#how do you allos cope with this???
that-girl-glader · 9 months
Guys.... I just did the most fanficcy thing😭
I am quite literally about to confess my crush on someone and ask them out with a scavenger hunt at school. OMYLORD. IDK HOW TO FEEL ABOUT THIS. I'M SCARED.
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askanallo · 2 months
How do allos usually cope with/get over having feelings for people they see every day (like in the workplace or school or something idk) that they know they can't reasonably be with (maybe it's not appropriate maybe it's they know the other person doesn't like them)? Because I feel like that would be a special kind of hell. Or does that not happen? Are there places that allos never get attracted towards others in, like a forcefield barring feelings in certain places/situations?
You just ignore it and hope it goes away soon. Different people experience crushes differently, so for some it's more intense than others. For me it's mildly annoying, but I know a person who had to straight up stop talking to a friend because they developed feelings for them and it hurt too much to continue talking. It definitely can be bad if it's someone you can't just stop talking to, like a coworker.
Some people do stuff so it hurts less. Trying to avoid the other person is a common strategy, or imagining them doing unattractive things, or talking about their flaws with a friend.
I find that as people get more relationship experience, they become better at handling this stuff and possibly crushes get less intense.
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fictionalnormalcy · 1 year
So I finally had it happen to me. And goddamn if it isnt harder to come out in person than online.
I am on Bumble, started connecting with someone. As conversation was going so well, I felt I had to tell her. Before this continues, she deserved to know this about me. I am asexual.
Man did things crash after that. While we discussing potential first meetings, doing a facetime, now it’s we’re friends but I’m romantically moving on.
She needed physical intimacy, even if it wasnt immediate. Knew that if a relationship did come, she’d want something that maybe I couldnt give months into the future.
Which yeah, I do understand. But then there’s this other feeling of oh I fucked up why did I tell her? But no, I couldnt lead her on, what if we did go somewhere and then I hit her with this after we’ve potentially fallen in love with each other?
Someone please help me understand, how to cope with this feeling of guilt. Is this how it’s going to be? Coming out to someone properly but they dont want to take it another mile because you dont experience sexual desire?
I have heard of couples where one's ace and the other allo. But how do you reach that state of being compatible?
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creature-wizard · 1 year
whoo so this is going to be the mother of all run-on sentences lol. sorry. so I've very much *not* abandoned my own (highly idiosyncratic) spiritual beliefs or faith, but over the course of the past year I've pretty much withdrawn completely from the landscape of pagan/occult/alternative-spirituality communities for several reasons, but mostly a) the fact that I'm one of those stereotypical sex-and-romance-averse aroaces everyone likes to pretend doesn't exist and it's very difficult to find any traditions or communities that don't start from the assumption that you're allo, and b) I identify strongly as nonhuman/not from this world and have more of a connection to my true home than I do to where I currently live and earth-based practices can make me feel actively cut off from that part of myself at times. not really sure what kind of response I want from this I think I'm just asking how to cope with the loneliness when you don't really feel like any place in the community is really for you.
That sounds very difficult. One thing I know to do is to try and cultivate hobbies that can help you connect with other people (something artistic, maybe), and try to get involved in those communities.
The other thing I know to do is keep learning about stuff, and keep active where you can meet other people. Eventually you'll run into people you resonate with.
In the meantime, I hope people reading this understand that aro/ace acceptance/inclusivity leaves much to be desired, and that more work needs to be done to make sure spaces are welcoming to aro/ace folk.
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
Hello, hello! So I'm aroace (quoiromantic/aegoromantic and aegosexual) I'm content being single and only having friendships as my sole relationships but there are days when I don' t feel really good mentally and start to realize how alone I maybe am... I'd understand if my friends have other friends like that's cool but as soon as one of them is in a relationship I just feel left out??? I don't think I want a romantic/sexual relationship I just want a fellow aroace to be besties with and we can live together or maybe as neighbors but that's so hard to come by. My two good friends are in a relationship one has been in it for 2 or 3 years and the other has been in one for a year. I'm scared one day they'll just forget about me once they get married or have a family, I've been thinking about it but I've only been dismissing it as selfish thoughts. Or maybe its just me thinking I'm no ones favorite person or I'm not giving dating vibes, sometimes I do think I'm missing out on not having crushes or trying to ask someone out. People say there's someone for you but my friends are my someone. I don't really expect them to understand being allo and all... is there something I can do about this. Thank you and so sorry for the long ask.
I'm sorry this has taken a very long time to answer. I get a lot of questions with similar vibes to this, and honestly, it's very hard to give you a concrete idea of how to handle it, because it is inherently such a personal situation... and frankly one I'm intimately aware of with no particular answer to for myself.
Truth be told, my primary advice is that if it is reasonable for you, attend regular therapy. Find a therapist who you click with and work with them on determining how to live a life you're generally content with, how to cope when things are imperfect and real, and how to work within your means.
A lot of what I anticipate coming from that is learning how to healthily articulate and communicate your needs. Learning to accept "I feel scared that my friends will leave me" is a normal thought, and processing that in the context of your friends will be very personal. Does evidence from your relationship with those friends actually point to them leaving you behind completely - or is it something where it's more likely that they'll remain in contact, but to a lesser degree?
Regardless - how can you prepare yourself to accept those changes, and how can you take actions in those relationships that respond to that conscientiously? For example - I know that when I worry a friend is pulling away from our system, I don't have a very healthy response. I tend to encourage us to withdraw first, to see if they will reach out to me. This is easily mistaken by those friends as well... us no longer wanting to be friends with them, moving on, something along those lines. They may become worried - just as I am - that contacting each other is burdening someone who doesn't want that relationship, but doesn't want to create drama by ending it. They may worry that they're overstepping if they initiate the contact. They may assume I'm simply busy, or need space. And - by the time it becomes evident that neither of us has initiated in a bit - we both likely assume we're too late. I create a self-fulfilling prophecy in my anxious actions.
That, clearly, is not preparing. I could instead reach out, and directly ask, "Hey, I struggle with anxious thoughts around my friends leaving me. I wanted to let you know that, because I'm currently worried that [if you start a relationship, when our class together ends, after this project] I might lose contact with you, and I really appreciate having you in my life." Communicating my feelings, offering the other person a conversation that can be responded to, and still acknowledging internally that even if they leave, I will be okay - those are all things that allow me to respond to the situation right now.
This is long but just... I can't give you a solid "do this" type of answer. All I can say is that a therapist is an excellent resource if you're dealing with anxiety, depression, self-doubt, loneliness... anything, really. We can all practice healthier responses to our current lives.
If therapy isn't available for you for some reason - money, privacy, timing, location - I can't really offer a whole lot. I wish I could. I think it's useful to learn about cognitive distortions, and I think it's useful to practice grounding techniques while calm and see what feels right for you, so that you can utilize them when you aren't calm. I hope that with time, therapy can be on the table for you.
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After a rough but good therapy session, I realised that my asexuality and aromance def stems from trauma. I'm happy being aroace, proud even! But I still feel like I am supposed to enjoy sex and romance and that I'm in denial. That I'm staying in my comfort zone when I should be out there talking back my alloness. How do I know I'm right or wrong? My therapist is great, but allo and I just wanted the opinion of a fellow aspec.
Healing from trauma and identity, especially around being aroace, is complicated. It is important to heal from trauma, but what healing ends up looking like can be hard to predict. When you're healing you don't become the person you were before the trauma, rather you learn to navigate your new reality.
Being aroace is part of that, it is possible things do change as you heal, but if they change and how they might change is difficult to predict. The focus shouldn't be on trying to be who you were before, but navigating who you are now. How you view romance and/or sex may change and evolve as you work through things, but they'll do it in their own way, not necessarily revert back to where they were.
Your therapist challenging you and pushing your boundaries is doing their job, and that can include pushing your boundaries around sex and romance. Where I'd be concerned is that some therapists can fall into the trap of trying to return their patients to what they consider "normal" (in this case allo), when the focus should be on working through recovery, learning to cope skills/strategies, having better mental health, etc.
So exploring your feelings around sex and romance and pushing yourself is good, but it's important you and your therapist aren't looking at becoming allo as an end-goal, but instead as one of many possibilities that may or may not happen. And it's probably a good idea to talk about this with your therapist and making sure you're both on the same page on this.
One thing I also always tell people dealing with trauma and identity that it's often easiest to focus on how you feel right now, so if right now aroace is what is working for you, that's what you are. And being open to the possibility of change (that may or may not happen), doesn't negate your current identity or make it less valid. And keep trying to live in the moment like that.
All the best, Anon! And good luck!
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fuzzydreamin · 5 months
Allo! Some asks for Alberta :3c
2. what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song?
5. how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
18. their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
29. are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
2. What sort of music would they like? Have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? Do they have a favorite song?
Various punk. They'd probably listen to bands like The Cramps and Dead Kennedys - a lot of 70's-90's bands. I don't think she would have a favourite song, she doesn't really have hard stances on small things like that and it'd be more based on her mood at the time.
5. How do they typically dress? Does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
Black or dark leathers and denims usually. It's both practical in the material but also a statement due to the patches sown onto the jacket (there's more than just the Tunnel Snakes design on hers now).
They're pretty set in their wardrobe too, and don't like having to wear other things often. She's the kind of person who would mostly have multiple of the same thing in her drawers because that's both what is comfortable and liked aesthetically. If Al can get away with it they'll wear the Tunnel Snakes jacket over the Brotherhood jumpsuit if they have to wear it for some reason (they don't actually do Brotherhood stuff enough to need to wear it that often - however they don't hate the feeling of the jumpsuit either, it's similar enough to a vault suit after all).
Al does not like dressing in feminine clothing like skirts or dresses, and dislikes how certain fabrics, like lace or wool, feel on their skin.
18. Their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
Lying: Depends on circumstance. They hate being lied to, but they also have a lot of secrets they keep covered with lies all the time. Hypocrite. Though to be fair, her secrets could usually end up in people getting hurt if they get out, so... Generally they don't lie about smaller stuff, usually just because they don't care/can't be bothered to.
Stealing: Depends on who and why. Robin Hood type dealings here, if someone has something they don't need as much as someone else then it's perfectly fine. Especially if those things would improve lives and aren't just petty wants.
Killing: Natural state of the wasteland. Normalising death was something she did pretty quickly after leaving 101 just as a way to cope with what she had and still was going through. Also in a fight they don't tend to think too much about anything other than winning and being the one to get out alive. Al might linger on what they've done in the aftermath, in quieter moments, but they don't like to... They won't reveal it often, but they are haunted by the amount of blood on their hands and how easily it got there.
29. Are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
There's a lot of fun that could be had with water symbolism in relation to the Project Purity plot, but generally I associate Al herself with air due to their transient nature. Also, if you mix both elements you get the chaotic destruction of storms, which I feel is also very apt for them.
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Oh, now I can return the favor /lh
Since talking about hypmic, the first character I knew before getting into the series: Nurude Sasara
Sexuality: gay (no way he can be with a woman or I'm missing something) fits as both ace and allo
Gender: some flavor of non binary
Ships: I love him and rosho, but there's something magical about him and samatoki, it's like all the fun aspects are up to ten. Also I love these weird dysfunctional relationships when one is actually in love, while the other is too on some level, but also uses this as a way to cope with trauma
Brotp: To me lines between friendship and love are very blurry. But I think I see him and samatoki in the current timeline as exes who will make up and be friends, so them again
Notp: I love everyone, as long as you don't ship him with children I support it
Random hc: hmm I never liked him to the degree to came up with them. But I think it would be funny if he pierced his ears either after a break up in a "I dye my hair way" or to impress samatoki when they were still together
General opinion:
I'm not into hypmic that much currently, but I remember I was considering him as one of the best written characters in a franchise. His backstory may seem basic, but it works so well. Him not being able to relate to people in both "I'm a genius" and "I'm too focused on my trauma" ways is very interesting to look at
Also his random gangster phase, he went "be clown do crime" and bashed a guys head with a metal pipe
His music is um something, first solo literally has these clown honkers or how these are called. I also read a post about how genius the original lyrics are, like every line is some sort of pun and all. But you can't deny that it sound horrendous. And you know what I love it. Sensory overload my beloved (as long as it's music)
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ambrosiarose418 · 3 months
honestly my friends are actually the most delusional people ever.
i love my friends but sometimes I just question their logic. One of my friends is a classic delulu girl who has crushes on literally everyone. she likes actors and actresses (she's pan), fictional characters (but like, THOSE fictional characters that EVERY delusional girl lusts after), and those huge jerks at school that she only likes because they look kind of conventionally attractive. she's unnecessarily flirty to everybody, turns everything into a pickup line in the most inappropriate of situations, has the dirtiest mind ever, and is constantly ranting about how hot these random book characters are. I love her--she's a distinct personality and an amazing and smart person, but being around her when she's in this state is frankly annoying. i dont like spending my time with someone whose logic can be so flawed. I'm fine with all the other stuff, usually, but the terrible timing of her jokes and crushes on people who have LITERALLY BULLIED ME...to say the least, it makes me uncomfortable.
she can be extremely insensitive at times. she doesn't mean to, she just can't read when something is sensitive. i suffer from mental health breakdowns/burnouts sometimes, and I just want a place in my group chat to rant, but she ALWAYS turns it into a joke.
Me: guys i'm just really tired of life and school and whatnot. scheduling and work is literally so hard and I'm SO DONE. i just want to die.
Her: lol same dude take me with you
an almost DIRECT QUOTE from a conversation we once had. i don't know if it's just her using humor as a coping mech and she has the same problems too--like maybe she's serious whenever she says "i want to die with you"--but I'd rather she just be upfront about it if thats the case. I know that's hard...but also, it makes it harder for me to express that i'm trying to be serious. that i actually need help. She can use humor as a way to cope, but does she really have to make it so it's harder for me to make help?
for the romance thing, it might just be because I'm demisexual that I don't understand the whole liking-someone-without-substance idea. it doesn't make sense in my eyes, but maybe that's just how allo people think? maybe people are actually just like that? from MY pov it looks lame, but obviously I could just have a really skewed perspective on romance-related matters, especially considering I spent most of my life believing I was straight and that everyone was just like me. we love ace panic! all jokes aside, though, i'd love for someone to please tell me if i'm the one seeing this weird or if everybody, or most allo people at least, have these kinds of nonsensical crushes and delusions.
sorry for the harsh words, by the way. as a disclaimer, I truly do love this friend. I think she's brilliant and smart, but some of these flaws just bother me when I'm around her. I have slight anger issues too, and I can't help but get annoyed by her often. I haven't had the heart or courage to tell her any of this, though I did tell one of my closer friends who has started to develop similar behaviors.
please feel free to give me advice, though its okay if you don't have anything. honestly this is mostly just a dump of things i'm too ashamed to put my group chat. :)
-ambrosia <3
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darkaviarymc · 5 months
i identify as aromantic asexual. i am EXTREMELY sex repulsed but romance favourable (i would ABSOLUTELY get in a relationship if i could catch feelings but the idea of sex makes me want to vomit). and honestly i do not see how allos cope with having romantic and sexual feelings. yall just live like that??
I'm also romance favorable (The more I think about it, the more I think I may be grayromantic as well as aegosexual) and there are times where I am sex repulsed (in regards to myself) but most of the time I'm neutral, sometimes even favorable and able to give willing consent (which is different from enthusiastic consent, but still a valid form of consent!) So I can definitely relate to the feeling of being confused by the types of allos who always seem to be dtf. Like, would you not rather be playing BG3? There's sex in there, and you don't even have to strain your back!
Your flag is bomb, BTW!
Tumblr media
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icharchivist · 8 months
There's something about Lucilius being ace that is kinda tragic, because even if we believe that Belial isn't as horny as he acts, he still is decidedly not ace. But you know that for Lucilius he'd try to suppress his urges, though I can't say just how successful he would be, but he ultimately just wants to be loved.
Unfortunately, Lucilius isn't interested in any of that with Belial at all. Not the carnal stuff nor just cuddling together. Both is equally disgusting to him.
So rip Belial. Ready to sacrifice it all, but he just can't win.
tragic in the sense that Belial is basically set up to never be able to have his chance there yeah
(as someone who's also ace i feel like i need to clarify it since there's nothing wrong with being ace DLKFJDLFJKD)
like ace folks can still have a libido and desire so it's a little more complex than that but i do think Lucilius just. doesn't care. I don't even think he's repulsed by the idea, but i just think he doesn't care at all and it just makes him jaded to Belial's behavior.
Belial is def allo, and yeah, he would suppress his desires if he believed it would get him anywhere, but it doesn't. And i do think that the horny is to this level because he's so starved for basic affection (emotional and physical) but isn't getting it that he ends up seeking any type of "carnal release" (to quote Parade's Lust) With that reading it's actually possible that Belial would have been at peace had he had his needs met early on before he started to develop this coping mechanism. But now well, he's even further from what could actually fit Lucilius's needs.
rip to him😔
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daz4i · 3 years
bro being in love is wack i think i listened to lay all your love on me by abba like 10 times in the last 3 days alone
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knifehecker · 4 years
The funny thing is that when i was on hrt the boy sauce actually made me not ace anymore? Now that ive been off t for a bit im back to normal but thats gonna be the biggest downside for me when i start injections again :/
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how does one deal with the feeling of missing someone? specially when you're selective about how you feel about touch and aroace and your relationship started as touch and comfort based and then developed and then distance seperates you and it's actually unavoidable? how does one make it work then? when communication and the time you can give each other gets limited because of other things? when it's not like a standard allo relationship, when the normal doesn't fit you, how does one make it work?
Are you in a long distance situation, Anon? Those can definitely be hard and a lot of people have a lot of trouble with them, so you're not alone in that. It's also hard when one or both of you is busy to make enough time for each other. I think all you can do in situations like this is do your best to make time for each other when you can.
It may also not be a bad idea to try and find other ways to help fill in the gaps in the meantime. This doesn't mean you don't care about the person you're missing or you're trying to replace them, it just means you're trying to continue to take care of yourself. For example if you're touch starved (I don't know if you are, but just an example), looking up ways of dealing with touch starvation may help. And if you're not comfortable touching anyone else, there are ways of coping with touch starvation that doesn't involve touching other people.
But yeah, it's important to make sure that your own needs are being met somehow as well.
All the best, Anon! Good luck!
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gay-otlc · 2 years
Legacy Recap
Spoiler alert: It's gay
An unprecedented 234 pages before Sophie pulls out an eyelash! I'm genuinely so proud the trich is improving folks
Sophie is not good at prioritizing
Keefe's mental health is improving too! He's shown signs of suicide ideation but he does want to keep looking very proud of him as well <3
Dex and Keefe deserve to interact more often because their relationship is fantastic, I'll die on this hill
Actually, Ro should stop making people uncomfortable for the fun of it please and thank you.
Sophie being bad at prioritizing, part two electric boogaloo
Fellas, is it queer of gender to complain about dresses for an entire page?
As usual, Biana's introduction is extremely sapphic.
We stan Wylie bitching at the council.
Tiergan confirmed what we already knew; being in the black swan is inherently queer.
Also, the council now knows Tiergan is Granite, for reasons related to being pissed about Prentice and/or losing at Uno.
Linh and Wylie are siblings pass it on.
We stan Tiergan bitching at the council.
Sophie, validating their friend's genders, doesn't want to call them lords and ladies.
Biana, validating Sophie's gender, doesn't want to call them lady.
"Master Sophie" is considered, which is a masculine honorific did Shannon realize she had Biana suggest a masc title for Sophie and no one thought anything of it?
Stina grabs Sophie's wrist. And calls her Foster, which is a sign of affection as we learn from Keefe.
Bronte is aromantic.
Sophie is (a) not ready for a relationship, (b) in love with Biana, and (c) nonbinary. This can be deduced by their reaction when Fitz says girlfriend.
Someone give Keefe a hug.
Aro Wylie supremacy. He's so tired of the allo drama.
Bronte should have been Sophie's father solely because I would love to see the Wylie/Forkle/Bronte confrontation.
Not only do Linh and Marella train together a lot, they train together a lot. Italics are a direct quote. Were they necessary? Seems kinda gay.
Forkle and Bronte made out. Forkle then studied his saliva for the inflictor DNA. How romantic.
Cassius should get punched. Repeatedly. I volunteer.
Marella is so fondly exasperated with Linh and her Princess Purryfins antics.
Lesbian coded Linh? I cannot think of another purpose for that line-
Your favorite Solreef angst bitch is back to remind you that Linh moved back in with Quan and Mai and I want to know how it went when she told her family aboout this decision. For science.
(From what I've gathered, Tiergan is ignoring problems by focusing on work and no one is talking to one another)
Although Bronte's not Sophie's biological father, his reaction makes me think he knows who it is, which means it's probably Fintan.
Forkle straight puns? Forkle straight puns.
Fitz should have heard about Wylie exploding a chandelier, just because I think it would be funny to explore Fitz's complicated relationship to chandeliers.
Livvy understands why Sophie finds Vackers hot.
Fellas, is it gay to call your friend your "Best Dude" and make a ship name for the two of you? Asking on Keefe's behalf.
Livvy yeeting Forkle out of the way 🧡
Hey, Keefitz shippers- don’t think about Fitz hiring Keefe to paint a romantic picture of him and Sophie :D
Grady's ability needs to be explored more istg there's so much potential!!!
Forkle and Dex both ship Sokeefitz.
Sophie jumping off a cliff to avoid getting grounded. Iconic.
Time zones in the lost cities are addressed, and are then promptly forgotten.
Fitz and Keefe (and Sophie) being terrified they'll turn into their evil relatives supremacy
Sandor wants to fight Forkle. Deserved.
Everyone in the Neverseen is queer, explicitly confirmed.
Sophie doesn't know about coping mechanisms. Get Sophie therapy.
Alvar has the "little miss perfect" gene, just like every other Vacker ever.
Gisela probably has another ability; could be beguiler, technopath, mesmer, pyrokinetic, ???
Oralie mom reveal!
I think Prentice and his family deserve to yell at Oralie just a bit. As a treat.
Other than being mlw, Sophitz is very little miss perfect-ish.
Sophie's way of coping with her breakup is my way of coping with life (avoiding eye contact! hiding!)
I want to know what Tiergan would do if one of the councillors was hurt or killed because he didn't get to finish but I have a feeling the end of that sentence would be hilarious.
Elwin 🧡🧡🧡
Elwin used they/them pronouns for Sophie we stan supportive queer elder Elwin in this household.
Shannon foreshadowed an Empath having their sanity shattered- Keefe is the most likely option but Oralie or Stina could be interesting.
Okay you know what. Solreef family happy ending Tam comes home we were robbed of this scene I need to see it for science
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artzychic27 · 3 years
Artist Family 1991 movie?
All is more sullen than usual for the Artists. It’s the third anniversary of Rose’s disappearance
Juleka: *Solemnly staring at Rose’s empty room* Think of it That. For years we’ve attempted to contact Rose in the Great Beyond. And for years… Nothing.
Ever since Rose’s disappearance, Juleka has been looking through her spell books for other ways to contact her, but just can seem to find anything
For Marinette, she tries to cope the only way she knows how… Through torture.
Alix: *Tied up: Screaming through her binds*
Marinette: *Aiming an arrow at Alix* Don’t be a baby. I know what I’m doing.
Marc is more unhappy than usual… And it gets Nathaniel in the mood.
Nathaniel: *Watching Marc sleep* Look at him. I would die for him. I would kill for him… Either way, what bliss. *Marc wakes up* Unhappy, darling?
Marc: Oh, yes. Yes, completely. Nathan... The sun. Me atraviesa como un puñal.
Nathaniel: Oh, monochrome. That's Spanish.
Marc: Si.
Nathaniel: *Grabs a bucket of black paint and splatters it all over the window*
Marc: Mi amor... Last night, you were unhinged. You were like some desperate howling demon. You frightened me… Do it again.
Also, their neighbor, a well-respected judge, hates them because Marinette can’t keep her flaming arrows on the Artists’ property. Why does this matter? You’ll soon see.
Nathaniel: *Playing chess with Juleka while Marc snips the buds off of roses* It’s a milestone, Marc. It’ll be our third séance. All those years, gnawed by guilt, undone by woe, burning with uncertainty.
Marc: Nathaniel, don’t torture yourself… That’s my job around here. But, imagine if Rose did return. Half alive, barley human, a rotting shell.
Juleka: *Sighs* That’d be a sight.
Unbeknownst to everyone (Except Félix), Juleka has a crush on Rose.
Later, the Artists’ lawyer, Cecil and his wife Bridgette arrive to ask for a loan. (Wow. Asking for a loan from teenagers? Yeesh.) Why? Because they owe a loan shark.
Bridgette: Why did I marry you?
Cecil: Because I said yes!
While Cecil tries to work out a deal with Nathaniel, Bridgette collects expensive looking items for a charity auction from Juleka, Marc, and Félix
Marc: *As Félix pulls body bags out of a closet* Uncle Niknak's winter wardrobe. Uncle Niknak's summer wardrobe… Uncle Niknak.
Nathaniel: ‘The Rose Artist Off-Shore Retirement Fund’?… A tribute to thee. Some called her inhumanly evil.
Cecil: No!
Nathaniel: Only her parents before she fled her home.
And they make a deal… But…
Nathaniel: It’s going to have to wait, you know the rules better than that. Old business is old business and new business is new business. And this is new business and we do not discuss new business until… The next quarter.
After an unsuccessful attempt at stabbing Nathaniel with one of the many swords in the house, Cecil gives up until Nathaniel mentions going to get money for the monthly expenses from the vault
Meanwhile, Marc shows Bridgette a golden finger trap from the court of Emperor Wu
Bridgette: *Trying to not pocket it and run off* Oh, Marc, this is too extravagant, even for the auction.
Juleka: Let’s keep it.
Marc: Juleka, it’s for charity. *Bridgette gets her fingers trapped* Widows and orphans. We need more of them… Bridgette, about the séance tonight, why don’t you come? It's Nathaniel I'm terribly worried about. He won't eat, he can't sleep, he keeps coughing up blood.
Bridgette: He coughs up blood?
Marc: Well, not like he used to...
Cecil returns to his office with a suitcase full of doubloons from the Artists’ account, no knowledge of how to get the vault open, and in his office is Ms. Craven, a loan shark and her familiar-looking daughter, Willow
After some intimidation from Willow, Cecil gets an idea of how to repay Ms. Craven the money he owes her when he sees how similar she looks to Rose
There’s thunder and lightning on the night of the séance. Perfect weather
Marc: Marinette, Alix, put down that antenna, and come inside.
With their plan in place, Cecil and Bridgette arrive
Bridgette: *Shows Marinette the finger trap still on her fingers* Could you help me? *Marinette removes it with ease*
Marinette: Push, do not pull.
Marc: *With everyone seated around the table for the séance* Harken all souls. Every year on this date, we offer a clarion call to Rose Artist… Alix, drop the cleaver.
Marinette: *Sees Alix aiming the cleaver at her* Stop it.
Marc: From generation to generation, our beacon to the beyond. All close eyes and join hands.
After a practical joke on Bridgette involving That, the séance continues.
Marinette: Let us ransom you from the power of the grave. Tonight, oh Death, let us be your plague.
Juleka: Rose Artist, ceoli couris, ferimani bo… She’s near. *Félix plays a dramatic sting on his organ* Rose! Gather your strength! And knock three times! *One knock… Two… Three*
Nathaniel: She’s at the door!
That quickly goes to unlock the front door. And there, much to the Artists’ disbelief and joy is Rose… Or so they think. And there with her is Ms. Craven, posing as a psychiatrist named Dr. Schloss
Ms. Craven makes up some story about how “Rose” was found in Miami, tangled up in a tuna net. There were psychological tests, and a bunch of crap.
Nathaniel: And now she’s back.
Rose: At least for a week. I’ve got things to do back at the Bermuda Triangle.
Marc: *Sighs* Oh, the Bermuda Triangle./ Nathaniel: The Devil’s Island./ Marc: The Black Hole of Calcutta
Nathaniel: Pardon me for a moment. *Kisses up and down Marc’s arm* Our fifth date.
Marinette: No one escapes the Bermuda Triangle. Not even for a vacation. Everyone knows that.
Any attempts Willow tries at getting a good night’s sleep, it doesn’t work because The floors are constantly creaking, Marinette and Alix keep staring at her from down the hall, and That keep sneaking up on her which causes her to scream.
Nathaniel: … My dear friend. I’ve got goosebumps./ Marc: I know./ Nathaniel: Screams in the night. It can only mean one thing./ Marc: She’s home.
The next morning, Marinette and Alix suspect something is up with “Rose”. Meanwhile, Nathaniel takes “Rose” to the vault
Alix: *As Marinette warms up the electric chair* Do you think that’s really Rose?
Marinette: Nathaniel and Juleka seem to think so. But I think Marc isn’t sure. Now let’s a play a game. Sit in the chair.
Alix: What game?
Marinette: ‘Want to meet God?’
And Nathaniel does take Rose down to the vault, via gondola in the catacombs of the Artist home, only this vault leads to a secret room… That also leads to the money vault when a certain vial of poison is lifted
During that time, while they’re down there, Nathaniel reveals to “Rose” that his jealousy over her catching the attention of conjoined twins Ali and Eli drove her off
~Meanwhile~ Alix: So, if that’s not Rose, then who is she?
Marinette: An imposter. Now give the chair a few more seconds to warm up./ Alix: Why?/ Marinette: So it Can kill you./ Alix: I knew that.
~Later at the charity auction ~
Auctioneer: *Presenting the finger trap on Bridgette’s fingers again* This piece is encrusted with rubies and 15 emerald chips. It was donated by Marc and Nathaniel Artist. Remember, over half our proceeds will benefit the elderly and the mentally disabled. The bidding starts at $5000.
Nathaniel: Five, hah! Not good enough. $25,000!
Auctioneer: I have twenty.
Nathaniel: Twenty-five! *To Marc* Meyn Ziskeyt?
Auctioneer: Twenty five.
Marc: Thirty. *To Nathaniel* My howling demon.
Nathaniel: *voice cracks* Thirty-five!
Marc: Fifty!
Auctioneer: I have $50,000.
Marc: Your turn, my ecstasy.
Auctioneer: Fifty thousand going once, fifty thousand going twice. Sold to Marc Artists for fifty thousand dollars. *looks disgusted as Marc and Nathaniel obscenely make out*
They bought it back as a gift for “Rose”, but… She doesn’t know how to take it off! The Artists are now starting believe that she really is an imposter
Marc attempts to break “Rose” and get her to confess by taking her to the Artists’ cemetery where he reminds her of the credo
Marc: "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc." "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us." Not just pretty words… Rose. As an Artist, you understand completely.
“Rose”: … As an Artist, I do.
Seeing that everyone’s onto her, Willow calls Ms. Craven and has her pose as the psychiatrist to try and make the Artists none the wiser
Marc: Nathaniel, Juleka, why don’t you speak to Rose? She’s right outside the door.
Juleka: We would… If that were the real Rose.
Nathaniel: She’s an imposter! A charlatan! A sham! A counterfeit!
While wandering around the home, Rose sees Marinette and Alix sword fighting and practicing lines for something.
Ms. Craven successfully convinces the Artists that their reason for suspecting “Rose” is an imposter is due to displacement, and meanwhile, Rose helps Marinette and Alix out with their sword fighting scene for a play they’re in at school. A play she’s not allowed to attend but goes to anyway
Just a few minutes before the play, Mme. Bustier, asks Marc a question about Marinette.
Mme. Bustier: Now, the students did projects on their heroes. Alya Cesaire chose Lois Lane.
Marc: Have you spoken to her parents?
Mme. Bustier: And Marinette did her project on someone named Calpurnia Dupain.
Marc: Oh, her great aunt on her father’s side. She was burned as a witch in 1706. They say she danced naked in town square and enslaved a minister. *Unaware of Mme. Bustier’s horror.* Don’t worry, we told her university first.
And after so many horrible performances, comes the best one yet… Where Marinette and Alix splatter fake blood all over the audience.
Nino: … I suggested a evening in the park, but no. You wanted to see the performances.
Alya: *Spits out fake blood* Shut up.
Furious that her plans to get into the vault have failed since “Rose” decided to go to the play, Ms. Craven insists that “Rose” must leave again… But not before the Artists mark the occasion with a going away party where the entire Artist clan is invited.
Marc: *To Marinette who is dancing with Luka* Marinette, would you go check on Rose upstairs, please?
Marinette leaves (Not before kissing Luka) and overhears Willow and Ms. Craven going over their plan to break into the vault. She quickly runs to go get help.
Meanwhile, Cecil figures out a way to get rid of the Artists for good. And here’s where the judge comes in- He gets a restraining order agasint them so they can’t set foot on their property
After the party, the Artist family tries to find Marinette when they realize that she’s gone missing. But when they return with her, they find that they can’t get inside their own home. And when they attempt to appeal to the judge, he sends them away out of spite.
The Artists are now living in a motel. Nathaniel is in a state of depression knowing they’ve been betrayed, and Marc is just trying to keep Juleka, Marinette, and Alix from going crazy… Er.
Also, he gets a job as a kindergarten teacher’s assistant. Let’s see how that turns out.
Marc: And so the witch lured Hansel and Gretel into the candy house by promising them more sweets. And she told them to look in the oven. But, before she herself could push the children inside, Hansel pushed her, that poor defenseless elderly witch into the oven instead and burned her to a crisp as she writhed in agony… Now children. How do you think that feels? *The children cry* … Exactly.
That gets a job as a courier, and Marinette, Juleka, and Alix sell poison macarons.
Not able to stand the sight of his family in such a state, Marc returns to the Artists home to confront “Rose” only to be captured by Ms. Craven and Cecil. And unknown to Marc, That followed him.
Craven, Cecil, and Willow torture Marc so he can tell them how to access the vault means of torture, but he’s a total masochist and is loving every second of it
That returns to the motel and- through Morse code- tells the Artists that Marc’s been captured
Nathaniel: Mar... Marc... Marc? Marc is what? Slow down, That! It's terrible when you stutter!
*That starts tapping in Morse Code with a pen*
Nathaniel: Marc... in... danger... stop. Send... help... at once... STOP! *He runs out. That collapses*
Nathaniel arrives just before they can try and kill Marc, and engages in a sword fight with Cecil, which he gains the upper hand on, then loses when Ms. Craven has Marc at gun point. She forces him to show Willow the vault or she shoots Marc if they’re not back in an hour
Before Nathaniel can pull out the book that activates the secret door on the shelf, Willow pulls out a different book- A spellbook that projects It’s contents into reality and creates a storm. A bolt of lightning strikes Willow and launches Cecil and Craven out the window and into graves dug by Marinette, Alix, and Juleka
Alix: Are they dead?
Marinette: Does it matter?
Months later on Halloween, it’s revealed that Willow has been Rose all this time, and the story about the tuna net and the Bermuda Triangle were true. She just suffered from amnesia
Bridgette: *To Marinette* Dear, where’s your costume.
Marinette: This is my costume. I’m a homicidal maniac; they look just like everyone else.
While the others play a good game of ‘Wake The Dead’ Marc and Nathaniel stay behind because Marc has something to tell him.
Nathaniel: Monochrome, what is it?
Marc: I finally received a letter from my mothers, and… *Shows him an ultrasound photo* They said if it’s anything like me, they want us to have it.
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