#how often do you think he dreamed of the domestic life he'd never get to have.
razberrypuck · 10 months
oough thinking about. gillion's first curse nightmare.
imagine waking up in the childhood home you didn't think you still remembered, but it feels different. imagine you're groggy and disoriented and you just dreamt about the best adventure of your life, but when you sit up and rub your eyes it fizzles away into the back of your mind, like all your dreams do. imagine looking around and seeing what is undeniably your room-- but it's smaller than you remember, and your bed is creaky and old, and there isn't a weapon in sight, and the view from your window is that of your father's backyard garden, and you actually own things, and that dream must've really messed with your head if all that is making you so emotional.
imagine you hear your mom's voice. imagine, for the first time in what feels like seventeen years, you hear your mom's voice, calling your name. you nearly trip over yourself when you go to get up, when you stumble out of your bedroom door. and your mind is reeling and you can't quite figure out why, but you can't bring yourself to focus on anything for a moment-- until you lock eyes with your reflection, in the mirror at the end of the hall. and for the briefest of moments, you don't recognize yourself, slim and bright-eyed and without a scar on your body. your hair is long. your coral looks healthier. you feel a bit emptier when no little pink frogtopus swims up to your side. that dream must've really messed with your head.
imagine you finally get yourself down the stairs, and you freeze up. and your parents are setting up the dining table, and gods you didn't know you even remembered what they looked like. your dad is finishing up the food, and he smiles when he notices you at the base of the stairs. your mom says something about making your favorite for dinner, and you don't know why all of this is making you so emotional but you're fighting off tears as best you can (forgetting you're underwater, forgetting they would be unseen). she asks you to grab your sister, and you run back up the stairs, and you're more excited than you think you've ever been, and then...well. you know what happens next.
imagine reliving that over and over and over. imagine no matter what you do, the ending is always the same. sometimes preceeded by the smashing of furniture, or claims that edyn had gone to bed early. sometimes accompanied by the unfamiliar wails of the parents you never had, mourning their daughter. and the one thing your mind can latch onto is the one thing you actively recognize as something that IS yours-- eggs. your favorite.
fucking. gillion tidestrider man.
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dead-boys-club · 3 months
†  normal : hawks.
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❥ scenario: this is a cluster fuck of different writing based on concerns and desires of keigo with his civilian lover. * it's written like this because the request wasn't really specified, so you get the answer in multiple different way. ❥ no triggers; not rated. however, this does have spoilers - i think?? ❥ i don't have any beta readers - you get what you get. ❥ this was a request <3
I apologize - this ended up so much longer than i originally anticipated.
let me start off first with a few little hcs that come to mind.
One: when it comes to the idea of having a normal life and what to do about it, keigo is going to keep it to himself until he can't anymore. he already assumes it's a doomed thought - he's government/commission property, right? he's not allowed to have a normal life and he's well aware of the fact that as long as he's useful, he doesn't have much of a say. He would keep an eye on you, watching you go about your daily routines with a consent nagging voice in the back of his thoughts; constant longing, wariness - it's almost as if it's splitting him apart to have all of these thoughts. thoughts that he continues to tell himself he's not allowed to have. even when he's mid mission, he still has the idea of your future in the back of his mind. he's very much going to suffer in silence over it.
Two: his idea of normalcy, to him, is quite boring but that's the point. he often lays awake at night, imagining what it would be like to have a small house, somewhere no one can find, maybe with a garden and a pet - something so domestic with you causes his bones to ache and makes him restless. those imagines, so whimsical and pretty, always turn to nightmares the moment his eyes close because.. what if something happens to you? he would find himself teetering on the edge of his own ability to keep sane trying to have his own life. all he wants is simplicity; routines.. a home with love, laughter - no broken promises, bloodshed or the idea of one of you not making it home.
Three: he does have one idea. one idea that's so.. awful and pathetic that he wonders if he'll sound crazy even bringing it up to you. running away with you. it would be possible, right? he could find a way. your optimism would make up for the uncharacteristic lack of his own in that moment when he finally lets the idea slip. he wants a life where he can just be present with you and maybe that's what needs to be done. [ SPOILER? ] when keigo loses his quirk, despite his fears of not being able to protect you.. he really starts holding onto the dream of being with you, normal, enjoying life. after all - how can you be a hero without a quirk?
Four: even if he brought it up to you before, he would still battle it before finally coming to the decision to do something. he would sit with you, probably very uncertain and unsure, even though you'd already seemed enthusiastic about it. he would explain his thoughts, his nightmares, his fears.. his desire to keep you safe and keep you happy, away from the life he'd grown tired of. he loved saving people but he just wanted something he never had the chance to have before. he would offer you the chance of a fresh start, just the two of you, repeating to you, your comment that everyone can be free of the shadows of their past if they take the right steps.
with your support and thrilled agreement to follow him, because honestly, you'd follow him anywhere. he would find himself grasping at hope as you spent time planning, chatting about the future you both wanted. it would be frustrating. yes, it was decided but he would have his moments of feeling like he was stopping your life as well but he would be so conflicted, he couldn't find a balance between the pros and cons that didn't make him feel selfish.
✧*̥˚ first tiny drabble *̥˚✧
keigo had spent years pining over the idea of normalcy - a home, a loving family and the pleasure of living an every day life; an idea he'd abandoned countless times due to being a hero. the ache in his chest grew worse when he'd met you, a civilian who had chuckled off his hero persona and saw straight threw it, smiling and brushing it off; you saw him as just another person and that moment, he began to dream that maybe he could be just that.
your ability to stand by and cheer him on through everything furthered the chaos on his mind, something he kept from you the best he could. you supported him through the challengers and dangers that came with being a hero and at the end of the day, you greeted him the same way and welcomed him home, letting him shed the skin of 'hawks' and live just a few hours as himself. you brought him solace, anchoring him to reality as he battled having a double life. time passed, though, and he could only handle it alone for so long before realizing he couldn't just ignore the growing desire to have a normal life.. he just knew he had responsibilities that he couldn't simply walk away from. they wouldn't let him.
he battled with the secrets, the lies, his past, your safety.. all of it was becoming too much.
after one rather harsh mission that left you both a little shaky, keigo found himself staring out the window, the evening sky bleeding into night and his bones aching beneath skin and muscle. that didn't matter though. you sat beside him, quiet, and giving him the space to relax, just content to have him home.
'this.. i love this,' he finally spoke, voice holding the softest tinge of regret, and followed by a sigh. 'being here with you, so close, it's everything i've ever wanted.' he couldn't deny his enjoyment of his career but truly, nothing beat getting to sink next to you and not think anymore.
you squeezed his hand, silent encouragement for him to continue, curious where his thoughts had fallen.
'but..' keigo shifted, words having heavy in the air as a frown ghosted over his features. 'they don't like it.. this isn't the life i'm supposed to be living. they're call it a liability and.. well, that puts you in danger.'
understanding the concern, you were growing afraid of where the conversation was headed. 'it's not like i didn't know the risks when i agreed to be with you.. i love you, regardless of the danger, you know that.' that felt to easy to you, tightening your hold on his hand.
the blond tipped his head to look at you, tired and a little overwhelmed, 'and i love you, too, more than anything.'
you frowned. 'but..'
his shoulders slumped and he squeezed your hand. 'but,' he repeated, 'am i being selfish? risking your safety just for a few hours of being normal, it's not fair to you.'
immediately, you began shaking your head, firm with how you chose to respond. 'Keigo, you listen to me. this isn't just about you or what you want - it's about us, isn't it? i chose to be with you because i love you and i trust you; because i fully believe in you. so what, with you or not.. i'd be facing risks every day with the world we live in. i'd rather face those risks with you.'
he swallowed hard, eyebrows briefly pulling together. 'that's what scares me. you're willingness to put yourself in this position.' he didn't like admitting it but he had no choice, feeling backed into a corner with the world around him, making his choices for him. 'it's something so.. real.'
it took a moment for you not to chuckle, knowing it would earn you a look you didn't need, and reached to cup his face, thumbs brushing gingerly at his features. 'we will face whatever comes out way together. i'm not going anywhere.'
his eyes slipped shut, leaning towards the warmth of your touch. 'i know,' he mumbled, tone making it obvious just how low he felt. 'just.. i need to figure it out, how to keep you safe.. how to make all of this work.'
'and we will.' you smiled, leaning up to press a lingering kiss to his forehead, 'if we aren't facing them together.. well, that's not real love.'
he didn't respond, just pulled you closer, finding solace in your words and presence. keigo knew that with you, he'd already found a home, nothing else mattered - he just needed to keep that safe.
✧*̥˚ another small drabble but with spice *̥˚✧
tension was an awful thing and it hung thick in the apartment as you and keigo as he paced, his demeanor fractured in frustration and agitation. you sat, silent, watching him with concern, knowing full well that his outburst didn't come from something so surface level. his deep-rooted fear of losing you, your safety, it was getting to him.
'kei..' you pleaded barely above a whisper, breaking the silence. 'i get that you're concerned, and i unde--'
keigo turned on his heel to face you, the expression he held so intense that you were a little surprised. 'but nothing!' he hadn't even realized he raised his voice. 'do you understand what could happen..? what could happen to you just because you're with me? what they could do to you?'
you were honestly a little confused; you weren't sure if he was speaking on the topic of the commission or villains anymore but you brushed that aside. his words cut deep, the fear and desperation as his hands clenched into fists at his sides. it made your heart weep to see him in such a pent up state and as you stood, you thought carefully over what you were going to say.
'i know it's dangerous. i know.. we have things coming at us from more than one side,' you began, keeping your voice as steady as you could manage, trying not to let your own whirlwind of emotions make things worse. 'but, i can't just walk away.'
he shook his head, jaw clenching for a second. 'i'm not asking you to walk away, i'd rather be on my knees begging you not to,' he said, his voice becoming softer. 'what you don't understand is .. is i don't know what i would do if something happened to you. i need you to be careful. i need you to stay safe.'
'i am careful. i'm always careful,' you frowned, 'i know how to take care of myself. did you forget that? i made it how long before i met you?'
closing his eyes, he shifted his weight and took a moment to collect himself, struggling to rein in emotions that felt like he no longer had control over. when he finally spoke, you could hear the regret laced within the words. 'i know you do. it just scares me to think i could lose you.. because of me.'
you hated the way tears welled up, the weight of his words settling heavy on your shoulders and you weren't sure what to say. reaching out for his hand, you held onto it tightly.
'i love you.' your voice trembled and you took in a soft breath. 'i'm not going anywhere.. and i'll fight tooth and nail if something ever happens. but, i need you to trust me as much as i trust you.'
looking down at your hands, then up to you, keigo's gaze softened. 'i do trust you. it's hard.'
'i know.' carefully pulling him into a tight, comforting embrace, you took in a deep breath to keep from falling apart. 'we'll figure it out. we always do.'
✧*̥˚ thoughts *̥˚✧
as impossible as hawks would think it was.. i don't think he'd ever be with someone who agreed with him - because he needs someone by his side that is willing to fight for him and face the world with him. maybe a completely normal life wouldn't be something he could have, not with his quirk, but his s/o would do everything in their abilities to give him as many normal moments of they could.
hawks would grasp on to every single moment he could - despite the worries and concerns. however, if she were in danger.. i think he would probably shut down. he's very rational, very logical - he knows it's possible but if it actually happened? i don't think he would be able to handle the way he felt.
so, let's go into some hcs about her getting hurt - and i'm breaking this down, outside of a scenario, for the simple fact i don't have a scene base.
✧*̥˚ if his s/o actually got hurt *̥˚✧
let's start off with his initial reaction because not a single person could look at me and say he wouldn't feel guilty; he'd feel like his entire world just shattered to pieces. everything they'd talked about, fought about - it had become reality. he would be overwhelmed and probably angry with himself about not being able to protect her, thinking over and questioning every single little choice he'd made that lead to not being there for her. he would blame himself. if this happened, say.. like during the mla arc and she was a casualty, i think he'd become very.. how to say, merciless with whoever he was against, because he'd be fueled by the racing thoughts of; is she alive? is she okay? does she hate me? i failed her.
not a single thing would matter to him until he got to see her and the moment he learned where she was, he was off - almost begrudgingly finishing what he needed to, first. he's probably not in the best shape and he doesn't give a single shit about anyone around him - he just needs to get to her. he would be so desperate to find her, words almost not coherent as he asked around the staff.
it would take everything in him not to be on his knees the moment he saw her in a hospital bed, feeling like he didn't even deserve to be called a hero when he couldn't save the one person he truly loved. however, i will say, he's not going anywhere. he would be by her side, barely sleeping or eating, ignoring others, refusing to leave until she was leaving with him - he would be reluctant to have his own injuries looked at because they didn't matter. those around him, they wouldn't recognize him - the hawks sitting beside her bedside was someone that no one else knew. the tears, the cursing; he was in pain and struggling with heart ache just being there.
as he sat there, holding her hand, he'd be left with his thoughts and let's be honest.. hawks is not a character that should be left with endless time alone with his thoughts. doesn't matter the topic. his confidence would be broken. his own self worth would be trash. hawks already has moments of believing he isn't worth a grain of salt but he'd be so caved in that he would doubt his ability to be a hero, a partner, a human being. in his mind, even being a hero that's supposed to keep countless people safe, he would have failed his most important role.
as she began to recover, hawks would slowly sink into a world of contemplation on what to do when she was out. he'd have done something he thought was even shittier than letting her get injured - he would write out a break up note, because he didn't feel worthy of facing her. she would never see it, he couldn't do that but he debated on if no longer being connected to her would help; maybe it was the only way to keep her safe. he would tell her this and it would be a very heavy, very draining conversation and he would feel like absolute shit for putting her through something so emotionally and mentally exhausting after what she'd been through but.. he would be a little relieved when she lightly hit the back of his head and told him to stop thinking that way.
hawks would walk away from this with even more determination to be better; to be a better partner, hero, etc. he'd become even more vigilant and serious, needing to do what he could to make sure she never ended up hurt again. even though she reminded him that he couldn't always be there and things happened - he would still do his damndest.
even if his lover could bounce back and reassure him, i think a situation like this would honestly be pretty traumatic for him. he already struggles with guilt and regret and that would just deepen - it would be something he would bring up every blue moon, needing to vent and hide away with her for a day or two just to deal with the thoughts and feelings that came with them. because of her, ignoring the AFO quirk situation, he would accept that.. things couldn't be perfect, couldn't be as simple and normal as he wanted.. but he would just have to make due with what she made normal for him, and he'd be happy with that. he would still think about it.. dream of a home, peace.. and he would hold onto hope that one day he could have that but until that day, he would work with it and just be happy to have someone who cherished him so much.
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xdjville · 7 months
wayv and their own love languages
pairing: wayv x gn!reader
cw: mentions of sex in winwin's (only in words, no descriptions), yangyang (half)jokingly being a hater in xiaojun's, proof read but i'm tired
author's note: i had to physically stop myself from getting carried away with kun's so it wouldn't end up twice as long as the others man i love him
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quality time
if it wasn't for kun being so busy, he would literally be glued to you at the hip. only with you around he's able to truly relax, you're like a power outlet that he can use to charge his battery. what you're doing doesn't really matter to him that much, he will enjoy anything as long as you're there, but the slow, quiet moments when you're both in your own worlds have to be the ones he cherishes the most. of course, he loves going out with you and having a blast too, but something about those occasions brings him a sense of domesticity and really lets him unwind. like when you're both in his studio - him at the desk, composing or working on lyrics, while you're on the couch in the back with your laptop, focused on your own tasks, the silence being broken only the few times that kun asks about your opinion on whatever he came up with, or when you stand up to get a drink and place a kiss on his cheek as you walk by. or it could be him cooking dinner for the two of you, showing off his skills as you sit on the counter, humming quietly to his playlist playing in the background. every now and then he'd turn around to give you a piece of the food he's making for a taste test, repaying each good idea of how to improve the dish with a kiss.
thinking about you
ten is pretty much thinking about you every second that he's awake (and sometimes in his dreams, too), he's never not thinking about you. he often gets reminded of you by random things, whether because he thinks there's a visual resemblance (he then usually sends you a photo and a "you lol"), because it's something you like, or because it's somehow connected to a shared memory of yours. he brings you up in conversations a lot too, to the point where some of his friends seem to know you quite well without having actually met you. when he's travelling, he always takes many photos to send you along with voice messages about how his day went, and buys souvenirs or little trinkets to gift you when he's back. on the rare occasion when he's grocery shopping on his own, he makes it his mission to find all of your favorite snacks, which more often than not gets him distracted from the list you had put together for him, so you end up with a bunch of candy and no dinner (which is exactly why him shopping alone is a rare occurance). he also really likes putting together playlists with songs that remind him of you, some of them he'll send and give you access to, but there's also a few he made private which he listens to on days when the longing feels worse than usual.
"i love you"
to most, it might seem like not that big of a deal, but to winwin those three words hold more meaning than all other existing ones combined. a meaning that's so important and valuable, binding even, that he uses them carefully and scarcelly in order to not abuse them. for most of his life they were reserved only for the closest family members, then, although in a different sense, also for his fans. saying them romantically for the first time was a whole new sesantion to him, and to be honest it still feels a bit foreign and uncomfortable. not because he doesn't love you, that he sure does and he makes sure to show that in other ways, but actually saying it out loud just makes him feel so bare and out in the open. hence his "i love you"s are usually muttered into the crook of your neck when you're pressed together after making love, breathed against your lips when he breaks the kiss only for a second so you can't see his face gaining more color than it already had, or whispered into your ear as he gently strokes the back of your head, your tears soaking into his sweater.
xiaojun doesn't really do this purposefully, as a way to show his affection, it's just that the concept of "mine" and "yours" genuinely doesn't exist in his mind when it comes to you. want a bite of his food? it's yours as much as it's his. out of moisturiser? you probably use the same brand anyways. really like that one hoodie of his? might as well have been yours in the first place. he never expects the same behavior in return, he's totally fine if you value your privacy and he makes sure that you understand each other's boundaries, but he never lets go of that "what's mine is yours" mindset either way. xiaojun really enjoys showing you off ("shoving your relationship into people's faces", as one german boy likes to call it), so you wearing his clothes or jewelry is his absolute favorite thing ever. he then stares at you with heart-shaped, sparkly eyes, a wide, lovesick grin on his face, and the tips of his ears burning red (to the german boy's disgust).
being vulnerable with you
very few people get to see the other side of hendery than the cheerful, quirky self that he usually is. the side that's exhausted and afraid, that pains and ugly cries. a lot of doors have to opened to reach it, but he trusts you more than anything and anyone, ever. he doesn't think he could be any more real and unfiltered as he is with you, it's almost like it's more comfortable than when he's all alone. when you're there, he can just let everything go and express his feelings in a way that's most true to himself, without faking or conceiling anything. all those nights he spent crying because of his past, present, and future, because of his fears and scars and sorrows, you've been there for him. and although in the morning when you're tangled in your sheets with puffy faces and dry skin either of you knows better than to mention whatever was said that night, he's truly, deeply grateful, and each time he makes a promise to himself that one day he'll tell you that.
yangyang's nothing if not a kiss person. it's his favorite thing in the whole world, to be able to just connect your lips until he forgets his own name because yours is all he can think about. little pecks, french kisses, make out sessions, spiderman kisses - you name it, he loves all of them and they're all his favorites, as long as it's you who's on the other end. you often try to push him away because you just ate something with garlic, or because you have yet to brush your teeth in the morning, but none of that really matters to him. in fact, he cherishes every sensation that comes with it, be it a taste of what you ate, the feeling of your dry lips when you forget to put on chapstick, or a string of saliva that keeps you connected after you pull away - god, that one makes him go weak in the knees. he especially likes when you take the initiative, it makes him feel loved and all warm inside (he would never admit that though). and if you lead the kiss, maybe a bit riled up from something happening at work or because you've missed him? oh, he's a goner.
#taglist ➼♡ @bambisnc
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totalbrainr0t777 · 7 months
Tenya Iida SFW alphabet
༺♡༻AUTHORS / NOTE : I just wanted to start a new series, and alphabets are simple and I love doing them, requests are open!༺♡༻
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Tenya is in affectionate guy, in the comfort of your own home. PDA is a soft no, as much as he loves you, he'd rather show his affections at home, where he knows no one is watching. It makes him anxious letting his guard down in public.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Iida was originally afraid to talk to you because he found you so out of his league he had no point in trying. When he did finally talk to you, he was the most attentive and responsible friend you could've asked for. He made an effort to include you, he made sure you got to your room safe, he made sure you were okay. Tenya was your biggest cheerleader
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cuddles are Tenya's guilty pleasure. He won't admit it because he feels it makes him childish and makes him feel small (that's one of his biggest worries, not being strong enough for you). His dream afternoon is you and him, limbs tangled on the couch, and watching a movie. He could care less about the movie, he just wants to watch your face light up with intrigue at the movie, maybe hug you a little tighter when it gets scarier.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Iida isn't the best cook, but he could clean for the olympics. Seriously, that guy is meticulous. Every book on his book shelf is categorised by its dewey number as per the dewey decimal system. Everything in the common room is organised time and time again (Until kirishima and kaminari are in the room). Settling down with you is something constantly on his mind, as he knows you're the love of his life.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
A calm, respectful conversation. Quiet and without any fuss, like Iida himself. He's never liked making a fuss, why would this be any difference? Breaking up with him would kill him inside but he knows sometimes it's just for the best.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment has always been an issue for Tenya in a relationship context, he constantly thinks he's going to get hurt. People also aren't his thing, he prefers to be dominant and lead but that isn't how a relationship works, so he is thrown out of his comfort zone. Still, he would want marriage relatively quickly, within a couple years. Marriage is something he knows he's wanted since he met you but wouldn't know how to communicate it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Iida comes across as blunt, however as you get to know him, you realise he genuinely can't help it. He, physically, is the most gentle there is, you're treated like glass that could break in a second. He tries desperately not to hurt your feelings, or to upset you in any way really.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
As stated in the cuddles section, he loves hugs, in private. He likes to hug you tight, so he can protect you, he doesn't hug you too often though.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
The L word isn't used lightly in the Iida household, and tenya has always had to work for his I love yous. Luckily for you, you gave him the safe space for him to admit how he feels about you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Tenya is very territorial, that applies to you too. He loves you with all his heart and getting you stolen away isn't an option, he will do anything to make sure that doesn't happen. In public, you're glued to his side, everyone knows you and him are together.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Iida is a tender and gentle kisser, but his kisses are still passionate. He loves kissing your lips but kissing your forehead is one of his favourite things to do. He loves how your face lights up when he does it too. Being an old fashioned guy, he likes kisses on the lips but his heart pounds like crazy when you kiss his neck, or even his cheek.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Tenya isn't good around children, they're out of his control so they make him feel weird. He would love to have children but currently, he wouldn't be ready at all
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are spent with him cuddling you in bed as long as possible, then making you cereal. Or anything you want really, he'll find out how to make it perfectly, he loves to just get up and do things but lazing in bed with you is just as good in his eyes
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are spent with him worrying about making sure he has everything for the start of the next day. School day or not. Afterwards though, he gets in bed (at 9, 9.30 on weekends) and falls asleep with you curled up in his arms.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Tenya isn't a very open person, talking about himself is hard because the few things he values most are mainly educational and he doesn't want to bother you with that, but over time he'll cave and tell you things personally about him.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He can have a lot of patience in the right situation but a lot of little things can really get him all worked up and overstimulate him. He'd never raise his voice at you, or get annoyed at you, unless he needed to.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He has a notebook dedicated to just you. Things you like, things you don't, things you want to do, he doesn't care. Tenya just wants to make sure he treats you like royalty, like you deserve. He constantly spoils you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time you made him cry. Not because he was sad, but because your love overwhelmed him. You were in his room, talking, and you just told him how much you love him. And he burst into tears. But you cradled him in your arms, until you both fell asleep.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He would do anything in his power to protect you, to make you feel safe, no matter what. Whether it's something as small as walking to your dorm room or something as big and being your bodyguard, he wouldn't care regardless, he just wants you to be safe. He doesn't believe you should protect him, because he's the protector.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He makes you feel worshipped, like a deity on special occasions, anniversaries, etc. Even in everyday, he treats you like the only person on earth. Gifts have to be sentimental and expensive for them to be acceptable for you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
How little he regards his own safety when it comes to you. It really upsets you how much he disregards himself for you. He doesn't see an issue with it because he sees himself as a provider, but it constantly gets on your nerves.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
His looks don't matter to him at all. Soul and mind counts miles more to Iida.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Without you, he feels bare. You make everything better for him, even something as mundane as class, he just needs you there.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Tenya has a stuffed animal (a bunny) he got from Tensei when he was born and he keeps it hidden but he trusts you enough for you to see it.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Trying to make him jealous. It just makes him think that you don't feel loved, it's his biggest pet hate in the whole world. He feels he loves you enough, to try and make him jealous just feels like a slap in the face.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Tenya hugs anything in immediate vicinity to him, pillows, blankets, you. He can't help it, he just doesn't feel comfy without something to hug.
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littleboyblue1 · 7 months
I Do
Had the idea of Jake being the greatest guy ever. Decided to write that out, kind of. Anyways.
warnings: p in v, oral (f receiving), talks of marriage, no y/n, but 'Mrs. Lockley' is said, nothing else I can think of
Jake Lockley was a lot different than most guys you'd dated. He was, as your friends often said, 'husband material'. He certainly would've been if it weren't for the frequent days of no contact, and the fact that he was very secretive. But then he explained it, and he was perfect again. Suddenly, it was nonstop texting, and not a single secret.
Marc and Steven were amazing, but there was always something more with Jake. You liked him most. He was your first of the three after all. And, even though you'd never say it out loud, he provided a much more normal life than the others. He liked domesticity, and it made it feel like a marriage between you two, and just dating Marc and Steven. Which was just fine, it didn't change anything.
But because of that difference, Jake was the guy your friends, coworkers, and family knew. You told your family after a while, but it was still mostly Jake they saw. The others, well, you'd explain it if you had to.
Jake also thoroughly enjoys being your 'arm candy'. Your boss had called him that when they'd first met at a dinner, and Jake would not let it go. No matter how much you and the others teased him, he liked it. So much so that he would beg the other guys to let him be the one that goes to your work events. They always said yes.
Tonight, he seemed extra eager. He showered and dressed, then you'd told him he was three hours early. "That's okay. I'll just watch you get ready then," he'd replied. You wondered if he'd done it on purpose.
He isn't a 'take showers together' guy, but he does enjoy sitting on the counter talking to you. Not every time you shower, just when he feels particularly talkative. So, he sat on the counter, talking about his day.
"I don't mind it really. I just hate working with people," he explained. He'd often go to work for Steven, purely because he preferred to front for long periods of time these days.
You laughed. "You could always just let Steven go in, baby." Jake huffed loudly. "I know. But it would relieve the stress."
He handed you your towel as you stepped out. His head rested agains the mirror. "Yeah. But no." You laughed again. "Want your hair thing?" You nodded, and he dug around for your hair towel while continuing. "Sometimes I think we should just tell them. Maybe they'd let us skip, and I could do something I like."
"I don't think - thanks - think it's a bad idea. It might make things easier on all of you."
He followed you into your room. You talked the idea over while you finished getting ready. When you finished, he went to the closet and picked out shoes for you, then delicately put them on. You wondered if he even realized he did stuff like that. It was like second nature to him.
Jake left for a second to get drinks, and your friend Alexa leaned in. "Seriously, where did you buy that man!? she asked. You laughed.
"Got lucky."
"You may be the luckiest woman on Earth."
"Tell me about it." You turned to see him. He was chatting some guy up at the bar. Even from a distance, he was hot. He saw you and waved. You returned the favor, then turned back to Alexa. "I worry I'll wake up, and he'll just be a dream."
She sighed dreamily. "If he is, mind telling me your night routine?" The two of you laughed until Jake got back.
He placed the drinks down for all three of you, then held a hand out. "Come on," he nodded towards the dance floor, "This is our song." You couldn't help but giggle as you stood. It certainly wasn't 'your' song, but it was a nice song, and Jake liked dancing.
He was a good dancer too. You could stand there stiff as a board, and he'd wheel you around perfectly. No one would even notice if he was the only one dancing. But you'd learned for him anyways, and the two of you were a well-oiled dancing machine.
"You've got a very nice dress, miss," he whispered in your ear. As he leaned back up, you caught him staring straight down the front.
"Charming as always."
He cracked a smile at you. "Can't help it. I see a pretty lady, I have to look."
"Is that so?" You weren't upset, but you tried to force your voice to sound like you were.
He nodded. "Just seems like there's a lot less pretty women these days. About 4 years ago, there was only one pretty woman left on earth. Confused the hell out of me." He was smiling a big, cheesy smile. You couldn't help but laugh at him.
"You're a dork."
When the song ended, he led you back to the table. He casually draped an arm over your shoulders. You were warm, but you didn't mind.
The rest of the night went by quickly with dances, drinks, and boring work conversations. When you got home, you were both a little tipsy, and Jake was spinning and dipping you all the way back to the flat.
Your old neighbor smiled and waved at the two of you. You giggled and waved back. "You've got a very pretty wife," she said to Jake. You waved her off, smiling wide.
Jake smiled even wider. "Yes, I do." You liked the title 'wife', even if he was only agreeing because it was easier to just agree.
Jake let you in, spinning you onto the couch. He dropped his jacket on the floor, then fell to his knees at your feet. As he undid your shoes, he placed kisses all over your calves. He was mostly kissing - you could feel his fingers fumbling with the straps.
When he finally got them off, you pulled him to you by his cheeks. "You looked so handsome tonight, baby," you whispered. His cheeks got a little pinker.
"So did you."
You giggled, pulling him in for a kiss. When he pulled away, he stroked a thumb on your bottom lip. "My wife. Could you imagine?" He stared into your eyes with an intensity that could melt you.
A smile tugged at your lips. "Mrs. Lockley. How's-"
He cut you off. "Fuck, say that again."
"Mrs. Lockley." You could've sworn his eyes became just pupil. He pulled you in hard enough your teeth knocked together lightly. It would've been off putting if it weren't for the fact that he was leaning back down to sit on his feet.
He pulled away breathless. "Take it off." You obeyed, discarding the dress quickly. You hadn't worn anything special, just the underwear on the top of the pile and a clean bra, but he sighed anyway. "God, how did I ever get so lucky?"
Jake took your undergarments off, tossing them somewhere behind you. He dropped his head against your breasts, kissing the tops before moving down to your nipples. He worshiped them for a moment, then started moving down again.
He left a trail of kisses down until he was where you needed him. "One more time, baby. Say it again."
"Mrs. Lockley?" You assumed that's what he wanted to hear.
You must've been right, because he pulled your legs so he could be in a better position, then began nearly devouring you. The moans that escaped you were beyond pornographic. You dropped a hand to his curls, changing between pushing him into yourself more and pulling his hair.
Each tug pulled a groan from him, sending vibrations through you. Suddenly, he lifted his head and started using his fingers. You had to force yourself to keep your eyes open.
His stubble glistened, and he truly had very little brown left in his eyes. "I like that name, baby. Mrs. Lockley."
"You don't say?" He did something that made you gasp loudly. "Fuck, Jake, that feels so good." He dropped his head back down and used his tongue and fingers to bring you to your climax.
He licked and kissed until you had to push him off to escape the overstimulation. He moved slowly back up you, dropping a wet kiss on your lips. "Come on." He lifted you, bringing you to your bed.
Jake undressed himself quickly. You gave him a look over. His chest was beautiful, sculpted by the gods themselves - almost literally. His abs were toned in a way that could drive a woman feral. The happy trail they'd been growing was enough to make you get off the bed and fall to your knees.
"No, baby. Just want you." He looked down with pleading eyes. How could you be so cruel as to deny him? You got back on the bed, and he pushed you to lie down. "I love you."
"I lo- holy fuck." You moaned out as he pushed into you. He gave no time for adjustments, beginning his pace immediately. Not fast, but not slow either. "I love you too, baby."
You brushed a curl from his face, then pulled him down for a kiss. He sped up, and you arched up into him. Jake groaned into the kiss, then dropped his head down to the crook of your neck.
As he continued speeding up, you held onto his back for dear life. He didn't like when you scratched him, so you had to settle for squeezing his muscles for support. He moved down to kiss your chest. His lips wrapping around your nipple made another loud moan leave you.
"You can scratch, it's okay," he muttered out. It was a sweet gesture, but you knew he didn't like it.
You dropped a hand into his hair, tugging at the strands instead. You began moaning together, and as his thrusts became quicker, you could feel the coil in your stomach tighten. "What'd you say? Wanna be Mrs. Lockley?" he asked suddenly, pulling away from your tits to smile down at you.
"Yeah, I'll be Mrs. Lockley."
The look on his face was enough to bring you to your climax. He came at the same time, and you rode out your highs together. After a few slow movements, he laid you on top of him, still inside of you. A soft smile brightened his features. "Really mean it?"
"I do."
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duckwithablog · 2 years
Hello there!! Can i headcanons for Red son, Nezha, Sun Wukong and Macaque with their fem s/o who is acting like a house wife + she's good taking care or babysit children
Hello!! Hope you like this one!!
Red Son, Nezha, Wukong and Macaque x fem! housewife! reader
Red Son
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I don't think he realizes what you're doing, at first. Like, he'd try to insist that you leave all the cleaning and cooking to the bull clones
They keep saying "You are the lover of the Prince of the Demon Bull King family, which makes you the Princess! Please, dear, leave the cleaning and such to the bots."
If you keep insisting though, he'll give in and let you what you want. He actually tries to help you out with some chores! You guys both wash the dishes and cook meals together :]
Firmly believes that she shouldn't just let you do all the hard work by yourself. You're his beloved! If you want to become their housewife, then he will become your househusband. That's how a relationship is supposed to work, right? Both parties have to do their own share of work!
So now you got a Malewife Red Son. Congrats!!
Sometimes he sees you babysit some kids and even babying some of the bull clones they made, and she has to calm himself down before their hair torches the ceiling
Red Son is sort of a romantic, and daydreams sometimes on what having a family with you is like... So seeing you be so gentle with children fuels those fantasies a whole lot
Be prepared for a marriage proposal in the near future!!
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Nezha is literally the God of Children. So if he ever sees you being so gentle with kids, he'll be so touched before joining you
Nezha never really thought about marriage or having kids of his own, so whenever he sees you act all motherly with children or acting like a housewife his face gets red
Accidentally referred to you as his wife once and got so embarrassed afterwards. Please don't bring it up he'll literally collapse /j
Has actually thought of doing those traditional chinese marriages with you if you guys ever do get married. He brings up the topic of marriage once to gouge out your reaction so he can see how you feel about it
Nezha starts to warm up to the concept of you being a housewife after a while, but that doesn't mean he'll leave all the work to you!
There's not much to do living with him anyway. He already cleans his own things and makes his own meals, so at best you only make food whenever he's tired and clean stuff he forgot to clean
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Oh, he loves it. He loves the fact that you act like his housewife so much, that bastard
He can't cook for shit, so you often make meals for him. He tries to help you out, but I think it's best if he just stays as a cooking assistant for now-
I don't think he eats anything other than peaches in his mountain, so make sure to give him a variety of food in his meals! He would be so grateful. He'd literally eat anything you make and say that it tastes better than the peaches of immortality
Wukong is also very messy. Please tell him to pick up after himself or else you're gonna be cleaning so much stuff
Believe it or not, your housewife actions actually influence him a bit! He gets you a bunch of ingredients from over the world, even mythical ones! Fully encourages your cooking and cleaning habits by gifting you things like that
The baby monkeys love you so much. So much that he told you he thinks they love you more than they love him
He doesn't mind, he agrees with them to be honest lmao
I don't think he cares much for starting a family/getting married, since you guys practically act married already! But if you want things to get official, then he'll gladly oblige
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Isn't used to people taking care of him. Whenever he wakes up to you cooking a meal just for him and cleaning up the dojo, he gets so touched that he doesn't know what to say
Mac really likes it when you act like a housewife. He loves the domestic vibes he gets when he sees you cook or clean early in the morning. Living a peaceful and loving life with you is like, his biggest dream
He wants to pay you back for all your hard work, somehow. Says a whole lot of 'thank you's and 'Aw, for me?'s, but internally he's racking his brain for any possible way to give you the same amount of love you give him
You tell him it isn't necessary, but he just really wants to show you how much he loves you! So he gives you little gifts, like an apron or some suggesting some food recipes you guys could make together
Isn't that big of a family guy, I think. He knows you babysit kids, but he stays out of the way most of the time because he thinks he might scare them. That all changes once the Hostess comes over and you guys immediately bond
It's only after hanging out with you and the hostess is that he realizes how much he'd love having a life of quiet with you. Just you and him, maybe some kids, living peacefully in a house somewhere. He brings it up to you someday, to see what you think about it, before agreeing on something
He's engaged now :]] Mac is doing mental fist pumps whenever he sees you with the ring on your finger
Hope this was good!! I actually like the way I characterized Red Son here. Nezha's was pretty short, but that's mostly because I don't know his character all that well. This was super fun to write!
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 3 months
Dean Winchester SFW Alphabet
Summary: SFW Alphabet for Dean Winchester
TW/CW: Dean Winchester x Reader 
Requested?: Nope
Word Count: 2,331
A/N: This mah baby, and ain't nobody finna touch him! Anyways, I'm writing off the assumption that reader is also an experienced hunter. If you'd like me to do one where they're not, just lmk. 
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A - Affection: (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) 
- Dean struggles with affection. In the deepest parts of his soul, he wants to shower you in every ounce of affection that he can. However, he's scared that if he does, he'll overwhelm you or scare you off so instead he shows affection in small, special ways.  
B - Best friend: (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) 
- Dean is one hoot of a best friend. There's never a boring moment with him and he is ALWAYS there when you need him even if you don't ask for his help. Loyal to the end and right by your side through thick and thin. 
C - Cuddles: (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) 
- Dean only cuddles behind closed doors. Somedays, he'll wrap you in his arms and hold you close to his chest. Others, he crawls into bed beside you and buries his face in your chest to be held.  
D - Domestic: (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) 
- Oh, how he wishes the two of you could settle down but he knows that you two aren't cut out for the apple pie life. He's a fantastic cook and he tries to help clean but somehow the normally skilled and balanced hunter is such a clueless clutz when it comes to cleaning. You once walked in on him trying to figure out how to sweep a dirt pile into a dustpan and you couldn't help but giggle as he repeatedly dropped the broom before finally giving up and using his hand to sweep the dirt into the pan. 
E - Ending: (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) 
- Dean would never even consider breaking up with you. You're his everything. The only way the two of you are parting ways is if you make that move. If you do decide to break up with him, he does his best to understand and let you go but damn it hurts him so much. He always wants what is best for you and if he thinks you don't think he's best for you then so be it. 
F - Fiancé(e): (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) 
- Dean has always thought that if given the chance to make you his wife, he'd take it. However, he's not going to make the first move and if the two of you head in that direction, then he's going to make sure you have everything you ever dreamed of for your engagement and wedding. 
G - Gentle: (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) 
- As for day-to-day interactions with Dean, he's always gentle. Physically, he holds you carefully and touches you softly. Emotionally, he chooses his words carefully and always listens intently. However, that being said, if you ever willingly or unwillingly out yourself in harm's way his words get loud and blunt. He never hurts you physically but he does yell out every bit of his frustration. Once he's gotten it off his chest, he always apologizes for raising his voice at you and the two of you calmly talk it out 
H - Hugs: (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
- Dean LOVES hugs but he doesn't always ask for them. Over the years, you learn how to tell when he needs a good hug. He will always give you a hug before the two of you part ways with a kiss on your forehead. His hugs vary. If he's hugging you, it's a warm, firm, and solid hug where all you can see, hear, or smell is him. If you're hugging him without him asking, he'll sling his arms loosely around your waist and bury his face in your chest or neck. It's more of a gentle and relaxed hug. 
I - I love you: (How fast do they say the L-word?) 
- The first time Dean said the L-word was because you got hurt protecting him on a hunt. As soon as the threat was eliminated and the car door shut, he went off. He insisted you never pull a stunt like that again and said he couldn't stand the thought of you getting hurt because of him among other things. When he finally got it all out of his system, he dropped his head into his hands and mumbled under his breath. You asked him to repeat what he mumbled and he looked up to look you dead in the eyes to say, "I love you, damn it." 
J - Jealousy: (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) 
- Dean hides his jealousy with cockiness. When he gets jealous, he struts up to wrap his arms securely around your waist and bury his face in your neck. He'll give the person a good "nice try" look and stand his ground, not letting you go for a second. 
K - Kisses: (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) 
- After time apart, they're intense. Teeth clashing and holding onto you for dear life. Your average every day kisses are gentler and purposeful. His favorite place to kiss you is your forehead.  
- Every time the two of you part ways he kisses your forehead. Sometimes when you're just sitting there minding your own business reading research or whatever, he quickly places a kiss on your forehead and ruffles your hair. Even when he gets up to go to the bathroom, he plants a sweet kiss to your hairline. 
- He loves when you kiss his boo boos and make them better. He can't understand or explain it but butterflies erupt in his stomach and face gets warm when you press a gentle kiss to an injury you just got done cleaning and bandaging. 
L - Little ones: (How are they around children?) 
- Dean is good at entertaining babies but not so great at taking care of them. Hand him a baby with a diaper full and he's gonna stare it with his nose scrunched up unsure of where to even start but if you task him with watching a baby, he's gently bouncing it around or handing it toys to inspect or playing peek a boo like a pro. As for older kids, it's the opposite. He raised Sammy for crying out loud. He knows how to take care of a kid that can walk and talk but for the life him can't figure out how to keep them entertained or have a conversation with them. 
M - Morning: (How are mornings spent with them?) 
- Rarely, Dean is up and at 'em before you. You find it hard to escape his iron clad grasp upon waking up yourself. Sometimes you lay there admiring the features of his face and sometimes you fall back asleep but you never leave the bed before he does.  
N - Night: (How are nights spent with them?) 
- Dean always crawls into bed first, arms open and awaiting your presence. Sometimes, the two of you will lay there awake just talking about anything and everything. Sometimes, you crash hard and fast and he's left admiring you as you sleep. Rarely, you get to admire him as he drifts off to dream land. 
O - Open: (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) 
- It took Dean quite a while to reveal his inner workings to you. In fact, he didn't say anything at all at first, simply showed you. He took the mask off with you for short bursts of time, slowly working up to not wearing the mask at all with you. There were a few times when he fully vented or explained things to you but for the most part, he simply showed you. 
P - Patience: (How easily angered are they?) 
- He's always patient with you. Even when you made Baby stall as he tried to teach you how to drive stick shift, he kept his calm. He's not usually quick to anger with other people unless they're having a negative impact on your well-being. 
Q - Quizzes: (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) 
- Every. Little. Detail. If there was a trivia game show about you, he'd take first place easily, even if you were also playing. Sometimes he remembers something you said when you don't even remember saying it. 
R - Remember: (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) 
- He'll never forget the night you dragged him and Sammy both to their separate bedrooms because the two were locked in on researching some end of the world bullshit. Your giggles at their "ow ow ow"-ing were adorable and the fact that you told them both that if they didn't get some sleep you were going to kick them in their "baby makers" just made him realize how much you care about them both. Sammy even tried to sneak past your's and Dean's room but you got up out of bed and dragged him back to his own. 
S - Security: (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) 
- Hella protective of you. He's your secret service. He's your knight in shining armor. He knows you can take care of yourself but why should you have to when he can do it? He always puts himself between you and danger. 
- He doesn't like the idea of you putting yourself in danger to protect him. However, he also knows you're going to do it anyway but that doesn't mean he won't give you an earful for it later. On the other hand, sometimes Dean crawls into your lap and buries into your chest just to shut the world out. That's when he feels most protected. 
T - Try: (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) 
- Mans puts more effort into celebrating you and making sure you're happy than he does anything else ever. In fact, the first birthday you had while the two of you were dating threw you off guard. You had completely forgotten it was your birthday, having adapted to it just being another normal day. Dean remembered. He stopped at a random grocery store on y'all's way home from a hunt and when he came out carrying a cake and your favorite snacks you were beyond confused. He hopped in the car and handed everything to you and written across the top of the cake was, "Happy Birthday (Y/N)!" He was bewildered that you were bewildered but he made sure you never forgot your birthday again. 
U - Ugly: (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) 
- He doubts himself far too often. He knows he's a good hunter, there's no doubting that. However, he doubts his ability to keep you safe. He doubts his ability to make you happy. He gets in this headspace where all he can think about is there being someone out there that is way better for you than him and all his baggage. You've figured out how to tell when he's doing this and always reassure him endlessly that he's all you want and more. 
V - Vanity: (How concerned are they with their looks?) 
- He knows he's all that and a bag of chips when it comes to looks but he's not obsessed with himself or making sure he looks good. He doesn't have time to spend staring in the mirror to make sure he looks his best. He showers, shaves, brushes his hair and teeth but that's about it. 
W - Whole: (Would they feel incomplete without you?) 
- Dean feels like he can't breathe when you're away from him. You help him keep his head on straight and make him feel important. Without you, he tends to spiral into a mess. 
X - Xtra: (A random headcanon for them.) 
- Dean keeps a mental list of all your favorite songs. Even if you don't specifically say it is, he knows by the way you sing it at the top of your lungs or bounce around in excitement when it comes on. 
- I don't think this is canon but I also haven't ever paid enough attention to it in the several times I've watched the show. However, it seems fitting for Dean. I think he refuses to sit with his back to the entrance(s) of a room. He keeps all windows in his line of sight as well. (I may or may not be projecting bc I also do this). 
Y - Yuck: (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) 
- Mans HATES sexist douchebags. He makes sure that every hunter he meets knows that you once took down an entire vamp nest by yourself. The civilians are quickly made aware that you run the show and they better not disrespect you. 
Z - Zzz: (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) 
- Dean always sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door. It doesn't matter if you guys are in the bunker or some sketchy motel room. If he wakes up in the middle of the night and you have somehow rolled over to that side, he gently rolls you back over to safety. Also, he almost always ends up sprawled out across the bed, usually at least partially on top of you if not fully covering you. 
More Dean Winchester
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Stranger Danger! [Entry #2]
PAIRING: Dark!Modern!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader [Modern AU]
WORDS: 1,578.
SUMMARY: Moving into a desolate, small-town suburb, you would think the risks of finding yourself in "peril" are close to none. And yet, how could you not have been more wrong...
WARNINGS: mentions of stalking behaviour, mentions of p in v sexual intercourse, Daddy kink, breast-play, mentions of female oral receiving, mentions of male oral receiving, slight innocence kink, belly bulge, breeding kink, mentions of cock-warming/somnophilia, swearing.
A/N - okay so this looks like it'll be 3 (maybe 4 parts) LMAO. hope ya'll enjoy this little mini series xoxox
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Aegon remained honest to his word, dedicated to providing nourishment, security and tender-loving care: he adored you, regardless of your distant, icy outlook towards him.
Often reminiscing the sweet sound of your soft voice, your heart-warming smile, and gentle, fleeting touches.
Eventually, the warm, friendly presence you'd met initially, began to show and a part of you felt comforted by its recurring presence.
Occasionally, Aegon would force a kiss or an embrace, either having you laying your body against his mass, or laying his head in yours, it seemed he only sought for intimacy.
He openly disclosed his ventures and having witnessed that man who entered your home, trying to elaborate on the stranger's intentions and how he would never take advantage of you. It fuelled his own anger, sensing his frustration rise, you instinctively gripped his hand tightly, pleading with Aegon, that the man meant nothing, your feelings inept towards him.
"He could never amount to the man that you are, Aeg. Could never treat me as well as you do, I can see that now."
You could not deny with ease that his beauty remained entrancing and alluring. He did care about you and it showed. Whether it had only been a few days or months you could determine, yet in the endless hours that you had to yourself you contemplated this new reality.
Aegon never struck at you with rage, never caused intentional harm, nor did he intend to according to his remarks he'd often repeat. It was quite the opposite actually...
Mayhaps, he did truly love you.
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He slowly began to entrust you more so, granting you opportunities to join him atop in proper comfort. The house was modest and domesticated, occupied with furniture and accessories, it seemed habitable enough for you both, homily.
"You-You did this all for me, Aeg?"
Meekly nodding to your honest question, Aegon admitted that this house and everything with it, was all for you. Coming forth with his detailed idea of living a cosy life with you, the domesticity of coming home to you, being able to call you his wife, was all that he could envision when he first saw your face, engulfed him: his hopeful dreams eased the lingering fears in your mind and instead, cordially warmed your heart.
He bathed you softly, cooked for you, and even spoiled you with clothes and materialistic gifts of quality jewellery and pleasant fragrances. He treated you grander than most men you'd ever dated.
Aegon had even taken pride in how he presented himself to you. His hair always neatly combed back, his clothes fitted and properly buttoned and tucked. The house was always spotless, when given the chance to see.
You felt yourself slowly easing into the comfort of Aegon's romantic gestures. Engaging with his invitations, you found yourself inclined, insisting on helping him with the cooking, finding delight in hand feeding him yourself, as you begged to sit on Daddy's lap, rubbing at his distended stomach once he was full and glut of delectable meals.
You had convinced yourself that the next step would be intimacy, and that Aegon was patient enough to wait for your approval. You made your attempt to woo Aegon into allowing you to sleep with him in bed, desperate to get out of the dingy basement also.
"It gets so cold and lonely down there, Daddy. Leaving me all on my lonesome, when I would much prefer you to keep me all warm... Please, Daddy Aeg."
It did not take long for Aegon to crack, caving in to your desires without hesitation as his lilac orbs softened at your tame frame.
Holding your hand firmly in his as he guided you upstairs into the master bedroom, it was just as homely and coordinated with the furnishing of the rest of the house.
Crawling atop the bed, your hand still gripping at Aegon's he watched you intently, as you guided one hand beneath your shirt, guiding him to cup at your tender, plump breast. The other, however, ed beneath your skirt, placing his palm across your bare, moist cunt, causing his breath to hitch with utter excitement.
"See what you've done to me, how you make me feel... Daddy needs to fill me up so I can make him proud. Let me make you proud."
Aegon remained silently transfixed onto you solely: the subtle widening look of his eye however, you doubted he had expected this from you, though did not resist to pursue.
"Is Daddy proud of me? Was I a good, good girl?"
"The best girl... My sweet angel."
From that night onwards, Aegon granted you the opportunity to lay with him, soon enough you found yourselves sating each other beyond pleasure, reaching a mutual climax.
Aegon was of a substantial size, boy, girthy and thick, its length not grand though that just above average, it was enough to make you senseless beyond awareness. Painful from the first moment he buried his cock deep inside, your wet walls stretched obediently and desperately, attempting to accommodate for him.
Often you swore you could feel something moving deep within the low pit of your stomach, an evident bulge from within, as he'd ferociously hit and strike at your cervix, an invigoratingly agonising sensation coursing through your body like lightening.
Aegon often enjoyed cockwarming you whenever possible, especially during the nights. The tense and close feeling of your body pressed against his, like a vacuum. Your proximity secured to him, himself attached inside, as your walls naturally clenched around his cock. The act itself provided him a sense of security and relief, that you were there, beside him at all times.
He also relished in the idea of impregnating you: the fact that your seed with his, potent and healthy enough to procreate, to create a family of his own. He yearned for an entire litter: children at your hips, and your belly swollen with more. The mental image burnt into his mind, of you as the mother of his children, the joy it brought him.
Nonetheless, he was discretely intent that you were bound to take him soon enough: in the mean time, you would weep from the deed as pleasurable as it was, pain of his throbbing cock pulsating against your expansed walls. He would tend to you almost out of instinct.
You often also found Aegon atop of you, fucking you as you were asleep, only to wake to his larger figure on top, slow, sensual motions of thrusting himself inside. Occasionally it was his moans and grunts that roused you awake, his hot breath against your skin, he would attempt to lull you back to sleep as he carried on.
"Shh-Shh- My sweet thing, you are tired. Go back to sleep, you need to rest for tomorrow... Daddy's taking care of you, okay? Let Daddy do all the work now, Princess."
Aegon took great pride in his aftercare with you: often running a bath, cleaning you himself, changing the linen, and soothing you till you fell sound asleep, regaining your strength for the next.
During your intimacy with Aegon, he often always initiated and demanded that you ride him from atop, straddling his thighs the feeling of your bare, soaking cunt against his meaty thigh, the skin on skin friction beginning to burn.
He often proclaimed at how mesmerising your tits were, biting and massaging at them. In his after care, he cherished the moments of lathering lotion/oil onto your naked body strewed with fresh, red marks from hickeys to bite marks that he'd caused. Massaging into your skin, as he kissed at each unpleasant sore.
The way your tits would naturally bounce in haste, swaying motions as you rode from atop.
Depending on his mood for the day [if his family tried to intervene and enquire of his whereabouts, distracting him of this new-found life with you]: IF he felt generous enough, he'd often engage in devouring your pussy with his bare mouth driven by his unsettling appetite: his tongue eagerly encircling and lapping at your wetness as he held your legs widely apart, finding him breathless and fervently licking his lips of your copious ooze, pleased with himself.
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One time, he'd felt so much content in seeing you attend to chores as he watched from a modest distance, seeing you play your part so effortlessly as his obedient housewife, that he spoiled you with a solid session of pussy eating, plopping you atop the kitchen counter, having his way at his "entree" he described.
However, on the off days that he'd felt downcast and hostile [mostly post confrontations with his family, returning home seething with anger], he'd demand of you to suck his cock regardless of the house, eager for a release of the tension. The notion of having you adhere and fulfil his every demand, in addition to the physical sensation of the satisfaction earned, was validating enough for Aegon.
He sought and craved validation.
Whether he wished to admit it or not, he desperately sought to vindicate himself as the only man worthy of you. The man his family dreamt of him to be, and the man he knew he could be, and the man he could offer you to be. It was all a mental fight within himself, and you sympathetically yearned for him in that sense.
Aegon only ever wanted to prove himself, and you were the grand prize for his ambitious drive.
general taglist - @evenstaris @bel-bottoms @fan-goddess @malfoytargaryen @ilikeitbetterangsty @bibli0thecary @m1ndbrand @connorsui @elegantsplendour @randomdragonfires @sylas-the-grim @arcielee @s-we-e-t-t-ea @sahvlren @aemondtargaryensrider
Aegon ii taglist - @who-told-you-this-was-butter @f4ll-for-you @amiraisgoingthruit
credit to - @saradika for the headers 🤍
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deathbxnny · 1 year
☆《Returning home to you.》☆
A/N: Alright so, I'm noticing, that I'm getting really burnt out with writing for hsr recently and to keep my mental health from tanking completely, I've decided to write something for my current Chainsaw man obsession as a small break! I hope you guys will like it!<33
Featured characters: Aki, Denji, Power, Makima
Content: Fluff, established relationship, some angst because it's csm, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
》Aki Hayakawa
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For Aki, the best time of the day, is him finally being able to come home to you. He never thought that he'd ever find a s/o to return to after a long day of work, as he was always so hellbent on revenge and could die at any given moment due to his occupation. And yet, he still found you, the only person that made living still worth a damn on his hardest days.
You take care of him so well too. You always greet Aki at the door, happily helping him out of his jacket, as you tell him about the mundane things you've done that day. You give him a sense of normalcy he always secretly craved to have deep down. He is starved for attention and knows he's lucky to have you.
The moment he steps through the front door and sees you, he can leave the evil truth of the world behind, until his next shift inevitably begins. Sure, not everything always goes as smoothly and he knows, that this won't last forever. But in your arms, he can pretend that it will.
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He sometimes thinks that he's dreaming, whenever he comes home to you. He still can't believe, that he actually achieved everything he always wanted to. He has a pretty s/o, good food and a seemingly better getting life! It's all he wanted and more! So whenever he does come home, he immideatly pulls you into a hug, happily muttering to himself about how proud he is.
He loves it, when you cook food for him. He doesn't care what it is or if it's good. Denji doesn't discriminate and whatever you cook is certainly much better than whatever he was used to. He'll practically praise everything you do for him. As a thank you, he'll get you flowers or gifts. Even if they aren't the best, you still know that he appreciates you greatly.
To him, you are one the first people that gave him the sense of a home. He was always only able to imagine how it must've felt like, but now that he has it for real, he won't let you go. He can't let you go. Not when you make him feel like a loved human for once.
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It's a miracle, that she even properly finds her way home, after a long day at work. And when does, she's usually muddy or covered with blood, which results in her being forced into a bath, before she dirties the floor you just cleaned. Meowy often watches you struggle with Power, as she calls out for the cats help.
You are her favourite human and should be proud that you are. She tells you so everyday and expects you to thank her, which also earns her a deadpan and a shake of your head. But as much as she acts superior to you, she actually does appreciate everything you do for her. Especially the safe home you provide for her and her cat.
She often therefore thanks you in unconventional ways, like bringing you dead birds or wild flowers she found... she's trying, I promise. But her presence is surely a thank you enough too, right?
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Makima comes home calmly and seemingly stress-free. She often always has something to give you and her dogs as well. Pretty flowers for you and treats for them. She always greets you all cheerfully, before just simply demanding hugs and affection from you.
She clinges onto you at home, thanking you for your loyalty and being so good for her, before she helps you out with some house chores. She loves it, when you do domestic things together, as she doesn't really have the need to rest after work.
She never speaks of work with you and you never ask either. She doesn't let any of her "co-workers" know that she has a partner anyways, as you are her little secret. You are a separate part of her life as a devil hunter and the only sense of normalcy she has outside of it. It's why she appreciates you so much and makes sure you always know that, even after she had a long and tiring day.
A/N: So this is my first time writing for csm characters and I hope it's okay! It honestly helped me feel alot better too!<33
Csm requests are also appreciated!<33
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abitchnamedtia · 1 year
hey! how are you? could you make a sfw alphabet for alastor moody? 🥹🥹🙏 (sorry if the English is bad or confusing, I'm using Google translator)
Thank you so much for asking me ! It really means the word to me <33
Disclaimer: I don't own hp and don't support jkr
Warnings: none
Infos: GN reader
Sorry for the bad english it's not my main language
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Alastor is definitely very affectionate with you. Even if he was shy about it at first and refrained himself from giving too much.
But he never shows this side of him in front of others.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
It's definitely nice to have Moody as a friend. He's a really great listener and will have your back at any time. With the tough life he had, he'll be able to give you meaningful advice.
Paranoid as he is, earning his trust to be called his friend or best friend is a real challenge but gives you the best reward.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Alastor is really a cuddler. Having you in his arms is a feeling that he can't describe. It makes him happy and feel strong. Feeling that you're perfectly protected right there with him. But no one knows, except you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Moody had a tough and stressful life. Since you entered his life, you have brought happiness and sweetness in it. All he can dreams of now if to keep you forever. He would really want to settle down with you in his house and just live a peaceful life.
Being that paranoiac, he's used to cooking for himself, and now he can make some really good dishes. But if you want anything sweet, you'll have to do it yourself. He really can't bake any cakes of any sort.
About cleaning, Moody really likes to have a clean and organized house. He's not a freak, but he prefers it. And his mom raised him well, so you'll split the chores fairly.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It'll be for your own safety. And he'll not let you a choice, even threatening to obliterate you. You needed to be safe, even if it broke both of your hearts. In front of you he'll keep a composed face. But later, alone in his house, he'll cry.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Just like settling down, now that he has you he'll really want to keep you. And the idea of you being his wife always warms his heart.
But he'll take a while to propose, even if he has a ring. Alastor would be really unsure about himself and would always ask himself why such a beautiful person like you would be with him. And your safety would also be a huge concern of him.
Eventually he'll manage to shut these thoughts down and just ask you.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
With you, Alastor is always gentle. Even if he's always rough and tough with people, with you he's just the sweetest. He cares so much for you, how could he be anything else ?
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Alastor is your personal teddy bear and you love being wrapped in his arms. In his big bear embrace, you feel protected.
At first he'll be somewhat flustered after it as he didn't want you to think he was weak. But this stupidity didn't last long when you told him how much you liked it.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It would take some time for him to say it. Not because he didn't think it, but because he knew that once he'd told you that, he wouldn't be able to let you go. For him it's a serious thing to do.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Alastor can't help himself but being a jealous man. Being insecure about himself and thinking you deserve better, he can be easily jealous.
He'll never ask for you to stop talking to some people but if you two are early in the relationship, he have the bad habit of distancing himself from you. As your relationship grows, his self confidence did too and he'll just step between you and the person to make them understand that you're not free. (And maybe they were cursed...)
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Alastor is so much of a great kisser. He doesn't do it often tho. You'll usually have to ask him for it, but he'll gladly oblige. A short but deep kiss is what he prefers.
Being significantly taller than you, he likes to kiss you on your forehead.
And even if he'll never say it out loud, he loves when you kiss him in his scars on his cheek. It makes him all fuzzy and blush when you do it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Moody always thinks that he's terrible with little kids and that they'll get scared by his scars. But when he lighten up, he's really good with them. Telling them stories about his auror's life, riding with them on his broom,... Kids love him.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Alastor are full of sweetness. He'll just hug you tight, wanting to lie down in bed with you forever.
When you two finally get up, he'll be especially soft with you. Helping you to brush your hair, gently kissing you every time you're within reach...
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
The night are as sweet as the mornings but with some *passion* added. And after that, you two would snuggle in his bed until you both fall asleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It will takes time for him to start revealing things about himself. Even when you're already dating, he'll might get reluctant to tell you anything.
You don't pressure him to do so and you usually work with what you've noticed. And he's thankful for that.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
With you, he's anything but patient. Even when you get reckless, he can't get mad at you.
People jokingly told you that he's unfair because he gets angry so easily with everyone else.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Being a great listener, he'll remember every little things you tell him. From which cup you drink you coffee in, to what's your favorite perfume or what's your favorite book.
When you notice that he uses this, your heart melt.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
It wasn't a particularly special day. You two were invited to Molly's house to eat. When it was getting late, you slightly yawned and turned to him. You said that you were tired and that you should go home.
You used the word "home" to describe his house. You weren't officially living there, and Alastor hasn't had the guts to ask you. So hearing that just melted his heart. You were comfortable enough with him to call a place that wasn't yours, your home. Meaning you wanted to have a home with him...
It might sound silly, but to him, it was a precious moment.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
AHAH it's Mad Eye Moody. You couldn't be more protected by anyone. Your safety is his number one priority.
He taught you occlumency and how to properly duel in case he wasn't there.
He'll also prevent you from doing anything that might be dangerous, even if you assure him that you'll be safe. It leads to some petty fight between the two of you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Alastor always gives you the most thoughtful gifts. He somehow always knows what you'll love the most. He doesn't often offer you a big thing, keeping it for an anniversary or Christmas etc.
At first, he didn't do it because it flustered him to show you how much you meant to him. But now, on dates or just out of the blue, he's most likely to give you something small but really thoughtful. Like buying your favorite tea or a book that you've told him about.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
A bad habit of him would be how his paranoia and constant vigilance might hurt you sometimes. He can get stressed and might be too harsh with you or sometimes prevent you from doing normal life things without asking.
He really doesn't want to hurt you but can't help himself.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
While he's not concerned about his clothes or hair or anything like that, he knows what he looks like. Alastor finds himself ugly, even monstrous sometimes because of his scars. He's lived with it for years now, so his thoughts about it are less bad, but he'll never find himself handsome or anything.
Handsome is a term that you often use to describe him with such honesty that he really doesn't understand how you can ever think that. But you really do. He's your handsome man.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Since you entered his life, you'd take an important place in it. To the point that he couldn't imagine his life without you now.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Physical touch is perhaps his favorite love language. Keeping a hand on you back when you're with other people, massaging your shoulders whenever you're stressed about something, stroking your hairs when you lie down on his legs on the couch,... Being so touch starved for such a long time, he seems to always have a hand on you nowadays.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Alastor couldn't be with someone with a bad moral. Like someone who hurts people for fun or their own benefits. He just couldn't.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Alastor is an insomniac. Due to his mental health, his constant paranoias and his nightmares, he usually has terrible sleep. If he just can't sleep, he'll watch you until he finally falls asleep.
Sometimes his nightmares wake you up too. In these moments, he's filled with shame and anger for letting you see this part of him.
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treatian · 3 months
The Chronicles of the Dark One: Domestic Battles
Chapter 3: His Own Ring
It had been a lovely night. Which was shocking, because any night that someone woke up flinging their partner from their arms as they ran to the window for air after a particularly tormenting nightmare would probably not earn the adjective “lovely” the morning after. But it had been. In the grand scheme of things, his nightmare had been a hiccup. He wanted to remember last night for their wedding, for the candles and honest words they’d exchanged, for the ring that he’d put on her finger, and the celebration they’d engaged in afterward. He wanted to remember last night’s little mishap, not for the bad parts but for the good parts. For the vows he’d finally felt free to speak, the way she’d held him in the night until he’d slipped back into a dreamless sleep, for the words she’d finally whispered to him when he’d woken, found her awake, and rolled them over to...
He must have told her he loved her. He didn’t remember saying the words, and she’d told him before that he often did it in his sleep, but he assumed he'd said them because he’d heard her issue her traditional response as he gathered her back into his chest like normal. But then she’d gone on, muttered, “It’s not often I get to watch you sleep.”
“That’s because watching you sleep is one of my favorite pastimes,” he’d answered honestly enough, only for her to respond with another truth he wasn’t sure his heart had been ready for.
“Maybe that’s why I can’t sleep without you. Maybe I feel like sleeping without you by my side, without your hand on my back, is unfair. I don’t know how to be by myself anymore, and I don’t want to. I need your hands on my back, you beside me to truly rest.”
He’d smiled, thinking about how something that started so timidly and experimentally might have become something she clung to. Gods, did she think it was a natural instinct for him to be tender that way? That she hadn’t trained him to do that even if she didn’t know it?
“Did I ever tell you why I do that?” he questioned as she rested beside him.
“No. I thought you did it because you like to…it seems natural-”
“It is now,” he corrected, trying not to laugh because that was precisely what she thought it was-natural. “But it wasn’t always. It’s never been something I’ve shared with anyone other than you….”
He knew the instant that he said those words, she’d like this story. And he knew it not just because she immediately propped herself up on her elbow and glanced down at him, expecting an answer. He knew it because he knew that the ghosts of his past partners often haunted her, that she longed to be unique to him, and in this one seemingly innocuous way, she was.
“I don’t understand-”
“My Beautiful Belle…” he’d murmured, pushing her hair behind her ear. “What do you dream about at night?”
She shook her head, staring at him as though she hadn’t expected that question to come out of his mouth. She probably hadn’t. “I don’t dream,” she finally answered.
He laughed as he held onto the hand that rested on his chest. To know someone better than they knew themselves…
“You do. You just might not know it. My Beautiful Belle, when you first came back to me, when I woke up after our first night together…I’ll never forget your face. You were asleep, clearly, deeply asleep, but your hand, this hand…” he brought the one that he held now to his mouth and kissed it. “It was balled into a fist so tight your knuckles were white. Every muscle in your back was tight and tense, ready to run or fight, unresting. And this face…” he let go of her hand to let his own touch her face as if it would help him summon back the memory after one of the best nights of his life-furrowed brow, wrinkled nose, worry lines, and a frown... “You were so uneasy, so clearly upset by whatever the images in your head were.
“And it was so tempting to use magic to banish it. But with one hand in yours, the other on your back, and when I kissed you, just here…” he guided her down to him so he could kiss that same spot just between her eyebrows, only to find…
A smile like he’d seen every morning they’d been together since that first one bloomed instantly over her face.
“That was the smile you gave me that first morning,” he confessed. “And I was amazed to find that what you needed wasn’t magic-”
“Just you,” she finished. “I don’t remember that,” she admitted almost sadly.
“No, of course, you don’t-you could sleep through anything,” even some of her nightmares…which he’d counted as lucky considering his behavior that night.
“Well…do I still make that face?” she questioned.
“Not often,” he assured her with a shake of his head. “It vanished after a week or so, and I can’t remember the last time I did see it.”
“Because you make me feel safe, you’ve always made me feel safe,” she’d declared. “But…you still rub my back…”
“It’s a habit now,” he’d admitted. “A wonderful habit I can’t stop, not even if I wanted to. I’m addicted to you.”
It had ended with another bout of lovemaking, one even he hadn’t expected. She’d kissed him deeply as she climbed over top of him, readying him with only a couple of gentle tugs, before fitting them together and moving for them. It was slow and lazy; the bed hardly made a noise as they worked their mouths over the other and breathed in the scent of mingled sweat and tears. And when they’d both found their unison pleasure as lovers who shared magical True Love always did, they’d both smiled.
“You chase my nightmares away and guard my dreams,” she whispered to him.
“It’s an honor. And for all you give me, it’s an even trade,” he’d responded before pulling her back down against his chest, stroking her back just as automatically as ever so she’d drift off once more.
Which was where he found her when he woke the following day from their lovely night. If last night could be every night for the rest of their lives…what a happy marriage this would be.
“You’re sleeping on my side,” she spoke with a playful tone. He’d already known she was coming to, but as long as she’d been content to let him hold her, he was content to let her tell him when she wanted to be awake.
“I think we’ve long since abandoned the conventional tradition of ‘sides,’” he teased in return. “I don’t think we’ve ever slept together without being entwined like this.”
“Do you mind?” she asked with a genuine curiosity that entertained him.
“I’ll mind on the day that you stop.”
She chuckled as she pulled herself up and kissed him before sliding down his side so he could continue to hold her in the way that she was accustomed to. He didn’t mind. Any way he could have her he was happy to do it. Though, if he was honest, naked as she was now tended to be his preference.
“I love you,” he muttered as she settled in, showing no signs of getting up or wanting to leave. Hopefully, that was a trend that would last for many days.
“And I love you too…”
He couldn’t remember the last time Mr. Gold had closed the shop and taken a vacation, but it was long overdue. And if there ever was an excuse good enough to hole up somewhere and not care a bit for going to work, then it most certainly was his wedding. Hell, if he couldn’t take a day off for a honeymoon, what could he take a day off for in the future?
“I suppose eventually we’ll need to talk about what comes next,” Belle muttered beside him, showing off her mind-reading skills.
“Eventually, but not now,” he begged.
“Belle, right now, for all I care, we could stay up here until the earth falls apart.”
“Are you running away, Rumpelstiltskin?” she questioned with humor in her tone, as if expecting him to respond in humor when he honestly couldn’t be any more serious than he was now.
“I wouldn’t call it running away from the world so much as running toward you.”
Though, now that he thought of it, that didn’t mean they had to be together in bed all day. For the majority of however long this trip lasted, yes, he wanted to be here in this bed with her, preferably equally as naked as she was, but he was also aware that there were other needs he’d have to see to for her. Needs for her, indulgences for him.
“I could make you breakfast,” he suggested timidly, secretly fearful she’d want just that when all he wanted was to be as they were.
“Please don’t move,” she requested. “I’m perfectly happy right here.”
He didn’t think she’d ever said more beautiful words.
“Then we won’t move until you want us to.”
She responded by turning her head and pressing a kiss to his chest before she adjusted to be impossibly closer to him. He loved when she did that, when she pushed into him as if she wasn’t close enough, as if she wanted to be inside his skin.
“You’re smiling so bright you outshine the sun,” he commented. He might not have actually been able to see her face, but that was part of knowing her as well as he did. He knew she was absolutely beaming.
“You make me the happiest person in the world,” she commented. “When we woke up yesterday, I didn’t think we’d be here, in this place, as we are now, married! I can’t contain my joy.”
“No regrets, then?”
“I regret nothing in our life,” she confirmed without hesitation. “It brought us here. This is where we were always meant to be, to wake up in each other’s arms. I’m happy we finally made it.”
“I’m happy we finally had the time to make it. You are a more perfect woman than I could ever have conjured in three hundred years, my beautiful wife.”
Fuck…he even liked saying the word, especially now that it was official. It was going to be his new favorite nickname for her, the one that left Beautiful Belle and Sweetheart in the dust.
“I like that you call me that,” she responded, again, as if she could read his mind.
“I like that I can call you that,” he admitted. “It didn’t mean much the first time, but now…I never thought I’d be a married man again, I never thought I’d want to be, until I met you. But you make me happy. Everything that’s happened and I can still be happy as long as I have you. That astounds me.”
She let out a small huff of laughter as she peeled herself from his side and turned to look down at him. Her fingers tangled in his hair, and he moved to let his own do the same-
Only for her to intercept his hand and slowly turn it over in examination.
“Maybe there is something I regret…” she muttered sadly. “I’m sorry I didn’t get you a ring. But…you didn’t exactly give me a lot of time…”
“I know,” he muttered, kissing her head. He was utterly flattered that it bothered her, but he had expected that she wouldn’t have one for him, given how quickly they’d thrown things together. And given his line of work, it was something he figured they’d be able to remedy easily if it mattered to her. “But it’s nothing to fret about. A ring is an easy thing to acquire once we decide to rejoin the rest of Storybrooke again.”
“But that doesn’t make it memorable or special! It would have been better if I’d had one for you last night.”
“Belle, anytime the two of us are together is special,” he insisted. “Whether it’s gold or fleet and we’re alone on top of a mountain or surrounded by dwarves at Granny’s, it’ll be special so long as you’re there, and I know it came from you.”
She nodded as her attention turned to her ring. She admired it for the first time in the light of day, and he felt an immense sensation of pride sweep through him as he joined her in staring at it. He’d always known it would be perfect on her, but right now, the first morning of their married life, with the sun glinting off of the facets like that and throwing rainbows on the ceiling and wall when it hit just right…fuck, he had to admit he’d done a great job!
“Any ring?” Belle asked, drawing his gaze back to her. There, he found her eyes on him, brows raised as if questioning his honesty.
“Any ring,” he promised.
A smile lit across her face as she pushed away from him and rolled onto her belly…before grabbing his hand once more…
“I never thought I’d want to be married,” she admitted before gently tugging on the ring he wore on that hand, his right hand, and pulling it free. “You know what I went through before you came along; you know what marriage would have been like for me, but this…this is different. Our marriage is different. I’m happy to be your wife, and I promise that we’ll make each other happy…together.”
And then she reached out to take his opposite hand, the one that he’d been running up and down her back, his left hand, and moved that same ring up and over the knuckle on his fourth finger.
And just like that, he had a wedding ring of his own, literally. But it was just as perfect and special as she was, as perfect and special as their marriage would be. He’d ensure it was nothing like what his first marriage had been, or what hers would have been.
“You’ll never have to worry about someone taking advantage of you like that again,” he promised, moving his left hand over her cheek. “You have my word.”
“And you’ll never have to worry about being alone or unloved again, not as long as I’m around,” she promised as she closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. “You are going to be loved for the rest of our lives.”
“For the first time in my life, I’m beginning to believe that.”
“You do?” she questioned with excitement as her eyes shot open.
It was a surprise to her. But if he was completely honest, it was a complete surprise to him that such a confession had crossed his lips, too, but…now that he thought about it…
“I do,” he breathed.
And before she could say anything more, he reached forward to pull her lips to his own.
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looks like most of the emojis have been asked for kit and jake, so how about 🤝, 🦀, 👁️,🕊️ for sam and sia?
Thank you so much verbs <3
🤝: How did they meet in the first place? What was there first impression of each other?
They met working for Rafe - she had her head down in books and maps, and his big, dumb ass came lumbering into her office. Admittedly, upon first meeting each other they really didn't get along. He didn't take things seriously, she was too businesslike. They just didn't hit it off.
Eventually, after working together for a year though they finally gave each other a second chance and learned to quite enjoys each others company.
🦀: How did they handle realizing they were in love? Embarrassed? Nervous? Mad?
For Sia it was an odd thing to be in love with someone like Sam, he was certainly not what her parents would have wanted for her as a promising academic. Rough around the edges, a criminal life before meeting her - he had "badboy" written all over him. But she was fond of him and there was no denying the fact that he made her happy at least as much (if not more) than he drove her crazy.
For Sam, figuring out he was in love (and not just lust) was a new experience. He'd never really settled down with anyone before, and Sia was nothing like the other women he'd been with. She's a little prim and proper, very down to earth, and isn't there to be adventurous or the arm candy. He found it easy to settle into a groove with her.
👁️: What exactly do they want with their future with each other? Is that something they think of often or do they just stay in the moment?
The future they pictured with each other was getting out from under the control of Rafe. Making their own life together with a quiet little house, enough cash to let him fund a few more expeditions to get the adventure out of his system, and then they could finally settle down together with a dog and just chill for the rest of their lives.
It was always the thing that guided them, it's part of the reason why he wanted to find Avery's treasure first.
But while Sam had lofty dreams of getting free, Sia often had to be the one to act as the anchor and steady the boat before he went off course. She is far more practical in nature than he is, which is why he was stupid enough to leave Rafe and tell Nate the lie about his life being in danger.
🕊️: Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
Sia genuinely loves the little ringlet curls that appear when Sam's hair grows a little longer. She is a nervous fidgeter and his hair is excellent for running her fingers through to calm herself down.
Sam quickly learned how to make a proper cup of tea for Sia so she wouldn't laugh at him for boiling water in the microwave anymore. He makes sure to grab her favorite teapot and everything.
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forensicated · 10 months
Ah. The culmination of one of the worst PM plots, finally. Usual rules apply, no Gina but it's the conclusion of a huge plot both are involved in so it's being covered despite not officially having both parties of Smiffina in. Also, I will forever hate that she's not involved in the end of the TFG (The Fake Gabriel) plot because she was so instrumental in it. Bloody Prosser.
As you all know - TFG - The Fake Gabriel, TRG - The Real Gabriel.
Sometimes I think back over the TB plotlines and history and wonder if certain parts were actual fever dreams rather than real. Can you imagine Roy, Mike and Ted dealing with the shitshow of TFG?
TRIGGER WARNINGS: ABH, Huge history of controlling and abusive behaviour and discussion of rape, a murder attempt and a depiction of suicide.
Strap in, it's a long one because it weaves across the entire episode.
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Smiffina Episodes - Episode 353
TFG is angry Sheelagh went through his things. Sheelagh demands that he tell her who he is, she thinks everything he tells her is fake and lies even when it's the truth, especially as he insists he's an only child. He recounts what happened when TRG was adopted, they never asked him if he wanted a brother or told him he was coming - it was just a surprise one day. His father told him that his brother had a rough start to his life where as he (TFG) had everything so he should be grateful and get on with it. I have to admit, if it's the truth, and you never can tell with TFG, it is a horrendous thing to have happened suddenly one day - wallop, here you go. This baby is moving in and he's your brother and you have to put up with it without any preperation or discussion. He insists it was easier just to push people away and be a loaner as he felt they never loved him. He hated it and hated them, and often hated himself. So then the choice came up to be someone else... and he took it. And he doesn't regret it because it meant he met Sheelagh. He tells her he loves her... she tells him she can never believe a word he says.
June rings the hospital to find out how TRG is getting on. There's been no change after he opened his eyes. She wants to tell Adam everything as it's eating her alive but Smithy manages to reassure her and get her to agree not to. He insists that it's not enough for him to just lose his job for lying about who he is. June sighs and tells Smithy that she thinks she made 'the mess' so she should be the one to clear it up... Smithy tells her she doesn't know the half of it - and takes her into the Sgt's office to tell her about what Kerry alleged Gabriel did. June confides that before Kerry died she came to see her and wanted to tell her something but couldn't get the words out. June puts a time limit on it. If they don't find anything out by tomorrow, she's going to tell all to Adam.
June has to return to the hospital to collect TRG's clothes for a media appeal. She goes to tell her son how sorry she is for everything, standing with him for as long as she can before she has to return to work.
Sheelagh can't trust TFG or believe anything he says. TFG insists they can leave but Sheelagh insists too many people know the truth to be able to just run away. He insists only they know the truth and they're the only people who matter. He'll 'take care of his brother'. "What do you mean?" Sheelagh asks, wide eyed. TFG says it doesn't matter but she won't be calmed and asks again. He tells her he'd do anything for her - whatever it took. "So how far would you go?" "My brothers already in a coma. You're too important to let go." Sheelagh tries to escape and he lashes out, slapping her round the face.
Laura is worried about Sheelaghas she hasn't been seen. Dean says she was at the hospital and might have gotten chatting. Laura 'casually' asks about TFG who was apparently dealing with a domestic. She asks him to try and call him and he doesn't answer.
TFG tries to apologise to Sheelagh, telling her that sometimes his anger gets the better of him and he needs her to help him. He tries to do the right thing but it always backfires. People don't understand him... but she does. Sheelagh swallows and tries to reassure him so she can keep safe, forcing herself to touch him and comfort him to calm him down so she can get out of the room. She eyes the door, promising him they're a team. He calms at her touch and she finally makes a break for it, managing to open the door but he forces it close and drags her upstairs.
Laura goes to Smithy and tells him neither Sheelagh or TFG have been seen, nor at they responding to their radio calls. He tells her not to jump to conclusions... she has to tell him she's told Sheelagh the truth about TFG and TRG. He tells her to go to Sheelagh's house with Tony but to be discreet - only for TFG to bundle through the doors beside them. He claims he had a dodgy battery and he was at a domestic in Mercy Lane.
Laura heads off to go to Sheelagh's and Smithy has to tell June that Sheelagh knows. She asks if he thinks TFG might have done something to Sheelagh and Smithy replies it depends how far she thinks he might go to protect himself. Ah.. if only you knew, Sgt! June posts TFG with her for the day so she can keep an eye on him and keep him out the way. Smithy's not happy but June is incharge of postings and he can't override her decision.
Smithy lets Sam know that they have the clothes and he notices the label, googling it as it's an American brand that isn't available in the UK. He tells Sam to get onto the FBI as they use different security for people entering/exiting the US so they could have his prints on file and stop her wasting time on the local press where he potentially won't be known.
TFG wangles a visit to the hospital by influencing the victim of an RTA that she needs to go in, despite her insisting she's fine. June gets asked to go help a female patient by a nurse and TFG takes the chance to look for his brother, but there's a nurse with him so he can't get near. He forces his way into the nearest toilets, staring at his reflection before breaking a fire alarm and triggering the fire alarm.
At Sheelagh's house, Laura and Tony have broken in with Laura being told off by Tony as she 'needs to brush up on her section 17 as they're only supposed to break in if they believe they'll be saving life or limb.' "What do you think we're doing here?" She hisses at Tony, rushing upstairs. Sure enough they find Sheelagh trussed up and gagged in the main bedroom. She tells them it's TFG and he's threatening his brother. Tony is shocked and surprised but Laura calls it in immediatley.
As the hospital evacuates, TFG marches into ITU, standing over the prone body of his brother, TRG. He puts on a pair of gloves and removes his breathing tube, and finally smothers him with a pillow before replacing the breathing tube and turning off the whining monitors. TFG dumps the gloves in the medical waste and looks back at TRG.
Smithy finds out the TFG is at the hospital with June dealing with a minor RTC and dispatches Steve to attend at the hospital. TFG returns to June and tells her he went to the toilet and then got evacuated to the carpark because of the fire alarm. A nurse and Steve rush into ITU and find TRG and shout for help as he's had a cardiac arrest. June questions him further and he tells her that he got talking to a paramedic. Steve watches as TRG is resucitated. Sam has been brought up to date about TFG and TRG - but not all details. She doesn't know about June's involvement so suggests that they put out a bogus message that TRG died of natural causes. Smithy tells her they can't - because TFG is out with June - but tells her he can't get into it now. He hurries to comfort Sheelagh as she's brought in and warns Tony to stick to her side and not to let her out of his sight until TFG is brought in - in cuffs.
Sam updates Smithy that TRG's monitor and breathing tube had been tampered with and they involved the crime scene examiners. Sam wants to involved the Superintendent and arranges for CID to arrest TFG - but Smithy refuses, he wants to be the one who arrests him. Sam sighs - but agrees.
TFG tells June she won't have to put up with him for much longer. She asks him what he means by that but they get a call through the radio before he can answer. They get called to a girl who is burning the clothes of her fathers girlfriend who is abusing her mentally. She tries to close the door on them but TFG over reaches and boots it straight in. "If the mountain won't come to Mohammed..." he shrugs when June asks what he's doing. The girl is terrified and picks up a knife that she'd been using to make a sandwich, holding it up as protection. Jess is unstable and wants to kill herself, holding the knife to her wrists. She wants to join her mother who died from stomach cancer and June tries to comfort her but TFG keeps over stepping and almost getting stabbed.
TFG is on the edge, spotting the officers gathering outside the flat block after hearing a radio call from Smithy. He knows the game is up so starts to wind the girl up more, insulting her and insisting she's just pitying herself. He grasps a bottle of vodka on the table and drinks from it. He compares himself to Jess and tells her that her dad doesn't care - just like his didn't and that they are the only people who can look after each other as people only let you down. She runs to June who tells her to lock herself in her bedroom.
June tells TFG he is a disgrace to the uniform and she will personally see to it that he has the book thrown at him. TFG just scoffs, "It's already over." He tells her. "You're my nightmare you are, trying to destroy my life one way or the other." June yells that it's never his fault and he always has to blame someone else. "Aren't you man enough to take responsibility for yourself?" TFG shouts at her to shut up and he throws the bottle at her, causing it to smash on the wall which Smithy overhears.
Smithy orders officers to cover each exit and tells Laura to get him more back up as they rush in. TFG forcibly cuffs June, telling her he wants her to suffer like he has and forces her up to the roof. Smithy isn't far behind, reaching the floor that they were on. He locates Jess who is sobbing and terrified. He asks her if she's okay and promises that he'll leave her for a few minutes but someone is coming to her and will look after her. Smithy stalks up to the roof in time to hear TFG preaching at June, claiming she takes his happiness away everytime he finds some. He insists June robbed him of his entire life. She tries to calm him down, telling him it can be gotten over and to let her go. She'll pretend it hasn't happened and get him help. "It's too late for that. I'm a lost cause." "No, nobody's a lost cause. Not even you." "You don't know what I'm capable of. Andrea does, so does Kerry. My brother, he found out too." June begs him to tell her what has happened to her son and he remains ominously silent whilst she cries.
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"I couldn't take the chance he'd tell people who he was. I'd lose Sheelagh." June swallows, telling him it wasn't TRG's fault, he wasn't driving the car that killed them but TFG still is adamant that he did because they were arguing over his decision to look for June. That, in TFG's head, makes it June's fault "for inflicting him on his family." June glares at him. "You always find someone to blame." "Not someone, June." he replies calmly. "You." TFG continues to berate her as June spots Smithy behind them. Smithy gestures for her to play for time and looks around him for ideas of how to restrain and arrest TFG.
Sickeningly, Gabriel blames June for being raped and mocks her that it's happened twice, claiming she has 'victim' tattooed on her forehead. "You are a monster" "You made me what I am."
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June takes the opportunity to ask him what he's he has done, reminding him he mentioned Kerry and Andrea. TFG smiles, telling her The Sniper's death wasn't an accident and that he forced him over the edge and then let go because 'he would have pointed the finger at me'. He admits he left Andrea to die in the fire because she'd worked out who he was and that Kerry knew he was too - claiming all roads lead back to June. June spits that he raped Kerry and TFG insists that it takes two to tango. Having worked his way closer, Smithy loses his temper on hearing Kerry spoken about like that and launches at TFG and the two fight. With TFG on the floor, Smithy helps June out of her cuffs only for TFG to go back for more, striking him on the back with the ASP. Smithy turns, yelling in pain and they fight, with TFG kicking Smithy in the face, knocking him out cold for enough seconds to try force Smithy over the edge. Smithy fights back with both men strangling each other. TFG punches him out cold again and approaches June. "It's over." she tells him, which Gabriel agrees with. But he tells her it ends now... and he climbs into the top of the rails. "See what you've done to me." he spits at June before jumping off. June can hardly watch and Smithy comes round just in time to look over and see Gabriel's body. "Let's get out of here." he says gently, uncuffing June and leading her away.
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Smithy is told that he needs to get his statement in and he tells Laura he knows the score. She smiles and asks if she can buy him a drink later. "I hope you've been to the bank!" he replies, before literal Super Sarge is wrapped in a red cape blanket.
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Laura reassures June that her son isn't dead and that he is still in the hospital in a coma but TFG did not succeed in killing him. She rushes to his bedside as Sam reassures her the doctors don't know how long he was starved of oxygen but to stay positive.
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Side note: well done to the drug addict arrested for telling Dan that whilst Rochelle might not be an addict anymore she is still clearly chasing that high for kicks hence taking stupid risks with him but not making time to see him when it's safer/Ian isn't around or in the building etc. She's using him and he can't see it. Woe :(
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Shoe horning a Dan reference in? Me? Never.
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pochipop · 3 years
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#. synopsis! — an amajiki headcanon for every letter of the alphabet .
#. characters! — amajiki .
#. warnings! — none .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
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A: affection. | are they affectionate? how do they show affection?
Tamaki's affection comes in waves. Some days, his comfort level will be higher than others, —a natural phenomenon, and there's nothing either of you can really do to control the way it manifests. On days where he feels most secure, he shows affection through physical touch; things like resting his head against your shoulder, holding your hand, or pressing a kiss to your cheek/temple if he's feeling bold. Other days, however, when his anxiety gets the better of him and he's looking for distance without pushing you away, he expresses affection through means such as excessive thanks to you for tiny, everyday instances, or doing small things for you when he gets the chance.
B: bizarre. | something strange they do or a weird quirk they have with or without their partner?
Tamaki's more odd habits tend to involve sleeping or preparing to do so, —such as his strict persistence to always having two pillows, no more, no less, under his head at all times throughout the night. He also likes to hold something at night, and depending on him and his needs at the moment, that can be you or a pillow. It's less about warmth and more about the weight between his arms, but he does like to hold you close when he has the nerve to do so. And of course, you don't mind.
C: comfort. | are they good at comforting their partner? how do they do it?
Tamaki is surprisingly good at comforting other people, especially if he's close to them. For you, he'll hold your hand and let you cry on his shoulder while he rubs small shapes into your back and shoulders, —or he'll listen as you talk/ramble/vent and offer up any advice he thinks is suitable. While he may not have all the answers, he does what he can to make you feel safe and at peace, and he never has any ulterior motives for doing so. That's why it's so easy to let yourself rely on him, because he's just so genuine that it's almost unreal.
D: domestic. | how do they feel about settling down? do they cook/clean?
Tamaki is young and planning a future as well as a career with being a pro-hero at the top of his list. That's not to say he doesn't want to settle down someday; he's just too young to be thinking about that in his opinion, and so he doesn't. Not right now, anyway. Things as they are, largely innocent and blooming as the days go by, are more than enough for him. Tamaki is a pretty meticulous cleaner, and often tidies up to soothe himself down, so he doesn't mind if you leave the majority of the cleaning to him. As for cooking, he's unsurprising pretty handy in the kitchen on account of his quirk, and his diet can be pretty strict; but he likes to eat for pleasure sometimes and if you'd be willing to make dinner for the both of you, he'd happily eat whatever you serve (even if it sucks, because he'd praise it anyway.)
E: ending. | if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
Tamaki would do it in person, likely through tears and with a million apologies. He'd over explain things, put a lot of blame on himself, and would also request to still be friends at the end. If you didn't want to, or couldn't manage it, he would let you go with no protests, but he'd do whatever possible to keep you in his life because he still cares for you deeply, even if the romantic relationship has ended.
F: future. | do they think about the future? how does it look?
Tamaki does think about the future, but mostly in abstracts. He doesn't really know what to expect from things and thinking ahead too much can fill him with more dread than he cares to carry with him, —but he likes the idea of one day achieving his dreams and watching as you do the same, and he really hopes you'll stay by his side through all the ups and downs.
G: gifts. | how often do they give their partner gifts? what kind of gifts are they?
Tamaki has a handful of love languages, and one of them is gift giving. Most of what he knows about romance comes from movies and other media, and oftentimes, he sees gifts being given as a means of expressing affection and appreciation. So, he does that for you when the time feels right. He'll offer up an occasional bouquet of flowers or something personalized and small every now and again, but by far his favorite thing to give you is a stuffed animal. You have a growing collection now, —from a beige colored bunny with floppy ears to a dark brown teddy bear with a cute little bowtie.
H: honesty. | are they honest with their partner? do they keep secrets?
Tamaki is very, very honest. He really values transparency in a relationship, because everything seems easier with an established level of trust and mutual reliance. Sometimes it might take him a few days to work up the courage to say something, but he always expresses himself genuinely in the end, and you're thankful for it. You do the same in turn to show respect.
I: i love you. | how fast do they say the L word? who says it first?
Tamaki is not quick to say he loves you and is incredibly unlikely to say it first. He might even hesitate or struggle to say it back in the beginning since all of this is so wholly unfamiliar to him. However, once he gets used to it, he'll say it frequently enough to let it never slip your mind. Half of the time, it's through text, though.
J: jealousy. | do they get jealous? does it show?
Tamaki isn't a jealous person. He trusts you and knows you wouldn't do anything to hurt him. If he ever does experience jealousy in regard to you, it would be small twinges of insecurity more than anything else, and he would eventually come clean about his feelings and relish in the reassurance you provide in the wake of his confession.
K: kisses. | what kind of kisses do they like to give/receive?
Tamaki likes to be given forehead kisses. They melt his little heart into a pile of throbbing mush. If he's having a bad day, there's nothing he wants more than a forehead kiss from you. Please be sure to give him one. As for giving, —Tamaki is a bit shy about it, but he likes to kiss your hair. It's far enough away from your eyes to give him some confidence in doing it, even if he messes it up somehow, and you seem to smile pretty brightly after he does it, so that's always a big plus!
L: likes and dislikes. | favorite and least favorite things about being in the relationship?
Tamaki's favorite thing about being with you is just getting to spend time with someone who sees him for everything he is and accepts him for everything he'll never be. He knows you see him as something much more than one of the UA big three, as something more than a soon-to-be pro-hero. He loves that you accept every side of him in whatever form it comes in. Tamaki's least favorite thing about being in the relationship is the heightened sense of apprehension he feels around the idea of anything going wrong. He often has intrusive thoughts about himself and his place in the relationship, which is no fault of your own, and sometimes, they can get the better of him.
M: mornings. | how do they spend mornings with their partner?
Tamaki has only woken up next to you a few times, but in doing so, he was a perfect gentleman. He made sure to leave you be, letting you wake up naturally, and once you were awake he offered to cook you breakfast (and was delighted when you offered to help him in the kitchen.)
N: nicknames. | what do they call their partner?
Tamaki typically just uses your actual name, but on occasion, he'll refer to you as "love" or "angel."
O: out of character. | what is something people would be hard pressed to believe they do/enjoy in a relationship?
Tamaki can be a bit clingy from time to time. Sometimes, it's his way of asking for confirmation about his standing with you, and other times, it's just because he wants to be near you and wants to feel especially loved. Just let him play with your fingers and rest his head on your shoulder while you read or watch something, and he'll be more than satisfied.
P: pda. | do they like public displays of affection? if so, what types?
Tamaki is not a fan of it, but he wouldn't mind too much if you wanted to hold his hand in public. Actually, he'd quite like that, as long as there aren't loads of people around.
Q: quirk. | what is something they do that their partner finds cute or endearing?
Tamaki fiddles with his thumbs when he's trying to collect his words and find the right ones to say, and you think it's absolutely adorable.
R: rough times. | arguments? how often and in what manner?
Tamaki is incredibly passive. He doesn't yell and avoids confrontation at all costs. When there's a disagreement, he often defaults to accepting your solutions or answers, and you might have to push him a bit to get his true reaction to things. Once he's more comfortable in the relationship, he'll likely be much more open with you during times of contention. Tamaki is incredibly respectful and values your opinions.
S: sensitive. | what's a sore spot for them that their partner should steer clear of?
Tamaki doesn't like discussing his anxieties bluntly. It's better to be gentle with him about it since he's both hyper aware and ashamed of it. Letting him come to you about it is likely the best thing to do, but if you really think it's important to discuss and you don't feel it's a good idea to wait it out, then do your best to be subtle so he doesn't feel embarrassed about it.
T: thrill. | do they need surprises in a relationship, or do they prefer a routine?
Tamaki largely prefers routine. Being a student at UA and having worked alongside Fatgum for quite some time now, he's been through his fair share of wildcard events, and he can honestly say that having a grounding point to return to is very, very important to him. He likes the stability his relationship with you offers, and he likes that there's often nothing for him to question or squirm over. What he sees is what he gets, and he's thankful for it.
U: unacceptable. | what is something they cannot tolerate in a relationship? what is something they would never do?
Tamaki couldn't be in a relationship with an overly critical, nitpicky person. It would wear thin on his self-esteem and eventually lead to some rather destructive results. Just as well, Tamaki would never put immense amounts of pressure on his lover.
V: vanity. | how concerned are they about their looks? are they insecure about them?
Tamaki is insecure about his appearance but is thankful for the compliments you give him that have helped him to build his confidence over time. As things stand these days, he thinks he's okay looking. . . Maybe nothing special in his own eyes, but that's okay by him. He definitely is not vain, and likely never will be.
W: wildcard. | random headcanon?
Tamaki really likes to do small, everyday things with you. Enjoying a new movie in your room? Count him in. Taking a quick trip to a convenience store to get a small snack? He's happy to accompany you. Working on an assignment? He's there for it and will certainly offer any assistance he can!
X: xoxo. | how often do they hug/kiss their significant other?
Tamaki hugs you far more often than he kisses you. Kisses are more of an ordeal for him, but a hug is. . . Mostly just comforting and full of warmth. He doesn't tend to initiate them; however, he'd never dream of turning you down when you offer them to him. As for kisses, they're much less frequent, but he always enjoys them, especially when he's a bit sleepy or worn out.
Y: yearning. | how do they feel when their partner is away?
Tamaki will be fine on his own, of course, ―he's more than capable of taking care of himself. However, he does miss you when he can't see you, and looks forward to the next time that he can with great excitement. He loves to spend time with you doing anything and everything, whether small or large, and while being apart is not anywhere near the end of the world for him, he would rather see you often, if only for a few minutes in passing.
Z: zzz. | how do they sleep with their partner? how do they sleep alone?
Tamaki is more cautious when he sleeps with you at his side. He makes sure that you have enough blanket, offers to move to the edge so you can be sure to have enough room. . . He's anxious about it to a certain extent. He wants to be beside you like this, but it can be nerve wrecking. However, when he settles into things, he's the easiest person to sleep beside in the world. Soft breathing, a gentle sleeper who doesn't move around a lot at all. He's clingy, but not in an overbearing, suffocating way. Just let him latch onto your arm or snuggle into your side, and he's sold for the night. When he's also, Tamaki sleeps much the same way, just that he grasps for a pillow instead of you. With or without someone by his side, he has lots of pillows when he sleeps and intends on keeping it that way.
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little-x-wolf · 3 years
Hi lovely! I love your works!! I was wondering if you could do an imagine where reader wants to have a baby but she thinks that Dean doesn’t, so she doesn’t bring it up, until one day Dean mentions something about having a baby with her?
A/n: This one was new for me so I hope I did it justice! Also, apologies for taking this long <3
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader.
Warnings: fluff...? (Somebody tell me why this is a warning 😭)
Word count: 1000
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The instant Garth called, you three rushed in to help, sensing it was about a hunt. Much to the boys' bafflement and your amusement, you found out that 'this hunt' required you to babysit Garth's kids while the couple went out on a date.
Now three hours later, here you were, trying to put the kids to sleep.
"This Cas keeps looking at me weird," Dean said, having a little staring contest with baby Cas.
"So kinda like the real Cas," Sam remarked, holding baby Sam in his lap.
Both of you snorted as Dean rolled his eyes, rocking the baby in his arms. The conversation soon turned to them whining about the task at hand and you zoned out, not being able to look away from the rare yet warmth inducing sight in front of you.
Dean had been doing a pretty great job with the babies. To say Sam was shocked would be an understatement. You weren't surprised though. He was practically the one who raised his little brother. Of course, he was going to be good at it.
Ever since you were little, you loved kids and often wondered about having your own one day. Needless to say, your dreams of having a normal life were shattered as soon as you were thrust into the world of hunting. Heck, you had even accepted the fact you were never going to find love or have a family.
Then one day, the Winchesters walked into your life and everything changed. You fell in love with the cocky son of a bitch who was soon to be your husband and even found a little brother in the other Winchester.
And now watching Dean being so domestic, so fatherly was reigniting the flames of longing you had kept hidden inside you for so long.
He fed the kids, played with them and even hummed out a little lullaby. In his every action, you saw a possibility. You saw him holding your child for the first time. A little Winchester boy or girl who'd have their father's eyes or his adorable freckles.
But one could only dream so far.
It's not like Dean wanted kids anyway. He'd often talk about how much he wanted to marry you and make you his for the rest of his life. Never ever had he brought up kids, expect when he'd complain about how Garth rarely got any time for himself after Cas and Sam were born.
The thought made you sigh, and you shook yourself awake from your daydreams to enjoy the closest to being normal you could ever get.
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You were in your room, finishing up getting changed when a pair of strong arms snuck around your waist, enveloping you from behind. "Today was nice," Dean murmured, placing his head on your shoulder.
You met his eyes through the mirror in front of you, melting into his touch. "Really?" You teased. "I thought you wanted to get wasted and binge-watch hentai instead?"
"That, and..." he smirked, lowering his hands on your body while playfully pretending to bite you. You giggled in response, trying to stop him. "So much more. No, but I really do mean it. Today was nice."
"Which part?" You chuckled as the images of your boyfriend covered in puke flashed before your mind. "The diaper changing or the artwork Cas did on you?"
The Winchester smiled, shaking his head. "All of it. You seemed happy today. Content. Not to mention how adorable..." he nuzzled your neck, planting soft kisses as you closed your eyes in pleasure. "...you looked playing with the kids. All I could think about was how much I wanted them to be ours..."
Dean placed his hands on your stomach, your eyes flying open. "Dean?"
"If that's what you want," you looked at his reflection, finding his love-filled eyes staring back at you.
"But I thought you didn't want kids?" You asked, taken aback by his words.
"I didn't. Not until I met you," your heart swelled at his words, your hands finding his on your belly. He squeezed them gently. "I want our kids, Y/n. And today made me realize just how much. I want to build a family with you. Do you?"
That fool! He glanced at you for an answer as if you'd say anything but yes. God, it was everthing you had ever wanted. How could you say no?
Squealing with joy, you turned around and threw your arms around his neck. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"
"Really?" His eyes widened.
At your conformation, Dean beamed, pressing his lips to yours passionately. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him as close as you could. You broke apart, both gasping for air as he pressed his forehead to yours, love and mischief twinkling in his beautiful green eyes.
"Wanna make a beautiful little baby?"
After that, let's just say Sam was lucky he decided to come home late that night.
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louweasleymalfoy · 3 years
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Draco is incredibly affectionate, but he’ll show it differently depending on context. In general, his affection comes in just wanting to be around you—he craves closeness with you, even if he’s not touching you.
Touching you is the best, though. He’s a fan of small bits of PDA: when you’re out together, he’s always holding your hand, or touching your arm or the small of your back or maybe – on occasion – your ass. (Just little grazes that make his eyes shine and your stomach flip.) Probably some little kisses here and there, if you have a moment alone. If he sees another guy looking at you, he'll probably make out with you in public.
But there are also moments where the both of you think PDA isn’t appropriate. Then it’s all about soft looks and smiles, finding ways to bring you into a conversation, things like that. Just showing you that you’re on his mind even if he can’t hold you like he’d like to.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Let's be honest, you guys didn't really start on good terms. You guys met at the train, the both of you are pure-blooded Slytherins, and when everyone thought you guys would immediately get along you just had to prove them wrong. Both of you are competitive, always trying to be better than the other.
The moment the two of you realized your feelings for each other was in 4th year, earning sighs of relief from the Slytherin gang.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Does Draco like to cuddle? Yes yes absolutely yes. This man loves cuddling, especially after a long day. He loves to curl up with you on his bed and hold you close, maybe with your head tucked under his chin. He’ll give you soft kisses while he holds you, on your temple or your cheek or your neck and they’re not even intended to steer things toward a make-out or sex, unless you decide to take it there. (Sometimes he decides but if he does it’s uh pretty obvious.)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down?)
DEFINITELY. Draco is ready to settle down when it comes to you. He loves you so much that he already wants to marry you, you had to remind him that the both of you are still at school tho.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
So here’s the thing about Draco. He's fallen for you, HARD. The problem is that, if he’s the one initiating a break-up, it hits him hard. He would never even think about ending things with you. He loves you too much for that. Although sometimes he worries that you might leave him for someone else, you reassure him that it will never happen.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Like I've stated before, he loves you so much that he wants to marry you already. He never thought there'd be a day that he'd think about stuff like this and yet here we are. Is he nervous about it tho? Honestly, yes. Who doesn't? But the thing is, whenever he takes a look at you all the worries go away and just knows he's ready.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
This softy! is so gentle!! The biggest exception is if he sees you after a longer separation – this might be a summer break but it also might just be something like one of you having A LOT of homework that keeps you from being with each other when he rather be hanging out together – he needs to be all over you and he might be rougher, then—rougher hugs, kisses, everything.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Draco is a frequent and enthusiastic hugger. Hugs from Draco are him pulling you close and burying his face in your neck and luxuriating in the smell of you. Hugs from Draco are him nudging his forehead against yours and maybe bumping your nose while he leans in to give you a kiss.
Hugs from Draco are usually your first cue if something’s wrong, too—you’ll get to his dorm and find him sitting on the bed and he’ll pull you into his arms and you’ll feel in the way he holds you that he had a really shit day.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Like when he knows that he wants to settle down with you, Draco will say, “I love you,” pretty much as soon as he knows. He’s bursting with it and he’s gotta get it out. He’ll be a bit disappointed if you’re not ready to say it back, but he doesn’t take it personally because he knows he kinda falls hard and fast.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
This man gets jealous. It's not that he doesn't trust you, he just doesn't trust other guys. If a guy looks at you for too long, you can count on Draco giving them a death glare. Does he maybe give you a particularly emphatic kiss after someone tries to flirt with you? Perhaps, but it’s more because he revels in the fact that he gets to do that when no one else does.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Draco kisses your lips like he has nowhere else like he needs to be. Slow, deep kisses all about savoring the taste of you, the feeling of you close to him.
He kisses your neck playfully, teeth nipping over your skin and scattering the occasional hickey because he can’t resist.
He kisses your breasts, your stomach, your thighs when he’s ravenous for you, when he’s desperate to wind you up.
And where does Draco want to be kissed? Obviously he loves when you have your mouth on his because then he can be tasting you, too, but oh, does he love this one spot on his neck right below his jaw. You kiss and suck there and he downright whimpers if he wasn’t expecting it (and sometimes even if he was expecting it).
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Draco Malfoy doesn't really have experience on taking care of children— he's more of a picking on children type of guy. So when you and Draco spent one summer break together and you were asked to babysit your niece, Draco was worried. He’s a bit awkward at first but after seeing how you interact with them, the tension would start to melt away and he relaxed around them.
After watching you interact with babies, he would start to imagine having a baby with you and he realizes how much he wants kids with you.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings are spent with each other in his dorm. The both of you just enjoying your time with each other before you get ready for the day. It was these mornings together that reminded him of the love the two of you have for each other and how important you are in his life.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are often spent cuddling and catching each other up on their days. Basically quality time is the primary love language of most evenings (combined as always with touch because again—super cuddly man). Then probably once a week you’ll go out either on a date or to hang with friends.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It took some time for him to open up. He loves you and trusts you very much but he was scared of how you'd react. He's not really used to all the "talking about his feelings" type of thing since he didn't really grow up in a homey environment but over time, he started telling you things and he felt better and lucky to have you in his life.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He does have a temper but not with you. He’s very patient and calm when it comes to you. He never wants to upset and anger you. When you two would fight, he felt like it was all his fault and he would try to make it up to you only for you to apologize too and remind him that it wasn’t all his fault.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Remembering little details that you share with him is definitely one of the ways that he shows interest in you at first. But while he makes a particular point of it at first, he is still quite good at it in general.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite moment was your first kiss. It was the happiest he ever felt, and he would always remember the perfection of that moment
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is super protective. Whenever the two of you go out, he doesn't take his eyes off of you just because he doesn't want anything to happen to you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Oh he would DEFINITELY spoil the sht out of you. He would definitely put a lot of thought into gifts and anniversaries since he's really rich. Sometimes, he would randomly show up in your dorm with a gift in hand — claiming that it's a gift for you just because he wants to give you one and although you appreciate the gesture, you had to tell him to not waste his money on stuff. Of course he promised to stop buying things for you but he never did and continued to shower you with gifts.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Walks with your hand in his. Oh and cuddling you of course.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
He LOVES to show you off. He's so proud of your accomplishments and believes that you'll achieve your dream one day.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He’s terrified of losing you, knowing that he would never be whole again if he lost you. He couldn’t even bear the thought of a life without you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Draco is— well how do I even say this. Draco can be mean at most times but the thing is, in his eyes you're an exception. There was this one time when he was having a bad day and Theo was aking him something and he just glared at Theo but when you came in and asked the same question, he answered you patiently, his eyes softening, leaving Theo to have his jaw dropped.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He HATES ferrets and I don't even have to explain why. There was this one time where Blaise showed him a ferret and he just ran away from the both of you.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Draco is absolutely that partner who ends up encroaching more and more on your space over the course of the night. And you want to find it cute, you do, because it’s really about him trying to cuddle with you but also it means you frequently wake up for the morning and he has two thirds of the bed to himself. You’re alright with it though because once he gets up, you’re able to spread out for a little bit. (And maybe roll over into the spot where he was sleeping so you can doze with the smell of him still lingering.)
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