰n̪̣̭ ̩͎̣͕i͚͈̖n̲̹̘t̜̖͙̜ͅͅͅer͓̭̪͙͈̱͎e̜s͚̠̻t̻̯͇͈̘e̦̖̫d͕̥ i̮̥̮ͅn̤̣̲̦̲̬̺-”
The child cut him off before he could finish his sentence 
“pffft I know that! As if you and Mizar could ever be a real couple. It’s so obviously not happening, I don’t even get why people bother to ship you two in the first place.”
Well that was DEFINITELY not what Dipper had expected. Just a few moments before he’d been ready to just leave and get out of there as fast as possible, but he was now curious, perhaps this child did have something worthy of his time to offer after all (and even if not, just spending some time with his brother would be nice) 
“Okay ̴th̀en,̡ t͜e͢ll̴ m̕e ̕Eͮ͊X̅͊ͯͪ͗̓A̔͂̐̿̋Ċ̛̓̓T̨ͣ̀̏̓L̀ͧ͌Y̅͋͑ͩͭ wh̨at y͞o̡u w̢ant.̵” ̂ͥ̆̿̚Dipper demanded, adjusting his position in the air so that he was floating cross-legged above the circle.
“Easy,“ the child said with a confident and knowing expression on their face “I know who you really love. And I´m guessing you haven’t confessed to him yet because you’re too shy. So, I´m offering to help coach you, trust me I’m great at encouraging people, and in return you could… uh, I dunno, make sure the fandom knows you love him I guess? And put an end to Micor ones and for all, what do you say?” the child took a step forward and reached out their hand to Dipper, seemingly ready to shake on it. Dipper had to admit that their offer was tempting, he´d love to see Micor shippers finally realize that it wasn’t cannon and leave him alone, however there was one detail in what the child had said that was bothering him 
“And̕ ͠w͝h͢o, i̴f҉ ̴I ͝mąy̵ aşk, ͜is ̨i͝t t̷hat ͠you ̷thìnk̢ ҉I͏ ͞l̸o͠ve̴?”  
The child grinned at him 
“The Woodsman of course!” they exclaimed and nooooooo, nope not doing this, Dipper was so DONE with this! 
“u̷͘m̨m͏͞ ̵̸y͢͏e͘͏a̵h͏̢,͟ ̴̨t̛h͘͠a̷͠͝t̡̀̕´̸s̛͟..͡.̡̛ ̛͜N͏̀͡o̡҉͏t̡̕͠ ̶̀h̨͠͞a͘҉̡p̡̧p̀͝é́n̵̡i͞n͞g̵̕.͘ ̷͏S̷o̧r҉r̕͜y͏̷̨ ̢́k͟i̛͠d͏̴͘!̧” “But wait!” the child cried out in shock, but Dippers form was already getting blurry, and before they could say more, he vanished.
Well so much for spending time with his brother. Oh well, there´d be more chances, hopefully Henry’s next incarnation wouldn’t be as weird as this one.
 Timothy stared in disbelief at the circle where Alcor had been floating just moments earlier. Why had he left? Did Timothy say something wrong? He probably got overwhelmed by happiness when Timothy understood his feelings, and got so confused he had to leave and gather his thoughts. Or maybe just being summoned like this finally gave him the courage to confess his love, and he left to do it immediately! That had to be it, totally!  
Timothy smiled proudly to themselves, knowing that they had been able to help Alcor with his love problems. And now all that was left to do was wait for the demon to make his affair public, in the meantime though, Timothy had more fanfics to write, and this summoning had given them the perfect fic idea. It would require some really good writing skills to get it perfect though. Oh well, good thing Timothy was such a good writer…
 … In their own opinion!  
zalgo transcriptions for those who need it:
"why have you summoned me?" "I do not need your help, I am not involved in any great quest for love, and no it's not because Mizar and I are already dating in fact I'm not even interested in-" "okay, then tell me EXACTLY what you want" "and who, if I may ask, is it that you think I love?" "umm yeah that's... not happening. Sorry kid"
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josai · 7 years
Hi! You're one of my favourite writers, so I would like to know your writing process if you're okay with sharing. :)
Thank you so much anon! I had to think a little bit before answering this one - it was a great ask to get because I really had to self-reflect to figure out an answer to give you!
I have to be honest with you in that my writing process is fairly unstructured, and it really varies from piece to piece. But this is a basic overview of what my writing process looks like. It’s changed a lot over the course of the last year as I’ve tried different things and really found what works for me!
This got a bit long, so my answer is under the cut. Hopefully this can help you! :)
I used to just open up a doc when I felt like writing, start writing and see where that took me. While I still do that sometimes, I never go into writing without knowing at least a bit about what the goal is of my writing piece. I find that opening up a blank document without a plan or even a few ideas can be stressful, and it takes away my motivation to write before I even start writing! 
To start, I ask myself: What is the purpose of what I’m writing?
Now, that being said, it doesn’t have to be anything huge. Your goal doesn’t need to be writing some literary masterpiece - oftentimes the purpose of my writing is to share my feelings. Whether it is to share happy, fluffy feelings; feelings of hurt and comfort or otherwise, this is a purpose behind what I write. There are some times when I have a specific story to be told, and my purpose is to write to develop a specific character, to resolve a problem or something like that to further the plot, but personally I write less for intricate plots and more for character development.
I find having a purpose, or a goal, helps give me a vision as to where I’m going, and this helps to keep me motivated when I’m writing. (So often when I don’t have a goal, I get stuck in what’s the point of this anyway? and that’s a mindset that kills my love for things I write, so I try to get that out of the way right off the bat).
The second step of prewriting is to brainstorm. Just start getting the ideas flowing! Sometimes I’ll open up a Google Doc and just start typing in it, or I’ll write in my journal if I’m away from my computer. My phone has a pile of notes on it too, but my favourite way to brainstorm is by sharing my ideas with someone. Got a friend who’s also into the fandom you want to write for? Drop into their DMs and ask if you can share something. If you don’t, make a post on tumblr to see who is interested and then take it to DMs! I often start by just starting to drop ideas or headcanons at someone (lol sorry friends who have to sift through my shit :D) It doesn’t have to start out as a complex plot. Most of my ideas start out simply, and then as we talk and brainstorm, it builds up. I find talking with someone is so extremely helpful because not only does it help me get motivated (someone else likes the idea/is excited for it!!!) but another person will look at a story from a different perspective and give insight that I wouldn’t have gotten on my own! I am so lucky to be able to talk ideas because I know so many of my stories have become richer and better by talking them out and finding weak spots.
I don’t rush brainstorming. It doesn’t always finish in one sitting! 
Get some ideas out, then take a rest. Let it all percolate.
Open it up again and look at it with fresh eyes. I re-read often what I’ve got down to see if it flows, if it makes sense; I ask myself questions about what I have so far. I don’t know, I get caught up a lot in the details - headcanons are my thing - so I’ll go through and add. Take away, sometimes, if something doesn’t really seem to fit.
Show it to someone. Especially if I haven’t already, but even if I have, I’ll try to do it again. It doesn’t have to be someone who will beta read for spelling/grammar, either - just someone who has some spare time to take a peek at what I’ve got and read for story. Getting that little extra boost of (this sounds great! or I like this part! or, best yet - have you thought of adding this?) is awesome before starting to write. (Thank you so much to my friends who do this for me! 💖) 
Then once I’ve gotten enough brainstorming that I have a good, solid idea of what I want to write, I take it to a Google doc to actually write it out! I always copy and paste all of my brainstorming into a doc to save it. If what I’m writing is going to be a long, multi-chapter fic, I do try to organize my docs into sections so that it’s clear where I will cut off each chapter, but if I’m being honest this doesn’t always happen because I’m lazy. My docs are often just long strings of yelling, and I decide where to cut them while I’m writing. 
Here comes the hard part. I love writing, but I also acknowledge how fucking hard it can be at times. Staring at a blank doc can be one of the most stressful things while trying to write, so I try to just start. I almost always skip the introduction, because I struggle a lot with those and if I force myself to write chronologically I know I’m going to struggle, waste time and end up losing my motivation. This means I usually start in the middle, or really at any part that sticks out to me - then just write from there!
While writing, I usually listen to music, watch a show or documentary in the background or listen to one of my favourite Twitch streamers. (Bob Ross stream, anyone? Or Sugarcoatedkiss, a very soft ACNL streamer which leads to chill sounds - I find I can’t put on anything that’s too busy/loud/intense as it ends up being distracting; I do more listening than watching anyway).
How much I write in one sitting depends on a lot of things. How much time I have, how motivated I am - I try to get myself to work continuously on a fic for at least 20 minutes. If after 20 minutes, I’m still struggling and getting nowhere, I take a quick break. Get up, stretch, go outside, watch a video, talk to someone, play a bit of a game, then come back in another 20 minutes and try again.
But after 20 minutes, lots of the time I find that’s enough to get into it - and I want to keep writing as long as I can, until I’ve finished what I started. I try to do one-shots in one sitting, if I can, or a chapter, but if not it’s not a big deal. I try not to stress myself into finishing things quickly. Give it time if it needs it. It will come together when you and the piece are both ready.
Once I’ve finished my draft, there’s only one thing left.
I hate editing. I think anyone who knows me can probably tell you that. I can’t tell you how often I used to write a piece and then just post it - often I wouldn’t even re-read the entire thing. It’s hard when you’re excited about your piece and want to share it, but I know that if I take the time to edit, the quality of my work is going to go up exponentially; so I really do try to do it.
After finishing my work, I re-read it at least once and share it with someone. Have someone who is cool beta reading? That’s great! If not, anyone who will read even just for content is so helpful. Another set of eyes is so good to see things you’ve missed. Not just spelling errors - but scenes that need more detail, small things that may be missing, or even just repetition and using the same words too many times.
If I’m not sure about a piece, I’ll sleep on it and take a look fresh the next day, but usually I’m pleased enough by this point that I go ahead and post my work! I don’t work on a schedule, so I generally just post as soon as I’m finished and then hope that anyone who reads like what I’ve created!
Thank you so much for asking, anon - if you have any more specific questions feel free to ask. I’m so glad you like my writing, and really flattered you would think of me as one of your favourite writers!
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years
Chris’s Tour - Naperville, IL 7-18-17
(Otherwise known as my birthday present :)) 
I see @wowbright - is posting her photos today (yay)! I didn’t have photos, sorry guys.  But hopefully I’ll have a decent account.  
So @multsicorn came to visit me for a few days, which was absolutely delightful.  We had a nice drive to Chicago listening to Glee music, because of course.  (We also had a splendid chat on the way home).  We met up with the lovely @notthatbea (at a Barnes and Noble where my old store manager works now apparently - small world).  And delivered in a lovely box was one of @snarkyhag‘s many gifts - a bingo card for the tour.  It’s funny - except for a few spaces - there were all pretty much filled during the event. 
So - we went out to this lunch where we had bison burgers and they gave us these pickled cucumbers -- they were too vinegar-y to be cucumbers but not pickled enough to be pickles.  It was interesting.  And then we went to an icecream place that sold raw cookie dough and it was amazing.  Afterwards we met up with @leydhawk and @wowbright, who are both amazing and kind, and we had a nice chat while we stood in line for two hours. 
The event - Chris came out, all relaxed and happy (and looking good - he looks better every year I see him - and Snarky untucked I mean c’mon).  His opening speech was a little more scripted than it was the previous year (or practiced as I’m sure he says the same lines at ever event) but he was still funny and charming, and of course it’s all new to the majority of the audience.  He then read a part of his book - and was more animated, getting into the voices more, than when he read last year.  He was have a great time acting out all the parts of his story.  
Oh also! He takes a selfie as he always did.  But first, he took a photo of the crowd.  He held his camera up - and bam - Notthatbea and I are probably, like, upfront and close in that photo.  Cause we were sitting four rows back, but he held it up a little (so not to get the first row in the shot) and we’re pretty sure our faces are front and center.  Also - in Alla’s shot of the crowd, you can totally make out the five of us who were there! 
I believe the trivia stuff was next.   The one thing about this that I remember is that there’s a portion where the kids could try to stump Chris.  There was one little boy who pointed out a continuity error (The Pied Piper is named one thing in book 2 (?) and something else in book 6 - and the kid asked why that was.)  Chris just stood there hilariously dumbfounded and speechless (in a good way), and claimed that he needed to reread his books more.  It was a fun little moment. Also - as notthatbea reported - during this section we learned that the original title for book 6 was Happily Forever After.  
The costume contest was next.  A sweet girl in a Cinderella costume won.  There was also an amazing Cyborg Queen costume (that came in second imo) and Morina - who’s horns kept falling off (poor girl - she had a great costume though. Chris, as usual, delighted at everyone, as I’m sure this is one of his favorite portions.  We had two rows of kids go up there - and most of them were really awesome costumes.  
Now - okay - there was one really awkward moment, though, during this.  The people from the news site that shall not be named were there and in the front row (I know it was them because they took video over everything, claimed it was their own stuff, and posted it on their site - even though Chris’s people explicitly told us not to take video).  Two of the posse got up for the costume contest.  One of them was wearing a ‘likes boys’ tshirt, and was obviously supposed to be Kurt.  The other one was dressed as kind of a hipster - I have no idea what they were going for - I don’t think it was anyone in TLoS.   Anyway - omg - second hand embarrassment.  Chris - amazing that he is - ignored them completely.  (This is also why he pretty much ignored the entire front row the entire night despite them throwing comments out to him throughout the night.)  I don’t know what they were trying to do pulling that - but c’mon.  But what can I expect from people deliberately ignoring his wishes. 
Anyway -- then we got the Q and A session, which was much, much longer than last year - it was nearly twenty minutes long.  And, cause my memory is perfect,  here’s what came up: 
A girl asked that if he wasn’t doing a movie, would he consider doing a musical.  He deadpanned a no, but then said it would have been a possibility.  He also mentioned that he was ‘in talks about something but then they stopped talking’.  I don’t know if this was TLoS related or not though.  
He was asked if he would appear in the movies (like Stan Lee!) and he said maybe as a troll or something, but he doesn’t want to play a major role. 
Someone asked how many publisher rejections he got for Wishing Spell.  (And his face was like, dayum, okay...) But he mentioned that being on TV helped with that, so he got zero.  But he did have to convince the publisher that he could write. 
His movie is going to be live action with real people (though he joked that ‘real people’ is a matter of opinion as well)
The acting v writing question again - and he said his standard I love them both answer, though he did remark that people keep wanting him to choose one but he really can’t. 
A 12yo girl asked what his favorite Glee performance was.  This time he answered Lucky Star cause he got to fly around.  Also - he and June Squibb are still besties. :) 
A unique question - someone asked if he knew anything about the TLoS characters that weren’t in the book.  It stumped him for a little bit, then said he had ideas for a prequel series, so he didn’t want to give much away.  But apparently there was a lot of drama with the fairy council.  Also - Mother Goose’s magic is not what it seems - and he hopes he lives long enough to eventually tell that story, lol. 
Someone asked about casting - and Chris said they haven’t found anyone yet - but then he goes on to say that it’s strange when his job is looking at pictures of 10yos all day.  (Out of context, the way he said it sounded really creepy, and made me laugh)
A little 9yo asked what inspired him to start writing TLoS - and mostly the standard answer about his mom reading fairy tales to him, and her getting fed up with all the questions so she told him to write them himself - but he directed the answer right to her, and spoke in a way relating to her, so it was sweet.  
A girl asked about when he wrote while on Glee - and he gave his usual story about being on tour and writing a page and then running up to sing - though he made the story a little longer this time, and mentioned DSB, I Wanna Hold Your Hand, and then Single Ladies.  (Usually he just mentions Single Ladies).  (as an aside - he mentions that everyone else was just kind of going out and doing things as he stayed in and wrote - so huh) 
Will there be multiple movies - he hopes so, but they’re going to focus on one at a time. He joked with the little girl asking, though, that it was her responsibility now to make sure the first movie does well so she needs to go out and spread the word - and if it fails, totally her fault, lol 
Which book was his favorite to write - Stranger Than Fanfiction has been his absolute favorite (this surprised me), but then book 5 was his favorite in TLoS series because he got to use his own original stories he made up as a kid.  The next question was kind of a follow up - where he was asked, which of those was his favorite.  And he can’t really choose (3 way tie between the three he made up as a kid).  Galaxy Queen is the one he created recently for book 5, but the rest were stories he made up when he was a kid. 
How’d he get the names Alex and Conner - same kind of answer as usual, Alex was originally Amy after a cousin, but then there was a new cousin named Alex.  Conner was from a character he played in community theater. 
Will he write more books like Starbordia? - Maybe? It’s a possible spin off idea.  (Side note - he didn’t sound that interested in the idea though) 
Favorite books growing up - Harry Potter, of course, but Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan - and he mentions Eva Ibbotson, who I’m not familiar with - but who is a British author who writes a lot of young, young children books (I’d say stuff for 6-9yos) 
Conner and Alex are both him, and the arguments they have are like arguments he has in his head. 
Someone asked him to sing - of course he said no, and that if he did it for one, he’d have to do it for all of them, and that’s just too much pressure.  Then, the front row yelled that he had a voice like an angel - to which he replied that his dog and cat don’t feel the same way cause they run out of the room when he starts singing.  He did say, to the original person asking, and the audience in general, that he was happy that people enjoyed his voice.  
Alright - so then this delightful 13yo girl, who was a bit Red-like, came up and basically pitched herself as an actress who’d be happy to be in his movie.  It was hilarious.  He asked if she’d be happy being a tree - and she said yes, and that her people will contact him.  Her question, though, was about how Glee impacted his writing.  And he joked that Glee made him so famous, that he couldn’t leave his house, so he had nothing better to do than write.  But more so, he talked about how acting helped him hear the voices of his characters better.  But also that writing helped with acting, so you can create backstory for your characters. 
What is he most excited to do, regarding the movies? He’s super excited about walking out on sets and seeing these places he only imagined become real. 
What songs does he listen to while writing? Film scores!! Including Danny Elfman and, my personal favorite which I totally listen to all the time to write, y’all know this, Hans Zimmer.  
So yeah - that’s the Q and A.  He was very sweet and engaged during the entire thing, which was awesome to see. 
He wrapped up by doing another reading, this time from the Mother Goose diaries.  The thing that stuck out to me about this was that he was reading an entry about Amelia Earheart - where she said she faked her own death and went away to an island because fame got too much for her, and she wanted to live peacefully away from everything for the rest of her days.  (hmm - Chris....) 
So that’s the event! It’s always a delight to see him - and I know he loves these events more than the signings - he’s just so thrilled to be there, and there’s a ton of excitement over the film.  
After that, we all headed back home.  Was a great time, and a great birthday. :) 
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artenon · 3 years
1, 16, 20, and 21!!!
hehe thanks for sending in numbers!! putting this under a cut because it got LONG, why do i always talk too much
1. What’s your favorite character(s) to write for?
Similar to you, I like writing characters who are more introspective... Gotta love that internal narration. I like characters who are a little insecure and a little broken but who have a lot of love in their hearts. Not necessarily angsty characters! For example, Stiles (Teen Wolf) and Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) are two characters who I always have a ton of fun writing, and whose voices have always come easily to me. Dumbasses with no filter... who still manage to be introspective HAHA. On the other hand, I also really enjoyed writing Saïx (Kingdom Hearts) in my sea-salt fam fics. Saïx is (arguably) Not a dumbass. I like that he talks a little more formally and his internal narration has a very different flow than characters like Stiles, but it's still very nice to write.
16. What fanfic tropes do you avoid writing for?
Good question. It's always easy to think of things you like rather than the things you don't like! At least, I Try not to expend too much of my time/energy on things I don't like. I avoid super dark themes or heavy angst such as major character death, simply because I am too softhearted to handle them. I probably write my characters being too emotionally mature and openly communicative but miscommunication hurts me (UNLESS it is a comedy of errors, in which case it fills me with glee) so I also tend to avoid major miscommunications in my fics and seek sources of tension elsewhere. I'm generally not a fan of hatesex so you probably won't catch me writing it, as well as enemies to lovers without a strong friendship step in between. Are these all tropes? Sometimes I get confused hahah.
If we're talking about Teen Wolf specifically (because that is what I have been mainly reading/writing lately), I have a whole list of fandom-specific tropes that are simply not to my preference and so will likely not show up in my fics. Not sure I should air them all out lmaoooo but to give a hopefully not-controversial (/sweats) example, one of them is magical Stiles. I'm picking this one as an example because I am actually currently writing a magical Stiles fic, so exceptions can happen, clearly.
20. What feedback makes you the happiest to hear?
I view any (positive) feedback as a super kind gift, and I'm really happy and grateful to receive them, but if I have to be honest about the type that makes me the happiest? It's the comments that go beyond the surface content of the story and compliment the writing itself. The flow, the word choice, the dialogue, the characterization; specific passages and turns of phrase; other aspects I'm forgetting to list. Picking out and commenting on anything like that super touches me.
21. Is there an idea you’ve always wanted to write, but haven’t yet?
LOL WHY ARE YOU PUTTING ME ON BLAST, THERE ARE FAR TOO MANY!! How is it that I feel like I'm bad at coming up with ideas, and yet I'm constantly drowning in a sea of WIPs and ideas that never left the planning stage?
Actually, I realized the answer as I typed that: It's because I move onto my next fandom and have trouble coming up with new ideas, but I still carry with me ideas from previous fandoms that I'm still fond of. Now imagine this pile of ideas has been accumulating for... years (we're not going to talk about how long I've been writing fanfiction). So I say I have trouble coming up with ideas, but I also have a years-old backlog because I am bad at finishing fic but also bad at letting go.
ANYWAY, to answer the question, I decided to list a few specific fics I want to write but haven't yet, and then some tropes/AUs I've always wanted to write but haven't yet!! For specific fics, I did pick a couple I technically started writing, but only a few hundred words (I definitely have WIPs with more progress made that I also want to finish eventually, but I figured ones with less progress are more in the spirit of "want to write but haven't yet").
(Fullmetal Alchemist) Roy/Ed Pacific Rim AU. I wrote a couple hundred words for this one and have the general outline figured out, and yet it’s been sitting unwritten because I got stuck on a key detail LOL. Anyway, Ed and Al are co-pilots, but they have to drift with other rangers as part of a training exercise. Problem is, Ed isn't drift compatible with anyone else... except, it turns out, with the Marshal, Roy Mustang.
(Kingdom Hearts) Sea-salt Fam werewolf AU. Experienced werewovles Isa and Lea take in recently-turned Roxas and Xion. Pack dynamics! Isa trying to be the alpha and protect/take care of everyone but he doesn’t know wtf he’s doing! Realizing that he’s not in this alone and that they're all there to support each other! Scenting! Cuddling! This will never be written because it doesn't have a plot, only FEELINGS!
(Kingdom Hearts) Riku/Roxas band AU. Modern/mundane AU!! Roxas is in a local band!! Riku is smitten and #Awkward!! Summer and young/first love vibes!! You made a playlist for it and it's amazing and it's been on the backburner for like 2 years but I still really want to write it!! Technically I wrote a few hundred words for this too but I want to rework some stuff in the plot so it doesn't count!!
(No fandom) Love spell AU where everyone is in love with character A, except character B, who acts totally normal around them for SOME reason. They work together to reverse the spell. Character B is either fully aware why the love spell doesn't seem to be affecting them, or they're an entire idiot and have no clue. Honestly, both are good.
(No fandom) Outsider POV fic! Outsider POV fics are fun, but I don't think I've ever written one! I don't have a specific scenario in mind, but some ideas are the POV character not understanding how A/B work together... until they really, really do. OR, POV character thinks A/B are stupid in love and omg why won't they get together already, this is just so painful—what do you mean you've been married for five years?!
(No fandom) Listen I'm not smart enough to write this so who knows if I ever will, but I still desperately want an academia AU where characters A and B drag each other in their publications only to meet at a conference and have an "OH NO THEY'RE HOT" moment. (Is this enemies to lovers? Okay, you got me, the only time I like enemies to lovers is when it's incredibly petty.)
I realized all my "want to write" specific fics are total AUs, and then I realized it's because it's easier for me to write/finish canonverse fics; I get too caught up on the DETAILS of AUs.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed my very long-winded answer, sorry I can't seem to shut up!
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