#i understand that interacting with inserts can be uncomfortable. i do !
shdwtouch · 5 months
not me openly admitting that shade lowkey takes after me. this was not intentional, I swear. uwu; she kinda just... ended up with an extra dose of who I am as a person, whereas most of my original characters receive much less.
I realized this when considering that shade is most likely homo leaning. and I was like, haha she's just like me ! an enby ace lesbian... and then the similarities just kept getting drawn. idk maybe I'm just overly tired.
also like. not gonna apologize ? she really isn't a self-insert. but its also like... creators are allowed to put themselves into what they make ! and I'm proud of shade, I really am. so I won't be made ashamed for traits we might share.
#《 ° puffin.exe 》 im a puffin ! i dont do much#° mobile post !#° to be deleted !#tbh i dont know hoe people get off accusing people of making self inserts in the rpc like#how do you know ?? unless i explicitly state or draw comparisons ??#and why would i do that if my intent is to fool people ? like.#i understand that interacting with inserts can be uncomfortable. i do !#but unless you really know the person ? you arent in a place to say their characters are inserts#and tbh i feel like most of my discomfort comes from the prospect of being deceived#im okay with writing with inserts but im gonna draw boundaries#especially if youre writing them with the intent to live through them / fantasize.#while I think its valid its not something i am personally comfortable with. i dont consent to that as an rp partner.#but im also envisioning the worst possibility in which its someone getting off to how i interact with their oc#point being. to my mind. self inserts arent bad. they also arent easy to judge.#and even if i dont consent to interacting with an insert for the purpose of being wank material or emotional stimulus...#people could still use my content for wank or emotional stimulus by putting themselves in the shoes of whoever im writing with so#am i really one to judge? no. because again. i dont know.#and i honestly think anyone who can come out and say their oc is an insert or takes after them is#more trustworthy than someone who doesnt disclose it. idk just. there is no need for deception.#and if you do try to deceive me im gonna assume you have ill intent#whereas honesty is something that should be valued. especially in cases where the truth is so stigmatized.
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Unknown Episode 8
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My god, Yuan is so smart and Qian doesn't stand a chance.
Big change this week, as Yuan started calling his brother by his name (insert grumbling about the subtitles obscuring this by always translating "ge" as "Qian"). Both in the scene when Yuan checked on Qian and wished him good night, and again at the river, he called him "Wei Qian." In both of these moments, Yuan is trying to encourage Qian to accept that relationships can change and that it's okay for him to see Yuan as someone other than his little brother. He's also still calling him "ge" when he's interacting with him more in a familial way, and flirting and caring for him while also establishing some new distance by not catering to him in every single interaction. Yuan still loves him, but he's not a kid worshipping an idol anymore. You could practically see Qian's head spinning as he tries to keep up and get a read on how Yuan feels.
I like the way the show used the Lili and San Pang reveal to shake Qian up. First of all, let me just say that the scene where he found out was absolute comedy gold from start to finish, and I lost it entirely when they showed Yuan in the background embodying popcorn.gif. Qian struggles a lot with change, and he's uncomfortable both with the idea of his siblings growing older and with them engaging in romantic relationships, something he himself has never done. And the show didn't mention it explicitly, but I can't imagine it's lost on him that San Pang was so against Yuan's feelings for Qian, but has no apparent qualms about dating Lili (and covering her with hickeys, what are you, 14, San Pang?), despite all of them being part of the same found family unit. There's a hypocrisy there that is so far unnamed, and it must contribute to his discontent with this situation, though I don't think he'd ever say that out loud. Some part of him must think it's unfair that they get to date happily while he's been tormented for years over what to do about Yuan's feelings for him.
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And at this point, it's clear these feelings are mutual. Qian's physical awareness of Yuan was cropping up all over this episode; there was tension in every scene they shared. Their years apart seem to have only ratcheted up the yearning between them, and Qian is not as practiced at managing it. The anticipation was all over his face whenever he was with Yuan, and each time Yuan did not prioritize him in the way he expected, he was confused and disappointed. His words at the river felt more like he was trying to convince himself, not Yuan, that they should move on from any thoughts of a romantic relationship. I loved the way Yuan got up and sat down right across from him so he could look him in the eye and say he is more mature now, and he will always be his family no matter what, but wouldn't it be nice to have more together? His quiet confidence in that scene was excellent. I truly believe he is willing to accept whatever Qian wants, but he also knows Qian needs to be pushed to understand his own feelings. And next week he will be getting a big dramatic push.
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where-dreamers-go · 6 months
“Bingo” DBH RK800 Connor x Human!Reader
(A/N: Oh, hey! I found an unfinished Connor insert reader and did the thing. And I have no idea when I typed this, maybe four years ago.
Warnings: language.
Word Count: 720 words)
Many things and people could irritate a person. Some times those were situations. Other times you were irritated by someone’s repetitive display of aggravation of a being’s mere presence.
A shift in the department seemed regular as ever. Paperwork and people moving about around you.
Only one of those were you tired of. Gavin Reed.
Good at his job? Sure, but he had no reason to be as rude as he was to Connor from CyberLife.
Connor, however analytical, was sweet. That not you would admit as much out loud in the precinct. Especially not to his assigned partner. You would never hear the end of it.
You weren’t normally the one to step up in a social situation you weren’t at least a little involved in, however you were one for subtleties. Plus, you just couldn’t stand by and watch it happen. Not any more.
Was that not something humans needed to do more of, helping one another?
Previously mentioned Reed spotted the android, alone.
How did you know?
The look of uncomfortable disgust on the detective’s face.
It was when you saw Reed making a beeline towards Connor, that you made your move. Rising from your seat, your feet lead you towards the break room. Smooth, silent, and thankfully fast.
Reed had already approached Connor with his back to you and his arms crossed in front of him.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be or are you doing coffee runs too?” Reed sneered.
“Lieutenant Anderson said that he required a large amount of caffeine. I offered my assistance.” Connor answered with what had to be a hot cup of coffee in one hand.
“So it looks like you’ve gained rank as a coffee dis—.”
“Excuse me, Connor,” you stopped about two steps from Reed’s side. “May I ask your help with something?” You gestured back towards your desk.
“Of course, detective,” Connor sent you a minuscule smile before looking back to Reed. “Pardon me, detective. Perhaps you would like to continue discussing caffeinated beverages later?”
“Hell no. Get lost, plastic.” Reed made a noise of disgust as he walked away.
One triumphant smile on your face and you were practically prancing back to your desk with Connor in tow.
By the time you reached your work station, Connor was giving you a focused look.
“What is it that you need help with?”
“Nothing that I know of,” you leaned your hip against the desk.
“Then why did you ask me for help?” He tilted his head.
“Well….puzzle piece number one, Reed is a jerk to you. Piece number two, I don’t think anyone should be treated that way and three,” you picked up a pen, “I’ve already finished a good portion of my paperwork.”
Connor’s eyes squinted in the slightest as his LED flickered.
“Your conclusion?”
“You wanted me to avoid a confrontation with Detective Reed.”
“Bingo.” You tapped the end of the pen to your nose.
“But,” his LED switched to yellow for a moment. “Why would you do that? I can handle many human interactions.”
“Because I felt like I needed to.” You shrugged and fiddled with the pen in your grasp.
“Oh.” The tiniest frown made it way onto Connor’s perfectly sculpted face.
Smiling at him came easily because of the way he tried understanding and yet not quite getting to the core of humans’ feelings. It was adorable.
Lieutenant Anderson’s voice caught both Connor’s and your attention.
“Are you going to stand there all day chatting or give me my damn coffee and get back to work?”
“Sorry, Lieutenant.” Connor took long strides to the desk and gave him the cup.
You watched their exchange with an amused smile.
“Lieutenant Anderson, did you have breakfast this morning?” You asked.
“No. Why?” He frowned over the rim of the coffee cup.
You stretched over to the other end of your desk and retrieved a breakfast bar. “I got extra.” You held up the food. “It’s the good kind.”
“I’m not picky. Thanks.”
After exchanging glances with Connor, you tossed the wrapped bar. He caught it swiftly and handed it over to the Lieutenant.
“Connor, yah better not tell me what’s in it.”
“I-I wasn’t.”
You chuckled at the two and sat behind your desk feeling more accomplished than having your paperwork completed.
Best wishes and happy reading.)
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
DreamerDragon Tags: @
Detroit: Become Human Tags: @shewhobreathesfire
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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ripplestitchskein · 3 months
Thinking about this anti idea that the show switched gears on them. I don’t understand it. I’ve never understood it. I’ve already talked about how it’s pretty clear from the writing and show setup in the first few episodes what the focus would be but what baffles me is that it’s also just not true that the character’s issues are purely centered on and only expressed via the romance aspect. They are pretty good at applying the character’s issues to all aspects of their lives and interactions. Especially with Blitz because he is the main character.
Blitz, to put it simply hates himself, plain and simple. We all know this. He creates scenarios to force others to see him as he sees himself. He is a textbook case of someone who self sabotages due to extreme self loathing. He’s not sabotaging his work or his life in general though. We can see Blitz is hardworking, he is ambitious, he has his life together from a material perspective. He had a roof over his head, clothes on his back and food in his fridge. He provides these material things for a whole other person as well.
Where Blitz self sabotages is his relationships. It’s made clear from early on in the show it’s NOT just romantic relationships, it’s ALL of them. Blitz targets what he thinks will drive people away the fastest. I need it to be super clear that he does this to everyone and its ongoing even if sometimes it’s less prevalent. The show is about Blitz and Stolas, whether you like it or not they were the two characters who were focused on in the first few episodes. And the plot is driven by their issues and always has been, what gets disregarded in these arguments that the show is only about Stolitz now is how we see these issues manifest outside of the romance aspect of the show consistently and regularly just maybe not in entire episode long plots, it’s a through line.
With Moxxie Blitz insults him, he makes comments to make him uncomfortable. He targets little insecurities he has with himself. As we’ve gone along and they’ve developed he does this less, he compliments him more, he gives him responsibility. I think we see a good subtle example of Blitz’s influence in Moxxie on Full Moon. The Welcome to Hell, Bitch line was pure Blitz. His comfort with saying “So fuck him good sir”. These are the kinds of little things that slowly and carefully drive the changes in their relationship.
For Moxxie and Millie as a couple he inserts themselves into their relationship. He makes sexual jokes about them both. He mentions having a threesome with them. He follows and stalks them. It’s an odd and imo off putting behavior, one I think we’ve theorized about a lot and that’s lead to some interesting takes on his character and his view of monogamy in general. I don’t agree or disagree on the reasonings, I don’t have any info to make an informed decision on it but after Apology Tour it was kind of cemented for me that this behavior was also a pretty effective way to test them and drive them away. They are a very loving and committed couple, if I were a serial self sabotager faced with pushing away a couple to prevent them from getting too close, what is the best way to drive them away for good? Obviously, be the toxic third, have them join the Blitz Exes. He’s not going to admit that’s what he’s doing of course, so he approaches it in earnest like he does most things he is deluding himself about. Go all in on denial.
Blitz only ever tests the fence about them though, he never makes any serious moves on it, and he has largely stopped doing it at all after Chaz and Ozzie’s. I think that episode, how he felt after sleeping with Chaz, was the turning point for him when it came to them. It remains to be seen though.
I think GhostFuckers will be the place to explore it if there is anything left to explore about that. We seem to be getting a Millie based flashback and that might shed some additional light.
What also saves Moxxie and Millie from the full force of his self sabotaging behavior is that there is a built in buffer by them being his employees. He always has a way to keep them at arm’s length if there is a power dynamic he can fall back on.
With Loona she is a very closed off, anti-affection person. With her, the tact Blitzø takes is give her too much attention and show too much love. Smother her in affection no matter how many boundaries she sets and how much she protests about it. In Queen Bee he’s too in his head over Stolas to bother with that, and it’s sadly probably the most in sync they’ve ever been until the end. I pointed it out before but in Full Moon Blitz treats Loona very differently. He imitates her and actually snaps back at her when she says Stolas is dropping him, it was a very different interaction than earlier episodes and I think another subtle sign that how he feels right now is changing him and he’s making efforts. He hasn’t simpered at her for awhile. And he obviously is giving her a more active role in the day to day.
These are ongoing threads and they are all part of of the larger picture of Blitz’s growth and change. Just because a romantic relationship is helping drive that change doesn’t meant other things aren’t, or that the only changes or growth we see are only about the romance.
The fact that that there are two episodes focused entirely on Fizz speaks for itself.
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rzyraffek · 1 year
Could you please do headcanons Slashers (like Michael, Brahms, Billy, The Sinclair brothers) as caregivers for their S/O who is an age regressor
Or headcanons for those Slashers when they find out their s/o is an age regressor?
Okay I acually went and educated myself on this topic for you my dear anon🥰🌼
if your uncomfortable with topic of age regression pls dont read that😭
So basically as far as I understand age regression means that somone acts like child due to some traumatic event??? And like they act childlike and participate in child typical activies (such as drawing with crayons, speaking like a toddler, drinking from bottles ect) if i make headcanon that don't make any sense im sorry! I have no experience with this topic! ALSO this is pure platonic! Age regression isn't a kink or a fetish!!
Slashers with age regressor y/n
Brahms Heelshire
Tbh y/n acting childish kinda woke up his inner child, CUZ HE LITTERALY GOT LOCKED IN WALLS IN AGE OF LIKE 10 so he kinda missed out on some fun stuff
100% plays hide and seek! Or tag! My man loves some good round of hide and seek, this place is huge! *insert british accent* "oh you little scallop... if I find you I will tickle you so hard..."
Question: age regression is like temporary or like forever thing? Like regressor acts like that when they are in bad metal state or just always? Bcs if always then it might be hard with Brahms, see he kinda.... has mommy's issues has huge need to be taken care of, probably similar to y/n's, he kinda wants a person who will just pamper him and make him feel like he's the single child yknow? All the attention on him? Yknow what i mean??
If y/n draws him something nice, dude will put it on a fridge with a magnet and be proud
If thats like temporary thing, he acaully will ask a lot of questions: how should he act? Do you remember anything? How does it work? Can he get some cuddles? Do you still love him while regressing? (Ofc you do, but he doest understand)
Billy Lenz
You guys vibe
Dude won't see any difrence😭
Yay one more reason to watch cartoons together! (His favorite ponny is rarity and fluttershy)
If y/n babytalks and uses toddler-like vocabulary... dude will mimic it😭 he just thinks that will help with communication😭 its not like you guys struggle with it or anything, Billy is just build like that
Yall draw together, his artstyle already looks like toddler drew it (not in cute way)
Plays dolls with y/n (but he acually makes it interesting! Like he makes it all dramatic and the tea is just jawdropping)
Also don't bother explaining what is age regression, just say "sometimes I act like kid to cope"😭
Micheal Myers
But kinda likes it, not in weird way! He enjoys taking care of y/n, but he has his own ways of doing so
He won't play with them or let them cuddle him too much
But he accepts little drawings and stickers that y/n gives him
He is still stalking them, making sure noone tries to bully them or anything
He is very protective, for example if y/n cuts their finger while making food, dude is all over them: Oh no no dont cry! Uhhh.... uhhh oh! See a pretty bandage? With puppies! Pls dont cry...
On rare days he is acually around (phicially i mean, cuz hes always around just not interacting with y/n) and it happens for him to be in good mood too, he will let y/n nap on him or put some stickers on his outfit- he never takes them of btw, the only reason that stickers wash of is the field he 'works' in? Yknow a lot of mud blood and water. He also holds y/n hand if they are spooked
And he fucking loves fluttershy and applejack
Steals some cute shirts and socks for them!
Sinclair Bros
Bo is the least understanding, tbh he will lisen to y/n only if they have very good relationship
Vince is just 👍
And Lester is acually very open to the idea
Drawing and playing dolls with Vincent
Going on cool drives with Lester
And napping with Bo
Whole fridge is covered in drawings and cute magnets
All Vincent's notebooks and Lester truck covered in stickers
Even Bo gun didnt escape the sticker apocalypse
Vince made special wax figurines for y/n
Lester calls them "kiddo" 😭😭
Bo puts his hand on their head and rubs it till their hair goes all puffy
They all act like older brothers who have to take care of younger siblings while perents are away😭😭
Vince acually vents to regressing y/n and they are just like: "man I just wanna pet the dog"
Bonus round! Added few more!!
Bubba Sawyer
Bestie vibes
Yall just spend time playing with dolls and drawing together
Absolutely lets y/n nap on him
He totally combs their hair and puts them in nice bun (or if y/n has short hair he will just brush it)
He kinda sees age regression as lil break from reality? Like you two can just vibe and act they way you want to😊 he enjoys, cuz tbh he do be acting like child(not in bad way!) And his happy that you both can do all those child-like activities without being judged by other person
Bit y/n once
Asa Emory
Ew a child
I mean
Idk he gives me "the dad that never has time for u cuz he has too much work"
Like yep he will read y/n a bed time story and he will tell them all about bugs and nature. But hes busy most of time
OMG ABOUT BED TIME STORIES Asa will read you one but he is so exhausted that he acually falls asleep first
He trusts them and knows that even whilr regressing they wont do anything dumb, but he still bans them from his 'workroom' theres... well some photos and drawings of victims and i doubt y/n wants to see it
Lets them sit on his lap while he reads newspaper like middle-aged man he is
Gives lil head kisses before sleep
Bug themed plushies and figures
Makes y/n watch animal planet and bbc nature with him
When he's out for longer periods of time he will buy them McDonald's as an apology
Done. I hope it makes sense! I never witnessed anyone age regress so idk how relatable it is!! I used x reader tags only to reach bigger audience
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mwalani · 6 months
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Charlie, Angel Dust, Adam and Emily X Reader - (Charlie, Angel Dust - part 1)
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︴Notes - Hello! Again, not a request but I'm having a boost of ideas HAHAHS anyways yeah uh this is more of a self insert because the reader is basically me but uhm yeahhh I hope anyone can read it 🙏
︴Content - Charlie, Angel Dust, Adam and Emily headcannons with a reader who has insomnia but likes to sleep during the day, dislikes studying, forget things often, is distracted easily, is shy but gets talkative once comfortable around them, gets easily angry, is an ambivert and likes to do art.
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Charlie would be worried about your health, especially since you don't sleep a lot at night.
One thing she noticed is that when you're awake during the night, you go and find something to do.
Most of the time you're drawing, writing or just playing games while listening to music.
Charlie understands that you have difficulty in falling asleep and all but she'd still insist on trying to help you.
You agreed even if you knew it wouldn't change a lot without proper medicine for it.
Charlie also saw that you usually didn't slept at night no matter what happened, but ended up sleeping during the day.
That made you not interact with a lot of them too often because they're usually sleeping when you're awake.
But there's always someone who woke up or didn't sleep yet to talk to you.
Sometimes you liked it, sometimes you didn't. Depended 100% on your mood.
One thing Charlie is a bit confused is when you told her that you didn't like studying.
That's not a problem, the thing is that you spend a lot of time on random things and then say you hate to study 😭
She understands you though, I feel like math isn't something Charlie really likes.
But she loves history, and it seems that you like it too!
Charlie never touched a video game before, but for you she'd try to learn just to make you company.
Also, she tries to only call you for hotel activities that doesn't require a lot of effort to do, because she knows you don't like it a lot.
Something that she can't help with, is how you get distracted easily and have a poor memory.
Charlie can't help because she's literally the same!
So you two end up forgetting a lot of things. But hey it's fine! It's not like someone remembered it to be mad!
Charlie was really happy when you finally got comfortable around her because she noticed you were really shy.
Which made her try to get you to participate on more activities with the other residents, but once she saw how uncomfortable you looked she gave up on that idea.
Though she's trying to make you be less shy! Even if it's with little progress.
Charlie sometimes get taken back by your coldness because you're usually chill and happy around her.
But when she asked you about it, she learned that you randomly get grumpy and tired of everything and that makes you get a bit sassy towards others...
That makes you feel guilty and she tells you it's totally fine, she doesn't take it to heart!
Probably gave you an anti-stress ball or something to fidget when she saw you scream at the couch because you accidentally bumped into it.
She loves to hug you, especially when you get angry and instead of screaming or whatever you just start crying.
It breaks her heart seeing crying like that, so it's her job to go and comfort you!
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Angel Dust is worried about you, but he isn't the best example himself..
I mean, he's either doing drugs or coming back from his work during the middle of the night so he doesn't really have a sleeping schedule-
That doesn't mean he isn't going to try to help you.
Angel Dust isn't one to invalidate people's feelings, so if you got angry at him trying to make you go to sleep he'd stop.
But instead he would love to just, stay there, awake with you doing whatever.
He's genuinely interested on your hobbies, especially the drawing and playing games one.
Angel Dust probably wanted to try games but never had the chance you know? So when you find out about it, you ask him to play with you.
He'd be really happy with it, but also get (jokingly) mad at you for making fun of him for when he died to a zombie on Minecraft.
Angel Dust notices after some time how easily distracted you are, and honestly, it's a bit funny.
You're there telling him a random thing that happened to you, and then you stop and change the topic to why Charlie was running around the hotel.
Even forgetting about what you were saying before! Which makes him also notices that your memory is shit.
Like, I feel like Angel Dust's definetly going to help you with it, even if it's just placing some notes on your desk with things like "Finish that drawing" "We're playing tonight ;)" or things like this.
Angel Dust knows that you are shy, because when he went to talk to you he thought you were going to run away from how nervous and red you were.
At first he even thought you had a crush on him! I mean not like you don't but 🥰
Now you don't even shut up! And it's definetly a good thing for him, Angel loves to listen to you babble about any of your interests.
He also knows how to see when you're in your "Good mood" or "Bad mood".
When you're in a bad mood, you're usually more cold and sassy to everyone, but you apologize right after you come back to the good mood again.
You have a bad temper, and Angel Dust remembers to not get on your nerve because he doesn't want you to get even more stressed.
I mean, he saw you lose a pencil and then yell at nothing just to find the pencil right after.
But when you just, cry instead of scream, that makes him really worried.
If you allow, he's going to pull into a hug, or a cuddle. Whatever makes you feel better.
He even let you pet Fat nuggets because he knows how much you love him😭
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ghostedgrim · 2 months
Fandom Etiquette
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It has come to my attention that today's fandoms just keep turning toxic, getting created and ruined within a week, and the etiquette we used to follow like law is vanishing. More and more people, especially minors, are joining fandoms, and they don't know the etiquette or unofficial rules that we once went by.
These "rules" are merely what I have observed through the years.
1) Understand what a fandom is- A fandom is a SAFE SPACE where people can talk about a show/movie/game/book + characters within it that they like. It is a space where people can be free to make headcannons, self-inserts, ocs, memes, shit posts, create and share theories, create fanart and fanfics.
2)Respect - If you don't want something happening to you, then don't do it to others. More directly: don't hate on other people for their preferences of reading, writing, and characters they like. So if someone likes character A because of __ but you like character B, that doesn't give you the right of hating on the other person fit liking character A. If a person sets a boundary: "I won't write _ _ and _," then don't push them to write it.
✨️Jingle Jingle ✨️sparkles✨️lemme keep your attention✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
3) Creators of a fandom (people who created the characters, movie, book etc that you like).- If they request something, respect it. "Please don't sexulize this character" so don't sexualize them. Do not force a creator into a fandom, don't be sending them fanart, graphic contents, threats to get a specific ship you want, etc. They are a person, treat them like one, if they want to be in the fandom and interact with it they will do it in their own time, don't force them.
4) 18+ spaces! 🔞- Now minors, I NEED you to understand this part. A person with 18+, 🔞 or MDNI (minors do not interact), don't interact ESSPECALLY if it's a group chat, discord, and/or rolepay. I emphasize this FOR YOUR SAFETY! As a minor, you can easily get groomed, no matter how safe it seems adult predators are there and will make you feel like they are the safest person to be around before they attack (I did an essay on this just a few months ago, trust me it's bad). Some people make an 18+ space because they fear a they cannot prevent a predator from going after minors who enter that space (predators will often be your friend before they attacked via grooming).
5) 18+ pt2- Many people create an 18+ space so they can talk about more adult related topics, or simply because they find it easier to talk to people their age when speaking about fandom related topics. Also it's weird being like 20 and agreeing with a 12 y/o that a character is hot, it's extremely uncomfortable for us adults when we realize we're having that conversation with a kid.
6) MDNI and 18+ tags!- These are warnings that a topic in a post is NOT CHILD FRIENDLY!! Also us adults can get in trouble if a child interacts with our 18+ content- a parent could see, report us, get us banned and possibly worse scenarios depending on the situation. Also adults don't want children reading 🌽, graphic violence etc.
✨️✨️💥✨️✨️stay with me now✨️✨️💥✨️✨️
7) Shit posts💕- I have not seen them in ages and I miss them. A shit post is just a funny, likely cringey thing you make at like 3am. They're funny, stupid, meant to make everyone laugh and cringe, they're not meant to be pretty. It can be headcannons like "Thrawn from star wars sucks at painting that's why he only admires art!!" Or self insert x character doing something stupid. Crack fics are some of the funniest things because you can read it and wonder if the person who made it was high in that moment. They're like memes.
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8) Self Insert OCs- Idc if you hate them because guess what, a person has a right to create them, Hell a person has every right to make a fanfic with them. Yes, you're allowed to feel distaste when you see them, but don't give hate, it's stupid to hate on something so harmless. I got maladaptive daydreaming, and while it may be boring in a fanfic, I find may daydreams much more entertaining when I have powers and a backstory that's fictional.
9) Warnings- Put warnings on your post if it contains; violence, sa, abuse, sh, sickness, vomiting, and any other possibily triggering thing even I'd it seems stupid put the warning there please ✨️
10) Pro-shipping- If you do this you're not welcome, and leave the fandom. For those who don't know, these people support minor x adult ships, incest ships, dad/mother x their child ship, abuser x victim ships and likely sa ships too. There is no excuse, if you support them, make art, fanfics, headcannons, get out and leave the fandom. If you're so desperate for it then go make a bot for it on character ai. 👋 bye
10.5) If you make headcannons or stories romanticizing a character 🍇ing, and or sa and or abusing y/n, or another character you ship them with (especially if it's a minor x adult 🤢), get tf out. If you romanticize yourself sa, 🍇ing and/or abusing a character (especially if it's a minor) get tf out. LEAVE THE FANDOM
✨️Almost done, just a little further my friends✨️💕
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11) Help support the people writing fanfics, writing isn't always easy, so leave the author a comment or preferably reblog it, it helps motivate them to write and keeps the fandom alive
12) Don't be toxic, it kills a fandom. Unless a person's opinions or creations are harmful just leave them alone if you don't like it.
13) Don't glorify Ai art, all the faces and smiles look identical babe, go for art created by a person. 100%
14) Don't whitewash
15) be inclusive
✨️ If you wanna read a story with multiple chapters you can find them on whattpad and Ao3. Ao3 is better at filtering out unwanted content and finding certain content you want. Tumblr fanfics are mostly oneshots, but multiple chapter stories do exist.✨️
16) Give support to authors writing multiple chapter stories bc those are hard af to make! Support via: Tumbler: reblog and comment. Ao3: kudos and comment. Whattpad: comment, and vote for it.
17) SUPPORT FANART ARTISTS! With Ai their motivation to create has weakened. Fancfictions and fanart are both vital in keeping fandoms alive, and artists are do much better at art than Ai. And we love the little comics the artists make, so give em some love
18) Cosplay- we all have to start somewhere and cosplay is expensive af. So support rather than critisize, and provide tips to help them (where to find affordable good materials, how to sew, good glues etc)
19) Writing is hard, some people like me are dyslexic and not everyone has English as their native language, ontop of that with grammarly (Ai based autocorrect) it's harder to notice mistakes and the autocorrect will also make incorrect corrections.
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You made it!!!! I'm proud!!! Feel free to reblog, comment, and even copy then repost to spread the word, feel free to add, and summarize. People can't magically learn fandom etiquette, we have to teach them. Especially the minors
Now go be the weird nerds we all are 👋
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cin3maa · 2 months
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☆Welcome to Fish City's greenhouse!☆
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚
☆ you can call me cinema/cinna or just anything you like! i am 15!! in fact a minor (she/her only please) pronouns page <-
☆ i work as a sort of botanist for FishCity! I take care of the marine plants here (and also am tasked the burden of dealing with tomi's problematic little clones.. they keep multiplying!!!!) i am but a wee sea bunny doing my part to ensure FishCity's habitability!
☆ i really like (rot)tmnt! specifically donnie (in every iteration..smitten swoon)
☆ i can and will draw selfship with my wife r!donnie so if you dont want to see that just block the tag #selfship
☆ i like yapping!!! interact with me i swear i dont bite (,,¬﹏¬,,)
☆ i am a huge vocaloid/jpop/pjsk nerd so um yeah!!!!
☆ art requests are closed! if you send any i WILL get you!/threat
please read about my boundaries before sending any requests if open. (under the cut)
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☆ 700 DTIYS (#cin3maa dtiys)
☆ donnie with other purple characters
☆ #tmnc (teenage mutant ninja cats) <- there will be more!!!
☆ #tmnt cin (my turtlesona or self insert stuff)
mooties!!! (more tba<3)
#corrupted file 📄: @urplepurplegurgleturgle
#ocean documentary 🪸: @atomic-rattz
#alien sighting 🛸: @reddbug27
#sweet n sour 🍋: @hahawasabi
☆ main tags:
#rolling 🎥 (my art)
#backstage 🎭 (my refs)
#previews 🎞️ (ask replies)
#talking during the movie {yapping)
#5 stars 🌟 (reblogs)
playlist ˚₊ · »-♡→
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boundaries and other stuff! ⇩(PLEASE READ)
-> requests
i probably wont draw your oc
i wont do canon x YN requests unless i specify otherwise - i will deny/ignore you if you request it anyway. i understand you like the characters (i really do) but i just dont want to draw this kind of content as of now and i ask that you respect that.
...please dont beg or be pushy/send multiple asks with your request
if i havent responded to your request, i probably just dont want to do it or i do and am getting to it when i feel motivated
id prefer requests be primarily (rot)tmnt but if you want to request something related to any of my OTHER interests i wont mind(• ∇ <)
i am very obviously not going to be doing nsfw.
my commissions arent set up at the moment
the way that i personally do requests is that i get to them when i get to them. im most likely not ignoring you!!! i work at my own pace.
-> art usage
feel free to use my art as a pfp/banner etc (credit appreciated<3)
i dont mind if you repost as long as you credit me
do not edit/modify my art
do not use my art in edits
um.. i dont think this should be an issue but dont sell my art?
you can draw any of my designs but id prefer you didnt claim them as your own haha..please @ me if you do use anything id love to see it <3
-> boundaries
t/cest in/cest & proshippers fuck off. seriously, block me. this includes casey jr x turtles
^I do not count april but i probably wont draw any april x turtles anyway (he's married to me)
vivziepop (hazbin/helluva etc) generally makes me uncomfortable but i wont block you if you enjoy her works or post about them.
i do not support ai art. if you support it or are neutral please block me. if you want to start making real art but dont know where to begin or need free resources, check out this post. (or this resource post)
if we're not close be mindful of what you send in my ask box lol. i am a minor. it makes me uncomfortable if youre sending me suggestive images or something like that (especially if i dont know you very well)
DO NOT VENT IN MY ASK BOX. i dont really know how to respond.. im witewawwy just a girl im not your thewapist im sowwy💔💔
i frequently call rise donnie my wife/bf & draw selfship (sometimes) so if that bothers you im sorry ;w; when i do draw selfship i try to tag it properly so it can be filtered !!!
im still an inexperienced artist, so i probably wont be able to give very good advice if you ask (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
feel free to tag me!
dms are open
-> other interests!
project sekai (if you want to play just ask for my id<3 im almost always up to it! i main jp but i do have en.)
vocaloid/utau/synthv & jpop
^ i am kakizaki yutas #1 fan !!!! listen to his music right now
hoyoverse (genshin, star rail, zzz, hi3)
little nightmares
osomatsu san
metal family
bee and puppycat
breaking bad (pls...)
...and more but this list is already getting long
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stuff in here is subject to change, thanks for reading!!! :3 like actually thank you so much!!! i really appreciate it
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vizslasaber · 5 months
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Hello and welcome to my Star Wars fanfiction blog! On here I post primarily SW reader inserts, as well as updates regarding my non-reader WIPs. This masterlist will contain a list of all fics I post on this account and my AO3. Thanks for stopping by!
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AO3 Masterlist
Main | Art tag | Taglist
STATUS | open for mutuals!
GUIDELINES | Please only submit a request if the status of my ask box applies to you! If you're a mutual, you can submit when my ask box is open to only mutuals, or everyone. If you are a follower/reader, please only submit when my ask box is open to everyone. If my ask box is closed, please do not submit requests as they will be ignored. Most importantly, please only submit prompts from the list linked below.
PROMPTS | Currently using this prompt list!
──── RULES.
Any unsolicited advice, harassment, or impolite demands for updates will immediately be deleted, and you will be blocked. Don't test me—I don't play around.
I labeled this blog as 18+ for a reason. Unfortunately, I can't stop minors from interacting with my writing. Nevertheless, I really don't want to be put in an uncomfortable position. Most minors don't understand this common rule, but it's there because no sane 20+ year old putting smut on the internet such as myself want to know that children (17 year olds DO count) are reading that stuff because of them. If I find out that a fic of mine labeled 18+ was interacted with by someone who is suspected of being a minor, they will be blocked.
Please do not repost my work or claim it as your own! That includes the gifs on my various masterlists. I work hard on my writing and graphics and would be super bummed to see either one shamelessly stolen.
If you have any questions about how my blog operates, please don't hesitate to shoot me an ask! My ask box is always open for specifying questions about rules, guidelines, or anything you’re wondering about that’s not listed here.
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tireddovahkiin · 3 months
🖤"Forever devoted to you."🤍
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Howdy yo, my people, and welcome to my realm of shitposting, memery, art and fic dumps, and endless amount of pining on my fictional blorbos!!! ^^
Here's something about me :]
(INFP | Pisces | Atheist | Maladaptive Daydreamer | hypersomniac | selective mutism | stimmy | energetic | sensitive)
I'm an [age regressed!] adult with ADHD/who is Neurodivergent! I consider myself a hikikomori, asocial fella who suffers from social anxiety T0T also a bit touch starved hehe 👉👈
My regressed age is about 7-9! But my true age is 19 ^^
I'm genderqueer, and use any prns (She/He/They)! I'm also Cupioromantic, Aceflux, Polyromantic and Bicurious!
I'm in a constant state of sleepiness, and a bit of a softie, who likes plushies, fresh/flowery/soapy/baby scents, soft blankets, feeling clean and warm ^^
I love to draw, read, play video games and listen to music in my free time! Oh, and play with my favorite plushie lol XD
My favorite animal is raven! My favorite color is red, white and black! My favorite food/drink is pasta, chocolate and coffee! My favorite music genres are classical/dubstep/breakcore/vocaloid/electronic/rock/pop/osts (im srs yall i like everything💀)
Some of my icks/dislikes: feeling cold, being in public, talking when I'm sad/angry, bugs, feeling tired, (which is always😒), little children, people touching my plushie, feeling lonely, loud noises/yelling, people being inconsiderate/non-understanding/judgemental, feeling dirty
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This blog is mainly SELFSHIP/ORIGINAL PLOT LORE/AU oriented!!!
Here, you will often find self insert/OC relationships and stories with canon characters from other fandoms/my own AUs/gushing over F/Os and other stuff, as well as art/fics! Slowly but surely, I will be introducing some of my characters or new f/os as time goes, who I ship with and which fandom they belong to! The relationships could be either queerplatonic, romantic, just platonic, or familial!! There are also f/oes🤫
My artwork here will include selfship/ OC x Canon ship, fanart, mostly some doodlery and sketches and bit of fake edits/screenshots then and there! I usually draw traditionally, but I also recently started digitally, and I'm still practicing!
Fandoms I'm interested in: Transformers, Cookie Run, JJBA, OMORI, FNAF, Call of Duty, Sonic The Hedgehog, LOTR, Skyrim, Dragon Ball, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Friday Night Funkin', Madness Combat, Deltarune, Undertale, Naruto, Chainsaw Man, Monsterverse, ENA, Marvel, The Stanley Parable, HALO, One Punch Man, TADC, Fran Bow, Little Misfortune, Honkai SR, Pizza Tower, Ace Attorney, Final Fantasy 7 (yes, a long list i know💩)
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Here is my F/O list!!!
(Please read it before you interact with me!)
My two main F/O's are Sephiroth (from Final Fantasy VII) and Hanami (from Jujutsu Kaisen!). I love them both so much <3
(if you selfship with these two + those labeled with '🖤' on my F/O list, please dni :( Im not comfortable with sharing at all.)
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⚠ I have age regress, so I may act brash and not so 'adultey' as I'm expected! the tone I use may be a bit too energetic, so, if you find it annoying or uncomfortable, feel free to block me! But just to make sure other age regressors know, it is not safe for littles!!!
⚠ I cuss a lot!
⚠ I can be quite forgettable (ADHD things)! If I happen to ghost you/forget to answer/don't remember some of the things you said, I'm really sorry, it was never my intention🙏
⚠ My OC and S/I lore is very... Unrealistic, which means, they are usually non-human and/or immortal beings with a bit of overemphasized powers and such. No rlly a Mary Sue, but still. If that bothers you, feel free to block me!
⚠ It is a safe space for any LGBTQ+/Neurodivergent person, and any Race/Ethnicity/Age!
⚠ If OC x Canon/Canon x Canon art bothers you, no hate, just block please!
⚠ Feel free to send any drawing requests/fanart/f/o letters/asks regarding to my ships/characters. But keep it sfw ^^ (pls do)
⚠ I won't do SA, incest, minor/adult, zoophilia, age play, or any other fucked up shit.
⚠ If I didn't answer your ask, that only means two things: I deleted it because I felt uncomfortable answering it, or I'm too busy to answer it.
⚠ If you approach with pure hate/toxicity and act like a creep, you will be blocked and/or reported.
⚠ No drama, please. I don't want to be part of anything related/unrelated to me. Trying to start any drama results to an instant block.
⚠ Do not spam in asks/messages. Have in mind that I, and any other people, have life outside these blogs, and can be busy quite a lot if it happens.
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Instagram: @/yourlocalhikikomori (art acc), @/yumedelulufarm (selfship acc)
Twitter/X: @/tireddovahkiin
Discord: @/wondersofthemind
Tiktok: @/tireddovahkiin
[Ty for reading ^^ <3]
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working-dreamer · 8 months
It’s wild how shipping culture has changed so drastically over time on the internet.
In the old days people shipped characters who either had only one line of dialogue with each other, never even met, or not even from the same piece of media. It was the wild west and sure some ships were uncomfortable but people had the mindset to just block the tag and stay away from ships they didn’t enjoy.
Nowadays? It’s more like people have to clarify that their ship isn’t canon compliant, character adjacent, and story irrelevant otherwise they get a flood of comments saying “but this character isn’t like this in canon” and some people legitimately get angry if you’re not following the canon.
Like- shipping and fandom culture from what I understand it is about engaging with media in a way that caters to you. And if you don’t like a ship or show just… block the relevant tags and don’t engage in the ships? The internet isn’t supposed to cater to us- we have to cater ourselves to our internet environment. And no matter how many times people may harass others over a fandom or ship they don’t like, those ships are not gonna disappear.
The internet has just been getting worse when people have decided to place morality in their opinions by saying things like “if you enjoy the ship then you support (insert horrible thing here that’s usually completely unrelated to the ship itself)” when it used to be “eh, not my thing” and people just moved on.
And for the record this isn’t about a specific ship or anything- just an observation of how fandom has evolved (and regressed) over the years and I find it fascinating from a sociological perspective cause we still don’t know how having the internet from birth affects the development of kids and how that affects how they interact with others- isn’t that scary?
I know that’s slightly unrelated but the way people engage in media has been changing over they years and that also involves fandom and the maturity level thereof in the internet space and someone smarter than me could probably write a whole thesis paper about fandom culture and how the internet has hindered the social development of people and how that affects community specifically from a fandom lens.
Just- for your sanity younger internet children: it’s not worth harassing others over something as trivial as ‘it’s not canon that this character kisses another character.’ Just find ships you like. Block ships you don’t. And just enjoy your time doing what you like!
You can’t control the internet but you can nurture your little corner of it.
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philistiniphagottini · 5 months
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Requests are currently open.
Please only request one character/situation at a time. The character can be male, female and/or anything in between.
I write SFW and NSFW.
Reader inserts only. No character x character and no character x OC. Just character x reader.
Open for female or gender neutral reader. Please specify when you request which one you prefer. If you don't, I will ignore your request.
I am only accepting requests for a chubby/plus size reader. I will ignore your request if you ask for a skinny or neutral body type reader as I am not comfortable writing that content anymore.
I reserve the right to deny any requests, regardless if it follows the rules or not. So, sorry, just because you send me a request, doesn't mean I will do it. I am but one person and this is a hobby, please understand that I can't do every request in my inbox.
What I won’t write if requested:
Cheating scenarios, rape or drugged sex, paedophilia, scat/piss kink, exhibitionism, humiliation, pet play, master/slave, spit kink, friends with benefits, extreme jealousy, heavy degradation kink, vore, bratty dynamics, physical or mental abuse, incest, suicide
Minors DO NOT interact with my NSFW, you will be blocked.
I may or may not write heavy angst or dark content. It will depend on my mood and I will do it on my own terms. Please respect that decision.
Further disclaimer that I write aged up characters and interact with dark content. If any of that makes you feel uncomfortable, kindly leave or block me.
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lurkingshan · 11 months
Okay now that Halloween is over and my head is clearer, I wanted to add some thoughts to the great posts @waitmyturtles and @bengiyo shared debriefing Only Friends and unpacking this desire by some in fandom to declare that it has no message and therefore we can't be upset with the creators for what they chose to put out into the world via this show. Let me just say upfront: I find that claim preposterous and completely contra the basic tenets of media literacy and analysis.
Turtles already gave a great overview of the foundational truth here: media is communication, and all communication contains messages, both explicit and implicit. For the first 11 weeks, I believed that Only Friends was attempting to take a neutral POV on its characters' morality, asking us instead to think for ourselves about the moral complexities and implicit messages of the situations the characters were in, and wondered if the lack of a very explicit perspective from the show was making folks uncomfortable. But then, in the final hour, the show shifted its tone to provide an extremely explicit POV on the characters and its themes (with the subtlety of a sledgehammer to the head), with a heavy focus on punishing Boston, and that POV was so rooted in heteronormativity, sex shaming, and frankly, anti-queer sentiment, that it took many of us aback. As Ben put it so succinctly in his post: NOT A SLAY.
I want to unpack this more because it’s important to understand that there are ways to write the events of the final episode as essentially the same without embedding that explicit moralistic POV. If the intent was to maintain a neutral presentation of events that does not cast judgment on Boston, you would not do any of the following:
Have several characters explicitly judge Boston for being a non-monogamous slut in dialogue with no counterpoint voices
Make Boston spend the episode apologizing to every character while receiving no apologies in return for the wrongs done to him
Insert a random episode of Boston acting on impulse in a way that is not actually consistent with any of his previous behavior to make a sudden point that he can't change
Have Nick, who has been explicitly singled out as the one person who understands and loves Boston, change his mind and dump him in a frankly condescending way while Boston begs him for another chance
End Boston's final scene of the show with him devastated, alone, and defeated while the rest of the characters are happy and thriving
There is absolutely nothing neutral about those choices, fam. And they were in fact choices that the creators of this show are responsible for. They could have had the basic events of the finale stay the same, but changed the dialogue and framing of these interactions, and it would have completely changed the message being sent. For instance:
Instead of having Sand say Nick deserves better than Boston because Boston kissed someone else, he could have focused his comments on helping Nick understand whether he wants monogamy and why
Instead of having Boston grovel to everyone, they could have had all the friends just decide to forgive and forget all their mutual trespasses, or had the rest offer Boston sincere apologies in response to his own
Instead of Boston randomly deciding to make out with Boeing and lie about it, they could have had him invite Boeing to meet Nick for a threesome and have Nick react to that
Instead of having Nick dump Boston, they could have had them mutually decide they want different things and decide to part ways
Instead of Boston crying and dejected on the concrete, we could have seen him say goodbye to Nick on positive terms and walk away with his head held high to the life waiting for him in NYC where he can be his authentic self
Do you see how that works? All of the events of the story are the same, but the message it delivers is completely different. This version of the story would tell us that even though Boston's current friends don't really get him, and even though Nick is not ultimately comfortable with an open relationship, there is nothing inherently wrong with the way Boston wants to live. But they didn't give us this version; they gave us the stigmatizing and shaming one I described above. And that is absolutely something we should hold the creators responsible for, even if it makes us feel some kind of way about our drama heroes.
I have been giving this show the benefit of the doubt for weeks because I had a lot of faith in Jojo and Ninew not to put art out into the world with such a terrible message, a faith that was rooted in their previous work, including Gay OK Bangkok, 3 Will Be Free, and The Warp Effect, all of which featured queer ensembles and strong sex positive messaging. But no creator is infallible and mistakes were made. We will never know how much of the final messages in Only Friends were intentional versus a result of sloppy and rushed storytelling, or how much was the creators’ original vision versus studio interference, but ultimately it doesn't matter. We have to deal with the show we got, and we should be putting a critical eye on the people who delivered it to us. I know I will not be going into any future Jojo/Ninew shows with the same kind of faith, and I will not be pretending this one wasn’t a huge letdown from these creators.
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
Ok not to kick this up again, but a few of the people that rbed your post/ask answer about how it’s not just about the art/fics white people create, but also poc artists need to step up and draw poc people, are white people/white artists and i really can’t help but feel some type of way about it. Esp bc they didn’t like or rb your other posts speaking up about racism FROM white creators in this fandom AND some had also recently supported a friend of theirs that had attacked a poc person after they pointed out how white centric this fandom is. This is the type of coded behavior in this fandom that makes me so uncomfortable. I see what people support and don’t support. Like ma’am you won’t rb posts about racism and inclusion that’s addressing the white people like yourself but you’ll rb a post saying poc people in this fandom need to do better to make it inclusive? I see you. And this isn’t at ALL about what you said, I understand your point entirely, it’s about THEM and how they move.
What you said does have validity to it and I think itss something that should be addressed, though I am gonna hit more on things I’ve noticed, because there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes. As in interactions with my account people think I don’t see because they try to undo it quickly or hope I don’t notice.
Also, if you’re referring to the stuff that happened the week before last, it was amongst two POCs. Both are people of color which is why I stressed in my previous heavy hitter that we have to try understanding each others’—once again talking about within the POC demographic—viewpoints and where we’re coming from because it was a misunderstanding that seemed to spiral. Most of it occurred when I was not active on tumblr, so I can’t say much about it, but I do think that needs to be cleared up, because it wasn’t a white creator attacking a POC person. Misunderstanding. I’m not ignorant enough to say all POCs get along in the world, but people seemed to think it was a white person vs POC and that’s not the case. Onto the rest of it:
I noticed a couple people liking and then unliking my posts about the racial issues, though my last post received more engagement. I’m happy my point was made, because it is a serious issue within the POC community but so is the blatant racism and ignorance (as in actively ignoring it) when I talk about white creators purposely excluding people of color, and this is obviously not just amongst POCs.
It didn’t get a lot of reblogs or traction, but it got more than those other posts (this one will also follow in the lack of interaction), and POC readers see that. We see everyone agreeing with that point, being like YES!! POCs need to be more involved if they want representation, preach!! and then we see even more people being like OOP, she’s talking about white creators needing to not exclude people of color? Let me pretend I didn’t see it, scrolllll. Or even unfollow (which yes, I notice)💀
if you can reblog me saying not to hate on artists for drawing themselves in their fanart as the race they are, then you can easily reblog me telling white creators not to intentionally leave POC out of something that is meant to be a Reader (as in ANYONE reading it, including people of color) insert. same applies to other white creators who speak up about it, I notice their other posts get interacted with a lot more than the one in which they speak about the issue. and clearly, I’m not the only one who notices. it’s telling.
I’m not implicating everyone who reblogged that post, I’m aware some of you didn’t even follow me until then and some of you did reblog my other posts and some of you simply agreed with my point right then (I’m talking to the POCs specifically with that last post—that wasn’t a Dear White People post, it was to other POCs, but again, that got more interaction than anytime I address white creators—and yes, I am aware it’s not all of you—which shouldn’t be the case given how the majority of the fandom is white).
if this post makes you feel guilty, makes you wanna scroll past it and not think about how you wanna stay mum on the subject, you may want to think about why and how privileged you are to even be able to do so in the first place. we should all feel welcome here and there’s always a chance to right our wrongs (or in this case write our wrongs, heh :D ) 🩵
your POC friends and followers see you. they know what you’re doing. they do talk about it amongst each other, where they feel safe. don’t exclude them and let them down. make them feel safe with you. let them know they are. we don’t expect you to write black!reader, or Latinx!Reader, etc. because you’re not part of our groups so you can’t accurately depict us. we just want to read about reader. and not how they can’t step outside without getting a sunburn or tanning their pale skin. if you don’t wanna reblog my long ass posts then do something else. a simple “hey POC followers, you’re safe here” is a good start.
if for some reason, we’re not safe on your blog so you can’t say it, that’s uh, that’s real unfortunate. but also, maybe let everyone know that.
And to my friends who make sure their work is inclusive, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK MY BELOVED FRIENDS, thanks for letting me and a ton of other people who are scared and scarred from previous interactions over the years see ourselves in your fics 🥹❤️‍🔥
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candyheartedchy · 10 months
Hiya! First off, I don't want to be a bother so please do not feel pressured to answer or give any advice if you aren't feeling it. As a warning, this involves feelings of insecurity and poor self image.
Picture the following scenario: You selfship with a character who doesn't have a canon love interest. However, another fan of that character ships either their self insert or oc with your f/o. You are more than fine with sharing them, but this person's oc is beautiful, and I mean incredibly more beautiful than both your irl self AND your self-insert. You start getting a small but persistent feeling that your f/o would canonically be way more likely to love this character than your s/i. You do not want to block this oc's creator. They are cool and you like them. But the feeling is still there.
What would you do in that situation? Apologies in advance if this makes you uncomfortable. I have no-one else to ask such a thing to. I hope you understand that the reason I'm asking this is because your blog makes me feel safe enough to do so. Even if you have no advice to give, I am thankful that you took the time to read this. I love your blog and the positivity it makes me feel. Keep being you. 💖
Anon, to be honest, I struggled trying to answer this because I do understand these feelings of not being good enough for an f/o or the idea of them choosing either a canon character, oc, or another self shipper. And I wish I had a good answer for this problem, but I don’t. The only thing I can say is that when it’s come to comparing yourself/self inserts with others, you have to remember to think about what makes you/self insert special and unique. And find things that makes you stand out and how a fictional character would find endearing about you. Because when it comes down to it, we are all exploring different dynamics and discovering ourselves through these ships. Self ships with the same characters are always gonna be different from yours and one of a kind, and that’s how you have to see it. Everyone’s self ships are catered to what they like and how that f/o would interact with them. One way that can help is seeing those who also ship with the same character as an AU (which is what I tend to do for sharing and canon ships most times). Like a multiverse sort of thing. And the good thing about having a f/o who doesn't have a canon love interest means they technically don’t have a type, so then you can play around with the idea of you being their’s!
A good exercise is to write down some positive traits and things about yourself/your self insert or oc and what would make someone fall for them. And honestly we tend to be harsh on ourselves when it comes to self love and what we look like compared to others sadly. But you will always have traits and features that will be attractive to someone, and with a character who doesn’t have a canon love interest, why not let them be the ones to find you attractive? Because at the end of the day these characters bring us comfort, and you need to allow it to comfort you, because then it will be miserable trying to enjoy these characters that are supposed to bring you joy by only worrying and overthinking about the negatives.
Again, I wish there was more I could say to help, but I’m still figuring out these feelings myself, so I hope this helps a little.
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ant1quarian · 6 months
Society is so funky
I say we just be unapologetically ourselves. Goof off but in a respectful way (in the way of not putting down anyone else or anything that would be considered Very Serious).
(Lil'. Lil' rant under the cut. Because this is something I encounter and dearly hate.)
'Cause telling someone not to do something that is essentially just them expressing their emotions is, in my opinion, almost akin to going up to someone who is hard of hearing or deaf and holding their hands to stop them from using sign language.
It's like shutting up people, and if there's anything in life I really hate, it's that.
I may not agree with people's opinions but I most definitely do not tell them to stop doing a thing that they do.
Like part of society that people need to understand is that if you are uncomfortable, simply do not interact.
If it's about a Big Thing that's Highly Disrespectful, then yes- that makes sense. You should probably tell the person that they might be crossing lines, but if it's just a goofy thing they say or part of their comedic self then for fucks sake just leave them be.
You'll always find people out there that you don't like, don't agree with, and things that they may say as a joke (like, "i love >insert name<", "that's my spouse", "i want to smooch them") that may make you uncomfortable- but that does not mean you have a right to put them down and tell them to stop.
Yes, there will always be exceptions to this rule. No, do not take this out of context.
I do not mean if someone's being an asshole you don't tell them that they're acting stupid.
I'm just saying that you should not be out here repressing people's personality traits and goofy shenanigans.
( I am also not saying not to tell someone if they are making you uncomfortable- boundaries are very important- but if you are on some Content Creators blog telling them not to do something that they enjoy/is essentially Their Thing at this point, then please just reach maturity so that you can understand that you have the power to click off and leave that Content Creator alone. )
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