#how is that helpful to the 'points' you claim to make regarding his brand and career and choice of spouse
Masterpost | Read on Ao3
Elze'ith and Lord Denholm have a small discussion after Elze'ith's branding.
Contains: Intimate whump, gilded cage, manipulation, aftermath of branding, identity erosion
Any sense of time slipped away from him as Elze’ith drifted in a sea of pain.
At some point, he had been laid face down on something soft. The sound of a pen scratching and shuffling paper filled the room, fading in and out of Elze’ith’s awareness. The light was blissfully dim, barely enough to leak through his closed eyelids. It was almost peaceful, if not for the continual blistering pain radiating from the back of his neck.
He was grateful for the chance to recuperate. He hated that he was, but that didn’t make the gratitude leave his chest. His body needed it. He needed it, needed the chance to reel from the morning’s events and try to grapple with what had happened. The pain and the adrenaline crash made it hard to think, though, so he just drifted in semi-consciousness, 
Eventually, the vague sounds in the room ceased. The weight of the surface he was on shifted, and Elze’ith felt Lord Denholm’s hand land on his shoulder. He couldn’t help his flinch, goosebumps breaking out on his bare skin. “My light. How are you doing?”
“I—” He wasn’t sure what to say. The pain had dulled, or at least he thought it had. His mind still felt hazy, but he was able to think a little more clearly. The rest had done him well, though all he wanted to do was find a dark place to curl up in and sleep. “I think I am doing better, milord.”
“Good.” Lord Denholm’s voice was firm, solid. “It is regrettable that this had to happen, but I am glad that you are recovering well, light.”
And something about that statement didn’t sit right with him. Something that had been in the back of his mind for ages. The question burst out of him before he consciously decided to ask it. “Why?”
Lord Denholm clicked his tongue. His grip on Elze’ith’s shoulder tightened minutely, and Elze’ith bit his lip in apprehension. “I told you, light. I needed to—”
“No,” Elze’ith interjected with a small shake of his head. He immediately regretted it; interrupting a Lord was unspeakably rude. But Lord Denholm had already stopped talking, so he continued; “Why do you call me that?”
It wasn’t that the pet name itself bothered him, per se. But it was the only thing Lord Denholm ever called him. He couldn’t remember the last time he had ever heard his name. And in the face of today’s events, the brand on the back of his neck, the moniker felt uniquely possessive in a way that was deeply unnerving.
Lord Denholm chuckled lightly. His hand moved from Elze’ith’s shoulder to his back and began to rub. The motion was comforting, and a sigh escaped from Elze’ith’s lips. “Because you are the light of my life. I need to make sure you know it.”
That was… He felt like it should have made him feel better. Lord Denholm held him in high regard, after all. This was simply a sign of his affections. But he was still uneasy. 
“I…” He stopped himself. He shouldn’t press the matter any further. Especially not today. “Thank you, milord.”
“Of course.” Lord Denholm’s voice was gentle, almost affectionate. His hand continued to stroke up and down Elze’ith’s back, soothing and possessive. “It’s exactly what you deserve, after all. You are my light. I wouldn’t want you to forget that."
A chill ran through Elze’ith anew. No, he didn’t Lord Denholm would ever let him forget.
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its-just-fern · 1 year
i still have rotting asks in my inbox about the infinity train au that i never answered. theyre like 2-3 years old at this point? sorry about that... but ill answer with what i thought of at the time. (im sure there were more, maybe, but i think i cleared my inbox at some point?) ive gotten worse with answering asks over the years but sometimes the original post gets sudden notes from time to time.. it blows me away!!
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notes about finn's part (parts 1-2 combined):
finn gets on the train because of his parental issues/internal struggles that he has in the late seasons
jake (as a passenger - he also works well as a denizen) comes along solely because of his concern for finn. in reality he doesnt actually need to be on the train at all (think of him as kinda jumping in the portal on instinct, betty-style). i think his number would be like. 1. hes too unbothered
finn losing his arm so fern can be in the real world mirrors tulip losing her pocketknife for lake. fern would come from a sort of "topiary car" where the leaves can "mirror" you (idk how else to explain this one.. think of it like these mechanical mirrors, maybe)
betty would be amelia. chicle would be the other metal cop.
notes about pb/marcy's part (part 3):
in general i didnt see bonnie dying at the time because... i love bubbline LMAOOOOO im weak im sorryyyy. her dying would be on brand tho and i love tragedy
i never thought of bonnie and marcy as killing denizens intentionally, but they would definitely still "claim" the train as theirs... the apex would instead be like their "kingdom", with them as the "princess/queen"
marcy might have little regard for denizens, while bonnie might see them more as things to "examine". i think instead of intentionally trashing each car, bonnie would try to specifically "improve" them how she sees fit (which messes them up anyways)
fp might start out like... hiding out in another car, having run away from the car she came from (flame kingdom) with the help of cinnamon bun. she was trapped in the kingdom but didnt know that bonnie trapped her there in the first place (part of her "improvements").. bonnie, of course, lets her "join" them, but actually wants to re-trap her.
betty, as amelia, instead of making turtles (trying to revive/save simon), kept making flame people -> leads to fp's existence.
unfortunately nothing for part 4! i made this au way before that and i dont really feel like figuring it out right now.. but ill leave it to you all!
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if im being honest i think lake would lowkey dislike him/find him disturbing? to them i think he would seem like a gigantic asshole with how he treats finn, even if his problems are very relatable to them. LOL
but in a goofier world where digestion is possible for all species they would probably be like drinking buddies
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maybe peppermint butler.
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jellyfax · 2 years
The Beast abused Belle and he doesn’t deserve her or her love, get over it💅
Disclaimer: Like whatever you want to like, I don’t care. However, the excuses people keep making and the wishful thinking people keep having around Disney’s Beauty and the Beast (1991) can be Frustrating with a capital F. Here’s why that is...
Most adaptations of Beauty and the Beast, especially Disney's animated adaptation from 1991, hinge on a romance that is based on abduction, imprisonment, isolation, manipulation, and other forms of abuse perpetrated by the titular Beast.
It's super weird how people will jump through all the hoops to make claims that Disney's Beauty and the Beast (1991) is somehow so progressive or inspiring to the masses. Stating that it's a story about bettering one's own self, mutual respect, friendship, redemption, and other such absolute nonsense, at least in the context of this particular property. Pretty sure a story, particularly a narrative targeted at children, can be about all those lovely things without a character imprisoning, isolating, threatening, and abusing their intended love interest like a total bastard. That and a character can be redeemed all without being romantically coupled with another character they abused. It doesn’t matter that he seemingly changed for the better, the Beast still abused Belle and still got exactly what he wanted in the end: her. Additionally, the circumstances under which Belle became the Beast's prisoner don't matter, because the Beast has all the control over her. Belle """offering/agreeing""" to become his prisoner in place of her father was done under duress; "but she offered/agreed to it" does not hold up under scrutiny, y'all should know that.
There's also the fact that without Belle acting as the catalyst for this so-called change, the Beast wouldn't have become a better person; he ultimately had to rely on Belle to start changing himself. Like it or not, it's Belle's role in the story to rehabilitate the Beast and help him better himself; it is the abused person's responsibility to improve the life of their abuser. Furthermore, there are more than enough stories that follow this trend of a man abusing a woman and somehow winning her and her love at the end as a reward and Disney’s BatB is just one example of this. It’s as if finally becoming a decent person guarantees that a presumably reformed abuser will be rewarded with the love of the person they antagonized and traumatized. That’s not a totally terrible message for kids at all, clearly. No sirree, it’s fun for the whole family!🙄
It's rich knowing how these same fans, especially those who simp hardcore for the intellectual property, will be hyper critical of the 2017 Disney iteration. Finally, they'll point out how the relationship between Belle and the Beast is toxic or whatever. It's like: God, you're all so close to truly realizing that the original film is also wretched in that regard. However, it's usually all just a front to mercilessly shit on Emma Watson and brand her with the Not My Belle™️ moniker. Thus, most criticism is pretty hollow and even misogynistic with the sheer volume of rather vitriolic """criticism""" she gets, all while her counterpart Dan Stevens, who plays the Beast btw, receives virtually none. I get it friendos, BatB (2017) is bad, but arguably the original sin from 1991 is much worse and deserves much more ire for representing a very troubled, bad romance.
In the (Disney) BatB fandom, there's so much energy spent exempting the Beast from any responsibility of his mistreatment and downright abuse of Belle/Beauty and pretty much anyone else around him. At every turn, the Beast is absolved of any responsibility for his horrid actions, that or his abusive tendencies are absurdly minimized. Sometimes, Belle is even blamed for being abused by the Beast! For example: Beast told her not to go to the West Wing, so she deserves to be assaulted and threatened by him. Dear Lord, that’s some spicy victim blaming!🥵 Or sometimes, the fandom will reason that because Belle is strong willed and feisty in the face of the Beast's abuse, she's totally fine in this situation… as the Beast continues to undermine her autonomy by holding her prisoner while intimidating and verbally harassing her???🙃
It's almost comical to witness these Beast simps compare him to the likes of Edward Cullen from Twilight, Kylo Ren from Star Wars, and other less than stellar romantic leads only to very ironically treat the Beast as if he’s so much better than the rest!🤣 Like, goodness the lack of self-awareness is so real. Kyle Ron, Edwin Cullen, AND Beast aka Adum, are all dogshit lovers, let’s not play games with this.  
The ongoing popularity of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast and the rather obtuse, even hypocritical fandom that keeps it alive are just such an annoying bummer. I swear one of these days I’m going to make a huge project of some kind dedicated to how Beauty and the Beast-type stories are entwined with issues of (internalized) misogyny, romanticizing and normalizing abusive relationships and domestic violence in mass media, the privileging of violent men  and monstrosity often being displayed as an inherently male trait in patriarchal society, the false narrative that abused people must forgive and even rehabilitate their abusers, and so on. There’d be a lot to discuss. For now, there’s just this very informal snippet. 
Oh! Also, before I forget, and I mean this with all my heart, fuck Disney.
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xivanxiety · 4 months
My Second FC (Approx July 2020-Nov 2020)
This is the story of the second FC I joined. If the reader has been following my blog entries chronologically, this occurred during Tyler's hiatus period and a bit after his return.
After my first FC, I was definitely dealing with some mild form of trauma regarding FCs. I was deathly afraid of the idea of joining an FC. I didn't even join my friend group's FC for fear of it ruining the friendships I'd formed, like as if joining an FC would suddenly turn everyone against me, or someone would suddenly decide they didn't like me and make it their purpose in the game to push me away.
One day I was idling in Limsa Lominsa. For Balmung... Limsa is quite tame. It's not where the RPers hang out. However, I received a DM from some guy, I don't even remember what he said, but I musn't have found it terribly offensive because we got to talking and he expressed an interest in RPing sometime. It went well, our characters both had a knack for adventure and exploration. His FC also had a very interesting premise, which was quite fitting for my character. He encouraged me to join. I explained my reservations, however, it only made him try harder. He said he'd pay for my FC room, and I was welcome to leave at any time. If anything, I could simply use the FC as somewhere to go and idle. So, I took him up on his offer. He warned me that his FC was kind of dead due to a content lull, but he was planning on getting things rolling again and continue their group RPs.
Everything was going smoothly. Everyone else in the FC was chill, I liked the theme of the FC, how well the house was decorated, where it was located, and eventually, Joe asked me, should my RP partnership come to an end, could his character have a go at it. Everything was otherwise going okay, so I said sure. However, it wouldn't be long before it became quite apparent that Joe had taken a liking to me. We hung out in voice chat a lot and while I was single at this point, he quickly made it clear that anything more would just be a terrible idea.
One day he was showing off his anime figure collection to me, which consisted mostly of women, aka waifus. I had no strong opinion on it. I wasn't impressed, nor was I icked over it. It wasn't a huge collection, modest in size, so I wasn't exactly weirded out by it. I think I said something like "Oh nice" which sounds on brand with the way I speak. I was completely thrown off guard though when Joe asked "What? Are you jealous of my figures or something lol?" I reassured him I was not. He then asked me why I was suddenly giving him just one word responses. I pointed out that I wasn't, what I said was not a single word, and I only responded to him once, a single two-word response does not confirm a change in tone. He began pestering me about the figures supposedly bothering me, which I continued arguing back that I didn't give a shit about his figures. He then pointed out that my tone was definitely off. I confirm, yeah, now that he kept prodding me about supposedly being jealous of his anime waifus. He then started going off on me about how I need to just be honest right from the get go, especially when it's someone who cares about me. But the thing is, I wasn't bothered by the figures! I was bothered by his persistence and the notion of me being jealous over plastic anime girls owned by a guy that was honestly rapidly beginning to put me off. This quickly became a recurring interaction between us. I don't remember all of the incidents, but this guy was definitely a gaslighter. I even once told him that he was beginning to remind me of my ex (as one of the reasons why we wouldn't work), to which he told me I needed to stop comparing him to my exes (I only did it once), that I need to keep the past in the past or else I was going to self sabotage myself. I told him that our past experiences are what help us learn. I know what I do and don't want and I know what to look out for. He tried claiming that no one does that. That is not a normal way of thinking.
This guy was clearly insecure with himself. He had some sort of beef with the fact that most modded anatomy in the game was well endowed and would go on tangents about how unrealistic they were and how they set unrealistic expectations. This stuff got his blood boiling. Please, tell me you have a small dick without telling me you have a small dick. This guy had a legit complex over this. No one asked for these tangents, yet I had to witness a handful in the short period I knew this guy.
It wasn't long before he went on hiatus. He had some oh woe is me living situation where he had a messy roommate who honestly was nowhere near as bad as a lot of people I've seen. But apparently, it was so taxing on his mental state that he couldn't bear to play the game, and thus, he declared a hiatus. He also went silent on Discord.
A month or so go by and I notice that he's logged in and idling in front of the FC house. I run up to greet him and as soon as I close in on him, he logs out. I then DM'd him, with the intentions of being lighthearted, and say "Hope I didn't spook you!" He then responds with "And I'd appreciate it if you didn't guilt trip me for logging out. I just wanted to log into the game for once and hang out with my friends. I don't need you making me feel like shit for that! I don't need this right now!"
Dear lord. This was about the time that I decided I definitely needed to find a new FC. I couldn't deal with this guy. I liked all of the other members, but this guy was constantly projecting onto me and trying to manipulate me with every interaction. I'd only known him about 3 months at this point.
More time goes on, and the FC is a ghost town. Only 3 people tops signed in a day. This goes on for months. Eventually, I hit a point where I need change. I was wanting to end my current RP partnership, I wanted to leave the club community behind, and I needed to make more friends. I decided to DM Joe and ask what his plans were for the future of the FC. He responds with something like "No, I have no plans to come back to the game soon. No, I don't have any plans for the FC, and no, I don't care if you want to go find yourself a new FC. And lastly, no, I'm no longer interested in our characters being a thing." Thank god.
So, I added to my carrd that I was low-key on the lookout for an FC, but only if the FC was really convincing. At this point, I'd rather go without an FC or just float in this one while Joe was on hiatus than to risk joining another problematic FC. In this FC's defense, it was all Joe, not the members. I believe another month goes by and out of nowhere Joe sends me a DM "With your increasingly passive-aggressive behavior, it's become clear that your time with this FC has come to an end. I want you out of my FC by the end of the day, I really don't need this right now." Always with the I don't need this right now. I asked him where the fuck this was coming from because I hadn't spoken to him in weeks, so how and where the fuck was I being passive aggressive?! He said I was humiliating him by advertising that I was looking for a new FC in my Carrd. Boy, if you are on hiatus, why the hell are you looking at my Carrd? Especially after I came to you to talk about it, and you said you didn't care. Also, from the very beginning, I was told I could leave at any point. I noticed in our Discord chat, he had deleted portions of our previous conversation, most notably the bit where he said he didn't care if I went and looked for a new FC. Probably to make me look bad as he showed people our chat logs or so I couldn't use it against him.
And boy, I gave that guy one Hell of a verbal smackdown. He'd done nothing but gaslight me time and time again, always blaming everyone but himself for his problems, only to constantly throw out the line "I don't need this right now." Which I mockingly closed my tangent with. I wish I had a copy of what was said to him, but it certainly got his panties all in a bunch. I blocked him immediately after my last message. He then logged into an alt account and started DMing me there. I didn't bother reading anything he said, I just blocked him again. He started getting other FC members to DM me as well. I ignored those DMs.
But I made my exit. I cleaned up my FC room and left. I sent a few DMs to some of the members, asking if, despite how things ended up between me and Joe, if they still wanted to be friends. Most didn't respond, and those who did were suspicious of me, thinking I was trying to turn everyone against him.
It's been a few years now and from what I know, he's purged the FC twice. All of the people who were in the FC at that time are now in their own FC. He has also changed his character's name and appearance. I think this information speaks for itself.
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skaruresonic · 7 months
Saw a post questioning how Douglas factors into the post-SH3 Dead by Daylight canon and wanted to add my two cents.
Basically: I don't like considering DbD's take on Heather's post-SH3 fate canon. It doesn't seem terribly realistic given the context of her character in SH3.
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While I suppose it's not outright impossible for Heather to suffer nightmares after the fact, I feel having her be stuck grieving her father like this takes a step backward. It undercuts the point the game was trying to make about moving on, as well as contradicts Heather's personal views on suffering: "Listen, suffering is a fact of life. Either you learn to deal with that or you go under." I also feel like Heather wouldn't feel "guilty" for her father's death to this degree. This take has shades of "only the guilty are drawn to Silent Hill" in it, which as a notion objectively isn't true. Bad luck factors just as much as guilt, and Heather was guilty of nothing in SH3.
Specifically, the post questioning DbD's lack of Douglas wondered whether Douglas had abandoned Heather. I think that's a little backwards: if anyone does the abandoning, it would be Heather. She's developed quite an independent streak throughout the course of the game, so I can see her trauma manifesting as a certain stubborn brand of hyperindependence. And it wouldn't be that Douglas abandons her, per se, more like she pushes him away. Douglas isn't exactly the same kind of father figure to her that Harry was; he wants to help yet remains somewhat passive. If Heather presses him enough, he'll back down in order to avoid a fight.
Realistically, the way I see this playing out is that once Heather and Douglas return to the real world, they get into some legal trouble because they can't explain the suspicious elements surrounding Harry's death. They left his body tucked under a sheet, after all. In my fic, the court begins to suspect Heather of Harry's murder and arson due to the sulfur on her clothes. Douglas, however, shakes them with a lie. He shows them the cult's memos and his own documentation, claiming Harry was a hunted excommunicated member of the Order, and that the same sect that burned Alessa 17 years ago now tried doing the same to Cheryl as an act of revenge.
Heather obviously doesn't like this - "Just my luck. Both you and my dad are liars" - and regresses to old reckless habits of drinking and playing hooky. Eventually, though, she straightens herself out and moves into an apartment elsewhere in the city to get a fresh start. Their relationship is strained as a result, although Heather's matured some in the few years since and still regards Douglas with a measure of fondness.
also lol and lmao these fake fans thinking Claudia Wolf would use a phone
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hhcwirkung · 2 years
Beloved Smokers, Can You Harm Yourself In An Additional Method
Every year, there is somebody who asked me to promote their e-cigarettes items for them, yet I declined them. It's extremely tangled as well as inconsistent.
Among the most vital reasons is that I have a specific psychological darkness regarding the cigarette has actually been harmed to my family members, such as my dad, who smokes a whole lot lifelong, so he has actually got really severe illness in his last time. It was ineffective to treat regardless of we took how much money.
As a result, I was stress over their health whether we are going to promote cigarettes or vapes to any person, that is heros or negative.
If there is an ingenious product that can truly replace the tobaccos as well as minimize their unsafe materials to body, I would like to attempt, and also ask cigarette smokers, can you hurt yourself in an additional method?
" Smoking is hazardous to health and wellness", one slogan in Chinese cigarettes packs claims, it makes me really feel that our reminds is so weak that it's hard to warn smokers to quit. So, I recommend that slogan should be changed as, "Smoking injures other people's life". I suggest, if you truly intend to smoke, you ought to inhale it into your very own lungs. Don't spit it out to anyone. I do not wish to be harmed by your cigarette smoking.
Amongst all the cigarette promotions, I favor to like the one on Marlboro Thai cigarette packs, because it is a photo of cancer brought on by cigarette smoking. When I saw the body was terribly rotten, I want to throw it away immediately.
Exactly how do you see a Publication?
Whenever when I talk about VapeBiz, I really feel that it is a business publication in addition to CBN Weekly.
What is Publication? According to Baidu, it entered being from pamphlets during strikes of workers, trainees, and also battles. It pays unique focus to timeliness and provides much more factor to consider to thorough discuss existing events.
The early one magazine, named the Scholar's Magazine was published by French Saro, that was dated in January 1665 in Amsterdam. It was a brand-new media back then.
Today, there are a lot more brand-new medias, as an example, the VapeBiz is one of these brand-new organization publications, it not only focuses on China's vape industry, however also concentrates on European and also American industrial hemp, along with worldwide clinical innovation and also elegance application products.
If you do not intend to stop smoking cigarettes, what's making use of reading VapeBiz e-mag?
I have 2 superiors, among whom was a sales supervisor, and also the various other, also. They have one point alike that both of them would rather not consume a meal than toss a piece of cigarettes away. They such as to offer any individual a piece of cigarettes any time.
But it's no use in the workplace, due to cigarette smoking is not admitted the location. Nonetheless, they require to think a lot business troubles, if they are not permitted to smoke, they would certainly be in concern and uncertainty regarding whether they can finish the company's offers target.
" Why do not you smoke in the restroom, there is a great perfume for smelling", we recommended while we saw they were extremely nervous.
My God, it's incredible, such an unstable joke can help our above locate their ideas back. Since then, they began to assuming openly. You can picture, our office had plenty of aromatic air anywhere, as well as it made us seem like that we are bees flying among the blossoms.
Naturally, it's an illusion.
Allow's back to VapeBiz once more. I wish its brand name design is truly end up being that sort of service magazine, particularly, it looks come from our life, because I never promote vape products, I just like to speak about service and life.
In all, vaping is not all of our life, yet reviewing VapeBiz is one part of organization and also life at beginning.
So, I created this post generally to inspect the amount of individuals are currently reviewing VapeBiz, and also that can recognize why a guy refused to advertise vape products to those new cigarettes market.
I assume the worth of vape organization is not come from the vape products itself, yet come from it can change as well as change smoker's behaviors and also behaviors, I am looking forward to this terrific day that every person can discover a healthy and balanced way to launch their anxiousness.
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lgcjinyoung · 2 years
once JINYOUNG enters the meeting room, he’s met with his manager, NAM JINHO. “please take a seat.” he advises the model while quickly reviewing through his pile of papers. turning his attention towards the model, JINHO began talking, “like AECHA has informed you before, we’re taking this time to talk to each of the models and see what their future goals and if it aligns with what we have in store for you. in my files, the coaches have recorded how your performances were during the musical and while they were pleased with your performance, they did bring up something that caught their attention and it’s regarding the skills you’ve been working on in the last several months. because of this, it brings me to the question that i wanted to ask and that is what do you see yourself doing in the near future? i hope and believe that modeling will still be your priority, but are there specific types of gigs that you’re interested in — hosting, variety, acting?” JINHO knew he could list more, but he leaves it to JINYOUNG to express what his future goals were if he had any. “we’re aware that you’ve had your meeting with HYUNCHEOL so this helps us figure out your interests, but if there’s something specific that you want to do, now would be the best time to say it.”
his own manager. jinyoung still can’t quite believe it. he smiles at the male and greets him with a bow. the male before him seemed like a dream to him, leaving jinyoung unable to do anything but smile throughout the review and giving the occasional nod to signalize he was listening even if it seemed like he was completely spaced out. “this all still feels surreal,” he begins with a chuckle, running a hand through his growing strands. “I am very much still interested in keeping my main focus on modeling, no worries there, hyung,” he reassures his manager with a short laugh before folding his hands together to truly think about his options.
“the musical was fun and the opportunity given to feature on a b-side was additionally a fortunate surprise. when I was still a trainee I really enjoyed performing on stage. being a model is what ended up being my main profession and I have every ambition to further my brand and reputation in that regard but if possible I would like to use any opportunity I can get to stand on a stage; be that as a musical actor or potentially even a part of a future line up for the lgc boys. featuring on b-sides, appearing in music videos; this is where I would like to focus my energy on. I’m just seeing myself with a few things I could still use guidance on,” he continues on with a contemplative frown, hand on his chin while he hums in thought.
“I’m not sure if advancing both my rapping and singing along with performance and dance won’t be spreading myself too thin. considering my main focus is modeling too- so I’m a bit torn in that regard. I feel like singing would benefit me more and make me more versatile in terms of getting gigs. and then I’m not sure how much further I should focus on variety and hosting. i'm not aiming to become a host or guest on many variety shows but I would like to have my own channel and be authentic with my content to be closer to my fans and provide them with more content,” he concludes with a solid nod before meeting his manager’s eyes again with another smile. “I think that’s the path I would like to progress on if possible. thank you so much for taking my opinions and wishes into regard, hyung.”
the content of this submission is fully ic and doesn’t reflect our opinions ooc. once you have responded to this prompt, please tag this as lgc:perfreview and send the form below to the points blog before FEBRUARY 12, 2023 11:59PM EST so you can claim your points. as for the points, you can distribute the 10 points to ANY skill (and can distribute across multiple skills if you wish). your reply must have a minimum of 300 words (and this will count as post activity).
- PR SUBMIT: +3 modeling, +3 hosting, +4 dancing  [ LINK TO SUBMIT ]
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mulkovafashions · 2 years
Learn to Increase Sales by Stocking Wholesale Clothes
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This is the main focus of maximum retailers on how to increase sales. They can learn these points through different resources. This content is one of the resources for them to do so. They need to go through it to know how to improve their sales by stocking Wholesale Clothing for this winter.
Make a Business Strategy
While dealing with clothing retailers may face many problems. They need to establish their business strategy to handle these problems while dealing with the clothing business. How can you face failure? How to convince maximum clients to come to your store to buy clothing. You can manage all this through your business strategy to avoid any inconvenience.
How much are you intending to invest in one turn? How much profit do you expect initially? How to follow the market demand. Your business strategy addresses these aspects of your clothing business.
Try to Stock from a Reputed Supplier
You know the retailers need to follow the market demand. Customers in the UK are brand conscious. It calls for stocking clothing by following this standard. You need to struggle to find such a supplier when a maximum claim to reputed suppliers in the UK and abroad. If you stock from an unknown supplier. You may fail to increase your sales as much as you like. The products of an unfamiliar brand are not sold like hotcakes but brand products do.
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Strengthen Social Ties
If you want to elevate your company you will have to build social connectivity. You need to get help from social platforms by advertising your products. You need to use social media accounts and mobile apps to connect with a maximum number of members of your society. This is an easier way to market your products at different social levels. Stock Wholesale Women's Clothing by following this standard to increase your sales.
Customer Feedback
If you want to generate sales for your business you need to manage customer feedback. This is helpful for you while dealing with any type of business including clothing.
Through customer feedback, you’ll come to know. To what extent your clients are satisfied regarding your service standard? What your customers are looking for? What they didn’t find on your platform? you can have awareness about all these through your customers' feedback while dealing with the clothing.
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Final Thoughts
The given points are useful for any retailer to increase his sales. Retailers can follow the very same tips to generate sales by stocking and selling Wholesale Dresses UK for the season.
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damenschapparel · 2 years
The Best Mens Underwear Brands in India
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Sure, the best mens underwear brands in India can be a bit subjective. One couldn't be guaranteed to really think about while picking underwear-pick it, wear it, wash it and rehash it, yet is it truly as basic as we naturally suspect it is? Most men like to wear a similar sort of underwear they've been wearing from their early ages which demonstrates that they never truly got the opportunity to pick between what turns out best for themselves and what they have been wearing quite recently without legitimate information. Luckily, as time changed, men have begun to understand their own inclinations and the significance of solace that shows up with it.
In view of the market's requirements, the absolute best mens underwear brands in India are accessible on web based shopping stages alongside a few worldwide brands. Because of fierce opposition on the lookout, underwear brands and organisations have moved forward their game more than ever and the market is overwhelmed with choices that most men could feel new as well. There is no time like the present you get out of the 'I've been wearing this my entire life' shell and at long last track down the ideal fit that lies outside this shell. First of all, there are various kinds of fits that are accessible among boxer and brief — including boxer brief, men trunk, mens underwear briefs and inner boxer, to give some examples.
How to distinguish the best mens underwear brands in India?
The market is enormous with regards to the best mens underwear brand, given the quantity of contenders. Since we have mentioned the potential brands ahead in the opposition, now how can we actually look for the best men's underwear brand? It will obviously be the one with the most comfortable attributes! To come to a response to that inquiry here are a couple of things you can follow:
The main thing to remember is that you ought to pick an underwear in view of your body type and inclinations, the one you feel the most flexible in. It's dependably a back-and-forth among help and breathability, with boxers and briefs having equivalent winning focuses in both. It is on you to pursue a considered choice in light of your inclination and how cosy you feel with both of them since you will be the person who needs to wear it consistently.
The second thing to remember is that there is no standard that you need to adhere to just a single kind of underwear. It is typical for individuals to claim two distinct kinds of underwear which they can ideally pick between, contingent upon the event and how they feel. For instance, many individuals like to wear something like boxer briefs or trunks underwear while working out, on the grounds that they offer help which is significant during an exercise. Whenever you're finished working out, you can constantly change to boxers later!
The third and most significant thing is to counsel the size graph and understand the wash care before you purchase your underwear. Picking one size bigger than your standard size is never an insightful decision and going overly modest can be a bit out of place for you. Various brands have different brand estimates so ensure you realise your genuine size well. Whenever you have picked a couple of underwear that turns out impeccably for you, showing it legitimate consideration during the washing and drying process is similarly significant. Utilise a cross section pocket to wash your underwear and ensure you utilise a delicate cycle.
The best men's underwear is the one that gives you solace, and breathability and fits you impeccably. In the ocean of all the accessible underwear brands in India, the one that fits every one of the three measures comes out on top in the race and our brand DaMENSCH is no exception!
Interesting points while shopping from underwear brands in India
1. Size and Fit-both to your inclination
With regards to measure and fit, we know that each man has his own inclinations. We make underwear for everybody, not only for the undeniably proportioned male models you end up seeing on promoting screens. DaMENSCH has a huge scope of choices from what men can pick contingent upon their underwear inclination, including boxer short, inner boxer, brief underwear, boxer brief, trunk underwear-the one which is explicitly planned with a fast dry recipe for men who partake in a decent exercise.
2. Underwears which keeps you new throughout the day
In a tropical nation like India, we've all accomplished days when we want to utilise a difference in underwear particularly when things get all hot and sweat-soaked. Fortunately, we care about your cozyness the most and as a brand, our Deo-Delicate assortment of underwear guarantees that you stay new day in and day out. Our briefs and trunks are produced using a blend of Supima cotton and micro modal, making them additional dampness wicking and exceptionally delicate. They are likewise outfitted with a Deo-Cross section that keeps you dry and new for longer periods of time. This guarantees that your day is somewhat more comfortable, in any event, even if your environment feels like you're in the middle of the desert.
Should Peruse: Bacteriostatic Innerwear: A Profound Jump
3. Really delicate textures
As a brand that tries to be the best underwear brand for men in India, delicateness is something that we basically can't think twice about. As mentioned before, we don't involve normal cotton in our Deo-Delicate assortment of innerwear. We utilise a-list Supima cotton, which is more powerful, milder, and sturdier than ordinary cotton. Created in America, this exceptional sort of cotton has longer filaments than standard cotton. The typical Supima cotton fibre is 1.5 inches long, while standard cotton strands are just an inch long. This guarantees that the garments produced using Supima are impervious to being damaged, durable, and retaining more colour, along with being super comfortable! Our boxers are likewise produced using super light Deccan cotton, making them the best garments for relaxing. Very much like the name recommends, they are extremely light, similar to a Breeze.
Likewise Read: Best Men's Underwear - Shop for Each Body Type
We trust toward the finish of this blog you get an understanding of men's underwear brands in India and how you track down your ideal fit among them. We at DaMENSCH know each man's needs and have vowed to serve them to the best of what they deserve. According to anything that your own inclination, DaMENSCH would be glad to serve them all.
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If you have an opinion that applies critical thinking when it comes to Jensen, Jared, Misha, Gen, Danneel, JDM, Mark Sheppard, MP, Osric, Ty, anyone else about their careers, ways they are presenting themselves, things they've said/done, or anything else that could be considered critical (even verging on anti territory), I will listen and give it due consideration before coming to my own conclusion/opinion on the matter.
If you have an opinion that makes fun of aforementioned people's looks, marriages, sexuality, friendships and make unfounded assumptions on their motivations, their relationships with their co-workers/friends/family/children/significant others, how they earn their living/roles, what they decide to spend their earned income on, and call them names equivalent to a third grader, share these things with your "cliques" and thus act like high school mean girls aka bullies, then I'm not going to listen to you and instead assign you the category of butt-hurt haters.
Thanks for coming to my very short Ted talk.
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nekropsii · 2 years
I think you misunderstood why I dislike Tavros and how he's seen, which I will preface you are absolutely right to misunderstand, upon rereading I didn't actually make my point, which is 100% on me. And you are definitely allowed to disagree with me however I do want to make sure that my point isn't misread.
My dislike of Tavros isn't from a place of being annoyed at him or thinking that he's not a victim, he absolutely is. It's that his victimhood is used by fans and by him as an excuse for his behavior which is often really damaging and kinda shitty.
This is the troll that found out that he seriously hurt Jade and basically responded with "I had good intentions and that absolves me of fault and anger, and I'm hurt that you're still upset at me! But it's okay I forgive you, and I forgive myself for hurting you" which is such a cruel response!
In every instance he "gains confidence" he almost immediately starts uncomfortably flirting with whoever has shown him any kindness. You see it with him flirting with Jade after the aforementioned interaction as soon as she showed any sense that she might not treat him like trolls treat her, or flirting with Kanaya (who is a lesbian) when she helps him in Pesterquest.
After dying and the Tavrissprite debaucle he again starts acting like an absolute tool, getting in everyone's face and acting like a spoiled child.
And the worst part is on the rare occasion that someone calls out his behavior he starts to claim victimhood and claims that that absolves him of his actions, like because he was hurt he now has a license to act however he wants and people have to give him pity.
Again you're allowed to disagree, and he is absolutely a victim, but that doesn't give him a license to act how he does
I’m glad you’re taking the blame on the fact that you did not, in fact, make any point in your original ask outside of insult. I’m also glad that you’re open to disagreement, because I’m gonna take you up on that. So, yeah, if you don’t mind, I’ve got a few counterpoints for this:
This level of shitty behavior is typical for… Just about every single Homestuck character. Sure, you can dislike Tavros for his specific brand of shitty behavior, but he’s absolutely not special, nor is he an isolated case in this regard. He’s not even the only character to behave in this exact manner- I get that he’s the focal point here, but I still need to point that out. He isn’t special. Hell, some fan favorites are known for doing worse things than this.
Pesterquest is not canon, and therefore is not a valid example of his character within canon. Yes, it is official content, but it is quite literally not canon. These two labels can coexist.
Tavros is a socially inept 13 year old boy. He’s 13 years old. 13. He is a middle schooler. He is an awkward 13 year old boy who has been put through the fucking wringer, the fact that he’s doing shitty things makes complete and utter sense. Genuinely, he could be so much worse. Yes, the things he did were shitty, but he’s a kid. They do that. Kids are shitty sometimes. They don’t fuckin’ know any better, dude. I guarantee you that you were kind of a bastard when you were 13.
When you are abused, you do not become a good person. Abuse almost never makes someone a good person, especially not immediately. It makes you an asshole. That’s why Vriska is like that. That’s also why Tavros is like that. In fact, Tavros is like that… Probably largely because of Vriska. Tavros kinda just… Acts like your average 13 year old abuse victim.
Our collective understanding of Tavros as a person- as well as Equius and Eridan, since we’re discussing problem children now- is based on a very troubled literal child with zero sense of self worth. We can’t really judge his morality when his sense of morality/reasonability genuinely is not fully formed yet, and is honestly being actively impeded upon. This is just speculation, but I’m betting that if he’d been given the room to actually grow and mature as a person- you know, past the age of 13- he wouldn’t be nearly as bad.
I’m willing to bet his, yes, highly awkward flirtations were just what he thought you were supposed to do when you were confident. Does that make it ok? No. It’s still weird! I’m not enacting apologetics for that. But as I’ve stated previously… Socially inept 13 year old with no sense of self worth + there’s characters that are worse off than him. Again… 13 year olds are just… Like that, sometimes.
I understand that this could have just been poor wording on your own part, but in your original ask, you literally said that Vriska was “keeping Tavros in check”, so I’m not exactly willing to trust that you have an objective view on the actions of either of these characters. Say that you’re aware he’s a victim all you want, that line just personally raises a lot of red flags for me, and I don’t think you understand the implications of calling abuse someone being “kept in check”. Was Vriska really “keeping him in check” by purposefully physically disabling him, and then constantly ridiculing him for the disability she caused? Was she really in the right for that? Was that something he deserved?
I don’t know, dude. He’s a fictional character, yeah, but it feels kind of weird to be weighing a 13 year old boy’s morality on a scale like this. He hasn’t really done anything warranting much heavy insults, or a callout post, or anything- he’s just a kid who was kind of a social fuck-up. If you’re so heated about Tavros’s level of shitty, I kinda have to wonder if there’s any Homestuck characters you even can tolerate. They’re all kind of assholes. You know… Because they’re children.
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bojack horseman and bo burnham: the art of acting like you’re acting and the comedy of misery
at the core of bojack horseman, raphael bob-waksberg’s 2014 comedy, is a story about the relationship between performance and depression. the protagonist of this renowned tragicomedy is best described as a sympathetic villain; he is shown to clearly be in the wrong across various events of the show, and is explicitly referred to as a bad person, but the audience is granted deep access to his personal struggles, resulting in some portions of the audience finding themselves on bojack’s side. the duality of his character is complex, but can be broken down into some core components, that all stem from the impacts of stardom and performance. the standup comedy of bo burnham arguably echoes this sentiment in real time. having been a performer from a young age, burnham creates work that serves as a satirical commentary on the life of entertainers. he uses original songs to explore the reliance upon and resentment for his performative nature both onstage and within his personal life. both the comedian and the netflix show are widely understood to be thinly veiling their critiques of the entertainment industry behind a particular brand of witty and absurd humour.
both bojack and burnham’s content openly criticises their audiences and explicitly states the manufactured nature of the narrative the audience is fed. in the fifth season of bojack horseman, the show satirises itself by having bojack star in a police procedural drama, parts of which are actively written by other characters to reflect events of bojack’s life. the titular character he plays, philbert, is the epitome of selfish male angst, and an example of what bob-waksberg’s show could have been; another story about a sad and angry man whose guilt supposedly makes up for the people he has hurt. according to bojack, philbert teaches us ‘we’re all terrible, so we’re all okay’, an interpretation that is harshly disputed by diane: ‘that’s not the point of philbert, for guys to watch it and feel okay. i dont want you, or anyone else, justifying their shitty behaviour because of the show.’ this moment is a direct reaction to some of the online reception bojack horseman has received. various circles of the show’s fanbase have found themselves relating to the protagonist to the point of defending his untoward behaviour, a response not intentioned by the show’s creators. this is not the only example of bob-waksberg’s ability to make his work self-evaluative. in season six’s exposure of bojack and sarah lynn’s problematic relationship, characters question their sexual encounter from the first season. the writers use this as a way of examining their own choices, and the harmful tropes they played into when using this exploitative sexual encounter as a gag. this self-evaluative quality is what sets bojack apart as a show that assesses the performance it participates in, much like the comedy of bo burnham.
bo burnham is known for directly addressing his audience, particularly in terms of discouraging idolisation and parasocial relationships. some examples of this manifest as responses to hecklers rather than a planned bit in the show, for instance:
heckler: i love you!
bo: no you don’t
heckler: i love the IDEA of you!
bo: stop participating!
he actively addresses the issues posed by being an entertainer, and encourages the audience to understand and recognise that his onstage persona is just that: an exaggerated persona. not once does burnham claim to be fully authentic onstage, and even moments of authenticity we see in his latest special, inside, are staged. we make the assumption that having the physical setting of a stage stripped away grants us a more personal look at the entertainer’s life, but he makes it clear that even in his own home we still see the aspects he has carefully constructed rather than the full truth. arguably though, parts of the show really are authentic; in his monologue during make happy, bo deconstructs his own show in a way that is similar to bojack horseman’s later seasons, admitting that all he knows is performing and thus making a show about the more mundane and relatable aspects of life would feel ‘incredibly disingenuous.’ in his attempts to separate himself from this onstage persona he actually manages to blur the lines between what is acting and what is now part of his nature as a result of his job. this notion is echoed in bojack horseman as bojack’s attention seeking nature is attributed to his years acting in front of a camera every day.
bo suggests that the era of social media has created a space in which children’s identities mimic that of an entertainer like himself, describing the phenomenon as ‘performer and audience melded together.’ in this observation he criticises the phenomenon. bo attempts to force the audience to recognise the ways in which their lives are becoming shaped by the presence of an audience and to some extent uses his own life as a warning tale against this. he points out the way in which the ‘tortured artist trope’ means that your cries for help or roundabout attempts of addressing mature themes such as substance abuse, mental illness and trauma become part of that on stage persona and therefore become part of the joke. both bo and bojack address these topics in more discrete manners earlier in their careers, but this eventually becomes expected, and thus they are forced to explicitly detail their struggles with these topics in order to be taken seriously. even then, portions of the audience are inclined to see it as part of the persona or as something that fuels the creators creativity and thus does not need to be addressed as a legitimate issue. the emphasis on creating a character or persona promotes the commodification of mental illness: any struggle must be made into a song or a joke or a bit, must be turned into part of the act in order to have value. this actually serves to delegitimise these emotions and create a disconnect between the feeling and the person, as it becomes near impossible to exist without feeling as though you are acting. even when an artist’s cries for help become blatant, they continue to go ignored because now they serve the purpose of creating content that criticises the industry they stem from. online audiences can be seen as treating bo burnham and his insightful work as existing to demonstrate the negative effects entertaining can have, and because this insight is useful or thought-provoking to audiences, he is almost demanded to keep entertaining and creating. in response to this demand, his work becomes more meta and his messages become clearer, and the more obvious his messages, the more people he reaches. this increases audience demands and traps entertainers in a cycle fraught with internal conflict.
during bojack’s second season, bojack’s date asks him, ‘come on, do that bojack thing where you make a big deal and everyone laughs, but at the same time we relate, because you're saying the things polite society won't.’ this moment exemplifies how aspects of his genuine personality have now become a part of his persona and this is demanded of him in genuine and serious situations, undermining the validity of his emotional reactions. he immediately makes a rude comment to the waitress at the restaurant they’re in and satisfies his date by performing that character he has set himself out to be. some circles of the fan base have argued that bojack is written as a depiction of somebody with borderline personality disorder, offering a psychoanalytical lens through which to view this notion of performance. a defining symptom of borderline personality disorder is a fluctuating sense of self; having grown up on camera, being demanded to perform to others as young as six years old, bojack’s sense of self will have been primarily dictated by the need to act.  whether this acting is for the sake of comedy, or as a representation of masking his mental illness, when they need to act is taken away bojack entirely loses his sense of self and relapses into his addictions: ‘i felt like a xerox of a xerox of a person.’ burnham’s depictions of depression run along a similar vein; in his new special he poses the idea that his comedy no longer serves the same personal purpose it once did for him. he questions ‘shit should I be joking at a time like this?’ and satirises the idea that arts have enough value to change or impact the current global issues that we are facing. burnham’s ‘possible ending song’ to his latest special, he asks ‘does anybody want to joke when no-one’s laughing in the background? so this is how it is.’ implicit in this question is the idea that when the audience is taken away and there is nobody to perform his pain to, he is left with his pain. instead of being able to turn his musings and thoughts into a product to sell to the public, he is forced to just think about them in isolation and actually face them, an abrupt and distressing experience.
the value of performance and art is questioned by both bojack and burnham, particularly during the later years of their respective content. burnham’s infamous song, art is dead, appears to be a direct response to the question ‘what is the worth of art?’ he posits that performing is the result of a need for attention (‘my drug’s attention, i am an addict, but i get paid to indulge in my habit’) and repeatedly jokes throughout his career that the entertainment industry receives more respect that it deserves (‘i’m the same as you, im still doing a job or a service, i’m just massively overpaid’). his revelations regarding the inherent desire for attention that runs through all entertainers is frequently satirised in bojack horseman. bojack is comically, hyperbolically attention hungry and self-obsessed, and the show has a running gag in which he uses phrases along the lines of ‘hello, why is nobody paying attention to me, the famous movie star, instead of these other boring people.’ his constant attempts to direct the focus of others towards himself result in bojack feeling like ‘everybody loves you, but nobody likes you.’ his peers buy into his act and adore the comical, exaggerated, laughable aspects of his character, but find very little room to respond to him on a genuinely personal level because of this. interestingly, bojack appears to enjoy catering to his audience and the instant gratification it produces, whereas bo burnham becomes increasingly candid about his mixed feeling towards his audience. ‘i wanna please you, but i wanna stay true to myself, i wanna give you the night out that you deserve, but i wanna say what i think and not care what you think about it.’ he admits to catering to what audiences want from him, but resents both the audience and himself in the process as it reveals to himself which parts of his character are solely for the sake of people watching him.
within bojack horseman, this concept is applicable not only to the protagonist, but to the various forms of performer demonstrated in the plot. towards the show’s end, sarah lynn asks ‘what does being authentic have to do with anything?’ to which herb kazzaz responds, ‘when i finally stopped hiding behind a facade i could be at peace.’ this highlights the fact that because entertainers are demanded to continue the facade, they do not receive the opportunity to find ‘peace.’ this sentiment is scattered throughout the show, through a musical motif, the song ‘don’t stop dancing.’ the song stems from a life lesson bojack imparted to sarah lynn at a young age, and becomes more frequently used as the show progresses and bojack’s situation worsens.
sarah lynn is also used to explore the value of entertainers; in the show’s penultimate episode, she directly compares her work as a pop icon to the charity work of herb, arguing that if she suffered in order to produce her work. it has to mean something. she lists the struggles she faced when on tour: ‘i gave my whole life...my manager leaked my nudes to get more tour dates added, my mom pointed out every carb i ate, it was hell. but it gave millions of fans a show they will never forget and that has to mean something.’ implicit in this notion is the idea that entertainment is the epitome of self-sacrifice. there is a surplus of mentally ill individuals within the industry, largely due to the nature of the industry itself, but some may argue that the cultural grip the industry has, and the vast amounts of respect and money it generates annually, gives the suffering of these prolific individuals meaning.
the juxtaposing responses entertainers feel towards their audiences manifest as two forms of desperation: the desperation to be an individual who is held accountable, and the desperation to be loved and validated. we see both bojack and bo depict how they oscillate between  ‘this is all a lie’ and ‘my affection for my audience is genuine’, or between ‘do not become infatuated with me im a character’ and ‘please fucking love my character i do not know how to be loved on a personal level.’ bojack explicitly asks diane to write a slam piece on him and ‘hold him accountable’, similar to bo’s song ‘problematic’ in which the hook includes the phrase ‘isn’t anybody gonna hold me accountable?’ for his insensitive jokes as a late teenager. their self-awareness is what enables their self-evaluative qualities, but self-awareness is its own issue. bojack grapples with a narcissistic view of his own recognition of his behaviour before settling on a more nuanced, albeit depressing take. originally he makes the assumption that in recognising the negative aspects of himself, he is superior to those who behave similarly: ‘but i know im a piece of shit. that makes me better than all the pieces of shit that don’t know theyre pieces of shit.’ eventually, during his time at rehab he is forced to reconcile with the fact that self awareness does not, to put it bluntly, make you the superior asshole, it just makes you the more miserable one. the show does, however, make a point to recognise how the entertainment industry protects ‘pieces of shit’, prioritising their productive value over how much they deserve to be held accountable, demonstrated using characters like hank hippopoalus. the show itself obviously stems from the entertainment industry, as it is a form of media produced by netflix, one of the most popular streaming platforms available. bojack horseman and bo burnham represent the small corner of the industry that is reflective enough to showcase the damage it inflicts. this is powerful in terms of education and awareness, and urges audiences to question their own motives and versions of performance, but the reflection alone is not powerful enough to help the artists in question. burnham’s candid conversations surrounding his mental health continue to reveal a plethora of issues somewhat caused or sustained by the nature of his career. within bojack horseman, bojack is only able to stop hurting other characters when those characters construct a situation that forces him to face consequence, his introspection alone is not enough. while bojack ends on a message of hope, suggesting to the audience that reverting back to the status quo is not the only acceptable way for events to end, it leaves stinging lessons and social commentary with the audience regarding the unnatural and damaging narrative that performers live through. on a similar but markedly different note, bo burnham’s work and personal progression is playing out in real time, and not in a way that is as raw and genuine as it appears. each bit is planned, even the most vulnerable moments that appear unplanned and painful. his latest special is not entirely devoid of hope, but does translate to audiences as a somewhat exaggerated look around the era of social media and the development of performance, using himself as an example.
the absurdist humour that often acts as a vehicle for poignant statements or emotionally provocative questions is very specific to each media creator. bob-waksberg’s use of puns, tongue twisters and entirely ridiculous circumstances served to simultaneously characterise his points as an expected part of the show’s style of humour, similar to bojack’s emotional instability, but also to make them appear gut-punching in comparison to the humour. burnham’s work is similar in that poignant but blunt statements are often sandwiched between absurd and exaggerated jokes, making them stand out via contrast but not giving the audience too much time to dwell upon them as they are said. performance art is second nature to entertainers, and is presented a an issue that is infiltrating the general population via social media rather than solely affecting the ‘elites’. bojack horseman and bo burnham present the duality of artists simultaneously attempting to level the playing field and increase their chances of survival in the industry, and encourage audiences to know that everyone is bluffing and you’ll never have the right cards anyway.
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chil2de · 3 years
Your sharing a bed with the JJK men hc's were incredible 😩 special mentions for Megumi's bed head, Nanami being a secret cuddle bug, and Yuuta having to drink both iced coffees (that fucking sent me fjdndnfd I could picture it so clearly).
You're super talented so could I, er, possible get a NSFW version? 👀 💳💥💥💥💳💳💥💳💥
Thank you so much 🥺💕
hello anonie!!! thank you dear i’m so glad you liked them!! please the credit card emojis had me cackling LMFAOOOO you really made my whole day out here!!!(THE ICED COFFEE WAS MY FAVOURITE PART TOO)
well i managed to hit the max amount of characters allowed in a tumblr post with five characters alone so i’m going to have to split this up into several posts. it just kinda happened ig
characters in this post: itadori yuuji, gojo satoru, okkotsu yuuta, fushiguro toji (megumi was supposed to be here but i had to reserve him for next post😔)
this work is nsfw. if you’re new here, please read my disclaimer before proceeding. thank you and enjoy!
based off of this post
- itadori would prob be a ‘deer in the headlights’ if you woke him up in the middle of the night
- but after that? shit, he’s so nice to you. so kind and generous for his baby girl. whether he’s fucking you ‘cause he thinks you might be able to sleep after an orgasm or there’s just an incessant desire for him- doesn’t really matter all that much to itadori. he loves you either way :)
- gets horny so easily LMFAO
- would 100% dick you down if you asked him to and i like to think that he still keeps his really sweet personality during sex cause aaaa he would be so soft and reassuring
- hardcore dom yuuji sounds sexy as all hell but let’s be real… this man won’t kill a fly and apologises for stepping on ants. only exception being angry sex but overall reserving hard dom for sukuna :)
you pepper tiny kisses onto itadori’s face, treating him with the utmost care like handling fine china. his skin feels so soft against your lips, and he smells very faintly of milky soap. there’s some traces of brand cologne on his shirt, as well as his natural scent.
“yuuujiii-“ you coo, blowing air very gently. when he doesn’t stir, you run your fingertips through a bundle of his cotton candy tainted hair. it evokes a reaction from him, so you continue to press him.
after a few moments, itadori lets out a soft whine before grumbling incoherent blabber. “i won’t eat the pineapple! kugisaki will scream at me!”
you giggle before prodding him again, when finally he relents and jolts awake, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted at how close your face is to his.
“‘s it morning yet?” he wrinkles his nose, stifling a yawn. you emit a hum in thought before wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling you into him. itadori squeaks in surprise when he feels you latch your lips onto his neck, suckling and carefully breaking the bonds underneath his sensitive skin. his moan comes out groggy, still laced with sleep.
“that drives me crazy, you know that, right?” itadori laughs, though his voice comes as a wobble.
“i know. and they look so good on you too, hm?” you giggle, caressing one hand from his neck and then down to the hem of his shirt. your fingertips flutter against his bare skin and he shivers physically and audibly. you smooth your palm flat along his chest, dragging your nails carefully against his muscles.
“kinda.. wanna.. go to.. sleep.. but i don’t.. wanna fall asleep…” itadori mumbles against his pillow. the fabric muffles most of it, but there’s a strain in his voice that leads you to believe he’s moaning lightly. guess after sukuna ripped his heart out, this area hasn’t been quite the same, huh?
“so? then go to sleep, yuuji. i’ll be fine-“ “-no way! i gotta take care of you”
“so why don’t you?”
“‘m going to! i was asleep just half a minute ago!”
“and besides-“
he shifts himself up into a sitting position, leaning his back against the headrest. itadori opens his arms, motioning for you to crawl on top of him. without any haste, you clamber over his built frame, ghosting just over the print of his hard dick.
“not that i mind but- we did, you know, in the morning already-“ “oh, shit, sorry- it’s totally fine if you don’t want t-“ “-just messing with you!”
itadori pulls your neck down and gifts you with the same treatment you were offering him earlier. his tongue is hot and wet against your skin and you can already feel the precipitation forming at the back of your knees. calloused yet tender hands smooth around your waist and he smooths his palms over your shoulder blades.
after itadori’s satisfied with the mark he left, you can’t help but groan a little into his mouth when his lips suddenly claim yours. he drinks you up, relying solely on your taste like he’s drowning and you’re the air he needs.
itadori takes his sweet time cherishing you, or rather it’s still his state of half slumber, but you can feel a dull ache prick your abdomen. you scratch up his shirt, motioning for him to take it off. you’re unsure what comes over you, but shit, you don’t want him- you need him.
“heyheyhey, ‘s okay. don’t worry, i got you.”
“i’ll take care of you.”
“just relax, okay? i got this.” he only coos with sweet reassurances, peppering small kisses and handling you with the utmost precision.
you whimper, balancing your palms flat against his abdomen for additional support as you sink down onto itadori’s cock. he lets out a hum of content, forehead bumping against yours as he allows you to adjust.
“you good?” he murmurs after a few moments, capturing a few strands of your hair in between his fingertips. you nod meekly and itadori hisses out a breathy exhale. he’s sure that if he goes rough as shit you might end up more broken than being able to sleep, so he screws his eyes shut and exhales to maintain his composure.
blazing hot lips scrape against your ear, and his voice comes out in a husky tone.
“tell me how you want it.”
by the lords of everything and all that is holy, itadori only chants the same phrase over and over in his mind. it’s a miracle that he’s able to think straight with all the blood rushing to his cock. he’s more than happy to take it slow, reward you with slow and long strokes while he showers you with high praises. but he can’t ignore the twitch that he experiences when he envisions that pretty lil fucked out face of yours, all messy and ruined for him.
you mutter that you have no preference, that you don’t care because anything he’ll do for you is perfect, and it only gives him a beaming smile at your words.
itadori grabs the scrunched up ball of his shirt that he was wearing before ripping the fabric into half with his bare teeth. you watch his eyebrows perk when he notices how fucking hot you just found that, evident with the way your walls fluttered around him.
“here, babe.”
you part your lips and he stuffs the fabric into your mouth, there’s a little bit of excess hanging out, but he reminds you that you look sexy as hell either way, on top of his dick like that with your hands on his chest, legs spread, face flushed and ready for him.
“don’t wanna be wakin’ anyone else up.”
this man is about to end my whole career
yuuta wouldn’t bring it up on his own accord just because… respect.. and he doesn’t want to pressure you or make you uncomfortable into doing things you’re not ready to.
it’s kind of a gray area for him because he doesn’t relish the idea of bringing up sensitive and/or extremely awkward topics so he really said ‘i’ll leave it up to future me’s problem’
but holy shit. let me absolutely tell you.
the second you hint at it? anything of the sorts? 0 to 100. he is FREAKY you cannot tell me he’s innocent just LOOK at the man
can make you scream with ease. all that practice he’s been doing with handling katanas? he doesn’t need his dick to make you cum. will gladly lick up your leftover juices and remark with a smile on his face how ‘it tastes good, angel’
similarly to itadori, i think he would be sweet and patient when asking for your preferences, etc, but after that you’re gonna have to find something to bite onto
“and? what’d you tell her?” yuuta remarks from over his fanned out deck of three cards. his gaze flickers to you as he awaits a response before using his index and middle finger to lay down a +4 card.
“red, by the way.”
you huff and glare at your boyfriend, picking up four cards and attempting to hold them in such a way that they don’t all fall and rattle to the floor. truth be told? you’re seriously a sore fuckin’ loser. you don’t know how he does it, but you’ve never managed to win a game against yuuta.
“i told maki-san that it’s her problem, not mine. if she’s so pressed about people taking them, why does she keep noodles stored in the fridge? really, noodles in the fridge? they’re really spicy as well! made my nose run like hell.” you scoff in distaste, throwing down a random red card on the pile.
“you totally ate them didn’t you?” yuuta giggles, beaming you a wide smile.
“also.. told her that i didn’t see them instead but- yeah.”
“aren’t you worried she’ll find out? oh, and, uno.”
“she might just beat me up to be honest, and, uno, you say? not anymore, love.” you sneer, throwing down a +4 card.
“i want green.”
“i’d protect you.” yuuta states over his cards. you feel like cracking a joke and laughing, but there’s absolutely zero implication on his facial features to show that he’s joking. that, and his serious tone, of course.
you flip your cards down onto the table and yuuta squeaks, pointing towards them.
“uh- i can see your cards-“
“it’s okay, not like i was gonna win anyway.”
at this point, yuuta’s mind races a hundred miles an hour. he’s panicking, blood pressure raised, heart thumping and throat clogged. oh, shit, did he do something wrong? did he upset you? is it ‘cause he said he’d protect you with no regards to the fact that you’re perfectly capable of fending yourself off against maki? fuck, he’s such a god damn screw-up, can’t even take care of his girlfriend correct-
your fingertips slide around his neck, hands interlocking at the base of his head. your thighs balance on his lap and you straddle him, legs either side of his.
he can’t help but hitch his breath, holding it in as though one wrong move and you would dematerialise.
“what’re you thinking about in that head of yours?”
whether you’re referencing his mini panic attack just now, or if you’re referring to all the multiple times he’s battled just bending you over and railing the absolute shit out of you, there’s not much room for debate when you brush your clothed sex up against the print of his dick.
yuuta snakes his slender hands around your throat, holding it in place. you can feel the arousal pool and wash over you, and you’d be more than surprised if you hadn’t soaked through your clothes.
he lets out a breathy laugh, devastating your stomach with butterflies due to how attractive he sounds. yuuta’s soft lips brush the shell of your ear and his other hand moves to rest on your waist,
“why don’t i show you?”
before you can utter a tease something along the lines of “show me what? how you’re too scared to hit me in bed?” you’re already down, flipped over and bent over the table you and yuuta were using moments prior ago for uno. the cards have splattered all over the wooden floor and you only hiss in discomfort as the cool surface scratches against your delicate skin. your boyfriend towers over you, leaning down as his torso clicks into place against your back. even through his titanium white jacket, you can feel his calm and collected heartbeat. he rests his head on your shoulder, nudging his face into you.
“don’t scream, okay? or, try not to, at least-“
his warm fingertips ghost over the curve of your ass, where he pinches the skin there before delivering a loud slap. you squeak, back arching as you jolt from the action. he proceeds by grabbing the inside of your thighs, long middle finger hoisting around your underwear and pulling it to the side. he makes note of the red lingerie you’re wearing and gives you a small chuckle, peppering a kiss to the side of your face.
“-unless, of course-“
“-you’d prefer everyone hear me fuck you stupid.”
“safe word’s blue, angel. i love you and thank you.”
truth be told, you were never sure what to expect from yuuta. hell, you’d never really seen the man’s dick before, sure you caught glimpses in the morning whenever he’d wake up but it’s really not the same. nothing in the world can compare to the first time you felt his piping hot tip brush up against your slicked cunt. and it was embarrassing, actually, the way your pussy was seething for him already.
with a firm hold on your tailbone, yuuta utilises his lower body strength to ram his dick all the way inside. there’s a garbled and choked moan that hisses from you when you feel your walls wrap and deform around the girth of yuuta’s dick. you whine even more so when you can physically feel a thick vein that decorates his shaft.
“the mirror.” yuuta commands in a low tone, redirecting you to glance at the same mirror you’d always fantasised about him fucking you in front of.
his eyes are half lidded, riddled with concentration. it reminds you of that feral and focused gaze he gets during serious battles.
“don’t look at me. look here.”
you trail the outline of yuuta’s arm veins as a result of him rolling his uniform sleeves up; following his v line that points towards his dick. you can only gawk in awe when you realise you’ve taken him to the base of his shaft.
his gaze locks with yours for a split second and he snaps his hips out until just about his tip is visible inside your cunt.
and shit, if his pretty pink cock isn’t the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, especially with that attractive curve. you’re sure the gesture is just to wind you up, but you can’t help but swoon at him showcasing his pride to you.
“so- mmhf- pretty-“ you whine, words jumbled and breath caught when he slams his dick inside without any prior warning. you can only shriek in exclamation when his tip bruises your cervix, and you’re unsure whether you lament the sensation or not.
he only gives you a cheerful hum, reminding you of his usual cheery disposition. it’s not until then that you realise how much of a fucking beast he’s acting right now.
“right? i’ll put it to good use, i promise.”
- i know we’re all thinking the same thing here lmfao
- trying to sleep? good for you, now, open your legs for satoru.
- oh you can’t sleep? atta girl, down on your knees for satoru.
- bye i can literally imagine gojo saying some dumbass shit like “think you were trying to sleep but i couldn’t help but think how good my dick would look down your throat like that. sorry, love, you’re not sleeping tonight.”
you blink your eyes in turn with the cicadas chirping aside, stifling a yawn. everything around you down to the very last detail screams at you to sleep, but you just cannot. from the pitch black night that floods the room obscurely, to gojo’s even and quiet breathing beside you. you’ve tried it all. you’ve counted an excess amount of sheep, you’ve tensed and relaxed your body more than you can remember. hell, no matter how many times you’ve flipped the pillow you always seemed to feel less exhausted each time.
you can’t watch netflix, because you’ve binged all your favourite shows. it’s not that you’d wake gojo up because, who cares? by the time you finish scrolling through the endless lists it’ll be time to get up.
you ponder over the things you can do, continuing to subconsciously blink furiously. that is until gojo makes note of your stupid actions and starts giggling like a high schooler at his first sleepover.
“what the hell are you doing?” he snorts, cackling into the pillow like it’s the best joke he’s heard for quite some time.
“shut up, satoru. i’m trying to sleep you ass.” you tut at him, berating him for ruining your divine concentration.
gojo audibly shifts onto his stomach, his right arm crosses over the back of his head as he lazily rests his palm onto his scalp. the other arm preoccupies itself by landing it smack bang onto your chest, fingers wandering up to cup your breast.
“satoru, huh? that’s daddy for ya” he remarks, still giggling in a state of half asleep.
“uh-huh. goodnight.” you dismiss him and his nonsense.
“just go take a shower. always helps me whenever i can’t sleep.”
“hm? you’re giving me actual good advice and being a normal boyfriend? i think i might be asleep already, this is the best dream ever.” you remark sarcastically, prying gojo’s glued wrist off of your breast and sitting up. you could go for a shower, actually. you’re not sure why but it’s always so therapeutic to take one at night rather than the morning.
“huuuh? how could you say that? you’re so mean, (y/n)-chaan! i offered you my love and the world and this is how you repay m-“
“-goodnight satoru. i love you.”
“don’t think professing your love for me will change my mind! i’m still upset at you right now, young lady!” gojo shouts from over his pillow, exclaiming and irritating you in the way he knows how to best.
“yeah, yeah. okay.” you mumble softly to yourself, bearing a wide grin from ear to ear nonetheless.
when you move to crank the water on in the shower, you realise that you didn’t bring along a change of clothes. you momentarily pop back into the bedroom to ransack the drawer for anything that you can find.
“are you back to apologise for being so mean to me?” gojo whines and you can see the pout evident on him even when it’s pitch black.
“no, i’m just here for clothes, satoru.”
you hear him mumble something but it’s muffled by the sheets he’s underneath so you don’t heed any attention to it and resume in taking a shower to help keep your insomnia at bay.
with a ginger step and a small ‘oopf’, you heave yourself into the large shower that only a headass like gojo would bother buying. it’s reminiscent to what a hot tub looks like on the inside, with surrounding jets practically in a full 360 degrees. the things so steep that there’s a small step up in front of the shower outside the actual structure. it must have cost quite the fortune.
you reach in for the built in shelf to grab ahold of some of your toiletries as you allow the water to fall in a gentle sprinkle, almost like rain. there’s an audible squeeze reminiscent to trying to get the last ounces of ketchup as you apply some body gel to your hands, lathering it up.
despite standing, the warmth of the water leads your muscles to feel less tense. the only noteworthy downside is that the running water is tremendously loud. how on earth is gojo sleeping through all that racket?
slender fingertips ghost over your inner thighs. you can feel his wet and sturdy chest in place against your spine.
“surprised to see me?”
“you know i can’t let my baby talk shit like that.”
really? that’s his issue at hand here?
“so which is it?”
“acting like an intolerant brat because you’re tired or ‘cause you wanna get dicked down?”
gojo loops his arm underneath your leg, bending it up. you almost topple over in the process and you lay one hand flat against the tile.
“don’t answer that. sometimes it’s so obvious that you’re such a whore for my dick.”
“huh?! what the shit are you saying?” you snap at how correct he is.
gojo yanks your face back, digging his fingers into your cheeks as he forces you to face him. it almost sends your neck into two pieces, straining to look back at him.
“oh, really princess? just the other day you were begging me to fuck you”
“remember that? couldn’t wait so you rode me in the car? you know, baby, all you gotta do is ask.”
your legs tremble and psyche wobbles when he pries your mouth open with his thumb, promptly before spitting into it.
“don’t bother with the bullshit. i’ll play the games, not you.”
he drags his hard cock against the curve of your ass, slapping it against you.
“i don’t think i feel like fuckin’ you right now.” gojo sneers, humming sardonically. his lips quickly latch onto yours when you spin around to meet his gaze. like the fucker he is, gojo moans and whines into the kiss- lips ravaging you whole and tongue capturing your essence.
“baby girl, i was gonna let you top me. you know i don’t let anyone do that.”
his long middle finger prods against your cunt, forcing itself in with ease.
“damn, you’re soaked. you really wanted to milk me dry that bad?”
you hate him. hate him so fucking bad. he flashes you that attractive smile of his, azure eyes sparkling and snow white hair disturbed with water.
gojo pulls his finger out before sucking onto it in front of you, lapping all the excess arousal off.
“i’m not playing with you tonight.”
- i literally don’t even need to say anything here
- just be sure to make a hospital check up appointment or something
- um-i uh- please remember to breathe after this one? maybe touch some grass? ALSO my first time writing for toji AAA i hope he’s okay
maybe if you don’t breathe? nah, that wouldn’t work. there’s still air acting around your limbs when you move so you’d be disturbing the barriers there. let’s see… maybe bit by bit? surely if you slowly inched his shirt up? then again, wouldn’t toji chew you out halfway through? maybe you should just give it to him straight up? just slip your hand under his shirt. come on. but he looks so peaceful, sleeping like that.. long eyelashes fluttered closed, lips relaxed and not scowling. his eyebrows are softly arched. he looks so soft, lips parted, chest rising and falling with every breath.
fuck it. just do it. cuddle him already.
you muster up all your courage in one fell swoop and you bend one leg over toji, resting it just above his groin. your right arm sprawls out over his chest and your hand rests against his toned arm. he’s already sleeping with one arm bent up with his hand supporting the back of his head, so you utilise the free real estate to nestle your head in the crook of where his shoulder and collarbone meet.
when he doesn’t move after a while, you deem your life to be safe and exhale with ease.
“you’re not asleep.” toji states in a groggy, husky tone. it’s supposed to be a question, but, coming from him it almost sounds like a challenge.
“yes?” you squeak out meekly.
“‘yes?’ you asleep or not?”
“i can’t sleep again.” you murmur against his shirt and he exhales a small sigh. the arm that you’re clinging onto moves to draw small circles on your thigh that rests on toji.
“when’d you notice?” you inquire, glancing down at his large wrists.
“like five minutes ago. nice try, kid.” toji snorts indifferently, chuckling at your behaviour.
when you don’t make an effort to respond, toji’s interest peaks and he lets out a small hum of intrigue when he follows your gaze.
he turns his head, brushing his lips up against your temples.
“see anything interesting down there?”
“as a matter of fact-“
you nestle yourself in between toji’s large and built thighs, digits curling around the waistband of his boxers. he only smirks at you through the dark, cock twitching through the fabric. you notice toji hover his hips up so that you can slide his boxers off for him and you happily oblige.
“-i do.” you chime, licking your lips.
it’s cute, though, if you thought toji was gonna let you handle him like that all by yourself.
as you kiss a trail up his thick shaft, toji yanks ahold fistfuls of your hair before grabbing your face off of his cock.
“who said you could suck my dick? that’s real cute.”
“thinking you actually have a place in my house.”
“i didn’t train you to be such a depraved slut. know your fucking place, because this isn’t it.”
“how many times do i gotta tell you? you don’t belong here. look around. do you see anything that shows a woman lives here? no? that’s because you’re nothing but a fuck doll for me.”
toji hisses out profanities at the gag you spew when he slams your tiny little mouth back down on his dick.
“lose the teeth you imbecile. unless you’re trying to tell me that you can’t suck my dick properly.”
incessant whines and garbled sentences are muffled by toji’s cock. whatever remnants you had of your vision are nothing but a blur as tears stream your cheeks, nose running and sniffles resurface in a repeating pattern over the slick sounds of slurping and gagging. your mouth stretches as far as it can go and the corners of your lips shriek in despair. you can feel the skin there stretch and pull beyond what’s considered normal.
even through all that, you manage to glance up at toji through your water logged lashes. you’ll be a good girl for him. you need to be.
“fuuuck. that’s a pretty sight.” he grumbles and a deep chuckle resonates through his chest. within a few moments, toji fumbles to reach for something.
you can only wince and screw your eyes at the suddenly blinding flash of a light in front of you. one can only assume he’s taken a photo of you in your humiliating state.
you can feel the fear settle into your veins when that telltale ping of a message being sent vibrates throughout the room. if you were to listen hard enough, you could hear a notification go off in the next room over.
your throat feels raw, jaw tense and locked open. it’s been a good twenty minutes of toji face fucking you to teach you a valid lesson. it’s all in the will of him wanting to drag this on, savouring every miniscule slurp, whimper or gasp. when his strokes start to feel sloppier than usual, you can’t help but feel relieved.
as you squirm about due to toji shooting hot ropes of his thick cum down your throat, the door softly clicks open.
“megumi. you’re just in time.”
“she’s way more obedient than your mom ever used to be.”
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aawesomepenguin · 3 years
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Ok, the time has come. I spent my entire day doing some searches on the 4chan website, picking and trying to find every nugget of information I could find that I was 100% sure it was connected to Sonic Rangers.
I’ll get this right out of the gate: I’m 95% sure the next main Sonic game will be open world, and what will follow is all my evidence towards it. It’ll be uncharted territory for the Sonic franchise, and we’ll need to see how it pays off.
Also, spoilers for Sonic Rangers, but kind of broad ones, so in my opinion, your experience wouldn’t be ruined if you read all of this. But if you’re one of those that want to go 100% blind, then I think the time to jump off this ship is now.
Here we go.
As it turns out, as I did some digging of my own, and thanks to other observant people, I can confirm that the “Sonic Rangers” name has been circulating on the Internet way, WAY before the accidental leak revealed on May 27th. I will show an entire timeline of these discoveries, and how they connect.
But okay, before we dive in, a general vision of Sonic Rangers: the game will take a brand new approach with the character, placing Sonic in an open world for him to explore. Where through his speed, he’ll do platforming challenges, do puzzles, fight against badniks, etc. When fighting against enemies, the player gains XP, that can be used to give Sonic different abilities. Spread through this world are bosses, where after you defeat them, Sonic obtains orbs, and when enough of them are gathered, Sonic can enter Special Stages, that are structured like a Sonic Generations/Sonic Unleashed boost level. When you complete them, you get a Chaos Emerald.
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Ok, now let’s go to the 4chan leaks. From what I can tell, SEGA has been inviting different test groups to testplay their next main Sonic game, under a strict NDA. After it, SEGA collects feedback from the testers. I can’t exactly pinpoint when SEGA began to do these tests, but if I had to guess, it has been around as early as March 2020.
1st Occurrence
In July 2020, another fake leak claiming to be the 30th anniversary game showed up on 4chan, but then, as an answer to it, a person that has really played a test version of the next main Sonic game called the fake leaker out. The person that has put their hands on the next main Sonic game had the following to say:
“I playtested the game back in march and played it for an hour. There were no levels just an overworld. You’re full of s***.”
In another post, the person that got their hands on the testing version of the next main Sonic game, had the following to say:
“It was called Sonic Rangers when I played it.”
1st Occurrence analysis
I believe that the person that played the test version of Sonic Rangers has erroneously interpreted the open world as an overworld, which makes sense. Sonic Rangers name gets dropped for the first time.
2nd Occurrence
In August of 2020, another person that played a test version of Sonic Rangers, stated the following about the next title on the Sonic series:
“It’s not an adventure remake. I playtested it. They ARE working on something, but if they take feedback me and the other panelists gave them, SEGA might change quite a bit from what I ended up playing.
Open World
Set on a gloomy, grassy, uninhabited island dotted with ruins.
Big BOTW influence, little korok-like puzzles scattered everywhere.
Robot/alien bosses scattered throughout the island, defeat them and you get a Chaos Emerald.
Get all Chaos Emeralds and you gain entrance to the final boss area, a foggy forest you couldn’t enter before.
No major characters appeared aside from Sonic.
No story, just dumped in.
Turn Super Sonic to fight the boss, he’s a giant colossus-like entity that you climb, hit his weak points.
These could all be changed because I played a couple of months ago and there still hasn’t been any reveal, so I assume they might be reworking a lot.”
2nd Occurrence analysis
As you can see, in this version, some of the elements that were talked about in the most famous leak aren’t present, some missing elements were added later, but the basic was already present and in place. Sonic can travel through an open world, doing puzzles, defeating badniks and fighting against bosses, to then fight against a final boss as Super Sonic. 
The most interesting thing is how the person that leaked these details claimed that they played it “a couple of months ago”, meaning that this version could take place after the build shown in the first occurrence. Some things have changed since then.
Another cool thing that I wanted to point out was that this build uses placeholder from previous Sonic games. During the final boss, the theme for the first boss fight against Infinite from Sonic Forces is used.
3rd Occurrence
In January of 2021, another anonymous 4chan user talked about Sonic rangers, once again mentioning the name “Sonic Rangers.” As their version is pretty edgy, and negative because Sonic Negativism gets clicks, I’m going to present it in a unbiased manner, and be direct to the point on what they said.
Sonic Rangers, around the end of 2020, was presented once more to a select group of people, two demos were shown. The first one allows exploration of the open world under a time limit of twenty minutes, and another demo that has an apparent Final Boss battle.
Open world is filled with small enemies, puzzles, and platforming challenges.
Completing puzzles, challenges and defeating badniks gives XP to the player as a reward, that can be used to unlock abilities for Sonic.
Among the abilities that Sonic can unlock, there is the “spincycle”, where after pressing the Y button, Sonic begins to create a line behind him, and if the player creates a circle-ish shape around the enemy or a group of enemies, Sonic attacks all the enemies that were “marked” within the spincycle line.
Homing Attack that can target multiple enemies at once, from Sonic Lost World, is back.
There are lots of bosses spread through the open world, when they are defeated, Sonic gets some “orbs”.
If the player gets enough orbs, he can access the “Cyberspace”, essentially this game’s special stage.
The cyberspace levels are like the boost levels in Sonic Generations.
When beating a cyberspace level within a certain amount of time, the player obtains a Chaos Emerald.
New voice clips for Roger Craig Smith were used.
Some new music was made for this build.
In regards to the demo where the player faces the final boss:
After reuniting all the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic can go through a dense fog that the player couldn’t access before in the open world.
A Giant Tree Robot is the apparent final boss.
Fly as Super Sonic using the spincycle and other abilities that were unlocked throughout the game to help defeat the final boss.
Can’t take damage, on a timer of rings. A Ghost girl refills the player’s ring count multiple times.
Demo ended after defeating the boss.
3rd Occurrence analysis
As you can see, this version polished even further the concepts that were talked about in the second occurrence. Instead of getting Chaos Emeralds after defeating a boss, Sonic gains orbs, where after this Sonic has to go after EVEN more bosses to get more orbs. With these orbs, the player can access a Special Stage, named Cyberspace, where you’ll be able to play a more traditional like Sonic game, to get the Chaos Emeralds.
This certainly helps the game longer, which is a plus for me. We’ll probably have seven boost levels, with them being treated like a Special Stage. They also added a XP system, and the main gimmick of this game, the spincycle, was shown in the trailer for Sonic Central.
Sonic will keep building up abilities, which is something I believe the player will be able to use them as different strategies on how to beat different types of bosses.
4th Occurrence
Sonic Central takes place, with a trailer for a new Sonic game at the end. Sonic is running through a forest, and then he begins to glow blue, creating a pixel effect, with a line following him. Sonic then runs in a circle with this new ability that makes him glow blue, and then exits screen.
4th Occurrence analysis
With the context we’ve piled up from previous occurrences, you can put some pieces together. Sonic is clearly activating a spincycle, the main gimmick for this new game, just like how it was said in the January 2021 leak. And just like how the leaker said, Sonic formed a circle-ish shape with this ability in the teaser trailer. Sonic creates a blue energy, creating a line behind him, allowing him to make patterns with it, maybe creating a shape that could surround his enemies?
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5th Occurrence
Dataminers and modders are able to get their hands on the 4K trailer for the new Sonic game, finding out that the name of the game is, Sonic Rangers.
5th Occurrence analysis
It perfectly fits with what was stated previously in 4chan threads, specifically, the one from July 2020 and the one from January 2021. Helping give the 4Chan leaks even more credit.
6th Occurrence
SEGA, while sending out press kits to news websites, ends up slipping out the name for their next main Sonic game, Sonic Rangers.
"Announcing new console experiences, Sonic Colors: Ultimate and Sonic Rangers, further details on Netflix's Sonic Prime, mobile news, musical events and much more!"
It was an accident, and SEGA stated they sent an erroneous version, and when pressed about the Sonic Rangers name, it didn’t dwell into it any further.
6th Occurrence analysis
Coming straight from SEGA’s mouth, the name for the next main Sonic game is gonna be Sonic Rangers. This fits a lot with the rumours that came from 4chan from July 2020 and January 2021, making it EVEN MORE likely that the next main Sonic game is gonna be an open world game.
And that’s where we’re at now in terms of Sonic Rangers news. In my opinion, I’m 95% certain that these leaks are legit. Keep in mind that after the Sonic Rangers name came to light, 1001 other rumours were created, but these I have my doubts, since they now have a sturdy base, they can make up more stuff to go along with it.
My opinion: I’m particularly excited for this next main game. Sonic Rangers deals with uncharted territory for the Sonic series, and I feel like it could be very fun. But of course, I’m a guy that’s mostly chill and cool with most Sonic media out there, so form your own opinions.
Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4, Source 5 and Source 6.
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likeadragonfruit · 3 years
I’m not going to claim I’m an expert on them, but I’ve read a decent number of Fire Nation Katara fics when I was on a kick a bit ago. The stories were a bit of a dice roll - sometimes you get a dark illustration of the horrors of imperialism and cultural genocide, others you get a set up for Zutara as childhood friends. But there’s something I found crop up time and again that bothered me: how vilified Hama is in Fire Nation Katara AUs.
With every other character, there’s usually a range of portrayals.
Sometimes you get Iroh, The One Good Royal. Other times you get General Iroh, the Dragon of the West, who can be a stomach churning racist abusive monster.
Lu Ten could be The One Good Royal, or just as unsettling a stomach churning racist abuser as his father.
Ursa also can get a spin at being The One Good Royal, or she’ll get to represent the noblewoman’s brand of Fire Nation racism and imperialism.
Azula can range from a demon child to a neglected and abused child trying her best to navigate her situation.
Even Ozai and Azulon, who are usually portrayed as awful brutal men (sometimes much like canon or as flatter caricatures) can get softer appearances. Ozai and Azulon!
(I haven’t seen one that portrays Zuko negatively, but that’s another story.)
But when Katara needs a waterbending teacher and Hama is brought in? She was demonized every. Single. Time.
Time and time again, she’s framed as at best “just as bad as the Fire Nation Royals” or even regarded as worse.
(And it’s not simply a “rooting for the empire” pro-Fire Nation thing because none of these stories ever vilify any other Water Tribe characters, whether canon or OCs.)
And to me, it doesn’t make sense in context. In these stories, there’s some version of the Fire Nation abducted Katara, and Azulon decides Katara will be a test case for a policy of “civilizing” Water Tribe children, especially waterbenders. (And yes, the reference is what it sounds like.)
So, you take Hama, who had the Fire Nation attack her home and start abducting waterbenders. Eventually, all the other waterbenders were taken, then she was abducted herself and kept absolutely horrible conditions for decades. She eventually escapes by figuring out bloodbending. But instead of like canon where she continues her revenge plan until the Gaang meets her and Katara stops it, now the Fire Nation sinks to a new low years before that point.
It’s not enough to capture or kill waterbenders, now they want to take Water Tribe children, empty them of their own culture, fill them full of Fire Nation propaganda and turn them into weapons to further the Fire Nation’s goals. So Hama allows herself to be captured so she can teach this child from her tribe. Hama tries to help Katara hold on to their culture and doing what she can to counteract the propaganda they’re force feeding her.
In this context, we’re really supposed to regard Hama as just as bad as her captors or the orchestrators of the decimation of her tribe? Really?
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Beautifully Spent
aka Five Times Lan Qiren Left The Lan Sect Behind
- Chapter 3 -
“No classes for the remainder of the day today,” the teacher said, and everyone, most of them already long ago having started to drift off in the hazy afternoon, sending longing looks towards the windows, turned to look at him, surprised. Even Lan Wangji couldn’t help himself – not that he’d been looking away, of course.
(He’d been not-looking at Wei Wuxian.)
Their teacher smiled indulgently. “A special treat for today, in anticipation of the special treat you will all be receiving tomorrow.”
“A treat?” Nie Huaisang asked, sitting up straighter. “What treat?”
“The sect leader’s brother has returned for a visit –”
“Teacher Lan?” Jiang Cheng exclaimed, looking irrepressibly excited, and abruptly the entire room burst out into a flurry of speech. It was only that they had all met him or heard of him, in his years of wandering through the cultivation world – the teacher of whom it was said that he could teach anyone, turn even the most dissolute waste into a proper and upright gentleman, deserving of respect. It seemed as if everyone had an anecdote to share: some visit they’d heard of, some trick or talent, an opportunity to hear him play…
Lan Wangji maintained his composure through an effort of will. No matter how much he might want to leap to his feet and rush out the door, going to find his uncle at once, there would be no point: his uncle was a stickler for decorum, and he would first pay his respects to his brother, Lan Wangji’s father, and then to the memorial hall. Only in the evening would Lan Wangji have a chance to see him and speak to him, and even then there would be a limited amount of time before they all had to go to bed…
Lan Wangji found himself rising to his feet despite himself.
“Hey, hey, Lan Zhan!” Wei Wuxian exclaimed, bouncing over to him and grabbing at him, tugging on his sleeves as if to get his attention. His hands felt hot as a brand, and Lan Wangji could only be relieved at the protective layers of clothing that separated them. He felt his ears go a bit hot regardless, undoubtedly affected by Wei Wuxian’s unnecessary spreading of warmth. “Teacher Lan, he’s your uncle, right? You must have met him lots of times – you must have the best stories – tell us some!”
Lan Wangji leveled his best glare at him. It was a good glare, one that the junior disciples found quite frightening and made guest disciples avoid him.
Well. Most guest disciples.
“Noisy,” he said, disapproving, but Wei Wuxian was undeterred.
“Teacher Lan says that I learn best through action,” he boasted. “Quiet contemplation is wasted on those with too much energy; it’s necessary to excise the energy first, and to channel it, and so for people like me, it’s best to confront things directly, to see things with my own eyes and confront me with puzzles to challenge me!”
That seemed like a remedy his uncle would have prescribed. Lan Wangji could imagine the slightly-amused, mostly-long-suffering his uncle’s eyes would have had when he had recited it, undoubtedly in the same monotone he always used which for some reason seemed to irritate other adults so much.
“It was amazing!” Wei Wuxian continued. “I got to go on night-hunts two years early, thanks to him!”
“He also said that you needed to be smacked on a regular basis lest you get too full of yourself,” Jiang Cheng interjected, and that also sounded very much like something Lan Wangji’s uncle might have said. “Also, remember when you called him a boring old stick in the mud?”
“Argh, Jiang Cheng! Don’t mention that, you’ll embarrass me in front of Lan Zhan –”
Lan Wangji belatedly realized that Wei Wuxian was still holding his arm and felt his ears go from slightly hot to very hot, feeling somewhat attacked even though he knew it wasn’t something Wei Wuxian was intentionally or maliciously doing towards him. He shook Wei Wuxian off and slipped out the door.
He had to talk to his uncle right away.
His uncle, he thought, would know how to fix his current malady: the one where he thought about Wei Wuxian all the time, whether during the day or at night. The way his temperature rose, his heartbeat accelerated, how he couldn’t control his emotions or maintain his discipline the way he should…
His uncle would fix everything.
It wouldn’t be the first time he’d done it. He’d gone wandering through the world long ago, well before Lan Wangji was born – before Lan Xichen was born, even before their father ever met their mother. He’d been barely older than Lan Wangji was now, in fact; it had been far earlier than it should have been, in the normal course of things. There had been some dispute, though whether it was with Lan Wangji’s father or grandfather remained unknown; indeed, Lan Wangji didn’t know anything about it at all, only that his uncle had left without looking back.
He’d first been a traveling musician, but eventually he had developed a reputation as a teacher. It was said that at some point when he was staying as a guest in some small sect or another, he’d run into some disastrous good-for-nothing of a person, useless and bitter with it, and somehow managed to figure out how to help them cultivate properly – or was the first one he’d helped a beastly hellion who wouldn’t learn anything, and he’d taught them both their letters and how to study, turning them into a scholar?
It didn’t really matter which had come first. In the end, he’d gotten a reputation for himself as a valuable teacher in the same vein as some legendary marvel of an itinerant doctor, the sort that could only be hoped for but not invited, and a bit of an adventurer besides – it was said that he’d saved Lao Nie’s life through some unspecified circumstance, averted Cangse Sanren’s doomed fate through happenstance, helped repair Jiang Fengmian’s broken marriage, and was even rumored to have had a brief personal liaison with the terrifying Sect Leader Wen…
Not that Lan Wangji listened to such things, of course. Talking behind other people’s backs is forbidden…although naturally, as the head of the discipline hall, he had more reason than most to need to know about all the wildest things people were saying.
At any rate, it was all beside the point. Lan Wangji’s uncle had gone out, made a reputation for himself, and then, just when he might have been tempted away for good somewhere else, had come home and won back his place in the Lan sect from his brother. Indeed, Lan Wangji’s father had reason to thank him more than most – it had been upon hearing what had happened with Lan Wangji’s mother, all those years ago when his parents had first gotten married, that Lan Wangji’s uncle had returned. Perhaps it was his years out on the road that had given him the strength and boldness to reject the solution the elders had devised, to castigate them all viciously and demand a better result – it wasn’t really clear.
What was clear, though, was that no one knew the Lan sect rules better than Uncle Qiren, and he’d developed a temper at some point during his travels outside; he’d attacked the whole arrangement from start to end, insisting that they come up with some other way to balance love and justice, protection of the person and protection of the sect’s face. Lan Wangji’s mother to this day swore that if she’d actually been locked up in a little house for the rest of her life, she’d have been long ago died of sheer boredom.  
Of course, now that she was a little older, she tended to stay at her Gentian House most of the day regardless, disdaining the outdoors. But her home there was a place with windows open and people coming and going at all hours – it was a place of joy and happiness, laughter and light. Lan Wangji’s father tended to go there when he was starting to revert back to how he’d been before, those not-so-good days when Lan Wangji was young, and he always vastly improved after getting a tongue-lashing or two.
Lan Wangji wasn’t sure how many of the stories about his uncle were true and how many were rampant exaggeration – his uncle claimed the latter, but his mother insisted on the former, and his father, who rarely spoke without careful contemplation, eventually opined that it was somewhere in the middle.
In fairness, Lan Wangji didn’t much care, either. He had long ago taken his uncle as his role model, trying to fashion himself to be just like him whether in righteousness or rule-abidingness or even in musical talent. He was sure, deep in the depths of his soul, that his uncle could solve just about anything he put his mind to.
And yet he was sure, sure, that his uncle could never have encountered a problem like Wei Wuxian.
“Wei Wuxian?” his uncle said, blinking and rubbing his eyes – he’d stepped out of the memorial hall just now as a result of Lan Wangji’s urgency. “Oh, yes. I remember him. Bright boy. I thought you’d like him.”
Lan Wangji shook his head resolutely. How could he like someone like that?
Someone who made him feel…the way he did?
“Explain further.”
Lan Wangji did his best.
Irritatingly, about three-quarters of the way into his stumbling description, his uncle began to smile, his eyes curving just a little, and eventually to chuckle quietly.
Lan Wangji stopped, frowning – his uncle rarely smiled, and even more rarely laughed.
“No, no,” his uncle said. “Forgive me. It is a serious matter.”
Lan Wangji knew it!
“I will spend some time carefully observing Wei-gongzi,” his uncle continued, and Lan Wangji frowned again, suddenly anxious. “I promise, I will not let anything escape my gaze.”
Lan Wangji’s anxiety spiked even further: his uncle was quite strict regarding the rules in the Cloud Recesses, and Wei Wuxian had already broken so many – he would undoubtedly be found out, and punished. It was no more than Wei Wuxian deserved, really, and yet – at the same time….
He cleared his throat. “Uncle, are you sure that’s necessary?”
“Oh yes,” his uncle said. “I must make sure he’s acceptable if he’s to be my in-law, isn’t he?”
Lan Wangji stared.
“You’re my beloved nephew,” his uncle said. “Naturally I must make sure that anyone you like is up to standard –”
“Uncle!” Lan Wangji cried out, feeling deeply betrayed. Possibly by himself.
His uncle shook his head. “Forgive me, Wangji. I will stop. But that is the explanation for your symptoms. I have observed similar things many times.”
Lan Wangji sat down, distressed. It hadn’t even occurred to him, although knowing his parents as he did meant that he was very familiar with the notion that love was not necessarily an enjoyable feeling, and perhaps especially not when you were first afflicted by it. “But…what do I do about it?”
His uncle touched his shoulder lightly, offering comfort. “Having emotions is a good thing, Wangji; it connects you to the rest of the world,” he said. “Understanding them, and knowing what action to take, is a matter of experience, for logic is of limited use in interpreting the heart.”
Lan Wangji nodded. “You will help, then?”
“…I will do my best,” his uncle said. “I may need to consult on the matter from those that understand certain aspects of these sorts of things a little better than I. But I promise, you will not have to face it alone.”
Lan Wangji nodded yet again, deeply relieved.
They would figure it out.
They would fix it.
His uncle would help.
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