#i literally just bought a hat like this yesterday
biitchcakes · 8 months
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Jess Fashion │ 001. / ∞
( personals DNI. )
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royalarchivist · 11 months
Pac: Oh yeah, we were kidnapped once. Mike: Yeah, Pac and I, we were kidnapped. Fit: What?! Mike: Together. Pac: Yeah, together. Fit: You were kid- like actually? No joke, you were kidnapped?
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Here's Pac and Mike's entire kidnapping story, since the version Pac told during yesterday's Halloween event was incomplete (and pretty tame).
[ Complete Transcript ↓ ]
Pac: Mike, have you ever been robbed?
Mike: Yeah. Yeah, I think.
Pac: Oh yeah, we were kidnapped once.
Mike: Yeah, Pac and I, we were kidnapped.
Fit: What?!
Mike: Together.
Pac: Yeah, together.
Fit: You were kid- like actually? No joke, you were kidnapped?
Pac: [Pac and Mike cheer] Was so cool Fit, was so cool that day.
Mike: Pac almost got his finger shot.
Pac: Yeah, they almost shot in our van- actually, they shot near our van, right? But they missed it for a few inches.
Mike: So we had these shows called- I'm going to explain the whole history.
Pac: Here we go!
Mike: We have these shows called Tazercraft Party when we go all over the state of Brazil.
Fit: Yeah?
Mike: And once we are heading to this city, and it was like 3am. And we have to arrive there early to make our show, to prepare the scenery, to prepare the stage.
Fit: Oh, I see, yeah yeah.
Mike: And then we were like on this van, really late in the night, and then we heard a gunshot. And then a car just crossed in front of our van, stop at the van, and entered two guys armored with guns and with that- uh...
Pac: Wearing balaclavas, Fit! Wearing balaclavas.
Mike: Yeah yeah. And they said like, "Everyone stay quiet. I'm going to take you-"
Pac: [Interrupts him with rapid-fire Portuguese, imitating what the kidnappers said, and Mike joins in with him]
Fit: Wow.
Mike: And then they took us to like a really far away place on the road was really dark and the moon was shining like the sun. And then they told us to put the hands against our hats and just wait until they took all the baggage and luggage. They even took our shoes!
Pac: Yeah!
Mike: And I had this Smartwatch that I bought like one- two days ago. And it got stolen too. We lost everything! We lost everything. Our cell phones, our luggage. But it was in a really sketchy place. \
Pac: Yeah, in the middle of nowhere!
Mike: Yeah, it was literally in the middle of nowhere.
Pac: [Cheerfully] But yeah, Brazil is pretty cool, you know, you should come!
Fit: [Laughs] Oh god.
Mike: There's this famous streamer- there's this famous streamer that plays LoL that he didn't want to give his baggage, his luggage, to the bandits. And one of the bandits said to Pac, "Hold the locker," that he's going to shoot the locker up open.
Pac: Yeah, but it was like, a small locker you know, and he was just going to fire at my fingers, you know. And I completely lost my mind you know, like, "Hey, hey! You're- you're going to make me lose a finger! Don't do that!" And you know, I could smell the gunpowder from his gun because he just fired it.
Mike: This motherfcker. He didn't want to get the keys off his luggage. I hate him.
Pac: [Laughing] Yeah. At the end, I didn't lost the fingers, and you know- Brazil is the BEST. Fit, please come to Brazil! [Cheers]
Mike: Brazil Fit!
Pac: It's going to be alright, it's gonna be alright! Alright alright.
Fit: That's- that's probably the most casual retelling of a kidnapping story I've ever heard. That's insane.
Pac: We used to call this a "Lightling McQueen" kidnapping it because it was really fast. We were kidnapped for 2 - 3 hours you know. Not a long time. So it was a lighting McQueen kidnapping.
Mike: Yeah...
Fit: Oh, I see. So wait, hold on– I'm still stuck on this kidnapping story. So wait- how long ago did this happen?
Pac: Three years, Mike?
Mike: Three years? Three or four years.
Pac: Three or four years.
Fit: ...Wow, that's crazy.
Mike: Let's show one of our shows to Fit.
Pac: At the end Fit, at least for me, I always try to see the things from the bright side. So at least for me, I learned a lot from this day. I learned that like, you need to avoid robberies and you need to avoid bad guys and also gunshots. And I learned that you always need to... to stay sharp, you know? So that was actually pretty cool. And I have an amazing story to tell everyone! So at the end, it was like a win, at least for me. I would be kidnapped again, you know, if I wasn't- if somebody doesn't shot me, you know.
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live-laugh-legolas · 3 days
For your Fellowship requests thingy, may I, pretty please, ask you to consider, the Fellowship's favourite individual clothing items? Sort of like what colour it is, and like whether it's their favourite because it's dramatic af or 'cuz it's really comfy or very sentimental or something? I hope this makes sense! 🙃
Btw, your headcanons are the best things ever, I love when I find a new post of yours on my dash! Makes me smile every time! 😊💙
Thank you so much! You’re too sweet :)
Their favorite article of clothing
-I mean my first thought was obviously Arwen��s necklace but that feels like a cheat answer
-He definitely isn’t someone to easily get attached to material objects
-Life as a ranger doesn’t really allow for that
-However I could see him maybe being a bit attached to an old cloak
-He has newer ones but he keeps returning to the “old reliable” that isn’t very reliable because it is only patches at this point
-Maybe it was a gift from his Mother
-It is a bit short on him as well (let’s not forget he is canonically 6’6”)
-So now it’s more of a “blankie” than something he actually wears
-He is very particular about his shoes
-They have to be light and so he can feel the ground through them
-More like socks with a thin sole and maybe some ankle support if he’s feeling fruity
-He won’t wear anything that is constricting
-In general he is picky about how his clothes feel
-Some materials just give him the ick
-Once as a kid his father made him wear a formal outfit that was too itchy and he straight up stripped in front of guests; and he doesn’t regret it, he would do it again
-He doesn’t care much how his clothes look though; he bases his choice on feel and mobility
-He’s so pretty he could literally wear garbage and still look stunning
-In general he prefers his clothes to be simple and practical
-Specifically his shoulder pads
-You might think they have some sort of sentimental value to them
-But really he just likes how they look
-They broaden his already broad shoulders which makes him feel very attractive
-Probably has some jewelry that was gifted to him that he is very proud of
-He absolutely has a silk robe at home
-I imagine it being a pale blue
-I would say silk pjs but he gets too hot while sleeping to wear them
-So a robe is perfect
-Especially after a bath; silk robe and comfy slippers
-Has worn it out and given a few innocent bystanders a bit of an eyeful
-Faramir often has to tell him to get dressed; he’s creating a poor image for himself and he scared a maid
-This hobbit has like 3 outfits he wears
-Not that he doesn’t have other clothes
-He has a whole dresser full; but he just wears the same thing basically everyday
-And the variations he does are just in color; he bought the same thing in every color
-He doesn’t have to think about what he is going to wear; he already knows; he wore it yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that
-Has a handmade scarf from Bilbo trying to teach him to knit
-Does Bilbo knit? Not really, but he gets the gist of it
-He has one really nice vest he got as a hand me down from his old gaffar
-And he only wears it for really special occasions
-Very careful with it; nothing will spill on it
-Takes it off immediately when he gets home so he is wearing it for as little time as possible so it doesn’t get worn out (and so he doesn’t feel like he needs to wash it)
-Washing it could ruin it and it wouldn’t smell right
-And that’s a risk he won’t take
-I could totally see Merry being a hat guy
-Not like normal caps or anything
-But if anyone has seen Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium there is a boy in the film who collects unique hats
-He doesn’t wear them all but he is very proud of his collection
-He has a themed hat for every occasion
-Very fond of his flowery sunhat; it’s practical and cute
-Ok, hear me out
-He is very serious about his underwear
-Definitely has a “lucky pair”
-Don’t knock it; everyone has a favorite pair
-He claims it “holds everything like a nice hug”
-Not shy about it either; will go into specifics about why a pair is super horrible
-“There is a seam that goes right on up there. And it’s awful! I can’t be going all day fishing around my-“ “alright we get it Pip”
-I’m pretty sure this man has one set of clothes and they are very shabby
-Like I’m sorry but his robes definitely have a strong scent; not necessarily bad, but certainly earthy and like an attic
-How they have lasted so long no one knows; probably some magic or something
-He does have a pair of gloves Bilbo made as a gift that he treasures
-Are they lopsided? Yes
-Do they have some holes from missing a stitch? Also yes
-Does he care? Absolutely not
I lost my favorite sweatshirt while on vacation recently and I definitely had a mental breakdown… I still grieve for it months later
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leafy-m · 9 months
So yesterday I bought all of the Japanese Witch Hat Kitchen digital volumes, and I'm kind of screaming into my hands because. even though I've read all these chapters before, I literally cannot handle HOW. MANY. ADORABLE ORUFREY moments there are. THERE ARE SO MANY!!!!
I won't spoil the big scenes/chapter covers because these are from later volumes, but. Look at these!!!
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What if Qifrey spoke about his dream of taking the girls to a marketplace and teaching them how to expand their ideas of what to eat... and Olruggio responded while looking at him Like That...
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"Master Olruggio, why does Master Qifrey call you babygirl?"
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There's also so many moments where Qifrey is just. Such a dork. I absolutely love him. Keep smiling sweetie, you're doing great!
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Don't even get me started on the big Orufrey moments or the amount of times Olruggio is saying something incredibly sweet or has a big smile.... You're lucky I hit the app's 10 image limit.
Also there's these really cute little panel drawings with the girls and/or brushbug being adorable:
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Richeh is so ready for those sandwiches lol
Anyway if you love Witch Hat and/or Orufrey you HAVE to get the Kitchen spin-off series!! It's so good 😭💖💝💞
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idontlikeem · 10 months
tw incoherency self-pity and discussions of cancer and medical stuff surrounding it, honestly this is just me being so whiny and i just need to get it out, but i'm talking about actual medical procedures and etc in here so if that or me being a terrible self-centered daughter is going to trigger you please don't read because i'm not censoring this or making it palatable.
i have had a little bit of a fraught relationship with my mom for my whole life, as i think a lot of eldest/only daughters do. there was friction when i was a teenager, there were (are) body image issues thrust upon me, there were expectations and unfair standards and as the only girl a bit of sexism mixed in with it all...the usual, you know. but once i graduated college and grew up a little we've had a much better relationship. i've gotten better at letting her stray comments about my weight and life choices roll off my back (mostly), and she's trying to be less overbearing and critical. i talk to her a lot, and i want to share stuff with her.
she's stopped picking up when i call.
it's not every time, but it's enough that i'm noticing. it's enough that i text to follow up. it's enough that my throat gets tight whenever it happens. aaaaand it's enough to make me cranky and petulant when i don't get a reply.
i have this blue armchair i bought a few months ago. it was my first big furniture purchase after i got divorced that wasn't a necessity and was just something i wanted, and i love it. the problem is it was a discontinued model and color from ikea, so there was no ottoman/footrest that matched that i could buy, and i've been looking for something that was at least a close match ever since, because i'm tall enough that even a chair and a half is not comfy for me to sit on for long periods of time without somewhere to prop my feet.
and i finally found one! it's not perfect but it was inexpensive and i like how they look together, so that's all that matters. come thru target, i should have started there tbh. so i wanted to show her since it got delivered today and i was able to confirm it was a match.
i facetimed twice and she didn't answer, and i texted asking if she was busy with no reply.
i got mad! i got pouty and texted my friends about how my mom barely ever picks up when i facetime her anymore, and i always have to follow up and ask what's going on and if she can talk, and it's annoying to me. as i was doing that, i was texting my dad asking if she was ok.
turns out yesterday she was in the hospital all day getting fluid drained from her abdomen. the chemotherapy she'd been receiving since last fall has recently stopped working, and her blood markers are skyrocketing and the tumors are growing again. she's started a new treatment, sort of a hail mary, but if this doesn't work that's kind of it.
we've always been buying time, but i'd stupidly let myself sort of...i mean, i didn't think she was going to be cured, that's not possible, but when a treatment is letting her sort of seem better, feel better, be out in the world and doing stuff and closer to 'normal'...it's easy to lull yourself into a sense of denial, like 'oh this is just how it's going to be forever'.
stupid. of course it wasn't.
and meanwhile i'm sitting here reading my dad's text about the procedure, about how she had to get 2.75 liters of fluid drained out of her abdomen and she's probably going to have to get a drain re-installed so they can do it at home again (she'd gotten it removed early summer because of how well the chemo was working, the ascites was all but gone), and all i can think is:
i want to show my mom my stupid ottoman. i want her to say 'oh that looks great! isn't target the best? why do we ever shop anywhere else. oh and it has storage! you could put your hats and gloves in there, or maybe even some extra toiletries.' i want to chat about a fucking furniture purchase and listen to her talk about how she's going to try it out when she comes to visit me next. i want her to keep me on the phone for too long, to the point where i get annoyed and make up a meeting so i can hang up.
it's not fair. i want my mom to be my mom. she's sitting at home so exhausted and dying and this is all i can fucking think about. it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair it's not fair.
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Okay. With all of that in mind, I want to talk about the ending Monaca actually gets in DR3. Because, in a vacuum, it's glorious and perfect and I love it. But in context with the choices they made at the end of UDG, there are problems.
See. The thing about Monaca's ending? Is that it's fantastic. A perfect way to resolve a child villain infatuated with Junko cultism. Toko and Komaru go in to have their final ultimate battle with Monaca and then she just. She gives up.
Out of nowhere. It just. Happens. She's done. She gives up. Shuts down all of her robots and surrenders immediately.
And it's not a ploy or a trick or a clever machination. She's just. Over it. In the process of being Junko 3.0, she realizes that nothing about Junko's philosophy makes any sense and she doesn't want to do it anymore. This is all stupid and she wants to do something else with her life.
This is amazing. I have a lot of things about DR3 that I hate, but this? This is glorious. The literal ten-year-old spent five minutes being Junko and went, "This is dumb, actually. She bought into this crap?"
I've said before that Mukuro going, "Maybe Ultimate Despair was just a childish fantasy and we should just grow up," was the most epic burn ever delivered to Junko, but it's not. This is.
And the reason it works is because, first and foremost, Monaca is a child. She is not a fully-developed human being. She's still figuring out who she is and what she wants to be about. She is philosophically malleable in a way that adults typically aren't so much. She's still trying on hats to figure out what her identity as an adult is going to be.
So she tries on Junko's hat and goes, "Mm, no, gross," and tosses it. Even though she was so about this yesterday. That's what children are like!
This is beautiful. The perfect ending for this villain.
And people hated it. And I can't really blame them for hating it, because UDG spent the last two hours making a comprehensive case for Monaca to be the second-most despicable monster who ever existed in this franchise.
After everything UDG's ending did, people didn't want a reasonable conclusion to a reasonable child character. They wanted catharsis for an archvillain. That's what UDG told them to expect.
This isn't really Monaca's fault. It speaks to a greater friction between DR3 and its predecessors.
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foggyxrayspecs · 2 years
Security Measures—Part 7: A Sh*tload of Work
Summary: Yelena introduces a morning routine, Cub needs to make a quick decision, and the fuller picture pulls more into focus.
Warnings: dark-ish, sub-themes of human trafficking, heavy pet play
Word Count: ~2,900
A/N: The next couple chapters are going to get a tiny bit angsty. Back to fluff schtuff in Part 10.
Tip of the hat to @scarlettwlw​ for letting me borrow the Widow AU Yelena. (So very appreciated!!!)
All previous parts in pinned post
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After placing the muzzle to the side, Yelena runs her index finger over your smile. “You have some very strong teeth, cub.” She presses her finger in, parting your lips to explore your mouth one tooth at a time. Seconds seem to slow as your breath evens out, and you watch her. As she gets to the end of the top row, she moves down and inspects the lower set. You start tentatively lapping your tongue over her finger. When she allows you to continue, you close your eyes and inhale deeply, licking in earnest. You can’t help but start sucking to claim all the salt and taste of her.
Yelena’s eyes watch you intently as she begins thrusting her fingers in and out of your mouth in slow micro-movements. She pulls them out fully; you whimper and chase them with your tongue, rising on your elbows. She opens her hand and lets you lick broad strokes into her palm. You look up at her, blushing, and open your jaw wider...
“I couldn’t help it.”
“So, you bought the damn store?”
Yelena grinned, “I bought the damn store.”
Natasha stabs her chopsticks in the air at Yelena, “And you are shameless about it!”
Yelena shrugs and takes a sip of her tea. “The thing about it is that I know they will be so appreciative. No, not like that,” Yelena tosses a sauce packet at her sister’s head. “No, they are going to legitimately appreciate the gifts. It makes buying and giving so much easier. I don’t have to agonize if this is the little thing that matches all the other little things they already have. They will just—enjoy. That, and they needed a vest.”
“So many pockets?”
“Nataaasha! I’m trying to be serious here for fucking once. I see a shitload of work ahead for us, but I… I just don’t care. I want to do it.”
“Okay, okay.” Natasha leans forward.
“Don’t.” Yelena ducks her head to look down into her Pad Thai, grabbing a rogue peanut.
“What?” Natasha bites back the smile threatening to take over her whole face. 
“Don’t.” Yelena looks up and warns. “You are going to give me some big sister pet-owner speech.”
“It’s just that you are legitimately in puppy love. It’s just so cute!”
“Gaaaah!” Yelena internally starts pulling out her meditation techniques. “Let’s just get into the Reznikov briefing. There are two locations that I would like to go over for continued surveillance.”
“Okay, puppy lover.”
“So cute when you are riled.” Natasha dodges the last sauce packet.
You don’t know what wakes you, but there’s a reindeer butt in your face. You rise from the pillow, shake your head, and focus on the fluffy backside. You recognize the plushie as one of the many gifts from Yelena last night. She brought in a new vest, muzzle, hood, sunnies, three leashes, a harness enough to fit your broad shoulders, and a Nerf gun for fetching. Along with this treasure trove came a tiny reindeer with big eyes and a red nose that instantly had you surging forward and biting to carry it around in your mouth proudly for the rest of the night. 
You were allowed to bring it to bed—Yelena’s bed. No nightmares, no stomachaches; she just patted her thigh when she got up from the couch, and you both went to sleep in her comfy bed. You sigh happily. 
You use the back of your hand to clear the sleep from your eyes. You catch the sound of Yelena’s feet coming back from the ensuite. She pulls the covers from you, “Aww, is the puppy sleepy? Get up! We’ve got training.
Training! You love training! You roll up on all fours, ready and wriggling. You start getting down from the bed, then take a moment to grab the reindeer.
When she meets you at the door, she’s in a black sports bra and matching high-waisted shorts. Her hair is in a neat blonde plait down her back. She helps you into your vest, which feels good and snug, and clips in your muzzle and a leash to your collar. Your eyes are alight at the thought of leaving the apartment with her. 
“Cub, we are going to the playroom down the hall. Melina called last night to share research showing that HK-9s do their best when ‘they lead active lives that engage their bodies, minds, and emotions.’ This means we must find ways to exercise daily to wring out the energy from your little wiggly body.” She makes little fish lips at you and rubs under your chin. “I know you want to get out the door and work, but it’s too dangerous right now. Therefore, playroom. We go.”
Yelena guides you out her door and over the polished concrete, but then she leads you right and walks you down the hall. Your excitement triples so that you have difficulty walking in a straight line. She gives one quick yank of the chain leash, and you straighten out, your tongue lolling out of your mouth, belying your happiness.
Yelena stops at a reinforced steel door, takes care of the security, and pushes the door open, revealing a substantial studio with padded black mats on the floor. You walk in, look around, and take inventory: a weight set and squat rack, targets along the walls, heavy bags, and a few martial arts dummies. You look back at her in awe and catch her watching you. She grins. 
As you both warm up, she insists you stretch all the major muscle groups, and she talks through her routine. You enjoy how her voice grows from rough from sleep to low and melodic as she speaks in long sentences that you can’t fully understand. You just do your best trying to match her positions. 
You face one another to begin sparring. Your eyes widen as Yelena drops to her haunches and offers a small play bow. 
A smile lights up your face. You know what that means! You reciprocate by spreading your arms out in front of you and ducking your chin in your own play bow.
Back with your former trainer, Zarro, you learned that play bows are dogs’ way of telling their playmates that they mean no harm. It’s a specific signal that says, “I want to play with you—I don’t want to fight with you or eat you or dominate you.” The canine playbook is underpinned by a set of four rules for play that dogs in the program generally understood and adhered to.
Rule One: Ask first. You should always gain the attention of a potential play partner, and only when both dogs are looking and agree with a bow play can commence.
Rule Two: Remember to mind your manners. Don’t bite too hard. Don’t slam into another dog too hard. Go all-out in proportion to your partners, but show self-restraint to ensure you don’t inflict injuries. 
Rule Three: Admit when you’re wrong. If you bite too hard, pull back. Check in and acknowledge that something went wrong. Afterward, bow again and hope the other dog says, “Okay, I trust you. Let’s play.” 
The final rule is the most important.
Rule Four: Be honest. Don’t ask another dog to play and then violate the rules. It’s important to play fairly and in good faith. Honesty keeps the integrity of the pack intact.
This play framework snaps into place in your mind as Yelena slowly rises to her feet and begins circling you. You feel a swell of… giddiness? Joy? You force yourself to relax and breathe. “Easy there, cub. Settle in,” she says calmly.
As you get to know her sparring style, you keep your arms forward and don’t show much initiative. You concentrate on keeping your legs away from her for the easy sweep and actively avoid her grips to keep yourself from being thrown. 
It didn’t take you long to understand that she was a combat master. After her third consecutive takedown, this time with an Imari Roll, you began using your sprawl and weight advantage. 
You give a few warm-up touches in the next reset and then catch her arm. Instead of breaking it, you give it a quick peck with your muzzle. She pulls up and twists, stepping over you faster than your eyes can track without your enhancements, and catches you in an arm bar. She nips at the interior of your elbow and gives a smug chuckle.
Reset. You start on the offensive and flare your leg out to catch her. Miss. You turn and wheel yourself up, using your arms to uprock over her sweep. As she meets you on her knees, she lunges and quickly covers the ground for a slide kick. You dodge easily and then land in a squat with a grin.
Yelena raises her hand, palm to you in the “hold” sign as she stands, shaking out her legs. She motions for you to stand as well. You raise your eyebrows. You cautiously look around. She snaps and signs, “up.” You carefully rise on your feet. You feel a little unsteady, but she gives you a few moments. You finally give her a play bow to signal that you are ready to resume in this new position. 
Yelena gives no quarter to your wobbly legs. Instead, she finds your back and presses her chest against you, gripping her hands with arms around your neck and under your shoulder. Classic Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. She hooks her feet inside your legs and establishes firm control. You drop and peel back so that you a pressing her to the floor, still careful not to crush her with your weight. You realize your mistake when she switches her grip for a rear choke hold.  
The chin locks and hip tosses went on like this for more than an hour until she rolled you and maneuvered into a full mount, her body over yours. You quickly tilt your hips and press her forward to knock her off balance. To regain control, she hooks her legs in the insides of your shins. It’s an excellent position to immobilize any opponent. She taps the outside of your thigh, and you look up at her, smiling. 
Yelena narrows her eyes, trying to regain her breath. “Very good, cub.” You swallow and redden, panting just as hard. She tilts her head, hums softly, and unsnaps the cage of your muzzle. 
After placing the mask to the side, Yelena runs her index finger over your smile. “You have some very strong teeth, cub.” She presses her finger in, parting your lips to explore your mouth one tooth at a time. Seconds seem to slow as your breath evens out, and you watch her. As she gets to the end of the top row, she moves down and inspects the lower set. You start tentatively lapping your tongue over her finger. When she allows you to continue, you close your eyes and inhale deeply, licking in earnest. You can’t help but start sucking to claim all the salt and taste of her.
Yelena’s eyes watch you intently as she begins thrusting her fingers in and out of your mouth in slow micro-movements. She pulls them out fully; you whimper and chase them with your tongue, rising on your elbows. She opens her hand and lets you lick broad strokes into her palm. You look up at her, blushing, and open your jaw wider...  
DING! You stiffen and jerk your head to the door when you hear the elevator stop. “Aurelia.” You look back to Yelena, and you’re disappointed that she has brought her hands down. She smiles softly and briefly strokes the side of your neck, then pushes her palm into your shoulder and forces herself up to stand. She murmurs, “Come, cub. We need to get ready for the day.”
You groan as she makes to leave, but you quickly heel at her side.
Aurelia was chattering away, telling you so, so many things. You could grab a few words from the stream of dialogue, but you mostly tried to concentrate on the ingredients she includes while she cooks. 
When you and Yelena met her at the door, Aurelia carried a large basket and three smaller bags. You had discretely run your nose above the basket, but deciphering what was within was hard. 
You quickly got distracted by what you were cataloging as Yelena’s morning routine. You were worried that she would leave you again, so you were extra vigilant as you watched her emerge out of her shower, brush her teeth, put on a gel to mask the smell of her armpits—which you thought was a tragedy—and dress for the day. This did not bode well. The one glimmer of hope was when she spoke to you, but then you realized it was about a bath tonight. You shivered. Baths were nasty and brutish with cold spray and a rough brush. But, if Yelena wanted you to get clean, you would do your best to stand still while the water jets nearly removed the top layer of your skin. 
After Yelena left, it took you about an hour to get up from your spot at the front door. You didn’t want to disturb the kiss she left on your forehead until you could no longer feel it. You sighed and silently moved to the dining room to sit and watch Aurelia typing on her laptop. She glanced up after a few minutes, finally noticing you were there, “How are you, cub?” She quirked an eyebrow at what must have been your mournful expression. “That bad, mm?”
She got up and moved in front of you. “What do you say we make something to eat, eh?” 
Once in the kitchen, she opened the lid of the basket she brought and let you inspect the tops of the small bottles and canisters inside. You peered at them curiously, and she let you smell each one as she added the ingredients to the collection of boiling pots and stewing pans. 
It was ama— 
Suddenly, a blast goes off in the hallway. BOOM.
A loud, high-pitched screech rips through your auditory enhancements from acoustic feedback. Then it clears. You snap into action, barrel towards the door, and position yourself to fortify the entrance. You quickly check Aurelia, look at the balcony, and then listen for what you can glean from the lobby. 
The building's fire emergency system starts to light up.
Aurelia immediately moves to press a button under the kitchen island. She puts on baking gloves, grabs the roast in the oven, and slides it quickly and safely onto the stove. She then turns off the range and all elements and runs over to the foyer, looking through the peephole. “The general rule in high-rise buildings is to stay inside the apartment unless you see flames. Well, I see flames, cub!”
Aurelia grabs a leash on the side of the jam and tests the door for heat. She unlocks the security and opens the door cautiously. “Fuck!” You can both see smoke billowing out of the elevator, the doors blown and bulging in a convex shell left from the blast. 
You take two steps, and Aurelia stops abruptly. “Fuck me! KEYS! Just a second, cub; if we have to come back and don’t have them, we’ll be completely FUCKED.” As she returns for the house keys, you look over the scene, judge that you have an extra second, and dart back into the apartment to pick up your reindeer in the foyer. 
On her way back through, Aurelia grabs your leash and pulls you toward the stairs. She tests the door and ushers you through once she determines it to be safe. The fire suppression system hits and unleashes the sprinkles. As she opens the heavy fire door, the lights and intercom are even louder in the confined space of the stairwell. She looks down at you on your knees, then over at the stairs. Worried, she yells, “How are we going to manage this?”
You are already moving forward to take a look over the steps. Not a bad drop. You look back at her and think it might be best to show, not tell. You gently tug the leash out of her hand, then walk to the first step and smoothly vault off the edge. You land easily in a crouch on the lower landing, sliding just a little as the water pours down on you both. You nod your head for her to hurry up. 
Aurelia huffs, “Jerk! I thought I was going to have to carry you!” She wastes no more time, grabbing the handrail and guiding herself down. 
You work as a team like that, leap-frogging the quarter-turn stairs while Aurelia hugs every railing. You were happy that you had trained with Yelena this morning to warm up your body. Yelena. You didn’t like that she was away from you, but you sure as hell didn’t want her here. You begin to hear echoes of people rising from the stairwell—more and more bodies funneling into the space.
When you hit the first floor of the service elevator entrance, Aurelia doesn’t stop until she was running out to the valet area where Mikhail, her lover, by the smell of him, was emerging from a Bugatti. A frantic man shoves past him to get in and gun the engine. Mikhail folds Aurelia into his arms and pulls her away to the street. You protest, dropping your stuffed animal, moving after them, and trying to shepherd them back under the relative safety of the overhang. You push and nip to walk them back. 
Just then, three shots catch your ears. You didn’t even have a chance to jerk your head to get a look at the snipers before it all went black.
“Definitely a hit, boss,” says Ingrid, her ops supervisor, softly. “The damage was localized to the one floor of the apartment building, yours. Two humans and one HK-9 were tranq’ed from above. The HK-9 was hauled away in an unmarked truck by four unknown assailants dressed as first responders.”
“Yelena? They left this on the street. Would you like it?” Sonja held out a water-soaked reindeer stuffed animal.
Yelena’s only response is to take the toy by the neck and set her jaw.
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n3fast0 · 1 year
Soukoku One-Shot
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I don't sleep at night.
It's not like I cannot, I just don't think it's that necessary.
Sleeping is something I can do at every hour, but I can only see the Moon when silence fills up Yokohama's streets.
I don't really like silence though. It's so damn empty in my mind. And emptyness fills it with thoughts I don't really need. In fact, I'm not that fond of thinking.
But it's right during that moments that I would've preferred sleeping.
"Oi, Dazai. Look what I've got here."
I was watching the clouds move to the west in the nocturnal dimness when a redhead jumped on the edge of my window with two paper pieces in his hand.
"Two tickets for a day in a ryokan? How so, Chuuya? You noticed I overwork myself and you want to give me a vacation?"
"Absolutely not, dickhead. It's for me, but I refuse to invite those geezers of the Port Mafia. I don't want to see them naked at all, I would not be able to work with them anymore."
I grabbed from the desk the pack of Golden Bat that I bought just yesterday and one of those big Zippo lighters. He used to say smoke tastes better with its flame.
"You're such a pervert! You literally invited me just to see me naked."
"Shut the fuck up, you filthy mass of bandages. I would've asked Akutagawa if he didn't have so much to do, my poor boy."
He took a cigarette from the pack resting it on his lips while holding it between his fingertips, waiting me to light it up for him.
His black gloves made a pleasant contrast with the orange of the cigarette that recalled the colour of his hair. It was so aesthetically accurate it almost looked like painting.
"I'm already smoking enough these days, I don't need you on my dick too right now."
"Stressed, Chuuya?"
"It's fucking obvious, why else would I book this vacation, asshole."
The corners of my lips bent slightly upwards, laughing at the way he was referring to me with such arrogance.
I bowed towards him to take a puff directly from his fingers.
He inhaled before me, blowing the smoke against my face in annoyance, letting it expanding inside the room behind my shoulders. He settled on the windowsill, moving his legs inside the house, instead of wiggling them in the air against the building's wall.
He let me draw on it and I immediately felt the lack of filter. I never apprecieted those that much, but nobody can stop me from trying one occasionaly.
Maybe silence wasn't that bad with him.
Perhaps he decided that it was too burdensome and wanted to take care of it.
"Just tomorrow morning. You do your work, say you're taking a day off and you come to my house at 5.30. If don't see you coming, I swear to God I'm leaving you there."
"I'll arrive late just to annoy you, y'know?"
"Actually, yes. And that's why I'll leave 10 minutes late."
"You're so predicatble, you petite mafioso."
I snatched his hat from his head and putting it on mine.
"Give it back, shitty Dazai. You're pissing me off too much today!"
He shouted while giving me a well-placed punch on my head, taking his hat back by retracting the hand.
He turned his back on me, choosing the best position for a good hop.
He was floating in the fog surrounded by a red aura making him stand out in the darkness of Yokohama when he looked at me again with the sweetest look I had seen that night.
" 'Night, suicidal maniac."
"Goodnight, chibikko."
He smiled slightly before leaving me alone again with a unlit cigarette in my hand.
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Flower Butterfly Fashion Series (2) - Give Me a Like
Gong Jun is here with his little fig counterpart, all dressed up in Louis Vuitton's signature brown canvas.
Following up on yesterday's first fig in this series, Lucky Cat, here we have Junjun giving us a thumbs up!
If you've been reading this blog, you know I love Louis Vuitton. That being said, I don't actually love their signature brown canvas. I've never liked it, and have never planned to own any of it. And yet here this fig is, all decked out in it, so I guess in some way I ended up with some of it after all, in the cutest way possible!
Unlike me though, Gong Jun loves this jacket a whole lot. And why shouldn't he? Frankly, if I was on a magazine cover in a high end designer jacket, looking as good as he looks, I'd love it too, no matter what it's relative fashion merits are or aren't.
Anyway, his studio staff got him the jacket as a gift for his birthday, and he was so adorably delighted by it, I couldn't help but love it for him! Let see some smiling birthday boy Junjun:
He's so cute, I can't even handle it. Junjun should get all the jackets! Every single one of them!
As a side note, this whole live stream for his birthday (2021) was just wonderful. I just adore it. Such a down to earth, cheerful stream! My friend likes to put on his live streams on the background sometimes (his dumpling-making one is her particular favorite!) to give her room some cheerful energy, and inspired by her, I started doing that when I'm cleaning up my office. It really does brighten everything up to putter around and hear the cadence of his voice and the smiles in it.
OK, a few more shots of him in this outfit before we move on to the fig!
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A+ for the WSJ photographer, that's a gorgeous shot of Junjun's beautiful hands. I would know that bottom half of his face anywhere!
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Yes, you know I like his foot kicked up like this! Just gives a shoot a little extra personality. This would be a super cute fig of it's own!
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When I bought this fig, the translated name of it was Like the Dog. Which confused me. Obviously the puppy dog here is Junjun, but I was thinking, what is like the dog? The dog is like what? I didn't realize it was literally, give him a social media like. Well, that's not a problem, I'm always happy to give our Junjunie a thumbs up!
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This pic is a bit overexposed (the light decided to pass by a cloud and pour into my window at this exact moment, bathing my fig in a glorious glow), but the benefit of this is you get a really excellent view of the detail on his shiny shoes. Also please note the detail on the palm of his hand. Super cute!
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They did a good job on his fingers and hands (and yes, the thumb!) overall! The seaming on PVC molds always makes it a bit difficult for the fig makers, but this is well done.
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I was wondering how the fig maker and the factory was going to address the LV Monogram, given that the print actually has a lot going on to render into tiny fig clothing form. Especially considering it's all over the jacket! I think they did a great job by picking one of the recognizable elements and sticking with that. Less busy for sure.
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It looks good too. Nice and sharp, and actually very little areas of overlap. Quality work!
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I love the little detail of the cuffs on his pants!
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Super cute! The proportions on his outstretched arm are perfect, as is his little hand. This particular fig maker always does a nice job.
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The little touches of the neckerchief and the orange bars on the jacket really give this fig's outfit a lot of interest.
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I continue to say how impressed I am that fig makers manage to capture the essence of Junjun's hairstyles. He literally just has short hair, in different configurations of volume and arrangement of his bangs. Yet, they just pay attention to the smallest details of how a lock of hair falls on his face, and render it to fig form. Here's a crop of the inspiration pic so you can see hat I mean:
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The photographer did a great job on this shoot - the shadows and light on this is beautiful.
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This is a nice angle to see all the rosiness in his cheeks. Also, I feel a little awkward saying this, but I do like the detail of his zipper fly on his pants, the belt seaming, and the buttons on his shirt. Tailoring! I'm talking tailoring detail here, folks!!!
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Not much to see here other than a blurry thumb and the locks of his hair falling down over his forehead.
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I'm really grateful the fig maker put the name of this fig in English on the box cards and the box. Makes it so much easier on your linguistically challenged figthusiast friend over here!
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 405
Scene Count: 28
Rating: 👍👍
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I somehow hurt myself multiple times today. I cut my own neck. I cut my face at one point. I have chapped my lips so bad that they split in the center. I stained my hands by accident. I'm a mess. I really needed to day off and I don't know if I feel 100% better but I am not as much of a rack as I think I could have been.
I slept okay last night. I only got a few minutes into my video before I was out. Which is good. I hate when I end up laying there all night. And I let myself sleep in until after 9:00. I do remember James this morning saying goodbye and putting another blanket on me. Apparently I kept kicking it off when they tried. But the thought is appreciated.
When I got up for real James let me know that they had got donuts for us and filled up the gas tank. I love them so much. And I would take forever to get out of bed but I didn't have to be anywhere so it was fine.
I got washed up and dressed. My lip would just get progressively more swollen throughout the day. I put stuff on it and I'm trying to leave it alone but just keep chewing on the inside of my mouth. I literally have a Band-Aid on it right now trying to make myself leave it alone. And I had my donut and things were good.
Like I said I didn't have to do anything today. I spent a good amount of time making new outfits for our honeymoon. A few months back I had made digital versions but I decided that that's not the aesthetic that I'm going for right now. And I have a better idea of what the weather is going to be like.
So I will pick out pieces and then I figured out all the outfits I can make using those pieces. I have a pretty good mix of nicer outfits and things that are more for being outdoorsy. And just some regular pieces that I think will make me feel comfortable. And once I figured those out I did another practice pack. And honestly I have so much more space now. I cut out a few pieces that I was going to bring before like an extra sweater and things that I really don't think I'm going to need. And I sat down and went through all of my toiletries and separated out the liquids from the non-liquids and wood text James about what I would like to buy next week when we go out.
After that I made myself a sandwich. I had some of the leftover salad from yesterday but it was kind of all middles. And I hate middles. It's the worst part of the salad. But it was a fine lunch. And very soon after that I was just hanging out. I laid on the couch for a while. Sweet pea and me were playing. Eventually I decided I wanted to go out.
I didn't really want to go anywhere. And I didn't want to go all the way up to savers and I didn't really want to go to second chance. I even thought about going up to Columbia but I didn't really want to go that far. So I decided I was just go to the value village in Glen Burnie. I thought it would be nice to meet James at the museum afterwards. And we could get an early dinner.
And it worked out just great. I got out to the value village and I went to go look at the purses first thing. And this woman who was like 6 ft ahead of me on the wall just like gets up right next to me. And then every time I tried to look at something she stuck her hand in front of me. She was right next to me the entire time. It was the weirdest behavior. I was just like why are you in my space.? And I didn't find anything that great anyway but it was just super weird then I kept seeing her in the store just being in everyone's personal business. Thankfully she didn't bother me again.
I did find some more of the calendar bears but no January. And I thought that the two that I bought were ones that I needed for my collection but sadly they were not. We're so close to finishing the clown bears and I'm only missing like four from the birthday hat bears. I don't want to just go on eBay that's not as fun. I still had a good time looking around.
I did find some good stuff. I found a plein Air painters box. In terrible condition but only because it had been painted so many times. I think if I just clean it up it'll be great and it would only $5. I also found address I think will work well as a layer for the Renaissance faire. And interesting boho yellow jumpsuit. Fix me better backwards than it does forward but I still think it's cool.
Once I left there I went over to the Lidl, kind of like an Aldi. I mostly just wanted to look at their stuff section. And they did not disappoint. They had some really great deals on outdoor stuff. And they even had a pop tent set up. It was a nice little tent. And it was only $30. It came in a really pretty blue color as well. So I decided I would download the app. And because it was the first time I was using the app I got $5 coupon. So I got the tent and two little nail polishes for $27. And I was very excited.
I texted James about having dinner together as it was almost 3:00. And they were totally down for it. I told him I was going to stop at Harris teeter near the museum and I would wait for them over there.
When I got to the store I went to go find the moisturizer I was looking for. Very specifically this is not a lotion it is a gel. And I like it a lot in the summer. But face and body have felt so dry this week that I thought maybe I need to start using it earlier than I would normally. Fingers crossed. I also found a bar of soap. I was thinking about it last week that since Jess's parents sold the beach condo I'm not going to get my yearly nice bars of soap from the beach. So I found one that was pretty similar. It's a green tea and I like spelling like green tea in the summertime so it worked out. And it was about the same price as it would have been at the beach.
James was not quite done at the museum yet because of an event issue. So I just chilled in the car and watched videos until they came to meet me.
We went to a place that opened in that shopping center not long ago called fat patties. They don't have a huge selection but it was a nice place. We sat outside. Our waitress was very nice. I got macaroni and cheese and french fries, James got a burger and fries. My refilled soda came in a new cup in that cup had a huge crack in the bottom it leaked all over the place. But I just poured it in my old cup and it was fine.
We talked about the honeymoon and upcoming plans. It's a week and a bit away and I am very excited but also very nervous. I think it's going to be a wonderful trip and I just want to make sure that I have thought about anything that could go wrong so that I could pre-plan to fix it. Like ordering seasickness medication and bringing needle and thread and Band-Aids and safety pins. I just want to be prepared.
James still had the bike and we didn't have the bike rack on the car so I drove home and James raced me there. They beat me by like 1 minute. On my drive home I saw a homeless guy and I had a bag of chips and I want to give it to him but when I reached back to get it I accidentally honked my horn and scared those shit out of myself but I think everyone around me. But I gave him the chips and he said thank you. And that's all that matters.
When I got home James helped me bring in the things that I got today. And we chilled for a while until they got ready to go to a baseball game.
We were both trying to figure out why sweetp was intently staring at the one wall in our bedroom. Still can't figure it out. He's been a little squirrely today. But that is all right.
Once James left me and sweetp just hung out on the couch. We watched videos and I got another game on my phone that's about color sorting. Very calming. And eventually I went and washed my hair. I also am trying to dye my yellow tevas a green color. But I have only successfully dyed my hands green so far. So this may or may not work. Made a huge mess in the bathtub. But it's fine. I can always just bleach it out. My hair looks nice though.
Tomorrow I am going over to the fullwiler house because me and Anne and possibly Charlotte are having a garage sale. It went pretty well last two times. But it is a little stressful because it feels like there's a lot of responsibility on me for some reason. I tried to not take on responsibilities that didn't belong to me this time. But it is still hard. Hopefully people come. And I hope it's a nice day. It's supposed to storm really bad tomorrow afternoon. Fingers crossed that it's not a nightmare. I'm working a wedding tomorrow night at the museum and I'm looking forward to it but you know how these things can be. Hopefully it's a good time.
James just texted me and their team won. So that's great. And they will be home within an hour hopefully. And then we will go to sleep. I hope you all have a very good night tonight. And that you are safe in the storm tomorrow. Good night everyone.
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selamat-linting · 2 years
there was a few things i missed and got wrong on my homestuck liveblog yesterday. first of all, i mistook terezi with kanaya with that morallegiance chat with vriska. makes sense, they used to be roleplay buddies until that mess of an incident. not taking away vriska's responsibility from that clusterfuck but, wonder how much of it is doc scratch influence. good god girl, why are you gambling with a literal god? also WHY rose is trusting that white ball asshole? i dont like him at all. he's basically responsible to a lot of the mess the trolls and beta kids is going through.
anyway, at the last page i left off, terezi and vriska's attitude towards each other is largely shown in the boy-off with dave and john. with karkat screaming in the background (he always screams in the background). so its easy to miss that theyre very much in a weird complicated, frenemy state with each other. that in between space where you're not sure if theyre genuinely fucking hates each other or theyre ribbing on each other like two meanspirited friends do. i've been there sister, i've been there.
speaking of vriska (again, because she is my child who has every disease), oh her relationship/friendship with tavros is very conflicted and, i dare say, delicious? this is something that im sure would hit even harder if tavros wasnt relegated to the butt of ableist jokes more than he's treated as a character but. trust me. imagine youre tavros. your friend(?) is vriska. she crippled you, she saved your life, she berates you at every turn, she kissed you. deep down she only wants best for you. she wanted you to kill her. she wanted you to hate her enough to do it. she doesnt want to bleed to death alone. she's begging you to kill her. she's could have forced you to do it but she doesnt. because this is for you both to grow stronger and survive. thats all she wanted all along. for you both to thrive in a world that eats you alive. she needs you to kill her. oh god *head in hands*
-so its really really sad to see vriska being so lonely after killing tavros. she dug a hole too deep to get out alone and the remaining friends she had that could have accepted her again are all dead or too burned out of her. i wish they both can meet each other again. just to talk and find closure. like, tavros deserves to be angry with vriska and he deserves to have that peace he always wanted from her. and vriska deserves to start being a better person and getting some peace of mind. she deserves a chance, is all im saying. like, its okay if tavros cant give it to her. but some of her friends could. maybe terezi? the worst they ever do to each other in terms of direct harm is the eye injury. or maybe karkat? oh god i dont want to hear them arguing, i would go deaf!
-at least vriska has john! its nice to see them being friends with each other. Tbh john has been a breath of fresh air (hehe) in all the doom and gloom. im not looking forward to him meeting his dead dad but right now, my boy is walking around the village with one of the finest music i heard so far. and then he drive a flying car with WV. its just, he is so positive and amidst a set of characters who lost all of their innocence, he remains as the one guy who tries to enjoy the game and take everything in stride. he felt smug when the salamanders keep referencing in his title, he bought everyone hats and snacks, he gave moral support to vriska. the harley and egbert family is so positive about everything and its so endearing!
-AND JADE! fuck yeah she's starting to show how awesome she is. YES JADE say fuck you to karkat! its been long overdue!!! she also should say fuck you to vriska too as a treat. and fuck you to tavros too. and fuck you to that prince of hope (more like doom lol) who blew up her computer. she deserve monetary compensation to deal with that troll polycruel.
-special mention to dave btw. i dont remember him doing anything particularly exciting lately but i believe he's the one carrying the team. john and jade had to do their quest to be effective in defeating the english demon guy (the brits are all demons lol) and rose had to be their prime researcher and strategist, so he basically did the save everyone's ass part. i cant wait to see him hang out with terezi. Also is it bad of me to want him go godtier? Like, it would be interesting.
-and other time aspect characters i want to appreciate, aradia! babygirl have finally get rid of her hopelessness and come back to life! and now she's bringing the gang back together!!! and putting the pieces on why gamzee suddenly breaks. too bad gamzee never had a chance to show his personality. anyway, im starting to think i was wrong about lil cal. like, i think it was posessed but oh no its just bro moving him around, but somehow that fucking puppet is the one wrapped up in literally everything. aradia finds that shitty doll and somehow its connected to gamzee losing it and the game sgurb and doc scratch and... whats going on????
-in conclusion, timebound kids are always the one carrying the team. they are hard to find but theyre the one who could determine how you win or lose the game.
-but how can i forget? kanaya! she came through. i really thought she was dead! but she is alive, and she kills people with a chainsaw than apply lipstick to her bloodstreak lips. she is trying so hard to be Hinged. final girl behavior fr. i wonder how she's going to meet rose again. i hope she talked rose out of that suicide mission.
-and can we talk about karkat? man, imagine leading an army of kids who did kill and maim each other before the game even starts. imagine being the lowest of the social hierarchy and trying to make the most toxic friendgroup filled with racists and murderers to listen to you. imagine being able to do that despite all the odds, bring them to victory, and have the price right on your hands only for it to be ripped away and your friends devolve into chaos and murder several hours later. its a failure of untold magnitude. no wonder he's so disturbed and angry at himself and everyone.
-okay now that im done with the characters. i want to compliment how good everyone looks. the art and the fashions are all sooo amazing. the talksprite is also wonderful. im inclined to change my pfp into feferi's talksprite because i like her design so much. also because hooray! She's just dead, not corrupted by horrorterrors. in my mind she is laughing at tavros and doomed dave rap battle while surrounded by beautiful scenery
-also, i cant believe infinite stairs are referenced AGAIN with sollux and karkat. and SMUPPET ASS JOKE? on tavros dead body? lmao. okay i need to see smuppet ass on dave again. he was just so funny with it. and karkat shipping craze with jadesprite and jade. the jokes are really good, fr
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erelavent · 2 years
Lewis' Singapore GP hat is the best piece of merch I've ever bought— a dissertation
My $70 Lewis Singapore GP cap arrived today (I ordered the Silverstone one but my order was canclled because of shortages 😭😭) and it's the best merch I've ever bought. Now I know you're thinking that a hat can't be worth that much money and if you asked me yesterday, I would have agreed. However, here are the reasons why it's the best $70 I've ever spent on a piece of clothing:
The peach tie-dye aesthetic is beautiful. That is a given. It makes my medium brown skin and yellow undertones look fucking amazing. It also fits the pretty pink motifs in my room.
I run alot and I like to wear hats to block out the sun so coincidentally, I own a lot of hats. Specifically, a lot of baseball/brimmed/snapback hats and I have never gotten a hat that is so well engineered/tailored to my needs (See evidence below). First things first, the strap on the back. Let's talk about the strap on the back of the hat. There are usually 1 of 3 straps on the back of a hat and none of them work for me. Why you ask? A velcro strap sucks because my super fully agro hair gets caught in it and I basically have to rip a chunk out every time I take it off. The second is a metal buckle clasp (see Geroge's special edition hats for reference) that just isn't strong enough to contain my hair. The third is the classic rubber snapback (see the ferrari hats) that never stays connected. Before Lewis' hat, I had just accepted that I could I'd never find a hat that works for me. Lewis' hat has an adjustable strap connected to a plastic buckle that smooths over my hair and doesn't get caught. I've never gotten a hat like this.
The brim of the hat is sturdy and durable. It is also wide enough to block the sun out of my upper peripheral vision but not the sides. Does that make sense? The curve and ratio is just perfect.
On the inside of the hat, there is a sweat-wicking band for your forehead that also doesn't catch my hair.
Also the length of the front of the hat to the center is the perfect amount (for my slightly larger forehead). I was on the fence because the front of the hat was going into trucker hat territory and that's not my vibe but it's great?
The material also feels really nice and durable but also light weight. It's also breathable so my head doesn't overheat.
Tldr: I'm OBSESSED with this hat. I'm gonna wear it literally everywhere. I'm literally about to go buy another one.
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countessofravenclaw · 9 months
The 2023 writing Advent calendar: Day 19
19. Snow
This is a direct continuation from yesterday
“I mean, I am just so excited,” Luna reiterated as they sat down on the table and Matteo pulled the casserole out of the oven, “I stayed up all night last night doing research.” 
“You did research?” Nina questioned. 
“Yeah,” Luna nodded, “Santa really lives there. I mean I don’t know how close it is to that Saarisalky place, but he has a whole resort. We need to go visit that.” 
“Well, I think that can be arranged,” Gastón nodded, “As long I make through the university thing in one piece.” 
“What on earth are they making you do?” Matteo questioned as he brough the food onto the table, “Walk the plank?”
“Talk to freshman,” Gastón responded cringing, “Gonna be fun, because I have to work on my vacation.”
“The cost of a fancy corporate job and fancy promotion,” Matteo laughed.
“Promotion that dropped literally from the sky, it has been two years and half of the team still doesn’t believe it.” Gastón shook his head, “And suddenly they all want me to represent the whole company.”
“Pretty sure the college kids listen better somebody who is only five year older than them and good looking than those fifty something people. So you shouldn’t listen to them either.” Matteo remarked, “Plus you know what you’re talking about.”
“I keep telling him that,” Nina nodded. 
“Did you know that snowflakes have six sides?” Luna asked after the topic got changed. 
“I have read about that too,” Nina responded, “It’s about the mylekylar shape or something. One of those high school chemistry fun facts. There also are no two alike snowflakes.” 
“That is so cool,” Luna continued, “I mean looked up buch of pictures and they were so pretty. I have never seen it in real life, so I am looking forward to just rolling in it.”
“How much rolling are you planning on doing?” Matteo raised his eyebrow, “Cause you need prope gear for that. We don’t want you to freeze into a incikle.”
“Uu, I haven shwed you yet the jacket I got,” Luna jumped up from the table and ran to a closet and pulled out a puffy multicolore coat. “This is heavy.”
“Heavier it is, the warmer it is,” Gastón remarked, “At least it should be that way.” 
“It took hours of shopping to find everything,” Matteo leaned back on his chair, “I will never go shopping again.”
“But now you have them for the eternity,” Gastón noted, “If we wanna take more vacations…”
“Lets pick something warmer next,” Matteo suggested. 
“We’ll have to go back to England next year, for James and Isabel’s wedding so that’s not warm exactly,” Nina started saying, “But one trip at the time.”
“Yep,” Luna came back to the tabel with a pile of different woollen hats, “We went to buy this stuff with Simon and look how cute these are.” 
She held up a red hat with two black tassels. The other hats on the table were mix of pink, bright blue and yellow. She also had buch of different colored gloves. “Simon bought this one that was blue and yellow. Ambar’s gonna love that whenshe sees it.”
“Definitely… especially since she asked to burn all of his beanies before their wedding,” Matteo mumbled. 
“I looked up that place where we’re gonna have the cars rented from and it kind of seemed like they’ll be manual. Those have been more common in Europe so there still might be ones.” Gastón started before looking at Nina, “You’ll get to practrise.”
“In a different country with snow and slippery streets?” Nina looked at him questiongly. “I’ve barely worked a manual.”
“We have time to pratice. I can go grab the manul from Mom and Dad’s.” 
“Maybe I should learn to drive.” Luna wonderd outloud. 
“Uhm, you sure?” Matteo looked alarme for a moment. “Bacause, I’m more than happy to drive.”
“I don’t know,” Luna shrugged. 
Never let Luna behind the wheel
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thecrizbitz · 1 year
Last thing I purchased: The last two things I purchased were literally from yesterday. I went on amazon and ordered myself a jack o lantern blanket for my room and a witch hat.
why I bought it: I wanted to spice up my room and my wardrobe for the halloween season
what it meant to you: I’ve always been a big fan of things halloween, not just during the season but all year long, its my favorite holiday.
Reason behind that buy: Due to my love for halloween, I wanted to get more stuff of that nature for myself to wear and as decoration for my room. I want to feel comfortable in the stuff that I own.
What personal values are attached to that ‘buy’: The history of halloween is a fascinating one that I have written about during my forst year of college in my english class. That by itself made my love for halloween grow. Not only do you wear fun costumes, but the weather gets cooler and you can wear more clothes you like, you make fun memories with friends and eat your favourite treats. I associate halloween with good things, so it’s only normal that I want to buy things that related to the holiday.
what attracted me to that particular product: The witch hat was simple in design and had a soft fabric. It would fit with any clothes i wore. The jack o lantern blanket had a nice pattern that wasn’t over the top, and felt like it would fot with the aeshetic in my room.
has your emotional conmcetion deepene or faded: I ordered it not long ago so no, if anything it has grown since i’m waiting for its arrival, so it leaves me with excitement.
Does that product tell a story: Yes, infact all of halloween does. It started off as a simple celtic tradition called samhain, which later turned into the halloween we know and love.
0 notes
fingertipsmp3 · 4 years
You ever binge the first 2 seasons of a show & then forgot about it for three weeks
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AN: just something t hat came to my mind. :)
Pairing: Stucky x reader
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Well, you were satisfied with your main job as a personal assistant in the avenger tower, but the training every week ( Tony made everyone train, just in case) and the endless hours barely left any time for you to have any kind of relationship of your own, and the fun time you had in the bedroom was mainly your toys. You refused to have one-night stands, but since your job left you without the possibility of having a boyfriend, you opted for this instead.
Starting an onlyfans was just the cherry on top. A plus thrill to add, and of course the flirtatious messages from your followers just added to that. Bucky, Steve and Sam didn't bother to remember the name of a simple assistant, so they called you peach or doll most of the time. You decided since they wouldn't need to go on onlyfans, and since peach was such a common nickname you could get away with AssistantPeach, going for the sexy-secretary wibe. You didn't really needed to buy anything for this, since you never showed more than your body. Your face was off limits, mainly for protecting your identity. You just hit 15k followers, so you decided this week you would go live instead of posting pictures. You spent the last week posting pictures in less and less clothing, the last one just yesterday, reminding your followers that today, you'll go live, the first time ever. On the picture you were fully naked, holding a peach in front of your right nipple with your left hand, effectively hiding your left one, while using your right hand to hold a peach, hiding your cunt. It was sexy, but somehow you still seemed like a goddess. Your peachy blonde hair falling on your shoulders in loose waves. You opted for some golden hour glow as well, making you look like you shone yourself. The amount of comments you got for that one were the most you ever had.
One stood out the most. It was from someone named Tinman40 and it said:
"How can someone not worship you 24/7? Literal Goddess, can't possibly wait for your live, it's a shame others will se as well... can i get a private show?"
At first you found it rude to ask for a private show, then you just found it sweet. You bought a sunset lamp, so you intended to use it in your live.
When you started your live there were already thousands waiting. You opted for a setting that only let premium members write in the chat, there were still a lot of them, but it was way more managable this way. The camera turned on, sunset lamp set on you, you wore a white dress, which was more cottage core than secretary, your hair hanging on your shoulders as always. You were like a princess this time. And they did not fail to mention that. Of course there were some comments that just asked you to get naked and fuck yourself already, but your admins took care of those soon enough.
You didn't really need the money, but as adviced, by your best friend, you set price goals, as to when will you remove and what. You soon hit the first goal, slowly teasingly stripping yourself of the dress, revealing a white silk nightgown, revealing your collarbones, your neck. That's when Tinman40 dropped his first comment. He was a VIP member, so his comments were red colored.
"I wish i could be there to worship you"
You blushed hard seeing it, but he never had a chance to see that of course.
Soon enough they reached the next goal, which had you drop the nightgown, revealing a red lace bralette and matching panties. Your fair skin, the lights, the red of the lace was just simply dreamy. You slowly, caressed your skin, leaving goosebumps as you imagined a handsome man caressing you, worshipping you.
The rapid rising of your chest did not miss Tinman40's eyes, as he commented again.
"Are you thinking of me Peach? About how i'd caress you, how i'd kiss you, mark you up? I would pleasure you until you beg for me to stop."
You never talked, they never heard your voice, but you forgot you left the mic on. So he was able to hear the whimper that escaped you. He probably smirked to himself, as more and more goosebumps showed on your skin. You couldn't help but run your hands over your hardened nipples, and slide on down slowly to circle your aching nub slowly. Just before hitting the next goal, there was a comment again in red.
"I'll pay 10 grand if you turn this off and make yourself cum while thinking of me"
Your hand stopped. It was tempting. He knew you thought about it. So there was a ping on your phone, to let you know, he did transfer it. So you sent out a messeage, with a few spicy pictures you did for the 15k celebration. You felt brave, so you messeaged Tinman40. You had a platform where they can only message you, if you messaged them first.
"You're gonna have to give me more than a little think of me... " then you hit send, shutting your pc down, turning off the lights, and laying on your bed. Then your phone pinged. New messeage.
"Well, i'd rather be there to do this all, but i guess thiss will do. I can't believe you reached out. So happy."
Then another:
"I would pick you up, so youd had to have those legs around my waist, while i hold you, and kiss you so passionately you'd never want to let you go if not for air, my hands would roam around your heavenly body, slowly ridding you of your bra, before putting you gently on the bed. I'd kiss every inch of your skin, before kissing your still clothed mound, but surely those panties would be ruined by then, i'd get you new ones, but tear those down as well. I'd kiss every inch of your pussy, eat you like a starved man. God, i bet you are as sweet as you look. I nearly came just thinkin about it. When you came on my mouth, i'd slowly kiss my way up to capture your lips again, letting you taste yourself, before making you come on my fingers, i need to prepare you for me.. I just know you'd fit perfectly, gripping me thightly, not wanting to let go, and hell, i'd rather live buried deep in that pussy i promise. I'd start off slow... caresses, kisses.. Then gradually i'd pick up my pace... getting rougher, making you come the third time... Then i'd bring you on top of me, let you do what you want, in your pace, gripping your ass, making you feel just how much i want you... By the time of the 4th you'd only remember my name, but it's okay, there's nothing more i'd like to hear than those whimpers, and you moaning my name. I'd shoot my seed so deep, youd be leaking of me for days, making you smell of me, so everybody would know that you're mine..Then i'd clean you up a bit, before pulling you close so you could sleep safely in my arms, only to wake up there too.."
You shivered as you read that message slowly, trying to keep pace, pleasuring yourself. In the end you sent a picture of your now soaked bedding, as you know it was probably what he wanted anyways. Then went to shower. After you cleaned yourself, you took another look on your notifications, there was another message from him.
"Gosh, just how more perfect can you get, i'd love to make you squirt and moan my name.. I hope you had a great shower.. Sleep well Peach, sending you kisses. Hope your boyfriend takes care of you.. I know i would."
You smiled sadly at the message. You wish this were real. You wish someone like im would really care for you, not just paying for your content for his own pleasure.
"Just little old me alone here with my toys. It is alright, i wouldn't have time for anything else anyway. Main job taking all the time. But you sure did leave me with things to think about while using them.. "
Then you went to sleep.
Meanwhile in the avenger tower...
-Buck is everything alright, i heard noise.... shit sorry.. -Said Steve as barged into Bucky's room, only to find him cleaning himself up.
When he went to the kitchen to get water, Sam and Steve were watching a movie in the livingroom, so he joined.
-Assistant again huh?
-She messaged me you know.. - he said with a boyish smirk, as the two looked at eachother dumfounded.
-What? No way. I wished she messaged me months back.. So what happened?
-Well she wanted me to give her something to think of.. I mean.. i kinda made her shut the live down...
-THERE WAS A LIVE? - they asked in unison, already reaching for their phones.
-Well you can see her stripping her cute ass to underwear, the rest was .. private.. - he said as he showed them the pic of your ruined bedding.
The next day you were sitting in the conference room, cause there was a briefing, and since you were their assistant, you had to be there to make sure they'll know the information afterwards as well.
They greeted you, and you smiled at them, you hair in your usual bun. They never really took notice of you. You were just a plain assistant. Of course they were the avengers, they could get anyone. So they fell into conversation easily while waiting for Tony.
-I still can't believe she texted you man.. i mean that video.. gosh i wish i could've been there. - said Sam
-Well what can i say, i'm one lucky guy... - smirked Bucky.
-Well i mean.. that doesn't mean she'd ever let you get close to her tho.. Onlyfans is a thing, meeting is another.. Didn't you say she said that her main job doesn't let's her have a relationship anyways? Not to mention, i'd be sure pissed if 15k people saw daily whats mine. - said Steve. But you dropped your pen when you heard the story. Too many things matching. You said sorry as you picked it up, adjusting your glasses on the bridge of your nose. That's when Bucky notices your hair. It's the exact colour as the AssistantPeach's, and you're also an assistant. He raises one of his brows, but let's go of the thought as Tony enters.
-Good morning gentlemen, (Y/n). Before we start, please bring me a coffee (Y/n), thank you.
You do as Tony asks, not noticing Bucky checking you out. Even your form is matching hers.. He adjusts himself in his chair, earning looks from Sam and Steve. After the brief, you run out, as Tony asked you to check with Bruce for your yearly check up. It was mandatory that everyone working here would get themselves checked up yearly.
The assistant of Bruce asked you to unbotton your blouse so they can check your heart condition, as well as your lungs. You didn't notice Bucky watching you from outside. The shock on his face as he remembers the red lace bra you're wearing. He leaves to train, finding Sam and Steve there as well as Natasha.
-I was right, it's her.. - he says.
-Who? - Natasha asks.
-Buck thinks our assistant is the girl he talked to on Onlyfans. - said Sam smirking.
-Well she was wearing that red bra today.. -he said, before landing a blow in the side of Steve.
-So you not only being a creep and pay for Onlyfans, you peep on one of your colleagues just cause she happens to have the same bra? Way to be a creep Buck. - Nat shouts laughing.
-But i can find out for you if you're really that smitten. - she says smirking.
-Oh he is smitten.. but i won't say i dont understand.. - says Steve as he shows her the picture with the peaches.
-Shit... Well i mean.. if we are working with her.. i sure want a bite of that peach... - she says.
-Don't you dare Romanov... - Bucky threatens.
The next morning Bucky finds you chatting over a coffee with Natasha. And decides to just listen in a little bit. Making sure she's not making any moves on you.
-So then what about beer with the team on friday? You're just as much a teammate as the rest of us.. I mean.. where would we be without your brains (Y/n)? - she flirts. -Bring your boyfriend too.
-What boyfriend Nat? You know i spend like all my time here. Who would possibly put up with a workaholic. But i can do friday night though. I have the weekend off for once. - you say.
-Good then i still have a chance. - she wink at you before leaving. You just mutter a small "What the fuck was that" , and it makes Bucky smile.
-Hey Peach, could you help me with yesterday's brief? You were so pretty i forgot. - came in Sam.
-I can, and no need to flatter me Sam, you never pay attention in there. - you laughed as you reached for the notes you took, giving them to him.
-I heard you're coming on friday. Still can't believe you never came to these.. - he said smiling.
When he left, you checked your clothing. Something must be out of place. Everyone started to be flirty, and you couldn't quite place it. Everything was modest and business-y so you just put the thought aside. They surely didn't flirt with you.
Friday in the pub...
You entered the pub a little later than what was agreed on. Tinman40 messaged, asking what are you doing tonight, he said he hopes noone will charm you away from him. You opted for saying that they wouldn't get far, since you still don't have time for a relationship anyways.
You were smushed between Steve and Bucky, their cologne making you almost dizzy. They smelled amazing, and their closeness were making you all kinds of hot. They were handsome, and waaaay out of your league. You wore a little black dress, your leather jacket. Which nearly showed your butt as Sam twirled you upon arriving, while he whistled, saying how good you looked.
Nat had an idea of truth or dare. You were always afraid of truths, so you mostly opted for dare. That's how you ended up, taking a shot of tequila, with the salt and lemon waiting to be licked off of Steve's face.
All of you were tipsy at this point. You were giggling that you indeed finished the dare. Steve adjusted himself and smirked at the team.
-Well i would lie if i said that wasn't sexy as fuck.. Glad you're not going for truths girl. -he said winking, making you blush.
Next up was Sam. He chose truth.
-What is one thing you think you should be ashamed of, but you arent? - you asked.
-Good one (Y/n).. - he said - i think it's the fact that even tho i don't think anyone would deal with an avenger boyfriend, i find enough pleasure on onlyfans.. - you snort at his answer.
-What? it's no shame.. - he says laughing.
After a few truths and Steve's dare, it's you again. You chose truth, surprising everybody. But now you had enough drinks in you to be brave.
Nat was the one asking.
-If you could have any fantasy or story became real life, what would it be?
-Ugh well... thats a hard question.
-Sexual! - she giggled.
-Oh geez, straight in there are you... let's see.. i think one that one of my subscribers told me a while ago. - you say, instantly blushing. The corner of Bucky's lips moving into a smug halfsmile.
-What subscribers doll? - Sam asks with a toothy grin.
-One question per truths Mr. Wilson. - you say giggling. But at this point they were all sure you were the one that now they all followed on Onlyfans.
-You up Tinman, truth or dare? - Steve asked Bucky, as your eyes widened. No, no no, this can't be. Why would they be on there. Why would he be on there? You saw a different intern hanging off of him every day. Surely it's a coincidence.
-Dare. - he said taking a swing of his bottle.
-I Dare you toooooo.... hm.. what do i dare you to... oh right, tequila shot, with the salt and lemon on (Y/n) neck. - he said winking. You were possibly too out of it to realize what it ment, until you felt his lips on your your neck, lingering a bit too long, making you remember the message your subscriber sent, while you squeezed your thighs together, a whimper nearly escape your mouth. You immeadiately needed another shot, amking the others laugh.
-What? - you asked.
When it was your turn again you opted for the safe dare. This time you were dared by Natasha to show a nude pic of yourself. Well it's nothing that 15k people didn't see already. You showed her the now infamous one with the peaches. Her eyes widened, but before the guys could see why, you locked your phone.
-Jesus (Y/n), that's hot as fuck. - she said, clinking her glass to yours, you winking at her. You excused yourself to go to the ladiesroom.
-Guys.. it's her. -Nat said, all of the guys chin's falling to the ground.
-Game on then. - Steve said smirking.
When you came back, there were 3 sets of eyes on you.
-What? Did something happen? - you asked.
-Nothing doll, come sit. Let's continue the game. - Bucky said, putting his hand on your side, making you shiver as he helped you back to your previous position, smushed between the supersoldiers.
-Bucky, truth or dare? - you asked smiling at him.
-Kiss anyone in the group, for at least 10 seconds. - you said, thinking he'll go for Steve since they are in a relationship already.
But then he slowly snaked a hand behind your back, while the other going on your neck before he crashed his lips on yours, this was already more than 10 seconds, but he didn't want to let you go. He only did when Sam said to get a room. You nearly whimpered at the loss of contact, but then looked guilty-ly at Steve, but you only saw his smirking face as he caressed your shoulder. Only then did you notice that his hand was over your shoulder while Bucky was kissing you.
Nat was out of it at this point so Sam decided he'll just help her back to the tower. Steve and Bucky stayed behind with you.
After another shot, Steve looked at you and said:
-Well i sure as hell regret not peeping on the picture you showed to Nat...
You were drunk as hell so you thought it wouldn't matter if they saw. 15k people already did anyways.
-Here look, i mean.. 15k people already saw it, what's two more. - you smiled.
Bucky wasn't looking just took another shot.
-Sorry, i know you're not interested, i just.. i don't know why i said two more. - you said, putting a strand of hair behind your ears. Chuckling. Why would he be interested anyways.
-Oh i am doll, but i already saw it. - he said smirking.
-What? Where? - you asked as the color left your face.
-Well.. let's just say that you stopped your live cause of me. - he smirked, as you hid your face in your hands.
-Geeez.. Please stop joking guys.
-I'm not doll, but i sure as hell wasnt joking in your dm-'s either.. - he said getting closer to you, inhaling near your neck, sending a shiwer down your spine.-I'd love to show oyu just how much this is not a joke...
-That doesn't change the facts that i'm not looking for a one night stand, nor do i have time for more.
-Let us take you out on a date tomorrow.. We might be able to change your mind..- Steve whispered before kissing just under your ear. You could feel Bucky's breath on your lips, as he whispered -Give us a chance doll, you wouldn't regret it... - and you couldn't help but nod, as he captured your lips again.
The next morning you wake up with a splitting headache, when you hear knocks on your door. You put your gown on, as you go to open your door. Only to find Steve and Bucky smiling. One with coffee, the other with aspirin. You are too sleepy and hungover to care, so you invite them in.
-Can we postpone the date? I don't think i'll be able to leave the house today. Gosh i'm dying... how are you two not dying... ?
-Serum doll... but it's alright, we can stay and take care of you.. - Bucky said, voice sow low, you nearly whimpered.
You groaned - You can go and like rummage through my undies and shit, just let me die out here... and like close the curtains please, i'm getting blind...
They laughed looking at you. Bucky took two aspirins and a bottle of cold water and kneeled next to your suffering form.
-Take these doll, and when it's better we can watch a movie or something. We don't have to go anywhere. - he said while gently caressing the side of your face.
-You don't even like me, why are you being like this? - you murmured softly. You really did not understand. -I .. i mean you both have interns hanging off your arms right or left. Each prettier than before.. and I'm just me... - you said with your eyes closed.
-Doll, did you ever see any of us doing anything with them at all? Only you have nickname as well...
-You never paid me any mind, why would i thought you want something? Sure we would've flirted over onlyfans, not even knowing we worked together.
-Well i have had my suspicions, and you seem pretty unapproachable at work, so we had to find a way... - Bucky said as he took your hand.
-Think about it, come on a few dates with us, see how it feels, then we can go from there. We work at the same place, i'm sure we can figure the times out.. - said Steve which made you look at them.
-I-is this some kind of joke? - you say sitting up, facing them.
They chuckle.
-..Did the kiss at the bar feel like a joke to you (Y/n)? - Bucky asked as his blue orbs almost turned entirely black, while you couldn't hel but blush as you bit down your lip.
-Then what about what Steve said? If this is going to work, yall have to deal with me not quitting onlyfans... - you looked at them.
Steve slowly started to unbutton his shirt, revealing his upperbody. Damn, he really was like a god.
-Well, i thought about that.. As long as they know you're ours i wouldn't mind... I mean... i think this - he motions to his body - would look pretty good next to your perfect little body... And i much rather see me and Buck fill you up instead of your toys... -he said smirking, as Bucky started to caress upwards on your thigh. You hid your face in your hands to prevent them from seeing you blush.
-Cat got your tongue sweetheart? - Bucky murmured as he placed a kiss to your knee, looking at you with so much attraction.
-I just.. It's hard to grasp that this is not a joke... Also... you kissing me and him being shirtless is pretty distracting.. -you said.
They looked at eachother smirking before Steve scooped you up, heading towards your bedroom. He wasn't looking at the way, he was staring into your eyes before you slowly kissed him. The next thing you know, you are standing in your bedroom, sandwiched between them, as they kiss you anywhere they can, while Steve slowly got rid of your robe. Bucky took a step back, adoring the body he saw on the pictures, finally before him, within his grasp.
Well damn - said Steve, making you giggle as he looked over your body. You felt a little selfconscious before they practically jumped at you. Hands all over, nearly overwhelming with all their kisses. You were gently put in your bed, as Steve continued to kiss you, caress you where he could, before you felt small kisses going towards where you needed them the most. Bucky slowly, teasingly made his way up to where he wanted to be for months now. With his first fat lick you moaned into Steve's mouth, grabbing his bicep harder, making him smile into the kiss, before he went down to your neck.
-Sweet like peaches man.. sweet like peaches... - Bucky said as he indeed ate you out like a starving man, and you knew this was the day he and Steve will make that dream come true...
2 months later...
-Steve where did you hide my vibrator again? -you asked frustrated. You just hit 50k and were supposed to go live again, this time staying.
-Well i throw it away. - he stated, standing in the door of your bedroom with his hands crossed in front of your chest.
-Then how am i supposed to go live now? Jesus Steve... - you said as you started to rummage through your sex-stuff. You didn't realize he slowly walked up to you, only when he put a blindfold over your eyes.
He whispered into your ears.
-It's about time they know you're in good hands baby.. - before leading you back to your bed, tying your hands above your head to the headboard.
-Now be good, and stay silent.. we don't want them to know our names now do we? - he asked in a low growl and you just nodded, wetness already pooling in your white lace panties. Then you heard Bucky's extremely low voice.
-Hey guys, thank you for subscribing to our godess's page, we thought we'd surprise you and her as well today for hitting 50k... The live will be different this time.. There will be no goals, but you can pay to make us do certain things to her, listed under the live below... She doesn't know any of them so make sure she'll enjoy it in the meantime.. Oh and another little rule.. Honey, you are not allowed to cum until the end of the live... so fellas... enjoy.
This sent a shiver down your spine. This newfound excitement was entirely something else.
-Aaaand there is the first donation baby.. do you want to know what is it? - Steve asked and you nodded. They wore masks, because this would surely coulnd't be managed without them...
-It was from Romanov.. - he said chuckling, realizing that your friends are watching as well.. - and she wants us to rid you of your cute little underwear, then B here, will slowly, play with your sweet little folds before insterting one finger.. - your breath hitched.
Being blindfolded meant hightened senses.. which meant you were closer than you thought you are. As you started fluttering around Bucky's finger he pulled it out, leaving you squirming for more. That made them chuckle.
-Poor baby... did you want to cum? -Bucky murmured as he licked you off of his fingers.
The laptop you used pinged, notifying you all of another donation. This made Bucky smirk.
-Well honey, don't your subscribers love you so much... Birdman here asked you to be so kind and warm S-'s cock for him.. No moving though. - he said, making you whimper instantly, as you felt Steve move behind you, propping you up until he aligned himself with your tight little cunt, and slowly pushing you down on it, only stopping when he was fully in you as he took hold of your legs, taking them as far apart as he could, showing you off to the camera and Bucky. Bucky smirked, as he saw you welcome Steve fully, your folds glistening, and he couldn't help but draw a small circle on your aching nub with his thumb, making you moan and flutter around Steve.
-Damn man, she's gripping me so thight... - he said with a growl, and you accidentally started to grind on him. Then there was a slap on both your inner thighs.
-Tsk Tsk Tsk honey... what did i say about not moving just warming? - asked Bucky as you whimpered. Well you may not even be allowed to cum after the live ends now... be a good girl and tell your little fans here how S feels..
-S-s-so big... so full.. -you said as you fluttered around him again, making him grab your thighs a little rougher. This will surely leave marks. He run his nose down your neck before kissing it.
-Well honey if you keep fluttering around me s'much i won't be able to hold back either... - he said but before you could react there was another ping.
Bucky chuckled.
-Well Romanov surely would like you to lose this game honey.. -was all he said, before you nearly cum. His tongue started to slowly lap on your clit, making you flutter around Steve, and he couldn't help but thurst a few.
-S-so close.. - you whimpered as they stopped and stilled immediately. -please... - you pleaded.
Then there was a vip comment... You didn't know but it was the team's lawyer, Andy, whom you worked with frequently. He knew about your Onlyfans, he always checks everybody he works with.. and you were his favourite free-time activities.
"I'll pay yall 25 grand if you make her squirt on his cock."
-Well what do you say honey, can you squirt for ABlaywer? - Bucky asked, and you were nodding rapidly, tears soaking into the blindfold.
Thats when Bucky's hand started to play with your clit, the other with your nipple, while Steve started to thurst in and out of you in the most delicious way, while one of his hand went up to your throat.
You started to grip him thightly, moaning loudly but you weren't quite there yet, or so you thought, but then Bucky held your hitachi wand to your clit, making you scream and squirt all over Steve's cock and legs almost immediately, leaving you quietly shaking in his hold, as Bucky licked your clit a few times. Making you moan loudly.
-Well so much for not letting her cum until the end.. -Steve said.
-It's alright.. we can switch it up to make her cum so many times, she begs for us to stop... -Bucky smirked all evil.
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