#hopefully this time around there could be
watchmegetobsessed · 2 days
A/N: i was really in the mood for some smut and the neighbors trope popped into my head, so here we are!
WARNING: sexual content
SUMMARY: Harry, your freshly divorced, insanely hot neighbor needs your help: you have to pretend to be his new girlfriend when his ex-wife comes over, however your little stunt outdoes your expectations in a lot of ways.
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It's a basic instinct for you at this point to look up at the balcony whenever you’re approaching your apartment building. However you’re not looking at yours, but the one next to yours that belongs to one hot, freshly divorced guy who moved in next door about two months ago. 
You remember the morning the moving truck appeared and you knew someone was taking the vacant apartment beside yours. You just arrived back from your morning run and you jumped right into guesses about who it will be. Maybe someone your age? A girl you can go to yoga with? Or a sweet old lady you can have tea with on warm afternoons? Hopefully not a noisy family, because the walls are way too thin to endure the screaming of a child. 
Then you saw him. Carrying a heavy looking box up the stairs, a simple white shirt stretching on his torso, tattooed arms flexing under the weight of the box, you knew you were fucked the first time you saw Harry Styles. 
It took you no time to lurk over the next day and introduce yourself as his neighbor. 
“If you need suggestions for coffee spots around the neighborhood, I’m your person,” you smiled at him charmingly as he stood in his doorway in gray sweats and a black t-shirt, hair messy but so delicious, it was screaming for your fingers to run through his locks. 
“I will definitely keep that in mind. I can offer to fix anything around your apartment, I’m kind of a handyman,” he chuckled and your knees almost buckled hearing his creamy british accent. 
Fate played on your hand, because you kept running into each other so it didn’t take long for you to go out for a coffee run together and it was smooth sailing from then. You learned about how he just got divorced, his wife cheated on him and he found out on their second anniversary, tragic story and you still can’t quite understand how any woman could cheat on a man like him. You practically drool every time you catch a glimpse of him arriving back from a run in nothing but a pair of shorts, his tanned skin glistening from sweat. You definitely love to move out to the balcony around the time he can be expected to appear in the late afternoon, you watch him stretch and breathe heavily and the sight alone makes you break a sweat as well, but for a whole different reason. 
You’ve been trying to flirt with him every possible occasion, but you also make sure you don’t come off too pushy. After all he just got out of a marriage, it must be hard on him to recover from being cheated on. There’s also a slight age difference between the two of you, not that dramatic, but that eight years could easily be a deal breaker for him, so you’ve been playing it safe. 
When you’re lying in bed late at night and sleep is not coming to you, you can’t help but think of how he is on the other side of the wall, you imagine him sleeping without a shirt, maybe thinking about you the way you like to think of him… But it’s all just a fantasy, one you fancy very much. 
The door to his balcony is open so you know he is home, but he is not out. You take your time walking up the stairs, your legs are definitely tired from the run you just had and just when you reach your floor Harry’s front door swings open and you stop, watching him walk over to your door. He didn’t notice you, so you stay still and watch him take a deep breath as he lifts his fist up to knock, but then it falls back to his side and he shakes his head, stepping backwards before returning to his spot on your doormat and that’s when you decide to put him out of his misery. 
“Are you out of sugar, neighbor?” you ask, slowly walking towards him. Harry spins around with a stunned expression. 
“Oh, I didn’t–I didn’t see you.” You catch his gaze running down your body and legs and you’re thankful you decided to wear your shortest shorts. 
Playing with your keys in your hands, you finally reach him. 
“What’s up?”
“Um… I have a bit of a situation on my hands and you might be able to help me.”
Unlocking the door you push it in and gesture for him to follow you inside. 
“Do tell me.”
Rounding your way into the kitchen you step to the fridge to grab some water. Harry hesitantly follows you and stops by the kitchen counter. 
“So, I talked to Rory this morning,” he starts. You’ve heard enough about Rory, his ex wife to know that if she’s involved, it’s for sure something messy. “You know that painting in my living room?” You nod. “Well, she insists it’s hers, because a friend of hers painted it, but I was the one who paid for it. Whatever. She’s been trying to get me to give it to her and honestly I’m over it so I gave in. She is picking it up today.”
“When will the part where I can help come?”
“Right here,” he chuckles nervously. “We got into a fight, no surprise. She screamed at me over the phone and told me I’ll die alone because no one can put up with my shit.”
You need to force yourself to swallow the bitterness in your mouth. That woman sounds very much like the spawn of the devil, because who would say that to anyone? Especially to Harry? Aside from being insanely hot you’ve also learned just how kind, passionate and funny he is, basically the whole deal. Rory is the biggest loser in history for letting go of a man like him. 
“One thing followed the other and I just… Um, I told her that I have someone.”
The light bulb switches on in your mind, because you already know where this is heading. And you like it, very much. 
“I don’t know what got into me, but I told her she can meet my alleged girlfriend when she picks up the painting so she can see herself that I’m not the loser she thinks I am. And… as you might now, I do not have anyone…”
“You want me to be your fake girlfriend,” you finish for him, saving him from having to say it out loud. You can see just how awkward he is, having to ask you for such a thing. 
“Basically, yeah. Only if you don’t mind being part of this shitshow. I understand if you find it weird and I don’t expect you to–”
“When should I be over at yours?” you simply ask and watch his eyes go wide. 
“Y-You will do it?”
“Sure, sounds fun. Besides, I’m curious to see the stupidest woman on earth,” you add smirking and he finally lets out a relieved laugh as well. 
“Thank you so much, Y/N. Really, I owe you big time. She’ll be here in about two hours.”
“Perfect. I’ll be there.”
For the next two hours, you do everything you can to bring out the hottest version of yourself. Hair, makeup, dress, everything is on spot when you step out of your apartment and walk over to Harry’s door, ringing the bell. 
When the door swings open and Harry sees you his mouth hangs open, giving you that one last ego boost you need to be the best possible fake girlfriend ever. 
“Satisfied with your girlfriend?” you ask, tilting your head. 
“I-I uh–Yeah! I’m… yes.”
“Can I go inside then?” you ask with a chuckle and he steps aside in a hurry.
“Sorry, yeah come inside.”
“So what’s the plan?” you ask, walking into his living room and making yourself comfortable on the couch. Harry follows, but he takes the armchair across you and you can tell he is still struggling with not ogling you, especially your exposed legs and deep cleavage the dress teases him with. 
“I don’t… I have no idea, I have never done this before.”
“I have.”
“Just once, in college. One of my friends broke up with a girl who did not take it well and I was his fake girlfriend for a week to get her to stop harassing him. It worked.”
“Then… I trust you with anything.”
“What’s the goal?”
Harry opens his mouth, but then closes, as if he is embarrassed to say what’s on his mind. 
“Harry, say it. I’m happy to help with anything.”
“I want to make her regret it.”
“Regret what she said?”
“Regret everything,” he corrects and when he looks you in the eye a shiver runs down your spine from the determination that’s behind his green irises. 
“Consider it done,” you smile at him devilishly. 
At your suggestion you both take a shot to ease your nerves and make it easier to lie. It seems to loosen him just enough that he doesn’t look like he is about to attend an interrogation. 
And then the bell rings. 
“Show time,” you smile at him and as he walks over to the door you take your place on the couch again. 
You hear the door open and then a female voice mixes with Harry’s before the footsteps follow. Harry comes into view first, but then Rory steps out from behind him and you see the pure shock in her eyes when she finally spots you. 
“Oh, hi!” you smile at her almost disgustingly sweetly as you stand from the couch and walk closer. “You must be Rony. I’m Y/N.” You hold out a hand for her and watch as her mouth twitches when she hears you mess her name up. 
“Rory,” she sassily says and shakes your hand at last. “So you’re the… girlfriend.” The disgust in her tone is apparent, she is not even trying to hide it and it just makes it way more enjoyable. 
“Yes and you must be the cheating ex-wife.”
Harry coughs beside you, he was not expecting you to be this blunt, but the look on Rory’s face is priceless, because she can’t deny what she is. Moving closer to Harry you wrap an arm around his waist and though at first he freezes at your closeness, he is quick to recover and join in on the act, his arm finding your waist as well. 
“The painting is over there, just take it and let’s get over with it, alright?” Harry nods towards the painting he already took off the wall, now it’s leant against the console table that’s been underneath it. 
“You didn’t even wrap it?” she scoffs. How am I supposed to take it like this?”
“Rory, I’m not a fucking gallery. You wanted the painting, take it.”
“It’s gonna be ruined if I just put it into my car like this!” she argues. 
“That’s none of my business.”
“Harry, this is so not okay! I can’t–”
“Jesus, Rory fine! I think I have some bubble wrap,” he grunts, heading into his bedroom to find something to wrap the painting in, leaving the two of you alone.
Rory gives you another long, dirty look, as if you were the woman Harry cheated on her with when she is the culprit of this mess here. 
“So how long have you been together?” she then asks, pretending like she is just chit chatting, but you know she is eager to know everything about you.
“A little over a month now. You know, I wasn’t looking for anything serious, but Harry is just the perfect guy and I couldn’t stay away from him.”
“Oh, he is not that perfect, little girl.”
It’s obvious she tried to derogate you by calling you a little girl, she must be around the age of Harry, not more than thirty-six for sure, but she can’t find anything to use against you other than the fact that you’re clearly in your twenties. How mature. 
“I know. But everything he can give me makes it worth it. And the sex, ah!”
She gives you a puzzled look. You knew this would stir her up, Harry mentioned how distant they grew in the last few months and sex wasn’t the same anymore. Looking at the timeline she must have started her affair around that time and Harry couldn’t perform the way he otherwise could because she wasn’t open to him anymore. It was a vicious cycle, but you also know Rory is the kind of woman who must have humiliated him because of that. Harry never said, but you just feel that she criticized his sexual performance when she left him even if it all happened because of her. 
And now hearing that he is giving his all to another woman is definitely something that can drive her nuts. 
“Oh please, he sucks in bed,” she scoffs.
“Not with the right partner. He is so good, I honestly don’t know how you could let go of him.”
“He couldn’t make me cum for months!”
“That’s unfortunate. I get an orgasm basically after every meal. He is so good at it, honestly, it’s like he just wants to please me every possible moment. I mean, I can’t remember a morning when I didn’t wake up with his head between my legs, he loves quickies, I have to sanitize the kitchen counter like twice a day.” You let out a chuckle and just watch as her face grows redder while staring at the kitchen counter, raging jealousy swirling in her mind for sure. It’s clearer than daylight that she didn’t cheat on him because he wasn’t manly enough, this woman is simply a stupid loser who couldn’t appreciate what she had, maybe panicked that she can’t mess around with others and then simply chose to ruin everything. 
You’re more than happy to remind her what she lost. 
“Alright, this is all I got,” Harry emerges from the bedroom with some bubble wrap he probably had left from moving, but when he sees you and Rory staring each other down, he stops. But before he could speak up, you decide to push that knife into Rory’s chest as your final move. 
Stepping over to Harry you push yourself up against him, he drops the bubble wrap and his hands grab you by the waist instantly, though you see confusion in his eyes before you take his face in your hands and pull him closer, lips pressing against his hungrily. 
It’s not a sweet, shy first kiss. This is the perfect show off, messy, passionate, full of tongue and eagerness as you practically devour each other. For a bit you forget about the show you’re putting up and it’s your real desire you’ve been fighting for weeks now. Every time you try to pull back Harry just keeps demanding more and you happily give him what he wants. He bites into your bottom lip when one of his hands moves down to your ass, giving it a not-at-all shy squeeze, making you moan into the kiss. 
It feels like it takes forever for you to stop, when you open your eyes you’re met with Harry’s hungry eyes, his lips are slightly swollen and shiny from your kisses. 
And then you remember you’re not alone. 
“Oh, fuck you. Fuck you both!” Rory pops the bubble around you and when you turn to look at her, she is already grabbing the painting, not even bothering to wrap it. 
“It was nice to meet you!” you call after her.
“Fuck you!” she repeats, marching towards the door and you’re just smirking like an idiot, pleased with yourself for pissing her off so badly. 
Harry follows her to shut the door behind her and you let yourself bathe in the sweet victory you just earned. 
“This went amazing, right? She was so mad, oh my God!” you laugh, but your smile quickly disappears when you realize the serious look on Harry’s face as he is walking back towards you. 
Shit, maybe the kiss was too much. He didn’t want it and now he is pissed at you.
“Are you mad about the kiss? I-I’m sorry if it was too–”
The words die down on your lips when they crash against his again, his hand cupping the back of your head while the other returns straight to your ass, groping you so hard your whole body smashes against his. 
Your mouth opens in surprise and it gives him the chance to push his tongue against yours, he is demanding, rough and so much more raw than what you imagined him to be like. 
“What did you tell her?” he asks against your mouth, moving you around until the small of your back hits the kitchen counter. “What did you tell her that made her so pissed?” he demands, his hand already eagerly moving underneath your dress. He presses two fingers against your clothed clit, making your eyes roll into the back of your head. 
“I said, ah–I said I wake up every day with… your head between my legs, and… Oh fuck!” You’re losing your ability to speak your thoughts as his fingers start circling, the fabric of your underwear is so drenched, if you could think straight you might be embarrassed just how aroused he made you so fast. 
“And?” he urges you to continue, but at the same time he pushes your underwear to the side and pushes two fingers into you without warning, making you gasp so loud that people on the street must have heard it through the open balcony door. 
“A-and that you fuck me on the… the kitchen counter all the time.”
He curls his fingers inside you as he keeps talking.
“Then that’s what I’ll do to you now. Are you okay with that?” he asks and you nod eagerly as you hold onto his broad shoulders. 
The next moment he pulls his hand back and you whine, feeling empty all of a sudden, but then he lifts you up and makes you sit on the counter, he lowers himself and places your legs over his shoulders with careful, but confident moves. You grab onto his hair as he pushes his head between your thighs and his mouth meets your clit. 
“Oh, fuck! Harry!” you gasp out, tugging on his hair as he swirls his tongue against your swollen clit, his fingers teasing your hole again. Then they push into you and he sucks on your clit, making you see stars. 
You imagined him to be skilled, but whatever it is he is doing to you, it feels out of this world and now you know you weren’t wrong when you praised him that much to Rory before. 
You’re totally out of breath when he comes up, he kisses you and you can taste yourself on his tongue, your hands impatiently tug on his shirt to get rid of it. Soon the fabric lands on the tiled floor and you map out every inch of his hard chest with your palm and while you keep kissing like there’s no tomorrow, you faintly hear the zipper of his pants come undone. 
You look him in the eyes when you reach down and take his hard length into your hands and you can’t hold back a gasp when you realize just how big he is. 
“I know you can take it, baby,” he coos, kissing the corner of your mouth and you’re ready to take him right then and there, but he moves back, making you reach for him in panic. “Condom,” he says and you lean back onto your elbows with a sigh as you watch him disappear in his bedroom. You have just a few seconds you process that here you are, on top of Harry’s kitchen counter, with your dress bunched up around your waist, your drenched pussy on show, waiting to be fucked properly. You definitely did not expect this outcome when you woke up this morning, but you’re not complaining. 
Then Harry appears and he is walking over to you, completely naked, his dick in his hands as he rolls the condom on while moving and you bite into your bottom lip, hoping to remember this view until the end of time. 
When he reaches you again he simply curls his arms around your thighs and tugs on you so you get closer to the edge. His erection wedges between your wet folds and the tip pokes against your clit, making you clench around nothing. 
“I have to admit, I’ve been fantasizing about fucking you on this counter since the day I moved in and saw you for the first time.”
“Just on the counter?” you ask teasingly. 
“Every surface of this fucking apartment,” he admits with no remorse.
“Make a list then and I’m more than happy to do them all. But let’s tick the counter off first.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice.”
He reaches down and circles his thumb against your clit a bit before grabbing his dick by the base and dragging it up and down your cunt a few times before pushing the head in first, letting you adjust to his thickness first. When you claw at his chest he takes it as a sign to go deeper and he keeps pushing until you take his whole length, feeling fuller than ever before. 
“I want to go hard,” he breathes out, staying still for now.
“Go hard then. I can take it,” you assure him, though you do have doubts feeling just how stretched out you are now. 
“Of course you can. You’re my good girl,” he praises you and before you could get a word out, he pulls back and slams into you hard. 
There are moments when you actually think you’re about to burst, Harry did not joke when he said he wants to go hard, his thrusts are fast and rough and he makes sure he buries his whole length into you every time he pushes into you. At one point he pulls your legs over his shoulders and it allows him to reach a point in you no one has before and it pushes you towards the edge rapidly. The counter is painfully hard underneath you, but you somehow forget about the pain and only focus on how hard Harry is railing into you. His stamina is incredible, your body already feels like goo and you’re not even doing the actual work. 
“Harry, I’m so close,” you moan and his fingers dig deeper into your thighs at your words. 
“Come around my cock, baby. I wanna feel you squeeze me.”
You cry out his name again, a tear rolling down your cheek, because you’re so desperate to let go. Harry moves a hand to where you meet and his thumb returns to your clit and that’s what throws you over the edge. 
Your back arches and you squeeze around him uncontrollably, gasping for air as he ruthlessly keeps fucking into you. 
“That’s it, baby. You look so fucking beautiful, coming on my cock.”
You can’t stop moaning as you ride out your orgasm. The last waves are washing over your body when his movements fall out of rhythm, he slams into you hard and he sucks on his breath before moaning out your name over and over again, pushing into you a few more times as he comes. He falls forward, his face burying into your heaving chest as he tries to catch his breath along with you. There’s a long minute of silent bliss, his cock is still inside you, his lips peppering soft kisses onto the skin that’s exposed on your chest while you’re mindlessly playing with his hair. 
When he straightens up he pulls out of you, the empty feeling hitting you again. He carefully helps you off the counter, but keeps his arms around you, because when your feet hit the floor you wobble. 
Nuzzling your nose against his chest you take the cross pendant on his necklace between your teeth and pull back, looking him in the eyes. 
“Don’t do that, or we’re moving to the next place on the list.”
Giggling you let go of it and push yourself up to steal a kiss. 
“Give me some time to recover, but I’m all in to check out another place.”
“Jesus, I knew you’d be the death of me the moment I saw you,” he breathes out, before his mouth claims yours hungrily. 
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 day
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Sam Kerr x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: You go to IKEA
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It was Guro's fault.
Everyone could agree on that, though Guro insisted it was actually Millie's fault for bringing up the idea of a trip to IKEA in the first place.
Everyone else disagreed because Guro was the one that was meant to be holding your hand before you disappeared.
Either way, you were gone and they were fucked.
"I mean," Erin says as they wander through the winding halls of IKEA," She's Swedish so this place must be a second home. She's probably not lost."
"She's practically a baby," Millie replies bluntly, dipping into one of the showrooms to check you're not hiding there," I think we should be more worried about someone kidnapping her."
"You don't think she's been kidnapped, right?" Guro asks, gnawing on her bottom lip as she glances around," I mean, no one actually kidnaps kids, nowadays? Right? I thought we've moved past that."
"No one's kidnapped her!" Sam insists," She's somewhere around this place. We'll grab her and not let Magda and Pernille know she even got lost."
The others nod in agreement before Millie makes the choice to split everyone up. They'd cover more ground by themselves and hopefully find you a bit quicker.
IKEA is already a maze for normal people. She doesn't want to think about how confusing it must be for such a little kid.
Although, you don't think you're lost at all. It's not your fault that Guro got distracted by something and told you that you were free to wander for a little bit. You didn't mean to go so far and out of sight but this shop is exciting.
It got even more exciting when you hit the toy section. There's lots of toys for you to choose from so you're not quite sure which one you would like.
All of them would be a good choice but Momma only gave you a little bit of money to spend and you're just learning your numbers but you know that it's not enough to buy everything.
That's a little sad but Morsa's always told you that you can't have everything so this must be one of those times.
You keep staring at them though, eyes wide as you try to decide which one you want to take home with you.
You can hear movement behind you, footsteps pounding on the shiny floor. You don't turn around though.
This shop is busy so it must be someone trying to find something. You don't want to get in their way so you press a bit closer towards the toys.
Sam doesn't want to let you remain lost any longer and she certainly doesn't want to call Magda and Pernille to let them know.
Her feet pound against the linoleum as she tries to find you.
Erin's stayed behind to check where they've lost you while Sam, Millie and Guro have moved forward to check in the other areas you could have wandered to, peeling off from each other to cover more ground.
Sam's hoping she can sprint to the exit before you can get there with your little legs. Even if she can't, she's sure none of the staff will ignore a little girl wandering around by herself so hopefully, one of them can nab you and announce your disappearance through the tannoy system.
Sam's sprinting so fast that she almost misses you.
Before she got to take you out for the day, Magda and Pernille made her memorise what you're wearing, just in case you wandered off a bit like now. She'd been made to stand on their doorstep with her eyes closed as she recited exactly what you wearing, straight down to your sock colour and pattern.
It comes in handy now as, out of the corner of her eye, Sam catches sight of the exact same colour of your shirt and leggings.
She skids to a stop, turning around to look properly.
You're right there, head tilted up to study the big bear toy in the crate in front of you.
You recognise the sound of Sam's voice behind you and turn to look at her.
"Sam!" You say," I have enough?"
You hold out your fistful of money out to her to inspect.
"I have enough money for the bear?" You elaborate, pointing at the toy you want and shaking your hand to draw her attention back from your face to your money.
"You scared us!" Sam says instead," Why did you leave?"
You frown. "I didn't leave. Guro said I could walk by myself for a bit."
Sam's just about to tear her hair out at your clear misinterpretation of Guro's words. "Okay, well-"
"Sam!" Guro comes sprinting up behind her. "Pernille's calling! What do I do?!"
You tilt your head to the side in confusion. "Why are you scared of Momma calling?"
"Oh my god! We found you!"
"I found her," Sam replies, rolling her eyes.
"I didn't hide!" You say stubbornly, stamping your foot on the ground," Making a new friend!" You point at the big bear you want to buy.
"That's nice," Guro says before her phone is pressed against your ear," Talk to Pernille."
"Hi Momma!" You chirp," I'm buying a bear!"
"Hi, princesse," Pernille coos in your ear, finally feeling settled and calm now that Guro finally picked up her fifth call," Are you having fun?"
You nod before realising this is a phone call and Momma can't see you so you speak again," Yes! Sam was running to find-"
Sam's hand covers your mouth and she hurries to speak. "To find a new lamp! Helen broke my last one."
At home, Pernille frowns, waving over Magda and putting the phone on speaker.
"You were running to find a new lamp?"
Sam chuckles awkwardly. "Er...yeah...I'm really into lamps. Did I not tell you?"
It's clear this is the first time Magda's hearing of it too, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"Sam?" She asks.
Sam squeaks hearing Magda's voice and her own goes very high pitched as she replies. "Yes, Magda?"
"What kind of lamp do you recommend?" Magda asks," I've been thinking of getting a new one."
"Er...One that fits next to your bed?"
"Uh-huh. What about decoration? Just plain or pattern?"
"Er...I think...Erm...You can get patterned lamps?"
Magda rolls her eyes. "Put my daughter on the phone, Sam." There's a rustle. "Princesse, can you tell me what Sam was searching for?"
"She thought I was hiding!" You giggle and Magda can hear squabbling in the background. "Which is silly because I wasn't! I think she thought I was lost!"
You keep giggling and Pernille takes a very deep breath.
"Princesse," She says," Please put Sam and Guro back on the phone, please. Morsa and I need to talk to them."
"Okay, Momma!"
"Sam, Guro," Magda says through clenched teeth," You get Erin and Millie and you get back to this house within the hour."
"Do-Do we have to?"
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inuyashaluver · 2 days
hi angel!! was wondering if you could do a grace clinton x reader fic where they’re doing media together and everyone is speculating that they have something going on bc of their chemistry?? thank youuu i love your fics!
chemistry - grace clinton
grace clinton x reader
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description: in which you and your best friend are always caught up in dating rumours
warnings: really not any?
a/n: kicking off pride month with gracie girl!!! hello, lovely!! love love love this request, too cute 🥺🥺 thank you so much for the love ❤️❤️❤️ enjoy! happy pride month to all of you!!
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if there was something to know about you and your best friend, grace, the two of you were two peas in a pod. the two of you were quite literally attached at the hip, and you have been ever since you were 15.
and if you were to tell those cheeky 15 year olds that you were now dating, they would’ve said you were crazy.
you and grace were slight opposites and that’s what made the two of you so balanced out. the two of you were extremely cheeky and always getting caught into mischief.
yet, you could be reserved at times, needing a little extra time to open up to people, but grace always made it easier.
grace helped you out of your shell from a young age, and a lot of your teammates found that you calmed grace down a lot when she got over excited.
your relationship was pure, it just worked, it was fun and exciting yet heartfelt and genuine.
you both played together for england and followed grace around to different clubs. it was rare to see the two of you apart.
back in 2022, the two of you moved in together as you both played for manchester united, and during this time, you by very high demand made a tiktok account to document your daily life.
they were regular videos, some silly ones, serious ones, you didn’t think much of it until they blew up because of yours and grace’s videos.
videos of the two of you giggling on the couch playing with filters, or going to training together. people couldn’t deny the chemistry between the two of you.
you tried to act like the shipping comments didn’t affect you but they did. you harboured a crush on grace but pushed it aside knowing that the comments made her uncomfortable, as she would never look you in the eye when you would bring them up.
but what you didn’t know was that the comments overwhelmed grace because she thought she was being too obvious.
if people on the internet were catching on to her massive crush, she would surely be caught out by you. but of course, the two of you were clueless.
in 2023, you and grace both got loaned to tottenham and that’s when things really kicked off.
“hey, everyone! today i’m doing a get ready with me for game day” you smile at your phone propped up on the mirror of your bathroom.
you were chatting mindlessly, explaining who the match was against, how you were feeling, what was going to happen in the process.
these were your most popular videos, and you loved to make them to communicate with the fans.
“i’m feeling good today, hopefully i get to start, i had a niggle in my hip that was bothering me for the last two weeks and haven’t been able to play” you pout slightly at the camera, fixing up your hair the way you liked it for the game.
suddenly, grace comes in the room, sending the camera a cheeky grin as her arms wrapped around your middle, chin resting on your shoulder.
“gracie girl is here” you chuckle, growing louder when grace playfully pinches your waist with a quick kiss to your cheek.
she stares at you affectionately through the mirror, ready for the game and clearly waiting for you. she fixes a stray hair away from your forehead with her arms still wrapped around you tightly.
“why don’t you tell everyone why you have a niggle in your hip?” she laughs, you glare at her through the mirror, your hard gaze meeting with her amused one.
“no” you grit, trying to take grace’s arms off you but she was stronger, “yes” she quips, a shit eating grin evident on her face.
“grace, no, stop it” you warn, grace shakes her head, really wanting you to say the real reason you’ve been out for two weeks.
“fine, i’ll say it” she grins, your eyes widen, you turn in her arms, your hand clasping over her mouth as you glare at her, letting out a squeal when grace licks the palm of your hand. you could be a germaphobe at times.
“fuck, clinton, that’s gross!” you grimace, washing your hands immediately, clearly a bad idea because grace grabs your phone and makes a run for it.
you let out a heavy sigh, fighting a smile at the corner of your lips hearing grace’s little excited giggles.
“(y/n/n) hurt her hip because i stole her water bottle and she chased me in the rain and fell right on the pitch” she laughs, hearing you groaning from the bathroom.
“but don’t worry guys, i carried her everywhere and kissed her better” she says cheekily.
you laugh as grace comes back to you, pressing her cheek to yours as she held the phone close to your faces, both of you making silly faces.
you cut the video and get dressed into your kit, making grace film your finished look which really caught the attention of the fans.
“okay guys, final outfit, literally the spurs kit” you do a little spin and grace lets out a whistle, “so beautiful” she says adoringly, your cheeks slowly turning pink before you scrambled to get the phone off grace.
gracex(y/n)fann: we love silly girlfriends
↳ (y/n)lover13: girlfriends? i thought they were best friends?
↳ ilovewoso: they are best friends
↳ wosofan99: they’re definitely dating, the way grace looks at her 😩
gracesfangirl: anyone else think they’re flirting orrr?
↳ (y/n)ismywife: they’re flirting so hard i feel so lonely
↳ graciestar: you and me both😞
you and grace continued to make videos and the popularity grew more and more on your account.
so much so, later on when you and grace made the senior lioness team, they always paired you up for media days.
“hello, i’m (y/n) (y/l/n)” grace says cheekily, you hold back a laugh, “and i’m grace clinton” you say back matching her energy. grace glances at you quickly with a smile before turning back to the camera.
“today, we are doing a food challenge, which will be interesting because gracie is a picky eater” you chuckle, receiving immediate protests from grace,
“nah, you’re picky too!” she accuses, pointing her finger at you sternly before gently booping the tip of your nose.
you scrunch your nose up slightly at the action, grace can’t help but blush a little at your soft gaze, quickly snapping out of it knowing you were on camera.
“okay, i’m a little picky but grace is a lot more picky than me” you shrug, looking down at the covered plate in front of the two of you.
“okay, whatever” grace scoffs teasingly, bumping your hip with hers. “so, we will be doing rock, paper scissors and one of us will be blindfolded, and then we guess the food” grace explains.
your eyes were trained on her the entire time she spoke, and when she turned to see you already looking at her, her heart sped up faster than her playing a full 90 minutes.
“let’s go!” you smile, turning to grace to start rock, paper, scissors. and of course, grace won.
she snickered as she gestured you to spin around, gently tying the blindfold over your eyes and spinning you around by your shoulders after she was done.
“is it too tight?” she asks with a hint of worry, you mindlessly wave out your hands, feeling for grace’s face, both of you giggling when you cupped her cheeks.
“nah, i’m good, hurry up!” you pinch her cheek, making her roll her eyes and face the camera.
“so impatient” she mouths, smiling before taking your hands off her face, squeezing them quickly before taking the closh off the plate.
and when it was opened, there were two little bowls, one with ice cream and one with hot sauce. clearly, the media team wanted you both to be evil, but grace couldn’t do that to you.
she spoons the ice cream into your mouth and you smile, “too easy, ice cream” you giggle, grace wiping off the remainder on the corner on your mouth, licking off the excess.
“well done” she praises, squeezing your bicep gently before moving to take off your blindfold after the media team presented a new plate.
the next time, you won and grace had a go at being blindfolded, and you felt a little cheeky with the options. one being wasabi and the other being peanut butter.
you scooped up the teenist amount of wasabi and instantly felt bad as it made way to her mouth. she immediately grimaced and coughed, you handed her water immediately and giggled when grace assured she was okay.
“that was disgusting” she coughs as you take the blindfold off, you wrap your arms around her neck and pull her down into a tight hug, uttering apologies as you kissed her cheek repeatedly.
grace flushed completely, her hand pressed firmly into the small of your back.
“i can’t believe i did that” you say against her cheek, holding her close with an apologetic smile, grace chuckles as she held you, pulling away slightly to press her own kiss against your cheek that had you flushed as well.
both of you pulled away with a clear of your throats, continuing the video with shy glances at each other. and like clockwork, the video. blew. up.
graceswife: okay there is no way these two aren’t married with three children
↳ (y/n)swife: they have grandkids too, there’s no way they’re friends
ilovewoso: …i’m questioning everything i know
↳ (y/n)lover13: …so am i
graceand(y/n): i don’t know if i want to be (y/n) or grace
wosofan: grace, can you fight?
you both didn’t expect the amount of attention you were getting. gaining more and more followers, as well as an increasing amount of dm’s and comments questioning your’s and grace’s relationship.
on a free saturday, you were sitting on the couch in your shared flat, scrolling through endless comments about you and grace. you were up earlier than her, as grace liked to sleep in.
you looked worried as you scrolled, breathing a little heavily with a pit in your stomach growing. maybe you were coming on too strong? grace was probably so uncomfortable, you should have known better.
you couldn’t help the tears pricking in your eyes, it was overwhelming. you loved grace, you really did, and you felt occasionally that she might feel the same but the uncertainty grew larger through the years.
you heard the door of grace’s room open and you hurriedly wiped your tears, grace heard the sniffles and rushed over to where you were, worry flooding over her features.
“love?” grace says cautiously, heart breaking as you turned to her with a tearful smile, “morning” you choke out, grace moves around the couch to sit next to you, her hand grabbing yours and interlocking them.
“love, what’s wrong?” grace asks softly, her free hand wiping a stray tear escaping your eye. you take a deep, shaky breath, subconsciously moving closer to the girl you loved so much.
“the comments on the video we made is just a lot to handle” you breathe out, fighting back the tears seeing grace’s concerned face.
“the ones about us?” grace clarifies, you nod, your hand squeezing hers a little tighter. “you don’t like them?” grace asks cautiously.
“i just think i’d like for them to be true” you say after a moment of silence, bracing for the impact of rejection from your best friend.
“we can make them true” grace says without hesitation, her demeanour changing completely knowing you felt the same.
to say you froze was an understatement, your eyes meeting with grace made your body feel like it was on fire.
“i’ve always wanted that, babe” grace says earnestly, smiling brightly at your look of relief. “i have too” you say shyly, hearing grace tutt next to you.
“and you didn’t say anything? tsk” she mocks, her face stoic for a split second before you both broke out in a fit of giggles.
“you didn’t say anything either” you roll your eyes teasingly, “i didn’t say it verbally, no, physically, yes” she says charmingly, moving forward to place a kiss on your cheek.
she smiled feeling it grow warm under her lips, pulling away with a satisfied smirk. but what she didn’t expect was you leaning in for a kiss on her cheek, grace moving her head so your lips met with hers gently.
you pulled away slight with a surprised expression but leaned forward again until your lips just ghosted over hers, teasing her with a smile.
“so annoying” she joked, her hand making its way to your cheek and pulling you in for a kiss.
you giggle against her lips and she bites your bottom one warningly, both of you heavy breathing as grace lowered your back to meet with the couch, both of you kissing breathlessly in a languid, yet loving kiss.
when grace pulled away, she took in your appearance, kiss swollen lips with enlarged pupils, admiring how beautiful you looked, knowing you were doing the same with her.
both of your eyes twinkled. you both knew the wait was worth it to get to this moment.
“hey guys, today we are doing a get ready with me for camp for the lionesses” you smile at the camera, hearing a snicker coming from beside you.
“i have a very special guest for this one” you say cheekily, glancing over at grace with a knowing smile, holding out your hand for her.
she took it instantly, letting you drag her into the frame, grace with a bright smile that made your heart feel warm.
“my special guest is my girlfriend” you grin up at her, letting grace peck your lips quickly knowing it would go crazy on the internet.
“before we start, baby, i want to answer a question i saw in your comments” grace says pleadingly.
you giggle and nod, your girlfriend squeezes your hips gratefully as she kissed your cheek.
“to answer your questions, yes i can fight, and i will” she says with a hint of anger in her words, wrapping you up in a tight hug from behind as she kissed your cheek repeatedly, deja vu from the first video that gained a lot of attention.
your hands rest on grace’s with a loving smile before you helped each other get ready, answering some questions as you go along for fun.
when the video got posted, everyone flooded the video with messages of support, feeling the pure love emanating from the both of you.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
you know the drill - imagine it’s you! ily tooneyyy
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liked by alessia and 44,232 others
graceclinton_x: willing to fight anyone who tries to steal this one away from me
view all comments
yourname: me too! me too!
↳ graceclinton_x: get ready with us to fight other suitors
lionesses: we knew it 💅
↳ yourname: oh?
↳ graceclinton_x: oh?
↳ lionesses: long time coming, you two are so obvious
↳ spurswomen: painfully
↳ manutdwomen: painfully
↳ yourname: okay, no need for this.
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nathaslosthershit · 2 days
A Big Decision (Teen Dad!Oscar AU)
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(Part 8 of Teen Dad!OP au [Can be read on its own])
Summary: It is time to pop the big question
The twins had finally gone down for a nap after spending so long fighting it. The kids, at age three, have started to fight them more and more, leading their parents to start discussing if it's time for naps to stop. Honey, being a stay at home mom, had needed the nap time as much as her kids had in the past, giving her time to catch up on chores or just rest for a little, so she was really trying to get as much time as she could with it. But maybe it truly was over.
She was surprised to see Oscar pacing in their living room once she went back downstairs.
“Well, aren't you home early?” She says as Oscar immediately wraps his arms around her, burying his head in her neck and kissing it.
“Missed you all, did what they needed from me extra fast so I could get home earlier. Thought we could maybe go out tonight?”
“Oscar, it's a friday night. Do you know how impossible getting a babysitter would be? The kids also take a while to warm up to babysitters, I don’t think it's a good idea.”
“Good thing I thought ahead then. Lando had a free night and has been begging to see them after the last ‘betrayal’ when they wore Sargeant hats. Even better, he said he would do it for free if it meant working towards being the favorite.”
“Oscar, you can’t get your coworkers to babysit your twin toddlers for free by dangling favoritism in their faces.”
“It was his idea! I am just capitalizing off of it. I got us a nice reservation too, we just need to let him now in the next…” Oscar checks his wrist where his watch usually rests but finds it missing, “uh now. So I need an answer quickly, are we going to stay home and eat the same leftovers we have had for the past two days, or are we going to make Lando Norris the happiest man alive by letting him watch our kids for free while we have an amazingly romantic dinner?” Oscar quickly asks as he takes his ex-fiancee, now girlfriend, in his arms.
“Fine, let's go out, we could use the night off. Let Lando know I appreciate him watching them for us.”
“Perfect, why don’t you go out, do something nice for yourself, I'll take over with the kids. We still have time before dinner tonight.” Oscar suggested in a strange tone as he kissed all surface area of her face.
“What is up with you today? I don’t mind it but you are so much more touchy.” She laughed.
“Don’t worry bout a thing.” Was all he replied as he walked away. “Tonight will be the best yet, I promise.”
That’s when it struck her, why he was being so weird. Surely, he was going to propose.
After the huge fight in Suzuka, she had called the engagement off, causing them to ignore each other’s existence unless it came to the kids, for seven weeks. Since they had gotten back together, life had been blissful. Sure, it was most likely the ‘honeymoon’ phase of their relationship, but even so, they had been so ready to marry each other before things started going downhill. Maybe days after they got back together isn’t the right time to get engaged, but they had been to hell and back together since they got pregnant at 18 years old, they were it for each other, always would be. 
Oscar taking off of racing had also been a blessing. It had been hard for him, certainly. But he had needed to learn how to put his family first again, a priority that got harder to keep up with since joining Formula 1. 
As she sat in the nail salon chair, getting what were hopefully her engagement nails done, she thought back to how far they’d come. 
Arriving home with her nails done, and after getting the most amazing massage, Honey was giddy as she greeted her, hopefully, soon to be fiancé. After an hour and a half of filling her head with wedding plans and thinking about their future when she would finally get to be Mrs. Piastri after 7 years, she was more excited then she was the first time he proposed. 
This excitement continued from the moment she stepped into the shower, till the moment she sat in her seat at the restaurant. Oscar had hired a driver for the night, saying it was a night all for them, no need to be careful of how many drinks they were going to have, he had also told her he had plans to take them to the beach after where they could finish the night with a picnic by the water and stay as late as they liked. 
There was one thing that was off about him though, while she had expected nerves, she had also expected excitement from him and soon noticed the more giggly she was, the more upset he seemed to be. Maybe he realized she had caught on?
She finally asked what was up after he spilt his drink.
“Seriously Osc, what is wrong with you? You claim this is such a nice night for just the two of us but you are a mess right now!”
“It’s nothing, I’m sorry I don’t know why I’m like th-”
“Bullshit. I thought I made it clear how awful of a liar you are Oscar Jack Piastri, just tell me. Please?”
Silence filled the air as he stared at her, words failing.
“I will get up if you don’t-”
“I had a meeting with higher ups at McLaren earlier today and was told if I don’t come back then I am out of the contract and I agreed to come back for the Spanish Grand Prix!” Oscar blurted out.
Again, a heavy silence landed on the couple, both of them daring the other one to speak first.
Then, without a single word, Honey got up from the table and walked to the car leaving Oscar at the table, tears starting to fall.
Part 2 out now!
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ganondoodle · 1 day
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(totk rewritten)
finally, all the arm and spirit abilities- for the first half of the game (rauru) and for the second half with the shiekah arm replacing links arms instead and the spirit abilities gained through ganondorf
(please excuse my handwriting and sometimes repeated info on the first two, i lost motivation/patience at the end and couldnt get myself to basically redo it all from scratch just to make it a bit more cleaner)
note, the camera rune is unconnected to the arm, its the shiekah stone copy link has (zelda carries the one from botw, a copy was attempted to be made for link but it lacks all runes except the camera, the map and its teleportation, and journal/archive)
note for the heal effects of some spirit abilities- im also reworking the healing system, making it more like the older games, so healing isnt as easy and much more restricted, thus making those effects of spirit abilities more valuable ( lil potion icon on the d pad will act a little bit like in skyward sword, opens your limited selection of healing items and if chosen link switches to holding it and letting you consume it with -a- while walking around in real time- to avoid more pausing and mass healing on regular items while in menu)
additional note, the automatic recharging of the magic meter depending on the environment gives you a reliable but less abusable way of using abilities and allows for even more creative dungeon/challenge design by using it effectively- it works by absorbing magic from its surroundings, so if its an area with little magic it recharges slower, if its a very spiritual or healthy place it will recharge faster, it can be used to make things more challenging and also as subtle storytelling (example, theres a graveyard with the magic energy around being off the charts, even if there are no spirits to see, it could hint at the people buried not having died peacefully, no matter what their gravestone says...)
the usage of magic and how much the different abilities cost also allows for a much more dynamic fighting style for players to choose and try out, balancing them all out with their cost instead of a fixed timer, and the recharging beign affected by the environment perhaps forcing players that favor high cost magic abilities to use the lower cost ones for example, or not being able to charge one up bc the enemy is too fast and doesnt give you enough time to charge it
about half of the small overworld dungeons (not shrines) are also locked/inaccessible for the first half and new quests appear as the second half commences- together with the additional changes raurus return brings with it (sonau buildings, enemies being mostly cosntructs that he summoned etc) and whole set of new abilities giving you a fresh new way to play while (hopefully) not making you feel too restricted for the first half
... making these detailed concepts took me longer than id like to admit q-q
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xdaddysprincessxx · 3 days
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Din Djarin x f!reader
Somnophilia: a sexual interest in engaging in sexual activity with a sleeping person
A/n: okay so I’m terrified lol this is my very first time writing Din! This is part of the writing challenge from @iamasaddie 😘 this is short, sweet and hopefully good!
Warnings: reader does have bewbs & a vagina, the moodboard does not represent reader in any way, it’s just for aesthetic purposes, lightly edited, all mistakes are mine
Wc: 495
Tucked away in a soft bed on the planet of Naboo, Din was fast asleep, snuggled tight in your arms. After getting married, the two of you always slept naked next to each other. His face resting on top of your breasts. You had just woken up from a wet dream, desperate for your husband to bury his cock in you. As you held him, you took in his features; the lines in his face soften, his cheeks fuller than when you had first seen his face. You brushed a curl out of his face, deciding to see just how much you could touch him without waking him, you gently run your nails against his scalp.
A soft, sleepy moan escapes your loves lips as you gently press yours against his forehead. You wait a few beats before running your fingers through his hair once more, adding just a tad bit more pressure when you scratch his scalp.
He doesn’t move or make a sound this time.
You give an experimental roll of your hips, feeling a rush of adrenaline as you try to chase a little friction where you need it most.
He squeezes you a little bit tighter in his sleep as he rubs his face on your chest before settling back into a deep sleep.
You give it a few beats again before you start tightening your leg over his a bit more and grind on his thigh. It starts slow. Barely any movement at all. His muscular thigh fitting perfectly between your thighs. The most beautiful friction against your little bundle of nerves. You started to pick up speed, grinding faster. You squeezed your eyes and lips shut in fear of making any noise that would wake Din.
Your breathing hitched as you get closer and closer to your sweet release, the pressure building and building. You keep grinding your sopping wet cunt against your husband’s thick thigh.
A burst of stars and colorful dots cloud your vision as you begin to cum. Din’s thigh seems to feel even better, almost thicker as though he’s flexing. Your chest heaving with silent moans, your arms practically squeezing his head as you held him tight to your breast.
As you started to come down from your high, you loosen your hold on his head and thigh. Having been so lost in the ecstasy of your orgasm, you completely forgot your current state. You gently reached down to touch his thigh and sure enough you left a bit of a wet spot on your husband.
You figure since he’s asleep he won’t notice it so you roll over, pulling the blanket up over your shoulders.
As you begin to drift off, you feel Din shuffle behind you as he wraps an arm around you, pulling you back into his body.
Just as your on the brink of sleep, you feel his breath near your ear, his lips brush against your neck,
“My needy mesh’la”
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I know | Megumi x Reader Ft. Gojo
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Request: Megumi and the reader no longer know how to meet on the sly without looking too suspicious, but Megumi adamantly refuses to let Gojo know about their relationship. What if the reader is a student from Kyoto and everything happens during the exchange event? And, conveniently, Megumi doesn't know that there are cameras installed throughout the forest monitored by the teachers.
Pairing: Implied!Megumi x Fem!Reader; platonic Gojo/Megumi
Content Warning: Fluff, main focus is Gojo and Megumi, Megumi is a moody teen
For @yaninnaacu
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Satoru likes to tease people. For his own entertainment and to try to build friendships with them. It also didn’t hurt if, in the end, his actions made their lives a little better and brought some happiness to them. A small laugh in a harsh world like this could mean a lot, the right push could change someone’s entire outlook.
So, he likes to play the fool, try to get people to let their guard down so he could wiggle in through an unknown crack and maybe make their world a little easier to breathe in and it wouldn't be a lie to say his own as well.
This holds doubly true for one precious student in particular.
“You seem excited. Ready for the big exchange event?”
Megumi stops his stretching, rotates his neck a few times to get out the last of the cricks, before turning to face him. The training grounds are empty tonight, save for the two them, and Satoru has never seen Megumi this interested in training.
“Not particularly.”
He says that but the Megumi that Satoru knows would never be this determined. Megumi may not have realized it but Satoru has been watching him train ever since he came back to the school. He hasn’t had much time to watch over the other students since training Itadori, but he knows that they’ve been making strides. Megumi included.
“I heard about what happened with Aoi,” Satoru says, poking around in the younger boy’s wounds to see if he can find the reason for this sudden burst of passion. “I thought you’d be interested in fighting him.”
“I’m over it.”
“Really?” Satoru says with a laugh. He has no reason not to believe Megumi, but he still has the suspicion it might be a little deeper than that. “Something has to be on your mind. You’re not normally this energetic.”
He racks his mind, trying to find the last time he remembers the kid having any sort of pep to his step so to speak. He’s always been a bit…restrained except when—
Gojo smiles.
“I remember now.” Satoru chuckles lowly and dares to pat the boy on the shoulder. It’s a little harder than he was aiming for and Megumi jerks forward with a scowl. “It’s because your girlfriend is coming. Her clan enrolled her into Kyoto, right?”
If there is one thing about Megumi, it’s that he doesn’t change one bit with age. That glare is still just as scary as it was when he was five.
“She isn’t my girlfriend,” Megumi corrects, his eyes downcast. “We’re…friends.”
“Still!?” Satoru really, really doesn’t mean to sound insensitive but he is honestly surprised. Megumi always treated you politely and with more regard than others. Granted that bar was so low that people in hell could trip on it but to Satoru it was noticeable that Megumi held some type of soft spot for you. Satoru clears his throat to try to regain his composure and hopefully stop Megumi from stabbing him with his eyes. “Ya’know events like these provide the perfect opportunity to impress someone; show them what you’re made of.”
Satoru means it. He genuinely wants to help, and he doesn’t think you’d be adverse to giving Megumi a chance if Megumi would only give himself the chance first.
“Good thing I’m not trying to impress anyone.”
“Don’t be that way,” he says, extending his arms out in an effort to offer his time to his little student. “How about you train with me one more time before the event?”
“No thanks,” he disagrees immediately, and Satoru deflates over the fact that Megumi didn’t even stop to think about it before grabbing his pack and walking away.
Megumi isn’t willing to take that step yet, he guesses.
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The morning of the Goodwill Event comes faster than most. The teams set off while Satoru and the other teachers find a cozy room to set up in and watch the festivities. Everything seems to be going well so far with the teams fighting and breaking off in different directions.
It isn’t long after when Satoru picks out one student from Kyoto different from the others. Satoru could tell that the other students were aiming to pick each other off one by one, and he had his ideas on why that was the case. However, the crow focused on you noticed you weaving through the forest, ignoring the other students in the vicinity, as you made your way to a very specific destination based on your speed and concise path.
That is until you’re stopped by one of the curses released into the area.
“Utahime, it looks like your little busy bee is engaged in battle with a curse.”
The other teacher doesn’t turn her direction, focusing on another screen.
“Fushiguro is on a direct path towards the fight as well.”
Satoru raises his eyebrows, his blindfold widening with the strain. Sure enough, the two of you collide on both screens, and it isn’t but a matter of seconds to take out the curse together. It isn’t unusual for the two schools to fight together; after all, the rules did state that exorcising curses was the top priority. Next, would be—
“Now, what will they do.” Satoru tilts his head to the side, watching Utahime as she brings a hand to her mouth and mutters behind it. “Normally, I’d have no doubts that she can beat him. However, given the terrain, she’s at a disadvantage.”
Satoru hums to himself, wondering the exact same thing. The two of you should be pretty evenly matched in this situation; but as he watches the screen, he notices that neither of you look interested in fighting.
In fact, Megumi is touching you, hand crossing over your face and moving your head around. Satoru can barely make out the sight of blood on your face with the screen this zoomed out but it doesn’t matter as Megumi wipes it off. There’s only a small moment where Megumi lets his forehead press against yours as he cups your cheeks.
Gojo raises his blindfold over one of his eyes, just to make sure he’s seeing this correctly. Surely, he is when Megumi briefly kisses you. He can barely contain his laughter. He knew it! There was no way you two weren’t dating!
“Stop talking to yourself, 'hime, and look.”
Utahime looks back up at the screen, her face scrunching. “Are they?”
“I knew it,” Gojo repeats his thoughts. This time he does laugh as he kicks up his feet and throws his hands behind his head.
“What are they saying?”
“I never took you for a voyeur.”
“Will you shut up!” she says before glaring back at the screen. Her eyes search out for Megumi, who has already headed out of this broadcast area to the other. “Where is he going?”
“Looks like he’s headed straight to Kamo. I can’t imagine him smooth-talking the information out of her but there it is. My students really do take after me. I’m so proud.”
“You’re insufferable,” Utahime replies, scoffs, then returns to watching the battles unfold.
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After the events of the Goodwill Event and the chaos of that Special Grade intruding on the event, Satoru takes the time to check on all the students injured during the fight. He makes his last stop Megumi, who had spent the longest time getting the spores taken out of his stomach before being patched up by Ieiri.
With his hand on the door handle, Satoru stops outside the door to his room. He can sense two people’s energies from behind the wall, one from Megumi and the other from…oh…looks like someone came to comfort Megumi before he could get the chance.
The words from behind the door are low.
How are you feeling? Does it hurt?
Satoru laughs to himself when Megumi obviously tells you to stop mothering him and that you’re worrying too much. He doesn’t know why the little guy still has such a hard time letting someone care about him, but it comforts him to know that you’re not willing to accept it as he hears a harsh “stop being stubborn and let me see.”
He’s so caught up in his thoughts that he doesn’t realize when he presses on the door too hard. The door squeaks inward causing him to tumble in a little clumsily on his tall limbs and for you two to pop up like spooked deer.
“Sorry to interrupt,” he dismisses clumsily – caught red handed. “I was coming to check on my favorite student, but it looks like his girlfriend is already taking good care of him.”
It’s adorable how your eyes widen and your mouth gapes as you sputter out an incoherent excuse. “No, I was just uh—” your fluster only increases when you finally realize you’re still holding the edge of his shirt in your hand while his hand is gripped on your wrist obviously midway in stopping you. You aggressively push his shirt back to him, making him hiss as you tap his stomach. “This is a misunderstanding, sensei.”
“It’s alright,” Satoru says, raising his palms and flattening them to let you know it’s fine to calm down. “I already know. No need to pretend.”
 “How do you—”
“Funny thing about the event,” he starts, taking one long step in the room to the nearest chair. He spins the chair around, sitting in it backwards with his legs hugging the chair and his chin rested on the curve of the back. “Teachers keep a close eye on the students, accessing their battle prowess and team strategies. It just so happens that to do that we need visuals. Mei Mei’s crows…recording devices…cameras…yeah I don’t think there’s many blind spots to miss any battles or when a pair of students want some alone time together.”
Backing away from Megumi, you place your hands in your hands and bow your head towards him. “Sensei, we didn’t mean to do anything against conduct. I just…wanted to help Megumi and the vesse—Itadori.”
“I’m not lecturing you, so there’s no need to be so formal,” Satoru tells you, not that he minds having someone who gives him a little respect around him. “I want to give you my blessing.”
Megumi is the first to object, his nose stiff and scrunched as he bares his teeth at Satoru, mostly in surprise. “No one needs your blessing, and you’re not my parent.”
“Ouch. So touchy,” Satoru remarks, his smile stretching as he glances back over to you. It’s cute how he gets so worked up over something so small, well, he guesses young love isn’t so small, and he can’t help the little urge he has to tease him. “He’s so grouchy. Honestly, you’re way too good for him.”
Megumi hisses. “Get. Out.”
 “No, it’s okay,” you say with a smile, stand, and gently press your hand to Megumi’s shoulder. “I should get going. I’ll come check on you later, Megumi.”
You make a beeline to the door, pausing only to give a short bow.
“Good night, sensei.”
“Good night,” Satoru waves casually, as if he didn’t know that bow just now was to hide your flustered face as you scurry out the room. “She ran off…Cute.” Despite your actions being endearing, the same couldn’t be said for the side-eye he was receiving from the dark-haired boy. “Don’t look at me that way. How come you didn’t want to tell me?”
“Because you’d act exactly like that,” being the answer.
“Okay, okay. You’re not completely wrong,” he agrees. He willingly fell into Megumi’s irritation, riding the waves of it to hopefully end up on a small island where forgiveness was waiting.
Megumi didn’t give him that.
“Didn’t I tell you to get out already? I’m recovering.”
Satoru thinks if Megumi has the energy to keep up his attitude then that must mean he’s doing well, which is good given the nature of his wounds from earlier. Satisfied, Satoru decides to give his charge some peace.
“Fine. Fine. We’ll talk about you lying to your teacher later.”
He doesn’t give any mind to the growl Megumi gives him or when the boy ignores his wave by adjusting his gaze to the flowers on the nightstand.
Satoru would lie to say that attitude doesn’t hurt sometimes, but that’s okay. Even if Megumi was distant about it, even if he still didn’t want to give in and accept the fact that Satoru very much cares about him, you care about him as do his other classmates.
If Megumi could remember to accept that and to allow the rest of you to hold onto him and learn to hold onto you in return, then he’d be alright.
So, Satoru stops at the door, because he just has to make sure that Megumi doesn’t make the same mistakes that he did. “Do you know what you’re doing?” Satoru sighs when he doesn’t receive a response. “You should treat her well. Don’t do anything you’ll regret.”
“I know,” he reassures him bluntly.
“You can always ask me for anything,” he offers, without the bravado and grandeur, and he lays himself out, extends an invisible hand for Megumi to reach towards, just as he always has whether the boy wanted it or not.
And Megumi falters, if only for a brief second, he lets his eyes meet Satoru’s a bit more softly, with less caution, and his voice has lost all the bite that was there moments ago.
“…I know.”
Megumi forces his eyes back down and refuses to look at him. It reminds him of the kid who let his guard down enough to fall asleep next to him for the first time many years ago.
“Good talk then!” he remarks with a thumbs up and a laugh. Otherwise, he might not keep his composure that the warm feeling coating his being makes. “Make sure to get some sleep. We want you well rested for tomorrow’s events.”
Satoru doesn’t expect a good night as he grabs the door but he doesn’t expect Megumi to call out to him either.
It’s with a tinge to his ears that Megumi finally looks at him again.
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my little friend that I play with keeps sending me your stories because she's clearly feeling jealous of the girls in your stories, I think that would make a cute story of a girl who shares this kind of stuff and tries to pretend that it's not absolutely what she wants. She has sent me the "check your pullup" hypno story about 5 times~
aweee that’s so cute! seems like someone’s too shy to admit they need to go back to the basics. here’s a little story for her, hopefully it’ll help her accept her inevitable decline back to diapers!
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you stare at the photo confused. is that really what you look like? you look like such a baby! how didn’t you notice before?
a few months ago, you sent daddy some stories. harmless little stories about little girls (like you) being put back into diapers. it’s totally not something you’d want, you’re a big girl! you just though that uh maybe daddy would enjoy it?
after maybe one two many stories, daddy sent you some hypnosis files to listen to throughout the day. you can’t say no to daddy right? so you started listening to them, like a good girl!
it just seemed so natural, adding pull-ups to your shopping list, buying some cuter clothes from the little girls section, not even being alarmed when you’d wake up drooling with your thumb in your mouth!
every call with daddy now seemed to end in a soaked pull-up, but that’s what they’re there for right? he reassures you that “accidents happen”, and not to worry about unknowingly soaking your padding.
so when daddy texted asking for a pull-up check, you immediately got your camera open and snapped a photo. but you look so. babyish.
you’ve been walking around for days, hair in pigtails, clothes from the little girls section, all with a pull-up underneath. you remember getting some funny looks in public, you barely cared. but now, staring at yourself in the photo, you squirm and blush, you seriously look stupid, like an,oversized toddler! how did you leave the house like this?
your phone starts to ring before you can panic anymore. daddy’s calling! he can fix this! you pick up the phone without hesitation.
“princess, what’s taking you so long? your pull-ups not wet, is it?”
“no! course not daddy! i’m a big girl, it’s dry-“
you cut yourself off. hand on the front of your pull-up, you feel it expanding and growing warmer underneath your hand. you were wetting yourself. you could barely feel it.
“awww did you have an accident baby girl?”
daddy croons teasingly on the line.
“uh maybe…”
you hear him chuckle.
“that’s okay potty pants, why don’t you go change into one of those diapers you ordered the other day? you’ve been pottying in those pull-ups a bit to much lately!”
you whine. he’s not wrong. you haven’t had a dry night in weeks, and usually have at least one accident during the day.
“no! what did you do to me! i’m a big girl! why am i acting like a baby!”
you shake your head, trying to get the fuzzy feeling of daddy’s voice to stop.
“what do you mean sweetheart? this is what you asked for! daddy just followed all those cute little stories you sent him.”
“no daddy, those were a joke! just something you’d like, i don’t want to be a baby!”
you whine, moving in front of a mirror stare at the infantile girl in your reflection.
“you don’t have to lie princess. daddy knows what you really want, so go be a good girl and put on a nice thick diaper for daddy, mkay?”
you feel your brain get fuzzy. suddenly, your reflection doesn’t look so wrong. daddy’s right! you do want to be a little baby! why resist him?
“okay daddy!”
you toddle over to your diaper drawer, wet pull-up cooling between your legs.
“good girl, just sink deeper and deeper for daddy okay? i’ll send you some new hypnosis files right now baby, it sounds like you’re ready for phase two of your regression!”
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ktgoodmorning · 1 day
The Hangover
Patri x reader
You take care of Patri after her post-win partyting.
Warning for alcohol and brief mentions of throwing up.
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As soon as the whistle blew, and Barcelona had officially won the Champions League, you knew exactly what your role would be for the next few days- taking care of your girlfriend to make sure she survived all the celebrations. You surely wouldn’t be holding her back at all, you wanted her to go out and let loose as much as she wanted to, you’d just be there at the end of the night to make sure she got home safely and hopefully drank some water in the process. Ideally if you did your job well, her celebrations and partying would be able to last as long as she wanted. 
Patri was known to have some fun when the time was right. She wasn’t quite as irresponsible as her friend’s sometimes were (especially Cata), but after a win like this, she’d definitely be ready to party, and you’d be there to make sure she could. 
You had already had your time to celebrate on the field with the team before heading back to the hotel with the other WAGs for you to change clothes and meet them at the after party. When the team finally arrived, you lit up at the site of your girl. She was practically glowing, overjoyed over the win, deservedly so. Her head was bobbing up and down above the crowd, jumping alongside Cata while everyone sang. Somehow her smile widened even further when she made eye contact with you, instantly starting to weave her way through the crowd to meet you. 
“Babyyy!!!” She flung her arms around your neck in greeting and it was obvious that she’d already had a few drinks in her, both from the smell of alcohol on her and the way she leaned into you so heavily. 
“Hola,” you giggled at her and the way she was hanging on you. 
“Baby, I’m gonna be honest, I’m already reallllly drunk.” 
“I know, Pats,” you laughed at her stumbling in front of you. “That’s okay, you have as much fun as you want, I’m not drinking tonight so I’ll look after you. 
She pulled you in for a sloppy kiss on the cheek, “And that’s why I love you!” Your girlfriend immediately started pulling you towards the rest of the group, barely managing not to trip and fall as she did so. 
That was about how the night continued on, Patri stumbling around while you followed and made sure to look after her. You didn’t mind, not one bit. You loved nothing more than seeing her so happy and carefree. She was so stressed leading up to big games like this so the change of pace was perfect. You could watch her like this forever if you had to. 
The entire night was a mix of dancing, yelling, and drinking. At one point you found yourself sitting on your girlfriend’s shoulders, barely staying upright with the way she was moving all over the place. You tried to protest every time you almost fell but she’d always insist on keeping you there so you could see everything that was going on. 
Eventually when it became the early hours of the morning, you and the other WAGs were tasked with trying to get your girls to the hotel for a couple hours of sleep before they had to be up for your flight. It was easier said than done though as most of the team were near blackout drunk, still running on adrenaline from the game, and not planning on slowing down anytime soon if they had any say in it. At the very least, you all had the advantage of having the best girlfriends imaginable who would do literally anything you all asked of them. 
After you and Olga had confirmed your plans to call it a night and get them out, you made an attempt to find your girlfriend. It wasn’t a surprise when you found her in the middle of the dance floor, chugging a drink while Pina and Cata cheered her on. You shook your head at the site. She was going to be a handful to get home and get to sleep tonight, but you knew she needed this, no matter how terrible she’d feel in the morning. When she finished her drink, it seemed like she had half of it on her face, using the back of her arm to wipe the extra off her face before she looked up to meet your eyes. 
“Baby, you’re here!” she instantly pulled you into her for a hug. 
“Patri, I’ve been here,” you giggled at her some more as you saw Cata’s girlfriend starting to pull her off the dance floor out of the corner of your eye. “I think it’s time to get you home though, yeah?” 
“But baby! Don y’wanna do some shots with me?” You were shocked her English was still as understandable as it was considering she could hardly stay upright. 
“No, we need to get you back to the hotel, we fly out in the morning, remember? I don't want you to feel quite so bad in the morning.” 
“Bad!? Why would I feel bad!? I feel soooo good!” she was yelling in your ear to be heard over the music. 
“I know baby but I really think you should let me take you home!” 
“Ooooooh taking me home? I like th’sound uh’that.” She finally let you start pulling her towards the door, albeit somewhat misguided, you’d handle her disappointment later. The midfielder was all but dragging you to the floor as she stumbled into you. 
“Here, Patri, just put your arm around my- or just fall on me, okay, that works too I guess.” Instead of just throwing an arm around your shoulders like you expected, she had completely flopped onto your upper half, both arms holding on tightly to you. You basically had to use your entire body weight to drag her out to the taxi that was waiting for you out front, but somehow you managed to get her there without her completely falling to the ground. 
You pushed her into the taxi first, you following closely behind. The second you sat down, her head was on your shoulder with her arms hugging your waist. Patri’s instant contact made it hard to buckle your seatbelt or get comfortable but you didn’t have the heart to try to move her off of you. “Y’know I love you, amor.” You could hardly hear her half-coherent mumbling but the words were unmistakable. Before you could even respond, you felt her go limp against your shoulder, sleeping the entire ride back to the hotel. 
You weren’t quite sure how you did it, but somehow you managed to get her up to your hotel room, still only half awake. As soon as you got her inside, you got her onto the bed where she immediately flopped across it. “No, Patri don’t lay down yet we need to get you changed.”
The only response you got was a halfhearted groan into the sheets. While she continued to lay there, you grabbed her shorts and a t-shirt along with makeup wipe to try to get her ready for bed. Suddenly you were interrupted by her mumbling again, “baby, I don’t feel good.” 
If there was anything that could get your attention, that was it. You instantly ran to pull her towards the bathroom.“No, no, no, don’t throw up on anything!” You pushed her towards the toilet as fast as you could and got her there just in time as she instantly emptied her stomach into the toilet in front of you. As she continued to cough up everything she had drank throughout the night, you pulled her hair into a low ponytail and rubbed her back lightly until she seemed to be done. 
 Your girlfriend looked at you with a face that could break your heart, so helpless and so exhausted. It was as if everything from the day before had just hit her, all at once, like a truck. “You’re alright, love, let's get you cleaned up and into bed.” You wiped her tears from her cheeks with your thumbs and let her fall into your shoulder for a hug before you pulled her up. 
She continued to cling onto you as you wiped off her makeup and got her clothes changed, making it much more difficult than it needed to be. Just as you passed her her toothbrush, there was a knock on your door. “Can you please brush your teeth while I see who that is?” 
Patri scowled at you but took the toothbrush which you assumed was her way of agreeing. You made your way to the door and checked the peephole before opening it to see Olga standing in front of you with a mug in each hand. 
“I made some tea for Alexia in hopes she’ll have any sort of a voice in the morning. I figured you could probably use some for Patri too?” Her thoughtfulness made you smile. You assumed she must have already gotten Alexia asleep but the fact that she thought of you at all made you appreciate the offer even more. 
“Olga, you’re amazing, thank you so much, I-”
“Babbbyyyyyy.” Your sentence was cut off by Patri whining for you in the bathroom.
Olga laughed, probably having experienced the same thing just a few minutes ago in her own room. “I’ll let you go deal with her, but text me if you need any help with her.” She passed you the mug and pulled you in for a brief side hug before heading back to her room, leaving you to go back to taking care of Patri. 
“Pats, did you brush your teeth?” 
“Noooo, it’s too hard.” 
“Well all kisses are revoked until you brush your teeth, you smell like a hot mess.” She looked like a toddler the way that she was pouting at you with her bottom lip jutting out. 
“Emphasis on hot?” You rolled your eyes.
“No, emphasis on mess. You need to brush your teeth before you can go to bed, come on.”
You shoved the toothbrush towards her again which she met with some angry incoherent mumbling. It was hard to be annoyed with her behavior though when she started to finally brush her teeth and listen a bit better. As difficult as she was when she was this drunk, you had no problem taking care of her. 
“Puedes darme un beso ahora?” 
“Si, ven aqui.” You pulled her back towards the bed before giving her a short peck on the lips. How she was still functioning at all, you’d never know. Once you got her in bed, you propped her up against the headboard and shoved the mug of tea in her hands. “Here, drink this and don’t argue with me.”
“But babyyyy,” as soon as she started whining again, you shook your head at her and forced it into her hands again. 
“Patri no, your voice is already destroyed and you have to be up to fly home. You need it if you have any prayer of surviving everything tomorrow. Please just drink it, then you can go to sleep and snuggle with me as much as you want.”
Your girlfriend seemed to recognize the desperation in your voice, easily giving in after that. You weren’t sure what Olga had put in the tea but you trusted her like your life depended on it. Whatever it was, you knew it’d slightly improve her situation for her in the  morning. Patri grimaced slightly as she drank it but still did as you asked before slumping back onto your shoulder. 
“Lay down, baby, let’s get you some sleep. I have my alarm set so I’ll get you up for the flight, just see if you can sleep for a while.” 
“M’not even that tired.”
 “you’re falling asleep on me. Please let’s lay down?”
Whatever her response was, you couldn’t quite understand it, clearly already half asleep on your shoulder. You pulled her down into bed next to you and pulled up some of the covers around her. Leaving a gentle kiss on her forehead, you told her you loved her before laying down yourself, Patri instantly curling into your side. You’d never get tired of her lying like that, holding on to you as if her life depended on it. 
You were woken up the next morning by your alarm going off next to you. While the sound was annoying to you, clearly it had a much greater effect on your girlfriend, instantly groaning loudly into her pillow. You remained silent next to her and just rolled to face her while running your hand down her back softly. “How are you feeling baby?”
“I’m never *hic* drinking again.” you chuckled lightly at her words but your concern grew at the sound of how rough her voice was. 
“I know, love, I know. Unfortunately, we fly out soon so we really need to get up.” Her arm was draped across her eyes even though they weren’t even open yet. “Let me grab you something for your head, then we need to get ready to go. Drink some water though first.” You shoved your water bottle into her hands before getting up to grab her some medication for her headache. You got yourself up and ready for the day while she slowly drank the water and took what you gave her.
 By the time you were ready, she appeared to be slightly more alive, although still looking (and sounding) much rougher than usual. “How are you doing now, love? Are the meds starting to help at all?”
Patri squinted up at you, still sitting on the bed, struggling to actually move. “I’m so tired it’s not even funny. I don’t know how I’m gonna survive today.” She winced as she spoke, clearly her throat was really bothering her along with all the other symptoms of her hangover. 
“Well, I’ll do what I can to help you out. I got your clothes and everything out so all you should have to do is get dressed and I can brush your hair for you if you want. Plus I’m sure the drinks will be flowing again once you’re at the event, so some of it will become tomorrow’s problem.”
“You didn’t have to do all of this, love. You’re incredible. I love you so much.” It was as if she just realized that you had been taking care of her throughout all the celebrating. Even though you could barely understand her, it instantly made you soften as she looked up at you with eyes full of sincerity.
“I’m happy to do it, Pats. I’m so proud of you. And you’ve worked so hard to get here. I will gladly watch after you while you celebrate all this, you deserve it.” You had gotten closer, now standing between her legs while she remained seated on the bed. Your fingers ran through her hair gently while she just looked up at you in admiration. 
“I’m so grateful for you, you know that?” she leaned her face into your body in a weird attempt at a hug. Her words just made you chuckle lightly. She was constantly telling you how grateful she was and how much she loved you, it was borderline impossible for you to not know that. 
“I know, baby,” you leaned down to kiss the top of her head. “Now let's get you ready to go and we’ll see if we can get any more of that tea from Olga for your voice.” Patri nodded against you and started to comply. 
You knew you’d be doing the same thing the next day after they had their home celebration, but you couldn’t complain as she would often do the same for you when you needed it. The two of you would always be willing to take care of each other, even if it meant you spent your morning making sure she had extra sunglasses on hand at all times and didn’t throw up again on the plane ride home.
Requests and feedback always welcome and encouraged! Hope yall enjoy! Can't believe it took me over a week to finally get out any content on the CL win
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mirrology · 1 day
Can I ask a boothill with an adopted child/teen reader that's hps (hyper sensitive) and also has parental trauma
(You don't have to do this if you feel uncomfortable 🐧)
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ノstar .ᐟ ʚɞ
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୨୧ No matter that love's gone, We just see it shining. We've traveled very far, I'll keep a leftover light burning. So you can keep looking up, Isn't that worth holding on? — star, mitski.
boothill & gender neutral reader. platonic | wc: 1.6k
tags/warnings: decided to go with hc's for this one since I didn't know how to write it in fic format T_T. teen reader, reader is a galaxy ranger and really well versed in technology. they can fight pretty well, reader also hates the ipc. boothill is a bad influence. mentioned child abuse, child neglect, reader has a "mom" and acts a little like blade when near her.
notes: aaaa sorry that this is so late! Hopefully, this is what you meant by "hypersensitive." If not, then just let me know, and I'll change it, ALSO HAPPY PRIDE MONTH
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— The two of you met when you were beating up some IPC goons on a planet that they had recently wanted to take over. You had been there gathering materials to set sail to your next destination, you were on the hunt for a certain IPC employee. One who you once knew.
— You couldn't just stand back and watch those IPC scum send that planet into spiraling chaos. So, of course, you beat them up without breaking a sweat. That's where Boothill had found you, he was impressed that someone so young had such skill in combat.
↳ You huffed as the remaining IPC personnel ran away with their tails between their legs. A slow sound of applause came from behind you, causing you to turn around, a deadpan evident on your face. You were met with a man with dual colored hair and what seemed to be a metal body, “I'm not gonna lie, you've got skills, kid.” He had said, a smirk on his face.
— Once the both of you got to talking, he found out you were also a galaxy ranger and that you also absolutely hated the IPC, you both really had many things in common. You had asked him for help in getting to your destination and he agreed pretty easily, claiming that he had “some time to spare”
— Although you had spent little time together, you felt comfortable around him, he never pushed your boundaries or forced you to do things you didn't want to. Boothill’s vocabulary surprised you, instead of cursing normally his words were censored. You would have offered to try to fix his synesthesia beacon, but just the thought of touching someone made your skin crawl. The ghostly touches of people who you once considered family etched onto your skin.
— Once it came to part ways, you didn't want to do so. You shyly admitted to Boothill that the thought of not seeing him scared you a tad bit. He looked surprised but then gave you a bright smile and told you that you could join him on his adventures, and so a strong bond between the both of you was born.
— When Boothill infiltrated the IPC headquarters you're the one who hacked into their system. With your experience, it was relatively easy, although Boothill would not let you go inside with him. He couldn't risk putting you in danger, even though he knows you can put up a fight.
— When the both of you escaped the headquarters after causing absolute chaos, Boothill brought his hand up to your head as he tried to ruffle your hair. He was surprised and slightly hurt when you tensed up and quickly moved out of the way.
— Boothill thought he had made you scared of him somehow, even though you had no reason to be afraid. You noticed his downcast expression and you quickly told him that he did nothing wrong, it was just…
↳ Your heart pounded in your chest, your hands were sweating. You reached up and gripped a strand of your hair in your hand as a sheepish expression painted your face. “I'm not the best with physical touch,” You blurted out, albeit bluntly. “Whenever someone touches me — even if it's just a brush of their fingers, it feels like needles are being stuck into my skin” You huffed, clenching your fist and your eyes downcast. Boothill's expression softened, his once frown lifting into an understanding smile. “Thanks for telling me, bud.” He nodded, his fingers twitching at his side, as if wanting to reach out to you. Yet he respected your space and refrained from doing so.
— Now that Boothill knew about your hypersensitivity he made no attempts to touch you, preferring to give you gifts instead. Whenever you do something that makes him proud as a father would a child; he takes you out to get your favorite food as a treat. Of course verbal encouragement is also a thing he does, giving you a “I'm proud of ya’ kid!” and a pointy grin.
— It's canon Boothill is pretty wealthy from all of those bounties that he hunts and he doesn't exactly know what to do with it. So he definitely spoils you at every chance he gets. Want a nice Keychain you saw in a shop? He's handing it to you right now. How about a nice piece of clothing or a cultural food from the planet that you're visiting? He's got the clothing in a bag and is urging you to try the food.
— Even though you both have your moments of happiness, the both of you still have purposes you stick to. You had gotten a lead on where that person was and you were going to do everything to catch up to them and make them get what they deserved.
↳ “You.” You hissed walking towards the woman in an IPC uniform, kicking another unconscious employee away. You gripped your weapon tightly in your hand, the woman widened her eyes in terror at your sudden appearance, she fell on her bottom, scooting away from you as you approached her. As she backed away she didn't go far, her back hitting a wall not too long after. Your unhurried footsteps resonated through her ears, making her breath pick up as she clutched the dirt underneath her in an attempt to ground herself.
You stopped in front of her, eyes full of unbridled anger. “(N-name)?!” She squeaked, putting a hand out infront of her to reach out to you. “What are.. how are you-” She was cut off as the back of your weapon slapped her intruding hand away. “You don't get to say my name.” You glared at her, your tone icy cold and unforgiving. She tried to speak once more but was once again cut off, “You left me to die! If it wasn't for my quick thinking, I would have been dead by now!” You said in a firm tone and pointed your weapon straight at her, leaving her no room to move or else you would attack.
The woman tensed up and a bead of sweat ran down the side of her cheek, “Honey… I had no choice! You would only weigh me down, you have to understand!” She had the gall to call you “honey” this woman no longer had the honor of doing so. The words stung, even though you no longer felt any affection for her… they brought back memories that you would rather forget. You clenched your teeth and watched as she rambled on and on about how “it was for your own good” and that “you should try to understand her situation” before she would get another word out, you sound your weapon, officially slicing her throat.
The blood splattered onto your stoic face, you watch as she choked on her own blood, eyes wide and filled with panic as if her life was flashing before her eyes… you hope it hurts.
A set of footsteps came from behind you, judging by the jingling of metal and their heavy footsteps you could tell who it was. You reluctantly turned around to meet Boothill's concerned gaze, “Er.. ya’ okay kiddo?” He scratched the side of his face as he pointed out the tears that prickled at the corner of your eyes. You stared at the ground and slowly nodded “I don't entirely hate her, but she didn't deserve to know that… even in her last moment” You muttered as more salty tears filled your vision.
— You and Boothill headed back to your ship, all while you were still occasionally shedding tears. Boothill, seeing the state you were in, offered you a warm, fluffy blanket and a warm drink; hot chocolate.
↳ You sniffled and held the blanket that was over your shoulders to your chest. You were sat on a cushion on the floor of yours and Boothill’s ship, knees tucked towards your chest in an attempt to stop yourself from crying. “Heya kiddo, I got ya’ some hot chocolate…” Boohill plopped down next to you on a matching cushion and held out the mug that was in his robotic hand. His hand was placed below the mug so when you reached to get it, you both wouldn't accidentally brush fingers.
The both of you sat in a pregnant silence and you occasionally sipping on the warm drink provided to you. Boothill stared at you from the corner of his eye, your gaze was focused on the window, giving you the view of the vast space. “She was my mother, you know” You suddenly broke the silence with your blunt words, Boothill’s eyes widened a significant amount, yet you continued.
“Even though she claimed to love me, her actions hurt and her words even more.” You put your mug down beside you and snuggled further into the blanket. The cyborg's face softened into something different, almost sad, distraught. His teeth clenched in anger at the thought of you being hurt by that woman, something ugly bloomed in his mechanical chest.
“But now she's gone,” Boothill started, making you turn your head to look at him with a surprised expression. “She can't hurt you anymore nor anyone, not when I'm around” He grinned, his shark-like teeth out on display. Something in your chest felt warm, it was different but not unpleasant. You offered Boothill a small smile then took a deep breath and raised your pinky up, “Pinky promise?” your voice a bit shaky, but your eyes were filled with determination.
Boothill slowly brought his pinky up, gently intertwining it with yours. They were barely touching but it was progress, “Promise.” The cyborg nodded firmly.
Tears pricked at you eyes, not in sadness nor anger, but relief.
“Thank you.”
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formulawolff · 1 day
viii. shining bright in suzuka - t.w.
pairing: female driver! x toto wolff
word count: 3.0k
warnings: this chapter is a lot milder, so my apologies. cursing, banter, teasing, references to sex, toto being flustered as fuck, discussion of hickeys, references to oral (f! receiving), yadayadayada
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“jet lagged, are we?” 
an elbow nudges shoulder, prodding you awake, “wakey, wakeyyyyy.”
peering from under your hood, you make out alex standing over you, a smirk painting his lips, “what time is it?”
“around 9 i think,” pulling his phone out of his pocket, he checks the time, “well, more like 9:30. what time did you fly in last night?”
“too late,” you grumble, rubbing your heavy lids, “way too late.”
“how long was your flight? because you look absolutely miserable,” although alex’s question is innocent, you hold your tongue. 
while you didn’t necessarily want to lie, you almost had to.
“about twenty hours.”
“yikes,” alex shakes his head, his focus directed on his phone, “sucks to suck.”
“where did you fly out from? monaco? did lily come with you?”
“maybeeee,” his voice crescendos, his smiling growing, “but yeah, she came with. she’s sleeping right now though. or getting ready. i’m not sure. but she’ll be here shortly.”
“yayyyy!” kicking your feet, you fish your phone out of your hoodie pocket, “she’s my favorite golfer, you know that?”
“she can’t be your favorite,” he shakes his head, thumbs fiddling with the screen, “she’s my favorite golfer so that means you have to pick someone else. i’m her number one fan, actually.” 
“okay fine,” you huff, “i’ll be her second number one fan.”
alex’s girlfriend, better known as muni “lily” he, was a professional golfer. she was undeniably gorgeous, with luscious, thick hair, a slim build, and beautiful, bright eyes. they reminded you of a sunlight shining through a forest, a rich,earthy hue. in addition to her stunning features, she was a kind, bubbly individual, quickly bonding with you over your shared status as professional athletes. she was hilarious as well, often getting you to crack a smile in the paddock after a rough lap or after being grilled in a press conference. 
her relationship with alex began after she watched a season of drive to survive on netflix. from there, the two connected over instagram, sharing conversations over their shared interests. that aspect always made you giggle, as she was the ultimate fangirl. her support for alex was adorable, and he was so in love with her. 
that was something you admired about alex. his fierce love for lily and his ability to be able to share it with the world, the two posting one another often across their social medias. 
if only you could tell the world about toto. 
fuck, if only you could tell your parents you had met someone. 
however, your relationship status with the team principal was complicated. 
extremely complicated. 
the time you spent with him in brackley was pure and utter bliss. since you had time to waste, you mostly spent it in his bed, cuddling one another, relishing one another’s presence. he was able to explain some more about his divorce with susie some, relieving your lingering anxiety over the matter.
when the two of you weren’t talking, cuddling, or sleeping, you found your bodies intertwined, his name flowing from your lips. notes of purple, blue, and pink painted your shoulders, breasts, collarbone, and thighs. fuck, there was probably even on one of your ass cheeks. you were so sore, your walls stretched, inner thighs aching. 
hopefully it wouldn’t affect your ability to race. 
you prayed to god it wouldn’t. 
there was one thing you couldn’t get over, even if it was a little ridiculous. 
how was he able to maintain that pace in bed? it was honestly impressive how high his libido was. and his stamina? oh fuck. you were the one who had to tap out nearly every time. yet, he was so gentle with you afterwards, placing soft kisses on every inch of your skin, assuring you that he would massage any sore muscles, offering to make you food if you were hungry.  
one night, he even sang you to sleep. it was a german tune, so you didn’t quite understand the words. but the gesture was enough to have you melting in his arms, falling asleep only minutes after he started. every morning, you’d wake up to his head between your thighs, toto utterly devouring you until he was satisfied. 
you couldn’t express how grateful you were to finally have some time alone with him, where you didn’t have to worry about missing flights or meetings. where you could kiss him as many times as you wanted. where you could just lay with him, your head on his chest as he replied to emails. he didn’t answer a single work-related call in that time, all of his attention focused on you.
as you sat with alex, you couldn’t help but wonder.
what was the label you could place on your relationship with the team principal?
meanwhile, toto wolff stood in the mercedes paddock, mingling with george and lewis. a team member approaches toto, tablet in hand. 
“mr. wolff, we’ve comprised a report of the necessary adjustments needed for this weekend’s race.”
“beautiful,” lewis hamilton finds himself arching a brow as he notices the grin plastered across his team principal’s face, “here, let’s go over here, and you can discuss it with me further. excuse me, you two. we’ll talk more later.”
as the team principal strolls away, lewis turns to his fellow driver. the other brit appears just as shocked, eyes wide, lips parted. 
“what the fuck happened over our break?”
“he’s been so smiley today,” lewis folds his arms across his chest, “do you think he got laid?”
“toto?” george tuts, “surely not. he doesn’t have the time to get laid. he’s always complaining about this meeting, some press conference, a mercedes showcasing. his schedule is packed so tightly, you have to make an appointment to speak with him for more than five minutes.”
“come on, mate,” lewis nods over the team principal, noticing the prominent mark on his neck, just barely peeking out over his collar, “george. he has a hickey. he has a fucking hickey.”
“surely no– oh my god,” george’s arms drop to his sides as he glances over, also taking note of the mark, “holy shit. he did get laid.”
“but who?” lewis presses, “who in their right mind would fuck that man? a recent divorcee? i pray for whoever the poor girl was.”
“the man’s a billionaire,” george waves a hand, “i’m sure there are models practically throwing themselves at him in monaco. perhaps he met a girl at a club or something. i wouldn’t think too much of it. although, it would probably be best if you mentioned the hickey. the press would be all over that.”
“what the fuck am i supposed to say?” lewis hisses, “should it be something like, ‘oh mate, i think you need to take a look at your neck. you have something there.’ or what?”
“wait,” george’s brows furrow, “he was in brackley. he responded to one of my texts saying he was working from the headquarters over break–”
“he fucked someone from mercedes?” lewis’ eyes widen, a hand flying to his mouth, “oh fuck. who could it possibly be?”
“well first things first,” george clears his throat, “you need to mention the hickey. then we need to focus on the practice laps. if we do well and he’s in a good mood, we’ll casually bring it up. we’ll say something like, ‘oh we’ve noticed you’ve been wearing that cheeky grin lately. is there something behind that? are you seeing someone, perhaps?’ we’ll be real smooth with it, so that he doesn’t suspect anything. if we perform poorly, i don’t think he would want to discuss it.”
“well no shit.”
“oh god,” george straightens his posture, “he’s coming back over here. you better say something!”
as the team principal grows near, the british drivers engage in conversation, discussing their performance from the last race. toto clears his throat, running a hand through his hair. 
“i hope i’m not interrupting anything between you two.”
“oh no,” lewis bears a quaint smile, “we were just talking about the fia’s decision regarding that williams driver.”
“the american girl?” toto inquires, maintaining his composure, “she really did a number on you, george.”
“just like someone did a number on your neck,” lewis chips in, teasing lightly, “what were you up to these past couple of days? up to no good?”
“what are you–” toto’s eyes narrow, yet the realization washes over him as he takes in the smug expressions across his drivers’ faces. 
the hickey was visible. the one on the left side of his neck.
“i-i don’t know what you’re rambling about.”
“mhmmm,” lewis puckers his lips, “tell me toto, did you get laid recently?”
inhaling a sharp breath, the team principal puts up his hands, in a vain attempt to cease their speculations. 
yet, he was well aware there was no stopping those two. 
the teasing was going to ensue the entire weekend. and they were going to be relentless, pressing each and every little button until he gave in. 
“what happens in my personal life is none of you–”
before he can finish, lewis puts up a hand, “toto we’ve gone on holiday with you. we’ve had weekends in monaco together. we spend nearly every waking minute together. whether it’s at brackley, in the paddock, or addressing the press, we’ve spent a lot of time together. now, we’re being merciful here. who is the lovely lady?”
“that is none of your–”
“fine,” george interjects, “we’ll drop it for now. but when this weekend is over, you better believe we’ll be on your ass about it. we’re going to find out who this woman is. one way or another.”
although, the british drivers did not have to look very far. 
you were simply a few paddocks down, filming a tik tok with lily. 
“fuck yes!” 
“great job! great fucking job! we’ll see you in the paddock!”
adrenaline courses through your veins as you lay off the gas, practically gliding towards the paddock. stopping the car, you climb out, pumping your fists as the pit crew swarms forward, patting your back, cheers ringing all around.
amidst the crowd, james makes his way through, opening his arms for an embrace. 
you collapse into it, his hands rattling along your helmet, “way to redeem yourself, american girl!” 
“pole position for tomorrow isn’t too bad, huh?” 
“not at all!” james’ eyes are alight with joy, “that will shut everyone up, yeah?” 
“i think so,” the words are breathless, “fuck, that was intense.”
“you can sleep a little easier tonight,” james remarks, patting your helmet once more, “although, i would be on guard. those redbull boys are going to be on your ass.”
sliding your helmet off, your lungs take in the fresh air. your knees buckle momentarily, the limbs feeling a little like jell-o. graciously, you accept a water bottle from james, taking a swig. hairs cling to your forehead, the other ends sticking up in every direction. 
“fuck, i’m tired.”
“well, i don’t have anything for you,” james’ tone is laced with sympathy, “you’ve had a long few days. when you leave, just keep your head down, hood up. this is one of the only times i’ll let you avoid the press. if they antagonize you, just make some bullshit up. i can handle the rest.”
“are you sure you want me to do that? that may just create more headlines,” unzipping your suit halfway, you slip your arms out, grateful for the coolness of the spring suzuka climate. 
“i’m sure,” james rests a hand on your shoulder, “you deserve some rest. alex informed me you had a long flight. the jet lag can persist if you’re not used to it. you look exhausted.”
“i still haven’t adjusted to all of the traveling that comes with this sport,” you exhale, bringing your helmet under your arm, “thank you, james. you’re the best.”
“of course. it’s my job to be the best, you know,” he shoots you a wink, “now go! our little star needs her beauty rest!”
“little star. that’s a new one,” you roll your eyes playfully, “okay, okay. i’ll go.”
spinning on your heel, you turn to leave, strolling out of the paddock. making your way through the team headquarters, you wave to all of the members, grinning as they congratulate you, shouting a variety of inaudible or incoherent words of praise. within minutes, you’re able to locate your belongings, closing the door to the room. 
wincing, you tug the legs of the suit off. fuck, were more sore than usual. underneath the fabric, your muscles tingled, buzzing from the adrenaline. if you were hurting this bad now, god only knew how much more intense it was going to be in a few hours. 
slipping into a hoodie and some leggings, you pull the hood up, throwing your book bad on your shoulder. 
now, it would only be a short walk to your motorhome, where you could shower and sleep. 
thank fucking god. 
glancing at your phone, you briefly picked through your notifications. there was really nothing too serious. a few texts from your parents, congratulating you on the pole position. 
however, there was one message awaiting your response.
congratulations, my golden girl. can i swing by your place in a few? i just have to wrap up with my team and then i’ll be on my way. you should have time to shower, so do not rush. 
also, lewis and george will not stop pestering me about the hickey on my neck. they’ve been up my ass all fucking day. i’m only seconds away from reporting them to the fia and have them disqualified. LOL or however the fuck you say it. 
p.s. you’re going to get the biggest smooch. ever.
at his poor use of lol, you let out a laugh, your thumbs gliding across the screen, typing a response.
when you’re on your way, let me know so i can leave the door unlocked for you. maybe i can give you some concealer so you can cover it up tomorrow lmfaooo. my bad, my bad. see you soon, hottie. <3 
p.s. i can’t wait to get the biggest smooch ever. 
before you know it, you’re at the front door of your motorhome, sliding the key into the lock. turning it, you swing the door open, trudging inside. 
throwing your belongings on the counter, you groan as the pain seeps into every crevice of your body, desperate for some relief. hopefully a hot shower and toto’s hands would ease some of the ache. 
on the other side of the track, a team principal paces, oh so impatient. 
“are we all done here?”
“yes sir,” a team member responds coolly, “we’re finished.”
“okay good,” he nods. waving his hands, he dismisses his team and crew, “all right! see you all tomorrow. bright and early!”
as the members disperse, toto bites his lip, tapping his foot lightly against the carpet. 
why was everything taking so fucking long?
“why are you in such a rush?” lewis’ voice pulls him from his thoughts. thoughts about you, nonetheless, “have somewhere to be?”
“lewis,” toto’s voice is dangerously low, “quit it. stop that shit right now.”
“i’m just saying,” lewis shrugs, “it’s sort of odd you’re usually the last to leave, but now you’re chomping at the bit, ready to get out of here. is there someone waiting on you?”
actually, there was. 
the girl he was beginning to fall head over heels for was waiting for him. perched in her bed, more than likely. more than ready to be swathed in his loving arms. 
she had him wrapped around her little finger, there was no denying that.
especially when she had him pulling shit like this. 
peering around, the team principal ensures that there were no cameras or mics lingering about. netflix was in their early stages of shooting the 2024 season of drive to survive, so there were cameramen and production crew milling about the paddocks throughout the day.
thank god they didn’t catch the entire hickey debacle on camera.
that alone would have ended his career.
“perhaps i am seeing someone,” toto hisses pointing a finger at the british driver, “but that is none of your concern. i will see you tomorrow, lewis.”
“can you at least tell me who she is?” his bottom lip juts out, forming a pout, “come on, toto. you’ve been so open with me all of these years and this is where you draw the line?” 
“all you need to know is that she’s a professional athlete,” that was half the truth, at least. hopefully enough to keep lewis at bay for the time being. 
“an athlete?” lewis’ brows raise, “what sport?
“horseback riding.”
close enough. 
“hmmph,” lewis purses his lips, “well, if you want to tell me more, i’ll be all ears. i’ll see you tomorrow, toto. hopefully we have a hell of a race.”
“hopefully,” the only thing on toto’s mind was getting to you, before the cleanup crew started their rounds, “i will see you in the morning, lewis.”
the driver bids another farewell before catching up with george, exiting the paddock. however, he glances over his shoulder one more time, mouthing something to george before the two continue, disappearing from his line of sight.
fuck, that was unbearable. 
borderline miserable.
lights glitter all around as the team principal makes his way to your motorhome, concealed by the hood of his jacket, thankful for the brisk evening air. if he didn’t have a jacket, he would have been fucked. 
however, it was sort of difficult for the team principal to blend in. especially with his stature and size. 
as he strolls up to the door of your motorhome, he takes once last cautious look, ensuring that there was no one watching. 
yet, what the team principal forgot to account for was the production crew of drive to survive. 
and they managed to record the entire encounter as you opened the door, greeting the team principal with open arms. 
taglist: @toldyouitwasamelodrama @kravitzwhore @persona1lies @pucksandpower @k3ira13 @prettiest-at-the-party @martwll @annewithaneofthegreengable @zoeyjadetice2010 @sinners-98-world @danielricciardotr @laura-naruto-fan1998 @whoisss @nebarious @joalslibrary
if you would like to be added to my taglist, please let me know! thank you for all of the support thus far! <3
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wanderingelvis · 2 days
firstly, love your work!! second, can you write something about elvis being protective as well as maybe some Memphis Mafia content too? 🎀
i have a few of these requests so hopefully this works for all of them! 🎀🪩🕊️
🧚 Masterlist 🧚
word count: 2,508
pairing: 70s elvis x fem reader
warnings: kinda yandere themes, at least very possessive/protective elvis, manipulation
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You’d brought new, fresh light into Elvis’ life. He was deep in his Vegas residency and you were this sweet little thing, bringing soft giggles, affectionate touches and happiness into the International Hotel.
Equally, this purity that you radiated came with a price. Elvis felt a need to protect you, in fact, all of the Mafia did. They were paid handsomely to protect you but even if they weren’t, you tugged on all of their heartstrings and they’d all look out for you, but none more so than Elvis.
Sometimes, he’d take it too far, not that you’d realise. His protectiveness went right over your pretty little head. 
Like the time that he’d kicked out two men from a meet and greet with him after a show because they gave you a “shifty look”, or when he fired a make up assistant for letting you have even so much as a sip of champagne. 
You’d ask about them, where they’d gone as you’d sit on Elvis’ knee and Elvis would plead ignorance, telling you that he ain’t getting involved with none of that personnel nonsense and you’d nod before turning back to your fashion magazine.
It was after a show that you thought was simply magical that you decided you needed to find a way to celebrate that success with Elvis. 
And so, you settled on getting Elvis a cupcake. 
You’d seen a stand of cupcakes as you’d headed into the auditorium before the show, as you’d been escorted in, with Elvis’ stepmother Dee holding your hand painfully tightly, seeing you as more of a burden than a friend. You had wanted to stop to try one of the cupcakes but Dee had yanked your wrist a little too harshly that you didn’t get the chance.
You had wished that you’d be free to roam around on your own but Elvis had made it clear that you were always to have an escort.
He insisted that of course he trusted you, it was strangers he didn’t trust, he couldn’t, he tried to explain to you as you nodded albeit with those adorable pouty lips.
In truth, he knew you were a mischevious and curious little thing, and not only that but you were just a little too naive to be left to your own devices. 
He just knew, if someone tried to take advantage of you, they’d be able to succeed just too easily and to that end, Elvis had made a rule to always be escorted, whether you liked it or not.
But you’d decided you were a big girl, you could surely get a cupcake on your own as a present for Elvis after his amazing show and it would be okay. 
So as the crowd roared with applause, you scooted over in the booth to Larry Geller, the latest of Elvis’ entourage.
“‘Scuse me Larry, I, um, I gotta go to the ladies room and then I gotta go n’grab this, um, this cupcake for E, I wanted t’get him this present because, well, see that was such a lovely show, and um,” You quickly realised you were rambling to justify being left alone. “I wanted to get him somethin’ pretty!” You said softly with your big eyes glittering.
���Well, you sure you can go on yer own kid? Y’know I was told that you s’posed t’have someone with yer.” Larry mumbled, not really paying attention to you but watching a gaggle of female Elvis fans that were waving to get the attention of the Mafia as Elvis could be seen heading backstage.
“Oh sure Lar! It’s just the ladies room! I’ll be back in no time!” You said, seizing your opportunity. “Promise!” You giggled, scrambling out of the booth and making your way to the cupcake stand.
By the time you’d reached the stand, shuffling through all the bodies piling out of the auditorium, you were enchanted by all the different pretty cupcakes, delicately iced and decorated individually.
Meanwhile, backstage, Elvis had reached his dressing room only to be greeted by the Mafia and not the one single person he actually wanted to see. 
“Where is Y/N?” Elvis said sternly, looking around the room and missing an absent baby.
“She wanted to surprise you with a cupcake so she went to the stand in the lobby.” Larry informed him, not thinking anything of it. 
And suddenly, the tension in the room went from 0 to 100 as everyone else, more experienced with Elvis’ rules and regulations, especially towards you, knew what a monumental fuck up had just occurred.
“What do you mean she’s gone to the lobby? Who’s with her?” Elvis practically spat, his eyes scanning the room to see no one else missing but you.
“I- I sent her on her own.” Larry stammered, realising the error he’d made.
“Goddamn it!” Elvis shouted, slamming his whiskey glass on the table, causing it to shatter and make grown men flinch. “Go get her now. If she’s noticed and I swear to God, if that little girl is hurt, if any goddamn motherfucker has put their hands on her, I’ll kill all of you with my own goddamn hands.” Elvis roared.
A big group left the room and headed out in search of the little girl who was currently in the hotel lobby. 
“It’s you!” A shrill voice hollered at you just as you’d purchased a strawberry cupcake, making you glance up. “You’re Elvis’ chick,” the elderly lady said, partially to you, partially to her friend next to her as the two older women cornered you, the little thing as you held the cupcake for Elvis in your hands, your eyes wide like a deer in headlights.
“I, um, I-“ You stammered, the poor baby. 
“You are a weird little thing aren’t you?” One of them said cruelly. 
“It’s like what they say in the papers about her being like some kinda little pet of Elvis’.” The other one said, in an observational tone that made you scrunch your eyebrows sweetly in confusion. 
“Wha-“ You managed to murmur before being interrupted.
Because then the pile on started, as the enormous crowd started noticing you.
“Y/N, over here!”
“Is it true Elvis dresses you?”
“Does Elvis control you?”
“Are you really a virgin?” 
“Would ya sign this for me?”
“Who did you screw to get with Elvis?”
With tears swelling up in your big eyes and your big bottom lip jutted out, wobbling as amxiety consumed you, all you had wanted was a cupcake for Elvis. 
But maybe he had been right all along, maybe you did need someone with you at all times. 
“Y/N, come here, come with us!” An older lady said, grabbing your forearm with a pinch, making the little girl yelp.
“No, no!” You whimpered as hot tears started to spill from your eyes and down your cheeks. You cowered, trying to wriggle away from the lady. 
You were close to a fully blown panic attack, not that you knew what the words were for that. You just knew you needed your Daddy. 
“Get away from her! I said move!” A loud voice yelled. You recognised the voice as Red West and saw him and Jerry making their way through the crowds.
Red got the woman off you with ease as you clung to Jerry, petrified of your surroundings.
“S’alright now honey, we’re gon’ get you back to EP, you’re okay now darlin’.” Jerry lovingly reassured, sensing how terrified you were, as you sniffled and were rushed away by him.
Truth be told, Jerry thought Larry was a bit of an ass, he understood why Elvis liked him but he knew he wasn’t the right person to leave you with.
You were quickly ushered into the security room where you saw Elvis, surrounded by his entourage and you wasted no time in running over to him.
“There’s my little one.” Elvis soothed, consoling his baby, rubbing circles in your back as you hiccuped and clung to him. “Breathe now baby, deep breaths f’me. Are ya hurt lil’ one?” Elvis cooed but he didn’t give you the time to respond. “Jer, she hurt?” Elvis almost barked.
Jerry stood there, hands on his hips and shaking his head. “I don’t know, boss. There was a crowd and some old lady was hollerin’ at her when I got to her.” 
“A-a lady, a-a lady grabbed me and um, she wanted to, she wanted to take me away and I- I didn’t wanna, I didn’t wanna go Daddy,” You sniffled oh so vulnerably, letting out the nickname Elvis had instructed you to give him and one that slipped out when you did indeed feel needy.
Elvis felt his heart yearn to comfort you but he was still seething at the massive oversight that had taken place, as well as the fact that you’d disobeyed his rule.
“Honey, you know what our rule is about wandering off?” Elvis said coolly, devoid of emotion as he was trying to restrain his anger.
You nodded your head feebly, your cheeks turning a softer pink at the slight embarrassment you felt from Elvis talking down to you in front of all of the guys. “To not wander off on my own and always tell you where I’m goin’ to keep me safe.” You recited sadly in a soft voice. 
“Ain’t that right.” Elvis said lowly. “So why, did ya think it would be a bright lil’ idea to disobey me huh kid? Y’need me t’spank that sweet little ass right here and now so that y’learn and start listenin’ t’me? Is that what y’need huh?” Elvis chastised. 
You knew all of the guys were uncomfortable but you also knew that Elvis didn’t give a damn, his eyes trained darkly on you and oh boy, did it make you feel the size of a mouse.
You looked around, embarrassed with your wet lashes fluttering as you sniffled a little more, an overwhelming bundle of feelings, including feeling scared, shy, panicked, embarrassed and relieved all swelling in your little tummy.
“Well honey? Y’gon use that mouth little one or do I gotta pull you across m’knee?” Elvis said, taking his index finger under your chin and tilting it as he towered over you, so that your watery eyes could meet his.
“I just wanted to get you a cupcake…” You choked out as Elvis’ brows furrowed with confusion.
“A cupcake?” Elvis said, his expression softening as it so often would whenever you spoke.
You nodded with a pout, your swollen bottom lip jutted out. 
You weren’t intentionally trying to melt Elvis’ heart with those soft, sad puppy dog eyes, you were just naturally so sweet that Elvis couldn’t resist abandoning his threats. 
“Uh huh!” You whined. “See, I saw these pretty cupcakes, the ones, the ones out there!” You exasperated, turning your body to point in the direction of the lobby. “Them ones with the decorations and the icing and I just,” You and Elvis both realised that you were getting all worked up again.
“Baby,” Elvis hushed, rubbing soothing circles into the small of your back. 
He could tell just by your odd albeit cute passion for this cupcake that you were telling the truth and you really didn’t want to be in trouble.
You tried the breathing technique that Elvis had taught you for when you so often get a little too overwhelmed as your breaths got ragged. “M’sorry.” You mumbled.
“S’okay baby,”
“I just, you did such a good show, I mean, y’know  I love every show n’you were just so good n’ all, I just, just wanted to get you a present for it. And, see, the cupcakes were just so pretty!” You whimpered, pleading your case. “I know, I know I ain’t s’posed t’be wanderin’ off, I just really wanted t’get you the cupcake. I promise I ain’t gonna go on my own again, not ever!” You promised, your eyes wide, trying to convince Elvis. 
Elvis looked down at your poor state, he knew it had been a scary experience for you, he just needed to look at the way you were picking at your own fingers, actin’ all fidgety. 
When he looked up to observe the expressions on the Mafia’s faces, he knew they all agreed. His sweet thing meant no malice and she sure as hell had been spooked enough to never want to go anywhere without someone with her — and maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing after all, Elvis thought.
“M’real sorry.” You said softly, calmer now that you’d finally managed to get your words out, even if they weren’t exactly coherent.
Elvis smirked as he saw a cupcake box on the side that you’d clearly put down before you’d run into his big arms only moments before. 
“That the ‘oh so special’ cupcake huh little one?” Elvis said with a smile, pointing his index finger to guide your vision.
You simply nodded, you didn’t really have all that much energy left, you were so overstimulated, you poor thing.
“Jer, hand me that box will ya?” Elvis hollered, with Jerry moving swiftly to grab the box and place it in your hands, the odd sniffle coming from you, observing it all. “Want me t’take a look, dolly?” Elvis asked you, his tone now noticeably gentler than it had been.
“Yup.” Is all you managed to muster as Elvis took your little hand in his big one and guided you to the couch, letting you nestle into his side.
You watched with glassy eyes the man you adored with all your heart open the box, showing a pretty little cupcake, even if it was the tiniest bit battered from all the chaos. 
“Oh baby, how did y’know this one would be my favourite huh? How’d you get so clever?” Elvis cooed, realising his job was now to make you feel better.
“Really?” You squeaked, pushing yourself up from his chest to observe his expression as you bit your finger. 
Elvis grabbed your hand to gently pull it away from your mouth, he never approved of you biting your nails, it would make you sick and that’s the last thing he wanted. 
“That’s right darlin’.” 
“They gave it a name, it’s called ‘The King’.” You said gently before Elvis threw his head back with laughter at having a cupcake named after him. “That’s why I got it!” 
Your whole body began to untense at his laughter and you looked around to see all of his entourage too, laughing at what you’d said, making you feel better.
“Oh baby, whatever am I gon’ do with you hey?” Elvis chuckled, pulling you in to lovingly pepper your face with kisses, eliciting sweet giggles from you.
Despite it being a rhetorical question, Elvis knew exactly what he was going to do with you.
He would never again let you get into such a vulnerable and volatile situation again. He was going to make sure you were always looked after  and always kept by his side. 
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princessfbi · 2 days
For the Ship and Sentence: Ship: BuckTommy (love them). Sentence: The wind rippled through Tommy’s hair and he sighed as he wrapped his arms around his husband as they laid on the beach.
The wind rippled through Tommy’s hair and he sighed as he wrapped his arms around his husband as they laid on the beach. Well, hopefully husband. If they ever got to that part of the whole married thing. Which seemed farther and farther away with each passing venue they had visited and immediately decided wasn’t for them. Tommy didn’t care. He would’ve been happy anywhere as long as Evan was there with him. Eddie had warned him. Tommy had seen his fiancé with a clipboard before but he’d always been privy to the “you’re the exception but only ‘cause you’re cute” rule. Nothing had prepared him for... Well. To be honest, it hurt more than anything. Not because Buck was unbearable or because Tommy didn’t feel heard about the wedding preparations. If anything, Tommy had to remind Evan that what he wanted mattered too and it was okay if he didn’t like something that Tommy did. It hurt because it didn’t feel like there was anything he could do to make it better. Evan wasn’t sleeping. He was stressed. He was overwhelmed. He was stubborn. His sister had offered to help him find a wedding planner but Evan had pointedly refused to even consider it until absolutely none of the venues had passed whatever standards Buck had set on one of his many many sets of notes. The clipboard had quickly been upgraded to a binder and any time he asked if he could help, Evan just waved him off with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. What was supposed to be a day of celebration and fun was poking at Evan’s side like a thorn he couldn’t pull out no matter how many times he tried. And nothing quite seemed to be able to soothe him. He tossed and turned in Tommy’s arms until the sheets were tangled around them. His eyebrows knitted together like he was fighting off a headache every time he so much as looked at flowers. The to do list seemed to be growing, not shrinking, and under no circumstances was anyone allowed to bring up that they still hadn’t set a date. Tommy still hadn’t quite forgiven Chimney for causing that particular downward spiral. It was supposed to be fun and it hurt Tommy more than anything that Evan wasn’t having fun and there wasn’t a thing Tommy could do to help. Sure, Tommy had dreams. He had little touches on the reception and ceremony he had opinions on. He never thought he’d get the chance to even get this far to begin with. But all that mattered to him was that he got to tell the world that Evan was his. That this adorable, gorgeous, kind man had said yes to forever with Tommy and Tommy loved him so much that it was a miracle he didn’t implode. He just didn’t know what Evan was trying to prove. Or rather who he was trying to prove the mysterious point to. Frankly, Tommy didn’t care. The only person who mattered was in his arms. “Breathe baby,” Tommy murmured into Evan’s ear. Evan breathed out as he fell back into Tommy’s chest and Tommy pressed a kiss to the soft skin beneath his ear. Inch by inch the tension that had been lingering beneath his skin melted away and Tommy watched as Buck dug his toes into the sand. Trying to tear Evan away had taken a lot of bribery and some gentle manhandling and he’d only agreed to get in the car when Tommy had told him he had another venue they could look at but they only had a very small window to get there. A little white lie. Or maybe not so much. He’d just managed to get them parked and to the beach before the sunset on the horizon and the colors bled into the sky when Evan shot him a look that said he was busted. It was just meant to be a distraction really. A moment of peace where Evan could turn off the miles and miles of thoughts racing through his head. “It’s perfect,” Evan said and Tommy squeezed him even tighter as he stared out at the tide. “Yeah,” he agreed because it was. Because anywhere with Evan in his arms was. But that spot on the beach? Well it had plenty of space to fit their loved ones too.
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etherealxwitch · 2 days
can i get a lil blurb about steve’s roommate eddie catching feelings for his sister. smut and/or fluff is welcome. as long as i get a lil kith 🤭
hopefully it lived up to your expectations… no promises though
warnings: mutual pining, pretty heavy make out session, alluded smut
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Eddie was standing in the kitchen, watching you cook dinner. He knew he shouldn’t feel this way, but he was buzzing to reach over and hold your hand, or something. If Steve knew how he felt, he’d be a dead man.
It’s always been longing stares and wishful thinking for him. He wanted more than just this friendship, and a part of him thought you did too.
“You wanna taste?” Your voice brought him out of his thoughts. “I promise it’s good, especially since I made it.”
The way you said it set him off like he snapped out of being so nervous. He was tired of holding back, tired of not feeling your lips on his.
He looked at you, studying your face and all the feelings that bubbled up in his chest. Steve wasn’t home at the moment, too busy working. If anything, now was his chance to do something he always wanted.
“Yeah, it’s good?” Slowly, he stepped towards you, and he could see your breath hitched in your throat.
“Eddie?” You could see the look on his face, and the butterflies in your stomach were swarming. “What are you doing?”
“We both want this.” He has you trapped between him and the counter, his hands on your hips. “Tell me to stop, and I will.”
“I- I don’t want you to stop…,” your voice came out in a whisper, and that’s all it took before his lips crashed against yours.
The kiss was full of desperation, teeth clattering against each other. His tongue slid along yours, and your knees buckled. You would let Eddie do whatever he wanted to you, even if that meant ruining you for every other guy in the world.
His heart pounded against his chest. You could feel it as you were pressed up against each other. God, how you two had longed for this.
You couldn’t help but whine into his mouth as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
The second he pressed his thigh between your legs, a smirk on his face… you knew you were done for. You could feel yourself throb for him, and you know he can feel it too.
“God, I wanted this.” He groans against your lips, slowly pulling back to look at you, “want, need every fucking bit of you, sweetheart.”
Eddie’s voice was deep, hoarse as he spoke. The way you throbbed against his thigh had his cock twitching in his pants like he was some virgin.
You giggle as you peck his lips, “what took you so long?”
He shook his head and shrugged. “Guess I was too afraid of your brother.”
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” your lips trailed down his neck softly. “You know his shift doesn’t end for another hour.”
Eddie didn’t waste any time before throwing you over his shoulder with ease. “Then what are we waiting for?”
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ddejavvu · 3 days
hi mei, i was curious if you could write about reader hiding like their childhood stuffed animal or comfort item like a baby blanket from maybe hotch or peter parker the first time they come over cuz they r embarrassed
this is not age regression shit, just to justify LOL
this works with any peter (hopefully) - the first time my bf came into my room i hurled my decrepit old childhood teddy bear into a corner and when he left i grabbed him like i'm so sorry man i couldn't let him know about you and me.
It's a testament to Peter's natural curiosity that you've been sprawled out over your bed for twenty minutes and he hasn't taken the bait and kissed you yet. Instead he's walking around your room inspecting every nook and cranny, peering into picture frames and opening drawers to paw through their contents.
"Peter!" You laugh, watching him duck beneath your desk, "The only things under there are cords; what are you doing?"
"I'm just looking around!" He insists, "My aunt always tells me you can find a lot out about a person by the space they keep."
"Oh? What are you finding out about me?"
"You have terrible cable management," His nose wrinkles as he ducks out from beneath your desk, "But that's better than what May says about me. She says my room tells her that I'm a pig person with no standards for cleanliness."
"Ouch," You snicker, "May doesn't hold back, does she?"
"Never," Peter grins, and does a final lap around your room before finally succumbing to the call of your mattress. He flattens himself out beside you and sighs, "Your room is boring."
"Hey!" You jab him in the ribs, "What do you mean?"
"I mean it's so clean!" He groans, rubbing his side, "There's no- there's no personality here, there's no trash on the desk, there's no clothes on the ground, there's no comfort blanket on the bed."
"I don't have a comfort blanket," Your cheeks rouge, and Peter zeroes in on it with an eagle's eye.
"Yes you do," He accuses, leaning up on one hand to tower over you, "Where is it? Show me!"
"It's not a blanket!" You insist, but you've implicated yourself, "It's- it's a teddy bear, okay? And I put him away because he's... fragile."
"Mhm. Fragile." Peter nods, "I'll be careful. Show me."
"He's kind of hard to get to."
"Show me."
"He's- uh, he's falling apart, too, not pretty to look at."
"Show me."
"He needs to be washed."
"Show me."
"Come on!" Peter groans, "I'm not gonna make fun of you! I've got a stuffed animal too."
Your glare is perhaps made less effective by the way that your cheeks are on fire. Peter isn't deterred in the slightest, and the second you grumble, 'He's under the bed,' Peter's swinging himself over the side and jamming a hand beneath it.
"Got him," Peter laughs, peering at the plushie that he's dragged from beneath the bed, "This is your special one?"
"Mhm," You nod, watching warily as Peter surveys him, "Like I said, he's- he's kind of worn out and he needs to be washed, and-"
"He's great." Peter smiles, tucking the bear to his chest as he gazes fondly up at you, disarming the nerves bundled tightly in your chest, "You can meet mine the next time you come to my place."
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wonnieluv · 2 days
Dress Up 🎀
Enha Jake x reader
Summary: Jake’s hair has been getting long recently…
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“Babe can I borrow a hair tie?”
I don’t think you could have physically whipped your head around any faster than you did the second you heard those words come out of your boyfriend’s mouth.
“…babe…you there?” At this point he’s a bit concerned from your lack of response and pokes his head out of the bathroom
“Yea…yea just give me a sec” you reply as you get up off of the couch where you were lounging with Layla and go to see what your Jake is up to in the bathroom.
As you suspicions confirmed, you were met with the sight of your boyfriend attempting to tie his hair. You were hoping, praying even, for this day to come but nothing could prepare you for just how DELECTABLE your man looks. Yes that right, that’s YOUR MAN.
After your ogle session you hand him the hair tie he asked and continue to watch him attempt to put his hair back with the fondest smile on your face. Maybe even letting out a giggle or two seeing his pout of frustration when it didn’t end up how he wanted. Letting him suffer long enough you walk up behind him and wrap your arms around his torso and give him a kiss on his shoulder.
“You want me to do it for you Jakey” you playfully ask while holding back a giggle. He sighs turning around to hug you back before agreeing.
“Go sit on the floor in front of the couch and I’ll be there with the supplies.” He complied without complaint despite not knowing what you meant by supplies. Minutes later you return to the living room with the hair tie, a brush, hair clips, bows, literally anything you could put in his pretty hair because you were going to CAPITALIZE on this opportunity to style his long hair.
You settle behind him with his head in between your knees as he lets you card your fingers through his locks alternating between the brush and your hands. You gently gather his hair and neatly tie it into a ponytail leaving out a couple strands at the front. Since he seems so relaxed with Layla now laying her head in his lap on the floor, you decided to start to add more decoration. You wrapped a pink bow around the hair tie and some smaller clips symmetrically on either side of his head before giving his scalp a light peck to signify you were finished with your masterpiece.
You urge him to go check in the mirror and all you can hear are his little giggles saying how much he loves it.
“You should be my new hair stylist baby. I think the pink ribbons would really fit the Fatal Trouble choreo.” He teases as he curls up with you on the couch.
The rest of the evening you spent with him laying on your chest while you gently take the bows, clips, and hair tie out of his hair. He may not say it (he most definitely will), but his new favorite thing will be laying with you playing with his hair. You will most definitely be spending much more time with your hands in his hair. Hopefully this will be more of a drive from him to keep it long 🤭
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