#how many times will I come here and just make someone (Simeon) tell made up legends or fairy tales
devildom-moss · 7 months
I really love your series on Mc giving everyone a kiss on the cheek. Can I ask for the reverse? Where they give a kiss on the cheek or something similar (a gift, perhaps?) for their Mc?
Okay, so this ask is going to take me a while, so I'm going to split it up. I hope you don't mind. I didn't quite go with the same PDA premise for this one - hope that's okay. So, what I did was I thought about who would be more likely to give a kiss on the cheek, a gift, or both. So part 1 of this request will be both. I hope you like it if you see this (sorry it took me so long to get to this, by the way).
Signs of Affection (kiss + gift)
(Lucifer x gn!MC) (Leviathan x gn!MC) (Diavolo x gn!MC) (Barbatos x gn!MC) (Simeon x gn!MC)
Word Count: +4,500
It was starting to get late when your D.D.D. buzzed. Lucifer was on an extended business trip with Diavolo and had taken to sending you secret good-night texts before he went to bed. Apparently, he didn’t think he could go five days without contacting you. He had even called on the third day just to hear your voice. With an affectionate smile, you checked your D.D.D. However, this message wasn’t what you were expecting.
Lucifer: Please go to my office.
You were confused – solely because you expected his office to be empty. Lucifer would be gone until tomorrow morning. Perhaps he had something valuable teleported there?  Whatever it was, if Lucifer was willing to say “please,” you figured it was important. Your heart jumped from your chest when you walked into the room and saw Lucifer sitting back in a chair with one leg crossed over the other.
“There you are.” He looked at you seductively, waiting for you to get closer so he could pounce. “Come in.”
“I thought you weren’t coming back until tomorrow.” You made no attempt to hide your smile. It was nice to see him earlier than expected, but it made you wonder. “So, did things go really well or was it a disaster – for you to be back early, that is?”
“Let’s say it went well.” Lucifer smirked, unwilling to admit that he had all but begged Diavolo to allow him to return home early. If Diavolo hadn’t felt bad for Lucifer being ogled at throughout the trip – not to mention being hit on during three separate occasions by different nobles and a rather forward marriage proposal, he might have insisted that Lucifer stayed the extra half a day. Diavolo had noticed that Lucifer was uncomfortable the second he was away from polite company, and he had only seen Lucifer genuinely smile when he was on his phone and on the first morning when they were out window shopping before their meeting. So, Lucifer took an earlier train back, leaving Barbatos and Diavolo alone for one more night of mingling. By the time he got back, Lucifer was exhausted – although not so exhausted that he couldn’t carve out some time for his beloved human. “Sit, have a drink with me.”
You took the seat next to him and he handed you a chilled glass of Demonus he had already poured in anticipation of your arrival. “Did you have a good trip?”
“Not in the slightest – although it might have gone better if you were with me.”
“Oh no. What happened?”
“Nothing important. Now,” Lucifer started, uncrossing his legs and leaning closer to you, “did you miss me?”
“It wasn’t even five days, Lucifer.” You rolled your eyes. “I won’t die of loneliness.”
“Oh? I thought I was supposed to be the cruel one.” Lucifer leaned down and grabbed the leg of your chair, pulling you closer – and, quite ungracefully, causing a bump in the rug. You were left between his legs, and Lucifer used his newly obtained proximity to run his hand up your thigh. “I missed you terribly. I was dying of loneliness.”
“How many drinks did you have before I arrived?” you sighed.
“This is the first one, I’m afraid.” Lucifer swirled the Demonus in his glass before setting it down. Only then did you notice the small box sitting behind the bottle on the table. His eyes followed yours, and he let out a soft chuckle. “Curious?”
“Souvenir from your trip?”
“Almost.” Lucifer scooped up the box before returning his gaze to you. He stared, expectant and almost sad. “Just tell me you missed me – even if you’re lying.”
“I waited up for your texts every night. Of course I missed you.” You caressed his cheek, and teased, “you soft, baby boy.”
“Confession accepted. Close your eyes,” Lucifer instructed. You agreed, but not without rolling them once more. You heard him open the box and felt him take your hand before slipping something onto your wrist. Still, you kept your eyes shut – even as he turned your hand over and kissed your wrist – until he gave you the signal. He turned your hand back around, continuing to hold it, and said, “okay. You can open them.”
It was a bracelet with round, black crystal beads. When the light hit them at the right angle, you could see flashes of red. It kind of reminded you of “. . . your eyes.”
“What?” Lucifer asked.
“It reminds me of your eyes,” you admitted, looking between the stones and his eyes. “They’re both beautiful.”
Lucifer’s cheeks grew pink, and he cleared his throat before mentioning, “it’s made of Hell-Sheen Obsidian. It’s a rare stone that can only be harvested from the lava that forms within a volcano near the location of our business trip. The volcano has been dormant for centuries, and genuine pieces are hard to come by. They offer the wearer strong protection. I want you to wear it when I’m not around to watch over you.”
It hadn’t escaped you that Lucifer had yet to release your hand, so you brought his knuckles to your lips. The soft kiss only made Lucifer’s blush deepen. “Thank you, Lucifer.”
“Thank you, my love.” Lucifer leaned in and kissed your cheek affectionately. When he pulled back, his eyes were dark, the reds of his irises glimmering in the dim light. “What do you say we take advantage of my early return, and you spend the rest of the night with me?”
There was an off-beat knock at your door – like someone had hesitated to commit to the knock. The awkward noise was followed by an equally uncomfortable, “Uhm, MC? Are you there?”
“Levi?” you asked, sitting up in your bed. It was already well past dinner, and you had laid down with your D.D.D., so you weren’t expecting someone to interrupt your mindless, pre-sleep scrolling. “Gimme a sec.”
You got out of bed to unlock the door and found Levi standing anxiously in the hallway, clutching something close to his chest. Hoping to ease some of his tension, you invited him into your room. He followed with the nervous energy of someone who was doing something he probably shouldn’t.
With the door shut, you questioned him, “Are you okay?”
“I – yeah. Here.” Levi thrust the item he was holding in your direction. It was a box, wrapped in Azuki-tan paper – no doubt something that Levi had wrapped himself.
“What’s this for?” You took the package from his hands, politely ignoring the small yelp he made when your fingers grazed his.
“For, um – to thank you, you know, for helping me cram before the exam the other day.” Levi’s cheeks began to flush, but he continued, rushing his words as he tried to explain. “You didn’t have to do that, but because of you, I passed, and I don’t have to take extra classes over the weekend, which means I can watch Chocolate Heartbreak stream their mini concert live tomorrow. And I know I thanked you at the time, but I wanted to thank you again because I’m really happy that you decided to help a gross otaku like me – even though you probably didn’t have any fun because who has fun studying with a shut in? But anyway, thank you.”
“Oh, Levi, baby, breathe.” He hadn’t taken a single breath during that last part. You put your hand on his head and rubbed him gently, hoping to calm him down. While he did take a few slow, steady breaths, his heart only raced, and his cheeks turned a brighter shade of pink. “Thank you for the present, really, but I had a good time studying with you. I was happy to help. And you aren’t gross, either.”
Levi covered his face with his hands and murmured, “thank you.”
You chuckled at his cuteness. “Can I open it now?”
Instead of words, Levi simply nodded. You carefully unwrapped the package, revealing a charm with chibi drawings of the members of Chocolate Heartbreak, a matching sticker, and a brown tin with a red broken heart and each of the members in cute poses around the sides of the tin. Inside was an assortment of themed candies and cookies. Levi peeked through his fingers to watch your reaction. When you smiled, he found the courage to speak again.
“Chocolate Heartbreak did a collab with Madam Devian’s and a local artist to put out a themed snack tin to promote their mini concert. I ordered a few, but I made sure to buy one specifically for you.” Levi stared at your hands, holding the tin. “Well, uhm, I was thinking maybe we could eat them together while we watch the concert live tomorrow – if you want to!”
“Of course! I’d love to.” You smiled at him.
Levi looked up, his mouth agape as if he wasn’t expecting you to accept so enthusiastically. His mouth opened and closed, as if to speak, before he managed to mumble something out. “. . . you.”
“Sorry, what was that?” You asked, getting slightly closer. Levi rubbed his arm nervously.
“I love you!” he blurted out. Levi quickly leaned in to kiss your cheek before attempting to flee. However, you caught his arm before he could make his escape, and pulled him in, kissing his lips sweetly – and, for the sake of his heart, briefly.
“I love you, too. Now, I’ll see you tomorrow to watch the concert. Goodnight, Levi.” You grinned and let him go, but not without teasingly adding, “unless you want to spend the night, that is.”
“N-not at this time! Thank you. Good night!” Levi was a ball of giddiness and nerves as he slithered out of your grasp and ran away down the hall. How in the Devildom was he going to get to sleep now?
It was hard to know exactly what to expect when Diavolo called you to the castle – with instructions to head directly to his room once you arrived. Usually, he would joke around or send some kind of flirty sticker to indicate that this was a purely social call. He had just returned from a business trip, and you couldn’t help but wonder if he had heard something troubling on his trip – or maybe someone had spread some unsavory rumors that reached him upon his return. Everyone had been well behaved enough, though. Still, if Diavolo was in a bad mood, you weren’t particularly thrilled to have to deal with it, but you had already agreed to meet with him. Besides, Diavolo wasn’t usually scary, and no matter how bad his mood was, he had never been mean to you before – indifferent, perhaps, but not actively cruel.
Either way, you readied yourself for needing to verbally defend the brothers or yourself as you tapped at his door. To your relief, the “enter” from the other side of the door didn’t sound too upset.
Diavolo had been sitting on his sofa, staring at a black box on his coffee table. He immediately perked up, standing to his feet, when he realized the knock had come from you. A smile grew on his face as he exclaimed, “You’re early.”
“I was in town – not too far from the castle. Sorry, did I interrupt something?”
“Not at all,” Diavolo laughed. “I’d much prefer to see you than anyone else – just don’t tell Barbatos.”
Diavolo brought his finger to his lips. You laughed, letting the tension in your body go. Based on his reception of you, it was clear that you hadn’t been called for something too grave. “So, I take it I’m not in trouble today?”
Once again, Diavolo laughed. He looked down, and when his eyes returned to you, they had a mischievous glint – something more boyishly charming than befitting royalty. In a smooth, tempting tone, he teased, “Why, did you do something bad, MC? Should I punish you?
“Only if I get to punish you the next time that you’re bad,” you teased back with a smirk. Diavolo’s eyes widened, and he felt his cheeks burn. Pleased that you had successfully flustered the prince, you answered him honestly, “I’m kidding. I didn’t do anything bad, but your message seemed so serious. I was racking my brain trying to figure out if I had done something wrong while you were away.”
“Oh, no. I’m sorry, I was exhausted when I sent that message,” Diavolo admitted, ashamed that he had made you worry. “The only reason I have any energy at all is because I was eager to see you. I’ll be sure to add more hearts to my messages the next time I want to see you.”
“Please don’t. I might mistake your texts for Asmo’s,” you joked. “I’ll just try not to assume your mood based on one text next time. Anyway, why did you call me over if you’re so exhausted?”
Diavolo motioned towards the box on the table, “For this.”
“Hm?” You looked between him and the box. “The box you were trying to burn holes into with your eyes when I walked in? What? Is someone trying to court you again?”
“Goodness no. I’ve been pleasantly lacking in suitors recently. There is this one suitor, though – nearly as powerful as they are cute.”
“Solomon’s trying to seduce you now? I know he wants a pact with you but to resort to going about it by getting you in bed – how devious.” You couldn’t hide your smile as you feigned disappointment.
“Not the teacher,” Diavolo chuckled. He grabbed the box and presented it to you. “I’m talking about his favorite ‘adorable apprentice.’ I’ve gotten a present for them.”
You wanted to continue your game, feigning surprise, but your heart had melted far too much for you to keep up the act. With heart-wrenching sincerity, you responded, “thank you. Can I?”
“Of course. Please, go ahead.” Diavolo watched on as you lifted the box lid to reveal a lovely silk tie with one of your favorite flowers printed on it. Even the tie color and the print color were ones you preferred. Mephisto would have nothing on your tie game now – not that he ever did. “I missed you while I was away. I couldn’t stop thinking about you the entire time. When we had the opportunity to tour the city, I took that time searching for a token of my affection.”
“It’s beautiful. Thank you, Diavolo. I feel like you’re going to spoil me.”
“Nonsense! A treasure like you cannot be spoiled.” Diavolo pulled you in close, leaned in until his breath was tickling your ear, and whispered, “You know, you don’t simply have to wear this tie. Perhaps we can come up with a more creative use for it?”
Diavolo kissed your cheek, lingering just long enough to savor the warmth of your skin.
You had been so exhausted as of late, and the combination of late nights and the day-to-day stress that the brothers et al. caused you had taken its toll. All you wanted was a few moments of peace and quiet for yourself. So, you snuck off to school early and hid out in the RAD council room. It was far too early for anyone to be in there. In fact, the only people you saw on campus were Serun, and a few studious demons on their way to the library – one of which was definitely from one of your classes – perhaps Seductive Speechcraft – because they offered you a familiar wave as you passed in the hall. In the comfortable silence, you picked a seat and tucked yourself into a dim-lit corner.
With one of your textbooks laid out in front of you, you had fully intended to spend the next hour or so reading and studying without any interruption. However, your sleep deprivation and the heaviness of your eyelids had their own demands.
By the time Barbatos wandered into the student council, you had been asleep for well over a half an hour. He was pleased that you weren’t awake to see him jump slightly at the discovery of your body, slumped over the table. No one was supposed to be in there – and certainly not that early. All the lights weren’t even on yet.
Barbatos quickly recognized that you had fallen asleep – in Belphegor’s chair, no less. Although it was a suitable place for you to nap, Barbatos felt a tinge of jealousy, almost wishing he spent less time standing at Diavolo’s side and had his own designated seat that you could have fallen asleep in. He approached you cautiously, hoping to delay waking you up. No one – save for Barbatos himself and your unreliable narrator – would know whether he was able to snap a picture of your sleeping face before the affection swelling in his chest overcame him. Barbatos leaned down to kiss your cheek: the one that wasn’t adorably squished against your arm.
Your brows furrowed as the sensation pulled you out of sleep’s grasp. You groaned before opening your eyes. Barbatos had placed a homemade pastry in a bag, tied up with some spare mint-colored ribbon, in front of you before kissing you. So, as your eyes adjusted, the pastry was the first thing you saw, but a soft chuckle was the first thing you heard.
“Good morning, MC.”
“Barbatos? Did you just kiss me or was that a dream?” Your words were breathy as you tried to wake yourself up from an accidental nap. You straightened your spine and rolled your shoulders back.
“Shall I kiss you now, and you can judge for yourself?”
You scoffed. “You definitely kissed me, and now you’re trying to get a second one, aren’t you?”
“Perceptive as ever,” Barbatos mused. However, your tired face was harder to read than usual, and Barbatos became cautiously somber. “My apologies. In truth, you looked so cute that I found myself unable to resist, so I kissed your cheek to wake you up. Was I too presumptuous?”
If it had been some random demon you didn’t adore, perhaps it would have been an issue, but you figured this didn’t particularly bother you. You had done far worse – or, in this case, better – with Barbatos. Still, you didn’t get the opportunity to catch Barbatos in the wrong, and you wanted to mess with him. With feigned hurt, you replied, “You really are a demon – kissing someone in their sleep like that.”
“I’m terribly sorry.” The words fell out of his mouth quickly, and he searched for an appropriate response to remedy his offense. “I truly believed it would be okay, but I was mistaken. Please, pardon me for taking advantage. It won’t happen again.”
“Hm, well, it was a bit creepy,” you smirked, “but I suppose I could forgive you if you’ll let me have this pastry.”
Barbatos slapped his hand to his face and let out an exasperated sigh. “Were you teasing me just now?”
“Yeah, sorry,” you managed between a stifled laugh; the sleep had been completely shaken from you as you smiled and added, “You just seemed so flustered. I like that side of you.”
“I have half a mind to lock you up where those brothers can no longer be a negative influence on you,” he mumbled.
“Unfortunately, I arrived in the Devildom like this,” you corrected him.
“Then perhaps I should lock you up simply because I want to keep you for myself,” Barbatos admitted, absentmindedly – still recovering from your antics. He sighed and quickly redirected the conversation. “Anyway, the pastry is yours.”
“Oh, I was joking. You don’t really have to give me your food.”
“I brought it for you.” Barbatos pet your head before slipping his cool, gloved hand down your cheek and under your chin. “I intended to make you smile by bringing you a treat. I didn’t realize it would be as easy as allowing you to tease me.”
“Aww,” your grin widened. “That’s actually really sweet. Thank you!”
“As long as you’re happy.” Barbatos smiled and slowly pulled his hand away. “Now, I have some paperwork to attend to on behalf of the Young Master. You’re welcome to stick around until your first class begins. You can even go back to sleep, and I’ll wake you up if you’d like.”
“I’m alert now, thanks to you. But could you do something else for me?”
“Name it.”
“Could you kiss me again?”
Barbatos chuckled and bent down until he was close enough for his breath to graze your lips. He held your gaze seductively, but instead of kissing your lips as you had hoped, he moved to the side and kissed the cheek that he had been unable to kiss before. His lips lingered.
“Better?” he whispered in your ear. “You really should ensure that you’re sleeping properly. How else can I keep you up all night without worrying about you?”
If it had been anyone other than an angel (or, former angel) – well, maybe not even Raphael and Michael – that had asked you to meet them at the edge of a forest, you would – and should – have assumed that you were going to be murdered and promptly disposed of. However, since it was Simeon who asked, you trusted him to not kill you. (Besides, Simeon could certainly think of somewhere more creative and romantic than a forest, right?)
Still, you might as well check. When you arrived and saw Simeon waiting for you, carrying a crossbody bag, you asked, “You’re not going to kill me, are you?”
“Heavens no,” Simeon laughed, offering you his arm. “Have you started watching those true crime shows like Solomon and Raphael?”
You took Simeon’s arm and followed him into the forest. “Those two started watching true crime? Together?”
“Yes. I can’t say I don’t understand the grisly appeal, and I’m happy that they’re able to bond over something that doesn’t involve food, but it’s a bit much sometimes.”
“To be fair, Solomon’s cooking and true crime are equally gruesome. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s committed accidental murders with his food.”
“I would laugh if I didn’t agree with you,” Simeon admitted.
“Oh, geez, I’m so sorry.” You brought your free hand up to your forehead with a thunk. “This was supposed to be a date, and we started it by talking about the potential of Solomon committing manslaughter. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Simeon chuckled and put his hand over your arm. He squeezed you gently, reassuringly. “We are on a date in the Devildom. It’s almost suitable, don’t you think?”
“I guess so, but you never told me why you wanted to meet out here. Did you just want a change of scenery?”
“Sort of. There’s a field of flowers nearby. According to a book I borrowed from Barbatos, these particular flowers are at their peak around this time of year, but most people don’t attempt to find the field because the path is apparently cursed.” You looked at Simeon, incredulous and uncertain about whether you wanted an explanation or not. Simeon laughed sweetly in the face of your concern, which eased some of that worry. “A legend claims that the field of flowers was planted by a demon as an act of love for someone they held very dear. Unfortunately, their loved one brought a lover there – only for that lover to dump them the following day. The former lover returned to the field with a new partner soon after.”
“That’s cruel,” you interjected.
“I know. To make it worse, the loved one who had been dumped was so heartbroken that they fell ill and died. The demon who planted the field was enraged by the betrayal of their loved one and burned the field down. However, upon seeing the destroyed field, the demon regretted their actions. It was as if they had burned down the memory of their deceased loved one. They had destroyed something beautiful. The deceased one was buried in the field. For years, the demon tended to the scorched earth until it was healthy enough to replant. They returned to care for the plants daily until they sprouted. To commemorate their loved one and honor the beauty of the field, the demon put a curse on the land so that only those with true love in their hearts could find it. If your love is true, the path will trace the same steps that the demon took each day to tend to the field. If not, the path will bend and twist, and you may never find your way out of the forest.”
“That’s kind of scary,” you admitted. You weren’t particularly worried, but the legend – if true – put you on edge.
“Precisely. After a few people went missing, many demons stopped coming altogether. The rumors changed over time until they overwrote the narrative of the original story. Most demons believe that the forest itself is haunted. They doubted their love.” Simeon looked at you with a soft smile. “I have no such doubts. See?”
Simeon pointed ahead on the path, and you turned to see patches of a flower field begin to sprout up through gaps between the trees. It wasn’t long before a clearing came into view. The moonlight made the blossoms appear to glow. Small white flowers shimmered like stars while blue and purple ones reflected the night sky’s subtle light. It was beautiful.
Just off the path, there was a blanket and a picnic basket set up. You glanced back at Simeon. “Did you –?”
“I had no doubts that I loved you, so I came here and set this up ahead of time.” His arm slipped from yours so he could caress your face. “I just wanted to see you smile.”
“Thank you so, so much. I’m happy you wanted me to see this. I won’t come here with anyone but you.” You gave Simeon the soft smile he had been craving.
Knowing you were all alone, Simeon took the chance to kiss your cheek. Then, he kissed the other side, lingering longer than the first time. Then, he brought his lips to your forehead, keeping them pressed there as if he was afraid to let you go.
“Uhm, Simeon?” you interrupted his kiss.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I got carried away! And I forgot –” Simeon pulled away, flustered, and rummaged through his bag. He pulled out a box containing a pair of ceramic teacups with the same flowers in the field painted around the edges of the cup and saucer. “I got you a present too! I got them custom made for us. I thought it would be nice that even when the field goes dormant, you’ll still have a reminder.”
Your heart melted and all you could do was carefully wrap your arms around Simeon and bury your smile against his skin. If the legend was indeed true, Simeon understood what it felt like to create something so beautiful and lovely that only a select few deserved to see it.
(kiss version - Mammon, Satan, Asmodeus, Belphegor, Solomon)
(gift version - Beelzebub, Thirteen, Raphael, Mephistopheles)
A/N: I cannot explain what happened for these to turn out like this, but yeah. I hope you enjoy. Also, I still have so many requests from Halloween left and I feel like I should stop apologizing for taking months to get to them at this point. Dear lord. So sorry I forgot to add a read more tag the first time I posted this. I am out of it.
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natimiles · 1 year
Angels Fall (Simeon x f!reader) | Chapter 1
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Summary: Months after torturing yourself, you decided that you should tell Simeon that you're in love with him, thinking it would come to nothing. Simeon knew it was a forbidden path, he always did. And now your actions will have consequences.
Words: 2968
Tags: this part is sfw. Romance, fluffy, confessions, first kiss, Simeon falls. A little angst?
Song: Angels Fall - Breaking Benjamin
Posted on AO3 in 07/2020 (3 years ago, wow!). Revised now to post here.
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When angels fall with broken wings I can't give up, I can't give in When all is lost and daylight ends I'll carry you and we will live forever
If someone asked you, you would say with the utmost certainty that Simeon was flirting. After all, most of the Devildom demons and some guys you’ve met in the Human Realm used to be so helpful and kind when they wanted something in return. But he was an angel, and angels were helpful and kind by nature — or that’s what you kept repeating in your head, in a way to convince yourself that you couldn't get carried away.
This went on for weeks.
From the start, Simeon was nice and amiable, not just with you. He was patient with everyone, always helping those in need, no matter if they were demons, humans, or angels. He was always there. However, despite knowing you were wrong, as the days went by you couldn’t stop your heart from beating faster every time he did something for you. Whether to help with a lesson, watch a movie, chat or go out to try a new treat at your favorite candy store, Simeon always invited you or accepted your invitations. You always thought it was his angel nature and tried your best to bury your feelings for him, but you didn't know the half of it.
Simeon knew it was a forbidden path, he always did. But how could he not feel attracted to you? He tried to convince himself so many times that everything he did was in the name of his angelic and benevolent nature, but it had reached a level where no one else could believe in such a lie. He attempted to hide his feelings, keep them to himself, and perhaps seek forgiveness for falling in love with a human, but it became increasingly difficult. Your smiles brightened his days, your scent soothed him, your voice captivated him, and your touches grew more and more precious, whether it was a simple brush of your fingers on his arm or a hug to thank him for something.
And then, months after torturing yourself, you decided that you should say something. You knew it would come to nothing, but your feelings were suffocating you and you couldn’t keep it to yourself anymore — after all it was starting to be obvious that something was happening; even the brothers were suspicious of how many times you went to Purgatory Hall. Forcing the best smile you could, already expecting the worst, you went to your destination, where you knew you'd find the angel.
“MC, it’s nice to see you.” He smiled wide when he opened the door and saw you.
“Hi, Simeon. I… wanted to talk to you…”
The angel made room for you to enter the house before closing the door. You seemed different, he could sense it, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Your aura felt heavy and... sad. For a moment, he was sad too, but pulled himself together so he could help you with whatever you needed. Guiding you to his room, he invited you to come in and make yourself comfortable, as always. You went straight to an armchair in the corner and sat, the angel followed you and sat on the bed, in front of you.
“What do you need?”, he asked with a kind smile.
“I have a problem. I’m liking… someone. But I know we can’t be together.”
“Oh!” The angel felt a tightness in his chest, but he needed to ignore it in order to help you. “And… is it one of the brothers?”
“No…” You looked away, blushing. Simeon noticed that you didn't want to say who was it, so he chose not to insist. “But I know it has no future, that it can’t happen. I’m a human and he… well, he isn’t.”
“I see…” He put his hand on his chin, thoughtfully. His mind has already crossed out Solomon from the list of possible suitors.
“I know that there are a lot of obstacles for that, that it doesn't have the slightest chance of happening, but even so I can't dislike him. And I know he probably doesn’t feel the same way and that I’m deluding myself, but… I don’t know what to do anymore. I tried to forget, to ignore and to get over it, but nothing works. It feels that I like him more every day.”
“And have you tried talking to him?”
“Not yet, at least not directly...”
“So that’s the start. You’re a lovely person, little lamb, your feelings will probably be reciprocated.”
“I… was thinking about talking to him, but now… my courage seems to be fading away.”
“Don’t worry and don’t think too much. Just say what you’re feeling in your heart, be honest with yourself, and I know you’re gonna be okay, no matter what happens. You can always come to talk to me later. I’ll be here to support you.”
“But what if… it’s you?” The end of the sentence came out so low that the angel almost failed to hear, and yet he doubted that he had heard correctly.
“What if it’s…” His eyes went wide while he was feeling his heart flutter inside him.
“You.” This time, your voice came out a little louder. Taking a deep breath, you looked him in the eye. “What if the someone I like is you? I know it’s forbidden, I know it’s impossible, I know it's unrequited, but I… I can’t help but like you.”
Your eyes started to water, and you stared at the floor, trying to stop yourself from crying. You noticed the angel getting up and walking towards you, probably ready to ask you to forget all this and make you realize how impossible it was. You felt so pathetic, suffering for a love that has always been doomed to fail.
However, what came next was not rejection, nor a sermon on how you were deluded, much less a detachment. Simeon bent down in front of you, placing one hand on each arm of the chair, and kissed you. Well, it was more like a light brush of lips, but enough to make you dizzy.
“Now you know too. It’s not unrequited.”
“But… I thought… You don’t… How…”
“I don’t know what can happen, honestly.” The angel stroked your cheek, looking at you tenderly. “It’s the first time that an angel falls in love with a human… Well, there was Lilith, but she did more than just fall in love.”
“You mean… Simeon, can you be condemned to non-existence?”
“I don’t think such a severe punishment will be applied.” He laughed softly, partly due to the thoughts running through your mind and partly because he was happy to know that you liked him and cared so much about him.
“But then…” Your words were cut off by his thumb resting on your lips then caressing it, in a request for silence.
“I don’t care what my punishment will be. Knowing that what I feel for you is mutual makes me so happy that I don't even know if I can think of the consequences of it now.”
“You… like me!” Now it was your eyes that went wide with his statement.
“Yes, MC. I’m a little surprised you didn’t know, sometimes I thought I was being pretty obvious, with everything I was doing for you.”
“Ah, well… I thought it was common for you to be so helpful to everyone because, you know, you're an angel.”
“No, it was only for you, my little lamb.”
Simeon stood up and held out his hand in your direction, and you eagerly took it.Now standing on your feet, you felt how your body was shaking with the whole situation, but in a very good way. The angel placed one hand on your neck and the other on your waist, pulling you close. He approached slowly, watching you intently and joined your lips again. This time Simeon ran his tongue over your lips asking to deepen the kiss and you allowed. You heard a rustle and, startled, moved away to look. You realized that he was in his angelic form, with his imposing wings around you in a protective way. With a wide smile from ear to ear, you kissed him with love again, and again, and again.
With each kiss, you felt like you needed more. With each touch of him, which slid from your waist to your back and then back to your waist, you wanted more. With each sigh of yours, he felt it was not enough. And with each step he took back, you were closer to the bed, until the back of his knees hit the mattress and he fell sitting, with you still glued to him. You settled on the angel's lap, with one leg on either side of his hips, still kissing him fervently. Your hands, which rested on his shoulders, slid to his nape, gently moving down his back to the base of his wings, where you caressed and started to move your hand through the feathers — making him sigh. His hands, seeming to have a life of their own, soon found their way from your waist to your thighs, leaving a hot trail where they passed.
“Simeon…”, you called him. He actually didn't know if it was a request or a call. And what kind of request it would be, if that was the case. He just hummed and kissed you passionately again. It took a lot of your willpower to move away and call him again, your worries starting to hammer in your head again. “Simeon, we need to talk first.”
“I’m sorry.” He ran his hands through his hair and sighed loudly, closing his eyes. “I was excited and got carried away… Please, forgive me.”
“No! I mean, that’s not it. I’m still worried about what might happen, because it’ll be partly my fault and…”
“MC, it doesn’t matter what happens, it won’t be your fault. It’ll never be. Don’t worry about what may or may not happen.”
“Okay. But maybe we should do something else? You know, before we…” Your face was red and you cleared your throat, trying to make the angel understand. “You know… Make it worse.”
“As you wish.” He smiled and gave you one last peck on the cheek, helping you to get up.
You two decided to do the usual: watch something, while eating some snacks. Neither of you noticed when a feather from the angel's wing came loose and fell to the floor, going under his bed.
Four days have passed. Nobody knew, yet, that you were in some kind of relationship because it was too recent and neither the brothers or Luke would have a nice reaction. You both were still meeting each other as often as possible, like always, but now there was something more. Your meetings often involved kisses and cuddles in his bed.
It was a common afternoon in the Devildom, and you two were coming back from RAD to Purgatory Hall along with Solomon and Luke. Everything seemed normal until you stepped inside the house and the younger angel let out a high-pitched, desperate cry. Turning around, you were ready to assume a fighting position — not that you knew much about it or that it could be useful — and help your friend. However, when your eyes met Luke’s, you realized that he was looking at you with such horror. More specifically, for something near your feet. Following his line of sight, you lowered your head, feeling your whole world spin when you saw what he had seen. There, on the floor, between you and Simeon, was a feather — or what appeared to be one, since it looked burnt.
Lifting your head quickly, your eyes found the angel staring down, biting his lip in nervousness.
“Did it fall from your wings?” Solomon broke the silence.
“S-Simeon! But-”
“What have you done?” Luke interrupted you. His expression was a mix of horror and disappointment, which made you feel bad for the older angel.
“Nothing! I mean… not that much.” Simeon looked at you, like he was waiting for your consent to tell what you two have been up to lately. “We’ve been dating.”
“WHAT?”, the other two shouted.
“N-not in the way you’re thinking!” You hurried to shake your hands nervously.
“We’re together, but we did nothing”, he stated. “A while ago, I noticed I felt something different about MC and then I realized I like her. Then a few days ago, I discovered that she felt the same way and we’ve been together ever since.”
“Simeon, it’s forbidden!”
“Does that mean you’re falling?”, Solomon asked. “Just because you fell in love with someone?”
Yes. Well, it’s not just that. Relationships between angels and any other being are forbidden. Plus, I let myself be carried away by my feelings. I accepted and surrendered to it, without fear of the consequences, out of pure selfishness. Not only did I not regret this, I insisted on this relationship for the past few days.
“Yes. Well, it’s not just it. Relationships between angels and any other being is forbidden. Plus, I let myself be carried away by my feelings. I accepted and surrendered to it, without fear of the consequences, out of pure selfishness. Not only I didn’t regret this, I insisted on this relationship for the past few days.”
“Simeon, you can’t! This… It’s…” The little angel now looked more afraid than angry. His blue eyes shifted the focus between you and the angel next to you, as if hoping that you could say something to help.
“Luke, it’s okay.”
“No, it’s not! Simeon, you have to repent, ask for forgiveness. You…”
“You can’t fall!”, you completed when the angel seemed unable to formulate the rest of the sentence. “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t… Now you’re like this…” Your tears could no longer be contained. You felt yourself being embraced by the angel, and his hands caressed your hair, while his wings enveloped you in an attempt to calm you down.
“I told you not to blame yourself, MC.” Turning his head towards the other angel, Simeon continued: “Forgive me, Luke, but I can't do what you're asking. I’m aware of what's going on, but I won’t repent. I will never regret falling in love with MC and having the best days I can remember.”
A few seconds of silence followed and you continued with your head buried in the angel's chest, until you heard footsteps leaving, probably from Luke going to his own room. Simeon took a long breath and looked back at you, holding your chin up so he could look you in the eye. He opened his mouth to speak, but before any sound came out, he was interrupted by Solomon:
“Your feathers are falling and turning black.”
In a snap, you looked to the side, seeing one of the wings in the exact state that the sorcerer had described. The feathers were turning as black as those on Lucifer's wings; some places looked featherless, but a small tip indicated that they were being reborn in the new color. Startled, you looked down, seeing that the falling white feathers looked burnt, as if they had caught on fire between the fall of the wing and the landing.
“Simeon, your wings...”
“I suggest you go to your room to talk.”
Nodding to the sorcerer, Simeon held your hand and guided you to his bedroom, locking the door when both of you were inside. You two sat on the bed, facing each other.
Your eyes watched intently all the details that were changing in the now ex-angel. Maybe it was because he admitted so vehemently that he would never regret it, but he was falling a lot faster than you thought. His wings were already completely black, horns protruded almost completely from his head and a mark became more and more evident on his shoulder, very similar to the ones that the brothers had on their bodies. Simeon was feeling every little change. The mark on his shoulder felt like it was being burned with a hot iron, but he didn't care.
You cupped his face, stroking his cheek with your thumb. A part of you still blamed yourself; after all, if you hadn't said anything, none of this would be happening. However, another part — much bigger, by the way — was happy. You couldn't forget the expression of joy and love that had filled Simeon's face when he said that those were his best days. Plus, he seemed calm with what was happening, and his eyes still looked at you with such affection that you thought you could melt right there.
“I hope you’re not regretting us”, he said, and you grimaced. You were ready to answer him, but he smiled and continued to speak before you could say a thing. “I’m kidding. I know you’re not.”
“You should know that I don’t either.” He took your hand and brought it to his mouth, placing a kiss. “I meant every word. I don’t regret being with you and I never will.”
“Me neither.” You smiled the best you could and got closer. Placing a light kiss on your lover's lips, you whispered, “I think I don’t just like you, but I love you.”
“I’m sure I do love you,” he whispered back, also smiling.
Placing one hand on your nape and the other on your waist, Simeon pulled you to another kiss, this time with much more intensity and passion.
After all, he had nothing more to lose. And he wanted to make the most of your company.
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MC wasn’t even thinking about what could happen to her. She has pacts with demons and now she’s with an angel. This MC will definitely go to Devildom after she dies, HASIUEHASUIEHAS.
This chapter was sfw, but the next won’t be. Yes, MC and Simeon will 'finish their business.' We have a saying where I live that goes: if you’re in hell, hug the devil. It was translated quite literally, and I don't know if there's another way of saying it, but you got me.
Read: Chapter 2 (finale)
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dsimeon · 9 months
Okay, so… Lesson 40 spoilers ahead. I have many thoughts. Be warned, not all thoughts are positive.
Alright, so… We all know the general thoughts and feelings about the writing in nightbringer especially. I’ll touch on that later- but I will say, i sure as hell don’t think it was good in this most recent lesson.
First, I will say- I did greatly enjoy the individual moments with each of our boys. You’ll never guess who my favorite was- no, don’t look at the blog name- shit, yeah, it was Simeon. A close second was Barbatos, and following that, I loved Solomon in the whole lesson.
Simeon’s individual time was adorable. I loved the callback to the previous lesson. Giving him his own advice, and getting the option to cover his eyes for him as well? I think that was a nice touch. I also loved how we could see the seed of distrust planted in Simeon. We got to see him begin questioning his Father, which I think was actually very interesting. There Will be writing based on that coming from me at some point lol.
Next, Barbatos. I’ve seen other people talking about it, but… He knows. Barbatos SO knows. I loved how they hinted at him knowing that we aren’t from that time.
Lastly on the individual characters, Solomon! Normally, in OM, things that happened a while ago just straight up get forgotten, or brushed under the rug if they conflict with something new. I fully expected that to be the case with telling him his food is hot garbage. But it was very fun to see his endeavors in cooking once more, and actually succeeding with the help of Luke and Barbatos! I still feel bad about telling him the truth, but hey… someone had to. And we had a nice moment where his food was actually appreciated for it!
Now… That’s about all the positive things I have to say about this chapter. Please, click away if you don’t want to see criticism.
So… The goodbye felt lacking. The whole thing did, honestly- but the goodbye especially. You mean to tell me that we spent months building up to this epic moment where we are supposed to be going back home and… That?
1: the whole portal thing was absolutely pulled out of someone’s ass. Unless anyone remembers something I don’t- there was absolutely 0 mention of some hole in the sky that was meant to take us home. It makes no sense, either. We had the OPTION to wait until the founding ceremony, according to Solomon. That’s what made it special, in my opinion. The whole thing felt like laziness and rushed explanation. It feels as though they just didn’t want us to see Lucifer’s speech and wanted some excuse for the boys to “sacrifice” something for us, but really- there’s no reason.
2: You mean to tell me we really didn’t get to figure anything out about nightbringer? I want to be able to say that I trust the writers to give us more on nightbringer in the later lessons, but… We all know how much Solmare loves to just brush things under the rug. I wouldn’t be shocked if we got a half assed explanation, or even just ignored the whole nightbringer dudarino entirely.
3: Now, I can’t personally attest to it since I don’t give as many fucks about the hard lessons… But from what I hear, the hard lesson 40 was kinda bullshit. You’ll have to look for someone else’s explanation (or please, post your experience here!) but basically, from what I gathered, it also seemed very half assed.
4: This one is maybe more subjective, but… It bothers me a LOT that we never came clean. We made this big deal about having the brothers and everyone else trust us, but at the end of the day? We were no better. We hid a huge secret. And, don’t get me started with the whole “we can’t say anything because it will alter timelines” bullshit, because what the hell is the excuse with lesson 16 in OG? We died, then showed up again back then. That’s pretty groundbreaking shit.
ADDITIONALLY… Would that not give something for us to overcome? What is the point of storytelling if not to give the characters a problem? Say the timeline went fucky because we said something- I think that’s a way more entertaining tale than if everything went perfectly according to plan.
I’m really, really irritated that the MC had to be so hypocritical. How is it fair that we demand the trust from others if we won’t place our trust in them?
So… There are my thoughts. I don’t think my experience is universal- people are 100% free to disagree. But, with this being the season finale, I feel it was so… so lacking. Please, share your thoughts!
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Fandom: Obey Me! Character: OC Ren, demon brothers and Diavolo Summary: Ren is back home after a sudden disappearance. Aka "author is in denial and Ren quits NB".
“…up! Guys, he’s wakin’ up!”
Ren barely understood the last words of the shout. It seemed almost as if muffled by a thick layer of wool, but he recognised the voice – it was familiar, but the name of the person… of the demon wasn’t coming to him yet.
He tried to focus his gaze, but the same wool seemed to have clouded his eyes.
That was… his name, he realised. He tried to respond, but his body didn’t respond, heavy as if made from lead, but he could feel the grogginess leaving slowly – very slowly, but he was regaining his consciousness.
Ren was still feeling like in a whirlpool, but the shapes in front of him finally started making sense. Someone was peeking right into his face.
“Yeah, that’s me, buddy.” The previously concerned voice was now quieter but very, very relieved.
Someone else entered his view.
“How are you feeling?” Diavolo sat down at the edge of the bed.
Right, Ren was lying in bed. He could finally sense what exactly was happening to him as the sensation on his skin flooded his brain. Smooth bedsheets.
“I feel… I slept too long.”
The room smelt unfamiliar. Weird, how you can’t consciously perceive such weak smells, but your brain still can tell if it’s a familiar, safe space. It probably wasn’t the House of Lamentation.
And his eyes confirmed that, indeed, it wasn’t. It looked more like the Demon Lord’s Castle. A guest room maybe?
There were some slight sounds of rustling fabric coming from the parts of the room he couldn’t see. There were more people here, just not approaching.
“What happened?”, he muttered.
But no one answered. The two at his side exchanged troubled glances.
“We’re not sure. But…” Diavolo patted his hand in attempt of reassurance, “what matters is that you’re back.”
“Barbatos found you in the deepest crypt of the mausoleum.” Lucifer entered his view. He tried to keep his voice in check, but Ren knew him well enough to tell that he’s feeling way too many feelings at once to manage to contain them effectively.
“Uh… what I was even doing there?” Ren tried to get up. Mammon immediately jumped to help him and supported his back. With that, Ren somehow sat up, but the movement made the world whirl around him again.
He tried to focus on the demons around him.
“That’s what I also would like to know,” Lucifer admitted. “Well, the most important is that Ren is back home.” Lucifer sighed. “The magic seems to have calmed down.” He looked over his shoulder. “You can approach him now.”
“Are you sure?” Ren couldn’t see Beel from behind the curtain of the bed, but the demon sounded worried. What magic could have made them so worried?
“Yes.” Diavolo confirmed and stood up. “Just careful.” He made room for the approaching brothers and withdrew to Lucifer’s side.
“How could you leave us like this.” Levi whined, clinging to Ren’s arms and forgetting to be shy.
Belphie approached the bed pouting, but it still didn’t prevent him from getting onto the bed and curling at Ren’s side. “You were gone for too long. Humans are really the worst.”
“Belphie, move, that’s my spot!” Asmo tried to push him away, but in the end had to crawi to the other side, where he settled.
He looked up at Ren.
“Your skin is a bit dry. We’ll take care of it when you come back home with us, right, hun?”
“Are you hungry? I should still have a sandwich.” Beel didn’t try to push the other demons away and just sat on the closest free spot on the bed.
“Beel, you ate it twenty minutes ago.” Satan took a place on the other side.
“Oh… right.”
 “I’ll tell Simeon to grab something from the kitchen.” Diavolo took his DDD and Ren sent him an inquiring stare. “The angels are on their way to see you too.”
“What about Solomon?” Lucifer turned to Diavolo. “We should inform him.”
“What about him?”, Ren asked, untangling himself from his demons and sitting up again. This time without help.
“He left to look for you,” Lucifer explained. “He said he found a rift but then we lost contact with him.”
“Unfortunately I still cannot find any trace.” Diavolo shook his head.
“I… see. He’s probably fine though.” Ren couldn’t even imagine someone with that level of power ever getting in any trouble he couldn’t deal with. There was though something else bothering him. “But… how long?”
“About four months.”
“Four months and two days,” Mammon corrected him with a small voice. “For all this time… we were lookin’ for you.” He rested his forehead on Ren’s shoulder. “My crows were looking for you.” His voice cracked and he set out a quiet sob. “I- I thought it happened again.”
“Again?” Lucifer frowned for a moment, before he came to some realisation. “Right. Our attendant.” Then he frowned again, deep in thought. “But…”
“Right. He disappeared too.” Asmo tightened his grip on Ren.
“Your attendant?” Something was wrong about that, but Ren couldn’t exactly pinpoint what. His dream was itching in the depths of his mind, but he couldn’t recollect anything, only some blurred images without any context.
“When we arrived here, we got an attendant to help us adjust,” Beel explained. “He helped us a lot.”
“He was a good guy,” Belphie murmured into Ren’s shirt. “But…” he hesitated for a moment. “Hey, guys… say… how did he look like exactly?”
“How could you forget him!” Asmo huffed. “He…” He didn’t finish.
“I… think he had horns?” Mammon wasn’t sure either.
The brothers exchanged glances between each other, concerned.
“It was so long ago… and none of us was in his best shape… so it’s probably normal to forget such… details,” Satan probably didn’t believe himself. “I remember… horns too.”
“Antlers,” Beel added. “But small ones.”
“Similar to mine,” Levi spoke up too. “We had that in common.”
Antlers. The dream poked Ren’s memory again, but he couldn’t recollect why did the mention of antlers seem so important.
It seemed to have triggered a memory in Diavolo as well, but no one – saved for Ren still facing his direction – noticed Diavolo’s sudden change in expression. It was like if all puzzle pieces suddenly jumped to their places in his mind as he remembered the facts from long ago and connected the dots after the millennia that passed since the mysterious demon’s disappearance.
And Ren’s dream was slowly coming back to him. The very long dream of the House of Lamentation and of his demons.
The very long dream of pretending to be a demon and tending to the brothers who haven’t even met him yet.
“Man, now I really want to see him,” Mammon sighed. “I bet he’d love to meet Ren. Do you think he heard about Ren already?”
“Probably.” Asmo shrugged. “Unless he’s living under a stone, he must have seen all the photos I post on Devilgram.”
“Why bother?” Belphie grumbled, but his expression seemed somewhat concerned. “If he cared, he’d visit us.”
“He could have been a relative of Furfur,” Lucifer rubbed his chin, deep in thought. He probably wasn’t even listening to the exchange. “That’d explain the sudden disappearance, too, considering Furfur’s… worldview.”
“But Lord Diavolo said he had an urgent family matter and went… home.” Mammon stuttered on  the last word. “Right?!” He turned to Diavolo.
“Yes, I stand by what I said back then.” Diavolo smiled knowingly. “He is safe and sound, I guarantee that. I’m sure he’ll approach you once he’s ready to meet you again.”
“How do you know?” Belphie sent him a resentful glare. “He hasn’t even sent a letter for five thousand years.”
“I happen to know what he’s up to.” Diavolo chuckled. “I did investigate him, as I said I did, and I can say certainly that he’s returned to the Devildom. But until he is ready to come out, I’m going to keep his private matters to myself.”
“Hm… yeah, I think you’ll get an update from him soon, too.” Ren smiled at his demons, patting the still pouting Belphie on the back.
But it still had to wait until then. Memories of the dream were returning slowly one by one, in random order, still too chaotic to make any sense of it. Too many pieces were still missing.
But the “dream” wasn’t important. What was important was that he was back where he belonged.
“I’m… home.”
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twiceasfrustrating · 2 years
Hello, since your inbox is open may I please ask headcanons for poly mc wiht brothers reacting seeing their kids turn into angels because Micheal wanted to meet them please
Rating: General Audiences 
Archive Warning: None
Category: Gen
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphie, F!MC
Additional Tags: Headcanons, polyamory, F!MC, fluff, kids, headcanons
A/N: I assume this is an extension of the random poly!mc rambles? Normally, I think very little of Michael, but that series is more comedic so here he is just a very eccentric, distant uncle.
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You have never truly seen anger until you've seen Lucifer's face when his children get those damn bracelets from the Celestial Realm. He knows them all too well and is ready to start a whole nother war because of them.
MC has to calm him down before he ends up creating an entire army the same way Satan was born.
If Micheal wanted to stomp all over his family's boundaries and insist on meeting the kids, he should have made an appointment to visit rather than trying to force them into a corner to come to him. Especially since none of the dads can go with the kids, so it would just be mom going with them.
Maybe he can ask Simeon and Luke to… no. Luke is Michael's fan and Simeon would be too amused by the situation to watch out for them. 
He is refusing to let them go. He will get the stupid jewelry off himself. No need to visit troublesome ex-family.
He started screaming the second the kids came out of the room transformed. He swears this isn’t his fault. He didn’t do anything.
Oh? Everyone already knows that because Micheal owned up to it and said he’d undo it if the kids came to visit? Cool, cool….
Okay, kids. Go there and fleece as much as you can! Celestial Realm stuff will sell for a lot since it’s so hard to get. He’ll be packing their bags for them just to get them there faster.
Uhhhh…. Hmmm…
Yeah, he’s confused why??? They don’t need to be angels to meet with Micheal. So it’s confusing. Also… he’s kind of freaking out because this reminds him of the plot to one of his anime (at that point he started rambling about the plot).
Wait? Does the Celestial Realm have unique spirits for Mononoke Land? He suddenly wants to go too. But… if everyone saw him they’d realize just how much a gross loser he is and he’d be embarrassed. Okay, maybe he can give his D.D.D to someone, but then he’d miss his other daily logins…
This may take a while, come back later.
Please stop giving him existential crises. He was never an angel to begin with and his kid shouldn't have angel blo- oh, right… MC is technically descended from an angel… sort of. Well, that's frustrating.
He won't stop them if they want to go to the Celestial Realm to meet their uncle, but he also won't condone it. 
He's never been to the Celestial Realm and only has vague memories from being inside of Lucifer, so he doesn't know how to prepare them if they do go. He’ll just have to make sure to help them pack everything they could need… also to send them with
Oh. My. Goodness. His children are beautiful! Of course not as much as the literal jewel of the heavens, but they are very close.
Ah! He loves them so much! It's been so long since he was able to use Celestial Realm fashion tips! Time for him to play dress-up with his sweet children. 
He is going to dress them up to the nines and send them there as the ultimate fashion models.
He has so many mixed feelings right now. On one hand, his kids are so adorable and some of them really have their dad's traits from back when they were angels. Some of them…have Lilith’s and that's hard.
He loves his kids though. He will respect the choice they make to go or not. Definitely asks them to bring back some food that he hasn’t had in a long time. May tell them stories of his time back in the Celestial Realm if they ask him what they can expect. Will also tell them places they should visit.
He’s probably the most chill, despite not knowing how to really feel about the whole thing.
Oh, you thought he would be relaxed and chill? Nope! He's right there with Lucifer planning violence. He is one of the people most hurt by the fall, so seeing his children get dragged back to that place… no.
You know something is wrong when he and Lucifer agree on something.
The difference is that he won’t stop them from going. No. He’s sending them with fireworks and cherrybombs and telling them to raise hell. They may look like angels, but they are still demons and they should act like it.
He just wants to cause problems, honestly.
She is already packing her bags because this is happening one way or another. Plus, she needs to go yell at Micheal for daring to give her kids weird magical jewelry.
This is not a fun vacation. It is now a business trip.
No, the kids aren’t coming. She’s going to shake the cure for this nightmare out of Micheal herself.
If he wants to meet the kids, he needs to get permission from her and the dads WITHOUT trying to manipulate the situation.
Boundary stomping idiot this is why the brothers don't want to talk to him
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Previous anon discussing the depth and lore here!
Read your response and I gotta say I still don’t completely agree, but I see where you’re coming from. Just wanna clarify that I do think Obey Me is one of the better otomes imo, but I just don’t feel like all decisions (ie facial expressions, lines) were exactly made with as much thought as you express (don’t get me wrong tho, I’m not saying the devs don’t deserve any credit or praise for decisions or writing). The best way I can explain it is when a teacher is analyzing a blue curtain in a film as “expressing sadness” and then the director saying he just liked the color blue— that’s kinda how I see the fandom’s analysis to the Obey Me plot. I do agree that it’s important to pay attention to details, but personally with *some* things, it feels like an over analysis. But of course that’s just me (and i enjoy reading it anyways lmao)!! TLDR; story is great, but it could be better lol. ANYWAYS sorry for rambling so much, we can agree to disagree on some things </3 still love you
Oh yeah definitely! Sometimes a blue curtain is a blue curtain. God, I'm not saying 0M! 's got some amazing depth or whatever😂😂😂 and I'll definitely be the first person to admit that I overanalyse things ( *cough*mammon's panic attack in the cupboard*cough*im so sorry michael i was just playing around and having fun i didn't mean to make people hate you before you even appeared*cough*) but it's also got more depth than people give it credit for
And while I don't think there's some deep analysis or reason behind the lines & expressions, you also don't just put lines or expressions in yknow?
(l think the only time you can get accidental expressions is in live action - where someone isn't meticulously planning out every line of a person's face. Like obviously in cartoons there'll be a lot of times where the fandom overanlyses an expression but at the same time even if the fandom is digging too deep that expression was a deliberate choice on the creators' parts)
At least in my experience you don't - if a character changes their facial expression between one sentence to another because they're talking to a character they're close with vs one they're not (eg: asmo in the s2 example I gave in the previous post when he spoke to Solomon vs Diavolo) then someone made a deliberate decision to make that expression change
Like if a line or expression is there it's because the devs added it, which means at least some small amount of thought went into its placement. Obviously not every line or expression has a deeper meaning but you can usually tell which ones do by whether or not they stand out compared to what the character will normally say/do or compared to what the character is currently saying and if there's a sudden shift in their expression triggered by a shift in the scene (eg: who they're talking to/ who arrives in or leaves the room etc)
Eg 1 : These 3 screenshots follow each other and are (obviously) about the same topic
Talking to Diavolo
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Talking to Solomon
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Eg 2: Usually when Mammon calls Luke a Chihuahua
If he's teasing/deliberately saying it to be an asshole, he's smiling:
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If not, his expression usually fits what he's feeling/saying,
when casual:
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when angry:
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when exasperated:
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But this is his expression after Luke interrupts their serious yet secret discussion with Simeon, where up to this point Mammon was angry, worried & upset:
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Specially after going through so many "high"/"large" emotions, he instantly becomes uncharacteristically blank/stoic when Luke barges in
Eg 3 :
After MC commands 6 of the brothers in one swoop and feels no adverse effects while Solomon & Diavolo know that their magic is going out of control and destroying things. Solomon asks about how they feel after controlling the brothers for the first time and is his usual smiling self. When MC leaves though his expression drops. And this is significant because
a.) We rarely get to see the characters' expressions after MC leaves
b.) Solomon's always so smiley that any change is very noticeable
c.) There's no dialogue box that appears and usually a character is not kept on screen for that extra second like that since they're either immediately switched with another character or the scene ends and the screen turns black
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Eg 4 :
There's also expressions/dialogue that's repeated when a character is feeling the same emotion
a.) Lucifer goes "..." when he's worried (eg: when Mammon runs away from home, when Mammon starts acting upset/distant after being forced to act like an angel - both in devilgrams)
b.) Mammon goes "..." when he's truly upset (eg: when MC's day to leave draws closer, when MC kisses Lucifer - both in the main story)
So yeah, not every line/expression has some deeper meaning but there are lots of moments like this ^ where it can't be anything but a deliberate placement on the devs part and that's what I was talking about in the previous ask
But yeah at the end of the day to each their own and I'm more than happy to agree to disagree I just needed a place to talk about those ^ examples with screenshots because they're some of my favourite moments in OM! writing wise
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kxyren · 3 years
OM! Undateables (+ Luke) Reacting to MC being injured
The brothers version can be found here!
a/n: i don’t really know how to write Barbatos and Simeon, I’m really sorry if it’s out of character TvT
Who??? What??? Why???
Demons should know better than to mess with the prince’s s/o.
Immediately orders Barbatos to search for the demons that did this to you.
Has his best servants tend to your injuries and once they’re done, he lays you down in his bed.
Stays by your side until Barbatos comes back to report about the demons. Need more pillows? Sure! Need a bottle of water? You got it boss! Pillows need to be fluffed? He’ll do it!
It’s not long afterwards that Barbatos let’s him know that he successfully locked the demons up in the underground dungeon.
“Don’t worry MC, I’ll only be a minute.” He says, smiling, walking away with Barbatos following him.
The minute he’s out the door, he’s already in his demon form.
You don’t hear it, but other demons could hear the sounds of pain and agony coming from the prince’s castle that night.
They take that as their warning to not mess with you.
fun fact: I had to rewrite the second to last bullet point so many times, because no matter how I worded it, it sounded odd ( ˙-˙ )
The one time he doesn’t look at what happens in the future THIS happens.
He’s mad at himself.
Quickly takes care of your injuries and rests you in the guest bedroom, giving you herbal teas and some of his special baked treats while you rest up.
With Lord Diavolo and Lucifer’s permission, he swiftly captures the demons and teleports them to Cerberus’ room (after roughing them up a bit himself of course.)
After handling them, his main focus is now on you. Tending to your injuries, helping out with your RAD work, all of it.
“Rest well, MC. I’ve already dealt with the demons that hurt you. I doubt you have to worry about them again.”
When you arrive at Purgatory Hall’s doorstep covered in cuts and bruise, he immediately treats your wounds after ushering you to sit on the couch.
His face was grim as you told him what happened. You were jumped, but escaped thanks to some spells him and Solomon taught you.
He leads you to his room to rest and asks Luke and Solomon to look after you while he’s gone.
He isn’t a fan of violence, but the fear in your eyes when you arrived at the doorstep made him want to make the demons pay for what they did to you.
And he did just that. Making quick work of them and then went about like nothing happened.
When he returns back to you, he holds you close and makes sure to watch over you while you rest.
You never see those demons again.
You arrived to his little hut (where he practices incantations) out in the woods, your body littered with injuries. His calm and stoic demeanour wavering as he saw you.
He helped you inside and rested you on a makeshift bed in the corner.
Reciting healing spells, he asks you to tell him what happened and describe what the demons looked like.
Once he finishes healing you, he puts you to sleep and calls for Simeon to watch over you while he’s gone.
With the help of Asmo and his connections, he finds them in less than no time and personally visits them. He makes them pay tenfold for what they did to you.
Returning, he watches you closely in case you show any signs of discomfort.
Yeah, now he waits outside your classroom whenever you and him need to meet up.
You scared him when you showed up at Purgatory Hall almost passed out :(
He sits you on the couch and quickly grabs the first aid kit. He puts some of his dog bandaids on your cuts :>
He tells you to rest while he goes and tells Simeon what happened.
Poor boy is scared for you, “how dare some lowly demons hurt someone like you!” He exclaimed.
You’re like an older sibling to him, so please be okay :(
He bakes to take his mind off of it and you’re his taste tester. Whenever you need anything, he makes sure to get them right away!
He clings to you after that incident. Please be okay :(
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rainiishowers · 2 years
Lilith..? | Obey Me |
A/N: Get ready for amount small angst and just fluff, pure fluff.
This was based off a small convo I had with @hopelostly-romantic-mush Enjoy! Summary: Lilith finally makes it to the Celestial Realm, but she's forced into hiding so she isn't caught and executed. While hiding, a small curious angel found her.. Genre: Angst/Fluff Warnings: Not proofread  ------------------
At long last, Lilith finally made it up to the Celestial Realm, she took a minute to look at the entrance and quickly fly in, hoping no guard would see her, unfortunately there were a lot of them, fortunately that was unlikely because of the stealth Lilith has gotten from Belphegor. When she got into a hiding spot, she pondered on how the brothers were. She was especially worried for Belphie ever since that attic incident. She was thankful for you patching up her family again, but some issues still floated in the air.. How they treated Mammon, how overworked Lucifer is, and the twins issues with coping about her death. She found a spot, a bit cramped but a spot nonetheless, she just hoped not many people checked there. She was still pondering about her brothers, trying her best to stay quiet. Eventually footsteps could be heard. She froze up and kept silent, barely breathing, however her shoes accidentally squeaked across the floor
“Wait, Simeon, I think I heard something over there, I’ll go check it out!” “Wait, Luke!-” No no no no no no!
She started panicking, but her body refused to move.  “Uh.. Who are you?” She turned her head and became face to face with a young blond child..? “Si--” “Wait wait wait! Please don’t rat me out!” She begged.  “Who are you then?!” He whispered.  Lilith held her breath, what if this small child knew about what happened, what if he rats her out? She sighs. “If I tell you, you have to promise to not rat me out..” She murmurs. The small child scrunches up his nose, staying silent before huffing. “Fine, but it better be for a good reason” “I’m Lilith, Lilith Morningstar.” She whispers. The kids eyes widen and his jaw drops. “Lilith Morningstar?! But aren’t you--” “That doesn’t matter!” She blurts. “I’m staying in hiding so I don’t get caught.” She explains.  “Right.. Well... I could help you, I know your brothers.” “Really?! Oh thank goodness..” She sighs in relief.  “Luke! What’s taking so long?” Someone calls out. “I’m just uh.. tying my shoes!” Luke shouts back. Lilith’s eyes widen, would this kid really lie to protect her from being caught? Luke looks back at her. “Simeon, my caretaker could help you get out if you explain to him..” “Simeon?! You’re his son?” “Well.. Yea” Luke rubs the back of his neck.  They both heard footsteps and Luke looks over to see Simeon, he quickly ran over and drags him over to Lilith. “Luke, we have to go mee--” Simeon cut himself off once he saw the long lost sister.  “Lilith?!” He kneels down. “Why are you here?!” He asks in a hushed tone. “I managed to find my way back up here, simple as that” Lilith says, remembering all the times Simeon was the one to be behind Lucifer or Michael when Belphie and her got scolded for being up the human world, offering a sad smile, and that same sad smile was looking back at her. “I’m glad you’re back but you shouldn’t be here..” “Yea I know” Lilith slumps back on the podium. Simeon looks around a bit before sighing and murmuring a incantation. “Lilith, listen. I have put a cloak spell in the surrounding area, Luke and I are going to the Devildom after our meeting with Michael, so that will give us some time to help you escape” He explains, pulling something out of his pocket and fiddles with it a bit before giving it to her. “This is a D.D.D, basically a cellphone, text Lucifer, Diavolo and Barbatos to inform them on the situation.” The tall angel stood up and looks at Luke. “Come on, we wouldn’t want Michael to worry” He grabs Luke hands and they walk off, Luke looking back at Lilith before turning back. Lilith looks at the list of contacts Simeon had on his cellphone, thankfully she knew how to use it from her time as a human, so less stress for her. She made a group chat with the three and herself. - - - Simeon: Hello guys, this is Lilith. I’m back up in the Celestial Realm and Simeon let me borrow his phone. Lucifer: Is this some sort of joke? This isn’t funny. Simeon: No, it isn’t a joke, Simeon had made a plan to get to the Devildom. Barbatos: What is this plan? Simeon: He and Luke are going back to the Devildom, right? They would just bring me there Diavolo: But you would still be an angel. Simeon: Correct, that’s why I want to fall down the pit Luci and the others fell through. Lucifer: That’s far too dangerous, I won’t allow that. Simeon: Quite worrying big bro, it’s my choice to fall, I just want you to be there to catch me. Diavolo: How exactly are you staying hidden? Simeon: Simeon put a cloak spell on the hiding spot I’m in. Lucifer: Alright. Just stay put, I do not want you getting caught, Lilith. Simeon: I won’t, don’t worry. Simeon: Wish I didn’t have to hide but there are a bunch of guards..
- - - Much later, the two angels have came back, Simeon was relieved the spell lasted so long. Luke fiddles with the hem of his sleeve. “Are you planning to fall, like them?” He asks as Lilith got up. “Yep, but I know that they are waiting for me.” Simeon frowns and grabs Lilith’s hand, putting an cloak spell on her.  “We’ll take a portal and you can.. take the pit, just stay behind the pillars until we reach it.” Simeon instructs. Lilith nods. “Aye aye, captain!” She gave the D.D.D back as Luke grumbles. “I can’t believe you are sounding so calm, excited even..” He turns. In truth, Lilith was scared, but she didn’t want them to know that. The plan luckily went smoothly, Lilith stayed behind the pillars while Luke and Simeon walked to the place Simeon would open the portal, which was beside the pit. Lilith hid behind one pillar with the pit in front of it. Right as Simeon opens the portal and walks through it, Lilith zooms over to the pit. Right as she was about to dive, she felt something pierce through her wing. Her eyes widen, reminding her of the war, and she lost her foot hold and fell down.  The pain of her fresh new wings and halo falling off added with the painful memories made her curl into a ball, screaming in pain. Her divine wings and halo were replaced with demon wings and short horns.  After a long fall, she landed in something.. comforting, yet she didn’t stop screaming and crying in pain. A second later, a soothing feeling washed over her and she stopped crying, Lilith heard a comforting voice.  Lucifer! She looked up and saw the eldest smiling down at her, it was a soft, gentle smile, one she hasn’t seen him wear much when she watched over them as a soul. “L..Luci..” She croaks. “Yes, yes, I’m right here” He assures in a gentle tone, keeping her close. She didn’t even notice they were in the air until Lucifer’s feet fell to the ground and the others immediately went over to see their youngest sister. She was taken from Lucifer’s arms to Beelzebub’s arms. “Don’t hug her too tight-” Lucifer warned as the ginger embraced her. “Lilith..!! You’re back!!” Lilith smiles, he sounded so happy, and he couldn’t stop smiling. She hugs him back. “I missed you Beel-” She felt a small poke and looks beside them. “Hey, don’t forget me..” He says, pouting a bit. Lilith laughs and got down before embracing the avatar of sloth, who protectively curls his tail around her waist when hugging back. “Oi! What about mee!” Mammon complains. Lilith chuckles, turning to see the rest of them. She walks over, a bit slowly and hugs each and every one of them. Levi squeaks a bit when he was hugged but didn’t argue, instead just hesitantly hugs back. When she got to Satan, they simply look at each other, Satan having an unreadable expression on his face.  “I’m glad you’re back” He simply says, with a slight smile on his face. Lilith smiles and nods back. “We can talk a bit later if you’d like, ya know, get to know each other a bit,” Satan just laughs a bit. “Yea, that sounds nice, but I already know about you a bit” Lilith just nods and smiles back. “Now I don’t have to be called the youngest anymore~” She teases, patting his head. “H-Hey!” Satan huffs, getting a bit flustered She turns back to Asmodeus and offers a sweet smile. “You’re still very beautiful, Asmo.” He looked rather flattered. “Aww, thank you sis~” He smiles back. Lilith then looks back at Mammon, before walking over. “How’s The Great Mammon doing, hm?” She asked, catching him a bit by surprised, but he simply chuckles. “..I’ll tell ya later, but I’ll be doin’ a lot better with you here” Lilith smiles and nods.  “Gah! Beell!!” Lilith turns to see Beel hugging both of the angels who helped her escape. She giggles and walks over. “Alright Beel, don’t squish them too hard-” ------------------ Everyone enjoyed a happy dinner time, full on conversation, it is probably the most lively the HoL has been. Lilith still needed to adjust to a few things, like the food here in the Devildom, but she’s alright with that.  “You know, MC” Lilith looks over at you. “I’m really glad we could meet, and I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for my brothers” She beams. “I’m sorry for all the trouble they caused you” She continues. “It’s.. alright, don’t worry, while I’m still trying to recover from a few things, they are patient and they make sure I’m comfortable” You smile back. “Good, I’m glad to hear that” Lilith nods.  “They make the best food!” Beel beams happily. “And they make a great pillow” Belphie adds, giving his own tired smile. Asmo hums. “You know, this is the happiest I’ve seen you, Beel” He comments. “Well, Lilith’s back, and we can be a happy family again!” He responds. Lucifer hums. “Well, this calls for a toast” Everyone agrees and they all raise a glass.  “To Lilith being back, and to us being a family once again” “Cheers!”
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loversindevildom · 3 years
hello! I'm not that anon but thank you for the other period-related hcs, if it's okay, may I ask for the brothers' reactions to an MC who doesn't have painful ones, but bleeds A Lot and is terrified of getting communal/the brothers' stuff dirty? people with monster uteruses unite
((Definitely!! Currently on my period while writing this and felt it-
((Also would you look at that, the me is posting again-
The boys x MC with heavy flow
It all began when one of your worst nightmares came true.
You woke up early in the morning having bled all over his sheets.
You were panicking. Badly.
Lucifer was still sound asleep on his side of the bed, having noticed nothing.
Without thinking, you immediately get out of bed and go fast towards the wardrobe to grab some sheets.
You had no idea how you were going to change them without waking Lucifer up but one step at a time.
But he was already awake as soon as he felt you get off the bed. "MC?" He mumbled your name quietly before opening his eyes.
You wished a hole could open underneath your feet and the earth would swallow you. You also happened to be wearing white pijamas and so the blood was obvious all over you.
Lucifer had just woken up and was not thinking straight so his first thought was that someone attacked you or that another demon attempted to eat you and immediately rushed to you and pulled you in his arms. "Who?"
"Who hurt you?"
"no one... I'm so sorry!!" You cried in dispair and that's when Lucifer started understanding what was going on.
"It's your menstruation? I thought someone attacked you... It's alright. I'll go fill in the bath for you."
Thankfully you changed the sheets before he realized you got them dirty.
Or so you thought. In reality he had noticed but didn't want to embarass you.
He knew you were on your period.
You had told him the moment it came.
But it didn't matter to him much. He didn't know many things about it, only that you're in pain.
"Hey, come on, sit with me." He patted the couch beside him in his room.
He knew you were hurting and he wanted to cuddle you and watch some movies with you and spoil you with chocolate he stole from Beel.
When you shook your head in return, his heart shattered. "I'm not really in that mood."
"B-But! It's your favourite!"
"I'll just go to sleep."
"We can sleep together here."
You sighed and he felt the world twist. You didn't want him anymore? That's it? It was over?
"What did I do?"
"nothing! I just don't want to get blood all over your couch!"
"Ohh..." He felt relieved. That was all. Truth be told, this couch was pretty expensive but you were worth ten times that couch...
"Don't you wear that pad thing you talked about?" After you nodded he added. "Then it's fine. Get your stupid pretty human ass here now. You don't wanna miss the beginning."
He wanted you two to cosplay today.
You had been planning to go to that convention for months.
The day had arrived and he had excitedly changed into his costume only for you to come out and say you're not going.
And he's ???? So confused ????
He thought you wanted this as much as he did.
Did you fake your interest?
"look, Levi, I'm sorry. I was really looking forward to the con but I got my period today."
Ohhhhhhh it was because of that thing. That was a relief.
"it's fine! The con is a week long, we'll go by the end of it. And we can wear the costumes inside and cuddle!"
The idea horrified you.
"NO!" The costumes were amazing and Levi had paid of them. You couldn't ruin it.
"why?" He was confused again.
"I'll get blood all over it. I always get things dirty. You should keep me away from your stuff." After all you knew how much he valued his merch.
Leviathan rolled his eyes and walked over to you. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you down with him. He wrapped a TSL blanket over you and proceeded to play games with you all night.
After all, you were more valuable than all these together.
You two had visited Devildom's public library to get a book he had ordered for you.
He had seen how fascinated you were as soon as you heard it came out and immediately ordered it for you.
You were looking around the shelves with him while the staff was going to bring you your book when you felt an intense pain on your lower parts.
Looking down you realized blood was leaking everywhere.
Panicking, not sure what to do you hid behind a bookshelf.
Satan panicked as soon as he realized you were gone.
What if another demon had fetched you and eaten you?
"MC?" He called out your name. Once, twice, thrice...
"Here..." You said in embarrassement. You had the idea of using a jacket to cover the mess in your pants. But you had accidentally grabbed his...
When he finds you he was relieved. "There you are, I was worried..." Then he scanned you. "My jacket looks good on you."
You weren't sure how to tell him, so you continued and went all the day back to the house of Lamentation when you immediately put it in the washing machine.
Of course, he had noticed. You had been dripping on the floor.
But being aware this was a normal thing, he decided not to embarass you and make a big deal out of it.
You were screwed.
You were seriously screwed and not in the good way.
This had been a lesson to you to always keep in mind when your period was coming.
Because the one time you had forgotten, you had wore Asmo's clothes to sleep.
He told you you could use them whenever you wanted.
It made him very happy to see you wearing his clothes and it made you feel very comfortable so why not?
This was the reason not to.
Because waking up that morning, you had gotten blood all over his clothes.
Your exclaim and panic woke him up, but he was too focused on your face to notice the blood at first.
"What happened, my love? Are you okay?"
"I'm so sorry, Asmo!!"
It took him a few seconds but then he realized exactly what you were talking about. He took a deep breath. This was a disaster, but you didn't do it on purpose.
"It's fine. It's your time of the month? Come on we should get you changed. Wanna run a bath together? I can give you a massage too." He winked as he got up to get the water running. He prefered to focus on you than his ruined clothing.
And this, my friends, is called love.
You were always careful when it was your time of the month not to get anything dirty. Always.
However, the unfortunate day had arrived.
You were in his bed, playing on your DDD while Beel was picking up some food from the kitchen.
And then it happened. The major pain. And you realized you had been bleeding all over his sheets. You should change them before Beel-
Speak of the devil....
Beel walked in happily and let the food down on the tray next to the bed. As he leaned down to put them there he noticed the blood and frowned.
You were scared you had disgusted him.
"are you hurting too badly? I'll bring you some medicine."
Cause he's that sweet.
Yes I will say this every single time I write about this one;
He's busy.
So even if you do get blood in his stuff you'll certainly have time to clean it.
However, fate isn't very nice...
When Diavolo is in his study, he likes to work with you sitting on his lap.
When you felt the sharp pain in your stomach you immediately jumped off his lap and fell on the floor.
"MC? What happened!? Are you okay?" He asked worrily.
You didn't answer him, instead you run towards the bathroom.
Yes, you didn't get anything on him but it was big a jumpscare itself.
Diavolo knocked on your door once. "Dear? What happened?"
"nothing! It's fine, my period just came!"
He was silent for a bit. You thought he left but as soon as you opened the door he was standing right there and he hugged you. "I see... Come on, let's go back. I promise we'll cuddle when Im done."
"I'll get blood all over you!" You argued back.
In response he picked you up and walked back to his chair where he made you sit on him again.
Simeon is such a sweetheart.
He probably has already noted your circle on his calendar.
He remembers when it's that time of the month always.
Usually, so do you.
You had miscalculated this time. You thought it was due for next week and so you had wore a nice white dress for your date with Simeon.
He wasn't sure what to say. He thought you looked gorgeous in that one but...
"Sweetheart, are you sure? I love the way the dress looks at you but I don't want you to feel bad if it gets dirty."
You were so confused. "What?"
"You said you avoid wearing white when it's that time of the month... Unless you're late? Oh my lord, are you late?" His eyes were shining and that's when you realized what he meant.
"shit! No I am not! Wait here!" You rushed back into your room to get changed and indeed found blood between your legs.
You couldn't find yourself feeling bad tho.
All you could thinking about was the way Simeon's eyes had shined at the thought of being a father.
As a human like yourself, he treats it much more normal than the others do.
He doesn't treat you any different then really, unless you're in pain.
Then you're getting backrubs.
You were sitting on the couch with him and he was telling you a story about how he first formed a pact.
When he was finished you felt the need to go to the bathroom.
Then you noticed the red stain in your pants.
Shit that was a lot of blood. Had you gotten it on the chair too?
Thankfully, when you returned it was gone.
And thankfully, Solomon knew magic to clean it quicker.
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plush-rabbit · 3 years
Purgatory is Sweet Punishment
Request: Pls let Solomon and Simeon use mc like a fleshlight 😳😩👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻✨ I want to see her covered in their mess and overstimmed and begging for them
Word Count: 2.4K
A/N: a short thing!! I hope you like it:)
Simeon watches from the doorway, his mouth pulled into a thin line as he watches you whine under Solomon, your mouth open and eyes rolled back to your head with tears shining. He hates the feeling of heat that bubbles in his stomach, golden blood that rushes through his body and settles below him.
He hadn’t meant to walk in on the both of you during your more intimate time- not that he knew what was going on. He simply thought that the two of you were studying but perhaps he should have known that the two of you were in the process of something else.
Solomon pulls out of you, his cock dripping with your sweetened nectar, as you lay under him, your hands reaching for his forward, your voice broken as you call for him to come closer. “Solo,” you whine, thrusting your hips upwards. “Don’t go, please, Solo, don’t go.” You roll your hips and clench your thighs together and Simeon finds himself enchanted by the way your cunt flutters.
“For someone who chastised us, you seem to be pretty interested,” Solomon teases, turning around and Simeon quickly averts his eyes away from you. His own cock bobs and drips with cream- either from you or him, the angel isn’t sure. “You can always join us, you know.” Solomon’s hands slip away from your grip, and he gently slides his hands down your thighs, curving against the fat and sinking his fingers into you. “They won’t mind.”
“They’re hypnotized,” Simeon hisses out, his leg jerking and causing a ripple effect where he can finally move. “It isn’t right. What if it weren’t me who walked through the door? How would you have explained yourself then? I can barely contain my rage as it is.” He finds himself at the edge of the bed, your body hot enough for him to feel without even touching you.
Solomon’s smile doesn’t falter, it only twitches upwards, his hands now gripping your thighs leaving you whining at the mere contact of it. “They consented. We’re both into this. Want to see?” Solomon taps the center of your forehead, and you take a deep breath, slowly blinking away as if a light is being shone in your face. “Are you back with us?” You nod, licking at your lips, your mouth slightly parted as you turn to face where Simeon stands.
“Oh no,” you whisper under your breath, quickly turning your gaze back to Solomon. “Why did you bring me back now?” You hissed, your hands going to cover your burning face. “Solo, please tell me this is some weird hologram that you made,” you whine beneath your palms.
“It’s the real deal,” he answers, grabbing your wrists and pulling them away from your face. His hand lets go of your wrist, letting it fall to your chest where you desperately try to cover your chest. His hand cups your cheek and forces you to turn where Simeon stands. “Come on, don’t cry.”
“You’re the absolute worst,” you mutter, your eyes closing tightly, creases appearing between your brows.
“Look at that, Simeon, they're crying. Won’t you comfort them?” Solomon asks, kissing at your knuckles. “Could you really stand to see them cry?” He doesn’t try to hide the fact that he’s pleased, the glee in his voice so thick that it makes Simeon’s face burn.
He stands still, his muscles stiff as he decides what to do. He may be an angel, but he knows what will happen if he decides to comfort you. You are his temptation, the sin that burns under his skin and haunts his every waking moment and he knows he isn’t strong enough to refuse you- especially when you’re in such an exposed and vulnerable state.
But he can’t stay. He can’t risk losing himself just because he felt that he had to wipe away your tears. Simeon can’t risk falling- he isn’t sure he’d be able to handle the heartbreak that would come from it. Yet, how can he say no to you, how can he deny you when you’re staring up at him with wide and glassy eyes and puffed lips from too many kisses.
“Simmy,” you sniffle, “please.” He isn’t sure what you’re asking of him and he doesn’t think you are either. Your hands go to clasp to the little excess of his pants, clutching it feebly in your hand and his resolve is gone.
He lowers himself to his knees, his hand replacing where Solomon held you, and he smiles gently at you. “It’s okay, my little lamb, there’s no need to cry.” The words only seem to have the opposite effect, thick tears grazing past his fingertips. “I’m not your judge, it’s okay. Please, don’t worry yourself.” He keeps his eyes on you, watching as your face scrunches when Solomon massages his cock against your clit, his hands held tightly at your hips. Simeon’s fingers brush away strands of hair that stick to your temple. “Just look at me, okay?” His mouth snaps closed when yours opens up to release a sultry moan, that is breathed against his lips. He is left staring at your face as Solomon pushes into you, curses falling past your lips as your hand goes to hold Simeon’s hand, gripping it tightly with your nails.
Your name is called by the man who is deflowering you and you turn to him, your eyes heavy with lust as your chest bounces. “Do you want Simeon to join us? Hm? Do you want Simeon to fuck that pretty, pink cunt of yours?” You nod, wrapping your legs around Solomon’s torso, keeping him trapped there as he pumps inside of you. “Don’t say it to me, say it to him. He won’t fuck you if you’re hypnotized so he’ll have to have you ask him.”
Your face is flushed, and he can hear your heart beat erratically in your chest. Your chest rises and dips as you turn to the angel, your mouth parted and already asking him to join before you can look him in the eyes. His hand burns against your skin, touching such an innocent place but to him it’s as if he’s touching something intimate, looking into your eyes as you’re fucked by a close friend of his.
“Simeon,” you gasp between the moans, your hand moving slowly as if muddled by amber, “please, just touch me.” Solomon’s moans interrupt your words as you’re pushed deeper into the bed. Your hand grasps onto the collar of his shorts and you pull him into a messy kiss. It’s teeth and tongue, saliva slipping past the corners of each other’s mouth while your hands go to cover every inch of his body that is exposed. “Simmy, just touch me,” you croak, pulling away with a thin strong of saliva connecting the both of you.
His hand is soft as it curves over your breast, his fingers brushing along a pebbled nipple. The bud is pinched, and it’s foreign in his hands, stiff and malleable at the same time, leaving you grasping at his shirt, pleading under your breath as his name is the only thing that you can say without falling apart. Your moans echo into his mouth, leaving his chest vibrating and he’s left breathless, dying at your lips as he hand kneads into your soft breast.
A puddle of white cloth is pooled around Simeon’s ankles, his body bare and radiant as he’s led onto the mattress. Hands touch at his body, tainting his holy being with sin that covers his brown skin, trails of lips that are pressed to the nape of his neck and against his own breast. Your lips are tender, pressed against his own; honeysuckle that sticks to his tongue and leaves him with aching teeth. Eyes are on him, and for once, they aren’t judgmental, they are free and full of love and he’s left hiding at the crook of your neck and holding onto Solomon’s hands, with poison that threatens to rip apart his soul and spill onto the two that are left on the bed.
“You’re allowed to touch them, you know,” Solomon says in a smile, his hand pulling away from the angels. “They want it too.” His eyes shift from Simeon to you who’s watching him with wicked eyes. “They’re dripping just at the feeling of kissing you. Show him how much you want him.”
He watches as your hand disappears between your legs, your fingers rubbing softly against your clit, your face heated and even though flushed, you still look at him. He watches how your fingers tease around your entrance, how they’re sucked inside and the soft melody of clicking sounds as you finger yourself in front of him, because of him. He watches and waits with bated breath and when you pull your hands away, translucent gossamer strings stick between your fingers. Your wrist is held in the angel’s hands and your nectar that is oh-so-sweet is placed on his tongue, his lips wrapping around your fingers, and the two humans before him watch as their angel suckles in something so sweet as if it were his final meal.
“Simeon,” you call to him, your hand outstretched, face burning as you entice him. You want nothing more than to just hold his hand, to touch him and let him feel you. “Simeon, please,” you cry, so desperate to hold his hand.
The angel turns to Solomon who pulls you to his chest, and so desperate to have your cunt filled, you align yourself to his cock, letting it nestle around your walls. “I- Is it really okay?” Simeon asks, watching as you squirm above Solomon.
“No one is here to judge you, Simeon. You’re allowed to do whatever you want to them.” Solomon holds his hand out to Simeon, his smile tempting as he curls his fingers, beckoning for Simeon to join him. “How would you like them?” Simeon furrows his brows in confusion and Solomon chuckles lightly. “You can have them vaginally-”
“It’s wrong to have premarital sex,” Simeon quickly interjects.
“So then anally?” The angel goes stiff. “Don’t worry, they’re already prepped,” Solomon mumbles. He lowers you to the bed, his cock sliding out of you, strings of arousal connecting and making his length glisten under the light of the room. “You can slip into them with ease-'' there's eagerness in his voice that the sorcerer does not try to hide- promise.” Solomon lies on his back, having you sit above him, slowly leaning over as his mouth pulls in one of your supple breasts, nursing on you as your hands reach around and grab at your bum, stretching the fat to have your taint exposed. “Just go ahead and use them. They like it when you’re rough,” he winks, capturing your lips in a kiss.
Simeon lets his cockhead kiss your hole, and it flutters around him, and the slapping of skin is enough to let him suck in a sharp breath and push himself inside of you. You moan and it’s intertwined with a sob and a call of his name and just as quick, you tighten yourself around him. Your walls are tight, gummy and clinging to the shape of his cock that curves and rises with soft bulges.
“Oh god, Simeon,” you wail, pulling away from the kiss and tilting your head backward. “Simeon, fuck- you’re so big.” There are tears in your voice and Simeon has to bite the inside of his cheeks to ignore the forming smile.
Inside of you, semen has begun to leak, iridescent and holy, filling your hole with such that makes the angel ignore the motions that are happening. He’s sinned under no one’s eyes and yet, he’s sinned to the two people who he cares for. He can feel something evil latch onto him, his need to have you call his name, to replace the name of Father with his, your voice the only thing that he can hear, along with Solomon’s grunts and breathless laughs. He’s pulled away from you and you and him whine at the loss of contact, your hands searching for him and body missing as semen leaks out of your abused holes. His shaft is cleansed of yours and his arousal and your legs are bent to your chest, your hands scratching and marring his back and he’s drowning in you, suffocating as he breeds you, burying his face into the crook of his neck and letting his teeth rip your skin.
His hand wraps around your throat, squeezing the sides and your breath is restricted. Your heartbeat rises, pulses and vibrates under his skin, your cunt tightening into something that makes it so easy for him to spill. Everything has bordered along fear and pleasure. “Sim- Simeon, Oh fuck-” your sentence is ruined by a moan, your body shaking as you mouth remains open, a thick trail of drool sliding past your bottom lip. “Simeon, Simeon,” you chant, raising your hips, your walls clinging to him and Solomon captures your lips.
He pulls away with a drunken expression, looking at Simeon who is sloppily thrusting inside of you. “Well, would you look at that- Ha,” Solomon says playfully, a hand of his squeezing at your breast. “You fucked them silly, Simeon.”
Your cunt leaks and Solomon nurses on your breast, your hand running through his hair as your sex burns, too sensitive, so close and so far. You leak in heavy strands, your body shaking as you call for both of them, whining and twisting under Simeon. Your legs ache, and you can feel him hit against your cervix, pushing so deep and so widely that you’re sure you’ll be unable to walk tomorrow.
Above you, Simeon moans, his face scrunched up as he can feel his release at the edge of him. Your cunt closes around him, clinging to his cock, and your lips capture his, tongue and teeth meet and he sobs into you, tears slipping onto your face and he spills. Your name leaves in a whimper past his lips, his hand curling above Solomon’s neck and holding it firmly, but loosely. You shake and cry, and when he pulls out of you, your body is on pins and needles as semen leaks out of you. The three of you lie in a bed and with sweat slicked bodies, you all stare up at the ceiling.
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Welp, since I’m a regular now; I’mma just park my chair here and spin the idea wheel. And so the idea wheel has decided!
Let’s have the Brothers and Undatables react to MC just barging in unexpectedly while they’re busy doing whatever. Everyone’s just vibing together at Diavolo’s talking about things, playing games, and all dat jazz and suddenly MC comes in with a blank face before they get a sad expression (they’re this close 👌🏾 to having a breakdown, it’s so sad).
MC:....Can I have a hug? 🥺 *says weakly as they were seconds away from crying*
Bby needs comfort! (Let’s just say they recently lost a loved one and they want some affection)
My first ever regular. You have no idea how much I cherish you. Thank you for the funniest and angstiest asks ever. This hits too close to home. I've lost two very close people to disease and suicide in the last few years and the feeling is horrible. So this might end up being a bit self indulgent... apologies.
Please if any of your friends seem not okay, check up on them regularly. Even the adults in your life. And most importantly check up on yourself. Take care okay?
I will do my best to do this justice too. Sorry if it's a little late college and extra classes are a pain sometimes.
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It was not news you were prepared to receive. Not that day. It was supposed to be a day of celebration.
Lord Diavolo had announced a small party just for Council and the exchange students. Asmo had taken hours to get you ready. Everyone was excited and in good spirits, clinking their glasses and cheering for a joyous reunion. There was music, dancing and laughter so loud, it felt like it was echoing all across Devildom.
And yet here you were in the bathroom, bent over a sink, staring at yourself in disbelief. You had received horrible news from the human world.
A last message an old friend had left for you.
"Hey MC, thanks for being kind to me. Although we have a long and sweet history, it felt good to reconnect and feel wanted in my last few days. Thanks for the last hug, MC. It was the best one I've ever had."
What kind of bittersweet message was this? What was the point of making them feel wanted if they still left anyway?
No you must keep your composure, you think. The laughter keeps echoing louder. While internal screams creep up your throat. You have to go back before they start worrying about you.
The doors to the ballroom feel heavy as you push through. "Hey look! MC's back! Now we-- MC...?"
You don't know what face you were making, but everyone went quiet. Some looked horrified, some worried and some panicked. You felt your head go dizzy with the pain, tears stinging the corners it your eyes.
Looking directly at one of them, you croaked out the first thing that came into mind.
"C-could I have a hug?"
This man isn't a hugger. But for you he'd make an exception every day.
Especially when you asked for it so desperately.
Walk up to you swiftly, holding the back of your head and pressing it to his chest, while his other arm wraps around you.
"Would you prefer to spend some time in private?" He whispers as you break into soft sobs in his arms and nod.
"Excuse us. We'll be back shortly. Anyone who follows us will face consequences. MC needs some time alone." He calls out to the rest and whisks you away to his room.
Makes you sit in his lap as he cradles you while you cry. Keeps telling you it's not your fault and you tried your best.
Someone save this boy, he is a mess himself.
He feels guilty already. He can't stand to see you this way. What couldn't he protect you from??
Aren't you the one who rushes to give people hugs?
He returns the favour. Sprinting towards you and engulfing you instantly in his arms.
He feels your shaky breath as you cling on to him and goes bezerk.
"Oi. I'm taking MC home." It's the most serious he has ever been.
Doesn't hesitate to bring out his wings and fly you home as soon as possible. He cups your face as you cry, his fingers wiping down each tear. His eyes are pained looking at you like this, it wasn't even your fault. You tried till the end didn't you?
This man's protective trigger has been switched. Who dare be the cause of this?
You're his cheery best friend. He simply won't stand to see you like this.
Runs towards you and hugs you as tight as he can, like you've done for him so many times. Embarassment be damned.
You asked for a hug, he will definitely give you one. You grab onto his jacket with trembling fingers and lean into him.
"MC would you like to go home ?" He asks softly, patting your head. You nod softly.
Takes you home as fast as possible, and lays you down in his tub. When start crying violently he starts to tear up alongside you. Losing a friend isn't easy afterall.
His first instinct was violence. His fist tightening, about to murder whoever did this to you.
But the moment you raised your arms, asking for a hug in that small voice, it was like looking at a helpless kitten in pain.
Another one who sprints towards you to hold you close. His hug feels gentle yet urgent at the same time.
He cupped your cheek, and stared as your eyes grew misty. "Don't worry we're getting out this instant." Slammed the doors behind him as he left. A subtle message to leave them be.
He took you to common room, near the fireplace to warm you up, one of his arms always around you, as you wailed and choked on your tears. He presses kisses on your head too and tells you how kind you were. You did your part. You weren't responsible for someone else's actions.
He is gasping and tearing up at the sight of you. Oh you poor thing who dare hurt you?!
How could he ever say no to your hugs? Especially now when you needed him most?
He comes at you with such speed that you both almost topple over. He rubs your back and arms trying to calm you down with his touch as he hugs you.
"Would you like to be alone with me MC?" The moment you nod, his wings are out and you're soaring through the air until you find yourself in his bath.
You lean against him and cry your heart out, he holds you from behind, pressing kisses on your head whispering it's okay.
Baby boy is heartbroken. Why do you look like that? Where are you hurt?
He immediately hates that look on your face. He must do something to fix it immediately.
Runs and lifts you up in his arms and holds you so close to himself, his arms providing endless protection.
"MC will food make it better?" You shake your head so he takes off. He doesn't care about the feast he missed, he just wants you to be okay.
Flies you into his room and gives you plushies to hold onto while he gets you all your favourite food. Will hold you tight as you sob into his chest and will feed you later on cause he knows how exhausting crying can be.
He knows that face. And he knows the pain behind it. And now he's feeling it too.
Who did this? Who dared? Tell him their name and they're gone.
A hug, huh? He's ready to give you much more than that if you ask.
Walks towards you and wraps you up in his jacket and then his arms. His hug is so warm and soft you could fall asleep right there.
"Let's go lie down together." He will take you home and put you down in his bed, bundled up in his blanket, his soft pillow under your head. Pulls you flush against him as you sob and scream into his pillow.
He is human. Of course he knows the face of ultimate pain. He's been through it so many times he's made himself immune.
But he wasn't immune to yours. Your ever smiling face - that was what he liked. This irked him, made him restless.
He's next to you in the blink of an eye, wrapping his arms around you, cloak and all, his mouth pressing down on your head.
"Let's take it to the sky shall we? Don't worry I've got you." He says softly. You nod, your fingers grasping at his shirt.
And in mere seconds you are soaring above the clouds, the gentle air cooling your burning heart as you cry into the wind. He holds you close and whispering to make you feel better.
He has seen this face only once before. When Lucifer came to him Lilith dying in his arms.
He saw the look on yours and he was determined to help you however he could. And if it started with a hug so be it.
Takes big strides and hoists you up in his arms, as you wrap your shaking arms around his neck and press your face into his jacket.
"The party is over. MC shall stay with me tonight I'll send them back when they feel better." Gone was his usual cheery tone. He seemed distraught, angry almost.
Took you to his bedroom and laid you down softly, still holding onto you tightly, keeping you from falling apart as you sob into his arms. Takes the next days off to be next to you.
His emotions mirror your own. Seeing you in such pain, makes him feel the same.
His heart is breaking seeing you this way. He can't hold you fast enough.
He swiftly runs to hold your hands first. He feels them tremble in his own and he wraps himself around Immediately, cradling your head delicately.
"Let's get you away. You'd like that won't you?" He says running his fingers through your hair. You let you a breathy yes and he's off.
You land in Purgatory hall, curled up into him on the couch, freshly brewed flower tea on the table. He holds you close as you cry into his arms. Tells you that your friend is in a better place because you healed their soul before they left.
You made the usually composed demon crack. Even if for a moment, he felt the need to do something extreme.
What was causing you this much discomfort? He was ready to eliminate it.
A mere hug? Is that what would make you feel better? He is ready to deliver.
He's there before you know it, holding you like delicate royalty. You could crumble at how soft he was for you.
"Would you prefer somwhere more quiet?" He asks. You only need to nod once and he's already sweeping you off your feet and into his chambers. Picks the most calming teas for you as he sits by your side holding your hand.
He knew the demons were no good. Of course it was a matter of time before MC got hurt again.
He was about to cry looking at you, ready to throw hands at the whoever caused this.
A hug? A hug will help? YES OF COURSE.
He flies straight into, wrapping his little arms around your neck. Like a baby brother comforting a distraught older sibling.
"Come on MC! Let's get away from here!" He says and flies you off to purgatory hall. He brings you to the kitchen and starts whipping up your favourite desserts to cheer you up.
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sevendeadlymorons · 3 years
Hello! How are you? Can you do head-canons for the bros (and in-undateables if you want) with a teen MC (like 13-16) pls? Like how they act when they meet them, how they act now, specific head-canons like that y’know? ONLY PLATONIC OR FAMILY-LIKE RELATIONSHIPS no romantic or sexual ones because that’s ✨gross✨ Anyway, thank you for your time and if you don’t want to do this I completely understand! Have a nice day lovely!😘
This ones so sweet so I honestly can’t wait to get started. Hope yer having a great day, love x
FYI: let’s say Belphie wasn’t trapped in the attic for this HC just to make it so that he didn’t murder a child-
Brothers + Dateables Reaction to Teen MC
When he first chose you for the exchange program, he kind of expected someone... older?
But instead here you were, another chihuahua
To his surprise, you had your calm moments but you also had your energetic moments where you and Mammon would cause problems upon problems around the house
To say you got annoying quickly would be an understatement, but weirdly, he saw you as his own kid and he did anything to protect you
If you were upset, he was straight at your side with a cup of hot chocolate and asking who made you upset, just like a worried parent would
He felt so relieved when after a couple months passed you began to calm down and sit with him and just talk about life and how you’re handling RAD
The first time you gave him a hug he was genuinely surprised and wasn’t sure what to do but he honestly could’ve cried
As soon as he saw you he just went straight to the chihuahua jokes. He loved your size cause it meant he could use you as his arm rest whenever he wanted
Immediately took you under his wing and became an older brother figure to you, keeping you safe and rarely letting anyone touch you
He’s like the cool older brother you’ve always wanted who buys you little gifts every now and again as a surprise and makes you laugh all the time
He loves how energetic you are and how much fun you two have together tormenting his brothers
Seeing you sad is something he never wants to see, and I can promise you that sadness will not last long with Mammon by your side
Any type of affection you give him makes him so so happy, like hearing a child say their first word
Honestly though, he likes the chill side of you too where you two can just sit back, watch a movie and say “it’s you” at every unattractive character the both of you come across
Children really wasn’t his thing and he was not expecting to have to look after the exchange student
But after a while, you turned out to be pretty cool since you two shared a lot of hobbies together and you even cosplay with him on certain occasions
He’s a literal older brother figure to you and it makes him elated to have you as his Henry
You two shop for endless useless crap on Akuzon together and get yelled at by Lucifer for blocking the entrance with all the boxes
He’s comfortable around you, especially as you eventually began to calm down and the only thing you wanted to do was stay up all night and laze around in his bedroom all day
If you were ever sad, he’ll quickly turn on your favourite anime or movie and wrap you up in a huge blanket. He never wants to see you upset
You may have given him a heart attack the first time you hugged him though but he was so close to crying, it may’ve been the best day of his life
Energetic short stack as the new exchange student? No thanks
Sort of just attempted to avoid you the first couple days but you kept on following him, asking him so many questions
But after a while, he began to gradually warm up to you and even shared some of his books with you and read them to you when you had trouble sleeping
The bond he has with you isn’t exactly brotherly, it’s more like the chill uncle that gives you extremely old shit that you never knew you needed
He lowkey protects you with his life though. If someone says something mean to you, he’s the first person who’s at your aid
If you’re upset, he’ll sort that problem out super fast. You won’t be sad on his watch
Didn’t know how to respond the first time you gave him a hug so he pat your head and then it kinda stuck so now whenever you hug him, he gives your head a gentle pat
Nobody really thought having you around Asmo was a good idea, but actually, you two weren’t a bad match
He definitely without a doubt had that favourite gay brother vibe where he’d dress you up pretty and talk to you about relationships and emotions
He always made you feel good about yourself and made it his mission to never see you sad or lonely
If you ever were, he’ll be like your personal servant until you weren’t. Gifts, words of affirmation, quality time, he’d do anything to see you stay happy
Brought you gifts home occasionally and asked you to try them on if the gift was clothes or accessories and let you try his perfume and lip gloss from time to time
Seeing you gradually grow as you became more comfortable with his brothers and him was such a proud moment for him
He gave you the biggest hug back when you first gave him a hug, he was so excited
Same with Asmo, nobody thought it was a good idea being around him, especially with his tendencies to eat just about anything
But he was alright with you, he walmed up to you pretty quick and soon took you under his wing like he had another little sibling to look after
Brought you snacks whenever you asked him to and made sure you had a smile on your face constantly
He got so worried if you were upset and even got a little upset himself, so he’d spent more time with you and tell you how great you are until you were happy
If you asked him to, he’d lift you up onto his shoulders and walk around with you just to hear you laugh and feel so tall compared to all the others
Watching you settle down from being this once energetic kid to a calmer one was heartwarming to him and he now enjoys nothing more than sitting back, sharing snacks and throwing popcorn into your mouth when you two watch a movie
He actually cried when you hugged him, no joke, this man was close to sobbing
Another annoying chihuahua around? He’ll pass...
It’s not like he ever actually sees any of his brothers anyway since he sleeps so much, but you just wouldn’t leave him alone for some reason
Sometimes he’d unknowingly wake up to you on the opposite side of the bed after joining him in a nap or on the floor playing on your phone waiting for him to wake up so you could talk to him
After a while, he sort of just got used to you being around him and even enjoyed waking up to find you laying on the ground on your phone
Sometimes you were a bit too energetic for his liking but spending the nights awake with you were always his favourite parts of the day
Once he found you sat in a ball on his floor crying and he’d never gotten up from a nap faster as he sat next to you with a blanket, continuously telling you jokes until you finally smiled
Wasn’t too bothered about you hugging him for the first time, he just smiled, pat your head and went back to sleep
Never expected such a young person to be the new exchange student but he welcomed you with open arms either way
He found it interesting how you didn’t fear any of them at first glance so visited you often to check up on you
Eventually Diavolo visited every day, asking you about RAD and life in the Devildom and even brought you cakes that Barbatos made sometimes
He became a dad figure to you, protecting you and giving you special Prince privileges like allowing you to come over any time you liked
Couldn’t stand the days you came over with a frown on your face from having a bad day at RAD and made sure you were totally comfortable and happy by his side for the rest of the day
It was always a pleasure to see you come over with Barbatos by your side and smile so widely when you see him, it made his heart ache
He may’ve gotten too excited when you first hugged him and squeezed you a bit too hard. The man hasn’t hugged anyone in a while though so can you blame him?
Never expected a human this young to pop out of the portal
But like everybody else, he accepted you as part of the Devildom now and was the very first person to send you a welcome text
He slowly began to become interested in you and visited from time to time; bringing round treats that he’d made at the castle
Schedules little cooking days with you and Luke and loves how you both help him in the kitchen and adores how much you smile when you apply icing to your cakes
Becomes the person you go to when you have something on your mind and he normally drops everything when you come to visit just so he can talk to you
Seeing you sad makes him sad too, so he helps you as best as he can, no matter what he was previously doing. You’re what’s most important right now
Hugs aren’t particularly his thing but a hug from you always makes his day so much better
Another child? He’s sorta glad it’s not him who has to look after you since he already has Luke
Well in the end, he sorta does mainly look after you after the amount of times you visit him unannounced
He’s without a doubt the sweet and accepting dad figure to you as he always listens and he understands and he always knows how to cheer you up
You won’t be sad for long with him by your side, he’s just got that vibe about him. It’s imposible to stay upset
Takes you to little cafés when you’re sad and likes to join you and Luke when you’re cooking with Barbatos
Gets emotional when he sees you grow to become apart of every ones life and become so at home and attached to everyone around you
He’ll never forget that first hug you gave him, it reminds him of when Luke gives him one when he gets lonely so he loved every second of it
Started to tease you straight away. It can’t be helped when you’re almost the same size as Luke
Never expected to get so close to you and now he’s willingly to protect you with his life. Crazy
You can’t stay sad when he’s around, it’s not possible. He knows exactly how to cheer you up and doesn’t stop until he sees that frown of yours disappear
Comes to visit you once in a while when he has time just to cause trouble around the house and piss off the brothers and chat with you and Asmo
Now Solomon is the definition of cool uncle. He’ll show you shit that’ll make your day, bring you gifts and stupid unnecessary items and just make you laugh so hard that your stomach will hurt
Still teases you from time to time and you become his arm rest for the rest of the year, but on the plus side, he teleports you to the human world to get icecream
Never thought he’d see the day where he’d get a hug, especially from you, so he made it last as long as he could. It felt nice to be appreciated
Unsurprisingly, you two got along straight away, I mean, two short people in the Devildom gotta stick together, right?
Pretty much began to live at eachothers house with the amount of times you two would visit
Protects you from the demons at least twice a day and tries his best to swat away Solomon and Mammon from leaning on your head
Becomes your new younger brother and he’ll do anything to keep you safe as well as happy and laughing
His heart hurt when he sees his new friend sad, so he asks Simeon if he could take the two of you to get your favourite treats and he’s relieved when he sees you smile again
His favourite days are when you two bake cakes with Barbatos, he likes hanging around with you because you make everything more fun
Couldn’t believe it when you hugged him for the first time and couldn’t help hugging you tighter so it was like watching two little kids see eachother for the first time in months
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
The MC is a Valkyrie
Demigod MC Series: Intro
Greek: Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2, Poseidon, Ares, Hestia, Nyx
Norse: Valkyrie
A bit of a change of pace this time! No worries, I'm not done with the Greeks or anything. I just had this idea and wanted to get it out. 
Valkyries aren't really demigods, but are a part of Norse myth as the minor divinities that help choose and deliver fallen warriors to Valhalla to join the ranks of the einherjar (the souls who will fight when Ragnarok comes). Valkyries are depicted as women who are fierce warriors in their own right. Despite their place as the gatekeepers of the Chosen, they've been said to sometimes take heroes and mortals as lovers or take residence in Midgard posing as daughters of royals/nobility. 
At first, they thought they grabbed an heiress - which would have been bad enough - but then the MC grew wings, drew a spear, and asked who among them wanted a glorious death...
How hard is it to find ONE damn human on Earth? Isn't that realm supposed to be full of them??
Diavolo was thankfully able to talk their winged friend down from skewering Asmo and accepting the exchange on behalf of the human wo-… Midgard. 
Living with a Valkyrie is different for sure. The MC is a proud woman who takes her role very seriously and she's seemingly deemed him and his brothers as candidates for einherjar (despite being demons).
He's tried many, many times to explain to her that they're not interested, but she's unconvinced. Now the MC watches his brothers like a hawk waiting to cart one of them off to Valhalla! Any mortal wound could be an excuse...
He's had to save Beel and Satan twice from getting dragged to that infernal palace… For whatever reason, she seems to have taken to them the most. Is it old Norse culture to favor the brash and strong? He has no idea...
At the very least, she knows better than to try to drag him into her little plans. Though he's sure he could qualify for the einherjar (obviously, why wouldn't he?) he has no interest in leaving his life here behind.
To think he'd actually have to put surveillance on his own brothers for their safety… But they're not going to get drafted into some ancient Norse war, not if he can help it.
She’s an heiress… An heiress!!
Well, her human world identity is an heiress to a well-respected (and rather magical) rich family but that still technically counts! She’s crazy loaded back there! He’s in love!!
The only problem is that in the Devildom she doesn’t have a cent.
… and the fact that she keeps trying to get him killed. That’s also a problem.
In a way, things are not as bad and exactly as bad as that sounds. The MC apparently wants him to go to Valhalla (dope) but she can’t just take him there… He technically has to die in some kind of “vallent battle” first.
Her solution? Pick fights with nearly anything that moves and drag him into it!
Honestly, it’s pretty annoying… Sometimes he just wants to have a fun night out without getting into a barfight, you know??
At least the MC can handle herself… Hell, he was her "babysitter" but she barely even needed him. A lesser demon once made the bad idea of trying to cup her ass and lost a hand for his trouble…
Though, what this amounts to is the MC starting something then fighting alongside him like back-to-back badasses while looking for any excuse to scoop him up and fly him to Asgard!
Why does he put up with this? Well for starters human world rich is still rich, all he has to do is get himself a portal then he's living the high life! And secondly, well… what's the harm?
Sure, she technically wants him dead but he's the secondborn! The list of people who can take him down is so slim that it's not like he's in any danger. She even fights with him so things are a piece of cake!
Is this a case where he's 100% more forgiving because she's rich? Yes. Absolutely. But a golddigger's gotta eat somehow, right?
Is it weird to be jealous over someone not wanting you to die...?
Okay, that's an oversimplification but Levi can’t help but feel snubbed that the MC doesn’t have any interest in taking him to Asgard. Like, none! And why not??
He’s strong! He’s tough! He’s part snake too! Don’t the Nords have a thing about that? Like, there’s a giant snake they’re all worried about?? Maybe he could communicate with it!
Logically, Levi knows that he really shouldn’t press her on this… MC is pretty much a Grim Reaper with a Norse coat of paint and Asgard doesn’t really sound like his speed. No anime, no video games, not even cable! It’s just eat, train, and drink all day… Ew.
But still… What makes him an odd one out? 
At best, she just knows he wouldn't be happy there. At worst, she's underestimating his skill… or maybe she's gauged him just right? He's always known he was weak!! 😫
Oh well... at least she's not a bore to be around. Far from it. She treats EVERYTHING like a life or death trial - he's pretty sure that if he challenged her to rock, paper, scissors she'd commend him for his bravery and swear on her sisters that she won't lose.
He once made the mistake of inviting her and Simeon for a game of Devil Party and they both got so into it that they nearly had a duel to the death as a tiebreaker… 
Thank Devil that the game had a pre-programmed minigame for that kind of thing… It would have gotten messy otherwise.
Well, even if his other brothers go to Asgard, he can just chill out here with Lucifer and Asmo… right…? Actually, no, that sounds horrible! MC, he changes his mind!! Take him too!!! 😭
How many times does he have to say that he doesn’t want to go to Asgard?!?
Well, okay that’s not entirely true. Out of scientific curiosity, seeing the godly realm of the old Nords would be fascinating but he doesn’t want to stay, which the MC seems to have trouble understanding…
He’s not even sure why she's singled him out for einherjar status… Any one of his brothers are powerful beings in their own right and he’s not particularly, uh, “even-tempered” himself...
His best guess is she saw him wipe out a handful of lesser demons at some point and declared him Ragnarok material. He always ends up throwing around at least three of those idiots a week so checks out… 
If he's being honest, her very existence raises so many questions… Does this mean that Ragnarok is real? Will the human world be swallowed up by the sea? Will the gods of Asgard fight and die as a new world is established? When??
Unfortunately, the MC won't tell him when it all will come to pass (he suspects even she doesn't know) just that Loki will trigger it… Someone keep tabs on that guy.
Until then, he just has to put up with her attempts to convince him but his patience is wearing thin… He's pretty sure he threw a bookshelf at her once but she caught it anyway so yeah...
He did challenge her to a proper duel too but… well let's say she's a Valkyrie for a reason and leave it at that. (Being saved by Lucifer was so humiliating… He's done here, move on already!!)
First things first, she's gorgeous. Beautiful! Divine! (Literally 🤭)
Now that that's out of the way… She may also have a screw or two loose.
Like, he gets it. She's a Valkyrie and snapping up strong souls is her thing but come on… Mammon? Really? Why would he get into Valhalla instead of him, huh??
Why can't he get to go to the beautiful afterlife of the old Norse with all their strapping warriors, lovely maidens, and endless partying?? It's not fair!!
Ugh… and now she's got him sounding like LEVI! How frustrating…
Well, it may not be that bad. According to MC, he'd have to do battle training in Valhalla and that wouldn't really agree with his beauty routine. Like dirt, sweat, blood, and muscles? No thanks! Not for him.
He asked MC if he could get some kind of pass, but no dice… Maybe he could still convince her to let him vacation there… Or go for a visit? Just one? Surely that couldn't be so bad right?? He's heard that Thor looks NOTHING like people think he does and he's so curious!!
The closest he's ever gotten was challenging the MC to a fashion contest for a visit, but he dropped that idea quick when she proposed that they somehow include a wrestling match in the dressing room (and he knows she didn't mean the fun kind...)
As much as he'd love to get skin-to-skin with MC, the idea of getting locked in a chokehold was less appealing for some reason. 🤔
Ah well, he'll just have to make due admiring her wonderful body clothed for the time being… There's something to be said about muscular ladies, no?
So she’s almost convinced him to join the einherjar like twice now…
He’s not the best at making decisions when he’s hungry and the MC keeps hyping up the food… Apparently it’s really good up there and MC says that she’s never seen an empty platter... Just thinking about it makes his stomach do backflips.
Thankfully for him, Lucifer usually steps in before Beel can sign his soul away and reminds him that he can’t just abandon the family for a meal, even if it is a feast.
You'd think he'd be annoyed but Beel isn't really bothered by her habit of trying to bring everyone to Asgard. At least not on a personal level.
Like Lucifer, he doesn't want to see his family broken up so he'd rather she wouldn't… But she's a Valkyrie right? It's what she does. It's not like she can help it.
In a weird way, he also thinks she means well. She just respects them and wants them to have a good afterlife. It would be kind of sweet if they didn't have to die for it first…
If he's being honest, he's not that worried about it anyway. His family is pretty tough, not a lot in the Devildom can take them down. As long as they're careful, everybody should be alright. 🙂
Maybe he could get MC to make some Valhallan food for them in the Devildom… Or he could get one of those immortality apples?? Though those would extend his life wouldn't they…? Oh well...
Belphie's attempt to kill the MC went something like this:
Belphie: *switches to his demon form* "I can't believe you actually trusted me!"
MC: *blinks* "Oh. So you want to challenge me then?"
Belphie: "What?"
MC: "Ah, now I see! You want to fight to prove your valor then die by my hand??"
Belphie: "What are yo-??"
MC: *summons wings and golden spear* "I like your spunk, demon!! Fight me with all you have and perhaps I'll take you to Valhalla! May you join us in our fight as a brother!!"
Belphie: "What the hell are you talking about!?!"
To his credit, he put up a good fight and probably would have gotten into Asgard if Lucifer hadn't intervened to save his life.
It can be said that the MC's Valkyrie-hood took Belphie completely by surprise. Sure, he thought she was a little weird for a "human" but challenging him to a duel to the death? That came out of nowhere!
His uneasiness about her only grew after he found out that she's been literally trying to get Beel killed! How in the world were his brothers so relaxed about this?? She's insane!!
So say what you will about the MC, but she's managed to do the impossible. She got Lucifer and Belphie to make up and work together on something! (i.e. making sure she doesn't send them all to their deaths)
Between Lucifer monitoring his brothers and Belphie watching the MC, they'll keep everybody in the Devildom where they belong. That's a promise!
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inhuman-obey-me · 3 years
not a request, but do any of the mods have opinions on Raphael in game?? I’m really hoping the devs are hinting to a new character but 👁👄👁 idk. He seems to have a chip on his shoulder regarding humans and Beel described him as “sarcastic”. I just (grabby hands) want some conflict
We got a lot of various tidbits about Raphael in Season 3, and it certainly seems like he’s being set up as a more major character for Season 4! From what we've seen so far, it seems perhaps less that he has a chip on his shoulder about humans in particular and more ... that he gives us yet another look at how the Celestial Realm operates/behaves. 
So yes, let’s talk about ✨ Raphael ✨.
(spoilers for everything below, of course)
We’re first introduced to Raphael after Solomon’s cooking does some weird dream time-travel shit and wake up to Angel!Asmodeus finding us in the Celestial Realm. 
One of the first things he does is check to make sure that MC isn’t with Raphael, as he’s currently avoiding him since he went to a human world party. And what does Raphael think of an angel sneaking off to go to a human world party?
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Raphael thinks it’s a wicked and immoral thing to do. Interesting. 
As you meet the other brothers as angels, Raphael's name is mentioned a few more times, all basically around the fact that he's going to get on their case -- especially on Asmo's. Mammon mentions that he saw Raphael walking around looking for Asmodeus and he had his spear on him, which Asmo is not too happy to hear. Asmodeus also mentions that Raphael has probably been badmouthing him to Lucifer, and Lucifer later tells Asmodeus to take care of the situation lest he find himself "at the pointy end of Raphael's spear".
So, we get a pretty clear picture that Raphael is pretty strict and enforces the angel ways by, well, force.
( Fun Fact: There is a probably a reason Asmodeus in particular seems to be the one shown getting in Raphael's crosshairs -- in the Book of Tobit and the Testament of Solomon, Raphael is the angel that thwarts Asmodeus and his demonic, dastardly plans. )
But Asmodeus isn't the only one who didn't get along with Raphael. During the test to get your first star for your sorcerer's license, Beelzebub makes a mention that Lucifer and Mammon used to go and gang up on Raphael together, arguing with him. This is the first hint we see that Lucifer didn't actually get along with Raphael either.
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Later, during the second Celestial Realm "trip" (the fairy trick), this is reinforced by a bit more direct information from Lucifer in regards to Raphael. When Satan and MC run into Angel!Lucifer, he starts complaining about how Raphael is dumping a bunch of work that is not Lucifer's responsibility on him, probably as harassment since the brothers are always getting into shenanigans. Truly, he never got a break huh. It's Lucifer who says that Raphael always has something snide or sarcastic to say to him.
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A bit later, Lucifer also talks about how he doesn't really have many angels to ask for advice, listing the other seraphs and noting that Raphael in particular is "generally snide and unpleasant".
So, pretty safe to say -- Lucifer did not like Raphael and the two did not get along.
The next tidbit we get about Raphael's personality and who he was is when going to the amusement park with Belphegor to meet Diavolo, and this one is slightly different. Belphegor recalls a moment where he got lost in the Celestial Realm and ended up stuck in a tree. Who came to save him? Surprisingly, Raphael!
When you ask Belphie if he liked Raphael, this is his response:
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Belphie seems to extend the most grace in regards to Raphael, but mentions how he always looked sullen & irritated and that at times, he seemed like he could be a demon in disguise. He basically is constantly bossed around by Michael and looking after his every need and whatever he says.
So! We've gathered that Raphael was/is a snide, sarcastic, unpleasant, irritable, and overworked high-ranking angel. The brothers for the most part did not get along with him, and he seems to strictly adhere to the Celestial Realm's way of things.
So, that brings us to Raphael's role in the story . . .
When Barbatos visits Luke at the Angel's Halo to pick up some coffee to take over to Serenity Manor, Luke mentions that he's been worried about Simeon. He says Simeon has been spacing out a lot, and seemingly avoiding Michael.
That's when Barbatos asks if Michael made the request for Simeon and Luke to come to the human world in person, and surprisingly, Luke responds no -- it was Raphael who said it. Or at least, it seemingly was, as Luke cuts himself off due to his cupcakes being ready to take out of the oven.
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The subject is dropped and the scene moves on. We see a text conversation between Barbatos and Lucifer (in the Fantastic Three chat) afterwards, where Barbatos mentions he has something he'd like to discuss with Lucifer while he's over. Presumably, it's about his suspicions on what's going on with the Celestial Realm.
From there, the rest of season three plays out, and then we get to the after credits scene.
And lo and behold who shows up? Raphael. And Simeon is ... not thrilled to see him.
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Given what we know of Raphael's personality, plus Simeon's expression here, we can safely assume he says that line rather mockingly. "Brother" seems to be a general term angels use with each other, like brethren of an order, but it almost seems to sound like a threat here. Remember your place kind of vibes.
Simeon puts on a polite smile and says he's so glad Raphael could stop by, and then we get an ominous text conversation between Diavolo and Lucifer to end the season. Diavolo has received troubling news from the Celestial Realm, news they should be concerned about, news about Simeon.
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Now, Season 3 has had numerous scenes showing that Simeon is feeling a bit distant from the Celestial Realm. We have:
Luke's concerns earlier, about him spacing out all the time and avoiding Michael
Simeon's mysterious meet up with someone that Belphegor thought he recognized
Simeon's confession that his happiest time in the Celestial Realm was when the brothers were still angels
The fact that Simeon was demoted -- he used to be one of the highest-ranking angels as a seraph, but was demoted to archangel at some point (you can read our two fics here and here which expand on our headcanons and thoughts around this)
Simeon's PTSD-like reaction to seeing God/Father during the boogeyman incident, which shows someone's biggest fear, and is convinced that the boogeyman was showing his fear and not Lucifer's (which we agree with)
We also saw in Season 2 that Simeon has no issue talking back and being snarky to Michael. All in all, we can pretty confidently conclude that Simeon is on thin ice at best, and at worst? He's very likely in some real trouble.
So Raphael showing up at the Angel's Halo to greet Simeon in such a manner certainly makes it seem like he will have a much bigger role in Season 4, and if you're looking for conflict, he's probably come to deliver.
He is the strict, snide, sarcastic, unpleasant angel that does all of Michael's dirty work. He upholds and enforces the Celestial Realm's ways, which we know includes looking down on demons and certainly doesn't seem very forgiving to misbehaving angels either.
Raphael isn't here to be Simeon's friend.
Lesson 60 Hard Mode shows that Michael has sent a sealed envelope listing the next two exchange students that will be arriving in the Devildom from the Celestial Realm, and Asmodeus and Mammon both express shock at the two names they listed. They obviously recognize them. Could one of them be Raphael? Maybe, but it's not clear. Guess we'll just have to wait and see when Season 4 comes out.
Either way, we too are certainly looking forward to some conflict and major stuff going down in the new season. 👀
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MC + Cursed Toddler-fied Boys
prompt: All the boys suffer the same fate as Satan by reading ‘The Forbidden Book of Toddlerization’
You have to wonder why they kept so many cursed books around, just out like this. You would think, like any normal person, with this continuing to happen, that they would keep them locked up or something. But no. They just leave them out for anyone to find….
“I’m going to the meeting!” Lucifer yelled, stamping his foot. His face twist in a petulant frown. It would be rather adorable, if you hadn’t been arguing with him for the past 20 minutes
“Lucifer, we talked about this. You can’t go to the meeting. You need to stay here.”
“No! I wanna go to the meeting! It’s very important and everyone is counting on me!” His arms are wailing now as he stamped his foot more.
Of course, you couldn’t let him go to the first of the month meeting like this. His pride would be wounded beyond compare if anyone else saw him like this. But reasoning with him wasn’t working. You had to resort to more, unsavory tactic to win. “But the meeting was cancelled. Lord Diavolo called earlier to let me know.”
Lucifer stopped stamping his feet and waving his arms to look at you with a vacant expression you didn’t know he could muster. “Really?”
Gods help you. “Yes, really.”
He seemed to think about this for a moment before he beamed, “ok!” His mood instantly brightening. “I believe you, because [Y/N] would never lie to me.” ‘Forgive me Lucifer’ You think to yourself. “What are we gonna do instead then?”
“Why don’t we play a game instead to pass the time? Would you like that?”
“I know chess!” He exclaimed loudly. “Let’s play that.”
Of course, knowing and being good at it were two different things. In this state you were actually able to beat Lucifer several times. When he retuned to normal the day was ‘conveniently’ put away for sometime after.
“Mammon. Please. I’ll just be gone for a minute.”
“Nooooooo!” Mammon wailed when you tried to get up again. Clinging to your waist tightly to keep you on the couch. “Onii-chan said you had to stay with me! Stay with me! Stay with me!”
After reading The Forbidden Book of Toddlerization, Mammon had, of course, reverted to the personality of a small child. His brother made fun of him, say ‘what’s the difference’, but Lucifer knew that this could be a disaster if he was set to wander free in this state across the Devildom. So he sat you to babysit him.
“Mammon, I promise I’ll be right back. I’m just going to get us some snacks for our movie.”
“Then let me come with you!” He whined, still clinging to you. In this state it seemed he had also taken on the personality of a baby duck. Imprinting on you and following you around everywhere you went in his room. He hadn’t left you alone for 5 seconds since he got this way. “I promise I’ll be good!”
“It’s not a question of you being good or bad Mammon-chan.” He liked to be called Mammon-chan right now. “It’s that you need to stay here. If someone sees you like this well…they could use it to tease you.”
“No…I don’t want to be teased anymore….” His voice was low, and sad. His bright eyes looking on the verge of tears, like kids do when they’re said, before he buried his face into your side. “Mammon-chan doesn’t want to be made fun of anymore. Mammon-chan also doesn’t want to be alone anymore.”
You sigh. Unable to argue with him when he was like this. Your hand lifted to pet his head, which he seemed to appreciate, before you text Satan to bring you some snacks. He was always reliable and would do it for you.
Once the affects of the book had worn off, Mammon denied any of this happening. The mere mention would cause his face to turn red and yell about how, “that didn’t happen!” You almost wish you had taken a video of it to show him. Guess you would just have to keep Mammon-chan forever in your heart.
You went to Levi’s room after class to check on him in his….condition.
Since he did remote learning a lot of the time, being an otaku, it was pretty easy to keep him away from people so they did see him in the current state he was in. Apparently as a toddler he didn’t like being around people either.
So, you had set him up comfortably in his room before heading to class. Promising to come back that afternoon to be with him.
“Levi! I’m back! How are you—what are you doing?!?!”
“Playing with my toys.” Levi replied, with an obvious expression, as a sea of toys stretch out in front of him where he laid on his belly on the floor.
Your brain stopped. Completely at a loss for words. Levi was going to kill you when he returned to normal, because toddler-Levi, left unattended, had unboxed nearly all of his figurines from their packaging. Some of which were incredibly rare, and unable to get anymore.
“I just…I mean…Why?? Why would you do this??”
“They’re my toys.” Levi replied with a pout. Sitting up. “I can do what I want with them. What’s the point in having neat toys if you aren’t going to play with them??”
He did have a point there. But adult-Levi was going to be so mad!
“Do you want to play with me?” The demon asked with a hopeful expression. “You can even be blue Ruri-chan.” The limited edition, color swap Ruri-chan from 1999. He was gonna blow a gasket!
“Yeah. Ok.” But then again, when were you ever going to be able to touch them again.
As expected, Levi totally lost it when he came to his senses. Of course, there was no one to blame but himself, in the end, so he just had to be upset and mope alone. Thankfully, none of them were broken or beyond just out of their originally packaging. He bought them all clear showcase boxes for his ‘ruined’ figurines. Some of them he could rebuy to replace; which seemed to make him happy to have two.
It had been hours since the affects of the book had taken ahold of Satan. You were starting to wonder if they would ever wear off.
Lucifer had left in search of another book, one that might help speed the process along, and left his younger brother in your care. Of course you were happy to help, but you were getting nervous you would never see the old Satan again.
“[Y/N]-chan?” You look up from your phone, waiting for Lucifer to text you back, to see the blonde demon looking timidly at you from around the corner. 
“What is it Satan?”
“Would you….read to me?” His hands holding out the small children’s book he had some how found in the piles of books covering his room.
You smile softly at him. Your heart warmed by his request. “Of course,” you tell him, and the demon scampered over to sit on the bed beside you. His long legs and body tucked neatly into you as he waited for you to tell him the story of a little lost chicken and it’s journey back home. “[Y/N] tells the best stories!”
After 3 stories, he had fallen asleep. When he woke up, Satan was back to normal. He doesn’t answer your questions on where the children’s books had come from, but you spot the red & gold spines on his book shelves sometimes.
There was no denying that Asmo was fascinated by art and all things beautiful. He went on and on about it any chance he got. So you shouldn’t have really been surprised when his toddlerfied self just wanted to draw all day.
“Look, look [Y/N]-chan! I finished another one!”
“That’s great Asmo.” You praise. Just like you had done with all the other ones he had handed to you. “Wow! This is really great! Is that a….chicken?”
“No, silly! That’s the white horse for our carriage when we get married!” The demon beamed, then shuffled over on his knees to instruct you on his picture properly. “That’s you, and that’s me. That’s the princess carriage that’s going to ride us off into the sunset. That’s Solomon and Simeon throwing flowers at us. That’s my brothers crying because I got to marry [Y/N]-chan and they didn’t.”
“You certainly seem to have all the parts here.” You praise. Giggling at his enthusiasm and picture.
“I want to have a perfect picture of when we get married. Because I love [Y/N]-chan! And we’re gonna get married and live happily ever after.” He replied, with certainty, with a smile.
“Well, I’ll be glad for that. Why don’t you draw me our perfect house for after we get married?” Asmo scampered off and did just that.
When Asmo came to, and back to his normal self, he took all the pictures he had drawn and framed them. Forcing his brothers and Solomon to take a tour of his mini-art gallery. The piece ‘Marriage of Two Bonded Souls’ was met with some controversy.
Beel, in his younger days, seemed to have boundless energy. Or you at least had to assume he did, because ever since he had read that stupid book he had been running around.
Lucifer had told you to take him outside. Irritated at hearing his large feet clump around the house, but trying not to show it since it wasn’t his fault. He even let you both take Cerberus outside to help run Beel out. It would be good for the pup too. Get some exercise, he said.
That had been sometime ago, and it seemed baby-Beel and Cerberus were an even match in energy. They had been running around, chasing each other, and play fighting in the back yard all afternoon. You were tired just watching them.
“Beel! Do you want to come in? I think it’s time for a break.”
Both Beel and Cerberus pop their heads up, in a comical and adorable unison head tilt, before jogging over to you. “Break time means snack time right?!”
You chuckle a little. Somethings never changed. “I brought some apple slices & peanut butter for you, for now. We can get you something bigger when we go inside.”
Beel grinned and sat in the grass with the container. “I like apple slices!”
“You do hn?” You don’t think you’ve seen Beel eat an actual fruit on its own. It was usually attached to, baked in, or covered in something, to get him to eat it.
“Yep! They’re crunchy and sweet. Just like you! Though, I guess you aren’t crunchy. Do you want one of my apple slices [Y/N]?”
You blush a little at Beel’s bright, unwavering expression. How could he look so innocent while still looking like that?
He finished his apple slices, minus one, before asking if he could go play again. You let him, but then all of a sudden he spotted playing with Cerberus and stood straight up. Seeming confused on how he got out here and what was going on. “Did I eat an apple? I haven’t had one since….do you think we have more in the kitchen?”
It was honestly hard to tell if Belphie was under the spell of the forbidden book or not. He’d been asleep for most of the time; which was not uncommon for him. Then he would wake up and whine a little about something; again, not uncommon for him. Then he would take another nap.
You had figure out that he was still under it’s spell by the requests he was making when he woke up. Juice boxes. More plushies. His ‘blankie’. Eventually it would run its course though, and Belphie would be back to his own sleepy eyed, grown up self. “[Y/N]?”
You walk over to the bed when the demon called your name. The boy half sitting up, but still tucked under his covers. “What is it Belphie?”
“I can’t sleep.” He stated. Which seemed ridiculous since he had been sleeping most of the day. “I miss Lilli. And Be-be. Can you sleep with me?”
You blink at little at the request. You supposed it made since. Kids often wanted someone to sleep with them, so they didn’t have bad dreams or could keep them safe. Maybe that’s why he had been sleeping so much. Because he hadn’t been sleeping well, just sleep.
“Sure Belphie. I’ll lay down with you.” The demon smiled softly, sleepy, before he scooted over to give you some space to lay next to him.
He slept for a while this last time. Clinging onto you in his sleep, with a soft smile on his face. When he woke up, it seemed he was back to normal. “Gosh [Y/N]. If you wanted to sleep with me, all you had to do was ask. You didn’t have to trick me with that lame book.”
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radexchangeprogram · 4 years
This is a random one but can I request head cannons of the Brothers and Dateables reacting to an MC that’s actually a half demon but was really great at hiding her demon side since she grew up in the human world? They see a demon man just bounding towards MC before the boys could do anything MC’s like “DAD! 😃” before jumping in his arms like a child. Around her Dad she gains fangs and horns like him but she reverts back to normal when she wants to. The boys are like “Why didn’t you say anything?” And she’s like “I’m just used to my human side” or “You never asked 🤷🏾‍♀️”
Of course! I love this idea. I didn’t get a chance to proof read this so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
Author’s notes at the end (marked by *s)
Spoiler warning for up to chapter 17 to be safe. Especially with Belphie.
Half Demon GN!MC Headcanons
Everyone noticed that you never seemed too bothered by the fact that you were surrounded by demons, but figured you were just rather good at adapting.
This theory was proven wrong at a party Lord Diavolo hosted.
As you chatted with the brothers, a large demon with griffon wings, a lion’s mane, and horns similar to a gazelle began to head in the direction of your group.
The demon, who the others instantly recognized as Duke Vapula, walked up to them with a cheeky grin.
The brothers were instantly on guard, Mammon even growling slightly, as it was extremely uncommon for anyone to approach them so casually.
Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, Luke, and Solomon all took notice and were prepared to intervine should something happen.
You turned around to see what the issue was and let out a loud gasp.
Absolutely dumbfounded. How did he not know about this? He read your files to the point of practically memorizing them before you came here and he swears there was nothing about you being a half demon.
He was honestly a bit embarrassed that he didn’t know about something this major.
When confronting you, all you did was say that it wasn’t that big of a deal and that you figured they already knew.
You really give him a migraine sometimes.
He feels a bit relieved that he doesn’t have to worry as much about you dying, though.
If you wish, he may start teaching you demonic etiquette, such as having you shift form at formal events.
If you prefer your human heritage, he won’t pressure you to conform to your demonic ancestory.
The loudest about his displeasure about not knowing.
“I’m your first man! I’m supposed to know everything about you!”
When you explain to him that you’re more comfortable with your human half, he calms down a little.
Tries to call you ‘stupid half-demon’ but it doesn’t feel the same as ‘stupid human’ :(
You tell him he can just keep calling you ‘stupid human’ :D
Wonders if he can get your dad to pay him for ‘providing his child with such incredible protection’.
You immediately tell him no.
Holy shit this sounds like something straight out of an anime!!!
Very upset that you didn’t tell him, you’re his Henry! You’re supposed to tell him these kind of things!
When you shrug and simply say that no one asked, he gets even more pouty.
You make up with him quickly by offering to play games with him all night.
Extremely curious about your demonic form for the primary purpose of cosplay. Do you know how many more characters you can be if you have a tail or wings?!?
You might inspire some fanfiction. (half demon Henry x Lord of Shadows au slow burn 100k words, def not Leviathan projecting no not at all-)
He is extremely shocked. Not only did he have no idea, but half demons are extremely rare.
From what he’s read, most half-human half-demon offspring don’t survive past birth and all documented cases that have survived reside in the Devildom so that their powers can be better managed.
He asks you about this and you reply that you’re actually quite good at controlling your powers, but that you prefer living as a normal human.
He’s not upset that you didn’t tell him, but he has a billion questions.
How long is your lifespan? Do you take more after your demonic father or your human mother in terms of power?What are your weaknesses?
He really wants to learn more about human-demon hybrids and will ask you to help in his studies.
Also a bit excited as your father is well known for some for his knowledge and writing about the sciences. He wants to discuss some of it with you, assuming you’ve read what your father has written.*
Oh he is so excited.
A bit relieved that his charm isn’t wearing off, it just doesn’t work because you’re the child of a demonic duke!
You know those boiling hot springs he talks about visiting? Well he’s happy to learn that you actually can join him without fear of your skin melting off!
He’s not upset that you didn’t tell him, getting mad over stuff like that can cause wrinkles.
He will absolutely want to help you groom your horns/wings/scales/tail.
He already has shown you a lot about demonic fashion trends, such as extra clothing that can be fitted around demonic extremities, but now he actually can actually have you try on some! Do you prefer gold tail bangles or jeweled horn cuffs?
Relieved that Duke Vapula wasn’t looking for a fight.
He can’t help but smile a little when you hug your dad. It makes him happy that you love your family.
When you blush and tell him that it just slipped your mind to tell everyone about your heritage, he isn’t upset.
Happy that he doesn’t have to be so scared of accidentally hurting you with how strong he is.
If you’re able to safely eat some more demonic food, he will absolutely get you to try some of his favorite foods that normal humans would die upon eating.
Overall, you’re still the MC he has grown to love and doesn’t treat you too differently.
Is now more awake than he has been the entire evening.
Half demon? Nah this is just some dream.
Is understanding when you explain to him that you prefer being human and living as a human.
He’s happy he found out after making amends with you. He used to despise half-demons just as much as normal humans, seeing them as repulsive.
He still very much treats you the same, but is a bit annoyed with his brothers.
With knowledge of your demonic blood coming to light, they drag you out even more often and naps with you are becoming rarer.
If you get too overwhelmed with his brothers constantly wanting to try things they thought would previously kill you, he will be more than happy to lend you some of his hiding spots. He does charge the small fee of getting to take a nap with you though.
Similar to Lucifer, is shocked that he didn’t know before you came to the Devildom.
You aren’t the first half-demon he’s met, but he is surprised that a demon of Duke Vapula’s rank had a child with a human.
He’s actually very excited to learn that you’re a half-demon who is in more in touch with your human side. He feels a lot more relieved that you aren’t as defenseless as previously thought.
He does, however, make absolute sure that you have full control over your demonic powers. Every other half-demon lives in the Devildom for a reason and he can’t have someone who is technically one of his subjects accidentally cause mass destruction.
He invites you for tea more frequently, asking so many questions about how being raised in the human world as a half-demon was.
He likes to exchange stories with you about your younger years and the power fluxes you both struggled with as you grew.
Tells you that should you ever wish to live in the Devildom that he would be more than happy to make the needed arrangements.
He knew the whole time. When Diavolo asked him to look into the success of the program, he made note of your heritage right away.
However, he decided that keeping this information hidden when he saw that you were raised human and preferred to be seen as human.
When he explains this to everyone, you can’t help but feel thankful.
While some of the others make no effort to hide how annoyed this makes them, he doesn’t mind. He knows he made the right choice keeping this from everyone and doesn’t regret it at all.
Barbatos is actually a pretty good friend of your father’s and grew up with him. He actually met you when you were a baby because of this.*
He has seen a lot in his years in the world of magic, but nothing like this.
Usually, half-demons were very easy to spot as they struggled to control their powers, but you practically had it down to an art!
You explain to him that you’re actually pretty good at keeping your powers under control. He’s rather impressed by this and will ask to see your spell work.
Thinks it’s a little funny that he has a pact with your dad.*
Like Satan, he wants to know all about you. Unlike Satan, he is going to actually conduct experiments instead of stick to interviews.
He has a new potion that he wants you to try almost every day now.
Can half-demons make pacts? If so, you have now been added to the list of demonic beings he wants to make a pact with.
Very surprised considering he’s blessed you before.
Blessings aren’t supposed to work on anything of demonic nature so he’s baffled.
When you explain to him that you were raised human and prefer to live as human, he smiles.
He comes to the conclusion that you being a good person must be greater than the demonic blood in your veins.
He treats you the same overall, knowing that you’re still you no matter your heritage.
Absolute denial.
There is no way someone as nice as you is part demon! He refuses to believe it!
Gets upset and accuses you of trying to manipulate him, which you quickly deny.
When you explain to him that you prefer being human, he huffs.
Simeon gives him a bit of a talking to, about how you’re still the same MC who he sees as a big sibling.
He bakes you some apology cupcakes for being rude to you.
You sometimes shift form to mess around with him, it never fails to make him let out a shocked yelp before he snaps at you for picking on him.
Everyone (except Luke) thinks it’s funny tbh.
Author’s Notes:
*Duke Vapula is described as being able to bestow knowledge about all science contained in books.
*Barbatos is also a duke in The Goetia. I thought a fun nod to this would be to have them as friends.
*The Goetia talks about the 72 demons that King Solomon evoked. Vapula is one of the demons that he evoked. The game actually references this by talking about his 72 pacts. Asmodeus and Barbatos are both included in the 72 demons which is why he has pacts with both of them in the game :)
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