#how to tame the solar
i-red-eye-i · 1 year
Try my new fic for a taste!
I love Solar so much that I decided to make his life as good as possible! @pixelchills I hope you will like it! Enjoy!
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dyemelikeasunset · 1 month
during my daily dommor brainrot i was wondering what mor and dom would be in ocean of cycles. i guessed a myr artist for mor and a dryad/nomad mage for dom?
(edit: idk why tumblr messed up my formatting and won't fix it on desktop no matter how many times i try. Anyway sorry this ended up being a longer post than I wanted 😓)
I haven't touched Ocean of Cycles in a minute cause I'm admittedly stuck on a lot of things, but I did reimagine Dom and Mor as denizens of the Four Realms recently and you were close!
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Mor would be a Kobold cleric/bard, and Domi would be a Dryad battlemage (Whisper would be Mor's familiar, an animal I'm designing for the Southern Realm called a Bast Jackal!)
world building things under the readmore
Mor uses Lunar Air magic to summon rain clouds, and probably has quite a few healing and support spells
Dangling off Mor's hip is a family heirloom, unique to Kobolds, that is made of bones. These heirlooms are passed down from generation to generation, extracted from dead elders who have essentially willed their bones to specific descendants. They give Kobolds a very unusual ability to be roused from death. Each resurrection will dissolve a bone
Dom uses Solar Air magic to make her body immaterial, like a shadowy mist. She can use it to evade attacks, or sneak through spaces.
Following her around is an Air Sprite, a being of pure mana that is more commonly found in the East realm. Dryads are known to tame sprites of their same element, but with a different subelement, and the magic synergy between Sprite and mortal gives the dryad access to new spells. Dom's sprite uses lightning magic, and helps her attack her enemies and also give Dom the ability to enchant her weapon and armor
The very loose story revolves around them having a chance meeting, and Dom realizing that Morgan's magic is perfectly tuned to hers to make what's known as an Elemental Celestial-- a form that combines two people's elemental magic together for unfathomable power. Mor gets swept up in the world of the occult, as Dom tries to protect her from dark mages who seek to abuse their joint power
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations 💟💟💟
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Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
💟 Aries Juno might marry really impulsively or just too soon, like after 6 months of knowing them.
💟 Pisces Moon believes you can be friends with an ex, even more so if they are Cancer, Air or Virgo Sun.
💟 I mentioned about Sun conjunct Moon and how if you are for example Leo Moon you feel like only Leo Sun can “tame” you. I noticed something similar happening when you both have the same Juno sign. You will feel like you can relax in their presence, like THEY have everything under control and this will give you comfort in exchange.
💟 Solar Return Ascendant will show the traits of the people you will encounter that year. But the Descendant sign will show how they will act toward you. For example: Capricorn Rising means you will encounter and deal with older people than you that will be workaholics, detached, but they will act towards you (Cancer Descendant) like you are naive, innocent or too inexperienced, they might look down on you because of that.
💟 Capricorn Venus or Venus at 10, 22 (Capricorn degrees) is challenging. People that are attracted to you, you don’t find attractive at all. And those that you are interested in, get intimidated by the image that you hold (especially in public, your status or what you have achieved already). Those that are attracted to you fall for your image in general public (10th house) without really knowing you up close (4th house). They might also reject you, because of what you do or they reject your status. Like they can say “I can’t be with a finance guy/musician/a lawyer or someone who works in STEM etc.” for example.
💟 One of the more superficial placements is Libra Juno or to some extent even Juno in the 7th house, because you fall for the popular, very good-looking person that is highly sought after. So because they have so many other potential love choices, they have hard time committing to you.
💟 Sagittarius Moon and Moon Jupiter aspects (especially Sextile and Trine) are really proud of where they studied or which elementary/high school/college they attended.
💟 Capricorn Moon lives in a cold city or literally your home is not situated on the sunny side. Or you live in a city with cold temperatures throughout the year. Within your home you might often feel cold or your family was really stingy with warming up the house.
💟 With Juno in the 7th house you will ALWAYS seek JUSTICE. These to me are veryy petty people. If you were late 15 min, they will be late 15 min the next time you get together just so that you too feel how this feels, to be waiting for someone.
💟 To me Venus conjunct Ascendant in synastry is too idealized. Because it can point even to jealousy coming from Venus person over Ascendant’s life at some point. And overall, it can lack depth, like it’s too superficial, almost like you two are together, because of each other’s looks.
💟 You know how we talk in astrology about 8th house synastry that they want what you have? It’s not that they really like your hoodie and want it for themselves. It’s more complex, deep in psychological nature. And usually very specific as a result of that. Like they wanted travels that you had in childhood, because they never got the opportunity to go out of the country as much in their childhood.
💟 Neptune in the 2nd house buys gifts based on how strong their emotions for you are. For example: if they feel very strongly for you, they will buy you an expensive gift. If they don’t know you that well or you’re just acquaintances, they will give you a small, little gift. It’s just based on how much they feel for you.
💟 Your Mars sign shows how you react to stress. If you have Sagittarius Mars, you might gain weight. If you have Libra Mars, you could gain weight due too eating too much desserts, sugary foods and drinks. If you have Virgo Mars you can be prone to breakouts and skin issues when under a lot of stress.
💟 Gemini Juno and Juno in the 3rd house: you will always feel like people that are approaching you are playing mind games (especially in the beginning stage).
💟 The reason why Taurus Venus give so many little gifts and trinkets, it’s because they want everything you touch in the future to remind you of THEM. Zero lies told I swear.
💟 Aries Juno might be really indecisive whether the person they are marrying is truly the one. Libra Juno on the other hand will marry someone despite knowing deep down they might not be the one.
💟 If you have Capricorn Moon and you moved out of your family home, you might still have your belongings (clothes and other important items) at your childhood home, those items can stay there for years before you will be picking them up.
💟 I’ve said it before and I’m saying it again there is CERTAIN duality to Pisces Rising or Rising at a Pisces degree (12, 24) folks. I came across many of them in the past few years and I swear their need for privacy is as high as that of Scorpio Rising. They might have some secret hobbies, secret friends or people that they hang with and don’t want others to know they are spending time with them. They also take on the habits of their 7th house people, so their friends, crushes, romantic interests, partners etc.
💟 If you two have Scorpio Rising in the Composite chart they will always come from a dark place into the light very literally. They might be walking down the street at night when it’s dark, but the moment you see them, they step under a street light. Or they might always come from places that there isn’t much light. Or they appear after grey, stormy weather and it’s a rainbow. Also they could be an element of unintentional HIDING. Like they hold stand behind a pool, a billboard, so that is hard to see them. Or they could quite literally hide their face in front of you, so they would turn around when near you and you will see only half of their face. Often this happens in attempt to control THEMSELVES, their emotions and reactions since it would be too easy for you to decipher their body language, gestures and expressions.
💟 Taurus Juno and Taurus Part of Fortune people even look like they are type to HAVE MONEY. I swear they often have that look of “I’m coming from a wealthy family” through their looks, possessions they own, how they act.
💟 You might often feel people who conjunct your South Node can’t offer you anything new. Like you already have things, traits, items they want to give you. However, you might most likely pick or stick with people of your North Node. Like if you have Gemini North Node, you could stay in relationship for a long time with Gemini Sun, just because you feel like they can offer you a lot of connections, acquaintances. If you have Virgo North Node, you might be “stuck” with a Virgo Sun long overdue just because they are consistent and talk to you every day and you enjoy that. Or if you have Libra North Node, you will stay with Libra Sun or even a Taurus Sun just because you feel they are the only person that gives you constant love that you need.
💟 I think Rihanna (Aries Moon native) really describes typical Aries Moon behaviour well. She mentioned she gets bored of things really quickly and easily. Once she has done something before and she is doing it again, she is already bored DURING the activity. This captures Aries Moon essence who constantly wants to experience and do things in a fresh, new way, perspective, so that they remain fresh and inspired.
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
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venussaidso · 8 months
Claire Nakti rant?
Rewatched Claire Nakti's Sun Dominant men video and they really just sound like sexist, bare minimum males who are either aromantic or homoromantic misogynists who end up being lonely due to their dismissive avoidant nature or they unknowingly develop homoerotic relationships with other sun men. They sound gay and unfortunately sexist in the same breath, on some "why can't women be like men? 🥺" (Bro just marry a dude then). Just the most homosexual thing I've ever heard. And the video is so unironically heteronormative.
Homegirl really portrayed them as cool, logical, nonchalant dudes with a low temperament and yet almost all the examples she gave, the men in real life are domestic abusers/racists/childish sexists. Of course I'm not saying all sun men are like that, just found that bit funny. Because they can be the complete opposite in real life. Irrational, temperamental, over-mansplaining, childish - traits they can commonly adopt. She really made them out to be like 'not like other guys' guys.
I don't like how solar women are made as the 'exception' to these males the way they're portrayed as so misogynistic. She really made solar women and saturn women 'not like other girls' and then lunar women are just overemotional, weak crybabies. That irked me so bad!! 😭
And Uttara Bhadrapada women being the one to 'tame' these males is a weird observation, though I do see where it's coming from as they have a tendency to be control freaks. But I find it odd to 'tame' a person into submitting into a relationship, that sounds not normal. ✨ Accept people as they come, don't try to change them/restrict them to what you like; would be my advice ✨ — an Uttara Bhadrapada Moon woman.
The video was enjoyable though, ngl. This is my second watch. The first time I watched it, I just found it amusing and I was a thoughtless teen back then.
I listened to the video with a more mature ear now, and sun dominant men - the way she described them anyway - just sound like every other sexist guy tbh. They're just boring to me in that video. But she worked very hard on it and of course my opinion doesn't take that away!
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visionthefox · 3 months
sams post
ya know.. if Moon is not open to listen to reason.. I feel like this THIS is the time for Sun to shine- THIS is HIS moment he tried to reason with BloodMoon- not only does this show he has grown -but he is no longer fearfull- yes he shows fear- and stress- but in the moment of need- he can step up and can speak up!! many had pointed out how left out Sun is- as much as I love Solar- I hate how he often looks down on Sun- I think thats him trying to put a wall so he doesnt get emotionally close to yet Another Sun but I will admist it angers me how he and Moon never consider Sun to be helpfull- and think they must protect him as if he is glass... BRO Sun beat up Eclipse TWICE- in his mind and WITH MAGIC- he is the one with literal power to tamed the cheeto! , HE DAMAGED BLOODMOON of all people!.. tell me- how is he weak? huh? the Boy NEEDS to step in and NOW- prove himself.. Sun knows Eclipse all too well- as much as Eclipse knows him..Sun can read Eclipse- he is the one who called bullshit on him when he was going mad.. Sun can help Eclipse AT least to make sense.. Sun should be the one walking to Eclipse.. and actually talk- as he always had offer.. and as he did the first time they meet.. isnt that poetic? isnt that great? let Sun be the one calm and let Eclipse be the one confused and desperate.. a new look on a well know scene.. plus- I feel they should get Golder back- ya know- the one who KNOWS not only of dark magic- also the one who first helped- plus he is neutral - no bias.. SHOW PLEASE LET BE A CIRCLE since yall love to bring back characters. let Golder be a source of knowladge and let Sun shine please!
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A slightly unhinged ramble-rant on Chairman Rose and how people are missing the entire point of SWSH.
Like, I keep seeing it pop up--like a fucking rank smell you only detect if you’re in a certain place when the wind is blowing in the certain direction--but man does it not bewilder me. Like, these guys who post tags like ‘Chairman Rose is a bad guy but is not a BAD guy’ or ‘I kind of agreed with Chairman Rose’ are just. Are you high?? Did you entirely miss the point of his character?? Did you completely miss the main plot of SWSH?
I’m going to be talking about some heavy shit (including non-sexual child grooming and non-sexual child predation), so I’m gonna put the rest under a read more, let me just say that the theme of SWSH is the relationship between adults and children on their Pokemon journeys, the responsibilities adults have towards children, and what happens when that relationship is abused.
First off, before I get some know-it-all coming at me about how there’s no evidence that Rose is a child predator or a groomer, let me just say there is. Is he a Chris Hansen ‘take a seat for me’ groomer?? No, he’s not, because child grooming is not purely a sexual thing.
Per a very informative article:
“Grooming can be sexual, romantic, financial or for criminal or terrorism purposes, and can target both children and adults. The common aspect is that a perpetrator manipulates a victim by building trust and rapport. The key to grooming is a power dynamic within the relationship: age, gender, physical strength, economic status or another factor.”
Now, with that out of the way, I’m not going to go into shit that’s super obvious to anyone with eyes, but Rose is a serial child groomer. Like, his most obvious victim is Leon, and it’s really wild that people can’t see it?? Like, Leon obviously comes from a fucked-up home situation with a mother who’s absent and neglectful at best (and the people who don’t seem to realize this REALLY confuse me). Like, he has canonically raised his little brother in a house with three adults that could have done the job for him, and the anime literally stated that he was so busy raising Hop and taking care of household chores that he could barely interact with other kids. He was endorsed by Chairman Rose at an age that is implied to be at least two years younger than the average Gym Challenger, and--per the sub of the PokeAni--Rose literally raised him from the moment he became Champion.
(Where was Leon and Hop’s mother during this, you ask? Obviously being terrible at home, since despite Leon being run ragged for all of his life and rarely being home, he still somehow raised his little brother. Let that sink in.)
So Leon has spent his entire life being moulded into Rose’s delusion of the Hero of Galar for the sole purpose of sacrificing himself to defeat Eternatus to stave off an energy crisis that will happen in a millennium and probably would be averted with solar power. THE SUB IN THE POKEANI LITEARLLY HAS ROSE TELLING LEON THAT HE HAS GROOMED HIM FOR THE EXACT PURPOSE OF TAMING ETERNATUS. I’M NOT MAKING THIS UP. I WILL PROVIDE SCREENSHOTS IF ASKED.
Does he know Leon may likely fucking die in the attempt? He sure does, because he’s already started to work on grooming Leon’s replacements! In the game, Bede is a trainer who came from a neglectful home situation who was noticed by the Chairman and given his endorsement for the Gym Challenge wait hold on that sounds really familiar.
Really, REALLY familiar.
Rose’s ploy with taking away Bede’s gym challenger endorsement after Bede literally did what he asked him to was a clear manipulation tactic, and if it hadn’t been for Opal intervening (and she ABSOLUTELY has Rose’s number and you can’t convince me otherwise), the tactic likely would have worked, because Bede would have done anything to get his endorsement back.
(Also Oleana is absolutely the fall girl set up to look like an obstructive villain while Rose can maintain his veneer of innocence. That’s a topic for another day tho.)
AND THEN. in the anime, he flat out tries to do this with Ash. AND IN THE GAME, HE TRIES TO DO THIS WITH THE MC, LIKE BEDE IS HIS PLAN B AND THE PC IS HIS PLAN C. However, the only child Rose has regular chances to interact with who DOES NOT get the manipulation treatment is Hop. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the Chairman always tries to pull shit with you when Hop isn’t around, and the two times he DOES interact with Hop are at the very end of the game where Leon’s been forced into trying to stop the apocalypse and after the Opening Ceremony.
What’s different about the Opening Ceremony, though? LEON IS STANDING RIGHT OVER ROSE’S SHOULDER SMILING STEPFORDLY. Which brings me to my next point: why Rose pulls his end game bullshit.
Leon is now in his early 20s, so he has obviously started to ask for his own agency and say no to things. He has also obviously realized that he does NOT want Rose around his brother, which is why he is fucking looming over Rose’s shoulder when he meets Hop and why Rose almost seems to deliberately avoid Hop for the rest of the game. Rose knows that if he so much as messes with Hop, Leon is going to absolutely turn on him, and he’s already become obstinate enough to be a problem. Rose is losing control of Leon, which is why he’s grooming his potential replacements.
It’s also why Rose LITERALLY HOLDS LEON HOSTAGE IN A TOWER. Like, I am amazed that people haven’t seemed to realize that Hop and the MC were ABSOLUTELY rescuing Leon from a hostage situation. Leon had been on top of the tower with Rose for HOURS at that point, and given Oleana’s personal fucking army and how much Leon clearly did not want to be up there, it’s obvious that there wasn’t a way he could easily extricate himself from the situation. What you do hear from his meeting with Rose sounds a lot like a guy trying to say no while also trying to de-escalate a volatile situation: almost like a victim to their abuser oh wait.
(Oleana also says that the reason she wants to defeat you and Hop is to break Leon’s spirit so he won’t have the strength to say no to the Chairman anymore. Like, that’s literally in game. It’s dialogue.)
So yeah. You’re rescuing a prince from a tower who’s being held hostage by an evil king trying to use the prince’s special power for nefarious purposes. This game is full of fairy tale metaphors. Like, a ton.
When you and Hop show up, you basically force Rose to let Leon go so as to not look like a complete fucking monster or cause a scandal, and Leon basically very politely tells Rose to ‘fuck off’ when he leaves.
So Rose--this narcissistic, megalomaniacal child groomer, who’s basically been shut down by the lynch pin of his plan--does the absolute most rational thing and RELEASES THE APOCALYPSE DEMON OUT OF SPITE. He literally says on a screen in front of Galar that oh no, his releasing Eternatus and causing the Second Darkest Day is actually all LEON’S fault for being so unreasonable and unrealistic. It’s manipulation. It’s emotional abuse. It’s Rose punishing his victim for saying no. It’s Rose throwing a tantrum because Leon told him to wait another week before doing something about something that would happen in a millennium.
Bede made a fool of Rose doing exactly what Rose and Oleana wanted him to do, so he punished him. Leon said no, so he punished him, and punished all of Galar while he was at it. He’s not doing shit for the good of Galar. He’s doing it for himself.
See, the game’s story exists to debate the relationship between adults and children in the Pokemon world. For generation after generation of games, children as young as ten have gone out in the big wide world with nothing but their starter and a Pokedex, and the adults they have met have never had any poor intentions towards them specifically. Yes, there’s all the evil teams and blah blah blah, but they weren’t targeting you, the child MC. You were just caught up in their messes. SWSH is the first game to show that no, there are adults who will try to take advantage of you because you are a child, and there are good adults who will try to protect you.
Opal protects Bede. Leon protects you and Hop. Leon has obviously gotten old enough to realize that what Rose did to him was wrong, and he tries so fucking hard through the whole game to protect you and his little brother from his boss’s machinations and all the bad shit happening in the world. I know people bitch about being ‘railroaded’ and not allowed to participate in the ‘plot’ until the end, but that’s the point. The good adults are trying to protect the children from the bad adults trying to harm them, and the children intervene only when the adults die trying to save them. Children should be allowed to adventures and have fun, but they should also be protected and shielded from shit that can harm them and shit they’re not old enough to understand, and this game--for better or for worse--is trying to strike that balance.
One last, very important thing. Leon’s life had been micromanaged and controlled from the moment he became Champion by Chairman Rose. He had to become all things to Galar--its fucking policeman, it’s regional hero, it’s unbeatable symbol of perfection, it’s hero, and--almost--its messiah--and when the MC becomes a Champion? He doesn’t hesitate to become Chairman, and he tells you--the new Champion--that your job is to explore and have fun. He doesn’t ask you to do sponsorship deals. He lets you do matches and tournaments at your own leisure. He calls you politely to ask if you want to do the Galarian Star Tournament. He doesn’t even know your PHONE NUMBER and I think about that a lot.
The game is about the responsibilities adults have towards children. It’s about how you don’t have to be the main character to be the hero. It’s about how you can’t and shouldn’t do everything alone. It’s about how child predation and abuse don’t have to be obvious or ‘traditional’ to be real and a threat. Finally, as Leon demonstrates so poignantly, it’s about breaking the cycle of abuse.
And THAT’S why SWSH is one of the best stories--if not THE best--that the Pokegames have ever told, regardless of its faults and the National Dex and a berry tree looking a little weird.
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themoonstarwarrior · 6 months
Well, I haven't seen the episode yet, but since it sounds like BloodMoon is refusing to be saved, imma go ahead and share the idea I mentioned to @twinanimatronics about how Sun could've possibly reached them.
Obviously BloodMoon wont sit still and listen so this scenario has Sun use star power to trap BM just like old moon did to him with Moon on standby to come in once the 5 minutes are up.
Basically, Sun asks them WHY they kill and hurt people and BM brings up the main three reasons: they enjoy it, they dont want to be a tool, and they hunger. Since literally none of the protags have actually asked, Sun would be surprised that theres more than the first reason and interrogate to get to the bottom of it. Cuz what Sun realizes is that BloodMoon doesnt have any deeper motives or desires because of their eternal hunger. Their ENTIRE existence has circled around violence to satisfy their hunger. They get used to satisfy their hunger. They enjoy the rip and tear because it stops the hunger.
They have always been a tool to the hunger.
So Sun offers the one thing that no one has: what if they get rid of the hunger?
BM is confused cuz all they've ever known is the hunger, and Sun has to dig the point home by explaining how they can keep killing but it'll come back, and probably stronger. They could kill everyone and everything but then the hunger will come back. And the only thing thatll be left to kill is each other.
And THAT freaks them out, because that is the only thing BloodMoon stands to lose is the brotherhood. (And while BM1 would probably race about lies and trickery, BM2 cant deny the logic)
So with BM actually realizing how their hunger endangers them, and Moon at this point just WAITING to finish them off, Sun lays down the ultimatum. Since no change of heart can happen if all they've ever known is hunger, Sun/Moon/Solar can try and remove it to and see if the twins can be rehabilitated, otherwise Moon ends them then and there.
And I love this idea so much!!! It addresses the REAL block that BM has that hasnt been brought up since that one episode where they kill the anime girl. We get to keep BloodMoon, since the creators went to the trouble of bringing them back and giving them a new model so it'd be a lil annoying if they just ended up killed again. It acknowledges how much BM has been used and brushed aside while admitting that there hasnt been much else to them. And you could have a whole rehabilitation arc, with everyone healing and BM given a real change and actual honesty, since god knows no one is gonna be mincing words. And I imagine their blood-hunger being removed ends up like the Ruin Virus a bit, where getting rid of it cuts down a LOT of the more sadistic urges. So the boys get a mostly-tamed but still-pretty-fucking-insane BloodMoon Twins that basically is just the feral crazy guy that hangs around Animal from Muppets lol and idk stays with Monty cuz hes more easygoing on the violent habits and they need to NOT be anywhere near the daycare.
And maybe I'll watch the episode and be alright with it, but it just sucks cuz this would work SO GOOD and I know the showrunners wouldn't do it. So now I've had to make this fucking long ass post and y'all hafta deal with it.
And maybe someday I'll write a drabble this and the other SAMS scenes I've imagined...
So yeah, sorry about the rambling and shit. I hate how emotionally involved I get with this show that I love. And I'll go ahead and tag @garbagechocolate out of obligation X)
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thorns-and-rosewings · 6 months
You know what I want to see in TSAMS?
I want to see Solar tame the Bloodtwins...
I'm just not happy with this whole current thing that they have going on with Bloodmoon being this irredeemable villain without ANY ability to change. While there has been SOME character development in him, they have thrown him into the whole 'Some people can't be fixed and don't want to be fixed.' And frankly I just don't like it.
However... we have Solar. Who is easily one of the kindest, most loyal individuals in the show and he HAS interacted with Bloodmoon in a positive way, namely repairing his weak point (Even if Lunar was being threatened)
One could argue that this is the CLOSEST thing Bloodmoon has had to any sort of friendship. If it's done right... Solar could be the one to change the twins from irredeemable to anti-heros at best.
How would it work?
Honestly they would probably abduct Solar to lure others into a trap, but it ends up with Solar slowly trying to calm them down. They might have a tiny amount of respect for him. Enough to listen when he says that they are being manipulated by others. Bloodmoon MIGHT end up on the road to redemption... Whether he wants to or not.
Not gonna lie, it wouldn't be all that great for Solar though...
Solar clearly cares about everyone, especially Lunar, so him eventually sticking up for Bloodmoon and saying that they're changing would most likely get pushback from his family... He might even feeling regret over his decision to help the Bloodtwins as he feels he lost his friends due to helping them.
There's a line Bloodmoon used on Ruin... "We'll call you brother when you earn it." (Or something similar to that.)
That says that while Bloodmoon doesn't WANT to change... He still could let someone else into his life and that person's influence could direct him into different paths. For better or for worse...
Also on the pragmatic note...
There's another reason I think that we might see Bloodmoon and Solar hanging out, the crew clearly has working VR models for both Solar and Bloodmoon. We saw Bloodmoons all throughout October and they haven't used the base 'Eclipse' model in a while.
I doubted we were going to see Bloodmoon die due to this reason. It would have been a waste of a character model who IS popular. Giving these two their own show just seems like an effective way to further expand both the lore and the shows in general.
Just my thoughts anyway...
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teecupangel · 19 days
Based on @wisecloudnightmare’s tags in the Altaïr and Desmond commits identity fraud (on each other) idea:
#this makes me think of that one comic where joonghyuk keeps saying going away kim dokja and then when kim dokha really disappears #he says don't you ever leave again or I'll kill you asfghjkbijgds #ugh but altaïr with 999th joonghyuk's personality would be so fascinating too #the one where his mind is really fragile but he's still a beast to fight with. only kdj can tame him.
(Absolute spoilers to ORV underneath)
I believe you are talking about the 1863rd Yoo Joonghyuk. 999th Yoo Joonghyuk is the best boi who sacrificed his limbs and life so his companions could reach the ending even without him by making a pact with a certain Outer God (which I think would be a fun idea to play with as well).
We’ll focus on 1863rd version for this one and we’ll make it so that Altaïr is regressing over and over again and he has no idea why.
He’s caught in a time loop that starts every time he died (doesn’t matter when, where or how, what matters is he dies) and he doesn’t even have a goal to focus on.
He always regresses to the same point:
The moment he killed an innocent man underneath the Temple Mount, Malik saying the same words again and again.
Nothing worked.
Getting the Apple of Eden during this time did not help.
Saving Kadar did not do anything.
Killing Abbas before he orders the death of his family and friends did not end this cursed life.
His first life was not perfect but it was a fulfilling one.
His later lives?
He could not bear to watch his sons grow and die before him.
He could not bear the thought of that family of his from long ago become just another part of this wretched tragedy.
That’s when the Apple whispers to him of what he must do.
It never did that before.
So he agrees to it as long as the Apple promises to find a way to finally kill him without any chance of returning to that point.
The Apple only says “Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad’s greatest wish will come true in this ‘round’.”
The Apple’s instructions gets Altaïr to kill Al Mualim early on, branding him a traitor and pitting him against his own brothers. This culminates in pretty much a ‘me versus the world’ with Malik being ordered to hunt him down together with Abbas.
During one of the three-way fight between Altaïr, some Assassins and the guards of the city they are in, Desmond appears.
Desmond survived the Solar Flare but how he did it was hazy. What he does know is that something is terrible wrong with Altaïr because he doesn’t look like the Altaïr in his memories.
This Altaïr is both more savage yet also more tired than Desmond remembered.
There is a resignation in his movements even as he dodged everything. As if he had given up on life but knows he must continue to move forward, ignoring the pain and tiredness of his mortal body.
Desmond doesn’t know about the regressions until the Apple tells him that this is the 1863rd ‘loop’.
Because of this, Desmond tries to help him and Altaïr leans on him because he is an anomaly. He knows of Altaïr’s first life.
He only knows about Altaïr’s first life, reminding him about it when he himself barely remembers it.
Desmond was from the original timeline.
Desmond was the real key to end this, not the Apple.
And so Altaïr started to depend on him.
Protecting Desmond was the most important thing in this entire world because he was Desmond, the key to ending all of this and the first person to ever get pass the darkness that has clouded Altaïr’s mind for so long.
Desmond was important.
Desmond’s words were law.
All he needed was Desmond.
On the other corner…
The Apple just lets Desmond use it like it was Desmond’s personal Google.
It does, however, give an error every time Desmond asks why he’s been transported to this timeline and the truth about the loops.
Desmond knows that Altaïr is getting a bit… well…. obsessed with him. But it brought life back in his eyes and that was enough for Desmond. He’d deal with the rest as they come up. (famous last words)
The twist is the loop is an unintentional byproduct of the Reader and the Heir trying to find clues to how to save the world by checking the other unused timelines that the Calculations had also found and more timelines that the Calculations didn’t catch the first time.
They didn’t know that Altaïr’s constant use of the apple made him the closest being to them and he gets sucked into their research, but didn’t get to the Grey. Instead, he was taking over the consciousness of the Altaïrs in those timelines they’re ‘skimming’.
Time was inconsequential to the Reader and the Heir. It was not to Altaïr.
They only learned about Altaïr around the end of the 1862nd turn.
The Apple? That’s the Heir staying in the Gray and connecting with the Apple to guide Altaïr into bringing the solution into the 1863rd worldline.
Unfortunately, something happened and what he brought was an incomplete solution.
Because Desmond forgot that he was the Reader.
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purecantarella · 2 years
✨purecantarella's kinktober✨
—was this planned? no, nothing i ever do is planned HAHAHAH but this is a rough concept of what i have planned this month. i will do my best to follow it but they won't be as in depth as the smut i usually write but i will try!! this will be my first time participating in kinktober actually and i am starting late :"")
day 2 : Praise Kink w/ Im Nayeon — your girlfriend and you are having a nice night in after their promotions for their song when you figure out one of her secrets.
day 3 : Mutual Masterbation w/ Shin Yuna — college!yuna doesn't want to admit it, but she needs help with certain things and as irritating as she finds you, you have all the answers.
day 4 : Restraints w/ Kim Jennie — your girlfriend has a bad habit of leaving all sorts of marks on you before a big comeback and you've found a solution to you problem.
day 5 : Breath Play w/ Park Jihyo — jihyo's vocals are amazing on their own, but you can't help but nitpick at certain things about it...like her breathing techniques.
day 6 : Wet Dreams w/ Miyou Mina — mina's been repressing just how attractive she thinks her member's girlfriend is. just might manifest it's way in more ways than one
day 7 : Threesome w/ Moon Byuli and Ahn Hwasa — a horny hwasa and competitive moonbyul raise you a wager.
day 8 : Phone Sex w/ Hwang Yeji — a secret relationship in the midst of heavy and demanding promotions can really make someone miss their incredibly attractive and sexy girlfriend.
day 9 : Break — i needed some time to recuperate yall
day 10 : Food Play w/ Hirai Momo — an indoor picnic for your 3rd year anniversary sounded lovely, strawberries, cream, chocolate, and most of all, Momo
day 11 : Corruption w/ Kim Dahyun —Dahyun never learned too much about sex nor did she want to...not until she met you of course.
day 12 : Marking w/ Minatozaki Sana — you loathed how much people looked at your girlfriend, but you'd never known what Minatozaki Sana looked like jealous.
day 13 : First Time || Love Making w/ Choi Lia — summer romance with Lia turns serious and you want to make sure that she remembers you forever with a romantic night under the stars.
day 14 : Office Quickies w/ Kim Jisoo — her employees are working her last nerve, then you show up giving her the chance to blow off some steam.
day 15 : Breeding w/ Park Rosé — rosé often talked about having kids with you, but you just supposed she didn't know what the idea did to you.
day 16 : Ab Riding w/ Kang Seulgi — seulgi preparing and performing for her latest comeback with the girls has left you in a rut, but backstage with those chiseled abs exposed? you're only human.
day 17 : Public Sex w/ Son Seungwan — wendy was always the type to lose control when you two were intimate, so you want to see just how far she can control herself
Day 18 : Break pt 2 — i'm prolly gonna be drained from this and midterms, so im gonna need this vv badly (prolly will post shit today anyway tho so this is kinda a wildcard)
Day 19 : Impact Play w/ Bae Irene — your perfect little girlfriend just needed to be knocked off her high horse for being a spoiled
Day 20 : Role Play w/ Lisa Manoban — lisa wants to show you her new routine but she wants to add a little spice to it.
Day 21 : Size Kink w/ Son Chaeyoung — teasing goes a little too far and you remind Chaeyoung just who you are.
Day 22 : Humiliation w/ Chou Tzuyu
Day 23 : Thigh Riding w/ Shin Ryujin
Day 24 : Temperature Play w/ Lee Chaeryeong
Day 25 : Body Worship w/ Yoo Jeongyeon
Day 26 : Edging w/ Kim Solar
Day 27 : Dirty Talk w/ Moon Byuli
Day 28 : Shower Sex w/ Park Jihyo
Day 29 : Strip Tease w/ Kim Jennie
Day 30 : Brat Taming w/ Shin Yuna
Day 31 : Daddy Kink w/ Shin Ryujin
—i got shy writing this list since i am sharing a room with my brother's girlfriend 😭 also this is an incomplete list but i hope you're all excited!! i will see you lovelies tomorrow!! keep safe everyone!! - r
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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Intuitive Astrology: Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse April 2023
The New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 19/20, 2023, is the first Eclipse we have had in Aries since 2015, kickstarting a new cycle of Eclipses that will continue to unfold until March 2025.
The Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse activates a gateway to a new reality. Doors will open, bringing new opportunities and new pathways. Some of these opportunities may come as a surprise but others may be things we have been working towards for some time.
The supercharged energy behind this Eclipse will thin veil, increasing our sensitivity, creativity, and intuition. With Aries energy also strong, this is our opportunity to find our courage to become the leader or spirit guide, of our own lives.
As the Eclipse energies flow, use them to set intentions, visualize your desired outcome, look at things in a new way, and stay open to the abundance of the Universe. This is a high-energy time that will guide us to the next chapter of our soul journey.
Let’s now take a deeper dive into the energetics and astrology behind this beautiful and rare Eclipse-
A Rare Hybrid Eclipse: Journey Between Two Worlds
The Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse is a hybrid between an Annular Eclipse, where you can see a ring of fire around the Sun, and Total Eclipse, where the Sun is completely blocked.
Hybrid Eclipses are incredibly rare and can suggest a transition or perhaps a shift between two worlds. Just as the Eclipse moves from Total to Annular, perhaps something in our lives is preparing to shift too.
Falling in the sign of Aries, this is the second lunar cycle in a row to begin in this fire sign. The first was back on March 21st, when we experienced the Aries New Moon. Having two powerful lunar cycles back to back in Aries indicates an intensity building around Aries themes.
Aries is a fire sign, and the element of fire which lives within us all gives us strength, courage, passion, and determination. When it burns too strong, however, the element of fire can lead to anger, attacks, destruction, and being too impulsive or ego-driven.
Balancing our own inner fire may be a theme around this Eclipse. We may feel the Aries energy pushing us to stand up for ourselves, leap into the new, and find the confidence to enter the new doors that are opening for us. But we may also find ourselves needing to bring it back, tame our egos, take responsibility for any destruction, and reconsider the voice of our hearts.
Whether your inner fire needs to be fanned or tamed, this Eclipse will be your guide, helping you to cross into a new state of being or perhaps even a new reality. The transition that unfolds under this hybrid Eclipse will be mirrored within, so pay attention to how you are being guided to move.
Aries Solar Eclipse at the Highly Karmic 29th Degree
The April Solar Eclipse falls at 29 degrees of Aries, the zodiac’s final degree. The final degree of any zodiac sign is considered a highly charged and karmic point and is known as the Anaretic degree.
Having such a powerful Eclipse on this highly charged point indicates a karmic event or destiny that is unfolding. It also indicates something coming to a point of closure, leaving space for the new to emerge.
Eclipses have long been known for bringing fated or karmic events, but this April Eclipse seems especially connected to the divine realms.
The 29th degree is also considered a point of highest consciousness, where we are able to integrate all the lessons of that zodiac sign and operate from its highest expression.
At its highest expression, Aries invites confidence, courage, passion, and the right balance of leadership. See where you can create some space to welcome these themes into your life under the Eclipse. --Forever Conscious
Art: Aries by Talon Abraxas
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i-red-eye-i · 10 months
Pow! New chapter tor my dearest little one's! Luv ya!
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tgrailwar-zero · 5 months
With a flash, you returned to reality, where the battle had stalled. You saw a bit of battle damage on CONSTANTINE and KUKULKAN- it seems like they sustained a little bit of damage as your interaction with MUSASHI pushed a bit past 'stunning' and turned into a full-on contract. Still, it could be worse.
There was a form standing before you and your Servants. A swordswoman, who smiled amicably.
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MUSASHI: "Shinmen Musashi-no-Kami Fujiwara-no-Harunobu, the Flower at the Apex of Heaven, is at your service!"
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CONSTANTINE: "A new Servant, and 'Musashi', huh... I guess that means that our Masters were successful. Well, nice to meet you. You may call me 'Rider', we can divulge True Names when we're in… more appropriate company."
PRETENDER: "I get it, I get it. Ah, but a new ally? And a woman claiming to be 'Shinmen Musashi' to boot…"
KUKULKAN: "I'm… uh, Foreigner? Invader? I think there's already a Foreigner, so I'm sticking with Invader! Nice to meet you, Musashi!"
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MUSASHI: "Hmm... Rider's pretty handsome, and Invader is cute when she isn't as robot-y... not bad, not bad at all, Masters..."
After listening to MUSASHI murmur something... a bit odd, you realized that you could feel a magical connection between you and her. It seems as if a Contract was established! Monitoring your Command Spells, it seemed as if two of KUKULKAN's Command Spells were transferred over to MUSASHI. It seems like creating multiple contracts without the assistance of some higher power within the system means that you'll have to share. Unless the contract was established before, like with RIDER or potentially AVENGER, and then you'd simply regain the proper amount of Command Spells.
Regardless, of the specifics, this was a success! Because...
[ MUSASHI joined the party! ]
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PRETENDER: "Well, as much as I'd love to have a few hours for introductions and teambuilding, there is a Beast currently terrorizing the city, and her main body should now be unimpeded with Miss Musashi's taming."
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KUKULKAN: "Oh, right! Draco! Right! Let's go, everyone!"
The rest of the walk was easy. Now with MUSASHI out of the way, at least in terms of her being an active threat against your group, the rest of the path was surprisingly clear. You wandered deeper and deeper into the catacombs, the air growing sticky and dense with vile mana.
You could hear MUSASHI, on instinct, unsheathing her blades and readying them for a battle. You noted that CONSTANTINE had his own hand on the hilt of his blade, but a faint surge of prana restrained his movements as he tried to pull it out, the magic of the Command Spell compelling him against his better instincts.
CONSTANTINE put a hand up, stopping the group.
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CONSTANTINE: "We're close. I can sense her- and the terrain is beginning to shift. Which means we'd best strategize on how to handle her."
Your small troupe stopped, looking between one another. This was a conversation that was a long time coming, frankly. CONSTANTINE spoke up first- his voice clear and imperious.
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CONSTANTINE: "That Beast is the Whore of Babylon made manifest. The Beast of Revelations as foretold by the apostle Saint John. She is a woman of wicked intent, set on destroying civilization. I understand why that may seem appealing due to our current situation, but all you'll be doing is feeding a monster! Allying with that Beast- becoming a Master of the Beast- will make us the true enemies of the Solar Cell, not just the Lair Servants. Humanity itself will reason for your very destruction. I say we slice her throat as soon as we see the whites of her eyes."
MUSASHI sighed, looking between her new traveling companions.
MUSASHI: "I've fought a lot of real jerks, but my blade hasn't sliced apart any Beasts before. But… I've also known the type of idealist who thinks that they can tame a Beast anyways, so as much as my swords are rattling, I can't lunge one way or the other. I do get what Rider means, though. Sticking the Beast in some other Class may lessen the rest of the World's insistence on killing them, but will make them less… uh, powerful? And that's only if you're able to do it…"
As MUSASHI's comment elicited an eyebrow raise from CONSTANTINE, KUKULKAN spoke up, a bit hesitantly.
KUKULKAN: "I don't know a ton about Beasts and Humanity or the World… I'm still learning about how most aspects of Human History work, but I think we need to take a chance with Draco. I don't want to decide someone is rotten or not just before meeting them, and she'll be good for this fight. I'm sure there's some good there too! If everyone hates us for the choices we make, that's okay, right? We'll be a team! You decided that you'd be enemies of this world for the sake of saving it."
The discussion was cut short as a voice pierced through the air--
???: "Stop sitting and chittering in the wings like rats, and fully reveal yourselves on my stage. To hold up a performance is poor manners, you know?"
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As your Servants hesitantly reached the amphitheater, the sky seemed to be blotted out by the dark shape that moved, slowly and intentionally. You felt eyes boring down on you, a presence and weight that held a unique sense of 'gravity'.
Looking up, you saw the massive shadow of ALTER-EGO… or at least a Servant that greatly resembled her. Her body was clad head to toe in black leather, her eyes having lost their joy and luster in exchange for a bitter darkness. An innocent being, once calmed by the melody of 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star', now twisted into something devoid of that purity.
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DRACO: "Welcome, o' Former Masters of mine, to my great stage! Oh, and do not mind my new toy. My mud has corroded her mind, Altered her Spirit Origin, and to be surrounded by a woman as beautiful as the sakura trees of the East is only an apt beginning of an imperial court. She is one of my Seven Heads made manifest, now. I've taken to calling her 'Sakura Superbia'."
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KUKULKAN: "Wow... Draco is a pretty fast worker, isn't she...? Even I can tell that Servant is super dangerous, luckily, I'm sure our Masters are already thinking of a top-rate contingency plan if things go south... right?"
Staring up with an inscrutable expression, PRETENDER tutted.
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PRETENDER: "Alter-Ego... You're quite the problematic Servant, aren't you? Always landing in some inconvenient situation. Avenger and Foreigner will be very upset if we don't fix this..."
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"SAKURA SUPERBIA": "Pretender, Pretender, Pretender... you were always tiny like an insect, but now I feel like I could pin you and those pretty little wings to a board. Or should I just squish you instead?"
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CONSTANTINE: "How lovely. So... that settles what happened to Alter-Ego, but what of Assassin?" MUSASHI: "You don't think they're controlled like that big girl?"
With a shake of his head, CONSTANTINE continued to look around the area.
CONSTANTINE: "Maybe, but... I'd like to be optimistic and say they escaped..."
Looking down below ALTER-EGO, in the shadow of the Massive Servant, you saw DRACO. She didn't seem... weak, particularly, but she had seemed stronger. It seemed like the lack of a proper contract was putting some toll on her body.
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DRACO: "The sword is still in your possession, yes? Good. Deliver my sword, and I shall grant you wisdom of the Solar Cell. Give me tribute, and I shall consider renewing our contract. But behold, with my assistance, you gain an even mightier ally. How magnanimous am I. Normally I would have you kneel, but as you have no true body, my former Masters, I cannot ask you to bow your heads and beg for forgiveness. However, the Rider…"
You saw her mouth twist into a bitter, amused grin. CONSTANTINE shuddered though he did not look away, his eyes cold and piercing.
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CONSTANTINE: "Oh, please speak, Whore of Babylon. Give me ample cause to wrench myself free of the Command Spell's curse and loose your head from your vile shoulders."
This seemed like an expected outcome. You told him he couldn't act out and defy your instructions- which at this point cycled around 'wait and see' regarding DRACO. That didn't mean he had to be nice about it.
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DRACO: "How brave. Then yes, if you make him beg instead, that will be a far more amusing sight. And have him lop off his own head as well, then I will consider that apt sacrifice and have your debts repaid in full. After all, he disrespected my imperium, and dared to draw his blade against me. Such a rabid dog cannot be allowed to live, lest he bite the hand that feeds."
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DRACO: "However, I am nothing but not fair. I'll give you time to discuss. I hope you make the right decision. After all, any resistance, and I'll bring down the might of 'Sakura Superbia' on you."
It seemed as if you were far enough away at the moment to discuss without being eavesdropped on, though close enough that you could call and speak to DRACO via the 'Endless Whispers' code cast regardless.
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Lilith In The First House: Raw Powerful Daemons, The Witches Of Society.
I want to start off with a little introduction to the story of lilith in her human form.
Lilith was a woman who lived naturally, in the forest with her children and amongst animals. She stayed true to her self and her aura would captivate the men of the city, who at the time were religious and created cults around said religion. Lilith was the woman who did not move like anyone else outside of the village , so this made her magnetic. She was being who she was and men seeing her out and about not connecting with the rest of society they would eventually find ways to where they could control lilith. Lilith being who she was she wouldn't back down, so they painted her the devil. They would taunt her, bully her, abuse her, and do nasty things to her until the great 'death' happen. She became EXACTLY who they made her out to me.
The Devil. Daemon. A spirit that reckons chaos in the world.
Now lilith wasn't always like this, she just had to transform because this scares off the men and the women who cant tame her. Who cant have her. Who have a problem with who she is and try to abuse her again and again.
Her full power came from the shadows of her psyche, and it boasted in full glory once she had enough.
So now, we get to Lilith in the first house. These beings literally could walk a mile in her shoes, because the journey that awaits them is a show that they will never forget.
You are a natural problem to society, because society has been programmed and brainwashed to believe that anyone who does anything outside of the religious doctrine is a serpent of the devil and must be tamed. You are the serpent, but you know waaaay more than what people think. Lilith first housers get to play the 'devil' so to speak because they already know the truth on how this world truly works, and none of it had to do with these made up rules.
Society picks at you, because they are not you. They are 'repulsed' by you because they are repulsed by themselves. The innate desire to have freedom is suppressed in the bodies of those who look to be normal in this world and you had no desire to be that way since the day you were born. It is no wonder you came out to be the black sheep amongst family, having to deal with the tough crowds and mean words. Having to constantly figure out if youre friends truly love you, because youre too different for everyone to be around.
Different is good, but in this world they make it seem terrifying.
When you tap into yourself, you have this untamed magnetic aura that is hard to ignore. One thing that I have mentioned with strong lilith placement holders is that, a lot of your personal power comes from the womb/genital area (sacral) and a little bit in the belly (solar). It shows of a little invisible kind of like a plutonian but it is heavily felt. So no matter how you look or how you dress, people notice this in you and because your raw power is near the sacral (womb/genital) area peoples psyche automatically think (sex) because the power is in your sexual energy!
You might of had a deal of people thinking you wanted to have sex, or was being seductive. Even when you weren't, and then when you tell them thats not whats going on you then have them trying to abuse you for making them 'feel things'. It was all in their imagination and now its your fault. Kind of what they did to lilith.
At some point in time, you go through 'the great death' like lilith and become the darkness of your fears, wounds, and trauma only so you can heal them. You heal through chaos/dark magic. And you are a beckon to those who cannot see in the dark, thats who mama lilith was and is. <3
Hope this helps. Will definitely post more on this subject because I love this.
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and i'll forget you but i'll never forgive you.
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This is love letter to Taylor's latest album, The Tortured Poets Department : The Anthology, which is an absolute masterpiece.
I don't know here I'm going exactly as I'm writing this, but I have a strong intuition that some things need to be said. I need to, at least. I spent a major part of my late teens listening to Taylor Swift's music and when Red came out in 2012, that was it for me.
The Tortured Poets Department holds the standard of greatness even higher if that was possible. It is written about all these things that we imagined, lived, went through, and survived.
Taylor is a Cancer Moon (so am I), and it is in her 8th which is linked to transformation, sex and legacy. As I studied astrology (still do), I realized that the power of a Cancer Moon is linked to feeling the absolute truth, even more as an artist. It's a powerful placement, which might seem petty to some idiots, but it is not because it's coming straight from the heart. If there's thing one thing that I love the most about Taylor, that is her powerful writing. It's incandescent, it's pure, it is real.
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I'm writing poetry in my bedroom everyday, and it's both inked with my tears and drops of my blood straight from my heartbeat. I'm passionate about all that lived, am living and what the future holds for me. The words are pouring and my strong solar powerful self cannot keep it bottled up. This is selfish. This is selfless.
Back to TTPD, the fact that she wrote Guilty As Sin? is so important to me. The ? is soooo relevant because it's asking for validation. When she writes
He's a paradox I'm seeing visions, am I bad? Or mad? Or wise?
I cannot help but absolutely get it. What is imagined can be created, so am I guilty for it? It's a daily thing of what am I to do with all these fucking feelings. Sometimes I'm feeling even more culpable for not having lived any of these things, what I felt in my dreams, but it's so intense, so I question further, are they visions?
I keep recalling things we never did Messy top lip kiss How I long for our trysts Without ever touching his skin How can I be guilty as sin?
It always felt funny to me how as women we can barely articulate our fantasy without feeling a hint of shame. For men, it's different. Their obvious sexual needs uphold the eventual shame that could come with the act of imagining something that never did or will never happen. It's not to be questioned. I never truly understood why unless the fact that we are living under a patriarchy? Yet that never stopped my subconscious to be feeling the ghosts of his fingers and how they can be my salvation, I know it in a deep intricate way. It's a soul connection, it's a pretty sight, it's more and it's getting difficult to speak about it without sounding like a poetess from the 1700s or Maria Callas.
The song that instantly stood out to me in this album is Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? and every verse, oh my.
So tell me everything is not about me But what if it is? Then say they didn't do it to hurt me But what if they did?
Each time someone did hurt me, they somehow always end up using that line "everything is not about you" but what if it is, in the most heart-wrenching way? Some of us just are in the spotlight for whatever reason, and it is truly not up to us to change the intensity of the lightning. It's shameful to make us wear that burden. So yes, it is about me, it always was, and now, you want me to go away? Once you get that, there's nothing to fight for anymore.
"Who's afraid of little old me?" I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean
It's a thing that I feel in my heart of my heart. I don't wish anyone wrong but I have to fight back so many times, in the end they have to own the fact they made me this monster they judge. I won't let you get away with it. It's not bitter, this is justice. It's too easy for them to just break my heart time after time and then to come back as if I was what I acting the way I was for no reason. No, no, no.
You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me So all you kids can sneak into my house with all the cobwebs I'm always drunk on my own tears, isn't that what they all said?
These lines hit a little too close. I always cry in silence when I'm bleeding, figuratively or not, or/and when i cry out of pure rage they look at me as if it was a fucking play. Slurring "she's crying, playing the victim, begging to be the center of attention" and I can't help but feel theirs arrows piercing my skin once more.
Who's afraid of little old me? Well, you should be.
I have been doing multiples therapies, and I always feel stuck with the concept of forgiveness. Maybe it's so hard for me to forgive others because I have never been forgiven. My insecurities make it hard for me to really know, but all I can say is that I don't want to forgive someone who's done me dirty and who will again. Fuck you.
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The Prophecy is so beautiful. Sad, sorrowful and yet filled with the purest of light. You can't help but project yourself your very own prophecy. I know mine, I know mine. And how many times did I wish to change it for the curse of my strength to dim a little.
Gathered with a coven round a sorceress' table A greater woman has faith But even statues crumble if they're made to wait I'm so afraid I sealed my fate
That faith, we're taught about in churches or any temples you'll grow with, a greater woman must have it but what comes when you can't find it? And I waited and waited and waited. I used to be afraid that I might have become the statue instead of finding the one that will make me believe in the magic of the universe.
Hand on the throttle Thought I caught lightning in a bottle Oh, but it's gone again And it was written I got cursed like Eve got bitten Oh, was it punishment?
The feminist subtext is powerful. Why is it always a woman who sins before a man could ever think of it? Silly. You think you wrapped your mind around the truth, and no, it's gone again. Pardon me sir, we are sinners, this is why we can't access to that holy view. Unless we are virgin and pure, obviously. Obviously.
I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope A greater woman wouldn't beg But I looked to the sky and said Please.
The in-between. Neither a sinner, neither the saint. Too much yet not enough. Begging is the last straw but it is human. My Cancer Moon understands that ; it is in my 9th house in my chart which the house of philosophy and wisdom. So when any sort of strong kind of emotion penetrates me, I tend to interpret it as the truth. I fight very often that idea, because it feels as if I would go mad if I do. I try to rely on others things than my emotions, but my instinct and my truth are often screaming in pairs. Please.
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Down Bad is another song that hits the right spot. It caught me right on time on the already iconic "fuck it if i can't have him" because there is nothing more to say after that. Fuck it, really.
All your indecent exposures How dare you say that it's— I'll build you a fort on some planet Where they can all understand it
I think strongly that when you're in love, you don't have and don't want to anyway, justify this love to anyone but your lover (eventually). It's a sort of bonding that have been depicted, sung, written about and played, yet, when it happens to you, it feels like the very first time in the whole universe.
Tell me I was the chosen one Showed me that this world is bigger than us Then sent me back where I came from
Loneliness. So many things in the world are lonely, and love should not be one of them. Gods, could you believe that I have never been in love? I'm scaring myself. Imagine when I will be. I'm too intense.
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The beats of I Can Fix Him (I Really Can) are so sexy. I felt the drums under my skin and it made insert myself into the story.
His hand so calloused from his pistol Softly traces hearts on my face
The perfect opposition, fantasy that a tough man can soften for you when he caresses your face. For some reason, I linked this to Wildest Dreams because if you know he's bad, you still want him in that golden age romantic scenario.
He had a halo of the highest grade He just hadn't met me yet
To be honest, this probably the trope that I dislike the most. The whole "let me heal him, he's bad but he will be good". If I take him bad then I don't want him to change. But I absolutely sunk into the whole vibe, the whole "what if" that I never let myself indulge in.
TTPD is about all the heartbreaks which we went through, and also the ones ahead of us. There's beauty in what is wrecked. There is truth into our secrets fantasy. There's nothing fair in being hurt for free. There's no forgiveness and yet there is healing. When you write your own story, you take back the narrative, and it doesn't have to be pretty or soft or fucking fun. It's your story and it is the greatest power of any poet or writer. You take back your power and you close the bloody seal, for now at least.
And also, let's speak about My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys because it is so sad how well Taylor spells what feeling used is like. How when they have what they want, they throw you away. So easily.
Cause he took me out of my box Stole my tortured heart Left all these broken parts Told me I'm better off But I'm not
Sometimes people eviscerate you so well that you seem to be empty after the affair. It can be a clean cut, or a messier one, but once what they took or worse, what I gave, is gone, it feels like the world is over for real. Nobody really stole my heart, but I gave it a time or two, and when they leave you empty handed, it's so ugly.
Once I fix me, he's gonna miss me Once I fix me, he's gonna miss me
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Ain't that the only road to be headed on? When you try by all measures to fix yourself and when they can't grab drink your soul or eat your heart anymore, it's over. The utopian desire that this man was healing too as you are healing yourself, but if he's not? He will miss me. For sure he will. Of course he will.
I am a creative, a burning sparkling little thing, and how could you I not realize sooner that my whole life is rooted in feelings? I have been so tough on myself. Listening to TTPD is the kind of process that reminds you that it's not only you that take all these invisible bullets. We all someway do. To be able to write about is freeing. This is the only act of letting go that I know.
am i allowed to cry ?
All these emotions, made up scenarios, really love stories, the laugh of your past lovers and the mistakes done in the middle, they are the beauty of the joy and despair you can find in The Tortured Poets Department. And more.
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Thank you @taylorswift for making me shine, sing, cry, heal, and for inspiring me to write my own little stories as well. They wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where I've been raised neither. I'm inspired forever. Thank you for reading if you did. Until then. xx
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springfallendeer · 1 year
The Bells - 7 (Final)
The conclusion of the fic featuring @xitsensunmoon's boys! Gets explicit. Gets messy. Nearly 6k in length, so be warned.
7: Completely Tamed
||In the months that have followed, the vampires had continued to visit. They had continued to indulge in the taste of her body. Ayala became just as acquainted with the feel of their tongues as she was the sting of their teeth. They would drink her blood, and they would drink the nectar from between her legs.||
||They learned the many ways to bring her pleasure. Any spot that could be caressed to elicit a moan was taken note of. From her lips. To her neck. To her breasts. Anywhere that they could think to touch, they touched. And if she responded to it positively, then they would touch her there again.||
||And again.||
||And again.||
||Until they had gotten to the point that they could satisfy her without even needing to look at her. They could keep their eyes closed and rely upon nothing but their sense of touch and sound, and they would know exactly what to do in order to make her moan.||
||And they so loved to make her moan.||
||Ayala, in turn, became more acquainted with their bodies. With their help, at least. They trained her. As a result, she was taught where they liked to be touched.||
||Their faces proved to be quite sensitive. They enjoyed the feel of her hands. She could touch around their mouths. Near their eyes. Under their chins. Sun, in particular, would display his level of contentment by allowing his solar rays to spin. Both would purr, but Moon purred the loudest.||
||But of course, her training did not stop with the innocent, pleasant touches.||
||She was taught how to handle their tongues and their cocks. Her hands and her mouth were both thoroughly trained to be able to work with them.||
||When she was kissed, she was kissed deeply and with intent. Their tongues would be thrust well into her throat. She would be denied air until she was put on the brink of fainting. Then they would suck their tongues back into their mouths to let her catch a breath. All the while they would keep their faces right next to hers to feel her heated breath.||
||When it came to their cocks, they were just as persistent.||
||At first, they focused on training her to take them. One or the other would hold her by the head and rut into her mouth. They started out gentle, but became rougher as the encounters went on. She would be made to drink their seed. Or she would have to wear it on her face.||
||The bells on their clothes would chime all the while. At this point, the ring of a bell had started to arouse her on some level. She came to associate the sound of a bell with the pleasure of their touch. And that made it so, so much easier for them to entice her. They had learned that they could ring their bells, and she would respond to the sound like an animal being called forth for a meal.||
||For as embarrassing as it should have been, she never hated it.||
||There had even been times where they’d managed to bring her to orgasm simply by fucking her throat. Whichever of them it was that pulled it off would always leave with an inflated ego when all was said and done.||
||It was certainly an impressive skill to be able to get someone off just by rutting into their throat.||
||When she could fully endure them rutting into her mouth, she was trained to please them on her own. They would still hump her face when the desire took them, but she was largely allowed to learn how to handle them at her own pace.||
||They quite liked the feel of her hands and lips. And she liked being able to take what little control they would give her.||
||And they did give her that control from time to time. They like to be spoiled, and they don’t mind being teased.||
||She would get one of them to sit still and let her tease them at her own pace. Hands, tongue, and lips. She would gently stroke and squeeze them. She would drag her lips along the wriggling tentacle, and she would enjoy how the vampires would shudder from anticipation in response. She would lick. She would kiss.||
||Eventually, she would take them into her mouth, and she would suck. She would bob her head. Slow, then fast, then slow again. She would hum. She would take them into her throat and swallow thickly to squeeze them.||
||Whether or not they came on her face or in her mouth would be up to her. Because when she was in charge, they kept their word. There would be no taking her by the head to fuck her throat if she was teasing them more than they liked.||
||They trained her in these intimate, sexual acts. They made her familiar with their presence.||
||And yet they had not fully taken her. Not yet.||
||Regardless of how slick and inviting her body was made, her cunt was left empty. They only ever used their tongues and fingers to stimulate her there.||
||It was as embarrassing as it was maddening.||
||As of late, when they left her alone, they had unwittingly left her yearning.||
||She could imagine the pleasure that she might feel if they took her completely. The pleasure she felt when they rutted into her throat must have been similar to what she might feel if they pinned her down and fucked her like the needy bitch she was.||
||The needy bitch that they had made her into.||
||She really was like a bitch in heat. Thanks to them.||
||Her body wanted them. She wanted them. She wanted them so fucking bad.||
||She couldn’t remember exactly when she began to try and scratch this itch herself. She couldn’t remember when she’d gone out to buy the toy.||
||But try as she might, a toy couldn’t satisfy her. And she did try. She tried so often that she didn’t even need the lube anymore.||
||All she needed to do was ring a bell. She would trick her body into believing that they were on their way to visit.||
||Sometimes she would scratch her neck. Or her thigh. Wherever they had most recently bitten her. The faint sting riled her up further, making it easier for her to engage in this private, shameful game.||
||Just her. And a bell. And a tentacle shaped dildo.||
||She made herself comfortable upon her bed. Lots of pillows. Fresh, clean blankets. A towel under her pelvis to keep the bed nice and dry.||
||When she was ready, she plunged the toy into her needy vulva in a feeble attempt at satisfying her lust.||
||Then she would pull it out, until only the silicone tip remained. And she would plunge it back in. Moaning one of the vampires names as she violated her sopping cunt.||
||And again.||
||And again.||
||All the while oblivious to anything else that might transpire in her home.||
||So lost in the fantasy that she remained completely unaware of the fact that they could return at any time to find her like this. With her hot, trembling body on full display as she played with herself.||
||Until she heard the bells again. And she realized that she wasn’t the one to ring the bell this time.||
||And suddenly her wide, flustered eyes hone in on their still bodies. Her cheeks flush anew as she stares at them; as they stare back at her.||
||She freezes. Her body goes completely still from a mixture of shock and anticipation.||
||Still, she trembles as she studies their smiles. Their teeth on full display as they grin at her.||
||Moon’s tongue darts past his lips to lick the corner of his mouth. Sun mirrors the behavior a few seconds after. The two of them gaze at her with intense, predatory eyes.||
||Her heart rate spikes as they approach her.||
||The bells on their clothes ring with their every step; further exciting her and adding to her embarrassment as her cunt clenches around the toy still buried inside of her. Each involuntary clench sending faint pleasure shooting up her spine.||
||A faint, flustered whine escapes her as they settle upon the bed on either side of her.||
||She can’t bring herself to look at them. She can’t. She can’t even make herself move, she’s so flustered and ashamed.||
||“Having fun without us~?” Sun trills, reaching out to put his hand on the woman’s thigh. He chuckles as she whimpers. She flinches, and he sweetly shushes her as he slowly trails his hand up her thigh. He kisses the shell of her ear as he moves his hand to put it overtop of hers. Right between her legs.||
||“Sun!” She blurts his name out abruptly as he encourages her to pull the toy out completely. She’s so embarrassed that she wishes she could just disappear.||
||But she obviously can’t.||
||All that she can do is pant his name as he pushes down on her hand, forcing her to plunge the silicone tentacle back into her waiting cunt.||
||He shows no mercy. He shows no restraint. The solar vampire simply trills sweet words into her ear as he makes her fuck herself with the toy while he and Moon watch.||
||He only stops when she orgasms. When she orgasms, he lightly bites down on the shell of her ear as he pulls her hand back completely.||
||He makes her drop the toy.||
||Moon sneaks his hand between her legs to feel her. His fingers invade the freshly defiled orifice, and they immediately get to work on stroking that special place inside of her.||
||She’s left gasping for air as the shame mixes with the pleasure.||
||They seem so eager to play with her now.||
||“What do you want us to do~?” Moon inquires, slowly curling his fingers to better stroke that spot inside of the woman’s body.||
||When she doesn’t offer a response after a few seconds, he makes a show of pulling his fingers away. He makes sure that she can see the slick that clings to his fingers. He goes so far as to spread them to show off how sticky she’s made them.||
||“We can use our hands~” Moon chuckles.||
||Ayala doesn’t respond.||
||“Or we can use our mouths~?” Sun adds, attempting to coax the woman into telling them what she wants.||
||Ayala shudders, squirming slightly between them. She soon finds herself haphazardly fondling Sun through his pants.||
||He growls quietly, and she shudders.||
||The vampires are just as aroused as she is. They all want the same thing. But they refuse to give in and take what they want until she’s expressly told them that she wants them to do so.||
||“Tell us what you want~” Moon growls, moving his hand back between the woman’s legs so that he can resume caressing her.||
||She’s only grown more slick now that they’re here. The toy never really satisfied her, no matter how she tried. It could never do what they had managed to do with their fingers and tongues. And despite being shaped the same as their cocks, it was too stiff and rigid to be anywhere close to what she wanted.||
||She takes a deep, shaky breath.||
||Sun licks the shell of her ear, attempting to further entice her. All the while he’s clearly trying to ignore her hand as it fondles him through his clothes.||
||“P-please...” Ayala pants, spreading her legs further as Moon works his fingers back into her needy vulva.|| ||“I-I need you! Please!” She begs.||
||She wants them so bad. She wants them to take her and fuck her completely.||
||But they aren’t yet satisfied with her plea.||
||“Say it properly.” Sun commands, allowing his low, lusty voice to tease the woman’s ear.||
||“Use your words. Tell us what you want. And we’ll give you what you ask for~” Moon adds, slowly rubbing her with his fingers. He can tell how bad she wants them. He wants her just as badly. So does Sun. But they both need to hear her say it.||
||This needs to be her choice. So there won’t be any room for hurt feelings after the fact.||
||Ayala unexpectedly pulls her hand off of Sun’s crotch.||
||For a moment, the vampires assume that she really isn’t ready to move on to the next step. So they both mentally prepare to have to either leave or satisfy everyone's lust through other means.||
||But instead, Ayala reaches for Moon’s face. She turns to face him. She wraps her hands around his face, and she pulls him into a demanding kiss. The most demanding kiss that she’s ever given him.||
||Her hand sneaks into his mouth. He was genuinely so startled by her sudden show of dominance that he was left slack jawed. Not that he’s about to complain. It’s certainly nice to be pursued for a change.||
||“Fuck me.” Ayala mutters against his lips, submitting to her own carnal desires as she gives the vampire a very clearly worded command.||
||That’s all that they needed to hear.||
||Moon drags her on top of him before she can take her next breath.||
||He falls back atop the bed, tangling his fingers in her hair as he pulls her into a demanding kiss of his own.||
||His messy hand gropes her bare ass as she fumbles with his pants.||
||There’s no real need for foreplay at this point. They just walked in on her fucking herself with a silicone replica of their dicks. Sun encouraged her to finish before they egged her into telling them what she wanted.||
||She wanted them in her.||
||Based upon how wildly Moon’s tentacle wriggled in her hand, he wanted to be in her just as bad.||
||But in their haste, they were forgetting about Sun.||
||Not that it mattered. He would be reminding them of his presence soon enough.||
||He takes the time to completely get out of his clothes. All of them. Because he wants to feel Ayala’s skin against him directly. So he slips off his shoes. He takes off his pants. Off comes his cape and his shirt. All while the two are busy sucking face on the bed.||
||Once his metal body has been rendered bare, he scooches closer to them. He kneels besides Moon.||
||Then he steals Ayala off of him before they can have all the fun without him.||
||The lunar vampire lets out a little growl, rightly annoyed with the loss of Ayala’s warmth. But his annoyance is quickly replaced with desire as he watches the two.||
||Sun has stolen Ayala’s lips in a demanding kiss of his own. She takes his tongue with ease, after having been so thoroughly trained by them.||
||He’s holding her up by her chest and leg. His arm is wrapped around her torso, keeping her pressed securely against him. He’s holding her leg up with his other hand, putting her slickness on full display in the process. His erection is also on clear display.||
||But Sun is being polite and waiting for the lunar vampire to break the distance.||
||They’re going to fuck her. And they’re going to fuck her together.||
||Moon locks eyes with the woman as he proceeds to get himself out of his clothes. He can’t let Sun upstage him, after all. So he makes a show of it. He strips. He doesn’t really take his time, as he’s eager to take her and he doesn’t want to risk Sun getting impatient. But he makes sure that she enjoys his little display.||
||Once he’s equally as naked as the other two, he takes position in front of her.||
||Only now does she seem to realize their intentions. There’s a flicker of nervousness in her eyes.||
||“Deep breath~” Moon chuckles, getting himself lined up.||
||Sun follows suit, eager to invade her trembling body.||
||Ayala takes a deep breath.||
||She’s lowered down onto them. Nice and slow.||
||They don’t kiss her. They don’t bite her. They don’t do anything that might otherwise distract her from the way it feels to be invaded by them in unison.||
||They make sure that her focus is entirely on the feel of them inside of her.||
||Her body stretches to accommodate them. She lets out a soft, breathless whine in response.||
||It doesn't hurt. But it’s overwhelming. Overwhelming to the point that she seemingly forgets to breathe.||
||Sun brings his face around to rest it on her shoulder, purring contently in response to her warmth.||
||When he notices the stray tear rolling down her cheek, he turns so that he can sweetly lick it away. He can tell she’s not distressed. Just a little overwhelmed.||
||She does currently have two dicks tucked away inside the same hole. Frankly, he’s surprised that she’s handling it so well.||
||“Breathe~” Sun gently reminds her, having easily noticed that her chest has stopped moving.||
||She takes a sharp breath. Suddenly she’s trembling. The mix of pleasure and all sorts of intense emotions hitting her all at once now that the initial shock has worn off.||
||Moon leans forward to drag his tongue along her neck.||
||He isn’t going to bite her. Not right now. Right now, the focus is on the pleasure. But he and Sun are trying to keep still so that she can take a moment to adjust to them. She’s such a tight fit with the two of them inside of her.||
||“Tell us when you’re ready~” Moon purrs, lightly scraping his teeth against her skin.||
||For the most part, the vampires remain still. Ayala is the one to squirm. She wraps her arms around Moon’s shoulders to cling to him. She presses herself flush against him and buries her face in the crook of his neck.||
||He doesn’t mind that one bit. Her skin is nice and warm. And it’s nice to have her leaning against him for a change. Usually she leans on and clings to Sun. So this is a pleasant change of pace.||
||Sun kisses the back of her neck. He keeps himself occupied by allowing his hands to roam her bare body. Her skin feels so pleasant that he just can’t help himself.||
||“O-okay” Ayala eventually murmurs, slightly shifting so that she can rest her cheek on Moon’s shoulder “I-I’m okay.”||
||That’s good enough for them to decide to continue. Sun moves his hands lower down so that he can hold her waist.||
||The bed winds up being quite useful. Rather than just thrust, they can lightly bounce together and let gravity do most of the work.||
||The bed creaks faintly as they rut.||
||Every minor movement feels so much more intense to Ayala than it does to them. She’s the one being stretched to the limit by two dicks snug inside her cunt.||
||But her moans establish how much she’s enjoying herself. Every thrust; every bounce sends jolts of pleasure rushing through her.||
||The more into it she gets, the more into it they get.||
||Sun nibbles on the back of her neck for a while. Then he bites. Not because he’s trying to drink, but because he loves to hear the noises that she makes in response. So he sinks his teeth in, allows the blood to bead at the surface of the marks, and then he gently laps everything up. He cleans and closes the wound. Before biting her again. Because he can tell how much she likes it.||
||Moon enjoys himself through other means.||
||He has easy access to her face. Easy access to her lips. He licks away her tears as they roll down her cheeks. He teases her lips with his tongue. When he hears her take a particularly strong breath, he slips his tongue into her mouth. Then into her throat. He catches her in a deep, demanding kiss. The sort that allows him to greedily devour every noise that might escape her.||
||Upon breaking the kiss, he keeps his face nuzzled up to hers so that he can listen as she gasps for breath. He purrs all the while, relishing in the sounds that she’s making in response to how good they’re making her feel.||
||Finally they’ve taken her completely. Her body is theirs to enjoy. Theirs to spoil. Theirs to sweetly, passionately ruin.||
||And while they fully intend on ruining her, it will have to wait.||
||With all three of them rutting in unison, there’s not a chance in Heaven that any of them would be able to last long.||
||Ayala’s endurance is particularly low. With the two of them buried deep inside of her, it was only natural that she would orgasm quickly.||
||And often.||
||Every few bouncing thrusts, the vampire’s felt it. Her orgasms. Her body would clench and spasm. Her inner walls would squeeze and massage them in an attempt at milking them of their seed.||
||Inevitably her body got what it wanted. She was soft. She was warm. She was tight. The near constant massage of her inner walls pushed the vampires over the edge quickly, and when it did, they made an absolute mess of her.||
||The vampires went still to let the pleasure wash over them in waves, and to keep from overstimulating themselves.||
||Sun and Moon found Ayala’s throat and they sank their teeth into it to feed as they pumped her full of their seed. Her blood spilled from the fresh wounds onto their waiting tongues, and they greedily drank. She moans and panted all the while, her mind thoroughly fogged by the near constant barrage of pleasure.||
||Their mixed sexual fluids dripped out of her overstuffed vulva. The combined aftermath of their orgasms poured down over their still erect tentacles, before running down their legs, where it pooled into the bedding.||
||So much for keeping the bed clean. They didn’t bother to get on top of the towel before getting this started. Not that any of them can be bothered to care.||
||The focus now is on the pleasure.||
||Sun and Moon enjoy their drink. They consume their fill of her blood, before reluctantly prying their teeth out of her flesh. Then they take the time to soothe the wounds with their tongues. With each slow, passionate swipe of their tongues, the injuries gradually close.||
||Ayala pants, moans, and whimpers all the while. She struggles to do so much as catch her breath thanks to them. The feel of their tongues against her skin and the lingering ache of her loins makes it so, so hard for her to calm herself down.||
||She doesn’t have a chance of coming down from her high with them both buried in her. The lingering presence of their mostly still cocks keeping her body stretched was incredibly distracting. As was the feel of their seed spilling out from inside of her.||
||A drawn out, pathetic whine escapes her when they finally change position and slide out of her.||
||Sun withdraws first.||
||Slowly. Almost painfully slowly.||
||Her body reflexively clenches in an attempt to keep hold of him, and she trembles.||
||Not just from the spike in pleasure, but from the sound. She can feel and hear her body trying to suck him back in.||
||When Sun finally slips out completely, there’s an audible pop. Following it, there’s an embarrassing rush of fluid as the remaining contents of her vulva spill out of her.||
||Then Moon slips out of her. Nice and easy. He lays her back on the bed, carefully resting her head atop the pillows.||
||For a split second, she relaxes. The exhaustion reaches out to try and take her.||
||Then Moon slips back into her.||
||He kneels between her legs. He lifts her legs to have her wrap them around his hips. And he thrusts back into her slick, thoroughly violated vulva.||
||Ayala tries to say his name. But it escapes her as a breathless, drawn out moan as he penetrates her completely. Her body offers next to no resistance, having been thoroughly stretched out only a few minutes prior.||
||She’s only allowed a few seconds to wrap her mind around the situation.||
||The vampires have shared her. Now they each want their turn with her. And all that she can do is lay back and enjoy the ride.||
||The long, bumpy ride.||
||Moon takes his time with her. But he’s rough. Every roll of his pelvis creates an audible slap as his body comes down onto hers. He withdraws almost completely with every backwards motion. Then he throws himself forward.||
||If not for the pillows under her head, Ayala might have been bumped against the wall with every thrust.||
||And that’s not even the most intense aspect of his domination.||
||He maintains eye contact with her all the while.||
||Moon keeps his face close to hers. So close that their lips brush against each other with every roll of his hips. Every now and again he closes what little gap there is to kiss her as he humps her into the mattress. All the while he stares into her eyes so that he can take in the beauty of her pleasure.||
||“Moo-oon~”|| ||Ayala whimpers his name as she feels her orgasm rapidly approaching. Her body clenches ever so slightly with every withdrawal of his tentacle.||
||He captures her lips again. His hand sneaks under her head so that he can tangle his fingers into her hair as his tongue snakes into her throat. He swallows up her moans, keeping his eyes locked with hers all the while.||
||He thrusts faster. Harder. Inching his way closer to his own orgasm as he pushes Ayala towards hers.||
||She bites down slightly on his tongue as she climaxes, drawing a possessive growl out of him. It doesn’t hurt him, but it certainly riles him up further. He doesn’t have many weak points. But his tongue is certainly sensitive enough to the stimulation.||
||As her body squeezes down around him, he climaxes shortly after.||
||The movements of his hips slow to a near stop, but he continues to rock against her. Her body eagerly milks him of his seed with his every lazy thrust.||
||He sucks his tongue out of her throat only when he slips out of her ruined body. The evidence of their rut spills out onto the bedding as a result. Not that either of them can be bothered to care.||
||Moon doesn’t pull away immediately. He spends a few minutes just basking in the afterglow of the passion. Smiling and purring, he nuzzles her face. All the while he lazily grinds his tentacle against her clitoris, just to enjoy the slick feel of her heated skin against his fading arousal.||
||Once he’s come down from his high, he gives her one last affectionate kiss on the cheek. Then he rolls off to the side to lay beside her. He’s content for the time being, and ready to enjoy the show.||
||Sun sets out to claim her next.||
||He takes a different approach upon climbing on top of her. He litters her face with soft, affectionate kisses as he purrs.||
||“Did he make you feel good~?” Sun trills, his voice leaving him as an eager mewl as he kisses and nuzzles her face. Ayala nods tiredly in response, coaxing a faint laugh out of him.|| ||“Good~ Good~” He hums, allowing his tongue to dart out of his mouth so that he can lick her check. He then trails his tongue down to her neck in one long, drawn out motion.|| ||“Now it’s my turn~” He muses.||
||He wraps his lips around her breast upon moving his face low enough to reach. Gently, he sucks. He coaxes soft, pathetic moans from her lips as he sweetly stimulates her body.||
||His hands wrap under her thighs to caress her skin. His fingers move in slow, soft circles.||
||This is foreplay. There’s little need for it now, but that won’t prevent him from taking the moment to indulge. With her body surrendered to him completely, he fully intends to enjoy it. Every inch of skin is his to explore. Every nook and cranny is just another potential means of coaxing moans past her lips.||
||He works her up with soft touches and gentle sucks. He leaves her teats stiff from the stimulation of his mouth. He litters her chest and neck with little marks. Not bites, but bruises. Faint, pink bruises from him having sucked persistently on her skin. Hickeys. He’s littered her with at least a dozen of them.||
||When she starts to squirm beneath him, he knows that it’s time to move things along. He’s made her body lust for him anew, and he’s all too willing to satisfy that lust.||
||He wraps her legs around his hips as he kisses his way back up to her face. With one final locking of their lips, he gets himself lined up.||
||He slips his way inside her waiting body. She’s so nice and slick for him. She practically sucks him in on her own accord, she’s so eager to engulf him.||
||“S-Suuu-ah~”|| ||His name leaves her lips as a breathless, drawn out moan. He growls faintly, and trembles in response to the sound.||
||Oh yes.||
||She’s as delightful as he hoped she would be.||
||“Good girl~” Sun purrs, sweetly licking her lips as he allows her a moment to adjust to his intrusion.||
||Or rather, he needs a moment to steady himself before he loses control.||
||Once he’s composed himself enough, he starts to move.||
||Where Moon was fast and rough, Sun is slow and smooth. Ayala’s body is hardly jostled beneath him as he thrusts. He wraps his arms under her to assure as much.||
||The solar vampire cradles her against him as he sweetly ruins her. His arms form a secure cage to keep her supported. His hand cradles her head, keeping her nice and comfortable in his embrace.||
||His hold on her head also keeps her where he needs her whenever he decides to capture her lips.||
||Just like Moon, Sun maintains eye contact with Ayala as he claims her body. But the maintained eye contact feels so much more intimate with him, thanks to the slow, passionate way that he takes her.||
||Slowly, sweetly, he works her to her orgasm.||
||Then to another.||
||Then to another.||
||He assures that her pleasure slowly builds over time, and when he senses that she’s right on her peak, he presses flush against her to grind against her engorged clitoris.||
||All the while he keeps himself from spilling over the edge. He denies himself the pleasure that he needs to usher forth his own orgasm, because he’s intent on drawing out this final round of passion for as long as he can.||
||He overstimulates her. Intentionally so. Making her every orgasm feel more intense than the last.||
||He kisses away the tears that inevitably roll down her cheeks. He gently shushes her as she struggles to utter his name in an attempt to beg him to stop.||
||Not that she actually wants him to stop. She’s just so overwhelmed by the pleasure that she’s started to gradually mistake it for pain. And he continues with his loving, but merciless assault, until she breaks.||
||When her moans transform into pathetic, desperate sobs-||
||he ruins her.||
||Sun steals Ayala’s lips in an intense, demanding kiss. He swallows her moans and he swallows her cries as he abruptly picks up speed.||
||He thrusts into her quickly and violently, forcing her closer and closer to one final, intense orgasm.||
||She sprays him with her orgasm as he succumbs to his own pleasure, and he fills her with his seed.||
||His hips gradually slow to a stop as he rides out his climax, allowing her body to milk him of every drop of his essence.||
||Once he’s done, he slips out of her. He rolls off of her to lay opposite of Moon, who chuckles. The lunar vampire has quietly watched the entire display. And he’s quite amused with what he’s seen.||
||When Moon attempts to coax Ayala closer to him, Sun shows off his greedy side. He tugs her exhausted, trembling body against him in order to prevent the other vampire from stealing her away. He sweetly kisses her tear stained cheeks as cuddles with her. He does his best to keep her warm and safe as she comes down from her high.||
||Unwilling to be left out, Moon cuddles up to the two. He sandwiches Ayala between their bodies in the process. He affectionately nuzzles the top of her head, purring all the while. Though he secretly casts Sun an almost hostile look.||
||There may come possessive conflicts later. But they’ll be minor, and they can wait until the woman is no longer caught between them.||
||They allow her exhausted body to rest. While they continue to bombard her with affectionate kisses and touches, nothing that they do is meant to stimulate her further. Sun rubs her back to soothe her. Moon lightly rubs her hip to calm her. They lightly kiss her neck, her forehead, and her lips. Just generally being cuddly while low-key demanding her attention.||
||When it becomes obvious that her trembling is no longer the result of her overstimulation, but the result of her having gotten cold, they get her sorted.||
||She’s given a warm bath. Her body is cleaned and her hair is dried. She’s wrapped in a towel to be kept warm.||
||The soiled blankets are stripped from the bed. They wrap her in their discarded capes to keep her comfortable while she rests.||
||In the morning, they’ll leave. Maybe. There’s certainly no rush to leave their sweet, exhausted pet all alone.||
||Until then, there’s room enough in her bed for all of them. So long as they’re all content to snuggle close together, at least. Ayala certainly doesn’t offer any protests as they press her between their bodies.||
||In fact, she takes comfort in the contact. So much so that she quickly and easily falls asleep.||
||The vampires remain. Content to cuddle with her. Content to watch over her weak, exhausted body as night slowly transitions into day. Then they allow her to rest further, having easily concluded that she’s earned a long rest.||
||They won’t leave until she wakes up.||
||They won’t leave until she’s woken up and had a proper meal. Just to be safe. They have to make sure that she’ll be alright on her own once they leave. It would be cruel to abandon her without making sure that she’s recovered enough to look after herself.||
||Until they’re convinced that she’ll be able to hold her own, they’ll stick around. Even if it means sticking around for a couple of days.||
||Certainly none of them would be able to complain about that.||
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