#hopefully it's somewhat coherent
whathehe11 · 9 months
This is stupid but I need to share it so here you go.
Crowley storms into the bookshop, Aziraphale is behind the front desk.
Crowley: hey Angel!
Aziraphale: yes dear?
Crowley walks over to the front desk. He has a piece of paper held in his hand.
Crowley: Look what I got!
Aziraphale looks at the piece of paper.
Aziraphale: is that a birth certificate?
Crowley: why yes it is!
Aziraphale: and why do you have a birth certificate with you?
Crowley: I wanted to have something official. Been looking at lists of dead people for years till I found a name I wanted.
Aziraphale nods. He is confused by Crowley’s desire to have a birth certificate.
Crowley: Ooh! And look at the name. That’s the best part!
Aziraphale grabs the paper and brings it closer to his face.
Aziraphale: where on earth did you find a birth certificate saying Anthony Janthony Crowley!?
Crowley is smug but stays silent.
Aziraphale: Crowley.
Crowley: yes
Aziraphale: where did you get this birth certificate from.
Crowley: I told you. The death register.
Aziraphale lifted an eyebrow. He looked more intently at Crowley’s face. Trying to see what was missing.
Aziraphale: is this what you were doing when you were a nurse forty years back!?
Crowley: whatever could you mean?
Aziraphale: you were changing the names on birth certificates weren’t you. How many times have you done this!?
Crowley: in my defence I only changed the names when the parents gave their kids stupid names. I couldn’t let those kids walk around with names like ‘Ahmiracle’ or ‘Heaven Lee’. Dreadful those are. And people call me a demon.
Aziraphale was about to speak but Crowley cut him off.
Crowley: besides. I had to balance the good with some mischief and get myself a good identity.
Aziraphale: crowley
Crowley: yes, Angel.
Aziraphale: how many Anthony Janthony Crowleys are there walking on earth right now?
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atrueneutral · 28 days
On a scale from 0-100, how Down Bad™️ is Raphael for Tav?
He did it to himself. HWBASK!Raphael Down Badness™️ under the cut.
Chapter 1: As entertained as I am by the mouse, she’s a tool, nothing more. She will get me what she wants she- she did what? How dare she! I will make her suffer, I will make her break…
Chapter 2: Poor thing - all alone, so defenseless as she sleeps. And without her stolen goods to keep her comfort, tsk tsk. I could kill her now… were that I one to debase myself in senseless murder... Bah, where would the fun in that be? What I have planned is far more interesting…
Chapter 3: She’s here! How I’ve waited for and dreamed of this day (for a year she’s cursed my thoughts)! Everything is going as planned and will go as planned! She will suffer, she will break!
Chapter 5: Oh… the mouse looks tantalizing in this bed she made. Shame we’re going to be late. Mm, she’s trying to get a reaction out of me and-- damn her. Rhys or his Collection will not taste her before I have! There! I have marked her! And she will not be anyone else's!
Damn it all! I am a fool for going against my plan, but I need to remind Rhys that my the mouse is not to be killed…
I want more of her…
Chapter 6: It's a weakness to admit I don't like seeing her injured, however it's only because the harm wasn’t inflicted by my hand. I’ll whisk her off to the boudoir where I can watch her bathe before teasing her with an element of the next act.
What is it with this soiled blanket? Ah, it was theirs. Now I am being inundated with thoughts of them…
Begone, spawn...
Chapter 7: Mm, I do like seeing her naked. And I like conversing with her - she amuses me, nothing more. I'll mark her again to assert myself and my role in her life - I have defined it by the terms: the mark is to stay for the entirety of our time together! Which is eternity! Her soul will be mine... Chapter 8: She continues to amuse me with these threats. She'll break my toes? Ha! I won't go to her, though I know she wishes to see me... I wish to see her... but this distance I'm putting between us is necessary. I fear what she could do to me... She forces my hand by throwing Others in my face! By removing MY mark! I will not be removed! Ah, of course she's put together my involvement with the vampire spawn. And she thinks to threaten me with this blade? Foolish woman. A mere bluff - she wouldn't. I can tell she is aware of it, too... this... this thing between us... this tension that the barest touch of her knife would cut...
She's being a coward...
Allow me to be the knife.
We will both give in to this need.
Afterwards, I will continue on this path to destroy her...
For she's destroying me.
My little mouse...
Chapter 9: She's spending too much time dancing with the Ravengard boy... It's fine - I will have (all of) her attention soon. In the meantime, I will help myself to her body (a gift I crave more and more these days), and my touch will remind her that though she's in the Ravengard boy's arms, I am there. Hm... she will forsake her ribbon and show my claim on her if I resist my urges? Very well. This concession of mine will be but a sample of the more formal and physical declaration that she. is. mine.
I suffer to be in the same room as her - she's intoxicating. I wish to touch her... but there is business to be done... I can't help myself - my control wavers whenever she is near. I must taste her.
What has she done?
Chapter 10: I'm not in love with her. She'll suffer. She'll break...
Chapter 11: She's in love with me? She's in love with me. She's mine!
Chapter 12: She hates me but she loves me. I will ensure that we will be together! For eternity! But to Hells with this accursed hope in my chest that she will choose to be with me...
Should she make the wrong choice, I will make the correct one for her. I will not be without what I now know I can have.
Chapter 13: Stubborn and foolish woman! Damn you, Tav! For making me... no, I cannot, will not admit to it... Let this prove it to you.
Chapter 14: I detest her. She's gone, leaving me with this insufferable ache... I can't do anything but think of her. She's gone and marred my existence with her existence.
What could have been...
Yes, I detest her.
I will give her a gift... aside from my mark on her neck...
Daggers in shades of green - a color that will remind her of the soul she'd lost and the soul I'd returned, and a color that will forever remind me of our dance.
I wish to consume her as she's consumed me.
I wish-
She's made her choice...
She's mine.
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genesisgijinka · 6 months
Do you have any tips for drawing backgrounds? Yours always look so nice
aww thank you! As for tips...
Tip #1:
Find references. I sketched the cover for chapter 4 three different times, because the first two didn't evoke the majesty of the Prism Tower in the way I wanted it to. And then I saw this
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I think you can see how this translated into the cover
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Tip #2:
Do studies. Be it from photos (your own or from a royalty free website like pixabay, but watch out for AI garbage bc the perspective is usually wrong) or from real life. It's not cheating, it's encouraged, and it's industry standard. Idc if you have photographic memory, get something from real life in front of your eyeballs and draw it. Try and keep your reference close to your drawing so that it's easier for your eyes to flick back and forth between the two. This is how you can train your eyes to really see what's going on in an image. Compare angles, shapes, sizes, and distances.
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I use clip studio paint for Genesis, which has perspective rulers and they're super handy for speeding up the process (first image) and again, is not cheating. It's a tool to use in your arsenal. A little tricky to use, but once you get it down, it's fantastic. I also really recommend using other mediums, like a sketchbook and a sharpie (2nd image) or dinking around in Paint (3rd image). Limiting yourself in challenging ways is a great way to grow fast. Experimenting like this is also great for finding a style or technique that you click with
Tip #3:
Be aware of the cone of vision. This is a technical skill, but it's one of those things that you don't necessarily have to draw out every single time (tho I'd recommend doing it at least once to burn it into your memory better). If your drawing is looking wonky, the cone of vision being breached is a likely culprit. I'll link a video to someone who can explain how to do it better than I can.
Tip #4:
Learn how to draw things the same size in perspective. This is probably the thing I use the most. For example;
You have a tiled floor in a room. The lines going to the vanishing point are easy to do.
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But how do you do the horizontal ones going across the floor?
Step 1: draw two horizontal lines, and put an X in one of them, going from corner to corner
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Step 2: Going from the center of the X, trace a line back to the vanishing point
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Step 3: from one corner, draw a line that goes through where that center line hits the tile edge
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Step 4: at the end of this new line is where the next tile will start
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Step 5: Rinse and repeat as needed
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Ta-da! You now have tiles that are all the same size
This also works for vertical things like windows or telephone poles
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One of the most useful applications I've found this trick for is making sure that everything is the right size. Sticking a person in a drawing is an instantly recognizable way to show scale
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Whilst sketching the cover for ch 4, I'd accidentally made the doors way too small in the buildings in the back, so I slapped some people down to make sure they were the right height (This is in 3-point perspective, so the trick still works, regardless of if it's 1-, 2-, or 3-pt perspective owo b )
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sophsun1 · 28 days
every time i get an ask about my gif making process firstly im shocked that anyone wants my advice i am always of the belief that my gifs suck lmao. but mostly i'm so incoherent at explaining myself and i don't even really have a process per se i never know what im doing until im in photoshop and the screencaps are staring at me 😆
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(Answering that Other ask gave me the motivation to answer this one as well)
Thank you for the ask, it was a TON of fun, even If it took me forever to answer. Also, a little warning, this Post is LONG as HECK and Kind of rambly
Revalink- Ship It!!!!!!!
What made you ship it?
I played Breath of the Wild in 2021 during the lockdown because I was finally bored enough I guess? (Funfact, I actually hated Botw before it came Out, because I was a little hater and didn't Like that the Zelda formula was changing lolol). The important takeaway Here is, that I already knew the Story and all memory cutscenes before I played it. The Other cutscenes Not included were new to me, however.
Revali was the first Champion I ended up saving (revali's gale is the best ability and I needed it for the towers). I was faintly aware of the existence of Revalink but never seriously considered it. Now while I was freeing the Terminals and got Bits and pieces of dialogue I thought that it was funny to interpret Revali having a crush on Link and that being the reason he's so mean to him. And it is funny tbh, but at that Point it was Just a joke to me.
And then came the fight against Wind blight, and oh. The dialogue right before?? The dialogue after?????? I should mention at this point that I played the Game in German, so many translations were different. In english, right before the fight, Revali said something along the lines of "Good luck (...) I only lost because I was winging it" and german He tells Link to be careful ("be careful, you hear me?")(also the delivery of that line, bro, voice actor was Not messing around) This in on itself didn't make me ship it, but it Set the tone.
The scene after the fight when Revali is saved and gives Link His gale... I almost dont know how to Put it into words, but the tension in this Scene? When He Looks at Link as If waiting for him to say something? When He Turns around "nevermind Just Go"??? It feels Like there are so many Things left unsaid, Like There's so much more to be said, even though their relationship is technically wrapped up at this point? It honestly caught me so off guard. Not one Scene with any of the Other Champions has this Kind of tension, Not even mipha (who is a Love interest for Link).
Well, then I went on Tumblr and my fate was basically sealed, lol.
TL:DR: because I played the game
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I Love the Potential of this ship! Theres so many ways how this can be insanely funny (this is one sided rivals to lovers, does it get any better than that?), it can be so incredible sad (death!! Amnesia!! Letting Go!!! One sided!!! Unspoken!!! Not meant to be!!! Lots of Other Things Im forgetting!!)
Its INSANE how Well they Work together, especially since I doubt it was done on purpose.
I have so many more thoughts, but I can't Put them together properly, so I'll leave it at that. The next point is Sort of a continuation of what I Love about this ship anyway
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
The fact that this ship isnt Canon and will/can never be canon is actually one of the best things about it, in my opinion (dont know If its an unpopular opinion)
It fits right in, in a way.
I Love it when two characters are written in a way, were they Sort of complete each other. Where they Share parallels, goals, have opposing personalities that still Match somehow, where they are each Others Drive and Motivation. Where their Stories Just fit so Well together that you know that they were clearly written for each other.
Link and Revali were Not meant to work Well together, Not Like this at least. Of course Revali was written as a foil to Link (correct me If I'm wrong please, I think this was the Case), so them being opposing is intentional.
If you think about these characters for a certain amount of time, Just slightly more in depth, you will find yourself with the revelation that they are so very similar, they would likely be able to be friends If they Just worked through their differences. But they never do! They never have the time/ are too caught Up in pushing others away in their own ways. They could have been something, but never ended Up being.
This ties so nicely into the theme of destiny and fate (kinda.... I feel Like despite setting this Up as a theme, botw doesnt really Go anywhere with it, so it mostly works nicely in fanfiction and such... Although, If you think I missed something about botw, pls let me know. I'm Not an expert on themes)
Theyre doomed by the narrative and the narrative Said they could never be, so they never were (Its kinda fun how that element is true in the real world as Well as in game)(is what I'm getting at)(theyre Not written as Love interests but MAN do they Work as a romantic couple)(cruel, poetic, amazing, ughhh?!???)(them working Well together as a couple was a coincidence, which again, opposes the destiny thing)(this ship has me in a chokehold, can you Tell)
I'm Just saying a bunch of words, I Hope they make sense... I might have also went off the rails a bit... Eh
If you're still here, thank you so much for reading!!
I do actually really Love answering my Inbox and playing ask games, pls dont let my imcompetence to answer them in a timely manner discourage you from sending one😅😅
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skoulsons · 1 year
im choosing ignorance for right now but will cover it at the end of this (this being a whole essay 💀)
So, it looks like Baylan has a green kyber crystal in his belt. This post and others have pointed it out
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Obviously, this begs the question of whom did it belong to? Immediately the thought would be Baylan’s. He was a padawan of the Jedi Order, trained into knighthood, and eventually a general during the Clone Wars. He created his own lightsaber hilt and (maybe, idrk exactly how it works forgive me) chose his own crystal. And, even if he didn’t, it was still a part of who he was for that portion of his early life.
We learned last episode he misses the idea of the Order. With Baylan, there’s a heavy amount of sentimentality associated with the Jedi, especially if we believe (which I do wholeheartedly) that he lost a padawan.
But that’s what begs the other question—is the crystal from his padawan? Did he take it from his padawans lightsaber and keep it for himself to carry on the memory of that kid (who i like to think was a female but that’s the girldad lover in me speaking)? Was it motivated by grief? Has he allowed himself to grieve at all, and if not, was taking the crystal his way of avoiding that emotion?
Or was it motivated by grief? There is no emotion, only peace. Is that when he ditched the code? How could he have any sort of peace after losing his padawan? Or, did he find that peace in keeping the crystal?
But then there’s my other question—what’s the significance of it? Dave Filoni, from what I’ve seen, is intentional. I don’t think adding what looks like a green kyber crystal in Baylan’s belt is just some sort of happenstance that didn’t have any thought behind it.
And, with Baylan’s character, it’s way too significant. When it comes to how he feels about the Jedi, how he seems to actually feel a little bad about having to kill Ahsoka in episode 2. His relationship with Shin. The padawan braid. It all screams significance to me.
So, when it comes to significance, what role is it going to play by the end of the show? I really cannot see it being included and making Baylan’s character so nuanced and intriguing and then not doing anything with it.
Mundi and I were talking about this earlier today. I mentioned these main two points, but also this-
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And then Mundi had to drive the stake further through my heart and twist it around by basically saying what if Baylan’s dying act was giving Shin his crystal (still thinking about this mundi THANKS)
I said a stretch at first, but it doesn’t seem too far-fetched anymore (except for her becoming fully good). Now, I don’t want Baylan to die. He’s the last character I want to die and I love him, BUT…
How he dies? I have no idea. Thrawn, Morgan, Enoch? Ahsoka, Sabine, Ezra? Betrayed by Shin? (very doubtful i feel) I think there’s a lot of options of how it could happen, if the cards are played right.
So if we think that’s the case, Shin is around when he dies or mortally wounded. Maybe she sees it happen to him like how he saw it happen to his last padawan. Shin is distraught, the most emotion we see from her because, well, it’s Baylan who’s trained her and borderline raised her, and they have a moment together before he passes. Baylan makes her take the crystal (which would hit a lot harder if it is his original one and did not belong to his padawan) and they have some sappy goodbye that’ll have me crying for six weeks.
We’ve also all talked about how Shin and subtext from some of her lines that indicates some sort of… longing or curiosity regarding the Jedi. If, within the last two episodes, those are confirmed or it’s revealed that Baylan could sense that feeling in Shin, i think (assuming he does die in this way) giving her his crystal makes sense.
Maybe she keeps it as sentimental in her own belt as I don’t see her turning fully to the Light in the show. But, if there’s another season, who knows.
Going back four paragraphs, I believe if it were Thrawn or Morgan who killed him or orchestrated his death, Shin would not follow them back. She’d go with Ahsoka and the Gang TM home in the purrgil mouths. She clearly hates Peridea and, if Ahsoka and the crew are there to witness Baylan’s death (for whatever reason), they could have sympathy on Shin maybe and help her home.
OK. I hope that covered those thoughts in a somewhat coherent fashion. Here’s where that chosen ignorance comes in.
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Shin’s braid. An anon actually sent a link to a tweet with both this AND the Baylan one in one post, so thank you nonnie for that!
Anyway. Shin’s braid. Three (four?) green kyber crystals.
Did they, for some reason, come from Baylan? Did he just have a cluster of them and he gave her a few to include in her braid?
If the braid was her idea, did she want them included in it? Did they still come from Baylan if that’s true? Did she want to feel that connected to the Jedi from the start of her apprenticeship with Baylan to include them in her braid?
If the braid was Baylan’s idea, did he include them? Weave them through the strands? Did he talk to her about including them? Including crystals in a padawan braid wasnt traditional, to my knowledge (not that they are traditional jedi). Was it some sort of selfish choice? Was the ghost of his padawan still lingering in the middle of these two that he felt he had to?
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euphorial-docx · 8 months
i don’t really know how to articulate this but sometimes it frustrates me that autism is almost a “mainstream” thing now?
like people use the terms “neurospicy” or “acoustic” or whatever so brazenly, and now whenever an autistic person talks about their experience people think it’s “not bad” because neurotypical people are using autistic terminology or slang terms for behaviors that aren’t necessarily indicative of disabilities.
it’s like when people say they’re “disassociating” when they’re really just zoning out, or say they’re ocd because they just like organizing. it’s not the same thing and yet it’s becoming the face of those disabilities. they’re just fun words to neurotypicals, and then i get called dramatic for using them to describe how my disability negatively impacts my life.
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cherubchoirs · 1 year
Fallen Angel brothers!!! God I bet their designs would all look amazing! They are all in this together willing to toughen out even the worst punishments! I wonder if Raphael would stay super positive, or if Uriel would find different ways to read. Maybe Gabriel and Uriel could stay together sometimes since they are now opposites.
(see this!)
ouuuughhh honestly i do want to try to design them at some point, bc i have a rough idea what they would all look like now. i did talk a little bit about their dynamics here, but i really love the potential of them reuniting as a family....except they've all fallen. like they do need to rely on each other and they obviously have that foundation from the eons they spent as a cohesive unit, in fact it's natural for them...but they've basically been separated now for centuries and they all have the stress of being fallen to contend with. raphael IS absolutely trying to stay positive, but his fatigue can leave him too exhausted to mediate constantly and, being fallen, he also discovers he's got his limits (i have to imagine the first time raphael yells is VERY effective at defusing the situation though lol) i think they all sort of realize that they're each suffering and dealing with constant punishment now, so, fittingly, they need grace more than ever. gabriel's freezing, uriel's on fire, raphael's sick, and michael's basically a vampire. if they could be convinced to get along (ie, if MICHAEL can get along), i actually think they'd begin to care for each other in new ways.
the thing is, despite being a unit, the archangels are all rather independent in how they operate - uriel would alert them of trouble, gabriel would fight the threat, michael would bind it, and raphael would heal the damage afterward. and in battle, they all know their exact positions - uriel and raphael in the back for magic assault and restoration respectively, while gabriel and michael hold the frontline with their graceful close combat. but now, in hell...i think they need more direct support from one another. gabriel and uriel definitely learn very quickly that if they both need some relief, they can stick close together and mitigate some of their respective punishment (uriel can READ he can read!!!! i like the idea too that gabriel actually figures out how to freeze books to help them stand up to uriel's temperatures) raphael absolutely gets in the habit of carrying blood with him in case michael needs some (he's at first offended by the idea of needing to be cared for, but he's pretty grateful the first time it comes in handy), and i just KNOW they all want to be sure raphael gets his rest - he feels guilty for slowing them down so often, but they all assure him they need the rest just as much. and michael absolutely attempts to take on way too much once he fully accepts their situation, trying to at least be a perfect big brother but also because, in a way, he feels his punishment is the easiest to deal with. it's hard to get him to slow down because of it, but i think raphael figures out fairly early on that he can fake sick and michael will stick by him to keep him safe (TRULY a demon of fraud!!!!)
SO YEA....i really love them coming together as a family in new ways, ways they never had to when so much else was taken care of for them. they have to carve their own path now and honestly, in some capacity, they can actually be much closer than even god made them to be. michael would PREFER if that family didn't now include v1, but maybe he can eventually reach a grudging acceptance of it when he sees how happy it makes gabriel. it maybe not be the in-law any of them wanted, but somehow it, unfortunately, seems to suit them.
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kirfuffel · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Omoi/Rock Lee Characters: Omoi (Naruto), Rock Lee Additional Tags: Military, Peril, Minor Injuries, Damsels in Distress, Pre-Relationship, First Meetings, Rare Pairings, Child Soldiers Summary:
Omoi finds himself in a bit of a jamb and is contemplating his options when an unlikely (and frankly very strange) savior comes to his rescue.
For @narutorarepairweek​ | Day 1: Promises
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Omoi breathed out the pain in his chest that was radiating from his back. He forced his eyes open, blinked and squinted through the settling dust. His heart was racing and he could feel every single beat in his ribs. He took stock of his body — noting that everything felt like it was there, just based on how much everything was aching from the fall.
His left ankle, however, was hurting a lot more than the rest of him.
He put his arms under him and pushed himself up onto his forearms, looking down to see what the problem was.
And it was a problem.
Several large stones were piled up in front of him and on his leg. While it absolutely hurt, he could tell that nothing was actually broken— or worse, crushed to bits. He breathed in and let it out like he could breathe out the pain. He tried to pull his foot back, but it didn’t budge. He pulled a little harder, and he felt a promising shift in the stones.
A few pebbles hit the top of his head.
He looked up.
Staring down at him was a boulder looming precariously just a few feet above him. So close he could reach up and touch it if he wanted.
He did not want to.
His eyes followed the length of the boulder down to its source and— sure enough— its heavy base was lodged directly over the rocks trapping his foot.
Omoi’s heart rate jumped even higher. He could feel the sweat start beading on his temples. Though usually he could think of a hundred different scenarios, only two came to mind now.
If he pulled his leg out, he’d be crushed.
Or he could do nothing and wait for his squadron to come find him.
If they came looking for him. This was a large operation and had to be executed perfectly and precisely on time in order to work and avoid alerting the target. Omoi was not a major component of the operation. If he did not show up at the designated rendezvous point, finding him was not going to be a priority until after the operation had been completed.
And while it was meant to be a fast, debilitating attack to wipe out the opposition, there would be hours of review to ensure no one had escaped the field. While it was possible that someone came upon him during the sweep, it was not going to be any time soon.
And would likely not be soon enough.
Omoi carefully lowered himself back down onto his back. He stared up at the boulder and it stared back at him.
What if it fell now? Would it be fast? Would he even know it happened?
What if it wasn’t heavy enough to smash him? What if it was just heavy enough to crush him, a slow and excruciating suffocation.
Or what if it wasn’t even heavy enough to do that? What if it was just big enough to hide him, so that no one could see him even if they did come across him? What if he just had to sit there— trapped under this rock— until he starved to death?
Then again. There was a third scenario. If his foot was the problem, he could just… cut it off. But what then? What if he cut his foot off and the boulder fell anyway? What if he cut off his foot and escaped, but bled out? How would he get back to the rendezvous point with one foot? Could he traverse the mountains with one foot? What if the operation had failed and there were enemy shinobi fleeing the attack and his blood lead them to him and he was taken as a hostage as a means to negotiation?
A wouldn’t negotiate with that, would he? What if he did? Did Omoi want that?
Omoi’s heart was beating so fast it was making him lightheaded and the edges of his vision were blurring. He closed his eyes. He felt like he needed to be panting, but he could hardly breathe in. Maybe the boulder had actually fallen and he was being crushed now—
“Are you alright?!”
Omoi’s eyes snapped open and his head snapped back. Kneeling over him was… a boy? Tan skin, round eyes, shiny dark hair and crazy thick eyebrows. He was staring intensely down at Omoi, practically unblinking.
What the hell kind of hallucination was this supposed to be?
Omoi’s eyes snapped back.
“Are you alright!” The boy insisted.
Omoi didn’t answer right away. He looked around him, like maybe he’d wrongly assessed the situation, then looked back at the boy and said, “No.”
“Right! Do not worry. My name is Rock Lee, and I will get you out of here!”
“Okay.” Omoi watched the boy stand back up, then quickly asked, “Wait, how?”
“Not to worry! I am very strong!”
“How strong?”
The boy trotted a bit away. Was he wearing a green onesie? And orange leg warmers? Again, what kind of hallucination was this supposed to be?!
The boy fell into a deep crouch, one foot bent behind him into the stone floor like a tightened spring. “Please shield your eyes!”
Omoi was going to die here. He averted his eyes and raised his arms. He vaguely heard a couple of footsteps, then a brief moment of silence—
The impact was practically an explosion, and hundreds of tiny shards rained down on Omoi’s hands and arms— some leaving tiny cuts like thin razors. He carefully opened his eyes and saw the rubble lying around him, like someone had showered the ground with gravel. He lowered his arms and saw the boy standing over him, almost as if he had been shielding him.
“That was not so bad!” The boy exclaimed, reaching a hand down. “You are safe now!”
“Uh…” Omoi looked around. All around him were shattered pieces of the boulder that had seconds ago been threatening his life and— to one side— all that was left were a few large rocks nearly fifteen feet away. He looked back up. “I… guess so…”
“You are! Do not worry.” The boy open and closed his outstretched hand a few times. “Come on!”
“I… I need to get my leg.”
“Huh?” The boy looked behind him. “Oh! Of course! Allow me!”
The boy walked over and—like he was moving blankets— shoved the rocks piled on Omoi’s ankle off to the side. He did a quick inspection, then turned back around with a thumbs up. “Your foot is still there!”
That actually made Omoi feel a bit better. He sat up, his body still stiff from the fall. He pulled his leg back and winced as his ankle turned. His foot may have still been there, but something was definitely wrong with it.
But it was there.
“How do you feel?”
“Uh…” Omoi took inventory of himself, looking at his hands. “Not… bad. Not… I’m not dead. Everything is still attached so… Good?”
“That is the spirit! Optimism is a core tenet of Youth!” The boy pointed at his ankle. “What about your foot? You winced a moment ago.”
“Huh? Oh. Yeah. It’s probably fractured.” Omoi put his other foot on the ground, trying to stand up.
The other boy pushed him back down. “Then we must brace it until medical attention is available! Do not worry! I have wrapped many injured ankles!”
“I… okay.” Omoi sat and watched as the boy unwrapped the white fabric from his own hands. “I… I’m sorry, what did you say your name was?”
“Rock Lee! The Handsome Devil of the Hidden Leaf!” The boy carefully lifted Omoi’s leg, sliding his own underneath to support it as he began wrapping Omoi’s injury. “And who are you?”
Omoi’s hand instinctively came up to his neck, covering the mark on his band.
“Do not worry so much. I know the vest of the Hidden Cloud when I see it.” Lee looked up sharply. “And I also know how the Hidden Cloud has acted against the Leaf in the past! I have not forgotten!”
“That’s… that’s fair. So then what’s all this?” Omoi gestured vaguely at the situation.
“I was not raised to walk away when I can act. Our villages are enemies and we may be enemies in the future, but this is where we are now.”
“That… makes sense. I’m lucky you came along. Who knows what would’ve happened otherwise.”
“It is my pleasure.”
“It’s Omoi, by the way.”
“Oh. Well, it is good to meet you, Omoi!”
“Likewise. So, what’s a Leaf shinobi doing around here anyway? You’re way away from home.”
“We have a mission to retrieve a representative from a town in the Land of Frost. It is well hidden, so my team and I spread out to find it.” Lee securely tucked the end of the bandage, and gently let Omoi’s leg back down. He stood up and reached an hand down for Omoi. “I am due back to report soon, but this is important as well. My team will understand!”
Omoi took it, relying heavily on Lee’s strength to pull himself back up.“There’s more of you?”
“Yes. It is me, my two teammates and my sensei.” Lee cocked an eyebrow. “You are pretty far away yourself. What brought you so far from home?”
“Oh. It’s just—“ Omoi’s stomach dropped. He grabbed Lee’s arm. “My guy, you’ve gotta get out of here.”
“What? Why?”
“You are about to get caught up in a huge military sting. The Hidden Cloud is setting up an encirclement 3 kilometers in diameter, on a target about 2 kilometers from right here.” Omoi pointed up at the sun. “At 0900, we’re going to start formation, and at 10000 hours, that encirclement is going to start tightening around the target and you cannot be here when that happens.”
“What?! That is an enormous field of engagement! What could possibly—“
“That’s really not important. The point is you’ve got to get back to your team and get them out before they’re caught up in this. I get us not being enemies right now, but the Hidden Cloud is not going to agree when they finds four Leaf shinobi spying on what is a very classified operation.”
“We are not spying—!”
“The optics are bad! Who is going to believe it was an accident! Y— this isn’t important.” Omoi pointed both hands at Lee. “Where are you meeting?”
“I—“ Lee looked up and around. He pointed sharply. “There! That tall tree was an easy landmark in these hills and gave us vantage.”
“Yeah. That’s why it’s also a major landmark in our operation.”
“What?! That cannot be! Neji is likely already there!“ Lee grabbed Omoi’s shoulders. “You do not understand! Neji cannot be found by Cloud shinobi!”
“Yeah! None of you can!”
“But Neji especially! He is a Hyuga, he has th—“ The words stopped dead in Lee’s throat.
The dead silence that shoved its way between them had knives at their backs.
Lee’s hands tightened on Omoi’s shoulders. “You had best not dare—“
“He definitely can’t be here.” Omoi looked up at the sun again. He gritted his teeth. He looked back into Lee’s steely gaze. “How good is your memory?”
Lee shoved his hand into his bag, whipping out a notebook. “I take great notes!”
“Good enough.” Omoi pointed down the side of the mountain. “About 60 meters that way, there is an opening in the mountain behind a dark rock. It’ll lead you into a path that will cut underneath the mountain and spit you out in direct line of sight of that tree. It isn’t well-known enough to be used by our targets, so it is not going to be utilized as part of this operation.”
“Right! So I will just take that!”
“No! There’s a trick. Well, four. There’s four tricks. If you get any of them wrong, you’ll be screwed and no one is going to find you like you found me. I’d go with you, but—” Omoi gestured at his ankle. He tapped Lee’s notebook. “So first: Keep your hand on the left wall, follow it until you get to a formation of three stalagmites and 2 green stalactites— you really can’t miss them, they are green. 
On the other side of them, there are three paths: take the one on the left. Put your hand on the right wall, follow it until you hit a chasm. There will be a few sets of stepping stones across it— you take the one with five. Do not take the other ones, they’ll collapse. It is going to be a wide open stretch to the exit, but there will be a sudden drop at the very end and there will be a very narrow footpath to the left side. Do not attempt to use your chakra to scale the wall, you’ll just slide off. You have to take that footpath. After that, it’s a straight shot out.”
Lee furiously scribbled down the last of the notes, nodding quickly. He looked back up. “And… and you promise this is true?”
“Yeah. You saved me, I save you.”
Lee grabbed Omoi’s wrist. “But do you promise?”
Omoi looked between Lee and his hand. He nodded, using his pinkie to make an X on his chest. “On my heart.”
Lee pressed his lips together. He let Omoi go. “… Thank you.”
“No worries, mate. Now get going!”
“One more thing!”
“If… if there is ever peace between our villages… visit. Will you?”
Omoi stared at him… for a while. Then he shrugged with a small smile. “L… likewise.”
“Right! I’m off!” Lee turned on his heel and ran, faster than he appeared to be.
Omoi watched him disappear around the curve in the mountain. He became very aware of the ache in his ankle again. He looked down at the neat binding that stabilized it. He looked back at the empty space in front of him.
He limped back to the side of the mountain and slid down, to sit out the impending operation. He really wasn’t going to be of any use anyway. And this would give him ample time to come up with a decent excuse.
He stared up into the sky, which was steadily brightening as the time of the operation was approaching. He was sure it was going to go off without a hitch. This was a classic maneuver after all, they’d done it before dozens of times.
Which meant that it was going to be airtight. If Lee did not move fast enough and he did not escape the encirclement before it closed, he’d be found. His team wouldn’t even know what was coming for them. His Hyuga friend would… well, that was reality.
And A would find out. Regardless of why he’d done it, Omoi had given intel on secret routes to an enemy shinobi and had aided in the escape of one of the Hidden Cloud’s most coveted bloodline limits. Even if they didn’t escape in the end, A would not look the other way. Whatever fate those Leaf shinobi were going to face, Omoi was going to face tenfold. A did not tolerate treason, from anyone.
Lee was fast though, based on those last few seconds at least. If he moved like that and was able to read his notes in those dim tunnels and escape, he still had time to get to that tree and get everyone out— if they could move like he did, at least.
It was a lot of what ifs. A lot of points of failure. A lot of luck. The possibility of success was low.
But it was not zero.
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📥? :3
ah. hm.
what color/pattern/theme do you associate with ford and/or stan?
(theme as in. space, ocean, forest, things like that)
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harbingerofwhump · 1 year
Your new tumblr name (title? pseudonym?) is terribly intriguing will you please share your wisdom/headcanon
Ahahaha, so, I have to be honest it came more from an inside joke with a couple friends than a specific "kaz is a femboy" headcanon. But also, I think it works well with Thoughts/headcanons that I've had about Kaz anyway so I stand by it lmao, so!
I've kind of always imagined Kaz as being very gnc (if not trans or enby). He presents himself however is convenient for him in the moment (for jobs, cons, etc.), or to make a statement (mocking the merchers), but when the way he presents doesn't really matter, that all goes out the window. Which doesn't have to be tied to Femboy Kaz but it can be, and I think he'd very much be the kind of person to say "fuck gender norms I do what I want" (insert tangent about autistic!kaz and social norms/expectations in general here) and at some point he realizes that what he wants is to wear pretty dresses and makeup thank you very much
And it can serve a purpose beyond personal feelings too! It's no 'mock the merchers and make them uncomfortable by dressing as one of them' but I think he still could (and would) use it to make a point and as a a sort of... act of rebellion? (since we have at least some indication that sexism/misogyny is prevalent at least to some extent in the grishaverse), especially if he found out any of his crew (crows or otherwise) had been having problems with it. Like just, him whole-heartedly embracing femininity and making it everyone else's problem, he knows it doesn't change anything, it isn't a weakness or something to hide/be ashamed of --- in him or anyone else --- etc., and he will gladly make other people uncomfortable with that and put them in the position of having to either face that or do mental gymnastics to hold on to their preconceived ideas
Also also also! I dunno I just generally have feelings about like…. As Kaz starts to heal, he has to open up not just to his friends but also to himself? If that makes sense? Like he has to figure out who he is as a person, just himself --- no 'I live to exact revenge in Jordie's name', no masks/personas, no Dregs, no Inej and Jesper & Co., just. Him.
(Which isn't to say these aren't still critical aspects of/don't have a critical role in who he is, but. Ya know. There's more to it, he has to figure out who he is beyond that, etc. I'm definitely not explaining this well but hopefully my point is getting across?)
Anyway, sorry, bit of a tangent there. Point is, I think his healing journey comes with its fair share of self exploration/discovery, and I imagine gender presentation/exploring femininity, especially as a man, being an unexpected but important part of that.
But I think one of the biggest things for me here is that like… disability (trauma, chronic pain, mental illness) can be really alienating, not just from society/people around you but also from yourself and your own body? And how you dress and generally present can be incredibly important regardless of identity and neurotype and physical capabilities and all that, but then to bring in those other aspects --- the way it impacts how others view and treat you, how you generally feel, your own connection to your body and personhood, etc (how many times can I use "etc." in this post, lol) --- as well... Idk maybe this isn't a common experience but at least to me that all really intensifies the role/importance of outward presentation?
Plus, between his reputation and his limp/cane and the gloves, Kaz is probably already so accustomed to people taking the very nature of his existence as an invitation to… be invasive, I guess? (There's definitely a better way to explain what I mean but.) But anyway, even if a lot of the time people know better than to actually push him or voice their speculations and invasiveness to his face, it does happen and he knows it, so what's one more thing to give them? * Cue fun femboy times *
Idk if I… actually made any sense here and I was definitely very brief/vague but. Just some of my thoughts. If I was better at putting said thoughts into coherent words for people not living inside my brain, I'd be writing a whole essay on this, but alas….
Sorry I feel like this is probably a disappointing answer since none of it is actually inherently about Kaz being a femboy, but it's also not a specific headcanon I have about him, just something that can fit well with ideas/thoughts/headcanons/what have you that I had already, so I don't have much to offer there.
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alliluyevas · 2 years
🔥 the entire discipline of history
deer in highlights
okay i guess my hot take is i feel like people just have this knee jerk condemnation of history focused on wars and i say this as someone who finds military history generally rather boring. like a) even if i'm not into it i do think it's a valid form of study b) the number of like Old White Men Who Are Obsessed With Battle Formations And No Nuance is not as high as you think it is!
I honestly think it's like really offensive when I see all these posts like "when men say they love history they mean they love reading about wwii and what i mean is i love fashion history" i think it's like...sorry that wwii affected millions of people and the world as a whole and our world today profoundly. it's a very shallow and internalized-misogynistic way of speaking about history.
also like...wars affect women! wars affect everyone! wars may, shockingly, have a greater impact on people's lives and deaths and existences than fashion!
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I have an ask I'm genuinely curious about and that you might also be able to speak to, given your other recent asks! I noticed in FE3H, in one of her support conversations, Hilda mentions metal allergies in the context of making jewelries. But.... I don't think allergies were known about at that time period? I'm curious how much this is an anachronism, if at all. Also can you even tell (as a person with a medieval history background) from context if there's a certain time or period that FE3H is trying to base itself in?
A lot of medical history is characterized by "well, they knew... but also they didn't." Basically: cause and effect, yes. Why something was cause, or something produced an effect, often not so much. Modern understanding of "allergies" only dates back to the mid-19th century, when it became more possible to use scientific advances to get a much more detailed idea of what and why. As far back as Ancient Egypt, and certainly documented extensively in Greek and Roman treatises, people knew that someone might have a negative reaction to something (whether it be a certain weather, foods, etc.), but not precisely why. Asthma and what we now call "hay fever," in particular, were well known (likely because they produced a clear pattern both of symptoms and causes, and didn't as often outright kill someone, like, say, am extreme allergy to foods or insect stings might). These things got worse in spring, plants are blooming in spring, there's something about plants causing this. But it wasn't until the 1800s that "pollen" could be truly tested as (one of) the culprit. You see the same in other areas of pre-modern medicine - things like "eating more red meat when showing weakness and easy bruising, because these are signs that your sanguine humor is out of balance." And it worked, because if those things were actually a sign of iron deficiency, and red meats are rich in iron, the effect was the same whether credit was given to vitamins or humors in balance: the symptoms got better.
Sooooo... I would assume an allergy to metal would certainly be recognized, because it would not have been fatal. I have a latex allergy - even if I didn't know that was what was causing it, I'd be able to see that if I slap a Bandaid on my arm and leave it too long, there are unfortunate results. 🤣 So if someone had an allergy to, say, copper or iron, they might not refer to it as an allergy, but they would be able to recognize "wearing jewelry of this make = a bad time," and avoid it. So: knowing you have to be careful with jewelry? Oh, yeah! Calling it an allergy? Less likely, but I also understand not throwing at a casual audience "ah, yes, copper is clearly causing the phlegm to collect in your wrists, and you can only rebalance it with liberal application of aloe leaves boiled in mare's urine under the new moon in April" (where the actual effect was entirely down to the aloe, and, uh... horse pee should be optional). It's anachronistic to be certain of why it was happening, but not to know such things happened to some people and how to avoid them (plus the horse pee). I'll let them have that one, especially since it means there isn't a monastery activity of "collect pegasus urine and boil it with blood collected from Sylvain's skull after Ingrid finally bashes it in." 😅
As for the time period - it says it right in the game! I'm almost certain the 1100s was quite deliberately chosen for a number of reasons.
1. It was the High Middle Ages - when you ask someone about "Middle Ages," and what they think happened then, all the common answers (kings and knights, ecclesiastical law, Crusades, heresy, wars on massive scale both time-wise and place-wise, even stuff like Ivanhoe and Robin Hood and Joan of Arc and all that fun stuff) are in the High Middle Ages (roughly 1000-1300 AD). (Well, okay, Joan was a bit later, but not much. Also, it's worth remembering that "Middle Ages" did not mean uniform developments even within Western Europe - Italy was already running like hell towards the Renaissance while some extremes of the North were still crossing their arms and closing their eyes and refusing to leave their pagan religions behind until people convinced them that they could still have trees and eggs and shit, just now for Jesus!) So - "medieval," someone says? They probably mean 1100-ish, whether they know it or not.
2. That period also matches pretty neatly with the major powers that existed in Europe (and a bit beyond) at that time. Without going into detail of every mentioned land in 3H, if we just consider Adrestia, Faerghus, Leicester, and Garreg Mach, we can still find parallels. (Not always geographically, but definitely culturally.)
(And I'll say here that this is my interpretation only. I've seen others mention differences here, and I respect that too! Unless we're told, any speculation has validity. I'm also basing this on the period I studied in the most depth, including for my dissertation: the twelfth century. 1100s for me and for Three Houses!)
(I studied Peter Abelard. He and Edelgard would either get along beautifully, or she'd bash his head in before the day was out. But he definitely knew a thing or two about being declared a heretic and excommunicated. And teachers sleeping with students. Er... anyway...)
Garreg Mach is clearly the Papal States, what remained of the Western Roman Empire. I don't think anyone would argue with that.
Adrestia is almost certainly the Holy Roman Empire, and particularly the Empire under Henry IV and Henry V. The twelfth century was all about conflict over ecclesiastical versus royal law, and what was called the investiture controversy: does the church allow kings, or do the kings allow the church? What happens when an emperor and the papacy are in conflict? This pops up again and again during this time, but the particular parallels between the HRE and Adrestia become very clear when considering the reign of Henry V, who, from 1098 until his father's death, co-ruled the Holy Roman Empire. Sound familiar, if on a truncated scale? (Also, without going into great detail, there was already conflict between the papacy and the empire over which was truly "the Inheritance of Rome.") Henry V ultimately sided against his father and forced him off the throne (again, sound familiar to the way Adrestia is presented in any route except Crimson Flower?)... and then took the pope hostage (I assume I don't even need to say it again 🤣).
Without going into aaaaaaall the complicated shit that went down during the cage match between Henry and the popes, let's consider another fly in the ointment of Fódlan, and of Europe: Matilda.
And this, as you'll see, is why I think Faerghus is based on France and Norman England. Matilda was actually married to Henry V, not Henry IV, but her life has several very interesting parallels to a certain Anselma. (Even the name issue - she was either Maud or Matilda, depending on where and when she was!) Her father was Henry I of England (whose own claim to the throne was a little iffy - he probably had his brother, William Rufus, shot so he could claim both Norman France and England). Again without going into great detail, Henry managed to, amongst his MANY, MANY CHILDREN, only have two who were legitimate. One was William, who was heir presumptive. The other was Matilda, who was shipped off to marry Henry in the HRE.
Then - oops - a ship went down in the English Channel. The White Ship. It had William on it.
Oops again.
Well - now Henry had a problem. But he decided to make it a problem for after he died: he got Matilda back to England and made everyone swear they'd recognize her as the heir. Then he died. Then shit really went down.
Over in France, there was a guy named Stephen, whose mother was Adela, daughter of William the Conqueror. And he had a penis, and therefore would be a better ruler than Matilda, who was also a grandchild of William the Conqueror, but a stinky female one. So Stephen trotted off to England, called himself king, and he and Matilda spent several years having a slap fight, before they agreed that Stephen's heir would be Matilda's son, who became Henry II, and everyone else rolled their eyes and were thankful they could mostly ignore the idiots in charge, as they had already been doing through Celtic, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, Danish, and Norman rule, and essentially as most Brits still do to this day.
...And it's almost 9pm and I just realized I should probably have dinner. I'll get into Leicester tomorrow, but I think it's the Byzantine Empire, with Almyra being the near East/nascent Ottoman Empire. Watch this space! I can go into more detail on the others, too, if anyone is interested. Medieval shit is complicated. 😆
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saturnskyline · 2 years
i saw you talk about vegas and porsche, and would love your take on porsche and pete. i am torn between 'porsche wanted to protect pete and was ready to kill vegas if pete asked when he fixed him up' but also 'porsche made a deal with vegas and brought pete there without asking pete and that's kinda messed up?' where do you think they will stand post-canon? how does pete feel that they all sort of forgot about him and believed the grandma story?
ohhh anon, thank you so much for this! peteporsche is something very near and dear to my heart 💔💔 besties with trauma or something idk. i feel like there's so many different ways to interpret things, but i'll try to summarize my thoughts as best i can :)
so i've read some really good meta about this... and i know it's wild to link other people's fandom thoughts when asked for my own lol, but they just sum it up so nicely! first, there's this one by lu-sn that is such a fantastic and nuanced take that i can't get enough of it 🙏 basically porsche, whether consciously or not, put his own needs before pete's; he used pete as a bargaining chip to get information and help from vegas. also, in the ep 13 reaction, apo mentions that the last part of the bar conversation, where porsche tells vegas there'll be consequences if he hurts pete again, wasn't originally part of his dialogue. and wowww does that make me insane to hear. so what i'm getting is that, in the original script, porsche was meant to tell vegas he brought pete out for him, and then just. leave? i mean, at least he got a punch for pete in first, but still.. pretty brutal. so i guess that's the side where things look kinda messed up. after all, this seems like clear evidence that the mafia has changed porsche, since he is willing to put his friend in a potentially dangerous situation, even after knowing just how much damage vegas has done to him. now personally, i don't think he did this entirely on purpose, but he had a mission and he was going to accomplish it no matter what. which is... quite staggering when you sit and think about it 🙃
however, to give porsche some credit, there's another great post by kinnspocketporsche where they point out that pete is armed in this situation, while vegas is not, and it's possible that porsche negotiated that condition to ensure that pete would be physically safe if not emotionally. granted, it doesn't make what he did any less stupid, but there's an interesting angle to be had there for sure
so honestly? i think both things are true, somehow. porsche in the bathroom scene, seeing pete's plastered-on smile, tells him that he'll "go handle it" once he knows who's to blame for his pain, and i'm sure that he absolutely meant that. it's such a porsche thing to say; he's so incredibly earnest about seeking justice, putting things right. but if that's the case, did he consider handing pete over to vegas "putting things right"?? it's hard to say, but one thing that rings true to me is how porsche, by the end of the series, is yet another embodiment of pete's line, "there are no heroes or villains in this world". and the further i go with this, the more i realize the extent of the tragic poetry when it comes to these two.. oof
as far as post-canon goes, my headcanon is that pete and porsche remain friends in the odd spirit of borderline "all's well that ends well" that the finale had. i think porsche was (understandably) pretty shocked after the shootout, since he got the wake-up call that he didn't know pete as well as he thought he did. eventually, though, as he adjusts himself further to mafia life, he ends up being more understanding/accepting of pete's new life with vegas than most people. he might even notice similarities between vegaspete's relationship and his own with kinn: how they started in a turbulent way but grew into two people who found and clung to each other at every turn, even with all the odds stacked against them. perhaps, he thinks, that's just the nature of love in this insane world they all live in. however, i also like to think that he makes sure to remind pete that he's there if his friend ever wants an "out" (read: "i will murder him for you, just say the word"), even though pete always firmly declines the offer for obvious reasons lol
as for pete's feelings on being forgotten, i can only imagine how much that stung for him. i'm sure part of him almost expected it ("i never exist. i have no feelings" .... apparently it all comes back to ep 13), which makes things even worse. he knows his role as a bodyguard is to live and die for his masters, but he also knows that kinn does care for his people. hence the pain when kinn says, and i quote, "pete... i totally forgot about him!" 😥😥 it's terrible, and the saddest part is, there's really nothing they can do to make that up to him. korn let him "resign" from working for the family (heavy quotes there bc he really just wants to keep tabs on him in a different way), but they can never compensate for the damage they caused. and maybe that's the main takeaway with all of this: no heroes or villains, no true justice to be found in this life. a bit of a heavy conclusion, but then again. this is the mafia, i suppose :')
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stormyoceans · 1 year
Hello, Monica, Do you have any idea about Title's -Chueam's lil bro- role OF? He is present in the intro but appeared in the series once in passing and cries in the trailer. It seemed to me that this is a significant character -possibly ex sand- but for now Title is being kept in the basement. Good day for you!
hello, anon!!!
you know, now that you mention it.... i honestly have no idea what his role in the story is supposed to be ;;;;;;
part of me feels like he's not necessarily gonna come into play in the main plot, as in.... idk if i can explain myself but like, take gap for example: he actively affects the story by filming his hook-up with boston, but drake is not in the main credits of the show. on the other hand, jennie and tee are in the main credits, but for now yo and plug haven't been directly involved in the boys' messes. they are, however, familiar with all the characters, and by owning the bar where a lot of the action takes place, they often get caught in the crossfire
i think atom's role is gonna be more similar to yo and plug's rather than gap's: he probably won't influence the plot with his actions (so i find it unlikely he's gonna turn out to be sand's ex, if only because i think chueam would know sand and top if that were the case), but because he is chueam's brother maybe he will get caught in the crossfire too. i find it strange, for example, that in the only brief scene he showed up in they took the time to point out he has a girlfriend. maybe something will happen with her, or maybe he's gonna be at the party in the next episode and somehow get involved with the drugs
tl;dr: i personally don't think he's gonna be a very significant character, plot wise, but i feel like he will somehow have to deal with the fall-out of the boys' actions and that's why he's crying in the trailer
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sualne · 2 years
Want to ramble a bit about my ocs and how they seems to be perceived from what I’ve noticed on here, based on comments. From most “popular” to less “popular”. (It’s 3am btw, grammar is not my problem).
I was thinking about Nightshade and how despite me rarely drawing them they’re my oc who gets the most comments per drawing posted. From the first drawing people would tag thing like “woah mx you’re so pretty” and “love the design/colors”.
I think it’s pretty great (I love comments on my art) because I struggled for years on how to design them and what they should look like, I wanted them to come off as otherworldly, elegant, eye catching and even hypnotising as it is how people in the story perceive them. Knowing people irl seems to react similarly makes me happy, feel like I’ve done a good job translating my ideas.
The other “popular” ocs seems to be imri and ethan, as they often get more comments than average.
Imri was misgendered on multiple occasions, obviously it always breaks my heart a little but it is also interesting to me as it is a thing that canonically happens in the story. He’s gnc, he doesn’t want specifically to look feminine or androgynous, he wants to feels pretty in the way he feels the most comfortable and it happens to looks feminine to our standards. Knowing that he does gets misgendered irl too is another “I did a good job” but at what price.
ethan has received multiple “I’m looking respectfully” sort of comments, which is great because he canonically is meant to be sexy (whatever that’s supposed to mean). He’s not meant to be sexy in a “people gets the hots for him” way, he is meant to be good looking but not necessarily that way, he is sexy as in sexuality is a important part of his character. (ethan’s various themes involves vulnerability and relationships, so sexuality ended up beings relevant theme as well). Knowing people likes his appearance irl too is great, I had been wondering if I could make a character sexy/sexy adjacent on purpose.
I think the last character that gets slightly more comments than average would be gen, especially in their blue form, their gremlin energy might be the cause? I’m not sure but I’m glad people seems to like them.
If you have any thoughts at all about my ocs I’d love to know, it’s actually really important for me to know so I can see if I’m drawing them in a way that do translate what I had in mind for them.
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