#how Carmen Sandiego of her
biitchcakes · 8 months
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Jess Fashion │ 001. / ∞
( personals DNI. )
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wildflowercryptid · 11 months
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the surviving pointer ladies
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hercynianforest · 21 days
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"Just some smitten sap who allowed himself to be duped by a smooth talking super-thief."
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myths-of-fantasy · 10 months
Mmm concept that at some point in trying to get Devineax to see things from her perspective, Julia describes Carmen not unlike a stray cat. Explaining that the more he chases her, grabs at her and tries to collar her, the faster she will run.
But if he just sits nearby, leaves out something good, takes affection when offered and then critically; lets her go, then Carmen will always come. Showing up on balconies, in living rooms and in passenger seats.
Anyway, Devineax has a chance encounter with Brainwashed!Carmen they banter, he gives her snacks, tricks her into talking about geography a bit and then lets her go.
Then a confused, scared but back-to-normal Carmen appears on his balcony, meekly asking if she'd hurt anyone.
edit: this post is still circulating so I'll just link the fic right here
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itsdappleagain · 8 months
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greetings carmen sandiego angst/whump lovers. carmen art be upon ye
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lammergeierr · 10 months
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I was doodling Carmen for a warm up and I may have gotten a little carried away oopsie. Did end up liking the sketches though so that’s nice :)
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ministarfruit · 2 years
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she's like that kind of dad that tries to relate to her son's interests but in all the wrong ways
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random-lil-illing · 6 months
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coloured versions of the girlfailure <3
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zoedog51 · 8 months
How does Carmen decide when to straighten her hair? Why is it only straight at a fashion show and when invading a Himalayan laboratory by dropping out of a plane? Hm? Is there a reason?
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The fucking. carulia in this episode. Carmen wanted to talk to Julia!! She is uncharacteristically serious because the situation is too, hence the absence of flirting and the going straight to the point, but she still seeks her out. Julia, however, doesn’t know about the “many innocent lives at stake”. She still has their last interaction in Milan in mind, and she’s thrilled at the chance of talking! In the town hall, she’s so eager to show Carmen she has figured her out - she’s almost playful flirty, trying to find out what Carmen is in Stockholm for.
And Carmen is tense and guarded, more than she’s ever been with Julia- just compare her attitude here to the one she had in Milan. She keeps the communicator, but she knows and trusts Julia enough to know she can talk to her frankly. She knows she can trust her more than the rest of ACME.
And then she thinks Julia ratted her out.
Their first shot at an open conversation, knowing each other’s identities, and it immediately falls apart. And Julia was so sure she could get Carmen on board. She understood her motives, she had Chief’s OK, of course everything would work out. Going in, she wanted for this to work equally for Carmen and for Chief (see “You can’t let Chief or Carmen down”). Julia wanted so bad for this mission to go well, to prove herself worthy of Carmen’s trust, and it blew up in both of their faces.
And don’t get me started on that look they share at the end of the episode. Fuck. Julia doesn’t even try to explain to Carmen what happened. Does she feel guilty for Carmen’s state? Does she think she doesn’t want to hear her apologies? That she won’t want to speak to Julia after that?
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okay now I need a fic compilation of what were to happen if carmen were to be sick in every episode of the series
like, getting taken by VILE or some team red comfort (especially with the introduction of dadowsan)…
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 10 months
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she doesnt have ass it's not there it's not there it's not there
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WAIT THIS IS SUCH A GOOD POINT!! HOW HAS THIS NOT BEEN BROUGHT UP BEFORE?!?!?! Carmen girl I love you but you're not beating Tigress babe 😭😭 La femme rouge has killer hips but she's a flat woman and that's fine!!
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grahamcarmen · 1 year
...hmmm....redcrackle Anastasia au....hmmm
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lammergeierr · 11 months
I have the most mixed opinions on Gray. Like yes, that’s Carmen’s dumbass brother figure but he’s also just a man, y’know? Like that’s just a dude
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yeahimcal · 1 year
Carmen and Antonio were actually closer than Gray and Carmen were. Let me explain [beams you to my mind palace]
I think that Antonio saw Carmen like a little sister. She reminded him of his little sister back home and how she loved to play pranks and giggle and tease him.
The first time he heard Carmen laugh so hard she snorted he cried in his bed when he was sure everyone else was asleep because she reminded him of the family he left behind and when he woke up the next morning Carmen was curled up at the foot of his bed and he had another blanket on top of him
He taught her how to cook (well, mainly how to eat and annoy people in the kitchen) and she taught him how to dance and sing
He taught her how to deal with panic attacks and anxiety and she taught him how to pull yourself out of the depths of depression
She taught him how to repair clothes and he taught her how to do her hair so it would stop falling in her eyes
The first time he hugged her really tight they both cried. Carmen whispered that she thought of him as a brother and he started crying like a baby and kissed her forehead and whispered “Eres como mi hermana. Mi hermana menor. oh, hermanita...” (you are like my sister. my baby sister. oh, baby sister...). Ever since then he’s called her hermanita
When she ran away he cried for hours, Jean-Paul held him and told him it was going to be okay. She just wasn’t who he thought she was. It only made him cry harder
When he saw her in Boston and she threw him overboard he thought that he had really lost his sister. That someone else had poisoned her against him and everyone else. But then she threw a life preserver over to him and he had time to think “maybe she’s still in there. Maybe I just need to find her.” but he never did
I think he learned to love her again. Not Black Sheep, but Carmen. She was there for the grand opening of their food truck. Think when he saw her he started bawling and ran to hug her. Think he knocked her over and started kissing her all over her face while saying “hermanita” over and over again. Think she cried, too, just absolutely sobbed her eyes out
Jean-Paul came over and Antonio just pulled him into the hug. They probably took a picture outside the food truck that day that Antonio had framed. Carmen keeps a smaller version of the picture in her wallet? Or maybe her coat pocket.
Anyways that’s it. Just think about it guys
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I seriously can’t be the only person who visualized Sasha as a Milf?
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I've recently started looking at Fandom content for tpp cause I’m finally up to date, and absolutely no disrespect to the designer, but I was rather disappointed by how different some of the designs were from what I’d imagined, so I’m just going to do maybe a few drawings of what I'd seen the characters as before seeing the canon and fanon designs, but maybe update them to more Canon compliant.
But Sasha is one where I refuse to give up the 6′2 absolute unit of a woman that I have in my head.
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