#how junk food affects your mood
littlesunshine1223 · 1 month
Hey, I was wondering if you can do hcs on Stu Macher, Billy Loomis, and Tatum Riley? :)
Billy Loomis/Stu Macher Headcanons
[Sorry I’m not used to writing for Tatum]
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Billy Loomis
- no matter how tough he acts all you have to do to drop that act is to kiss him and play with his hair
- some days most of the time he’s worried that you’re going to leave him for someone new
- he loves cuddles and watching horror movies with you while eating junk food
- if anyone hurts you or is making stupid hurtful side comments then their bodies will never be found
- will rarely do PDA in public unless he gets jealous from all the random people staring at you while you’re both just trying to buy snacks
- loves cuddles and another thing he’ll never admit till the day he dies is that he absolutely loves being the small spoon
- he always sneaks into your room through your window just so he can tell you in person that he loves you
- for Halloween you always try to talk him into wearing the couples costumes, he secretly enjoys them but will never admit it
- if you find out he’s Ghostface then his tough guy act will crumble and he’ll beg you to not tell anyone or leave him
- if you don’t know he’s Ghostface then he’ll just use the excuse of Stu needed something or he had to go see what his dad wanted back at home
- sometimes if he’s really in the mood while watching a movie then he’ll recreate the classic horror movie sex scene with you
- wanna get noises from him? Praise him, ride him till he’s shooting blanks, and to put the cherry on top cover him in hickeys
- more than likely he loves having the sense of control but if you want to take the lead for a night then he might let you
- we all already know what some of his kinks are: Knife kink, blood kink, dirty talk, overstimulation, hair pulling, and edging
- he will try to act like a brat no matter what but all you have to do is go down on him and suck out all the brat in him
- he’s a messy eater ;)
- he’s gotten cum-drunk from you numerous times and has the prettiest blissed out eyes as he babbles about how good you taste
- if he got a little roughed up after killing someone then he will love you more than ever if you kiss his bandages wounds and bruises while slowly and gently riding him
- one thing that melts his mind is whenever he sees you wearing his Ghostface mask and jacking him off after he first wakes up in the mornings
- if it’s your first time then he’ll be careful with you and hold your hand the whole time
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Stu Macher
- he’s a massive cuddle bug and PDA happens all the time just because he has a lot of love to give you
- Just like Billy he loves to cuddle with you and watch horror movies while eating as much junk food as possible
- he absolutely adores when you yelp and snuggle closer to him when you get scared during a movie
- he loves to sneak in through your window and snuggle up to you, whining about how you need to warm him up because it’s cold out
- one night he showed up later than usual after you had already locked the window and magically that next morning you woke up to him starfished on top of you in bed (he refuses to tell you how he got in)
- if someone’s causing you problems then they randomly disappear the next day, never to be seen or heard from again
- he’s the human version of a golden retriever, he’ll do what you tell him, he’s adores affection, and he follows you around as your protector in case something goes bad
- he “accidentally” leaves his sweaters at your house for you to wear
- if you know he’s Ghostface then he’ll wrap his long arms and legs around you and give you the puppy dog eyes while begging for you not to leave him
- if you don’t know he’s Ghostface then he’ll keep it like that for as long as possible because he doesn’t know how you’d react
- he loves when you ride him, something about it just melts his brain
- he loves to cover you in hickeys and pin you to the bed just to tease you
- just like Billy, he’s a messy eater too ;)
- one of his favorite things is when you’re shivering in pleasure beneath him after he just railed you into his mattress
- depending on his mood he might act like a brat or he’ll submit to everything you say (there’s no in between)
- if he’s been teasing you too much then pin him to the bed and ride/rail him till he’s sobbing in pleasure and babbling for more
- he has invited Billy to have a three way (after making sure you’re comfortable with that)
- the more you overstim him the louder he gets
- a great way to get him to make noise is by dirty talking him, spanking him, praising him, and wearing his Ghostface mask while doing all of that
- if it’s your first time then he’ll make sure to stretch you all the way out and use extra lube in case you’re very sensitive
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detydia · 10 months
Imagine Dean Winchester x You
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You get sick and want snacks.
You found yourself confined to your bed, wrapped in layers of blankets, battling a persistent cold that left you feeling weak and miserable. Dean had to leave for a short period to check on a lead for the current case, leaving you alone.
As you lay there, surrounded by tissues and with a thermometer by your side, you felt a sudden craving for comfort food – the kind that might make you feel a little better despite the illness. You reached for your phone and dialed Dean's number.
After a few rings, Dean's voice came through the phone, "Hey, Y/N, what's up?"
His tone was warm, and you couldn't help but smile despite the congested nose. "Hey, Dean. How's the hunt going?"
Dean sighed. "Slow progress, but I'm on it. What's going on? Everything okay?"
You paused, feeling a bit guilty for interrupting his work. "Yeah, yeah, it's fine. I just... I'm feeling really under the weather, and I was wondering if you could do me a favor."
"Of course, anything for you. What do you need?" Dean replied, concern lacing his words.
"I was thinking maybe some snacks might lift my spirits a bit. Could you grab a few things on your way back?" You requested, your voice slightly hoarse.
"Snacks, huh? You got it. What are you in the mood for?" Dean asked, his tone lightening.
You chuckled, knowing Dean's penchant for junk food. "Surprise me. Maybe some chips, chocolate, and definitely a tub of ice cream. And, oh, grab some chicken soup if you can find any."
Dean laughed. "Got it, Y/N. I'll make a stop on my way back. Anything else?"
You thought for a moment. "Maybe a cheesy action movie? Something to distract me from feeling like a human tissue."
Dean grinned. "You got it, Y/N. I'll be back soon. Hang in there, alright?"
"Thanks, Dean. You're the best," you said, feeling grateful for his understanding and willingness to cater to your whims, even from a distance.
As the day progressed, you drifted in and out of sleep, checking your phone every now and then for any updates from Dean. Finally, the familiar rumble of the Impala pulled into the driveway, and you mustered the energy to get out of bed and greet him at the door.
Dean walked in with a small bag of snacks and a DVD in hand. "Hey, sicko. I come bearing gifts."
You grinned weakly. "You're my hero, Dean."
He handed you the bag, and yoh eagerly peeked inside to find an assortment of goodies, including the requested ice cream. "You nailed it, Dean. Thank you."
Dean plopped down on the edge of the bed, looking at you with a mixture of concern and affection. "How are you feeling, Y/N?"
You sighed, leaning back against the pillows. "Like a mess, but your snacks and a good movie might just be the cure."
Dean chuckled, putting the DVD into the player. "Well, you're in for a treat. I picked an action-packed classic."
You spent the afternoon together, with you nestled under the covers, surrounded by snacks and the glow of the TV. Dean, ever attentive, periodically checked on you, making sure you had everything you needed.
As the movie played, you couldn't help but feel grateful for Dean's presence and the effort he had put into making you feel a little better. The snacks, the movie, and the shared moments made you forget about the stuffy nose and sore throat, at least for a little while.
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jacobfryes-hoe · 1 year
period headcanons
A/N: Altair, Arno, Edward, Ezio and Jacob with a significant other on their period.
Disclaimer: gifs are not mine! mentions pain and menstruation.
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Altair doesn't have much knowledge of periods but tries to understand what your going through.
he does his best to comfort you, even though it's not his forte.
he will go to the shops for you, but wouldn't have a clue what to buy, he'd be in the right aisle but wouldn't know what products to get and would just buy one of everything because he is too proud to ask for help.
tries not to snap back when your period makes you irritated.
brings you plenty of water and nutritious food to help you feel your best.
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Arno has quite a bit of experience with periods because of Elise, so he knows mostly what he's doing.
he will bring you whatever you want if that be treats from the cafe, cuddles, blankets etc, you name it and he'll have it there as quick as possible.
If the pain got too much Arno would get you some painkillers and a hot water bottle to help and if that doesn't help, he'll try to distract you from the pain by reading to you or doing your favourite hobbies with you.
doesn't mind your mood swings.
would spend the day with you cuddling and eating treats.
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Edward loves using your period as an excuse to stay in bed all day eating junk food.
he doesn't really know how to deal with mood swings, they put him on edge and he probably would just stare at you with a blank expression or offer you food to see if that will cheer you up.
will fetch you painkillers, food, drink and anything you want.
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Ezio spoils you when you're on your period, constantly reminding you how amazing you are, and showering you with both affection and treats.
would cook his mother's recipes for you.
will and loves to cuddle up with you.
does his best to help with the pain, whether that is getting you a hot water bottle, running you a nice warm bath or just getting you painkillers, he's on it.
is very patient when it comes to your mood swings.
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Jacob is the best for cheering you up with his stupid jokes.
he can't cook for you but will buy you your favourite snacks from the shop.
same as Edward, he loves using your period as an excuse for spending the day in bed.
doesn't really know much but tries his best - asks Evie for advice.
confused by your mood swings but isn't annoyed by them and is easygoing about them.
is very sympathetic when it comes to the pain, will make you tea in bed and cuddle up with you to comfort you.
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Okay i lied , im not cutting off yandere sources cause i need Yves to cope with the high stress.
So here's some Yves content at the supermarket
Yves pays close attention to how and where your eyes linger at. Especially at grocery or other retail stores where there are a wide variety of objects. He notes down what catches your attention first, next and last, what caused you to do a double take and for how long. What colour, what texture, what shape and etcetera etcetera. He keeps count and remembers the sequences too.
It's fascinating, your habits change depending on the lighting, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, smell and loudness of the area. Even the feeling of the flooring beneath your shoes would affect the duration you're willing to look at a product.
Yves would pretend to check the nutritional information of an item that claims to be "healthy" and "organic". But in actuality, he's watching you; do not underestimate his peripheral vision, it's almost as if he has eyes on the back of his head.
He would get a small rush of excitement whenever he predicts your next move successfully, shock and slightly more delightful when he's wrong; because that means he has discovered something new about you and must document his findings immediately.
How strange, you're exhibiting signs of under stimulation despite the fact that supermarkets usually fulfill your sensory needs, most of the time, overloading you. So Yves peruses the aisles even more, letting his heels clack against the tiled floors, pushing the shopping cart slowly and observing if the extra disturbances around you will do anything to your predicament.
But no, you're still uncomfortable. How interesting, how can Yves help you? He's dying to know, but he must run multiple tests discretely to find out.
However, before he could proceed, you walked up to him and stared at Yves in the eyes.
He replaced the can of diced tomatoes back onto the metal shelf before peering down at you. Yves intentionally chose to wear one of his taller heels to create that subconscious "guardian" role, making him ridiculously tall.
"Yes, dear?" He asked, bringing his fingers to your hair, gently brushing them away from your face. This seems to improve your mood, it made his heart skip a beat when he realized that you were craving for his touch.
You told him that it's nothing, you just wanted to see him.
Now that's not true, you wanted more but you're too shy and nervous to outright ask for it.
Yves smiled, softly coaxing you closer to his side, which made you automatically cling onto him and bury your head in his torso. Yves stroked your back rhythmically up and down.
While he lets you recharge in the side hug, Yves uses a free hand to inspect more canned items, he also likes guessing what additives might be added into each product and how much of each nutrient does it contain.
It's impressive how his brain works like a supercomputer with trillions of servers, his eyes, nose, ears, skin and tongue work as the world's best sensors. Yves is actively gathering the smallest, most detailed information about you, the environment, himself and whatever he has on hand. All that, without a struggle, without any clashes in thoughts or confusion in data. All that without overwhelming himself, not at all. He's in fact, very relaxed.
You let go of him when you had enough, but it seems you're not willing to fully part from his form yet as you're holding onto his large, smooth and manicured hand.
He walks to the next section of the aisle, pushing the trolley along with him and enveloping your smaller hand in his. He noticed that you've lost interest in looking around as canned goods bore you and you would very much rather look through shelves of candy and other junk foods. Where the companies work their predatory marketing tactics on unsuspecting customers like you.
If you wanted to, you would have left him alone to entertain yourself by now. But you're still stuck next to him as he reads the next list of ingredients.
He doesn't need to hide a delighted smile from you, as you're pushing your face against his lowest rib. Yves can express his glee at your very sweet and considerate gesture to accompany him despite your boredom.
He wanted to see how long you would last before he loses your consideration. That's why, Yves kept going through each can with you inching along next to him. Surprisingly, you're durable. But you're not exhibiting signs of weariness anymore, but instead, you're simply content and comfortable.
Strange. The buzzing, blinding lights above you and him, the monotony of the labels, the droning and other bustling noises would have driven you out of this aisle five minutes ago, let alone allow you to express... Happiness for being present. This isn't usual, Yves knows. He has observed you more times than you can count in this exact setting. Everything is more or less the same: the luminescence, the air quality and the decibels that your ears are picking up.
Except, the only variable that changed was him. His presence.
He gently called out your name, which prompted you to look up at him.
Yves pecked you on the lips, leaving a faint stain of his lipstick on your kisser.
"I love you." He whispered, biting onto his tongue immediately because he wanted to say much more. So much more. But he couldn't, it would be horrific for you to learn what he sees without your knowledge.
You stared at him, confused. Of course, you returned his words of affection. What baffled you was this glimmer in his breathtakingly beautiful, smiling eyes that would only appear if you did something extravagantly sweet and loving for Yves without expecting anything in return.
Like giving him a meaningful gift that you toiled for, trying your best to serenade him with an original piece of romantic music, going above and beyond to please or pamper him... What did you do?
Yves lets out a soft laugh as he watches you struggle to contain your excitement at the prospect of receiving that reward later at home. He can feel your tremors as you hold onto his hand.
Well, whatever it is, it surely earned you a very big reward. You're not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so you gracefully accepted the silent message from Yves.
But for now, he must buy the groceries needed for the week, and all the ingredients to make your favourite dish of all time.
He pushed the cart to the next aisle, bringing you along with him.
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blackenedsnow · 5 days
Hello! Can I play request P2 and P3 headcanons on what a night in with their s/o would be like?
p2 and p3 dude having a night in with their s/o
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PAIRING: Postal (2) Dude x Reader, Postal (3) Dude x Reader
NOTE: Hey dear!! Yes you can. I hope you enjoy!
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You’re in his dingy trailer, which he’s done absolutely nothing to improve.
The TV is probably the centerpiece of the evening, set to whatever's on, though Dude doesn’t actually care much about what’s playing—he’s just there to chill with you.
Relaxation isn’t something he gets often, so when he does get time alone with you, he appreciates it in his own deadpan way.
He’ll throw his arm around you casually, pulling you in close without a word.
You can feel him unwind, even if he’s still staring blankly at whatever nonsense is on the screen.
Food is definitely low-effort.
It’s likely you’ve got a pizza delivery coming, and he’s already popped open a few beers.
The conversation might be sparse, but he’ll make sarcastic comments about the TV, the pizza guy, or literally anything around you both.
You share a beer or two (or three)
Despite his crass exterior, Dude shows his softer side in little ways.
He’ll ask how your day went, how are you doing, stuff like that.
He listens more than you’d think, his snarky comments spaced out by moments where he’s actually paying attention.
If you’re close, he’ll rest his hand on your thigh or give your shoulder a squeeze to show he’s content just being there with you. The evening ends with both of you slouched on the couch, the TV flickering and Dude half-asleep with his arm still draped over you.
There’s no dramatic declarations or over-the-top romantic gestures. It’s just easy—simple, dirty, and weirdly comfortable.
He might mumble something like, "I love you, you know that?" before nodding off completely.
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His place is FUCKED, with random junk scattered around and nothing really matching or organized.
He’s probably thrown together some questionable dinner, but hey—it’s the thought that counts.
He’d have invited you over to relax and escape whatever nonsense is going on outside.
He can’t sit still for too long.
If you’re watching TV, he’s constantly fidgeting, grabbing snacks, or flipping through random channels until he lands on something bizarre enough to hold his attention.
He’ll crack jokes the entire time, occasionally glancing at you with a grin to see if he’s getting a laugh.
If he senses you’re stressed, he’ll be silly to lighten the mood, even if it means doing something ridiculous like pretending to narrate a dumb action scene with his best movie-trailer voice.
Dude tries to cook.
He probably throws something in the oven or makes a horrendous microwave dinner for the both of you.
The food is questionable, but it’s the effort that counts, right?
“Tastes like crap, but at least I didn’t burn down the kitchen this time,” he’ll joke, nudging you with a grin.
He’s surprisingly affectionate in a chaotic way.
He’ll pull you into his lap, wrap his arms around you, and bury his face in your shoulder while dramatically whining about something stupid.
Even if you try to push him off, he clings harder, turning it into a playful wrestling match.
There’s never a dull moment with him around.
Dude tries to be romantic but in his own awkward way.
He’ll lean in for a kiss at the weirdest moments or randomly shower you with praise, but it always comes off as a joke.
“You’re the best thing that’s happened to me since I figured out how to rig that soda machine,” he’ll say, giving you a cheeky grin.
But underneath the humor, there’s real affection in his words.
As the night winds down, there’s no telling what’ll happen.
He might get restless and want to go out for a drive around town just for the hell of it, or he might finally settle down beside you, arm slung lazily around your shoulders.
Either way, the night ends with him pressing a kiss to your temple and saying, “Don’t know what I’d do without ya,” before falling into a rare moment of stillness.
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ro-is-struggling · 9 months
Goodmorning Ro! I wanna send in a request for your event but don't have much in the way of specifics so I hope that's alright? Besides, I don't remember that episode and would love to see where you take it if you take it. Anyway hope you have a good day!
Prompt: 9 (Part 1)
Character: Dr. Strange (Character B)
Genre: Comedy/Fluff/Light Smut(if inclined)
OMG I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO POST IT! Life got in the way and I had to stop writing for a while, but I'm back now! Thank you for your patience and I hope this silly little fic finds you somehow after all this time anon💕
I loved writing this one! I tried my best to combine the above-mentioned genres as best as possible, but idk, I hope I did a good job. I feel like I wanted to make it more of a crack fic at the start but then I got carried away and ended up being more spicy. I literally had to stop myself from turning this into a full on smut lol I hope you like it anyways!
Summary: During a girls night you are challenged to leave a dirty message for Stephen Strange as part of a game of truth or dare. You accept without much thought, the alcohol in your system stopping you from realizing that your relationship would never be the same after that.
Warnings: suggestive tones, alcohol consumption, attempt at humor, teasing, a bit of dirty talk, name calling (whore) implied smut
English is not my first language
Word count: 4300
This fic is part of my 600 followers celeration
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The girls' night was Wanda's idea. After the stressful mission you had been through, hanging out together to relax and gossip was exactly what you needed to recover. Nat and you were a little tired, but eventually gave in after Wanda convinced Hope and Sharon, who happened to be in the avengers' compound when you arrived, too. So you all changed into your comfiest pajamas and, after kicking all the men out of the living room, you all settled down on the couch with a cheesy rom-com playing in the background as you chatted.
The tiredness and tension disappeared from your body as you laughed with your friends, joking and listening to their love problems. It was nice to switch off your brain every now and then and act like you were normal people, worrying about trivial things instead of thinking about the problems affecting the world. It kept you sane and restored your faith in humanity. There was nothing that improved your mood like hanging out with your friends just eating junk food and talking about stupid things.
You were having a good time, drowning in pizza and ice cream while laughing, but when Natasha started mixing drinks things started to go off the rails. With the alcohol levels in everyone's blood rising the conversation became increasingly more chaotic and wild, confessing embarrassing secrets and constantly telling one another how much you loved each other. It wasn't long before someone suggested playing truth or dare and everyone agreed, far too drunk to think about the consequences.
The first few rounds were uneventful, consisting mostly of silly truths and the occasional simple dare such as taking a shot or doing something to annoy one of their teammates. However, as the rounds progressed and the alcohol got into your systems, the game got out of control. And when your turn came you regretted your choice of dare as soon as the words left Natasha's mouth.
"I dare you to send Strange a dirty voicemail." The redhead looked at you with a mischievous smile. Her arched eyebrow challenged you, wondering if you would even dare to accept her proposal. She knew how you felt about Stephen, she'd had to listen to you ramble on multiple times about him and his perfect face that looked like it had been carved by the angels themselves. She knew you liked him, but she also knew you were never going to make the first move. So she thought the best thing to do was to give you a little push —well, it seemed small in her alcoholized mind.
"No way!" you groaned, refusing to participate in the game. You weren't drunk enough to ignore that voice in your mind telling you that this was a bad idea. 
"You can't refuse!" Wanda interjected. "That's not how it works!"
"If you do, you'll have to drink from the mystery cocktail and you don't really want to do that, trust me." Sharon said, remembering the horrible taste of the mystery drink Natasha had prepared as punishment for chickens who didn't complete the dares. She didn't know what the fuck she'd put in there, but it tasted awful.
"Fine!" You gave in to peer pressure. "But it'll be anonymous!" The last thing you needed at that moment was to have to face the consequences of such actions. What Natasha didn't seem to want to understand was that your hesitation to confess to Stephen how you felt about him didn't just come from a place of fear of rejection, it was much more complicated than that. You could handle rejection, what you couldn't handle was continuing to work with him after such humiliation. Stephen was an avenger, so before you did anything you had to consider how it might affect the team.
"That's fine by me!" Nat aceptó y las demás chicas la siguieron.
"But I'm going to need a drink before I do this."
You took a sip of the strongest drink on the table, feeling the sting of the alcohol as it went down your throat. You needed a lot of courage to do what you were about to do, to lower your inhibitions to the point of losing your sense of shame and self-control. You weren't as intoxicated as you would have liked to be —you were definitely going to remember this in the morning—, but you figured it was for the best. You still needed to be able to speak clearly and form coherent sentences, two things that would be impossible if you kept drinking. So you rested your now empty glass on the table and picked up your phone, ready to get it over with for good.
"It has to be good!" You heard Wanda say as your fingers awkwardly searched your contacts for Stephen's number, making sure to set your number to private and encrypt it before doing anything so he couldn't trace the message back to you. "You have to talk like you mean it."
"Yeah! If he doesn't get a hard on after listening to your voice then you failed the dare." Natasha added and you threw one of the couch cushions in her face.
"That doesn't make any sense! You can't possibly know the effects it might have on him." You complained, pointing out your friends' exaggeration. "He might not even open it."
"Oh I'll know," Wanda assured you, giving you one of those mischievous smiles that sometimes made you question her mental sanity. 
"Whatever," you said, rolling your eyes. "Any other requests before I do this? It's now or never." The girls shook their heads, giving you the green light to proceed. You took a moment to mentally prepare yourself, clearing your throat and blurting out a few words as you searched for a new tone of voice that sounded sultry yet different enough from your normal voice to throw Stephen off. 
Before tapping on his contact on your phone you tried to focus on him and how he made you feel. His cocky smile was the first thing that came to your mind, the one he gave you every time his plans worked out after you questioned them. That smile drove you crazy. His lips in general drove you crazy. You spent more time than you'd like to admit imagining what it would be like to feel his kisses on your skin, caressing every inch of your body. You wondered if his tongue was as skilled at pronouncing incantations as it was at bringing pleasure to a woman. The mere image of his face buried between your legs, devouring you like a starving man was enough to make your center drip with need. 
His hands were the next thing that popped into your mind, the way they moved in the air with precision each time he casted a spell. You loved watching him work, you got completely lost in your thoughts as you silently admired him, imagining how his hands would feel on your body, touching each curve with delicate sensuality. You were convinced that he really knew what to do with his hands to have a girl screaming his name in seconds, those skillful fingers of his were good for more than magic and you were dying to feel them exploring the deepest parts of your being.
Once you let your imagination run wild it was easy to find the right words to complete your dare. You didn't even have to think too hard about keeping a different voice, the low, sensual tone came naturally to you as you left a message for Stephen detailing everything you wanted to do to him —and everything you wanted him to do to you. You tried to control yourself since your friends were in the room with you, carefully choosing your words so as not to reveal so much about your true fantasies. But you made sure he knew how attractive you found him and how you were willing to let him do whatever he wanted to you. 
The moment you hung up, all the girls burst into hysterical laughter, theorizing about what Stephen's reaction would be when he heard your message in the morning. You were buzzing with euphoria, too intoxicated to feel embarrassed, so you laughed with them. Your confused mind wasn't able to comprehend that you were the one who would have to face the consequences of your little game. That was a problem for the Y/N of the future and at that moment the next morning seemed to be far in the future. All that mattered to you at that moment was to relax and enjoy the evening, laughing with your friends. And that was exactly what you did until at some point you fell asleep on the living room couch.
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When you woke up in the morning you regretted all the decisions you had made the day before, from accepting the first drop of alcohol to sleeping on the couch. Now not only did you have a headache that barely let you think, but also your whole body felt stiff due to the awful position in which you had slept on the couch. You grunted as soon as you felt Tony's voice, no doubt speaking louder than necessary to annoy you as he paced around the kitchen preparing breakfast. You hated the open concept building design more than ever at that moment, missing walls that separated the living room and sheltered you from the sound.
"I hate you." You winced when he came over to ask if you were going to have breakfast. He sounded so cheerful and amused while you were miserable that it made you angry. Your head was pounding and your stomach was upset. However, the smell of freshly brewed coffee coming from the kitchen forced you to get up, reluctantly dragging yourself into the kitchen where Nat, Wanda and Sharon greeted you with tired looks. 
"Seems like you ladies had quite a night." Steve said with a smile, grabbing a cup of coffee and sitting down next to you. His hair was still wet from the shower, probably because he had gotten up early to go for a run like he did every morning. You never really cared about that, but this time you couldn't help but look at him like he was crazy for daring to do such a thing. The very idea of moving at a speed faster than a zombie made you want to vomit.
"Remind me to never drink again." You grumbled, taking one of the pills Nat had passed you. Sharon agreed with you, complaining about how the world still seemed to be spinning around her.
"What the hell did you put in that drink?" She asked Natasha, but the redhead just laughed. 
"Shhh, can you guys stay quiet? My head is killing me." Wanda interjected, raising her head to give everyone a pleading look before plopping back down on the marble of the island. 
Everyone's condition improved considerably after eating a lot of greasy food and drinking a lot of water. It also helped that the medicine kicked in, although you were still feeling tired and slightly sore. When you regained some of your good mood and will to live you went back to the living room, settling down on the couch with a cup of hot coffee in the hopes of watching the tv until your energies were recharged. However, your plans were ruined when you discovered that someone was already there. And not just anyone, but Stephen Strange, who was talking to Tony while holding his phone in his hand. 
Memories of the night before came back to you in a series of flashes that replayed in your mind like a movie. You stared in horror at the men in front of you, wondering if Stephen had gotten your message yet. You sat as far away from them as possible, focusing on your coffee as you tried to listen to their conversation. Your strategy was to be discrete and play dumb if their eyes at any point caught on you, but when you saw Natasha walk into the living room you knew your plan was out the window.
"What are you guys talking about?" The redhead interrupted them, "Expecting an important phone call?" She added, looking at the phone in Stephen's hands with a raised eyebrow. 
"Our favorite wizard here got a spicy message from an encrypted number and he needs my help to figure out who this mystery person is" Tony explained with amusement in his voice and Stephen gave him a murderous look.
"Thanks for the discretion, Tony."
"Spicy how?" Natasha pressed the issue to see if she could get Stephen to give more details, especially about how that message had made him feel. 
"Oh you have to hear it, this girl did not hold back." Tony said and you choked on the coffee you were drinking. He had heard it! "She was really grateful to him for saving the world and wanted to give something back to him, if you know what I mean."
"We all know what you mean, Stark. You're not very subtle." Stephen rolled his eyes. "And give me that back." He snatched the phone out of her hands before she could pass it to Natasha to listen to the message. "Can you help me or not?"
"Why do you want to know who this person is?" Nat teased, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "You really liked it, huh?"
"No! I just... I'm concerned it might be a stalking situation so I want to know who this person is." Stephen tried so hard to sound confident, but even you were able to notice the hesitation in his voice. He was making excuses. He was at least intrigued by the message and that made you feel a strange sense of pride. Even though you were a little drunk, you had managed to get his attention with your words and your sensual voice. Sure, he didn't know it was you, but that didn't matter to you at the moment, the confidence slowly building in your system didn't let you think about it.
"Hey! No one is judging here." Tony spoke up. "If I were in your place I would like to know who this mystery person is too."
Stephen let out a sigh, rolling his eyes. "Just let me know when you get something."
He stormed off, leaving you with a million unanswered questions and a strange feeling in your stomach. Tony ran after him and Natasha took advantage of the fact that you were alone to give you a gentle push to get your attention. You moved your gaze from the door through which he had disappeared to look up at your friend, who was looking at you with a playful smile.
"He's crazy about you." She stated but you downplayed it, saying he was only interested because he didn't know it was you talking on the other end of the line. However, you couldn't help but feel a little flame burning inside you. You felt confident and for the first time since you had met Stephen you felt you had a chance with him.
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The next time you saw Stephen was during an Avengers meeting to discuss a possible mission. You barely paid attention to what Steve was saying, too distracted by the perfect profile of Stephen sitting next to you. The sunlight coming through the large windows illuminated his face in a special way, giving him an ethereal aura that made it impossible for you to look away from him and those ridiculously sharp cheek bones he had. It was torture to have him so close looking like a Greek god and not being able to do anything about it. Your new found confidence hated it. It took all your power to control your urges, striving to calm your wild fantasies at least until Steve let you out of there. 
You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn't realize the meeting was over until you saw the other team members disappearing behind the door. Soon it was just you and Stephen in the large conference room. You gave him a quick glance and noticed that he was looking at his phone once again. You wondered then if he was waiting for another message from you, if he was as crazy about that mysterious voice on the other end of the line as he seemed to be. It was pretty hard to contain your urges at that moment.
"Any new leads on your mystery person case?" your voice alerted Stephen, who looked up from his phone to rest his gaze on you.
"No, Stark hasn't called me yet."
"Is that what you were checking on your phone while Steve talked?" You asked him, getting up from your seat to move closer to him, settling against the table right in front of his chair. "If Stark had called with any leads?"
There was something in your tone of voice that alerted Stephen, a sensual undertone he had never heard in you before and it made him wonder what you were getting at. He had felt your eyes on him throughout the meeting, he always did, but for some reason this time it felt different.
"Why do you care so much?" He countered, looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm just curious as to what has you so distracted lately." You faked innocence, shrugging your shoulders. "Was it really that good?"
"Excuse me?" Stephen was surprised by your sudden audacity, though he couldn't say he didn't find it intriguing. 
"It seems to me that you're desperate to hear that voice again." You leaned closer to him, lowering your head to be at his level. Your eyes were locked on his, admiring the dark shadow in the icy blue of his orbs. He held your gaze as the tension in the air intensified, curious to discover what your next words would be.
"I can help you with that," you added, using the same low, sultry tone you had used in the message. "Even better, I can show you just how hot I think you are... how desperate I am to feel your hands all over my body, using your powers to restrain me and do whatever you want with me." 
If your voice hadn't already given you away, repeating the words you had said to him in the message definitely had. His eyes grew wide, looking at you with a mixture of surprise and confusion. You had never seen Stephen so perplexed and you had to admit that it felt good to be the cause of that. You were used to it always being the other way around. You used to be the one who was speechless every time he gave you a smile, it was nice to have the power for once.
Stephen was not an easy man to silence, even in the strangest or most stressful situations, he always found something to say. But now he was speechless, looking at you in complete astonishment as he tried to process the situation. It wasn't just discovering that you were the mysterious person he was looking for that threw him off, but also the confidence you exuded. He had never seen you act that way before, though he would be lying if he said he didn't like it. He couldn't stop his mind from running wild, imagining every detail of the message that occupied his thoughts but now with you. Never would he have imagined that behind your innocent look and shy attitude was an imagination as dirty as his.
"I can give you what you want, all you have to do is ask." Your warm breath would collide against her earlobe when you spoke, giving her goose bumps. Your perfume assaulted his nostrils with every breath he took, intoxicating his entire system with your scent. He felt dizzy, his mind clouded with desire and anticipation having trouble concentrating. 
However, when you turned away from him, walking towards the door to finally get out of there, his brain snapped out of it. Raising his hand in the air, he conjured a kind of glowing lace made of pure energy that closed over your wrist, stopping you on your feet. With a gentle push he managed to turn you around to face him as he used his other hand to close the door to the room and pull down all the blinds with a simple flick of his wrist.
"Where do you think you're going? I'm not done with you yet. We're just getting started." Stephen said to you with an arched eyebrow. You noticed a hunger in his eyes you had never seen before, the cool blue of his orbs almost completely consumed by the black in his dilated pupils. It ignited a flame inside you, a warmth spreading through your stomach as you carefully analyzed Stephen's body language, trying to predict his next move. All your arrogance and confidence disappeared under his intense gaze. You were like a deer caught in the headlights, frozen in place waiting for his next reaction.
All he had to do was pull the glowing leash and you were forced to move closer to him once again. You would have lost your balance had it not been for his grip on your waist, successfully trapping you between his body and the edge of the table. You had nowhere to run, though you really didn't want to.  
"Who would have thought that behind that cute and innocent act there was such a dirty whore, desperate to be seen?" Stephen's voice was condescending, mocking, as his cold blue eyes pierced into yours. It made you feel small and insignificant in the face of his imposing figure, your cheeks heating with the blood that was quickly pooling there from the embarrassment of being so exposed. He finally knew the truth, you were a dirty whore desperate for his touch. 
"I never would have guessed you were the voice on the message saying those dirty things." He was barely touching you —his fingers trailing up your arms to your shoulders, following the line of your collarbones before descending through the space between your breasts—, but that was enough to quicken your breathing. And every time you inhaled, you breathed in his intoxicating scent, a mixture of his cologne and the aroma of his own essence that made your knees weak.
"I was hoping it was you. The first time I heard those words I closed my eyes and imagined you acting out those fantasies. I got so hard just imagining it." As if to emphasize his words, Stephen pressed his hips against you, letting you feel the bulge beginning to grow in his pants. You couldn't contain the moan that escaped your lips, a pathetic whimper that put a smile on Stephen's lips. 
He was enjoying the growing anticipation, having fun with your suffering. He was torturing you as retribution for your mysterious little message that had had him going crazy all this time, forcing you to experience the same desperation he did, using only his voice to arouse you. You hated it and loved it at the same time.
"You have no idea how much I wanted it to be you...but then I thought it could never be, you're a good girl and good girls don't use that vulgar language." You looked down, unable to hold eye contact with him any longer as you felt the embarrassment taking hold of you. But Stephen didn't let you off that easily, taking your chin in his hand to force you to look at him. "Tell me, were you really so desperate for my attention to leave that message? Were you so desperate for me that you pushed aside your good girl attitude and manners to expose the whore you hide inside you?" 
His voice was a husky whisper against your ear, his lips almost brushing against sensitive skin seductively. The ghost of his touch was driving you crazy and his dirty words traveled straight to your core, that throbbed desperate for attention. You could feel his presence, the warmth of his body against yours, his imposing gaze, the subtle caresses of his fingers on your skin, but it wasn't enough. You needed more to satiate your need for him, much more.
"Yes," you managed to mumble. Your voice sounded much more pathetic and desperate than you expected, but that didn't really matter. On the contrary, Stephen seemed to enjoy it. "I'm tired of hiding it, I need you Stephen... I need to feel your touch." You were practically begging him, asking him to have mercy on you and give you something to calm the flames burning inside you. But he just laughed. His warm breath hit the sensitive skin of your neck, giving you goosebumps. Your hands ran up his chest, determined to get for yourself what you needed as he refused to give it to you. If he wanted to torture you, it was only fair that you retaliated. Two could play that game.
But before you could go much further, Stephen pulled your hands away from his body, binding them behind your back with the same magical bond he had used to draw you to him. It was tight around your wrists, but not too tight, just enough to make sure you couldn't move easily. He wanted control.
"Oh, I'm going to give you what you so desperately want, don't worry about it, darling." He murmured against your lips, brushing them with every word he spoke. "But first I have to teach you a lesson... you see, you have to be more careful about what you wish for, because it can become real."
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multifandomfix · 5 months
Donna Noble Fluff Alphabet
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A = Affection (Are they physically affectionate in public or just in private?)
For Donna, it’s both. She doesn’t get too crazy out in public, but she loves to hold your hand when you peruse the shops and maybe give you a kiss on the cheek.
B = Babe (What would they use as pet names? Do they use them a lot?)
Donna definitely uses pet names. She has loads, some being inside jokes between the two of you, and you can almost always tell what she wants or what kind of mood she’s in by which one she uses.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Big cuddler, Donna is. She’ll claim she’s not like that, but put a movie on and she’s pressed right up against your side and will absolutely pout until you put an arm around her.
D = Domestic (What’s it like living with them? Do they do their share of chores?)
Truly never a dull moment living with Donna. Something is always going on, and while she does do her fair share of the housework, you pick up the slack in reminding her where she put all her stuff.
E = Easy (What is the easiest way to win their heart?)
Just love her unconditionally and tell her often. Sometimes she struggles a bit with self doubt and a reminder of how much you love her can really ease that part of her mind.
F = Fun (Where do they take you for fun? Are they flirty?)
She loves a carnival. Big or small, doesn’t matter. If there’s games to be played and junk food to eat, she’s in. She’s flirty in a banter-like sort of way. If you can keep up with her, then you have her interest.
G = Gifts (Are they a gift giver? What kind of gifts do they give?)
Yeah, on occasion. If she sees something in a shop that she know you’ll get a kick out of and will make you laugh, she’ll probably buy it for you and put it somewhere in the house for you to find.
H = History (What’s their relationship history like? Do they have any plans on settling down?)
She hasn’t had the best track record (and she doesn’t always like to talk about it) but she hasn’t given up on love. She’d love to settle down and have a family. It’s always been something that’s important to her.
I = I Love You (Who says I love you first?)
She will, impulsively, and then frantically try and pretend that she did not, in fact, just do that very thing. You’ll laugh it off and kiss her to shut her up long enough for you to tell her you love her too.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
She can get a little jealous. It comes from that deep rooted insecurity that still rears its ugly head from time to time. Mostly when she’s jealous, she pouts, pretends to be mad at you until you really have a chance to talk it over.
K = Kids (How are they around children? Would they want some of their own?)
She’s great with kids, though older children she has a better time getting on with. She definitely wants some of her own. Not too many. One or two would be fine enough with her.
L = Love Language (How do they show their love to you?)
She goes between quality time and acts of service. She’ll volunteer herself for the chores you hate most or put on a movie you both love just so you can sit together and watch it while you talk a bit.
M = Meet (How did they meet you?)
She quite literally bumped into you going down the street. There was a mess of picking stuff up afterward and then when you met her eyes, you knew you wanted to get to know her.
N = Nurture (Are they good at taking care of you if you’re hurt/sick?)
Mostly. She plays at being annoyed at having to be your nurse, but she’s great at it and laughing at her rolling her eyes and plodding off to get you something makes you feel just a little better.
O = Options (What are some things they would like in a partner?)
Just someone loyal, who loves her as she is. Being organized would be a plus, but not something she considers a requirement.
P = Protective (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
She doesn’t consider herself the hero type, but if she cares for you, she’s the first person to step between you and any kind of danger, even if it means putting herself at risk.
Q = Quirk (What small habit/feature/quirk do they have that you find especially endearing?)
That glint she gets in her eye when she’s teasing someone, especially if it’s you or the Doctor. You just seem to find it so irresistible.
R = Realization (When and what makes them realize they’re in love?)
The moment where she blurts out her first “I love you” is also the moment she realizes she means it. It’s just something that fell out so casually. She hadn’t been thinking of when to say it. It would have felt too forced that way. So that’s how she knows it’s real.
S = Sentimental (Are they the sentimental type? What things hold sentimentality for them?)
She’s totally sentimental. She’ll save any small thing to remember a significant event in her life, unless it’s literal trash, then it goes right in the bin, sentimental memory or not.
T = Try (In what ways do they support or help you?)
Whatever your goals are in life, she wants to help you achieve them. Whether it’s helping you study a subject you’re passionate about or encouraging you to pursue your hobbies, she’s your hype girl.
U = Unique (What’s something they’d only do for you?)
Stop traveling with the Doctor. You’d never ask her to, however, and you’re always welcome to come along when they set off somewhere. But she would stop if you ever asked her to.
V = Vacation (Where would they take you on vacation? What would you do?)
She’d take you anywhere you wanted to go, though she’d prefer something tropical and spa-like. Relax and sightsee would be on the agenda anywhere you went.
W = Wardrobe (What would they wear to impress you?)
Anything with a bit of cleavage. You told her once that it was distracting and she’s never stopped using it against you since. Not that you mind, of course.
X = XOXO (How do they kiss?)
Surprise kisses are Donna’s bread and butter. She loves springing a kiss on you when you least expect it. The more wide eyed and blushing she leaves you, the happier it makes her.
Y = Yes (How do you/they propose?)
You get her a ring that looks like the galaxy and get the Doctor in on the proposal. He takes you somewhere beautiful and you tell her she means more to you than the entire universe and ask her to marry you. She’s crying, the Doctor is crying and it’s all very romantic.
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
Donna snores a little, but not every night. Usually only when she’s really knackered. It’s hardly ever disruptive of your own sleep. And it’s adorable when she tries to deny that she snores at all.
For @gay-and-sad-tm
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @ghostsunderstoodmysoul, @immyowndefender, @valencethefriendlychangeling, @crimsonwidow666, @rebelbossheart, @thedailyspiritualist, @orangeisnttheonlyfruit, @woman-simp, @aperol-with-izzy, @leonoralessoem, @ellepossum69, @lakita-fisher, @nclgsticore, @analuw, @luvlesavyy, @malfoyfeed, @aliciabrower, @bitchr-mkay, @sparrowspixie, @imaginationismyworldlypleasure, @og-kxsh-420
Donna Noble: @randomfandomimagine, @danzalladaggers, @casserole-from-dads-asserole, @little-bean99, @littlefoxgirl-13, @becomingthedreamversionofme, @chaos-and-food, @callsigncrash, @mxacegrey, @itsezekielbabe, @lokabrenna0801, @m-rae23, @geekyandgay98, @ayrareid, @thekirbishow, @scriptershifter, @kirimilliagnhalden
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Hi hi! Would a Charles Cuevas or Whit Young comforting a reader through a depressive episode be ok to write? It’s alright if not, and I love your works by the way. Don’t push yourself to write too much, remember to take breaks and it’s always ok to write short and sweet :)
Of course it's ok! I hope you're doing alright, remember to take care of yourself!
Also, I appreciate the kind words! Sometimes I feel the need to rush to get requests done, so it's reassuring to now it's ok to take breaks!
Charles and Whit with an S/O going through a depressive episode
Warnings: Depression and mental health issues
Gn! Reader
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-Charles is pretty observant so he can tell somethings up almost immediately
-But he's not well versed with mental health and what it can look like, so he doesn't know exactly what it is that's causing you to act so different
-You'll either have to tell him directly, or he'll figure it out on his own once your depression gets to the point where you can't even leave your room
-Now, Charles is a bit emotionally constipated so at first he doesn't really know what to do
-He's very stiff when comforting you at first, he doesn't know what to say and physical affection isn't his strong suit
-So he focuses more on trying to help you instead
-Because despite how stone faced he seems at times, he does hate seeing you in such state, especially when he knows your suffering in a way he can't immediately fix
-Does a ton of research on depression, what can cause it, and what he can do to lessen its effect on you
-Upon finding out it comes in goes in episodes, he does all he can to help you ride this one out
-He'll try to get you out of the house if you have enough energy, he finds that going out helps clear his head so it might help you
-He tries to get you to eat more healthy meals because he knows junk food just makes you feel worse, but he can't cook for shit so he gets Whit to make your meals
-On days where you have enough energy to get up, he'll help you clean your room and your house, because a messy environment does actually have a negative impact on mental health
-He also tries to set you up with a therapist if you're up for it, because he knows as much as he can try, he's not a mental health professional and you need actual help
-He starts telling you he loves you more often, just so you know he's always going to be there for you, through thick and thin
-He sometimes worries that he's not doing enough, but you reassure him that you appreciate his effort
-He just wants you to be rid of your depression, and hopes you'll feel ok soon
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-Like Charles, Whit is very perceptive, so he can tell somethings up
-Unlike Charles, he knows a lot about depression and mental health in general, so he's quick to figure out why you're acting differently
-He's tones down his over-the-top, jokey personality, leaving a more soft, gentle Whit
-He understands that you aren't in the mood to joke around, so he settles for comforting you in a more silent way
-He'll cuddle you on you're bad days, every so often whispering complements and reassurances in your ear
-On days where you have more energy, he encourages you to get up and do something, it doesn't have to be super exciting, maybe just taking a 10 minute walk or going by the store
-He'll also cook for you and help clean your house, anything to help lighten up your envirenment
-He often asks if you would like to go out with him and/or friends as a way to cheer you up, but he understands if you aren't up for it
-He hates seeing you depressed but he knows it's not something he can fully fix
-So he highly encourages you to see a therapist and maybe get on medication, even if it's just seasonal depression are something along those lines
-He does still joke around with you, but if you aren't in the mood for it he'll immediately stop
-Expect constant reminders of how much he loves you and how proud he is of you for enduring your depression
-He plans to be there with you every step of the way, until you feel like your old self again
(Sorry Whit's is shorter, I wasn't sure what else to put for him)
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fridayiminlcve · 2 years
hey!! i really loved your answer to the one anon asking why you hate booktok. i feel like people think when we talk about our distaste of booktok books we are condemning real people for reading them.
the way i see it, booktok books are like junk food. they feel good while consuming but if you only continue eating that, your health & body will literally be in shambles. i've seen accounts that SOLELY read these tropey booktok romances & they don't read any other genre.
tropey or trashy romance novels have always existed and people have always read them whether in between serious books to change moods or to just have a fun time. the problem is how the marketing now makes these books the top selling books with the maximum capital going behind the publication of these books (which are often just romances by cishet white authors featuring cishet white characters *cough* ali h*zelwood *cough*). this affects authors of colour & queer authors & the monopoly of booktok books in the publishing industry is something that they don't understand.
it's literally the loss of critical thinking skills for me. noone is telling them to stop consuming romance altogether lol. we're telling them to not let the publishing market reduce books to tropes lol.
totally agreed!! it's not about the readers; that's a very minute part of the problem (but a problem nonetheless) but the algorithm and how everyone is just so susceptible to it and no one ever brings up the faults, its concerning bc tiktok is just obsessed with calling every minute incorrect thing problematic but no one ever brings it up here
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painted-bees · 1 year
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Omg...I gotta answer this as a post because it'll probably exceed the character limit for an ask box reply...
Already answered the candy one hehe!
🥤 [PARTY CUP] How does your OC feel about drama? Do they start any themselves?
Raf is drama averse, oh my god. He gets so, so exhausted by his own thoughts and feelings, he doesn't need any outside contributions to the turbulence in his head. Bringing drama to him is a really fast way to get him to passively avoid you completely. But also...he mist certainly does start drama himself by over reacting to things based on paranoid misinterpretations. And he really, really hates when it happens. Again, it's just so exhausting. He's gotten much better at postponing his reactions until he's gotten a second opinion, or finds himself in a better headspace to dissect the events that upset him--but he'll never be a saint about it, he gets caught off guard and slips up like anyone would. Just--sometimes it appears to someone on the outside like he can be set off over nothing.
🍁 [MAPLE LEAF] What is your OC's favourite season? Why and what do they do during it?
Raf likes autumn..! Not too warm, very colorful...rain. He's a cozy homebody. He will listen to the rain his his window and fall asleep to it--and if he's got a Margie under arm, all the better. Cozy.
🍟 [CHIPS/FRIES] How much junk food/sometimes food does your OC eat? Has it affected their health?
...Raf's a stoner lmaoooo he eats...more junk food than he should, let's be honest. But he does also try to work it off and generally manages to avoid overindulgence...most of the time.
🍑 [PEACH] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly?
Raf's internal dialogue is...very cruel. But in a "cornered animal" kind of way that lashes out defensively. It seems to believe that everyone has an ulterior motive, that people only interact with him in order to gain something for themselves, often to some unknown detriment to himself. That no one is ever just nice for the sake of kindness and empathy.
And, Raf knows this voice is misguided, wrong, and harmful to listen to. It is a voice that arose to protect himself from the people who raised him. People who are no longer in his life. Though the voice is loud and seems to have the most direct sway over his moods and emotions, he has gone out of his way to develop coping mechanisms and counter measures against it--he assumes that all people are good and empathetic until he receives objective, observable proof to the contrary, or someone he trusts tells him that his bad feelings about someone are perfectly well founded for xyz reasons.
Raf just wants to treat people the way he wished he was treated growing up. That's what drives him to work on himself and not fall into the trap of jaded cynicism and self-preserving cruelty. Raf is an immeasurabley kind person. Kindness is a choice he painfully makes every single day against the violent thrashings of the injured and terrified animal that occupies his headspace.
🏵️ [ROSETTE] What flower symbolises your OC best and why? What does the flower mean in floriography?
I suppose jonquils...a desire for affection to be provided in return.
🍪 [BISCUIT/COOKIE] Does your OC prefer things simple or extravagant?
Simple, always. But comfortable.
🥃 [MATE] What does your OC look for in a friend? What do they find is a turn-off?
Raf really...requires someone who is honest, patient, and gentle. But he can...mostly...work with all sorts. However, he will chafe pretty severely with very assertive commanding, pushy folk. Anyone who stubbornly can't take no for an answer, or tries to find work-arounds/pushes boundaries is gonna get very cold shouldered by Raf.
🧈 [BUTTER] How soft is your OC? In what sense are they soft?
Soft like an abalone... an appealing but solid protective shell with a very soft mushy, sensitive, delicious delicacy of an interior. Uh...metaphorically speaking.
🧇 [WAFFLE] Using shape language, how would you redesign your OC?
I feel silly for having no idea what this question is asking lmao
🍹 [TROPICAL BEVERAGE] If your OC could go anywhere, where would it be?
Cottage on a quiet little sparsely populated Island is pretty much the ideal, tbh.
🍔 [BURGER] What would your OC put on their burger?
Cheese, pickles, onion, tomato, ketchup, mustard, and maybe some fancy mayo sauce, idk. The works.
🌻 [SUNFLOWER] Where would your OC get lost in the moment/beauty of the place?
Like--typically? Rocking idly in the hammock on the deck around the cortes island cottage, listening to the distant ocean waves at sunset, watching a small orb weaver spin its web among the weaving grape vines overhead. Breeze rustling the leaves of the forest trees that boarder the property.
🌵 [CACTUS] How physically resilient is your OC?
He has a pretty high pain tolerance and good cardio..??? :U he shoulders silently through some pretty insane migraines and such. But like...he's not like...a tank or anything when it comes to blunt trauma. Don't hit the boy 😭
🍧 [SHAVED ICE] What's your OC's favourite flavour of edible thing (e.g., strawberry)?
Savory. Soy sauce...beef bouillon...caramelized onions...that kinda thing.
🍮 [CUSTARD] Expensive restaurants or cheap store-brand microwave meals?
Vascillating wildly between expensive restaurant and a big mac from McDonalds.
🍼 [BABY BOTTLE] What's your OC's first memory?
being three years old and reaching over the edge of a chair to grab a fistful of cat hair off the back of a long haired cat named Boots...so that she can shove it into her mouth. And her mom saying "no....noooo."
🍷 [WINE] Where on the 'wine aunt scale' is your OC?
Margie does not have the sassy observational chill of a wine aunt...Margie is absolutely "chaotic gay cousin" energy.
🍅 [TOMATO] How misunderstood is your OC? In-universe or IRL.
Significantly. Most people write her off as dorky-ditzy, directionless, lazy, and immature for her age. But--Raf describes her as being possibley the smartest, most hard working person he knows. And she has sculpted her whole life around a single, intensely passionate goal of just...making music as often and for as long as she possibly can. As for maturity, there's a lot more thought behind the decisions and actions she pursues than meets the eye...she just knows how to enjoy things in the moment and takes things as they come. Very Buddhist in her approach to most things...though she herself has no interest in learning about Buddhism and wouldn't describe any aspect of herself that way lmao
🍍 [PINEAPPLE] Pineapple on pizza or not?
Pineapple yes! Favorite!!!!
🏵️ [ROSETTE] What flower symbolises your OC best and why? What does the flower mean in floriography?
Xeranthemum; cheerfulness under adversity.
🍪 [BISCUIT/COOKIE] Does your OC prefer things simple or extravagant?
She has extravagant taste as part of her nature but necessity has humbled it significantly lmao
🧈 [BUTTER] How soft is your OC? In what sense are they soft?
so soft, buttery soft. "cry for other people's sadness" soft.
🧇 [WAFFLE] Using shape language, how would you redesign your OC?
I still don't know what this means 😭
🍔 [BURGER] What would your OC put on their burger?
ketchup, pickles, onion, that's IT!! Anything else is an abomination.
🌻 [SUNFLOWER] Where would your OC get lost in the moment/beauty of the place?
oh, lots of places...many places...every day, there is a place.
🍐 [PEAR] What is their current social standing? If they could change it, would they, and to what?
Margie is uuuh.....before she finds work at Hi-Note, she's mostly unemployed and homeless. Low social standing. She would like to change it so that she has enough money to afford university, and a place to live, and money so she can eat all the food she likes while having enough left over to treat her friends.
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
Her pursuit of music. She wants to do music stuff...every day. She will not compromise, this is her life.
🌲 [EVERGREEN] What does your OC's dream treehouse look like? What tree is it built upon?
Have you ever played Donkey Kong Country? You know that level with the boardwalks and beavers in the trees? That. Tree Top Town, immaculate vibes.
🌱 [SEEDLING] What new passions/hates is your OC discovering?
Margie is discovering a love for psychology, thanks to Raf. She's discovering how much she really hates the public school system and how messed up a lot of parenting techniques, etc are... thanks to Raf.
🍮 [CUSTARD] Expensive restaurants or cheap store-brand microwave meals?
Expensive restaurant, any day!!! She loves fast food n stuff as an affordable treat but her true love is for the fancy expensive shit she could never afford...
Answered candy and mushroom already hehe
🍓 [STRAWBERRY] How do they feel about 'cute' things?
🍊 [ORANGE] Does your OC have a prophecy surrounding them? If they don't, what would it be?
She does not, but if she did it would probably be something crypticly describing catastrophic floods and the ending of civilizations.
🌰 [CHESTNUT] What food group does your OC mostly eat (e.g., grains, fruits)?
lmao meat [fish]
🍕 [PIZZA SLICE] How good is your OC at sharing? How do they share something if there's not enough supply?
She will share. But only with Magritte and Raf. In the context of sharing, no one else exists 😂
🏵️ [ROSETTE] What flower symbolises your OC best and why? What does the flower mean in floriography?
Zinnias, I suppose...
Already answered butter ehehe
🥯 [BAGEL] What does/has your OC have/had an unhealthy obsession over? What caused this obsession? How do they deal with it? Do they seek help?
Nothing Cortes does is unhealthy to Cortes, there is nothing to deal with and she requires no help.
but lord help you if you try to take away her blorbos.
🥞 [PANCAKES] What's the most your OC can eat in one sitting? At what point do they get sick?
She can devour inconceivable units. We best not think too deeply.
🍔 [BURGER] What would your OC put on their burger?
Cheese, pickles, onion, beet, ketchup, mustard, mayo, egg, soy sauce, french fries, tuna fish, ranch dressing, ice cream, sour warheads, and a sprig of rosemary.
🌻 [SUNFLOWER] Where would your OC get lost in the moment/beauty of the place?
Among humanity has been captivating her well thus far ●__●
🥑 [AVACADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
🍸 [COCKTAIL] When was the first time your OC had an alcoholic beverage? What did they think of it?
I do not think she managed to make it past the smell.
🌱 [SEEDLING] What new passions/hates is your OC discovering?
No new hates, but emotion and empathy are absolutely enchanting.
🌸 [CHERRY BLOSSOM] Does your OC believe in legends/myths?
She believes in what is true; all and nothing
🍮 [CUSTARD] Expensive restaurants or cheap store-brand microwave meals?
She finds no distinction between the two and enjoys both in equal measures!
Lawrence lmao
🌽 [CORN] How good are they at hiding and finding their way?
Absolute mastery of this.
🍪 [BISCUIT/COOKIE] Does your OC prefer things simple or extravagant?
Which ever one is unavailable at the time.
🥐 [CROISSANT] Where is your OC from? How do they feel about their homeland? Where are they now?
He keeps much of this close to his chest...secrets.
but he is with the trio, now. For better or worse.
🧈 [BUTTER] How soft is your OC? In what sense are they soft?
so soft, just a big soft fluffy boiiiiiii
🥨 [PRETZEL] How complicated is your OC's backstory? Who does it entwine with?
He will not impart this tale upon us.
🌻 [SUNFLOWER] Where would your OC get lost in the moment/beauty of the place?
There is a strange mound in the forest, at the root of an enormous tree--into which he frequently disappears.
🌲 [EVERGREEN] What does your OC's dream treehouse look like? What tree is it built upon?
Aloofly, he fails to acknowledge this question
🍮 [CUSTARD] Expensive restaurants or cheap store-brand microwave meals?
oh...what he wouldn't do for some proper sashimi...
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its-all-under-control · 9 months
woah cheeky reddit post!! that i found on reddit!! that i will proceed to go back to every single time
tl;dr: junk food is temporary, it may taste good at first, but then it disappears forever, leaving nothing but depression in its wake. To conquer it, all you have to do is take a moment to think how depressed you will feel after eating it.
From about the age of 7 to 14 I'd been self conscious. I was a pretty fat kid and it stayed like that until I was 15. After hitting around 80kg at 15 I attempted for maybe the hundredth time in 7 years to loose weight. I used an app (myfitnesspal) to count my calories and forced myself to exercise every week.
I had a massive problem straight up.
I couldn't stop eating. Being in a family that brings home deserts almost every day (my family were a lot skinnier then me, mainly because I didn't do any sport), it was difficult to stop eating bad food. Then I asked myself a question
What is the point of desert? Why do we want to eat junk food?
You could say the answer is because of pleasure. You eat a chocolate, it tastes good while your eating it. But then you get depressed because of breaking your diet.
So how could it possibly be pleasurable? All you have done is made yourself feel guilty... that's not fun.
Eating food is temporary. It may taste good or bad while it lasts but that brief moment when you are eating it doesn't impact your mood directly after eating it. All you are doing is making your current self happy and your future self depressed. If your future self was your best friend or your beloved wife you wouldn't ever eat junk food. It's like pressing a big red button that provides you with happiness but drains happiness from yourself in the future. Why on earth would you ever press that button? If you're feeling sad, yeah you might, but knowing that its going to make you sad later on? whats the point? its just prolonging the inevitable.
Junk food is nothing but a drug that we are hardwired to eat. We see junk food, we lunge at it, gobble it down then hate our self afterwards.
How pathetic is that? We crave food that makes us depressed, if there's a bowl of chips in front of us, we without knowing it, grab a handful, and eat it. We don't even register the pleasure, we're just doing it because we're programmed to think 'Oh look, a chip, chips taste good, lets eat the chip', without even considering how it may impact later on. I bet if you knew that poison tastes good you'll go 'Oh look poison, poison tastes good, lets drink the poison'. You're so hell bent on providing yourself with this background euphoria that you don't even consider how it affects you. It's utterly pathetic.
So next time someone puts a bowl of chips on the table, and your mind does the thing 'Oh look, a chip, chips taste good, lets eat the chip', Stop, just for one second. Let your mind add in the extra detail that everyone completely ignores 'Oh look a chip, chips taste good, but chips are going to make me depressed, lets not eat the chip'
Edit: Since this (kinda) got popular I thought I'd share another way of thinking about this. When you eat junk food, the second after you finish eating it, you're going to be exactly where you began. You're still going to want to eat more junk food, you're still going to be hungry. You could literally throw the junk food in the bin and be in the exact same place as if you just ate it, only now you don't feel guilty.
Edit 2: The title is a little misleading, but I still stand by it. I define discipline as forcing yourself not to do something you want to do. I was trying to say that if you realize that all it does is make you depressed then you won't want to do it, therefor you don't need discipline to not do it. I should of been more clear on that
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masquenoire · 2 years
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What does your muse smell like? Roman has expensive taste therefore enjoys a wide range of men’s colognes. One of his favourite scents to use is Clive Christian’s 1872 Masculine Edition, which combines deep earthy, wooden notes with fresh green resins to produce an invigorating aroma with hints of sandalwood, pine and salt. One bottle lasts a good while, up to a year as he likes to alternate his collection but beneath his colognes, Roman’s scent carries musky tones of cuban tobacco, gunpowder and iron.
What do your muse’s hands feel like? His palms are calloused and rough to the touch even with the use of moisturizer and gloves. Roman’s hands see a lot of day-to-day action from writing, smoking, fighting, shooting guns and torture - he’s pretty much always doing something with them at any given moment but keeping his skin moisturized has given it a softer feel beneath that crushing strength of his.
What does your muse usually eat in a day? Ever since he hit puberty, Roman’s always been a big eater and it wasn’t long before he grew taller than both his parents. His mother tried controlling the amount he ate but his temper only grew worse when smaller portions could no longer satiate his growing body. Fortunately he’s managed to maintain a somewhat healthy relationship with food, enjoying fine cuisine so much he refuses to eat junk food and anything else he considers to be ‘low class’ unless he’s actually starving. For breakfast, he’ll usually partake in a fried breakfast. It’s not healthy but it is quick and the high salt content helps him bounce back from any hangovers as a result of drinking too much the night before. For lunch, he’ll usually settle for something lighter - soup or pasta is his usual choice, with sicilian chicken soup being his favourite during the colder months of Gotham. For dinner, he loves nothing more than a prime cut of steak with fried mushrooms + onions on the side and a colourful salad with dark, leafy greens. For snacks, he’ll opt for fruit, nuts and the occasional bar of dark chocolate. Enjoys expensive meals made with quality ingredients whenever he has time to indulge.
Does your muse have a good singing voice? Surprisingly yes! Roman’s voice is scratchier thanks to years of heavy smoking but he can carry a tune and hit those deep notes wonderfully. Doesn’t sing often unless he’s in a very good mood.
Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks? He grinds his teeth a lot which is noticable given they’re exposed as a result of his facial disfigurement. Roman rarely feels nervous but he’s frequently annoyed, frustrated, vexed or infuriated, expending pent-up energy through huffing, pacing, clenching his fists or punching unlucky henchmen. Smokes and drinks heavily to manage his stress levels thus became an alcoholic (Note: Roman’s experienced some particularly vicious withdrawal spells during his stays at Arkham, heightening his anxiety while being treated there.)
What does your muse usually look like / wear? Just some expensive top-of-the-range business suits, thank you very much. Roman does not like to be lumped in with the other ‘rogues’ of Gotham, thinking his stylish threads set him apart from that costumed riff-raff. His most iconic clothing is his pure white suit and black shirt, matching the aesthetics of his signature black mask. He similarly enjoys luxury coats and footwear made from hand-stitched leather, though on occasion has been known to wear different coloured suits depending on his mood.
Is your muse affectionate? How much? How so? Roman struggles so very hard with affection. His parents were only affectionate in public, pretending to be loving people when truthfully they despised their son so it’s hard for him to accept being touched and held platonically. Doesn’t know how badly he’s touch-starved and pursues it through aggressive sex.
What position does your muse sleep in? Either on his back or on his side. During restless nights he’ll toss and turn, too agitated to fully drop off even while sleeping.
Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room? Yes. Roman is loud, proud and not afraid to make his feelings known, yelling at the top of his lungs whenever he’s pissed off - which is often. His henchmen know whenever the boss is having a bad day, especially when they can hear him several floors away.
Tagged by;; @quinnzelles (thank you peach! ♡) Tagging;; @arkhampsych, @babydxhl, @caestusvulpes, @defectivexfragmented, @elisethetraveller, @fiddlingonthetympanic, @oswald-pengu1n-cobblepot, @riddleroyalty, @sanguine-salvation, @shinebrightsweetdove​, @the-arkham-librarian​, @undeadasshcle​, @zeigekopf​​ and anyone else who wants to do this?
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dynamic: mostly alpha-adjacent, but with a bit of omega traits in there as well. they/he.
scents i can't stand: chemical-y artificial fragrances in the form of air fresheners, scented cleaning products, bug sprays and whatever those things are that people put in their toilet bowls to scent after each flush. not a big fan of citronella, either. and that smell in a high school girl's change room of too much fruity scented artificial deodorants, perfurmes and antiperspirants? olfactory hell. also hate the smell of chlorine.
scents i like: natural scents and earthy, spicy, herbal warm things like sandalwood, cedar, pine, cinnamon, nutmeg, anise, toasted sesame seeds, pumpkin spice, cloves, roast garlic, coffee, baked breads and pastries, anise, boiled candy, mint, rose, caramel, vanilla, chocolate and cocoa, sawdust, pine, smoke, frankincense, rooibos tea, warm milk, honey, barbequed and grilled meats, roast vegetables, caramelized onion, teriyaki stirfry, paprika, mushroom, damp moss, old leather, musty books, that ozone smell in the air before it rains/during a thunderstorm, sea spray, frangipani and hibiscus, rosemary, sage, lavender, the smell of freshly ground marijuana, whiskey and rum, hot spiced wine, citrus, baked apple
what i like in a partner/mate: someone like myself, aka someone who isn't afraid to laugh at some dark jokes or crack a raunchy one liner at a comedically inappropriate time. an adventurer and traveller, someone willing to find the fun side of life and take a few risks. affectionate, sensual, not afraid to get a little bit flirtatious and experimental (if you know what i mean, wink wink). preferably on the andromasc side, with a sassy boyish charm, impish grin, bit punky. all cheesy b grade movies and junk food binges, fast cars and long nights listening to music, talking about the weird eccentric things in the universe, sharing a joint or a glass of energy drink sipped out of the last clean coffee mug by the sink. kinda tacky, but able to make it work. not too over the top, though, there should be some rest and recovery between the partying but still able to keep it interesting. very warm and tender.
what i dislike in a partner/mate: not willing to come out of their shell and explore the world. too much of a stay-at-home type to the point that domesticity becomes repetitive, monotonous and mundane. i don't like when people can't find a balance between conservative/humble and wild/outgoing. if they can't take a dicey joke or get uncomfortable with heated topics, or are the type to get uncomfortable around my friends or become too possessive or clingy, it becomes offputting. however, i absolutely loathe feeling ignored or neglected myself and nothing bugs me more in a relationship than a lack of communication or disrespect for established boundaries and mutual comfort levels. dishonesty, lying and deceipt is a big turn off and long held grudges put me on edge. I also don't like having to be a 24/7 caretaker to someone else's emotional needs, especially if I don't feel I'm getting any tenderness and support in return. I value an emotional connection as well as a physically oriented one, and I don't bide well with casual hook ups or one night flings.
anything else?: nothing i can think of, other than the fact i like my scents and fragrances i wear on myself to be strong enough that even i feel a little affected by them. i like to feel that my own scents will affect my mood and either spice me up with confidence, or mellow me out and calm me down when I'm feeling heated and riled up.
Hi Anon! I love how much thought you put into everything!
Let's see, certainly a lover of the bold and authentic I would say. After reading through your post multiple times, I can't help but to think of Mulled Wine. Deep, warm and stands solidly.
I'd recommend you try the scents of mandarin to brighten and amber musk to heat you up with confidence. Clove would be a nice addition to keep it away from that overly sweet perfume smell you dislike.
I think with this smell combo, you'd walk into a room with so much confidence people will be begging to go on adventures with you.
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heygutlcssa · 1 year
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The Ultimate Relationship Tag
Send ‘✩’ for the following: (RIFF & GRAZI) @aintdumb
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Riff Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Grazie Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Grazie, but Riff is always hot on her heels because that is the literal love of his life. his abandonment issues won't let him lose her, especially after Tony goes to jail. Do either of them get physical? yes, but not with each other. How often do they argue/disagree? 50% of the time, but the makinging up is done and super affectionate by the end of the day at the lastest Who is the first to apologise? they are both stubborn. so while Grazie with say it first, Riff will be showing it first. He doesn't say sorry, he either buys her something nice or fixes what needs fixing.
Who is on top? Grazie, though they get creative with their positions because of Riff's back. sitting and standing are preferred. Who is on the bottom? Riff. Though sitting or standing is prefered. Who has the strangest desires? Grazie Any kinks? kind of? Riff is getting better at telling her when he's not comfortable with her suggestions. Who’s dominant in bed? Grazie 85% of the time Is head ever in the equation? yes If so, who is better at performing it? both Ever had sex in public? yes Who moans the most? Grazie Who leaves the most marks? No marks, he fights enough as it is. Sex is a safe space, he freaked out the first time she tried. Who screams the loudest? Grazie Who is the more experienced of the two? both have had about the same amount of partners Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? both, mood dependent Rough or soft? both. How long do they usually last? 10 - 20 minutes Is protection used? its 1957 birth control doesn't become available till 1960 but the catholic church banned all forms of artificial contraception, pill and condom included in 1930. condoms are hard to come by in this time period as well, so no Does it ever get boring? no Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? under an afghan on an easy chair while the rest of the jets were sleeping on the floor and other furniture around them
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Riff doesn't. But accidents can happen. If so, how many children do your muses want/have? Riff dies before that can be something they discuss Who is the favorite parent? Grazie Riff is deceased. Who is the authoritative parent? Grazie Riff is deceased. if he were alive, Riff Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Grazie Riff is deceased. Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Grazie Riff is deceased. Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Grazie Riff is deceased. Who goes to parent teacher interviews?Grazie Riff is deceased. Who changes the diapers?Grazie Riff is deceased. Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby?Grazie Riff is deceased. if he were alive Grazie would not let him do it. he gets too grumpy when he's tired and therefore it just not safe for their child if he has to be the one to be there in the middle of the night Who spends the most time with the children?Grazie Riff is deceased. with encouragement if he were alive Riff would be preasant, but he's pretty scared about handling them when they are tiny Who packs their lunch boxes? Grazie Riff is deceased. Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Grazie Riff is deceased. though Riff, if he were alive, would not hesitate to answer any questions the kids would have and the answers would not be age appropriate Who cleans up after the kids? Grazie Riff is deceased. Who worries the most? Grazie Riff is deceased. Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?Grazie Riff is deceased. but if he were alive it would be Riff
Who likes to cuddle? both Who is the little spoon? Grazie Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? both Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? Riff How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Who gives the most kisses?If she lets him Riff will stay in a comfortable snuggle position all night long What is their favourite non-sexual activity? dancing Where is their favourite place to cuddle? anywhere that's accessible and safe for them Who is more likely to playfully grope the other?  Riff How often do they get time to themselves? Riff is almost always with his gus, but he also almost always has Grazie with him. Unless he's off with Tony, he's with Grazie and the Jets.
Who snores? neither If both do, who snores the loudest? N/A Do they share a bed or sleep separately? both, but together is preferred If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Who talks in their sleep? cozy up together. Riff talks in his sleep when he's having bad dreams. Grazie wakes him up What do they wear to bed?If his anxiety is bad Riff will sleep in his jeans and undershirt/tshirt, otherwise underwear. Grazie has cute nighties Are either of your muses insomniacs? Riff is, he's up and down all night and when his back hurts he doesn't sleep Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? no they can't afford them Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Who wakes up with bed hair? yes. Grazie has her pin curls in so her hair is read to be styled for the day. Riff has bed head. Nothing Vaseline can't fix when he wakes up Who wakes up first? Riff Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? they eat on the go What is their favourite sleeping position? Riff can't lay down well because of his back so he sleeps in his armchair. if he's at Grazie's he'll sleep sitting up against the headboard of her bed, but she pulls him down for cuddles and then has to help him up in the morning. Who hogs the sheets? Grazie Do they set an alarm each night? no Can a television be found in their bedroom? they can't afford one Who has nightmares? Riff Who has ridiculous dreams? Neither? Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Grazie Who makes the bed?  Grazie What time is bed time? no time is bedtime Any routines/rituals before bed? Grazie pulls her hair in pin curls and gets herself all pretty, Riff picsk the lock to her place and flops on the bed if he isn't with his guys or does not want to go home. Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? both. they don't talk to each other before coffee and a kiss.
Who is the busiest? Grazie Who rakes in the highest income? Grazie Are any of your muses unemployed? Riff is, the garage he worked at got torn down and he's too anxious to try and find a new job Who takes the most sick days? neither, they're strapped for cash as it is Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Grazie Who sucks up to their boss? neither What are their jobs? Riff was a mechanic and Grazie works at a bakery Who stresses the most? both Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Riff used to enjoy his job, Are your muses financially stable? no
Who does the washing? both Who takes out the trash? Riff Who does the ironing? Grazie Who does the cooking? both if you can call it that Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Grazie Who is messier?  Riff has hoarding tendencies so... Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Neither, though Riff is more likely to save the card board roll " just in case" Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Neither. Riff doesn't want to be thought of as dirty. Who forgets to flush the toilet? neither Who is the prankster around the house? Riff does dumb stuff with the guys, but whereever he and her are crashing is a safe space. They don't want it to feel unsafe with practical jokes. Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Who mows the lawn? they don't own a car Who answers the telephone? they don't own a phone Who does the vacuuming? they don't own a vaccum Who does the groceries? grazie Who takes the longest to shower? grazie Who spends the most time in the bathroom? grazie
Is money a problem? yes How many cars do they own? no Do they own their home or do they rent? rent Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? in the city Do they live in the city or in the country? in the city   Do they enjoy their surroundings? no What’s their song? Love Me - Buddy Holly What do they do when they’re away from each other? crimes Where did they first meet? she was dating his best friend and Tony brought her around How did they first meet? through Tony Who spends the most money when out shopping? Riff is more prone to steal things because he has no money. Grazie is thrifty, though has lots of nice-ish stuff Who’s more likely to flash their assets? neiter Who finds it amusing when the other trips over?Riff would find it funny after he makes sure she's okay and gets all the kisses he can out of the situaion Any mental issues? yes Who’s terrified of bugs? neither Who kills the spiders around the house? both Their favourite place? Doc's drug store Who pays the bills? both Do they have any fears for their future? Riff has no thought for the future. this probably scares Grazie Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? neither they go to a diner if they eat out Who uses up all of the hot water? both because they shower together   Who’s the tallest? Riff Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? riff Who wanders around in their underwear? Grazie and she knows it drives Riff wild Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? both What do they tease each other about? inside jokes, funny comics in the newspaper Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? neither Do they have mutual friends? yes Who crushed first? Riff   Any alcohol or substance related problems? yes Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Who swears the most? Riff
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creacherkeeper · 2 years
Werewolves?? Werewolf family?? Where wolves??? Where werewolf family??
i posted about this a few years ago because i was running a werewolf motw short shot and i was talking to my roommate at the time about how its really kind of dumb my moms side of the family arent werewolves because if this was fiction it would be so stupidly obvious we all were
like. we're all very very strong. i am very small but my friend who's 6' (so 9 inches on me) frequently cannot beat me at wrestling and called me "freakishly strong for someone my size" and that whole side of the family including the women can put on muscle really easily
we all have very big, bulky, strong jaws but weird teeth. my cousin bit the dentist's bite force measuring tool in half and my braces took SO long because my teeth were so big they had to remove 8 of them because they didnt fit in my mouth but the braces were SO painful because my teeth and jaw just refused to budge and my braces fully snapped in half multiple times because my jaw was stronger than the metal
our senses of smell are fully ridiculous. we're often able to tell what family members have been in the house hours after they've left even if they weren't wearing perfume or cologne (my cousins were able to tell my mom had stopped by for a few minutes about 6 hours after she left)
almost all of us struggle with insomnia. i personally really thrived on graveyard shift and had no trouble staying up until sunrise and then sleeping during the day
my cousins are all pretty big and bulky. they can house food like nobodys business but are all on a scale from lean to muscular despite mostly eating junk food and heavy meat. one of my cousins was so big and mature looking and had so much facial hair at such a young age that my aunt started carrying around his birth certificate to get him childrens prices at restaurants. he can eat a large pan pizza in about 4 minutes flat. his nickname was werewolf child
ive also, since being on T, grown a frankly ridiculous amount of hair. ive been on for 14 months and im pretty much covered. one of my former roommates described me as a brillo pad ToT like even other jewish trans men have been like literally how and why do you have this much hair so fast. i started getting a mustache at the beginning of week 5 of T ,,,,
i grew up with biting as a very common form of affection. i didnt realize that was weird until leaving the family for college. if youre in a good mood and someone is near you you just grab them and bite their hands or arms or shoulder. if you bit really hard and left marks it meant you were really happy
my family is very Enmeshed and we were very much taught that family is the most important thing no matter what and you always remain loyal to and protect the family no matter what. this meant that fights between family members had to be immediately forgiven no matter their severity. (violence cw) my aunt was immediately accepted back into the family after trying to break into my grandmother's house and physically attacking several family members in the middle of the night. i wasnt there to witness it because they left me a few doors down with a baseball bat and our biggest dog but she tried to bash my moms head it and also left very large claw marks all the way down her arm that scarred very badly. when i asked what we were going to do about her the next day my mom said "we take her back because she's family. she was just a little out of her head"
also all the older members of the family are like. Haunted and while they've shared some pretty bad parts of their lives and childhoods theres large chunks they just all refuse to talk about and hush each other if any of the "kids" walk in while they're talking. for as completely god awful as my family is my grandfather was excommunicated from them and the entire family went no contact and every single one of them refuses to tell us why
this is also just a very funny, minor thing that happened recently but within the last couple weeks i had a string of nightmares that ramped up until a final one in which i was a werewolf and then i suddenly had three nights of very heavy, peaceful sleep, and then immediately went back to having nightmares and bad sleep again. and i looked it up after and the three nights of heavy peaceful sleep where i didnt remember any dreams were the hunters blood full moon lmaoo
so yeah. thats why my family is definitely werewolves. like if it were fiction it would just make sense. also this is why when i write creative nonfiction people always say they "dont understand my metaphors" when i'm just writing literal things about my life and family
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menalez · 2 years
Sometimes I wish there were concludent psychology info on the Internet, not good information buried under a ton of shit. It would be so useful for everyone in the world, actually. And by everyone I mean women, weird men fuck off.
Like how can I cope with a depressive episode while having no therapy available?? Suppose I'll have to work it out by myself.
i know this sounds dumb but it has worked for me:
1. have a good sleep routine. your sleep can seriously impact your emotions and it can make or break your day. having a sleep routine is good as your body has a sleep cycle & it’ll help you sleep faster + better if you are consistent. avoid anything too stimulating when trying to sleep (like exciting tv shows) and do not have caffeine preferably after 1 pm (even if u don’t feel it much, it can impact sleep quality)
2. if something is too depressing and making you feel worse, minimise your consumption of it or time around it at this time. it’s better for you to try to find more uplifting & inspiring things.
3. things like meditation can actually help. ik it sounds like bullshit but there is actual evidence that meditative exercises, mindfulness, even yoga can all improve your mental state. it can help with anxiety as well as depression. you wont magically be healed and it often takes practice, but you might feel better.
4. this one sounds stupid to someone who hasn’t dealt with depression, but take better care of yourself. a lot of us will just lay in bed all day and do nothing and it’ll feed into the depressive episode. get out of bed, brush your teeth, wash your face, take a shower, maybe even clean a little bit around you. reward yourself when you take those little steps as well.
5. if you have loved ones that you can trust, utilise their presence in this time. being alone with your thoughts can really exacerbate depressive episodes. its good to have someone who can cheer you up and perhaps take your mind off of it or remind you of the joys in life. a good support system is crucial, especially for the times when you’re in crisis mode
6. overall just try to make your environment a better place. sometimes (not always) it’s our surroundings &/or habits making us depressed. even if it isn’t the root, having a better environment will at least make you feel somewhat better.
7. sports can actually help. it releases endorphins.
8. healthier eating habits also helps. too much junk food can harm & not eating enough can also affect your moods negatively
9. lastly, look into cognitive restructuring. for a lot of ppl dealing with chronic depression, there is an underlying negative mindset which keeps them trapped in a depressive cycle. its really difficult, but possible, to restructure your thinking on your own. this involves some extra work beyond the self-care stuff i mentioned because you often have to write your feelings down, analyse them, and think of a more positive way you could perceive the situation in the future. and you need to do this repeatedly until it becomes automatic & you gain this positive voice more automatically. just as a warning, when i first went thru this it felt somewhat annoying & invasive having this unfamiliar positive voice pop up but ultimately you do feel better.
idk if any of these are of any help but these are things that helped me at one point or another. they really make a difference.
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