#how do i tell people. hey just in case you secretly hate me this is your chance to just. stop talking to me no questions asked
spacecrows · 6 months
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kageyomomma · 15 days
quiet lover - tsukishima kei
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summary: tsukishima seems hard to love, but in reality that is not the case
moon x sun type beat ya feel
its been a minute since i have written, hope y'all don't hate it!
Tsukishima Kei is a very unique person. He is blunt and arrogant, flaunting a smug attitude, and using his words to subtly antagonize his teammates and opponents. He does not let this demeanor slip very often, which has led many people to believe that he is simply a rude person. As you got closer to him, you realized that this was not the case at all.
When you first met Tsukishima, you were immediately drawn in by his tall frame, blonde hair, and stunning amber eyes. His slightly sour attitude during your first conversation had almost turned you away, but you could not shake the thoughts of him out of your head. So, you plastered on your sunniest smile and began to break down the walls that he had so carefully built up around his heart.
When the news of your relationship began to spread, everyone who knew Tsukishima was perplexed by the dynamic. You lit up every single room you walked in, while Tsukishima seemed to darken the corners. The question, "how can she love him?" was whispered as the two of you walked side by side. As your relationship developed, Tsukishima began to open up and show you how he could love you instead.
Tsukishima loved you in subtle ways. He was never meant to be a flashy lover, or a boyfriend that would get in fist fights with any man that looked your way. He loved you quietly, in a way that was perfectly him.
You had just returned to your shared home after what was quite possibly the worst work day of your entire life. Discarding your shoes in the entryway, you called out,
Footsteps echoed down the hallway towards the sound of your voice, until a familiar head of blonde hair stood in front of you. He offered a small smile,
"Hey, you're home. How was work?"
You let out a deep sigh, "Terrible, and I want nothing more than to complain about it while we sit on the couch."
Moments later the two of you are lounging in the living room, your legs sprawled across Tsukishimas lap. He rested his large hand on your thigh, rubbing comforting circles, as you detailed every single thing that went wrong. He never interrupted you once, and his attention was not torn from you for one second. He offered comments when necessary, but most importantly he simply listened. He listened to every complaint, every embarrassment, and every problem. By the time you were done ranting, you felt a million times better. You touched Tsukishimas face lightly,
"Thank you for listening to me Kei, it really does help."
He just smiled, and leaned into your hand, offering a kiss to your palm.
It is a frigid winter morning in Japan, and you and Tsukishima agreed to meet his old teammates for coffee. As the two of you walked along the sidewalk, conversing lightly, your teeth began to chatter in the cold. Tsukishima side eyed you.
"You know, if you would have worn your scarf like I had told you to, you wouldn't be so cold," he said.
You glanced up at him, taking his his blue wool scarf that looked oh so warm. You offered him your brightest smile, refusing to admit that he was right, and said,
"I am really fine Kei! Not even a little bit cold!"
He shoved his freezing hands into his jacket pockets, and angled his head down to look at you. No matter what you said to him, your red tipped nose gave away how you truly felt. He closed his eyes, already deciding what had to be done, and then began to unwrap his scarf from around his neck. You noticed his movements and began to protest.
"Kei! I told you I am fine! Really, I can barely notice the cold!"
He ignored you as he placed the scarf around your neck, immediately warming you up. You smiled up at him,
"You're secretly sweet, do you know that?"
He smiled right back at you,
"Don't tell anyone."
The two of you continued walking toward the coffee shop, and you weren't sure if it was the scarf or the boy next to you that made you feel so warm inside.
The morning light cut through the blinds and stirred you from your sleep. You were thankful for the weekend, and the extra sleep that came along with it. Rolling over, you felt for Tsukishima on the other side of the bed, only to be met with empty sheets. You remembered that he had a home game today, so he was probably downstairs getting ready to leave. You managed to pull yourself out of bed, and lumber towards the bathroom to rinse the sleep off of your face.
As you stumbled into the kitchen, you found Tsukishima packing the last few items into his duffle bag. You stood and watched him as he zipped up the bag, and slung it over his shoulder. When he noticed you, he turned around and grabbed a steaming mug. Walking over to you, he placed it into your hands. You took a sip, it was exactly the way you liked it. You smiled up at him.
"I have to go, I am supposed to be at the gym by 10," he said with a soft smile.
"I'll be there before the game starts, love."
With that short exchange, he put a hand on your waist, pulling you into him, and lightly kissed the top of your head.
"See you soon (y/n)."
No, it was not hard to love Tsukishima Kei. It might be quiet, but there is no lack of love in his heart for you. For him, the smallest things meant the more than any grand gesture ever would. You were the sun and he was the moon, and he would reflect your bright light through his quiet love.
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kix-mm · 10 months
Whatever happens... A, B, and C
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"Hey C? Buddy? How're you doing in there? Are you ready to come out yet?"
Their question was met with a cold silence, but B could do nothing about the unpleasant response. It was meant to still be a secret between B and A, with the idea being that once they had reached their third month's anniversary of their relationship that they would tell C. But the surprise came a little too early.
A bent down. "Have they still not come out yet? It's been an hour..." They spoke in a soft and hopeless tone, which was conflicting with their usual upbeat personality.
"No..." B replies while eying the bathroom door. "I just hope they'll be okay... what if they don't like us anymore after this? I don't want to lose them. This is exactly what we were trying to prevent..." he says while silently acknowledging the irony of this whole situation.
B knocks on the little door again. "C? Please come out...". "N-no!..." came a soft squeak, which very briefly settled B and A's worry that their partner had somehow managed to escape through the window. They knew it would actually be impossible for C, but the fear was still there, C had a tendency to accomplish the impossible, such as dating two people who were secretly giants.
The two shared a look of grief, and A could see how B's mind was tumbling: "What if they break up with us? W-what if they leave us?" B asked with a choked voice. "Then we let them... it's not right to hold someone hostage. That would definitely make us monsters. C is already so overwhelmed..." A spoke with pain in their heart. At first, A wanted to pry the door open and get ahold of C, but now that they've thought things through it would most likely never go well.
"I miss them..." B hugged themselves tighter. "I miss them so much, and they're right here. They're so close, and we're losing them A... what do we do..?" A sighs "I don't know..."
Hours continued to fly by till the early morning, around 4. C finally decided to have a peek outside the bathroom to investigate the silence. They almost yelped when he saw how close the two were to the door, A was snuggled up to B, they both looked exhausted. To C, this was a relief. This was their chance to get the hell out of here... C grabbed their keys and bag off the counter and quietly made their way to the door. They took their time to observe their home for a final time and made some connections, such as why the ceiling was so high and why the two always had a glimmer in their eyes whenever they saw each other... C always thought it was because they were in love, which may have been the case, but also because the two shared a deep secret with one another... one that they never deemed necessary to tell C despite being their partner. Maybe C's insecure thoughts were right about them being nothing more than a third wheel.
Suddenly, he noticed B's eyes flicker open. In a panic, C rushes to the door, his steps waking the both of them. He pulled on the door and... nothing. It didn't budge, he tried again, then he tried pushing, nothing. Finally, he looked up from the handle and saw A's hand pressed against the top. Fear struck his already broken heart as he felt it sink to his stomach. He spun back towards the bathroom to see that his safe haven had been blocked off by B.
C looked up at the two with frantic eyes, unable to get his legs to move. He had no real other pace to hide as their layout was rather open. B gently reached to make contact with C, but C jolted away as if B's fingers were knives. "D-Don't touch me!" C hated how the fear rang in his voice, how he stammered in front of them. C never was one to speak up for himself. He was the timid and soft-spoken one of the three.
B and A kept their distance, looking down at C with pleading eyes, please C please don't go. Let us explain, let us hold you, show you that we would never hurt you.
But their silent pleading fell on deaf ears. C stared at the two with blurry eyes, tears obscuring his vision. "Let me go." he rests his hand on the handle, looking at A. Please let me get out of here.
A & B share a look before returning their eyes to C. "Let us first explain ourselves... please Cc?" B pleaded with an all too familiar nickname that made C feel uneasy hearing at the moment.
C's legs were ready to make a run for it as soon as either one made an attempt to grab him again, he was particularly eying B for that distinct twitch they'd show when they lost their patience. This would be C's only chance to speak their mind before something were to happen to them. "I... no, I've heard enough, I've... I've seen enough. I don't know why you'd keep such a big secret from me for so long! I'm not a stranger. We've known each other for years! And not once was I ever considered your equal! I-I'm just that easy to get forget about, aren't I? The small third party! Quick and easy to get rid of!" C's breathing quickened, and his blood boiled, yet he still kept his voice lowered. Regret began to almost instantly set in after he was done talking back at the two in such a tone, he swore that the two were now staring right through him. How dare he speak to them that way, how dare he try to question their decisions when he was so disposable to them?
Instead, A let out a very pitiful sniffle, a gate of tears rolled down their cheeks. "We're sorry, we're so, so sorry... we really messed up this whole plan." they say while trying to wipe all those messy tears off. Wanting nothing more than to be given a second chance to try and be better at how they handled the situation. They wanted to explain how scared they were of C's reaction and how they knew he would be scared if they had revealed this secret any sooner.
B held A's hand before looking at C. "C... no, no C, you're not! Don't say that! Please get that out of your head it was never meant to get so out of hand. We swear we would have told you a-and it was supposed to be a whole setup and everything!" Slowly B moved their hand closer to C. C hadn't even noticed B's hand. they were too occupied by their heart ringing in their ears and the sight of A sobbing in B's arms. Even B looked completely heartbroken.
When C suddenly felt B's hand wrap around his waist and legs, he began to frantically squirm, watching and attempting to push away any enclosing fingers that hugged his body. "n-no stop! Stop!!" C yelped. "I-it's okay! It's okay, I won't drop you, I promise you C..." B spoke with a gentle yet strained voice, trying to hide the pump in his throat as he felt his panicked lover squirm and scratch. Wincing a little as he felt warm tears drip down his fingers.
A quickly wiped his tears and let B open their hand. The two had talked for hours about what it would be like to hold C in their hands, how they wanted C to take naps, demand being held, how soft he would feel... this would probably not be the case anymore... "Cc..." A spoke softly. B looked at C. "I'm sorry I... I just wanted to be near you. Please don't be scared, A and I... we were trying to prevent this reaction, but it just happened. A-and now everything seems forced and-and the timing is terrible and we're scared we're going to lose you! We don't want to lose you C. Please, please believe us, we promise there's nothing else to hide from you, we will tell you everything... let us prove it to you... we will do anything to make up for this mess."
C was a shivering mess. They looked at both lovers like they were predators despite the duo's best attempts to calm him, giving gentle rubs and holding him against their chest. Talking to him with a soft and sweet voice that tried to reassure him that he was safe and that they would never hurt him while also repeatedly apologizing. This continued till the sun rose, and C finally passed out on B's chest.
The two laid him in bed, their poor C was exhausted, their cheeks stained with tear marks and their eyes were puffy, their body never stopped shivering and every now and then they'd jolt and mumble incoherently. The two looked at each other with equally stained cheeks and puffy eyes. They decided it would be best for them to shrink down to the size C was familiar with. B held C's hand and gently kissed their forehead while A kissed C's cheek and snuggled up to spoon him. The 3 got cuddled up together and fell into a deep sleep... hopefully, when C woke up, they'd be more willing to talk. But they couldn't be certain. All they could really focus on was that C was in their arms, and hopefully, after some time, they'd be able to sleep together without fear.
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sunfyresrider · 1 year
The Company Party
Aegon II Targaryen x Assistant!Fem!Reader
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Summary: You’ve worked for your boss since you graduated college, and to say he was the best superior you’ve had would be an understatement. After a heated argument at a company event, you both discover some things about each other. Tags: Aegon is a childish rich boy, mutual pining but you’re both oblivious, jealous boy, arguing to eventual smut, p in v, cunnilingus, cringe after talk (pls hes too funny.) Author’s Note: this is just self-indulgent, 5am ramblings of an insane woman (me).
You’ve worked as Aegon Targaryen’s assistant for one year, one excruciatingly long year. You’ve spent more than 75% of your time following his every order like a dog. Unfortunately, you didn’t hate it all that much. It wasn’t like you had a social life you were missing by working. You had sorta become friends in a way or like a partner in crime minus the crime.
He was the perfect boss in a lot of ways. Aegon truly cared about his customers, or well you. There wasn’t a day he forced you to work late, you did that by choice. He always paid you more than he should, gave you more time off than he should and treated you better than other superior you had worked for previously. He also massaged your shoulders once when you said they hurt…
You should be used to it by now, little gestures of appreciation. He always pats you on the back if you impress him enough. He’ll compliment your hard work, your outfit, and sometimes he’ll completely paused in his steps to gaze at you and tell you that you had beautiful eyes. He tells you he’s grateful for you, you’re funny, you’re one of the nicest people he’s met… but it’s all platonic. A very disheartening fact of the matter.
Yet, while knowing this, every single time Aegon does anything you’re immediately turned into a blushing mess. An instant mood improver, a very minor turn on. Maybe it was because you haven’t gotten laid in a century and could be considered a born again virgin. Or maybe you were secretly falling in love with him and refused to admit it to yourself.
At some point you would have to face your feelings, not right now though. You were at a huge event for the company, the goal being to seek out new investors. You didn’t have to come considering he always does the majority of the talking but he also rarely goes anywhere without you. Aegon always needs an eyewitness, just in case.
The rooftop bar is extravagant, more so than what you’re used to. Maybe you should have opted for something other than a black dress with heels… rich people seem to appreciate modesty. Odd, considering they are the ones to buy the most hookers and cheat more frequently. You took your seat at the bar, deciding to drink away your boredom.
“Hey stranger,” the voice from your right caught you by surprise, you whipped your head around to glance at them. “Oh my god, Jacaerys?!” your mouth gaped open in shock. His smile stretched ear to ear, “It’s me, alright! What the hell are you doing here?”
“I should be asking you that! My boss has me tag along to all of these events.” You beamed, thinking of Aegon. It was good seeing a familiar face, you two used to date, briefly, in your second year of high school. Though, he had long since grown out of his awkward stage and was fully matured with a sharp jawline to prove it. “I work for the company running this event. It’s kinda my job to be here.”
He blushed, basking in all the attention he was receiving. “We should catch up! I haven’t seen you in years man!” Jacaerys scooted his seat closer, his cheeks lightly flushed. “I’d love that.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
You were talking to him for what felt like hours, turns out it was only twenty minutes, when you felt someone step behind you, their body lightly pressing against yours. “You remember mrs-” Jacaerys words slowed to a stop as he looked above you.
You turned around, your frown quickly turning into a wide smile. “Mr. Targaryen, how can I help you?” He smiled lightly, nodding in your direction. His gaze turned to Jacaerys and his soft smile fell flat. “Who are you?”
The question came out with an icy tone, which made your eyebrows furrowed together. “Jacaerys Velaryon, marketing director for Driftmark Corporations and you are?” he inquired, his words slow as he kept his eyes locked with Aegon.
“Richer than you. Are you purposely distracting my assistant from doing her job?” Your eyes widened; he had never been this outwardly rude before. “Maybe. She would probably prefer working for someone who doesn’t have a stick up their ass.”
You gaped at the insult, “What the f-” Aegon chuckled, baring his teeth as if he were a wolf. “Little dogs always bark the loudest,” he spat. Your morals told you to defend your old friend, your hormones were telling you to keep watching your boss telling someone off.
Jacaerys was silent for a moment, his fists clenching and unclenching before he spoke, “I see you work for one of these guys… If you ever want to move to a company that treats their workers fairly, please don’t be afraid to reach out.” He slipped you a business card with his information on it.
Aegon scoffed, “We’re leaving… Now!” He snatched your arm and practically dragged you out the door and into the car. You were eerily silent, still trying to process whatever the fuck just happened. Once inside, he looked over at you, his eyes wide and bloodshot. You could see the anger bubbling under the surface.
He gripped the steering wheel tight, his knuckles turning white. You swallowed the lump in your throat, not knowing what to say to make this situation any less tense. You’ve never seen him angry, not even when his half-sister tried to take his spot as ceo.
The rest of the drive was silent, an awkward tension in the air since you had no idea what to say. You were also a little ticked off how quickly he chased Jace away, granted it was kinda hot. He pulled into your parking garage, parking his luxury car in the far back. You know, just in case anyone tried to break in.
Aegon hopped out of the car silently, opening your door for you. “You don’t need to walk me up to my apartment,” you spoke plainly. “Yes I do,” the tone of his voice was more serious than you’d ever heard it before. Once again, the silent treatment was back on as you walked to your floor.
He walked you all the way inside, even letting himself into your home without your permission. “I pay you too much to live in a rundown apartment.” You closed the door behind you, finally he had said something to make you snap, “What is your problem tonight?!”
“It’s not a problem, just an observation.” You scoffed, “you know exactly what I meant.” His jaw tightened, his nostrils flaring, he looked like he wanted to say something but not too much. “You’re my assistant and you’re meant to be by my side at all times, but you were too busy flirting it up with my competitors.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, “I wasn’t flirting with anyone! I was catching up with an old friend!” Aegon’s brows furrowed, he strode towards you, so he was barely a foot away from you. “Oh please! You were practically swooning. Also, you never call me Mr. Targaryen!”
“Are you serious right back!” You spat back, pushing his chest. Unfortunately, Aegon still had enough energy to argue back. “I just don’t want to lose my assistant to a lesser man!” You scoffed; "you've been a fucking douche all night because you’re jealous?!” His jaw fell slack, eyes widening in surprise. “I didn’t say-”
“Dude, are you genuinely blind?! I’ve been pining after you since you hired me, following you around like a fucking dog, doing everything you say and them some! I’ve even thought about having your babies!” The last statement took him off guard, he looked at you like you had two heads. His gaze flitted back and forth as if he were looking for any signs of joking.
Now you were embarrassed, “I didn’t mean that last part-” Aegon stepped closer grabbing you delicately by your arms, eyes still searching for any sign of disapproval. “You think about having my babies?” The question was quiet and desperate, his pupils dilated.
You felt your heart drop in your chest, you swallowed the lump in your throat. You nodded slowly, “maybe.” You stared back up at him, trying to telepathically make him kiss you. You’ve tried this manifestation method before, it did not work.
“I can do that.” His lips were on yours before you could register his words. The kiss was fiery and passionate, even better than what you expected. Your eyes fluttered shut as you relished in the moment. Aegon wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your body flush against his.
You bit back a whimper, reaching up to intertwine your fingers in his silver hair. Aegon pulled away, his breaths coming out ragged as he gazed at your swollen lips. He wasted no time kissing you again, his tongue dancing across your bottom lip.
His hand moved to grip your ass, squeezing lightly as he picked you up off the ground. You let out a squeal of laughter, gripping onto his shoulders to prevent you from falling. Aegon dropped himself on the couch, keeping your leg straddled around him.
You took the liberty to start unbuttoning his dress shirt, ripping off his bowtie and revealing his toned torso and chest. Aegon was quicker, pulling your dress above your head and throwing it across the room.
His eyes widened when he realized you were braless, his fingers kneading your perky breasts. His lips molded with yours once more, you nipped at his lip, tugging it between your teeth and causing him to groan in approval. Aegon moved your panties to the side, groping your inner thigh and spreading your legs wider across his lap.
His cock was already straining against his pants, but Aegon didn't seem to want to rush. He gently kissed down your jawline and to your neck, licking and nibbling at your ear. Your breathing became shaky, your core growing wetter as he took a nipple in his mouth and began to suckle on it.
"Aegon," you whined. You reached down, wrapping your fingers around his hardness, causing Aegon to moan into your ear. He lifted you up, unzipping his pants and pushing them down along with his boxers.
His member sprang out, bouncing as he pushed you back onto the couch. His cock was definitely the biggest you’ve seen thus far. You gasped when he rubbed himself against your slick, he kissed you again, this time deeper as he slowly thrust his hips forward and entering you.
“Oh fuck!” You moaned loudly, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “Fuuck you’re so tight,” Aegon thrusted forward, his top hitting the sweet spot inside you almost forgot existed. Your moans grew louder as he pounded into you, his grunts echoing through the living room.
You clawed at his back, pulling him closer as he thumb moved to do circles around your clit. “You’re such a good little assistant for me, hm? Taking my cock so fucking well.” Aegon gripped your ass with one hand, holding you still. He took the opportunity to slow his pace and roll his hips in circles, dragging his cock along your walls. “Mmm sgood,” you slurred.
You rolled your hips against his, earning you a pleased groan. His finger moved faster around your bud, “think you deserve a reward huh?” Your eyes began to roll into the back of your head as his movements quickened. “Yes, yes, yes,” you whimpered.
“Yes, who?” The coil in your stomach began to tighten as he moved his fingers away, “Yes Sir! Please!” Aegon growled into your ear, kissing you again as he sped up once more. The low noise sent shivers down your spine, causing your cunt to clench around him.
“That’s my girl,” he groaned before plunging deep inside you, making you cry out into the kiss. You threw your head back and moaned, your thighs beginning to shake as ecstasy washed over you. You completely tightened around him, your pussy fluttered around him as you rode your orgasm out.
Aegon’s movement stalled for a moment, letting you catch your breath before he flipped you onto your back. Aegon lifted your legs above his head, “you’re so perfect, I think you deserve more than that.” He licked a strip up your slick, pressing a kiss to your sensitive bud.
He used his fingers to spread you apart, greedily licking along your walls and lapping at your sweet juices. You let out a deep moan, your fingers tangling in his silver hair pulling him closer. Your mouth hung open, eyes half lidded as he devoured you.
His tongue skillfully circled around you, his lips sucking at your swollen bud. “Taste so sweet,” he mumbled, sending vibrations that sent tingles down your spine. You began to grind against him, desperate for release. Aegon took it as an invitation to move his hands to grip your hips and begin to fuck you with his tongue.
Your juices were dripping down your thighs, covering his face in a glossy sheen. You felt a new wave of heat wash over you as he pressed his tongue inside you, curling and twisting it. You rolled your hips, fucking yourself against his mouth as your second orgasm began to build.
He groaned against you when your legs began to clench around him, the vibrations sending you over the edge. Aegon continued to lap up your juices, causing you to jerk your thighs around him. His head finally lifted up, a strand of your slick connected from his bottom lip to his chin.
You pulled him towards you, crashing your lips together, he wasn’t wrong you did taste sweet. Aegon grinder against you, wetting his cock before he quickly plunged into you once more, filling you to the brim as he went. You let out a loud cry, gripping onto his back. “You still want more?” He spoke breathlessly.
His thumb returned to your sensitive bud, circling it slowly as he thrusted into you. You squirmed beneath him, his grunts echoed off the walls. “P-please please, sir.” You whimpered, the sound of skin slapping echoing in your living room.
His hips snapped forward, dragging his cock against your sweet spot. “Tell me how badly you want it.” Aegon's eyes flashed up at you, his hips slowed to a teasing pace. "I-I want it so bad," you gasped as he thrusted harder. “I- want to have your b- babies.” Aegon’s thrusts were quickening their pace, "please give it to me sir."
“Oh fuck,” he moaned, dropping his head into the crook of your neck. His rough thrusts become sloppy. You could feel your third orgasm beginning to rip through you as he circled around your bud. “P-please cum for me, sir.” Your words sent Aegon over the edge, his eyes rolling into the back of his head and his soft moans filling the room. You could feel his cock pulsating inside you, his warm cum filling you to the brim.
Your thighs quivered as your orgasm came crashing down on you, your breathing became labored. He leaned down, kissing you lovingly as his hand caressed your cheek. You could feel his cock slowly softening inside you as he slowly pulled himself out.
Aegon pulled away from your lips and trailed kisses down your jawline and neck. His voice mumbled, “I wish you’d told me sooner.” You couldn't help but giggle silently, petting his hair. “Hm, couldn’t let you fuck me for free could I?” He scoffed, propping himself up to gaze at you with his baby blues.
"This pussy is priceless," he murmured against your lips. “Oh god,” you groaned, how his cringe captivated you, you would never understand. Aegon rolled off you, cuddling close and wrapping his arm around your waist.
You stared at the ceiling, feeling a sense of calmness you haven't felt in forever. "So... does this mean you want to be more than my assistant?" His fingers ran through your hair, “and have my babies for real?” Aegon's voice sounded almost child-like, You giggled quietly, "is that our new contract?" He stared at you for a moment, his eyes lit up with something you hadn’t seen before. "It’s a deal," Aegon smiled brightly.
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jhugas · 1 year
‘JUST FOLLOW ME’- Jung Hoseok
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Please be aware that English is not my native language, if you have any correction, don’t be scared to tell me! And if you have any tips, I’ll gladly take them! Have a good time :)
Pairing: Soloidol!Hoseok X Soloidol!Reader, Idol au, rivals.
Main genre: smut (making out)
Then: slight angst
Summary: You and your rival, Hoseok, have to make out in front of the paparazzis to make them believe you’re dating. How will this go?
Warning/tags: making out, idol rival fake dating, public make out, filmed make out, paparazzis filming, rivals forced fake dating.
Word count: ~1k
You’re a very famous idol, known internationally. However, you’re not the only one, Hoseok, your very first rival is also very famous internationally.
It all started in 2013, the year you both debuted. You debuted in different companies, but your debuts were in the same month. And the two companies being rivals, they putted pressure on you two to be the biggest solo Idol:
“Dance better than him!”
“Make your debuts more impactful than hers.”
“Look at the views! Is he doing better??”
“Pff, her music video isn’t even well made.”
“WE will be better than them.”
You both knew each other very well since you were analyzing and criticizing each other since your debuts. And you both knew very well that you hated each other, the dirty looks you two were giving weren’t lying. Somehow though, your fans never noticed.
Turns out, your achievements are almost the same, views almost identical, and fandoms having the same amount of fans. If your fandoms were always fighting, it would be alright… but that’s not the case. They’ve been begging for years to have a collaboration.
“Imagine y/n X Hoseok!!”
“I would love to see them have a duet”
“I think they are secretly dating.”
They always believed that those dirty looks you were throwing were seductive and shy.
“Just look at how he looked at her!!”
“When she looked away while he was staring at her💞”
And all of this brought you here… in front of him, your back against the car and his hands cupping your face.
Due to you two not winning as many fans as before, the companies thought that making you two fake date, kiss in front of the car and “getting caught by the paparazzis” on purpose, would bring more fans to the both of you, “assemble” your fandoms. So here you are…
It’s late, maybe around 9pm, the award ceremony just ended and now you have to get in your role. You go outside in front of the black car that’s supposed to be for him, and you wait… it is a warm night, honestly nothing to complain, you won so many awards. You stand there silently, looking around to possibly see him as the paparazzis are trying to guess what you’re doing here.
“They have no idea” you think to yourself, and that’s when you saw him. He approaches you with so much confidence that he looks stupid.
“What is wrong with him”. He finally catches up to you and puts a hand on your shoulder.
‘Hey baby, what are you doing here?’
He gently asked with a soft voice, tired from his previous performance.
‘I was waiting for you…’
You force yourself to smile.
‘You know we can’t talk here. We should go somewhere else’
You have to follow the script. The dialogue is very important as fans will try to read on your lips. You have to play the stupid game 100%.
‘No, I wanna talk here. No one can see us.’
People can definitely see you, that’s the whole purpose.
‘What do you want love?’
He asked with a sweet voice, squinting his eyes to show his concern.
Say it. He looks at you so carefully. It’s almost as he actually cares.
‘A what?’
He whispered nicely. That wasn’t in the script. Was he actually trying to help you? To make you feel comfortable?
‘A kiss. I want a kiss.’
You eventually managed to say these four words.
‘All you had to do is ask…’
He said in a playful tone before smiling and leaning in. He puts his hands to cup your face but you stop him.
‘Are we sure? Is this really a good idea?’
You whispered. Your lips being so close to his, almost touching and hiding behind his thumb so that no one can read them.
‘Just follow me’
He whispered back, then slowly pushed his soft lips against yours.
He doesn’t wanna lose any time. He wants to finish this the quickest possible. He takes your top lip in between his and you do as he said: follow him, follow along.
His hands moving up and down your curves, and sometimes pulling you aggressively by your waist to bring you even closer. Your left hand on his shoulder and your right one sliding to his hair, messing up the work of his hairdresser. He licks your lip, he doesn’t hold back nor stop. You suddenly pull back to breathe.
‘What are you doing?’
He asked aggressively.
‘Breathing, give me two seconds’
You answer trying to catch your breath. He scoffs. He watches your body up and down, slides his hands under your thighs, and lifts you up. Your legs around his waist, he leans in and kisses you again passionately.
You finally relax and give in, kissing him back with passion. Accepting the fact that he was carrying your whole weight, lifting you up from the ground, and in front of so many paparazzis knowing that almost everyone will see you in this position.
He takes a step back and opens the door of the car as he kisses you now from your jaw to your neck. He gets inside the backseats, your legs still around him, and lays you down softly. You grab his neck as the only thing paparazzis could see right now was his feet still out the door. He pulls back, gets to the door then closes it, locking you both in the car.
You’re still laying on the seats and he looks at you, hair messy and lips tinted by your lipstick.
‘You okay? They’re not supposed to see us right now’
He asked with siren eyes, breathing hard.
‘Yeah… I’m alright…’
You answered, noticing the bulge in his pants. You laugh inside.
‘Are you okay??’
You asked back.
He licked his lips then bit his bottom ones.
‘I’m alright.’
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Thank you for reading !
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dootdootwriting · 2 years
Hello! Could I possibly request Scaramouche (if you writing for him if not then Xiao) where he has gn s/o (if your cool with gn) that has a horrible habit of constantly getting into fights with random people (treasure hoarders, samurai, the tenyrou commission, etc.), that are 100% on purpose just to show off to Scara douche (or Xiao) how cool they are. Who actually wins those fights is completely up to you though.
~Have a lovely day :)
i will do BOTH these boys and aditionally tighnari because ummmm sumeru characters my loves <333 (requests are now OPEN for characters from the new sumeru quest(s)!!)
ahaha.... guess i have to make a sumeru header now too pairing: scaramouche, xiao, tighnari x reader (separate) tw: swearing, light injury type: fluff, established relationship, sfw! pronouns used: none in scara/xiao, they/them in tighnari's a/n: i'm back lmao ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ sorry for being away for so long i had to go have a hot boy summer. hcs under the cut as always!
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first of all, hates that you think you have to prove yourself to him. he takes it as an offense to him because he thinks that you think that he didn't pick a worthy partner
he's overthinking. you're just trying to show off
secretly finds it REALLY hot, but won't admit it until he's dead and buried
he's a little annoyed because obviously you don't win every battle and then he has to pick you up and have his guys take care of whoever was your target this week
he also secretly likes taking care of you when you lose
"hey, scara, didn't you see that move i pulled back there?? i totally knocked that asshole down. didja see??"
"i saw him kick your ass afterwards"
"but i was cool right?"
"you lost. nobody who lost can claim they're cool, idiot."
but you look down at him as he's bandaging up your twisted ankle and you can tell he's trying (and failing) to suppress his smile, with a light blush on his face
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he's so worried. hes SO WORRIED
you're the person most important to him (tied with zhongli) and he does everything in his power to protect you.
he comes off as prickly and rude when he tells you off for fighting, but he's really just worried (。•́︿•̀。)
"please stop that.... you really have to be more careful"
he trusts you, but he also doesn't want to lose you. he means well
"but wasn't i so cool out there? i can take care of myself, you know."
"i know that. just cut it out."
he genuinely does care. and you can tell this because whenever he scolds you he flushes just a bit and turns his head away
give him a little kiss on the head and he flushes even more
you just gotta hold him close and remind him that you're okay. he leans into it for a while and eventually protests, but he really does enjoy it
whenever you go challenge another opponent he makes sure to wait close by just in case you get hurt
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subtly proud of you
he's glad you're confident enough in yourself to go fight everyone, and is quick to diffuse the situation if your opponent gets too riled up
"please excuse my partner. sometimes they don't understand when to stop."
treats any wounds you get and is gently stern with you while he does
"i'm aware you just want to show off, but please don't put your life on the line so easily. you're actually very important to me."
HELLO??? damn bro (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
he's always very lighthearted when you lose, reassuring that you'll get the next one, etc
and when you win, he hypes you up. occasionally gets a little off the hook and says things like "DID YA SEE THAT? YOU'LL NEVER BEAT THEM!"
makes your opponents mad. oops. time to run
grabs your hand, gives you a little kiss, and then you're OUTTA THERE
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fujosh1dreamer · 4 days
I hate Alastor and it's all your fault.
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This was not always the case of course, way back when the pilot first can out Alastor was one of my faves and the more I learned about him the more I loved him.
The real icing on the metaphorical cake was his sexuality, as someone who identifies as aroace he was the representation I never had. And still don't have.
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That's neither here nor there I guess. His sexual orientation has already been solidified there no changing it. However, the problem is with the Fandom.
The people who want to preach on asexuality and tell people who are on that spectrum what for, who want to excuse their disrespectful actions by telling us we're wrong they're the problem.
I would have more respect for these people if they just went and said, hey I hate ace people and I don't respect your or think you belong in the LGBT community and I would have way more respect towards them.
The hazbin hotel Fandom is the worst I've ever been in. Which says a lot I'm not some wide eyes preteen, I'm been around a long time and I've been in some pretty terrible Fandoms. I still get flashbacks anytime someone mentions Voltron, but Hazbin is 1000× worse than Volton could ever be.
I would never recommend this show for people to watch because of this Fandom.
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Specifically the Alastor fans you're toxic and terrible. I don't care what side of the argument you're on. I don't care if you agree with the argument about Alastors sexuality or not.
There's a way to talk to people and discuss thing and the way it happens in this Fandom is not it.
It not just the stuff about being ace it's everything about his character that this Fandom makes worse. The way he gets headcanoned and misinterpreted, and the way those same people deny the Canon evidence right in their faces. The way they get mad a vivzie the creator for not making the character "correctly" when he doesn't belong to them.
I hate everything about Alasor now because of the toxicity of this community.
It's crazy how Val fans are more understanding and bearable to be around than an Alastor fan. At least the Val fan base can acknowledge that he's a bad person. At least they're not constantly arguing that secretly deep down inside he's actually kind and understanding. My god man. He's a serial killer.
Don't even get me started on the abuse talk. If I hear one more person say Husk deserved his abuse I'm gonna lose it. Or if I hear one more person say Husk has it better than Angel, and compare their traumas again... you guys suck.
And you're sick in the head.
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Current as it stands Alasor is my least favorite character in this whole show. I like Adam more than this guy, and I hated Adam.
What makes it worse is that, things would probably be different if people respected tags. And tagged things properly so people like me don't have to be triggered by things. That's what should me this stupid he'll site better than Twitter is that I can block things I don't want to see. Instead you freaks can't even do that right.
I'd like to think most of the people watching this show are seasoned tumbler veterans. But the lack of proper tagging tells me otherwise. Or maybe it's the lack of respect.
Because that what tagging is all about respecting others, and gving them the choice not to see something they don't want to. Correctly using tags is courteous.
People have been using tags properly on this site and it sucks that the Hazbin Fandom thinks they're about it.
Thinks they're above everyone and everything.
There's probably more I need to say but I can't think of it.
You guys are terrible and I hope you have a terrible day. Screw this Fandom and screw Alastor because apparently yall just don't care.🖕
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doctorstethoscope · 2 years
Sink or Swim || June
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y'all have been waiting for this one! I hope you like it.
side note: going forward, I will only be adding people to my taglist if they have already interacted with my content. i'm noticing that there are people requesting to be added who have never interacted with my work, and in fairness to the people on the taglist who do interact regularly, I will be asking for that from now on. Thanks for understanding babes <3
wordcount: 1.8k
contains: discussion of food, a little bit of angst
It had been the longest month of your life. Your dynamic with Aaron had changed irrevocably. You were no longer partners, as you had been, whether you acknowledged it or not, but you weren’t not friends, either, even if the relationship sometimes felt awkward and cold as you attempted to renegotiate what you meant to each other. You were more than coworkers, you had a long, storied history— and no relationship outside of work to show for it at the moment. You felt out of place around him, not just emotionally, but physically clumsy– more than once, in the past few weeks, He’d grabbed you by the arm to save you from a fall or managed to catch the box of evidence or file you’d dropped before it could hit the ground. Even though you’d changed, he could still read you better than anybody else. You wanted to hate him for it, but you couldn’t. 
You all are loading back onto the jet when he makes an announcement. “Jack has insisted that Alexis wants a half-birthday party,” he smirks. “So I’m hosting this Saturday. Please don’t bring anything— she’s got enough toys to keep her entertained until college,” he jokes. “But we’ll have cake and ice cream, and I know not everyone has had the chance to meet her yet. The kids and I would love to see you there,” he says before settling back into his seat. 
He’s at the table with Rossi, and usually you’d be on his left. But for the past two cases, you’ve sat at the back couches with JJ and Emily. They’ve certainly noticed your changed preference although they’ve been kind enough not to say anything about it.
“That’s nice,” JJ remarks. “How long have you guys been planning that?” 
“Oh, that’s all Hotch,” you tell her blasely, putting your nose back in your paperwork. 
“Jack didn’t say anything to you?” Emily asked. “You’re like, his second-favorite person, after the baby.” 
“I haven’t been going by as much lately,” you shrug, trying to make it sound like nothing, like you weren’t crying yourself to sleep at night over it. “Hotch’s got a handle on it, now, so he needs me less.”
Emily looks like she wants to ask more, but JJ cuts her off before she can– you’re grateful, even though you know it’s because she can read the pain in your eyes like a book. 
“That must be nice,” JJ remarks kindly. “To have a bit of your free time, your independence, back.” 
“Yeah,” you smile disingenuously. Independence has never felt so much like a punishment, you think.
When Saturday rolls around, you make your way over to Hotch’s. You decide that your absence would be more conspicuous than your presence, and besides– you agreed to take some space from each other, not to disappear from the kids' lives entirely.  You missed them, and you secretly hoped that they missed you, too. 
You knock on the door, silently praying that you aren’t the first to arrive. 
“Hey,” Hotch says with a smile when he opens the door with Lexie in tow. The house is quiet– too quiet. Damn your punctual nature. 
Lexie is reaching out for you and kicking her legs as soon as her father opens the door. “Hi Ms. Half-Birthday girl!” You coo, reaching for her, and Aaron passes her off to you, taking the tupperware container from your hands. 
“I made a fruit salad,” you explain as you bounce Lexie on your hip, “and some fruit purees for Lexie, because she’s too young—”
“For cake, I know,” he assures you. “We miss you, but we’re not that lost without you,” he teases.
Jack comes barrelling in, then, crashing into your calves with a thud. 
“Careful, buddy,” Aaron warns. 
“I missed you!! Where have you been?” Jack asked, now sitting on your feet with his legs wrapped around your ankles. 
“I missed you too, buddy. How has soccer been?” You ask, pointedly ignoring the question. 
“It’s been sooo good.” He tells you. I’m working on hitting the ball with my head! Do you want to see?” He asks. 
“Why don’t you go outside and practice a little while the adults talk, Jack?” Hotch suggests, and your anxiety spikes. 
Jack grumbles, but goes, and the two of you are alone. “Hotch,” you say, trying to pre-empt whatever discussion he wants to initiate, but he forges on.
“They miss you. We all do,” he says, stepping closer to you. You shift Lexie in front of you, using her as a human shield. You chuckle, because it’s ridiculous, and Aaron smiles. “Missed the sound of your laugh,” he mumbles.
“Aaron, please don’t,” you tell him. “It hurts too much.” 
“Shh,” he whispers. Your faces are so close they’re practically touching, but you won’t look at him. You can’t look at him, because then any crumb of distance you’ve created in the past month from the love you feel for him will be swept away, and you won’t be able to handle it. You’ll have to transfer and move and start a new life. You don’t think you can take it. “I don’t want to hurt you,” Aaron continues. “You have to listen.” 
There’s a knock at the door, and you gasp, taking a quick step back as not to be caught. You finally look Aaron in the eye– he’s torn, confused, upset. 
“Don’t leave, okay? Don’t leave until we can talk. Promise me,” he begs. 
You’re helpless to resist him. “Okay. I promise.” 
The team only stays for a couple of hours, enough time for everyone to snuggle the baby and kick the ball around with Jack and eat a cupcake or two, but with this conversation with Aaron hanging over your head, it feels torturously long. When everyone files out, you seek solace in the kitchen, packaging up leftovers and wiping down counters in the hopes that your sense of duty to cleanliness will absolve you of the promise you made to Hotch. It doesn’t.
“Hey,” he says, meeting you at the counter. “Can we talk?” 
“We can talk,” you tell him. He takes a step closer, attempts to round the corner to be next to you, but you put a hand out to stop him. “No.” You command. “I can’t think when you stand that close to me. Sit on the other side of the counter and we can talk. 
He obeys, never wanting you to be uncomfortable. Settling into one of the barstools, he takes a deep breath before he starts. “Space isn’t working– not for me, not for the kids. We miss you, terribly. You are a part of this family, to us. Is this really working for you? Is this really what you want?”
“No,” you answer honestly.  “Of course it’s not working. But I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to do, Aaron!” 
“Come home,” he pleads. “That’s all you have to do. You are a part of this family. Come home.” 
“I don’t think I can,” you admit in a whisper. 
“Don’t say that. Of course you can.” 
“I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I can be in your life as not- your-wife, not-their-mom. I deserve to have those experiences, Aaron, and to have them fully. I deserve to be all in with someone, and I can’t when I’m still playing house with you,” you say, and you know that it’s not right, that you walked into this situation freely, that he never coerced or manipulated you into anything, but you’re angry with him for it. You’re angry with him for allowing you to fall for him. 
“That’s not what we were. You weren’t ever playing house. The way I feel about you is not a game,” he tells you.
“What do you mean?” You ask. 
“I know– I know that Lexie doesn’t know what the word means. But when she babbled mama, it rang out clear as day, and she was right. Hearing you explain to Jack that you weren’t his mom, it felt wrong. Because of course you are— if you want to be,” he tells you.
 “When you explained to Jack that you weren’t his mom, or his step mom or his extra mom or whatever other term his friends parents are using, I couldn’t help you explain it to him because all I could think about was how I could fix it. I knew then, that I loved you– and I know you love my children– our children, maybe. I came over that night to tell you that I love you, to ask if we could stop living in this weird purgatory of feeling so strongly without a word to describe it. You asked for space, and I gave it to you. I’d give you the moon, if you asked for it. All I’m asking now is that you listen to me and think about if you could ever love me too,” he tells you, each word tumbling from his lips as if he had held it back as long as he could until the dam burst. 
“Oh, Aaron…. Aaron,” you say, coming around the counter and putting your hands on either side of his face. “I’m sorry. Why did you let me say all of those stupid things at my apartment?” You laughed. 
“I thought that was what you wanted,” he reminds you, placing one of his hands over yours, wrapping his thumb over the side of your palm. “If you didn’t want me, how could I put all of that– my emotions, not to mention those of the kids– on you? It wouldn’t be fair.”
“It’s not what I wanted, not at all. I wanted you,” you explain to him desperately. 
“Do you still? Want me,” he asks, and it’s almost sheepish. 
He looks so scared, so sad, so unsure, that you can’t help but kiss him. You could answer him with words, but you needed him to know, to feel how deeply you did. Without breaking the kiss, he wraps his arms around your waist, guides you backwards so he can step out of the chair and wrap you up in him completely. When you pull apart for air, he’s dazed, but beaming– looking almost drunk in the revelation of your feelings. 
“Stay tonight, please. We can figure out the rest in the morning. But stay tonight?” He asks. 
You smile back at him, and can’t help but laugh a little. “After the last month, you’ll have a harder time getting me to leave.” 
tagging: @spacecowboyhotch @honeybrowne @angelfxllcm @rousethemouse @infinite-tides @gspenc @anlin2058 @zetasaturno99 @darkenwolfie @realdirectionx @witheldclouds @sbeno22 @el-vs94 @hausofwhores
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boreal-sea · 8 months
"Stop telling people to encourage the cop inside their head...you do not need to be careful" "I can write tentacle noncon of my favorite character all day long" Ahh. It's always about finding ways to justify rape, isn't it? Fantasizing about rape absolutely makes you a bad person, and definitely tells a lot about your character. If you can masturbate to it, you're definitely okay with it to some degree. Studies show men exposed to rape porn are more likely to believe women enjoy rape and that it's not that big of a crime, especially if the victim shows a positive reaction to it. Fictional acting doesn't change the fact that your orgasm is real. These things DO affect real life. So pathetic.
"Fantasizing about rape absolutely makes you a bad person."
No it doesn't. Thoughtcrime is not real. I just imagined a random person getting stabbed right now, just to do it. Didn't make me a bad person.
I see you quote studies about cis men watching rape fantasy porn. But did you know that the women in those videos aren't actually being raped? They are actresses. They are playing a role. I notice you also don't cite any studies about cis women who enjoy rape fantasies. Do the studies show that these women also think real-life rape victims secretly enjoy being raped? And how do those numbers change when you involve trans people, including binary and nonbinary trans people?
I'm sorry but statistics about a single demographic of humans just isn't very convincing to me, especially when that demographic is cis men. Y'all always act like they are the only demographic that matters when it comes to sexual fantasy, and that's super weird to me.
And I'd argue that the idea that real-life women secretly like being raped is not caused by porn, but that the trope itself is a symptom of the patriarchy. That said, I don't think rape fantasies would disappear if the patriarchy disappeared. Because again, "this woman secretly enjoyed being raped and ravaged" is not exclusive to porn catered towards cis men. It's literally an entire romance novel genre written by and catered towards women. In this case, the reader is placing herself not in the position of the offender, but that of the victim. One could argue that these novels, because they reveal the inner thoughts of the character and how much she's actually enjoying the rape, are even more harmful than porn movies, since at least in the movie, we aren't 100% sure if the character the porn actress is playing is actually enjoying it, since we're not privy to the character's thoughts.
Hey - do you like horror movies? Do you think the writers, directors, crew, and actors are trying to justify violence? Do you think the people who made Friday the 13th all want to murder teenagers at campgrounds? Do you think the fans who watch these movies and delight in the violence and laugh at it are all secretly serial killers? Because I don't know if you're aware of this, but horror movies are very fun, and audience members do typically enjoy the murders.
What about the hit TV show Hannibal? Do you think the people who made it think cannibalism is ok? The show really glorifies cannibalism, rolls it up in a mixture of horror, eroticism and elegance. The main character Will is an incredibly unreliable narrator with regards to Hannibal, because he's partly in love with Hannibal, partly terrified of him, and literally suffering from a brain fever half of one of the seasons. But you're supposed to root for them anyway, you're supposed to be so swept up in their fucked up romance that when Will "betrays" Hannibal, you're supposed to feel heartbreak, and when they finally murder someone together and then plunge off a cliff in blood-soaked ecstasy, that's supposed to be a moment of elated victory.
What about Oldboy? You must HATE this movie - it depicts alcoholism, kidnapping, mind control, and torture. Oh yeah and incest. Is Oldboy trying to justify incest? The ending is kinda vague on what happens to the two main characters, after all.
What about action movies where the hero kills dozens or maybe hundreds of nameless characters on his way to kill the main villain? Are those movies trying to justify violence? They're definitely glorifying the violence.
And me? My noncon fanfic? I'm afab. I still identify as female. I've been into noncon since long before I came out as transmasc. I was finding things like men being tied up fascinating even in my teens, before I ever learned what bondage was.
There was a statue of some colonial guy with his hands tied behind his back in a museum. I stared at that statue for a really long time. Another time during this same age, we watched a Zorro movie, and Zorro was standing there very heroically, all tied up, and I found the scene very moving. Then, again in high school, a buddy was playing Metal Gear Solid. At one point in that game, a robot with long tentacle-like robot arms grabs one of the main characters, Raiden, and squeezes him and thrashes him around a bit. This time, the feelings I felt were definitely erotic.
I had never seen porn at that age. I did not know what bondage was. I didn't know BDSM was a thing. But I still, naturally, all on my own, found bondage erotic - and bondage can have elements of noncon to it. It certainly did in the fantasies I was experiencing. That's because these fantasies and kinks are natural human things. It is NORMAL to find this shit erotic.
Now. If you're watching porn that features rape fantasies and you start to believe that real-life people might secretly enjoy actually being raped, then you need to stop watching that kind of porn. But that applies to anything. If you watch a bunch of horror movies and start to think that maybe, murder is actually good, then you should probably stop watching horror movies. I'm not saying media can't affect people. But I AM saying that's not something that happens to everyone, and I am saying that most people are fully capable of consuming media in responsible ways.
Fictional rape is not about real people. I absolutely do want to justify the continuation of fictional depictions of the taboo and the forbidden, because these are perfectly normal fantasies that humans have had probably for our entire existence.
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elliespuns · 4 months
Little TMI here but honestly I don’t have a label on myself because it STRESSED ME OUT!!! Of course no hate to people who do label themselves I totally support but one thing about me, if I love you I will NOT care what genital you have. We are not totally sure what Dina could actually be but one thing for sure is she’s my baby & I will defend her at all times. The last of us is known for its LGBTQ+ representation as well with beautiful story & visuals, all the characters are my babies but it makes me uncomfortable if when the whole sexuality of the character is confirmed people deny it. Like look I don’t particularly mind if a man likes Ellie or the way a woman likes Abby as long as they are NOT denying their sexuality. Could Abby secretly like girls? Maybe but completely denying that fact that she could absolutely not like men gets on my nerves. Ellie though that’s a different situation it’s quite clear she likes girls & when men say they can change her or sexualize her as a kid it makes me so uncomfortable. As much as I love the last of us fandom there is rude & ignorant people in here & it ruins the wholesome & comforting feeling.
True. That's why I was trying to say that people shouldn't really dwell on whether to call Dina bisexual or lesbian because there was never a scene where she would tell us how she felt about her sexuality in the first place.
She might as well be pansexual or demisexual, for all we know. So if people are here to pick on straws, or in my case, calling me out on calling Dina a lesbian in one of my posts (I dared to call her and Ellie 'weird ass lesbians' because it was fitting for the situation and it was actually just my humor talking), they should also realize that calling her bisexual might be as 'disrespectful' as calling her lesbian since none of us know how she feels about her sexuality anyway.
I had a few people 'lecturing' me about Dina not being a lesbian but BISEXUAL after I shared the post (I swear, do people even know me and my sense of humor, dammit?). Calling me out on it as if I didn't know she has a damn baby with a guy. Like, thank you for telling me! I've been new to this fandom, and I had no freaking clue when literally one of the storyline's plot twists was that Dina's pregnant. *sigh*
I think people get touchy too easily today. And not even just about themselves, but about fictional characters too. I mean, yeah, I love my babies too, but I've never heard Dina speak up about her sexuality. So unless we know what she labels herself with, I don't really think that people calling her lesbian with a grain of salt is disrespectful. 
What do we know, hm? Maybe she was sick of guys and completely switched? Maybe Ellie's mesmerizing eyes and her magical pussy made her go full-on lesbian. 
I hope I don't need to specify that I am joking (again). But hey, the point still stands. Calling her bisexual or lecturing people online that her actual sexuality is bisexual is also just based on assumptions.
I am open-minded about Dina's sexuality since we don't know how she would label herself. So I did really mean no harm by saying she and Ellie were 'being weird ass lesbians'—I mean, this is the internet and Tumblr. Not everything is meant to be taken so seriously.
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juneandnick · 2 years
5x10 - Safe (The Episode: My POV)
I was close to publish my expectations for this episode when spoilers released.
I am not disappointed by Nick storylines. I wanted to see him angry and loses control because Gilead would put June and Holly in danger: We got it.
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There is something I do not like with Luke. When he comes into a room he did it silently, like he was spying June. He did it in S5E01 when she is with Holly in the bathroom at the end of the episode. He did it in S5E08 when June talks and then sings to Holly. And he did it again in S5E10 when June wears her bulletproof vest.
Regarding the scene where the driver is about to run over June after having run over her arm, I am surprised that he stops his car when Luke tells him: Hey! Stop!
The driver could have accelerated. It does not make sense. Especially as, Luke did not have a gun. The gun we see when they fight seems to belong to the driver.
Later, I do not like how he treats his wife as a kid: June would you go back upstairs?
It is crazy that June has to remind him what happened 7 years ago: We waited last time and we waited too long. And we did not see how much they hated us. I lost you. And then we lost Hannah. This country is changing. America was not Gilead until it was and then it was too f**king late. Luke we have to go. We have to run.
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The beautiful song Bridge Over The Border by Adam Taylor starts. Nick and Mark are on the bridge. And I cannot explain but when Nick crosses the border, I found it a little bit emotional. Maybe because he could be free and could join his girls.
The lovely song Late Night Visit by Adam Taylor starts. Nick and Mark are at the hospital. I already said what I think. If I had to write the hospital scene, I would have added a few small details: Link. I also shared a parallel I noticed: Link.
The emotionnal song Not To Her by Adam Taylor starts. Nick and Mark are back on the bridge and finalize their agreement: Work for the US government vs Keep safe June. Nick did for his girls something he always refused to do (once again after SOJ): Go in bed with a government. Because: It is not so easy to get out.
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I do not think he trusts Mark but he is so desperate to keep June and Holly safe from Gilead. So the deal seems clear: If the girls are safe, I work for you. The day it is not anymore the case, if something happens to them, the agreement is cancelled.
As you said Neha200021, I also think Mark Tuello is an Osblaine shipper. 😊
Heartbreaking moment, when Nick explains why he never tried to escape with June: She has people who care for her. She does not need me. I am nothing. This moment makes me cry all the time. He loves her so deeply. He deserves happiness.
I will tell you later what are my expectations for season 6.
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Nick is a person who was always in self control until this season. It started in the S5E03, at Lawrence's house, when MacKenzie says at the dinner: June Osborne is a cancer. We have to cut her out. He fidgets on his chair and it is not in his habits to show his resentment. But as he said to June in S1E03: Everybody breaks.
I think it is hard for him to believe that Joseph gave order to kill June. He cannot pretend anymore. He tried Gilead shoes but ... he cannot walk with them.
Mark gives to June new refugee cards with fake names. I wonder which new identity she has. Before to leave, she has a message for Nick: Just tell him that I am safe. Tell him that Nichole is safe, okay? She is thinking to Nick while she tries to escape with her husband, interesting. Tuello is the keeper of Osblaine secrets.
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I do not like Luke at all but I have to be honest, they gave him a moment where he does something good in the aim to protect June and Holly. To give them the opportunity to escape from Canada. It is something Nick would have done if he had been in his place. But I do not like the fact the writers make to Luke a hero.
What about Rose? Was she secretly hoping to take June's place in Nick's heart? Did she hope he will focus on their "family"? Is he really the father? If yes, I do not want to see him abandon his unborn baby. But for sure, I do not want him to be chained to Gilead because of this. Something absolutely has to happen for him to be free.
I am curious about one thing. Rose says: I do not want to be with you anymore. And he answers: You cannot leave. Does it mean, I do not know, it is an arranged marriage? Does it mean Nick made a secret deal with Commander Wharton? Something more or less like that. Is it about the pregnancy? Or thinks she, she can ask a favor to her dad? Because the divorce is not an option at Gilead.
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I cannot believe we had not done with Serena Joy. For me, she deserves any forgiveness ... I am tired of her. Nevertheless Yvonne did an excellent job.
Special mention for the choice of music. Adam Taylor of course 👏 and also:
Bury A Friend by Billie Eilish / Une Homme Et Une Femme by Francis Lai.
As well as Meditation - Act 2 by Thaïs. It is the scene where Naomi and Aunt Lydia talk about Janine as possible handmaid for Lawrence's house after the wedding.
Source Pictures: Screenshots (by me)
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formerlyanon · 8 months
man like. ok. I'm really really frustrated at the ongoing fallout about the gaylor stuff (because i hate hearing about it, i was fed up with this years ago) but the last few days has also shifted things into perspective for me about representation and why it matters. More and more lately I've been trying to get a read on what I find offputting or unsettling about summaries or explanations of media that get boiled down to what representation they have, right? Because that still doesn't tell me anything about the actual media. And that has been met with varying levels of emotion when I talk about it, but mostly ranging from apathy to frustration.
Celebrities are fandom and that's been the case for decades. The public eye and coverage of events or interviews generates material for fandom to feed off of. Fanart, fic, and other media follows, because it is media-space to play in. I chalk it up to kayfabe and move on. Right now these particular fan bases are falling apart because of this built up over arching rampant speculation about her personal life had turned into personal stakes for those fans, who needed her to be gay and queer and closeted and struggling, basically. They needed it to be a reality. But why did it need to be a reality to the point it had personal stakes?
Taylor's one of the wealthiest pop stars in history, has been active for over 15 years making commercial music, and consistently been successful in the mainstream. She's not an underdog. She's put in work, sure. She's still not an underdog, is not queer, is not secretly crying out to her fans for help, does not need saving from a cruel uncaring world.
Now combine all that with the need to have representation, the conflation of an identity being a hallmark of quality. All I can think right now is that quite a few people needed their pop superhero to be gay because that's what representation is, right? Because someone that they find so wonderful and relatable and charming or whatever, needs to be like them, and needs to have the hallmark stamp of Representation. Because something that seems so perfectly crafted about you the listener's life, clearly needs to be also directly, in real life, not a production not a crafted storyline way, Actually Gay.
I think her music's fine. It's inoffensive at best. I know very little about her except for her record of commercial success and various publicity stunts she maintains for her kayfabe and image. I do know she's been frustrated at the blurring of reality and public storyline, and addressed how not every song has to be rooted in reality and sometimes she can just be a storyteller writing fiction. She's also been very public throughout her career about publicity stunts sparking this or that song/fashion choice/era/album, so hey, it's not entirely on the fans here, aside from the fact that in this case there's basically nothing to it except projection.
Representation matters for the sake of understanding different points of view to get nuanced stories and experiences told. The lion's share of my frustration comes from the idea that:
1) a checkbox being hit automatically means a media is good
2) it's led more than a few times to someone telling me to check out media and giving me literally no information about it
3) people are really out here inventing oppression conspiracy theories for literal billionaires so they can do mental gymnastics to explain liking the work produced instead of just liking it
4) All this is used to prop up white straight artists to make them out to be intrepid underdogs bravely pretending to be straight so they can have careers
like holy shit! what the fuck!
Billy Porter has called out the racism and privilege of Harry Styles being given opportunities long denied to GNC men, especially men of color. Meanwhile a lot of Harry's outfits pull from different queer non white communities and he's hailed as an icon the likes which has never been seen before. Katy Perry's been routinely awarded for lgbt activism over literal out queer artists.
Taylor herself been noted as an icon of feminism and a queer ally, and it comes across as the same level of shallow - carefully crafted kayfabe to push a business narrative. Nothing especially noteworthy to indicate that previous gaffes were one-offs. It comes off as incredibly callous to me as a whole, but hey, I don't have to steer the ship of a literal billion dollar brand that revolves around my likeness.
Representation matters because it gives opportunity, voice, and paying work to those with less privilege than straight white cis artists. It's not that you as the consumer have a moral imperative to only consume media by underprivileged artists or else It Sucks And Is Bad, and you consumed the media wrong. Enjoy Taylor's stuff if you want but if it is this mentally distressing to come to terms with your commercially successfully pop star fave not being gay, I really recommend using this as a chance to look up other artists - queer artists, artists of color. It very clearly matters to you on a personal level, and you can find fulfillment elsewhere while still listening to and enjoying your favorite white blonde cis straight billionaire popstar.
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sunarintarouswhore · 2 years
this is my entry to @kitsunekanojo collab event! :))) CONGRATS ON YOUR MILESTONE BB!!
these are random things suna does to show his love for you 🖤
texts you “morning beautiful” “hey pretty :)” or “goodnight my love” every single day
gives you ALL of his hoodies because he thinks they look better on you than they do on him ☹️
says “i love you” at the most random times to catch you off guard because he loves seeing your face turn red and hearing you say it back
whenever you guys home hands he rubs hearts with his thumb on your hand because it’s his form of affection :(
asks you to do his eyeliner because he just loves when you touch his face softly and have those small moments when you two make eye contact and just smile like two idiots in love
when he’s drunk he turns into a big baby. he talks in his “babied” voice and always asks you “you won’t ever leave me right? cause if you do ‘m gonna cry” and you always have to reassure him that you’ll never leave him no matter what (STOP I LOVE HIM SM 😕)
makes you walk on the inside of the side walk whenever you two are together. his reason being “you’re too clumsy and might end up walking on the street” but in reality he just wants to keep you safe :(
clings on to you whenever you’re making food because he hates being away from you (i’m gonna cry why isn’t he real? 🥲)
brags about how much he loves you to EVERYONE he knows cause he likes seeing you get flustered
sakusa hc’s because why not? 🤎
will randomly give you head pats throughout the day
makes you breakfast every morning for you (stop thats so cute why isn’t he real 😕)
always has an extra mask for you, in case you forget yours <3
likes to lay his head on your lap and let you play with his hair (i bet his hair is so soft ☹️)
is always the big spoon no matter what because he loves having you in his embrace :(
let’s you do his eyeliner randomly because he loves when you touch his face
gets flushed whenever you touch his moles in his face or anywhere on his body because he’s never had anyone who loves his moles as much as you do
says “i love you” every morning when he wakes up and every night before he goes to sleep
will randomly take showers with you because he says he knows how to clean himself properly so he does the same to you, but in reality he just loves being close to you :(
loves EVERY inch of your body and tells you every day that you’re perfect just the way you are
wholesome thing toji did while you were pregnant
NEVER let you pick things up from the floor when they fell
would put his head to your stomach and talk to the baby :(
put his hands on your stomach to feel the baby kick and say “he’s gonna be a strong boy like his dad”
would always say that it’s gonna be a boy and will get his looks
always made you wear only your bra because he loved seeing your baby belly out <3
went with you to EVERY doctors appointment (he has a soft side i just know it 😕)
made sure to always tell you that you looked beautiful whenever you felt like you weren’t pretty
he never made you feel like you were a burden to him
would always complain about why you always sent him to buy your cravings but secretly enjoyed going because he thought it was funny the looks people gave him
when your baby was born he was the happiest man alive
he made sure to tell you “i love you and our new baby, i will always love you guys no matter what. i’ll always be here for you guys” (i’m gonna cry he’s so sweet ☹️)
an: i had so much fun coming up with these :( i hope you guys enjoy it 🫶 AND CONGRATS AGAIN BB ON YOUR MILESTONE!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK BAE <3
reblogs and shares really appreciated 🤎
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alligatorjesie · 9 months
So this dumb cunt is back at her bullshit
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You had to use a meme maker to make this shit @watchingtheearthrise?
You're such a useless uncreative hack you can't even edit a image in fucking paint?
Also you don't have to watermark your shitty meme I don't think anyone is stealing this one from you any time soon.
That's fine I can make dumb spongebob memes too
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Took me 5 seconds in photoshop.
You know I've been in this fandom a real long time and I don't think a single fucking one of us thinks that Ben was using jedi mind tricks on Rey during the interrogation scene in The Force Awakens.
I've heard the ol' 'Oh my god he's mind raping her' plenty of times but this is a new one.
Where are you even pulling this shit out of your asshole? I swear to fucking god you antis think of the most stupid random fucking shit to get mad at this fandom over.
Hey, really quick @watchingtheearthrise, could you tell me again who won the mind probe battle at the end of that scene?
Because it wasn't Kylo.
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Anyways, fix your fucking tags and get the fuck out of this fandom. Why the fuck are you in this fandom's space every few weeks being the most massive pile of shit? Why the fuck are you this fucking obsessed with reylo? Do you secretly love reylo but feel shame for enjoying it? If that's the case you need to talk to a fucking therapist about that shit man don't make it our fucking problem.
No one invited you here. In fact we would really like it if you fucking left and never came back.
But you'll never do that because you stupid fucking antis never fucking change. You'll die a bitter heartless cunt rather than just let some harmless people enjoy some fictional media that doesn't affect you at all.
Get a fucking hobby.
You know what? What if you took all that extra time you spend being a useless dickweed to the people in this fandom and instead used it learning how to use a photo editor?
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Fuckit man.
I'm tired of this person doing this shit.
Reylos, I don't ask this very often but if you're an active member of this fandom and you're tired of seeing anti hate from this user who has been doing this shit since 2022 then go to this user's account and report them.
You can report them for harassment and report that they're harassing someone else for it to be done quickly but if you want to be more thorough here are a few extra links of them harassing this fandom that you can add to your harassment report:
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claire-de-lune · 2 years
Hey :). Okay I just wanted to say that I’m sorry you get a bunch of byler asks even tho you make it clear that you don’t like it. And another thing that you just said is amazing. About how people headcanoning mike as being with el while secretly being gay and in love with Will is damaging to el. It’s the worst because also like now people are actively somehow making mike a bad guy and a character I don’t want to root for if that’s the case. And even then if they did get together I honestly think Will will have it in the back of his mind that Mike could be faking his feelings for Will since he apparently would have done that so easily with el. Also not to mention el and mike’s friendship would be like non existent after that. And El and Will’s friendship would be heavily damaged from that. Like the dynamics would be so fucked and the fact that no one talks about it kind of pisses some off. Also yes about the whole what are bylers going to do if it isn’t canon. Like seriously they screamed about it being endgame but for it to not happen. And the thing that pisses me off the most about bylers is that they’ll say byler happening would be groundbreaking because two guys got together. And it would be rep! But I’ve been trying to tell people that queer rep isn’t shipping and it should be about the character’s sexuality and not just who they get together with. And that Robin is rep and Will being gay is rep and also Vickie is rep cuz she is heavily coded as being bi. But instead I’m filled with hate messages just because I dared to use common sense (gasp). It’s just so annoying because they’ll be saying how unsafe they feel but make other people feel unsafe. It’s just they’re so annoying!!! Like there are people who ship it and are chill. And I love those people. It’s just the aggressiveness and entitlement that some of them angers me. Especially when I said one time that queer representation isn’t the only representation and sooo many people got mad at me. Since I was talking about byler overshadowing lumax. Anyway sorry for that long rant but I just thought you would appreciate this rant lol.
Finally had time to read this and I agree with everything you just said. I always feel bad when someone writes a well thought out detailed ask and all I reply with is I agree. 😂 because you genuinely said everything I agree with and I’m glad you agree with some of my views as well. This ask scared me at first since it was so long, but I really appreciated it, and I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to share it with me. 🤍😊
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askaborderline · 2 years
Tw heavy suicidal ideation
Hi it's server anon again... Just want to vent and possibly get advice/reassurance? If you don't have the energy it's fine. I think I wasn't being fair when describing my situation, bc I did throw several tantrums there that made everyone uncomfortable and avoid/distance themselves from me, which is understandable. I've unloaded a lot of heavy stuff like self loathing and heavy sui ideation and I don't always tag/spoiler them which is my own fault. So no it would not be plausible to set up a friends only server because everyone i like talking to there like them more and I've already made myself the bad guy by being inconsiderate and throwing tantrums. I'm also told that i don't seem to be able to respond well to ppl reaching out to me... Always accusing them of secretly hating me, which makes sense to the more childish part of myself, who has been coming out more and more lately than my mature side. I just keep wanting to lash out because I'm not getting the results i want and it's frustrating bc it's like no matter what i do I'll be hated. Even though I know that's not the case and ppl are rightfully wary bc I'm just stupid and emotionally immature and insane. And now I'm just forced to deal with the consequences that i deserve and it just? Sucks. I keep digging my own graves. I'm so bad at being normal at friendships and i feel like I'm hardly ever in control of myself when I get triggered and it fucking sucks. I'm trying hard to be better at being normal esp after getting sev wake up calls but it's just. Lonely. And suffocating. And it's hard not to believe the little voice in my head that it will forever be like this. And it's my own doing and there's no way to fix it and every time people get cold or distant or perfunctory with me even though I know it's because i understandably exhaust them, because dealing with someone who constantly questions their motives and sincerity is exhausting. I still feel sick and nauseous and i just kept feeling like it'll always be like this, and I'll just be forever lonely and it's better to just jump off a very high building you know hahaha i know it's literally not that dramatic. I know this. Rationally i do. But it's so hard to convince that childish part of myself. It's like. I'm trying. I really am. I know it's hard to believe but i am. But often i wonder whether it's all really worth it when a leap would probably just end everything
Hey anon,
I completely understand where you're coming from. I spent the better part of a decade alienating all my friends, lashing out at everyone around me, not letting them get close bc I kept telling they'd fuck off anyway (and they did, predictably, when you keep telling them that), stealing money to feed my addictions, and constantly traumadumping and leaning on people without their permission - I think it's hard not to lean a lot into these behaviors early on with BPD, especially when you don't know you have it (which is how it was in my case).
You have an advantage here in that you do know you have it, which means you can combat it. The sad reality I have to say though, is that you may have to make new friends. Sometimes there isn't necessarily anything wrong with the old ones, but you may have burned bridges and that may not be a possibility anymore. And I know that's a horrible feeling and it just kind of makes you want to be swallowed up by the world, but that's not what it has to be. You will find new friends, and you don't have to erase your BPD to do so, you just have to let out those feelings and thoughts in a healthy environment. You don't have to bottle everything up - find people that are happy to let you vent (ask beforehand!), journal, look into DBT, play shooters or throw pillows at the wall to get your anger out, let yourself cry, etc. BPD Is not the end of healthy social relationships, you just have to put in more work to accommodate it.
And yes, that's not fair - no one should have BPD, no one should be forced to deal with it, and it's an absolutely miserable experience. But it's also not a reason you should die either. I may not know you, but I promise that you have worth, that you have value, and that you don't need to go to so drastic measures to make the pain manageable. It will never fully stop, but you can find yourself content, and you can even find yourself happy. Euphoric, really, bc the one bright side to this emotional dysregulation is that it makes the good moments better too.
Please keep fighting. You're worth it. You can come poke me here or at @fearofahumanplanet if you need anything else. I'm rooting for you.
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