#how the heck do you kill a pyro as a pyro?
skullywullypully · 1 year
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99% of the time I'm the one who dies.
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babycharmander · 2 months
How the TF2 Fandom Infantilizes Pyro
NOTE: I am not writing this as a way to attack others. I feel like this is something people might not even realize they're doing, or don't realize why it's wrong, so I wanted to write a post explaining this.
To start, I want to define the term "infantilization." It is defined by Wikipedia as "the prolonged treatment of one who is not a child, as though they are a child." Now, Pyro is a fictional character, so this isn't near as serious as the infantilization of real people, but I feel like it's still important to understand.
So, what are the ways in which the fandom often infantilizes Pyro? Let's go through some different examples:
"Engie is like Pyro's dad, and Pyro is his kid!" and/or "The mercs totally have to babysit Pyro."
While even adults can have father figures in life, more often this situation depicts Engie as a parent and Pyro as effectively acting as a child. Some people like to cite the "True Meaning" comic for this, as it depicts Engie reading a story to Pyro, which, on the surface, does give the vibes of a parent reading a book to a child. 
However, this is not inherently such a thing--being read to is something that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Heck, I've read stories out loud to groups of college students before.
Another thing to note is that shortly afterward, a rocket strikes Engie's house, and Engie remarks that he and Pyro "mighta just adopted [themselves] a super baby." Note that he doesn't say something like "I mighta just adopted you a younger brother/sister/sibling!" This implies that he views Pyro as being on the same level as himself, not as a child.
The concept of Engie (or any of the other mercs) being a parent to Pyro is often paired with the concept that Pyro cannot be independent, and must be cared for, specifically like a child (as opposed to an adult who may need assistance). We know that this is, canonically, not the case, given how successful Pyro was as a CEO in the "Ring of Fired" comic.
I grouped this one with "the mercs totally have to babysit Pyro" because I feel like it's a similar concept. I will say, I don't feel like it's infantilization to say that Pyro needs to be babysat if you mean it in the sense that under certain circumstances Pyro (and possibly others like Soldier and Scout), if left to their own devices, could cause problems on purpose (such as when Pyro decided to burn a bunch of books in Teufort's library). It's only infantilization if it's meant in the sense of Pyro being incapable of taking care of themself in the way a child cannot.
"Pyro is innocent and unaware that they're causing harm to anyone!" and/or "Pyro would never want to hurt someone!"
The concept that Pyro, who was hired as a mercenary, is completely unaware they're causing harm and would never want to hurt anyone, is infantilization in that it paints them as completely innocent and incapable of wrongdoing, especially intentional wrongdoing.
Not to mention, both of these are wild mischaracterizations of Pyro and factually wrong to boot.
In "Ring of Fired" (page 65), Pyro chops off Soldier's hand just for the heck of it.
In "A Cold Day in Hell" (page 33), we see Pyro knowingly killing a bear. Even when seeing the bear in Pyrovision, they still see it as a threat and deliberately enact violence on it.
In "The Naked and the Dead" (page 130) Pyro is shown to have doused two of Gray Mann's mercenaries in gasoline before igniting them and effectively exploding the warehouse they're in.
We do not know how Pyrovision works, but we do know it does not inhibit them from intentionally causing harm.
"I don't ship Pyro with anyone because Pyro can't consent."
How do I even begin with this one.
There's a lot of issues with the concept of Pyro being unable to consent. It's infantilizing--implying Pyro cannot consent in the way that a child cannot consent--but depending on people's views on how Pyrovision works, it's also extremely ableist. If you are interpreting Pyrovision as something akin to schizophrenia and saying that they cannot consent because of this, you are implying that people with schizophrenia cannot consent, which... do I even need to explain the issues with that?
Now, this isn't to say that you have to ship Pyro with anyone. Nor is it to say that you cannot headcanon Pyro as aro and/or ace! Headcanoning a character as aro and/or ace is very cool and is not inherently infantilizing--so long as you don't have that headcanon specifically because you think Pyro is "innocent" and can't consent.
(I personally don't ship Pyro with anyone and I headcanon them as aroace... because I'm aroace myself and projecting.)
It's okay to not ship them! Just... do it because that's just what you personally want, not because you think it's ~icky~ for them to be involved in anything sexual.
"Pyro's the baby of the team because they like rainbows and unicorns and candy."
Y'know I was just at a party to celebrate the birthdays of several adults, and they had a gummy candy salad that had rainbow unicorns in it.
Enjoying things like rainbows, unicorns, candy, toys, and so on does not make one a child, or immature. Pyro can enjoy all of these things and still very much be an adult!
(This is coming from someone in her 30s who still sleeps with stuffed animals, by the by.)
"Pyro is literally a child. They were hired as a teenager."
This isn't one I see often, but it's one I have seen before. It's more headcanon territory than people claiming this is actually canon, from what I've seen, but here's the thing:
The current mercs got hired in the early/mid 60s (based on Medic's dialogue in "The Naked and the Dead"). Let's say Pyro was 14 at that point. (I don't think the Administrator or Saxton Hale would hire a child, but regardless.) Medic's dialogue implies that the mercs have spent at least eight Halloweens together, which would mean that by the time the comics roll around, Pyro would be, at least, 22... so, very much an adult. And that's lowballing everything.
And again, that's even IF the Adminstrator or Saxton would even consider hiring a child in the first place. Given Saxton wouldn't even fight a child to save his own company, I doubt he would, and given the Administrator wanted to hire capable mercenaries to fight an endless war, I don't know that she'd look to children for the job.
I think that about covers all the points I've seen in the fandom. If I've missed anything, let me know in the reblogs, or if you'd like to add anything to this, feel free to do so.
Also please don't attack anyone over this! I don't think anyone's doing this intentionally, which is why I wanted to write this post in the first place. I hope this was helpful!
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exoticalmonde · 11 months
There is something I have absolutely been adoring about Childe and it's the same everybody else likes. He's ginger- No, it's just because he's nice. The poor lad has a few screws loose but he knows how to have fun and his very, very normal lifestyle and family are charming as heck. He'd approach you out of nowhere all smiles and cheers without ever batting an eyelid or showing that 10 minutes before that he was fighting to the death with someone and probably has 15 stab wounds, rendering himself to swiss cheese with an attitude.
I've rarely seen him as an enemy. Even when I go kick his butt for Xiao crowning rituals, I feel like it's a friendly spar and not a full-blown fight.
It's not the same as with Segnora, maybe because he doesnt die at the end, but it's also not the same as the Ei boss. I go there when I need steam off, I go there to kill and cry when it doesnt work.
With Childe I can sit down and listen about his family, about Snezhnaya, about the impending doom and dread he is torn between with trying to get stronger so he could maybe possibly probably save his family AND face the Tsaritsa and the horror he saw while in the Abyss with his Master.
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But anyways, he's just approachable and my time spent with him in my team was a blast. I still pull him out when I need to fight something thst reacts to Hydro. After all, all enemies since the Pyro cube literally do not care if you have Hydro on your team. So he's almost use less outside of Liyue, but hey... Fire nation is close to being released next year, right?
How time flies...
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'Nobody' suggests he met others... I wonder if he made friends. Did they spar? Were they also some abyss creatures in humanoid forms, were they Khaenri'ahn? Does he miss them too? Is that stirring power within him trying to draw him closer to the place where Skirk can be?
I'm a fan of the idea she was actually a friend of some kind. He has quote about it, like, it's vaguely in my memory that she taught him and cared for him but also made sure he knows his place is on the ground.
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I also inevitably saw leaks of the new Boss for 4.2 which is SUPER exciting. I wonder if he finds her, is SHE the whale he sees in his dreams? But it doesn't make sense because she is already telling him she awakened traces of.... It.
Are we... Talking about some sort of Leviathan that took a liking to you? Would Tartaglia embrace the power or would be try to fight it? Wonder if he has voicelines for the boss too.
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Paimon... I sure hope he comes back looking for us to brag about his fight. You go puppy, you best the enemies, you pop off with your vision and keep off the delusio-
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This is the face of someone who would let him return to us every single time, no questions asked.
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permasleepberdie · 2 years
Cool Scout (a thesis)
I will live and die on the hill that scout from TF2 is a cool character
Now granted he's not as cool as any of the other mercs, and compared to most he's a wimp. But as a normal, standard human being he's awesome as fuck and it has to do with how much passe he views killing.
One thing that TF2 does really well is making every different class i different kind of psychopathic super killer. Everyone's got a different reason/response to killing in each their very own little ways.
Pyro and Soldier are both heavily schizophrenic and view the world in such a way that validates their murder. Pyro of course sees a warzone as a magical fun fairy land that so happens to cause them to burn everything alive, and Soldier sees every warzone as a bigger warzone and takes major pride in both his ability to be a soldier and also to kill as one for the good of his country.
Heavy and Spy are both professionals that view killing as their job and gain huge pleasure from it. Heavy gains great joy in the fact that he's an unkillable russain machine that wont die (even when he does, a lot), Spy views his killing more as an art form and gains joy from just how good he is at it. Demoman is basically just always in the middle of one big drunkin bar fight. And the Medic is your natural megalomaniac psychopath that sees himself as a god that has full right to toy with the mortals and murder as he sees fit.
the Sniper, Engineer, and Scout are all the only ones that don't actually enjoy killing in meaningful way, and yet all 3 still have their own flavors of apathy against murder and reasons why they do it.
Sniper is a professional who only kills cause that's literally his job, he takes pride in killing but not because he likes it it's because his portfolio is so good. He's probably the class that takes his job the most seriously in this case as he's the only one counting bodies and making sure he kills efficiently (probably the one that does everyone's taxes too)
Engineer's only motivation besides getting paid is to show off his machines, he prides himself on his robotics and how efficient they are at everything, including murder. Plus I also kinda think that he's the only one who's there just to hang out with everyone else. I could definitely see Engie wanting to be there just because he enjoys hanging out with a bunch of other crazies and seeing how far his machines can take them.
And then there's Scout, and Scout is...interesting...
He's the only one that kinda has no reason to really be there. He doesn't show joy at killing or express a want/need to commit murder. He doesn't consider himself to be a professional killer, he does take pride in his killings but not how good he is at it, and I'm half convinced that he doesn't know that he's supposed to be getting paid. And yet despite this he takes so much passion, not in his work, but just the fact that he's kinda, there.
Scout always has that smug look on his face, that cool person attitude, one that's obnoxious, but that he's not striving for. Like he's not really cowardly, and he's not trying to seem like the biggest best tough man. A tough man sure, but he probably knows that everyone is technically a better killer than him.
Clearly the only reason left for him to be there is the attention. Scout is always trying to let everyone know just how cool he is and just look at his big muscles, so cool, way past awesome or, whatever stupid thing. And don't get me wrong, it's obnoxious, a little annoying depending on who you are, DEFINITELY a moron, but if you think about it, that's the only reason he's there. Like, think about that for a second, Scout is ONLY there to make himself seem cooler, like, imagine if that happened with any other team or group of people. Like imagine if someone fought zombies in L4D, or took part in the Payday robberies, or was a mercenary in Metal Gear Solid, or heck joined actual mercenaries IRL, and took it with the seriousness and motivation of taking up skateboarding.
The cool thing that scout wants you to realize is that he's a part of Team Fortress. He only ever takes pride in his killings when he gets to meme on your corpse and conga dance outta there. He doesn't bring any particular skill set or background to his work besides just being some guy, with a gun, that runs fast. He is literally as unqualified for the job as one can be and YET he still kills you. He's still alive. He's still not dead and still memeing on your corpse in such a manor as someone posting a dance on tiktok or something. Scout kills, because he's cool at it. Not because he's good at it (though he is), but because he's cool while doing it, and he probably doesn't even realize that he should be dead already. And the fact that he's even there, much less succeeding, is the biggest meme to the entire battle. Scout is almost quite literally there because it's funny that he is there. And you know what...That is indeed pretty cool.
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evil8keta · 2 years
could you do the mercs with a chubby/plus sized s/o?? love ur posts btw!!!!
heck yea!! chubby s/o for the win😎😎
mercs x plus sized reader
- thinks you're gorgeous asf and he WILL make sure you know that, so expect some cheesy pick up lines from him. he loooves showing you off and there's always a huge proud smile on his face whenever he talks about you in front of the others!! also, scout is naturally clingy, but your warmth and softness lure him in even further! congrats, scout is now your personal leech :)
- they're chubby too so they can relate!!! pyro thinks you look absolutely awesome and they love you SO much ^_^ they adore how warm you are and how nice it is to hug you! due to them being chubby, they are pretty good at giving hugs....but damn if you're like that too?? you guys have top tier cuddling sessions for real
- actually doesn't see a difference. this man fell in love with you before he even SAW you. he didn't realize you're chubby until you told him yourself lol. anyways soldier thinks you're the most beautiful person in the whole wide world and he treats you as such, meaning compliments 24/7! if anyone ever dares insult you because of your weight he will kill them on the spot dw bb
- he's also chubby!!! he's a very big man so if you're ever scared of feeling too "big" for love then forget those thoughts right now! heavy will always reassure you and remind you that you DO deserve to be loved!! (also he's gonna consider you tiny no matter what) he thinks you're beautiful just the way you are!! aaand he wants nothing else but to hold you and cuddle you
- chubby people are his type not gonna lie. he thinks you're sooo awesome and beautiful and he loves you so much. also demo totally does that thing with you when guys do pushups while their s/o is sitting on their back. he loves holding you!! you will often find yourself being spooned or carried bridal style by demo. world hard and cruel s/o soft and nice (his thoughts whenever you're around him lol)
- he's ALSO chubby. and he's confident mind you, so if you ever feel self concious about yourself then don't worry!! he will always hype you up by showering you in sweet compliments and kisses. but to be fair, this man will love you no matter how you look. physical appearance doesn't matter to him at all!
- looooves you. i know i'm getting repetitive with saying how all the mercs love you but oh my God it is sooo true! anyways, medic loves touching you in literally any way. if you're somewhere next to him he's just gonna put an arm around you and scoot you closer to his body because you're so somft and warm oughh.... if you're not anywhere near him he's just gonna go find you and bring you to his lab so he can hold you there >:)
- NO DIFFERENCE, I REPEAT, NO DIFFERENCE! spy doesn't give a shit about how you look! if you managed to make this man fall for you he's gonna be DEVOTED to you no matter what you look like. he does enjoy how soft you are though... sometimes when you two are alone he just comes up to you and holds you. he doesn't say anything and just enjoys how nice and warm you are
- actually thinks you're an ANGEL. he's all boney and scrawny but you're SQUISHY and WARM!! i already mentioned that sniper loves physical touch but if you're chubby he's gonna be even more down bad. he's shy when it comes to initiating the affection, so he often just stares at you as if saying "hey love can we go cuddle now. pls" he just can't get enough of youuu
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tf2workbench · 1 year
Copy that
The Conniver’s Kunai is a popular Spy weapon because of how bulky it can make its user, letting them get away with quite a lot of murder. I don’t find it a poorly-designed weapon - actually, the opposite - but I wanted to explore a similar mechanic.
Parallel Universe Conniver’s Kunai (*) On disguise: Copy the maximum health of the player you disguise as, with your current health adjusted proportionally. [If you change or lose disguises and would have less health by doing so, your health and max health drain proportionally.] (-) +50% time taken to disguise
First impressions By making it rewarding to disguise as bulkier classes, this knife brings a little more into the game of choosing your disguise. You could disguise as a Medic to preserve all your speed and get 25 more health, or a Pyro to keep most of it and gain 50; or you could go for the full 300 health of a Heavy at the cost of a major speed penalty.
It would also be possible to use this to gather information about the enemy team. Any changes in the disguise’s maximum health (such as a Soldier at 220, a Spy at 100, or a Heavy at 350) can tell you that that player is using a particular item.
But overall, I’m not sure how much diverse gameplay this ability brings. It does allow you to survive longer if you’re being shot at, potentially surviving Spychecks that would kill you otherwise, and there is the intelligence-gathering aspect of it. But it’s not really as deep and nuanced as I’d like.
There’s also a little bit of a problem: while invisible, you move at your regular speed regardless of your disguise. This means it’s always a good choice to disguise as a Heavy when you’re invisible, then change your disguise before you uncloak. That kind of one-choice-is-always-best gameplay isn’t what we want to see.
Other options I would’ve liked to let you copy the current health of your disguise as well as their max health, encouraging you to pick targets tactfully so you get someone with high health. However, this posed two problems: one, it let you restore health practically instantly by disguising as a newly-spawned player, and two, it would be difficult to tell ahead of time what health a disguise would give you, forcing you to swap disguises multiple times. While I’d love to make this attribute because of how interesting it could be, I’d also have to put strict guardrails in place, a little bit like how Your Eternal Reward works. Aw, what the heck, let’s do it:
Parallel Universe Conniver’s Kunai Iteration 2 (*) On disguise: copy the current and maximum health of the player you disguise as. [If you change or lose disguises and would have less health by doing so, your health and max health drain proportionally.] If you disguise as an overhealed target, you also gain that overheal. (-) +50% time taken to disguise (-) Cannot disguise unless health is full
One thing that would make this knife more user-friendly would be a change to the disguise interface, showing you which of the enemy team is what class and how much health they’d have. Of course, this change would also give you constant information on every enemy player, making it almost a requirement for coordinated play. So right away, that’s a problem we can’t really surmount.
With that interface unavailable, it might be frustrating to use this kunai: you’d disguise as someone without knowing how much health they’d have (unless you were currently looking at them). It might be possible to change the way it works, but so far I’m not finding an option that would work. Open to suggestions, though!
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Natural Enemies
Napoleon complex pt1
Just another casual day on 2fort.
Everyone is fighting hard, and RED’s engineer has taken to denying BLU team and entry to the sewers via sentry. He happily sat back in his lawn chair and relaxed as his sentry turned a persistent scout into Swiss cheese and the distinct scream of a burning spy could be heard from overhead.
But at BLU’s respawn, things were different.
— “ Scout. How many times have I told you. You run in and take the intelligence. You do not run in and take a sentry rocket to the ass like always. “ 
Spy argued, tired of his Bostonian colleague.
— “ It’s not my fault there’s a sentry up there!! How about YOU go do something useful and— idunno— destroy it??? “ 
— “ Have you forgotten? “
— “ Forgotten what?? “
— “ The enemy pyro? Or do you still remember the countless times they have burned us both to death the moment we step out of the base. “
— “ Ugh, just go sap the damn thing!!”
And so he did. Spy cloaked, managing to get a backstab on the enemy pyro and avoiding the rest of the enemy team as he swam down into the RED sewers. 
“ I did not just ruin my suit for this. “
He mumbled as he waded through the sewer system, disguising as pyro along the way. Finally, he came face to face with the sentry. 
— “ Mph mph mmh!!! “ 
(Translation: “ Spy over here! “)
With his best pyro impression, he called out to the engineer. 
— “ A spy, huh. Alright pyro, let’s try protect the nest. You stay with me. “
A spy? Really? Pyro should have killed the Frenchman by now. And wouldn’t he have already been spraying flames left and right looking for him?
Engie had pieced it all together. That pyro is a spy.
Spy, thinking the Texan had bought his facade, started to ‘check the area’. He had waited for the perfect moment, sapping the sentry and undisguising behind engineer as he was trying to fix it. But just as he was about to backstab him, his victim turned around and grabbed his wrist. 
— “ You and me, pardner. “ 
He wrenched the knife out of spy’s hand, discarding it into the sewer water, as he threw his own wrench at the dispenser. 
— “ Are you planning to punch me to death? “
 Spy gave a little snort as he spoke.
— “ Are you planning to just stand there and let me do it, frenchie? “
And so, engineer took a swing at the well-dressed Frenchman infront of him. Spy parried this with ease, taking engineer by the arm and pushing him face-first against the wall, knocking the wind out of his lungs, and twisting the RED mercenary’s arm ways it shouldn’t be twisted. Engineer groaned in pain, struggling to get out of the spy’s hold, but he just twisted his arm harder.
— “ Consider yourself dominated. “
With a sharp inhale, the hard-hatted fella took his other arm, twisting away to elbow spy clean in the nose. If not for him letting go of his arm in an attempt to react, he would have surely twisted his shoulder or worse.
— “ Not for long, mon amour! “
Engineer teased in a crappy French accent as spy’s face went red. Luckily, his foe didn’t notice due to his blue balaclava and the maroon blood staining it as his nose bled.
— “ I would assume you mean mon ami. And even so, you are no friend of mine, Engineer. “ 
— “ Considering all the metal you’ve cost me, I’m glad. “ 
The engineer took a moment to glance at his beloved buildings. Although his sentry was destroyed, his dispenser seemed to be fine..
A gloved hand covered his mouth, and he was harshly pulled backwards, into his worst enemy’s chest. 
— “ You’ve cost me more in dry cleaning. Try not to get blood on my suit this time, mon beau. “
He didn’t mean to call engineer beautiful, it was one of those things that just kinda… slipped out. Or was it?
Engineer bit down on the Frenchman’s hand, forcing him to let him go and let him speak. 
— “ The heck did you just call me, croissant boy? “ 
— “ Nothing “
— “ Tell me, i dare you. “
— “ You fucking know what I called you, Engineer! “
— “ I don’t speak baguette darlin’, you’ll need to elaborate. “
— “ First of all how dare you, second of all, did you just call me darling? “
— “ How about you tell me what you called me first! “ 
Engineer proceeded to shove spy into the wall, pinning his shoulders in place and looking ready to beat the fancy man’s sorry ass. 
— “ Fine. What is another word for a pretty man in English? “
— “ Hot? Why the heck are you asking me? “
— “ Try again, mr. 11 PHDs. “
— “ Beautiful? Where are you going with this, I’m supposed to be bashin’ your head in Texas style right about now. “
— “ … Handsome, Mon cher. “
And with that, spy cloaked, slipping out of engineer’s grasp and heading straight back to the blu base. The soldier was already on his way back with RED’s intelligence, so there wasn’t much he had to worry about.
“ I think that mission was a success. “
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xxiamtiebrousxx · 2 years
Chapter 11 "Three Days" (Head-Shots | Sniper x Reader)
I woke up drooling on Mundy’s shoulder. His hat was covering his eyes and his shades were neatly tucked in his shirt pocket. Everyone was wounded and tired. Some were passed out. The van hit a bump, jolting anyone who wasn’t asleep, awake. I smacked my lips together, sitting up straight. I yawned and stretched out my arms. Heavy and Scout were still up front, though Scout was passed out. 
“Hey,” Mundy said. He wiped the drool off my face. “Sleep well?” he asked. 
“Yeah,” I replied. “Road’s been a bit bumpy. I think I need to see a chiropractor.” I leaned back on Mundy, who slouched against the wall between the back and front of the van. We hit another bump and possibly ran over a can, making a sharp turn. Hopefully it wasn’t an animal or anything. Soldier interrupted a conversation Scout and Pauling were having over a video chat. “How far are we from the base?” I asked.
“Not that far, we’re almost there,” Spy said. He lit a cigarette. Pyro watched the lighter go out. The van went up a small hill and made a hard right, pulling into the garage. We were back at RED Bread. We got out of the back when a body dropped off the roof. I screamed, clinging on to Mundy. Soldier walked around the van and kicked the body.
“Where’d the body come from?” I asked, nudging it with my foot. Sniper walked to the front of the van. Sticking out from under the hood was another body. I shivered. “Let’s just move over here,” I said. I followed Mundy to the table. :Hey doc, hey Engie,” I said as the two entered the room. I took a seat next to Mundy. Scout tossed the keys at Medic and Engineer, which they let fall.
“Nice catch,” he said.
“Yeah. Listen now,” Engineer said. “We've been running some experiments on the Teleporter.” Soldier joined us. 
“What about it?” I asked. “It seems to be working fine.”
“Well yeah,” he replied. “Y'all ought to take a look at this.” He turned on the teleporter. It spun around and bread appeared. 
“That is big news,” Scout replied. “Um, is the Demo back with the beer yet? Cause I…” Medic breaks the bread in half to reveal nasty, green lumps and white things sticking out. I yelped, giving out a gagging noise.
Ewwww! It’s moldy!
“Whoa! What the heck is that?!” Scout exclaimed. 
“Tumors!” Medic replied cheerfully. I looked at Mundy.
“Why did he say it so happily?” I asked. He shook his head. Engineer adjusted his helmet, looking at us concerned.
“Y’all know what this means, right?” he asked. Soldier, out of the blue, grabbed poor Scout by his neck and slammed him against the table. I stood up.
“Woah, Solly!” I exclaimed.
“Argh! We cannot teleport bread anymore!” he yelled. 
“Whoa! Whoa!” Engineer said, separating them both. “Not exactly, Soldier.” Smiling, he placed his hand on Soldier. “You teleport as much bread as you like.”
That doesn’t sound well.
Yeah, it doesn’t.
Engineer’s smile faded and he took off his helmet. “That goes for all of ya,” he said. “If there's something any of y'all wanted to do before ya… Well, died. Now would be a good time.” 
Wait, death?
“How long before these tumors kill us?” Spy asked. I was shocked! Killing? Death??? What happened? Do we all have tumors inside of us? Was it the bread we ate? Of course it was! I had some too! 
“Vell, let's see,” Medic replied. “Ve all use the teleporter, let's say six times a day. Times four years. Minus ve're not bread. Hmm.” I bit my thumb. Even though I haven’t been here for four years, we used teleporters practically for everything! I even tried one out on my first day. Medic turned around. “Three days. Yes, we all have three days to live.” 
My gut dropped and so did my jaw. Three days until our worlds ended.
Soldier tried to count his fingers while all of us took time to process our expiration dates when Demo came out of the teleporter, wearing a sombrero, glasses and holding a case of beer. He looked at us, confused.
“What?” he asked. 
“Now’s not the time, buddy,” Scout said. “We have um, three days to live.” I stood up from my seat, looked around at everyone, and walked away. 
“Goodnight,” I called out, walking into the hall. Footsteps followed me behind. I turned around. Mundy was the one following me. He had a smile, a worried smile on his face. “What is it?” I asked, stopping in my tracks. 
“Oi wanted to ask you something, but Oi don’t know how to say it,” he said. “Oi guess it’s the fact we’re closer to death than we all thought.”
“That’s fine,” I said, approaching him. “I guess we’re all in shock to know our death is right around the corner.” Mundy rubbed the back of his neck. 
“Do you uh, have any plans for spending the last bit of your time?” he asked. I twiddled around with my fingers.
You could spend it with him. It’s not like he’s going anywhere. 
I’m not going anywhere either.
“Um, if it’s okay with you, could I spend it with you?” I asked, turning a bit red.
“Sure,” he replied. I smiled a bit. “Come, you can stay with me tonight,” he said, taking my hand. We walked out of the building, through the garage, and outside. His van was parked next to Engineer’s truck. There was a red sports car. 
I wonder who it belongs to.
Maybe Spy. He’s rich enough to afford it. Mundy held open the door and let me in first. I turned on the lights. Same old room, nothing changed from the last time I was in here. I sighed. Maybe this would be the last time I ever saw this van. 
Maybe this would be the last time I ever talked to Scout or Pyro. Maybe this would be the last time I ever saw Mundy. I felt sick in the stomach and I was ready to break down crying. The tears welled up in my eyes. 
“Mundy,” I said. 
“Do you ever think about what lies in the afterlife?” I asked.
“No,” he replied. “Why?”
“Well, I was just thinking about it,” I said, turning around to face him. “Maybe heaven exists and we’ll all go there a-and we’ll be together.” I started to cry. 
“Oh Y/n,” Mundy said. He hugged me. I buried my face in his shirt. 
“I don’t wanna die!” I exclaimed. “I wanna live long enough to have kids! I wanna see my grandkids grow up!” Mundy ran his fingers through my hair. He held me tight. It felt comforting. I sniffed and looked up to face him. “Are you worried?” I asked. He smiled.
“Course Oi am,” he replied in a soft tone. “Oi don’t wanna die either. That’s why Oi’m gonna spend the rest of my time with you.” I smiled. 
“Thanks,” I said.
“For what?” he asked.
“For being the best guy I ever met,” I replied. I stood up on my toes and kissed his cheek. Mundy turned bright red, looking away. I chuckled. “Seems the cat got your tongue,” I said. There was a knock on the door. Mundy let go and opened it. Scout held a bucket and pen in his hand.
“Hey,” he said. 
“Hey,” I replied.
“Spy wants us to write the last things we wanna do before we die and put it in this bucket,” he explained. He handed us a card from the bucket and the pen.
“Give us a minute, will ya?” Mundy asked. He walked over to the counter and started writing down his last minute wish. My eyes never wandered over to read his paper. It was a respectable thing to do. “Here,” he said, handing me the pen. “Scout and Oi will be inside,” he said. 
“Okay,” I replied. “I’ll be out in a bit.” Mundy nodded and closed the door. 
So what are you going to write?
Not sure.
What do you wanna do with these three days left?
Spend it with Mundy.
Okay, so that’s the deal then. I started to write down my last request.
What’s it say?
“I wanna spend my time with the man I love most,” I replied.
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mtgc858 · 2 years
He entered the house while everyone was asleep XD sneaky boy
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:0 Sneaky indeed.
I won't roleplay right now though but I'll say some of my ocs reaction to him if they found him.
Raven would jump nervous but realized it's him and be happy it's a friend and not (you know who *cough Leroy *cough*) and let him stay.
Pyro would be on alert when realizing someone can enter and kill them all at night but would be like "Omg! Eh whatever" and would just go back to bed.
Ethan stays at the cave mostly but if he's at the house he wouldn't freak out, well maybe be nervous but once realizing it's him he would be happy to see him again.
Tin: He wouldn't take lightly to him just "Who the heck are you and how did you get in?!" Before letting him explain and getting over it, still on edge though in a protective way.
Oliver would be a bit pissed some, cause he's like "Who the heck do you think you are coming in here without our permission-" but would get over it if he knows he's a friend and knows Raven especially.
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diverse-hearts-ocs · 4 months
@burncdheart asked:
[ RED ] : having witnessed the receiver get hurt by someone, the sender kills their assailant out of RAGE. { for Eiji }
They seemed to be everywhere these days, Fatui agents that seemed to enjoy nothing more than finding some manner to summon even more trouble. All he had to do was finish this last job for his father, then he could be out of there and back in the safety of the walls of Mondstadt. His father tended to do all in his power to stay out of sight of the Fatui and those related to them, and Eiji wasn't going to ask too many questions about why. His father's past was wrapped in a lot of mysteries, and every time he found out something new, it tended onto to lead to more trouble for himself.
Sighing, he'd just placed his delivery down, when a spark caught the corner of his eye, the movement thankfully enough for him to roll out of the way as a hammer crashed into the surface of the snow he'd been standing on only seconds before. "What the-!?", he missed, but a bolt of lightning struck close by, followed by a bullet made of fire, Eiji activating his vision a little too late, still learning how to use the thing - the mix of electro and pyro sending him crashing to the ground, his body rolling down the snowy pathway a short distance as he tried to regain his footing. Oh, that one hurt - he was going to get another lecture from the sisters at the church at this rate. And why the heck was he being attacked? Hadn't they asked for these supplies? Surely his father hadn't used him to deliver anything offensive...right?
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"HA! Never thought we'd find one of the Cursed Brats all the way out here...", the man laughed as he lifted his hammer once again, the other man tapping his shoulder, "Remember - he said to take them in alive". And that was about the only warning Eiji got before the hammer came crashing down once more, his shield reflecting the majority of the damage, but the force still being enough to cause him to fall to his knees.
But then - a light as bright as his father's appeared out of no where, Eiji watching with wide eyes as his sister seemed to ascend from the darkness on wings of flames, cutting down some of those inside the camp with an ease that put himself to shame.
"Taru!", with a small groan, he pushed himself to his feet and hurried to her side, helping to take down those who'd remained, others having fled deeper into the mountain, "...heeh, I'm lucky you where nearby..."
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factual-fantasy · 2 years
I got 25 (late) asks 😅 (its got some fnaf lore too tho!👀)
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You know? You’ve got a point. I cant imagine Monty getting split in half would be a fun thing to remember..
But honestly? If Monty remembered everything that happened that night? The damage he took from the splash bucket would be small potatoes to him. The thing that would REALLY freak him out is remembering how he went berserk and tried to hunt down and kill a child.
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And Pyro! XD
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--As for how I create headcannons/AUs,, XD
Headcannons and AUs are mostly just me filling in the blanks in cannon in my own ✨special✨ way.
Like FNAF Security Breach for example.
Me: “So what happened to Bonnie exactly? Did Monty REALLY destroy him out of jealousy? How did Afton get down there in the basement? Why is Foxy never mentioned despite Pirates cove being a thing? Is he even IN the story? How come all the animatronics were attacking you? How come Freddy WASN’T attacking you? What made Freddy crash on stage? What happened to Vanny and the animatronics after Gregory left? How does the Daycare attendant work? Is he two animatronics in one? Is he two separate animatronics? How can his FABRIC CLOTHES physically change color if the game implies they are the same animatronic? WHY was Gregory at the pizzaplex in the first place??“
FNAF/Steel wool: “Lol figure it out”
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Yes, although I will not specify where they are in the story or what is going to become of them.
I can confirm that yes, both William Afton and Vanny are not only in my AU, but both play a major role in the over all story. :}
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Hmmm, good question... Now, my memory isn’t the best. But out of all the fandoms I’ve jumped into? I’d probably say Octonauts was the most welcoming and overall supportive of me.
I think part of it was because the Octonauts fandom is a bit small.. so when a new artist came around it was like “Heck yeah man! Common in! :DDD”
And also most of the angst lovers in the fandom were on the same page as me, so I got a lot of support there too XD
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Tank qqqq!!! :}}}} ❤❤❤
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I have! And I’ve seen a few episodes of it. So far I really like it! Mostly because there were episodes centered around my favorite characters XD (Captain Barnacles, Calico Jack, Ranger Marsh and Professor Natquik)
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XD I’m glad you like them! Although I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be posting them. Considering I’m making more progress in the FNAF writing.. 😅
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Tank qqq,, I’m glad you like him! :DD And I’m sure DJMM would be glad to hear someone say that XD
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I cant find the WORDS for this, this was all so SWEET AHHOASKNLKM This really hit me right in my heart man- I hjust- HSFDF
THANK YOU SO MUCHH!! This was such a nice thing to read!!!😭😭😭
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(Post in ask)
Actually, funnily enough Engineer isn’t wounded in this comic. This was before his injury. 
Engineer is just freaking the heck out over the dolls outside.. 👀
(But yes he does recover from his injury that he gets later in the story)
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Actually, you may be in luck! Have you heard the news going around? There was some updates recently and a lot of the bots have been weeded out.
When I heard the news, I couldn’t believe it. So I hopped on to see what was up and sure enough.. the casual servers were surprisingly clean. I mean there’s still a bot here and there. But it wasn’t like before when you couldn't even leave spawn without getting sniped from across the map.
The casual servers actually have real players now, and most of the bots have been wiped out :}}
Or at least, uh. It was like that last time I checked a few months ago. Maybe the bots came back idk--
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I don’t like it when people draw fanart of my stuff.
But if you were to draw fanart and never show/tell anyone and it would only be for your eyes to see? I mean, what am I gonna do? Be upset about something that I have no idea was drawn?
The only set back would be the ✨soul crushing guilt✨ of drawing fanart of some of my stuff even though you know I don’t vibe with that XD
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Not.. really? I mean, if I miss a fandom, I just. Jump back into it XD
Like I did with TF2 recently. I was getting a little burnt out with writing so I took a short break by diving head first into TF2 again XD
I used to shy away from parkouring from fandom to fandom back in the day. But now a days I find that I have more fun by just drawing what ever I feel like drawing at the time. And my followers don’t seem to mind sooo,, XD
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Yes sirrr, those two were best buds back in the day,
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(Here’s a link to the video)
I went and watched the video. And although it was pretty cool!.. It was a fan-made video. Its not an actual DLC..😅
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@paintedpig I have a voice in mind for Foxy actually! I imagine him sounding just like his cannon voice. You can hear it in the Ultimate custom night voice lines.
As for Bonnie? I don’t think I really have one in mind for him... But I know he doesn’t sound high pitched and goofy. Like Nedd bear or Goofy the dog. I imagine his voice is deeper and more chill. Kind’a like what Freddy Fazbear might sound like?
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Thank youuu,,, :}}}
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Aww, I’m glad! :D
And its not that I don’t like those comics anymore. I’m still proud of them and like how they came out! Its just that from a lore perspective,, they don’t fit into the story anymore. Soooo for the sake of telling the story, they need a do over! :}
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@sweetturtledonkeycookie  I usually draw/post what ever fandom I’m into at the time. After my FNAF re-faze dies down maybe I’ll jump back into Octonauts. Or Undertale, ooorrrr jump into a NEW fandom like Sam and Max or something XD I cant predict what faze I’m going to go through next! You’re just going to have to wait and see! 😅
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Yeah, I figured that the story was probably great and the characters were probably great.. but I judged a book by its cover and turned the other way <XD
Right now I have a lot of shows that I’m too lazy to watch that I mean to get around to someday. I guess for the sake of the story I’ll have to add Transformers animated to the list and give it the shot it deserves. :}
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@mysteriousl0ser Roxy only got put up on stage after Bonnie was decommissioned, yes.
When Foxy was taken, the Band took a hit without their Keytar player. But the company hadn’t thought to put the other animatronics on stage in his place. Mostly because Monty/Roxy wouldn’t have really fit into the group..
But when Bonnie was damaged? Now they were down their Keytar player and their Bass player. So at that point they really needed to rebuild the band for that nights show so they tossed Monty and Roxy on the stage in their places.. <:/
As for how long the gap was between Foxy and Bonnie’s decommissions? That part of the timeline hasn’t been fully ironed out yet.. but I’d say about maybe 4 months to a year? It was supposed to feel like when the animatronics were finally starting to get back up on their feet and began to process Foxy’s death.. Bonnie was unexpectedly taken too. Knocking them all back down again..
Also thank you!! :DDD I’m glad you like them!! :}}
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@johnbrownanarchist XD Thanks! It took me a while to figure out what he would look like back in the old days.
As for the description thing? I suppose you could use it. I mean, who doesn’t like Monty in a silly hat? XD
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@wackigremlinchild Tank you!! :}} I did my best!
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@conflicted-phoenix XD That is one of the highest complements I have ever received.
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nemeseos-noctua · 4 years
Hello! It's nice to see a new genshin impact writer! I saw requests are open, and there's two I have in mind (if it's ok with you): One is for Razor, Albedo, Xiao, and ganyu (possibly Aether if you can) wherein Reader is scared of love. Like, they're scared of opening up and love someone in fear of rejection or being tossed away. But yet they still daydream having someone who'd love them making it more obvious how much they want to love despite their fears anyway--
With this information, how will they confess to Reader about their feelings? Or comfort/console them?
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: albedo, xiao, ganyu, (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: reader has a pyro vision, albedo and xiao story spoilers in their parts
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: srry for cutting some characters off!! the character limit is 3! (but personally i would write for aether hehe hes so cute i love him)
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you just so happened to have a quest in dragonspine
you did not expect to see fatui—especially not fight them
and... you did not expect to get ganged up on! what is this? a bully session? what the heck?
Among the brawn and burly figures of the Fatui members, you didn’t fail to notice a streak of blonde and dazzling blue from a distance—your eyes widening as you prayed to whatever archon would dare to listen...
Please, please don’t be another stupid enemy. You thought with a grimace, your heart pounding in your chest as you could hear a voice—it was calm yet strong, like a endless waterfall or a river creek.
“Burst forth!” 
In a matter of seconds, a geo flower emerged from the earth, your form being lifted up on the tiny platform as shards of crystallized rock formed under you, nearly stabbing you in the gut.
Who? What? How? Who was this stranger? This vision-wielder?
Wasting no time, you plummeted down on a nearby Fatui—deeming this geo-user as ‘safe’, you summoned your own flames, charring the crystal snow black as you wrapped your arm around the blonde, barely taking any time to observe his features.
from then on, you never expected to grow close to this mystery man
turns out he was the chief alchemist of the knights! you weren’t personally associated with the knights... but being chief alchemist certainly was a grand title, right?
with the use of your pyro vision, you helped accompany—albedo—you learned his name was
at first, the two of you were just exploration buddies. but as time went on, butterflies began to form in your stomach, nervousness seemed to peak when he was around
love was like a poison—you knew it’d hurt, you knew it’d kill you to have a drop—
but you wanted it. you wanted love, you wanted to be held by albedo and to twirl his silky hair around your fingers...
but—would he want you?
You wanted to love Albedo so badly.
Yet you knew, you couldn’t. The alchemist just wasn’t the type for love, he was not the type to give kisses or reassurances, nor was he the type to confess with a rose in his hands.
It wouldn’t hurt to dream, though. 
The thoughts you had before you slept were of him, of how pretty his eyes were—you couldn’t even pinpoint a color for it. Sometimes, they were blue, sometimes, they were teal. 
With every shooting star that’d zip past the sky, every eyelash that’d fall and every fire that’d be lit with the palm of your hands... you hoped for a love. A love so grand it’d outshine the sun, a love so grand it could make you forget the past and undo the pain of before.
But, in the depths of your mind, in the wings of the butterflies that’d flutter in your stomach... you knew—
Albedo did not love you. 
albedo initially thought of you as a torch lighter.
LOOK, HE IS A LOGICAL AND RESOURCEFUL MAN. he does not see the world with a rosie-colored-lens like how many others do—he sees it as the facts
and with your pyro vision? combined with dragonspine, ooh, please... ain’t that a match lighter?
but as time went on, he started to see you in a new light
you were knowledgeable, you respected his views and even contributed sometimes! you were no prodigy of alchemy, of course, but you were well-versed in combat and oftentimes knew how to navigate dragonspine
(he asked you how you knew dragonspine so well. all you told him was “Pain”)
but... albedo is observant. he’s definitely aware of your feelings and nervousness, how you get overly sweaty near him and fumble on your words
it’s then he realizes—he likes you too
love is a foreign concept to him, uncharted territory and an unexplored region. of course, as an alchemist, it is up to him to discover the unknown
and love—love is unknown
how could one possibly dedicate their entire life to another? albedo always questioned this notion, for humans were free beings that wanted nothing more than to break free of their shackles
and yet—the moment the alchemist met you? all of those questions flew out of the window
he wished... he wished to love you. but to him, it looks as if you do not want to love him
It’s frustrating, really.
How Albedo would brush over your hand mindlessly, how he’d hand you an object and let your fingertips meet for two seconds too many, how his cold yet soft lips would curve into a smile upon seeing you return from your endeavors.
Why? Why? Why? Why did he do this? Was he aware of the way he made you go crazy? 
You wanted to love him, so so bad—but—
“[Y/N],” Albedo’s voice seemed to pierce through your thoughts as if he had heard them.
“Y-Yes?” You turned immediately, the rush of your heart not calming a bit, the nervousness of your leg that bounced up and down as a remedy that you wish didn’t have to be so obvious.
Averting his eyes from yours, you missed the pixie blush that dusted the tip of his ears. He was not aware of your insecurities—but he was aware of one thing.
That—that he liked you... a lot, in fact.
“Recently...” Albedo started, clearing his throat anxiously before continuing, “I have started to develop some... feelings, for you. It is okay if you do not reciprocate, but it feels wrong to think about you in such a light when you are not awa—“
You winced.
And then, everything seemed to crumble. Was he talking about someone else? Was there someone behind you? Was this a mindless prank? As it had been all those years ag—
A hand rested on your cheek, bringing you back to reality with the mere touch of his fingers.
albedo... in all of his intelligent prowess... was not expecting for you to say yes
in the public, he is a genius— a prince, a prodigy, even. but to him, he is but a failed student who is trying his best in completing his master’s final orders:
find the meaning of life
what is life? life is broad, life is different, life is... well, life.
at first, albedo had assumed that his master was talking about living life, as in plants or animals.
but now—with you, with klee, with mondstadt, with everyone. 
the chief alchemist seemed to realize:
life, life was in you.
life brought joy, laughter, pain, excitement, happiness—
and sometimes, even love
“But Albedo I—“
“It’s okay, [Y/N]. Though I am not personally aware of what seems to be troubling you, I will do everything in my power to assure that you feel comfortable with me.”
Life was short, Albedo noted. 
So—he wants to enjoy it.
—With you.
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xiao does not fear rejection, but he does fear love
how pitiful... for a guardian yaksha such as him to fear such a trivial matter
love—love was scary. love could take control of him like how he was manipulated in the archon war, love could tug his arms and move him around like a puppet
he, adeptus xiao, did not want to love
but then, you came in. and it frustrated him tremendously. you were but a mere mortal, a fleeting life that came into his eternal one. you were someone who he did not deserve
and yet, he loved you
so much, so so so much, he can’t bear it. he can take on all those karmic binds, all those whispers and hatred—yet he cannot bear the love he feels for you. he cannot bear the way his heart races or leaps whenever he sees you, he cannot bear you
but—his heart does not like the fact that you feel the same
you had told him before, one night, a few months ago... you told him how you were afraid of love
you were afraid of getting tossed away, of being forgotten like the fallen archons in war, like a side character in a play of fontaine
and all xiao could do was scoff. whoever dared to throw you away would meet his spear, his rage. he could not fathom a world where you were hated, where anyone would dare to reject you—because, because—
you were his world, regrettably
Pacing up the stairs of Wangshu Inn, you ignored the gross feeling of your clothes sticking to your skin.
Jolting up, your eyes met with that of the Guardian Yaksha—his piercing gaze and unwavering strength eyeing you down as if you were a pest.
“You’re going to get sick. Your mortal body cannot withstand such weather,” Xiao scolded, and on cue, a flash of light zipped through the air, the deep rumble of thunder following soon after.
Observing the way you flinched at the noise, Xiao merely wrapped an arm around your waist, teleporting you to the top of the inn and into your room.
“Dry up. I will return with soup,” The adeptus waved off your nervous gaze. He was not stupid, he has seen mortals succumb to sickness, and he hopes that you will not be one of them.
but as he heads to the kitchen, he cannot help but notice—notice the fact that you seemed to be... uneasy around him
was it something he said? was he perhaps too harsh with you? you of all people should know his words mean well, though...
and ugh, here it is again. the feeling of love that made even him overthink the smallest of things
yet after he brought you some soup and got you into bed, the question still ran around his mind like a halo. did you hate him? was this sickness bringing out your true thoughts?
well, yes and no
“Xiao...” You quietly murmured, wincing as the winds picked up inside your room, materializing a certain Yaksha out of thin air.
“I’m sorry...”
Rushing up to you, Xiao immediately placed a hand on your forehead, worried that you were on the brink of death.
“I’m sorry for liking you.”
“... What?” His eyes widened in disbelief, in shock. Sorry? Why were you sorry? Did you regret liking him? Was that why—
“I know...” You trailed off, in a drunken state of sickness, “That you don’t love me. But that’s okay. I just... wanted to let you know... because I’m afraid you’ll say no... but if you say no, I can at least move on...”
Staring at you fiercely, his breath hitched in his throat. No? No? He would never say no to you, ever, ever.
“Don’t move on,” Was all he could muster. 
Don’t. He wasn’t ready for love, no, he never was—but—
He did not want you to leave. 
This action of sickness was finally a catalyst, a catalyst for Xiao to confess to you properly when you were in the right state of mind.
And hopefully—when he does, you will say yes. 
xiao only confesses because he does not want to lose you
his karmic binds, the whispers, the screams. he does not want you to get tainted by them—so he is selfish, he is selfish for loving you and confessing to you... but he, he cannot bear to see you go
a double-edged sword, love is. it stabs his heart, skewering it as if it were nothing. it plunges his mind, clouding his thoughts as they fill with you and only you
can’t he just indulge in this fluffy feeling, once?
no—he doesn’t deserve it, he doesn’t deserve you.
Under the rising stars and floating lanterns, the two of you sit. It is an unspoken love, you both share, it is an unwritten rule that paints the back of your minds like a canvas of colors. 
But love—is love. Love is the rainbow that forms in the sky when the rain is over, love is the sun that shines, washing away all of the coldness of the world.
Love is you.
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ganyu feels... alone
so when you come into her life like a prospering glaze lily, she wants nothing more than to love you!
but you, confuse her. she is 100% sure you return her feelings, so why do you not seem to be... excited, about it?
To an immortal like Ganyu—love changes. At first, love was for the world, but then it shifted for mankind, and then it moved to... you.
She was no strange to love, in fact, she welcomed it! Ganyu wants to feel as mortal as possible, so when you stumble in and make her fumble for words—she knows she has fallen.
Like a meteor or a person—she falls for you. Everything reminds her of you, every flower and every bird makes her want to talk to you and spend her time with you.
But lately—you have been quite... reserved.
at first, ganyu thinks she is the problem. that she has done something wrong and she is a terrible crush
but then, she hears rumors. rumors about your past loves and how they rejected you mercilessly, how they played you like a marinette doll and caused you pain
to ganyu—that is the lowest any mortal could ever go. but for now, that is not her problem. she wants to help you, to make you realize that you are deserving of love and that you—you make her feel love
she—of course, does not confront you about this directly. ganyu is far too experienced to bring up past conflicts
but, she will subtly make you realize her feelings. with morning and night walks around liyue harbor, with hangouts and ‘dates’ at liuli pavilion...
love... it’s quite beautiful, isn’t it?
“Ah, the food here is certainly marvelous,” Ganyu gushed, enjoying a nice plate of jade parcels as you spared a smile.
“Yes, thank you for this, Ganyu. I know you work a lot and—“
“Of course, [Y/N]. Everyone needs breaks,” The woman returned your kind gesture, eyes crinkling in amusement as your heart pounded so loudly in your chest.
“In all honesty, [Y/N]. I feel quite a connection to you, and though I am aware you are hesitant— I just wanted to let you know that you are loved... by many people, not only me,” Ganyu rested her chopsticks down, making complete eye contact with you as her blue hair framed her face. The black and red horns that adorned her head glimmered—the kindness and delicate features of her nose and lips, her eyes and smile—
Your breath hitched.
ganyu—of course— does not expect an answer right away!
in fact, she thinks it’s quite unorthodox to confess to someone who is afraid of love—but her instincts told her it was right
it was abrupt, she knows. you don’t have to say yes, she knows.
but still, love was a game of chance—just as gambling, betting, anything. love was a game for two
so she took it. she took the chance, hoping that maybe you, you’d say yes.
“I...” You trailed off. You didn’t know Ganyu returned your feelings, neither did you ever imagine she could... Ganyu was half-adeptus, a caliber above you and your mortal-ness! Why would she ever think of you as anything more tha—
“Do not be afraid, [Y/N],” Ganyu’s voice was gentle as she soothed you. She had been here before, she had seen you cry out of a yearning for something you couldn’t have, she had seen your heart shatter and your mindset retract.
“I... like you too,” You responded, you felt light-headed, like you were soaring in the clouds that not even Celestia could bring you down.
Love, love was a gamble. And sometimes, you’d get your heart broken, your soul broken...
But love—it wasn’t so bad after all.
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― constellations!
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sunnywithasideup · 3 years
Dialogue Prompts #1
You can use these prompts, I'm honestly fine with it. I will probably use these prompts for my own short stories/One-Shots myself as well. There will be 10 in each genre.
"I don't know, I guess you are _____"
"I don't like you, probably because I love you,"
"Can you maybe stop nearly dying before every time we meet so I can actually get your number?"
"My brother will kill me, well and you, if we date,"
"Did you really have to set me up with him?"
"I don't know, I just love him,"
"I know.... I know, I question my decisions on the people I crush on too,"
"Oh my gods, Agh! Why is _____ so adorable and hot at the same time??"
"I just, seeing them in a suit just kind of triggered something for me,"
"Yes, okay, maybe I do like you. Maybe, I really love you, but maybe it's because you kissed me on that night!"
"We have a dragon, we have a witch, heck we even have this.... weird hybrid magic-y winged person. You really think we'd lose?"
"I don't use magic for everything you know?"
"Great, why did it have to be a full moon tonight of all nights,"
"Magic cannot solve all problems,"
"In a world full of uncertainty, sometimes all we need is a little _____"
"You can't just turn everyone you hate into animals!"
"I'd like to confess something, I'm a witch,"
"A little curse doesn't hurt,"
"Fire is chaos, air with fire is chaos.... yet somehow you still thought it would be a great idea to cook with a pyro as someone with aerokinesis,"
"How did you manage to destroy all 10 cauldrons in 30 minutes?!"
"I don't need a map, I remember all the trails by heart"
"You don't even know where we are, do you?"
"They said to never bring a knife to a gun fight but at least you can recycle the part with blood on your weapon on everytime!"
"You don't take a bullet very well," [...] "WELL NO SHIT SHERLOCK!"
"They say I got this job for the money, it is true, but I also love using bombs"
"You brought a what?!!"
"Car chases are not as fun as I thought they were,"
"They disabled their track!!"
"I was told that I could kill someone for $10, well?"
"I'm not a monster, I just like killing people!"
Murder Mystery
"I swear, I'm innocent!"
"I guess, they just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time,"
"It really is sad isn't it, the irony in how as one life ended... another began,"
"We'll see about it, in court,"
"If you weren't the murderer, then you'll have to get some evidence,"
"Blood, why are there blood on your hands?"
"Maybe, to find the murderer, we think like one!"
"We can't trust people, this could have been done by anyone"
"I-I don't remember anything! I just saw blood-"
"There was a small knife in his stomach, but how could one knife take out a whole man?"
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camellia-salazar · 3 years
Hey, so it's been a while since my last ramble of the Turbine AU. I was gonna do another fact post but I decided to post more on the character's opinions on each other. So, here is RED Scout's opinion on everyone else.
(also right in the middle of typing this I started to think of how Scout would think so make sure you understand that while you read this, please.)
So his opinion on everyone on his team is how they all are either boring or scary. That's why he tries to hang with the BLUs instead.
Staring with his team, we have Soldier. Doesn't care much honestly. Soldier is just bossy and he doesn't care much for his outbursts.
With Pyro, he thinks that they're weird and doesn't feel comfortable with them.
Demoman is just weird as well. At first he took his flirting as compliments until he realized that they aren't (when some of the other team told him that he's been flirting with him) so he is less comfortable with him, too.
Heavy is a bit scary, even though he never got to see him due to never being invited to meetings, but when he did (in the halls or whenever they go to war or do role call) he tries to look impressive and intimidating. But fails.
Engineer is overly angry, but also overly protective to him. Scout just sees him as a protective angry man so he gets annoyed by his lectures. Also he dislikes how he's more mean than the other team's Engineer. He's also one of the big reasons he runs off.
Medic is just awful. Doesn't like him that much. Runs whenever he hears him through the halls. Just downright horrifying. Another reason to go over to BLU.
Sniper is the only one he tends to like. Not because he is the exact replica of the other Sniper, but the fact that he's nice. Only problem is that he kinda sorta forgets that he's in the team, because people tell him to leave Sniper alone (mostly in battle). He only got to interact with I'm a few times. Like in the mess hall or something. Idk.
Spy is someone he dislikes the most. He just stands there. Watching him. Kinda creepy. But as long as he don't attack him, Scout's good. He guesses. (Yet another reason to flee except less likely than the other two)
Now time for his opinions on the BLU team.
BLU Scout is a wussy. He's scared out of his wits whenever he sees him. So boring. Can't even try to bonk him without screaming for mercy and looking pathetic. Yawn. Gotta run off and find real competition. Also yeah, RED Scout never saw him go on a murder spree. Or doesn't remember it. Idk.
BLU Soldier, why are you always hanging out with your Demoman? Everytime RED Scout sees you, you're always with him. What the heck? Can't even bonk you when you blow him to bits with your rockets. Dang.
BLU Pyro seems pretty chill he guesses. Not much to say about him.
BLU Demoman. What are you, sad or somethin'?
BLU Heavy? Never really saw him. Maybe that one time when something happened with his medic, but fled when he saw him.
BLU Engineer is sort of (maybe) a father figure to him. He seem kind and caring, but not to the point of being able to be manipulated, oh no no no! He tried that already. Luckily BLU Engie gave him a chance to chill with him. At one point he would reject that idea and run off. But when he was offered peace a second time he sat down and chilled.
BLU Medic I almost forgotten him. His opinion on him is the fact that he hasn't really saw him either. Except the incident of course. Or in battle a few times. (I'm not so sure about him yet.)
BLU Sniper, ah yes. Finally someone to show his skill to. Hope he's watching because Scout would be doing this particular thing for him. So what if he kills him? He'll just come back and waits for BLU Sniper to notice him once more. He doesn't know why he's doing it, but a part of him knows it's a thing he does for ... affection?? Love?? No no, it's something else.. Attention! Yeah that's it ... right? (Or was he right the first time? No no no.. second time? Not so sure. Probably.. what's he thinking about again?)
BLU Spy, better Spy. Less creepy and more open Spy. Dad Spy? Maybe not. His Scout and Pyro sure do look happy with him around tho. Hmm. 🤔
So hope you'd like this idea of how he'd react the each character. I suppose. I should write a fanfic on this. But for now I'll tell you more about the others later on. Thank you for reading these. :3
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wesimpforxiao · 4 years
Say My Name and I’ll Be There:  2.3
"What the heck?!" Paimon yelled almost gave away the team's position on the top of the cliff as she stared into the valley.  "Uh, Paimon thinks something fishy is going on down there!"
"Hm?" Aether followed her eyes until he too, stood there stunned.  
"What's wrong?" You followed suit and soon everyone was looking over the cliff.  
"Finally.  I've been itching for a fight," Childe smirked in satisfaction as he watched over seven abyss mages gather around a bonfire they created.  They appeared to be chanting or performing a ritual, but you were all too-high up to hear them.
"You're always itching for a fight," you rolled your eyes.
"It's one of life's greatest pleasures!  Maybe if you were stronger, you'd see it that way too--Ow!"  He rubbed the spot along his ribcage that you had elbowed.
"This is peculiar," Zhongli appeared lost in thought as he stared into space.  "It is common for abyss mages to appear alone, in two's or three's, but in a group of ten?"
Xiao looked equally troubled and conjured his lance.  "I'll take care of them."
"No," the former god objected.  "Even at this distance, we'd still be in danger of becoming collateral damage if you went all out."
"But he took out the lawachurl on his own while we were in the immediate area," you pointed out.
"That is because one enemy requires little power.  Abyss mages of this number and caliber would require more energy."  Xiao didn't object to this, so he must have agreed with his master.  "I will go along with the traveler and Childe.  You two should remain here unless it is absolutely necessary to intervene."
"Why can't I go with you?"
"You haven't fought an abyss mage before."  Aether finally peeled his eyes away from the cliff.  "It would be better if we found an isolated one for you.  These are too powerful."
"Ever heard of 'hit the ground running?'  I can do this."  Your eyes shone with determination.
Childe admired your resolve for a moment.  "I say we let her," he vouched.  "All she's fought so far are hilichurls.  This would be a great way to gain experience."
"It may not be the wisest choice."  Zhongli glanced back at the cliff before surveying you.  "You lack a vision, which means you are unable to break their shields.  Physical damage will get you nowhere unless the shield is broken--"
"I can break them for her," Childe countered.
"--Then there is the issue of healing.  Vision holders are able to withstand more damage than the average human.  Theoretically speaking, you may only be able to withstand a single hit."
"I've already taken a direct hit from a lawachurl and survived," you gestured toward your leg.  "How much worse could it actually get?"
You could burn to death, Xiao nearly answered.
"I knew I liked you for a reason," Childe pulled you close with an arm around your shoulders.  "I don't see the harm in bringing her.  She's more stubborn than I am when it comes to pushing limits.  If anything, she's too stubborn to die that quickly and pathetically."
Zhongli thought for a moment before looking to Aether.  "I have shared my thoughts on the matter.  Traveler, since you are the head of the group..."
Aether nodded and stepped forward.  "I counted eight pyro and two dendro mages.  Childe and Zhongli will break the shields.  I'll work on getting rid of the dendro ones first.  She can fight the ones that get isolated from the group.  Xiao, can you cover her?"
"Mm." The yaksha nodded.
You didn't know what to expect when it came to getting to the base of the cliff, but you sure didn't expect Xiao to carry you bridal-style as he leapt from rock to rock.  He landed near some bushes before you had time to react.
"We'll approach last," Xiao watched the group of mages around the fire.  They were chanting something in their native language.  "Are you sure you're ready?"
"Life happens whether you're ready or not," you answered.  "I'd rather throw myself into the fire now than sit in a slowly-heating pot for forever."
Still as strange as ever.  Xiao stood.  "Let's move."
Xiao made sure you were far enough away from the dendro mages at all times.  While their stupid vines hurt, they were more infuriating than painful.  He'd rather not have you lose to agitation like you do with Childe every day.  The abyss mages were scattered across the grass with a few shields already broken.
You were fighting at the edge of the battle, with Xiao watching you at a distance.  He wasn't going to intervene unless you were finding yourself overwhelmed.  Luckily, you were handling the chaos pretty well.  That was until one of the mages sent a fireball your way when you let your guard down.  Xiao grabbed ahold of you before you got hit and landed a few feet out of it's reach.
"Pay attention," he scolded and stepped away from you.
"Sorry!"  You looked back to the battle.  Two mages were recovering from their shields being broken.  You ran for those, noting the positions of all other enemies along the way.  
While you knew everyone's positions, you hadn't noticed when they had begun to surround you.  Childe, Zhongli, and Aether were finishing off the two dendro mages after several minutes of being taunted by them.  Six pyro mages surrounded you, and Xiao continued to watch from the sidelines.  Contrary to the appearance of the mob, you were handling yourself just fine.  You were about to deal the finishing blow to one of the mages when something inside of you clicked.
"Momma!" You ran as fast as you could with your chubby little legs into the village.  "Is there a party today?"   Small fingers tugged on your mother's summer dress.
"Party? There's no party, sweetie.  We're going to have lunch at your grandma's today."
You shook your head wildly.  "Party!"
"Sure, sweetie.  It's a party," your mother sighed in resignation with a smile.  "Come on.  I've got the ingredients for lunch now.  Want to help me cook?"
"It's for the party," she sung to get you excited.  She grabbed your hand and began to take you back to your home.  You glanced back in the direction you came with a conflicted look on your face.
"Momma?"  You gasped without realizing you were in the present moment.  Your sword was still in mid-swing.
"Hey!"  Someone's voice failed to reach you.
"Hey! Momma!  The party is here!"  You jumped up and down on the porch of your house.  "The party is here!  The party is here!"
"Sweetie, how many times do I have to tell you--"  Your mother came out of the house with a plate of snacks that were immediately dropped onto the floor.  The crash caught your attention and you looked back at her.  She had wide eyes and was as pale as a ghost.  "G-Gerald!" She called back into the house without removing her gaze from the tens of abyss mages making their way towards your house and the rest of the village.
"What?"  Your father exited the house and froze.  "Get...get her out of here and run.  I'll warn the others."
"Just go!  I'll stay and defend the village!"
"Momma...?"  You were beginning to get worried over their panic.  Why were they panicking? It was just a party...
"Hey!  What're you doing? Get back!"  A faint voice interrupted your memory.
"Where'd everyone go? There's a party!"  You coughed and walked around the deserted village square.  Before you knew it you were lying on your back, completely unaware of the fatal injury to your side and the warm blood soaking into your clothes.  "There's a...party..."  Momma's lullaby sprang to mind, and you began to hum it in hopes that everyone would come back to join you for the celebration.  You were getting sleepy now, but you forced yourself to stay awake so you could welcome everyone back.
"I said get back!"  Xiao pushed you out of the way and yanked you out of your memories.  He spun his lance and dove into the earth, sending a mini shockwave into the abyss mages.  He was holding back immensely, but he killed all six in one blow.  His lance disappeared from his hand as he stood with his back to you.  He let out an exasperated sigh.  "If you cannot bring yourself to kill, speak my name."
You didn't answer, but your eyes widened for a split second.  'Speak my name.'  He was there when it happened.  He was the one who saved me.  Your gaze rose to the back of his head.
Xiao turned around only to find your face streaked with tears.  It wasn't what he expected, and his eyes widened as he searched for any obvious injuries on you.  "Did I...?"  A small shake of your head eased the tension in his shoulders.  He knelt in front of you and wondered how to proceed.  None of the abyss mages had hurt you, but they were about to when he intervened.  
"Nice hit, comrade!  Those mages were troublesome."  Childe's voice rang out in the now-silent landscape.  He and Aether high-fived as they approached with Zhongli in tow.  Their happiness over the victory were soon quelled when they saw your face.
"What happened?  Are you hurt?"  Aether ran until he was behind Xiao.
"An injury? You were handling them well, I thought."  Childe joined the traveler at his side.
Zhongli approached last, and was the only one that noticed the distinct familiarity in which you regarded the yaksha kneeling before you.
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kritzkrieg-kiss · 3 years
Got any headcanons for mercs with an s/o who's wicked smart and talented?
Heck yeah I do
Mercs with a wicked smart & talented S/O
Scout: Broadway Chorus Liner. Scout likes a person with bubbly energy and athletic ability, but who is also humble and laid back at the same time. They compliment him well and aid in all his shenanigans. He makes sure to see every one of their performances. Even though their name doesn't even show up in the program, they receive more flowers at the end than the actual stars of the show.
Soldier: Blacksmith. They're sturdy and stringent, much like the weapons they forge. Soldier was attracted to their sense of deep-rooted character and strength at first. But as time went on, he discovered a more methodical and precise side to them. Of course they also augment his rocket launchers. He's crazy 'bout that.
Pyro: Cake Decorator. He's absolutely blown away how someone who makes such intricate works of sugary artistry can be so nonchalant about people destroying their handiwork. That is, until he gets a bite of it himself. He learned a lot about sacrifice and love that day, that sometimes in trying to preserve an act of selfless generosity, you miss out on it entirely. He learned the best way to accept such a gift is to devour it in a fit of fanatical passion. Yum 💛
Demo: Chorale Singer. He learned to stop and smell the roses from watching them. Much like the songs they would sing to themselves, they tuned themselves to the small, beautiful things that everyone else looked over. It brought him onto a whole new wavelength. They're shy though, and only sing when they think no one's around. On a sidenote, there may or may not have been at least a few dozen times where Demoman asked to borrow Spy's cloaking device.
Heavy: Flutist, The Old Nautical Kind. Heavy grew up several hundred kilometers away from the nearest ocean, but he always held a deep fascination with it. He wondered how something can be so vast and eternal, yet distant. How it could be so full of anger and rage, yet calming at the same time. It covered a majority of the earth, but to him, it might as well have been on another planet. It was everywhere, yet elusive. Powerful, but tranquil. Deadly, and at the same time full of life. He saw a lot of himself in it. So when he met someone who could blend up every one of those feelings simultaneously and whistle them through an old flute, he was instantly enchanted.
Engie: Gardener. Engie appreciates a person who can take their environment into their own hands, who can create a space to relax and reflect all on their own. Being the type of person who can see all the intricate parts that make up everything, he admires the certain tenderness and persistence it takes to grow plants from seeds, more notably a whole garden of them. Often times he'll cook with the vegetables they grow.
Medic: Close-Up Magician. This guy is the textbook definition of a willing suspense of disbelief. Every trick they did, from the complicated illusions to the 1st grade card tricks, left him clapping with a 'Hoo hoo! Do it again! Do it again! Do it again!' Never once did they lose patience with him. They kept a deck of cards on their person at all times, ready and willing to see Medic go from a grown man to a giggling child in less than ten seconds at any moment's notice.
Sniper: Professional Swing Dancer. They asked him to go dancing with them a few hundred times before he finally said yes. He's so uncoordinated it's a danger to those around them at first. But of course, they're exactly the right person for him to follow. They're the kind of person who can loosen him up a bit and not laugh at his expense when he utterly fails on the first few tries. After the first several bumps and bruises, Snipes decided to just say what the heck and finally managed to cut back and have fun. He still wasn't very good at dancing though, the Americana just killed him. Oh, the poor Aussie.
Spy: Charcoal Artist. Honestly, Spy didn't pay them much attention until he saw their work. It had been a rough morning and he didn't feel like talking to anyone, so the cloak was on as he walked about. As he was walking, he passed by an open door. Inside was a desk. On the desk was an open book lying face down. He didn't feel bad about snooping around where he shouldn't, heck it was his job after all. He slinked in and picked up the book, only to find it full of charcoal portraits of...himself? He delicately flipped through the pages. The drawings were spot on. The form, the lighting, everything. It captured his spirit in a way he couldn't understand. His heart swelled in his chest. He'd flip through the rest later, right now he needed to come up with a way to finally make their acquaintance.
I liked this one, hope you did too 💛
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