#how they're both going ''omg i couldn't see you how did you play it i don't know!!!!!!''
airenyah · 8 months
i need everyone to know that every single time i watch this scene:
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every single time i watch this scene i have ohm and nanon yelling about it in the back of my head:
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brbgottagetkfc · 1 month
My think piece (lol, I am looking into it 🔍):
Like...I sorta get the dynamic. Because it seems like despite being friends all of them are pretty lonely themselves. Y/N is sort of like a shard that kind of breaks the normalcy for them, so they kind of reject her in that sense. It easier to cling to coldness when its all you've known, warmth seems too scary. Maybe Satoru sees that and thinks he needs to hold them up in a way (not disrupt their normalcy), so enages in the way they like: the shots at Y/N, playing that game to act like Y/N doesn't mean much. Nice got them killed as you mentioned, being treated like weapons from a time when they needed to be nurtured. So maybe Y/N reminds them how hardened they have become, so they cling to the status quo of their loneliness in the friendship. Its like seeing how much more happy Satoru is but needing the reasurance that ‘You're still like us, she'll never get you because she hasn't been treated as disposable like we have, we have the same experiences you are better off with us, we only had each other, so it has to be the same'
Its not Y/N's respponsibility to heal them, but being open to her as a friend would do wonders for them. I just don't get Utahime posting that, it was mean. All of them were very mean. Utahime's reasoning seems like the same thing, she doesn't love Satoru but its that thing about familarity. Y/N's the other one, shining light on the ice in her friend group, the message may not be ‘He still likes me and wants me more' but may be more so ‘We're all fine, you didn't change him, or take him away from us, he's still our friend, with the same blood on his hands, the same fate as us as weapons, its okay, we'll all stick together'
But it would be nice to see it all addressed, because that video was like the final blow, she saw them post it, saw him laugh at the digs, the little jope she had shattered. Its necessary to hash out that instance. Love and friendship does help with wound and scars, both for Satoru and his little group.
Even the most simplest smaus show a lot things. You did an amazing job. Eager for part 3 (I hope you do it, give like a proper ending, I would hope a happy one, it would take him time given the extent to which it hurt).
OMG thank you so much, anon, for taking the time and dropping such an insightful ask, makes me ooey gooey inside knowing some of y'all liked my Smaus enough to put so much thought into it
As for your take of the post, it's almost exactly what I was going for, but I didn't want to make the post longer than it is right now, so I couldn't write all that in.
I think the friendgroup treats reader so horribly is because they never saw her as a permanent fixture to the group in first place, and they're assholes in general, all of them, including Satoru. Satoru doesn't stand up for reader when his friends mock her because (a) he's not sure how to display the "boyfriend" version of him in front of the friendgroup and (b) he tries to convince himself, and reader that they're mocking her as an extension of mocking him, which they actually do, the group is also very mean to each other in general
As for the reason utahime and shoko bully reader is because they think Satoru's gone soft (weak)
Ever since she came into their lives, and that makes them mad enough to extra hard on reader. They don't find it to be wrong, and they enjoy the reactions reader has to their bullying, as well as putting Satoru in that position, because they think Satoru is being a wimp if he wants to protect reader's feelings.
It's not just the girls that are mean to reader. Suguru and Nanami aren't particularly nice to her either, but they're also not invested enough to target her at every given opportunity. They're toxic to each other & horrible. All of them.
Satoru had 2 years to resolve his issues, to establish boundaries within his friends' group and treat reader with the dignity she deserved, but he failed to prioritise his relationship, and chose to be passive and evasive to avoid confrontation of any sort, even at the expense of his partner.
It's not readers responsibility to try to fix a man who doesn't truly want to change. Even if he does alter his priorities to appease reader, it won't be right, because he'd be doing that to hold onto the sanctuary reader provides him with, and not because he finds his current behaviour problematic.
With all that being said, I don't think a reconciliation is on the table for these two :(
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
Hiii, so I wanna request an ellie x reader where they are like fake dating but then one night they're out at a bar and some guys are messing with/bothering (basically harrasing) reader and Ellie BEATS them up. Like bad lol. Then reader gets mad at Ellie, insisting she could've "handled it herself" but then ellie ends up accidentally saying she's in love with reader hence why she got so protective
i cant stop thinking about this omg.
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! mention of alcohol, catcalling, sa and just creepy guys overall, blood, fighting
writers note: writing this took my blood sweat n tears and im not sure wether it was worth it or not
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while you and ellie had been close and even affectionate with one another, the nature of your relationship had always been that of simple friends. holding hands, sitting on her lap, or other romantic gestures seemed natural and casual between the two of you without any thought to anything more. however, you were both acutely aware that everyone believed you were romantically involved and you knew that was one reason you were still single.
when you were in ellie's room you began to notice little things. she had framed pictures of the two of you together, notes and sketches she had made about you, and a diary full of your name. dina and jesse kept teasing you about it, but 'isn't it what friends do?'
and, god, how oblivious you were.
one day, you took her out to a local bar, feeling the need to just drink and forget about everything for one night.
as you walked into the pub, you couldn't help but notice all the heads that turned to watch as you passed. it was like something in the air compelled you to turn to look at her. a familiar feeling of warmth ran through you and you instinctively reached out to take her hand. ellie giggled at your gesture, but didn't let go and you continued through the crowd which got already bored with your appearance.
it was just a normal night, the drinks making you a little tipsy and loosening your tongue, but everything was going just fine.
you saw a group of boys your age suspiciously eyeing you and ellie, their gaze mostly focused on you and your clothes.
well, that's true, you didn't put your everyday clothes on, but you had a good humour and felt like dressing up... actually, who am i trying to lie to? you wanted to look good for your friend.
she didn't notice the boys, but you did. your eyes met with the one in the leather jacket, and he looked away quickly. his group turned back to their beers, but you couldn't stop thinking about the way he glanced over at you.
the situation made you a little uncomfortable, but you played it cool and ignored the boys, turning your attention back to ellie. she was in her element, chatting away in a loud and lively fashion, her hands flying to emphasize whatever story she was telling. you couldn't help but let out a laugh as you took in the scene.
things were going just fine until one of the boys approached you. "hey, gorgeous." he said, in a voice that was trying just a little too hard to sound casual. "can we buy you a drink?"
ellie frowned, her gaze flickering between you and him. "she's not alone."
the boy tried again, undeterred. "i wasn't talking to you." he scoffed, his voice dripping with condescension as he turned to ellie, pointing you with his chin. "who wears a dress like that if they're not looking for a good time?"
ellie looked shocked for a moment, then her eyes narrowed. she leaned towards the boy, keeping her voice low. "this dress looks like it's worth more than you make in a month. now, leave us alone."
the boy laughed, turning his attention back to you, seemingly oblivious to the warning. "why don't you take off the dress and let us see what's underneath?"
you watched ellie open her mouth to answer for you again but you cut her off with a shake of your head and quiet 'let it go'. she looked at you, her mouth half open, as if she was waiting for your permission before starting her response. she rolled her eyes at you, but said nothing.
the boy seemed frustrated that his insult was met with no reaction. he jabbed his finger at you. "or maybe you're just a dyke?"
at that, ellie's eyes flew open. "the fuck did you just say?" she hissed, clenching her fists to the point her nails were digging into her palm.
you gripped her wrist, trying to pull her away. "ellie, come on–"
as things were just starting to escalate, a bartender rushed over, looking agitated. "hey, hey! none of that in here!" he pointed at him. "you, out now!"
the boy scoffed, as did his friends, but obediently left. you could hear him muttering complaints under his breath, but his voice faded away into the background din of the bar.
you kept close to ellie as the boys were led out.
ellie was still fuming, taking a few deep breaths. she looked up at you with daggers in her eyes. "why did you stop me? he deserved more than that." after a little pause she added; "no one will disrespect you like that. and no one can disrespect you when they're unconscious."
you weren't sure whether to be amused or horrified at her comment. "and how exactly were you planning on achieving that?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
ellie smirked, taking your hand in hers. "you don't need to know. just know that i was prepared if things had gotten out of hand."
that answer did little to ease your skepticism. "you know you can't go around knocking people out like a character in a movie, right?"
ellie raised her eyebrows, staring at you with a challenging expression. "sure i can," she grinned, "if the situation calls for it.
"ellie," you said, "be serious." but ellie's confidence was charming, and you couldn't help but crack a little smile. "alright," you added. "just... try to keep your cool next time, alright?"
she nodded, squeezing your hand. "promise. no knocking heads unless i absolutely have to."
you decided to leave the bar shortly after, not in the mood to socialise anymore. she told you to wait outside as she, obviously, paid for the both of you.
the atmosphere outside wasn't so cozy - not only because it was cold and windy, but you also saw those boys there, smoking and laughing. you thought about going back inside but they didn't seem to notice you - well, not at first.
one of the boys spotted you and instantly smiled. he nudged his friend and said something you couldn't quite make out. the two of them laughed and started approaching you. "hey," the first one said, "is your little girlfriend taking too long in there? we could take you home and warm you up."
the thought of people thinking ellie is your girlfriend seemed funny but not new to you, so you ignored it.
you rolled your eyes at their comment, but kept your expression neutral. "no, thanks, but you might want to work on your pickup lines. 'warm you up?' really?"
the two boys exchanged a look and laughed. their friend said "oh, she's feisty. we like that."
you felt your stomach drop. ellie was still inside the bar and you had no clue how long she might be. not too long, you hoped. i mean, how long can paying for a few drinks take?
as if on cue, ellie opened the door and came out. she stopped dead in her tracks as she noticed the two boys who'd just been hitting on you.
she took a moment to take in the situation, then rolled her eyes and scoffed. you were relieved to see she was wearing a smirk that told you she was ready for whatever was coming.
the two boys stared at ellie, eyes darting from her to you and back again.
"oh, hey ellie." you exhaled, putting on your best fake smile. "good timing. we were just about to–"
ellie didn't give you the chance to finish. "sorry i took so long." her tone was friendly, but it was obvious she was trying to claim you as her territory. all three boys watched her in silence.
"can i help you, boys?" ellie said sweetly, her voice dripping with sarcasm. she put her arms around your waist, which only amplified her already mocking tone.
the boys watched her with leering eyes. the tall blonde one put his hand on his friend's shoulder. "we were just saying how pretty your friend is." he paused, raising an eyebrow. "she sure looks... hm, how do i describe it? slutty?"
at that, ellie's demeanor changed, and her previous smile faded. her look was cold as ice, and she clenched her fists again.
'this is getting out of hand'
"hey," the tall blonde said, "i bet there's something better under that dress." he pointed at you.
"yeah, there's a fucking gun." you hissed.
he didn't seem to take you seriously, as he should - you were in fact completely unarmed. the only weapon you had was... well, ellie. "we'd like to personally test that theory."
ellie's knuckles turned white. "i'm here with her."
"look, you can watch from a distance." the blonde laughed. "but me and my friends here are going to have a good time with a girl like this, whether she wants it or not."
you felt yourself flush with embarrassment. "oh, uh, no. we're just leaving." you said, grabbing ellie's wrist and trying to pull her away.
ellie wasn't having any of it. "go to the car and wait for me there." she whispered, tossing the keys to you.
"you're crazy." you whispered under your breath.
"just do it," ellie hissed. "i can handle them, and i don't want you getting involved."
'like i'm not involved already.'
it was impossible to argue against that last point, and you reluctantly followed her instructions.
you were surprised they didn't try to stop you but you realised they probably know what's going to happen.
as you opened the car door and got in, you watched the situation from the safety of the passenger's seat. the boys had surrounded ellie, one with his hand on her arm and the others laughing and pointing at you. you couldn't hear them but you guessed what they talked about. they were just little shadows in your eyes now, you barely could tell which one's ellie.
from your vantage point, you watched ellie and the three boys facing off. she spoke in a quiet, measured voice that you weren't sure you wanted to hear the contents of.
suddenly, you saw the blonde reach towards her. that was enough for her.
she slapped his hand away, and in a swift motion, kicked him in the groin. he let out a, silent for you, cry of pain and sank to the ground, while the others were still recovering from the surprise. ellie turned to them and and soon they were all on the ground. the blow knocked the last boy out cold. ellie quickly turned to the blonde, who was now sitting up and holding his injured part. without a word, ellie approached him and kneed between his legs just as he was about to stand up.
the boy groaned, dropping back to the ground. ellie reached down and grabbed him by the shirt. she hauled him back up, and raised her fist again. you turned away, not wanting to look at the scene and uncomfortably shifted in the passenger seat, hoping it'll be over soon.
she took her time. you didn't know what could they possibly say to piss her off that much but you didn't want to.
she approached the car and got in, not saying a word to you.
you didn't say a word either, you just watched her cautiously driving. your anger started to grow - at the boys, at the whole situation, even at ellie. what she did was just reckless, one of them could be armed... or have really good skills. plus, they barely touched you and the comments didn't really get to you anyway.
you let out a frustrated sigh and turned to her. "why did you have to make such a big deal out of nothing? i could have handled it just fine on my own."
ellie didn't look at you or even acknowledge your words. she kept driving, her attention focused on the road.
you weren't sure what to think, but it frustrated you that she was acting like this. 'why can't she just drop the tough girl act and admit she overreacted?'
you tried again. "ellie, come on, i know you were just trying to help, but–" you sighed. "just ignore me, i guess."
you turned to look out the window in annoyance, but then ellie spoke suddenly, her tone deadly serious. "you know i was right to do what i did."
you whipped your head around to look at her in surprise. "what do you mean?"
ellie looked straight ahead as she kept driving. "those guys would have taken advantage of you," she said quietly, "like it or not."
her words hit you like a ton of bricks. you sat in silence for a moment, trying to process what she said.
"but that's ridiculous," you frowned, "i wouldn't have let anything happen."
ellie shot you a look. "you really think you're the one in control of the situation? sweetheart, you have no idea. as soon as you let them talk to you, it was out of your hands."
you mockingly laughed. "oh, so i can't handle them but you can? what am i, a deer surrounded by lions?"
ellie sighed, shaking her head. "god, you're infuriating," she said, keeping her eyes on the road. "yeah, actually, you are like a deer surrounded by lions – completely oblivious to how predatory these men are."
she cast a sharp and serious glance at you, making you flinch.
"i can handle myself." you repeated, with growing annoyance. after a moment, you added; "why the fuck would you do that? you should mind your own business."
"i make it my business to look after my friends." ellie answered, still not looking at you.
you felt your blood boil, but you forced yourself to remain calm. "i don't want you to look after me, ellie. you are my friend, not my babysitter."
"oh, i'm sorry!" she shrugged, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "i thought friends protect each other!"
you scoffed at her last comment. "how exactly was i in danger?" you asked. "they barely even touched me!"
she sighed again, this time with irritation. "jesus, you were really lucky, alright? i get that you feel like your ego's been hurt by all this, and i'm sorry. but if i hadn't stepped in, you could have been hurt. maybe the situation wouldn't have escalated to violence, but i wasn't taking any chances." she looked at you, her expression softened and she seemed truly concerned. "do you understand?"
you huffed but your tone calmed down a little. "that was my problem, not yours."
"fine, it was your problem," ellie rolled her eyes. "just don't get mad at me for looking out for you."
"i'm not mad." you said, your tone turning defensive. "i'm annoyed you think i'm incapable of looking after myself."
her eyes fixed on you, cold and sharp. "you're lucky i was there."
she parked the car in front of your house, where she was supposed to sleep this night. at least, you planned it like that. now you'd prefer to be alone. you let her in anyway, hoping to talk about what happened in better circumstances.
as soon as you came in, you took some ice bags and went back to ellie. her knuckles were bloody red and swollen, even though she didn't seem to be hurt. she looked up and took the bag from your hand, but her expression was still stern.
"thanks." she said in a raspy monotone, holding it to her hands.
you cleared your throat awkwardly, hoping that the ice would help ease the situation. "ellie, i just want to say i appreciate what you did, but–"
she sighed and shook her head. "don't start."
"well, i was going to." you said, unable to hide your irritation. "you overreacted. i don't need your help. it was my problem to deal with."
ellie stayed silent for a moment, as if contemplating what you just said. "i might have overreacted," she admitted, "but i still don't regret what i did."
you sighed and threw your hands up in frustration. "we're just going around in circles here. why can't you understand that i can handle myself? i don't need you. i didn't ask for your help. i don't understand why you just have to get all protective over me."
ellie sighed, dropping the ice bag to her side. her voice was still calm, but with a hint of anger. "i was trying to look out for you. i was trying to do something nice, and you just keep yelling at me for it."
you felt your confusion growing even more. "but- why?"
she shook her head in disbelief. "because i love you."
the air seemed to suck out of your lungs when she said that. her words were unexpected, and you wanted to know if you heard her right. "what did you say?"
ellie chuckled and nodded, her expression almost teasing but still nervous and even a little aggresive. "i said i love you, of course."
you couldn't reply, too stunned to speak. you just stared at her, feeling the familiar heat on your cheeks rise.
she clicked her tongue at your obliviousness. "that's why i'm so protective. that's why i couldn't just ignore how they talked to you."
you just blinked, still unable to process what she said.
ellie must have sensed your confusion, because she continued. "i'm not your babysitter, alright? you're a big girl. you can take care of yourself– but that's not what i meant." she took your hand in hers. "i'm worried about you because i love you."
the realization of what she'd said suddenly hit you like a train, and you felt your heart race. for what felt like an eternity, you just stared at her, still not believing what you were hearing.
ellie just smiled, a little bit embarrassed, as if she hadn't just made one of the most profound declarations of love imaginable.
"so," she said quietly, "can you forgive me now?"
her tone was so innocent, so sincere, that it seemed almost cruel to keep arguing with her. it seemed cruel that you ever did.
in the end, you nodded. "yeah, i can."
that was all it took for ellie's expression to light up.
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squoxle · 11 months
・₊✧⋆⭒˚。⋆𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ~ 𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐟 (𝟏𝟖+)
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👑 pairing: 25yr!little sister's bf!heeseung x 22yr!older sister!reader
👑summary: you're crushing hard on your little sister's boyfriend, but things really take a turn when he shows interest. req by: @hoyeonheeseung
👑 cw: 🔞MDNI!!corruption, oral (m. and f. receiving), penetration, kissing, swearing, drinking, drunk sex, unprotected sex, slight degrading, noncon/dubcon, sexual themes, cheating, college au, hee’s a big ole hoe and so are you [feat. Jake~Brother | Jay*EN- | Sunghoon*EN- | Kazuha*LESF | Yunjin*LESF | Lucy*Weki Meki | Keeho*P1H] 𝑆𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑆𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑤/𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝐸𝑚𝑜𝑗𝑖❤️‍🔥
👑wc: 6.5k
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You were scrolling through Instagram when you saw a new post on your younger sister's story.
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The caption read, "ladies! it's officially cuffing season!" There was a little red heart on the photo of her and her boyfriend holding hands. You also noticed that she was wearing a small gold chain with the letter 'H'. You knew she had been talking about some guy she was interested in, but she never told you who he was, claiming that you were "too judgy."
You still responded to her story, as if the two of you didn't literally live together.
“OMG! Did the cops finally find your stash? Am I gonna have to bail you out?!" you replied, teasing her about this so-called 'cuffing' season. You didn't expect her to respond as she was obviously busy with some dude.
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Later that night when your sister came home. "Hey, Chloe." "Hey. I'm gonna go take a quick shower and we can talk when I'm finished ok?" "Okay." After her shower, that was everything but quick, she started to tell you about her day before crashing mid-story.
From what you gathered, Mr. H is super cute and funny, but he asked her to be his girlfriend in the most corny high-school musical, Troy and Gabriella way ever. Basically, he told her to close her eyes and he put the necklace on her. Then he said this cringy-ass line, "Whenever you see this I want you to remember that you're mine." When your sister told you this you couldn't help but roll your eyes.
*Okay, maybe I am a little judgy* you thought to yourself.
The next day when your sister woke up, she arranged for you to meet her new boyfriend. "Hey, Jake is probably gonna be there too." "What is Jake gonna be doing there?" "Well, they're friends soooo." "Wait what?! You didn't tell me that." "Really, I thought I did. Sorry." "Eww. So you're like the little sister who dates her brother's best friend." "It is so not like that," Chloe chuckled.
You and Chloe drove to Token Town, an arcade/bar about 20 miles from where you live. "Sooo how did you two meet again?" you asked as you walked through the automatic sliding doors. "Ugh. I told you a million times already." "I don't care. Tell me again."
The mix of music and arcade noises made it difficult to hear so you were both kinda shouting, rather than talking.
"You remember when I cracked my phone screen a few months ago?" "Yea. What about it?" "Well, he was the one who fixed it for me." "So I guess the price was being his girlfriend huh?" "No," Chloe giggled. "Then what?" "I went to Apple to get it fixed, but my warranty had expired and he overheard my conversation. You already know I was not trying to pay for a broken screen. Anyways, he was there to pick up some new air pods and that's when he offered to fix my screen for me. He said he used to work for Apple." "So you're telling me that you let some random ass stranger play operation with your phone." "Well, I trusted him." "I know damn well I wouldn't have. I don't care how cute he is."
The two of you laughed before Chloe pulled out her phone to text him. "He said he's over by table 11." "Okay."
You headed over to table 11 to find Jake and your sister's boyfriend. You felt like you had seen him somewhere before, but you weren't sure exactly where. "Hi. I'm Heeseung," he said with a slight wave.
For some reason, when he said that you immediately remembered where you knew him from.
Two months ago, you were shopping at the Korean store to pick out some snacks for you and Chloe to share. Unfortunately for you, the store had been rearranged so it was a little harder to find what you wanted.
As you scanned the aisle for Pockys you spotted them on the top shelf. You weren’t one to ask for help so you desperately wiggled your fingers trying to knock down the desired box. You managed to knock down the matcha flavored pack, after hopping a bit, but you still needed the strawberry and chocolate flavors. You and Chloe like to mix them together and pull out random flavors. You barely nudged the strawberry box down and it fell on your head.
*Two down, one more to go* you sighed to yourself.
As you reached for the final box you felt a hand graze yours. “Here. Let me help you,” a gentle voice said from behind. “Thanks. They changed the store around and I was trying to get them by myself. But I—“ You turned to face the man standing behind you. His looks alone caused your train of thought to completely derail. “That’s a lot of snacks,” he smiled looking down into your basket filled with different flavors of ramune, milk, and now Pockys. “Are you planning for a zombie apocalypse or something?” “No, it’s actually for me and my sister. We both have a major sweet tooth.” “Oh really? You must love Choco-Pies then huh.” "Hmm. I've actually never had those before." "Well, you should definitely try them," the man said before walking down the aisle and grabbing a red pack from the shelf. "Here," he said placing the 'Choco-Pies' in your basket. "You'll thank me later," he winked.
To your surprise, the two of you finished your shopping together. In fact, the man even paid for the Choco-Pies at the register--he said he was paying just in case you didn't like it, you didn't waste any money. "It was really nice talking to you. Maybe we'll meet again sometime." "Yea, or maybe not." "Hmm true. Well, just in case we ever do, my name's Heeseung."
You snapped back into reality at the sound of your brother's laugh. Jake's goofy laugh was like his superpower. It had a habit of zapping your thoughts away.
"So, all this time when you were talking about a girl, you were talking about my sister?" Jake laughed. Chloe playfully pushed his arm. "Sorry, but I can't say this is what I was expecting when you said I'd be meeting your girlfriend. I've known her my whole damn life and cute and sweet are the LAST words I'd use to describe HER," Jake burst into laughter again. "Would you just shut the hell up already," Chloe said, rolling her eyes. "Okay okay," Jake said catching his breath.
You were too stunned to even speak. You couldn't believe that the guy you had been fantasizing about for weeks was standing right in front of you...with his girlfriend...your sister. You had told your sister about the encounter before, but you didn't tell her his name. You knew that she'd tease you about it till the day you die, but she teased you anyway. She named him your "Choco-Stalker."
After about an hour, you and Chloe went back home. You could hear her talking on the phone with Heeseung, but what you couldn't stop thinking about was if he remembered you. It was a little over two months ago, but maybe he recognized you too...
It didn't matter anyway, he was dating your sister now. You knew all feelings for him had to go.
[December 18th ~ the day before the Xmas party on Saturday...]
You and a few friends decided to have an Xmas party this year because some of you were graduating and others just wanted to have a good time. You chose to host it at Sunghoon's house since he had the most space and the perfect environment for a little get-together.
You were busy hanging decorative garlands and other hanging decorations with Sunghoon, while Jake and Lucy decorated the tables. Chloe and Heeseung were in charge of the balloons, while Jay and Keeho were out ordering food and snacks for tomorrow.
"Guys, I am so excited for this party tomorrow," Lucy said as she placed a snowman figure in the center of one of her tables. "Yea, I don't know why we haven't done this before," Jake added.
"I kinda wish it wasn't at a time when some of us would be leaving though," Heeseung chimed in. "Ehh it's alright. It's not like we're all gonna disappear out of each other's lives just because we get a silly little diploma," Sunghoon said as he fastened the tie on the garland hook. "Yea, that's true, but still...life is gonna change for some of us," Heeseung sighed.
"Hey hey hey! Positive vibes guys. This should be fun. Let's just enjoy the moment we have together," Jake smiled. "Yea, you're right man. Let's make this a night to remember," Heeseung smiled back.
"What are you two gays smiling about?" Keeho laughed as he walked through the door. "Oh nothing. I was just spreading positive vibes as usual,” Jake smiled. “Well we successfully ordered all of the snacks so we can pig out like the sloppy fat asses we are tomorrow,” Keeho continued. “Oh and guess who I brought with me?” He smiled. “Umm…Jay?” Sunghoon asked. “No.” “Soobin?” Jake asked. “No. Stop guessing guys,” Keeho chuckled. “Oh I know. You picked up Zuha didn’t you?” You guessed judging by the grin on his face. “Yup,” Keeho huffed. “Come on in Babe,” Keeho said as Kazuha jumped from behind the door.
They were always so goofy together. Their relationship resembled Joker and Harley Quinn…as in when they weren’t throwing around sassy jokes they were shoving tongues down each other’s throats in the most violently aggressive way ever. Which is exactly what they did that following night.
[December 19th ~ the day of the Xmas party...]
It was around 8pm when everybody finally arrived. You guys had finished decorating the night before and picked up the food the Jay and Keeho ordered yesterday. Everything was perfect, exactly the way you envisioned it.
Sunghoon prepared everyone a special Gingerbread Martini, which was perfect for the occasion. “Woah! This is really good! What is it!” Jake’s face lit up as he took his first sip. “It’s a Gingerbread Martini,” Sunghoon giggled. “It literally tastes like a cookie with rum in it,” Yunjin said licking the froth from her lips. After hearing the comments made, you were very excited to try the concoction. Just like they said, it tasted like a spiked gingerbread cookie. All of the right flavors and a balanced sweetness. It was perfect.
“Okay, party people. It’s time to hand out gifts,” Kazuha clapped, getting everyone’s attention.
Everyone gathered in the living room. Some sat on the floor, others on the couch, and some decided to either stand or brace their bodies against any surface strong enough to support their body weight.
"Hey! I wanna go first," Jake said excitedly. He started by giving everyone a Christmas card filled with $20. Next, Sunghoon passed out his gifts. Everyone got a Christmas keychain with the year attached to it. "Damn, bro. You were being stingy as fuck this year," Keeho hissed. "Merry Christmas to you too asshole," Sunghoon scoffed back. "I actually bought other gifts for everyone, but I want to give them to you on Christmas Day," he continued. "Sure you do," Keeho rolled his eyes. "Guys. Guys. Relax. This is supposed to be fun," Yunjin pouted. "Yea you're right," Sunghoon muttered before they both apologized in unison.
"Okay, now it's my turn," Kazuha sang. She handed everyone little boxes. Gold for the guys and red for the girls. "Woah. What the hell is this?" Chloe gasped. "Well. I bought everyone something special in case they wanna jingle some bells and deck the halls," Kazuha winked. "You're so kinky Zuha," Yunjin giggled. Inside the girls' boxes was a decorative thong, a 'morning-after' pill, and a mini vibrator. The boys had three condoms--Kazuha said it was for a full day of fucking, sex dice, fuzzy handcuffs, and a black satin cloth.
"Who the hell am I supposed to use this with?" You laughed. "Doesn't matter," Kazuha smirked. "Get yourself a winter fling--" "Or we could always just have one big orgy," Keeho cut her off. "Nah bro what the fuck?" Jay spat. "Come on. Think about it, man. It would be kinda hot." Everyone started to engage in a conversation about this imaginary orgy. A few questions were who would ride the best and how many times could someone get off before they passed out. And this went on for about an hour before you moved on to the next party activity, making ugly sweaters.
Everyone was busy creating the ugliest sweaters possible. Even though they would only be worn once, it was still a fun tradition. Of course Heeseung and Chloe were making one for each other. But for some odd reason, Heeseung kept looking at you. And this didn’t feel like the type of looking like “oh I’m just staring off into space which just so happens to be in your direction” it was more like the “yea I’m with your sister, but I’d rather be doing this with you.” Well it didn’t seem that way at first, but after what happened on New Year’s…that’s the only thing it could’ve meant.
[December 31 ~ New Year’s Party…]
After the success of the Xmas party, Sunghoon wanted to throw another party to bring in the new year. Just like last time, he made another special drink. However, he was a little heavier on the alcohol.
Unlike the last party, you all just huddled up around the TV and watched the New Year's countdown. Surprisingly, Kazuha was the first one to fall asleep. It wasn't until around 2 a.m. that everyone else crashed. You were the only one awake, or so you thought.
You went to the guest room down the hall, just to relax away from everybody. Yes, these were your friends, but you just wanted a little time alone.
❤️‍🔥: You climbed onto the guest bed and slid your panties to the side. You never would've thought that Kazuha's little Xmas gift would be so useful. You spread your legs and pushed the tip of the vibrator into your pussy. You spat a bit of saliva onto your fingers before reaching them down to stimulate your clit. You knew this was bad, but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get Heesueng out of your mind. You increased the intensity of the little toy, while you continued to rub your clit. You were reaching your climax as you started to softly moan Heeseung's name. Your eyes had been closed this whole time so you didn't notice that someone else had entered the room.
"OH MY GOD!" you gasped, covering your dipping wet pussy with your dress. Heeseung had been watching you masturbate while moaning his name for who knows how long. "Sorry, I thought everyone was asleep," you said as your face burned with embarrassment. "How long have you been standing there?" "A while," Heeseung said as he looked down to see your hands desperately hugging the hem of your dress in an attempt to hide yourself. He walked closer to you and climbed onto the bed, between your legs. He gently moved your hands, revealing your throbbing cunt.
He began to kiss your inner thighs, "I know you want this," he whispered against your wet folds. He then started to lick and suck the juices from your sloppy pussy. "I heard the way you were moaning my name earlier. I want you to do it again." You were taken aback by his words, but instead of saying his name you stuttered. "Say it now," he said as he shoved two of his fingers into your pussy. You softly moaned his name as he jerked his fingers back and forth. "Say it louder." "What if someone hears us?" "I said say it louder," he growled as he started to finger your pussy harder and faster. You started to moan his name a little louder as he kept up a good pace. "Good girl," he smiled which made you melt in his hands. As you reached your climax, you grabbed his hair in your hands and started to ride his face causing you to cum in his mouth. :❤️‍🔥
You fell asleep almost right after you finished, and the last thing you remember is Heeseung kissing you on the lips before leaving the room. The next morning you woke up, you weren't sure if that was real or just one wild-ass wet dream, but what you did know was that it felt pretty damn good.
[January 4 ~ Trip to the mall with a few friends...]
You were at the mall just hanging out with Jay, Yunjin, Sunghoon, your sister, and her boyfriend--who you hadn't been able to stop thinking about since that night. You still weren't 100 percent sure if that really happened, but he had been looking at you a little weird lately. Chloe insisted on dress shopping because she just wanted something to replace one of her old dresses.
Chloe and Yunjin were busy in the dressing room trying on clothes and Jay and Sunghoon were looking for snacks. It was just you and Heeseung...completely alone.
"Umm, Heeseung?" "Yea?" "Do you remember the New Year's party?" "Yea, why? You wanna do it again?" His response surprised the hell out of you. Here you were trying to sort fantasy from reality and he just confirmed all of your doubts.
"I-I-" Heeseung cut you off with a kiss on the cheek. "Maybe some other time," he winked before Chloe skipped out of the changing room with Yunjin.
"Well, that was a total waste of my time. All of these dresses either make me look fat or make me feel bad for the poor girl who would actually buy it," Chloe said as she placed the stack of dresses on the empty countertop. "Welp, I guess we should go catch up with the boys," Yunjin suggested before you all started walking to the food court.
Sunghoon and Jay were busy talking at a table when you guys found them.
“Hey guys,” Jay waved. “We’re just waiting for the pizza to come out,” Sunghoon added. “Ohhhh yes! What kind did you get?” Yunjin and Chloe asked in unison. An intense love for pizza was one thing those two had in common. Other than that, they were polar opposites.
“Well we got one meat lovers, one veggie, and one cheese,” Jay smiled admiring their excitement. “Heh, if I was a spoiled pizza princess I would’ve had you thrown in a cell for ordering a naked pizza,” Yunjin smirked. “Oh come on. Cheese pizza is good,” Jay giggled. “The only living being that I can think of that would genuinely enjoy a cheese pizza would be a mouse,” Yunjin continued as she sat in a chair beside Jay. “Well you were never really the best at thinking anyways,” Jay smirked. “The pizza princess of beauty and no brains,” Jay teased. “Heh well then you can be my cheesy jester. You’d make a pretty clown,” Yunjin teased back.
“Number 257. Order number 257 is ready,” a voice said over the intercom, cutting off their odd flirting session. “I’ll go get it,” Heeseung said before standing. “Do you need any help?” Sunghoon asked. “I kinda wanna get away from these royal pains anyways,” he continued. “Uhh, yea sure. You can carry the drinks while Y/N gets some napkins and toppings.”
You followed Heeseung and Sunghoon to the counter. Heeseung grabbed the three pizza boxes and Sunghoon picked up the 2 liters of Orange Soda. The three of you started walking back when Sunghoon suddenly stopped. "What?" Heeseung asked. "I forgot to grab some cups and straws. You guys can keep going without me. I'll catch up," Sunghoon hissed before walking back to the pizza booth.
Heeseung paused to watch as Sunghoon walked back to the counter for the additional items. You took this moment to stare at him. Heeseung just had this look about him that made you want him more, even though you knew being with him would break your sister's heart. You looked at his perfectly pouty lips and thought back to the way that they were pressed up against your wet pussy. Now that you knew it really happened you couldn't help but to think of him sexually.
"I told you guys you didn't have to wait for me," Sunghoon said with a shy look on his face. "Yea, I know. But I really didn't mind," Heeseung replied. "Ok, well, I also got us some plates. The lady behind the counter just put the cups and plates in a bag together. That made it a lot easier to carry," Sunghoon chuckled.
"Huzzah! The pizza hath arrived," Yunjin cheered upon seeing the three of you approach the table. You watched as Chloe mouthed the words "Help me," but she didn't realize that Jay was watching. He exploded into laughter and Yunjin whipped to face him. "What art thou laughing at, Jester? I don't remember making a joke," Yunjin was in full-on character, she was even attempting a British accent which threw you completely off.
Yunjin continued her princess persona for the rest of the time you guys were at the mall and you all eventually decided to play along. Chloe was her sister--the princess, Heeseung was the prince, Sunghoon was the knight, and you were a female knight. Jay was still shocked that he was the jester. He even made a joke about it.
"So I guess the princess is fucking the jester on the side huh?" "What?" "I'm just saying. It's pretty obvious that you have a thing for me," Jay smirked. "As if," Yunjin rolled her eyes. "Oh, you know you want me," Jay chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, spinning in a circle. "Put me down you clown," Yunjin laughed as Jay nuzzled his head in her shoulder.
Ever since what happened on New Year's, Heeseung continued to make advances on you--which you didn't entirely reject. However, the farthest you've gotten was a deep tongue kiss with a little boob fondling. It was hard sneaking around with your sister's boyfriend when they almost always hung out with each other.
[February 11 ~ Three days before Valentine's Day...]
With Valentine's Day around the corner, you expected Heeseung to take your sister out for the whole day, but instead, he decided to hang out at your shared apartment. "Are you excited for our special day?" Heeseung asked lying on Chloe's thighs. "Yea, what do you plan on doing?" She asked, twirling her fingers through his hair. "Hmm. I was thinking maybe we should go on a picnic. What do you think?" "I love that idea," Chloe smiled. "Yea a little picnic and then we can go back to my place," Heeseung added. You watched as Chloe's expression changed. "Uhh or we could just come back here," she suggested. "Oh...umm ok. Yea, we can do that instead," Heeseung chuckled awkwardly.
Though he was still lying on her lap, you could tell that the energy in the room had changed.
*I would've never passed up on a chance to go to his house after a date...especially as his girlfriend* you thought to yourself. *I should've taken advantage of seeing him again* you thought back to how you saw Heeseung multiple times after the two of you met, but you were too scared to talk to him so you never even attempted approaching him. You kind of hoped that you'd cross paths again...well when he's not in a relationship with your little fucking sister.
[February 14 ~ Valentine's Day...]
Heeseung showed up around noon to pick your sister up for their picnic date. You helped her choose an outfit the night before. Something cute and red. You watched as she excitedly walked out of the door holding Heeseung's hand.
They had been out for an hour before you finally got bored and decided to have a little fun by yourself, but before you could start anything, you heard your sister unlock the door. "Dammit," you swore under your breath.
You left your room to ask her about her date. "Hey, Chloe. How was your..." Chloe stormed right past you and went into her room, slamming the door behind her. Heeseung was left behind standing in the door frame. "What happened?" You asked. "Nothing...couple stuff," He sighed, rubbing his forehead. You invited him in to sit on the couch. A few minutes later Chloe came back out of her room. "I'm going out with Yunjin and Zuha. I'll be back before midnight. Don't wait up for me," she said before closing the door behind her.
"You should probably go too," you said to Heeseung, even though you'd much rather him stay around a little longer. "Hmm yea, I guess. Unless you want me to stick around." "No that's okay." "You sure? I promise to make it worth your time," He said as he placed a hand on your thigh. "You're dating my sister Heeseung. I can't be doing this," you said pushing his hand away. "You weren't thinking that when you were moaning my name," He said reaching to palm your pussy which was now throbbing with excitement. "Well I-" "Think of this like a Valentine's gift to you," he continued, smoothing his pants around the bulge in his jeans.
Though it just started as you straddling his lap while the two of you kissed, it wasn't long before dry humping his dick turned to you getting on your knees between his legs.
❤️‍🔥: You looked up into his doe eyes and watched as he pulled out his hard pulsating dick. You slowly wrapped your lips around him, adjusting yourself to his size. "Mmm fuck," He groaned as you began to suck on his dick, coating it in your saliva. You used your hands to assist by jerking the remaining length of his shaft while focusing on the tip with your lips and tongue.
The warm and moist enclosure of your mouth sent pleasurable sensations throughout his body. You watched as his hands gripped the couch while you sat between his legs, satisfying him with your hands and mouth. He struggled to maintain eye contact with you as he repeatedly threw his head back. The texture of your tongue stimulated him, causing him to start slowly grinding against your face. You could hear through his desperate stifled moans that he was craving more. Within seconds, Heeseung grabbed a handful of your hair as he forced himself down your throat.
You felt him fucking your throat as you struggled for air. The constant speed and lack of oxygen made you feel like his personal sex doll. You gripped onto his thigh as he thrust himself into your mouth. Finally, he pulled your head back. You breathlessly fought to fill your lungs with air while he maintained a firm grip on your head. Saliva seeped from the corner of your mouth that hung open from being fucked so viciously.
Still, driven by your own desire to be force fucked more you licked the tip of his dick, tasting the salty pre cum that dipped from him.
"You want more?" Heeseung asked in a husky voice, to which you responded by sucking on the tip. "You're such a fucking slut for me," he grinned before slamming your face on his cock again. Tears ran down your cheeks as he fucked you harder. You moaned as he pumped himself in your throat, sending vibrations down his length. "Fuck baby, we gotta start doing this more often," he said breathlessly. You felt his dick throbbing in your mouth as he filled your throat with his hot, sticky load. You swallowed it so quickly that it caused you to hiccup which made Heeseung smile. "You're so cute," he said kissing your lips. :❤️‍🔥
As badly as you wanted to do more you knew he had to get going. It had already been over an hour and you knew Chloe would be coming home soon and the last thing she needed to see was you alone with her boyfriend.
"Yea, I understand," Heeseung said as he stood in the door frame. "Don't forget to call me if you need me," he added. "What if my sister is home?" "We can meet up somewhere else," he chuckled before closing the door behind him.
At this point, you were dripping wet and needed to relieve yourself at least once before going to bed. Heeseung had left his plaid hoodie on the couch which you took to your room. You slid it over your head to fill your nose with his irresistible scent. You continued to pleasure yourself while thinking back to sitting between his legs. There was something about the way his voice sounded that turned you on. Remembering the sight of him gripping the couch while he threw his head back and moaned in pleasure to your touch sent you over the edge as you came in your bed. After you finished, you stuffed his hoodie under your pillow before going to sleep.
[March 15 ~ Chloe's 21 Birthday...]
Though you wanted to call Heeseung, you refrained from doing so. You hated the feeling of doing this behind your sister's back. You knew she'd be heartbroken if she found out. So, you hadn't spoken to him since that day. Anytime it felt like the two of you would be left alone, you went and found something else to do or somewhere else to go.
"Happy Birthday, Chloe!" your friends and family shouted in unison. Your friends had put together a surprise party for Chloe at Sunghoon's house. Recently, his house had become the perfect spot for parties and he was more than happy to share his place for fun.
Your parents only stuck around for about an hour. They gave Chloe her present and waited around to sing 'Happy Birthday' and get a slice of cake.
Since it was her 21st birthday, you guys had also planned to go clubbing. She was now old enough to drink legally, so this was the perfect opportunity.
After opening gifts, you and your friends took her to The Bleu Lagoon, a popular club uptown.
"I'm paying for the birthday girl!" Kazuha cheered as you all lined up at the bar. "I thought you didn't bring your wallet," Keeho asked. "Yea, by me I meant you," Kazuha laughed.
"Party of 10," You heard Jay say to the bartender. Your brother Jake, brought along his girlfriend Bella, mainly to babysit Chloe. Even though she was of age now, he was still concerned about her safety.
After about 3 rounds of tequila shots, Keeho and Kazuha went off to dance with Jay and Yunjin. "If she wants anything else, just put it on my card," Keeho said to the bartender before walking off. Bella was busy chatting and sharing a plate of nachos with Jake because they decided to stay sober to drive everyone else home.
"Shut the fuck up Heeseung! I don't want to hear anything you have to say! I'm not gonna let you ruin my fucking birthday!" Chloe shouted before stumbling away. "What was that all about?" you asked Heeseung who sat there blankly sipping from his beer. "Hell if I know," he shrugged. You climbed off the barstool and followed Chloe to the bathroom. The music was so loud it was hard to hear exactly why the argument started, but you knew you had to at least check on your sister to see if she was ok.
You walked into the bathroom and saw your sister crying in front of the mirror. "Hey, what happened?" "Nothing...Heeseung can just be such a stupid little fucker sometimes," she sniffed. "Did he say something?" "No, but I think he's talking to someone else."
You felt your insides cringe at her words. "What makes you think that?" "Because...he hasn't been the same for a while. The guy I met was nothing like this. He loved me and only me. But now I always feel like he's sneaking around or waiting for some kind of opportunity to fuck some bitch behind my back."
All those tucked-away feelings of guilt were resurfacing now. This is exactly why you never wanted to mess with him in the first place. Now, here you were, hugging your sister who was crying about her boyfriend who she suspected of cheating. The worst part was that he was cheating on her and you knew it...because he was cheating on her...with you.
"I just wanna go home now." "You sure?" "Well, I can wait around for everyone else to finish, but I don't want to sit with him. He's just gonna piss me the fuck off."
You walked with Chloe out of the bathroom and went to a booth seat. You ordered her another drink, which she barely touched. After a few minutes, you noticed that she had fallen asleep, so you took her cup back to the bartender and told Jake where she was. He and Bella moved over to sit at the booth to watch her while you stepped outside.
"I'll be back, I just need to go clear my head," You told Jake before walking out.
You went to the roof of the establishment. There it was quiet. Nothing but stars surrounded you. *How could I do this to my sister? I'm such a piece of shit* you thought to yourself. *She'd never have done something like that to me*
You leaned over the edge of the building, looking at the peaceful cityscape when a body trapped you in place.
"What the fuck?! Get off of me!!" You shouted, trying to push the body off of you. The man pushed your face down, stopping you from moving anything more than your legs. You tried to kick the man away, but it was of no use as he pushed himself against you. You tried to scream for help, but the pressure on your chest silenced you. You felt the cool breeze as the man lifted your dress to expose your ass.
Again you tried to push him away, but it was useless as he was much stronger than you. He wriggled your panties down as he jammed his fingers inside. You hated the way your body was betraying you by reacting to his actions. The second he pulled his fingers out you turned to face your assaulter, Heeseung.
"Heeseung! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" you shouted slapping him in the face. "I need you, Y/N. I need you so badly," he whined. You could tell that he was pretty drunk as the smell of alcohol tainted his breath. "No. You're my sister's boyfriend and I don't want to keep doing this with you," you spat pushing him away from you. "I don't care about her. I want you," his words slurred together like a cocktail while his eyes remained fixated on you. "You're a drunk fucking mess, Heeseung. I'm gonna go get Sunghoon to take you home," you said as you walked toward the rooftop exit. "No!" Heeseung shouted, grabbing your arm. "Let go of me, Heeseung. I don't want to be with you. Understand?" You struggled to tear away from his grip, but he wasn't letting go.
❤️‍🔥: Heeseung pinned you up against the brick wall and quickly pulled out his dick and forced it into your pussy. You gasped at the sharp pain of him stretching you open. "H-heeseung...st-stop," you pleaded as he stroked his length inside of you. "Fuck your pussy feels so good," he said as he continued to pump himself inside of you.
He reached around to rub your clit and kiss your neck. The sensation of overstimulation caused you to succumb to his advances. You knew this was wrong, but something inside of you still wanted him.
He felt your body relax as he pounded your pussy harder. "I know you missed me you little slut," he whispered in your ear. "You missed me fucking the shit out of you," he added. You didn't say a single word as he fucked your dripping cunt.
Heeseung pulled out of your pussy and turned your body to face him, lifting one of your legs to give him a better shot of your aching hole. He eased his rock-hard member back into your wetness as he pulled you in for a deep, sloppy kiss. The two of you stayed connected by the trail of saliva and your lustful desires. You felt as though you were getting drunk from the alcohol on his lips.
Heeseung moved down to caress your breasts as he kissed your neck. You could feel him getting closer as his dick throbbed harder into your tight cunt. He gripped your ass as he spilled his seed into you, fucking you harder than ever before. "Now, it's your turn," he groaned as he dropped down to his knees.
He inserted his fingers into your pussy that oozed with his cum. Jamming them in and curling to stimulate your g-spot, Heeseung licked and sucked on your beady clit. Your leg was now over his shoulder as you grabbed his head and started to grind against his face. "That's it, baby. I want you to cum all over my face," He moaned between your legs. Hearing this sent you over the edge. You began to jerk yourself against his lips as you reached your climax and went into a shaking orgasm. Your juices flowed all over his fingers and mouth. He rose to his feet and your quivering body fell into his embrace. :❤️‍🔥
"Now let's you cleaned up before we go home," Heeseung said as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
The two of you left through the rooftop exit and went to the bathroom to clean up. A combination of his cum and your own wetness was still running down your leg.
You headed back to the club as if nothing happened.
Jake and Bella took everyone home, including Heeseung, who helped walk Chloe to her bedroom.
"If you fuck around a little more, you know where to find me," he said before heading to the living room. He slept on the couch and you slept in your bed, but you couldn't stop thinking about what happened on that rooftop. You had just started to get him out of your head and then you couldn't get him out of your pussy...which you didn't totally hate.
What were you supposed to do now?
About a month after her birthday, you overheard them having an argument. However, this definitely wasn't the first time you heard them fighting, the sparks between them had blown out a while ago. Apparently, they had been having problems since Valentine's Day and she'd had enough. So they broke up. You couldn't help but feel slightly responsible for their sudden breakup, especially after learning that it was because of the lack of sex. Now you were faced with the decision to either continue fucking him on the side or completely move on. Dating your sister's ex was out of the question. You knew that she'd never forgive you for that.
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❀ Thank you all so much for reading! Make sure to check out other works on my masterlist!
❀ 𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝:
@chlorinecake @hoyeonheeseung @sussyjake @furious-eagle @cherrriesss @abbyizzy @weyukinluv @addictedtohobi @thatonenoona @wavykook @givemeyourtmihyun @jaeljn @hoonmywk @valennshit @19-yunalyn @hoonbby @frostedblankets @hoonsyo @no-mannerism @perfectxserendipity @chubbibish @ihrtlix @bunniesforsoobin @thereadersparadise @thatbooknerdfr @aiden2001 @belongstoheeseung @jakeybabe @donut-crazs @rizzhee @nikimeows @woonieees @uarmyxtae @rebecca-johnson-28 @they2luv1naia @isa-2007 @silcry @riverscafe @pearlwhitesoul @nikohiroshi @thatbooknerdfr @wonniewonwon @sughoonieeee @babyy-bambii @adrika04 @sehunsharpasseyebrows @nikisblkgf @wtfyangjungwon @fox-kimsunoo @fr-3-akn-4-stymf @rikiloversworld @shawyle @sunoosrightbuttcheek @uarmyxtae
🎀𝔹𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕤/𝔻𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝔽𝕣𝕠𝕞: @shen-oa @tezzy-lovez
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294 notes · View notes
meaningofaeons · 1 year
Hello! Have you played the latest part of the xianzhou quest? If not ignore this ask lmao.
If yes, holy shi the potential for hurt comfort in the scenes of the final battle against phentylia??
I wanted to ask if you could write a hurt/comfort fic jing yuan x reader, where reader is in the battle and sees all the shit go down and is quite shaken.
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ at the end of immortality
⊹ character(s) - jing yuan ⊹ word count - 829 ⊹ notes - SPOILERS FOR 1.2 TRAILBLAZE MISSION !!!, gn!reader, hurt/comfort, reader is like jing yuan's right-hand in battle and in the seat of divine foresight/implied to be a guard of some sort to him, reader and jing yuan are not together but they're both pining hard, a bit angsty but still comfort, not edited sorry
hi anon omg. this ask got me giggling kicking my feet like YES... thank you for requesting!! (^º◡º^❁) (also im so sorry I made this a little more angsty than I expected to wtf!!!!)
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You were mad. Furious, even.
Jing Yuan could tell without even beholding your expression that you were positively seething with rage.
Towards him.
He dare not say a word about your current state to your face, though. Not when you silently draped new bandages over his wounds, and not when your hands lingered just a bit longer than they should've.
Not when he could feel the near-imperceptible tremble of your fingertips as you carefully nursed him back to health, treating him like a precious ornament that may break at the slightest touch.
"...How bad is it?"
The General's hoarse voice cut the silence like Dan Heng's spear had cut right through his torso.
Your mind flashed back to the scene, forcing you to squeeze your eyes shut.
Jing Yuan fell through the air as Phantylia's grip faltered at last. He wasn't a Void Ranger, but...
Seeing the spear of the Vidyadhara High Elder pierce him had just about sent the same level of fear shooting through you. As though the weapon had pierced your chest, instead.
"Y/N, wait!"
"Imbibitor Lunae, what did you—?!"
Your fury came off in waves, your distress even more palpable. The aforementioned Vidyadhara—no, Dan Heng—approached you with the General in his arms, handing him off with little resistance as you helped the man to a stand.
He was still alive. You could've wept. He was still alive.
But he wasn't okay.
"I told you to stay back," you whispered, forcing your hands to still as you finished patching up his wound. They brushed over the space where Dan Heng's spear hit, and you winced at Jing Yuan's flinch.
At his slight chuckle, you worried he might come up with some witty quip that would undoubtedly enrage you into pounding your fist against his wounded back.
Instead, he only turned to gaze at you, golden eyes smoldering.
"You know I couldn't do that."
As angry as you were, you did know.
But still...
What use is a guard if their charge is always the one at the front lines?
As the General of the Xianzhou Luofu... what could you even do for such a brilliant man?
"If it had been you up there, I may have died in my worry. I'm not getting any younger, my dear."
"And neither am I. Do you have no care for the pain you put my heart through?"
Your words were far from proper, your actions even less so as you rested your weary head on the General's shoulder. He seemed to lack any concern for his own propriety, his hand reaching up to grasp your own, his rough thumb brushing your fingertips with a delicate tenderness you didn't want to think too much into.
"...I'm sorry."
Jing Yuan's relenting words were bittersweet to your wanting ears, roughened by his strain. You clutched his hand just a bit tighter.
"Is that an apology for your actions, or an apology for the fact that you'll continue to be reckless until the day you die?"
He chuckled more. The sound sent a warm, tingling feeling through your chest, a feeling that you desperately clutched to in your distress.
"Would you hit me if I said both?"
"I'll be merciful enough to save it for when you're in better shape."
The rumbling laughter continued, and you silently scolded the man for the chance of exacerbating his wounds. He only deflected the blame unto you for your quip, and you sighed out.
Ease. Your anger dissipated, fading into a comfortable silence that the General did not dare break again.
He also did not dare, however, to turn and face you. You were grateful for that.
Because in spite of your assuaged rage, your abated worries, you still fear many things.
You fear seeing new scars on Jing Yuan that you did not have to see before. You fear seeing the exhaustion grow in his youthful features, yet aged all the same. You fear the possibility that he is only a phantasm, that the mara has stricken your mind at last and all you have left of him is a pathetic delusion created by your own longing.
More than any of that, somehow, you fear that if he were to turn around in this very moment, you would cross that one line you had sworn never to touch.
The line that, when crossed, would allow you to abandon all restraint. The line that, when crossed, would mean you grasp your General in the way you've longed to, kissing him slowly to make sure he's really still here with you. To make him promise he would be here with you, forever, until the end of your immortality.
Judging from the way Jing Yuan placed his rough lips upon the back of your hand, you knew he was thinking the same.
Not yet. Not now, not even now.
But perhaps one day, it wouldn't be such a daunting wall to scale.
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gemini-sensei · 3 months
You have a point! The fight totally wouldn't happen! Along with that, Demetri also wouldn't out Eli's medical issue. Like a ton of shit would be avoided if they all decided to chill out lol
I also love how well you know Yasmine! I definitely think she'd gravitate towards the "ew" perspective of pregnancy LOL but also I can see her telling Kyler to go die if he's ever mean to the sweet pregnant girl again 😭 Yasmine and Moon would definitely spoil that baby though, and who wouldn't? She'd have big blue eyes and gorgeous brown curls 🥹
I wonder how the CK people would find their way from Kreese & Silver this time, though? Maybe Aisha, Sam, and Reader find their way back to being friends again and she brings Tory around bc everyone very highkey wants to see the baby??
I think Tory, without all that romantic jealousy, would be really open to a more peaceful perspective. Like she see's Sam and is PISSED but then she notices that Sam and Robby are completely infatuated with each other, and ofc Miguel has been over her for months. And also there is just a cute baby being handed around, so she can't be all that mad??
Maybe she meets the LaRusso family and sees how kind they are- maybe she's complaining about her shithole job and Mr. LaRusso decides to give her a nice paying internship (because he's trying to be better with second chances and he can tell that she really needs it) and Aisha and Tory kind of usher in this change for the rest of the Cobras?
Ugh I love slice of life where everything goes well LOL sorry 🫶🏽
Thank you for letting me think about this for so long :) - 🌼
Sorry this took a few days to get to. I've not been sleeping well. But omg this is amazing. I still absolutely love this and you make so many great points. Also, I couldn't think of a name for the baby, so she's lovingly referred to as Babygirl so y'all came fill in with whatever name ya want 💗
All the things that wouldn't happen would mean the whole trajectory of the show would change up a bit. However, I think Kreese would still be a manipulative shit and manage to keep ahold of Miguel, Tory, and the other Cobras for a while. Aisha, not so much but she stays in CK but just doesn't take a lot of Kreese's lessons to heart.
While Reader and Eli aren't in school, getting used to having a newborn around and such, the karate drama has some time to get bad. It would get bad. With Kreese instigating a lot from his end, the Cobras would start some bullshit with the Miyagi-Dos (the school rules wouldn't have been changed so there's a lot more freedom for stuff to just happen and it be played off as a joke or some karate practice). It's a hot mess.
Meanwhile, Reader and Eli are at home with their precious baby girl who is just too cute to even comprehend. Reader never wants to leave her side and Eli never wants to leave their side. It's so adorable, they're adorable. They are such a cute family.
The first few days, Daniel and Amanda rotated staying home with them to help out, especially since Reader literally just gave birth and needs to rest. However, over time, they leave the new family to figure things out on their own when both her parents have to go to work. Eli practically lives at the LaRusso house now because he'll be damned if he leaves his little family ever. He's so sad when he has to go back to school because why would he do that? Why does he have to do that? But ever the diligent student, Eli caves and goes to school, only to learn shit with Cobra Kai has gotten bad and in all honesty, he'd forgotten about the dojo war. Of course, he did, he has a new baby at home and a girlfriend who literally just gave birth. He has better things to worry about, but he doesn't mind putting some Cobra bullies in their place while he's at school.
Sam, Moon, and Yasmine love the baby. She's just too cute not to love. Yasmine won't hold her because she's probably never held a baby in her life and the thought terrifies her. She will buy so many cute outfits for the baby girl though. She's so happy it's a girl because she buys little dresses that she'll have to grow into and other little outfits. Yasmine also buys matching outfits for Reader and Babygirl to wear because that's "so cute." Moon buys all sorts of stuff, from toys to baby books about the environment. She probably helped design the nursery with Sam in all honesty. And Sam just wants to hold her niece as much as possible. She loves being an aunt and rocking the little one. She literally gets up in the middle of the night if Babygirl is crying to take care of her because she loves her so much and her sister needs some sleep.
And while those three definitely spoil the baby, Daniel outshines them in that category in all honesty. Sure, there are some leftover toys and furniture from when Sam, Reader, and Anthony were babies, but he goes all out and buys his first grandbaby new toys and a crib because he thinks she deserves it. He and Eli put the whole nursery together, asking himself why Sam and Moon were bossing them around and telling them where to put everything. He is hard-pressed to put Babygirl down when he holds her because "no one loves her more than grandpa." He was buying so much, Amanda had to sit him down and tell him so stop because this is insanity; they didn't even spend as much on their own kids when one of them was born. He pouts about it as he's put on a limit but is still thinking about the next thing he's going to buy his granddaughter.
When Reader returns to school with her newborn, she gets to see firsthand what a shit show it's become, at least when it comes to her sister and their friends. Everyone else is pretty chill. A ton of people wanna meet the baby and she's kind to them and talks to them about how their older siblings have kids or they have baby cousins. It's a warm welcome.
As she gets used to going to school with Babygirl, her friends are right by her side. Eli or Sam had done a lot of her schoolwork she was missing, going back to teach it to her when she wasn't feeding Babygirl or sleeping. But now she has to start doing things on her own again, not that those two still aren't trying to help her. She refuses their offers to do her homework for her because she really does have to do it on her own. So, they just help with whatever else they can, and the same goes for the rest of their friends. Demetri pitches in to explain anything Reader needs help with in a subject he's superb in; Robby takes on his uncle role at school and does whatever Reader needs (usually Robby just wants to carry the diaper bag because he's still getting used to the baby, he's also a little awkward around babies and young children); Yasmine is moral support while Moon will happily take Babygirl off Reader's hands during her free period.
Their attention is completely diverted from CK and they ignore the opposing dojo a lot better with Babygirl around. The Cobras take notice and kind of don't do anything at school or when Reader is around. To cause violence or spit volatile words at the group when there's a baby around kind of goes way past what some of them are willing to do. Unless you're an idiot like Kyler, who doesn't care who is around or why it's wrong, because he's always right in his opinion.
This is when Aisha would start to come around again and Reader and Sam are very receptive to her presence. Reader would be so excited to introduce her baby girl to her longtime friend. Aisha gets to hold her and tells her how awesome her mom is. It really helps their friendship, which Reader never thought of as broken, just lost. Sam is so excited, she's taking pictures of everything as it happens. She's gonna turn into her dad with scrapbooks and photo albums, I swear.
As they start hanging out more, Aisha gets a lot of questions from the Cobras, mostly Tory and Miguel. Tory doesn't want to seem so interested in whatever the other dojo is doing but she really doesn't have a reason to be mad. Miguel hasn't mentioned Sam or the others in months, so really all she has to be mad at Sam for is being uppity and accusing her of stealing, which is so far in the past now it's barely a memory to either of them. So they're watching from afar as their supposed rivals and former friends all fuss over this adorable little baby.
Aisha finally asks if they want her to ask if it's okay if they hangout with them one night because they're gonna have a study/movie night (something they do to help the new parents get through school and relax a little). Tory and Miguel aren't entirely sure but Aisha asks anyway. At first, the MDs are a little apprehensive, but Reader is all for it. She happily says, "Sure, why not? They don't seem all that bad."
Eli is on edge because this is his former best friend Miguel and his girlfriend Tory who swore to hate them. He sits beside Reader the whole night and barely gets anything done because he's so worried about this being some scheme of CK's to get back at them for just being a rival dojo. However, as the evening goes on, he relaxes as they don't say or do anything malicious or scheming. Miguel is gushing over the baby and Tory is laidback with a smile as she watches him melt into the sappy guy she knows he is (because in CK under Kreese, he'd be a tough guy with a hard exterior). It's a nice change of pace for everyone.
In the middle of their study session, Daniel and Amanda come home and meet Miguel and Tory. They recognize Miguel from the AVT but Tory is pretty much new to them. They're welcoming because even though they are Cobras, Daniel sees the look Sam is giving him while Reader is cooing at Babygirl. He knows better than to say something to either of them even though he doesn't want any part of Cobra Kai in his home (sans Johnny who is trying to rebuild his relationship with Robby, who refuses to live with him and is still sleeping in the home dojo). Amanda walks away saying she'll order pizza for everyone and it's a great night for everyone.
Tory blows off her homework in favor of complaining about work and hating her job. She's tired of her boss being a creep and at hearing this, Miguel gets super protective and looks so mean. His Cobra is showing but she tells him to calm down because he knows she can take care of himself. He's still a little mad though because he just doesn't like hearing that women get treated badly by creepy bosses, especially his girlfriend. Reader suggests finding another job but Tory explains that it's not that easy because everyone wants something different from her.
Daniel can't help but overhear the conversation but doesn't do anything about it that night. He lets the teens enjoy their movie and pizza after their homework, the first movie a kids movie for Babygirl before Reader puts her to sleep upstairs and then they watch a movie everyone wants to watch.
The next time Tory comes over, he offers her that internship with pay. He talked about it with his daughters first, asking their opinion and if they'd be okay if Tory came to work for him. They were okay with it and he offers the position to Tory, who takes it only after asking a ton of questions - like if Reader put him up to this. He explains that this was all him and that everyone deserves to have second chances, then adds in how Eli works for him half-time to build workplace experience and give him some money to put away for other expenses down the line. The next week, Tory is wearing a nice dress and working under Amanda only to realize she doesn't like it that much and asks to be put in the shop where she can actually do something (mechanic!Tory anyone?). Daniel doesn't mind going in and working on cars with her and it's actually really nice, and he promises her that if anyone is creepy toward her, he'd beat them up himself before firing them.
It wouldn't be long after that, Miguel and Tory leave Cobra Kai with Aisha. They would start to see some things that just weren't right, and especially hearing some stories about Kreese from Daniel and Johnny. They'd apologize to Johnny for not listening to him and thinking he didn't know what he was talking about. They probably take a step back from karate for a bit until Aisha suggests they all join Miyagi-Do. It would be a welcome change for the teens and they'd happily do it.
Behind all the slice-of-life cuteness and warmth, Kreese is still building up Cobra Kai to his image of former glory. He'll still have people like Kyler and loyal Cobras under his thumb, and use his manipulation to recruit more students and later Terry Silver. A baby can bring a lot of people together but he swears it won't stop him. So what if that baby girl took away his best students? If they were persuaded by a baby, then they weren't strong enough to be in Cobra Kai anyway. So, unfortunately, Babygirl won't be enough to stop this all-out karate war...
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skynapple · 7 days
Rafayel Into The Canvas: Analysis **Spoilers**
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Long analysis ahead!! I've tried to break it into chronological chunks!
TL;DR - Sky rambles about Rafayel for a very long time.
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I never know when he like, plans his coincidental showing-up-where-she-is things because... they really could be coincidental but I think maybe we're meant to think they're not. But the disappointment here is my weakness. Quality time is one of my love languages so like, the showing up for her and then actually being discontent with not having her time is what's really endearing to me. There's a lot of moments I really enjoy how obvious Rafayel makes it that he wants nothing more than to be around her and share the same space as her.
Then, he knows, right? He knew what she was going to say, he asked anyway, just in case, and just to acknowledge that and make it known to her.
Then ok omg 🥺 his voice.
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He gets quiet, and soft, and like he's clearly trying to reassure her, in spite of what he's feeling. Just... the way he knows how she is. He knows how she gets. I could CRY.
Honestly MC really does want to, also. Like you can tell she doesn't want to let him down. That moment of not wanting to say she can't but not knowing if she can agree is sooo real. And then he captures that sentiment immediately, and in so many short words tells her like, 'Hey, I get it. I'll be here for you.' and all without saying that outright but. I used to hate how much he doesn't seem to communicate with her -and yeah he has his secrets- but the more I play this game the more I kinda realize he's the one who's allegedly 'had' her the longest over all the lifetimes so far,* so more than anyone he really speaks her language well.
*Sidenote: Cause current!Zayne doesn't know about any of his other lives with her, and Xavier although he's also spent multiple lifetimes with her... admittedly a lot of their 'long' lives weren't spent together in earnest, in their past lives there has always been a bit of a wall between them. Sylus I'd say comes maybe closest to seemingly not having their barrier but we don't know enough of his lore yet (although from what I've played through it does seem like he also speaks MC very well).
~5 Days Later~
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Leave it to Rafayel to bribe a child into making sure she finds him again. Honestly, there's some hidden messages here.
MC acknowledged she's nearly forgotten already that Rafayel said to call her. I'm sure he anticipated that (sadly 😭). And also, maybe that she'd be... directionally challenged in a brand new town? And if he's busy with the painting lessons, he probably wouldn't have been able to get on the phone and try to guide her that way himself or, maybe knew GPS wouldn't have good reception? Anyway he's SO thoughtful.
We're seeing here also Rafayel's unexpectedly very good with kids. But... maybe he's really keen on giving kids the treatment he never got as a child? Kids want to be acknowledged and taken seriously, and be dealt with patiently, and want space to let their creativity soar. Who knows how much of that he got in his childhood.
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I love his "teacher" mode and it's exactly his fault for saying "paint wherever you like." Please I would have ABSOLUTELY done the same.
And he does it right back to her but like, also I couldn't help but think of God of the Tides? As a couple, did they also spend time painting their markings on each other? I wonder if it was attendants who did it for them. Was it everyday or was it some kind of water tattoo? I digress. I still think it might've sparked some memories for him.
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And she proceeds to stare at him like half the time, really in awe. Same.
It's just a very, very sweet moment. There's something really special about watching someone you love do something they're really passionate about.
This is immediately becoming my favorite Rafayel card (I want to say not because I'm an artist but I'd be lying). Just the admiration they both clearly have for each other. Also, she really gets it, I think now more than ever, just how much she means to him, and also, how much he means to her. These tender moments are just as special and intimate as any physical ones, and sometimes even more so.
It's sooooo soft.
His little blush when he realized he was being stared at took me out alskdhslkg sir please have you looked in a mirror? He's so pretty when he's focused.
What got me also is him saying he'd just wait for her. Of course he kind of "teases" that she promised she'd meet up with him when she clearly didn't, but knew they'd meet up eventually if he waited long enough. This is a constant theme with these two.
Her not necessarily being willing or able to make promises to him, and him just waiting for her to fulfill these unspoken promises anyway. Either because of his love and determination, he knows or is just hopeless enough to think fate be damned, it'll happen anyway.
There's an interesting translation difference. The English "translation" that's captioned says this:
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But it was either the voice actors or voice directors choice to change the spoken dialogue. What's actually spoken is this:
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And I like the decision because it takes the "no big deal" out of it, which I think gets to the heart of the message and the character more.
As a voice director one of the most difficult things working with translation teams is trying to capture the essence of the story. It's not always about translating word for word, it's - ok, what's going to get this very specific point across to the audience?
Maybe it's not a big deal to Rafayel, or maybe he would say that –because he has waited so long to be physically in her presence the past few centuries already– but it's more impactful that the point is just:
No matter how long he has to wait, he will always wait a bit longer for her, because she means that much to him.
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Then of course there's more playful banter, and allusion to a few things. Using the kids as a slight analogy. She did miss Rafayel.
I think it's sweet too how much she honestly does think of him in earnest, she's just not the best at explaining or expressing this. Again, her saving grace is he does speak her language and understands her.
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Sometimes I think a lot about why MC is ... like that, and you know I always have to remember like... she was probably always trying to be tough as a kid? Who knows how often "grandma" was actually home, and having a "brother" kinda makes you tougher as a person. She grew up constantly not wanting people to worry about her, and it's really clear in all her routes and stories she has always struggled to express exactly what she means... mostly also because this is her "first" relationship of this nature. And there's always a huge learning curve in navigating communication like this in your first serious relationship. But... she's trying. And she's relying less on him picking up what she's putting down.
I know MC is meant to be "you" in the story but as for me, I like to imagine she probably had a sheepish grin on her face when she mentioned they lantern she made, it probably made it even easier for him to clock what she was thinking about. And even if he already planned on "gifting" it to himself, I feel his bright wide grin is probably just him realizing, 'Really? She would have gifted it to me anyway?' Because as much as you think you know someone, sometimes they find ways to surprise you anyways. You can literally hear in his voice how like,,, excited he gets.
And she's not even really embarrassed, it's heartwarming, and she laughs at her painting skills.
We get more MC continuity here!
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I can't fault her for not saying like "I hope I get to spend more time with Rafayel" cause lollll as much as we wish, like, I dunno!! In that moment wouldn't you also be thinking of something like your family or your overall future?
For MC though, this is just one of her strings of continuity. She is very work and 'world peace' focused. It's in all of her routes with every LI. It's not that she doesn't love her S/O, this is just how and who she is. It's not like Rafayel isn't included in that ''healthy, happy life" she mentions.
I see it occasionally in discourse (occasionally from newer players where less lore is accessible) people immediately fault MC for not putting the boys first so... verbally, the way they do. But to me, she doesn't need to. To me, this is her way of doing so. She wants to work hard so everyone can live more peacefully, him and her included, and I think that's sweet. And I think Rafayel gets it.... even though you can tell there's a smidge in him that wishes too that she'd just outright say she wants more of his time too 😆 but, again, I think he gets it.
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And then of course there's his wish, too. There's so much to unpack here. And it goes beyond him "getting it" he's... so immediately supportive. He wants to be with her every step of the way along her dreams.
You just know he's going to find ways to continue running into her. But less superficially, again, this is him saying he covets just being in the same space with her.
And then of course the ever-so-subtle lore mentions. Even if he can't be with her necessarily, he's always going to wait for her to come to him (even if she can't or won't because she doesn't remember-- but he knows she will, when she does remember).
All in all there's just this huge boost in trust between them and enjoyment of the mundane intimacy between them. He's not whiny, or pushy, he's patient, and she isn't standoffish, or embarrassed, she genuinely wants to just sit in that peace and space with him. They've grown a lot and it's very, very sweet to see.
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dickheadcanons · 7 months
Your brain is literally gynormous. Do you think Damian's and Dick's relationship is paternal? Because, as someone who has actually had to raise their sibling (do not recommend) it looks more like a guy that had too much in his plate trying to be the best caregiver he could, but not really being a parent, if that makes sense. I feel like the idea of him wanting to adopt him feels like kind of a retcon, couldn't really see it in the og run. But of course, it could be because it's not exactly the same as my experience (abusive father, incapable mother, yknow the drill). What do you think? All your posts are so good.
Also while you're at it, what do you think of Dick as a parent? Some elseworlds have played with the concept, and main continuity did something too with Olivia but T*m Tayl*r fucked that up too. I also wonder how Damian would be as a dad, but I don't think I've ever seen any stories with it.
omg anon thank you and thank you for asking!! this is literally one of my favorite topics!! i was thinking about making a post on this and now you gave me the excuse for it!!
Long story short, I don't think that “parental” is a binary thing. I mean, I know several bio-parents who are just guys with too much on their plates, trying to be the best they can, you know? And people can see parent figures in all kinds of relationships that aren’t blood or traditional moms/dads, especially with people who didn't know each other from birth. There are a million ways to be parented, and a million ways to act as a parent.
The way I think about it is, is Dick Damain's John Grayson? No, I don't think so.
But is Dick Damian's Bruce Wayne? Yes. Totally. Absolutely.
More under the cut bc I have a lot of thoughts.
I think to talk about Dick and Damian, we have to start with Dick and Bruce. So much about Dick and Damian is a reflection of the original Dynamic Duo, and I think that's very much the case with this element as well. From the start of their very long comic history, Dick and Bruce have been dancing around their relationship. We get early comics that say they're "like" father and son, we have Bruce saying he couldn't care about Dick more than if he was Bruce's son, but we also have places where they call each other their best friends, where they act more like brothers, etc etc.
When it comes to who our parents are, I think there is the responsibility, and the result. Certain people have the responsibility, the duty, to be our parents, and sometimes (because death or illness or being shitty people), they aren't able to meet those responsibilities. That never removes the responsibility; they don't stop being the parent. But they aren't able to create the result of us becoming good stable adults. That's where other people can step in, where the parental figure appears, and those are the people that we actually point to when we say "they made me the person I am today."
In fandom, we see a lot of Dick not wanting Bruce to replace his father, of him asking not to be adopted. I think this is a fine characterization that works with who Dick is, but Bruce is actually the one to say that he is not going to replace Dick's father. He says it completely unprompted, too. This is withholding the responsibility of being Dick's parent from Bruce, keeping him at a distance and reserving it as an honor for someone who can't hold it anymore, even as Bruce demands responsibility for literally everything else about Dick.
And I think that it's very telling of what Bruce's idea of a father is. The thing about having a dead parent at a young age is that the person of your parents is still tangled in the role of parent in your life; Mom is mom, not Martha, and because she's dead, the image of both Martha and "mom" is frozen. For Bruce, the relationship of father and son is frozen in the relationship of specifically his father and him. Of course Bruce is not Dick's father; Bruce himself is so different from what his conception of a father is. And as a fellow son, for Bruce, someone who just got back from 7 years abroad studying to be Batman, for whom the nearly 20 year old wound is still fresh, the idea of even wanting another father doesn't make sense, particularly for a boy that Bruce identifies with so hard that he becomes the third person ever to know who Batman is.
This looming memory is even worse when it's Dick's turn to be Batman. While Bruce looks at Dick and sees the memory of his own loss, the shadow of his own grief, Dick is looking at Damian and seeing Bruce. Dick knows very well who Damian lost; Dick is grieving what Damian lost more than Damian is. Bruce couldn't conceive of replacing a father, but Dick is struggling to imagining himself replacing Bruce at his job, much less who he was in his personal relationships.
But even if Damian isn't Dick's responsibility, Dick doesn't hesitate to care about Damian's future. "Who's going to save him if we don't?" At the start of the DickBats era, Dick isn't looking at Damian as a family member, really. He's looking at Damian as a victim, abet a very involved, very dangerous one. It's how Bruce looked at Dick too, before he had any reason to know that this kid would become something more to him. But, like Bruce, what Dick does to save Damian is bring him into the thing that is most precious to him; Batman. The mission. Saving people. A way to live in the world.
I know saying someone is the Batman to their Robin is like, a joke at this point. Something unbelievably cheesy. But you google "iconic duos" and Batman and Robin are one of the first responses. There's a reason for the joke. So imagine you are Robin, and your Batman is dead. And you have to go and find a new partner. Dick making Damian his Robin is heavy, just as heavy to me as adoption papers. Bruce made Dick his partner without any idea of what that meant. Dick, and the audience, had 70 years of expectation on what Dick and Damian could be. Dick making Damian Robin was a very specific claim, far stronger imo than just claiming him as a son would have been.
Because, to be honest (and speak to your other question), I don't think Dick thinks a lot about being a parent. I don't really think it's that important to him. Dick is a leader, a mentor, he deals with a ton of teenagers and kids through his vigilante work, he goes to Tim's sidekick parent's meetings and takes Jason skiing and more than that, he's also young. He's in his 20s. He should be at the club. I think he probably thinks he'll have kids in an abstract way, but it's not something he's looking for, consciously or unconsciously. He's not searching for connection, or to fix his mistakes or his past, the things that lead Bruce to adopting sidekicks. He'd be a great dad, and I think we see him being pretty good with his Elseworlds kids, but Dick is a very practical person, and him taking a kid in (vs finding somewhere else they can go) is not really the practical choice.
Except for one kid. There's just been one kid with legitimately no where else to go, where Dick is truly the only option, because going home meant only bad things for him. Dick made Damian part of his family in the ways that mattered to them both in that moment. With their lives, adoption doesn't really make a huge material difference on custody (if Damian wanted to leave, Dick couldn't have stopped him; Damian has access to basically unlimited money and can feed and clothe and wash himself. and possibly already has a phd.), and Dick wanted Damian to choose, anyway. If I recall correctly, Dick says he didn't think about taking Damian with him until Bruce comes back. He thought about taking Damian with him, thought that Damian might be better with Dick (his partner!!!!) than even with Bruce, his dad, the person Dick loves so much, only in the face of them being separated.
Meanwhile Damian, for all his blustering about how Dick needs to "earn" his respect, warms up to Dick startlingly quickly. For Damian, who had never known a father, who in his initial run hadn't even known his mother for more than two years, whose other male family is Ra’s al Ghul, his father is Batman. Even in Tomasi's kinder depiction of Damian's childhood, Damian only knows the Bat. And when he meets Bruce, the first thing he expresses is disappointment. Bruce the man is underwhelming and then goes and dies. So much for the mythic hero!
And then he meets Dick. Who manages to teach Damian something, who doesn't discount his skills even when he's wrong. Who proves that he is better at being Batman than Damian, and shows that he wants Damian around. And, even more importantly, who doesn't die. Dick is stable in a world constantly in flux. Damian screws up a lot in that run, and he leaves for long stretches of it, but Dick is always there when he gets back. There's no blame here, but the truth is that Dick is the one who stays.
Bruce was Damian's father, but what does that mean to someone whose never met a father at all? Bruce might have tried to connect with Damian before he died, but he doesn’t do it in a way that works. He doesn’t give Damian trust, he doesn’t encourage him in the ways Damian finds important…the first person to do that is Dick. Dick gives Damian responsibility, makes him part of the team. It could be argued that Damian didn’t deserve it, but we’re not talking about deserving. We’re talking about what worked. It sounds like as good an idea as making a tiny 8 year old acrobat a sidekick, but it undeniably worked for both Damian and Dick. Does that mean that either of these relationships were parental in the way that we think of it in the real world, in the way that a child psychologist would say is good and healthy? I have no idea. But they are the most parental in the absence of any other parents, and I think that means a lot.
Unfortunately, we don't get to actually see the dissolution of Dick and Damian's partnership. DC conveniently skips over showing us Bruce coming back and Dick becoming Nightwing again; preNew 52, Dick is still Batman with Damian even when Bruce returns, and in the New 52, he's been Batman "Before" and we don't really see the end, just a vague aftermath. But if it did take that kind of change to make them realize their relationship had a flavor of "parent and child", had the makings of something like a father and son, well, they'd just be following in the original Batman's footprints.
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julianalvarez9 · 2 years
firsts / christian pulisic
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face claim: hailee stenfield
request: Hi, first off i wanna say i love your blog! If you’re still taking requests, could you do one with y/n and christian being a private but not secret couple? (y/n is a famous actress) they get super shy when asked about each other in interviews and dodge the questions but social media gets to see a sneak peek of their relationship because they are always supportive of each other
author's note: tysm for your ask!! <33 sorry that it took me this long but i didn't know how to portray this in a way that i liked but i think this is it 🤍 hope you like it!!
christian was never one to attend parties without his friends, and every time they decided that they'll go out, it took a large amount of convincing for him to go with him. but today, luck seemed to be on their side and christian accepted the invitation rather quickly. on the other hand, you were at every party. being a rising actress, you knew how beneficial it was for your career to mingle with new people, not that you had to force it, it came naturally to you.
your friends had insisted you go to this particular party because they wanted you to meet someone. you weren't looking for a relationship at the moment given how busy your schedule already was, but you were surprised when you met christian, and you two hit it off from the start. never an awkward silence between you two, not just because you were joined with your group of friends, but also because even when it was just you two speaking, everything just felt good.
at the end of the night, you two had exchanged numbers promising to meet again, and both your friends couldn't be happier to see their matchmaking skills becoming a reality.
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Liked by yourusername, masonmount and others.
cmpulisic always lovely to win at the bridge!
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yourusername you did great!!
cmpulisic 💙
fan1 this is a DREAM
fan2 my two american stars 🥹
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Liked by yourbff, cmpulisic and others.
yourusername tonight's been amazing 🤍🤍 thank you for a lovely show!!
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cmpulisic number 10 would look better
yourusername you think??
"so, who are you supporting for the superbowl this year?" simon, the interviewer, questioned, after extensively talking about the role you were playing in your next movie. "well, the rams are my favorite team but they're obviously out, so i'd say the eagles" you joked, knowing that they were one of christian's teams apart from the jets, who hadn't reached the conference finals either. "caught me by surprise there!" the man who was in charge of your interview said, giggling a bit while the public cheered. "yeah, i caught my boyfriend watching a game recently so i guess that's who we're cheering for" you smiled, instantly going red at the mention of your partner. your manager had listed the topic of relationships off of every interview you had given in the past month, and you knew that by bringing it up yourself you were giving the green light to receive questions about it.
"that's new, y/n! do we know this lucky boy?" simon asked, clearly interested in getting the headline that would be all over the news tomorrow morning. "he's certainly not joe burrow!" you said, laughing about the bengals' quarterback who you found incredibly pretty, but who wasn't your boyfriend. the public laughed at your joke and thankfully, you got out of the topic without having to reveal the secret identity of your partner.
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christian was busy shooting a video for a random magazine. it was one of those where he read questions asked to him through social media, and he got to answer on camera. it made him a bit uncomfortable, seeing as there wasn't a real person asking the questions in front of the camera, it was just him before the lens. he started to read one of the last envelopes he still had left, that said, "we know you're a very private person and we respect that. in the past few months, we saw how close y/n and you are. what do you think about her?"
"well" he laughed, clearly uncomfortable about the topic, seeing as his cheeks reddened just by hearing your name. "she's incredibly nice. i think she's the nicest person to be around, honestly" he gushed, still trying to calm his thoughts so he could answer correctly, without giving too much away. though it would be hard, considering how many great things he had to say about you, his girlfriend.
"we're pretty similar actually. she might be a little more extroverted than me and i might be better at playing soccer" christian laughed, remembering how angry you got while playing football -as you liked to call it to annoy him, even though you were american too- with him. "i think we work well together, we're a great team".
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Liked by cmpulisic, masonmount and others.
yourusername missed this one 🤍
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Liked by yourusername, masonmount and others.
cmpulisic do we think she liked the bridge?
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yourusername i liked number 10 the most
masonmount think you meant 19*
fan5 mason third wheeling 🙄
fan6 fan5 nono hear me out he's their kid
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The slashers
(And Carrie please 😭)
With a albino child reader🤭‼️
Omg I don't know much about albinism sorry if I got something wrong or missed anything.
I shortened it because I'm not consistent.
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Michael was stalking and then he saw you and thought you were a baby angel at first. Like seriously, you look so angelic!
Wanted to observe you more but then he realised that he's out for killing and then ran walked away.
A bit later when he's killed 3 people that he wonders why he didn't kill you. But whatever it was he wanted to see you again.
For a possibly-not-an-angel-and-just-an-odd-kid you sure as hell did act like an angel.
And then he started to feel protective over you. He distanced himself but that didn't work so he just dealt with this annoying feeling for now.
He saw a kid call you a mf chalk and then later he was also found cut out and dead like a chalk.
It was a sunny day where you tried to cover your eyes from the bright sun away from your sensitive eyes and your not so good wasn't helping at all.
You kept bumping into things when you bumped into a hard clothed big statue like legs which made a shade for your smaller body and you got a good look at your savior.
You were kinda creeped out since his gaze on you felt the exact watching ones you felt when you were outside or near a window but those eyes never meant harm or anything malicious towards you.
The figure then fastly walked away which was unknowingly the start of your new little friendship.
Sinclair brothers
They couldn't believe their eyes when they first saw you. You were just so... Different! In a good way! Wondered if you were just a pale kid who just bleached every hair on their body. Please forgive them they're new to this.
Bo again shows you off for tourist attraction but just in the shade, if you think he only likes you is because you can get the attention of people effectively he'll be very quick to dismiss those thoughts, of course he sees you more than that! That part is just for business. Don't think such silly thoughts again. Probably says shit like "don't run off and trip on the ground, it'll be a pain if your hair gets dirtied." but really it's just a dumb excuse to keep his paranoia away. He'll buy glasses for you if your eyesight is crazy poor.
Vincent also loves how you look. He's just in the corner like "wow I can't believe that beautiful child likes me." his cute little ass is in the basement and scribbling. Plays with your hair if you have any. He'd pick you up if you're having a hard time seeing, or covers you up on a bright day. He loves how you look but also hates the consequences you have to suffer with. He thinks you're very delicate because of these reasons and so comes mama Vincent, bo is around the corner no one can handle his mom energy yet.
Lester is sad that most of the time you can't go outside mostly because of your light sensitivity. But although the stars and the moon do look nice. Still tries to give you a good life though, he understands that you probably got looked at weirdly and doesn't want to make you feel that same way. Lester and Jonesy always have your back on this one. Random person bothering you? No problem Jonesy will get the pleasure of scaring the shit out of them maybe bite them idk depends. Maybe they're both mauling that person
Was awestruck when she first saw you. Thought you kinda looked like her! And that you were an angel since you fit the description of one.
Would get confused if you said you get bullied. God people find reasons to bully someone for no reason.
She would definitely do something about it though, it would be very rude of her if she just let it continue.
Wouldn't go as far as killing but would scare them into never talking to you again. She might feel kinda bad but they deserved it.
Gives you old light coloured clothing as it goes well with you. Maybe you two can match!
Doesn't know what her mother will think of you so she keeps you hidden. She means no harm! She just wants to make sure she can be there for you.
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alfiely-art · 4 months
FINISHED ACT 2!!!! I promise I'm taking my time
Act 1 live reaction here
Here are notes I took while reading!!!
Hi vagabond fella… you're cute
Huh. So the world ended. Okay
Happy birthday john, you fucked up!!!! My god!!!!
Oh interesting… wonder if the kernel will come back later
I like this sprite lmaoooo silly guy
“It's a long way down” Hey. Hey wait a sec. Isn't that deltarune
Bro Rose probably thinks you're dead lmfaooooo
Am I supposed to ignore the Stop Scurrying button btw. He will scurry to my hearts content
“Would you like to play a game?” C…caliborn….? :3
We scurried until we couldn't scurry anymore
Aw he's scared :( WALK ACROSS IT ur fine…
A voice?? Is it the blue text. The sprite
Sorry rose I'm not reading allat
So wait. Did the game cause the meteors or is it just saving people from them. Why was there no warning
Betty crocker is born /j
Nvm sprite said No <3
“Hoo-hoo-hoo” HEY I SAW CALIBORN GIGGLE LIKE THAT IN A FIC. I know the Striders have more to do with Caliborn but let me reach
OH its the sprite
Dave. Honey. Nows not the time for your rap
Which admittedly has fun rhymes
Dave what are you yapping about
Fluthlu… I love you
I'm not even gonna try to spell that but I like the other squid octopus creature as well
Oglogoth… goth !!!!
Hey wait. The horror terrors are part of sburb. Is the game influenced by their lives and interests. Like. Deltarune
OH PSYCHE!!! hi Dave
Bleat like a goat and piss on your turntable
Oh Dave. Oh Dave
Hey wait is this earlier in the day.
Okay this is definitely earlier in the day
Aw. He doesn't wanna make satire of the sburb review
Is that. John's hand???? what the fuck is happening in midnight crew
Flagrant Homosexuality
YOU CANT BE SAYING THAT WHITE BABY (I was told that they use slurs, slur count 2!!!!)
Her life depends on you playing that game Dave
Ewwww what's the shit under the door
It's okay Dave piss probably isn't that bad. It's also probably Apple juice You're fine
. They're gonna fly out the window
Wait. Davesprite is a bird with a sword in him. Omg is that bird the beginning of Davesprite omg!!!!
Rose and her mom are fucking weird
Hardcore parkour
Jade be telling the future…. Why can she do that
Ironic Indulgence
Btw. Are you able to. Win the strifes. I'm so confused
“Fine, you'll interrupt your reading and turn around, but you don't see what could possibly be so oh my god it's a monster.” Hi this is absolute gold this is how I type
John died :(
Yay he's alive!!!
John is such a nerd I love him
Hi Nanna harlequin sprite
Dave is very suddenly creeped out by the puppets, okay. Don't diss Lil cal bro
Baked good hater for Life!!! Also I am just like John I have absolutely no idea what Nannasprite was talking about. We r along for the ride
Jade why do you know all this stuff
Haha Dave's an emoji
HI CAL HI BABYGIRL !!!! I like Cal he's the man
Sweet Bro n Hella Jeff is. I
Cals eyes are so shiny
U and me both Rose. We Are giggling
John died again
What the fuck is happening at Dave's house
What the fuck is happening
I WANT TO PLAY A GAME is this a caliborn reference. Anyway uhhh Bro is kinda weird what's going on with him
Why does he have a camera in the saw guy figurine. Bro. What's uh up with you
BRO REALLY IS A NINJA…. Whys he jusy moving Cal around
Dave. I know you said your Bro is awesome but I think he's just really weird. He's silly
I do think it's interesting. John doesn't like his dad even though his dad is great (worst thing is he ignores that his kid doesn't like betty crocker goods). Rose hates her mom, but.. for like, the wrong reasons?? Like yeah her mom’s an alcoholic and seems neglectful but she doesn't seem to do the Irony shit Rose says she does. And then Dave seems to think Bro is the absolute best even though. This is not a great situation. I wonder what Jade's family is like
Also John and Rose avoid their parents but Dave's Bro seems to avoid Dave. interesting
Hey that letter is the same as the one in the trans dirk comic I saw :0
Yoooo John that's a cool weapon actually
That's a big boy right there what a big boy
Big boy!!!!!!
HEY I WAS INVESTED IN SEEING JOHN FIGHT. Oh at least we can see Bro. Wait how's Rose
??? JADE???
What the fuck is happening I
vagabond is so silly I like him
Hey guys I think a king hurt vagabond. Just a guess. Probably reaching idk /j
Oh nvm. Btw can we get this guy a burger
HEY WHAT THE FUCK ARE ON THESE SCREENS BTW. Wait I'm shouting so much. But what the fuck. Dave has his sprite??? Yay???? I thought he was gonna fight Bro??? What happened to Lil Cal???
Hey isn't that Jade's symbol on the pumpkin
Yooo that's such a cool cutscene actuHUH HOW IS IT THE END OF THE ACT AGAIN
The frick….
Anyway. Thoughts: I like Vagabond. Jade is mysterious. Dave gay. Bro creepy. Someone pls save Rose. John you gotta put your big boy pants on and fight those ogres. Good act!!! idk why people say the pre-trolls stuff is boring I'm enjoying myself
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oh-my-may · 4 months
I'm gonna start the post with a few paragraphs I wrote just a few days after the patch went live:
So I finished the first Remuria world quest - it was beautiful. And really not as long as I first expected it to be. I probably could have finished it on the first day if I wouldn't have been as tired as I was
First of all the new map is beautiful. You'd think after 3? patches of map expansions where we already got underwater stuff it would feel repetetive but somehow it looks and feels different and refreshing. Maybe because majority of the map are caves where you can walk normally or they're ruins... idk.
I couldn't help but draw parallels between Remuria and HSR's Penacony tho, especially look-wise, the talk of a dreamscape and the theme of music. Especially now after finishing Penacony 2.2 I can't help but feel the two are very similar in certain aspects... the motive of Harmony and Song and Peace and saving a people and Gods? Also the way Remuria looks is so similar to certain things in Penacony? I already said rhis in my post on HSR, this is absolutely no hate whatsoever. I reckon there's only so much you can do with these motives? It's interesting how differently it looks in both games tho.
So yeah, Remuria is beautiful. The music is an out of body experience and encapsulates the whole thing perfectly. I haven't explored all of the map yet, but I like the new mechanisms a lot. The floating books look so cool and just generally the significance of music through it all... *sigh* it's so enjoyable.
So far for Remuria... i definitely missed a few things I wanted to say but it's been like 2 weeks since I played this and I definitely forgot something haha
First of all she's broken omg. It is kind lf annoying that it'll take weeks to max out her talents, rn for me she's sitting at crowned NA and skill and burst are level 7 each. But she still hits for like over 50k with each normal attack when she has a bond of life. Don't even get me started on her with Yelan MY GOD.
Okay with that out of the way let me talk about her story quest. First of all I find it very intriguing that hyv gave up on the usual pattern of having the second weekly boss for a nation be tied to the Archon and their respective second story quest (besides Mond ig)... i mean yeah Fontaine's archon situatipn is very peculiar but technically Neuvilette has taken over the role for now, right? Neither him nor Furina getting a second story quest makes me think Neuvi's probably gonna get his way later because it'll be HUGE. Again I wanna say that lore wise Neuvi is my fav character... HES JUST SO FNDNDBDN. And Furina is probably gonna get a pretty "random" one at one point kinda like Yoimiya did or Cyno... like its gonna be a good quest but it'a gonna be random. ANYWAY
I wonder how much different I would habe perceived the quest if I hadn't watched the Animated Short about Arlecchino that they put on Youtube... like it's her whole backstory? I could see where the quest was going right from the beginning because of it... that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it, tho
Childe's little surprise cameo made me so happy c: MY BOY. He's alive snd well AND IN FONTAINE. Let me remind ypu we last officially saw him in the last Atchon quest gwtting yeeted into a black hole by Skirk. Then it was mentioned at the end that he was being treated and sent gome to Snezhnaya. Well...
The whole cryptic talk between Arle and Childe was quite interesting... so this project by the Fatui, right? (Forgot the name rn bc it's been a few days since I played the quest) Is it fonna be significant for Natlans story? What does it entail?? THE TEASE NNNNGNNGHH
I wonder if at some point in the game we're actually gonna see Lyney become the new head of House of the Hearth. Like... it's mentioned quite a lot in his story as well as in everything that has tp do with the House and Sröecchino herself... I wonder 🤔
Throughout the story I was reminded that one of the first things we heard about her (Childes voiceline that came out in like??? 3.0 or so???). It was that she would turn her back on and betray the Harbingers (AND THE TSARISTA) without second thought. She even says this herself in her voicelines. I just wonder what her ultimate goal is? To free herself from the curse? Which btw they tell us nothing about in the story. Story is all about the House and its inner workings and Arle's feelings about it and plans for the future (which I love btw but still not quite understand)... we also casually get told that Arle is not even that old??? Like the whole thing with Crucabena is so recent that Freminet remembers her???? Amd Arle was maybe a Teenager when she killed her so like??? She's only around 10 years older than the kids????
So how come she's a descendant from Khaenri'ah? I don't know if I read somewhere abput it or if its a rumor but not confirmed or if its said in her personal story which I haven't read yet but... she'a from the crimson moon dynasty? Or has some ties to it? And her curse is definitely related to it BUT WHAT IS HER CURSE EXACTLY. WHY DOES SHE HAVE IT. If she's only in maybe her late 20s she couldn't have been an actual Khaenriahn citizen (same as Kaeya and he still gives me the same headache thinking about this) so how does it all tie together in the end?? Does it have to do with the God of time maybe??? (Nevermind if this is talked about in her personal story in her profile I haven't read that yet)
So yeah... the fight woth her was so cool. The animation??? I saw people get upset about the fact that Traveler couldn't beat her but I actually love that?? Like... She'a #4 of the Harbingers and has some curse probably tied to Khaenriah and she KILLED A HARBINGER WHEN SHE WAS A TEENAGER??? Traveler nlt being this almighty MC makes them so much mlre likeable like yeah... they are obv far from having their actual power back? It took us ... how many times to fight Shuki No Kami before we could defeat it in the final try to learn all the patterns? The game wants to tell us that there's much more powerful enemies in Teyvat and rhis is only the beginning. Let me tell you yeah we beat Signora but it was Raiden who killed her... it was Zhongli who subdued Azhdaha. We only healed Apep with Nahidas help. Traveler has never been able to easily defeat these big enemies, they always had help. Yeah they have been getting stronger, they've been getting access to more elements but the bis enemies are just getting stronger and bigger too... I wonder where that will lead. Maybe the twins are only gonna get their true power bavk once they're united... ANYWAY
Her weekly boss fight is cool too. Using different mechanisms again, with the whole Bond of Life thing and all. She does this one attack in her second phase that I just... can't get behind tho. Someone always has to be the victim, THE SACRIFICE, to get me through haha. Idk how to dodge or avoid that attack. The one where she floats above the arena and then these bombs? Idk? Come down and basically crash down on the whole arena and I haven't found a spot where you can aboid getting hit and therefore killed immediately idk.
So yeah that's all for now. Very excited to play Cyno's second story quest. Heard only good things so far about it, which is good because I really didn't like his first one 💀 probably gonna get around to play it one of these days. Same as with the rest of Remuria exploration, gonna need mlre Clorinde funds :3
(Gonna add screenshots later, it's been so long that the ones I took aren't saved in the PS App anymore 💀)
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 5 months
Xander and Gigi head cannons pls?
xander and gigi head canons
of course<3. they will literally be the best duo imaginable. i can feel it. not proof read so i apologize if anything doesn't make sense. hope you like them <3. @catapparently helped a bit with this one.
they will literally prank everyone all the damn time. they have a white board filled with prank ideas. (they once replaced jamie's alcohol with disgusting juice mixes they made. jamie ended up barfing for an entire day)
gigi is into robotics and stuff but doesn't know much about it. xander will sit with her for hours a day trying to explain everything to her.
they love playing twister for some odd reason. they're always trying to beat each other's scores.
xander is one of the only people (if not the only person) who gives her coffee voluntarily.
gigi loves lemon flavored scones and xander loves the blueberry ones, so they're always debating and fighting over who is right. (their debates get so intense. once, xander ended up in the pool naked (don't ask me how))
they comment on each other's posts saying things like "omg slay girl boss you ate that up" and stuff like that
when they gossip, they literally hold nothing back. gigi will be talking about a hookup (if she has any), and she'll be like 'and then he pulled out and he said "*****" to me whilst touching my **** and i literally almost came'. xander just sits there half traumatized and half really invested.
gigi writes fanfic on ao3 and will dedicate her fics to xander
speaking of fanfics, xander is also her beta reader sometimes
they cause arguments wherever they go. they'll be having dinner with skye, zara, and the others, and they'll purposely say smth like "omg did you hear that skye hooked up with zara's husband". everyone starts screaming, and they just sit in the back eating popcorn
they listen to cupcakke (the girl with the really dirty songs) together and scream the lyrics.
gigi once walked in on xander getting dressed (he was completely naked). she was so shocked she couldn't move, and xander just stood there staring at her. gigi managed to walk away (disgusted bc she just saw one of her closest friends naked), and xander was blushing profusely cause he was embarrassed.
they have the weirdest nicknames for each other. they call each other things like 'my little sugar plum sprinkled with pickles' or stuff like that.
xander flirts with gigi around grayson just to piss him off and gigi does the same (grayson gets weirded out cause although xander and gigi aren't related, he's related to both of them)
when they facetime, they literally bring each other everywhere. xander will literally go to the toilet with her on the phone. they have no shame.
they have an insta account together where they post the craziest shit ever (they sort of post videos like the sturniolo triplets. i don't watch them, but from what i've seen they remind me of gigi and xander)
xander and gigi make edits of gigi's cats and post them on tiktok.
they both decided to get a helix piercing. (they have matching earrings).
xander and gigi go to sex shops and laugh at the toys. they'll see lingerie or smth and gigi will go 'it's so coquette it turns me off'
gigi and xander cannot spell properly when they text. they'll be trying to say 'yoo wanna come over for a sleepover' but it comes out as 'yu wsna cime ocer for a skeepkowr' or smth like that
they were once at the park pushing each other down slides, but gigi pushed xander too hard and he fell face first into the grass.
after this event, she changed his contact name to 'grass eating cow'
gigi is a little too comfortable around xander. she asks him things like 'do you think one of my boobs is bigger than the other' or 'do you think my ass is slapable'. xander usually just stays quiet unless gigi insists he responds, and then he panics and says something random.
they go to stores to just touch all of the blankets until they find the softest ones, and then they buy them. in their opinion, you will not get a good night's sleep if you don't have a good blanket.
they get really cold easily so they're always huddled up together in a corner.
gigi is the grumpiest person you could ever imagine when she's on her period. xander runs around getting her everything she asks for when she has cramps and stuff freaking out because he doesn't want her to kill him.
gigi and xander vent to each other a lot. they're really similar and so they get each other like no one else does. they cry in each others arms regularly but always end up laughing bc some of their problems are just so stupid.
gigi helps him draw his missing eyebrow back on for events with an eyebrow pencil. she's gotten quite good at it.
at the end of the year, they organize this event where they talk about their fav fanfics and crown one as their absolute fav (they have different categories like smut, romance, au, etc)
for halloween one year, gigi dressed up as a dildo and xander as a pocket p*ssy (gigi dared him to)...
(don't mind that last one, my sister dared me to add it)
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tytarax · 2 months
I'm in love with Daishinkan, may I ask you for a headcanon Daishinkan/reader? The reader is a person and friend to Zeno(replaces Goku who trains against Black Goku) and if they knew each other for a couple years, the reader and Daishinkan could have fake dates and "relationships" in front of Goku's team(reader and priest troll the team)? I'm sure Bulma, Chichi and any of the other girls want to see the reader's relationship, but the only thing they see is a sly alien angel who is constantly giving his "mate" little things like cool rocks or something like that
Hi! OMG this is so cute!
(female pronouns)
(Image credits to its creator ZahyZamas on DeviantArt)
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In the grand halls of the Omni-King's palace, tranquility reigned supreme. Daishinkan, also known as the Grand Priest, attended to his duties, his serene expression never betraying the chaos that often ensued in the universes under his watch. Yet, even in this order, mischief had a way of sneaking in, especially when a certain human friend of Zeno-sama was involved.
Y/N had found herself in the company of gods and angels, forming a kinda bond with the Omni-King himself. Over the years, she had become a familiar face in the palace, her mortal quirks and humor a refreshing change for the otherwise stoic inhabitants. And it was this very humor that had led her to an unconventional partnership with Daishinkan.
It all started as a joke, a way to pass the time and perhaps add a bit of excitement to the daily routine. The idea was simple: pretend to be in a "relationship" with the Grand Priest and see how long it would take for everyone to catch on. The sheer absurdity of it was too tempting to resist.
Today, Y/N was lounging in Capsule Corp's garden, admiring the landscape that surrounded her. The sudden appearance of a portal and a known energy announced the arrival of her "partner in crime."
"Ah, there you are," Daishinkan greeted, his voice calm as ever. He held out his hand, revealing a collection of sparkling rocks. "I found these during my duties. I thought you might like them."
Y/N couldn't help but smile. "Oh, Daishinkan-sama, you always know how to find the best gifts," she replied, playing along with the act.
Unbeknownst to them both, Bulma, Chichi, and 18 were observing from a distance, their curiosity piqued by the unusual sight. Bulma, ever the skeptic, squinted suspiciously. "Since when did the Grand Priest start giving gifts?"
Chichi, on the other hand, was more intrigued than suspicious. "Do you think they're together?"
"I wouldn't blame Y/N if they were together." 18 said. Which was to be expected if you see her husband.
Before anyone could say anything, Daishinkan turned to Y/N with an almost imperceptible glint of amusement in his eyes. "Shall we take a stroll through Grand Zeno's gardens, my dear?"
"Of course, darling," she replied, standing up from the ground and passing through the portal with Daishinkan's help. The two of them made sure to maintain a respectable distance, the perfect picture of a couple enjoying a leisurely walk.
Back in their hiding spot, Goku, who was also there but didn't notice at first, and his friends were practically buzzing with excitement. "I can't believe it," Goku muttered. "They really do look like a couple."
Bulma smirked. "I have to admit, it would be kinda cute. But we need more proof."
Over the next few days, Y/N and Daishinkan continued their charade, each interaction more elaborate than the last. Y/N exchanged playful banter shared meals, and even staged romantic moments under the stars. All the while, her friends watched with growing fascination.
One evening, as the group gathered at Capsule Corp., Bulma couldn't resist bringing up the topic. "So, (Y/N), how's your 'relationship' with the Grand Priest going?"
Y/N fought the urge to laugh, keeping her expression neutral. "Oh, it's wonderful. He even gave me this amazing flower bouquet with flowers from all universes. He's so thoughtful."
Chichi leaned in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "You have to tell us more! What's he like as a partner?"
"I strive to be attentive to (Y/N)'s needs. It is important to cherish those we care about." A sudden voice startled everyone, Y/N blushed like crazy. What the hell!?
Thing is, he was not present, yet his voice echoed through the place like that of a god.
The room fell silent, everyone processing the Grand Priest's words. For a moment, it seemed as though they might actually believe the ruse.
Then, Goku, ever the oblivious one, spoke up. "I still can't believe it. I mean, you and the Grand Priest? It's just so… unexpected."
Y/N stared at him while thinking what to say, struggling to keep a straight face. "Love works in mysterious ways," she said with a shrug.
Bulma raised an eyebrow. "Come on, you two. There's got to be more to the story. How did this all start?"
Y/N leaned back, feigning a dreamy expression. "Well, it was a few years ago. I was just wandering around the palace, and Daishinkan noticed I seemed a bit out of place. He offered to show me around, and one thing led to another. We just clicked."
"Indeed. I found (Y/N)'s perspective on life quite refreshing. It is not often that we encounter someone with such a unique view of the universe."
Chi-Chi sighed, clearly enchanted by the story. "That's so sweet. It's like something out of a fairy tale."
Krillin, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up. "So, do you two have any plans for the future? Any big romantic gestures we should know about?"
Y/N grinned, somehow feeling the smirk on Daishinkan's face "Well, we were thinking of organizing a little event. Something fun for everyone."
Goku's eyes lit up. "An event? Like a tournament?"
Daishinkan chuckled softly. "Not quite, Goku. More like a celebration. A chance for all of us to come together and enjoy each other's company."
As the evening wore on, the topic shifted to other matters, but the seed of curiosity had been planted. Y/N and Daishinkan continued their act, each day bringing new opportunities to playfully "troll" everyone.
One afternoon, she found herself in the training grounds of the holy world, or whatever the name is, watching Goku and Vegeta spar. Daishinkan leaned over and whispered, "Shall we give them something to talk about?"
She nodded eagerly. "Absolutely."
As Goku and Vegeta finished their match, Y/N approached them, holding Daishinkan's hand. "You guys were amazing out there! But you know, Daishinkan and I have been practicing some moves of our own."
Vegeta raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Care to show us?"
Daishinkan smiled serenely. "Perhaps another time. For now, we simply wish to enjoy the spectacle."
Goku, ever the enthusiastic one, clapped his hands. "I can't wait to see that! You two must have some incredible techniques."
As they were leaving, Daishinkan turned to you, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I believe our little ruse is working quite well."
Y/N laughed, squeezing his hand. "I think so too. And who knows? Maybe we're actually teaching them something about having a bit of fun."
In the end, it wasn't about fooling anyone. It was about the fun of the shared laughter and the unique bond that had formed between them. And who knew? Maybe, just maybe, there was a bit of truth hidden in the jest, a genuine connection that went beyond the playful facade.
As Y/N and Daishinkan shared a knowing smile, she couldn't help but think that, in the grand scheme of things, this was the kind of chaos the universe needed—a reminder that even in the presence of gods, there was always room for a little bit of mischief and a whole lot of fun.
DBS Masterlist
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tidemoonchild · 10 months
What are your favorite tumblr blogs?
Oooooohhhh an opportunity to make an appreciation post! (Btw the order doesn't mean anything so know if you are the last on the list doesn't mean I love you any less!)
PS: Had to make this two parts because apperantly tumblr only allows 4096 words...
Part I (here) | Part II
@antvnger: I know Ant Mun for a while now. Met them sometime at the start of this year I guess and even if we haven't interacted much lately and stuff I'm still going through his page almost everyday to see what he has been up to. The mun is one of the sweetest persons I ever met and is so amazing in potraying Scott (who I just live as much as I love Ant Mun).
@spideymn: Probably the one I know the longest here on tumblr. I met her somewhen at the end of last year and we wrote together like every day before I went on a longer tumblr break. I was so sad and heartbroken when I couldn't find her on tumblr anymore not knowing that we have been writing together the whole time not knowing that it was us. Guess the moment we realized it, was one of my absolut favorite moments here on tumblr. She's such a sweet and honest person and she was one of the first who let me feel comfortable for being myself and to reach out to her for whatever reason. And tbh she's also one of the persons why I decided to come back here in the first place.
@silently-judgingyou: Another one I know longer here. While the two of us haven't talked as much as I did with Spidey Mun I still enjoyed our conversation and our rps. They're always so wholesome and I love to see the interactions between MJ and Morgan and how both of them started to build a sisterly bond. I also love the thread we started with Katya and MJ. We haven't done much yet but it's so funny to see the two girls who don't want to talk to anyone and want to be left alone get to know eachother. The mun is also such a sweet and nice person and I'm so happy to have her around.
@remarkableheroes: My dear and beloved Bucky! The moment I saw your OC Anya I instantly fell in love and thought OMG! Wanna write with them! You have no idea how scared I was to reach out and how happy I was when you said yes. And now look at us! We just talked about making our Ocs officialy to eachothers stories, something I thought I would never do again until I met you. In all these years you have been the first Oc mun where I felt comfortable to try it again. I love everything about you and Anya but also your other muses. You are such a sweet and amazing person and I'm so happy that I found you and got to know you.
@skallagrimulfhedinn/@michaelandadam: Another person I knew from my first try here on tumblr and who I love so much. The mun has such amazing characters and I love writing with them so much. I love Skallagrim and Ash and tbh when the Mun told me about the SPN rp blog I made a little scream. SPN has been one of my favorite fandoms I was ever part of and I literaly cried during the last episode. I was really suprised and happy to see how SPN is kinda making a return. and this Mun plays Adam so well and I can't wait to see how they will play Michael at one point.
@azuresrp: Guess what? Yep this beautiful person here was also one of my old friends who I found here on tumblr before my break… Or more like who found me. They're so sweet and amazing and have such a great character. I love Ryan, I love his story and I love the mun and our interactions. Most of all I love our ooc talk and plotting. It's just so much fun to talk with them about our characters or about whatever else we are talking about. And it's so funny everytime we haven't spoken for a while both of us can be sure the next message will start with a "Sorry it took so long… life happened."
@kyber-infinitygems/@neonsoundbite: Amazing person, amazing Mun, amazing Ocs, amazing Story! Just AMAZING! I love Luc and I love Brenna! They're also one of my favorite Ocs I saw here on tumblr. I love talking ooc with the mun which we have done the most and I love it so much that she shares the same love for Bruce than I do. I literaly know not a single person who has Bruce as one of their favorites and I was so happy when I saw her love for Bruce! And I also love the fact that she shipped her Oc not with a major character like Steve, Tony or Thor like everyone else always does… No she chose Kurt Goreshter. Such an amazing character who honestly doesn't get enough love and attention. Like he's actually so funny but always gets overlooked and forgotten! But not by her which I think is so cool and awesome. And omg her drawings and edits! They're so amazing!
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starpirateee · 4 months
I see the sir John Herschel and Anna Hanover tag on your Tumblr drabbles fic, and just know I am looking so hard right now. This has probably already been suggested, but just in case: We will reunite! (In the voice of John screaming at the sky): The besties reunite. They catch each other up on their respective adventures and discoveries, Anna teases John about Rose, etc.
Omg Faery that's adorable!! Yes, absolutely, I can give you the John and Anna reunion that everyone needs <3
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Anna had had the chance to contemplate this for a while. She had filled a journal with a log of all the fauna she could see, and she never had found herself more content in their entire life.
This was incredible. Whatever this haven out in the middle of space was, it was beautiful, and quite unlike anything she'd ever seen before. And she would stay forever if she could, but she started to think about John, and then she started to miss John.
It had been so long in their lives spent communicating with each other. Through college, through his stint in South Africa… So, radio silence felt really strange.
She was ready to go home. Back to the township, or back to wherever she could find John, or even Margaret or the Stratfords…
the Traveller had been so kind to her during her stay. she had helped her to understand, gave importance to every single specimen that caught her interest. And she'd always promised that she'd make the return back home an easy one. But now she seemed hesitant. Anna's brow creased. She really hoped she hadn't been played for a fool this entire time. What kind of sense of security made a return back to normality seem so attainable, and then drew it back at the last second? "Is something wrong?" She asked cautiously.
"Your friends aren't at the Township. I sent them… Elsewhere."
"To protect them. There's a reason you were sent into space, I doubt that threat would've been any less prevalent if they went back… Besides, I'd heard about something else. A threat to Margaret. I had to keep her away from it."
Margaret was the reason why the satellite was launched. She had some kind of… Power. Anna remembered well. That made at least some semblance of sense. She nodded. "Okay, so where are they?"
"Right now, they're heading towards an island in the South Pacific… About forty years from the time you know…"
Anna couldn't help the way her eyes widened.
The Traveller shot her an apologetic glance. "I know how it sounds, but I promise, they are completely safe."
"I have always wanted to know what the future looks like."
"I can take you there, if you want."
"Yes." Anna knew she had every right to be hesitant, but excitement and an inherent curiosity took over, and she found herself more excited by the prospect of seeing the future, and she believed her grin spoke for itself. "Please."
"Can someone tell me why we're in the middle of the South Pacific?!"
John was soaking wet, a little more than shaken, and completely baffled. the first thing he did after hauling himself back onto the deck was try and ground himself by looking towards the stars. That's when he noticed it was wrong, that they were no longer in Bermuda. He didn't have Rose to verify that he wasn't losing his mind, but he knew what he was seeing. was overhead. That shouldn't have been possible. Since he was thrown overboard, both he and the Ellen Austin had completely changed locations.
Samuel had done his best to explain what had happened— apparently the captain had been possessed? And the fog was also a person?— but that didn't really help in making anything clearer. If he didn't witness it for himself, he'd have said it was another work of fiction, something straight out of Samuel's notebook.
But, not even he could make that claim.
"We're approaching land!"
He was drawn out of his thoughts— and the lack of an answer to his question— by a call to attention. For all it was worth, his curiosity still got the better of him. He scrambled to the side of the deck to watch the land approaching piece by piece.
"There's no port, I can't get close enough!" The helmsman responded, and the rigger disappeared further the up the structure to convey that message to the lookout.
John, Samuel, Margaret and the Traveller disembarked along with anyone else curious enough to want to explore this terrain. He had the hope enough that see Rose again. He'd seen the flashes of light, and the Traveller had mentioned that she was safe, but he'd watched the entire ship disappear, and that couldn't count for nothing.
He scanned the shore carefully, looking for any sign that the prize crew of the Antikythera had survived whatever had happened to them. It was a relief beyond measuring when he saw Morgan on the beach, already being accosted by his friends from the Austin. If he was there, then that meant—
"I haven't seen him since, we were separated…"
"I hope he's okay…"
Not one, but two familiar voices. The first was, undoubtedly, Rose's. And he knew the second, too. He picked up the pace, relief and excitement flooding him, and managed to find the two women behind the voices.
"Rose! Nova!"
Both of them looked up in tandem, and Anna couldn't hide her delight as she raced to meet him halfway. "Hershey!"
She went to embrace him, but then hesitated when she realised something. "God, Hershey, you're soaked! What happened to you?"
John hadn't been able to ignore the way that his hair had plastered itself to his forehead, or the way his shirt had stuck fast to his arms. He was freezing cold, and he could still feel the stray droplets running down the side of his face. "I was... Thrown overboard in the excitement," he shrugged, absently wringing off the cuff of his shirt. "I should be fine."
A thousand or more questions ran through his head at once, and he had to still himself before he asked all of them. "Anyway, what about you?" he continued as the two of them made their way towards Rose.
"What about me?"
"How was the extended stay beyond the satellite?"
"Oh, it was wonderful! I'll tell you all about it! Where are Samuel and Margaret?"
"They're here. Somewhere. And Rose?"
"She's fine, Hershey."
John managed a smile. The events of the last few days had certainly unnerved him enough, but he was glad to know that Rose was okay after all that.
They approached. rose was still exactly where Anna had left her, and lifted a hand in greeting when she saw John. Seeing for himself, knowing that she was fine, it brought the relief back tenfold.
"It is so good to see you again, Rose. I saw what happened to the Antikythera, and I thought— well, I assumed the worst..." he admitted, noting that she, too, was completely soaked.
"Wait, what happened to the Antikythera?"
"What do you mean, 'what happened?' Were you not on board?"
Rose blinked, tried to recall the last thing she could clearly remember, and then shook her head. "No, I don't think anyone was. That's a... Long story... Did you know there's more than one Traveller?"
"I did not. So, this is the work of someone like Sia?"
"Like who?"
John glanced back, hoping that the other half of their party was still in his line of sight, and nodded over when he caught them.
"Our Traveller has a name?"
"Apparently so. And your brother is still with her and Margaret... He had asked about you..."
Her eyes went wide. "Samuel! Are they okay, Herschel?"
"Don't worry, Rose. All is well. They're still on the coast." He saw the eager look in her eyes, and urged her into going to find them and making sure that they knew that she was okay. When she went running down the coast after her brother, Anna once again beckoned him over, and the two of them sat side by side on the green verge just beyond the coast.
It hadn't been all that long for him in retrospect. The length of this voyage, give or take a day, but he couldn't imagine how long it could've been for her.
"You have a story, I can tell." Anna drew her knees closer to her chest and shot John an eager glance.
He sat back against his hands, trying to relax for the first time in god knows when. "Mine isn't half the fate I imagine yours is..." he speculated, earning a chuckle in return.
"Try me."
"I can offer you a ghost ship, and— you are aware of which year we're in, aren't you?"
"I've been told... That took some getting used to."
John hummed his agreement. "I do have a tale, actually. You'll never guess what happened to the township."
Anna turned to him, fully intrigued. "What?"
"It finally got a name."
"No way! What's it called these days?"
John grinned. He couldn't help it. The delight he'd felt upon hearing Morgan tell them the first time was radiating. She absolutely deserved this, and he was honoured to find himself with the knowledge that her hard work had paid off to this extent.
"They call it the port of Hanover."
Anna clapped a hand over her mouth to catch the way she almost screamed. "You're serious?"
"You were honoured by name at the port, too. The satellite truly changed lives, Nova."
She laughed. God, if only her father could see her now... Knowing that she had changed the face of navigation by introducing her satellite into the skies.
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