#how am i supposed to 'take a break and recover' when the universe is trying to crush me to pieces?
seriously wondering if I'm cursed or something
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kami-no-ko · 9 months
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AGE UP killugon! I have this whole thing in my head: an AU where Killua never left home to attend the Hunter Exam and he is everything his family envisioned him to be. Except he’s burnt out and feels purposeless. So eventually he becomes self-destructive and takes on the most dangerous jobs without breaks or any sense of self preservation. One day, he takes on a job to assassinate Gon Freecss, the youngest 3 star Hunter in history.
Gon is rumored to be insanely powerful and surrounded by influential and faithful allies. It’s the most dangerous job yet even for Killua, and on top of that he’s still recovering from a serious injury from a previous assassination. So when he tracks down Gon at a bar in a fancy hotel, he decides to seduce Gon to get him to lower his guard first and hopefully he would go back his suite with Killua alone. He’s appearance has always been a reliable weapon and from his research, Gon likes men as well as women. But as soon as he starts talking to Gon, it’s like the sun finally shines on him and the dark hole in his heart is magically filled with that sunshine. They talk and talk and flirt and hours go by and the bar closes when the sun is about to rise. So Gon takes Killua back to his room. They start to make out as the door swings shut but Killua forgets his injuries and hisses as Gon reaches under killua’s shirt and disrupted his bandages. He tries to act like it’s nothing and tells Gon to ignore it and keep going but of course Gon would not. They end up just talking all night and make out gently. When the bright morning light shines on Gon’s face, Killua decides that he’s not going to kill Gon- and if Gon finds out about his true motives and kills him or if his family tracks him down and punish him, so be it. But he worries that the person who hired him will hire someone else to finish the job, so he stays with Gon to protect him. It was supposed to be for just a while, but the more time he spends with Gon, the harder it becomes for him to leave. Killua eventually gets his Hunter license. They go on adventures and jobs together. After they risked their lives for each other over and over again, Killua finally tells Gon that he was initially hired to kill him.
But the truth is, Gon is the one who hired Killua. Killua is notorious for his killing spree yet no one even knows what he looks like. Gon decides that he likes a challenge and comes up with this insanely reckless plan without even telling anyone. He wants to draw Killua out; he wants Killua to try to kill him, because it has been a while since he’s met a worthy opponent and he would be taking care of a headache for the Hunter Association as well. But the moment he meets Killua, it’s like a missing piece from a puzzle that is his life has been slid back to where it belongs and a hole that he did not even realize existed in his heart has been filled just like that.
More stuff happens - Gon is kind of an asshole for keeping it a secret and Killua feels so embarrassed and even hurt but Gon being Gon does extravagant stunts to woo Killua so all is good in the end.
Or if we are in a darker universe with a darker Gon, maybe he was initially toying with Killua, making love with Killua, watching Killua falling for him while holding himself back. Killua can sense it but he’s ok with it- he doesn’t think he deserves love anyway. But when a job goes wrong and Killua almost dies protecting Gon, something in Gon cracks. He accepts the fact that he has fallen hopelessly in love with his target just like Killua did. He nurses Killua back to health annnnnnd they lived happily ever after.
Holy crap it’s 3 AM- how did a quick doodle turned into this half ass fiction.
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valentine-writes · 1 year
Hello hello! Been downright dying over how much I love your AtSV work!! So I thought I would feed into it >:) If you're feeling up to it, whats been brewing in your mind about The Spot x reader? Take it platonic or romantic, either has so much potential for fun in my opinion and I guess I'm just interested in what ideas you might have?? Not a lot to work off of from what I'm asking but I hope you're able to have fun with it anyways ^^; Whether youre able to get to this request or not, thanks for reading! Love what you do :)
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「 tws + notes: possibly ooc, unedited, he's kind of pathetic little meow meowified im sorry, first bit inspired by @//submurged-into-clouds !! <3 」
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↳ ft. the spot
「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
author's note: first, AUWJHEJSBS thank u so much!!!! im glad u like what i've written so far– and i am SUPER excited to write for the spot becuz im gon b real,,, there was a momentary lapse of insanity where i was scouring for any content of him at all. SO TY 4 UR REQ!!!! ( /)u(\ ) i hope this is ok!!! i got carried away and stuff so,, i hope this is at the Very Least coherent! leaned for platonic stuff with romantic undertones that intensify throughout so,, read it how u like ^_^
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▸ we're going to start this by establishing that bro has literally No Friends anymore. you met him after the collider incident and by some miracle, some sort of mercy from a higher power in the multiverse– you ended up becoming friends with him
really, meeting him was an accident. wasn't supposed to be anything more– just him messing around with his new abilities and slipping into a random universe with no idea where he was.
and there was you.
just you. out, alone at night. just taking a walk– disrupted by someone falling out of a weird portal from the sky.
this is the day your paths crossed, the day your fates intertwined, the moment that your world collided into his.
to put more literally: the day he crashed into you very unceremoniously.
im now re-reading the title and remembering his backstory and giggling at my unintentional joke. he is not catching a break. even from me.
▸ after recovering from a random stranger from another universe tumbling into your own, you began to talk.
now– you don't remember how the conversation started, but you were glad to listen. the way which he rambled to you, words tumbling out of his mouth like they'd been on his mind for a while– you felt like he needed someone to hear him.
he's surprised. you're not bothered. not frightened. not even weirded out. but you're not indifferent. you nod along, you comment on things here and there– but you listen. you actually listen to him.
eventually, when he leaves, you're sat there for a moment. just frozen– processing whether that had really happened or not. you see the indent his body left in the grass where the two of you sat. it's evidence enough for you.
a few weeks pass and you're certain that you were just fated to meet once and never again. you were fine with this.
▸ until he randomly popped up in your living room one day.
yes, he had been actively trying to find your universe again– and as casually as he can be, is now peeking from out the portal he created, head leaning in to get a better look at you.
you're not sure how you can tell considering he has no face,,, but he's definitely smiling.
he waves to you, awkwardly, (noticing that you're just staring at him while not saying a word), "thought i would say hi, so– ...hi."
you blink at him tiredly. "dude, it's 6:30 in the morning–"
he's treating this like it's normal for people to just show up in your house. he missed you– and it's very evident.
▸ no matter what type of relationship you're in with him: you GOTTA set boundaries. being one of the only people who cares to hang around him anymore means that you're gonna be seeing a lot of him.
while he certainly hasn't completely lost grasp on the concept of privacy, it's definitely been altered by the fact he's got powers that allow him to pop up wherever he wants. he's just a teeny bit invasive.
"hello!" he'll greet, randomly poking his head through a portal he made to your bedroom.
on instinct, you throw the closest thing to you. he's just glad you reached for the pillow and not the alarm clock also at your arms reach on the bedside table.
definitely a good idea to remind him that if he wants to hang out, he should probably message you, and if he wants to show up at your house for whatever reason, he should give you a heads up.
he has nearly walked in on you changing. and has apologized a million times every time it's brought up. it fr keeps him up at night.
▸ everyone in his life leaving him def messed him up a bit. he can deny it all he wants, but he's terribly anxious that you're gonna grow tired of him and leave.
constantly like "oh my god what if they leave for someone who has a face" and itz like,,, boy,,,, stfu itz 3am
he needs reassurance, even if he never explicitly says. but you're kind to him. patient. you're pretty much an angel in his eyes.
which is why he feels comfortable texting u in the dead of night like:
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(im gonna b real i dont even know why i have this image)
▸ he's dismissed by most people around him– but you've given him your time. you've shown him that you care. he's doing everything he can to be certain you'll still care for him.
the random waves of "oh no but what if they hate me" hit him HARD. especially if he hasn't seen you in a while, if you take longer to respond to his messages, if you haven't been answering his calls– bro will jump to a conclusion
"hypothesis: they dont love me anymore :("
☝️🤓 SORRY HAKJWOENDOEND he would NOT say that. im just clowning on him itz a part of my luv 4 him </3
needs to be needed. wants to be wanted.
eventually you have a long talk about this. he's got a bit of an ego after realizing how much power he truly possessed– but you gently encourage him to let it down. a simple heart to heart. and while you're certain these things aren't going to dissipate with a single conversation, you've let him know he doesn't have to deal with it alone.
▸ physical contact is a need for him. bro's touch starved. he likes linking his pinky with yours or just intertwining your fingers together. if you ever let him rest his head on your shoulder or hugged him he'd actually have to fight tears. he hasn't been given affection in a while :(
▸ he doesn't really feel like he has to hide anything around you. he really doesn't have much of a filter when you're talking to him which makes for some amusing conversation. he finds your laughter the sweetest sound in the world– he likes making you laugh :] it makes him feel like he's accomplished something
▸ the alterations to his body have caused some weird little changes that most people don't notice. one of them most noticeably to you– he'd cold. not frigid or like icy, but a lot colder than normal people tend to be.
you first notice this when you're hanging out in your bedroom. you're sitting on your bed, while he paces back and forth, rambling about another failed villainous act
(you haven't questioned his whole obsession with villainy considering that he seems pretty harmless with what he's been attempting– no matter how much he tries)
"and then– ohh, and tHEN THEY JUST—" you notice how he's gesturing frantically, exasperated, annoyed– and out of instinct to provide some sort of comfort (or at least calm him down) your hand grasps his wrist
there's a moment of silence.
his voice dwindles into a more soft, subdued tone, watching as your fingers wrap around his wrist. "wh– if you wanted me to stop talking, you could've just... just said or...."
his mind is going blank, trailing off at your touch. he doesn't remember the last time someone has held his hand or even brushed up against him without freaking out.
"you're cold." you comment, now taking his hand between both of yours, as if you were trying to heat him back up. you don't meet his eyes, simply staring at his hand.
"oh– yeah, yeah, it's just– a thing with now. came with the holes–"
the sensation of your hands gently squeezing his shuts him up. you raise his hand to your lips and gently blow hot air onto it.
your brow furrows, nose scrunching up. "you're still cold..." you mutter, more to yourself than to him. quietly, your gaze returns to his face.
"does that bother you?" you ask him, after a beat of silence.
he shakes his head. your hands let go of his– but he quietly reaches back to hold it again.
"hold on a second. why don't you try again?" he suggests. you laugh softly, knowing it's obviously just an excuse. still, you humor him.
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thissharktypes · 1 year
Into the Border-verse: 2
2 - Electric personality 
Oh god. Your head is swimming, trying desperately to peel your eyes open. Please shut up. Though the chatter around you was muffled, like you were underwater, it was still too loud. Your stomach churns violently, that’s enough to have your eyes flying open and flinging yourself over the edge of the bed to unleash all the contents of your stomach onto the floor. You cough, throat burning, tears pooling in your eyes as you continue to dry heave, nothing left to bring up. A gentle hand pulls you backwards and you slump against the pillows. A kind looking doctor dabs the tears from your cheeks and begins adjusting the blankets over you “Damn kid, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone spew that much, and I once saw a psycho being swung around in circles by his feet, puking the whole way ‘round.” The doctor snorts a little before nudging a cup towards you “Better swish your mouth kid.” you grab the cup, hands shaking slightly, you swish before quickly gulping down the water, very aware of how dry your mouth is “Am I…” you look around “in my world?” you couldn’t think of a way to phrase that without sounding insane, just in case you did just have a weird ass dream. He shakes his head “Sorry, can’t say you are, Lilith filled me in on what happened. They all want you in the meeting room once you’re feeling better, I think they’re hopin’ you can give them some help with their plans.” you shake your head “No,” your voice cracks and you wince “I can’t, I don’t support what they do in the games, I don’t support anything anyone does,” you pause “So much violence for what they believe is right, so many innocent lives…” even though for you it was just a video game, you still felt your heart tug whenever you had to watch a scene play out in a way you didn't like. The doctor raises a bushy eyebrow “I’d keep that to yourself kid, wouldn’t want them to get the wrong idea.” his eyes darted to the door “But they won’t let you leave, with the information you have…” he trails off but you understand “Comply or die, right?” he snorts again “You got that right.” the doctor slips a hand under your arm as you struggle to sit up “Let’s get this over with.” He gives a quick nod and you both make your way painfully slow towards the meeting room. 
You pause halfway there, unsure of why you’re so out of breath, huffing, you lean forward, trying to suck in more air “I have a theory,” you motion for the doctor to keep talk while you start to recover “if you’re from a different universe, then more than likely your air is different from ours, might take a bit to adapt.” you pull yourself upright “It feels like I’m breathing in pudding.” you groan out “Poo-ding?” it's your turn to snort “No, PUH-ding, like, chocolate or vanilla goop, there’s other flavors too but most of them are gross.” the doctor just looks even more confused “It's like… a dessert?” his eyes light up “Sweets! I love that stuff, think you could make it for me?” you two begin walking again and you shrug “Maybe, I was a cook in my world, might be able to whip up something similar.” he grins “A cook! How exciting, who do you cook for?” you smile “I worked in a hospital, we had a huge team, sometimes I’d help prep, maybe help in the back with the dishwashers,” your smile drops “I was supposed to be heading to work when I came here.” your chest hurts “What if I never see my coworkers again…” the thought brings tears to your eyes again “You like your team?” you nod “I loved them, they were like family honestly, they took care of me, reminded me to eat, take breaks, drink water.” you and the doctor near the large room where you can see a few figures around a table “What about your actual family?” he asks softly, you grind your teeth and blink away the tears “Fuckin losers, the lot of ‘em,” you pause “Except my grandparents.” your voice softens at the thought of them “They passed away a few years ago though.” the doctor pats your arm “I’m sorry kid, I don’t know why you were sucked into our world but I sure do like you so far.” he smiles as he leads you to a chair across from Tannis “Well, here’s the kid, be nice to ‘em.” he locks eyes with Lilith and she glowers back. 
It takes a solid hour of screaming back and forth between you and Lilith for someone to finally intervene “Shut up you absolute children!” Tannis screeches over you and the red head, you both fall silent “Lilith, this isn’t working. Nothing is being solved and they obviously don’t want to help us.” Tannis sticks up her nose “Some people just don’t want to save lives I supposed.” you snarl, standing up and slamming your hands down on the table, rattling the coffee cups next to you “I am saving lives, Lives you all took! For your own selfish fucking reasons!” you snap, Tannis and Lilith both boiling with rage while Roland and Brick both looked on with disapproval. 
“Then you give us no choice.” Lilith's voice is harsh.
Before you can blink your arms are pinned behind you and you’re being dragged, kicking and screaming, down a hallway. Your head slams against the wall as Lilith tosses you inside a cell, a thick door sliding shut after you “If you won’t give us the information willingly then we’ll take it by force.” She stares at you through the slit in the door “And you wonder why I won’t help you Crimson Scumbags!” you shout as she turns to leave. 
You aren’t sure how long you’re in the cell, whenever you’re dragged out you can never see a window. The only other place you’ve been to was a grimey and dark room, tied to the chair and beaten black and blue. When whoever tortured you couldn’t get information, your limp body would be hauled back to the cell. 
Your stomach ached, mouth dry, ribs on fire, skin crusted in blood. You never liked Liliths character and this whole situation was proving you right. Lost in your thoughts of the not so fictional game you almost didn’t feel the room around you begin to shake. You drag yourself upright, pain spiking but confusion and curiosity winning out. Screaming echos from somewhere in the building, gunshots echoing soon after. Crawling to the door you bang against it, not entirely sure if you were hoping to be saved or just put out of your misery by the intruders. Your fists thump weakly against the thick door before you slide back down to the ground, your entire stomach and chest burning from exerting yourself. 
A door slams open, followed by several sets of footsteps. You hit the ground hard as the door you were leaning against slides open. You groan and whimper, more pain ricocheting down your spine as you blink up at a grinning face “Hey there babydoll, it’s your knight in shining mask! Handsome Jack!” He motions for the guards behind him to haul you up and you gasp in pain “Fucking shit!” you yelp “Hey now, language! A pretty mouth like yours shouldn’t be used for something so dirty.” he winks at you “Is this yours kiddo? Found it on a table back there.” he hold up your backpack and you weakly nod “Great! Lets get going!” Jack starts walking with an exaggerated marching movement “We got real lucky that the Crimson Asshats aren’t here,” he shoots a wink back at you “I wouldn’t really call it luck, just having spies on the inside.” he wiggles his fingers in your face. 
The two guards holding you up follow behind a chattering Jack, their quick pace leading you all back to a large ship parked haphazardly in front of the building you were being held in. Bright yellow stripes decorate the sides, marking it as Hyperion property, blindingly obvious. As soon as the guards drop you onto a chair Jack is twirling around and slamming a red syringe into your thigh. A sharp burning pain from where the needle hits, followed by sweet sweet relief. You let out a loud sigh, finally feeling better after God knows how long, your body relaxing into the plush seat under you “Thank you.” you say up at Jack who stood over you as your body mended.
He looks slightly taken aback before regaining composure “Of course dollface, I can’t have my secret weapon dying on me.” you groan “Don’t tell me,” He cuts you off “Yup! I know all about your alternate universe and you knowing allllllllll about whats gonna happen here.” He grins, plopping down in a chair as the ship lifts off. “You gonna beat the shit outta me too then?” you lean your head back against the cushy headrest and close your eyes “Not if you listen like a good little pet.” his voice is soft, but firm, an edge to it. You just nod “I know, I know, Blood, guts and glory, ‘I’ll shoot anyone that disrespects me, The Handsomest Jack’.” you lower your voice at the end, putting on an overly annoying male voice. To your surprise Jack bursts out laughing, you open one eye, watching as he bends over grabbing his knee and chest while his entire body shakes in laughter. A grin tugs at your lips “Glad to know you agree that I’m the best looking Jack.” he says after he trails off into giggles “You certainly like your ego stroked pretty boy.” you say through a smile and he wiggles his eyebrows at you “That’s not the only thing I like stroked sweetcheeks.” he raises his hand in a fist and makes a lewd motion, causing you to be the one to hunch over laughing. 
Losing your shit over the Handsome Jack miming a handy-j was not what you expected when you picked up your controller that day. After a few moments of silence, with your eyes closed and head snuggly pressed into the cushion behind you, Jack clears his throat, bringing your attention back to him “So, my source tells me you never told any of the Crimson Raiders anything, you just took the beatings and stayed quiet.” you nod and scratch your head, unsure of where this conversation was going “Why?” he asks “Why what?” you reply, tilting your head “Why didn’t you tell them something.” you shrug and pick at your nails, dirt and blood flaking away “Lots of reasons, I didn’t like Lilith when I played the games, I didn’t like what the Crimson Raiders did, how many people they killed in the name of their mission,” Jack watches you “Yeah sure you killed a shit ton of people, I don’t think there’s a single character that didn’t kill someone, but still,” you frown “I think that you do what you do because you want to be a hero, you want to save people, while Lilith does what she does because she thinks shes better than other people. Her character is pretty well liked, but something about her just rubbed me the wrong way.” your eyes light up after a short moment “But Maya! Oh dear god, now that is a gorgeous siren.” you grin “She’s so pretty, I swear I’d be a total fankid for her.” Jack chuckles “Didn’t know you swung that way baby.” you snort and shake your head “You’ve got that wrong, I swing all the ways, If they’ve got a pulse and can consent I’ll probably find them attractive.” Jack surprises you by slapping your back “Hell yeah! That’s more like it!”.
You two chit chat on and off for the next hour, your conversation dying off as the ship nears the Hyperion base. You shoot upright, almost skidding across the ship as you dash to the window, face pressed against the glass as you stare in awe at the massive building “Pretty impressive huh?” You whip around to face Jack, completely starry eyed “It’s so cool, Can I explore? I won’t go far I promise, I didn’t get to see much in the game, please please please?” You clasp your hands together as you plead “Oh, I like the sound of you begging hot stuff.” his hand cups your chin, tilting your head back to gaze down at you. Your cheeks turn embarrassingly red, the slight  fascination you had towards the character transferring to the man in front of you “I suppose I could give you a tour if you give me something in return.” You nod, slightly dazed by your proximity to Jack. He slings his arm around your shoulders and leads you off the now parked ship “First of all, what’s Liliths next move?” you hum quietly, trying to remember the plot of your game “You’re not gonna like it, so I’ll keep it short. From what I remember Lilith and her little crew use your daughter, they end up killing her, you end up killing Roland and taking Lilith to be a battery for your vault key, some other shit happens and then they kill you.” You glance up at the man next to you “That’s the just of it.” his grip tightens “Kill me? They can’t kill me, I’m the goddamn hero!” you shrug “That’s how the game goes. Not that I liked it but I can’t change the plot.” he shakes his head “Maybe not in your world, but here? I’m in charge. I make the rules.” you always held a soft spot for Handsome Jack for some strange reason, before you can process what you’re about to say, the words just tumble out “The game wasn’t fair, everything was in the Crimson Raiders favor and you didn’t actually have a shot of winning, I don’t agree with most of the shit you did in the game but I do think your character, you, deserved better.” Jack's grip loosens, the two of you walking in silence. 
He slows his pace “I'll have you set up with a room near mine, I’ll also have some clean clothes and whatever else you need sent there. I’ll give you a tour tomorrow when you’ve rested.” He looks so drained all of the sudden, like the entire weight of the world was dropped on his back. “Thank you, I’ll answer any questions you have if I can, if it helps in any way I’ll do it.” he nods, no smartass retort. Jack silently taps on his echo device “Someone will escort you to your room, your bag is already there for you.” he pauses before placing his hand on your shoulder “Don’t make me regret this kindness honeybunches.” While the tone is teasing, he still has that usual edge of threat underneath. 
You watch the sunset through the window across from your bed. You had spent quite a while just fluttering around the large room, opening random cabinets, poking at furniture and finally unpacking your backpack to see what all you had left inside. The contents dumped carelessly around you, forgotten as you watched the sky darken and fill with stars. Unable to fully process the beauty you drag your comforter to the floor and you wrap it around you as you settle down closer to the window. Your neck hurt from having your head tilted back to stare up at the sky, you felt so lost, not a single constellation standing out from your universe, but somewhere deep inside you also felt so at home, the light pollution from your city never gave way for this many stars. Swaddled in a ridiculously warm blanket and luxury soft pajamas, provided for you by Jack of course, you slowly start to doze off, still curled up on the floor by the window.
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lily-janus · 10 months
Closer Than Before
Summary: Virgil comes back to find his apartment trashed and calls the police... but he didn't expect to have a history with the cop that arrived...
Pairing: post-romantic anxceit
Warnings: swearing, panic attacks, robbery.
Word count: 1,771
I'm late but this is my fic for the first day of @tss-anxceit-week Close & Distant, hope you like it!
Virgil froze as he entered his apartment.
Clothes thrown on the floor.
Window shattered.
Drawers half open.
Everything's just a big mess.
This wasn't how he left it when he left for work… he… he'd been…
As the realization sank in, so did the panic. His breathing became hitched, his heart pounding in his chest like a caged animal trying to break loose, spots decorating his vision.
He shakily tried to take deep breaths as he reached for his phone and dialed 911.
He could barely get the words out through his panicked panting to explain what happened and tell them his address, and then they hang up.
And now he has to wait.
It felt like years passed when he finally heard the sirens and rushed out of the building to greet the cops.
But he definitely was not prepared to see an achingly familiar face coming out of the police car.
He barely had time to turn his back and pull his hood tight over his face before… he spotted him.
The universe must truly hate him.
Like, seriously? What are the odds, out of all the cops in the city… Why him?
"I take it you're the resident of the robbed apartment?" He said in his usual smooth voice.
Without turning to face him, Virgil nodded.
"Okay…" he said slowly, "I'm going to need your name and a list of everything that went missing."
Fuck, fuck, fuck… this is so bad…
Why him? Why him? Why HIM?
"Not much of a talker are you?" The teasing, followed by the familiar chuckle, and Virgil's sure his eyebrow is raised too. "That's too bad for you cause I can't help unless you cooperate. I promise I won't bite."
God he can hear his smirk behind the words… some things never change…
A warm hand on his shoulder.
"Hey, I know this is scary, but it's going to be okay, I'll do everything I can to help you. I just need you to work with me, alright?" And then… gentleness, so unexpected, so sweet… so needed.
With a long sigh, Virgil took off the hood and turned around to his ex's shocked face.
"Hey Janus…"
3 years ago
Virgil heaved a sigh as he dialed his boyfriend's number.
…and another when it went to voicemail for the 4th time.
He was sitting on the flat armrest of their couch, hugging his knees to his chest, staring at his phone as tears blurred his vision, 2 hours after Janus said he'll be home.
He's fine, he's fine, he's… he has to be fine…
Virgil knows Janus' job as a cop can have emergencies pop up that can delay him but… he can at least shoot him a quick text, he knows how easily Virgil's thoughts spiral.
He perks up when the door to their flat finally swings open to reveal his tired, but undoubtedly satisfied, boyfriend.
"You won't believe what happened!" Janus started as he closed the door behind him, "we got this random call that turned out to be just the clue we were missing and then… what's wrong?" Janus stopped, at last noticing Virgil's tear-stained face.
Virgil said nothing as he held up his phone to show the 4 missed calls, "I… I didn't know where you were… you didn't say anything I thought…" a choked sob cut him off and he wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand.
"Hey… I'm fine, see?" Janus said in that gentle tone of his that usually had Virgil melting… but not this time.
"A quick text is too much to ask? A small 'hey babe I'll be home late, don't stay up'? Is that really so hard? How am I supposed to know what's going on if you won't tell me?" Virgil hated how shaky his voice was right now but he was still recovering from the hours of imagining every worse-case scenario.
"Look, I'm sorry, there was so much going on I completely forgot I-"
Virgil held out his hand to stop him, "don't… just… don't, I can't do this anymore…"
Janus swallowed, voice wobbly as he asked, "what are you saying?"
Virgil stood up, not meeting Janus' eyes, "you clearly care more about your job than me… so lets spare you needing to choose… it's over, Janus, we're done." He turned his back to him, fresh tears streaming down his face as he walked out.
"Wait! That's not true!" Janus pleaded, grabbing his hand desperately, "please… give me another chance, I swear I'll do better!" His voice cracked.
Before he could lose his nerve, he shook free of Janus' grip, "you're out of chances…"
Virgil couldn't read Janus' tone as he said his name, his voice full of emotion he couldn't place.
He wrecked a hand through his hair, "well… this is awkward…" he chuckled uncomfortably.
"You… you look good, I mean… you look like you're doing good… not that I don't think you look good good but um.." Janus mumbled then let out a sigh, "it's nice to see you." He finally said, giving him a small smile.
Virgil just shrugged, trying to ignore his pounding heart, "still a cop?" He half stated, half asked.
"What? This?" Janus gestured to his uniform, "nah, it's just a costume."
Virgil was surprised to find himself chuckling, making Janus smile at the sound. He always had a knack for making Virgil laugh.
Janus cleared his throat, "so um… you were robbed?"
The question brought Virgil back to the present and images of his trashed apartment flooded his mind.
His panic from earlier made a comeback as well. He was robbed. Someone snooped around his personal space, stole his things!
"Virgil? Hey, deep breaths okay? I promise it's not as bad as it seems just… breathe with me alright?" Janus took him by the shoulder, taking deep breaths to demonstrate and Virgil did his best to follow his lead…
Just like old times…
"There you go, now why don't you show me your place so me and my team can search the scene of the crime?" Janus said gently and Virgil nodded, anxiety still spiraling but at least he was breathing now.
The next few hours were a blur of Virgil watching the cops work and answering their questions and, before he knew it, it was just him and Janus again.
"Okay so, we'll check the security cameras to see if they got a glimpse of the robber and I'll contact your insurance so you'll get your money back for the TV they stole and the damadge to the apartment" Janus said, checking things off his list before closing his notebook and offering him a smile. "Everything's going to be okay."
Virgil breathed a sigh of relief, feeling himself finally calming down, "thanks." He said lamely.
"So um… how've you been? It's… been a while…" Janus asked hesitantly.
"Don't you have work to do?" He intended it as a genuin question but it came out snappier than he meant, probably reminding Janus the main reason they broke up.
Janus breathed out sharply, nodding, "okay, yeah, I deserved that."
There was an awkward pause after that that seemed to stretch for hours but was probably only a few minutes.
"I've… been good." Virgil said slowly, "got a pretty good gig at a nearby pet store, pays well enough and my boss is obnoxiously sweet." Virgil said with a slight smile as he remembered Patton's freckled face smiling at him, "I guess that makes sense, given the fact he literally owns a puppies and kittens business." Virgil added, before briefly looking at Janus.
"How about you?"
Janus chuckled nervously, toying with something familiar on his wrist that Virgil didn't notice up until now.
His voice was thick when he asked, "you're still wearing it?"
Janus' cheeks flushed a deep red as he looked down at what his hands were doing, playing with the bracelet Virgil made him for his birthday back when they were dating. "I… never took it off.." he admitted, the red on his cheeks deepening.
Virgil felt an ache in his chest, "I'm sor-"
"Don't," Janus shook his head, "you were right… I was a total jerk to you… I didn't have my priorities straight back then." He explained.
"And, to answer your question, I'm doing pretty well too. I'm pushing to get a promotion soon which would hopefully let me have more control over my hours so I can spend more time with Logan." Janus answered, his voice going soft on the name.
Virgil raised an eyebrow, "Logan? Who's that?"
Janus cleared his throat, "no one! Really!" He added when he saw Virgil's skeptic look.
Virgil chuckled, "if you say so Lover Boy." He laughed harder when Janus flushed once again at the nickname.
This was… this was going surprisingly well. Sure, it was a bit awkward at first but… he forgot how easily it felt to just.. Be, when he was with Janus, regardless of the nature of their connection.
And he was also relieved that he didn't seem to hold on to the same feelings he felt before towards Janus.
"I missed you." Virgil was surprised to find himself saying that, knowing it was true.
Janus flashed him his signature smirk, "couldn't stop thinking about me huh?"
Now it was Virgil's turn to blush, "you wish… Though I did have a thought or two about all those hoodies you stole from me."
Janus pretended to be offended, "you gave those to me!"
"I let you borrow them because you kept whining about how cold you were every time we were going out." Virgil corrected with a smirk of his own.
"Well sucks for you, I have no idea where they are." Janus insisted, tone still playful.
"Liar." Virgil snorted.
They smiled at each other when Janus' phone suddenly rang.
He shot Virgil a regretful look before going to the side and answering, coming back after a few minutes.
"Sorry but… I gotta go now." He said through a sigh.
Virgil shrugged, "that's fine… it was… nice to see you too, Jan."
The use of the familiar nickname seemed to light up Janus' face, "yeah… I'm glad I came here." He turned to leave.
"And hey, don't be a stranger, alright?" Virgil shot him a small smile when he turned around, his expression a mixture of relief and surprise.
"I won't… and, you have my number… I'll see you soon." And with that, he finally left.
They were never going to go back to the way they were… but maybe this was better, healthier…
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casketscratch · 6 months
I am trying to write it all out and just purge what happened, or line up the pieces I know.
I can only ever do this when I use the pronoun "you," like--
Your parents get divorced. You still see your Dad every weekend. He takes you to see your grandfather every Sunday so your mom can focus on her coursework.
It's never "me," it's never even a specific alter name, it's just this "referring to myself in second person because it offers a certain distance." But I've always done this, journals going back as far as I can find are just 'you' all the way down, and sometimes in a really meta, self-aware way? There's an entry on the dreamwidth somewhere where it's like a narrator self-reflexively checking himself about how there's no real "you" there and he doesn't know who he's talking to.
Which, on the one hand, no wonder I gravitated toward being an English major, lol.
On the other hand... I doubt this is just me because "does anyone else do x" questions inevitably end in "yes!" from someone, right?
Totally cutting this because I am getting super navel gazy and English majory about my own writing at the same time.
I'm really interested in how much dissociative distance this enables while still being "intimate" in an omniscient narrator sense? Like "I" can still write about it by treating it like a second hand story or something. It's also definitely a sort of Watcher/Narrator part whose role it seems to be, he calls himself the Chronicler, so there's a lot of "an alter talking about another alter who he doesn't feel is part of his person" and whatever. But before I knew about any of that, this is just. How I'd journal without thinking much about it.
(I am also kind of high and working through this like a bad first draft here now, sorry, lol)
We never really experienced 3rd person POV dissociation like a lot of the literature talks about either and I kind of wonder if that made writing in third person feel more alien than second. Or something. (Or it's bits and pieces of all of this and a lot of factors at play, which, yeah.)
Bonus points: I hated psychoanalyzing literature in university because I'd have to start thinking about this stuff, but that period was also when the "you" logs really started. It was Chron and Stephan and Crue, or Chron reflecting back Stephan and Crue to themselves as "you," or whatever. Lot of "you" entries that read like short stories, like Chron was... watching our life like a TV show, but instead it was writing it like a book, I suppose?
And lest we forget, all of those entries from that period were "coded." We recovered our memories last year by realizing that if we followed the trail of references and allusions to our own, other journals over the years, we could trace a path to Crue in the inner world (or whatever, I guess more like discover our own system's architecture and find communication lines). That's how we reconnected with him.
He joked once that he introjected House of Leaves, because the logs/journals/thing really is this massive sprawling hypertext of memory and forgotten blogs and logins and passwords, Borges labyrinth kind of thing, and we've still only worked through about half of it. It was enough to break through our host's denial, anyway.
Maybe this urge to rewrite everything with what we know now is connected to that too. Like it's updating what's basically our own system's domesday book and fleshing out what Chron's learned since? Just. All in second person, all the time.
(The House of Leaves thing is like 50% a joke and 50% not, because I am also getting pinged with memories of studying it in a postmodern fic course when Crue was doing the academic work and maybe he's really not kidding, maybe our brain really did go "oh that'll be USEFUL" and here we are.)
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opens-up-4-nobody · 3 years
#im so tired :-(#and i have so much to do :-((#and i leave again tomorrow for more field work :-(((#i have to write a 3 page report by next week despite the fact the ppl already have my fucking thesis#plus i just threw together a shitty poster which i have to fix some stuff on and that just seems fucking impossible rn bc i keep crying#and i have to put together a prezi presentation for another thing. like i could just do a PowerPoint but a prezi would be nicer so i guess#im just not gonna sleep next week rip#and i have to input a fuckton of data so i had do analysis on the data i spent 3 weeks collecting#and i have to redo 1 sample and work on writing papers#plus draw a bunch of figures for various things#and fill out reimbursement paperwork even tho i start crying when i think abt it#and find a hotel and logistics for a conference#which like i shouldnt have said yes to that. i just. like i had a full on meltdown bc i cant seem to be able to take the steps to sort it#out and its looming up and im so tired. i dont even want to go but i already said yes and its for a group project#like seriously just ask for help. but i just keep laying on the floor crying#which does not bode well for this weekend bc i have to share a room on Saturday night rip me#and i need to take care of lots of tedious little adult things that my brain wont let me do#and coordinate going home for Thanksgiving which i really want to do but again it seems so impossible rn#how am i supposed to 'take a break and recover' when the universe is trying to crush me to pieces?#whatever i have a 3.5 hr car ride with 2 ppl that i have to emotionally prepare for#this is prob just the product of not enough sleep but like why do stupid little things have to be so hard?#why cant i not work on stuff for like 10hrs over 2 days and not feel horribly guilty?#oh god and im gonna be the one in charge of the feild work. i just realized bc i am the most important person for the measurements we have#to take. i hate it. im tired#but i have to work on this stupid ugly poster. the topic is fucking boring and i dont want to do it#but whatever its fine. im only paid for 29hrs a week but its fine#god i dont even want to kno how many hrs ive actually been doing#unrelated
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can't stop thinking of this op danny/guardian spirit/young justice crossover that I can't write because I don't have the DC universe background knowledge for it so I'm gonna just dump the concept here
be prepared for a lot of rambling
so the JL consider Amity Park a Safe Zone in case of dire emergencies
but nobody is told why, only the top members of the Justice League know anything about the place, Robin probably breaks into Batsy's computer and finds something about some hero there named Phantom but he can't find any other info about him or the town other than that he's trustworthy
and maybe the Young Justice crew get fucked up and the JL are indisposed or being distracted or something and the safe houses are compromised so Robin has to be like 'alright team I know this One Place that's supposed to be like a last resort safe space' so they all end up in Amity Park, and their pursuers are right on their tail until they hit the edge of town and then some fucking force of nature comes down on the bad guys following them out of nowhere and fucks them up
they would just be like 'holy shit who is this guy how come we never heard of him??'
and Robin is like 'oh hey so you're Phantom? Batman said this was a safe place to go when we're in trouble'
and he's expecting Danny to know some shit or have a plan or a safehouse to take them to
but Danny's just all 'uhhh this place gets attacked by inter-dimensional monsters every other day why would he send you here for safety? also Batman knows who I am???'
Robin is just confused as all hell because apparently Batman has this town listed as the Ultimate Safehouse and its hero is listed as Trusted but he's never even spoken to the guy?
real sus
but Danny takes them in and finds some abandoned house for them to stay in, and promises that whoever is chasing them will not set foot in this town, like they might have to deal with some ghosts popping up but human threats are no problem
and they're in this empty house that's, okay well it isn't dilapidated or anything but it has no power or water or even security, Phantom just tells them he's got their backs while they recover and don't worry about it
but Robin wants answers so he's quizzing Danny on who he is and why Batman trusts him
but Danny's got no idea, he's surprised the JL even know who he is because nobody has ever come to see him, nobody has ever given him any indication that they even know he's here, which he was kinda peeved about because he had to tackle every ghost attack by himself
but the Justice League not only knew he was here but apparently volunteered him to look after them?
he's a little bit pissy about that, Robin cannot entirely blame him, Robin thinks this whole thing is weird, like there has to be a reason, the JL don't just ignore kids fighting crime on their own, they would have invited him into their team, offered him help and training, not left him to figure it all out alone
although the kid was pretty powerful, he took out a whole crew of bad guys in one breath, literally
true to Danny's word, nobody finds them, the guys who had been hunting them down and chasing them everywhere can't seem to track them here, either that or Phantom just keeps getting in their way when they try, they feel so safe here, safer than they've ever felt before
Megan picks up that there's something unusual about the place, it's like the town itself is telling them that they're safe here, the air is full of love and warmth and comfort, somebody here wants them to feel at ease, somebody here wants them to feel safe
Robin still thinks it's sus
he starts to wonder if Batman was coerced by this psychic force to mark the town as a safe space, but he's pretty sure Batman's too savvy for that, besides, Megan was certain that there was no coercion or ill intent plaguing their minds, it's just a general atmosphere of safety
and she's pretty sure it's coming from Phantom
they witness a ghost fight or two and are amazed that the JL have been ignoring these pretty significant threats and just let some kid handle it alone, sure he has the same powerset as the enemies plus some, but he's still a kid and he's alone
none of them would ever have been allowed this much freedom or this little assistance
super super sus
after the JL finally get out of whatever issue they've been stuck with, they come pick up the kids and Danny is there like 'oh hey I think I need an explanation because what the fuck guys'
and Batman in all his blunt glory just tells him 'we were advised not to interfere unless absolutely necessary'
Danny obviously Does Not Like this answer and wants to know who this guy is that's ordering Batman around, then low and behold, Constantine shows up, immediately balling out Batman because 'why the fuck are you in Amity Park rn I made it VERY CLEAR that this place is a delicate fucking ecosystem if Superman gets god damn overshadowed we are all gonna have problems'
aaaaaand suddenly it all makes sense
Danny realises that any hero who's powerful enough to take on a ghost literally cannot risk that power in the hands of creatures that can just take over their bodies at any time, especially when this is a standard ability in all of Danny's enemies
but he's still shitty because like 'y'all could still have called me or something it would be nice to know I wasn't totally alone out here ya know'
and Constantine is all 'kiddo I literally had the god of time show up in my bedroom at 3am to tell me to make sure none of these fucks tried to adopt you as a side kick, one of them has a track record with this kinda thing it's a legit problem, I couldn't give these fuckers an inch, this town was off limits. so WHY ARE YOU ALL HERE RN'
aaaand Batman has to explain them a thing, basically Phantom is considered so fucking OP and has such an omniscient connection to the town itself that it makes for the perfect hiding place and defence for anyone in dire straights, and it really is only supposed to be a last resort, the side kicks had absolutely nowhere else to go with all of their safe houses compromised
aaaand that's how Danny learns that he is kind of more powerful than most of the god damn Justice League
hope you enjoyed this because I am never gonna be able to actually write it, have a nice day ✨
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kimetsu-no-imagines · 3 years
submission request
its ur bf write me rengoku porn rn before i kiss you in electrical- u know what i want 😩 ——————————————————————————- a/n : !!!!!! anything for u babe!!!!! a request from my bf,,,,,,,how special,,,,especially when haven’t written on here in forever,,,,,, warnings ; mugen train spoilers!!!!!!!!!! s o m a n y!!!!!! mentions of rengoku/akaza fight, alternate universe where rengoku lives it’s what we all want anyway, pre-established relationship/rengoku is your husband, breeding/pregnancy kink, rengoku living and dying (figuratively) between your legs, “dirty” talk but rengoku is such a loving man i don’t think it should even be called that here, uhhhh body worship but with his eyes? its very vague but it is there, boy just loves you okay, also none of this is proof read or anything if that matters word count ; 2,728
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I’m Home
When you first hear about it, of course, like his fellow pillars, you’re terrified-thankful, naturally, that your husband at least hasn’t died, but the crow sent to inform you of the events of his mission, of his injuries, doesn’t exactly try to sugar coat anything, not even for you, his spouse.
Skull fractures from dodging the punch that would have smashed his eye completely, broken ribs from dodging yet another hit that, if he hadn’t moved back fast enough, would have gone through him and killed him-the details were gruesome, they were bone-chilling, it wasn’t as if you or anyone particularly enjoyed hearing about it, but one thing was for certain-you were relieved not to have lost him to this, to have lost anyone. Tanjiro and the others were so strong, so hard-working, and they were so young, with so much to live for-you couldn’t imagine how you’d feel if anything had happened to them, either.
There’s so much about it that pains you-not being able to have your husband home with you after he’d already been so busy with this mission and the ones before it, knowing how injured he was and how long it’d take him to recover at the Butterfly Estate, it was all… Torture. Not that you couldn’t go see him, of course-but Shinobu urged you to stay home and relax, you wouldn’t want to see him in the state that he was in, she promised you that much. Her crow did come by to personally update you on his condition every day or so, though-that was at least some amount of relief.
… Or, it would have been. You hadn’t seen any crow come by in a week or so, to the day-and yes, you kept track, because of course you did, you were an anxious wreck, and it’d already been months of your husband steadily recovering, or so you thought. Had he died from his injuries? Did something happen to the estate, were more people hurt? … Well. You supposed that was a silly thought, she lived so close to the Master’s own residence-no demon could get close enough to hurt them, with all the wisteria around both places.
You were so used to having your husband around to calm you when you thought about the worst things, like this-your heart hurt with anxiety and worry. What could you do but stand outside by the door, every day, for hours, just waiting for some sign, of a crow, of Shinobu herself, of anything?
It was another day that had gone by just like that-your feet and legs ached from keeping yourself up for so long, dried tear trails staining the sides of your face-you knew it was silly of you, you knew you should have tried to be at least a little stronger, for him if no one else, but… You just couldn’t help it. You hated this. You just wanted your husband back.
A dejected sigh leaves you as you watch the sun set for just one more moment before turning to go back inside, tears stinging at the corners of your eyes again-maybe tomorrow you’ll go up to Shinobu’s estate yourself. You couldn’t stand this for another–
“Hahaha! Now isn’t this strange! You’re running away from me!”
Your heart stops, and you freeze in place. What?
You feel him before you can turn to see him-chest pressed against your back, though soon you’re spun around and pulled up into a crushing hug anyway, and it’s all you can do to immediately start sobbing into your husband’s brightly-colored hair as you’re held.
“… Hello, my sweet,”  His voice is no longer booming and jovial like it was a moment ago, but soft, gentle and meant only for you, as he squeezes you to him-you want to worry about the injuries he was supposed to be recovering from still, but you don’t want this to end, either. You suppose, he must have just been coming around the corner and through the gate when you turned to go inside-not that it mattered, all that did matter was that he was… Here, holding you.
“You must have missed me terribly!” All hearty, he laughs with you again, even if all you can do is cry in his arms while he rubs soothingly at your back, “But of course I missed you terribly too! I tried many times to sneak out and come home to you, but Shinobu or one of the other girls always caught me-”
You missed his voice dearly, you did-and you were still crying, but you couldn’t help but lean up and kiss him. It was something you usually did to quiet him, for sure, but right now you just… Needed him. And he didn’t seem to mind, hands happily and readily sliding down to hoist you up into his arms, never breaking from you as he carried you into your home.
“… Such a beautiful shouldn’t have quite so many tears upon it, you know,”He mumbles gently against your lips, and you sniffle as you finally reach up to start wiping at them, “I-I just missed you so much, Kyojuro, I was so scared-you were almost-you could have-”
“But I didn’t, and I won’t.” He interrupts you sweetly, but firmly nonetheless, shaking his head at you, “I am fine. I am healed, my love. I am still here to fulfill my duties-and I always will be. That includes my duties to you as your husband.”
“I…” It doesn’t feel like you should believe it-after what you’d heard of his battle, knowing he’d even just encountered an Upper Moon demon, this felt too good to be real or true, and yet… There’s such certainty and finality blazing in his eyes as he stares at you, all you can do is nod.
“… Alright.”
… Really, all you had intended to do this evening, now that you had your husband home with you, was cook him his favorite meal and go to sleep with him, in his arms, for the first time in who knew how long, at this point. Truthfully, that had been your only goal. You wanted him to rest, no matter how many times he told you just how fully recovered he was through the mouthfuls of sweet potato you so lovingly prepared for him-and yet… And yet…
Well, you suppose you simply didn’t account for him wanting… Dessert.
“It’s been so long,” The words are mumbled around you, your flesh, as he greedily, really voraciously eats and licks you up from between your legs-you’d already known him to be feral when presented with the sweet treat only you could provide him with, but this was something else entirely, “-it’s been too long, my love, don’t you understand how very hungry I am?”
You don’t, but by no means are you going to let that stop either of you. You missed his mouth just as much as he missed your taste.
“K-Kyojuro-Kyojuro, I’m-Kyo–”
… He’s never been one to tease or deny you. And yet just as you’re about to cum, so close to the edge you could have tasted it yourself, he’s pulling away from you. His lips and chin and… Well, his face, in general, are so shiny with you-you easily forget your frustration and get lost in the blissful look in his eyes as he cleans himself with his tongue. “While you certainly are the most delicious thing in this world, my sweet,” He crawls up the length of your body so quickly, so desperate to smash his lips to your own, “-as I’ve told you, it’s been far too long. I want to feel you cum around my cock this evening. But I’m sure you have no complaint either way?” Any other day, you’d want to hit him, to get that cheeky look off of his face, but… You also can’t say you don’t want that. Maybe you really don’t have any complaints either way. “… You’re awful,” You huff up at him, but you nod, “… But alright.” … And yet he stays still. It would be so easy-you’re properly soaked, and the pair of you are completely naked, and yet your infuriating husband is just… Sitting there, hovering over you with a smile on his face. It’s a soft, loving smile-but you’ve known him so long, you don’t miss the mischief in his eyes. “… Can I not admire you, my beautiful spouse? Even for a moment, after I’ve been gone from you for so very long?” It’s not a crime for him to stare at you so adoringly-really, you’d love it if you weren’t as damn horny as you were. But... It has been a long time. He’s teasing, but as much as that’s true, you know he’s being earnest, too-his eyes flicker all over your form so carefully, meticulously re-memorizing every tiny detail about you. “... Even more beautiful then before I left you, dear one,” The way he murmurs it, so absently, it’s almost more like he’s saying it to himself, but his eyes raised to bore back into yours after a minute-clearly, he wants you to hear every word of what he’s saying, absent or not. “... Would you like to know something I thought about while I was away?” His love renders you breathless, speechless-it’s all you can do to nod up at him. “During the brief hours of respite I would get, I would think to myself... What would it be like to come back to you, our home... How would it feel, the joy of it all... And then, another thought had started to occur to me,” A sharp gasp tears through you as you feel a few fingers suddenly and swiftly beginning their work at stretching you out-sneaky man, he’d distracted you from his hands with his voice, and even then, he kept talking like he hadn’t done anything, “... What would it be like if I could come home to the sight of you all swollen and glowing with our child...?” Those words rob you of whatever meager amount of breath you had managed to regain. With your child...? “... Oh, my love, you squeezed my fingers so nicely just now,” He marvels at the sight, the feeling of you, worrying his lip between his teeth-you’re so pretty like this, is what he wants to say, but his mind is suddenly consumed by the thought he’d put into both your heads a moment ago. You, glowing with the product of your love in your stomach. You don’t fail to notice the twitching of his cock where it hangs all hard between his legs. “Do you like the sound of that, then...? Do you want to carry my children, our children, my dear one? I’ll give it to you if you just say the word-after all, what poor excuse of a husband would I be if I didn’t?” His fingers move in and out of you faster, frantic and eager to prepare you for him, now, as he almost rambles on like that-his words set your body, your insides, on fire. You do want it, you realize-it’s not something you’d given much thought to before, but here, like this, right now after spending so much time worrying about losing him? You really do want nothing more. “P-p-please, please Kyojuro, I want-please give me your children, I want it, I want you, please make me pregnant, my husband, please-” It’s not meant to egg him on, truly it isn’t-you just can’t help but beg with how badly you want it yourself. But that doesn’t mean you don’t delight in the way he seems to snap, just the slightest bit, above you, quickly removing his fingers from you to replace them with his cock-what you’d been waiting for since he laid you down in bed earlier. That felt like an eternity ago right now, though. The stretch isn’t an uncomfortable one, with the care he’d still taken to prepare you-you missed it, if anything, you missed him. And it’s clear that he feels the same-he’s gone so tense above you, arms trembling on either side of you with the restraint it takes not to move. Somehow, he still manages to keep up that bright smile of his, too. “Do tell me when I can move, my love. This is a bit unbearable with how lovely you feel!” ... As hazy as your mind was with pleasure, you couldn’t help but giggle. Even now, your husband was so... Endearing. So cute. Your bring your hands up to hold his face as you nod your head eagerly, over and over, “Please, Kyojuro-please, I want it,” You can see that he wants to worry about you, wants to ask you again to make sure-but he can’t, his body betrays him, his hips instantly slotting themselves against your own, pulling back only to quickly bring themselves back down, his cock pressing and rubbing against every bit of your insides as it moves in and out of you, over and over and over, so fast-and your husband hardly even breaks a sweat. ... His being a demon slayer, and a pillar, at that, had its perks, you supposed. His stamina was one of them. But he seemed to already be losing his composure, too, with just how long it’d been since you’d gotten to be so close. “This-this is embarrassing, haha-I feel like I could burst at any moment already-just-just thinking about how-utterly perfect you’d look, ah-” His hips stutter, and he stills for a second, to keep his own pleasure at bay for a moment-though he makes up for it with the hand that shoots down to rub and stroke at what his cock isn’t already touching, “-goodness gracious-how perfect you’d look, pregnant, my love-” As if you aren’t ready to burst, yourself. Did he suddenly forget about denying you mere minutes ago...? “M-my husband-my husband, Kyojuro, please, m-me too, just go ahead, please-please give me your child, give it to me, please-” “You’re really as difficult as you are beautiful!” The very wind is knocked out of you as you find your legs suddenly on either side of your head, as he fucks into you with a very renewed, fittingly fiery sense of vigor and passion, grunting freely every time he feels you wrap around him again and again, “I truly did want to take my time with you this evening, my sweet-how irresistible you are like this-I’ll have to savor you another time-” This position, the wildness in his eyes, the feeling and the sight of him-yes, the sight of him, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t see the bulge appearing and disappearing from your stomach-fucking into you desperately, all of it is far too much for you, far too overwhelming, but of course he revels above you in the way you clamp down on him and make a sudden, abrupt mess all over the pair of you, not to mention the futon underneath you. “So beautiful-so beautiful like this, my love-I-just the sight of you, you’re going to make me-goodness-” He leans over you and folds you in half even further, nose brushing against your neck, “I-I’m going to-I’m going to give it to you now, alright? I swear it, my love, my dear one, I’ll-I’ll get you pregnant, I promise, I promise, I--” It’s so intense, he almost roars as it washes over him, as he fills you up so completely it leaks out of you, with how long its been since either of you had any form of... Release. Your legs are released, and they flop numbly down against the plush futon beneath you-your husband can barely keep himself up, but he at least tries to be careful as he collapses against you, chuckling so happily against your shoulder while you can hardly keep your eyes open, let alone say anything. You wish you had the sense what was apparently so... Funny, right now. “... I love you, _____.” The biggest wave of tranquility falls over you, hearing those words. You can’t quite say much of anything still, but he knows-he sees it in your eyes when he looks up at your face. You love him too. Right now, that’s all he needs. “I really am so happy to be home, dear one.”
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For The Lover That I Lost (Wanda Maximoff/ Reader)
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Hello! Welcome to part 9, inspired by Sam Smith’s “For the Lover That I Lost”. This now takes place post-civil war. 
Summary: Y/n and Wanda are finally able to talk. Will the talk end in love or tragedy?
“All of the memories feel like magic, all of the fighting seemed so sweet. All that we were, my love, was tragic and you're the last thing that I need.”
“Do you think we could have that talk now?”
For a moment you just stared at the clouds floating past the small window you were seated by and let the question hang in the air. She had given you space for a few hours, but you knew this moment was bound to come. 
The problem was that your healing was precarious, you knew that, and you didn’t know if it could withstand a conversation that was sure to open the wounds you had spent months patching up. 
“Y/n?” Wanda called, cautiously placed a hand on your shoulder. 
With a deep breath you turned your body to face her. “I thought about it, and I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Wanda.” You answered honestly. 
Her brow furrowed slightly, “I understand your hesitation, but-“
“Look, Wanda, allow me to save you the trouble.” You began steadily, “You’re sorry for how everything happened. I accept your apology. You don’t want to lose me from your life. Give me some time and then we’ll work on rebuilding the friendship. Did I get everything?”
She stared at you, her eyes troubled. “Well, not exactly, I was trying to-“
Once again, you interrupted her. “And I won’t stand between you and Vision.”  You added with a snap, as if you had just remembered something important. 
“Will you stop interrupting me?” Wanda exclaimed, shocking you into silence. “Sorry, I just-… I forgot how stubborn you can be.” She rubbed her arm in embarrassment. 
You stared at her silently, granting her wish of no interruptions. Waiting for her to get to her point, that you still weren’t sure you wanted to hear. 
As you observed her, you noticed the way she nervously spun the ring she was wearing on her finger while she seemed to ponder where to begin. “Have you always done that?” you gestured to her hands, unable to stop yourself from asking.
Her eyebrows raised at your question, obviously not expecting it. “I…” she thought about it for a moment, then ducked her head slightly. “I guess it was something that I picked up from you. For so long, your nerves were intertwined with my own that it just became a habit from watching you, I guess.” She mumbled.
You bit your lip and nodded but said nothing, taking note of how her eyes closely observed the action. You gestured for her to go on.
Wanda took a deep, steadying breath, making sure she maintained eye contact with you. “First, I am no longer with Vision. I haven’t been for months.” Your eyebrows raised curiously. “You were right though, part of what I wanted to talk about was how sorry I am. Y/n, I am, so, so, sorry. You deserved so much more than what I gave you. I don’t expect you to forgive me because I certainly don’t forgive myself.” The sincerity in her voice took you by surprise. 
The glassy look in her eyes and prominence of her accent were tell-tale signs of how upset she was. It was information you wished you didn’t know anymore. You dropped your gaze to your lap, it was easier this way.
“There is no excuse-“ she continued until a quiet knock on the wall made her stop. You both looked over to see a sheepish looking Steve Rogers standing a few feet away. 
“Sorry to interrupt. Again.” He coughed awkwardly. “I just wanted to let you know we’ve landed at our temporary hide-out. It’s that house up in the distance.” He gestured vaguely as the door to the quinjet opened to reveal an open field with an unsuspecting two-story house located in the center.
Under normal circumstances you would have thought it was a beautiful sight. The knowledge that you were all there on the run, tarnished that though. You let out a quiet breath. “It’s beautiful. Where exactly are we?”
“Spain. A very rural area at that.” He replied easily.
Despite the view, Wanda couldn’t take her eyes off you. She needed to talk to you uninterrupted and it seemed as though the universe was actively trying to prevent that from happening. All she could do was hope that this wasn’t an omen. That she still had a chance. 
“How long will we be here?” Wanda questioned, finally tearing her eyes away from you.
At the question, Steve shifted in discomfort. “A few days... if that. When Natasha arrives, it’ll be best if we split into small groups at most. We’re wanted fugitives now.”
“Natasha?” you asked with a tilt of your head, distinctly remembering her on Tony’s side.
Steve nodded. “She helped me and Bucky get out. She’s wanted now too.”
Both you and Wanda shared a look of surprise, Wanda speaking up before you could say anything. “Thank you for the update, Steve. We’ll meet the rest of you inside.”
With a knowing nod, Steve took the hint and turned to catch up with Sam who had already began walking ahead. “Guess we better head out.” you mumbled.
“Can we take a walk before we go in? I’d really like to finish our conversation.” Wanda requested hesitantly, her eyes pleading.
With another steadying breath, you nodded. She seemed determined and obviously wasn’t going to let this go. “Okay, Wanda.” You stood up and walked with her out of the quinjet, veering to a small path that was on the side of the house rather than going inside. 
After walking a decent amount, Wanda stopped and took your hand, effectively stopping you as well. You looked at her expectantly. She decided she couldn’t handle another interruption and decided to just be bold. “You’re the love of my life.”
Her words were so unexpected that you just stared at her for a moment, opening and closing your mouth as you tried to process. “I’m sorry, what?” you eventually choked out.
“You are the love of my life.” She repeated with three light squeezes to your hand. “Pushing you away – not fighting for you – was the biggest mistake of my life. A mistake I never plan on making again. I was confused and thought that my powers were tied to my heart. I was wrong. The only person that has ever held my heart and will ever hold my heart is you. I want to grow old with you. I want you for the rest of my life.” Her words were passionate and desperate as she tried to express the true contents of her heart, hoping you’d believe her. 
Disbelief was the only thing you could feel as you watched her shimmering eyes remain on yours. Shortly following the break-up you had dreamed of a moment like this. Not anymore though. You couldn’t. You had spent months learning to live without her. The risk of allowing her back into your heart came at much too high a cost. You wouldn’t recover a second time. “I-I learned to live without you, Wanda. I can’t risk it with you again. I’ve played before and lost.” You answered, finally pulling your hand out of her grasp. 
“Do you still love me?” she asked in a pleading tone, ignoring your words. She took your hands back in hers, you noticed that they were shaking ever so slightly. “Tell me you still love me. Please.”
You swallowed thickly and met her eyes, “I don’t love you anymore.” You said weakly, so weakly that you didn’t even believe it yourself. 
Wanda shook her head, clearly on the verge of tears. “I don’t believe you. I know you still love me. A love like ours doesn’t just go away. I love you, Y/n. Let me show you.” Without a moment’s hesitation, she took your face in her hands and connected your lips passionately.
Wanda sighed contently at the contact she had been missing, the way you both fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. The rush of electricity was a feeling she longed for. Getting swept up in the moment, you returned her kiss temporarily before the shock wore off and the hurt settled once again. 
Pushing at her shoulders you quickly stepped back. “You can’t just kiss me and expect everything to go away, Wanda.” You shouted at her. “I think I should go.” You mumbled turning to leave.
Watching you walk away again was a nightmare vision to Wanda and she would be damned if she gave up so easily again. She ran and stopped so she was directly in your path, preventing you from going any further. “Y/n, please, I can’t imagine my life without you” The tears she had been holding back bubbled over the surface and fell down her cheeks. You fought the urge to brush them away.
“You know, I used to think of you as the person that I was going to spend the rest of my life with too. As somebody who would never hurt me. Ever.” Wanda listened to you quietly as tears flowed more steadily down her cheeks. “Now all I see when I look at you is that last moment on the roof. Of you with him. It doesn’t matter what you say, or what you do… it’s too late.”
A sob escaped Wanda’s lips as she briefly covered her face with her hands. “Y/n, please… This can’t be it.”
“It is though.” Blinking back tears, you moved to step around her. 
“Y-you’re a coward!” She cried after you, at your retreating figure. The pain clear in her voice. 
Anger quickly replaced the anguish at her words. You spun around to face her, her jaw clenched. You couldn’t believe her. “I’m the coward? No, Wanda, you are!” you shouted back.
The woman in question ran a hand through her hair, tears falling even faster. She seemed at a loss. “You’re the one that chose to run instead of staying and fighting!” 
Her words made something in you crack, she had no right to be angry. To pin the demise of what you both once were on you. “How is that fair?” you snapped at her. “I was supposed to stay and fight for someone who had very clearly decided they didn’t want me anymore? You don’t get to pardon yourself. The ashes of our relationship are on you and you alone.” You gritted out bitterly. 
For a moment she just stared at you, her chest heaving as she clutched at her chest. Almost as though your words physically impacted her. “I…I’m sorry.” she took a deep breath and recollected herself. She reached out to you, you stepped back. Her face contorted in pain at the knowledge that you didn’t want her anymore. 
“I know I don’t deserve it and you have no reason give it to me, but please, give us a second chance. Let me prove to you I mean what I say, to prove that you… you are everything. There will never be anyone else. I love you.” her eyes met yours pleadingly, slowly breaking before your very eyes.
You took your own deep breath and braced yourself for the words you were about to say. “Wanda, we don’t stand a chance. It’s sad, but it’s true. We’re bound to end in tragedy.” You said quietly, staring off in the distance because you weren’t sure you could handle watching her reaction. “It’s time to move on.”
Like a magnet though, your eyes found hers either way. 
Broken. That’s the only word that came to mind when you saw her expression. Broken sobs left her lips. Her eyes glistened as they desperately searched yours for something, something that you had blocked off long ago. “You don’t mean that.” She whispered, her lips trembling along with her words. 
You shut your eyes for a moment and prepared yourself to close the door on what you both had. “Goodbye, Wanda.” You whispered as you walked off without looking back.
If you did, you would have seen the way she fell to her knees. The knowledge that she had no one to blame for her own broken heart but herself bringing her to her knees. She buried her face in her hands as sobs wracked through her body. Longing for the comfort of your arms.
Silent tears rolled down your cheeks as you listened to the sound of her cries in the distance, but you knew it was for the best... At least you hoped it was.
That night Steve announced that it would be in everyone’s best interest to split up for the time being as he handed out older phones to everyone so each of you could be contacted and check in. After his announcement everyone retreated to their room. You quietly let Steve know where you planned on going and told no one else. 
As you discreetly prepared to leave the following morning, you found a dozen flowers at your door, half purple violets and half white dittanies. The memory of the last time you saw these flowers filled your mind bittersweetly. A memory that no longer felt like it belonged to you.
When Wanda awoke, she was disappointed to find the flowers she had gifted you back at her door and the room you were staying in empty. Even if her heart ached, she knew that she couldn’t give up. She’d try and try again because your love was worth fighting for and she wouldn’t let you go again. She was determined to spend the rest of her life trying to win you back if she had to. There was no other path for her.
And there we have chapter 9! Angst, angst, angst. I got a little carried away lol. Only 3 more to go, where do you think the reader and Wanda will go from here? As always, hope you all enjoyed and thoughts and comments always welcome. 
P.s. did anyone catch a hint of a different Sam Smith song in there? It may be a hint for the next chapter, it may not be. Still deciding. 
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Live Stream Murderer (Part 2) | Spencer Reid x reader
Requested by @thatsonezesty13 / Summary: You’re kidnapped by the Live Stream Murderer, who is in search of his soulmate. He tortures the women for 36 hours and whoever lasts that long is in his eyes; his soulmate. Will you make it through the 36 hours of torture? 
| Part 1 | 
A/N: here is part 2! Thank you for all the attention on part 1! I love seeing all the likes, reblogs and comments, especially the ones asking to be tagged so they don’t miss the next part! <3 hopefully you all enjoy this one as much as part 1!! xx 
*possible trigger warning and could spoil the ending of part 2 for you; blood, talks of death, description of a bloody and headless person 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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Your head was pounding, and you could feel your body was weak from the torture. How long had you been passed out? The last thing you remembered was a hot poker penetrating your side. There sitting in front of you was the man who would probably haunt your nightmares for forever.
He wore a sickening smile, “Hi.. I was wondering when you would wake up.” He stood up and held a red straw to your lips.
“Fuck you.” You whispered weakly. There was no telling what was in that drink and you weren’t about to find out. 
He frowned, “But you’ve made it 28 hours.. only 8 more and you’ll be,” His fingers went to caress your cheek, but you revolted at his touch, “my soulmate.” He said the last word like he was in a loving haze. 
You’d made it through 28 hours with this psychopath? You watched as the man went to the storage closet and pulled out multiple instruments and set them on the table next to you. He clicked a button on a remote and the camera in front of you flashed a red button. You figured it was live streaming now and there was a chance the whole world was watching this freak torture you; including Spencer. 
Oh, Spencer. Your heart felt overwhelmed at the thought of him. He’d suffered the loss of Maeve and you worried he would never recover. This was probably bringing those terrible emotions back to the surface. 
“I have to see if you can withstand more pain.” His voice was behind you and then a knife cutting the ties off your left arm. If you weren’t weak, you’d try to fight him with one hand, but with your injuries suffered so far and the knife still in your leg, there wasn’t much to do. 
“I have to see if you’re my soulmate.” His fingers gripped your upper arm, “This might hurt.” 
Your breathing increased as you wondered what was next. Your eyes fixated on the camera in front of you and you tried to focus on the one thing that made you happy. The one thing you loved most in this world. Spencer Reid. 
It was a trick you’d been taught during your training. You were keeping your mind preoccupied by coming up with various scenes, happy scenes. Spencer’s face crossed your mind and suddenly you were transported to a library. You were sitting across Spencer, books in front of the both of you. You could see him peeking every once and a while to look at you. You knew because you were doing the same thing to him. 
 “If you keep staring at me, we aren’t ever going to get this finished.” 
His fingers continued to dance across the page as he read and he gave a small smile, “I’m not staring at you.” 
“Okay.” You shut your book, amused, “Tell me what you just read.” 
His fingers stopped and he knew he’d been caught. He finally looked up at you, “I have no idea what I just read.” 
You let out a laugh, “Spencer Reid!” You stood, “We have to finish this paper for Dr. Johnson’s class!” Grabbing the two books on the table, you headed toward a row of library books, “These don’t have what I need.” 
In this imaginary world you and Spencer were young, college students. It was a normal life with no danger. No BAU. No cases. Just you and Spencer living a normal life. 
“I’m sorry!” He chuckles, standing to follow you. He stops behind you as you put the two books back on the shelves, “how am I supposed to concentrate when I’m in front of the most beautiful girl in this universe?” 
You turned around and faced him, “Spencer Reid.” 
“y/n y/l/n.” He copied your tone, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear, “I love you.” Those three words. You wanted to hear it again. 
“Say it again.” Your fingers wrapped around his wrist as he cupped your cheek.
His other hand cupped your other cheek and subconsciously caressed your cheek with his thumb, “I love you.” 
You let out a scream as the man pulled on your arm, dislocating your shoulder from it’s socket. No no.. take me back. Take me back to standing there with Spencer in that library where you heard the words you’d wished he’d confess. 
How much more of this could you take? How much more could anyone take? This was an insane amount of pain and all you wanted to do was sleep. You wanted to give up. 
You sobbed, finally breaking, “Please stop.. just please.” 
“I can’t.” He sighs, “36 hours.” He taps the watch on his wrist. 
You were fading, or at least you wanted to fade away. You’d been strong during all this because you knew you’d get to see Spencer again. He’d been the one to keep you going during this, but right now you don’t know how much more you could take. You wanted to make it through this just to be able to tell him how you felt. Your thoughts slowed and the darkness consumed you. 
As soon as the live stream was posted, Penelope began working her magic. However, it was still proven to be a challenge on pinpointing the location. 
He had to watch as the man pulled your arm out of it’s socket and listen to your screams of agony. He’d kill him. He knew if he’d ever see this man he’d kill him with his own bare hands for harming you in this way, such a public way. 
“Please.. please hang on just a bit longer.” He pleaded to the screen. 
More disappointment as the live stream cut off when your eyes went closed. You’d passed out from the overwhelming amount of pain and exhaustion. 
8 hours later there was another livestream, but this time there wasn’t anyone seated in the chair. You were gone and his mind went to worst. You’d lost the battle. 
“I’ve got it! I’ve got the location!” Penelope yelled through the comms, the location immediately sent to everyone’s phone. 
There wasn’t time to think as everyone rushed out the door and toward the known location. However, when they arrived, it was Hotch and JJ who went in first. As Spencer followed, Hotch immediately came back out stopping him at the door. 
“You don’t need to go in there.” 
Spencer was confused, “What? Why not?” He tried to push passed Hotch again and the look on JJ’s face told him everything he needed to know. “Let me see!” 
Hotch lost the grip on the determination of Spencer and he passed through the door way. Spencer skitted to a stop at the sight before him. No no no. 
His knees his the floor.  This wasn’t happening again, please no. He silently begged. “No! No no!” He couldn’t help the sobs that overcame his body. 
There in the middle of the room laying on a blanket where the chair had been was your headless body in a pool of blood. 
Criminal Minds tag list: @thelovelydreamer17​ , @la-vie-en-amour1​ , @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25​ , @astra-inclinant-sed-non-obligant (possibly: @astra-x-inclinant​)  , @bluerose512​ , @lolychu​ , @varsityalthete​ , @televisiondreamstomorrow​ , @harry-hollands​ , @lumineshawn​ , @lyss-xo​ , @rexorangecouny​ , @sassy-hades​ , @britishspidey​ , @ateez-star​
***i’ve added all the ones asked to be tagged in this story to my criminal minds tag list because I only have taglists by the shows and/or character I write for instead of specific stories. In the future if you’d like to be taken off the list, just shoot me a message! xx 
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles  , @simonsbluee​ , @thewolf-and-thesheep​ , @obxrafejjwhore​ , @abbiesthings​ , @itstaskeen​ , @reniescarlett​
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softxsuki · 3 years
Hey, I'd like to request for your 400 followers event, btw that's so impressive like damn you're awesome! So I was thinking of having a daichixfem!reader using the prompt 36 in an established relationship. So I kinda want it really fluffy when daichi comforts the reader but really angsty when the reader is spiraling into toxic thoughts, because I'm writing an essay on Monday and I'm really stressed about it.
I kinda want it were the reader is preparing for writing the essay, looking at examples, highlighting the text and even writing an outline to get comfortable with the text. But the reader starts spiraling, thinking about what grade she'd get, and how utterly destroyed she would be getting a bad mark after all that hard work and time and if she'd even get into university. So daichi comes a comforts the reader, using the prompt to stop spiraling and eventually gets her grounded again.
Ya, happy writing!
Daichi Comforting Reader Who Is Stressed About Her Essay
36: "Nope, not happening."
Follower Event Rules and Masterlist--Send in a request! <3
Pairing: Daichi x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none :)
Genre: Sorta Angsty to Fluff, Established Relationship
Post-Type: Drabble
Word Count: 950
Summary: In which your thoughts spiral out of control as you prepare to write your essay, but Daichi comes in to get you grounded again and eases your mind.
[A/N: Hello anon, thank you so much! I know it's already Monday. You probably already wrote your essay :') I'm sorry if I wrote this for you too late, but hopefully it could still come in handy for any of our future essays or assignments! Hope you enjoy <3]
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Stressed was an understatement.
You’d been sitting at your desk for hours, trying to prepare for the essay you needed to write, but your thoughts were spiraling out of control.
How am I supposed to write this essay? What if I can’t finish it in time? What if I mess up? How will my grade recover if I get a low mark? The toxic thoughts were endless and they only slowed down your thinking process even more.
You tried shaking yourself off, looking back over at the text in front of you as you continued to highlight important parts that you could use in your essay. After reading through it a few times, you sigh, frustrated that the reading wasn’t sticking in your brain. Feeling aggravated, you decide to move on to something else.
You turn to your computer and look up several essay examples to get a feel of how you would format your own essay. Though, example after example only made you feel more dejected. You desperately wished you could copy the examples word for word and submit it as is, by-passing all the unnecessary stress that came with writing your own essay.
“What’s with all the sighing?” a voice asks, shaking you from your thoughts.
You quickly turn around to see your boyfriend, Daichi, by the door.
“Just worrying about this essay that’s due in a few hours. My outline is a complete mess, this text makes no sense, and these essay examples are just frustrating me because I know my essay won’t come out as good as them,” you huff, your legs bouncing anxiously in your chair.
“Then I guess I’ve arrived just in time,” Daichi laughs, closing the door behind him as he drops a bottle of water and some snacks on your desk beside your papers, “Eat up, you have to feed your mind and stay hydrated in order to focus.”
You look between the snacks and Daichi, but huff and push it away, “I’m too stressed to eat.”
“C’mon now, take a breather for a few minutes to clear your head before you continue.”
“How can I take a break when the essay is due in a few hours and I have nothing to prove for all the hours I’ve already spent trying to prepare for it? If I can’t even handle one measly essay, how will I be able to handle any of my assignments in University? If I even get accepted into a University that is. With the way my grade is going to look after this paper, I highly doubt it.”
Daichi, who was seated on your bed, became silent, his chocolate eyes silently studying you.
“You know what? I’m just gonna accept the zero and call it a day, I can’t do this,” you say throwing your hands up in defeat.
“Nope, not happening,” Daichi finally speaks, making his way over to you as he drags your chair closer to him and takes a seat back on your bed, “I know you won’t forgive yourself if you just choose to not do the essay entirely.”
His warm hands engulf your own and he rubs tiny circles onto your skin, easing your mind slightly.
“I know assignments can be difficult, and you’re putting ten times more pressure on yourself with those toxic thoughts as well, which I think is why you can’t focus on your essay,” he starts, “You’re overwhelming yourself about something that doesn’t have to be so overwhelming.”
You quietly listen to him, nodding your head as he speaks.
“Babe, you’re one of the most intelligent people I know. You do your best in everything that you take on, and you actually care about your grades, which is a good thing until it gets too far,” he lifts your chin so he can look straight into your eyes, a small smile on his face as his eyes pool with adoration for you.
“Then how do I stop my thoughts from spiraling out of control so I can focus on this essay?” you pout.
He pulls you gently into his chest and wraps his arms around your form, placing delicate kisses to the top of your head.
“Just take things one step at a time. Instead of thinking about the ‘low’ grade you think you might get on your essay, start focusing on the smaller parts of the essay until it’s complete. Starting with your intro, body paragraphs, until you make it to your conclusion.”
You nod your head, wrapping your own arms around him as you inhale his comforting scent.
“Just take a few deep breaths, clear your head, and focus on the task at hand. What does worrying about the future do for you?”
“Nothing…” you answer, finally understanding that you really were thinking too much into your assignment.
“Exactly, you can shape your future by focusing on the present, so let's do that. I know you have what it takes to write this essay. Easy ‘A’ I say. If you want, I can stay here with you to help pull you back to reality if you start falling back into your toxic thoughts,” he suggests with a small smile.
“You’re right. And yes, that would be great if you could. Thanks babe.”
“Anything for you Y/N,” he winks and rolls you back over to your desk so you can start writing again with a clear head, “you got this.”
He leaves one last kiss to your cheek and throws himself back onto your bed, getting comfortable and remaining silent so you can focus on your essay.
Whenever you start getting frustrated, he’s by your side immediately, rubbing your tense shoulders and encouraging you to continue until your essay is finally complete.
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Posted: 11/22/2021
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Little! Aomine x Older! Sister Reader
Title: Don’t Forget Me Fluff No Warning: Just cuteness overload
“Daiki, you have to let go.”
“Mom, dad can’t you guys do anything?” 
“Daiki, (Y/N) has to leave for university.”
“NO I don’t want her too!” 
“Why not?” 
“You will forget about me!” He began to tear up and you covered your mouth.
“Oh my little gummy bear. I would never forget about you. How can I? I have the worlds cutest little brother.” You said as he was tearing up and sobbed slightly. You opened your arms, and he ran into them, hugging you tightly.
“I promise, in fact here.” You gave him your basketball and he held it in his very tiny hands.
“Whenever you play basketball, I will be right there with you. You won’t see me, but I will be the sun rays shining down, the wind that ruffles your hair. Okay?” He continued to sniffle and nodded his head.
“I will be the best basketball player ever! So you can always be with me. I will be just like you! King of the court, and you will be the queen.” 
“Uh oh, looks like everyone better beware of the Aomine siblings.” Your father said causing you to laugh and ruffle his hair. 
“I love you mom, dad, gummy bear. I will call often and visit when I can. Gummy bear, you got to be a big boy and not cry when I leave okay?”
“O-Okay…” He sniffled trying not to cry, as you left to get on the plane. When it took off he couldn’t help it, and began to cry his eyes out.
~time skip~
That was six years ago, and you were finally done with university. You got off the plane, you weren’t expecting your family to come pick you up because they had work. Plus, your arrival was a surprise for them and your little gummy bear. You smiled remembering standing in this very airport leaving, and he was balling his eyes out. 
“I wonder if he actually became any good.” You hummed to yourself, you glanced at a poster on the wall and saw there was a basketball finals today. That’s when you saw a familiar name Aomine Daiki.
“So the cry baby is known as a former generation of miracles? I could still kick his ass anytime of day.” You mumbled to yourself deciding to head straight there. You had made it just in time to see the game start.
“Phew almost missed it.” You were panting and sat down in an empty seat. A guy with short black hair stared at you confused but ignored you.
“Whoa she is seriously cute.” Pop…. you heard him pop his gum and you rolled your eyes.
“Do you have a boyfriend.”
“Be m~”
“I am 24 years old. You are my brother’s age please back off disrespectfully.” Was all you said and several of them had snickered. The game started and you were impressed, though you realized he wasn’t the same kid you knew. 
“Tsk this idiot, the hell is he talking about ‘Only person that can beat me is me.’ I may have to crush him after this game.” You mumbled and leaned against your hand and crossed your leg over the other. You could feel other people’s eyes on you.
“Doesn’t she look familiar?”
“Yeah, like that female basketball player from six years ago. Uh what is her name whom she looks like.”
“Are you talking the queen of the courts?”
“Yeah her.”
“Aomine (Y/N), nice to meet you now please watch the game, I am not the one playing.” You said and they quickly turned their heads to focus the game. 
The game ended and Aomine’s team had won. You stood up and walked to where their locker room was. 
“Oh Momoi, look at you. You look amazing.” You gave her hug and she hugged back. The team was confused and she smiled. 
“I didn’t know you were back.”
“Yeah, I wanted to surprise my little gummy bear, who is no longer little but he is still little.” You both laughed.
“Well good luck finding him he disappeared after the game.
“Fucking Daiki, I am going to kick his ass.” You growled around the same time another guy said that he was going to beat the crap out of him. You both stared at each other and you looked him up and down. 
“Anyway, do you have an idea where he could be?”
“Yeah, he went outside.”
“Okay, uh who is the captain.”
“I am Imayoshi.”
“Okay well he isn’t coming back tonight. Bye.”
“Wait why?”
“Uh because I said so. Don’t question your elders boy.” You said and left and Imayoshi glanced at Momoi confused.
“That is Dai~chans older sister who is 24 years old. Aomine (Y/N), queen of the court to this day.” 
“Ahh, does she say the same thing as Aomine?”
“No, she believes in team work, and what not.” 
You looked around for your younger brother before seeing him walking ahead. You jogged up to him, and jumped on his back.
“Who the hell~”
“Hey gummy bear…” 
“That is me,” you jumped off and he turned around hugging you.
“What are you doing here?”
“I finished school and I am here to stay.”
“Yeah, looks like my little gummy bear is no longer little.”
“Please don’t call me that.”
“Too bad, its your nickname, and I am older.”
“Tsk.” Despite him looking angrily, he had a small smile on his face.
“By the way, what do you mean only person that can beat you is you? Wanna test that theory?” 
“Against you? I will end you.”
“Pfft. Should I give you a handicap since you just had a game?”
“Don’t need one, though we both know I will win.”
“Big talk, for someone who can’t even claim the king of the court.” 
“Okay first off…” 
“Ah ah put your moves where your mouth is honey.” You took the basketball out of your bag and went to the basketball court. Neither one of you realized his team was watching. 
After about a hour of playing Aomine ended up admitting defeat, the score gap was just getting larger, and he knew you were giving him a handicap.
“You win, you win. How can you still be so good?”
“Did you think I just stopped playing after high school? Nah basketball is my passion you know this…”
“Yeah, yeah, you probably claimed the title Queen of the court in America…”
“Yep, even have some cute minions that learned under me and Alex.”
“Did you just call me and Himuro minions?” You turned to see Kagami.
“Yes I did… what are you doing here?”
“Well we heard a basketball match going on here. What are you doing here (Y/N)?”
“Finished school, so came back home. Where is Tatsuya?”
“I think he went home… wait you are related to Aomine?”
“Yes sir, I am. His older sister. My cute adorable gummy bear.”
“Don’t call me that…” His team mates started to snicker and Kagami smirked.
“Gummy Bear?”
“Shut up I rather be a gummy bear than a minion.” Your little brother had a blush on his cheeks and you laughed softly.
“(Y/N), you should help train them. It would be great for them and you.” 
“I should but shouldn’t…”
“Why did something happen?” Your brother asked and you shrugged your shoulders. 
“I actually broke the rules, I am not really suppose to be playing until I fully recovered. I recovered just not fully.”
“What happened?” Kagami asked this time.
“Remember when I was trying to skateboard and completely and utterly failed?”
“Ye~ wait don’t tell me….”
“I fractured a bone in my leg…”
“You have to take a break from Basketball because of a non basketball related injury? What the fuck sis?”
“Yeah, yeah. Anyway, lets go home. I haven’t been home yet, I came straight here to see you.”
“Tsk, idiot.” You glared at him and grinned when he turned his back. You pulled him down and gave him sister torture kisses to embarrass him further.
“Stop that! Gross! (Y/N) stop!” 
“Who is the idiot?”
“I am sorry, just stop…” You stopped and he wiped his face disgusted.
“I always hated when you did that.”
“Liar, you enjoyed it when you were younger. Even cried when I went off for school in America.” He turned his head, wanting to dig a hole for himself.
“Shut up.”
“See ya, it was good to see you Taiga!” You wrapped your arm around his shoulders with a smile. 
“I am glad you didn’t forget me…” he trailed off quietly and looked away with a small blush.
“As I said that day, I could never forget you.” You flashed him a smile which he returned.  
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five-rivers · 3 years
Danger First
Chapter 6
@pocketramblr another :)
Shouta trudged back to the staff break room. His counseling session with Midoriya had lasted a little over an hour, so while there were still teachers in the building, many of them had left. With the exception of semi-retired heroes like Recovery Girl, everyone working here had two full time jobs. Hizashi, despite his carefree air, had even more than that in the form of his radio show. Hizashi had probably left with the students.
But Hizashi wasn't either of the ones he wanted to talk to. Not today.
He opened the door. Three, no, four teachers were there, but Snipe didn't count, seeing as he was completely passed out on one of the couches with his gas mask half off. He must have had an early shift patrol today, poor sucker.
Nemuri was there, too, with most of her hero outfit on. She was applying her hero-grade makeup (water proof, resistant to three common contact poisons, and guaranteed not to react badly with mace).
More importantly, Kan and Yagi were both there, poring over papers on the same desk, no less. Shouta walked up to the table and looked down at sheets and sheets full of incomprehensible numbers.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
'Don't tell him!" said Kan, urgently. "This is going to be my class's leg up on Aizawa this time around."
"Haha! Good one!" Yagi slapped Kan's back, and apparently even in his skeletal form he could pack a punch, because Kan had the air knocked out of him. Before he could recover, Yagi continued, "I'm making personalized nutrition plans for his class!"
"One of my undergraduate degrees was in nutritional and health sciences, after all!"
Wow, there was a lot to unpack there, but Shouta was more than happy to leave it in its box. He had other fish to fry and topics to interrogate. Small talk requirement fulfilled, he moved on.
"How well do you know Midoriya?"
Yagi blinked and put down his pencil. "Moderately so? We met about this time last year and have been meeting regularly since then."
So, so much to unpack.
"Ah, he... impressed me, I suppose? He was involved in the bodysnatcher incident last year."
That was an understatement.
"He had a lot of heroic spirit!" continued Yagi. "But... not so much in the, ah, body category. I thought it would be a shame, a waste, really, if he wasn't able to pursue his dream, and a hero school prep course wasn't really in the cards for him, considering his quirk status and the timing... And I did have this degree..." He waved his hands vaguely at the table. "I just gave him a little help."
"What brought all this on, anyway?" asked Nemuri. "Midoriya is the little green haired kid, right? One of Chibiida's new friends?"
"If you keep calling him that, I won't be held responsible for when he snaps and attempts murder. But, yes, that's Midoriya."
"He told me I was the best teacher he'd ever had."
Nemuri started laughing.
"Oh," said Yagi. "I'm glad the two of you are getting along so well."
"I think he's pulling your leg, Shouta," said Nemuri, coming over to pat him on his shoulder. "Man, I didn't think a friend of Chibiida's would have it in him. Such youth!"
"I cannot even begin to tell you how much he wasn't."
Nemuri's laughter died off.
"Judging from some comments he made today," said Shouta, "not to mention the discrepancies between his record and his observed behavior in the classroom, I'd say he's been the target of severe quirkism in the past, particularly from his teachers. Did he ever mention anything like that to you?"
Yagi's face darkened and the mood in the room grew much more somber. "Not in so many words, no. However... some of his comments about his teachers disturbed me enough to bring it to the attention of the Musutafu Educational Services District, but as an unrelated stranger without concrete proof..."
("You can use the acronym, you know," muttered Vlad.)
"You're telling me they ignored the number one hero."
Yagi made a face. "I didn't go to them as All Might. Can you imagine the media frenzy if I did that? I didn't want to paint that kind of target on young Midoriya's back."
That was fair, actually. If largely-anonymous Shouta had enemies, All Might had ten times as many. Not to mention supposed fans.
"Other avenues of inquiry were also fruitless," said All Might, countenance darkening. "I asked some of my police colleagues, but they don't have full discretion over the direction of their investigations, and, again, if I were to use my weight to move them... It would get out, and people would wonder why I was so concerned with an apparently normal middle school."
"Did you try talking to Nezu about it?"
"No? Why?"
Shouta reminded himself that although Yagi was an alumnus, he was also very new as a teacher, and was as of yet unfamiliar with Nezu's more interesting traits.
"I'm going to," said Shouta, "and you're going to come with me." He turned to Kan. "Have you heard anything from Bakugo about quirk discrimination?"
"All I've heard from him are explosions, threats, and some kind of complex I don't have nearly enough psychiatric training to- They're from the same school," he realized.
Kan pinched his brow. "So, the sweet shy kid you keep gushing about-" Both Shouta and Yagi attempted to reassure Kan they weren't gushing, "-and the demon brat are from the same school."
"That is what their records say," agreed Shouta. "Did you know, Yagi?"
"Oh, that they knew each other? Yes. Actually, I was rather under the impression they were childhood friends, as Midoriya ran out to help him during the bodysnatcher incident."
Shouta grunted. It was possible. He hadn't seen the two of them interact, at any rate.
"I'm going to Nezu with you," said Kan, standing up. "No matter what else this hell school did, they deserve to suffer for inflicting Bakugo Katsuki on me with those recommendations full of lies."
"Why don't you just expell him if he's that bad?"
"Because he's talented, hardworking, and hasn't actually broken any rules except for the swearing. He's just a pain I wasn't prepared to deal with and will probably contribute more to my hearing loss than Yamada by the end of the year."
"Wait, wait," said Yagi. "What exactly are you expecting Nezu to do in this situation?"
"Well," said Nemuri, who still hadn't left yet, "let's just say there's a reason hid name is 'god' in the staff group chat."
Terrible did not even begin to describe how Izuku felt when he woke up. His skin was static. His mouth was dry in a way that hurt. It felt like a siren was going off in his brain, and also like it was too quiet. He wanted to both run all the way to the school and hide in his closet.
This, of course, left him paralyzed in bed.
He hadn't felt remotely like this since the first time someone had left spider lilies on his desk at school. What was wrong with him?
No, that was the wrong question. All signs pointed to him having Danger Sense. He was in danger. And also immobile in bed.
With a great deal of effort, he turned to his bedside table and grabbed his phone. The clock in the corner read 4:42. Far too early to call anyone. And yet...
With shaky fingers, he navigated to Mr. Yagi's contact information and pressed dial. To Izuku's surprise, it only rang once.
"Young Midoriya? Is something wrong?"
The sound of his voice loosened the terrible knot under Izuku's breastbone. "I- May-maybe? I don't- I don't know, I think so."
There were sounds of movement on the other side of the line. "What happened?"
"I just- just woke up, and I- I think it's Danger Sense. It- Something bad is going to happen."
"I'm on my way. Is your mother with you?"
"N-no. She's at a- at a tech conference in Tokyo. She won't be back until- until tomorrow. Mr. Yagi, I don't- I don't think it's something here. I think it's later... at the school."
There was a pause. "My boy, are you quite sure?"
Izuku's laugh was just a little hysterical. "I mean, I'm- I'm pretty new to this, but..." he'd like to think his flight or fight reflex would have a more constructive response to am immediate threat. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have woken you up, I should have waited-"
"Nonsense! Forewarned is forearmed, and time is one of the most valuable resources a hero can have! I'm still picking you up, I'll just-" Mr. Yagi coughed, "-take the car instead."
"The car? You mean Hercules!?" The excitement was enough to free Izuku from his paralysis and propel him into a sitting position.
"Well, yes, but, my boy, how did you know? I don't think I've ever mentioned the name in my interviews..."
"But you did! In one of your American interviews. It was for a local station and you and Mr. Shield were on together."
"But those were in English."
"I know! When I found out about them, it really motivated me to work on my English! I think I could probably pass the Level Two fluency test..."
"Young Midoriya, have I ever told you how glad I am that you aren't a villain?"
"Hikage, did Danger Sense ever make you feel this bad?" asked Nana as Yoichi fussed in the background.
"Super Anxiety made me feel this bad all the time. Sometimes, it made me feel worse. I got used to it."
Nana let out a sigh of relief. It sucked to Ninth right now, but if it was normal for the quirk...
"That's good, then," said En. "Not for Ninth, obviously, but if that's just how the quirk works, he'll be able to figure it out. What did it usually mean, when you felt like this?"
"Generally, that someone was planning on killing me in the next few hours."
Dead(er than usual) silence.
"Ah," said En.
"You know," said Nana, "sometimes the kinds of lives we led slips my mind, but then the universe is always real happy to turn around and slap it back into me."
Yoichi started screeching.
"Do you feel any worse now that we're here?" asked Mr. Yagi after shutting Hercules down.
"Not really," said Izuku. He slumped down in his seat and looked away. "I'm sorry, I dragged you out of bed and this is probably just a stupid pointless meaningless panic attack..." He felt tears begin to prick at the edges of his eyes. He was so stupid. And selfish. All Might could be out helping people right now. Or taking care of himself (which, according to Recovery Girl's comments during their training sessions, he didn't do nearly enough of).
"Hey, hey, there's no need to cry, it's alright."
"Because you're here?" asked Izuku with a sniffle.
"Well, yes, but also, even if it was 'just' a panic attack, I'd still want to be here for you." He reached across the central console to pat Izuku on the shoulder. Then his face twisted into something rather sheepish. "But on the subject of panic attacks, something did occur to me on the way here."
Izuku looked back down at his knees. "What is it?"
"This is the anniversary of the day we met."
Izuku... had known that, actually. Waking up as he had had driven it from his mind, but the date was marked on his calendar. He'd even gotten All Might a gift, although he hadn't yet talked himself into being brave enough to give it to him, and with what happened today, it would most likely languish in his desk drawer for an indefinite period of time as the idea of giving it became progressively more awkward.
"My boy? I can't quite make out what you're saying. You're mumbling."
Izuku clapped his hands over his mouth. "Sorry."
"It's quite alright. I'm just an old man with hearing problems."
"You're not old! It's... I just- I just don't see how- how that's connected to this." He gestured at himself in all his vaguely-trembling glory.
"Young Midoriya... you almost died three separate times that day. That's traumatic. And sometimes anniversaries are... reminders."
"I only almost died once?"
"The first time with the sludge villain, grabbing on to my leg- and I don't think I ever apologized for telling you to let go, I was just so surprised- and then the sludge villain again."
"But I only almost died the first time..." He trailed off as Mr. Yagi gave him a look. He'd thought his mother was the only one who could give looks like that... "Do you really think this is connected to that?"
"I don't know," said Mr. Yagi. "Do you feel like it might be?"
"I don't know," said Izuku. He bent over and knotted his fingers in his hair.
"Do you think it might help to stay home today?"
"No!" yelped Izuku. "No," he repeated, trying to calm his racing heart.
"Alright, alright. Never fear, my boy." Mr. Yagi gave him another steadying shoulder pat. "In that case, let's go into this with the assumption that this is danger sense, and it is attempting to warn you of a real threat."
"Okay," said Izuku. He rubbed at his eyes. "What do we do first?"
Mr. Yagi tensed and looked up at the top floors of UA. "Well..."
"Hm!" said Nezu. "That is something of a conundrum! The extent of your quirk is unclear, and it is not properly registered, so we cannot go through the official routes we normally would for a warning given through a precognitive or clairvoyant quirk, even given that we are aware of One for All and the probable nature of Danger Sense."
Nezu knowing about One for All had been a bit of a surprise. In retrospect, maybe it shouldn't have been. All Might would have had to tell Nezu something so that Izuku was allowed on campus before he was really a student, and seeing as how All Might was originally teaching here to find a successor... well, it made sense. Izuku just wished he'd been told.
How many other people knew was a question for later, however.
"Your inexperience with the quirk and other circumstances further complicates the matter."
"Sorry," said Izuku.
"Whatever for? It isn't your fault." Nezu did not wait for an answer. "Then there is yesterday's incident to consider... You say you felt something with the reporters?"
"Y-yes, sir."
"Hm. Yes. Toshinori, I so believe you have a contact who could clear this up much more efficiently."
"I know," said Mr. Yagi. "He isn't picking up his phone."
"You don't think-?" started Izuku.
"No, no, he just hasn't been speaking to me lately."
"Oh? I was under the impression you had been communicating with him regularly since returning to Musutafu."
"He thought I would change my mind about something I didn't change my mind about, apparently. It doesn't matter. What else can we do?"
"A good number of things, luckily. Midoriya, I am going to make a series of phone calls. I would like you to tell me if the sensation you are experiencing changes at all while I make them."
"Yes, sir."
Nezu began methodically going through Izuku's list of teachers, warning them that something 'like yesterday' might happened and going over lesson plans and safety procedures. Nothing really changed. Until Nezu called Thirteen.
(Oh, gosh, they were going to go to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint on a field trip today? That was so cool!)
But after Nezu talked to Thirteen about checking safety systems, a little bit of the tension he'd been holding onto leaked away.
"Interesting," said Nezu. "Perhaps we should reschedule rescue training until-"
Izuku dove for Nezu's garbage bin.
"-or perhaps not," mused Nezu as Izuku expelled the meager contents of his stomach.
It was a good thing he hadn't eaten breakfast.
"Hikage," said Banjo. "I'm sorry for calling you a dead-eyed emotionally stunted bastard with a warped sense of humor if this is what you had to put up with all the time."
"You called me a dead-eyed emotionally stunted bastard?"
"Not to your face, but yes."
"Well. It isn't as if those things aren't all true..."
"I'm okay," said Izuku. "That just... felt bad."
"No cancelations in that case," said Nezu as Mr. Yagi hovered.
"Y-yeah. Oh gosh, now I know how Uraraka feels..."
"Perhaps you should stay home-"
"No! I can't! That would be..."
Nezu held up his hands- paws? "It was merely a suggestion. Can I offer you some tea?"
"Yes, please," said Izuku, voice catching uncomfortably on his raw throat.
"I do have a few more calls to make. Do you feel up to staying, or would you prefer to head down to Recovery Girl? Or perhaps even the cafeteria? I imagine you haven't eaten breakfast."
"I'd like to stay."
"Very well." Nezu picked up his phone again. Izuku could just make out the click on the other end when it was picked up. "Am I a mouse? A dog? A bear? One thing's for sure! I'm the principal!" There was laughter on the other end of the line. "No, not at all! I am in fact calling for you, Tensei. Or should I say, Ingenium? I'm aware this is last minute, and you were planning on taking the day off- How do I know? It was quite simple, really- but between the break-in yesterday and a tip I received this morning regarding a threat to the school, I would like a few more hands on deck than usual. Why, yes, you can stay with your brother's class. Do try not to tease Shouta too much. He has a reputation to maintain." After a few more pleasantries, Nezu hung up. "Midoriya?"
"I... think that's better? I'm sorry, it's hard to tell what could be the quirk and what's just me feeling bad."
Nezu nodded. "In that case, I do recommend that you head to Recovery Girl's office. My other calls will be similar, and the other heroes will not be with your class."
"Why not?" asked Mr. Yagi.
"Because Midoriya's reaction to the field trip being canceled suggests that the danger may not be limited to himself or his class. Oh! And one more thing. Midoriya, I noticed that you put in some costume alteration requests. Naturally, most of them will not be finished until some time next week, however, some of the support items you mentioned are fairly common. If you have time before the field trip, you should pay a visit to Power Loader."
Izuku hadn't expected it, but he did feel much better after eating, despite his continuing sense of impending doom. It was also about half an hour from the beginning of homeroom, so he had the time to go to the support department and check if they had anything he could take.
He hoped they had grappling hooks. Izuku had always wanted a grappling hook.
Mr. Yagi took him most of the way there, but students had started to arrive at this point, and Izuku convinced him to go prepare for classes (and hide in the staff area so that no one would wonder why he, a skeleton man not recognizable as a hero, was at the school). Before too long, Izuku stood in front of a rather sturdy-looking metal door. He hoped this was the right one.
He raised his hand to knock just as something crashed into him. Ah. This was it for sure. The way he would die. The danger he had foreseen.
No. Wait. Never mind. He was fine, just on the ground.
"Oh! There was a person there! You okay?"
"U-um," said Izuku, sitting up and rubbing his head. "I'm fine, just a little startled."
"What're you doing here, anyway?"
"I- I'm here for... support... gear?" He sort of trailed off as he looked up.
It was the intense pink haired girl from the other day. As he watched, her expression changed from one of mild concern to calculating interest.
"Support gear, you say?"
Shouta answered his phone as he walked down the hall. "Nezu, I've already done every security check I can think of that'll fit-"
"Not quite why I was calling, although I can see why you would think so. One of your students needs to be rescued from the support department."
Shouta changed direction without missing a beat. "It's Midoriya, isn't it?"
"Why, yes."
"Did you send him down there without warning him?"
"Yes, again. You know me so well!"
Shouta hung up.
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peachyteez · 3 years
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little wanderer ≫ DAY FOUR, BABY STEPS.
this fellow stray cat hybrid has been hanging around jiyu’s condo for as long as he could remember, although jiyu may not have noticed him. the cold winter breeze and jiyu’s open bedroom window prompts him to sneak into her bedroom one night. it was just suppose to be one night, but the gods must’ve been smiling upon him.
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✧ taglist: @defsoul15, @jaeminpeachy, @joongiebug, @sunsethw4, @t-tbinnie, @chanyeolol, @danibookmarks, @hello-its-ya-boi, @murralyn, @alienmashup, @panini, @moon8894, @koasworld, @taetae123094, @luv3rxcha, @treasure-hwa, @etherealbyeol, @hwaseongzzz, @lovely-sanie, @orbitiiny, @pirate-of-the-dark-seas, @babydolljo, @ms-starlight, @everrrlasting, @bls-luv-me, @atzgiggle, @arohabyeol, @rainbowmagicpixecorn, @soverystupid, @ayetothezee, @kingalls00, @sanstreasure0305, @sparklingmallow, @kpopnightingale, @rosesarethebest, @stillcantfindaproperusername, @bonbonhwa, @its-sarah-stark, @sanismybb, @frankenstein852, @peachseok, @woopetals, @exhofayemars, @pvrkacciosan
✧ notes: y’all, i’m so sorry san’s chapters took basically two months—
✧ WARNING: brief mention of death
back。|  next。
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waking up in one of the guest bedrooms, jiyu wearily blinked a couple times before remembering the events from the night before. letting out a small sigh, she sat up and stretched her arms above her head. i hope i didn’t scare him away for good this time.
the various voices and clanks of pans she could hear downstairs made her curious. she glanced at the clock above the bedroom door. 7:34 AM. she tilted her head in confusion. the five boys usually lugged themselves out of bed by 8 earliest, so what’s got them up and running so early?
slipping out of bed and leaving the room, she peered over the railing to see the five boys trying to cook what she assumed was breakfast. she saw some of them (mingi and yunho) struggling with trying to work the induction stove, while some of them (yeosang and hongjoong) were somewhat messily cracking eggs and whisking them. she swore seonghwa had slumped a little just watching them. 
but what surprised her the most was the cat hybrid that had slid over to help yeosang and hongjoong. 
“oh, good morning!” yunho happily greeted her with a wave. at his call, they all followed the puppy’s gaze to see jiyu staring at them from the second floor. “did you sleep well?”
jiyu nodded, not knowing what to process first—the fact that the kitchen might have a chance of burning down, or the fact that san was still there. she slowly descended down the stairs. 
sensing jiyu’s confusion, seonghwa sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. “we all felt bad after your little...talk yesterday,” he admitted, the others nodding along with him. like hongjoong had said the previous night, they all shared blame for her outburst since they all once shared similar thoughts with san. “and it was actually san’s idea to make breakfast...”
jiyu’s eyes widened even more before she moved her gaze from seonghwa to san, who had awkwardly hid behind yeosang. after jiyu left the room, san felt pretty guilty, which was a first for him when it came to humans. it wasn’t until the others had briefed him on their own stories with her did he start to realize that she had been telling the truth. she was right; if she had only taken care of them out of obligation for her career, she would’ve sent them to shelters after they had recovered. but no, she took them under her wing and cared for them as if they were her own children and friends. 
“...so considering how you’re doing all this,” she gestured to the eggs, and other various breakfast ingredients lying around the counter, “is this your way of accepting my offer of staying?” she turned to san, or rather yeosang. 
san shyly side-stepped away from yeosang. he couldn’t meet her eyes as he fiddled with his fingers. after a moment of silence, he nodded. “...if that offer still stands. i know i haven’t been the nicest, but after last night, i don’t think you’re such a bad person—”
“so you thought i was a bad person all throughout the time we’ve known each other?” jiyu teasingly pressed, keeping up an offended facade. 
san’s head instantly snapped up at the realization of his words. flustered, he waved his hands in front of him defensively. “wait—no, that’s not what i meant—”
jiyu burst out into laughter and leaned onto the counter. she never would’ve thought that san would have a change of heart with the way she acted last night, yet the universe is always full of surprises for her. “don’t worry, i was just messing with you,” she explained through her laughs before calming down. “and i’m sorry if i crossed a line last night. it’s just...i’ve had a lot on my mind recently and my emotions seemed to have spilled over. i know that sounds like an excuse but for me, it’s the truth.”
although some of the hybrids in the room had no idea what was bothering her so much, they had to agree with her. ever since she went out with sunwoo the day before, she seemed lost in her thoughts more often or just zoning out.
“it’s alright, really,” san reassured. “i was accusing you of ulterior motives, too so...i think you had a right to at least be angry.”
walking up to the cat hybrid, she softly smiled and held her hand out to him. “so are we good now?” 
san slowly clutched her tiny hands in his and gave it a small, yet firm shake. like proud parents, seonghwa and hongjoong looked at the interaction with proud smiles on their faces. as a matter of fact, they all did. they didn’t realize their small talk from last night would actually help san. 
taking a good look at the state of the kitchen, jiyu found it amusing how they were all trying to avoid her look, knowing they were guilty of the mess. “now then...do you all need some help?” she asked, stifling her chuckles at how they eagerly nodded at her offer. 
breakfast was more lively than it had been the last few days. rather than hiding in his own corner, she could see san communicating with the everyone else, herself included. the others were asking questions and just trying to nudge san to feel more relaxed around them. jiyu didn’t understand how he had a change of heart just over one night, but she was glad to see him progress.
but a question nagged at her from the back of her mind. just who was after san that they beat him to a pulp so badly? who was san and where was he from before becoming a stray? jiyu wanted to ask him so bad to see if she could offer him anymore help, but would it come off as being nosy? would san just retreat back into his little shell?
at that moment, it was like san read her mind. “i think...you all deserve an explanation...considering how i put you all at risk last night,” she nervously said, fiddling with his tail. 
“only if you’re okay with it,” seonghwa reassured from next to him. 
san took a moment to gather his thoughts and words. “i actually came from owners that were...well-off, you could put it. if i remember correctly, they adopted my parents first, then i was born a few years after. unfortunately, they died when i was seven due to what they told me was an accident.”
jiyu felt her heart break for san. he looked so somber at the mention of his parents that she almost told him he didn’t have to force himself. but san continued to talk. 
“after my parents died, the family was so nice to me. they basically treated me like i was their own son. they had a daughter around my age, too...so i even had a friend. i thought i had everything, i thought life was great...” he paused again, pursing his lips as he reminisced his past. “but then one wrong move made me a monster in their eyes.” his ears slumped on his head as his whole figure seemed to shrink. his head was bent down, unable to make eye contact with anyone out of fear that they would reject him like his old family did. 
“you don’t have to tell us what you did if it makes you uncomfortable, san,” hongjoong noted the cat’s tensed state, almost as if he was forcing himself to say what he had to say. 
san nodded, an action so small and light that you could’ve missed if you weren’t paying attention. jiyu switched to the seat next to him and gently pat his back in a comforting motion. “hey, it’s okay, san. let me tell you, if you’re ever comfortable enough to tell us what you did, i swear on my life that our views about you would never change. all of us here...i’m pretty sure i can speak for all of us when i say we’ve made some horrible mistakes in the past, too.”
san lifted his head up in the slightest and saw them all nod at jiyu’s words. looking over to jiyu, he found her softly smiling at him. “i’m not exactly sure what convinced you to stay with us, but i’ll be sure to help you out in any way i can. and you can take your time with us. take baby steps into trusting us, just remember that we’re here every step of the way. and if and when the time comes that you can tell is what happened, we’ll listen with open ears and hearts. okay?”
san took her words to heart. he felt the warmth of her words, and how she genuinely meant what she said. seeing the others’ reassuring faces made things a lot better, too. 
“they told me their story,” san quietly mumbled. jiyu tilted her head in confusion. “how you helped them. i guess that’s what kind of made me take the leap, too.” he confessed. 
jiyu stared at the others with wide eyes. she was surprised they even vouched for her. hongjoong playfully snorted before ruffling her hair. “why are you looking at us like that? all we told him was the truth.”
yunho enthusiastically nodded. “yeah! you saved mingi and i from our old owners and the cold.” mingi nodded with a grin, his bunny ears perking up and bouncing along with his nods. 
“and you saved me from getting put down,” seonghwa chimed in.
“and you helped me open up and trust again,” yeosang languidly added. it was rare for jiyu to hear yeosang say something as sappy as that since their dynamics was usually a lot of teasing (from yeosang), but whenever he did say something warm, it held all the more weight and impact. 
jiyu’s bottom lip started to slightly quiver as she felt herself become overwhelmed with emotions—good ones this time. “you guys are gonna make me cry and it’s only 8 in the morning!”
san snickered. “they weren’t kidding when they said you get emotional a lot, too.”
“they what—!”
“we’re sorry, we didn’t mean it!” mingi apologized while laughing before running away to the living room couch. 
“san, that was supposed to be a secret!” yunho playfully whispered before getting a light flick on the forehead by jiyu. 
“alright, you all get one flick each, come here!” she mischievously smiled before going after each and every one of them. san just watched with amusement at the scene. ‘she really is like a kid on the inside.’ he mused to himself while mingi’s screams echoed around.
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wrestling0neshots · 3 years
Cocky - Undertaker
Interefering at the wrong time gets you in a whole lot of trouble. A whole of trouble which leads to quite the opportunity. Orignally posted on Archive Of Our Own --------------------------
You watch from the gorilla as the Undertaker continues to annihilate your partner, Raven. The match hasn't been going on for very long, and you don't think it will go on for much longer with the way Raven is looking, and so you decide that now is the time to go give him a hand.
Silently you creep out onto the main stage, catching sight of Undertaker recovering from having his head slammed into the ring post, dodging Ravens next attack and forcing Ravens head into the barricade. You wince, breaking into a jog and making your way towards the pair.
You manage to get to them once they are by the announcers table, Undertaker still dominating the match. "HEY!" You shout as Undertaker runs Raven into the ring post. Undertaker drops Raven and turns his attention you to.
"Get out of here" he demands. You shake your head, glancing at Raven who hasn't moved. "I said get out of here" his voice is a low growl and you consider your options.
Help Raven or help yourself. You decide it would be best if you were to help your partner rather than be the one that walks away, so you find your voice. "No" Undertaker takes a step towards you, and naturally you take one back.
"You better leave by yourself or else-" "Or else what, deadman? You going to hit a woman?" You ask. You know taunting him won't land you any place good but what other choice do you have? Raven is barely up on his feet, let alone prepared to attack.
"No, I don't hit women, and you're damn lucky I don't. Get out of here before I make you" You walk backwards, Undertaker watching your every move. You hold up your hands in surrender, Taker finally turning his attention back to Raven, who still doesn't know what he's doing.
You walk over to the announcers table, pulling the spare chair towards you, picking it up. You fold the chair, trying to be as quiet as possible as you sneak over to a preoccupied Undertaker.
You raise the chair high, ready to strike him in the back, when he turns around, anger immediately appearing in his eyes.
He snatches the chair from your hands, using it to crack Raven in the spine before throwing it to the ground. Undertaker once more turns his attention to you, and you now decide to go the opposite direction, walking backwards as fast as you can, determined to escape the grasp of the phenom if you can.
But you find he is faster than you, catching up with ease. You go to turn around and run but he already has a hold of you, your hair wrapped around his hand. He pulls you to him, causing you to wince from the pain searing through your skull.
"What in hell made you think going to hit me with a steel chair was a good idea?" Undertaker barks. You shrug, not effectively as you had wanted due to your body stiffening in fear, but he understood what you were trying to do. "You don't know. That ain't good enough. How about I give you one more chance, you can either go backstage and watch your dearest Raven get his ass handed to him, or I can finish him off and deal with you after" you stare blankly at him, not fond of either idea. You're here now, you've come this far.
You take in a deep breath, "You don't tell me what to do" a quick swing of your hand tells Undertaker all he needs to know. He pushes you up onto the apron and into the ring with such force you roll into the middle, the lights taking a moment to focus.
By the time you're back on your feet it's too late, Raven bleeding from his forehead and completely out of it. You silently roll out of the ring, heading towards him, a hand catching your arm. "And where are you going?" You don't turn to look at Taker, you're in enough trouble as it is.
You swallow your fear, "backstage." A low chuckle comes from the taller man. "Would you prefer I deal with you backstage? It would save you the humiliation, although I would have to make up for that." You look around at the WWE universe. "I don't care if you have to make up for it. Not in front of these people. Not in front of Raven."
He lets go of your arm, gesturing for you to lead the way. You look back at Raven who is still very much out cold.
Once backstage the cameras don't follow you, you half expected them to but no one comes. Undertaker leads you to his dressing room, pulling a chair from a stack at the side. He places the chair in the center of the room. "Sit."
You don't hesitate, taking a seat. "Now, I don't know what sort of fool you are running down to that ring for someone who is already defeated and no way to defend yourself. But I'm going to tell you right now not to pull that shit again."
You shrug. "I don't have to do what you tell me." Undertaker stands with his back to you, silent.
He seems to be mulling over his options, wondering what exactly to do with you. You know you shouldn't be giving him attitude, you know the mans reputation, but you're also not afraid to stand up for yourself. You went out there and attacked him, ain't no chance you're gonna stop running your mouth now.
"You've got a lot of nerve, I'll give you that much." He says, "a lot more than Raven is worth." "Don't you speak a word about Raven." You state.
"I'll say whatever I damn well please, you do. Tell me, Y/n, what does Raven do for you?" His eyes meet with your now, he towers over you under normal circumstances, and even more so now with you being seated.
You shrug, not knowing what answer to give him. Your time paired with Raven has been long, complicated. Through multiple companies, over numerous years.
"He's a good guy, good at what he does. He's got a way with words and he's a fighter." "That's not what I asked. Answer the damn question." Taker demands.
You chew on the inside of your lip. "He taught me to be the same." "He taught you to be reckless. Just like him. You've run down to the ring to defend him with no way of protecting yourself. You've run your mouth when you should have kept it shut. Now you're here all alone with The Undertaker, and I know you know who I am, and you are still running your mouth."
"So what if I am?" You ask, pushing his buttons even further. "You're cocky, stubborn and loyal to a fault." "Depends who you ask." You reply, crossing your arms.
He gives you a questioning look, wanting you to elaborate. And you do. "Let's just say the decision to work with Raven was my own. I needed someone who could teach me how to go further. I got that. And I'd do it again."
Now you have Undertaker's full attention. "You would leave Raven for a better opportunity?" He asks. "For lack of a better phrase, yes. I suppose I would. It's not like I'm contractually obligated to work with Raven."
You can see the idea come to his mind. You hadn't planned this, not at all. Usually you would see that Raven's opponents were taken care of when he couldn't handle his own. That hadn't happened this time.
In reference to his earlier statement yes, you do know who he is. The knowledge and power in his possession. You'd be a fool not to try.
"You want to learn, Y/n, I'll teach you. But it comes at a price." Of course it does. This is The Undertaker. "Obviously." You voice your thoughts.
He looks pissed for a second at your reaction, his expression returning neutral quickly. "I train you, you help me out-" "Deal." "I wasn't finished yet, Y/n. And you'll hear it all before you agree to it. As I was saying. I train you, you help me out. You'll help when I need help, no matter the situation. You'll tone down your attitude towards me and you'll also have the loyalty, contractually."
You rise to your feet, no expression on your face. "Deal." You hold out your hand.
He extends his own and the two of you shake on it. "There's no going back on it now, Y/n. You've made a bargain with the deadman and you might not be so happy that you did." He chuckles.
"I'm sure I'll be just fine, Taker. You've not got anything I can't handle." His look says he doubts your words, no surprise there. "Give it time. We'll see."
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