#how to prepare Asue
nasa · 1 year
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Let's Explore a Metal-Rich Asteroid 🤘
Between Mars and Jupiter, there lies a unique, metal-rich asteroid named Psyche. Psyche’s special because it looks like it is part or all of the metallic interior of a planetesimal—an early planetary building block of our solar system. For the first time, we have the chance to visit a planetary core and possibly learn more about the turbulent history that created terrestrial planets.
Here are six things to know about the mission that’s a journey into the past: Psyche.
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1. Psyche could help us learn more about the origins of our solar system.
After studying data from Earth-based radar and optical telescopes, scientists believe that Psyche collided with other large bodies in space and lost its outer rocky shell. This leads scientists to think that Psyche could have a metal-rich interior, which is a building block of a rocky planet. Since we can’t pierce the core of rocky planets like Mercury, Venus, Mars, and our home planet, Earth, Psyche offers us a window into how other planets are formed.
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2. Psyche might be different than other objects in the solar system.
Rocks on Mars, Mercury, Venus, and Earth contain iron oxides. From afar, Psyche doesn’t seem to feature these chemical compounds, so it might have a different history of formation than other planets.
If the Psyche asteroid is leftover material from a planetary formation, scientists are excited to learn about the similarities and differences from other rocky planets. The asteroid might instead prove to be a never-before-seen solar system object. Either way, we’re prepared for the possibility of the unexpected!
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3. Three science instruments and a gravity science investigation will be aboard the spacecraft.
The three instruments aboard will be a magnetometer, a gamma-ray and neutron spectrometer, and a multispectral imager. Here’s what each of them will do:
Magnetometer: Detect evidence of a magnetic field, which will tell us whether the asteroid formed from a planetary body
Gamma-ray and neutron spectrometer: Help us figure out what chemical elements Psyche is made of, and how it was formed
Multispectral imager: Gather and share information about the topography and mineral composition of Psyche
The gravity science investigation will allow scientists to determine the asteroid’s rotation, mass, and gravity field and to gain insight into the interior by analyzing the radio waves it communicates with. Then, scientists can measure how Psyche affects the spacecraft’s orbit.
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4. The Psyche spacecraft will use a super-efficient propulsion system.
Psyche’s solar electric propulsion system harnesses energy from large solar arrays that convert sunlight into electricity, creating thrust. For the first time ever, we will be using Hall-effect thrusters in deep space.
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5. This mission runs on collaboration.
To make this mission happen, we work together with universities, and industry and NASA to draw in resources and expertise.
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the mission and is responsible for system engineering, integration, and mission operations, while NASA’s Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Services Program manages launch operations and procured the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket.
Working with Arizona State University (ASU) offers opportunities for students to train as future instrument or mission leads. Mission leader and Principal Investigator Lindy Elkins-Tanton is also based at ASU.
Finally, Maxar Technologies is a key commercial participant and delivered the main body of the spacecraft, as well as most of its engineering hardware systems.
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6. You can be a part of the journey.
Everyone can find activities to get involved on the mission’s webpage. There's an annual internship to interpret the mission, capstone courses for undergraduate projects, and age-appropriate lessons, craft projects, and videos.
You can join us for a virtual launch experience, and, of course, you can watch the launch with us on Oct. 12, 2023, at 10:16 a.m. EDT!
For official news on the mission, follow us on social media and check out NASA’s and ASU’s Psyche websites.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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thecrashcourse · 7 months
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Prepare for the upcoming US election while earning college credit! Study Hall’s “Power and Politics in US Government” course will go over the basics of our government system, including how elections work, what lobbying is, why we have a two party system, and how citizens participate in policy making beyond voting.
Check out the course videos for free on YouTube, then join the online college course led by ASU faculty for just $25 and apply what you’ve learned. If at the end of the course you’re happy with your grade, pay an optional fee and add 3 transferable credits to your transcript!⁠
Next course starts March 5th, reserve your spot onboard at https://link.gostudyhall.com/ccgov
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ryokosturntodie · 6 months
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woah what's this an (subject to change...) rttd reko design?!?
info on her under cut
reko takes ranger's role in this au, so is one of two floormasters on 3F. the other floormaster is alice, taking the role of safalin (prepare for lots of yabusame sadness). these two have a very unhealthy dynamic.
reko has a strong resentment towards alice, with their main conflict arising over the fact that he is human and she is not, despite her being 'better' than him in every sense of the word. this is to say she is more strong-willed, more confident, and overall far better at her purpose (to help run the death game) than he is. reko values herself and alice in terms of usefulness to asu naro, making alice's attitude of defiance even more confusing to her.
reko has imprisoned alice in a way, making it impossible for him to go against what she wants (this will make more sense with his design so bare with me). reko essentially controls 3F, with alice just being there to support her from the shadows (sound familiar..?)
as for how reko acts, think samurai yaiba reko from alice's minisode, except more intense. reko has the attitude of resenting everyone around her, but especially the 'weaker' humans. this stems from her desire to be human, as she views them being weak as them wasting their opportunity.
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kfkr1ze · 3 months
[002-A05] Healthy Party
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Summary — ✈︎ Kaede prepares a plan to get his revenge on the students, but it turns out that the school is closed for summer vacation. However, he heard that there’s a party going on that the students might go to…
Characters— ✈︎ Sakujiro, Kafka, Yukikaze, Renga, Liguang, Ten
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Location: HAMA Tours Office Floor
Kaede: ……
Yukikaze: …… Kaede……
Kaede: ……
Yukikaze: He seemed to be focusing really hard, so I decided to watch without saying anything butーー I can’t watch anymore.
Please tell me what happened.
Just what kind of job do you have that is so difficult that you have to make such a demon-like expression…?
Kafka: Sigh… It’s nothing strange enough for you to worry about. He’s fine.
He came in saying that he’ll hurry up and “make a proposal that’s so thorough, easy to understand, and has nothing in it that could be criticized” so that he can go back to the school and get revenge on those cute kids.
Yukikaze: … I see. So that’s what this was about.
Kafka: Chief-chan is great right now, isn’t he? Whenever he gets like this, it’s like he has a lot of motivation and this awesome air around him. I like that about him♪
Yukikaze: Ah, true. 
When Chief gets like this, he’s like mapo tofu with pepper. [1]
Kafka: I don’t think I’ll ever get used to those stupid analogies. Can’t you use something else?
Kaede: ……
Yukikaze: ……
Kafka: ……
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Ten: Wah〜 … They’re smiling so fondly right now.
It kinda feels like when parents are watching their child play with blocks, doesn’t it?
Renga: Yo… Ah, T-Ten.
So you came to the office!
Ten: Oh, it’s Renga-san, yo.
Renga: Um, if you have time today, how do you feel about going to the Izakaya with me again on the way home today…? You’ve taken care of me at your sushi bar before, so…
Ten: Oh. Are you gonna treat me to some drinks, Renga-san? Yay~
Liguang: … I could hear the sounds of something being hit all the way from outside the door. I guess that was Kaede hitting the keyboard?
Kaede: ……
Liguang: … Good grief. He didn’t hear me at all.
Kaede: President.
What are the criteria for evaluating candidates for the Ward Mayors?
Kafka: Leave it to me.
Kaede: Got it.
Renga: So, just what on earth is the Chief doing?
Kafka: It seems like Chief-chan was wrung out by the students as Asu High. Now he’s working on a proposal in demon mode. 
Renga: Asu High? … I see, how nostalgic.
Liguang: Is this about the Ward Mayors?
Hm, dealing with kids can be rough.
Kaede: I did it…!
Okay, I’ll dash quickly back to the schoolーー
Sakujiro: The school’s gates are already closed.
Kaede: Eh…
Sakujiro: Since it is the day before summer vacation, the gates might have closed earlier than they usually do.
Kaede: N-No way…
But I was so ready to get my revenge…!
Sakujiro: No.
I believe it far too early to reach conclusions just yet.
Today, there is going to be a party to celebrate the start of summer vacationーー
The party is hosted by the student council president, Yumenosuke Koraku. 
The entire school is invited to a home party that can host 10,000 people.
Kaede: Eh!
Sakujiro: Since there is a chance the students in question may also be attending the party, I thought it might be worth a visit.
Kaede: That’s true! Let’s go!
Sakujiro: Then, please hurry and take these.
Kaede: What are these clothes? 
Sakujiro: I heard there is a dress code for attending this party. 
This time, the dress code is juvenile-like clothes that you see in moviesーー
For this day, I poured my heart and soul into each and every stitch.
Ten: Eh, these are handmade? Cool.
Kaede: Thank you very much, Sakujiro-san!
Kafka: You have 3 minutes to hurry and get dressed. I’m calling the car right now.
… Be careful and have a good trip.
Yukikaze: If you go, you won’t have any regrets.
I’ll be waiting here for you with your favorite meal for dinner.
Renga: I don’t really get what’s going on but… Don’t push yourself too hard!
Kaede: Thank you, everyone! I’ll be going now!
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Location: Outdoor Party Venue
Kaede: Wow… For a student, this home party is on a whole different level…
There’s a night pool, a DJ booth, and even a counter bar.
Of course, there’s no actual alcohol being served, but…
Look! There’s so many people wearing black all over the place. The security is perfect.
Sakujiro: The Koraku family is among the top in the political world.
The huge garden parties often held here are very well known throughout the entire country.
Kaede: I see. I understand now.
Those 5 would definitely be at a place like this.
ーー Okay, first, I’m gonna start asking around.
Sakujiro: Understood. Then, I will see you later.
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Student A: Eh… Isotake?
He’s that dangerous guy who’s rumored to be involved in murders, isn’t he?
Student B: There’s no way they would be invited here.
I mean, who knows what would’ve happened if they did show up?
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Student C: Kurama?
He has this bad vibe to him. No one would go near that guy.
Student D: When you say Kaguya, do you mean the vice president of the student council guy who’s always wearing a helmet?
Apparently, he’s super pretty and he even has a fanclub, but personally? I always thought he was a dangerous guy.
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Student E: I don’t know who that Kinugawa guy is.
But Nanamegi’s famous for being handsome, so I’ve heard of him.
Student F: Nanaki’s become pretty unapproachable after that happened huh.
It’s a shame since he’s so popular.
He should really stop hanging out with the rest of that group of 5.
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Kaede: (Those kids really don’t have a good reputation huh…)
(I guess that incident is still floating around in the back of people’s minds. I should’ve researched what happened more properly…)
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???: Excuse me! You over there!
Kaede: Y-Yes!
???: Are you the one asking around about those 5 deadly sinners?
Kaede: Deadly sinners…?
Yumenosuke: It’s nice to meet you.
I am the student council president of Hama Asunaro High School, Yumenosuke Koraku.
Welcome, and thank you for coming today.
Kaede: Ah, yes… Sorry to bother.
Yumenosuke: Our school has 10,000 students, so I believe fostering close relationships between students is essential―
Today’s party serves as a great opportunity to develop this, but at the same time! It functions as a place to develop healthy minds amongst students. Also! 
To ensure that parents and guardians can feel at ease, each area is equipped with strong people who have protected and nurtured the Koraku family as far back as the time of our great-grandfather.
We would be extremely grateful if you, who is looking for the 5 deadly sinners, could peacefully watch over the growth of our youth as well!
Kaede: (He explained a lot of things even though I didn’t ask…)
(Well, now that I think about it, those people in black that Yumenosuke said were very strong have been staring at me for a while now… I guess I look like a suspicious person.)
Sorry for introducing myself so late.
I’ll give you my name as well.
Yumenosuke: Oh, a business card! I thank you kindly.
Hm hm… The Community Revitalization Department…
I see now! You are an instructor!
People in black: Excuse us for being rude!
Kaede: No, I get where you were coming from, so…
Yumenosuke: Thank you for your generosity.
But… Before you return to searching for those people, may I have your attention for a few more minutes?
Kaede: Ah, yes…
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Yumenosuke: I had a vice president who I had the utmost faith in.
No matter what life had in store for me, my trust in him was unshakeable. Or so I thoughtーー
However, he managed to betray my expectations! One night, a month ago!
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Yumenosuke: The old school building… A building of cultural heritage which was symbolic of the new era… The school where my father, who is now the cabinet minister, studied… They blew it up!
And his corrupt soul did this alongside those four other outcasts who are on the same level as he is!
Kaede: (T-They blew it up…!?
I see… that’s what “that incident” is…)
Yumenosuke: Some of those people were actually the object of admiration for some of the other studentsーー
But now, they’re all Class 1.
Student A: I mean, I’m not sure if I’d even call it a Class at this point. Instead, it should be something like "the worst Class."
Kaede: (They’re talking about “Classes” again…)
Yumenosuke: You there, cease that at once. 
Discrimination between Classes could lead to criticism of the entire school’s educational system.
… No. This is the result of his own negligence. 
Giving into that feeling of betrayal is unavoidable as well.
Kaede: Um, excuse me.
What do you mean by “Classes”?
Oh? Perhaps you did not know about this?
Kaede: Sorry for not being more informed…
Yumenosuke: No matter. I shall give you a brief explanation.
The Class system is a traditional system in our school.
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Yumenosuke: Firstly, Classes are divided into 5 different levels.
Those who have been putting extra effort into their studies and club activities are put into Class 5.
On the opposite end, those who slack off are put into Class 1 and are urged to “put in more effort”.
The ones who put in extra effort… Those who are Class 5 tend to be favored more and given special treatment.
Extra items on the cafeteria menu, privileges in club activities, given more options to speak their minds, and above all, they are the objects of envy for the other students. Like I am.
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Yumenosuke: For the Class 1 students, it is basically the exact opposite…
I think you can understand what that means without me getting into the details.
Kaede: (So they’re basically shunned… I see.)
Yumenosuke: Everyone! Once again, let’s say our cheers to another successful semester! With champagne-like soda!
Kaede: (If I knew they were in the Class 1 and they were shunned like thatーー
I probably wouldn’t have come here at all… It’s so awkward.)
(Maybe we should leave and try something else…)
Student G: Ah! Damn, I spilled my champagne-like soda! Does anyone have a tissue?
Student H: If you need pocket tissues, we have a lot over here.
Student G: I don’t want to use those though… They feel like they’d give me bad luck.
Kaede: (What kind of tissue makes you feel like you’d have bad luck…?)
Advertisement: “The Genius Galactic Film Director ISOTAKE now presents… an unprecedented Ultra New Movie Screening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Kaede: (“ISOTAKE” is… Akuta-kun!? The premiere is…)
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This is what mapo tofu is !
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mmmichyyy · 3 months
weekly tag wednesday 🌧️
tagged by @heymacy @deedala @lingy910y @energievie @sgtmickeyslaughter @xninetiestrendx !
name: michelle
when is your birthday: oct 24
where do you call home? westcoast canada
how many pets do you have? zero
what do you do for work? customer service, paperwork, reports
do you believe in aliens? sure
do you believe in ghosts? as long as they don't bother me, they can float around
favorite subject in school? english
what are you currently reading? i just finished reading a 700k dramione fic that completely emotionally eviscerated me (affectionate) so now i've just been reading short red white and royal blue one-shots to cool down
what are you currently watching? just finished a rewatch of modern family, now rewatching the bear season 2 in preparation for season 3
what kind of laptop do you have (+ describe it to me): a black asus laptop with three sonny angel harvest series hippers on the screen
what kind of phone do you have (+ describe it to me): google pixel 6a with a clear case, a sonny angel popsocket, a small miffy sticker, and a black cat sticker from my local independent movie theatre
no-show socks, ankle socks, or crew socks? black ankle socks with a wavy scalloped trim
what kind of headphones do you use? black wireless earbuds
how do you consume caffeine? tea / matcha
and finally, what are you wearing today? dark brown cotton zip-up babydoll dress, black patent loafers from uniqlo, aforementioned black socks, a cute black raincoat because it's raining today
tagging @gallawitchxx @thisdivorce @gardenerian @heymrspatel @spoonfulstar @sam-loves-seb @blue-disco-lights @crossmydna @whatthebodygraspsnot @metalheadmickey @callivich @sickness-health-all-that-shit @loftec @darlingian @jrooc @crestfallercanyon @suzy-queued @mybrainismelted @creepkinginc @palepinkgoat @burninface @ms-moonlight-inn @francesrose3 🌸
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NASA's Perseverance Rover Sees Solar Eclipse on Mars
NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover used its Mastcam-Z camera system to shoot video of Phobos, one of Mars’ two moons, eclipsing the Sun. It’s the most zoomed-in, highest frame-rate observation of a Phobos solar eclipse ever taken from the Martian surface. Several Mars rovers have observed Phobos crossing in front of the Sun over the past 18 years. Spirit and Opportunity made the first observations back in 2004; Curiosity in 2019 was the first to record video of the event. Each time these eclipses are observed, they allow scientists to measure subtle shifts in Phobos’ orbit over time. The moon’s tidal forces pull on the deep interior of the Red Planet, as well as its crust and mantle; studying how much Phobos shifts over time reveals something about how resistant the crust and mantle are, and thus what kinds of materials they’re made of. The Mars 2020 Perseverance mission is part of NASA’s Moon to Mars exploration approach, which includes Artemis missions to the Moon that will help prepare for human exploration of the Red Planet. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS/SSI
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aokuro-san · 1 year
Anyway… Continuing with the experiment.
I'm pretty tired now, so I won't start talking like usual.
New history! This time I have opted for one that I wrote in October of last year for a Wattpad contest in which I didn't win, but I received quite a few good comments about it. More than horror, it is dark fantasy, and its protagonist (or antagonist, rather) are characters from inca mythology.
I hope you enjoy it as much as the previous one (as you can see I'm happy with little, haha)!
@iwanttofuckereh69 I already tagged you, don't worry 💛😅
Thank you for reading^^
PS: If you see any errors, as always! Don't be afraid to tell me (after all, I don't speak English)!
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They were there to investigate a sinkhole that had appeared near the mines, but that didn't stop the leader from preparing a small party. It was Halloween after all. He had organized it with one of the Asian guides, expecting some enthusiasm from the rest. However, when they returned, most of them gave exhausted smiles and dressed up more out of commitment. Although Dimara, no. As her best friend had warned them, she lived on celebrations. So it was no problem for her to put on the blood-colored dress that Victor had consciously given her and go out dancing.
"Asu mare!". The leader approached her as he took a step toward what looked like a makeshift dance floor. "You are just like Mina".
"Come on, don't talk to me about mines, Vicky!", she snorted as she grabbed his arm. "Let's better move our hips, huh? I like the music you've played".
It was just a random song on her phone, but Dimara always managed to make his feel like a genius. She was grateful that the Sernageomin and the company had recommended her for that job, even though the hole seemed to be a rather problematic case for everyone's safety.
According to her, that hole was abnormal.
"The first time it was thirty-three meters wide and about two hundred feet deep," she informed him a week before the party. "But in today's calculations the diameter has grown to almost four centimeters wide and we cannot find the bottom".
"I see it as normal," he had tried to reassure her. "We are surrounded by mining settlements, the sinkholes are growing".
"It's not that it's not normal," Dimara reflected, almost offended, "but the logical thing is that it wouldn't have changed so much. But it's not there! The fund has gone overnight! Isn't it amazing!?".
She didn't want to bring up the topic while they were both jumping to the rhythm of rock. She had made it clear. However, she had forgotten to ask the others about today's progress. So she gasped like a minnow, searching for the right words that wouldn't spoil the mood, until Dimara diverted his attention from his.
"Wow, who is that?"
There was a man dressed as Van Hellsing resting his ass on one of the tables.
"Does it sound familiar to you?", she insisted.
"No," answered the leader, before smiling. "I guess it's a good costume".
Dimara did not pay attention to him and said:
"He's looking at Ruth".
Her best friend was chatting with one of her fellow geologists, but the attention of the stranger made her lose concentration. He had the darkest eyes either of them had ever seen, and Dimara almost had the feeling that, more than flirting with her, what he intended was to eat her. However, that did not allow him not to let Ruth approach him with a shy smile and, later, she disappeared with him in the bathroom area, while she sent Dimara a look of pride. He thought that if he interfered, Ruth would not stop berating her, knowing that she didn't like arguing with her. Therefore, she ended up sighing simultaneously with the change of song and tried not to digress on how little she recognized that pale hunter.
Dimara didn't see her again until midnight, when she herself went to the toilets and Ruth's disfigured corpse appeared inside one of the individual tents. She gasped, screams of horror stuck in her throat. Her best friend was sitting on the portable toilet, without her nun outfit or her plump hips. In fact, her flesh and fat had disappeared from the thighs up and a kind of demonic, skinless cat was observing her, imposing, from inside her abdomen.
"Keep calm," the kitten meowed as he transformed into a tiny Inca with a dragon face, "or I'll have to shut you up."
As expected, this had the opposite effect on Dimara and the being was forced to modify itself faster than normal. She locked them both in the bathroom, attached to Ruth's body, and there animal metamorphosed into a broad man of medium height who silenced the geologist's screams with a suffocating hug.
"Stop it," he threatened harshly. "Do you understand, Diana Maria? Enough of nonsense. When I catch the pishtaco you can cry whatever you want. But until then I need a calm guide to help me detect it among so many false masks".
Her initial response was to cry, staring blankly at the zipper of the store. Afterwards, she sniffed while she tried not to vomit, and finally nodded; without really knowing why.
As she lifted her chin toward him, she thought she was being hypnotized by his glassy, piercing eyes. She didn't feel less than a rag doll.
"Now guide me," she ordered and ipso facto she left the bathrooms towards her ignorant colleagues, with the being's claws pressing on her shoulders. Would others see it? No one seemed to realize what was happening and he heard the creature's voice incessantly in his head, as if a swarm of flies had settled there inside.
"I'm sorry," she said. "It was my mission to ensure that he did not go out tonight. But that damn hole has given him the perfect opportunity to go out and do his thing for Kai Pacha".
"Why did he…?" Dimara asked him, practically gone. He couldn't find Van Hellsing.
"Who knows. Maybe eat? Maybe cover the scales of the Uku Pacha with your fat and thus earn our forgiveness? He has always been a peculiar guy".
Suddenly, someone whispered an apology to them. A man with a unique beard who brushed his cape with Dimara and made his hair stand on end. He didn't need to take a look at him eye sockets to know who it was, and he chased him through the crowd. Of course, the pishtaco quickly realized this and, almost knowing that his god was also tracking him, he pulled out a kind of knife from his sleeve and savagely cut the throats of several members of the team who were dancing around him. He continued to rip out their flaccid parts in record time; the rest panicked and hindered his captors' mission enough for he to flee down the valley, toward the place where he had come from.
"Run, Diana Maria!" the demon encouraged her as her leader begged her to return to the hill.
Dimara trotted across the broken earth, following the billowing cape the creature wore. How well he had done in not taking off his boots! She was grateful that she hadn't given in to his hedonism, for once, as she tried not to fall into some treacherous hole. Even though it wasn't easy for him to do it with a devil imprisoning his neck.
From one moment to the next, the sinkhole appeared in front of them and Dimara had to brake hard. The pishtaco had disappeared and he decided to look into the hole. Would he have returned to the world of the dead? He couldn't help but compare the darkness of that hole with the murderer's eyes and, almost instantly, he appeared solemnly on the other side of the gap, as if he had come from nowhere. Neither in his hands nor in his mouth was there a trace of what happened that evening. However, he pulled out the gun again; this time to threaten his own life.
Dimara's voice shook when he spoke.
"What have you done?", she asked. Nevertheless, the being didn't even glance at her. He spoke directly to the devil, who had already adopted the corporeal form of a red, hairy dragon that ran over the voluminous body of his guide.
"I still have fat, Supay," said the pishtaco. "We can treat as before".
"You know that evil must exist, but not be the only thing," said the evil one. "The scale always exceeds when you are around. Too many dead children in exchange for your little effort, too many crashed planes because of the fruitlessness of your methods. Recognize, at least, that you only bring misfortunes without teaching,” he laughed, bored. "And because? Because of your nature? Control is what defines the gods. Therefore, until you understand it, you must remain in me".
Then, Supay glided over the sinkhole and, transformed into a gigantic warrior with long fangs, caught the being with a bite and disappeared with him through the hole, without saying goodbye, or thank you, to a Dimara who was as stunned as she was silent. Afterwards, the geologist was finally on the verge of crying. But the sudden vision of Ruth's soul made her swallow every one of her tears. She was in the same place where pishtaco had just met her end, accompanied by the rest of the lost souls on Halloween. They smiled at him. And they didn't stop doing it even when Dimara saw them rushing towards the same place where his judge and her executioner had gone.
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hyyzoblogs · 2 years
Top 5 Laptop Brands available In India
Despite the fact the thanks to smartphones and tablets, people spend less time in front of screens, there are still situations where a genuine computer is needed, and for the vast majority of people, that means a laptop.
A new laptop is a significant purchase, and if you're not familiar with laptop benchmarks, it can be challenging. The best laptops give consistently great performance and dependability with a multitude of cutting-edge features for work, school, or home. We've evaluated them and provided our recommendations because it might be challenging to tell the difference between the fantastic and the good. Due to this, we have compiled a list of the top 5 laptop producers. But first, the following are some things to think about before buying a laptop:
If your lifestyle involves travel, choose small-screen laptops with screens between 12 and 14.5 inches because they are portable and lightweight.
Before purchasing a laptop, check the RAM and SSD card.
Invest in a laptop with a longer battery backup if you travel frequently. Ideally, more than nine hours
Portable 2-in-1 computers are available. You can choose between detachable and bending-back laptops. Use your professional judgment.
Below is the list of the top 5 best laptop brands :
Here are the top 5 laptops available in each category, along with suggestions on how to pick the best laptop for your needs.
Here is a list of the top laptop manufacturers in India, from which you can choose. There is a wide selection available from all of these brands. In the comments, tell us about your favorite brand.
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ejesgistnews · 6 days
The latest political news in Edo State now is that the Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC), Anugbum Onuoha, has challenged political parties to present any evidence against his competence. His statement comes in response to allegations of favouritism stemming from his ties with Nyesom Wike, the current FCT Minister and former governor of Rivers State. Onuoha, speaking on Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily on Friday, asserted his ability to conduct a transparent and fair election. He urged political parties to focus on the election process rather than accusations of bias. The election is scheduled to take place on Saturday. This development follows calls by Tony Aziegbemi, Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Edo, who had asked the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to redeploy Onuoha, citing concerns over his relationship with Wike. Aziegbemi questioned whether the REC could remain impartial. However, INEC, through its Chief Press Secretary, Rotomi Oyekanmi, dismissed these concerns, stating that Onuoha would not be redeployed and reaffirming the commission’s confidence in his ability to manage the election process impartially. Onuoha, an Associate Professor of Law, addressed the issue directly, acknowledging his familial connection to Wike but insisting that it does not impact his ability to serve. “Yes, I am a cousin to the minister,” Onuoha stated. “But what we should be discussing is my capacity to conduct the election, not personal ties. I have served as an electoral commissioner before, and there have been no complaints about my performance.” He urged the political parties to present any evidence of wrongdoing. "I challenge all the political parties in Edo State to tell me what I have done wrong so far." Regarding preparations for the election, Onuoha confirmed that all necessary measures were in place. Sensitive election materials had been deployed to local government areas, and political parties had been invited to inspect the materials. He assured voters of a credible election process. Meanwhile, the political atmosphere in Edo has been tense in recent months, with reports of electoral violence. Since January, 95 cases of violence, including 35 incidents related to the election, have been recorded in the state. The electoral contest has seen heightened political tension, particularly following comments by Wike, who publicly withdrew his support for Edo State Governor Godwin Obaseki and the PDP’s candidate, Asue Ighodalo. Wike described Obaseki as ungrateful for past support, stating, “I supported him the last time, what happened? I became a stupid man." Ighodalo responded, saying the decision on who will succeed Obaseki lies with the people of Edo, not Wike or any other political figure. With the election fast approaching, all eyes are on how these political tensions will influence the outcome.
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goldislops · 25 days
Solving the Deadliest Cancers & AI-powered Universities
Peter H. Diamandis
“Data-Driven Optimism” in action: My goal is to offer you an antidote to all the pessimistic news you’re bombarded with every day. 
Each week my team and I review dozens of science and tech advancements that are transforming the world... 
Below, I’m sharing my top four breakthroughsin tech, science, and longevity that are currently on my mind—"What It Is” and “Why It’s Important / What I Think.”
If you find this valuable, please share it with your family and friends! Remember that we are living during the most extraordinary time ever.
OpenAI & Anthropic Partner with US Government on AI Safety
What It Is: OpenAI and Anthropic have just signed a deal with the newly formed U.S. Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute, allowing unprecedented government access to AI models before public release. This collaboration marks a significant shift in AI regulation and safety efforts. The Institute will evaluate capabilities and risks of major new models from both companies. This partnership comes as AI faces increasing scrutiny, with California recently passing a sweeping regulation bill. This move could set a new global standard for responsible innovation. "We believe the Institute has a critical role to play in defining U.S. leadership in responsibly developing artificial intelligence and hope that our work together offers a framework that the rest of the world can build on," said Jason Kwon, Chief Strategy Officer of OpenAI.
Why It Matters / What I Think: AI regulation has been both a fuzzy and hotly debated topic for the past few years. Without question, strong AI, AGI or digital super intelligence is likely to be the most powerful weapon and economic driver of the decade ahead. Having some regulatory oversight is inevitable, and this appears to be the first step in that direction. In success, this not only about regulation—it's also about co-creating a future where AI augments humanity safely. Ideally, this collaboration will accelerate innovation by removing regulatory uncertainty, while also mitigating risks. It will be interesting to see how this Safety Institute plays in partnership with Europe and China as well.
ASU & OpenAI Pioneer AI in Higher Education
What It Is: Arizona State University (ASU) has partnered with OpenAI to integrate ChatGPT into over 200 projects across campus and prepare 181,000 students for an AI-driven future. Using ChatGPT Edu, a version tailored for universities with enhanced privacy features. ASU’s mission is to revolutionize teaching, research, and operations. The university's “AI Innovation Challenge” sparked overwhelming interest, with projects ranging from AI writing companions to an AI chatbot named Sam that supports medical student training. Other institutions like Oxford and Wharton are also following suit. ASU President Michael M. Crow proclaimed: "Essential to ASU's success is that we use technology, and now AI, to deliver lifelong learning and drive human potential."
Why It Matters / What I Think: A four-year educational degree at MIT, Harvard or Yale will run you a total of approximately $350,000. Will you pay that much if an AI-education is effectively free and far more personalized and compelling? AI spells the demonetization and democratization of higher-ed. ASU has always been at the forefront of technology adoption, starting with VR and now AI, and I commend my friend President Michael M. Crow for taking the early lead. We're witnessing the birth of hyper-personalized learning at scale, and without question, all educational institutions, by necessity, will fully adopt AI-driven education in order to survive and thrive. This isn't just about smarter classrooms. It's about reimagining the entire educational paradigm. AI assistants will soon be as common as textbooks, transforming how we teach, learn, and prepare for an AI-driven future. Such AI-based educational systems are likely to disintermediate higher education. We're talking about democratizing high-quality education globally and creating a new generation of AI-fluent innovators.
AI Supercharges Solar Panel Evolution
What It Is: Researchers at the University of Illinois have cracked the chemistry code for better solar panels, combining AI with automated synthesis to create light-harvesting molecules 4 times more stable than before. This game-changing breakthrough addresses a decades-old challenge in organic solar cell commercialization. Using AI-driven closed-loop experimentation, the team uncovered crucial stability principles, transforming the AI "black box" into a transparent process. By leveraging modular chemistry and machine learning, they've paved the way for more efficient, durable solar solutions. The future of solar energy just got a whole lot brighter!
Why It Matters / What I Think: One of the most powerful implications of AI is its ability to drive new material science breakthroughs. In a similar fashion to creating light-harvesting molecules 4 times more stable than before, AI is likely to give us room-temperature superconductors, more stable versions of perovskite, and ultimately help us get to sustainable fusion plants. Powered by AI, we're on the cusp of a clean energy revolution.
The Two Deadliest Cancers See Major Breakthroughs in the Same Week
What It Is: The two deadliest cancers, glioblastoma and pancreatic cancer, both achieved major breakthroughs this past week. Glioblastoma is a diagnosis you don’t want to get. It’s an aggressive brain cancer in which you are dead within 12-18 months after it’s found. University of Notre Dame researchers developed a tiny biochip that detects Epidermal Growth Factor Receptors (EGFRs)—proteins crucial in cancer growth—in just 100 microliters of blood, potentially revolutionizing early detection and improving survival odds.Pancreatic cancer, another deadly diagnosis you don’t want to receive, also has a new treatment in development. This cancer has a demoralizing 13% five-year survival rate. UMass researchers have developed a groundbreaking nanoparticle therapy combining immune-stimulating agents with tumor-targeting drugs, penetrating dense tumor barriers. In mice, 8 out of 9 showed tumor improvements, with 2 achieving complete eradication.
Why It Matters / What I Think: One of the greatest benefits of living today is the speed of medical innovation driven by exponential technologies. Early detection—such as the glioblastoma blood test—and new immune and nanoparticle therapeutics as demonstrated for pancreatic cancer are going to be developed at a faster and faster rate. Without question, the converging suite of technologies powered by AI, protein design, CRISPR, gene therapies, and new materials will be a game changer. As always, early detection is the key to effective treatment. Bottom line: this is a glimpse into a future where we conquer age-related diseases and extend our healthspan dramatically. Longevity Escape Velocity is gradually coming into view.
Live Abundantly, 
Peter H. Diamandis, MD 
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anumberofhobbies · 2 months
Perseverance Rover Spots an Unusual Rock in Ancient River Channel (Mars Report)
Jul 15, 2024 As NASA’s Perseverance rover prepares to ascend to the rim of Jezero Crater, its team is investigating a rock unlike any that they’ve seen so far on Mars. Deputy project scientist Katie Stack Morgan explains why this rock, found in an ancient channel that funneled water into the crater, could be among the oldest that Perseverance has investigated – or the youngest.
Plus, learn how the rover is equipped to determine when rocks are formed, and get a preview of where it will journey next.
NASA’s Perseverance rover landed on Mars in 2021, with a key objective to collect and cache samples that may contain signs of ancient microbial life.
For more information on Perseverance, visit https://science.nasa.gov/mission/mars....
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS
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okaysign · 5 months
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masslibaz All protesters arrested last night are currently preparing to see a judge for initial appearance and everyone will have an attorney.
If you have any information on folks who were arrested, please DM us #WeKeepUsSafe
Stay tuned for updates on how to hold law enforcement accountable for their violence, as well as how to support the arrested protesters and keep the pressure on ASU to divest! And please keep contributing to and sharing the bail fund!
Ven mo: mujtamaemutualaid (make sure you find the EXACT handle)
Cash app: $asuliberatedzone
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asuprep · 7 months
Nurturing Young Minds: The Significance of Early Education in Phoenix
Understanding the Role of a Head Start in Phoenix
Recognizing the importance of early education, programs like Head Start in Phoenix have been instrumental in enhancing the learning capabilities and social skills of young children. Their approach towards education underscores the significance of offering youngsters an intellectual 'head start' to secure their future. Such programs reflect how creating a solid foundation at an early age gives children an upper hand as they navigate their academic journey.
Preparing Children for Future Success
By initiating children into organized education from a young, impressionable age, they get comprehensive exposure to fundamental academic concepts that are essential as they advance through school. However, this is not limited to crafting ABCs or counting numbers alone; it encompasses a wide array of socially and emotionally enriching activities. A quality 'Head Start program' understands that preparing a child for success goes beyond textbooks.
Activities designed to promote creative thinking, teamwork, crisis management, resilience, and problem-solving skills are all part and parcel of what one should expect from a substantive Head Start in Phoenix. These skill sets blend effectively with academics to produce well-rounded individuals already heading towards bright futures even before stepping into professional life.
Early Exposure to Diversity As global citizens residing in multicultural societies such as Phoenix, we appreciate diversity and understand its importance increasingly each day. Children introduced to diverse classrooms from an early stage develop an openness toward different cultures and perspectives earlier than others. This experience enhances empathy and kindness strings along life's way - fostering globally-minded individuals equipped with respect for every human being regardless of their background.
Building Confidence through Head Start Programs Early introduction into the realm of structured learning enables children to establish vital self-confidence. Kids who engage in 'Head Start programs seamlessly transition into kindergarten atmospheres because they're already accustomed to the school's community atmosphere. Therefore, these children can freely express themselves, and participate willingly in class and activities due to their molded confidence.
The Role of Parents A distinguishing feature in Phoenix's Head Start programs is valuing parental involvement heavily. Recognized as the child's first teacher, parents play a crucial factor in their child's education process. These programs seek active participation from parents offering them an opportunity to influence directly how their child’s educational needs are met
Conclusion: The Impact of Early Education Programs The transformative power of early education programs like Head Start in Phoenix stems not only from innovative learning techniques but also from fostering a solid education foundation revolving around academic enhancement and skill development. By utilizing such programs, young minds receive a competitive advantage as they spearhead into their academic journey- making them confident learners prepared for primary schooling and beyond.
Such initiatives validate that investing time and effort in your child's early years reaps great dividends down the road. Simultaneously instilling core values like respect for diversity, empathy, and resilience amongst young kids helps shape responsible global citizens - the hallmark of any progressive society.
Thus, whether you are a parent investigating early learning programs or an educator considering integrating diversified teaching approaches- explore 'Head Start' schemes as they are synonymous with quality early childhood education counting towards the broader goal of securing our future generation’s success.
ASU Preparatory Academy Pilgrim Rest
1401 E Jefferson St, Phoenix, AZ, 85034, USA
(480) 535-1218
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ttnets · 9 months
Best Gaming Laptop | The Affordable Game Changer
Best gaming laptop
Why Asus TUF Dash 15 is 2024’s Best Pick
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Price on Amazon $979.99
A Look at Asus TUF Dash 15: Power Meets Affordability
In the competitive laptop market, the Asus TUF Dash 15 shines with its blend of power and affordability. “Power Meets Affordability in the Asus TUF Dash 15” offers a great perspective on this laptop. It’s known for high-end gaming at an affordable price.
The TUF Dash 15’s mix of affordability and performance is notable. In the gaming sector, high performance often means high cost.
What make so especial Asus TUF Dash 15
Robust Performance: At the heart of the TUF Dash 15 is a choice of Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen processors. Equipped with NVIDIA RTX graphics, the laptop is well-prepared to smoothly run the most current games.
Sleek Design: Gone are the days of bulky gaming laptops. The TUF Dash 15 boasts a minimalist design and a slim profile, making it a great travel companion.
Impressive Display: The 15.6-inch display, with a 240Hz refresh rate, ensures smooth gameplay. It is clear that the laptop is not the top in color accuracy. The display meets the demands of rigorous gaming sessions.
Although not the most color-accurate, it’s more than sufficient for intense gaming sessions.
Effective Cooling System: No more overheating worries. The cooling system of the TUF Dash 15 keeps temperatures in check, even during long gaming marathons.
Delving Deeper into the Asus TUF Dash 15
Let’s explore this laptop a bit more closely to understand why it’s the talk of the town in 2024.
Keyboard and Touchpad: The laptop features a comfortable keyboard, perfect for both gaming and typing. The touchpad is responsive, making navigation a breeze.
Connectivity Options: With ample ports, the TUF Dash 15 offers great connectivity, allowing you to plug in all your gaming peripherals without any hassle.
Battery Life: Surprisingly, for a gaming laptop, the TUF Dash 15 offers decent battery life, adding to its versatility.
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Budget-Friendly: It’s a top pick for gamers who don’t want to burn a hole in their pockets.
Portable Gaming: Its slim and lightweight design makes it easy to carry around.
Powerful Specs: The combination of top-notch processors and graphics cards means you won’t be compromising on performance.
Competitor Analysis: How Does It Stack Up?
In the sea of gaming laptops, how does the Asus TUF Dash 15 fare against its competitors? We took a look at some other popular models to give you a better perspective.
Lenovo Legion 5: Known for its sleek design and 144Hz display, it’s a close competitor but falls slightly behind in terms of portability.
Acer Nitro 5: A solid choice for budget gaming, but the TUF Dash 15 edges it out with better graphics performance.
ASUS ROG Flow X13: A more premium option with a 2-in-1 design. However, it’s pricier, making the TUF Dash 15 a more budget-friendly choice.
MSI Sword: Another stylish option, but the TUF Dash 15 offers a better balance of performance and price.
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Screen Options: You get multiple screen choices, from FHD to QHD, catering to different gaming preferences.
Customizable Keyboard Layout: The keyboard layout has been updated, adding an extra set of media keys and a larger clickpad.
No Biometrics: A notable absence, but not a deal-breaker for most gamers.
Gaming on a Budget: The Future Looks Bright
As technology advances, the gap between budget and high-end gaming laptops is narrowing. The Asus TUF Dash 15 is a prime example of this trend, offering high-quality gaming experiences without a hefty price tag.
In net shell, the Asus TUF Dash 15 stands out as the best budget gaming laptop of 2024, masterfully blending high performance with affordability. With its powerful processors, top-notch graphics, and sleek design, it’s a dream come true for gamers who don’t want to compromise on quality or break the bank.
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Q: Is the Asus TUF Dash 15 good for non-gaming tasks?
A: Absolutely! Its robust performance makes it suitable for a variety of tasks beyond gaming.
Q: How is the battery life for gaming?
A: While gaming laptops generally have shorter battery life, the TUF Dash 15 does a decent job, allowing for several hours of gameplay.
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abdi1144 · 9 months
Best Gaming Laptop | The Affordable Game Changer
Best gaming laptop
Why Asus TUF Dash 15 is 2024’s Best Pick
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Price on Amazon $979.99
A Look at Asus TUF Dash 15: Power Meets Affordability
In the competitive laptop market, the Asus TUF Dash 15 shines with its blend of power and affordability. “Power Meets Affordability in the Asus TUF Dash 15” offers a great perspective on this laptop. It’s known for high-end gaming at an affordable price.
The TUF Dash 15’s mix of affordability and performance is notable. In the gaming sector, high performance often means high cost.
What make so especial Asus TUF Dash 15
Robust Performance: At the heart of the TUF Dash 15 is a choice of Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen processors. Equipped with NVIDIA RTX graphics, the laptop is well-prepared to smoothly run the most current games.
Sleek Design: Gone are the days of bulky gaming laptops. The TUF Dash 15 boasts a minimalist design and a slim profile, making it a great travel companion.
Impressive Display: The 15.6-inch display, with a 240Hz refresh rate, ensures smooth gameplay. It is clear that the laptop is not the top in color accuracy. The display meets the demands of rigorous gaming sessions.
Although not the most color-accurate, it’s more than sufficient for intense gaming sessions.
Effective Cooling System: No more overheating worries. The cooling system of the TUF Dash 15 keeps temperatures in check, even during long gaming marathons.
Delving Deeper into the Asus TUF Dash 15
Let’s explore this laptop a bit more closely to understand why it’s the talk of the town in 2024.
Keyboard and Touchpad: The laptop features a comfortable keyboard, perfect for both gaming and typing. The touchpad is responsive, making navigation a breeze.
Connectivity Options: With ample ports, the TUF Dash 15 offers great connectivity, allowing you to plug in all your gaming peripherals without any hassle.
Battery Life: Surprisingly, for a gaming laptop, the TUF Dash 15 offers decent battery life, adding to its versatility.
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Budget-Friendly: It’s a top pick for gamers who don’t want to burn a hole in their pockets.
Portable Gaming: Its slim and lightweight design makes it easy to carry around.
Powerful Specs: The combination of top-notch processors and graphics cards means you won’t be compromising on performance.
Competitor Analysis: How Does It Stack Up?
In the sea of gaming laptops, how does the Asus TUF Dash 15 fare against its competitors? We took a look at some other popular models to give you a better perspective.
Lenovo Legion 5: Known for its sleek design and 144Hz display, it’s a close competitor but falls slightly behind in terms of portability.
Acer Nitro 5: A solid choice for budget gaming, but the TUF Dash 15 edges it out with better graphics performance.
ASUS ROG Flow X13: A more premium option with a 2-in-1 design. However, it’s pricier, making the TUF Dash 15 a more budget-friendly choice.
MSI Sword: Another stylish option, but the TUF Dash 15 offers a better balance of performance and price.
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Screen Options: You get multiple screen choices, from FHD to QHD, catering to different gaming preferences.
Customizable Keyboard Layout: The keyboard layout has been updated, adding an extra set of media keys and a larger clickpad.
No Biometrics: A notable absence, but not a deal-breaker for most gamers.
Gaming on a Budget: The Future Looks Bright
As technology advances, the gap between budget and high-end gaming laptops is narrowing. The Asus TUF Dash 15 is a prime example of this trend, offering high-quality gaming experiences without a hefty price tag.
In net shell, the Asus TUF Dash 15 stands out as the best budget gaming laptop of 2024, masterfully blending high performance with affordability. With its powerful processors, top-notch graphics, and sleek design, it’s a dream come true for gamers who don’t want to compromise on quality or break the bank.
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Q: Is the Asus TUF Dash 15 good for non-gaming tasks?
A: Absolutely! Its robust performance makes it suitable for a variety of tasks beyond gaming.
Q: How is the battery life for gaming?
A: While gaming laptops generally have shorter battery life, the TUF Dash 15 does a decent job, allowing for several hours of gameplay.
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alex-landry-placebos · 10 months
Are Placebos a Superpower?: Part 3 (Research Findings)
To understand how to know if placebos can help someone for certain symptoms, or if they can replace medications, I had to look into what they truly are, how they were discovered, and how they work. Merrium Webster defines placebos in two ways, both having very similar meanings but in different scenarios. 
The first definition is that a placebo is “a usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder.” By this definition, it essentially is a substance given to the patient that has no chemically changing contents but gives a similar reaction to the patient as the normal drug would. Although this definition may be recent, its discovery was not at all. In fact, according to Arthur K. Shapiro in a historical study on Placebos, “The fifteen remedies described in the oldest Sumerian medical tablet, dating to 2100 B.C. – The treatments of ashipu (sorcerer) and the asu (physician) – were, as were all the remedies of ancient cultures, placebos” (Shapiro, 1997). Essentially, the average layperson during this time likely wouldn’t know the difference between what was a real drug and what was not, so technically any drug given around this time until the age of modern medicine was a placebo by definition. These remedies would include treatments such as wines, draughts, lotions and fumigations, and they would work because the patients believed they would.  
Nearing closer to the modern age, in which we have begun to have more access to real medicine, placebos would be used similarly but as a replica to certain drugs when those needed weren’t available. According to Emma Bryce in a Ted-Ed lesson video, “Doctors have used the term placebo since the 1700s when they realized the power of fake drugs to improve people's symptoms. These were administered when proper drugs weren't available, or if someone imagined they were ill.” As early as the 18th century, doctors were using placebos and they didn’t even know it, they were simply using it as a last resort. The average layperson during that time likely didn’t have a profound scientific literacy, so to them it was going to fix them and they didn’t even know it. Very similarly to this, there were dire circumstances in which medicine was needed that people knew worked, but some didn’t have access to. For example, in World War Two, morphine was very prominent to treat soldiers with wounds or medical operations. However, issues occurred when supply went low due to location and duration of time spent away from camps. To fix this, a doctor for the War named Henry Beecher discovered Placebos as a replacement for running out of morphine, “After running out of pain-killing morphine, he replaced it with a simple saline solution but continued telling the wounded soldiers it was morphine to calm them. To his surprise, almost half of the soldiers reported that the inert saline solution actually reduced or erased their pain” (Perry, 2012). The soldiers knew what morphine was, and had even experienced it before. But even when they were given a completely made up solution that shouldn’t have given any effects, they felt relieved because they believed it was morphine. After reading all of this, I was curious to know how this worked. How could someone feel the effects of such a strong drug such as morphine enough to believe that it was? To find this out, I had to look into how the effect truly works. 
Now that we have seen placebos can either work with or without knowledge of current medicines, how does this phenomenon truly work? In researching this, I found it difficult to find a simple explanation since it involves complicated brain functions that are triggered by certain external forces. As described by Professor Ted Kaptchuk of Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, placebos involve “a complex neurobiological reaction that includes everything from increases in feel-good neurotransmitters, like endorphins and dopamine, to greater activity in certain brain regions linked to moods, emotional reactions, and self-awareness.” Essentially, our belief that a certain treatment will produce good results can in turn cause these reactions in our brains to produce similar results that the actual drug or treatment would. Even if taking the medication that people know is fake, our brains can still stimulate the brain into thinking that it is healing itself (Kapchuk, 2021). If placebos have such a strong effect on our brain, I found myself wondering if there could be any negative effects if applied incorrectly. What I found was the term nocebo, which according to Chavarria et al. (2017), is the “evil brother of the placebo effect”, and is described as “the induction of true or perceived harm after treatment with an inactive substance.” Technically, there won’t be any negative side effects of a placebo treatment, but more so an incorrect interpretation of the treatment. If someone was getting treated for a headache and given a placebo, but their headache gets worse, they might attribute the negative effects to the placebo, therefore making the symptoms worse. This is called misattribution, but this is an opposite reaction that is less researched, and is just simply a faulty placebo. All of this research occurs from the first definition, but what can we concur from the second definition? 
The second definition of a placebo by Merrium Webster is that it is “an inert or innocuous substance used especially in controlled experiments testing the efficacy of another substance (such as a drug).” What this means is placebos can be used to test the efficiency of new drugs, or better described in an article by Eggers et al.(2023), the “‘placebo test’ now refers to a type of auxiliary analysis where the researcher checks for an association that should be absent if the assumptions underlying the design hold but might be present if those assumptions are violated in some relevant way.” Placebo tests essentially can prove if the real drugs work, showing a difference in results from the fake drugs to the real ones. They use placebo tests for all kinds of new drugs being tested, even for something as severe for cancer. Although, according to the Cancer.net editorial board (2022), placebo tests are only partially useful in testing new treatments, and are mainly used for when treatments are either too dangerous or there are no known treatments. So to answer my initial question, something as invading as cancer cannot simply be fixed by placebos; if anything, it's recommended to avoid using placebos. Similarly, Joe Hanson, a Ph.D. on youtube explains how placebos have their limits, “higher order brain functions are in play, like when they relieve pain, reduce stress, or even change our moods. But they have limits, they can’t shrink tumors, or cure infections, or regrow limbs.” Again, something that is severe cannot simply be tricked into healing itself. I honestly had low expectations when I wondered about its limits, but that does not mean it cannot be helpful. Ways to use placebos to relieve pain or reduce stress could be vital for everybody, even those who do not medically struggle with those symptoms. 
With a far better understanding of how placebos work, I have concluded from my research that it could be possible to replace habits of using prescription drugs or treatments to fix certain symptoms with the proper use of placebos. Although you may not be able to fully cure a disease or unbreak your hand, you can certainly train your mind to fix subtle problems such as issues with sleeping or eating problems. However, it comes with a strong belief in the treatment you receive, and the habitual practice that you put into it. So, are placebos truly a superpower? Can they replace the future of medicine? It is very unlikely since it it is helpful in testing but not incredibly effective in healing. However, can placebos help benefit you day to day? Possibly, with the right treatment and right mindset, you can trick your own brain into solving those nagging problems you may face and ultimately heal yourself that way.
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