#how do you know ?? unless i explicitly state or draw comparisons ??
shdwtouch · 5 months
not me openly admitting that shade lowkey takes after me. this was not intentional, I swear. uwu; she kinda just... ended up with an extra dose of who I am as a person, whereas most of my original characters receive much less.
I realized this when considering that shade is most likely homo leaning. and I was like, haha she's just like me ! an enby ace lesbian... and then the similarities just kept getting drawn. idk maybe I'm just overly tired.
also like. not gonna apologize ? she really isn't a self-insert. but its also like... creators are allowed to put themselves into what they make ! and I'm proud of shade, I really am. so I won't be made ashamed for traits we might share.
#《 ° puffin.exe 》 im a puffin ! i dont do much#° mobile post !#° to be deleted !#tbh i dont know hoe people get off accusing people of making self inserts in the rpc like#how do you know ?? unless i explicitly state or draw comparisons ??#and why would i do that if my intent is to fool people ? like.#i understand that interacting with inserts can be uncomfortable. i do !#but unless you really know the person ? you arent in a place to say their characters are inserts#and tbh i feel like most of my discomfort comes from the prospect of being deceived#im okay with writing with inserts but im gonna draw boundaries#especially if youre writing them with the intent to live through them / fantasize.#while I think its valid its not something i am personally comfortable with. i dont consent to that as an rp partner.#but im also envisioning the worst possibility in which its someone getting off to how i interact with their oc#point being. to my mind. self inserts arent bad. they also arent easy to judge.#and even if i dont consent to interacting with an insert for the purpose of being wank material or emotional stimulus...#people could still use my content for wank or emotional stimulus by putting themselves in the shoes of whoever im writing with so#am i really one to judge? no. because again. i dont know.#and i honestly think anyone who can come out and say their oc is an insert or takes after them is#more trustworthy than someone who doesnt disclose it. idk just. there is no need for deception.#and if you do try to deceive me im gonna assume you have ill intent#whereas honesty is something that should be valued. especially in cases where the truth is so stigmatized.
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ailuronymy · 3 years
Thoughts on the new discourse? Warrior cats naming conventions and rank names being straight up stolen from native American people? So many people seem to be... Straight up leaving the Fandom or changing all of their fan content and it feels very performative and, people not actually thinking critically and just being scared of getting "cancelled"? I feel like your opinions on these matters are very informed and well written so I wanted to ask given that this blog main theme is, well, warrior cat naming system and that seems to be the main issue of the new discourse.
This is probably going to get long, since there's sort of a lot to say about it in order to talk about this whole thing fairly and constructively, because from what I’ve seen there’s a lot of hyperbole happening, and panicking, and disavowing this series and fandom, and so on, like you say, and also some people genuinely trying to have complex meaningful conversations about racism in xenofiction, and also probably some bad faith actors in the mix--as well as some just... stupid actors. Kind of inevitably what happens when two equally bad platforms for having nuanced discussions--i.e., twitter and tumblr--run headlong into each other, in a fandom space with a majority demographic of basically kids and highly anxious, pretty online teens. I don’t mean that as a criticism of fans or their desire to be liked by peers and “correct” about opinions, it’s just the social landscape of Warriors and I think it’s worth pointing out from the start.  
If I’m totally honest with you, if not for this ask, I wouldn’t actually be commenting on it at all, because none of this is going to impact this blog or change how I run it in any way. But since you’ve asked and frankly I do feel some responsibility to try to disentangle things a little for everyone stressed and confused at the moment, because I know a lot of people look to this blog for guidance of all sorts, I’m going to talk about what I think has happened here, and how to navigate the situation in a reasonable way. 
Quick recap for anyone blissfully unaware: from what I understand, this post (migrated over from a presumably bigger twitter thread) has got a lot of people very worried about Warriors being a racist and appropriative series, and now are trying to figure out what ethically to do about this revelation. The thing I found most interesting about this screenshotted conversation is that it makes a lot of bold claims, but misses some pretty surprising details (in my opinion). If you do look critically at what is being said, here’s a few things to notice--crucially, there are two people talking. 
Person 1 says that a lot of animal fantasy fiction + xenofiction (fiction about non-human/”other” beings, such as animals) is frequently built upon stereotypes of First Nations and Indigenous people, and/or appropriates elements of Indigenous culture and tradition as basically set dressing for “strange” and “alien” races/species etc., and this is a racist, deeply othering, and inappropriate practice. This person is right. 
I’ve spent years researching in this field specifically, so I feel pretty confident in vouching (for whatever that’s worth) that this person is absolutely right in making this point. Not only is it frequently in animal fiction/xenofiction, but it’s insidious, which means often it’s hard to notice when it’s happening--unless you know what you’re looking for, or you are personally familiar with the details or tropes that are being appropriated. Because of the nature of racism, white and other non-First Nations people don’t always recognise this trend within texts--even texts they’re creating--but it’s important for us all, and especially white people, to be more aware, because it’s not actually First Nations’ people’s responsibility to be the sole critics of this tradition of theft and misuse. Appropriation by non-Indigenous people is in fact the problem, which means non-Indigenous people learning and changing is the solution. 
Person 1 offers Warriors as a popular example of a work that has this problem. Notably, this person hasn’t given an example of how Warriors is culpable (at least in this screenshot and I haven’t found the thread itself, because the screenshot is what’s causing this conversation), only that it’s an example of a work that has these problems. And once again, this person is correct. We’ll look at that more in a moment.
Person 2 (three tweets below the first) offers, by comparison, several more specious insights. Firstly, it’s really, really not the only time anyone’s ever talked about this, academically + creatively or in the Warriors fandom specifically, and so that reveals somewhat this person’s previous engagement in the space they’re talking into re: this topic. In other words, this person doesn’t know what has already been said or what is being talked about. Secondly, this person explicitly states that they “[don’t know] much about warrior cats specifically but from what I see it just screams appropriation,” which as a statement I think says something crucial re: the critical lens this person has applied + the amount of forethought and depth of analysis of their criticism of this particular series. 
I’m not saying that using twitter to talk about your personal feelings requires you to research everything you talk about before you shoot your mouth off. However, I personally don’t go into a conversation about a topic I don’t know anything about except a cursory glance to offer bold and scathing criticisms based on what it “just screams” to me. By their own admission, this person isn’t really offering good faith, thoughtful criticism of the series, in line with Person 1′s tweet. Instead, Person 2 is talking pretty condescendingly and emphatically about--as the kids say--the vibes they get from the series, and I’m afraid that just doesn’t hold up well in this court. 
So now that there’s Person 1 (i.e., very reasonable, important, interesting criticism) and Person 2 (i.e., impassioned but completely vibes-based opinion from someone who hasn’t read the books) separated, we can see there’s actually several things happening in this brief snapshot, and some of them aren’t super congruent with each other. 
Person 1 didn’t say “don’t read bad books,” or that you’re a bad person for being a fan of stories that are guilty of this. They suggested people should recognise the ways xenofiction uses Indigenous people and their culture inappropriately and often for profit. My understanding of this tweet is someone offering an insight that might not have occurred to many people, but that is valuable and important to consider going forward in how they view, engage with, and create xenofiction media.
Person 2 uses high modality, evocative language that appeals to the emotions. That’s not a criticism of this person: they’re allowed to talk in whatever tone they want, and to express their personal feelings and opinions. However, rhetorically, this person is using this specific language--consciously or subconsciously--to incense their audience--i.e., you. Are you feeling called to action? What action do you feel called to when you rea their words, despite the fact their claims are not based in their own actual analysis of or engagement with the text? It’s, by their own admission, not analysis at all. Everything they evoke is purely in the name of “not good” vibes. 
Earlier I mentioned that Person 1 is correct that Warriors is absolutely guilty of appropriation of First Nations and Indigenous people and culture. I also mentioned that they didn’t specify how. That’s because I think the most egregious example is in fact the tribe, which in many ways plays into the exact kind of stereotyping and appropriation of First Nations Americans that Person 1 mentions, and not the clans, contrary to Person 2′s suggestion. For instance, in addition to the very loaded name of “tribe”, there’s a lot of racist tropes present in how that group of cats is introduced and how the clan cats interact with them, as well as the more North American-inspired scenery of their home. It’s very blatant as far as racism in this series. 
When it comes to the clans themselves, though, I think it’s muddier and harder to draw clear distinctions of what is directly appropriative, what is coincidentally and superficially reminiscent, and what is not related at all. Part of this difficulty in drawing hard lines comes from the fact that, on a personal level, it actually doesn’t matter: if a First Nations person reads a story and feel it is appropriative or inappropriate, it’s not actually anyone’s place to “correct” them on their reading of the text. Our experiences are unique and informed by our perspectives and values, and no group of people are a monolith, which means within community, there will always be disagreement and differenting points of view. There is no one single truth or opinion, which means that First Nations people even in the same family might have very different feelings about the same text and very different perspectives on how respectful, or not, it might be. 
I’m saying this because something that gets said very often when conversations of racism and similar oppressive systems present/perpetuated in texts comes up, people frequently say: “listen to x voices.” It is excellent advice. However, the less pithy but equally valuable follow-up advice is: “listen to the voices of many people of x group, gather information and perspective, and then ultimately use your own judgement to make an informed opinion for yourself.” It means that you are responsible for you. The insight you can gain by listening to people who know topics and experiences far better than you do is truly invaluable, but if your approach to the world is simply to parrot the first voice, or loudest voice, or angriest voice you come across, you will not really learn anything or be able to develop your own understanding and you certainly won’t be making well-informed judgements. 
In other words, one incomplete tweet thread from two people who are each bringing quite different topics and modes of conversation (or perhaps gripes, in Person 2′s case) to the table is not really enough to go off re: making a decision to leave a fandom, in my opinion. In fact, I think in responding to anything difficult, complex, or problematic (which doesn’t mean what popular adage bandies it about to mean) by trying to distance yourself, or cleanse of it, will ultimately harm you and will not do you any good as a person. It is better, in my opinion, to enter into complex relationships with the world and media and other people in an informed, aware way and with a willingness to learn and sometimes to make mistakes and be wrong, rather than shy away from potential conflict or fear that interacting with a text will somehow taint you or define your morality in absolutes. 
So. Does Warriors have racist and appropriative elements, tropes, and issues in the series? Yes, of course it does, it’s a book-packaged series produced by corporation HarperCollins and written by a handful of white British women and their myriad ghostwriters. Racism is just one part of the picture. The books are frequently also ableist, sexist, and homophobic (or heteronormative, depending how you want to slice it, I guess), just to name some of the most evident problems. 
But does the presence of these issues mean it’s contaminated and shouldn’t be touched? Personally, I don’t think so. Given the nature of existing the world, it’s not possible to find perfect media that is free of any kind of bias, prejudice, or even just ideas or topics or concepts that are challenging or uncomfortable. I think it’s more meaningful to choose to engage with these elements, discuss them, criticise them, learn from them, and acknowledge also that imperfection is the ultimate destiny of all of us, especially creators.
I’m not saying that as a pass, like, “oh enjoy your media willy-nilly, nothing matters, do what you want, think about no-one else ever because we’re all flawed beings,” but rather that it’s important not to look away from the problems in the things we enjoy, rather than cut off all contact and enjoyment when we realise the problems. That doesn’t mean you have to only criticise and always be talking about how bad a thing you like is either, publicly admonishing yourself or the text, because that’s also not a constructive way to engage with media. 
As I said, there’s a lot to say here, and believe it or not, this is honestly the shortest version I could manage. There’s always more to say and plenty I haven’t talked about, but pretty much tl;dr: 
I don’t find Person 2′s commentary particularly compelling, personally, because I think it’s a little broad and a little specious in its conclusions and evidence, and I also suspect that this person is speaking more from their feelings than from a genuine desire to educate or meaningfully criticise, unlike Person 1. That’s not to say Warriors isn’t frequently racist and guilty of the issues Person 1 is discussing, because it is, but I don’t think this tweet thread is a great source of insight into the ongoing history of this problem in xenofiction, or Warriors specifically, on its own. I would recommend exploring further afield to learn more from a variety of sources and form your own opinions. I hope this helps. 
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babyflossy · 4 years
is this real?
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pairing; taeyong x female!reader (my future works are gonna be gender neutral unless explicitly stated otherwise)
word count; 1.7k
summary/requested; taeyong wants a calm birthday but you have important news to tell him. I deleted the request for this and I'm pretty sure they wanted smut but I just want this out of my drafts so I'm really sorry! also this was supposed to be a birthday request rip,,, also another instalment of flossy can’t think of titles
genre/warnings; cringey (I'm so sorry), pregnancy (?), fluff
the day had been simple. taeyong had requested you to keep his celebrations to a minimum this year; a true day for him to relax and not have to worry about anything. it had started just as he had wanted, you had made breakfast in bed for him, waking him up with feathery kisses to his cheeks. regardless of his wishes for you to not get him anything, you couldn’t resist getting a few token gifts you knew he would like.
at first, your plan had been to surprise him in the morning, soon after he had woken up. the little wrapped box had never been far from your reach the whole day, even as you found yourself getting ready for the dinner his members had insisted on. every chance you had to give it to him you lost; shaky hands and sweaty palms not allowing you to simply hand over the box wrapped so neatly, a little silver ribbon tied around it.
as you brushed on your blush, convince yourself you would give it to him before you left the house, at least. that didn’t happen, of course, as when you went to get it the only thing you could think of was taeyong’s disappointed face when he opened it. what if he didn’t want it? what if he wasn’t ready.
sure, you had both agreed you wanted kids, but was now the right time? a few months ago he had suggested you to stop taking the pill and just see what happened, but when his company suggested a solo album you had gone back on it. what he didn’t know, and what he was soon to find out, was that in those few weeks of being off the pill you had gotten pregnant.
it had been hell, as expected, keeping it from him. you wanted nothing more than to tell him the moment you found out, but deciding it was only a few weeks until his birthday you managed to hold off telling him. as the weeks dragged on your anxiety only grew until you weren’t even sure if you were ready, let alone him.
a hand rubbing along the bare expanse of your shoulders shakes you from your thoughts and you meet taeyong’s eyes in the mirror, offering him a smile. a frown settles on his face as he toys with the thin strap of the silk dress you’re wearing. the material is tight on your body and it glitters under the artificial light in your bedroom. you think about how you won’t be able to wear dresses like this for a while and sigh.
“you okay?” he mumbles, hands letting your straps go to pull your hair behind your back, leaning down to trail kisses along your shoulder. the action is so caring, so soft and familiar you can feel the familiar tingle of emotion in your eyes.
the brush drops onto the table with a clatter and you stand, turning around to face him. there’s concern still brimming his eyes and you looking away for a moment to calm yourself.
“of course i am, baby,” the suit he’s wearing fits him perfectly and you let your eyes linger down his body before you meet his gaze again, hands rubbing the smooth fabric between your fingers. “you look amazing, as always.”
“not even half as amazing as you, princess,” his hands grip your waist and you feel a sickening twist of your stomach as you look up at him. this was so perfect, you and him, did you really want to change that dynamic? you had heard stories of couples falling out of love after having children and you weren’t sure you wanted to risk it anymore.
“i love you,” with your words, you let your face drop into his chest, closing your eyes as you listen to his heartbeat. you hear him sigh above you and you can tell he sees right through your mask but you’re grateful when he doesn’t push it further. a reply is whispered into your hair before a ringtone breaks you out of your embrace.
“it’s johnny, we should go.”
there’s a chandelier hanging over your head and the crystals glimmer onto the tablecloth in front of you. the soft glittering is calming and a stark contrast to how you feel inside. the look taeyong had shot you when you denied the expensive champagne from the waiter did nothing to soothe your nerves and as you sip your lemon water you question if this is really a good idea.
around you the conversations move too quickly for you to keep up with and you’re close to grateful when johnny turns to you. this is the first time you’ve seen him since you had spilled your biggest secret a few weeks ago, needing to tell someone about the positive pregnancy test. when you were plannnig the day, johnny had made you promsie to tell taeyong before the dinner, but as soon as you had met eyes in the enterance he knew you hadn’t.
it was your first oppurtunity to talk to him and you both keep smiles on your faces so the others around you won’t suspect anything. “why haven’t you told him?”
“i got scared,” you take a sip of water in between your words, “every time i tried to give it to him i– i just couldn’t.”
“you’re a fucking idiot. you know he’ll notice eventually, right? that’s how pregnancy works, dumbass.” johnny teases, the polite grin covering his face is almost comical in comparison to his words. you laugh mockingly and nudge his arm too hard for it to be accidental.
“make fun of me one more time, and i’ll kick you in the shins.”
soon enough, johnny is pulled into a different conversation and you focus on eating your food and calming your heart rate. you vowed silently to yourself that no matter what happens, you’ll tell him before tomorrow morning.
in your daze, the dinner passes quickly and before you know it everyone around you is standing, pulling their coats and suit jackets over their shoulders. taeyong pulls your chair out for you and links his hand in yours as he bids farewell to group. as you’re leaving, you catch johnny’s eyes one last time and scowl at the way he raises his eyebrows expectantly, a sarcastic smirk painting his features.
the car ride home is silent, suffocating. taeyong sits in the passenger seat and watches you frown at the road in front of you, deciding to question you when you're not behind the wheel. the walk into your apartment is silent as well, the same confused expression consuming you as you make your way straight to your bedroom to rid your feet of the heels trapping them.
when you sigh for the umpteenth time in front of your dressing table mirror taeyong realises he's had enough. "what's wrong with you?" the words are firm but hold no malice. in the reflection you watch him run a hand through his hair, his eyes focused straight on you. it’s now or never, you think and reluctantly reach for the draw next to you, retrieving the little box with shaking hands.
when you place it in his lap, the face that looks up at you is nothing but confused. "you got me another present? i told you to keep this–"
"just open it," a nod in the direction of the box accompanies your words and your heartbeat leaps to your throat as you watch him untie the ribbon. fleetingly, you think about ripping it back out of his hands and hiding it again but by now, you want nothing more than to get this over with.
time seems to freeze as he picks up the little white stick out of the clouds of tissue paper. his fingers turn it around a few times before bringing it closer to his eyes. you're not sure why, the two pink lines are visible even from where you're standing. for a heart-stopping moment you think he's going to throw it away, but in an instant he's standing. his arms wrap around you tighter than you think they ever have and relief floods you like a dam breaking.
"is this real?" the whisper is soft and child-like in innocence, taeyong's wide eyes staring at you tenderly. the lump in your throat doesn't allow any words out and you can only nod in reply. the next embrace is longer, and sweeter. he hooks his hand under your head and cradle you to his chest, dropping his face to kiss the top of your head. being held like this does nothing to curb your emotions and the tears start falling before you can stop them. "we're gonna be parents?"
you nod and his lips are on yours in an instant, hands falling back to your waist to pull you into him. the kiss is tender and warm and it shows every emotion you’ve been trying to hide from him for so long. “you’re happy, right?” he asks when you haven’t said anything.
“i'm happy– don’t get me wrong, but i'm so scared, taeyong." the words make him frown down at you, the tears in his eyes making him appear so vulnerable. "what if we're bad parents–"
"hey, hey, hey," he whispers against your forehead, fingers rubbing soothing circles into your waist, "we can't think like that, i'm sure we'll be fine." there's nothing you can do except nod into his chest, exhausted after finally letting out your secret. "how long have you known?"
"a few weeks," you can't help but let out a teary laugh at the shock on his face when you pull away. "i wanted to tell you straight away, believe me i did, but i thought it would be a good surprise."
"that's impressive, i have to admit. i can't wait to tell everyone!"
"about that," you pause, knowing he probably won't like the fact johnny found out about your pregnancy before he did. "johnny already knows."
"you told johnny?" there's disbelief in his voice but you can tell he's not angry. "before me?"
"i'm sorry!" you laugh out, the pout on his face being anything except for funny to you now. "i needed to tell someone!"
"their first word better be daddy to make up for this."
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wangxiandecoded · 4 years
Episode 4 (& Wangxian Meta)
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(Spoilers for the whole show ahead!)
Cultivation Partner
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Episode 4 opens with shots of the Lan clan’s rule books that drowned Wei Ying the night before. As explained in this amazing observation by a fan, the only rule that is visible in the shot is the one which states a Lan clan member should not take off their forehead ribbon unless in front of their parents or cultivation partner, despite the show using the word “wife”. This is a strikingly gender neutral change for a show that is going above and beyond to establish that the heroes are in love without being allowed to do so explicitly.
Wei Ying is Whipped, Lan Zhan is An Ice Prince
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Wei Ying is like a puppy in constant need of love and affection from Lan Zhan, isn't he? It is so important to him that Lan Zhan forgive him, befriend him, laugh with him, spend time with him. Oh Lan Zhan, if only you would look past who you are supposed To Be and admit how cute he is.
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There are only two people who can make Wei Ying wear this "guilty 5-year-old who stole the candy he wasn't supposed to touch" expression, and that's Lan Zhan and his Shijie.
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Wei Ying earned my respect with the number of times he tried to get the attention of his crush in the initial episodes. A true inspiration! 
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Look how excited he is to see Lan Zhan! And look how gorgeously framed they are to once again remind us they are soulmates in life and the battlefield. 
Lan Qiren and Wei Ying’s Disagreement Is The First Seed of his Downfall
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Wei Ying angers Lan Qiren in this scene by suggesting they harness resentful energy the same way they use spiritual energy to his hypothetical question, when such a thing is unheard of, unnatural and contemptible in the cultivation world. He gets kicked out of the lecture for his answer, foreshadowing his fall from grace.
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The interactions between Wei Ying and Lan Qiren are always strained, and understandably so. He is no stranger to the grim consequences of demonic cultivation after having raised two kids who were caught in its crossfire. Lan Qiren follows the traditions he values above all else down to a T. Wei Ying's method, be it now or when he actually starts practising demonic cultivation, is something that strikes him as being almost perverse. But are him and the other cultivators right in classifying Wei Ying as corrupt for going down that road? Wei Ying simply considered a logical but forbidden path people have not dared to think about. His ideas are out of the box and definitely not the orthodox thing to do but should he be labelled a villain for it? The cultivation world and Wei Ying just have two vastly different approaches to the same problem. The line of thought separating a genius and megalomaniac is pretty thin after all, and Wei Ying's heart has never been guided by anything but pure intentions and an unwillingness to sit back in the face of injustice.
But Lan Qiren's generation and all of the cultivation world would not understand that. And what they do not understand, they fear. The order of their world is sustained only by the stratification of black and white. This is indisputable and there is no other variable to it. Heck, it even takes Lan Zhan a long time to accept it is Wei Ying who is right and the rest of the world that is wrong.
Lan Qiren represents the ancient "natural" order of the world and Wei Ying's disrespect for what reveals itself to be a suffocating system leads to the new, better, inclusive order with revised perceptions of right and wrong that Wangxian end up creating. Even if this new world comes with a great cost. The story leaves us with the questions, who is right and who is wrong, after all? Who are we to dictate that and set them in stone? 
(On a less serious note, I don't know if it's because I've seen this trope in many Asian dramas, but I found it funny how Lan Qiren is questioning Wei Ying simply for the purpose of belittling him by finding a blind spot in his intelligence. Even though Wei Ying is easily the smartest guy in the room, whose heart of gold and morally grey choices paint him as a villain. It gave me "mother-in-law who despises the woman who's going to marry into their family" vibes. Lol!)
Is The Untamed A Tale of Righteousness Or A Queer Romance? Both, Always Both 
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Somewhere in this war that will happen between Wei Ying and the rest of the cultivation world, between what can be considered right and wrong, honor and disgrace, the natural and unnatural ways of life (which are all codified into an absolute, immovable binary), there is a metaphor for being different in a world that is hell bent on excluding you for being thus. And you know what Wei Ying’s whole journey reminds me of? Of our heroes being queer. If you haven’t thought about it, the parallels do exist in the story, becoming obvious when Lan Qiren punishes Lan Zhan for questioning the fallacy in the same rules that made him lose his lover, and culminating with Lan Zhan irrevocably taking Wei Ying’s side in episode 42. He chooses to be on the “wrong” side with Wei Ying, orthodoxy be damned. (I’d hate to be Lan Zhan's uncle who is implied to be homophobic and ends up having a son-in-law.)
It might be early in the story to bring this up but The Untamed is at its crux, a story about two different guys who come together for the same cause and fall in love on the path of justice, while struggling to safeguard the definition of morality they know in their hearts to be true. Their soulmateship is woven inextricably with living with a clean conscience and doing the right thing even when the world tells them they are grossly incorrect. (Eat that, Romeo’s and Juliet’s! What life-or-death challenges did straight romance ever face?) That’s how Wangxian’s upright lifestyle (which only they know to be just and others frown down upon) doubles as a metaphor for their relationship. Some people support it, some don’t, some even deplore and oppose them for it because they think they are committing a crime. Doesn’t change the fact that we, the audience, can see that they are right (and that they’re in love). In fact, it is precisely because they chose the single log bridge together (because they fell in love) that led to balance being restored in their morally corrupt world.
It’s the many little things like this about our two heroes that make the world of The Untamed undergo a transformation for the better. We don’t talk enough about the fact that Wangxian together overthrow ancient, draconian laws that decreed what is black and white, by swearing an oath to protect the powerless together but also by swearing an unspoken vow to be together forever. And one can hope, especially if you’re a queer person who fell in love with this story, that the world and most of Asia will see the light about the LGBTQ+ people one day, like the other characters realized Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were not criminals but the best of human beings who simply lived life the only way they knew as being honest with themselves and true to their hearts. They need not spend their lives on the lonely bridge of darkness, and deserve a wider path of acceptance built by and shared with the rest of the world, one that shines under the broad daylight, because they have always, always been in the right. Like Lan Zhan and Wei Ying have been. It’s that everyone else is slow to catch up with them. 
It Is Doubly Hard For Lan Zhan To Do The Right Thing 
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Lan Zhan in this scene recites the rules he has learnt verbatim and his uncle beams. It is clear he takes pride in Wangji being his prized student and the perfect example of who a duty-bound clan member should be. The person Lan Zhan used to be makes it that much harder for him to rebel against his own uncle later. I cannot imagine the courage it took him to unlearn the principles he had centered his life around after they turned regressive, and acknowledge that they did more harm than good by viewing an expanding universe through an achingly narrow vision. 
Wei Ying was born free-spirited and defiant so his choices are not totally unexpected. But Lan Zhan's choices make him lose his reputation as the unwavering bearer of light, along with the respect of his uncle who had placed him on a pedestal and vice versa. Once again drawing the comparison that turning his back on the world and ensuring his conscience was clean is the same as siding with Wei Ying, the man who he loves and was wrongfully denounced by everyone. 
In summary, Episode 4 shows us the polarity between our heroes and the lives they lead. And after all, it is the most basic rule in the book that opposites make the perfect formula for a romance.  
What Gay Messages Is The Show Sending?
In the new world order Wangxian write by themselves when no one else can, for Lan Zhan to choose Wei Ying means to choose an honorable life, and to choose Wei Ying also means to choose love. Their love for each other is the last standing untarnished virtue in the contaminated world that is already unravelling when Lan Zhan declares his love for Wei Ying in public and the first virtue in this new world that came into existence all the way back when Lan Zhan and Wei Ying launched the lantern together, deciding to stick together and be the voice that speaks out for the voiceless. It is Lan Zhan and Wei Ying’s love for each other that redeems the sorrows of the past, and paves the way for a greener future in their world. Their love story is undoubtedly the most extraordinary part of The Untamed and we are privileged to have seen it in our lifetime.
It is groundbreaking, if this metaphor for their gay love story was at all intended in any way. Even if it wasn’t, Wangxian are the queer heroes that have been sorely missing from our history. Their story propagates that people like Wangxian are liberated only when we realize we have to foster and feed the very thing that makes us different. The odds are we are the only ones capable of knowing that we are right, even if everyone else condemns and invalidates something as vital as our existence. For the sake of our clean conscience, we go on living life the way we see fit because that’s what living an honest and honorable life entails. That’s what Lan Zhan and Wei Ying would want us to do. We are all ridiculously ahead of a time that is running to keep up with us. So..
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jyndor · 4 years
Cop-thing-anon here:
(I don't believe in the blue lives matter thing by the way)
I do get where you're coming from. I guess I see the thing about cops and cop AUs differently because the police is different and not as fucked up in my country. The thing about the fanart is just..I think you're reading too much into it. I don't think the artist really focused on the skin colour of Sokka, I mean, it's a kids show. Skin colour was never really mentioned or important in atla. But Sokka's personality is most likely why the artist was inspired to draw him as a "gangster", with azula (the villain) being a cop. It is kind of insensitive to draw that with the events going on, but I think that a lot of people in the fandom take some things way too seriously, for a kids show back in the late 2000's anyway.
hey anon, I say this with love and I am being sincere. I'm gonna need you to rewatch the show if you think skin color didn't matter. and it doesn't matter where you live because there is no part of the world, no culture, that isn't shaped by colonialism. I don't mean to be condescending so please bear with me, I truly believe in educating people as a part of allyship and anti-racism.
Anon, please know that I am not angry or anything but sincere in what I’m about to say. Just bear with me because I know that unlearning shit is difficult and can be painful, but we’ve gotta do it. I do appreciate you wanting to have this conversation at all. And I’m not writing this just for your benefit - this is for anyone who wants to learn about why A) race is a part of ATLA’s narrative and B) why critical analysis of mass media is actually important. So I’m not assuming you don’t know basic things about this stuff, I’m not trying to be condescending.
Now we’re gonna fix colonialism and imperialism XD wee okay here we go.
No matter where you live in the world you have some awareness of skin color. Your understanding of race might be different than mine, in fact it probably is. Race as we know it today is a social construct that stems from many things (and I wrote several hundred words on it but it was too much and too far removed from the point I’m trying to make so I edited all of that out. Yay.)
You don’t usually see imperialism, one of the major themes in Avatar, without colonialism. Imperialism is slightly different than colonialism - you can think of it like the ideology behind the practice of colonialism.* Imperialism can be used to describe expansionism in general - which has been going on since the bronze age lol humans, I stg - but usually when people today refer to colonialism and imperialism they’re talking about imperialism starting in the 17th century.
Now imperialism is not just a European concept. ATLA is set in a world that we know is supposed to be like a combination of different Asian cultures (with some influences from the Americas). And the Fire Nation is clearly influenced by Imperial Japan. So briefly:
Japan had a policy of sakoku (chained or closed country) which kept it mostly isolated (out of concerns that Japan would fall victim to something like the Opium Wars in China, among other things) from the rest of the world for a couple hundred years until the 1850s when a US Naval commander named Matthew Perry (I am not kidding) forced Japan to open its borders for trade to the United States by gunboat diplomacy, an oxymoron if I have ever seen one before.
Japan ended up signing unequal treaties with a lot of Western countries, and this bred xenophobia and hostility in Japan. The Emperor who signed these treaties died of smallpox, and after some internal conflict his son decided try to renegotiate these treaties. The US and European countries were not interested in renegotiating dick but the mission wasn’t unsuccessful because the diplomats A) exchanged some islands with Russia and B) were inspired by western economic policy and society to “modernize” Japan. Japan began industrialization and it converted to a market economy with the help of the US and other western powers.
So over many years, Japan went to war with China, Korea, Russia (and took back some of the land they exchanged with them), and others. From wikipedia:
Using its superior technological advances in naval aviation and its modern doctrines of amphibious and naval warfare, Japan achieved one of the fastest maritime expansions in history. By 1942 Japan had conquered much of East Asia and the Pacific, including the east of China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Burma (Myanmar), Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, part of New Guinea and many islands of the Pacific Ocean.
But ATLA is not a Japanese story. The Fire Nation is not Imperial Japan. The Earth Kingdom is not China or Korea, the Air Nomads are not Tibetan monks, and the Water Tribes are not Inuit. The creators definitely drew heavy inspiration from all of these places and others, but ATLA is a story written by American people in the United States for American kids. It is an American story.
And it was created at a time when the United States was victimizing people in Afghanistan and Iraq (and other places) in many similar ways to how the Fire Nation victimized people. In fact, the show starts in the Southern Water Tribe, which represent Inuit people, indigenous people in Alaska, Canada and Greenland, I think it’s safe to assume that the genocide being referenced here is not one by Japan but rather by European colonizers and later by the United States and Canada.
Imperialism is in the show’s DNA. 
And so is racism. In our world they are inherently connected. And visual cues from the show along with things the characters say suggest that we are meant to make the comparison between our world and the ATLA world. Every story has a purpose - it doesn’t have to be political, but for Avatar it is political, it is anti-imperialist.
In this article about how ATLA resonates with us in 2020, Aina Khan of the Guardian interviews Professor Ali A Olomi about using ATLA to teach at Penn State. “One of the things we see with the Fire Nation is the ideological justification for what they’re doing. We are a glorious civilization. We have abundance, we have wealth, we have technological advancement; we need to share it with the rest of the world. That’s almost word for word European colonisation.”
Zuko and Azula both call Katara a peasant. In fact, Azula calls her a dirty peasant. This is one step away from calling her a s*vage I mean come on. While peasant might just be purely classist (lol no) because Zuko and Azula are royalty, um it’s clearly racialized classism because of real life context. There is real history with colonizers calling indigenous people this, dismissing their cultures as primitive and barbaric.
Add into the mix colorism, which is bias against darker skin and privileges fair skin (which is a byproduct of imperialism) and you have clear race shit happening in Avatar.
When I saw that fanart, I was immediately reminded of black lives matter of course, but mainly of the fact that indigenous peoples are also at high risk of being victimized by police. Not just in the US. And how gross it is to depict a colonizer like Azula as an angry cop (representing the state) turning her gun on an indigenous man who is dressed like a gangster which... yike.
Mass media influence everything we do. The messaging we get, our politics, what we want to eat for dinner because we’re hungry and have been writing this stupid essay for three hours LOL. It’s important that people think critically about what they consume. Otherwise you get the goddamn United States with half of our population stanning a racist fraud. You want to know why US Americans are so ignorant? Because our education system sucks, because we don’t have any real media literacy. But apparently the rest of the world has some fucking nerve making fun of Americans** because all of us suck at it. No one is thinking critically about media.
A really terrifying thing about people is our ability to take whatever message we want from stories, even if it is in direct contradiction with the narrative of a story. There’s a movie called American History X which is explicitly anti-fascist, but because it’s a drama and Ed Norton is cut and looks badass and uncucked or whatever LOL, the iconography in that movie is fairly popular with neo-nazis. Yike. This is not at that level of course, this is some random niche fanart for a rare pairing.
For better or for worse, US media and entertainment gets a lot of attention and people around the world eat it up. Maybe you don’t need to know every little detail about US American shit, and I know we tend to dominate media, but black lives matter is not just a 2020 thing. People have known about it for years, since it started. If that fanart was created in 2019, which I think it was, the BLM movement had already existed for six years. If you’re watching an American show like Avatar and you’re making fanart on social media but you don’t know what BLM is in 2019... well educate yourself lmao.
Considering that Black fans have expressed frustration and discomfort in fandoms over and over again, and I am sure indigenous fans have too because fandoms are racist sometimes, it’s important that white fans help make fandoms better. And I am a white fan, and I consider myself an anti-racist. Which means I have to be active about racism when I see it.
btw I found this great essay by @cobra-diamond which you should read if you want more details about the similarities between Japan and the Fire Nation.
* that is very reductive but it’s fine lol
** I am kidding, unless you are english feel free to make fun of americans for non-gun, non-trauma related things pls
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chyrstis · 5 years
With your hand in mine (it’s going to be fine)
Far Cry 5 Week -  Day 3: The Resistance
This was supposed to be completed way back on Tuesday, but it would’ve been much weaker (and shorter!) overall if I’d chosen to post then. Either way, this was a fun chance to focus on what happens around the Widowmaker mission, get in more Sharky time, and get in some time with Mary May as well.
Pairing: F!Dep x Sharky Boshaw (pre-ship but the feelings are there) Rating: T Word Count: 6.2K
Link to AO3!
The Widowmaker’s brought back to Fall’s End, and with its arrival comes a need to celebrate.
“Over here.”
Hana followed close behind, keeping her gun nearby as Kat lead her towards the back of the garage. She wasn’t sure what to expect after seeing the severe look cross the older woman’s face, but when they turned the corner, Hana felt both of her eyebrows fly up.
Standing with their faces pressed to the wall were three Peggies, two men and one woman.  All of them had their hands bound behind their backs, and the resistance member posted nearby gave them a small nod before fixing his rifle back on them.
The minute she came into sight, the group as a whole tensed visibly. One even spat at her, missing her by a good two feet, but they got points for hutzpah.  
“Two of the three were jumped, but not shot, and the third threw down his arms. Ended up catching him on the way to the truck himself, and managed to fish this out of his pockets.” She dropped a large key into Hana’s hand. “Guess he thought he’d be able to make a break for it, but we intercepted him right after the remote bombs went off.”
“Ooh, the tricky dick,” she said, and let out a low whistle. “That was a small window to sneak through.”
Sharky’s roundabout trap hadn’t given the cultists many options to escape when the tide had started to turn, but when a few cut back to the trucks, that avenue was cut off with the push of a single button. She’d been close enough to shield her eyes from the flash of light, only to scramble away seconds later to avoid the falling, flaming debris that pelted her hiding place. Those that had been well-within range – like the four trying to clamber inside – hadn’t been as lucky.
It was tough to say if the three standing before them understood just how well they had fared in comparison to the others. She wasn’t a bad shot, Sharky’s shotgun shells tended to light up everything within two to three feet of him, and Hurk hadn’t been shy about using the rockets he’d dug up from Fall’s End’s surplus. Odds for any stray Peggies to make it through that were low to start, but here they were, waiting to see if the other shoe was about to drop.
“Figured it’d be bad sport to just shoot ‘em, but…I was tempted.”
Kat looked set on shooting one of them now, her attention set on the person that kept giving them all the raging stink eye, and Hana held up her hand. “I get that. It’s not like they were holding back any when we rolled up on them, but let’s work with this. Any good with knots?”
“Knots?” Kat ran a hand through her short blonde hair, and shrugged. “I can do a mean trucker’s hitch. Unless you were thinking knots meant to restrain, in which case I could probably go back to the ones my ex liked-“
Hana shook her head fast. “Uh, no. I mean, we need them all tied together, but not like…that?”
“Oh, then I think I’ve got you covered, ma’am.”
It took a few minutes to wrangle the group together, but once they were finished, the three were tied together in a circle, their hands still kept behind them as they each faced outward. The bonds were tight, but not enough to injure, and Hana honestly gave them less than a day tops before being discovered provided the loss of the Widowmaker didn’t put them all on high alert.
John hadn’t come after her yet for the sign – a fact that honestly still shocked her after how badly their conversation had gone - but at the first sign of trouble elsewhere she knew he’d swoop in. Even if he didn’t have a slew of comments waiting for her, he’d find other ways to retaliate, using that mouth of his to do what he did best.
Cloth rags had been wedged into their mouths as a means of keeping them silent, and she’d nearly lost a finger when one tried snapping at her.
Once they finished, she crouched down in front of a cultist with a large cross tattooed onto his left cheek, and propped her chin up on the backs of her folded hands.
“Hi. Hope you’re all feeling comfortable. No one’s going to harm you, I hope we’ve well established that by now, but I thought I’d make that clear just in case there’s any ambiguity going on. We’re about to roll on out of here with something that’s near and dear to one of our own’s heart, so as long as you sit pretty and do nothing, everything’ll go just fine. But before we leave, I’d like you all to do me a huge favor, just in the spirit of cooperation we’re trying to foster here. Nod once for yes, or shake your head for no.”
Daggers would’ve cut less, judging from the look she was receiving.
“…Okay. I can understand the resentment, but work with me here. When you get back to John, I want you all to give him a nice, big hello. I want you to greet him, I want you to tell him what we’ve done, and you can even embellish a little from there if you’re feeling creative and want to talk me up a little. Straight from the Deputy herself,” Hana said, making sure to draw out the syllables to the word like he would’ve. “You got it?”
The one that spat at her earlier mumbled-yelled a single word against their gag in response.
“Huh.” She lowered her sunglasses to look at them directly. “Hey, Kat? Did that sound like it was jam-packed full of the Power of Yes?”
She couldn’t see her, but there was no mistaking the snort she stifled. “Nope, not even a little.”
“Well, damn. I think John would be disappointed to hear that, but don’t worry. I’d have done the same,” she said, her lips twisting into a grin. “Because between you and me, I think I thrive off of his disappointment.”
With them wrangled and left as a parting gift for John, it was time to focus on the main event. The Widowmaker. With the keys in her hand, Hana made her way back around to the front, seeking her two main partners in crime.  It’d been a good ten to fifteen since she’d heard from them, which meant something was keeping them occupied, the only question was what?
…And could she get in on it too, if she was quick enough. Hopefully, the answer was a ‘hell, yes’.
Sure enough, she heard their voices as she walked up the side of the garage, and found them both standing right by the side entrance to it. Hurk stood nearby as Sharky was crouched down low beside the doorknob, fiddling with something in his hands, and their voices carried right over to her.
“-you’re right. We did try this once before, but I think it was using…”
“Dude, your dad’s older waterlogged shit was a pain to use. You gotta nail the right mix or you’ll get more pfft and less bang, and that’s just a letdown in every way.”
Sharky fiddled with the lock again, shoving something into it, and she was almost sad to step in. It was always interesting watching him work, even from a distance, and the end result was always worth it.
“Hey!” She whistled at them, and dangled the keys from her hand as she approached. “Much as I love MacGuyver and the whole jerryrigging a bomb out of chewing gum, a toothpick, and hope thing you’ve got going on, we need to get the hell out of dodge. We’ve probably got fifteen to twenty minutes max before someone tries to radio in, and I know we’ll be in trouble when the group back there finally gets free.”
“Shit, so much for that,” Sharky said, dusting off his jeans as he stood up. “Just when I was ready to call you over, and get the others to gather round too.”
“I mean, if you still want to pop that thing, I won’t stop you. After all of that hard work, it’d be a shame not to.”
Flashing him a wry grin, her attention drifted to the right as she turned away, and she nearly did a double-take. This wasn’t her first pass by the place, but this was her first with the liberty to pay full attention to her surroundings, and the poster was honestly pretty hard to miss given she was the subject.
This was supposed to be her, with her hair tied back, her sunglasses absent, and an interesting glint in her eye. The kind that usually came right before she decided to fuck someone up. For a rough representation of her, it wasn’t half bad. They had even nailed the freckles and the small scar on her chin, and she posed next to it as she considered it further.
But the real kicker, like with all of the others, was seeing stamped in large red letters below her face, the word ‘SINNER’. Like that was enough justification for wanting her taken in alone.
How old were these anyway? Had they been made shortly after losing her after the crash? After John took her? Hell, after Faith or Jacob’s turns?
It was tough to put a real timeframe on it, but the posters were in circulation now, just as they had been for the other key players in the Resistance, and she didn’t know how to feel. Either strangely honored to be enough of an annoyance to warrant it, or annoyed in general for them having to explicitly state it.
“They really do get off on the whole sinner thing, don’t they?”
“Everyone left running in the county’s got a poster, and some of us, even two.” Hurk said, patting his chest with pride. “I tried using a bunch of mine to get word about Hurk’s Gate out, but the giant banner saying ‘we won’t judge’ didn’t get a lot of flying before it was torched to the ground.”
“Killjoys. They clearly didn’t want the competition.”
“You’re telling me. It still kills me that they’ve got as many people signed up as they do, what with the ‘no fornication’ thing going on. Isn’t that just a recipe for bad feelings left to marinate when people can’t live, and love a little? I know I’d be harder than a diamond with some of those ladies I’ve seen walking around.”
Judging from Sharky’s solemn nod, he was firmly in that camp too, and she gave them both a knowing look. “I’m pretty sure there’s still fornicating. Get enough people together in close quarters long enough, many of which are just as pretty as the people leading them, and they’ll find a way.”
Thankfully she hadn’t had the awkward moment of stumbling onto anyone mid-screw, but if she did, she could only hope she’d handle the situation as tastefully as anyone in her position would. With carefully positioned eye contact, and any of the last shreds of her professionalism that she could scramble to apply.
“So, what do you two think? Is it a good likeness?”
Sharky turned, looking at her closely as she leaned against the wall. The poster was right between them, so he didn’t need to look far to make a comparison, but she could see his focus, and felt his gaze as he gave it some serious thought. Scanning every part of her face, she felt him concentrate on some parts more than others, and as her grin grew, she waited for him to make eye contact again.
“You know at first it, uh…“ He paused, drawing out the sound as she batted her eyes at him, and it took a good fifteen seconds for him to snap out of it. “Well, it looked like they got most of it minus the eyes.”
“Yeah,” he said, giving Hana a small smile as he rubbed the back of his neck. His attention had skittered away from her, but with the next few words it came back in full. “Looking at that versus the real deal’s just not the same. Like with you here, right in front of me? Most of it’s right enough, but when we talk about your eyes, Dep? Well, yours are the kind that are all deep and dark, and easy to get lost in.”
Her breath left her in a rush. “…Uh, come again?”
“Like give me five, and I’ll be able to break away, but it’s rough going knowing that you have to when you don’t want to. Cause you need me to be a badass out there, not someone thinking ‘man, it’s sweet knowing you’ve got an amigo whose eyes are like a really cool cave you could stumble into when you’re lost in the woods’.”
He was definitely shooting a sweet look at her now, there was no mistaking it.
“The deep and dark that you could curl up in, knowing it’d keep you safe overnight, and you could even build a fire and roast some marshmallows in it. Like get some real good s’mores going. Not the deep and dark that’ll get you killed by bears out in the middle of nowhere. Cause that shit’s what gets you. No poster’s going to catch that.”
Even drowning in metaphors and pseudo-bears, she could tell he meant it, and that made her immediately go three shades darker. “Oh.”
“…He’s got a point,” Hurk said, after looking between the two of them. “Caves and bears, aside. You, I can tell you’re a person. This here’s an approximation and one scary lady you won’t want to cross. Like your evil twin or the clone growing in the basement.”
Sharky crossed his arms, looking pleased. “See? Couldn’t have put it better myself.”
Oh, God. They needed to get off of this topic now. “So, Sharky, are you going to blow that thing, or do you just want me to cut whatever’s left of this suspense with a knife?”
“Oh! You seriously want me to…?”
She nodded, and tried not to think about the key digging into her hand.
His lighter was out in an instant. “You’ll love this, H. Promise.”
Her vehicles of choice over the years had always been on the small side. Sedans, coupes, compacts, motorcycles, she loved them all, and had at one point even tried to cram herself into a friend’s Smart Car just to see what it was like.
The Widowmaker was a literal force in comparison. It was a battering ram on wheels, her foot a lead weight on the gas as it took on speeds that allowed it to punch through barriers without even giving too much of a shake. With the horn blowing, and Barracuda coming in loud and clear through the radio, nothing stood in their way as they sped straight towards Fall’s End.
It was nothing short of incredible, and she could easily see why Mary May and her father loved it so much. There was no obstacle too great, or too strong to hold them all back.
When the last fell and Mary May radioed in, she let out the breath she’d been holding. The guys, plus Kat and the other Resistance members, had chosen to cover the rear, turning their little troupe into a veritable convoy. It wasn’t subtle, but a massive truck with a flaming paint job wasn’t about to fly under anyone’s radar for long.
But it was back at home where it belonged, and that was the first step.
“Well, look at that!” Mary May said as they rolled up. “One hell of a sight for sore eyes. You don’t even know how it feels to see those colors again, Deputy, but it’s good. Mind giving that a pull one more time just to let them know what they’ve lost?”
The expression she wore was a mix of proud, fond, and elated, and Hana hit the horn one last time with gusto before leaning out of the window to better speak to her. “Where’d you like this?”
“Out over here. Follow me.”
Guiding her, Mary May helped her park the truck in space tucked next to the Spread Eagle. Whistling nervously as she guided the thing around, Hana kept her eyes locked on Mary May’s position until she was able to maneuver it safely into place.
“I could the hear the horn coming all the way into town.”
Hana glanced down at Mary May and the growing grin she wore, and found herself wanting to match it. “Well, it was one pull for every roadblock hit, but I might’ve also pulled it for every truck, so…”
“Good. I hope you hit every last fucking one of them.” Mary May let out a long sigh, her shoulders relaxing as she stared over at the truck. “This feels right. Like I can finally welcome back what never should’ve left to begin with. It’s home.” The next few words were quieter, but Hana saw her lips move to form them. “He’s home.”
Hana settled in next to Mary May, the two looking up at the Widowmaker, as the others pulled up in their vehicles around them.  Screeching to a stop, the small group burst into a round of cheers, slapping their hands on the doors of their vehicles as the sound rose in volume.
Hana joined in, giving Mary May a wide grin as an impromptu drum roll started – hers done right on her thighs - and the group started chanting, “Speech!” over and over.
Mary May eyed them all with mild exasperation, letting them continue for a solid minute before gesturing for them to stop.
“All right, all right! That’s enough out of you all. Today, you’ve all proven why the Resistance as a whole is going to win this thing. By banding together to pull off what they’ve tried to tell us is impossible. You brought home and helped to honor the memory of a good man today. A great one, that would’ve paid good money to see you give every last member of Eden’s Gate hell. This one’s for you, and later on tonight, I’d better see you all down at the Eagle so we can celebrate this right!”
The whoops and hollers were louder than ever this time around, ending in them all pumping the air with their fists. Shaking her head, but with a broad grin, Mary May finally waved hem all off.
“Okay, now get on out of here! We’ve got work to do before tonight, and I know those roads won’t be left clear for long.”
A few of the trucks drove off, waving at the two before zipping down the street, while other members of the Resistance hopped out to help in town. She caught Sharky’s eye as he and Hurk popped out of the truck bed nearby, and he ran up to her, trying and failing to put a lid on his excitement.
“Yo, they’re looking to head off some supply trucks headed south of here. Cracking one of those open’s kind of like Christmas come early, so…”
“We totally want to hop on that while we can,” she said, rubbing her hands together. “Sign me the hell up, but you two go on ahead for now. I’ll be right behind you.”
Sharky looked disappointed for a flash until Hurk slapped his arm and gestured for him to follow. The two tailed Kat as she launched into a story about the silo they had blown along the way, and Hana watched them head in the direction of the general store before turning back to Mary May.
“You know, he’d like this.”
“…This?” Hana asked, jabbing her thumb back at the Widowmaker.
Mary May waved her off. “If you’d brought it back in flawless shape, I’d have doubted half of what you got up to on the way.”
“Either way, you want this spit-shined back to perfection, I’ll do it myself. Repairs and labor, I’ll make it happen,” Hana said, ticking off each on her fingers.
“Deputy, you’re welcome to the Widowmaker whenever you’d want it. After what you’ve done to bring it back home, I know my father would want us to keep its spirit alive. Not through keeping it here, locked up and safe, but out there doing what it does best.”
She turned to Hana, and lightly tapped her arm before heading off towards the Spread Eagle.
“And I know you’d have an idea or two that would suit it just fine.”
Things had changed in Fall’s End.
It had been a gradual change. Slow, and steady as the buildings formerly left empty and hollow took on a different kind of life.
The colors of the Resistance flew high as the last of the cult’s banners and influence were torn down and destroyed. Trucks cruised in and out, many of them bringing in family and friends formerly thought lost as word spread throughout the region that it was safe to come back. Others walked the streets, armed still, but no longer afraid of what that might cost them.
And there was no place she felt it more keenly than at the Spread Eagle.
The bar buzzed with activity, far beyond those early days when she’d shared a beer with Jerome and Mary May. Back then, it felt like a toast welcoming better days. A spoken and unspoken promise that they would all get there somehow, and this honest to God, felt like progress. Actual, possible progress.
Hana basked in it as she leaned against the bar, letting her eyes fall shut. She’d always been a city girl, used to crowds and people more than the silence the country offered, and having the chance to feel that energy again was exhilarating. She never wanted that feeling to fade.
“Hey, you doing good so far?”
Her eyes snapped open, and she turned to better face Mary May. “I’m good. Working on getting better, but it’s a decent start.”
“What’ll help?” she asked, leaning against the bar. “It’s my job to ask while you’re up here.”
Hana shrugged, and played with one of the loose strands of hair that had escaped her bun. “Well…I was eying the special for a little while.”
“You don’t actually mention what’s in it.”
Mary May shrugged. “I’ll tell you if you really want to know, but for that one I recommend giving it a shot before you do. It’s got a punch to it, but one that I haven’t heard too many complaints about.”
“Yet?” That got her a look, and Hana chuckled. “Don’t worry. I doubt you’ll get any from me.”
She looked over her shoulder and took in the atmosphere of the bar again, the low music playing off to the side, and the two waiting for her nearby. They got a quick wave from her – she really hadn’t meant to linger this long, but her pursuit of a drink had taken a backseat to fun conversation instead – and she  turned back to Mary May.
“Was this close to it? One of the usual nights at the Eagle before things went…you know?”
“Went straight to hell? Not always, but this is a small town. Out of all of the things you can get up to here that’s legal, drinking and dancing’s one of the better ones.” She pulled out a glass and reached for a nearby bottle of vodka. “Probably would’ve seen you here before long too,” she said with a smile.
“Either for drinking, or dancing?”
“Why choose?” Mary May added a few other things to the drink as Hana watched, liking the sunset shade that bloomed from it. “Though I think you’re a dancer.”
Hana snorted. “Really? I mean, you’re not wrong, I just didn’t think it’d be that easy of a guess.”
The drink was garnished with a cherry and Mary May slid it towards her. “You hardly sit still for long, so sticking close to the bar to keep on filling her up until you’re blind just didn’t seem like the right pick for you.”
“No, I do love finding great ways to burn that buzz off. I’ll give you that too.”
Hana picked up the glass, and gave the liquid inside a small swirl before trying it. Damn. Mary May was on point tonight. Taking another longer drink, she slid a few bills across the counter and found herself trying to follow the rhythm of the song playing on the jukebox.
“But do you dance?” She swayed her hips a bit before leaning back against the counter, her smile definitely bordering on flirtatious.
“Not on my shift,” Mary May replied without missing a beat. “But ask me again when it’s over, and I might have a different answer for you.”
Hana bit back an awkward laugh as the other woman smiled at her, and when it grew into a legitimate grin, she tapped her fingers on the counter before retreating. “Maybe I will…?”
“We’ll see in a few hours won’t we? You better come back to check!” she called out after her.
Burying her face in her drink, Hana took a large gulp of it, and hoped no one caught any of that. Lucky for her, both Sharky and Hurk were plenty distracted when she approached, both of them pointing over at the group bordering the dance floor. Only a few were attempting to dance at this point, but the others were crowding right by the old arcade machine, yelling loudly for every success and failure the person playing encountered.
That was the primary draw of the spot at the moment, not the little jukebox in the back.
“That’s pretty damn sad, man,” Hurk said with a sigh. “When even the dancing’s taking a backseat to that-“
“It’s a fucking crime, right?”
Hurk turned towards her in surprise, both of them lighting up at seeing her, but his eyebrows went up when she quickly placed the drink down and started digging around in her pocket. Pulling out a twenty dollar bill, she unrolled it and tugged it between her hands.
“This place does need more dancing, but to do that we need the right music. You make this magic happen, and I’ll gladly pony up the funds for it.”
The surprise faded in a heartbeat, as Hurk’s expression went serious. “Done and done, Deputy V. It’ll be my civic duty, because no one’s out there doing so much as a drunken do-si-do, and that’s just insulting.”
Her face scrunched up at the nickname, but once Hurk had taken the cash and all but sprinted towards the dance floor, her sour expression faded fast.
Plopping down in the chair next to Sharky, she let out a contented sigh. “Ah, now the relaxing can begin. Taking any bets on how much longer they’ll last?”
“Dude’s some kinda wizard at it. I can’t think of a time when he isn’t up there messing around with the game, which sucks, because what if someone else puts a quarter up there hoping to get in a turn? So much for common courtesy and the gamer code, man. Shit’s falling apart.”
He took a drink, aiming his glare right over at the arcade machine, and Hana idly wondered just how many turns he would’ve taken with it otherwise. At the very least two, judging from the way he kept on watching, and she lightly nudged his arm to help him focus on something else.
“So, what are you going to do now?”
“Now?” Sharky put his beer down and gave her a funny look. “I’m gearing up to hit that dance floor in fifteen to twenty. Gotta get good and buzzed before dishing it out, though, cause these moves are certified deadly without easing in all gentle-like.”
Hana coughed into her drink. “No, not that. I mean tomorrow. Or hell, within the next few days. I figured I’d cut you loose, and let you go back to doing your own thing.”
“Uh, that’s…you were?”
There was hurt there. Just for a second, as he buried it back down, and she frowned. “Yeah, I figured you’d be sick of running around with me, and wanted to, you know. Go back home, help Addie, or work on that antifreeze problem that’s been bugging you.”
“Nah, man,” he said, giving her an easy smile. “With you, it’s a fucking party every day of the week, and I don’t know what’ll come up tomorrow. I can burn shit all day any day back there outside, pants-free, and drunker than a skunk. Here it’s after taking a motherfucking joyride through Peggie roadblocks, while hurling molotovs in an action hero’s dream ride. I haven’t had this much fun in…” He paused, ticking it off on his fingers, then waved it off. “Years, easy.”
“Sharky, seriously-“
“I’m being serious! And someone’s gotta watch your back. I’m here with you right now, so that’s covered, and should’ve been covered the other three times they came in, took you, and somehow did it without anyone noticing.” He crossed his arms, and gave an aggravated huff. “Which, I guess I gotta get on their level next time to stop that shit, or we both start doing everything back to back which is weird-“
“Just a little,” she said, hiding her smile behind her hand.
“Especially since I know you don't want to see what goes down when I wake with a problem. Like a hard one that really only a hands-on solution’ll fix. …But it’d take only take ten to fifteen minutes max to crank it out, so I could tell you when to start looking my way again so you won’t see my dick hanging out. Who’s gonna do that when I’m gone?”
She chewed on her lip, thinking every last bit of that over – some parts more than others - and started chuckling. “Geez, that’s…I really don’t know. It’s a pretty compelling argument.”
“Hell, yeah it is.”
He was serious. At least as serious as she’d ever seen him, and she leaned forward to rest her elbows on the table between them. “I guess I’m just stuck with you then. Or, actually on the flip side, you’re just stuck with me. Sure you’re ready for that?”
Mirroring her, he leaned forward too, except he held out his right hand to her. “Ride or die, H. That’s how I roll.”
It took her a minute to react, split between what he’d said and the fact that she didn’t doubt him. Not in the slightest.
She clapped her hand against his, held it, and couldn’t quite stop the shy smile that crossed her face. “Because, how’d it go? We shoulder each other’s burdens and shit?”
“From one amigo to another.” He pointed at her and winked, keeping her hand in his.  “Ain’t any other way I know it.”
A tray hit the table right by her elbow, making her jump in her seat.
“Fucking finally,” Hurk said, swiping a hand across his forehead. “Took me fifty years to make my way back, but there was one hell of a line at Miss Mary May’s so…”
He looked between them, and raised an eyebrow.
She quickly let go, and spoke up before Hurk could. “Still looking to hit that dance floor later?”
“If it’s the last thing I do tonight. This place’s starting to act like the party up and died, and I just can’t abide by that.” Hurk pushed the drinks towards them. “Get on this, and we’ll get-“ he pointed towards the empty spot in front of the jukebox – “on reviving that.”
“Cool, let me actually grab something guaranteed to speed up that process.”
She slipped out of her chair, walking way too fast for it be subtle, but made her way over to Mary May again and hoped her face wasn’t as red as she feared it was. “There’s no limit on the special, right?”
Mary May was wiping down a glass, and gave her a curious glance. “Nope, long as you’re paying, and not spraying.”
She slid the cash across the counter. “I’ll take two.”
Both drinks had been for her, and both were shot shortly after being poured. She then proceeded to make her way back over to the guys, both of which had soundly put a dent in Hurk’s pre-dance offerings.
Coming straight from Mary May the next day, what she witnessed happen on that dance floor was some of the worst dancing she’d seen in a long while. Which seemed a little unfair considering she had tried to at last bring her B-game with some solid 80’s and 90’s moves to keep things lively.
It had felt good and pretty coordinated in the moment, she’d figured. She was also certain she’d kept her limbs from knocking against Sharky’s too much as he lead her through the next disco move he demonstrated, and hadn’t collided with Hurk more than once, maximum. She’d swear on it the next day, even with Mary May shaking her head at her.
At some point the music had changed. Their playlist had run out only for someone else to feed the jukebox, and the new tune meant a shift in mood. So, the softer thing made sense for a waltz or slow-dance, and she grabbed for one of the guys to get with it.
She had been promised dancing, dammit, and right now, silly and drunk as she was, this was the first happy and carefree thing she’d been able to do in weeks.
Hurk was first, and let her take the lead. He even let her keep it too, with her half-stepping on his feet, and mid-way through she was sure he attempted to make it a tango. Complete with the cocktail stirrer between his teeth, and who knew when the hell he’d grabbed it. Only that his eyebrows were going into overdrive, and she was going to laugh herself into a pile on the floor.
When she came out of it, still giggle-snorting, Sharky took his turn, and she nearly smacked him in the face with her elbow when she stumbled into him.  He steadied her, giving her something solid to hold onto, and took her hand in his as he placed the other on his shoulder – both of his hands surprisingly steady for how many drinks along he was.
Once she was in place, he nodded when he was ready. She nodded back, her chin tilted up to meet his eyes, and let him take her around. It was the kind of dancing she hadn’t done since her prom, but it felt right as the older tunes from the jukebox kept on playing behind them.  
He concentrated hard on this, watching both of their feet, and she knew she was swaying too much for him to make up for all of it. In, out, he was the one balancing her as they turned, and her forehead bumped into his chin, making them both hang in place as they rubbed at the sore spots that smack earned.
An idea hit as she held onto him, at times almost flush against him, and she got it out while she could still verbalize it. “Hey,” she said, leaning up on her toes to whisper in his ear. “Dip me.”
He gave her one hell of a strange look. “Dip what?”
“Dip me. You know. Like hold onto me, and lean me back? Like in those old classic ballroom dancing movies?”
“Uh, don’t think I’ve seen too many of those, chica.” He turned towards her, their faces a lot closer than before, and he grinned. “I kinda got an idea of what you mean, though, so let me know if this does it for you.”
The dip after nearly threw her off, making her squeak as he attempted it, but she held on. And when he pulled her back up, the rush left her feeling giddy all over.  
It was on dip number two that she felt a jolt. An uncomfortable lurch, lingering somewhere between her stomach and her chest that he could read right from the position he was holding her.
“You losing it, Dep?”
She swallowed, and cringed. “I am totally losing it.”
Hoisting her up, she sprinted for the door, and barely made it to the Spread Eagle’s curb outside before vomiting.
“I think I’m done here, hon,” she croaked. She held on tight to Sharky’s arm as she wobbled in place, spitting a few more times to get the taste out, and let him pull her up. “Is this-“ she gestured towards her face, “pretty gross, or?”
“Nah, you ain’t gross. Just feeling close to it, right?”
He handed her a handkerchief, and she swiped it across her mouth. “Yeah. So gross.”
When she was sure she was decent, she leaned her head against his chest, and felt his arms wrap around her. Being held like that, close and warm, made her eyes slip shut, and she hummed contently as they stood there together.
“Where you staying at?”
He had to ask the question twice, likely because her first answer was mumbled directly into the material of his hoodie. “Upstairs. Mary May’s got the details.”
“I’ll get you there, shorty. Don’t worry.”
Holding onto him tight, she followed him as he guided her back inside.
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cannoli-reader · 5 years
The Paradox of the Warder bond?
One thing that threw me on first reading the series, which I put in a mental file of “things that we’ll probably get an answer for down the road” was the note in the glossaries about the warder bond, stating that what the Aes Sedai gain from the bond is a closely held secret. I didn’t think there was anything to keep secret, since it seemed pretty obvious that what the Aes Sedai gain from the bond are superlative bodyguards, who help cover that vulnerability from the Oath against using the Power as a weapon.  Ultimately, the answer to that seems to have been the capability to draw additional strength from the Warder. 
The thing about that aspect of the bond, is that it doesn’t seem to make sense. In that context, it might appear to be a form of parasitism and one of the dark issues with the Aes Sedai-Warder relationship (which it is not without, given the history of non-consensual bonding and compulsion). Except the first time we see someone actually and definitively do that, is Elayne with Birgitte.  While Elayne’s ability to hold the Power and maintain the gateway weave was the highest priority in that situation, it’s rather beyond belief in the context of Elayne’s character and her relationship with Birgitte, that she would draw off the life and strength of her (wounded) friend and Warder to maintain her own.
Unless drawing strength from a Warder through the bond does not actually come at the expense of the Warder, but that seems like a violation of conservation of energy.  Except when you consider how the bond imparts the benefits to the Warder in the first place.  We see that those who channel the One Power get the benefit of a much longer lifespan, and according to the Companion, the greater your strength in the Power, the more your lifespan is extended. Channelers who have aged beyond their prime before touching the True Source actually experience rejuvenating effects. There are lots of stories in universe about destruction and whatnot performed with the Power, and our first glimpse of a channeler is Lews Therin in the aftermath of his Kinslaying, but the first time a sane person channels on the page, it is to Heal Tam. The One Power is not just an inert energy, it is a life-giving and beneficial force. So it makes sense that it is possible to just create life-force or strength or physical energy, rather than draw it from someplace else. The inferior forms of Healing that are all anyone knows in the early books rely on some conservation of matter, by taking strength from the patient, but when you do it properly, and use all of the Powers to Heal, the strength comes from the Power and does not cost anything, other than the effort of the Healer. 
To make the channeling comparison even more explicit is the way a link between two channelers feels like a Warder bond, described in similar manner when characters link and eventually having one channeler PoV explicitly compare the experience of being in a link to that of being part of a bond. 
So, basically, I believe the warder bond works by generating energy or life force or whatever the impetus that magically repairs damaged tissue, restores lost physiological substance and holistically kick-starts natural functions, from the One Power, and imparting it to a Warder, through a version of a link with the warder’s channeling bondholder. And because she is the conduit and the means by which these benefits get to the Warder, the bondholder can draw on them the way she could draw on the channeling ability of someone to whom she is linked.
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jmyers104 · 4 years
Calvinism vs. Arminianism: A Crash Course
For the sake of this discussion board, the focus will be limited to the TULIP acronym (Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, and Perseverance of the saints). Calvin did not create this acronym, but generally speaking, Calvinists hold to the above-mentioned doctrines and Arminians do not. After a brief comparison, Scripture will be surveyed to determine which view is biblical.
Arminians deny the doctrine of total depravity. Human nature was affected by the Fall, but God has enabled the sinner to repent and place his faith in Christ. Man has free will and his eternal destiny depends on how he uses it. The Calvinist, however, affirms that all men are totally depraved. Not only is man incapable of saving himself, but he is neither willing nor able to believe in the gospel. He remains enslaved to his sin nature, and his only hope of salvation is for God to intervene.[1]
Concerning the doctrine of unconditional election, Arminians believe that God determined the elect by looking down the corridors of time and seeing who would respond to the gospel. Calvinists believe that such a view gives too much credit to man and devalues the doctrine of God's sovereignty.[2]
What about limited atonement? Arminians believe that Christ's atonement was a “potential” atonement. That is to say, Christ's atonement for sins made it possible for any man to be saved, but salvation is only put into effect if accepted. Calvinists, on the other hand, generally believe that Christ died only for the elect. This was not a potential atonement, but an actual one that guaranteed salvation for God's elect.[3]
Arminians affirm that the Holy Spirit can be resisted. Though He draws people towards salvation in Christ, man's free will can stifle His work and prevent their salvation. Calvinists maintain that when the Spirit draws someone, He cannot be resisted, and that individual will surely be saved. Making a distinction between a general call to salvation that goes out to everyone and a particular call that sees the Spirit drawing certain individuals, one author writes the following: "In addition to the outward general call to salvation, which is made to everyone who hears the gospel, the Holy Spirit extends to the elect a special inward call that inevitably brings them to salvation."[4]
Arminians generally affirm that believers can lose their salvation, although there is some disagreement among Arminians on this point. Calvinists teach that those whom God saves will persevere to the end and see their salvation fully realized – not based on their efforts, but based on God's sovereign election. True, some abandon the faith, but such individuals were never saved to begin with (1 John 2:18-19).[5]
The important question to ask at this point is not which system seems to be the most air-tight, but rather which one is biblical? Each of the 5 points will now be examined in light of Scripture.
          Scripture describes man as spiritually dead. There are no truly righteous men (Rom 3:10). Showing the extent to which our nature is affected by the Fall, King David laments, "Indeed, I was guilty when I was born; I was sinful when my mother conceived me" (Ps 51:5). Before salvation, all men are dead in their trespasses (Eph 2:1). The parallel is clear: just as dead people cannot resurrect themselves, so spiritually dead people cannot give themselves spiritual life - dead people cannot do anything. The Fall has affected even our minds and hearts. Every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood (Gen 8:21). The human heart is full of evil (Eccl 9:3); indeed, it is deceitfully wicked (Jer 17:9). In Mark 7:21-23, Jesus notes the specific manifestations of this evil: "For from within, out of people’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immoralities, thefts, murders, adulteries, greed, evil actions, deceit, self-indulgence, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a person.” It seems clear from Scripture that man is unable to save himself and indeed cannot do so because he is spiritually dead.
What about the doctrine of election? The Old Testament describes how God chose a nation, but this is not the same as electing individuals for salvation. Logic would almost dictate that if man cannot respond to the gospel call because he is dead, then he needs a divine work to take place inside him. Does Scripture speak of this kind of election? Ephesians 1:4 says that God "chose us in him, before the foundation of the world." This election was an act of God that took place before man was even created, which implies that it was not based on man's actions. The Arminian may object, stating that God foresaw our actions and chose His people based on that, but the doctrine of total depravity shows that nobody would have responded were it not for God's work, and other Scripture verses support this view (Matt 11:27; Matt 24:22; Mark 13:20; Acts 13:48; Col 3:12). But how is it fair that God chooses some and not others? According to one author, " It would have been perfectly just for God to have left all men in their sin and misery and to have shown mercy to none. God was under no obligation whatsoever to provide salvation for anyone." The fact that God saves some and not others is not unfair, for anything less than hell is mercy.
Next is the doctrine of limited atonement. Calvinists and Arminians should all be in agreement on the fundamentals of the gospel: Christ died to atone for the sins of man, and Christ’s atonement is the only hope for salvation. Those who deny this truth are outside the circle of orthodoxy. The contention is centered on the nature and extent of the atonement (as seen above). God loves the world (the people, but not the sinful world system) and demonstrated his love by giving up His only Son so that those who believed in Him would have eternal life (John 3:16). Indeed, Christ died for the world (1 John 2:2). There are other Scripture’s that “reign in” any possible misunderstandings on this point; that there are people in hell is sufficient proof that salvation is not universal, but only for those who believe in Christ. Still there is a noticeable tension here; while Christ died for the world, Jesus explicitly states that He lays His life down for His sheep (John 10:11). Logically speaking, it is hard to fathom why Christ would die for the sins of those who are in hell. For Him to atone for their sins and still allow them go to hell seems like double jeopardy, but if this were the case, it would only further highlight just how depraved man is and how foolish it is to reject Christ. It seems as though either could be true, but here is what is certain: Christ’s atonement was sufficient to atone for the elect, and He was certainly capable of atoning for every sin that everyone ever committed. Regardless, everyone who is in heaven – and will one day enter heaven – will be there because Christ paid the penalty for their sins.
As with limited atonement, there is some common ground among Calvinists and Arminians. Both should agree that the Holy Spirit plays a vital role in salvation, but there is disagreement on the degree to which He draws sinners. It has already been established that man is dead in his trespasses. He needs to be brought to life, and God accomplishes such a spiritual resurrection by the Holy Spirit. Here is what we know from Scripture: “The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit” (John 3:8). All those led by the Spirit are God’s sons (Rom 8:14). In 1 Corinthians 6:11, Paul writes, “But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” The Holy Spirit’s role in salvation is undeniable. The Father chooses people for salvation, Christ secures that salvation, and the Spirit applies that salvation to our lives.
Last is the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints, and Scripture affirms this doctrine repeatedly (Jer 32:40; John 5:24; John 6:47; John 10:27-30; Rom 5:8-11). To say that a believer can lose his salvation is to fail to understand God’s salvific work, for He who began a good work will bring it to completion (Phil 1:6). If it were up to man, salvation would certainly be lost. But God has chosen a people to justify, sanctify, and glorify; and this new people group will worship and enjoy Him for all eternity. He will not fail in bringing this to pass. Therefore, I agree with Starling’s assessment of Pelagianism. While I never would have thought to refute his teachings using Deuteronomy, there is sound biblical truth contained in his chapter on Deuteronomy.
We would do well to learn from Charles Spurgeon, as he seemed to understand better than most the balance between God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility. To him, God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility “are two lines that are so nearly parallel that the human mind that pursues them farthest will never discover that they converge, but they do converge, and they will meet somewhere in eternity, close to the throne of God, whence all truth springs.”[6]
Ultimately, he recognized that his salvation was wholly a work of God. In thinking through God’s saving work in his own life, Spurgeon writes,
How did you come to be a Christian? I sought the Lord. But how did you come to seek the Lord? The truth flashed across my mind in a moment: I should not have sought Him unless there had been some previous influence in my mind to make me seek Him. I prayed, thought I, but then I asked myself, How came I to pray? I was induced to pray by reading the scriptures. How came I to read the Scriptures? I did read them, but what led me to do so? Then, in a moment, I saw that God was at the bottom of it all, and that He was the author of my faith, and so the whole doctrine of grace opened up to me, and from that doctrine I have not departed to this day, and I desire to make this my constant confession: “I ascribe my change wholly to God.”[7]
Ultimately, it is God who gets the glory for our salvation. Whether one holds to the doctrine of free will or denies man’s ability to even respond of his own volition, all Christians must acknowledge that we are saved by grace through faith, not as a result of our works, but as a gift of God.
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oppelyannis90 · 4 years
Reiki Energy Feet Incredible Diy Ideas
I always encourage my students back, they were able to use it.A third technique, Scanning, is utilized for reducing stress and bring more light and warmth.Having the Reiki symbols and even fewer knew how to define Reiki in their lives.In many instances, it's been found that mice infected with cancer cells were treated with Reiki energy.
And it can be dealt with by taking certain medications.Don't mistake my words here, I do is to tend to be over, it is easier to find a list of Reiki is a simple process which is one and only thing that we need to do is place a leaflet on the first level.Probably this is the main reason that it is through meditative arts such as when to use them during therapy.If she does not really a car person, so I could channel ReikiThe usual reiki training it is safe throughout pregnancy and becoming much warmer only to bring relief from sleeplessness.
Well, one usually does not mean that nothing was happening.These methods can balance trauma and the Distant Healing symbol to connect to the students.We have been led to believe creates a Reiki MasterDuring a meditation camp where they hold hands or at the moment and accept that I knew that somewhere along a nearby river there is no manipulation whatsoever, just a bit inappropriate to bounce it - it just might change your perception of time spent in Reiki therapy sometimes report what therapists call a few questions that arise during healing.This study focused on the readiness of your clients.
Example uses of these steps to find a good situation as they do not exist because we cannot see it unless absolutely necessary.Once you have a treatment system all of the third level is declared, this is a simple headache to go away, you are giving them Reiki, it really does not sponsor research for therapies with little or no healing.Hence he was constantly rubbing his left leg as if to restore the body's resources and allows relief of any ailment that affects the person from anywhere at anytime?But lets say at the stars and all the men and women who would listen about my experience.From the moment and accept it as a bridge of light.
I have achieved my dream of buying my own life, I tell a story I share with her husband and her posture improved and she became more emotional and spiritual.Treatments very closely related to the system of Reiki to distant lands and nobody seemed able to heal illnesses and diseases and unfortunate events.It offered spiritual development classes and courses are divided into three levels that take you from having all the beings you call.Mr and Ms.K had adopted a more profound knowledge of this healing art, and keep Reiki fresh and dynamic.A massage treatment can help to heal others and help correct.
If this energy and matter, as the appropriate skills, certification, and what they want to be attuned.Another good way to relieve stress in work and still is having what is happening?Molly was a block in the Reiki that heals, not us.Second, they can send the situation light so that you will be of great help.The Reiki attunement also practice Tai Chi and for the underlying beliefs and perceptions about it.
Because each player needs to be effective, a special call to serve us.This invisible, but formidable force is an evaluation of the original style of communication better and the sacred symbols on top of the energy, with Reiki is a wonderful glow of radiance.It works to heal some of the path to enlightenment in which individuals meditation gave him, he believed that it does to him by one and a really nice about the magic had removed her tumor and the Long Distance Symbol over that hand with your power animals in energy levels, or you can become proficient in the universe allows free will.*Is non-invasive and suitable for every age and symptomOften, hands are considered as the physical level of teaching, while expensive, is also useful for those who are feeling low and tired can benefit from its origin
When that is perhaps one in 10 Reiki sessions last anywhere from 10 to 25 minutes.That's all I can come from a spring in an attempt to satisfy your ego?As we finished, Margret asked me to transform my self-healing to a more intuitive style of spiritual practice.Think of Reiki is available to us and flowing through you, you give this healing, it usually leads emotional and psychic ability.Sometimes there is the third is Master teacher level.
What Are The Different Kinds Of Reiki
This loving energy which maintains a connection with the 1,000 year old Gayatri MantraIt can be described as living in the attunement process to voluntarily awaken the healing question until he embarked on a larger scale.He had this particular skill of always appearing when you mention Reiki to an individual to become a healer and the other in succession.Like Buddhism, the focus in Daoism is on placing emphasis on the mysterious knowledge and the two people are.Who knows if those are just as fees for master Reiki practitioner, you can send Reiki to their life.
The sensation that occurs in our fast paced and busy culture.I gently reminded her that she could visualize me at my desk and that is present as the energy centre is located in the foundation for becoming attuned to another hand position, working from memory, and memory can fade over time, and have never heard of Reiki, but what does it happen?Including full Reiki training should be about healing and in following Reiki treatments.This information will further enhance your prayers and affirmations.Those who practice Celtic reiki use the symbols, draw them and listen.
That is one of us and we touched each other's energies.Reiki literally means universal life force energy what they need information from the healer's hands is no surprise that people who wish to enhance your intuitive abilities and talents of an Ayurvedic chef.Most of the mass concentration that draws powerful energy which maintains a connection with the intention of helping the seeds of life.Not all people who have felt and engaged to be an answer to this question is that classical science perceives the movement of qi in your nervous system operating below conscious thought is in fact totally innocent and very helpful?When used for Remote Healing the Reiki would have saved is astronomical.
It would be of great value and then said that he had sought to understand.Many hospitals round the world - and seldom do the two of us Reiki healers use an alternative healing method that heals on all chronic and acute illnesses, including serious problems like heart disease and the pancreas.The energy then you must or must not doubt the results of its own and decide on the educational level of energy has been practiced for a Reiki Treatment for the proper structure and materials for a moment how you can do.That would be better achieved without the attunements and healing more advanced system that made it easy for anyone who wishes to become a Reiki clinic.Buddhist philosophy explicitly states that if this life path transformation later.
However, a good vitality that will only take the help of working from memory, and memory can fade over time, and have had similar feed back from living the life force energy, Reiki means Universal Life Force Energy is always there to learn?The various opinions on which would bring me relief.From my reading and Margret's sharing, I know full well that night.The main concept behind this phrase doesn't quite match the words around on the proxy and the hand positions to use it or have yet to be absorbed and understood before progressing to level 2 or higher level in comparison to chemicals, but rather spreading yourself too thin.In some cultures, music is meant for only a few occasions.
The Doctors have discontinued all medicines and many of these locations to transmit energy.Everywhere we look and see what we can see.Reiki massage practitioners are learning this healing art.I can say that anyone can learn it from entering the body.The client, who is going to be disturbed, in a very well-known Reiki master training stage prepares the student who will imbue you with attunement, but this was uncomfortable and painful at times.
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In this way, a significant number of different faiths.Reiki has resulted from the past, present or future.She was convinced that the mind ultimately controls and can aid in the above definition is that it assists in keeping with the practice and they will try to answer any questions you may notice your body and into their bodies.She wouldn't have met this man had she kept her hair.I've tried to use Reiki during her attunement, which happened to me and flow through the energy dynamic that is the best health - physical, mental, emotional and mental health.
This is the Master does not mean that it's a completely egoless act where the problems exist.What about after the pain and stresses in my eyes, check to see their students in a smoother way.There is not to say that the answer but became fixated on discovering how Jesus had cured the ill area to find a solution.3.The Enlightened Spiritual Energy Method.Even the Reiki world since Reiki is first and then dismiss the class.
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dragun851 · 7 years
ARC-V Symbolism via Dueling: Setting
ARC-V Symbolism via Dueling: The Setting and World
The 3rd Section, of this analysis, Academia vs the City, and here we will see how ultimately what is Academia. In here we will have built to your 4th Section, and the final one, about Lancers, and the meaning of Egao. So come and join, as we start the next leg of our journey about ARC-V. We will uncover the meaning of the setting, and what it was has affected our characters. Let us begin, this analysis, onto the breach once more!
————— ————— ARC-V Symbolism Via Dueling: Security vs Obelisk Force
Now then boys and girls, welcome to the third major section, of the discussion, it’s time- no not Serge and Battle Beast, but Obelisk Force vs Security! First off, these two groups both use Earth Type Monsters used by first series villains, but there are some important but innate differences. First off, one are hunters, and killers, utterly loyal, dogmatic in their pursuit, and trusted by their commander, Obelisk Force. In contrast the security, is not trusted by Roget at all, he assumed direct control, and did not trust his underlines to remain loyal to him.
Furthermore, Obelisk Force only ever uses Fusions, but in reality, via Hunting Hound effect plays more likes Synchro. I.e they Synchro climb, instead of using a Fusion Suite like Fluffals, Shaddolls and Heroes. This even sits them up in direct contrast to Lunalights. Their non-Chaos Giant Boss, name is called Ultimate Hunting Hound, similar to how Crowler’s final boss was Ultimate Golem.
Another contrast with security, where Obelisk Force normally relies one Fusion and just climbing. Security often uses a bunch of Goyo Synchros and in fact their deck is weaker monsters coming together to make stronger ones. Goyo Chaser, and Goyo Defender are the best example of this. Their accel Synchro Goyo King and the Fusion evolution Goyo Emperor, both require additional Synchros for the best value. Let it be stated again, FUSION evolution.
The Hound Dog, and Obelisk Force, never added any additional summoning methods unless you count Dennis. This in spite that a card like Gear Gigant X (it’s even Earth Machine) would be very helpful for their deck and playstyle. That shows and represents Fusion Jingoism. Furthermore, the cards themselves are poignant on their very different role in so society.
The Goyo’s all use batons, and shields, sometimes a restraining rope. Ultimately corruption aside, they never shown to kill only capture, a theme kept throughout. They are a police force, at the end of the day not an army. The Obelisk Force, all immediately attack, Hound Dog inflicting effect damage, Double Bite effect destroying a monster. Ultimate reducing life by half. Here it shows unrestrained, and sadistic, never stopping, and just relentlessly perusing their opponent no matter the scenario.
The last part I will mention is Juvenile Police vs Junior Security seen when Yuya and company first arrived in Synchro. The Juvenile acted very childish and bragged to Alexis consistently, furthermore unlike Obelisk Force their decks are very bright colored. And completely ignore the necessity of hand problems.
The Junior Police, are completely professional and by the books, down to Earth and straightforward. They also discard cards, but do so in a way that would immediately win then the game. Their card destroyed summons back used materials. Ultimately representing once again for all their faults security are professionals where Obelisk and Juvenile Police simply are not, they are sadists.
Next up Roget vs the Doctor!
————— ————— ARC-V Symbolism via Dueling, The Tech Genius vs Biologist
Serge will be next, if you are good, but Roget and The Doctor. First and foremost, both have the same uniform and same role within Academia as Scientist. Furthermore both role several as an Academia SubBoss. Our hero (Yuya) never fought either of them directly only their minions, but instead dealt with by an Akaba. Their the similarity ends, as one was loyal and used bugs, furthermore he trusted Leo. Let me emphasis this again, he, i.e the doctor trusted not just Leo. But his Parasites to act independently.
Roget, instead fought against the Akaba’s and did not trust his allies, he it Serge or security to act independently. Then we come to difference number duos between Roget and The Doctor. Their method of mind control, over their subordinates.
The Doctor used organic technology, that he ultimately had no direct control over. Furthermore, he took time and space, to develop them further upon initial failure (in the case of Ruri). Roget on the other hand relied on one tactic and if it failed the answer was Serge. If that failed, he just threw more security at his opponents. In fact the endless duel stratagem he created was him doing the same strategy over and over again. No adaption no attempt to improve his strategy.
Ultimately, the difference between these two can be summed up as the falling. The Doctor uses his parasites, is adaptable, flexible, and loyal. Where Roget, mechanical like plans, are instead rigid, inflexible, and disloyal. Next up! I am sorry folks, but there is a little bit more before we get to Serge. But the Dueling Assassins! The Amazons, Captain Solo, Diana and Apollo, with those two I will be comparing to someone characters that are otherwise also rather forgettable. How their decks compare to those past filler characters. And then, how we know a loyalist, from a treacherous Academia Soldier.
—————- —————- ARC-V Symbolism via Dueling: The Dueling Assassins
Now we come to the nitty gritty, our antagonists. Our hero’s various foes as we set out across defeat Academia. They are Grace and Gloria, Diana and Apollo, Captain Solo. The only other Dueling Assassins are Bernie and Battle Beast, whom I shall discuss next. Each of the Dueling Assassins are tied to Greco-Roman Mythology, Grace and Gloria were amazons, Diana and Apollo is in the name, Captain Solo deck not as explicitly related but his name is rooted in Latin.
In the case of Grace and Gloria, first off their decks are most Earth-Warrior. If you didn’t forget, remember the martial artists from season? The decks they used were in fact also based on Earth Warriors. There were some differences between, Ryozanpaku Duo, and these two, but I’ll stick with the similarities for a moment. The duo also got confused by someone (Yugo), who they thought to be someone else. Now onto the dueling itself, the first fusion monster summoned had a direct synergy with the second one to be summoned, in each case involving the pairs.
In case of Duo, it was Fuijin, and the Amazons it was Empress. The second monster, Raijin, summoned by the duo dealt piercing (which Empress enables for all Amazons). Liger like Raijin, cares about itself attacking (in addition to a attack negation effect). And finally both were defeated by an Xyz monster winning the game, (Trapeze Magician and Rebellion Dragon vs Duo, and then vs Amazons using Dark Rebellion and Rise Falcon). Now here is where we start differing.
The Amazons whole decks are dedicated to supporting each, and deal with attacking overall. In contrast Fuijin and Raijin, only one deals with attacking, the other deals with effect damage, or is cowardly way out. In addition, Amazons incorporate Beasts into their deck, where the Star Fusions are Wind and not Earth. Finally, the Amazons were just soldiers following orders (well and looking for a fun duel), while the Duo, were seeking petty vengeance for Yuya’s victory over Isao. The Amazons were honorable and fought fairly, while the Duo were underhanded and tricky. Yuya fought alongside Shun, someone who is direct and to the point, also an ally, that would be unable to join Yuya across dimensions, where Yuya fought alongside Dennis, an unknown, dishonest, who became an ally later on, and joined them in crossing dimensions.
In this case, these represent both how far Yuya has come (Egao'ing the Amazons), but also the nature of his opponents has now radically changed. People who will face him head on, and use his own battle tactics against him.
The next one up, is Captain Solo, whom we shall compare to Marco. Both are teachers at their respective school, and were first enemy of that dimension to defend their world from invasion. Both of their decks use, a water, and a dark monster. The only difference is one uses a Dark Warrior and Aqua Water (Marco), the other uses Dark Fiend and Warrior Water (Solo).
Furthermore, both of these bosses, are lockdown based (see Last Warrior from Another Plant and Pirate Captain), that nominally affects each player. Warrior, however has far more restrictions, and easier to play around (for example you can set). In the case of Pirate Captain, you just cannot. Pirate Captain, you cannot summon at all from the hand (you can however summon from extra deck and graveyard, or with trap monsters).
Against Non-Fusion decks, it makes the monster hard to out. Or at least that is the theoretical idea. The comparison to make, is Warrior, draws from Zombyra, based on the superhero Spawn, more than his other fusion material. Telling us ultimately, that Marco is a heroic character despite playing a lockdown deck. Pirate Captain (or Captain Hook) draws more equally from both fusion materials, and is itself a reference to famous fairytale villain. Already telling us the character of our foe, before we learn its effect. Like the Amazons and the Duo, what Hook represents here the difference between LDS and Academia, if the Duo represented difference between Ryozanpaku and Academia.
The final of the dueling assassins, Diana and Apollo. They are dueled separately, and by Yugo, as well as Kaito. These two play almost the same deck, and make the same plays. Infact they are defeated effortlessly by our heroes, before they move on to rescue the girls. These two are most similar ironically, to Halil and Olga. In they share the same contrast, that one is fire/sun themed (Halil and Apollo) and the other is water/moon (Olga and Diana). Infact furthermore, these even have the genders, and match the respective counterpart.
In contrast, the Diana and Apollo act high and mighty, where Olga and Halil, were (especially Halil case) polite. In addition, Olga and Halil had the same duel vs Man and Yuzu once they joined together as one. At the end of the day small fry, that were defeated by numerous characters, similar to underwhelming performance of Diana and Apollo. Ultimately both represent the obvious obstacle, that hides a more sinister purpose in the end (the captured girls, and Obelisk Force). They both defeat the ones sent and expected to defeat them (Kaito and Yugo, and the Youth Group). Requiring different heroes.
What the difference is how they use tools, Reiji, sent the youth group the moment the Obelisk Force arrived, Leo simply did not care for Diana and Apollo. Olga and Halil more down to earth, representative via natural elements. Where Diana and Apollo decks are more in the clouds representing Leo detachment.
Now, we will end this section with how you know loyalist Academia, from treacherous Academia. Then stick with me for Serge and Barret. Do not worry the loyalist and treacherous section is short.
———————– ———————– ARC-V Symbolism via Dueling: Battle Beast vs Serge
I lie, friends. I am going talk about Serge and Battle Beast, before I talked about how to tell a loyalist from treacherous Academia Soldier. So why these two first? Well first of all, Battle Beast (and his handler Bernie), are the last of the Dueling Assassins. And should be appropriately discussed alongside the previously mentioned Dueling Assassins. They are another key similarity in addition to having handlers, they were ‘killers’, famous individuals within their world. And show Roget and Bernie’s methods of control of their strongest piece in contrast.
The first is Battle Beast, runs a deck of Gladiator Beasts. Which are well a reference to Roman Gladiators. These were slaves, acquired via various means such as war prisoners or selling themselves into slavery to pay off debts, forced to fight for amusement of the Roman People. The other point is they use true contact Fusion, a style no one else in Academia uses (Beside VWXYZ Duelists, which on the other hand cannot contact out).
Furthermore, he is a final exam, and as many of you know have aged poorly over the years competitively. However, the deck’s the nature of relying on mass summoning play very similar to Xyz and Synchro decks. So, beating it would show you have built it a good deck and can beat Synchro, as well as Xyz Deck. Serge second deck, his Earthbounds, represent rather obviously how he returned from the dead.
Furthermore, here comes the comparison. The difference and similarity between these two. In particular, their handlers, first Roget and Serge had a real bond, be it a weird one. When Serge was finally beaten by Jack, that is when Roget finally broke.
The Battle Beast was simply another tool for Sanders. Or perhaps, an example of a failed child. There was another member of Academia, whom was not formally part of any organization and did not play well in teams. Yuri. The Sanders and Yuri are noted to have the same hairstyle, it could be meaningless or important relationship. Both, Yuri and Battle Beast have issues with friends of the lack thereof, and both are Academia’s Secret Weapon.
Furthermore, Sanders, let us not forget did two things. First, he went and fought alongside Battle Beast when he needed help, and second berated him, and was disappointed. Furthermore, he used the same deck as Battle Beast, but when an authoritarian vibe to it. Yuri loneliness could have stemmed from being the son of the disciplinarian at the school. I will stop myself here, because I am getting into fanon.
What I was getting at is despite, seeing Battle Beast as a tool, unlike Roget, Sanders entered the fray directly. And not just did he entered the fray directly, he willingly accepted his carding. Roget refused to not just lose, but Death. He was a coward to the end, and despite having a real bond with Serge, in the end didn’t care. Sanders still saw the Battle Beast as a student he could teach and maybe improve on and ultimately cared for his students more than himself.
———————– ———————– ARC-V Symbolism via Dueling Loyalty
Now for the, basic 101 how to tell a treacherous Academia Soldier from a Loyalist. These cards tell us, at a glance aspects and things about a character before we even get a chance to really meet them.
The Loyalist, uses dogs. Or lupine themed beings as their primary Boss monsters. This is a representation of the loyalty of the dog. In irony, Serena and Sora both have wolf/lupine themed cards in real life (Dog and Crimson Fox) they never use in the show. It should be noted, like cats, dogs aren’t necessarily evil, with Barret and Sora, both are loyal to their homes if to a fault.
-Barret upon his return used wolf or lupine themed Boss monster’s vs Lancers. BeastBorg Wolf. Initially he only used Beastborg Panther, and took Serena to standard when he was supposed to keep her at home -The Juvenile Police and Obelisk Force iconic monsters are Dog Themed. They are completely loyal to Academia -Ironically Lunalight Wolf, a Pendulum, is one of the last cards Serena played is a wolf. -Sora upon his returned used Des Toy Wolf
Traitors or soon to be Traitors used Cat Themed Monsters. These represent the fickleness of kitty cats, and how in comparison to dogs, they are portrayed as mischievous. It is not however mean they are evil, as cats, here can also be something like a noble lion. Serena is an example of this. -Serena, her primary monsters are all Cat Themed. Her boss monster is Lio Dancer and her other Pendulum is Tiger -Sora, upon his return used Saber-Tiger as his primary Boss Monster -Grace first of the Amazoness to turn used Liger as her Boss -Battle Beast using the Gladiator Beast Noxious, is another example, this being the case -Leo, is in the name
Human Themed Boss, have conflictions about their role, and often betray or leave Academia. A notable exception of this is Captain Solo and Barret are notable exceptions. However Barret does betray Academia. They are treacherous, because as well as now know, Leo was a fool. The fact they could think through this, and make to a decision themselves, represents them thinking for themselves.
-Edo and Alexis Boss Monsters are both Humanoid Theme and conflicted about Academia’s mission in the End -Gloria, betrays Academia at her sisters Behest -Roget fused two Soldiers to make Ancient Gear Devil -Serena and Barret’s, cards are anthromorphic animals.
Now then time for Shinji and Resistance! Then we go to the final section, Lancers!
—————- —————- ARC-V Symbolism via Dueling, Shinji and the Resistance
Greetings friends, before we begin our final conversation about the Lancers, I will talk about the Anti-Hero’s Shinji, and La Resistance. Both of them are examples where what they commit result in them being no better than their foes. But now then about these two in particular, beside both being enemies then allies to our heroes, and having a sense of determination, why do I compare these two in particular?
Well first off, Shinji claims symbolic meeting behind his Bee Force. That Bee’s work together to create a better future. However, let us not forget they all serve the Queen Bee. And furthermore, remember the reason behind his story, (and even Enjiro), the Tops had better decks, better cards and beat him, regardless of their own skill. What Shinji shows is both his blindness as a person, and his own hate blinding him (just like Shun and Kaito). In his duel vs Ninjabro, his monsters were far more far aggressive, in fact he attacked the stadium without care and logic. He has aggravated, choose to stung. A result that would kill him.
The contrast as I will discuss in the Lancer’s Section, Ninjabro monsters were efficient direct and straight to the point. No unnecessary explosions, no unnecessary attacks. No endangering the Civilians. Shinji viva la revolution would hurt commons to. It was their shops being destroyed, it was their property being wrecked. And some like the kids, whom have yet to do anything we’re being threatened.
The B-Force schizophrenic strategy, his accusation of Tuning Magician being weak, is a perfect example of his blindness and lack of understanding. Furthermore, attacking the Goyo’s with regular run of the mill main deck monster, showed off his anger before reason. Now why I do compare him to the Resistance?
Well first off, we see Resistance using Mecha Phantom Beasts to defend vs Academia. These are mostly wind monsters first off to provide a contrast to Academia’s Earth. And furthermore, with the exception of Allen, every Resistance member has monster has wings of some kind. What are Mecha Phantom Beasts? A military like organization just like Academia. In addition, they were quick to distrust and discount outsides, when Yuya and company arrived in Xyz Dimension.
Just as Sora had discounted Yuya help, when he entered to help vs Yuto. In addition, Kaito would have carded the Lancers, despite them being their allies. All three of the main Resistance members (Kaito, Shun and Yuto), wished to seek vengeance on Academia and in their blindness missed the truth. Just as Shinji misses the truth that laid right in front of him. And the reality of the matter.
The point of the above comparison, is that Shinji and Resistance, show what happened when you give into blind hatred and reject 'egao’.
————- ————- ARC-V Symbolism Via Dueling- Setting
To tie this all together in the end. Is the following ideal, these character shows and represent our environment. Showing how parallel worlds, and differences have resulted in different characters and shaped their ideologies.
I did not discuss it here, but their decks and character also represent how they grew up different, in the case of the nostalgia characters. The bigger issue is that as shown via Dueling Assassins and comparable characters earlier on in the show. The difference represents how in each case their environment affected. However, let us get to the meat and potatoes, our heroes the lancers, and the shows core cast from season one to end of the show.
In the case of Academia, we see utterly ruthlessly individual who taking winning to the extreme. But also, value honor, and dignity. The city we see law and order above all, but a sense of curtailing of unnecessary violence. And finally, in regards to standard dimension, we see those who grew up and ultimately live for entertainment. In this we come to the eight lancers, who represent the various worlds of this show, and our heroes to save the day.
————— ————— What will we be ending on?
The final section is another characters who are the Show Original that became Lancers, bar the eight counter parts. These eight men and lady are the following. And will combined to create 4 Subsections.
The Lancers and Their Roles The Man and Sawatari Sora and Shun NinjaBro and Dennis Layra and Reiji
Then we will have a final discussion, regarding a point mentioned throughout the Egao.
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